Document 14064890

t CENTS off campus
Albany Student Press 1
by Chris Oberle
It appears t o be highly probable that t h e average student views the Faculty Student
Association as a rather incomprehensible conglomerate that takes meal contract m o n e y
and transforms it into an unending procession o f foul tasting excuses for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner. While it is true that unappetizing meals have caused understandable
dissent, it is also true that a look at the structure and function o f PSA can help s t u d e n t s
realize that more than grunts and groans at the table are needed t o achieve a solution.
T h e present version o f t h e Faculty Student Association o f S U N Y A is t h e result o f
action taken by the central administration of t h e state school s y s t e m in 1 9 6 6 . A t t h a i
time the Chancellor's Office agreed t h a t t h e 24 n o n p r o f i t , tax e x e m p t F S A s in N e w
York should b e independently c o n t r a c t e d o n a t w o year basis t o provide food, b o o k s ,
vending machines, and o t h e r o p t i o n a l items for t h e convenience of pupils a n d
instructors. The A l b a n y F S A is n o w engaged in its third c o n t r a c t , t e r m i n a t i n g o n J u n e
30, 1 9 7 2 .
Under this a g r e e m e n t , t h e F o o d Service, h e a d e d b y M a l c o l m C o r b e y , o p e r a t e s four
cafeterias u p t o w n and t w o d o w n t o w n , p l u s t h e P a t r o o n R o o m , t w o snack bars, a n d a
t y p e of catering service for special events. T o t a l i n c o m e from these was $ 2 1 0 , 8 0 0 last
year. The b o o k s t o r e , u n d e r t h e direction of B o b D i N o v o , provides the university with
t e x t b o o k s and miscellaneous sundries. Present plans call l o r the c o m p u t e r i z a t i o n of t h e
store, a move which will hopefully c u t d o w n o n its $ 7 4 , 5 0 0 deficit. T h e vending
m a c h i n e s are scattered t h r o u g h o u t t h e c a m p u s b y virtue of a r r a n g e m e n t s with local
distributors, adding $ 3 4 , 6 0 0 t o F S A ' s annual i n c o m e .
Vol. LVIII No.19
In addition t o these services, which are m a n d a t o r y u n d e r the organization's c o n t r a c t s ,
F S A also administers several o p t i o n a l o p e r a t i o n s . T h e Barber S h o p , Beauty Parlor, and
check cashing are l o c a t e d in t h e c a m p u s C e n t e r for e v e r y o n e ' s benefit. A banking
system keeps track of 180 a c c o u n t s for various groups, such as the S t u d e n t Association,
Physical E d u c a t i o n , o r a n y d e p a r t m e n t receiving federal grunts. Each year, s h o r t - t e r m ,
interest-free loans a m o u n t i n g t o $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 are given to s t u d e n t s and faculty w h o may b e
awaiting scholarships o r National Defense m o n e y . T h e s e services are all m a n a g e d by
Dick Locker, Assistant t o t h e Director.
The bowling lanes a n d billiards r o o m are o t h e r F S A sponsered facilities. T h e
c o r p o r a t i o n o w n s 15 off-campus h o u s e s which it lets at cost Lo incoming professors w h o
are unable to find living q u a r t e r s . It also runs a small publishing c o n c e r n of particular
value t o the faculty.
The 14 d e p a r t m e n t s of t h e F a c u l t y S t u d e n t Association e m p l o y a total of 2 7 5
full-time workers, including food service p e o p l e , c u s t o d i a n s , cleaning ladies, check
cashiers, b o o k k e e p e r s , e t c . A p p r o x i m a t e l y 54 1 s t u d e n t s are w o r k i n g at any o n e t i m e as
t e m p o r a r y help.
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n of this rather diversified institution is m a i n t a i n e d in part by t h e
E x e c u t i v e Director, Mr. R o b e r t A. Coolcy (Harvard ' 3 2 ) . Most of the c o m p l i c a t e d task
of policy making is a c c o m p l i s h e d t h r o u g h t h e board of directors. This n i n e - m e m b e r
b o d y is c o m p o s e d of t h r e e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n officials : President Benezet, Vice President
Hartley, and Dr. T h o r n e , Vice President of S t u d e n t Affairs. T h r e e faculty m e m b e r s are
elected b y t h e University S e n a t e . S t u d e n t s are represented b y t h e President a n d Vice
President of t h e S t u d e n t Association, and usually one g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t . T h e b o a r d holds
an open meeting in Ihe m i d d l e of every m o n t h in o r d e r t o hear professional staff
suggestions and t o m a k e policy decisions.
by Bruce B. Dettefson
AP Education
O n e decision that is in n o way c o n n e c t e d with F S A involves t h e m a t t e r of w h a t Mr.
Cooley calls " s u r p l u s " funds. In t h e course of planning expenses for t h e $ 5 t o $6
million annual operation, a o n e or t w o percent margin is budgeted in o r d e r Lo insure t h e
c o m p a n y ' s ability t o remain solvent. If t h e margin results in a surplus, t h e m a n n e r in
which this money is t o be invested is d e t e r m i n e d by the Finance C o m m i t t e e of s t u d e n t s ,
faculty, a n d administration a p p o i n t e d by t h e university. Last year, $ 2 8 6 , 8 7 5 w as
d e v o t e d t o capital e x p e n d i t u r e s , deficits, s t u d e n t affairs, and special university f u n c t i o n s
T h e entire FSA surplus, in a d d i t o n t o m o n e y e a r m a r k e d of o v e r - e x p e n d i t u r e , w e n t
t o w a r d these projects.
I m p r o v e m e n t and operating expenses at t h e M o h a w k C a m p u s a m o u n t e d t o $ 7 1 , 6 0 0 ,
while food service and the c a m p u s store received $ 4 7 , 8 0 0 for e x p a n s i o n a n d an a l t c m p l
at better service. T h e intramural program was the recipient of $ 7 , 5 0 0 . F u n d s for faculty
r e c r u i t m e n t , meetings, a n d university guests totalled $ 8 , 0 0 0 . All f u n c t i o n s a n d
investments are reviewed by state a u d i t o r s .
Robert A. Cooley
F a c u l t y - S t u d e n t Association
Groove Tube is
S p o n s o r e d by
Campus Center Governing Board
Funded by Student Tax
T h e Assembly's D e m o c r a t i c m i n o r i t y p r o p o s e d Wednesday t o c u t
spending o n t h e S t a t e University through a $ 2 5 million slash in
o p e r a t i n g funds and a $ 1 2 million r e d u c t i o n in s u p p o r t of local
c o m m u n i t y colleges.
A key part of t h e proposal is t o have faculty m e m b e r s a t t h e
stale-operated c a m p u s e s teach larger n u m b e r s of s t u d e n t s .
T h e basic premise behind t h e second part of the e c o n o m y plan is
t h a t local s p o n s o r s of c o m m u n i t y colleges are reducing their commitm e n t s , meaning the stale can lower its share of the over-all cost.
T h e change in faculty-student ratios emerged as t h e m o s t salient
feature of t h e D e m o c r a t i c r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for reducing spending o n
the SUNY s y s t e m .
In a detailed b r e a k d o w n , it w as p r o p o s e d t o a c c o m m o d a t e
s t u d e n t e n r o l l m e n t increases w i t h o u t a n y increase in t h e size of t h e
teaching staff, u p to a change of 2.0 c o m p a r e d with t h e ratio for
T h e D e m o c r a t s went o n t o say t h a t , if t h e ratio of s t u d e n t s to
faculty was changed by 2.0 in each institution, t h e state could save
$ 1 2 million in t h e new fiscal year.
T h e y cited, for e x a m p l e , student-faculty ratios of 13.6 al t h e four
university c e n t e r s a n d 15.3 at Ihe \'.i colleges of arts a n d sciences.
These would go t o 15.6 and 17..'! respectively.
Staff aides t o t h e Democratic lawmakers m a i n t a i n e d I hat t h e
higher figures still c o m p a r e favorably witli t h e ratios at public
university s y s t e m s in such o t h e r states as California and Michigan.
Republican Gov. Rockefeller had p r o p o s e d in his budgel " l e a n e r "
student-faculty ratios. But Rockefeller also r e c o m m e n d e d hiring 150
m o r e faculty m e m b e r s l o m e e t projected e n r o l l m e n t increases in
1971 72. T h e D e m o c r a t s would eliminate these new jobs.
In o t h e r areas, t h e D e m o c r a t s r e c o m m e n d e d c u t b a c k s in future
c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o g r a m s that d o n o t involve hard cash in the next state
budget. What they are c o n t e m p l a t i n g is t o head off a u t h o r i z a t i o n s for
new buildings o n which c o n s t r u c t i o n has n o t y e t begun.
Republican legislators also a r e considering c u t s in the operating
budget Rockefeller p r o p o s e d for t h e university system. Present
indications are that these will a m o u n t t o a b o u t $ 2 0 million.
T h e university a d m i n i s t r a t i o n originally asked for 2 , 8 0 0 new
positions, including administrative and m a i n t e n a n c e personnel as well
as faculty.
Rockefeller t r i m m e d this l o 8 9 6 . T h e Republican m e m b e r s of the
Assembly Ways and Means C o m m i t t e e r e c o m m e n d e d elimination of
62-1 of these positions.
If the S t a t e Legislature gets its w a y , there will b e even more students per teacher thantliere are n o w .
It can b e seen that, in general, t h e F a c u l t y - S t u d e n t Association is simply an a g e n t
furnishing services t o t h e university c o m m u n i t y . It is a difficult o r g a n i z a t i o n t o
u n d e r s t a n d , d u e t o its many-faceted activities, and also because, us D i r e c t o r R o b e r t
Cooley says, it is in a " c o n s t a n t s t a t e of c h a n g e . " Cooley a d m i t s t h a t the c o r p o r a t i o n is
by n o means perfect, with plenty of r o o m for i m p r o v e m e n t .
T h e problems confronting t h e organization are q u i t e c o m p l e x , especially since s u r p l u s
monies often go t o causes far removed from FSA, such as t h e Mohawk C a m p u s . O t h e r
problems include t r o u b l e hiring highly qualified personnel d u e t o relatively low wage
scales, continually riding costs, and t h e u n c o o p e r a t i v e spirit of m a n y m a n u f a c t u r e r s .
While it is e x t r e m e l y difficult t o suggest solutions t o the c o m p a n y ' s d r a w b a c k s , it m u s t
be agreed that a realistic, objective a p p r o a c h t o t h e c o m p o s i t i o n and function of t h e
FSA is a vital first step in arriving at answers.
Cutbacks Hurt
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Any Problems
of students on campus?
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Legal Hassles
530CJ is ctlivu
(111(1 Willi dllll Wlltllllj
Wi! wiinl K In
Friday. March 12, 1971.
Larger Classes Seen
Executive Director
March 19 and 20
of New York at Albany
Legislature Slashing SUNY Budget
Mohawk Gets Most Surplus Funds
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State University
a wadloKjh maurice,
ltd pioduc lion
lechmcolcy'Miorri wamoi bios
Our Job is
Serving You.
Sun 3-7:30
Dr. Harry Hamilton, head of Albany's EOP program, urged the State Legislature t o
increase its 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 proposed budget allocations for the higher education of
disadvantaged students.
tors, s t u d e n t s a n d legislators Wednesday asked a legislative committee In increase i h e I 97 I -72 proposed stale budgel allocation for
the higher e d u c a t i o n of disadvantaged s t u d e n t s .
In testimony before a J o i n t Leg
islalive C o m m i t t e e o n Higher Education
from private and public universities said state E d u c a t i o n Department c u t b a c k s and only slightly
increased funding in some areas
t h r e a t e n e d t o reduce t h e n u m b e r
of s t u d e n t s enrolled in (he higher
e d u c a t i o n o p p o r t u n i t y programs.
J o h n W. Keavis Jr., coordinator of t h e Office of Special Programs ami Urban Centers at t h e
Stall- University of New York,
testified thai t h e stale's u r b a n
center and o p p o r t u n i t y programs
would he " t r e m e n d o u s l y handic a p p e d " if additional funds were
not a p p r o p r i a t e d .
Emilio Rivera Jr., associate dean
for special p r o g r a m s at S U N Y ,
warned that minority s t u d e n t s
would " d e m a n d s o m e a n s w e r s " if
p r o g r a m s benefiting thum were
curtailed o r cut back.
While t h e witnesses never directly said p r o g r a m c u t s would c a u s e
c a m p u s unrest many hinted that
disndvantaled s t u d e n t s would see
the programs as a hoax and that
"great a n x i e t y " would result if
there were c u t b a c k s .
things happen in
such s i t u a t i o n s , " said Dr. Harry L.
Hamilton of S U N Y A .
Private universities told the comm i t t e e that if state funds c o u l d
not be used for tuition p a y m e n t s
and for third and fourth year
s t u d e n t s in those programs, as t h e
Education D e p a r t m e n t ruled last
fall, they would have t o reduce
the n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s in t h e
HKOP programs.
"Unless t h e r e is a significant
increase in t h e level of public
support for s t u d e n t s from low
income and disadvantaged educational b a c k g r o u n d s , these vital efforts c a n n o t be s u s t a i n e d , " said
W.D. J o n e s of Cornell University.
Nathaniel Ellis, a pre-law student at N e w PalU S t a t e University, and several o t h e r s t u d e n t s
told h o w they overcame disadvantaged b a c k g r o u n d s with t h e help
of SEEK a n d other stiiLe-fuudod
programs. They called o n t h e
c o m m i t t e e , which is reviewing t h e
governor's higher e d u c a t i o n budyet requests, t o increase allocations.
Fri. Much 12. Experimental
Theatre's production of "The
L o w , " will be presented at 7:30
and 9:00 p.m. in the Arena Theatre. PAC. Admission free.
Reminder-to all groups participating in State Fair '71. Applications for booths are due no later
than March IS. Any questions?
Call 7-5638.
Father John O'Grady will continue his lecture series on
Christian Anthropology at Sunday's 11.00 mass.
IFG presents: "Ashes and Diamonds," a classic of post WW II
cinema; Friday, March 12, 7 &
9:15 in LC 18. 25 cents with tax,
50 cents without tax.
* graffiti! 1
The University Concert Band
and Wind Ensemble will present a
concert featuring original music
for winds on Sat. March 13 at
8:30 p.m. in the Main Theater,
PAC. Admission is free.
For all those interested in European work, study, travel, etc., the
Old Masters are having a seminar
on all aspects of group and individual programs, CC 315 on
Mon. March 15 at 7:30. Slides,
brochures, and coffee will be
shown and served!!
(fly Ihf aulier of Rally Hound thr Flag, Htiui...
«ofci> llittu...
r\t. \
ESP Revisited
Interested in working in the
community? Find out what its
like by attending an Information
Session being run by the Community Service Program Wednesday, March 17 at 7:30 p.m. in
A few weeks ago I did a column on extra-sensory perception (or
ESP, as it is called by its many friends and relatives). T h e amount of
mail I received from you about this column, deur readers, was so heavy
that I find myself with a heart full of gratitude. (I also find myself
with a ruptured postman.) I would of course like to write each one of
you peraonally, b u t t h a t is obviously not possible, so I will try to
answer some of your questions in today's column.
Last night I tried an ESP experiment with my boyfriend, Precog Nissen. He nut in one room and wrote a lint of numbers.
I Bat in another room and tried to guess what numbers he WUH writing.
Out of 25 tries I guessed wrong 25 times. I feet icky and worthiest and
have decided to kilt myself. What future can a person have without ESP?
A N S W E R : You must not despair. Lots of people without E S P
manage to live useful and productive lives. For example, there was a
coed at Duke a few years ago, Maud Gonder by name, who tried guessing numbers, juat as you did. In fact, she tried it every single day for
the entire four years she spent at Duke, and all she ever not was wrong
numbers. B u t it didn't hurt her one bit. Miss Gonder today is gainfully employed as a telephone operator in Durham, North Carolina.
The next meeting of the Campus
Forum will be on Tuesday, March
16 at 2:30 in the Patroon Lounge.
specializing in
•45 rpm Golden Oldies
156 Central Avanufi
Albany, New York
The Campus Center Student
Activities Staff Is accepting requests for Campus Center reservations for Fall Semester 1971 between March 10 & 20. University
Departments & Faculty should see
the Reservations Office, CC 137;
student groups should see the
Student Activities Staff, third
floor, CC.
An open forum on race relations
will be held Tuesday March 16 at
7:30 p.m. in Chapel House. (Located on hilltop facing the gym).
Members of all races are invited.
more information
457-8723. Ask for Rene, Roland,
or Ron.
Low cost flights to Europe,
Africa and India. Contact Sam
Bogen, 457-4996.
Chi Alpha is holding an open
discussion of the book, "The
Cross and the Switchblade" at
their regularly scheduled meeting,
Monday, March 15, in CC 370 at
2:30 p.m. If you would like a free
copy of this book, come to the
Chi Alpha literature table in the
campus center.
Peter Buch of the Socialist
Worker Party, will speak on
"Zionism and the Palestinian
Struggle" on Saturday, March 13
at 7:30 p.m. in HU 124, sponsored by YSA.
There is hope! If you have a
complaint and you keep reaching
dead ends try Central Council's Grievance Committee. Their
next meeting will be held Monday, March 15, 1971 at 4:10 in
Campus Center 346. Everyone is
Senior portraits (Class of 1972)
for the 1972 TORCH are now
being taken. Sign up now at the
Campus Center Information Desk
A limited number of tickets are
still left for the Colonail Quad
sponsored trip to Boston on
March 20. Prices are $2.25 with
Quad tax, $6.75 with student tax,
and $10.00 for non-students. Call
Karen at 7-6896.
Attention Math Majors: You are
invited to a tobogganing and Beer
Party at Mohawk Campus Sal.
March 13. All the beer you can
drink only $ I/person. Turn in the
$1 to Dr. MacGregor or Dr. Wilken on/or before Friday. Bring a
date, it's the event of the year.
Need a ride-evcyonc rnecis ai
5:30 p.m. Sat. between Math &
Biology buildings. If you want lo
go we'll see to it you gel ihere.
Sponsored by Math Club.
Draft Counseling: New hours,
including a large increase in availability, go in effect lor The Draft
Counsling Center beginning Monday,
15: Mondays
Counselors available ()-l(), 11-12.
Tuesdays Counselors in <M0,
11-12, 12-1. 1-3, and
evening from 7-9.
Wednesday 10-11. 11-12. l-.i.
Thursday 10-11. 11-12. 12-1.
Friday 10-12 and 2-.i.
Any questions, call Ira JI
472-5096, or call Hie office ai
T h e Senate gave swift, 94*0 a p proval Wednesday t o a p r o p o s e d
c o n s t i t u t i o n a l a m e n d m e n t t o lower t h e voting age t o 18 in s t a t e
and local as well as federal
Approval by t h e House is
expected next week or shortly
thereafter, and then t h e amendm e n t will b e s u b m i t t e d t o t h e
states for ratification. Thirty-eight
Students Robbed;
Two Accused
by Steve S a l a n t
T w o S.U.N.Y. s t u d e n t s were
the victims of a knifepoint robbery last Friday night. T h e incid e n t took place at a b o u t 7 : 3 0
p . m . a n d netted t h e assailants
$-17.00 in cash.
On Friday night o n e male a n d
o n e female s t u d e n t were parked in
the male s t u d e n t ' s car in t h e staff
section of t h e Dutch Quad parking lot. According l o t h e victims,
they were a p p r o a c h e d by t w o
males, o n e of w h o m had a knife,
and were d e m a n d e d to surrender
their wallets.
T w o J o h n Doe warrants for
robbery were sworn o u l after t h e
incident was reported lo security.
T h e victims were able lo identify
o n e male.
Samuel A.
Brown, is 20 years old. He was a
student Hi KUNY until this semester, lie was charged and arrested
night, March (i, o n
Dutch Quad.
Oilier information led l o t h e
arrest of a n o t h e r suspect, William
G r a h a m . He was charged and arivsled Monday morning, March H.
Both suspects are charged
With t w o c o u n t s of r o b b e r y .
Brown's arraignment was stayed
so thai he could o b t a i n I he services of t h e public
( i r a h a m ' s preliminary hearing was
held y e s t e r d a y .
Both o\' the accused are presently in the Albany county Jail
waiting for Ihe public defender to
arrange bail.
On SI I'alrick's Day, March
IVlh, m e m b e r s of Ihe Class of 7:1
will b e sporting green in t h e form
of " S h a m r o c k s for D y s t r o p h y "
tags as S U N Y A participates in i h e
second annual nationwide one-day
fund-raising drive
for Dystrophy " Day
lo benefit
Muscular D y s t r o p h y Associations
of America.
In ihe spirit of SI Patrick, w h o
performed m a n y miraculous cures
as well as chasing Ihe snakes o u t
of Ireland, m e m b e r s of t h e class
of 7.1 wdl In1 handing mil green
S h a m r o c k s for Dystrophy lags. In
return, they'll !>»' asking for s o m e
of your green l o help MDAA
research scientists find cures for
muscular d y s t r o p h y and related
nearonuiseular diseases
Still Hana Helmut h a d n ' t found it. Hack to America he moved
and got a job in Milwaukeoat the Miller High Life brewery, inspecting
the Ingredients that go into Miller High Life Beer and rejecting those
which were not perfect (malt-faulter).
And so finally, at long last, fulfillment came to Hans Helmut. For
this was hia mission, his lofty purpose on e a r t h - to make sure t h a t you
and I and every other life-loving, health-oriented, ilavor-directed
American should rest secure in the knowledge that the next can or
bottle of Miller High Life which passes our discriminating lips will be
just as free of fleck and flaw us the last can or bottle of Miller High
Life which passed our discriminating lips; that can after can, bottle
after bottle, keg aftor keg, Miller High Life will remain ever amber,
ever ambrosial, evor honest, sincere, true, good, beautiful, decent,
kindly and relovant.
of t h e m inusl ratify to m a k e t h e
a m e n d m e n t effective.
Congress a t t e m p t e d Inst year
by legislation t o lower t h e voting
age t o 18 in all elections, b u t t h e
S u p r e m e C o u r t held t h e law Is
constitutional only with respect
to elections for federal officials.
A d o p t i o n of the p r o p o s e d
constitutional a m e n d m e n t w o u l d
do away with t h e dual-age voting
system resulting from t h e C o u r t ' s
Sponsors h o p e
can be c o m p l e t e d in t i m e for
elections in 1972, o p e n i n g all ballot boxes t o a b o u t 11 million
Americans between t h e ages of 18
and 2 1 .
T h e y noted that t h e 1 9 t h
a m e n d m e n t , e x t e n d i n g t h e franchise t o w o m e n , was ratified by
the states in less than 15 m o n t h s .
Approval of t h e 18-year-old
vote a m e n d m e n t followed t h e
Senate's rejection of a n o t h e r proposed constitutional a m e n d m e n t
by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,
D-Mass., t o give t h e District of
Columbia full voting representation in Congress just like a state.
Kennedy offered his amendment as a rider t o t h e o t h e r
a m e n d m e n t , b u t on t h e m o t i o n of
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield,
D-Mont., it was fabled and thus
killed by a 68-23 vote.
Mansfield said h e feared t h e
would be endangered if t h e t w o
proposals were h o o k e d together.
Yes, believe it or not, spring is on the way as these cattails surely indicate.
'Noise9 Cited as Air Pollutant
ALISANY.N.Y. (AI*)- T h e Assembly voted overwhelmingly Wednesday l o declare noise on " a i r
A bill Ibal would a u t h o r i z e t h e s t a t e ' s c o m m i s s i o n e r of e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n s e r v a t i o n t o regulate noice
when h e considers it harmful t o h u m a n health was passed, I 2 7 - 1 3 , and sent t o t h e S e n a t e .
T h e measure was sponsored by Republican Martin G i n s b e r g o f Plninview, Long Island, t h e c h a i r m a n
of t h e Assembly Health C o m m i t t e e .
Ginsberg said during floor d e b a t e thai excessive noise is " o n e of t h e biggest p r o b l e m s we have in all
fields of air p o l l u t i o n . " He eiled studies linking noise t o Ihe loss of hearing, ulcers, heart a t t a c k s a n d o t h e r
His bill would inlcude noise in an existing stale list of air c o n t a m i n a n t s t h a t includes dust, s m o k e a n d
T h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l conservation c o m m i s s i o n e r w o u l d be authorized l o deal with industrial, airplane
and oilier noise if he believed it was injurious lo heallb and h u m a n well-being.
O n e a r g u m e n t agains! Ihe measure was thai l o o m u c h p o w e r would be given l o t h e c o m m i s s i o n e r t o
set standards.
It also was argued that t h e bill could drive industry o u l of New York.
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Surely the story of Ham Helmut has left a lump in your throat.
We, the brewers of Miller High Life and sponsors of this column, know a
pleasant way to remove said lump. It comes in cans, bottles and kegs.
by J o h n Chndwick
Associated Press Writer
Fights Dystrophy
My ESP tells me I was put tin earth to do sonic knot
of important job, but I don't know what it is. So far I've had hundreds of
jobs and I still haven't found the right one. How wilt I know when I do?
A N S W E R : You'll know, don't worry. Take, for example, the famous case of Hans Helmut Steppenwolf. He too knew be was born for
some exalted task, b u t what? First he worked in Kansas gleaning beans
but that wasn't it, so he got a job with a logging firm in Montana.
Here the erstwhile bean-gleaner worked as a stump-thumper. Hut that
wasn't it either, so he moved to North Dakota where he tended the
furnace in a granary (wheat-heater). Then he moved to Omaha and
got a job admitting cattle to the stockyards (meat-greeter). Then be
went to New Orleans and worked for a chiropodist (feet-treater). Then
to Minnesota where he cut up frozen lakes (ice-slicer). Then to Laa
Vegas where he determined odds nt a crap table (dice-pricer). Then to
Germnny where ho pasted camera lenses together (Zeiss-splicer).
Senate Passes
18 Yr. Old Vote
Saint Patrick
This has nothing to do with ESI', but maybe you van
tell me anyhow. What can you do for dry hair?
A N S W E R : Wear a wet hat.
And so, dear friends, to that small but shining list of human benefactors—men liko E. Plurfbus Ewbank, for instanco, who invented the
opposable thumb without which millions of castanet players would bo
unemployed; women liko RoHa L. Sigafoos, for instance, who Invented
the bio-degradable r o o m m a t o ~ l o t us humbly and gratefully add the
name of Haim Helmut Steppenwolf. Right on, watchful malt-faulter!
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
Includes Poitago
SIZE 5 Q 7 D 9 0 11 Q 13 •
Send ch«ck or Monty Ord«r to:
M O R O A N H i m P E S . 180B Union S t . . S . n, C A - 9 4 ' "
In Ihe Wi- Inesday, March
11 issue o f lli' Alhtiny
I'l •as, the cipti in on page, one
er •oneously stal ed: Janet Hood,
h i ad id' Hu- 111! rinary, was prose ll with a list of demands for
b i Her felili le lealth care... 11
should have read: Janel Hood,
h i ad o f l l n i n irmary, was/ireHL'llU'lt Wit i a list o f demands
l o • better t - m i e health care. .
Tickets: $2.50 with tax #5.00 without
by Class of '73
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
Court CO Decision
Unfair and Narrow 99
(Your Assembly man)
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224
Assembly Willis H. Stephens
Chairman, Ways and Means Committee
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224
Ask them to get the bill out of committee and
onto the floor, and urge them to vote for its
passage. We must let our legislators know that we're
watching them.
Remember! Each letter must bear the sender's
name and address on both the letter and the
envelope, or else the letter wUI be thrown out.
Arthur Scotti
(Editor's Note: a form coupon relating to this
issue was printed in last Wednesday's ASP. If you
can't take the time to write send the coupon.)
an ASP column
****<** - * " M- *'™
To the Editor:
Worthy Cause
To the Editor:
Occasionally, someone or ones sayi something
which articulates one's own sentiments more eloquently than was thought possible. This is precisely
what the letter in March Sth's ASP dealing with the
library accomplished. The people who wrote it are
deserving of our collective gratitude.
Hopefully, their letter won't be ignored by the
Administration and something w i be done to
iaaprove the library.
Last Friday's letter about the library was grossly
unfair—to SUNYA students. The tetter was too
kind. The library is a farce, an idiocy, a hideous
Why doesn't the School of Library Science put its
students to work on that place? Maybe it feels that
its students are too good for the SUNYA library—
and they're probably right.
Sharon Danfield
To the Editor of ASP:
sal concerning Vietnam, underscores the importance of Zinn's
ty Stephen Villano
To the Editor:
There h»i reeeatly been « move on campus to
recycle paper. It w i i incorrectly reported in the
Tower Tribune that the project was being abandoned. It has only been delayed. The warehouse to
be uaed has been full because there has been no
demand for waste paper. Things have now begun to
move, and a recycling project on the podium may
begin in the near future.
However, recycling paper would be much easier
task if New York State law were on our side. The
present law requires the state to use paper which is
composed of 100% virgin wood. But there is
currently a bill (A 4162) in the Assembly, introduced by Assemblyman Blumenthal, which would
require the state to use paper that contains at least
20% recycled paper fibers. Since the state government is a large consumer of paper, this law would
create a much needed market for waste paper.
Wimithalesa, the bM is now backed up in the
Assembly Ways and Means committee. We must «M
write to oar asai—blvmaii and to the Chairman of
a * Ways astd Means coamaittee if recycling our
I a reality. Address all letters to:
In the March 5th issue I read an excellent
diagnosis of some of the basic library problems,
ones about which we are intending to do something;
(eg. periodical room), others of which seem to defy
all our efforts.
There is only one point with which I disagree
strongly—that concerning reshelving the books.
Very few non-trained persons understand the Library of Congress classification sufficiently to be
able to shelve properly. A misplaced book is a lost
book. Please do not contribute one more studentoriginated problem to those already mentioned in
the letter.
J.R. Ashton
Director of Libraries (Interim)
F S A ' S current funding of w o r t h y campus
causes creates m a n y difficult p r o b l e m s . T h e
main question arises: if r e s i d e n t s t u d e n t s arc
the only ones forced t o s u p p o r t F S A , must
they be the only ones t o subsidize all of FSA's
worthy causes?
T h e very existence of these w o r t h y causes
is a " t r i b u t e " t o t h e hard realities o f State
support. An excellent e x a m p l e is t h e c o m p l e t e
neglect (by t h e State) o f t h e International
Students. Such an o r g a n i z a t i o n deserves more
than t h e $ 2 , 2 5 0 given t h e m by F S A . T h e issue
at hand is, however, t h a t a p o r t i o n of the
c o m m u n i t y , rather t h a n e v e r y o n e , is forced to
c o n t r i b u t e t o a cause t h a t all derive benefit
The same goes for M o h a w k c a m p u s and
the Glen House, only o n a m u c h grander scale.
These lands benefit all - w h y m u s t o n l y a lew
T h e answer is s u p p o r t of all of these
causes, including r e c r u i t m e n t a n d a l u m n i , as
well as the others, by a t a x on all t h e m e m b e r s
of the University C o m m u n i t y . II this cannot
be d o n e , then FSA s h o u l d allow the resident
students t o choose w h e r e t h e y w a n t their
money t o go.
albany student press ?
Have you ever wondered why we still have a gym
requirement while all other requirements (other
than departmental ones) have been eliminated. It is
obvious that the administration thinks that of all
courses offered here at Albany, gym is the most
The Albany Student Press is published three times per week during the
academic year (except d u r i n g recesses! b y the Student Association ol the
important to the student.
State University of New York at A l b a n y . The Student Association is lui
I wholeheartedly agree and I think that the
in Campus Center 346 at 1400 Washington A v e n u e . A l b . m v . New V m l
requirement should be expanded. The first course
12203. Subscription price is $9 per year or $ 5 pur semester, Sncunit i t.r.s
mailing permit pending, Baltston Spa, N e w Y o r k .
should be expanded to a full year because of all the
new research done in the area. Besides, where else
could you learn how far you can throw a basketball
thomas g. clingan
from your knees or learn famous misquotes such
managing editor
executive editor
as,"Patrlck Henry: Sure, I'm for liberty. But we've
aralynn abare
carol hughes
got to be a little realistic. We're a pretty small
advertising manager
news editor
outfit. If we start pushing the British around,
someone is going to get hurt." (pg. 9, Foundations
vlcki zeldin
of Physical Activity, W.C. Adams).
To the Editor:
business manager
associate news editors
The whole gym requirement should be expanded
chuck ribak
™y lewis
The picture in the Wed., March 10 issue of the assistant business manager
to three years and instead of meeting twice a week
maida oringln
ASP which accompanied the article on co-ed
the classes should meet five times (including lab).
phil mark
'erry wolf
housing not only shows a lack of taste but also a
There also should be weekend outings to observe
technical editors
features editor
teams in action such as our Varsity Ping Pong or
tack of knowledge as to what the co-ed living
. .sue seligson
debbie iiutansohn
Marbles squads.
process is all about.
. dan Williams associate features editor
There is boundi to be more sexual freedom on any
In fact, we should develop a major in Phys. Ed.
warren wishart
j u h " fiiirliul!
and eventually a Ph.D. program. If a major is campus which has a 24-hour open house policy, and
arts editor
developed then a few problems will arise. First we no one would deny that this freedom exists in the advertising layout
will have to create some minors such Basketweaving co-ed dorms.Howevor, anyone who lives in a co-ed
linda waters
. torn rhodes
or Advanced Checkers. The second problem will be dorm can tell you that there is probably less circulation manager
associate arts editor
in getting funds. Certainly the research program "sleeping around" than anywhere else on campus
michele palellu
sue faulkner
here at Albany is too valuable to cut back. In fact, and very little duting among the people living in the graffiti/classified
sports editor
we have that world famous research team, Ben and co-ed dorm. In fact, this constitutes a large part of
roberl luremba
dorothy phillip
Ilene Dover (Ph.D.'s from MIT) who just recently the rationale for co-ed living.
columns editor
discovered how to do twice as many jumping jacks
Co-ed living and sex are both very natural things.
r. j . wurner
in the same amount of time.
jon guttman
But to represent co-ed living as merely an opportuncity editor
To obtain the needed funds we could eliminate ity for free sex not only cheapens the idea of co-ed photography editor
jay rosenberg
mike cllis
useless departments such as Biology, Physics, and housing, but makes the ASP appear to be of the
Political Science. Eventually we could phase out the same opinion of co-ed living held by many adminisDirections: Cut right hand column Into pieces. Place pieces into a hat. and pull
rest of the school and make Albany the first Phys. trators and parents who "wouldn't let their son or
out singly to match with left hand column.
11 N , m e
a) 3 0 0 wordt or l e u . edited by Turn
Ed. school in the state. We could remove students daughter live in one of those places."
bl In 1 9 1 6
(and floors) from Stuyvesant Tower and fill It with
If you have never lived in a co-ed dorm, visit one
31 Yssr founded
c | QQ 32Q
water for scuba diving, we could remove the gras.
sometime and see what it's like. But to represent
41 Phones
d , A | t a n y Student P r w i
from the traffic clrcland pave it for playing marbles, co-ed living as that picture does, only serves to harm
Bl Communication!
el 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 and 2194
next we could...
the ideals of coeducational living at Albany State.
61 Funded by
, „
f) „ u d . n ,
Respectfully yours,
71 Member of
Gloria Holllster
a) Associated Prats
Jim Natrium
Resident, Melvilie-Stoinmetz
Answers may appear next weskl pescs.
Photo on Page
The depopulaticnof the Senate and then the world.
Have Gun,
Will Depopulate
by Lester Heverling
an ASP column
Being well aware of the population problem in this country, as a
responsible citizen I wish to offer my modest proposal for
population control. As students of overpopulation are well aware,
the problem stems not from the birth rate, which is not
particularly high, but the death rate, which is ridiculously low. My
plan, simply stated, involves raising the death rate in a manner
which would be fully in keeping with the principles of American
As even a casual reading of the report by the President's
Commission of Law Enfoucement, or the report by the President's Commission on Violence will reveal, most Americans are
shot by members of their own families or by friends or
acquaintances. Professional criminals have proved highly inadequate in this regard. Which is as it should be — neither the
motivation nor the initiative of the gangster can compare with
that of the law-abiding private citizen. Both reports also reveal
that most people are shot simply because a gun was handy in a
moment of crisis. These conclusions have been drawn from a vast
body of evidence.
In the light of the information presented above, our future
course should be quite clear. If the death rate is to reach an
acceptable level, it is essential that the purchase and possession of
firearms be encouraged and, if necessary, federally-subsidized. As
the Nutional Rifle Association points out: "Guns do not kill
people. People kill people." But I submit that without guns
people cannot hope to kill people in the numbers required to
alleviate our population difficulties. As anyone who has attempted homocide with a knife, noose, or blunt instrument will
testify, these substitutes are highly unwieldy and their effects
uncertain and often disappointing.
As a first step, I suggest that all restrictions now placed upon the
purchase, possession and use of firearms be abolished. Several
cities and states have for all practical purposes already done so
and the effect has been most encouraging. In Dallas, Texas, for
example, where a teen-ager may purchase a firearm with "no
questions asked," the firearms-casualty rate is a great deal higher
than in New York City where repressive legislation has been in
force for some years. Even the efforts of organized crime have
been ineffectual, comparatively speaking.
Secondly, I propose that such firearms safety programs as
presently exist be abolished, and any attempt to initiate vision
examinations for gun purchasers be restricted. The reader will, I
am sure, see the necessity for such measures. Most hunting
accidents are the result of either ignorance or faulty vision (color
blindness and lack of depth perception are not uncommon among
hunters involved in shooting accidents).
Since firearms registration might discourage transfer of weapons
by making it easier for police to trace their history from purchase
to employment, it must be strenuously resisted.
Finally, one must continue to stress the fact that the possession
of firearms is not a privilege to be earned but an inalienable right
granted to each citizen by the part of the sentence which follows
the comma in the Second Amendment to the Constitution. I
would not go so far as to suggest that firearms possession become
mandatory since I firmly uphold the principles of liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. Perhaps it would be sufficient merely to
suggest that the "refusal of the people to bear arms" was
un-American and somewhat effeminate. Then again, my N.R.A.
membership i»uld expose me to the charge of conflict of interest,
which would be a most unfortunate interpretation of my motives.
My only concern is to retard and, if possible, reverse the appalling
increase in our nation's population in the most efficient and
swiftest manner possible.
- The Supreme Court's decision
not to allow selective conscientious objection was a very regrettable one. Not only because those
who voted in the majority failed
to grasp the depth of the First
Amendment and how it relates to
the conscience as Justice Douglas
did, but also because the decision
has given an undeserved extension
of life to the Selective Service
Many citizens who voted for
Johnson back in 1964 on the
promise that he would not send
"American boys 13,000 miles
away from home to fight a war
that Asian boys should be fighting," would readily attest to the
insensitivity to human demands
which our electoral system occasionally demonstrates. In sharp
contrast to Goldwater, Lyndon
Johnson was elected as a peace
The question of whether or candidate. Yet his actions after his
not one would permit conscien- election, in relation to Vietnam,
tious objection to particular wars betrayed his supporters. Hence, it
carries with it the acceptance of a is essential that individuals who
very basic assumption. Can the elect a candidate because he advocategorization of human beings as cates peace have the "safety
conscientious objectors be accep- valve" of selective objection to
ted if one is in disagreement with particular wars if that public offithe system of compulsary military cial ignores the fundamental deservice which creates the classifi- sire of his constituency. But the
cation? In short, rather than ask- right of selective objection cannot
ing whether one would permit be limited simply to those indiviconscientious objection to a parti- duals who voted for a peace candicular war, might it not be more date. Suppose the peace candidate
significant to question whether or loses...have his supporters lost
• not the system of compulsary their rights to protest a particular
military service should be discard- war? Of course not. If this is a
ed and with it, the accompanying society in which the rights of the
individual are prized over the
rights of the state, the rights of
the individual must be honored
However, while the issue of
regardless of who rules.
objecting to participation in particular wars may be merely a
symptom of an existing condition,
Consequently, when governit is still necessary to discuss the
ment officials express concern
symptoms, which are often more
over the breakdown of the organivisible and sometimes much more
zation of society, which, they
correctable, so long as the condibelieve would ensue if selective
tion continues to exist.
• objections were permitted, are
they not dangerously defying the
state over the rights of the indiviI believe that the concept of
dual? Do they really want an
granting CO status to individuals
organized state that tolerates a
opposed to a particular war rather
war which the individuals of the
than limiting the classification of
state do not tolerate? And if a
conscientious objectors to those
system of selective objections
persons who object to "all forms
leads to a paucity of fighting men
of war" is a sound one. By widenfor u particular war, should this
ing the definition of conscientious
not be construed as a positive
objector we are not only, us
check upon the system of political
Howard Zinn writes in Disobdecision-making? If a war is so
edience and Democracy "maiunpopular that more people rentaining one of the few safety
fuse to participate in it than those
valves by which the entire society
who agree with its conduct, percan ensure that it does not remain
haps it is not the objectors who
mired in some monstrous mal
are mistaken but the government
function of presidential judgwhich is promoting the war.
ment," but we are also moving
closer toward a system of voluntary military service.
The selective objector would,
in essence, have the right of negative voluntarism, choosing the military ventures in which he did not
choose to participate. Zinn argues
that while we allow nations to
select the battles it desires not to
fight, we deny that right to individuals. The graphic example of
Lyndon Johnson's position rover-
You have the right to
have your views heard!
The ASP is your medium
to do so.
Fri. & Sat.
The classification of CO is a
symptom of an underlying condition which must be reversed. Permitting selective objection to particular wars would have been one
war of giving the individual more
control over his life. Yet, it would
merely have been making the best
out of a poor situation: an individual is deemed a CO by members
of his local,Selective Service board
and a selective objector would
have faced a similar process of
approval. The selective objector
would therefore have been seeking
to gain approval from a system
which itself deserves no such acceptance.
To deal with the question of
"opposition to all wars" as opposed to opposition to some, is to
get bogged down in ancillary issues. The central problem in discussing conscientious objection is
the determination of a proper
relationship between the individual and the state. The mechanics
of the state as they now operate
within the framework of the Selective Service System are bearing
down upon the individuals selected by the state to fight in wars
selected by the state. The individual is not free to live his own
life. While he may escape military
service, he must currently do so
by reacting to a system which
discriminates against individuals
who are either too poor or not
intelligent enough to attend college.
II you have s o m e t h i n g to show, loll, or sell -advertise il
7:30 & 10 PM
with lux curd
81 without
in the Classified Section of the Albany S t u d e n t Press.
Every Friday your ad will be circulated to over 10,000
people. Classified forms are available at the Campus
Center Information Desk, or by writing: Classified
Department; Campus Center 334; 1400 Washington
Avenue: Albany, N.Y. 12203.
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
On Capitol Hill: Reality vs. Principle
by Bob Warner
The perennial struggle for state
aid to parochial schools has not
ended on Capital Hill. This year,
however, the Catholic Church
has given up its fight to repeal
the 77-year or
Blaine Amendment. The emotional issue of
Blaine has been determined to be
irrelevant and ineffectual, and
therefore a side show to the most
important fight for the Church,
that is, government subsidization
of parochial schools, or parents
who send their children to such
Instead, the Church has lobbied
for a "parent-aid" bill, which
would grant subsidies based on
need to parents who send their
children to parochial schools.
This session, this bill was introduced by the Late Senator
Speno, and into Assembly by Mr.
The bill, of course, is being
vigorously opposed by the New
York Civil Liberties Union,
which maintains that it violates
the First Amendment to the
United States Constitution. The
NYCLU believes that the bill or
any other bill similar to it violates the principle of the separa-
tion between church and state.
The individual taxpayer under
the bill would be forced to finance directly or indirectly the
teaching of a religion-the specific religion is irrelevant. (Yeshivas
that are asking for state aid
violate the principle as well).
The advocates of this bill maintain that if state money is not
forthcoming, parochial schools
will have to close. This ad consequentum argument which uses
the possible consequences of the
closing of parochial schools as a
valid argument for Speno-Lcrner,
bears no relevance to the civil
libertarian principle of the separation of church and state. Either
the stale funding of parochial
schools is a valid and rational
principle in itself or it is not
To appeal to the consequences
of the defeat of Speno-Lerncr is
expedient for the Senators and
Assemblyman who intend to
vote for it, but such expediency
is not responsible. The Governor
and the legislators took office
upon the oath that they would
uphold both the Federal and
State Constitution.
Unfortunately, as one Senator
from the Minority said, principle
is irrelevant at this stage of the
debate. Not only have the Courts
upheld the constitutionality of
aid in the form of textbooks,
lunches, and transportation, bul
the state would save money by
only s u b s i d i z i n g parochial
schools instead of taking them
over as some people have suggested.
Carlson Judgement Classified Information
by Victoria Foreman
Helen Carlson, of the English department here at SUNYA seems to be the latest victim
of tenure-itis. She has lost the recommendation of the English faculty and is now facing
the end of her career here if a presentation of her qualifications does not get the
department's negative decision reversed.
The reasons why recommendation was refused seem to be hidden behind noncommittal comments. A number of students are gathering information and tangible
support in order to obtain a recommendation of tenure for her from the College of Arts
and Sciences. However, because of the vague reasons motivation those against her, they
are having problems knowing who and what to light.
Some of these students have talked to several department members about Mrs.
Carlson. Two members admitted to these students that they did not know anything
about her, hardly giving consideration to her published works, classroom performance,
and her dissertation. They commented on how hard it was to get to know the woman,
seeming to place a good deal of emphasis on her amiability. If this decided their votes,
they were most likely against her. She seems to be the independent of the department,
her intelligence and integrity not shown in social gatherings, but in poetry and her
classroom performance (the latter, none of which her colleagues observed.) As far as her
poetry is concerned, one would hope considerable thought was given to her talent since
the second major consideration for tenure recommendation is the publication of
scholarship and/or other creative work.
There are members of that faculty who were shocked by the dissent against Mrs.
Carlson, expressed in conversation by some. Il didn't seem to occur to Mrs. Carlson and
the faculty supporting her that she had somehow created personal enemies within the
department. Some students recall comments from a particular professor who went so far
as to call Mrs. Carlson totally inept, without offering evidence supporting this criticism.
Later, in an interview, that same professor gave no indication of any personal grievance
against Helen Carlson. Where the discrepancy lies is debatable.
Presumably, the most influential member of a department is the chairman, in this case,
Dr. Walter Knotts. So an interview with him seemed the most logical way to obtain
considerable comment concerning Mrs. Carlson's non-recommendation. On this point, 1
was considerably mistaken, He made quite clear what he did not say.
Besides getting a detailed answer tomyquestion on the University tenure procedure, he
would not commit himself to any specifics concerning helen Carlson herself. I asked Dr
Knotts, as a member of the tenured voting faculty in matters of recommendation, if he
felt her to be qualified for tenure. His answer was "no comment." The same response
followed my questions on whehter or not he would give her a favorable recommendation
to the College of Arts and Sciences, which reviews and can reverse faculty decisions. Up
to now, Dr. Knotts seemed reluctant, to say the least, to divulge his opinions. I asked
him, as chairman of the department, if he would give Mrs. Carlson a recommendation
granting her mobility in the university system if she does leave her position here. "That
would concern Mrs. Carlson and myself," was his reply. Nor would he give me answers
beyond "no comment" on Mrs. Carlson.s poems other than the fact that he had read
As it stands, Mrs. Carlson's student supporters can only turn to the College of Arts and
Sciences in hope of a recommendation. With enough evidence they can get that, but
they will have to do this without tangilbe support from members of the department. Dr.
Knotts called it normal procedure for a member of the faculty to go through channels if
first recommendations is not approved by the department On the other hand it seems
normal procedure for those channels to deny recommendation because of the first
negative decision in the case of any instructor who has lost that primary battle within
his or her department. After all, how many teachers can you recall who have gotten a
faculty decision reversed in this manner? In so many cases, it seems to have been the
last. If this is true, let's hope there is another institution of higher education that can
recognize Mrs. Carlson's qualifications and the talent and devotion .
so many ol
students believe she has.
For a truly DIFFERENT brew...try
1 Sport Shorts
Van Ryn, Gerstenhaber stand out
Swimmers 8th in State
The Men's Varsity Swim Team
finished their season this past
weekend when they traveled to
St. Bonaventure to compete in the
, New York State Swimming Association's Swimming and Diving
Championships. Albany coach
Brian Kelly had predicted a 10th
place finish from his club, which
has been surprising him all year
with new records and exceptional
performances. The state meet was
no exception as the team did
better than expected and placed
Albany acquired 106'/4 points
as each relay team placed and
many of the men in individual
events did better than Coach Kel. ly had figured on. Albany's 800
yard Freestyle Relay team was the
best of the relays as they placed
sixth. The team was composed of
Leonard Van Ryn, Peter Gerstenhaber, George Dempsey, and Les
Puretz. The 400 yard Freestyle
team (Van Ryn, Jaik Schubert,
John Dragich, and Ed Daniels)
was 8th, and the 400 yard Medley
Relay team {Dempsey, Puretz,
William Hart, David Callahan) was
In the individual events
Leonard Van Ryn, impressed with
a 4th in the 400 yard Individual
Medley, and a 6th in the 500 yard
Freestyle. Peter Gerstenhaber
added a 4th in the 200 Yard
Butterfly, and a 7th in the 400
yard Individual Medley. William
Hart placed 7th and 8th in the
200 yard backstroke and the 100
yard backstroke, respectively. In
the 1650 yard Freestyle event,
George Dempsey finished 9th as
did Jaik Schubert in the 200 yard
Butterfly. David Callahan showed
a 10th in both the 100 and 200
yard Butterfly, and Isaac Wilson
9th, in the three meter Diving.
Coach Kelly is looking forward to an exceptional season
next year as no man on this year's
team is a senior and they look to
form a solid core for next year's
squad. The team this weekend
proved themselves to be very
strong in Butterfly, Backstroke,
Individual Medley, and long distance Freestyle competition. Next
year, they hope to acquire some
more general depth and especially
some more Breaststrokers and
Freestyle sprinters.
There will be
tain's Meetirrg on
p.m. in PE 123.
have a team you
No exceptions,
Won 17, Lost5,
Home. 8-3
a softball CapMarch 15 at 4
If you plan to
must be there.
• * * # •
Participants in Intramural
Badminton and Volleyball pick up
Tournament Place Schedules prior
to 12 noon, Monday, March 15.
Tourney play begins Monday
All c a n d i d a t e s for the
1971-72 Varsity Basketball Team
are asked to attend a meeting in
Final Basketball
December. 3-3
the AV room in the PE building,
on March 17 at 4:16.
Sign-up deadline is March 26
for the SUNYA tennis tournament open to all faculty, staff,
and students. The tournament will
start at 4 p.m. on April 14 on the
Dutch Quad courts.
There will be competition for
men and women in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles, providing there are at least eight entries. Admission will be one can of
new tennis balls. Call Belinda or
Georgann (7-3028) to participate.
Pet. .773
A way: ft-1
Neutral: 3-1
February 7-0
January: 6-2
March: 1-0
Matmen in Nationals
Four members of Coach Garcia's superb Varsity Wrestling squad
(9-2) took off this weekend to see how they stand up to national
competition. Garcia and they will be at North Dakota State University
in Fargo, North Dakota, for the Ninth Annual NCAA College Division
Wrestling Championships. The four squad members competing are:
142 1b.- Jeff Albrecht (14-3)
150 lb.- Jim Nightingale (9-5)
158 lb.-Phil Mims( 11-2-2)
190 lb.-Tim Coon (11-2)
Women Split Pair
In State Tourney
The Women's Basketball team
i J .
* ,u- „ *
traveledto to
Oneontain this
the past
Women's Basketball Tournament.
The girl, lost to a r u ^ e d Brock, F.
... r. ,
, m„
five in the
first State
roundin game
but defeated
second round game. Brock port
went on to be the eventual runner-up in the tournament.
This action finished the season for the girls and gave them n
. ' „ 7 ,
ol G-the season
7-5 overall.
The or
scorers and
the team for the sea.sim wenLeslie King, wilh M) points (71
including tournament play), Bev
, ,
y Jacomine, 50, and Captain
„ , J . . Mazure
. . 46(55). HBev".'* * a s rI , the le » d j"B roboundor
wlth 75 l o s
" '" f r e e ">">« P«"
centages were Susan Do monte,
75%, Bev Jacomine, 62.5%, and
Gloria Mazure, 61.7%..
Leslie King broke two learn
records as she Look over the record for total career points with
147, (3 1years)
11 . MissandKing
was also
. . .
veiled by her teamnuiles as Must
Valuable Player and Captain Gloproria Mii/ure was voted Most lmI Player.
Field Goals
Free Th rows
Jack Jordan
136-331 41.1
John Quattrocchi
114-249 45.8
Alan Reid
High Game
115-241 47.7
Jim Masterson
Steve Shcehan
Werner Kolln
Dave Welchons
Don Joss
John Heher
Bob Rossi
Bob Obermayer
Tony Tedesdo
Tim Minnehan
Albany Totals
62S-1447 .13.5
fll 1
Oppmuiiil Totals
512-122 ! 11.1
14 29
* q m 6 t d * \ at the Mexico-Teas border. Suddenly there appears
'he most unlikely, out-of step band of soldiers toevercrossthePiouranj*
Requesting \
• W, ;.'
Some heroes are born some are made
and some are mistakes! Meet
General Maximilian Rodngues de Santos
the most magnificent mistake erf them all
m the most marvelously mad move
that ever tickled the screen'
Some of m\
permission To
tc y best friends
mvade er ah i l l are Mexicans,
V mean
mean enter
enter J/ v, but >i
k Y-..C
Nfar San Antonio Ma*, reveals his plan Recapture
the Alamo He takes his first prisoner of war.
• ', V ' V C
-".' . ,•'.
• ? , ( . ' \ 'W
Don't ~%.
i bother to \;i
Soo Iho miaodvenlurea of [Qjonoral Max al
Tower East Cinema
Tonight ONLY at 7:30 & 10
• H O B B R« » B « n n a H « » M t » » ^
,t«rm'rT»*r*TMT* « • • f W
I ii'.ltii.«i,-OI o n
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
FOR RENT-Apt in East Village, NYC, $16 per night per
couple. 482-7710 or 457-3468.
Reward: $15.00 for anyone
with a lease on a 6-8 room house
or floor to sell for next semester.
Call Bob at 472-4443.
Call the ASP classified dept
for sale/wanted
Wanted: Casset portable tape
recorder with a radio. Call
Wanted: Rooftop rack for VW
bus. Call Chuck at 436-7841.
Guinea pigs for adoption. Call
Terry. 7-4014.
For Sale: '69 Renault. Automatic. Perfect body. Needs transmission work. $600. Electric
clothes dryer. Perfect condition$30,438-1022,489-7754.
For Sale: Snow tires-6.50 X
13-Mounted on wheels$20-Call Anne-465-9462.
Must sell 1963 Chevy Belaire-new automatic transmission-best offer over $125.
4821132 after 5 p.m.
How to Win the Draft Lottery
1966 Buick Skylark, vinyl top.
and The Draft Physical: The Com1961 Chevy Panel Truck, new plete, Official List of Disqualify- Buckets, console. Good wide
engine, equipped for camping, ing Defects-both at $1, now at ovals. New studded snows. Excelgood running cond., $400. Call the University Bookstore.
lent condition. $1000. 465-6423.
For Sale-Sony TC-125 Stereo
20 X 14 X 18 Norcold
refrigerator. Brown. Excellent Cassette Tape Deck and Recorder
1964. G o o d c o n d t i o n .
condition. $50. 766-3842 after 6. $75. 438-3604.
For Sale. 1968 GTO Cono.
Many extras. 28000 miles. Air
conditioned. Call Seymour.
Recent college grad is selling
trusted friend. 1965 Galaxie, 352.
Automatic. Runs very well.
377-8332-evenings. $300.
Pair stereo speakers. LR-4X. 3
months old. Sound great! Retail:
$65 each. Will sacrifice both$100. Call Mitch 472-4442.
Ronnie Clough, Campus Center
Food Manager, lost everything in
a fire on Friday. He has 3
children-11, 8, 10. Anyone who
can help out (with household
items, etc.), call 767-9641.
Joan, smile! Love, Harve.
Bye, Dale. Be happy. Love, 0.
Don't worry, Clyde, you're
perfectly normal...that'll be $30
please. Love, Fuff.
Goodbye Hempstead. Love, Fly.
In Niixiis, Ariadne i.s deceased.
Gary - Y o u d i d n ' t t h i n k I'd do
i t , d i d you?
For Rent: Two bedroom apartment, large, living room, kitchen,
bath, and prch. Furnished, near
bus, $180.00/month. Call
465-5866. Ready by May 15.
Anyone leaving a 3-4 bedroom
apt. in May or Aug. please contact
Lois, Brend or Sari. 457-4301.
Have 3-4 bedroom apt. Would
like rent out for next year.
Wanted: 3-4 bedroom house or
The ASP needs an 4P Editor
Interested? Some experience in news or editing preferred!
Call u s a t 457-2180, o r stop In a t CC 3 2 6 .
S m t r Planiif Coifcrtict 1971
* / ifoOD, WHY POH'T 1 MM?!
Conference Assistant Applications are now available in
the Office of Student Life, Campus Center, Room 130.
These positions will involve a time commitment from
June 20 through August IS, 1971. Remuneration will
consist of $500, plus room and board for the entire
conference period. Applications must be submitted by
March 23 in order to be considered. Applicants are!
encouraged to submit applications as early as possible in
order to expedite the selection procedure. For further
information about Summer Planning Conference, please
contact Mr. Ralph Beisler, Assistant Dean for Student
Life, Campus Center Room 130 (457-6733).
apt. Cad 465-6663 after 6 : 0 0 .
Far Rent: Furnished apartment,
suitable far 3; oa SUNY bus hue;
available May 15 ar hue I t*
Wasted: Apartaarat far 5. Suatawr aaat next year. Near SUNY
bus. 457-4684.
help wanted
applications for instructors, parttime now, full-time during vacations. 438-0853.
Openings for Colonial Maid ice
cream truck driver in northern
Westchester and Rockland counties-very high pay and a chance
to push ice cream-Call (516)
681-3442 or stop at 90 Clinton
Ave., S. Nyack, NY.-limited
A program to reach
and rehabilitate
5,000,000 Americans.
To "Virginia" and "Harry."
Happy Belated Saint' Patrick's
Day! Suite 1703.
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With a Youth Passport card you get 'A
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12/25. My r o o m m a t e digs y o u r
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Youth Passport cards
cost $3 and are available
to students aged 12 thru 21.
25-12=13 days until my birthday. Want to be my present?
Toodles, you made me believe.
Petit troll aime castor satisfait.
Comment poUSSe Barbe?
loat &
Lost: Small Gurnet ring
Reward-Cull Murcia 457-7823.
15b 18S
The Getaway Card
is available to most
students in the U.S.A.
For additional
information contact TWA
or your local travel agent.
Peacoat: lost or worse; soniimeiitul value. Kewiird. Mailbox
Hit 380. Jerry Paris. 457-8428.
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Quality Instant Printing
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The AdvertlsinK Council.
', *.
Advertising c o n t r i b u t e d
for the public uood by Hie
A l b a n y s t u d e n t Pross.
Professional/Trainee posit ions
currently available i n nil lields.
Available positions m o n i t o r e d
dally 8t rushed t o y o u weekly
For f u l l i n f o r m a t i o n packutje.
including a 4 week subscription
on currently available jobs, plus
•ample resumes, salary & cost
of living comparisons. Si area
executive recruiters d i r e c t o r y ,
sand $ 9 t o :
Box 133-Lu Jolla-Culif M 0 3 7
For your full color 2'J" x<5* Conilo lourncy poster, send complete name and address with $1 to Bonlamlno Cribarl, 1)0x77551, San Francisco, Ca.94107
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
Children's Theater on Campus
S t u d i o T h e a t r e of t h e P.A.C. last
m o n t h , and since has been " o n
t h e r o a d " t o d a y care c e n t e r s ,
schools, a n d civic o r g a n i z a t i o n s
T h e p e r f o r m a n c e at S U N Y A will
allow those from t h e c o m m u n i t y
and t h e c a m p u s w h o have n o t had
an o p p o r t u n i t y t o see t h e one-act
play t o see it. T h e play r u n s just
" T h e Yellow L a u g h " , a play for
children b y A r t h u r F a u q u e t , will
play the Main Stage of t h e
Performing Arts Center o n Sund a y , March 14, 1 9 7 1 at 2 : 3 0 p . m .
Admission is free.
P r o d u c e d by t h e S U N Y A Children's T h e a t r e T o u r i n g Ensemble,
t h e play first appeared in t h e
S U N Y at A L B A N Y C A M P U S C E N T E R
MONDAY, MARCH 1 5 10 AM t o S PM; 6 PM t o 9 PM
T U E S D A Y , MARCH 16-10 AM t o 5 PM
u n d e r an h o u r .
T h e T o u r i n g Ensemble is p a r t of
t h e University's C o m m u n i t y Service Program and has been underwritten by a special grant from
t h e S t a t e Bank of Albany F o u n d a tion. T h e Project is u n d e r the
supervision of Mrs. Patricia B.
Snyder, Director of Children's
D e p a r t m e n t of T h e a t r e .
T h e play tells t h e story of a
small village, St. Rose of M o n t e t ,
which is taken over by u bullying
pirate, Barbarossa. Friquet, the
village musician, tells the pirate a
frightening story a b o u t laughing
yellow Flowers and finally manages, with the help of the o t h e r
villagers, to frighten Barbarossa
T h e cast features S U N Y A stud e n t s Gregory H a y m e s , Lisa Sarna, Gary Maggio, Henry Kuivila,
Mary Carney and Carlos G u z m a n .
Backstage personnel are Barbara
Richards, Claudine Cassan and
Phil Edelstein. T h e play was directed by William F. S n y d e r .
by Jeff Burger
David Crosby (Atlantic, SD 1203).
This is an a l b u m of incredible
d e p t h and b e a u t y . T h e personnel
includes, in addition to Crosby,
G r a h a m Nash, Neil Young, J o n i
Mitchell, Grace Slick, Paul Kantner, Jack Casady, J or ma Kaukonen and Jerry Garcia.,.and that's
a very partial listing. S o m e of the
songs are a u t h o r e d b y Crosby
a l o n e ; others are c o - a u t h o r e d by
Garcia, Young a n d s o m e of the
What you should know about diamonds
when you know it's for keeps
Musically, this a l b u m is softer
than Mows Against
(which uses m u c h of the same
personnel). Crosby's LP shows the
influence of Neil Young, acoustic
Dead, and the Airplane
CHN&Y, in their quiet m o o d s .
Lyrically, it is reminiscent of such
songs as the Byrds* "Draft Morni n g " in its subtle awareness of the
war and of the alienation that we
all feel: "I t h o u g h t I knew the
m a n / W h o said he knew a m a n /
Who knew w h a t was going on/1
was m i s t a k e n / O n l y a n o t h e r stranger..." And, in the song " W h a t
Are Their N a m e s ? " we hear: " I
wonder w h o they are/ T h e men
w h o really run this l a n d / A n d I
wonder why they run it/With such
a thoughtless h a n d / W h a t are their
n a m e s / A n d on what streets d o
they live?/l'd like t o ride right
over/TIi is afternoon
and give/
T h e m a piece of my m i n d . . . "
You've dreamed about your
diamond engagement ring a thousand times. But now that you
know it's for keeps, it's time to
stop dreaming and start learning
about diamonds and their value.
Because no two diamonds
arc exactly alike, jewelers have
adopted exacting standards to determine the relative value of each
and every diamond in the world.
These standards include a diamond's size (carat weight), color,
cut and clarity.
Although it's important to
know the facts about diamonds,
you certainly don't have to be an
expert to choose a Keepsake Diamond Ring , . . because Keepsake
guarantees a diamond of fine white
color, correct cut and perfect clarity or replacement assured. T h e famous Keepsake certificate provides
permanent registration, trade-in
value and protection against loss
of diamonds from the setting.
COLOR: Fine white diamonds are
quite rare and valued accordingly.
Other shades in relative order of
their worth arc: blue, yellow,
brown and black.
CUT: The cut of a diamond—the
facets placed on it by a trained
cutter—brings out the gem's fire
and brilliance. Anything less than
correct cut reduces beauty, brilliance and value.
CLARITY: Determined by the absence of small impurities. A perfect diamond has no Impurities
when examined under ten power
magnification by a trained eye.
CARAT: A diamond's size Is
measured in carats. As a diamond
Increases in sire. In price will
increase even more if the quality
remains constant. But larger diamonds of inferior quality may actually be worth less than smaller,
perfect diamonds.
T h e a l b u m is a s m o o t h synthesis
of the various groups and artists
represented, with Crosby's style
p r e d o m i n a t i n g . Lyrically, it is a
Electronic Concert
Salvatorc- Martirano's L's
o n e of t h e m o s t savage a n d searing
urtistic i n d i c t m e n t s of t h e A m e r i can c u l t u r e of d e a t h , will be presented t o n i g h t in t h e
T h e a t e r of the P e r f o r m i n g A r t s
Center, at 8 p . m . T h e piece is
scored for 3 films, p o l i t i c o , helium b o m b , and t w o c h a n n e l t a p e ,
and uses as t e x t the w o r d s of
c o m f o r t in the midst of i n s a n i t y ,
and b u t a n o t h e r d e m o n s t r a t i o n
t h a t the title of t h e firt c u t is
t r u e : "Music is L o v e . " If t h a t ' s
where y o u ' r e at, you might w a n t
t o take a little of the love offered
King Crimson ( A t l a n t i c ,
SD H27H). Printed lyrics.
King Crimson surfaces again
with o n e original m e m b e r ( R o b e r t
F r i p p ) , three new a d d i t o n s , a n d
five n o n - m e m b e r s i d e m e n . Peter
Sin field also remains from t h e
original g r o u p as a u t h o r of all t h e
lyrics. On LIZARD
Robert Fripp
(like Roger M c G u i n n ) s h o w s t h a t
he was able t o retain m u c h of his
g r o u p ' s original s o u n d , along with
its n a m e , while s u b s t i t u t i n g all
new personnel.
S om e wh ere
be t w e e n
Pi n k
F l o y d , Moody Blues and
ghosts of McDonald, Giles a n d
Lake, lurks the new King Crimson, which, as I've said, is q u i t e
like the old King C r i m s o n : Still,
the m e l l o t r o n p r e d o m i n a t e s . Still,
the lyric is c o m p l e x a n d imaginative ( w h e n it is w o r d y and unclear, it still s o u n d s striking). LIZA R D is well t h o u g h t o u t , inventive
( A t c o , SD33*356).
Large color poster.
T h e new Cactus
Hendrix's Electric
c o n I i n u e s the
8 PM
Printed lyrics.
a l b u m , which,
Lady S t u d i o s ,
Jack Bruce ( A t c o , S D 3 ; K M 9 ) .
This " n e w " Jack Bruce LP was
actually recorded 2V& years ago,
b u t was n o t released in the States
until n o w . It features such sidemen as J o h n McLaughlin and Dick
Heckstall-Smith. T h e recording is
low-keyed, u n s t r u c t u r e d jazz. At
best, it is a rich and flowing
e x p e r i m e n t ; at worst, it falls apart
and tends t o lost its d i r e c t i o n .
With few e x c e p t i o n s , however, it
is enjoyable if y o u ' r e listening,
for e x a m p l e , to Miles Davis, then
no reason
s h o u l d n ' t be listening t o Jack
Bruce, t o o .
CC Ballroom
10-11 PM
WSUA 640
HOX 9 0 , S Y R A C U S E , N E W
24 Hours a Day
But the u n d e r g r o u n d does not mean li> yield ils rich, quasi-sacred
grass m a r k e t to the big-money men. " I I ' s the economic basis of the
says Blair N e w m a n , a p r o m i n e n t San Francisco pot
advocate, "We have to keep it out of the hands of the tobacco
Believing legislation will c o m e "within three y e a r s , " Newman and
his friends have formed a " p h i l a n t h r o p i c , " n o n p r o f i t organization
called Amorphia, to s l a k e their claim.
More confident still is a San Francisco consortium of pot dealers
known collectively as
F . ' l i x t h e C a t . "Marijuana is legal," they say
in publicity for their bold new venture a packaged, filter lipped
brand of p o t cigarettes n a m e d Clrassmaslers.
One "Mr. F e l i x " s p o k e s m a n for the group told a radio station
interviewer that 1120 dealers in the Buy area are handling his Tirst
consignment of 5,000 c a r t o n s . A packet of 1H joints now sells at
$7.50 , b u t he hopes to pass on savings to the smoker as the business
grows. By early spring they plan to have an a u t o m a t e d rolling factory
in Mexico and two m o r e , u n d e r g r o u n d in San Francisco and Berkeley,
with distribution centers from coast to coast.
H«/«<iVi'«1v),.-;ii.viWv;v;-;-i-.-;.-; ;•;;•:•;•;•; ;*!•:•: i.j,-m<«-:mumiM-//uj/ini
Awtits tkeTestB
This week only
by Charles Foley
College Press Writer
SAN F R A N C I S C O ( C P S ) - Marijuana is now as American as Spiro
Agnew's daughter—or so say forward-thinking executives of U.S.
tobacco firms w h o have b e e n covertly eyeing the underground market
in "grass", officially valued at b e t t e r than a billion dollars a year.
The real' figure, say Western e n t r e p r e n e u r s , is nearer three times that
sum, and n o w t h a t t h e possibilities of legal manufacture are being
discussed in the b o a r d r o o m s , bootleg suppliers are organizing t o
safeguard their interests.
Long before New Years Day, when the government shut down a
$250 million advertising industry by banning cigarette commercials o n
television, t h e t o b a c c o man had been busy on contingency planning—
one firm is allegedly running a furtive sale test scheme in Hawaii. At
the start t h e big m a n u f a c t u r e r s would market their joints at about 25
cents each, well u n d e r c u r r e n t black market prices.
Business sources predict the end of the marijuana ban will follow
the close of the Nixon era, for the soundly ail-American reason that
the swollen costs of t h e Vnew p r o h i b i t i o n " exceed any good it may
do. E n f o r c e m e n t costs in California alone are now running at $ 3 2
million a year and c o u r t s are clogged with untried cases. Already 2U
states have cased penalties, with m o r e to follow.
F o r m e r U.S. A t t o r n e y , J o h n Kaplan, a Stanford University Law
professor, and an a u t h o r i t y o n the subject, said this week t h a t
marijuana " c o u l d and s h o u l d " be legalized. He inclines to a
government m o n o p o l y which would rule out advertising. Packets of
the weed, graded b y strength and heavily taxed, might be sold in
government-licensed s h o p s . Mr. Kaplan believes this open system
would discourage use, particularly by teen-agers. Revenue would help
to s t e p up control of " h a r d " drugs.
Proceeds to Black Weekend
Capitalists Eye
Pot Market
W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. (CPS)— Like t h e civil rights a n d black p o w e r m o v e m e n t s b e f o r e it, t h e w o m e n ' s
liberation m o v e m e n t has b r o u g h t d e m a n d s for n e w c o u r s e s o n a n u m b e r o f c a m p u s e s . A c c o r d i n g t o o n e
estimate, 55 colleges and universities are n o w offering o n e o r m o r e c o u r s e s t h a t can b e classified as
"women's studies."
T h e call for w o m e n ' s studies has g r o w n o u t of a f e e l i n g o n t h e p a r t of m a n y w o m e n faculty m e m b e r s
and s t u d e n t s t h a t w o m e n are being largely ignored b y m o s t of t h e a c a d e m i c disciplines, a n d t h a t t o o m u c h
of t h e s t u d y of w o m e n is being d o n e b y m e n .
Natalie Davis, professor of history at t h e University of T o r o n t o , says t h a t o n l y she a n d t w o o t h e r
historians, o n e of t h e m a m a n , are c u r r e n t l y s t u d y i n g t h e history of w o m e n .
" I ' v e been trying t o d o s o m e research o n sexual a t t i t u d e s of w o m e n a n d all I get from m y m a l e
colleagues is a tee-hee or a ho-ho , d e p e n d i n g o n h o w m a n y are in t h e r o o m , " says J u d i t h L o n g Laws,
assistant professor of social psychology at t h e University of Chicago.
T h e issues being raised are strikingly similar t o t h o s e faced b y black s t u d e n t s :
Should m e n b e excluded from teaching or s t u d y i n g in t h e subject?
Should w o m e n ' s studies be a separate d e p a r t m e n t , an interdisciplinary p r o g r a m , or simply a scattering
of courses?
Can w o m e n ' s studies be primarily a c a d e m i c or are t h e y s u r e t o b e c o m e m i l i t a n t a n d tied t o w o m e n ' s
Like black studies, w o m e n ' s studies p r o g r a m s have faced severe p r o b l e m s in getting approval from
faculty m e m b e r s and a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , a n d in getting t h e funds and faculty p o s i t i o n s n e e d e d t o get started.
O n e of the first w o m e n ' s studies c o u r s e s in o t h e r t h a n a F r e e University s e t t i n g w a s s t a r t e d at Cornell
University. Entitled " E v o l u t i o n of F e m a l e P e r s o n a l i t y , " it grew o u t of a c o n f e r e n c e o n w o m e n at Cornell
and a faculty seminar on female s t u d i e s .
San Diego S t a t e College had the
first full-fledged w o m e n ' s studies
program. Its organizers h o p e t h a t
eventually it will develop into a
w o m e n ' s studies center, including
course offerings, research , a childcare facility, and a c o m m u n i t y
Courses now i n c l u d e , " W o m e n in
Comparative C u l t u r e s " , "Socialization Process of W o m e n , " "SelfActualization of W o m e n , " " C o n If you have a film (16 mm) you would like to
t e m p o r a r y Issues in the Liberation
of W o m e n , " " W o m e n in H i s t o r y , "
show, submit it to FA 314 before Friday . March 19.
" H u m a n S e x u a l i t y " , " S t a t u s of
Women Under "Various E c o n o m i c
S y s t e m s , " " Women and Educat i o n , " and " F i e l d E x p e r i e n c e . "
T h e men in the p r o g r a m , 20 per
cent of the e n r o l l m e n t , are operating a child-care center so the
w o m e n can a t t e n d the meetings.
S o m e of the p r o g r a m ' s difficulties in getting funds and staff have
has the largest selection of " h o t " styles...Tomorrow's fashions
been the result of a tight financial
todayl Featuring the b i a l til L E V I ' S . H I S . . M A L I . L A N D
situation in the California colI U B B E H and countkiss ninru. Choosy Irorii 67 w.nsl si/us .mil kit]
leges, b u t the w o m e n also say
lumillre Uppor N o w Y o r k ' s L A R G E S T S E L E C T I O N I Ml H A H I )
they have e n c o u n t e r e d considerI S I JOB IS P I C K I N G O N I Y O N I
able faculty and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n
"Many faculty m e m b e r s take it
as a j o k e , " says R o b e r t a Salper,
the visiting professor in t h e prog r a m . " T h e y m a k e c o m m e n t s like:
'This is absurd. Women c o m e to
college to get h u s b a n d s and we all
know t h a t . ' "
No w o m e n ' s studies p r o g r a m s
have excluded men as s t u d e n t s ,
and m o s t w o m e n d o n ' t seem to
think Ihoy should. But t h e r e is
much m o r e o p p o s i t i o n to having
men on the faculty.
"1 have a strong bias in favor of
female colleagues, having never
had a n y , " says Laws. "I d o n o t
think it's necessary to have a
token chauvinist on the faculty to
keep us honest. T h e r e are plenty
of chauvinists o u t there t o criticize our w o r k . "
Attention F i l m Makers
March 22
in LC 7
8 PM
2nd Annual
Student Film Festival
I'd ST HINSi, - w . m ,
Zepplinish style e x h i b i t e d b y their
previous LP. T h e guitar work is
fast and expressive; the vocals
d e m o n s t r a t e a wide range and an
ability t o evoke a great variety of
e m o t i o n s , from h u m o r t o anger t o
sexuality. T h e a l b u m is true to the
rock and roll tradition from which
it is d r a w n , a case in p o i n t being
C a c t u s ' version of Little R i c h a r d ' s
" L o n g Tall S a l l y . "
Lyrically, the a l b u m is less successful. T h e g r o u p w r o t e m o s t of
the songs; the theme t h r o u g h o u t
can b e s u m m e d up b y this line:
" Y e a h I like to rock and I like t o
roll. Most of all, d a r l i n ' 1 like t o
b a l l . " (Traces of MC5V) Here, the
lyrics are mostly repetitive and
lacking in i m a g i n a t i o n ; still, as
often h a p p e n s with rock, they are
saved by their musical c o n t e x t ,
which blends with the lyric, giving
validity t o t h a t which could not
stand alone.
Your Keepsake Jeweler has
a complete selection of new styles.
He's in the Yellow Pages under
"Jewelers." Or, dial free day or
night long distance 800.2-13 fiOOO.
In Connecticut, call 800-9120055.
N I 4 I I T I R C D
Single admission t o both events
is $1 with S t u d e n t Tax a n d $ 3
w i t h o u t . T h e evening is s p o n s o r e d
by Music Council and funded by a
m a n d a t o r y S t u d e n t T a x . T h i s is
the second event in t h e F S T V L 71
Series of Electronics, Music &
Send new 20 pg. booklet, "Planning Your Engagement anil Wedding"
plus full color folder and U pg. Bride's Book gift offer all for only 25f.
S 71
Women's Studies Gains
Academic Toehold
Those Little Vinyl Discs
a wadleigh-maunce,
lid production
technicolor" liom warner bros
•Preparation for tests required (or ad
mission to post-graduate schools
Six and twolve session courses
• Small groups
Voluminous study material (or homo
study prepared by exports in each
•Lesson schodulo can bu tailored to
moot individual noods. Lessons
can be spread over o period of
several months to a year, or for
out of town studonts, ti ponod
of one wook
'Opportunity for review of past
lessons vio tape ot the center
Special Compoct Courses during
Weekends and Intercession
8 PM
Sun 3 - 7 : 3 0
Admission-! 1.25
(your a d v e r t i s i n g , that is)
This annual farce will be published on May 1st and
we'd like you to advertise in it.
Ads for this issue arc limited to on-campus groups
or individuals. The rate, for this issue only, will
be $1.50 per column inch.
« ? • I w l i f t Btitti hootlm. H
To submit ads or for more information, contact
(212) 336-6300
(610) 538-4666
ItftNllVH «*fL*N.*fi.u*U
StkttQJ with Iht NoUonwul* Wrjiululiim
I he nature ol this paper is satirical and we'd like
the ads to have a humorous tone.
241 C E N T R A L A V E N U E
jeff or Dan in the ASP office, CC 334; or give
us a call at 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 .
OPEN D A I L Y ' T I L 9 P M
S A T U R D A Y T I L 8 PM
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1971
Then on June 1, 1971, the County Court.
aldermen met and were informed
Those indicted were:
in a piece of legislation before
Arnold Leto, president of the
them that the cost was now being Leto Paving Company, charged as
adjusted to $2.1 million total.
corporate officer of the firm, with
The $2.1 million story was filing fraudulent claims and grand
printed in a local newspaper the larceny in the amount of $25,771,
morning of June 2 and Repub- and as an individual in the amount
lican District Attorney Arnold of $20,712.
Proskin's probe began several days
Richard Leto, his brother,
charged with filing fraudulent
The case was given to the April claims and grand larceny in the
term of the grand jury, which amount of $22,477.
subpoenaed Mayor Corning in AuLeo Demeris, charged with filing
gust to produce all city records on fraudulent claims and grand larthe snow removal. The mayor and ceny in the amount of $25,771.
a couple of aides delivered several
Leto Paving Company, Fuller
cardboard cartons filled with Road, charged with filing fraudvouchers, checks and warrants to ulent claims and grand larceny in
the jury room where they were the amount of $25,771.
tagged and receipted. Corning
City Alderman Joseph Lynn Jr.,
testified briefly in the secret ses- of the Fourth Ward, and Marvin
sion, presumably identifying the Tanksley, of the Third, charged
with violation of Section 805 of
Contractors and their employees the Municipal Law. They are
were subpoenaed in subsequent charged with having a direct interweeks, along with their books. est in city contracts as a result of
Corporate and individual records payments made to them for work
began to be matched against city performed during the winter.
records of payment.
Lynn received $3,264; Tanksley,
All the while, the grand juries $5,368. Both men are Democrats
were forced to meet on a frequent in the all-Democratic Common
basis, usually weekly, to accept Council.
evidence or question a witness.
Joseph Leto, also a brother of
The investigation moved quietly Arnold Leto, who was charged
through the fall and early winter after Ihe original indictments were
until the jury handed up the made on February 11.
indictments on February 11 in
The day the indictments were
served, the attorney for the Leto
Brothers, Gene Spada, charged
that Republican political machinations are behind the indict1 MILE NORTH OF LATHAM CIRCLE-RT 9
ments, and that dawn arrests of
the men—in front of their chil12th
dren—were "totally unnecessary."
He charged that Albany District
Attorney Arnold Proskin "is proceeding along the lines dictated by
the Republican powers that be,"
lines which he said were drawn by
former Assemblyman Raymond
C. Skuse acting as a mouthpiece
for county GOP Chairman Joseph
"This is an election year and it
seems to me an obvious attempt
— Honest Bob,
at publicity,..(to) place the DemoUnderground Prosa Syndicate
cratic organization in a bad light,"
he stilted.
Not only are the Letos innocent,
he claimed, but they were underpaid for the work they performed
after the massive snowfall.
Spada further charged that the
The events concerning the Albany snow removal costs for last
winter came to the limelight again
"'this week in court action, but to
understand' the complicated matter, « review of the events is
The snow removal matter began
more than a year ago, on Christmas Day, 1989, a Thursday. Between Thursday and Sunday, a
total of 26.4 inches came down,
rendering the streets and highways
of the entire Capital District
In Albany, dozens of trucks,
plows, front-end loaders, graders
and bucket scoops were pressed
into the fight as first the main
artery, and eventually the secondary streets, were opened. City
officials were operating under
emergency strains.
It was not until January 22,
1971 that Mayor Erastus Corning
announced that the cleanup
would cost a "minimum" of
$300,000 in addition to the
$239,000 already budgeted for
snow and ice removal. The mayor
said a special section of the law
allowed him to bond the emergency expense and the amount rose
to $500,000 when the bond issue
was presented to the Common
Council for approval in February,
meaning the total cost had now
risen to well over $700,000.
A great rock-'n-roll
movie about the best
rock-'n-roll band
in the world.
_ _
The Rolling Stones
Entertainment 7
Jack* l b * * *
1*17 Union St. Sch'dy
Neufeld, S.A. President, in giving
the returns, said, "To the best of
The much-publicized Student our knowledge and belief, it did
Association new constitution not pass."
failed to pass in last week's referThe same went for the other
endum by over 200 votes. This is two questions appearing on the
the opinion of the officers of same ballot with the constitution.
Student Association after long dis- Both the question of MYSKANIA
cussion on exactly how many composition (passed, 1095- 265undergraduate students there are. 202) and the nomination of SuThough the vote was over- preme Court judges (passed, 795whelmingly in favor of the new 432- 335) needed a similar 20%,
constitution (1170 yes, 209 no, which neither achieved.
One of the more interesting as183 abstain), the measure apparently did not draw the neces- pects of the defeat is the utter
sary 20% of the electorate. David lack of knowledge about the size
by Tom Clingan
who worked tor the city (during attorney to show cause why cersnow removal) have appeared be- tain specific relief should be grantfore the grand jury."
ed" was argued before Judge
Proskin, in his press conference Schenck.
minutes after Spada had made his
The tables were turned when
remarks, termed the defense coun- district Attorney Proskin was
sel's charges "not even worthy of charged with misconduct by atcomment. There is no truth to the torneys for Leo Demeris. He was
accused of currying the favor of
Spada said he hoped the mat- the grand jurors by inviting them
ter could be brought to trial. into his home and serving them
The district attorney said the mat- a l c o h o l i c beverages. Judge
ter would be placed on the court Schenck reserved decision on the
calendar and a trial would prob- defense motion.
ably not be held for at least six
At a news conference after the
hearing, comments were made by
Proskin also announced that the b o t h
Demeris' attorney and
investigation would continue for Proskin.
three or four months.
A t t o r n e y Kohen states: "The
This week the trials began for DA entertained in his home memthose indicted. Joseph M. Lynn bers of the very grand jury that
Jr., Alderman from the Fourth brought in these indictments and
Ward, was cleared Tuesday of a that, an irregularity and an ofmisdemeanor charge resulting fense that is legally considered
from last year's snow removal almost indescribable."
program. The ruling by County
Proskin denied the misconduct
Judge Schenck dismissed the in- charge but admitted that grand
dictment on the grounds that jurors came to his home at their
grand jury minutes showed no request to review transcripts of
evidence of an essential element the county jail investigation. He
of the alleged crime, the "willful said that they had also met several
and knowing" violation of the times in various offices. Proskin
General Municipal Law.
said no drinks were served and
Alderman Lynn was the first of snow removal was never discussed.
six persons indicted by the grand He said the statements by Reuben
jury to go to trial.
and Richard Kohen were personal
In a related point brought out in political attacks.
Tuesday's trial, Common Council
"I am not backing down on
President Richard J. Conners tes- anything that I'm doing. I'm not
tified that Lynn was not a going to be scared off. If someone
member of the Council in Decem- wants to attack me, personally,
ber 1969, when the original funds that's all well and good but as far
for snow removal were budgeted. as I'm concerned there's been no
City records show Lynn was paid improprieties conducted by meout of the original fund appropri- —by me or by any member of my
office. Wo have walked a fine line
Ci ty
Comptroller Ho f fma n to make sure we handle things in a
stated that the supplemental most proper basis."
bonds approved in June 1970
It appears that things don't
have never been sold.
change much in Albany. A few
On Wednesday, the day after weeks ago Mayor Corning made
Lynn's trial, Alderman Marvin some announcements about this
Tanksley arrived at County Court winter's (1970-71) snow removal.
for trial and to testify before the
In two separate announcements
continuing grand jury but neither he stated that the Leto Brothers
proceeding took place. Distric At are still employed for snow retorney Arnold Proskin postponed moval with the city and that the
the trial The grand jury was also city had again overrun its budget
temporarily recessed.
due to excessive snowfall this sea
On Thursday, a show cause, son. (The total accumulation for
signed by County Judge Martin this winter of about eight feet was
Schenck, "directing the district the highest for this century.)
Groove Tube is
March 19 and 2 0
Campus Center
Governing Board
Funded by Student Tax
of the undergraduate class. By
accepted definition, anyone taking undergraduate courses is a
member of Student Association.
Under 6 credits per semester, students pay nothing. General studies
(not towards any degree) is also
free. All of these people get tax
cards, so all must be counted in
any real estimation of the size of
S.A. Such an estimate runs as
high as 9,000. Other figures range
from 8,000 and up. In any case,
the 1562 ballots cast are only 20%
of 7810, a number which is way
too low to be an adequate repre-
sentation of undergraduate class ' of the ballot with other questions.
"It's very difficult to get people
According t o S.A. Vice- to vote on constitutions," said
President Mike Lampert, a re- Neufeld. The apathy coat Student
definition ot the membership Association, besides aggravation,
would be impossible now because some $200.00 in election costs. If
the constitution has another try at
"since everyone gets a tax card,
anyone could have voted." He the polls, the cost will be at least
another $200.00.
went on to say that, barring any
conflicting information about the
An emergency meeting of Cennumber of undergrads from the
tral Council has been called for
Administration, the constitution Tuesdayto determine what course
did not pass.
of action will be taken. Neither
Cited as major reasons for the Neufeld nor Lampert would
disappointing turnout were genespeculate about what Council will
ral apathy and the complication
FIVE CENTS off campus
Albany Student Press 4
State Uniuersitu of New York at Albany
Vol. LVIII No. 2 0
March 15, 1971
Council Considers Proposal
For Non-Mandatory Board
by Allen Altman
Next year resident students may have the option of taking board
- -goodman
The Living Area Affairs Commission's proposal calling for the
separation of room and board
plans and making the board plan
non-mandatory was the center of
discussion at Thursday night's
Central Council meeting.
Robert Cooley, Executive Director of the Faculty Student
Association, appeared at the meeting to answer questions and to
clarify his position.
The consequences that would be
in abolishing the
mandatory plan were discussed in
Cooley's opinion was that if
room and board plans were separated, the price of board, which is
already being increased by 5%
next year, would have to be raised
even further.
Cooley also suggested that it
might be possible to go to a
straight cash basis in all cafeterias,
eliminating the contract meal plan
entirely. The result of this plan
would be to raise prices of food
even more.
Dean Perlmutter to Leave
College of Arts and Sciences
by Vicki Zeldin
programs must go together. The graduate program is
a superstructure on the undergraduate which must
be fully developed first." "Great graduate professors
should have contact with undergraduates," he
Concerning the issues of tenure and promotion
and the phenomenon of the "publish or perish"
syndrom Perlmutter slated, "There are some men
who are very famous in their fields who don't have
Ph.D's. rather they are recognized by their achievements. A good teacher is close to his students, but
also close to the materials in his field."
Perlmutter slated that, "the eight year span
between high school and college needs a major
overhaul." He noted his dislike of the highly
structured educational system which requires " x "
numbers of credits to graduate, and went tm to say,
"courses are a means not an end." "One's progress
should be evaluated by his achievement in large
areas rather than in pieces," he added.
The dean would like to see a de-emphasis of the
lecture system. He felt that the undergraduate your*
should allow for more independent study, and more
off campus field work and experiences. Perlmutter
also stated that he would like to see more seminars
and small group discussions.
"I love teaching," stated Perlmutter. "I've maintained a full teaching career while I've been dean,"
he concluded.
Dr. O. William Perlmutter will leave his position as
Ihe dean of the College of Arts and Sciences this
Perlmutter, who served as dean for five years, will
remain at the university as a professor in political
science and sociology. He will also serve as a special
consul I an I ID Piesideni Betiozet in the area of
educational planning.
"I feel that I could be more effective as u member
of Ihe faculty," commented Perlmutter, "The lime
was ripe for a change in leadership," he added.
Perl inn Iter worked extensively with I lie univer
sity's international studies program this year. He
staled, "this year I was not doing the day to day
administrative chores."
Perlmutler was instrumental in forming the freshman summer language program which allows a
student to go abroad to pursue study in any of six
differeul languages. The program grants close to a
semester's credit to an Incoming freshman enrolled
in Ihe program. Perlmutter eventually hopes to see
international student and faculty comprise from 5%
to 1 0% of the university.
The clean stated that he would like to see Albany
have a "first rate undergraduate program." He
termed Albany's current program as, "average, on
the level of the Ohio or Illinois state schools."
Discussing the university's future direction, Perlmutter stated, "the undergraduate and graduate
a separate
plan, Food Service wouldn't be
able to predict student demand
and plan ahead.
The effects that a separate board
plan would have on the dorms
also entered into the discussion.
Dick Wesley, Central Council
Member, pointed out that the
dorms are incapable of handling
any more electrical equipment that
would come about as a result of
student cooking. Due to inadequate electricity in the dorms, any
increase in refrigerators or hot
plates could- cut off all electricity
in the dorms. Furthermore, the
dorms would turn into dirty rat infested areas from the cooking of
food as it has occurred in other
colleges that have tried the separate board plan. This would lead
to serious health problems in the
dorms which couldn't be tolerated.
Mike Lampert, Vice President of
Student Association, brought out
the point that whatever is decided
about the separate room and
board plan, it will infringe upon
the rights of somebody.
Though Cooley cited that he
had no personal objections to the
separate room and board plan, he
wanted everyone involved to be
aware of the problems that would
Reasons given by Cooley for the
5% raise in board next year involved the rising costs of food and
labor. In the past year the cost of
labor and food has risen 20%.
Food Service has only asked for a
5% increase because of large savings realized through tighter control of dining areas during meal
hours allowing only contract meal
holders in. This resulted in a 15%
reduction in costs in one quad
Other Business
By u near unanimous vote, Central Council gave its support to
the newly proposed Assembly Bill
No. 4635 (1971-72) which calls
for legalization of marijuana.
The bill would legalize the
sale of marijuana by licensed sellers such as Pharmacies to anyone
over 18 years of age. Notice of
Central Council's support of the
bill will be mailed to Governor
Rockefeller, both Senators, and
each assemblyman.
After an hour's debate, Council
by a 9-4-12 vote decided to allocate $524 to Sweet Fire to help
fund the next two issues. Jack
Schwartz, editor of the paper, was
present to answer any questions.—
0 . William Perlmutter will leave his position as Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences in August.
- -photo service