Hoopsters Take Oh Ithaca In Rematch

M« 8
Frosh Defeat
Foe Soundly
Hoopsters Take Oh
Ithaca In Rematch
The Albany State vanity
basketball team mutt defeat two
tough rival* thia week If they want
to extend then- win atieak to 12
straight game*.
Albany playi Ithaca Wednesday
night at home and then goes
•gainst Sienna Friday night in
Last year,; Ithaca stopped
Albany's win streak at 14 straight.
While Albany boasts a 12—3
record and Ithaca comes here with
a lets impressive 8—8 record, the
Albany hoopsters should not take
Ithaca lightly. For one, Ithaca
averages 6—2 for their starting
five, while Albany averages about
6—0. Ithaca also has a fine shooter
in Qreg Albano who is averaging
19.3 a game. Ed Kawalski also
averages in double figures for
Albano and Kawalski also lead
Ithaca in rebounding, pulling
down 14 and 10 respectively.
Siena has an unimpressive 6-7
record. But they have one big
advantage, height. Their starting
team averages 6-4. Their two big
men up front are Tom Sheridan
and Bob herman, both 6-7.
Herman is averaging 22 points a
game. Tom Welch, 6-4, is also
averaging in double figures. Mike
Seymore does the play making for
the Indiana.
Albany goes into Wednesday
night's game after a sensational
win against Hobart. As has
become custom lately, Rich
Margison scored a basket in the
final seconds to insure the win for
State. Margison was named to the
All-ECAC team,for the fourth
straight week. Scott Price played
one of hit best garnet of the year,
scoring 13 of his 15 points in the
second half while Margison rode
the bench with three personal
There will be a very important
meeting on Wednesday, February
12Y in the Campus Center
Assembly Hall, at 4 p.m.
concerning the future of
swimming at Albany.
S p o r t s e n t h u s i a s t s and
promoters of a well-rounded
intercollegiate schedule at Albany
should be highly interested in this
meeting to decide what direction
swimming will take and should
attend this very important
The game with Siena, originally
scheduled for this Saturday will
be played at Troy High School on
Friday night. The frosh contest
begins at 6:30 and the varsity
plays at 8:30. Ten buses have
been hired to take State students
from the campus to the game.
Tickets for the game, at SI .50 per
ticket, are available at the info
desk of the Campus Center.
The Albany
Every Great Dane rooter remembers the stinging reason that the' basketball team routed Hobart,
NCAA regional tournament selection committee gave for not choosing
60-45, Saturday night.
|a strong (18-4) Albany team for but year's playoffs: "Your schedule it
The freshman hoopsters led by
Just too weak!" What they meant was that we play the likes of New
20 points at halftime and teemed
Paltz State, Oneonta State, Oswego, Pittsburgh, Potsdam, etc. These
to play a little sluggish in the
are, perennially, the weaker squads that State faces. And yet, few
second half. But their lead was
could hold back a chuckle or two when little Buffalo State easily won
too big for Hobart to overcome as
that very regional tournament. Buffalo had won the State Athletic
they went to a ball-control game
Conference that year—an endeavor which took up more than half its
offense late in the game.
schedule—by defeating such tough competition as New Paltz State,
Albany won.the game mainly
Oneonta State, Oswego, e t c . . . .
on their defense, as they forced
Adding insult to injury, the regional committee, heavily Weighted
Hobart into several turnovers in
with New England-member schools last year, chose a mediocre (12-8)
the first half. The teams
Northeastern University team. Happily, New Yorkers, and Albany in shooting-eyes Were off as they hit
particular, will no longer be subject to the same regional committee.
only about 30 percent o f their
The NCAA-small college (.division realigned the regions over the
shots from the floor.
summer and New York and New Jersey now comprise one region
Dan Cokely was Albany's high
known as the Eastern region. Any new intra-regional bias may work in
scorer with 15 points. Cokely is
Albany's favor now for most New Jersey teams participate in the
an EOP student and he could add
NAIA post season tournament. This leaves the four team NCAA
the extra strength the team has
tourney field almost exclusively to the Empire State.
been looking for. Mike Bendzell, who has been
Both LeMoyne College of Syracuse and Buffalo State will be very
playing good ball for Albany since
strong contenders for tourney bids. Both have fine records and show
impressive victories against tough opposition. Albany is not without returning from his ankel injury,
scored 11. John Heher scored 9.
its big victories, the most important being over Merrimack, Siena, and
Heher has been averaging 15.
Hartwick, all by one point. An impressive sixteen point win over West
Chester State, a university division team, will also look good to this
Gene Bost, who hat been
year's regional committee. Luckily, the New Paltz, Oswego, and
averaging 12 points a game, was
Potsdam games will come after the committee makes their selections held to only three.
this year.
The freshman meet RPI
Wednesday night. RPI has been
All this brings Albany, with a 12-3 record and a ten game win
averaging 100 points a game.
streak, to tomorrow night's game with Ithaca. This and the Siena
Frosh coach Robert Lewis plans
game, Friday, will decide whether or not Albany State's cagers are
to play a ball-control game, and
deserving of a bid. Victories in these two games should insure the
try and slow RPI's offense down.
Sauersmen a tourney invitation, just one year late!
Why read as they didlOOyear sago?
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One hundred years ago, people read the way you're reading
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Hut today, things are happening so fast that people who try
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You can become a dynamic
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Take a FREE
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Come and see what the Wood method is all
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For information contact coordinator
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This is the same course thai
President Kennedy had his tojil
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U.S. senators and congressmen
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Talmadge of Georgia said on|
completing Mrs. Wood's course,
"If these techniques were insti
tuted in the public and private)
schools of our country, it would
be the greatest single step we|
could take in educational prog
Vol.LV no&Qh
Senate denies
state aid to
SDS to formulate
power relationship
by Debbie Hummel
Compiled by Norm Rich
ALBANY, Feb. 12--Spurred by
the specter of the Columbia
disturbance, the State Senate
voted Wednesday to deny state
aid to unruly students.
Sponsored by Sen. John E.
Flynn, Rep. of Yonkers, the bill
penalizes any student convicted of
an o n - c a m p u s felony or
The latter category includes
such crimes as "aggravated
harassment, criminal nuisance,
materisl""Such as smoke bombs,
and similar crimes associated with
campus demonstrations.
Funds curtailment would
primarily take the form of State
Regents Scholarships and Scholar
Incentive Awards. Understood by
the Senators, an amendment also
would be included affecting such
grants as SEEK, a program which
help for
"These young people are now
getting out of line completely,
especially when the taxpayer is
subsidizing their education,"
asserted Sen. Flynn, summing up
the debate for the G.O.F.
On the other side, Democratic
Senator Harrison J. Goidin noted,
"We are indulging our passion for
shallow vindictivenesss...the other
side (GOP) is more interested in
saving money than in solving the
serious social problems which
confront us."
However over one-quarter of
the Democrats did indeed vote
"yea" resulting in a final vote of
37-15. The bill is now passed on
to the Assembly.
Last ye:.r, following the Columbia
episode, Republican Majority
Leader Earl Brydgcs succeeded in
passing a similar bill, differing
from the present bill only in that
the power to usurp aid rested with
the Board of Regents.
Brydes bill was later killed by a
Assembly. That House is now in
Republican hands. Thus passage
of the bill now appears imminent.
Blood Bank
Two hundred and fifty six pints of blood
were given at this weeks Blood Bank
photo by Tom Murphy
FSA to consider
new meal proposal
Results of the recent meal plan
survey have made evident student
dissatisfaction with the existing
meal system.
As a result, the Room and
Board Study Committee (an
ad-hoc committee of living Area
Affairs Commission) has met with
Mi*. Robert A. Cooley, director of
Faculty Student, Association.
Mr. Cooley has expressed a
desire to meet the needs of the
student body.
As a result of this meeting, the
Committee has formulated the
following proposals for the
1969-70 academic year.
20 meals (Breakfast, Lunch,
Dinner) per week;
13 meals (Lunch and Dinner)
per week;
14 meals (Breakfast and
Dinner) per week;
7 meals (Dinner) per week;
5 meals (Lunches-non-residents only) per week).
"We are now awaiting price
estimates for each proposal, which
will be available to the students in
the ASP one week from today,"
said Steve Lobel, Chairman of the
The prices and meal plans will
be printed in questionnaires to be
distributed to and filled out by
students when they pick up next
month's meal cards.
questionnaire is to establish
adequate student .support to
warrant the adoption of the above
proposals for next year.
Lobel noted, "The problem of
students feeding strangers with
their seconds has already caused
costs torise substantially. In order
to protect those students who do
not abuse their contracts, the
will be
Memners of the LAAC Room
and Board Study Committee
include: Steve Lobel, Holly
Cohen, Peter Haley, George
SeyforLh, and Sharon Scully.
Come and see what it's all
about. It just might be one of J
the most important things yon
do this year.
WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 12-8:00 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 13 - 8:00 p.m.
Thruway Motor Inn, (across from campus)
Executive House
Course to start soon at Thruway Motor
Special tuition for SUNYA
students and faculty.
Reading Dynamics Institute
Mm. Office*. 1654 Central Attm*, Albany N.Y. 1220$
Work Begins
(518) 869-3000
Friday, February 14, 1969
Construction continues on the new accelalor despite fresh snow,
photo by Sue Steigar
Registration for the "great movement" weekend, sponsored by the
Niagara Region of Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) (upstate
N.Y.) will take place in the Campus Center noon Friday and continue
through Sunday as the events of the weekend unfold.
The two-dollar registration fee will be used by SDS to help support
their Spring and Summer programs. Conference literature and housing
will be assigned at registration.
Newsreels will be shown today from 4-6 p.m. and Saturday from
6-7:16, at a location to be announced. The films to be shown will
feature the Columbia revolt, the Black Panthers, and Chicago, created
by radical filmmaker Norm Fruchter.
Two proposals to be discussed at a general meeting tonight at 7
p.m. in LR 3 will be plans for a summer project and an idea for
coordinated regional action against the military on college and high
school campuses.
From 8-9 Friday night in LR 3, SDS will sponsor the Pagaent
Players, a New York street theatre group. Following this will be a
panel discussion from 9-11 p.m. Chip Marshal, discussing ROTC and
military on campus and the Draft; Bernadine Dohrn,
inter-organization secretary of SDS, on woman's liberation; Jeff
Gordon, of the Progressive Labor Party, on labor organizing; and Walt
Shepar, on community colleges, will be among the panelists.
On Saturday, February 15, at 9:30 a.m., announcements and
workshop rearrangements will be made in LR 3. This is to be followed
by the workshops in classrooms of the Humanities Building.
The Conference workshops will cover a wide variety of topics,
including guerilla theatre, high schools, underground press, radical
teaching, problems of capitalism, Cuba, racism, socialism, and
imperialism. Some resource people present at the workshops will be
Steve Halliwell, former national officer of SDS; Harry Magdoff, of a
new school for social research; Ted Gold, of Teachers for a
Democratic Society; Nick Freudenberg, a high school organizer; Paul
Sweezy, editor of the Monthly Review; Jim Jacobs, community
organizer in Detroit NOC; and Mike Klare, of the North American
Congress on Latin America (NACLA).
This conference will be concluded Sunday morning from 10 until
noon, after which will be a break until 1 p.m. Workshops will be
resumed from 1-3 p.m. in the same locations. Newsreel films will also
be shown Sunday at a time and location to be announced.
Among the plans of the four-point program adopted by the Niagara
regional SDS will be for "each chapter to research the power
relationship between its school and the immediate community." This
reasearch will be presented at the next quarterly regional convention.
"Each district is to develop an integrated-district program with
respect to its member chapters and non-student constituencies. The
districts are to develop district consciousness through a district
newspaper, a di strict program, and district assemblies.
"The program also stresses that Niagarans develop regional
consciousness through a regional newspaper, district-linking programs,
and regional conventions. Regional travelers and a regional treasury
are necessary to implement this program."
Underground site chosen
for nuclear accelerator
by Ed Weiss
A nuclear accelerator is to be built may be made into the effects of radiation
completely underground between State on various metals. The Biology and
Quad and the Biology building. Dr. J.B. Chemistry Departments may also use the
Garg, Professor of Physics, has stated that accelerator for research.
The Physics Department hopes to attract
the accelerator will probably be finished by
January of 1970 and research will begin at least a dozen graduate students
interested in programs dealing with the
during the Spring Semester of 1970.
The nuclear accelerator will cost fundamental structure of matter. Fifteen
approximately $400,000 and is based on a graduate students and fifteen seniors now
desib." by Radiation Dynamltrons, Inc. Its work on the project. Collaboration with
production capacity enables it to produce neighboring colleges in the Albany urea,
higher currents than the Vandergraff especially R.P.I., is anticipated,
It's hoped that the Federal and state
accelerator, It can produce 4 million
electron volts making possible the study of governments plus private contributions,
certain phenomena unable to be studied will be obtained to help defray the cost of
the accelerator. The University has alto
The accelerator will be used to study the applied for grants from such Institutions as
properties of- nuclei by investigating the the Atomic Energy Commission and the
nuclear structure of the atom. Research National Science Foundation.
i fi
•; is
»AM 1
contemporary views..a Lago-series
Zetetiks, the undergraduate
Philosophy Club, announces an
original paper entitle "On Getting
the Rock Into Your Head" to be
presented by J. Roger Lee at
7:30, Monday February 17, 1969
in Humanities 354.
17—Price Waterhoiue,
Accountants, Accounting;
1 8 - I . B . M . , Systems
Representatives, Science, Math,
Engineering and Liberal Arts
The Social Confrontation
18—Internal Revenue Program will present a 30-minute
Service, Tax Technician, Revenue film entitled "Marijuana" this
Agent, Special Agent, Revenue week at the following times:
Tuesday,. Feb 18-10 am, SS
Officer, Revenue Agent requires
24 hours in accounting, Special 134
Tuesday, Feb 18-12 noon,
Agent requires 12 hours in
accounting and eligibility in Chem 27
Thursday, Feb 20-10 am,
Treasury Enforcement test.
Revenue Officer and Tax Assembly Hall.
Anyone interested in viewing
Technician require eligibility in
this film is encourage to attend.
Fed Service Entrance Exam;
Feb. 19-Squibb Beech Nut,
Inc., Product Manager Trainee,
Financial Marketing Research,
Accounting, Chemical Engineering
Self-nomination forms are now
• Marketing, Finance, Personnel available at the Information Desk
( S o c / P s y c h ) Biostatistician in the Campus Center for
MYSKANIA, Class Officers, and
Alumni Board. MYSKANIA
nominations must be in to the
The Forensics Union will Student Association Office with
sponser a reception for new your Spring semester's tax card by
members Tuesday, Feb. 18 at Feb.
24. Class Officers and
7:30 in the third floor Humanities Alumni Board nominations must
lounge. All students interested in be in the Student Association
debate or individual speaking Office by Feb. 28. For any
events are urged to attend.
further information, call the S. A.
Office at 457-3430.
BreaUaf Bureaucracy wiD attempt to
cm be submitted by peseta* them In the ASP Clarified Ad Box located fa the Campus Center on the
Informttlon De*k. Questions placed in the box by Tueaday noon win ippev m UK Friday ecUtion.
Is it ttlll conceivabla that student tax will be
mandatory next year? How?
According to Duncan Nixon, President of Central
Council, it is not very probable that the tax will be
mandatory for Fall 1969. He said that the tax can
be made mandatory by only two methods. These
are: 1. a Central Council elected by the entire
student body could vote to make tax mandatory or
2. a referendum of the entire student body could be
held in which a proposal to make the tax
mandatory would be presented in a peice of
Presently, the first method could not be used
since this Council was not elected by the entire
student body.
requested a lowering in the fee from $1.10 to $.95
in order to eat on the quad.
This service would have been discontinued if the
reduction was not made.
Does the University grant leaves of absence to
No. In order for a student to leave the university,
even if he plans to return, he must formally
Dean Thompson of Student Affairs said that the
student must go to the Student Affairs Office Ad
129 to fill out the appropriate forms. He advises
that a student who is considering withdrawing
discuss the situation with his advisor in the
University College or the academic dean
Why is i t that Food Service has limited Colonial
Quad students to $.95 in their purchase of lunch on
the Colonial cash line yet it still charges the person
w i t h o u t a lunch card $1.10 on the contract lines?
Will the present system
continued for next fall?
Originally, the Colonial Quad cash line was set up
to accommodate paying guests (i.e. faculty, staff,
etc) since the Campus Center dining facilities were
overloaded. Mr. Haley of Food Service said that the
food in the cash line is more costly. Ordinarily the
allotment per student for lunch is ,$.65. This
amount was not deemed sufficient to provide an
adequate meal. Haley said that students, themselves
Mrs. Cook, Assistant to the Registrar stated that
the rotating alphabet system currently used would
not be fair unless it was continued for a longer
period of time. This system attempts to give
everyone an opportunity to pre-register during the
first days by changing the alphabetical priority lisl
each semester.
A change in the system is not being planned for
Fall 1969 at this time.
of pro-registration bo
State Utweuity l&ookitou
We are happy to announce that required textbooks for the
Spring Semester will be furnished during the period February
Your rights if arrested
The above decision could not be made until December 31
financial information had been assembled, the books have
already been marked with the list price, and will be sold at
that price during the coining rush. Students are asked,
however, to hold their green sales receipts and turn them in for
a cash rebate during the period March 3-14. Rebates will be
made at a special counter set up in the tunnel.
Robert A. Cooley
'-; ' • 'Director
Mon thru Thurs 9am-8pm
Sat 9am-1 pm
Cercle Francais
Editors Note: As an attempt to keep our readers informed of their legal rights the ASP is starting a
series entitle "Your Rights if Arrested." The series has been lifted with permission from a public service
pamphlet of the same name.
4 *
The purpose of this series is to give you information on your rights—if stopped by a policeman, searched
or taken into custody.
The policeman has his job to do. He stands for law and order, liespect him; do not talk back or be
It is a crime to resist an officer who arrests you lawfully. If it turns out that you have been arrested
unlawfully, you may sue the policeman for false arrest.
But remember: your arrest or detention may be lawful even if you are innocent.
What is an arrest?
You have been arrested when a policeman or citizen takes you into custody or otherwise substantially
deprives you of your freedom of action so that you may be held to answer for a crime.
A warrant for an arrest is an order issued by a court. The policeman having a warrant for your arrest
must state that he acts under the _
authority of a warrant, and also
A policeman may arrest you cause to believe that you were
he must show the warrant, if
without a warrant in the following lawfully arrested by a prive
requested, and give you a chance
to read it.
(a) Where he has reasonable
When making an arrest
You may be arrested at any
time of the day or night by a cause to believe a crime is being without a warrant, the policeman
pliceman who possesses a warrant committed or attempted in his must inform you of the reason for
to arrest you for a felony, the presence. This includes felonies, the arrest, unless you are in the
more serious type of crime. misdemeanors and offenses like a act of committing the crime or arc
However, if the warrant is for a traffic violation or disorderly being pursued immediately after
an escape. In any arrest without a
misdemeanor, the less serious type conduct.
(b) He has reasonable cause to warrant, if you flee the
of crime, you may not be arrested
on Sunday or at night unless the believe that a felony was jurisdiction with a police officer
warrant says so. Misdemeanors c o m m i t t e d and that y o u in close pursuit, he may arrest you
include (for example) common committed it, although not in his beyond area limits.
gambling, petit larcenty, simple presence. Felonies include serious
as murder, May PRIVATE PERSONS make
assault, und disorderly conduct in c r i m e s s u c h
manslaughter, arson, robbery, an ARREST?
a public conveyance.
This question and others will be
A policeman with an arrest assault, burglary, extortion, grand
warrant may break open a door or larceny, kidnapping, blackmail answered in next week's
window to guin admittance after
installment of Your Rights if
(c) When he has reaonable
has given you notice of his
authority and purpose.
Police unleashed canisters of
tear, gas at the crowd of about
1000 white students.
Before the Negroes- left the
barricaded Duke building in
Durham, N.C., the university had
issued an ultimatum to them to
clear out by 4:30 pm EST and
had assembled more than 70 law
officers to enforce the order.
It also had announced
suspension of all black students in
the building and said they would
be subject to criminal prosecution
if they did not get out at once.
At Berkele" police arrested at
least three dozen dissidents in a
series of minor scuffles and broke
up picket lines trying to block the
main campus thoroughfare.
About 1000 students tossed
books and firecrackers and
taunted officers with chants,
catcalls and obscenities. Student
lines reformed as quickly as plice
marched through them.
More than 75 Negro and Puerto
Rican students took over a City
College administration building in
New York City to enforce
demands for recognition of the
needs of minority groups.
At Wisconsin, the Guardsmen
on the scene Thursday appeared
to have succeeded in bringing a
semblance of order to the tense
campus as they kept dissidents
moving and thwarted attempts to
block traffic on University
Avenue, the school's main stem.
Frosh to nominate
new class officers
Nominations for Class Officers
opened last week and many
people have already picked up
their application. In order to
acquaint the members of the
Freshman Class with the
nomination and election process,
the Class Guardians, Connie Valis
and Tony Casale, have announced
that a Class Meeting will be held
next Tuesday, February 18th.
The meeting, which will be held
in the Ballroom at 7:00 pm will
be an informational meeting that
will explain how a potential
candidate may place his or her
name in nomination. It will also
explain the function s of the four
C l a s s Of f i c e r s - - P r e s i d e n t ,
Vice-President, Secretary, and
Treasurer. Nomination forms will
be available for those who would
like them. They are also available
at the Campus Center Information
Connie and Tony urge all
freshmen to attend even if they
do not plan on running so that it
may be determined whether or
not to hold a campaign rally or
candidates' night prior to the
Since those people elected will
determine the plicies and activities
for the Class of '72 for the coming
year, it is important for all to
attend. According to the
Guardians, there are numerous
activities such as a Beer Party,
Concert, Spring Weekend, and
New York City trip in the initial
stages which will have to be
carried out by the new officers.
Holiday Bus To Lake Placid
Saturday, Februrary 22
Bob Sled Championship+ Skiing at Whiteface ML
Cost. $7
Tickets at Campus
Center from 12 - 2
Feb. 17, 19, 20.
For information call 436-1418
7:30 pm in Physics lounge in room 129. Mr. Christain Strzulkowsky
will speak in French on "The Aclualite Franchise." All interested are
IR« ™ , „ r „ J U N I 0 R ENTERPRISE CO.
J56 OLIVER ST„ N. T 0 N A W A N D A N . Y .
Your State Intutance Man
Writes All Types Of Insurance
Phont 434-4687
( U P I ) - N a t i o n a l Guardsmen
used tear gas grenades and fixed
bayonets to scatter crowds of
rebellious student strikers at the
University of Wisconsin Thursday.
Riot police hurled tear gas
canisters to break up a milling
crowd of students on the Duke
University campus.
On another campus troubled by
student r e v o l t - about 150
club-wielding police made
repeated sweeps through chan ing,
screaming militants at the
University of California at
Wisconsin Gov. Warren P.
w h o sent 9 0 0
Guardsmen onto the Wisconsin
campus at Madison early
Thursday, called an additional
1200 militiamen to duty at
midafternoon in a determined
effort to keep the university open
for classes.
Negro students seized the main
floor of the Duke University
administration building and held
it for nearly 10 hours, threatening
to set school records afire with
kerosene if their demands were
not met or if police were sent in.
A wild melee broke out on the
grassy quadrangel at the center of
the campus after the black
s t u d e n t s , surrounded and
protected by friendly white
students, walked out of the
building and marched down the
main campus street.
Suppose the policeman does NOT
luive a WARRANT?
The next meeting of Cercle Francais will .be held Thur. Feb 20 at
Campus revolts siir
major universities j
3-28 at a price 5 % below list.
This reduction has been made possible by the diligent
efforts of the Bookstore Management and all its people, who
are making continuous efforts to improve this service and
efficiency in the Store. Their efforts have converted a deficit
of a year ago into a small excess of income over expenditures,
and we are happy to pass this saving along to our customers.
14120 !
To Wayne Koby
'The Law Revolt'
of Stuuoetant
Wednesday, February 26, 1969
for winning a claw ring
donated by
John Robert's Co.
and the Bookstore
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»*<* i
j - "Senate Republicans marshalled their majority strength Wednesday
and picked up a few Democrats along the way to pass a bill which
would strip, state financial aid from college students convicted of
campus disorders.'
• I
•L We feel that this bill is a disgusting display of vindictiveness on the
. part of New York State's senators, particulary Senatros Earl W.
Brydges (Rep. Senate Majority Leader) and John E. Flynn,
(R-Yonkers) who are the former and present sponsors of the bill.
;,' In essence, it means that the State, with the approval of the
Commissioner of Education, can withold money from a student if he
expresses his beliefs out of the bounds of the law.
The problem is that it is against these very laws that students
Glaring Errors
establishment of a department of Semetic studies
T,i thi PHi»„~.
However, I would rather see a department of Middle
Eastern studeUestablUhed on this campus that would
I was icing to^ write a letter of congratulations on embrace the teaching of such languages, cultures and
your first ASP ol , n e w semester. However, duties histories a. Persian, Turkish, and Arabic as we'l as
kept me from writing as promptly as I wished. And Hebrew
now I'm glad I didn't write so quickly.
r w o u W U k e t o draw the attention of the members
f l i * £ r o n t P a « , ! ° f t h e f t b r u a r y 11 edition has two 0 f this Alliance to the fact that a department"
flaring errors which must be corrected. First, in the Semetic studies including solely Hebrew lan„"Le
C UnCi1
n a °t u r e ' f
WM a
^'tu™. ^d history would be Ldemic^lylcki
' *
° '"e bill passed and intellectually dishonest. The reason " a d
In other words, you may enjoy the Constitutional rights of freedom ^ S * " ,
of speech and assembly as long as you agree with all the ramifications
of the laws governing these rights.
If you agree with the way things are going you are safe. If you
don't agree, and try to do something, you are "unlawful."
Trying to suppress dissent by threatening to take away money given
concerning the Campus Center Governing Boar used T Xr e a!l l y T
, l ^ T *? SUme™ttfeel that a
on academic merit (supposedly) is obviously not an applicable book sale, it was flatlv stated th.»™lh- r ! ,
department of Middle Easier,,
punishment (assuming some form of rightist repression is necessary). Board r e c e W e r b u d g r p p t X n s f r Z ' t t ' ^ l , ^
"""erstanding has bee
t e r r o r T ^ "* "Y™. °eWIal ' i m e S l n t h e p a s t ' muM
Many of the Democrats in the Senate (a quarter of their minority Faculty-Student Association" C
com rehen8,ve and
As chairman of both Student Tax Commute and l"j T
finable for the studen,
membership voted in favor of it) also seemed to miss the point in their Budget
Committee I
I d„n,°
" „a "retraction
. . . . " .' of. that
body of an institution of the caliber of ours.
Budget Committee,
opposition to the bill.
statement. Campus Center Governing Board's book
However, one used the acceptable opposition argument that its sale was one more of the many services provided by
Ahmed M. Metwalli
(Teaching Fell ow)
passage would penalize only those students who need and receive the the STUDENT ASSOCIATION. It is vitally important
state's financial aid. What about those "lawbreaking college students" that the student body know where its student tax
money is being used. Let the student body therefore
who do not receive Regents Scholarships or Incentive Awards?
note this usage.
To the Editors:
('The rich kooks and the Psychopaths would stay"-Albert E.
In reference to the first instament of Rosenberg's
Lewis, D-Brooklyn).
Terry D. Mathias
anti-semetic allegations in Off Center, I feel thai as
In addition, there are civil laws which indicate the exact same Vice-President
long as he is making comparisons of the nobility of
restrictions for all citizens. Why single out college students and Student Association
guerilla movements and conlcuding that the "fatah"
is outside of this category while the Israeli Irgun is
Why stipulate that even those New York students who contribute
to civil rights efforts in the South may have their awards revoked? It
shouldn't borther serene New York if they make their 'trouble'
We cannot see the point of pure punishment without consideration
of the factors prompting "lawbreaking."
The bill is obviously purely punitive and must be rejected by the
State Assembly.
Meal Plan Victory
The relationship between student desires and the practical realities
of the Faculty Student Association, has, in the past, been a somewhat
rocky one.
It was, therefore, with great happiness that we received the news of
the cooperation between Mr. Robert A. Cooley, director of the i^SA,
and the student members of the Study Committee on Room and
Board. This has led to more varied and equitable meal plans for
students next year, contingent on student acceptance of the proposed
FSA prices.
included that perhaps his memory should be
refreshed. Apparently he has forgotten about the
To the Editor"
activities of the Irgun and the Stern gangs directeil
I wish to raise four major arguments against Terry a « a i n s ' ' ^ i " dig « n 1 t P ° P u ' f ° " a " d ±h°se ""'"
br u h them
D. Cole's letter in February ll's ASP, in which he ? « '
. * ? P a l e s t , n e ' t h e B r , t , s h - T o m e n """
called me a "fool" for writing a column against o n l y a f ™ h "%*%%'; , . ,
President Nixon's preventive detention plan.
™ e * " « Da«d Hotel in Jerusalem was blown
n the
2n d
6, a
First, what yardstick would judges ask for deciding "P. ° . f , u I . ° * • * ! .,V*f
" '
which aspects present a danger to the community? ""dents of the Hotel were kdled.
2 The entire
Second, since the big city courts are so clogged, it population of the village of Deir Yasin
would take a year or more before detained suspects w a s brutally murdered on the 9th of April, 1948.
would come to trial.
3. January 4, 1940, dynamite was exploded in the
Thirdly, preventive detention would only punish a public square of the city of Jaffa and 30 people were
man who may be innocent, but also prevents him killed and 98 wounded.
from working to pay for his defense. Moreover, 4. January 5, 1948, Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem was
studies have shown that when a man has been locked blown up killing 22 inhabitants,
up before his trial, he is more likely to be convicted 5, A n d „
t e f r o m t h e B r i t i s n Command Papers
and get a higher sentence.
„ T h e f a c t | s ^ , n t h e first s | x m o n t h s Q( , 9 ,, 6 t h m .
Finally, preventive detention, according to Jim w e r e n e a r l
te incidences
i n v „| v ,„,
Morton president of the Dallas County Criminal Bar v i o l e n c e i a n d ,„ m a n y c a s e s , o s s o f , i f e : mal( , ri .,l
Association, is, the tirst step toward a police state." d a m a g e
to a very great extent has been done to
railway installations, police and R.A.F. stations have
been blown UD."
This is just to point out that if comparisons are to he
made, full parallels should be developed.
Sincerely yours,
Stu Rothchild
This new development with reference to meal plans is a prime
example of how student-administration cooperation can lead to a
S VieW
happier solution for all concerned.
To the Editor:
Much of the credit must go to Mr. Cooley, and to the members of
Regarding the comment of Renee F. Matteau in
Mary Ellen Brown
the committee, who together worked out the details of the plan. The
he February 11 issue of the ASP c o n c e r t t h e
atrocious" cartoon "Contemporary View' You
willingness of FSA to respect and act upon the wishes of students is
To the Editor:
indeed a refreshing development. It points to a fuller understanding of have missed the point of the cartoon
I thought M r. Lago's cartoon in the Feb. 7 edition
the needs of residents here by the members of FSA.
oi we ASP was the most succint and truthful
While lauding the FSA for its willingness to act, we must appreciate teachers" why didn't you notice the a^ hole grin of statement on academia.
the fact that this is also a prime example of how students can get their o f f V s ' S W h ° 8 ° readi'y " - * • what the ^ c " h : r r m ™ i f a r a s R e n e e P- Matteau is concerned, who
wishes fulfilled.
In the same issue (Fob. n i . h „ „ ,.
complained about the taste involved in the cartoon, ,1
Logo Again
i •
By cooperating with LAAC on the poll, we have aided our own
cause. The importance of this fact must be realized, and hopefully, should applaud the cartoon ^ i l e t a ,
greater student cooperation in the future will be forthcoming, since
we can now see the results of such cooperation.
The institution of the new meal plans for the 1969-70 year is a
victory for all concerned.
Tambourines to Hope
is obvious that she enjoys the taste.
M=ate^r tirbrV T £
er8 b u t
Carl Shapiro
ASP staff
they don't warrant this "
" ' ''
« » " ,. T n e A '»any Student Press is published two
That is your biggest mistake. Thev deserv.
* times a week by the Student Association of the
The prospect of true understanding, the feeling of oneness, the cartoon that depicts them truthful y-and h , UT
d nt
S ate UnlvereUy of New York at Albany. The ASP
realization of identity-these are intangibles, hard to come by in any in the cartoon deserves just what he get"
If more students refused to ' ™ , n •
manner. Yet the production of "Tambourines to Glory" by the Black
Office ,s located in Room 382 of the Campus
Theater Wednesday night did achieve those intangibles however
" 6 r T h l s newspaper is funded by S.A. Tux
fleetingly. The feeling of, for once, understanding and identifying
with the black man, not as a black man but simply as a human
Editors-in Chief
reacting to situations around him, was achieved in a poignant, warm
J.Ii Paznik and IraWolfman
Joann Gramaglia
human experience.
'•lews Editor
Tim Keeley
The white spectator identified with the black men and women. He
Associate News Editor
Kathy Huseman
became involved with a story of people, forgetting that his original
Arts Editor
Carol Schour
interest might have stemmed from mere curiosity. He caught a glimpse
Sports Editor
Jim Wimhiw
of a culture different than his own. He tried to comprehend.
Feature Editor
Gary Gelt
Ideally, we on this campus should now be able to move upwards. A
Technical Editors
Pat O'Hern, Bill Shapse
foundation has been laid for movement, But, like all foundations, it is
especially the one that a c c u s X l a t .
fttg' Photography Editors Ed Potskowski, Tom Peterson
only a start, it can so easily be lost, Wednesday night, sincere unity
top-heavy with anti-semites," „ n d thought I do not Business Manager
Philip Franchini
existed; a unity not of any shade or color, but rather a unity of a man
support what they stand for fand ih„., J I .
Advertising Manager
Daniel Foxman
trying to understand and appreciate his Brother.
thing and that is a s t l g s W w f f l S 2 1 ° ' T
The Albany Student Press assumes no
It was a clear and unexpected moment, one to be cherished in
memory. But memory alone will get us nowhere. We must now go on,
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
build on a foundation which is based upon understanding to attain a
columns and communications as such expressions
true sense1 of brotherhood,
do not necessarily reflect its views.
Semitic Studies
All communication! must be addressed to the
editor and must be signed. Communications are
subject to editing.
Off Center
by M«J> R S I M M I |
Kangaroo Court: (colloq.) an
On Friday in court, now low bail to wait for their trial, ln
unauthorized or irregular court
represented by a lawyer hired by this case several outside influences
conducted with disregard for or in
their friends, they attempted to seemed to converge to hang these
"liberate" Palestine from its
The following is fart two
perversion of legal procedure, as
have the 'guilty' pleas reversed, a kids. First, this U Proskin's first
builders. The overwhelming
Irregularly conducted court
of Mi's column continued
normal procedure. The judge 'big' drug case since he assumed
majority of Palestinians ( 6 0 * of
in a frontier district.-American
from last Tuesday's ASP
invoked a rule used only under office, Apparently to prove his
all Israelis were bom in the Middle
College Dictionary
the most extreme circumstances, power as a reformer he is bound
East) have already been liberated.
Kangaroos: n 1. Albany Police by which plea reversal may be
In fact, leftists, the. Fatah is
The Israelis are home and at
Court Justice M. Trepedino, 2. considered only five days after the to see them convicted but good, now forced to recruit (you with
long last. The rapers of Biafra, the
Albany County District Attorney defendants have informed the regardless of minor problems such
Sudan, Yemen and Kurdistan shall
as meager evidence that should
A. Proskin.
D.A.'s office. This is never done in
take note) in foreign countries. not succeed in the destruction of
I also wanted to include an Police Court, but Proskin's Office warrant dropping the charges
The Baghdad butchers
American dictionary entry for agreed to it.
that it is forced to recruit at the of Jews and Kurds will be
'frontier' above. On looking
Second, long hair kids are a Sorbonne, and Berkely, and thwarted. No genuine national
Further, the court claimed that
through dictionaries
I found
movement has ever failed. The
definitions highly colored by psychiatric tests had never been irime and to be screwed by the Antioch.
manifest destiny crap. Since that conducted on the five to 'law' whenever possible. This has
The Fatah pictures itself as the Vietnamese, the Biafrans, the
been arbitrary nature of the
Kurds and the Czechs will all
is not the color of my soul, I must determine the degree of the 'dope
Albany machine and is apparently heir to the FLN, the Viet Cong prevail. It is no wonder that the
and so bail
provide my own: A frontier-in fiendishness' -a lie
included in the prejudices of the and Che. The fact is that it is the starving black in Biafra and the
American history- is a geographic was not set and the five went back new reform D.A.
heir t o Hitler. Its leader,
Sudan look t o Israel for
location where the predominant to jail for another five days,
Haj-el-Husseini spent World War II
inspiration. It is no wonder that
elements of white Money Power appearing in court again this past
in Hitler's Munich drafting Arab
Hopefu lly, for his psychic well mercenaries to liquidate Tito's free men everywhere rejoice at the
culture have not completely Tuesday morning.
success of Israel.
being, Arnold will refrain from
subjugated or annihilated the
At that time they were busting the SUNYA campus, partisans. Hitler didn't need an
duskier local civilizations.
informed that the rule had not although rumor has it that such an ambassador to the Arabs. John
The Socialist Workers (read
Gunther tells us that "Heil Hitler"
Albany, N.Y. is a frontier region been met since their lawyer had
National Socialists) can wallow in
of sorts. Here there are quite a handed the plea to the D.A. a few
their anti-Semitism. They can
number of conflicting cultures of hours short of five days before the the little man. When he hasprogressive Araby during the war. dabble in liberation while they
This was when the Jewish
various physical and psychic hues. current court appearance. The rounded up all the one ounce
immers e themselves in racism.
There is a subtler, indirect DA. agreed to this arbitrary shit criminals he can find, and Palestinians were dying in the
But let them note what one
annihilation process at work to once again and they went back to discovers many of his former ranks of the Allied Armies.
Israeli has written and then let
student workers, canvassers, and
determine the whitest of the jail without bail being set.
Thats the story of the glorious them return to their faulty
supporters in their number, he
Fatah. Unlike the Viet Cong, it hate-filled analogies:
might learn something about how
The o l d Irish Mechanical
Normally in a minor drug case, the natives keep the wagons can be liquidated. It has no "We have no Army, We have no
popular support and its raison
civilization, long self considered the defendants are released almost
power. We have nothing. But on
a'moving on the old frontier.
d'etre is its members desperate
the purest
Money-Power immediately on probation or on
that bitter day, when we felt
yearning t o kill Jews and
conglomerate in town, was
everything was closing in on us,
recently challenged by what
we knew that we dare not allow
proported the colors of a 'reform'
what had always happened to
political movement. In the last
happen again. We decided to fight
election the position of County
back. We decided to fight in our
D.A., vital to mechanical order,
houses, in the passages, from
fell t o long, lean, tough,
street to street and from home to
Stu Rothchild
Proskin. Arnold, a law bidding
"It would have been impossible
man, had promised to wrest the
to conquer any dwelling in Tel
law from the corrupt politics of
"Time" magazine has called
stands up for what he believes in. Aviv without killing every man,
the Tyrant and to bring justice New York City a decaying city. Kennedy on Housing Problems.
In addition, he was Chairmar He was the first Eastern woman, and child in it. No white
finally to the People. Rah. Rah.
But it doesn't have to decay. A
Congressman to support Senator flag would have waved on a single
Now the man is coming out and light shining in the dark has arisen of the Citizen's Committee for the Eugene McCarthy and is one of a roof in Tel Aviv. The price the
showing his stripes. He is proving to lead this great city to new Preservation of Rent Control, and handful of Congressman who conquest of Israel was destined to
as c o n t e m p t u o u s of law, heights. This light is a man who served for four terms as President consistently opposed the war in be very high.
impartiality, and individual civil know's New York's mind and of the Citizen's Housing and Vietnam,
plays opera
"Today the Arabs boast about
Planning Council of New York
liberty as the funky redneck fuzz soul.
revolutionary guerilla warfare.
Better race relations is a on the harmonica, can speak six
and their city hall masters.
A man who can turn words into constant concern of Rep. Scheuer languages fluently, including They claim that they have
Monday, February 3, seven action. A man who moves people.
transferred Viet Cong methods to
and he has served as Chairman of Japenesc. In politics he's a liberal,
people (the majority SUNYA And people are moved by him.
the Middle East. They march with
the Housing Advisory Council of a leader of the Democratic reform
students) were busted
That man is the most popular the New York State Council movement in New York City. . . . :ho picture of Che Guevara. It
possession ot one ounce of pot Congressman in New York State,
makes me laugh.
Against Discrimination.
and a handful of pep pills. The James H. Scheuer of the Bronx,
"What is Viet Cong. It is
cops arrived just before 6 am. who is seeking the Democratic
fighting to the last man. The Viet
passed by th House, to create a
carrying shotguns and pistols and Party endorsement for Mayor in
of the Middle East,
Want to help elect James
Commission or Negro History and
one wearing a bullet proof vest. the June primary.
regardless of whether it is pleasant
Scheuer Mayor of N.Y.? Then join
Just like the Diary of Anne Frank.
Rep. Scheuer, a liberal in
to those who demonstrate with
the Students For Scheuer at
They were not Nazis, however, politics, is a leader of the intergrated hoi sing in the nation's
the picture of Che or not, is Israel.
Albany State. Call Stu Rothchild
and did not smash down the door. Democratic reform movement in capital, served as Consultant to at 472-8896, or drop a note in the
We are prepared, at any moment,
They simply opened it. The little New York City. Since election to President Kennedy on Human ASP office, room 382 in the to fight the last battle."
bastards had their own key 1
Congress in T964, he has
Memorize that, leftists.
Campus Center.
Bursting in on the seven, authorized more than his share of the Civil Rights Leadership
dragging some out of bed, the important legislation. His concern Conference.
He is a member of the House
cops came upwith the pot, worth with the problems of urbanization
Committee on Education and
about $10-20, and some pills are a matter of public record.
worth another $10-20. On the He is an effective champion of Labor and has sought to broaden
strength of this, the kids were the poor, the young, and ourthe student aid programs. He
Classified ads may be placed in
Please include name, address
handcuffed and led down to senior citizens. He has fought for authored the Bilingual Education
h e a d q u a r t e r s for increased federal funds to aid P r o g r a m , which provides
the ASP box at the Campus and telephone number with the
arraignment a few hours later in education; to train the hard-core
Center Information desk.
for millions of children from
Police Court.
unemployed; to keep rent control
Each word is 5 rents, the Classifieds will appear every
foreign language homes, along
in effect; to find better ways of
minimum price being 16 cents.
with concentrated assistance in
And as to court procedure, six reducing and preventing crime and English.
— '
to their in bettering race relations.
The strong teamwork of
misdemeanors before Trepedino.
Senator Edward Kennedy of oriented newspaper in New York
This was a stupid thing to do,
Massachusetts in the Senute and City, has editorialized that, "few
but that is what lawyers arc there
are as well
Rep. James Scheuer in the House districts
to clue you about. Under normal
of Representatives, made possible represented as thoroughly and
circumstances, a judge with some
the enactment into law of a consciously as the 21st, where
feeling for justice will refuse to
National Institute of Criminal young, dynamic James H. Scheuer
even accept a plea by young,
Justice to find more effective makes it a full time job . . .
unrepresented defendants. That is
ways of preventing and detecting despite his intensive activity."
— j
not the case in this town.
Enough of his legislative .
Trepedino, fumous for his
Learn guitar at last! Capable GUITAR
accomplishments. What is he like?
"Rep. Scheuer of the Bronx . . . James Scheuer is a man of instruction.
monosyllable explanations of
or Martin. Call 457-8347
( s i x - m o n t h s , played a highly useful role" said
chessin, Physics
independence who courageously | classical. Reasonable rates. Callor Dr nenry
hang-by-the-neck, etc.) looked at the " N e w York Post" in
Campus Mail or
the long hair of the five boys, told discussing federul aid to
them they were "dope fiends" education.
Blues exclusively 3-5 on WSUA
WANTED TO BUY: Old cornie
and tossed them in County Jail
every Sunday afternoon. Listen!
books, big little books and related
for psychiatric tests, haircuts, und called the Scheuer program to Hems.
Prefer superhero
train the hard-core unemployed
premieres Feb. 9.
and Rik announce
Batman, Superman, Tarzan, Flash
"one of the most sophisticated
a coming Friday sentencing.
Gordon, etc. Want Marvel issues
That was two weeks ago. There and promising of any manpower of the last ten years, also. For
Wanted: Ice Rink Supervisors.
has been no sentencing, yet, four program."
Positions available, 6. Duties will
details, call 457-4378
and « W Everybody, Love Ann
are still in jail today, a s . Rep. Scheuer is no stranger to Monday-Friday
housing ills of big cities, having
maintenance. $1.50 per hour.
unbelievable as that may seem.
served as Consultant to President
MU %t/iM Aouxud
' FAtt*
ecial attraction
at 'Golden Eye'
by Jomi O'Grady
bjr D a m Bonhrall
partly scripted and rehearsed. My
was 'clearly
presumptuousness. But I don't
think it affects my main
point-that the surface of the
T h e Pageant Players have
contracted this production with
She "Eye" for less than their usual
fee; admission for this week's
"Eye" will be 75 cents, with extra
donations gratefully accepted.
The p e r f o r m a n c e is on
Saturday, February 15, at 9 pm,
but early arrival is encouraged.
'Tambourines To Glory9
succeeds magnificently
by Marcia Roth
Repent, you Sinners, for not
having seen "Tambourines to
Glory," the presentation by the
O p p o r t u n i t i e s Program. The
sinners on campus today are but a
Committee changes
university walls
by Holly Seitz
"It's not complete to have
buildings without art work." It's
the aim of the Arts Coordinating
Committee headed by Mrs. Loh
Gregg to remedy the situation of
black walls within the University.
As the University settled in its
new modernistic campus several
faculty members
realized that there were little or
no provisions for art work. As a
result, the Arts Coordinating
Committee was appointed by
President Evan R. Collins.
Comprised of faculty members
and students the Committee tries
to provide the University with
quality pieces from all realms of
art. At present it has been
estimated that over 300 pieces
have been placed throughout the
d o r m i t o r i e s and Academic
One of the most recent projects
of the group has been the
decoration of the recreation room
and snack bar of Brubacher Hall.
A mural was hung in the
recreation room which was a
result of a "happening" held in
conjunction with a program
sponsored by the National and
New York State Councils on the
Arts. Guided by Jack Tworkov,
interested students painted an
abstract approximately 60 feet in
This latest effort joins other
projects of the group on the walls
of the University. One of the first
efforts was the travel poster
Mrs, Gregg views the problem
of distributing fine art works
throughout the school as one
almost impossible to finish with
the rapid expansion taking place.
The Committee will in the near
future undertake a fund-raising
campaign. At the present, it is
funded by the Faculty Student
Association, Alumni and Student
groups and outside Foundations.
small number, however, if one is streetcorner and pass around a
to judge by the huge turnout that tambourine as a collection plate.
Althought the church was a farce,
showed up Wednesday night.
Before the play began I noticed it grew from the streetcorner to a
the interesting stage arrangement store front, and finally to a movie
of four separate platforms roughly theatre, Tambourine Temple. Of
describing a trapezoid. Each course, as the congregation grew,
platform was a different stage so did the money pile. All the
setting, so to change scenes, all money illegally taken by Buddy's
that had to be done was to dim devious moneymaking plans made
the lights at one area and raise rich the founders of the churh.
them at another area.
It looked as if Devil Buddy
At the very beginning of the Lomax was going to win, but
play we were confronted by the Laura's guilt surpasses her greed.
Devil and he proposed to us the She finally allowed benevolence
timeless theme of evil vs. good. to triumph by killing Buddy and
The need of money of two taking the blame for the death.
women, Essie Belle Johnson and
Much credit for success of
Laura Wright Reed, played by
"Tambourines To Glory" is due
Arlene Porter and Daniel Barton
to Daniel Barton, who proved
respectively, in New York's
himself to be a fine director and
Harlem community gave the
actor-he was a superb Laura!
Devil, disguised as underhanded
Because of circumstances Mr.
Buddy Lomax and played by
Barton "pinched-hit" for the role
Michael Smith, a field on which to
of Laura Wright Reed. This
wage his battle against good.
handicap turned out to be an asset
To get the money Laura and and added more humor to an
Essie start a "church" on a already amusing play.
movie is unnecessarily muddled
and banal (a point which might've
been clearer if a blue pencil.hadn't
excised some of my argument).
What I thought was uninspired
improvisation now strikes me as
uninspired writing and direction.
But see "Faces." I'm enough in
doubt to concede a Scotch verdict
and force myself t o a second
viewing-but not too soon, not too
Quick takes:
"Yellow Submarine"-a visual
containing some haunting graphic
effects, especially in the "Eleanor
Rigby" sequence. The movie
introduces cerebral European
animation techniques t o American
audiences and may clear the way
for importation of many deserving
" S h a m e "-Unlike "Persona"
and "Hour of the Wolf," (the one
employing metaphors of style, the
other of content) this latest
Bergman exists wholly on the
surface-scarcely any metaphor at
all. Its theme is grounded in a
straightforward human situation;
in this sense, it is a regression
from "Hour of the Wolf" (which
was a regression from "Persona").
Max von Sydow and Liv Ulmann,
again as artist and wife, and
Gunnar Bjornstrand
as a
customary grace both solo and
ensemble as they enact a drama of
war, anguish, and loneliness.
le fou"--Godard
simultaneously saying farewell to
his p e r i o d
romanticism (a la "Band of
Because of student teaching,
several chores, and frustration
over past injudicious cutting of
these columns, this is my last
article for the ASP. Many thanks
to those who took me seriously
enough to praise or to curse. To
all a final plea: watch lots of
movies. See anything by Renoir,
Truffaut, Antonioni, Bergman,
B u n u e l , G o d a r d , Hitchcock,
Resnais, Kurosawa, Welles, Penn,
Kubrick, and Satajit Ray. See
Czechoslovakia, India, France, or
Scandinavia. On second thought,
t r y to see everything from
e v e r y w h e r e . This
premise has been that film is the
most varied, interesting, and
valuable art form today; find out
if y o u agree. See you in
• Come to out UNsquare services at
• Church of the Unvesitu Community.
• Held
at Chapel House (located on the hill
• opposite the gym) every Sunday at
AMI A Basket
A column as a clearing house:
The "Oolden Eye" will present
For Information on the
I learn that "Faces" was not
a special attraction this Saturday "Oolden Eye," call Walt Silver at
improvised, as I (and others) had
night in place of its usual Friday 462-0304.
' but that it was at least
performance: "Pageant Players," a
member of The Radical Theatre
Repertory, Inc. should provide a
unique experience in theatre
entertainment with one of their
very unconventional productions.
The Radical Theatre Repertory,
in New York City, is a sort of
coordinating center for about
twenty different theatre groups
covering most of the country,
e a c h s p e c i a l i z i n g in some
m e t h o d of
expressing the problems of this
The principal concepts behind
Radical Theatre are audience
involvement, the breakdown of
a n d an
alternative mode of existence for
all. The Living Theatre is one of
the more well-known groups
connected with this repertory.
The Pageant Players specialize
in a type of production known as
New York Radical Street Theatre;
they are a long-established group,
CONNIE BRYANT as Birdie Lee leads the congregation at the Tambourine Temple. (L) Margaret
having given
8 0 0 Griffiths and Leyland King, as Marietta and CJ. are married in the final scene, photos by Ed Potskowski
performances since their initiation
in 1964, over half of which were
on city streets.
Their aim is to point out some
of the more ridiculous aspects and
problems of the civilization we
have inherited.
The following are the AMIA
Leagues I, II, and III standings for
the first semester. Regretfully, the
League IV results were not
available at press time.
Swimmers Decry Empty Pool
An empty pool has been the upstate New York.^t
Y o r k . ' t is known
rule and not the exception at a m o n g enthusiasts as an
Albany State—at least when it "extremely fast pool."
comes to the men's swimming
The relative low calibre of
eastern swimming affords Albany
The sport, instituted two years the chance to establish itself as a
ago w h e n present Athletic powerhouse in the sport as no
Director, Alfred Werner, came to other sport at Albany, including
Albany, has found recruiting basketball and lacrosse, can. It's
rise to the upper, echelon of
permanent members difficult.
Swimming was the topic of a eastern swimming is a relatively
two-hnur discussion this past short and easy one.
The second essential ingredient
Wednesday afternoon between
Friday, February 14
members of the swim team, is superior coaching. Albany has
W o m e n ' s Basketball vs students, and Dr. Werner. Under that in Brian V. Kelly. Kelly is an
discussion was the future of the alumnus of Big Ten swimming and
jCastleton, home, 5 p.m.
Varsity Basketball vs. Siena struggling sport and what could be coached in that conference. He
done to give it the necessary "shot has commanded the respect of his
away, 8:30 p.m.
men since the early days of the
Freshman Basketball vs. Siena, in the arm."
away, 6:30 p.m.
It has been seen from viewing formation of the club.
The third, and in many ways
other universities that there are
Saturday, February IS
t h r e e essentials for a good most crucial, ingredient is the
Women's Swimming vs. Harpur, swimming program. The first is a swimmers t o win meets. Numbers
home, 1 p.m.
has been the main problem of
good facility.
Varsity Wrestling vs. Potsdam,
By p o p u l a r
acclamation, Caoch Kelly from the beginning.
away. 1 p.m.
Instituted by Athletic Advisory
Albany's pool is oneof the best in
photo by Ed Potskowski.
Albany Goes to
ACU Tourney
All the champions of Albany
S t a t e ' s " m i n o r " sports are
traveling to Cornell University this
weekend to compete with other
university champions from all
over New York and Canada.
During the week of January
6-11, 1969, the Campus Center
was alive with competition to
decide Albany's representatives to
the annual Association of College
Unions Region Two Recreation
Sixteen men and women in all
will compete for State this
weekend. Last year, Albany was
the host for the yearly tourney,
the first of its kind held in the
now Campus Center.
The winners of the competition
who will be representing Albany
1. Roger Cudmore
2. Rich Friedlander
Bridge (pair)
1. Hurry Nuchols, Marty Bergen
2. Neil Friedman, Simon
1. Lcc Battes, Nelson Egbert
2. T e r r y Jordan, Richard
Table Tennis
Singles (men)
1. Ron McDermott
2. Hank Klein
Billiards (pocket)
1. Ken Fishman
2. Gerald Gleason.
Singles (women)
1. Ronda Smull
BilliardB (3 Cushion)
1. Dave Murphy
2. Paul Dayton
Doubles (men)
Ron McDermott
Hank Klein
Normally, we Insist that every man read the Instructions on selfdefense that we put In every package of Hal Karate® After Shave
and Cologne. But we've got a heart. So on Valentine's Day, we'd
like every woman to tear our Instructions to shreds, That way you
can give your guy Hal Karate, with some instructions of your own.
5 P.M. until Easter.
club's proposal seems worth a try
to this observe and we urge the
Board to give the swimmers a
chance. It's obvious that the
present method is failing. What
can we lose?
Rip up our instructions
on self-defense.
After all,
it's \klentine's Day.
Board in"
in 1967
1967 as a club to be
raised to varsity status when it
was deemed ready, the swim dub
first swam at the Albany Public
Bath on Central Avenue two
nights each week. Because of the
inconvenience of practicing off
campus, the turnout was low.
T u r n o u t s for the team
continued to be low despite the
move to the new campus facility
last spring. More than once,
swimmers had to triple in events,
that is swim in three races—this is
unheard of at most schools and is
to good
Despite these drawbacks, the
of swimmers have
continued to set new pool and
competition. Although coming
close to victory in several meets,
the necessity of forfeiting up to
t h i r t y p o i n t s (for lack of
swimmers) was fatal.
At Wednesday's meeting, it was
the feelingof the club members
that their lack of numbers may be
because of lack of incentive.
Swimming, a largely individual
sport, takes much dedication and
demands rewards.
At present, the team felt, there
is no incentive to go out and stay
out for the team because there are
few rewards. To solve this
problem, the team requested that
Dr. Werner urge the Athletic
Board t o ignore
precedent and make the struggling
club a varsity sport as soon as
possible, in the hopes that this
will give it the necessary boost.
Golden Eye this Saturday Night, 820 Madison Avenue.
Admission can be obtained by a nominal but relevant monetary contribution.
Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.
©1969 teeming Division, Chas. Pllier & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y,
Great Danes Down Ithaca
73 -66 Victory Is No. 11
The Danea came out in thesecond half with the same game
plan, but the Bombers changed
their defense to a pressing zone.
After a cold shooting spell abated,
the Danes quickly caught up and
went ahead to stay 63-51 at 10:40
left in the game.
With a twelve point lead and
:40 seconds to go, Coach Sauers
emptied his bench—the game was
over. The buzzer sounded as the
scoreboard registered a 73-66
Albany triumph.
Contributing greatly t o the
victory were subs Ed Arsenau and
Jim Sandy. Sandy scored eight
points, several in key moments.
Arsenau, although not scoring,
was a tiger on defense and caused
several Ithaca turnovers.
For the first time this season,
five Albany players were in
double figures. Jim Caverly and
i Jack Adams scored ten each. Jack
Jordan had fourteen markers.
Scott Price had fifteen points and
Rich Margison had sixteen.
Margison, hitting well under his
average of twenty-one points per
game, was double teamed all night
by the Ithacans, but turned in a
fine performance on defense—not
to mention the sateen markers.
It was evident ifom the outset
of Wednesday's State-Ithaca game
t h a t t h e r e was something
different, something important
about this particular occasion.
The biggest crowd of the season
sensed it when they were handed
song sheets as they came in the
doors of the State gym. Albany
had a ten game winning streak and
was h o p i n g for an NCAA
tournament bid.
This very Ithaca club had
spoiled a fourteen game streak last
year and their recent play pointed
to another similar performance.
The blue and gold Bombers
held a decided height advantage
with 6-5 All-America candidate
Greg Albano and 6-3 Ed Kowalski
up front for them. The opening
tap saw Jack Adams score for
Albany on a driving layup.
From there, the lead changed
hands throughout the half until
Ithaca held a slim 35-33 edge at
the half.
Albano scored time after time
from in close for the Bombers and
proved his all-star status. A big
disappointment for Ithaca had to
be the sloppy play of Kowalski as
he picked up three quick fouls
and was forced to the bench.
Jim Caverly, senior forward
from Rochester, broke an Albany
State record during the game as he
contributed nine assists. The'old
mark was set two years ago by
Mike Bloom ('67) who had eight
in a single game.
Albany was beaten under the
as they
out-rebounded by the taller team,
45-38. The formula for victory
was what seemed to be the best
"team" effort to date. The Danes
shot a solid 27 for 57 from the
floor for a 47% mark.
The Danes will take on their
t r a d i t i o n a l rivals, the Siena
Indians, tongiht at the Troy High
EDITOR'S NOTE: Buses for'
tonight's game will leave the old
and new (from the circle)
campuses at six and 7:30 p.m.
One of the less acclaimed but
still highly successful sports at
i s the
intercollegiate swimming team.
With a 1-0 record in d
competition, the girls will hosl
Harpur this Saturday at 1 p.m. in
the University pool.
The team's one victory came
last month against Potsdam State,
55-37. Prior to this, Albany had
hosted a nine team Albany
Invitational Meet in December
Scott Price scores for the Danes.
photo by Andy Hochberg
State - Siena Tonight
Tonight's game against Siena College of Loudonville will be the
twenty-fifth meeting of the Great Danes and their local rivals. Always
a game in which past records and statistics mean little or nothing, a
win for State could insure a well deserved NCAA regional tournament
bid. Beyond this, even, no Albany basketball fan, alumnus or student
would consider the season a success without the sweet feeling of a
victory over their arch-rival.
The Indians hold a slim 11-13 edge in games in the series, but this is
due to, largely, their performances against the old Teachers' College of
the 1930-60 variety. In those days, the Indians were nationally ranked
and took a victory over the "Teachers" as a matter of course.
The first State-Siena contest was held in 1934 with Siena on the
winning end of the score. They went on to win the next five straight
games against Albany and, in fact, State did not win against Siena
until Coach "Doc" Sauers arrived on the scene in 1956. After losing
his first encounter that year, Sauers upset a strong Siena club, 62-46.
Albany has won the last four outings against the Indians. They won
59-58 in this year's Capital City Tournament Championship game.
Before that they had beaten Siena 76-75, 79-72, and 69-62 in the
1967 Tournament final. In fact, State has met Siena for the City
Tournament championship six out of the eight years that the tourney
has been played. State, Rensselaer Poly, and Union—will take part in
the Christmas tournament.)
Albany State's hardcourters are riding the crest of an eleven-game
win streak with their most recent win being over Ithaca College,
73-66. Siena lost its most recent outing, 82-79 to Marist College of
Poughkeepsie. The Indians are 8-9 on the year.
Again, as has happened all season long, State will be at a height
disadvantage. Siena has a pair of 6-7 men up front in Tom Sheridan
and Bob Herman. Herman, along with Tom Walsh are the leading
scorers for Siena. Siena will average 6-5, while State will start a team
averaging about 6-0. Siena is the tallest team State has had to face
thus far this season.
EDITOR'S NOTE: As has already been said, forgetting statistics and
records, the State-Siena game could only turn out any one of two
ways: State could win, or Siena could win-but the latter doesn't seem
either appealing or probable.
FrUfey, February 21,1969
The Faculty Senate of the University in an expression of opposition
to the State Senate bill (S524) affecting eligibility of students for
financial assistance, is urging members of the Assembly of New York
State Legislature to defeat the bill.
(The bill as passed by the Assembly is appended at the end of this
In action taken at a special meeting Tuesday afternoon, the faculty
body adopted a motion pointing to what it described as a basic defect
in the measure; namely, "that it represents a punitive rather than a
constructive approach to the problems occasioned by the expression
of dissent in a free society."
Indicating that it shares the concern for resolving problems which
sometimes arise from expressed dissent, the Faculty Senate gave five
reasons for its opposition to the bill.
The measure would rescind, on grounds of legal offense, financial
aid originally awarded for academic promise; would infringe upon the
right of universities to govern themselves in academic affairs since it
would mandate that university officials implement its provisions and
prescribe a criterion for administration of scholarships; would
discriminate against economically disadvantaged students since it
would threaten only those students whose need requires them to use
scholarship aid; and would subject students to more extreme
penalities than others who come into conflict with the law.
Doc Sauers is not pleased over outcome of this decision, but
he was pleased with State's 73-66 win over Ithaca. Siena is tonight's problem!
photo by Andy Hochberg
Swimmers Face
and finished fourt
ourth in that meet.
first in t h e
I n v i t a t i o n a l was the strong
University' of Massachusetts club,
Skidmore College placed second,
the University of Vermont
finished just ahead of State.
The other participants in the
meet were Pittsburgh State,
Geneseo State, Castleton, New
Paltz State, and Green Mountain.
Miss Meredith Forrest, Albany
swimming coach, has predicted
that every prior club and pool
three-game series at the Campus
lanes, when he rolled a 743 series
on December 7. One of this games
in that series was 267, which was
the high single game of the season.
Only three other bowlers rolled
better than 600 series last season.
Nick Meister had a 615 series and
Bob Eichhorn and Royce Van
Evera each had 606 series to
round out the individual high
The teams have already started
bowling to decide the winner of
the second semester title. The
champion of the second semester
will meet the Choppers at the end
of April, to determine the year's
championship title.
The final team standings are:
Bad News 5
Theta Zeros
record should fall this Saturday,
owing to the vast improvement of
the squad.
Ronnie Sharp holds three of
the existing club records, in the
100 yard individual medley relay,
the 50 yard butterfly, and the 100
yard breast stroke events. Ellen
VanNortwick holds two records,
in the 50 and 100 yard freestyle.
Other records are Alice Allard
in the 50 yard back stroke, Cathy
O'Connor in the 100 yard back
stroke, Ann Rohrbach (no longer
swimming) in the 50 yard breast
stroke, and Karen Hoffman in the
grueling 200 yard freestyle.
The two relay team records, in
t h e 200 yard medley relay
(Allard, Galloway, Sharp, and
V e c c h i ) and the 200 yard
freestyle relay (Vecchi, Allard,
Hoffman, and VanNortwick) will
be up for brabs also this Saturday.
After Saturday's meet with
Harpur, the Dane swimmers will
meet Connecticut College for
Women (New L o n d o n ) on
February 24. Following this, they
will travel to Brockport State to
swim in the State Invitational
Hopes are high that Albany can
in dual
competition and go in to the State
meet with a clear chance for
all-out victory.
SIDELIGHT: Miss Forrest, it has
been learned, once coached the
Bermuda swim team in the
Pan-American games. She also
participated in the Olympic trials
some years ago.
Call IV 9-2827
or IV 2-0228
(Three Subs Minimum)
at tk 6.6.
Faculty Senate act
counters NY Sen ate
AMI A Bowling
The Choppers took the AMI A
League I bowling title for the first
semester by defeating the Shafts
in a play-off series.
The Choppers took the play-off
series, 945-809.
Going into the final game of
the season, the Choppers had a
two game lead over the shafts.
However, the Shafts, who are the
league's highest scoring team,
took three out of the four games
in the final match to force the
championship into a play-off
The championship shaped up
all season as a battle between
these two teams, as their closest
rival finished 10 games back.
The Shafts set a season record
by rolling 1028 for a single team
effort. They also took team
honors with a three-game total of
The Shafts made a clean sweep
of all the scoring honors as Al
Giles took the individual title.
Giles had a season's average of
184.3, barely boating out Ron
Romano for the title. Romano's
average was 182.6.
Giles also set a record for a
uthm0& M
7pm - 1am
Sun & Other Special
1 Days 4nm-lam
Photo by Tom Murphy
DR. COLLINS (left), President of Faculty Senate, stands firmly with
Dr. Tibbets (Vice President) against the N.Y. Senate action.
Meal plans announced for fall
students offered five choices
Robert Cooley, Director of Faculty Student Association, this week announced the meal plan options
that students will be able to choose from for the academic year 1969-1970. There are basically five plans,
two of which offer the Kosher option. Unlike past years, students will be able to sign up for meals on either
a semester or year basis.
The following is a list of meal plans to be offered: 1. 20 meals
$310 semester,$620 year
20 Kosher meals
$380 semester,$780 year
2 . 1 4 meals
$250 semester,$500 year
14 Kosher meals
$315 semester,$630 year
3. 13 meals (6 lunches-7 dinners )
$280 semester,$560year
4. 7 meals (Dinner only )
$225 semester,$450 year
5. 5 meals (Lunches only )
$80 semester,$ 160 year
In issuing the five choices of meal plans, Food Service announced that they were discontinuing the
offering of second servings. They have also reserved the right to change the prices on the above plans at the
semester break if financial studies, show that the pricing is inadequate. Revision might be necessary in view
of unknowns in the five plans, such as missed meal factors, etc. Mr. Cooley also announced that prices on
Kosher meals would have to be increased because "present charges do not begin to cover our cost."
Many students expressed a desire to see a 14 meal plan allowing a choice of any two meals each day.
According to Mr. Cooley this could not be implemented because lunches are so much more expensive.
Also, any student who, because of class conflicts, has less that half an hour to eat, may get a pass to eat
at the Campus Center. Class cards, student IDs and meal cards should be brought tb the Housing Office. Mr.
Cooley added a note of caution. This year LAAC requested Food Service to provide prices on seven meal
plans. Food Service came up with five plans which they felt would "cover the needs of all students." If
these plans fail to meet student needs, however, next year they may be requested to price ten plans and
thus necessitate a straight cash or modified cash form of food service.
Ballot-box stuffing freshmen net
Miss Walden dollars for dystrophy
by Tom Monteleon
After a week of voting, the
residents of Alden and Waterbury
chose Miss Ellen Shustak as Miss
The contest was sponsored by
Gamma Delta Chi. The purpose of
t h e Miss Walden
according to Chet Fox, publicity
director of the affair, was to raise
m o n e y f o r t h e Muscular
Associations of
The total amount collected was
$174.67. Ballots were sold for
two cents each, 3 for a nickel, or
22 for a quarter. About 10,000
votes were cast for almost 50
residents and Resident Assistants
of Waterbury.
All the money collected was
given to Mr. Joseph Belz, District
D i r e c t o r o f t h e Muscular
D y s t r o p h y Associations of
America, to be used for local
patient service care, and buying
braces and walkers.
« | W * " »t»«?f»
photo by Tom Murphy
The crowning of EDen Shustak by
Gamma Delta Chi highlighted a
contest t o raise money for
muscular dystrophy.
The motion stated that the measure is ambiguous and its
enforcement could involve universities in endless conflicts with
students, since the offenses requiring action are so broadly defined in
the measure.
A copy of the motion approved by the 66-member body- was
delivered Wednesday by J. Ralph Tibbetts, vice president of the
Faculty Senate, to the office of the Speaker of the Assembly, Perry B.
Duryea, and to the Clerk of the Assembly.
On Wednesday, February 12, 1969, the New York State Senate by
vote of 38 to 15 passed the following bill:
"To amend the education law,
relation t o eligibility for
scholarships, scholar incentive
programs and state and federal
aid. The People of the State of
New York, represented in Senate
and Assembly, do enact as
'riot bill'
by Norm Rich
Last night Central Council
made emphatic its positionon the
State Riot Bill presently pending
in the New York State Assembly.
In a forceful position statement
Council condemned the riot bill
on a multitude of grounds.
The bill, contended Council,
would attempt "to violate basic
rights 'and liberties" of' the
s t u d e n t . Specifically Council
asserted that the bill seeks to
regulate-conduct, a role now set
aside for the university. In doing
so the State would turn state aid
i n t o a punitive instrument,
maligning its intended function of
fostering higher education.
Secondly Council noted that
the bill does not discriminate
between minor and major crimes.
Thus a student convicted of a
misdemeanor would suffer "cruel
and unusual punishment", being
reprimanded in the usual mannerby the Penal Code, and theft
facing the additional loss of his
Hence, for the above and
numerous other reasons, the
position statement passed Council
by u vote of 24-0. It was then
distributed to all local media in
the hopes of having some direct
affect upon the Assembly.
Also, Vic Looper announced in
his report to Council that LAAC
has proposed two fundamental
changes in university living
regulations. Taking the form of a
bill, LAAC has recommended that
Continued on page 5
Section 1. The education law is
h e r e b y amended by adding
thereto a new section, to be
section six hundred thirty-four, to
read as follows:
634. Ineligibility. No person
shall be eligible to receive any
benefits under this article who has
subsequent pardon, by a court of
the United States or any state or
territory thereof, of any felony or
of the misdemeanor of criminal
trespass in the first or second
d e g r e e , unlawful
aggravated harassment, criminal
nuisance, falsely reporting an
incident or. unlawfully possessing
n o x i o u s m a t e r i a l , and the
accusatory instrument alleges that
the crime was committed on the
premises : of any college. The
commissioner of education, in his
discretion, nifty remove the
ineligibility imposed by this
upon r e c e i p t of
satisfactory evidence of good
conduct by such person for a
period of not less than two years
after the dale of the payment of
any fine imposed upon such
person, or, the suspension of
sentence, or, from the date of his
unrevoked release from custody
by p a r o l e , commutation or
termination of his sentence,
whichever last occurs.
2. This act shall take effect on
the first day of September next
succeeding the date an which it
shall have become a law."
MYSKANIA Nominations
tnust be in
SA office by Feb.'24.