PAGE 8 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10,1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Dane Hoopsters Win First Defeat Stony Brook 57-52 T h e A l b a n y S t a t e basketball squad registered its first win this p a s t S a t u r d a y as t h e y defeated t h e S t o n y Brook Patriots b y a score of 5 7 - 5 2 . A l b a n y was led in scoring by Rich Margison who tallied t w e n t y - o n e p o i n t s for t h e night. In amassing his t o t a l , Margison hit six field goals a n d nine foul s h o t s . T h e Great Danes led at half b y a s c o r e of 28-20 as Margison p o u r e d in f o u r t e e n p o i n t s . T h e P a t r i o t s , however, began t o close t h e g a p in t h e second half as closed within t h r e e points b e h i n d the hot s h o o t i n g of Mark Kirschner. Jack A d a m s sealed t h e g a m e , h o w e v e r , w h e n h e sank t w o free throws with just three s e c o n d s left in t h e ball game. STONY BROOK's Varsity c o a c h quickly learned not t o q u e s t i o n the referee's decisions during last S a t u r d a y ' s g a m e . Photo by Cantor AFL's Bills Will Draft O. J. Simpson B U F F A L O , N.Y. U P I - R a l p h C. Wilson, Jr. a b r u p t l y breaking his c u r i o u s silence over college football's most sought after player, said M o n d a y t h e Buffalo Bills would p r o b a b l y reach for O. J. Simpson in next month's professional draft. T h e Bills coach traveled t o Los Angeles last week to watch S i m p s o n play when USC faced Notre Dame. T h e Bills' o w n e r said in a brief s t a t e m e n t h e was embarrassed b y the 1-12-1 record t h a t gave Buffalo professional football's worst record and t h e right t o n e g o t i a t e with Simpson. He said no o n e player could c o m p e n s a t e for t h e B i l l s ' s h o w i n g in 1 9 6 8 . Buffalo with its 1-12-1 record was guaranteed first pick in t h e college draft S u n d a y when t h e National Football League Philadelphia Eagles d o w n e d t h e New Orleans Saints 29-17. T h e w i n m a d e t h e i r record 2-11-0, w i t h a final game yet t o be played. We have n o t m a d e a final decision nor will we until all the college bowl games are o v e r , " Wilson said, But Simpson is t h e m o s t exciting college player t o come along in m a n y , many seasons and t h e way it looks right n o w we will p r o b a b l y draft him. Under professional football regulations t h e t e a m w i t h t h e worst record in b o t h t h e A F L and N F L is first t o c h o o s e in t h e draft. Buffalo, plagued by injuries throughout t h e season, went t h r o u g h five q u a r t e r b a c k s . T h e t e a m e n d e d its year S a t u r d a y in H o u s t o n b o w i n g t o t h e Oilers 35-6. Wilson previously had been silent in regards t o S i m p s o n , t h e Heisman T r o p h y winner from S o u t h e r n Cal. But his head c o a c h , Harvey J o h n s o n , was lavish in his praise of the n a t i o n ' s t o p running back. I just c a n ' t conceive of a n y t e a m n o t taking him, J o h n s o n said after t h e Bills were assurred of the t o p c h o i c e in t h e J a n . 2 8 draft. He's a great r u n n e r , t h a t ' s all t h e r e is t o it, J o h n s o n said. Get him and you play him to r u n with t h e football. It certainly is nice t o b e in a position w h e r e y o u k n o w you can get S i m p s o n if y o u w a n t h i m . I t h i n k he's o n e of t h e m o s t outstanding college players developed in recent years and he's a terrific r u n n i n g back, J o h n s o n said. Rocky Beats Pat ALBANY, N.Y. ( U P I ) - I n one of t h e closests election battles in New York S t a t e history, Gove r n o r Rockefeller t o p p e d c o m e dian Put Paulsen by seven votes in the unofficial results of t h e write-in vote for president in the November election. T h e official tally of s t a t e votes however showed that the ove r n o r a n d t h e c o m e d i a n run a p o o r s e c o n d a n d third t o S e n . Eugene McCarthy. T h e i n c o m p l e t e a n d t o t a l l y unofficial results released by t h e New York s e c r e t a r y of s t a t e ' s office gave M c C a r t h y 'M votes, R o c k e f e l l e r 51 a n d I'uulsen '17 votes In the write-in c o n t e s t . T h e D a n e s , w h o were h u r t b y t o o m a n y fouls in their o p e n i n g season loss also lost two ballplayers foul o u t in this game as Price a n d Jack J o r d a n b o t h c o m m i t t e d five fouls. With Price unable t o p e r f o r m at p e a k efficiency, t h e Great Danes are at a definite loss for d e p t h . Last y e a r , Price was t h e leading r e b o u n d e r for t h e squad and played a t all t i m e s e x c e p t w h e n h e was in foul t r o u b l e . This year, however, the t e a m has b e e n forced t o rely o n J a c k Duffy t o s u p p l y the r e b o u n d i n g a n d c e n t e r t h e offense. While Duffy is n o t a p o o r player, h e lacks b o t h t h e r e b o u n d i n g ability and t h e scoring p o t e n t i a l of Price. The hoopsters travel to ^ ^ L T x 4 S ^m M? Results of t h e Frostbite Regatta: • Marist '•* j 8 S3 AILING SCOTT PRICE is o u t j u m p e d b y his S t o n y B r o o k counterpart. P h o t o b y C a n t o r 1 0 % D o r m s and sororities s h o u l d n o w b e t h i n k i n g a b o u t forming W.R.A. w o u l d like t o e x t e n d its t h a n k s t o all t h o s e mombors involved in setting up and officiating volleyball i n t r a m u r a l s . Special t h a n k s are directed t o Mary Ann Z a h u r a k , volleyball manager and c o o r d i n a t o r for t h e time and effort she s p e n t in effectively organizing and r u n n i n g the program. SODA-BEER All Popilor Braids of Beer t Soda at DISCOUNT PRICES KEGS & TAPS AVAILABLE BUY SODA IN CANS & BOTTLES BY THL CASE FOR THE ENTIRE SUITE Central Beer fc Soda - 1 3 3 0 Central Ave. PHONE- 459-3483 b y Tim Keeley T h e University Council a p p r o v e d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s y c s l c r d a y w h i c h will alter Ihe athletic program and s t u d e n t living p a t t e r n al o u r I 25 year old i n s t i t u t i o n . Approved was a slatcmcnl of rationale for intercollegiate athletics and of institutional policy as p r o p o s e d in the report o f the ad h o c university athletics c o u n c i l . T h e rationale slalcd thai a variety of athletic programs is necessary to meet Ihe RPI Albany Maritime Marist Iona 56 ft.') •17 •1-1 r, Albany Skippers: Glenn Faden Charles B o w m a n A l b a n y Crew Khris Healey Bruce F u l l e m Marc Strange OFF REGULAR PRICE UNIVERSITY GIFT ITEMS Sweat Shirts, Tee Shirts, Mugs, Glassware , Night Shirts, Jackets, Stuff Animals Sale Starts Monday Dec. 9 thru Sat Dec.14 Just Arrived For Chistmas A targe Selection Of Childern's Books,Paperback Books, Great Gifts. y% y/<% - fa Jo M Vo M A Good "Book to d e v e l o p , r e c o m m e n d , and evaluate policy on a c o n t i n u i n g basis. T h e new Athletics Council will b e chaired b y ihe Vice-President for S t u d e n t Affairs, Dr. Clifton ( . T h o m e . In addition l o T h o m e there will he twelve o l h e r m e m b e r s . interests and needs of the university c o m m u n i t y ; that athletic c o m p e t i t i o n is necessary This includes four faculty m e m b e r s on the following basis: o n e admissions p e r s o n n e l , in a balanced university p r o g r a m ; Ihe athletic program should he s t r u c t u r e d in such a o n e faculty m e m b e r w h o is a representative to the N C A A , and i w o m e m b e r s n o m i n a t e d way that risks associated with over-emphasis arc negligible; that athletics can serve as an by the executive c o m m i t lee of the f a c u l t y S e n a t e . attraction from which greater interest can g r o w , and thai Ihe program should be T h e major c o n c e r n of s t u d e n t s is the provision for six s t u d e n t s on the C o u n c i l . In t h e original report Provisions Recommendations for one member of the Alumni |() ;o sii on the council with no vote, implement a b r o a d e r intercollegiate athletic fins would make possible, but not c o m m i t , the university d e v e l o p m e n t of future p r o g r a m s in s u b s e q u e n t y e a r s , with Ihe possibility of football b e c o m i n g a varsity sport by 1 0 7 2 . T h e S t u d e n t Association A t h l e t i c Advisory Board was retained at leasi for l % 0 - 7 0 a s Ihe m a n a g e m e n t b o d y for a t h l e t i c s . In o l h e r action Student Association Living Area Affairs Commission liberalizing residence hall regulations. The student P h o t o by Howie Mittleman S T R A I G H T - B A C K E D Mary C a l d e r o n e espouses h e r t h e o r i e s o n t h e c o n c e p t o f sexuality in t o d a y ' s m o b i l e w o r l d . 9 Collin s Succesor Topic Of Meeting S t u d e n t s will he able t o e x p r e s s their views and suggestions c o n c e r n i n g the selection of a successor to Dr. Evan II. Collins, president of Ihe University. A n. e e t i n g sponsored hy M Y S K A N I A t o provide an o u t l e t for s t u d e n t o p i n i o n will he held T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 17 al 7::i() p.m. in H u m a n i t i e s .'Ifvl. Students who attend the m e e t i n g will be able t o discuss upon whal criteria the new President s h o u l d b e selected o n and give names of people I hey feel s h o u l d b e asked t o bead t h e University. Duncan Nixon and Jeffery Mishkin, u n d e r g r a d u a t e m e m b e r s Of the Search C o m m i t t e e will direct the informal meeting. Nixon, presidenl of Central Council, and Mishkin, c h a i r m a n of M Y S K A N I A , will give a r e p o r t of the first t w o meetings of t h e committee. Mishkin reeommena will and Nixon t o t h e rest of their S T U D E N T S , F A C U L T Y , a n d S T A F F are e n c o u r a g e d t o present believe the C o m m i t t e e should consider in its deliberations. T h e C o m m i t t e e h particularly interested in t h e s t r u c t u r e of schools and colleges, especially t h e College of Arts a n d Sciences, the Ihe C o u n c i l , which is responsible for regulations governing s t u d e n t life on c a m p u s , a p p r o v e d proposals s u b m i t t e d by Ihe ?:.U) p.m. in (hi* Ballroom of (he C a m p u s ( e n t e r . All interested they M of football as a club sport This program would include in ihe fall of l % ° if the necessary b u d g e t a r y provision can be m a d e , The President's C o m m i t t e e o n A d m i n i s t r a t i v e O r g a n i z a t i o n University. made schedule were also a p p r o v e d . will hold an o p e n hearing on T u e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 17, from I t o of also T h e D i r e c t o r of Athletics w< 1 'The curfew and sign-out p r o c e d u r e sections are effective after vacation. This allows t i m e , during Christmas vacation, to inform the parents of freshmen w o m e n a b o u t t h e new policy regarding hours and allows time for Ilu* residence halls to set up a provision for a voluntary sign-out system. The closed door section takes effect immediately because no implementing procedure is necessary. structure were A t h l e t i c Council. T h e in w policies are as follows: I. There arc no curfew h o u r s Co r a n y U n iversity student. Effective S u n d a y , January .r\ 1969. II. There is no m a n d a t o r y sign-out procedure for any University s t u d e n t . A voluntary sign-out system may be provided by the residents of the hall/or ht.ll government. Effective- S u n d a y , January 5, 1969.HI. During v i s i t a t i o n , all s t u d e n t s may exercise their right to privacy by leaving suite a n d / o r bedroom doors closed and locked if they so chose , E f f e c t i ve — F r i d a y , December Hi, 1968. the Ihe Association and o n e m e m b e r of the University C o u n c i l l o sit on t h e " O n December 12, I'HiH the University Council approved t h r e e proposals which were formulated by LA AC and a p p r o v e d b y a n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s , faculty and ad m in irt r at io n o r gan izations. These polities will give s t u d e n t s a n u m b e r ol' additional freedoms and responsibilities that will allow s t u d e n t s to decide their o w n limitations and be responsible for their own actions. We are sure that you will accept these new changes in a mature i\iu\ responsible fashion. and to Ihe Presidenl o n l y Iwo s t u d e n t s were p r o p o s e d to represent student bodv. After the University Council meeting yesterday, Victor L o o p e r , Chairman of the Living Area A flairs Commission released Ihe following statement concerning t h e effective d a t e of residence reforms. their views on m a t t e r s University Bookstore s u p p o r t in t e r m s of facilities, finances, a n d slaff. T h e Council approved the establishment of a p e r m a n e n t University Athletics Council LA AC Bill To Go Into Effect Soon REGATTA BOOKSTORE CHRISTMAS SALE basketball teams if they are i n t e r e s t e d . R o s t e r s should b e o u t directly after Christmas since the i n t r a m u r a l season is scheduled t o begin t w o w e e k s i n t o t h e second semester. CLOSED DOORS, FOOTBALL OK'D Policy should then dietalc a t t e n t i o n to s t u d e n t i n t e r e s t . aoDrooiate c o m p e t i t i o n , a n d « FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 ALBANY , NEW YORK VOL. LVNO.W^ X>- noteworthy. by Lwlie King F - t r o o p has d o n e it again! In their last m a t c h of t h e season against the team which t o o k first place in League I c o m p e t i t i o n , Alden III, t h e sevensome was victorious in t w o of t w o games, t h u s taking their second trophy. In o t h e r g a m e s : the playoff for second place in League II saw Schuyler Hall victorious over Zenger; and in the game b e t w e e n l e a g u e second place holders, Schuyler w o n again, this time over Alden II. On t h e following Wednesday, t h e Varsity H o o p s t e r s travel to Central C o n n e c t i c u t S t a t e . Central C o n n e c t i c u t leads in t h e series w i t h A l b a n y , having w o n thirteen of t h e t w e n t y - o n e games over t h e years. During t h e v a c a t i o n p e r i o d , t h e Danes will h o s t t h e Capitol City Tournament on December 27-28. T h e field includes Siena College, St. Lawrence University, and H a m i l t o n College. Following New Year's, the Danes swing back into action at Merrimack College o n J a n u a r y 6. Their n e x t h o m e game will be on Saturday, January 1 1 , against Harpur and the following S a t u r d a y against P r a t t I n s t i t u t e . N^Ni! • J A Closed Door In 125 Years. With o n l y t w o m e n over 6 ' 2 " , A l b a n y c a n n o t b e e x p e c t e d t o win t h e ballgame, b u t w i t h a fine team effort t h e y m a y b e able t o present at least a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e showing. T h e g a m e against Buffalo is t h e last h o m e g a m e for t h e team before t h e C h r i s t m a s vacation. Plattsburgh t o n i g h t t o a t t e m p t t o gain their second victory of t h e s e a s o n . Last year, in a high scoring game, Albany defeated the P l a t t s b u r g h Cardinals b y eight p o i n t s , 9 6 - 8 8 . T h e Danes need this victory as t h e y are facing t h e S t a t e University of Buffalo this Saturday. Buffalo has a strong t e a m this year a n d b o a s t height which will p u t all b u t impossible pressure o n A l b a n y ' s front c o u r t . T h e Bulls have a 6 ' 9 " center w h o will s u p p l y t h e Albany big m e n with some tough competition under the boards. Following Margison in the scoring for Albany were Jack A d a m s with eleven points and Jim Caverly with t e n . Caverly also led t h e t e a m in r e b o u n d s as he gathered in nine. S c o t t Price, w h o has been b o t h e r e d b y a bad a n k l e , grabbed Severn r e b o u n d s . Progress Is Central Administration of the fellow c o m m i t t e e m e n all n a m e s of c a n d i d a t e s r e c o m m e n d e d al t h e meeting. T h e y h o p e thai the meeting wilt clarify the position of the s t u d e n t s in t e r m s of what they v. a n t in a University Presidenl. recommendations had been a p p r o v e d b y the S t u d e n t Affairs Council o f Ihe faculty s e n a t e . T h e s t u d e n t proposals read as follows: " 1 . T h e r e arc n o c u r l e w h o u r s for any University s t u d e n t . 2. There is no m a n d a t o r y sign-out p r o c e d u r e for a n y University s t u d e n t . A v o l u n t a r y sign-out system m a y be provided by the residents of the hall/or hall g o v e r n m e n t . } . During visitation, all s t u d e n t s may exercise their right lo privacy by leaving suite a n d / o r b e d r o o m d o o r s closed and locked if they so choose." T h e Council accepted lite pioposals in Ihe exact same w o r d i n g , following Council accept Hie m e e t i n g Dr. T h o m e by saying, " O u r s t u d e n t responsibility. expressed Ihe views of b o d y has d e m o n s t r a t e d T h e Council fell that the they can s t u d e n t s should have responsibility and looked with favor u p o n this kind of c h a n g e . " Sexuality In The Framework Of Today's Society Viewed by Barbara H e y n e Dr. Mary S. Calderone, executive d i r e c t o r of t h e Sex I n f o r m a t i o n E d u c a t i o n Council of the United States, (SIECUS) s p o k e al the University on the topic "Sex Al t i l u d e s m'.d Sex E d u c a t i o n , " o n December 10. T h e prose nt a t io n was sponsored jointly by t h e S t u d e n t Faculty C o m m i t t e e on Di ugs, Sex and Helaled Health Mailers ai d by Phi Delia S o r o r i t y . " I am not an e x p e r t in this field, " began C a l d e r o n e , w h o is a graduate of Vassar ami the University of R o c h e s t e r Medical S c h o o l . S h e also h o l d s a degree from Columbia Univorstiy. " T h e r e are no e x p e r t s . " C a l d e r o n e stated Iter p u r p o s e and lout of S I E C U S "is n o t sex e d u c a t i o n of t h e very y o u n g ; o u r primary p u r p o s e is sex e d u c a t i o n aimed at t h e adult c o m m u n i t y . " S u c h information would guide " t h e individual and his or h e r sexuality in the frame-work of today's society." "Sex e o u c a t i o n begins at t h e m o m e n t of birth and c o n t i n u e s throughout life," emphasized Calderone. What is taught in schools u n d e r t h e title of sex e d u c a t i o n is r e p r o d u c t i o n w h i c h is (he result of sex. Sex e d u c a t i o n must b e viewed in t e r m s of sexual intercourse. like a r e w a r d , " she e n u m e r a t e d , " o r as a s t a t u s s y m b o l , t o prove Iheir i n d e p e n d e n c e , t o c o m f o r t themselves with; to punish s o m e o n e , e m o t i o n a l b l a c k m a i l ; or just t o pass t i m e . " In Dr. C a l d e r o n e ' s o p i n i o n sex is a m e a n s for t w o p e o p l e t o relate lo each o t h e r in total i n t i m a c y in " T h e r e are m a n y w a y s of expressing s e x u a l i t y , " r e m a r k e d ('alderoiie. " E a c h cull ure has its own a c c e p t ed standards of maleness and femaloness," In our society, she n o t e d , we have su b s t i i u t e d Ie m i n i t y a nd masculinity, superficial aspects of sexuality, which have placed ill sexual act on a superficial level. Sexuality in terms of " b o w men and w o m e n relato to each o t h e r , h o w they have reacted t o life e x p e r i e n c e s " also plays a role in the s*'x act. Many people use sex against each o t h e r in an exploitative manner inside or o u t s i d e of marriage according to Calderone. S o m e use sex " t o get somethine" o r d e r t o d e e p e n their r e l a t i o n s h i p , continued un page 2 I AFRICAN HISTORY COURSE 1 NOT CANCELLED f "»H Africa," H ii ss tt o o rr y v (of )f Africa," call call n o | 2 1 0 5 , course n o . A HIS 2 S 6 B , i will be taught in the semester us s c h e d u l e d . Spring It will meet o n M o n d a y s , W e d n e s d a y s , and Thursdays Social Science in room llldg. at 250 8:10 a.m. T h e i n s t r u c t o r will he Mr. J. I'uul Ward. H. Peter K r o s b y Chairman Department of History PAGE 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Open Meeting To Tackle Curriculum Change Reports by Kathy ReUly UNIVERSITY READERS REHEARSE for Photo by Sue Steiger dS^jSSSS^ Charles Dickens' "A Christmas U r o l " which will take place 8 p m Friday and Saturday, December 13 and 14 in the Assembly Hall (Admission is free.) Hebrew Language Class May Be Realized Soon O v e r 50 s t u d e n t s have expressed an interest in starting Hebrew courses on campus next semester. Because of the lateness of the request, there is no possibility of offering such a course as a regular part of our curriculum in the spring. There is a possibility that the course will be approved and offered next fall through one of the departments of the Division of Humanities, Through constant consultation with Dean Perlmutter's office, Hi I lei has been advised to organize an informal course during the second semester with the possibility for obtaining credit open. Although the University would, in no way, be involved in offering the courses in the spring semester, students might still be uligible for obtaining credit after the course has been given. An examination administered by this institution al the conclusion of the course could Sex As A Means For Two People To Co-Relate continued from page 1 The quality of the sex act "serves as an indicator of the quality of the total relationship," In order to achieve sexual m a t r u i t y , children must be positively conditioned throughout their formative years. [Jr. Calderone declared that adults must take the younger generation into their confidence and together they must decide what moral standards in our society are worth preserving. Society must provide for children being ruised in a stable environment. "Sex education cannol be taken from books," stressed Dr. Calderone, "it is a part of our environment. We must talk with each other after studying and upgrade this part of our lives which society has downgraded. We must prepare the young lor I he ultimate question, 'How am I ,oing to use my sexuality'.'"1 then award students credit for Hebrew. Two courses will be offered by Hillel next semester. One is Beginning Hebrew and one on the intermediate level. Those interested in taking the course, should watch Tuesday's ASP for a time for a meeting in which the students will meet with the instructor to discuss the time the courses will be given. Further information can be obtained by calling either Judy Kirchner at 457-8790 or Hersh Cousin at 482-027H. An open meeting to discuss the reports from four task forces concerning curriculum changes will be held in the Campus Center ballroom on Monday, December 16,1968, at 8 p.m. The task forces, composed of students and faculty members, are each concerned with a specific area. The four committees are studying the academic calendar, departmental regulations, instruction, and an experimental college. All interested students and faculty members are invited to attend. II is hoped that those participating in the meeting will contribute their opinions, ask q u e s t i o n s and discuss the problems of implementing the committee's findings in the University. Since October, the committtees preparing reports based on their research; these will be presented on Monday night. Chairman of the meeting will be Dr. Allan Kuusisto, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Also present will be at least t w o special guests, authorities in certain fields which were studied by the task forces, Dr. Franklin Patterson and Dr. Harlan D. Hansen. Hansen is associated with the College Entrance Examination Board, and is the director of the Four-Schools Study. President of Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusettes, a new, progressive college, Patterson is a co-author of "Making of a College-Plans for a New D e p a r t u r e in Higher Education." He is primarily c o n c e r n e d with creating a curriculum which combines a liberal education with independent study. Dr. Arthur Collins, chairman of the Academic Calendar committee, commented that the reports urge more flexibility than in the present curriculum stage; the other is for giving an unmarried 22-year-old woman a t u b e of vaginal foam (a non-prescriptive birth control device available at most drug stores in other states). The 100-year-old law, entitled " C r i m e s Against Chastity," forbids the unmarried any access to birth control information or materials. At Boston University, where the fight began, students heavily support Baird, and accuse the school of hypocrisy. President Arland Christ-Janer said the school "could not c< law-breaking," but, the students p o i n t o u t , the University bookstore sells birth control literature- also an illegal act under The LIGHTHOUSE Restaurant and BAR State Students Welcome by Barry Kirschner Staff Reporter "How much control should the executive branch have over foreign policy?" This was the topic open to a group discussion, sponsored by the Forensics Union (Debate Council) Tuesday, Dec. 10. The purpose of the event was to demonstrate the difference between group discussion and d e b a t e . This difference was specified by Sandra Fish of the Speech Department who explained that the purpose of , , . , - , j i •; debate is to persuade, while group discussion information is useful in gathering The discussion was conducted by six members of Mrs. Fish's Speech 104 class. Much of the audience of about 200 came because of t h e strong recommendation of many of the Speech Department Faculty. The analysis of the topic included a broad history of executive control of foreign policy, and possible changes which might be made to curtail the power of the president. Ar. emphasis was place on the evolution of the U.S. from an isolationist nation to a world p o w e r and the necessary adjustments. The relationship of Congress WEATHER PERMITTING 8 pm HERE ON CAMPUS the state law. Students in Boston and at other universities across the country have taken up fund-raising for Baird's defense. But the people Baird has helped-the poor, students, overburdened' mothers-are those will cannot help him financially. If money is not raised soon, the cause of liberalized abortion and birth control may have lost Us most dynamic spokesman. and foreign policy was also mentioned many times. All of the considered alternatives which would curtail the executive's power would increase the power of Congress. A proposal submitted by Hubert Humphrey in 1969, which would create a select group from Congress to advise the president on all non-emergency foreign policy measures, received the support of three of the panel members. Two members of I he panel advocated a continuation of ' n e status quo at the end c the discussjon A p n / \ m r i At KO1L Applications Available Applications for entry into the Two-Year Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps are now being accepted by Union College's Air Force ROTC. SUNYA students may participate in AFROTC as a result of a recent contract between the U.S. Air Force, Union College and SUNYA. The basic requirement for entry into the AFROTC program is that as uf September 1969 the applicant must have two years remaining as a full-time studpnl before graduation. Entry into this c o m m i s s i o n i n g program is competitive. Applicants must agree lo enter pilot or navigator training upon graduation and commissioning; achieve a qualifying score on the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, pass the Air Force medical evaluation and be selected by an interview board composed of Air Force officers. All processing must be completed prior to 1 March 1969. Interested students are encouraged to contact Union College's A F R O T C (phone 37<l-652a) for more informal ion or lo be scheduled for the Air Force Officer Qualifying 'lest on I 1 January 1969. Walt's SUBMARINES Call IV 9 - 2 8 2 7 or IV 2 - 0 2 2 8 (Throe Suba Minimum) Friday 13th is a special occasion. 67 ColpfnAoe. Will be delivering Phone 4W-9759 from 4 pm until 1 am FRIDAY NIGHT SLEIGH RIDE revisions by next changes until at Discussion vs. Debate Probes Policy Check Birth Control Reformer May Face Prison Sentence BOSTON (CI'S) Bill Baird, who two years ago set out to deliberately challenge Massachusetts state laws against birth control, is almost at the end or I he line this week in his fight against a possible ten-year prison sentence. The Massachusetts Supreme Court is hearing his case this week. II is not highly probable that the slate's highest judicial bench will look kindly on a man who called il hypocritical and then pioved it. His two-year Tight has been one against hypocrisy. Two years ago Baird was invited to Iloston University by the NEWS, its students newspaper, to lecture on birth control and give out contraceptive devices. He lectured to an audience of more than 2,500 people, and displayed and explained the various methods of birth control. He was immediately arrested (and subsequently convicted) on two counts that allegedly violate the state's provisions for "crimes against chastity." Each of them carries a Maximum sentence of five years ill prison. One live year penalty is for showing birth control pills on a Although some of the could be implemented semester, any major would not be effected least next fall. WINTERLUDE DECEMBER 13 & 14 SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER DANCE WITH A LITTLE BIT OF SOUL 9 pm . 1 am PAUL LEE & THE WALKERS 125th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Friday, December 13,1968 UNIVERSITY BEGINS 125TH YEAR by Linda Staszak A bill was passed by the legislature on May 7, 1844 establishing a normal school in the county of Albany. The school opened on December 18 with David Perkins Page as the first principal. Twenty-nine pupils attended the school which was located in a depot building vacated by the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Company. The building contained two study rooms, four recitation rooms, a lecture room and library. During the early history the number of students was limited to two from each assembly dislrict. There were no scholastic requirements for admission not even graduation from a district school. The object of the institution was the instruction of teachers of common schools in the science of education and the art of leaching. The curriculum was limited lo common school subjects and pedagogy. Instruction was chiefly academic and teachers were chosen for their superiority at icholars. The statute authorizing ihc establishment of the school forbade Ihc study of any subjects not bearing directly on Ihc science and art of leaching. The course could be completed in Iwo terms. Graduation was upon recommendation of Ihc Principal and faculty based on moral character ai'd literary attainments ralhcr than length of attendance. There was no standard of attainment other then llie judgment of the faculty. Each student was required lo sign a pledge thai he would teach in Ihc dislrict schools of Ihc slate. The first class consisting of five women and 2') men was graduated in August. 1845. liy 1848 enrollment numbered 256. "A new law permanently established the school and appropriated S15,00(1 for a new building which was located al the corner of Lodge and Howard Streets. A model or practice school was set up on the elementary school level. During the term of Edward R. Waterbury, the first graduate of the school to become one of its presidents, a kindergarten was established as a branch of the model school. The administration of William J. Milne brought a marked change to (he character of the school. By 1890 there were 3,000 graduates and 7,000 other students who had gone on to be teachers. Conditions of admission were so low that a large part of the time was spent teaching subjects usually taught in academics and high schools. Since the normal school course was too short lo provide mastery of both subject matter and methods it was decided to demand A VIEW of a classroom in the old Willet Street School ot the Albany Normal College. Lighted by gas, this room contains the same type of plants as docs our present library. Brubacher Begins MYSKANIA As First College Government The emergence ol a studenl government al the University became apparent in March of 1917 when a Student Council, known as MYSKANIA, was selected by a faculty committee. In 1917, MYSKANIA, an honorary body composed of seniors appointed in their junior year, was the studenl government, and as one of its original purposes, governed all studenl activities other than athletics, as well as writing a constitution for the siudent body. MYSKANIA i n s t i t u t e d weekly assemblies, mandatory for every student al Ihc college. In 1921, the students of Ihc college voled lo have a studenl organization wilh officers elected in Ihc spring <>l each year. This first studenl organization, resiilluig 11i>nt elections held lhal same year, was composed of Ihrec officers chosen from each ol the three uppei classes, a council wilh members from .ill linn classes, and a faculty mcmhci who served as treasurer. Sludenl government changed slowly in ihc |930's. The constitution of the Slate College Sludenl Association vested all judicial power ol Ihc Association in MYSKANIA, all executive power in Studenl council,and all legislative power in Ihc assembly of the Association. The Constitution also defined MYSKANlA's duties more fully, including Ihc following: to organize the by Nancy Durish Staff Reporter freshman class, to regulate intcrclass rivalry, to uphold college traditions, to supervise S.A. and class elections, and to act as interpreter of the constitution. The war-torn forties brought new changes to the studenl government. A levised constitution was drawn up in 1945, in which each class would have four Studenl Council representatives. Il also included the controversial clause which slated thai MYSKANIA would no longer be self-perpetuating, but would be elected by the students. in the 1964-65 academic year. The new S.A. Constitution, ratified in April of 1965, includes a system based on five commission areas: living aicas, academic interests, communications, community programming, and religious interest. The constitution was the work of a Provisional Council which faced a unique challenge-t o write a constitution which would he the foundation of a government structure lhal was lo have adapled to this rapidly During I he eaily fifties, the changing University. enrollment in the college more than doubled. Ihc mandatory weekly student assemblies became inadquate, as Page Hall could mil accommodate the entire sludenl body, and a change appeared lo be necessary. In 1954, a new constitution was proposed and defeated. By Ihc cud of |95d. a ciisis in Ihc sludenl government occurred and a new constitution was deemed necessary. A new coiisiilulioii, appioved in 1957, prevented I he collapse ol ihc sludenl goveriiiiienl. Undci (his document, the S.A. governmcnl would supervise college aclivilies and cnler nun ihc discussion and lormululion of policy related to all facets ol college life. The transitional period of ihc sludenl governmcnl from the Senatorial system to Ihc concept uf Central Council ard several subordiualc commissions, in the form of a Provisional Council, occurred mastery of high school subjects before entrance. The concentration would then be on complete and practical professional tiaining. On March 13, 1890, the Regents of the University of the Slate of New York authorized certain changes in the structure of the school. The name of the school was changed to the New York State Normal College. Instruction was restricted to methods, school economy, philosophy, and history of education and other subjects directly related to the science and art of teaching. Also the college was granted the authority lo confer the degree of bachelor of pedagogy on persons completing the course of study. The college now had a strictly professional character. Training of primary teachers continued lo be the chief business of Ihc school until 1906. The school differed from the ten other normal schools in the state in that it was the only one lhal gave instruction in professional subjects only. The emphasis was on teaching rather than scholarship. Dr. Milne fell lhal pedagogy was superior lo subject matter in the preparation of teachers. He is quoted as saying: "You high school teachers need not know much chemistry; if you only know the methods of leaching chemistry you will get alone credilablv." In April, 1914, authority was granted lo rename the college Ihc New York Slate College for Teachers. In 1921. Ihc College was placed on Ihc lisl of the Association of American Universities. It was the first teachers college to be approved by the American Association of University Women, but as a liberal arts college not a teachers college. Several new buildings were begun in 1920. These included Page Hall and Milne High School. The undergraduate qutit;. was 1,200 in 1933 wilh 300 freshmen being admitted annually. The greal majority i.f studenls lived in privalc houses and boarding houses until residence halls for women were opened in 1935. In 1938 a new policy of selective admissions was instituted. Before September I, 250 students with a Regents average of 87% or higher were accepled. Then on registration day 50 were admitted from the top of the lisl of remaining candidates. In 1943, the entrance requirements were liberalized. The Education Lav/, amended in 1948, established the S t a l e University of New York and placed the administration of the New York State College for Teachers under the general direction of the trustees of the Slate University. The final transfer of the College to the Stale University became effective April 1, 1949. On September I, 1959, by act of the Trustees, the name of the college was changed to the State University of New York College of education al Albany. The name was changed on October 16, 1961 to Ihc Stale Universily College at Albany. The full transition from Teachers College to University took place in 1962 when the present name was given lo the new Universily Center, State University of New York at Albany. THE FIRST CENTRAL COUNCIL met before the University had moved to its new location. O ck Thompson, center, presided as first Piesidenl. ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 4 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 Frosh Victimized By Class Rivalry ELEVEN PRESIDENTS GUIDE SCHOOL by Gale McAllister Staff Reporter In its history, the New York State Teachers College, which is now the State University at Albany, has had eleven Presidents. Its first President, when the institution was called the State Normal School, was David Perkins Page. Hi* presidency, or principalship, lasted fiom 1844 to 1848. Page had very little formal education and vs*-.:v /: -•-"„?•.• •?> DAVID P. PAGE, Tint principal, worked energetically for the establishment of the institution. was basically a self-educated man. Theory and Practice of Teaching, a book concerning methods of teaching written by Page, is considered one of his greatest contributions. When Page died in 1848, George R. Perkins took over the presidency of the school until 1852. Perkins was considered one of t h e m o s t "accomplished mathematicans in this state." Samuel B. Woolworth held the p r e s i d e n c y of t h e s c h o o l from 1852-1856. Hn was the first President to have a college education. Woolworth was also responsible for first introducing the lecture method to the Albany school to help replace the recitation method. David H. Cochran took over the Presidency in 1856 and held it until 1864. Cochran was considered to have been a successful President. The next President, Oliver Arey, did not get along well with the faculty; his administration only ran from 1864 to 1867. From 1867 to 1882, Dr. Joseph Alden was President of the College. It has been writen that he was an "intolerable" man, but most of his contemporaries agreed that he was a better educator than he was an administrator. Dr. Edward P. Waterbury, President from lfc.82 to 1889, accomplished several important things during his administration. First, he reorganized the Alumni Association. Then, he compiled an historical catalog of the graduates of the Normal School. The Willett Street b u i l d i n g was c o n s t r u c t e d during Waterbury's administration. During the years 1889 to 1914, Dr. William J. Milne was President of the college, and he instituted a broader field of study. Dr. A. R. Brubacher, the ninth President of the College served from 1915 until his death in 1939. During this time he transformed the old Normal College into the Teachers' College. Among Burbacher's accomplishments: he gained national recognition for the college, he raised the status of the factuly, obtained more extra-curricular activities for the students, developed Student Association, raised the standards for admission, had three buildings erected, and worked for an extension of the curriculum. Dr. J. M. Sayles was the next President and stayed until 1948. During his administration Sayles and Pierce Halls were erected. Dr. Evan R. Collins, President since 1948, has guided the College, and now the University, through its greatest by Gale McAllister Staff Reporter UK. A.B. BRUBACHER, called by the students, "Brubie," was President from 1915 to 1939 changes. Alden, Waterbury, and Brubacher, as well as the new c o m p l e x , were b u i l t d u r i n g his administration. Now after 20 years, Collins will leave behind a University that he began, guided, and established in the academic \ Campus Societies Grow Community Minded by Valerie Ives P r o b a b l y one of the earliest organizations on campus was the Philomathean Society, formed about 1870. It was composed of young ladies who met once a week for the purpose of instruction and entertainment. The Newman Study was organized in 1908. The purpose of the club was to study tiie life and works of the Cardinal John Henry Newman. Another important organization existing at this time was the Young Women's Christian Association. Its function was to unite the students of the college in Christian fellowship and promote the well being of new students. The first sorority. Delta Omega, was formeo in 1890. The promotion of physical, literary, ard social activity for its members were its purposes. Since then, fraternities and sororities have been an active part of the campus. Formed in 1897, Kappa Delta is now the oldest sorority on campus. Its function was one of "furthering friendship, loyalty, and the development of the individual." The first fraternity was Phi Delta. World War I brought about a curtailment of fraternity life. The Intersorority Council was formed around 1920 and it sponsored an annual ball, like Winterlude which is now held by Special Events Board. In 1931, the Edward Potter Club appeared. Rejecting the idea of a Greek letter, the thirteen men who organized it named the club after a member of the class of '20, who was killed in World War I. Even by 1900, these organizations provided only limited activities, such as the freshman reception and some plays produced by the sororities. The Greeks still sponsored most of the activities even after World War I. One major activity, however, was started in 1922, when the first Campus Day wus held and the first Campus Queen was crowned. This developed into what is now Homecoming Weekend. The first student publication was begun in June 1892, "the Normal College Echo." This was considered the main unifying lorce of the school, "reflecting college activities and interests." The State College News was organized in 1916, and the yearbook, "Pedagogue," in 1912. Sports have never really been much of an important pj.rt of the college. The first intercollegiate football game was played in 1922 by the freshman team. Hockey was organized in 1916. In 1925, neither team received appropriations in the budget and have not been brought back since. Soccer, the major fall sport, was organized in 1949. The proposal for funds to begin a fall varsity sport was presented to a student assembly and soccer was decided upon, soccer equipment being less expensive than that for football. Basketball, probably the most stable and successful sport, appeared in 1916, and wrestling began in 1955. The Student Music Council brought the Trapp Family Singers to Page Hall in December of 1949. The Trapp Family was made famous by the broadway play and movie based on their lives, "The Sound of Music." The Forum of Politics sponsored a •mm agH PRESIDENT EVAN R. COLLINS, who announced he will leave the University next September, has lead the University through its greatest change. The immediate problem facing the University is who will be able to fill his position. music with special events, such as sports speech given by Eleanor Roosevelt here or speeches. The programming varies, on October 19, 1961. "How tile United according to whoever is emcee for the States Can Best Influence the World hour. Against Communism" was her topic. The University Freedom Council The movement for a radio station was invited Bayard Kustin, civil rights begun in 1953, but the activity was not organizer to the University on November actually started until October, 1962. The 20, 1964. He spoke about the future of State Radio Station, WSUA, began civil rights. The Freedom Council utod broadcasting in February of 1963. The the topics as a basis for a panel station's broadcasts consist mostly of discussion. He said that the Negro does not seek special rights and privileges, but that "he will not be stopped from sharing in all the institutions of American life. There is nothing revolutionary about that." SOCCER, instituted as a college sport in 1549, may enounter another fall sport next year, football. This 1956 team starts its daily practise before a Torch pliotograplier PAGE 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Also sponsored by the Freedom Council was an appearance made by James Farmer, piominent figure in the civil rights movement. He said, among other things, that segregation in northern ghettos in many ways is and will he harder to combat than segregation in the rural South. The Forum of Politics sponsored a lecture on March 12, 1967, by Harrison Salisbury, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who had toured North Vietnam during the last week of 1966. He was noted to have said that the Vietnam Wi.r could end in six months. This same group brought the recent appearance of Allen Cinsburg to the campus. Today, the traditional academic clubs are still a part of the college, but there are also more community-active clubs. No longer are faculty members required to act as advisors; the students run their own organizations, When the State University at Albany used to be State Teachers College, there were a lot more traditions than there are today. Most of these traditions centered about the incoming freshmen class. Always there were the class rivalries. The biggest of these was the rivalry between the freshmen and the sophomores. Back in 1927 the Sophomore class was allowed to make up rules and r e g u l a t i o n s which the Freshmen had to obey. The class of '31, when they were sophomores, ruled that any freshman who broke with traditions three times had to IN MAY, 1883, money was appropriated for a new school on Willett Street facing Washington Park. apologize publically to the entire There were roo ms for experimental work in chemistry and physics, a reference library, reading rooms, and student body. Another tradition of the 1920's an assembly hall but no gymnasium. that has since been outdated, was when the incoming Freshman class entered the gym where they were to be greeted by the sophomore class, they all had to bow to the sophomore's banner, crawl on the floor, and shake hands with a rubber glove that by Betty Anderson the whole, the school was representative of the was dripping with starch. Then Staff Reporter country with a large majority indifferent and a small they were told to have fun for minority interested in current issues. three and a half hours. Involvement and awareness of the State World War II caused an increasing interest in One tradition, that is certainly University at Albany in the society around it has important issues oriented toward international not in effect today is the no cut not been very active until recently. The emphasis at topics rather than societal problems such as the rule. No students were supposed the end of the century was on the seriousness of the Debate Council sponsoring a discussion on "What to cut any classes at all, and il student in studying and preparing himself to they did it was likely that they Should be U.S. Policy toward the Far East." become a teacher. The student was encouraged to Finally in the 60 's a greater number of groups would fail the course. attend to religion for outside activities. Most students take it for were organized, with interest in political and social Most of the time, only elections were considered issues. This activity began with such groups as granted that they are able to use important enough to be recorded in the newspaper the University's cafeteria facilities Freedom Council and Forum of Politics. Interest in which was indicative of the Universities involvment for studying purposes. However, the community developed with efforts to work in in the 1920 s it was a privilege to in political and social issues. the ghettos of Albany. do so. The cafeteria was only In the early part of the twentieth century, Students became involved in politics with groups open a few hours in the morning outside interest still centered on religion as shown like the Young Republicans and Students for A and a few hours at night for study by the many Bible study classes. Later, students also Democratic Society. The student participation in purposes. became involved in YMCA and YWCA activities. the 1968 election points out the glowing The Freshmen of the 1920's Eventually early in this centruy social awareness was were given a handbook, the committment and activism on this campus. defined in terms of Campus Queens and proms. Involvement Within Society Mark Of This Generation Indicative of the issues considered relevant to students and attitudes of students toward issues in society can be seen in lectures delivered at the school during this period. Booker T. Washington spoke on the Negro's position in society:" all other race problems, will be solved by the success of the people, and success always means recognition." Another more flamboyant speaker, Dr. Sherwood Eddy of the YMCA, argued that the worst problems of society in 1928 were sex relationships and water power monopolies. While in 1929, another speaker declared liberalism was more tolerated since rotary clubs and churches invited speakers who differed from their viewpoint. In the early part of the centruy, most of the little activity oriented toward the outside society was political with an emphasis on foreign affairs. In the twenties, during the Washington Naval Conferences, disarmament was an issue debated on campus. On ft . 1 fiBrfi % THIS BUILDING, vacated by the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad Company, housed thr Normal School from 1844-1848. It was located on State Street and Maiden Lane. THE OLD CAMPUS, as seen by an artist during the first decade of this century, was built to replace the Willet Street School, which burned in 1906. "Frosh Bible," which told them what the traditions at the College were. All Freshmen were made to wear buttons that said they were Freshmen. One girl did not wear her button and was then made to wear a sign one foot in diameter saying "Oh Wretched Me! I broke tradition." One of the better traditions at State Teacher's College was the annual election of Campus Queen. The crowning and election of IheQueeen took place in the early fall along with Campus Activities D a y , all s u p e r v i s e d by MYSKANIA. Prior to the election in the fall of 1927, there was usually a big controversy as to whether the Campus Queen would be blonde or brunettes. In the previous four years two blondes and two brunettes had been elected and the students felt that 1927 would be the deciding year. They would finally know if blondes were more popular than brunettes. Campus Activities Day was much the same in 1927 as it was this year, in 1968. It was mainly a time when Freshmen could sign up with various clubs that they were interested in. On the first day that the Freshmen arrived in 1927, they were officially greeted by the faculty and the President of the College at both a tea and the Convocation. The latter remains basically how it used to be. However, the faculty members and the members of the Freshmen class have grown so drastically over the years that it is no longer possible to have every one attend as it once was. Another tradition of the past that is linked with class rivalries and school spirit is the election of a song leader and cheer leaders for each class. Also, officers used to be elected from each class in the College. There was even a time in the history of the State College when Freshmen were not allowed to look Minerva in the face. In 1938, such traditions as an "all-college bonfire rally and pep meeting" were popular. After the bonfire all students would join in a snake dance to show that they were all friends. This usually took place on Activities Day in the fall of each year. Such events between Freshmen and Sophomores as the banner hunt, mascot hunt, and the tug of war showed class rivalries in 1938. Things often got out of hand. Much like the present day Freshman orientation, in 1938 the College would send the girls to a camp the weekend before school began, and the boys to another camp. At the camp the Freshmen would learn the traditions of the school and a little about the academic life. Also, at the beginning of each year the Juniors would hold a reception at Draper Hall for the incoming Freshmen and the Sophomores would hold a party for them. Traditions used to be numerous at the Stale Teachers College at Albany. There was a tradition or rule or regulation to govern every move a student made. Today, at the State University at Albany, few of the old traditions remain. '' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PAGE 6 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 Beatles9 Film Trip: Best Voyage Ever Among Student Obligations: Attend Chapel Each Morning THE CAST OF "THE RIVALS" entertained the college community in 1911. Such performances once highlighted the academic year. Dear Mayor Corning Sept. 30, I960 Without a doubt, the controversy between the City of Albany and the State of New York concerning the future proposed site of our campus at the country club is the most heated issue we have witnessed during our three years here. Apparently the citizens of Albany have overlooked very important economic and cultural factors which prove the worth of our college to this community. Do they realize that we as college students spend a conservative estimate of 3/4 million dollars in Albany per year in small purchases-toiletries, stationery, admission, and incidentals? The importance of this lies in the fact that this money is a transfusion-new money added to the circulation. This figure ignores the three to four thousand parents who transport the students to college and return for visits, the thousand oi more summer students and the visitors to the college's conferences and meetings, all of whom arc spending money in Albany's hotels, restaurants and stores. Or do they realize that the stale budget puts into circulation through the college about two and a half million dollars each year? Most of this is in salaries and wages, which are spent right here in the Albany area. Does any other area industry have a more direct economic effect? How important is it to us all to keep such an employer in Albany? Do they realize that we avail to them a staff of profesional experts in many fields including scientists and psychologists, speech experts and socialogists who serve on boards of Albany agencies and aid in the Councils of Community Services? Where do their children play? Who uses the twelve State College tennis courts and the four Softball diamonds in Saint Mary's Park? How many opportunities do other communities have for an Arena Theater, a concert by Rise Stevens or Jerome H ines; or a lecture by Hans Kohn? These cultural advantages offered by our college makes Albany a better place to live. Without us would Albany be able to afford these cultural opportunities? We have mentioned only a few of the contributions State College offers this community. Our objective in attending Albany State is to become teachers, to prepare and educate the children of these Albany citizens. U t us hope that they realize our worth and appreciate our existence here. Barbara Libous: Editor-in-chief of State College News may wear mustaches or wristwatches. 4) No by Nancy Durish Freshman is to be allowed at the Hampton, Keeler's, Staff Reporter Ten Eyck, or Oriental-Occidental unless chaperoned In 1904, a suggestion from the Student by parents or guardian. 5) No Freshman will be Handbook, published by the YWCA, read "every allowed to occupy the the bunches in the rotunda student will find it her privilege and duty to attend around Minerva lesttheydesecratc Minerva. chapel each morning at nine o'clock. It also went on During the first half of the century debates to say that in order to "maintain the devotional spirit and dignity of the service" all talking was to between the classes were taken very seriously. Gradually , However, their seriousness, involving be prohibited. The above rule is one of the many instituted by topics of current world problems, decreased until in the students and accepted by the University's 1960, the topic of the last debate wvs "Should administration, especially during State's period as a Mermaids Have Long or Short Hair." In the early 1930's, every freshman wore a large normal school. Women were told the proper way of acting in white bib with his name on it, and a special button public, the proper display of courtesy, the on his right shoulder. The frosh also had to wear opportunity for formation of lasting friendships at beanies until the first snowfall. Through the years, although Rivalry has declined the college, and the need for consideration of almost to its present state of non-existence, it has others. Country girls were warned that they were now served many purposes. Many feel that rivalry on this campus should be revived, as it instills in people a living in the "city" and to "act appropriately." feeling of identification with the University and Regulations for freshmen women in the early forties included reporting back to their houses by adds a little spirit action to what can so easily 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday and by 12 p.m. become a spiritless college existence. on Friday and Saturday nights. All upperclass and graduate women had an 11 p.m. curfew, Sunday through Thursday and a 1 a.m. curfew on Friday and Saturday nights. For special college dances the curfew was extended for all students to 3 a.m. and for formal house dances to 2 a.m. On February 8, 1918, MYSKANIA inaugurated organized rivalry or hazing between the freshman and sophomore classes with the belief that State needed a unified college spirit. Until 1953, the Rivalry ended on Moving-up Day in May, encompassing nine months of intcrclass competition. At this time it was shortened to terminate on Campus Night in early October. During these years, Rivalry served as the center of State's social and extra-curricular life, with all classes actively participating. Early in the 1920's the Student Handbook listed eighteen rules for fieshmen to follow, including: 1) Freshmen must hold doors open for all seniors to DR. TIMOTHY LEARY was brought to speak at pass. All seniors shall enter street cars before Freshman. 2) No Freshman girl may wear her hair the University last semester. He spoke a message to down her back. 3) No men of the Freshman class the students that would have been unspeakable Drawing, Mental Arithmetic, Orthography Taught Here by Linda Staszak The s u b j e c t s of primary importance in the State Normal School were those required by law to be taught in the common s c h o o l s - r e a d i n g , orthography, writing, arithmetic, geography and English grammar-as well as trigonometry, higher arithmetic, history, science of government, natural philosophy, chemistry, h u m a n p h y s i o l o g y , mental arithmetic, vocal music and\ drawing. The professional aspects of these subjects were emphasized and only tliose subjects necessary in preparing elementary school THE ALBANY GENTLEMEN'S COUNTRY CLUB wi.s laid to waste only to produce a University, ashowplace of the State University system, and a new community of 10,000. teachers were taught. A practice school opened in May, 1845, to afford pupils the o p p o r t u n i t y to practice the methods they had learned. They spent two weeks in the practice unit-one as observers and one as t e a c h e r s . The piactice unit changed from an elementary school to a secondary school, now known as Milne High School, when the school became known as the State Normal College. In 1890 the Regents of the University of the State of New York made certain changes in the structure of the school. The name was cnanged to the New York S t a t e Normal College and i n s t r u c t i o n was limited to professional subjects such as philosophy of education, systems of education, history of education and methods of leaching all subjects tuught in the public schools at the time. The school was reorganized in 1905 to provide a four year course of study in liberal arts and pedagogies. By 1909 there wore 158 academic and pedagogical courses in such subjects as Latin, Greek, English, history. Psychology, Pedagogy ami I'll i l o s o p h y , G o v e r n men I, Economics, Physical Hciuncr, Biological Science, Fine Arts and Music. Dr. Milne organized the curriculum into six courses of instruction. The English course was two weeks of work almost solely in professional subjects such as psychology, school economy, school law, sanitary science, practice teaching, and methods of teaching the various subjects. Graduates of the course received a license to teach but no degree. A Student Army Training Corps was set up on June 15, 1918 to p r o v i d e military instruction and equipment for all men in the college. Known as "Section B" it gave instruction in military drill, auto mechanics, carpentary, radio signal work, typographical drawing and war aims. After January 1, 1943 a candidate to teach high school in New York must have completed a four year curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree and 30 s e m e s t e r hours in approved advanced course. By 1955 B.A. degrees were being offered in English, French, G e r m a n , Latin, mathematics, Spanish, Social Studies, and science. The B.S. degree was being offered in Biology, Chemistry, C o m m e r c e , mathematics and Physics. The graduate program provided work leading to certification valid for teaching an academic subject in high school as well as the Master of Arts and Master of Science in liio, (.'hem, Physics, commerce education, Egnlish literature, French, Latin, S p a n i s h , Mathematics, Social Studies and speech. A Master of Science was also granted in Library Science. By 1902 the Master of Arts or Master of Science also included Business and History and the degree Doctor of Education, was also being granted. By 190(1 Schools of Nursing and Criminal Justice had been added and the school had made the transition from a teacher's college to a liberal arts university. PAGE 7 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS THE STATESMEN, the University's male chorus presented a number of selections Thursday evening during a special choral program of the Music department. Their performance was well done as in the past. Harvard Radcliffe Chorus Provides Beautiful Music bv Fran Dreher The Harvard-Radcliffe Glee Club presented a concert on Sunday, December 8, at 7:30 p.m. The concert was held in the Campus Center Ballroom. The Radcliffe choral society began by singing "Dulcis Christe" by Michel Angelo Grancini, Five Carols by Peter Maxwell Davies '' Hegyi Ejszakak" by Zoltan Kodaly, •Heute ist Christus der Herr g e b o r e n " by Heinrich Schutz, "Helas M'amour" by Clemens non Pape, and "Debat la noste" by Claude Le Jeunc. Their best song was an insertion whose translation would be "See the Gypsy Munching Cheese." They made excellent use of background vocal elfects, such as humming; one piece was a solo with accompaniment from the chorus. The Harvard Glee Club then sang jointly with the Radcliffe Choral Society, presenting Three Songs by Claude Lc Jcune. The addition of men's voices gave the performance a churchlike quality: together they formed beautifully fullchorus. T h e Harvard Glee Club continued alone, singing "Der Herr segne euch" by J.S. Bach, "Wilt Thou, Unkind, Thus Leave Me" by John Dowland, "Come, Sirrah Jack Ho" by Thomas Wcelkes, Five Slovak Songs by Bcla Bartok, "Y pren ar y bryn" by William Mathias, and "Up the Street," a Harvard song. Their best was "Wilt Thou, Unkind, Thus Leave Me," their low, full voices rendering the words clearly with expression. "Up the Street" was also very enjoyable, during which a pianist successfully imitated a drumroll. After a short intermission the two groups performed jointly again. They sang three choruses from Requiem by Giuseppe Verdi: Sanctus, Agnus Dei, and Libera Me. The conductor, Elliot Forbes, was e x c e l l e n t . He briefly explained many of the foreign .(digs, and by his movements it was evident that he experienced every note. The audience, largely composed of residents of the Albany area, was absorbed throughout the concert __ ^ ^ A United States Air Force Representative w i l l be visiting S U N Y Campus to adininister the Air Force O f f i c e r Q u a l i f y i n g E x a m i n a t i o n on 14 December 1968, The test w i l l be administered at the Social Science B u i l d i n g , R o o m 2 6 1 . The e x a m i n a t i o n w i l l start at 9:00 a.m. and lasts a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 1/2 hours. There Is no obligi»»i«n in taking the test. A l l seniors (females included) are invited t o take the test. The tost for females lasts a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 hours. If y o u have not signed up to t . k e Ihe ti-st y o u may d o so by calling Sgt Uulanger at 4 7 2 - 2 4 6 5 . A p p l i c a t i o n s for (2 co-chairmen): Activities Day, Fall Concert, Homecoming, Winter! tide. Holiday Sing, Campus Chest and Telethon. A p p l i c a t i o n s available at C.C. I n f o . Desk-beginning M O n d a y , Dec. 16, Refer thorn to Campus V i e w p o i n t and Board members. Plan t o see the show put on by the famous h y p n o t i s t J o h n Kalisli Sunday evening Jan. 12, 1969 sponsored by Colonial Quad B o a r d . l . t — .... n/l *: retardant process L.*, by It,., the l"!v>,n Grounds Dept. of the University. Call 457-7M1 or 457-8300. ARTIFICIAL TREE 1. Electric lights should not be used oil a metal tree. Illumination should be only by spot or reflective lights. 2. If the artificial tree is other than m e t a l , it should be noncombustiblc, displaying an UL label. DECORATIONS All decorations other than trees which might be used should also be noneombustible. This includes tinsel, paper, sprays or other material whlchi would be used to d e c o r a t e individual rooms, corridors, stairways or places of iuisembly. r PRE-DATE DROP JUST ONE FRESHENS BREATH INSTANTLY! > I i Binaca C o l o n i a l Q u a d Christmas Party Wed. December 8., «:30 p.m. Free entertainment and refreshments. Applications lor Campus ('enter (iovcrning Heard positions, may he picked up al flie Campus Centei Information 'Desk until Deeemhei ll), l % 8 . Hand "Out of Sight" THE CONGREGATION Desires Work Mike 43H-6587 Cassan To Play Sweet Charity In Review by Trudy Wrubel "The story of "Sweet Charity," basically sad and pathetic, offers a hopeful ending. My role as Charity is the most exciting experience in my life, and I intend to concentrate all my efforts on Charity." Claudine Cassan, commenting on the State University Revue production o f "Sweet Charity" opening February 28th in the Campus Center Ballroom, heads the cast in the starring rote of i Charity Hope Valentine, the dance hall hostess who is looking Films In Flag r o o m of D u t c h Quad for love. Dec 13 F r l . n l g h i at 7 and 9 p.m. 17-year-old Claudine, a Admission .50. Charlie C h a p l i n , W.C. Fields " R o a d R u n n e r . " freshman from Queens, is the A n open meeting t o discuss the daughter of a French restaurant reports from four task forces owner. A speech with dramatics concerning c u r r i c u l u m changes w i l l be emphasis major, she has studied held in C.C. B a l l r o o m M o n . , Dec. 16, 8 drama for two years and has acted p.m. ' T h e Devil and Daniel S. A . is seeking applicants for t w o and "Thurber openings on the Faculty-Student W e b s t e r " c o m m i t t e e on s t u d e n t Conduct (one C a r n i v a l . " A v o t e * s t u d e n t f o r f i v e undergrad and one grad). S. A. Is also y e a r s , s h e has a b e a u t i f u l l y t r a i n e d seeking graduate students w h o are H e r e x p e r j e n c t . jn r interested In serving on Ihe various ,r c o u n c i l s o l Faculty-Senate or w h o h i g h school choruses, In a would like to serve on F S A or on the professional German choir, and in various subcommittees o l S t u d e n t t n ( ! " F l o w e r s " t r i o a n d c h o r u s o f Affairs council. Information and . . K l l | c i d l , s t . o p e " „ r e e v i d e n c e of r applicalions are available at the S.A. . olficc, c.c. Rm. 3C7. her musical ability. In order to facilitate transportation to Holiday Sing, there will he buses running at the following times: Shuttle litis: 5:30-7:00 p.m..; 10:15-11:40. The Shuttle litis will stop at regular slops, run continuously and be marked Holiday Sing. Extra buses for downtown: 6:10, 6:30, 6:40 p.m. from Alumni Quad; 11:40 p.m., 12:10, 12:30 a.m. to Alumni Quad. Special Events Hoard invites the entire University community to i Holiday Sing. The Sing will be held on Sunday, December 15. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets will he on sale today and al the door. Free with student tax and $.75 without. Your hosts, Ko Cania and Vic Looper co-chairmen — CLASSIFIEDS This will be the hist classified ad section for Ihe semester. The next insertion will he Friday, February 7, 1969. The minimum price for a classified ad will be $.15 ut $.05 per word. We will accept no ads that are of a slanderous or indecent nature. ' HOLIDAY CHARTER BUSES LEAVING FROM ALL QUADS ON THURS. DEC. 19 AT 4:00 PM DIRECT TO: HEMPSTEAD $9.00 HUNTINGTON $9.00 They deliver some reully awful plays on words without a shiver and complete their plays without ever d e s c e n d i n g t o low comedy-leaving that to the other members of the "cast." It all comes off as mid-self-satire, which saves them from Monkees-like buffoonery. As usual, Ringo plays foil to the other three, Lennon lays down most of the patter, while Paul and George concentrate on the music. graffiti Student E d u c a t i o n Ion of N e w Y o r k State: On Sunday February 9 t h , S E A N Y S w i l l h o l d a tobogganing p a r t y at Mohawk p r o p e r t y . Members and n o n - m e m b e r are Invited to attend S E A N Y S ' first Social event of second semester. T i c k e t s are $.75 for members and $1.23 f o r non-members and may be purchased n o w by calling Jim Weiss (457-8723) Christmas Tree Guide Prepared For Students To promote the spirit of safety during the holiday season, the following guide has been prepared for the safe use of decorations. NATURAL TREE 1. The location of the tree should not block nor restrict the use of halls or exits. 2. Only fresh-cut trees should be used and the base of the tree kept in fresh water. 3. NO OPEN FLAME should be permitted in the area. -I. Electric lights, if used on the tree, should be the proper type and display the UL label and bo thoroughly inspected for electrical defects before installation. 5. When illuminated, the tree should not be left unattended. 0. All natural trees and houghs will be treated with a fire (CPS)--The Beatles may not have much left after Yellow Submarine, unless A p p l e Productions decides to try its luck on Broadway. In the space of 85 minutes "Yellow Submarine" manages to m a k e all o t h e r animated cartooning look like pre-Disney, and i l l u s t r a t e s a kind of stoned-out creativity that no amount of TV copy-catting could ever duplicate. Add to this some of the group's best music, a storm of outrageous puns and one-liners of the sort that endeared "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" to critics, and a sure-fire, honest-to-God classic emerges. The film may well find its final resting place in the collection of Museum of Modern A r t ' s Film Library, though Lcnnon would blanch at the idea. The thing that will get you right off is that crazy drawing. The scenery designed by Heina Edelmann has that quality of early daguerrotype enhanced by the brush of Paul Klee time and space are telescoped and blown out and the art-work seems to proceed along several planes at once SVRACUSE $8.00 ROCHESTER $10.00 TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE DEC. IS ON ALUMNI j DINNER LINE 11,30-100, STATE FLAG ROOM j 2,30-3.30, MON. DEC. 16 CAMPUS CENTER 12,00-2,00 PM FOR INF. CALL 472-4204 How Charity." Ladles laced sin I x . u t i , *l/u I. U'jutj i w i c u Willi carrier. Cheap Call Si.ndy 4S7-7762. Ueaiitllul wrcldir.ij fjciwil .mil lull length vail, paid mm, asking 112b. phone <iu;'-<, n i l , sweet It ls--"5woet Lead on Macduff, Gostalt I 1/2. signed Batiishebai Abishag. A trou g r o w i in Queens. LOST Green NAVY jacket in dining ititHii lost, call 457-4010. Lost mint pea jacket .il O'Heanys. Have a b r o w n ona. Call L i n at 4S'/*7740 PERSONAL W.T. sees all M a m m u 202. Without purposu. love, Ufa has no _____ HELP WANTED L I V E WIRE WANTED: A famous national reading organization Is l o o k i n g f o r an energetic student t o servo as campus representative. Good pay. F l e x i b l e hours t o f i t a n y schedule. For details call 438-5713. I I I I If ALBANY STUDENT PRESS PACE 8 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1968 Danes Record Second Win; Defeat Plattsburgh 64 - 59 The Great Danes registered their second win of the season this past Tuesday when they defeated Plattsburgh by a score of 64-59. This was the second win in a row for the Danes following their opening season loss to Oneonta. The high-scoring honors for the game went to Rich Margiscn who totaled twenty-eight points for the night, twenty-two of which came in the second half. Margison, who shot ten for •even teen from the field, w u followed in the scoring by Jack Jordan with twelve points and Jack Adam with ten. YOU'VE GOT TO hand it to A.M.I.A. There's more to most of their games than meets the eye. p h o t o b y Sl|e S|ejger League I All-Stars Picked For Football After many long weeks of pondering and soul-searching, the c a p t a i n s of League I for intramural football came up wilh a highly representative all-star team. It was only after repealed cross references o r the game films of every team thai the captains were a hie to su pply the long-awaited alignment of offensive and defensive first and second teams The first team on offense consists of the following players: Gary Torino (APA). q u a r t e r b a c k ; Bo b Mo llenhauser( Nads) and Tony Caputo (APA) blocking hacks; Lance Borofsky (APA) and Al Z a r e m b a (KB) e n d s ; Jim Somerville (Tappan) and Ted Christainson (ASA) guards; and Joe Prescia (Tappan) (renter. The first team on defense Jim Somerville (Tappan) and Pat Reed (EEP) ends; Tony C a p u t o (APA) and Mr. X (Waterbury) tackles; Bob Wood (APA), Dan Lago (NAds), Larry Smith (STB) linebackers; and Gary Torino (APA) and Lance Borofsky (APA) safety. Caputo, Wood, Torino, and Borofsky, all of APA were named to both starting teams as was Jim Somerville of Tappan. The second team on offense consists of: Larry Meyers (STB) quarterback; Royce Van Evera (Tappan) and Dick Witko (EEP) blocking backs; Chris Wilkes (EEP) flanker; Denny Elkin (APA1 ard Jim Gutowski (Nads) Fir WMN ends; Jim Hare (Nads), Mike Scott (KB) and George Turo (EEP) guards; and John Richardson (APA) center. The second defense consists of;: Dick Witko (EEP) and Jim Elba (Tappan) ends; Mike Scott (KB) and Mike Muhlcr (Tappan) tackles; Jack Fairbank (APA) and Pat Mahoney(Tappan) and Dave Goldstein(KB) linebackers and Jim Solomon(UFS) ar.d Royr Van Evera(Tappan) safety. My •vLMifeKtag The best laid plans of mice and men...Due to the invasion of thu Hong Kong flu, there were no victors in the WUA swim meet Tuesday-in fact, there were no swimmers.--for too many potentials were overtaken by that indefatiguable germ. Saturday, the five intramural bowling teams will meet for their Tifth and last tournament. Teams ;;, consisting of Susan Whitman, Pam Phillips, Barbara Hoan, und Phyllis Jolley; ar.d 3, consisting of Diane Taubold, Robia Sacks, Ginny Daldy, and Linda WeAlako, will roll to break the hot tic they've been running and to determine the first place winners The tournaments have been run on the basis of one point awarded to the winner of each game and one point extra for the learn which has the highest three game total. Teams 2 and ') each have fourteen points in their favor and two against them. by Tim Keeley Staff Reporter The Great Danes go against the State University at Buffalo this Satruday in quest of their thirc straight win. Albany has never beaten a team from Buffalo and musl be considered extreme underdogs in this contest ai Buffalo boasts a forecourt which easily outdistances the shorl Albany team in height. Last year, the Danes lost tc Buffalo by a score of 92-69 their A.M.I.A. opened its basketball season this past week with the typical biggest loss of the season. close, well-fonght games. photo by Sue S(eiger Preceding the freshmen game which will see the Albany squad goagainst Buffalo's freshmen will be a game between alumni from the Albany area and alumni who will be coming in from other cities. League I Basketball Sees Many Close Games Gene Bost and Mike Bendzel aided the frosh with fine efforts. Bost scored sixteen and Bend/.el added 10. The pair were also effective defensively collecting sixteen rebounds between them. The Albany frosh future looks bright with this impressive win. The Baby Danes face a tough Buffalo squad here, tomorrow night. Notice With a current Tax Card and ID. Card, students, their dates, spouses, and children are admitted at no charge to basketball games and wrestling matches. With I.D. card, faculty, staff and their families are admitted without charge. Students without a current Tax card may, upon presentation of their I.D. Card, purchase an admission ticket for $1.0(1. The general admission to the public is $1.50. On Wednesday, December lHih, at 7 p.m. there will be a volleyball w o r k o u t in the auxiliary gym for those men Interested in forming an intramural group or league. For details concerning this meeting contact Mr. Burlingamc in his office in the physical education building. Delta Sigma Pi National Professional Bu$inett Fraternity TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1968 ALBANY, NEW YORK Collins Announces Classes Cancelled In their first two games, the Great Danes shot only 33% and thus concentrated on ball control and working for the good shoti against Plattsburgh. The strategy paid off as the hoopsters hit on twenty-four of fifty-two shots. Jack Duffy, who has been seeing a lot of action this year because of Scott Price's bad ankle contributed eight points to the team effort and was praised by coach Doc Sauers for his fine performance. Freshman Hoopsters Record First Victory The successful coaching of Bob Lewis paid off Tuesday night as the Baby Danes registered their first win against previously undefeated Albany Pharmacy by a score of 79-75. After ti ailing by a point al the t^nd of the first half, the frosh came back to outscore their opponents •15-10 in the second half. The team was paced offensively by John Hoher who tallied 28 points. In recording this total, lleher tossed in 9 field goals and 10 foul shots. Under the boards, Albany's Mike Hill was virtually over-powering. He grabbed 17 rebounds and blocked six shots, in addition to scoring M points for the yearlings. The remaining I wo starters, VOL. LV NO. 4 * . At the beginning of the b a s k e t b a l l season everybody predicted APA and Potter Club to make a two team battle out of the League I AMIA basketball series. However, the way all of the teams have looked so far in the games played there could be as many ai. five or six teams battling for the league championship. Potter Club seemed to have a little difficulty putting away UFS, a team not predicted to finish high in the standings. M'ter barely holding a 25-22 halftime lead, the Club finally defeated UFS, 42-.'t6. Smith and Masterson were high scorers for Potter with 10 and nine points respectively. The Waterbuffloes squeaked by the Warriors, 50-48. Portnoy was high scorer for the WB's wilh 15 points. Carbone, of the Warriors, was the games' high scorer wilh 19. The Bruins ran all over Tappan, 71-2-1. That's the highest number of points scored by an individual team in League I play yet. The Bruins had four men hit in double figures as Palrei scored 18, Cole 12, Wheeler 12, and Flood 14. The Bruins only allowed Tappan eight points in the second half after they held a 45-16 halftime lead. KB, another team picked to have a good year had a little trouble beating the Warriors. After holding a 27-22 halftime lead, KB went on to win by the score of 54-49. Goldstein was the high scorer for KB with 16 pis. The Bruins defeated STB, 50-M3, with Cole scoring 1 (' for the Bruins. The Waterbuffloes and APA won on forfeits from Tappan and the Irish Allstars respectively. ARTHUR R. KAPNER Your State Insurance Man Writes All Types 0 / Insurance Phone 434-4687 CHI SIGMA THETA received first prize in Holiday Sing by performing "Beautiful City." Walden came in second and Psi Gamma was third in the competition. Ro Cania and Vie Looper were co-chairmen of the event. Photo by Stu Ritter New Editors To Head ASP* Enlightenment Their Goal "We hope, through the ASP, to c r e a t e an a t m o s p h e r e of enlightenment and constructive criticism which has not been apparent previously." So spoke ji|| paznik and Ira Wolfman, who were elected Co-Editors-In-Chief of the Albany Student Press for next semester at the last News Board meeting of the Fall 1968 semester. They were chosen to fill the position after the resignation of John Cromie, whose term will expire at the end of this semester. Looking forward to "a term of challenges", the new Editors will attempt "to make the ASP a viable instrument of leadership en this campus." In the past the ASP has concentrated on recording events. "We want to remold it" stated the Editors, "into an impetus for forthcoming events.", thereby concentrating on the future rather than the past. A greater emphasis will be placed on "analytic, feature, and background stories." "The need for an in-depth knowledge and explanation of issues pertinent to students today is pressing. We hope to fill a void that currently exists in this area." Miss Paznik has been a member of the ASP staff since the Fall of 1966. She has served in the capacities of staff reportor , news editor, and managing editor. She is a junior, Political Science major from Merrick, Long Island. Wolfman, a sophomore Political Science major from Rosedale, Queens, has been a member of the ASP staff since January 1968. He has served in the capacities of staff reporter, associate news editor, and news editor this term. Elected to fill tha position of News Editor was Tim Keeley. Carol Schour will continue in her capacity as Arts Editor. Gary Gelt has been tlooted to the position of Features Editor, Sports Editor for Spring '69 will be Jim Winslow. Keeley has been on the ASP since Fall, 1967. A sophomore from Saratoga Springs, ho has served as a staff reportor and UPI Wire Editor. Miss Schour continuing as Arts Editor, is a sophomore from Rockville Centre, Long Island. Winslow, a junior Political Science ma jor from Kingston will be advancing from his position of Assistant Sports Editor. Gelt, a sophomore English major from North Bellmore, Long Island, has previously served the ASP in the capacity of Arts Editor. He is the first Features Editor on the ASP staff in over a year. Keeley chose as his Associate News Editor Kathy Huseman, a sophomore transfer student from the State University College at Oneonta. She has served the ASP as a staff repot tor since September of1968. Elected to the positions of T e c h n i c s I Co E d i t o r s were freshmen Patricia 0'Hern and Bill Shapse. They are stepping into the position vacated by sophomore David Scherer, who will continue working on technical aspects of the paper. Retained in their positions of Photograph Co-Editors were Ed Potskowski and Tom Peterson. Also retained in their positions were Business Manager Phil F r a n c h i n i and Advertising Manager Daniel Foxman. Gould, SA Presidents Hash EOP, DormCosts "We will close classes at noon Wednesday," President Evan R. Collins announced to a full house at The President's Conference with Students yesterday. Students packed the Patn.-on Lounge as Collins explained that the illness rate was remaining the same and beginning to affect the staff. "In the interest of the health and welfare of the students we made the decision at noon today," Collins remarked. Dr. Clifton C. Thorne, Vice President for Student Affairs, informed students that the residence halls will remain open until Friday. "However, regular Food Service will not be operating." In addition, the Library will remain open. Collins also mentioned the favorable action of the University Council in regards to residence policies and athletics. Symposium Planned For April The Faculty-Student Committee for Equal Opportunity is p r e p a r i n g plans for its symposium entitled "Confrontation Politics." The symposium is planned for April. The work for the symposium is supported by O. William Perlmutter, Dean of the College of Arts ar.d Science. Interact, Forum of Politics and the Freedom Center are working along with the Committee. Under the main topic of "Confrontation Politics" will be three sub-topics: Black versus White, Poor versus Rich, and Student versus University. Any individual or group interested in working the the Committee is invited to come to the next meeting on Wed., Jan. 8, at 8:00 in HU 290. In answer to a question of a uthority, Collins noted the legality of the University Council. Under a piovision of the Education Act the president is responsible to the University Council which is in turn responsible to the Board of T r u s t e e s which is in turn responsible to the legislature and the taxpayers. A memorandum from Chancellor Gould was also presented by Collins which elaborated on the increased room rates for next year. It was noted that the state presently assumes about 30% of the cost of each room. "The cost of $550 compares favorably with other colleges," Collins noted. The cost of triples would be $120 per year. This means that when there are five men in a four man suite the cost of the suite not the cost of the actual room goes down. "This has not been the case in the past," Collins remarked. Thorne noted that several things are taken into consideration for tripling. He mentioned that the kind of r o o m s and suite play a n important part. "We may ask students if they want to triple when they apply for next year's residence," Thorne commented. In discussing the need for mure off-campus housing, Collins stated that "We had a rail last Monday evening from the contractor saying that he was bogged down with financing, zoning, and other problems. To compound the problem, Collins noted that next week 5 0 0 - 6 0 0 s t u d e n t s may be displaced if the Mall project comes up into the area where they arc now renting apartments. In other business, a student raised a complaint abouf'three large dogs roaming in the Dutch Quad dining hall and the snack bar." Collins came back with "This campus was surely not designed for dogs" which ended the conference on a light note. by Kathy Huseman Staff Reuorter The presidents of the Student procedure,the fee will be $420. Associations of the Universities The extra money accrued from and Colleges of the State triple rooms will be used to University of New- York met with provide a d d i t i o n a l services Chancellor Gould December 6and required by the extra students. 7 at the Rensselaerville's Institute One of the topics discussed is of Man and Science. the future formation of a Student Economic o p p o r t u n i t y Information Center to provide programs and race relations better information from the problems were discussed with the Central Office to its students. consensus agreeing that more Another suggestion made at the should be done within the state conference was the institution of system to allieviate inequalities. a state university newsletter to On D e c e m b e r 7, after provide s'udents in the different Chancellor Gould's announcement schools with a means of of the room rate increase the communication similar to the discussion centered around the present University Newsletter reasons for the increase. which devotes space to faculty These included increases in news. construction costs, interest rates The presidents o f the rising and greater operating costs. University Centers and the According to Duncan Nixon, presidents of these Student President of the S t u d e n t Associations then met for Association of this University, the luncheon with Chancellor Gould increase s h o u l d have been at his home. distributed more evenly over the The budget and giving the last few years instead of a $170 student a voice in the formation uncrease in one year. of the budget was discussed. He added that this was easy to Presently at Buffalo students sit in see in retrospect but that better on budget hearings and can planning might have eliminated comment if necessary. the necessity for the sudden rise. Another outcome of these Nixon a Iso said that an meetings was the possibility of additional reason for the higher having the agenda of the Board of Photo by Marty Benjamin rate was that most of the present T r u s t e e s m a d e available to PRESIDENT EVAN R , COLLINS announced yesterday at his housing is new and still being paid students and faculty before the weekly Conference with Students that the rate of illness has forced the for. actual meeting. closing of classess. Dr. Clifton C. Thorne is at the president's right. C o n c e r n i n g the triplinc