Welcome Patriots

Welcome Patriots
Welcome patriots of peace, welcome to the city of protest, the city
of nerves, the capitol streets are opened to you the one day a year you
can get your creepy heads together in large enough numbers so that
when we strike out blindly we'll get at least some of you, you hippy
faggots, you terrorist agitators for peace, you crazy kids.
Hello city of protest, we are here to grab your balls and twist them
so you scream as hard as the Vietnamese whom you are continually
raping. We came to resurrect Christ, the lord of us all, his long hair
was grabbed two years ago and like Sampson, his powers were
stripped in the process of peaceful protest.
Call us crazy? It's been going on for 10,000 years! White man,
white house, white curse-your time really has come, and gone.
Staff UrtmtJty of Ntw York it AJSgjjj
Vol. IVI No. 16
Today is Saturday,
November 15
Important Notes
The buses for the trip to Washington will be leaving from the
Administration Circle at 9:30 p.m. Friday. No one will be permitted
to board a bus without a waiver and some form of indentification.
Student Association has been forced to take these measures because
of the legal responsibility incurred by this march.
It is strongly recommended that all participants in the march wear
warm clothes. It may be cold and damp in Washington. We also
recommend that you bring extra money in case something should
come up.
All marchers are reminded that it is improbable that any food
stores will be open in Washington. Bring plenty of food and if
possible, beverage.
The proposed schedule of the march is as follows:
9:30-10 p.m.-buses leave Albany
7:00 a.m.-arrive in Washington
9:00 a.m.-opening assembly-Mall west of the Capitol
10:00 a.m.--memorial service
2 - 5 : 0 0 p.m.-rally at Washington Monument
9:14 p.m.-buses leave Washington
A WALL TO WALL CARPET OF HUMANITY thronged Washington last weekend.
In Case Of Riot
In any demonstration, there is always a
possibility of a police riot. Cops are scared of us in
groups, and often provoke violence while dressed as
demonstrators. Take these minimum precautions for
your own safety:
For Women: Wear pants, and don't wear
For Everyone: Wear heavy shoes or boots, no
sandals, don't wear glasses if possible, bring plastic
goggles to protect from gas or mace. Wear a hat or
helmet, and a heavy sweater and coat. Bring a
handkerchief to cover your nose and mouth as
protection against tear gas. Put vaseline on your face
for p r o t e c t i o n against mace, removing it
immediately after you've been hit.
Write the number of a lawyer and medic on your
clothes or skin; because papers and wallets will be
confiscated in the event of arrest. The numbers will
be given to you on the bus.
Neuer Carry Drugs in a Demonstration.
In the bus, if drugs are found on the seat or floor,
everyone else gets busted with you. Never carry an
address book, pen-knife, or nail file. You can be
charged for possession of dangerous weapons for the
latter two.
Afoue in a gioup of 4-6 at all times.
Self-defense: The N.Y. Times, or any other thick,
liberal newspaper is good for protection against
When the police throw tear gas canisters into the
crowd, throw it off "somewhere into the blue."
When you're demonstrating, never take stuff like
spray paint, joints, or paper bags from strangers.
Cops often mingle with and incite crowds, and can
"plant" these aforementioned articles on you, and
then haul you off to jail.
Stay with the main crowd.
October 31.
It is not the obscure reasoning or the awkward
prose which I object to; I have come to expect this
in ASP editorials. But by this particular editorial
you have apparently abandoned all pretense to
objective, impartial reporting in your newspaper; as
you say, "We cannot, as a result, reveal to you, our
readers, anything but our own personal views.
Virtually all news in this newspaper is as a result of
that philosophy... We warn all, however, that such
obj edification is impossible and, we feel,
There are, of course, philosophical arguments
supporting the impossibility of "objuctification" of
the recounting of any human experience. But it is
possible in practical terms to approach accuracy;
and an open-minded, conscientious reporter labors
to do just that. He knows that his primary
responsibility thus will try to describe fairly events
and persons and ideas he may dislike and disapprove
of, leaving it to the reader to form an opinion.
Opinion is proper and necessary in a newspaper -in
the columns and the editorials. But many of the
"news articles" in the ASP arc already little more
than poorly- disguised polemics, especially when
they deal with "student power" or with the war in
South Vietnam. The editorial of October 31 in fact
seems to be merely a belated statement of policy.
The editors of the ASP have thereby weakened
any position they may take in their editorial
columns. They say, by "impossible" reportage of a
complex reality. 1 believe they insult the intelligence
and good judgment of their readers. I believe that
people have a right to receive objective presentation
of news rather than just prejudiced personal
opinion. There is great danger when a newspaper
says blatantly, "We have little interest in any 'public
trust' because our private one is our main concern."
1 hope that thoughtful students and faculty
members are disturbed and arounsed by such ;l
statement. And I personally believe that the causes
which the editors profess to support deserve far
better than what the Albany Student Press is
coming to be.
James D. Folts,
Class of 1969
Senator J. Schwartz
Astounding Editorial
To the Editors:
I was astounded by your editorial, "No
Neutrality," m the Albany Student Pre- of Friday,
To the Editors,
Several letters to the Editor have referred to my
To the Editor,
Fridan. Nootmber 31, jgjgf
comments at the University Senate meeting of
October 27, 1969. Let the minutes of that meeting
set the record straight as to what was said and what
was not said.
"Professor Eson, arguing that the effects of
adopting the proposal would in fact prove
inconsequential and noting that the issue had
been long under study and debated at length in
the previous Senate meeting, moved the
Until someone can provide empirical evidence, or
at least a plan for gathering such evidence, we
should not give up the "null hypothesis." Hence the
effects of adopting the proposal must be considered
inconsequential. The issue was under consideration
for nearly eighteen months-not 35 minutes-as
some people have alleged.
Morris E. Eson
Department of Psychology
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room 334 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tux. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
The ASP phones urc -167-2190,2194.
Jill Paznik di Ira Wolfman
News Editors
Kathy Huseman
Anita Thayer
Assistant News Editors
Nancy Durish
Carol Hughes
Arts Editor
Daryl Lynnc Wager
Sports Editor
Dave Fink
Assistant Sports Editor
Mark Grand
Technical Editor
Pat O'Hern
Assistant Technical Editors
Tom Clingan
Linda Staszak
Photography Editor
Andy llochberg
Business Manager
Chuck Ribak
Advertising Manager
Daniel Foxman
Features Editor
Barry Kirschner
Tha EdltorM Policy of t h . Albany Student Praa li
datarminad by tha Edltorvlrv-Chlif.
Central Council discussion
centers on football team
The portion of the spring
Student Tax not used by the
Board would then be diverted into
the sagging SA budget. The effect
of the bill, if it had been passed,
would be to eliminate the funds
needed to create a football team
in the near future. However, the
bill was defeated in a 0-19-8 vote.
The argument over the manner
in which the surplus was presently
being used and how it would be
used in the future included many
aspects. The possibility of phasing
out unpatronized sports, 'beefing
up' the more popular sports and
installing those most desired by
students w.as even suggested.
Under this suggestion by Lennie
Kopp, priorities such as a football
team should be established. Ralph
Di Marino defended the AA
by Anita Thayer
Board's actions, maintaining that
Friday evening. LC-7 the place selected for the official send-off of a group should not be punished
the troops. No speaker, just some announcements. Low conversation. for going in the black,especially
"Where did you get your canteen?...It's snowing in Washington.... I when they amassed the surplus for
have ten peanut-butter sandwiches.... My knapsack is too heavy...."
for a stated purpose. The reason is
Finally the time for the buses to leave arrived. Yet this didn't mean lo further intercollegiate sports at
that the buses were leaving. Time for the spotlight to shift to the this university.
method-conscious bureaucrat.
The whole discussion finally
Obviously, the buses had been told to line up in numerical order
around our great circle. This hassle took about an hour. Eventually concluded with the fact thai the
even the most fastidious bus driver was satisfied and the people reason that there is no football
team is that there is no one lo
swarmed towards the buses.
Again,however the desires of the people were thwarted One was not coach it. Under the practice that
allowed to board the bus without showing an I.D., a bus ticket, and a is presently being followed the
genuine (or reasonable facsimile) waivei. It was necessary to sign your coaches for intcrcollagiatc sports
name, number, phone number, parents' name, number, address, phone are usually physical education
number. The rain came down harder and harder. Hut still the i n s t r u c t o r s . Apparently the
niarshalls carefully and conscientiously performed their duly. The problem with football is due to
the fact thai the budgci cuts have
people wre getting very wet.
At approximately 10:50, 525 soggy Albanians were on their way lo not allowed for any new P.E.
instructors lo he hired with
"You can each have one apple and one orange." Before the bus was football coachini! abilitv.
Dr. Werner, director of
even on the Thruway the smell of oranges was everywhere and the
athletics, suggested lliat Student
eating orgy had begun.
The niarshalls (about two per bus) gave us numbers. Call this one Association hire this needed coach
for an interim period to get the
for first aid, this one for legal advice and this one if you arc lost. A
team started. Norm Rich observed
smear of telephone numbers covered everyone's arms.
Finally, after lengthy contests and the repetition of various lhat whenever lite Student
malevolent omens, and Utile sleep, the people arrived in the cold and Association has assumed a
financial responsibility the Slate
windy city.
6:30, a strange city, hoards of people and freezing cold. The or University rarely will assume
contingent left their cramped-, orange-perfumed buses and joined the that responsibility. Therefore the
students would be permanently
other button people.
burdened with paying for the
The buses were supposed to return lo Fourteenth and 'I'Streets at
9:15. But who could tell at the groggy hour of 6:30 what 9:15 would coach and other facilities.
Towards the end of the
Continued on page 2
discussion Gold urged the defeat
Continued on page 11
by Ken Stokem
A bill introduced at last night's
Central Council meeting by Gary
Gold proposed that the Athletic
portion of the Student Activity
Assessment for Spring 1970 be
reverted to Student Association.
This proposal lead to extensive
discussion of the probabilty of
Albany State's finally getting a
football team. The main issue
centered on the question of why
the AA Board's $148,000' surplus
hasn't been used to start a
football team.
The intent of Gold's bill was to
have AA Board use the surplus to
finance themselves for the coming
Spring semester, instead of them
being financed by the athletic
portion of Student Tax as they
normally are. This is because the
surplus has not been used to start
a football team as it was supposed
Washington buses
in quest of peace
by Ira Wolfman
Initially, the camera moves into the Executive Offices of the White
House, where President Richard M. Nixon is spending a 'routine' day,
complete with conferences and a football game. We then see, as the
camera pans to a calendar, that today is Saturday, November 15,
1969, the date of the planned massive mobilization in Washington- a
protest of Nixon's policies in Vietnam.
Next, an aerial shot reveals over 50,000 people marching in orderly
rows of five, strolling down Pennsylvania Avenue, carrying signs and
chanting anti-war slogans. The cry is heard above the crowd, "What do
we want? Peace. When do we want it?
The narrator opens: "November 15. The date had become
synonymous with the anti-war movement. Planned originally by the
New Mobilization committee, a conglomeration of radicals, pacifists,
and old and new leftists, the march also finally enjoyed the support of
the "moderate" Moratorium committee, led by Sam Brown, a former
McCarthy aide."
In the meantime, the camera has panned over the crowd assembling
for the march. The distinct groups are easily discernible; most visible,
the Weatherman faction of SDS and other extreme radical groups are
waving NLF Flags and chanting their Ho Chi Minh cry. Active GI's
and active draft resisters are found at the very front of the march.
Campus groups and campus age people predominate, yet one notes a
sprinkling of older faces in the crowd '-among them, war veterans from
previous conflicts.
The narrator again speaks: 'The march did not begin the anti- war
activity in Washington that week. There had been a whirlwind of
activity going on since Thursday, much of it subdued, one incident
marred with violence and tear gas.
The camera again moves. This time, it is early morning, the sky is
clear and the weather crisp and cold... very cold. Huge crowds are
converging on the Washington Monument mall.
Narrator's voice: "Saturday morning, the majority of the buses
rolled in. The students unloaded, and moved towards the mall.
Prior to the march, Senator Eugene McCarthy addressed the crowd.
He received a five minute ovation following his short speech.
The marchers, who represented only a small percentage of those
present, proceeded down Pennsylvania Avenue until 12:30, when the
march permit expired. At 1:00 p.m. or so, the rally began at the
Camera shot from the speaker's podium. The number of people is
staggering. One cannot judge if it is 50,000, 500,000 or 5,000,000 but
the crowd is undeniably huge.lt seems to keep coining-more and
more bodies-with nearly no end in sight. Impressive. Amazingly well
behaved and orderly. Little pushing, few seem to hurry.
Narrator: "Rev. William Sloan Coffin opened the rally with a short
prayer. Benjamin Spock welcomed the throng; he called the thousands
'all my children!"
Speakers ranged from moderate, Establishment men to radicals and
folk singers with a more unconventional approach.
The crowd reacted to speakers in a predictable .fashion. Those
speakers who were monotonous or who failed to feed the crowd the
rhetoric of ridicule and emotion they craved, were, for the most part,
ignored. Speakers such as George Wald and both Senators McGovern
and Goodell were among those who failed to arouse the audience.
Howard Samuels not only failed to arouse the audience, but even
managed to create some hostility by proudly proclaiming himself a
'businessman' and accenting the positive role he felt business-like
Continued on page 11
FIRST SNOW...Reflections In the stone.
Admininistration discusses
housing, 'Vietnam village9
Unique formats to highlight
second Dippikill tournament
This Friday will mark the
beginning of the second Dippikill
Debate Tournament in the Woods.
The tournament, sponsored by
Forensics Union, is designed to
offer forms of debate which are
n o t often offered on the
traditional debate circuits.
Forensics Union has discarded
the traditional format of using
one national topic for all debates
within a rigid structure of time
periods. All debates at Dippikill
will have different
resolutions and the debators will
have the option of discarding the
resolutions offered by SUNYA in
favor of their own. Impromptu
debating, a traditional time
format with a topic chosen ten
minutes before the debate round
begins, will be the predominent
form of debate.
Lincoln Douglas debating will
also be offered. This type of
debate features one man debating
directly against another (as
opposed to the traditional four
man debate structure.
"The. third type of debate
offered-' will be Parliamentary
Debate. This debate endeavors to
introduce a bill, debate its merits,
and then try to get it passed or
defeated. All participants in the
tournament will take part in one,
massive round of Parliamentary
The time periods for all the
styles of debate will be flexible
and determined by the debaters.
The debates will all be flexible
enough to allow the switching of
team mates
not appearing for a designated
Most importantly, there will be
no win or loss decisions at
Dippikill. All debaters will judge
one another and endeavor to help
each other in a constructive
manner without awarding a "win"
or a "loss." At the conclusion of
the tournament awards will be
presented to the debaters.
Washington bus saga
Continued from page 1
By 9:15, all of downtown
Washington, including the corner
of 14th and I had been tear gassed.
Consequently the D.C. police told
the bus company to pick up their
passengers at a park near the
murky Potomac River and the
Jefferson Memorial.
Two of the buses seemed to
have had hearing problems and
returned to 14th and 1 inspite of
the directives. These buses were
quickly loaded once again by
soggy people. However, this time
it wasn't a friendly rain, but bitter
and uncontrollable tears.
over-burdened and understaffed
roamed the streets. "Any students
from Albany....This is an Albany
Almost everyone on the bus
was crying. The people's army had
been dealt a serious blow. The
evening had shattered the mud of
the afternoon's City on a Hill.
Eventually all the lost people
and all the buses came together
and sorted themselves into their
original combinations.
Eight people were unaccounted
for...(all located by Sunday
evening); one student had been
arrested and released on $25 bail
(charged with refusing to move
when instructed by a peace
officier). The buses returned to
Albany 7:30 a.m. on Sunday.
The people slept and cried.
S a t u r d a y : N o v e m b e r 22,
Association ofGraduate Students9 p.m. Band- "The Other Side."
Open Bar-Liquor and beer. $1.50
members, $2 others. All welcome.
T h e F o u r t h and
Conference on the Future of
American Democratic Politics will
be held on Tuesday, Nov. 25, at
2 4 : 3 0 p.m. in the downstairs
lecture hall at Sayles Hall. The
public is invited.
P a p e r s on " T h e
Minority" and the Future by
James Keating and on "Ideology"
and the Future by Dan Sabia, will
be presented and discussed.
Writers who are interested in
forming a workshop slanted
toward publication, call Bruce
Chapman: 439-9248, 5 p.m. or
10! Persons with manuscripts are
especially desired.
Are you concerned? Support S
A P. Get results.
Call IV 9 - 2 8 2 7
a.- IV 2 - 0 2 2 8
(Throe Subs Minimum)
. Wash, w e l , soak, hunl,
squint, wash, soak, wet, cry a Utile
Contact lenses were designed to be a convenience. And
they are up to a point. They're
convenient enough to wear,
once you gel used lo thorn, but,
until recently, you had to use
Iwoor more aiflerent lens solutions to properly prepare and
maintain contacts You
needed two or three different bottles, lens cases, and
you went through more than
enough daily rituals to make
even the most steadfast individuals consider dropping out.
But now caring for your contacts can be as convenient as
wearing them. Now there's Lensine, (rom the makers ol Murine.
Lensine is the one lens solution
designed tor ;omplete contact
lens care
preparing, cleansing, and soaking.
a drop or
no boloio
u insert
your lens prep a r e s 11
your eye Lonsinc makes your
contacts, which are made of
modern plastics, compatible
with your eye How'Henr.ine is an "isotonic" solution That moans it's
made to blend with Iho
eye's natural Minds So
a simple drop or two
coals llie lens, lormmg a
sort ol com'lort lono around
Cleaning your c o n tacts with Lensine fights
bacleria and foreign deposits that build up during the course of the day.
And lor ovornight soaking, Lensine provides a
handy contact canister on
ie bottom of every bottle Soaking your contacts in Lensine between wearing periods assures
you ol proper lens hygiene.
Impioper storage between
woanngs permits the growth of
bacteria on your lenses This is a
sure cause of eye irritation and.
in some cases, it can endanger
your vision Bacteria cannot grow
in Lensine I ensrne is sterile, selfsamtizmfl. and antiseptic
Let your contacts he the convenience they were designed to
be The name ol the game is
Lensine Lensine, made by
the Murine Company, Inc.
Are you
cut out for
8 pm 1 am
Sun & Other Special
Days 4pro-1aro
the SUNY-Wurzburg Program.
Get credit for JUNIOR and
WORK. See Prof. Moore Hu 213
for details. DEADLINE - Feb. 1,
Technical assistance is neei.
for State University Theatres
next major production, RIP VAN
WINKLE. Help is needed for
l i g h t i n g , s c e n e r y , costumes,
m a k e u p , publicity, etc. Call
Shawn King at 462-9708 or
All students interested in
Hebrew 101a (1st semester) please
contact Bill Stenzler c/o Box 369
BB, SUNYA, by Campus Mail.
Bus Schedule
Effective Friday, November
21st, changes have been instituted
in the bus schedule for the late
n i g h t runs on Fridays and
Saturdays. These changes reflect a
need to consolidate the runs in
the interest of the safety and
welfare of both passengers and
Faced with the alternatives of
discontinuing the late runs or
modifying the schedule, the
Plante Department in consultation
with the Office of Residences
developed the schedule which
appears below:
Lv. Draper 11:10 p.m.; Ar.
Colonial Quad (circle) 11:30 p.m.
Lv. Colonial Quad (circle)
11:40 p.m.; Ar. Draper 12:00
Lv. Draper 12:10 a.m.; Ar.
Colonial Quad (circle) 12:30 a.m.
Lv. Colonial Quad (circle)
12:40 a.m.; Ar. Draper 1:00 a.m.
Lv. Draper 1:10 a.m.; Ar.
Colonial Quad (circle) 1:30 a.m.
Lv. Colonial Quad (circle) 1:40
a.m.; Ar. Draper 2:00 a.m.
Lv. Draper 2:10 a.m.; Ar.
Colonial Quad (circle) 2:30 a.m.
The 10:40 p.m. bus has been
eliminated from the Friday and
Saturday schedule.
IN A FIX for bus transportation
to Hempstead at decent rates? If
we get 30 more people we can so
round trip for about $8. Leaving
here 4:30 Tuesday and return
bus. Interested?
Call 457-7806 before Sunday;
call sooner if at all possible.
JAN-looking forward to seeing
you during Thanksgiving-Paul,
Hofstra U.
pickups, great
neck, grover machine heads. Les
Paul design body, beautiful
sound and hardshell case. $:• ">
or so. Excellent condition. Call
Mitch at 436-4384.
apartment with two girls, near
bus. Call 436-0605.
GUYS looking for a change!
Guy on Alumni Campus wants
to exchange rooms and move
uptown. Call Larry at 2*4450.
JACK: Let's see your magic
beanstalk grow!
WANTED: Van Owner to be
equipment manager for "The
Otherside." No lifting involved.
Good pay. 4B 7-3266'.
LOST: gold/black fountain pen.
Gift from deceased relative. Call
Eric Jou you are a worm. Suite
r e v e r b - g o o d
used. Call Honnie at 457-8743.
ARE YOU hungry/ Want to
!'.• '•(,' or weekend
position* available. Schedules
can be arranged. Call for
personal interview. 463-123.1 •>
a.m.—2 p.m.
Square. Love, Ron.
PLEDGES FOR TELETHON '69 were taken by "Smile on Your
Brother" committee members. The total proceeds of $4,000 were
given to the Albany chapter of Big Brothers-Big Sisters. ...j,entomin
by Perry Silverman
Q u e s t i o n s concerning the
availability of Indian Quad
dormitories for student residence
and the controversial "Vietnamese
village" constructed on campus
during the week of the November
Moratorium were discussed by
administration officials at the
President's conference with the
students on Monday.
On the subject of Indian Quad
h o u s i n g , Acting P r e s i d e n t
Kuusisto presented a letter sent to
Walter M. Tisdalc, Assistant to the
President for Planning and
Development from the New York
State Dormitory Authority.
The letter stated that the first
six low-rise units, scheduled to
open between March and May
will be probably be
available no earlier than July,The
last two low-risers and the
Library submits new fines
for Univ. Senate approval
by Nancy Durish
The agenda of the November
meeting of the University Senate
held on Monday afternoon
consisted of Council reports, a
Ad Hoc
Committee, and the introduction
of a number of bills sponsored by
student senators.
Library Council, under the
c h a i r m a n s h i p of Morrison
Haviland, submitted its report
concerning the allocation of
l i b r a r y funds,
regulations and the proposed
revision of the fine schedule. The
new schedule reads as follows:
Circulation Desk: On all overdue
books, a fine of $.50 per day for
Ihc first week plus $.25 per day
after the first week will be
charged. The fine is accumulated
until the book is returned or
reported lost, and will be cut in
half if paid when the book is
For a lost book, the student
will be obligated lo pay the cost
of the book plus a $5.00
processing fee and all fines
accumulated before the book is
reported lost.
Failure lo return a book
requested lv the library for
another bonuwer will cost the
student $1. per day if he fails lo
return it within throe days from a
Campus address and one week
from an off-campus address.
Reserve Hook Desk: A student
will be charged $1. for Ihc first
hour and $.25 for each following
hour for failure to return
Also approved by the Library
Council was the application of the
regulation to faculty as well as to
students thai books he recalled
aftei Iwo weeks if requested by
another borrower.
Discussion followed
submission of live report and
Lenny Kopp introduced a motion
lo send llie report back to Library
Council for revision. The motion
was defeated 4 1 - 2 2 . The
regulations, including Ihc fine
schedule, will go into effect next
semester if given the approval of
President Kuusisto.
A bill for an investigation of
Ihc Albany High
incidentwas i n t r o d u c e d by
student Senator Sieve Villain).
The bill's resolution asked thai
the University Senate call upon
llie New York Slate Commission
November 12th incident at the
high school in which several
University students were involved.
Immediately after reading the
bill, discussion ensued and Dr.
Kuusisto introduced Dr. Harry
Hamilton, head of Albany's
NAACP and Director of the EOP
Program at the University, to
answer any questions and to
express his own v'ews on the bill.
Dr. Hamilton first stated the
possiblity of the bill being invalid
since, to his knowledge, only
parties directly involved in the
incident may ask for a Human
Rights Commission investigation.
He then went on to assert the
that such an
investigation will take place
n u m e r o u s lawsuits will be
instituted by the parties involved.
A full report on the incident is
now being formulated, according
to Dr. Hamilton, and will be
released hopefully in the near
future. He stressed the fact,
however, thai the University
whould not remain in an ivory
tower but should lake a stand on
the issues involved in Iheincident.
Villano then withdrew his bill,
and stated his desire lo formulate
another bill
to express the
sentiments of the University
Senators on the issue, and present
it at the next meeting.
In o t h e r
a c t i o n , Doug
Goldschmidt introduced a motion
asking Student Affairs Council to
look into the question of using
demonstrations, and to draw up a
list regulations, denoting exactly
where demonstrations may be
held. The motion, sparked by the
controversy over the Vietmm
huts during the Moratorium, was
defeated, 30-25.
cafeteria would be completed at a
later date.
Kuusisto, therefore, concluded
that Indian Quad would not be
available for residence earlier than
fall 1970.
con troversy was discussed by Dr.
C l i f t o n T h o m e , who was
responsible for the university
N o v e m b e r Moratorium while
Kuusisto attended a conference.
The request to build the straw
huts was initially submitted to
Thome for the construction of
the village on the Campus Center
mall and the eventual destruction
of the village by burning.
This request was changed to
building the village on the
Academic Podium; the huts would
not be burned. Dr. Thome then
mentioned receiving numerous
message by persons objecting to
the village, including threats to
burn it.
He also described receiving
anonymous phone calls from
p e r s o n s w h o had claimed
attending a meeting in which
plans for burning the village were
formulated and a film concerning
the methods of disabling police
vehicles were shown.
Acting to protect people and
property, Thome reached an
agreement with Ihose responsible
for erecting the huts to move the
village hack to the Campus Center
mall, where the "Vietnam village"
would be displayed, but nor
burned as a part of the display.
T h i s a c t i o n was taken in
consideration of the fact that the
Lecture Center roof, upon which
the village was now located, was
T h o r n e described
contacted later by William O'Kain
who, claiming to represent the
" v i l l a g e " g r o u p , requested
permission to move the huts to
the Academic Circle. This request
was denied on the grounds that
the location of the huts on the
"front door" of the university
would create antagonism.
O ' K a i n ' s p o s i t i o n as a
r e p r e s e n t a t i v e was refuted
afterwards by Don Carrier who
asserted that O'Kain was not
reflecting the views of the group.
The group, however, was not
entirely in favor of the removal
of their huts to the Campus
Centermall, even in the face of an
arson attempt on their "village."
The huts were taken to the mall
by university personnel on
Wednesday when members of the
"village" group did not appear to
remove the huts.
An effort by this committee to
return the huts to the Podium, in
violation of the agreement, on
that Thursday brought another
meeting with Dr. Thorne in which
it was finally determined that the
huts would be disposed of at 4:30
p.m. of the same day.
McCarthy fears military machine
with its great power of domination
by Kenneth Deane
"If there is not a significant and
immediate change in structure and
c h a r a c t e r of the American
political system, then this nation
will ultimately find itself entirely
d o m i n a t e d by the military
establishment. The ever expanding
efforts of the Defense Department
will transform il into a garrison
state." These prophetic words
were spoken by Dr. Torrance
McCarthy, a former professor of
University, in a lecture presented
at Draper Hall, on Saturday
McCarthy called for the
creation of a third political party,
whose declared goal would be
dismantling of
o f w a r - -1 h e
Department of Defense." And he
foresees that unless such action is
immediately undertaken, liberty
and the democratic institutions in
America will be at an end.
The lecture was entitled "The
of the
Economy" and was sponsored by
the Non-Violent Action Group, in
support of the November 15 th
War Moratorium.
McCarthy's lecture drew an
ominous and desperate picture of
this nation's fulurc as a free and
democratic state. According to
M c C a r t h y , the military has
mushroomed in size and power so
that it is now independent of the
federal government.
Despite Defense Dcpartmnct
s t a t e m e n t s , according
McCarthy, this nation is unable to
afford the Vietnam war. In
actuality we arc a nation of
Special Holiday Sal
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limited resources and productive
capacity. And that the federal
government in attempting to fund
the war is destroying our
currency, forfeiting social progress
and allowing the nation to
become further entrapped in the
invidious tentacles of "the lustful
McCarthy fears that once the
conflict in Vietnam is at an end,
the government will feel free to
counter the Soviet threat in the
Middle East. Such a calculated
maneuver by the government
would serve to gragment the peace
movement and thus strengthen
the military establishment.
...the discretion rests with
businessmen, not moralists
by Paul Mann
Grapplers Face
Dane Hoopsters Prepare
Depth Problem
For Stiff 22 Game Slate
The era of Rich Margison is
over at Albany.' During his tenure
the team won 51 out of 68 games,
last year ranking third in the
NCAA College Division, Eastern
Regionals after completing the
regular season with a 17-5 mark
and 18-6 overall.
Coach Dick Sauers, in his 15 th
year as head Basketball Coach,
will attempt to regroup his forces,
with two returning starters,
transfer students, last year's
f r e s h m e n , and returning
The two returning regulars are
Captain Jack Adams and Junior
Jack Jordon. Adams has averaged
10 and 9 points respectively in
two varsity campaigns. He will
probably start at guard. Jack
Jordon averaged 12.5 points per
game last year and will get one of
the starting assignments at
Three transfer students who
will be counted on heavily this
year are Steve Sheehan, Allan CAPTAIN JACK ADAMS Will lead this year's vanity basketball squad.
Reid, and Jim Masterson. Sheehan The team will open its 22 game regular season schedule on Tuesday,
was a star at Hudson Valley December 2 at Williams College.
Community College where he
averaged 18 points per game. The
6'2" center will share the pivot
duty with sophomore Mike Hill.
Reid was the most valuable player
and Tri-Captain of Broome Tech's
25-6 powerhouse. The 6'2"
The physical education
3. Towing an inert swimmer 50
forward should see a lot of action. department is offering a credited yards.
Masterson averaged 8.6 as a course in Scuba Diving. The
4. Floating motionless 15
freshman at Ithaca and will get a current course is being taught by minutes (survival float accepted in
starting assignment at guard.
members of the SUNYA Scuba case of negative buoyance).
5. Swimming 25 yards
The squad is rounded out by Club as will the new course being
Ed Arseneau, John Heher, Les offered in January. The passing of underwater from a diving start.
6.Diving to 12 feet depth and
Newmark, J. Quattrocchi, Bob
pre-requisite for obtaining the recovering a 10 pound weight.
Rossi, and Jim Sandy.
The swim tests will be
Coach Sauers stressed that the
1. Treading water (no hands) conducted after Thanksgiving
team has a potentially fine
at the pool in the
defense and that if the offense can
2. Swimming 300 yards afternoon. The testing periods will
score with consistancy the team
without stopping.
be announced at a later date.
should finish well.
AM1A Bowling League IV is
now being formed. The league
consists of 3-man teams and is run
on a scratch (no handicap)
system. Four games will be
bowled each week at a day and
time to be decided later. If you
are interested in joining this
league as an individual or with a
team sign up on the bowling alley
bulletin board or contact Paul
Haas at 7-7949.
There will be a captains'
meeting, for all those interested in
League 111 Bowling on Monday at
3:30 in Room 125 of the Physical
Education Building. This is a
four-man handicapped league. For
further information call Mr. Bell
at 4574513 or John OToolc at
The November 15 wrestling
clinic at State University of New
York at Albany attracted more
than 350 high school and college
coaches and wrestlers. Albany
head coach Joe Garcia was very
pleased with the turnout and said
the clinic definitely will become
an annual event. Penn State coach
Bill Koll conducted this year's
clinic, while Grady Poninger of
Michigan State was the clinician
last fall at the first affair.
Albany swimming coach Brian
Kelly was encouraged by the
turnout at the diving clinic
November 9. More than 150
persons, double the expected
number, were on hand to watch
and listen to Cornell University
diving coach Rick Gilbert. The
clinic was sponsored jointly by
the university swimming team, the
Capital Distract Chapter of the
A s s o c i a t i o n of Certified
Swimming Officials of New York
State, and the Albany area
Chapter of the American Red
The AM1A Basketball Leagues
have a need for several officials
for the 1969-70 basketball season
which opens Saturday, November
22. This need includes new and
experienced officials. The next
officials clinic will be held
Thursday, November 20 at 3:30
p.m. in 125 of the Physical
Education Center. All officials arc
paid for their work and there are
over 350 games scheduled.
This Saturday marks the second
annual Albany Invitational
Women's Intercollegiate
Swimming Meet. There will be ten
swimming evcnls and one diving
event. The favored teams arc
University of Massachusetts and
University of Vermont. Others
competing arc Skidmore, Green
Mountain, Castlct m, Genesseo,
New Paltz, Plaltsburg, and
T©w©ir E&sft CiBSinnia
on State Quad
FRI. and SAT.
Nov. 21 and 22
at 7:30 & 10:00
The Albany State varsity
wrestling team opens their 1969
season on December 6 as the host
contingent for the Albany
Q u a d r a n g u l a r Meet. The
opposition in attendence will be
Union, Rochester and Williams.
The junior varsity team will not
begin their season. This is mainly
because there is no j.v. squad.
Apparently, not enough wrestlers
went out for the team to fill the
lineup. According to Coach Joe
Garcia, "We have one of the finest
wrestling rooms in the country,
fine conditioning facilities and
play a top-flight schedule and it's
a shame that we can't attract
enough wrestlers."
Because of this lack of interest,
the team lacks depth in several
weight classes. This creates
problems in that there is no
competition for the respective
starting berths, hence, the
wrestlers would tend to progress
at a slower rate.
The 118 lb. weight class is
completely open. Wrestling at 126
pounds are Mark Zilkowski and
Paul Kula. At 134 pounds is Jeff
Albrecht while lettermen Pete
Ranalli and Kevin Roach weigh in
at 142 lbs. Occupying the 150
pound class are honorary captain
George Hawrylenak and Alex
Domkoski. At 158,167 and 177
lbs. are Bobby Kind, Bob Clayton
and Jim Renton, respectively.
Mike M u e l l a r , who was
heavyweight champ on last year's
AMIA tournament, is a candidate
for the 190 lb. slot as is Tim
Coon. The heavyweight class is
filled by Curt Witton.
Obviously, there is not
sufficient competition in the
weight classes. Only by the
wrestlers fighting to start in the
meets will the team improve.
Coach Garcia says it is not too
late to come out for the sport.
Interested men should contact
ACU Regional Tourney
Contests in billiards, bowling,
bridge, chess, and table tennis,
sponsored by the Association of
College Unions (ACU), will take
place from Monday, December 8
through Saturday, December 13,
All events will be conducted in
the Campus Center and will be
held under the direction of the
Student Activities Office.
Registration forms for each
event may be obtained at the
Campus Center information desk
from Monday, November 24,
through Wednesday, December 3,
Students desiring to enter the
tournament must have amateur
status, which is defined as never
having accepted cash or
merchandise prizes in the sport
they plan to participate in.
After registering their ID cards
with the University, students
should contact one of the
following persons: Billiards, Ken
Blaisdell, 457-7597; Bowling,
Nelson Swart, 457-6314; Bridge,
Tom Trifon, 457-7973; Chess, Lee
Battes, 489-6751; Table Tennis,
Jon Fife, 457-6764 (Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday).
Students will be paired for
competetion and participants will
be notified by each tournament
The winners of the local
tournament will be eligible to
compete in the Region II contest,
which will be hosted by State
University College at Oswego on
February 12-14,1970.
W H A T * ? A t i n o w h c n > with t r a i n e d
" I i / l A * r.roup l e a d e r s ,
p e o p l e in
t h e U n i v e r s i t y can i n t e r a c t w i t h one
a n o t h e r , in a n o r s i t i v e m a n n e r . (Th'.r
w i l l not be a c o f f e e h o u r . )
Love your mother?
by Kevin J. McGirr
Human emotions, the War in Viet Nam, and the movement
towards ending the war...
Washington D.C. was the biggest love-in ever held in
Amei...;. Everyone offered you food, tried to keep you
warm, and constantly smiled at you; it was the spirit of
Christmas. My body was cold but my heart was warm. All
the children were there. All the children who are unsure of
their love for mother America. Some of the children are not
unsure-some love mother very much and others, very
frustrated, are constantly expressing their hate. In case you
didn't know, the love children were wearing helmets and
carrying guns.
Washington is a magnificent city with its huge edifices
standing so proud and strong. Heavy glass, tall gates and
deep underground, all of which houses those of the children
who wish to be housed. Many of the children swoon to
mother's breasts. Her breasts are full; oh Wall Street oh
The hateful children are spoiled. They broke: windows
and splatter paint on mother's physical anatomy. They are
so spoiled that they are willing to put their brothers, their
brother brothers who are unsure of their love for mother, in
jeopary of being hurs. Here comes another
tear gas cannister. Did anyone see Norman ' r~
Mailer around?
Come together children; come together. .
All the children are asking, "What effects,
do these moratoriums have on the powers |
that be?" Spiro Agnew, one of
nurses, doesn't want it to have any effect. I
He says the media are controlled by a J
fraternity of men-probably those children
who are unsure of their love-and they are (
perverting the news. Spiro is right but he |
wants it perverted even more.
Hundreds of thousands said thai it was a I
peaceful inarch. Attorney General Mitchell I
said that il was a violent march. The New J
York Tii.ics, the perverted media, reports .
what Mr. Mitchell has to say. The children, (
all the children are reading and reacting. |
Abbie Hoffman estimates a million and a\
half people at the march, Washington police I
chief estimates 300,000 people-the
New J
York Times reports the police chief's J
.4// the children arc emotional. Many of \
the children are unsure of moratoriums. Last I
week's moratorium on campus was not OS I
successful as the October 15th moraU rium. J
Although, more are marching each march '
and as that silent majority dwindles they will (
become more expressive; they have children ,
who truly love mother, they are emotional, |
they may decide to prove their love, they I
have guns.
The emotions of our children do change; J
but more children must refuse mothers J
breasts to keep the Christmas spirit alive.
America than did those who marched on
Washington. Unfortunately, exploding glittering
metropolitan buildings of the super-rich into rubble
The Sacred and the Profane
is stupid and puerile, however, healthy a catharsis it
It is not a question of what ought to be done,
may be for the human psyche. It only reinforces the
but. of what is the course laid out by business
case for men like Nixon.
principles', the discretion rests with the business
So it appears that we must become businessmen
men, not with the moralists, and the business
too, we must learn how to sell peace, or rather show
men's discretion is bounded by the exigencies of
the business men how (hey may sell it at thenbusiness enterprise. Even the business men
profit. Men like the street vendor selling peace
cannot allow themselves to play fast and loose
buttons are an outrage, but apparently one of the
with business principles in response to a call
inescapable facts of life is that it costs money to
from humanitarian motives. The question,
have a soul. And while we may dicker with our
therefore, remains, on the whole, a question of
consciences on the moral validity of selling peace,
what the business men may be expected to do
while we stand about in the muck and rain and tear
for cultural growth on the motive of profits.
gas and profound gloom in moratoriums, men in
Vietnam are still going to their graves like beds.
—Thorsten Veblen
There only remains one quasi-metaphysical question
beyond these facts. Could peace possibly, by any
stretch of the imagination, be made more profitable
"/ sure am (for peace). I sell peace all year long. I than war?
have a city permit to do it. I've made a fortune at
The Donnybrook at the Justice Department
it." Remarks to the reporter of a street vendor
selling peace buttons and decals on the comer of At 329 Pennsylvania Avenue, near the Capitol
NW 10th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue on Friday Building, in downtown Washington, then is a bar
. morning, Nov. 14.
called the "Hawk & Dove." Inside the bar there is a
clock hanging from the ceiling with the following
words printed
on its facia: HARRIS'S
The quote from Mssr. Veblen comes from The
Theory of Business Enterprise, published in 1904. If MORTUARY.
one understands its implications one also
So once more into the breach dear friends, like
understands who the antagonist has been, and is, in Hank Cinq's army. Tis Saturday morning and Good
the various rounds on the moratorium circuit. The
Friday's Anglo-Saxon gloom has dissipated. It is a
highest hopes of those who marched on Washington
bright, clear, cold morning in the nation's capital, a
this weekend might possibly be realized if a
brisk 36 degrees.
majority of the people in this spiritual Disneyland
No trouble as yet in the moratorium, although
of ours recognized the fact that the Vietnamese War
Friday night there was a slight skirmish over at
is not the disease, it's the symptom The disease (i.e., DuPont Circle (where Washington's homosexuals
the dissenters' antagonist) is homo economicus. For allegedly reside) near the South Vietnamese
you may be sure that if the representatives of
En.bassy .
paternalistic corporate enterprise gathered together
Saturday's mood, it turns out, is far less somber
tomorrow and decided that the Vietnamese war was thanFriday's, more like a festival, a carnibal, a
not in the economic benefit of the nation, the war Roman holiday. There is a genteel whiff of Balkan
would cease forthwith. However, peace, like war, Sobrainie pipe tobacco in the air and three collages
must be sold to the public ("Three peace buttons of students have got campfires going down in front
for only $.75," shouts the street vendor) and the of the circumcised Capitol Dome. The reporter and
propaganda campaign for peace is not yet in full his friend drink deeply of the morning mists, trying
swing. Peace doesn't have enough buyers yet to to recover from the effects of a heavy overdose of
warrant a halt on the selling of the war. The motives bourbon last night, in attempts to alchoholically
of profit are still enjoined with a continuation of liquidate the accumulated' despairs of Spiro T.
battle. Know thou homo economicus.
Agnew's (Nixon's mental hitchiker) Thursday
The adjunct to all this is that the marchers at the debacle; the despair of catching the National Guard
moratorium were foolish to heap their vituperations sneaking a squadron in the back way betting the
upon the distempered ear of Oedipus Nixon. The Lapitol at midnight; and the despair of having been
Man With No Eyes is only the bra for the saurian tit intimidated all Friday afternoon by the FBI, Secret
of business. Thoscwhc bombed Chase Manhattan Service, and other police provocateurs over in front
Bank came closer to the source of the disease in
Continued on page 8
In this computer age
the best judge of beer
is still...a man!
Although precise, modern machines control the
quality of Genesee Beer from start to finish, over
3,000 checks each week are made by people at the
Brewery. They take sample after sample
to taste and to test. They double-check
hops and head, and malt and mash and
mellowness to make sure that, above all,
Genesee Beer is a people-pleaser...always
little more exciting than any other beer.
We'll do anything to bring you better beer
GBCO, Roch.llH, N.V.
It was a mass outpouring of humanity on the streets of
Washington-the largest demonstration in the nation's history.
An old lady close to seventy waved peace signs and held hands with
the dirtiest freak you ever saw. A Californian wife of a dying GI,
minutes before desperate and without money, found herself racing to
catch the next flight home. So many thousands marched against death
that the dead were "buried" twice, money, food, cars, blankets, hotel
rooms, gloves water, radios-all became common property.
'Last week we had
the strangest dream...9
Against the necessity for war
Against the marshalling of life
Against the devastation of human spirit.
They came from fifty states propelled by an urge to end the
tragedy of killing and burning villages and "accidentally" maiming
peasants and perverting the world. They came with thousands of
ideologies and thousands of different expectations and a rather
tenuous hope-that their being there would somehow put a stop to a
miserable war.
Tragedy should be a lesson, not a way of life.
The god-damn pigs dumped nmrc gas than they needed to kill us!
They came, too, with some frustration.
There is no way all of vnu will gel on this march. Our permit lime is
running mil. Please turn and walk down the mall to the monument.
Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh
The NLF is gonna win
Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh
The NLF is gonna win.
Free Hubby Scale! l-'rei Bobby Scale! Free Bobby Scale!
Hungry lips ask me wherever 1 go
Comrades and friciuls .ire falling around me.
I've got in know why, friends
I've uoi 10 know why.
Why do your warships sail on my sei's?
Why do your death bombs fall from my skies?
Why do you burn my cities and towns down?
If you can't dig the new world then get out of the old.
For the limes they are ,i changin-
I've got to know why, friend,
I've got to know why.
"There's a medic siaiion three blocks up. Please
only those who arc most seriously hurt go. We are
running out of water. If you are not hurt too
badly, please move on your way."
Free D.C.! Free D.C.! Free D.C.! Free D.C.I Free D.C
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
"If Spiro Agnew were as dumb as he makes himself
out to be, he couldn't walk and chew gum al the
same time."
Will all missing persons please report
football field!
to the
Peace now! Peace now! Peace now! Peace now!
Peace now! Peace now! Peace now! Peace now!
Yet in many ways ii was like going to church. It
was necessary but isolated. One sensed that few
would hear, that ten-minute newsreels would
produce so such transformation.
The Attorney General was gassed and thought
Student MOBli responsible. Richard Nixon went to
the Cowboy-Skins football game the next day. By
Thursday little mention of the demonstration in
the media. Only the charges and countercharges. It
happened already. Anil the speeches did not create
history. Speeches confirm or momentarily excite.
They are given on an occasion-never .create
There remains just t h a t - t h e occasion, the
material conditions, the point in history in which
we find ourselves, the juxtaposition of many
forces, r o o t e d d e e p in h i s t o r y , some
c o m p l i m e n t a r y , some contradictory, many
powerfully gripping the minds of men.
Rallies end. Conditions remain-at best slightly
Conditions of Iragcdy and injustice and tyranny
made such a trememdous outpouring necessary,
inevitable, beautiful. We had to go to Washington.
But, more importantly, those conditions created
reactions lo themselves the feelings and ideologies
arid gut drives underlying the march- feelings thai
enter the dialectical world of political and social
and economic power-play reality.
Feelings, defined, displayed and strengthened on
November 15 go further in time and effect.
In which alone, lies their power. In which, alone,
lies hope. For gestures of sharing, dancing and
pounding the lawn and cuddling up closely against
the cold and holding hands and smiling with total
strangers and aged ladies and freaks talking and
walking together and open handed giving- all
become distinct possibilities.
story by ncill shanahan
photos by hochberg, silver,
and rosenberg
despite the Attorney general
despite the football games.
The swirling teor gas seemed to chant*..
7-8 smash the state" (In reference to the Chicago 8
conspiracy trial.)
Half <vay through the second circuit of the Justice
Dept., on the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the
building, came the first dark smell of ensuing
trouble. The head of the phalanx broke into a
deadly run and for the first time during the
week-end the moratorium marshalls, who had held a
splendid liaison of control with Washington police,
now lost their grip. The marchers came to an abrupt
halt before the portals of the Justice Dept. on
Constitution Avenue and began a quasi-storming of
the structure. Things at this point had not gone too
far but the m .rrshalls had sounded the alarums and
the air was electric with foreboding. Some of us
were wishing with Falstaff: "I wish 'twere bedtime,
Hal, and all well."
Meanwhile the reporter had gotten himself down
to the left end of the building near the entrance to
the Attorney General's office. Suddenly, incredibly,
unspeakably, five male students materialized around
the flagpole near the portal and the American flag
was L :i its way down to provocation Number One.
By some grotesque prestidigitation, a VC flag was
produced and now the Flagpole-Five got into a
muffle amongst themselves over whether or not the
VC flag would indeed by flown. (All the while, CBS
news is filming the incident, the three cameramen
goggle-eyed anxious to get the whole sequence.) It
was. Behind him now, the reporter heard someone
mutter ominously "Oh my God, No." Now a dozen
D.C. police came flocking to the area and the
Flagpole-Five quickly dispersed. The police
retrieved the Stars and Stripes and restored it to its
former position. Two demonstrators stepped
forward and hurled a rock and a bottle, breaking
one window, yet the police did nothing in
retaliation; but the gossamers of peaceful
demonstration were now broken.
Continued from page 5
of the National Archives building on Constitution
M-Saturday was a day of spiritual celibacy in
which one leaned back to enjoy (skeptically) the
animal warmth of the lava-crowd, which, in its
mood, was much akin to Falstaff in jolly-good
humor at Eastcheap. The marchers were a motley
crew-some walked with crutches, some with casts,
some marched with crosses, many with signs:
"Librarians for Peace," "Veterans For Peace,"
"Delaware Snobs for Peace," et. al. One particularly
intriguing sign on the back of a student said
A young female hippie had a stall set up in the
middle of the mall, advertised by her as the
following: "Sex is free-but here it costs a dollar
twenty-three." No free love, not even in the Age of
Aquajuis. "Fuck you," said the reporter to the girl.
"No, you fuck me" replied the miss with a
malevolent titter. Fortunately the reporter was still
feeling too insipid from the bourbon to be
thoroughly insulted. All in a day's work.
Anyway, back to the panorama of signs on the
mall and one gets the feeling very quickly that
morato^'ims are forums for the vantilation of every
view on the political spectrum-leninists,
Trotskyites, Socialists^ SDSers, YAFers, liberals,
conservatives-a whole raft of ludicrous political
twitches from the innards of altogether apolitical
Over on Pennsylvania Avenue is a duck-in place
calledBamey's Restaurant, Washington's version of
Dewey's Diner, where we attended to our e.nAy
afternoon ablutions and eating needs. On the way
there, we gc' a cycloramic view of the crowd on the
mall and it gave one a kind of joyous hope that
Now the reporter moved on down to the other
perhaps more people than you might think know
that there are a lot of assholes running the American end of the dept. building and stood near the front
government. There was also a thrill in watching the portal between the two cordons of police.
Bottles and sticks began to ' ; tossed. Windows
throngs wash down the avenues down the middle of
these wide boulevards where now there was no more shattered ominously, one by one, on the Justice
traffic, no more neon signs winking their leering Department. The police held their ground but still
commercial seduction, just happy people peacefully took no retaliatory actiuu. The pelting began to
enjoying the bizarre pleasure of walking along the mount with ever-increasing petulance of mood. Now
MIDDLE ui a usually hot neurotic metropolitan verbal abuse was in the wind, too, completely
thoroughfare. .7or once the streets did belong to the uncalled for. (Remember now, these are a very few
causing the trouble, not more than 30 or 40 in
people. It was magnificent.
number.) "Fuck you pigs" and 'You cocksucker
At 4:15 p.m. over to the Justice Dept. Building, robots" and the like came forth from the mouths of
where late afternoon sunshine'shadows are falling babes. The police did nothing until the raft of
across that lonely and foredoomed, ludicrously hurled missiles began to grow to cacophony. Even
barricaded fortress which houses Attorney general then they crouched non-committally before the
Mitchell's sniveling pettifoggery. The entire building onslaught as the Dirty Thirty jeered them on to
was surrounded by two cordons of police replete provocation. The reporter himself was struck by
with riot helmets, wooden truncheons, gas masks, coke- bottle and stick. It was positively
heartbreaking to see the police, who had been
and tear gas cannisters.
About 4:25 p.m. the great throng of Abraham's magnificently firm and gentle and polite the entire
seed, surging like the Mardi Gras, began its first weekend, repaid in this .fashion. One suffered
circuit of the building, alternately chanting megaguilt for these troublemakers. Finally the
"Ho-Ho-Ho Chi Minh, NLF is gonna win" and "1-2, police did only what they could do.
stop the trial, 3-4 stop the trial, 5-6 stop the trial,
THE BLACK ENSEMBLE will present the world premiere of William Wellington Mackey's "Family
Meeting' on Saturday and Sunday, November 22 and 23 at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. in the Arena Theatre PAC
Admission is $1.00 with Student Tax, $1.50 without.
Af 4:47 in the afternoon, the first tear gas cannister was shot off.
The few troublemakers had succeeded in despoiling the peaceful
march of the many. The despair and desolation and outrage of Friday
returned in crimson fashion. Now the crowd of 50O0 undulated
heavily like a great worm, then swept and broke towards 7th Avenue.
In an instant all had become uproar. The last of reality one saw
before being swept off into the smoking moiling madness were two
gTeat red stains of the Justice Department walls and a sign that read,
Out into the purple chaos of the gathering dusk, tear ga ent the
Wash'-non wind again and again, an American flag was pulled down
from the right-hand flagpole of the Justice Dept., the 20-foot long
gavel constructed by Chicago-8 protesters was in raving flames in the
middle of 7th Avenue amid the acrid, bilious mauve-cerise smoke of
the tear gas, two trees were on fire in the park across the street from
the National Archives, somewhere a mad discordant not had been
struck as if in some Stravinskian limbo, marshalls were shouting
"Walk, people, Walk" us the throng turned its head like Scylla and
rent a gash in itself to relieve the awful suffocation of the tear gas,
there were more shouts of "don't rub your eyes," "walk, people,
walk, please don't run," "I can't breathe, I can't breathe," "someone
pl-ase help me, I'm dying," people going all to pieces in a mad exodus
without destination, choking, coughing, screaming, sneezing,
vomiting, fainting dead away, falling down, getting up, falling down
again, running stupidly, absentmindedly, blindly into immovable
objects (like the Justice Dept. building), men yelling "medic, medic!"
and "Oh my God," other men picking up tear gas bombs and hurling
them back into the police cordons, then hurling cherry bomb:,, sirens
going, bullhorns bellowing, sounds of explosions, people leaving their
shoes behind in the November-dry-brown-toasted grass, dropping their
signs and placards and flags, running they knew not where, gasping,
heaving, wretching uncontrollably, begging for water and air in this
King Lear of Tear Gas.
Amid all this bumbolt and yellow stink of confrontation one
realized starkly why onecalll Tricky Die Oedipus Nixon. The swirling
tear gas seemed to chant the opening lines in James Joyce's A Portrait
of the Artist as a Young Man:
Pull out hk eyes.
Pull out his eyes.
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Well Mr. Nixon, we refuse lo
see things your way, since lo do
so is lo see nothing al all. You
may pull out our eyes with lear
gas, but we will not serve your
megalomania lor popularity. We
will not apologize, we will not
serve, we will not sell the image of
an ingratiating Uriah llecp lo the
Heartland of America. Lcl your
hubris serve you Oedipus, if il
will. We have Apollo's eyes.
And so, emotionally, the
moratorium ended as il had
begun. Wc came lo Washington in
spair and wc left il in despair.
Yel only where Ihere is despair is
(here hope and most of the
demonstrators with whom I spoke
after the Justice Department
melee told me Ihey would return
for another moratorium without
bitterness. One hopes so. "Wc yel
may win, the others are so stupid.
Heaven help us when wo do."
Kyrie Eleison.
Jefferson Airplane delights
with "clenched fist music"
Ray Katz
w R»v
Danny Kalb's new Blues Project
is pulled out of the depths of
obscurity and into the category of
professionalism only by his
ability, and his ability alone. As a
blues group, and this was their
announced aim at the concert,
they fall short vocally and in the
way of presenting something new.
As a rock group they lacked the
decent vocals and intensity to
really qualify as good. And, as a
progressive jazz band, or at least a
group who showed heavy modern
jazz influence, they weren't able
to mesh together, successfully,
these two strands of music,
progressive rock and progressive
The last lime 1 saw the
Jefferson Airplane was in Central
Park this summer with Santana,
giving a free Sunday afternoon
concert. At thai tme I thought
that they could never be belter. I
was wrong. Wednesday night, for
better than two and a half hours,
they were grcal. Slick, Balm, &
company put on a tremendous
The group did everything the
crowd wanted lo hear. They
played old tunes, such as "While
Rabbit," or "Crown of Creation."
They did a lol off t he
VOLUNTEERS album, including
the song by (he same name. They
played some new tunes hy Balin
or Slick or Kanlner, did some
Donovan and Crosby, Stills and
Nash, and jammed a lot. A lillle
over Iwo and a half hours later,
they left in front of a screaming
The Airplane is Hie epitome of
the San Francisco sound, when
it's good. They have always had
something over their colleagues
out on the wesl coast; they
recorded only when they were
ready. When the nation ran out
west, screaming to hear these new
groups with the "San Francisco
Sound," many got caught up in
this hysteria and recorded before
they were ready, or went on
nation-wide tours before being
musically together.
The Airplane lived up lo its
fame. It's moved along rapidly,
each album better than the last
one, each concert performance an
experience in itself.
Jorma Kaukonen is an
accomplished instrumentalist.
Aside from the quickness of his
hands, he is one of the more
tasteful guitarists today.
Kaukonen is a living emphasis to
the point that, if you don't know
where lo put what notes and
when lo put them there, it just
doesn't matter how fast they get
Ihere. Next lo George Harrison,
Jorma Kaukonen is best in this
I have always enjoyed the
Airplane's bass playing. Jack
Casady is a fine musician and
good musical mind to have
around. He's as rare today as a
I could write a lol more about
the group's instrumental abilities,
bul it's sufficient jusl to recognize
that while each is, al worst, more
than adequate al his respective
instrument, their particular
excellence lies in their ability to
mold together into a group sound.
V o c a l l y , the group is
tremendous. Marty Balin and
Gracie Slick have voices with the
same tone, perfect to complement
each other. The voices function as
more than thai; they add two
more instruments to the group.
To say more of them would be
Wednesday night Jefferson
Airplane put on a great concert.
But it was more than that. It was
a lesson for many people, a lesson
in how a great musical group
should sound. And a lesson I hope
most people have learned.
(YELLOW) was first ready for
release, no one realized that it was
going to be such a huge financial
success. Its producers figured that
they had made a typical
low-budget Swedish sex thriller
and expected to realize a
moderate amount on its American
The only untypical thing about
CURIOUS was the fact that for
the first time male and female
genitals would be viewed in
close-up in a commcrical film.
.This was viewed as a selling factor
but no one imagined that such
"photogenic" object would create
such a fervor. After all, the
Catholic Legion of Decency was
now dead ard films with far less
story and much more flesh were
being flashed across American
screens all the time.
Yet, strange as it may seem
CURIOUS offended some people,
notably a couple of "matronly"
judges in Boston. The old tag
"Banned in Boston" was
revitalized and suddenly everyone
wanted to see it (which just goes
to show that the old axiom "bad
publicity is better than none" and
in the case of films 1 might add
better than good is true). In the
meantime, the film's lawyers
swung in to action and eventually
won an appeal in the Supreme
^ourt. The guardians of American
lustice had decided that this film
vas a meritus work of Art.
Suddenly with the film now
widely available it became a
tremendous box-office success.
Instead of playing third-rate
theaters, it was now being
"roadshowed" in all the
fashionable moviehouses. People
from all walks of life, from Jackie
Onassis to bowery bums, were
attending it. Even 1, cynic that I
am, was sucked in.
The trouble with I AM
CURIOUS (YELLOW) other than
being bad is that it makes more
than a pretense to having a story.
If one takes the time to weed it
out (although I don't know why
one should want to) he would
come up with a conglomeration
about an aging filmmaker who
casts his young mistress opposite a
handsome young Swede actor.
The results are very predictable
and of course it was a stupid thing
for him to do.
To make it still more confusing
the girl is a fanatical Socialist. She
is forever running around with a
microphone trying to get people
to say how awful the class system
is in Sweden. (Of course these
interview scenes are shot with a
hand-held camera in a crowded
subway to give the aura of
As a matter of fact the first half
of the film (again I use the word
loosely) is devoted to this kind of
theatrics without the slightest
hint at flesh. (Already the
audience is growing restless,
suspecting that they have been
taken In). Eventually the fleshy
sequences come (no pun
intended), pubic hairs and all, but
when the girl first disrobes one
wishes she hadn't. (U-G-L-Y!!!!).
Of course now the audience is
quite uneasy, but it has to get
better. It doesn't. The sex scenes
we've all been waiting for come
and go; the handsome Swede
never has an erection but he balls
her first time, every time, from
every conceivable position, and
everyone is really terribly bored
After seeing CURIOUS
(YELLOW), a good case can be
made for censorship, not because
the sex scenes are distasteful,
which they are, but simply
because it offers nothing to the
worlds of art or entertainment
and is, in a manner of speaking, an
out and out fraud.
"I know the way home
with my eyes closed."
folk entertainment
rock 'n roll band
Thon you know Hie way loo woll.
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University Concert Band
gives performance tonight
by Iris Sobel
"When I first came here six
years ago the band had only thirty
players. At that time we had to
take anyone who could play. Most
of the players were just beginners.
Only four or five really played
well. We had practically no
instruments and rehearsals were
only once a week.
Then three years ago we were
what I would consider a good high
school band. We began to be more
selective in choosing our
members. During the next couple
of years competition became
greater and greater. Today we not
only have 75 of the best players
on campus, and the best
instruments, but our band has
become one of the best 'college'
Thus spoke William Hudson,
who is the teacher, musician,
conductor, and man responsible
for the progress of the band in the
past six years.
Rehearsals take place twice a
week and are mandatory. 'There
is no such thing as a cut. Time jusl
does not permit it."
It takes about two and a half
months for the band to prepare
for a performance. Pieces
chosen with the players in mind.
"I hope that each performance
will be a learning experience,"
says Mr. Hudson. 'The piece
should improve the performance
of the students. It should present
them with a challenge and should
be of a higher quality than those
pieces played in high school
bands. 1 try to stay away from
transcriptions as much as possible
and center on contemporary
music written expressly for
The types of pieces that Mr.
Hudson considers appropriate for
a college band can be heard in the
band's performance Friday night,
November 2 1. At that
performance the band will play
four pieces written for band:
"Festivo" by Vaclav Nelhybel,
"Chester Overture for Band" by
William Schuman, "Festive
Overture-Opus 96" by Dimetri
Schostak ovi tch and "La
Compars" by Lecuona. The
University Percussion Ensemble
under the direction of Thomas
Brown will also perform. The
concert will take place in the Main
Theatre of the Performing Arts
The band usually gives three <
four concerts a year. Soloists from
the music faculty and from the
outside community often appear
with the band in concert. The
band also takes part in many
other school activities such as
Freshman Convocation, Alumni
Day, and Graduation Day. Last
year it performed at the
Convocation of the Arts upon the
opening of the new Performing
Arts Center. It also performed at
the school dedication.
What does the future hold for
the University Concert Band? Mr.
Hudson hopes to take the band on
tours to various cities. The band
got a wonderful reception when it
performed at Expo '67. He would
like to see it do more things of
that type. He also hopes to form a
second band next year, "for those
players who are not quite good
enough for the first band."
Mr. Hudson is proud of the
progress the University Concert
Band has made in the past six
years. This progress has depended
not only upon his leadership but
upon the students themselves.
Together they have made the
band one of the finest college
bands existing today.
November 15
THE GOLDEN EYE coffeehouse will present a photo essay with
color slides and music by Dick Nowitz, tonight at 9:30 p.m., 820
Madison Avenue. Admission is free.
New trends in music
revealed at 'Spectrum'
by Alan Lasker and
Glenn Schechtman
Though Thursday night's
beginning lacked substance, it
progressed into a stimulating and
creative performance. For the first
time, the American String Trio
harmonized 'Tarok" together
after many individual rehearsals.
The impression of the three
musicians playing simultaneously
was similar to three orators stating
their personal views, not caring to
listen to what the other two had
to say. Is this relevant? This is for
you to judge.
Pianists Findlay Cockrell and
Dennis Helmrich set a feverish
at limes strumming on
the piano strings (o produce a
lyre-like effect
Friday night's concert was
infinitely more bizarre. Musicians
were absent, replaced by a tape
recording of sounds mystique
known to the audience as
"Bohor." I found myself riding a
subway going nowhere. Strains of
a nightmarish funeral dirge
followed. I was transported
suddenly lo a carnival, empty and
isolated, facing the foreboding icy
winds alone.
The next selection "America's
Finest Hour," had a sole flutist
accompanying tapes, films, and
slides. It was a perverse, gory,
display of a woman taking a G.I.
Joe doll to bed amid comments
on the Vietnam War by our
Another selection, "TIC"
found eight musicians and a
vocalisl responding to a film of
unrelated sequences - from
Batman to an orange being peeled.
The indecisive audience was
unsure of their reactions to the
events on stage. Some were
laughing, some were crying.
Others just sat there stunned.
Contemporary music by nature
is a sensitive medium in which lo
express one's inner emotions of
fear, disgust, love and ecstasy. It is
music born inlo an age of
disillusionment providing lullabies
for thit!r fears and ballads for their
protests, ll biles into the joys and
the ills of the world.
308 Central Ave.
Telephone HE 4-9703
by Warren Burt
One aspect of the new music lo
come is the reduction of
importance of the note, or the
fixed pitch, and the concentration
on sound as an element in itself.
This new aesthetic has been
largely the result of the new
electronic instruments, one of
which was John Eaton's Synket,
His concert on this remarkable
instrument on November 11
showed the many microlonal and
pure sound possibilities of the
Along with the trend to
concentrale on sound per se is the
increasing tendency loward the
inclusion of other media than
sound in music. The Sonic Arts
Group, which appeared on
Wednesday night, gave some
extremely interesting examples of
this, among which were Robert
Ashley's entertaining "Orange
Desert" for two girls and
electronics, and Alvin Lucier's
"The Only Talking Machine of its
Kind in the World." On the level
of pieces thai dealt with sounds,
Gordon Momma's "Hornpipe"
D a v i d B c h r m a n's
"Runthrough" stood as lovely
examples of the performed music.
Thursday night's concert was a
salute lo tradition, wilh most of
the pieces playing involving
various phases of the older ideas
that dwell on working wilh
pilches as one of the more
important parameters of the
composition. Among the more
notable pieces in this program
were the Lawrence Moss
"Omaggio" for two pianos, and
the very lyric and melodic
Schocnbcrg "Siring Trio."
Regrettably, I found the Babbitt
"Vision and Prayer," supposedly
one of the classics of serial
writing, boring, dull and pointless.
It must also be mentioned here
thai soprano Janel Steele gave an
absolutely gorgeous performance
on this night, as she did on Friday
nigh I.
Saturday night's performance
by the Creative Associates of
Buffalo, a group headed by t.ukas
l-'oss and Lejarcn Hitler was, in
effect, a kind of recapitulation \>(
all styles shown in the festival.
And especially notable in tins
performance was a piece by l.ukas
Foss called "Paradigm." and a
very light, whimsical piece of
intermedia by Lejarcn Miller
called "Avalanche."
All in all, lite festival covered
just about every aspecl of what is
going on in music today. And
especially line were the
compositions which involved what
1 regard as music's hopes lor the
future, namely the addition of a
c o m positional
parameter-intermedia, and the
abolition of the note as the
primary important element of
music; the concentration instead
being on sounds in themselves.
THE SUNY BUS FINALLY ARRIVES! See the new bus schedule on page two.
Arctic expedition
Christmas" to the Eskimos at Fort
The Great Pumpkin is alive and Shimo, Quebec, four degrees
r o a m i n g a b o u t Albany south of the Arctic Circle.
University-or so it would seem. If
The wind is from the west at
you see some figures walking about 15 knots skidding across
around wearing what look like the dry frozen tundra. It's
abdominal snowmen versions of somewhere between 20 and 30
the May West life preservers and below (we've since misplaced or
the same color of same, let your lost our only thermometer). We
mind return to piece. What you know it's above 40 below because
are witnessing is the breaking-in our wash water when thrown out
period of members of the Douyon doesn't snap and freeze before it
hits the ground.
30-0-30. Thirty mile per hour
Five hours to make 50 miles.
Farenheit-exposed flesh freezes At our proposed rate we should
in thirty seconds. On December take five days to make the 240
25 we hope to say "Merry mile trek from Schacferville to
Fort Shimo. Five hours is all
we've got each day-one hour of
bright sunlight; four of twilight.
The sun, straining hard, reaches
six degrees above the icy horizon.
Central Council
continued from page 1
of his own bill on the basis of the
information revealed. He stated,
however, that he hoped thai the
discussion on the issues had been
beneficial and that Council would
consider the points brought up.
No firm resolution regarding the
status of football was passed
following the discussion.
Norm Rich proposed a position
statement thai Central Council
urge that in the hiring of new
instructors for the coming
semester, priority should be given
to a Phys. Ed. instructor qualified
in coaching football. The motion
was tabled until further work
could be done on Ibis idea. Also,
not acted on was a proposal by
AA Board to Council on how the
surplus should be maintained in
the future.
by Keith Nealy
Eskimos in Schaeferville and Fort
Shimo and none have laughed at
us so preparations continue.
The cost of the Expedition will
be high. So, we're currently
seeking out assistance in form of
grants and projects; departments
and organizations would like us to
carry out in the Arctic.
This Expedition is the
culmination of three years of
experimentation and preparation
by Pierre Douyon . By using the
most advanced techniques and
equipment we plan to be
moderately comfortable and well
fed during (he entire trip.
Barring unforseen difficulties
we'll be in Fort Shimo on
Christmas. Latest reports arc thai
Schacferville has over three feet of
snow on: the ground. We'll send
The members of the you a postcard.
expedition, Pierre Douyon Carole
Ng, Dave Hashmal and Keith
Nealy of SUNYA, crouch around
on the Himalayan ten I floor
waiting for the freeze dried food
to heat up over the combination
healer-stove. The wind drifts
chalky dry snow over the three
bedded-down snowmobiles.
The four members of the
Douyon Expedition hope to be
spending this Christmas in the
Arctic. Why? Basically because
we've never been there before and
it sounds interesting. The
inexperienced tell us we're crazy.
The experienced tell us it's next
to impossible if not impossible.
The Subarctic Institute in
Washington, D.C., says its sounds
fascinating. We've talked to the
8 PM
-Medical Practitioner, Past Regional Director of New York State
Catholic Physicians Guild, Member of Governor's Committee on New
York State Abortion Laws 1968
-Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, President of
Planned Parenthood-World Population
in the ballet version of
M A R C H 16
W©m®© & Juliet'
Saturday evening Nov. 22 at 7:30 & 10:00
35* with student tax
75* others
L.C. 7
Sponsored by Special Events Board
, Continued from page 1
procedures should play in the running of government. Whether or not
he was right was inconsequential; the crowd did not want to hear this.
Arlo Guthrie delighted the crowd, both by refusing to make a
speech, and by singing instead. His one barbed remark brought forth
spirited applause-'There's no need for any more speeches, for any
more points to be made. The only point was already made by the U.S.
government when they showed us the guns and troops they imported
here to protect them from ut.
-Dave Dellinger got his share of applause and attention, even when
calling for the group to join himself, "Jerry Rubin and Abbie
Hoffman in a march to protest the trial of the Chicago 8, at 5 p.m. at
the Justice Department."
An anti-war G.I., editor of an underground military newspaper,
roused the passions of the crowd with a supepemotional plea. He
went so far as to assert that if Richard Nixon did not bring the troops
home soon, "they will come home themselves!" He received a
prolonged round of applause.
Dick Gregory established great rapport with the crowd through his
running monologue on Spiro Agnew-who was the brunt of many
jokes this afternoon.
Sprinkled throughout the program of speakers were many folk
singers like Peter, Paul and Mary, Pete Seeger, Richie Havens, Tom
Paxton, and John Hartford. One of the more emotional and successful
songs was the simple rendition of 'Give Peace a Chance' by Seeger and
the entire crowd.
By 3 p.m., however, after 2 hours of rallying, the crowd was
becoming restless and even more so, exceedingly cold.
Many began leaving for home, and others, who had busses to wait
for, left in search of warmth and shelter.
Radical activity was confined to cheers and waving of flags during
this time, but plans were being made for demonstrations at the Labor
Department supporting the G.E. strikers, and at 5 p.m. at the Justice
Department, in protest of the trial of the Chicago 8.
At 5 p.m. the major rally was nearing its end. Down the street,
however, the rally at the Justice Department had become more than
another rally.
Few demonstrators were actually taking part in the rally; most were
merely observing. They together numbered about 5,000. The radicals
got to the building and after some confusion, rocks were thrown,
windows smashed, and a Vict Cong flag raised in place of a U.S. flag.
The police moved in, using tear gas as their major weapon. Arrests
were made, and the tear gas continued to float about town.
Buses scheduled to leave from areas that had been gassed were
forced to change their positions, and a great deal of confusion took
place the next few hours as students searched frantically for their
All this while, the camera has been panning around town-from the
rally to the Justice Department, lo the inner city and business district.
As the last students board their buses, the camera again pans
around D.C. The monument grounds are now near empty; clouds of
tear gas can be seen all over.
The camera picks up Herb Klein, Nixon's secretary, being
questioned. "What was the Administration's reaction to the
demonstration today?" and Klein's answer, "This is just one more
example of the right of Americans to dissent."
The camera pans away—the buses pull out, the students go home,
Washington returns to normal, classes go on—and so does the war.
-Professor of Law, Harvard Law School.
Formar Assistant Sacratary of Dafanaa (ISA)
-Diractor of tha Cantar for tha Biology of
Natural Systams, Washington Univarsity
A P R I L is
-Consumer's Crusader
FREEDOM FORUM, INC, is a non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to public discussion of
current issues. Memberships for the series are: $6.00'- individuals, $10.00 - couples, $12.00 family,
$2.00 - students, $25.00 - sustaining. Tickets for single programs are not sold. Memberships are available
from Membership Chairman, Mrs. Fred E. Luborsky |EX 3-7545) and at the door preceding each program,
All programs will be held at Linton High School, Schenectady, at 8:00 p.m.
It was Washington
Wow, look at that-every building is important! So, it was
Washington? I'm so cold! It was cold prison bars, Get down, get
down, we can't see! So? Who could? Peace! When? Now! How?
We looked around alot and saw alot of Stone white buildings and
palefaces and blue on top of the turrets, at ready to do their lawful
thing in case peace made a too profound impression. There wasn't
really much to throw our bodies into action or think about or react
to. Too bad-it was so cold! Perhaps if we had been more humane to
each other we could have been warmer. What did the Big Ones For
Peace say? McCarthy, Mailer, Kennedy. If they said anything it was
empty or wrong. What's the use? The president changes his mind
when the silent majority changes it for him. But if they're so silent
how does he know what they want? Perhaps they still want war!
Maybe they don't want this war but those closed mouthed people
will, as surely as you breathe, want the next one and the one after
that 'til you breathe no longer.
THCyU. S£E THAT SAVIH6 ' f t R *
Vol. LVI No. 17
But that's OK. I mean, everyone would much rather be free in
Editorial Applications
The current editors of the ASP are opening applications for the
position of editor-in-chief to all upper division students at the
University (only juniors, seniors and graduate students may apply).
Applications should be submitted, c/o the ASP editors, to the Campus
Center Information Desk. They should include the nature of previous
experience with any publication, reasons for interest in the position,
ideas for improvement of the ASP. Applicants will be notified for
interviews. No applications will be accepted after November 26.
To the Editors:
In light of recent events effecting the Albany
Black Community we would like to state, clearly
and succinctly our role as faculty members on the
Department of Afro-American Studies.
First, being Black educators, we are inextricably
tied and committed to finding solutions for any and
all problems affecting Black communities. This
intent is clearly stated in the "purpose" section of
our departmental brochure...we strive to provide "a
definitive study of urban affairs," and attempt to
gear "courses to help meet the specific needs and
problems of our urban communities."
Given this premise it is logical that our combined
talents have been and will always be available for
u. tilization by concerned members of any Black
community on any problem affecting the lives and
destinies of our people.
We recognize that along this road there has been
and will be various so-called "political" obstacles
placed in the way of committed and intelligent
problem-solving attempts.
We will in no way be deterred by either overt or
covert measures of repression. Rather, we stand
united and determined to combat all forms of racial
oppression whether they be in Albany or wherever
Black people are victimized.
Committee on Communications & Community Relations.
Department of Afro-American Studies
Stringer vs. ASP
To the Editors:
Re: the article in the November 14th ASP.
"Knight vs. Stringer." I should like to clarify what
seems to have been a gross misconception regarding
my position.
First of all, if it was by YOUR standards that I
was "on the defensive," I must thank you, for I
must then conclude that my attack was effective. If,
however, one is "on the defensive" by answering the
questions of the audience, then I must admit that
you are right, and further, that I sort of expected
that kind of interpretation from the AS1\ I did not
view it that way.
Secondly, if you had chosen to listen, you would
have heard me repeatedly disclaim andy
"conservative" labe. But, as Professor Knight told
me during the rebuttal, "We're not going to type
you anyway!" So I cannot say I didn't expect it. 1
do still refuse to accept it, though.
Thirdly, I'm sure the ASP would like to think
that I used it as a justification for my comments,
but this is simply not the case. Much as I hate to
deflate your collective cue, my comments were NOT
in reaction to your (I emphasize YOUR) newspaper.
It WAS in reaction to those who refuse to reality, or
who, posturing as "concerned liberals" or "militant
pacifists" seek to destroy everything this country
stands for just as surejv as any avowed communist,
revolutionary, or (I'm sorry I can't take credit for
this term) "neo-Che Guevara-ites."
State University of New York at Albany
is coming!!!
Friday, December 5, 1969
SUNYA governance
now being evaluated
death than live in it, right?
Black Educator*' role
Fourthly, 1 did not qualify my statement about
our foreign policy.
Fifthly, your treatment of the argument on the
power of the ballot is remarkable. However, 1 would
strongly suggest that in the future, if you intend to
take MY quotations out of context, thus fitting
them to your own interpretation of the issue, you
do so on the editorial page, not in a "report" of an
Finally, the "like it or leave it" attitude was not
MY "ploy" but was the advice given me by those
who defended the appropriation of money for the
trip to Washington before the Supreme Court last
month. At that time, I was informed that I was not
being forced to attend SUNYA, and that if I didn't
LIKE the way my student tax money was being
used, I could LEAVE. Obviously, some people argue
about as consistently as they hold a set of
1 try to maintain consistent principles and
consistent arguments. Therefore, I shall leave you
with this: If 1 thought for one second, that the
majority of those 100 students in the audience were
•uy peers, I would NOT have spoken to them in the
manner in which I did. It should be quite evident
therefore, that I did NOT consider them my peers,
and, to paraphrase Bcrtrand Russell, beyond that I
have nothing more to say.
Kenneth T. Stringer, Jr.
To the Editors,
Once again the students have been screwed by the
faculty-administration axis.
Last monday, another session of the faculty
follies was acted out. The first momentous issue
before the group was the raising of library fines for
students. After lengthy debate (ISminutcs), these
new rates were approved: from 2 to 50 cents a day,
and $1.00 an hour for reserved hooks. Will this
prevent the tardiness of the return of books, or will
it make stealing of material more profitable? The
head of the library council side-steped these
questions, between yawns.
The vote was 41 for, 22 against. Where were your
thirty-three senators; how did they vote, Mr.
Number two for the afternoon was a bill to
change the regulations of the faculty's tenure,
salaries and titles. Big deal. Some more dead-wood is
all we need on our faculty, right? After 25 minutes
of heated debate that nearly reached the point of
complete boredom, the motion was tabled for
further inaction.
I lie meeting, many of the
non-student Senators, (those that bothered coming),
showed complete apathy towards their jobs. The
recurring pattern is one in which the faculty will
pass any bill that comes out of a committee, and kill
any bill brought up directly on the floor. Most
studnct senators wish to study the bills affecting our
constituents, but few members of the governing
bloc will grant us the time. The obvious answer is to
get them out of the Senate COMPLETELY.
Proportional representation is needed for an
effective University government.
Your Senators need your help, in this and other
issues. Contact some of us, let us work for you.
Lucky day!
Jack L. Schwartz
To the Editors,
Friday, November 7, was an extremely lucky day
for some student at this University-he found over
$100 just lying around in the gym. Where was this
money lying-in students' wallets, in University
It is natural to ask why these lockers weren't
locked- these students are asking the same
question. It seems the University is unable to
provide locks for all students-not surprising since
there are a limited number of locks for almost an
unlimited number of students.
Now we aren't asking for 10,000 locks nor are we
asking for constant security police protection, but
we do feel that the University has some
responsibility towards its student body!
We again ask where our mandatory student tax
money is going-is it towards improving the gym?
Certainly this is pointless when they'll be no
students there!
John Lehrburger
Tom Hart
Saul Mashenberg
Ad Infinitum
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room 334 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
The ASP phones are 457-2190,2194.
Jill Paznik & Ira Wolfman
News Editors
Kathy Huseman
Anila Thayer
Assistant News Editors
Nancy Durish
Carol Hughes
Arts Editor
Daryf Lynne Wager
Sports Editor
Dave Fink
Assistant Sports Editor
Mark Grand
Technical Editor
Pat O 'Hern
Assistant Technical Editors
Tom Clingan
Linda Slaszak
Photography Editor
Andy Hochberg
Business Manager
Chuck Ribak
Advertising Manager
Daniel Foxman
Features Editor
Barry Kirschner
The Editorial Policy of the Albany Student Praia is
determined by the Editore-ln-Chief,
The complex, governing system
of this university is currently
being evaluated by a Committee
on University Governance which
will recommend changes which
could alter SUNYA's present
pattern of government.
Reactions of the university
community to the committee's
progress will he solicited at a
series o\' open meetings. Meetings
arc scheduled for Tuesday.
December l>. .1-5 p.m. I.C 21:
Tuesday. December ''. 7-l> p.m..
LC 21: Tuesday. December lo.
.1-5 p.m., Saytes Hall I ounge.
The Committee on University
Governance was appointed by the
Executive Committee of faculty
All members of Hie University
c o m m u n i t y are invited and
encouraged lo attend the open
meetings. Il would be beneficial
lo all concerned for those
individuals or groups wishing lo
present their views lo prepare a
statement beforehand. Those who
wish to arrange a specific time for
discussing their ideas on university
Professor M. Edclman, commillee
chairman at 472-ii297.
The committee has outlined a
set of working assumptions as a
framework for evaluating the
structures and mechanisms of
university government.
The general assumptions are as
1. All m e m b e r s of the
University community should
have direct representation in the
all-University governing body
2. M e m b e r s h i p
in the
University community is best seen
in terms of three constituent
groups: students, faculty and
Students should he defined as
including all people taking course
work at this campus. Faculty
should be defined as including
teaching faculty, non-teaching
faculty and resource personnel,
and administrative and managerial
personnel. Staff should be defined
as including office, maintenance
o p e r a t i o n and
management personnel.
3 . The
University-wide concern should be
see as embracing academic affairs,
research, educational resources,
educational planning and policies,
and institutional services and
All constituent groups have an
interest in ihese activities and
[hey therefore are properly the
concern of an all-University
governing body.
4. Students, faculty, and staff
should be encouraged to create
their own structures for handling
their own affair activities and
personnel policies.
5. When the activities described
in 4 above impinge upon the
concerns reflected in 3 above, this
becomes a matter of potential
University-wide concern. The
all-University governing body may
therefore wish to set policy
d. As a general working
principle, however the Committee
feels thai policy should be
determined at Ihc lowesl possible
level in order lo maximize full
Governance Agenda
The Commillee on University
Governance agenda includes, bin
is no I limited to lite following
I. Apportioning of all groups
and councils lo reflect appropriate
constituencies and primacies of
I he
The governance
constituent groups with special
DISCUSSIONS at Wednesday night's Mobe meeting centered on plans for December's moratorium.
reference lo the apparent lack of
Striking a prayerful pose is Mike Howard of the Philosophy Department.
by-laws for the Schools, Colleges,
and the graduate student body.
3. Tlie relationships of the
various governance documents of
Ihc constituent groups with
special attention lo the locus ol
authority and the levels ol
decision making.
-I. T h e
coach would enable football to that the coach would also fill the
administrative reorganization ol
become a reality.
by Ken Stokem
much-needed position of another
the University on its governance.
Mike L a m p e r t ,
however, PE instructor.
In following up on inquiry into
5. S t u d e n t
faculty the status of football here at the questioned the priority of hiring a
In a final comment Dick Wesley
representation or liaison to the University at Central Council's coach at the expense of the questioned whether or not the
University Council.
of the University had the people
last meeting (November 20), a c a d e m i c p o r t i o n
d. S t u d e n t and
faculty Council last night passed a University. He emphasized this by available who were willing to play
participation in the larger malters position statement (22-1-2) that pointing out that only a limited football. Friedlandcr informed
of educational policy (new contained "Recommendations for number of position., will be filled h i m
t h a t D o c t o r Werner
programs, schools, elc.) and t h e
of nexi year, and that many sections (Chairman of the PE Department)
already closed in Registration had assured him that a team could
budget (priorities).
Intercollegiate Football."
7. The adjudicating mechanisms
The bill, introduced by Norm further emphasizes his statement. be developed in much the same
in University governance.
In rebuttal it was pointed out
Continued on page 7
Rich and proposed by Rick
K. Provision for Universily-wide Friedlandcr and Tom LaBarbera,
reaffirmed Council's endorsement
4. The application of State of the University Athletic Council
Law and State Report of May, 1%8, which
University of New York Board of recommended the initiation of
Trustees Policies on contemplated football at the earliest possible
revisions lo forms of University date.
It further endorsed the idea
by Bob Holmes
Members of the Commillee on that the University set a priority
University governance are S, in the hiring of an additional
"What have they done to the earth?
Chcsin, T. Mathias, R. Morris, W. Physical Education instructor
What have they done to our fair sister?
Perlmutter, R. Tibbetls, M. capable of coaching a football
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Edclman, Chairman.
team. Norm Rich stated the
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
assumption that the hiring of a
And tied her with fences and dragged her down."
In this excerpt from one of his works, James Morrison expresses
some rather strong emotions over the misuse of our earth. If you agree
with him, you no longer need lo sit home and worry about how long
it will be until you can no longer breathe the air or drink the water.
You can join PYE.
PYE (Preserve Your Environment) is a new organization on campus
whose goal is to unite people in the fight to save the world from the
rape of humanity. Professor John Scott, one of the organizers of the
group, stated that the aim of PYE was lo "make people aware of
environmental problems and lake action." He stressed the point that
Ihis is to be an action group community action to be more precise.
Il is to be action such as that initialed by the originators of the
organization. They were a group of high school girls in Connecticut
who wauled lo save the marshes on the south shore, which were being
filled in and destroyed. They brought this issue lo the attention of the
community and invited legislators to come and visit the area. Their
efforts met with success a law was passed and the marshes were saved.
Hopefully Ihis is Ihc lype of endeavor PYE will undertake.
Al this lime PYE is in the early stages of development at the
University. Il is working mainly through the Environmental Forum—a
class conducted by 1'iofessors Ismay and Cowcly. Buttons are being
sold lo collect revenue and a push for members will be made at the
Governor's Conference for Volunteers held in New York City this
On the national level PYE will support the Teach-In on
environment, sponsored by Gaylord Nelson, lo be held in April 1970.
If you wish to obtain further information please contact Professor
Cowely or Professor Ismay of the Art Department or Professor Scott
of Atmospheric Sciences.
Have you thanked a green plant lately?,The time has come for you
to do something about your environment before it does something to
Council in favor of football
and student participation
Group seeks to save
earth from humans