Our Time

Our Time
Turning on the letvet In steady convolution away from someone else's
scene, I returned to myself finding only loneliness and longing for
what I left behind. Ah, the past had too great a future for me to go
now on my own, Like amber it encrusted me. Though I knew the
crust was cracking and I was to join the rest free in a world of heady
feeling, some of the shell was my skin, my mind, my own self. My:
own self-made by someone else when I didn't look because
distractions turned my soggy head. In the company of myself, for 20
years I knew there was something wrong. When I was alone I would
die, call, read for five minutes, live and die again, talk to myself
cower and crumble, crack and reach for stability in the familiarity of
someone else's presence.
But I knew, oh yes, I knew that that someone was someone,
jmething I made up to reaffirm the crust the safety of amber, of
deceit, of anti-soul. But what could I do knowing nothing but derived
sympathy, secondary humanity. So I sat and melted into comforting
subservience. Ah, you young people, it's nice to see you committed to
ridding us of poverty and pollution. But wait-you really don't want to
destrou war do you? I mean war against communists of course and
race riots and poverty and pollution? But we want to continue having
all sorts of wars and you can't stop us because no one has the right to
impose their will on others; but us-we can impose our will on you and
them and the whole world because we are the whole world so we are
your and their will. We are, of necessity, representing and acting in
accordance with your best interests. Oh laugh, laugh, the whole world
is insane. Don't you see?
We can't care auout your heads and hearts anymore, strangers, it is
our time now.
Vol. LVII No. I
State Unioenitij of New York at Albany
Tuwday, February 10, W70
Our University Senate acts;
but in non obligatory manner
by Anita Thayer
Tenure Question
must be a more intelligent and sophisticated means
to voice disapproval... So Stratton and Jeffrey,
think before you embark upon another malicious
diatribe. We've known Mrs. Kendall for four years...
We don't feel like "Niggers."
To the Editors:
During the last school year the University as a
No one can deny that we are prepared. Armed with a gas mask in whole
received the directive to involve students
one hand and a machine gun in the other, with fear in our hearts and more closely
in the decision-making process and to
hate pervading our guts, with senseless wars as a fitting background "open the lines
Harvey/ Casper
of communication" between the
and nuclear overkill as the essential deterrent, and with poverty and faculty, the administration,
Arthur Debin
hunger as the supporting cast, mankind prepares to entertain the students themselves.
Since February of this year the History
For the past few weeks, I have been one of the
No one can deny that they have readied, also. With reforms of Department has made an attempt to do so. At that
curriculum in the left hand and a healthy disdain in the right, with time Dr. Clara Tucker had been considered for students circulating a petition which asked for a
money as its nourishment and qualified 'technicians' as its waste tenure but was denied. Students within the new referendum on the question of mandatory
product, with irrelevancy as a backdrop and learning as a camouflage, department organized on her behalf and formed the student tax; we obtained about 1900 signatures. A
week ago this petition was given to Central Council
the University also sends greetings to the new decade.
History Students' Association.
Ten years of incredible progress have brought us to the nadir of
Since that time history students have become so that its validity could be checked before action
human existence. Our greatest goods totally debased by our most more directly involved with the department and was taken on the motion.
This week 1 discovered that some of the students
unimaginable horrors, we now reach the next milestone. Into the now serve on its standing committees.
'70's, off we go!
Unfortunately, the position of Dr. Tucker remains who had signed the petition were called by by
members of Central Council. They were asked not
What path will we take? Greater horrors of untold dimensions may in doubt.
await us - or will there - can there- be a reversal of our suicidal
Earlier this semester al a meeting of all only if they had signed the petition but why they
departmental tenured faculty, Dr. Tucker's case was had signed it. Although this method of telephoning
Will the University ever listen to those whose only stake in the reviewed. She received the overwhelming has never been used on any other petitions, I was
University is their lives? Can the day ever come when excellent recommendation of her colloagues; however, informed by Central Council that thev would
professors who can inspire and motivate are not fired because of minority reports were submitted by a few of them. continue to use this procedure in the future . I
jealousy and misunderstandings on their colleagues part?
The departmental recommendation then proceeded strongly question the implication that the Council's
Will this nation, for example, be wise enough to reevaluate herself to the Arts and Sciences Committee on Promotion right to "review" petitions goes any further than to
honestly? Can she throw off a system which makes economy and and Continuing Appointments where it was ascertain whether or not the students did indeed
capital far mor precious than human life? Can she abolish a racist summarily overturned. Upon request, this decision sign it, which has always been done by checking the
sickness which devours her insides?
will soon be reviewed by the University Council on student numbers.
Can this polluted planet redeem itself from its approaching suicide? Promotions and Continuing appointments.
Few students on the SUNYA campus will sign
Can mankind ever end the scourge of war - a concept rooted in the
Dr. Clara Tucker is one of the few outstanding any future petitions if they feel that Central Council
accepted belief that human life is not as valuable as trash?
is going to call on them to justify their positions at a
So, what can we do? Joan Baez put her finger on it, baby. 'It is not undergraduate teachers at this University despite her later date. If nothing else, this method is an invasion
anyone else who is going to get us out of the bloody mess we arc in - lack of publications. Her classes arc always filled to of privacy and assuredly does not represent a
capacity: a result not only of her popularity, but a
if is only you and only me.'
legitimate function of Central Council.
We must rethink our values, and derive that which best benefits testimcnl to her ability as a teacher. She has
humanity. We must question, demand, examine, and act. We must say
'no' when we know that mankind will benefit from that answer. Wc study of history.
Barbara Will
must transcend the ridiculously antiquated notion of national interest,
Dr. Tucker has been judged unnecessarily and
in respect for the reality of world-wide interests.
More Communications on Page 11.
unfairly. The procedures established to review
We must accept life as a mystical experience, holier than all else, departmental decisions on promotion and tenure
and then act to preserve and upgrade it.
were designed to insure adherence to the policies of
You, the Great Lazy Majority, must realize your stake in a rapidly the Hoard of Trustees. In this case the process has
deteriorating world.
become on of judgment rather than review. The
The picture is not glum; it is apocalyptic. But it remains for you decision reached by her colleagues, those most fit to
and 1 and all of us to get our heads together and work for a society of judge her, has been over-ruled.
The Albany Student Press' is published two
humans of the planet Earth, whose first priority, Is simply life. Like
The History Students' Association urges each and
times a week by the Student Association of the
man, what else is there?
every student who knows of Dr. Tucker's excellence State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
or has had her as a teacher to sign one of the editorial office is located in Room 334 of the
petitions currently circulating. Letters to President
Campus Centor. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
Kuusisto by students and concerned parents arc tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
always welcomed by the administration.
The ASP phonos aro 467-2190,2194.
/As the last issue of the Fall '69 ASP goes to press, we must set aside
There is a place in Ibis University for both
• Editors-In-Chief
some room to thank those people whose names never appeared in the
graduate and undergraduate teaching. If one were to
Jill Paznik & Ira Wolfman
masthead, but whose work was nonetheless invaluable to the
be sacrificed for the other, damage to the University
News Editors
Kathy Huseman
production of this paper.
community would be irreparable.
Anita Thayer
And so, we would like to offer a well merited 'thank you' to Robin
Assistant NeuiB Editors
Nancy Durish
Berger, Marsha Helfand, Karen Kozminsky, Sharon Philipson, Arlyne
History Students' Association.
Carol Hughes
Pincus, and Terry Wolf of our technical staff.
Arts Editor
Daryl Lynne Wager
Additional thanks goto our reporters, notably Judy
Sports Editor
Dave Fink
Baldisarri.Robert Holmes, William Johnson .Kevin J. McGirr, Diane
Assistant Sports Editor
Mark Grand
McNamara, Brian Moss, Judy Novicky, Dave Peck, Sharon Philipson,
i o the Editor:
Technical Editor
Pat O'Hern
Al Senia, Perry Silverman, Ken Stokcm, Robort Warner, und vlcki
We would like to make it perfectly clear, that
Assistant Technical Editors
7'om Clingan
despite the fact that Wassermnn and Rawson are
Linda Staszak
A special thank you to our typists, Lucy Grodson, Gloria I lollistei, members of our department of Rhetoric and Public Photography Editor
Marty Benjamin
andWendi Licberman.
Address, they exhibited an uncanny knack for Business Manager
Chuck Itibak
Oh, and one last thought: an extra special thank you from the
debasing the vary art which they sould have
Daniel Foxman
Editors-ln-Chlef to the masthead stair, as dedicated a staff as can be, mastered by now. In their letter to the ASP they Advertising
Features Editor
Barry Kirschner
found anywhere on the face of the earth.
resorted to McCarthy like tactics - the smear, the
innuendo, the half-truth, the unsubstantiated
Editorial policy of the Albany Student Press is
We wish you all a happy holiday—/Work for Peace!
assertions that play on the emotions. There surely
determined by the Editors-ln-Chlef.
RPA Smear
Yesterday, the Senate of the
State University of New York at
Albany "condemned the intervention of the United States in
Vietnam" and "denounced the
immoral violations of international peace and unjust interference
with the Vietnamese people's
right to self-determination" The
University Senate is the only
elected body with both student
and faculty representatives and
the only university governmental
institution with even a facade of
responsive power.
A resolution was sponsored by
.lulm T. Reilly of the English Deparlment and Jack Schwartz, an
undergraduate student representative. However, the Senate rejected the last section of the original
resolution which said thai the
Senate was "obligated" to take a
stand on important national issues
because it is the "jnjinajor representative body and appropriate
channel of expression for the
views of both students and faculty
in the University community."
The Senate was first confronted
with Vietnam Resolution at the
December 1 fi meeting. The Senate
E x ec u t i ve Committee, wbo.se
members are designated by President Kuusisto, refused to put the
resolution on the agenda as they
deemed this issue not pertinent to
the Senate function. During the
course of the meeting several attempts from the floor were made
to discuss the resolution but to no
avail. Robert's Rules of Order
reigned supreme.
The meeting was adjourned with
little accomplished in the way of
traditional Senate business but it
was clear to observers that certain
lineshad been drawn and all kinds
of games would i\vvi\ to be played
before and if the Senate would
officially condemn the war in
An informal meeting of the Senators was held cm January 12 to
allow the Executive Committee to
ascertain the sentiment of the
Senate with respect to dealing
with the resolution drafted by
Reilly and Schwarz. Suggestions
ranged from abolishing the University foconductingSenafe meetings more in the manner of Central Council meetings. As an outgrowth of this meeting it was
decided by the Executive Committee that the resolution would
bo placed first on the Senate
agenda for its next meeting.
The Performing Arts Center was
the scene of the regular January
Senate Meeting. It was an ideal
situation for dramatics. There was
a stage for the presiding officer, a
gallery in the back for visitors, and
side galleriesfor the press.
l l l l l IVI*
to also announced the exit the Tower Tribune lis
is as "a merger of pubpiiipu
l i n i l i i i . nut intended to replace
or substitute any student press."
Tin' high price of room ronts
anil their determination also was
commented upon.
seemed surprised to hear that
rents are subside/.ed by the Statu
The Vietnam resolution was
leimed among oilier things a
"tiny turd" and "a first small step
towards an affirmation of life
culture of death which is not a
minor thing."
Eventually it was decided to
divide the original resolution and
discuss whether or not the university was "obligated" to take a
stand on the nationa issues separately from the discussion of a
condemnation of the policies of
the United States in Asia.
Dr. Kuusisto, presiding officer of (he Senate and president of the
Yesterday's Senate meetings had
a few extra polishes. Several pas- University with the Senate's newest addition.
sionate speeches were made expressing concern with the "practical and basic function of the
Senate." There was also some
emotive appeals asking the Senate
to realize that to many people the
war " i s a very
by Sharon Philipson
t b i n g... h a nging over people's
A dinner line collection will be eluding refugees."
held on all quads Tuesday and
"Lives perish and hunger has a
The administration attempts to Wednesday evenings as the first in
University system. Other com- to table indefinitely the Vietnam a series of fund-raising events great part in this war," he wrote.
plaints about room cleaning and resolution itself after implying
"Myself, I am seriously affected
directed toward Biafran relief.
burglaries were discussed.
now because of hunger and nakedthat it would encourage discusConcern for the Biafran situa- ness."
Security problems drew further sion.
tion began with a pen-pal friendcomment. One student commentAn amendment was proposed
Christian also requested aid
ed that the Burns Guards might which would have meant that the ship between Jason Roth, a
not be easily reachable in Senate "condoned the growing sophomore at the University, and from Roth's parents. He explained
emergencies and questioned their group of those whose consciences Christian Ekledo from Port Hnr- the situation in Biafra: "I am
responsibility. A proposal was forbid them from serving in the court, Biafra. Their five year cor- doing evangelical work in the
Tor wounded
voiced for students to be given armed forces." This was rejected. respondence lasted until the a r m y - p r a y i n g
Biafran Civil War broke out two soldiers and giving them words of
jobs as assistants to Security perGod.
hunger and
A present of a pig's head was years ago when Roth's letters
sonnel, This would lead hopefully
to better understanding of student presented to the Senate by some by someone who escaped to seek my parents would appreciate y >ur
aid. In them, Christian said he had help in food, materials, mediproblems and responsibilities as Student visitors.
•bout 15 people in his house "in- cine."
well as greater ipb omw*»"*»'«
Help is what Roth is trying to
gather. The money raised from
the dinner collection will be used
to purchase food and other supplies which are so drastically needed. Jason is looking for people
who will help to further coordinate the drive which was formally launched February 2 with
the beginning of the new semester.
President Kuusisto has given his
support to Roth and has appointed his assistant, Soth Spellmun, to
aid the fund-raising attempt. Taxexempt status may be given to
Roth through the State University
Other fund-raising events are
being planned. A benefit dance
may be held in the near future.
Pleas will bo made to area churches in an attempt to secure money
from fellowship funds.
All contributions and offers of
hulp may be addressed to Jason
Forum of Politics hosted two guest speakers yesterday. Mr. George Flcmmlmg Jones, center, spoke on Roth, Box 227, Wuterbury Hall,
President Nixon's Lulhi American Foreign Policy; und Mr. Alexander Lvlovre/.ns, right, discussed the need 326 Wostorn Avonuo, Albany,
for returning democracy to Greece.
... benjamin 12203.
nvironment issues
spark conference
The University's interest in environment sparked the first Presidential press conference of the
second semester. President Kuusisto answered several questions
dealing with the University's
actual activity in handling its own
environmental problems.
Students deplored the emission
of the disgusting exhaust fumes
from United Traction Buses used
in transporting University students. Most people seemed to feel
that the University should act as a
leader in fighting pollution of this
type, although it was mentioned
that this t'xlvaus .V;IS less harmful
Ih.in ui hi' less v il.li' forms,
III i'li' ing of land fur
ri' building the
uiisi' also came
•il Field
nil.-: ullai'k. On • angry student
mgly urged the Pi
President to
i the iiii'luii'ii from destroying
natural selling Kuusisto cited
uwii lack ui' power ill the silua1
hull.i. "Tin Stonr approach is to
build mi ,i plane lie's I In- archileft " 1'lans come from a central
Stale University authority and
local prolesl is his only alter.
After a 45 minute wait for
quorum the meeting finally began
and the drama began The concerned, radical students who
backed the resolution were compared to Nazi student unions by a
faculty senator. A student senator
reminded the Senate that "the
blood is on our hands because we
are the murderers-..we are all responsible." Senator Kendall asked
for an indefinite postponement
and a University-wide Vietnam
referendum. Senator Reilly makes
the point that Vietnam is a focal
point for what is wrong with our
society and the university"is involved like it or not."
Friendship leads
to Biafran aid
PYE organizes,
aimed at action
There will be a double visit of
the Bloodmobile today in the
Campus Center Ballroom until 3
All EC&I 400 students (2nd
Quarter) who were involved with
the Student Education Committee, there will be a meeting
this evening at 8:00 in the Fireplace Lounge.
A standard and advanced First
Aid Course will be offered during
the Spring Semester. Classes will
be held Tuesday afternoon from
2-4 p.m., beginning February
If interested, please contact Mrs.
Meegan at 457-7588, or Gary Wilson at 457-8705.
DIALOGUE, a series of informal coffee hours for faculty and
students, will be held on Tuesdays
from 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. in the
Campus Center Patroon Lounge.
The first DIALOGUE will be held
on February 10, 1970. All stu
udents and faculty are encouraged
to attend an participate in these
informal sessions.
Advance registration for the
Spring Semester of the Free University of Judaica will take place
Monday thru Friday, February
9-13, in the Campus Center Lobby.
On Tuesday, February 10 there
will be an informal talk with Bill
Novak, editor of Response magazine, on "The Making of a Jewish
Counter-Culture," at 8:30 p.m. in
the CC Assembly Hall.
All students interested in the
free University of Judaic Studies
are invited to attend an informal
meeting on Sunday, Feb. 15, at
5'00 in the CC Patroon Lounge,
to meet with the professors and to
become acquainted with the program. Refreshments will be
There will be no NDC meeting
Wednesday night. Watch for future NDC activities.
Student teachers for 70-71, in
order for you to student teach in
any quarter of 1970-71, you must
register in the student teaching
office. You may register on any of
the days assigned for your discipline. Please note the dates below
and remember to register in Room
Ed 332. The office will be open
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm.
by Bob Holmes
"Environment is suddenly a big
I do not know whether or not
issue. Politicians, bureaucrats, and we can do anything, but we are
businessmen are leaping to record compelled to do something. Prof.
themselves in favor of a cleaner Hulstrunk predicted, with great
environment. But the record of conjecture, mass deaths within ten
achievement is rather bleak. We years, numbering around 10,000,
have had too much rhetoric and due to pollution.
too little understanding of ecological problems-while the crisis
The files are maintained at
becomes steadily worse." The pre- the Investigative Records Reposiceding was a selection from the tory at Ft. Holabird in Baltimore,
various literature obtained at the where the computerized data
second meeting of PYE (Protect bank will be installed. According
Your Environment) Club. About to Pyle, material fed into the
350 people crowded intoLC 23 to computer will fall into two genhear lectures and help to further eral categories: "incident reports"
organize the PYE Club.
concerning bombing, disorders
Why does PYE exist? What docs and demonstrations, and "personit intend to do? Here is what it ality reports" concerning the lawsays in the club constitution ful and unlawful political activity
of civilians.
passed out at this meeting.
The purpose of the PYE club
shall be:
What can you do? Join PYE.
A. To afford the opportunity There will be an Environmental
for club members to become edu- Teach-in on April 22. This is
cated and act on problems of the nation-wide and a big step in the
environment on local, state and fight to save the world. If you
want to help call Helen Ghiradella
national levels.
at 457-2788. The PYE club has its
B. To inform the public of the office in Fine Arts 218, 457-3913.
February 9 , 1 0 , 11
February 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 6
February 17, 18, 19
February 20,, 23
February 27
March 2
March 3,4
Social Studies
Business Education
Speech Pathology
Feb. 13
Feb. 13
Patchogue-Medford Public Schools
Rye Union Free School Dist. 5
Batavia City Schools
Liverpool Central Schools
Ossining Public Schools
Bronxville Public schools
Rome Public Schools
Phelps-Clifton Springs Central School
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Schools
Horseheads Central School
Mr. Kama! Monsour, renowned
lecturer on Arab and Druz issues,
will be speaking on "Coexistence
of Minorities in Israel" on Frid;iy
Feb. 13, at 2'30 in the CC Assembly Hall. All Students and faculty
are invited to attend.
Wanted: 2 excellent typists to
type for various Student Association Publications. Salary $2/hour.
Pick up further information and
applications in CC 346.
On Thursday, February 12, Dr.
Margaret Stewart will speak on
the Ecology of the Mayans, Past
and Present. Color slides will also
be shown at the Lecture which
will be hold in Biology 248 at
8:30. The lecture is sponsored by
Biology Club.
Aetna Life and Casualty-Kales
Mgmt., Admin., Analytical-All
Majors; Price Waterhouse & Co.Staff
U.S. Army-Officers- All Majors;
Regional Admin, of National
Banks-Asst. National Bank Exam.
& Asst. In Trusts- Econ. & Law;
International Harvester Co.-Sales
Trainee- Lib. Arts, Bus. Adm.,;
A d j us t m e n t
B u r e a u - A djuster
Mgmt.-Liberal Arts, Bus. Adm.;
Has kins and Sells-Permanent
Staff- Accounting; first Investor
Discovery Fund Inc.-Mutual
Funds and Insurance Sales- All
Xcliro Eiif *, In*
Doctor of Divinity degrees arc
issued by Universal Life Church.
along with a lO-lcsson course in
the procedure of selling up ami
operating a non-profit organization. For a free will offering
of $20 we will semi you, immediately, all 1(1 lessons in one
package along with the U.I).
Life Church
serious environmental problems
and what to do about them.
Robert Rienow, above; Alfred Hulstriiiik, lower left; and Donald McNaught, lower right, addressed the
action-orientated meeting of the Albany PYE club Thursday night.
Computerized Data Bank
to be put into operation
U.S. Army will soon put in operalion a computerized data bank
that will be capable of providing
the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and
Army, Navy and Air Force commands across the U.S. with instantaneous information on past
and present civilian political
activity of all kinds, from antiwar
speeches to campus demonstrations.
According to Christopher H.
Pyle, a former captain in Army
Intelligence who wrote an article
in the Wanhington Monthly, the
contents of the data bank will he
taken from FBI and state and
municipal police records, community and campus newspapers
and reports compiled by nearly
1,000 plainclothes investigators
working out of some .100 offices
coasl to coast.
Pyle said the team of investigators has been maintained by the
Army since t96fi, They were
brought into being to provide
early warning of civil disorders in
which the Army might be asked
to intervene, but since 1967 they
have been involved in observing
a nd
r e c o r d i n g any anli-cstahlishemenL political activity.
They have been aided uy military
undercover agents who have posed
as press photographers, antiwar
demonstrators and as college students. The investigators' reports
are distributed via a nationwide
teletype system.
ligence Agency.
Pyle said one reason for keeping
track of civilian political activity,
specified in counter-insurgency
manuals, is to facilitate the arrest
Today, Pyle said, the Army of counter-insurgents and guerkeeps files on the membership, rillas,
He said
ideology, programs and practices
soldiers and civilian employes of
of almost every political group in
t h e Army with foreign-born
the country, including radical orspouses are currently barred from
ganizations like the Revolutionary
jobs requiring ability of Army
Action Movement (RAM) and
intelligence to use its information
nonviolent ones like the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference,
In light of revelations about the
ACLU and NAACP. Utilizing the
Hies, the Army periodically pub- CIA's financing of student groups,
lishes a "blacklist" of people and labor unions and foundations, and
organizations who, in the opinion iliegal wiretapping by the FBI and
of Intelligence Command officials, Internal Revenue Service, Pyle
might cause trouble for the Army. said, there is reason to believe the
impending addition of computerSome of the information will be ized data bank to the Army's
gathered by civilian spies. Pyle civilian-watching apparatus will
said that when Columbia Univer- threaten individual liberties.
sity gave students the option of
closing their academic records to
inspection by government investigators, the 108th Military Intelligence Group in Manhattan persuaded an employee of the regis
trar's office to leak information to
D. To propose immediate action
and enforceable legislation to protect the environment.
In general, PYE is calling for
awareness, understanding, and
action on these problems. Action
is a key word-they do not intend
to be an armchair group. This was
one of the points expressed in the
lectures by Professors Hulstrunk,
Rienow, and McNaught. Their lectures were informative and also
rather frightening.
Prof. Rienow referred to tne
struggle against pollution as
nothing short of an "issue of
"We have been at war too long
with our environment" and he
called on our generation, one
which despises war, to help put an
end to this one. He realizes you
cannot alleviate any of these problems, they will require a long term
effort; but Rienow continued,
"This generation can do anything!"
by Maida Oringher
This summer Albany State University will again participate in the
international program, Experiment in International Living. Each
summer two or three Albany students are given the opportunity to
travel to any country of their
choice. The students selected will
live with a family in that country.
Last summer Paul Lieberman and
Karen Fallizon visited Switzerland; Susan Handler went to
All students are eligible to
apply for this program. After submitting an application, each student will be interviewed. There
will be a meeting held at 7:30 on
Wednesday evening, February 18
in the Assembly Hall for all those
Forget the Pot, Baby;
We've Got the Kufta
And we've gol the Pilaf, and
Beef Kebob. And Persian Snow.
now in LC 7
The real thing. Our cook was
Friday, February 13
sowing his wild Kibbee back in
7:30 and 10:00
camel's drive from the campus
the shiek of chefs when he was
on Central Avenue-- just past
Route 155. Look for the big
Kcbob sign that says "Salim's".
We're a different
Abu Tabul
Come and help fill a needy
photos for TORCH '71
Sign up in Campus Center
face-- yours. You'll love it.
Saturday, February 14
7:30 and 10:00
opp. Info Desk Starts March 2nd
$2 Sitting fee
Date gets In free (both nights)
•i " i
C. To communicate with, and
educate government officials as to
Present environmental problems,
and what to do about them.
Baghdad. Now he's only a short
The infomation will also be
available to the National Security
Agency, Civil Service Commission,
Atomic Energy Commission, Passport Office and Defense Intel-
BOX 6575
i • • i •
" t
A Little
bob's our
Revisions final
Yoga Club sponsors speaker
%g0 on Transcendental Meditation
Asian students visit Albany Calendar approved
on a tour of United States
This wee< Albany State will be
host to ten Asian student loaders.
The purpose of the visit is to
acquaint the students leaders with
the American university system
and also the values and attitudes
of their American student leader
counterparts. Albany is only one
s t o p in their three month
cross-country tour of the United
While in Albany, they will participate in a dialogue with the
students and faculty on Tuesday,
Feb. 10 from 9-10:30 a.m. in the
Patroon Room. On Wed., they
will meet with Dan Duryea at the
capitol for a televised news conference.
University schedules
workshops on writing
The College of General Studies
of State University of New York
at Albany is planning several non-credit workshops and seminars
for men and women in the community for the spring semester.
A workshop in prose writing
will be led by William Kennedy,
literary critic for the National
Observer, film columnist for the
Albany Times-Union, and author
of "The Ink Truck" published
recently. The workshop of 10
sessions will be held Wednesday
evenings (7-9) on alternate weeks,
starting March 4 and continuing
through June 4. The fee is $40.
A poetry workshop will be held
from 7 to 9 Tuesday evenings,
starting February 13 until April
21. The leader will be Laurence
Josephs, faculty member at Skidmore College. His work has been
published in the New Yorker, and
in many pottry reviews. He also
has published a collection of
poems called "Cold Water Morning" and "Free Fall: A Poem for
the Theatre." The fee is $50.
A children's writing workshop
will meet on Monday evenings
starting April 6 from 7 to 9 under
the direction of Mrs. Irgving Biskin. Mrs. Biskin will teach the
technique of writing for children
of varying ages with emphasis on
short stories any marketability of
children's writing. She is the author of "Pattern for a Heroine" and
a collection of essays, "My Life
Among the Gentiles." The fee is
A technical writing workshop
will be given Tuesday evenings for
for the
12 sessions beginning February 3.
It will emphasize the structural
r e l a t i o n s h i p s among writing,
choice of words, sentence and
paragraph building, and development of ideas. The instructor,
Ronald Dixon, is senior editor of
R & D Publications, G.E. Research and Development Center.
The fee is $45.
A course in writing for theatre,
films, and television will be led by
Leslie Urbach, a professional television writer. The course will start
Tuesday evening, February 3, and
run for 12 weeks. The fee is $40.
A reading imporvement course
will be given on Tuesdays,
7:30-9:30. Mrs. M. Elizabeth Tibbetts will be the instructor. Two
courses will be identical in content and include practive with
reading machines, perception exercises, vocabulary improvement,
directed reading with emphasis on
finding main ideas, skimming,
scanning, and retention of facts.
There will be a $3 charge for
textbooks and materials, payable
at the first session of the course.
The fee for each course is $20.
A 15-week ceramics course will
be given by Frances Simches. The
sstudio course, in the art of fired
clay will put special emphasis on
wheel throwing and hand building
techniques, application of glazes,
and kiln firing. Some background
in design is necessary because
students will design their own
work. The fee for the course,
which starts February 3, at 6
p.m., will be $35, with a small
additional charge for materials.
From Filmmakers in Prague.
New York. Copenhagen. Paris
and Stockholm
Pruewinning new features and
shorts by professionals ot Ihe
Film Generation m an eicilmg
lour program Series
Some ol (he dims
is a lyrical
testimonial lo movies - lo
Sennelt. Chaplain. Kealon.
Griffith. Renoir, Truflaul
- N e w f o r * limes
assaults American standards
in a halt-tunny half biting
il really is fantastic
--Ptait Institute Piatttcr
VALI is cmematically quile
" - N V Post
She is ihe Acid Age
Heidi " -San f>uncsco Film
is a shattering
splice ol lifo a'lor ihe Thud
World War ' -Time Mopa/ino
The Virgin President -February 17
The End of August at the Hotel Ozone
-Feb. 24
Martyrs of Love-March 10
Vali, Witch of Positano -March 17
All Shows
at LC 18 at 7:30 and
$1.00 each or 4 ahows for $3,00
From Friday until Sunday, they
will participate in a Cross-Cultural
Workshop with Cornell University
in Utica. During their free time
the students will visit various
dorms to speak with the American
students and they will sit in on
some of the classes.
It is hoped that through this
program the Asian student will
gain some insight into the ways of
American campus life. The program is being sponsored by the
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the State Department.
The following positions are currently open for student representations on University Senate
Gouncils and Committees:
-Educational Policies Council (3
-Research Council (1)
-Library Council (1)
-Academic Standing Committee
-University Governance
T h e r e are also positions
available for students on two administrative committees:
-Equal Employment Committee^)
-Space Management Committee^)
Within Student Association,
there are vacant positions for one
sophomore and two juniors on the
Athletic Advisory Board.
For further information on any
of these committees, please contact Terry Mathias in Campus
Center 346, 457-3430.
A p p l i c a t i o n s available for
Myskania, Alumni board, and
Class Officers at CC Information
Desk, are due in CC 346 (Student
Association Office) by 5 p.m.
Friday, February 13.
Qualifications:Myskania- Junior
Status, 2.0 cumulative average;
Alumni Board, Class Officers-2.0
cumulatigve average, class dues
The following revisions were worked out by a Task Force during the
IQB8B9 academic year which convened to consider the SUNYA
S e m l c CaTeTdar in light of the New Patterns in Undergraduate
« £ ton. V a X Z appropriate Councils of the SUNYA Senate considered the recommendation and urged the Senate itself to approve it.
The Senate requested the administration to implement this new calendar "if feasible" and received a report at its December 15 meeting
that indeed such an implementation was feasible
The "intersession" from about December 24 to the beginning of the
third week in January is to be considered as any other university
recess It merely puts together the present Christmas recess and
intersession. Ordinarily the dormitories will close during the period
and other student and academic services will function at the same
level as they do during any recess. In general, faculty will not be
expected to be present on campus any differently than as at present
during a recess. Exceptions to the general policy can be made by
Deans for sound educational reasons, expecially in the case of schools
such as Social Welfare and Education.
Educational programs may be scheduled during the intersession
contingent upon the availability of residential quarters food services,
etc. It is understood that these will create additional costs, and
resources would have to be found if such facilities are needed. Faculty
cannot be paid for instruction during the intersession, since this would
involve double compensation.
Although the above considerations may limit what can be done
during the intersession, members of this academic community are
encouraged to devise imaginative and innovated ways to enhance the
educational program of this university by utilizing intersession.
Fall 1970
Sun., Aug. 30
Residence Halls open
Mon., Aug. 31
Registration, Sat., Eve., Classes
Opening Faculty Meetings
Tues., Sept. 1
Registration - day classees
Wed., Sept. 2
Thurs., Sept. 3
Classes begin
Labor Day - no classes
Mon., Sept. 7
Fri., Sept 11
Last day to add courses
Fri., Sept. 25
Last date to file Jan. Degree Appl.
Academic advisement begins
Mon., Sept. 28
Mid-term grades due to Registrar
Fri., Oct. 23
Pre-registration begins
Wed., Oct. 28
Last date to drop course, Grad. Students
Fri., Oct. 30
Last date to make up Incompletes
Fri., Nov. 20
Wed., Nov. 25
Pre-registration ends
Thanksgiving recess begins
Wed., Nov. 25
Residence halls reopen
Sun., Nov. 29
Classes resume
Mpn., Nov. 30
Mon., Dec. 1 4
Classes end
Tues., Dec. 15-Dec. 22
Final examinations
Wed., Dec. 23
Residence Halls close
Wed., Dec. 2.3-Sun., Jan. 17
Spring 1971
Residence halls reopen
Registration - day classes
Classes begin
Last day to add courses
Last date to file June Degree Appl.
Academic advisement begins
Mid-term grades due to Registrar
Last date to drop course, Grad Students
Pre-registration begins
Re- Spring recess begins
Residence halls close
ception-Coker will be held on
Residence halls reopen
February 13, 1970 from 7-9 p.m.
Classes resume
in the Campus Center Ballroom. A
Last date to make up Incompletes
Fashion Show will be hold with
music by Morton and Strong. It is Pre-registration ends
Classes end
eompuslory for all rushees.
Reading period
We will furnish you with a
Church Charter and you can
start your own church. Headquarters of UNIVERSAL LIFE
CHURCH will keep records of
your church and file with the
federal government and furnish
you with a tax-exempt status
all you have to do is report your
activities to headquarters four
times a year. Enclose a free will
Life Church
BOX 6575
Final Examinations
Residence halls close
Faculty meetings
Graduation - 2:00 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 16
Sun., Jan 17
Mon., Jan 18
Tues., Jan. 19
Tues., Jan. 26
Fri., Feb. 5
Mon., Feb. 8
Fri., March 5
Fri., March 19
Mon., March 22
Sat., April 3
Sat., April 3
Sun., April 11
Mon., April 12
Fri., April 16
Fri., April 23
Mon., May 3
Tues. • Thurs.
May 4 - May 6
Fri. - Sat.
May 7 - May 15
Sun., May 16
Mon., May 17
Sat., May 22
Summer 1971 • Details to be provided by the Director of Summer
Arab-Israeli Cooperation
Mr. Kamal Monsour, 11 renowned lecturer on Arab and
Druz issues, will be speaking on
the "Coexistence and Integration
of Minorities in Israel." Mr. Monsour is the first Druz candidate on
the list of the Labour Party for
Handknit and
crocheted articles
m a d e to o r d e r
Call 436-0238
Mr. Monsour is an active Participant within his own minority
community in Israel. He is a member of the Committee for the
Advancement of Education for
Druz, and is a member of the
management of the Center tor
Arab-Jowish Co-operation in
A question and answer period
will be held following the lo ftare,
which will take place Friday, Feb
13, at 2:30 in the CC Assembly
and il workil
Box B24B Albmy. N.V. 12206
M A M A K I S H I MAHESH YOGI will soon teach the principles of
Transcendectiil Meditation here in a course sponsored by Yoga Club.
The University community will
soon have its first opportunity to
gain a first-hand understanding of
the principles and the practice of
the Transcendental Meditation of
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
A course, sponsored by the
Yoga Club, will begin with an
introductory lecture on Tuesday
evening, February 17th at 7 p.m.
in the Campus Center Assembly
Hall. Joe Clarke, an instructor at
the Cambridge center of the Student's International Meditation
Society (SIMS) will discuss the
philosophy behind Transcendental
Meditation,, its effect on the individual, and lis relevance to the
problems of modern life.
Clarke will lecture again March
6th on the technique of Yoga.
During the following four clays, lie
will remain in Albany to give
personal instruction in meditation
and conduct follow-up workshops.
Transcendental Meditation is an
effortless technique utilizing the
mind's natural tendency to bo
attracted to a field of greater
happiness. It leads the attention
to progressively more refined
Central Council philosophy
establishes budget priorities
by Ken Stokem
Last Thursday's Central Council meeting saw the
introduction of a unique concept in budgeting
Student Association monies. Vic Looper introduced
the bill, entitled "Budget Philosophy for 1970-71,"
that sets down new priorities for the use of Student
Tax money.
The proposal stales that: "...the overriding philosophy will be to return as much of the $26.75 to as
many siudenls as possible." The hill emphasizes
increased spending in the area of spectator events
and participation events. The six page proposal goes
into detail as to how this could be done,
A $15,000 Budget was passed for the 1970
Homecoming Concert. It was passed this early to
provide sufficient time and money for the concert
to be booked for in advance.
At the same meeting, Council also spoke about
priorities, communication, and enlivening the
school. Some people feared that the Albany Slate
was becoming a suitcase school and statements such
as, "I don't think that 1 can find 20 people who like
Albany Stale, who go he"e ," were common.
Suggestions were made to activate the school by
doing such things as redecorating the Rathskeller,
having a happening there, having dancing in the
Rathskeller or in a special room, and having ;i mueic
room in the Campus Center.
Looper projected the cost of the program to he
$1.11,150, an increase of $(iH,l()0 in this area. The
The following appointments were made: Corky
money increase would come from reducing the
Thompson, Dick Wesley, and Carol Tihbets to
financial support of clubs, charging students who
University Athletic Council; Terry Mathias to Comattend the activities, raising the student tax a
modest amount, or reducing the athletic assessment mittee on Student Governments and Organizations,
and rechanncling the reduction to the student and Dick Wesley as chairman of Budget Committee.
The results of the constitutional referendum on
activities assessment. The following chart depicts
the proposition allowing Juniors to run for MYSLooper's specific projections:
KANIA instead of just second semester Juniors were
PROJECTED r t -'l e a s e "- The proposal was defeated, .'iB7 voting in
CURRENT PI tOJECTEI favor and I 2 against, a total of 'I 29 votes out of the
almost 7,000 undergraduates eligible to vote.
Twenty-per-cent of the undergraduate student body
$75,000 voting with a 2/3 affirmative vote was needed to
9,600 pass the proposal. The referendum was run last
Major Plays
1 2,000
1 2,000 Wednesday and Thursday in the dinner lines and the
Music Council
•1,500 Campus Center.
Beer Parties
In the two meetings of Central Council previous
Special Events B>aard 1,evel
to last Thursday's, Council passed a new Election
Bill and new elective procedures to hopefully clear
Student Associat ion Progn tms
111,1 50 up all past difficulties in these areas. Also passed
was a WSUA Budget increase of $2,000 to cover
unexpected costs incurred by the station this year.
On January K, Council unanimously passed an
The increase provides f< 9 concerts, J beer
parties, 6 SUT productions , and -1 major speakers a appropriation of $ 1 .'40.00 to Political and Social
Positions Committee, in a bill introduced by Dave
year, One concert and one beer party a month.
The proposal was sent to budget committee for Neufeld, to set up a draft counseling library in the
student Association Office.
What?-1-12 months on Tropical
Whi!r«?-Uns|joi!ud Cunliboun Island.
Why?-Why not?
For Students nnd Teachers.
Open year around. Car rides
co-ordinated. Cost~-S100 mo. (not a
Hippie commune). Write: TROPICAL ISLAND, 2168 Union Ave.,
iiuittt .207..Memphis* .Tenn.. 3fl1u<l.
levels of the thinking process, thus
expanding the conscious capacity
of the mind and bringing it into
contact with tremendous energy,
creative intelligence, and happiness which is latent in its deepest regions.
While the mind is engaged in
this extremely subtle activity, the
nervous system and body receive
complete rest. Thus, the tensions
which inhibit the capacity for full
and spontaneous enjoyment of
life are neutralized. The individual
begins to use his full potential in
all fields of thought and action
and finds increasing ease and harmony in his relations with others.
Who arc the most optimistic
people in the world? If one asks
any of the teachers of Transcendental Meditation, he will
claim that he and his fellow teachers are.
Each of them has participated in
the introduction of a technique
for the fulfillment of human potentiality into the lives of many
Each of them knows that as the
practice of this technique becomes incorporated into the daily
routine of more and more individuals, the atmosphere of tension
that produces war will begin to be
eliminated at its source.
All members of the University
community are cordially invited
to participate in this course.
The Aegean Institute located on
the island of Poros, two and
one-half hours by boat south of
Athens, is a non-profit organization for summer study in
Greece, It is primarily for college
students or graduates with a lively
interest in the country and its
The basic courses offered contain the equivalent of one semester's work. Credit may be requested from his own cnllegc or university.
The cost, $325 includes room,
board {breakfast and one meal),
tuition, excursion. Transportation
to and from Greece is provided by
the student.
For additional information and
an application blank write: Dr.
Pohlsander, SUNYA, Department
of Classics, Humanities 349.
When you know
it's for keeps
All your sharing,
all your special memories
will be forever
symbolized by your
diamond engagement ring.
If the name.
Keepsake is in the ring
and on Ihe tag,
you are assured of
fine quality and
lasting satisfaction
The engagement diamond
is flawless,
of superb color and
precise modern cul.
Your Keepsake Jeweler
has a choice selection
of many lovely styles.
He's listed in
the yellow pages
under "Jewelers."
»l c.is I u n t o
Keep* set ice
1N n
A number of class rings have
been found on campus during
Ihe nasi six months. Kings may
be claimed al Ihe Security building, telephone 457-7616. Rings
will he kept until February 2K,
Rings have been found from
Benjamin Franklin High School,
Maine-I? nd well Senior High,
Chazy Central Rural School, Andrew Jackson High School, Hoysj
|High School, and Fori. Aiuie.... I
Pleaie l e n d new 70 p a g e b o o l l e t . " P l a n n i n g Your E n g a g e m e n t a n d W e d d i n g "
and full c o l " ' l o l d o f , b o l d (or only 2Sc A l i o , ' e l l nv« how l o o b l j m Ihe b e a u t i f u l
| \A p a g e B n d e ' t K » « p i # l « ft.u.1 .it half p r i c e .
. a<M: CWWtf. An. • • • AlbMjr..
Telephone HE 4-9703
Vi( E t Vi KifbYAU
0 d'i'"it I tf 6'S," V6V' Vd,'' V¥ IXcMW," N.'f: "f f i t l j
Common Sense
by Perry Silverman
Passing though the campus center several days ago
we happened upon a group of friends sipping coffee
and arguing earnestly ahout the ASP.
'That paper's become nothing but a political rag."
said Ken. "Where's objectivity gone to anyway?
You pick up the ASP and get eight pages of editorial
A short stocky girl named Linda adorned with
long black hair picked up: "Yes, yes that's right:
and have you seen those SPELLING errors. Why
Mr.... my English teacher uses it in class to show
what you SHOULDN'T do when writing!"
Another girl, Marsha, bit down a little less hard:
"Alright, the paper has its flaws, but let's not go
overboard. I mean,'we could have the opposite
extreme you know. Would if Ihe ASP started
sounding like the Times Union or Ihe Daily News.
Those papers arc pure Establish men t. Do you call
THEM objective?"
The answer to Marsha's question is of course NO.
The Times Union and the Daily News arc not
"objective," and for thai mallei neither is Ihe New
York Times. The myth of "objcclivily" is dusled
off for another try whenever there is disagreemem
over what a newspaper should he saying. What ii
boils down to is this: If you agree with the paper it's
"objective," if you don't it's "biased."
Ken and Linda should concentrate their criticism
in the areas exemplified by Marsha's comment on
spelling and writing, for here a charge of ineptitude
would easily stick. No paper should try justifying
misspelling and poor writing, whether it he the ASP
or the New York Times. Incompetence in these two
areas reflects directly on the paper's regard for its
audience, and a reader finding a paper Hawed this
way is quite right in yelling "bias." After all, a
paper's first concern is communication.
The question of "objectivity" needs elaboration
however. When Ken calls the ASP a "political rag"
he is using a term applicable to all newspapers. Take
the Daily News; how should we define its political
slant? Liberal? Left? Extreme Left? Anyone reading
the News regularly knows it's none of these. What
about The New York Times? --Right? Extreme
Right? Conservative? Mayhe conservative, but certainly not the other two.
What is an "objective" paper then? The answer is
obvious: the term "objectivity" cannot be adequately defined or achieved, and in fact becomes a
pernicious rationale for excluding insightful analysis
which might compromise vested Interests, Publishers, administrators, parent corporations and Ihe like
arc all for digging as long as it's not on their turf.
Coli.g.' "'»
S,r 1
Forbidden Turf, that is the real rationale behind the
"objcclivily" argument.
Least we should seem to totter on the prectpiccof
"irresponsibility" we should straightaway define our
"bias": I) The ASP believes in Advocacy journalism. A newspaper can be seen as an instrument
either of social change or stagnation. If its function
is the public interest then it must trod on the
Forbidden Turf. This is not the green light for
incompetence, but for the kind of journalism devoted to Ihe public interest (in our case I lie campus
community). 2) A conscientious attempt to improve
the writing quality of our paper. A poorly written
story is a poorly written story. There is no rationale
for incompetence at the expense of the reader and it
is the job of a newspaper to insure that ideas are
coherent, facts are accurate, and analysis is meaningful.
During this past intercession period, dormitory rooms were, in the
words of housing staff members,
"inspected" for property damage
and possession of appliances and
dorr.lLory furniture in violation
of University regulations. It is the
inspection of room closets which
raises the question of whether
permissible inspection or illegal
search has taken place.
While on-campus student residents were vacationing, housing
personnel, in teams of two or
more, were opening and visually
inspecting closets and their contents-supposedly without disturbing personal belongings inside.
The inspection of closets arises
from the interpretation of the
University Legal Counsel that closets comprise a part of the dormitory room which, according to the
residence contract, the Housing
Office reserves the right to inspect
for the reasons mentioned above.
However, important questions
pose themselves when considering
this act of closet inspection.
In a conversation with Dean
Knapton, a member of the
Housing Office staff, he commented that desk and dresser drawers
were not "inspected" since they
would almost certainly contain
personal possessions. By this definition of what is protected from
inspection, why were the closets
opened? They also contain personal possessions. If you wish to
adhere strictly to the judgment of
IOFIS : biafra
Most people will agree that the
situation in Biafra is deplorable.
Unfortunately, most people's involvement ends there. They look
gravely at the pictures of children
with bloated bellies, and they
remark how terrible it is, how
very terrible. This is as far as their
"action" goes. After all, what can
one person do anyway?
A few people are taking action
however. One of them is Jason
Roth, a sophomore at SUNYA.'
These arc our goals. We do not expect a presto
It all began a few weeks ago,
cliango with Ihe firs! issue, hut at least we know when Jason received an urgent
where our responsibilities lie.
letter from his Biafran pen-pal,
Christian Okeledo, requesting
food, medicine, and clothes. He
described the situation as being
desperate. "Lives perish," he
Pollution of Ihe environment is, according to wrote, "and hunger has n great
the mass media, Ihe "problem of Ihe '7()'s." part in this war. Myself, 1 am
seriously affected now because of
Overnight we have become a nation of conserhunger and nakedness."
vationists, and we no longer look so casually at the
Although some relief has been
smog-muddled sky or a murky river.
sent into the country, distribution
has been inefficient and ChristAl SUNYA. as on oilier campuses, concern over ian's village has not receiver L'ie
our environment is apparent. A random glance aid it needs. Christian said he wai
across Ihe Snack liar on a busy afternoon will find living with about fifteen others,
do/ens of persons sporting blue, green, and yellow some of them refugees, and that
they were all in bad straits.
PYh bullous. Al tables, several discussions arc
usually under way about the latest Man and Mis
Environment lecture.
These people's hearts arc in Ihe righl place.
Without pi/a/.// or fanfare they are Hying to
redeem our liislory of neglect and waste. Too had
then that their president sees 111 to do less. Lasl
week it was revealed thai Mr. Nixon's promise of
$10 billion for pollution "because the environment
must come first," is no comiuilmenl al all. His ll17l
budget, submitted to Congress on February 2, has
indicated spending of only $40 million in ils firsl
year. Furthermore, although his request calls for
spending $10 billion over Ihe next five years, d
billion of it will be paid hy Ihe stale and city
governments. This leaves only a 4 billion lab for the
federal government. Worse yet, disbursement of this
$4 billion will lake nine years, since payments on
any given project would be spread out over five
Pollution is the problem, politics is Ihe game, and
Mr. Nixon seems adept al fitting Ihe firsl lo the
the University Legal Counsel, then
why weren't the desks and dressers opened for internal inspection
as well? These are also standard
accessories of each dormitory
room for which the resident is
held responsible in case of
With these questions in mind,
consider the response of Norma J.
Edsall, Director of Residences, to
another serious question raised by
the inspection of closets. When
asked if the discovery of obviously unlawful items during the inspection of a closet could result
to the drawing of a search warrant
and the seizure of such items, Miss
Edsall answered affirmatively.
A serious issue is now revealed
when aspects of closet inspection
are questioned-that of illegal
search. After considering this act
of closet inspection in terms of
the questions raised and the evidence cited, it appears that little
separates permissible inspection
from illegal search when a closed
area containing personal articles is
opened for the purpose of inspection.
Whether or not such an inspection is legal can only be
determined through a test case in
a court of law. Until that time
when legal precedent is established, only speculation can
take place as to which principle
applies--the constitutional rights
of the individual or the property
rights of the University.
by Jason Roth
Jason immediately responded
by organizing a campaign to raise
money. The immediate objective
was to get food to Christian, who
Jason felt would share it with as
many people as he could.
With the collapse of Biafra,
however, the situation has
changed. The country has been
thrown into more chaos than before, and since Jason has not
heard from Christian since that
initial letter, he has no way of
knowing whether or not he is
alive. But even if it proves impossible to get supplies to Christian
and his village, there are many
others who are just as much in
need, and Jason intends to help a.s
many of them a.s possible.
The response -so far has been
overwhelming. A group of students is helping to secure donations and to coordinate activities.
Offers of monetary aid and of
supplies have poured in through
the mail. Allan A. Kuusisto, acting
president ot SUNYA, has pledged
his support, Nume-ous religious
groups have joined the crusade.
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is Located in Room 334 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
lax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1018.
The ASP phonos arc "157-2190,2194.
Hill Itiihd"
News Editor
Anita Thayer
Associate News Editors
Carol Hughes
Nancy Durish
Managing Editor
Pat O'llern
Arts Editor
Gary Gelt
Spurts Editors
Dave Fink
Robert Familant
Technical Editors
Tom Cllngan
Linda Staszak
Features Editor
Lucius llurrc
City Editor
Harry Kirschner
Business Manager
Chuch Hibah
Advertising Manager
Jeff Hodgers
Photography Editor
Marty Benjamin
Editorial policy o l the Albany Student Pr»«i
il lie
tormlperi by tha Editor-in-Chief.
A Rebuttal
To the editor:
I would like to answer Mr. Richard
Rini's remarks to myself in the December
16 ASP. First of all Mr. Rini shouldn't
refer to anyone as being stupid unless he
can spell their name right, it's NEIDL not
NAIDL (to imply that people in class
houses shouldn't throw stones). I could, in
this letter, shoot holes in Mr. Rini's
argument or worse 1 could degrade myself
to personal insult as he did. I wouldn't do
this since the school wouldn't benefit and
it would turn into a personal argument
wheih wouldn't be newsworthy. Mr. Rini
has been a fine manager and should be
commended for it. I admire his team
My gripe is that Albany State is a
university playing in a college division.
Besides this many of the teams we play do
offer scholarships. I know for a fact Siena
does and you can't tell me that Hartwick
doesn 't. There seems to be some mysterious law that forbids state schools from
offering athletic scholarships. Doesn't this
rule apply to the University of Buffalo
which plays university division ball? Besides, if such a law does exist, we the
students, should fight to have it changed.
We are trying to model our university
system after the one in California so why
shouldn't we copy all their good points.
Are we always going to treat intercollegiate sports as a poor relative?
I would like to rectify the impression
my last letter to the ASP (Dec. 12) left.
Maybe it sounded bitter but what else
could you expect after seeing my team
lost to a team like Plattsburg. I wasn't
trying to make fun of our team. In fact,
I'm an avid State basketball fan. If fans at
the games listen closely they can hear me
cheering loudly above the crowd. I was
really proud of the way we played our
next two games (against Marist and Hartwick).
I'm tired of hearing friends from Siena
and other schools telling me we have a
chump schedule. Let's face it, we're bigger
than many big universities (Notre Dame
and Southern Cal included) and should
have a sports program to go along with it,
Our school gives out so many scholarships
(200, 500, 1000 or whatever it is) so why
can't we give out five or ten more for
By the time this letter is published I will
no longer be an Albany State student since
I graduate in January. I felt I had to write
this for the good of the school and to start
people thinking. The response from Mr.
Rini shows that my letter has awoken
some people, though in his case the
response was negative rather than progressive. It's time we got things moving in the
right direction. We've been promised a
football team for three years now, as one
example, but nothing has come of it. A.s a
final farewell to my school I hope 1 have
stirred the students and authorities enough
to get action started to bring sports up to
the level of the rest of the school. Thank
Raymond Neitll
To the Editor:
! would like to take this opportunity to
speak out concerning Professor J.R. McNally, visiting professor to the R.P.A.
Department. I am a student in one of his
Public Speaking courses and, since his
ability as an able instructor has been
questioned, I feel I must speak out in his
Professor McNally is an able, very capable, interesting instructor. He treats the
students in his class realistically and as
competent individuals. He encourages
them to seek extra help and willingly gives
it to them. He evaluates the students
individually and fairly. And, because of all
this has the respect and support of this
student. In my opinion he is among the
few worthwhile instructors I've encountered at this University.
I see no reason why the possibility of his
becoming a candidate for the chairmanship of the RPA Department should in
anyway affect consideration of his gaining
an Associate Professorship at this University. I personally would recommend him
very highly for the Associate Professorship
and would be very disappointed if the
University lost out in this respect.
criticize in the communities in which our
parents live? How can we possibly hope to
change society if we have succeeded in
creating a mirrored image of that society
on our own campus? When the valiant
rhetoric is ended, in the interval between
emotional campaigns, at that time when
we meet life as it is, without the illusions
of romanticism which seem to engender
momentary heroism, what is the quality of
our lives?
It seems that education is not the panacea I had anticipated. It seems that this
educated generation is not going to be the
reformer it thought it would be and that
those courageous dreams for a future of
humane and meaningful living will always
remain dreams for the future. The cancer
that is consuming the world mlust be incurable, and the disease's cause is not our
ignorance but us.
Ken Stokem
To the Editor:
1 must have been a fool. I trusted in
education a.s the hope for the future. I
looked at a world growing impersonal,
mediocre and frenzied and believed that
educated men could learn to control it,
that knowledge could bring the understanding and courage necessary to rehumanize this steel and plastic atrocity of
a planet upon which we are obliged to live.
With a child's credulity I continued to
have faith in the human intellect believing
that the unnatural and vicious character of
this world was a temporary and curable
illness whose contagion was dependant on
human ignorance.
Then, foolish and credulous, I arrived al
this university, my luggage filled with
hopes and anticipation. Six months at this
institution were sufficient to destroy my
illusions. Instead of discovering the cure I
had sought, I found in this academic
e n v i r o n m e n t , this "community of
scholars," an open sore in which festered
all the pestilence which afflicts the rest of
the world.
In the cafeteria, the dorms, the halls, the
buses, I discovered the entire range of
human deprivation disguised in the costume of sophistication. What is the cruelty
of the world but a magnification of the
suffering that we inflict upon one another
in our conversations? What is the materialism of the world if not a reflection of that
superficiality and concern for trivia which
characterizes our everyday intercourse?
And what is the misunderstanding of the
world if not an outgrowth of that refusal
lo listen of which we are all so guilty? In
our conversations we merely serve on
another in the capacity of empty caves
against whose walls we may bounce
meaningless rhetoric to create echo
chambers in which each may glory at the
sound of his own voice.
One of our favorite games is criticizing
the slererolyped, meaningless and sometimes animalistic quality of life which our
society inflicts upon itself. But then, how
do we live? Each quad has the capacity for
becoming an experiment in humane and
brotherly living, and instead they are the
barren and pitiful habitations of coarse
and cliquish individuals concerned only
about themselves. Where is the sincerity,
the unity, the creativity and the mutual
respect who.'e absence we so violently
Workers Wanted
Workers Wanted
The Albany Student Press needs
Feature Writers,
Technical People.
Call 457-2190 or 457-3430.
Coleen Gragen
To the Editor:
Because of the existing situation in the
parking lot, the following regulations
should be added in order to provide a
more equitable and sensible and orderly
1. Upon entering the lot, everyone will
drive around the lot three (.']) times, (twice
forward, once in reverse) while singing
ANCHORS AWEIGH and tooting their
horns in time with their singing.
2. Starting with the row at the west side,
all cars with plates ending with odd
numbers will park facing east in the even
numbered rows, and west in the odd
numbered rows, and even numbered license cars will do the opposite.
3. On alternate Wednesdays, the above
procedure will start at the west side and
continue as above.
4. During inclement weather, the above
procedure will be simplified as follows:
cars will circle only once and the driver
will hum any tune of his choice. Starting
at the north end of each row, cars will be
parked in cyclic ascending order of the
final digit in the license number. In cases
where the last number of the license, the
engine number, and the person's Social
Security number are all the same, windows
may be closed at the discretion of the
owner, otherwise, they must be closed.
5. Failure to comply with the above will
result in disciplinary action.
Robert E. Dietrich
Note: This letter is a response to Jason
Okeledo and the situation in Biafra. Please
refer to Visitations, page six of this issue,
Dear Friend, Jason Roth,
I am very happy to write you this my
amicable letter. How do you do today?
What of your parents? I have much hope
that you ail are very sound in health
today. This is to inform you that I am still
living upon the heavy war which Nigeria
has imposed on our young country Biafra.
What of your studies? I hope you are
doing very well as normal. Dear friend
Jason, I am doing evangelical work in the
Biafran Army and we pray and I also need
your ernest prayer for our country to become quiet that lives would not be perishing. Lives perish and hunger has a great
part in this war. Myself, I am seriously
affected now because of hunger and nakedness. I shall be very grateful if you
would help us in this matter of hunger. If
you can, send us some wheat or cornmeal--or formula II or any type of carbohydrate. If you also see any protein food
such as beans or tined beef or egg yoke, I
shall be pleased. I shall also like you to see
if you can buy us some olive oil for our
prayers-any size at all, either in the size or
bottle size. Again I need some salt which is
very scarce here now Soap and clothes if
they are available. Please do not call me a
beggar-for necessity has caused this letter
to come to you. Remember a friend in
need IS a friend indeed. Please do not
delay these articles for they are highly
needed now to keep the body and soul
existing. Please send it theough CARETERS International or World Council of
Churches, through our local chief J.J.
Ogbulafor and the articles will reach me. I
have also written your parents to help you
in monetary provision. If you can assess
the money you spend on my behalf, after
the war I shall refund you in cash or kind
as you would like it. Do not say I am a
burden to you now because we hadn't
such initiative when we started our correspondence but as occasion has demanded
it now, try as you could to help your
friend who is in war distress. Do not delay
-God will reward you
Your friend, Christian
>f Altainisiitw
by Amanda Spake
Hal has a 3.9 grade point average. He's a sociology
major and constantly receives letters commending
him on his research and work. He'll graduate next
semester after taking only two or three classes. His
teachers think he's fantastic, He plans to get his
master's degree in a couple of semesters and then
get his doctorate and then teach sociology and then
become head of the sociology department which he
is sure he can do because everyone thinks he's a
genius. When he talks about all of this, he doubles
over in peals of laughter, stoned on acid jus he
usually is.
In fact, I don't think there is a moment when Hal
isn't stoned. He goes to class stoned, studies stoned,
writes papers stoned. When various "important" faculty members ask to see him to discuss his current
project or offer him a scholarship or commend his
research, he goes to see them
Hal says he's "living out his
movie," a movie in which the
teachers, administrators, department heads, dissertation committees all have a part — except,
of course, they don't know it. As
long as Hal sees this caroor segment of his life as a movie, ho is
removed from it, removed from
making decisions, romoved from
choosing an alternative In a situation whero there are so very many
alternatives. Since the apparent
plot Is for him to stay in college
and receive degrees, teach and
someday becomo a sociology department heud, Hal is not forced
to go through the mental anguish
involved in making a decision
when a person is afflicted with
that disease of Too Much Consciousness.
To Hal, the important things are
his relationships with his friends.
These require basically no decisions because whatever the
friends are doing Hal will do, and
the spectrum of activities is limited by the desires of his friends,
which were basically the same as
his to begin with and most certainly became his as the group
grew closer together. When he
becomes head of the sociology
department, Hal intends to keep
acting in the movie as the school
directs, but to buy a ranch so that
he and all his friends can live
together on It.
For Hal , drugs are fun and
simply make the movie easier to
act in. It is easier to laugh on
drugs, to mock the system and
easier to never let himself take the
movie seriously. If he took it
seriously, he would have to make
decisions, and decisions are simply
too painful when you see such a
large number of alternatives.
T h e b r e a k d o w n of belief
systems In modern American culture has been talked about so
much It Is now accepted as a
truism. It is used to explain the
cause of mass alienation of modem society. But this breakdown
'—FEBRUARY 10,1970
'Arrangement's Soapy Script
Mars Film Version of Novel
Richie Havens Climaxes 'Sonof a Weekend'
by Linda Waters
The posters proclaimed that
"On Feb. 6,7,&8, things are gonna
loosen up." Wild, wild weekend
number two was upon us, though
perhaps the main fault with the
weekend was that things were too
loose. The events were meant to
supply something for everyone, or
at least to supply something for
nearly everyone. But what
actually happened was that a series of events comparable to those
held on any normal weekend were
grouped together under the title
of "son of a weekend."
This is not to say, however, that
this event was a complete failure,nor that it was not worthwhile. It provided exactly what
was needed fop a first weekend
back at school; namely, opportunities for meeting new people,
and events to enjoy with old
Friday night allowed people to
mix and match up at a mixer
featuring "Mammoth" and sponsored by TXO in the Campus
Center ballroom. For those who
were already paired up, or who
just wanted to relax with good
company and better entertainment, at Guitar Cup, the mood
was soft and the lights were low
over at the Dutch Quad flagroom.
The informal atmosphere lent
much to the evening, and everyone was invited to pull up a niece
of the rug and enjoy themselves.
Larry Brown proved to be an able
Master of Ceremonies, as well as a
more than able performer, and
was supported by the talents of
Brendon Montano, Hector Rivera,
Allison Carr, Rich Larris, Kaye
Kraft, Ellie Kelly, Andy Avery,
and Frank Harding.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch,
the Lone Ranger, Tonto, and
Hopalong Cassidy were riding the
range over in Lecture Room 7.
The film series was repeated at
7:30 and 10:00 on both nights,
und fans of the Masked Man and
Hoppy, trivia experts, and those
who were still children at heart
(which was practically the entire
audience) were able to "return
with us now to those thrilling
days of yesteryear."
1'he Saturday night activities
were scheduled around the principal event of the weekend, the
Richie Havens concert. Two
mixers were held after the concert, one on Colonial Quad and
one nn Dutch Quad, for all those
who wanted to keep in the mood
set by the concert and dance for
most of the night. A pizza and
beer party was held in the Campus
Center Cafeteria for those who
wanted a snack after the concert,
and a band was there to provide
music as well. All of these events
were well attended.
A few things could have been
improved, however. The idea of
mixers after the concert was a
good one, but the flag rooms were
too small and too far apart for
this purpose. It might have been
b e t t e r to have both quads
co-sponsor one large mixer in a
central location. The pizza party
achieved success, but I noticed
about the same amount of people
in the Snack Bar at the same time.
In fact, several couples were
hiking their pizza and beer into
the snack bar area where they said
there was "more atmosphere."
And although I enjoyed Guitar
Cup circuit at Dutch, I feel that a
bit more planning could have been
done as far as the program was
concerned in order to prevent the
repetition of the same songs by
several performers.
But aside from the few technicalities, the weekend was a success, and a great deal of credit
should be extended to all those
who helped to make it possible,
including Comm. Programming
Commission, Colonial, Dutch and
State Quads, IFC-ISC, the Music
Dept., Soph.-Jr. Classes and TXO.
DR. ALBERT WEINER of the Theatre Dept. directs Orestes. He is
also co-ordinatins the symposium "In Search of Thespis."
tion. When asked if he like to use
o t h e r performers songs, Mr.
Havens replied, "I am sharing the
same song, not using it."
Mr. Havens always had a little
something up his sleeve or over his
shoulder to add and then some...
and z.ap-his guitar strings burst
and a rap followed as he repaired
The concert concluded with
•1000 students digging Richie
Havens as he wailed "Freedom."
This wasn't enough for the
audience. A three minute standing
ovation brought him back.
When asked from where his inspiration and strength eminated
for such a successful performance,
Mr. Havens replied, "The audience
gets into me and my feelings come
from within...my strength comes
from up there." He merely pointed to the heavens.
Richie Havens talked of the
unity principal. "We are all one,
we were always one and we will
always be one. It is too had that it
can only be seen in a war or at a
Richie Havens is an individual
with a mind as well as talent in
the music profession. His dancing,
wailing, and rapping combined in
creating a most fantastic evening.
Wanted: Campus Market liesearch <v Marketinu Representatives Earn as much as
$ 1,000 plus bonuses. 5-10 hours
per week.
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Applications are available
for at-large positions for
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On Friday night, the Contemporary Chamber Ensemble of
New York City, led by conductor
Arthur Weisberg, presented a performance before a full house in
the main theatre of the Performing Arts Center that can only
be described as phenomenal.
The program presented by the
group, which was sponsored by
the Music Council, consisted of
two of the works of the early
20th century which did so much
to bring about the dominant form
of this era, that is, the composition for mixed chamber ensemble.
The two works' , surprisingly considered "contemporary" by many
people, despite their advanced age
(53 and 57 years respectively),
were Stravinsky's L'Histoire du
Soldat, andd Schoenberg's Pierrot
Lunaire. The Stravinsky was written in 1917 as the musical part of
a play-ballet collaborated on by
Stravinsky, Ramuz, and Ansermet, and the suite extracted from
the work bv the comooaer con*
sists of 11 selections from that
music arranged in roughly chronological order to musically convey
the plot. The real importance in
this work however, is not in the
breezy melodies, the clatter of the
bi-tonal marches, or the incredible
wit that crackes from almost
every phrase, but in the media
with which the composer sought
to represent his musical thought.
With the small group of instruments at his disposal, Stravinsky
created a musical texture that is at
once full and yet intimate. Even
such movements as the Tango
with its violin and percussion
duet, sound almost symphonic in
By using a minimum of means
for a maximum of effect, Stravinsky contributed much to the 20th
century chamber tradition. The
performance of this work was
absolutely flawless but if special
credit should be given to anyone,
I feel that the laurels should go to
violinist Jeanne Benjamin and
trumpeter Robert Nagel for their
absolutely astounding perform-
j bibliographical data presented
iabout Anderson's life that the
; episodic treatment becomes an
i indigestible jumble that loses
track of time sequence and frequently confuses even the most
attentive viewer.
No sooner has Kazan established
one scene, when he immediately
flashes forward or cuts to something vaguely related with Eddie's
past or present life. The culmination of all this leaping backward
and forward is a disconcerting
patchwork of celluloid. Kazan
doesn't seem to understand the
purposes of his own creation. It is
puzzling as to whether we are
witnessing a sincere, massive satire
on the American dream or the
unconscious awakening of a businessman satyr.
What Kazan seems to be saying
is that every chance Eddie had to
become a sensitive, dynamic
writer and man were squelched by
the forces of greed and guilt
embodied in the personage of his
strong willed Greek father. Compound these youthful fears with
the oppression of suburban rat
race sensibilities and you get an
overwhelming neurosis in need of
Instead what Kazan actually
provides is a portrait of an overances of their incredibly difficult
sexed executive enmeshed in the
corporate lies of an advertising
And while we're on me subject firm and a frigid marriage. When
of difficult music, lets turn to he isn't plugging brand name
Lunaire, Schoenberg's cigarettes in mediocre advertising
song cycle of 21 Albert Giraud campaigns, he cheats on his wife
poems set for Sprechstimme with the regularity of a chain
voice, (a hybrid of speech and smoker. His erotic, suicidal bent,
song) piano, cello, clarinetist, that prevents him from gaining
flutist, and violinist (each of the control of his situation, finally
last 3 alternate between two in- confronts Eddie in the midst of
his infantile evolution. Yet it is
That this piece is difficult music hard to believe that Eddie could
Ls true. It remain? today, and be or ever was sensitive to anyperhaps will always be, difficult to thing except orgasm.
play, analyze, and listen to. And
Kirk Douglas as Eddie produces
yet the difficulties are not insur- a tremendous amount of physical
mountable, and for this extremely energy and anguish but cannot
emotional, incredibly complex convince us that Eddie's attempts
piece, are most certainly worth it.
This masterpiece is important
on many different levels, of which
the harmonic, orchestrational and
psychological are prime. However,
I would now like to concentrate
on another level--the virtuosic.
Although all the parts of this
piece are absolutely fiendish in
difficulty, the piano and voice
parts take the prize as being perhaps the most difficult musics
ever written for their respective
media, Mezzo-Soprano Jan deGaetani, and pianist Gilbert Kalish
were, however, more than equal
to the task. Miss deGaetani's performance was just this side of
unbelieveable-she whispered, she
shrieked, she sang, she exploited
almost every possibility of her
amazing voice to convoy perfectly
both the spirit and letter of these
fantastic poems. Likewise for
pianist Kalish. His speed, accuracy, and feeling for this music
of hair-raising difficulty is quite
beyond compare.
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by Tom
T « ~ r»..u_„
Never having read Elia Kazan's
novel "The Arrangement" it
would appear , at least in his
motion picture version, that it was
one long, confusing rap about ego
involvement and the pleasures of
extra-marital excess. The film
places Kazan in the position of
the artist in total control of his
creation and its adaption from
one media to another. Yet Kazan's psychological exploration of
Eddie Anderson's middle aged disillusionment n e v e r 8 e t s beyong
the examination of his rampant
Kazan is one of the few American film directors with the ability
to create artistically within the
framework of the commercial film
however illustrates one of Kazan's
most prominent flaws as seen in
most of his recent films. He condenses too much material from
the novel and crowds it into numerous disjointed episodes. There
is suci. a fantastic amount of
Music Ensemble Performs Old
Masterpieces with New Verve
by Warren Burt
by Alan Lasker
Chanting soul
type blues,
singer, guitarist Richie Havens, a
high flying, cool Brooklyn boy
laid it on "heavy" to the students
of Albany State Inst Saturday
evening. His whole performance
proved that nothing succeeds like
relating and communicating to the
people around him.
Richie Havens greeted the audience with a rap on the dubious
benefits of the air travel class
system. Following this came
selections that exhibited his fantastic control of the guitar. His
accompanying combo supported
b i n most successfully with an
outstanding performance by Joe
Price on the bongos and the conga. The selections commenced
with harmonious introductions.
The beats were heavy, the notes
exploding and the arrangements
One of Mr. Havens raps dealt
with a social comment on the
word "peace." "To me a peace is
first, an individual thing. It is
something we have when we arc
alone. This is when we have our
best ideas, when we feel the best,
when we talk ourselves into
things." With this statement in
mind, he talked of love..."When
we ce alone we talk ourselves
into or out of love. Is this really
The atmosphere was intense.
The penetrating beat held a
capacity audience captive. A
vibrant performer who enjoyed
his work to the extent that his
intermission was but for two
minutes, excited the crowd into a
handclapping, footstomping fervor.
His improvisation of "Strnwberry Fields" and "Just Like A
Woman" created a hvunolic snnsji-
Theatre Dept. Plans
Full Spring Season
Semester break saw no lull in
preparatory activities for State
University Theatre productions.
Intensive work continued in rehearsals and set and costume cons t r u c t i o n for the upcoming
Febrary 25-March 1 production of
Euripides* ORESTES, Directed by
Dr. Albert Weiner of the Department of Theatre.
In conjunction with the production of ORESTES, the Departments of Classics and of Theatre
have scheduled symposium on the
place of classical Greek drama in
the Now Generation, entitled "In
Search of Thespis." Scheduled for
Thursday and Friday, February
26 and 27, the symposium will
feature rronowned guests in the
fields of theatre and classics.
Tower East Cinema
with ROD
THURSDAY, February 12, at 7:00and 9:00 P.M. In L.C. 6
to change his life have to do with
anything beyond satisfying the
itch in his erogenous zones. Mr.
Douglas, long ignored as a dim'
pled chin muscleman instead of
being adjudged a serious actor, is
sincere in his projection of the
core of Eddie's neurosis. It is not
his fault that the character eludes
any true sympathy. Kazan is to
blame for giving little depth to
this phallic symbol that walks like
a man.
Faye Dunaway, the cynical,
nympho secretary and third part
of the arrangement gives the best
performance. Her tart, blistering
comments about the nature of
E d d i e ' s indecision and self•preoccupation are the film's most
truthful moments. Her greatest
flaw is that she represents the acid
tongued truth teller who points
out everyone else's faults while
ignoring her own sex oriented
short comings. As her disposition
becomes increasingly bitter that
character becomes a sour, selfish
caricature of the emancipated woman. Her bitterness is authentic
but her reasoning less than messianic.
Deborah Kerr as Eddie's wife
looks as though she was exhumed
from the dead and acts about as
enthusiastically as a cadaver.
Richard Boone is nearly unintelligible as Eddie's strong man father and Jume Cronyn as the
family lawyer has a few amusing,
sardonic lines to recite.
Despite this reviewers affinity
for Kazan as a quality filmaker, it
is obvious that he has succumbed
to utilizing flashy "now" techniques to disquise the soap opera
inadequacies of his self pitying
script. Instead of a film about a
man brutalized within his environment we get a film about the
horny escapades of an egoist
which is something less than real
and much less than the artistry
connected with the name Kazan.
Summer and Year Round JOBS ABROAD: Get paid, meet people, learn a language, travel, enjoy! Nine job categories in more
than fifteen countries. Foreign language not essential. Send $1.00
for membership and 34-page illustrated JOBS ABROAD magazine, complete with details and applications to International
Society for Training and Culture, 886 United Nations Plata, New
York, N. Y., a non-profit student membership, organization.
l| . , i , | , "
Among the principal participants
will be Broadway d.rector Jose
Quintero and New York drama
critic John Simon; as well as
translators and scholars Glynee
Wickham of Bristol University in
England, Peter Arnott of Tufts
University, Gerald F. Else of the
University of Michigan, and Bernard Knox of the Center for
Hellenic Studies. The symposium
will be held in the Performing
Arts Center, and the public is
invited to attend.
Completing State University
Theatre's full season of major
ALA-ED-DIN, a play for children
of all ages, and YOUR OWN
THING, the musical adaptation of
Shakespeare's TWELFTH NIGHT.
Directed by Patricia B. Snyder
ALA-ED-DIN will be presented
April 16-19. YOUR OWN THING,
directed by Joseph Balfior, will be
presented May 13-17.
The Experimental Theatre pro, gram, under the direction of
James Leonard of the Department
of Theatre, also resumes its full
schedule of events and workshops
second semestor. The weekly Genoral Theatre Workshop under
James Leonard, as well as the
Friday Evening Series productions
in the Arena Theatre of the PAC,
promise a full and continuing Experimental Theatre program.
General Theatre workshop will
be held Monday nights from 8-10
p.m. in the Arena Theatre this
Baritz appointed to new post n**»*
continued from page 6
Loren Baritz, professor of history at State University of New
York at Albany, has been appointed co-chairman of the Policy
Council on Research and Service,
an agency of the Assembly on
University Goals and Governance.
Richard Lewontin, a geneticist at
the University of Chicago, is the
other co-chairman of the council.
The specific charge to the policy
Council on Research and Service
includes the request for answers
to such questions as these: "What
kinds of research are appropriate
to the universities? Who should
decide? Do financial inducements
by government and industry concentrate research unduly in a few
fields? What principles should govern the allocation of research resources? What community services
should universities perform? To
what extent can the university
assume responsibility for the city,
the poor, the blacks?"
The assembly was established in
September by the American Academy of Arts an Science. It is
charged "with exploring, developing, and helping to implement
alternative approaches for resolving some of the principal issues
affecting colleges and universities
today." Talcott Parsons is president of the academy and the
policy councils are underwritten
by a consortium of foundations,
principally the Ford and Rockefeller foundations.
Professor Baritz, in the performance of the task assigned to
the committee, will convene seminars and conferences with leading
scholars in all fields of American
academic life, take testimony
from interested experts, draw on
the resources of the American
Academy, confer with professional associations, and seek the
assistance of legislators.
Professor Baritz, who joined the
Albany university faculty this
year, is the recipient of maior
awards from the Social Science
Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies.
He is the author of numerous
published works including, "City
on a Hill: A History of Ideas and
Myths in America," and "Sources
of the American Mind: A Collection of Documents and Texts
in American Intellectual History,"
both published by John Wiley &
t E A I t t , ROEBUCK * CO., Chmpeat •apply House on Earth, Chicago. CATALOGUE No. III.
w l o h r a u N l P A B I H I A V IIRIM l . A T O R V . l h « naif h » n
mhru r • » ' " » • OM i n i B > r * > ( for N M I I U u u t f b i l t , m w r H m u h»lr on u » I***, » W B K M u r n *
•» • » * u . E U ,
THE HOtl lEWITlfE M i l
M • » « THE • « ! DELICATE COMPLEXION. IUIr,,n lh« f»rr. nt-rb »r t r m v *• f riii»rrt*.lim i.. itvllr*. •>( rannrawhi. r . n now I-*""""" -llh'^ut d»nffrr in- n u n c * nf fajlum. T B « PftrUUa !>*pll«u>r? I m i u i t f d l t w i l ' H l b * kuUr *Jk*r***r i f k l M ,
Tirrft'uTt»T''M«WMCK TO KHFtCT LOWLIHtH l .\-J,~'.';
t u t r m l f t n d dlkflcurad lij limlr i, n the Hit*. • hftkairr rlun
Hi m>*na <<l <>i
U l u i M p l l s U i r ) rvnrf
rcinOTfd, A pertVrl- |p»n. nn--.ih7i-.fL. I * t u i i r u l l a i n la *J»urnd.
i l o » l j pm-rorllf
_. . .
lhi> MidiUoua.1 •**«•(
< < « o < n « » t k , M r u u i l a | la>a akla and l n p n > « U | u u m m p l t i l o B . 11 IHAVK*
'nlri»_MiniiAlh>Q, n 1* miiict'lt i>a.lnln*a, n u l l ; •,ppiit«l,
UnUAJIr auffl.-lrnt (lie lit* imnl u a r a v m l w t r u n
wo i w i u u n EffEctt.
a j mam
C"»P<»»».<I«I >" »•» —"• i»Kor.i»rT t>,
prap*rr4 undor bit p*>r»oo»J n i i m n U l u f i
Tim Itifrndlrnu Am itir i™t AI
O D 1 HPFC1A1. VWtcW at I S r * n U r - r b o t U *
U * l a w a l prtr« < m r h w r d e f f i r • ( • • • I n * ltopllaun-7.
" » ' •> 5 f « « l P " .
n a n re only tha Actaai 00* ( of i h a i u l * r U l i M
taia.ll pmtlt added.
MTT PAT S1*00,
?L. S2M AJD $3.00 £L» "-^""
•li.K UtB prtlUAJ-Btiiiojuf una n o v a •••nmrna r-imr <ir U »
. , -JlttirUwid. Ar* »*rr ( . H H T C U I , n r y r..rnislT<
Mimiir* Ihr hklr And ofu>n h u m i h n i V l n iir ruin ihn n i m j u r i l i i i f"rmr
Tun f » « > M o « r f n r U l a a IH>ptlaM>rr w i t h p v r t W i u l n ,
^ • m a no inkrha. no 111 nffttrlA. no i»n« o n t-ll tliAl jmi »"• uiln< »
bAtr w m i u r r , S o n n e will know lh« rllfffirrirtt r n w p t In f n u r Irr
prur«td»ppf<«j-Anr«.th«nnhAnt^Mllovnllnf«a <1fU1r1bl11a111ln1mplr1l.nl
among them the Emmanuel Baptist Church and the Friends of
North America. Father Paul Smith
and Father Fred Ermlich, both of
Christ Our Brother Student ParThis inability to make decisions
ish, are solidly behind the campaign (Father Ermlich was in starts in small ways. You can't
Africa recently trying to locate decide what restaurant to go to.
contacts in Biafra so that the food They all seem about the same. It
can be delivered). The Cama Mu- grows to not being able to decide
sical Society, a professional mu- what classes to take — within a
sical theatre troupe operating on rather wide spectrum they are all
Long Island, has even offered to about equal. Soon it is impossible
give a benefit show to raise funds. to decide on a topic for a paper or
The campaign, which is the only project. They all have their merits
one in the Albany area is moving
and drawbacks. And then there's a
into full swing.
job to consider, Jobs seem about
Help is still needed however. the same on an alternative-priority
Donations are needed urgently scale. So you randomly pick a job
and in addition volunteers are just as you randomly picked clasrequired to assist in forthcoming ses, restaurants and paper topics.
dinner line and dormitory collect- In fact, it started even before that
ions, publicity, and in other areas. when you randomly picked a college and randomly decided to
Offers of assistance can be made major in English and then
by calling Cathy Fronachan at switched to history, then to
•172-6762 or Michele Liberati at drama, then back to history, then,
•157-8800. Donations can be sent miraculously found American Stuto Jason Roth, Box 227 Water- dies which encompassed everybury Hall, 325 Western Avenue, thing and required no decision.
Albany, N.Y. 12203.
continued from page 7
but |r U A wrry ilarumrttu* oporfclmn. N-n
IMUT itin o l i r l H r n " c l l n l*»rt»l»n D»rH»
— haJr
. f » U .la, No
i i u r n),>laiir
h f » "•••"*
» t' u
' "r•r "
bora thi'itn,wih<if
<*• m
D v p t'U
t v a t tbi*jrriiwtbtil
l r r l f « a d • • • ataUr
t m >'B M-< I I Bad p ••
* r « n a > ( ear*.
TOILET I I CDHPLCTE *»•**••**•«*••»••»J'» rt «»*« "*•**•
wb»rrw I n d Ui« I'AruilAfi I*pi1»t*iry »n inTtluntHA I*.MM r x i i i l n i ' •
•wrfort Ami harrninuliair rntnoror. It rfmn»"« Ih* hair u n l j »h>-r«
H l i AppllM. di<«* not Ir.uirfnrw with thA u t a u f r-wmniirv waabiw. ••»•
O'j f Ifmri w l i a O i n r im t h f likaid. n u n u l r i l o n . bnalUi or hair. 01
• pArt nf ihr pfirwrm. eir«rpl wberw It It appllwd
II j " u An- tmtl
f \>f •uprrOiHiui hair. whtilhiT 00 far*, nrx-h or armA If Tou want a
p*Ttiv-l)» irruiiith, r l f i o . rli*Ar akin. »»wd for » b"(U# or owr r<H«Oawkwttto l l A W l l w i i k j i l kjTAM cawA.
bnttwd 1 l M i l J'krUU* I M k l l o t o r y . tha o a l f Abwolalalj h » i » l « « ,
OwriaiM IrAAlMtwIllMt wwlcwr*.
* a f » l l l > f l j awnf-oafo! haJr m - » " » • » « « — p n o n d w l .
Na.MIMI UiranrAfWtoMk
(If by - a l l p w l i * * >wd w o l l l m twbw - i t r w , 1
influenced by an absolute or semi
-absolute code of religion, morals,
politics, family or school. In
short, modern American society,
with its constant barrage of media
flashing at the brain, lack of po1 itical understanding, lack of
strong religious ideology, fragmented or non-existent worldview, is producing generations of
Jacob Homers.
provokes much more than alienation. It gives rise to modern people, usually intelligent, mostly
young, who suffer from that real
problem of Too Much Consciousness. Having no fixed belief such
as the family, church, or sanctity
of academia, they are free to see
an entire range of alternatives
open to them for every situation.
They are not only alienated from
a general "mankind," but they arc
also rendered nearly immobile
since the possibilities open to
them are neither controlled nor
While floundering in this morass
of alternatives, all of them more
or less equal, you begin to find
possibly brief or long-lasting ways
to ease the pain of floundering.
Gradually, you become aware of
the fact that there are more finite
alternatives to this mentally destructive process of searching for
the "right" answer in sets of
"right" answers. There are positions to take that would in one
way or another put all of the
Jakes out of their misery.
One beer has a taste
that's ten feet tall
ORDINATION U without question and for lift. LEGAL In all
lagal mar-
rlagat, ordlnatiom, and funtr-
The premium hops that give Genesee Beer its real
beer flavor actually grow ten feet above the
rich earth of the great Northwest. They ripen
in that bright sunlight and then they're picked
and sorted and selected so that only the best
are ever brought East to round out the flavor of
Genesee Beer.
ali. Rtctive discounts on soma
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cania sant; an ordalnmant cartificata for framing and an ID
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We travel thousands of miles across the
country—and ten feet up in the a i r to make Genesee a little more exciting
than any other beer. Try one today.
Writs to:
• O X 1071
We do everything to bring you better beer
QBCO, RochiiLr, N.Y.
Danes vs New Paltz
Tonite 8:30
Danes Drop Second Straight to Cortland, 72-70
by Mark Grand
Since Ihe last issue of the ASP,
the Albany State basketball team
continued its winning ways and
conpiled a 6-3 record over the
span. This included a first place
finish in the Capitol City Tournament held over the Christmas vacation.
The individual scores of those
games are as follows: a 63-62 loss
to Hartwick; victories over Union,
71-60, and RP1.68-56, in the holiday tournament; defeat by Merrimack, 67-59; edging Oneonta,
74-54; beating Hobart, 59,55; defeating Pratt 76-70; winning over
Potsdam, 65-53 and losing to
Southern Connecticut, 86-59.
The bench played an important
part in the Pratt and Potsdam victories as injuries and foul trouble
hampered the Danes. Injured cm
the team are sophomore John
llever and starter Alan Raid. RC'KI
was hurd in the Pratt game but
has since returned to the lineup.
Jack Jordan continues to lead
the Danes in scoring! 16.7) and rebounding (12.4). Jim Masterson,
scoring IK points against Pratt, increased his average to 11.3, followed by captain Jack Adams
(9.8), Alan Reid(9.6) and Steve
Sheehan (8.3). The team's defensive average dipped to 62.0, keeping them among the nation's leaders in that category.
In its most recent encounter,
the Dane Five lost a lough overtime contest to Cortland. 72-70.
T'wh 15 seconds remaining in
regulation play and Albany prolecting a two point advantage,
Cortland's Mike Eidel netted the
tying basket that sent the game
into overtime.
Albany led, 70-69, with I :25 In
go in overtime play, but Eidel
then scored on a tayup, and Earl
Rogers added a free throw with
13 seconds remaining to run the
score to 72-70, which proved to
be the final count.
The Danes led at halftone :17-:12
and early in the second half held a
45-37 margin.
Hitting on 26 of 57 from the
field, 46%, Albany uhot better
than any game thys far this year.
The Danes also outbounded Cortland by a 49-43 margin, but were
considerable hurt when Jack
Adams and Jim Masterson (the
Garcia Hopeful as
Grapplers Take First
by Bob Zaremba
The Albany STate Matmen returned to action this semested
with a strong 26-17 victory over
P l a t t s b u r g h last Wednesday,
coupled with a tough two point
loss to Hobart this past weekend,
The two matches left Albany
with a 1-5 record overall, tml left
Coach Garcia smiling, and talking
about u bright future. Garcia, now
in his 15th year as mat boss,
sports a youghful squad consisting
oT :i frosh, 2 sophs, 3 juniors, and
only 2 seniors. What's more important is that the brightest prospects are the freshmen and Sophomores. One of these young hopefuls is first year man Jeff Albrecht
of Endwell, who boasts an H-l record including his first place victory in the Albany Quadrangular
Meet. Jeff goes at anywhere from
134-142 lbs. Another freshman,
Herman llilliard presented Albany
with its only heavyweight in many
a year. Big Herman tips Hie scales
at 230 and is undefeated in competition thus far.
Another gruppler that keeps
coach Garcia smiling is sophomore
Jim Nightengale, 7-3 on the year
who wrestles either al 150 or 158.
Several of Garcia's boys possess
such versatility in weichtctass allowing Garcia to shuffle them
aroun and have them wrestle
where they're needed most.
The story of wrestling al State
has always been saturated with
the problem of depth-no! enough
Personnel-lack of man- power to
Swimmers Lose to Geneseo
Alfred Tech Next
Albany State's varsity swimming
team ran its season record to 1 -7
this past Saturday by dropping a
64-40 decision to host SUC Geneseo.
This defeat ran the State Mermen's losing streak to tour
straight after an early season victory over Potsdam State. Since
then, Coach Kelley's swimmers
were beaten by such powerful
teams as Cortland and RIT and
were handed a close 53-51 loss by
Hobart College.
The Geneseo meet was characterized by some very fine individual performances and by some
disappointing ones as well. Albany
led off the encounter by copping
the 101) yard Medlay Relay in II
time of -1:17.1, not especially fust,
The quartet was comprised of liill
Hart .swimming backstroke, Hill
.Smith (breastroke), .laik Schubert
(butterfly) and Andy McGrorly
(freestyle.) McGrorly then pro
eeeded to take second in the 200
yd. freestyle with Chris Wood
finishing third in the M) yd free
State then picked Up two coll
secutive first places as I'ele (ler
stenbaber won Ihe 200 yd. Individual Medlay in 2:22.7, a new
team record, and Pete Klara took
the 1 Meter Diving event, his fifth
1st place finish in six meets. Schubert could then do no better than
[bird in the 200 yd. butterfly with
MeOrorty-following with-a second
starting backcourt) fouled out
early in the second half.
Jack Jordan led the team with
21 points and 14 rebounds whila
Masterson added 14 points and
Adams 10. The Danes record now
stands at 8-6.
place finish in the 100 yd. freestyle.
Bill Hart set a new team record
of 2:2.1.5 in the 200 yd. backstroke. Marc Eson came in third
with a time of 2:27.2, also bettering the old varsity Mark. Gerstenhaber followed by copping second
place in the 500 yd. freestyle after
which Smith took first in the 200
yd. breastroke. Albany, with a
team of Schubert, John Dragich,
Wood and Gerstenhaber then lost
the UK) yd. freestyle Relay by 2
seconds or about •! yards.
The next meet is w scrimmage
against Alfred Tech on Friday,
Feb. i:i.
fill all the weightelasses. Now
Coach Garcia has the personnel.
He has the manpower. He also
calims he has the talent he needsundeveloped talent, but talent
nonetheless. According to him,
State's only weakness is in the
lower weight classes but these
men. too he claims, will come
He also has something else to
grain about, and that is lack of
injuries (knock on wook.) Injuries
are a coach's biggest worry, but
the state squad had been blessed
withe good health, save an early
knee setback to Junior Tim
In general, Garcia sees a rosy
future for State wrestling. As for
the remainder of this year's
schedule, he predicts his squad
will pat at least \\ more victories
under their tights, maybe more.
This Wednesday the team hosts
C.W, Post, at 7 p.m. at the Phys.
Ed, Building
"We haven't beaten Post in 6
years," relates Garcia. A win Wednesday would stretch his grin at
least one full inch.
The AMIS Council will meet
Friday, February 0 in room 123
of the Physical Education Center
a I 1:15 p.m.
All AMIA Basketball Officials
and persons desiring to become
certified will meet Tuesday, 'February 10,1070 in room 1 25 of the
Physical Education Center at 3:30
p.m. This meeting is required for
all officials new approved.
* ** *
Individuals interested in entering an AMIA Squash doubles tourney should report to room 1 23 of
the Physical Education Center at
1:00 p.m. Monday, Feb. 0.
*** *
All those interested in Scuba
Diving may attend a meeting of
the Scuba Club on Tuesday, Feb.
10 at 7:30 o.m. in L. R. 4.
*** *
There will be a meeting for all
varsity baseball candidates today
at I p.m. in the Physical Education Building. JV candidates will
meet Thursday also at 4 p.m. in
the PE Center.
All University Open House
CAPTAIN JACK Adams demonstrating one of Coach Sauen "vital"
agility drills. We all hope they work.
Action resumed on all levels in
the AMIA basketball tournament
after a brief finals and vacation
In League I, the Brothers I ran
their unbeaten string to seven
picking up a forfeit from the
Underdogs. In other action Potter
Club also continued to win defeating STB 71-41!. Potter was led by
the strong shooting of Bob Rossi
and .John Quattrochi. They tallied
21 and 1 f> points respectively.
The victory reinforced Potter's
hold on second place. Injury riddled APA was defeated by the
Bruins f)6-4H. The Bruins were
paced by Ed Cole who scored 17
points. APA was led by Rich Bardechewski and Bill Motto who
scored 15 and 12 points respectively. With a little more than
half the season completed the
standings are as follows;
1. Brothers I 7-0
3. Bruins 5-2
•1. UFCTS4-4
5. APA I 3-5
6. STB I 2-5
7. Underdogs 1-7
K. Waterbuffalos 0-6
The top four teams at the end
of the regular season will engage
in the playoffs. The top finisher
will play the fouth place finisher
and teams two and three will face
each other. These winners will
then play for the championship.
In recent League II A action
GDX defeated the Jacks 65-28.
GDX was paced by DeGorilli's 23
points. Other games saw the
Knicks defeat EEP 39-36, and
PUD defeat BPS 39-36.
In League IIIB Johnson Hall led
by Fred Moosebruggers 22 points
defeated the Hamilton Hawks
54-59. EOP II beat TXO forfeited
to the Apartment.
Send a LoveBundle
for Valentine's Week.
Why squeeze a lot of Love into just
one day?
Order a LoveBundle to arrive early.
It's a unique arrangement designed
to stretch Valentine's Day into a week.
Because the flowers will last.
A special Valentine. Only at FTD
florists. At a special price.
Usually available at %\")
sponsored by
the Brothers oj Alpha Pi Alpha
Wednesday Feb. 11, 1970
Clinton Hall
7-10 pm
•As un independent businessman, each FTD Member Florist sets his
•own price's."• ••
iR yO
mm i
NDC maps plans
for new semester
by Bob Warner
The New Democratic Coalition,
NDC, a liberal reform group,
which seeks to make America a
more democraticjust, and economically equitable nation met
Wednesday evening for the first
time this semester.
Pete Stockweather, a visiting
college student who is a member
of the state NDC, spoke to the
campus NCD group on whether or
not NDC students should have "a
youth caucus around the state, or
have youth represented on each
(state NCD0 committee." In effect, he was asking whether college students should integrate
themselves into the core of the
— anonymout
(CPS)--Almoat clandestinely,
secrets of spices herbs and culinary artistry have too long been
kept from dedicated connoisseurs.
For this reason, and also due to
tremendous reader request, we (in
our never-ending search for truth,
light, and the American way) present our first cooking page.
In order that this service should
achieve some degree of genius the
. magical, mystical kitchen has
sought out recipes par excellence
and: has revised and improved
them into masterpieces of Incredible proportion. All recipes have
beon kitchen-tested by scrutinizing gourmets.
Unfortunately, Madison Avenue
has not yet realized pot's full
potential in the kitchen and has
neglected to cleverly package and
market the stuff, in favor of such
substances as nicotine and alcohol.
When selecting your marijuana,
choose a relatively good cooking
grade grass-domestic is fine. Save
the imported dope for before and
after dinner joints.
The grass you use will not elicit
an exceptionally strong flavor to
the dish, but will make every
thing seem fantastic by the end of
the meal.
(One relatively unimportant
point-the quantities of weed called for In the recipes are fairly
arbitrary. Add more to suit taste.
The chef was, oddly enough,
smoking while cooking and not
paying exact attention to the
amounts used.)
This Thursday night at 7:00, in
room 325, Central Council will be
meeting specifically on revising
the Student Association Constitution. The new proposed Constitution calls for changes in the
areas of direct, popular, election
Vice-President of Central Council,
Student and Commission Representation, Student Courts, Imp e a c h m e n t and Recall, and
Amending Procedure. All interested students are urged by Ken
Stokem, chairman of the Constitutional Revisions Committee
to get off their "apathetic asses"
and make themselves heard at this
With Regards to Alice B. Toklas
1 cup shortening
4 I-ounce squares un-sweetened
1 1 / 2 cup flour
1 Up. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups coarsely cut walnuts
3/4 cup marijuana
Melt shortening and chocolate
together over hot water. Coal. Sift
flour with baking powder and salt.
Beat eggs until light; add sugar;
and blend; Add flour, vanilla and
nuts. Mix well. Pour batter into
waxed-paper-lincd 13x9 oblong
pan. Bak >in moderate oven (350
degrees) 30 to 35 minutes. Cool
and cut into squares.
Two tablespoons of grass mixed
well with any chocolate frosting
makes a topping that is nothing
short of phenomenal. Serve with
marijuana tea and burn incense.
Dig it.
Enjoy it.
Oh, and one word of caution.
Even though your kitchen win
dow faces east and lets in all the
glorius sunlight, it might be wisest
to draw the curtain. Some people
don't appreciate the finer things
of life.
The ASP will print additional
recipes as space allows and interest demands.
Chinese New Yeur Dance February 13, 1970. For the first time in
the history of this University, we are going to have a Chinese New
Year Dinner Dance at Brubacher Kail. Chinese cuisine will be served in
authentic Oriental setting. We promise you a delightful evening of
entertainment. Tickets will be sold in the Campus Center, starting
Feb. 11, 1970.
Reservations can also be made with James Wong I31-3H08, or
Marshall Toplansky 457-7935, Tickets are $2.1)0 per person witli lax
$2.50 without.
On March 11, 1970, Forum of
Politics will present Mr. Art Buchwald speaking on: "The Establishment is Alive and Well in Washington."
We're the different
Abu Tabul (drummer)
Oil. (he dingy routine of burgers,
foods! Listen lo something different: Kul'ta, Beet Kebab, l'ilaf. Chicken Gtiffa, and Persian
Snow. Real foods from the Middle East. A touch of Baghdad.
Prepared by Farid, one of the
most famous names in Baghdad
culinary magic. Now he's just a
short camel's drive from
campus on Central Avenue-just
past Route 155. Look for the
Call IV 9 - 2 * 2 7
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"Salim's". Indeed, we are the
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enjoy our difference.
(Throe Subs Minimum!
8 pm 1 am
Sun & Other Special
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A Little
bab's our
Sunday afternoons, 3:00-5:00
to 405 Washington Avenue, Albany
IVII no.
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State Unioenity of New York at Albany
Take SUNY bus
from Draper Hall)
I n f o r m a t i o n : Call Mr. C a r r u t h e r s GR4-5917 8:30-5:00 wookdayH
SA to subsidize
« Draft Counseling
by Dave Peck
Students at Albany State will soon be able to avail themselves of draft
counseling on campus. Central Council passed a bill on January 8,
which provides $30 to be used to set up a draft counseling library in the
Student Association office, Within a few weeks there will also be a
counselor available at all times.
The bill was introduced by Dave Neufeld, head of the Political and
Social Positions Committee. A bookshelf with limited materials has
already been set up in the Student Association office and more books
are expected shortly. Some of the booklets are for free and some for a
slight charge. Neufeld emphasizes that if a student can't afford the
material he can have it for what ever he can afford, or for free.
VICTOR K. LOOPER, VICE-PRESIDENT of Student Aaocbtion, bean down on some organizations while
lavishing others with honey in his "Budget Philosophy for 1970-71," recently introduced in Central
The Albany Peace Center, along with PSP, plans to train the draft
counselors. Anyone who would like to become a counselor should
come to CC 346 at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17 for a short meeting
explaining the type of training one has to go through to become a draft
counselor. Those who can't attend should call 7-8756.
Crime on campus up 100%;
Security force still only 31 men
Draft counseling is not draft evasion or resistance. A Counselor will
tell a student his options and his alternatives. He willnot tell a student
what to do and will not make any decisions for the student. Neufeld
feels that it is important not to
bv Al
Incidents of crime on campus
have .skyrocketed more than one
hundred percent In the past year,
according to James Connally,
chief of the SUNYA security
force. And the critical situation is
not apt lo improve as them »re no
plans to hire additional men.
This gloomy picture is the end
result of a variety of causes. Although the amount of persons and
property protected by security
has increased over the past year,
the number of patrolmen has
stayed the same- thirty one
(grouped into three shifts).
Unbelievably, there is but one
investigator. He is responsible for
the follow-up work on EVERY
CASE. Since most arrests are the
result of lengthy investigation,
there is an obvious problem.
All requests for increases have
been systematically turned down.
Furthermore, priority is placed
on keeping police at "fixed
posts," which they cannot leave.
Thus the responsibility for virtually all police patrolling falls on
the two patrol units. And a great
deal of THEIR time is occupied
by tasks such as transporting ill
students to the infirmary or hospital. Last year, 730 such calls
were made. Each response ties up
one of the cars (half of the patrolling force) for at least thirty minutes. Attempts to £et a third
marked patrolling car or hire a
Connally also cited a dire need
for supervisors in each platoon to
assure cooperation and coordinate efforts.
These requests, like the others,
are annually turned down by the
Bureau of the Budget.
And how does this bureaucratic
red tape effect the student? In
January of 1969, there were 21
thefts. Last January, there were
41. Criminal mischief cases increased 60%. And burgularies
doubled. Yet, in typical AliceIn-Wonderland fashion, during
peak crime hours only seven to
eight officers are on duty. One
policeman each is stationed in the
lecture complex (usually a private
Burns guard), at the desk in security, at the library, fine arts center, as a watchman, and in the two
cars. To put it simply, I here are
scarcely enough bodies to fill the
What can he clone to reverse the
situation? As a start, the funds
used to hire private guards should
be diverted to the campus security
force. SUNYA police are generally
younger «ud are better acquainted
with campus problems.
Secondly, mobility should be
emphasized; patrolmen at "fixed
posts" should be allowed to patrol
even though certain people who
demand extra protection may become upset.
But the real solution lies with
the student himself. As a start,
Chief Connally would like
SUNYA students to realize the
police are present to "perform a
service instead of being viewed as
unnecessary interference with students." Ultimately, that IS the
answer, for we must realize it is in
our interest to demand a stop to
the sacrificing of security needs.
The situation is reaching crisis
p r o p o r t i o n s . Past experience
shows that a concerned student
body is the way to cut through
administrative indifference.
State moves
on Blaine
wait until the last moment for
draft counseling but to get it before you register. It ia also important that RA's sould have some
knowledge about draft counseling.
In the past SUNYA stunVnts
who wanted advice on the draft
by Barry Kirschner
could go to the Albany Peace CenMovement has been taken in the
ter or speak to a faculty member
Legislature to repeal the
, Pi
'Blaine Amendment." which bans
who was a draft counselor. „
" \7. ' , e
, ,
Lhe use of public funds for schools
SUNYA as an institution doesn't w i t h r e | j g i o u s affiliations, in one
have any draft counseling for its of the first significant votes of this
students. However, the college session. The Senate voted 41-15
does have a very large Placement (14 of 16 dissenting votes coming
*u ..„u which
u- u >II ,try ,to from
. . . . Senators
, ^., constituencies
.. .
find youthough,
a job and evenwill
a place in
within New York City) in favor of
the armed forces, when you grad- repeal.
uate. The Library only has four
In order to do away with the
books on the draft. The Book- Blaine provision, an amendment
the New York State Constitustore has a few books on the draft
but at a higher price than the Stu- tion is needed. Amending the constitution is needed. Amending the
dent Association. There is litera- constitution necessitates legislature available in CC 346. Those
who want counseling should call
.i •
n .),.,,,
7-3430 and leave their name and
New Inter-College Mixed Chorus
Please Keep Your
1st Semester
Tax Card For
to appear
Also, students should contact
their Central Council Representatives from their living areas and
commission or the following
members of Constitutional Revisions Committee: Terry Wilbert,
Corky Thompson, Dick Wesley,
Bob Iseman, Bob Sichel, Cherie
Pach, Bev Cooper, Norm Rich,
Dave Neufeld, Carol Tibbets, Sue
Levey, Mike Avon, Doug Goldschmidt, or Ken Stokem.
haruey toallbangcr
of Albany County NDC, considei
us a substantial part of the membership. As of last year, we were
one-third of the membership."
The remainder of the meeting
was taken up with announcements
and assignments for various projects. On Feb. 19, Eugene Nickerson, Nassau County Executive,
will speak on campus.
Four assemblymen will hold an
open hearing on the legalization
of marijuana, abortion reform,
and the education budget. On
Feb. 24, Steve Villano stressed
that everyone is encouraged to
attend these two meetings regardless of his political persuation.
Feb. 10 through 17 is Welfare
Rights Week. On the 17th, a
demonstration will be held in
front of the State Capitol
Proposed Constitution
eliminates Greek vote
by Kathy Huseman
Reform of the present Student
voting members on Council. The
Association Constitution was the revised Constitution calls for two
subject of discussion at last night's n o n - v o t ing Panhellenic repreCentral Council meeting.
The new constitution will be
Only one of the many Council
present to the student body in a members who are Greeks voted
referendum to be held March 23, for the continuation of the pre24, and 25.
sent policy.
One of the largest issues proIt was generally felt that
vided for in the new proposal is changes were being attempted to
for the elimination of com* make Council more democratic.
mission-appointed members on The retention of special seats for
Council. By this mrasure, all stu- interest groups was thought to be
dents on Central Council would in violation of this aim.
be elected by the membership of
The second installment of the
Student Association.
Constitutional Revision meeting!
Two Council members would of Central Council will take place
also be appointed to each Com- next week. And the continuing
saifa of long-winded trivia arguUnder the present Constitu- ments will reoccur when Council JOHN REILLY OF THE ENGLISH department mikes a point i t tart
tion, Panhellenic Council has two reconvenes.
Tuesday's Senute meeting. See editorial comment.
tion passed by two separately
elected bodies plus approval of
statewide referendum.
Should the repeal be effected, it
. . .
.. r . . .,
. .
would give the state the go-ahead
to subsidize parochial schools.
State appropriations to religiously
affiliated schools can also be seen
at a subsidy for parents seeking to
avoid sending their children to an
Integrated school system.
The state's decision-makers will
be facing significant problems in
the upcoming weeks(before legislators vacate Albany to reacquaint
themselves with their constituencies.) Legislation concerning education, drugs, and abortion reform
are among the most imporlent to
be debated in the Capital.
Being an election year, New
York State politics will feature an
exceptional amount of mud
slinging. Governor Rockefeller
who made his economy pitch last
year (5% across the board cuts),
may be seriously hurting in November, especially with commuters on the subways and Long
Island Rail Road.
Although educators, welfare recipients, commuters, and the
cities have been crying out for
more state aid, the governor and
Republican legislative leaders have
promised no new taxes for this
year. Democratic leaders have deContiiiued on page 3
v o t e r s in a