albany student press \ State Uniuersitu of New York at Albany Vol. LVII No. 22 Tuesday, September 22. 1970 COURT ORDERS BUDGET FREEZE by Ira Wolfman Staff Reporter ' ALL STUDENT ASSOCIATION GROUPS' BUDGETS ARE FROZEN. ' Those words, in a memorandum from SA Prcsiden Dave Neufeld to all Student Association groups last Thursday, signalled the latest—and most dramatic— outcome of a nearly yearlong controversy over the use of mandatory tax fees. After months of debate over the propriety of the use of tax money for supposedly "partisan groups," Ken Stringer, a senior here, initiated a Civil Court case against the University and Student Association in an attempt to either eliminate the mandatory tax or to get specific guidelines prescribing expenditures. The recent budget freeze comes as a result of that court case, via a decision handed down by Justice Harold Koreman of the New York Stale Supreme Court last Thursday. As a result of that decision, all SA groups have been prohibited from spending any money which derives from mandatory tax until, in the words of Koreman's decision, they receive the "determination and approval of the trustees as to whether they are educational, cultural, recreational or social in nature." In effect, what this does is revoke the authority which SA has enjoyed in dealing with the funds collected from mandatory tax. Koreman's decision was based on the fact that, since the Board of Trustees had actually become the enforcing agency for collection of the tax, it still retained responsibility for the use of the funds. "In view of the requirement for payment of the activities fee before a student may be registered, and that fact that grades and transcripts may be withheld lor failure to pay,the TRUSTEES have effectively established a mandatory activities fee." (Emphasis added). "In the court's opinion, it cannot be said," Koreman's decision goes on, "that the officials of the University have no voice or control over appropriations or expenditures of the fund (Note: this point may have been made by the defense, in staling that SA had always been autonomous in dealing with funds) since appropriations may be made by the students only for the purposes permitted by the Trustees" (i.e. educational, social, cultural, and recreational concerns). In his conclusion, Koreman states that "since the responsibility of administration and supervision in this area rests with the Trustees, appropriations or expenditures may not be made without the approval of the Trustees as to the purpose for such appropriations and expenditures." The entire question of who shall control the disbursement of student funds is an extremely touchy one. By revoking SA's autonomy, the court decision may have opened the doors to censorship and regulation of necessarily independent student organizations. It is mainly for this reason that Student Association is going to appeal the decision, and it is for this reason that the case is being followed with great interest across the state. An appeal will be entered as soon as is possible by SA's lawyers; the court to which the appeal now goes is the N.Y. State Appeals Court, the highest state court. No action can be taken, however, until Justice Koreman releases his "judgement," a document which instructs all parties as to the final effects of the decision. The judgement should be coming out some time this week. In the interim, a meeting of the SUNY Board of Trustees is scheduled for tomorrow in New York City. It is expected that a t e m p o r a r y solution will be worked out there which will at least enable the SA groups currently cut off from funds to function once more. However, a long range solution must be arrived at, so the courts have not seen the last of "Kenneth Stringer vs. Gould, et al." Council Calls For Action Security Faces Crisis by Al Senia Feat it res Editor The ftilhivinfi in the first of a serifs of three articles itwesti Hutitix the present state ofseeitr ity on campus and the future antrae of security operations At the beginning of this academic year, Albany State's campus security force is at a crucial point in its dovuloprruml, A search is currently underway to fill a new position Director of Security- which, it is hoped, will bring greater efficiency and professionalism to the SUNYA police force. Central Council Thursday night called for the establishment of u WeHinti review board. Such a body could play a major role in deter- mining security's future priorities and establishing needed rapport with the student body. But security faces immediate problems which will not be ho«ttlied soon, A major area of concern is the shortage of manpower. There are currently less patrolmen on the force than at this time last year. Meanwhile, trends indicate a substantial increase in piawtmrrci (as opposed to property) crimes. This would include the areas of robbery, assault, and sex offenses. And, qualified applicants to the security force cannot be found, a result of the low pay offered. An expected legislative appropriation has become bogged down and will not be forthcoming for a number of months. Continued on page 5 Chief of Security James Coniully was Interviewed by ASP Features Editor, Al Seuiu. ...pottkawtki President Louis Benezet replies to "crib-in" demands at Thursday's confrontation in the Administration Building. ...benjamin Sixty Press for Day Care Women's Lib Stages Crib-in by Maida Oringlier university, and a budget analyst. Armed with balloons, carThe cry for a day cure center riages and babies, nearly 60 wo- begun lust February when the men, children, members of The Women's Liberation Front deWomen's Liberation Front, Con- manded "that SUNY at Albuny cerned Parents, and The New Left establish a full time infant and Organizing Committee staged a child care center for the children "crib-in" at President Benezel's of students, employees, and facoffice Thursday demanding "a ulty." The several meetings, inwritten report" from the admin- quiries, and conferences that folistration on the status of the lowed resulted in the formation of campus day care center. a committee chaired by Mrs. The group entered the admin- Barbara Pclton. istration building, tacked up a Prompted to "speuk now!" the banner reading "Women Demand President reud a memorandum Day Care " and handed the pres- concerning the child day care proident a sheet of demands. These ject. The memo stated that a favorable answer is expected from ( included a day cure center for children 6 months to 6 years, Central SUNY concerning the readequate funds for a minimum of lease of university funds, and a 100 children, a questionnaire lo be grunt of $10,000 has been made sent out to all students, faculty, towurd the Child Duy Cure Center and staff lo determine the number fucility by the Benevolent Assocof children eligible for the day iution. "The release of funds from care centor, and a democratic the State will be an emergoncy board of directors with the fol- grunt but further grunts will have lowing membership—members of to be made by supplemental apWomen's Liberation Front, stud- propriation by the legislature.' ent parents, faculty parents, stuff A prospective director of the parents, the director of the day Center has been chosen. And, at a euro center, the president of the later interview Soth Spollman, Assistant to the President, mentioned that plans are "moving o n " concerning the renovation of P ierce Hall on the downtown campus; however, no dale has been set for the opening of tlie center. The day care center would be limited to serving the children of SUNYA students and students' wives, and fees will be churged on a sliding scule to be established by the office of Financial Aid. "Any students able to pay will be expected to do so." According to Spellman, the center will be ableto accommodate 46 children from the money now available. Although some angered students denied it, the President assured them that the information in this memo hud been available to the leaders of the Women's Liberation Front on Tuesday. President Benezet commented that the group had "asked for nothing unreasonable" und that he felt "assured that the project will succeed and could become a model of Child Day Care Centers in universities." PAGE 2 Theatre Workshop for Freshm e n a n d Sophomores- a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o b e c o m e involved in University Theatre. Thurs., S e p t . 24 f r o m 3 : 3 0 til 6 : 0 0 . ^ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS A p p l i c a t i o n s for t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t a r e now available at the Campus Center Information Desk a n d in CC 3 4 6 , t h e Stud e n t Association office. T h e y must be returned by Sept. 30 t o CC 3 4 6 . ********** HELLMAN The Undergraduate Academic Council has t h e following openings o n its c o m m i t t e e s : 3 u n d e r g r a d u a t e s a r e needed o n t h e Admissions C o m m i t t e e w h i c h deals w i t h t h e Admissions policy of t h e University. 2 u n d e r g r a d u a t e s are needed o n the Curriculum Committee w h i c h will deal with s u c h questions as d o u b l e major, the p h y s . ed. r e q u i r e m e n t , e t c . 2 u n d e r g r a d u a t e s a r e needed o n t h e H o n o r s and Ind. S t u d y C o m m i t t e e which will deal with such questions as granting honors and awarding degree credit, a n d developing i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y courses. If you are i n t e r e s t e d in any of these openings, a p p l y a t the S t u d e n t Association Office in the C a m p u s Center. Limited Exclusive Engagement Starts WED. "A film that hits the gut:' T h e r e will b e an organizational m e e t i n g of the Women's Officials C l u b o n T u e s . , Sept. 22 at 7 : 0 0 p . m . A n y o n e interested in officiating i n t r a m u r a l volleyball a n d basketball or in officiating t h o s e a n d o t h e r sports in local high schools a n d junior high s c h o o l s for p a y is invited to attend. ********** 8 : 0 0 p . m . Cathexis sponsors a film featuring Fritz Perls, entitled " A Session with College S t u d e n t s . " All are welcome. ********** Teaching Opportunities Ab r o a d : G r a d u a t i n g seniors and faculty m e m b e r s m a y wish to review a b r o c h u r e provided by t h e S U N Y office of International S t u d i e s a n d World Affairs from t h e I n s t i t u t e of International E d u c a t i o n . It may be reviewed or c h e c k e d o u t from the Office of International Studios (SS 1 1 1 , T e l : 4 5 7 - 7 6 2 3 ) . A n y o n e interested in reforming a Psychology Association please m e e t in LC 2 at 7 : 0 0 o n Sept. 2 4 . ********** Self-nomination forms for LACC and Central Council are a v a i l a b l e a t CC Information Desk until Wed., Sept. 23. Representatives are needed t o LACC from each q u a d and c o m m u t e r s . Qualifications: 2.0 c u m or 6 hrs. of pass or m e m bership in the freshman class. ********** A meeting of all s t u d e n t s interested in writing news or features stories for the Albany S t u d e n t Press will b e held o n T h u r s d a y , Sept. 24, at 7 : 0 0 . Guest speakers will discuss reporting. ********** "Students Have Interesting T h i n g s " Art s t u d e n t s have table in CC Mall-Sell and Swap, Barter for a r t s a n d crafts - Come a n d talk, see o u r wares, bring things t o t r a d e . For Information Call J o a n n 966-H393 or Ellen 4 3 6 - 0 6 0 5 . New M e m b e r s Wanted meeting! F o r u m of Politics, T h u r s . , Sept. 24 at 4 p.m. in CC 3 7 0 . watch. Ever bund, somewhere between gives a clue canter and Humanities. Reward, Send a short Brossman, Dfilrniir Sunset Drive, 439-5218. FREE beginners lorming. Sept 1 gold 2'A, paper; out! folk Meeting 7 State Flag guitar p.m class Wonder sitjri Send il your to Imndwrilmn, the sample your to real on mime 204, you' unlined and thru a dime used typo electric, shin Weds, Room Be there (limited enrollment) WANTED • writer, One good preferably durd O K . Call E l l e n ,n 4b7 7H40. New, Cheap Duplicating Prices YOUR PHOTO ON 100 STAMPS 0NLY$1. It'seasylBuya Swingline TOT Stapler 98e Times DAILY-7:16,9:15 SAT. MAT. - 2 : 1 6 F R I . . S A T . Eve. - 6 , H, 10 SUN. - 2 : 3 0 , 4 : 3 0 , 6 : 8 0 , H:30 6.60 (incluuinti looo FREE iioplcs and carrying pouch). Larger ftl/c CUD Desk Slnplcr or CUD Hontl Stapler only f I tv> Unconditionally guaranteed. At Haiionery, variety, and book ilorcs — Judith Crist, .4"i .48 .51 .53 .57 .59 .62 .64 .68 .70 .73 .75 1 .03 1 .30 1 .85 2 .40 2 .95 5. .70 XEROX .20 .25 .30 .33 .35 .40 .43 .45 .50 .53 .55 .60 .63 .65 .70 .72 .75 .80 .85 .90 1 .30 1 .75 2 .50 3 .25 3. . 8 5 7, .30 Zip NO MASTERS MA.MLKS P u b l i c a t i o n , on (he Ditto a n d Mimco requiring m o r e Hum 1,000 sheets of p I M r m l , s . be b r o u g h t in at leas, o n e day prior t o the deadline of d a t e needed. H O W E V E R IF YOU U T I L I Z E T H E X E R O X S E R V I C E , NO L E A D TIME IS N E C E S S A R Y " N D WE CAN G I V E Y O U Y O U R C O P I E S HACK I M M E D I A T E L Y . •""'" A.MICH Mali: .24 .26 .29 .31 .35 .37 .40 . 2 D i t t o masters a n d stencils may be purchased a I the Student Association office O R S T E N C I L S A R E R E Q U I R E D F O R T H E XEROX S E R V I C E . ingllnc INiitin-siitmn, Dcnl. 173 [>.0. Ilox 1125. Wooilsidt, NY. IH77 Hnclowd \\ my photo and c»di, check »• money older (01 II 00 with the name Swinjilmr from any package IMcow inc ion pliuln-iliini|t\ Cily MIMEO Legal Paper (8*2 x 14): 1 mill more per sheet Colored Paper (8*5 x 11) 2 mills more per sheet |r- i I DITTO 5 sheets from same original .14 10 .17 15 .20 20 .23 25 .27 30 .30 35 .33 40 .36 45 .40 50 .43 55 .46 60 .49 65 .53 70 .56 75 .59 80 .62 85 .66 90 .69 95 .72 100 .75 150 1.08 200 1.40 300 2.05 400 " " 2.70 500 3.35 1000 To get your 10(1 photostamps, simply cut the name Swingline from any Swingline package. Enclose phoio (which will he relumed) with cash, check or moneyorder for $1 and send It with the coupon below. New York M a g a z i n e Feature CAMPUS CENTER 346 Scud us any pholunruph ...hlnck A white or color, ol yourself, your family, friends, pels, anything., antl we'll send you 100 gummed, perforated, stump-sized pictures. You'll find many uses (or them... seal or sign your letters, identify books ami records. Use idem for datebail, or just for fun. "Joe is a study of disparate classes, and how much they really have in common; it reveals some unpalatable truths about all of us. Joe is a 'this minute' film: a movie truly of our times and demanding to be seen this minute." STUDENT ASSOCIATION NOW OFFERS XEROX DUPLICATOR SERVICE. YOU CAN HAVE YOUK FINISHED COPIES IMMEDIATELY AFTER BRINGING YOUR ORIGINALS IN. CHARGES ARE AS FOLLOWS: j —————————— — — —— — .Jl by Bob Warner Women's Liberation supporters lobby for a day care center during Thursday's "crib-in!* .henjamii Central Council Committed To Overturn Court Decision by Ken S t o k e m hud Melville CC mail. Please enclose and y o u r r e t u r n address. PAGE 3 Senate Urges Jewish Recess ********** b.ilck Ann Women s ALBANY STUDENT PRESS T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t Association w e l c o m e s all s t u d e n t s o n c a m p u s . t o j o i n t h e m for a t o u r in V e r m o n t o n the 10 of O c t o b e r . I t i n e r a r y : Williamst o w n , Mass., B e n n i n g t o n College a n d M u s e u m a n d Mt Snow. C o s t : $ 2 . All A m e r i c a n stude n t s a r e invited t o p a r t i c i p a t e in t h e activities of t h e association ( i n t e r n a t i o n a l d i n n e r s , parties, folk s o n g s a n d dances, p e r f o r m a n c e s , c o n f e r e n c e s , discussions, t o u r s , e t c . ) . We are eagerly a w a i t i n g y o u r suggestions. Please sign n a m e and address in CC 3 2 9 before Oct 7. classifieds LOST TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 C e n t r a l Council u n a n i m o u s l y reaffirmed its c o m m i t m e n t to a p p e a l t o the higher c o u r t s of this s t a t e a n d c o u n t r y in o r d e r t o seek t o o v e r t u r n the S e p t e m b e r 16th decision of t h e A l b a n y C o u n t y S u p r e m e C o u r t of New York S t a t e which froze all S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n funds. T h e decision of t h e C o u r t replaced t h e previous restraining ord e r laid d o w n earlier this m o n t h freezing only t h e b u d g e t s of t h e Tree S c h o o l , T h i r d World Liberation F r o n t , Day Care C e n t e r , a n d p a y m e n t of t h e spring S t r i k e ' s p h o n e bills. Under this latest d e v e l o p m e n t in t h e Stringer vs. G o u l d , El Al Case, all S t u d e n t Association budgels must firs I b e a p p r o v e d by t h e Board of Trustees before they r a n be i m p l e m e n t e d . This will take a m i n i m u m of o n e a n d a half weeks, during which all m o n i e s are frozen. All efforts are t o be m a d e to resolve t h e s i t u a t i o n as s o o n as possible, though s u p p o r t is being sought from o t h e r S t a t e University a n d College s t u d e n t govern- Jewish Holidays Off ? by Ken Denne P r e s i d e n t Benezet a n d several u i] iversity administrators were severely criticized by m e m b e r s of the Jewish s t u d e n t c o m m u n i t y y e s t e r d a y at the President's weekly forum. Tin 1 s t u d e n t s are dem a n d i n g the closing of the university to e n a b l e Jewish s t u d e n t s a n d faculty t o celebrate freely t h e Jewish Inuli holidays at Rosh H a s h a n a h a n d Yum Kippur. President Benezet professed to strongly s y m p a t h i z e with the stud e n t s ' r e q u e s t , hut expressed his inability to act decisively d u e t o Ibe limits of the school c a l e n d a r , now precariously s h o r t . He rei t e r a t e d the Fact that Ibe s t u d e n t s had had the o p p o r t u n i t y last year to q u e s t i o n the f o r m a t i o n of the c a l e n d a r , hut a p p a r e n t l y the input was not forceful e n o u g h to mi I la'.e c h a n g e . T h e s t u d e n t s Uir I heir p a i l , p o i n t e d l o t h e closing of l l a r p u r niul S t o n y Brook, for the observance of the H o b d a y s , as precedent T h e y also referred lo a tacit agreement they believed they had reached wit h l he a d m i n i s t r a t i o n last year as l o the closing of school A resolution to close school has ,ilie,ids been passed by Central Council a n d f o r w a r d e d to l)r Iteiie/it A final decision con C o n t i n u e d o n page H m e n t s w h i c h this decision might also affect s h o r t l y . In o t h e r a c t i o n , last T h u r s d a y night Council o n c e again a p p e a l e d t o t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , faculty and s t u d e n t s t o grant r e c o g n i t i o n of t h e religious beliefs of s t u d e n t s by n o t holding classes o n t h e Jewish New Year, Rosh H a s h a n a h . T h e bill asked t h a t n o classes b e held s t a r t i n g a t n o o n S e p t e m b e r HO until t h e following M o n d a y . Council also a p p r o v e d a bill recommending the establishment of a Civilian Review and Advisory Board t o C a m p u s Security. T h e b o a r d is t o be c o n s t i t u t e d of four undergraduates, one graduate stud e n t , t w o faculty m e m b e r s o n e m e m b e r a p p o i n t e d by t h e Presid e n t of t h e university, a n d t h e S e c u r i t y Chief. T h e b o a r d is t o s t u d y its legal rights t o a c t u p o n specific allegations a n d make rec o m m e n d a t i o n s Lo t h e administration. Finally, a giant s t e p was t a k e n by Council w h e n a bill was app r o v e d , 18*1-3, t o a u t h o r i z e Business C o m m i t t e e t o negotiate for g a m e m a c h i n e s for t h e C a m p u s Center. T h e University S e n a t e a l m o s t unanimously recommended to P r e s i d e n t B e n e z e t t h a t t h e university " s u s p e n d all classes o n t h e Jewish N e w Year, R o s h H a s h a n a h , commencing noon on September 30 through Friday, October 2, 1 9 7 0 , a n d t o s u s p e n d all classes after n o o n o n O c t o b e r 9 t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 10 for t h e Yom Kippur holiday." The initial r e s o l u t i o n was a m e n d e d by Dean P e r l m u t t e r in o r d e r t o gain further s u p p o r t for suspension of c I a s ses. T h e a m e n d m e n t , w h i c h was a c c e p t e d , called u p o n t h e faculty t o m a k e up classes in " s u c h m a n n e r " as necessary. T h e resolution, introduced by Dave Neufeld, L e n n y K o p p , a n d its chief l o b b y i s t s , t h e Hillel Socie t y , s p e a r h e a d e d t h e d e b a t e for t h e a d o p t i o n of t h e bill. T h e i r argument centered around the p r i n c i p l e t h a t if a Christian religious h o l i d a y such as G o o d Frid a y , is a reason for t h e closing of t h e University, t h e n certainly a Jewish high holy d a y c o u l d be t h e basis for t h e s u s p e n s i o n of classes. T h e p o i n t in q u e s t i o n was t h e e q u i t y of t h e s c h o o l calendar. A t o n e p o i n t , a Hillel m e m b e r w h o was recognized by President B e n e z e t , called t h e r e s o l u t i o n ' s o p p o n e n t s discriminatory toward Jewish s t u d e n t s . T h e r e s o l u t i o n ' s o p p o n e n t s focused t h e i r a r g u m e n t b o t h o n m o r a l a n d legal g r o u n d s . T h e m o r al p r o b l e m s e e m e d t h e b e t h e s e p a r a t i o n of c h u r c h a n d s t a t e . S o m e S e n a t o r s could n o t a c c e p t t h e idea of a n y university h o l i d a y s based o n religious g r o u n d s . Dean Morris raised t h e possibi- Faculty Votes Neutral Stand Individual Members Dissent by Michael Avon In resolving that this c o r p o r a t e university s h o u l d n ' t e n d o r s e any political or social philosophies, the faculty has called for a laissez -fa ire a t t i t u d e t o w a r d e x t e r n a l political affairs. T h e resolution passed at their S e p t e m b e r H meeting, s t a t e d t h a t t h e university s h o u l d be " a n o p e n and inclusive s o c i e t y " which is ' d e d i c a t e d t o t h e search for t r u t h . " It passed by a vote of 197 to 77 with eighL abstentions. " T h e r e was no time to lost'. 1 feel t h a t there's a dire emergency a d e e p crisis in higher educati o n , " said Professor Morris Findler, w h o c o - s p o n s o r e d file resolution with Professor Hans Pohlsan der. He a d d e d t h a t it was necessary for the Albany S t a t e faculty to lake a stand against t h e university b e c o m i n g a " p o l i t i c a l a r m . " Professor R o b e r t Hoffman, an o p p o n e n t of the r e s o l u t i o n , didn't feel 1 he urgency expressed by Finder. He insisted t h a t the resolution was b o t h "vague" utw] " u n f u u c l i o n a l . " Hoffman claimed that t h e bill failed t o offer anything meaningful a n d he voiced c o n c e r n thai it will have a polarising effect. Professor Mauri tz Johnson joined Hoffman in labeling the bill vague, lie c o n t e n d e d thai an issue such as V i e t n a m was b o t h internally and externally political, and t h e r e f o r e dealing with it wasn't WANTED A 111,ill1 S t u d e n t I n IV.Ill I n .1 C.ill li.imlu.i|i|H'il Mis. •IS7 829'). Atuiiuwil/ liny. .11 defined by t h e bill. J o h n s o n also claimed that t h e resolution was binding on no o n e and t h a t il failed lo establish a n y t h i n g new. According t o Kinder nod Poll! sander, t h e q u e s t i o n of V i e t n a m isn't a university ma tier. " T h e university has no business taking a political s t a n d . But, I'm not saying individuals s h o u l d b e aloof from p o l i t i c s , " F i n d e r said. O p p o n e n t s a n d p r o p o n e n t s did agree on some issues. Both parties s t a t e d t h a t t h e f a c u l t y ' s vote was in reaction t o last year's strike a n d a University Senate resolution c o n d e m n i n g United S t a l e s involvement in S o u t h e a s t Asia. T h e strike, which began early last M a y , closed d o w n most of t h e university. T h e V i e t n a m resolution was passed by t h e University S e n a t e last F e b r u a r y 9. Although the faculty resolution isn't binding o n t h e University S e n a t e , Finder said t h a t the Senate s h o u l d reflect t h e views of t h e faculty, lie insisted t h a t this w a s n ' t d o n e with last year's Vietn a m vote. P u h l s a n d e r a d d e d t h a t t h e r e ' s no c a m p u s organization t h a t fully r e p r e s e n t s t h e faculty and t h e r e f o r e n o n e s h o u l d speak for it. Johnson., w h o is tin- Vice-chairm a n of I he University S e n a t e , assessed I he resolution as " t h e faculty's position t h a t t h e university s h o u l d n ' t gei involved polit i c a l l y . " He a d d e d that m a n y faculty m e m b e r s feared that during last year's strike, people with unp o p u l a r o p i n i o n s were harassed. J o h n s o n claims t h a t t h e universily "is necessarily involved in political a n d social i s s u e s . " He also m a i n t a i n e d t h a t in t h e upc o m i n g years it may b e c o m e m o r e involved. " M a y b e the answer is t o set up a n o t h e r forum a university assembly which will r e p r e s e n t all factions and n o t try to run the university a t t h e same t i m e , " he said. At t h e S e p t e m b e r H faculty m e e t i n g , p r o p o n e n t s of t h e university's exclusion from politics claimed t h a t individuals can still t a k e a s t a n d . O p p o n e n t s insisted that, t h e university as a whole was in essence political, because by its n a t u r e , it s u p p o r t s t h e political a n d social p h i l o s o p h i e s of t h e society. HONG KONG! CUSTOM TAILORS IN ALBANY SEPT. 22nd thru 29th I'm nitaiuMol lot hand-tat lirad «lngunl tlolhol I in- Men nml \\'omen-11170 Fashions Select /our choicu of over 3,000 lamplei Men's Suits 40.00 with Huit Ifl.lHI nor( Junket* 3K.00 Custom Mmle Nhtrts 4.00 AND MANY MOKE ITKMH (l)lus (Inly anil post us it) l!xtri * HI(1* s i en I Coll or Vtvlt Mr. Roy TRAVELODGE MOTEL {RTE. 20 at City Lino) 1230 WESTERN AVE. fa_l. 180-1433 ,.:...•„•„.. NOTICE During the SA b u d g e t freeze, WSUA is r e m a i n i n g on Che air through private contributions. By W e d n e s d a y , WSUA will begin b r o a d c a s t i n g t o D u t c h a n d Colonial Quads. Broadcast h o u r s are from 2 p . m . t o 2 a.m. a term of independent study in CUERNAVACA MEXICO correct and fluent SPOKEN SPANISH per month-bogin any month ; I Various courses ottered on social change in Latin America, radical alternatives lo the school system and other institutions. S i / n or Sli.ii"-' Nn t'Hiploiii A|i It was also s t a t e d t h a t t h e Board of T r u s t e e s p r o h i b i t e d any cancellation of classes for a n y reason during t h e y e a r . T h e r e f o r e , President Benezet suggested using the t e r m " s u s p e n s i o n " instead of " c a n c e l l a t i o n " t o avoid any legal problem. Dr. T h o m e m a i n t a i n e d t h a t since m a n y s t u d e n t s were led t o believe last year t h a t classes w o u l d be s u s p e n d e d o n t h e Jewish h o l i days, t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n for t h a t reason a l o n e was u n d e r a m o r a l obligation t o fulfill t h e e x p e c t a t i o n s of s t u d e n t s w h i c h it h a d implanted. In o t h e r business t h e S e n a t e v o t e d ( 4 5 - 1 6 ) t o c u r b its p o w e r s in t a k i n g political s t a n d s . T h e p h i l o s o p h y of Bill 197071-01 which was i n t r o d u c e d b y t h e Senate E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e w a s t h a t "When a situation external to the University is d e m o n s t r a t e d t o t h e S e n a t e ' s satisfaction t o affect significantly the q u a l i t y of t h e University's functioning, t h e S e n a t e may a p p r o p r i a t e l y e x p r e s s its approval or disapproval a n d if circumstances seem so to warrant, will seek e n d o r s e m e n t of its a c t i o n from t h e F a c u l t y a n d the s t u d e n t b o d y , t h r o u g h referend u m . It shall b e t h e responsibility of t h e s p o n s o r s of a n y resolution n o t calling for c h a n g e s in t h e policies or p r o c e d u r e s of t h e University itself lo d e m o n s t r a t e , in t h e t e x t of t h e p r o p o s e d resoluC'outi.uied o n page 8 $135 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY I.AIHKH' H1I1TH mil *« TO M5 lity of w i t h d r a w a l of s t a t e a i d a n d a c c r e d i t a t i o n if t h e u n i v e r s i t y h a d cancelled classes. As t h e c a l e n d a r n o w s t a n d s we are s c h e d u l e d for the bare m i n i m u m of school weeks r e q u i r e d b y s t a t e e d u c a t i o n law, a n d it w a s t h i s fact t h a t necessitated Dean Perlmutter's amendment. Stony Brook and H a r p u r have cancelled classes, b u t t h e Jewish h o l i d a y s w e r e acc o u n t e d for during t h e w r i t i n g of their calendars w h i c h was n o t t h e case here a t A l b a n y . Write lor catalog, Dept. CIDOC DAILY 10 A.M. -9 P.M. SA1 & SUN IOC APD0.479 Cuernavaca, Mexico 1 rfnr TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 4 Editorial Stringer vs Gould by Keith Morrison This fall semester at Albany State marks the start of an ambitious new community service for credit program whose impact on the scope of university education and the tenor of university-community relationship could prove to bs tremendous. Under the new program students will receive from one to four credits per semester for volunteer work inthe community and up to fifteen credits a semester for a community service project. . Dr. Melvin I. U r o fs k y, head admi nistrator o f th e program feels that this could become a significant part of education at SUNYA, "It may be that in the future every student will eventually earn some credits through volunteer community work during his or her four year stay at the university." He also sees a time when there will exist a program totally controlled by students with faculty helping only to decide what credit will be given for what work. In addition to these influences on university life Dr. Urofsky sees the possibility of a definite improvement in university community relationships which have become strained in recent years. Urofsky does acknowledge, though, that the effect on the community will depend a great deal on how the program is run, Although the concept behind the community service credit program has been discussed within the university community for several years it was not until last spring that the faculty voted to accept the idea of community work as a "valid learning experience" for which one could receive academic credit. Very early this semester the faculty finally made the decision to start a com munity service credit program. Mandatory lax has had an unsteady history. Only a small minority of students has ever approved of it. Continually, the debate has raged over its fairness and acceptability, and with each round of the debate organizations funded by Student Association have risen hastily to its defense. Now, ilic implications of that tax directly threaten lhe freedom and existence of those same organizations and clubs. The decision rendered by Judge Koreman, defining lhe monies collected through mandatory fee as slate funds, seriously endangers the autonomy of student government. By bringing Student Association under the supervision of the Board of Trustees and within the directives of lhe Stale Education Law, it threatens to involve that government in an unworkable bureaucracy of state audit and control. The procedures of (he state, which not even the university administration must follow in full, would render student government ineffective lhe moment they were enforced. Indications arc that within a week an appeal will he filed in the Appelate Court. Indications are, too, thai Chancellor Boyer and President Benezet are co-operating with Student Association to free those funds pending the appeal. Judge Korcman's decision, however, makes il clear that whatever the short term arrangements made and whatever the outcome of the appeal, no student government of a stale university, which is supported by mandatory lax, can lake its independence too lightly. Clearly stale coercion, often a means of stale protection, is a means of destruction as well. The penalties used to support mandatory lax, such as lhe withholding of grades and refusal of diplomas, have become in fact the crutch of student government. They constitute an unacceptable dependency on the state and to thai extent weaken the freedom of students lo organize themselves. Whatever lhe outcome of Stringer vs. Gould, lhe fact remains thai student government by depending on stale co-operation lus short-changed its own freedom and its own strength. Il is imperative therefore, thai all parlies involved re-cummil themselves to live basic right of student freedom. Dr. Boyer and Dr. Benezcl must publicly slate lo the Board of Trustees their opposition to any interference with Student Association. Central Council, most importantly, must begin an immediate investigation into the means of freeing Student Association from the crutch of mandatory lax and the evcr-presenl threat of stale coercion. Il is lhe first responsibility ol" those m studenl government to lake the means lo protect the freedom of thai government. To insure Ihat freedom, mandatory tax must go. The Office of Innovative and Developmental Education which is now administering E.O.P. was given the job of handling the new p r o j e c t , and Assistant Dean Urofsky was appointed to head this new program. Urofsky began to formulate the program by contacting the Volunteer Bureau of Albany which possesses a list of all community service organizations, their manpower requirements and provides a central organization through which students have been able to find work. Urofsky emphasizes that without the help of the Volunteer Bureau the program would have been impossible. On Wednesday, September 9 t an informational meeting was held. Present were representatives of the Volunteer Bureau, Legal Aid Society, SENCAP and other organizations as well as over 300 .students. At this meeting it was made perfectly clear that no student would be kept in the program who showed an unwillingness to work, and it was stated that there were provisions for dropping those members who did not meet the requirements. In the case of service projects a careful check would be kept of the individual doing them. It is up to the individuals to make arrangements with the university and the organizations they work with to ascertain what was to be expected from them in terms of papers and other proof of project completion, Students who wished to enroll in the program had to first contact the agency they wished to work for or the Volunteer Bureau and secure a note stating what work they would be doing and how many hours a week they would be working. They were then given a course curd and had to follow the normal drop/add procedure. As a rule, credits are given on the basis of five hours a week equal to three credits, but this varies. As of now, about 300 students have signed up for volunteer work, and a half dozen for project work. Volunteer work consists, of such things as tutoring, technical assistance in hospitals, and research for legal aid. Urofsky explained that only those who were qualified through some sort of previous experience, and had a clear idea in mind of what they wanted to do were allowed to undertake projects. Projects range from one girl's program to catch potential dropouts to another boy's program for a community fair on Albany's South Side • •potskowski Refer Board Offers Help To People With Problems by Kathy Eckerle Before renouncing today's impersonal and uncaring society, try dialing Refer Switchboard (.I.M-1202). Refer Switchboard's warm, receptive atmosphere of concern for any problem you might have may surprise you, but their sincerity is quite real. As a "crisis intervention center" for the tri-city area, runaways, bad trips, crashers and people with pregnancy, legal, or emotional difficulties can find immediate attention and help. If necessary, Refer will do what its name implies which is to refer you to a reliable organization specializing in that problem area. But areas inadequately treated in the community, such us runaways and bad trips, will find assistance through the Refer staff. Refer is staffed by volunteers, many of whom are students and sympathetic to todays conflicts. Dick Gallo, president can start in the nwulroom, or you can start on executive row. 'of the Board of Directors, is. is, aa of Lhe student at SUNY. Volunteer social workers, ministers and other various professionals are designated Directors on Duty to work closely with student operators on a 2'l hour basis. Dave Webster, Executive Director since Refer began operation last March, stressed that Refer does not "moralize about given situations; rather, it focuses on the problem in order to adequately deal with it. ' Their new house at :)',': 332 Hudson Avenue, which is more spacious than before, will enable them to enlarge their facilities to better serve the community. "Refer is a warm and open house. From the volume of ca lis and people wh o have come to use, we know it is working. Refer is people helping people, young people helping young people in areas where before help was not easily accessible." Professor Advocates Independent Study by Vicki Gottlieb In this important election year in New York, ten political science students are aiding in election campaigns as their independent sutdies projects. Yet, according to the sponsor of the project, Professor BernarJohnpoll, even more important than the project itself is the amount of politics employed in the entire independent studies program. The object of the political seiency project is to study first hand the entire campaign process. By so doing, they will be able to apply their previous knowledge of political science to the actual political situation. In order the granted his three credits for the course, each will havto prepare a paper or a dissertation explaining what he has learned. Johnpoll's only regret is thai the course, organized last May, could not have included working with the actual nominating process. Johnpoll, assistant professor in political science, regards the independent study program as one of the best methods of m struction. The only problem, he feels, is in getting professors who are willing to undertake all the work involved. An advocate of more direct relations between faculty and students, Johnpoll believes that this university "is making a terrible mistake in not thinking of a tutorial system' of education similar to that of Britain. Johnpoll believes that the work load of each professor should include monthly sessions with his students in which they can get lo know each other and the problems of their fields. According to him, "each subject is peripheral to the professor," and the students are losing out by being taught by traduate assistants. The basic purpose of the initiation of independent study in political science is to aid the student participants in their understanding of the American political system. As they further their knowledge they will also hopefully heighten the awareness of the community as well as help the candidates for whom they are working. TOWER EAST CINEMA memmMiiiiiii'. Most people say you havelostarl at lhe bottom no mat ter how high you want to chmb. Is that really so? Maybe it's a story (hey tell |ust lo yol people to start at the bottom The United Slates Air Force lets you start climbing as soon as you (jet out ol Otlirer Training School II you have a college degree you become highly responsible, /as/, as an Air Force pilot You become a space age leader on the Aerospace Team. Lots ol people start at the bottom. We're asking you lo start on executive row. II S AIM I OK( I SCP 70 | I,.. I iiiuiiiisMmlthuruis no obligation UNITED STATES AIR FORCE in LC7 BONNIE AND CLYDE Friday, Saturday Sept. 25, 26 7:30 and 10:00 p.m. Security Procedures Probed Comment New Program Offers Credit For Volunteer Service Work PAGE 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 trol the use of such equipment and such files. Thus far, no guidelines have been set. Central Council passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a civilian review board of students, faculty, and administrators. Connally has already indicated his willingless to be bound by the decisions of such a board— if such decisions do not conflict with his administrative superiors. Thus, the Difficulty in the office of the effectiveness of the board will be co-ordinator for State University directly related to the amount of Security has stalled Albany State's power President Benezet gives it. share of the money. The dispute One problem Connally faces involves the civil service departconcerns the collection of thoument and centers over qualificasands of dollars in unpaid faculty tions and pay for security perparking fines. Under university sonnel. policy if students do not pay An impromptu visit to security parking tickets, they will not reyielded the following informceive diplomas or transcripts. In ation: effect, they are forced to pay. There appear to be no intelliThe same does not hold true gence files on student activists. for faculty members, however. If The only file security has consists they refuse to pay fines, security of a series of index cards. These has no recourse. contain mostly statistical informaThe result, Connally indicated, tion involving cases under current is that there are "thousands of investigation. dollars in unpaid faculty tickets." There is a special drug file One faculty member alone has listing the names of those arrested thirty-five tickets outstanding. or knowu to be implicated in drug-related cases. Student Arrests A spot cheek this reporter made comparing the names of The final area in which security some of the recognized student activists with names on the list, has come under fire is the area of student arrests prosecuted in criyielded no listing for student actiminal court. Examples are the vists. Neither were the president cases of Vernon Bowen and Jack or vice-president of Student AsSchwartz. sociation listed. It generally goes unnoticed that James (Jonnally, campus security, clearly indicated his opposi- the guidelines security follows in tion to keeping intelligence files pursuing such cases are not set by on student activists if for no other Connally or investigator John reason than because security has Henighan. Instead, they are* laid no use for such files. Connally down by higher administrators— does not see security's needs being Dr, Milton Ol.sun or the president of the University. served by keeping reports on sus peeled student "radicals." Further information received from sources in the student government indicates that Mr. Connally is resisting subtle administrative pressure to begin keeping Continued from page I Interestingly enough, local SUNY security forces have, in the past, disputed with the Bureau of the Budget over the low priority assigned to security budgetary inc reases. But soon after last spring's campus disturbances, the legislature appropriated $800,000 to increase security forces on 18 of the 26 SUNY campuses. Responsibility University education struggles uphill in lite hope thai it docs not climb ;i volcano. 11 struggles daily against a deepening financial crisis, social polarization, a widening acceptance of violent confrontation. The reality of acadeinia has changed, l-'or the university studenl, the choice of major is no longer lhe decision for lhe ivory lower. On this campus the crisis grown steadily more ..uile, It extends itself to the first principle of studenl organi/.alion the freedom to organize and lo control. Ye I, it extends itself to olhei .equally significant affairs. Il involves physical expansion and priority of expenditures. Il involves credibility of adnnnislialois, as lhe day-care controversy makes clear. It involves basic divisions over what education should consist of and how il should he handled. Il involves opening lire doors of the university lo lhe disadvantaged, It involves the grading system. It involves lespeel and equality lot minority culottes and faiths. To such an extensive ensts, there is no simple .inswei, though often those most involved poiloim as it theie were. Not even powei icsolves etiscs <>l human sell maslei\ and human dignily, loi leaves in its wake a dilfeienl uiiiionu and a different question. Yet, where powei becomes ceittialized u is most easily cuised. lhe giowlh ol huieauciacy parallels, in icccnl yeais, lhe growth nl cniiliinil.iliun and violence. Il matks lhe giowlh ol delay and hinitiation. I.alenl luisliaiioiis emerge in mullilude and the community is stiained. In lhe midst ol such ensis, lhe nghl ol lhe journal In tieely addicss the tension should he among the lust guaianlees. Yel. 11'. Albany Sludcnl 1'iess lesumes publication ;it ;i Inne when its vet\ light to publish is lluealeued and censorship established, (alegoiically, we ieject lhe conliol by lhe Hoard ol Tinslees, 01 any delegate thereof. We reject control because we have a responsibility lo piuvide all sides with fan healing. We icjecl control knowing (hat the extent of lhe crisis requires a great deal ol a media, lai beyond what we have shown in the past. We reject control, promising instead a new effort to meet that crisis, to serve as a responsible journal. In the case of Vernon Bowen, an Albany State student and the Black Panther charged with criminal mischief and harassment, the order sent to security through administrative channels was to "pursue vigorously." In effect, they meant his case was assigned a top priority rating which would probably (and in this case did) lead to prosecution in criminal court. Such action raises the question of intimidation of recognized student activist leaders by the administration. Activist students question whether Bowen is being prosecuted to such an extent because o f his affiliation or his political beliefs. The administration claims it was unaware of this when the priority on Bowen was sent down. Civilian Review Board Out of such controversy came i the call by Student Association President Dave Neufeld, his cabinet, and Central Council for the necessity of having a review board to oversee security operations. Such a board would be composed of students, faculty and administration. Ultimately, the effectiveness of such a board would depend on the reaction of President Benezet. Will the board have thu power to set priorities for security? Can it decide the worth of photographic evidence used in investigations? Can it dispense* the funds security will receive within the next few months? Will it offset growing mistrust existing between the security force and student leaders? NOTE: The next installment of this series wilt appear in the Tuesday, September 28 edition. albony student press staff such files. No weapons stockpile exists in the security building. All campus policemen are unarmed in keeping with state policy. In the event of a disturbance, the only weapons available are riot bataan sticks. Security also has two H millimeter movie cameras which can be used to help gather evidence for identification purposes in cases where crimes have been committed. One has a 5:1 zoom lens; the other a 12:1 zoom lens, In addition, there is a Polaroid camera that is used in situations similar to last spring's firebombings where a picture of the crime scene is necessary. There are some still pictures whicl contain scenes of property and property damage. Also, a few reels of choice films are kept because of their relevancy in crimes where the statute of limitations has not expired. With advanced equipment of the sort ami with the possibility .if expanded tiles, administrators and student leaders alike are rais nig the question of who can eon The Albany Student Press is published twice weekly and is currently funded by student contributions. The ASP editorial office is located in Campus Center room 326. Our phones aro 457-2190 and 2194. editor-in-chief neill e.shaiiahan managing editor news editor associate news editors aralyim abare carol hughes bob warner vicki zeldin linda waters dave fink albert senia j.stephen flavin torn clingan chuck ribak jeffrodgers gloria hollister sue faulknet andy hochberg arts editor sports editor features editors technical editor business managei advertising manager production managei circulation managei photography ediloi A l l II irniinit-iilHi' Numus i ',ll|l I I I Wol II', ,liul am '.uli l!X| ,iid in lis ndl should bo addressed lo the editor-in-chiel and must bo i wiilmld upon request. Letters are limited lo 300 rt ID editing.. I Mi! ASP is nut responsible lor opinions olurnns and editorial policy is determined by the ,;; tn chiul itibiulU now to..,. the a l b a n y student press Send .i copy ol ills.- asp homo t o m o m and d a d , an old friend, y o u r d o g , w h o e v e r . It's •is simple .is writing ,i check just till mil the form below and send it t o Sue F a u l k n e r , Alb.ui) S i m i a n Press, CC.126, 1400 Washington Avenue, A l b a n y , New York 1 2 2 0 3 . name of subscriber Rates are $4.00 per semester, address $ 7 0 0 l , e r ye«fSPECIAL: $3.00 for fall H)70 semeslur only- Willi lax card. city and State The asp is mailud IWICH a wuuk, total 20 timos, per sumestur and is sent via first class mall. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 6 Football Scrimmage vs RPI THE ASP SPORTS Friday 4*00 p.m. Flannagan, Vito, Boggs, Peterson Probable BF Starters Ford Cautiously Optimistic as Opener Nears b y Mike Piechowicz M a n ' s history has b e e n o n e of e x p l o d i n g m y t h s . S o m e w h e r e in his p a s t he climbed Mt. O l y m p u s t o discover t h e r e were n o gods t h e r e . Foolishly he ass u m e d they never really existed a t all. He was wrong. T h e gods are alive a n d well a n d living in A l b a n y , N . Y . T h e jerseys and spikes they wear n o w are a bit different from the togas and sandals of t h e past, b u t the invincibility remains. T h e Great Danes of Albany S t a t e will enter t h e era of organized football o n O c t o b e r 10, 1970, against R o c h e s t e r Tech, o n t h e field in front of the gym. T h e crew they p u t o n t h a t field will be o n e of the most diverse in talent and experience t o grace t h e grid-iron of any 1 2 , 0 0 0 s t u d e n t university. Basically t h e y ' r e a physically small, aggressive t e a m /that will steal t h e game o u t of an opp o n e n t ' s back pocket before they'll risk a face t o face encounter. According to coach F o r d , t h e team will play a wide o p e n game, looking for the big play. Q u a r t e r b a c k s Bill Flanagan, a 5*8", 170 lb. senior from Bethpage, and Gordie Kupperstein, a 5*8", 165 lb freshman from Peekskill, have t h e a r m s , running ability, and leadership qualities to play winning football. T h e o n l y think s t a n d i n g in their way is that there are o t h e r people out t h e r e t o o , a n d at 5*8' you have t r o u b l e seeing over their heads. O n c e t h e y ' v e thrown t h e ball, t h o u g h , the j o b is u p t o the receivers, and they've got some good o n e s . Powerfully build Ed Perka looks especially good for t h e tight end slot. T h e wide receivers are Cleve Little and Ed Williams. Little has been clocked at 9.6 in the h u n d r e d , a n d looks to be the t y p e of guy w h o can break a game o p e n . Williams is a crafty receiver w h o has the finesse to h u m i l i a t e a defensive m a n . T h e backfield could b e one of t h e teams strongest points. Potential super-stars Terry Lee, Rick P e t t y , Billy Ray Lewis, Ernie T h o m a s , Larry Peterson, R u d y Vido, J o h n Malczyk, and Bernie Boggs, are all men w h o can get t h e j o b d o n e . Rudy Vido is the biggest m a n in the backfield at 6 ' 2 " , and 225 p o u n d s . Larry Petersen is 8 5 % muscle and 15% c o n c e n t r a t e d leadership, while Bernie Boggs powerful r u n n e r w h o has ; h a b i t of crossing goal lines with monotonous regularity. Those three look t o be the starters, b u t Malcyzk, Lewis, Lee, Petty, and T h o m a s are so close behind, a s t a r t e r may find himself on t h e b e n c h if he doesn't average a h u n d r e d yards per game. T h e offensive line is small, but tough and aggressive. J o h n Ewashko, Peter M o o r e , Al Barocas, Dick Wesley, a n d Joel Sehmuckler could very well start t h a t historic first game, 1970 and they average 5 ' 1 1 " , a n d 200 lbs. T h a t ' s p r e t t y formidable for a heavyweight contender, b u t a little on the small side for a football lineman. Defensively the Danes look strong. O n c e again they w o n ' t have t h e size, but they s h o u l d m o r e than m a k e up for it with q u i c k n e s s a n d agility. T o p candidates for defensive end are John Soja, Bob Mollenhaeur, and Butch M c G u r t y . At the t a c k le slots look for Steve Club Football Schedule MI OCTOBER ROCHESTER TECH SIENA atTowson (Md) State at Marist 10 Sat. 17 Sat. 24 Sat. HI Sat. 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 NOVEMBER 7 Sat. U Sat. 1:00 1:00 at Pittsburgh HUDSON VALLEY Hooters Whip Brooklyn, 5d by J o hhit n Cnrtfr Carter Albany State's soccer t e a m got ofr o n the right foot Saturday by handing Brooklyn uruay uy iiiiuuiii)- uiiiuniyii College a 5-1 defeat in a game t h a t was abbreviated by Brook- . ... . . ... . , . . . . , ,. l y n n quitliUB with twelve minute to 1 Y ll rl hl ! " M "*- " " " ' " « B r o o k l y n ' s coach was of the "P'"'011 *•"»> the officiating so thul bad P^ln* " tne was «anw " STATE SHOWED FINE offensive punch in defeating Brooklyn. .harris ALBANY ts conclusion was useless. At the end of t h e first half you would never h a v e t h o u g h t .ynu «».«.« ••*..-. ...... ,......,,... , ,u, D.l|U,s W(l|.e ^ ^ Uu(l U) win easily. T h e s e r e was 0-0 and the play was s l o p p y . T h e Dane offense c o u l d n ' t gel lo gel her and as a result, t h e passing was poor. The only real t h r e a t s of the first half c a m e w h e n o n c e in the first q u a r t e r a n d o n c e in t he second p e r i o d , c e n t e r forward Fred Campbell b r o k e free for o n e and o n e si I nations. Both limes B r o o k l y n ' s halfback, Bob Graham, cut him down from behind. Outside left ISmad Zikry also threatened the Brooklyn net hut his direct penalty kick was just wide. The second half was a new hall game as A l b a n y ' s passing started t o click and B r o o k l y n ' s penchant for c o m m i t t i n g fouls caught up with t h e m . Conch Schiefl'elin was not h a p p y with the first half's s l o p p y play and STUDENT PRESS INSERTION ORDER Name of Advertiser Address . T o d a y ' s dak' Phone. No. of limes ad Dales ad is lo inn is to run PLEASE ATTACH CORY I authorize the attached ad to run in the Albany Suulenl IVss uu ilie above dales and ugice in pay (he negotiated amount. A u l l u n i / c d Signal!) his team took n o t e . A diving save by B r o o k l y n ' s goalie Joe Brooks s t o p p e d a second Albany direct kick. T h e scoreless tie was finally b r o k e n with i:t::tl) left in t h e 3rd q u a r t e r when Zikry nudged in Campbell's corner kick t h a t was set up on a n o t h e r penalty by Graham Brooklyn came right hack when at 1 I :00 center forward Frailty. Navaire took a pass from Cuthburt Charles and s k i m m e d it to the left of t h e charging Dane goalie. T w o minutes later Albany again t o o k the lead with Bon Spratf kneeing in an Alfredo Rodriguez, pass. T h e Danes scored o n c e m o r e in the third when S p r a t t passed an indirect kick Lo Campbell who hooted it through. Zi kry addetl the last I wo goals of the game and of his hat trick with 1 <) m i n u t e s remaining. T h e first was cm an assist by Campbell and the second with 17 m i n u t e s to play on an assist by Demetrios Micheal. Brooklyn didn't seem to care though as they were much too busy complaining about the officiating lo b o t h e r about a little thing like a game. Some of their c o m p l a i n t s had merit (i.e., t h e officials allowed Albany six s u b s t i t u t i o n s when I he rules say five is tops) It was a b o o n for t h e special ors though because Brooklyn had given up menially alter the second Albany goal, and the rest of the game promised to he boring, Brooklyn led in shots on goal 2'2 Iti. This just proves thai while this statistic is i m p o r t a n t , goals scored is I he only o n e thai really c o u n t s . SKI BOOTS FOR SALE FOR ASP USE ONLY Dale ree'd., Billed I'aid $. Authorized Signal in F i n n , Marty Levi, Rich Gambrell, Carlos V a s q u e z , or Mitch Drucker. M o s t likely m e n for line-backers are Jack O t t o , T o m Heister, Nick C o n t e and Bob D o w n e y . T h e speed m e r c h a n t s of t h e d e e p s e c o n d u r y include Dave B e n e d i c t , Ted Merrill, Dave Veil, R o y c e Van Evera, J o h n J o h n s o n and Hez Braswell. quiet If y o u ' r e looking for s p o t to s p e n d t h e next half d o z e n or so w e e k e n d s , head for Mt. O l y m p u s . All the usual inhabitants will be o n our field. '0.00 Rick i 5 liucUc Boms I isi'd mil Iwn seasons call. Ken Ut.,457-.4SJlW by R o b e r t Mirett Led b y a t e n a c i o u s defense, STB d e f e a t e d Potter Club by the s c o r e of 21-6 in a hardfought game this past S a t u r d a y . Potter's trouble in scoring s t e m m e d from their inability to establish a c o n s i s t e n t running attack against STB's tough defensive line, headed by defensive end Paul L e n o k . T h e k e y , t h o u g h , t o STB's success in this game a n d past years is its t r e m e n d o u s offensive line. T h e line consisting of right guard Warren Sabloff, center Arty Lavitt a n d left guard Jeff Glassey average close to 230 p o u n d s a n d provide fanl .stic p r o t e c t i o n for quarterback Larry Myers. T u r n i n g t o I he game itself, STB struck first o n a Myers lo T o m Sears 10-yard pass play. Potter got itself back into the ballgame on a quarterback sneak hut on t h e ensuing kickoff, Larry S m i t h , taking a reverse from Bob Onofry carried the ball all the way for a t o u c h d o w n . Thai m a d e it 1 I (i, and that was the halftime score. T h e o n l y scoring in t h e second half was d o n e by quarterback Meyers w h o ran t h e hall in from some 20 yards out. In League I action, S a t u r d a y morning, ODX thwarted KB 20-6. S p u r r e d by the great running of halfback Les Noble and the passing of q u a r t e r b a c k Hick Mat/.a, O D X j u m p e d o u t t o a 20-0 lead before KB could put anything at all t o g e t h e r . ODX struck first blood on a fit)-yard t o u c h d o w n pass from Mat/.a to Gary Levant hal and led (>-(> KB was plagued by misplayed handoffs a n d fumbles and thus unable to m a n u f a c t u r e any seta* ing thrust, In the second half, a long drive by (1DX consisted mostly of shorl flips lo N o b l e . T h e drive was capped by MaUii's 5-yard run through a maze of would-be laeklers, upping the s e m e lo l;{-0. Then when it looked as t h o u g h KB might gel hack into the game, c o m o r b a e k Charlie l l a u k , will) an assisi from J o h n Lemihan, i n t e r c e p t e d a pass and r e l u m e d it 10 yards to t h e KB t h r e e where Mai MI again took the hall over fur Ihu score m a k i n g il 20-0. KM avoided a s h u t o u t when T o m Decker scored on the end of a •seruen-piuis. PAGE 7 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 Williams9 Camino Real Heads Theater Schedule T h e S t a t e University T h e a t r e of S U N Y a t A l b a n y has m o v e d into full p r o d u c t i o n for its first major offering of t h e 1970-71 season, Tennessee Williams' CAMINO R E A L , which will premiere O c t o b e r 14 a n d r u n through S u n d a y , O c t o b e r 18, lO'fcfl-* T h e large cast, c h o s e n from SUNY at Albany stud e n t s , began rehearsals during the first w e e k of s c h o o l u n d e r the d i r e c t i o n of Mr. J o s e p h Balfior, whose production of Y O U R OWN T H I N G c o n c l u d e d last y e a r s ' s e a s o n . offer its regular series of F r i - ' day night showcases of s t u d e n t d i r e c t e d o n e - a c t plays. T h e initial presentation, entitled F E I F F E R O L O G Y , a series of d r a m a t i c s k e t c h e s a d a p t e d from the c a r t o o n s of Jules Feiffer, o p e n e d t h e season o n S e p t . 1 8 . Directed by William C. Doscher, it was r e p e a t e d Saturday a f t e r n o o n , S e p t 19. Among the other productions planned for t h e near future: V I E T R O C K , the first s t u d e n t directed full-length play. T h i s g r o u p -e x p erience, rock-protest musical by Megan Terry will be staged O c t o b e r 21-24 u n d e r t h e direction of Douglas C. Wager. All E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e p r o ductions are staged in the Arena T h e a t r e , and admission is free. downtown campus October 9 and 10. T H E BOOK O F J O B , acclaimed as a t r i u m p h in design a n d staging, will play Friday evening O c t . 9, a n d a delightful play for c h i l d r e n , T H E TORTOISE AND THE HARE, will b e presented twice o n Sat. afternoon, Oct. 10. T h e S U N Y A Children's T h e a tre will offer YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN as its l a b o r a t o r y prod u c t i o n for the spring s e m e s t e r . Mrs. Patricia B. Snyder ann o u n c e d t h a t t o u r s of t h e play can be arranged t h r o u g h her office. Plans for t h e fall semester lab p r o d u c t i o n include T H E GREAT CROSS-COUNTRY RACE. C A M I N O R E A L will be staged o n t h e Main Stage of the new University Performing Arts Center. Scenic designer R o b e r t J. D o n n e l l y h a s devised an inF u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n a n d ticteresting multilevel s e t t i n g for kets may be o b t a i n e d by p h o n Williams' pageant of broken E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e is also ing t h e University T h e a t r e Box lives. Office at 4 5 7 - 8 6 0 6 . Dr. Paul B r u c e P e t t i t , Chair- sponsoring a T h e a t r e W o r k s h o p Broadway 3:30-5:00 man of the Department of on T h u r s d a y s from College students may now T h e a t r e at S U N Y A a n n o u n c e d in t h e Lab 2 t h e a t r e . U n d e r b u y tickets t o m o s t B r o a d w a y the r e m a i n d e r of the S t a t e Uni- the direction of Eric P o p p i c k , shows at half-price, t h r o u g h a versity Theatre season: A the w o r k s h o p will c o n c e n t r a t e m o v e m e n t , special program of t h e League SCENT OF FLOWERS by on acting, speech, of New York T h e a t r e s . J a m e s S a u n d e r s will be d i r e c t e d and improvisation. It is o p e n Upon the p r e s e n t a t i o n of a by Dr. J a r k a Burian in the lo all university s t u d e n t s . student I.D. card at theatre William F. S n y d e r , of T h e a t r e PAC Laboratory Theatre on box offices, s t u d e n t p u r c h a s e r s November 1H-22, 1970. Dr. Council, the s t u d e n t t h e a t r e ormay may b u y a m a x i m u m of Albert Weiner, d i r e c t o r of last ganization at S U N Y A , a n n o u n two tickets at precisely half year's O R E S T E S , will preside ced that I wo guest artists will the regular price. This p r o g r a m , over R o n a l d R i b m a n ' s H A R R Y , he featured as part of T h e a t r e which has been in effect since program in the NOON AND N i G H T o n De- C o u n c i l ' s last July a n d which has been 1970-71 season. T h e Barbwire c e m b e r 9 - 1 3 , 1 9 7 0 ; Director of encouragingly received, does not will present THE Children's T h e a t r e , Mrs, Patricia T h e a t r e apply t o every p e r f o r m a n c e of written a n d S n y d e r , will direct t h e p o p u l a r C A G E , a drama every B r o a d w a y s h o w , h o w e v e r . by former San musical version of Sir J a m e s p e r f o r m e d But t h e majority of B r o a d w a y inmates. It will be Barrie's P E T E R PAN on the Quentin p r o d u c t i o n s , including such esMain Stage March ;J-H, 1971, featured o n the main stage of tablished hits as " P r o m i s e s , ProPAC on February 5, and J o h n F e r n a l d , t h e former t h e m i s e s , " " 1 7 7 6 , " " C h i l d ' s Play,' 1971...and T h e Lincoln C e n t e r director of t h e R o y a l A c a d e m y "Butterflies Are Free' and of Dramatic Art in Great R e p e r t o r y C o m p a n y will offer "Fiddler on the Roof,' are Pinter's LANDSCAPE Britain, a n d this year's Agnes H a r o l d offering t h e s t u d e n t d i s c o u n t s . SI L E N C E , two one-act Futterer lecturer at SUNYA and S t u d e n t s w h o wish t o take adwill direct t h e final major pro- plays, o n the Main Stage in vantage of the p r o g r a m are add u c t i o n ,of t h e year. T h e final April of 1 9 7 1 . vised t o check t h e individual script has n o t yet been decided T h e a t r e Council will also par- b o x offices in a d v a n c e , t o deupon. ticipate in the p r e s e n t a t i o n of t e r m i n e w h e r e the d i s c o u n t s are world famous E v e r y m a n available. T h e S t a t e University T h e a t r e ' s t h e Players at Page Hail o n t h e E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e will again Joseph Balfior, director of last year's musical ""Your Own Thing,' is directing the first major SUNYA production of the 1970-71 season, Tennessee William's "Camino Real.' "Carryin' O n " Green's Showcase b y Bob Rosenblum Biven's only solo is o n " C e a s e " a n d it is d u l l , dull, Carryin' On Blue N o t e BST dull. Beware of a vibist w h o is 84327: Ease Back; H u r t S o t h e r e only for t o n e c o l o r ; t h e y Bad; I D o n ' t Want N o b o d y t o can c o n t r i b u t e t h e w o r s t s o l o s . Give Me N o t h i n g ( O p e n u p t h e This album features almost D o o r I'll Get it Myself); Up- consistantly e x c e l l e n t w o r k b y s h o t ; Cease t h e B o m b i n g ; Per- G r e e n , a n d his playing a l o n e is sonnel : Claude Bar tee, t e n o r ; m o r e t h a n w o r t h t h e price o f Willie Iiivens, vibes; G r e e n , elec- the a l b u m . He s h o u l d p e r f o r m tric guitar"; Clarence Palmer, in b e t t e r c o m p a n y a n d w i t h electric piano ( t r a c k s 1 - 1 ) ; Earl b e t t e r m a t e r i a l . He d o e s s e e m C r e q u e , electric p i a n o (track 5 ) ; t o be inspired here, b u t t h e lisJimmy L e w is, F e n d e r bass; tener is less so. E x c e p t for ldris M u h a m a d , d r u m s . Creque's electric piano solo, G r a n t Green is o n e of t h e t h e r e is n o t h i n g t o d o after best guitarists in jazz t o d a y . each Green s t a t e m e n t , b u t t o His s i m p l e , bluesy a p p r o a c h is wait for t h e n e x t . easy t o listen t o a n d this along with his keen sense of r h y t h m , results in a distinctive flavor. G r e e n really eats u p 'Ease Back," a hard stomping blues, and plays s o m e hair raising " T h e Y o u n g O n e s , ' an o u t lines over t e n o r riffs o n J a m e s B r o w n ' s "I D o n ' t . " His o n l y s t a n d i n g g r o u p of singers, is weak p o i n t is o n " C e a s e t h e planning for the 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 seaBombing," a slow m e d i u m son. Its success is d u e to internumber. His playing t h e r e est a n d e n t h u s i a m of m e m b e r s , a t t e n d a n c e at reheaseems weak a n d u n i m a g i n a t i v e , required " U p s h o t , " a s h o r t funky blues rsals, and well a t t e n d e d performbased theme, has a wicked ances, T h e grou p is i ncreasi ng i ts o p e n i n g a t t a c k by Green which blossoms o u t into s o m e nice m e m b e r s h i p . T h e r e are o p e n i n g s slender guitar s t a t e m e n t s , a n d a in :dl s e c t i o n s . Rehearsals are held o n Sunfull, beautiful s o u n d . from 3 : 0 0 t o B a r t e e , a n e w - c o m e r l o t h e day a f t e r n o o n s s c e n e , has p r o m i s e , b u t as yet 5 : 0 0 p.m. at t h e First Unitarhe sticks t o o closely t o t h e ian C h u r c h Hall, 4 0 5 WashingAvenue, Albany (across changes a n d seems t o be un- t o n sure of himself o n s u c h songs from Draper Hall. T A K E S U N Y BUS) as " U p s h o t " and ' Ease Back. ' New m e m b e r s are a s k e d t o He is m o r e in c o m m a n d o n ' I D o n ' t , " his best effort o n the c o m e o n S e p t e m b e r 27 or Oct o b e r 4. date. The Young Ones' Seeks Members Among the performers who appeared here last year were (clockwise from top left) Herbie Mann, John Mayall, Dionne Warwick, and the Moody Blues. This semester will feature concerts by Eric Clapton, Miles Davis, Sergio Mende/., Traffic,and Sealse and Croft. SINGERS WANTED for New Inter-College Mixed Chorus Rehearsals: Sunday afternoon, 3:30-5:15 405 Washington Ave., Albany (take SUNY bus) Information: Call Mr. Carruthers GR4-5917 weekdays 8:30-5:00 PieceOffering: The establishment is ottering a piece of the action. II you dig the Hicks, here's a heavy offer for college students lo save some bread. Just flash your student I.D. Card at any of the three Hellman Theatres and Zap . . . you get a student discount card thai will save you $.50 on every show except Saturday nights and specials. Move it man, before they change their minds. (Make sure your chick gets hers, toe.) HELLMAN I CENTER THEATRE THEATRE Colonle Washington Shopping Avenue Across Irom Center - rear of Macys SUNYA 459-2170 459-5300 TOWN THEATRE 1 mile no. of Latham Circle on Rte. 9 783-5539 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGES Candidates Exchange Views At Hyatt House Confrontation by Bob Baldassano At a confrontation at the Hyatt House in Albany last week the three Senatorial candidates informally debated. Ottinger accused Goodell of inconsistency. Goodell made it a point of pride that he was capable of change. And Buckley condemned them both. United by their awareness of the growing frustrations of the people with their government, the candidates propounded their individual philosophies to a gathering of the New York State Publishers Association. The key issue was the ability of democracy to function. No panacea was offered, no lasting r e m e d y promulgated. But a sense of imminent destruction was imparted to the audience if no solution within the system was established. The candidates, Senator Goodell, Rep. Ottinger and Mr. Buckley pointed out that Washington was somehow responsible and in a large was accountable for the country's loss of confidence in its go vernment. The first speaker, Rep. Ottinger, maintained that the federal government's inability to listen to the people was the "central issue of the coming decade." The mood of the country is "not reactionary, but frustrated by unworkuble programs." He questioned the role of the elected official in creating social change. He pointed o u t that such officials should act as catalysts, to brine; positive reactions from the Executive as well as to sponsor such positive actions themselves. The vicious cycle of welfare must be broken, quality housing must become a reality and the utilities and services must raise their standards; these were cited by the Congressman as positive actions. Ottinger called Ralph Nader typical of the m e n American politics must produce if the country wished to continue functioning. Senator Goodell emphasized his experience in Congress. He pointed out that during his terms of office as a Represen- President's Conference Continued from page 3 cerning the matter will be reached within twenty-four hours, Benczct stated. Also discussed during the forum was the freezing of Student Association funds by a court order. The enjoining of student funds is the result of a lawsuit brought against SA, contesting allocation of student funds to political groups. Student Association President Dave Neufeld pledged that as many student organizations as possible will continue to operate through the use of private contributions. He also stated that the court's decision will be appealed. Final decision as to the allocation of SA monies awaits action by the Board of Trustees, which is expected to meet next week. Questions concerning the construction of the Day Care Center and the Pass/Fail grading system were also brought up at the meeting. LOST 1964 Buick LeSabre if found, please contuct Jeff at 457-4504 tative, he was a Republican blindly following "the negative and sterile" approaches of his party. As a Senator, however, he has changed most spectacularly on the war issue. During the early sixties he said that he espoused the philosophy of Barry Goldwater and at the end of the decade, though, he was the first to sponsor legislation to end the war through unilateral withdrawal. Still, whatever sentiments may have inspired this change of heart, Senator Goodell realizes he has problems within the Rep u b l i c a n party. These were sloughed off with the statement that Goodell considers himself no party man who voted strict party line. Earlier in the day, however, Rockefeller announced that Goodell was the Republican on the ticket to stay and he gave the senator his full support. Senator Goodell sees as the cause of the domestic crisis the endlessly prolonged conflict in South East Asia, which has drained off much of the money necessary to clear the social blight on this country. The incumbent declared that the federal government 's role in rehabilitating addicts, easing the welfare crisis and rebuilding the cities must be more clearly defined. It is up to the Federal Government to take the iniative to solve these problems and not allow the States and localities to assume this burden. As the standard-bearer of the Conservative Party, Buckley castigated the philosophies of Mr. Ottinger and Senator Goodell as "systems of resolves that have not worked in the past except to bring the country to a standstill." He chided that "we seem to be losing control over our own destiny. Furthermore, when a violent attack is made upon the policies of this country, we should not resort to the streets to solve issues." As a note of clarification, Buckley, before the address, pointed out the universities are chartered to educate people, but he stated explicitly that education was entirely alien to awareness of social priorities und the need for social change. Granting that there are certain problems, such as pollution, that should be handled by the federal government t Buckley remonstrated government for promising too much and coming through with too little. The government should be brought back to the localities so that bureaucracy can be curtailed. "Washington enlarges the gulf between the voter and the issue.' Conservative and the Free School, they were Demands and tactics to eliminate sex discrimination in the education and employment policies of SUNY were finalized here Saturday at the second meeting of the Caucus on Women's Rights. The demands which, if met, could ultimately affect woman's role in the family and saciety, had been previously drawn up at the first meeting held June 20 at Syracuse University. These demands, some of which include the grounds for the federul complaint filed against SUNYA, have been adopted into a proclamation which will be presented to the university. The proclamation, approved by vote of over seventy representatives of the state system included demands for the abolition of sexism in all courses, the establishment of women's studies, equal pay scales and benefits, one half of all scholarships and fellowships to be awarded to women and various changes in employment practices concerning hiring of husbands and wives. A free 24 hour child care center was also listed. The tutics used, in addition to the federal complaint, will include getting the endorsement of local and s t a t e w i d e faculty senates, A.A.U.P., AA.A.U.W., bargaining agents of the C.S.E.A. and A.F.T., state and local legislatures and political candidates. The form below should accompany all mitted to the ASP. Although your name, number will not be printed unless you requiring this information so that we may before they are printed. classified ads subaddress, and phone so desire, we are verify all classifieds CLAWFIEDS Please place the following classified ad in the State Unfoem'tu of New York at Albany Ginsburg, Wagner Open Free School *f Private enterprise thrives outside the Campus Center. ..hochberg under no illusions that the action would receive unanimous student approval. They knew that members of Young Americans for Freedom, Young Republicans and other unorganized political conservatives such as policmen and veterans studying on campus might strenuously object. It was the objection of one veteran that lias resulted in the total freezing of all Student Association funds. Kenneth Stringer enlisted in the army directly out of high school, In 1966, while the Vietnam War raged, he applied lor Officers Candidate School. It was common knowledge at that time that all commissioned officers would serve in Vietnam. After Vietnam, Stringer entered Albany State. As he pursued his studies in history, his dislike for mandatory tax grew. He came to believe that the tax represented an "expropriation of personal property by a state institution" which violated his property rights as a student of this university. In Stringer's own self-appraisal his motivations were both "selfish" and "individualistic." He felt that as a student who paid mandatory tax he should have a say in how those funds were used. Revenues collected through the agency of the state, that is, through the Bursar, and made mandatory by the State, that is the university, should go directly to the state treasury, Stringer contends. Kenneth Stringer has been around. He was born in Baltimore, Md.. He attended high school in Vermont, went to Vietnam and then to Albany. He plans, moreover, to enter law school in 1971 ill the University of Chicago. Ultimately, he is interested in a career as a corporation lawyer. University Senate Continued from page 3 tion, the bearing of the subject matter upon the functioning of the University." The resolution is somewhat similar to the faculty's "Non-Political University" stance which is a reaction to last year's strike, and the Senate's anti-Vietnam War resolution. In a bill to revise the voting procedure of the Senate, the quorum call of that body was reduced from 60% of its membership (which is 100) to 50% plus one member. The purpose of the revision was to enable an easier flow of Senate business because quorums are not easily filled, and because it makes the possibility of any boycott to Impede Senate business less likely. by Carol Hughes News Editor Alleged violation of Student Association financial policy and mismanagement have resulted in a Central Council investigation of the campus radio station WSUA. A committee, headed by Tom Clingan, was appointed by Central Council President Dave Neufeld "to immediately investigate the whole operation of WSUA, i.e. past, present, and future," according to the Council resolution. Council ordered the inquiry on the basis of a bill introduced by Jeff Wasserman which charged "gross violation and patent neglect of the Constitution of Student Association, Student Association Financial Policy, the Constitution of WSUA, and the Laws of the New York State..." The original bill called for a complete shut down of the station at midnight September 24. However, sensing the need for communication to continue, Council amended the bill, allowing the station to continue broadcasting, under the supervision of the committee. Wasserman, in arguing for passage of the original motion, contended that WSUA had been fiscally irresponsible on several counts — overspending, crossing budgetary lines, forgery of vouchers, and misuse of income. Members of WSUA justified their handling of funds on three basic points. First, most of the money was spent to facilitate the move uptown (which, according to SUA sources, was promised by Student Association) and to update equipment uptown. (WSUA broadcasts from Brubacher Hall on Alumni Quad). Secondly, since most of the large expenditures occurred • The following is the second in a over the summer, it was difficult series of three articles investito reach Central Council members gating the present state of security for consultation on budgetary on campus and the future course changes. Furthermore, to go on of Security operations. the air, certain budgetary lines by AI Senia had to be crossed to finarce the Features Editor purchase of all the necessary equipment to broadcast. • The new Director of Security on However, members of Central j the Albany State campus will have Council felt that these expend- i "an extensive background in miliitures needed further justification. tary research," according to inAccording to Clingan, results of formed sources. If this is the case, the effect such the committee's investigation will would have on be released at the October 8th a choice Central Council meeting. In the security operations and priorities meantime, the station's operation would be substantial and could has been left to the Station Man- increase the possibility of renewed ager and the Executive Committee student-security alienation. of WSUA. The final selection has not yet Although the Council bill called been made by the eight-member for the relinquishing of keys to search committee which is the President of Student Associa- currently screening applicants. tion, keys were not taken, and the Nearly all of those interviewed regular functioning of the station thus far, however, have been rehas not been disturbed. The sta- tired members of the armed tion was forbidden, however, to forces, veterans of Southeast Asia, make on the air editorials on the and have had a solid background investigation, so that the commit- in the field of military intellitee's findings may not be pre- gence. "I would say," this reporter was judiced. Poet Allen Ginsberg read some of his works at Sunday's poetry reading sponsored by the Free School. ...harris told, "that based on the applications reviewed thus far, there is a very good chance the person chosen will have an extensive background in military research and intelligence." This new director will be responsible for enforcing "federal, state, and local laws as well as the laws of the campus," according to central administration guidelines. The choice,therefore, of the new director will assume more significance than choices of past chiefs . Security's responsibilities are being expanded to cover a wide range of statutes, rather than just being concerned with campus-related crime. In less than a year Albany State may find itself with a professional police force, headed by a full time director with an extensive military background, and having a jurisdiction encompassing all types of crime. Efficiency Drive Name .... Three Night Rehearsals - 7 - 9 p.m. PAC B78 Mr. Peterson PAC 302 The actual choice of the director will be made by an eight-man Continued on Page 12 by Terry Wolf Singing Group Contact: "The Search Panel" STREP STRIKES SUNY Popular Men's Phone ... jpiraling crime rates, and growing student distrust. Most other forces in the SUNY system share the same problems. It was because of this that the central administration conducted a survey and developed a program designed to upgrade security operations throughout the system Last spring's disturbances served as a further stimulus to SUNY Central. The key to this efficiency drive is the creation of a new positionDirector of Security—on each of the SUNY campuses. He would be a full time professional, responsible for maintaining and modernizing local security police forces. Here at Albany State, Chief of Security James Connelly will become an assistant to this director. As reported last week, Albany State's security force finds itself plagued by manpower shortages, The Statesmen Address . Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Jorso poet laureate of America's youth culture spoke Sunday night to a crowd estimated at 1200 in Albany State's gymnasium. The poetry reading sponsored by the Free School also featured appearances by Gerry Wagner, whose dismissal from the Rhetoric and Public Address faculty caused an uproar on campus last year. Wagner read two poems ending with his message to the crowd, summarizing, he said "where his head is at now." "If it feels good and doesn't hurt anybody, do it.' The evening's events had started with a spirited rendition of popular and folk music by Hector Rivera, a student here at Albany. His selections included: "Woodstock," "In My Life," "Fire and Rain," and "Tommy." Then Wagner strode to the podium, gave brief comments about his court trial and welcomed the audience to the first event of the Free School. He pledged that the school would continue operating, even though its funds are caught in the general budget freeze ordered by SA President Dave Neufeld as a result of last week's Supreme Court decision. The highlight of the evening was an all too short appearance by Ginsberg who began by soothing the audience with a prophetic recitation from the works of William Blake. The 44 year old poet accompanied himself on the •ecorder. He then read a poem he had written only a few weeks before. Using his famous stream of consciousness technique, he outlined his reactions to the current ecological crisis. His farm in the country, the imprisonment of compatriot Timothy Leary, and the pollution-laden Hudson River were among the topics he touched upon. Then it was Corso's turn and as he began reading from his works some of the audience drifted out. He developed a quick rapport with the remaining members of the crowd who demanded and received a poetic encore. Campus Security Investigation; New Albany Director Sought Tenors Needed issue(s) of the ASP. $ enclosed Hate; $.05 per word Deposit in ASP classified ho; ai Campus Center Information Desk Vol. LVII No.. 2 3 ^ WSUA Investigated By Central Council An Interview with Ken Stringer Rights Conference Held Here Saturday by Mary Ann Meyer Tuesday, September 29, 1970 Protest When Central Council appropriated funds to the Strike Committee, the Day Care Center Albany Student Press 1 Sitting near the fountain (or wading in it) seemed to have had the secret of beating last week s heat wave. ...hochberg Dr. Rudolph Schmidt, acting director of the infirmary, in answer Lo the many rumors about an epidemic of strep throat, admitted there was an outbreak of the infection. Dr. Schmidt clarified some of the misunderstandings which have been circulating campus. He admitted there was an outbreak of upper respiratory infections and a rash of sore throats. Dr. Schmidt stressed the fact that there were more colds reported than usual but it had not reached epidemic proportions. Students have been found to have strep throat. It is prevalent throughout the living areas although it is puilieularly concentrated in one of the quadrangles. The State Health Department has been on campus taking a survey of itudents, both those that are sick ind those who have not demonstrated any symptoms, in an effort to arrest the spread of the strep-tococcus bacteria. In a review of the random throat cultures, it was discovered that a disproportionate number of students who do not appear sick are carrying the bacteria. The food handlers are also being tested as a possible cause of the spread. How the strep has been carried is unknown at this time. The major possibilities are through the food or from person to person. An investigation is being conducted to answer the question. In the meantime, the university is taking preventive measures. Dr. Schmidt has been in contact with the State Health Department and the U.S. Department of Health. Since this is not an emergency, no immediate action has been taken yet. One possibility which is being discussed is that of administering preventative treatment at all the living areas beginning with the one which has reported the most cases of sore throats. This would also include students who are not ill. Such action is being seriously considered because the bacteria can affect the kidneys. Before any measures can be initiated, a permit will probably be reguired for those students under 21, and tests Continued on Page 12