PAGE 8 JOE: A "Gut Reaction Deeply Moved Hippie Hey, you gotta dig this flick that's been playing in Albany for the past couple of weeks; by the name of "Joe." Well, it's about this hard-hat who teams up with a big company executive when they discover they both feel the same way about freaks. I mean, it shows you what can happen if we don't stay hip to what's going on, you know? Opening scene—a guy and his , Avent Garde Music Concert This Friday Lukas Foss, co-director of Center of Creative & Performing Arts. New music will be heard this Friday night as the Creative Associates of the Buffalo Center for the Creative and Performing Arts present a concert of live and live-electronic music in the Main Theater of the Performing Arts Center. Led by Lukas Foss, conductor of the Buffalo Philharmonic and head of the Center, the group consists of young professional musicians and theater people who perform new music, drama, and mixed-media. Since 1968, Legaren Davis And Brignola A Hit by Bob Rosenblum It was about an hour late when the concert was ready to begin and the restless crowd was in no mood to listen to some third rate warm-up group. Nick Brignola *s quartet took the stand for the most part unknown and the audience grudgingly sat down tohear what he had to offer. To their surprise it was an explosive set of rock-jazz selections of the highest order. Brignola started out slowly with a barely audible baritone solo, but many appreciated the hard driving beat of drummer Larry Jackson and bassist Eddie Ananias. The reedman moved to tenor and alto, Santana LosesSecond Time by Eric Graeber SANTANA is one of the groups that burst into national prominence after their performance at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. They have recently released their second album, ABRAXAS, on the Columbia label. Carlos Santana is basically » very limited guitarist, and he is not about to win any awards with his voice. SANTANA's performance and personality hinges on their drums, bongos, and percussion and in this realm they are top notch. Greg Shrieve may be on his way to replacing Ginger Baker as the most exciting rock drummer. There is a bit more versatility on ABRAXAS than there was on notice Due to popular demand, Viet Rock w i l l be p e r f o r m e d o n Wednesday and Thursday October 28 and 2 9 and Wednesday a n d Thursday Novombor 4 and 5. A l l performances w i l l be at 8 : 3 0 in tho A r e n a Theatre of the Performing A r t s Center. A d mission if free, but donations w i l l bo accepted. Friday's paper w i l l featuro V H M Rock , If y o u can go, d o . If y o u d o n ' t , y o u ' l l regret i t . their first album, which was centered around three or four basic chords. "Singing Winds, Crying Beasts" is SANTANA in an entirely different vein, and they should be encouraged for trying to rescue themselves f mm their selfimposed quicksand. This song crea tes a good i ma go of a mythological sea voyage. Santana'K guitar growls out of the night like a sea monster while S brieve's cymbals sound like waves crashing into the hull of the ship. "Oye Co mo Va" is vintage SANTANA as the group effectively mixes Carlos' grinding guitar licks with Rollie's swirling organ solo. Unfortunately, the other songs on the album are dull, repetitious, and devoid of spirit. Carlos Santana's one attempt at country blues is a complete dud. "Incident at Neshabur" fails to live up to its interesting title as the group doesn't seem to know in which direction they want the song to go. It has no main theme, no substantive outline, a complaint that could be made about most of SANTANA's instrumental. In sum, most of the flavor and e x c i t e m e n t that pervades a SANTANA concert is somehow lost on their album work. but it was not until he picked up the flute that the people really became attentive. He has mastered the humming flute technique that has been recently popularised by Jethro Tull, in a song consisting of short segments of stop time. From then on he had all listeners eating out of his hands. An encore was demanded and given: an untempo number with a slick running bassline. Miles Davis was the main event and he offered some interesting music. He opened on trumpet and the group played continuously barely acknowledging applause. Davis' playing has changed radically, borrowing from {of all people) Don Ellis as well as Coltrane. He mixed screaming glissandos with short one-note attacks as perfectly timed as a boxer's punch. Whoever played on electric piano had a lot of technique, and generally used it to advantage. The reed man also played nicely if often unimaginatively, and stuck pretty much to a blues drenched concept. He reminded me a lot of ex-Gillespe-ite Leo Wright when plaing alto, both in tone and conception. .lack de Johnette provided all the spark that Davis needed. He has become one of the most proficient drummers in avante guarde jazz. Unfortunately the gym is not at all suited to jazz. The seating, both on the bleachers or the floor, was very uncomfortable and the sound was treacherous. Don York's piano was rarely more articulate than a constant shriek and bass was often imperceptable But despite these inadequacies the audience gave the musicians a generally good reception. PRICE FIVE CENTS OFF CAMPUS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 7 , 1 9 7 0 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Heller, a pioneer in computer music, has co-directed the center with Mr. Foss. Members of the Center for the 1970-71 season include: Doug Davis, cellist, Joseph Dunn, theater director; Stuart Fox, guitarist; Roger Shields, pianist; Mark Sokol, violinist; Jesse Levine, violinist; Howard Awickler, percussionist; Jim Fulkerson, trombonist-composer; Petr Kotik, flutist-composer; Frank Purman, playwright; Julius Eastman, pianist, composer; George Ritscher, electronic engineer; and Jan Williams, percussionist, conductor. The highlight of Friday's concert will be the U.S. premier of Alcides Lanza's theater piece "Penetrations V." This piece, for two groups of musicians, electronics and lights, will be conducted by Jan Williams. Also to be presented are Cocktail Music, by Snlvatore Martirano, in which various fragments of popular songs are collaged into h yper-cerebral serial structures, and British composer Peter Maxwill-Da vies' "Eight Songs for a Mad King," led by Lukas Foss. The Concert, sponsored by Music Council, will be at 8:M0 p.m. Tickets, available at the door, will be $.75 with Student. Tax, $2 for faculty and $3 for the genera! public. This concert is funded by Student Tax, Albany >» chick—beautiful people—are trying to hash out some sort of love life in their place in the Village; he's trying to turn her on to what he's doing, namely doi,e, but she's not quite free of her middle-class suburbia-type hangups. You know? Anyway, she has a bad trip and ends up in a hospital; her old man (executive guy) flips out when he sees her and goes to the apartment in the Village, where he bashes her boyfriend's head in because he can't dig their relationship. Now, all that's pretty straight, happens a lot, I guess, but the flick really gets heavy when the old man meets Joe in a bar. In between blacks, gay people, and youth in general, Joe finds out about the murder and who did it, and becomes friends with the executive. You can almost see a common bond of hatred drawing these two skunks closer together as they rove around the city looking for the guy's daughter (who also figured out the murder, and ran away). You know they're going to end up doing something bloody; be sure to hang onto your guts for the closing scene. You can get twisted, though, about what the flick is trying to say, by listening to some of Joe's outrageous lines. I mean, they're so outrageous they begin to be funny at times, which is rea//,y bad because you have to realize you're watching a true thing, you know? And you can get totally screwed up paying too much attention to the two of them when they quietly complain about the lives they live. But dig the violence. Don't miss it. Absolutely essential. Makes you realize how the attitude of most adults (which v all know about, you know?) s threatening the very existence of sons and daughters and young people in general. These cats are dangerous, man. tn TOWNE THEATRE LATHAM 1 MILE NORTH OF LATHAM C I R C L E - R T 'UJED-TMS- ftotd -TUBS ai ?M£auLVJ* s HQlv/i>G SUA/DAY FHoH ZPfi -r with Eric Clapton plus Toe Fat jr l d n y , O c t o b e r 3 0 t h In tho G y m c 2 < m ft a o •z. o m SJ H JO TickotH: W2.SO w / t a x - W 6 . 0 0 w / o u t O > 30 w STATE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BOARD STATE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BOARD ° Press 4 State University of New York at Albany Vol. LVII No. 31 Friday, October 3 0 , 1970 Oct. 31 Action New Lots Debated by Steve Salant by Kenneth Deane David Neufeld, President of Student Association said Wednesday that he would attempt to stop the construction of proposed parking lots "at alt costs, even if we have to obtain a court order." The 31st of this month marks the culmination of the Fall Antiwar C a m p a i g n . Rallies and marches, in protest of the Vietnam War, are being planned in t h i r t y cities throughout the United States in commemoration. Protest activites on campus will begin Saturday, with a march on the capital from the downtown campus. The march will assemble at 11 a.m. at Draper Hall and proceed down Western Avenue to the Capitol Building. He was reacting to the announcement of plans to begin, as soon as possible, the construction of parking lots between each quadrangle and the proposed extension of the Academic Podium. Neufeld termed the parking lot plans "unacceptable under any type of condition," and raised numerous reasons for his objection to the lots. Speakers and entertainment are scheduled following the march. The proposed parking lots will be located between the new West Podium Extension and the quadrangles. The speakers will include a spokeswoman from the Woman's ' Student Association President Neufeld charged that the lots would destroy the ecology of the area. Liberation Movement, Liz Ewen, "Yes," he said, "there wasn't who will speak on "The oppresany involvement, that I know of sive role of the war in the Woman by students" but remarked that there was little desire evidenced Liberation Movement." Several by students to participate at the student leaders and war veterans along with Professor Trudeau, of Neufeld also based his objec- time. Nassau Community College, who He noted that the advantage of tions on the fact that students by Sharon Cohen will speak on "Political repression were not involved in the formula- closer parking is that there would tion of the plans for the construc- be bus drop-off close to the as a result of the war," are also President Nixon of acting beyond s c h e d u l e d podium. He claimed too that stution sites. t o address those Former Senator Wayne Morse his constitutional power and dents would still be able to drive has charged that "our military present. authority and without ConHe raised the question of wheth- up to their quads during certain containment policy is producing a gressional authorization or knower students would be able to drive times when the gates are open. military domination of American ledge when he ordered our troops A spokeswoman for the Capitol up to their quads in order to drop foreign policy, and earning for us into Cambodia. Area Peace Action Coalition, cothings off, after the new lots are Mr. Tisdale said, too, that it has a world-wide charge that we are a Senator Morse stated that unless built. not been decided whether the lots military, imperialistic nation." coordinators of the march with Nixon and his military contain- the Student Mobilization Commitwill be for faculty or students or Sponsored by SUNY's Forum of ment program are checked by Walter Tisdale, Assistant to the both. tee, stated the intended purpose Politics, the former Senator from Congress, "disunity within our President for Planning and DevelOregon deli"ered an address on of the nation-wide demonstrations country is bound to increase." It opment, reacted to Neufeld's anAccording to Mr. Tisdale, the "Some Backstage History of the is his belief that the growing to be "an effective and visible nouncement by saying that the University has "signified concur- U.S. Military Containment Pol"political, economic, and consti- means of showing the government problems could be solved by com- rence" to the site development icy," Tuesday night. Morse, who tutional crises...will not abate un- that a large segment of the Ameripromise. He claimed that students plan—which means that the loca- considers himself a "constitil Congress checks the spread of can population want an inconstantly ask for more parking tion of the lots has already been tutional liberal," was one of the American militarism." mediate withdrawal from Southspace on camp us while a t the approved. first Senators to oppose the Morse concluded with his con- east Asia." It is also hoped that a same time wishing to preserve the United States' military interecology and the landscape. Sacri"For this particular plan, it is vention in Southeast Asia. He was viction tht the Nixon Doctrine is a massive show of support will have fices would have to be made, he past the point where (student) a Senator for 24 years, and during a positive influence in the election said, to provide parking spaces involvement can he effective," Mr. that time, served on the Armed "cruel hoax," and is misleading of peace candidates. closer to the podium and to the Tisdale noted. the American people into beServices and Foreign Relations dorms. lieving that it offers a basis for Committees, Those wishing to serve as peace in Southeast Asia. He added, however, that "there Senator Morse stated that our Tisdale said, also, that the plans "The Nixon Doctrine will not marshals in Saturday's march or will soon be an upcoming point involvement in this "illegal, imnow approved fall under the Comgive us a generation of peace... it to help in any further activities for good involvement when the moral, bloody, costly, and unjustiprehensive Campus Plan, which wilt leave a heritage of war to should contact the Capitol Area next compromise campus plan is fiable war" is a violation of the was really the product of the presented for review" and said he oncoming generations of young Peace Action Coalition at 727 United Nations Charter, the ConAcademic Plan, formulated in would encourage student-faculty Americans, unless we bring it Madison Avenue, Albany or telestitution, the Geneva Accords, 1968 to anticipate the needs of involvement at thut time. under control, before it is too phone 482-4584. and "other tenets of international the University. late." law." He believes that we must militarily withdraw from South 'The only practicality ... Vietnam and all of Asia, and "stay out as far as military intervention is an idea put to work. is concerned." Morse feels that the United States should call upon the United |/*HTV*-»~ Nations to take jurisdiction over ending the war in South Vietnam and abide by that jurisdiction. He declared thut although the United H&-XZ States set out alone us "policeman to the world" to keep peace, it is the U.N.'s job to keep tho peace. According to the former Senator, rather than bringing peace to Vietnam, we have enlarged the war and increased death and destruction. Another major point Morse made was thut the government has become one of "executive supremacy and secrecy" and a government by men rather than a government by law. lie said thut the American people are entitled to know the details of our foreign policy and not he misled by A scene from one of lust spring's inarches into downtown Albany. Nixon's "rhetoric." He accused He said that the proposed lots would ruin the environment, "the quality and nature of living," and that they would make it impossible "to enjoy campus life with a car rolling in at seven in the morning underneath your window." mmmm Morse Attacks US Containment ui **y*~ QSTATE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BOARD STATE UNIVERSITY CONCERT BOARD % Dereck & the Dominoes • Contents copyright 1970. Co What kind ol husband and wllo wuulil inokn such an ,m,iut|. muiii? [SEE/7'..- NATWNALCENERAI. PICTURES , , A ROBERT WISE PRODUCTION I ' _. «* The Baby Maker BARBARAHERSHEY COUJN WIUOVHOKNK U U I I II N V M U ' I K I l II li \W ]\MI MIHIlK MISK Mi l i d II K M t l l N H l l l M L l H l M * i>m SAMCROON KkllVltliUlllisloM V£e VaoiL SlUWf Disc. Cm* J PAGE 2 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Gay Liberation Front: An Attempt at Understanding by Kathy Kelley "...Freedom Now!" is among the demands in the recently-issued Manifesto of the Gay Liberation Front of the Tri-Cities. The Manifesto f u r t h e r asserts that "...homosexuality is as healthy and constructive a force on personal alid social levels as heterosexuality." To promote these ideas within both the homosexual and heterosexual communities, the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in the Albany area has been meeting for over three months. Tri-Cities Gay Lib was formed as a result of a meeting held here on July 23 by the Right On Training Center at which members of the New York City'GLF spoke. Meetings are now held every Thursday night at 8:30 in the Unitarian Church,406 Washington Avenue in Albany. Speaker at the October 10 meeting was Professor Laud Humphreys, author of "Tearoom Trade," a study of homosexual activity in public restrooms, which won the C. Wright Mills Award for sociological research. Professor Humphreys is a member of the Criminal Justice depart-l ment at SUNYA. Besides meetings, GLF has social activities, such as dances for its members. Also, the group is acting to promote the legal rights and fair treatment of homosexuals, Members of Gay Lib have contacted political candidates, requesting that they make known their positions on the legal problems that confront homosexuals, i.e. equality for homosexuals and anti-homosexual laws. Their responses, according to "Right On," a p a m p h l e t p u t o u t by Mattachine, were: favorable statements by Goodell, Ottinger, and Goldberg; no response from Rockefeller or from Buckley. Political action by the Tri-Cities GLF is rather limited because of the variety of opinions held by its members, from far right to radical left. On an individual level, Gay Lib encourages its members to tell their employers that they are homosexuals so that this fact can't be used to threaten them with loss of their jobs or blackmail. For some, such as women with children, this is not possible, because their children could be taken away from them. Planned for the future is a talk by the Reverend Troy Perry, of the Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles. One of the few churches that welcomes homosexuals, it has a regular Sunday attendance of 2,500. Reverend Perry will speak on Thursday, November 12 at 8:00 in Page Hall. For further information about Gay Liberation Front of the TriCities, call 462-6138. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,1970 ************ National News The Labor Department has reported that "substantial " unemployment, which indicates a 6% unemployment level, has spread to five major cities including Los Angeles. The rise in unemployment is seen as a late election boon for the Democrats. President Nixon flew to Florida Tuesday night to shore up sagging support for the Republican Senatorial candidate, Representative William C. Cramer. The Florida trip is the beginning of Nixon's final push to gain control of the Senate. ************ State News The DAY CARE CENTER will be opening December I. There is still room for more children (ages 6 months to 6 years). Applications are available at the Campus Center information desk. From long to longest Neil Brouml"Creating Job New Dean of Student Life from without World News American officials are hopeful that the three U.S. Army officers who violated Soviet "airspace" would be released soon from the Soviet Union. All were reported in good condition. Soviet authorities sent Washington a quick note protesting the border violation, but U.S. officials were quick to dismiss the protest as propaganda. Britain's Conservative Party, in keeping with its traditional laissez- faire policy, has cut taxes, subsidies, and government spending in general. Heath's economic policy is widely regarded as a sharp departure form the Labor Party's socialist policies. Roger C.B. Morton, the Republican National Chairman, attached Mayor Lindsay for his sharp criticism of President Nixon. Morton said that Lindsay has broken all ties with the Republican Party.Lindsay had charged, earlier in the week, that Nixon "has spread a cloud of suspicion and mistrust over our whole nation," during this year's campaign. Arthur Goldberg has tagged Governor Rockerfeller as a "fellow traveler" of Nixon and Agnew, because of what the former Justice calls Rockerfeller's "reactionary leadership." Goldberg also scored Rockerfeller for silently rejecting his running-mate, Charles Goodell, in favor of Jim Buckley, the Conservative standard bearer. Senator Goodell said that he was bitter about Rockerfeller's tacit support of the Conservative Senatorial nominee, Buckley. The Goodell camp complained that the Governor is running with both the Republican and Conservative nominees. . ... Richard Ottinger has lambasted Jim Buckley for what he called an "unconscionable" statement charging that the Democrat was linked with the Black Panthers and the Ku Klux Klan, among other extremist groups. Ottinger called Buckley a "coward" and termed the attack an act of political desperation, comparable to the tactics of Wallace and Agnew. albany s t u managing editor aralynn abare business manager chuck ribak advertising manager Jeff rodgers technical editor tomclingan associate technical editors sueseligson dan willianvs production manager gloria hollister circulation manager sue faulkner executive editor carol hughes d e n t press editor-in-chief neill shanahan newx editors hob wanrer vicki zeldin "rts cd '"'r I'»dii waters f "orfa'edHur ( avt n n ' e r f «l" cs . y ' " John o'grady tor u' elnlort ' b "wt's Signum Laudis Will Induct New Members "Urban Fellowships" Offered for NYC Work University Commuter's Organization (Commuter's Club) Vacation Housing Schedule Set Announces Board j " ' ' guttmun "holography emotion on hearing about the tragedies at Kent State and Jackson State." But, he added, "I cannot favor overreaction, no matter who overreacts." He j went on to say, "If the acts of violence were J intended to call attention to serious problems, I'm afraid the real effect was to further widen the rift b e t w e e n young people and the moderateconservative adults." However, he added that "a lot of good things happened to the University as well, especially dialogue. There may be some abrasive times, but I see a new hopefulness this year." , You may not always see Neil Brown's name linked with the major events of the University, but you can be sure the Office of Student Life is involved. Neil Brown doesn't just voice concern about •tudents, he acts on it. As the recently appointed Dean of Student Life, a newly created position, Neil's objective is " t o help students with their concerns." Discussing the recent complaints made by Pierce Hall residents, Neil says he finds himself an "adversary both ways." He commented, "I see my job as one in which I take student concerns, and then acting as a University administrator, try to implement fast action.... It's a frustrating but necessary role." Neil is no stranger to the University. He began here as an undergraduate, completed his Master's Degree in Guidance, and, while teaching, was a part-time director of Sayles Hall. As the College grew into a University, Neil had a part in developing some of the programs necessary to service an increased enrollment. He was the first Financial Because of the strike at the end of the spring Aids Director, and developed the Summer Planning semester, no juniors were inducted into Signum Conference and the Counselling Service, to name a Laudis last year. Therefore, the first induction for Neil Brown, recently appointed Dean of Student Life, relaxes on his few. Neil has been involved with the Campus Center the class of 1971 will be held during this semester. since it was in the planning stages. The requirements for membership, as stated in the old home ground, behind the Campus Center. -polskowski "When I became Dean of Student Life," he says, constitution of Signum Laudis, are as follows: "it was very important to me to remain in the 1) In the spring of their junior year, the students Campus Center.... People assumed I would move to in the top four per cent of their class are inducted, the Administration Building, (which) operates as an provided that they have completed at least 74 office building on a nine-to-five basis. 1 can't work hours, have a cumulative average of at least 3.0, and that way with students." Neil would like the Office have passed ut least 50 hours in this university by of Student Life to be open seven days a week, the end of the first semester of their junior year. because "when there's a crisis, it's got to be open." 2) In the fall of their senior year, the students in The office is also open two nights a week, Mondays the next four per cent of their class are inducted, provided that they have completed at least 90 All siu dents who have com- local and national leaders in urban and Thursdays. pleted their junior year and all affairs and other relevant fields of Neil received no definition of his duties when he hours, have a cumulative average of at least 3.0, and graduate students are eligible to interest. Stipends in the amount was made Dean; "I'm creating the job as I go have passed at least 50 hours in this university by apply for the New York City of $'1,000 will be granted by the along." His functions are such, however, that the end of the second semester of their junior year. Physical education marks are not counted in Urban Fellowship Program. city, plus round-trip travel ex- Residences, Student Activities in the Campus CenTwenty exceptional young men penses from the fellow's home. ter, Financial Aids, and International Students fall determining averages. Students from all academic disciBoth of the above groups will be inducted during and women will be chosen to under his supervision. His office also takes a hand in serve full-time internships as "Ur- plines are eligible. mechanical procedures such as assisting students this semester. Students who have a cumulative Graduate students will receive uverage of 3.38 (the cut-off point for the top eight ban Fellows" for the academic with withdrawal procedures, registering students for year commencing in September, academic credit at SUNYA if, and selective service, and helping students with absentee per cent of the class) or higher, and who meet the requirements for either of the above groups, are 1971. Fellows work directly with internship or field ex- ballots. heads of New York City govern- perience is part of the student's When asked what he thinks about the University eligible for membership at this time. A preliminar ry ment agencies and with top may graduate degree program. Stu- as a physical plant, Neil replied that he "thinks we meeting will be held on Tuesday, NOvember 3, at 1 assistants. Their specific d e n t s i n t h o s e . graduate programs have some fine things here." In noting that visitors 7:30 p.m. in the Campus Center Assembly Hall to assignments are designed to insure which require internship and field are always impressed with the school, he added, "It compile a membership list and to make plans for the challenge and stimulation; fellows experience are encouraged to ap- may be easier to visit than to live with." Neil thinks induction. are treated as professional staff ply, and will be granted a waiver that in spite of some disadvantages, such as the If you have any questions, or if you feel that you members with significant respon- of tuition if selected. distance of the parking lots from the podium, the qualify for membership but will be unable to attend Interested undergraduate stusibilities in administrative problem atmosphere of the school has improved. He re- the meeting, please contact Diane Gordon at dents should come to the Office solving, research, policy planning, marked, "I find more students willing to say 'hi' 457-8790. of Undergraduate Studies in AD and related management areas. even when they don't know me. 21 8. Graduate students should see The program includes offDr. Volkwein in the Office of the-record seminars for all fellows with top city officials and with Graduate Studies in AD 214. graphics editor editor ,i"y roseiilierg The Albany Studont Press is located in room 3 2 6 of tho Campus CentHr lit the StatB University o l N e w York at Albany. T h e ASP was founded noiir Frotornity Rock in Dorkost Dlppikill back during World Wur 1. Tho ASP is funded by Mandatory Toa Tax, and our phones are 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 and 2 1 9 4 . Communications are limited to 3 0 0 words and are subject to oditinn. Editorial policy is determined by the Editor-in-Chief. Contents are copyright 1970 by the Albany Student Press. iiiiiiiTiiiN COUNSELING, INFORMATION ANH REFERRAL SERVICES N o matter h o w long o r h o w short your eyelashes arc, they can only improve with Maybelline Ultra Lash Mascara. Because Ultra Lash lengthens and thickens each lash with every stroke. It works with a special formula hidden d e e p inside the brush that comes o u t only when it strokes your lash. by Joanne Rinaldi An ASP Feature editor e PAGE 3 IALBANY STUDENT PRESS Ahorlions up lo 24 weeks of pregnancy are now legal in New York Slate. There are no residency restrictions al cooperating hospitals and clinics. Only the consent ol' the patient and the performing physician is required. If you think you are pregnant, consult your doctor. Don't delay. Early abortions are simpler and safer. grams such as athletic teams, All residence facilities, except international students, student one, will be closed for Thanks- teachers, food service employees, giving recess, Wednesday, Novem- etc. Other students who have special, ber 25, at. 7:00 p.m. through individual, problems Sunday, November 29, at noon. although With this one exception, all other which require their remaining in residence halls on campus will be Albany Tor the Thanksgiving relocked and the lok-boxes re- cess may request to live in resimoved. No students will be per- dence by seeing their present Residence Hall Director. These indimitted to stay in these halls. Special arrangements are being vidual requests must be made by made to accommodate students November 1, 1970. The Residence participating in University-related Hall Directors will determine the programs over this recess. These legitimacy of each request. The Office of Residences will be exceptions to normal policy are being considered by the Director consolidating all students in of Residences and include pro- Sayles Hall Tor the Thanksgiving recess. They will be assigned to unoccupied rooms in that building, however. Those students who receive approval for Thanksgiving recess housing will be required to comply with the following procedures: Between noon and 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 25, each student must report to the Sayles Hall office to check-in. At that time each student will be assigned to a specific room, given a room and lok-box key and required to pay $2.00 per night in advance. This fee is imposed by the Dormitory Authority. A $5.00 deposit will also be collected and will be refunded when the keys are returned. For the Thanksgiving recess, then, each student will be required to pay $13.00, $5.01) of which will be returned to him. Between 9:00 a.m. and noon on Sunday, November 29, students are to report to the Sayles Hall olTice to return keys and cheekou Any additional information for recess housing will be distributed to each student at the time of check-in. elections Officers for Executive on December 1st & December 4th. Interested parties may to m e e t i n g s Tuesdays at come on 1 2 : 3 0In CC 3 7 0 o r F r i d a y s at 1 p m I n C C 3 7 5 .T o v o t e , y o u m u s t have attended three different We a s k your 3 weekly meetings in weeks. help. Executive HCLIP THIS Board coupoNfmaimnnimii Buy 2-Get 1 Free with this coupon either Ultra Lash darkens and curls lashes. Separates them, t o o . N o matting. N o messy fibers. So why settle for long when y o u can have long, l o n g e r . . . longest lashes with Ultra Lash Mascara from Maybelline. COFFEE HOUSE CIRCUIT II you need information or professional assistance, including immediate registration into available hospitals and clinics, telephone: featuring THE ABORTION INFORMATION kmi INC. IW)VVI:STH(,IIISTKI:I;T NEED HELP? NliWYORK.N. Y. lOOiM Upstate Abortion TheflncitIn cyo / make-up, yet lemlbly priced. ... 21 2 - 8 7 3 - 6 6 5 0 8 A.M. TO lOI'.M. SliVKNDAYSAWIiliK Service Referral <^J£> CHRIS & BRIAN Fri. Oct. 30th & Sat. Oct. 31st Shows at 10 and I J . 3 0 in the CC Cafeteria sponsored by Campus Center Governing Board funded by Student Tax MIKE'S NEBA Giant Roast Beef SUBMARINE offer expires SANDWICH Nou. 25 tlx, 1970 GOOD AT ALL LOCATIONS OPEN 7 D A Y S A WEEK JllBlPHPlIllPHlPillffl C LI P. THIS CQUPQNfHUWillNlllNllll ! ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 5 PAGE 4 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Judges Move Saves Rights? United Nations Eve Sponsored by I.S.A. International Students' Associa- possible here tonight. Tonight tion sponsored United Nations would be a good opportunity for evening celebration last Saturday. all of us to achieve a betterThe program included a wel- understanding of and more tolercoming address by Syed A. Jafri, ance for peoples much different President of the International Stu- from ourselves." dent Association, Mayor Corning In the end, Syed Jafri expressed was the guest speaker for the the hope: "We all hope that this perspective of Internationalism evening. In his opening speech, Syed Jafri will someday replace the negative thanked the chief guest and the aspects of nationalism which in have kept us audience for joining that night's many instances activities. He introduced the sig- away from achieving the ideals of nificance of the evening by say- United Nations." ing: In reply to Jafri's speech, Mayor "It is called U.N. Evening in Brastus Corning expressed his recognition of the fact that it is wishful comments for the Associthe 25th anniversary of the found- ation and illustrated the signifiing of this organization. In spite cance of the United Nations' role of its faults, the UN still tries to in the environment. Mr. Corning achieve its goal-the international was obviously impressed by the presentation by the International brotherhood of man." "We are gathered here tonight Students' Association. not as judges of the United NaFollowing the Mayor's speech a tions' efforts but rather as a variety show was presented by microcosm, a small represen- students from all over the world. tation of its ideals of peace and African and Puerto Rican dances by EOP students, Arabian, Chibrotherhood. " T h e international student nese, Indian and French dances by international students and sitar organization recognizes that these ideals are not always possible in playing were the highlights of the the outside world but they can be events. State University Bookstore 50% off Hard & paperbound books Sale located in t h e T u n n e l a r e a f r o m 10 a m - 4 p m STUDY SPANISH IN CUERNAVACA, MEXICO News Editor An ASP Analysis Albany Mayor Erastus Corning spoke at the United Nations evening sponsored by the International Students Association last Saturday night. --rabonc OEGANIC by Kenneth Haar If I were some kind of Samarai sword swinging, gun slinging killer of men, then I suspect that when cold wind brings the chill to the mountuins, the fountains, my bones, I'd be steeped in the thoughts of the heat of the battle, of swords tinted crimson, of gore and of fire that throbs even now in my chest like some surging electric, to heat my cold soul. God knows I've been feeling the dread of the ages, been carrying the weight of the dead of the ages, been wounded quite deep by the hate of the dead of our age—the cynical, spiteful, the soulless, the crazed. A long time I've woi-dered ore the sorrowful plot, tho reactions to tragedy that are more often not; our thoughts and our dreams can be passed off as schemes and are saved for the living, the mind games like chess games or chest games, delusions of power, illusions, contusions, the fusion of cowards Our tears we do shed like a veil from a pocket, in our bag full of tricks there's a plug for each socket—tears for the dead lor our hopes that are dying, and we search all in vain for some warmth in that crying. The words of the conquerors scream through the t o w e r s , through books and through history but are gone these past hours. The thunder of gunshots divides our emotion, explodes and expands it and dams it, at a time in the nation when buildings should crumble at the sound of our marching, when men should be dying from there own hateful poison, when we should be rising to the heights of our glory, together, forever But the place and the time and our mouths have consumed us; the movement lies shattered but for instants of tension, but the passion, no passions to guide revolution, no passion at all for the forced just solution, forced by our pitiable lack to just fail, to die, and to cry, and cry, and to wail like a child. America, America, America's dead, to love it is stupid, to leave it is treason, yet there's no future in this contest of who is more reasoned. Like some fierce mountain lion treed and made sterile, made sterile by peril, not savage with fear....God knows America it has not been in fashion this passion for freedom for life and for justice we make love with our guns instead of our bodies, we reason with our minds instead of our beings how can you trust us, how can they trust us? FREE DELIVERY I F YOU HAVE TO LEARN SPANISH when you order 'A submarines AND HAVE TO LEARN I T WELL from STUDY AT CI DOC IN CUERNAVACA University Sub Shop WORK SIX HOURS EACH DAY FREE DELIVERY FOUR STUDENTS PER TEACHER PAY $ 1 3 5 FOR EACH MONTH Class of '73 START ANY FIRST MONDAY SUNY studenU can obtain further information on spending a term in Cuernavaca from either Dr Frank Carnno (472 297?.) or Eduardo Rivera (4S7-D2I4) Tues. night meetings at 9 pm APOO. 479, CUERNAVACA. MEXICO Course Offered A new course, Nonviolent Conflict Resolution Forum, will be offered next semester (Spring 1971), probably for 3 credits. The aim of this course is to seek peaceful and just resolutions of conflict. The areas of concern range from minority repression, police brutality, terrorist activity and violence arising from social and governmental institutions to international conflicts which have resulted in wars and threats of nuclear annihilation. Since this course cannot Inapproved before Friday, Oct. :10, students who preregister before this time will have to go through a drop-add procedure in order to enroll. For more information and to register, contact coordinator Martha Dickinson, Phy. 209, 457-8344 or 457-8343. INSTANT DATING! DIAL-A-DATE in the Campus Center A renewed threat of McCarthyism was somewhat stifled this week by a decision handed down by Judge Gerhard A. Gesell of the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. The court decision is a landmark in that it limits Congressional power. Judge Gessell stated "it is alien to any legitimate Congressional function, as well as contrary to our most established traditions, for any committee of the Congress to disseminate lists dosigned to suppress speech." The report, issued by the House I n t e r n a l Security Committee, took form by asking 179 colleges and universities to list all the speakers who had appeared on campus within the last two years. Rep. Richard H. Ichord (Dem., Missouri), chairman of the committee, attempted to prove by this investigation that the monies earned by the speakers had gone toward financing left-wing groups. The committee received 95 questionnaires in response, and decided that out of those names listed, 65 were "radical and/or revolutionary" speakers. Their names and their affiliations comprise most of the banned report. Ichord released the report two weeks ago and Judge Gessell is sued a temporary restraining order forbidding the public or the super intendent of documents from publishing it. Wednesday, Gessell made the injunction permanent and stated "the court notes the increasing tendency of the legislative branch to investigate for exposure's sake..." The Judge, however, did not attempt to stop members of Congress or others from printing the report on their own. The injunction, if upheld, would prevent the report's being issued or quoted its an offical Govern ment document. Gessell did not limit others from issuing the report because "there are limits to judicial power, just as there are limits to Congressional committee action..." with WRITE TO: CIDOC w, • • • • Send Enjoy . . . Meeting New Friends A New Social Life Travel Unlimited Dates Now (or FREE InforniuUon -To— DIAL-A-DATE Box 5401 i, v,i , FRIDAY/OCTOBER 30,1970 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1970 SLAMAS HI» » > » i M . » J U U J l J L f : U . U m i » 1II l l l l i i l i n i i Albany, N.Y, W® - EDITORIAL A Nation So Troubled These are deeply troubling times for the nation. Never since the Revolutionary War have the American people been so locked in fear and divisiveness. The issues and problems swirl, stagger the mind of the voter. The more crucial and complex the issue, the greater the inability of the electorate to comprehend the proposals and programs. The more crucial the issue, the more repressive and bitter the mood becomes. What is happening to American society? What is happening to New York State? The situation... A governor in office for twelve years, a national figure, the complete bureaucrat and politician. His years of administration have seen the budget steadily rise from $2 billion to $7'/i billion, education expenditures from $600 million to nearly $2.5 billion Willi the expansion of (he Stale University system lo include 69 campuses and 192,000 full lime students. The development of a $4 billion construction program for the stale university to be completed by 1975. aid to local governments rise from less thai $1 billion lo more than $4 billion, the creation of the New York Mortgage Agency with $750 million in bonding authority, the establishment of the Urban Development Corporation which has signed agreements with 22 localities lo develop 30,000 units of housing, massive office construction slarts, fostering construction booms in New York City and Albany, the creation of numerous regulatory agencies in llic fields of pollution, industry hiring practices and consumer protection. Yet. it appears in 1970 as if Anthony Weiner's prediction was correct: "The possibility must he faced thai man's unremitting, Paustian striving may ultimately remake his natural conditions environmental, social and psychobiological so far as lo begin lo dehumanize himself or to degrade his political or ecological situation in some cosily or even irrevocable manner." For behind the growth of New York State and American society unparalleled crises simmer: hard drug addiction... u n e m p l o y m e n t . . . transportation inadequacies... housing shortages... pollution of Ihe air and water... tax inequities and levels... fiscal irresponsibility... growing tensions on the campuses and in the minority communities... spiraling welfare costs and the inability of the second most populous state to meet them... backlog in the courts... corruption and inefficiency in the state agencies... congestion and breakdown in the cities... Ant! 'limalely, the consequence of Weiner's prediction, the outrage of those whom society has dismally failed, and its growing violent expression. A troubled electorate has been provided scapegoats and Campaign 70 increasingly lakes on the aura of a witchhunt. Never in history has an election campaign posed such an ominous threat to the constitutional liberty of the American people. Never have so many candidates chosen not to discuss the issues intelligently and coherently. Never have there been so many scapegoats. They have impugned each other each other's intelligence or honesty or patriotism or dedication. They have collectively impugned the most frustrated and outraged of Ihe crashed minorities. Campaign 70 has been r e p l e t e with deliberate misrespresentation, rhetorical divisiveness, advertising hoaxes, overstatement, and the nation's Vice-President himself has played a major role in this degradation. What candidate has offered the hope that we might slop Ihe deliuiuaiii/alion of our way of living? What candidate has not reserved Ihe most persuasive of his rhetoric to castigate his opponent or the "revolutionary?" Whal candidate has successlull'y conducted a campaign of public education? Flection, 1970, is a true reflection of the nation at large. The half-truths, the bitterness, the irrelevance of much that has happened represents a society which is frightened and troubled. It reveals a nation that desperately needs revival and reordering. It reveals a people who arc tired, grieved at the failure they are perpetuating. It reveals a people who, so grieved, are turning in on themselves, depriving themselves of their constitutional lifeblood their liberty. It reveals a people, so grieved, that they desperately believe that no-knock, preventive detention, wirelapping, capital punishment and Henderson Acts will make Ihe utilities work again, erase hard drugaddicition and foster social 1 justice. " , , , Election Analysis Republicans Seek Senate Control by Bob Warner News Editor The stakes of this year's election are high for both Democrats and Republicans, with the Senate shaping up as the main battleground. the mid-term elections does not necessarily hold tHs year, many observers are claiming. Should Nixon gain seats, he will not have actually The results of this election will greatly determine r e v e rsed the political trend, but merely obtained a the outcome of Nixon's policies such as nomina vote of confidence which was partially denied him tions to the Supreme Court, welfare reorganization, in 1968 due to the closeness of the election. and defense expenditures. They will greatly determine the political balance for the entire decade, as Both parties, however, concede that the House of well. Representatives will safely remain Democratic, with even a small gain of about twelve seats forecasted for President Nixon i who has been thwarted on many the Democrats. The House, however, is already key votes by the Senate, and prompted by the viewed as more politically in tune with the Nixon elusive goal of Republican control of the upper policies than the Senate. chamber, has poured millions of dollars into the Republican Senatorial campaigns. The national Republican organization has virtually ignored the thirty-five gubernatorial races and It remains doubtful, however, if he can gain party forty-five state legislature races throughout the control. Most observers estimate that the President nation. The Democrats now have only 18 of 50 will fall short of gaining the seven Republican seats governorships, but are expected to gain from four to which are needed to create a 50-50 ration in the eight more, which would give them approximate Senate. parity ,/ith the Republicans. Yet, it seems increasingly possible that Nixon will gain ideological control of the Senate with a gain of three or four seats. Democrats hope to gain in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Florida, Michigan, and Minnesota. The Republicans are hopeful of defeating Gore in Tennessee, Tydings in Maryland, Metzenbaum in Ohio (who is running to fill the seat vacated by Young, a Democrat) and Hartke in Indiana. The gubernatorial and state legislature campaigns, however, are particularly significant this year, not simply in light of the Presidential elections in 1972, but also for the redisricting of all House and state legislature districts. Redistricting will affect the American political scene for a decade. They concede, however, that they are in trouble in New York, Florida, Illinois, Vermont, Texas and California. Nevertheless, the Republicans have a statistical advantage because, of the thirty-three seats up for re-election, twenty-five are held by Democrats, It is noteworthy thai President'Nixon is the first President since Zachary Taylor in 1848 to win the Whito HOuse while the opposition party controlled both houses of Congress. Asa result, the tradition that the party in the White House loses strength in All state legislatures are mandated by the Supreme Court to redistrict House and Assembly districts in accordance with the "one man, one vote" principle, and will be forced to comply when the results of the 1970 Census are tubulated. iGarrymandering, however, has not been ruled illegal. If one party [overwhelmingly controls the *tate houses aftor November 3rd, that party will be in a position to significantly shift the balance of power to iLs favor. PAGE 6 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,1970 Adams Hits Goldberg Argues Priorities Overspending Says Rocky Buys Election "We need to restore the confidence that people have in themselves." (N.Y. Times, October 22, 1970) Government, he says, has only shattered the individual's will and ability to help himself. And on While Mr. Goldberg has empha- this philosophy of government, sized the mounting drug addic- Adams separates himself from tion, and cited Rockefeller's Goldberg and Rockefeller. acknowledgement that his drug I Adams wants the state to spend programs had failed to stem the less and collect less taxes, and tide, the Governor is challenging therefore, leave more for the priGoldberg's statements as overvate sector to handle. "We've aldrawn and misrepresentative. ways had the cry for a Utopian Mr. Rockefeller has had the society: the idea that you know, problem of being associated with somebody's going to take care of building programs with the con- us from cradle to grave." To Dr. sequent image that he is insensi- Adams, that's not Utopia. tive to people and their needs. He Adams says, too, that the vigorously denies this, slating as a Vietnam War issue is not relevant first premise that buildings were to the gubernatorial race, and that designed to meet popular needs. it can only "obscure" the cam"When I see buildings, I sec paing. He doubts, however, that people inside them." anyone will call for the escalation He is likewise emphasizing his of the war. actions in the field of social welAdams said that the war has fare: his increased aid to combeen a blind spot for students, munity health and retardation though, and that it has become a centers now ten times as much as "Pavlovian response" for the colin 1958 while the number of lege students to defy the war. patients served has risen from He claims that if elected he 30,000 to 170,000,the creation of would reorder the slate's priori34 additional community health lies: "fiscal integrity and stability; boards. tax reform downward, the kind of He is likewise emphasizing narcotics program that I have sugactions in the fields of pollution, gested in terms of the position in particular the passage of the paper which I released on this, 1965 Pure Waters Program, and civil disorder, and pollution." the crea'ion of the nation's first statewide Air Quality Standards System to provide for airpollution monitoring, and the zoning of hundreds of thousands of acres for recreational and cultural use. ~pOU*OW$*t Rockefeller Cites Record Decrees Misrepresentation Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller was interviewed in his New York City executive headquarters on September 9. Governor Rockefeller is running to vindicate his record of twelve years, to re-establish himself as a national figure and to be able to continue his program of building up New York State. While Mr. Rockefeller has conducted most of his campaign on these themes, increasingly in the last weeks he has turned to attacking his river, Arthur Goldberg. Mr. Rockefeller defends his record by pointing to the extensive network of programs and agencies and construction the state has seen in recent years. His years of incumbency have seen the state budget rise from 2 billion to $7'/i billion, the expansion of the state university system from 38,000 full-time students to 192,000, the creation of the Urban Development Corporation, massive construction particularly in New York City, Albany and Buffalo, the expansion of the state's welfare expenditures to the point where they are the highest in the nation. He is making his appeal, however, not to the blacks and minority groups, nor to the liberals but to the right wing and center ethnic groupings throughout the state. Thus, he it emphasizing hit actions in the fields of law enforcement and drug addictionthc building of the State Police Academy in Albany, the doubling of the size of the State Police, the creation of a Narcotics Enforcement Agency, the compulsory treatment of drug addicts. . • ' , • ; • . . • • • • . ban areas. He claims that Rod Rockefeller's priority for highway construction is misdirected. Not only do highways serve the more affluent, but roads are increasingly The principal theme of the consuming the aspects of the enGoldberg campaign has been that vironment as in the case of Bozenthe priorities of the Governor's kill Valley (ASP, October 23. Administration throughout the 1970). twelve years have been "misGoldberg is also calling for an directed." Rockefeller, Goldberg increase in home rule for the claims, has failed to exercise leadership on the issues of Vietnem, larger cities, especially New York, the plight of the poor, the Black and attacks the "beggar" role the and the over-burdened middle- mayors must play before the Albany Legislature each year for class taxpayer. funds. For instance, he points out, Goldberg's style and philosophy the large cities should be allowed contrast with the Governor's. to tax themselves. While Mr. Rockefeller emphasizes G o l d b e r g also favors laws his material achievements, and budgetary accomplishments, placing ceilings on campaign exGoldberg stresses his rolp as a penditures to enable those withmediator of justice, equality and out wealth to run for office, as economic ills. His role, as he sees well as the elimination of resiit, is to change priorities. To hold dency laws as requisites for votthe line on construction starts, to ing. raise welfare expenditures. Goldberg has likewise raised the (Arthur Goldberg was interviewed on October 16 at Albany Airport during a press conference) Thus, for example, Goldberg is calling lor a revitalization of mass transportation in urban and subur- issue of tax reform. While Rockefeller has levied a 5% sales lax, Goldberg has called for a more continued on page X Class of '72 Presents Jefferson airplane and Glen McKay's Headlights Friday, Nov. 6th 1250 tickets at $3.50 for 8 pm show 1750 tickets at $3.50 for 11 pm show HALLOWEEN HANKYPANKY Sat. Oct. 31$t — 10pm-2am Campus Center Cafeteria MUSIC. MAGIC AND MORSALS s p o n s o r e d by: C a m p u s Center G o v e r n i n g Board f u n d e d by S t u d e n t T a x ALBANY STUDENT PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,1970 Goodell Claims Integrity Fights for Political Life Campaigns Move Toward Climax The campaign of Professor Paul Adams has been based upon the philosophy that government serves its citizens best by governing less. He is an individualist who believes that people can do more for themselves. PAGE 7 tickets on sale daily 10am-2pm U N T I L S O L D OUT tax card required for each ticket Charles Goodell has focused his The Senator has consistently campaign on what he calls his supported electoral reform (direct independence and integrity. He election of the President), the has based his claim on his sharp reformation of campaign spending break with the Nixon Administra- laws, and has been a strong suption, which has moved to purge porter of the 18-year-old vote. him from the party and from the Goodell has been a staunch deSenate. fender of the "constitutional His conservative rival, Buckley, rights of servicemen," as well as claims to be the only Republican the right of individuals lo protest. in the race, while Ottinger claims Concerning the timely issue of lo be the true liberal. Thus, civil liberties Goodell has also caught between the left and the fought for the right of privacy, right, the Senator has stressed his and against the "repressive" D.C. independence and his alienation Crime bill. from the party regulars. Charles Goodell has also been Gooodell has acknowledged that fighting in the Senate for he has changed his political philo- Women's rights. He is a co-sponsor sophy, but he adds, "I am proud for the women's equal rights of it." He views his change as a amendment. He also favors the political metamorphosis which is repeal of state abortion laws and his reflection upon his educational the creation of "locally controlled growth as a human being. At any day care centers." rate, he has compiled a liberal On the economic issues, Goodell record in the Senate. said I hat our economic ills will His domestic voting record includes a vote against tax reform for the strengthening of school desegregation laws, an amendment protecting the rights of defendants, a motion to table the noknock provision, the reduction of marijuana penalties, Child Nutrition Law, against Carswell's nomination, and voted against the D.C. crime bill. In more detail, Goodell has called for the guarantee of a minimum of welfare benefits at $3700 I for a family of four. Ottinger: 100% from ADA Buckley Stresses Liberal Record Sees Wide Support Ottinger is running on the premise that he is the only consistent not end until the War ends. But he liberal in the three-way Senatorial denies the necessity for tax cuts, race. He bases his claim on his because it will "feed inflation," six-year record in the House and against tax reform bill because it on his programs for the future. did not reform the tax structure When Ottinger was sworn in as a but he did vote for the amendrepresentative, he said of the war, ments to cut the oil depletion "It is the wrong war in the wrong allowance. place for the wrong cause." AcAnd on Vietnam, which is his cording to the New York Times, most popular issue, he calls for a (Oct. 25, 1970) the White House volunteer army and the elimina- cracked down on the freshman tion of student deferments. He congressman, telling him he "had said "No U.S. interest in Vietnam better slick to Conservation and justified the sacrifice of so many leave Southeast Asia to President American lives." Johnson." ADA gave Ottinger a 100% liberal quotient in January, 1970 and endorsed his bid for the Senate. Ottinger claims to have been prominent in the fight for the environment. As a freshman congressman in 1966, he sponsored the Hudson River Compact. He helped bring to suit the fight against Con Edison's King Mountain plant Ottinger has been a critic of national transportation priorities "which see more than 60 times as much spent on highways than on mass transit. He has sponsored bills creating a $10 billion mass According to the ratings given trasit fund." by the Americans for Democratic The Democratic Congressman Action, Ottinger's domestic policy has likewise criticized Nixon for has been consistently liberal. Ot- "a disastrous depression in the tinger voted for the reduction of housing industry," and has called interest rates, voted for the Phila- for the building of low to middle delphia Civil Rights Plan, family income dwellings in the nation's assistance, against the ABM and urban areas. for unemployment compensation On the national issue of crime for farm workers during the past and disorder, Ottinger has optwo years. He also voted against posed the preventive detention the Resurrection Cities Bill which hill (supported by his two opprohibited camping or sit-ins on ponents) and the " n o - k n o c k " public property in Washington crime bill. D.C, againsl the income tax surOn the Middle Bast,Ottinger has charge, and againsl Nixon's been an outspoken supporter of "watered-down" Voting Rights Israel. Acl. "I intend in this campaign to speak to and speak for the millions of New Yorkers who will not stand by while the wreckers go to work," proclaims James Buckley, Conservative-lndependent candidate for the Senate. Included in the "millions" are the majority of black New Yorkers "who repudiate the fanatic hatred preached by a militant few, the majority of students "who attend their colleges and universities, who have a serious purpose of securing an education and who bitterly resent having that education interrupted by the strong arm tactics of a few," and the "rank and file of American labor, which marched on Wall Street 150,000 strong to demontrate their love of country." Buckley backers claim a strong rapport with the "silent majority." These voters, they feel, are fed up with crime, campus violence and anliwar protests and tend to blame "liberal" politicians for fanning unrest. The Conservative candidate supports President Nixon's war policy and argues that the U.S. will not be a credible f o r e in the Middle East if it does nci have credibility in Southeast Asia. "We are not going to allow the balance of power to be tipped," he says, Buckley's views on other topics follow: Students-Colleges and universities have become sanctuaries for campus toughs who terrorize faculty and other students. He criticizes school administrators who "fail to talk back [lo radicals] and who concede that they have an argument when they have not." Drugs "A separate court system should be established to provide separate treatment for addicts." There is a need for a "strict crackdown on the importers and wholesalers of drugs." The Draft poses an "agonizing dilemma to the nation's youth. By eliminating conscription we would simultaneously improve the effectiveness of our military and .continued on page 8 PAGE 8 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,19701 Walinsky 'educates' Public Lefkowitz Says Lefkowitz Negligent Cites Actions (Adam Walinaky was inter- founders of the New Democratic viewed in his campaign head- Coalition and has been a strong quarters in New York City on supporter of the Stein Bill which Sept. 23.) would attempt to protect New Adam Walinsky's campaign has Yorkers from fighting in the Vietas its accentuatipn an emphasis on nam War. Under the Stein Bill, the an agressive law enforcement Attorney General would be in agency and an emphasis on youth, charge of presenting the case beClaiming that the Attorney fore the courts. "How would General should be "the people's Lefkowitz handle it?" he asked. Walinsky is urging an all out first lawyer" and a regulating force on the state government campaign to stop the trade in hard itself, Walinsky has charged that drugs, but has stated that possesMr. Lefkowitz has been grossly sion of marijuana should not be a negligent in his duties to prose- crime. He is against its legalizacute both state and industry for tion, however, "because I don't racial, pollution, narcotics and big . want American tobacco spending a million dollars to push it, which time crime violations "The main issue in this cam- I have no doubt they would do." paign is the fact that the attorney Walinsky, a former legislative general is not using his powers to assistant to Robert Kennedy, reprotect the people of the state of leased a report in 1968 citing widespread racism in the construcNew York." In the field of pollution, Walin- tion industry. Asked if any prosky charged that the state did gress has been made since the nothing in the face of 58 deaths release of that report, he said, which he claims were due to "Nothing significant. The pracunhealthy conditions in factories, tices continue as they did with a He also charged that the Attor- few token cases to pretend that ney General's office has not en- something's been done.' forced the Pure Air and Waters This statement probably encomAct passed in 1965, and has cited passes much of the spirit of his numerous violators who have not campaign: that the state has done little or nothing to meet the crisis been prosecuted in American society and Ihal the Mohawk Paper Mill in slate's chief law enforcement ofCohoes for polluting the ficer has not exercised his power Hudson to move against industry and the slate itself in Ihier failure to meet J.J. Rogers in Blackbrook social needs. for polluting Lake Cham"1 supposed you'd call it public plain education. I go lo considerable pains to tell [people] thai we Georgia Pacific in Pittscan't have law enforcement for burgh |them] and not for blacks and Walinsky was one of the co- people being crushed." the ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT y of the albaiy student press will hold a Reorganizational Meeting T h e S t a t e football t e a m begins the second half of its initial season this S a t u r d a y when t h e c l u b travels t o P o u g h k e e p s i e t o play powerful Marist College. T h e h o m e t e a m is, indeed, a formidable o p p o n e n t as their unblemished 5-0 record indicates. T h e y are rated s e c o n d in the S t a t e a m o n g clubs and small colleges and are, more impressively, ranked eighth in t h e n a t i o n a m o n g club teams. T h e Vikings b o a s t a very fine defensive unit t h a t has n o t given up a p o i n t in 17 consecutive Goldberg (cont.) continued from page 6 progressive income tax, the idea of which would be to force the wealthy to pay more. Goldberg has charged that Rockefeller is a rubber-stamp for the Nixon administration on Ihe national issues of Vietnam and the economy. The democral favors a more hasty withdrawal from Southeast Asia. On the economy, Goldberg blames the Governor for the high rate of unemployment in the state and holds him partially responsible for inflationary recession. Goldberg models some of his programs in this field on those of Franklin Roosevelt in the I930's. Finally, Goldberg has challenged Rockefeller to debate with him upstate and been refused, has hil hard on the Governor's advertising campaign and campaign expenditures. Buckley (cont.) continued from page 7 take from the forces of disorder their most effective weapon for Ihe destruction of youth." Pollution of the air and water can only be handled at the national level "by means of a strong independent policing agency, distinct from the Interior Department, to see that laws are enforced." Pornography-"If any of the existing Federal, State and local laws were would cause pornography to run rampant." "This mind pollution is oui number one pollution problerr today. Our citizens must be protected against this commercial exploitation of sex." Militants "The rhetoric of these groups and the widespread publicity given this rhetoric has in- REFRESHMENTS q u a r t e r s up until last S a t u r d a y ' s game against Catholic University. Then defense just fell apart, however, as t h e y gave up six points, o n e w h o l e t o u c h d o w n . T h e unit is led by t w o exceptional inside linebackers, 6 ' 0 " , 2 0 0 lb. Hank Blum and 6 ' 0 " , 185 lb. Dean Gestal. State Coach Bob Ford says, " t h e y are an o u t s t a n d i n g defensive football t e a m . " Marist's offense can brag a little bit also. T h e y have scored 120 p o i n t s t h u s far in five games, an average of t w e n t y four points per contest. —benjamin advertently been an important cause of this guerrilla war against law enforcement officials." Ollinger and Goodell "The twins are so exclusively concerned about the rights of those accused of crimes thai they forget the innocent." By their stand on Vietnam, by their stand on Ihe measures involving our strategic defenses, by their inability to understand the nature of Communist agression, they are associating themselves with forces Ihal would leave the U.S. without the means of defending our commitments. Buckley is obviously pinning much of his hope on the fact thai Goodell and Ottingcr will split the anti-Nixon vote between them leaving him the "moderates" and "conservatives." Whether you're into John Sebastian or Johann Sebastian, you should come in to Center Stage. We know how Important music Is. And we think everybody deserves the best possible playback, at the lowest possible price. That describes Panasonic equipment. We sell everything Panasonic makes. We're the nation's only all-Panasonic store. And, as far as we know, the only store that lets you turn on anything in the store. Hear what you've been missing. Bring in any recording, and listen to it — free. T u e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 r d a t 7 : 3 0 p m i n CC 3 3 4 Potential salesmen, layout & pasteup people welcome ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 9 Gridders Must Dent Marist Defense To Win (Mr. Lefkowitz was interviewed at a Saratoga appearance on Oct. 16.) Louis Lefkowitz has been attacked by Adam Walinsky for his failure to prosecute violations in industry hiring practices and pollution. He reacts strongly to these charges and calls them "irresponsible." Lefkowitz claims to have been active in both fields. He cited the following cases in which fines have been collected: Roberts Brothers-$ 100 Mecca Brothers-$75 Taylor Line-$500 Chandler-$650 (forcing them out of business) Peter Cooper-$600 Mobil Oil Corp.-$IO,000 He claims, moreover, that his office has no control over the graining or withholding of rebates - the returning of the finesand that Walinsky's charge that most of the lines have been rebated is irrelevant. Lefkowitz, as well, claims Ihal his office is limited Ihal it can prosecute only matters which arc referred lo it by Ihe state commissions. Thus, for instance, he answers Walinsky's charge that the dcalh of 58 workers due to health violations went unprosecuted, with Ihe replay that Ihe Industrial Commission did not believe there was sufficient evidence to bring suit and therefore did not refer the matter lo the Attorney General's office. Lefkowitz has also made proposals to clear the backlog in the courts, calling for the establishment of a Special Court for Narcotics Cases, the transference of all civil judges to the criminal part, the working of extra hours by those judges, and the use of volunteer lawyers lo serve in hearing misdemeanors. He has likewise called for the creation of a consumers' division within Ihe Attorney General's office. Lefkowitz ha- proposed a "Consumer's Bill of Rights" which would consist of thirteen laws, which are intended to prolecl Ihe consumer. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,1970 " . . . PANASONIC IS THE WHOLE SHOWI" IN THE MINI MALL AT MOHAWK MALL, SCHENECTADY TEL. (Ill) U1.IIM O r u 10iM • . « . lo fiM P.p., Mqnday Ifaroufk, SaUfd'y . FootbalbWhatlth T h e Vikings possess t w o very good r u n n i n g backs in Dick Hasb r o u c k a n d Murry Milligan w h o go 6 ' 0 " 2 0 0 lbs. a n d 5 ' 1 0 " 185 lbs. respectively. H a s b r o u c k is a very s t r o n g inside r u n n e r while the latter possesses great speed and m u s t be respected o u t s i d e . J i m Wilkens is their q u a r t e r b a c k a n d , while he is n o t a great passer, he is a very fine leader a n d calls a very intelligent ballgame. T h e offensive line will be difficult t o h a n d l e as t h e y are very big with every man being 210 lbs. or over. P r o b a b l y the m o s t d a n g e r o u s m a n o n the field for Marist will be flanker Charlie B r o w n e . He is 6'1 " and 215 lbs. of muscle with great quickness and good h a n d s . Meanwhile, the Danes are bat- tered physically. Missing from t h e b o u n c e b a c k . I t h i n g t h a t we will starting lineup S a t u r d a y will be Saturday." co-captain a n d star c o r n e r b a c k Coach F o r d a d d e d , t h a t while R o y c e Van Evera with a shoulder the Vikings are a very g o o d footinjury and starting offensive ball t e a m and a m a z i n g l y strong tackle Dick Wesley with b r o k e n defensively, a n y t i m e a t e a m canribs. All a r o u n d h a n d y m a n Keith not d o t h r e e things well o n Ward and tight e n d Ed Perka are offense, t h e y c a n b e s t o p p e d . doubtful with leg injuries while Marist is very p r o d u c t i v e o n t h e offensive tackle Bernie Pooler is rush b o t h inside and o u t s i d e , t h e also a question m a r k as a result of first two items o n the checklist. the d e e p gash he received under T h e y do n o t , however, pass well. his e y e in the T o w s o n game. Granted, the Danes pass defense When asked if t h e t e a m is up for has been its weakest c o m m o d i t y this game Ford stated, " m o r a l e but the defense has b e e n imand dedication are b e t t e r n o w proving steadily despite w h a t h a p than they have been all year long. pened last week. T h u s , t h e ability Whenever y o u ' r e hit h a r d , in a to stop t h e Vikings g r o u n d a t t a c k ballgame or in life, in o u r case, t h e could mean the difference in t h e T o w s o n game, t h e q u e s t i o n is ball game. whether you can get u p a n d M by Dave Fink T h e person m o s t directly affected by this new awareness of football a n d its relationship to our existence is the coach. He Is the one w h o m u s t c o p e with it, try to u n d e r s t a n d it and, m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y , a t t e m p t to alter his m e t h o d s t o deal with it. A l b a n y coach, Dr. R o b e r t F o r d has taken this step. He realizes t h a t t o run a football p r o g r a m he m u s t not live in the past. He is aware of the feelings of t o d a y ' s s t u d e n t and he has endeavored to treat his players with the respect with which he would have t h e m treat him. T h e r e is a basic a s s u m p t i o n that o n e must make a b o u t football. Because it is a t e a m game as o p p o s e d to a sport which is characterized by individual effort, there m u s t be a certain degree of discipline present. A player has a responsibility, n o t only to himself, but to ten o t h e r m e n . T h u s he m u s t n o t only a d h e r e to the c o a c h e s ' rules but he m u s t learn t o regulate his own actions Dr. Ford does not believe in rules for the sake of rules. He does not care a b o u t the length of a man's hair unless it gets t o the point where he c a n n o t see because of it. S o m e t i m e s , a m a n with t o o m u c h hair is exposed to head injury because his h e l m e t will n o t fit securely. T h e n he m u s t have it cut. He cares little a b o u t h o w a player dresses because it does not affect his play. He will n o t tell his players w h a t hour to be in bed, nor will he tell t h e m n o t t o drink or n o t to s m o k e . He wilt tell them how b o t h can hinder t h e i r effort and then leave it up to their personal discretion. He u n d e r s t a n d s that football is not for everyone, t h a t t h e r e are t h o s e w h o c a n n o t subject themselves to any degree of discipline. He also realizes t h a t for those w h o do want to play ball, he must n o t m a k e it distasteful for t h e m . F o o t b a l l , to Dr. F o r d , is t h " essence of d e m o c r a c y . While he realizes t h a t t h e r e is n o r o o m for it in t h e h u d d l e , he m a k e s a practice of it in administering t o the team. T h e quarterback is the boss in the h u d d l e . T h e r e is no t i m e , nor is it e x p e d i e n t to take a vote o n the play to run. But on the field, as a whole, the team of (JO men is a microcosm of t h e outside world. " T h e s q u a d is comprised of Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Blacks, whites, Orientals, rich men and poor men. On t h e football field, they all have the same o p p o r t u n i t y . It's u n f o r t u n a t e that this is not the case off the field," s l a t e d F o r d . Finally, we have all been told that a sport such as football builds character. When asked what this meant, Dr. Ford said this: " S o m e time in every m a n ' s life, he will p r o b a b l y he c o n f r o n t e d with at least o n e of four bad d i s a p p o i n t m e n t s - 1 ) he will be very serious with a girl and then break off with her, 2) he will not gel something that he really wants, II) he will lose a wife or a child or, 1) he will lose a j o b . He m u s t learn t o get up and fight hack to reestablish his being. Football has a great p o t e n t i a l for d i s a p p o i n t m e n t , At the same time, it has a p o t e n t i a l to afford a man the o p p o r t u n i t y to eradicate that d i s a p p o i n t m e n t . " I n d e e d , football can be a t r e m e n d o u s learning experience. In s h o r t , to the squeamish, to the non-violent, it has no w o r t h w h i l e value. Yet, to o t h e r s , it presents an o p p o r t u n i t y to work hard at achieving a goal, in unison with others, where every man is a separate and equal e n t i t y , where he can learn h o w lo win and m o s t i m p o r t a n t , w h e r e he can learn how to lose. T h e r e will be a Volleyball Captains' meeting on T h u r s d a y , Nov. 5th at '1:00 p.m. in PE 125. In League II football playoff a c t i o n , T X O m a d e quick w o r k of Ninth Floor, defeating t h e m by a 20-6 margin. They will n o w await the Huns vs. Hicks semifinal and play the winner S a t u r d a y . T h e League 111 playoffs held a bit m o r e drama as E E P s q u a r e d off against STB this t i m e in a Danes Lose 6-4 to RPI in Overtime I different league a n d with a change for revenge. Although they were losers in two previous season games with STB, t h e club p u t together several offensive drives t o score repeatedly and w o n the game, .'10-6. Potter b r o k e a 6-6 d e a d l o c k with a t o u c h d o w n , o n l y seconds away from halftime, and c o m p l e t e l y d o m i n a t e d t h e second half. Quarterback Al Rosenberg and wide receiver George Van Riper proved t o o c o m p e t e n t a c o n b i n a t i o n for the STB defensive secondary. By virtue of their win, the Club earned the right to m e e t the Aces in the c h a m p i o n s h i p game next S a t u r d a y . The latter defeated the Circus I 8-1 Jl Wednesday in a very close battle. After the Circus took a 13-12 lead with only two minutes to play. T h e Aces were not t o he denied however as q u a r t e r b a c k Harold Mendelsohn b r o u g h t t h e m back to score in o n e m i n u t e . T h e varsity soccer t e a m narr o w l y missed u p s e t t i n g o n e of t h e finest s q u a d s in t h e s t a t e Wednesday when they lost t o RPI, 6-4 in o v e r t i m e . Coach Bill Schieffelin had stated prior to the game t h a t his charges could surprise s o m e p e o p l e against the Engineers, despite the D a n e s ' unimpressive 2-7 record. RPI j u m p e d out to an early 1-0 lead at the end of the first period T h e Handball Ladder T o u r n a b u t it was s h o r t lived as S t a t e m e n t Entry Deadline is Wednesforward Demetrios Michael scored day, Nov. 1 1 tli. to lie it at the half. Michael and t e a m m a t e Larry Herzog both tallied in the third q u a r t e r to offset an Engineer marker, giving Albany the lead heading into the final period. RPI tied the game early in the stanza and then p r o c e e d e d to take a 4-3 advantage with t i m e running o u t . Willi only 50 s e c o n d s remaining on the clock, llerzog b o o t e d it past a s t u n n e d visiting goalie to tie the game a n d send it i n t o overtime. The men from T r o y were not to be denied however, as forwards Charlie F o u n t a i n and All-America c a n d i d a t e Casey T r a p p e n b u r g b o t h scored to m a k e the final c o u n t 6*4. S t a t e goalie J o h n T h a y e r played a n o t h e r fine game making H saves. " W e gave t h e m a g o o d ball g a m e " were Schieffelin's words. He was right. * * * * * * * * Tournament entries for the 11-man Soccer T o u r n a m e n t are due on M o n d a y , N o v e m b e r 2nd a t 1 2 noon. ******** There will be a basketball officials m e e t i n g o n F r i d a y , O c t . 30th in r o o m 125 of the Phys. E d Building at 4 : 0 0 p . m . ******** AM1A Basketball Practice Schedule sheets are now available in the AMIA office and s h o u l d be picked up immediately. ******** There will be a c a p t a i n s m e e t i n g for the Fall Swim Meet on Monday, Nov. 9 t h a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . in PE 125. ******** Football captains' meeting, Monday, N o v e m b e r 2, in PE 125 at 4 p.m., for purposes of selecting an all-star team. i ******** Paddleball Ladder t o u r n a m e n t roster sheets are now ready. Be sure t o pick t h e m u p , so play can begin immediately. ******** XKKXML0 FRYE I3oote ,J7JW1WI5I>O<?S Want to see the Cam pus Snack Bar and Rathsk eller shape up? Form a car pool, Bring a friend... to LAUNDEREASE 252 Ontario St. just a stone's throw from SUNY & St. Rose dorms Campus Center Go v e r n i n g needs your help. Board P l e a s e fill o u t q u e s t i o n a l r e s ava liable on dinner lines this Monday night, COMING SOONTuple load Convenience Novemb ' ' 1 1 BT 2n d 212 WASHINGTON AVE . ALBANY 402-H-iO 132 8KOADWAY. TROY 272-7272 H0UR5- fUyfhday 12-3: v^aturdoy w i m i i i riitrn^iTJ 12 7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 0 , 1 9 7 0 PAGE 10 TAKE* graffiti Speaker Alexander Sesonzke, "The Asthetics of the Film" with filmed illustrations. HU 354. 3:30, Mon, Nov. 2. "Hebrew Club": first meeting at Chapel House, Tuesday, Nov. 3-featuring Israeli folk singing, slides & refreshments. Flag, ''"V • ItohtrMtt* Can Parietal Rights Bring The Great W S U A Sportscasting Team goes into a c t i o n again this Saturday f r o m Marrlst college. Jerry Richardson and Eliot Niremberg bring y o u all the action of Great Dane f o o t b a l l this Saturday at 2 p.m. over W S U A 6 4 0 . A n y o n e w h o is experienced ih Draft Counseling is urgently requested to contact the D.C. Center o n campus at 4 5 7 - 4 0 0 9 . A l l those w i l l i n g to donate even 2 hours a week are greatly needed. For more i n f o r m a t i o n , call Ira at 472-5096. Want a handwriting analysis? Write a paragraph o n a sheet of unlined paper and sign y o u r nameSend to box in CC info desk. O n Wed, Nov. 4 t h , the University L i b r a r y w i l l sponsor an open f o r u m on library policies and procedures in the CC Patroon Lounge at 2 p.m. Interim Director Johnathan R. Ash t o n and some of his staff members w i l l be available f o r discussion and to allow the students & faculty to openly voice their opinions o n problems of the library, as they see them. Where can y o u get dinner and entertainment o n a Sunday night for $2.00? On Nov. 8, Hillel oflers S U N Y A students .i good dinner plus entertainment by the folk-singing Kol Rinah Singers, the New Day Friars and Rev. James Borden. Cost (or non-Hillel-members is $2.00. Members pay only $.75. Tickets are on sale today and M o n . f r o m 11-2 in the CC L o b b y . WITH M A X S H U L M A N \Bv ihtauthor of KiitlvHnun.Uht '<<• i Happiness? The second most serious problem currently facing our troubled campuses is the problem of parietal rights. (The first most serious problem of course is the recent outbreak of moult among sorority house canaries.) Let us today look for answers to the parietal rights problem, for that is the purpose of these columns: to analyze the dilemmas that vex our colleges, to seek feasible solutions. I write them for the brewers of Miller High Life Beer. In return they pay me money. That is the American way. It has made this country great. But I digress. A parietal right, as you know of course, is the right of a student to keep a parietal in his room. A parietal, as you know of course, is a small North American marsupial somewhat like a chipmunk in appearance but actually a species of fur-bearing herring (mutatis mutandis). Naturally you all want to keep a parietal in your room. Not only are they endlessly cheerful —always romping and frisking and wagging their little binaries—but they're smart too. They're not as smart as dogs of course, but they can readily learn simple tricks like fetching your slippers or parsing a sentence. But the main reason you want a parietal is because they eat nothing but beer cans. I promise you, friends, you get yourself a healthy adult parietal and you'll never again have to lug empties to the trash barrel. And of course the better the beer can, the more he'll eat, which of course accounts for the popularity of Miller High Life on every campus. Obviously a beer as good as Miller is bound to come in a can of the same superb quality. And that's what Miller has —superb quality. Also malt and hops and water and a marvelous brewing formula that's been kept secret for generations. In fact, this formula is so secret that it's known only to the chief brewmaster and he is never allowed to leave the brewery. So if you ever find yourself in Milwaukee, look up his wife. But I digress. A healthy adult parietal, I was saying, will eat his weight in Miller beer cans every day. However, if you drink your Miller in bottles—as millions do, and no wonder, for who is not tempted by such sparkling amber goodness in such crystal-clear bottles? Eh? Who is not?—if, I say, you drink your Miller in bottles, I have to tell you that parietals won't help. They don't eat bottles. In fact, the only pet that does is the scaly bursar (partniunt iivirjrntii)'), but take my advice: don't get one. The scaly bursar at best is a beast of sluggish demeanor and uncertain temperament. Oh, sure, sometimes it will play a little Monopoly when it's in the mood, but mostly it just lays around grooming its addenda. Moreover, it's given to sudden fits of pique and may tusk you without warning. But I digress. Why, you ask, won't the dean let you keep a parietal in your room? I'll tell you why: the parietal, a nocturnal animal, sleeps only by day. At night it is always awake and —here's the rub — during its waking hours it utters a loud, guttural croak approximately once every 2J <j seconds, a sound something like: "Prock . . . Prock . . . Prock." Dr. Rene Du Bos, Nobel and Pulitzer Prize Winner find A u t h o r of " S o H u m a n A n A n i m a l " , w i l l speak on "Scenario l o r the F u t u r e " , in LC 7 at A 0 0 on Tuesday, November 3rd. The lecture is sponsored by Environmental F o r u m . The Colonial Quad Halloween Party w i l l be held on Saturday, f r o m 9-11:30. " O t t o R o a d " is playing. 12 movies. Beer, Cider, Apples.$.75 w i t h o u t card, Free w i l h card. Colonial U-Lounge. Due to popular d e m a n d , Viet Rock w i l l be giving a d d i t i o n a l performances o n Wed. & Thurs., Nov. 4 & b. A l l performances w i l l be at 8.30 p.m. in [he P e r f o r m i n g A r t s Center in the Arena Theatre, Admission is free, donations accepted. Tour ol The M o n t h Open to A l l I n t e r n a t i o n a l s Americans. Tour of historic Coopers t o w n area: Baseball Hall of Fame, Farmer's Museum, James F e n i m o r e Cooper House, N ' Y ' S ' Historical Society. When? Saturday, Nov. 14, 1970-Buses leave University Circle at 8 l b ,i.m. and at Brubacher Hall at 8 : 4 6 a . m . , R e t u r n c. 6 : 0 0 p.m. C o s t : $ 2 . 0 0 for transportation, lunch e x t r a ' , Sign-up sheet in CC 329, deadline N o v . 2. There w i l l be an i n f o r m a t i o n a l meeting for .ill men considering applying for conscientious objector status ( l - A O , I O) sponsored by the Draft Counseling Center. It w i l l be held M o n d a y night, Nov. 9 at 7 30 in the Assembly R o o m o l the Cam pus Center. J o i n us at Chapel House tonight at 7.30 p.m. lor Hillel Sabbath Eve services. A f t e r services we w i l l have a discussion and an aneg Sabbat. Mr. W i l l i a m Derrick, Assistant Dean of International Studies in the College of A r i s and Sciences announces that although the M a d r i d , Rome and Guadalajara Study A b r o a d Programs are of one year d u r a t i o n , qualified students may be accepted to either program for one semester o n l y . The fall semester w o u l d be f r o m Sept. to Jan., the spring semester w o u l d be f r o m Jan. lo June. A p p l i c a t i o n s for the 1971 spring semester for b o t h programs are being accepted now. Students interest ed in a semester of Study at M a d r i d or R o m e c o u l d c o n t a c t Mrs. Judy M i l l e r , Dept. of Romance Languages, H U 234 (lei. 4 5 7 - 8 3 5 9 ) , students wishing to spend a semester at the University of Guadalajara should contact Dr. Frank G. Carrino, Center foi Inter-American S I u d i es, R iclrardson Hall 179 (downtown campus), (tel, 472-2972). A u d i t i o n s for Experimental Theatre w i l l take place o n M o n d a y , Novernboi 2. Three one-act plays w i l l be directed by John Lang t o n , Huna Abolson and Bill Snyder. A u d i t i o n s w i l l take place in R o o m 2(53 of the Performing A r t s Center A p p l i c a t i o n s lor Bus Charters are IOW being accepted for Thanks living in CC 346 Soiicitalions "ommiitwo, Engine &Transmission, • callent $ 8 7 5 . 0 0 . For sale: condition, 1964 M G B , six new $ 6 6 0 . Call Gary 7-4740. A D V C R T ISEMENT F x p e r i m e n t a l Theatre A u d i t i o n s , M o n d a y - N o v . 2, 7 30 p.m., PAC 243. A w i e r d play and w classics to be cast. J u i c y parts for at least 10 males and 10 females, Corne Lost my greenish-brownish leather lai on the S U N Y bus. Please r e t u r n oCC. Good tiros &Brakos, 2 extra snows; ADVERT I'it-MEN! A n y o n e interested in travel in E u r o p e , Asia or A f r i c a , please contact robert Burstein at 4 5 7 - 5 0 4 7 . at 7 30 p. m 1966 Bonneville, PS & PB, R & H, We, the brewers of Miller High Life liter, disregarding all prudent advice and sound advertimng practice, will bring you more of these columns later if we are still in business. There w i l l be an i n f o r m a l get-together wine and cheese p a r t y for all those students interested in studying a b r o a d , to answer y o u r questions Nov. 18, Wed. in Humanities L o u n g e - R o o m 354. For further information call Bob Burstein, 457-5047. The Peace Corps w i l l be on cam pus Nov. 2 4 w i t h i n f o r m a t i o n available in the Campus Center L o b b y and an interviewer in CC 375. O n Nov. 3, a f i l m "Peace Corps V o l u n teers in C o l u m b i a " w i l l be shown f r o m 1 3 0 - 8 . 3 0 in LC 1 f o l l o w e d by .i panel discussion f r o m 8 3 0 - 9 : 3 0 Rubuilt Well, naturally when "Prock . . . Prock . . . Prock" starts booming down the corridorH, every proctor in the dormitory leaps out of bed and comes running. Last year alone more than 30,000 of them were killed tripping on their nightshirts. And BO, dear friends, you see that the dean does have a point. Won't you put down your grenade und have a meaningful dialogue with him? Sweet reason can still save your college. Don't let it go the way of so many others—abandoned hulks today, atark and silent except for ghostly sounds echoing in the night: "Prock . . . Prock . . . Prock." » * # - Sunbeam $1250 tires, 7-3001 Alpine o.b.o., Excullunt '67, or Alice or 1961 Buick Lo Sabre Station WaExcellent Halloween Hankypanky—Come celebrate H a l l o w e e n in the Campus Center Cafeteria. Coffee House Circ u i t shows at 10 and 1 2 : 3 0 o n October 3 1 s t - m a g i c acts between the shows—cider, d o n u t s and b e e r free Halloween candy for all. Sponsored by Campus Center Governing Board and f u n d e d by student tax. A l p h a Kappa Delta, the national sociology h o n o r a r y society, will have a social hour on M o n d a y , Nov. 2nd. Prospective members, as well as current members, w i l l be w e l corned at Ihis meeting. Graduate students as w e l l as those undergraduate students w h o have 12 hours of sociology w i t h a 3.0 average along w i t h a 3.0 c u m u l a t i v e average are eligible for membership. The meeting w i l l be held in the Humanities Lounge (3rd floor Humanities b u i l d i n g ) at 7 : 3 0 p.m. on M o n d a y , Nov. 2 . Come to meet the newly-elected officers, to discuss future events of A K D , and lo add a little relevancy lo your college career I Condition. $150. Mallroom467-4378. Will the presidents of the A r a b C l u b , India Association and the 3 r d W o r l d L i b e r a t i o n F r o n t please conlace your CPC representativeD a n - a l 7-5077 by Wednesday. The Music Dept. of I he Slate University of N e w York at A l b a n y presents Beethoven, Music for Winds and Piano o n Tues., Nov. 3 in the recital hall at 7 . 3 0 p.m. F a c u l t y members w i t h Janice N i m e t / , guest Buick, Mechanics $ 1 2 5 . 4 : 3 0 7:00 785 3 0 4 9 . Doliyht, VIET ROCK then was a pleasant surprise to what we have witnessed so far. It was a tangible proof that the Theatre Department can come through with a good piece of theatre. We eagerly await further efforts. Thurs., Nov. 5 meeting, Sigma Alpha F ta (Speech Pathology H o n o r a r y ) . Business meeting 7 p.m. Guest speaker 7 : 3 0 . Speaker, Dr. Mary Stewart G o o d w i n , speaking o n A u t i s m . CC Assembly Hall. Refreshments. A l l w e l c o m e . A l b a n y Slate students are apply ing for a National Science F o u n d a Hon grant lo h i n d a summer research project in environment and pollution control. A n y math or science nwi|ors (including computer science or social sciences) are invited i n attend an informational meet ing Monday, Nov. 2, H JO p.m. in B i n 24H. II unable t o c o m e , call Pal O ' H e r n , 457 3 0 3 3 . Please pick me u p when I'm h i t c h i) lo school. I h e S U N Y bus slinks" FURNISHED HOUSE for Ront-1% miles from campus on Wostorn Avo. 4 BR' Idoal for 4-6 Studonts. Profor fomale-MUST BE NEAT-Avail. Nov. $ 3 5 0 includes utilities. 4 5 7 - 6 8 2 9 . For sale-Martin Alto Sax with Samsonite Case. $ 1 0 0 . PAC-B91 or phone 4 6 3 - 8 1 8 4 . For Sole: Blonde Dutch Boy Wig, Sllngerland Drums, complete with cymbals, Ilka new, reasonable. Paul 4574906. * * * * * * ' pianist. Dvnol, Worn only 4 times, $20. Call Jackia 457-7028. A lot of Jowulry-chain bolts, thou sand*, of earrings, medallions, key chains, necklaces, utc. worth app r o * . $ 3 5 0 for only $ 4 0 . 482 1316 evenings. Happy Second Monthivorsary, Ug 1961 RB£K Politics aside, Doug Wager did a worthwhile directing job. Perhaps the cast was not brilliant individually; yet it succeeded in working together like a perfectly oiled, superbly designed machine. Wager turned a potential handicap (absence of a "star") into an advantage. All helped equally create VIET ROCK. Though no one actor outshone the rest, there were' .several particularly good performances. As the sergeant, Greg Haymcs, previously noted in FEIFFEROLOGY, carried a heavy loud on his back. One slip and VIET ROCK would have crumbled. Others, like Margaret Dwyer, Jefr Tinklman, and Peter Salm, realized their little skits perfectly. On the other hand, Wager did not cut, or edit several scenes which stank of kitsch. For example: the mother/dead son episode, featuring Leslie Bergson. It belonged to a soap opera; one could almost hear the violins in the background. It is a, director's job to realize that improvisations can lapse into histrionics, and that judicious editing is: almost a requirement. VIET ROCK was no exception. But what Wager did with lights mude up for it. He used all the equipment at his disposal with intelligence and feeling. Moreover, he moved the cast •round the stage nicely. The combination of the two produced some interesting visual experiences. A n y o n e w h o has a gripe or c o m plaint, about practically a n y t h i n g , is invited to tell it t o Central Council's Grievance C o m m i t t e e . The next meeting w i l l be Wed., Nov. 4 in CC 346 at 3 : 1 5 . Dancersl A performing danco group under the direction of Adrienno Posnor is being organized and is seeking interested persons. All those desiring further information call 4 8 9 - 6 7 9 8 . ' 6 3 V W must sell, moving to California. Second engine, 4 6 , 0 0 0 miles, ongine recently overhauled, snow tires, good radio, body in oxcollont condition. $ 6 0 0 or highest bidder. Call eveniniti 4 6 5 - 3 6 6 2 . To combat Agnew, or any hawk, VIET ROCK ihould have used the arsenal of logic: one watertight argument is worth fifty buckets of bathos. It is infinitely superior, and ultimately more viable, to demonstrate the idiocy of a garbage Administration by putting its policies under rigid scruntiny, rather than wallow in self-pity. That has never changed ( anything. A u d i t i o n s fur the third Stale University Theatre product ion, H A R R Y , N O O N & N I G H T w i l l be held by Dr. A l b e r t Wcirter. A u d i tions w i l l Irike place in the Arena Theatre of the P e r f o r m i n g A r t s Center on F r i d a y , October 3 0 at 7:30 p.m. and o n Saturday, October 31 f r o m 2 t o 5 p.m. A u d i t i o n s are open t o all university c o m m u n i t y . excellent 439-1274 VIET ROCK, Experimental Theatre's newest production, is a series of actor improvisations assembled by Megan Terry, the Yale dramatist. Conceived in 1966, it was considered at the time to be a radical outcry against government policy in South East Asia. Today, in our post-Chicago/Cambia/Kent world, VIET ROCK seems of tamer stuff; nevertheless, its point, that American society inherently destroys individuals (in this case through the military) is still applicable. That alone insured the giant turn-out VIET ROCK enjoyed. In terms of attendance, it is probably one of the more successful shows performed at this University. VIET ROCK insists on setting us against Vietnam on purely emotional grounds. Throughout, Megan Terry develops situations destined to pull the strings from under our hearts. Lachrymosety is law; banished is the brain. This painful alliteration brings to mind another master of rhetoric, Spiro Agnew. He too can make speeches which deny reason. He too can make America shed tears. Only when Agnew speaks, he is for the war, and on prime-time IN THE MGHT THE LORD PUIWUS, asking 457 3 9 3 0 afternoons. gon. FROM GHOUUES AHD G-MOST/f.T AtiO i.oNG-L£G-&£DY BEAS7IE5 am ^NOTHINGS' THAT Go BUM? CV?J IPAGE 11 I ALBANY STUDENT PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 0 , 1 9 7 0 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS ly "thing." T o a l l Libras especially you're beautiful. • Natalia, by Ali Hazzah Auditions for the third State University Theatre production. HARRY, NOON & NIGHT, will be held by Dr. Albert Weiner. Auditions will take place in the Arena Theatre of the Performing Arts Center on Friday, October 30 at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, October 3 1 , from 2 to 5 p.m. Auditions for Experimental Theatre will take place on Monday, November 2. Three one-act plays will be directed by John Langton, Reiui Abclson and Dill Snyder. Auditions will take place in Room 263 of the Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. BAHAMA VACATION Leaving Jan. S, 1971 Returning Jan. 12, 1971 $199 per person INCLUDES: *Roundtrip scheduled flights via Pan American World Airways from JFK airport *7 nights accommodations at the Kings Court Apartment *Each apartment equipped wilh complete kitchenette * All gratuities and taxes * Daily maid service DEPOSIT OK $25 this will insure resurvatloi For more information: Hob llurHttiin | 407-50-17 |Pre-Marital • The Draft? • Love? B | fl Ban the • ~£ Politics? • "Pill"*? • T h e I 1 Establishment? <V. UFIOSIVEIY FUNNY I'TJilSSITI Urban • Youth •Escalation?! Renewal? •Movemettt?r COMMONWEALTH UNITED PRtSlNIS a session with -LA Times NOTHING UNE IT IN TOWN. ABSOLUTIIYHIIJIMOUSI •*"Hollywood Reporter DEVASTATING. S I K - S n m i N G SATIRE... —College Times -plusIhe rock group "The Grateful Dead" Exactly as presented LIVE on stage in San F r a n c / s ^ r j Los Angeles! COLOR in LC 2 Sal & Sun ut 8 & 10 pin $ 1.00 nil persons FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30,1970, PAGE 12 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS OFF CAMPUS ^ ^ Albany Student Press X .. a little bit mm Contents copyright 1970. of humanity esdau, November 3. 1970 State Unipertity Unioenitu of New York at Albanu V Vol. LVII No. 32 H War Protest in Albany Draws Small Turnout by Candy Cavallaro An ASP Feature "You know, the blacks look up to he's a god or something"... ten black children beamed up at the short, stocky man clad in blue denim overalls pinstriped shirt, tie and leather hat. "I'm surprised he's so short-he has so much energy, I expected him to be overbearing." Pete Jones stepped up to the mike, and described, movingly, colorfully, the situation in the Albany ghetto that so urgently demanded the community's help. This situation concerns the children. Most kid-s in the black ghetto do not eat a meal until eight o'clock in the evening. Since both parents usually work, the adults are absent from the home from seven in the morning until five or six in the afternoon. The children receive free, cold milk and cereal at school in the morning, and those few who are lucky enough to have forty cents, can buy lunch. Otherwise, they scrounge whatever they can find, steal, or beg. Usually they are hungry. You don't see many overweight kids on the south side of Albany. Officially, the children are to receive lunch even if they do not have forty cents. In reality, school officials overlook this rule. "A system as hard as any iron you ever saw" was Pete's description of the school system and the state and federal governments. Since no one will appropriate money to feed hungry children, the community must assume the task. Pete Jones feels that it is his responsibility to feed the kids, and to move the community to action. He started feeding two or three children in the afternoon in an empty room above his restaurant, appropriately called "Our Place." Now he feeds sixty kids a day, at his own expense. Although neighbors assist in preparing and serving the food, which requires only a few hours a day, money and food are needed to continue the operation. In addition, Pete is asking members of the community to help clean up the ghetto and to establish a low-cost day c a re center. Several mothes brought the need for such a center to his attention. Federally run centers are not accessible to the "working poor," those people who do work, but who cannot afford the fifteen dollars per child per week, and to those children who do not belong to the three to five age group. The modestly priced program Pete has proposed is not as formally structured as regular day care centers, but it would provide food for the children. "The hell with arts and crafts"..if a child does not have "food in his belly," any supplementary programs are futile. Therefore, a primary part of the proposed "Supervision Center" will be three complete meals each day. The center is thus named to avoid the requirements which the government sets for a "Day Care Center." ^Bj something heard at a high school basketball game. The largest conflict of the day occurred when an argument broke out between a couple of hard core "Marching here and talking is no Maoists and veterans for peace, good in 1970," is how Liz Ewen Some heckling greeted most of and almost everyone else felt at the non-revolutionary speakers, the October 31 "peach march" Those addressing the crowd and "demonstration" at the Capi- talked on many subjects including tol. About 300 demonstrators women's liberation, Asian commarched from Draper Hall in what passion, peace candidates, and was a crowd about 1 0% as large as political prisoners. The signifithose gat here?! for similar pur- cance of the demonstration was poses last spring. not what was said or what hapOne marshal I said, "Don't pened, but what did not happen. chomp the grass loo much; they As Mrs. Ewen pointed out. the get upset about things like that," bulk of the collegiate anti-war which expressed the militancy of movement is beyond the stage of the entire event perfectly. At the marching and talking. The "moveCapitol, speakers spoke, Hector ment" is now dealing with probRivera entertained, and everyone lems which cannot be confronted Several hundred war protesters descended upon the State Capitol last Saturday. ...solomon (especially this reporter) was by yelling "Peace Now!" The bored out of his mind. struggle is now recognized as beAs one spectator pointed out, ing more fundamental than just the march was "like 1969 and swaying Senators and Congress1970 hadn't come yet." The slo- men. gans are cliches by now—peace by Carol Hughes as » result of charges of fiscal the present executive committee The problems as seen by those now!—1-2-3-4 free the Panthers, in "the movement" are freeing irresponsibility and violations of of the station, and a new election slop the war. Possibly the most SA financial policy. This inquiry for WSUA Station Manager. political prisoners and ending opWSUA was virtually paralyzed was ordered by Council on the Clingan, supporting the station, creative moment of the day oc- pression. If the October 31 action curred when a cheerleader introlast Thursday night when Central basis of a bill introduced by Jeff strongly questioned the validity of proved anything it is that the Council refused to grant the rad; • Wasserman, charging "gross viola- Wasserman's accusations, do- duced a melody for "Power to the problems of the '70s will not be People" probably derived from station a supplemental appropria- tion and patent neglect of the solved by the methods of the '60s. tion of $22,146.43. With only Constitution of Student Associa- Con tinned on page 2 by Barry Kirschner News Analysis W • •• right here in albany city By reducing the staff, unessential equipment, and extravagant facilities, the rates can be significantly reduced to ten dollars for one child, eighteen dollars for two children, and twenty-five dollars for three children or more, per week. Although the benefits of the "extras" of regular day care centers may be argued, it may also be pointed out that the environment of the proposed "Supervision Center" will be far healthier than the homes from which the children come. The unhealthy environment of the Albany ghetto was viewed by the audience through a looseleaf notebook and several slides which were shown by Pete. Rubble, deteriorated buildings, unsanitary facilities and hungry, dirty children pleaded with one's human compassion and conscience. The only brightness was in the races of those cleaning up the rubble. Volunteers from Colonie , Bethlehem-Central and other local high schools have been painting and cleaning up the ghetto for nearly two years. Most of their materials, such as the poor, watery, varicolored paints, are donated. Money earned in "Soul food dinners" at Bethlehem-Central High is also being used. Still, these materials arc not nearly adequate Money, and people possessing skills in electrical wiring, plumbing and the finishing of floors are desperately needed. Pete Jones is pleasing with the community to help in his battle against poverty. He believes that the most important aspect of life is in relating to and helping people. The smiling faces of well fed kids arc proor of what can be accomplished. Every member of the university community should be concerned with and involved in this problem. Students wanted "relevance" last spring, yet, so far, no one has attempted to achieve it. Most students do not even realize the existence of a ghetto in Albany. Helping Pete Jones in the black ghetto is a real, relevant, concrete form of protest, the results of which include immediate personal gratification. WSUA Hurt in Fund Loss $1,000 left from WSUA's original budget, the future of the station this year is in a dangerous position. The action came as a result of a tumultuous discussion, featuring allegations of mismanagement, accusations of misrepresentation by cerLain Council members, calls for mass resignations from the WSUA staff and frequent pleas "to get this over with," followed by an equally confused vote. A roll call vote was taken, resulting in a peculiar 11-1-14 causing considerable consternation over the fuel that the abstensions won. Arguments then ensued over how the abstaining votes should be counted, and whether or not it was 'legal' for members to change their votes. Finally, another vote was taken, resulting in a 10-10-6 vote which is interpreted by Student Association rules us defeating the motion since a clear majority was not obtained, Tabled last week by virtue of a letter from Jell' Wasserman, who, was unable to attend the meeting, Ihc appropriation bill was present again on Thursday. However, the controversy over WSUA and its financial policies has been a continuing problem for Council since last May. An investigation into WSUA was held in the beginning of October Election Poll all photos by Stephen dv young Anyone interested in the community is urged to walk through the ghetto, and possibly stop at Pete's "Our Place," located at IBM North Pearl Street to talk with people, and see first hand what is happening. It is hoped that p o o p l 0 w i u |K, m o v o d U ) donate money, clothes, food, equipment and time Students may also help by the publication and distribution „r leaflet* lo urge the community to action. A table will be set up in the Campus Center in the near future to take donations or the type r listed above. According to the final Daily News poll I lint was released yesterd ay, Rockefeller is leading Goldberg Til to 39 percent, with 7 percent comprising the votes for Adams and the undecided. This is a drop of six percentage since the last News poll which was released last Thursday. In I he Senatorial race, James Buckley is leading with .'t7 per cent, Ottinger trailing with A2 and Cloodell is p ulling third with 2f> per cent. The poll shows a loss of two percentage points for Buckley since Thursday's poll. tion, Student Association Financial Policy, the Constitution of WSUA and the Laws of New York State..." The results of the Ad Hoc Com. mittee to Supervise Operations of WSUA were presented to Council on October K by committee chairman Tom CHngan. The report discussed the problems faced by the station in moving WSUA uptown and going FM stereo. Certain recommendations (primarily concerned with greater supervision of financial operations through advisors to the business manager, and frequent conferences with the engineers of the UniversiLy Center for Educational Communication before changes are determined) were accepted with some amendments by Council. Although the report did not completely ubsolve alt the WSUA personnel of guilt, it pointed out that several of the violations may huve led to substantial savings in lime and money for WSUA Moreover, since most, of the contested expenditures occurred over the summer, consultation with Council seemed next-to-impossible. Wasserman, in his letter, sharply questioned the advisability of further funding when the station had not followed Hie Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations in seeking consultation with UCEC engineers. His letter dealt primarily with his own conversation with Salvatore De Craepeo from UCEC concerning the budget supplement. Tom Clingan held that the procedures used in this instance by the stations were completely in accord with the committee's recommendations, and charged that Wasserman was misrepresenting DeCruepeo's views. Thursday's meeting attempted to clarify the issues before deciding on the additional money. "1 cannot, in conscience, vote to give money to the present people running that station" asserted Wasserman, in opposing the bill. He called for the resignation a t FSA Board Reformed; Votes to Include 3 Students by Al Serin Students will have a greater voice in the running of SUN YA's Faculty-Student Association, as a result of an amendment in the by-laws approved at the annual meeting of the F.S.A. membership board held last Wednesday afternoon in President Bene/,et's office. The amendment changes the make-up of the Board of Directors which is responsible for setting priorities and overseeing month-by-month operations of F.S.A. Previously, this board had consisted of ten members, seven of whom were administrators. Student membership was limited to the President of the Graduate Student Body and President of Central Council. There was also one faculty member. Thus, Albany State students found themselves having no meaningful voice in the expenditure of F.S.A. monies, mostly collected from students through the bookstore, vending machines, and food service operations. It is hoped that the revision will change this. The board of directors will now consist of a triumverate membership- three administrators, three students, and three faculty members. The President of the Graduate Student Association, and the President and Vice-President of Central Council (Student Association) will be the student members. The actual amendment was introduced at last week's F.S.A. membership meeting by Student Association Vice-President Mike Lumper I, The membership board meets annually to choose directors of the corporation and to transact "such other business as may come before the meeting." Usually, the "other business" consists of a financial report, a director's report and a very superficial review of F.S.A.'s already approved budget. Th e membership body consists of 2f) individuals; seven each from the faculty, administration and undergraduate student body, and four graduate students. The undergraduates, led by S.A. President Dave Neufeld and VicePresident Lamport, attempted to have this changed also. But the more conservative elements of the administration spoke out against itudents getting increased power on )olh the membership and directors )oards, so the motion was with Irawn by Lamport as a compr>mise. Vice-Presidents Mo rri« u n ( j A WSUA disc jockey doing a show from the Station's studios in O'Reilly argued £ ( W a change on Ilrubncher hall. aninmnn Cnntiv.nA ...soiomon ^"•''.i.iiioa on page 2