The Campus Cop

by John Fairhall
Hacking your way through a jungle may not sound like fun,
but that is exactly what the Judicial Workshop did this past
Participating Faculty, students, and administrators struggled
to define the "jungle" of relationships that constitute our
University community. Their goal was to provide a basis for
an effective judicial system at Albany State.
The compelling need for something better than our present
system is evidenced by the rapid increase of crime on campus.
The system as it stands does not clearly state several
guidelines, including:
1} who may report a crime;
2) to whom a crime should be reported (i.e., n particular
judicial body or person);
The Same Faces
An ASP Column
by John Fairhall
Ken Kurzweil rightfully called
the Judicial Workshop a success.
Much was discussed and prospects for an effective judicial
system appear good.
But let's highlight, for a moment, those who made the
Workshop a success. It was motivated by students, people such
as Ken Kurzweil, Ken Blaisdell,
Alan Ceppos, Barry Kirschner,
Michele Mazepa, Mario Arthur
and Sharon Stiller (with apologies to any unmentioned). Many
of those cited are members of
campus judicial bodies and it
was they who knew first-hand
the defects in our current judicial setup. Let's extend to them
our congratulations, then.
But please, please, do not call
the Workshop a student success.
For as so often seems the case
at Albany State, student action
is not collective but the result
of a few. The Workshop was
publicized and quite open, but
as usual, no one cume but the
regulars. For those ignorant,
"the regulars" refers to that
tiny group that is already involved in student government.
The regulars had more than
themselves to talk to, though, as
the Workshop was attended by
a veritable Who's Who of the
Administration. Chesin, Connelly, Brown, Williams, Thome,
and even John Henighan participated. President Benezet himself addressed one meeting. So
at least "They" came.
Judging from the caliber of
the people involved, then, I do
not feel that the Workshop's
representation—or its mandate
to act for all of us— can be
questioned. This problem was
raised during the weekend, however, d u e to the underrepresentation of "rank-andfile" students and, most important, of minority group students.
Why they weren't there is a
moot question, but I do know
that the judicial system that
develops will affect them.
I won't indulge in any diatribe
on student apathy. But I do
believe that, when future "student" actions develop and are
discussed, the names of those
student*, really involved should
be made clear. This should not,
j n fortunately, involve more
than a few extra lines.
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The Campus Cop
by Dick Blystone
Associated Press Writer
On some police forces, 64 year-old Jim Eisenberg would be
called an anachronism. Ho doesn't like wearing a gun and would
rather walk than ride a patrol car.
On some police forces, 25-year-old Jim Davis would be called a
radical. He enjoys talking with young rebels on his beat, and he
keeps saying policemen should explain to people why they do
what they do.
In fact, both Sgt. James P. Eisenberg and Officer James W. Davis
combined something of the anachronistic and something of the
radical. They are campus cops — Eisenberg a lift-year veteran at
Cornell and Davis a two-year man at Berkeley. They have learned
to wear their ambiguities as easily as their uniforms.
Like their colleagues at colleges and universities across the
country, Davis and Eisenberg are both campus guides and
professional crime fighters, both friends to the students and
symbols of authority where authority is often heated.
It was not always so.
"It was like heaven to start out with," says Eisenberg, recalling
when as Cornell's only campus cop he patrolled on fool or
"They were jusl a good bunch of mischievous kids, but they
were never trouble. It was fun.
"Oh, you might meet a guy peeking in a window, or some of
them would throw toilet paper out of the dorm windows...a little
bit of thievery and some noise calls. Sometimes one of them
would have one too many and I'd take him home or call some of
his fraternity brothers.
"I was issued a weapon, but I never carried it. I still won't unless
it's absolutely necessary,"
In the old days when things got out of hand, Eisenberg drew on
his experience as a civilian Conservation Corps boxing coach.
When the dusl had settled, "the next minute you wen- hack
buddies again and having a few beers together."
Davis never knew such days. He carries a pistol and a can of
chemical Mace on his daytime patrol of Berkeley's Sproul Plaza,
which has witnessed its share of tear gas and flying rocks.
The weapons come up often in the conversations with young
people that are a major part of Davis' job. Where Eisenberg once
could employ a brotherly right hook, Davis has to exercise
"They've got to understand that why I'm there is no! loharass
them but to do a job," Davis explains.
The Berkeley campus recorded one rape, I 'i robberies, I 12
burglaries and 1,121 thefts in 1970 despite a 10 percent drop
in crimes. Its 87 sworn officers are about double the force
three years ago.
3) where, once reported, a case should be heard; and
•1) upon conviction, what punishment should follow, with
what particular avenues of appeal.
Several members of the workshop felt that victims of crimes
are often intimidated into silence, and attributed this to a
lack of faith in the system. The frequent lack of prompt
action in handling crimes was also cited as encouraging
students to remain silent or bypass the campus system in
favor of the civil courts.
Workshop members reached general agreement as to the
jurisdiction of a campus system. It was felt that our
community has a right to set standards for and judge the
behavior of its members. Concensus was nol reached as to
what people and what geographic area make up our community, but it was agreed that a judicial system should deal with
all areas that are of "community interest." Jurisdiction
should extend to problems that occur between members of
different campus groups: students, faculty, administrators
and staff.
Other areas of agreement were:
— the need to use civil courts as little as possible
—the nveil for a community code of conduct
—the need to avoid duplication of the civil court system on
—the right of the campus judicial system to hold hearings on
student cases already pending in civil court
The important work of the Workshop was its full exploration of the judicial problem on campus. Lively dialogue
produced as many innovative suggestions as there were points
of view. Certain ideas seemed to constantly crop up, though:
that a campus grand jury be instituted, that a full-time legal
advisor be hired, and that Security deal mainly with crimes
involving victims, not property-damage crimes.
All seemed to agree that the role of the campus "peace
officer" needs a new definition. However, there was considerable debate as to the type of investigative service required.
Debate also centered on the power that campus judicial
bodies should have, with many feeling that Ihey should he
empowered to summon any person necessary to hear a
particular case.
Studenl-conducl records were discussed, one suggestion
being that they not he used in judging guilt but rather in
I •i.ermining the sentences of convicted offenders.
Much remains to be decided upon, and this will be the
work of the Steering Committee. Workshop Chairman Ken
Kurzweil called the discussions a success, and they were, but
this does nol belittle the responsibility that the Steering
Committee must exercise in upcoming weeks.
The committee numbers about thirteen persons, including
students, faculty, and administrators, Kurzweil hopes to see a
program developed and, in some degree, implemented, before
he graduades in June.
The committee has a greal ileal to work wilh because of this
lasl weekend, hut seeks additional comment from all corners
of the campus. Any information and opinion can be
submitted to the committee through Kurzweil,
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Albany Student Press ^
Vol. LVIII N o . II
ctate University
Unioertitu of New York at Mhanu
Rocky's Proposed Budget [ J |
Draws Varied Criticism
Usually, the first day of budget hearings is the
so-called spender's day when more money is sought
from the state. The second duy generally is the
saver's day, and the time when speakers urge
cutbacks in state spending.
This year, reflecting Rockefeller's proposals for a
$1.1 billion tax increase, the protests creeped into
the first day of hearings.
The taxpayers, said Edward F. Leonard of the
Conservative party, are "being backed up against the
wall....Gentlemen, something has got to give—either
the backs of the taxpayers or the impetus behind
ever increasing state spending."
According to the Big Six mayors, "The proposed
state budget...includes hidden local tax increases for
virtually every local government as an inevitable
consequence of inadequate local assistance."
They asked state payment of costs mandated on
localities, greater aid to education, state takeover of
welfare payments, financial support to police
Witnesses were unified in their unhappiness with departments and compensation for property exGov. Rockefeller's proposed $8.45 billion budget empted from local property U.xes,
Wednesday as the legislature's fiscal committees
"People's Protest Thursday"
opened formal budget hearings,
The reasons for their dissatisfaction were quite
Dozens of placard-carrying people from across the
different, however, as the testimony developed.
The budget plan does not provide enough money state came to complain about the Governor's budget
for education, said spokesmen for the State on Thursday.
Inside the State Education Building, in ChancelTeachers Association, State School Boards Association and the Council of School District Administrat- lor's Hall, dozens of placard-carrying malrons
crowded into seats to listen to a stream of witnesses
The budge! plan provides too much for education, complaining about the governor's budget plan.
They applauded when a spokesman for the Empire
.said spokesmen for the Conservative party and the
State Chamber of Commerce warned that the
Citizens Public1 Expenditure Survey Inc.
The Big Six mayors
John V. Lindsay of New taxpayer was hecomeing an "endangered species."
Abe pickets tax hearing-Ralph Spring, a resident of Altamont,
York City, Frank Sedilii of Buffalo, Allied Del They scowled at demands for more money for NY., i\ud a wood cutter by trade, is dressed as Abe Lincoln as he
welfare and other stale programs,
Bello of Yonkers, Lee Alexander of Syracuse, and
Their complaints were directed at members ^f the picketed outside the state Education Building-the scene of public
Kraslus Corning 2nd of Albany
warned of fiscal
chaos in their cities unless more state aid is legislature's fiscal committees, who were conducting hearings on the proposed budget for 1971-72. |AP Wirephoto]
the second day of public hearings on Rockefeller's
fori hcoming.
The ('onservalive parly spokesman wanted ' be proposed $K.|fi billion budget for the fiscal year
beginning April 1.
slate to slay out of local affairs.
Speaker after speaker, most of them businessmen,
Various welfare groups and community organizacomplained about tax increases. "The proposed lax
tions sought more money for welfare recipients,
increases will cause many taxpayers to follow the
Others said welfare grants ought to he reduced.
The hearings Wednesday were devoted to the slate rule of 'wear out, use up, make do and do without,"
aid to localities recommendations in the budget. On said John M. Quimby of Schenectady, research
Thursday, they take up the government operations director of the Citizens Public Expenditure Survey
Inc. "Why shouldn't the stale follow the same rule?"
and the construction portions of the budget..
Assemblyman Arthur O. Eve, Dem.-Buffalo, told
Similar budget hearings were conducted simultaneously in Buffalo and New York City, Little the unfriendly audience that their demands for
welfare cuts demonstrated an unfamiliurily with the
other legislative business was conducted,
problem, lie quoted statistics that less than -10,000
The Assembly met briefly Wednesday but put off
any activity until Monday in deference to Senator of the slide's 1.0 million welfare population are
considered employable, with the rest being blind,
Edward •'. Speno, Rep. East Meadow, who died
earlier in the day. The Senate recessed Tuesday for disabled, aged and the supporters of dependent
AP Compilation
the rest of the week.
ALBANY, N.Y. AP - Governor Rockefeller
spelled out Wednesday the details of his proposal to
increase state revenue by $16.5 million in the newfiscal year through higher fees for a vast array of
licenses, permits, examinations and registrations.
The largest group that would be hit with higher
levies would be the estimated 1.8 million persons
who obtain hunting, fishing and trapping licenses.
They would pay twice as much after May 1, when
the total package of increased charges would take
The governor proposed the changes as part of his
plan to balance the 1971-72 state budget, which
would raise spending by about $1.5 billion.
Rockefeller said the fees charged for a wide
variety of special services have not been hiked since
the 1930's. He added that adjustments are needed
to keep pace with inflation.
Witnesses Unhappy with Budget
New Buffalo President
Lecture System,
Research Attacked
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Dr. Robert L. Ketter tit bis inauguration as president of SUNY at Buffalo spoke of (he arrogance that
has arisen as a result of "the imposition of an autocratic lecture system...."
de yowifi
IIio new president nf the State University at Buffalo
limk his fellow educators to task Monday, saying thai
anoyance and fear have led to "serious abuses of
academic freedom..."
"This arrogance," Dr. Robert L. Keller said at his
inauguration, "has been manifested in tlie imposition of
an autocratic lecture system which loo frequently has
denied students the freedom of inquiry which we have
claimed lot ourselves.
"We expected our own conclusions, expounded at
length, ID be returned dutifully at the end of the term.
We have thus displayed in ourselves the closed minds
which we have been so quick to condemn in others."
Keller also deplored what he called laws enacted
specifically to control campus disorders.
lie said such laws were "repressive at worst,and at best
they were regressive, for Ihey are certain to erode the
institutional autonomy winch is a prerequisite for true
academic freedom."
Keller also said educators spend too much time on
research and not enough lime on teaching.
Keltei said loo many educators have accepted lighter
course loads "nol to devote more time to individual
students but to pursue our own interests..."
"Our offices are more often closed than open to
students," he said, "and much of our teaching has been
lel'l to the least experienced."
The university, he said, shouldn't reject research, but
said "leaching is primary."
of Working
Bernadette Devlin Speaks
by Mike Ellis
City Editor
Bemadette Devlin adressed a cheering crowd at Skidmore on Sunday
Democratic Leaders
Fa vor Drug Law Ease
ALBANY, N. Y. AP - The legislature's Democraticleaders came out in favor of a proposal to ease the
penalties for possession of small quantities of
Senate Minority Leader Joseph Zaretzki and
Assembly Minority Leader Stanley Stein-gut issued a
joint statement endorsing recommendations made?
last month by the Temporary Stale Commission to
Evaluate the Drug Laws.
The commission proposed a revised range of
penalties so that possession and use of the smallest
specified quantity of marijuana-one-quarter
ounce—would be punishable by a maximum of lf>
days in jail, rather than the present one year
Zaretzki and Steingut said a broader range of
penalties would make the state's law "both reasonable and enforceable."
They added, however, that they did nut endorse
legalizing the use of marijuana.
Vassar Opposes
IBM Grad. Center
The Student Senate at Vassar College passed four resolutions
Wednesday that denounced plans lor a controversial consortium
graduate center on the campus to be funded by the International
Business Machine Corp. Student opposition was based on their
contention that the technological aspect of the plan was "not in
keeping with the character of Vassar College," a liberal arts school
Students also opposed the plan because of IBM's involvement in
defense contract work. A boycott of classes and similar actions was
called for to voice opposition. In addition, a march on IBM's buildings
In Poughkeepsie was held by SO students on Wednesday.
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95% of that society which produces the wealth;
therefore, give to the working class of Ireland all the
means of production. 1 would classify that as a
socialist republic."
The purpose of her trip to America is to raise
funds for a socialist research center in Belfast. She is
a member of the People's Democracy which has six
aims: one man, one vote (in Northern Ireland
property qualifications exist for voting and rich
landowners acquire the votes of their tenants); and a
fair drawing of electoral boundaries; freedom of
speech and assembly; repeal of the Special Powers
Act (which gives the police almost unlimited power
of arrest and detention); and a fair allocation of jobs
and houses.
She was also asked about hersympathy lor Angela
"...if you look at Angela Davis' position, it's very
much the same as Dan Derrigan's position or the
position of far too many young people in Norther
Ireland... Everybody knows that were they nol the
people they were, did they not expouse the political
ideologies they do, they wouldn't be standing
there.""You become very aware...that the law is not
the protectorate of the people. It is yet one more
arm which can be used by those people in ower to
stiffle the dissidents."
Devlin holds that there is not equality before the
law. "It is made by the system for the protection of
that system, and anyone who tries, by whatever
peaceful means, to change that system, will find
that the law is wide enough to charge him with a
As "a member of the international working class,
we assert our right not only to the means of
production, but we organize to take that right. And
when military might is used against us, we assert our
right of survival and self defense," she said.
Miss Devlin believes unification can occur only
when workers find the common bond of socialism
to unite them.
Civilian Review Board to
Watch Military
Robert Dobkin
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON AP- Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announced today creation of a top-level
civilian review board to oversee domestic military intelligence activity and to insure that the constitutional
rights of all citizens are safeguarded.
Laird named Asst. Secretary of Defense Robert F. Froehlke to head the board
and "direct,
manage and inspect military investigative and related counterintelligence activities."
The action carries out Laird's Dec. 2.'1 pledge to strengthen civilian control over domestic military
intelligence operations to prevent a recurrence of the controversy that surrounded the military's spying on
civilian dissenters and political activists.
The new hoard, called the Defense Investigative Review Council, will be composed of senior civilian
Pentagon ollieials with only one of its members from the military. He will be Lt. Oen. Donald Bennett,
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, D1A, which is responsible Tor foreign intelligence.
Froehlke said the new board is preparing a comprehensive, departm nt-wide policy governing all future
investigative and related counter-intelligence activities.
Froehlke said a review of charges that the military spied on civilians without authorization round thai
the allegations "were often exaggerated, but contained sufficient substance to justify both concern and
corrective actions.
Although he declared he "found no evidence or a grand conspiracy," Froehlke acknowledged thai, in
some eases, the rmlltary had been negligent in its zeal to collect information on possible civil disturbances.
Senate hearings will open next week on allegations that spying on civilians by the military violated
constitutional rights to privacy.
He blamed the problem, in part, on the tense domestic situation in 1967-68, During that time when Ihe
military was ordered into an area, he said, civilian officials were ' too imprecise" in telling what the
military could do.
Under the reorganization, he said, the review board will report directly to thesecretary of defense
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Slavic Studies Dept.
Result of Cooperation
by Larry Berwitz
Bernadette Devlin told a cheering crowd at
Skidmore that the fight she helped lead in Northern
Ireland was "not in defense of a Catholic minority
but to demand economic freedom and justice for
the working class."
Speaking before an overflow crowd in Saratoga
3unday, the twenty-three year old MP (Member of
Parliament) stated she had arrived at her socialist
DUtlook "by the worker route, not by the
intellectual route. I speak not as an Irish Catholic
but as a member of the international working class."
Devlin grew up on welfare and family charity after
ner father's early death. The area she lives in has
never had a male unemployment figure below 7%.
(It is now over 10%.)
The recent demonstrations in Ireland began in
October, 1968, when a group of civil rights
demonstrators were doused with water cannons.
Because of her participation in demonstrations last
year, she was imprisoned for four months. However,
she was reelected to Parliament and took her seat
after her release from prison.
Devlin said that "official government statistics
show 5% or the British own 85% of the wealth."
She said the situation is similar in most countries.
"The working class has created every progressive
change in the world. The 5% have produced the
wars and misery. The working class has not started
war." In a related comment, she said, "The 5% of
Americans created the demand for the Viet Nam
War because they were afraid of losing power in the
At a press conference earlier in the day, she stated,
"What I would wish for Ireland is a ...situation
where the people have got their rights, that is a
situation in which there is no unemployment, no
poverty line, no homeless; to have that situation
you must, in fact, have the control of the wealth
and power in ...the hands oT the democratic
"The democratic majority in any society are the
leant ,i new science thai < .in m
structure society to coiirufiti vvilh
ethical idealism in human tmlui
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LOGICAL DIFFERENCES. Scholaslli: inquiry invited.
A spirit of co-operation between faculty and students has
been instrumental in the formation of the Slavic Studies Department, to be instituted here at
SUNYA in the fall. Ten years ago
Russian studies were started at
SUNYA under the auspices of the
Germanic and Slavic Languages
and Literature Department. At
that time, there were only thirty
books in the Russian field in our
library. Since I hen, the Russian
library has grown to over 10,000
There were original plans to
form a Slavic Studies Department
here in Fall 7 0 . Noted historian
Michael Cherniavsky and Professor David Djaparidge were slated
to organize such a department.
However the new department to
be postponed a year, until a new
chairman could be found.
At present, the applicant accepted by the Russian Department's faculty-studet committee
is being cleared by the Committee
on Continuing Appointments. It is
hoped that this new appointment
can bo announced sometime next
A search committee composed
of administration and faculty was
formed to find suitable candidates
for the position of chairman.
Three candidates met with the
faculty and the Russian student
representatives and both groups
voted fiO-SO for the candidate of
their choice. The student representatives became involved with
the Russian Department as a result of the Student Strike last
spring. These students are the
elected representatives of the
majors and minors in the Russian
Department and have been instrumental in urging reform within
the Department as well as pressing
for Russian autonomy from the
Department. Sonya
Sasuta, nominal head of the student representatives commenting
on the student rationale I'or involvement said, "Everyone needed
an answer to what the University
was about."
Anyone who has copies
of the January 22 and
February 5 issues of the
ASP, please bring them
to Ihe ASP office, CC
Thank you.
Negotiations are also in progress
for a full professor who will take
over the duties of Professor
Catherine Wolkonsky who is going
into semi-retirement as of Fall
Professor Wolkonsky has
been at SUNYA since 1963 and
has been instrumental in the
growth of the department.
Since the inception of the Russian Department, its growth has
been rapid. In 1966 a graduate
program for Master of Arts was
formed. There are between twenty and twenty four graduate students taking part, in this program
every year. Last year there were
thirteen graduates with a Master
of Arts degree. There are presently plans to incorporate a doctoral
program in Lhe department by
1973. From the one course offered in Russian in 1961, the Masses of illegally parked cars in Ihe fire lanes on the quads and around the podium pose an immense
department has expanded to problem for security as well its being a serious fire hazard.
twenty six undergraduate and
graduate courses offered now.
Plans include the expansion of the
curriculum within the department, as well as the development
of a summer program in Russia.
Problems with Union Lettuce and
Illegal Parking Discussed
It is also hoped that from
teacher and class evaluation
forms, the department can make
available a booklet to students
planning on taking any Russian
courses, that will contain more in
depth course description than in
currently offered in the bulletin as
well as teacher evaluation information.
oul of the original 111) EOP stu- the congestion caused by the illedents that had been notified were gally parked cars in the fire lanes
An issue of national prominence actually dismissed. Benezet went is a definite fire hazard. While
to say that the program is still parking in the fire lanes violates state
has made itself felt on the Albiiny
campus. President Benezet ex- experimental and is doing what he fire laws, Williams stated that it
plained the problems in attempt- termed "a remarkable good job." was not the state that was coming to procure only Censer Parking complaints were in the plaining about the congestion, but
forefront of the President's bi- rather the Albany Fire Chief himChavez's Union picked lettuce.
The lettuce, bearing the union's weekly Campus Forum once self. He has refused to take his
The growth of the Russian De- symbol of a black eagle, costs again. What appeared to have been equipment through the fire lanes
partment is in part a reflection on
approximately fifty cents to one a sudden crackdown on illegal when they are heavily congested.
the administration's policy of pro- dollar more per ease than does parking was the disputed issue this
When questioned as to why illemoting understanding about a
other lettuce. While on the surface week. Three hundred and seventy gal parking on the quads seems to
vital area in the world today.
this appears to be a negligible nine tickets were issued over last have increased this year, Williams
amount, the university consumes weekend in comparison to a usual pointed to the fact that there are
some fifteen hundred cases of weekend average of some fifty
1500 more cars registered on camlettuce a year, and the purchasing tickets, .lames Williams, security pus this year.
Council of Churches
orderof more expensive lettuce could
ed a crackdown, and went on to
No immediate solution to this
ultimately affect hoard rates.
O.K. Stein Bill
In addition, according to FSA express the opinion that the poor dangerous problem has been
which looked into this issue, Ihe weather conditions over the week- worked out. Ticketing and towing
ALBANY, N.Y. AP The State black eagle lettuce is difficult to end bad probably prompted many of cars will continue. Possible
Council of Churches endorsed obtain. A conflict has arisen be- more students to park up by the solutions mentioned were the
building of multi-leveled parking
Wednesday a bill before the legis- tween Chavez's union and the dorms.
Parking on the quadrangles was structures, or the institution of
lature that would protect New teamsters union because tile latter
Yorkt-rs against serving in an un- are trying to unionize other farm termed a very serious problem. parking privilege fees. However,
declared military conflict.
workers under their union's aus- Williams stated that the campus none of these solutions are imminent.
The legislative commission of pices. II. is the teamsters that averages .'1 lo -I fires a month, and
the Protestant organization said in transport the lettuce to the unia statement that it urged passage versity's Albany supplier and they
of the bill sponsored by Demo- have in some instances, allowed
cratic Assemblyman Andrew the lettuce to spoil rather than
Filibuster on Filibuster Bill
transporting it as they should.
Stein of Manhattan.
Benezet acknowledged the mulThat measure would amend New
York's military law so that a state titude of problems centering
by John Chadwick
resident would not have to serve about the lettuce issue and stated
Associated Press Writer
in a combat zone outside the that the university was in symUnited States or in an area where pathy wild Chavez's union.
WAMHNGTON AP - Senators trying to make it
hostilities have existed for more
Benezet commented on what
easier to choke off filibusters lost a first test vote
than 60 days unless the Congress had been termed an unusually
declared that a state of war large number of HOP students
On a move to halt a Southern-led filibuster against
existed in which this country was that had been academically disa proposed change in Senate rules, the vote was -18
missed after lasl semester, lie said
for and ;J7 against, or 9 short of the necessary
"We are opposed to involuntary thai Ihe number was nol as large
two-thirds majority of senators voting.
participation of citizens of our as many thoiighl since many of
A second attempt is planned next week to cut off
state—or our country—in a war the students who had been nothe debate that began Jan. 26 on the proposal lo
which has not been acted upon by tified thai their registration had
permit filibusters to be halted by a three-fifths
the Congress as clearly provided been terminated had appealed the
majority of senators voting rather than the twofor in the U.S. Constitution," the decisions or had made up work,
thirds majority now required by the rules.
statement said.
and had been reinstated. Only Hi
by Howard Mahler
The Deadline for
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lllllMDlllacLip THIS coiipoNiTiiai^nigiiiirsnijg
Who Is 'Tommy the Traveler'?
Keep the Draft
1 msint>( rue
l Mtmemei
fvmr i MEAN
from the Scranton Report-
p If38M
There are few sttbjecls m o r e discussed a n d pin down in mode
lite Drafl. T h e length t o which ii has
The following are excerpts of the Scranton Commission
on Campus Unrest, in particular, Hobart College and incidents
related to an untrained undercover agent Thomas
Part III, including the conclusions and recommendations
of the
will be printed on Monday.
The ASP thanks Curtis West, editor of The Herald, Hobart
College, Geneva, N.Y., for his aid in obtaining
the copy of the
exemplefied by Laird's prediction of a v o l u n t e e r army by |')7; u
Nixon will go along with phasing out ihc draft, then ilio Penfaen
must hav> no objection.
And y e t . there are any n u m b e r o f o b j e c t i o n s lo j vlnum..
army. Throughout history, il's been m e r c e n a r y (vohmteei j ; „ n ] | ,
which toppled governments. Mosl
veterans share a
dislike of "lifer" lypes can y o u imagine all army nl llienr'In',
strictly volunteer army, where till vie for a hetiei-paid |,,,» ,'
status, would Ihc My Lai massacre ever have been disciiveied' 1 '
The influx of reluctant, but m o r a l , y o u n g draftees are uhn
keeps Ihc army human
at least that pari of the urmy charged wu'li
carrying out orders. The a r m y w o u l d b e c o m e a strange amsection of America: a p a t r i o t i c , conservative officei class ami
The above cartoon is entirely the work of Jon Gu
largely-black population of enlisted men.
tlman's perverted imagination. Any complaints should bo sent to him.
The professional warrior was Ihc mark of Ihc pasl; will \K ,|s,,
be the emblem of Ihc mosl advanced n a t i o n mi cailh ' fai.wih
there will be little objection: I lie y o u n g m e n will. Im ihc i m parl, feel very relieved, and the Pentagon will have ,, IIMCCUMK
this campus paying their entire way through school.
Michael himself pointed out to me that he is getting
m o n e y from the Regents Exam Board of New York
State, just as I am. I would like for all of you w h o
T o the Editor:
feel that way to know my parents are helping to
In y o u r F e b m u r y 15, 1971 issue of the ASP y o u send y o u through school because they are tax
printed, " T h e manager of the b o o k s t o r e , Robert payers.
DiNovo, stands ready t o assure imy faculty m e m b e r
S o never think for a minute we are getting
that n o t o n e order has been c u t this year, and will anything free because y o u are getting the same
not be c u t in the f u t u r e . " I wish Mr. DiNovo would thing. If o u r gains, and accomplishments hurt you I
stand ready to assure any s t u d e n t t h a t n o t o n e o r d e r h o p e it kills you. Think ahout it!!!
has been cut this year. In such n case, I would he
Gerry Russell
glad t o call him a
The Enemy
will In
Over the past three and a half years I have learned
that the SUNYA b o o k s t o r e is the s t u d e n t s ' worst
e n e m y . I have been told n o t less than ten Limes (one
time this semester) t h a t the b o o k s t o r e was o u t of a
book I needed. I have resorted t o buying them
elsewhere, borrowing t h e m , wailing lor them t o
c o m e in, and, in one case, d r o p p i n g t h e course.
I am presently waiting for a h o o k . When I firsl
went t o b u y it, I was told the b o o k s t o r e ordered
t w e n t y - t w o books. When I talked t o m y professor
about it, he said he ordered twenty-four After a
count of how many p e o p l e in the class d i d n ' t have
the book, my prof found t w o people (including
myself) had heeu screwed by the b o o k s t o r e . Now
you tell m e , if '21 b o o k s were ordered b y m y
professor and 22 b y the b o o k s t o r e , h o w m a n y
people should be s h o r t a b o o k ?
Since Mr. DiNovo did n o t c u t o n e order this
semester, the only way t o explain this is I hat Mr.
DiNovo does n o t k n o w h o w t o c o u n t . Maybe he
thinks if y o u take t w o away from twenty-four, you
still have twenty-four. O n e thing thai I'm sure of is
that h e ' s trying to c o n the faculty of S U N Y A .
Eugene Myers
Mike Lippman Replies
I believe I can clear u p all charges of cowardice,
liberalism, racism and ignorance very simply My
article on racism has been wildly misunderstood Ii
was not an aritcle stating my t h o u g h t s on the black
situation at S U N Y A ; the black situation is something
I a m n o t qualified t o write a b o u t . It was my opinion
of a white mood existing on c a m p u s , t h e mood thai I
believe a majority of whites share, o n e of fear and
ignorance of the new black image. T h e quotations
were n o t mine and I d o n o t agree with the opinions
expressed in them-Lhey were included to convey
openly feelings which are expressed only in racially
unmixed circles.
Not a Racist
To the Editor:
In her column, "While Students: Insensitive and
Blind," Miss Griffith raises some interesting questions. S h e says, " (whiles) have the nerve to
want Lo rob them (Blacks) of their few requests. Are
you some greedy child that must have an equal
share of everything? 1
1 personally think the "child" is really unnecessary, since being a greedy adult is just as despicable
if not. more so. However, is wanting an equal share
greedy? If so, then the whole concept of " e q u a l i t y "
as being righteous and just must come under close
scrutiny. It might n o t be just at all, only greedy! If
so, then all these years, while I thought the Blacks
were crying out for justice, they were only guilty of
greed, albeit the same greed we whites have been
guilty of all along, b u t greed none the less.
Incidentally, I can write an entire article making
false accusations against Whites as did Michael
toward Blacks. I refuse t o play u p t o his ignorance. I
realize that his aricle was a p r o d u c t of his s t u p i d i t y .
He shows that the white s t u d e n t s are strangling in
their superiority complex, t o such a degree whore
their emotions are affected, and they are hurt. In
other words the white s t u d e n t s are saying that
Blacks have n o right t o have m o n e y , and dress nice
at least n o t t o out do any white person. I think that
is rather rldiculo ., d o n ' t y o u ?
What t h e article was trying t o say is t h a t we are
getting everything freo. There are a great deal of
white s t u d e n t s on E.O.P., b u t they d o n ' t m a k e it
k n o w n . They only appear on days when m o n e y is
being h a n d e d o u t . H o w come they d o n o t dress
As a m a t t e r of fact there are very few s t u d e n t s o n
M o T 5 T Mf;
TO fit Fast:
a violent
a n d requested
c o n f r o n t a t i o n was
t h e sheriff, some
s t u d e n t s and o t h e r college officials n o w present,
discuss an alternative means. T h e Dean and stude n t s , including Sean C a m p b e l l ,
Davis a n d
Raphael M a r t i n e z , walked a m o n g Ihe s l u d e n t s asking them t o remain peaceful. Several s t u d e n t s a n d
McKean addressed the c r o w d from Ihe h o o d and the
o f the car c o n t a i n i n g T o m m y
and Simon,
of Geneva citizens embarrassed b y all t h e p u b l i c i t y ,
six d a y s later, o n J u n e 11 t h e police issued w a r r a n t s
for seven p e r s o n s (six s t u d e n t s a n d o n e H o b a r t
faculty m e m b e r ) , charging t h e m w i t h o b s t r u c t i n g
g o v e r n m e n t a l p r o c e d u r e a n d riot in the s e c o n d
d e g r e e , in c o n n e c t i o n with the J u n e 5 d i s t u r b a n c e
on Ihe l l o b a r l c a m p u s .
T h e r e are certain highly irregular a n d unusual
c i r c u m s t a n c e s s u r r o u n d i n g Ihe arrests a n d t r e a t m e n t
of Sean C a m p b e l l , Raphael Martinez a n d Bruce
Davis o n J u n e I I .
T h e H o b a r t S t u d e n t Council Treasusrer, T i m
Y o l e n , w a s given the run-a-round from Geneva t o
C a n a d a i g u a a n d back in his efforts t o post t h e
u n u s u a l l y high bail o f $ 6 , 0 0 0 for the s t u d e n t s , a n d
the w h o l e ordeal o f Campbell,, Davis a n d Martinez
b e i n g transferred from t h e Geneva jail t o t h e
C a n a d a i g u a jail b y a patrol car traveling at speeds in
excess of 4 0 m . p . h . is at the very least q u e s t i o n a b l e
as t o ils p u r p o s e a n d necessity. While C a m p b e l l ,
telling litem the situation was u n d e r control and
reiterating the necessity
for everyone l o maintain
their " c o o l . " It is cleat Ihal violence and b l o o d s h e d
was anticipated by the s h e r i f f s d e p a r t m e n t and Ihe
presence of riot police complicated the s i t u a t i o n .
S t u d e n t s still remained peaceful and Simon was able
lo leave his vehicle a n d walk
a m o n g Ihc
Police, s l u d e n t s a n d college officials gathered in a
series of meetings
in the head resident
r o o m in a nearby d o r m a n d s l u d e n t s proposed the
idea of lotal a m n e s t y for all the s l u d e n t s arrested
that nighl in exchange for l o n n n y ' s arrest on the
d harassment
albany student press?
">« Albany Press
publish™! , „ „ , „ „ „ „ . , „,„
£ " , ."."• V ''" r l '"" :t '" 1 "'"""I .Swisses) liy Urn Student ASM™
SMIL Umvarsily nl New York ,„ Albany rim Student A,s<>, i.iti,
, „ " " ? " C " " " " 3 " 6 "< " " M Washington Avenue
2203, Subscription p r i c e , s $ g „„,
Albany, N,,
,, „ (
mailing permit pending, Ballston Spa, New York.
Ihomas g. cliiignii
aralynn abure
assistant advertising
• • • • burbura c o o p e r m a n
nitsini'ss manager
in the Mind
,, , : •
technical editors
turn rhodes
warren wishart
i ireulution
carol hughes
vicki /eldin
roy lewis
inaida oringli"
terry wolf
chuck ribak
sue seligson
,,„.„.,;,. i , ' ; • ' dlll > Williams
associate technical editors
That blatant racism is indeed still alive can be
clearly seen in Margaret Griffith's column in the
Feb. 16 ASP. Her statement that it is "quite obvious
that the stigma of Blacks being shiftless, lazy, and
dirty has just been a means of projecting your
innate q u a l i t i e s " is characteristic of the ugly slurs so
often heard from the m o u t h s of white racists,
,,„.,. I I ' p tub
• • fairliiill
debbie nataiisiiliu
limlti water*
' '
" " "
arts edit
michclc palellti
boh zarcinlxi
jay rosenberg
. r. j . warner
mike ellis
Of course, any really beautiful aspect of a person
is found in his mind, n o t in his physical appearance.
We can soe very little beauty in the mind of
Margaret Griffith. But then, she probably doesn't
give a d a m n a b o u t what we think.
Eric Parsons
T o m Burke
Michael Lippman
To t h e Editor:
By suggesting that you can perceive an individual's
qualities a n d habits from his outward appearance,
Miss Griffith accepts the tenet by which white
racists establish thai individuals having black skin
are inferior. Her tendency t o generalize is dangerous. Racism thrives on such stereotypes.
arrested a n d 4 5 m i n u t e s later uniformed officers
arrived with t h e w a r r a n t . However, it was unclear
h o w t o get T o m m y out of the area, as t h e s h e r i f f s
car h a d been immobilized by t h e s t u d e n t s surr o u n d i n g it. At this point several dozen Geneva
police in riot gear were assembling a b o u t a block
away on S t . Claii Street. Dean McKean s p o t t e d
Sheriff M o r r o w near Ihe riot squad and asked for
what purpose these m e n had been called o u t .
Morrow replied ill o r d e r t o gel his m a n ( T o m m y )
For those w h o c o u l d n ' t reach m e b y phone, 1
moved this semester and m y n e w number i>
And what of those "few requests." "...( Andl if we
request y o u t o serve us, it's your obligation....," is
one of them. Miss Griffith, if not • explicitly, then
raises the question, why
"...can't you accept the change? That is, since the
Black man has been exploited by, and subservient t o
the whites for four centuries, why can't you accept
a reversal of roles?
Word spread quickly t h r o u g h o u t the d o r m i t o r y
c o m p l e x , which houses 3 0 0 s t u d e n t s that " T o m m y
the T r a v e l e r " was an undercover agent w o r k i n g with
the police a n d that some s t u d e n t s had been ar-
I expected lo get alot of shit from t h e article I was
so sure it would come from whites angry nl being
placed on the defensive thai I c o u l d n ' t forse" it
would be misread as a personal diatribe againsl
I d o n o t believe Miss Griffith's contention that
because I am white, I a m therefore rascist.. (Post ho
ergo propter hoc), However, if Miss Griffith truly
To the E d i t o r :
believes what she writes, then perhaps in her
I am writing this letter in reference t o t h e "Where a t t e m p t to be facetious, she may have inadvertently
is Racism G o i n g ? " an article which appeared in the answered her own questions in her very last paraFeb.12 issue of the ASP.
In this article Michael Lippman s t a t e d that everyRespectfully,
one is a racist. Perhaps this true. T h r o u g h o u t his
Fred Neil Peck
article h e made a great deal of s m a r t r e m a r k s a b o u t
black s t u d e n t s on the S.U.N.Y.A. c a m p u s , stereotyping everyone.
His article implied h o w t h e average w h i t e s t u d e n t
feels about the black s t u d e n t . Personally I could
care less how the average white s t u d e n t feels a b o u t
me. Because I could take y o u or leave y o u . I could
have belter things t o d o than t o worry a b o u t how
you dress.
On the m o r n i n g of J u n e 5 at 1T: JO a.m. m e m b e r s
ol' lite O n t a r i o C o u n t y S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t came
o n l o the Hobart c a m p u s t o m a k e arrests for
narcotics possession on i n f o r m a t i o n provided by
T h o m a s T o n g y a i . In the process of the arrests two
oilier s t u d e n t s were picked u p on harassment
charges, o n e w h o yelled, " l i u s l . " and the other for
yelling. " P i g , " at T o m m y . During t h e apprehension
of these five s t u d e n t s , n o person offered resistance
or a t t e m p t e d o b s t r u c t i o n of the officers. College
officials had not been notified in advance of the
warrants and the arresting officers appeared on
c a m p u s out of uniform and in u n m a r k e d cars.
thI StM,
. T " ""
Phlllc P y m b 0 , " T y ° '
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° U " d i n 1 8 l B o n d are a m.mb.r of l l u AHOCiatad
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i" " ' "* k " P ' l n <"«'•«•'"• t>V a mandatory .uidunt tax.
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Whim of t h ,
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rested b y hint. S t u d e n t s began t o gather immediately in Ihc d o r m parking lol where the sheriffs
cars were p a r k e d . They s u r r o u n d e d one car conlaming Detective William S i m o n . T o m m y and two
s t u d e n t s arrested on harassment. Within ten minutes
Dean of l l o b a r l College R.O. McKean arrived on the
scene a n d assessed the situation as calm and
non-violent. He sought i n f o r m a t i o n from the
Geneva Police Chief T h o m a s McLaughlin as to
w h o m was in charge and lite Chief r e s p o n d e d , "It's
not my o p e r a t i o n . "
McKean spoke wilh b o t h Detective Simon and
otliet law e n f o r c e m e n i officers on the scene, as well
.IN wilh several s t u d e n t s , l i e d e t e r m i n e d ihal students were upset, not because there had been a
naicoiics raid, hut because T o m m y the I raveler, an
a d a m a n t a d v o c a t e of violence against agencies of lite
United Stales g o v e r n m e n t , had been w o r k i n g with
the s h e r i f f s d e p a r t m e n t . In a d d i t i o n , s t u d e n t s could
not u n d e r s t a n d w h y T o m m y had not been arrested
on harassment charges. O n e m o n t h earlier Tongyai
had t h r e a t e n e d the life o f Raphael Marline/., a
Hobart s t u d e n t . A warrant for T o n g y a i ' s arrest was s
issued at that t i m e . The s t u d e n t s w a n t e d an explanation a n d they were not going t o leave the scene
until these points were clarified.
Dean McKean spoke wilh Detective Simon asking
if the s t u d e n t s could be released on his recognizance
in nidei l o alleviate the situation and disperse the
c i o u d S u b s e q u e n i l y , ihe students weie teleased,
leaving i'ommy and Simon alone in the cat,Following
this Ihe ctowd still did not d i s p e r s e , a s live
oilier issue o f l o n n n y ' s a n e s l on ihe May (>
harassment warrant had not been resolved. Il should
be noted thai at n o time did any of Ihe peace
o l i i c e t s on the scene request, oidei 01 act in such a
niannei l o disperse t h e c i o w d .
Simon put in a call on his radio t o have T u m m y
was eventually
lo by all as the best means of avoiding a
a n d a written
agreement was
worked out and signed b y A n t h o n y I.. Cecere, Chief
Detective, O n t a r i o C o u n t y , a n d witnessed
by l l o b a r l President li.D. Causey and Dean McKean
lo d r o p all charges. The a n n o u n c e m e n t was m a d e l o
Ihe c r o w d . T o m m y was removed from the scene b y
a n o t h e r patrol car w i t h o u t difficulty and ihe crowd
Davis a n d Martinez were having their hair cut a n a
laces shaved in jail, a police officer s t o o d next t o
t h e m , t h r e a t e n i n g t h e m that they were "going t o get
a bullet b e t w e e n the e y e s " if they " a c t e d u p . " T h e
s l u d e n t s arrested were offered n o food o f any k i n d ,
even t h o u g h they were in jail during t h e n o o n h o u r
w h e n meals are fed t o all o t h e r prisoners.
was dispersed at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 a.m.
A I ' T E R M A T H O F J U N E .,
I lie J u n e 5 incident ai Hobart received national
press coverage a n d [he public e x p o s u r e of T o m m y
as u n d e i c o v e r law e n f o r c e m e n t officei. closely
associated willt subversive, violent activities, placed
many Geneva officials in an u n c o m f o r t a b l e , almost
scandalous position. In Ihe midst of CHS and NIK'
interviewing s l u d e n t s about T o m m y ' s role o n campus vis a vis the ROTC firebonibing a n d ihe o u t c r y
J U N E 14
O n J u n e 1 0 , American Legion m e m b e r s a n d a
n u m b e r o f Geneva citizens began actively organizing
an anti-Hobart d e m o n s t r a t i o n t o coincide with the
college's c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises. Area news media
gave extensive details of the time, place a n d p u r p o s e
of t h e m a r c h . Efforts by the college t o prevent the
prolest were fruitless a n d during t h e g r a d u a t i o n
c e r e m o n y h u n d r e d s of t o w n s p e o p l e walked within
75 yards of the proceedings s h o u t i n g , "Clean il u p
or close it d o w n , " a c c o m p a n i e d b y a barrage o f car
h o r n h o n k i n g . There are some i n d i c a t i o n s t h a t
a l t h o u g h police did calm a n d c o n t r o l t h e r a u c o u s
p r o c e s s i o n , they were also involved in its organization a n d did n o t restrain the cruwd as m u c h as
J U L Y 29
Tongyai was found i n n o c e n t of the harassment
charges of May h, at which time he t h r e a t e n e d the
life of Raphael Martinez and struck a blow t o his
Tongyai was arrested and charged with filing false
affidavits in o r d e r t o secure u n e m p l o y m e n t insura n c e , while e m p l o y e d as an undercover narcotics
agent for Ihe O n t a r i o C o u n t y Sheriff. He w a s
released in the a f t e r n o o n o n $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 bail.
b y Dennis Whitehead
We asked, is this w h a t he calls bulance? " A b o u t 9 0 % of m y w o r k
o n t h e police b e a t d e a l t with criminals. I never felt it necessary t o
explain t h a t m o s t p e o p l e are n o t entangled with t h e l a w . Must I
w r i t e a b o u t t h e good s t u d e n t w h o d o e s n ' t s m o k e or d r i n k a n d
w h o s t u d i e s his n o n - d i r t y b o o k s ? " Although he e s t i m a t e s t h a t
9 5 % of t h e S U N Y A s t u d e n t b o d y are "solid c i t i z e n s , " h e asks
" W h a t c a n I write a b o u t t h e good s t u d e n t ? "
" Y o u ' r e T o o Easily S h o c k e d "
p h o t o s b y Rich Alverson
B a m e t t " S p e c " Fowler of N i s k a y u n a , N e w York, is a large m a n
w h o l o o k s ( b u t does n o t a c t ) s o m e w h a t older t h a n his 56 years.
He has been a n e w s p a p e r m a n for 4 2 y e a r s , including 10 years
covering police b e a t s ; h e w a s t h e Times-Union
City a n d S u n d a y
Editor b e f o r e He, t u r n e d t o writing " C o m p a s s Points of Capil
t a l a n d " s o m e 4 A years a g o . Mr. Fowler has of late written
prolifically a b o u t S U N Y A a n d its s t u d e n t s , a n d in o r d e r t o find
o u t w h a t m a k e s Spec tick t h e ASP interviewed him in a
three-hour session on F e b r u a r y 10 a t his n e w s p a p e r ' s offices in
Spec t r u n d l e d o u t a n d greeted us with a smile. We used
psychology o n h i m a n d smiled back, then t h r e w him off-balance
temporarily b y n o t i m m e d i a t e l y scribbling obscenities o n t h e
walls. (We d i d t h a t o n t h e w a y o u t . ) Seated in t h e conference
r o o m , he told us of his c h i l d h o o d in R o t t e r d a m and of his
week-long c a m p i n g trips t o Lake George. He was k n o w n as a
" r a b b l e - r o u s e r " in S c h e n e c t a d y , a r e p u t a t i o n which has certainty
not deserted h i m .
Detractors have called him t h e " V o i c e of M o r a l i t y , " " T o w n
S c o l d , " and " J e s u s Christ, J r . " " M o s t people think of m e as a son
of a bitch or n o t ; m y o w n o p i n i o n is s o m e w h e r e in b e t w e e n . " His
m a n y years as a police r e p o r t e r have molded a personal
philosophy which "balances a n n o y a n c e with a sense of h u m o r . "
He says he is " r e a s o n a b l y t o l e r a n t , " b u t a b h o r s b r u t a l i t y .
We asked h i m when he first started writing a b o u t Albany S t a t e .
" I wrote my first article o n S U N Y a b o u t a year and a half ago,
when I was e n o r m o u s l y intrigued b y t h a t c a r t o o n showing a
professor defecating into a f u n n e l . " R e m i n d i n g us again of his
reasonable t o l e r a n c e , h e confessed t h a t the ASP of t h e last few
years " d i s t u r b e d " h i m .
We got a r o u n d t o Sayles Hall. Spec could hardly sit still w h e n
we m e n t i o n e d it. " T h e crux of the matter was n o t the d e f a c e m e n t
of several h u n d r e d square feet of wall; I could care [ess! It's n o t
t h e harmless graffiti, b u t the fact t h a i the activities of a few
influence t h e majority. I d o n ' t care if they say ' F u c k Barney
F o w l e r , ' b u t here a small minority forced their o w n form of art
u p o n t h e majority w h o have to pay for i t . " We told him t h a t s o m e
of t h e defacers have turned themselves in. " I admire t h a t : It takes
guts to d o i t . "
C o n c e r n i n g his e n t r y Into Sayles, he shrugs it off with a c h u c k l e .
" Y o u ' r e t o o easily s h o c k e d . I d o n ' t think any individual w h o
keeps his r o o m clean should mind m e coming into a r o o m I
consider a pigsty in o r d e r to raise the .standards of t h e d o r m . I
think t h e slobs should be p u t in one or t w o d o r m s of their o w n . "
What gives h i m t h e right t o play the role of Mr. Clean? " A s a
r e p o r t e r I have t h e right t o enter any state i n s t i t u t i o n . " Would he
e n t e r private a p a r t m e n t s in government-owned housing projects?
" I f t h e r e were reason t o believe that certain c o n d i t i o n s existed
t h a t were n o t in keeping with proper standards of living, I think a
r e p o r t e r w h o could n o t get permission from t h e Housing
A u t h o r i t y would be remiss in his d u t y if he d i d n ' t go in there. I'll
m a k e every d a m n e d effort I can - within reason - t o get in and
observe. This is m y j o b , this is what I've d o n e all my life," Would
B a m e t t Fowler, private citizen, be upset if he rented a motel
r o o m and s o m e r e p o r t e r , thinking something was amiss, b r o k e in?
" I would e x p e c t i t . "
" I d o n ' t care if they say ' F u c k Barney F o w l e r . ' "
"Be a 'Self-Gooser' "
" I d o n ' t like oversupervision, this is for the birds, b u t s o m e b o d y
should have stepped in t w o or three years a g o w h e n t h e ASP g o t
o u t of hand. I called it a c a m p u s rag, a n d very cheerfully s o .
Unless y o u hate adults, what's wrong with taking an e x p e r i e n c e d
adult and asking his advice? You've got to be a ' s e l f - g o o s e r ' - t h e
competition is between mediocrity and excellence. In y o u r case,
with no administration interference or faculty advising, it's got t o
c o m e from within yourselves.
" I used to teach journalism at Siena, and as technical advisor t o
their paper I gave those guys every conceivable kind of free rein,
within reason. I once ordered a Father from t h e c l a s s r o o m for
trying to take over a discussion.
" A N e w s p a p e r ' s G o t t o Have C u t s . "
" I ' m n o t s h o c k e d b y a four-letter word, b u t w e ' r e concerned
with t h e q u e s t i o n of a s t a n d a r d , n o t of c o n d u c t , b u t of printing.
We u n d e r e s t i m a t e t h e actual p o w e r of a n e w s p a p e r . There a i n ' t a
hell of a lot of sense in a n e w s p a p e r existing unless it's p u t t o
reasonably good use. T h e p a p e r last year was b e c o m i n g t o o
damned occupied with biological functions
reccs and o t h e r
certain enjoyable acta." (A sly wink here.)
Asked a b o u t t h e p r e s e n t ASP, Fowler had s o m e kind words,
declaring that in his o p i n i o n t h e paper has " i m p r o v e d in q u a l i t y .
Your paper n o w is b e t t e r because it shows m o r e balance, as is seen
by the recent 'Crime o n C a m p u s ' editorial. T o o m a n y people
today are regimented into the s a m e kind of t h i n k i n g ; because a
campus may b e liberal is n o reason for the paper t o be so. A
newspaper has got to have guts. G u t s is the t h e m e of everything
that I w r i t e . "
Spec says he has read the Albany
lianlv, which he has
contributed to financially and has referred to in past c o l u m n s as
" t h e voice of s a n i t y " on the S U N Y A c a m p u s . He has also read
Sweet Fire: "I was particularly fascinated by their description of
the narco s q u a d . "
"Did B a m e t t Fowler ever a d v o c a t e suppression of the ASP?
" Y o u bet I d i d ! And I'll d o it again if n e c e s s a r y . " This we found
to be interesting, as Spec never w e n t to college and a d m i t t e d that
the ASP is aimed at a fairly specific a u d i e n c e which is n o t as easily
offended as the readers of the Times-Union.
Wc asked what t h u s
gave him the right to call for t h e suppression of a publication
which is funded in n o way ( " T h a n k G o d ! " ) by his tax m o n e y .
At length, F o w l e r c o n c e d e d that going into a private r o o m
" m i g h t have t h e effect of irritating s o m e o n e . But 1 challenge
a n y o n e t o bring charges. Find something in SUNY law; I'll plead
i n n o c e n t a n d I'll be willing to take the c o n s e q u e n c e s . "
C a m p u s Cops and Robbers
S h o u l d Security Police be armed? " Y e s ! " With w h a t ? "With
guns! I d o n o t believe it is sensible to emasculate .security guards
by n o t even giving t h e m a slingshot."
Spec feels this ballistic chsembowelment is t h e fault of t h e
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . " T h e y should s t o p playing cops and r o b b e r s o n
c a m p u s . I d o n ' t think S U N Y has leadership; it is being run mostly
by s t u d e n t s and n o t by t h e administration. A good s e g m e n t of
s t u d e n t s are o u t of c o n t r o l at Albany State. Permissiveness has
grown t o t h e point w h e r e it has b e c o m e a F r a n k e n s t e i n on t h e
c a m p u s . I believe t h a t for every action there is a reaction. I believe
t h a t s o m e o n e w h o defaces or d e s t r o y s n o t only should get
p u n i s h e d , b u t deserves i t . "
S p e c m e n t i o n e d a letter he received from S U N Y A Public
R e l a t i o n s Director David Van Dyke stating that over $f>000
d a m a g e was d o n e the physical plant in I he H)70 Fall Semester.
" W h y c a n ' t we nail t h e bastards who did t h i s ? " Would he expel all
defacers c a u g h t ? "I advocate a demerit system. Let t h e consistent
offenders be t h r o w n o u t of college where they can get a lew
b o o t s in t h e ;iss. F o r e x a m p l e , those w h o defaced Sayles t h e
.second time should he expelled. They have d e m o n s t r a t e d a spirit
of rebellion which is unhealthy for the s t u d e n t b o d y . "
On Marijuana
" T h e smell of it turns my s t o m a c h , " snorted Spec as he Ml u p
a n o t h e r b u t t . " B u l the penalties for users are excessive. T h e most
brutal thing is to bust a weak-willed individual for e x p e r i m e n t i n g
with t h e stuff. If I were convicted lor everything I did- o n c e , for
the first lime - I'd be a shattered man. 1 feel lhal a m a n ' s record
should have a certain n u m b e r of convictions before publicity
Has he tried marijuana" "I don't have lo put my hand in the fire
lo know it's h o t . Bul if a man want* to commit suicide, let h i m . "
Does Spec d r i n k ? " Y o u h e ! ! But I'd he Ihe firsl to say that our
boo-/.? s t a n d a r d s are not strict enough either "
On Censorship
"I d o not believe it is sensible t o emasculate security g u a r d s
by n o t even giving Ihetn a slingshot."
"i*i... •; urrent novelists arc preoccupied with perversion, h u t 1
d o believe in censorship in certain instances, as in a b o o k I read
recently o n growing and packaging marijuana. It had all the thrill
Code of Ethics
"Bui the SUNY system should have a code of ethics or if ,1 \
got one it should have a stricter code of ethics.
think „ „ , . „f
the functions of college is to teach a set of s t a n d a r d s . An
intelligent person should be able to understand a set of ethics N „ l
morals bul ethics
a code that empowers the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n I,,
order for hvvith I he elimination of a c a m p u s paper that d u e s ,„>.
meet certain standards. In my „ „ „ , ; „ „ , „ n , w
. wl)U.,, ,,
preoccupied with the bowels is n o , a s l u d e n l newspaper. II would
• logical for such a code to exisl, and violation should call In,
the suppression ol „ newspaper or lor i m m e d i a t e expulsion of ,
s t u d e n t . Every d a m n move you make in society is based on a code
ol ethics, and that code is the law "
I ! l ' 7 ° I C ° " f , M " n ' ' H y " h " S i , 1 ( l m l ' " « ' Previous e x p e r i e n c e ,„
drawing u p and enforcing codes of behavior for others. T h e
w o r e T , " " r ' """" i " , | " > i n U " 1 h l m C U 8 t o d l " n <>f " S c h e n e c t a d y
w h o r e h o u s e or a year, lie smiles at the m e m o r y of U „ , s e „,.,„',
lor opposing replies: this gives balance lo a newspaper
A l h l v Z , " ,''", t h " U f ' h i s c ' u l u m n w a B b l , l " n c i -'< 1 w a r d i n g
Albany S t a t e s t u d e n t s ; i.e., d o e s ho over write a n y t h i n g good
merli h
" * £ ' " " " " PUU8U' " Y " 8 ' ' ^ - " S p e c ' s
m o r y nowover, could unearth only o n e such Instance, when hu
B,1V ronmo 1 1
S o n
" " P " J « t of a S U N Y s t u d e n t In
" E v e r y d a m n m o v e y o u m a k e in s o c i e t y is based u p o n a c o d e of e t h i c s , a n d t h a t c o d e
is the l a w . "
of informing y o u h o w t o get syphilis, h o w t o p e r p e t u a t e it, b u t
not h o w to cure i t . "
On Vulgarity
" I have never used ' f u c k ' or ' s h i t ' in front of a public a u d i e n c e . I
have never told a d i r t y j o k e to an a u d i e n c e in m y life, and I s p o k e
In lf>5 of t h e m in 1 9 7 0 . " He feels t h a t t h e ASP c o u l d ' o f f e r a
certain a m o u n t of c o l u m n space for those whose " m i n d s are in t h e
g u t t e r , " but this s h o u l d n o t be t h e rule. " T h e r e ' s n o s u b s t i t u t e for
'hell,' b u t there is a s u b s t i t u t e for ' f u c k . ' "
On the Spring Strike
" I think it was t o t a l l y u n n e c e s s a r y . T h e r e ' s a t h o u s a n d o t h e r
ways o t h e r than staying o u t of classes, which is the whole p u r p o s e
of the university. A n d w h a t t h e hell good is a march on the New
York Slate Capitol going to d o a n y b o d y ? It's a fun thing, it's an
outlet for e m o t i o n s ; h u t w h a t good is i t ? "
Would B a m e t t F o w l e r let a d a u g h t e r of his c o m e t o Albany
state and live o n c a m p u s ? " O h , I think so, because if she failed in
my e x p e c t a t i o n s if would he m y fault and her m o t h e r ' s . " Spec
told us that his son wanted to s t u d y forestry at Paul S m i t h ' s
College in Saranac Lake bul was drafted and sent lo E u r o p e ; he is
now married and has children.
The C o l u m n i s t a n d the S t u d e n t s
Fowler has referred to S U N Y A as " D i r t y D o o d l e l a n d " and
"Baffleville, U . S . A . " A l t h o u g h he believes lhal most s t u d e n t s are
good people, does he think his readers can gel an accurate picture
of the university s t u d e n t s from these descriptions? " I want people
to think a b o u t S U N Y . 1 want t o - b o t h as an indjvidaul and as a
n e w s p a p e r m a n • impress u p o n Ihe public t h a t certain things are
going on id the c a m p u s which should mil be going on. This is a
technique of writing - you use certain phraseology lo bring h o m e
a point."
T h e hour was lale and we prepared to leave • s o m e w h a t
reluctantly, as t h e session had been q u i t e lively. Spec slopped us:
" Y o u guys have managed lo d i s t u r b m e a b o u l s o m e t h i n g . I wish
you would poinl out (hat 1 d o n o t feel the majority of s t u d e n t s
are vagrants, b u m s , criminals, or Miehelangelos of t h e wall.
Whenever 1 m e n t i o n a ' s t u d e n t , ' It is n o t all-encompassing. I d o
think the majority are solid citizens
After shaking h a n d s and saying good-by we proceeded to
investigate the m e n ' s r o o m in the building for evidences of graffiti
on the walls. T h e r o o m was newly p a i n t e d . You gotta hand it t o
Spec: he was ready for us.
Editorial N o t e
h T t the
he w
T h o r e7h "o u"s e' dii dTn '"t istand
" USiW
'"»' V « know
a c h a n° c*e * ^
Fowler admits that his columns and WGY radio b r o a d c a s t s are
op.monated, b u , ! m h t h a t „ c o l u m | )
^ ^
"Unless y o u h a t e a d u l t s , w h a t ' s w r o n g w i t h taking an e x p e r i e n c e d
a d u l t a n d asking his a d v i c e ? "
"1 wish y o u w o u l d p o i n t o u t that I d o n o t feel Ihe majority of s t u d e n t s are
vagrants, b u m s . . . "
This interview
was conducted
by Dennis Whitehead,
Frost, and John O'Grady,
paper, pens, camera, and tape recorder. Everything
except the tape recorder,
but we took pains to copy
while we have taken some liberties in rearranging
these according
to topic, we feel that they
translate the proceedings
of the interview, and vtill
print Mr. Fowler's corrections if he thinks
School of Nursing:
by Walter Keller
for Dinner or Drink.
Dorothy Major, Dean of the School of Nursing
enrolled in the program, with thirteen graduates
expected in May. Looking to next year, approximately 250 applications to the school have been
already received, a great increase over the past few
years. Dr. Major said that this was due to a new
admissions policy which allows applicants to state
their intention of entering the School of Nursing on
their regular college applications. At present all of
these people cannot possibly be accommodated,
however, until the extension of the West Podium.
At that time, possibly 350-400 students can be
Impellizzeri, a volcano just outside the village, has not erupted
in 467 years, townspeople
noticed today.
Albany Student Press
Campus Center
14UU Washington Ave.
Albany, X.Y. 122U3
has the largest selection o f " h o t " styles...Tomorrow's fashions
t o d a y ! FiMluriMij \\ •• I H M o l L f V I S , H I S , M A I I
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leniHhs. U p p ' ' ' New Y u r k \ I A I U . I S I SI I I f . I l< >N II II 11 AH I i
EST JOB IS I ' I C K I N l . i IN I Y i INI
D O N ' I H I / K N Y t i l HI
Picas j place the following C1 a s s i f ied
issue (s)
Ad in the
of th £ ASP.
Now every night on Mondays
and Wednesdays and Fridays, too,
the classrooms and hallways in the
Hunter College-BeIlevue School of
Nursing rumble with the deep
resonant voices of student nurses
who sport a sprinkling of mustaches and goatees and bald heads
and who, in total, could be a
husky and muscular, if average,
football squad.
For these students are grown
men, almost 100 of them, engaged
in an innovative experiment with
two main goals:
—To help overcome a critical,
nationwide shortage of nurses.
—To train policemen and firemen to become full-fledged registered nurses—RN's—so they can
have second careers after they
retire as early us age '10, or later.
The program, an idea of Dr.
Joseph A. Cimino, began last September and involves 13 hours of
evening classes a week. The men
will take Vh years to complete it.
When he proposed to individual
firemen and policemen that they
become nurses, "their first reaction was, 'Ah, that's just for
But 1 argued that nursing is a
profession offering very interesting challenges. Nurses are taking
on more responsibility in coronary care and intensive care units,
for example. They are actually
practicing more medicine now.
There is more electronics in medicine, and lots of opportunities for
interesting jobs in hospitals, and
in community health projects."
The need for more nurses has
become chronic due to the heavy
turnover in the field. Girls who
become nurses may marry within
three to five years—"that's about
the time from diploma to prognancy"—and many do not return
to nursing after their children are
grown. If young men could be
induced to become nurses—as
Cimino and others hope—"one
man could be the equal of 10 to
15 female nurses in terms of
actual working years during his
Though the schedule is quite
heavy, only one man has dropped
out so far. And some 65 policemen and firemen have already
signed up lor the second course
next fall.
A film by Ernie Plntoff
Addre ss
scpAirrnnrr STORE
O P E N D A I L Y ' T I L 9 PM
Williams a n d Supershow
Established in September, 1967, the School of
Nursing has received little publicity. The school is a
regular departmental program, leading to a Bachelor
of Science degree in nursing. As in any other
departmental program, students enter the program
immediately upon being accepted to Albany.
The idea of establishing a school of nursing at
Albany stemmed from a study made by nurses in
the area, showing that a school of this nature was
sorely needed. Consequently, Albany State was
The curriculum consists of 120 semester hours,
spread out over a four-year period. This is composed
of 54 credits in Nursing, as prescribed by the school,
3 credits in Communication, 25-27 in Science and
Math, 21 credits in the Social Sciences and Humanities, and 15-17 elective credits. Thus a nursing
major builds a strong and varied background, which
she can later relate to her rote as a nurse.
A great deal of a nurse's instruction is in clinical
work, which begins in the sophomore year. This
consists of experience in regular hospitals and
institutions in the area, St. Peter's and Child's
Hospitals to name two. Instructors accompany the
students and combine lecture material with first
hand experience in patient care and assessment. The
program follows a pattern in which more clinical
work is done each year, with fewer non-nursing
According to Dr. Major, Dean of the School of
Nursing, there are about a hundred students now
At The Palace:
Male Nurses
Stresses Variety
$.US per word
enclos ed
Deposit in ASP Classified Box at
Campus Center Information Desk, or
mail to above address.
Ads must be received by Wc dnesday at
| 6 p.m. for the following Iriday issue |
An electronic magazine
of American pop culture
with flashes by:
Paul Krassner • Richard Pryor •
The Aco Trucking Company • Lenny
Bruco • Joan Baoi • Rhlnocoros •
Hon Carey • Tull Kuplorborg • ShaNa-Na • Allen Ginsberg • Leonard
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Admission $1.00 or
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' PAGE 9
by Bill Brina
is a vast
visually, and tactically , over the
gym or the Armory, and regular
jazz and rock concerts there
would be a welcome boon. The
ispotty attendance, which the MC
seemed to imply was a sign that
Albany doesn't want to support
such an effort, can be attributed
to the fact that tickets were unavailable. If N.S.P. can get tickets
to the outlets well in advance of
the shows they'll sell—the BeeGees
didn't because they're not a draw.
No one's heard from or seen them
in years.
That's typical. The
sound system, whichthe MC said
was the Li fetime 's and was
brought up from NYC didn't
work well for Dreams and was
material-mostly original, mostly
only slightly better for the Lifemediocre, if not worse. One numtime itself.
ber, "Farewell, Suzanne'* is OK—
Dreams, a new jazz-rock ensem—nothing great but it is a fine
ble of the BST-Chicago mold from
vehicle for what Dreams does, and
NYC opened the show. Trumpeter
one blues number highlighting
Randy Brecker was an original
fine harp and vocal work by the
BSTer and that influence shows.
lead singer and a BB King-style
The 8 piece ensemble (guitar,
solo by the guitarist should stay,
bass, piano or organ, drums, trumbut the band would benefit
pet, sax, trombone, singer-pergreatly if it junked the rest of its
cussionist) is vastly more promismaterial and picked up on some
ing, though. They swing the
of Laura Nyro's, Nick Gravenits's
rhythms are tight, infectious, and
and others' music.
free, and the interplay of instruThen came the Tony Williams's
ments, riff-trading, and soaring is
Lifetime-Tony Joe Williams on
immensely enjoyable. The multi-percussion jamming that often drums, John McClaughlan electric
occurred would be dynamite in a guitar, Jack Bruce electric bass,
large, packed theater, but just and Larry Young (Yhalid Kussim)
failed to catch fire in the small, electric organ. 'Their music
spread-out environs of the Palace. reminds me of Miles' (Tony was
The band's weakness is their Miles drummer) in both the brilliant perfection of the musicianship
with which it is performed and
the artistic vision which underlies
it. This is, simply, space music.
L i f e t i m e creates a
maelstrom in which Africian
One interesting confrontation rhythms, soaring guitar riffs, intakes place between elder states- c r e d i b l y free, abstract bass
man of the Chicago blues dens r u m b l e s , and science-fiction
Papa John Creach, an incredible bleeps rise and fall. Each member
electric violinist who opened of the Lifetime is a master of his
many eyes at the last Jefferson instrument, and each member
Airplane concert here, and merges gracefully in a glistening
Johnny, also no stranger here.
musical whole.
It was great to have these two
The only jarring note of the
musicians, both of whom are performance came when Jack
much older than most people Bruce brieflyattempted, no doubt
think, going at blues and rock to please the Cream fans, to sing.
with the fervor of youth. They Too much touring and too much
could take a soft Hot Tuna crowd of the evil and infamous weed
to the heights of rock and take have racked Jack's voice past salthe back just as easily.
Johnny Winter's own musical
Lifetime is struggling to gain the
a c c o m p a n i m e n t h as c h an ged acceptance it needs to survive, and
somewhat over the years, but the Jack's infrequent singing appeared
music is still unmistakable. The to be an attempt to throw a sop
night before the jam, Johnny did to the audience. I don't think
a gig on Staten Island with his that's what's'necessary; Lifetime
own band called "Johnny Winter can gain the following it needs to
And", the "And" meaning Rick survive and prosper without, I
and Jimmy Derringer and Randy hope, that kind of commercializZ, all former members of the
ing. If not, that will speak reams
McCoys(of "Hang on Sloopy" and of the level of their audience .
"Fever" fame).
And then (3AM) came SuperThese musicians whom Johnny Show! Arrgh! This hour and a half
worked with extensively since his porpourri had one saving grace; it
most able sideman and brother, ought to introduce a lot of teenyEdgar Winter created his "Pure boppers to Roland Kirk,who is
Trash", are a truly able comple- featured with his own band and in
ment to Johnny's genius. The jams with others in a London
guitar duels between Derringer club, where the whole mess was
and Winter h»ve become legend- filmed. When Roland departs,
ary. Their only album together, however, the film dies.
"Johnny Winter And" is an excelThe sound gave way several
lent studio recording of the gutsy times, thankfully, once, in the
show that can be seen live. More middle of Led Zeppelin doing
interesting than that, it gives some " D a z e d and Confused" and
keen insight as to where these massacring music as per usual.
musicians and maybe musicians in
Carol, my companion, whose
general have their head at now. previous knowledge of Kirk conThe album flows beautifully sisted of an exposure to the "Rahfrom "Am 1 Here", soft meta- saan, Rahsaan" album (total inphysical journey to the fore- comprehension) went, more or
boding tale set to the exciting less,"Oh, that's what he's all
music of "Prodigal Son". Johnny about!" Minus Kirk, Supershow is
wraps it up with his "Funky a superdud.
Music", as he tells you where his
Trudging uptown in the wet at
"high" experience has come to be. 4:15
in the morning was
So catch him while you can, alright, too. Downtown is almost
"Goldilocks" is into good things. likeable when it's deserted.
Winter Wonderland
At Fillmore East
Miles Davis —Columbia records photo
Consumer Report
by Jeff Burger
(Columbia, S 30397). $5.98. Two
record set. A minus. Four long
sides. A lot of music for the
money. Miles new Fillmore band.
2*sl**2* tin sdg 4fe <Af 4L»fclg«4» n|^ ^U «Xt ej» »X*
* Celebration %
Music Council will present the
Musical Celebration in the PAC
Recital Hall on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26& 27, 1971. The
play, which ran on Broadway in
1969 is by Tom Jones and Harvey
Schmidt, authors of the Funlusticks,imd is directed by Michael
The play is a parable of life and
death, a ritual performance combined with elements of musical
comedy. It concerns the struggle
of young, optimistic, innocent Orphan, played by John Kearns, and
aged, materialistic, bitter Mr.
Rich, played by Bob Hebert, for
the dominaiton of Angel, an aspiring young actress, played by
Kay ten Kraft.
Angel is torn between the materialistic beauty of "Being a Somebody" and the absolute beauty of
Orphan's idealistic dream world.
The struggle is narrated and coordinated by a master of ceremonies, Polemkin, played by
Michael Reynolds, and a group of
Revelers, a dancing chorus, who
also assist and comment on the
Performances will be held at
8:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 26, and
at 2 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on
Saturday, Feb. 27. Tickets will be
sold in the PAC Box Office from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb.
19 and from Feb. 22-26 and
before each performance. Admission is $1.00 with tax card,
and $3.00 to the General Public.
The production is funded by
Student Association Activity Assessment.
specializing in
*45 rpm Golden Oldies
166 Avenue
A l b a n y . Nnw York
Miles Davis was a more than competent musician when most of us
were little kids, and he's gotten
belter. He's just freaked out along
with the rest of us (and the world
in general). Expect insanity. This
is an album that reflects the war
in Vietnam, the American cultural split, the world situation..
without saying a word.
(cotillion, SD 9040). $4.98 (I
think); McDONALD & GILES
(Cotillion, SD 9042). $4.98 (1
think). A plus, for both records.
Welcome Lo Save the Best For
Last depl. It's rave review time.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer, formerly of the Nice, King Crimson
and Atomic Rooster, respectively.
McDonald and Giles, both formerly of King Crimson. E.L&P are
experimenting with everything
Trom a Moog to a small chamber
orchestra to raga scales on the
organ. M&G play with such talented friends as Stevie Winwood. The
groups are similar. Their music is
interweaved, complex, back to the
earth, up to the stars, classical,
jazz, Pink Floyd, insane, beautitul, King Crimson, Nice....but
mostly just plain nice . As I said in
my last consumer guide, I'm writing for those of you who are
considering the purchase of albums, not so you can read about
albums you already own. If you
already have a record, a review
will be nothing when you can
have the music. If you like what I
like, (and you should know by
now), you cun pretty much forget
records rated C or below. Listen
before you buy the records in the
B range; you may or may not
want them. However, run out and
scrimp and save and cheat and lie
and do anything at all (almost) to
gel your hands on A rated records. And if you can get just two
records from this list, by all
means, get these final two. They
both rale A plus.
by Stephen Aminoff
The band, a rather tight band,
plays an absorbing two hour set at
New York's major rock pit, the
Fillmore East. The performance
by this combination of rock and
country essences, called Hot
Tuna, is interesting and yet somewhat subdued.
The set ends and cries resound
from all corners of the concert
hall for more. The return to the
si age by the musicians is as
prompt as it is expected but onto
the stage walks a seventh musician. His face and eyes as snow
white as the electric strobe which
announces his presence. His long,
thin fingers cradle the guitar he
has made love to so many times in
so many ways. Johnny Winter is
here to jam.
What follows is rock and roll.
Winter's presence uplifting the
spirits of all. Trying as hard as
possible to avoid the inevitability
of stealing the concert, he waits
for nods from Hot Tuna guitarist
Jorma Kaukonen and proceeds to
bleed his incredible talent onto
guitar, through some alive, almost
effortless riffs. His union with
guitar now completed, the whole
audience is captivated by the
£For The
Byrd s.-
National Student Productions
has announced that if the Byrds
concert being held tonight at the
Palace Theater does not sell considerably better than previous concerts, this will be their last production of this semester. Poor
attendance in the last few weeks
may force cancellation of such
scheduled acts as Hot Tuna, Elton
John, Ten Years After and others.
Tickets for the Byrds will be
available up to the last minute at
the door. Shows will be at 7:30
and 11:30.
5 :30-9:30
only new york appearance
Saturday night.
Attention all Telethon
Don't f o r g e t y o u r
Thurs., Fri., Sat, Feb \8, \9,20 \n the Baboom
Three Friday Evenings
Feb. 26—Man's Function in Universe
Mar. 5—Planetary Planning
Mar. 12—New Educational Strategy
One Evening $4.50 / The Series $12.00
Students $3.00 / The Series $7.50
Single Tickets — Town Hall, 123 W. 43 St.
Single & Series Tickets by mall:
New York Studio School
8 W. 8 St., N.Y.C. 10011 Phone 673-6466
Sponsored by the New York Studio School
with the support of the New York State
Council on the Arts
i( I
A t t e n t i o n R . A . ' i and directors: | f
Anyone interested In performing
trumpet or
you have not returned the recent
at the campus center coffee house
cornet player. If interested,call the
contact Charlie at 4 7 2 - 7 7 9 1 .
music department at 4 5 7 - 6 8 6 8 .
please do so immediately.
needs an experienced
survey to S.A. CC 3 4 6 ,
There's a State Quad Guitar Cup
on Saturday, February 2 0 in State
meets every
7 : 3 0 p.m. in Humanities 128,
Quad's flag room. It starts at 7 : 3 0 ,
March 2 0 . Round-trip fare is $2.25
Students and GSA. Tickets w i l l be
Chi Alpha
w i l l be here Tuesday night t o dis-
is sponsoring the late
N e w York State. T i m e and plnce to
the M a t h Club is sponsoring a talk
2b at 7 30 p.m.
pelicula Don Quijote de la Mancha
is invited.
a winter
bagejaniny and beer piirty)
Campus w i l l
at Mo-
Laura nr Carol at 4 5 7 - 3 0 0 7 .
Tuesday, February 2 3 at 7 . 0 0 p.m.
he announced.
Lecture Center 25 w i l l be o p e n to
to spend a year in Israel?
been set
to spend a term
on a k i b b u t z and a term at Hebrew
in Jerusalem. For
Dr. B.K. J o h n p o l l at
and W e d . at 7 p.m. and F r i d a y at 8
W M H T , channel
17 w i l l
these programs d u r i n g
the resi of
March and A p r i l .
472 3290.
For sale: Farfisa organ, Leslie box
amp. Make offer. 4 3 9 - 2 9 9 7 .
Roommate: own room. $ 5 6 per
W A N T E D : Ride t o Union Saturday
Poco concert.
month. 4 3 6 - 0 1 2 8 .
457 8 9 4 1 .
Free female cat, cinnamon/white
Students renting 1 or 2 bedroom
housebroke. 4 8 2 - 6 4 5 8 .
R E N T : A p t in East Village,
per night
4 8 2 - 7 7 1 0 or 4 5 7 - 3 4 6 8 .
apartments who are leaving in May
call Kenn, 4 3 4 - 1 5 4 3 .
A Garrard 40B turntable
base. Offer
limited to those who
buy the turnable. Four months old
with Cueing Control. No cartridge.
W A N T E D : 5-6 bedroom house in
country for 12 month lease beginning
$ 2 5 . Call Sandy, 4 7 2 - 5 1 0 7 .
Glove. Roy 4 5 7 - 4 3 0 8 .
2 or 3 female room-
mates to share house in suburbs.
Federal Photo Enlarger, Bifax 3.5
3 7 7 - 2 9 6 8 , ask for Ed.
inch, f 7.9 lens, $ 1 6 , 4 3 4 - 8 3 6 0 .
Call Diane 4 6 2 1016.
To 12 or 25— My roommate digs
your hands.
please call 4 5 9 - 7 2 0 0 .
J.C.—wtiBre are you?
W A N T E D : One Dining Hall. If
you have one available, contact the
residents of I ndian Quad.
budget. Call 4 8 9 - 1 9 3 0 after 4 p.m.
Bear Spring Water Co., A l -
Need a racket? spalding smasher
12 ga. shotgun.
Rackot strung wit*
Bolt., poly-choke. Like new. $ 5 0 .
Excellent Condition. P u . u ised for
Rich, 4 8 9 0 5 8 3 .
$ 5 0 July '70. Selling for $ 3 0 .
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Student A s s o c i a t i o n
457-3025 or
Marianne at 4 8 2 - 6 4 6 0 ; U p t o w n call
the idea of I n t e g r a t i o n in E u r o p e ,
p.m. en el B a l l r o o m .
delivered to your home, office, or
— —
Interested in j o i n i n g a w o m e n ' s
w i l l sponsor a Panel Discussion on
B O T T L E D S P R I N G W A T E R , dts
P.Y.E. land use c o m m i t t e e t o n i t e at
6 : 0 0 p.m. in Earth Science 2 2 7 .
in ES 143.
el niercoles 17 de (ebrero a las 6 30
w i l l be served.
El C l u b de Espanol presunlara la
be a m e e t i n g of
Puzzles". It w i l l be held Thursday,
ONE Student,
preferably a sophomore or junior who lives in the
Tri—city area to serve on the Board of Directors of the
Council of Community Services of the Albany area.
The group meets once a month, plus committee
meetings and coordinates many volunteer services
(social, welfare, etc.) in the Tri-city area.
APPLICATION FORMS may be picked up by Feb.
26th in the Student Association office, CC346.
Ithaca Sat 8:30
$1.V. 1
b y Dr. M u c k e n h o u p t e n t i t l e d "Pet]
Netters Nail 7th Straight
There w i l l
A C o m m u n i t y A f f a i r : the second
meeting o l the T r i - C i l y Peace Action C o a l i t i o n (Tri-PAC) w i l l meet
S u n d a y , February 21 at 7 p.m. at
the U n i t a r i a n C h u r c h of A l b a n y ,
4 0 5 Washington Avenue. T h e Coalition is organizing c o m m u n i l y o p p o sition to the I n d o c h i n a Wat and all
individuals and groups are w e l c o m e .
For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , call the
liberation consciousness raising col-
Pi M u Epsilon in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h
campus M o n d a y , Feb.22 at 7 : 3 0 in
cuss his b i l l to legalize Marijuana in
be announced.
in t h e C C L o b b y .
Brubacher Adult Graduate
The event is sponsored
M o n d a y t h r u Friday 1 1 : 0 0 - 2 : 1 5 in
We, the brewers of Milter High Life lieer and the sponsors of thin column, are like the Mounties in one respect: we too always get our manthat is, if our man wants a beer that always makes it right- Miller High
Life, the Champagne of fieers!
a bus trip to Boston on Saturday,
Tickets will go on sale March
Campus Center L o b b y .
As for me, I too wus a beneficiary of Donald's ESI', for when he
left me alone on the lake I figured I would gel to drink all- not just
half—of the goodly supply of Miller High Life Beer we had brought
along, and as you know of course, Miller High Life is never so welcome
as it is on a tranquil sylvan lake while a Hock of Canada geese darkens
the sky abovo. Of course, Miller isn't bad in a 'ioisy bar either while a
flock of American coeds durkens the jukebox. For that matter, it's even
great in the dorm while your cruddy roommate darkens the t u b .
B u t as it happened, I never did get to drink all our Miller High
Life because I forgot how well sound travels across a sylvan lake. No
sooner did I pop my first can of Miller when —lo and behold!—ten
Mounties galloped out of the forest singing selections from Hose Marie!
Of course, I shared my Miller with them, and gladly, because I know
it's hard being a Mountlo, especially if you're an alto. Ami so by the
time they polished off my Miller and said adieu, we were all fast friends.
On' 1 of them, in fact, lot mo slide down his h a t .
bly Hall, Friday, Feb. 2 6 .
Physicists tell us there tire three basic forces a t work in the universe: matter, energy and chopped liver.
B u t I, for one, am no longer satisfied with this narrow definition.
How do physicists classify ESP? Certainly it falls into none of these
categories, b u t just as certainly it exists. And not as a mere theory; ESP
is a proven, demonstrated fact.
For example, how many times have you walked into a place you
never saw before and yet recognized everything? How many times have
you known the exact words someone was going lo say before he ever
said them? How many times have you been absolutely certain something was going to happen hundreds or even thousands of miles away
and, sure enough, it did?
Let me tell you about a case I am fortunately able to document.
Some years ago I went fishing with my dear friend Donald L. Kromkiss
at a virgin lake deep in the Canadian wilds. It was hellishly difficult to
get there, but we did not mind, for the moment we dropped our lines
we each caught a splendid erappie. Mine weighed just overllOO pounds.
Donald's was somewhat smaller, hut by far the friendlier.
Imagine my surprise then when, before we could Ihrow our lines
back for another try, Donald suddenly leaped up and cried he'd had a
premonition t h a t he must go home immediately. He could not tell me
why. He only knew that some owe or some thing was calling him back
and he had to go a t once. Apologising profusely, he left me alone on
the lake and portaged to the nearest town (Moose Jaw, well over a
thousand miles, and poison sumac every inch), and there hi; chartered
a Ford Tri-Motor and (lew home.
Well sir, at first he felt like an utter doll. Everything was perfectly
normal at home. His wife Edith was quietly reading The Scnsiioin*
Woman. His son Herschel was taking his daily glassbiowing lesson.
His dog Trey was eating his leash.
And yet the premonition would not leave Donald. Carefully, he
went through the house, inch by inch, room by room. Sure enough,
when he got to the back hall he suddenly heard a faint whimpering
noise outside. He flung open the door. And there, by George, he saw
where the whimpering was coming from: someone had left a basket on
the back stoop!
Well sir, who can blame Donald for crying a cry of joy anil triumph? What a find! A whimpering basket! T h a i ' s something you don't
see every day, let me tell you!
And so today, as you know of course, Donald L. Kromkiss and
His Whimpering Basket is one of the highest paid acts in show business. Next Sunday, in fact, he completes his M t h consecutive year on
Ed Sullivan.
sold at the d o o r at $1 w i t h tax cc<\}
Meditation at 8 : 0 0 PM CC Assem-
ESP; or Extra-Sensory Pollution
dent tax. and $ 1 0 for non-students.
out, unusual entertainment.
<U. i
with Colonial tax, $6.75 with Stu-
with quad dues, $ . 2 5 without. Far
fMfr Cilh'...
P.Y.E. Book Sale R e o p e n s - a l l en-
Second Lecture in Transcendental
v i r o n m e n t a l issues and problems in
i BV Iht authttr of Hatty Hmn>l ihr Fhg, Ihu*...
Colonial Quad Board will sponsor
p.m. to 1 a.m. o n Friday Feb. 19,
A beer party and dance featuring
Each yciii lMo Business Professional Wumon's Clubs o l Now Y u i k
St.ito olfof llio Grace Loijoiidrc FollowsMips (Ol (jttKlu.ili! study. I h i m ;
fellowships w i t h stipends of $1,000
each .no <JIvon loi ono academic
year to w o m o n residents of Now
Y m k Stale w h o havo demonstrated
thou . i b i h l y to undortako ijiaclualo
Hie candidates must bo accepted
by a (jiaclualo colloyo, present ovi
dunco o i good health, show financial
propensity lor c o n t i n u e d public sorvico in thoir chosen h o l d . "
A p p l i c a t i o n s may bo o b t a i n e d by
wi I l i n g Mrs, M i l d r e d B. F room an.
Chairman, Scholarship C o m m i t t e e ;
b?b Exchange Street, Ganova, Now
Y o r k , 14456. Deadline lor f l l m u
applications is March H, 1 0 7 1 .
The Albany State Great Danes
remained in c o n t e n t i o n for a
post-season t o u r n a m e n t bid w i t h a
strong 7 7 - 5 8 victory over S o u t h ern C o n n e c t i c u t S t a t e College last
Wednesday night. T h e win w a s
S t a t e ' s seventh in a row, a n d
u p p e d t h e t e a m ' s overall record t o
T h e game began on an o m i n o u s
n o t e for A l b a n y as forward Alan
Reid p i c k e d u p t w o quick fouls
within the first four m i n u t e s . T h e
visiting Owls d o m i n a t e d play in
t h e early going until Albany t o o k
the lead on a t h r e e p o i n t play b y
Jack J o r d a n with 1 0 : 2 2 left in t h e
S t a t e then w e n t on to o p e n a
five point spread, b u t t h a t was
which led to three quick baskets
at t h e end of t h e first half to p u t
the Owls in front, 3-1-27.
T h e Danes played their best
b a s k e I b a 11 a f ler
i n termissi o n .
T h e y whittled d o w n S o u t h e r n
C o n n e c t i c u t ' s lead on baskels by
Jim Masterson and Reid, a n d then
took t h e lead with M:fi() remaining in t h e half on a field goal by
John Quattrochi. Quattrochi put
Sophomore Werner Kolln gets inside for a big two points against
on o n e of the fines shows seen in
Southern Connecticut.
-de young
the Albany gym since the days of
Rich Margison as he tallied 17
p o i n t s in t h e s e c o n d half and 2-1
Lo t h e c o l d w e a t h e r .
for the game, on an a s s o r t m e n t of
W e ddriving layups and o n e - h a n d e r s .
T r o y Moss led t h e F r e s h m a n foul s h o t a n d Osie Bell re. - S a t . - W e d . Hut. sequence
Along with Masterson and Dave
Basketball T e a m with 3 0 p o i n t s b o u n d e d - n o foul-Bell t o Moss t o
meets, Coach Munsey fears s o m e
Welchons, h e b r o k e t h e O w l s '
night as t h e F r o s h
Hyche t o Moss t o S m i t h a n d
of the injuries w o n ' t have the
press which
took a thriller from Hartwick ColS m i t h is fouled. S m i t h m a k e s t h e
proper time to heal.
caused fourteen t u r n o v e r s in t h e
first, misses t h e second but Moss
" T i m e s are going Lo suffer," first half.
gets t h e r e b o u n d to Bell t o H y c h e
added Munsey.
T h e Danes w e n t ahead for good
T h e visitors held a slight edge,
and H y c h e V rouled ( 7 8 - 7 4 ) . F e b
Coach H a t h a w a y ' s main concern
with 1-1: H left in t h e game o n a : U - 2 6 , a t t h e 5 : 5 0 mark in t h e
ton misses, a Hartwick p l a y e r
was that with Lhe crowded schedfield
by J o r d a n .
T h e y first half despite T r o y Moss' acb o u n d s , breaks, and is fouled by
ule as it is Lhis spring, "Lhe h o y s '
stretched il Lo twelve points with curate b o m b i n g from every conMoss-two shots. He m a k e s t b e m
first time outside will p r o b a b l y be
seven m i n u t e s remaining, b u t t h e ceivable s p o t o n t h e c o u r t . C o a c h
b o t h a n d t h e score is 7 8 - 7 6 .
c o m p e t ilion ."
Owls p r o m p t l y p o u r e d in seven Lewis then switched to a z o n e
Albany breaks H a r t w i c k ' s press
a d e q u a t e indoor facilities will be a
quick points Lo trail, 6M-5H, with defense and Hartwick i m m e d i a t e and finds F r a n c e all alone u n d e r
c o n t i n u e d problem.
2:lfi showing on the clock. T h o s e ly threw t h e ball away five consecuthe basket, good, 8 0 - 7 6 , with 15
Both Garcia and Munsey menwere Lhe last points the visitors tive times and seven o u t of n i n e
s e c o n d s left. Hartwick
tioned Lhe possibility of s o u t h e r n
were to score as Albany w e n t on a times u p t h e floor against t h e
10 s e c o n d s
trips Lo avoid the early cold
l-l-l) tear t o wrap u p the 77-58 z o n e . Albany swamped Hartwick
8 0 - 7 8 . H y c h e i n b o u n d s t o Moss
w e a t h e r meets.
victory. Quite a p p r o p r i a t e l y , t h e 1 8-<l in these last 5 : 5 0 , a n d riding
" I n order for such trips Lo Lake
was scored
by on t h e heels of an incredibly
t h e ball
p l a c e " , Garcia n o t e d , we have Lo
Q u a t t r o c h i , his tenth h o o p from impervious defense and an incredb o u n c e into t h e stands.
gel m o n e y from lhe AIhlet itthe field of Lhirteen a t t e m p t s .
ibly h o i T r o y Moss, the Frosh led
Seven s e c o n d s left, A l b a n y u p
Board, fund raising projects, and
T h e Danes also received fine, at halftime, 4 4 - 3 5 .
8 0 - 7 8 . Hartwick lobs a long pass
cooperating schools, in addition
double-figure p e r f o r m a n c e s from
t o a big m a n inside. He s h o o t s ,
to c o n t r i b u t i o n s from s t u d e n t s
J o r d a n with 12 p o i n t s , Reid with
T h e s e c o n d half saw Hartwick
misses, five seconds, gets his own
and players, to make u p t h e baleleven, and Masterson and Steve
adjust to lhe Albany zone, A l b a n y
e b o u n d , s h o o t s , misses t h r e e secance."
Sheehan with ten p o i n t s apiece.
go back to t h e m a n to m a n , and
onds, gets a n o t h e r c h a n c e , s h o o t s
With next year's calendar adding
the score changed hands repeatand misses, buzzer s o u n d s , Moss
o n e additional week. Garcia feels
edly. With 2:;J0 left to go, t h e
smiles and Hyche and Bell skin
whatever small
Dane Pups led by nine, 7 5 - 6 6 , a n d
themselves t o death.
might arise this year will certainly
at 1:03, by five, 77-72. A n d t h e n
disappear next year.
Volleyball Standings
the wild last m i n u t e w e n t s o m e Blcrdus
7 1 thing like this: A Hartwick p l a y e r
Il is the general concensus then
Steak Dinner for
6-1 sunk a j u m p s h o t and was fouled
thai this year's shortened calendar KB1
will mu effect, to any great ex- STB1I
two-$8.00 at the
in t h e act, making it 7 7 - 7 4 . He
•1 -2 missed the foul s h o t . Reggie S m i t h
tent, Urn spring sports season here Smirks
Patroon Room.
jit Albany Slate. Coach Garcia
pulled d o w n t h e r e b o u n d b u t
6-4 J o h n O'Brychi was called for
ended lhe interview by saying t h a t GDXI
be would bring m o r e information
pushing u n d e r n e a t h . T h a t wus five
back from the EC AC conference TXO
for him, so Harold France c a m e in
to be held this week in New York
3-5 for O'Brychi. Hartwick missed t h e
Spring Sports
Face New Sched
by L a w r e n c e H. Pohl
" T h e effects of t h e s h o r t e n e d
calendar year o n t h e spring s p o r t s
season will be m i n i m a l . " T h i s is
Coach J o e Garcia, assistant director of athletics, in an interivew Lo
Lhe ASP Friday.
Although n o serious p r o b l e m s
are e x p e c t e d to arise, Mr. Garcia
did cite several possible repercussions due to t h e c h a n g e .
" T h e only possivle c o n f l i c t I see,
as far as t h e S U N Y c o n f e r e n c e is
concerned, will be with varsity
tennis,"said C o a c h Garcia. T h e
tennis finals in t h e c o n f e r e n c e are
at the same t i m e as final e x a m s .
Garcia also n o t e d t h a t e x t r a
funds will be n e e d e d for r o o m and
board on c a m p u s for p a r t i c i p a n t s
in post season t o u r n a m e n t s . In
fact, the NCAA track t o u r n a m e n t
is not until early J u n e . T h i s brings
up the p r o b l e m , if o u r a t h l e t e s
should qualify, of k e e p i n g training
and fitness at a c o m p e t i t i v e peak
for a m o n t h or so.
Coach Garcia w e n t o n to say
that besides s t a r t i n g a week or so
earlier, t h e s h o r t e n e d season will
have little effect.
"We did have to c r o w d things a
little but t h e kids k n o w this and I
don't think it will p r e s e n t a problem."
T h e n e w c a l e n d a r also c o n c e r n s
Track Coach B o b Mu nsey and
Tennis Coach Merlin H a t h a w a y .
Munsey expressed c o n c e r n as t o
the n u m b e r of injuries which may
be suffered early in t h e season d u e
Frosh Win,
TOUR RUSSIA- June, 4 Credits
Write: Admissions Office
Russel Sage College
Troy, New York 12180
Entertainment 7
for the Greyhound Agency
5 PM Friday
February 19, 1971
in CC346
Jack** R t q a M
KIT Union Si. Sck'a;
Ear To The Thunder
by Arlene Schemer
Beautiful Day (Columbia CS
The violin has become an integral part of rock music recently
with the recordings of Sugarcane
Harris, Papa John, Doug Kershaw,
among others, helping to popularize t h e i n s t r u m e n t . David
Laflamme, the leader of IT'S A
BEAUTIFUL DAY, a San Francisco band, is one of the more
intriguing violin players as well as
being an evocative songwriter and
a mellow singer.
The group's second album "Marrying Maiden" ranges from the
syrupy Bosa Nova sound of "Let a
Woman Flow" to the happy,
stomping country "Hoedown" to
the 1890's good time sound of "It
Comes Right Down to You.
Unlike their first album, "Marrying Maiden" contains no real
stand out cuts. The only song that
could compare to "White Bird" or
"Girl With No Eyes" or "Hot
Summer Day" is Laflamme's version of Fred Neil's "The Dolphins." Laflamme is no longer the
dominating figure he was, probably on his own will.
This album is definitely a letdown after a great premiere album. If the group could achieve
more consistency at guitar and
keyboards to compliment Laflamme's vocals and violin work
and the strong back-up vocals of
Pattie Santos, they could become
a powerful group. I look forward
to their next album, but as of now
they are on probation.
The performers are, for the most
part top notch and the arrangers,
especially Jay Pruitt, are able to
write varying charts bringing out
trumpet voicings particularly well.
Compare the more reserved trumpets in "Roads" to the more
brassy sound in "The Toll." The
arrangements fit more aptly to the
body of the songs than do those
of the Blood Sweat & Tears
(Dallas' inspiration) and the result
is less contrivance and more soul.
FIVE CENTS off campus
Be.»«3 Art* fcuw
Albany Student Press X
Jaramillo is an excellent vocalist
with a deep, powerful voice, who
can really project. Ramsey Horton
has a nice solo on "The Toll," but
his combing as well as that of
guitarist Ken Pugh needs work.
This is a very exciting album and
group. At the moment they are a
little too derivative (lots of BS&T
and a smidgeon of Maynard Ferguson). Should they acquire a
group identity they have quite a
future in store for them.
The Evolution §
by Tom Quigley
The reported death of the old
Hollywood star system is totally
unfounded. It is always reassuring
to see older stars playing in
modern cinema but unfortunately
many of these ikons of the 40's
and 50's are relegated to roles as
father figures, mother types, or
kindly elders.
MAN offers a bonanza of these
older stars in leading roles headed
by Kirk Douglas and Henry
Fonda, two of the best of a
dwindling breed. The vehicle,
however, is a poorly developed
and sometimes patently offensive
satire dealing with larceny and
brutality that separates the survivors from the sheep.
The setting is the old west hut
the plot offers pungent observations about penal reform and
greed that are just as applicable to
Dallas County (Enterprise ENT
the human condition today. Kirk
-1011) appears to be a group to be Douglas portrays Paris Pittman
listened to and reckoned with.
Monday, February 22, 1971
to be Held
S.A. Constitution
Passed by Council
f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
State Uniuersity of New York at Albany
Vol. LVIII No. 12
by Allen Altman
Jr., a soft spoken thoroughly despicable con man, who politely
robs his victims and casually betrays his own henchmen with
neatly placed bullets in the back.
He is caught and repaid for his
wrongdoings against the Christian
community by being placed in a
rock pile hell hole in the middle
of the desert, While languishing in
prison he persistently plots to
escape with the help of a myriad
of degenerate prison types that
include ;i silent loner, two homosexual con artists one of whom
paints erotic Biblical pictures, a
silent strong armed Chinaman, a
handsome youth, and an old desperate whose hobby is growing
pot in a flower planter.
The potential "relevancy" of the
story-line is blighted by the minimal treatment of partinent topics
that an; only superficially developed. The script by Robert
Benton and David Newman
(BONNIE AND CLYDE) is consistently cynical and scathing when
Men I ion I he name " D y n a m i t e
Chicken " to Carol Hughes and she
goes wild, The only trouble is. she
has never seen the film
However, if the names .loan
Bat'*/. Richard Pryor, Ron Carey,
AIM- Trucking
Peter Max, Jimi lleiulrix, and
Lenny Bruce mean something t o
you (and at least one or I wo of
them should!). then Dynamite
Chicken is worth your wild.
The film will he presented lonighl and tomorrow night al 7 .10
and II) pin in LC7 and Sunday
tlighl al Hpm, same place... Admission is $1.00 without Slate
Quad Tax, and ,50 with
taking swipes at needed prison
reform, brutal subjugation and
homosexuality within prisons, and
two-faced Christian mores.
Yet this conscious, stylistic
imitation of M*A*S*H has none
of the humor or humanity inherent in the war satire. All the
characters are thoroughly unredeemable and this unsympathetic
treatment coupled with the superficial observations makes it rather
unpleasant, depressing, and weak.
The actors are uniformly excellent making the best out of their
individual badness. Douglas is deceptive and cunning as Pittman in
contrast to the typical Henry
Fonda role as the morally straight
and sincere warden. Hume Cronyn
and John Randolph, as the gay
inmates, are frequently funny and
effective. Warren Oates, as the
drifter, is particularly strong and
always suspicious. Finally Burgess
Meredith, to whom I wish years of
continued health, is inspired as
the old Missouri Kid who has
resigned himself to a life of imprisonment.
Joseph L. Mankiewitz, whose
last effort was a forty million
dollar epic bomb entitled CLEOPATRA, must be blamed for the
basic failures of his latest film. He
has returned from oblivion with
his ability to direct actors intact
but has seemingly lost ail the
style, pace, and verve he once
commanded as a top flight commercial director in the fifties.
Finally the pop-jazz music score
by Charles Strouse
is totally
inappropriate for a western further alienating an already overtaxed audience. Even the consistent twisl at the end of the movie
cannot save THERE WAS A
CROOKED MAN from going
completely crooked.
The newly proposed constitution of Student
Association was ratified by Central Council by a
18**1-1 vote after many hours of lively debate on
Thursday. The constitution will now be up for a
referendum on March 8, 9, and 1 0 where it will have
to be approved by a 60% affirmative vote with at
least 20% of the student body voting.
A major part of the debate over the new
constitution centered on the composition of the
council. A proposal to reduce faculty membership
from five to four and give non-faculty personnel on
the University payroll a seat on Council was
defeated. An attempt was made to abolish voting
privileges that faculty members on Council now
have. Reasons cited for this were claims that
decisions of Council have no effect on faculty and
therefore faculty shouldn't have the right to determine how Central Council spends tax money. A
3-19-3 vote killed this proposal.
Under the new constitution, the President of
Student Association will no longer be President of
Central Council or hold a vote on Council. Instead,
the next Council will elect a chairman to preside
over meetings. The feeling was that this will provide
for better separation between the legislative and
executive branches of Student Association thus
making it more democratic.
In the past, the President of Student Association
needed 40% of the student vote to be elected.
Under the new constitution a majority vote is
required. If a candidate fails to receive a majority
vote, a run-off election would be held between the
two top vote-getting candidates.
Attempts were made to limit the power that the
President of Student Association would have under
the new constitution. A 2/3 vote that the Council
needed to override a presidential veto was changed
to a majority vote. The 2/3 Council vote previously
necessary to reject any policies and procedures
made by the President which it deemed inconsistent
with the best interests of the student body was also
changed to a majority vote.
Central Council urged that all students read the
new constitution before referendum days and get out
and vote on this important document that will run
the Student Association.
The Doctor of Arts
Program will prepare students for a career in teaching rather than a career in
Doctor of Arts Program
To Train College Teachers
will prepare students for a career a Doctor of Arts in literature
in college teaching rather than a which would be inter-disciplinary.
The State University of New career in research with a Ph.D.
The Doctor of Arts Planning
York at Albany is expected to be
In the first year, SUNYA is
the first institution in New York Group, directed by Professor Ar- interested in recruiting students
Stale to award the Doctor of Arts thur N. Collins, began operation qualified to begin doctoral work
last summer. They are working at
but who are just beginning their
developing programs within the
Prepares Students for
graduate study. For the beginning
College of Arts and Sciences and
College Teaching
of this program, six students will
in cooperation with the School of
Although full final approval has
probably be accepted in each of
Education. The program will atnot yet been given, funds for the
the departments. They will be
tempt to not. only provide the
endeavor have been granted by
recruited from all over the
student with depth in his specific
the Carnegie Corporation and the
subject matter but with a breadth country.
first students in this new graduate
of knowlege outside his major
Dissertation Focuses on Issues
program will probably begin in
dept., and with a specific orientaor Applications
the Fall of 1971. The program
tion towards college teaching, and
The length of the Doctor of Arts
practical experience in teaching. program would be four years,
including two years of coursework
Departments Planning
beyond the baccalaureate, a year
Institution of Program
for the dissertation, and a year of
Departmental committees are ininternship al another school. The
volved now in planning for the
dissertation would generally be
institution of this new program.
shorter thun the usuul Ph.D. but
On February 1H, the English, Eco- would be focused on issues within
nomics, and Physics Departments the discipline or on applications
presented their full-scale proposals of the discipline rather than an
to the Graduate Academic Coun- o r i g i n a l
cil. The Council must vote on it knowledge.
and pass it on to the University
Program Offers Choice
Senate, and it then must go
Professor Collins stated that the
through the Trustees and the Repurpose of the DA degree is "not
to increase the number of docProposals are in the works in the
torutc degrees but to give the
departments of French and Spanentering graduate student an opish but first must receive departportunity to choose whether to
mental approval. There have also
prepare himself specifically for
been proposals within the Math
college leaching or for a career in
Department, but they have been
temporarily shelved partly be- research." The dissertation needed
cause of the difficulty for Ph.D.'s for a Ph.D. is often a stumbling
block preventing many candidates
to find jobs. There is also some
from completing their degree. The
interest by some members of the
DA is also seen us u positive step
The Student Association's constitution comes up for student
in improving the much comA group of faculty members
puss, it MUST have a 60% affirmative vote of 20% of the studen body.
plained about quality of college
from several departments Is also
graphic by jon guttman
working to develop a proposal for
by Martha Nathanson