FIVE CENTS off campus
The Campus Mood
Albany Student PressX
by Roscoe Drummond
Washington. From everything I read and hear - especially in being
cross-examined by campus audiences - here are some conclusions about
today's students:
1. Most students are decisively turning away from extremist ties - left or
right. Only a minute percentage wants any alliance with or gives support to
the violence-prone SDS, to the Black Panthers, the John Birch Society or the
Ku Klux Klan.
2. In growing numbers young people believe they can and should work
through the political system - rather than outside it - to achieve their goals.
3. Some more activist students, though rejecting violence, are deeply
distrustful of ever being able to make the democratic process work for them
and state that their faith in it is wearing very thin.
On balance I find a less pessimistic mood on most campuses. But, in talking
with young people, which is quite frequent, I also discover that they really
do not realize how much they have influenced national policy in the last few
Young people have provided the driving force for a notable change in
public thinking in a remarkably short period of lime.
They have not been alone in this effort. Many older adults have shared and
still share their objectives. But students have certainly been a significant,
perhaps a dominant, force in turning the nation almost wholly around on the
Vietnam war, in reforming the draft, in galvanizing national concern on
environmental pollution, and in bringing Congress nearer to trying out a
volunteer army.
By any standard of political action, this is a remarkable sum of
achievement. I can think of nothing to match it inso short a period of time.
I bet you're really pleased to be able to vote
in free, democratic, guarantee-filled elections.
Students are no more thrilled about the American style of democracy than
the Latin American people.
Political power
This means to me to rest on a misunderstanding of how democracy works.
What kind or a democracy would we have if everybody refused to take part
unless they were sure in advance that their views would prevail.
Students should not believe that democracy has failed them ir in a
particular instance they don't get everything they want. Democracy consists
of a perpetual struggle to win a majority to your side.
Young people have already won a great many to their side and the need is
for them to keep it up, to help make democracy work better, lo make our
institutions even more responsive to public demand.
They can do this by working more diligently than ever to build an animate
public opinion on crucial issues and by helping lo elect public officials who
share their main purposes.
By their present achievements, young people are proving their political
Kids...what's the matter with kids these days?
State University of New York at Albany
by Carol Hughes
Ability to influence
{Reprinted by permission from The Christian Science Monitor. ©1971
Christian Science Publishing Society. All rights reserved.)
Rates Reduced
On Indian Quad
Driving force
Except for difference of opinion over the pace of withdrawal, the
students have decisively won on the issue of Vietnam. Withdrawal is
irreversible and President Nixon knows it. His forthcoming report on troop
removal will almost certainly announce a speedup in withdrawal.
In a recent interview Mr. Nixon made this revealing comment: "Those who
think Vietnam is going to be a good political issue next year are making a
grave miscalculation."
This can only mean one thing - that the President intends that withdrawal
from Vietnam shall be so continuous and so substantial that critics of the
President will have little to argue with.
This suggests that most young people are not putting a high enough value
on what they have already accomplished. They simply don't know their own
strength. I think they have no need to despair about their ability to influence
public policy.
Some activist students argue that they can't bring themselves "to
participate in the normal political process until they see evidence that the
system will respond to their attitudes."
Soviet Jewry:
Travesty of Justice
by Barry Silverberg
Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry
An ASP Column
Since 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple
of the Jews, the Jews have been in exile from their land of Israel.
Throughout history, from that point onwards, we have been
unwelcome in many countries, used by many as scapegoats, and
have been the target of an irrational human anger known as Jew
hatred.Our parents have been murdered before our eyes, our
grandparents humiliated for their dressing habits, and we the
objects of vast efforts of conversion.
In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany. Concentration
camps were built, and again we were victimized. Six million of our
brothers died. The Jewish population of Europe was cut drastically. Who can actually imagine the extent of six million human
beings systematically destroyed? In our society, one human life is
sacred, can we allow three million more to follow their brothers'.'
Our "establishment" organizations have been active - so they
tell us. Yet, for all their bureaucracy, they have only spurred the
release of a trickle of Jews from the Soviet Union and its
satellites. The time is now for the colleges to get into the streets
and demonstrate for the freedom of Soviet Jews. A dollar or two
dollar donation to ai organization helping Soviet Jews is not
enough — we've got to do more!
The hurt is deep to see the lack o response of my fellow
students lo this injustice. Jews want It leave the Soviet Union
now. They are in need of our support a; they have never been in
need of it before. We can't ignore thei pleas {as some say we
have); we've got lo help them.
Even small acts on our part are belter than none at all. On
Wednesday, April 21st, we're asking you to last; to allow tile
money usually used tor your contract dinners to go towards the
purchasing of packages of food, clothing, and medicine for
families of imprisoned Soviet Jews. We're asking you lo sign up at
your dinner lines this Wednesday and Thursday, and to honor
your responsibility lo your fellow man.
That night, April 21st, we're asking you lo join us in a march
from Draper Hall to the State Capital (march to start at 5:00
p.m.) to begin a twenty-four hour vigil lo commemorate the six
million, and to show our concern and solidarity with the three
million others within the Soviet Union.
Are we asking too much?
Residents of Indian Quad will receive a 115% room rate reduction for
both semesters this year. President Louis Benezet announced the
official state approval of the discount at the Campus Forum.
Complaints from students regarding poor conditions on the quad
prompted the action.
Discussion of the implications and effects of the tight budget was
the main topic of the Wednesday conference. Stringent legislative cuts
have caused the abandonment of plans to rent the Picotte Building on
Western Avenue, which would have housed the School of Library
Science and the Departments of Economics and Computer Science.
Financial setbacks will not lead to dismissals, Benezet revealed, and
only two programs, the Center for Science and Society and the Center
for Government Executives, will be dropped. These two were
specifically cut by the legislature.
"II looks as though we will have even more classes in the late
afternoon," President Benezet commented on the budget's effects on
students next year. An increase of the student-faculty ratio and few
added stall' will also mark the coming semesters. Problems with space
remain unsolved.
Hard hit by the depleted budget is the EOP program. At present,
unless the governor's supplemental budget appropriates more money
for the program, Tewer new EOP will be admitted. In a meeting with
Chancellor Boyer and other SUNY presidents it was decided that the
EOP program will be the first request priority from the state
university in the governor's supplemental budget, Benezet revealed.
Hopefully money will be available from the federal government
through Aid lo the Disadvantaged.
The future of the Day Care Center is also in danger. Funds from
Student Association and the SUNYA Benevolent Association will
finance the center Tor the rest of the academic year. The Board
governing the Day Care Center will be meeting soon to attempt to
solve the problems facing them.
The Committee on Educational Policies is reviewing the proposed
Environmental Studies Program. A small pilot unit for a living/learning center on Indian Quad seems likely according to President
Benezet. Some professors have offered to change their academic
emphasis to Environmental Studies. Further funding will probably
not be needed.
Also mentioned at the Forum was the expected completion of
Indian Quad. Vice President for Student Affairs Clifton Thome
reported Mohawk Tower will not be ready in the fall, but the low-rise
dorms and the cafeteria should be ready for student use.
Student comment on the effectiveness of the present Academic
Calendar and the Academic Schedule was also solicited. The continuation of the present calendar will be decided by October, 1971.
Due (o budget cuts, classes next year will be a little more crowded. Hopefully, we will not get to this
extreme- il's cold here in the winter.
Overdue Book Fine Hike
Proposed by Library Council
by Howard Mahler
A committee of the Library Council of the University Senate has proposed a new circulation policy to
be effective at the beginning of the Fall semester. The Committee is headed by Dr. Donald B. Stauffer of
the English Department at SUNYA.
Stauffer said one of the largest complaints regarding the University Library is that there are not enough
books and that overdue books are numerous, thus students are deprived of their use. Both students and
faculty members are the blame for this problem. A prompter return of books avails greater material in the
Library for the University Community.
The problem was revealed at a hearing held by Dr. Jonathan Ashton, Director of the University Library.
Stauffer said that Ashton, who is on the Library Council, is pleased with the proposal since it will relieve
the pressure for books.
An increase in finces for overdue books may exist for Fall 1971. The pattern from the Library Council
Report to the University Senate is below. The report will be submitted April 20.
"The idea of fines is not punitive," explained Stauffer. They are instituted to insure prompter return of
books. Fines for failure to return material when recalled, however, is punitive.
"Why don't students and faculty members have equal rights in regard to the new circulation proposal?
Stauffer explained it is a time honored tradition on American Universities for the faculty to have
extended rights to the library. He also said Doctoral Candidates and faculty doing research may need
library material for lengthy periods. Reminder notices on outstanding material will be sent mid-semester
lo faculty members. This is an inducement to return material they are
not using.
The Circulation Policy Committee desires a response to the
proposal. There will be a hearing Tuesday, April 20, at 3:00 in the
Patroon Lounge.
In order to shelve more material on the stacks a group of English
Graduate Students organized by Karl Felsen volunteered on a
Saturday Lo help the Library staff. The Library is under staffed clue lo
a limited budget,
The pattern is as follows:
Students; Three-week loan period, books cannol be recalled during
the initial loan period. If not requested by another user, books may be
renewed for successive three-week periods until the end of the
.semester. Renewals must he with book in hand. (Note: this is
necessitated by the use of a computer-controlled system.) Failure to
renew: Overdue notices sent one week after due date. If book is
returned before notice is sent, no fine is collected. Fine: For failure to
return book before notice is sent out: $.10 per day from due dale (for
each day Library is open). The minimum fine will thus be $.70. Fine
accumulates until book is returned or reported iosl. Fines will be cut
in half if paid in person when the book is returned.
Faculty and doctoral candidates: Three-week period, with automatic
renewal up to end of semester when not recalled. Material subject to
recall after three weeks. Reminder notices on outstanding materials to
be sent at mid-semester. At end of semester material must be returned
or renewed in person. Overdue notices will be sent out for material
not returned or renewed. Fine; For failure to return or renew book
before notice is sent out: Samo schedule as for student loans.
Students and Faculty: Reserves: A student or faculty member may
place o n reserve a n v material which has been in circulation for more
than three weeks. The Library will notify the person when the
The fines for overdue library books may be increased if the University Senate passes a proposal made by
material has been returned. Recall notices: Sent when books are
the Library Council.
requested by another user. For books requested during the initial loan
period, recall notices will be sent at the end of the three-week period.
continued on page 3
US. Support Pleases
Fascist Regimes
by John Nicolopoulos
...John Nicolopoulos teaches history at Albany State, Formerly with
The Cultural Office of the Greek Embassy, Mr. Nicolopoulos resigned
that post in 1967 in protest of the military take-over in Greece. As
part of activities aimed at reversing the official U.S. Government
policy of support for the junta, Nicolopoulos is collecting signatures
to be placed in an advertisement in the Washington Post Elias P.
Demetracopulos, a leader of the Greek exile movement, will speak at
SUNYA, April 22, at 8:00 p.m. Any person who desires to
demonstrate his support of the opinions expressed in this column may
do so by signing it and submitting it to John Nicolopoulos' office,
Social Science 376.
The recent rash of political incidents involving the military in a
number of countries maintaining defense ties with the United States
would alert all thoughtful Americans to an urgent, if not entirely
new, problem facing the formulators of U.S. foreign policy.
It is, in effect, becoming increasingly clear the U.S. appeasement of
the Papadopoulos dictatorship in Greece has encouraged similar
tendencies in the neighboring NATO countries, Italy and Turkey.
Extremist elements connected to the military establishments of these
countries interpreted American support of the Greek junta as an
extension of the so-called Mann doctrine—providing for a "pragmatic"
attitude toward dictatorial regimes in Latin America as long as they do
not threaten U.S. foreign policy interests "directly"—to the Mediterranean. In reaching this conclusion, they were amply assisted by the
propagandists of the Athens regime.
The institutions developed by the Greek colonels since 1967 were
perhaps even more influential in this connection that their propaganda: the Papadopoulos group came up with a formula for "legitimizing" and perpetuating military domination of the political process,
which has been the distinguishing feature of post-World War II
dictatorships outside the Communist bloc, in a way at least
superficially acceptable to the major defender of Western democracy,
the United States.
The key to the political structure devised by the Greek colonels is
the Supreme Council of National Defense, an omnicompetent body in
which the ostensibly civilian Prime Minister is superceded by the Chief
of the Armed Forces, who, in his turn, presides over a pyramid of
armed forces councils organized along the junta's constitution,
rubber-stamped by the totalitarian plebiscite of September 29, 1968,
and hailed by the State Department as a step toward the restoration
of democratic government in Greece.
Papadopoulos' formula opened new avenues for Right-wing extremism, caught in a political cul-de-sac since World War II and the disgrace
of the pre-war Fascist parties. The army could now take the place of
the totalitarian party as the vehicle of the great "Conservative
Revolution" which would save "Western civilization" both from
Communism and its own "weakness."
The work of synthesis accomplished by the Greek military lawmakers is indeed remarkable. They resurrected the rhetoric of the
Truman Doctrine and the Greek civil war, picked up the concepts
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developed by the French "ideological colonels" in the course of the
colonial wars in Indochina and Algeria and, subsequently improved
upon the American theorists and practitioners of counterinsurgency, added a dash of Arab national socialism—and served up
the mixture with the ceremonial of a Latin American "National
It should be noted that before the Papadopoulos breakthrough, the
prospects of the military as a political force in Europe were marginal.
De Gaulle had had no great difficulty in checking the French colonels
who repeatedly attempted to seize power in the course of the Algerian
war; statesman-like Turkish generals did likewise, the most recent
instance being the limited intervention against Premier Demirel
followed by the retirement of twenty activist officers who favored a
Greek-style takeover; the Greek high command itself had been able to
snuff out a colonels' coup in the course of its execution in May, 1952,
and several more in the making later. It was due to a remarkable
comedy of errors that Papadopoulos was given the chance not only of
seizing power, but of consolidating his dictatorship by a veritable
Hitlerian Gleichschaltung disguised as an "operation" on the diseased
body politic of Greece which would bring about a "healthier"
Papadopoulos emulators in Turkey and Italy have now suffered
setbacks and the realization of the slogan shouted by Italian
Neo-Fascists during the recent distrubances, "Ankara—AthensRome," does not seem imminent. But the abscess will not be entirely
drained unless the United States decisively abandons the mealymouthed vocabulary of "pragmatism" in order to clearly and
unequivocally dissociate American policy from the enterprises of
extiques under the cover of Pro-Americanism. Otherwise, the danger
of Fascist restoration in Europe will remain with us, to the ultimate
advantage of Communism, which is a more effective form of
totalitarianism, bound to fprevaih any kind of confrontation.
A symposium will be helcf as a
tribute to the works of Alexander
S. Solzhenitsyn on April 19, at 8
o'clock in the Assembly Hall. The
Russian Department feels the University community will benefit
from a discussion of the famous
author and his frequently censored works.
Solzhenitsyn first gained acclaim
with One Day in the Life of Ivan
Denisovich, published in the leterary magazine Novy Mir (New
World), in 1962, under the pergonal sponsorship of Premier Nikita Krushchev. However, the author never again enjoyed such
official recognition, and two succeeding novels, Cancer Ward and
The First Circle, were rejected by
Soviet publishers. These works,
though, circulated widely among
Russian intellectuals in manuscript form, and along with a few
short stories and plays, reached
the Western countries, enjoying
great success.
In October, 1970,
was awarded the Nobel Prize in
literature. Although recently expelled from the Soviet Writers
Association, he was given permission to go to Stockholm to
receive his prize. His return to the
Soviet Union, however, was not
guaranteed by the government,
and Solzhenitsyn elected to remain in Soviet Russia.
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Computers Keep Tabs On Taxpayers
by Craig Ammerman
Associated Press Writer
AP— Armed with a complex of
computers and a system of crosschecking that explores angles by
the thousands, Uncle Sam keeps
close watch over his 95 million
Four modern computers spend
every minute of the year continually pouring over the returns
filed by America's breadwinners.
And with tax time at hand and
about half of the country yet to
file, the machines at the National
Computer Center here—the pride
and chief detective of the International Revenue Service—are
whirring away to pay refunds,
process returns and catch citizens
who make mistakes, either honestly or otherwise.
The IRS has centered its income
tax memory bank in a on>:-story,
plain-looking brick building outside this eastern West Virginia
town since 1962.
The tax return being filed by the
taxpayer first goes to one of seven
regional centers, where the most
vital information is placed in magnetic
t a p e and sent to
what employes, he re call the "Martinsburg Monsters."
In the next 3V4 years, before it is
kicked off magnetic tape for storage elsewhere, every taxpayer's
return will be sent through suspecting computers almost 200
Tax returns are fed through the
computers from 86 million individuals and 9.2 million businesses.
The computers' jobs are many
and are overseen by a staff of 275
trained technicians who program
the prodigious memory bunks for
continuous operation. In fact, not
an hour has been lost in the past
seven years.
" We can perform numerous
functions, and provide information
for about every taxpayer in the
country," assistant director Ed
Hieronamus said.
Every Saturday morning a new
cycle is begun at the center us the
100 million accounts move from
master files through the IBM M60
Entries arc made each week on
about five million returns. They
can constitute filling in this year's
return, making out a refund and
recording it on the tape, or
checking some suspected irregularity.
On each individual's file are total income, occupation, tax paid,
deductions, and whether the Ux
payer got a refund or not for each
of the last three years. That information takes all of ,4H<I of an inch
of tape to record and store.
Any taxpayer whose return is
different from those in his class is
immediately singled out lor
special attention.
For instance, a return listing
$6,500 income and $2,000 in
pnyment to charitable organ
izutions is immediately spotted by
the computer.
Stuyvesant Jewelers
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Bureaucratic obstacles have been
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records in stock. This is a nonprofit co-op with records at low
prices. Hours are Monday 7-10
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Julian Bond, Black Politician
To Speak At SUNYA
Julian Bond, the first black
member of the Georgia Legislature, will speak here on April 21
in the CC Ballroom as a part of
the activities slated for Black
Bond was first elected to a seat
created by reapportionment in the
Georgia House of Representatives
in 1965, but was prevented from
taking office in January 1966 by
members of the Legislature who
objected to his statements about
the war in Vietnam. After winning
a second election in February
1966—to fill his vacant seat—a
special 'House Committee again
voted to bar him from membership in the Legislature.
Bond won a third election in
November 1966 and in December
1966 the United Slates Supreme
Court ruled unanimously that the
Georgia House had erred in refusing him his seat. On January 9,
1967, he took the Oath of Office
and became a member of the
Georgia House of Representatives.
Bond was a Pounder of the
Committee on Appeal for Human
Rights (COAHR), the Atlanta
University Center student organization I hat coordinated three
years of student ant'i-segregation
Library Fines
continued from page )
Fines: For failure to return material when recalled: Fines begin on
7th day after notice is sent. $.50
per day for first week. $1.00 per
day after first week (for each day
Library is open). Fine accumulates until book is returned or
reported lost. Fines will be cut in
half if paid in person when the
book is returned.
Circulation Policy: Lout boohs:
A unit price of $ 10 plus $5
processing fee (total $1 5) for each
book reported lost. Borrower is
also liable for any fines accumulated up to the date the loss is
reported. Enforcement: Names of
faculty members and students owing more than 415 in accumulated
fines to the University Library
will be published periodically and
circulated widely throughout the
University. Persistent offenders:
Names of uncooperative faculty
members will be sent to Department chairmen, Deans, and to the
Vice President of Academic Affairs. Students: The Registrar will
be requested to withhold transcripts for students with outstanding unpaid fines or library books.
protests in Atlanta beginning in
1960. He served for three months
as Executive Secretary of the
In April 1960, Bond helped to
fund the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).
That summer, he joined the staff
of a newly-formed Atlanta weekly
Negro newspaper, the Atlanta
Inquirer as a reporter and feature
writer. He later became Managing
In January 1961, Bond left
Morehouse to join the staff of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee as Communications
Director, a position he held until
September, 1966. While with
SNCC, Bond directed the organization's photography, printing
and publicity departments. His
work with SNCC took him to civil
rights drives and voter registration
campaigns in Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi and Arkansas.
His poems and articles have appeared in Negro Digest, Motive,
Rights and Reviews, Freedomways, Ramparts,
Blues, New Negro Poets, American Negro Poetry, The Booh of
Negro Poetry, and other publications.
Bond, his wife and their four
children live in Atlanta.
'Peace Week9
A group of student presidents and
editors, supported by the National Student Association and the U.S.
Student Press Association, have called for a National Peace Treaty
Week, from April 19-23, to concentrate organizing activities around
the People's Peace Treaty, negotiated by U.S. and Vietnamese
students in December.
The treaty, which has been endorsed by more than 300 student
presidents and editors and a list notables from Dave Dellinger to Rock
Hudson, is seen as a needed focal point for the broad range of anti-war
protest activities this .spring. "The People's Peace Treaty provides the
means for unity in action," an organizer emphasizes.
Anti-war organizers, particularly those affiliated with the People's
Coalition for Peace and Justice, are using the Treaty as a mechanism
to prevent protest activities form dissipating alter the spring actions,
as has happened in the past. Thus, they stress the need to develop
"concrete implementation plans (for the Treaty) now" to ensure
significant activity during the summer.
April 19-23 is also a week of Gl organizing around the country and
Vietnam Veterans demonstrations in Washington, D.C, and spokesmen urge support Tor these efforts "as part of Peace Treaty Week
The Treaty, which has been circulated widely on campuses but has
gone largely unpublished in the nal ion's commercial media, lias seen a
variety of "implementation" strategies develop. At Oakland University in Rochester, Mich., for example, II of 12 questions on an
implementation referendum were passed by the student body. Some
of the questions supported included: Should the billboard on 1-75 be
used for anti-war purposes' Should the University support demonstrations against war manufacturers? Should the University boycott
services and products of all companies that profit from the war?
At the University of Chicago, the approved referendum included
four parts: ratification of the Treaty; a demand for withdrawal of the
University from the war by ceasing war-related research (listing
specific projects); a demand for University to cooperate with faculty
and students in extending non-military aid to people of Southeast Asia;
re-evaluation of priorities within University budget. At the University
of Wisconsin, blood is being collected to send to North Vietnam.
The student-faculty-administration Assembly at Goddard College in
Vermont ratified the Treaty and also set aside space for the 1071-72
school year for South Vietnamese students expelled by theThieu-Ky
regime for peace activities. Other schools and communities are
organizing tax resistance, supporting draft resistance, urging city
councils to accept the Treaty, and joining boycotts of war firms.
Julian Bond, Black Poet and Georgia House Legislaturer will speak
here on April 21.
Applause for Sears Roebuck
by Jeff Rodgers
"Well, that's the way it goes on live TV," said the announcer the
first time Sears new commercials for its Craftsman Eager 1 power
lawn mower were aired on TV. The mower didn't start.
Since the initial showing, the mower has started on the first try
every other time. Robert Thompson, Sears' national merchandise
manager for lawn equipment, remarked that he hopes that people
"will begin to look forward to the spots as a 'Will the mower start'
The showing of these commercials will hopefully lend credibility to
TV commercials by showing the viewers that not all companies use
gimmicks and camera tricks to sell their products.
In the age of videotape, Sears deserves mention for taking a chance
on live commercials.
Self-nomination forms
are now available for:
Central Council
Class Officers
President &
Vice-President of
Student Association
Emanuel L. Wolf present* AN ALLIED ARTISTS FILM
A Frank Perry-Altid Production
University Senate
in USTMAN COLOR. ( g r . M ^ ^ o ^ S S V ^ ^ S i ' K K ] •£&»
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Tonight and Tomorrow
at 7:30 and 10:00 pm
F o r m s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n CC 3 4 6
f r o m 9-5 d a l l y
in LC 7
Third World Interaction
by Abdi A. Sheik-Abdi
An ASP Column
Exploitation of the Third World Peoples and Minority Groups
was to be the subject of a conference sponsored by Buffalo State
University on the weekend of April the 10th through the 13th.
More than twenty nations, among them three nationalities at
SUNYA, were represented. Ramesh Bakhru (India), Abdi SheikAbdi (Somalia) and John Walker (USA) of the International
Studies and World Affairs program attended the conference on
behalf of Albany State.
During the first meeting, participants grappled with the question
of what constitutes the Third World. Some of us thought that
such a world must consist of predominantly non-white, poor, and
under-developed nations; mainly inhabiting the continents of
Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Some of us wanted to broaden
this definition to embrace any and all exploited peoples anywhere
in the world. By the end of the second day, however, we were still
at loss as to what constitutes the Third World.
The Afro-American delegation dominated the discussions to the
extent that the foreign students, who were by far in the majority,
found themselves the mute witness to an embarrassing confrontation between the vocal Blacks and half-a-dozen White Americans
at the conference. Things would have gotten out of hand it Dennis
Dean (Black) and John Walker (White-SUNYA) had not proposed
the holding of sessions in sensitivity groups so these two hostile
factions might have a chance to know each other as individuals.
If the reporter of this column learned any lesson from this
conference, it is this: misunderstandings and misconceptions
among nations and races may be best dealt with through
interaction of fre^-thinking individuals. The clash of self-righteous
ideologies can hatch nothing better than half-cooked compromises
that arc no sooner extracted than either forgotten or cast aside.
The wrangling participants redeemed themselves when they
decided to treat each other as individuals, and not as stereotypes.
Some of us have even formed friendships. Finally, we departed
the camp as individual men and women, and not in delegations.
albany student press ?
Ed Degree Devalued
by Diane Margiore
can be less costly than y o u may
t h i n k , and pregnancies of up to
12 woeks can bs terminated for
The A l b a n y S l u d o n i Pn;ss is published airee limes p.n week d u r m i ) the
academic year (except d u r i n g recesses) by the Student Association o l thu
Slate University of N o w York at A l b a n y . The S u d a n i Association is locatixl
in Campus Center 3 4 6 at 1400 Washington A v e n u e . A l b a n y , New V m l
12203. Subscription price is $ 9 per year or $ b per semester. Second class
mailing p c r m i l ponding, Ballston Spa, New Y o r k .
editor- in-chief
24 hours - 7 days
Woman's A i d & Guidance Group
4 0 E. 5 4 t h S l . , N . Y . , N . Y . 10022
tliomas g. cliiijjaii
managing editor
ariilynn abare
advertising manager
Jeff rodgers
business manager
phil mark
executive editor
101,1 r l , o d e s
circulation manager
sue faulkner
jon guttman
ap staff
ken deane
jack saunders
jay rosenberg
These students who don't care about learning are the people
thai will soom have very important positions. Some of my peers
may be teaching my own children. They will be influem 'Dig
youth of America, which is the future. The radicals and liberals
who clamor for more relevancy should realize thai the only way a
teacher can try to make his students more open-minded is if he is
open-minded himself. He has to interest them, otherwise they will
he apathetic and this country will stagnate more than il already
lias. Doesn't it scare you?
irnl hughes
news editor
ricki /.eiilin
associate news editors
International Students Association
roy lewis
innida oriugher
terry wolf
technical editors
sue seligson
dan williams
warren wishart
advertising layout
including doctors foes, laboral o r y tests, all medication &
referral fee. Hospital and Hospital affiliated clinics only. Safe,
C o n f i d e n t i a l , Immediate,
An ASP Column
We are in serious trouble!! Something must be done immediate
ly to modify the Education Program at this school. Also, the
students taking these courses must do something.
As I wander around the campus at SUNYA, I see and hear many
students bragging about how they borrowed someone's papur and
got an "A," or how they didn't read anything all year and did well
on the exam. I see them ripping pages out of library books,
particularly in the Education Periodicals. These things upset rile
because it shows how some people have no respect for education
at all. Many of these destructive people will be tomorrow's
"teachers," if you want to call them that. How can they possibly
communicate the importance of knowledge to other students
when they have no respect for it themselves? How can they
motivate students when they don't even write their own papers'.'
As far as I am concerned, their college diplomas and teacher's
certificates are meaningless. Anyone can go to college for four
years, get his degree on paper, and go out to teach. He may never
care about bos efficient he is. He might never wonder if his pupils
understand him. It is so easy to be this kind of a teacher. He'll
probably get away with it in most school districts. Thus, the
corrupted system of education continually perpetrates itself.
I have thought of some possible solutions to this growing
problem. First of all, I do not believe that any student should Inallowed to take an education course if he is not going to be ;i
teacher. There are too many students crowding the classrooms
already. My next solution seems fascistic, but it is the only
efficient mode of curtailing the flaws in the system. Applicants
for education courses must be screened by a psychologist or ;i
very perceptive person who will interview him and tear down .he
facades and "good image" the student will fry to portray. If il has
worked in the Soviet Union, it might work here. The Soviet
system of education is superior to ours for this very reason.
Unfortunately, these creatures called "students" have lowered
the value of education, not only in the Ed department but in all
areas. Some of you may argue with mo and say that the courses
are too irrelevant to put any work into, I have an answer for you!
Relevancy is all up to you. You must go out and fry to relate
whatever you have learned. Of course, I will admit thai a teacher
can help you and the structure of the course can help. This is
being worked out now and it will take lime. But remember, the
reason that you curse out your boring, rigid-minded teachers is
that they are like you. They have already decided that the course
Is irrelevant and they don't do a god-damn thing to motivate
features editor
(lehhic nulansolin
associate features editor
John fairhall
arts alitor
Inula walers
associate arts editor
michete palella
sports editor
roberl zarcinba
columns editor
r. j. warner
city editor
mike ellis
Chiof-ln-Editor the by determined ii policy Editorial .editing to subjact are
and w o r d ! 3 0 0 to limitad ara Editor the to L a t t a r i
2194 and 2190-467 ara phonal Our .tax student mandatory by funded i i
and 1916 of c l a n t i n by founded w a i ASP T h a .Albany at York New of
Univariitv State th» at building Canter Campus the of 3 2 6 room in located Is
P r a u Student Albany Tha. Peace (?)
European-folk dances
Menu's from the 4 corners
of the world.
Indian-classical dances
Arabian-folk dances
Wine will be served.
The Burundi Dancers
SUNDAY, April 18th-6 PM at Brubacher Hall
Admission $2.00 (students)
$2.50 (others)
Many students will soon
be receiving questionnaires
through the mail dealing
with the attitudes and values held by students to
wards environmental studies.
We will appreciate your
cooperation in completing
and returning these questionnaires as soon as possible.
Committee to Report on
the Attitudes and Values
on Environment of Students (C.R.A.V.E.S.)
To help you get thereJWA introduces the Getaway* Program.
II you i mild din Ink h-hiking across Spain or
c.tniping along a road in England, Staying al a
c hateau in France or living near a bench in
California IWA brings you Getaway
I irst there's the Getaway* ("aid With it, you i an
c barge aiilnte, hotels, meals, < ars, just about
anything |iisl about anywhere And then take up to
two years to pay
rherc's also tile Youth Passport8 Card II lets you
lis at U ' "i,o!lonalldoniesti< llights on a standby
''''it also g,ves y o u , ttluc od rates at many places
you'll be slaving
Youth Passport is good on •>() other airlines It tests
5>l and it snvailablc toanyone between l_' and _' I
And il you send in t h e i oupon, we II send you the
Getauas V,u ation Kil
It has a Get a\va\ Book, a 214 page look at P) ol i UK's el theu'oild
I Inee bux liures, one on Anient a. one on Europe,
and a thud on Alrit a, Asia, the Orient, and the
II has the independent Getaway Brochure. For
those who would rather travel by themselves than
with a group.
And it has applications lor both the Youth
Passport and Getaway Card,
Mail in the coupon lor TWA's Iree Getaway
Vacation Kit
And find out how easy getting away really is.
/ " ^ M.
| flC (j€t<lW<iy rl*Ogr«im
. y i ^ E y ^ P J / A S I ^ P A Q F I C / A F RICA_
frWA, P.O. Box 465,
^ - - ^
j l.irmi nf4(lak'. N Y I17ir>
I Please send me
( T w A
I TWA's Iree Getaway Vacation Kit
I Name
S O -
Directed by Daniel Cecil Adrian Barton
At Campus Center Ballroom
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
April 18, 1971 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
April 19, 1971 at 8:00 p.m.
April 23, 1971 at 3:00 p.m. (subject to change)
$2.00 without student tax
$1.00 with student tax
Funded by student tax
John chow
I f iM
Sat. night April 17 at 8:30. Union
Collaga CoffM HOUM presents Chris
Daley and Brian Lehrer and Bob
Bernhardt. Admission Is only $1 with
free coffee and donuts.
Experimental Theatre presents
"Whit* Llti" on Friday, April 16, at
7:30 and 9:00 p.m. in the Arena
Theatre of the Performing Arts Center. Admission is free.
TIckMi (or b u m to Washington
April 24 are on sale in the Campus
Center Lobby and on the dinner
lines. The price is $14 which includes
an $8 subsidy from the April 24
committee. All who cannot afford
the price should try to find cars
going down.
Funny Girl-April 16 in LC 2 at
7:00 and 9:30 p.m. April 18 In LC
18 at 2:00, 7:00, and 9:30 p.m.
$1.00 Donation.
Film: Hour of the Furnaces, LC 25,
7:00 and 9:30 Frl. & Sat. 8:30 Sun.
Young Socialist Alliance.
• at**
A Bad Play for An Old Lady is fast '
becoming a most challenging production due to the cooperative creative
efforts of Edeistein, Frankonis,
Learning, Maggio, Posner, Sarna,
T f n k e l m a n , a n d Wager w i t h assists b y
Vanilla Fudge, Collins, B l o o d Sweat
and Tears, C i c c o l i n i . M o t h e r Goose,
Bach, Satie, a n d M o o d y Blues. Y o u
can see the result A p r i l 23 a n d 2 4 .
A n E x p e r i m e n t a l Theatre production.
Warrendale o n Thurs. A p r i l 22 at 8
p.m. in LC 18. A d m i s s i o n Free.
Scuba Club w i l l have a meeting on
Wed. night, A p r i l 2 1 , at 8 : 0 0 in LC
2 1 . On the agenda are Florida t r i p
pictures, Campus Lake c l e a n u p , and
i n f o r m a t i o n for a n y o n e interested in
courses for the summer or next year.
(By Iht aulhnr •>( ttnllv Hnumt tht Flag, n<w*... thbit-tiilii*.
•. i
The Preening of America
Recent polls taken on American campuses by Time and Newsweek have revealed unexpected, and most welcome, results. Both magazines found that today's undergraduates, far from boiling with revolutionary fervor, are just as torpid as everyone else.
Joyous tidings, of course, but I must say that I was never worried.
Sure, life-styles are a little different on campus these days; nevertheless, I've always felt that down deep this generation clings to the same
solid values that sustained all their predecessors.
In my own college days, for example, the most popular aid to sociability on campus was precisely what it is today: Miller High Life Beer.
And, mind you, my college days were a good long time ago. I got my
B.A. way back in 1908. (My alma mater, incidentally, was a school
I'm sure you all know — the Wyoming College of Belles Lettres and
Commercial Baking, from whence, as you are undoubtedly aware,
came a veritable host of graduates who later achieved stardom in the
breads tuffs game —men like Parrel I J. Inskip who invented rye bread
with caraway seeds; Irving T. Whitsun who invented the toothpick,
thus making it possible to eat rye bread with caraway seeds; Sol Bagel
who invented the permanent doughnut which bears his name; and
many, many others. Indeed, the list would be far longer if the college
had stayed in business but, alas, it was killed by mold in 1921.)
But I digress. Even in 1908, I say, Miller High Life was u campus
favorite. In fact, it was popular even before 190H, for Miller has been
delivering flavor to discriminating Americans for over 1 lfi years! And
today it is more widely appreciated than ever! And why wouldn't it
be? In 115 years no other brewer has ever duplicated Miller's flavor.
Oh, they've tried to copy Miller, you can bet, but a fat lot of good it
did them. Since the very beginning Miller's superb brewing formula
has been one of the best kept secrets on earth. It has never been known
to more than one man —Miller's chief brewmasler- and he has always
been kept inside a hollow mountain in downtown Milwaukee.
But I digress. The polls, I say, have proved that today's college
student, though he dresses in a homespun robe and wears chicken
bones in his ears, cherishes the same dreams and drives that students
have always held dear.
S m o k e Watchers o f A l b a n y , w h i c h
offers a " g r o u p d y n a m i c s " program
to help smokers break the cigarette
habit, w i l l h o l d a free i n t r o d u c t o r y
lecture on T h r u s d a y , A p r i l 22, at
8 : 0 0 p . m . at the U n i t e d 4 t h Presbyterian C h u r c h , 9 1 6 Western Avenue.
Albany, New York.
W u r / b u i f ) students ril A l b a n y , farmer
1969 70,
Wt i f / b u r g exchange students .n A i
bany, and Wur/burcj Adrnisory C u m
m i i i e e . i n : invited to the hrs-i orient
.iiiDii meeting A p r i l 19, 1971 in H U
354 ,ii 8 p.m. Refreshments w i l l be
A t t e n t i o n Seniors: Inturested in
s t u d y i n g olher cultures, oltmr Inn, linguistics, e d u c a t i o n , i i r i l l i r n
p o l o g y - t i n d p u t t i n g litem all In
nether to teach m i n o r i t y c h i l d r e n '
See R u t h B l a c k b u r n 01 Ru-hard
Light, TO 112.
Peace Project News
24 Mass March m i
A p r i l 25 M u l t i A c t i o n hv People
I obliy (Civil Disolieiunee, I e a l l e t h n g
ft L o b b y i n g lor the Peoplu's Pe.ii e
A p r i l 27 " M a y Ai l i n n " in Wash
ington D.C,
F R E E D O M w i l l speak on " I n t e r p r e t ing
by the
Friends of the A l b a n y Public L i brary. A I the A l b a n y Institute of
History and A r t . Reception f o l l o w i n g
in association w i t h The Women's
Council of the Institute.
Tuesday, A p r i l 2 0 , 1 2 : 1 5 p . m . N o o n Book Review. Robert Moore,
senior at the A l b a n y L a w School and
Dr. J o h n Ether, Prolessor of Curricu
l u m and I n s t r u c t i o n . School o l Edo
c a t i o n , S U N Y A w i l l review THE
G R E E N I N G OF A M E R I C A . Spunsored by the Friends of the A l b a n y
Public Library. Bring a sandwich.
Coffee served. Hermanns Bleeckcr
L i b r a r y . Free.
Le Cercle Francais is p r n u d tu
announce that it w i l l sponsor its
annual t r i p to M o n t r e a l , Canada o n
Saturday A p r i l 17-Sunday A p r i l 18.
Cost is $ 1 1 . 0 0 . w h i c h includes bus
fare r o u n d t r i p , a n d Ihe slay ai ihe
Sheraton M o n t r e a l . For more inform a t i o n , call L i l l y 4 5 7 3 0 2 1 . Funded
by Student Tax.
National Library Week
April 18-24
Monday. April 19, 10:30a.m.Pre-School Story Time. Pine Hills.
Monday, April 19, 8:15 p.m.James MacGregor Burns, winner of
the 1971 National Book Award lor
The Stale University n l New Y u i k
w i l l inaugurate i t s fust University
wide academic program on the A l i i
c m c o n t i n e n t i n Ihe tall n l H I / 1 at
Ihe University o f Ibaclan, Nigeria,
n l l e r i n g students w i t h spur in
leresls in A i m , i n sludie:
o p p o r t u n i t y n. associate Willi i
scholars ,il line nl Africa's most
distinguished i n s t i t u t i o n s of higher
learning. I h e new p e n , m m w i l l utfei
sludenls a l u l l academic year nl
o studies courses not generally
available no ttieu o w n campuses as
well as provide exposure to Ihe dyne
rules of Nigenan h i e anil culture.
Participation in the p r o g r a m , which
lima f r o m Sepleinbei 21 In .Inly I ,
l ! l / 2 . is open to q u l j f j e d I l l i n o i s .
seniors and graduate sludenls major
log in Ihe humanities or social si i
times ai any n l the tour year colleges
anil Diversity i eoleis n l Ihe Si.Mr
University n l New Y n r t . Appbca
linns .mil a d d i t i o n a l i n h u m a t i o n mi
Ihe p r o g r a m are available h u m rhe
Director n l l n l e i i i . i l i n n . i l | , | , „
Rome anyone? Siotients .till have
Ihe i i p i i o r l i i n i t v In apply Im ihe
acirternii y e . " I ' " ' ' : ' " ' ' " i ,,iu.
semester in S U N Y \
n , i r I „ , p, ,
lirarn in Classn s. 1
A i l s , MI I I ihan
1 ani|M
and 1 l l e i a l n i e 1 nl m i n i
i , all Inily Millei . 4 ! , / KdMI
I n l e i e s l e d in • nrnnii in informal
recorder group? We need sopianinn,
snpiann, all.
1 espe, i.illy tenor
anil tiass
Celelu ale splint! Willi
Call Stove I ' d / HI / I oi AI
.'M W i l l ]
r h o deadline I n a p p l y l o i l ! ) / l l.lll
semester at Guadalajara or CI D O C ,
Cuornavaca, M e x i c o is Wednesday,
A p r i l 2 1 . Interested students may tile
applications t h r o u g h Ihe Center o l
Inter A m e r i c a n Studies. I I'.) Richard
son Hall I D o w o t o w n campus) or Ihe
t l l l i c e n l h i t l l i i M l K m . i l Studies, SS
I I I.
t w e n t y tool hour Vigil for Soviot
Jewry. Api il ,' 1 .'.' il Slale t: ipilal
Slops Man Ii mi Slale Capital I n i i n
Urapei S n i l
Weil. A p n l .'1
.linns 1 una, 1 P a n , Sal -ei
Itnlil IS? .-It]/',
A n y 18 to 21 year o l d students
llendint) S U N Y A w h o ai
I the C i t y ol New York may leqistei
•v mail if ihiiy so desne f hey may
Isu vote by i t u i t by ritjufMi-hi] an
i l<>. A b s . ' i U f f V o l e i ' s Hal
P r i m t r , campus literary magazine,
w i l l be d i s t r i b u t e d n e x t week in t h e
CC L o b b y f r o m 11 a.m. t o 3 p . m .
d a i l y . Free w i t h student t a x , $ 1 . 0 0
T h e People's C o a l i t i o n f o r Peace
and Justice Events
April 2 0 A b b i e H o f f m a n a n d Rennie Davis,
S U N Y A G y m , 8 p.m.
April 2 4 March o n Washington D.C.
April 2 7 Jerry R u b i n and Dave Dellinger,
S U N Y A G y m , 8 p.m.
April 3 0 "Settle Accounts w i t h Albany's
first T r u s t , " march a n d actions.
Mav 1 - 7 " I f t h e government w o n ' t stop the
war, w e ' l l stop the g o v e r n m e n t . "
Mass civil disobedience to shut d o w n
Washington D.C.
informal ion-Albany
Coalition, 438-0160.
t It pp.
Sl.lle l l m v e r . i l v . I h e (le.iijliiie
.nliiinl tmii .,| •[11.. alums is May
Students inloiestod in KOSHER
board o p t i o n tot next year should
request it when handing in housing
p.u kills.
Wll I
Waul i n help nut y o u l lelluw man '
.1 in
n| Im 5300 Switchboard HI luesday
A p r i l .H\ Call
'III? !i III;' and lei 11s k n o w y o n , are
Employment—Physical Education
A p p l i c a t i o n s a n ; n o w bmnn ,«•
copied for summer main session J u m
28 l u Augusl Y2 and the 1 0 / 1 77
academic year.
Positions are" loi IIIKIKI
ilMiliMles and ijr.tduate sludenls n
the issue n.njes. Litirulr y. eituiprni'Ml
maintenance, as hie i-iimnls (p>e
i HI rem w.itui Sr-ififty in
A p p l i c a t i o n forms a n ' m
tbt' General O f f i c e , f i r , I lit
Physical I donation l l u . l d i n q . A | J |
r a t i o n s musl IK; s u b m i t t e d by A |
23, 1 9 7 1 ,
Ihe Stale University nl New Y.nk
II B u f f a l o has unruiiiiu d a m i i i
honal s l u d y p f u u i i i m in S o u t h and
1 iisl Asia, heqinriiu!! the hill t e r m ,
in Pakistan.
S l m f e n l s w i l l study ,M the Universities o f Karachi a n d Dacca, Pakistan,
incl w i l l take i nui-ios in South Asian
i u l l u r e s , < o m i U M t i v e o d u i ai
r a t i o n a l snni.ltKrV. and ,. s . ' i m i u i in
a n in 1.- anil rial
1 'al isl, n 1 1
p i i i r i l n m n i l : an lurle
ps 1
India and Nepal
1 he deadline dale 1 I
is May S, I U / 1 ,
1 in
i i i i l n i r n . i t m n ml l| P'I. a
linns aie avail.Il
n ihe ,1
.1 lis
1 In
1 I Ivee.eas A. idem
C n i i n , ii ,.n I ' M . . , a l i n i i . 1 S i n
dies SOU I n w n s e i l l l I I ,
e Hi
yenaly n l New V i l l i , al B o l l a l i , Mai
Campus. Phone I 7 I B W : 1 sss1
New hours, iiii-klllilie,
l.inii i n
i lease in availaliildv are Ii e l l . 1 I m
Hie D i a l l Coin
Inn) Ceil el
M o n d a y Counselors av, ilahle •1 I I I
11 12, 1 : i .
1 uesdays Cuunselnis
II I I I .
10 1 1. 1 1 l.< 1 d, and ev
1 '1,
Wednesday., I l l 1 1 I I I '. 1 1
H u n .day , 1 1 1 1 1
I I I ' 1.' . and
1 inlays I n I. and .' I
, p , , . . , linos
II 1
• 1 / . ' Midi
II ll.e
We at Miller High Life art brewers, not social scientists, but this
much we know: whatever may be changing in this country, it certainly is
not taste buds. We will continue, therefore, to bring you the same delicious
Miller High Life. If you've got the time, we've got the beer.
The 1970-71
Campus Literary
will be distributed next
week from 11 AM-3 PM
daily in the CC Lobby
Free with Undent tax $1 without
Female r o o m m a t e w a n t e d f o r m i d
s u m m e r o r Sept. t o live i n N Y C . Call
4 6 5 - 3 1 1 0 - M u s t be w i l l i n g t o go
apartment hunting.
G i r i roommate(s) w a n t e d f o r summer, cheap a p a r t m e n t near Draper.
Call M a r i l y n 4 3 6 - 7 0 6 4 .
W a n t e d : 2 b e d r o o m apartment for
W a n t e d : S u m m e r sublet furnished
apartment or small house. David Singer, 3 2 4 4 M c K i n l e y S t . N.W., Washi n g t o n , D.C. ( 2 0 2 ) 2 4 4 - 6 0 7 4 .
House f o r rent? Need 3-4 bedrooms, reasonable r e n t , f o r graduate
f a m i l y . Call evenings. 4 6 3 - 0 5 1 7 .
S u m m e r sublet, 3 b e d r o o m A p t .
A i r / c o n d . , dishwasher, 2 baths, 10
o n N o r t h way f r o m S U N Y A .
f u r n i s h e d or u n f u r n i s h e d , 4 3 4 - 8 3 0 3 .
E x c e l l e n t l o c a t i o n , Peaceful.
S u m m e r Sublet—One person. Completely furnished. S w i m m i n g pool.
S100. 7 8 5 - 0 7 7 2 .
S u m m e r sublet, four bedrooms on
busline $ 2 0 0 m o n t h w i t h utilities.
T w o rooms f o r rent. I n c l u d i n g
c o o k i n g facilities and shower. 155
Western, near (he bus. Call HE
Large duplex for 4-6 girls. Hudson
J u n . 1 . Call 4 6 2 - 5 0 2 4 .
Available M a y first: 2 bedrooms of
apartment close to busline. S 5 4 / m o .
each. Call Jon 4 8 2 - 3 6 2 1 .
Sublet house (or 6 or more people.
Beginning June 1. One block f r o m
campus. Call Fred 4 3 8 - 5 3 5 3 .
4 or 5 b e d r o o m house in O e l n w
available June 25-August 20. Fenced
•in y a r d . Children's toys. Washer and
dryer. $ 2 5 0 / m o n t h . 4 3 9 - 6 0 1 2 .
for sale
Wanted t o rent f o r w e e k e n d o f
A p r i l 23-25, 1 large van o r 2 cars t o
go t o D i p p l k i l l . Call B o b 4 5 7 - 3 0 2 0 .
8 b e a u t i f u l k i t t e n s need homes and
l o v i n g owners. Phone T i m , 3 7 2 - 0 6 7 8 .
Wanted: Girls used 3-spesd bicycle.
Call EHse 4 5 7 - 4 7 1 0 .
Free kittens—striped & calico fe
m a l e s - Y e l l o w & Black & W h i t e
males. Call 456-6711 after 5 p.m.
K i t t e n s - F r e e . 2 tiger striped,
black & w h i t e . Call 4 3 4 - 0 5 7 1 .
W a n t e d : Furnished s u m m e r sublet;
1 t o 3 p e o p l e ; a n y w h e r e in c i t y . Call
Bob 457-8712.
P O E T R Y W A N T E D f o r possible
inclusion in cooperative volume. I n clude stamped envelope. E d i t o r , B o x
4444C, W h i t t i e r , C a l i f o r n i a 9 0 6 0 7 .
A f f e c t i o n a t e 1 0 m o n t h o l d female
dog needs new home. 4 3 6 - 1 5 6 9 .
For Sale: "THE BABE " for $2501
'62 Plymouth, Gray and White.,
2-door, 6 Cyl., Engine excellent,
489-5934 after 5.
F o r Sale: 1 9 6 2 Galaxie
tible. N e w Tires. Needs
$100. Call 7 8 5 - 4 3 3 5 .
T o t h e Bobbsey t w i n s : I d o n ' t
k n o w w h a t y o u d i d t o deserve y o u r
luck, b u t it must have been a winner.
Has anybody seen a ceramic cartridge
70 V W Fastback, Radio and Heater, 4 SPD, orginal owner. Excellent
c o n d i t i o n . Call 1-683-3822.
I'm planning a leisurely C R O S S C O U N T R Y drive t o t h e San Francisco area sometime i n May. I like
Yoga, the Stones, c h o c o l a t e m i l k a n d
y o u n g c h i l d r e n . I ' m l o o k i n g f o r travelling companions—male or female.
If interested, Call T h o r n at 4 5 7 - 5 0 6 5 .
Howie-"WSUA"4 7 2 - 4 2 0 4 . Great shape.
For Sale: 1965 Tempest. Economical, 3 0 , 5 0 0 miles, $ 6 5 0 . Will dicker.
Call ERIC 472-5094.
S T U D Y SOUNDS i m p r o v e grades.
I m p r o v e grades w h i l e d e v o t i n g the
same a m o u n t of time t o study. Use
S O U N D S . Increase y o u r
and i m p r o v e
comprehension. Study at a faster
H A P P E N . Please specify 8 track tape,
cassette, or LP record. Send check or
money o r d e r - $ 9 . 9 5
$.75 handling and postage t o : S o u n d
Concepts, Inc., Box 3 8 5 2 ; Charlottnsville, Va. 2 2 9 0 2 .
For Sale: 1966 VW Sedan, R a d i o ,
excellent c o n d i t i o n , $ 7 5 0 . Call Harvey H u t h 7-8882.
For Sale 1962 Bluo VW Bug-Sunroof. Asking £225—Will Bargain. Call
Jack, 434-0963.
For Sale: 1963 O l d s - F 8 5 . 5 2 , 0 0 0
miles. A u t o m a t i c trans., air conditioning, Snow tiros included. Call
Apartment for rent-summer o n l y 3 large rooms p a r t i a l l y furnished
w i t h K i t c h e n , b a t h r o o m and porch.
to S U N Y
$ 1 7 0 / m o n t h i n c l u d i n g utilities. Call
Helaine at 4 8 9 - 2 8 9 7 .
Guitar case lor salo. Very
c o n d i t i o n . 457 7839.
Bast A p t . available for summer
sublet. Spacious, 3 bedrooms, near
S U N Y bus. Catl 4 3 8 - 1 2 8 1 .
For S a l o - Sony storeo Cassette
Dock, tapes, demagnotizer, bulk era
sor. 457 4996.
Dave—I apologize.
B r a n da - C h e w
Share a chocolate Easter bunny w i t h
someone special this w e e k ! !
help wanted
Need good typist f o r thesis w i t h or
w i t h o u t t y p e w r i t e r . W i l l i n g to negotiate price. Call 4 8 9 - 8 1 4 3 .
Full range of undergraduate and
graduate courses, suecial institutes
and workshops. Residence halls available.
2 sessions: June 28—July 30 and
August 2—September 3
(day and evening).
Phone ( 5 1 6 ) 2 9 9 - 2 4 3 1 or mail coupon.
Former elementary teacher wishes
babysitting days. Ages 2-4, L g . Y d .
and A P T . 4 8 9 - 3 4 2 7 .
Men of all trades t o N O R T H
SLOPE, A L A S K A and the Y U K O N ,
around $ 2 8 0 0 . 0 0 a m o n t h . For complete i n f o r m a t i o n w r i t e to Job Research, P.O. B o x 1 6 1 , Stn-A T o r o n to, O n t . Enclose $ 3 . 0 0 t o cover cost.
Summer Session Office
C. W. Post Center
Greenvale, L.I., N.Y., 11548
Please send me Summer Sessions information bulletin.
Europo, So.
\ m o ica, A f r i c a , etc. A l l professions
and occupations, $ 7 0 0 t o $ 3 0 0 0
m o n t h l y . Expenses p a i d , overtime,
sightseeing. Free i n f o r m a t i o n . Write
TWA Research Service, Box 5 5 9 1 - A ,
San Diego, Ca. 9 2 1 0 5
Q Graduate
O Evening
If visiting student, which college _
gw———————i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Koscol "Oil of Mink" Kosmclics
Are Something Else!
To illustrate, I recently visited a student commune at a prominent
Southern university (Michigan State). Now, I'll admit it didn't look
much like one of your old-fashioned fraternity or sorority houses. First
of all, there waa no house. Everyone slept in trees, except for one girl
who made a hammock out of a discarded bra. In the second place,
meals were not served; they were trapped. And in the third place, the
kids didn't talk about the usual things like life, sex, truth and beauty.
In fact, they didn't talk. They just sang "Om," holding the note till
they hyperventilated and toppled over in a faint.
But appearances are only appearances, aa I discovered when I
started to interview these people.
"What are you studying?" I asked one young man.
"My navel," he said, and I was vastly reassured, for wo all know
the crying need for new doctors.
"What do you want to be when you finish school?" I naked
another young man.
"A druid," he said, and again I was reassured, for aa anyone on
Wall Street can tell you, forest ecology is the coming thing.
"Do you believo in women's liberation?" I asked a girl.
"No," waa the answer.
"Why not?" I asked.
"I'm a boy," waa the answer.
And so it went. And BO I say to you again: worry not. Take away
the beards, the beads, and the buckskin, and you'vo got the same lovable freckle-faced achievers you alwayB had, only naked.
RIDAY, APRIL 16,1971
O f courso, we realize you've been
using B r a n d X f o r years. We j u s t feel
it's about t i m e y o u t r i e d " s o m e t h i n g
else". We're n o t t r y i n g t o k n a c k
y o u r f a v o r i t e b r a n d . Y o u ' v e been
using i t all this t i m e , so it must be
" a l l R i g h t " . Wa want y o u t o enjoy a
new experience i n skin kare a n d
g l a m o u r t h a t ' s mora than just " a l l
Wa w a n t y o u t o accent y o u r
" c r o w n i n g g l o r y " w i t h H A I R that
glows as b r i g h t as the m o r n i n g light)
We want y o u to wear M A K E - U P
that lets y o u r c o m p l e x i o n " b l o o m
w i t h l u m i n o u s transparence!"
We w e n t t o glamourize y o u r eye*
so that t h e y sparkle and dance a n d
"say things the lips w o u l d dare n o i l "
Really, all wa want y o u t o do Is try
" s o m e t h i n g else". S o m e t h i n g l i k e
K o s c o t ' s " O i l o f M i n k " (Cosmetics.
T h a t ' i w h y we specialize In personal
d f i n kare and beauty k o n s u i t a t i o n s
in t h e h o m a . . . F R E E !
So, d o n ' t miss this o p o r l u n i t y t o
Kosmetics; they're " s o m e t h i n g else".
University Concert Board
Alhany S l u d e i i l 1'iess
Is S A L E S M E N
Wat. h M o n d a y ' s Pal
Black W e e k e n d & Spring W e e k e n d
Call us now (collect) and
one of our dedicated stall
will answor your questions
about placement in Clinics
and accredited Hospitals
in Now York Cily.
CALL ANYTIME (collect)
(212) 371-6670
W O M E N ' S
Thurs., April 22 at 10 PM
Friday, April 23 at 9 PM
Sat., April 24 at 9 PM
Admission FREE
(funded by the classes)
$2 with tax $4 without
V 5 0 with tax $3 without
e% T-REX
(212) 759-6810
A l l students, parsonoll, and f a c u l t y
•re cordially Invited t o attend a
beauty Rama at the T h r u w a y H y a t t
House. 7 : 3 0 P M , A p r i l 1 8 t h .
application and demonstration of
K o s c o t Kosmetics.
TICKETS on sale starting April 15, in CC Lobby from
funded by
student tax
•»••••••«•••»•••••••*•••*•' •••••••••••••••••••••••••I—————C3—————————I
Television Network
Available To Collegt
by Robert Rosenblum
Now that jazz musician! have
come to the realization that the
system keeps them from distributing their records in an orthodox
manner, many more ambitious
musicians are distributing their
own records and selling them by
mail. The following are two such
much of the same problem, but
comes on strongly on "Exosphere" using the speed of Charlie
Parker and the tonal quality of
Ornette Coleman.
The bassists and drummer are by
far and away the standouts on the
record. Harold Avent has both
power and sensitivity and his use
of the bass drum for accentuation
is particularly commendable.
Tyrone Crabb plays some bass
that was obviously copied from
e x - C o l t r a n e bassist Jimmy
Garrison, whi is also recorded here
(on "O.C.T."). Don Moore's work
on bass lends strong support and
he, more than anyone, holds the
performances together as a cohesive whole.
Clifford Thornton appears to be
rising into permanence in the
avante garde (which really isn't
prominence at all) as a result of
his association with tenor saxophonist Archie Sheppe. The album Freedom and Unity (Third
World 9636) by the Clifford
Thornton New Art Ensemble is
one that has been produced by a
cooperative group of avante garde
musicians. .
As an example of the "Now
Thing" in jazz this record is quite
unusual. 1 say that because the
compositions and arrangements
are much more of interest than
any individual soloists. Thornton,
who plays valve trombone, has a
very limited range, hardly any
technique and only occasional
sparks of imagination (as on
"Exosphere") and "O.C.T."
The ensemble work is beautiful,
though, and the composers create
some of the most beautiful group
textures I've heard in the avant
garde. It is here where Thornton's
bitter sound fares best. "15th
Floor" is the most notable. It is
sort of blues like in texture
though not in form.
This record can be purchased
Karl Berger is much more of a only by writing Clifford Thorntechnician on vibes, but musically ton, 109 Broadway, Brooklyn,
he is quite monotonous, running New York 11211.
The APB Television Network,
the nation's only network which
is not governed by FCC regulations, controlled by sponsors, or
limited by programming aimed at
the lowest common denominator,
is now accepting affiliations on
college campuses across the country. The network has been formed
in protest to a twenty year legacy
of programs like "The Beverly
Hillbillies" and "Let's Make a
Deal" from the commercial networks.
Among the programs supplied to
affiliates during the fall, 1971
season, will be the "New Consciousness" series, which focuses
on the social issues that most
concern today's young people.
These programs have all been produced specifically for the APB-TV
Network and will avoid all censorship problems by being distributed on the new cassette television medium. Included in the
series are an examination of repression in America that features
Frank Mankiewicz and Abbie
Hoffman, an exploration of the
consumer movement with Ralph
Nader and his Raiders, an analysis
of the nation's drug problems by
Woodstock Festival physician Dr.
William Abruzzi, a journey with
Bernadette Devlin on her recent
U.S. visit, and overview ofthe
ecology movement with Waller
Hickel, and a feature on the human body that includes the first
televised abortion.
Affiliation with the APB-TV
Network will also enable campuses to choose from cassette
recordings fo major rock concerts,
underground films, top sports attractions, contemporary drama,
and instrucitonal programs. APB
is currently negotiating with severial national advertisers for sponsorship of some of these programs. Campuses that pay the
original affiliation fee will e receiving sponsored cartridges free
of charge. Sponsorship is accepted
only after completion of the program, and will have no influence
on content.
Featured on many of the programs will be personalities from
the American Program Bureau lecture agency, the speakers who
have been most in demand for
in-person campus appearances.
The list ranges from Ralph Nader,
Bernadette Devlin, Paul Ehrlich,
and Julian Bond to Abbie Hoffman, Jane Fonda, Dennis Hopper,
and Al Capp. These speakers, who
have often complained of being
limited to safe topics when they
appear on network talk shows,
will now enjoy the same freedom
on the APB-Tv Network as they
have on the college lecture platform. The television network lias
been totally integrated into APB
President Robert P. Walker's concept o"The Fourth Media, the
most direct and unfiltered source
of information available to today's students."
This unrestricted programming
is made possible by the use of the
new CBS/EVR video cassette
system. Pre-recorded programs on
seven-inch cartridges areplaced in
Motorola Teleplayer, about the
size of a record player, and played
through any ordinary television
set on the campus. A single Teleplayer can feed a dozen TV sets in
one location, and it can also be
directly connected to a school's
closed circuit video system. The
cassette programs are owned by
affiliated schools and will form a
permanent library of video information which can be a constant
reference source. Unlike film or
video tape, the cassettes can be
played more than a thousand times
with no deterioration of video
Tennis Team at 3-1
Saturday, April 24
Movie, Butch Cassidy... (LC 7,
7:30 iind 10:00)
Bands and beer, state and Colonial Quads, 2:30 p.m.
Free concert dance • Wilmer
Alex Taylor concert {CC Cafe, Alexander and the Dukes- (CC
Ballroom 9:30 to midnight- Re10 p.m. to midnight)
freshments sold at the dance- Tree
Friday, April 23:
Ice Cream social (CC Fountain, pretzels and potato chips.
Free oldtime movies (CC Cafe
11:30 am to 2 p.m.)
Spring weekend picnic dinner, 10:30-2 am)
Sunday, April 25
all quad dining rooms
Concert • Johnny Winter and
Free outdoor concert of campus
T-Rex (gym, 9:30)
talent, CC gardens 1-5 p.m.
Movie "Butch Cassidy and the
Sundance Kid" (LC 7, 7:30 and
In ctiseyou missed lite
Free old time movies (CC Cafe
fun mid games in Hollywood
10:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.)
last night, here we the results
of the annual Popularity Poll,
otherwise known as the
"Oscar Awards ":
Best film "Pattnn"
Best actor. George C Scott,
Best actress: Glendo Jackson,
"Women In Love".
Best supporting actor:
John Mills, "Ryan's'
lies! Supporting actress:
Helen Hayes, "Airport",
Nick Brigaola
May 1, 1971, 9 PM
$1.00 with tax
making springtime at Albany
State more enjoyable."
The tentative schedule of events
for the weekend is as follows:
Thursday, April 22:
Gentle Thursday
Tom McLaughlin and Dennis
Lovrecich (GDX) were champions
in the AMIA Badminton Doubles
Irwin Pers and Pat Mahtiney
(STB) defeated Kurt Legler and
Alan Zarembu (KB) in a special
playoff to earn the championship
in the AMIA Free Throw Doubles
LO TEflY!;
Call the poople who've takun the chance J
out of abortion.
funded by Student Tax and IPC and ISC
941 Filth Avi., Niw York City 10017
. . . There is a tee for our service . .
by Dick Sexton
With what may be the strongest
tennis squad ever at Albany State
the Great Danes entered the 1971
spring campaign with hopes for a
great season. It will certainly be a
trying one, with the schedule calling for 13 matches within a four
week period, nine of which will be
played on the road.
At this point in the season, the
team's record stands at three wins
against one loss. The team fared
very well in its season opening
match against RPI, winning eight
of nine matches. On April 7, the
team traveled downs-lute to the
New York-Long Island area. The
Danes were victorious in the
southern campaign against Brooklyn College with the final score
6 1 . The last two doubles matches
were called because of darkness.
The following day, however, the
Danes were just shaded by a
strong Stony Brook squad, losing
the match 5-4. This past Tuesday
at home, the Coast Guard Academy was subdued by Albany,
After this season, the three top
ranked players on the team grad-
uate. They are, in order of rank,
Ken Rishman, Dave Hawley, and
Ted Rosenberg. However, the four
remaining players are sophomores
and promise to pick up a good
deal ofthe slack.
The team suffered an unfortunte
loss when Dave Hawley developed
leg trouble early in the season.
It's uncertain, at this point,
whether he will be able to return
to action this season. Hawley's
two year varsity singles mark is
19-2. However, the rest of the
team seems to have been able lo
make up the loss somewhat. After
the first four matches, individual
statistics are as follows: Ken Fishman is undefeated at '1-0, Rosenberg is 2-2, Eric Carlson 3-1, Chris
Burke 3-1, and Harold Forrest and
John Buffone are both 2-2.
In the eyes of Coach Hathaway, the team is playing "up to
Their next home match takes
place on. Tuesday, April 20 at
3:30 against New Paltz. If the
team can stay healthy and continue to play "up to par" an
NCAA bid could very well await
The Albany State trackmen made a smashing success of their 1971
debut Wednesday afternoon by completely dominating the triangular
meet held with Boston State and Westfield State. The Great Danes
amassed a total of 112Vi points to Boston State's 34V6 and Westfield
State's 25 points.
The meet took place at home amidst a thirty-five degree temperature and a gusty wind. Nevertheless, Albany took first in all but four
events, with its stength and depth very much evident in the field events
Seriors Don Van Cleve and Dee Grilli placed one and two respectively
in both the shot put and discus. Dave Reynolds won both the high
jump and triple jumps; Saul Moshenberg took the long jump; and
Sophomore Tommy Moore came on top in the pole vault. Elsewhere
in the field, Ross Andersen, last year's MVP, threw the javelin 160
feet for a first. In both the long jump and triple jump Albany swept
the first three places.
On the track, the Great Danes also placed the first three men in the
100 yard dash, won by Cliff McCargand in the 880 with Pete Payne
taking a first. Other winners were school record holder Sal Rodriguez
in the 440, Arnold Shell in the mile, and John Comerford in the two
The win was Albany State's 16th straight meet victory dating back
to the 1969 season. The team looks healthy and very strong al'eady, a
good sign after just the first meet. Next week THE ASP SPORTS will
have an exclusive interview with Coach R. Keith Munsey, the driving
force behind the team's success, to see what he thinks of the
possibility of his team finishing undefeated, and also its possible
future in this year's NCAA postseason affairs.
Swiss Inn
Reopens April 16th
a n d g o e s Gay 9 0 ' s
Featuring the finest
6 P i e c e Banjo Group
we have ever seen east of the Mississippi.
Our O w n S w i s s I n n B a n j o B a n d
All Legal Beverages
Draft Beer...Dancing...Peanuts
Steamed Clams
Friday 8—2...Saturday 8—2...Sunday 7—1
18—80 welcome...
Identification, please
Sing Along...Slides and Old Movies
R t - 2 0 12 m i l e s w e s t of A l b a n y
Alpha Pi Alpha won the AMIA
Volleyball Championship, by
beating Sigma Tau Beta in the
There were no winners in the
AMIA Squash, Handball, and Paddleball Tournaments due to lack
of participation.
Present Point Standings
for Director's Cup
$2.50 without
Moby Dick and His Seamen
were the team victors in the
AMIA Swim Meet. The teams
finished in the following order:
Moby Dick and His Seamen
KB-EEP (tie)
New AMIA Swim Meet records
set: 200 yd. Medley Relay, Moby
Dick and His Seamen (Siddell,
Fass, Dietz, Garcia); 200 yd. Freestyle Relay UFS (Anger, Lipsky,
Huber, Wright).
IBM Sell etrie Typewriter
ICxperieni ed in all types of
Doc tort 1 Pis crlulions
1 .isl. Do IIUKlil iluSeivuu
Ha,is IIMOl II, lies
Call 462 6283
Day or Evtitmtu
Munseymen Off and Running
Because of the portability and
ease of operation or the Motorola
Teleplayer, programs can be
shown at any location on campus
where there is a television set.
Campus affiliation can be obtained by the student union, the
library, student government, fraternaties the college newspaper, or
any interested organization
Unlike the broadcast networks,
the APB-TV Network operates under the philosophy tilt television
is more than a one-way medium
and that viewers should have a say
in determining program subjects
and content.
The First An n u a I Spring
Weekend will be held lit the Albany State Campus from Thursday, April 22 to Sunday, April 25.
Co-Chairmen Roy Rosenberg
and Raena Endick described the
purpose of this event as follows;
"During the spring, our school
has never had a large scale, orgimized weekend, especially for the
students of SUNYA. It is really
great that when it gets warm out,
kids come out of hibrination and
'do their thing.' in informal gatherings.
But we feel that an organized
weekend of planned events in
which kids can come and go as
they please without actually taxing their wallets can only add to
Trackmen trying to improve on 10-0 mark
Barbara Streisand
F r i d a y , A p r i l 16
LC 2 at 7 & 9:30
S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 17
» • * * *
Any persons with questions regarding League II and 111 Softbull
Schedule should come to the
AMIA office and check the schedule board.
D- ,
LC 18 at 2, 7, & 9:30
One Dollar Donation
* * * » *
nek up entry forms for Golf,
Tennis, (sinijles and doubles), and
Track competition.
A Benefit For Student Housing
FIVE CENTS off campus
^ ^
Albany Student Press 4
Monday, April 19, I97I
State Uniuersitu of New York at Albany
Vol. tVMI No. 3 0
Council Sets Vote Policies
Investigates Sweet Fire
Endorses Peace Treaty
0Kfs Record Co-Op
by Vicki Zeldin
Central Council voted to freeze funds for the
controversial n e w s p a p e r Sweet
Fire p e n d i n g an
investigation of alleged changes in their c o n s t i t u t i o n .
T h e s t e p was t a k e n at last T h u r s d a y ' s Council
m e e t i n g as a result of c o m p l a i n t s leveled against the
paperby a s t u d e n t , Mitchel Frost. Frost is associated
with the new conservative newspaper
He charged that the m e m b e r s of Sweet Fire were
not following ' h e c o n s t i t u t i o n t h a t had originally
been a p p r o v e d by C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C o m m i s s i o n . He
also said t h a t the p a p e r ' s staff would n o t lot him
write for t h e m . Frost appealed to the Council to
investigate the paper, and after m u c h hesitation,
Council m e m b e r Lenny Kopp i n t r o d u c e d a resolution t o w i t h h o l d p a y m e n t of any bills o u t s t a n d i n g
for t h e p a p e r until the allegations we're investigated.
T h e resolution passed and a r e p o r t is d u e at next
T h u r s d a y ' s Central Council meeting
Central Council originally voted to fund t w o issues
of Sweet Fire at its March I I meeting. T h e decision
to fund t h e paper c a m e after an h o u r ' s d e b a t e , and
the result was a vote in which m o r e p e o p l e
abstained than voted for the measure. T h e vote was
0 in favor, -I o p p o s e d and 12 a b s t e n t i o n s .
T h e resolution as passed allocated $52-1 t o Sweet
Fire t o help il fund two issues. O n e issue has been
the Council m o n e y , and
S c h w a r t z , a s p o k e s m a n for the paper claims t h a t
tliiil issue cost $ 5 1 6 . A n o t h e r issue is p l a n n e d for
early May t o be financed by the profits m a d e from
the March issue. T w o o t h e r issues of the paper have
a p p e a r e d t h r o u g h o u t the year; b o t h were funded
I looked up and saw you pass by
and my heart said to me:
7 Want to reach out to you
and bring you into my dreams
to share my thoughts and feelings.
But that would be forward,
and I lei you pass by.'
Election Procedures
T h e Council also passed an election p r o c e d u r e s bill
t h a t does away with all references to a c c u m u l a t i v e
average, a c a d e m i c standing, or any a c a d e m i c restrictions on eligibility t o run in any election or hold
any office or position. T h e bill also s t a t e d t h a t
" S t u d e n t Association shall elect m e m b e r s t o Central Council in the ratio of t h r e e h u n d r e d to o n e or
I looked down as I passed you by
and my soul said to me:
'Come with me to distant hills
and we will watch the flowers
dance to the music of the breeze.
/ want to give you a smile and
call you friend but I have no reason
and I pass you by.'
I watched them, each alone with
loneliness as a companion,
and I
Why must there be a reason?
the nearest whole t h e r e o f . "
An a m e n d m e n t to the election bill states t h a t
n o m i n a t i o n s for S t u d e n t Association President and
Vice President shall be by p e t i t i o n , and that they
shall be signed by at least 100 m e m b e r s of S t u d e n t
Association (Also passed at t h e Council m e e t i n g
was a redefinition of " m e m b e r s h i p in t h e S t u d e n t
A s s o c i a t i o n . " It n o w states t h a t " M e m b e r s h i p in the
S t u d e n t Association shall be c o n t i n g e n t u p o n undergraduate registration at S U N Y Albany. F o r the
p u r p o s e s of this policy, those s t u d e n t s the University designated as being in a class year equal t o the
last two digits of the? year of their e x p e c t e d
graduation (e.g. n o w classes 71 -75) and those
persons designated as being in class year 30 shall be
u n d e r g r a d u a t e s . T h o s e p e r s o n s designated as being
in class years 10, 15, IK, and 20 shall not be undergraduates for the purposes of this policy, ) This new
policy of p e t i t i o n s does not prevent the possibility
of write-in c a n d i d a t e s .
T h e S e n a t e Election P r o c e d u r e s bill was also
a m e n d e d so t h a t r e p r e s e n t a t i o n in t h e University
Senate shall he based on living areas including b o t h
on and off c a m p u s groupings. T h e ratio of S t u d e n t
Association m e m b e r s to S e n a t o r s from each living
area shall be as equal as possible.
O t h e r Business
T h e Council also vuted to allow a non-profit co-op
to sell records at a d i s c o u n t r a t e o n c a m p u s . This
vote o v e r t u r n e d t h e decision of the Solicitations
C o m m i t t e e which had originally voted n o t to allow
the co-op t o o p e r a t e .
M e m b e r s of Council also voted t o e n d o r s e the
People's Peace T r e a t y which s t a t e s t h a t " A m e r i c a n
and V i e t n a m e s e p e o p l e are n o t enemies, T h e war is
carried o u t in the n a m e s of the p e o p l e of the United
States a n d S o u t h V i e t n a m w i t h o u t our c o n s e n t . . . . "
T h e t r e a t y goes o n to s t i p u l a t e the t e r m s agreed
u p o n by the original n e g o t i a t o r s t o end the war.
On April 2 8 , 2 9 , 3 0 m e m b e r e of the University c o m m u n i t y will have
a c h a n c e to s h o w their feelings on m a n d a t o r y s t u d e n t t a x , as well as
picking Central Council m e m b e r s , S t u d e n t University S e n a t o r s a n d
President and Vice-President of S t u d e n t Association.
Elections Coming
S.A. Officers, University Senators,
Fate of Mandatory Tax to be Decided
prose and photos by potskowski
by T o m Cliugan
A long-awaited vote on Student Tax, as well as
of K.A, officers
Senators, will take place next week on April 2 8 , 2 0
30. T h e
Board of Trustees, will d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r or not
the fee remains m a n d a t o r y .
T h e president of S t u d e n t Association, and the Vice
President, are now directly elected by m e m b e r s of
In order
insure s t u d e n t
support for n o m i n e e s , n o m i n a t i o n is now by petition. O n e h u n d r e d signatures of S t u d e n t Association
m e m b e r s are needed to place a n a m e in n o m i n a t i o n
for either of these positions.
this time are elections
forms are available in the S.A.
(CC 3 4 0 ) and must be r e t u r n e d by 5 p . m . F r i d a y ,
23. The
President are d u e on M o n d a y , April 26. A s t u d e n t
can, incidentally, sign m o t e than o n e p e t i t i o n , and
does not pledge his vole to the c a n d i d a t e .
T h e m a r a t h o n event will tentatively take place in
the C a m p u s ('enter main lounge, above the cafeteria,
I 1 a.m.
5 p.m. next
T h u r s d a y , a n d Friday.
In the nexi lew weeks most of us will be busy studying, reading, and doing all the work we've left until
now. G o o d luck on y o u r finals!
T h e Albany
I'ress will p r i n t q u e s t i o n s and
responses from the c a n d i d a t e s involved in the S.A.
Presidency race a week from Wednesday.