PAGES ALBANY STUDENT PRESS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS ONLV 0M6 THING CAN G6T THESE HANDS CL£PN.»." Unneeded roadblocks Experience Is an excellent teacher. At least, this has been the lesson of the attempt of CURE to end university requirements. For evidently, this attempt has shown that the University has created a structure which makes it quite difficult to accomplish positive reform. Undeniably, the administration here has been benevolent and is willing; to institute reforms-especially when those reforms do not interfere in basic academics. However, the CURE experience has been such that we must surmise that when reforms such as the abolition (of requirements) which invade the academic world are pushed for, the road is far more twisting and complicated. We support the proposal for abolition of requirements, for reasons enumerated in this space previously this semester. We believe that the sooner they are abolished, the better for all concerned. That is why all the channels that have suddenly cropped up to thwart (or more precisely, sidetrack) the eventual dissolution of University I requirements are so distressing. They are not, to our thinking, necessary nor important for students. If and/or when requirements are abolished on the University-wide level, there will still be another way to institute them. Through the departmental levels. We find this far superior to the current system, if those requirements will drawn up by a student-faculty committee. In any event, the current system should be scrapped. We feel that all the roadblocks standing in the way of requirement aboliton are unnecessary; we stronly hope that the move to end requirements will soon be on the road to fulfillment. Russian Past Time We are happy to announce the formal non -existence of SUNYA's new Russian Department. As of now only peaceful persistence has kept alive the hope of transferring out the Russian sector from the department of Germanic and Slavic languages. Russian language and literature studies deserve as much structural and financial authority as German studies. Surely a new department (overdue to say the least) accords with the concept of responsibility which this university's administration has repeatedly emphasized. Or is that another myth? Communications An Approach to Song My An approach to Song My situation avoiding motives of fear, hate, anticommunism, patriotism, etc., but not eliminating their signifance. In order to understand the Song My massacre of men, women and children one should try to realize the meaning of a word that was used in an interview, on CBS news, by an active participant in the killings, The word "gook" used, by the service man to describe Vietnamese is significant in understanding how a man can be a part of such an "atrocity." I have heard this word used by many veteran service men of Viet Nam and, from context, "gook" describes and categorizes things, not idiosyncratic human beings. The Vietnamese, perceived by "our standards," arc skinny, ugly, starving caricatures struggling for survival on a day to day basis. Accordingly they look debasing and parform debasing activities. Not having cognizance and human compassion for the situation that the Vietnamese find themselves some service men see them as lowly things. An essential ingredient in order to have the ability to kill, is to sec things, not humans. This leads to interesting questions. How docs the armed forces indoctrinate men in order that they be capable of killing humans or is the seed already there awaiting exploitation? Is it controlablc, can il be directed "advantageously" to kill only "enemies", especially in Viet Nam? Whether the word or method of such a thing as "gook" is used consciously or unconsciously as a way of indoctrination by the armed forces is irrelevant. What is important is that it exists. It is not the word per se but its meaning which places the service man in the Song My situation. Maybe the source of this abstraction can be found home. "You don't know who the enemy is" and "they all look the same" are also frequent expressions of veteran service men of Vict Nam. As long as service men are unable to differentiate "friend" from "enemy", especially when "they all look the same," how is one to expect a decline in civilian ("gook") murders? The style of absurdity in Vict Nam precludes cessation of mass murder of Vietnamese civilians. All that is needed arc the right ingredients, which have existed in the past and still exist now, for another Song My, or worse yet, the continuous aggregation of single or smaller group killings that go unnoticed. Chauncey Del'rce, Jr. 477 Livingston Ave. Albany TWO MORE ISSUES OF THE ASP WILL APPEAR THIS TERM, on December 12 and December 16. The next Issue following that will appear thefirstweek in February. Vol. LVI no. 19 State Unfoeriftt) of New York at Albany Where u Minnieha ha! Friday, Dtcmbtr 12, 1969 Governance changes hopefully imminent rtAMP"" CPS COMMUNICATIONS In order to help the students get started on the difficult job of inter-campus coordination, I will be distributing reports dealing with developments on To the Editor: the various campuses, current environmental It's Christmas time, I know, but there are some problems and other related matters. As enthusiasm 480,000 Americans who won't be home for and involvement builds, this function will, of Christmas this year. And there arc some 40,000 who course, be taken over by the students themselves. In will never see another Christmas again. Maybe I'm a the meantime, however, if you have information little strange or something, but I don't like this that you would like to be distributed to the situation one bit and I think it can be changed. campuses, I hope you will bring it to my attention. Richard Nixon continually says that we've done Finally, it is essential to develop an inventory or all we can to end the war and that the next move is human resources throughout the State-experts who up to Communists. Well our President is wrong; we might be willing to serve as speakers or assit the can do more, should, must, and I hope-will. students in developing programs and concerned The usual Christmas cease fire period will be individuals who can serve as a source of shortly upon us. Here is another place where we can encouragement and support. I would appreciate it if take the initiative in trying to end this regrettable you would send me the names and . Jdresses of any war. We MUST call for a PERMANENT CEASE persons or groups whom you think might be useful FIRE. We MUST take this risk for peace. in this area. The President has this THING about receiving I look forward to hearing of your enthusiastic mail in favor of his policies. After his famous silent support of this effort. sincerely, majority speech, he received 40,000 telegrams Richard L. Ottinger supporting what he said. He seemed to think that Member of Congress this was a mandate to continue his "plan." Peace people aren't wealthy. We can't afford telegrams. BUT everyone can afford a six cent stamp. On December 12, this month's moratorium day, I urge everyone to write Mr. Nixon a letter imploring him to call for a permanent cease fire. To the Editor: Last Tuesday 1 noticed a friend going to eat his And when we all go home for vacation, write Nixon another letter and urge your friends to do likewise. contract meal. Knowing he could well afford in this This is Christmas time, a time to display goodwill small way to help supply food to Biafrans I asked toward your fellow man. If you care at all about him why he wasn't contributing. He answered that your fellow man, write the President. For Christ's he was sick of seeing his money spent on foreign aid sake, swamp the President with cease fire Christmas (he included the U.S.'s defense spending as foreign aid) and little being done in the U.S. While I can see cards. Give peace a chance. Give a damn. his point about the inadequacies of our domestic programs, I question his indifference to starving Alexander Polk people simply because they aren't American. Would it not be simpler to establish a democratic and humane society if American patriots and others of thf the world could develop a spirit of mankind. To the Editors: The most exciting development in the fight to Americans might have to deplete their stockpile of preserve the environment is the effort to involve food and pay a little more in taxes, hut it seems that young Americans in the bailie. The firsl slcp in this this would effect a more lasting peace than armed Dan Quigley program is (he April 23, 11>70 environmental equilibrium. Alden Hall "teach-in" on the Nation's campuses recently called for by Senator Gaylord Nelson. Er have to face the fact thai, while we arc all aware of the increasing seriousness of the environmental crisis, we have failed so far to generate the drive and dedication lo make the necessary changes in National attitudes, institutions The Albany Student Press is published two times a and laws to meet the challenge. We desperately need week by the Student Association of the State University the new ideas and new directions thai can only he ol New York at Albany. The ASP editorial office is provided by the new gencration-whicli has already located in room 334 of the Campus Center. This demonstrated ils commitment to improving the newspaper Is funded by S. A. tax. The ASP was founded quality of our life and ils ability to effectively by the class of 1918. The ASP phones era 467-2190, redirect national priorities. 2184. Editors-inChief I have been in contact with students on every Jill Paznik & Ira Wolfman campus in New York Stale offering whatever News Editors Kathy lluscmmt assistance I can lend to their efforts. I hope that A nita Thayer every conservation group and each individual Arts Editor Daryl Lynne Wager concerned with the environment will lend his Sports Editor Daue Fink enthusiastic support to this project. At the same Assistant Sports Editor Mark Grand time, I think il is important that we recognize that Technical Editor Pat O 'Hern this program cannot rely upon the unsuccessful Assistant Technical Editors Tom Clingan policies and methods of the past. If the new effort is to be successful, the students themselves must Linda Stumult devolop their own priorities and programs. Photography Editor Marly Benjamin Business Manager Chuck Ribak The essential first step is to gel the widost Advertising Manager Daniel Foxman possible circulation for information regarding the ntures Editor Barry Kirschner teach-in" on New York Stale campuses. I have already contacted several thousand students and The Editorial Policy of the Albany Student Prees II .student organizations but. we need to reach many determined by the EdhorHnXhlef. more. Write Nixon! Mankind +meals Steps to Nature ) ASH STAFF by Bob Warner Last Tuesday night, the Committee onUniversity Governance met to discuss the problems of SUNYA's governing system and began to formulate ideas for possible recommendations to the University Senate in the near future. Those serving on the committee are: Deans Chesin, Morris, and Perlmutter, Professors Edelman (Chairman) and Tibbetts, and Terry Mathias, President of Student Association. Dr. Margaret McKcnna served as secretary. The Committee, which was formed last February, was the initiator of the University Senate at the university. Now that this is a reality, the committee is seeking to improve its creation, since the Senate's composition is only temporary. The Committee's goal is to eventually propose a bill or a list of recommendations to the University Senate that will hopefully represent all segments of the University community. A member of the maintenance staff asked the panel for a say in university policy, because much of it affects them. Parking, recreation, and security were cited as parts of university maintenance function. He believes that he and his colleagues should have an influence in the direction of partainent appropriations. Dean Chesin, in response, asked if maintenance workers are concerned witli university g o v e r n a n c e . Mr. Robert thorstensen, of the English Department, added that he does not believe that maintenance staff has as great a stake at the university as does the teaching faculty; subsequently, the former's representation should be considerable less, if anything at all. A possible role in school governance for univesity secretaries was also discussed. The definition of the three university groups- students, faculty, staff- was unclear to everyone attending. This, of course, must be resolved before a discussion on the reapportionment of the university power structure can begin. Most likelv. continued on page 6 Moratorium III ANTI-DRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS MONDAY DEC. IS MEET AT STATE CAPITOL STEPS AT 12:00 NOON MARCH TO INDUCTION CENTER BRING SIGN The obsolescense of the University structure was debated and discussed Wednesday night by interested faculty and students in the informal atmosphere of State Quad's U lounge. ...cantor Math majors petition and demand immediate changes byl by Bob Holmes If you are a Math major here at Albany, or if you are only taking a math course, and are dissatisfied with the way it is being taught you are not alone. A petition has been circulated which demands "that immediate action be taken to rectify the present situation ANTI-WAR DAY that exists in the Mathematics TUESDAY 12/16/69 department." ASSEMBLY HALL The "present situation" 10:00-4:00 according to some students is that VARIOUS ANTI-WAR the method of teaching calculus in ACTIVITIES large lecture sessions is inefficient, the textbook (chosen supposedly by one professor) is inappropriate and inferior, the teachers involved are apathetic and the graduate assistants arc indifferent and unprepared, and lastly that there is a lack of sensible grading on Allocations for specific exams. Dean Frish (of Math and numbers of faculty positions must first go lo the individual schools, Sciences) and Dr. Cowling (head thon to the specific Departments of the Mathematics Department) where it remains up to the met with a group of students last Department Chairmen to hire new Thursday and more meetings have been scheduled since. faculty. Football priority high with Senate by Judy Novicky Another step has been taken in the process of seeing foolball become a reality here at the University. The Educational Policies Council has recommended lo the University Senate thai "the highest priority he given lo the allocations of an instructor in physical education for September, 1970." This means that Charles O'Reilly, Vice President for Academic Affairs, who is responsible for allocating tlie position to. Dean Gardner. Dean Gardner, Dean of Hie School of Education, will in lurn give Dr. Werner (Chairman of the Physical Education) permission to hire another physical education instructor presumably with some coaching experience. This resolution was introduced to the Educational Policies Council by Seth Hi.schorn. However, the lobby In favor of I he resolution had lel'l the Council Meeting. Since the Council did not wish lo vole while llio lobby was out, the issue was tabled. The motion to table was then withdrawn. The original resolution was withdrawn, reworded, resubmitted and finally passed, According to Dr. Cowling the problem is that there is a student enrollment of about 3000 in Math which gives an FTE (Full-Time enrollment) of approximately 19+. FTE determines the number of students per professor. A reasonable FTE is 12-13, obviously the University's is well above that. "We have more students enrolled than we can handle in a very satisfactory manner," stated Dr. Cowling. His philosophy is not to foreclose any students chance of taking a math course. He loo, along with the students would prefer a 3 hour class with no more than 36 students, equal to I credit. The department is limited lo offering 79 such credits To attempt this would mean that 73 of these credits would be used by Freshmen and Sophomores alone. This leaves a total of 6 credits for all Juniors and Seniors. He says, "There is no way, realistically, to do il." "We can't spring forth Willi a perfect plan overnight," lie states KD and then complains "Students feel we have done this unilaterally." He is rcfering to the decision to use the large lecture rooms, and the fact that the administration insists that they be used since they are there to be used. Finally he admits to the fact that there are many bugs in the lecture center, but they are not the responsibility of the math department. In the final analysis, it seems that more professors are needed and it seems that money and resources are not being furnished in areas with demonstrated teaching needs. Many individuals disagree with Dr. Cowling and say that a certain Professor has a workable plan to reduce the size of classes to a reasonable level. Others claim that Math majors should get special preference and be in small classes while the non-majors should gel the large classes. Still others say that at least one course is now being taught in 1/2 the time il was taught 2 years ago, continued on page 6 Monday Senate Agenda As the holiday season approaches, dorms and students take on new faces. Sunday night, Holiday Sing will provide musical accompaniment for the new mood. ...potskowskl The Senate of the Slate University of New York at Albany will meei Monday December IS at 3:30. The Executive Committee will recommend the acceptance of student nominees previously recommended by student government. This committee also informs (lie Senate that an attempt will be made to hold the elections lo lite new Senate earlier this year than in the past. The Executive Committee also reports it lias received a resolution condemning the Vietnam war hut excluded il from the agenda as the committee agreed thai Ihis was "not the proper business of (lie Senate." The "Art, Literature, Music, Philosophy" requirement will be changed to read "Humanities" which will also include courses in Rhetoric and Public Address if a proposal by I he Undergraduate Academic Council is accepted. The Undergraduate Academic Council is also submitting guidelines for the operation of the new Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory grading system. Tho Ad Hoc Consultation Guidelines Committee is submitting recommendations for student participation within departments. A resolution will also be introduced by (he School of Criminal Justice asking (he Senate to oppose the exclusion of the West End Podium Construction budget from the 1970-71 Capital Construction budgol and to Investigate tho reasons for the deletion. PACE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS SAT. DEC. 13 India Association Sunya presents documentary films in English about Indian Dance and cave Temples, etc. Place: LC 18 (Below academic podium, SUNY, Albany at 8 p.m. Saturday December 13, 1969. Admission is free. MON. DEC. 15 SEANY'S (Student Education Association) will sponsor "Teaching the Disadvantage Child" by Mrs. Turner of Linton High School and Miss Glowacki in CC 31S on Dec. 15 at 7:30. Everyone is invited. The Graduate Students Association will sponsor a Christmas Party for graduate students and faculty on Monday, Dec. 15 from 7:30 in the Campus Center Ballroom. Beer and run punch will be served. Union College AFROTC will visit SUNY December 15 and 17 at 1:004:00p.m. They will be in the BA Building Room 209. Come visit with us. Complete information on AFROTC 2-year Commissioning Program available. TUES. DEC. 16 There will be an important meeting of majors in the Department of Rhetoric and Public Address and other interested students on Tuesday, December 16 at 3:00. all arc urged to attend. The New Democratic Coalition will meet Tuesday, December 16 at 8 p.m. in CC 375. Plans for future moratoriums will be discussed. On Tuesday, December 16 at 4 .iOC will have a moratorium p.m. in Humanities 354 the table in the Campus Center from -Rhetoric and Public Address December 8-17 to encourage Department sponsors a Christmas students and faculty to write to Party and a symposium on the Congressmen and Senators and W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. March President Nixon. (November 15). All welcome! "Give Peace a Chance" buttons and Love Christmas tree WED. DEC. 17ornaments will also be sold. Christman is a time of giving. Help s u p p o r t Graciella, Colombian foster child - come to An American Red Cross senior the Second-Hand Sale, Wed., Dec. life saving class will be conducted 17 from 10-3 in CC 375. If you at Bath No. 3, Ontario St. and have any used stuff - records, Central Ave., Albany, beginning books, etc. - bring it to CC 375 Monday evening, January 12, between 8 and 10 a.m. Dec. 17 - according to John Caviston, Bath we will resell it for a small manager. percentage. All proceeds go to The class, he said, will be open Graciella. Merry Christmas. to boys and girls 15 years of age and older who can swim at least Professor Stollenwerf of the 400 yards. University of Pennsylvania will Instruction is free, but each interview prospective Graduate student is required to bring his or Students in Economics on her own swim suit and towel. Wednesday, December 17 in SS Girls must wear bathing caps. 323 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Additional information can be obtained by calling the Albany Red Cross at 462-7461. NOTICES Black Coalition Pickets needed! Meet at Horace's Barber Shop, 108 North Pearl Street (next to Strand Theatre). Picketing hours are 12 p.m.-1 p.m.,4 p.m.-5 p.m., and 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Attention veterans: The University of Washington's Veterans Association is interested in forming a national group to "promote an increase in the current educational benefits available to veterans in school." Interested veterans and/or groups desiring more information contact Mr. Ken Blaisdcll, Campus Center 361 (7-7597). Karate club now exists and meets Thursdays at 4:15 in the auxiliary gym. The College of General Studies and the Department of Physical Education are offering a 3-hour, non-credit course in Driver Training Education on Highway Safety. Proof of having completed the course must be provided before a road test appointment will be made to an applicant for his first driver's license. The course will be given January 12 from 6-9 p.m. Fee for the course is $5. Enrollment may be made by check payable to State University of New York al Albany and sent to: College of General Studies, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12203, AD-239; or call 457-4937. FRESHMAN POETR Y AND FICTION CONTEST THE WORD is again sponsoring its annual Freshman poetry+fiction contest $10 first and $5 second place prizes in both categories Winners will be published in this year's issue. Contributions may be submitted at CC. Info Desk Please indicate if your material is to be a contest entry Contest ends Dec. 19th Citizens for ODwyei m e t Tuesday evening to discuss plans for Friday, December 12th when Paul O'Dwyer will arrive here in Albany. O'Dwyer will officially announce his candidacy for senator at a press conference being held at the DeWitt Clinton Hotel at 1:00. A dinner will be held at the Ambassador Restaurant at 6:30 Friday evening. Cost is $5.00 per person. Following this, O'Dwyer is speaking across the street from the State Capital Building at 8:00. He has requested that Citizens for O'Dwyer draft a letter for student signatures in order to show support of his candidacy. Citizens For O'Dwyer is doing its part in organizing University faculty, area high schools, and other area colleges in preparation for the June primaries. Interested students should contact Steve Villano at 7-3018. Paul O'Dwyer is one of seven vice presidents of the New Democratic Coalition, however his campaign remains separate from thcN.D.C. Those interested in forming j hunting club on SUNYA contact Gary Deutsch. 472-67X2 The Golden Eye will he slim until Jan. 9,1970. There will be an important meeting of majors in the Department of Rhetoric ami Public Add ress and other interested students on Tuesday December 16 at 3:00. All are urged to attend. up before Feb. 2, 1970, when registration for second semester opens. 4. On Feb. 2-6, you will be able to pick up the cards in SS . V and turn them in for program changes to the registrar at that time. 3572, SOC 281, Crimimilo LC-18.MW 7:30-8:45; 150ad. 3574, SOC 282, Minoi Groups, LC 18, TTH 6:00-7 150 added cards. 3576, SOC 315, The Faun LC 18, MTTH 2:10; 100 adi cards. 3586, SOC 383, Juvei Delinq. LC 7, TTH 6:00-7 150 added cards. CLASSIFIEDS LOUT: Man's black coat with gold titling. Also brown-rimmedGAIL: Ezra has your book" glasses and beys. Desperately etc. in Rapallo. In exchange for your delivering the note I shall need these—Reward—472-8513. accost him on this mattf Janice. CATCH THE DRIBBLE DICK VC 104. 11)65 Austin llcaly Sprite. Fan EXPERT, rapid editing and condition. 4 Michelin X tiro proofreading of papers and $600 or best. Phone /«7.S.".(r:"• theses. Don't take a chance on ask for Sebastian. grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. Or any of those PUPPIES for adoption. Vail other nasty embarassments 372-6657. either. Reasonable rates. Dec. 8 to Dec. II is "Dump ••" 434-3567. Ron Week." RIDE WANTED from 1609 Western /limine to SUNY. CallFOR SALE: 1968 Opel lialle\ 489-7724. Inger Nordlle. 102 H.P. Engine. Chrome wheels. Rear defroster. Velma RIDERS WANTED: Going to top. A.M..F.M. radio. Snow Akron, Ohio, December 20, via tires. Factory warranty. $1800 T u rnpike and 1-81. 457-8 743. 1-413-443-9087. Merry Christmas Dear Margaret, no longer will Happy Hanukkah my lips touch thine, my hands. Happy New Year too. A little hue FEMALE roommate wanted: toA little peace begin residence in Jan.-Feb. I That's my wish for you. block from Draper. Call T J 436-7975. FOR SALE: Excellent stereo SCHENECTADY AREA system. $200 firm. Fni COLONIAL 3 br. Nlskayuna information call Rich "' School Dist. Dl 6-0779. 434-0783. O RUI " SELL: fl'It" Kattle skis; A ROCK Munarl IOVI boots, steel poles."Innocence"—if you're tired of Worth $200 new. Sett all for the same old sound every $50. Call Manhalt-472-7701. weekend, you can dig us. For engagements, call 465-8966. PACR3 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Council re-opens tax issue; spring referendum to be held I N T E R E S T E D IN THE DRAFT? On Tuesday, December 30th at 7:30 p.m., a program on the current Draft situation will be held at the Albany Jewish Community Center. The program will be open to Teens, College Students and Parents - namely, nil those interested in becoming more aware of the current draft system. its new laws and alternatives to Military Service. Also to be included will be the subject of Draft Counseling for Jewish Youth. Soc sections re-opened more cards available In order to help to ease the problem which many students have had in trying to pull Sociology courses for the Spring, the Soc. Department has been able to enlarge the following sections. So that NO PRIORITY is given to any students, since it is so late into registration, you are asked to follow this procedure. 1. On the wall outside SS 362, there will be a sign up sheet for each of the courses. 2. Please leave name and student number. 3. Because of the time needed to writ; out all of the closed section cards and drop-add cards, you will not be able to pick them FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 Creative solutions to the housing shortages are currently being investigated. "Surprise Party" by Kevin McGirr The nature of individual lives...values, priorities in our individual existences, systems, and conflict and people with feelings, fear of each other. Individuals sharing similar feelings; Getting together to express their priorities. There will be conflicts with other groups of people. We all feel the same? Yes! No! We think that wc arc the same. but we don't know find out fear cling to those who feel as you do. or at least, with those whom you think feel as you do Wc livci in our own knowledge - it's always a partial knowledge but wc trust. Romantic bullshit... people who feel. Want, desire, important priorities. What is most important'??? Everyman??? by Ken Stokem Central Council, last night, voted 10-1-10 to hold another referendum on the Manditory Student Tax. The impetus for this action was the presentation to Council last week of a petition containing 1901 signatures calling for this new referendum. At that' time Lenny Kopp introduced the bill that was passed tonight. The bill had been tabled last week and Kopp moved this week to remove it from the table. The new referendum will take place this Spring semester, probably in conjunction with the Spring Central Council elections. Political and Social Positions Committee introduced an Anti-Selective Service Bill that asked Central Council to support the rally and march to the Albany Draft Induction Center on December 15th. The bill, which passed unanimously, further urged all faculty not to penalize students who do not attend class on that date. PSP introduced another bill calling for Council to endorse and support the positions taken by the Albany Black Coalition in the statement entitled "Why We Must Act." Council voted to do so with the exclusion of one demand in it calling for "the dissolution of the present student government bodies at both Albany and Schuyler (high schools), immediately followed by new elections in which proportioned numbers of representatives would be elected by black students." The statement and its list of five demands is a result of local school officials taking action on the changes desired by students, parents, and the Black Coalition in school procedures following the violent incident at Albany High School on November 12. Other demands called for included an evaluation of the Albany Police Department by a neutral agency, (he revision of the present Black History course offered al the schools, the retention of a qualified Black teacher at both high schools for of Albany, except in stores the Black History course, offering operated by blacks. the course to junior and senior In other action Council students. unanimously passed a position statement on the Library Fine They also demanded dropping Schedule. The bill for the all charges against persons arrested statement, introduced by Mike In connection with the incident at Lampert and Jean Turner, Albany High on November 12, proposed that Council petition based upon the recognition that Dr. Kuusisto, Dr. O'Reilly, and these persons did not initiate the the University Senate to withhold disturbance and society can gain approval of the new library fine nothing by the continuation of schedule for the Spring semester. the charges. 1970. It further urges that they The statement and demands are to be supported by a selective investigate, make a new effort to gather student opinion on this buying campaign within the city of Albany. Nothing is to be matter, and reconsider the library bought from merchants in the city fine schedule. University Structure Becoming Obsolete? by Howie Schlossberg " State Quad's lounge was the scene Tuesday night of a formal debate concerning the university structure. Under debate was the proposition, 'The University Structure is Becoming Obsolete." Supporting the proposition was Dr. Curtis Smith of the English Department and opposing it was Dr. Anthony Satumo of the Chemistry Department. Dr. Smith's speech attempted to convince everyone that the University is serving the military industrial complex and the status quo. In essence he said that our society is actually obsolete and therefore, because the University fits into this society it is also obsolete, He was disappointed that the president of the University has all the decision making powers which he felt should be in the hands of the students and faculty. Dr. Smith' emphasized that the University should be an instrument of social change instead of being responsible as it is now to the military industrial complex. Dr. Satumo was very blunt in presenting his side of the argument and stated that the aims of the University are to turn out professionals in various fields. He then said that the University's structure does not necessarily impinge upon those aims. Registration makes many courses available to all students and the library makes its reading material easily accessible to the students also. Dr. Smith replied to this by saying that although one learns a trade at the University but does not learn how to become a human being. He added that a radical change in the structure must come now and that the students can accomplish this change by using their unrealized powers. Following the debate period the proposition was put on the floor for general discussion and comment. Words flowed freely but nothing was suggested outside of the scope of what had been presented by the two main speakers. The proposition was then put to the vote of all in attendance. All persons agreed that the total vote count, 20 in favor, 2 opposed and 5 abstentions showed the apthy of the student body toward this significant problem. America has organizations. Systemized organs of communicating with individuals All of this is sometimes refercd to as the democratic process. And some call it good. You may have your say Verbalize your wants Wait until we ask for them. Will the children learn when they arc hungry. Power is a word which implies much. We all have power of sorts. Individuals unite to express their feelings About topics in a symbolic unity. Many people in a group possibly implies more power and then there is perhaps a recognition that their feelings are important. People with power are more important But then there exists power outside of people. Sometimes called corporations, institutions or organizations. These entities also have power These entities create other entities to reinforce certain feelings. Police forces and armies arc created entities not people. Police and armies function to enforce these certain feelings. The corporations, institutions and organizations provide police and armies with guns. Guns have no feelings. The University Senate is an organization blessed with power by the University, which is a larger organization. Its operation has rules and regulations. These rules and regulations control the expression of feelings... You may speak for X minutes about Y topic. Specific structure with specific purpose, On Monday at 3:30 in the Assembly Hall of the Campus Center there will be people there who will express their feelings about things they feel are important. People are invited to join the party. SAVE EVERY DAY! DIRECT IMPORTS & FACTORY PURCHASES of ONLY the FINEST QUALITY NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS at PRICES Y O U C A N AFFORD! GROOVY ASSORTMENTS of WOOD . POTTERY . WICKER ITEMS . STEEL . BEADED CURTAINS . COFFEE MUGS . LOVE BEADS . INCENSE . INCENSE BURNERS . CLOTH THINGS and a LOT of NICE STUFF for YOUR ROOM or APARTMENT! LATHAM & WESTERN AVE. STORES OPEN EVERY SUNDAY •TIL CHRISTMAS from 11AM. to 5PM..... ALSO MON. thru FRI. TIL 9....SAT. 10 to 5:30 DOWNTOWN STORE OI'IiN MON. thru FRI. TIL9...SAT. 10 to 5:30 USE DANKAMERICARD & MASTER CHARGE 32 NORTH PEARL ST. (Downtown Albanyl 1438 WESTERN A V E . INoxt to Tom Snwyor Motel) 1022 TROY SCHENECTADY RD. (Halfway between Latham Circle and Sohanectady on Rt. 7, aoroii from Shaker Inn) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PACE4 continue. They picked the wrong team, however, as the men from Troy crushed the Danes 34-6. State was unable to fill either the 118 lb. or the 126 lb. weight class and thus had to forfeit both Danes Toppled By PlaUsburg by Mark Grand The Albany State basketball team showed two glaring problems in its latest defeat, lack of offense and lack of defense. In addition it lacks the needed height and a take charge ballplayer. Plattsburg State, although not a particularly strong basketball team, found little trouble trimming the Danes 73-53 Tuesday night. For the second straight game, Albany exhibited poor shooting as the team hit on just 8 of 42 shoots in the first half for 19 per cent. Some late shooting by senior captain Jack Adams gave the team a better effort in the second half, but the Danes still finished with 20 for 80 from the floor for a 25 per cent night. However, Albany did manage to stay in the ball game, at least for a while. It was 32-18 at the half and 35-24 early into the second half. With the Danes taking 20 more shots than the winners the gap could have been Albany hosted Coast Guard Wednesday marking their first home meet this year and their first home meet as a varsity team. The Dane mermen came away on the short end of a 72-23 score. This was State's third loss of the year. Jerry Phillips took two wins for the cadets who arc now 3-0 thus far this season. He copped both the 200 and 50 yard frcestulc events,. Freshman Andy McGrorty placed first in the 100 yard freestyle for the Danes' only win. Bill Hart, a McCloskey High School graduate finished second in the 200 yard backstroke. McGrorty finished took thirs in the 200 yard free style while John Dragich dropped third place in the 50 yard free style for the Danes. Bob Gerstenhaber finished third for State in the 200 yard individual medley as Pete Klara took second in diving for Albany. matches. This really didn't matter however. The Engineers could do no wrong. The only Albany vicotries-were registered by senior Captain George Hawrylchak who gained a 10-4 decision over his oppenent in the 142 lb. weight class and by Jim Nightengale who scored a 10-2 decision in the 158 lb. class. Vince Peloso paced RPI's victory with a one minute and 45 second, pin against Curt Whitton in the heavy weight division. The Schedule: closed even more, but the Dane five just could not find the hoop. December 18 POTSDAM Only when Adams started to find the range with less than 10 January minutes remaining did Albany show any kind of offense. A 10HARTWICK suitable exchange of State's 17- Fairleigh Dickinson shooting plight is evident in the February fact that junior Jack Jordan, 4 Plattsburg usually a high scorer for the Danes 7 Hobart went 0 for 15 from the floor and 11CW POST only collected 5 points all form 17NewPaltz the free throw line. 21 BINGHAMTON To make things worse, the 24 ONEONTA Dane defense left much to be 28 Marist desired as Plattsburgh scored the easy hoop time and time again.' March They ended the night 29 for 60, close to a 50 per cent evening. 6 Binghamton Adams led the State scorers 7 Invitational with 10 points followed by Jim Mastcrson and Sheehan with 9 Cross country medal and apiece. Aimonetti led the winners ribbon winners for the 1969 meet with 17. may pick up their awards in the Doc Sauers has never had a AMI A office. Awards go to all losing season at Albany State but runners finishing in the first it seems like the coach has his fifteen places. work cut out for him if he is to continue that streak. Swim Team Loses Other Albany swimmers who placed in events were Jaik Schubert who was second in the 200 yard butterfly, Gerstenhaber who look second in the 500 yard freestyle and Bill Smith who was second in the 200 yard brcastroke. The schedule: December 13 Potsdam January 10 Cortland I4I10BART February 7 Genesco 18NewPaltz 21 PLATTSBURB 24 ON FONT A March 6 NYSSA 7 RIT Champ. Richie Havens is coming... Saturday, Feb. 7 ACTION APLENTY Characterized Tuesday's Potter loss to the Brothers, S241. A M I A by Robert Familant League One had its first showdown of the year Tuesday as the undefeated Brothers led by Troy Moss and Willie Graham defeated Potter led by John Quattrocchi 5241 in a battle of undefeateds. The Brothers led 30-18 at the half and withstook a Potter Rally which had brought them with 6 points. The stage is now set for a showdown between Sandy, Volinski Win Warden Scholarship State University at Albany strong arm. Sandy was named senior Jim Sandy of Rochester senior athlete of the year at John and junior Joel Volinski of Marshall High School, Rochester, Southold were named this year's in 1966. He is a member of Alpha recipients of the James A. Warden Pi Alpha fraternity at Albany. Jim Memorial Scholarship Wednesday is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred (December 10). The cash award is Sandy, 393 Winchester St., made annually to a student or Rochester. Volinski has been a defensive students at the university showing need and possessing the qualities standout on the soccer varsity the and ideals of the late Mr. Warden. past two years. He also has played The presentation was made to freshman basketball and varsity Sandy and Volinski at a campus golf at the university. Joel is a dean's list student majoring in luncheon. geography. At Southold High he Sandy is a mathematics major lettered in soccer, basketball, and dean's list student. He is in his tennis, and golf, gaining all-league third year of varsity basketball honors in soccer and basketball and will begin his third year of and captaining the tennis and golf baseball in the spring. The 6-1, teams. Volinski, 6-1, 185 pounds, 185 pounder is considered a is a member of Potter Club professional baseball prospect as fraternity at Albany. He is the son catcher. Last season he batted of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin .281 with six extra base hits and Volinski, Clcarview Avenue, 10 RBl's. He has an exceptionally Southold. of 1971 and 1972 the Brothers and the Bruins, the only other team which is still undefeated. The league standings are now as follows: Brothers 5-0 Bruins 4-0 Potter 4-1 APA 3-1 STB 1-3 UFS 04 Underdogs 0 4 Waterbuffalos 0 4 . In a tough league II A, there is currently a three way battle foi first place between the Barons, led by Rich Newmark, TXO led by Steve Bernstein, and the Brothers U led by Ron Spratt. The standings are: Barons 2-0 TXO 2-0 Brothers II 2-0 EEP 2-1 Knicks 1-1 GDX1-I Jacks 0-1 Anthony 0-2 APA 0-2 KB 0-2 League I IB also has a spirited battle for first place between Ilk' Alden Panthers and the Nads with identical 2-0 records. The complete standings are: Alden Panthers 2-0 Nads 2-0 Aardvarks 2-1 Crow I 2-1 STB 2-1 Undordogs 1-2 SPORT SHORTS Teams may still enter the for a position in the men's cage at AMIA volleyball league. If the Physical Education Center. interested, please contact Roger Interested men should fill out ah Betters, at 7-7983 or Harold Bell application in the PE Center's at745!3. general office. Starting on Monday, December Applications arc being taken 15, spectators be HTUYVEBANT LIQUOR Vtahtringi Sponsored by the classes THE PACES ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Headers Theatre to recite Beckett Grapplers defeated by R.P.I. State hosted RFI Wednesday in the dual meet opener for both teams. Albany, coming off a very reasonable showing in last week's quadrangular meet, as they took second place, were hoping to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 WINE Stuyveunt Plaza CELLAR Albany, N.Y. permitted in the gym during AMIA basketball play. This has become noccssary because ol lire dangers that are crealed lot players and spectators, damage lo the gym floor, and damage to Ihe sliding petition door. Since there is no scaling, a dangerous situation is created for players and spectators when spectators sii along the end lines of the com is and spectators leaning against lhe sliding door will soon damage the door so it cannot be operaicd. Because of the mentioned problems and the lack of security to Insure sufety of the players, this action has been taken. If tournaments are played, it might be possible to provide spectator space at these contests. Samuel Beckett, winner of this year's Nobel Prize for Literature, is author of PLAY, CASCANDO and COME AND GO, the three plays comprising the first Readers Theatre Production this year. Under the direction of Linda Sternberg, an instructor in the Department of Rhetoric and Public Address, they will be presented Tuesday, December 16 at 4:00 p.m. and Wednesday, December 17 at 8:30 p.m. in the Studio Theatre of the Performing Arts Center. There will be no admission charge. These works of Beckett were recently published in the United States, and represent the newest trends in this most innovative of modern playwrights. Combining humor, irony and flashes of philosophical insight, Samuel Beckett produces enigmatic entertainments. PLAY, featuring a man, his wife and his mistress in a state somewhere after death and before oblivion, stars William F. Snyder, Mary Eileen O'Donnell and Ellen Cooper. Howard Kerner and Shawn King are instrumental in guiding a beam of light which elicits the characters' responses. The play elucidates the relationships the characters had with one another while they lived, as well as their present other-worldly preoccupations. CASCANDO, a radio play, explores the theme of creativity and relationship between the creator and his art. Garry Maggio performs the role of Opener, and Greg Haymes is the Voice. Music, the third character in the piece, is controlled by Paula Rosenberg. The final play of the production is a three-minute "dramaticule," COME AND GO. Flo (Mary Eileen O'Donnell), Vi (Shcrri Okun) and Ru (Ellen Cooper) are old school friends who meet again later in life and interact in a supremely female way. Student plays aired tonight Experimental Theatre presents "Young Playwrights," tonight at 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in the Arena Theatre of the Performing Arts Center. "Young Playwrights" is a program of three one-act plays by three students of the SUNYA Department of Theatre. The plays will be presented as staged readings. The first play, by George Brust, TO KICK THE LEAVES, will be read by W. Doscher and G. Maggio. Mary Eileen O'Donnell's play, DAPHNE, will be performed by D. Saucke, M. Reynolds, H. Parker, C. Cassan, T. Brennan, A. Cohen, G. Brust and K. Holtslag. The third piece, THE FATHER, by Timothy Brennan, will be read by J. Balfior, J. Leonard, P. Snyder, B. Spaulding and M. Carney. Coffee will be served after each performance. Admission is free. RIP VAN WINKLE (Jay Kuperman) confronts his son-in-law (Bob Friedland) in playwright Joseph Jefferson's adaptation of the Washington Irving classic. The State University Theatre production will run —roaenberg through Sunday, December 14. Acting ability major asset of a seriously flawed "Rip" to an arena_ theatre, has succeeded in creating a flexible set which, while the village changes, keeps before the audience's eyes the changeless Catskills which provide the basis for the drama. Of course the major asset to the production is the acting ability of the cast. Jay Kuperman portrays a lovable Rip, and even his Dutch accent, which is tinged with an unmistakable Long Island undertone, succeeds in endearing the audience. He executes his comic interplay perfectly in the first act, and he manages to maintain his humor in the troublesome melodrama of the second. Rip's wife, Gretchen, is well portrayed by Marilyn Liberati, who, throughout her shrewish ravings before her husband's departure, manages to impart that real love which she feels for Rip, but which she only hints at once. Without this subtle disclosure in her manner, her manifested love in the second act could nol be believable. The various other supporting roles arc adequately done and leave little to he desired as far as acting is concerned in the play. But any final estimation of the play should take into account the confused purpose of the drama and the strange liberty taken with it. Perhaps it would be best lo say that il is a humorous play whose humor is sometimes derived from the wrong source, and it is a problematical play whose problems arc dwarfed by a certain adulteration in the script. soap opera-ish events of the second act are meant to be funny. The presumably-drowned lover of RIP VAN WINKLE, the second Rip's daughter bursts upon the production of the State University stage to save her from her vile Theatre this season, is an odd suitor and announces, "I'm not conglomeration of comedy, soap dead!" and the audience lauglis. If opera, and children's drama in a this is meant to be funny, then not altogether displeasing play, the play is a satire on melodramas, though it has a serious flaw which but the nature of the comedy of The annual sale of drawings and watercolors by Professor mars its otherwise innocent the first act gives this the lie by Donald Mochon for the benefit nature. not being satirical in the least. of the University Art Gallery will The play also marks the return Another problem is whom the be held at the State University of to the stage of Edward Mendus, play is aimed at. One might say New York at Albany on who has not directed a State that it is aimed at children, for Monday, December 15, between University play in over six years. Jefferson took a simple plot and 4 and 5 p.m. A member of the drama simplified it still more and then department for a long time, he added a Walt Disney ending. Yet Three hundred recent works was known in the past for his wild the language and humor are will be available, most of them at productions in which seemingly obviously aimed at adults, posing a starting price of 25 cents. inept casts and unlikely scripts the q u e s t i o n , why the would combine on opening night oversimplification if the play is to work the "Mendus miracle," a not satire? notorious phenomenon which But by far the most serious allowed his strange dramas to flaw of all is in the production of enjoy a unique success. the drama; here is a flaw The present piece, however, is a reminiscent of that earlier vary tame offering and is Mendusian era. Mendus has added Mendusian in only one glaring a scene which is as appropriate aspect.Playwright Joseph Jefferson and fitting to the play as a parrot has made out of Washington perched on the shoulder of Mona Irving's tale a lively and humorous Lisa. Just as Rip is falling asleep play about the jolly, henpecked from the potion the ghosts have tippler who indulges once too given him, Hendrick Hudson and often and must sleep it off for his men shed their masks and turn twenty years. Jefferson's version out to be girls, one of which of Rip's return to civilization is proceeds to indulge in symbolic concerned mainly with his intercourse with Rip, presumably domestic affairs-his reunion with in his dream. his wife, and .the saving of his This single perversity daughter from a vile marriage. effectually renders the entire The playwright avoids entirely play ludicrous. It is contrary to all the political comments which the tempo of the play and totally Irving wrote into the slory, and, out of character for Rip, who has in fact, Ihe whole play is totally previously given no indication lacking in social commentary or whatsoever of a latent desire to psychological overtones, making sleep with a ghost, disguised or RIP VAN WINKLE a rare otherwise. university production indeed. In a The play does have some things way it is refreshing thus, and THE FINAL PERFORMANCE by the choral ensembles of Carl should no more be criticized as in its favor, though, if one can disregard for a moment lhat one Orff's cantata, "Carmina Burana," will take place tonight at 8:30 p.m. non-essential than Bob Dylan's perversion. One asset is Robert J. in the main theatre of the PAC. —potakowaki love songs or Shakespeare's happy Donnelly's excellent set. Sets . . . r comedies. which must be viewed from all The play's faults arc many, four sides arc obviously the mosl however, and perhaps the greatest difficult to build, for they of these is a lack of direction. It prohibit the use of walls to is hard to determine whether or delineate and divide rooms and not the synipy, melodramatic, buildings. Donnelly, accustomed NOTICE Rhetoric by Richie Matturro NOTE: You can still sec HIP VAN WINKLE tonight and tomorrow evening at 8:30 p.m., and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in Ihe Lab 2 Experimental Theatre of the Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $2.00, or free with Student Tax Card. and Public Address sponsors: A Christmas party and symposium History Students! Meeting open to all interested /acuity and students concerning the denial on the Washington march - Nov. 15 Tuesday, Dec. 16 HU 354 ALL WELCOME! of tenure to Dr. Clara Tucker in spite of the History Department Monday Deo. 15th recommendation of the that it be granted, 3:10 p m SS 133 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE* The desolation of rainy winter has only the memory of happy, people-filled summer. ...benjamin Trustees guidelines Do the rules satisfy students? The Ad Hoc committee on 3. Do you feel the penalties for Rules and Regulations held an opinion poll on November 17 and "visitors" who violate the rules 18 on the Trustees Rules and (Section Sb) arc: Regulations for the Maintainancc a) too harsh-61 of Public Order. 213 students b) too lax-59 voiced their opinion. c) fine the way they are-73 1. Do you think the rules d) abstain-16 should stay as they are? a) Ycs-72 4. Do you feel that the b)No-117 penalties for 'invitees" who c) Abstain-13 violate the rules (Sect. 5a) are: a) too harsh-72 2. Do you think that the b) too lax43 penalities for students who violate c) fine the way they arc-73 the rules (Expulsion or such lesser d) abstain-21 actions according to the facts of the case) are: 5. Do you think that a separate a) too harsh-114 board to investigate any charges b) too lax-20 of misconduct of students should c) fine the way they arc-66 be established? d) abstain-0 a) Yes-145 NIGHT SKIING Only 20 minutes from SUNYA Ct/i 7 hours a night nights a week (3:30 to 10:30 daily) 'Trip out to Rock Candy." SUNYA STUDENT SPECIAL: Ski Mon. thru Thurs. from 3:30 to 7:30 for only $2.50! Rentals half price for students during special b) No-48 c) Abstain-18 6. Do you think that this power should be delegated to the University Student Judicial Committee? a) Yes-103 b) No-74 c) Abstain-34 Reflecting the trend shown by the poll, the committee will now try to revise the rules. They will make the penalities against students less harsh as was indicated by the poll. On Monday, December 8, Larry Blau was elected by the committee to be its chairman. Blau was elected to replace Ken Stokcm. Math majors continued from page I keeping the same amount of required material. A questionnaire survey is to be taken soon among all students in math to make an elaborate and careful evaluation of largo classes. This will be conducted by the Student Central Committee. It will, hopefully, help people to gel together and see what everyone thinks and then come to a logical agreement. NBC debate: moratorium disagreement; Mann comments by Roy Lewis New York State Attorney General Louis J. Lefkowitz addressed 150 students and area residents Monday evening on the subject of consumer frauds. Lefkowitz spoke at theuniversity at the invitation of Delta Sigma Pi, the Professional Business Fraternity on Campus. Lefkowitz's opening comments on consumer frauds were prefaced by two reasons for the necessity for public comsumer protection. First of all, Lefkowitz maintained that consumer protection in behalf of the public was essential in order to protect the purchasing power of the American citizen as well as aid him in gaining an honest dollar's worth of goods. Consumer protection is also equally important for the reputable businessman. Lefkowitz justified this assertion by pointing out that defrauded customers tend to patronize business less and hence all business suffers. Lefkowitz asserted that the task of regulating business procedures lies first with the businesses themselves. Government intervention is only a necessity in the cases where businesses have failed to adopt a reputable code of ethics. During recent years business has begun to regulate its practices since the threat of government intervention is now such a real possibility. Lefkowitz made clear that an educated public is the key in detering frauds. His office alone at present is dispersing pamphlets, films and speakers on the subject as well as introducing consumer education courses in New York S t a t e secondary schools. Lefkowitz predicted that by 1971, every New York State high school will have this type of course available. The bulk of Lefkowitz's lecture concerned his various proposals in combating consumer fraud. It was Lefkowitz's assertion that door-to-door sales are the number one fraud in this country and that being the case, he proposed that the buyer should reserve the right to cancel these sales up to 48 hours after purchase for whatever reason whatsoever. Unsolicited credit cards also came under attack. Lefkowitz urged that such cards bo allowed through the mails only if requested in writing. It is his contention that mass credit cards byAlSenia The Vietnam war and the effects of moratoriums on foreign policy were among topics discussed in a panel discussion sponsored by NDC (New Democratic Coalition), Wednesday night. The featured speakers were Doctors Edelman, Hoffman, and Cohen, all of the Political Science Department. As first speaker, Dr. Edelman denounced U.S. policy in Vietnam as one that "treats people as things." He viewed the Me Lei massacre as an extreme case but nonetheless "consistent with the underlying logic of our policy." He drew a parallel between passive Americans and the so-called "good Germans" of World War II but warned that Americans cannot plead ignorance or fear as an excuse for inaction. He then went on to decry the fact that America was becoming an "elitist society," unable to be penetrated or changed by her citizens. Dr. Hoffman was next and expressed doubt that moratorium activities would effect President Nixon's policies. Instead, he favored and saw Congressmen up for re-election in 1970 as most susceptible to change-especially those in districts where doves are in the majority. His four-point plan for action (filiai'trr VH will help you with jour Civilian Wardrobe BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN ( 2 m l . n o r t h o f T r o y off R t . 4 0 ) Belts phone: 236-3375 LATHAM SNOW MAKBR/HYDROL1C T-BAR 785-5444 Governance changes continued from page 1 though, these groups will be subdivided into more homogenous interest groups. The suggestion of a liason, who could unite these diverse groups, was brought to the floor. Also discussed was the fact that undergraduates were being cheated out of necessary funds, since many departments are constantly jockeying for funds for pet research projects, such as the neutron accelerator for the Physics Department. Finally, Mr. Thorstcnscn stressed that freshmen can play a role in university governance, even if they do not hold an elected post. The university's committees and Comniissionsnecd all the help they can get; so freshmen might offer their services without fear of rejection. SCHOLASTIC Tank Tops Dress Stripes Wallace Beery Shirts a n d other nice things. PLAZA SEVEN SHOPPING TROY-SCHDY carry adverse social and economic effects. Primarily they provide an excuse for rampid spending but other problems connected with their illegal use makes them undesirable. The licensing of television, a u t o m o t i v e and home improvement repairmen was also discussed. At present any individual in New York' can claim to be a television repairman and hence the public interest is in jeopardy. ' Clearly a license will force business to think twice about defrauding the public since its loss could ruin many businesses. For the holiday season, Lefkowitz warned the audience to deal only with local, reputable merchants. Businesses and bargains which appear only for this season arc generally fraudulent and hence should be avoided. Lefkowitz spend the latter part of the hour answering questions from the floor. In response to a question on civil rights and labor unions, Lefkowitz' claimed that his office has been the first to probe labor unions in the field of civil rights and to attempt to correct any inequities that may exist. Another question came from a SUNYA student concerning the legalization of marijuana. Lefkowitz felt unqualified to comment on legalization, though he did state that there are far too many expert opinions and too few answers. A final question dealt with the costs of consumer fraud for New York State residents each year. While Lefkowitz maintained that the exact costs could never be calculated, he did say that over $1,000,000 alone is defrauded from the elderly for non-existent tracts of land in Florida. CENTER ROAD Open Every Night til 9:00 Saturdays til 6:00 Sundays 1:00-5:00 FRATERNAL SORORITY SOCIAL COMMERCIAL CAPITOL PRESS PRINTERS 308 Ccniral Aw. Albuiy Telephone HE 4-970} included bi-monthly moratoriums, letter-writing campaigns to Congressmen, an all out effort to elect a "peace Congress" in 1970, and finally, thought to forming a fourth party movement in 1972. Dr. Cohen promptly rejected the idea of a fourth party, citing their relative lack of support in American history. He favored working within the system by infiltrating and controlling one of the two major parties. In the meantime, he called for more demonstrations and moratoriums-cspecially on the local level. He expressed fear that if dissent tapered out, even the token attempts of the president to scale down the fighting would cease. Soon after Mr. Cohen finished, Paul Mann, another faculty member rose and blasted the three speakers for their lack of relevancy. He accused them of saying nothing the audiencedidn't know already, and asked them why they bothered to show up in the first place. His remarks touched off a lively debate among the audience. Mann then continued: "Why be repetitive by being here?" We should be indicting ourselves. Instead, we are only comforting ourselves through conversation that gives the illusion of control over a situation in Vietnam which we obviously do not have." He chastised moratoriums as "serving as a happy get together for' a weekend away from the campus...Many went to get drunk, get laid, and get away from campus." Mann concluded by labeling America "the Kremlin of the Super-Rich" where "three percent of the population control eighty percent of the corporate wealth." Thus, he saw it as worthless to try to reform the views of the middle class on the war. "Since politics is property and since American politics is always decided by a dollar sign at the barrel of a gun," he stated, "then those who control property control politics...are we run by lobbies or Congress?" 'Miss Walden" poses with admirer after being crowned by members "We are all bought and sold at a marketplace by the power elites of Gamma Delta Chi fraternity. Over $300 was raised for muscular dystrophy by the selling of ballots in the contest. ...rosenberg of business." Operation Goodwill : send Xmas greetings on tape to servicemen Taped Christmas greetings may be sent free of charge to servicemen anywhere in the world through a program sponsored by the Times-Union and Fort Orange radio. Critique of Education Dept. discussed by curriculum class by Liz Elsesser The Educational Curriculum Instruction 400 class met on Wednesday for a special session to discuss the present situation of the Education Department and the student teaching experience. The involved students made a great many suggestions and constructive comments for the improvement of the unorganized state of affairs within the department. Two major points were the lack of an undergraduate education department to which complaints could immediately be taken and the limiting of student teaching to just Milne High School. First, it was felt that student teaching should be Id weeks and full credit should be received with grades being on a pass-fail basis. The rest of the complaints dealt mainly with the education courses themselves and student leaching facilities. It seems the textbooks nocd to be updated and teaching media improved. The reading material was requested to be more selective and conceptual rather than straight factual knowledge. All seemed to ardently agree that it was difficult to relate readings to the five determinants. The lack of an undergraduate Education Department was the basis of a large portion of the problem. One is desperately needed to coordinate and integrate activities and courses. It was felt that more standardization of requirements, guest speakers, more schools for student teaching, more seminars to discuss practical problems, and In genoral more flexibility Is needed. As a group they also wish to sec moro practice on undergraduate level, such as coursos geared towards teaching slow and culturally deprived learners. One student felt the making up of three lesson plans in triplicate wus busy work. Many then agreod to the Infllxlblo and superficial !*W1;- ALBANY STUDENT FRESH Lefkowitz: Let consumer beware No Matter What Number You Drew in the Draft— Landlubbers Dress Bells Fake Furs Sweaters Ties FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 experience gained by just leaching in this one high school. The Methods course should have more discussion and philosophy rather than the "tricks and games" of teaching. Along with this would be more specified field discussion. The members of the education department present seemed eager to co-operate and willing to work with the students. It is obvious that teaching is a highly subjective area in need of re-evaluation and change. Representatives will be chosen for a discussion group and a list of complaints will be presented to the proper administration. Other gripe sessions are planned and all concerned are encouraged to attend. Phone calls will be accepted at Operation Goodwill Headquarters, 465-1441, any weekday between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Saturday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Messages can also be taken to Fort Orange Radio Corp. at 904 Broadway, Albany. Persons wishing to send messages should give the operator their full name, address and telephone number, as well as the complete rank, name and military address of the serviceman to receive the message. Communications are taken over the phone that is directly connected to a tape recorder. Senders should be prepared to speak for at least 5 minutes. Upon receipt, servicemen may turn the tape over and record a return message. He can then send it back, postage free, to Operation Goodwill headquarters where it will be forwarded to the addressee. I n t e r e s t e d persons are encouraged to call early to ensure arrival in time for the holidays. More than one tape can be sent if desired. There is no charge or obligation to anyone. NOTICE There will be an important meeting of majors in the Department of Rhetoric and Public Address and other interested students on Tuesday, December 16 at 3:00. All are requested to attend. What makes a beer a people-pleaser? Genesee Beer pleases a lot of the people all of the time. In fact, even on an average day, more than 2,000,000 glasses of great-tasting Genesee are poured and enjoyed. That's a lot of beer. But Genesee's got a lot to enjoy for people who enjoy beer a lot...smoother body, more real beer flavor and a great taste that stays the same glass after glass...2,000,000 times a day. If you're one of the beer people, try the people-pleaser... Genesee Beer. We'll do anything to bring you better beer FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12,1969 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGES ALBANY STUDENT PRESS aaa THE Power mosr TRUSTED iM*e» BUREAUCRACY One fact ii becoming more clear every day: power is the property of the powerful. It is theirs to use or ignore, theirs to grant or deny. Those who attempt to attain power will be broken and/or deluded by the powerful. Vol. LVI No. 2 0 The University structure is one prime example of this adage. Administration power determines whether students will move forward, backward or remain static. Our seemingly great 'reforms' are illusory; the Administration gives up nothing it really wishes to retain control of. Tht State Unftwrritij of Htm Vorfc a: Albany Senate ignores war; tense meeting ensues - HI* MASTER'S The RPA department chairman tried-and nearly was totally successful in her attempt-to deny students even the illusion of power. Now, the students, due to awareness and concern by a dedicated few, have attained at least that illusion. by Vicki Zelden We somehow hope that President Kuusisto will ai i the concerned students in RPA as they attempt to move their illusions closer to reality. -T.«*.«. Illusion and reality are not easily distinguishable at times; this is why- administrations have been so successful. Yet it is possible that someday reality will merge with illusion, and student power will mean something vital and real. If not, tragedy is on the way, for this is the stuff from which radicals are created. COMMUNICATIONS University Vietnam Action To the Editors: On Monday, December 15th, there will be an attempt to discuss and act upon the following bill. It will be introduced on the floor by its sponsors, because we have been prevented from getting our bill on the agenda. Senate supposedly represents all students and faculty, so we urge you to support the bill in person, at 3:30 p.m., Monday, at the Assembly Hall in the Campus Center. The Bill proposed by: Jack Schwartz and John Reilly is as follows: A. As members of an institution of values that contribute to building human community, sludcnls and faculty inevitably find their individual and political positions related to their lives in an educational community. The University, in addition to being a home of academic education is also obligated to instill a sense of moral conscience and the exploration of values in its members, as well as promoting good citizenship, political consciousness, and the ability to judge the legitimacy of governmental authority. B. Therefore, we, the Senate of the State University of New York at Albany, hereby condemn the past and present policies of (he United Slates in the region of Southeast Asia, and in particular, the nation of Vietnam. We denounce the immoral violations of international peace and the unjust interference with the Vietnamese people's right to self-determination. C. The Senate body is obligated toward such an action, in its capacity as the major representative body and the appropriate channel of expression of' the views of both students and faculty in the University community. Jack Schwartz Preserve Our Forests To the Editor: In Tuesday's Communications was a letter from Richard L. Ottingcr asking sludcnls to become involved in "...the fight to preserve I he environment..." There will be a "touch-in" April 23, 1970, concerned with the preservation of our environment. This is great but it is coming loo laic if wo want to preserve much of our now existing virgin forosl land. There is a bill now before Congress which in essence will open up our virgin lands to unlimited lumbering. The following is an excerpt from one of the many letters from conservationists 1 have recently received: "A bill, the National Timber supply Acl (S. IK32, II.R. 12025), is pending in Congress which will residt In the rapid cutting on an estimated 60 to 70% of all National Forest lands outside the existing wilderness areas. This land, formerly managed for multiple use, (wildlife, watershed, recreation, forage, and timber), is to be converted to timber only management. Worse, the bill directs the Secretary of Agriculture to take steps to begin the immediate cutting at a high rule on all such lands. These lands include much of the rumainlng virgin forests In the U.S. "If passed, it would mean that hardly any more scenic or wilderness lands would be available for Tuesday, Dtcembtr 16, 1969 protection for recreational use. These lands belong to you. They will be turned over to the timber companies for cutting if your voice is not heard immediately." WHAT YOU CAN DO "The most effective way to be heard is to write a personal letter or postcard, in your own words, to the people listed below. Be sure to include your home address and refer to the bill by name and number. I.Rep. House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 2Sen Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Scnatc office "Stress the following points: 1. Only a small percentage of the original virgin forests in the U.S. remain untouched. If this bill passes they will soon disappear. 2. The lands are public property and should not be administered for the sole benefit of the timber industry, which has its own extensive holdings. 3. The rapid increasing recreational use of the forests makes it urgent to set aside more scenic and wilderness land. The bill as presently drafted will make this goal impossible." So please, if you arc at all interested in helping to preserve our National Forest lands for our generation and hopefully all those to come, send a letter to your Congressman and Senator asking that this bill be voted down. Hurry, time is running out. Sincerely, Ronn Brown l'rcs. Albany State Outing Club Unjust Punishment To the members of the SUNYA Judicial Board: 1 am writing this letter in protest to your recent decision, in which you suspended from academic activities, the individual who was responsible for the burning of the Vietnam Village huts which were on display in front of the campus center. Although, I do not approve of his actions, I feel that he was unjustly punished for an acl which was politically motivated. If students arc busted for the possession of drugs ( a federal offense), and are allowed to remain in atlondance at this University, then, I believe that for the sake of an individual who has already completed three-fourths of litis semester, and for the reputation of the Judicial Hoard as being a jlist and sound body, thai the judgement against this individual should be remanded for further consideration by (he Judicial Board. Sincerely, Tom Sawyer Kosher Passover To the Editor: On (he evening of April 20, l ( )70, Passover will begin. Because of the calendar arrangement for this year, wo will he hero al Iho university for the entire eight days. This will inevitably cause dietary difficulties for those who choose to oboserve the holiday. For this reason, we aro organizing a three meal per day Kosher for Pussover food arrangemont. Since this operation involves considerable long-range planning, it will be necessary for us to have a definite count of those who are interested. For this purpose, we will have a table at each of the meal lines on campus on Monday, December 15 and Tuesday, December 16. All those interested are requested to give their names at this time. Hillel Basketball Scholarships To the Editors: I hope you will take time out from politics in the ASP to print something concerning the school, (it is so important that you can leave out this first paragraph if you will print the rest of the letter.) I would like to make the proposal that we change the name of our basketball team from the "Great Danes" to the "Albany Clowns." I think we merit this name more after seeing the Plattsburg game. I am not trying to insult the individual players, they played with a lot of hustle and desire to win and did better than I probably could have, but ability was lacking. It's pretty bad when a hick team like Plattsburg can come down and murder us. They weren't even a good team, playing like an old ladies soccer team, so you can imagine how we played. My question is, why can't a few basketball scholarships be given out like in most other schools? Enough of them are given at SUNYA for other reasons such as dramatics, EOP, speech and just about anything else under the sun. To take just a very small percentage of these and give them out for basketball would hurt no one and would give our school at least a respectable name in intercollegiate sports. If this isn't done we can expect many more seasons such as this one. Albany State and Doc Sauers deserve more than this. The Margison-Pricc era arc over, forever, unless we do something to make the "Great Danes" great again! R a y m ond Naidl Class'70 I ASP STAFF The Albuny Student Press is publishod two times a wook by tho Studont Association of the State University of New York at Albany. Tho ASP editorial officii is locntod in Room 334 of the Campus Center. This nowspapor Is funded by S.A. lax. Tho ASP was founded by tho class of 1918. Tho ASP phonos iiro 457-2190,219'!. Editors-in-chief Jill Paznik & Ira Wolfman News Editors Kathy lluseman Anita Thayer Assistant News Editors Nancy Durish Carol Hughes Arts Editor Daryl Lynne Wager Sports Editor Dine Fink Assistant Sports Editor Mark (hand Technical Editor Pat O'Hern Assistant Technical Editors Tom Clingan Linda Staszak Photography Editor Ed Potskowslii llusiness Manager Chuck liibak Advertising Mancger Daniel Foxman Features Editor Horry Kirschner The Editorial PoDoy of tin Albany Student Prat Ii dwrmlrwd by the Edltonr-ln-Chhrf. AT YESTERDAY'S SENATE meeting, some Senators were displeased with the audience and some of the audience seemed displeased with the Senate. Except for adjourning, little was accomplished. ...maduro and hochberg Small, spirited group stages anti-draft demonstration by Bill Johnson Yesterdays snow, slush and freezing temperatures did not ! E u . 'f!AtanylJle students and teachers from a t t e n d i n g the Anti-Draft Demons ration a. the Albany Draft Induction Center. The demonstration consisted chiefly ot student speakers and a chanting circular procession in fiont of the x."8' ••.,• , , The possibhty of entering the building making_attempls to prevent and induction from taking place was thwarted when permission to enter the building was denied on the grounds that it t w o three, four, end the was not public property. mother-fucking w a r " were Several students then spoke, chanted to an amused crowd of emphasizing the group's intention Albany lunch-hour citizens to take definite action against the emerging from the boredom of draft system Speakers also stated their offices and businesses. Many the durability of helping draft of the crew^ut personnel of the eligible individuals to avoid the center gazed glumly from behind draft on the basis of strength in the locked doors of the building numbers. and made occasional remarks of Although an overt vibrancy was bewilderment to each other. s o m e w h a t lacking in the The marchers were aided in demon! lra ! t i o n , a sense of unity s p i r it by Paula Rosenberg, a and spirit of protest was present g l l i t a r i s , w h o s u n g "j\w Times are despite smallness and the the biting cold. of the group A-Changin.'" Although the Slogans such as "Tricky turnout was small and the action Dickey-end the war!" and one, lasted less than a half-hour, it was an admirable effort on the pari of the organizers and participants in informing the "silent majority" that not everyone blindly accepts decrees in which they were not allowed to help formulate. History students raise tenure issue by Sharon Philipson A resolution was adopted this afternoon at a meeting of the History Student's Association regarding the granting of tenure to Dr. Clara Tucker of the University's History Department. The resolution reads as follows: "In view of Dr. Clara Tucker's extensive service to the university and outstanding record as an undergraduate teacher, the U.S.A. urges the University Council on Promotion and Continuing Appointments to recommend to the President that she receive tenure." According .to Paul Wheeler, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Scionces, Dr. Tucker has not yol been denied tenure. Her case Is still under evaluaion. The History D e p a r t in c n I recommended the granting of Dr. Tucker's tonuro lo tho Arts and Scionces C o m m i t t e e on Promotion and Continuing Appointment. The caso was considorod and the Departments decision overruled. The matter noxt goes to un all-University Committee, the University Council on Promotions The University Senate (and that it is the University Senate was assured today as the Senate's Agenda was amended to read University Senate instead of Faculty Senate) actually made two decisions on Dec. 15, 1969! T h e new calendar was introduced at this meeting. As of fall 1970, classes will begin Thurs. Sept. 3, and classes will end Mon., Dec. 14. Final exams will extend from Dec. 15 to the 22nd. Intersession will start on Dec. 23 to Jan. 10 Spring semester classes will commence Tues. Jan. 19. Spring rcess will start at 5:00 pm Sat., Apri' 3 and end Sun.. April 11. Classes for the Spring term will end 10:00 pm Mon., May 3 , and finals extend from May 7 to 15. The calendar was presented to the Senate yesterday, for informational purposes. The concept of a revised calendar wasi approved by Senate last year if "feasible." The first decision that was reached was concerning a new system for the scheduling of classes. After lengthly debate during which the proposal was unsuccessfully amended approximately four times and tabledEnd[untabled, a de'eis on was finally reached. The proposal as presented t o t h e Senate wa approved intact The gist of the new schedule is that on Mon., Wed., Fri. 10 blocks of 50 min. classes will be held. On Tues., and Thurs. 6 blocks of 75 min classes will be held. This means that a student can either take a course that meets Mon., Wed., Fri. for 3-50 mitr.itc sittings or take a course that wets on Tues. and Thurs. for 2-75 min. meetings (provided of course thai the course is offered both days), This also means that there is virtually no chance of not having any Fri. classes. The reasons foi of Continuing Appointments and will be reviewed within the near future. Their recommendation will be forwarded to President Kuusislo for final approval. President Kuusislo will then forward his recommendation to Chancellor Gould of the Slate University System who will then givo it lo the Board of Trustees. The decisions of Gould and the trustees are usually in accord with those of Iho President. According to tho Faculty Handbook, tenure should bo grantod on the basis of teaching, scholarship, and service. Dr. II. Petor Krosby, Chariman of tho History Department statod that in the past the granting of tonure was frequently based on teaching alone. Today, both touching and publication aro being used as criteria. However, an exception was made by Iho Department in Dr. Tucker's case. On tho basis of faculty opinion and student evaluation, her teaching has been considorod excellent, All students who are concerned with tho granting of tenure to Dr. PEACE. ...BROTHERHOOD....LOVE.,.. Christmas menage Tucker ure urged to sign the petitions which are being demonstrated in anti-draft protest yesterday at the Capitol ...hochberg circulated by the HSA the new schedule were stated as bring 1) to maximize choice of course availibility for student 2) to provide a fair and considerate teaching schedule for individual faculty members including sufficient uninterrupted time blocks 3) to make economic use of facilities. An attempt on the part of student senator Jack Schwartz to have a proposal placed on the agenda met with considerable dissension. Mr. Schwartz wants the Senate to "condemn the past and present policies of the U.S. in the region of Southeast Asia, and in particular, the nation of Vietnam. And to denounce the immoral violation of international peace and the unjust interference with the Vietnamese people's right to self-determination," Schwartz feels that "the Senate body is obligated toward such action, in its capacity as the major representative body and the appropriate channel of expression for the views of both students and faculty in the University community." However the Senate felt otherwise, and refused to even place the topic on the agenda by ruling both Mr. Schwartz and his proposal out of order. The executive committee of the Senate which is in charge of drawing up the agenda did not after evaluation deem this issue as continued on page 2 Bulb sale questioned by Tom Clingan Nearly everyone on campus Knows of the General Electric strike, now in its eighth week. Currently, federal mediation is being utilized. At stake is the usual factor-wages. Each side has already accused the other of a lack of faith in negotiation, and the discussions have suffered as a result. Several student groups have sided with the workers in their plight, either by sympathy or for private gain. This campus has recently seen some action in support of the strikers, most notably the present fast. In t h e m i d s t of this controversy, the State University Bookstore has placed General Electric flashcubcs on sale at $1.19 por package. List prico is about $2. The sale has moved some students to inquire Into the policy behind this movo. Mr. Bob Dinovo, purchasing manager for the Bookstore, said that several peoplo have approached him on this mailer. His answer is straight forwurd: the Bookstore orders five months in advance. The bulbs were tho only GE item in tho 53,000 itoms tho store stocks. They wero In stock and paid for by tho lime the strike began. The Bookstore has GE flashcubcs for $1.19 per package. Should you boycott them? Most students aren't, since there only four cases left, and they're going iast. Hurry, or there'll be none left to boycott,