TUESDAY, APRIL 14,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 12 April 15 to Mark S Pring Moratorium # Continued from page 1 Internal Revenue Service Office at nationwide protest called by the 161 Washington Ave., Albany. Vietnam Moratorium Committe, From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. the New Mobilization Committee protesters will carry signs and disto End the War in Vietnam, and tribute leaflets. the Student Mobilization CommitNational SANE leaflets will tee to End the War in Vietnam. point out that 64.87° of each tax Sponsoring the protest in Albany dollar is for military expenditure, will be Albany SANE (Citizens' while only 17% is for "human reOrganization for a Sane World), sources". The leaflet states that the U.S. has poured more than a the Capital Area Peace Center, trillion dollars into the military War Resisters' League, Women's since the end of WWII, and that International League for Peace one-tenth of this amount has been and Freedom, and Student MOBE for Vietnam. of SUNYA. As for actions on the Albany The demonstration is scheduled for noon of April 15, and will be Campus itself for moratorium held on the sidewalk outside the day, nothing has been scheduled. Vol. tVM No. 15 said violence occurred in 23 percent of this year's winter's protests and 20 percent of last year's. The major issues have been minority recognition, quality of student life, greater student voice in decision making, and the war and military. The environment has not yet been a major source of protest. Hoffman to Speak hot spring State University oj New York at Albany by Al Senia and Vicki Zeldin The University will prosecute any students involved in the violence at Colonial Quad dining hall Wednesday night if they can be identified, according to a statement by the University last night. H. David Van Dyck of the Community Relations office stated; In line with University policy covering destruction of its properly, any students positively identified -till be prosecuted." Looking for an apartment? Survey Reveals Favorable Attitude Toward Marijuana DEL MAR, CALIF.--(CPS)--A survey of more than 600 drug res e a r c h e r s , psychologists, and by J. Stephen Flavin physicians revealed a high percentAbbie Hoffman, one of the age of them believe marijuana Chicago 8, 7, or 9 is conspiring to should be as available as alcohol speak this Thursday, 8 p.m., at to the public. However, a majority of those S k i d m o r e College, Saratoga Springs. Hoffman, who was con- survey felt LSD should be legally Continued from page 1 available only for research purvicted of crossing state lines with in the "Who has the fower" ques- "intent to incite riots," during the poses. Very few said psychedelic tion. It was revealed that certain National Democratic Convention, drugs should be available by prelegislators are authorized to make is currently free on bail pending scription. decisions concerning University appeal of the "conspiracy" and The findings also revealed a affairs. But as to defining what "contempt of court" convictions. sharp difference of opinion on the power, where, and who seemed to Hoffman, like the other defen- effects of marijuana use between be a very difficult question to ans- dents and their attorney William researchers familiar with psychewer. Kunstler, are bringing their ver- delic drugs and practicing physiIn regards to a Day Care Cen- sion of the trial and riots to the cians and psychologists. ter, a meeting with the Women's people,' Tickets for the "Saratoga The survey appears in the April Liberation Movement took place Convention" are on sale in the issue of Psychology Today in an last week. First, it was revealed Skidmore Mailroom for $ 1 ; re- article by Dr. Walter Houston that the Central administration of maining tickets wilt be sold at the Clark of Newton Theological the University and local governing door for $1.50. The ASP has been Seminary in Andover, Mass. Dr. board are not authorized to al- forwarned, however, that the lec- Clark found: locate State funds for this pur- ture hall has a "vital capacity" of Supervised use of marijuana in pose. Second, the results of a re- 800 people, "but you are dealing the manner alcohol use is supercent questionnaire were reviewed. with Skidies" not Buffalo or Al- vised is rated as very safe by 58 Thirdly, alternate methods to set bany ! a represen tative from the per cent of the researchers but by up a Day Care Center were ex- Lecture Committee revealed. only 39 per cent of the practicing plored. Conference PRESS Friday, April 17. 1970 And it couldn't happen here. Violence Increases In CampusProtest CHICAGO -(CPS)-"Major incidents" of campus protest have occurred at the rate of one a day during the first quarter of 1970, according to the Urban Research Corporation. Although some consider this academic year more calm than last, the statistics show t h a t 92 campuses experienced major unrest this winter compared to 88 during the same period last year. The protests were "not significantly less violent" than last year nor did they draw fewer participants, according to John Naisbitt, president of Urban Research. He the long professionals. Drofessionals. However, However, even even the the researchers are far from unanimous about the safety of unsupervised use of marijuana: only 19 per cent of the researchers and 10 per cent of the professionals regard it as 'very safe."' T he magazine surveyed 127 professionals having first-hand knowledge of drug research and 490 physicians, psychologists, and psychiatrists who have not done such research. A key finding in the drug survey is that an "information gap exists between the two groups" on drug usage. trained men and women, often students, who ingest substances of dubious purity." A high percentage of both professional groups--62 per cent of the practitioners and 82 per cent of the researchers-felt the Federal government should encourage scientific study of drugs much more than it does now. This view has particular relevance in light of recent expressions by the Justice Department to enter the area of psychedelic drug research. The overall results of the In general, author Clark noted, Psychology Today survey suggest that professionals who have done "We have arrived at a state of absurdity in a corner of American research on hallucinogens regard Science: most research with hal- them as less dangerous and theralucinogenic or psychedelic drugs is peutically more promising than do being done under grossly un- the professionals who have not scientific conditions by totally un- done research. (With this Coupon) •GET1F1EE BUY Either Mike's Giant Submarine Sandwich or Neba Roast Beef Sandwich Good only at: IS7.1 Western Ave. Cor. Calvin and Central Ave. 40-42 Central Ave Ojfer expires May 3, 1970 It also appeared certain that charges would he pressed against the black student implicated in the striking of a food service supervisor at the same quail Sunday afternoon. This, is a a civil action being handled in the Albany courts independent of the University community. However officials in the E.O.P. program have been pressuring the supervisor to drop the charges and let the University handle the incident. As of late last night, it appeared almost certain that she would not consent to this. E.O.P. posted the $100 bail needed to free the student. Meanwhile, a group of black students met yesterday morning with President Kuusisto, who had just returned from a meeting in Pennsylvania. The students demanded that all charges be dropped and the supervisor involved be dismissed. The president was given a three hour deadline which expired at 1:00pm yesterday afternoon. It can be assumed that Van Dyck's statement last night was at least an unofficial reply to the demands. His statement went on to say that the charges arising out of Sunday's incident arc "an individual and not a university matter " The two demands were also presented to Peter Haley, an assistant food service director. He rejected them, also claiming that his office had no control over charges brought by a private citizen pending in a civil court. He also said the supervisor would not be fired. Late last night, Central Council institued a "Multi-racial student committee" to investigate campus racial incidents and attitudes. The bill was sponsored by Bert Eversley. The following are the events which led up to yesterday's actions: 'Wednesday Dinnertime Violence" Black students congregated near the mail room on Colonial Quad sometime before five on Wednesday. At about 5:30 some 50-60 of these black students joined the dinner line en masse. The students refused to show their meal cards and some proceeded to get their meals. Meanwhile in the dining room several black students went up to a table of white students and F o o d „ d gijj, w r e K a t t e r e d gj a resu|, demanded that they relinquish ,« <• their seats The whites refused and black students (See story for details.) %L^^£v**£S. pm L.C 1 8 76© v v / t a x 81.25 w i t h o u t BE THERE! An Exercise In Futility Editor's note: The following are excerpts from a statement )jy the lllach students of the Third World Liberation Front to explain what they believe are incidents and attitudes of racism in the University community. This is published in hopes that the discussion of complaints will lead to an alleviation of the current situation. More information on the specific nature of the complaints is available in leaflets that will be distributed. with the INDIANS 8:30 The Racial Educative Process: Black Students Release STOMP DANCE 18, 1 8 7 0 Wednesday night's disruption of Colonial Quad by a group of but was quickly halted by several students in the dining room. Sometime during or immediately after this incident the dinner line was closed. Some blacks then dropped trays and damaged the The Thursday April afternoon drink dispensers. Proceeding from grew very warm, a welcome resthe serving area a number of pite from the winds and snow of Analysis blacks then went from front to Winter Past. The students, about by Al Senia back of the dining room turning forty of them, basked in the over tables as they went. sunshine in back of the Campus leading up to Wednesday night Students in the dining room Center and rapped about ' h e violence, panicked and exited through sev- events of the previous evening They explained how blacks had eral doors. No serious injuries They were strictly white, some complained about racist comwere reported although a few stu- were afraid, and most were very ments aimed at black girls by dents did receive minor cuts from angry. kitchen staff helpers. the breaking glass. "I've had it!" one girl told the They tried to show how blacks Although the damague has not reporter, "All they do is push in resented the "double standard" been totally assessed it is reported front of us on the dinner lines and evidenced in many areas. Specifto be in the hundreds of dollars. cut ahead of everybody. How do ically, the blacks claim that food Several tables were broken, plates they come off being privileged checkers, many of whom are fraand glasses were smashed and two characters? If they want to be ternity and sorority members, alwindows were broken. treated equally, why don't they lowed friends to go through the After this action there were start treating people equally." No- food lines for free meals-hut did blacks scattered around the quad. body needed to ask who "they" not do the same for blacks. At about 6:15 though, over sever- were. Students also brought out how al minutes after the damage had A few members of New Left some food checkers make it a been done, the students proceed- Organizing Committee were at the point to check meal cards held by ed to State Quad. scene and they mingled in the blacks because "they all look the Upon reaching State, they enter- crowd. The idea was to initiate same." ed the dining room en masse, and discussion on the growing polariAnd, as a further stimulant, Continued on page 8 zation the campus was witnessing. there was the campus attitude They were there not to offer toward the E.O.P. program: "A excuses, but to present another handout," in the words of more side of the story. Bringing the than a few while students. Intereducative process to the masses, it estingly enough, many of those was called, and it seemed almost doing the commenting entered the an exercise in futility. university by way of Regents The white students explained to Scholarships. the other white students some of These wore some of the probthe underlying issues at stake, and lems, according to the students, some of the details they thought and these problems hud i»stered ^ «•«»»», • April of **<••'••* After the Wednesday night Colonial Quad incident students helped to clean up the cufetcriu in u mutter of hours. 1. Monday, April lit, 7:liu p.m.: State Quadrangle, An R. A. accused two Black student of shooting firecrackers and pulling false alarms. 2. April 12, Dutch Quad: Moal cards on Dutch Quail woro clipped on the corners specifically so that Blacks couldn't use them twice. for many months. Either those in authority were too blind to see the approaching Armageddon-or chose not to. Nevertheless, it had been a long time coming. And the problem of countering it fell in many cases to the R.A.'s who were not equipped to handle it. So, the New Left people were trying to explain this to the students soaking in the noonday sun. "Yes," they said, "people were hurt but people don't go around beating up other people just for the hell of it. There is something very wrong somewhere underneath." "People shouldn't say it (the beating of an R.A. Sunday afternoon) is an individual thing done by angry black people," one NLOC member said. "They have to understand the environment, the abuse, the fact that Black Panther brothers are being shot to death in Chicago." "I just can't condone what happened," one girl said when he finished. "I'm sorry, but when people get beaten up, that's too much. I 've had enough of this shit!" She was asked what she would do about it. For a second she paused, at a loss for words. Then she spoke. "I'm going to transfer out of this place next year." Statement i. April 15, 11:15 p.m.: Two fraternities woic running around and talking about killing niggers. <i. Blacks are tired of being watched and followed in the University Bookstore. 5. March 18: A Black student was harassed by a plainclothcsman in the library. 6. March 12: A Black girl was refused admittance to a tower because she didn't have I.D. but had her key. 7. Food Service workers harassing black student* in line constantly. 8. Week of February 2-5: Derogatory remarks made by a professor to astudent regarding the fact that he was going to fail. A Math professor tried to Continued on page K FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE2 Lowenstein Stresses Grassroots Movement graffiti Come to a happening: Stomp D a n c e , an A m e r i c a n I n d i a n tradit i o n . A t A l b a n y S t a t e , April 1 8 , 1 9 7 0 at 8 : 3 0 p . m . in L e c t u r e Cent e r 1 8 . $.60 w i t h t a x c a r d ; $.75 without. , I n t e r n a t i o n a l Mixer, S a t u r d a y at 9 p . m . , B r u b a c h e r Hall Dining Room, "Candy Coated Outh o u s e " Rock band. International e n t e r t a i n m e n t . O p e n bar. Girls $.50, guys, $ 1 . 5 0 . S a t u r d a y evening April 1 8 , E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e presents d o u b l e bill of one-act plays in t h e A r e n a T h e a t r e . B o b Allen directs Tennessee William's drama, M O O N Y ' S K I D D O N T CRY. T h o r n t o n W i l d e r ' s MOZART A N D T H E G R A Y S T E W A R D is directed b y H e n r i e t t a Roginski. Walden Association is sponsoring a trip t o see Blood, S w e a t and Tears in c o n c e r t in Syracuse on t h e evening of April 1 8 . T h e total cost ( r o u n d t r i p b u s i n c l u d e d ) is $ 6 . 0 0 F o r further details call Mat H e y m a n at 4 7 2 - 5 6 1 9 . A t t e n t i o n Pol. Sci S t u d e n t s T h e r e will b e an o p e n hearing o n Dr. Speckhard a n d Dr. Knight t e r m r e a p p o i n t m e n t in C a m p u s Center— T u e s d a y , April 21 at 8 p.m. O n E a r t h D a y , W e d n e s d a y , April 2 2 , P Y E is s p o n s o r i n g a d e m o n stration on overpopulation and h u n g e r . It will b e held a t 1 2 : 1 5 p . m . o n t h e l a w n area directly behind the Campus Center. P Y E askes t h o s e w h o wish t o p a r t i c i p a t e t o c o m e t o a semirehearsal o n M o n d a y , April 2 0 , at 9 : 0 0 p . m . in LC 2. Be involved! S h o w y o u r c o n c e r n with overpopulation and hunger! Pi G a m m a Mu, National Social Science H o n o r a r y , is presently planning its Spring i n d u c t i o n . Any s t u d e n t with a major in a n y of t h e Social Sciences w h o wishes t o join s h o u l d c o n t a c t e i t h e r Marie Searing—457-8977 or Hank K o e n i g - 4 5 7 - 8 9 1 2 by Friday, April 2 4 t h . Basic R e q u i r e m e n t s for m e m b e r s h i p a r e : a 3.0 overall with n o E ' s ; c o m p l e t e d 21 hours t o w a r d s a major in o n e of the Social Sciences; a 3.0 in y o u r major with n o D's. University C o n c e r t Band will give a c o n c e r t on t h e evenings of May 7 a n d 8 in t h e main t h e a t r e of t h e P A C at 8 : 3 0 p.m. Admission free. T h e forces of Mordor are at w o r k against t h e h o b b i t . Elves, G o l l u m , and o t h e r friends are urged t o take heart and wait. Watch here n e x t week. Passport application forms a n d certificate of vaccination are available a t t h e Office of International Studies (SS 111) for those particip a t i n g in S U N Y A programs abroad. N e e d Help? Bum T r i p ? Need s o m e o n e t o rap to? Call Crisis Line 24-hour p h o n e . 4 5 7 - 5 3 0 0 . We're back! WSUA R a d i o ret u r n s t o the Campus Center Snack Bar. 4 Hours of live, c o n t i n u o u s m u s i c , 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., M o n d a y t h r o u g h Friday. All Speech Path majors w h o are n o t in a SAU course this semester please c o n t a c t Nancy Zollus at 2 - 4 7 6 0 in order to d e t e r m i n e the n u m b e r of Speech Path Majors. S t u d e n t s are needed for these c o m m i t t e e s : University Governance ( 6 ) , Faculty Evalutaion (3), P a r k i n g A p p e a l s (3). See T. Mathias in C C . 3 4 6 . A p p l i c a t i o n s for C o m m u n i t y P r o g r a m m i n g Commission are n o w available at the CC Inform a t i o n Desk through April 2 0 . Applications t o Academic Affairs Commission for 10 at-large m e m b e r s are o p e n from April 14-April 24. Pick u p application forms at CC Information Desk. T h e Commission for Religious Affairs has an at-large position presently o p e n . Applications will be available at t h e Campus C e n t e r Information Desk until M o n d a y . Rich, Heard you tried, Too bad Cheryl Eastman 2101 thanks Tappan 201, 307 and :108 for their kind hospitality in our lime of need. Gland '16 7-7879. is Yeah, Byron. A good cry cleanses the soul Horny: Call Way lo go! :i elegible gentlemen (22-25) willing to share apartment and expenses with three elegible ladies. (Albany area). Call Rich at 786-0'WI between 'I and 5 p.m. PLEASE: Vote Rebecca Schwartz Miss Student Body. for Baby Gerbils keep happening. Take themPLEASE, llousebroken. Donna & Derf •1112-025!) We mourn the loss of Super Kile who had a short but illustrious career. Holly and Susan Alter all Is shed and done, your soul may be saved bul your contacts need help They need Lensine Lensine is the one contact lens solulion for complete contact care preparing cleansing, and soaking There was a time when you needed two or more dillerent lens solutions lo properly prepare and maintain your contacts No more Lensine, from The Murine Company, makes caring for conlacl lenses as convenicn! as wearing them Jusl a drop or two of Lensine coals and lubricates your lens. This allows the Ions to float more freely in the eyo, reducing toarful irritation. Why9 Becauso Lonsine n; a compatible, "isotonic" solution, very much like your rye's nalurfll fluids Cleaning your contacts wilh Lensine rotards Iho build-up o foreign deposits on the lenses And soaking your conlacts in Len sine between wearing periods as sures you ol proper lens hygiene You get a Iroo soaking-storage caso with individual lens compart merits on the botlom ol every bot tlo ol Lonsine. II has been demonstrated Iho improper slorago betwoon wear- ing s per mils 1 growth of baclena the lenses This i; sure cause ol eyo rilalion and in sQ> cases can endnni your vision Bacteria c; nol grow in Lensine I cause it's sterile, sollsani ing, and antiseptic Lensine . the sou'ulion complete conlact lens care M< by the Murine Company, Inc I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t the travel p l a n , flight schedules, and applicat i o n materials are available from Dr. J o h n S l o c u m , Director of Int e r n a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n , AD 238 phone 457-8384. A p p l i c a t i o n materials must be received., b y t h e Office of Intern a t i o n a l Studies a n d World Affaire n o later t h a n ninety days before flight d e p a r t u r e . Fares range from $ 1 8 3 t o $ 2 0 7 depending on date and destination. by In grid Hansen BAD TRIP? 457-5300 Classified ads Patricia If you were to walk down my yellow brick road, life would be good; if you were to even walk hand in hand with me in Spring, nothing could be as beautiful, except for you. You are beautiful. The Phantom One y<iung, handsome rabbit desires lo find new living accomodations. Apartment life loo restricting lo natural rabbit ness. For further l:ili-U22-l. info, call Apartment for summer Livingston Ave. 4'k roomsoccupancy 2-4. $140/month Call 462-1216. LOST: Onyx gold ring, Cara velle watch, inscription on back: Gerry Wista, call Gerry at 45 7-7975 LOST: Silver ring, blue stone. Class of '71, GG inscription on inside, if found please return to ASP office REWARD For sale- 1 female Siamese kitten, $5.00, good home, call 489-5010 For Sale: 1958 190 SI. Mer cedes Benz, Call 482-8311. For Sale: Furniture dressers, kitchen chairs, tables, etc. Musi sell. 402-1731. beds, night Call Wanted: Bicycle. Will buy <»' rent it. Call Eileen -457-877:1. Wanted: used decent condition, Call 472-8778. bicycle. approx. 21." $20. Counselors needed: Camp Orendu, a resident camp for boys about sixty miles from New York City, is looking for individuals who are interested in working with boys this summer For information and application write to: Mr. Gus Medina Director, Camp Orendu 238 Main St. Brockport, N.Y. 11-121) Messages, Discourses by Av&ft&ir M(sk< !>ir I S H M WRITE TO: Meher Baba Information Box 8034 Albany, N.Y. 12203 not your contacts Income Tax Return D»y (April 1 5 t h ) was observed by members o f five Albany area peace groups by p r o t e s t i n g t h e allocation of 6 4 . 8 c e n t s of each t a x dollar paid t o t h e federal g o v e r n m e n t t o s u p p o r t t h e military a n d t h e war. T h e d e m o n s t r a t i o n , which t o o k place in front of the Internal R e v e n u e Service office Summer sublet: 3-4 persons; June thru August. Ontario Street. Ellen, Nina: 480-0200. STOMP DANCE on Washington A v e n u e , was part o f a n a t i o n w i d e p r o t e s t called by t h e V i e t n a m M o r a t o r i u m C o m m i t t e e , the New Mobe C o m m i t t e e , t h e S t u d e n t M o b e C o m m i t t e e . by Bob Warner T h e S o u t h R o o m of the DcWitt Clinton Hotel in Albany was the gathering place of legislators, candidates, academicians, s t u d e n t s , and politically active citizens for an open hearing on the constitutionality of t h e V i e t n a m war. Assemblyman A n d r e w Stein, t h e sponsor of a bill which would prevent men from fighting in an illegal war, and Senator Ohrenstein, t h e hill's s p o n s o r in the Senate, chaired t h e hearing. T h e purpose of Stein's hill is to test w h e t h e r t h e President can c o m m i t t h o u s a n d s of men t o war without a formal Congressional declaration of war. This anti-war effort is not, however, according to Stein, a s u b s t i t u t e for o t h e r forms of p r o t e s t , b u t merely a new d i m e n s i o n . In his i n t r o d u c t o r y s p e e c h , Stein accused the Republicans in Albany of " p l a y i n g p e t t y p o l i t i c s . " This was a reference to S p e a k e r Duryea w h o lias been unwilling to Id Ibis hill o u t of C o m m i t t e e so thai it may be d e b a t e d . Stein also accused the Admin-is! ration of "slowly misleading us in a second lajor I speaker It l.stil'y in The /<n- of Stein's bill was Basil lerstni, Democratic c a n d i d a t e i 1,1 t i o v e r n u r I ate st j . in Ma s a c h u s e t l s a hi. w for f r e e d o m . " sir t'l'hi ,, in reference t o the f a d that w weeks ago, Massachusetts (I a law similar to (lie o n e P now proposed in New York.} Palerson accused Gov. Rockefeller of being "a longtime apologist for the w a r " and s u b s e q u e n t l y , a p h o n y liberal, Palerson also criticized Nixon's Vietnam policy of gradual withdrawal, a " c h a r a d e . " People and wealth are being d r a i n e d , " said the S t a t e S e n a t o r , " b y a fruitless and wasteful war " Hie following are (he rcsulls ol A p r i l 18, 1 9 7 0 8:30 p m LC 18 w/tax • 1.25 the referendum lo boycott classes on the Passover Holiday (April 20th and 21st) which was held 750 without in the C a m p u s C e n t e r on April 1.1. 1 4 , a n d I S : Yes (in favor of b o y c o t t i n g ) , ...... » « ^ » » - * BE THERE! * * '• , - . - . - 1193; N o 8 8 ; Abstain 2 2 ; L - . i . - . - potskowski Stein's Bill Challenges Vietnamese War Legality Passover Referendum Results with the INDIANS PAGE 3 ALBANY STUPENT PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 TOTAL, 1303. N e x t t o publicly s u p p o r t t h e does not d e t r a c t t r o m the moral Stein bill was Paul O ' D w y e r , issues involved in t h e war issue. D e m o c r a t i c c a n d i d a t e for the Sen- C o h e n said t h a t Congress is at fault as m u c h as t h e President, ate. Said O ' D w y e r , " W e are in Laos and C a m b o d i a a l r e a d y . " He because Congress has been apgave as o n e reason for our pre- propriating m o n e y for an illegal sence in S o u t h e a s t Asia t h a t o u r war. Professor Harry S t a l e y , also of g o v e r n m e n t intends " t o m a i n t a i n S U N Y A , and a m e m b e r of the c o r r u p t g o v e r n m e n t in office." executive board of A l b a n y S A N E , O ' D w y e r promised to m a k e t h e war an issue in the 1970 p r i m a r y called V i e t n a m an " u n d e c l a r e d , race, and c o m m e n t e d t h a t T e d morally r e p u g n a n t w a r , " and said S o r e n s o n c a m e out against t h e t h a t the war must he fought on m a n y levels. Stein bill. T w o S U N Y A s t u d e n t s s p o k e on Rev. J o h n Wells, the originator behalf of the bill, Steve Villano, of t h e Massachusetts bill, in his President of c a m p u s NDC a n d a speech, l a m e n t e d the loss of t h e American d r e a m . He does believe University S e n a t o r , a n d Dave Neut h a t America can do b e t t e r t h a t feld, Chairman of the Political and it can fulfill the American ideals Social Positions C o m m i t t e e of Central Council. Villano asked the of d e m o c r a c y , freedom, etc. Ed F o x , a professor of engineer- N.Y.S. Legislature to legifizimize ing at RPI, and an o p p o n e n t of war resistance by passing Stein's emphasized the i n c u m b e n t U.S. Congressman Sam bill. Neufeld S t r a t t o n in the primary, called t h e " i r o n y " of t h o s e w h o c o n c e r n Vietnam War, " t h e war of Dulles, themselves with t h e m u r d e r i n g of N i x o n , J o h n s o n , K e n n e d y , Soren- fetuses, yet, it is these same peoson, and G o l d b e r g . " He also called ple w h o (for the m o s t p a r t ) confor the end of hypocrisy in gov- d o n e the killing of n i n e t e e n year olds in V i e t n a m . He said that if ernment. A s t u d e n t from the a u d i e n c e the Legislature d o e s n ' t want the asked Stein thai if his hill is names of war dead to be read if approved by the legislature, did hi' should s t o p the lis) from e x p a n d ing. think thai the c o u r t s would up T h e only speaker al I lie hearing hold it He said thai " w e arc not w h o criticized the hill was Jon here lo bulge what (he c o u r t s will Socialist Workers do, hut must do whal we lielieve R o t h s c h i l d , Parly Candidate lor Li. G o v e r n o r , is r i g h t . " Professor Cohen <>l SUNYA and who called Stein's hill ineffective. Vice Chairman of S t a i r NDC said He said thai U.S. t r o o p s are even thai the legality til' the war is a being senl to the very c o u n t r i e s legal, mil a moral question, bill that are trying to free themselves this t y p e of a n t i w a r campaign from our c o r p o r a t i o n s . Allard K. L o w e n s t e i n , Congressm a n from Nassau C o u n t y ' s Fifth Congressional District, s p o k e t o a group of approximately two h u n d r e d p e r s o n s here o n Wednesd a y night. L o w e n s t e i n c a m e into national p r o m i n e n c e t w o years ago as t h e organizer of t h e " D u m p Johnson" movement. L o w e n s t e i n related s o m e of his experiences as a m e m b e r of t h e House Agriculture Committee during the past fourteen m o n t h s as i n d icative of the "nonf u n c t i o n i n g " of t h a t institution. He cited t h e seniority s y s t e m as t h e p r i m a r y r o a d b l o c k t o initiating necessary change t h r o u g h the legislative process. T h e seniority system and the c o m m i t t e e s y s t e m , w h o s e vested interests seniority is p r o t e c t i n g , have b e c o m e so "ossified," according to L o w e n s t e i n , t h a t it is impossible to get hearings o n m a n y issues, including t h e draft. He also called for investigation of "conflicts of i n t e r e s t " which influence Congressional decisions. T h e Congressman said t h e " b a s i c n i g h t m a r e " in this c o u n t r y is " t h e people d o n o t k n o w w h a t t h e facts a r e . " This he i n t e r p r e t s as causing a " d i s t o r t i o n of w h a t is r e a l " b e t w e e n Congrens a n d t h e country. Because of this luck of k n o w ledge, he believes t h a t t h e people often react against c h a n g e s which are necessary t o sulvage the c o u n try. Lowenstein accused t h e Nixon Administration of co-opting " l i b e r a l " vocabulary to deceive the people into believing t h a t h e was fulfilling his c a m p a i g n promises. This tactic is especially noticeable in the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s program of t r o o p withdrawal. Nixon was said t o be " o v e r t a k i n g L y n d o n J o h n s o n in i n c r e d i b i l i t y . " T h e basic t h e m e of the speech was that there m u s t be a grassr o o t s m o v e m e n t wherein people are availed of the facts. He dismissed t h e i m p o r t a n c e of party labels and urged s u p p o r t for Congressmen w h o will speak out against the war and military appropriations. Lowenstein urges s t u d e n t s n o t to u n d e r e s t i m a t e their political impact which was significant two years ago. He sees an o p p o r t u n i t y to c o n s u m m a t e the political gains which were t h w a r t e d in 196H. A m e m b e r of the a u d i e n c e asked A L o w e n s t e i n if h e t h o u g h t it was possible t h a t his position as a Congressman had s o limited his perspective t h a t h e c o u l d n o t see t h e possibility t h a t t h e p r e s e n t s t r u c t u r e could n o t solve t h e nat i o n ' s p r o b l e m s . L o w e n s t e i n replied t h a t he did n o t reject t h e possibility t h a t p e r h a p s t h e system has b e c o m e t o o ossified t o b e effective. However, h e believes t h a t with certain r e f o r m s in t h e s t r u c t u r e of our s o c i e t y , t h e r e is h o p e t h a t p r o b l e m s can b e solved. He n o t e d t h a t he has n o t heard a n y o t h e r p r o p o s e d p r o g r a m s t h a t offer t h e " r e m o t e s t h o p e of c h a n g e . " Council Probes Racial Issue By Bob Warner Central C o u n c i l , in a bill introd u c e d b y Bert Eversley, set u p a "multi-racial s t u d e n t c o m m i t t e e t h a t will officially investigate and r e p o r t o n incidents and a t t i t u d e s of r a c i s m " on this c a m p u s . T h e bill is a direct r e a c t i o n t o the d i s r u p t i o n at dinner a t the Colonial Q u a d dining r o o m last Wednesday evening. A c c o r d i n g t o Eversley, t h e disruption was caused because of deep-seeded r o o t s of racism, b o t h overt and covert, o n this c a m p u s . T h e c o m m i t t e e , hopefully, will loose racial tensions at t h e University because this i n c i d e n t has " p o larized a lot of p e o p l e . " T h e c o m m i t t e e will consist of sixteen p e o p l e : H from the Third World Liberation F r o n t , A from Central Council, a n d 1 from t h e s t u d e n t b o d y at large. In a bill s p o n s o r e d by Dave Neufeld, Council appropriated $;i,000 for the S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y C o m m i t t e e to Establish a C e n t e r for I n t e r a c t i o n . T h e p u r p o s e of the center is to deal with crisis e x p e r i e n c e d by any m e m b e r of the University community. P r o b l e m s such as drug a d d i c t i o n , suicides, bad trips, or any pressing p r o b l e m t h a t might arise will be e n c o m p assed in this center. Psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, graduate assistants and stud e n t volunteers will he on h a n d 21 h o u r s a d a y , 7 tlays a week to help s t u d e n t s with any crisis. T h e center's n u m b e r is d57-5IJOO, Cl-0THl\/G , welcome! THE NEW MEMBERS TO $ PIOKOCCAN IMPORTS WALT'S SUBMARINE FLEET Pepperoni suh Hot Pepperoni w/sauce Hot Italian Sausage w/fried peppers Hot Veal & Poppers 272 AARK ST. * *U»Awy $.W) $.Hn $.96 $.05 we now have 23 varieties of SUBS--and our menu is still growing! WALTS SUBMARINES 283 Ontario St. 954 Central Aoe. ***Free Delivery*** WE DIDN'T INVENT T H E SOB W E J U S T P E R F E C T E D IT! STATE FAIR is fast approaching Final deadline for booth applications is Friday, April 17. Please obtain forms at the C. C. Information Desk or call Pat Schumann, 457-4012. pAGE4 flT.HflMVSTtmFNT PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 17.1970 FRIDAY, APRIL 17.1970 Ala-Ed-Din Makes Its American Debut At PAC by Mary Eileen O'Donndl A L A - E D - D I N , S t a t e University T h e a t r e ' s fourth major p r o d u c t i o n h a d its A m e r i c a n premiere Wednesday night in the L a b o r a t o r y 2 T h e a t r e of t h e Performing Arts Center. Written by Paul Brucee Pettit, C h a i r m a n of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of T h e a t r e , a n d directed by Patricia B, S n y d e r , ALA—ED—DIN features Gary Restifo as Ala-ed-din, T i m o t h y Brennan as t h e Dreadful Magician, William S n y d e r as t h e narrating Souss Seller, and Mary Ann Wilson a n d Barbara R i c h a r d s sharing t h e role of the Princess, as well as over t h i r t y o t h e r c h a r a c t e r s in this children's play, s u b t i t l e d " A Tale from East of t h e Rising Sun." T h e p r o d u c t i o n is choreograp h e d by Adrienne Spngnola and K a t h l e e n O'Neil, a n d an original score was c o m p o s e d by Dennis Buck. T h e world premiere of A L A ED—DIN was p e r f o r m e d a t t h e A z u m Palace in Damascus, Syria, in t h e s u m m e r of 1 9 6 5 . Professor Pettit was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and National G u i d a n c e of the Syrian Arabic Republic to write the play for the Syrian people based in their own cultural heritage. T h e play was then translated from English into Arabic and performed by tho N a t i o n a l T h e a t r e and the National Ballet in t h e courts and gardens of the A z u m Palace. Since its first p r o d u c t i o n in the Mid-East, Pettit has r e w r i t t e n ALA—ED—DIN, and has h a d his play chosen as o n e of the ten best children's plays of 1969. Performances of A L A - E D - D I N c o n t i n u e this evening and t o m o r row evening at 8 p.m. and a 2 p.m. m a t i n e e both S a t u r d a y and S u n d a y . Reservations m a y be m a d e by phoning the box office at 457-H6U6, Admission is free with s t u d e n t tax. ft*************************** Experimental T h e a t r e presents four one-act plays this w e e k e n d in the Arena Theatre of I be PAC. Tonight Peg I.eFever directs Claudine Cassan and Mary Eileen O'Donnell in Slrindherg's The Htroitfieram] Joel Arocsle directs R a m o n Taveras, Prod O n u f r y k , Henry Kuivila, and Elian Hlanca in G.B, Shaw's The Fane mating Foundling. T o m o r r o w , Sal unlay evening, Bob Allen directs Pat Jeff and Peter Hrrlin in Manny's Kid Don't Cry by Tennessee Williams and Henrietta Itoginski directs Ed Sperling, Holly Fitter, and Paul Class of asks anyone interested in working on this year's State Fair (planning, building, or running booths) Please contact: Smax: 472-7782 Laurie: 472-4681 Carol: 472-4681 Walt: 457-7803 Novakowski in T h o r n t o n Wilder's The Gray Steward. Curtain time is 7 : 3 0 a n d 9 : 0 0 p . m . b o t h evenings and admission is free. N e x t Friday, April 2 4 , Experimental Theatre presents The White Whore and the Bit Player a one-act play written by T o m Eyen and directed by William F r a n k o n i s . T h e t w o characters are played by J a n e Mandel and Bebanne Brown. Auditions for Moliere's The Jealous tfusba/id.direcled b y Douglas Wager, and St rip — Tease by Slawomir Mrozek, directed by Nadine S t a h , will be held this M o n d a y , April 20 in PAC r o o m s 2 6 3 and 2 6 4 . The Jealous Husband andStrip—Tease are scheduled for p r o d u c t i o n F r i d a y , May 8. Persons interested in t h e technical end of p r o d u c t i o n are invited t o a t t e n d also. ************************** In the late spring of 1 9 7 2 , S t a t e University of New York at Albany will host the 1972 Congress of t h e International Conference of the T h e a t r e for Children a n d Young People (ASSI T E J ) . It will be t h e third gathering of Children's Theatre p r o d u c e r s and specialists from a r o u n d the world. S o m e 5 0 0 representatives Trom nearly every c o u n t r y on the globe will convene for a series of meetings, s y m p o s i a , theatrical performances and a closer look at the United States, S U N Y A will be the offical host for the first ASSI T E J Congress in the United States. Tho initial international congress was held in T h e Hague, T h e N e t h e r l a n d s , in 196H, and the second will be held in Venice, Italy, in t h e fall of 1970. T h e university will provide the A S S I T E J delegates with meeting and p r o d u c t i o n space. Performances will take place in the university's Performing Arts Center, a five-theatre c o m p l e x o p e n e d this year. T h e delegates will be housed in the university's d o r m i t o r y complexes, and university food service will prepare an international m e n u for visitors. S i m u l t a n e o u s translation will he provided so that each delegate can follow symposia or meeting dialogue in F r e n c h , Russian or English. After a series of n e g o t i a t i o n s beginning in HKiH in T h e Hague, and continuing over the las! year and a half in San Francisco, and Detroit, the d e p a r t m e n t of theatre at SUNYA c o m p l e t e d arrange inents to bring ASSITEJ to Al bany after a final meeting with the international Children's Then Ire organization's executive board in Detroit Albany was chosen from a long list of universities and o t h e r institutions offering to host .ill or part of the l<)72 Congress. Dr. Nat Eek, president of UnAmerican Center for A S S I T E J , and Mrs Ann Hill, executive secretary for ASSITEJ a n d newly elected president of the American Children's T h e a t r e Conference, confirmed the c h o i c e . Planning is n o w u n d e r w a y for t h e congress p r o g r a m , which will include distinguished guest speakers from around the world; specialists in children's t h e a t r e ; children's t h e a t r e troupes from this c o u n t r y and a b r o a d , as well as technical t h e a t r e experts from t h e United States a n d E u r o p e . T h e faculty, staff a n d s t u d e n t s of t h e d e p a r t m e n t of t h e a t r e , chaired b y Dr. Paul Bruce Pettit, will participate in the program for the congress. by Bob R o s e n b l u m by michaet nolin & diana dalley Ala-Ed-Din will be presented tonight through Saturday. Dr. Paul Bruce Pettit, is shown at the lower left. -benjamin never survived the decade, while the true jazz artists, scorned at the time, are still being listened t o t o d a y . What is m o r e i m p o r t a n t is that while t h e Black man was making the only music that could be considered American c u l t u r e , the Whites c o n t i n u e d to think of Blacks as primitive, and his music as vile a n d artless. The main p r o b l e m , musically speaking, was self evident. The musicians trying to " p u r i f y " jazz perceived jazz through academic glasses. Aaron Copeland w r o t e , "What interested composers...was not so much t h e spirit, whatever it symbolized, as tho m o r e technical sides of jazz t h e r h y t h m , m e l o d y , h a r m o n y , t i m b r e through which that spirit was e x p r e s s e d . " It seemed t h a t the new converts to " j a z z " in the academic music field failed to understand t h a t jazz is basically a Black art from. Concert pianist Percy Grainger felt t h a t jazz, "...is w h a t o n e would e x p e c t from a solid, pros p e r o u s Nordic r a c e . " . T h e New York Times c o n c l u d e d that refined jazz " a r r a n g e d and played b y e x p e r t s (Paul W h i t e m a n ? ) has much a b o u t it of interest and even of value, a n d all u n i t e in cond e m n i n g the i n e x p e r t and over enthusiastic disturbers of the p e a c e . " Sort of like Spiro Agnew telling us w h a t t h e Negro really w a n t s . These distrubers of the peace were the true jazz men, most of t h e m Black, and much of their music has lasted. It is indeed ironic t h a t t h e New York Times fell t h a t p e o p l e knowing very little a b o u t jazz could perfrom it b e t t e r than t h o s e w h o lived in its musical w o r l d . It is interesting t o n o t e that at this t i m e Louis A r m s t r o n g was being praised by English critics, t h e first jazz critics and jazz periodicals were b e c o m i n g popular in E u r o p e . But the land w h e r e jazz was born c o n t i n u e d to scorn it. 'Music From Marlboro9 To Appear Here Tonight Tlu' Murlbuni Music Paslivnl, which Rudolf Scrkiu directs each s u m m e r ill the (Ireen Mountains of Vermont, will present the third program in its "Music from Marl h o r o " series at State University of New York al Albany, Friday even iuit, April 17. Tho proKram, spoilsored by the Music Council, will feature works prepared and per formed a! Ihe s u m m e r festival in the extension of Marlboro's ucUvi. . . .. lies into Ihe reini In r concert sea h Four iiolecl artists will lake lime from their solo aiiivilies In parlicipale in Ibis performance. P i a n i s l Itulb Laredo, violinist inimo U r e c l o , violin! Raphael llil Iyer and ccllisl Kohcit .Hylvcslcr will perform n varies pro|>nini of c h a m b e r w o r k s which includes Hie seldom heard Dvorak Trio in Iminor. Opus HI) ( " I h i m k y " ) and the Kireuncr Simula Cmwi'rluntr, hi addition to the Brahms Viunu Quwtrl ill (I minor, Opus 'J-i M , ,•,•,, ,, • • n I M , . Now in il.s lillh season. MUSH .. . , ,. . . . , ,, Irom Marlboro is licini; pri'senleil in over '25 cities in the eiislern .mil niin-weslern U.S. and Canada The Albany conccrl will lake place in the Main T h e a t r e ol" t h e Perform intf Ails Center. Tickets for ll»' neiieral public are $,'1.01! and may he reserved by callinc, lf.7 IH7H 10XY Applications for DRY CLEANERS LAAC and Central Council and SHIRT LAUNDRY Located in Quad Lower Lounges Dutch Colonial State Support your Class let's make this a success Mon.-Fri 4 pm-7 pm Sat, II am-2 ?m PAGE 5 M*A*S*H* A Combination Of Slapstick And Satire Myths And Legends Of The Phenomenon Known As 'Jazz' Since t h e virtual birth of jazz through the efforts of a group of a small group of s o u t h e r n Black musicians, the White society, led by the "classical" musci establishment, has a t t e m p t e d t o , at various times, m u r d e r , ignore, supress, and minimize it. T h r o u g h t h e most absurd generalizations and by d i s t o r t i o n of the w o r d culture, jazz has been forced u n d e r g r o u n d . As a result of t h e prevalent antiBlaek bigotry in " t h e land of t h e free" it has remained under ground, u n d e r e x p o s e d , but, rarely u n d e r s t o o d . I will try, in a series of articles t o give a history of the anti-jazz spirit, the reasons for it, present c o n t e m p o r a r y examples of it, and will i n t r o d u c e s o m e possible s o l u t i o n s and additional questions. In the beginning of t h e twentieth c e n t r u y jazz began to develop and its a n i m o s i t i e s grew along side of it. A New York physician, Dr. Eliot Itawlings, accused jazz of causing d r u n k e n n e s s ; J o h n Philip Sousa warned t h a t jazz would provoke man's "Lower nature;" the Catholic Telegraph of Cincinnati spoke of jazz as " s e n s u o u s " and " i n d e c e n t , " A W . Bearie, a minister of Rochester, carefully explained that jazz has caused "spiritual a n e m i a . " There was even a play railed " T h e National A n t h e m " which involved innocent youthful people becoming im moral as a result of listening to jazz This kind of pressure caused many cities to outlaw jaz'/, Paul WhHuman made Lite la mo us s t a t e m e n t that he would "Make a lady of j a z z " and he proceeded In tlo that in Hie early twenties. S u d d e n l y the establishment decided that " j a z z " was not as bad as they had thought The great ignorance concerning jazz had b e g u n ; t h e music that Paul Whili'inan played was not jazz at all, but rather E u r o p e a n or Classical music with some ja//. elements i n c o r p o r a t e d Hut it was this music that most people thought of as jazz music (hat ALBANY STUDENT PRESS available at CC Info desk Qualification: registered stideit 2.0 ( « • or 6 Irs off S Deadline: 5:00 pm April 23, 1970 Application m u s t be r e t u r n e d to CC 3 4 6 M.A.S.H., which is n o w playing ut t h e Hellman T h e a t r e , is either the worst great p i c t u r e or t h e best bad picture we have ever seen. It is c o n c e r n e d with a hospital unit during the Korean War. But really the p l o t is just an e x c u s e , a devise to tie n n u m b e r of often hilarious episodes together. M.A.S.H. is actually a series of one-reel Sennettype c o m e d i e s which h a p p e n to have the same characters, O n e of Ihe best episodes c o n c e r n s a foot, hall game. T h e players n o t only s m o k e d o p e while o n the b e n c h , b u t the entire game is played to the gentle strains of Ihe William Tell Overture. T o o u r m i n d , the very best s e q u e n c e c o n c e r n s " t h e best h u n g dentist in the A r m y . " This stallion is o n e night unable t o c o m p l e t e the act on which his fame rests. Me is tin <; assured thai he is a " f a i r y " and is tfoing t o do the only h o n o r a b l e thing he can, c o m m i t suicide. T h e pains the M.A.S.H. unit goies through t o set up the funeral with Nurse Dish as mi angel is excruciatingly funny. And these are hut. t w o episodes. T h e fact t h a t we cite these t w o is not a maligning of the o t h e r s . There is an a t t e m p t to h e a t the Korean draft, a radio broadcast of Hot Lips' love affair, etc, etc, all utterly unbelievable, all utterly insane. M.A.S.H. is an anti-film, definitely keeping in the tradition of I h e la I e-six tics-seven ties trend. Art Exhibit Opens Tomorrow Unique state-wide e x h i b i t i o n of work by S t a t e University of New York s t u d e n t artists will be shown at the University Art Gallery in Albany beginning Arpil I Will. T h e e x h i b i t i o n , which is spons o r e d b y t h e University-Wide C o m m i t t e e on the Arts, will be the first of its kind for the S t a t e University. Dr. J a m e s W. Hall, Assis!ant University Dean for University-Wide Activities, and Professor Donald M o c h o n , Director of t h e A r t Gallery have coordinated the plans for the exhibition. According to Dr. Hall s t u d e n t s from 6 0 S t a l e University campuses were invited to s u b m i t work to six regional centers at Albany, B u f f a l o , New Pall/., Potsdam, C o r t l a n d , and Q u e e n s h o r o u g h C o m m u n i t y College. T h e exhibition juror, Dr. S t e p h e n Propoltoff, Director of tlu- I n s t i t u t e of Cont e m p o r a r y Art of the University of Pennsylvania, m a d e a final selection of liH works from 17 campuses for inclusion in the exhibit. Tlu- SI udent works a n ' in all diii a n d reflects Ihe inlcrcsl of young artists everywhere in ex periiueutal t e c h n i q u e s ;\ni\ materials T h e University Wide Student I n h i b i t i o n will o p e n at 7:M0 on April IH with a reception for the artists followed by a performance by Ihe New Percussion Qunrlel. T h e reception and p e r f o r m a n c e will be o p e n lo Ihe public. N o t h i n g is sacred, n o t Mom n o r apple pie. Its general c o n s t r u c t i o n is s o m e w h a t like a weekly television series. T h e t w o w h i c h c o m e t o mind m o s t vividly p e r h a p s because t h e y t o o deal with and make a m o c k e r y of t h e military, are the old Sergeant Bilko s h o w a n d M c H a l e ' s Navy. Indeed, M.A.S.H.'s c o m m a n d i n g officer, Colonel Blake, is a great deal like CapUiin B t n g h a m t o n . It is a l m o s t impossible to review M.A.S.H.- at least in the traditional sense. Like t h e S e n n e t Keystones, a discussion of tech- n i q u e is a b s u r d a n d a waste o f time. L e t it suffice to say t h a t M.A.S.H. is c o n s t r u c t e d like a b a d television s h o w . T h e incredible sloppiness of t h e film does n o t really m a t t e r . After all it is an anti-film, even "anti-" film. G o u l d , S u t h e r l a n d , and c o m p a n y are hysterical. But p e r h a p s t h e greatest t a l e n t M.A.S.H. has going for it is Ring Larder, Jr. w h o s e first s c r e e n p l a y is as zany as anything his old man ever wrote. M.A.S.H. is ...oh, hell, just see it! T h e A r m y a n d the Air F o r c e b a n n e d it, b u t President N i x o n ' s C a b i n e t loved it. The Association Shows Basic Conflicts by Beth J o K n a p k t Man's t w o basic conflicts famile relationship and s o c i e t y ' s relat i o n s h i p s , arc sensitively portrayed in ' T h e A s s o c i a t i o n ' written by Milledgc Mosley. T h e prod u c t i o n , which featured Diane LflFayette as the nagging m o t h e r , was organized so as t o show t h e powerful influence of a w o m a n over both her son and h u s b a n d , and h o w they b o t h suffer heavy consequences- an inability to love. Miss La F a y e t t e ' s very natural gestures and heavy ranting arc s o overpowering and s m o t h e r i n g t h a t her son , played by T o m Foster is unable to d e v e l o p a normal relationship with p e o p l e . Because h e h a s g o n e a w a y t o school, h e k n o w s little a b o u t socializing, both p a r e n t s , because of their sexual conflicts, divide t h e son in half. M o t h e r wants him to be hers for as long as he can, and d a d d y (Jim F o r d ) harasses him a b o u t his sexual inability only to mock him and call him weak when he b o a s t s of a c o n q u e s t . He t h e n leads into an e x p l a n a t i o n of t h e hateful life his wife t e m p t ed him with " J u s t because she wanted a baby." T h e cycle of love and hate is confusing to man a n d will always p r e s e n t itself, t o r m e n t will exist in m a n y m i n d s . T h e Black Ensemble and T h e E x p e r i m e n t a l T h e a t r e expressed this in the c o m b i n a t i o n of beautiful s o u n d a n d lighting effects especially when the son is totally o u t r a g e d at his father's laughter. T h e anguish was t o o great for such a sensitive boy w h o wisely n o t e d t h a t " E v e r y t h i n g w e d o is a n a s s o c i a t i o n . " • • aic being accepted lioin APRIL l-l-APKIl 24 •"•"Mil a Hinge memberships**' pick up application Tonus at l'( INFORMATION DESK • . Ten Wheel Drive, with G e n y a Ravan ( s h o w n a b o v e ) will be a m o n g t h e g r o u p s here for t h e April 2 5 - 2 6 C o n c e r t W e e k e n d . Grand Railroad (with guitarist featured. SUNYA To Hold April Concert Weekend T h e Council for C o n t e m p o r a r y Music and t h e Special Events Board will p r e s e n t a series of c o n c e r t s in the Palace T h e a t e r in Albany o n April 25 a n d 2 6 . Herbie Mann a n d Ten Wheel Drive with G e n y a Ravan will appear on April 2 5 , and Mountain, Grand Funli Railroad, and The Ashley Brothers will a p p e a r on April 2 6 . Prices for the c o n c e r t s are $ 1 . 5 0 w i t h t a x a n d $ 4 . 0 0 w i t h o u t for t h e April 25 c o n c e r t , and $ 2 . 0 0 with tax a n d $ 5 . 0 0 w i t h o u t for t h e April 26 c o n c e r t . B o t h concerts will begin at 8 : 0 0 p . m . T h e c o n q u e s t (Wyness McClung) is a t h i r t y - t h r e e year old attractive female w h o also provokes him into rage by laughing a t his lack of experiences. She inserts a short, m o n o l o g u e a b o u t her girl's death in a fire as well as the ugly c o n d i t i o n s of welfare and filth that make her w a n t to escape. This s h o r t scene was an a m a z i n g blending of a sad, boring life of a w o m a n w h o creates a t e m p o r a r y feeling of powerful m a n h o o d in the son. This heroic ecstasy is suddenly cut s h o r t when the father abuses t h e son and calls him weak. Tickets will go on sale M o n d a y , April 20, a n d will be available at the SUNYA Campus Center lobby, a n d at Van Curler's R e c o r d Co. b o t h in A l b a n y a n d S c h e n e c t a d y . mm get involved! Applications Funk Mel S c h a c h e r s h o w n b e l o w ) will also b e are now available for C&mrapMS Ceiraiteir G@weirininini Pick np at CC Info Desk applications for Academic Affairs Commission • Turn into CC 364 by April 22 All interested people welcome to apply!! FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 8 It couldn't happen here... Violence on Colonial Quad Continued from page 1 cut into the serving line. Several trays were overturned. The dinner line was closed. There was "a lot of movement" in the dining room, but between the entrance of sever* al security guards and the urging of a black male student, the group was quieted. The blacks left the dining area and congregated in the flag room on State Quad. Rumors that a group would proceed to the Campus Center Snack Bar at 11:0O pm were never realized. No further damage was reported after the flag room incident. Later on Wednesday night a group of black students congregated outside Clinton Hall on Colonial Quad. Students in the Alpha Pi Alpha section were told by an RA to stay in their rooms. Blacks ented the APA lounge area and asked students to come out, "because all they wanted to do was rap and get things out in the open." Upon meeting no response, the black students left. Peter Haley said that the tentative date for reopening Colonial Quad's dining facilities is Saturday. Haley also said that no one in FSA on Colonial Quad had quit his job, contrary to many rumors afoot. "Sunday's Incidents" Sunday's outbreak began when a black female .student accompan- ied by her sister and brother -in-law approached the Colonial Quad food line. The student had a meal card but her two guests, here for the Black Cultural Weekend, did not Nor did they have special "guest passes" which food service provided for the additional black students on campus. The puss entitled them to eat at a reduced rate. The guests were informed of the plan in effect but refused to pay and, with the student, proceeded through the dinner line. The checker summoned the quad food supervisor who also explained that the guests could not eat without paying. The female student replied that her guests would eat "and there is nothing you (the supervisor) can do about it." At this point, the supervisor confiscated the meal card in accordance with procedure specified in back of the contract cards. {It was returned Monday.) Then the scu f fling began, the student punching and slapping the supervisor. Apparently, her blouse was puller over her face, so the supervisor could not identify who did the punching, although she is certain more thun one person was involved. He hair was also pulled while whe was being punched. A female resident assistant also came to help, and it is alleged that two black males assaulted her. Blacks deny this, though marks are visible on the side of her face convince a Black gir! thai she was stupid and should drop the course. Therefore there would be no Blacks in the class. 9. Policemen peering through Black students' windows. 10. Racism in regards to positions of dorm directors. There are 20 positions and none are Black. 11. Summer of 1969: When Blacks applied for R. A. positions they were told that when they start digging White people they become R.A.'s. 12. WSUA White disc jockeys refused to play requests for Black students last semester. 13. Racist R.A.'s on Dutch Quad have a racist attitude toward Black students. 14. Dean of Nursing in interviews acts hostile towards Black applicants by asking questions pertaining to race. 15. White boys during the summer wrote derogatory remarks towards Blacks on the pillars (Nigger). 16. The Blacks were told that they couldn't play football on the grass but the whites could use the grass for Frisbee (Dutch Quad). 17. The Varsity basketball coach is prejudiced. Only one Black is on the team. 18. Bert Eversley was given an extremely difficult time about using the Recital Hull for Black week- •'The Aftermath" Sardines Dear Sunya Sardine: Right on! But, Mr. Sardine don't say you can't live offcampus when its simply a case of you don't want to. I am an off-campus student, living within walking distance of the University bus line (12 min.) and my heart bleeds for you. I do not have money to burn, far from it, but the difference in price between University housing and my share of apartment expenses (2 people) is grent enough (about $2.00 a week this year) that it is worthwhile to walk 12 min, in the cold for: Those were the events up until the early hours of Friday morning. There were no incidents Thursday night, though the campus remains somewhat tense and further action cannot be ruled out at the point. Security police ate, in uniform, at the two operating uptown quads, this was in response to a request by food service for protection for workers and students dining meal hours. Haley pledged that further incidents at any uptown quad would be a cause for food service personnel to go on an immediate walkout which would completely close down all Food Service operations. Statement. the night they were locked out of their dorm. Fight on. Maybe Oncumpus life can be made bearable. Sincerely, Free and Happy (Name witheld) CURE Support To the University Community: We, the undersigned academic advisors and deans of University College do hereby endorse the CURE proposal and urge that it be adopted at the April 20, 1970 University Senate meeting and that it be instituted upon adoption. Mary Ansuini Ronald Howells Margaret Akom Robert H. Gibson Richard Collier Michael Shienvold ASP Policy Editors in Chief Gary Cell and Anita Thayer Managing Editor News Editors . . Assistant News Editors Arts Editor Sports Editors .... Technical Editors . City Editor Wire Service* Editor Business Manager . . Circulation Manager Production Manager Advertising Manager National Ad Manager . Photography Editor . . hit trilem Nancy Durish Carol Hughes 'MSenia Viclii Y.eldut • Linda Waters Robert Familant • • ihwe Fink Tom Clingan Linda Staszalt Harry Eirschncr A rulynn A hare Chuck tubals Sharon I'hilipson Clloria llollislcr JeffHodgers Phil Communications Making History 1. Privacy 2. Freedom (I unlock my own door with one of two keys.) 3. Quiet (No parties or riots till -1 a.m. when 1 want to sleep.) Patricia Paine •I. Neighbors 1 don't have to Craig Springer live with. Lucille PWtchard 5. Relief from the white sterile Kathryn Scharl mound that is SUNYA in winter. Gerald Westervelt 6. Colored walls (Mint green, Louis Saltrelli very resl ful to the eyes.) R.A. McCracken 7. I like to burn candles Bruce Gray H. (The most important) Theodore (Ted) Hill GOOD NUTRITION Paul Mann I am not forced to buy a food William Honnick plan which serves tasteless food William Becker from which all of the vitamins Betty Blando have been cooked away. My food is hot, not warm and made from fresh foods, not surplus Government Garbage. And I have a good cup of coffee, not University diuretic. 9. Nobody kicks me out on Dear Journalist Gelt and Thayer: end. This building is a pari of the university holidays May 1 comment briefly about community. Also unnecessary complain Us were your editorial policy? made about the conditions of the Main Theatre If you learn to handle money, I have serious reservations after the Black weekend. learn how to buy and prepare 19. The Director of Housing gave students hassles food, learn how to clean, and about it. It would seem that the about using residence quarters during the summer of how to do laundry you can live ASP should serve the entire uni versity community. It appears 1969. better for less. It only requires a that it is primarily an organ of ex 20. In the month of November a bus driver made a willingness not to be pampered. pression for a minority segment 01 remark that all Blacks should be killed. However, I do agree that sar- the student body. The news col 21. Black students were told that they should have dine packing is bad, especially in umns represent biased reporting their own games in their own league because no one view of Dr. Thome's comment on procedures. An effective newswould referee their games. the suicide rate in unbroken, fore- paper could and should work for 22. Harassment of Black students on Stale Quad s h o r t e n e d semesters. Has Dr. the interests of the entire student when they wish to study or purchase food in the Thome also seen the suicide rate body. basement of the tower after 1 1:00 p.m. for areas of extremely high popuAre you equal to facing the 2.'i. Three Black students were refused passage on lation density. It certainly creates challenge? bus because they did not have I.D. Yet S white food for thought. students were allowed to board without showing One suggestion. Why don't the Sincerely, any I.D. girls of Eastman tower demand H. Craig Sipe 2't. Residents Assistants told the cleaning people the return of one nights rental for that over the Easter vacation a certain suite in Eastman Tower should not be cleaned. 25. A white man who checks meal tickets snatched a Black girl's meal card on April 13. 26. A Black student has been threatened by a The Albany Sludcnl Press is published twice a week by Ihe fraternity saying that they were going to "kick his Studenl Association of the State University of New York al ass." Albany. The ASP editorial office is located in room 334 of Ihe 27. A black girl is constantly being confronted by instructors in Chemistry and Biology. Campus Center building. This newspaper was founded by the Class of | 0 | 8 and is funded by student tax. ASP phones are 457-2100 and 457-2104. If no answer, messages may be left al 457-3430. Black Students9 Continued from page I and eye. At any rate, the two males remain unidentified at the present Some students and members of the kitchen staff soon broken up the fighting. Security was summoned, and a repor', was filed. The RA and supervisor were taken to Albany Medical Center, where they were x-rayed and releaser . The student was arrested Monday by security police and turned over to Albany city police. There was a hearing on Monday morning, the student was released on bail. Communications Erunchini Andy llochherg All communication! should be addressou to the editors end mast he .igned. Name, will be witheld on request. Letter, are limited to 300 words end are subject to editing. Editorial policy of the Albany Student vress is determined by the Editors-in-Chluf. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS To the Editors, Well, it's over, As much as anything can be over at SUNYA, the great Social Science Close-Out is ended. The History department has been given the Grad Assistantships it demanded and has ceased fire. To the history students who attended the HSA meeting the Tuesday before last, the issue never was assistantships. King Krosby gave a long speech on the failure of the Administration to grunt new faculty lines to (hire new faculty for) the department. To those who thought lines were the issue, you were wrong. The faculty care more about GA's than they do about better education, which in this case means more faculty. The buld tactic of using students as pawns has worked, and we can count on being used again. Whenever the faculty can "strike" by putting the screws on the undergraduates, they will. But they will find out, as Perry Silverman said in last Tuesday's ASP, "individual pride will deter a person from continuing to work with those who have trodden upon him." In a few years, the department will find that their former undergraduates will not do their dirty work. We need more faculty in the History department, and the time to demand them is now. The faculty is quite satisfied with the RA's they have been given, but the history students will never be. In peace, Tom Clingan A Real Jew Dear Mr. Shaw, It is true that we Jews have a rich and beautiful heritage, and I fully sympathize with your concern over its decline in Modern America. But along with our edu- cation ethic, our hospitality ethic and our beautiful ceremonies and holidays, is something we can do well without - our paranoia. At any time up to our generation "paranoia" would not be the word. We have been persecuted for centuries. Some kids are still brought up in fear of competition with the N.Y.C. Jews. But this generation, particularly our Gentile brothers and sisters in the University community, are not buy* ing. Sure, the stereotypes aren't gone. They will only be obliterated when those people who hold them in their heads interact with Jews • Jews who don't consider themselves outsiders and so don't act as outsiders. For anti-Semitism is often in the eye of the beholder. We can never live up to the ideals of our Torah by hiding behind the Star of David. Yours in peace Trying to be a Real Jew Name witheld Helping Kids Dear Students, After hearing all the gripes of students one group decided that it was time for the University to get involved in the community. The organization was set up; and was decided that on weekends children from Albany's South End would be brought on campus and shown "a plain, good time," no altruistic motives just a good time. A meeting was called in November and the turn-out was wonderful. The first activity was set up and only i 1 students were to be used, the remaining students were told that there was plenty of activities to come. The committee planned activities and at the last meeting only 1 1 students show up. Prior to this we mimeod 800 leaflets and 10 poster which were handed out around campus, Often it is said that students today want a worthwhile activity to expend there efforts in. \ The KIDS committee has presented some and it's time for the students to act. (The next activity is April 25 if enough people showed up). Although the 11 students who came were truly interested, the projects need many more of you, the student body. Larry Pfeffer On Jazz Editorial Comment Cure Implies Maturity There are some that envision the passage of the CURE proposal as creating more problems than will be solved. Any type of freedom creates certain responsibilities. But somehow it must be possible for education to proceed as students define their own needs. This means that faculty and administration will no longer be able to implement arbitrary advice and advisement will become more important. Students will no longer be able to rationalize poor performance with the complaint that a particular course had no appeal to him and he was "only fulfilling a requirement." Administrators must show the maturity to trust students to take care of themselves. Administrators can make a large contribution to the educational community if they learn when to step back when they are no longer needed. Individual maturity from all of us is not too great a price to pay for education. With the implementation of the liquor policy and 24-hour open houses, students were allowed to control their own bodies. The CURE proposal can free our minds, and maybe some day our spirit will be liberated, too. At first there may be some mechanical difficulties. Enrollment in required courses may drop, and attract fewer, but more interested students. This is legitimate and unavoidable. Professors will waste less of themselves, where they are not appreciated. Resources may need to be shifted but this is not a real problem, and simply requires some administrative implementation. The end of requirements will not affect the "well-rounded" student. The "well-rounded" student is a myth. Learning tools rather than a mass of knowledge should be the end of undergraduate education. Required courses do little to sharpen learning skills; unless one accepts cramming as a life-style. The CURE proposal will not cure all problems of the university, but it is an useful beginning. Bob Rosenblum— I just finished reading your article Jazz in the ASP and I agree with you all the way. For the last two years, I have enjoyed the jazz festival as a welcome relief from the c o n s t a n t rock concerts SUNYA always comes up with. Personally, I enjoy jazz but, in general, I agree with you that the festival gave a chance for a cultural education in music. And, really, after Greek Weekend, there is no need to have more rock groups right now. There is much in right-now jazz that could really turn on a lot of people. Although the concerts were never packed, they were never empty; and I feel that more and more young people are becoming aware. Also, I hardly AT. think that the fact that half of the people at the concerts were adults is something to frown at. At last year's concerts (especially Elvin Jones and Olatungi) many black people from the area were in Having witnessed lasl month's riles of spring, wc prcseni a attendance. I just can't buy Mr. Lichen- considerably shortened lisl of Ihe wrongs of spring: TXO brothers accosting everyone who walks inlo the Campus stein's justification for including rock with jazz—maybe he just Center until each individual sinks $30 in nickels into Ihe Muscular isn't aware of what has been and Dystrophy cause. . . dry fountains. . .NLOC's weekly (weakly?) is going on in jazz today. The Wednesday People's Park picnic. . ALC pledges, arrayed in leotards, musicians are rich and varied and to distract from the substance of dancing in llic fountain. . . Professors who refuse to hold classes outside, fearing their classes jazz by the inclusion of rock is a bit of a cultural crime. They are will be just as stuffy as when held inside. . .the Education Deparlmenl two different things. Mr. Lichen- behaving more secretly than the CIA when it comes lo releasing stein would do better to come up sludcnl leaching assignments . . .the front of Ihe Campus Center with a flood jazz program—heaven know he has a lot to pick from— littered with reams of worthless leaflets. . . and he might be surprised at the People who wrile more Mian one leller a week In the editors. . success he can have. Q e r j M a U g e .People who never write letters In the cdilor. . .people who sil in Ihe '70 library on a beautiful day. . .people who sil in class on a beautiful day. .people who don't make every day a beautiful day. . . Wrongs of Spring G.G. visitations On Wednesday, in the niidsl of the nations spectacular anti-war movement, Albany State's handful of radicals "boldly" poured info "People's Park" on the west end of Ihe podium. If nothing else these people are It) be admired for their nerve in trying to take the university with a force nol much larger than the University'* action ready security squad. Home of them watled through the concrete flower pots in Ihe center of the podium making fruitless appeals for support. The students, satisfied with their concrete sun spots, were difficult to differentiate from Ihe slone on which they rested. Behind Ihe campus center yesterday's love children were no more affected by the appeal to action, and remained committed to their frisbees. A failure for the radical NLOC? Many will rejoice at this idea as I thought 1 would. After watching the Moratorium Day events on Ihe news I realized that if "People's Park ' is a failure il is a failure that belongs to till of us. The left appears to want the same lliings we have all been hitching about for years: an end to Ihe war, an end to racism, and end to pollution for Ihe sake of profit, and end to political Irials and political!ties, etc. The New Left lias reviewed these problems as unseparable while we've viewed I bent as separate entities and established a system of priorities that keeps Blacks waiting while we courageously end the war. The difference between the majority of us anil Ihe Now Left is a difference of means. We wanl spectacular rallies and education of the people and they wanl action. I question some of the ways in which we've attacked today's radicals. Sure SDS had problems with ego-trips and fragmentation just as all groups I PAGE 9 Passing Over have- If they were nol in some way screwed up by society why would they be revolutionaries'.' The greatest objection to radicals is their frequent advocation of violence. It's becoming increasingly difficult to say "why don't you he a nice guy and listen," lo the p<rpetuators of genocide, the imprisoncrs whose pollution is certain to kill us all if radical priorities aren't met. This is a violent soeiely and always lias been. Perhaps Ihe radicals are simply being realistic. I think my animosity to radicals litis been based largely on my own fears. Do I really believe that violence shouldn't lie used against the police who conspired lo tleslory protesters in Chicago and a nation whose newest CIA sponsored leader (Cambodia) is carrying on a reign of genocide only surpassed by our own in Vietnam.' Probably I've just been seared shit of gelling my own bead busted so 1 call myself non-violent. The radical movement also called for a total commitment that may force me to kick over tile secure nest I've been eagerly building for myself. So who has failed'.' We've hail our weekends in Washington and our candle lit marches. We've slootl by while a small number from our mass resisted for us and wenl to jail. By and large we've respected the appeals of our liberal politician friends and haven't broken any laws. The war still goes on growing. Our air gets worse every tlay. Insecticides are constantly being outlawed for certain uses but not for sale; so profits are still booming, lienocide is still the norm, and Blacks slid Ihe politicians toy. We've hail a great time doing our three or four time a year peace thing. I think it's time to search inside ourselves and take a new look al the "New Left." Name Withheld The Albany Student Press will not publish Tuesday, April 21, lo allow stuff members lo celebrate the Jewish Holidays. The next issue will appear Friday, April 24. Lasl nighl Central Council once again proved ils it responsibility. '['hey in no way considered Ihe results of the Passover boycott referendum a referendum initialed by Council itself. The referendum was conducted by Political and Social Positions Committee who considerately revealed Ihe results lo Central Council hut did nol lake any further action. PSP completely washed their hands of Ihe icl'eicmlum alter distributing a memo merely listing Ihe results. However, PSP's basic irresponsibility docs nol free Central Council from blame. Council should have asked PSP fur further recommendations. Wc admit they may have had a busy nighl Willi an appropriation request for an Interaction Ccnlct and Ihe formation of a committee lo investigate alleged incidents of racism, hut should they ignore a follow-up on previous action? Ihe answer isjemphatically NO. Il is hereby proposed that the following be enacted: that each Central Council mcnibei receive a piece of egg matzoh for their non-actions litis week and thai this hill take effect immediately (I move its adoption,) G.G. On Earth Action The earth is finite. We must slop the infinite conquest of the earth, fo do whis we need a basic change in our life style. The intention of Earth Day is In slimulate awareness. This should mil be confused with actually doing something to solve Ihe problem. Awareness may lead lo action, hut it is nol in itself action. Wednesday could be a beginning. Il is important that understanding precede action, but action must begin sometime. A.T. NOTICE University Food Service extends its gratitude to those students and staff members who assisted in clearing the aftermath of Wednesday night's events on Colonial Quad. It was quick action on the part of the students which will facilitate' an earlier opening of the cafeteria. I Sincere thanks from Food Service. ' FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 10 ASP SPORTS Lacrosse And Track Teams Victorious! LACROSSE TRACK Wednesday the Albany State Stickmen traveled to Castelton, Vermont, seeking their first win of the 1970 season and came away with a 10-6 win over their New England foes in a penalty filled contest. Mark Werder scored three times and assisted two other goals to lead the Danes while Steve Jakway and Mike Barlotta each tallied twice and had one assist each. Kevin Sheehan scored once and helped out on two other goals, Jeff O'Donnell had one goal and one assist, and Tome Mullin had one goal to finish out Albany's scoring. Castelton managed to keep the game close in the first half but Albany dominated play in the second half and in the fourth quarter Coach Muse opened the gates to the inexperienced players so as not to make a runaway of the game. One of the bright points of the game was the improved play of Albany defensemen: George Turo, Curt Smith, Tom Ostermann, and Barrie Kolstein. Aggressive play by the midfields throughout the game resulted in Albany taking sixty shots at the Castleton goal. The track team opened its season on the right foot Wednesday with a brilliant 94-51 conquest of Boston State. State took 10 firsts, 11 seconds and 11 thirds in the seventeen event meet. They scored 1,2,3 sweeps in '1 events. The meet saw State runners break existing two records. Cliff McCarg, Jay Handleman, Ross Anderson, and Marty Amerikaner set a new 440 mark of 43.5 besting the old record by .02, and Freshman Sal Rodriquez set a new 440 time of 51.5. Other Albany winners were Don Van Clove shot put, 43'4", Saul Moshenberg long jump 22 , 5and3/4", Dee Grilli discus 1 2 0 V . Freshman Tom Moore pole vaulted, 12', Freshman Dave Reynolds, high jump 6 T \ Freshman Larry Roberts Inter-Hurdles 60.2, Ross Anderson, Javelin 164'4", and the mile relay team Albany State opened its track season with an impressive 94-51 victory over Boston State. of Rodriques, Sackes, Jonathan alverson Herbst, and Jay Kaplawn were also winners. Albany record holder Marty Amerikaner finished 2nd in the 100 at 10, 2-10 of a second off his own record which was tied by the winner, Boston State's Jones. In all it was a highly successful meet and Head Coach Bob Munsey deserves also of credit for Saturday, at 2 p.m., the lacrosse having the team ready despite AMIA softball finished its first a fine pitching performance by Al Reprinted from the Albany team hosts a tough Adelphi squad weather which made early prac- week of play with games on Tues- Zaremba. In League II, the Head Times-Union. which promises to be one of the tices less than intolerable. day, Wednesday, and Thursday. Comix were smashed by TXO hardest fought contests of the State meets Hartwick for its first Former Milne track star Don 19-10, while STB was edging DSP season. The game will begin at 2 home meet Saturday. Run On! Van Cleve doesn't like his name in Tuesday's action saw STB's 9-7, led by the combined efforts the newspapers, but he keeps p.m. league I team finally get rolling by of second baseman Paul Passan- doing things that put it there. defeating APA's pledge team 11-3, tino and right fielder Barry FeinLike yesterday Van Cleve tossed on an 18 hit barrage led by Larry berg who paced the team with 2 the shot a school record 43-4 as and 3 hits respectively. League III Meyers and Tubby Nixon who Home Sports events this weekend: State breezed by visiting Boston contributed 3 safeties each. In action saw GDX lose to the Ray- State, 9'l-f)l, in its opener. League II, BC downed the Zekes ders 10-5. Friday 1 1-0, while in League III, formula Soph Van Cleve, without a maI whipped the Raydars, 12-1. The Baseball Team vs. Pittsburgh ;i p.m. jor but leaning toward anthrowinne' . were paced by shortstop Tennis Team vs. Pittsburgh 2 p.m. pology doesn't look like a Rick Sabuiino. weight man as he stands only six ************* Saturday feet and weighs 185 pounds. D On Wednesday, APA continued "Size doesn't mean that much," its winning ways by crushing Baseball vs. Potsdam (2) Van Cleve said. "1 think it was 3 p.m. An A.M.I. A. Track Meet is sche- New Paltz that had a guy only Track and Field vs. Hartwick EEP'K League 1 squad ^1-7. The 2 p.m. duled for Saturday, May 2 al about S-foot-2, bul he out-threw Lacrosse vs. Adelphi former were led by I.si baseman 2 p.m. 10'IK) a.m. Individual awards will Tennis vs. Potsdam Jim Shears :t liils and Steve I p.m. be presented for each event. Entry Thompson's grand shim home blanks can be secured in lire Van Cleve became a weight man run. Run Wright again pile-hod well Spectators are welcomed at all events A Ml.A. Office, Physical Educa- because of an unusual reason. and il was APA's fielding which linn 1 :t 1 or llie men's cage. "1 enjoy hack meels," he said, led to many Potter runs. League 11 "and throwing the weights is a lot • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D PUty saw KB heal the Chromo easier (ban running. Thai's a lot of somes, H-3, and ALC defeat the work." : * * * * * ¥+ * * * * * ; Patriots 12-1 being led by third ************* baseman Mike Archer. In League "It was delightful," said State III APA outlasted STB 22-15. head coach Bob Munsey after the meet. "I didn't expect as many Dick Schwartz, won the pool tournament he'd in the Campus good times as we had. The onesponsors a Center. The 'ournament ended two finish of Rodriguez and Bill Yesterday, KB edged TXO 4-2 Brehm in the MO broke il open. just before the Easter vacation. in League I. There were paced by We'll have a tougher time with Hartwick Saturday." (With this Coupon) VAN CLEVE AMIA DDnnDDDnnnnnDnDnnDnnnnnn D • • • • • • • • • • • • • FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGEll Trash-in, Parade, Requium Highlight April Earth Day singing— a multi-media Environ Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22 mental Fair. is a step towards self-awareness. It Other Events hopes to spark people's consciousThree speaker and panel discusness of their impact on the envisions will be held Wednesday, ronment. concentrating on various legal asSaturday—Earth Day Parade pects of environment. Local Earth Day activities will "Environmental Law Enforcebe initiated by a parade in down- ment" is the topic of the 10:30 town Albany this Saturday. discussion. The main speaker will The parade will start in front of be Attorney General Louis Lefkothe Capitol building at 10:30 a.m. witz with Mayor Erastus Corning As the parade begins a requiem and Dr. Vincent Schaefer, the for the internal combustion engine director of Atmospheric Research will be said by Father Fred Erm- Center, SUNYA on the panel. lich. The line of marchers will pass Representative Richard by the Capitol, up Washington L. Ottinger will speak on "Citizen Avenue, and into Washington Action: Working with Legislators Park. and the Courts" at 1:30. Panelists At the park, Mayor Corning will will be Gerald Handler, Ass't Adspeak on government participa- ministrator North East Environtion in the environmental clean-up mental Health Service of HEW; program. There will also be a Peter Costas, patent attorney; and "Trash-In" which will sweep Adrian Gonyoa, former Troy City through the park to pick up pa- Manager. pers, bottles and cans. The parade is sponsored by the members of the Protect Your Environment Club (PYE) at SUNYA. The organizers welcome all to join the parade but have made three by Aralynn Abare stipulations: no motor vehicles Approximately $100 has been will be permitted, all floats must raised so far in a move to reimbe hand drawn or drawn by ani- burse the University for the apmals, and at the end of the pa- proximately $1000 damages done rade, all the materials will be to the Administration Building on sorted and used for scrap. Friday, March 13. Community Poll A box has been set up at the During this week SUNYA stu- Campus Center Information Desk in the hopes that students will dents and PYE members will be administering a poll to acquaint contribute to the fund. The effort was initiated by a PYE with community attitudes toward the environmental crisis small student-faculty group who and environmental action, and to approached Vice President Clifton establish communication between Thorne and, "to show good faith," guaranteed payment for PYE and the community. the broken windows. Environmental Fair "We did it," explained Don All day Wednesday, there will be Wilken, one the faculty involved, displays, information booths, con- "to help keep clear the record of tinuous film showing, and folk the freshman arrested. The final discussion will be "Federal Outlook on Population and the Environment." Representative Daniel Button will be the main speaker. The panel will be composed of Robert Fichenberg, Executive Editor of the Knickerbocker News and Dr. Michael Rosenzweig of the department of Biology. Buses will run to Dr. Cowley's outdoor art exhibit in Altamont, all-day Wednesday. TNT, the Now Teen Mime Troupe will present "Man and Environment" at 5:30 and 9:30 in the Performing Arts Center. There may also be picketing at Tobin's Meat Packing Wednesday afternoon to protest industrial pollution. Anyone interested in helping or finding out more about teach-in activities should stop by the PYE table in the Campus Center lobby or go to F.A. 218, 457-3913. Donations Needed For Reimbursement "It was not extortion, which many students think," he continued, "because the situation was now primarily in the hands of the judge and the arresting officer involved. The administration could only say it 'would do everything possible' to help. Sun, song and smiles are seen frequently around the University as the long-awaited spring finally breaks through Albany's harsh winter. Flower power forever! , .. THE POL. SCIENCE MAJOR SAID DICTATORIALLY: B ^E 4 5 7 - 5 3 0 0 ^ DRUGS F R U S T R A T I O N B A D T R I f TRDUR1 F H F I P SUICIDE FRUS 457-5300"^^ T R O U B L E H E L P PRESSURE A N X I E T Y D URS B A D T R I P A N XIEIY H I O L J C T COAA PRESSURE A * ! J / ' j J V W TROUBLE B A D TRIP DRUGS N E E D A N X I E T Y HELI HELF s S457-5300 "K Richard Brautigaris Trout Fishing in America The Pill wi'sus IuWalermelon iheSpringhill Sugar Mine Disaster THETA XI OMEGA CA1 WASH at LOSEE BROS. FLYING A ( B a c k or t h e Either Mike's Giant Submarine Sandwich campus) 1229 W E S T E R N AVE. Saturday, BUY 2-GET1F1EE April 18 Doiatioi $1.00 or Neba Roast Beef Sandwich Good only at: 1573 Weslcrn Ave. Cor. Colvin and Central Ave. 40-42 Central Ave. Offer expires May 3, 1970 Munsey was also happy because it was the third outdoor meet for Boston State, which also has an extensive indoor program and Al buny does not. "That pleased me." Munsey continued. "Even in the events where we didn't have good times, we had good efforts." Boston State was led by Carl Jones, who tied the track mark of <).H in the 100 and set a 220 mark of 21.9, and Lou Iluggierro, who won the HH0, mile and two-mile. The Delhi at Hudson Valley meet was postponed until Saturday. MILLER MAKES IT RIGHT! Three "Secret" Bestsellers... Iwo novels and a book ol poetry together n ono houso-liko Dolncoilo Pross hardcover volume |$6 951, or separately, SEND US in lllroo shock-like) Delta paperbacks ($1 95 each) "Rut Ihoro is nothing lilo R.clin'il Brautrgan nnywhnro Perhaps, whon we are very old, people will write Hiauhgans, just as wo now wiilo novels lot us hope so " - S o n Franrisco Sunday f vumrner <S Chronicle Seymour Lawrence Books tucket firtorni rl fo r > Srtti H'W'i-r. StlMIUHIl Shea, Ktllllumt SI ncl TA ROOKS A YOUR AD-VERBIAL PUNS ABOUT COLLEGE MAJORS. IP PUBLISHED, WE'LL SEND YOU A REFRESHING REWARD. OOLLKUK BOX 482 © MILLER DREW. CO. MII.W., WIS. KI201 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 12 FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 ABBIE HOFFMAN: A Woodstock Sermon on the Mount. # by J. Stephen Flavin and Carol Hughes Replete with the heavy sounds of improvised pagan beats syncopated by sporatic human wailings of contemporary injustice, Skidmore College sponsored Abbie Hoffman in a Woodstock Sermon on the Mount beneath the celestial light. Abbie Hoffman became prosecutor for "the people." The establishment's Pontius Pilate, Judge Julius Hoffman "a Geritol freak" was verbally crucified before 3,000 jurors gathered to pass judgement on the society of their parents. In most courts it is possible to obtain delays or postponement of trial but "Judge Hoffman said, 'I am old, we gotta hurry!' Motion denied, denied, denied, died, killed, buried!'" i"We started out to give Julie a heart attack, we gave the court system one too!" Nearly 200 years ago, some "long haired cats fought here in Saratoga to be free. Free means you don't have to pay. The only place you could be free in high school was in the toilets. They aren't even free anymore, 10 cents a quarter in some places • that's capitalist progress!" Hoffman frequently recalled "Americans with a V not with a 'k' like in Washington;" historical figures who represented the true view of freedom. Washington, Jefferson (who advocated revolution every 10 years), Franklin and Lincoln are the ancestors of today's revolutionaries and ironically their pictures hung behind Judge Hoffman throughout the conspiracy trial. Paul Revere was specifically referred to as representative of the same revolutionary fervor that was displayed by Bostonians in Harvard Square on Wednesday. " On the eighteenth of April in '75..." Paul Revere, standing on the banks of the Charles, looked across at the "biggest strobe light" coming from North Church. At the signal he jumped on his motorcycle and rode through the streets yelling "The pigs are coming, the pigs are coming!' Freedom as a real value is best understood by the young revolutionaries each working to overthrow the repressive yoke of capitalism. Do you know why there's a shortage of grass? "There's a man in the Injustice Department--Herr Kleindienst He says you're all ideological criminals. He sends planes to make war on a plant." Shouldn't the grass grow free? If they make pot legal in Canada, 'there'll be an interesting border war." " W o o d s t o c k , they said it couldn't be done. *.fler it was done Rockefeller declared it a disaster area. We hope it was—a disaster for you!" This system and its creator, the Protestant Work Ethic " has to go down the drain. Work is a dirty word. We will build a system where we integrate work and play. When this system is ripped down we'll put Heaven in its place. There'll be food for all." We'll eat the pigs! 'Violence has to be redefined. Lyndon Johnson got on National Boob Tube after Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated and said in memory of his name we must be non-violent. Holy shit! Lyndon Johnson is a pacifist. We can have sit-ins in the Mekong Delta and sing 'We Shall Overcome' in Chicago!" Vol. LVII No. 16 seize the day State University of New York at Albany Requirement Elimination, University Senate Accepts CURE Plan —benjamin "'We're outlaws in the eyes of America" he asserted. "You're an outlaw- act like it!" American youth knows how to break the system. "We're their kids!" " Love it or leave it they say. We left it!" American politics must be fought out in the streets, not the courts not the voting booth. Even though the 'flower children' believe in love, there is a need for a redefinition of violence. Capitalism is violent." The system is based on violence. "Anything done to destroy that system is done in love." "To love we have to survive. To survive we have to fight." "The streets are the only court we have left in this country." Justice must be redefined, as violence must be. "The law and courts ain't got a fuckin' thing to do with justice." This was a nation born and baptized in revolution. "This nation is responsible for war and pollution. They want to give us haircuts. Unless we stick together we'll have our hair cut together. Barbershop poles are red, white, and blue-why? Think about it!" 1 They can call us anything, anything as long as we know we are young we are proud, and we stick together " Does it hurt to chill beer twice? Not that you'd want to. Sometimes it just happens . . . like after a picnic, or when you bring home a couple of cold 6-paks and forget to put 'em in the refrigerator. Does rechilling goof up the taste or flatten the flavor? Relax. You don't have to worry. A really good beer like Budweiser is just as good when you chill it twice. We're mighty glad about that. We'd hate to think of all our effort going down the drain Yes? just because the temperature has its ups and downs. You can understand why when you consider all the extra trouble and extra expense that go into brewing Bud®. For instance, Budweiser is the only beer in America that's Beechwood Aged. So . .. it's absolutely okay to chill beer twice. Enough said. (Of course, we have a lot more to say about Budweiser. But we'll keep it on ice for now.) No? Budweiser is the King of Beers. (Bui you know thai.) -benjamin ALBANY STUDENT PRESS ANHCUSEB-BUSCH, INC. . ST. LOUIS . NEWARK . 10S ANOEUS . TAMPA . HOUSTON . COLUMBUS . JACKSONVILLE by Bob Warner rejected CURE. This does not The University Senate over- have any validity, though. CURE whelmingly passed the CURE pro- is p r e s e n t l y on President posal last Monday, which elimin- Kuusisto's desk awaiting expected ates all undergraduate require- approval. It must also be formally ments except for Ihe major and registered at the State Education minor requirements and physical Department. This procedure is a education. more formality, however; rumors The Senaie stated that CURE spread by signs outside the Camwould "herald the beginning of pus Center are unfounded, therenew educational patterns at this fore. To check out the rumors, irate university." The concept of the "well-rounded man" was rejected, and confused students numbering as well. Senate's feeling was that il over fiO gathered at the Senate is both morally wrong and waste- meeting in the Ballroom yesterday ful to require sludenls lo take afternoon. Steve Villano, who incourses that they have no interest lroduced the CURE hill, emphatiin, and cannot be forced Lo take cally denied the rumors, lie said an interest in, despite efforts by that the Board of Trustees will professors lo whip sludenls with not judge CURE either way, and Ihal the Senate has been the final the grade. O t h e r arguments supporting authority on the proposal. Dr. Amid the turbulence of spring: CURE were that most required Finklestein, the Vice-Chairman of "Man suckled o er with the pale shade of thought. •benjamin courses "glorify memories", intro- the Senate, said that the Boaiu <.>• ductory courses are a waste, pro- Trustees and the University Counfessors could be freed from the cil do not concern themselves lower level courses to Leach more with school curriculum. He redesirable classes, and that most of ferred to the case of Buffalo, the required courses are irrelevant which liberalized its requirements to the students' life. The most two years ago with no objections cogent argument in favor of from the SUNY-Buffalo Board of CURE was that this does not Trustees or University Council. prohibit anyone from taking the (The Senate never formally conThe following is a statement issued by Ihe Third World Liberation Front early this week. For required courses, but merely gives vened on Thursday because there commentary see the editorial panes. those who do not wish to follow a wasn't a quorum.) restrictive educational plan the Results of the CURE poll were The actions thai occured on Wednesday were not planned, but totally spontaneous and they were not freedom to do so. released: 1911 voling in favor, aimed at the white students ol" Albany Slate. The minority of Senators who 1 19 against and K abstaining. opposed CURE fell that students Other business at Monday's SenThis incident was the culmination of two and a null years ol continuous, overl and institutional racism need a disciplined education, an ate meeting was the introduction education that is designed to dis- of a resolution which would pro- Ihal has gone unacted upon. These events obviously, (lo the lilack Sludenls ol' Albany Slale) bred the cipline the student's mind, and hibit Senaie from taking political l thai the information gathered stands. The resolution, which was incidents ol Wednesday, April 15, l )70. Il must be realized that racism generates frustration and that this from the required courses is really introduced by Regis Deuel, called frustration manifests ilscll in the only possible manner, violence! Il has been due to the deaf ears of an secondary. for the limitation of "the Senate's unreceptive Administration Ihal this incident had lo occur! The Administration of Albany State Dean Perlmutter attempted to jurisdiction and its agenda to maimoderate the CURE proposal; lers pertaining to the governance University has nollaken a position and lias, in lac I, perpetrated institutional racism on this campus. We however, he failed to do so. His of this university." The resolution believe that the incident which occurred on Wednesday, April 15, ll)70 was solely fostered by an inept ammendment would have reContinued on page 12 Administration. quired the student to take 39 of his free elective credits outside the I hud World I iteration Front fields of his major or minor. His rationale was that students might Lake all or nearly all of their credits in their specialization, which he felt was antithetical to CURE. The CURE proposal did finally pass intact after seven months of work by the committee of six students: Steve Villano, Steve around the campus. Vice President O'Reilly Book in., Vernon Bryant, Phil CanO'Reilly indicated that strongly denied last night that tor, Sue Elherger, and Aline Lepkin. Kuusisto would sign the meapressure was being applied by The following courses are not sure to end University requireUniversity Council or the SUNY required under the CURE proments as soon as technicalities Board of Trustees to have Presiposal: are ironed out. dent Kuusisto veto the CURE 1. English composition— !J creThese include notifying the proposal. "Absolutely no presdits State Education Department sure of any kind" is being used, 2. Art, literature, music, philosophy— 9 credits and the central administration he said. This is contrary to the 3. Foreign language— 6 credits of the plan. This is being done current rumors circulating •1. Social Sciences— I 2 credits but may take time since the 5. Math and science— 1 2 credits State Ed. Department "has a lot The CURE proposal applies to of responsibilities." all undergraduates, including CENTRAL COUNCIL graduating seniors, but will not Also, Kuusisto is awaiting a ELECTIONS affect professional programs or copy of the motion so the exact departmental majors. (Teacher wording can be checked before education requirements are still STUDENT TAX it is signed. O'Reilly would not 22 credits.) REFERENDUM speculate on how long this proPhysical Education is required, cess would take, claiming that but the amount (one year or two) is to be decided each year accordthe matter is "on the way to the ing to state law. President." April 28, 29, 30 Before Thursday afternoon's He also refused to be pinned Senate meeting, however, rumors at Monday's University Senate down as to when the announceSteve Villano takes a stand canpus center hud been spreading all over camman lounge ment would be officially made. meeting while fellow senator takes a snooze. pus that the Board of Trustees ...bcnjamin Third World Front Charges An "Inept* Administration CURE Proposal: Rumors Countered By Adndnistration vote