PAGE 12 FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS S.A. CONSTITUTION DEFEATED SNOW REMOVAL OR SNOW JOB ? Then on June 1, 1971, the County Court. aldermen met and were informed Those indicted were: in a piece of legislation before Arnold Leto, president of the them that the cost was now being Leto Paving Company, charged as adjusted to $2.1 million total. corporate officer of the firm, with The $2.1 million story was filing fraudulent claims and grand printed in a local newspaper the larceny in the amount of $25,771, morning of June 2 and Repub- and as an individual in the amount lican District Attorney Arnold of $20,712. Proskin's probe began several days Richard Leto, his brother, later. charged with filing fraudulent The case was given to the April claims and grand larceny in the term of the grand jury, which amount of $22,477. subpoenaed Mayor Corning in AuLeo Demeris, charged with filing gust to produce all city records on fraudulent claims and grand larthe snow removal. The mayor and ceny in the amount of $25,771. a couple of aides delivered several Leto Paving Company, Fuller cardboard cartons filled with Road, charged with filing fraudvouchers, checks and warrants to ulent claims and grand larceny in the jury room where they were the amount of $25,771. tagged and receipted. Corning City Alderman Joseph Lynn Jr., testified briefly in the secret ses- of the Fourth Ward, and Marvin sion, presumably identifying the Tanksley, of the Third, charged records. with violation of Section 805 of Contractors and their employees the Municipal Law. They are were subpoenaed in subsequent charged with having a direct interweeks, along with their books. est in city contracts as a result of Corporate and individual records payments made to them for work began to be matched against city performed during the winter. records of payment. Lynn received $3,264; Tanksley, All the while, the grand juries $5,368. Both men are Democrats were forced to meet on a frequent in the all-Democratic Common basis, usually weekly, to accept Council. evidence or question a witness. Joseph Leto, also a brother of The investigation moved quietly Arnold Leto, who was charged through the fall and early winter after Ihe original indictments were until the jury handed up the made on February 11. indictments on February 11 in The day the indictments were served, the attorney for the Leto Brothers, Gene Spada, charged that Republican political machinations are behind the indict1 MILE NORTH OF LATHAM CIRCLE-RT 9 ments, and that dawn arrests of "Starting TODAY MARCH the men—in front of their chil12th dren—were "totally unnecessary." WEEKDAYS FRI-SAT &s He charged that Albany District 7:00-9:00 PM Attorney Arnold Proskin "is proceeding along the lines dictated by the Republican powers that be," lines which he said were drawn by former Assemblyman Raymond C. Skuse acting as a mouthpiece for county GOP Chairman Joseph Frangella. "This is an election year and it seems to me an obvious attempt "•• — Honest Bob, at publicity,..(to) place the DemoUnderground Prosa Syndicate cratic organization in a bad light," he stilted. Not only are the Letos innocent, he claimed, but they were underpaid for the work they performed after the massive snowfall. Spada further charged that the The events concerning the Albany snow removal costs for last winter came to the limelight again "'this week in court action, but to understand' the complicated matter, « review of the events is necessary. The snow removal matter began more than a year ago, on Christmas Day, 1989, a Thursday. Between Thursday and Sunday, a total of 26.4 inches came down, rendering the streets and highways of the entire Capital District impassable. In Albany, dozens of trucks, plows, front-end loaders, graders and bucket scoops were pressed into the fight as first the main artery, and eventually the secondary streets, were opened. City officials were operating under emergency strains. It was not until January 22, 1971 that Mayor Erastus Corning announced that the cleanup would cost a "minimum" of $300,000 in addition to the $239,000 already budgeted for snow and ice removal. The mayor said a special section of the law allowed him to bond the emergency expense and the amount rose to $500,000 when the bond issue was presented to the Common Council for approval in February, meaning the total cost had now risen to well over $700,000. m TOWNE TOWNEITZ A great rock-'n-roll movie about the best rock-'n-roll band in the world. _ _ "-.£S£>J The Rolling Stones GIMME USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT CARD BRING YOUR DATE Entertainment 7 Nl|hts W The Blue Apple Jack* l b * * * 1*17 Union St. Sch'dy Neufeld, S.A. President, in giving the returns, said, "To the best of The much-publicized Student our knowledge and belief, it did Association new constitution not pass." failed to pass in last week's referThe same went for the other endum by over 200 votes. This is two questions appearing on the the opinion of the officers of same ballot with the constitution. Student Association after long dis- Both the question of MYSKANIA cussion on exactly how many composition (passed, 1095- 265undergraduate students there are. 202) and the nomination of SuThough the vote was over- preme Court judges (passed, 795whelmingly in favor of the new 432- 335) needed a similar 20%, constitution (1170 yes, 209 no, which neither achieved. One of the more interesting as183 abstain), the measure apparently did not draw the neces- pects of the defeat is the utter sary 20% of the electorate. David lack of knowledge about the size by Tom Clingan who worked tor the city (during attorney to show cause why cersnow removal) have appeared be- tain specific relief should be grantfore the grand jury." ed" was argued before Judge Proskin, in his press conference Schenck. minutes after Spada had made his The tables were turned when remarks, termed the defense coun- district Attorney Proskin was sel's charges "not even worthy of charged with misconduct by atcomment. There is no truth to the torneys for Leo Demeris. He was allegations." accused of currying the favor of Spada said he hoped the mat- the grand jurors by inviting them ter could be brought to trial. into his home and serving them The district attorney said the mat- a l c o h o l i c beverages. Judge ter would be placed on the court Schenck reserved decision on the calendar and a trial would prob- defense motion. ably not be held for at least six At a news conference after the months. hearing, comments were made by Proskin also announced that the b o t h Demeris' attorney and investigation would continue for Proskin. three or four months. A t t o r n e y Kohen states: "The This week the trials began for DA entertained in his home memthose indicted. Joseph M. Lynn bers of the very grand jury that Jr., Alderman from the Fourth brought in these indictments and Ward, was cleared Tuesday of a that, an irregularity and an ofmisdemeanor charge resulting fense that is legally considered from last year's snow removal almost indescribable." program. The ruling by County Proskin denied the misconduct Judge Schenck dismissed the in- charge but admitted that grand dictment on the grounds that jurors came to his home at their grand jury minutes showed no request to review transcripts of evidence of an essential element the county jail investigation. He of the alleged crime, the "willful said that they had also met several and knowing" violation of the times in various offices. Proskin General Municipal Law. said no drinks were served and Alderman Lynn was the first of snow removal was never discussed. six persons indicted by the grand He said the statements by Reuben jury to go to trial. and Richard Kohen were personal In a related point brought out in political attacks. Tuesday's trial, Common Council "I am not backing down on President Richard J. Conners tes- anything that I'm doing. I'm not tified that Lynn was not a going to be scared off. If someone member of the Council in Decem- wants to attack me, personally, ber 1969, when the original funds that's all well and good but as far for snow removal were budgeted. as I'm concerned there's been no City records show Lynn was paid improprieties conducted by meout of the original fund appropri- —by me or by any member of my ated. office. Wo have walked a fine line Ci ty Comptroller Ho f fma n to make sure we handle things in a stated that the supplemental most proper basis." bonds approved in June 1970 It appears that things don't have never been sold. change much in Albany. A few On Wednesday, the day after weeks ago Mayor Corning made Lynn's trial, Alderman Marvin some announcements about this Tanksley arrived at County Court winter's (1970-71) snow removal. for trial and to testify before the In two separate announcements continuing grand jury but neither he stated that the Leto Brothers proceeding took place. Distric At are still employed for snow retorney Arnold Proskin postponed moval with the city and that the the trial The grand jury was also city had again overrun its budget temporarily recessed. due to excessive snowfall this sea On Thursday, a show cause, son. (The total accumulation for signed by County Judge Martin this winter of about eight feet was Schenck, "directing the district the highest for this century.) Groove Tube is Coming March 19 and 2 0 Sponsored Campus Center by Governing Board Funded by Student Tax of the undergraduate class. By accepted definition, anyone taking undergraduate courses is a member of Student Association. Under 6 credits per semester, students pay nothing. General studies (not towards any degree) is also free. All of these people get tax cards, so all must be counted in any real estimation of the size of S.A. Such an estimate runs as high as 9,000. Other figures range from 8,000 and up. In any case, the 1562 ballots cast are only 20% of 7810, a number which is way too low to be an adequate repre- sentation of undergraduate class ' of the ballot with other questions. "It's very difficult to get people size. According t o S.A. Vice- to vote on constitutions," said President Mike Lampert, a re- Neufeld. The apathy coat Student definition ot the membership Association, besides aggravation, would be impossible now because some $200.00 in election costs. If the constitution has another try at "since everyone gets a tax card, anyone could have voted." He the polls, the cost will be at least another $200.00. went on to say that, barring any conflicting information about the An emergency meeting of Cennumber of undergrads from the tral Council has been called for Administration, the constitution Tuesdayto determine what course did not pass. of action will be taken. Neither Cited as major reasons for the Neufeld nor Lampert would disappointing turnout were genespeculate about what Council will ral apathy and the complication do. FIVE CENTS off campus Albany Student Press 4 State Uniuersitu of New York at Albany Vol. LVIII No. 2 0 Monday, March 15, 1971 Council Considers Proposal For Non-Mandatory Board by Allen Altman Next year resident students may have the option of taking board plans. - -goodman The Living Area Affairs Commission's proposal calling for the separation of room and board plans and making the board plan non-mandatory was the center of discussion at Thursday night's Central Council meeting. Robert Cooley, Executive Director of the Faculty Student Association, appeared at the meeting to answer questions and to clarify his position. The consequences that would be involved in abolishing the mandatory plan were discussed in length. Cooley's opinion was that if room and board plans were separated, the price of board, which is already being increased by 5% next year, would have to be raised even further. Cooley also suggested that it might be possible to go to a straight cash basis in all cafeterias, eliminating the contract meal plan entirely. The result of this plan would be to raise prices of food even more. Dean Perlmutter to Leave College of Arts and Sciences by Vicki Zeldin programs must go together. The graduate program is a superstructure on the undergraduate which must be fully developed first." "Great graduate professors should have contact with undergraduates," he added. Concerning the issues of tenure and promotion and the phenomenon of the "publish or perish" syndrom Perlmutter slated, "There are some men who are very famous in their fields who don't have Ph.D's. rather they are recognized by their achievements. A good teacher is close to his students, but also close to the materials in his field." Perlmutter slated that, "the eight year span between high school and college needs a major overhaul." He noted his dislike of the highly structured educational system which requires " x " numbers of credits to graduate, and went tm to say, "courses are a means not an end." "One's progress should be evaluated by his achievement in large areas rather than in pieces," he added. The dean would like to see a de-emphasis of the lecture system. He felt that the undergraduate your* should allow for more independent study, and more off campus field work and experiences. Perlmutter also stated that he would like to see more seminars and small group discussions. "I love teaching," stated Perlmutter. "I've maintained a full teaching career while I've been dean," he concluded. Dr. O. William Perlmutter will leave his position as Ihe dean of the College of Arts and Sciences this August. Perlmutter, who served as dean for five years, will remain at the university as a professor in political science and sociology. He will also serve as a special consul I an I ID Piesideni Betiozet in the area of educational planning. "I feel that I could be more effective as u member of Ihe faculty," commented Perlmutter, "The lime was ripe for a change in leadership," he added. Perl inn Iter worked extensively with I lie univer sity's international studies program this year. He staled, "this year I was not doing the day to day administrative chores." Perlmutler was instrumental in forming the freshman summer language program which allows a student to go abroad to pursue study in any of six differeul languages. The program grants close to a semester's credit to an Incoming freshman enrolled in Ihe program. Perlmutter eventually hopes to see international student and faculty comprise from 5% to 1 0% of the university. The clean stated that he would like to see Albany have a "first rate undergraduate program." He termed Albany's current program as, "average, on the level of the Ohio or Illinois state schools." Discussing the university's future direction, Perlmutter stated, "the undergraduate and graduate With a separate board plan, Food Service wouldn't be able to predict student demand and plan ahead. The effects that a separate board plan would have on the dorms also entered into the discussion. Dick Wesley, Central Council Member, pointed out that the dorms are incapable of handling any more electrical equipment that would come about as a result of student cooking. Due to inadequate electricity in the dorms, any increase in refrigerators or hot plates could- cut off all electricity in the dorms. Furthermore, the dorms would turn into dirty rat infested areas from the cooking of food as it has occurred in other colleges that have tried the separate board plan. This would lead to serious health problems in the dorms which couldn't be tolerated. Mike Lampert, Vice President of Student Association, brought out the point that whatever is decided about the separate room and board plan, it will infringe upon the rights of somebody. Though Cooley cited that he had no personal objections to the separate room and board plan, he wanted everyone involved to be aware of the problems that would arise Reasons given by Cooley for the 5% raise in board next year involved the rising costs of food and labor. In the past year the cost of labor and food has risen 20%. Food Service has only asked for a 5% increase because of large savings realized through tighter control of dining areas during meal hours allowing only contract meal holders in. This resulted in a 15% reduction in costs in one quad alone. Other Business By u near unanimous vote, Central Council gave its support to the newly proposed Assembly Bill No. 4635 (1971-72) which calls for legalization of marijuana. The bill would legalize the sale of marijuana by licensed sellers such as Pharmacies to anyone over 18 years of age. Notice of Central Council's support of the bill will be mailed to Governor Rockefeller, both Senators, and each assemblyman. After an hour's debate, Council by a 9-4-12 vote decided to allocate $524 to Sweet Fire to help fund the next two issues. Jack Schwartz, editor of the paper, was present to answer any questions.— 0 . William Perlmutter will leave his position as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in August. - -photo service MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 2 MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 Father Murphy Back from fALL RIGHT. I SUPPOSE THAT AS CAJAPVS WokHERS 'ImJmFu AHYWAY SOFeELFKEBTO fAlX AND MP WITH m m&ffiffri Tmrwm WAHtTOKEEP YOUH JOBS YOU WON'T «f imuENcep. "Workers of the World...." OF COM*, IF W — WW &m _ Kick-in-the-ASP wants you! (your a d v e r t i s i n g , t h a t is) This annual farce will be published on May 1st and we'd like you to advertise in it. The nature of this paper is satirical and we'd like the ads to have a humorous tone. Ads for this issue are limited to on-campus groups or individuals. The rate, for this issue only, will be $1.50 per column inch. To submit ads or for more information, contact Jeff or Dan in the ASP office, CC 334; or give us a call at 457-2190. "It gets me in the gut. I can no longer take this kind of fcallousness of this racist policy in Vietnam as part of America. The war is not ending just because Americans are not dying." "For most Americans, the war is marginal. The war doesn't mean as much to them as what they eat for breakfast or what they watch on television." To Father James Murphy and Ken Ediund, after meeting with principals of the Paris Peace Talks and representatives of various church and student groups from Asia, the Vietnam war is a personal concern. "1 can understand why Father Berrigan took the position he did after returning from Vietnam," Father Murphy continued. "The issue is so clear. We are in the wrong!" Ken Ediund, who represents the Capital Area Peace Center, said, "The American public has been told that through Vietnamization, the war will end. Vietnamization is only changing the color of the trigger finger. Our presence will continue through American men, American arms, and American money. We will still be causing civilian casualties and prolonging the war." "Most Americans have never heard the other side. We listened to the North Vietnamese. The issue in America is to get out. Everybody wants us out except the Saigon Government. How can we get out by invading two other countries? I think most Americans are looking for an end of this war!" The Vietnamese are very nationalistic. "They don't want foreign intervention," Futher Murphy summarized. "I don't think we've gotten the whole story of the war. The only impression we got," after the week long conference in Paris, "was Americans weren't wanted in Vietnam." "The Buddhists and Catholics don't always agree and neither always agrees with the NLF; but, all agree Americans must get out. We found more hostility to Americans than to the North Vietnam- by John A. Denney SDS An ASP Column SUNYA bends over backwards in its attempts to appear as a benevolent open-minded university. Very little restrictions are placed on either the political or curricular areas, and school sponsored volunteer social programs allow students to partake in social work (with credit) beneficial to the under privileged people in the Albany area. The true nature of the university is quite detached from the image which it creates. The university is a forum where racist and anti-working class ideology is taught in almost every course. It is a place where police go to receive advanced instruction on how to be "professional", i.e. the best ways to infiltrate radical groups, foster interracial strife, and in general, the most effective ways to maintain state power for the ruling class. For the workers, the university doesn't even attempt a facade but acts according to its true nature as a tool of the ruling class. The case of Bill Krupka is but the latest example of the repression which SUNYA administers to its workers. Because Bill did not treat his boss like God, Bill is to be fired on April 1, forced to join the growing ranks in America's oldest tradtion, unemployed workers. It is the duty of students to see the true nature of SUNYA and unite with the struggle of the campus workers since harrassment is the order of the day rather than the exception. This task will not be easy by any means, for the university has almost everything in its favor. In Bill's case, he was forced to sign a statement agreeing he was an unsatisfactory worker, only Lo find out later that by doing so, he "legally" gave the university the right to fire him. Neither will the university sit back and watch students and workers fighting together without using all its resources in an attempt to drive a wedge between the two groups. To insure Bill's job, and eventually that of all workers at SUNYA, students must actively struggle to expose the university, and through mass action demand that Bill not be fired and all harrassment of campus workers end. Don't fire Bill Krupka. Paris: "U.S. Prolonging Vietnam War" by J. Stephen Flavin BY THOSE PEG-BNERATi ese or the Viet Cong." Who represents the Vietnamese? Father Murphy claims the Paris Peace Talks are stalled over this issue. "Each side says the other side is irrational. Saigon claims legitimacy. The North Vietnamese say the Saigon Government is nothing but an extension of the U.S. There can be no cease fire until the Americans leave. A cease fire means the continuation of the American pressure and that is what the war Is about!" Father Murphy quoted a member of the American delegation to the Paris Peace Talks as saying, "If you think this is a civil war, you'll never understand the U.S. position." While the Paris Peace Talks and the war they hope to resolve drag on, the fate of the prisoners of war haunts the American public. Hanoi claims the American prisoners of war are war criminals. Despite this, Hanoi also claims the prisoners are being well treated and "get better rations than North Vietnamese citizens! Hanoi has told Ambassador Bruce to set a date for the withdrawal of U.S. forces, "then we will have a cease fire, then we will release prisoners. If you can't tell us this week, then come back next week." Ediund urges, "We must change the course of this country; if not, we are going to make such a vast commitment we are not going to be able to take care of ourselves." Ordinary people are not gaining anything from foreign policy. "You can easily see the critical problems in our society." Father Murphy challenges us to "grow out of the idea of building an American Empire. Nothing we can do short of dropping an atomic bomb will beat these people or stop them from fighting us. We must withdraw immediately," "Our taxes pay for the war; our men fight the war. Only through deep and continual protest of this war by the American people will it end," declared Father Murphy. Ediund remarked, "We hear so much about VieLnam, but learn so little." Student Health Service Stand on Gynecological albany student press The Albany Sludenl Pross is published three limes per weuk during tin 1 academic year (except during recesses) b y the Student Association of t l » ' Slate University of Now York at A l b a n y . The S l u d e n l Association is located in Campus Center 3 4 6 at 1100 Washington A v e n u e . A l b a n y . N e w Y o i k , 12203. Subscription price is $ 9 per year or $ 5 per semester. Second class mailing permit pending, Ballston Spa, N o w Y o r k . editor-in-chief thomas g. clingan managing editor executive editor aralynn abare 1971GRAND FLOWER SHOW PRESENTED BY THE ALBANY FLORISTS' CWB MATCH 15 THROUGH 2 0 OPEN MON. THRU SAT UNTIL 9:30 • ROUTE 5 AND THE NORTHWAY advertising manager carol hughes news editor Jeff rodgers business manager chuck ribak assistant business manager phil mark technical editors sue seligson dun Williams warren wishart advertising layout tomrhodes circulation manager sue faulkner \grafjili/classijied dorothy phillip \graphies jon gunman photography editor sieve de young vickUeldh. associate news editors r<, y|e"is Sller ,err V wolf m a i d a orlll features editor debbic "»t;"ls"h" '•«'"''"'"' features editor John lairlia arts editor linda water. associate arts editor mkhiW Paklla sports editor r bcr l8remb " ' " columns editor r.j.warne. city editor mikeelhs Once again tha clasi of 1916 presents T H E ASP, tha In-sound live(?l from room 3 2 6 in tha Campui Cantar. (For bookings, call 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 or 21941. They're an anarchiilic group held together somehow by mandatory student tacks. T H E ASP's repertoire Is perennially stolen from others. Matorial is limited to 300 notes and Is subject to butchering by Jlml Townsend, our load guitar. Dig Itl loNuui: Beware the Idas of Marc" PAGE 3 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Explains Services referral agent to both Planned guidelines established for proIn view of the questions being Parenthood and the Family Plan- viding medical care through the raised concerning the availability ning Unit of the Albany Medical Student Health Service, the Uniof gynecological services through Center, or to private specialists versity has no alternative but to the Student Health Service, the when the student so desires. This secure parental permission before following statement is issued by the Student Health Service in an procedure is in keeping with State providing certain types of medical University of New York policy treatment to students. This stipueffort to clarify those services that which suggests that students lation is common in medical pracare currently available. should be referred to community tice and normally requires parental permission for students The State University of New agencies when such agencies are available for conception control, under the age of 21. In such York at Albany provides through counseling, and treatment. In view m a t t e r s as c o n c e p t i o n conthe Student Health Service medtrol, abortion, and serious gynecocial treatment for all ill or injured of the number of physicians and logical problems, the University students. The Health Service was agencies in the capital district, the feels that it is both reasonable and established to provide medical care establishment of a full-fledged judicious to secure such parental for enrolled students exclusively. conception control clinic on consent, The medical staff does provide campus would not only represent The Student Health Service atemergency care and referral for a duplication of services currently tempts to provide the best posfuculty, staff, and visitors, but available in the community, but sible care for all students, indoes not include general medical also a strain on limited resources cluding gynecological services. services for non-students. In view currently available for direct medConsidering the limitation of of increasing costs and budgetary ical care to all students. In addition to conception con- funds available for student health, restrictions in the State of New as well as priorities for the expenYork, serious consideration is be- trol, counseling, and referral, the diture of funds, it is our hope that ing given to a review of student medical staff provide abortion such services will continue to be health services available on State counseling and referral for any students. In view of the legal provided at the best possible level. University campuses. The Student Health Service currently provides free gynecological examinations for any female students. Staff physicians are available for treatment of routine gynecological problems. In addition, a consulting gynecologist is available for more serious problems which require the attention of a specialist. At the present t i m e , a p p r o x i m a t e l y threequarters of the gynecological problems brought to the Student. has introduced a bill that would prevent the SST from Health Service are adequately landing in New York airports. His bill already has 66 handled by staff physicians without necessitating a referral to the co-sponsors. It needs 10 more votes to pass. gynecological specialist. Among the questions that are Come and hear Assemblyman STEIN speak about why frequently referred to the Student Health Service are those relating the SST backers are afraid of his bill. to conception control. At the present time, the Student Health Tuesday n i g h t , March 16 at 7 PM in t h e Services provides for students conc e p t i o n 0 on I r ol informution Page Hall Auditorium, down on t h e old c a m p u s . through educational programs and literature, as well as through individual contact with staff physi-Sponsored by New Democratic Coalitioncians. Additionally, the Student Health Service serves as a primary Anti-American demonstrators. Food Co-op Aids , , [AP Wirephoto] Consumer by Howard Mahler "The Food Co-op is a dynamic force toward developing community spirit and community protection against capitalist oppression of the consumer." Many such co-ops are now in existence throughout the country. A group of people in the Albany community found wholesale food markups in retail stores as high as one hundred to three hundred percent. In response they opened a Food Co-op four weeks ago at 111 Dove Street in order to end exploitation by local merchants. The Food Co-op process is simple. Members of the co-op go to the local wholesale markets on Tuesdays and purchase bulk quantities of eggs, vegetables and fruits. They return to 111 Dove Street, the co-op center, and fill orders requested by people in the community. The produce is retailed at wholesale price. A twenty percent service charge is attuched to cover overhead costs such as rent (forty dollars per month), electricity, heat, and paper bags. Profits are directed toward a better and an expanded service. Interested students and community members supervise the co-op. Their services are available to everyone. The center is open on Thursdays and Fridays from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Anyone interested in participating is requested to go to the co-op center and sign up. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Campus C e n t e r 334 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, N.Y. 12203 457-2190 CLASSIFIED AD FORM Please place the following C l a s s i f i e d Ad i n t h e ___________________^__ i s s u e ( s ) of t h e ASP. — -* SSTop the SST. Assemblyman Andy Stein Name Address Phone Rate: $.05 p e r word $ enclosed CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS APPEAR ONLY IN FRIDAY ISSUES OF THE ASP. D e p o s i t i n ASP C l a s s i f i e d Campus C e n t e r I n f o r m a t i o n mail t o above ac'.dress. Box a t Desk, or Ads must be r e c e i v e d by Wednesday a t 6 p.m. f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g F r i d a y i s s u e MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 4 MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 PAGE 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Electronic yg. Closncol Conflict In Sound The Jazz Scene by Bill Brina F S T V L 71 /University Band Concert by Bob Rosenbloom This is the LAST week for Senior Yearbook Portraits (Class of 72) Sign up now at CC Information Desk. Best of Buddy Rich (Pacific Jazz): When an album title begins with "Best of..." it usually contains either very good music, or very bad music. This is mostly because of the ambiguity inthe word "best." Does it mean most popular or most creative? Well in Buddy Rich's case his m o s t p o p u lar songs are usually his m o s t creative, which is what makes this collection so good. The only trite selection is "Merc y . " T h o s e familiar with the Rich b a n d have probably heard it hefore. It c o m e s equipped with an A m e r i c a n Indian war d a n c e , a n d a s t r i p p e r b e a t . Phil Wilson, who w r o t e t h a t particular chart, has a d m i t t e d it is merely a put-on; his w o r d s are good enough for m e . "Norwegian Wood" has s o m e excellent drumming b y Rich and is a good arrangement. " N e w Blues" has some nice trumpet and sax voicings and a pretty melody. "West SideStory" is another Rich trademark and has all b u t b e c o m e his theme. His fills are powerful and he drives the band through the many phases of the Medley. Rich is not usually a very interesting soloist, but o n this particular track he o u t d o e s himself, giving one of the most outstanding drum solos on record. His amazingly fast hands are well integrated with nimble feet and t h e accests a n d paradiddles c o m e at you like bullets. " L o v e F o r S a l e " is well w r i t t e n with s o m e m o r e excellent accomp a n i m e n t b y Rich. His s h o r t break is especially effective. tmaaatumaaaiMaaaaaatxx Home is where the heart is. Sometimes. But what do you do when that special place (or face) is miles and miles away? With a TWA Youth Passport you can fly there almost any time you get the inclination. Because you fly at discounts—on over 20 airlines in the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada and within countries overseas. And you get a whole world of fun —at fantastic savings: * Vi off regular coach fares on any TWA plane. On a standby basis in the continental U.S. There are no lower youth fares available! * Hotel discounts—up to 50%— at Hilton, Sheraton and Pick hotels in the U.S. and Caribbean. * Discounts at Aspen and Vail. On I ift tickets, meals, ski lessons and rentals. * Ca rllscounts in Europe. On renting, buying or leasing. * Travelers Check discounts—Vz off onThos. Cook and Son Travelers Cheques. * 700 exclusive discounts at hotels, shops and restaurants around the world. * Plus free 1WA hospitality parties in Paris, London and Amsterdam—every week during the summer! To receive your Youth Passport, just mail in the coupon with your check or money order. Do it now. And follow your heart. Name (please print) ® Youth Passport Adrjrcss Cily /IJI Code Dais (il Birth Month YOUTH FARE IDENTIFICATION CARD APPLICATION FOR AGES 12 THRU 21 Mill to: Trim World Airllnoi P.O. a » 2992 Clinton, Iowa 92712 Hair Color S3.00 Fee paid by. Day rear I ye Color Chuck [ ] Male | | Female I I Money Order I I MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: TWA {Net refundable 0 0 NOT MAIL CASH! Signature 1-067-2- UM Two branchesof "serious" music flexed their muscles at Albany State this weekend, with decidedly mixed results. Friday night Fstvl 7 1 , a potpourri of electronic music, presented Sal Martirano's L's G.A. (Lincoln's Gettysburg Address), with films by Ronald Nameth, preceded b y Michael Holloway reading some of his poetry. Holloway was entertaining and amusing in a kind of b e f u d dled way, a Richard Brautigan-type with a certain flair and charm but sadly lacking in Brautigan's childlike whimsicality and altogether too contrived. L's G.A. was more "Channel 1 S u i t e " features an excelllent e x t e n d e d solo by Don Menza (partially a capella) and a s h o r t b u t s p r i g h t l y contribution by t h e great altoist A r t Pepper. The song has a lot of drive and is marred o n l y b y t w o tasteless inc e r p t s b y Rich himself. This is a good a l b u m for someo n e w h o is o n l y tangentinlly interested in t h e m u s i c of Buddy Rich. His m o r e e n t h u s i a s t i c fans should get t h e originals. Dizzy Gillespie—Cornucopia (Solid S t a t e SS 1 8 0 6 1 ) : Dizzy Gillespie, t h e m a n w h o , along with Charlie Parker, revolutionized jazz, h a s c o m e a long way in m a n y different directions. In this album he is in a setting of largely over-heard, over-used and over-rated s o n g s , and the struggle b e t w e e n t h e good a n d the ugly is sometimes i n t e r e s t i n g . Don S e b e s k y ' s i n c o n s i s t e n t arranging m a k e s t h e a l b u m equally inconsistent. T h e o p e n e r , "Windmills of Your M i n d , " is b r i g h t and swinging after a b u c o l i c beginning and features a lively a l t o solo by Jerome R i c h a r d s o n , and Dizzy's trumpet T h e a r r a n g e m e n t c o m p l e m e n t s rather than i m p e d e s . Gillespie tries to be sensitive on " A m o u r " hut the pitfalls of such a dismal song nearly d o h i m in. On the Bealle c o n t r i b u t i o n " G e t B a c k " Diz digs into his hag of h o m e m a d e cliches, b u t t h e t h i n g swings on the whole It is a difficult task deckling w h e t h e r o r n o t S e b e s k y ' s "Yester d a y ' s D r e a m " is beautiful or not T h e way Mr. G. handles ii, il ends up s o u n d i n g likea classic-beaut if id chord e x t e n s i o n s , d o u b l e time, fantasti c rhythmic varial ion, squeezed notes- the whole schmeer. " L o r r a i n e , " n song Dizzy named for his wife, is a gentle blues rocker with t h e master himself on m u t e d t r u m p e t a device that puts him in the u n t o u c h a b l e sphere II is an interesting contrast when he removes the m u l e in midstream " H a p p y D a y " a n d " B o t h Sides N o w " never gels off the ground " T n n g o r i n e , " nil old Gillespie f.i vorite, is faded mil jsiil as he begins lo gel hoi Of course this a l b u m is good Gillespie is o n e of o u r greatest artists a n d adds quality to what ever ground lie treads. But lo do tin a l b u m like this is soria like "look Mn, iu) hands " I ran'I *ee p o p music lovers b u y i n g a G tiles pie a l b u m , hut if they d o , .ill power to him, T h e concept of i jazz musician playing popular nni sic of his t i m e is not new 01 neeessa lily b a d , ho we ve r (Dig Louis A r m s t r o n g in Ins prime 1 But to lake h i m out of his natural e n v i r o n m e n t is inviting an artist i< (and possibly even commercial) disaster. If Gillespie played those songs in his o w n quintet or within (he c o n t e x t of a band of the Thud Jones-Mel Lewis ilk, t h a t ' s some thing else again Gillespie does r e m a r k a b l y well here despite all (Kids. So if y o u ' r e a Gillespie freak (like 1 a m ) or have a hit til extra m o n e y on y o u r hands (like I d o n ' t ) or just like t h e songs, then it's w o r t h getting. After all, mi pure gold is still gold. notable for the films accompanying t h e score than for the score itself. While Holloway stood o n stage as the gas-masked politico t w o simultaneous 1 6 m m projectors flashed varying slides and projections while a third showed a representation o f the politico, still gas-masked, in various swooping poses o f power. T h e presentaiton seemed to b e an indictment o f war, politicians, and the like. L's G.A. was oddly moving and powerful at times but tended t o fall into cliched and stereotyped statements t o o often. The finale was incongruous—a pastoral scene portrayed o n film, the politico lying dead(?), and a snatch of Pirn® Virta®§® P(srf®innfi}§ T<orai:ktt •potakouiaki Harry Noon & Night " P a s s e s " will be available at the Performing Arts Center b o x office for t h e open dress rehearsal of " H a r r y , Noon and N i g h t " starting Monday, March 15th and will be available t h e s a m e h o u r s thru the week as long as t h e r e are passes left. Performances are Friday and Saturduy at 8 : 3 0 in t h e S t u d i o Theatre. Passes are good only until 8 : 1 5 . No reserved seats. ft***** Gallery An exhibition of w o r k s by such artists as Picasso, Chagall, Miro, Renoir, G o y a and o t h e r s will b e on display at S t a t e University of New York at Albany C a m p u s Center for two d a y s beginning tonight. Contemporary United Stales, European a n d J a p a n e s e works will also be on display a m o n g s o m e 1,000 original etchings, lithographs, and w o o d c u t s . Prices range from $ 5 to $ 1 , 0 0 0 . The exhibition, arranged through the F e r d i n a n d R o l e n Galleries of Baltimore, will take placein t h e Campus Center from 1 0 : 0 0 a.m. to 5:00 p . m . b o t h d a y s , and from 6 : 0 0 p . m , to 9 : 0 0 p . m . o n March 15. Several s t u d e n t s of t h e a t r e at the Slate University of New York at Albany are eligible for t h e coveted "Award of E x c e l l e n c e " for participation in the third annual American College T h e a t r e Festival. T h e festival is the first national progra m u nd e r I he overall direction of the new J o h n F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Actual production ar ra n ge m c u t s a re be ing coordinated by the American Educational T h e a t r e Association. T h e American College T h e a t r e Festival began last fall when 239 p r o d u c t i o n s were judged locally. S i x ty-seven were selected to participate in ten regional festivals during January and February. Ten finalists to be announced February 22 will attend t h e nation festival in Washington from March 23 Ihorugh April 6. S t u d e n t s at the State University of New York, Albany, passed t h e first plateau when their p r o d u c t i o n of " H a r r y , Noon, and Night'" was selected for the recent regional festival al Williamsport, Pa., thus making t h e m eligible for the final selections. Both cast and production personnel in entries selected for the finals will receive the " A w a r d Excellence." M o n d a y , March 1 5 , 1971 is t h e date set for t h e a p p e a r a n c e of t h e famous piano virtuoso, Frederic Rzewski. Considered o n e of t h e foremost figures of the avantgarde, Rzewski has successfully performed his music before t h e audiences of t h e major cities of Europe and America. He has been heralded as " O n e of the few pianists with enough technical brilliance to play t h e difficult scores (jf m o d e r n c o m p o s e r s . " Spanish Note T h e Spanish 321 class of Dr. E.A. Riggio will present a dramatic reading of " E l A u t o d e la Sibila C a s a n d r a " by Gil Vicente. T h e play c o n c e r n s itself with t h e shepherdess-prophetess Cassandra w h o refuses to marry because she believes herself destined to be t h e virgin m o t h e r of t h e Christ Child. T h e actual Nativity then takes place, and a m u c h h u m b l e d Cassandra asks forgiveness and joins in adoration of the Virgin and Child. Although the play itself is basically a fifteenth c e n t u r y "instruct i o n a l " religious play, it c o n t a i n s n u m e r o u s c o m i c e l e m e n t s , and has been u p d a t e d through the addilion of m o d e r n music for t h e original songs. T h e " a u t o " will take place at 7:30 p . m . in HU 3 9 . Admission is free and all are w e l c o m e . A c o m p o s e r a n d teacher, he is also a founder o f M.E.V. (Musica Electronica Viva). He has been a Fulbright, Rockefeller, and F r o m m F o u n d a t i o n fellow, and Ford Foundation composerin-residence in Berlin. His compositions include over 20 pieces. He has recorded for R C A ltaliana, P o l y d o r , Mainstream, BYG Records, Wergo, a n d Deutsche Gramo p h o n Gessellschaft. He has been a guest artist at t h e music festivals of Venice, Avignon, Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Madrid and o t h e r cities on t h e c o n t i n e n t . Also t o his credit belong premiei performances of w o r k s by t h e n o t a b l e composers Stockhausen, Chiari and o t h e r s . His c o n c e r t here will i n c l u d e : Boulez' " S e c o n d Sonata"—an extremely fine e x a m p l e of serial t e c h n i q u e ; Chiari's "Moonlight Sonata"—a piece incorporating B e e t h o v e n ' s w o r k (first movem e n t ) of the s a m e name plus s o m e highly creative a d d i t i o n s ; and a piece by t h e artist himself, " D r e a m s " w r i t t e n in 1 9 6 1 . T h e c o n c e r t will begin at 8 : 3 0 p . m . in t h e Recital Hall of t h e PAC. This c o n c e r t is being presented u n d e r t h e auspices of Music Council a n d is funded b y S t u d e n t T a x . Admission is $ 3 . 0 0 or $ 1 . 0 0 with a tax card. T h e n e x t event of F S T V L '71 is a c o n c e r t b y NMCE III, directed by K e n n e t h G a b u r o , on March 17 in t h e Art Gallery at 8 : 3 0 p . m . strings rising and swelling (remember "Victory at Sea"???) t o the level where the volume became painful t o the human ear. Multimedia as an art form has enormous potentiality, b u t this program seemed more t o play with than t o seriously develop that potential. Later, In the Art Gallery, Fstvl 71 presented Sal Martirano o n the M a r - Vil construction, a n e w synthesizer-type instrument designed by'Martirano and James Divilbiss, an engineer. T h e instrument is fascinating—eight octaves are split into 16ths, each tone then controlled b y a b u t t o n . Below each | b u t t o n lies a light, s o that the musician and part of the audience can easily tell which tones are "on", a digital computer "remembers" the patterns that were played and imposes o n what the composer plays a "logic" from those patterns. Confused? The construction itself was h o o k e d int o 25 speakers, enabling the s o u n d s t o dance and slide around and a b o u t the r o o m . Altogether, it's a fascinating instrument of limitless p o t e n t i a l . U n f o r t u n a t e l y , Martirano's performance was limited t o low-energy, low-volume b e e p s , b u b b l e s , a n d sonic d o o d lings, while oscilloscope tracing slides flickered on t h e ceiling. With total c o n c e n t r a t i o n jne might have been able t o get i n t o the music, b u t t h e a u d i e n c e quickly lost all s e m b l a n c e of a t t e n t i o n and began t o c o n v e r s e , w a n d e r a b o u t , p r o m e n a d e , a n d so forth. At t h a t j u n c t u r e t h e p e r f o r m a n c e lost all c o h e r e n c e . S a t u r d a y t h e University C o n c e r t Band a n d Wind Ensemble filled the PAC to overflow for w h a t proved t o b e , overall, a perform a n c e of m u c h grace a n d c o m p e t a n c e . My only q u i b b l e with t h e p e r f o r m a n c e was the choice of selections from " M a n of La M a n c h a " t o close Ihe p r o g r a m . T h a t seemed t o be a gestura t o placate t h e kind of a u d i e n c e t h a t a t t e n d s classical c o n c e r t s n o t o u t of a n y u n d e r s t a n d i n g o r love for the music, b u t because t h a t ' s w h a t y o u ' r e supposed t o d o if y o u w a n t to be considered " c u l t u r e d " , if you k n o w w h a t I m e a n ? After playing music d e m a n d i n g a high level of skill a n d c o m p e t a n c e , a n d receiving polite applause at best, I w o n d e r w h a t t h e musicians f e l t like when t h e " L a M a n c h a " selections received t h u n d e r o u s applause. PAGE 6 kjMnii£!iNiNii$iM«M'>fc$ "Come to Cranberry tote.'"Dr. MacNaught, Ekector>of the CranAssemblyman Peter Betle will berry Lake Biology Station will be speak about his "Citizen's Suit" giving the details of the Cranbery bill and other environmental legis- Lake Summer Program this Thurs- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * lation at the Environmental For- day, March 18th at 8a.m. in Bioloum on Tuesday, March 16th at gy 248. This meeting is being 4p.m. in Fine Arts 126. All are sponsored by the Biology Club General Met ting for new urged to attend. and all are welcome. member of Art Council to plan for next year. FA 126 March 17, M* Doric Cp .31 tt ,WH U M'/l 15 4:30p.m. All interested people are 14 Drlvtr H«rr 5 1fl41«i 14* l « i + " welcome. speakers * graffiti | meetings n!•>'•i EMIchillvj D M 1} t»'/» ItVi VM I t . . ,. JOVi E « l * l r . l f 11* 11% Eiitn F ; « 5S<4 Ellin Sli Cj 35 « V | 7 ! _ SUHM f •WTenwr:*! r s w u* 31% 3i» MM EhrtflCh Pto «4_11 '1 31 3 1 * HPFSTRA iluiliici E I K I <• IN4 El En 1*4 EIK' IS Elr 1SH El' PA E in I 13"! ***** ***** BEGINNING THIS WEEK WSUA Morning News Classical Music Weekdays 8,9, and 10 am Sundays 2—4 pm THIS WEEK ONLY ROSKO (yes, the real Roslto from WNEW-FM in New York City) Tonight thru Thursday night 10-11 pm •anion* • A wide range ol graduate and undergraduate couraei taught by Holttra faculty, supplemented by ouletanding visiting professors • Flrit session June 16-July 21 • Second teuton July 26-Augutt 26 • Courses also available at Holstra's Commack Extension June 28-August 2 •! For information and catalogues, write or call: Director of Summer Sessions, Telephone (516) 560-3511 • TONIGHT ONLY "Dick Gregory Talks Black" 9:30-10 pm (just before Rosko) VOTE FOR YOUR FA VORITE OLDIES!!! Cast your vote for your 10 favorite oldies and send to WSUA by March 22. Listen Saturday, March 27, at I lpm to see if your list wins you some albums. HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY ***** Interested in forming a Jewish Low cost flights to Europe, Congregation on campus? Contact Africa and India. Contact Sam Bogen, 457-4996. Dr. B. Johnpoll. THIS WEEK ON WSUA ir • Up to 14 credits during two, live-week summer MW, Attention Dutch Quad Residents! Do you have complaints or questions about residence, securHarry will be back March 19 & ity, or maintenance. Come talk 20 at 8:30 in the Studio Theatre. with the men in charge. Dialogue Passes to the open dress rehearsals II sponsored by Dutch Quad available at PAC box office 11-3 Board Wed., March 17th at 8p.m. starting March 15th. in the Dutch Quad Flagroom. ***** The Colonial Quad Buses to Boston will be leaving at SAM from the trafficcircle.and will be dropping everyone off at Boston Commons at about 11:30. They will be returning at midnite also from Boston Commons. ***** Anyone wishing to apply for a position on the University Student Judicial Committee please contact Sharon Stiller, Box 601, Colonial Quad. Please include name, address, phone number, and reasons for wishing to join the USJC ***** Community Service Information Session March 17 at 7:30 in LC-18. ***** A tendon senores y senoritas! El ano profima la Reidencia Espanola sera co-educacional. loalos los estudiantes que hablan espanol y que ticnen interes en vivir en la Residencia el ano que viene deben asistir a una reunion general in La Residencia, Dutch Quad, Schuyler Hall, 2 piso, lunes el 22 marozo 3 las siete de la lioche. HEMPSTEAD, LONO ISLAND, N.Y.11 5 5 0 STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Orders will be taken at the Bookstore for the rental of caps gowns, & hoods between March 15th & April 22nd. The Bookstore will not handle any orders after April 22nd. The following 1 nformatlun is ossontial: 1. N a m e (first & lant) I. T o t a l h e i g h t ( i n h e e l s ) 2. P e r m a n e n t a d d r e s s 5. C h e s t s i z e ( o r w e i g h t ) 3. D e g r e e b e i n g H. C a p s i z e ( o r h e a d circumference) Please specify what parts of the regalia you wish to order. Master <& doctoral candidates wear a cap, gown and hood. Price Schedule f+ 6% tax) M a s t e r ' s c a p &. g o w n 81.75 Doctor's T h e second-year S t a t e University at Albany football club will m e e t three new o p p o n e n t s this fall and will play two m o r e games than in its maiden season. A n eight-game schedule for 1971 has been a n n o u n c e d by Joe Garcia, associate director of athletics at the university. T h e Great Danes, c o a c h e d , b y R o b e r t Ford, will face Utica college, Niagara University, a n d Adelphi University for t h e first time, while playing r e t u r n e n g a g e m e n t s against Rochester Institute of Technology, Marist College, Siena College, P i t t s b u r g h State, and Hudson Valley C o m m u n i t y College. T o w s o n State of Maryland is t h e only deletion from t h e 1 9 7 0 season, when Albany finished 2-4. T h e gridders will o p e n at h o m e September 25 against Utica. O t h e r visitors t o university Field will be Niagara (Oct. 9 ) , Marist (Oct. 2 3 ) , and P i t t s b u r g h (Nov. 6 ) . T w o of t h e road contests, Siena o n Oct. 30 and H u d s o n Valley o n Nov. 1 3 , are within punting distance of Albany. T h e o n l y trips will be to RIT(Oct. 2) and Adelphi (Oct. 16). T h e s c h e d u l e , with 1 9 7 0 scores in parenthesis: Sept. 2 5 , Utica ( D N P ) ; O c t . 2, at R I T ( 3 0 - 2 1 ) ; 9, Niagara ( D N P ) ; 16, at Adelphi ( D N P ) ; 2 3 , Marist (6*45); 3 0 , at Siena (25-24); Nov. 6, P i t t s b u r g h (0-28); 1 3 , H u d s o n Valley (8-61). ACU Bowling T h e 13th Annual Association of College U n i o n - I n t e r n a t i o n a l Bowl ing C h a m p i o n s h i p will bt- held o n the A m e r i c a n Bowling Congress tournament lanes at D e t r o i t ' s Cobo Hall, S u n d a y evening, March 28th with finalists competing from a field of m o r e than 2 0 0 colleges. Qualifying h a s been c o n d u c t e d on campuses since t h e beginning of t h e fall semester. Regional eliminations are n o w being held in the IB ACU regions, and when t h e regional finals are c o n c l u d e d , o v e r 20,000 college keglers will have entered the c o m p e t i t i o n . At t h e ABC T o u r n a m e n t , t h e 16 finalists, which includes two from the host region, will roll six qualifying games—three in singles and three m o r e in d o u b l e s with an o t h e r finalist, selected by a blind draw. T h e eight high scoring bowlers based o n t h e six games bowled then roll an a d d i t i o n a l four games. The bowler with t h e best 10-game hood T h e Albany State Chess Club won their third straight match, last week, with a 3 '/J t o 1 xh victory over RPI. T h e m a t c h team included Lee Battes, Nelson Egbert, Chuck Ribak, Steve Esposito and George R a m s o n . Last m o n t h , team members Howie Weiss, Chuck Ribak, Steve Esposito a n d Nelson Egbert look first place in a field of twelve schools in t h e Association of College Unions T o u r n a m e n t . The Chess Club m e e t s Saturday afternoons at 1 p.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7 : 3 0 p . m . in t h e Campus Center. New m e m b e r s are always welcome. ********** Master's hood Doctor's c a p & g o w n $4.75 S5.50 Doctor's gold tassel to r e n t D o c t o r ' s g o l d t a s s e l to k e e p Rented regalia will be distributed during the week of May 18th at the Bowling Lanes. Regalia must be relumed to the pick-up site before 5 pm, Saturday, May 22nd. Bachelor's candidates wear only a cap & gown. Bachelor's regalia will be available for PURCHASE on April 7th thru May 22nd (price $6.25) PLEASE PLACE Y O U R ORDER AS E A R L Y AS POSSIBLE PAGET ALBANY STUDENT PRESS '71 Grid Oub Slates 8 Games Sport Shorts Information Required sought MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 e t. c • e t c . Contribute to the March of Dimes Monday,March 15 through ***** The next meeting of the Campus Friday, March 19 in the Campus Forum will be on Tuesday, March Center Lobby. ***** 16 at 2:30 in the Patroon Lounge. Registration for Community ***** Service will be March 22-26 in the The first Spring Meeting of office ULB-35-1. Seniors register Sailing Club will be on Tuesday, Monday and Tuesday; Juniors, March 16, in the Physics Lounge Wednesday and Thursday; and at 7:30 p.m. New members are Sophomores, Friday. most welcome. EH#1M I •;.. at 17 MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS! Make checks payable to: STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Please n o t e that t h e pool will not b e o p e n for recreational use on Friday evening a n d Sulurday afternoon and evening, March 19 and 2 0 , d u e t o t h e S y n c h r o n i z e d Swim C o m p e t i t i o n being held in the pool. total wins t h e all-events c h a m pionship, and t h e Morehead Patterson T r o p h y , named in h o n o r of the late A M F Chairman of t h e Board. T h e singles c r o w n goes to t h e bowler with t h e highest 7-game total exclusive of the d o u b l e s t o tals. In 1970 at Knoxville, Wayne Amrhal, a 22-year old senior from Northern Illinois university at Dekalb, III., averaged 2 0 3 per game in winning b o t h the singles and all-events titles. Since the first ACU-I tournament was introduced in 1958, the field of participating colleges has risen rapidly t o t h e present number which exceeds 2 0 0 . T h e ACU-I t o u r n a m e n t was made a part of t h e annual ABC Tourninent structure in 1959 in St. Louis. Hartwick Takes Regional Tourney Hartwick College, t h e final team selected to participate in t h e NCAA College Division Regional Tournament held this past weekend in Buffalo, won t h e event Saturday by defeating Buffalo State in t h e c h a m p i o n s h i p game, 71-70. Hartwick earned t h e right t o enter the finals by trouncing C.W. Post in t h e opening r o u n d , 77-50. Buffalo Stale had o u t p o i n t e d Monlclair Stale, 103-93, in their opening round game, b u t Monlclair salvaged third place in t h e tourney by taking Post, H0-6H in the consolation contest. Hurt wick n o w goes to Evansville, Indiana as t h e Eastern representative in t h e NCAA College Division Championships t o b e held there. An ei^it game schedule has been announced for the 1971 State Football Club -rosenberg X-Country Awards Announced Louis Cuevas Fr. Brooklyn Sal Rodriguez S o p h . Peekskill Pal Gepferl, a senior from R e n e Hebert S o p h . S. Glens J o h n S t a n t o n S o p h . Delmar Colonie, has been named Most Falls Valuable R u n n e r o n last fall's J o e Riley Fr. Guilderland State University at Albany crossBob Schiller Fr. Spring Valley JUNIOR VARSITY AWARDS: c o u n t r y t e a m . Gepfert, a co-capTerry S l o c u m Fr. Big Flats tain for t h e 10-3 Great Danes, Bill Sorel F r . Albany Joe Calabrese Fr. Albany generally ran third. According t o Seth Ugelow Fr. Laurelton Mike Carley Fr. T r o y coach Bob Munsey, " H e m a d e t h e team jell a n d was held in great respect by his t e a m m a t e s . " The Most Improved Award w e n t to Peekskill s o p h o m o r e Sal Rodriguez, w h o clipped nearly four minutes from his times o n t h e T h e recreational h o u r s for the swimming pool for the fourth q u a r t e r Albany course t h e previous year. (March 8 through May 3 , 1971 ) are as follows: Larry Frederick, a senior from Monday through Friday 8-10 p.m. [Lion, was given Munsey's "C-plus S a t u r d a y and S u n d a y l-Sp.m., 7-10 p . m . ( Sunday 1-5 is a family Award " for his inspiration a n d swim) great c o m p e t i t i v e a t t i t u d e during the season. Frederick, t h e leading Faculty/Staff Swim runner as a s o p h o m o r e in 1 9 6 8 , M o n d a y through Friday 1 2 : 1 5 - 1 : 1 5 p . m . suffered a d o u b l e c o m p o u n d leg fracture just before t h e 1969 season and s p e n t 10 m o n t h s in a cast. Freshman Bill Sore, a Cardinal McCloskey of Albany g r a d u a t e , Stuyvesant Plaza was named Most Valuable o n t h e Upstate Abortion Pre-Easter Sale junior varsity t e a m . Referral Service New SUNYA Pool Hours Loft's Candy Milk Chocolate VARSITY L E T T E R W I N N E R S : Nick D e m a r c o F r . Voorheesville Orville Eacker Sr. Dolgeville Pat Gepfert Sr. Colonie Dennis H a c k e l t Jr. Hilton J o n a t h a n Herbst Sr. Oceanside J o h n Koch Fr. West Islip Bill Meehan Sr. R o c h e s t e r CLASSIFIED ADS PRODUCE RESULTS ********** Bonnie Prudden, nationally known leader in physical fitness, will offer u co-ed | lecture a n d d e m o n s t r a t i o n March 17 a t 8 p m in t h e State University at Albany gym. Her a p p e a r a n c e is sponsored by t h e Reader's Digest Association and t h e W o m e n ' s Recreation Association, an i n t r a m u r a l organization for university women. There will b e no admission charge and the public is invited. II you have something 1(l show, lell, or sell - advertise il in the Classified Section ol the Albany Strident Press. Every Friday your M\ will be circulated to over 10,000 people. Classified forms are available at the Campus Center Information Desk, or by writing: Classified Department; Campus Center 334; 1400 Washington Avenue; Albany, N.Y. 12203. & Dark Chocolate Marshmellow l-ggs regulars 1.79 sule-Sl.59 Runs March IStli through March 28th. NEED HELP? Our service can provide a safe, legal alternative to your problem with minimum cost and de '°y' $145 518-785-818" $l')5 Open 7 days a week Groove Tube Channel One. March 19 7,9, II PM March 20 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 PM CC BALLROOM 1.25 with student tux t.75 without Tickets sold only at the door. Television as you'd like to see it. Sponsored /jy Campus Center Governing Hoard Funded bu Student Tax ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 8 MONDAY, MARCH 15,1971 FIVE CENTS off campus MORGANIC by Kenny Hoar An ASP Column Dear Lord, I'm in the process of writing a book entitled Symbolic Representation of Smut, and the plot appears to be thickening. Words the consistency of molasses flow from the bowels of this pen. I had been walkin' that crooked road that runs along the ridge between the twin valleys of degeneration and respectablitily. And when it came to heading me off at the pass, it was discovered I hadn't even gotten there, and wasn't about to either. Shuffling down that road in the old days before the fight, knowing damn well the nervous side of frustration, bein' so sure lhat there hasn't been an unlocked door in this world for plenty of time. And yet there is nothing in life that holds half the measure of sweetness as the clashing of wills and the struggle of spirits. Dear Lord, I'm writing a book and the pages have grown larger willi each word, and sheer age knifes its way through every line. It seems like you play one nolc after the nexl and all of a sudden there's a song. It's crazy 'bout the way things fall and Iwist and turn, only the reality changing, the subslance of things being like glued to the inside of skulls. Hey Ma, lei my soul run free, I got this ilehin' to be knowin' if there's anything al all that can't be beat...if there's anything al all thai can't be bent into accomodating positions. If you look at the whole world as just a line, wo arc all in the middle... relatively speaking a sphere has no beginning and end. Geometrically speaking ligris, euphrates is the origin of the species. I could bring myself lo he sick to death of do's and dou'ls. and right's and wrong's and rcspeetablilily. Satiation with conceptualisation comes somewhere closely behind finding out about 1-iiistein. I have to believe it would have lo be weird lo sec everything wearing ils righlful sign... .to be invisible behind my signs. La. la. la, lalala. la. La. la, la, lalala, la. The electrolysis of souls began awhile back, and anyone can plainly see that the energy level has risen enormously, which means we all must be gelling smaller, and nutrition is must an illusion. II'we are going to trust the IBM we are going lo have lo remember we are only as smarl as we think we used lo be. Deep in my heart I can still feel the chemistry of llmsc warm days in February, and the smiles big as oceans lhal run by in cycles like in a shooting gallery, remembering now quite well villages exploding on the ground beneath me, my plane screaming out of range. The mixture thai come oul the best somehow don'l have recipes, and yel I am envious of the beauty of order of perfection... But there is nothing so perfect as an oul of place warm day. or the sweet thrill of knowing there is nothing left to overcome, save the lingering belief thai somewhere, somehow, someone has fell it necessary to bo absolutely sure. Arbitrarily Number II Oh mom, the times are wear in' heavy on my soul, faceless bodies scurry all about me-iny mind's about lo break. I'm a time bomb, bin my clock is running fast. To blow before I wrap my aims around jnsi any sloney pillar would he more than I could bear. Philosophy and sanity are dueling each other in my brain; and when my pieces are scattered on the wind, only then will it be known if the philosopher or lunatic had the upper hand. Words don't pain such pictures as they used to . I'm immersed in the political, the fading foam on the greasy dishwater. I know there is no clean water left to make us pure. I know there is no polities to lift us above the filth of our institutions. I can trace the reasons for tilings all the way back to when I was first told, but now they all double back on themselves and contradict. I was supposed to be socialized, and I'm ready to rip society up by the roots. 1 am not alone, 1 was supposed to be trained to be one of the leaders of tomorrow, and I feel oppressed. I am not alone. No one wants leaders, the world wauls androids, but who's lo guide the way when all the old grey heads bow for the last lime. When ninety per cent of the scientists the world has ever know are alive today, when technology reaps its own fruits seconds alter it bears them, how in God's name can our institutions gel away with taking years, decades to cure their own ills? The ability of men to comprehend statistics and abstractions is incredible, but when il comes to focusing his eyes and ears on the problem, when it comes lo trusting his own intuition, my god men are helpless. Are we just blind, or stubborn, or so lacking' in self confidence lhal we have lo measure our disquieting thoughts with the advice of experts and statistical conclusions? Are we all functional Spiro Agnews? Is there one concrete reason why professors are hired or fired in proportion lo lire pages they've contributed to the professional journals or to the number of dusty pieces of parchment that line their office walls? Doesn't everyone know that the real value of teachers is measured in their ability to relate material in a human way so lhal il can be grasped with the best facility by the greatest number of persons? Doesn't everyone know lhal the more time a professor spends in the sterile solitude in his lab or office, the less lime he dedicates to his students. A professor whose primary concern is not Ivis students is not a professor, but atheorist, a writer .a scientist, and adeterranllo learning m a university. lire economics of this situation supplies lire necessity lor using college campuses lor research, but it does not necessitate lhal these people claim priority lo leaching poisition. The loss of human reason in this situation is completely out of phase with the concept of the university being al the forefront ol intellectual growth. The extent lo which Ihe universities have become slaves lo their self-imposed regulations, makes a mockery of the idea that with enough knowledge, man can tree himself from his chains. Mom, I am living with your ideals, the ones lhal were kepi as memories after the demise of the live cenl cigar. Ma, I'm reading about how actions speak louder than words, and waidling people who try to act reap Ihe tears of frustration, while Ihe publishers are carrying off Ihe spoils of victory. Ma, I'm trying hard to get the rules of democracy lo apply lo the institutions that govern my life, and I've found lhal if you're young, you don't have unalienable lights, you don't even have the insight to distinguish wrong from light, good from bad. or hoi from cold. Ma. I've boon feeling and living the American dieam Willi all my might, and all lhat conies down the road is aloi of slut. Ami Ma. I am mil alone. Albany Student Press Vol. tVII No. 21 State Unioersitu of New York at Albany Day Care At SUNYA Wednesday, March 17, 1971 1 In Fiscal Danger by Barbara Edelman Due to Ihe proposed cuts in the budget for next year, the Day Care Center may have to be closed. According lo lilaire Barret, the director of the Day Care Center, the outlook is very grim. A minimum of $7300 is needed to keep the Center running and Barrel does nol feel that this money will be forthcoming. Another reason for the possible shutdown centers around public opinion. Many people object lo the Day Care Center as they feel that it might be detrimental for a child lo be separated from ils mother for any length of lime. However, according to Barret, the environment of the Day Care Center allows children a large amount of freedom lo develop. She feels that the Day Care t'enler has so far been a success; both the children and Ihe parents seem to like it. Many parents have come in to express their satisfaction with the program. The Day Care Center, located in the first floor of Pierce Hall, is only for ihe children of SUNYA students. Due lo limited facilities and budget demands, Ihe Center cannot accommodate all the parents who apply. Il can only help the people with the most critical of financial needs. The Center can only accommodate 45 children at one lime. However, since nol all the children are there for the entire day, il can actually serve around 70 children. Il is the only Day Care Center in four counties that accepts children under .5 years of age. According to Barret, most of these mothers would not be able to go to school if Day Care Center services were nol available. Men whose wives are supporting them through school will also be affected if the Center closes. Barrel concluded her remarks by staling, "There has been a great deal of talk about meeting people's needs but whenever the budget has to be cut, people's programs go first." Budget problems effect even those who cannot yet add. Albany's Day Care Center faces gloomy fact that it may not have funds to operate next year. the solomon Gay Lib Marches For Civil Rights Approximately 2,500 persons demonstrated Sunday al the Capitol in support of Ihe Gay Liberation Front's demands for liberalized laws on homosexuality. "Dignity Not Bondage" was among Ihe many banner slogans sported by the crowd that numbered about as many women as men. A female speaker drew approving laughter from the audience when she declared: "We're here to tell the legislature what we all know. The gay life is a good life and a healthy life. And it's a whole lot of fun too." The demonstration was for the most part orderly although some eggs and snowballs were thrown by hecklers. No one was hurt. Capitol police were present, and the building which is usually open to visitors on Sundays was closed as a precautionary measure. The legislature was in recess, having broken off meetings last Wednesday. Many of the demonstrators arrived in chartered buses from New York City. Some attended an ecumenical prayer service for the success of their effort before gathering in front of the Capitol. S.A. Constitution It May Have Passed by Jeffrey P. Bernstein "Mom, I am living with your ideals...'' Approximately 2,500 men and women marched on the Capital Sunday in support of the Gay Liberation Front's requests for liberalized laws on homosexuality. •benjamin The proposed Student Association Constitution defeated in last week's referendum may not, in fact, have been defeated. Although the number of those favoring adoption of the new constitution to those opposed was overwhelmingly greater than the 60% required for approval, the referendum, it was thought at first, did not attract the 20% of the voting student populace, necessary to validate the election. The first count indicated that 1,562 people had voted, which is 17 short. However, a second count now records 1,60-1 votos east with 1,240 pros. This would decisively validate the referendum and approve the proposed constitution. Another recount will soon bo made. But several complications have arisen. Central Council, in an emergency meeting last night, acted in an advisory capacity lo examine voter eligibility and violations in last week's referendum. continued on page 2