PAGE 12 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 , 1 9 7 0 7J5 FIVE CENTS OFF CAMPUS ELECTION '70 New York State New York State G O V E R N O R - N e l s o n Rockefeller ( R ) L T . G O V E R N O R - M a l c o l m Wilson ( R ) C O M P T R O L L E R - A r t h u r Levitt (D-L) A T T O R N E Y O E N E R A L - L o u i s Lefkowita ( R ) U.S. S E N A T E - J a m e s B u c k l e y (C) N E W Y O R K S T A T E S E N A T E - R e p u b l i c a n s retain c o n t r o l 3 2 - 2 5 , sustaining a loss of o n e seat NEW Y O R K S T A T E A S S E M B L Y R e p u b l i c a n s retain c o n t r o l 79-71 w i t h n o change in relative p a r t y s t r e n g t h NEW Y O R K C O N G R E S S I O N A L D E L E G A T I O N D e m o c r a t s retain c o n t r o l 2 4 - 1 7 , b u t lost t w o seats t o the Republicans Albany Area CONGRESS: 29 CD.-Sam Stratton 3 0 C.D.-Carlton King ( R ) S T A T E S E N A T E : 3 9 S.D.-Douglas J u d s o n ( R - C ) 4 0 S.D.-Walter Langley ( R ) 41 S.D.-Dalwin Niles (R-C) S T A T E A S S E M B L Y : 1 0 1 A.D.-Neil Kelleher (R-C) 102 A . D . - T h o m a s B r o w n (D) 1 0 3 A.D.-Fred Field ( R ) 104 A.D.-Mury A n n e Kurpsak (D-L) 105 A.D.-Clark Wemple (R-C) 106 A.D.-Fred D r o m s (R-C) Congressional Races in N . Y . C . M e t r o p o l i t a n Area-Partial Listing 3C.D.-LesterWoirr(D-L) 5 C.D.-Norman Lent (R-C) 8 C.D.-Benjamin R o s e n t h a l (D-L) 10 C.D.-Emmanuel Cellar (D-L) 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 Editor Sam Stratton heckled by SUNYA crowd. Neil Kelleher attempts to halt Kuntsler from coming to State, in fact he objects to allowing any "radical" speakers on state cam puses. Conservative James Buckley campaigns on law and order issue. "Hawk" Sam Stratton topples "Dove" Button by 2-1 margin. Conservative Neil Kelleher beats Liberal Party endorsed Adrian Gonyea. Third party, Pro-Nixon Conservative James Buckley defeats Agnew "damned" "liberal" Republican in cum ben t Charles Goodell and wealthy Westchester Democrat Richard Ottinger for a six-year U.S. Senate term. Goldberg loses to a newly moved to right of-center Rockefeller, and loses badly despite his being Jewish and having a black running mate—or maybe because he is Jewish and because he had a black running mate. "Radical," "Liberal, " "Dove" Allard K. Lowenstein loses down in Nassau County. Well, there it is in New York S t a t e . T h e i m p o r t a n t positions, the positions that people l o o k e d t o w a r d s as c h a n n e l s t o air their displeasure with America, have been severely constricted. Whether or not the y o u t h of this s t a t e gave the c a n d i d a t e s that they w a n t e d t o see elected enough supp o r t is q u e s t i o n a b l e . But actually it's relatively u n i m p o r t a n t for a conservative tide has swept across the s t a t e . A tide thut can p e r h a p s he m o s t aptly a t t r i b u t e d to the c a m p u s u n r e s t a n d ensuing des t r u c t i o n durini! lust spring in particular. T o every action t h e r e is an equal a n d o p p o s i t e r e a c t i o n . It seems t h a t in politics to every surge to t h e left, every surge t o w a r d s violence, there is an equal and o p p o - for over a c e n t u r y has o b t a i n e d at t h e t i m e of his e l e c t i o n t o office, c o n t r o l of Congress--except Mr. Nixon. N o t only will this year's g u b e r n a t o r i a l o u t c o m e affect the 1 9 7 2 Presidential e l e c t i o n , it will affect the redistricting of all H o u s e a n d S t a t e legislative seats for t h e n e x t d e c a d e . In s u m m a r y , it seems safe t o say t h a t while New Y o r k and C o n n e c t i c u t were R e p u b l i c a n landslides, t h e n a t i o n w i d e results indicate t h a t this has b e e n a D e m o c r a t i c year. site move t o w a r d s the right, t o w a r d s the issue of law a n d order. T h e fact t h a t m a n y , a l t h o u g h not enough, honestly c o m m i t t e d and involved y o u t h w o r k e d for c a n d i d a t e s really d i d n ' t make a difference. T h e y o u t h of t o d a y have been s t e r e o t y p e d by Misters Nixon and Agnew as n o good, a n d a large segment of the e l e c t o r a t e has a c c e p t e d this image. A l t h o u g h the inflamed r h e t o r i c of these t w o men is an abuse of their a u t h o r i t y and their position t h e y merely said w h a t a large s e g m e n t of the p o p u l a t i o n was t h i n k i n g . Unfortunately it is n o t t h e "good," hard-working, average y o u t h w h o m a k e s the headlines. R a t h e r it is the b o m b and brickthrowing minority who are focused u p o n . Because of this candidates who welcome student volunteers did so c a u t i o u s l y . T h e longer of the long haired w o r k e r s w e r e kept at the c a n d i d a t e s ' headq u a r t e r s answering p h o n e s . It is not t h a t the c a n d i d a t e s truly q u e s t i o n these s t u d e n t s ' sincerity, h u t t h e y also hold n o illusions as t o the i m p o r t a n c e of images. And to a large part of middle America t o d a y , a longhaired, beaded, belled, b o o t e d y o u t h is a b o m b and brick-throwing y o u t h . T o say the least, this is unfortunate. T o change this image is difficult Almost as difficult as changing the c o m p o s i t i o n of the s t a t e , local and national legislatures. But if we want to work within this s y s t e m , even with all its faults, to continue to exist as a free, hopefully a freer s t a t e , we m u s t change the c o m p o s i t i o n of the law and deci sion making bodies of this c o u n t r y . T o do this we must not even give Agnew a n d Nixon a n d others the c h a n c e t o m a k e our image for us. We m u s t m a k e our o w n image, and hopefully it will bo o n e of a responsible, and of course frustrated, c o n c e r n e d , and of course upset, involved, but of course legally, intelligent, but of course still willing to learn, y o u t h of today. b y Harry Weiner UL VIEW G O V E R N O R S H I P S : T h e D e m o c r a t s have gained 10 gov e r n o r s h i p s . t o give t h e m the majority of t tate houses, 2H to 21 for the R e p u b l i c a n s . O n e race is in d o u at; i i R h o d e Island where Licht (D) is holdi ng a slim lead over D e S i m o n o ( R ) . If Licht can hold his lei d when the a b s e n t e e ballots have been c o u n t e d the D e m o c r a t s will have 2!) governorships. Tobins', an iBeftd poluter of Pitrooa Creek, k the tMfjet for a November 21 economic boycott by I and local environmental groups. ...silver Tobin, Patroon Creek Polluter.> Conservation ProtestTarget By J u l i a n M a t t h i a s Senate Races Alastta-Stevens (It) Arizona F a n n i n ( R ) CWi/ornm-Tunney (D) Connecticut Weicker ( R ) Delaware Rolh (K) Florida-Chiles (D) Hawaii-Fong (R) lllinios Stevenson (D) Indiana Undecided Maine Muskie (D) Maryland Brail (It) Massachusetts- Kennedy (D) Michigan-Hurl (D) Minnesota-Humphrey (D) M / s s / s s i p p / S t e n n i s (D) Missouri S y m i n g t o n (D) Montana-Mansfield (D) Nebraska l l r u s k a ( R ) Nevada C a n n o n (D) New Jersey Williams (D) New Mexico MonUiya (D) New Yorll Buckley (C) North Dakota Durdick ( D | Ohio T a l l (H) Pennsylvania Ncolt(R) H i m * Island Pastore (I)) Vi unessee Brock (It) Texan Bentsen (D) t 'tall Moss (D) Vermont I'rouly 111) Virginia Many Uynl (Inii.) Washington J a c k s o n (U) West Virginm Ruberl Hyrcl (I)) Wisconsin P r o x m i r e (I)) Wyoming M c l i e e (I)) c ubernatorial Races /WubrmiH-Wallace (D) A/u.sfcu Egan (D) Arizona-Williams (R) Arkansas-Bumpers (D) California-Reagan (R) Colorado-Love (R) Connecticut-MeskiW (R) Florida-Askew (Dl Georgia-Carter (D) Hawaii-Burns (D) /du/io-Samuelson ( R ) Iowa-Hay ( R ) Kansas-Docking (D) Maine Curtis (D) A/nrv/und-Mandel (D) Massachusetts-Sargen t (R) M/Wiitfnn-Milliken ( R ) Minnesota-Anderson (D) Nebrasha-Exan (D) /Vei'urta-O'Callaghan (D) Nt'w Hampshire -Peterson ( R ) New Mexico- King (D)s, New York-Rockefeller (R) O/ii'o-Gilligan ( I ) ; Oklahoma \Ui\\ (D) Oregon MeCall (It) Pennsylvania S h a p p (1)) Rhode Island Undecided South Ctirottiut West (1)) South Dakolu Kneip (I)) Tennessee Dunn (It) Texas Smith (I)) Vermont Davis (R) Wisconsin I.ueey (D) Tuesday, November 10, 1970 Rats on Campus Election. Results: NATIO vi^^K State Unioertity o\ New York at Albany Vol. LVII No. 34 T h e g u b e r n a t o r i a l races have resulted in a n impressive gain for t h e D e m o c r a t s . As L a w r e n c e O'Brien, t h e D e m o c r a t i c national c h a i r m a n , said, this is " n o t h i n g s h o r t of a fantastic D e m o c r a t i c w i n . " Considering t h a t the D e m o c r a t s w e n t i n t o t h e election in the m i n o r i t y , with o n l y 18 o u t of 50 governorships, a n d n o w have the majority of s t a t e houses, 2 9 t o 2 1 , O ' B r i e n ' s claim is n o t m e r e exaggeration. HOUSE OF R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S : T h e D e m o c r a t * have gained 12 seats in t h e H o u s e , so t h a t t h e c o m p o s i t i o n of the 9 2 n d Congress when it c o n v e n e s in <- a n u a r y will he 2 5 5 D e m o c r a t s and 179 R e p u b l i c a n s . O n e race is u n d e c i d e d as of n o w . Election Comment News ftf Contents copyright 1970. by Bob Warner UNITED S T A T E S S E N A T E : D e m o c r a t s 5 3 , R e p u blican.s I I . Conservatives 1, I n d e p e n d e n t s 1. Assuming that Buckley, t h e Conservative, will vote for the R e p i blicans, a n d Ha rry Byrd, t h e I n d e p e n d e n t , will v o t e for the D e m o c r a t s to reorganize the Senate n e x t J inu •lry the balance of p o w e r will still be m a i n t a i n i d b y the D e m o c r a t s , 54-'l5. This c o n s t i t u t e s a net gain of t w o seats for llu Republicans. T h e u n d e c i d e d race is in Indiana, w h e r e the i n c u m b e n t H a r t k c (D) is being ch; llenged by R o u d e b u s h ( R ) . As of n o w , Hi rtke leads by ;1H()() votes, but a r e c o u n t is u n d e r w a y . C.D.-Edward KOch (D-L) C.D.-Charles Rangel (R-D) C.D.Bella A b z u g ( D ) C.D.-William R y a n (D-L) C.D.-Hcrman Badillo (D-L) C.D.-James Scheuer (D-L) C.D.-Peter Peyser ( R ) C.D.-Ogden Reid ( R - L ) C.D.-John Dow (D-L) by Vicki Zeldin Albany Student Press i NEWS ANALYSIS News Editor T h e 1 9 7 0 m i d - t e r m e l e c t i o n s seem t o have given Nixon a slight gain in t h e S e n a t e , a n d a m i n u t e loss in the H o u s e . T h e R e p u b l i c a n s , w h o have gained t w o seats, including Buckley's, have fallen far s h o r t of their original goal of Senate c o n t r o l , h o w e v e r . Considering t h a t t h e R e p u b l i c a n s s p e n t $ 6 5 million t o gain c o n t r o l , plus an incredible a m o u n t of energy a n d prestige by N i x o n , Agnew, and m a n y R e p u b lican S e n a t o r s , t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n has gone d o w n t o defeat. T h e y have o b t a i n e d a slightly m o r e conservative S e n a t e , however, with G o r e , T y d i n g s , and Goodell going d o w n t o defeat. T h e D e m o c r a t s have gained, t h o u g h , impressive Senate victories in California a n d Illinois. T h e S o u t h e r n D e m o c r a t i c gains, t h o u g h significant for p a r t y c o n t r o l , have virtually no effect on t h e ideological struggle in t h e Senate. A n o t h e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n in t e r m i n g N i x o n ' s campaign efforts a failure, is t h a t the President has again been denied a Republican C o n g r e s s ; e v e r y President ^ ^ " T o b i n Flush Y o u " will be o n e of the slogans used by b o y c o t t e r s on Saturday, November 21. T o b i n ' s is a local m e a t packaging c o m p a n y t h a t has b e c o m e t h e target of S U N Y A ' s PYE C l u b a n d other local environmentalist groups. T h e Industrial Pollution Comm i t t e e of PYE Club has organized an e c o n o m i c b o y c o t t of T o b i n ' s o n S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 1 . Their plan is to d e m o n s t r a t e at local s u p e r m a r k e t s . T h e protesters will speak with customers, show p h o t o g r a p h s , give o u t leaflets, allow I hem to smell samples of water from Patroon Creek, a n d will u r g e t h e m n o t t o b u y T o b ' n ' s products. T o b i n ' s is a m a j o r b u t b y n o m e a n s t h e only polluter of Patr o o n Creek. T h e sewage t h a t t h e y s p e w o u t is particularly n o x i o u s ; m u c h of it consists of b l o o d , guts, organs, and o t h e r r o t t i n g organic material, which n o t only smells less t h a n a p p e t i z i n g b u t is responsible for m a i n t a i n i n g a r a t h e r d e n s e p o p u l a t i o n of rats. Its effects o n the e n v i r o n m e n t are disa s t r o u s . Interestingly, T o b i n ' s has received an a n t i - p o l l u t i o n a w a r d from Mayor Corning. O n e plan t o eliminate t h e p r o b l e m is to d a m u p t h e creek t o p e r m i t the p o l l u t a n t s t o precipitate to the b o t t o m . T h e comp a n y ' s excuse for n o t doing this is t h a t it would cost $1 l)(),00U. Also the Albany sewage treatment p l a n t s h o u l d be finished by t h e time t h e y finished t h e d a m m i n g of the creek. However, T o b i n ' s p r o fits for t h e last fiscal y e a r t o t a l e d $ 1 , 2 1 1 , 0 8 0 a n d the sewage treatm e n t p l a n t which is already behind schedule w o n ' t be finished for 18 m o n t h s . T h e T o b i n ' s c o m p a n y defends itself by claiming t h a t t h e r e are o t h e r polluters. N o t e w o r t h y t h a t o n e of t h e o t h e r p o l l u t e r s c i t e d was S U N Y a t A l b a n y . T h e r e ' s a new " l i t t l e fella" a r o u n d c a m p u s . H e ' s small, a l t h o u g h bigger t h a n a m o u s e , and his c o a t is usually black, b r o w n , or gray. C o m p l e t e w i t h a long tail, y o u have p r o b a b l y seen him scurrying a c r o s s t h e p o d i u m o r q u a d s w h e n all is q u i e t . N o , h e ' s n o t a n u n d e r g r a d u a t e pledging a fraternity - h e ' s a rat. A n d his p r e s e n c e o n t h i s c o n c r e t e paradise h a s c r e a t e d a n uprising a m o n g S U N Y A ' s i n h a b i t a n t s -• an uprising t o find o u t w h a t , if a n y t h i n g , is b e i n g d o n e t o get rid of him. Ira V. Devoe, head m a i n t e n a n c e supervisor, provided a n u m b e r of reasons for the prevalence of rats on t h e c a m p u s this year. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e laws of n a t u r e , r a t s are q u i t e h a p p y living o u t in t h e o p e n fields during the w a r m e r m o n t h s . But as soon as t h e fall season rolls a r o u n d , these r o d e n t s are forced t o find w a r m e r s u r r o u n d i n g s — such as b a s e m e n t s a n d garbage pails. Mr. Devoe also p o i n t e d o u t t h a t t h e large a m o u n t of people a r o u n d c a m p u s p r o d u c e s a p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y large a m o u n t of garbage w h i c h a t t r a c t s rats if left strewn a r o u n d . T h e s e factors he labeled m o r e or less " n o r m a l , " and t h a t relatively little could b e d o n e t o prevent the rats from c o m i n g o u t i n t o t h e o p e n in their search for food and •lie Iter. T h e a b u n d a n c e of r a t s this year, w h i c h he claimed t o b e "definitely a b n o r m a l , " relates t o the fact t h a t S U N Y A is still u n d e r g o i n g growing pains. AN c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o c e e d s b o t h o n I n d i a n Q u a d and at t h e field h o u s e site, colonies of rats are being d i s t u r b e d a n d sent o u t t o look for new h o m e s . O n c e t h e y get o n t o t h e p o d i u m and quadrangles, t h e r e is relatively n o place t o go e x c e p t i n t o o p e n garbage pails ( w h i c h are usually rare) and buildings. T h e university ( t h r o u g h t h e Buildings a n d G r o u n d s D e p a r t m e n t ) has an e x t e r m i n a t i o n c o n t r a c t , and e x t e r m i n a t o r s are at w o r k a r o u n d the c a m p u s o n a regular basis. A l t h o u g h h e d i d n ' t k n o w e x a c t l y w h a t kind of poison w a s being used, Mr. Devoe said t h a t t h e y were "selective p o i s o n s " which were o k a y e d by the university after careful analysis. In any event, e x t e r m i n a t i o n is restricted t o buildings and n e a r b y vicinities, owing t o t h e fact t h a t a n y a t t e m p t t o kill all of t h e rats a r o u n d t h e entire c a m p u s would p r o b a b l y involve killing m a n y o t h e r animals, such as birds, c h i p m u n k s a n d squirrels. As part of this y e a r ' s e x t e r m i n a t i o n process, a special survey is being t a k e n to try and evaluate present c o n d i t i o n s t h a t lend themselves t o w a r d s rat infestation, and to e n a c t certain changes which would p r e v e n t t h e p r o b l e m f r o m r e o c c u r r i n g n e x t fall. T h u s t h e " r a t " p r o b l e m here at S U N Y A is a c o m b i n a t i o n of t w o factors — c o n s t r u c t i o n for new buildings and t h e great a m o u n t of garbage being left a r o u n d by u large g r o u p of very careless p e o p l e . We c a n n o t c o n t r o l t h e processes of c o n s t r u c t i o n . C a n we c o n t r o l t h e pollution o f our o w n university? imm Council Grants WSUA Funds Despite Walkout by Paul Erdheim T h e controversy over WSUA's b u d g e t has finally e n d e d . T h e s t a t i o n will receive a $22,.146.43 s u p p l e m e n t a l b u d g e t as a result of last T h u r s d a y ' s Central Council meeting. T h e action came despite the a t t e m p t of two council m e m b e r s t o invalidate the vole on the m o t i o n by walking out of the d e b a t e in an a t t e m p t to reduce the n u m b e r p r e s e n t below t h a t of a q u o r u m . Despite their a t t e m p t t h e q u o r u m r e m a i n e d intact. T h e tenor of the d e b a t e c o n t r a s t e d sharply with the t u m u l t u o u s discussion of last week which bad e n d e d in t h e defeat of WSUA's budget. Allegations of m i s m a n a g e m e n t had led m a n y council m e m b e r s to believe that the executive staff of WSUA could n o t be " t r u s t e d " will) the additional monies. An additional specification of the bill - which was not included in last week's defeated bill — was that " a detailed e x p l a n a t i o n of all e x p e n d i t u r e s over $ 1 0 0 be a t t a c h e d to t h e voucher request s u b m i t t e d to S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n . " This in effect m e a n t t h a t sizeable e x p e n d i tures will have to be approved by t h e vice-president of S t u d e n t Association. T h e vote that defeated the bill at the previous week's m e e t i n g was 10-10-6 while the vote that passed t h e hill was 1 7-T*-L>. It was n o t clear exactly w h a t m o t i v a t e d so m a n y council m e m b e r s lo switch their votes. It was a p p a r e n t however that m a n y c o u n c i l m e m b e r s were dissatisfied with the confused and t u m u l t u o u s discussion at the previous meeting. Council m e m b e r s also argued that t h e alleged " h a d f a i t h " on the part of the ratlin's si,tit bad t r a n s f o r m e d itself, S o m e council m e m b e r s expressed belief that the staff s h o w e d new willingness to manage, their affairs with fiscal responsibility. After the meeting the staff expressed enthusiasm a b o u t their plans lo move u p t o w n and broadcast 24 h o u r s a day by spring semester. T h e r e are also plans to go KM stereo in t h e near future, Three out of four rats surveyed prefer Campus Center garbage to any other kind of potsltowski TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 2 WSUA Will from within Move Uptown At present 350 students are participating in the community service for credit. An estimated 700 students will join the program next semester. The faculty of the School of Library Science is .studying the possibility of reforming the "core" or "foundation" curriculum. Students will receive credit for the conventional core courses, but are free to explore and define the "foundations" of librarianship in their own ways. A pilot program consisting of 5 faculty and 25 beginning full-time students are spending the semester in a 12 credit "unprogramed program "...It is hoped that this group will come up with some alternatives for the library program. The ASP will not publish Friday, November 13,1970. There will be an ASP reporters' meeting, Tuesday, November 17, 1970 at 7:30 in CC 326. All new members are welcomemandatory for old reporters. Resident Assistant hopefuls: there will be a mandatory interest meeting on November 22, 1970 in LC I I , from 7:00-9:00 p.m. If you have a conflict call Howard Woodruff 457-8830. ..solomon from without World News The Soviet Union celebrated the 53rd anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution last Saturday, with a displayal of Russian military mii<ht in Red Square, and the perennial anti-American speeches. The highest American official at the American Embassy in Moscow, Boris Klosson, boycotted the parade because of the detention by the Soviets of two American generals. Canadian authorities have obtained their first break in the murder of Quebec Minister of Labor and Immigration, Pierre Laporte. At a coroner's court hearing, a young worker, Bernard Lortie, admitted to being an accomplice in the abduction of the Minister, but denied any part in his slaying. Lortie named three others, all members of the Federation for the Liberation of Quebec, who were involved in the kidnapping. National News The Campus Center now charges tax on food items that total $1.00 or more. I 5300 experienced its busiest weekend so far this year after Friday's Jefferson Airplane concert. Frequently using all three lines, most callers were "lonely". During the concert itself, four staff members were stationed in the gym. HELLMAN S COtONII a CENTER ""-*-" % * T H E A T R E OPPOSITi MACYS 459-2170 7 DAYS ONLY Herbert Stein, a member of the Council of Economic Advisors, said that the nation could return to near-full employment by the middle of 1972 and still retard inflation, if wage increases were to be cut somewhat. Stein believes that the goal can be accomplished without government intervention in the economy. He said that the laws of American capitalism, instead, will repair the damaged economy. According to a New York Times report, the Vietman veteran, unlike war veterans of the past, are not regarded as heroes and must return to American society as quietly as they left. Gone are the victory parades, brass bands, and cheering crowds for the returning soldier. State News Final Exclusive AREA Showing Eldon Clingan, the minority leader of the New York City Council, blamed the Liberal Party for Buckley's election. "We think liberalism suffered a disasterous defeat," as a result of the election, said Clingan. Clingan went on to say that by giving its endorsement to Charles Goodell, the Liberal Party split the liberal vote which proved detrimental to Rep. Ottinger. starts tomorrow (Wed.) CAMPUS CHEST WEEK Nov. 16-21 all proceeds go to Hope House •I &•**> FitAMtWM THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE! BOOSTERS on sale in the Campus Center Main Lobby -DISNEY'S GREAT PIONEERING VENTURE IS THE SEASON'S HIT REVIVAL!" Newsweek "AN INCREDIBLY REVOLUTIONARY F I L M . . . THE MIND CAN RUN RIOT!" The NYU Ticker daily from 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. - $.50 for a button, coffee all week, and a chance for door prizes PLAY "Ray of Hope" put on by Hope House, Friday, November 20th at 8 P.M. in the Campus Center Ballroom - donation is $.50 "FAR AHEAD OF ITS TIME.. .BEST AUDIO-VISUAL EXPERIENCE IN TOWN!" wiiiiamWoii.cue For the past seven years, WSUA has been operating from Bru bacher Hall at the downtown campus. Its staff, however, has wanted to move uptown since 1965 and hopefully by January 1, 1971, they will be stationed in room 316 of the Campus Cenler. There are many reasons why such a move is imperative. Each year attracting volunteers gets harder and harder, for except, for those who are interested in becoming disc jockeys, no one is willing to travel downtown to help out with the paper work. The studio itself is too hot and too small to accomodate both the broadcasting and the production of news at the same time; there's also a shortage of storage sp;ice for equipment and records. More importantly, since most of the campus news occurs uptown, it would be much easier to be stationed nearer to where the story breaks than to have to first travel from downtown to gel first hand information. With these disadvantages in mind, it was decided that WSUA would meve uptown. The original plan was to move the entire station to the Campus Center, but because of financial reasons, room 316 will be a temporary spot until the West Podium Extension is built and WSUA will be permanently located there. Right now, its staff is wailing for the University to begin construction of the walls which will divide room 316 into three smaller divisions. Central headquarters will still be downtown where most of the broadcasting will take place, except between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. when broadcasting will lie coming directly from room 1116 WSUA has already ordered much of the equipment needed for their new location. Included in this order were new amp lifers lor Dutch and Colonial Quads anil one for State. As of now, Duicli and Colonial are sharing an .imp and with a new one, the sharing will end and reception will In1 clearer for both quads. Si ale is running on a fabricated amp which bus all but fallen opart, ,i new amp would mean clearer, il not better, reception thai) thai <>\ either Dutch or Colonial Quads Downtown, a new transmit in IN being purchased so that both Sayles and Pierce Halls will alsu receive broadcasting. The need for an effective campus radio station is clear; p« r haps now, WSUA can live up In .ill that it could be. J •USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT CARDS R D S * ^ ^ ^ PAGE 3 Community Service Means Relevancy AUCTION donations should be brought to respective quad representatives before November 20th. Auction will take place Saturday, November 21st at 1 P.M. in the Campus Center Main Lounge - door prize drawings will follow - be there! by Bob Baldassano Volunteer Bureau on campus as is the case on several other campuses Throughout the last decade, stu- in the nation. dents have been both riduculed Student response during the first and lauded for their involvement semester of the program's existin the world outside the univer- ence was encouraging. Given a sity. Albany State inaugurated in week to register students into the last days of August a com- various volunteer programs in the munity service program whereby a Capital District, there are now 350 student volunteers his time in students involved, the same total exchange for degree credits. number of people as the VolunAn interesting facet of this pro- teer Bureau garnered in a year of gram, administered as Independent canvassing. Next semester the study, is that it is run by a group C o m m u n i t y Service Program of twelve students who do the people expect to double that paper work and coordinate all the number. It is believed that six volunteers into areas of interest to hundred to eight hundred will the student. register for the program. Because there are credits inThe opportunity for services are volved in this program, there must as varied as the interests of the be a faculty advisor. Melvin volunteers appear to be. Amateur Urofsky acts in this capacity, like artists can do posters or fliers for a general sponsor for the program. social service groups. Musicians' Sandy Kleinman, a member of and dancers' talents will be used the twelve-student board, pointed to entertain and teach groups. THE COMMUNITY SERVICE allows many students to broaden their educational horizons through out that this program works in Tutoring is also available. conjunction with the Volunteer interaction in the Albany area. Volunteers perform many different services. With the semester more than Bureau of Albany as well as the half finished, the response of the ...chow Department of Innovative Study, at public agencies asking for volunSUNYA. The eventual goal of the teers has been "very positive" in student group is to establish a Sandy Kleinman's words. Mandatory Student Tax Is Still An Issue by Bob Warner News Editor Arthur Levitt, who has just been elected for his fifth term as Comptroller of New York, has been active in regard to the audit and investigation of State University student governments for the past year. Although in 1968 he issued a memorandum calling for the Board of Trustees not to interfere with student association auditing, he repealed that in September after conducting several audits of student funds. While he called for vesting in students "through democratic methods, such maximum power to regulate their own affairs as may be consistent with public policy," he called at the same time for "prudent (university) c o n t r o l s in the light of experience." Levitt is fairly lenient towards student associations, but he does not believe that the student budgets should be within the sphere of extra-curricular activities though be admits that the lure of fiscal responsability is not easy to define. Levitt's solution might be the mandating of a voluntary student tax, but he conceded that this approach may be far too simplistic. "Only the University can decide," said Levitt. He has also carefully audited student government books for any malfeasance. For the most part, he found that student governments' expenditures have been in order. "This is ample evidence that student organizations are capable of responsible self-management." He termed Now Paltz's budgetary p r o c e d u r e s " n o ticeabl y weak," while he commends Albany for its "business-like operations." However, he noted that "several budgetary allocations at Albany" were challengeable. (He referred to Stringer's litigation.) Levitt has recommended that the student fee be made voluntary, or if it is kept mandatory, the fee should be reduced. He also has stated that because students are apathetic towards student gov ernments, and turn out to vote in low numbers for officers and referendums, the University has a good case to make the fee voluntary. The Comptroller does see advantages to a mandatory fee, however, such as the practical financial framework. Two Studies Recommend CINEMA "iKi," UBU ROI ARI-463 4714 AT 7:25-9:30 "Diary Of A Mad Housewife" THURSDAY nnd K.UtlAV, I'riHjmrtl mtilfi urr.iimrin.-iil w i H ' N ""''""" I'tilillililiill (:i'ri>iir«tliiii, Mini-MTiinU 0 " " ,l1 "" Tax the recent directive of the Chancellor of the State University providing administrative supervision and controls over student governThe commission has recommended to Chancellor Ernest Boyer and the Board of Trustees that not only should there be no mandatory student assessment tax, but that a student referendum should be held on each campus to decide whether there should be a tax at all. The commission's resolution also called for a "student* elected board of managers" to prepare a "unit budget," which would be put to the various student bodies across the state, to either accept or reject in its entirety. Mandatory student taxes have been called "an element in, and underlying cause of, campus unrest," by the Temporary State Commission to Study the Causes of Campus Unrest, which is headed by Assemblyman Charles D. Henderson. Ernest G. Peltz, executive director of the commission, pointed out some of the reasons for the commission's position. Apparently, there are students who feel that appropriations from student activities fees have been allocated to organizations that do not represent the interests of large groups of students. On the other hand, there are students who are against HCLIP THIS COUPONHHIHIBimDH TRAFFIC CONCERT 2-Get 1 Free appearing with CACTUS w i t h this c o u p o n Washington Ave. Armory either MIKE'S NEBA Richard B«n|amfn November NOVEMBER 12 nnd I.! m « I"" TIckBU 11.00 ill l l w O'.iir " i i " l l " ' A " Cull 2 7II • J i J H lor i' Voluntary by Sharon Cohen The Drama Workshop present* IN T H E U T I L E TUKA'I'KE AT RUSSELL SA(;E COI.i.KCiK " B E S T FAMILY F I L M ! " Joseph GelmU, Newsday "A TOTAL EXPERIENCE IN SIGHT, SOUND AND COLOR . . . MAKE FANTASIA A MUST!" •Show Schedule* Bob Salmaggi, Group W Network Wed,&Sun.-2,4,6:l5,8:25 Thur, Fri, Mon, & Tues - 6:45,8:455PnSaturday - 2:30,4:35,6:45,9 pm ALBANY STUDENT PRESS by Brenda Schefer A new 3 credit course, nonviolent conflict resolution forum, will be offered next semester; The class will be limited to 40 students. The aim of the course is to seek peaceful and just resolutions of conflict at a time when the increasing rapidity of social and technological change seems to make conflict inevitable. About IS ' faculty members, coordinated by Martha Dickinson (research associate in physics) will participate and guide independent study. A paper presenting a nonviolent resolution of a particular problem will be presented by each student at the end of the term. Free School Schedule (partial): Tuesday, IIIIO/70-Judaism and Pacificism-1:01) p.m.. lid. 120 Wednesday, IIII l/70-Judaism and Chrislianity-S: IS p.m.. Hit. 113 Thursday, 111 12170-lenny Bruce-9:00p.m., CC :I7() Racism, Survival, Dance call 4S7-6542 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 TOOAf 7 : 2 0 - 9 : 3 0 "Lovers And Other Strangers"> k Glf Young . 20th (2.50 w/tax-S5.00 w/out dooi-H o p e n tit 8 p m tickets must be purchased before the night of the show Giant Roast Beef SUBMARINE SANDWICH offer expires Nov. 26th, 1970 GOOD AT ALL LOCATIONS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK CLIP THIS COUPONl TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS LBANY STUDENT PRESS .PAGES. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 THE AIRPLANE ! ••v' \ \ * ! • 1 1 •' mM IP w Y* ' . ~* • * / * ** • ** ** <* . «. * * • # 4 * 0 0- * * • • # 4 * ft *< Ik. MADISON PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY LIQUOR & WINE CO., I N C . 438-3565 1078 • # Spencer Dreyden w - ** '.• 0 MADISON AVI. AllANY i VVf hitvi- Grace Slick Sont' Gria Spaiiada Apple Wine Cold Duck "Friends of Wine" by Roy mid Shirley The sell-out crowd was greeted by heavy security when admitted to the gym around 9PM. Signs warned. the audience to "Think-Don't Smoke," and before the concert began, Larry Brown, a member of the student body, made the same request. At 9:30PM, a folksinger from California, Burt Summers, performed. His first song-Get Together-he wrote himself. It was his most outstanding selection. m i l l n f i n e x.-l.-t t Inn .if Outstanding Wines THE GRATEFUL DEAD How t o get rid o f CAMPUS COPS and INTELLECTUAL RADICALS The must potent weapon with lias ever PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC devised to combat bigotry, propaganda and social injustice is a PRAGMA I'll T R U T H . Man has nevei u v J it. He knows the a u l l i o i i u ol and Tact', but has never expen enced the power and a i i t h o t i n Buddy Miles o f an objective t r u t h . Fur a "KORMl'AI KM< TRUTH" cop... (A sciei t method ol'organizing 'facts' i " Washington Avenue Armory Sunday, November 15, 1970 j;el "total (TRUTIII IIIHICISI.IIUIIIII! on a subject, l l u i provides freedom 8:00 pm ticket»-$5.00 lot dissent and involvement, without con I ioveis\ oi conlro!'.! 'lion ) A t 10:15, the Airplane, led by Grade Slick, finally appeared. They played nine selections at the first concert, including "Somebody to L o v e , " " W h i t e R a b b i t , " and "Volunteers." The Glen McKay Light Show which appeared w i t h the Airplane was disappointing, and the sound in the gym, as usual, left something to be desired. Although the Airplane was only warming up during the first concert, the audience was very deeply involved with them by the end o f the evening. During a twenty minute version of " V o l u n t e e r s , " a majority o f those present were on their feet. Slick sang of revolution, and lights foeussed on the American flag. The concert ended at t 1 :'l!i PM. At the second concert, only the Airplane appeared. The performance lasted from 1:00AM to almost lour in the morning. The first concert was good. The second concert was phenomenal. U n i o n College Social C o m m i t t e e presents JETHRO TULL and M c K e n d r e e Spring Union College Field House November 13, 1"70 8:30 Tickets on sate at: Union Collage Student Activities Office Van Curlof Music Stores Albany & Sdionociady Miller's Music: Store' Troy KM. mmmiMiiiiMMmiiiiiiiiMiinw i For Inexpensive Student/Faculty EUROPEAN TRAVEL ADVICE A n d , an introduction : ' i A v a i l a b l e at: D r o m e S o u n d s - S c h e n e c t a d y &. Troy V a n i s h i n g Point Boutique-Albany Crystal M a n H l o n s - S c h e n e c t a d y & Latham Ten Eyck R e c o r d s - A l b a n y Albany State C a m p u s Center alio at the door new science that will IIIMIK' I U N I I ' I I) IS"!I I I I t M A I ISM regardless ideological ol ptescni differences, C'enlial Ave., Albany, 12206, l l t i Q l i t e r , l i t , ( ! • , i i I .•(].•>•'. 1 j^mpmmmiMTt"— send S1.00 t o T R U T H O L O G V . o l " N 'l PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICi 'IIM Seleclric Typewriter Experienced in ail types of Doctoral Uimcrtatiom Fast, Dependable Service Reasonable Roles Cell 462-6283 Dey or Evening call Bob Burnstein 457-5047 •••••»••••••••••••••>•>••••• ——————— Paul Kantner IrtcACWonderful eWorld, Iffcttu11 Only fekettie lime IbQocAroundlt! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 6 Editorial Howiva. "•« imnnLY IMPOHTANT THATvn KmTALMWOT Communications Voting Rights Doing a n y t h i n g in its power t o k e e p us from voting, the Machine challenged o u r registrations. An elections e x a m i n e r came to each of our h o m e s , questioned us a b o u t o u r residencies, jobs, schools, etc. a n d , in t h e same b r e a t h , told us t h a t our registrations w o u l d be cancelled. By this time, it was t o o late to secure absentee ballots from our " h o m e t o w n s , " with which we have little c o n n e c t i o n . We appeared before the Board of Elections on O c t o b e r 3 1 , for a hearing, t o d e t e r m i n e the status of our registrations. After individual hearings, we were told that letters would be sent o u t t h a i afternoon with their decisions. We received these letters of cancellation on Nov. 2; they were dated Oct. I l l , the day of the hearings, b u t p o s t m a r k e d Oct. 3 0 , the day before. T h e Board had already m a d e their decisions against us, the hearings were nothing but empty mockeries. With t h e help of Mr. T h o m a s Maxwell, Republican Ward leader, a n d a t t o r n e y J o h n Starrs, we were able t o take our cases to the S u p r e m e Court, where we finally o b t a i n e d c o u r t orders, allowing us t o vote. Only because of the s t u p i d i t y of the Board of Elections, we w o n our cases o n a t e c h n i c a l i t y , the law requires t h a t registrants whose rights are challenged be notified in writing of t h e reason. T h e Board neglected t o do this. S t u d e n t s m u s t n o t be discriminated against in this way. T h e law s h o u l d be u p d a t e d to allow s t u d e n t s to vote where t h e y live, instead of where their parents live. T h e Machine should not be allowed to p u t s t u d e n t s t h r o u g h s u c h farcical proceedings, merely because we want to exercise our right to vote. Gail C a n t o r A n n e CaUmnese Jean Dixon Kathy Eiier Ellen G o l d m a n Theresa Nemelh Jef Sueider The End Is Approaching! FSA Profits To the Editor, To the E d i t o r : In recent ASP articles probing the FSA organization it is repeatedly stated t h a t FSA profits are being used for the " m a i n t e n a n c e and operation of the Mohawk and Dippikill c a m p u s e s . " In the article u n d e r " B i t s & Pieces" in the November 3, 1970 ASP, for e x a m p l e , it is stated t h a t $ 6 9 , 0 0 0 is being spent for this purpose. It p e r t u r b s me to think that critics dealing with such large sums of m o n e y are so ill informed. T h e Dippikill " c a m p u s " is owned, operated, and maintained entirely by S t u d e n t Assiciation. Richard T. Nelson Acting Chairman (lamp Dippikill Governing Board Endlessly Waiting To the E d i t o r , I'm sure by now that a lot of people are sick and tired a n d turned-off by getting shoved and maimed while a t t e m p t i n g to gel into a concert in the gym. Who ever has formulated the policies concerning opening the doors for concerts has not considered or been m a d e aware of the dangerous situation that prevails now. When several hundred people wail patiently o u t s i d e for over an hour, and are corralled into the gym through two narrow doors, there is a natural b o t t l e n e c k with a greal push from those in the rear of the mob. I cannot c o n d o n e the students for pushing, b u t the main blame i.s the situation, and specifically the policy concerning entering. I have seen on threw occasions a scene of panic and real fear. Fear of being dragged t o the ground, fear of being literally squashed. There must be a better m e t h o d Let people in the lobby; open more doors; let people in from both sides of the g y m , or let people in the lobby. Anything is better than the present s i t u a t i o n . I think others are as disgusted as 1 am. ABORTION COUNSELING, INFORMATION iiNII K.KFERKAL SERVICES A b o r t i o n s u p t o 24 w e e k s of p r e g n a n c y .ire n o w legal in N e w Y o r k S t a l e . There are n o r e s i d e n c y r e s t r i c t i o n s it! c o o p e r a t i n g h o s p i t a l s a n d c l i n i c s . O n l y the c o n s e n t of the p a l i e n l a n d t h e p e r f o r m i n g p h y s i c i a n is r e q u i r e d . 0 WASHINGTON W ACUirjr.Tm.1 21 2 • 873 • 6650 I A.M. TO 10 P.M. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK A V E.. A MJC m Ln B A N Y . 4 . .5 ,.9 , . .5. .3. ,0* 0 E X C L U S I V E Area Showing! NOW SHOWING MON. THURS. at 7:1S At 9:15 pjn. FRI. SAT. al 6 K. 10 p.m. If y o u t h i n k y o u are p r e g n a n t , c o n s u l ! y o u r d o c t o r . D o n ' t d e l a y . Burly a b o r t i o n s are s i m p l e r a n d safer. THE ABORTION INFORMATION AGENCY, INC. And, isn't it also terrible t h a t e v e r y o n e hears the facts, agrees with the facts, and k n o w s we haven't got very m u c h longer to live {5 years, if we're lucky), b u t regards the facts as a fantasy, s o m e t h i n g that "will never touch m e ? " F o r g e t it! This isn't something that will hurt our grandchildren or our children. We're dying and I'm scared. A n d , if you dared to believe the things t h a t are w r i t t e n under the heading of non-fiction y o u ' d k n o w t h a t we're dying and y o u ' d be petrified also. Having missed last spring's a c t i o n here because I'm a freshman, I d o n ' t k n o w the effect of futile protest on the protestor. Sure e v e r y b o d y ' s discouraged but we really have no choice. This isn't like campaigning for a politician or helping r e m o t e people of differ ent hemispheres. I'm n o t being selfless or humanitarian, but really rather practical a n d very selfish. We have to s t o p living like idiots in a dream, studying for law school or m e d school or ceramics school or whatever when e v e r y o n e k n o w s thai a dead world w o n ' t need d o c t o r s or lawyers or pottery. This university, like all o t h e r s , has to stop—right now—all twelve t h o u s a n d or so of us—and wake everyone up, politicians, big business and the rest. If we d o n ' t do s o m e t h i n g n o w while we're in college when we d o n ' t have t o w o r r y about supporting ourselves by working for factories that pollute, then when will we d o it? A n d if w e ' r e bored with this problem then who's going to r e m e d y it? Everybody had better do s o m e t h i n g fast because I don't want to die and, i bet if 1 look a census, hardly anyone else would say they want to either. HELLMAN M l If y o u n e e d i n f o r m a t i o n o r p r o f e s s i o n a l assistance, including immediate registration into available hospitals and clinics, t e l e p h o n e : T h a t was a terrifically fascinating, informative article t h a t was printed in t h e A S P a b o u t the pollution of Patroon Creek by t h e T o b i n Packing Company. It was almost as interesting as Ehrlich's Population Bomb which all freshmen were supposed to have read. And even t h a t w a s n ' t q u i t e as interesting as breathing was in N e w York City this past s u m m e r . Okay, so n o w e v e r y o n e hears about the dangers of o v e r p o p u l a t i o n , food shortage, air. water and noise pollution. So n o w w h a t ? If you take a look a r o u n d SUNY at A l b a n y you'll see a lot of people shaking their heads a n d m u t t e r i n g , "Yeah, isn't it terrible?" a b o u t our lovely environment Well, it's been proven by informed p e o p l e t h a t with each shake of the head we're c o m i n g closer to our own destruction. Isn't that terrible? Sincerely Alice Levine *'•" NEW YORK, N. Y. 10024 PAGE 7 Comment University a d m i n i s t r a t i o n s have c o m e increasingly u n d e r a t t a c k from b o t h the e x t r e m e right a n d the e x t r e m e left. O n one h a n d , administrators have been criticized for allowing radicals a forum from which to preach their views, for not clamping d o w n hard e n o u g h on c a m p u s unrest, for closing d o w n universities in limes of particular d i s c o n t e n t . On the oilier h a n d , the very position of administrators has been pictured as repressive and u n d e m o c r a t i c , their role as essentially bourgeoise and capitalistic. Barry Sarna 160 WEST 86lh STRBET ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Emphasis Low Key Refused T o the E d i t o r : After eight h o u r s in t h e C h a m b e r s of Justice Conway of t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t of N e w York on November 3 , we cast o u r ballots in this year's election. Because of our s t u d e n t s t a t u s , the Albany Beard of E l e c t i o n s denied us t h e right t o register and v o t e , a right supposedly belonging t o every U.S. citizen over 21 years of age, w h o is able t o read and write. T h e D e m o c r a t i c Machine in this city does n o t want s t u d e n t s as p a r t of its c o m m u n t i y , but the fact remains t h a t we d o c o n s t i t u t e a large a n d i m p o r t a n t part of it. We are all i n d e p e n d e n t of o u r p a r e n t s ; we have been residents of the City of Albany for at least 14 m o n t h s . T h e law ( w r i t t e n in 1 8 7 4 ) states t h a t a person d o e s n o t gain or lose residency by his presence as a s t u d e n t in a " s e m i n a r y of learning." Certainly, we d o n o t live in "seminaries of l e a r n i n g " b u t in a p a r t m e n t s , a n d we have formed a sufficient n u m b e r of ties with the c o m m u n i t y t o be considered official residents. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 SUN. w . lE • mWlmm " 2:.10-4:30-6:30-8:30 "A masterpiece I The movie to see in 19701" - " • « " • • * Holiday JACK NICHOLSON FIVE Easy PIECES KAREN BLACK ...SUSAN ANSPACH ....., 0O0 RAHLSON~.*onilN JOYCC ' • ' • • " • ' 0 , O i l . n * ' f t S O N ™ n , c ' " , n D WECHSUfl " » ' SCHW{IDCn . „..,...,eoa/WEISON USE YOUR STUDENT DISC. CARD" ""•"'* " A revolutionary c u n v e n t u has been called by the Hlai Panther Party for all brtithr and sisters in A m e r i k a . All lu dents, or|»ani/.ations, a n d n pressed peoples 1'ie.lHinu; for new society are encouraged participate in the plnmiinu, of new c o n s t i t u t i o n in Wiishinritu D.C., N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2K, 29. If you are interested in deve oping a new, life-oriented s o n ty, please call o n e of the number s I 5 7 • 1 II il H i 4 5 7 - 2 2 8 7 - o n T h u r s d a y , No 12 from 11 a.m. to H p.m. PREGNANCY SELF-CHECK KIT II you think you may be Pregnant, or lust don'l know, we will send you « Sell-Check Kit which gives a Yes/No answer Immediately, 'no Kit is highly accurate and very simple to use. Professional. Details sent discreetly and quickly. Write or Wire: Rimlnglon Sclentlllc Libi MO Wlllli Avinui Albirlion, H. Y. 11507 There is no question thai universities must be d e m o c r a t i z e d , lhal s t u d e n t s have a clear vote in the b u d g e t a r y , e d u c a t i o n a l and social decisions which involve the entire c a m p u s and its relation to society. T h e r e is no question that if the university is to be maintained this d e m o c r a t i z a t i o n must evolve peacefully, that everyone in the university w o r k for ils fruition. It is absurd to believe lhal hy destroying the university as an an e n t i t y , o n e m a y create a d e m o c r a t i c and h u m a n e one in ils place. In this light, il is l o o early yel to c o m p l e t e l y assess the a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s of the new a d m i n i s t r a t i o n under D o c t o r Benezcl. Il is possible, however, to measure the direction of Dr. Benezet's efforts, lo see litis a d m i n i s t r a t i o n as essentially low key with a new entphasis-never before fell al Albany S l a t e - o n student and faculty involvcmnl in llie essential dicisious affecting budgetary and educational priorities and (lie lining of lop-rank p e r s o n n e l . In I he wake o f last y e a r ' s decisiveness, Dr. I k n e / c l has c o n c e n t r a t e d on bringing the elements of the university together. lie has a t t e m p t e d to involve all parlies in llie Day Care project, to bring over nineteen different e n v i r o n m e n t a l g r o u p s i n t o direct c o m m u n i c a t i o n wilh each o t h e r , lo bring s t u d e n t s into the Board on the Faculty Student Association, to increase s t u d e n t m e m b e r s h i p on lite search c o m m i t t e e s for the vacant vice-presidents' p o s t s , to work wilh the Educational Policies Council in re-evaluating the undergraduate academic programs, and, n o ! incidentally• ' " increase c o m m u n i c a t i o n between administrators and s t u d e n t s by inviting all c o n c e r n e d lo the bi-weekly C a m p u s F o r u m s . On m a n y of these issues there are questions. Il is q u e s t i o n a b l e whether Ihe m a k e - u p of the Day Care C o m m i t t e e is as d e m o c r a t i c as il should be, w h e t h e r Dr. Bene/.el in seeking good relations wilh the m a n y e l e m e n t s on c a m p u s has not been guilty of patertialisin al limes, w h e t h e r he has sufficiently taken hold of the priorities of the university and re-evaluated them. Nevertheless, Ihe picture is essentially a good o n e , and there is m u c h reason lo h o p e thai here, al least, is an a d m i n i s t r a t o r w h o understands die fundamental queslions affecting higher e d u c a t i o n t o d a y - queslions winch involve even the nature of his own job. There is reason lo h o p e thai he is sensitive, as well, lo the lepiessivc position Mils and other universities have played in relation lo m u m m y culture, in parlieulai T h u d World Cultures. Mien' is reason lo hope that Dr Hene/.el will ably defend the aiilonotny of the c a m p u s against those polilicians in the State Legislature w h o delight in blaming all ol sociely's ills on college Communications Blocked Fire Exits William Grimes Susan L u n d b e r g To the Editor, Many s t u d e n t s have been a n n o y e d this year by the alterations F o o d Service has m a d e t o the cafeteria. (The blocking of all entrances and exits except one.) This has been d o n e , obviously, to keep non-contract s t u d e n t s from taking advantage of F o o d Service. Until now it has been considered as just a b o t h e r by m o s t s t u d e n t s . B u t after reading of a fire catast r o p h e in a F r e n c h dance hull t h a t killed 142, I thing the c o n d i t i o n s here are dangerous—not just a bother. Both the French hall and our own cafeterias share the c o m m o n feature of one exit O N L Y , t h a t one t h r o u g h a turnstile. Blocked fire exits to the outside was the cause of the deaths in F r a n c e , a n d it could h a p p e n here. Although our exits arc n o t nailed shut, the chairs, thai are placed in the o p e n e r s will cause a R E A L problem if these d o o r s are rushed hy h u n d r e d s of people. T h e doors are designed as fire d o o r s , and should be left alone and operable. T a m p e r i n g with lire doors in I his m a n n e r is against the law in many places such as New York City, a n d rightly so. T h e passages to the cafeterias t o llie U lounges are now n o t only caged and latched, but are padlocked as well, making them absolutely useless in case of an emergency. We should no I allow organizations such as our " F o o d .Service" to have so m u c h interest in profit as to allow them to endanger the s t u d e n t s in their efforts. Surely, leaving the lire exils o p e n w o n ' t cost [hem " A L L T H A T M U C H ! " R o b e r t Arnish Harry Weiner llie . ai Albany Slate will u n d o u b t e d l y e o n l i n u e lo grow. Problems of overcrowding, ul uiuleislalfed and underfinanced d c p a i l n i e n l s , of restricted admissions, of Ihe lack of an effective student voice, will c o n t i n u e In plague Albany Stale in llie coining years. No one man cottid rcveise llie o m i n o u s trends so quickly. Yet • if steady low-key pressure is maintained, Albany S t a l e might indeed face llie possibility of a humaiularian and educational renaissance. albany student press? neill e. slianahan editor managing editor ^ S in-chief executive b o b warner vicki zeldill arts editor assistant ait manager barbara cooperman technical . linda waters sports editor . . . dave fink editor torn cliugan associate technical editors sue seligson dun williams production manager gloria bollister circulation manager sue faulkner WSUA will bring o t h e r such w o r t h y - b u t often u n n o t i c e d or ignored--pro grams to the a t t e n t i o n of people at this school who really want change and w h o are serious enough t o do s o m e t h i n g a b o u t it. Peace Be With Y o u , Joel Lustig Program Director, WSUA Questionnaire editors manager Jeff mergers T o the E d i t o r : I read t h e full page feature s t o r y o n " P E T E J O N E S " and the s t o r y of his soul-food kitchen, " O U R P L A C E " (ASP, Friday, Oct. 3 0 ) , with interest and a p p r e c i a t i o n . T h e p r o g r a m Pete J o n e s is running is s u p p o r t e d by private d o n a t i o n s a n d lots ol" his own m o n e y . He is trying to solve a problem in A l b a n y ' s G h e t t o - f e e d ing a hot meal a day to over 6 0 c h i l d r e n - a p r o b l e m l o o m a n y p e o p l e d o n ' t realize exists here in Albany. WSUA Radio, under t h e direction of assistant Program Director Michael, u n d e r t o o k the task of running a campaign to inform o u r listeners of the problem a n d to s h o w what is being d o n e a b o u t it. Pete J o n e s and WSUA t h a n k the ASP for bringing this program to the a t t e n t i o n of the entire University C o m m u n i t y a n d h o p e t h a t concerned individuals give whatever t h e y can, in m o n e y , food, clothing a n d t i m e , so that this program can survive and grow. carol hughes news c h u c k ribuk advertising Serious Enough editor aralynn alyare business manager Cadbury specific m e n t i o n as t h e third m e m b e r of t h e t r i u m v e r a t e which assumed t h e major w o r k responsibility in getting t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e o p e r a t i o n completed in t i m e . features editor . John o'grady city editor elniore bowes graphics editor jon guttniiin photography editor andy hochberg Thu Albany Student Press is Irxalod in cavo 326 of the Campus Center at the Stale University ot Nelson Ruckolullor at Albany. The ASP was founded back in '16 by the Class of '18, and Is funded by the abominable Tax of '70. Our phonos aro 457 2 1 3 0 and 2194. Communications are limited to 3 0 0 words and are subject to editing. Editorial policy is determined hy The Big Man With The Red Hair. Commits ol the ASP are Copyright 1970 by the Albany Student Press. T o the Editor, Stephanie DiKovic's article in the O c t o b e r 13 ASP on the reprieve of Prof, Cadbury from the damnation of an earlier University decision n o t to grant him tenure m e n t i o n s us as the two persons who "designed a questionnaire and c o n t a c t e d former s t u d e n t s of Cadbury to d e t e r m i n e their evaluation of his teaching a b i l i t y . " Would like it t o be n o t e d : (1) that the questionnaire operation was only part of a much more extensive set of actions to guin a reappraisal of Prof. Cadbury's value as a teacher at this University and to assure t h a t the reappraisal would be as a d e q u a t e as possible, (2) t h a t in the task of developing the questionnaire a n d getting it mailed t o a b o u t 1200 of Prof. C a d b u r y ' s past and present s t u d e n t s , a n u m b e r of other s t u d e n t s and faculty were involved (the job was u n d e r t a k e n by a 7-person c o m m i t t e e a p p o i n t e d by the D e p a r t m e n t of Philosophy for the p u r p o s e and o t h e r s volunteered assistance), a n d (3) Susan D u n n also deserves Gourmet's Delight T o the E d i t o r , (and all meal plan s t u d e n t s ) , On t h e evening of Nov. 3 , 1 9 7 0 while eating dinner in the D u t c h Quad Dining Hall, I b e c a m e a connoisseur of Vcollard g r e e n s . " I gained this d u b i o u s distinction when I was able t o s e p a r a t e a whitish w o r m (larvn?) of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1W inch length a n d V* inch diameter from the actual vegetable m a t t e r present. 1 do have t o a d m i t t h a t he looked well c o o k e d ( c o m p l i m e n t s t o t h e chef) although I d i d n ' t taste him to m a k e sure, T o all those aspiring g o u r m e t s on this c a m p u s I say keep looking a n d o n e day soon you t o o will m a k e a great discovery. Sincerely, Dennis Wilson TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 8 PAGE 9 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS r ill photos by R. Solomon pafhfc by Ton Rhodes 'Welcome to the Saturday Night of Gold...." by Tom Clingan An ASP Feature Surprising as it may seem, there are people on this campus who don't even know we have a radio station. This might have been excusable last year when the signal was lost on uptown quads for periods of a month or more, but it seems rather indefensible now that Dutch and Colonial each have new transmitters and State's is only two years old. WSUA now comes in as well as other AM stations, if not better. First you have to find Brubacher Hall. If you've ever been downtown, it's across from WaterburyAlden, only you have to enter from the far side, which has these pillars. So you go in, take the steps to your left, and make another left at the stairs' end. Go down the hall thru the doors into the Snack Bar. Yeah. Snack bar. Rest up after the long journey—have a thick shake (they cost $0.35, but they're hand-made—not like in the Campus Center). Anyway, the Radio Station. Go thru the other set of doors into a very large game room. Also very empty,which makes it bigger. Over in one corner is this place that used to be a storage closet. It still is, only now it stores a radio station. It's 1 a.m. on a Sunday morning and it's about 30 degrees outside. But in that storage closet it's still Saturday and the temperature usually runs about 85. The sound hits you as you enter. Monitor speakers playing what's going out on the air. Eric Lonschein is listening to the next single before cuing it up. Someone in the other studio is playing something more recent very loud. The UPI machine makes that noise that you always hear in the background on News shows. Rosenberg is on the "request line" with someone who wants "Romeo and J u l i e t " but doesn't know by whom. "Shut the door," says Eric and Marc pushes it closed with his foot. "Anybody know who did the big version of "Romeo and Juliet?" "Henry Mancini," says Lustig, as he sort of watches the UPI machine without really reading it. Phone rings again. "SUA," drones Rosenberg, forgetting the "W." The "Onthe-Air" light goes out and Eric opens the door to let in what little cool air remains in the station. This is the main studio, Studio A. All music shows and most of everything else originate here. Eight feet by ten feet, with two walls of shelves containing the bulk of one of the best record libraries in the country. You have to stand on a stool to reach the top row. The console and door fill the other two walls. Two turntables, 4 cartridge tape players, a "board," tape recorder and microphone. And a stool for the jockey to sit on. Dividing the room and behind one turntable is a cart rack holding the station'8 usual fare: recorded cuts from albums. Usual—not tonight. Tonight it's all old singles— "oldies but goodies," the jingle goes. And each has to be found, stacked, cued-up, played, logged, and replaced. This goes on steadily for five hours. Every Saturday. Inside a former storage closet in a downtown hall. And people listen. Requests are steady until the show ends at 4 a.m. It's 3:15, and Eric announces that he'll give a free album to anyone who can tell him what the number one song in Singupore is. The phone rings immediately. And 8 calls later (and after a hint) somebody wins. It goes on like this until the show ends. People listen, alone and in pairs, suites and floors, all the way until 4. "There's always someone listening—even at 4 a.m. on an off night like Tuesday. Sleepless, rapping with friends, cramming. There's always somebody." But there's more than one on Saturdays. -Clingan "Anybody know who did the big version of 'Romeo and Juliet' ?" V MOST MUSIC PROCAMS originate from Studio A, WSUA's main studio, where Assistant Program Director Mike Sakellarides is pictured presenting his show. "Eric, why do you spend five hours here doing the 'oldies' show every Saturday night?" "I like doing it." WSUA 640 is the carrier current radio station at Albany State, broadcasting from the Downtown campus, specifically Brubacher Hall. Recently the station was granted a $22,000 additional appropriation from Central Council to move in pari to the Campus Center. The appropriation caused much controversy. One of the things which was noticed was the fact that most people don't know very much about WSUA. The programming is, as in most stations, primarily music. WSUA usually plays album cuts—pieces taken from current albums culled from the library of recent LP's. WSUA is making an effort to program different types of music as well—Friday night, for example, is all soul. From 10 to 12 p.m. only Latin Soul is aired. Saturday night is also unique—after 11 p.m. only requested old singles are played. Sunday night is increasingly being taken over by News programming, a good example of which is the recent news special on Pete Jones. Occasionally the regular schedule is interrupted for events of importance such as the recent election, or the infamous draft lotteries. "Thanks for the answer." CARRIER CURRENT-WHAT IT IS The shows are not planned as to which songs must be played—this is up to the jockey. He is told only what must be included in his show—Campus Happenings, commercials, station identifications. The music is up to him—but he is obligated to log every record or tape. The log is used to make up record surveys as well as to keep track of what's been played. Carrier Current is a method of transmission which uses the electrical system of a building to carry the signal, instead of an antenna. Thats why you can't get WSUA on your portable- it isn't plugged in. The problem is here that it costs about 10 times as much to buy and is much harder to keep up. The only good thing With the opening of a morning studio uptown about 2 months from now, WSUA will broadcast each day beginning at 6 a.m. After 2 p.m., the show will originate downtown, and eventually will go all night with a four hour prerecorded show from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Needless to say, this will open up many new shows for which new DJ's are needed. Radio is the type of activity which usually draws many students at a school of this size. The reason for a lack of such participation and the general apathy towards the station can be attributed to its downtown location. This will be remedied partially by the morning uptown broadcasts, and hopefully by an influx of people willing to make WSUA a better station. The programming ideas begun this time will continue to fruition if dedicated students pilch in. about it is that the FCC doesn't get on your back about the quality of your broadcasts because the audience is limited. Regular stations have it much rougher in this aspect. 'This applies In sunn' nl I lie less glamorous jobs news reporting, spoil.-, coverage. Special pro gramniing of enlciUiinmenl and documentary mi line. They're coming up I'asl m importance, because WSUA is lite ideal nutlet lor news as H happens both in the informational .mil sporls sense The Football Club's I'irsl season was am,.ly covered both al home and away by a dedicated group of volunleers. lake everyone else, llley were I here because they wauled In be they enjoy il This doesn't make il any less difficult, bill if you're here lor more than a degree, consider working for something worthwhile a uiiiwmily community scr- WITHIN TWO MONTHS, the WSUA News Studio where Newsman Brian Lchrer is reading the news, will move to the Campus Center. MIKE SAKELLARIDES logging one of the tapes played during his show. The Station uses such logs to gauge popularity of releases fur the survey sent out each week to record companies. And Willi the move uptown, even as partial as it is, will come plenty of work for the Engineering department of WSUA. Without engineers you don't have a station. If you've gol some experience in electronics (or even if you don't) you might consider the work. It's rewarding to see a definite goal achieved and engineering is working all the time on just such goals. OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Marc Rosenberg recording a tape in the production half of "Studio II," where recorded tapes and special programs are created. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 10 T h e C a p l t o l j D i s t r l c t Chapter o f A m e r i c a n Professors f o r Peace i n the M i d d l e East w i l l present a lecture b y Professor Walter Goldstein o n " T h e A m e r i c a n E m p i r e and t h e M i d d l e East W a r , " o n Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. in LC 5 , Folk Dance C l u b w i l l m e e t T h r u s d a y , starting a t 6 p.m. i n t h e g y m T h e O f f i c e o f Residence w i l l soon be selctlng Resident Assistants f o r the 1971-72 academic year. A n y o n e interested i n an R.A. positiqn must attend the m a n d a t o r y interest meeting o n N o v . 2 2 , 1 9 7 0 i n Lecture Center 11 f r o m 7-9 p.m. If y o u are n o t able t o attend t h e meeting y o u must c o n t a c t H o w a r d W o o d r u f f In H a m i l t o n H a l l , 4 5 7 - 8 8 3 9 , at least t w o (2) days prior t o t h e meeting. dance s t u d i o . Everyone w e l c o m e . A talk on H u m a n and Contraception speak o n the psychology Reproduction will be given Cathexis B I O 2 4 8 . Speaker w i l l be Dr. John t w o co-chairmen, a treasurer, a n d a Saunders, secretary.) for n e x t semester. There- Jr., Dopt. of Biology. Telethon Rochester, w i l l talk about and award-winning don't docu- '71 has a u d i t i o n i n g Help you try out? For YOUR club become self- further Ever i n f o r m a t i o n call R o n at 7-7796 or consider Teaching? Come listen t o t h e experiences of those who at f o u r o'clock in Lecture Center 3. have been student teachers Nov. 1 1 , r o o m 3 7 5 C C . Sponsored Delta Sigma Pi w i l l Starting on Nov. 2 , a new 1 9 7 0 present the by Seanies. T h e p r o b l e m s dealt with cover the whole m o d e r n s p e c t r u m . F a m i l y p r o b l e m s , landlords, a b o r t i o n , r u n a w a y s , bad trips, V D , boyfriend-girlfriend, pare n t s , children, legal questions, suicide a n d loneliness are the m o r e c o m m o n difficulties. f i l m " 1 9 8 4 " o n Tuesday, N o v . 1 0 F o r d P i n t o w i l l be shown o n cam- and Wednesday, N o v . 11 in LC-3 at pus for 4 weeks in differing loca- Dr. Hugh Lafave, the d i r e c t o r of 7:30 and 9 : 3 0 . A d m i s s i o n : $0.50. tions. A student research group w i l l the Eleanor Roosevelt Development Center (responsible f o r all services be contacting 1,500 students to f i l l regarding *'Refer"is a n d tries to be part of t h e street. It is a g r o u p of loosely organized p e o p l e , w o r k i n g from an inner-city location, trying to give " h e l p for w h a t you w a n t , " a s t h e y p r i n t o n their information card. It is in part a f o u r - p h o n e refer s w i t c h b o a r d . It is in p a r t a general counseling service. It is in p a r t a crash pad for transients. It is in part a place for a n y c o m m u n i t y group t o meet. Il is also a h o m e for five c o u n s e l o r s a n d a place t o r a p . actualized. Julie at 7-4064. o n Wednesday a f t e r n o o n , Nov. 1 1 , questionnaires The the P i n t o . Those f i l l i n g o u t questionnaires w i l l have a chance to w i n this P i n t o for a " I r e e w e e k e n d " w h i c h includes a gas allowance. Music Dept. of the State for handicapped children i n the University of New Y o r k a t Albany Capitol presents JEAN-CHARLES Friday, Nov. 13, a t the St. Rose F R A N C O I S , percussionist, on Fri- library at 8 p.m. This is sponsored day, NOv. 13, in the Recital Hall. by district), will the Society be speaking for A u t i s t i c Refer is located a t 3 3 2 Hudson Avenue (a d o z e n houses below L a r k ) on a sloping block r u n n i n g into t h e n e w marble Moter Behicle Building. Its four floors are divided into the b a s e m e n t p h o n e c e n t e r a n d rear r o o m crash p a d , first floor of c o n f e r e n c e r o o m s a n d storage, a n d s e c o n d a n d third floors of r e s i d e n t s ' b e d r o o m s a n d counseline r o o m s . Chil- dren. A l l S U N Y students and faculEXPERIMENTAL ser i es WITH MAX SHULMAN {Bu tht author of Rally Round the Flag, liav*. -. Doliie Glitis .. . Mr.] begin th is Anyone night F r iday. travel in Psy e t i o l o g y performance is "Mask Department Col- l o q u i u m : Dr. B e n j a m i n M. Braginsky, Wosleyan U n i v e r s i t y , w i l l speak w i l l be presented on Friday. SaturSki C l u b M e e t i n g - N e w of ships Destitution t o Defectiveness—A Stu- for alt shows are in dy D I Role D e f i n i t i o n " o n Thurs- the PAC Arena r h t w l r e al 7 30nnd Ski Shop. R o o m LC 18, Thurs. Nov. day, N o v . 12 at 3 . 3 0 p.m. in SS 9 : 0 0 p.m. Admission is free. 12, at 7 30 p.m. 256. MISERY during this on " T h e Social T r a n s f o r m a t i o n of meet- '.rrnriNC-BOILM accepted member- ing-tjuesl speaker f r o m the T o w n e Performances lately? Here's why: he quit. You don't believe me, I see. You sneer and make coarse gestures. B u t it's true ail the same. Not one college president in the entire United States came back to work this fall. They chickened out, every last one. A few will return: they're just taking a year oft to study karate. B u t most aren't coming back ever. And can you blame them? What kind of work is this for a dignified, elderly person —cowering under his desk all day long, wearing bullet-proof underwear, hiring food tasters, getting into fistfights with sophomore girls? I t ' s hard to realize that only three or four years ago a college president was a figure of respect and regard —yea, reverence even! I'll admit of course that undergraduates were much more tractable in those dayB because, as you will no doubt recall, sex and drugs Had not yet been introduced from Europe. B u t even so, they were lively rascals, yesterday's undergrads, scampering all over campus on their little fat legs, cheering and hallooing, identifying lichens, conjugating verbs. B u t no matter how engrossed they were in their games and sports, whenever Prexy happened by, they would instantly run over to kiss his vest and sing 21 choruses of the Alma Mater. Ah, it was a lovely and gracious time, now gone, alas, forever! Incidentally, you'll notice that I used the word " P r e x y . " T h a t of course is what college presidents are always called, as I'm sure you knew. B u t did you know that trustees are always called "Trixie?" Similarly, deans are always called " D o x y " except of course in the South where they are always called "Dixie." Associate professors of course are called "Axy-Pixie." Hockey coaches of course are called "Hootchy-Cootchy," Students are called "Algae." And Miller High Life is called " T h e Champagne of Beers." I mention Miller High Life because I am paid to write these columns by the brewers of Miller High Life. They are, I must say, a very relaxed kind of employer. They lei me write whatever t want to. There's no censorship, no pressure, and no taboos. In fact, I don't even have to mention Miller High Life unless I feel like it. Naturally, the brewers are a little disappointed if I don't mention it, but they never complain. They just unite bravely and stop my check. in tact Robert Burstein at 4 5 7 - 5 0 4 7 . Angels" directed b y Allan Cuppas. Do you know why you haven't seen the president of your college interested Europe, Asia, or A f r i c a , please con- " D a p h n e " directed by Alan Cohen day's Prexy's Complaint w i 11 ty ore most w e l c o m e . THEATRE'S regular Friday and Saturday riinre w i l l *T£fiK ON SUNDAY bo an i n f o r m a l get together w i n e and cheese party lor 'XMOHOT oernm A sLmrit KHIFE. all those students interested in siodying a b r o a d . "Students w i l l be on hand, w h o have studied a b r o a d , to answer y o u r questions. N o v e m ber 18, Wednesday, in Humanities Lounge room information, 354. call For Bob further Burstein, 457 5 0 4 7 . A l l those w h o signed up lor free course on d r a f l counseling. A short meeting Nov. will be held 13, at 1.30 on in Friday, the Draft Counseling Of lice ( R o o m 3 8 2 , Campus 4&*?1%JU. Center). Handbook T h e required to the Draft book, 13rd edi lion) w i l l be available • bring $ 2 . 4 5 . For more i n f o , call 472-509G. 1956 M o b i l e H o m e 8 x 4 2 , 1 bed- '63 VW, MUST SELL, MOVING TO C A L I F O R N I A , second engine, r o o m , attached r o o m , washer, dry- 4 5 , 0 0 0 miles, engine recently over- er, call 4 5 9 - 3 3 2 4 after 6 p.m. weekdays or a n y t i m e Sunday. hauled, snow tires, good radio, body in excellent highest condition, bidder. S500 Call SUMMER or For sale: 1 9 6 0 Ford Falcon i n EUROPE $ 1 8 7 * , Cam- Represent a t i v o s - o p p o r t u n i t i e s Ho-ho-ho. A r e y o u the Jolly Santa f o r students and educ. staff of y o u r type? Need e x t r a Christmas money? University or U n i v . group t o o b t a i n Love kids? Bo a part-time Santa, pus evenings 465-3662. low-cost travel t o Europe. good c o n d i t i o n ; now tires; 2-door " R o u n d trip prices as l o w as $ 1 8 7 automatic, $ 8 0 or best offer. Call for Nebil at 4 7 2 5 6 0 1 or 457 8 8 6 0 Uni-Travel Corp., Transatlantic air- minimum linos' For sole: M G B , good c o n d i t i o n , agont. g r o u p of 4 0 . Call-. (617) 599-0287. 12 Pine St., Swampscott, Mass. 0 1 9 0 7 . (morn. & a f t . & eve. shift Mon,-Sat., N o v . 14-Dec. avail.) 2 4 . Call 459-9020. Electric guitar a n d amp f o r sale. 457-4665 (ask f o r P a m | . good tiros, $ 5 5 0 . Call 4 5 7 - 3 0 0 1 or 457-4740. ' 6 0 VW sedan c u r r e n t l y regtstorod Lafayette Turntable: excellent c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 0 . Call Rich Larris at Hhhgy. •nve of Contact Yvonne Textbook- V * Woisz. use over 45,000 miles. Separate snows and last several years. Back and glass removed. Runs g o o d - i d e a l f o r off-tho-road use or farmhouse, w i t h lake, Today, as it happens, I do feel like mentioning Miller High Life. And what better way than to quote these immortal lines* from Ozymandiaa by the beloved Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, or " T h e Swedish Nightingale," as he was better known as? I quote: When an ill wind blows, A »d keeps getting iller, Then a wise man knows It is time for Miller. What peppy hops! What groovy malts! No beer can do what Miller does! One Bip and—hark!—you hear a waltz, And you love the world, including fuzz. B u t I digress. Prexy, I say, is gone and nobody wants the job. Where, then, will the colleges find replacements? Well air, a lot of schools lately have been hiring robots. Don't laugh; you can get robots today with a bald spot and everything. In fact, I recently saw one so llfoliko that al imni were giving it money. T h e big trouble of course W'that aftor a few weeks as Prexy, any intelligent robot will Hay, " W h o heeds this?'1 and become a toll booth. And so it remains unsolved, this Prexy problem, and in future columns I'll look into It again, along with such other burning questions us " A r e r o o m m r t e s sanitary?" und "Can a Htudent of 18 And happiness with an econ professor of 90?" * * school. utilities ADVERTISEMENT Forty Split included. G R 4 • 7 619. houso by Doc. 1 w i t h t w o girls. Will have o w n bedroom. Call 4 3 4 - 4 8 0 8 . Late minutes Call Ted evenings at call HOMEMADE WINE without grapesl in Kit 28 days contains re- usable U N I Q U E apparatus, instructions, recipes and most ingredients Hockey Puck loves Unkio Eggie. for y o u r first of many G A L L O N S . Just $ 3 . 9 8 plus tax a n d $ 0 . 5 0 post- $190/month, 1-966-5764 (collect). A n y o n e going to A n n A r b o r , Michigan, Thanksgiving week? Colt Bomadotte, 4 5 7 - 4 7 4 5 . age. U N I Q U E E N T E R P R I S E S , 108 Mohawk Street, Cohoes, N.Y. 12047. WANT CONTRACEPTIVES PRIVATELY? We believe you're entitled to your privacy when it comes to buying contraceptives. We're a nonprofit family planning agency and we offer you contraceptives through the privacy of the malls. We specialize in men's products (including two exclusive new European imports)—but we have nonprescription foam for women, too. And a wide assortment of books and pamphlets to answer your questions on birth control, family planning, the population problem and ecology. Want details? Write today: P O P U L A T I O N SKUVICE8, INC. | 109 N. Columbia St., Drill. X 2 , Chupol Hill, N. C. 27514 I I Gwntlcmon: I'lt'iiar sand mi- lull rtelulltt without obligation: ' • NAME. * Yes, it's true. We, the brewers of Miller High Life Beer, are really letting Max Shulman write whatever he wants in this column. That muffled sobbing you hear is our legal department, ADVERTISEMENT community. from or near offer. W . E . Seymour, 4 5 7 - 4 9 1 9 . Soymour, 4 5 7 - 4 9 1 9 . free horseback riding. Private academic wheels. $ 5 2 5 for parts. $ 1 2 5 or near offer. W . E . Wanted: male or female t o share Need roammato(s). Lower half of . boon perfect- ly maintained f r o m now t o prosent Coloman, 4 8 2 - 6 0 5 5 . redecorated ' 6 2 VW S E D A N . I as f a r m u t i l i t y vehicle. Has had light fendors 472-7723. Wanted: . _ . ! the Rev. Troy Perry speaks lo the Gay Liberation Front of die Tri-Cities on THE HOMOPHILIC MOVEMENT T h u r s d a y , Nov. 12th ill 8 p m in Page Hull I PAGE 11 - "REFER": ON CALL — (Namely: fore elections w i l l be held prior t o forms at the I n f o r m a t i o n Desk. Why m e n t a r y a b o u t Chaucerian England, out needs officers, the l e c t u r e - s o come at 8 : 0 0 p.m. show her f i l m , " F r o m Every Shires an of non- Thursday, Nov. 1 2 , 8 : 0 0 p.m. in N a o m i D i a m o n d , a member of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of English, University End," ALBANY STUDENT PRESS violence o n W e d . N o v . 11 i n SS146. Sponsored b y the Biology C l u b . of TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 C A T H E X I S - D r ' . L e r o y Pelton w i l l An ASP >°'« f c < ""*' Column Concert Observations by AI Sen in A n u m b e r of controversies a n d criticisms have a p p e a r e d in t h e aftermath of F r i d a y n i g h t ' s t w o Jefferson Airplane c o n c e r t s . B u t no m a t t e r whose version or explanations o n e a c c e p t s , o n e fact becomes o b v i o u s — t h e s t u d e n t came o u t on t h e s h o r t e n d . T h o u g h t h e event w a s billed as " s p o n s o r e d by t h e Class of ' 7 2 " and was held in t h e g y m , it w a s p r o m o t e d by a private p r o d u c t i o n concern w h o had b o o k e d t h e Airplane for $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 . T h e n u m b e r of t i c k e t s offered for sale t o t h e c a m p u s c o m m u n i t y has come u n d e r severe criticism. More than half of t h e 6 4 0 0 tickets were sold off c a m p u s s o t h e promoter could realize a greater profit. 1 7 5 0 of the 3 2 0 0 t i c k e t s w e r e sold on c a m p u s for t h e m i d n i g h t show; t h e n u m b e r w a s decreased to 1250 for t h e earlier c o n c e r t . "When y o u ' v e g o t t h a t m a n y people attending from off campus," S t u d e n t Association President Dave Neufeld observed, " t h e n t h e c o n c e r t s h o u l d n ' t be held on c a m p u s . " T h e reason t h e con««?rt b e c a m e a university function w a s because the p r o m o t i o n c o m p a n y — A r d e e P r o d u c t i o n s - - a p p r o a c h e d University Concert Board officials with his offer a n d was t u r n e d d o w n . Concert Board did n o t have t h e available m a n p o w e r , it w a s reasoned. There had b e e n c o n c e r t s on t h e three previous w e e k e n d s and a n o t h e r s c h e d u l e d for this weekend. It was felt security officers and t h e janitorial staff deserved a rest. Ironically, these same people found t h e m s e l v e s working t h e Airplane c o n c e r t ; they never did get t h e e x p e c t e d reprive. T h e J u n i o r Class d i d n ' t have the necessary m a n p o w e r either. In any event, S.A. officials were displeased over t h e fact t h a t large numbers of n o n - s t u d e n t s w e r e given access t o t i c k e t s al t h e expense of t h e s t u d e n t b o d y . S.A. Vice President Mike Lampert told this r e p o r t e r ; " I t ' s had practice a n d we d o n ' t intend to let it happen a g a i n . " But J u n i o r Class President T o m LaBarbera, w h o w a s u l t i m a t e l y responsible for having t h e class sponsor the event, disagreed. " W e felt we could give s t u d e n t s an extra c o n c e r t , " he said. He claimed t h a t s t u d e n t s benefitted in that they were able t o secure a limited n u m b e r of t i c k e t s for t h e reduced rate of $ 3 . 5 0 . But t h e p r o b l e m lies in t h e fact that the profits from the event will go to t h e A r d e e P r o d u c t i o n s , rather that the Class of ' 7 2 . T h u s , un event was held o n c a m p u s , with many tickets sold t o n o " ' ••tudenta, a n d w i t h t h e profit (if there is any after d e d u c t i o n s are m a d e for damages) going t o a private p r o m o t e r . LaBarbera justified this by claiming that s t u d e n t s would not have purchased many of t h e available tickets. This was t h e only way s t u d e n t s could get a c h a n c e t o hear t h e Airplane, and t h a t t h e promoter will probably lose m o n e y a n y w a y after the damages to t h e gym are paid. " H e p r o b a b l y w o n ' t c o m e o u t with a d i m e , " LaBarbera said. Nevertheless, S t u d e n t Association officials were critical of the fact t h a t a private p r o m o t e r was b r o u g h t in, and t h a t s t u d e n t interests were sacrificed for e c o n o m i c expediency. They pointed out t h a t m a n y s t u d e n t s were forced to buy tickets at t h e full price of $5.00 after the cheaper tickets were sold o u t . This allowed t h e p r o m o t e r t o increase his profit. For t h e Albany S t a t e s t u d e n t , the c o n c e r t , in perspective, appeared to be a poor bargain indeed. S o m e were injured — including LaBarbera, w h o suffered a gash in t h e leg and an usher w h o was p u m m e l e d by potential gate crashers. Some had t o pay a high price for tickets. O t h e r s were caught in t h e crowd crush outside the g y m doors. And, of course, the profits (if a n y ) is something the s t u d e n t s will never see. T h e m o s t obvious o p e r a t i o n of Refer is its p h o n e s w i t c h b o a r d . A b o u t forty t o fifty calls c o m e in a d a y . It was organized seven m o n t h s ago a n d has h a n d l e d a b o u t 7 , 0 0 0 calls since t h e n . It was organized in March after several m o n t h s of planning a n d h o p i n g by Dave Webster, a n e w c o m e r to Albany w h o felt a reed here for such a service, ana" Dick T r y o n , a former minister in Guilderland. T h e calls break d o w n into general information during t h e day a n d m o r e personal advice-wan ted p r o b l e m s in the evening and night. T h e r e are a b o u t thirty t o forty o p e r a t o r s w h o m a n t h e p h o n e s a r o u n d the clock. T h e Refer side of o n e p h o n e call goes like t h i s ; " H e l l o , m a y I help y o u ? . . . J u s t a s e c o n d , w e have it right here (checks listing)...Do y o u k n o w w h e r e t h e Albany C o u n t y Health Clinic is'.'...Ferry a n d Green, t h a t ' s right. T h e y have t h e test y o u w a n t o n M o n d a y , Wednesday, F r i d a y , ten t o twelve. Can you m a k e it t h e n ? . . . G o o d , if everything d o e s n ' t work o u t , call us back. B y e . " No n a m e s asked, no j u d g m e n t r e n d e r e d . Simply advice. Much of Refer's work involves simply giving addresses of o t h e r agencies. T h e r e are places in Albany to get free V D a n d p r e g n a n c y tests for t h o s e u n d e r \H w i t h o u t parental c o n s e n t . This is the t y p e of information they w a n t to disseminate. its o w n , t o t h e surprise of m a n y w h o felt A l b a n y could n o t s u p p o r t such an agency. Refer-type i n f o r m a t i o n a l a n d counseling agencies n o w n u m b e r a b o u t 2 0 0 n a t i o n w i d e , m o s t l y in cities and university c o m m u n i t i e s . There are several in this area besides Albany: S c h e n e c t a d y , Syracuse, and B e n n i n g t o n have t h e m . T h e staff includes several professionals (ministers, a psychologist, a nurse) a n d each evening a c o u p l e of counseling sessions t a k e place. However, m o s t of the p r o b l e m s a r e solved t h r o u g h p h o n e calls a l o n e . A large part of t h e calls c o m e from kids fifteen t o seventeen. Because m a n y of t h e m c a n ' t or d o n ' t w a n t to talk t o parents, a n d often c a n ' t cross t h e gap in life styles with teachers a n d e s t a b l i s h m e n t agencies, they call Refer. A large n u m b e r of these y o u n g e r p e o p l e call because they a r e afraid of getting c a u g h t a n d found o u t as they a r e u n d e r age. T h e y a r e a L s o ^eiiily u n a w a r e Q f their rights a n d t h e s e r v i c e s available in t h e c i t y . In helping high school age people, t h e staff finds the m o s t need a n d satisfaction. Members of t h e Refer staff give talks ( n o t lectures) at clubs a n d c o m m u n i t y groups. T h e y generally decline speaking a t school assemblies because they d o n ' t w a n t to be k n o w n as a n o t h e r " T h o u shall n o t " g r o u p . Refer tries t o be non-judgmental as much as possible. T h e y want people t o feel free t o c o n t a c t t h e agency a n d k n o w no o n e ' s going t o look d o w n o n t h e m regardless of their s i t u a t i o n . T h e staff wants e v e r y o n e t o k n o w t h e y a r e t h e r e t o help, because t h e y want t o , a n d it's nol just a j o b t o them. T h e p h o n e o p e r a t o r s are trained t h r o u g h sensitivity sessions a n d role playing, so t h a t they can u n d e r s t a n d a n d k n o w their o w n hang-ups a n d opinions a n d keep t h e m o u t of their advice. Talking to a n y o n e on t h e staff brings u p t h e s a m e phrases: we are non-judgmental, we handle a n y problem, we want to be t r u s t e d . Refer advertizes itself mostly by word of m o u t h a n d t h r o u g h t h e agencies of the y o u t h sub-culture a r o u n d A l b a n y : the coffee houses, b o u t i q u e s , a n d on WRPI. ( T h e y avoid the bubble-gum s t a t i o n s . ) T h e p r e s e n t set-up of Refer is hopefully just t h e beginning. If they can find t h e funds, t h e y w a n t t o set up a free clinic a t their present h o m e , a n d are feeling o u t plans for an u n s t r u c t u r e d " f r e e " high school a n d regular drug r a p sessions a m o n g users on Refer exists on a very small b u d g e t m a d e up of the premises. c o n t r i b u t i o n s , b a k e sales a n d a u c t i o n s T h e five Overall t h e r e is o n e p o i n t they want l o be clear. If residents are paid a small weekly salary when there are enough funds. T h e agency is presently holding you have a p r o b l e m or nand advice, c o n t a c t t h e m . f UNPffiSTANP,,, LOLY. CU rn( Bft&HTC-R fit*, [ U f H NOT Si, 1 6AP. Y f A H . WAD (VOU c*tUl>.> Alternatives to Education E V E R E T T REIMER will direct the c o n t i n u i n g discussion o f alternatives to obligatory schooling. A m o n g the leading critics w h o will participate are: & FSA COM T h e F a c u l t y - S t u d e n t Association is a non-profit organization that has been serving t h e State University of New York at Albany for twenty years. T h e scope of o u r services has grown from providing just b o o k s a n d food t o a s p e c t r u m that includes fourteen d e p a r t m e n t s ( t h e provision of b o o k s and food is still the primary service t h a t we provide). We operate by c o n t r a c t with the Central A d m i n i s t r a t i o n of the S l a t e University of New York. We are responsible t o our Board of Directors, which is comprised of Students, Faculty a n d Administrations from SUNY at Albany. George Brown George Dennison Edgar Friedenberg Paul Goodman John Hott Ivan lllich Christopher Jen::ks Herbert Kohl Milton Kotler Didier Piveteau Augusto Salazar Bondy Hanns-Albert Steger Each week t h r o u g h o u t live term, Everett Reinier will lu t a wide variety of services, we realize that .._e play a signi.icant factor in the everyday life of the w academic c o m m u n i t y . Many m i s c o n c e p t i o n s have been formulated a n d passed on about the n a t u r e of the Association. Sine do convene two meetings to review the key issues involved in de-schooling society. Bach invited guest will offer a course o n the subject of his choosing. An average of S E V E N courses on Although t h e misconceptions usually result from lack of i n f o r m a t i o n , they do tend to become magnified and more intense. They have d o n e so until they seem to be " l o c k e d " into the thinking of our University c o m m u n i t y . e d u c a t i o n will be available EACH M O N T H . T h e s t u d e n t w h o wishes lo c o n s t r u c t a term o f i n d e p e n d e n t study in Cuernavaca c a n , in any m o n t h , c o m b i n e courses which analyze schooling a n d e d u c a t i o n with o t h e r s o n Latin In order to make available pertinent i n f o r m a t i o n , we are initiating a program to e x t e n d thru this entire academic year. T h e program will include an airing of questions in the Albany S t u d e n t Press on a weekly basis, by means of a weekly column-advertisement tike this o n e that y o u are reading. America and with the regular CM DOC program of If you have a question, please take the time to write us a short n o t e . T h e question you have is probably of interest to a great n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s and faculty, Each m o n t h of Spanish i n s t r u c t i o n c o s t s $ 1 3 5 Each seminar course c o s t s $ 3 0 Please leave your note at the check cashing desk, Campus Center, addressed t o : Peter ft. Blais, Assistant t o the Director for S t u d e n t Relations. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Intensive Instruction in Spoken Spanish SUNY students can obtain further information on spending a term in Cuernavaca from either Dr. Frank Carrino (472-2972) or Eduardo Rivera (-157X21-1) For a complete catalog o l C I D O C courses (or the first part of 1071 Fur u (rue copy tit Everett Maimer's program tor thB spring discussion— Write to: CIDOC-Spring 1971 APDO. 479, C U E R N A V A C A , MEXICO PAGE 12 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS by Robert Mirett Danes Try For .500 Season Vs. HVCC Sat. senior quarterback Bill Flanagan. The complex triple-option offense which Coach Ford is using this year depends heavily on an experienced quarterback who can quickly read the moves of the defensive tackle and end, and then make the appropriate handoff or keep it himself. Flanagan, despite not having great physical ability was able to do this and thus made the Dane offense go much in the manner that James Street moved Darrel Royal's Texas team last year. Rick Petty and Gordie Kupperstein don't quite have the experience to do this yet though Petty, who has matured under fire, is coming on strong in this respect. Look for Rick to start this weekend. Coach Ford stated that, "The team gave 100 % at all times. It's just that too often a block was missed or a fumble made." Players cited for playing a fine game were Steve Finn at defensive tackle, Nick Conte at linebacker, and John Johnson at cornerback. On offense tacke Phil Lord, halfback Bernie Boggs and quarterback Petty rated a nod from their coach for fine efforts. Saturday's loss was especially disappointing because it was felt that unlike the Towson State and than Albany on the line. For Marist games, Albany was the instance 5-10 170 pound center Gary Klipp will be opposite a man better team. The State men will have to come 6-4 and 240 pounds. Unless the up with a great effort Saturday if Danes are " u p " mentally and prethey are to beat powerful Hudson pared physically they will get Valley Community College and hurt. After last Saturday the grideven their record at 3-3. HVCC ders figure to be "up." Another will be much bigger and stronger factor is the home field advantage. Coach Ford figures that this aspect is very important to a new, relatively inexperienced team such as Albany and the record seems to back the Coach up as the fledgling Danes are 2-0 at home while 0-3 on the road. It is therefore important that everyone go to the game Saturday and support the football team. THE ATTENDANCE AT the first two home football games was very impressive. This Saturday at 1:00 p.m., the team will meet a very tough Hudson Valley eleven. They need your support n o w m o r e 4. need than they did for the other encounters. This is your team; support it! -hards The applicant need not have participated in varsity athletics at Ablany. He should submit an autobiographical letter along with two letters of recommendation to Mr. Merlin Hathaway in the Physical Education Bu ilding. The by Jay Marshall the varsity along with transfer fast break more often this year. deadline for applications is "We're at leust 50% ahead of students Bob Rossi and John However, as Coach Sauers says Wednesday, November 25th. The where we were at this point last Quattrochi. "In order to fast break, you must name of the recipient will be year," said Coach Richard Siiuers, Competition for the starting first get the rebounds." A new decided before intercession- recess. noting the progress of this year's positions has been fierce. Sauers addition to this year's team, Don varsity basketball team after a remarked that none of the starting Joss, should help in that departscrimmage against the University slots has been filled, but added ment. of Hartford. Sauers has reason to that either Quattrochi or Dave Albany opens the season Decembe optimistic with starters Jack Welchons, who starred for the ber 1 at home against Williams. Jordan, Al Reid, Jim Masterson freshmen, can be expected to take The first part of the schedule, and Steve Sheehan returning. over the guard slot vacated by which includes the Seventh AnnuFour prospects from last year's Jack Adams' graduation. Expect al Pocono Classic Tournament in freshman team have moved up to the Great Danes to employ the Bast Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania, wilt be the toughest since most of the games wilt be played on the THE PATROON ROOM ANNOUNCES: road. The invitation to the Holiday Tournament is due to State's STUDENT DISCOUNTS TO THOSE WHO PRESENT good reputation in small college FOOD SERVICE MEAL CARDS! basketball circles. Sauers Optimistic Season Opener As Nears FORUM OF POLITICS pUUKU Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. This means that if you and/or your date have dinner contracts, you will be entitled to one dollar discount off of any dinner meal that is on our menu. The meal card you show must belong to you or your date and must be a bonafide, current Food Service meal contract with a dinner plan on it. (one meal per person). You can go to the second floor of the Campus Center from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday thru Friday and enjoy our dining experience. Offer starts November 16, 1970. Who Will Speak on Illusion & Reality Foreign in Affairs Monday, November CC B a l l r o o m a t 8 : 3 0 16th pm Coach Bob Munsey assessed his cross-countrymen's season as being "only good. Virus attacks were what prevented an outstanding year." In retrospect, thoug, the Harriers' 10-3 record included losses to three top-rated t e a m s Colgate, C.W. Post and LeMoyne. It was definitely the team's toughest schedule in its nine years and their best meets as a team this year were against RPI, Siena, and the Coast Guard. The coach noted that the men won often and ran well early in the season before being bogged down at the close. The biggest disappointment of the year was winding up with the loss to LeMoyne and the poor running against Colgate where the Harriers had a chance at an upset. That loss, to Colgate's best team ever, stole a great deal of initiative away from the Danes. "In cross country, without great depth, one or two men getting injured ci-n really hurt a team," said Munsey, "and that's what happened to us." In reviewing the varsity runners, Dennis Hacked ran very well but had his ups and downs. He ran no truly outstanding races but had several good ones. He's a junior and will be very tough to heal next year. Nick De Marco was "the brightest mark of the team" in Coach Munsey's opinion and along with fellow freshman John Koch they will form a formidable duo in years to come. Co-captains Pat Gepfert and Bill Meehan, kept the Learn in order and fired up but the "hard luck guy had to be John Comerford, a sophomore, and local boy from Catholic Central in Troy." He ran much too hard in the summer and when it came to the actual season he was "stale," related Munsey. "Later on he came down with a deep throat infection and never did reach the times he had run in the summer. Stateness refers to a mental state where a peak is reached followed by a mental regression, while physically speaking, nothing happens. Larry Frederick, who was the Danes' lop runner in 1968, had his leg broken very badty last year and had it in a cast for eleven months. In effect, he was far off his previous times and after each race his legs would pull' up. He will be hack next year, probably stronger than ever before, with Sal Rodriguez and John Stanton and the remaining varsity men. Lost for next year will be seniors Orville Eucker, a quarter and half Problems Seen in Soccer Program Warden Scholarship Applications arc now being accepted for the James Warden Scholarship. This $200 grant was established by the Class of 1951 in the name of James Warden, a scholar athelte at Albany. There are four criteria involved in choosing a recipient. 1. Scholarship 2. interest in athletics 3. character and service ALBANY STUDENT PRESS You will enjoy some of the finest food in the Albany area, prepared to individual order. With each dinner comes an invitation to help yourself %o our salad bar that includes a large selection of delightful salads and relishes. You will wine and dine with every need graciously attended to by our Patroon Room staff. In order to maintain an elegant atmosphere, we request men to wear jacket and tie, with appropriate dress for the women. Reservations only, call, 467-4833. COMING SOON-THE PATROON ROOM ON WEEKENDS Faculty Student Association oftheState University of New Yorkat Albany ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT PAGE 13 Future Uncertain For Harriers THE ASP SPORTS by John Carter The Great Dane football team invaded the north country Saturday and was repulsed by a fired up Plattsburgh eleven 28-0. The long breakaway run proved to be Albany's undoing. As Coach Bob Ford stated, "We played two games Saturday. In one of them our defense gave up 200 plus yards and 28 points in four plays. In the other we held them to 130 yards in fifty-eight plays." Unfortunately the first game for overshadowed the second because the offense proved too inconsistent to mount a sustained drive. Quarterback Dee DeNato broke away 54 yards for the first Plattsburgh score early in the first period. Keith Wheeler scored from 60 yards out later in that stanza. In the third quarter halfback John Carpenter capped a 70 yard 12 play drive with a 23 yard scoring run. The last Cardinal tally came in the fourth quarter on a 55 yard run by second string quarterback Gary Ross. The Dane offense sputtered because of numerous small mistakes. Fumbles, missed blocks, etc. precluded a Dane score. One of the main reasons the offense proved to be ineffective was the loss of TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 The Great Danes face a tough challenge this Saturday when Brockport visits Albany for » scrimmage. Brockport participated in the NCAA college division tournament last year. If Albany can hold its own against Brockport, prospects for a successful year will be very good. THE SCHEDULE: DECEMBER 1 WILLIAMS '1 at Stony Brook Oat Plattsburgh 12 at Binghamton 28-29 Capital District Tournament (RPI, Siena, Union) Apologies to Tom Sears (STB) who was voted to the League I first team as a punter. His name was left out of Last Tuesday's The varsity soccer team defeated Union 4-0 last week to close out its season on a winning note. The victory moved the team's record to 3-8-1. Forwards Fred Campbell and Demetrios Michael each posted two goals for the Danes while goalie John Thayer notched his second shutout of the season. Sport Shorts The Wome n '» I n tercotlegia UBasketball team is conditioning and practicing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this month in preparation for the itseason. Coach Palm expressed hopes for a good season and is pleased with some of the new people who are trying out for the team. The newcomers, along with the returnees from last year's squad, are showing a lot of promise in practice and these people should develop into a fine team. :- Entry forms for Tug of War matches may be obtained in the Intramural Office, PE 134. The matches will be held during hair Lime of the varsity basketball games. Thu AMIA Full Swim Muel will he hold on Tuesday, December 1st. Entry forma arc still available NEED HELP? Upstate Abortion Service 809-771? Referral EBBIE m EEP The faculty swim hou rs for the remainder or the academic yuar will ho from 12:16 to 1:1 ft on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY Coach Bob Munsey has led the Harriers to an astonishing 77-15 record over the nine years that the sport has been a part of the school's athletic program. Association of College Unions Listen to Clubhouse Journal with Elliot Niremberg for the Contests in billiards, bowling, latest in Campus Sports. From I n ter v lews to Editorials-every bridge, chess and table tennis, Monday night at 8:30 p.m. on sponsored by the Association of College Unions (ACU), will take WSUA radio 640 on your dial. place from Monday, November 30 through Saturday, December 5, 1970. All events will be conducted in the Campus Center except for table tennis which will take place in the gymnasium. Registration forms for each event may be obtained at the Campus Center information desk. Please return the entry forms lo Winners in the first round of the CC 137. AMI A Soccer Tournament were Sludents desiring lo (Miter the GDX, KB and APA by forfeits tournament must have amateur and STB which was an K-0 victor status, which is defined as never overTXO having accepted cash or merchanThe schedule for this week is as follows: Tuesday: GDX vs. KB' 3:00 p.m. Wednesday: Aces vs. ALC 3:00 p.m. BPS vs. EEP-Inl'l Winner 3:00 Thursday: p.m. TXO vs. STB-APA winner 3:00 p.m. ton KB-GDX winner vs. Aces-ALC winner 3:00 p.m. Coach Bill Schieffelin's squad improved on last year's 1-7-3 slate but obviously, just barely. State's record indicates the sad situation that the university soccer program is faced with. To begin with, the turnout al the beginning of the year was very small. This creates lack of depth. What this means is lhal a player does nol feel forced to compete well in order to hold his starting position because then' is no one behind him to take ii away. Secondly, and probably niosl important, due to the stringent admission standards at (lie University, il is difficult lo gel good ballplayers (a problem that every coach al Albany fares but, never theles.s, one that still exists). Thirdly, this year, lhe team found il very difficult lo score goals. Il seemed as if lhe net lhe Danes were shooting at was considerably smaller than the one they had lo defend. For in formation concerning Unfortunately, there is no easy games after Thursday, check with remedy to any of these problems. lhe Intramural office. -9*' Entries are still being accepted for the AMIA Squash and Hand ball Ladder Tournaments. The deadline for registration is tomorrow, Wednesday, November I 1th. Entry forms may be obtained in Room 134 of the Physical Education Building. miler, on the track team, Bill Meehan and Pat Gepfert. Bright prospects on the J.V. include Joseph Riley, William Sorel and Terry Slocum. In the short-range future the team appears to be much tougher next year as there are a number of runners, waiting on the sidelines who can run with or ahead of Hackett. In the long range, the Harriers will get better and better but the opposition seems to be getting better and quicker and at a faster rate than we are. Teams we have previously beaten have begun to beat us even though we've gotten better, is the way the coach put it. The university has an unrealistic approach to recruiting and "we just can't get the kids in the school" (prospective cross countrymen, with 89-90 averages and regent scholarship scores in the 2-10's, have been rejected admission). Willi competition for athletic material so fierce nowadays Lhe Harriers' future is a fuzzy one as long as the university continues its present policy of recruitment. dise prizes in the sport they plan to participate in. After registering their "ID cards with the University, students should contact one of the following persons: Billiards, Dan Burns, •157-6764; Bowling, Nelson Swart, 457-6314; Bridge, Tom Trifon, 438-7951; Chess, Lee Battes, 189-6751; Table Tennis, Rich Sylves, 439-4820. The competition will be available to both male and female students. The winners of the local tournament will be eligible to compete in the Region II contest, which will be hosted by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy on February I 1 through 13, 1971. tk ^Ut School m e e t i n g of friends of t h e F r e e School i te at 7:30 pm I n CC 3 2 0 PAGE 14 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS DAY CARE CENTER: PROMISE AND PROBLEMS by Debbie Natanson C o n t r a r y t o p o p u l a r belief, t h e Day Care C e n t e r is alive a n d well, a n d living in Pierce Hall. Cons t r u c t i o n will b e finished o n Nove m b e r 1 3 t h , earlier t h a n sched u l e d , a n d m o s t e q u i p m e n t has already been purchased. B u t t w o p r o b l e m s remain unsolved: first, w h e t h e r t h e D a y Care Center will be able t o o p e r a t e after J u n e , 1 9 7 1 , a n d s e c o n d l y , w h e t h e r it will be a u t o n o m o u s . o n l y t w o representatives. This denies a basic premise of t h e Day Care C e n t e r - t h a t it s h o u l d be parent-controlled and thus auton o m o u s . A t a recent b o a r d meeting, W o m e n ' s Lib leader Liz Ewen declared t h a t t h e " e n t i r e b o a r d s h o u l d be m a d e u p of parents a n d staff." N o c o n t r o l by the School of Social Welfare o r a n y o t h e r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n bureau is desired. Aside from t h e q u e s t i o n of m o n ey, representatives from t h e Women's Liberation F r o n t , w h o s e efforts resulted in t h e creation of t h e D a y Care Center, a r e dissatisfied with t h e c o n t r o l t h a t t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a s over t h e center. T h e Women's L i b g r o u p h a s been given only t h r e e representatives o n the board of directors of the c e n t e r , with parents getting T h e problem of funding Tor the center past this fiscal year is o n e or crucial i m p o r t a n c e . At a recent meeting of State University Presidents, it was decided t h a t schoolrun d a y care centers should be self-supporting and that state funds should n o t be used t o supp o r t t h e m . However, a s t u d y was ordered t o look into the matter. At t h e present time, Albany State's Day Care Center is funded by a $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 grant, unfrozen SA funds, a n d surplus budget monies. Thus, o u r Day Care C e n t e r is t h e General Electric's been building bigger jet engines for 30 years. When are they going to start building cleaner jet engines? Not many people know that General Electric started building a jet engine in 1941. America's first jet engine. That jet produced only 1200 pounds of thrust. Our newest jet, for the DC-10, produces around 50,000 pounds of thrust. In the early days of jet aviation, the important thing was thrust. But suddenly our skies are filled with jets. And, suddenly, jet pollution is a major problem. General Electric tackled it head on when building the DC-10 engines. And we accomplished two things. When you see the DC-10 take to the air, you'll see no black marks against the sky. Because the engines make virtually no smoke. Of course, there's more lo jet exhaust than just smoke. Our goal is someday to make jets run totally clean. Another problem w i t h jets is noise. If you've ever lived anywhere near an airport, we don't have to tell you that. General Electric has been working on noise, too. GE was chosen by the federal government to help solve this problem for the aviation industry. At present, we know of no way a powerful turbofan engine can be made noiseless. But we've made progress in that direction. The DC-IOengines, for instance, arc quieter than any jet engines on the passenger planes of the Sixties Quieter, even though they're more than three times as powerful. We have more work to do before we'll satisfy all the people concerned about jel p o l l u t i o n , ourselves included. But because we've been working at it since the mid-Fifties, before it was widely recognised as much of a problem, GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC we've already crossed some important hurdles. Why are we running this ad? We're running this ad, and others like it, to tell you the things General Electric is doing to solve the problems of man and his environment today. The problems concern us because ihey concern you. We're a business and you are potential customers and employees. But there's another, more important reason. These problems will affect the future of this country and this planet. We have a stake in that future. As businessmen. And, simply, as people. We invite your comments. Please write to General Electric, S70 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. only o n e being r u n b y State funds. W h e t h e r o r n o t this will be allowed t o c o n t i n u e is in d o u b t . President Louis T . Benezet has v o w e d t o l o b b y in favor of the c o n t i n u a t i o n o f t h e D a y Care Center. A supplemental budget r e q u e s t will b e s u b m i t t e d in March ( w h e n t h e fiscal year ends) so t h a t t h e c e n t e r m a y be funded at least until J u n e . After t h a t it's a n y o n e ' s guess. In answer t o this, it was decided t h a t t h e p r e s e n t b o a r d , which includes a d m i n i s t r a t i o n representatives, would be t e m p o r a r y , until the Day Care C e n t e r was set up and running o n its o w n . No specific date was d e c i d e d upon for a new board t o be c h o s e n . A specific d a t e was set. u p , however, for t h e o p e n i n g of the center- December 1st. T h e o n c e dingy, dark b a s e m e n t library of Pierce Hall is n o w a cheery, carp e t e d , white r o o m with knee-high sinks a n d p l e n t y of play area. F o u r t e e n children a r e n o w enrolled a n d a b o u t 115 a p p l i c a t i o n s in all have been received. T h e c e n t e r has r o o m for 4 6 c h i l d r e n , 16 of which will be infants. Mrs. Blair B a r r e t t , d i r e c t o r of the D a y Care C e n t e r , has said that financial aid will be t h e basis lor a d m i t t i n g c h i l d r e n . This is because of t h e high c o s t of baby-sitting in the h o m e . T h e c e n t e r will be usin(! the same schedule of fees t h a t the welfare d e p a r t m e n t uses for welfare recipients, starting o u t at SO cents per week a n d going u p t o 1 5 dollars per week d e p e n d i n g on the income of t h e p a r e n t s . T h e r e are still openings, so a n y o n e with any range of income can still apply. At t h e p r e s e n t time, m o r e applications have been processed for infants than for older children. T h e a p p a r e n t reason for t h e number of infant a p p l i c a t i o n s is the fact that A l b a n y ' s Day Care Center is a l m o s t u n i q u e in t h e handling of babies as y o u n g as six m o n t h s . Very few facilities are available t o house babies so t h a t a m o t h e r can s t u d y o r w o r k . T h e infants a t t h e c e n t e r will have their o w n r o o m e q u i p p e d with cribs a n d diaper-changing facilities. All age g r o u p s will have b o t h i n d o o r a n d o u t d o o r activities. A l t h o u g h t o y s have already been p u r c h a s e d , d o n a t i o n s of cribs r e c o r d players, a T V , tricycles, t o y cars, or a n y t h i n g imaginable will be gratefully accepted. T h e Day Care C e n t e r , t h e n , promises t o be a successful a n d h a p p y place for t h e children t o be a t the present t i m e . B u t w h a t a b o u t plans for t h e future? T h e r e are certainly enough facilities for e xpansion, b u t will t h e administration be able t o provide t h e m o n e y su t h a t m o r e a n d m o r e people can take advantage of t h e center'.' Mrs. Barrett w o u l d like t o sec t h e Day Care Center " e x p a n d e d as far as it can go,..opened n o t only l o s t u d e n t s b u t t o faculty, staff, a n d the c o m m u n i t y as well." T h e only c h a n c e for this occurring and for t h e c o n t i n u a n c e of a day care c e n t e r as promising as tins o n e is the acquisition of slate funds. It is u p t o t h e admin istration t o c o n v i n c e t h e budget directors a n d t h e Chancellor thai it is essential for a university c o m m u n i t y such as ours t o have a day care c e n t e r , a n d thai state funds should s u p p o r t it. President Benezet said, in regard t o the Day Care Center, " T o me, lliis is a real v e n t u r e . " All those c o n c e r n e d with t h e c e n t e r h o p e t h a t II"' venture turns o u t t o be a success ful one. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 15 FIVE EASY PIECES > ^ * * * * * * } - * xj-* %• A Must-See For AH FIVE E A S Y P I E C E S is t h e greatest, m o s t h u m a n e film I've seen this year. It is s o hard t o convey, t h r o u g h language, t h e wealth of h u m a n e m o t i o n t h a t this movie evokes. L a n g u a g e , however, is t h e o n l y t h i n g w e h a v e besides the physical m e a n s of e x pression, t o c o m m u n i c a t e t h o s e feelings of affection a n d love between o n e a n o t h e r . Y e t if t h e r e ever was a film t h a t tried t o reach out for its a u d i e n c e , t h e n it is surely this o n e . F I V E E A S Y PIECES is a film with a soul. Jack Nicholson, w h o stole t h e "easy r i d e " from F o n d a a n d Hopper, plays R o b e r t D u p e a , a concert trained pianist, w h o runs away from his c u l t u r e d p a s t t o t h e tough, oil-rigging fields of t h e southwest in search of t h e solution t o his restless dissatisfaction with life. His self-centered alienation, however, prevents h i m from really u n d e r s t a n d i n g o r caring from those p e o p l e s u r r o u n d i n g him. He treats his s c a t t e r b r a i n e d girl friend R a y e t t e , played with great warmth a n d a n x i o u s h u m o r by Karen Black, like a disposable beer c a n . Dupea is as indifferent to his co-workers as he is to his family, a group of artistic s n o b s who act as callous as he d o e s . The only o n e he s e e m s t o have any real relationship w i t h is h i s sister, and y e t he occasionally lies to her as well. T o say h e is a cold hearted bastard is t o o s i m p l e . Like experimental theater They opened the season with Feifferology, third in a series of ever-popular Feiffer sketches, d i r e c t e d by W.C. Doscher, and t h e e x t r e m e l y well received p r o t e s t musical, Viet Rock, directed by D o u g Wager which was the first s t u d e n t directed full-length p r o d u c t i o n in t h e Experimental T h e a t r e p r o g r a m . This week on Friday a n d Saturday, N o v e m b e r 1.3 a n d M , at 7:30 and 9 : 0 0 PM, in t h e Arena Theatre, three n e w plays will be produced. D a p h n e , an original tone piece by Mary Eileen O'Donnel, S U N Y A grad, will be presented on a d o u b l e bill with Village Shaw. W.C. Doscher, w h o has vided Experimental iences with c o m e d y level in shows like Rex, is trying his more serious piece already p r o T h e a t r e auda t its highest t h e musical h a n d at t h e T h e Shaw c o m e d y is being directed by Allan C o h e n The third play, Masks of Angels, by Czech playwright N o t i s Pcryalis, directed by Alan C e p p o s , will be performed o n S a t u r d a y night There is no admission charge t o any E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e p r o d u c t i o n ; t h e y a s k only t h a t y o u c o m e early enough t o insure yourselve seating a n d c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e p o o r box t h a t keeps this p r o g r a m running at a minimal e x p e n s e t o all. On M O N D A Y ' N O V E M B E R 16, at 3 : 3 0 PM, in PAC 3 5 a d i r e c t o r s Gary Maggio, Mary C a r n e y a n d writer-director Ali H a z z a h will hold auditions Tor E x p e r i m e n t a l Theatre p r o d u c t i o n s t o b e held on December 11 a n d 12. G a r y will be auditioning for T H E F A T H E R , an original play by grad s t u d e n t T i m Brennan, with parUi available for two males and o n e rernale. Mary Carney will be directing T H E BOOR by Chekhov, with roles available for t w o m i l m a n d o n o female. Ali Hazzah will b e directe d his o w n w o r k , T H E LADY FROM B U D A P E S T , c u s t i n g a sin8I« male role. all o f us, he h a s been c o n d i t i o n e d t o hide his e m o t i o n s a n d real a m b i t i o n s . T h e tragedy of B o b b y D u p e a is essentially t h e tragedy o f us all. T h e word alienation, like freed o m a n d love, has been a b u s e d b y the cynical suspicions of critics w h o believe that a n y H o l l y w o o d backed a n d based movie c a n n o t deal with these t h e m e s h o n e s t l y . T r u e , this film exhibits the same style of an EASY R I D E R b u t w h e t h e r it's critics w a n t t o believe it or n o t Ihey are t w o distinctly different films. PIECES is slower a n d more precise in its characterizations and construction, a n d unlike R I D E R deal specifically with i d e n t i t y crisis rather than freedom. T h e people look a n d a c t like average h u m a n beings instead of I he glossy stereotypes that a b o u n d in o t h e r films of this genre. Tile situations deal will) people as they live day by d a y . O n e of the films greatest m o m e n t s c o m e s when Nicholson, caught in freeway traffic, leaps u p on a panel truck a n d uncovers a player piano. He starts to play a classical piece and instantly t h e m e t a p h o r of his h o n k e y t o n k way of life is fused with his past life as an a c c o m p l i s h e d pianist. Director B o b R a p h e l s o n a n d scenarist Adrien Joyce have fashioned an unforgettable film t h a t is neither a " n o w , " y o u t h fcoriented p r o d u c t i o n or a s t o d g y , (commercial piece of cliched entert a i n m e n t . T h e real messiah of t h e film is Laszle Kovacs, w h o is (slowly gaining a r e p u t a t i o n as the (greatest c i n e m a l o g r a p h e r in films t o d a y . T h e poetic images of c l o u d banked skys and chiaroscuro s i l h o u e t t e s against t h e h o r i z o n s are w h a t gives this m o v i e t h e quality a n d forcefulness n e e d e d t o p r e s e n t its h u m a n s t a t e m e n t . T h e u n i q u e blend of c o u n t r y western a n d classical music also a d d s m o o d l o this fast-paced film. T h e critics are right w h e n they suspicion t h a t F I V E E A S Y PIECES will b e c o m e a cult movie with the public, giving rise t o a whole group o f lesser, p h o n e } , alienation films. Yet I have t o reject the cynicism that prevents t h e m from feeling w h a t this film honestly deals w i t h : e m o t i o n . They tend to become antisentiment rationalists when it c o m e s t o analysing films a b o u t the h u m a n c o n d i t i o n . Unfortunately, I find this t o b e a convenient c o p - o u t a m o n g these p e o ple, w h o feel t h e y m u s t o b jectively justify their every e m o t i o n . This seems t o be a w a y of avoiding s o m e t h i n g they d o n o t wish t o think a b o u l . For me the m o s t real, m y t h smashing m o m e n t c o m e s when Nicholson a n d his paralyzed father sit in a field overlooking a n ocean inlet. Nicholson begins t o softly cry trying t o apologize for his failures while t h e o l d m a n , w h o c a n n o t speak, shifts his placid face into an expression of s o r r o w a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g . It is PACIFIC GAS and Electric Company at the Amory this Sunday, worth t h e entire film t o see this supreme m o m e n t of s e n t i m e n t a l sponsored by Zebra Enterprises. compasssion. I I d o n ' t want t o s t a r t moralizing * Concerts: "Mountain" and "Euclid"-Union College-Friday b u t go t o F I V E EASY PIECES with a close friend, as I did. When you begin t o laugh a n d cry with this film y o u will u n d e r s t a n d the greatest pleasure of k n o w i n g what it means t o be alive. * "Pacific Gas and Electric Co."; "Grateful Dead"-Armory^J * Sunday * * Theatre: Experimental Theatre—3 plays-Friday, P.A.C. * J Films: S t a t e Q u a d - " A r o u n d T h e World In Eighty D a y s " * I Hellman—"Five Easy P i e c e s " J « Hellman T o w n e - " J O E " * *************************************************************** # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Top Artists! Major Labels! * * * * * * Many, Many More! Classics Included! * * * Come Early lor Best Selection. * * * * * * * # Staft University Bookstore * * * * * i t SAVE UP TO $3.00 Get Your Favorites a t Big Discounts! i J*************************************************************'* PRICE FIVE OFF CAMPUS CAMPUS 'JM M V t UCENTS t N I S Ut'F ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 16 *- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1970 Albany Student Press X James R. Williams: New Life for Campus Security •FContents copyright 1970. Vol. LVII No. 35 State University of New York at Albany How would you control robberies on campus? Frankly, I don't think that that type of crime can be helped by the trippling or quadrupling of the security force...I don't think the students want a uniformed security force on every floor. Suppose the instances of armed robbery increased... How do you think we could control that without putting other students uptight? You mean without arming the security force? Well, I'll ask you that, then: Do you think we should arm the Security Force? I agree with the trustees, or whoever made this regulation; I think it's possible to do effective police work—crime detection, arrests, all the traditional facets of police work—being unarmed...It's one thing tc conjure up all sorts of ideas about what might happen: Certainly the Security Police could not handle someone holed up with a rifle or n pistol shooting at the place; you'd probably have to call on outside police forces. But to use that as a basis for arming the Security Force? How likely is that event to occur? Not very likely. On what grounds might you call in local police? As I understand it, it will not be me who calls in the outside police force. Would you be in favor of a student review board or grievance cormittee? I think so, but I think also that there's a bit of a problem, since everybody on the Security Force with the exception of myself is under the State Civil Service. Here again you're going along guidelines that you really have no control over? Yes. The only other word you could come up with would be "advisory," and 1 think a lot of students might get upset at that word because it means, well "we're put up as symbols and we don't have any other role." That's just the way it is under the Civil Under those conditions, then, would you favor it or do you think it would be ineffective and useless? No, certainly it wouldn't be ineffective or useless; even though it would be "advisory," it would depend on what the Director and Assistant Director of Security thought of it, and what backing that board got from the president of the university^ the administration. From everything I've read, the administration seems to be quite favorably disposed toward having such a board. CONTACT WITH YOUTH THE UNIVERF11Y AND THE CITY What affective experiences have you had as u parole officer dealing with young people? The age group I dealt with as a parole officer was from 17 to 30...Many of the younger ones, let's say 19, 18 or so...started off in juvenile court; I used to say, "I didn't get caught, that's the only reason I'm sitting on this side of the table carrying a badge and they're on the other side." I found that what they desired wasn't too different from what I wanted myself, as a human being. DRUGS What do you think a security force's role would be in controlling drugs? From some of the things I've observed in metro politan police departments, there's an emphasis on arresting users; this is wasted effort, it gets you good headlines...My personal feeling is that any investigative efforts should be directed toward the pusher. I think the Security Force at the University is strictly a functioning portion of the University administration; in other words, the Security Department does not make up its own rules as to what it will enforce, what it will not enforce. So on most problems of security policy you'd follow the administration line? I think we wonid have to; because I think 1 see a lot of dangers in the United Stales today if police departments tend to feel themselves solely answerable to themselves for their actions. STUDENT INFLUENCE ON SECURITY How do you think students should get involved in the Security Force? Do you have any ideas on communication* between students and Security? 1 think we should bring the roles of the security officer and student closer together, for instance by Do you feel than a security force might he able to influence community police, or make a good impression oon Albany itself? it would have to he the indirect method; 1 don't think the police department should he in the role of leading anybody lo do anything. It's just not a function of the police forces, because police forces are servants, strictly that, arms of the executive. But as an individual, perhaps yes.... 1 think that if you could work on getting the majority of the student body registered to vote, you might have much more effect. FILES ON STUDENT ACTIVISTS .1/ present there are no files on student activists on rumpus; do you feel this might serve the needs of the Security Police Force, keeping files on the students who might cause trouble' The only thing I can answer to that is, it often gets out of band; because it's very difficult, well it's impossible to predict what someone is going to do. You get a firebrand orator; is he actually going to do what he says? You don't knuw. What happens is, most departments, in order to play il sale, catagori/.e everybody as potentially dangerous radicals and they keep a file on thorn, I think that's been much abused.... Again the Security Force is .in arm of the executive, and I don't think they want to start maintaining a list of potential radicals. Well, how about to protect yourself The Security Police might have personal feelings about this. 1 don't think that the file actually does much good other than just create a lot of ill reeling right now. You know, under the law of the land, you get arrested for acts that you do, specific actions that violate one of the laws, not for what vou say or wht you think or what you write about. Tuesday, November 17, 1970 by AI Senia young hiring students as security officers or on the other hand by encouraging security officers to go to school for a degree. This, I think, would be very helpful: to bring the two rotes together, so that the Security Force is not looked on as an alien body. K MM&Mtotea James R. Williams, 29, was named last month to the new post of Director of Campus Security (ASP.October 23, 1970). Mr. Williams, chosen unanimously by a search committee chaired by Robert Stierer, Assistant Vice President for Management and Planning was the youngest of the dozens of candidates considered for the post The selection of Mr. Williams put an end to a period of controversy during which several students objected to the methods of the search committee; many of the other candidates being considered were specialists in military engineering, experienced in Southeastern Asian affairs. Mr. Williams is experienced in various areas of social and police work in his home town of Indianapolis. He has served as a parole officer for the Department of Corrections, a caseworker for the Department of Public Welfare, and his present job, the associate director of the Human Rights Commission, He is on the board of directors of PACE, Inc., a United Fund agency advocating correctional reform. A graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, Long Island, Mr. Williams is now a lieutenant in the naval reserve and a candidate for an M.A. in history and political science at Butler University. Although he does not take office here at the University until December 3, Mr. Williams agreed to an interview with the ASP this past weekend, during a short stay in Albany. This reporter found him willing and able, in the brief time he had for discussion, to respond directly to a wide range of sensitive issues. Below are excerpts covering the salient topics of that interview. ROBBERIES AND ARMED POLICE ^ ^ ARRESTS AND UNDERCOVER WORK Do you feet that arrests are useful in controlling a gathering that seems to be getting out of hand? That might be very provocatory; in a crowd, if the police observe an individual throw a firebomb, for instance, it might be more harmful at that point to go in and try to take him out of that crowd than it would be just to identiby him and arrest him quietly later. To answer what your question implies, the police department does not have the authority to ignore state law, to say we will not enforce this particular state law. Do you feel we should have an undercover agent? No; well, again, you can't just completely rule them out, but the abuses of using undercover agents are dangerous in themselves. I think I'm very much in favor of-what are they talking about now- "blazer boys"? Because the Crime Commission report of 1965 or '66 (recommended three levels of police officers; the "police aide" who would help in a lot of the dirty work that police do now- taking down reports, getting cats out of trees; and then there would be a Community Service Officer, the highest level police officer you could be.... A kind of quasi-social worker, so to speak; he'd have to be college-educated, this type of thing. So you'd like more plainsclothesmen, but plainclot hen men whom we know? Yes, whom you would know. Apparently these positions, regardless of what my opinions are, have been approved by the state. Hut these would be known Oh, yes. policemen? However, they wouldn't wear uniforms-' They'd wear, from what 1 understand, easily identifiable blazers and gray trousers; they'd stand out, and even if they didn't stand out the students would know who they are. STUDENT VIOLENCE Unrest has been exaggerated, I'll just say that, if was played up across the nation for the November elections, exaggerated totally out of proportion to what actually happened. And I'm not in favor of using potential arguments of what might happen-Centainly a group of 10,000 students can be extremely destructive, and you can imagine all soils of things that mighl happen if an unruly crowd of 10,000 students got out of hand. You could use this as a justification for acquiring helicopters, tanks, everything. Well, that's what I'm trying to imagine, though, right now Well, I don't want to imagine that, because I think it's a street where there's no end; the end would be Police State, probably. Hut certainly a police force should be prepared for something like that Again, this is the argument used across the country by those who are currying "dunvdum" bullets in their rifles, and even in their pistols. You know, "We're ready, we're prepared." Hut then you've got all Ibis armament and il becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You come up on situations heavily armed that in the past were dealt with rather routinely and nothing much happened; hut now you see il as u riot and so you over-react. photos by david comarow Mayor Defends Tobin by Neitl B Shanahun Excerpts of ASP's interview with Mayor Corning appear on page eight. Mayor Erastus Corning defended Tobin Packing Company Thursday and said that the alleged polluter is "doing everything that the present state of technology will permit them to d o " to correct the dumpage of waste materials into Patroon Creek. The major charged that numerous other organizations are equally responsible for the pollution of Patroon Creek as Tobin'sand cited SUNY Albany, Killip Launderers and Dry Cleaners and Normanskill Septic Tank Cleaners. He also claimed that Manning Paper Company of Green Island produces "over half the entire amount of industrial pollution that goes into the Hudson River." With the projected completion of the Patroon Creek Intercept and the Albany Sewage Treatment plants in 1972, the mayor said, all pollutors cited "will be completely in keeping with the rules and regulations on water standards for both Patroon Creek and the Hudson River," In effect, therefore, Mayor Corning claimed that all the pollutors in Albany County - whose total pollution has caused the Stale Health Department to lisl Albany as a "major" polluter - are doing their utmost lo correct the situation and that the city is doing its utmost as well. The mayor made his comments in an interview requested by him with the Albany Student Press and WSUA. Following the publication -f the allegations against Tobin in the November 3rd issue of the ASP, the mayor had let it be known that he wished to present his side of the story. Mayor Corning stated thai all organizations responsible for the pollulion had agreed to join the Albany sewage treatment project when completed, and he charged that, as a result, the proposed boycott against Tobin was "entirely unfair." He acknowledged, however, that plans for the two sewage treatment plants have not yet been approved by the stale and federal government and that the city "couldn't do a thing until that review is complete," He admitted us well that state authorities had not yet been approached on I he mailer of foes involved in connecting Albany Stale's sewerage with the proposed county system. Of Tobin, Mayor Corning said,"They are recapturing their fats, faking out solids, they are providing some preliminary treatment before waste goes Into the Patroon Creek. They are doing everything that the present state of technology would permit them to do." The New York Slate Health Department has charged Tobin with being (he second worst polluter in the Albany Area. Asked to explain Continued on page 8 An investigation conducted by this newspaper during the past week has shown that Albany State University dumps thousands of gallons of untreated, raw sewage into Patroon Creek and the Hudson River daily. The action is in direct violation of Article 1 2 of the Public Health Law. Mr. Weist, the Regional Water Pollution Control Engineer for the Albany region was unable to give a specific estimate of the amount of sewage involved. "But you can make a crude estimate of 50 gallons of sewage per person per day," he told this reporter. And after considering the amount of garbage and sewage produced by the cafeterias, residence halls, and toilets on campus, he stated: "I would say the amount is pretty well up there." Thus Albany State finds itself a prime polluter of Patroon Creek and the Hudson River. This places it on a par with other major polluters in the Albany area • including Tobin's. The investigation involved interviews with Mayor Erastus Corning, civil engineers, and officials of both the Albany County and New York State Health Departments. The extent of the pollution problem and the university's role in il came to light only after Mayor Corning telephoned President Louis Benezet last week, reading to an article on Patroon Creek which appeared in the "Albany Student Press." The article detailed the rule Tobin's Meatpacking Company plays in polluting the Creek. Corning stated that the university also playes a major role in the destruction of the watorway. Benezef reacted by appointing Plant Supervisor John Buckoff and Walter Tisdale to study the problem and make a report to H. David Van Dyke in the Community Relations Office, Tisdale is responsible for campus planning. A study of the maps of Albany County's sewage and drainage system conducted by this reporter reveals that a sewer pipe carries all the sewage from the north part of the campus (State and Colonial Quads) into a manhole on the north side of Washington Avenue. A pipe runs from this manhole west into the City of Albany's Patroon Creek Sewer System, which leads directly into Patroon Creek, west of Russell Road. The "creek," which more closely resembles a floating drainage ditch, empties info the Hudson. The sewage from the southern part of the campus is carried through a twelve inch sewer pipe into the system of the New York State Office Campus complex. From there, it moves into a manhole on Western Ave., opposite Pinehurst Avenue. Eventually this sewage is also dumped into the Hudson, flowing past an inadequate waste treatment plant that cannot handle the daily load. Continued on page 9