/ FRIDAY, JANUARY 29,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Editorial Comment 1 WAS JUMKOIV A TIAMSin. A TBlfHONi UPAMMAN, A FIREMAN AND A SANITATIONMAN -•CALL A COP!' Fair Choice Vol. LVII No. 4 There are times in this university when a situation is ripe Now that Indian Quadrangle is almost finished, why can't one hall in the low rise group be set aside as a graduate dormitory? Graduate students have been shafted as far as living areas are concerned since the construction of the new campus. Gradually, all else has moved uptown or further downtown to Draper, including graduate-level courses. Yet all of the on-campus graduate housing remains downtown, in Brubacher and Pierce halls. Grad students should be given a choice of where to live, and now that Indian is nearly finished such a choice can be possible. At present, the university forces grad students into the role, which not all of them like or want. Students who arc new to the area arc forced into the arms of Albany's robber-baron landlords if they wish to live within a reasonable distance from the campus. Many times this proximity to the campus is a must because of the library and research facilities. There are an cver-increusing number of full-lime graduate students, most of whose courses are given on the new campus. The university community is based on an interaction of diverse personalities. How can this goal he achieved when a portion of the community is always segregated from the rest? The means is at hand and the goal is worth working toward. We urge all graduate students, HI students who will be returning as graduates in the fall. In organize and work for a graduate dormitory on ihis campus. The graduate students of Ihis university have a rigid lo choose their living area, just as the undergraduates do. albany student press ? thomas g. clingan editor-in-chief managing advertising editor executive aralynn abare manager assistant advertising jeff rodgcrs manager . . . . barbara coopcrman technical editors carol hughes news associate technical torn rhodes circulation warren wishart manager editor . vicki zeldin features editor arts Use whichever is convenient—Northway, Wolf (load, Albany—Shaker R o a d , or R o u t e 155 t o Albany Airport. E n t r a n c e t o A n n Lee is w h e r e Albany—Shaker R o a d a n d R o u t e 155 merge. C o Ihrough e n t r a n c e straight t o t h e vm\ and then turn right around the buildings until e n t r a n c e of main building is on your right. T h e following is a list of foreign language p a t i e n t s at the A n n Lee H o m e and Hospital—Shaker Farm Road, Colonic. R o o m I9H, Bert a Zarin from Riga, Latvia; R o o m 210, Prylysiewaz Austrian or Polish ;Room 189, Chiplock, Krovesa -Polish; R o o m 2 0 5 , A n t h o n y Farcngom— from Sicily; R o o m 210, Andres PefezFrench; Room 116, Kaalen D u t c h ; R o o m 2 2 0 . Frank Faille Swiss German? R o o m 102, We would like t o k n o w t h e exact place they were born a n d lived. S o m e t h i n g a b o u t their family Do they have relatives here in America? Do friends or relatives come to see them? R o o m n u m b e r s from 100 t o 2 0 0 on t h e first floor occupied by women. Room n u m b e r s over 2 0 0 on second floor usually occupied by m e n . Open Letter Dear Spec Fowler: Just a short note lo c o n g r a t u l a t e y o u on t h e Sayles Hull t a p e r . Imagine disguising yourself as u m a i n t e n a n c e person so y o u could pull it olT. Oh Barney, y o u ' r e a real card. I just sent my n o m i n a t i o n off l o Washington, a n d hopefully you'll receive the weekly Spiro Agnew award for G r a n d s t a n d Excellence. I'm sure y o u ' r e u shoo-in liecause of the way y o u ignore t h e I'acl that the s t u d e n t s , w h e t h e r they like it or n o t , will have t o pay for the paint j o b , T h a t ' s real class, Barney. Here's a n o t h e r tip for y o u , B.F. It seems that filth is pervading us everywhere. Even Governor R o c k y , w h o I t h o u g h t we could trust, has all sorl.s o f filthy, naked bodies on his wall. Renoir, Van Gogh, a n d o t h e r super-liberal types. Now Barney, just between you and m e , I k n o w of a back w i n d o w t h a t H a p p y keeps o p e n all t h e t i m e . A n d t h e y ' r e n o t going t o be a r o u n d this w e e k e n d , so y o u m i g h t sneak in t h e r e . T h a t would b e a real c o u p , b a b y . You s e e , Barney, w e have t o keep these lackey liberals a n d hippie s t u d e n t s off balance all t h e time. Because Fowler, 'ol kid, they are u n d e r m i n i n g the kind of graft and c o r r u p t i o n that m a d e this c o u n t r y great. T a k e t h e S o u t h Mall project. What a gem. T h e y spend a b o u t a million dollars every thirty seco n d s , a n d will p r o b a b l y finish it a r o u n d t h e turn of t h e c e n t u r y . A n d w h a t a b o u t t h a t H million dollar space lab that got three feel off t h e ground and then blew u p because s o m e d o p e forgot l o plug in an extension c u r d . And then of course Vietnam, which is a classic in government waste. I c a n ' t even c o u n t as high as the a m o u n t of stuff we've lost on the Black Market. And thai includes 1(1,000 h u m a n beings. Like I said Barney, we don'I want t h e public thinking aboul that t y p e of wasle, because ils good for the c o u n t r y . So keep t h e people t h i n k i n g a b o u t t h a t lousy $H() dollars, because its those kids w h o are going to ruin America if we d o n ' t s t o p them. Respectfully, Loving it and Never Leaving it Rich " P a t r i o t " Rini F o r t h e State University s y s t e m , e x c l u d i n g t h e c o m m u n i t y colleges, lie p r o p o s e d a total a p p r o p r i a t i o n of $ 5 1 6 . 7 million, an increase of $-10.2 million over 1 9 7 0 - 1 9 7 1 . Yet, he indicated t h a t SUNY would n o t be completely e x e m p t from the general b e l l - t i g h t e n i n g . " ! a m a w a r e , " the governor said, " thai c o n t i n u e d expansion of public i n s t i t u t i o n s of higher learning places a heavy b u r d e n on o u r t a x p a y e r s , particularly those w h o receive n o direct benefits, He a d d e d that he was seeking " n o major e x p a n s i o n in university p r o g r a m s " and p r o p o s e d " m o d e r a t e r e d u c t i o n s in staffing r a t i o s . " Moreover, the governor r e c o m m e n d e d that SUNY offer a three-year baccalaureate degree. He said only that this would reduce t h e time a s l u d e n l s p e n d s in college. But the s h o r t e n e d B.A. r e q u i r e m e n t is regarded by m a n y e d u c a t o r s as a way l o help the i n s t i t u t i o n s c u t their costs. T h e governor n o t e d in his budget message t h a t he h a d been urged t o m a k e major increases t o e d u c a t i o n Ibis year, because of the heavy b u r d e n on local school taxes and t h e worsening financial s i t u a t i o n facing private higher e d u c a t i o n . He cited appeals for u p t o .f 1,7 billion b u t m a i n t a i n e d t h a t t h e s t a t e tax s t r u c t u r e c o u l d n o t c o p e with t h e m . A s u m m a r y of e x p e n d i t u r e increases s h o w s t h a t the largest a m o u n t in t h e over-all b u d g e t was $ 3 5 2 million for e d u c a t i o n . In a d d i t i o n t o the $1 K6 million for local school districts, t h e r e were hikes of: —$6-1 million in aid for the City University of New York for which t h e s t a t e m a t c h e s dollar for dollar t h e a m o u n t s New York City grants t o t h e senior colleges in t h a t s y s t e m . —$33 million for c o m m u n i t y colleges, with t h e bulk of t h a t a m o u n t to m e e t e n r o l l m e n t g r o w t h a n d fund the Full O p p o r t u n i t y Program a i m e d at guaranteeing all high school graduates a p o s t - s e c o n d a r y education. — $ 1 0 million for scholarships a n d scholar incentive g r a n t s , part of which is i n t e n d e d to offset t h e new, higher t u i t i o n s c h e d u l e for 3 2 i n s t i t u t i o n s in the S t a t e University system. £BBI£ editor h(>, m i k e ellis ribak Council Approves Direct Bus Line by Jeffrey P . Bernstein S U N Y A s t u d e n t s will soon have r o u n d - t r i p bus t r a n s p o r t a t i o n direct from t h e u p t o w n c a m p u s t o the Port A u t h o r i t y in New York City. This arrangem e n t resulting from a 21-0-5 Central Council vote establishing t h e S t u d e n t Association as a ticket a g e n t for Eastern G r e y h o u n d Bus Lines. Tickets will he sold in the Campus C e n t e r with t h e S t u d e n t Association receiving a I 0% c o m m i s s i o n o n the sales. This profit will be allocated b e t w e e n t h e wages paid l o those hired l o sell ( h e tickets a n d t h e balance being placed info the E m e r g e n c y S p e n d i n g Line of the Central Council budget. It is h o p e d t h a t ultimately a s t u d e n t discount rate can b e initiated Willi part of the ticket sales profit subsidizing s o m e p o r t i o n of t h e $l2.Hfi round-trip fare. editor photography ... atverson > zaremba editor bobwamer city Governor Rockefeller lias proposed an expenditure of $352 million for education. Tentatively t h e bus is s c h e d u l e d t o leave t h e u p t o w n c a m p u s 3 : 0 0 p.m. on Fridays. If t h e b u s can be filled t o near capacity it will travel directly lo New York via Paramus, Otherwise a s t o p at t h e terminal in d o w n t o w n Albany will be m a d e . If ticket sales indicate strong s t u d e n t d e m a n d additional buses m a y be instituted with varied d e p a r t u r e limes and d e s t i n a t i o n s . T h e possibility of service t o points north a n d wesl was also discussed. THEEEP michelc patella sports jon guttman chuck T o the Editor: T h e enclosed list gives the n a m e s , r o o m n u m b e r s a n d nationality o r p a t i e n t s at t h e A n n Lee H o m e n e e d i n g a friendly visitor. Can y o u t a k e time t o visit these shut—ins a n d coverse with t h e m in their native tongues? It would certainly bring t h e m t h e warmth of friendly conversation in a language which is theirs. We suggest y o u call at the office al Ann Lee t o check the room numbers. All o u r t h a n k s . Sincerely yours, Mrs. Donald H. Davenport C h a i r m a n , Friendly Visiting Directions: Carmine Ragone—-Italian; R o o m 190, Rosa Testagruzza— from Persaro, Italy. editor d o r o t h y phillip business manager Visits linda waters associate columns graphics Friendly editor sue faulkner graffiti/classified Communications debbie n a t a n s o h r . . . . arts editor Monday, February I, 1971 G o v e r n o r Rockefeller, in his b u d g e t for fiscal year 1 9 7 1 - 1 9 7 2 , p r o p o s e d n o change in t h e B u n d y formula u n d e r which t h e state assists private colleges a n d universities. His r e c o m m e n d e d appropriation for t h a t p r o g r a m was $ 2 6 . 9 million, J o h n o'grady assistant features sue seligson dan Williams editors editor State University of New York at Albany Majority of Rooky's Budget Appropriated for Education for change at the same time that change becomes possible. commuter Albany Student Press 1 editor jay rosenbery The Albflny Student Prim was created in 1916 by an evil scientist. It is kept alive in a solution of blood in Room 326 of the Campus Cantor at tha State University of New York at Albany. T o get in touch with this inept beast |ust call 4 6 7 - 2 1 9 0 or 2 1 9 4 , and ask for T o m . We me fed by a mandatory student tax and are e member of the Associated Press. I n f o r m a t i o n pertaining l o exact d e p a r t u r e times, e t c . s h o u l d b e f o r t h c o m i n g within t h e next week. Communications are limited to 3 0 0 words, and aresub|ect to using oaten by the editor-in-chief.. IThe aforementioned boast, who determines editorial policy) »™ ' *« peace SET YOUR CLOCK RADIO TO WSUA 6 4 0 — — » — — . — • • • • — • . - . — — — . - 24 HOURS A DAT r i i m M T W W W I l Students heuding for New York will no longer huve 10 trek down to the Albany bns terminal. Now the Sludenl Association has been established us a ticket agent for Eastern Greyhound Ritt Lines. | o | Q m o n Central Council c o n t i n u e d to e m p h a s i z e t h e exh e m e urgency for tightening of security c o n d i t i o n s . Following c o n d e m n a t i o n t w o weeks ago of t h e Housing Office calling for relocking af all residences, the council T h u r s d a y night passed by a 17-1-6 vote a resolution urging t h e Univi. .ty Security F o r c e " t o lake all a p p r o p r i a t e steps necessary t o decrease the a m o u n t of crime (theft, illegal e n t r y , vandalism, e t c . ) " specifically on Alumni Q u a d . Alumni has recently been beset by lid false lire alarms during which time n u m e r o u s robberies have o c c u r r e d . Hate the Health with complaints Service? Come t o the Grievance Committee meeting, today a t 4 : 1 5 in CC 3 4 6 . If you can't make it, call In your MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 2 _,,.. complaint to Jan at 4 3 9 - 9 6 5 6 or Thaa at 4 7 2 - 8 6 1 7 . Whipped cream a n d other d e l l g h t s - t h e joys of the sensuous w o m a n - c o m i n g soon In the A l banyStudent Presslllll Cathexls sponsors Mrs. Edith E. DIGIvllo speaking on the topic of Graphoanalysis (handwriting analysis) Wed., Feb. 1 0 at 8 : 0 0 p.m. In LC 1 . Bring paper and pen! A n y o n e Interested In working w i t h Cathexls may call L i n K o t o w l c z at 7-3298. again this semester sophomores students. Science F i c t i o n Freaks: Sign the SF magazine petition in Curt Smith's office | H u 374) if y o u want There w i l l be a meeting o f Pi Omega P i , Eta Beta chapter, o n Thursday, Feb. 4 at 3 : 3 0 p.m. In BA310. Amazing, Analog, Fantastic, Galaxy, F T h e first w i l l be d u r i n g the m o n t h of April and applications 3 : 0 0 . This w i l l be held at the Albany consists of by February 1 5 , 1 9 7 1 . For further held in room 350 of the PAC. information language 8:30 YWCA freshments. Russell Sage College, in an e f f o r t t o will conduct an intensive study can be arranged by calling Rich at seminar in the Soviet U n i o n d u r i n g 157-4007. June. The four-week seminar will focus on the similarities and differnext year—the course to Albany on Draft IUy Iht author »f Rallv ftnuml ihe Flag, lioy$.,. Unbir Cilln students ( f r o m any college). For i n f o r m a t i o n , call tinuing Peoples series in a con- -"Third-World in LC 2 1 . Memory can L st be described as that function of t h e brain which deserts you during an exam. Today, therefore, let us take up mnemonics, or little tricks to aid the memory. As you know of course, mnemonics is named after Mnemon, t h e hero of possibly the loveliest of all the Greek m y t h s . I t tells how t h e Athenian youth Mnemon fell in love with the wood nymph Ariadne, and she with him, Indeed, so oblivious were these two to everything except each other, t h a t one year they forgot to attend the festival of Demeter, the goddess of bran. Well sir, naturally Demeter got pretty wroth, and to make sure the lovers would never forget again, s h e changed Ariadne into a finger and Mnemon into a piece of string. A lovely myth, as you can see, and as you know of course, i t ' s been the inspiration for dozens of richly romantic books, plays and operas, including La Traviata, Ueerdayer and The Joys of Yiddish. But I digress, Mnemonics, I say, are little tricks to aid the memory. For example, here's how I learned my Zip Code — 72846. I broke it into two smaller groups of digits, each with a special meaning. Like this: 72-846. See how easy it is now? T h e first group of digits, 72, is, as you know of course, the number of days in the gestation cycle of the larger marsupials, like the oryx, the bushy lemur and the Toyota. And t h e second group, 846, you will instantly recognize of course as Dick Tracy's badge number. POCO w i l l p o r f o r m at Union College on Saturday, ets are $ 3 . 0 0 tor U n i o n students in advance, $ 3 . 5 0 for all others and at the door. Call 346-8686 for more Sigma Eta-Speech honorary-meeting Path- will be business meeting, 7 : 3 0 guest sueok er and f i l m - M r . Pete Magazu of the Speech Pathology partment will and A u d i o De- discuss the films w h i c h are about Teaching Handicapped Multiply C h i l d r e n . A l l are we I come. Refreshments w i l l be seruprf. to a m i n i m u m o l 15 Leningrad, Kiev. A discussion class "Judaism and Christianity" Volgograd, will be held every Wednesday evening at 8 : 3 0 in HU 113. is a non-credit This by the Free course a final week of evaluation on Sage's Everyone is w e l c o m e t o attend. University. Troy campus. Information about the Seminar, Eight short anonymous poems and applications, are available f r o m were s u b m i t t e d to P R I M F R the weeks Office of Admissions of the college in T r o y . Science Fiction is Everything! A l bany Stale Science Fiction Socieiy meets every Thursday at 7 30 p.m. in Humanities 128. (Bring a Trib- ute). ago, among Kevin." M their contact either be unable Want to Work? £ -Selling donuti and coffee a # -Collecting money -Answering phones Leslie, does nol 7 3003 01 t o consider American nursing TELETHON '71 them " F u r author them I n : publication, the ( several D a r y l , 7-7895, immediately we will An information. R e d Cross course public will be offered in f o r t h e first several years March 15, at home beginning lime in Monday, the A l b a n y Area Chapter, A m e r i c a n Red Cross, ' " cated Blvd. on Hackett .it Clara Barton Dr., in A l b a n y . Miss A n n D i N a t a l e , nursing pro grams representalive Stale lor the Red Cross, will can in New York duct ihe one-week class whicn will involve daily i n s t r u c t i o n from 0 30 a.m. through 1 2 . 3 0 p . m . call Gail-457-3296 12043. Alpha sponsored Fob. 13 at 12 midnight in Memorial Chapel, Tick- New Y o r k Minsk, Sochi, informal classes, and and the W a r " by Ken S i o k e n . W e d . , Feb. 2 at 8 00 p.m. States Plans call for study tours o l Moscow, FORUM-Sccond Photography and Russia and w i l l offer 4 semester 7 3 0 in the S A office i n the Cam- YSA tie. i the United hours credit Ira at 472-5096. Down Memory Lane Without a Paddle ences between Counseling begins Tuesday night at pus Center. Murray held Feb. 11 in H U 3 5 4 , 7 : 0 0 p.m. and the Transportation returning Miller, Sue I ntercollegiate ology students those Ed or E x h i b i t , SUC C o b l e s k i l l , Cobleskill, ( H u 354) Feb. 10 at provide study opportunities abroad, All nual for slides, discussion and re- special half-price fee for university is $7.50. contact 518-234-5644 or w r i t e : Second A n pro- 8. The course 12 lessons must be received permanent meeting time. It will be ties lounge February may n o t be the Freshmen summer guitar University The exhibit semester w i l l be on Tuesday, Feb. 2 gram participants (Germany) 1 9 6 9 , Tomorrow folk at t h e State at Cobleskill. Anyone Doreen-467- 4723 interested in the I O I H M ! may call Mrs. David al ihe Aih.iny Red Cross 4 6 2 7 4 6 1 , t o register oi obtain lurther information. IDANNOT IMAGINE ANYONE WHO CARES ABOOT THE QUALITY OF OURCULTURE, EVEN DISTANTLY,MISSING'MONTEREYPOP:"(R;rir.r)uAESTHETICALLY AND AURALLY STUNNING."(..r:;;:J"AN ELECTRIFYING AND ELECTRIFIED PICTURE,"(STE) But some people say that mnemonics, useful though they may be, will soon be replaced by a far better memory aid. In fact, say they, we arc on the verge of a fantastic new breakthrough, Recent experiments have definitely proved that memory is carried in the bruin cells by the suh-mnlceule called UNA. Therefore, say they, as soon as science learns how to synthesize UNA, all we'll have tit do is swallow a teaspoon of it and —presto! instant memory. (Incidentally, if you're wondering what the initials UNA stand for, I forgot, I do recall, however, what /J.V.I stands for. When t h e eminent biochemist Alfred J. Signfoos was isolating DNA back in 11)60, he carried on experiments of such incredible delicacy you can scarcely believe it. Why, do you know thai lie was actually dissecting tissues only a trilUunth of an inch thick'.' T h a t ' s why his fellow lab workersnumed thestulTDNA for "Don't Nudge Alfred.") But I digress. Some people, 1 say, believe thai silence will soon decode UNA. But others are doubtful. How can anybody decode UNA, they ask, when they can't even figure out the brewing formula of Miller High Life Beer? It's true, you know. Miller High Life is absolutely unique. No competitor has ever been able to duplicate it. Oh sure, they've tried. In fact, they've been trying for 115 years. Anil that's how long they've been failing because from the very beginning Milter's brewing formula has been a secret known to only one man on earth Miller's chief brewmastcr - and he never tells it to another soul until, on his deathbed, he whispers it into the ear of his eldest son. Take, for example, the current chief lirewmuster at Miller High Life—Heinrich Luckjuw the X l l t h . A vorit.ihle tomb is Ileinrich the X l l t h . Believe me, he's been offered plenty to divulge t h e formula. And I don't mean just money; 1 mean treasures far more precious the Mona Lisa, the Klgiu Marbles, Belgium, the only existing skeleton of Charlemagne as a boy, the original manuscript of The Jvymif Yulrfmh. B u t Heinrich the X l l t h just keeps shaking his head, determined t h a t the secret of Miller High Life shall be his alone until, with his final breath, he whtHpcrs it into the ear of his eldest son Heinrich the XMIlh (or Gabby, as all his friends call him). But I digress. You want to know whether science will ever decode UNA. Well sir, I don't have the answer. Hut this much I can tell y o u : America did n o t become the world's foremost producer of laminated prosthetics and edible furniture by running away from a fight! And don't you forgot itl We, the brewers of Miller High Life and the spumum of this ealum it, wmh to extend to you our unique mill unduplicated thanks for your continuing patronage, Also, Heinrich says hello. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 MONTEREY Student Suing Social Welfare Claims 'Arbitrary Dismissal' d e n t representative before t h e Curriculum Committee, which u l t i m a t e l y u p h e l d t h e former d e cision. Advised t h a t h e could have a representative with h i m if h e chose t o press his appeal further, B o w e r then asked his lawyer, Mrs. M. Powers, t o appear with h i m before t h e full faculty of t h e School of Social Welfare. Powers was asked to leave t h a t m e e t i n g on t h e g r o u n d s t h a t academic review b y t h e faculty was n o t a c o u r t proceeding requiring t h e presence of a lawyer. After t h e faculty confirmed Bower's dismissal, h e and Powers w e n t t o Dr. F l i n t o n , Dean o f G r a d u a t e Studies, c o n c e r n i n g a n appeal t o t h e C o m m i t t e e o n Academic Standing of t h e G r a d u a t e A c a d e m i c Council. A c c o r d i n g t o P o w e r s , Flinton told t h e m t h e by Bob Baldassano c o m m i t t e e would n o t meet for a n o t h e r m o n t h , a n d a decision Dozens of interested s t u d e n t s w o u l d like t o see a greater sense could n o t b e reached until later w h o live on t h e d o w n t o w n cam of c o m m u n i t y a m o n g t h e d o w n this spring. pus m e t t o discuss measures t h a t t o w n residents, or as h e called it, Realizing that t h e organizations could be taken t o insure tighter "a greater sense of c o r p o r a t e sponsoring his e d u c a t i o n required security in o r d e r t o prevent a n y r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . " T h i s w o u l d imply c o m p l e t i o n of his masters degree more theft a n d h a r a s s m e n t which t h a t a n y s t u d e n t w h o was witness in t w o years, Bower decided t o has occurred insignificant degrees. to a crime w o u l d r e p o r t it and n o t bring suit against t h e school in One such proposal dealt with be afraid t o d o s o , us has haporder t o get reinstated this t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of an emer- p e n e d in t h e past. semester. Under c o u r t o r d e r , h e gency t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r w h i c h Isley p o i n t e d o u t t h a t t h e only was allowed t o register a n d is could b e used t o s u m m o n security t h i n g t h a t s e c u r i t y proposals c a n presently a t t e n d i n g classes. officers t o a p p r e h e n d a thief o r do is t o eliminate t h e s y m p t o m s T h e A t t o r n e y General's office, prevent an harassment. A n o t h e r a n d n o t t h e causes of t h e p r o b representing t h e University, reproposal dealt with disbanding of lem. Part of the p r o g r a m t o estabquested a p o s t p o n e m e n t o l t h e the Burns guards in favor of a lish a greater sense of c o m m u n i t y case until F e b r u a r y 1 1 , at which p e r m a n e n t s e c u r i t y officer w h o as well as t o ensure tighter securtime it will be decided in c o u r t . would maintain a specific post. ity was Isley's idea t h a t u n i f o r m e d Because of its position in t h e s t u d e n t s could take over t h e jobs New Head d o w n t o w n Albany area, t h e cam- of I h e Burns guards. T h e s e stupus suffers from intrusions b y d e n t s w o u l d be paid a n d perhaps for residents of t h e area, m o s t of would he m o r e effective than t h e w h o m a r e under fifteen. T o m present guards. Dormitory Authority Isley, Alden Hall Dorm Director A L B A N Y , N . Y . AP William A. S h a r k e y , a veteran slate employe, will b e c o m e admtitstrative director of Ihe State D o r m i t o r y A u t h o r i t y , probably assuming his new duties in March, il was announced today. S h a r k e y , w h o lives in Ihe Albany s u b u r b of KeKuwnville, n o w is assistant commissioner lor m a n a g e m e n t a n d finance in t h e Dep a r t m e n t of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n . He has been with t h e stale for 2 5 years, serving earlier in t h e old D e p a r t m e n t of Public Works and t h e T a x Department.. T h e D o r m i t o r y A u t h o r i t y oversees planning, c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d financing of buildings for t h e S t a t e University a n d City University s y s t e m s , private colleges and universities a n d s o m e hospitals a n d nursing schools T h e post of administrative director h a d been held by Clifton C F l a t h e r , w h o recently retired. by Joan Zuckerman Welfare requires t h e successful Warren Bower, a s e c o n d year c o m p l e t i o n of t w o years of field graduate s t u d e n t , is suing t h e p l a c e m e n t , in w h i c h t h e s t u d e n t School of Social Welfare for w h a t w o r k s u n d e r t h e guidance of an his lawyer t e r m e d " a r b i t r a r y term- i n s t r u c t o r . A s a result of a coni n a t i o n " of his e n r o l l m e n t a t ference b e t w e e n his faculty adS U N Y A . An ordained Congrega- visor a n d field p l a c e m e n t intional minister, Bower's e d u c a t i o n s t r u c t o r , B o w e r was d r o p p e d from is being paid for b y t h e Depart- the p r o g r a m in m i d - O c t o b e r . He m e n t of Mental Hygiene a n d Har- was i n f o r m e d by t h e dean of t h e lem Valley S t a t e Hospital, where G r a d u a t e S c h o o l t h a t a m e e t i n g of he w o r k e d as a psychiatric social all his i n s t r u c t o r s h a d affirmed t h e worker. decision. F o l l o w i n g u p his appeal T h e Masters program in Social Bower then a p p e a r e d with a s t u - Lax Security Alarms Downtown Residents Correction A n d r e w P. Vayda ( s e a t e d ) , Professor of A n t h r o p o l o g y at C o l u m b i a University, s p o k e a b o u t c u l t u r e a n d e n v i r o n m e n t at t h e E n v i r o n m e n t al F o r u m last w e e k . ... bonjamin ^j^j^^^^^^^ft PASCANNIOHEATHUGHMASE KELAJtF IERSO NAIRPLANE WITHGKACESL ICKl RICBURDONAI* DIIIIANIMALSIIIIWHOCOUNIRYJOLANDIHLILSHOIISRlDDINOJIMIHLNDRIXKAVIliHANKAF MONTEREY pop [HNAllONAlPDPlmiVHl AllACOCH HINN(BAK[R RllLASr Thursday, February 5th in LC 18 at 8:15 & 10 pm MAGNETIC-STRIPE SOUND TRACK, :.';!:;;:,:-: NEW SOUND SYSTEM PAGE 3 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Inter- at 1970, 1971 come t o the Humani- in beginning held College this & SF, sold in the bookstore. beginning be interested meeting Annual collegiate P h o t o g r a p h y E x h i b i t will f o r freshmen, and other Second 518-234-5319 t f , Worlds of Fantasy and Worlds of Classes WITH MAX SHULMAN The I he A c t i n g Workshop is beginning IN LC18 ? ft Soliciting Columns ft ft ft ft ft V Y O U have the right t o , X 'T-have your views heard I A ^ T h e ASP is your mediumV ft to do so. *£ ftBRING COLUMNS T O £ ftcC326, OR SEE T H E f t ftCOLUMNS EDITOR, ft ft-£##-{3-yI#^#ft In t h e Friday, J a n . 2!> edition of t h e ASP t h e front page story on t h e t w o new University vicepresidents c o n t a i n e d t h e incorrect spelling of Dr. S i r o t k i n ' s first n a m e . It should he spelled Phillip rather than Philip. 'Revolution, Establishment" State Checks Courses by Bruce B. Detlefsen AP Education Writer A L B A N Y , N . Y . AP - A legislative office, acting at t h e request of s o m e lawmakers, has asked for detailed information a b o u t s o m e courses at State University c a m p u s e s , including those dealing with " r e v o l u t i o n , " it became k n o w n T h u r s d a y . Identical copies of a letter requesting t h e information were sent t o the presidents of four-year SUNY b r a n c h e s b y t h e head of t h e Legislative Research Office, Nicholas C a m m e r o . C a m m e r o ' s r e q u e s t was for copies of t h e syllabus of " e a c h course c u r r e n t l y taught or offered in American history, political science including a ny c u r r i c u l u m dealing with ' r e v o l u t i o n , ' ' t h e establishm e n t , ' e t c . a n d t h e social sciences with particular a t t e n t i o n t o sociology a n d urban s t u d i e s . " T h e c o n t e n t s of t h e letter b e c a m e available at t h e S t a t e University College at O n e o n t a , w h e r e Dr. Clifford Craven, t h e acting president, said he would not s u b m i t t h e requested information a n d described t h e t o n e a n d nature of t h e r e q u e s t as " e x t r e m e l y ill-advised." C a m m e r o , in response t o a q u e s t i o n from T h e Associated Press, said a " n u m b e r of m e m b e r s " of o n e house of t h e legislature had initiated Ihe request,, He would not identify t h e m . T h e O n e o n t a Star n e w s p a p e r indicated in its T h u r s d a y morning e d i t i o n , however, that t h e g r o u p included Republican Assemhylman 134wyn E. Mason of H o b a r t . Mason was q u o t e d by t h e paper as saying " w e have received a great m a n y r e p o r t s of subversive o r anti-American teachings at State University colleges" a n d t h a t , in his o p i n i o n , academic freedom has been used t o "cover up subversive, revolutionary or anti-American activities." Mason, reached a t his Capitol office later T h u r s d a y b y T h e Associated Press, said b e did nol want t o c o m m e n t further at this lime for fear of t h e m a t t e r being blown o u t of p r o p o r t i o n . He did say, however, that " m o s t m e m b e r s " of t h e legislature gel similar reports, that t h e university syslem gets a t r e m e n d o u s a m o u n t of stall' m o n e y and that m a n y actions of SUNY a d m i n i s t r a t o r s " a p p e a r t o IK- i r r e s p o n s i b l e , " C a m m e r o said Ihe letters were dated J a n . 21 a n d that, excluding ('raven, t h e other presidents h a d suggesled " q u i t e u n i f o r m l y " that t h e request he sent t o S U N Y ' s central a d m i n i s t r a t i o n in Albany. A s p o k e s m a n for i h e s y s t e m said t h e m a i l e r had been brought t o i h e central a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s a t t e n t i o n oidy a few d a y s ago and t h a t , because of o t h e r business, notably t h e tuition increase approved Wednesday, there h a d n o l been time t o s t u d y t h e legislative request adequately. C a m m e r o said t h e legislative office w a n t e d syllabi that would b e m o r e detailed than t h e catalogs generally available a n d "material prepared by course i n s t r u c t o r s . " His letter also made this distinction clear a n d said t h a t in a d d i t i o n t o each syllabus t h e office w a n t e d an indication of h o w t h e course c o n t e n t was selected, p r e p a r e d a n d a p p r o v e d a n d what provisions, if a n y , existed for periodic reviews of t h e material used in t h e courses. ICLIP THIS COUPON! International Traveller Want Security, or the lack of it, has been the topic of much discussion in the last two weeks. ... goodman Buy 2-Get 1 Free Dependability? with t h i l coupon SECTION III INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS INC. A PROGRAM OF WORLDWIDE STUDYTRAVEL EXPERIENCES EAST, WEST, NORTH, or SOUTH PRE-PLANNED AND PACKAGED . . . or CUSTOM-TAILORED TO YOUR TASTE TOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: 346-3360 Bob Burstoin 611 Union Street Section III International Schenectady, N. Y. 12305 oUhw MIKE'S NEBA Giant Roast Beef SUBMARINE SANDWICH offer expires Fei. ,5, 1971 GOOD AT ALL LOCATIONS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ICLIP THIS COUPON PAGE 4 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Central Council: Undemocratic? MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 Chicago.. First Show at Fillmore North? •WHAT REALLY SMPES MI. HI8IIY. IS THIY DID IT WITH A PIMOCKATIC VOTE!" by Kenneth Deane by Jeff Burger The younger generation is notorious for its criticism of the "Establishment" for being non-representative and unresponsive t o the true needs of the people. But a major flaw in many critics is a failure t o e x a m i n e their own "back yard". I believe this t o be the case at this University. The student body o f this institution is presently being governed b y a body—Central Council—which I And t o be suffering from several undemocratic features, and one which fails, in some respects, t o represent the actual needs of the students. Under the rpesent system, each completed residence area elects three representatives to Council, with the five Commissions and the Pan Hellenic Council permitted t w o votingrepresentatives each, and the faculty permitted five representatives. Thus, approximately one-half of 3 3 of the Council representatives are not popularly elected by the students at large. But these Council members represent a relatively small segment of the University's 8 , 0 0 0 undergraduate students. Under the present system, it is also possible for an individual to be elected to Council by o n e of the Commissions and to reach a high executive position in s t u d e n t government w i t h o u t once having received a m a n d a t e from the entire s t u d e n t b o d y . I find it difficult t o understand how the interests of the s t u d e n t b o d y at large can be properly articulated by s o m e o n e w h o has never had t o present himself t o the electorate for a c c e p t a n c e . It is a f u n d a m e n t a l principle of a d e m o c r a c y that representatives of the people m u s t answer for their actions before the electorate. Only in such a manner can a c o n s t i t u e n c y ' s views be properly reflected. Commercial Laissez-Faire-ism it was Vietnam and Cambodia today, it is Paul Zukofsky, one of the best violinists of our time, will appear al the The anti-smoking lobbyists have won. T h e y ' v e managed to get all cigarette commercials off the air. Much as I ^sympathize with their motives (I am a devout non-smoker of a n y t h i n g ) , I c a n n o t see this new law as a n y t h i n g b u t governmental infringement upon the rights of legitimate business to advertise its product. Regardless of w h a t o n e thinks of s m o k i n g (cigarettes, that is) the t o b a c c o industry certainly c a n n o t be considered anything less than legitimate, and as such, it is entitled to all the rights granted any other industry. When talking a b o u t the t o b a c c o industry, however, people s u d d e n l y get very moralistic about the product. "It's been linked t o c a n c e r . " " I t can take years off your life." " I t puts a strain on your h e a r t . " All of this is true. This leaves us with the really i m p o r t a n t q u e s t i o n : Where d o c s t h e individual's unalienable right t o use his free will supercede the government's obligation to protect the society it was elected to serve? A man has the right t o have his vices. Where the line is d r a w n , or should be d r a w n , is where a man's vice makes him a threat to society. Doctors tell us that it's unhealthy to be overweight. Why n o t have a giant government weigh-in once a year and find those weighing above a federally established "safety level"? This is a b s u r d , of c o u r s e , but this is where we're heading. IT a man decides to s m o k e , he h u r t s no one but himself. He is not without the facts; the studies linking cigarette s m o k i n g with cancer and heart disease are q u i t e well k n o w n . This industry which supplies Ihe public with this p r o d u c t , allowing the public l o m a k e up its own mind, must be treated equally with all o t h e r industries, however. The g o v e r n m e n t has t o m a k e up its mind; either the t o b a c c o industry is a legitimate industry entitled to all the rights and freedoms granted any o t h e r industry, or its p r o d u c t presents a threat to the very fiber of our civilization and there fore must be banned from the market, as with heroin. This Congress has tried to take a m i d d l e road however, to the dissatisfaction of almost everyone. T h e anti-smoking lobby will u n d o u b t a b l y push for even further restrictions to the dissatisfaction ut t h e t o b a c c o It is t r u e , however, t h a t a new c o n s t i t u t i o n is in the process of being drafted by the m e m b e r s of Council. This newly p r o p o s e d version would rectify the above evils by providing for direct, at large election of the s t u d e n t government President and Vice-President, and for the abolition of Commission r e p r e s e n t a t i o n on Cuuncil. Memo ers of the University c o m m u n i t y should therefore urge for its immediate finalization and a d o p t i o n . Yesterday, Entire Semester # 9 : 0 0 to 4 : 0 0 T e x t b o o k s w i l l be sold in t u n n e l area by Jeff Hurger Any of you w h o are familiar with R o b e r t C h r i s t g a u s c o l u m n s in the Village Voice are aware that he instituted a grading s y s t e m for a l b u m s , a sort of s h o r t h a n d consumer guide. I am a b o u t to follow wuit. This is necessitated by the flood of new a l b u m s to be reviewed and n o t by any desire to m a k e the "final j u d g e m e n t " in the form of a neat little letter grade. It should go w i t h o u l saying that these ratings are my o p i n i o n s , and not final j u d g e m e n t s ; usually my criteria is n o t talent of t h e parlieular artist or artists. ( T h e r e arc, for e x a m p l e , m a n y t a l e n t e d opera singers; I just d o n ' t like o p e r a . Therefore these c o l u m n s are purely subjective reflections of my own tastes in music T h e y arc written mainly for t h e p e r s o n w h o is considering the p u r c h a s e of an album and wants t o o p i n i o n of s o m e o n e w h o has listened lo it carefully. But before y o u start takinL' my advice, m a k e sure we J Civilisation Series C I V I L I S A T I O N . T h e first in a series of I .'1 fid-minute c o l o r films exploring the history of the past 1600 years of C I V I L I S A T I O N through its art and a r c h i t e c t u r e , entitled " T h e Skin of O u r T e e t h " , will be presented in the Schncht Fine Arts Center, Russell Satfu College, Fell. H, 11)7 1, at 7 : 3 0 . Admission is free a n d Ihe public is welcome. LET US HELP YOU MESSIANIC JEWS Ollm Inje Bible I ileialurui iim-um nil then precepts .mil heliels Wfilu SCRIPTURES, I )u|il C MM Hit Prosiwct DMVI.', Slr.illunl Conn. IKWJI Abortions are now legal in New York. There are no residency requirements, a l l t i m e s for a l l r e f u n d s . FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT IN ACCREDITED HOSPITALS A N D CLINICS AT LOW COST # R e f u n d 8 w i l l be m a d e in GRAND WOMEN'S PAVILION Thursday: ')-H Friday: " •); to Saturday: 9-| WAniKHHOS HAST Utfkntix Sinn Albany, ,\ Y or call any timo (2121 371 6 6 7 0 or (2121 371 6 6 5 0 -l.t-|.|,5U,N AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK Waterbeds, accessories, ' STRICTLY C O N F I D E N T I A L . We will make all arrangements lor you and help you with information and counseling. OPENING A'/vw.v.v /•«/•/•/ 515 Madison Avenue Now York. N Y . 10022 boolistore llou -s. on Friday, Russell Sage College will present the second 50 nil nut e color film, entitled " T h e Great T h a w " , in the C I V I L I S A T I O N series on F e b . 15, 1 9 7 1 , al 7:;t0 l'. M. in the Schiieht Fine Arts C e n t e r on t h e Sage c a m p u s . Admission is f r e e a n d live public is welcome. have similar musical tastes. Check out my reviews of a n u m b e r of albums t h a t you already have heard. T h e n , if our tastes are similar, and I rate an a l b u m highly, you can be p r e t t y safe in buying it. (If o u r tastes differ, you might want t o d o the o p p o s i t e , specifically avoiding the a l b u m s I like, and running o u t to b u y t h e albums I d o w n g r a d e ! ) WATT, Ten Years Alter (Deram X D F S 1M050). B minus. I think that T e n Years After are an overrated g r o u p , b u t this a l b u m has some good m o m e n t s . " S h e Lies In the M o r n i n g " is e x c e l l e n t ; s o m e of t h e o t h e r cuts are just dull. T h e a l b u m ( c o m p l e t e with p o s t e r ) consist-s of seven s t u d i o cuts, all by Alvin Lee, and " S w e e t Little S i x t e e n , " of c o u r s e by Chuck Berry, recorded live at the Isle of Wight. T h e live cut is n o t nearly as good as you might e x p e c t , and the electronic s o u n d s b e t w e e n the o t h e r cuLs are just plain p r e t e n t i o u s . Still, not bad. Alvin Lee (whose greatest in fl u e n c e remains himself) has put t o g e t h e r s o m e p r e t t y good material. (You can tell I'm n o t e x c i t e d , but 1 d o n ' t want lo c o n d e m n this either.) BLOWS A G A I N S T T H E E M P I R E , Paul K a n t n e r ( R C A LSP-M-1H). A plus. And n o w o n d e r : Along with K a n t e r o n this t r i p are Grace Slick, Jerry Garcia, David Crosby and G r a h a m Nash, to n a m e just a few. T h e a l b u m c o m e s with a of lyrics, b u t sells at t h e regular price ( " D " ) c o n s i s t e n t w i t h the Airplane's policy of n o t ripping off t h e public. T h e m u s i c and lyrics are excellent t h r o u g h o u t . This is the a l b u m t h a t t h e Airplane always had the p o t e n t i a l t o m a k e , but never did (till n o w ) . It's all a b o u t t h e plan for 7 0 0 0 freaks to hijack the first inter-stellar starship l a u n c h e d from planet earth and sail off lo t o u r the stars. At first y o u may think t h e y ' r e kidding, b u t after a few listenings y o u ' r e ready to sign u p . See you on the s t a r s h i p ! TRAPEZE (THRESHOLD T1LS-2). B. Hear it before you buy it. You may or m a y n o t like the lead vocalist. This group the first signed to the M o o d y Blues Threshold label and p r o d u c e d by Ihe Moddies J o h n Lodge, is kind of a hard rock Bee Gees, T h e y are good, and I here's even a nice picture on the cover. Undergraduate Students a r e n e e d e d to fill v a c a n c i e s on the f o l l o w i n g c o m m i t t e e s : Paraphenalla Free R e f r e s h m e n t s Girl wiitarbud models SAWIUMY, hhllKUAHYh, Ml . ill II Ml BECOME A TRUTHOLOGIST; loam .1 new si ii'iii t< tli.it t .in («• Structure sot iuly ID (.unburn wilh •threat iile.ilisni in human but>a vim I in introductory literature indudimj a "FORMULA FOR TRUTH" (upi , send $1 DO lo TfuliioloQy. 019 Central Ave., Al bany. N.Y. 122(16 (Trotholoyy is a satinet), not a itiligionl A TRUTHOLOGIST HLALS I0EO LOGICAL DMTEHENCES. Scholastic Inquiry inviled. I SOPHOMORE A T H L E T I C ADVISORY HOARD AND 2 S E N I O R S S T U D E N T A F F A I R S COUNC1I Applications are and SHIRT LAUNDRY Located in Quad Dutch ,.| S T U D E N T S Please return all application! Friday, Lounges Colonial State ^m S(jck | Jittkimei J Mon.-Fri. 4 pm-7 pm auailable in CC 3 4 6 to CC 3 4 6 by 5 PM lower 2 STUDENTS 2 STUDENTS A C A D E M I C A F F A I R S COMMISSION COMMODORE VILVXE DRY CLEANERS :> S T U D E N T S I ' A K K I N O Al'1'EAI.S C O M M I T T E E U N I V E R S I T Y G O V E R N A N C E COMMISSION Contact tunnel area. Arts Center m a n y , many more. Saturday night. A b o u t 1 1 : 0 0 . there's something about brass inPatti, Ken and I arrive at the struments. T h e lights w o u l d b e o n Palace Theatre. Immediately it the lead guitar and suddenly o n r e s e m b l e d the Fillmore. T h e they come behind him and there corridor in the front, the crowd, out of nowhere are the "brassthe w h o l e s e t u p . ( T w o people m e n " and it hits y o u hard and came up t o me as I walked in: heavy. N o shit. These people are "Got any spare change? Got any powerful, talented, and very todope? That's w h e n I knew for gether. And there are seven o f sure that this was Fillmore them. Add that t o s o m e fine material and y o u have one beautNorth). iful concert. It was one beautiful On first were a guy and chick concert. billed as "Ohio S t o p . " They were Chicago. They played all the old really pretty g o o d but for s o m e material we wanted to hear. They reason they were put on at 1 1 : 2 0 played s o m e things from their while people were still arriving. If new album Chicago III (watch for they wanted a background music, my review) and after m a y b e the they should've played a record, first five minutes of warmup, they but w h y make a group perform to were a l m o s t flawless. Fast and a crowd busy scanning the aisles fine. Much more exciting live than for a s e a t ? Start the s h o w on time. on record. They're really fun to N o t late. But not early either. watch. N e x t o n the bill was Barry Chicago. N o b o d y really knew Melton (of Country Joe & Fish) w h a t t i m e it was or h o w long but when "Ohio S t o p " were done, t h e y ' d played (quite a while) but a loud voice yelled "Show them we screamed for MORE. Well, we care! Chicago! and there they t h e y really m a d e the a u d i e n c e were (what happened t o Barry work t o get t h e m b a c k . We were Melton?). s c r e a m i n ' and s t o m p i n ' and y e l l i n ' Chicago. Really, they were magand jes' basically goin' insane. nificent. Maybe the w o r d is draT h e y did c o m e back finally. They matic, flashy, exciting. You k n o w . came back t o play " I ' m A M a n , " the old Spencer Davis hit which appears o n Chicago's first a l b u m . But I never heard it so good. Sorry, no interview this t i m e : " A t Chicago's request, t h e r e will be n o interviews." A few words a b o u t t h e Palace before 1 close, since it appears R E D , W H I T E , & B L U E S I M A G E , t h a t we'll be s p e n d i n g some time Blues Image ( A T C O SD 3 3 - 3 4 8 ) . there in t h e future. I'll b e d a m n e d C plus. T h e s o u n d hovers s o m e - if there's a bad seut in the whole where b e t w e e n bad t o p forty and fucking place. T h e s o u n d a n d t h e C r e e d e n c e (very good t o p f o r t y ) . view are b o t h e x c e l l e n t throughT h e r e ' s a lot of t a l e n t here, b u l o u t the t h e a t r e . T h e a u d i e n c e is there's also a lack of improvisakept a bit s u b d u e d by the seats; t i o n , a t o p forty b e a t a n d t o p you d o n ' t have t o o m a n y people forty lyrics. A few cuts ( " R i s e in a position t o j u m p u p and U p " for e x a m p l e ) are excellent. dance a r o u n d . But shit, m a n , And 1 d o play the a l b u m . those were c o m f o r t a b l e seats, and if y o u ' r e going t o have t o have seats, these were a lot b e t t e r than HEAVENLY STARS, Aretha folding chairs and bleachers. F r a n k l i n , Wilson Pickett, S o l o m o n Burke, R o b e r t a Flack, The Sweet One d o w n n o t e ; real live A l b a n y Inspirations, Brook Benton, cops, armed and ready to go were Myrna S u m m e r s , Marion Williams visible everywhere, strolling con( C O T I L L I O N SD 0 5 2 ) . B m i n u s , stantly up the aisles a n d lurking in ll got this low a rating only the exits. Uniformed cops cun because I'm n o t really into gospel c o m e on a bit heavy t o people music; it got this high a rating trying to dig a rock c o n c e r t . Their because, in spite of the a b o v e , it presence was n o t by their o w n was so well d o n e . Be aware of the decision, nor was it t h e work of fact t h a t s o m e o n e w h o does like the promoter. Apparently, this kind of music would easily Chicago felt t h a t they n e e d e d give it an " A " . It is an excellent " t o p s e c u r i t y . " So t h e p r o b l e m selection (including A r e t h a ' s verlies with us. A n u m b e r of c o n c e r t s sion of " L e t It B e " ) by some very across the c o u n t r y have s h o w n t h e t a l e n t e d p e o p l e . T h e rating is only need for lots of s e c u r i t y . M a y b e because 1 k n o w I w o n ' t play it Albany can create a different m u c h , b u t if y o u ' r e into this scene for the Palace. We d e c i d e : music, by all m e a n s , run o u t and Are we t h e A l t a m o n t generation b u y the a l b u m . or the Woodstock g e n e r a t i o n ? Consumer Guide No. 1 UNWANTED PREGNANCY # S a l e s s l i p m u s t be p r e s e n t e d at Performing Albums Reviewed # R e f u n d s a n d d r o p c a r d s w i l l be F e b r u a r y 6 t h , 1971. Theater Babbitt, Cage and the world premiere o f Chadabe's new "Drift" for all ic o n c e r n e will, u , health but we are also c o n c e r n e d with our right to use our free will and lo make our own choices We need laws t o protect o u r society hut once they come at the expense of our most cherished right of free choice, we s t o p being a free ' society and lake a n o t h e r s t e p t o w a r d a s e l f i n d u c e d slavery. h o n o r e d f r o m F e b r u a r y 1st to Main violin and electronic sounds. We # E v e n i n g s a n d S a t u r d a y s in Main Store SUNYA February 5, at 8 : 3 0 p.m. The program will include works by Ives, Charges were even m a d e that the cigarette c o r p o r a t i o n s were giving the television n e t w o r k s m o n e y under the table in order to get the n e t w o r k s t o s h o w their cigarette billboards during their s h o w s ' This reminds me of the time a school, in an effort to gel a r o u n d the S u p r e m e C o u r t ' s m.-prayers-in-school decision, held voluntary prayers before school officially began. The Court put an end to t h a t calling the school s action evasive. How absurd! In the first case an industry is so h a m p e r e d by restrictive laws that it is forced to use evasive measures to get a r o u n d a law which Congress had no right to pass in Ihe first place. In t h e latter sace, the S u p r e m e Court s t r e t c h e d the s c p a r a t i o n u f - c h u r c h - a n d - s t a t c policy so out of shape that a school was^evading he law , it did not ban all neighborhood s u p p o r t e d pniyera from the school building even after school hours, to the u t t e r disgust of the entire c o m m u n i t y . Laos. STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Monday: ') H Tuesday: ') H Wednesday: 9-8 Well, it looks that way. Looks like Albany's got itself a Fillmore. For a n y o n e w h o hasn't heard, Saturday night's Chicago concert was just the beginning. National Student Productions has announced a full schedule (it looks just like a Fillmore schedule) and they promise top acts every week indefinitely as long as a t t e n d a n c e s u p p o r t s it. I s h o u l d mention right away t h a t Nat'I Student P r o d u c tions is N O T the o u t f i t t h a t fucked up the Dead c o n c e r t . On the c o n t r a r y , NSP c o n c e r t s seem t o be characterized by a noticeable lack of p r o b l e m s . A n d w h a t c o n c e r t s will there be? T h e first t w o weeks of F e b . look like this: Small Faces with Rod S t e w a r t , the Grease Band, Savoy Brown, the Bee Gees with s y m p h o n i c orchestra, T o n y Joe Wms. Lifetime with J a c k Bruce, a n d , on film, Super S h o w , w i t h Led Zepplin, Stills, C l a p t o n , Buddy Miles, e t c . A n d in t h e weeks i m m e d i a t e l y following, live at the Palace: Byrtls, C a c t u s , 10 Yrs. After, Elton J o h n , Hot T u n a , Willie Dixon, Stapple Singers and But are members o f Central Council and their officers elected "with a democratic v o t e " ? by Mitchell Frost Young Americans for F r e e d o m PAGE 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS February 5. ,1 description of each of these committees able in CC 346. is auail- Sl.i.l.s Skms Swti.iuirs $.48 an. Sat. II am-2 Slnris Ipnekausdl S 2 0 »». Shins (hdnyeis) $.28 mi. Swuy pm I li i-;.:.i's S.Q8 ea. Ral,Kools-$.90« Bints $.86 aa. STUDENTS AND FACULTY WELCOME "Wa do Tittlorino, tool" Try us—Our work is guaranteed PAGE 6 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS SPORT SHORTS THE ASP SPORTS DANES TOP POTSDAM, 69-58 by Dick Sexton On Saturday night, the Albany State varsity basketball team met the Potsdam Bears at the Albany gym, with the final score showing the Danes on top, 69-58. For the second successive game, Don Joss was given the nod to start by Coach Sauers. Steve Sheehan was saved for some added strength in the second half. The other four starters were the regulars, John Quattrocchi, Al Reid, Jack Jordan, and Jim Masterson. The story of the first half can be described very simply. The strong jump-shooting of senior Al Reid and a tight zone defense set the pace for the game. Potsdam employed a zone defense which forced the Dane five to take long outside shots, but, it wasn't successful, owing to the accuracy of Reid and Masterson. Reid from the corners and Masterson from the key area kept Albany in the game. They had 14 and 8 points respectively in the first half. With seven minutes remaining in the half, Coach Sauers had his men start a sort of weave which wasted some Lime and also forced the Bears into defensive mistakes. Dane defense, as usual, was tight and strong. It closed up the shooting and passing lanes and kept Albany ahead till the half ended. The score, at the half was 31-30. A strong, balanced offense and the same tight defense characterized the second half. Some slick passing and timely steals by backcourters Masterson and Quattrocchi enabled the Danes to achieve an eight point lead midway through the second half. Doc opened the second half with the same starting five. After a few minutes into the half, Steve Sheehan replaced Don Joss and contributed a strong offensive as well as defensive effort. With seventeen minutes remaining in the game, Reid committed his fourth personal foul and was replaced by Werner Kolln, who helped with some good defense as well as contributing a pair of baskets to the score. Jim Masterson had one of his better nights against the Bears, scoring well over his season average. His long outside shots forced the Bear zone defense to open up. This permitted Steve Sheehan and Werner Kolln to take the driving lay-ups. Dave Wclchons also played an important role in Lhe victory. His good floor game with John Quattrocchi enabled the Danes to stall and ice their lead. Another encouraging aspect of TELETHON '71 Be an Emcee * * + Last Auditions Monday and Tuesday February I and 1 6-11 PM CAMPUS CENTER BALLROOM Contact Ron D a n i e l 7-7706 o r J u l i e C a r a v e l l o 7-4064 Tuesday 8-11 Only the game was Albany's rebounding strength, carried over from the Buffalo game on Wednesday night. Steve Sheehan, Don Joss, and Jack Jordan continued to pull in key rebounds against Potsdam. They also stayed hot at the foul line, as the Danes hit 13 for 16. On Wed. night, they had 30 of 34. Credit must be given to Coach Sauers, who has coached the Albany team to thirteen winning seasons. The entire squad is in such a very good condition, through tough daily workouts that they can sustain such a fastmoving and tight-pressing game. Individual point totals were as follows: Jim Masterson took game-high honors with 17 points, Al Reid had 14 points, Steve Sheehan had 12 points, Jack Jordan 11, and John Quattrocchi 10. Werner Kolln, Don Joss, and Dave Welchons contributed a seven point effort. The final score was 69-58. Albany's record is now nine victories to five losses. Women Begin Hoop Season The Women's Basketball Team new experimental rules. These will open their home season rules make the game very similar against Cobleskill A & T in a to men's basketball as there are scrimmage match on Thursday, only five people on the court at February 4 th, at 7:00 p.m. in the one time and all players go both main gym. They are presently ways as opposed to the official undefeated, having notched vic- rules in which six people are on tories in their two previous games, the court at once and only two versus Keuka College and William people go both ways. This change Smith College. seems to be quite an improvement According to coach Barbara to the game especially from a Palm the team should be strong spectators standpoint since the this year with seven returning spectators seem to enjoy the extra players and many promising new- speed and difficulty of a game in comers. The returning players in- which all the players have to clude Susan DelMonte, Brenda know both offense and defense. Gates, Beverly Jacomine, Gloria Last year the women's games at Mazure, Doreen Richardson, Albany had a marked increase in Susan Tatro, and Mary Wimmer. attendance and the girls hope this The new membersof the .squad are trend will continue. Geri Hass, Christine Kenah, Leslie The rest of the women's schedKing, Maureen Matthews, Terry ule is: Sukalu, and Vivian Williams. The Feb. 8 7:30 CASTLETON team has been practicing since Feb. 1 1 7:30 PLATTSBUIUi early November and is in good Feb. 13 2:00 Hart wick shape and ready to go. They will Feb. 16 8:1)0 Oneonl.ii be trying to improve on last year's NEW PAL.TZ 6-3 won-lost record, the best in Feb. 18 7:00 Feb. 20 1 :00 POTSDAM the team's history. SKI DMO RE For the second year the wom- Feb. 26 7:00 en's team will be playing under (Home games in capitals.) ^r"!/ A summer at \ Southampton College ' \ is also a summer at Southampton. A summer at Southampton College is to your academic credit, with small, informal classes taught by Southampton's bright young faculty and by renowned scientists, artists and educators. And after class, ..the beaches, boating, golf, theatres, art colonies and more, much more. All you could want from summer is at Southampton. Two 5-Week Sessions June 21-July 23 July 26-August 27 Two 4-Week Art Workshops July 6-July 3 0 August 2-August 2 7 "I Director of the Summer Program, SOUTHAMPTON COLLEGE Southampton, N.Y. 11968 • (516) 283-4000 Please send me Summer Program bulletin. I am especially interested i n : i I UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Social Science, Humanities, Natural Science, Teacher Education, Business Administration ! I GRADUATE COURSES Professional Education, Social and Behavioral Science, Liberal Arts I GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE COURSE IN HUMAN ECOLOGY I SUMMER ART WORKSHOPS Painlmg, Sculpture, Ceramics. Graphics, Film ; : COLLEGE LEARNING INSTITUTE FOR COLLEGE-BOUND STUDENTS . : SUMMER SPORTS CAMP in Baskotbalf, Tennis, Wrestling, and COURSES in Sailing, Swimming, Water Skiing Name Address City. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 -Z'P— ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 7 Judo Club Starts Fifth Semester by James McGlynn There will be a meeting for all men interested in playing Varsity or J.V. Lacrosse, Tuesday, February 2, at 4:30 p.m., in the A.V. room of the Physical Education Building. The A.V. room is adjacent to the weight training room. Promotion night for the Judo Club fell at the end of last semester and was indeed a success for most of the participating judokas (judo players). Three judoka received their brown belts, six received their green belts, and twenty-four received their second white belts. Varsity baseball players are reminded of the pre-season meeting in PE 125 on Monday, February 1, at 4 p.m. Now the State Judo Club can offer better instruction than ever before. While it is important to have a qualified black belt instructor, much of the instruction comes from the judoka themselves. Our club on campus can offer both. Chief instructor for the club is Robert Fountain, Nidan (2nd degree black belt), who has had many years of experience as teaching in other area colleges. **** New, revised referee schedules, for AMIA Basketball Leagues 1 & HI are available at PE 134. Any student with hair on or over his ears, and who wishes to swim in the University pool, must wear a bathing cap. These may be purchased at the bookstore or at the PE office. **** Any official, footbal or basketball, who has not picked up checks belonging to him, should do so immediately. **** There will be provisions for spectators at two League I Basketball games coming up, both EEP vs EOP. The games on February 20th will start at 6 p. m., and on February 24 th at 4 p. m. Both of these will be preliminary to regularly scheduled school basketball games. **** The following teams have been dropped from AMIA Basketball competition due to repeated forfeited games: Raiders, and Pines {League III); EEP (B), Peoples' Democratic, and Colonial Independents (League IV). Any team scheduled to play one of these dropped teams should check with the commissioner of their league ..potskowskt 9 'No Spectator Ruling Defended by AMIA Under some persistent pressure from Central Council, concerning the "no spectator" rule at AMIA Basketball games, the Intramural Office told the ASP its reasons for such a rule. According to Michael Yager, Coordinator for Men's Intramural Athletics, the ruling revolves around a safety factor, "we simply can't control them; there's just no place for them". The gym is equipped to hold three games simultaneously, and according to Yager, there just is not enough sidelines room to hold Equally important is that the club itself now has many experienced and knowledgeable judoka. This is the fifth semester for the club on campus, and much can be learned from these players on a the fans for six different teams. s p e c t a t o r s " , explains Yager, one-to-one basis. As it stands now, each team is "what you get is a snowball efpermitted to bring two persons fect." not on the team roster, one scorer At the beginning of the season, Anyone interested in viewing or and one timer. In addition to the several spectator groups offered to joining the State Judo Club can teams involved in playing the act as ushers and keep things come to any meeting on Tuesday three games, and their added per- under control, a suggestion to or Thursday evenings at 6:30 P.M. sonnel, the gym is also cluttered which the AMIA office response in the wrestling room of the P.E. with the teams scheduled to play was most favorable. However, the building. The club specializes in the following games on the same groups making these offers have Kodokan Judo and is registered courts. not followed through on their with the United States Judo FedThe hectic situation which re- mmitlmcnts, and the "no specta- eration. For information, Call tor" ruling still prevails. sults when spectators are permit James McGlynn at 157-7930. ted has touched off several incidents in the past. "They incite the players and the players incite the -ft -ftftft-ftftftftftftftft-ftftftftftft it BEGINNING FEBRUARY 8TH it it * the it it it it Albamy Stadleimfc Pir®§§ it it it it it it ft Will Publish on # it it it it MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY it it it it it it Pick up your copy at the it it it it it CAMPUS CENTER it it it it it INFORMATION DESK it it # xj- rj. $• xl- r)- %• # # # # ^ # ^ ^ * * * Non-violent Action Training The Peace Project is sponsoring a weekend of training in non-violent action, February 1 H- 21,1971. The training will be led by the New York Oily Quaker Project on Community Conflict (QPCC). Through role-playing, discussion, classes on strategy, tactics, leadership and direct action methods, we will explore creative, forceful and loving ways to build a just and peaceful society. We will live and work together during the weekend. Hopefully, those who come away with a commitment to non-violence will want to stay in touch and to follow up, as a group, on what that commitment means. The first session will begin Thursday night, February 1H, at 7::m PM in the Assembly Hall at the SUNY Campus Center. The second session will begin Friday, February 19, in the Fellowship Hall of the Unitarian Church, 40B Washington Avenue, Albany, at f>-It) PM and continuing through Sunday. II is important that you be able to attend the entire workshop. Beginning with Friday's supper, meals and sleeping will be in the Unitarian Church. Bring your own bedding and towels. The charge is $7 for SUNYA students with tax cards and $10 for all others. Please do not let this fee keep vou away; indicate on the application form below if you cannot afford the fee. For more information or to confirm your application please call: Maddy at l.r>7-7720, Barry at 457-8746, Martha al -l;l()-71 I I , or Capital Area Peace Center al 463-8297. Please send your application form, with payment if possible, to Maddy Foden, BA3041, SUNYA. 1100 Washington Ave. Albany, N. Y. 122011. Yes, I will attend the N O N V I O L E N T ' A C T T O N T R A T N I N G " workshop, February IK-21, 1971. Name Address Sex? . . Student al SUNYA?. Faculty? Organizational affiliations Do you needfinancialaid? Payment enclosed? Comments? . Phone. Else where? How much? PAGE 8 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Editorial Comment MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1971 DICK, ARE YOU HAVING THOSE DREAMS AGAIN?' Proof Michael Yager, who runs the AMIA program for Student Association, has arbitrarily ruled that, for security reasons, student spectators can no longer watch their AMIA teams compete. The rest of his argument appears on page 7 of this paper. His proof has yet to be submitted to anyone. This Is the actual crux of the matter. One man running an S.A. group has no right to make a decision affecting so many. It's a matter for the elected representatives of the student body: Central Council. If and when Mr. Yager demonstrates the true need for closing the gym to spectators, the gym will doubtless be closed. Until then, it must remain open. No minor administrator has a divine power over Student Association activities. Should the gentleman concerned elect to ignore Council's jurisdiction here, all student monies, both S.A. and F.S.A., should be withdrawn from the AMIA program pending full investigation. Any program paid for by students, directly or indirectly, :uul affecting students, must be under sludenl control. Let The Student Beware Campus crime figures increase every year , but seldom do people realize wliul lliis actually means until il hits close lo home. It's only when a close friend is robbed on a liiday night while walking from Dutch lo the Snack liar, that you say lo yourself, "Clod, thai could have been me." And when il is you, il isn't the $.1.00 they stole thai hurls. It's where il happened and how easily they pulled il off. If two men will rob someone on ;i busy Friday some 50 yards from the Campus Center they'll do anything, anywhere, and anytime. To anyone. And for a mere $.1.00, loo. So those of us who used lo joke about downtown Albany will have to learn lo face such crime problems righi here.right now. Increased security is a partial answer, bin il won't solve litis problem the thieves here are too bold. It's a hell of a thing lo suggest, but Iravel in groups and slay near the lights. albany student press ? thomas g. clingan editor-in-chief managing editor aralynn abare advertising manager jeffrodgers assistant advertising manager . . . . Barbara cuoperman technical editors sueseligson dan Williams associate technical editors torn rhodes warren wishart circulation manager sue faulkncr graffiti/classified dorothy phillip graphics . jon gunman business manager .chuck ribak executive editor carol hughes news editor . . . . . . . features editor . vicki zeldin j»l>" o'grady assistant features editor debbie natansohn arts editor linda waters associate arts editor michele patella sports editor bob zaremba columns editor . r j . warner city editor . .mike ellis photography editor riehard alversdn Tim Albany Sludont Press is kapt u l e l y FIVE CENTS OFF CAMPUS Albany Student Press Vol. LVMI No. 5 State University of New York at Albany The State Legislature and the SlWYuSystem Denial of Civil Liberties SASU Goes to Court "does a snake have by Burn/ Kirslincr I happened lo notice I ha I n program called "American His tory" is now being shown on educational T. V., which made me wonder wlial such a show on the commercial networks might be like. Mow can a subject like thai be made so interesting that it could compete with BONANZA, thought I. Perplexed with the idea that there there was probable a subject that even the boys on Madison Ave. could not make interesting, I visited a network official and asked him if it were possible to make such a scholarly subject relevant to the mass of television viewers. Accepting the challenge, Mr. Nielson said that he could make anything interesting, and asked me to name any subject. Trying to think of the subject which would most bore the average TV viewer, I suggested that if he could make the War of 181*2 interesting, he could do anything. Can I make the War of I 8 I 2 interesting to the average viewer, said Nielson, does a snake have hips? Yesterday 1 found the following manuscript in my mailbox: The United States won the Hip of the coin and elected to go on the offense. The British elected to defend the goal on America's side of Ihe ocean. England had come into the war as the heavy favorite, but considering their bii» fight will) the French (led by Napoleon, The Little Corporal, Bonaparte), some experl observers believed the Americans might be able lo win an upset. While the French had the .strongest ground attack, and the British possessed the hesl hips?" defense in the league, the Americans were increasing their offensive and defensive abilities. The U. S. couldn't get its offense to move effectively. Although they had an elaborate game plan to capture Canadian territory, the warriors could not come up with the kind of quality work that coaches like Clay and Calhoun had led the American fans to expect. If was clear from the start that the U. S. was going to have trouble putting points on the score board. The British didn't score very easily either, but they were usually content as long as their defense held. In 1814 England used the bomb to score a quick touchdown. Realising that the defense was weak around Washington, they burned the inexperienced Americans badly. {They also burned a few buildings, including the White House.) The offense on Washington put the British in the lead but they were unable lo maintain the momentum. The Americans had done surprisingly well against the British naval force, and when a treaty was drawn up, the score was tied 12-12. (The players, unaware that the war was over .continued battle in New Orleans where the United States' defensive team scored a touchdown. As a result of this disputed touchdown, comes the score, and the name of the war [1812|). The Treaty ending the war did not solve, nor mention, the causes of the war. Because of Ibis, some historians believe that fighting the war accomplished nothing. Unfortunately, people died. Does a snake have hips'1 by BRUCE B. DETLEFSEN AP Education Writer ALBANY, N.Y. A P - The Student Association of the State University SASU brought suit against the university's Board of Trustees Tuesday, charging that the system's rules for maintaining order on the campus violate student rights. The legal action seeks to have the SUNY regulations adopted under a H)6Q state law declared unconstitutional and requests a permanent court injunction to prevent their enforcement. Rules Result of Henderson Act Richard A. Lippe, a lawyer from Mineola, Long Island, who represents the student organization, told reporters he hoped lo invalidate some provisions of the rules put into effect at 32 state-operated campuses as a result of the so Henderson Law. The measure was designed to prevent campus disorder. Lippe added that he was not challenging the law itself, but rather some specific provisions that were adopted by the SUNY trustees when they complied with the law. These provisions, the lawyer said, potentially deny 1 50,000 students the right of due process. Moreover, Lippe maintained, the trustees would get "better cooperation of they adopted regulations that are fair and reasonable." Four Items "Untenable" He specifically cited four parts ol the rules that SASU regarded as untenable. One was the authorization of temporary suspension of a student prior to a hearing by a committee made up of administrators, faculty and students. The second, Lippe maintained, was the provision allowing a president of a SUNY institution to become a "prosecutor and judge" inasmuch as the administrator could file a charge against a sludenl and, after the committee hearing, pass final judgment on the case. He also said the SUNY regulations set no standard of prof f to guide the hearing committee, such as exists in legal requirements that "a preponderance of evidence" must be demonstrated to decide on guilt. Finally, Lippe objected to the provision that says a student's failure to appear at a committee hearing is deemed lo demonstrate that the allegations arc in fact true. Suit a Coordinated Action The lawsuit was described at the news conference as the "first coordinated action by SUNY students lo deal with a problem mi a coordinated basis." SUNY at Albany, while not a dues paying member of SASU does recognize and endorse the organization. The Capitol was the site of several protests last year. Will the Legislature's actions concerning the academic community cause the same stir this year? . . . rosenberg State Check on Courses Labeled Threat to Academic Freedom ALBANY, N.Y. AP-An organization representing the State University's professional staff (SPA) charged Monday thai a legislative o f f i ce 's i n quiry in l< t co u rses laughl in the SUNY system is "a clear threat to academic freedom." some courses and "any curriculum dealing with 'revolution,' 'the Establishment,' etc." Requests Syllabi The Cammero request of Jan. 21, specifically sought copies of the syllabus for each course laughl or offered in American history, political science and the It became known last week that social sciences, "with particular the Legislative Research Officer at attention to sociology and urban I he C a p i t o l , Nicholas D. studies." Also requested was "an Cammero, has asked presidents of indication of how the course conthe four yea r branches of lent was selected, prepared and the university system to proapproved, and what provision, if vide detailed information about any, exists for systematic review of such material." Who Initiated Request? While the SPA suggested that Ihe legislative inquiry was staff initiated, Cammero told reporters last week that it was done at the request of "a number of members of one house" of the legislature. Cammero refused to identify the lawmakers. The Oneonta Star newspaper, however, indicated that one of them was Republican Assemblyman Edwyn E. Mason of HobarL Mason told the Associated Press he WHS planning lo elaborate on the matter (his week. SPA "Appalled" The request to the SUNY presidents subsequently was reIn letters to the Republican legfered lo Ihe central administration islative leaders, SPA President in Albany. Robert J. Hart said Ihe association was "appalled al Ihe request," Legislature Response which was signed by Nicholas I) Cammero, director of Ihe research Later Monday, ihe legislature's office. Hail's letters read in part: leaders indicated that the SPA had erred in its conclusion that the "We are greatly disturbed by the inquiry was staff initiated. implications of Mr. Cammero's letter. We have no knowledge of Assembly Speaker Duryea said any resolution of Ihe Assembly or the Senate requesting such a the research office was asked by members of ihe legislature to "acstudy; therefore, we can only con elude that this request was staff quire certain information for their Initiated. As the certified negotiat- own purposes. As indicated by an ing agent for the professional em- official of the State University, ployes of the State University we 'there is nothing sacred about a ask for an immediate explanation syllabus. It is public informaof Mr. Cammero's action which tion'," we view as a clear threat to academic freedom. A spokesman for Senate MajorInvestigation Requested P A M N ' fVfcR HAVE " N i Of THOSE PflYi WM£N >JU JUi r tAK'T Wfil T £ A COLUMN W tAtk uf iNSri'.A'-ir N ' i T s TME TO VI 5 i ' r i g ' t ' t i i v f M i r y j HWlN,'|/*\ hidden in Room 326 ol the Campus Center at the Stflte Correctional Institution ol New York at Albany. T o call u., |ust dial 467 2 1 9 0 or 2194 and ask lor the Warden. WE were established in 1916 and are a member of the Associated Press. Communications are limited to 3 0 0 words and ore checked by the Warden who determines oditonal policy. peace Friday, February 5, 1971 Are their minds being filled with un-American, radical thoughts or are they just being exposed to a aiicly of opinions and ideas? . . . potskowski "We urge an immediate investigation'of the circumstances surrounding this action and request a full explanation by your office." ity Leader Brydges said the office exists to do research and obtain information for legislators.