The Death of Patroon Creek

Vol.LVIl No.33
State University of New York at Albany
Friday, November 6, 1970
Students Fight
For Voting Right
by Maida Oringher
The Death of Patroon Creek
by Barry Oblas
Barry Oblas was a member of a nub-group of PYE
(Protect Your Environment) which was specifically
concerned with water pollution. He is presently an
instructor in the EOP department.
Late last winter with snow still on thu ground, a small group of
students from SUNYA began an environmental investigation of the
Patroon Creek. The creek originates at the Six Mile Resevoir and then
runs through the heartland of Albany, eventually emptying its water
into the Hudson River just south of the Menands Bridge.
According to various sources, the Patroon Creek was once clean. Its
waters were crystal clear, safe for drinking and swimming, In addition,
the fishing in the creek was excellent with an abundance of large
Creek Chubs.
S o much for history. Our small group began to monitor the stream
We focused our attention on the area of the creek which runs
alongside the arterial and then goes under Everett Road. Not
coincidentally this is the site of the Tobin Packing Company. We
picked this site since data from the New York State Health
Department showed that Tobin's is the second worst industrial
polluter in the Albany area.
One ecologist from the Biology department at SUNYA told us we
were wasting our time since any data we obtained by monitoring was
already in the hands of the Health Department. He suggested that we
go to the Health Department for our data. However, we decided that
we were not going to be co-opted by bureaucratic methods already
known for their inefficiency.
Our immediate reaction upon reaching the site was visceral; spewing
out of visceral; spewing out of the Tobin waste outlet and directly
entering the Patroon Creek came large chunks of fat, pieces of
intestines and a disembowling smell. On certain days we noticed a
blue or green dye which would cover up the bloody emissions. Our
monitoring consisted of taking samples above and below and at the
sewer outlet. Here are some of our results:
1. One hundred yards upstream from tlie pipe, the water temperature was a normal 43 F degrees. When the effluent came in, the
temperature rose to 72 F degrees. This is an example of thermal
pollution. Living organisms, especially aquatic ones, are cold blooded
and a rapid temperature change can either kill the organism outright
or upset their reproductive habits.
2. The dissolved oxygon was less that 2 pari.:; psr million (ppm). The
law sta.lCS that a creek such as the Patroon even if it is used for
industrial purposes have a D.O. of at least ;j ppm. On a few of our
samples we recorded a D.O. of 0 ppm.
3. The phosphate concentration was greater than I ppm. This is
dangerous to all living organisms.
•I. Rats both dead and alive (and well fed) were observed In the
vicinity of the Tobin outlet. Recent studies at Hudson Valley
Community College on water taken near the Tobin outlet has show
that a strain of bacteria responsible for Typhoid is present. Preliminary tests by students at HVCC have indicated the presence o f a
bucterial strain that may cause typhoid fever. Further tests must be
run by the Health Dept. or an independent laboratory to confirm
these results. If this bacterial strain is present, there is always the
danger of the disease being spread by the rats. Furthermore, the creek
empties into the Hudson. Some communities take their drinking water
directly from the Hudson, thus, the possibility of a typhoid epidemic
is a clear and present danger.
Being an "action" group we called for picketing and an economic
boycott of Tobin's. Led by Joe Slack, Ed Shaw (1 can still remember
Ed sticking a bottle of Tobins water in Mayor Coming's face) Chuck
Hood, and Kris Mealy, we paraded in front of Tobin's with signs such
ah TOBINS IS A PIG NATION. Friendly workers laughed along with
us while others gave us the finger and called us long-haired Commies.
The picketing was covered by the local media.
Later that evening
TV 10 came up to our lab at school. We presented our evidence
including » demonstration of whut would happen if a fish were placed
in a sample of Tobin's water. The poor goldfish keeled over in about
three minutes, but we promptly pulled it out and put it back in clean
water. (Being devoted to life, we would not let the fish die, not even
for the spectacular result on T.V.) Tobin's was given a chance to
answer our charges on the same news broadcast. Their head chemist
seemed quite embarrassed when he could not dispute our charges.
We thought we were finally getting some results. The adverse
publicity was starting to add up. But then came Cambodia, Kent Suite
and Jackson State. Tobins had won a temporary reprieve.
A few weeks later Chuck Hood and I were invited to New York City
by the State Attorney General's Office in order to give them our data.
We thought perhaps at last there was going to be some action.
However, after briefing them, they told u s that we should start a
private suit against Tobin's (A suit has recently been filed against
Tobin by Peter Van Schaick, an Albany State student). The
representative Tor the Attorney General went on to tell us that the
Health Department has issued a directive to Tobin's saying they could
continue to discharge their wastes into the Patroon Creek until 1972.
At that time the Albany Intercept Sewer System is supposed to be
completed-Tobin's would be effectively regulated. However I seriously
doubt if this intercept system will be finished on time. A little
detective work by members of PYE has revealed that bids have not
even been made on the Patroon Creek Intercept System. Even if there
were a slight possibility of the system being completed on time^what
about the 670,000 gallons of waste pumped into the creek every day?
What about the threat of typhoid ? What about the rats and the
horrible odors? What about the destruction of the environment? What
about the poor people who must live near Tobin's? Well what about
Tobin's is violating the New York State Water Quality and Purity
Act on at least four counts. Yet the Attorney General's Office has
admitted to us they are afraid to prosecute Tobin's for fear of
embarrassing another state agency-the Health Department. WOW!
Patroon Creek is dead and Tobin's is the chief executioner-despite
this they are protected by the very agencies that are supposed to
protect the public. Where the hell is law and order now, or does that
cry for justice only apply to Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, Puerto Ricans,
and dissident youth? This summer, Mayor Corning cited Tobin's for
pollution abatement. On July 20, 1970 in the Albany Times Union he
said "that the company had done everything that could he done to
control pollution from its plant into Patroon Creek and thai the
company had made a material contribution lo the Hudson River".
Yeah, the company is oinking in the face of the people. Mayor, and so
are you.
The scene at SUNY at
Binghamton could have been
Albany a few weeks ago. Three
Harpur students have issued a suit
charging that the $2,200 appropriation to the anti-war Student
Mobilization Committee last
spring had been used "to foster
political activity beyond the confines of the SUNY Binghamton
campus." The students, Michael
Stever, Richard Glick and Barry
Kriegel, state they are acting as
"individuals." Their legal fees,
however, are being funded by the
n a t i o n a l conservati ve groupYoung Americans for Freedom.
On Friday, October 30, the
court granted a show-cause order
against Harpur Acting President S.
Stewart Gordon, the United Student Government President J.
O'Rourke, and FSA President
Demske which must be answered
by NOvember 20.
Last year President Gordon had
approved a $2,200 appropriation
requested by theSMC in order to
"increase dialogue with the community." The purpose of the
recent suit is to test the Trustees
guidelines in compliance with the
Albany case. University funds cannot be used for political activities,
but only for "educational" purposes. The SMC asserts that it
does not endorse political candidates, and therefore, is not a
political organization.
Last week in accordance with
the guidelines, President Gordon
2 student-government
appropriations totaling $250.
These funds would directly or
indirectly have gone to the Angela
Davis defense fund.
The mandatory tax fee at
Harpur is $30. The majority of
the students willingly pay the fee
and are in opposition to the
recent suit.
by Terry Wolf
Nelson A. Rockefeller (top left) defeated Arthur Goldberg in the
gubernatorial race to win a fourth consecutive term.
Louis Lefkowitz (bottom left) overcame a tough attack by
Democrat Adam Walinsky to be re-elected Attorney General.
In a local race, Sam Stratton (top right) overwhelmed Dan Button
for a seat in the House of Representatives.
James Buckley (bottom right), Conservative, third party candidate,
narrowly defeated Democrat Richard Ottinger and incumbent Charles
Goodcll for a six-year U.S. Senate term.
Pulitzer Prize Winner
Dubos Speaks on Ecology
by Anita Thayer
"The limitations in the producation and consumption of
energy" is the paramount problem
we face today according to Rene
Dubos, microbiologist and philosopher. Dubos spoke here Tuesday as the guest of the Environmental Forum.
Dubos predicted the establishment of a new "dynamic steadyslate economy" within the next
20 years which would limit
quantitative production and comsump I ion while still having the
poli-u( i.tin y for
This is the second lime in Iwo
weeks Ihiil iin ecologisl speaking
,,i SUNYA has culled for drastic
changes HI our economic strut'lure. On Oel I I, Kenneth Wall in
a definilrly more pessimistic presentation predicted an economic
collapse within ;i(i months because of the obsoleteness of the
l>resenl economic structure.
"Trend is not destiny." Scenarios for the future usually portray "human life completely enslaved by technology," according
lo DuBos. This is a view of the
future solely as an extension and
extrapolation of the present. But,
according toDuBos, this vision of
the future includes a serious fallacy. The world does not have the
natural resources to support a
continuing quantitative growth. It
is physically impossible for us to
continue growing in the present
The production of energy is the
most crucial aspect of this problem. "You cannot produce energy
by any means without producing
heat...and the introduction of
heat into the environment always
alters the quality of life."
Dubos was especially critical of
the American technological structure which he feels "must be
restructured so that it can better
work for human needs," In the
past "technology has produced
Ihings that we have used whether
I hey have helped us or not, like
the automobile."
The pop u la I in n problem,
according In Dubos, is not as
crucial as I he energy problem.
"Man has always wanted to be
crowded. Man has selected himself
lo live in crowded settlements."
American cities are much less
crowded than cities anywhere in
the world. New York Oily is much
less crowded than were Neolithic
settlements or Mideval towns.
Dubos believes that "the archi
lecture of cities should reflect the
possibilities of peoples' potentialities..Monotony is an anti-physiological condition, as well as being
boring...The maintenance of mentul stability depends on a suf-
Jean Dixon and Anne Catanese,
two students at Albany State,
along with eight other students
from the area, were victorious in
their effort to vote last Tuesday
after being denied this right under
an 1874 law.
All the students involved have
lived in apartments in Albany for
over a year. Earlier this fall they
registered to vote in their respective districts. They were given
permission to register although a
challenge was made, they were
told, as a mere formality. One
week later a policeman checking
into the case told the students
their vote wouldn't count on a
legal technicality.
Tom Maxwell, Republican fifth
ward president, told election inspectors to fight the Democratic
dominated election board's decision. Maxwell wants change in the
New York State law and statute
which states that "classes of
people will not be deemed to gain
or loose residence by virtue of
their presence or absence in seminaries of learning."
Jean, Anne, and the others received a letter from the Board of
Elections asking them to appear at
a hearing on October 31 to show
cause why they should vote in
Albany. The ten students involved
felt they met all the prerequisites
for voting in Albany County: they
are over 21, they are United
States citizens, independent from
their parents, they have jobs, they
have savings and checking accounts in Albany, and they intend
to remain in the area for an
indefinite amount of time.
When they received notice Monday, the day before the election,
that their registration was cancelled, it was already too late to
register elsewhere or vote through
an absentee ballot. The letters,
they noticed, were postmarked before the date of the interview.
After meeting with their lawyer,
John Starrs, an affadavit and petition were presented on Tuesday
before the State Supreme Court,
the only authority to grant an
order allowing the students to
vote. More students were expected to be turned away at the
polls, some with and others without notification.
Anne went in first to meet with
Judge Conway, a court reporter,
and John Clyne, the attorney for
the Albany County Democratic
legislature. Several
hours later
Judge Conway delivered his Statement of Opinion in which he
granted the students the right to
vole on the grounds that the letter
was postmarked a day earlier than
the hearing, the letter gave no
reason for the denial, and the
absence of signatures on certain
Tom Maxwell has objected to
the policy of the Board of Elections. The law, applied across the
state, is vague, and is generally
used against the young who find it
hard lo establish their own residence. He further believes those
over 21 should be able to declare
where their home is. The decision
was disappointing to him because it
was made on technicalitiies, not
on the merits, of the law. Maxwell's immediate plans are to contact the president of Student Association and possibly have a
meeting with interested students.
He wants to amend the present
law so that students can work
from within the system.
John Starrs, lawyer for the students, believes the law puts an
unfair burden on students. He
feels that decisions on residence
can't be made just because someone is a student. The issue may
discourage students from making
Albany their home. Older precedents are being relied onand
Starr feels it will be hard to pursue
the intricacies of the law. A decision may be p r e ?ed for under a
civil rights clause. There are, it is
felt by Starr and Maxwell, good
reasons to pursue the case further.
ficient variety of sensory stimuli."
"Disposable cubicles for dispensable people" are products of efficiency, of an economy centered
on production of goods. Dubos
hopes that the emphasis on efficiency will shift to an emphasis
on diversity which is more
Dubos sees a revolution in life
styles which has already begun as
the social vehicle which will make
possible the transition from our
current economic structure to a
new cine.
After his formal presentation
Dubos answered questions, and
gave encouragement to students
ant] faculty al a reception in the
art gallery.
Throughout his life Dubon has
been intensely concerned with the
e ffects
that environ mental
forces physiochemieal, biological, and social exert on human
life. He has been involved in the
soeio-medical problems of underprivileged communities where he
has concentrated on the early
environmental factors that influence the developing organism
during the prenatal and early postnatal period.
Recently Dubos has developed a
number of experimental - models
Famed microbiologist Rene Dubos makes a point to a group of
that enable him to study environmental influences on animals in students following his lecture to the Environmental Forum on
the laboratory.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 , 1 9 7 0
An Issue:
Peace Corps
Campus Grab Bag
by Bob Kanarek
The Campus Center is now open every Friday and Saturday
until 3:00 a.m. The snack bar is open until 2:00 a.m. and bowling
and billiards are open until 1:00 a.m.
Mr. Derrick, Assistant Dean of International Studies in the
College of Arts and Sciences, announces that although the
Madrid, Rome and Guadalajara Study abroad programs are one
year in duration, qualified students may be accepted to either
program for one semester only. Applications for the 1971 Spring
Semester are now being accepted. Madrid or Rome—contact Mrs.
Judy Miller 467-8359;Guadalajara-Dr. Frank Carrino 472-2972.
St. John's Parish Project, the group responsible for Viet Rock, is
working towards a more permanent set up with total communityuniversity participation in the neighborhood. The group meets
every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. in room 263 of the Performing Arts
Center. Anyone interested in helping the program should attend.
Contact Paula for further information at 462-4586.
Harold Miller from the University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada
will give a colloquium address entitled, "Applications of decision
theory to social psychology" in SS 256 on November 19, 1970 at
3:30 p.m.
All graduate students are cordially invited to attend an informal
reception with Dr. Louis Benezet and other university officials, on
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1970. Punch will be served in the Patroon
Room of the Campus Center from 4-5:30 p.m.
The graduate student committee on residency and fellowships
will meet with Robert McFarland, Assistant to the Dean of
Graduate Studies to discuss alternatives to the present regulations
for a full year of residence, on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. in CC
Those wishing to apppear in their own behalf before the Council
on Promotions and Continuing Appointments are advised to
notify Henry Mall.
International Student ID cards are available in SS 111 and
renewal stamps for 1971 may be obtained next month.
Barry Haber in the School of Business has details about an
experimental program to be offered in 1973 at Nanyang University in Singapore.
Meeting of friends of the Free School will be held on Tuesday,
November 10 at 7:30 p.m. in CC 320.
Campus Chest Drive 1070 will have its profits going to the
Hope House addict rehabilitation center. The week's activities,
from Nov. 16 to Nov. 21, will include the sale of "I'm Gonna
Hope" buttons, the presentation by members of Hope House of a
play entitled "Ray of Hope," and a White Elephant Sale-Auction.
Donations for the sale will be accepted beginning Nov. 9. Any
questions contact Liz Elsesser or Mary Mazzeo.
The student advisory council of the School of Education will
hold a meeting next Thursday, Nov. 12 in ED 127. Anyone
involved in the teacher ed. program is invited to observe this
The Student Advisory Council {formerly the Student Steering
Committee) was organized last year to supplement the Faculty
Advisory Council in assigning members to policy committees in
the School of Education. At present there are only two
undergraduate representatives on the council, but plans are being
made to involve more undergradautes next semester.
University President Louis T. Benezet met with a very small group
of students at his bi-weekly "Campus Forum" on Tuesday.
Benezet Clears Air
On Several Issues
by Kenneth Deane
Various topics concerning student and administrative affairs
were discussed at Tuesday's Campus Forum, the President's biweekly encounter with students
and faculty.
President Benezet in opening the
meeting moved to settle any misunderstanding concerning the projected restaurant for the Indian
Quad Tower. Contrary to previous
plans the restaurant will be available for both student and faculty
use. The restaurant will serve both
as a catering and dining facility.
During the discussion a question arouse concerning the delinquent payment of parking violations by members of the faculty.
These outstanding fines amount
to $IK,G00, money which could
properly he employed in the construction of a badly needed Colonial Quad parking lot.
The limes arc changing mid so
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President Benezet stated that
he recognized the problem and
would (U» all he could to
violations and invoke
sanctions against .hose delinquent
in payment.
Also discussed was the possibility of operating a birth control clinic on campus. It was
reported that as of the present no
such plans are in the offing due to
the controversial nature of the
proposal. But according to Dr.
Clifton Thome, "No individual
should feel that assistance is not
available, " for the campus infirmary will advise anyone wishing
information on contraception and
in some cases dispense medication.
Lately, there has been a great
deal of opposition to the Peace
Corps. Spearheaded by the CRV
(Committee of Return Volunteers), the movement has been
calling for an international organization such as the Peace Corps.
The reason for this is to rid the
volunteers of the "American
image" that hinders them in their
efforts around the world. According to Mr. L. Lundberd, an exvolunteer in Micronesia, however,
"people...human beings relating
with each other, not politics."
On Nov. 2-4, representatives
from the Peace Corps were at
SUNYA, in search of interested
and qualified students as prospective members. Although pleased
by student interest and attendance at the interviews, movie and
panel discussion they presented,
there seemed to be a substantial
amount of student concern in
regard to the Corps' political ties.
The Peace Corps is "a way of
dealing with the world on a realistic level," said Lundberg.. "1
wanted to do work that involved
people," he said, "it's one small
effort, but you have to start some
where." He expressed the need I
specialized graduates in the Corps,
In response to opposition to the
Peace Corps, he said that the
Corps was at least a "vehicle for a
person to do something positive.'
As for America, he said that the
Peace Corps is "one of the best
things we've got going for us."
from without
World News
The General Assembly of the United Naitons, by a vote of
r>7-16, endorsed the Egyptian proposal that calls for a three
month extension of the cease-fire in the Mid-East, and for
"unconditional resumption" of the Jarring peace talks „ Both
Israel and the United States have rebuked the proposal because il
makes no mention of Egyptian cease-fire violations.
The United States government has declared that it will withdraw
and deactivate the remaining American troops who are guarding
the 18-mile stretch of the Korean demilitarized zone. This, in
effect, will leave the defense of the entire I fifl-mile North-South
Korean border It) the South Koreans.
The United States is prepared to pressure the Soviet Union into
releasing the two American generals and two lower ranking
officers who were forced to land in the Soviet Union because of
plane trouble. The United States, if necessary, will make a protest
at the strategic-arms limitation talks in Helsinki, in order lo obtain
t he officers' release.
In the artiele entitled "The
Death o/' Patroon Creeh, " hy
ttarry Oblaa, in the Tuesday,
Xitventiter 'J issue, an error teas
('imverniiifi the hucterudt>f>ical
tests taken at Patroon Creeh,
the text should have read: "PreI mi i nary tests by students at
Iludsttti Valiey Community Cid
Ic^c have indicated the presence
of u haett'rial strain thai may
vause typhoid fever. " The prevttttis line in the story should
have been omitted.
The Albany Student Press regrets this error and the misinlerprt'talion and confusion it may
have caused.
National News
The federal government has ordered General Motors to alert .ill
owners of its trucks thai its wheels have a dangerous safely defect
tlM. however, denied the allegation, and has filed suit in order to
stop government action. This is the first lime lhal an automobile
manufacturer lias gone to the federal courts to fight the
government on a safety issue.
According to the President's Commission on Campus Unrest,
tnosl campus disturbances occur at large eastern liberal arts
colleges which have high admission standard* and an K . O T C
program on campus. The main causes of campus unrest cited were
the War. lack of campus communication, anil the federal
government's inability or unwillingness lo solve live domestic
problems in America. Only a small percentage of campus incidents
IH'lfc), were termed serious, such as personal injury anil properly
********* * # * .«, + *, + 4*******
Slate News
Enjoy . . .
Meeting New Friends
A New Social Life
Unlimited Dates
Both political parties have agreed that a rise in slate taxes will be
necessary sometime next year. Two possible forms of taxation
that the legislature is considering are a raise in the sales tax of one
cent, and an increase in the income tax for those in the higher
income brackets.
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Aibiw. N.Y. iaaas
Albany State:
Where Are You?
by John O'Grady
Features Editor
Inside Construction
by Dennis Whitehead
Prior to this year, I am sure that if you asked
college men what type of summer employment
seemed most desirable, at least half of them would
have indicated something in construction. And why
not: the pay is good, you get in good shape, and
you gain some prestige among your peers. Over the
past year, however, the hard hat has become the
symbol of conservative America: waving the flag,
beating radicals, eating lunch with tricky Dick, and
crying like babies whenever Spiro proceeds to
polemicize the putrefaction of patriotic principles
by pestiferously perverse pupils. So when I chanced
to find a summer job with a masonry firm in
Suffolk County, I wondered just how the hard hats
would react to an "enemy" in their midst.
I was hired as a masonry laborer. This is a human
pack horse who carries around 75-pound cement
blocks (one in each hand), digs ditches, pushes
around 400-pound wheelbarrows of mortar, builds
scaffolds, etc. The laborer is considered secondary
to the bricklayer, a person who generally stands
around with other bricklayers complaining about
how lazy the laborers are, and who occasionally lays
a brick. All the rest of the work is done by the
laborers, each one of whom is supposed to take care
of three bricklayers. On any construction site, it is
easy to tell them apart: All the bricklayers are
white, and all the laborers (with one or two
exceptions) are black.
The first few days of work involved an agonizing
process of discovering just how many muscles (all of
them aching) are contained in the human body. For
the first week 1 did very little talking on the job
(mainly because I was panting), but as I got used to
the routine, I was able to converse while working.
The laborers' foreman, a gregarious black named
Lee, was the first to ask whether 1 was a college
student. My affirmative response did not pass
"Hey greenie, show us some of that college
knowledge! Ha ha ha!" (Pant, pant.)
"You ought to be in good shape, kid, what with
all those protest marches and everything." (Gee, I
never thought of if that way, I feel better already.)
"Just keep your opinions to yourself, kid, and
we'll get along fine." (Oh goody.)
"Guess this is the first real work you've ever done,
eh kid?" (No, we used a very heavy bomb on the
administration building.)
"Well, young-blood., I'll bet you can't wait to get
hack to school." (Oh, I don't know—you meet so
many interesting people here.)
1 was a celebrity.
A few of the bricklayers (who make $7.76 an
hour) had kids in college, and 1 was often asked for
the "inside story" on the spring strikes and on
student attitudes in general. During lunch one day a
bricklayer sat next to me and said that his daughter
at the University of Rochester did not like Spiro T.
Agnew, and would I please explain why this was so.
"After all, lie speaks up for America, so he must be
good." I told him thai 1 didn't think that he was
making this a belter nation to live in, inasmuch as he
was attempting lo divide the country in order to
promote the more primitive elements of the RepubMean p. rly hut 1 didn't gel my point across Our
>f patriotism differed too radically.
Perhaps the most surprising thing I learned during
the summer was lhal most of the workers (especially ihe laborers) were anli Nixon on many issues,
noniy. Most fell that the war should
ably lb''
he ended fast, one way or the other, with about
three fourths)!' those favoring a "bomb 'em to hell"
alt il tide. Virtually no one imagined Nixon lo be a
friend of the working man, and from what 1 could
gather it seemed lhal most had voted against him
and would do so again given the right opponent,
whiles (hy their own admission) voted on pocketbook issues, while the black paid attention lo racial
issues as well All Ihe laborers spoke often of racial
mailers and were will-read in this area. Their acute
dis.salisfaclion with Ihe present administration
should prove lo anyone lhal you can't turn off a
in,MI'S distaste for bigotry with a big salary ($6.56
an hour for the laborers).
Ai no nine did 1 hear any kind of racial slur from
the nrii 'k layers, partial I y because one would not
w.uil M have thai kind of remark overheard by a
group « f men resembling an army of black Hobby
Hull Bui, mure significantly, there was a latent
man for-man resp< e| for Ihe laborers because on any
I am moved to write this mainly
by my experience at the last
meeting of Central Council's
Grievance Committee, day before
yesterday. I had the experience of
being a reporter at a meeting in
which I was the only participant;
the other person at the meeting
was the chairman of the committee, Dave Peck, and, oh yes, one
other lonely soul who wandered
in half an hour later (interrupting
our pleasant chat) to complain
about complications in the preregistration procedure. All present
speculated on whether the remaining 8,000 undergraduates on campus might have similar complaints,
and on that constructive note the
meeting of the Grievance Committee was adjourned.
But that's only beginners. Since
aspiring to contribute my services
to this, the only campus newspaper, I find I can better understand most of the great movements in this University Community, and I find that one of the
greatest of these movements begins at the Ride Board in the
Campus Center and rumbles to
Long Island and back every weekend. We're thinking of printing an
underground supplement, Bare
ASP, with which we lure people
back onto the campus with extremist rhetoric.
I suppose my complaint is somewhat unjustified, as 1 was not
around for the actions of last
Spring. Having qui! college last
year lo take a vacation from
intellectual pursuits (an idea I
would recommend to many a disillusioned student), my perspective on the Strike was that of an
outsider. The impression we out-
construction site their job is the most demanding
and, despite constant grumblings to the contrary,
the bricklayers (or any other craftsmen) know if.
While riding into town one day on the noon beer
pickup, the bricklayer with me (who was extensively tattooed, spoke with a South Carolina accent,
and carried a pack of cigarettes rolled up under the
sleeve of his bright blue over tight muscle shirt)
asked me if I was finding the job tougher than 1 had
expected, and I said yes. He told me, "Y'know, 1
used to hate niggers, all of 'em on welfare and livin'
off the whites. But. when 1 see how hard you guys
work, I'd be the first to speak up for 'em. I sure as
hell wouldn't want to work that hard."
"Would you want a black working as a bricklayer
next to you?"
"I guess so, if he was willin' to work."
"Would you want one to live next door to you'.'"
(Pause.) "If he worked like these guys, I guess 1
wouldn't mind it too much. It depends on the
So the question arises, why is the bricklayers'
union lily-while if, as others in it also told me, they
admire the blacks? First, there is clearly a form of
discrimination in the unwritten rule that only
relatives or friends of men already in the union will
be accpeled for membership. But the other two
reasons stem from the vicious economic cycle of
poverty which oppresses black people. There is a
high initiation lee (about $250) to join the union,
which is a lot of money for anyone lo come up
with, let alone someone who needs and wants a job
badly. Then there is a three-and-a-half year apprenticeship, which pays under $00 a week. There is no
apprenticeship for a laborer, and hence Ihe prospect
of a $200 +-a-week job available righl away becomes
more attractive lo an economically depressed person
than a job which initially pays less than half that.
Just before 1 was laid off in mid-August (a victim
of the economic slowdown), 1 asked Ron, a wellliked laborer I had become good friends with, why
he didn't quit his position and become a bricklayer.
Mis reply tells something of what if is like to be a
laborer: "You know, I hate being a laborer, I always
have. I come home at night, have a beer, watch TV,
and go to bed. I'm too damned fired to do anything
also, But I'm used to the big money now. I've got a
big house, two cars, a boat, and 1 couldn't ask my
wife and kids to give it all up for three-and-a half
years and to hack to living the way we did, in a
crowded apartment, before I got this job. I've got
no educalion, so what else could I possibly do to
earn I his kind of money? What could I possibly ever
He turned hack to heaving bricks onto a scaffold. 1
came back to school.
aiders got was that a lot of shit
flew around last year, a lot of
guilty concrete and clay got
knocked out of business, and a lot
more visitors came to the beaches
and mountains. On the positive
side, from my better perspective
as a twenty-year-old, I got the
impression that many students
met with administrators for the
first time, talked with one another
more intelligently than they ever
had before, and also got a taste of
what a violent revolution might be
like in the future.
Violent or not, if there was so
much shit flying around last
spring, where did it all land? How
many more adminstrators are confronted by real live students this
year, as opposed to two years
ago? How many more students are
involved in shaping college curricula? How much support is Free
School getting? Who's working in
the ghetto downtown, or investigating the racism and bureaucracy
at the South Mall Project? How
many students are complaining
about the food, the parking problem, the library, the construction
work, the pollution; but how
many are complaining lo their
To answer my questions: President Benezet's forum with the
students every other week attracts
a coterie of about a dozen regulars
and maybe one or two gapers-on;
there were two dozen people at a
forum on the future of Ihe library
held lasl Wednesday, including
three faculty members and five or
six representatives of Ihe library
staff; mil of 1500 lo '2000 undergraduates in Ihe Teacher Education Program, most of whom will
vehemently protest to the nearest
pillar thai Teacher Education
courses are a total waste of time,
there are now approximately five
undergraduate students involved
on any committee at all to change
the situation; a questionnaire on
the conditions of Indian Quad got
a 25% response last month from
the residents of Indian Quad; and
a monster publicity campaign consisting of newspaper coverage,
WSUA advertisements, a talk in
the Campus Center, and leaflets in
every spot on the campus except
the toilet seats, brought two more
State students in Lo help Pete
Jones with his Day Care Center
for the kids on Pear! Street.
I am not arguing here for more
bantering hack and forth of
words, 1 am arguing for more
involvement. Newspapers and propaganda sheets iind leaflets taped
to white pillars should he nothing
but the debris left over from
people pushing each other around,
from confrontations on personal
issues rather (ban from mindless
slogan-slinging about oppression
from Society—whoever the hell he
is. If the Strike is over, and even if
we 're planning another one,
shouldn't we now be facing what
we're frying lo change, namely
the people who wield the power
and whom we can contact personally? If we can't win anymore
with "Peace Now!" and if we
can't (in New York State anyway)
have much success with our Senators and Congressmen, at least we
can start with our employers or
our department chairmen or the
manager of the bookstore or the
president of the university, all of
whom are available for personal
confrontation, and all of whom
might have changed course a long
time ago had they notbeensubject
to an endless barrage of words
designed only to bore them and a
bomb here and there to scare
them away.
I began with a short note on the
Grievance Committee, and would
like to correct the impression I
might have given that there's been
no response at all that this rather
basic tool of student participation. Grievance Committee has
held four meetings thus far, the
fourth of which I described above;
the first three attracted a gathering of about seven students each,
and solved several complaints
ranging in importance from minor
to crucial. A student got his
money back for two tee-shirts
bought at the bookstore; the Arts
Council acquired a table in the
Campus Center; letters were sent
to other New York State Universities asking specific information
on room and board rates and on
policies relating lo these services,
in order to discover possible inequities at Albany State; and
other business ton detailed to
mention, The
Committee is an important arm of
Central Council, whichshouldrepresenl the views of the student
body; four meetings for 8,000
bitchy students should not be
enough in 1970.
You may take the preceding
exhortation seriously, or you may
call it flag-waving, but in any case
I won't go further in the "need to
communicate" file, that bottomless yawning pit of committees,
slogans, marches, leaflets, and
which lure men into thinking that
there's nothing more to do because everything's been said. You
may also consider this column a
filler needed for the page because
no one else was making any news
on campus, and you'd be very
close to right if you thought that,
and you'd be a long way toward
understanding my point.
Let us all ride off now to create
the world in our own image, but
let's supplement our political mot i v a t i o n s with evnergy and
honesty. I close with the following form The Pogo Papers by Walt
Kelley: Resolve then, that on this
very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on Lrumpels,
we shall meet the enemy, and not
only may he be ours, he may be
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offer expires Nov. 25th, 1970
%****** AIRPLANE
With t h e success of its best-selling
Jefferson Airplane emerged as t h e
nation's m o s t exciting contemporary musical group.
C o m p o s e d of lead singers Marty
Balin and Grace Slick, lead guitarist J o r m a K a u k o n e n , bass guitarist
J a c k Casady, d r u m m e r Spencer
D r y d e n , and Paul Kantner, singer
and guitarist, Jefferson Airplane
has created a sound drawn from
the jazz, folk, blues and rock ' n '
roll backgrounds of its individual
Very m u c h t h e voice of t o d a y ' s
" h a p p e n i n g " generation, t h e Airplane has it's r o o t s in t h e m u c h
talked a b o u t San Francisco scene.
The first Bay Area g r o u p t o gain a
strong national following, Jefferson Airplane does n o t sing songs
of protest, but rather of love.
In his song " F a t A n g e l , " folk
singer Donovan, refers t o t h e
group by name, describing It as
Letters , Letters ,
We Do Love Letters...
To: Robert
From: Madelyn
A Mack student of S.U.N.
Stones for example are n o t imitating B.B. King (they sound q u i t e
differently) but there can be no
question that King has influenced
them either directly or indirectly.
1 think my n o t having soul is a
very m o o t point. But I find it
rather amusing that a r o u n d the
beginning of this c e n t u r y while
classical musicians were accusing
black jazz musicians of not having
soul. T h a t type of invective is
usually a last resort. At any rate
soul has nothing to do with skin.
Whether you're into
John Sebastian
or Johann Sebastian,
you should come
in to Center Stage.
We know how important music is. And we think
everybody deserves the best possible playback, al the
lowest possible price.
That describes Panasonic equipment.
We sell everything Panasonic makes. We're the
nation's only all-Panasonic store. And, as far as we
know, the only store that lets you turn on anything in
the store.
Hear what you've been missing. Ilnnji in any
recording, and listen to i! —free
TEL. (51l( )«*•*««
I can't accept my religion as
having a n y t h i n g to do with the
mailer, I'd hate to thing that my
being Jewish restricts me to criticizing the Freilich. But if y o u r
flimsy logic was correct, w o u l d n ' t
this also apply to you? Can you
judge properly h o o k s written,
plays and movies produced a n d
music played by whiter? Not a
c o m f o r t a b l e suggestion, is it'.'
As tor psychedelic music being
"merely an a t t e m p t e d take-off o n
Black m u s i c " 1 believe you are
confusing being imitative with being influenced by. T h e Rolling
Zoiue Reminder...
" Z o n e : On T o u r , " a m u l t i m e d i a
p r o d u c t i o n , will be presented Saturday, Nov. 7, on the main stage
of the Performing Arts Center,
Slate University of New York at
Albany. The program is sponsored
jointly by Theatre Council. Music
Council, and Art Council. T h e
c o m p a n y also will be in residence
on the campus Nov. 6-8 present-
ing d e m o n s t r a t i o n s and works h o p s in the a f t e r n o o n s
T h e new media theatre production, d i r e c t e d by H a m * Barron,
Alan Finnerttn, mid Bo* Barmti. is
a c o m p a n y of 1 '.\ perlnrnuT
technicians who combing thi'ir
varied talent* in t h e field* »'
painting, s c u l p t u r e , film, fli'f
Ironies, dunce, theatre, and nuisu'
to provide a kind ol visual
cerebral ritual circus.
Tickets are availabl
S U N Y A Performing A
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U n i n i i C o l l e g o S o t C o m i l l i t U ' t . '
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Tickets on s.ilo at;
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Open 10:00 a.m. to tilO p.m., Monday through Saturday
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s y m b o l s . Until she b e c o m e s a n
object in revolt.
Her m e t h o d of sexual-social libF r a n k a n d Eleanor Perry's adap- eration is a n affair w i t h a h a n d t a t i o n of S u e K a u f m a n ' s D I A R Y s o m e
O F A M A D H O U S E W I F E is their w h o s e sadistic egocentricity is
sixth a n d m o s t p e n e t r a t i i q g analy- greater t h a n his writing ability.
sis of m o d e r n m o r e s .
T h e paradoxical c o n c l u s i o n of t h e
T h e film is theatrical in its con- Perry's thesis is cynically clear.
c e p t i o n which t e n d s t o diminish Tina is still an object in b o t h her
its c i n e m a t i c p o t e n t i a l . Y e t t h e marriage a n d affair. T h e p r o b l e m
Perry's c r a f t s m a n s h i p ,
c o u p l e d a n d n a t u r e of this t r a g e d y is her
with the d y n a m i c p e r f o r m a n c e s of limited e m o t i o n a l a n d e d u c a t i o n a l
the cast, weaves an engrossing c o n d i t i o n i n g , t h a t m o l d s h e r into
satire a b o u t social climbers w h o a n o n - p e r s o n .
are n o t h i n g m o r e t h a n u r b a n e
T h e p r o b l e m also lies with Mrs.
Perry's scenario t h a t for a change
T h e victim is o n e Tina Balzer avoids the heavy s y m b o l i s m of
(Carrie Snodgress), an average, un- their past
efforts a n d concenimaginative w o m a n w h o has been trates o n s u b t l e t y of c o n t e n t . For
trained t o b e unassertive a n d sub- all its w i t t y insight into the m o r e s
missive. She plays t h e role of the of the skyscraper set, her use of
b l a n d , efficient housewife a l m o s t latrine language is sort of s o p h o as well as her h u s b a n d J o n a t h a n m o r i c .
( R i c h a r d Benjamin) plays t h e sucPeople swear casually in their
cess game.
daily intercourse with each o t h e r
J o h a t h a n has a c o n s u m e r pro- b u t Mrs. Perry's p r o t a g o n i s t s act
d u c t m e n t a l i t y . He sees everything like grade school kids w h o , having
in terms of brand n a m e s , social just learned
their first
fourc o n n e c t i o n s , and "creative p o t e n - lettered e x p l e t i v e , go
t i a l . " Tina is just a n o t h e r o b j e c t in s h o u t i n g it at e v e r y o n e t o s h o w
a collection of expensive s t a t u s w h a t shocking little children they
by T o m Quigley
T h e Airplane's list of personal
a p p e a r a n c e s is a unique amalgam
of jazz festivals, college campus
dance palaces
n i g h t c l u b s and television shows'
I n c l u d e d a m o n g the many firsts
t h e Airplane has to its credit are
t h e first folk rock group to appear
at t h e Berkeley Folk Festival arid
the M o n t e r e y and Pacific J;izZ
Festivals as well as the first rock
g r o u p to a p p e a r on NBC-TV's
"Bell T e l e p h o n e H o u r . "
Jefferson Airplane has also headlined s o m e of the nation's most
p o p u l a r n i g h t s p o t s including New
Y o r k ' s (afc Au-Go-Go, Boston's
Unicorn, Chicago's Mother Blues,
San F r a n c i s c o ' s Basin Street West
and F i l l m o r e Auditorium and Los
Angeles' Cheetah, Kaleidescope
a n d Whiskey A Go-Go.
What's Happenin'
Diary Of A Mad Housewife
'trans-love airlines." Look
zine has a five page color spread
titled "Jefferson Airplane Loves
Y o u " called the Airplane's music
"love r o c k . "
At what period of lime, did you
a great critic of Black
music? Just because you've
listened to a few Htaclt records (it's the
Reviews of its appearances from
to do now,
c o a s t - t o coast have been unaniknow), you think you know what
u s in their praise of the group's
Mack music is all about. As fur as
style, skill a n d musicianship. VarI'm concerned,
"You" not being
THE AIRPLANE takes off t o n i g h t !
iety called Jefferson
Muck, but Jewish, you
" O n e of the best and mosl lyrical
possibly know where Isaac Hayes,
of t h e new blues-rock groups."
{Oct. (i, 197(1) is 'coming
By the way il might be a good T h e Los Angeles Times said the
(You probably don't know
idea to read my review before you g r o u p ' s so.ind is ",...i swinging
I'm coming
Now. Robbie Haby!! Don't you criticize il. If you paid as m u c h c o m b i n a t i o n of wil and fervor,'
all the Psychedelic
Manic heed to what I w r o t e as you did while the San Francisco Examiner
to my religious origin you would said " T h e Airplane has already
T h e fin il s h o w of the semester music, (as with all your music), is
The Coffee House Circut is
of have discovered that I liked Issac achieved voice balance and tonalwill be In id during the second merely an attempted
Hayes as well as y o u ; A n d the ities u t t e r l y b e y o n d the unsophisweekend in D e c e m b e r . However, the Mack music' I could really go
The Campus Center Governing
about album also with some reservation. ticated fraternity pop-rock banalthe circut will return with a new into a very heavy discussion
Board has reinstituted last year's
might be surprised to find i t i e s . . . "
weekend Mack music. Hut I won't. (It may
highly successful program of Cofo u t how much soul music is
be a Utile above your head, i
If you d o n ' t believe in cr'ics.
There is a message I must give drenched with gimmicks al the see for yourself. T h e Airplane will
Admission is free. The Coffee
The Circut will be p r e s e n t i n g ondirection
be flying at State tonight, with
House Circut is funded by m o n i e s you and all the other
c a m p u s talent as well as performof Mack music.
"If because he has soul, but to m a k e a landings s c h e d u l e d for 7 :iti and
m a d e possible through S t u d e n l authorities
ers from the area this year.
you don 7 have "SOUL",
1 0 : 3 0 in t h e gym,
An informal a t m o s p h e r e is maincan't relate in any way,
Robert R o s e n h l u m
tained t h r o u g h t h e use of low
shape, or form to what SOI 'L
lights and round tables, as well as
(as you
call it), is all
NOW Colonial Quad features
casual dress and good c o m p a n y .
T h e first program featured Chris Sunday dinner for $. !()•$. 1").
This S u n d a y evening from n to 7
iipd Brian, a flute and guitar d u o ,
in two shows at 10 and
\'2M) p.m., and every Sunday thereMUSIC YOU
p.m. W.C. Fields movies were after, until the e n d of the semes
This Weekend...
shown during the break b e t w e e n ter, Colonial Q u a d Board will be
Dear Miss Boyd:
.selling hot dogs in the U Lounge
I will try to reply to your letter
the movies:
However, last week's Halloween lor $,2B each (plain; $ ill) each as clearly and rationally us possiParty was an even greater success. with s u u e r k r a l t ) , and a large as
Stale Q u a d - " T h e F i x e r "
Magician Clayton Albright pro
As lor my (|U«lifie«Uons of
I F G - " T o Die in M a d r i d "
So, if y o u ' r e sick of Neba or
duced a c o m b i n a t i o n of magic and
Black music I guess that all deHellman "Five Easy P i e c e s "
h u m o r which allowed e v e r y o n e
pends on your criteria, doesn't it?
tollman C o l o n i e - " C C & C o m p a n y /A Time for Giving"
there to forget their cares for a m o n e y to go out to dinner, or II* it's 1 he a m o u n t of records
don'l want to buck t h e c r o w d s at
Madison " L o v e r s a n d O t h e r S t r a n g e r s "
listened to (as you suggest) lhat
Delaware "Diary of a Mad H o u s e w i f e "
The next p r e s e n t a t i o n will be the Snack Bar, and you haven't should he considered, it has been
m o r e than ;i few—well over a
held o n N o v e m b e r l.'l a n d 1 1 , and
mont h o u s a n d would he more accurate.
will feature J o h n S i m p s o n , w h o
concert wise:
I've found thai rending several
some of you may r e m e m b e r from ey, come o n over.
State: " T h e Jefferson A i r p l a n e " Friday G y m
hooks by such important critics as
his appearances at The Cellar.
A Program of Music for F l u t e & K e y b o a r d Friday PAC
Leroi 'lories,
C u n l h e r Schuller, Nat Henloff
Union: Sha-na-na S a t u r d a y
•iiul Martin Williams, el. al., and
reading Down Heat magazine is of
and of interest:
^ T
great assistance in forming an edu" Z o n e : On T o u r " m u l t i - m e d i a S a t u r d a y PAC
cated opinion
Coffee House Circut
Perks Up The Campus
yU fotf SUM
J A C K N I C H O L S O N plays R o b e r t D u p e a , a y o u n g m a n of b r e e d i n g
a n d intellect, w h o t u r n s his b a c k o n a career as a classical pianist t o
work in the oil fields in " F i v e Easy P i e c e s , " n o w at the Hellman.
'Sympathy' And W i n d F r o m East'
Show Godard's Master T o u c h
by T o m Quiqley
Jean-Luc G o d a r d ' s S Y M P A T H Y
FOR T H E D E V I L is a film a b o u t
revolution, fascism, d e m o c r a c y ,
and media of all kinds including
music, literature, and of course
film. T h o s e w h o believe t h a t the
movie is pure
cinema, however, have been h o o d winked by a master satirist.
T h e t h e m e s a n d messages of
revolution are there but G o d a r d ' s
p r e s e n t a t i o n of realism is sugarcoated. S o m e h o w it c a n n o t be
taken t h a t seriously. The film
stars the Rolling Stones, w h o are
hassling their way through a recording session of their s o n g
for the Devil. T h e y
c a n ' t seem to get together a n d
Ciodard uses the m e t a p h o r of their
disoriented jam session to illustrate t h e confusion within the
T h e film i- ircular in n a t u r e a n d
G o d a r d ' s emphasis is u p o n circular images, dialogues, and intricate
camera m o v e m e n t s lhat follow
circular p a t t e r n s . The film has
incredibly forceful and hilarious
Km e x a m p l e the p o r n o b o o k
store sequence with the fascist
proprietor reading from Hitler's
Mem Kampf, the Yes-No question naire interview with Anna
VViazemsUi w h o represents d e m o cracy, and the sequence in the
junkyard where black militants
are trying to gel their revolution
together hut s o m e h o w , like the
Stones, are traveling in r e p e t i t i o u s
( l o d a r d a b a n d o n s the conventional use of montage and lets his
camera c a p t u r e movement in long,
s o m e t i m e s tedious lengths of film.
G o d a r d ' s Marxist learnings tend to
make him didactic but there is
much in what he says t h a t is hard
l ruth.
It is only when Godard the artist
lapses into p r o p a g a n d a , in the
dubious name of " r e v o l u t i o n a r y
c i n e m a " t h a t the serious i n t e n t i o n
of his work is nuirred. No m a t t e r
whether il he Mem Kampf or t h e
propaganda is not art.
Watching G o d a r d ' s latest, and of
this m o m e n t , still unreleased, film
T H E WIND F R O M T H E E A S T , is
like watching d o c u m e n t a r y footage c a p t u r e d from a raid on a
Vietcong o u t p o s t . It is r e p e t i t i o u s ,
boring, scatological, humorless,
and quite frankly a halfwitted
e x e r c ise in a m a t e u r
G o d a r d ' s view of revolution is no
longer satiric but deadly earnest
a n d t h u s totally non-objective.
This righteous p r o p a g a n d a film
ex tolls the hardline mindlessness
of Red Chinese r h e t o r i c . Soviet
and American "imperialists" are the
target of the cultural r e v o l u t i o n ' s
wrath. It is o b v i o u s t h a t G o d a r d
believes that the d o m i n a n t force
in social change is t h e " e a s t
G o d a r d ' s s t u d e n t s a r e as thoughtless and naive a g r o u p of revolutionaries t h a t you'll ever witness,
as they come to grips with p o w e r
politics. T h e y u n d e r s t a n d t h a t in
order to m a k e their revolution
work, they need the s u p p o r t of
the bourgeoisc slaves.
Yel they foolishly fantasize that
aII workers a re unit ed in s o m e
universal struggle against the capitalists when, in reality, the majority of middle class union m e m b e r s
would rather kill a radical than a
rich e m p l o y e r . T h e workers waul
to he rich. T h e revolutionaries
think thai they want t o be liberated.
This ful ile exercise in radical
philosophy only e x p o s e s the sad
decay of a m a n w h o s e past work
has been challenging and enjoyable. T H E WIND F R O M T H E
E A S T resembles a p o o r l y t h o u g h t
o u t , e x e c u t e d h o m e movie, m a d e
in s o m e o n e ' s b a c k y a r d with the
kids. If this is
G o d a r d ' s idea of pure " r e v o l u t i o n ary c i n e m a " then G o d a r d is no
thing but a p u r e fool.
T u n e In
This a l b u m deals basically in
avante guarde jazz and seems to
verify Alan H e i n e m a n ' s t h e o r y
a b o u t the similarity b e t w e e n it
a n d rock. There is, in both forms,
an a t t e m p t to pack each m o m e n t
with interest before moving on,
t h u s a feeling of non mobility
rather than swing; or as Heineman
says: verticle rather than horizontal. This imposes a difficult p r o b lem for the jazz m a n and in this
case the reason for their inability
to grapple with the situation
which s o m e t i m e s causes an aura
of dullness.
" T u n e I n " is a simple Eastern
m e l o d y t h a t is harsh and deep,
with firy vibes and a d r o n e bass.
T h e bass a n d flute t h e n play
melody in c o u n t e r p o i n t for a
c o u p l e r o u n d s until the bass is
isolated t o slowly develop the
t h e m e . There are also occasional
interfeetions by Berger's sarangi,
an Eastern string i n s t r u m e n t that
is bowed and s o u n d s like a raspy
"With S i l e n c e " is played with a
trio a very slow a n d m o o d y piece
with Black well c o n c e n t r a t i n g on
t o m s . " G e l U p " is n o t a b l e for its
clarity while being very Cecil
T a y l o r like in c o n c e p t i o n . There
.iiv some blurry runs on vibes a
ile light fully c o m p l e t e s t a t e m e n t
a n d , considering t he t e m p o at
which it is e x e c u t e d , well t h o u g h !
" F l y " is much the same t y p e of
song and Beiger handles some
startling runs with ease with only
a bass a c c o m p a n i m e n t . Flute later
joins with a full s o u n d which
seems to be m o r e of i m p o r t a n c e
for its tonal q mil it ies, than the
actual ideas. T h e sarangi found its
way in. Black well plays some
George of the Jungle licks behind
Holland's bass lines.
" B e y o n d the M o o n " has some
a l t o from Ward w h o has an original c o n c e p t , but is n o t very exciting. This song also has Berger's
' \ rRYEI3o>teJrp»*J(3hoc5
O -ilr ^f -A- ^ f ^Ly^M^fc'flf j ^ ^fe^k^fe^^ ^krftf ^M!Mg^fe ^te SJg ^fe ^^•^fa^tf'^h? ^ ^ ^ ^ *,|^ mfa ^Li •
at 9 & 12
in the gym
are. After a few hells a n d d a m n s
s u b t l e t y a n d m a t u r i t y of purpose
tend t o be blugeoned t o death b y
t h e p r e t e n t i o u s d i a l o g u e . Unfort u n a t e l y this is b e c o m i n g a n irrit a t i n g t r a d e m a r k of Mrs. P e r r y ' s .
Y e t h e r c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n s of t h e
t h r e e principles, i n c l u d i n g t w o o f
the most obnoxious
y o u ' l l ever see o n t h e screen, a r e
brilliant a n d t h e a c t o r s ' i n t e r p r e t a tions are inspired.
N e w c o m e r Carrie S n o d g r e s s , as
Tina* >s not- as average a n d plainl o o k i n g as the p u b l i c i t y p e o p l e
would have you believe. S h e is a
c h a r m i n g p e r f o r m e r w i t h a laryngitis voice and a lovely c o u n t e n a n c e . She t u r n s in a s y m p a t h e t i c ,
credible performance as t h e m a d
T h e chauvinistic c h a r a c t e r s of
t h e males are established from t h e
o u t s e t . Dick Benjamin is so inc r e d i b l y o b n o x i o u s a n d hilarious
t h a t y o u h o p e he'll c h o k e o n his
sarcasms. F r a n k Langella is s u p e r b
as t h e lover-writer. His snide wise
cracks are calculated t o drain
every bit of pleasure o u t of e m o tional experiences. Y e t u n d e r the
callous surface of his b a t t e r i n g
ram sexuality purrs the heart of a
pussycat. Puzzle t h a t o n e o u t ,
F r a n k Perry's fluid direction is
by R o b e r t R o s e n h l u m
of p r i m a r y interest because of his
use of the principles within confining sets. Most of t h e a c t i o n
best solo o n the d a t e . T h e mediu m b o u n c e of the d r u m c o n t r a s t s takes place within t h e limited
four-walled world of t h e m a d
with the m e l o d y which is a relentlessly slow o n " N e v e r " and t h e housewife. This enables Perry t o
s t i m u l a t e an i n t i m a t e a t m o s p h e r e
whole thing drags.
as t h e a c t o r s go t h r o u g h their
Much of Berger's w o r k , t h o u g h
technically a s t o u n d i n g is r h y t h m i - series of c o n f r o n t a t i o n s .
His e y e for m u t e d c o l o r a n d
cally boring with a t e n d e n c y t o
t e x t u r e is equally
d o u b l e eigth n o t e s with an accent
on the first n o t — s o m e t h i n g t h a t Gerald Hirshfield's beautiful soft
focus p h o t o g r a p h y e n a b l e s Perry
m o s t people escaped from in the
'•10s. But. there is m u c h t o recom- to e x p l o r e the t e x t u r e s of clothing, skin t o n e s , a n d o t h e r inm e n d this a l b u m . Berger is only
a n i m a t e objects, utilizing t o the
fullest the powers of the objective
Blackwell and Holland always a d d
c a m e r a . T h e editing and j u d i c u o u s
to a
use of t h e closeup, help to reinU n f o r t u n a t e l y , despite t h e wide
force m o v e m e n t and i n t i m a t e m o range of written material the final
tivation within the storyline.
results are r e p e t i t i o u s , and unreT h e Perry's are n o t easy filmstrained. Carlos Ward d o e s n o t
m a k e r s . Their films dissect t h e
seem to fit here and a p p e a r s to be
social foibles of our species a n d
u n c o m f o r t a b l e in this c o n t e x t .
c o n t i n u a l l y force us to face the
This a l b u m should be of interest
mirror of self-knowledge and cynito a n y o n e w h o is interested in
cal t r u t h . DIARY O F A M A D
hearing a new m e m b e r of the jazz
H O U S E W I F E is o n e m o r e in their
fraternity and a new sound on
c h a i n of mirrors.
All t h o s e I n t e r e s t e d In
for T E L E T H O N '71
p l e a s e c a l l Ron at 7 - 7 7 9 6
o r J u l i e at 7 - 4 0 6 4
^U *A* ^M^M^M ^M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^M ^ ^ ^fe^k ^ k ^ t i l r ^f ^ ^ ^g^fa ^ ^ ^ ^ ^U ^ ^ ^| r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ »!> -|*J-
2.12 V\M6tt/NG10N AVE . /UGA^Y
<\52 8KOA9WAY.
HOURS: rWy-frday 12-3: Oalu-doy 12 7
A Problem
Dig it...there's a problem. It's the concerts. You see, the man is
walking around all the time-they call him "FIRE marshal ". He's
got all the strings. He snaps his fingers and the shows over, and
maybe, with the Airplane putting in on, you'd have a riot and
hurt, very hurt joke.
Number two...the gym burns real easy. When you're there take a
look around..see all those coats...see the floor...see the bleachers...poof. And with the Airplane putting on two shows, with
crowds inside and outside—and big, big, crowds at that—just one
coat, just one hint of a blaze, and you'd have a stampede and
people hurt, very joke.
Finally, this. Al Ihe Clapton gig, one-half,yes, one half of the
crowd was under sixteen years of age. People actually stood there
and counted. They know. Little kids, having absolutely nowhere
else to go for music, come here and get zonked out of their minds,
and Dad comes to pick them and can't understand why they're
giggling so and making no sense at all—but then he knows. He
knows. He's mad. The community's mad. They know. So cops are
sent in after Ihe concert to clean up and collect the evidence.
Then, they know.
SA Moves Ahead
In past years, here at Albany State and throughout the nation,
the influence of organized student governments has steadily
declined. Most significant movements of the late 1960's--civil
rights, student power, peace, ultimately the May strike-have
arisen as groundswells and left student representatives in an
irrelevant position.
This has proven of great benefit. Direct action has provided
students with deeper recognition of the problems confronting
society today, and has impressed upon administrators the fact
that students are people and must have a role in shaping their own
Unfortunately, however, before significant change is made, such
groundswells tend to subside. The student power movement is no
longer recognizable yet students have still not achieved the degree
of representation which they should have. The strike, for all ils
strength and vehemence, has given way to a deadened political
There has arisen in the meantime a new form of student
government, more conscious of Ihe need for militancy, more
aware of the crisis in education today, much more hesitant of
playing "the nigger role" which previous generations ofstudcnl
leaders have played. This year's Student Association has taken Ihe
first sleps toward becoming a true articulator of student interests.
stabbed thrice
Dear slimy serpentine
A thousand
I not only know
I have already
In the future
In all this
I feel
And find no more organ between
that what I have
not far.
than not al all.
Now I ncedonly
With this
on the stage
settle for repression
I prayed
In my
Yes, thrice by my mother
and father
I prayed
They east down
Of struggle
this with
The men from
in Ihe
of the
The indigenous
And even Poor
edil r
clmore bowes
thrice by wicked
I'bul tongues
which moked
Foul tongues
m o r e should
Fbr powerful
the slaughter
lames, the brother
the death of Martin the Black
of William the
In horror my impotency
As I lift up my
And foul hands cast their ballots
Senator James Buckley
graphics editor
light that I only be
from drunken
that my fears be rendered
that the lest of
me laughable
rather than
by Michael Sakellarides
I was stabbed
And those still engaged
dave fink
For me
their once-cherished
And replace
On the Island of Long to the
Hilda waters
to be
times will Life be
in morning's
I preferred
for my
Or recovering
in exchange
Before she
How many
bob warner
vicki zeldin
Th* Awfully Student Pretse ii located in Campus Cantar 326 of tha Stata
University Of New York at Albany, McKownvllla, Naw York. Tha ASP wai
founded by the Classof 1918 and is funded by Mandatory Student Activity
Asaesament Fee Tax. Our phonal ate 457-2190 and 2194.
Communications are limited to 300 words and are subjected to editing.
Editorial policy is the domain of tha Editor in Chief. Contents of this paper
a n Copyright 1970 by tha Albany Student Press.
the gods above
I survive
I have been stabbed
My life is expected
The descendants
j°n guttman
j»y rosenberg
Bui only slashed and bleeding
But that I will feel it,
carol hughes
^ 5
0 111
I saw what I saw.
albany student press 1
associate technical editors
sue seligson
dan Williams
production manager
gloria hollister
circulation manager
sue faulkner
This trend must be maintained. Student leaders are elccled by
students to represent students, at Ihe very least to case the
frustrations of attending a massive, slow-changing univeisily. II
student leaders fall hack into meaningless, cliquish controversies,
if they limit then perspectives by the methods and actions of then
predecessors, then they will have failed to make student life here
in any way a communal life and the univeisily a place where
academic community may indeed become a reality.
And then
Student Association leaders have done a great deal to improve
the quality and quantity of nick concerts, liy disbanding the
Contemporary Music Council, an inefficient and unresponsive
committee which last year ran the concert program, by suhslituling in its place the University Concert Hoard giving it the powei
to work Willi a professional promoter, Student Association leaders
have been able to save costs and to provide better conecrls.
Student Association leaders have moved into a new area as
well-housing. Students have hassled for many yens with a critical
shortage of housing and have been subject in extremely high icnls
in off-campus units. This yeal .Student Association leaders have
set aside $2000 and are actively exploring the possibility of
purchasing land near Mohawk Campus, building housing, and
providing bus shuttle service back and forth to the campus.
torn clingail
rouses after
And I do feel as a pawn shoved
Student Association leaders have engineered the formation of
Student Associations of Ihe Stale University. While SASU has yet
failed to address itself to the significant problems confronting
students, such as the question of mandatory lax, ils formation
does raise the hope that here is a collective bargaining unit for all
students throughout the State University System.
neill e. shanahan
managing editor
executive editor
aralynn abare
business manager
chuck ribak
advertising manager
Jeff rodgers
arts editor
assistant ad manager
barbara cooperman
sports editor
technical editor
The major achievement has been the reformation of the Board
of Directors of the Faculty Student Association to include more
students, and the interrogation of Mr. Cooley and Mr. Haley by
Central Council. FSA has been attacked consistently throughout
the year for its misdirection, ils lack of sensitivity to student
It's a problem. How you can gel into
Zorma without getting
lit is beyond me. The iwogo together. They're one and the same.
Bui, then think of all those people crowding the fire exits both
inside and out, think of all those coats and wood. Think of all
those Utile kids getting their parents mad. THINK. Keep it
It's a hassle. I know.
FURNISHED HOUSE for r e m it* mllei from Cempui on Western
Ave. 4 B.R.-idMl for 4-6 nudenti.
Prefer femele-MUST BE NEATwailaMa Nov. $350 Includes utilities. 456-6829.
Slingerlend druim complete with
cymbals. Lika new, reasonable.
Paul, 457-4996.
Lost: Key ease, at Clapton concert. Please call 482-6790.
A lot of jewelry-chain belts,
thousands of earrings, medallions,
key chains, necklaces, etc. worth
approx. f 350 for only $40. 482-1316
1967 Mercury Caliente 390. Perfect condition. $1295. Call
1956 Mobile Home 8' x 42', 1
Bedroom, attached room, washer,
dryer. Call 459-3324 after 6 p.m.
weekdays or any time Sunday.
Dale-Save some rhubarb for me.
Congratulations, Sharon and Dan.
RetrieverA.K.C. Reg. All shots-$125. Call
Lost: Diamond ring-Either in
Fine Arts Building or Between Fine
Arts and State Quad parking lot.
Call BE 5-6756. Reward.
Snowflake-Happy First Anniversary—Jim.
You're a father)
Summer Europe $187*. Campus
Representatives-opportunities for
students and educ. staff of your
university of university group to
obtain low-cost travel to Europe.
•Round trop prices as low as $187
for minimum group of 40. Call
Uni Travel Corp., Transatlantic airlines agent. (617) 5990287. 12 Pine
St., Swampscott, Mass. 01907.
1965 Bonneville, P.S. & P.B., R &
H, Rebuilt engine & transmission,
good tires & brakes, 2 extra snows,
excellent, $875.00. Call Dave.
'63 V.W.-Must sell, moving to
California, second engine, 45,000
miles, engine recently overhauled,
snow tires. Good redio, body In
excellent condition, $500 or highest
bidder, call evenings 465-3662.
ATTN: Students. Want better
grades? Have your term papers
typed by calling 766-4116. Reas.
Charge. Pick and delivery free.
FOR SALE: 1961 Falcon $50.
Call Brenda at 457-8800.
1965 Valiant Station Wagon. Best
offer. Call 438-8381.
Ho-Ho-Ho. Are you the J illy Santa type? Need extra Christmas
money? Love kids? Be a part-time
Sante. (Morn. & Afternoon & Evening shift avail.) Mon.-Sat. Nov.
14-Dec. 24. Call 459-9020.
TWO LINES WILL FORM FOR THE 9PM CONCERT. I. On the Western Ave side of the gym, line
starts at Main doors and goes down the steps and
tennis courts
Fight Poverty and add a twist to
this year's Christmas. Bring in the
breed selling our far-out protest
Christmas cards. This year our cards
are against war, smog, water pollution & other things despicable and
evil-like poverty. Send $.25 for
samples and complete information.
Pinteree Enterprises, Dept. 150,
P.O. Box 4269, Shrovsport, La.
side of the gym, line goes down the steps and
benches toward the tennis courts IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF THE LAKE AND INDIAN
Ave side of the gym. line starts at Main doors and
goes along the gym. down the steps and along the
HEATING PLANT. 2. On the Podium side of the
gym. line starts at the door and goes along the gym,
down (he steps, and along the walkway TOWARD
How to Prevent Students
The chief reason why Imliiv's r o l l e r Mudi-uls arc su restless is of
course titrlii pants.
Bill ntln-r fm-tnrs also contribute, and
of them, I fear, is boredom. All too irltim, i four, students find their classes dull beyond endurance. Let's face it: the modern undergraduate, caught in the e,rip
of history and Ins /upper, is far too impatient to sit Liirough old-fashioned lectures delivered in the uld-faslii
il way.
Novelty, excitement, stimulation
that's whnl it takes to jp-ali a
student's attention these days. And wise teachers know it. On campuses everywhere they are Irving hold new techniques to pn|ue and
engross their classes. Take, fur example, Ralph Waldo Sigafoos, Undistinguished professor of economics at the t'ntcersily of Florida, who
now delivers his lectures nude.
Or lei's take K. I'lltriblis Kwbauk, the distinguished professor of
1'lnglish literature at the University of Minnesota where it'- o... cold
to lecture in your bull'. Here's wbal Professor Kwhank dues: .Men he's
leaching, fur instance, Shelley's immortal To a Skuhuk, ' • pauses
after each stanza and does 'J ' ., minutes "1 lord [alls, licliioe me, he
gets a terrific hand every iinie, bin of course the bi^gesl hand cutties
at tile end of the poem when be cats a worm. The kids sometimes applaud till nightfall.
Another innovation by the same resourceful I'rofessor Kwltank is
to make poetry more relevant tu Ins students by taking iheni to the
actual locale of each poem, l.asi mouth, for example, while lecturing
on Wordsworth's immortal Lturs i 'imposed o r'. if Miles Aimer 'I'luleru
Abbey, he rented a Zeppelin, Hew Ins entire class In Kitfilanil, and
moored on the same moor where Wordsworth wrote his immortal
lines. Then everyone deblimped and bail a jelly good picnic, complete
with Morris dancing, three-legged races, pie-ealing contests, and of
course that without which you'd neve- call a picnic complete. I refer
of course to Miller High Life Beer.
If there are still some of you haven't tried Miller High Life
you're laughing, but it's possible lei me tell you what you're missing.
You're missing flavor, pleasure, refreshment, comfort, satisfied
felicity, t r u t h , beauty, mall and Imps. There is no oilier beer like Miller.
flow can there be'.' Miller's marvelous brewing formula has been a
closely guarded secret for generations. In fact, it's known today to
only one man in the whole world Miller's chief brewmasler and he
has been trained to eat himself if ever taken alive.
So if you haven't Iried Miller yet you're laughing, but it's possible - gel a bottle or can right away T h e bottles are beautifully made
of transparent glass. T h e cans aren't bad-looking either; they arc,
however, opaque.
But I digress. We were talking about the new breed of teacher
who doesn't just stand in front of his class and drone. No, sir! He di monstraln. He illuHlmlcn. He dmmiiiiier. Take, for example, (Hebe of
U.C.L.A., professor of marine biology. He doesn't just tell the kids
about the strange life-forms beneath the sea. instead he brings a live
sponge to cluss so they can see it. Similarly, (irausmire of North Carolina State, pru/essur of textile engineering, brings a live wushcloi h.
Then there's Williams of Amherst, professor of library science,
who brings a live Dewey Decimal. And of course there's SchurualinHeink of llnrdin-Simmons, professor of Indo-European, who brings a
live hyphen. And Chttmpt.fl of I'tab A & M, professor of Hebrew
philology, who brings a nice Jewish girl.
And so to those who despair of ever winning back our alienated
students, I have only this to say: remember that America did not become the world's greatest producer of liultcrfat and milk solids by
running away from a fight! Uight on!
EVERYONE will please follow the directions of uniformed security officers and
concert marshals (who will be wearing ribbons).
T H I N K about the amount of smoking that usually goes on at concerts
T H I N K about the amount of people who will be in the gym and the necessity of closing 2
of the 6 exits for security reasons during the first concert
THINK about the fact that in the gym the benches burn, the floor burns, the plastic floor
cover burns, the stage burns, coats burn, and PEOPLE BURN
THINK about the recent fire tragedy in France
and if you're too conceited to think past yourself, THINK about the fact that the
Albany Fire Marshal will close down the whole thing if he sees anyone smoking.
a car?
The Physical Ed. parking lot will
be the First to All. When filled, it
will be closed off.
Dutch Quad
lot, on the Fuller Road side of the
gym, will be used after the gym
parking lot is full.
The Physical Ed. parking lot will
empty one way to Western Ave-
nue. Those parked on Dutch will
exit to Fuller Road.
Quad lot (near Fuller Road). Be-
Parking will
be in the Dutch
tween 11:30 and 12:30AM, there
will be no traffic going towards
the gym from WESTERN AVE.
All traffic will be routed around
Perimeter Road to Dutch Quad
SUNV smdenL-i. .in obtain funtiui information 011 spending
atei in in Cinmuvaci from ennui Ui Frtnk Cdrrmo (472
2972) 01 Eduaido Ki.ora (4570214)
parking lot. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SECURITY OFFICERS' When the concert ends, please exit via Fuller
Imrr made
l.i.'i Heeruml s/ionsors o/this column,
irhul scions to us a ei r e . nsihle nrrit'iui no « ' mth .MUJ- Shiil-
mo«. We duit't tell /net /win tu trrilr UIH/ beiluesu'l tell us how tu brew.
Dig the "Friday
be a meeting of all
Niqht of Soul" over W S U A . Jerry
former Freshman Summer language
participants at 3 : 3 0 Monday the 9 t h
Latin Soul
of November, at H U Lounge, room
( 7 : 3 0 - 1 0 p.m.l,
3 5 4 . Students interested in future
Nicks (mldnlght-4 a.m.) play con-
programs are invited to attend this
tinuous soul, R & B, and Jazz. Get
important evaluation meeting.
into it...Friday nights over W S U A
The office of Residence will soon
A meeting of friends of the Free
School will be held Tuesday, Nov.
10th at 7 : 3 0 p.m. in CC 320.
be selecting Resident Assistants for
the 1971-72 academic year. Anyone
interested in an R.A. p o s i t i o n must
attend the mandatory interest meet-
Goes out to
ing on N o v . 2 2 , 1970 in Lecture
Center 11 f r o m 7-9 p.m. I I y o u are
The Peace Project is sponsoring
" T h e Charter of the United Nations
as a Design for Peace-Making" with
Dean Fres Tichner, Graduate School
of Public Affairs; 4 p.m., Monday,
Nov. 9 in CC 315.
Interested in planning a new c o m -
rrust contact H o w a r d W o o d r u f f in
H a l l . 4 5 7 - 8 8 3 9 , at least
t w o (2) days prior to the meeting.
A l l those interested in a u d i t i o n i n g
for T e l e t h o n ' 7 1 , please call R o n ,
R o o m . Swalden members, $ . 1 5 ; all
7-7796. or Julie, 7-4064.
See Sally Goodall in the
in the O f l i c e of International Studies, SS 1 1 1 . Included are school
and higher Education positions.
D u t c h Quad Flagroom must request
the D u t c h
of English, University
Rochester, w i l l
talk about and
Board at least 2 weeks i n advance.
show her f i l m , " F r o m Every Shires
T o m Jordan:
at four o'clock in Lecture Center 3.
State University
is urgently
quested to contact the D.C. Center
be an
for all
w h o is experienced
on campus at 4 5 7 - 4 0 0 9 . A l l those
H e l m r i c h , piano.
m e n considering
to d o n a t e
even 2 hours a
week are greatly needed. F o r more
sportscasting team takes to the road
or status l l - A O , l-O), sponsored b y
to cover Great Dane f o o t b a l l . Join
the Draft Counseling Center. I t w i l l
be held M o n d a y night, N o v . 9 at
together w i n e a n d cheese p a r t y for
7 : 3 0 in the Assembly Hall of the
Campus Center.
s t u d y i n g a b r o a d . Students w i l l be
1 p.m. Saturday
for all the
This will be P l a t t s b u r g h ' s last,
c h a n c e for a victory obviously
because this is their final ballg a m e . T h e y are 0-6-1 b u t , according t o Coach F o r d , are n o t t o be
taken lightly. " T h e y have been in
every o n e of their games a n d their
defense is very t o u g h . " It is led b y
linebacker Steve Garcia, w h o is a
"real fine football p l a y e r , " s t a t e d
i n f o r m a t i o n , call Ira at 4 7 2 - 5 0 9 6 .
applying for a conscientious object-
T h e G r e a t D a n e football t e a m
will attempt t o b o u n c e back from
two consecutive losses S a t u r d a y
w h e n they play their third a w a y
game in a r o w a t Plattsburgh.
of N e w Y o r k a l
A l b a n y presents F L U T E
N i r e m b u r g in beautiful
o n e running back along with c o captin Bernie Boggs. Both are real
quick and Albany will try t o use
their line advantage t o spring
t h e m o n s o m e long gains.
by Dave Fink
mentary about Chaucerian England,
on Wednesday a f t e r n o o n , N o v . 1 1 ,
N a o m i D i a m o n d , a member of the
in using the
T h e U n i t e d Nations' m o n t h l y va-
be an i n f o r m a l get-
h a n d , w h o studied abroad, to
L o u n g e - R o o m 3 5 4 . For further information,
Plattsburg plays a •!-•! defense
b u t S t a t e ' s offensive line will,
unbelievably, have a slight edge u p
front. Because of this, t h e Danes
have p u t in a n e w offense for t h e
game. Coach F o r d has inserted a
pro-T-set with a split backs a n d
t w o tight ends. T h e r e will also be
a flanker. J i m Butler will s t a r t a l
457 5 0 4 7
Why isn't a big
company like General Electric
doing more to clean up
the environment?
Fencing C l u b w i l l
new members a n ; w e l c o m e .
O i l l i n i Sin ial H o u r . Sunday N-> •. H
7 3 0 p in Slate O
the problem of thermal effects, it's
being tackled on a site-by-sile basis
and <an be solved. But for now,
increasing demands for power ran
be met without an increasing
output of air pollution.
What follows is a listing of
things General Electric is doing to
ease environmental prohlems.
Some are new. Some are as old as
twenty-five years.
• GE has developed a wastetreatment unit to significantly
reduce the water pollution from
ships and boats.
• We have been chosen by the
federal government to solve the
problem of jet-engine noise for the
aviation industry. Our present jet is
already quieter than those on the
passenger planes of the Sixties, and
yet it's nearly three times as powerful.
Should we be doing more?
Yes, of course. Every company
should. These are only a few of the
more important ones. But every day
sees us take more steps in many
more directions.
• General Electric is working
toward a process that will use
bacteria to convert garbage into a
high-prolein food for cattle. One
possible answer to the mounting
garbage problem.
• Modern, pollution-free mass transit
from General Electric is carrying
more and more commuters into cities
without their cars.
• GE pioneered the development of
nuclear power plants. A nuclear
plant makes electricity without
making smoke. While there is still
• GE designed and built an
undersea habitat called "Tektile."
Several teams of scientists have lived
in the habitat while studying coralreef ecology and ocean pollution.
• We're designing an earth-resources
satellite which will be used for a
wot Idwide survey of the oceans
A first step towatd the ultimate
control of water pollution.
• Our newest jet airplane engine,
for the DC-10, is designed to be
smoke-free Of c ourse, theie's more
to jet exhaust than just smoke. And
our goal is to one day make them
run totally clean,
• General Electric makes hightemperature vortex incinerators for
the ( omplele combustion of many
lypes of solid waste. Complete
combustion drastically reduces the
amount of leftover ash, as well as
virtually eliminating air pollutants.
The problems of the environment are many. And some of the
solutions will be difficult and
costly. Bui, as you can see, we're
w o i k i n g on them.
ll»' hundii.ipiiwl
•. Asia, ' » A i m , i . pluasu m i l
i.i, i H i t a l
Bmslisin .ii 4 5 7 - 5 0 4 7 .
P, w i l l
present the
" 1 9 8 4 " , » i I Hi's . N o v . H) and
Wml., N,,v
1 I , in I C :i a' / 30 .mil
II :«) A d m i s s i o n
A Xerox 720 m m h u m pi
a a l u d i;u|m'i
I " ' ' " s i II
I ihrary
, i l all f a m i l y . slaU, ami
•.Iniltmls rtisiilnii] ,ii w o r k i n g m t i n ;
D o w n t o w n Campos aiua.
Why are we running this ad?
We're running this ad, and
others like it, to tell you the things
General Electric is doing about the
problemsof man and his
environment today.
The problems concern us
because they concern you We're a
business and you are potential
customers and employees
But there's another, more
important reason. These problems
will affec l the future of this country
anil this planet. We have a slake in futute. As businessmen. And,
simply, as people.
We invite your comments
I'lease write to General Electric,
S70 Lexington Ave , New Yolk, N Y
c l u b , send name ami
liitatitKuin m i n i u m to I I I Pul5ki>v"M i
B o x , Campus
Ciiiiu.'i l u l u . D,".k.
I l i i ' Capitol I I , M m i C
I,', , i l
n, .in I',,,I,••,..,„., I,,i I-,.,,,,, ,,
Mm Miilcll,' I ,ivl w i l l piusinil .i I i'i
l u i i ' by J • i.. 1. --.-.. >p W a l l , ' , I ioklHN'in
Hi,' A l l i u m .in I i n ,
.i,„l ll,r
Mi,till,' I i.l W , n " ,,,, W i l l . , Nov. I 1
il X p a n ,n I ,,, m i , , I , . , u , . , <,
,M||,my C ,
M i ' l l l . i l Mr.,Ill
> ,11 II
James Warden
for tin; J a m e s
H 111 a m i ',
1 ' I . I I H I, ', I
Illll,', .Mill ill'.,
| l l
i" III,' I',,I,
ill, 111
.mil V II nil W.'il., N m
,1 On.ill , , , l , '
I 1 .,1 7 III
This $ 2 0 0 grant was established
T h e r e are four criteria involved
.,1 IJiiail
2. interest in athletics
vemher 1 1.
n o t have
participated in varsity athletics al
Me s h o u l d
i . i n l l ,iii,l v i l l a
' ' " ' " " » ' •"'<
l i n 1, 1 ' , i „ ' , , . „ , '
m y ' C,mi.' ,„i
h 7 Colonial
.1. character a n d service
Physical E d u c a t i o n Bu ilding. T h e
the air
T h e r e will be a captains meeting
for t h e AMI A fall Swim Meet on
Monday, November 0 at 1:00
p i n . in r o o m 125 of the Phys. Ed.
1. », l'|, i l l m i l ,
Listen t o Clubhouse J o u r n a l
with Elliot Niremberg for t h e
latest in Campus SporLs. F r o m
1 n terviews
Monday night at 8:110 p . m . on
WSUA r a d i o 6 4 0 on your dial.
1. Scholarship
t w o letters of r e c o m m e n d a t i o n t o
o f the time. The quarterback
in choosing a recipient.
autobiographical letter along with
the ball
Wednesday, N o v e m b e r 2 5 t h . T h e
t h e recipient
will be
before intercession recess.
fur A M I A
•I. need
V.n.M 1,11 M i '
a t Albany.
11,,,' I p i i ' l n i l ' l y l
i ill I III V ! 1'! lii'iw
in l y p i '
T h e D a n e defense w i l l be t r y i n g
to stop a P i t t s b u r g h attack which
Sport Shorts
of J a m e s Warden, a scholar a t h e l t e
,11-,'iki VnllillU'iilS w l
Senior Dick Wesley is back
from a t w o game absence with
b r o k e n ribs a n d will start a t right
tackle. T h e best, of the line will
consist of Dick Moore a n d AI
Barocas at t h e guards, Gary Klipp
at center and Bernie Pooler at t h e
o t h e r tackle.
Wo men's
Sy nchroni/.ed s t u n t s , which are judged on form.
T h e girls are looking forward t o
Swim Club will begin its season o n
N o v e m b e r 21 w h e n they will trav- this c o m p e t i t i o n as the start of
el to M o u n t H o l y o k e , Massachu- a n o t h e r successful season. Last,
for t h e Eastern
Inter- spring the team of Sandy Graff,
Swim Meg Marine, Jackie Levy, a n d
ming Conference s t u n t c o m p e t i - Debby Swalm took first place in
the beginner division of the EISSC
r o u t i n e c o m p e t i t i o n which was
T h e club practices every Tuesheld at Albany. Albany will again
day a n d T h u r s d a y from 6 until H,
h o s t the r o u t i n e c o m p e t i t i o n in
and a n y o n e is w e l c o m e t o join by
just c o m i n g t o o n e of the pracThe
tices. T h e Sychroni/.ed Swim C l u b
has a m e m b e r s h i p of a b o u t 1 5 a n d B a s k e t b a l l t e a m b e g a n p r a c t i c e
9 of the girls will be performing a t W e d n e s d a y . T h e girls a r e l o o k i n g
M o u n t H o l y o k e . T h e girls a t t e n d - f o r w a r d t o a n o t h e r f i n e y e a r w i t h
a r e ; Beginners
P e g g y m a n y o f last y e a r ' s p l a y e r s r e t u r n Dalbeim, Denise Goldberg, Carol i n g . A n y o n e m a y s t i l l j o i n I b e
Inter- t e a m b y c o n t a c t i n g t h e c o a c h .
m e d i a t e Sa n d y
G ra If, Meg Miss B a r b a r a P a l m ( 1 5 7 I5I1H).
I la l i n e ,
Swalm; a n d Advanced Maureen
Mel ling. Si u nt. c o m p e t i t i o n
judged similarly t o diving with
each girl e x p e c t e d t o perform
three required a n d two o p t i o n a l
by the Class of 1951 in t h e name
Hi" ,:"n
G o r d i o Kupperstein will s t a r t a t
q u a r t e r b a c k in place of t h e injured Bill Flanagan w h o is o u t
with a b r o k e n h a n d . F r e s h m a n
Rick P e t t y will be waiting in t h e
wings should t h e offense s p u t t e r ' .
T h e latter is c r e d i t e d with being a
very fine passer. Ed T h o m a s a n d
Ed Perka will be t h e tight ends
with Cleve Little p r o b a b l y getting
the n o d at flanker back. All purpose o p e r a t o r
Keith Ward is
d o u b t f u l with an injured ankle.
Women's Sports
I ll.iqroonl
M n i ' l i n q fin students w i l l i n g In gel
D e l i a Sigma
How much can one company do
to clean up (he environment?
Until the prohlems of pollution
are under control—until its effects
are reversed—no company can ever
he doing "enough."
meal o n
N o v . 11 arid cm Sal. N o v . 14
the Phys E d dance s l n d i i i . A l l
Giants 21 Dallas 17
Gridders Try To Snap Loss Streak vs. Platts,
others. $.25. Music w i l l be p r o v i d e d .
cancy list is n o w available for review
Coffee House,
on Friday, N o v . 6 , in the Recital
n o t able to attend the meeting, y o u
Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. in the A l d e n Rec
Starting on Nov. 2 , a new 1 9 7 0
Ford P i n t o w i l l be shown on campus for 4 weeks In d i f f e r i n g locations. A student research group will
be contacting 1,500 students t o fill
out questionnaires regarding the
Pinot. Those lilling out questionnaires w i l l have a chance to w i n this
Pinto for a " I r e e w e e k e n d " w h i c h
includes a gas allowance.
is W e d n e s d a y ,
and Team
b a s k e t b a l l w i l l be avail-
I 0(1 p . m . i n R o o m
11 t h
i:(-l o f t h e
Phys Ed B u i l d i n g .
T u g o f War e n t r y f o r m s are n o w
R o o m PE I'M.
Volleyball T e a m entry forms are
now available in the Intramural
office. T h e e n t r y deadline is Wednesday, N o v e m b e r 1 1.
is Pete D e N a t o and his favorite
receiver is Chris Kringle. What
m a k e s t h e h o m e t e a m s offense
t h a t m u c h m o r e dangerous is the
fact t h a t they use d e c e p t i o n s such
as screen passes a m ! d r a w plays t o
keep t h e defense h o n e s t .
Obviously, t h e r e will be a lot of
pressure on t h e defensive line t o
c o n t a i n Plattsburg's good running
game, and at t h e s a m e time p u t
pressure on D e N a t o . T o m Patters o n ' s exceptional game at safety
last week (II i n t e r c e p t i o n s ) e a r n e d
him a starting role this week. If
c a p t a i n R o y c e Van Evera is back
from a shoulder s e p a r a t i o n , we
might see him a t t h e left c o r n e r
slot. T h e rest of t h e defense is
p r e t t y well set with o n e n o t a b l e
a d d i t i o n . R u d y V i t o , a starter a t
fullback at t h e beginning of t h e
season, will very possibly see work
at linebacker.
This i.s the D a n e s ' c h a n c e for a
winning season. T h e y must win
t o m o r r o w t o have a shot a I it.
When asked t o s p e c u l a t e on t h e
t e a m ' s chances, Coach F o r d replied, "I think we can win b u t
games are played b e t w e e n 2 : 0 0
and 5 : 0 0 in the a f t e r n o o n . We'll
find o u t t h e n . "
THE O F F E N S I V E LINE is seen working o n the blocking sled in
preparation for Saturday's game vs. P i t t s b u r g h .
End Fine Season of 10-3
by Robert Merett
Bob Munsey's
countrymen entertained LeMoyne
this past T u e s d a y a n d suffered a
rare loss by a s c o r e of 25-U0.
Dennis H a c k e t t otlee again led
A l b a n y as he finished first by 12
seconds, in a field of 22 with a
time of 2 7 - 0 1 . His time, t h o u g h ,
was n o t indicative of t h e type of
race h e ran as he kept back t o
help out his t e a m m a t e s and only
with I'/J miles left t o go on the 5
mile course took off o n bis o w n .
O t h e r w i s e , he might have c o m e
close t o the Albany t e a m record
of 2 0 : 2 1 .
An interesting sideline is that,
since the first m e e t of the season,
when Albany m u r d e r e d Clarkson,
15-19, t h e " t i n t s M e n " have never
had their t o p six r u n n e r s together.
S o m e t h i n g has always p o p p e d upinjuries, strep t h r o a t or intestinal
virus (which has affected a l m o s t
the entire t e a m ) . This week was
no different as Pat Gepfert, t h e
third r u n n e r on t h e t e a m , just
before t h e start of t h e m e e t ,
s u d d e n l y came d o w n
with a
muscle spasm and c o u l d barely
b r e a t h e . After being r u b b e d d o w n
a n d heavily taped along the chest
and hack he amazingly came hack
t o r u n . " I t was o n e of the m o s t
c o u r a g e o u s efforts in cross country t h a t I've .seen in 0 y e a r s , "
(loach Munsey s t a l e d . " H e was in
a g o n y and had t r o u b l e in getting
b r e a t h . We never would have run
him b u t since we d i d n ' t have
d e p t h we c o u l d n ' t keep him o u t . "
R u n n i n g under t r e m e n d o u s adversity, Pal finished 0th b u t was u t
least 15 s e c o n d s slower than his
normal pace. With a healthy Gepfert t h e Harriers would have p r o b ably c o m e back on t o p as, in the
two previous meets he h a d b e a t e n
the third, fourth a n d fifth finishers of t h e race. This w a s only t h e
second loss Albany h a s suffered in
nine meetings with L e M o y n e .
A l t h o u g h d i s a p p o i n t e d in finishing t h e season on a losing n o t e ,
Coach Munsey noted t h a t his m e n wins held by T o m Robinson. With
15 wins in 2 years of running he
did a good overall j o b in finishing
appears to be well within range.
the season with a 10-3 r e c o r d . If
Finally, I think we should all
they had pulled off this last m e e t ,
take note o f the Harriers fine
they would have finished with a n
11-2 mark which w o u l d have performance. In Coach Munsey's
9 years with the team they boast
m a t c h e d t h e team record n u m b e r
an outstanding record o f 7 7 - 1 5
of victories which was set in 1 9 6 6
have 9 consecutive winning
when t h e Harriers finished 1 1 - 1 .
Still remaining on t h e s c h e d u l e is seasons behind them. Both the
t h e IC4A Meet in Van C o r t l a n d coach a n d t h e men w h o devote
precious time a n d energy t o t h e
Park in New York on N o v e m b e r
sport should be heartily congrat16
Hackett a n d Nick
DeMarco will represent S t a t e .
L o o k i n g forward t o n e x t year,
Apologies are in o r d e r to J o e
only Pat Gepfert will be gradKaiser ( S T B ) w h o was named o n
uating s o only o n e of the t o p five
the All-Leage III second team a t
r u n n e r s will be lost. In a d d i t i o n ,
offensive e n d . His name was left
H a c k e t t will be aiming a t t h e
o u t of T u e s d a y ' s e d i t i o n .
school record of 22 dual m e e t
JUNIOR DENNIS HACKETT was the top finisher in Tuesday's meet
against LeMoyne (ogive him 15 firsts in his varsity career to date.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 , 1 9 7 0
New York State
New York State
G O V E R N O R - N e l s o n Rockefeller ( R )
L T . G O V E R N O R - M a l c o l m Wilson ( R )
C O M P T R O L L E R - A r t h u r Levitt (D-L)
A T T O R N E Y O E N E R A L - L o u i s Lefkowita ( R )
U.S. S E N A T E - J a m e s B u c k l e y (C)
N E W Y O R K S T A T E S E N A T E - R e p u b l i c a n s retain c o n t r o l 3 2 - 2 5 ,
sustaining a loss of o n e seat
NEW Y O R K S T A T E A S S E M B L Y R e p u b l i c a n s retain c o n t r o l 79-71
w i t h n o change in relative p a r t y s t r e n g t h
NEW Y O R K C O N G R E S S I O N A L D E L E G A T I O N D e m o c r a t s retain
c o n t r o l 2 4 - 1 7 , b u t lost t w o seats t o the Republicans
Albany Area
CONGRESS: 29 CD.-Sam Stratton
3 0 C.D.-Carlton King ( R )
S T A T E S E N A T E : 3 9 S.D.-Douglas J u d s o n ( R - C )
4 0 S.D.-Walter Langley ( R )
41 S.D.-Dalwin Niles (R-C)
S T A T E A S S E M B L Y : 1 0 1 A.D.-Neil Kelleher (R-C)
102 A . D . - T h o m a s B r o w n (D)
1 0 3 A.D.-Fred Field ( R )
104 A.D.-Mury A n n e Kurpsak (D-L)
105 A.D.-Clark Wemple (R-C)
106 A.D.-Fred D r o m s (R-C)
Congressional Races in N . Y . C . M e t r o p o l i t a n Area-Partial Listing
5 C.D.-Norman Lent (R-C)
8 C.D.-Benjamin R o s e n t h a l (D-L)
10 C.D.-Emmanuel Cellar (D-L)
Neil Kelleher
to halt
Kuntsler from coming to State, in
fact he objects
to allowing
"radical" speakers on state cam
campaigns on law and order issue.
Sam Stratton
"Dove" Button by 2-1 margin.
Neil Kelleher
Third party, Pro-Nixon
in cum ben t
Goodell and wealthy
Richard Ottinger for a
six-year U.S. Senate
to a
despite his being Jewish and having a black running mate—or
maybe because he is Jewish and because he had a black
"Liberal, "
Allard K. Lowenstein
loses down
in Nassau
Well, there it is in New York
S t a t e . T h e i m p o r t a n t positions,
the positions that people l o o k e d
t o w a r d s as c h a n n e l s t o air their
displeasure with America, have
Whether or not the y o u t h of this
s t a t e gave the c a n d i d a t e s that they
w a n t e d t o see elected enough supp o r t is q u e s t i o n a b l e . But actually
it's relatively u n i m p o r t a n t for a
conservative tide has swept across
the s t a t e . A tide thut can p e r h a p s
he m o s t aptly a t t r i b u t e d to the
c a m p u s u n r e s t a n d ensuing des t r u c t i o n durini! lust spring in particular.
T o every action t h e r e is an equal
a n d o p p o s i t e r e a c t i o n . It seems
t h a t in politics to every surge to
t h e left, every surge t o w a r d s violence, there is an equal and o p p o -
for over a c e n t u r y has o b t a i n e d at t h e t i m e of his
e l e c t i o n t o office, c o n t r o l of Congress--except Mr.
N o t only will this year's g u b e r n a t o r i a l o u t c o m e
affect the 1 9 7 2 Presidential e l e c t i o n , it will affect
the redistricting of all H o u s e a n d S t a t e legislative
seats for t h e n e x t d e c a d e .
In s u m m a r y , it seems safe t o say t h a t while New
Y o r k and C o n n e c t i c u t were R e p u b l i c a n landslides,
t h e n a t i o n w i d e results indicate t h a t this has b e e n a
D e m o c r a t i c year.
site move t o w a r d s
the right,
t o w a r d s the issue of law a n d
T h e fact t h a t m a n y , a l t h o u g h
not enough, honestly c o m m i t t e d
and involved y o u t h w o r k e d for
c a n d i d a t e s really d i d n ' t make a
difference. T h e y o u t h of t o d a y
have been s t e r e o t y p e d by Misters
Nixon and Agnew as n o good, a n d
a large segment of the e l e c t o r a t e
has a c c e p t e d this image. A l t h o u g h
the inflamed r h e t o r i c of these t w o
men is an abuse of their a u t h o r i t y
and their position t h e y merely
said w h a t a large s e g m e n t of the
p o p u l a t i o n was t h i n k i n g .
it is n o t t h e
y o u t h w h o m a k e s the headlines.
R a t h e r it is the b o m b and brickthrowing
focused u p o n . Because of this
candidates who welcome student
volunteers did so c a u t i o u s l y . T h e
longer of the long haired w o r k e r s
w e r e kept at the c a n d i d a t e s ' headq u a r t e r s answering p h o n e s .
It is not t h a t the c a n d i d a t e s
truly q u e s t i o n these s t u d e n t s ' sincerity, h u t t h e y also hold n o
illusions as t o the i m p o r t a n c e of
images. And to a large part of
middle America t o d a y , a longhaired, beaded, belled, b o o t e d
y o u t h is a b o m b and brick-throwing y o u t h . T o say the least, this is
T o change this image is difficult
Almost as difficult as changing the
c o m p o s i t i o n of the s t a t e , local
and national legislatures. But if we
want to work within this s y s t e m ,
even with all its faults, to continue to exist as a free, hopefully a
freer s t a t e , we m u s t change the
c o m p o s i t i o n of the law and deci
c o u n t r y . T o do this we must not
even give Agnew a n d Nixon a n d
others the c h a n c e t o m a k e our
image for us. We m u s t m a k e our
o w n image, and hopefully it will
bo o n e of a responsible, and of
course frustrated, c o n c e r n e d , and
of course upset, involved, but of
course legally, intelligent, but of
course still willing to learn, y o u t h
of today.
b y Harry Weiner
G O V E R N O R S H I P S : T h e D e m o c r a t s have gained 10 gov e r n o r s h i p s . t o give t h e m the majority of t tate
houses, 2H to 21 for the R e p u b l i c a n s . O n e race is in d o u at; i i R h o d e Island where Licht (D) is holdi ng a
slim lead over D e S i m o n o ( R ) . If Licht can hold his lei d when the a b s e n t e e ballots have been c o u n t e d the
D e m o c r a t s will have 2!) governorships.
Tobins', an iBeftd poluter of Pitrooa Creek, k the tMfjet for a November 21 economic boycott by I
and local environmental groups.
Tobin, Patroon Creek Polluter.>
Conservation ProtestTarget
By J u l i a n M a t t h i a s
Senate Races
Arizona F a n n i n ( R )
CWi/ornm-Tunney (D)
Weicker ( R )
Delaware Rolh (K)
Florida-Chiles (D)
lllinios Stevenson (D)
Indiana Undecided
Maine Muskie (D)
Maryland Brail (It)
Massachusetts- Kennedy (D)
M / s s / s s i p p / S t e n n i s (D)
Missouri S y m i n g t o n (D)
Nebraska l l r u s k a ( R )
Nevada C a n n o n (D)
New Jersey Williams (D)
New Mexico MonUiya (D)
New Yorll Buckley (C)
North Dakota Durdick ( D |
Ohio T a l l (H)
H i m * Island Pastore (I))
Vi unessee Brock (It)
Texan Bentsen (D)
t 'tall Moss (D)
Vermont I'rouly 111)
Virginia Many Uynl (Inii.)
Washington J a c k s o n (U)
West Virginm Ruberl Hyrcl (I))
Wisconsin P r o x m i r e (I))
Wyoming M c l i e e (I))
c ubernatorial
/WubrmiH-Wallace (D)
A/u.sfcu Egan (D)
Colorado-Love (R)
Georgia-Carter (D)
/du/io-Samuelson ( R )
Iowa-Hay ( R )
Maine Curtis (D)
A/nrv/und-Mandel (D)
t (R)
M/Wiitfnn-Milliken ( R )
/Vei'urta-O'Callaghan (D)
Nt'w Hampshire -Peterson ( R )
New Mexico- King (D)s,
New York-Rockefeller (R)
O/ii'o-Gilligan ( I ) ;
\Ui\\ (D)
Oregon MeCall (It)
S h a p p (1))
Rhode Island Undecided
South Ctirottiut West (1))
South Dakolu Kneip (I))
Tennessee Dunn (It)
Texas Smith (I))
Vermont Davis (R)
Wisconsin I.ueey (D)
Tuesday, November 10, 1970
Rats on Campus
Election. Results:
State Unioertity o\ New York at Albany
Vol. LVII No. 34
T h e g u b e r n a t o r i a l races have resulted in a n impressive gain for t h e D e m o c r a t s . As L a w r e n c e
O'Brien, t h e D e m o c r a t i c national c h a i r m a n , said,
this is " n o t h i n g s h o r t of a fantastic D e m o c r a t i c
w i n . " Considering t h a t the D e m o c r a t s w e n t i n t o t h e
election in the m i n o r i t y , with o n l y 18 o u t of 50
governorships, a n d n o w have the majority of s t a t e
houses, 2 9 t o 2 1 , O ' B r i e n ' s claim is n o t m e r e
HOUSE OF R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S : T h e D e m o c r a t * have gained 12 seats in t h e H o u s e , so t h a t t h e
c o m p o s i t i o n of the 9 2 n d Congress when it c o n v e n e s in <- a n u a r y will he 2 5 5 D e m o c r a t s and 179
R e p u b l i c a n s . O n e race is u n d e c i d e d as of n o w .
Election Comment
ftf Contents copyright 1970.
by Bob Warner
UNITED S T A T E S S E N A T E : D e m o c r a t s 5 3 , R e p u blican.s I I . Conservatives 1, I n d e p e n d e n t s 1. Assuming
that Buckley, t h e Conservative, will vote for the R e p i blicans, a n d Ha rry Byrd, t h e I n d e p e n d e n t , will v o t e
for the D e m o c r a t s to reorganize the Senate n e x t J inu •lry the balance of p o w e r will still be m a i n t a i n i d b y
the D e m o c r a t s , 54-'l5. This c o n s t i t u t e s a net gain of t w o seats for llu Republicans. T h e u n d e c i d e d race is
in Indiana, w h e r e the i n c u m b e n t H a r t k c (D) is being ch; llenged by R o u d e b u s h ( R ) . As of n o w , Hi rtke
leads by ;1H()() votes, but a r e c o u n t is u n d e r w a y .
C.D.-Edward KOch (D-L)
C.D.-Charles Rangel (R-D)
C.D.Bella A b z u g ( D )
C.D.-William R y a n (D-L)
C.D.-Hcrman Badillo (D-L)
C.D.-James Scheuer (D-L)
C.D.-Peter Peyser ( R )
C.D.-Ogden Reid ( R - L )
C.D.-John Dow (D-L)
by Vicki Zeldin
Albany Student Press i
T h e 1 9 7 0 m i d - t e r m e l e c t i o n s seem t o have given
Nixon a slight gain in t h e S e n a t e , a n d a m i n u t e loss
in the H o u s e . T h e R e p u b l i c a n s , w h o have gained
t w o seats, including Buckley's, have fallen far s h o r t
of their original goal of Senate c o n t r o l , h o w e v e r .
Considering t h a t t h e R e p u b l i c a n s s p e n t $ 6 5 million
t o gain c o n t r o l , plus an incredible a m o u n t of energy
a n d prestige by N i x o n , Agnew, and m a n y R e p u b lican S e n a t o r s , t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n has gone d o w n t o
T h e y have o b t a i n e d a slightly m o r e conservative
S e n a t e , however, with G o r e , T y d i n g s , and Goodell
going d o w n t o defeat. T h e D e m o c r a t s have gained,
t h o u g h , impressive Senate victories in California a n d
Illinois. T h e S o u t h e r n D e m o c r a t i c gains, t h o u g h
significant for p a r t y c o n t r o l , have virtually no effect
on t h e ideological struggle in t h e Senate.
A n o t h e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n in t e r m i n g N i x o n ' s campaign efforts a failure, is t h a t the President has again
been denied a Republican C o n g r e s s ; e v e r y President
^ ^
" T o b i n Flush Y o u " will be o n e
of the slogans used by b o y c o t t e r s
T o b i n ' s is a local m e a t packaging
c o m p a n y t h a t has b e c o m e t h e
target of S U N Y A ' s PYE C l u b a n d
T h e Industrial Pollution Comm i t t e e of PYE Club has organized
an e c o n o m i c b o y c o t t of T o b i n ' s
o n S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 1 . Their
plan is to d e m o n s t r a t e at local
s u p e r m a r k e t s . T h e protesters will
p h o t o g r a p h s , give o u t leaflets, allow I hem to smell samples of
water from Patroon Creek, a n d
will u r g e t h e m n o t t o b u y T o b ' n ' s
T o b i n ' s is a m a j o r b u t b y n o
m e a n s t h e only polluter of Patr o o n Creek. T h e sewage t h a t t h e y
s p e w o u t is particularly n o x i o u s ;
m u c h of it consists of b l o o d , guts,
organs, and o t h e r r o t t i n g organic
material, which n o t only smells
less t h a n a p p e t i z i n g b u t is responsible for m a i n t a i n i n g a r a t h e r
d e n s e p o p u l a t i o n of rats. Its effects o n the e n v i r o n m e n t are disa s t r o u s . Interestingly, T o b i n ' s has
received an a n t i - p o l l u t i o n a w a r d
from Mayor Corning.
O n e plan t o eliminate t h e
p r o b l e m is to d a m u p t h e creek t o
p e r m i t the p o l l u t a n t s t o precipitate to the b o t t o m . T h e comp a n y ' s excuse for n o t doing this is
t h a t it would cost $1 l)(),00U. Also
Albany sewage
p l a n t s h o u l d be finished by t h e
time t h e y finished t h e d a m m i n g of
the creek. However, T o b i n ' s p r o fits for t h e last fiscal y e a r t o t a l e d
$ 1 , 2 1 1 , 0 8 0 a n d the sewage treatm e n t p l a n t which is already behind schedule w o n ' t be finished
for 18 m o n t h s .
T h e T o b i n ' s c o m p a n y defends
itself by claiming t h a t t h e r e are
o t h e r polluters. N o t e w o r t h y t h a t
o n e of t h e o t h e r p o l l u t e r s c i t e d
was S U N Y a t A l b a n y .
T h e r e ' s a new " l i t t l e fella" a r o u n d c a m p u s . H e ' s small, a l t h o u g h
bigger t h a n a m o u s e , and his c o a t is usually black, b r o w n , or gray.
C o m p l e t e w i t h a long tail, y o u have p r o b a b l y seen him scurrying
a c r o s s t h e p o d i u m o r q u a d s w h e n all is q u i e t . N o , h e ' s n o t a n
u n d e r g r a d u a t e pledging a fraternity - h e ' s a rat. A n d his p r e s e n c e o n
t h i s c o n c r e t e paradise h a s c r e a t e d a n uprising a m o n g S U N Y A ' s
i n h a b i t a n t s -• an uprising t o find o u t w h a t , if a n y t h i n g , is b e i n g d o n e
t o get rid of him.
Ira V. Devoe, head m a i n t e n a n c e supervisor, provided a n u m b e r of
reasons for the prevalence of rats on t h e c a m p u s this year. A c c o r d i n g
t o t h e laws of n a t u r e , r a t s are q u i t e h a p p y living o u t in t h e o p e n fields
during the w a r m e r m o n t h s . But as soon as t h e fall season rolls a r o u n d ,
these r o d e n t s are forced t o find w a r m e r s u r r o u n d i n g s — such as
b a s e m e n t s a n d garbage pails.
Mr. Devoe also p o i n t e d o u t t h a t t h e large a m o u n t of people a r o u n d
c a m p u s p r o d u c e s a p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y large a m o u n t of garbage w h i c h
a t t r a c t s rats if left strewn a r o u n d . T h e s e factors he labeled m o r e or
less " n o r m a l , " and t h a t relatively little could b e d o n e t o prevent the
rats from c o m i n g o u t i n t o t h e o p e n in their search for food and
•lie Iter.
T h e a b u n d a n c e of r a t s this year, w h i c h he claimed t o b e "definitely
a b n o r m a l , " relates t o the fact t h a t S U N Y A is still u n d e r g o i n g growing
pains. AN c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o c e e d s b o t h o n I n d i a n Q u a d and at t h e field
h o u s e site, colonies of rats are being d i s t u r b e d a n d sent o u t t o look
for new h o m e s . O n c e t h e y get o n t o t h e p o d i u m and quadrangles,
t h e r e is relatively n o place t o go e x c e p t i n t o o p e n garbage pails ( w h i c h
are usually rare) and buildings.
T h e university ( t h r o u g h t h e Buildings a n d G r o u n d s D e p a r t m e n t ) has
an e x t e r m i n a t i o n c o n t r a c t , and e x t e r m i n a t o r s are at w o r k a r o u n d the
c a m p u s o n a regular basis. A l t h o u g h h e d i d n ' t k n o w e x a c t l y w h a t kind
of poison w a s being used, Mr. Devoe said t h a t t h e y were "selective
p o i s o n s " which were o k a y e d by the university after careful analysis.
In any event, e x t e r m i n a t i o n is restricted t o buildings and n e a r b y
vicinities, owing t o t h e fact t h a t a n y a t t e m p t t o kill all of t h e rats
a r o u n d t h e entire c a m p u s would p r o b a b l y involve killing m a n y o t h e r
animals, such as birds, c h i p m u n k s a n d squirrels.
As part of this y e a r ' s e x t e r m i n a t i o n process, a special survey is being
t a k e n to try and evaluate present c o n d i t i o n s t h a t lend themselves
t o w a r d s rat infestation, and to e n a c t certain changes which would
p r e v e n t t h e p r o b l e m f r o m r e o c c u r r i n g n e x t fall.
T h u s t h e " r a t " p r o b l e m here at S U N Y A is a c o m b i n a t i o n of t w o
factors — c o n s t r u c t i o n for new buildings and t h e great a m o u n t of
garbage being left a r o u n d by u large g r o u p of very careless p e o p l e . We
c a n n o t c o n t r o l t h e processes of c o n s t r u c t i o n . C a n we c o n t r o l t h e
pollution o f our o w n university?
Council Grants WSUA
Funds Despite Walkout
by Paul Erdheim
T h e controversy over WSUA's b u d g e t has finally e n d e d . T h e s t a t i o n
will receive a $22,.146.43 s u p p l e m e n t a l b u d g e t as a result of last
T h u r s d a y ' s Central Council meeting.
T h e action came despite the a t t e m p t of two council m e m b e r s t o
invalidate the vole on the m o t i o n by walking out of the d e b a t e in an
a t t e m p t to reduce the n u m b e r p r e s e n t below t h a t of a q u o r u m .
Despite their a t t e m p t t h e q u o r u m r e m a i n e d intact.
T h e tenor of the d e b a t e c o n t r a s t e d sharply with the t u m u l t u o u s
discussion of last week which bad e n d e d in t h e defeat of WSUA's
budget. Allegations of m i s m a n a g e m e n t had led m a n y council m e m b e r s
to believe that the executive staff of WSUA could n o t be " t r u s t e d "
will) the additional monies.
An additional specification of the bill - which was not included in
last week's defeated bill — was that " a detailed e x p l a n a t i o n of all
e x p e n d i t u r e s over $ 1 0 0 be a t t a c h e d to t h e voucher request s u b m i t t e d
to S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n . " This in effect m e a n t t h a t sizeable e x p e n d i tures will have to be approved by t h e vice-president of S t u d e n t
T h e vote that defeated the bill at the previous week's m e e t i n g was
10-10-6 while the vote that passed t h e hill was 1 7-T*-L>.
It was n o t clear exactly w h a t m o t i v a t e d so m a n y council m e m b e r s
lo switch their votes. It was a p p a r e n t however that m a n y c o u n c i l
m e m b e r s were dissatisfied with the confused and t u m u l t u o u s discussion at the previous meeting. Council m e m b e r s also argued that t h e
alleged " h a d f a i t h " on the part of the ratlin's si,tit bad t r a n s f o r m e d
itself, S o m e council m e m b e r s expressed belief that the staff s h o w e d
new willingness to manage, their affairs with fiscal responsibility.
After the meeting the staff expressed enthusiasm a b o u t their plans
lo move u p t o w n and broadcast 24 h o u r s a day by spring semester.
T h e r e are also plans to go KM stereo in t h e near future,
Three out of four rats surveyed prefer Campus Center garbage to any other kind of