Document 14064821

Eel i t o n a
Co in nte nt
Central Council's action in censuring SA President Mathias brought
more shame upon the members of Council themselves than upon the
Their action was not motivated by any deep concern over the issue
at hand, but rather was basically caused by an immature desire to lash
back at a disliked person in a position of authority.
We understood the dilemma that Mathias found himself in when he
discovered that the regulations concerning alcohol policy were
confused. The very real possibility that what Council had passed was,
in effect, breaking University regulations, naturally caused a great deal
of discomfort on the President's part. However, the issue was (and still
is) too confused to totally determine what University policy is, and
whether or not it would have been broken.
In this position, Mathias had only one proper course of action: he
should have relied upon the decision of the council the previous night.
In everriding the decision of the representative body, he erred.
However, the magnitude of the error was small, when one considers
the insignificant issue that was at hand. In any case, the issue was
sufficiently clouded so that any rational observer could have seen that
both sides had merit.
In this case, nonetheless, the members of Council did not wish to
see both sides of the argument. They had strong personal feelings
about the man in the chairman's seat, and they allowed those feelings
to overrule their sense of fairness.
The 10 members of council who submitted the bill showed how
fragile their egos were by submitting a "position of concern" which
indicted the President for some ludicrously unimportant infractions of
their "unwritten code." Even more emotional and irrational was the
ensuing debate, during which, at least, the more ridiculous sections of
the bill were deleted.
The point is merely this: Council acted rashly and immaturely in
censuring Mathias. Me made a grievous error in terms of selling a
dangerous precedent. The President of Central Council does not have
the right to veto: and by exercising a right thai he did not have. Terry
exposed himself to valid criticism.
However, it is also obvious that Mathias exercised that power not in
an attempt to establish a veritable dictatorship on campus, but rather
to attempt to uphold what he thought was University policy; not only
that, but a section of policy that had been overlooked by Council the
night before.
Council, on the other hand, acted with none other than selfish
interests in. mind. This rash act was done without any compassion or
understanding of the circumstances involved.
We fervently hope that the members of council will now sec fit not
to let personality conflicts get in the way of moving the student
government towards meaningful accomplishments if, indeed, any are
Peace vs. U.S.
Summer has ended but the fucking war hasn't. Let it be known that
there will be no peace for any president from now until the end of the
war and we cannot promise that there will be peace at that time.
Nixon has stated that his policies will in no way be affected by
demonstrations planned by students (nationwide) this fall. Some
people are assholes but at least he didn't lie.
We think that he will have to listen and understand in October and
November. Strong commitment on the part of all students is
obviously necessary and is being elicited in the lobby of the Campus
Center right now. What is also apparent is the already unrelenting
solidarity of anti-war groups and their growing corps.
By his own evasive ambiguity the president has brought upon
himself the mistrust of large numbers of the population within this
countrs and around the world. Not only will lie not hear his own
countrymen, but neither will he heed the cry lot reason, for an end lo
forced death, reverberating on live polluted walls of the planet.
He will be forced to listen, however, when waves of people descend
on the government to tell him he is being unpatriotic by continually
acting in bad faith toward such American ideals as the right of free
speech, and respect for the ideals of the minority and majority.
We will not tolerate perpetual perversion on the part of this
country. We will stand for mass education, changes in the mass media,
a decrease in the real and psychological authority of the United Stales
government, particularly the president
We will stand for "primitive Americanism" the quest lor peace,
freedom and equality. We must not forget the past lor il is tine that
many mistakes have been made by well-meaning, all-loo-powerful men
(hypocrites''). We cannot afford lo let past illogic p> unexamined foi
b) lliis error we may be imprisoned b\ thai past.
We ask this entire community in commit themselves lo peace, we
ask ('crural Council, faculty Senate and the entire administration ol
the university lo join us in slating and contributing support lor
October's moratorium and November's march in Washington.
Vol. tVI no. 3
In A l b a n y p o l i t i c s . . . .
J o i n t h e a s p city staff.
Call 457-2190 o r 2 1 8 4
State University of New York at Albany
October 3, 1969
$3,000 appropriated
for march on D.C.
by Ken Stokem
All communications must be addressed to the
editor and must be signed. Communications are
subject to editing.
COUNCIL MEMBERS CONFER before voting on the appropriation for November's march on
Washington while approximately seventy-five concerned students applied silent pressure.
No Smoking!
To the Editors:
In one of the newly-finished lecture halls recently
I observed a student smoking. As a teaching fellow,
I was tempted to tell him to refrain and that
smoking was not allowed. Yet to my surprise I
found that there was no sign posted to which I
could point for substantiation and no one present
who was aware of any university policy in the
matter. This seems lo me to be a gross oversight on
the part of the administration, for to allow smoking
in any of the classrooms—to say nothing of the new
sections with fresh carpets and polished furniture—is
to risk damage to university property.
There are at least two reasons for noL allowing
smoking in university classrooms. The most obvious
is that when smoking is allowed, it is seldom long
before burn scars are found. Experiences on other
campuses and in other places have shown that
smokers apparently too often have too little regard
for public property to avoid dropping ashes on the
floor and grinding cigarettes out on the furniture.
And apparently ash trays have not mitigated the
problem significantly.
A second and more important reason for
prohibition of smoking is the discomfort it causes to
others. Despite the most modern of ventilation
systems, the pervasive effects of smoke are never
overcome. For the non-smoker, smoke is irritating
and, more importantly, unhealthy. Women find that
their hair smells. Clothing absorbs smoke and makes
it smell. And most of all is the discomfort caused to
those who choose not to smoke.
Even if the question is reduced to one of the
relative comfort of individuals, this is hardly a
simple question of who is going to be caused
discomfort the smoker or the non-smoker. The
issue has moral and philosophical dimensions which
the university as an institution ought not to evade.
The university is dedicated to the "open society"
and ought to expand its policies within its
jurisdiction to include the preservation of free and
clean air, and good health. Certain rights are, or
ought lo be, fundamental, regardless of the
proportion willing to support them, and among
these tin* right lo clean air ought to he "staked out"
early. Clean air is a "right" which we have always
taken for granted, hut today, now that it is
threatened, it ought lo be proclaimed as a right, The
necessity lo slake out a claim for fr«*e air is mil
far fetched, and I he university should he in the
vanguard of developing such a legal and social
philosophy which can later b-«j applied to the society
al large
II. William Ball
Graduate Student and Teaching Fellow
School of Public Affirs, SUNYA
the war, yet it continues. Death and destruction arc
unbated; bombs and fire continue to devastate
South Vietnam. Billions of dollars are spent on war
while the the urgent domestic problems of this
country remain unattended. Moreover, the war has
corrupting in fluence on every aspect ol American
life, and much of the national discontent can be
traced to its influence.
The discredited policies of the past which have
brought about this American tragedy have not been
changed. We follow the same military advice which
has created a futile and bloody conflict while we
to the same policieswhich have caused the Paris
negotiations to falter. The token displacement of
25,000 troops over a three month period simply is
not the substantial change in policy that is so
desperately needed.
Thus it is necessary for all those who desire peace
to become active again and help bring pressure to
bear on the present administration.
We call for a periodic moratorium on 'business as
usual' in order that students, faculty members and
concerned citizens can devote time and energy to
the important work of taking the issue of peace in
Vietnam to the larger community.
If the war continues this fall and there is no firm
c o m m i t m e n t to A m e r i c a n w i t h d r a w a l or a
negotiated settlement on October 15, participating
members of the academic community will spend the
entire duy organizing against the war and working in
the community to get others to join us in an
e n l a r g e d a n d l e n t g h t e n e d m o r a t o r i u m in
November.This process will continue until there is
American withdrawal or a negotiated settlement.
We call upon all members of the university
cpmmunity to support the moratorium, and we
commit ourselves to organize this effort on our
campus and in the larger community. We ask others
to join us.
Vietnam Moratorium Committee
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student. Association or the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room .illl of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tax. The ASP was founded by the class of II1IH.
The ASP phones are .167 2 11)0,2 11)1.
Editors In Chief
Jill Paznik »U Ira Wolfmati
To the Editor:
News Editor
Associate News Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Technical Editor
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Advertising Manager .
Ending the was in Vietnam is the
most important lank facing tin? American nation.
Over the last few yearn, millions of Americans have
campaigned, protested, and demonstrated against
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility f„r 0 p i n i o n l , c , xprL . s8L . d ;„ , „
columns and communications as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
OPENINGS on ASP staff...
If y o u h a v e a n
Ending The War
Kalhy lluscman
Anita Thayer
Daryl Lynne Wager
Dave Fink
Pat O'llern
Marty Benjamin
Chuck llibali
Daniel Fox man
Report on pass-fail examines
variety of grading reforms
Editor's Note: Due to the great
in the question
Pass-Fail, which University Senate
will consider at its next meeting,
we have attained a copy of the
'Report of the Ad Hoc Committee
on Grading.' CJVJa wport examined
the various systems of marking,
and comes to some conclusions
which are both pertinent and vital
to the consideration of the topic.
The report consists of five
conclusion. We have included
what we consider the highlights of
the report.
At its June 2, 1969, meeting
the Faculty Senate approved a
system of mixed grading; on June
5, three days later, it moved to
reconsider. The new discussion
made it clear that to many faculty
there were faults in a mixed
system, faults in the present
system, and faults in a 'pure* S—U
system, but most of all that the
Senate could not evaluate the
proposals in the form and time
submitted. Consequently, they
voted to recommit the matter to
the U n d e rgradua te Academic
Council, who were asked 'to have
a report ready and available to
members of the Senate by ten
days prior to' the first meeting of
the fall. It was to be the first item
on the agenda.
hi response to the assignment
given it by the Senate, the Council
at its organizational meeLing for
19891970 (June 11, 1969)
agreed to establish an ad hoc
committee consisting of Robert
Thorsteuses (English, chairman
Academic Standing Committee
I96U-70) as chairman, 'up to four
more faculty members.' It was
hoped that most members would
have' served on one of the SUNY
Albany groups that had studied
the grading question. Besides the
chairman tin* group included the
following: l-'red Childs (1969),
Hit-hard Collier (1968, Signum
Laudis Scholar), Robert Gibson
(M.A. 1966), Terry Mathias
(1970), William Reese (Chairman
of the Department of Philosophy)
and Warren Roberts, Ass't
Professor of History.
The c o m m i t t e e had five
meetings and some informal
discussions. This Report, written
by Thorstenson and Collier,
e x p r e s s e s the
judgement of the group
At least four groups at SUNY
Albany have studied reform of the
grading system.
(1) The Task Force on
Instruction recommended 'the
abolition of the letter grade
s y s t e m and its replacement
S or U grades.' (2) The
Task F o r c e on
Regulations considered several
b u t voted
recommend no change in grading
for the present. Their report
noted that among faculty and
students there was a good deal of
'enthusiastic support' for a
Pass-Fail o p t i o n . ( 3 ) The
Commission for Academic Affairs
of t h e s t u d e n t government
strongly recommended a total S-U
system and in March conducted a
poll of nearly 2000 students, of
whom over 70 percent favored
pass-fail grading in all courses. (4)
continued on page 2
The P o l i t i c a l and Social
P o s i t i o n s C o m m i t t e e (PSP)
appropriation for $3,000, for the
purpose of subsidizing buses for
the November 15th Peace March
at Washington, D.C, came before
Central Council last night. The bill
was passed, after extended debate,
by a vote of 18-2-3.
The passing of the bill was the
result of the efforts PSP and
several student organizations
petitioning Central Council for
funds to supply buses.
In three days the petitio
gathered the signatures of
students and 58j.faculty an^staff^
The p e t i t i o n s were buTm^d
immediately following the Central
Council meeting to protect the
identities of those who signed
He also suggested that by
them from being made public.
sponsoring the trip Student
Dave Neufeld, chairman of PSP, Association could be exposing
lead the arguments in favor of the
bill. He argued t h a t the
continued on page 2
a p p r o p r i a t i o n would be an
opportunity to give the students
their money's worth for paying
the student tax.
Lenme Kopp , who seconded
Neufeld's motion, backed up
Neufeld's argument by saying "It
is time Central Council became
responsive to the wishes of the
s t u d e n t s . They want
a p p r o p r i a t i o n , I want the
The legal opposition to the bill
was led by Jeanette Beckerman,
Vic Looper, and Bob Iseman. Miss
Beckerman inquired about the
of t h e
Some friends, Dick and Melanie
Evans of the Albany Peace Center,
and John Daniels of the Albany
Friends Meeting went to the U.S.
attorneys' office early that same
morning and presented Johnson's
card to an attorney.
However, he refused to accept it,
and after a polite discussion let
them leave it on his desk.
At 10:15, Mr. and Mrs. Evans
left the Federal Building to greet
s u p p o r t e r s , o n l o o k e r s and
newsmen on the sidewalk. At that
point Evans explained what was
occuring inside. After a brief
ERIC JOHNSON'S DRAFT REFUSAL demonstration, support,
prayer music, encouragement, and a statement by Richard Evans.
Goodell asks
end to war
by Dec. 1970
by Barry Kirschner
Senator Charles Goodell has
advocated 'progressive' solutions
t o problems he described as
t h r e a t e n i n g the survival of
A m e r i c a ' s p o l i t i c a l system.
Speaking at the Linton High
School in Schenectady, Goodell
covered a wide range of
controversial issues which have
brought the United States "past
the stage of crises, into a stage of
In his Monday night address,
New Y o r k ' s junior senator
statement, he read a letter of defended his proposal to enact a
complicity in the act that was resolution requiring all U.S.
signed by him and various people troops to be out of Vietnam by
form the Albany and Troy areas. December 1, 1970. Goodell
As the morning wore on, the pointed out that with South and
crowd of supporters grew to more North Vietnam fairly equal in
than fifty. Two policemen arrived population and resources, the
but restricted their activities to South could fight, without U.S.
chasing away double parked cars. manpower, if it had a strong will
After thirty-five minutes Mr. and a broadly based government.
Johnson's supporters organized a
Goodell pledged, "As long as I
vigil around the steps of the am in the Senate, I will do
Federal Building. Some prayed, everything in may power to bring
some meditated, others stood Vietnam to where it started, not
quietly chatting with each other. reduce, but eliminate bloodshed
Also present was Steve Trimm, and slaughter of American men."
who refused
induction last While he commended President
January 20, and was there, as he Nixon for reversing the trend of
said "Just to keep him company, the war, Goodell said that the
because I know how he feels."
the "agonizingly slow." The Senator
induction process Johnson issued called Vietnam, the "wrong war,
a statement which said in part, "1 in the wrong place, at the wrong
know tlu't many people will time."
interpret it. v refusal as a rejection
Restoration of Congressional
of our entire American way of r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s
was also
life. This is now true.
r e c o m m e n d e d . According to
"I do not hate or have Goodell, Congress should move to
disrespect for laws, our Congress, share in t h e
or our President. But 1 know of p r o g r a m ,
no government that is willing to reasserting its authority to
voluntarily disarm. I believe that translate the voice of the people
the time has come for each of us into government policy.
Concerning domestic issues,
lo examine his own conscience, to
Goodell advocated increased
find courage and to act."
Expressing the sentiments of expenditures for welfare and
most of Johnson's supporters, e d u c a t i o n , plus
Dick Evans said, "We are happy p r o g r a m s
for Eric and for America that he rehabilitation, prison reform, and
has found the courage to follow aid to localities. He claimed that
his conscience despite the possible the U.S. has the most regressive
correctional svstem in the western
continued on page 3
Area man refuses induction*
speaks and lives for peace
by Brian Moss
"I believe that the time has
come for each of us to examine
his own conscience to find
courage and to uci."
With these words, Eric Johnson
refused to submit to induction
into the armed forces of the
United States on Wednesday,
October 1. Johnson, originally of
Ridge, New
graduated from Rondout Valley
High School in 1966. Me is now
21 years old and a former
Electrical Engineering student at
Indiana Institute of Technology.
Johnson went into the Albany
Association in relation to possible
injury of students, participating in
the march. Looper, who is
sympathetic to the principles of
the M o r a t o r i u m on death,
expounded on this point and the
point that the use of student
funds for a political purpose may
be illegal, by the presentation of
the opinions of two legal sources,
Chandler Stein, legalcounsel to
the University, and an opinion
solicited from the SUNY Legal
Counsel office, given by a Mr.
Kimberly. A letter sent by Stein
to Looper stated, in effect, that
(funds collected for the purpose of
extra-curricular activities on the
campus of this University cannot
/should not be used for political
purposes, such as influencing
Report on pass-fail
continued from page 1
Committee studied the question
t h r o u g h most of 1968/69,
investigating a number of plans
for change. They canvassed
faculty opinion on this campus
and others, including directors of
graduate schools. On May 26 the
Committee recommended in a
r e p o r t to the
Undergraduate Academic Council
a 'mixed' H-S-U system, to which
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n for
examinations. It was this plan
which the Senate was finally
unwilling to adopt at the end of
the year. Still, the year's work
amounted to a virtual mandate for
by Neill Shanahan
Beginning in the fall term, 1969,
all grades for freshmen students
be submitted to the Registrar as
s a c i s f a c t o r y or
work is that quality of academic
performance which the institution
expects from its students in order
to earn an undergraduate degree.
The mark of no-credit means that
a student has not provided the
instructor with evidence which
would justify the grade of
Beginning in the fall term, 1970,
such grading shall be used for all
freshmen and sophomores.
The new grading system shall be
It is clear that during 196S/69 a under continuing observation and
great deal of attention was given review by the Academic Standing
to the grading problem by many Committee of the Undergraduate
members of the University Academic Council, which shall
community, and valuable reports interpret the system, report on its
had resulted. The summer ad hoc o p e r a t i o n , and
C o m m i t t e e on grading was changes as appropriate .
expected to work primarily from
these reports and supporting The system shall be in effect until
documents, not to look for fresh June, 1973.
data unless it was clearly useful
Editor's note: the remaining
and readily acquired; to develop
recommendations for the Senate three sections of the report will
to act upon; and to furnish th> appear in subsequent issues of the
necessary i n f o r m a t i o n
Refrigerator rentals
initiated at SUNYA
by Dave Peck
"Rent a refrigerator for $-15?
For that price I could hire a
These were typical reactions to
the news that this year, for the
fir*:* time ever, University students
would be allowed to rent a
refrigerator, Over 300 units have
been installed, which means that
about 1500 students will be using
in their s u i t e . The
refrigerators are man ua fact u red
by Norcold Inc. of Ohio.
In the past, students were not
allowed to keep refrigerators in
their room. This was uecause
many of the units were old and
had dangerous wiring or used
ozone gas, a poison. Because so
refrigerators the administration
and representatives of the student
body designed this new policy.
The cost of renting a Norcold is
$'15 plus $15 deposit which is
refunded when the unit is
r e t u r n e d in
condition. The $45 provides
$4.50 for electricity, $1 for the
administrative charge of records,
contract printing, etc., $13 for
delivery, repairs and cleaning, and
$36.50 to Norcold. if you would
like to rent a unit contact the
On-Cam pus Housing
located in Fulton Hall.
Ads may be
at the Campus
Center Information Desk in
care of the ASP;
Classifieds will appear every
Please include your name,
address and telephone number
with the ad.
Each word is ft cents, the
minimum price being If) cents.
Any HILLEL members willing
to usher at a benefit children's
theater party on Friday October
3, 12:30-3.30 pm please call
Perle, 7-8815
A meeting will be held Tuesday at
8:30 in the Alden rec hall
(between linen lounges). The Oct.
15 moratorium and November
14-15 strike and march on
Washington will be discussed.
Demonstration for the Silent
Russian Jews, in front of the
Palace Theater, Tues., Oct. 7.
Leave Administration Circle 7:30
Please be prepared to bring a
list of your officers and their
addresses and phone numbers and
Roderick Chisholm, Professor
a list of the supplies that will be of P h i l o s o p h y at Brown
needed for this year to the University, will be at SUNYA on
meeting tommorrow at 10:30 in Tuesday, October 7th. He will
SS 134. (to Student Association hold a discussion with Zetetiks
(Philosophy Club) members,
Philosophy majors and graduate
The Albany Jewish Youth students in Philosophy at 10:00
Council of the Albany Jewish a.m. in CC 370.
Community Center, Hillel Society
Professor Chisholm will deliver
of State University and Temple an All-University lecture entitled
Israel are co-sponsoring a F R E E
"Demonstration of Faith in DETERMINISM at 3:00 p.m. in
sympathy with the plight of the LC23.
Jews of the Soviet Union, which
Art Council will sponsor a
will be held on the lawn of
Temple Israel on Simhat Torah lecture by Mr. Kirk Newman,
night, Saturday, October 4th; whose bronze works are now on
exhibit in the Art Gallery, at 8:30
after services are concluded.
Recognizing this situation, last P.M., Tuesday, October 7, in Fine
year the Soviet Jewry Committee Arts 319. Tuesday afternoon
there will be a reception for Mr.
of the Albany Jewish Youth
Council and Temple Israel Newman in the Gallery at 4:00
organized the first Demonstration P.M.
which attracted hundreds of Jews.
The young Peoples Socialist
Again this year a Torah will be League (YPSL) will hold its first
brought out and spontaneous meeting on Tues, Oct. 7 at 8 p.m.
singing and dancing will take place The location will soon be posted.
on the lawns of the Temple.
i n t e r e s t e d in the
Democratic-Socialism of Norman
Thomas, Michael Harrington, and
Israeli folk dancing, Monday Bayard Rustin are urged to
attend. For further information
night, 8:30 in the Dance Studio of
the Physical Education Building, contact Dave Kupilow 457-7926.
sponsored by Hillel.
1st meeting of SUNY Fencing
Society will be held Wed. evening
Committee to End the War,
October 8, 1969 7:30-9:00 in the
Monday, Oct. 6, 7:30, LC 1. To
Dance Studio, Physical Education
discuss activities planned for Oct.
Building. No experience is
15 and Nov. 15. All people
necessary. Practice and instruction
planning to participate should
available to all university people.
For additional information call
Jackie 355-4267.
D o w n t o w n s t u d e n t s : get
Interest meeting for ait those
involved against the Vietnam war.
who want to work on TORCH
'70. Wed. October 8 at 7:30 in
Campus Center, room to be
Mr. Horace Holidy, one of the
personaly bodyguards of the late
Malcolm X, will address interested
students and faculty on the
will discuss such issues as Malcolm
X and his "so-called" change, his
evolution as a black man, a
Nationalist Freedom Fighter. He
will speak at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on
Wed. Oct. 8 in LC 18.
Sigma Delta P i , Spanish
N a t i o n a l Honorary, cordially
invites all students of Spanish and
all interested faculty members to
a Coffee Hour on Wednesday,
October 8, from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
to be held in the Art Gallery, Fine
Arts building.
This will be an opportunity to
become acquainted with the
group and to submit your name
for the Fall 1969 induction.
continued from page 1
itself and this University lo
substantial liability in the event of
serious injury or death of students
participating in the protest march.
In conclusion, he specifically
stated: "I feel that the suggested
use of Association funds (for
renting the buses) would be
improper and illegal.
Mr. Kimberly supporting the
contention that the trip would be
illegal, quoted Section 302.14 of
the Rules and Regulations of the
State of New York: "Manditory
student activity fees for the
support of programs of an
educational cultural, recreational,
and social nature may be
approved by an organization duly
elected by and representative of
the s.udent body." In this
statem ni there is no mention of
use of student tax funds for
religious, moral, or political
Dob Iseman brought up the
principle that the bill for the
appropriation might be in conflict
with a section of the bylaws of
the Student Association that
states that political groups on
campus cannot be funded with
student tax money. The chair
ruled against this interpretation
and left further action on it up to
the discretion of the Supreme
Graduate Record Exam
registration now open
Many of you have come into the
Student Insurance Office for your
insurance identification cards. We
are sorry that they are not
available, as yet, We are waiting
for the computer lists to arrive,
and then we will be able to issue
them. Please be patient...and as
Educational Testing Service has
soom as they are ready, we will announceothat undergraduates and
place a notice in the ASP. others preparing to go to graduate
However, this should not stop you school may take the Graduate
from coming into the office with
Record Examinations on any of
any of your health insurance six different test dates during the
problems We are here to help current academic year.
you. Thank you all for being HO
The first testing date for the
GRE is October 26, 1969. Scores
from this administration will be
Student Insurance Office reported to the graduate schools
Campus Center before December 1.
Room 301
Students planning to register
for the October test date are
advised that applications received
by ETS after October 7 will incur
a $3.00 late registration fee. After
October 10, there is no guarantee
that applications for the October
test date can be processed.
The other five test dates are
December 13, 1969; January 17,
February 28, April 25 and July
11, 1970. Scores are usually
reported to graduate schools five
weeks after a test date.
FOR THE EIGHTH TIME Mayor Erastus Corning officially began
his campaign for re-election Wednesday night.
Irregularities mar
Who's Who election
On Wednesday, October 1, from 1 to 26. The polls were not
there was an irregularity in the opened until every ballot was
Who's Who Election. It was noted blacked out, reprinted, voided and
at about 10:25, twenty five initialed. The polls reopened at
minutes after the polls opened, about 12:20. A list was kept of
that a name was omitted from the the number of people who
ballot. The polls were then closed revoted.
immediately, handwritten signs
Attempts were made to inform
were then made and posted in the 'the student body of the need to
lobby stating that polls were revote in the following ways: a
closed and that all those who had memo was sent to all directors
voted between 10 and 10:25 and resedent assistants to ask that
would have to vote again and Miss they inform the people in their
Buchalter a member of Student dormitories; and posters were
Activities Staff was informed. hung on the podium, quadrangles
After confirming that the name and in the Campus Center
was omitted a new stencil was announcing the need to revote.
made up in Mr. Brown's office
Since the polls were closed for
which included the omitted name. two hours, the polls remained
In the presence of Miss Buchalter, open from 5-6 on Wednesday and
R i b a k , interim ass't Thursday nights.
and S a n d y
All absentee ballots sent to
Kleinman, interim commissioner. off-campus student teachers were
All ballots except those already checked and found to be correct .
voted uprtri we're run through the
mimeo machine blacking out all
the names on the official ballot.
On the other side of the ballot a
correct slate of nominees was
printed with the same directions
as required by the Election Bill
and ' W h o ' s Who American
by Nancy Zollus
Colleges and Universities' official
ballot printed on it.
T h e pulsing issue of the
Each ballot had VOID and the Vietnam War found itself at
initials of the election worker Alumni Quad Wednesday night.
written on the black side of each About 75 residents met to discuss
ballot as a further check to assure the October 15 moratorium and
that only the corrected side of the the November 15 March on
ballot would be used. All ballots Washington. They discussed the
that were
found not to be most effective way they could
blacked out or the corrected list make both events successful.
not printed, were pulled out,
The downtown campus finds
voided and locked up in the S.A. itself separated from the main
office. Also 15 acceptable ballots campus both geographically and
were VOIDED and locked up in spitilually. Consequently Alumni
KA Office in accordance with Quad residents feel they could
Election Hill.
but in
Tin1 two election boxes in use conjunction with similar uptown
at the time of the irregularity
Both Lhe Moratorium and tin*
were opened in the presence of
Miss Buchalter, Sandy Kleinman March on Washington, nationally
and Chuck Itibak. All ballots were supported, ure being promoted by
put into one box which was then s e v e r a l
locked again and brought Lo the Coordinating the SUNYA and
S A. office. There were ballots nationwide campus movements
ha.'i been the Student Mobilization
cast at this time.
The number on Lhe student. Lux Committee.
Michael Avon, originator of the
card lor the election was changed
HANDY 6*/895, Please net in
touch, harry 4S7-8743.
FOR HALE I'Jtifi Corvair Good
Cond Call Tom 482-5318
Will do
Theses. I some) term papers. Call
Susan Molhy 4H9-1U89.
Learn Guitar at Last! Call Sue
4fi7 47.17
Stereo-AM radio Combination.
f> speakers and headphones.
Year old. Ilest offer over $201).
Call 434-2444 to experience the
system. Keep trying, and ask for
LOST: In Cumpur Center,
College Class ,*mg.
important, personul value only.
Reward. Call 438-6308,
Returning 5:00
Returning 5:00
these hours.
Call 6709 or 6733.
publically, claims he has hardly
been left to his own privately.
"We've had some harassment
by the Board of Elections and
Police," he said cooly.
"The police came to our
apartment twice at 7:00 a.m.
Once they told my roommate he
could vote, and the next time
they told him he couldn't."
"Repeatedly my mail has been
opened," he said. "When it first
started happening in 1965, I was
corresponding with SDS. It has
continued to the point that
manilla folders from the YSA
Office in New York have now
come with the tape ripped apart.
Our organization has been
harassed throughout the United
O'Kain was referring to the
Young Socialist Alliance, the
youth organization allied with
The Socialist Workers Party and
with other socialist groups around
Alumni Quad meeting, was quick
to inform the residents that this
movement is not a political one
but a moral one. He told the
students, "As long as you can't
stand killing you belong here."
Mark Bergman, another Alumni
Quad resident, explained that the
conceived plan of the Moratorium
originators was to set aside one
day in October, two i» November,
and continue progressively until
the Vietnam War was over. The
plan envisions that on these days
the students would stay away
from classes and workers would
stay away from jobs, and use the
day informing city residents of
their position concerning this
'immoral' war.
the world.
Born in Philadelphia, O'Kain is
a 1968 transfer from Viilanova.
As a major in economics, he
became dissatisfied with the
bourgeois' * economics that they
teach you in school." Undecided
whether to turn to the right wing
or left, he undertook a diverse
reading program that included
both William Buckley and Karl
Marx. In time he identified most
with Trotsky, and now describes
himself and t h e party as
O'Kain paints the political and
social scene in Albany as "very
bad, very poor."
"The Albany machine is not
quite as subtle as other cities and
the courts are racist-remember
Sam McDowell."
Sam McDowell is a black who
was sentenced to three years in jail
for allegedly assaulting a police
office-many claim after racial
slurs were hurled at him by the
"The South Mall project," he
continues, "is unjust. It's a
multi-million dollar complex
going up right next to a slum.
homes-when it should be FOR the
people. And the planning has been
stupid too - the Motor Vehicle
Building will not be big enough to
hold all the offices that it should.
O'Kain pointed out that
off-campus Albany State students
also bear the brunt of the city's
"Students pay exorbitant rents
mostly for poor living conditions.
You have to pay up your ass for a
decent apartment."
But the concerns of the
candidate and the party go
beyond the immediate campaign.
O'Kain spends much of his free
time in the Campus Center lobby
soliciting support for the Student
Mobilization against the War.
Moreover, he sees the war' as
something "America has to do chase around the world for
markets and cheap labor." He
continued," you find this in every
capitalist society, exploitation and
imperialist war."
O'Kain pointed out that the
University maintains connections
with the defense establishemtn
that is conducting the war.
"Albany State has a contract
with the Department of Defense
for ROTSY. We don't know how
much money is involved and it is
impossible to tell the implications
because nobody talks, nobody
comes out and say what is
happening. You've got to dig."
T h e Socialist
indicated that he will continue to
dig for a long time to come.
"As of right now .there s no end
to the struggle. Radical politics
will involve quite a bit of my
life," he promised.
for mayor!
Goodell advocates reforms
continued from page 1
As parts of a solution to these
problems, revenue sharing (for
localities), federal assumption of
most of the welfare burden, and
less strict marijuana laws were
among his suggestions. The
senator stated that reform of our
rehabilitation of addicts should be
among our highest priorities.
Senator Goodell, (who was
appointed to fill the vacancy left
assasination), will be seeking
re-election to the U.S. Senate in
1970. His independent positions
(including support of Mayor
candidate Marchi) have somewhat
alienated Nixon,
Rockefeller and many other
Unlike other classics" West Side Story grows younger.'
The SUNYA Faculty Senate
has left the decision whether to
hold classes on October 1 fi up to
the discretion of each instructor.
Beyond the Moratorium, the
Alumni Quad expects to be a part
of the November Hi March.
who have not had their
yearbook picture taken
Winner ol
10 Academy
Awards! ,..,
PANAVISION" uciimcoiofi' i M o w i i i n U n i t e d A r h s l s
Tower East Cinema
on State Quad
($.25 round trip)
Sat. 12:.?0
Sun. 1:00
B o a t i n g , picnicking, and
canoeing arc available during
(Indian musical
Call 462-1804.
Administration Circle
The problems of a student
radical engaged in "big time"
politics were made clear Tuesday
as Bill O'Kain, Young Socialist
Alliance candidate for mayor,
discussed his campaign.
"The big parties ignore me
except when I confront them face
to face."
Saturday, Sept 28 at a campus
center appearance by Albert
his Republican
opponent. O'Kain's challenge for
a face-to-face debate was turned
down. Similar notes to Mayor
Corning have gone unanswered.
Alumni Quad supports
antiwar protest move
Buses Are Now Leaving For
'67 COUGAR 3-speed, Vinyl
top, like new. Call 472-6689
before 4:00,
Student radical struggles
through mayoral campaign
photographs will be Oct. 13.
Oct 9-12 7:00 & 10:00
Advance tickett go on tale Monday
Sign up in CC. tobby
in the Campus Center
" * « ' a*"**" f t 0 0
by Tom Quigley
State Quad films Tower East Cinema schedule
diverse in appeal
kti Daryl
rtarvl ILynne
vnne Wager
Haskell Wexler's MEDIUM
r e b u k e s the
C O O L d e m o n s t r a t e s the
vivisectional force of cinema brutalization of mankind by the
verite as it stashes through the impervious,
horrifying events
of Chicago established order while lambasting
1968 with murderous accuracy. the communications media for its
The eminent cinematographer's relentless coverage of national ills
prodigious film, his first as a with frigid objectivity, thus the
director, casts an ambivalent eye "cool" media of the title. For
upon the environmental catalysts example, the unconcerned lens of
that preceded the spontaneous the news camera lingers upon the
violence in Daleyland during the muddy unrest of Resurrection
City with singular indifference as
Democratic Convention.
Within the framework of a well as capturing and contrasting
n e b u l o u s melodrama, Wexler the "happy days are here again"
denounces the impersonal "caste" nonsense of the convention floor
system that creates polarity with the strong, armed police
between the sensibilities of black state reality of the streets.
Wexler gives us a concise view
and white experience, through the
social isolation of races. More of our illness; news coverage is an
than this however, Wexler accuses accurate mirror image of this
the mass media of instigating and s o c i e t y ' s preoccupation with
supplementing the confusion and visual violence and misery so long
dissatisfaction of the ideological as it remains painlessly factual, so
opponents who clashed in the long as it never inuotves the
August heat. The bitterness and "viewer." News coverage is devoid
degradation of mankind becomes of any true empathy, thus
the startling denouement behind reducing its impact on our
the immediacy of Wexler's emotional senses. We, as living
room spectators cannot feel the
Wexler's anti-hero is a television pain of being billy-clubbed into
for our political
Butterfield Blues Band at tonight's concert, "Blues Bag '69."
news cameraman who records
daily events with incredible beliefs; we cannot experience the
e m o t i o n l e s s detachment. He revulsion of p o v e r t y n o r
conducts his private life with the understand the wrath of black
same brand of organized apathy militancy, bred by the disease of
until he encounters a newly social mobility, by watching an
emigrated, fatherless Appalachian inept television news "analysis."
family, consisting of a mother and No matter where our sympathies
Twenty-four small bron/es by
bronze in some pieces, but the son on the dole. His concept of lie, we cannot understand or care
Kirk Newman will be exhibited in
subject's suit is rumpled. They social priorities is radically unless we've experienced the
the Art Gallery at State University are, in a sense, 20th Century transformed when confronted involvement of interpersonal
of New York at Albany through
Rogers groups with existentialist with the mundane realities of relationship.
poverty and human anguish.
Wexler's sobering focal length
October 19.
t h e nearly
Using t he man's previous a c c o m p l i s h e s
Mr. Newman's sculpture, both
The artist, who now teaches at emotional attitudes and his final impossible fusion of empathy and
bas relief and in-the-round, plays
the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, e x i s t e n t i a l awakening as a r e a l i t y ,
implying the
the paradox
commemorating that which is was born in Texas but has spent unifying theme, Wexler reduces McLuhanesque terminology that
t r a n s i t o r y in b r o n z e , the the major part of his artistic the macrocosm of bias to a unique
m a t e r i a l of career exhibiting and teaching in American malaise. One faction of
p^-.nanence. Many of his subjects the Midwest. His work is in many society is acutely aware and
are super-ordinary men and public and private col lections dedicated lo the eradication of
throughout the United States. He our social problems while the
women caught in a moment of
inconsequential gesture. There is a is represented by La Boetie other chooses to ignore the
suffering about them.
look of the commemorative Gallery in New York City.
24 bronze sculptures
displayed at gallery
we, the audience, are no longer
spectators but actors, assuming
the roles of intrinsic entities in the
dramatic events of our era. We
become instantly aware of the
terrifying machinery of tactics of
the national guard and police as
Wexler depicts the arrogance of
absolute control. He fills us with a
sense of dreadful loss, as the
idealism of Robert Kennedy and
assassinated. His melodramatic
s u b p l o t d e m o n s t r a t e s the
disturbing emasculation process of
urban oligarchies which threaten
the basic social unity, the family,
with d es truction. These are
powerful and difficult subjects lo
evaluate with any amount of truth
but. the Wexler project succeeds
with succient brilliance.
Two years ago, the semantical
erudition of Edward Albee,
combined with the emerging
genius of Mike Nichols, gave us
W O O L F . The
cinematographs for that desolate
black and white film was Haskell
Wexler. His ample technical
e x p e r i e n c e has understandibly
culminated in the intellectual
virtuosity of MEDIUM COOL.
Wexler is a commercially reared
technician by trade, but on the
hand a d e d i c a t e d ,
revolutionary film maker who
works inside the industry, proving
you don't have to go underground
to beat the moguls.
No one can predict the state of
cinema ten years from now, but
only through the observant eyes
of the Haskell Wexler's will the
American film survive its present
mediocre position to become
America's sublime contribution to
the culture of the civilized world
Pop, folk performers
sought for annual IMF
Have you lived off campus
since Aug. 4?
Then you can vote for the man who wil start
Albany in the right direction again
Register on Oct 4 (10-8)
The search is on for the
nation's most talented collegiate
pop and folk performers! The
Budweise r-sponsored
Intercollegiate Music Festival
swings into its fourth year of
national c o m p e t i t i o n
emphasis on pop and folk music
and a new lineup of regional
The Festival is open to
vocalists, vocal group;; and
instrumental groups from U.S.
colleges and universities.
Taped performances are judged
to select finalists lo compete at
si x regional events. Regional
act ion gets under way on
February 21-2H at the University
of South Florida in Tampa.
Villanova University follows with
its t e n t h
a n n u a 1 music
competition on March 6-7 on
their Vi I lanova, Pennsylvania
The Texas Intercollegiate Music
Festival will be held on April
1011 at the University of Texas
in Austin and April 18-19 have
been set as the dates of the
S o u t h e r n Illinois University
c o m p e t i t i o n in Edwardsville.
Dates for the regionals at the
University of Colorado and UCLA
are currently being established.
Regional champions will be
flown to the Intercollegiate Music
Festival finals on August 6,7,8 to
battle for national championships.
The w i n n e r s of the 1970
Intercollegiate Music Festival will
c o m p e t e against
Ca nadian
national champions in Toronto
for the North American College
Music Championships.
More than 5,000 news media
cover the Festival events A
worldwide radio audience of more
than 150 million people witnessed
the 1969 competition last year.
f o r t h e 10 70
1 ntercollegiate Music Festival
close on .January 15, 1970. Knlry
forms may be secured by writ inn
IMF, P.O. Box 127T), Leeshurg,
Florida ;J27 18.
See Students for Hartheimer booth or
call 463-3116 (Board of Elections) for your polling place
Vote for Al Hartheimer
Sot. Oct. 4
Sun. Oct. 5
Dutch Quad Flag Room
C.C. Ballroom
10-1 P.M.
2-5 P.M.
East C i n e m a , a
committee of the State Quad
Program Council, has published a
schedule of the films to be offered
during the current academic year.
Printed here in its entirety, the
schedule reflects Cinema Director
Phil Garvey's intention, which is
"to select films so that there is
something for everybody."
Now in its third v^a*" of
existence, Tower East Cinema has
begun its second year of fullscale
production. The Cinema is staffed
by members of the State Quad
Program Council, who are elected
annually as representatives of
their respective residence halls,
along with numerous volunteers
from the Quad.
This year's films were selected
and ordered last spring and
it now remains the task of the
Cinema staff to serve as theater
managers, box office supervisors,
ticket takers and projectionists.
Tower East Cinema has
maintained financial stability
through the payment by State
Quad residents of $4.00 annual
dues, which carries with it the
advantage of seeing the films
for $.25. Last year's Quad dues
paid for projectors and other
equipment necessary for the
operation of the Cinema. Any
profits made in the coming year
will be used to help sponsor free
' B l o w - u p ' was last year's
greatest box office success. It is
expected that among this year's
most popular attractions will be:
'West Side Story,' 'The Charge of
the Light Brigade,' 'In the Heat of
the Night,' 'The Graduate,'
'Rosemary's Baby,' 'The Odd
Couple,' and 'Elvira Madigan.'
Due to unusually high rental fees,
admission to the first three films
on the above list will be increased
to $1.00 general admission and
$.50. for State Quad residents.
Tower East obtains its films in
a variety of ways. Some film
companies, such as United Artists,
Warner Brothers and Columbia
Pictures, maintain a special 16mm
division which supplies films as a
special service to colleges and
universities. Other films, such as
those produced by Twentieth
Century and Paramount, must be
obtained from various distributing
Limitations placed upon the
selection of films stem from the
inability of the Cinema to obtain
films that have been released less
than two years ago. Many highly
successful commercial films are
not released to colleges unless
they are out of circulation in
public theaters.
However, the greatest single
problem faced by the Tower East
Cinema is one that may have no
satisfactory solution. This arises
from the fact that Tower East
films are shown in the State Quad
Flag Room, which was designed
for anything but movie-viewing.
Since the International Film
Group holds its productions in the
b e t t e r - e q u i p p e d LC-1S, and
because most residents of State
Quad would prefer to maintain
the convenience of being able to
view the films on their own quad,
it would seem that there is no
solution to the problem of
seating, which is limited to two
hundred, including standees. This
is compounded by the difficulty
of arranging seats so that one's
view is not blocked by the
presence of the ceiling-to-floor
white columns.
Despite these handicaps, State
Quad has managed to secure a
wide range of films, a number of
which will be presented in
Another innovation
considered is the possibility of
arranging a Thursday night film
series, featuring W.C. Fields, Marx
Brothers and Buster Keaton
<:omedies. Tower East Cinema
hopes to set up some type of
machinery for sounding out
student film suggestions. Some of
this year's films, according to
Cinema Director Garvey, are last
year's suggestions. Above all, he
emphasizes that Tower East is
open to suggestions: "There's
plenty of room for expansion," he
7:30 & 9:45
THE RAVEN and THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM . . .7:00 & 10:00
4th-7:30 & 10:00, 5th-8:O0
7:00 & 10:00
7:30 4 10:00
THE RINK=Charlie Chaplin
LEAVE EM LAUGHING=Laurel and Hardy
HORSE FEATHER=The Marx Brothers
THE CURE=Charlie Chaplin
THE BOAT=Bustcr Keaton
DEC 5,6
JAN 9,10
7:30 4 10:00
7 :30 & 10:00
CAT BALLOU (and a K-jyston Kops short)
THE ODD COUPLE (and an old newsreel)
in the arts
- O n CampusA L L THE WOMEN ( I F G I Fri..
7 p.m., LC-18.
IN COLD BLOOD Sat., 7:30
p.m. & 10 p.m.; Sun., 8 p.m..
State Quad Flag Room.
Theater, Albany.
F L I C K E R S - Madison Theater,
L O N D O N -Delaware
Theater, Schenectady.
DE JO U R-Proctor's
Theater. Schenectady.
ISADOR ACinema Art Theater,
K I D - Center
Theater, Colonie.
7 :30 & 9 :30
7 :30 & 10:00
7 :30 & 10:00
7 :30 & 10:00
7 :30 & 10:00
Tickets are sold one hour in advance of the first showing
Cieneral Ad mission--$.7 5
State Quad residents-$,25
for information call -157-4506
This schedule is subject to change
Campus Clipboard and the ASP
watch the
•For these 3 films tickets sold in advance in Campus
Center; $.50 State Quad residents, $1.00 general
Supremes at Armory
by Alan Lasker
Appearing at the Washington
Avenue Armory on October '1th,
both at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., will be
an extremely talented trio of
beautiful young girls. They
emerged from a Detroit ghetto to
be eventually proclaimed the top
female vocal group of the world,
Gleaming both in dress and
personality, the Supremes will
sing their way into the hearts of
the inhabitants of the tri-eHies.
The original Supremes, Diana,
Mary and Florence, after singing
together at parties and church
gatherings, were urged by their
high school instructor to make a
career utilizing their talent. They
commenced by appearing on
amateur shows which eventually
led them to audition for the head
of Detroit Motown Records, Their
favorable showing resulted in a
recording contract in which their
promoter endowed them with the
name Supremes and sent them on
thier way into a string of million
desiring to be
uniquely herself, Diana Ross is
basically quiet, and particularly
wants her hair styling, her
clothing, and her makeup to be
hers alone, if she discovers
another member of the trio owns
a dress similar to hers, she will not
wear it anymore. Her major
hobby, fashion designing, allows
her to aid in the designing of the
- O n Campus-
trio's stage outfits.
Mary Wilson, the gorgeous and
sexy Supreme, enjoys reading
engrossing novels and creating
cooking sensations, Also a whiz al
picking up languages, she has
shocked many fans during foreign
appearances by addressing them in
their native tongue.
Cindy Birdsong, a former
member of the singing group
'Bluebells,' also enjoys di.bbling in
the art of cooking.
Tickets for their concert are $-1,
$5, and $6, and may be acquired
through the Ten Eyck Record
Store or purchased at the door.
BLUES BAG '69 with the
BLUES BAND. Fri., 8:30 p.m.,
-Off Campus-DIANA
SUPREMES-Albany Armory, Sat.
at 5 p.m. & 9 p.m.
{ G u itarist -singer l-Cafo
Saratoga. Fri., Sat., Sun., 8:30
SHOW-Jr. College of Albany,
Sun., 4 p.m.
Buy 2-Getl Free .
(With this Coupon)
Mike's Giant Submarine Sandwich
Neha Roast Beef Sandwich
Good only ut:
1573 Western Ave.
Cor. Colvin and Central Ave
40-42 Central Ave.
7 Days
Oct. 14.1060
3he qcftta W o| 3 j W
Aaron? Cleon!
Ik God Stdai
by The Good Student
Danes Lose To Oneonta;
Meet Harpur Saturday
The Albany State varsity soccer
team dropped its first game of the
current campaign this past
Wednesday when they wound up
on the short end of a 2-0 score
against Oneonta.
Last week, Coach Schiefflin
predicted a very tight game-that's
just how it turned out. The first
half ended in a scoreless tie. Both
teams had opportunities to score
but could not take advantage of
them. The defensive efforts on
each side were superlative with
State goalie Terry Jordan and
fullbacks Joel Volinski and Steve
Backus the standouts for Albany.
In the third period however,
b r o k e the ice.
Attackman Rick Pozsar snuck
through and projected the ball
past Jordan into the Albany net.
The Danes did not give up trying
though as two of their shots hit
the posts of the Oneonta goal and
a third, due to the backspin on
the ball bounce out after hitting
the goal line.
Oneonta's second goal came as
a result of a grave detensive
Baby Danes
Edge ACC
by Bob Familant
The Albany Jr. Varsity Cross
Country team, off to a good start,
defeated Adirondac Community
College T h u r s d a y b y t h e
comfortable margin of eleven
points, 22-33. The meet, held
under adverse weather conditions
took place at Adirondac. The
losers' Jan Miller placed first in
the event with a time of 25:33.
State's John Stanton placed
second a mere thirteen seconds
off the pace. State'a runners also
finished. Second, third, fourth,
s i x t h , seventh, and eleventh
finishers were Larry Roberts,
John Comerford, Jim Waters,
Rene Hebert and John Pairhall
respectively. Both John Fairhall
J i m Waters showed
improvement in their fine finishes.
The distance for the event was 1
2/10 miles. All six runners have
earned the right to represent State
at the LeMoyne Invitational this
In the Varsity ranks both
Dennis Hackett and Pal Gcpfert
appear to have an excellent
chance at LeMoyne. Gepfert
finished eighth thorn last year and
is looking forward to doing even
better this year. Although State
lacks the depth of its opponents
Coach Bob Munsey hopes to
finish among the top seven out of
over twenty teams competing.
mistake by the Danes. One of the
State defensemen attempted to
kick the ball back to Jordan in the
goal so that the latter might clear
it. Jordan, however, was not
expecting this maneuver and
consequently made a vain effort
to stop it as it skittered past him
into the goal.
Looking ahead to Saturday,
Coach Schiefflin expects to break
into the win column against
Harpur, the game being played in
T h e r e was
speculation to the effect that the
Frosh Eligible For All Sports
As is t h e case with many
colleges and universities this fall,
State University at Albany will
have a realligncd intercollegiate
sports program for 1969-70. The
reason for the changes is the new
freshman eligibility rule passed by
t h e E a s t e r n College A t h l e t i c
Conference (ECAC) in February.
P r e v i o u s l y , freshmen could
compete on varsity teams only in
schools with a male enrollment
under a designated figure. Now, in
all s p o r t s e x c e p t football,
basketball, and hockey, freshmen
may play at the varsity level if the
c o l l e g e and coach d e c i d e t o
institute such a policy.
At A l b a n y , w h i c h currently
doesn't field teams in football or
hockey, freshmen will be eligible
f o r all varsity t e a m s e x c e p t
b a s k e t b a l l . A n o t h e r change
resulting from the ruling will be
There seems to be some confusion over exactly what occured at the
Central Council meeting of September 25. The basic question is just
what does censuring the President of Central Council mean in real,
that is, political, terms?
First of all, it should be understood that a vote of censure is simply
a stern slap on the wrists coupled with an angry warning not to do it
again. This differentiates it from a rebuke, which is simply a stern
The contention that I am about to raise is one that will surely be
disputed by members of the student government, but these same
people, in addition to being government leaders and office holders are
also, quite obviously, politicians.
Danes' would shift their usual
3-3-4 alignment to a 4-2-4 to add
more scoring punch. Schiefflin
d i s c o u n t e d this immediately,
however, saying that the team will
begin t o score when the
attackmen begin to do the job
that they are capable of doing.
The coach describes the team's
present status like this: "Right
now, we're sitting right in the
middle of a powder keg, waiting
for the fuse to ignite it." He
believes that come Saturday,
everything will blow sky high.
t h e r e p l a c e m e n t of freshman
teams with junior varsity squads,
for which those players cut from
t h e v a r s i t y will be e l i g i b l e .
E x c e p t i o n s will be basketball,
which will continue to utilize a
freshman team; and wrestling,
s w i m m i n g , and lacrosse, which
will not field sub-varsity teams in
1 9 6 9 - 7 0 , due t o i n a d e q u a t e
m a n p o w e r . JV teams may be
added in these three sports in the
The university will offer varsity
c ompetition in 10 sports this
year, most ever at Albany. In
addition to soccer, cross country,
b a s k e t b a l l , wrestling, baseball,
tennis, track and field, and gold,
which held varsity status last year;
l a c r o s s e and swimming will
advance from club to varsity
standing during 1969-70.
Albany defense thwarts Oneonta scoring attempt.
fay Dave Fink
One of the basic necessities of any society, of any instance when
conflicting forces act against each other, is a peacemaker, an
arbitrator, a judge. Unfortunately, not every one of these people
called on to make decisions have the wisdom of a Solomon.
This fact may be clearly seen when viewing intramural sports at
Albany. Officiating at football games is at times, very poor. It can be
improved to an extent yet from this point on, the fallibility of the
human mind takes hold.
As far as improvement goes, in some instances, the officials simply
do not know the rules- In a League II contest played last Saturday,
the referee repeatedly dropped his penalty flag and blew his whistle
whenever there was movement on the offensive line. The rule clearly
states, however, that unless contact is made, the play should be run
thus giving the defensive team the option of accepting the penalty or
the play. This type of ineptitude may be corrected.
Now, however, we are faced with the chance of human error. This,
too, was exemplified in last weeks EEP-KB League I encounter. Potter
Club had possession of the ball on Kappa Beta's twenty yeard line.
The receiver on the play, was interfered with yet, immediately after,
managed to catch the ball for a touchdown. However, upon .
interference, the referee immediately blew the play dead. It was a
Track and cross-country coach
Bob Munsey is "tickled to death" mistake but it was not due to ignorance of the rule but was rather a
at Albany's acceptance into the reflex action (the blowing of the whistle).
Intercollegiate Association of
The point trying to be made is that since the referee's knowledge of
Amateur Athletes of America
the rules is a basic prerequisite, lack of this knowledge, indeed, cannot
(IC4A). The association, which
sponsors cross-country, indoor be tolerated. One must however accept certain mistakes even in the
and outdoor track meets, is the case of college and professional referees. In this year's Orange Bowl,
oldest track and field association officials let the Penn State University run two offensive plays with
in t h e U n i ted States. The twelve men on the field. In the Los Angeles Ram-Chicago Bear
Hfvnvmber organization, which
includes many of the top track encounter last year, officials, due to a mix up, gave the Rams only
three downs in a series crucial to the game. If men who have made
powers, is in its O.'ird year.
this their profession can make such mistakes, than surely we can
There will be a fall intramural understand infractions made by our intramural referees who, indeed,
golf tournament on Friday Oct. deserve thanks for officiating. Everyone wants to play, but noone
17. There will be prizes fqr the wants to make the decisions. The Intramural office is attempting to
individual winner and the three groom better referees. For the duration unless players would care to
man team champion.For further
information and registration, call officiate in their spare time, lliey should attempt to understand thai
these people are trying to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.
Cliff Draper 457-7963.
The varsity cross-country team,
3-2 in dual meets, will be in
Syracuse Saturday (October 4) for
the annual LeMoyne Invitational,
Junior Pat Gepfert(Colonie) and
(Hilton) tied for first in Albany's
double-dual win over Potsdam and
Plattsburgh (25-44-63) September
27. Encouraging to coach Bob
Munsey was the improvement of
the third through Hfth Albany
r u n n e r s , senior Tom Mills
(Baldwin), junior Orville Eaeker
(Dolgevtllu), and senior Larry
Franks (Smyrna).
Albany will sponsor a wrestling
clinic on campus November 15.
High school coaches and wrestlers
are invited to attend and bring
gear for workouts. The guest
instructor will be Penn State
wrestling coach Bill Koll. There
will be morning and afternoon
s e s s i o n s . Details will be
announced shortly.
24 Hour
Marathon Party
for Al Hartheimer
Free beer, food and entertainment
while you work for Al
Saturday 3PM till Sunday 3PM
Come any time
1088 Madison Auenue aboue Madison Theater
APA Scores Over KB, 6-0
STB Trounces Johnson, 16-0
Kappa Beta met APA this past
week in a clash of two of League
Ps prennial powerhouses. KB
entered the game with a record of
one and no losses while Al'A's
record stood at one tie.
KB won the toss but decided
against receiving choosing rather
to have the wind to their backs as
it would probably be a deciding
factor in the ballgame. KB held
and forced an APA punt which
went out of bounds of the APA
15 yard line (Yes, it was a bad
punt). KB took over and after
failing to move the ball on both
first and second down, advanced
it to the APA two yard line on a
pass from quarterback Eliot
N i r e n b e r g to split end Al
Zaremba. On fourth down, KB
attempted a field goal but it was
no good. APA took over on its
twenty yard line but could not
move the ball. Late in the firs half
however, APA due to fine
protection from its offensive line
moved down field on a steady
drive. Split end Rich Margi&on
dropped n pass on the KB two
yard line though and KB's Al
Cassier intercepted APA's next
pass. KB was unable to advanc e
the ball however and tried a quick
kick on third down. It was a poor
kick and hence gave APA fine
p o s i t i o n which they
immediately took advantage of as
quarterback Mike Barlotta hit
Margison in the end zone for the
score. The extra point was
blocked and so APA led 6-0.
characterized by both teams not
being able to mount a sustained
In Monday's League I game,
STB downed Johnson Hall by a
score of 16-0. STB was able to
move the ball almost at will on
finely coordinated end sweeps and
fine passing by quarterback Tom
Brenner. STB scored on a pass
from Brenner to end Mike Pavy
and an end sweep by the former.
The last two points were added on
a safety when the Johnson Hall
quarterback was trapped behind
the line of'serimmage.
Politicians can be divided into three broad, hazy categories: liberals,
moderates, and conservatives. Obviously, these tables are determined
by the stands assumed by the individual student-politicians on the
various government.
The following definitions, quite clearly, are mine and mine alone,
and they are drawn entirely from my rich mine of prejudices and
political biases. But, I should also add, I believe my views 16 be quite
definitely more realistic than those views which would simply insist
that such categorizing is impossible and impractical.
The conservative in student government is defined as he or she who,
before stating an opinion, first asks the administration and his friends
or fraternity (that may also read her friends or sorority) what they
think. Inevitably friends, etc., have no opinion and thtf good
conservative winds up being an administration stooge.
The moderate in student government is defined as he or she who is
in a perpetual str.te of confusion and occasionally abstains to his
or her honesty.
The liberal in student government is defined as he or she who has a
cause. It is always the right cause, the good cause, the only cause and
woe to the student who does not weep, fight, and breath for the
cause. There is only one way to vote and that is the liberal way. There
is only one side to every issue, and the good liberal determined to die
for his or her belief. The liberals always stick together because there is
strength in numbers when you're fighting everybody.
On September 25, the liberals decided to censure the President of
Central Council and the conservatives decided to stop them. (As usual,
the moderates were in the middle with no opinion at all). The liberals
won, the conservatives lost, and the President of Central Council was
President Terry Mathias is a conservative. He is also forthright,
possibly too conscientiously so, and abstained on the motion of
censure. His Vice-President, Vic Looper, is equally conservative.
Naturally, he voted to uphold Mathias' administration and voted
against the motion.
Looper's co-representatives from the Dutch Quad are Leonard
Kopp and Chuck Ribak. Kopp is an ardently self-avowed liberal; he
was one of the sponsors of the motion. Robak is, like Looper and
Mathias, a Stuyvesant Tower Greek. Possibly moderate, ho joined
Looper in supporting Mathias and voted no.
Jeff Glasse is listed as a sponsor of the motion. A brother of STB,
he is reported as having abstained on the motion, which may be the
genuinely moderate approach to an issue as divisive as this motion of
censure. One wonders though if Glasse abstained because his fellow
STB brothers divided so vocally on the motion.
Glassey's fellow representative from the Community Programming
Commission, Barry Ross, is also in STB and is a genuine moderate. He
voted against the motion.
Two other commission representatives showed a clear division of
ideologies. Joe Kaiser and Ralph di Marino, both from STB (this is
becoming repetition) represent the Living Area Affairs Commission.
Kaiser was one of the sponsors of the motion. Di Marino is infamous
for his absurd comment that the student body of the Student
Association should not be permitted to elect the Preside' of Student
Association because said official is also President of Central Council.
Di Marino is an obvious conservative.
The Communications Commission vote is difficult to analyze. Gary
Gold has clearly been a liberal for his three years on Council. Yet he
voted against the motion. I presume that Gold voted as he did because
his years of experience on Council convinced him that censuring
Mathias would be a dangerous precedent for future weak Council
Gold's co-representative Steve Brown apparently followed Gold's
lead and voted against the motion. The one faculty member present,
Tom Littlefield, followed no one's lead at all and abstained,
apparently feeling that the faculty should express no official comment
on the intern?! politics of Central Council.
This viewpoint should have been equally adhered to by the
representatives of the Pan-Hellenic Council. Tom Libbos, the frat
member, stuck to the traditional attitude of Pan-Hell frat
representatives and didn't even care; he even half-heartedly abstained.
Jeanette Beckerman, a close admirer of Mathias, volatod ethical
considerations and voted no.
The other STB brothers on Central Council arc David Neufcld and
Dick Wesley, both from Colonial Quad. Both very vocal and active
liberals (and quite sincere in their beliefs), they were among the ton
co-sponsors of the motion to censure Mathias.
Only Carol Tibbetts of Colonial joined the conservative bloc. Nancy
Wolf of Commuters registed a completely neutral position and
abstained. Like Tibbetts, Wolf sttod apart from her fellow
Skip Counts, Larry Lubclsky, and Walt Silver are the obvious
liberals or Central Council. From Commuters, they were some of the
sponsors or the motion. They were joined by Larry Smith, apparently
liberal, -though he may have felt it was necessary to display his STB
credentials by casting his vote for the motion.
The State Quad representatives are also clear-cut liberals. Bert
Eversley and Norm Rich co-sponsored the motion. Only Judy Avner
appeared to be a little contused, and she abstained only because she
thought it necessary to Indicate some opinion on the matter;
otherwiso, she might as well not have come to the meeting at all.
Continued from page 8
one or more of many current crises, which I will change can be more complex than the situations
now attempt to categorize...
leading to the problem. Nevertheless, these
THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD NOW problems must be solved if the human race is to
SURPASSES THREE AND ONE HALF BILLION, survive. And we have little-perilously little-time.
and it is expected to double before the year 2000
(some experts predict as early as 1980)1 There are Andrew Aldrich
millions starving in India and China today. We
cannot expect to be capable of feeding seven billion
people in the near future. Many scientists, including
noted writer Isaac Asimov, predict a series of "Great
Famines"--periods of world-wide starvation-starting
by 1980 at the latest. Is there any solution?
Perhaps. Some sociologists suggest a system of / (Ed. note: this is the last section of the SUNY
governmental planning of families, whereby only a Board of Trustees* guidelines for 'order' on state
limited number of people-thosc showing promise of campuses.)
having a child who would "benefit society"--would
7. E n f o r c e m e n t Program. The chief
be allowed to have children. There is, of course, administrative officer shall be responsible for the
another solution to the problem of overpopulation enforcement of these rules and he shall designate
and this brings me to category number two...
the other administrative officers who are authorized
WORLD WAR THREE IS NEARING. ABM has to take action in accordance with these rules when
been passed-another victory for the war industries. required or appropriate to carry them into effect.
This move will force the Soviet Union into more
It is not intended by any provision herein to
weapons build-up, which will force the United curtail the right of students, faculty or staff to be
States into more weapons build-up, which... It is a heard upon any matter affecting them in their
vicious circle which spins faster and faster and will relations with the institution. In the case of any
end in a catastrophe which could be triggered by apparent violation of these rules by such persons,
something as senseless as a religious war in the which, in the judgment of the chief administrative
Middle East. World War III need not exterminate officer or his designee, does not pose any immediate
much of humanity to have disastrous effects on threat of injury to person or property, such officer
society. In the horror and panic that would follow, may make reasonable effort to learn the cause of
the people who were left would blame the holocaust the conduct in question and to persuade those
on the scientists and the politicians. The engaged therein to desist and to resort to
technological progress of ' centuries would be permissible methods for the resolution of any issues
shattered. There would be wholesale rebellion which may be presented. In doing so such officer
against government in any form. Survival of the shall warn such persons of the consequences of
'ittest would be the word of the day, anil the persistence in the prohibited conduct, including
paragon of animals would turn info a savage. If the their ejection from any premises of the institution
bomb doesn't succeed in destroying mankind, we where their continued presence and conduct is in
have one tactic left...
violation of these rules.
In any case where violation of these rules does
From DDT in our food and water, to carbon not cease after such warning and in other cases of
monoxide in our air, to reactor wastes in our soil wilful
v i olation of these rules, the chief
and our seas, we have polluted everything. Without administrative officer or his designee shall cause the
the sea to harvest a new form of nutrition, there is ejection of the violator from any premises which he
little hope of feeding our population. We are just occupies in such violation and shall initiate
beginning to realize that, for a world of four billion disciplinary action as hereinbefore provided.
people, we have precious few resources-and they
The chief administrative officer or his designee
grow fewer with every load of factory waste that may apply to the public authorities for any aid
floats into New York Harbor.
which he deems necessary in causing the ejection of
There are countless problems to solve and every any violator of these rules and he may request the
possible solution must be explored carefully, for the State University Counsel to apply to any court of
effects of a major social, political, or nhvsical appropriate jurisdiction for an injunction to restrain
the violation or threatened violation of these rules.
Trustees9 program
or campus order
Massive govt, attach launched
to halt mounting drug traffic.
From the people who brought
you nerve gas, the moon flight
and ABM, we now have Operation
Operation Intercept is the
Nixon Administration's James
Bondian title for an all-out air,
land a nd sea assault it is
amounting to reduce the traffic of
marijuana and other drugs
between Mexico and the U.S. Its
weapons are hardly less impressive
than those wielded by the
fictitious Goldfinger or Dr. No of
007 fame.
The operation's arsenal includes
German Shepherd dogs trained to
react to the scent of marijuana,
Navy patrol boats in the Gulf of
Mexico, Air Force pursuit planes,
a web of radar screens installed by
Administration to detect illegal
border crossings, and aircraft
equipped with electronic sensing
devices capable of sniffing poppy
fields from the sky.
Massive numbers of customs
inspectors-the exact number is a
government secret-are posted at
27 U.S. airports in the southwest
authorized to receive international
flights, and at 31 places along the
2,500 mile Mexican bordor, whore
all motor vehicles and pedestrians
are now stopped around the clock
to undergo 2-3 minute searches
for contraband.
Mitchell's assistant Kleindienst,
briefing the Washington press had
remarked that the crackdown
would remain in effect until
marijuana becomes so scarce that
the price per lid is driven beyond
what most, especially teenagers
are able to afford,
When that happens, he said,
young people won't turn to the
more available harder drugs
b e c a u s e , marijuana
non-addictive, desperation won't
ensue when they can't get any.
Rather than switch to psilocybin,
mescaline or LSD, they will
abandon the drug habit.
Operation Intercept parallels a
similar attack on marijuana being
waged in Vietnam, where tens of
thousands of U.S. servicemen are
understood to have turned on.
The U.S. Army has been fighting a
war of suppression involving
federal agents, police dogs,
h e l i c o p t e r s and television
Military spokesmen say many
soldiers have been reprimanded,
some docked in pay and reduced
in rank, and a few dishonorably
discharged in connection with the
use or sale of pot. Over three tons
of grass have been confiscated and
destroyed, they say.
p o r t r a y s a marijuana user
dreamily engaged in guard duty.
He informs a fellow trooper,
"Don't bring me down, man, I'm
enjoying the world."
After the trooper urges him to
"put out that stuff" to no avail.,
the screen dissolves in a mass of
p s y c h e d e l i c w h o r l s , finally
evolving into a scene showing
both men sprawled in grotesque
death, an enemy soldier, rifle in
hand, standing in the foreground.
. ~ ^ - ^ , — . ^ i ^ - - -
The anti-drug drives appear to
manifestation of the hard line
Nixon has taken on what he refers
to as the "drug abuse problem."
The administration's drug bill,
proposed by the late Sen. Everett
Dirksen and currently before the
Investigate Juvenile Delinquency,
lumps marijuana, heroin and LSD
t o g e t h e r , keeping the same
penalty structure for a first
offense of possessing any of the
three: a minimum of 2 and
maximum of 10 years in prison.
Anyone convicted of a first
offense in selling the drugs will
face 5-20 years in prison and a
$25,000 fine under Nixon's bill.
Anyone convicted of a second
selling offense will face 10-40
years incarceration and a $50,000
fine. T h e r e would be no
opportunity for probation or
suspension of the sentences.
In addition, the bill'contains a
"no-knock" provision whereby
police may enter a home without
identifying themselves.
The Nixon bill continues to be
debated, even within his own
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . Dr. Stanley
Yolles, director of the Health,
Department's National Institute
of Mental Health, testified before
a Senate subcommittee last week
that the legal punishtment given a
convicted marijuana user is likely
to do him more harm than the
joint ho smoked
-•:'*;...":': * ^ f , " ^ » « M » i W M « W i M W i l l i M
Candidates9 Forum
The coming elections for University Senate are by far the most
important elections ever held on this campus. The right, which we
have long contended the students deserve—that of having an active
part in the determination of University policy—is now ours for the
taking. It is our responsibility to elect mature, intelligent, and
innovative students to the Senate.
In order for there to be intelligent voting, we strongly believe that
students running for University Senate should make their views
known to their electorate-in this case, the entire undergraduate
community. For this reason, we arc opening the pages of the ASP to
the candidates and allowing them to air their views on vital issues
facing the University in the coming years.
All candidates should submit an essay of no more than three
hundred words by 8 p.m., October 8th, to the ASP office, Room 334
of the Campus Center in order for their views to be published.
The questions we feel are of vital importance and would like to sec
answered in those essays are the following:
1. What do you see as the goals of the University? What positive
action would you advocate toward achieving those goals?
2. What is your opinion of the necessity for required courses? What
is your opinion of a total Pass-Fail system?
3. What was your reaction to the Trustees' rules and regulations
concerning action to be taken with regard to campus disorders?
4. Should students have the right to participate in the election of
faculty members to University Senate?
No candidate is restricted to answering solely these questions.
However, no articles received late or above the word count will be
acceptable, and therefore will not be published.
We urge all candidates to participate in this vital educational
process; we urge all students to carefully scrutinize the replies
Our America
This University has never had a sense of solidarity toward any single
national policy. Faculty, students and particularly administrators have
remained peculiarly ;-!oof from taking a stand on major issues of the
During no part of our education do we ever have a chance to
discuss the major issues of today
in such a way as to promote
concern for their solutions. The gross perversion of the term
'education' has persisted long enough.
It is now time to firmly commit ourselves to discussion of the term
'democracy' and how the meaning of the word has been perverted by
the bungling structure of the United States government.
One of the things that will be considered within the boundaries (?)
of the discussion must be the question, 'how can the people of a
democracy, supposedly dedicated to freedom of speech and change
when public opinion changes, how can these ideals result in the
election of a president who refuses to be affected by changes in the
mood of segments of the population.
The answer may be that these ideals do not at all exist in the minds
of most Americans. The words, (freedom, change, public opinion) are
freely conjured up, however, to quell the rising tide of dissent when it
threatens to become a tidal wave.
American masses, uneducated, uninformed (or misinformed) have
the normal nationalistic reaction to these terms. These masses are
being used as part of the perpetration of perversion on the part of the
government. Why should the government educate these people to the
extent where the people can threaten the powerful by exposing their
words as illusions.
But. in fact, the masses act as a buffer /one protecting the
government from the dissenters while the latter are being forced into
the government's army.
Democracy'.' Corruption! Yes, students, faculty, administrators. We
urge you to consider these things, u decide whether they are a large
part of the truth about our America. Hut, more than this, we ask you
to solidly commit yourselves to a discussion of such important (life or
death) matters that do not seem to be relevant to today's university
On October 15 forget the 'learning process'-we ask you to
to discuss with us the alternatives for the future.
h a n d i n g
Alumni Quad LAAC and Central Coundl
hat been mooed to WED.. OCTOBER 8
Vol. L VI no. 4
State University of New York <rt Albany
October 7. 1969
Student Mobe moves
to initiate action
by Ben Johnson
All communications
must be. addressed to the
editor and must be signed. Communications
subject to editing.
Grads Alive!
To the editors:
I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that
there is now on campus a Graduate Student's
Association. I searched in vain through the last two
issues of the ASP for any recognition of this fact.
Though you did report the "highlights" of the
meeting of Central Council of September 25, I
notice that you neglected to mention that the
members appropriated $1,500 to the Graduate
Student's Asociation at that meeting.
I believe that this action by Central Council
underlines the importance of the formation of GSA.
The members committed themselves to an
investment in their own futures and in the future of
the entire university community as they made this
grant, as Student Association Vice President Victor
Looper said, to "allow your organization to help
fulfill the needs of the graduate students at
Allow me to quote from pertinent portions of the
Articles of Organization of the Graduate Student's
Association of the State University of New York at
Our purpose is to create a participatory and
democratic organization among graduate students in
order that we, both individually and as a group, may
influence policies of this university which affect us;
and to provide activities social, intellectual, and
cultural, for graduate students.
Our commission shall be to concern ourselves
with all phases of university life and policy which
relate to us, including curriculum, academic
requirements, residences, participation in the
university community, graduate assistants, and such
other considerations.
The organization is permanent and continuing
and is designed to be the primary organ through
which graduate students at this university may
operate, and may bring reason and pressure to hear
in order to secure their place as members of the
university community.
As we slated in IT'S TIME!, an earlier publication
of the (ISA, this university is designed to become
one of the major centers of public graduate study in
the Northeast. According to planner's projections,
Alb.:ny will in the next six years enroll in excess of
20,000 students; well over half of these will be
persons pursuing a graduate curriculum. We believe,
therefore, that it is crucial thai graduate students at
.SUNYA have al their command a concerned,
functioning, and influential organization committed
to their interests. This organization is the
In order to be an Association within which all
graduate students can conscienciously participate,
we must involve ourselves thoroughly in all areas
which touch upon the graduate student at our
university: this we intend to do. Very shortly we
will elect our officers and executive council; we will
form committees to deal with questions concerning
graduate students; and we will fill with members of
the graduate students a number of positions on
various university-wide councils, as well as on the
University Senate and on the Faculty Student
Association. We will build a strong organization, and
coordinate efforts with graduate councils of all
departments and schools.
Our efforts are already begun. On Thursday,
October 9, from 3:30 to 5:30 we will hold an
"event for the Graduate Student Community,"
featuring Nickle Beer, conversation, and planning
for GSA elections. A formal general session will be
held one week later, Thursday, October 16, from
We have a great deal to do, and welcome
assistance and suggestions from all concerned
quarters. And if the ASP is a voice for all elements
of the university, rather than an organ devoted
strictly to the undergraduates at SUNYA, we
welcome your efforts as well.
Charles Stephenson,
Executive Secretary
Graduate Student's Association
World Problems
To the editors:
It seems to me that a good share of the students
(or at least a good share of the activists) on campus
feel, as the Vietnam Moratorium Committee
recently stated, that ending the war in Vietnam is
"the most important task facing the American
nation." I will admit that ending this war is a
necessary step toward achieving peace (and peace of
mind) in this country. However, these students are
neglecting a situation which is much more critical,
not only to the United States but to the entire
world, than the Vietnam war. This situation is the
possible extinction of the human race! This
e x t i n c t i o n
p e r h a p s
" d e h u m a n i z a t i o n " - - m e t a m o r p h o s i s into a
sub-human culture) or humanity could result from
Continued to page 7
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association of the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room 33+1 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
The ASP phones are '157-2190,2191.
ICditorsIn Chief
Jill Pazttik & Ira Wolfman
News Editor
Associate News Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Technical Editor .
Photography Editor .
liusiness Manager . ,
Advertising Manager
Features Editor . . . .
Kathy Husemun
Anitu Thayer
Uaryl Lynne Wager
Dave Ftnii
. . . , Pat O'liern
. . . Chuck Hibak
. Daniel Foxman
Harry Kirschner
The AI bany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
columns and communications us such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
starting today in the Campus
Plans were discussed last night Center for $7.75 with student tax
for the upcoming actions and (12.75 without). The buses will
S t u o e n t leave at 10 p.m. on Nov. 14. and
Mobilization Committee to End return late the next night.
the War in Vietnam. Organized by
The boycott on capital district
Bill O'Kain.
stores on Oct. 15 including the
A b o y c o t t of classes is campus business facilities was also
scheduled October 15 as a protest discussed. Volunteers will be
against the war. There will be a needed to distribute literature in
teach-in from 1-5 p.m. in LC 18. the community to encourage the
At one minute after midnight on b o y c o t t . Facilities are being
the morning of October 15, on planned to sell coffee and donuts
the academic podium, a reading of on Oct. 15 to benefit the
the names of those killed in the Washington bus trip and for the
Viet Nam war will be read for convenience of those not wishing
twenty-four hours. A candlelight to patronize Food Service.
parade from Draper Hall and the
Finally, last night's meeting
Capital Building will form at 7 stressed the need to arouse as
A BIG TURNOUT at Mobe organizational meetings for October IS moratorium and INovembers march
much campus support as possible
Dave Neufeld, a member of for these important actions to on Washington indicates the concern over the war's end. Bus tickets to Washington on sale today!
Central Council announced the take place, volunteers are much in
$3000 subsidy is being provided need to communicate to all
to aid in bus transportation to the students what will take place, and
Washington demonstration on to aid in selling tickets for the bus
November 15. Tickets are on sale ride to Washington.
Drop your coupon
Students to vote on proposed
calendar changes for 70-71
November 15th Peace March to Students to the Faculty Senate
Washington, Lennie Kopp called may have to be moved up. The
change will be one week, from
Students of the University will f o r a r o " c a " v o t c o n ihe bill.
have the opportunity to voice
Voting "Yes" on the bill were October 21, 22, and 23 to
Please fill out the necessary data and deposit it in the designated
their opinions on the Proposed S t e v e B r o w n . Skip Counts, Bert October 14, 15, and 16.
ballot box located at the Canpus Center Information Desk. The
The move will be made only if
Academic Calendar for the years E v e mley, Jeff Glassey, Gary Gold,
deadline is Tuesday, October 14, 1969 at 5 p.m. Student
1970-1971 and 1971-1972. In a J°e K a i s e r . Lennie Kopp, Tom President Terry Mathias' appeal to
Identification numbers are required for the sole purpose of avoiding
motion made by Norm Rich, and
- Thomson Littlefield, the Faculty Senate Executive
duplicate copies. Comments are welcome.
seconded by Lennie Kopp at last L a r r y Lubctsky Dave Neufeld, Committee, to change the date of
Thursday's meeting of Central
Ri&ak, Norm Rich, Barry the Faculty Senate meeting on the
Council, calling for an opinion R o s s ' T o b i s h ostak, Walt Silver, Pass-Fail System back from
Smith and Dick
October 20 to October 27, is
poll to be held on the Proposed ^
Student number:
Voting " N o " were Ralph unsuccessful. The purpose of the
The most notable changes for D i M a r i n o a n d Vic Looper. And change would be to assure that
1 approve of the modified semester calendar
the year 1970-1971 are that fall a b s t a i n i n g
J e a n e t t e the newly elected students to
semester will start about two Beckerman, Terry Mathias, and Faculty Senate would be able to
represent student views on the
weeks earlier, September 2, and Carol Tibbets.
spring semester will end May 15.
According to Dave Neufeld, issue.
I disapprove of the modified semester calendar
and chairman of Political and Social
Reports to Central Council
intercession will be combined into P o s i t i o n s C o m m i t t e e , his made available the following
Attach additional comments, if you desire.
one vacation running from committee will take charge of the information that may be of
Please deposit at C.C. Information Desk by Tuesday Oct. 14.
December 23 to January 16. The buses. Neufeld promises that interest to students.
Fall semester will, therefore, end tickets will go on sale as soon as
Communications Commission
before the vacation and Spring possible. The $3,000 subsidy will ,. announced the formation of a
Last Thursday night Central
Whenever possible, reading days
Council passed a bill which and independent study periods semester will begin as soon as we be used to lower the price of the c o m m i t t e e to arbitrate the
tickets sold to the first 600 re' ted internal dispute that is
introduced the proposed academic have been retained.
Academic Affairs Commission P e o P l e . who sign up for the trip. wracking WSUA. Appointed to
calendar beginning September
The summer session for 1970
The price for those 600 will be the c o m m i t t e e were Corky
will conduct the poll.
1970. It was also accepted by will begin June 15 and end August
Continued to page 3
Following the close of debate $7.00 and $12.00 for students
A c a d e m i c Affirs Commission 14 as in past years, but the two
after the 600 spaces are taken.
yesterday afternoon.
week post-session will be dropped. on the $3,000 appropriation
It was agreed by both groups
s u b s i d i z i n g buses for the
he and his committee will look
that since this calendar affects the
into the legal aspects of the
entire University Community, it is
necessary to inform the student
questioned and would determine
body of the numerous details
Tommorrow at 7:30 P.M. in
the liability of the Student
included in the proposed 1970
the Campus Center Ballroom,
Phi Sigme will sponsor a
A n o t h e r aspect of
appropriation case is that it is not Meet the Candidates Night.
The new calendar is called the
All of the Albany city wide
yet definitely known if the case
modified semester which stilt
will be brought before the candidates of both parties i.e.
retains the current two semester
Student Supreme Court. It is held
year. There will be exactly 14
by some that Central Council's President, City Court Judge etc.
weeks of instruction in each
in approving
the or their representatives will
semester followed by H days of
appropriation is in conflict with appear. Each minor candidate will
final examinations. The fall
its Bylaws, thereby making the speak 5-10 minutes and the
semester will start at the very
mayoral candidates from 10-15
appropriation illegal.
beginning of September and end,
Another contention that may minutes. After the speeches are
including final exams, before
be brought before the Supremo finished, there will be a question
Christman Vacation.
Court is that because Student and answer session for about
There will be approximately 3
Association is now funded by a 30-46 minutes. The candidates
Lo 1 weeks for intersession. The
manditory student tax, many will be free to speak on topics of
second semester will begin in the
students are being forced to fund
their choice.
middle of January and will
othei- persons' morals, which may
Beta Phi Sigma is sponsoring
terminate around the second week
be contradictory to their own.
this open forum as a service to the
in May. Graduation will be held
This could possibly be a violation
University community, especially
during the third weed of May.
of a student's rights.
off-campus students. Students
The traditional religious and
Another item brought up at the that have lived in an apartment
legal holidays will still be observed
mooting was the possibility that
Continued to page 3
...tae moon lee
in the new calendar.
the beginning of the Elections of
for modified calendar
Forum airs
city politics