ALBANY STUDENT PRBSB m APA, STB Record Wins In Prelude To Sat. Contest The stage was set this past week for one of the most important games in League 1 football as both APA and STB recorded victories. APA, in scoring a 12-0 victory over the Nads, preserved their undefeated record with only two games remaining. STB kept themselves in the race with a 10-0 win over Upsilon Phi Sigma. DENNY RICHARDSON of Upsilon Phi Sigma lets loose a pass in their rain-soaked 10-0 loss to STB. Women's Tennis Team Ends Successful Year I The women's intercollegiate tennis team had a very successful Fall season. After sponsoring the Women's Eastern Collegiate Tennis Tournament on October 4-6 at which 33 colleges in the East all congregated at Albany, they went on to play a five match schedule. They first traveled to Oneonta, winning 3-2. Winners were Dolly Magaril, playing manager, and the number one doubles team of Georgann Jose and Carol Perkins. Then two freshmen, Kathy Ferger and Robin Sacks, went on to win their first match, 4-6, 6-0, 6-2. On October 15, the team traveled to Green Mountain in Poultney Vermont and swept every match, winning 4-0. Shetia Jacobs, no. 1 singles, and Belinda Stanton won hard fought 3-set matches. The scheduled match against Potsdam was rained out, but the weather was perfect in a 4-1 loss to Vassar. Belinda Stanton was the sole winner for Albany as she recorded a 6-4, 6-2 win over her opponent. The last match scheduled at home against New Paltz was again rained out and since the weather was becoming too cold to compete in, the rest of the season was cancelled. by Leslie King Bowlers will have anothei chance to establish their handicaps this Saturday if they haven't already done so. Any person who isn't signed up to bowl with a a team may come and join one at that time. Intramural competition will not begin until Saturday the ninth. Gymnastics Club has been considering participation in gymnastics competiton being held at Russell Sage College. The club has never before competed and has not practiced heavily for this type of activity. However, this would provide useful experience if ever they form an intercollegiate team. If they decide definitely to participate, they will enter the four Olympic events. The possibilities of an intercollegiate sports day for intramural teams planned for the coming semester are being investigated by chairman Joan Viskocil. WRA night number 3 is coming up next week but may be changed to Friday night. The focal points will be squash and slimnastics. Wrestling Clin i c Grady J. Peninger, head wrestling coach at Michigan State University, will be at State University at Albany on Saturday, November 9 for a wrestling clinic. Times will be announced later,, but there will be morning and afternoon sessions consisting of workouts demonstrations. High school coaches throughout the state are invited to attend. Mr.' Peninger has coached at MSU for six years and has compiled a dual match record of 47-18-3. He has had 13 Big Ten individual champions, four NCAA title holders, three Big Ten team titles, and one NCAA team championship in 1967. ______^ The league leaders overcame a determined pass rush and tight secondary to throw two touchdown passes, one to Denny Elkin and one to Jack Sinnott. The Nads, who have yet to win this year, looked as if they might pull the upset of the year in the first half as they refused to give up any substantial gains to APA'S strong passing attack. In the second quarter, however, Gary Torino found Denny Elkin open and hurled a pass which resulted in a six point lead for APA. The point-after attempt failed, and the APA men took a 6-0 lead into the second half. Led by quarterback Tom Mullins, the Nads drove down the field only to have their drive halted when a long pass was dropped in the end zone. not been scored upon since their opening season loss to Potter Club when they gave up 13 points. In other games Saturday, Potter Club goes against the Nads, KB meets Waterbury and UFS tries for their first win of the year against Tappan. APA, helped by two successive pass interference calls, brought the ball to the Nads five yard line where they scoredon a pass from Gary Torino to Jack Sinnott. In the game played Tuesday, STB, who are tied for second with Tappan Hall, registered two safeties and a touchdown in their victory over UFS. The STB defense scored the first safety when a snap from center went over the quarterbacks head and into the end zone. The second safety came when the UFS quarterback was caught in the end zone by a strong pass rush. STB's lone touchdown came on a pass from quarterback Bruce Sand to tight end Mike Pavy. This Saturday, APA and STB meet in a must game for both teams. If STB is to remain in contention for the title, they must register a win over the APA men. Although a loss will not eliminated A'BA it will make their first place position much less secure. If the game results in a tie, STB will be eliminated from the race whereas APA will then only be a game ahead of Tappan whom they play a week from tomorrow. The game this Saturday will pit the league's two strongest offenses against the two strongest defenses. APA has scored an amzing 107 points for an average of over twenty points a game. Their defense, on the other hand has given up only one touchdown all year. STB has scored fifty points in five games and their defense has VOL. LV NO...*" MYSKANIA Recommends End Of Chaperone Policy photo A CRAPE PICKET was organized a, Stuyvesan, p i i a V a n e r C ' l o to discourage customers from buying grapes. ARTHUR R. KAPNER Your State Insurance Man Writes All Types Of Insurance Phone 434-4687 G0VEN0RS MOTOR INK Restaurant- Cocktail Lounge Banquet Hall Up To 175 People Entertainment Tues.-Sat. Dancing Sat. Night Reasonable Room Rates Dining Room 5:30-9:30 pm Rt. 20 4 Miles From Campus Phone 438-6686-A. Taanto Pres. by Valerie Ives "By December, if the situation doesn't change, 25,000 people a day will die of starvation in Biafra." This statement was made by Walter Ofonagoro, one of the speakers at an informal meeting Tuesday night of students concerned about the shocking situation in Biafra. The other speaker was Mary Umolu. Ofonagoro began by reviewing the history of Biafra and the political difficulties that led to the present crisis there. He went into how Nigeria is trying "to wipe Biafrans from the face of the •arth." Umolu noted mat deliberate starvation is not the only method rjy which Nigeria is trying to wipe out the Biafrans. They are also killing boys over the age of eight years, abusing the women, and depriving children of protein, which will make them mentally deficient. People asked why the Riafrans Now Delivers On Saturday 7a.m.-1a.m. As Well As Mon-Frl Looking for the area's largest collection of LEVI'S? then look no further than MSR in the Stuyvesant Pla/a Shopping Center Y o u ' l l f i n d Sta-Prests. Hopsackb, Stretch, Cordu roy. Denims, Chinos, etc All in today's colors with sizes for everyone. Take the shuttle bus. 7pm-lam Sun 3 pm-lam ^ j T o n Jorrevistn" D e T p t downtown & stuyveaant plaza I won't take some food offered to them. The answer given was that they have good reason for their fear of being poisoned. The iwo speakers also urged that political pressure be applied to the United States government in order to get a cease fire. Umolu charged the United States with not wanting to change the face of Nigeria, yet the United States has greatly changed its face. She went on to say that Senator Brooke had reported to the U.S. government that genocide did not exist in Biafra. She was told that "He travelled with three women, and the three women were afraid to go to Biafra." She said, therefore, that the Senator could not say that genocide didn't exist because he had not even been there. One of the most effective agencies to work through is the Biafra Relief Service Foundation. Another organization which sends aid is the World Council of Churches. The Community Planning Committee has refused to recognize the concerned students as a temporary group because of a Constitutional technicality. A new request will bt made this week. Jane Plans by the Student-Faculty Committee for Equal Opportunity to boycott the purchase of California grapes by picketing local supermarkets at Stuyvesant Plaza on Friday met with legal obstacles. The Committee had originally planned to picket Grand Union and Central Markets at the Plaza since the stores had refused to cooperate with their request to halt the purchase and sale of California grapes. Plans were revised when it was learned that Stuyvesant Plaza is private property and large-scale picketing and distributing of printed material would be illegal. It was decided that two people carrying posters would be stationed in front of each store in continuing shifts. The Btores were b o y c o t t e d on Friday and Saturday during store hours. The Committee plans to risume this schedule next weekend. William Rowley, assistant professor' in the University's the fact that no fewer than three policy, the chaperone is asked to ad hoc committses of Central attend a particular event. He need Council have studied the present not appear at that event at any policy, no revision has yet been specific time and need not remain effected. As a result, for reasons for any specific amount of time. of practicality, the chaperone In fact, he need not even appear, policy has not been, and is not for if he does not the event will go now, rigidly enforced. It is not a *n as planned regardless of his viable system. It is ambiguously attendence. What then is the worded and its mechanics seem chaperone's legal responsibility? arbitrarily conceived. Most Under present policy he has none. i m p o r t a n t l y , -however, the He is no more and no less a guest underlying assumptions of the of the student group." chaperone policy imply a concept "Why then, must it be of student responsibility that we mandated that a chaperone be cannot accept." present? Considering the above, it increasingly "The present policy implies b e c o m e s that students are able to organize obvious that a chaperone is e v e n t s independently and needed for no other reason than r e s p o n s i b l y , finance them to lend an air of supposed independently and responsibly, respectability to the event. but are unable to carry them out The conclusion we are forced without supervision. We cannot to is that the present chaperone accept this line of reasoning which policy serves no other purpose is inconsistent with present trends than to accommodate standards in the University. In the Alcohol of middle-class morality which and Women's Hours proposals, can only hinder progress toward and in general, this University has the total recognition of individual shown that it will not assume the responsibility of students." position of "inloco parentis" as it "We feel that a modification applies to individual student which would more clearly define responsibility. the role of the chaperone and the impractical "What, in fact, does a d e c r e a s e Continued to p.5 chaperone do? Under present Arab Student Association Holds Discussion O n Zionist Movement The Arab Student Association sponsored a lecture on the implications of the Zionist movement to com men morale the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, The speaker, Professor Mammad, of the Arab information office addressed himself to the present unfortunate Boycott Meets Legal Obstacles During Picket Of Local Stores 'by WALT'S SUBMARINES MYSKANIA '68 has announced its position on the chaperone policy and sent its recommendation to LAAC. The proposals are expected to be discussed at the Central Council meeting next Thursday. On the basis of the following rationale, MYSKANIA proposes: 1. That the present chaperone policy be abolished, 2. that no chaperone be required at any student event. "Thia University's chaperone Concerned Students Hear Speakers On Biafra Crisis Denny Richardson of Upsilon Phi Sigma lets loose a pass in their rain-soaked 10-0 loss to STB. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1968 ALBANY. NEW YORK 2 English Department, marching in of $1800 a year, work under front of Central Market on Friday unsanitary conditions, receive no a f t e r n o o n , called the local fringe benefits, and yet do not have the right to form a union to boycott "a drop in a lag bucket.'* bargain with employers. He informed interested shoppers The grape boycott is a national of the plight of the California campaign which has been grape pickers who earn an average successful in several major cities. circumstances in the Middle East. Nablus, Israel and attended the He faced an audience of some 50 Baghdad University. His doctoral people in the Assembly Hall, dissertation analysed the role of Saturday at 8 p.m. oil in Middle Eastern politics. He received a law degree at Yale and He believes that the Middle was the Arab league's East was always Moslem and must representative in the United remain so. He was somewhat Nations. critical of present Israeli policies One student who identified and was pessimistic about the himself as a member of the future of the area. Socialist Workers Party told of his The audience was heavily party's support of the Arab i.prinkled with Arab students and terrorist organization, "Al Fatah," 'iro-Arab faculty members. There and asked if Jews served in the vas a sizable minority of "Al Fatah" movement. Hammad jro-Israeli students and faculty appeared doubtful as the student members. The question and insisted that this was a fact. answer period was rather heated; one woman held forth on the virtues of the "Christian Science Monitor" and an Israeli student made a plea for peace and tolerance in the Middle East. The speaker was born in Credit Hours Revision pnoio uy usmsros MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTS between the Zionists and the Arabs were reviewed during a meeting of the Arab Student Association. Speaking is Professor Hammad of the Arab information office. The Academic Affairs Commission yesterday overwhelmingly approved the idea of doing away with the present system of credit hours. Dick Collier, head of the Commission, is now looking into the possibilities of raising the maximum number of credits from 17 to 20. Collier said that some limit must be imposed because many students would tend to take on far too many courses, and then be able to drop some without penalty. The Commission will consider, and In all likelihood, pass a specific plan some time next week. Page 1 November 5, 1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Student Tax Referendum Protested An inter-disciplinary conference sponsored by the f o u n d a t i o n s of e d u c a t i o n department of the School of Education and the comparative development program of the University, will be held November 15 and 16 here. The theme of the conference will be "Power, Policy, and E d u c a t i o n : Studies in Development," i . Many students were unable to vote due to a delay in the distribution of required activity cards. 3. It was not clear to many students that the referendum' was other than an opinion poll. 4. At least a 2/3 vote should be required to pass the mandatory student tax since this involves the r e s t r i c t i o n of basic student liberties. PAUL O'DWYER made a last minute appearance in Albany during the last hours of his campaign for the Senate seat held by Jacob Javits. Students Elect Thirty Six To College Who's Who Thirty-six seniors were elected Petitions are being circulated at to Who's Who in American each quad dinner line. For Colleges and Universities. commuters, petitions will be The winners, elected during the available at the Campus Center election two weeks ago and Dining Hall during the day. a p p r o v e d by t h e national The leaders of the movement, committee are listed as follows. Paul Schlecht and Steve Kichen, Gary Aldrich, Susan Archey, have asked that they be notified of any difficulties any student Linda Berdan, Paul Breslin, may have had in voting at Rosemary (Ro) Cania, Anthony Casale, David Cummings, Mark 457-7966. Cunningham, and Wayne Fuller. Humphrey Moves Ahead In Latest Harris Poll NEW YORK (UPI)-Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey has moved three percentage points ahead of Richard M. Nixon in the final pre-election poll by Louis Harris & Associates, it was reported Monday. The poll, conducted Sunday, gave Humphrey 43 per cent of the vote, Nixon 40 per cent and third party candidate George C. Wallace 13 per cent with the remaining 4 per cent still undecided. It was the first time in the campaign that Humphrey led the Harris poll, which reported Nixon leading by 3 per cent last Friday. The Friday figures, however, were based on polling before President Johnson announced the Vietnam bombing halt Thursday night. The Harris poll, based on interviews with 1,206 voters, was printed in late afternoon editions of the New York Post. Another nationwide poll, the Sindlinger daily survey, reported Sunday that among voters interviewed Friday and Saturday, Humphrey held a 0.6 lead over Nixon. Sindlinger gave Humphrey 34.4 per cent, Nixon Among the areas of discussion will be "Education and the Integration of Minority Groups," " E d u c a t i o n as Mythology," "Educational Investment and Development," "Education and 33.8 per cent and Wallace 14.1 per cent with 18.7 still in doubt. The Sindlinger continued its survey through Monday. The final Gallup poll, also released Sunday, gave Nixon a 2 per cent lead. Colonial Quad Vending Machine Meets Demise The glass casing of the newly installed sandwich machine in Clinton Hall, Colonial Quad was partially smashed early Saturday morning and the contents of the machine were stolen. On Saturday night the entire glass casing was smashed and more food was stolen. As a result of the vandalism the director of Clinton Mall has requested the removal of the machine. Therefore there will be only one sandwich machine available to the residents of Colonial Quad. Male students will not be able to use this machine after 11 p.m. during the week and 1 p.m. on weekends because it is located in Livingston Tower. SODA-BEER All Popular Brands of Boor t Soda at DISCOUNT PRICES KEGS & TAPS AVAILABLE BUY SODA IN CANS t BOTTLES BY THL CASE FOR THE ENTIRE SUITE Central Beer & Soda - 1 3 3 0 Central Ave. PHONE- 459-3483 Also, Donna Gavel, Steven Goldstein, Michael Judge, Ellis Kaufman, Linda Klein, Edward Kramer, Daniel Lago, Margaret (Peggy) Lynd, and Richard Margison; All students who are elected to Who's Who in American Colleges will have their name included in a book that is published by the Who's Who committee, which has its offices in Alabama. Patricia Matteson, Gary (Matty) Mattson, Mary Mencer, Jeffrey M i s h k i n , Judith Mysliborski, Duncan Nixon, William Nothdurft, Dennis O'Leary, and Judith Osdobv. In addition, M. J. Rosenberg, Michael Shienvold, Jerome (Jay) S i l v e r m a n , Isabelle (Bebe) S k u t n i k , Peter Smits, Craig Springer, Constance Valis, Helene Weingarten, and Peggy Williams. Technology: The 'Brain Drain'," " A Program for Educational Studies: Comments and Suggestions," and "Education and Nation-Building: A Symposium." The Friday, November 15, sessions will be held in the Campus Center ballroom, with registration at 9 a.m., morning session at 10, luncheon meeting at 12:30 p.m., afternoon session at 2:30, reception in the main lounge at 6 o'clock, and dinner meeting at 7 in the cafeteria. On Saturday, the morning session will begin at 10 a.m. in lecture room 1, followed by a luncheon meeting in the Campus Center cafeteria at 12:30 p.m., and the closing session at 2:30 in lecture room 1. The participants from the Albany university will be Melvin I. Urofsky, assistant professor of education; Hyman Kuritz, associate professor of education; Mossis I. Berger, professor of education; and James J. Heaphey, associate professor of public administration. Those interested in attending may make arrangements with Urofsky. HANNAHS DRUGS We pick up & deliver prescriptions on student insurance program. Cosmetics-Drugs-Gifts-Cards 1237 Western Aoe. Phone IV2-I35S Tax Policy Defined Further By Council Now there's a way for you to know the world around you first-hand. A way to see the things you've read about, and study as you go. The way is a college that uses the Parthenon as a classroom for a lecture on Greece, and illustrates Hong Kong's floating societies with an hour's ride on a harbor sampan. Every year Chapman College's World Campus Afloat takes two groups of 500 students out of their classrooms and opens up the world for them. And you can be one of the 500. Your new campus is the s.s. Ryndam, equipped with modern educational facilities and a fine faculty. You'll have a complete study curriculum as you go. And earn a fully-accredited semester while at sea. Chapman College is now accepting enrollments for Spring '69 and Fall '69 semesters. Spring '69 circles the world, from Los Angeles through the Orient, India, South Africa, to New York. Fall '69 leaves New York for Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, South America, ending in Los Angeles. The world is there. Here's a good way for you to lind out what's happening. Send for our catalog with the coupon at right. Safely Information: The s.s. Ryndam, registered In the Netherlands, meets International Safety Standards for new ships developed In 1948 and meets 1966 fire safety requirements. by Don Stankavaja Following last weens" pafeage photo by Rltiir PROMPTED BY A BELIEF that there is no real choice in the Presidential elections, the Students for a Democratic Society sponsored a mourning march down Central Avenue. Future Building Plans Clarified Ev President J by Tfm Keeley President Evan R. Collins discussed future building plans of the University and clarified several l i b r a r y o p e r a t i o n s at t h e P r e s i d e n t ' s Conference with Students yesterday. Collins noted that money for building is alloted in two ways, First, financial provisions are made in the budget for planning new additions. Then after the planning is completed, money is then budgeted for construction. ' i t is very rare when monies are budgeted for planning and construction of a building in the same year,' Collins commented. At present, a field house Is in t h e planning stages, Collins disclosed. The structure will contain an Olympic pool, an indoor rink, and a 200x300 foot arena. P l a n n i n g monies are also currently being used to design an xtension to the west end of the The Class of '71 clean-up project at Institute Youth Albany's South End week. This project beginning of a new the class government. sponsored a the Trinity Center in district last marks the direction in Economy Balancing WORLD CAMPUS AFLOAT Direclor of Admissions Chapman College, Orange, Calif. 92666 Ploase send your catalog detailing curricula, courses offered, faculty data, admission requirement and any other lacts I need to know. SCHOOL INFORMATION "Name of School Campus Address -Zip Campus I'liono ( Aiua Coda" "•roanrrScKool ApPfoVGPA'on 4'0~5calo HOME INFORMATION noma AiJdro«s Gliii'cii City siato "Zip" Homo Phono ( ) Area Codo tinlll Into should bo eont to campus Q homo D appiox. dalo I am inlereulod In D Spring Fall • ^/ podium. A proposed fifteen segment section will be added on to the podium adjacent to the Social Science building. The use of the recently aquired land across Fuller Road was also discussed. Plans now call for married student housing and a Conference C e n t e r to be constructed on the 100 acre plot, Collins also tied up a few of the loose ends from lastweek's conference. He disclosed that Lecture Room 1 would remain open all night starting this week. The purpose is to give students a quiet place to study. Collins further disclosed that construction will begin in 1969 f r an ° underground parking facility where the temporary Colonial Quad parking lot now exists. Ur - C l i f t o n C - Thorne, Vice President for Student Affairs, was aiso Present at the conference. Sophomore Government Provides New Outlets One college does more than broaden horizons. It sails to them, and beyond. 10 P I would llhs to talk lo a l e p r o a s n l l t l v t of WORLD CAMPUS AFLOAT. Page i ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Education School Holds Conference Students proteating the conditions under which the Student Tax Referendum waa passed are n o w circulating petitions demanding the invalidation of the referendum. The following assertions were made concerning the election procedures: 2. The athletic fee of $17.50 a year was not publicized, but rather appeared as a 'rider' in the bill. November 5, 1968 SAN ANTONIO, Tex. ( U P I ) President Johnson's chief economist, said in a rosy clectioneve-report Monday that the battle against inflation is being won and "we have turned the corner toward price stability." Press Secretary George Christian, asked if there was any connection between the report by Arthur M. Okun, chairman of tho Council of Economic Advisers, and Tuesday's balloting, suid "of course not." "The most recent economic news provides growing evidence that the economy is moving into better balance and that we have turned the corner toward price stability," Okun said. "11 should be emphasized that our overall priee performance is still far from satisfactory," he added. "Hut improvement is a fact and no longer just a forecast." Johnson spent a "normal work day' at the I.BJ Ranch Monday, Christian said, while the presidential candidates were in the I lth hour of their campaigns. The Chiof Executive and his wife l,ady llird planned to drive IB miles from the ranch to Johnson City Tuesday to vote for Hubert II. Humphrey. The class officers feel that their purpose as a governmental body should be to provide as many outlets as possible for student participation. They expect to continue to plan social event*;, but these standard events shall be coupled with projects which will provide the opportunity to work in their new direction. Thirty-one people responded to the class' "Get Dirty" campaign. By meeting people who had experienced such problems, the students were able to recognize what the problems in Albany's South End really were. The class officers, Dick Wesley, President; Ralph DiMarino, Vice President; Bonnie Weatherup, Secretary; and Jeri Yoswein, Treasurer hope to bring the real world into the "sterile atmosphere" of the University Campus through projects like the Trinity Institute. It is their hope that their classmates will take their knowledge "beyond the realm of high ideas and idle phrases- ROTCAt Un ion Collins concluded by announcing that he would not be p r e s i d i n g at the President's Conference with Students for the next three weeks. In his absence, Dr. T h o r n e will chair the Conference. It might be noted that Collins will be in Europe in the coming weeks. He is to be presented with an honorary doctorate from the University fo Strasbourg. of Mandatory Student Tax, Central Council initiated two bills which fnther define the new tax policy. The first bill delegated power to Financial Aids to determine exemptions on the basis of economic need. The final appeal for exemption will be the Student Tax Committee. The next bill defined the penalty for non-payment of Student Tax. Central Council, in t h e name of t h e Student Association, gave the Registrar power to withhold grades or transfer credit unless waiver of payment wts granted by Central Council or Financial Aids. In r e s p o n s e to President Collins's criticism, Council passed another bill for implementation of the University Athletic Council (UAC) Report. In a spirit of co-operation and with the hope of swift action by the President, Council retracted its statement of non-support of the UAC Report. Previously, Council had stated that it would not support UAC unless its recommendation, which was, in effect, majority student membership on the proposed Athletic Council, was accepted by the President. WaterburyExperiment. Two WeekOpen House Waterbury Hall will hold an experimental open house in an attempt to liberalize the present policy of the University, which states that all doors musl be kept open at any Open-House, and that there must be supervisors on duty at all times during the time it is in progress. The Waterbury experiment will consist of a constant open house from November 8 to November 22 in which there will be no supervisors and no sign-in. On week days it will end at 10:45 p.m. and on weekends it will end at 12:45 a.m. T h e reason b e h i n d the experiment is that the students want to be given more trust and responsibility and feel that it is about time that they receive it. They cited as examples the liberality of the Union and R.P.I. colleges' policies on the subject. Most students believe that the University should completely abolish the Open House and that they should be allowed to have visitors of the opposite sex in their rooms at any time, as is the policy of the above schools. The experiment is interpreting LAAC's ruling on open doors as meaning that the doors must be unlocked in order to be open and not visibly open as was previously the implied policy of the University. a/ The Pueblo Referendum vote was invalid because the necessary 10% of the student body failed to vote. However, in view of the majority voice in favor of the R e f e r e n d u m statement, (723 voted, 422 yes, 232 no,) the exact wording of the Referendum statement was adopted as a Central Council Pclicy Statement by a vote of 14-9-2. In final action, a Budget was a p p r o v e d for t h e Student Education Association after a vigorously contested $50 reduction, and the Council For Contemporary Music Budget was adjusted by a $6000 additional appropriation so that ticket piices for future concerts could be lowered. YAF vs. SDS D e b a t e Council (Forensics Union) will present the first in a seris of Firing Line debate-discussions between SDS and YAF on Novenbcr 6 at 8p.m. in the Campus Center Ballroom. The topic that will be presented is 'Should the state be responsible for the social and econimic welfare of its citizens'.' The format will include constructive speeches by each member of the team, with some refutation, after which the moderator will sum up issues presented and open a question-and answer period for the audience. Debating for SDS are Peter Pollack and Richard Evans; for YAF, Bob Iseman and Stratton Rawson. Girls' Nehru Jackets, Ponchons and Pony Fur Cape For Sale Call IV2-3070 W h y would Bic torment this dazzling beauty? Why? To introduce the most elegant pen on campus. „/: Expensive new Bit" O k for big spenders 49* EUROPE '69 Winter Ski and Summer Programs Available lo Faculty, Students, Staff, and Employees of the State University of New York. Holiday Ski programs j December 20 to January 3, all I n n s b r u c k , January 20 ler February .*, ut St. Anton, Switzerland. Choice of seven1 summer flights from three to fourteen weeks duration. For Union College, Schenectady, Ins authorised qualified students of the University to participate in the AKHOTC Program on the Union campus. The program will enable a student, while attending college, lu prepare himself to become un Air Force pilot or navigator upon graduation from Albany. I iicully Sliuk'nl Flights An informational meeting lias c / 0 Faculty S 111 d e 111 been scheduled for all interested male sophomore s t u d e n t s , Association (students planning to graduate in I S.U.N.Y. at Stony llrook Juno, 11)71) un Friday, November Stony llrook, New York H, I MM, from 11 :1B a.m. to I :()() 11790 p.m. in Business Administration 23 1. Only Bic w o u l d dare to torment a beauty like this. Not tho g i r l . . . the pen she's holding, l i s iho new luxury model Bic Che designed for scholarship athletes, lucky ca.-d players nnd olher rich campus socialites who t a n afford the expensive 49-cenl price. But don 1 le! those dolicote g o o d looks fool you. Despite horrible punishment by mad scientists, tho elegant Bic Che still wrote first lime, overy t fine pen, you II find in the new Bic Everything you want Che li s retractable, Relillnble Coi es in B barrel colors. A n d like no matter what devilish a l l Bic pons, writes first lime, every abuse sadistic students dcviso for it, Pag* 4 u)h€n v^je. \aa4u o a s p\ r\\ o q OV W»s November 5, 1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Mt s p e n d s The Comparative Literature Department Is sponsoring a lecture by Professor Victor Brombert, Chairman of the French Department at Yak University, and the author'of critical essays on Stendahl, Flaubert, etc. Professor Brombert will speak Nov. 14 on: Malraux and the World of Violence at 2 : 3 0 nm. H U 3 5 4 . Information In the Disciplines Program on the field of Medical Technology will be held Oct. 24, 3:00 p.m. Assembly Hall. Discussed will be "The Medical Technology Program at Albany Medical Center"; "Opportunities In the Field" and "University Requirements and Program." Great Exceptions To the Editor: Now that the mandatory fee has been passed by the students, I believe that it is necessary that the proper views be given to the situation. I, therefore, take great exception to the article that appeared above the banner-head of the ASP last Tuesday. It was accurate to some extent, but in other ways it was both inaccurate and mistaken. First, the phrase "naturally expressed p l e a s u r e " was editorializing on the part of the reporter. If someone from the ASP would like to make comments about what they think 1 naturally take pleasure in, these thoughts ought to be confined to the editorial page. Secondly, the reporting was grossly inaccurate. With regards to the married students tax card, it is not true that the non-student spouse of a State student can buy a tax card at an INCREASED rate; rather, this non-student can buy a card for himself at a decreased rate from the rate he would pay as a student. It is quite true that married students have a lot fewer coins than the single student, on the whole. This sounds like the Student Association is getting the raw end of a deal; however, in actuality, Student Association Is gaining increased monetary benefits frcm people who are not students here. This is not the main purpose of the measure though. The idea was so that the married students and their spouses would take * more ; ctive part in the University and ettei receive some of the benefits whicl. they rightfully deserve. Applications are being accepted from members of the Class of 1970 for LAAC Ju dlcial Committee. Address, ohone number, student I.D. number and reasons for applying and should be sent to Alan Ceppos, Hamilton Hall, Box 2032, Colonial Quad, no later than Nov. 15. Thar* will be a "career day" exhibit by the New York State Dept. of Civil Service. The exhibit and recruiters will be In the glassed In vestibule area In the library basement, Nov 6. SECT Journal available In the main lobby of the Campus Center during the week of Nov 4. $.35 per copy. nlors who have married or moved Jt% last spring and wish the change to appear In the yearbook should call Marlene Ravel at 457-7714 before Thanksgiving vacation. General Electric-recruiting seniors with majors In science, math, business administration (mostly), Nov 8 This brings me to the next i m p o r t a n t point. Student Association did not add the two measures—the faculty payment of the fee or the married students tax card—just because it would increase income. It was felt that we had something to offer to everyone here at the University, and we felt that the faculty and staff were as much a part of the University as any one student or student group. We, t h e r e f o r e , w a n t to encourage as many persons as we can to partake of the benefits offered to them. We feel that a better feeling of unity can be fostered if faculty and staff join the students in their recreation and enjoyment. It surely cannot be wrong to encourage unity and good feeling with fellow members of our University Community. I think that the mandatory fee will cause some difficulties and will arouse some feelings in the student body. Any measure of this nature could not and does not please all the persons involved. And then again, maybe it is time that the student body begin to be aroused about something instead of calmly going around in its own world. It's about time that the student body begin to think for itself and to make its voice heard. Everyone was given the opportunity to vote in the mandatory fee referendum. Even though the voting turnout was higher than ever before, it was still only about 14%. There is hope, then. At least 14% of the students have something to say for themselves. That means that only 86% of the students are apathetic und lazy. There is still hope. Terry D. Malhias Class of 1970 ft* 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS h\s e\*Crn\oq5 r c a d ir\q s a d poc-H^. Presidential election! have always been a significant episode in the nation's story. They have, because the outcome of such elections is a strange animal called a President, a thing which stalks the nation and earth, and shapes significantly the fortunes of men. Every past American President has, to some extent and for better or worse, altered the social fabric, the political system, and the historical events of his country. So it is t o d a y t h a t the public—most of it anyway—goes to the polls and puts into office another Mover of Events. It is interesting to speculate a b o u t what each of those unnamed millions think he is going to get. What do those fe\ Fifth Avenue faces mean to the electorate? Is Nixon really a Savior? Humphrey the Only Alternative? Wallace a Common \os-V \ov/e.. Hlltel Members: Those Interested in going to Dlplklll this weekend (nov. 9-10) fill out form and deposit it by Thursday 12 noon in University Mall Box 369BB. Cost $2.50, member^ $4.00, friends; plus $.50 transportation. Events: movie, discussion, food, and drinks. Give name, local address, phone. Do you need transportation? Are you a Hlllel member? November S, 1968 Surreptitious The image of the security police on this campus is one of an offensively authoritarian force. We do not mean to say that the security officers are attempting to turn the University into a police state, nor do we expect this generalization to apply to each member of th: campus force. However, the uncouth manner in which many of the individuals on the security staff act has created this image. There have been numerous incidents when a security guard has unnecessarily ordered students around. It seems that some of these men have a totalitarian mind that can conceive of nothing wrong with ordering a student not to sit on a t a b l e , cmbarassing him in front of his acquaintances, or doing some other ridiculous thing. Open Letter To the Editor: An open letter to State Senator Erway and the N.Y.S. Legislature: Upon the occasion of my high school graduation, I received a form letter of congratualtions from a candidate for the N.Y.S. assembly, Dr. M. L. Pox of Auburn, N.Y. In that letter he claimed that by now I should have attained a "mature understanding of the concepts of 'freedom, tolerance, and individual liberty'," which is my "heritage as an American." I understand, sir, that an attempt was recently made by the State Legislature to nullify these very freedoms. The bill I am concerned with is the anti-disension bill for Regents Scholarship holders. I trust you did all in your power to defeat this bill, but it remains a very disturbing thought that such a bill was even considered. Also in that letter, Dr. Fox claimed that my "fellow men' were eager t o accept my contribution to the causes of "peace, happiness, and general good in this world of ours." Again, sir, it seems that many of the men comprising the N.Y.S. legislature do not consider me one of t h e i r fellow men and apparently are in no way eager to accept my contributions to these causes. This, to me, is plainly evidence by the N.Y.S. voting age of twenty-one. I have attained the age of eighteen, and I urn now expected to turn over to the government of this country that most inalienable right of any man: that right, sir, to lifo itself. To Security What is more frustrating about some ot the s e c u r i t y police is their unwillingness to accomodate the individual. Too many women have come back to their dorm a minute or two after the "let-in") only to find the security guard walking out of the quad and refusing to reopen the dorm. At a scene of a recent accident where a student was hit by a car, the authoritarian mentality of a security officer almost had grave consequences. According to witnesses the guard would not let anyone near the victim, who i was going into shock, until one person was able to force his way past the officer to put a blanket over "the victim. Fortunately, not all security officers have these little authoritarian minds. Students should be able to respect the security officer, but who can rcspec a man without common sense? The qualifications for a campus security guard should be made more stringent. The officer hired under a more selective method j. o„ t. e„ c„ t. ,t h. e. ^ T.,.,.„—s-,—=rrv e s ot m j countrymen, I would do this, but as long as this government insists that the murder and exploitation of the Vietnamese people is more significant than my right to exist, then I demand, sir, a vote in the policies of that government and demand also that you as my representative do all in your power to influence the present policies of that government in accordance with the wishes of the populace, not the politicians. Peace, Gregory R. Spear J cost more, but he would be may t,le c x t r a money if he would provide the effective and understanding service peace officer have. on this campus should WINTERLUDE DINNER Dec. 14 DANCE 9-1 Executive Editors John Cromie Editor-in-Chief Jill Paznih Carol Schour i urn Nixon David Scherer Tim Kecley Ira Wolfman Larry De Young Philip Franchini Daniel Foxman Margaret Dunlap, Sara Klttsley, Linda Herdan s k L ^ T o m m u n ? , " 8 , m U S ' ,"" t ^ ' l * l o l l l c e d " ° ' »"« '»"*' »c ubieci toTMUXO T h S h ° U * l b e l i m i t e d <° 5 0 ° " ^ ""« « • 8 e Albany S,udem Pri;ss esponsibiilv f o r ' ™ «w«i"i and no responsibility for opinions expressed in i l s coIumJTs Red b a n n e r s unfurled as thousands of students surged forward in unison, chanting, singing, and dancing. Protest signs exploded with w o r d s of dissatisfaction with the established order. The scene: Paris, 1968? Columbia, 1968? Rome, 1968? Ho! The scene is the Plaza de Tres Culturas in Mexico City. It seems the official press of the United States government has paid little—very little—attention to this great moment' for the Third World. These were not revolutionary Europeans or Americans blatantly e x p r e s s i n g defiance to the establishment in power. No! This took place in what we Americans would view as an underdeveloped n a t i o n . T h e r e f o r e , if 150 Mexicans were horribly and b r u t a l l y massacred by the granaderos or military police, it was not worthwhile to gain much coverage in our news media. For a long time, it was taken for granted that the King Kong—Uncle Sam—could suck the blood of the economics of Latin nations. Well, the time is drawing to a close. Americans have long been blind to the coming revolution in Latin Americu. Only with the arrival of the Cuban Revolution, did America even become aware that these people might not be very content under the yoke of our government's economic and military imperialsim. Now Cuba has gained its independence and we accept it, or better said, '.ry to overlook it. No, A Doyleic Tragedy in Three Parts: Chorus: Hear ye the tale of virtuous Paul, an R.A. whose goodness led to his fall. Listen full well to this tale of Paul Doyle, whose love of duty dashed him to the soil. Part the first-The Elevator: And one morning after days of sleepless nights and sacrifice of all earthly pleasures spent in fear of receiving a mark not becoming such a Gracious Greek as he. Paul sallied forth to the elevator and pressed the button, and he saw that it was good, and he saw that it did not come, and that was normal. sijSft I s * S Sertrarwrf After a week of attempted political humor, I am compelled to review once again political reality. This is a task for which I confess I am not qualified. However, this technicality will not thwart me, because I've examined the qualifications of certain other people for an endeavor much more tedious thai mine. Since Election Day 1968 is today, I've chosen to analyze our candidates (better make that "their positions." Our candidates are way beyond the point of possible analysis). Let's briefly eliminate George Corley Wallace, who is running primarily on a Law and Order Platform. It would be absured to vote for Wallace, even if you believe in "rugged individualism" or "survival of the whitest". Assuming for a moment that Wallace is elected, he will have virtually no support in Congress. He will be able to suggest all the bills he wants, but let's face it, as far as bills are concerned, the president's powers are almost exclusively negative ones. If we elect George Wallace we will be even further displaced wortn The Albany Student Press is published .ttNe times a week by the Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP office, located in Room 382 of the Campus Center al 1400 Washington Avenue, is open from 7-12 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday night or may be reached by dialing 457-2190 or 457-2194. The ASP was established by the Class of 1918. News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Technical Editor UPI Wire Editor Associate News Editor Photograpny Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager The answer to each of these questions is probably a resounding "No." But one of them is going to be elected anyway. What makes for a bad night's sleep tonight, is that the President of tomorrow has to be so many t h i n g s . He has t o be a philosopher-king; he has to be able to deal with an infinite variety of people, groups, and nations; and he has to master every imaginable type of subject matter. Can a Nixon, a Humphrey, or a Wallace fill the impressive bill of this magical animal? Is it not rather like asking a cow to lay eggs, or a hen to give milk? Is there really any person alive who can become this thing called a President? Such questions, however, are at best superfulous. For whether or not such a wonderous transformation from man to President can occur, tomorrow everyone will believe that it did, IN FACT, occur. That is, the Mover of Events becomes a reality, because everyone wishes it to be so. Then the Mover begins to move his people, which he does correctly, incorrectly, or (more likely) obliquely. But historically, politically, and socially, the President SHALL move America. He will move it, and most of those voting today will not know, or cat', how he does it. So is it really worth losing sleep tonight? Most American voters will not think so. Tonight, they will rest their heads on their pillows—and close their eyes. Tomorrow they will wake, wink at the victor—and close their eyes again. . . • Therein lies the rub . . . No, America! Don't shut your eyes. These people no longer want Coca-Cola imperialism, or United F r u i t C o m p a n y imperialism. These people, and they are people, want independence to rule their own destinies. We cannot pretend Mexico City 1968 did not occur; just as we cannot pretend Paris 1968 did not occur. It did occur, and we as fellow international students have the obligation of fighting in our own country against this same c a p i t a l i s t i c and imperialistic s y s t e m t h a t suppresses our Mexican brothers. Our brothers to the South gave their blood for the freed orn that we Americans cherish. Can we do less than give them our support? The spirit of Che Guevera lives in them as it does in us. It is not just romanticism. It is the spirit in all of us to be free and proud—to have dignity and honor. But this dream can only be accomplished by a mass student movement in America in conjunction with our Latin comrades to the South. What has happened to our Vietnamese brothers we must not let occur in Latin America. We needn't be paranoic of the specter of Soviet Communism; these people are simply proclaiming to us, to all the world-WE ARE PEOPLE! And we as people cannot passively stund by and watch the US colonial order and its puppet governments create two or three Vietnams in Latin America. We must fight as we have long fought against the imperialist war in Vietnam. from t h e goal of unifying American theory with American practice. Next, we come to Hubert H u m p h r e y , who is running primarily on a Law and Order Platform. Humphrey has been saddled by the Johnson image in a multitude of ways. First let me say that Humphrey is more liberal, dovish if Vietnam is your bag, than the Johnson Administration's record indicates. What can Mr. Humphrey do in the White House? The painful answer is about as much as Wallace. Hubert Humphrey is a good man, usually very honest for a politician. With a favorable congress, he could be a good, perhaps a great president. With the congress he will have, he will be a pathetic sight as president. Although I 'm trying to be objective in this column, T'll insert a value judgment by stating that I don't consider Mr. Humphrey to be of presidential timber. He is an energetic, exhuberant man who gets a boyish thrill when things go his way, and a dismal sulk when they don't. Finally, we come to Richard M. Nixon, who is running primarily on a Law and Order Platform. Without any favoritism, I call Richard Nixon the next President of the United States, and with favoritism, I add, gladly so. Richard Nixon will be a forceful president with a favorable c o a l i t i o n congress. He has alienated few Republicans, and has a g o o d l y n u m b e r of Democrats on his team. His alledged conservatism is actually "preservatism," wanting only to deepen the democratic traditions of the United States. It is possible that Richard Nixon will be the best president our country will know, but I don't think he will be (there go. those value judgments again). The conservatives of the United States have no choice. They must either sell out to bigotry, which is definitely not an American theory (and we do want to be American, don't we, boys?), or vote for Richard Nixon. The liberals of the United States also have no choice. They can vote for Richard Nixon and take the chance of him keeping his promises and securing private enterprise for the ghettoes, or they can waste their votes on a man who is politically doomed. After giving serious thought to jumping on the Paulsen bandwagon, I have decided to s u p p o r t Richard Nixon for President of the United States. And half an hour later the elevator came, and it was good, ind he had missed half his test, and that was not good-in fact that was lousy. And Paul bore his fate manfully like the Gracious Greek that he was, and he entered the elevator, and it was full of people, and the mighty elevator slammed shut its massive doors, and the elevator went, and the elevator stopped, between the thirteenth and fourteenth floors, And the Otis man came and removed the nails from out the mighty motor, and opened the doors, and saw Paul, and Paul palled with persperation, and lashed out in a fitful vengeance, and consumed the Otis man. And he then consumed TXO, and this was good, and he received an award for fire prevention. Part the second: The Fire-drill: And Paul, contemplating hf actions of the morning showered in his bath, and the fire-bell rang, and this was bad. Leaping from beneath the cascading waters, he landed on his faithful sidekick Straight as a Ruler Casale, who was magically transformed into Thin as a Tunic Tony. Searching in vain for his apparel (for in this land all rooms are dark) Paul dashed to the aid of his charges, who were fast asleep because they hadn't heard the bell. And he burst the door of 1104 to awaken the residents therein, but found to his chagrin, a girl therein. And he cursed all the dwellers in this UMighted land, for they had been bad, and that was not good. Scooping up the maiden (and this was good), lacking control, and cursing the dwellers for a not heeding the rules, he swooped -awn the stairs into the darkness, f°* there were no elevators, for it * « "> ordained by the Housing Office, and this was stupid, Part the third: The Suicide: But even the greatest of the Gracious Greeks could not long endure the cold incurred during flameless fires, nor the narrow beds, nor the sterile white rooms, and upon contemplation Paul saw that all this was bad, and rushed to the waiting elevator (for the Gods were merciful), and ascended to the Penthouse. But Paul's frame was massive, and the windows were small, so he burst through the wall, but those seeing him fall said, "Fear not, for the insects dwelling below the fourth floor will cushion his fall' (for it had been ordained by the Stygian Stone that insects cannot fly higher than four floors). And on floor two a screen had failed off, and the insects had flown in to take the elevator to the upper floors, and this was bad, for Paul splattered on the earth and the fatal radius of his flying parts slew all from here to Berkely. Chorus: Now have you heard the tale of that Gracious Ureek, of one who after truth did seek, and it was good. Chaperone Statement Continued from p.1 mechanics of the present policy does not reach the core of the situation. To lessen the number of cases in which chaperones can bt said to be necessary raises an important problem. We might p r o p o s e , for e x a m p l e , to "The core of the issue is morality. The University should not be allowed to limit individual responsibility of students on any basis, including morality." discontinue chaperone requirements at picnics." 'Such a modification, which would probably be acceptable, implies that the University is willing to extend responsibility in all cases which are not critical but t h a t when this modification process reaches the cutting edge of morality, that point at which responsibility is most important, the University will withhold that responsibility and require a chaperone. DRAMATICS COUNCIL is still accepting membership applications. Mail them to Jay Deanahan, 188 Kent St., Albany up to Nov. 11 deadline. V Smiillt ,-Uiuual i 'clktji 11 'iuterscssioii SUNDAY JANUASV 19 >o FilOAY FIBiUASY 7 19*9 c o u f & f "WINrfHSfSSlOW" M3HY4TION SUNK n i l (OOMM.Ki m o w i.,,i.„ ALLEN GINSBERG Nou. 18, 1968 Campus Center Ballroom i l l REURV.riOH Bl *i l t l . 1 u l M l l l l u i U K MOM IT QUI ftp« November S, ALBANY STUDENT PRESS 1968 Premiere Of Skin Tomorrow At Page "The Skin of Our Teeth" by Thornton Wilder, will open in Page Hall, tommorrow, Wednesday, November 6th at 8:30 pm. Produced by the State University Theatre and directed by Martin Mann, the play will be performed each evening through Saturday, November 9. STATE UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents Thornton Wilder's "The Skin of Our Teeth" from Novemb 6 to 9 at 8:30 in Page Hall. Left to right: Sabina- Carta Pinelli; Mrs, Antrobus- Judith Ann Weisen; Mr. Antrobusfiladys- Margaret Evans; Henry- Gary Restifo. McKinley Lectures Here With Musical Illustrations by Fran Drohor William Thomas McKinley, a doctoral candidate at Yale who is teaching musical composition this semester, was to give a lecture with musical illustrations about early jazz on Friday, Nobember 1. McKinley opened by saying that jazz should be listened to instead of spoken s jut, and procededed to give a tw hour jazz concert. M c K i i . ey p l a y e d thi pianoforte; Rodger Ryan played the percussion instrument; Roger Cooke played the bass, and John Lissauer played a tenor saxophone and a flute. It was without question an excellent concert, even for those who knew nothing about jazz. They began with "Chim Chim Chiree," and went on to pieces composed by McKinley and one by Roger Ryan, the drummer. Towards the end McKinley said "We'll just play." What followed was total improvisation; It was successful. Their music ranged from loud, fast, dissonant jazz to slow, soft music with complete emphasis on the tempo. The audience applauded frequently following exceptional p e r s f o r m a n c e s by individual musicians. An informal, relaxed atmosphere prevailed; the vibrations could be felt in the room and people were nodding, tapping, and moving in time to the music. A question and answer period followed the concert, in which McKinley explained that there are certain guidelines within which the jazz player is always building; there is a pattern of growth. The jazz player of today is no longer just a jazz player; he is part of an Provincial Players Hold Try-out In Assembly Hall All humanity is the hero, personified in the figure of George Antrobus. He is Adam, Noah in fact every great hero of humanity. He invents the wheel and the alphabet, lives through the Fall, the Flood and various wars, the Ice Age and countless other catastrophes, and yet his life struggles on. His wife Eva bears him two boys and a gir.. but Cain or Henry, the elder murders his brother. A maid, Sabina, serves as a sort of Liloth or personification of female sensuality. The Antrobus family is living both in prehistoric times and in a New Jersey commuters: suburb today. The events of homely daily life are d e p i c t e d against t h e vast dimension of time and space and impending disaster. In A t l a n t i c City at the improvisational trend in our convention of the Ancient and culture. In a discussion of why jazz isn't Honorable Order of Mammals, popular today, and why people Subdivision Humans, George don't listen to it at breakfast Antrobus is to address thegathering being instead of rock n' roll, McKinley the theme of his talk said, ' No, this music doesn't "Enjoy Yourselves.' belong over eggs and bacon." In The Flood begins but the family order to appreciate jazz, one has survives by the skin of their teeth. to concentrate on it. Returning to the suburban home, Tickets are now on sale at t. campus center. All seats are'$1.50 or free with student tax card. For reservations call 457-6826 or 457-6827 or write the State U n i v e r s i t y Theatre Business Office. Albany Civic Theater Opens 15th Season The Albany Civic Theater will open its fifteenth season of 'loive theater' in the capital area with the rowdy Rodgers and Hart m u s i c a l " T h e Boys from Syracuse." Last night began a three week run of the muscial based on Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. In the plot revolving around mistaken identity and personality mix-ups will be Gary Aldrich as A n t i p h o l u s of Syracuse. Gary is a senior student here, majoring in Drama. He has a p p e a r e d as Curly in the p r o d u c t i o n of Oklahoma Pickering in My Fair Lady Captain Purdy In Teahouse of the August Moon and has also appeared in Hamlet, Private Life of the Master Race and Carnival. This past summer at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Gary sang solo with Arthur Fiedler and the Philadelphia Philharmonic. Interested in singing he also finds reward on the piano and organ. Albany Civic Theater is a non T h e Provincial Players, a improvising humorous material. "Comedy Improvisations" will student drama organization at the University will hold auditions in be auditioned for the Telethon, the Campus Center Assembly Hall the Campus Chest 24-hour variety from 7:30-10:00 p.m. on the show, on Saturday. November 9, nights of November 5 and 6, at 1 '00 p.m. in the Campus Center Tuesday and Wednesday, for all Main Lounge. Organized last April, the students interested in performing in a production of "Comedy Players view themselves as a "little theatre" group for the campus Improvisations." Those attending the auditions community. Their main goals are should bring with them any t o p r o d u c e original student original comedy act they have in dramatic writings and to involve order that they can demonstrate students. The Players presently are their ability to create humor. Further, each person trying out seeking dramatic works, in addition to those currently under for this production will be given one or two "comedy situations" consideration, for production in The Council for Contemporary original, and asked to work independently t h e s p r i n g . Any or with another person in order to student-written play, adaptation, Music presents Judy Collins and the Union Gap in concert, Friday reveal their talent for quickly or foreign translation may be submitted by placing it in the November 15 in the gym. Tickets Campus Center student mail, c/o go on Bale Nov. 7 in the Campus Provincial Players, or by attending Center from 10-3p.m. Prices: the next meeting on November 1 1 $1.50 with student tax; $4.00 without, at 7:30 p.m. in HU 122. The American Siring Trio, a r t i s t s - i n - r e s i d e n c c at the University, will be featured in c o n c e r t November 11. The c o n c e r t , one of the music Restaurant- Cocktail Lounge department faculty series, is scheduled at 8:30 p.m. in the Banquet Hall Up To 175 People university's Art Gallery. Marvin Morgenstern, violin; Entertainment Tues.-Sat. Karen Tuttle, viola; and John Dancing Sat. Night Coberman, cello; of the American String Trio, will perform with Reasonable Room Rates Irvin 10. Oilman, as assisting artist. Mr. Oilman is an associate Dining Room 5:30-9:30 pm professor of music here. The program will c o n s i s t of Rt. 20 4 Miles From Campus c o m p o s i t i o n s by Schubert, Phone 438-6686-A. Taanto Pres. Martinu, Mozart, and Beothoven. p r o f i t theatrical organization offering training in all phases of the dramatic arts. Open to the public the group produces three major plays each season as well as one production of Children's Theater and several Showcase perfomances for novice and experienced directors. The Box office at the Albany Civic Theater is open each evening from 7-10 p.m. thru the three week run ol "The Boys from Syracuse," and special student r a t e s are available for the Saturday matinee oi; November 9 at 2:30. Evening performances are at 8:30 p.m. with the exception of an early curtain at 7:30 on all Sundays. GOVERNORS MOTOR INN Go Telethon Nov. 22,23 AUDITIONS Comedtf Notice American String Trio Concert a war has just ended. Henry or Cain was the enemy, and Sabina the camp-follower. George Antrobus, the father, is now the creative and inventive spirit in humanity. George ever optimistic prepares for a better world with his weaspons: books; ideas and h u m a n creativity. Man will survive, says Wilder, by the proverbial skin of his teeth, bwhy does he always operate with so narrow a margin? Included in the cast are: Allan Cohen, Carol Ditosh, Margaret Evans, Edward Kramer, Michael M u r p h y , C a r l a Pinelli, Gary Restifo and Judith Wiesen. Also in the cast are: Michael Archer, George Brust, Richard Carman, Mary Carney, Ken Fisher, Dan Giddings, John Koethcn, Marily Lierati, Gary Maggion, Karen Maserek, Scot Regan, Gila Slavin, Patrick Stum, Richard Topper, B a r b a r a Untract, and Susan Wyman. Stage Manager for the production is Jay Hershokowitz. Assistant Stage Manager is Barbara Simon. Director Martin Mann feels the play is pertinent for todays's unstable world perhaps with a different emphasis than was the case in 1942. The timeless nature of the play allows each generation to view through the eyes of their own times a portrait of mankind which has managed to survive various crises even if only by the skin of his teeth. FOR SmpwUfitimi ! BY PROVINCIAL PLAYERS Nou.5-6 C.C. Assembly Hall 7.30-10 p.m. ATTENTION MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENTS PART TIME WORK Young executive of Collier-MncMillun Corporation looking for students to do sales promotional work with Collier's Encyclopedia any weekday evenings or any weekends. Hours weekdays after training would be 4 pm pm and weekends as available. This summer we successfully taught and worked with November S, 1968 Soccermen Close With Win At Stony Brook The University's Great Danes finished out the '68 season this past Saturday on a winning note, defeating SUNY at Stony Brook by a score of 2-1. Playing on a strange turf after a long ride, the soccer team performed very well, according to coach Bill Schifflein. Jim Shear, a junior, put in the first Albany goal at 4:05 in the first quarter. Ron Spratt followed in the s middle of the second quarter. The Great Danes then held i Stony Brook, almost shutting i them out, until a screen drew j Albany goalie Terry Jordan from I the net and an opposition goal was scored late in the last quarter. i Coiach Schifflein cited center ! fullback Craig Springer for his "best defensive game ever" and I also praised Joel Volinski, Alan Rosenberg, and Ed Campbell for | their performances. The Albany defense turned one of its best showings all season, allowing only four goal attempts. The team finished with a 3-8-1 record, but coach Schifflein expects a better season next year because his ' green" sophomores and juniors will have had the experience of competing against rough teams the calibre of RPI and New Paltz. Jim Shear led the Albany squad in season scoring with eight goals. Ron Spratt scored six times and John Compeau had three. proven successful. For further information and interview weekdays only. Transportation furnished. Purl lime student will average $75 a week take-home, if qualified. You could earn much •riore depending upon time available. pnoto by Potskowski STB, making a strong bid to upset favored APA, was sloped yards short of victory in the final seconds of the game. APA CAPTURED the League 1 football title this Saturday as they squeaked out a 13-12 victory over STB. photo by Potskowski APA Captures T itle Defeats STB 13-12 by Dave Fink What amounted to be the climatic game of the League I season was played this Saturday. APA, with an unblemished record of 4-0, needed a win over STB, with a;i -1-1 record, to capture the title. In the opening minutes, u seemed that both offenses would dominate play. APA received the kickoff and began to move immediately on completions from Gary Torino to flanker Lance Brofsky and then to tight end Denny Elkin. But this drive was stifled on an alert interception by Larry Meyers of S T B . M e y e r s , now at quarterback, wasted no time. While g e t t i n g good pass protection, he was unable to find a receiver and thus ran with the ball for two first downs. A completion to Mike Pavy gave STB the ball at the APA 25 yard line. Now, STB was stopped on an interception by Jack Sinnott. APA evidently was not to be denied again as they drove downfield on some fine running by Torino and two fine catches by Brofsky. Torino scored on an end sweep giving APA a 7-0 lead. If anyone calmed down after this touchdown, they were soon screaming as STB's Larry Smith PRINTING SCHOLASTIC FRATERNAL SORORITY SOCIAL COMMERCIAL over fifty students in Albany, and our training methods are appointment call Mr. Squire at 434-7171 from 9:.10 am to 2 pm ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CAPITOL PRESS PRINTERS 308 Central AIM. Albany Tel. HE 4-9703 returned the ensuring kickoff for a touchdown, cutting APA's lead to 7-6. APA got the ball, but immediately lost it when Mike Golub of STB intercepted and ran it back 60 yards for a touchdown putting STB in the lead 12-7. APA received the kickoff and moved down to the STB one yard line before they were held on a fantastic goal line stand. STB took over but a Meyers' pass was intercepted on the 50 yard line. APA scored after a fine run by Torino, on a pass to Elkin to make the score 13-12 at the half. The score remained the same until late in the fourth quarter when Meyers intercepted a Torino pass and ran it back to the APA :i0 yard line. He promptly hit Jay Handalman for what seemed to be the winning touchdown, but a change in ruling placed the ball on the two yard line. STB could not score as time ran out. In other games Saturday, KB and Waterbury played to a scoreless tie and Potter defeated the Nads 6-0. STATE BOOKSTORE HEW HOURS MONDAY thru THURSDAY 9AM to 8PM FRIDAY 9AM to 4:30 PM SATURDAY , „ „ 9AM to 1PM Give your contact lenses a bath tonight In order to keep your contact lenses as comfortable and convenient as they were meant to be, you have to take care ol them. But until now you needed two or more separate solutions to properly prepare and maintain your contacts. Not with Lensine. Lensine is the one lens solution lor"complete contact lens care Cleaning your contacts with Lensine retards the buildup of foreign deposits on the lenses. And soaking your contacts in Lensine overnight assures you of proper lens hygiene. You get a free soaking case on the bottom of every bottle cf Lensine It has been demonstrated that improper storage between wearings may result in the growth of bacteria on the lenses. This is a sure cause of eye irritation and in some cases can endanger your vision. Bacteria cannot grow in Lensine which is sterile, self-sanitizing, and antiseptic. Just a drop or two of Lensine. before you insert your lens, coats and lubricates it allowing the lens to float more freely in the eye's fluids. That's because Lensine is an "isotonic" solution, which means that it blends with the natural fluids of the eye. Let your contacts bo the convenience they were meant to be. Get some Lensine, from the Murine Company, Inc. Fife 8 Harriers Record Victory Over Undefeated C. W. Post Nix On This past week, I received information to the effect that the Faculty Senate has decided to recommend that the University not institute a football program. One of the members of the Senate objected to the implementation of a football team on the grounds that the money which would be expended for such an endeavor might be put to better use in other areas. The contender was that it is more important to spend money either for more professors or for higher salaries for those already employed. A second rationale offered by the Senate was that they did not want to see Albany become a "football school." Many of the faculty members felt that the :nception of football would reduce Albany to a school known only for its football prowess. The idea is that Albany will have its hard fought for academic rating overshadowed by the football The Albany State Cross-Country team closed its schedule this past Saturday with a 24-36 victory over C.W. Post. The harriers gave Post, whose Ron Stonitsch won the Albany Invitational a week ago, their first loss of the year. Albany fmiineJihftiaion'wtfra seven win, two loss record in dual meets. Stonitsch, who set the course record in the Invitational, also won the race Saturday completing the five miles in 26:49. Angelo Rivituso, whofinishedthird in the invitational, followed Stonitch across the finish line for Post. ^ 1*1*111 The Great Danes proved to have too much depth for Post, however, as the next seven runners were Albany runners. Larry Frederick followed the two Post runners across the line to finish third in the race. Following Frederick were Paul Roy, Pat Gepfert, Paul Breslin, George Roiling, Don Beevers, and Jim Mastromarchi. Once again, t h e harriers displayed the depth which has enabled them to win many of their meets this year. Even with the opposition capturing the first two positions, the harriers were able to record a secure 25-36 victory. team. I find both of these rationales rather difficult to digest. Neither argument, upon inspection holds water. For years, the Athletic Advisory Board has been building up a fund for the express purpose of financing a football team. This money has come from the students themselves through an athletic tax, part of the student tax which all students must now pay. Consequently, the formation of a football team will not take away from the professors. The addition of more professors of the increasing of salaries for professors will not be hindered by the formation of a football team. The second argument offered by the Senate seems completely absurd. The idea that Albany will become an athletic school devoid of academic excellence is nonsensical for several reason. Number one, Sailing Club Sunday photo bv Potskowski DESPITE A REPEAT VICTORY by Posfs Ron Stonitsch, the harriers were able to record a 25-36 victory. Frosh Harriers Drop C ontest To C. W. Post The Albany State sailing team hosted an informal Regatta on Blaines Bay, Sunday, Nov. 3. The other two competing were Marist Despite a fine performance by and RPI. Albany won the contest Dennis Hackett, the Freshman with 77 points. RPI was second cross-country team lost its final with 75 while Marist place third. meet of the year to C.W. Post, In registering the tight victory 20-37. This gave the freshmen a over RPI, Albany was led by record of 3-4 for the year. It was skippers Dick Alweis and Charles the first time Coach Munsey has Bowman. Alweis amassed 41 had a freshman team with a losing points, while Bowman gained 36. record. Hacket,. who ran the 3.5 mile N e x t weekend, Albany is course in 18:19 finished sending Glen Fademan and twenty-one ahead of Stan Charles Bowman to Navy to Malakoff of Post. Hackett, who compete in the Monotype racet>. took the lead right from the start, was running even with Malakoff unitl there was a half a mile to go then he poured on the speed and won easily. Dennis ended the season undefeated in dual meet competition. Even though the frosh managed to take first place, Post took second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. For Albany, Paul Holmes placed a disappointing seventh in 19:59..Lou Wittig placed eighth in 20:27. Rick Liese was tenth in 21:14 and Paul Novakowski was eleventh in 22:18. without scholarships, a football team would never be able to reach a reputation large enough to overshadow the academic achievements of QEN. SHEW.CO., INC., ROOM . NY. the school. Number two, there is certainly evidence that a school can sport a football team and still maintain a high academic reputa tion (any Ivy League school, for instance) The formation of a football team would undoubtedly serve to increase school spirit, an emotion which is somewhat nonexistent at Albany. A football team would undoubtedly draw a larger crowd than our soccer team presently attracts. Last year, a poll revealed that the students were overwhelmingly in favor of the inception of a football The arguments against a football team seem somewhat weak, the so I say, Why not a football team? President Collins has the last say of whether or not a provision in the plans for next year for the organization of a team, so I appeal to him and say, Why not do the student body a favor and allow them what they want, a football team? For Women Only by LealieKing articipate in some team sport such as volleyball or basketball without being tied down by a rigid intramural or intercollegiate schedule. You can do it all at WRA night. Your needs and desires will be catered to as much as possible. Come and try anyway, you may find it enjoyable, uiytirne from 6:30 to 11:00 p.m. friday, November 8. To Mother Nature and her children be ye not disappointedyours will be the next issue. VOL. LV NOcf?'•~n7~ ...a little more exciting! MJENjESEE ALBANY, NEW YORK FRIDAY. NOVEMBER S, 1968 LAAC is currently considering a bill which could change a number of University residence policies. These change* would ask for the abolishment of curfew hours for freshmen, mandatory sign out procedures, and the instatement of policy to allow halls to have open houses with no limitation on the hours end allow Nixon's Victory : An Analytic View by Dan Sabia •/ ASP News Analyst "Winning isalot more fun." So said Richard M. Nixon, 37th President of the United States, as he reminiscenced about the long struggle from his close loss of I960, to his even closer win of 1968. For Nixon, his election represented years of hard work, effort, and diligence. He was therefore dissappointed by the outcome of 111 it; election. Drobably the closest one in American history: with 9-1 per cent of the vote in, the media reported Nixon ahead by an amazing 375 thousandths of 1 per cent. Even in the electoral college Nixon did poorly by winning only a small majority. In several states he won by pluralities only, as he did in the country at large. Such a poor score means trouble. And Nixon will have trouble. In national trends he lost the cities, labor, and the black and low-income vote, he barely won California, lost New York, and even lost his V.P.'s state of Maryland. More significantly, Nixon was unable to spread his coattails. In the Senate races, the Republicans remained in the minority by 16 seats; in the House the Democrats held a 51 vote majority. Obviously, the Republican President is not fioing to find Republican enthusiasm in his Congress. A recalcitrant Congress and a split and very volatible public are thus not only the two most significant results of this election, but mean also two terrible headaches for the new President. If anything has emerged as outstanding in this remarkable year, it is that the election solved none of the problems facing this troublednation, and indeed, may have only exacerbated them. What ts more, no one knows what Nixon plans to do. He has campaigned in the old style of promising e v e r y t h i n g to everybody, and pledged such HersheyMakes Grad Student Statement students are overwhelmingly in favor of it, it could not hurt the school, Stuck in the dorm next Friday night? Are all your exams over, leaving you nothing to do? How would you like to go out? All right, why not try WRA night. You could learn how to play squash? it may prove a good way of soothing your nerves or just expending excess energy. Or, it you prefer to do your exercises to music, you could attend the special interest session in a sllmnastics. And that's not all! P x r h a p s you'd like to LAAC Considers Residence Policies November 5, 1968 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS as contradictory slogans "preventive diplomacy'" has "nuclear supremacy.' He promised the removal of Attorney General R. Clark, and indeed, political eyes will focus on his Cabinet and other as he sweeps away appointments the Johnson camp. Nixon will, ol course, face immediately t h" Vietnam situation, and what he will do here is, again, completely uncertain. He will undoubtedly be faced with new Supreme Court appointments in the next four years; he has left up in the air such important concerns as the Nuclear Treaty he has opposed, ALTHOUGH GOVERNOR ROCKEFELLER has stated that foreign aid which he wishes to cut, fifteen million new jobs he would consider serving on the Nixon Cabinet if asked there is serious cont. on p. doubt that the governor would be able to work with the new President. photo by ~~ Year O f Studies In Nice Sponsored By Univer sity by Amy Gurian A meeting has been scheduled for November 15, 1 p.m. in the Humanities Faculty Lounge (HU 354), to discuss and distribute information concerning the program at Nice. The program is under the direction of Associate Dean Charles Colman, former Head of the Department of Romance Languages, and John Nicolopoulos, Coordinator of International Studies. Freshmen, as well as all other interested studentes, are urged to attend so that they may plan their pecific new schedules with requirements in mind. The program in France, sponsored by the State University of New York, selects 10 students from each of the four university centers to spend a year at the University of Nice. It offers those majoring in French and others who are qualified, an excellent opportunity to improve their knowledge of the French language, culture, and way of life. France is indeed the pivotal point for most of the State University's programs in Europe and the Mediterranean area. Dr. Simon Copans is presently directing the administrative center in Paris. This center was formerly ihe Sorbonne is relatively a US Information Agency Library, u n c r o w d e d and encourages a close which due to cuts in the Federal rappoI.t between professor and budget, was closed. student. Areas of specialization The State U n i v e r s i t y wM| r a n g e t r o m F r e n c n ianguage immediately kept it alive and is a n d H t e r a t u r e l o specialized now instrumental in coordinating s t u d i e s i n demography and plans for foreign programs in historical sociology. Spain, Italy, Israel, Tunisia, and College of Arts and T h e Cyprus. Dr. Copans is the Director Sciences will eventually require all of I ' l n s t i t u t des Etudes f o r e j g n language and literature Americaines, an integral part of majors to spend one year in the the Sorbonne, country of their study. Due to An e x c e l l e n t channel of excellent connections in Paris and exchange is being formed for the great student interest, the graduate studies due to this University hopes to expand the affiliation. On the graduate level, present program. students to have closed doors during open houses. This bill is supported by a seven page rationale. Hie four-part rationale is composed of statements and policies from various sources. The rationale is based heavily o n s t u d e n t s ' rights and responsibilities. It is felt that, "Our University is committed to recognizing maturity.' It is assumed that students will "formulate their own ideals and standards." "Obedience to a meaningless rule conditions nothing more than obedience to a rule. The present residence regulations are not a challenge; they do not stimulate individual growth, thought and action. Education is a life-time process which is a vital part of all human development. ' How can a University educate when the students place restrictions upon education?" ' .Students should be allowed i.o determine their own limitations. They should become thoroughly acquainted with the ideals of individual and group responsibility and freedom. " MYSKANIA has taken the position that "the curfew system imposed on freshmen women has no rational basis and ought to be abolished." They feel that the present system is "self-defeating in its avowed objective," which is to acclimate freshmen women to the University. The above proposals were discussed by LAAC Wednesday, but because of the lack of information before the living area ruling body, the four statements were sent back to committee after a two and a half hour debate. It is expected that LAAC will act on this bill next Wednesday in HU 132 at 7 p.m. CORRECTION Contrary to what appeared m the A S P , the Waterbury Experiment will not be held unless LAAC approves the principles behind the experiment. Because of the complexities arising from the residence policy bill, LAAC did not act on the Waterbury Experiment Wednesday. Left vs. Right On Welfare, Agree On Government Intrusion Whether or not the state is responsible for the economic and social welfare of its citizens was the topic on Wednesday night at the seeond in a series of Firing Line Debates. Peter Pollack and Richard Evans, representing the viewpoint of the SDS, and Bob Iseman and Stratton Rawson, presenting the views of the YAF, were the SelectivelService Director Hershey has authorises] the postponement of induction, in individual cases, of graduate students who are ordered to report for induction during a school term. His directive to state Selective Service directors stated: ' When college students are ordered to reproort for induction during a school term in which they are satisfactorily pursuing full-time post-baccalaureate courses, consideration should be given on an ii.dividual case basis to a postponement of induction until the end of the term The report went on to suy that a graduate studunt who is ordered to report for induction, who PETER POLLACK, left, md Robert Iseman, right, speaking for wishes to request postponement, should direct his request to the Students for a Democratic Society and Young Americans for Freedom, state director in the state where respectively, present their views during the public debate sponsored by the Forensic Union (Debate Council), photo by Poiikowtki he is registered. by Dorii Stelnhardl panelists. Moderating was BUI Rohde. Evans was the first to speak. He felt that a definition of welfare was necessary and proceeded to define it as not only the fulfilling of material need but also as freedom from control of the state over the individual's life. He stated that it was the latter type of welfare that is diminishing in our country today. He used welfare workers as an example, saying that they ' nose around in the affairs of people whom they are supposed to be helping." Next Iseman spoke, stressing the fact that many people believe that welfare is a human right rather than a privilege. He interpreted the right to property to mean thu right to pursue property. When one works and earns property, then he owns it. Iseman objected to welfare on the grounds that the government forces the majority of people to work a certain amount of time to support those on welfare. Following Iseman was Pollack who said that the stale thinks it has the right to make decisions for people becuase it grants them economic and social welfare, He also brought up the point that society responsibility because it assume, sets certain standards, such as auto safety standards and laws having to do with the controlling of air pollution. Pollack feels that the rules of our society ensure that some people will have decent housing, food, and clothing, while others will not. 'The things people want should be theirs w i t h o u t qualification, without control or decisions not made by them." The fourth to speak wus Rawson, who posed the question, ' Why are there poor?" It is not because there are rich, because there are insufficient welfare funds, because there aren't enough jobs or schools, nor because of the terrorization of the poor by the police. He said that the slate has usurped the right of the people to make decisions and that the poor must reverse this. Summing up, the YAF and SDS found that they agreed that through granting welfare, the government has gone too far in making decisions for the individual. The poor cannot rely more on the government to fulfill their needs but must gain their rights, forcibly, it necessary, through the structure of the law.