Library Improvement Unlikely

Library Improvement
FIVE CENTS off campus
members, Mr. Ashton explained eration. As far as further deterthat the library funds have been rence of theft goes, Mr. Ashton
Recently, there has been much cut, eliminating any chances of explained that this building was
criticism of Albany State's library. staff expansion. In addition, to probably not constructed with the
Canvassing the campus in order to cut down on library spending, idea of it being used as a library.
discover the more prominent com- open positions in cases where "It was constructed just like all of
plaints, it was found that there are people have left their jobs, are left the other buildings on campus,
four main problems. During an vacant. Presently there are 58 and it has far too many doors and
emergency exits for it to be a
i n terview with Mr. Jonathan librarians.
Ashton, director of the library, he
Mr. Ashton blames the students secure library." He added that he
disclosed what is being done for most of the library's disorder, will just have to depend upon the
about these issues.
claiming that "when students re- honor system.
The Albany State library pre- turn the books to the shelves,
sently consists of 660,000 books. they hardly ever put them back Length Of Time To Borrow Books
There are plans for the library to where they belong." He added
Presently a student is permitted
be extended to 1,750,000 books that the open-stack policy, where
by 1980, which, according to Mr. students have free access to the to borrow a book from the library
Ashton, is probable. He noted stacks, promotes a disorganized for a month, and the faculty
members are allowed an unlimited
that considering the amount of library as well.
Jonathan Ashton, Library director, blamed students for much of the
amount of time to keep books
money that has been appropriated
Damage To Books And Theft
taken from the library. Mr.
to the library each year thus far,
the plans are likely to be fulfilled.
Another widely agreed upon Ashton agreed with the popular
The library's present stock is sup- problem of Albany State's library complaint that this is an overly
plemented through the Inter is the extensive damage to books, extensive period of time for books gestion in a meeting with Mr. out and mail these notices, with
the possible result of collecting
-Library Loan program as a result pamphlets, and magazines, as well to be held by a single user. A Ashton sometime this month.
eight cents. From the point of
of the State Library Act. By as theft. As far as damage to the faster turn-over of books would
Penalty For Overdue Books
view of many students, a higher
means of this program one can book supply goes, Mr. Ashton said enable students and faculty to
The penalty for overdue books penalty for overdue books would
take advantage of books at other that there is no way he can think make better use of the library's
libraries. After filling out a card in of to put an end to it except stock. The Senate Library Coun- at the Albany State library is two hasten irresponsible borrowers,
our library, the book is picked up through the students' more care- cil, for which Dr. Frank,(from the cents per day. Mr. Ashton noted and make more of the library's
that if a book is returned four books available to a larger number
and delivered in one day.
ful use of books. He continued to Language Department), is chairdays after it is due, it is not even of people. The Senate Library
say that in order to efficiently man, is working on a suggestion
feasible to spend six cents postage Council is also working on a sugrelieve this problem, he would for shortening the time allowed
on a notice to the borrower, or to gestion for a raise in the penalty
for borrowing books from the
Much criticism has been made "have to have a staff member for
library, and will present this sug- supply the staff in order to write for the late return of books.
about the disorder in the library. every person using the library,"
According to Mr. Ashton, when which would, of course, be imposthe stacks are read, about 50% of sible.
the books are out of place. HowIn striving to find a solution to
ever, no inventory has been taken control the theft of books, plans
this year at all. There is not for a separate area in the baseenough staff at the library to keep ment of the library in which to
it organized. When asked about keep the bound and current perienlarging the number of staff odicals are under serious considby Bonnie Brauth
The 'Wyoming Project'
Striving for a Model Society
II you, or • friend, are waking an abortion, lha
Women'* Pavilion Inc. can help you.
Call ua now (collect, if you with) and one ol our
dedicated atafl will anawer your queetiont about
placement In accredited Hospitals and
Clinica In New York City at low cost.
It is advisable to call us as soon aa possible alter you
learn you are pregnant. In many cases, the cost
can be very low, and you can arrive in New York City
in the morning and be on your way home that evening.
We can alto help you with airplane and other
transportation arrangements.
AT (212) 371-6670 or (212)759-6810
S15 Madison Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10022
(your a d v e r t i s i n g , that is)
This annual farce will be published on May 1st and
we'd like you to advertise in it.
The nature of this paper is satirical and we'd like
the ads to have a humorous tone.
Ads for this issue are limited to on-campus groups
or individuals. The rate, for this issue only, will
be $1.50 per column inch.
To submit ads or for more information, contact
Jeff or Dan in the ASP office, CC 334; or give
us a call at 457-2190.
Imagine, there are really people
who think they can actually reorder one of the 50 states in order
to set up a responsive, free society. The meeting for recruits for
the Wyoming Project was attended by about 20 people, ranging from leaders of the Free Community to Gay Lib. And they
were ready to go. Right now.
Some had come expecting to be
presented with the grand plans of
"How to Restructure Society."
Instead, a small prospectus was
presented which sounded more
like "Saile the Mayflowere to the
New Lando and Survive," than a
revolutionary, Utopian, immediate
take-over by the Woodstock Nation of the Free State of Wyoming. The recommended course was
the slow assimilation of natives
into the Beautiful Life—free from
ecological worry, educationally in-
novative, with total justice for all. out about Wyoming. There were
Above all, the new state of already communes and free
Wyoming was to permit the free- schools in Colorado and Montana,
dom to be an individual without but nothing much was happening
harassment. But recruits wore re- in Wyoming. Last summer three
minded, the plan must go slow- Easterners went West to have a
ly—infiltrate—turn the natives look—and they liked what they
aroung—don't rip off and no saw. The state had lots of room
and only 330.000 people, or
about 3 people for every square
The idea for a large scale alternamile of land. Of those 330,000
tive to the mode of living thai
people, only about 190,000 were
straight take for granted and call
registered voters. Wyoming has
"the way of life" began about six
months ago ut the Stony Brook
deserts, farming lands—and the air
branch of the State University of
is clean. The U.S. government
New York on Long Island. After
owns 30 percent of the land, but
graduate student Vince Arbor
every year it sells several thousand
brought up the idea, his friends
acres at reasonable prices.
mentioned it around. After a few
months rumination, the idea
The rationale for the Wyoming
didn't seem so far out; the Stony
project is "that if you can find a
Brook people gave the idea a
pretty area of the country that a
name, "The Wyoming Project," lot of people would be interested
and began to move.
in going to, and if you have a state
First they had to find something
I leironvillus mERKIN
ever (rorge(
MMGX Humppe
anafind (rue happwtm r
a t 7 : 3 0 & 10 PM LC-1
• l.OO w i t h t a x , 1.25 w i t h o u t
sponsored by the Commuters Club
which has a relatively small population...and if you can find that
kind of state and you get people
to move to it...Who knows, it
might take about 200,000 people
in order to swing the majority of
voters...(and that's if none of the
current Wyomingians will have
anything to do with the new
settlers), then with a relatively
small proportion of the current
disenchanted citizens of America
you could set up a model political, economic and social entity
within the United Stales which
just might rediscover those old
cliches of freedom and justice for
Right now the Wyoming project
is concerned with such problems
as publicity, gathering information on bread and board, setting
up communications, and analyzing the reactions of the state and
a large influx of non-straight immigrants. A center is being established in Laramie. Write to
Wyoming Project, Room 207
Stony Brook Union, SUNY,
Stony Brook, N.Y. I 1790.
Albany Student Press X
Vol. LVIII No. 23
State University of New York at Albany
Monday, March 22, 1971
Council Debates
Tax Referendums
by Eric Joss
She opened her arms and everything was pure and peaceful again.
Rocky's Budget May Be Cut
Up to $700 Million
Welfare and Education Hurt
Republicans controlling the legislature's fixcal
committees were reported Sunday to have reached
tentative agreement on economy cuts ranging between $600 million and $700 million in Gov.
Rockefeller's proposed budget.
The accord represents a blending of approaches
developed independently by the Senate Finance
Committee and Assembly Ways and Means Committee. They merged their findings in a series of
conferences that extended into the weekend.
Their recommendations now will be presented to
closed meetings of the Republican majority blocs of
the Senate and Assembly, with a view toward
obtaining a final agreement by the end of this week.
Since their main object is to cut back the tax
increases that Gov. Rockefeller is seeking, the
legislators also must make decisions on which levies
can and should be deleted or revised downward.
It was reported reliably last week that. Rockefeller,
Senate Majority Leader Earl W. Brydges and Assembly Speaker Perry B. Duryea had agreed to abandon
the proposed increase in motor-vehicle registration
Rockefeller also is willing to back off on his state
income tax-plan—he had recommended a 10 percent
surcharge, plus higher brackets for upper-income
tax-payers and elimination of the $12.50 cash
credits that all tax-payers are accorded. Other
budget-cutters, however, would prefer to delete the
one-cent increase in the sales tax.
The immediate goal of the GOP legislative leadership is to finish the budget-trimming exercise this
week, so that their amended version of the voluminous $8.'15-billion spending plan can be reprinted
over next weekend. That would make it ready for
passage by the April 1 start of the state's new fiscal
Both Brydges and Duryea scheduled Monday
conferences of their majority members to begin the
process of hammering out a final agreement.
The sources said the tentative plan is to cut $200
million from budget requests for operation of the
state government itself, to slice slightly over $300
million from stale-aid spending—mostly from education and welfare programs- and about $100 million
from funds earmarked tor state construction projects.
A Council-wide questioning of Mike Glass, Chairman of University
Concert Board, reflected one of the major areas of concern as Central
Council members met last Thursday. The Concert Board's financial
position and its method of talent selection were questioned. Glass,
anticipating the barrage of queries, came well armed with printed
financial reports, and managed to satisfy the inquiring Council
members. Included in his presentation were an explanation of the
short-term nature of negotiation time with performers, the limitations
caused by the 3,000 person capacity gym, and the problems incurred
with suggesLed joint concert efforts with other schools.
The second major piece of business was the motion proposed by
Steve Villano, RA in Melville-Steinmetz. Villano's motion dealt with
the current washing machine controversy in which residents of
Melville-Steinmetz have been accused of tampering with their machines, and have consequently been denied proper laundry service by
the machine owners. Villano, as representative of an adamant State
Quad group, was seeking a Council decision which would strongly
recommend that FSA, as a private corporation, take action against B
& M Distributors, the company from whom University machines are
leased. After a thorough account of the actual events which led to
this situation was described, Dick Wesley made a proposal which in
short provided for immediate FSA action against B & M. This motion
further stipulated that Mr. Robert Cooley of FSA respond by March
22, 1971. Following discussion, the motion was overwhelmingly
Treatment of Old Business was commenced with a request by Ken
Stokem for a $500 appropriation to Community Program Commission. The purpose of these funds was to bring speakers Dave Dellinger,
Abbey Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Rennie Davis to Albany. The
motion was hesitantly passed.
Next discussed was the question of holding a referendum on student
tax policy at specified yearly intervals. Dave Neufeld volunteered a
report by the Chancellor stating tht a referendum this year was a
must. The major point of contention seemed to be how often the
referendum should take place in the future. Arguments centered
about the question of true student voice versus budgetary process
stability and expedience. Further discussion on the bill was deferred
to the April 1 meeting pending the Chancellor's final report.
At this point, Jeff Wasserman broached the question of considering
possible alternatives to the newly accepted Student Association
constitution. Discussion on this matter led to a motion by Mike
Lampert, Vice-President of Student Association, suggesting that this
problem be referred to a committee chaired by Wasserman. An
apparent chain of misunderstandings ensued which resulted in the
resignation of Jeff Wasserman.
The feeling that the entire scene was most unfortunate appeared to
be consensual. This attitude was translated into a Lampert motion
whereby the Council would refuse to accept Washerman's resignation.
This motion was easily passed, and discussion on the constitution
problem was postponed until next meeting at which more time will be
afforded to it.
Dave Peck then inserted a motion asking Council to support an
interdisciplinary major program. An amended version of the original
proposal was passed after short deliberation.
CO. Status Swapped
For Non-Military Work
WASHINGTON (Al>) Conscientious objector status in return lor
three years of
i military service was tentatively approved by the
Mouse Armed Services Committee Friday.
Bui a parliamentary tangle blocked a move to triple President
Nixon's promised pay raise for [hose in military service.
The committee, marking up a 11171 two-year drall extension hill,
also veiled down dral'l deferments Tor divinily students and rejected
the President's proposed $:|,011(1 combat enlistment bonus.
Committee Chairman I''. Edward Hubert, DLa., said the committee
should lake final action nn the bill Monday. And lie predicted the
vole against jumpinu, President Nixon's $I)H7 million pay boost
proposal to $'J.7 billion will be reversed.
lieherl said Ihe eoiiseieulioiis objector provision would grunl thai
slaus lo any man willing to pill in three years of non-military service
with no other qualifications such as the present law that the objection
111 list be lo all wars.
Conscientious objectors now are supposed to serve Iwo years.
lieherl said Ihe third year would be in lieu of Ihe four year reserve
requirement of men who have served Iwo years in Ihe active military
Nature awakes from winter's slumber as she sheds her mantle white.
the arts
Interested in Acting in an
amateur student film? If so, call
472-7774 for more information.
Some acting ability is required.
India Association at SUNYA
brings y o u India's best-of-70-Award Winning film "Aradhana." In LC 2 on Friday, March
26, 1971 at 7:30 p.m.. Admission
$1.50 without (with tax card
S>' 00 >I. F. G. presents The Great
The Holy Outlaw-Father Dan
Chicago Conspiracy Circus Tues.,
Berrigan March 24 at 7:30 in LC
March 23 in L.C. 18 and Sat.,
March 27, in L.C.23. $1.00 with
Tax; $2.00 without Tax. Both
See The Finest Hour a story of
shows at 7:00 and 9:30.
Winston Churchill1 as narrated by
Wells, Wed., March 24,
Marcello Mastroianni and
Annie Girardot star in 77K Organ- 7:30., LC 13. Free from Free
izers (I Compagni) an Italian film School.
with English subtitles to be shown
Russian Club sponsors_ the
by II Circolo Italiano Monday,
March 22 7:30 p.m. in HU 354. 1935 Foreign Film Festival Winner
"Chapayeu" Monday, March 22 at
Auditions will be held for the
upcoming production of the muPi Omega Pi the Business Edsical A FUNNY THING HAP- ucation Honor Society will presPENED ON THE WAY TO THE ent The Phantom of the OperaFORUM on Wednesday, March Vied., March 24 at 7:30 and 9:15
31, at 7:00 p.m. in the Arena
Theater. Anyone wishing to either p.m. in the CC Ballroom. Admissaudition or help out on crews is ion 25 cents
asked to attend. FORUM will be
The Union College Social Comdirected by Ron Abel.
mittee presents SEATRAIN in
Coffee House Circuit presents concert, Friday, April 2, at MIDBruce Mykel 9-12:30 p.m. Fri., NIGHT in Memorial Chapel. TickMarch 26 and Sat., March 27 in ets are $3.00 in advance, $3.50 at
the CC Cafeteria. Sponsored by the door. Call 346-8686 for further information.
CCGB. Free coffee.
Craftsmen & Artists Needed
MABOU is opening a new store in Saratoga early in
April. Jewelry, clothing, sculpture, prints, gift items, &
any unique objects will be bought or consigned.
Please Contact:
Mark or Elizabeth at 785-^713
Campus Center
1400 W a s h i n g t o n A v e ,
A l b a n y , N.Y. 12203
Please place the following Classified
Ad in the
issue(s) of the ASP.
* grafffiftS i
A Scuba Club Florida trip
meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 24 at 8:00 p.m. in the
Lecture Centers (check Campus
Center for room numbers). All
those planning on going to Florida
MUST attend. Anyone needing
riders to Florida please come to
the meeting or call Stuart at
Important PYE Steering Committee meeting Monday March 22
at 7:00 in FA-126 Election of
new officers and the department
of Environmental Conservation
among other topics will be
discussed. Old and new members
Upstate A b o r t i o n
Re fern I Service
Deposit in ASP Classified Box at
Campus Center Information Desk, or
mail to above ac'.dress.
a story of Winston Churchill
narrated by Orson Welles
Our service can provide a sat*',
It'lial alternative to your problem
with minimum cast iinti delay
Ads must be received by Wednesday at
6 p,m. for the following Friday issue
L c
1 3
i >i>en 7 days a week
by Andy Schim
The curtain goes up today on "Live-In 1971-72" as it begins a traditional spring engagement on the
SUNY circuit. Opening off-Broadway, way off Broadway, in Albany, this year's production, directed by
Charles Fisher, promises to house a cast of thousands. Making their premiere appearances are several
special programs including one entitled "Four Plus Two," not to be mistaken for "Three in the Attic."
This one will be rated M, for mature audiences only.
The ASP, realizing that many students are not familiar with the script, now presents this sneak preview.
This is only meant to be a brief critique. For complete details see the Housing Brochure, available in all
residence halls and the main box office, 103 Fulton Hall, State Quadrangle, better known as the Housing
The scene opens with a panoramic shot of the entire campus. You may have already guessed that this is
shown in black and white, what else? To familiarize each student with what the individual quads have to
offer, we zoom in, first to Dutch Quad.
Schuyler Hall will house men and women under the same roof in an alternate suite setup. There will be
no freshmen, no priorities according to class, and students returning to live in Schuyler will not have
The Spanish section of Schuyler will also be coeducational. A basic interest and knowledge in Espanol.
to be determined in interviews by a committee of students presently living in the dorm,is required.Panning
over to Colonial Quad, contrary to previous publicity, Paine Hall will continue to be a female
residence facility. Both Paine and Livingston Tower applied to the Committee on Student Residences to
become coed. As more interaction is possible in low rises, Paine was the first selection. However, the
women residing there now, upon learning they had no priority to return, passed up the chance.
The action now moves up to the top four floors (18-21) of Livingston
Tower, which will house men and women in alternate suites. Standard
priorities will prevail, but to give all students an equal chance of being
included, returning residents to the tower wilt not have priority in the
coed sections.
Looking over at State Quad, three hundred spaces, making up the
top fourteen floors of Eastman Tower will be available for coed
residence. Present occupants have no priority. Should they be unable
to gain entrance because of low priority into coed Eastman Tower,
they will be given a returning-to-building priority in the first available
female hall of their choice.
The remaining one hundred spaces in the tower are being held for
male and female transfers and freshmen. The floors will be staggered
in two-floor units of males and females.
Melville-Steinmetz will continue to be a coeducation experience
housing male and female participants in alternate suites. Priority here
is senior, sophomore, junior.
Meanwhile, on the muddy terrain of Indian Quad, Oneida and
Onondaga Halls will house a special program entitled "Four Plus
Two." In concept, each resident in these halls will share with staff and
fellow residents some part of the responsibility for the functioning of
this community experience. Preferences will be given first to
sophomores, then juniors, then seniors for this coed arrangement of
alternating floors.
Adirondack and Tuscarora Halls have been selected to house
students interested in studies related to the environment. Incidentally,
Mohawk Tower will not be ready for September occupancy, but the
dining hall is expected to be completed.
Not to overlook Alumni Quad, Waterbury, Alden and Sayles Halls
all will remain coed by floors.
The following involve some audience participation. Act I is to obtain
an application for on-carnpus housing, available in all residence halls.
Students currently living off-campus, who wish to apply, may pick up
an application in the Housing Office.
Act II consists of completing the application and returning it plus a
$25 deposit to the State Quad Flagroom on the days April 12 through
1 6. Students planning to live together in a room or suite must turn in
their completed contract cards together. No application will be
accepted unless all students in the group are present to have their
Food Service picture taken.
Following a short intermission, students will be notified of hall
assignments during the week of April 26-30. A general informational
meeting will be held in each residence hall between May 3-7 to select
There are 3,1 U choice locations available! for continuing undergraduate i students. Continuing graduate studetns will have 270
available spaces. Presently, il does not appear that increased occupancy will be necessaryFlemember to check the Housing Brochure for complete listings and
detailed information on all of the above procedures.
< i s i n %1/iir o
) oooooooooo
Living Next Year at SUNYA
Will Offer New Experiences
Do o o o o o O O O O O O O 0 0 o o o
"The Finest Hours
Only A L L Panasonic Store In The State
7:30 P M
Panther Trial Opens
albany student press ?
see free from the Free School
Seale and Huggins
The deadline 10 apply tor |<)7|
fall semester at Guadalajara or
CIDOC, Cuernavaca, Mexico, is
Wednesday, April 2 1 . Interested
students may file applications
through the Center for InterAmerican Studies, 179 Richardson Hall (downtown campus) or
the Office
o l International
Studies, SSI I I.
Pre-Med-Pre-Dent Society of
SUNYA Org mizational Meeting
on March 30th at7:30 p.m. in Bio
248. Guest Speaker: Dr. Beeler,
Albany Med. Admissions Counselor. Questions will be answered.
The Arab Students Club is*
A t t e n t i o n All Athletes:
sponsoring its annual cultural League III Aces, will be announAnyone interested in belonging
event "The Arabian Night" featur- cing spring tryouts shortly. Look
to a newly formed Polish Club
ing Arabic Music, Singing, Folk on gym bulletin boards for furlhcr
stand by for further information
in the ASP or call Chris Bednarski and Belly dancing and refresh- information.
ments, on Sat., March 27, 1971 at
at 457-4968.
3/25-28. National Conference
The SUNYA Swim Club will 8:00 p.m. at Page Hall (Downoffer instruction courses in begin- town Campus) 135 Western Ave. of the Gay Liberation Front, in
Austin, Texas. To pre-register, call
ning swimming and stroke
improvement. The classes will
61C.) dO*•
3/27. Emergency rally at the
meet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings
5th Annual East Coast Invita- Capitol in Albany, to combat effrom 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. for a tional Judo Tournament will be forts to destroy women's right to
period of three weeks beginning held all day on March 28 in the abortion. Call (212) 685-4106.
April 12, and from 8-9 a.m. on main gym.S 1.00w/tax$2.00wo/tax
Saturdays from April 17 to May
The Albany Chapter of Pi Mu
8. The fee for the instruction will
Registration for the Community
Epsilon a national mathematics
be $5.00 a person. Registration
Service Program will be held
is accepting applicashould be received no later than
March 29, 1971. For further in March 22-26 in the office ULB tions for their spring induction.
formation contact Lloyd Liningcr, 35-1.Seniors ( Class of 1972 ) The requirements for membership
ES 115, Department of Mathema- register Mon. and Tues., Juniors are a 3.2 cum. in math, a 2.75
overall cum., fulfillment of the
tics, 457-3952.
( Class of 1973 ) Wed. and
calculus sequence, one math
Thurs., Sophs (Classof 74) Fri.The course above Mai 214, and eviMeeting of the April 24 Com- course is now listed as Social dence of creative inlerest in
mittee Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. Welfare 390 and is limited to 550. mathematics. Deadline for appliFireside Lounge. All interested in
enrollment. For information cations is April I. Applications
working on the committee are
may be obtained from Dr. Wilkin
call 457-4801.
or Dr. MacGregor in the Earth
Bldg. Act now!
Copies of the Biology Course
The Sailing Club will meet on and Teacher Evaluation done by
Wednesday, March 24 in the Tri-Bela are available for all stuDraft Counseling:
Physics Lounge at 7:30 p.m.. A dents' use in all biology faculty
New hours, including a large
class for beginning sailors will be members' offices as well as in Bio increase in availability, go in efheld following the general meeting 227.
fect for The Draft Counseling
Center beginning Monday, March
Mondays- Counselors available 9-10, 11-12, 1-3.
Tuesdays- Counselors in 9-10,
The Albany Student Press is published three times per week during the
10-11, 11-12, 12-1, 1-3, and evenacademic year (except during recesses) by the Student Association of the
ing from 7-9.
State University of New York at Albany. The Student Association is located
Wednesdays- 10-11, H i : .
in Campus Center 346 at 1400 Washington Auenue.Albany, New York,
12203. Subscription price is $9 per year or $5 per semester. Second class
1-3.Thursdays10-11, 11-12,
mailing permit pending, Ballston Spa, New York.
12-1, 1-3.
and 2-3.
Any questions, call Ira al
thomas g. clingan
472-5096, or call the office at
managing editor
executive editor
aralynn abare
carol hughes
advertising manager
news editor
vicki zeldin
The People's Coalition for
business manager
mociate news editors
Peace and Justice will be showing
chuck ribak
roy lewis the Newsreel film "People's War"
assistant business manager
maida oringher It shows the North Vietnamese
phil mark
terry wolf society that the American war
machine is trying to destroy. All
technical editors
features editor
debbie natansohn showings are open to the public,
there is no admission charge, tindan williams associate features editor
nations are asked for.
warren wishart
John fairhall
Wednesday, March 24:
advertising layout
arts editor
7 p.m. Dutch Quad Hag
tom rhodes
linda waters room, State University uptown
circulation manager
associate arts editor
sue faulkner
michele patella
9 p.m. State Quad Hag
sports editor
room, Slate University uptown
dorothy phillip
r o bert zaremba
columns editor
jon guttman
r . j . warner THEPL-NTAGOONS!!!!
photography editor
city editor
John chow
Graduate Students! Watch for
[questionnaire on graduate education in Campus Center lobby,
Monday thru Wednesday, 10 a.m.2 pm • and in Library Lounge,
Wednesday evening. Sponsored by
New University conference.
The Albany Student Press is located in Room 326 of the Campus Center at
t % ™ TH"' i ' S ^ ° , , N e " , Y ° r t < • ' A»»"V. To reach us one calls 4572190
or 2194 The ASP was founded due to a mistake of the class of 1918 We are
funded by mandatory marijuna tax and are a membor of AP
Letters to the Editor are limited to 299 words and are subject to editing by
anyone who happens to read it first, peace.
" v
$.05 per word
TIL Hill I M I U t
Optn 10 00 * m lo «;>0 p m.. Mond.y through Sftlaiday
by Peter Cowen
The prosecution called a surprise witness to start
its case against Black Panther national Chairman
Bobby G. Seale and Ericka Huggins today.
State's Attorney Arnold Markle called Margaret
Hudgins, a one-time defendant in the Panther
slaying case who testified for the defense in an earlier
Catherine Roraback, attorney for Mrs. Huggins,
called the action "a grandstand play by Mr. Markle
to start this trial off with a lot of headlines." She
said Mrs. Hudgins came to the courthouse as a
spectator and was subpoenaed a half hour before
the start of the trial.
Seale and Mrs. Huggins face capital charges in
connection with the May 1969 slaying of Alex
Rackley, another Panther. Mrs. Hudgins faced similar charges in the Rackley slaying, but she later was
allowed to plead guilty to the lesser charge of
aggravated assault. Her sentence was limited to time
already served.
She was a defense witness in the only other trial
which has been held in the Rackley slaying, that of
Lonnie Lucas.
When Mrs. Hudgins took the witness stand,
Judge Harold M. Mulvey asked her if she would
answer questions. She replied that she would plead
the Fifth Amendment. Markle then offered her
immunity from further prosecution, but the judge
did not act immediately on the proposal.
Mulvey granted a recess until afternoon to allow
Mrs. Hudgins to consult with an attorney.
Seale and Mrs. Huggins are charged with kidnaping resulting in death and aiding and abetting
muder—offenses that carry the death penalty—plus
conspiracy to kidnap and to murder. Mrs. Huggins
also is charged with binding with criminal intent.
Syracuse to Vote on ROTC
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) - Students and faculty will vote in a
campus-wide referendum March 30 on whether to retain the Army
and Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps programs at Syracuse
The University Senate, composed of students, faculty and administrators, chose Wednesday to use the referendum to decide the
Students and faculty also will vote on what form the ROTC
programs should take if they are retained.
"Political ihcairc imaginatively
Fashioned.dcftl) acted.amusing.
moving. Righl On!"- NY TIMES
"More effective lhmnCatcli-22
hilarious bin also chilling."
a cutting!) hilarious parallel
between the events of the
Chicago trial and ihe marvelous courtroom scenes in
Alice in Wonderland."
$1.00 WITH TAX
MONDAY, MAI CH 22,1971
I: i
•ft'.- 4u^££
• ' A HI
"\"~ '^wd^SfflPNiite.
g r a f f i t i cont'd
On Tuesday, March 30, 1971,
the University Library will sponfor sale/wanted
sor an open forum on Library
policies Kid procedures in the
Free puppies: must get rid of
Campus Center Patroon Lounge at them. Call 438-6594.
2 )>.m.. Interim Director Johathan
P.. AShton and some of his staff
Free kitten. Satisfaction guarmembers will be available for disenteed or your money back.
to Acorn:
cussion and to allow the students
and faculty to openly boice their
opinions on problems of the LibGuys! Need a hair Mm? 50
rary, as they see them. Any and
cents. Call Ellen 4S7-4703.
all interested parties are encouragReward Call 7-8777.
ed to attend. It is hoped that
For Sale-'66 Ford Van. Infocampus cooperation will help to
make is successful and fruitful in Anne 489-1735.
clarifying criticisms of the Libra*****
ry. For further information, con*****
tact: Miss Christine Kirb y, Uni- Turntable with Pickering elipttcal
Bunker's Bar and Grille corversity Library, Room 205, Ph: cartridge, dust cover and base.
dially invites all friends to cele457-8565. ******
, „ .,, ,
$30.00. Call Glenn 472-5794.
brate the Birthday of Ann Bunker
Students and faculty interested
March 27. 8:30 p.m. 347 Waterin the SUNY study in Singapore
For Sale- Head
"320"skies bury.
at Nanyang University are invited with solomon toes and heel. Actfor an informal evening on Wed- ually less than two months old.
nesday, March 24 at 7:3- in PH Exc. shape. Cost me $165.00, sell
lam waiting for your call The
129. Professors Ellinwood and for $100.00. Also Henke buckle
Kalish will report on their experi- boots size II. Exc. cond. Cost me Encyclopedia Man.
ence as exchange professors, show $70, sell for $35. Call Paul
slides and answer questions about 472-6319.
Happy Birthday, Walter L..
the study program as well as
about their experiences.
For Sale- Tremolo Amp 25******
two guitars
The State University of New
York Middle East Studies Faculty bridge and pod. Hand tremolos,
Shactman knew Lenin, meet Max
Association has announced a new one case. Call for more detailsShachtman Tues., at 7:30.
study program at the American 393-8047
University of Beirut, Lebanon, be*****
ginning t h e academic year,
1966 SAAB, rebuilt engine and
Wanna improve your cool?!
transmission. $500 or best offer.
The program, in the arts and
Learn from a certified "Cool
sciences, is open to State Univer- CallDavid 436-0990.
Guy". Call Dave, 7-8820
sity of New York juniors and
seniors, preferably those interFor Sale- Nylon string guitar
ested in Middle East studies.
with case (Japanese) very nice,
Got the Hornees? Try someFurther information and appli- $30. Joe 766-3173.
thing different! Spo & Slay's Datcations are available in the Office
ing Service. 457-8827.
of the Director, Overseas AcaPolaroid 125 Land camerademic Programs, Council on Inter*****
connational Studies, 309 Townsend
dition $95.00 457-4762.
Hall. Phone: (716)831-5554.
Lainie, Are you happy now?
Love to Craig! The girl guys
For Sale- 1963 Plymouth Sta*****
tionwagon $50. Rich 457-8903.
International Student Association presents'^ lecture by S. Restrepo "Chile and Cuba:two roads
to socialism in Latin America" in
CC 315 on Thursday, March 25th
at 7:30 p.m..
Trim Van Dinh former South
Vietmanese ambassador to the
U.S., journalist, and officer in the
Viet Minn will be speaking Tuesday, March 23 at 8:00 p.m. in
LC-7 on "The Second United
States War in Indo-China." A vehement opponent of the Thieu-Ky
regime, Dinh promises to present
a very enlightening view of the
Indo-China crisis. Sponsored by
Forum on Politics and StudentFaculty Committee to End the
War in Vietnam. Funded by Student Tax.
Math Club is sponsoring a talk
on "Codebreaking" by Dr. Neil
Bragois of Williams College on
Wed., March 24 at 4:00 p.m. in
ES 143. Find out how the U.S.
secret service breaks the codes of
foreign countries. Everyone invited. Social hour 3:30 p.m. in E.S.
faculty lounge. Refreshments will
be served.
Max Shachtman International
Socialist Leader, Theoretician,
and Confidente of Leon Trotsky,
will speak on "Communism, a
Democratic Socialist Perspective."
This Tues., March 23, in CC-315
at 7:30. Sponsored by the Young
People's Socialist League and the
Political Speakers Bd. Funded by
Student Tax.
Man of La Mancha
Ski Boots-Size 9 good condition $25.00 Call Paul 459-4602.
in NYC
March 25 Thursday Night
BUMS leave Circle 3 PM, leave theatre 10:30
85 for C l a s s of '72 m e m b e r s ,
98 for n o n - c l a s s m e m b e r s
No charge for buil
On sale in CC Lobby, Mon. - Thurs., 10 AM-3 PM
You've Got It,
Snow Tires- Studded 6.50• 13.
Less than 800 miles Excellent
condition $50.00 firm. Call Paul
Panasonic AM-FM-FM'/Stereo
Receiver with turn table-2 Six inch
wood encased speakers. AFC Dust
Cover Excellent Condition $100.
firm. Call Paul 459-4602.
For Sale- Long fringe doeskin
jacket. Size 36-38. A really good
coat and buy. Also- a leather vest
&...a moustache!! Tom 457-5027.
Bubbela, you light my
House for rent? Need 3-4 bedrooms. Reasonable rent for graduate family.
Wanted: By April I, up to 3
apartment-mates, on Robin St.,
winter heating
$50-60 per month per person. Call
Kenn. 457-8615.
Girl looking for single room
with kitchen and bath facilities-or
roommate(s) and
bus route. Call
Trudy 457-7721.
Grok each other in jullness!
Apartment 1 min. from Draper.
Waterbed! Black lite room! S'A
rooms. $10.00nite. $12.50 weekends. Call 434-1967.
Wanted for September-House
suitable for 5. Maximum 10 miles
Two or three girls needed to
look for house or flat for Summer
or Fall semester. Call Diane.
Join the
Section III International
in Mohican Hall on Indian Quad.
all those
were cancelled.
T h e r e ' s still time
to book a flight.
Give us a call at 457-8327
Over the objections of local Colonie county legislators, the Albany
County Legislature approved a 1500 foot extension of the east-west
runway Friday. This measure was coupled with a request for $6.2
million in federal aid. The county's share would be $780,000. The
measure passed 26-8.
The main grounds of the objections was that this could be part of a
plan to turn Albany Airport into a jet port and still further expansion
could result, bringing in larger, noisier aircraft more frequently.
The 128-day-old strike of Utica-based Mohawk Airline has been
settled! The Airline Pilot's Association (ALPA) and the carrier agreed
that issues still unsettled on March 25 would be submitted to binding
The first flights are expected on April 1'I and full service will
resume by mid-May. But about 14 per cent of the pre-strike flights are
permanently cancelled by the airline.
The company recently announced that it had again gone into the
red last year. The amount of the deficit, about $11 million, was twice
the previous year's loss. Much of the increased loss was blamed on the
crippling strike, which began in mid-November.
Reward! $25 3-4 bedroom
house or apartment
needed for 71-72 year. Call
Urgent: September apartment
for three near busline. Call
We wish to rent a large house
for next year. Give us a break.
Call 472-7690.
help wanted
Waitresses needed:
and evenings Must have car. Call
Jean-Paul 482-4485 or 489-3456.
ABC Driving School invites
For Rent-Apt. in East Village, applications for instructors, partNYC, $10 per night per couple.:
time now, full-time during vacat482-7710 or 457-3468.
ions. 438-0853.
We Want It!
Come visit with us in suite 300 or 309
A four-month-old Albany Grand Jury ended its term this week
without handing in any official report about the South Mall. There
were widespread reports the panel was investigating alleged loansharking, price padding, missing materials and other infractions.
Two other panels are also investigating the Mall. Grand juries in
Auburn and Utica are presently probing the Mall and may be using
information passed on from the Albany panel.
Two tin and steel can recycling centers have opened in the Albany
area. Located at 10 Erie Boulevard in Albany and 6 Simmons Lane in
Menands, the centers are part of a national effort by four can
manufacturers to help the environment.
The Albany depository will be open round-the-clock; the Menands
plant ,8 to 5 every day. All size cans are accepted. Before depositing
the cans, they must be carefully washed to avoid attracting rodents,
and compacted. The easiest method of compacting is by simply
stepping on them.
The centers are run for ecological reasons only, and do not make a
profit. Scrap cans are worth $10 a ton (about 25-30 thousand cans).
The can companies involved are Continental Can Co., National Can
Co., American Can Co., and the Heekin Can Co. The recycling project
is three months old nationally.
from Europe?
will accommodate
whose flights
City News Briefs
Apartment for Summer Sublet
4 Bedrooms; near bus. Call Tom
Summer Sublel-two bedroom
A.B.G. Good luck with T.H. & apartment on Morris Street. FurC.R. ...S.K.S.& A.R.G.
nished and carpeted. $130. a
month Call 434-3468.
Slim- need runs deep like a
tunnel with a pendulum beat that
touches the heart in many directions and moves the mind in silent
reflections. 1 need you.
....Serious as Cancer.
Bob Burstein
457-5028 or
Boston APT. for summer sublet, downtown, 4 rooms, private
bedroom, $85 per month. (Could
share room and split rent). Write
or call Kevin Ducey, 193 Harrison
Ave., Boston, Mass. 02111.
Ebenezer Howard Project
Challenging opportunity
undergraduates to work with children with emotional and neurological problems in country selling.
Summer and/or full lime skilled
ami general positions available.
College accreditions available.
Send resume to: Rabbi Molel
Zajac, Administrator Maimonides
Institute/ 1415 Waterloo Place/
Far Rockaway, N. V,, 11691.
Graduates and Graduate Students in Special Education, Sociology, Psychology and Social Work
fields: Unique opjioutunity
work as un il coordinators in
Private Institute for children with
emotional ami neurological problems on a country selling. Excellent salary. Send resume lo: Rabbi
Maimonides Institute,/I4I'5 Waterloo Place/ Far Rockaway, N Y
Mayor Corning filed suit with the State Supreme court this week
against the Albany County Board of Elections to change the date of
the elected school board from this November to May, 1972.The
propostion for the elected school board was passed by a 2 to 1 margin
last November.
Among the reasons Mayor Corning gave was that the small number
of signatures needed on the nominating petition might result in an
exceedingly large number of nominations, causing a bottleneck at the
general electionHe also said the declining population of the city (the
1970 census shows it dipped below the 125,000 level of a major city)
changed the laws affecting the city and it was now mandatory for an
elected school board and the provisions of the recently enacted laws
didn't apply.
Republican State Senator Langley has introduced legislation to
keep Albany in the category of a major city (over 125,000) despite
census figures, until June 30, 1972. If his legislation passes, the school
board election will be held this November as originally proposed,
unless Coming's suit wins.
Mayor Corning, a Democrat, originally vigorously opposed the
Republican- sponsored elected school board. He held the power of
appointment of the present three-man board. If Coming's suit
succeeds and Langley's extension fails, the election will be held in
May, 1973.
Rocky's Car Insurance Bill
Could Cut Rates 33-56%
Action is being taken on the
state level to initiate no-fault
automobile insurance programs.
This new type of insurance coveraye has the twin advantages of
reducing annual premiums and
providing faster and more equitable payments.
Four main plans are before the
consideration of the legislature.
The Stewart plan pushed by
Governor Rockefeller is the most
open-ended plan. Under its provisions the victims in an auto
accident would be compensated
by the auto owner's own insurance company and the fault aspect of the accident would be
irrelevant, except when one of the
drivers involved is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other
anti-social factors.
Robert J. Bertrand, Deputy
State Insurance Superintendent,
estimates that under an enacted
Stewart Plan, the average owner's
insurance cost would decrease
33% with respect to the compulsory coverages and a 56% cost
decline for the typical insurance
package that includes non-mandated coverage.
The basic premise of how nofault insurance works is that each
individual would be paid for all
their net economic losses, including medical and rehabilitative expenses, lost income and other
related expenses, out of their driver's or car owner's insurance
company, except for unusual circumstances.
Benefits which would result
from implementation of the plan
It would compensate the victim 100% for his losses immediately. Under the present system,
the seriously injured are compensated for less than 25% of their
full economic losses. This happens
because cases drag on and on
(average victim waits 15 months
for payments) and many, in desperation, settle for less than they
are entitled to, out of court. Fully
45% of the seriously injured must
now lower their standard of living
while settlement cases drag on.
The delay, uncertainty and expense of proving fault would be
eliminated. Now, unless a victim
can prove the complete fault of
the other driver involved, he
stands to lose. If the driver mainly
at fault can prove some small
degree of fault on the part of the
other driver, the settlement can be
The civil courts would be freed
of roughly half the case burden
that now clogs them. The delays
in our present court system are
now viewed as a national shame
and scandal.
The design of safer cars would
be encouraged since those driving
unsafe cars could face higher insurance costs.
It would permit the consumer
to cover his special insurance
needs beyond the net economic
loss coverage.
Primary opposition to the
Rockefeller-backed Stewart plan
comes from lawyers and insurance
Statistics of 1968 show in liability cases in New York State,
lawyers received one billion dollars. The attorneys for those people suing—the plaintiffs—collected
eight hundred million dollars in
fees. This equals about 35% of the
actual amount awarded to the
accident victims.
At present about 56 cents of
every insurance dollar goes for
overhead and only 44 cents of
each dollar paid ever reaches accident victims for all losses.
The New York State Bar Association opposes the Stewart Bill.
It supports no-fault insurance in
general with the stipulation that
accident victims still have the opportunity to seek relief in court.
The bar-supported plan is
sponsored by Senator Hughes and
Assemblyman Crawford. Under
provisions of this plan, victims
could receive up to $2,000 in
direct payments from their own
insurance company, exclusive of
IBM Selcctric Typewriter
Experienced in all types of
1 .)•.!. UupanUtiult! Siiivii «Huasomiblu H.iius
Call 4 6 2 - 6 2 8 3
Day or Evumng
Information About lEGAt. NEW YORK
will be here
d I H O il HH
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Same Day FS—1
Barry Scott) 462-9796
90 State St., Albany
Special Half Price
Rate for Faculty
and Students
Please send me the Monitor for
D 1 year $15 a 9 mos. $11.25
• 6 mos. $7.50
I em D 'acuity Q student
D Chech/money order enclosed
Q BIN me later
Tuesday from 7-9pm
in CC346
(212) BB5-1314
New York Modlcol Ruforrol
medical bills. The right to court
procedure to determine fault will
still remain. The advantages of
immediate payment and right to
court trial for additional compensation from future pain and suffering, would both exist.
A third measure is sponsored
by Senator Gordon. The measure
is aimed at the claims of $400 or
less in actual medical expenditures. About 75% of all automobile bodily injury claims
amount to less than this figure.
For amounts under $400, the
no-fault system would be used.
The insured would be reimbursed
under the present system for
amounts over $400. In addition,
the injured person could sue for
"pain and suffering" and be compensated for up to $2,000.
Another measure is sponsored
by Assemblyman Lerner of
Queens and follows the other bills
in general in regard to no-fault
insurance. It retains a cause of
action for pain and suffering. The
bill also changes the types of
coverage different groups of people need.
no a p p o i n t m e n t
P.O. Box 11-134
Albany, N.Y. 1 2 2 1 1
FIVE CENTS off campus
'71 Stickmen Hurting For Some Good Grass
Last year's Lacrosse Team enjoyed the luxury of green fields on
which to practice. The 7 1 Squad should nevertheless be most
successful-weather or not.
"Listen to WSUA in the Late Evening"
Monday II-2 am
Linda Lowson
Tuesday 11 -2 am
Mark Smolak
Wednesday 11 -2 am
Mike Sakellarides
Thursday 11-2 am
Joe Geoco
Friday 12-4 am
Brother Nicks
Saturday 11-4 am
The Saturday Night of Gold
Sunday 11-2 am
Bob Salerni
Tuesday Night 8 pm
An interview with Joanne Tortorici, member of the
Woman's Strike Committee on the march to the State
Capitol on March 27th.
Listener voted TOP 100 II pm this Saturday Night.
by Dave Fink
An ASP Analysis
season with a broken rib, but seems to be the same
Anywhere else in the nation Lacrosse is played
guy who led the team in scoring two years ago.
outdoors, on green grass, in shorts and short-sleeved
jerseys. Except, this isn't anywhere else, this is Jakway and newcomer Dick Garlock will complement Smith very well to make the attack very
Albany. Yesterday was the first day of spring and
formidable. Seniors Mike Gottfried and John Wilcox
the Varsity Lacrosse Team was still contending with
will be the premier reserves here with the laLter
Mother Nature or Old Man Winter (they're one and
back and forth between attack and Midthe same around here). They practiced outside
which is amazing but they still had to wear bulky
Ford is very happy with the Midfield situation.
sweat suits and spend time picking the mud off their
This means depth.
Led by co-captain Kevin Sheehan, and Mark
The point is, it's not a joking matter and Coach
Werder, Ford has been very impressed with the play
Robert Ford isn't laughing. Lacrosse is supposed to
of Barry Sadoff, Bill Murphy, Tom Mullins, Jimmy
be played outdoors. Thus, it needs to be practiced
outdoors. The team's been out there for about Vh Miller, Jerry Solomon and Wilcox, who is possibly
the finest stickhandler of the bunch.
weeks. They open their season April 1 against
The defense could again be the weakest link of the
Towson (Md.) State (rated 15 in the nation last
year). Towson has been practicing on the grass since squad, but this is not to say it won't be good. It
does look improved with the addition of Bill
early February. That's some headstart.
The reason that practicing outdoors is so important Johnson, who joins holdovers Larry Thompson,
Kurt Smith and George Turow. Marshall Winkler, up
is that getting used to the way the hard rubber ball
bounces on the grass is an intricate part of the game. until this year a middle, will be on defense and will
The only way to get used to it (picking up ground probably set a great deal of aclion there. He mny
backs, handling bouncing .shots) is by playing on it. also swing to Midfield if needed.
Finally, the goaltending seems to be the bright
State Lacrosse fans—please should not become
discouraged!! All hope is not lost. The team is spot of the team. Tom Hoister, considered by many
getting there, and they have a lot with which to geL. to be the finest small college goalie around last year
That means that the picture on the whole looks will probably start. He is backed up by Bobby Cole,
a starter for two years. The team won't lose much,
good. Here's how it shapes up.
First, attack. It wouldn't take a genius to know if anything, if Bobby is in the nets.
This Thursday, the Danes take on RPI in a
we're strong here. Back for their fourth and last
years on the team are co-captains Larry Smith and scrimmage. Come out and see how good these guys
Steve Jakway. Smith was out for a good part of last are—that's as long as it doesn't snow, I mean!!
Synch Swimmers Place 4th
by Anilynn Abare
The Albany Synchronized Swim
Club placed fourth out of ten
schools in the Third Annual Eastern Intercollegiate Synchronized
Swimming Conference Routine
Competition, held here Saturday.
Ranking first in the meet was
the University of Vermont, second, SUC Brockport, and third,
Penn State. Other participating
schools were Skidmore, SUC Geneseo, CUNY Hunter College, SUC
Buffalo, SUNY Stonybrook and
Brandeis University.
Albany entered four routines in
the competition, a beginner
group, two intermediate duets,
and an advanced solo. The beginners took first place against four
o t h e r r o u t i n e s with "Alice
Through the Looking Glass."
Members of the team were Peggy
Dalheim, Denny Goldberg, Judy
Johnson, Carol Mann (alternate),
Gloria Neward, Margaret Reiley,
Bev Schmidt, and Irene Skidmore.
The duets ranked sixth and
ninth of the 13 routines entered
in this category. Sixth place
Sandy Graff and Meg Hahneswam
in "Farewell at the Grey Havens,"
and Jackie Levy and Debbie
Swalm placed ninth in "Elves
Moonlight Potion."
Freshman Maureen Melling, in
"Bazaar," placed third in advanced solo competition against
11 other swimmers.
This is the second year the
Albany Club has participated in
the stunt competition. At last
year's meet, also held here, the
SUNYA team ranked sixth out of
I 1 schools, with a first place
beginner team, plus third and
fourth place intermediate duets.
Albany coach Pat Rogers compared the two years of competition, noting that "the level of skill
ability was much better overall
than last year, especially in the
advanced solo category. Also, the
men who participated added a
new dimension to the competition; it was no longer just a girl's
Next year, the team will compete again in both stunt and routine competition, at Brandeis and
Stonybrook respectively. In addition, they plan to put on a water
£ ^
Albany Student Press 4
State Unioersity of New York at Albany
Vol. LVIII No. 24
Wednesday, March 2 4 . 1971
SUNY Applications
Increase 13%
by Bruce B. Detlefsen
AP Education Writer
State University Chancellor Ernest L. Boyer reported Tuesday a 13
percent jump so far this year in the number of applicants for
admission to 49 SUNY campuses.
Figures given by the chancellor show there now are 123,000
prospective students competing for 60,000 freshman places and
12,000 sophomore, junior and senior transfer openings. This compares
with 108,500 at this time in 1970.
Boyer's report relates to 27 state-operated campuses and 22 locally
sponsored community colleges within the SUNY system that participate in a uniform admissions program. The entire system is made up
of 70 institutions.
Boyer also said that, by the time the admissions year is concluded,
the total number of applicants for the 49 schools is expected to reach
between 140,000 and 160,000. The figure for last year was 135,000.
A university spokesman, in response to an inquiry, said the 123,000
applicants have submitted 216,049 applications lo SUNY branches.
The breakdown of applications was given as: 48,278 for the four
university centers; 90,189 for the four-year colleges; 28,019 for the
six agricultural and technical colleges; and 49,068 for the community
colleges that are in the uniform admissions program.
The university also has a central referral service through which
applicants not admitted to the college of their choice can have their
applications sent to other SUNY institutions and a small group of
private colleges that may have vacancies.
Last year, there was another admissions "crunch" that kept a large
number of high school graduates out of their first choice within the
In many cases, these candidates took an alternative, fastgrowing
route known as "two-plus-two."
That is, after failing to gain admission to a four-year college, they
went to a two-year SUNY institution with the understanding that
they would be able to transfer later to one of the colleges of arts and
sciences or university centers.
Individual units within the system have a great deal of autonomy in
Applications for admission to the 49 SUNY campuses have increased 13% this year.Where are we going
deciding which applicants get admitted. The policy in recent years has
to put everyone?
been for some candidates to be considered on the basis of special
That is, a small portion of the openings may be set aside for applicants with an exceptional interest in some specific course
offerings. In addition, SUNY branches accept hundreds of applicants
from so-called disadvantaged areas who may not meet usual entrance
SA Constitution Passes
Lampert Clarifies Results
Senate Rejects
ROTC Credit
by Bob Kanarek
The University Senate has denied credit for ROTC courses. Since
ROTC is not offered al SUNYA, the original proposal to grant ROTC
credit was directed towards transfer students who have completed
ROTC at other schools prior to enrollment at SUNYA. Discussion of
the proposal centered around the academic virtues of ROTC in regards
to course content, the qualifications of instructors, and the objectives
of the courses. The proposal was defeated on Monday by u vote of
23-27-1, reconfirming the University's policy towards ROTC
by Tom Clingan
Despite rumors to the contrary,
and a five column headline in the
ASP, the new S.A. constitution
has actually passed. A combination of factors showed that the
necessary 20% of the electorate
has voted in the referendum,
contrary to earlier reports.
According to Mike Lampert,
Vice President of Student Association, these were the reasons for
the change:
"We tried, for 3 days before the
results were in, to get the exact
figure (of undergraduate students
eligible to vote) from the Office
of Institutional Research. All we
could get was a total. This, of
course was different from two
figures contained in the Middle
States Self-Study, prepared for
the accreditation visit last February, which didn't agree with
each other, anyway. All of these
averaged around 8900, and at that
time the vote count was only
1562, which was far less than the
20% needed.
"Monday morning we found out
The Senate passed a hill that
established guidelines for Outstanding Teacher Awards. As
many as two awards a year may
he presented. Eueh award will be
$2,000 if the necessary funds are
A resolution was passed in re*
gard to the Hudson-Mohawk Assocuilion of Colleges and Universities, an associal ion lor College
cooperation in the area The resolution recommended that President Itciiwtct negotiate possible
membership in the Association if
Ins office should receive an invitation to do so. The Association was
reported to lie beneficial in furthering academic interests between member schools
Also passed were two bills establishing graduate programs leading
Lo u Doctorate degree in Anthropology and the School of Library
The University Senate approved a bill establishing guidelines for the granting of Outstanding Teacher
Awards. As many as two awards may IK1 presented. Each award will be $2,000.
that the 8900 figure included students classified as year '15.'These
people are basically businessman
and housewives taking courses at
night. As such, they are not really
members of S.A. If you subtract
these 900 'undergraduates' from
the total, you get about 8000
undergraduates as the true membership of Student Association.
The exact total is somewhat tower, and by our count twenty
percent would be 1579."
Lampert went on to explain the
change in the ballot count. "The
By Laws of S.A. mandate a double count, which was not completed before Tuesday. The results,
counted by a different group of
people, came out to 1604. The
change was so great that we
counted again, and still came out
with 1604 - 124 0 in favor, 230
opposed, and 134 abstentions.
Since the turnout was higher than
we originally thought, and the
20% figure lower, we saw that we
did indeed have the necessary
voles to pass."
The Student Affairs Council of
the University Senate must now
approve the document. The only
problem seems to be several
phrases which, according to Lampert, "were lifted verbatim from
the present constitution which
Student Affairs Council ratified in
Lampert also said that the earliest possible time that elections
could bo hold would be the hut
week in April, after residence
assignments are handed out,