Friday, ALBANY ITUDINT P R I t t ftHM* ASPect on Sports ~~; by Don Oppedisano 10, 1967 Returnees Spark 4 Dane Wins; Team Will Face Tomorrow by Jim Win slow As fornter Sports Editor and colleague! of mine, Ray Bolstered by the return of Rich Margison ana the second semester debut of senior McCloai expressed in his last "Rayview," we have Lonnie Morrison, the "hot and cold" Great Danea rebounded from a recent threethe experience and enthusiasm to make the sports game losing streak to capture their last four contests with Utica (twice), Harpur page of the ASP an efficient and effective news medium College, and Cortland State. With eight contests remaining, the Albany State cagers of this University. Only with an adequate sports staff have compiled a 9-5 record, having started the season with a four game winning can we hope to utilize these qualities to the best of streak and now seemingly hoping to finish strong. our ability in trying to. mold a sports page that has Leading the Danes in g r | | p p | e r $ R 0 U t P O t S C - C H U 2 7 > 8 continued in the tradition of my predecessor and the their upsurge has ben ones before him. The task will not be accomplished leading scorer Rich Mareasily. gison at 17.3 points per The view from here is that a sports page should game and leading reboundprovide more than the facts and figures of games or er (11) and second leading by Dune Nixon meets that have already occurred. It should also pro- scorer (17.1), junior Scott The Albany State grapplers evened their record at vide for an analysis of upcoming contests that per- Price. mits the reader to grasp an idea of what to expect In their latest encounter, Coach 2-2 Saturday when they bombed Potsdam by a 27-8 at each encounter. In describing the particular event, Sauers' charges romped over Utlca, count. The Joe Garcia coached matmen registered 102-85. It was the highest score seven wins out of nine matches in running up their the sports story should give a complete and accurate by Albany since moving out of the coverage of the occurrence, not just the fuzzy details Page Gym In the 1960-61 season. highest point total of the season, and recording their of the score and who won and who lost. This is one Price led the scorers with 25 points most impressive win to date.,Befo7e the lay-off for final excaptain Jim Constantino added Jack Forbes, a transfer ams, the Great Danes traveled to thing which Associate Sports Editor Glenn Sapir and and 19. where they ran Into rugged I will try to bring to the readers of this publication. During the intercession, the Danes who has just become elig- Oneonta opposition. The Dragons proved to ible, and Bill Clark won by defeated Cortland State, 95-63, as In addition to providing the details of each contest be too much for the Great Danes they combined a superior defensive forfeit at 123 and 130 re- as they captured four matches and and the previews of upcoming events, there is another job with a solid offense. The contest gained two draws In recording a element which is essential in making the sports page marked the return to the Purple and spectively and Warren 20-13 victory. a complete one. This is the attribute of the human Gold of Lonnle Morrison, who rose Crow then moved up a Coach Garcia got wins from Warthe occasion, scoring 9 points and weight class to 137. ren Crow, who registered a 3-0 element with its "glory of victory and agony of de- to doing most of the play-making. over a stalling opponent; Randy feat." Only in. this way can a sports story and the Ending the first semester action Crow, the NCAA College Division win champion, remained undefeated by Palmer, who gained a close 5-4 person writing it give a complete account of the story were contests with Harpur and Utica, pinning Potsdam's Charles Daven- victory in the 145 pound class; and The hardcourters defeated Harpur In port In 7:29. Randy Palmer followed Art Recesso, who scored an equally behind the scenes. home contest, 68-56, and topped Crow and his 7-2 decision over tight 3-2 win. The Great Danes also We will attempt to provide this "drama of the hu- aUtlca In their first meeting In Utlca, Keeley that gave the Albany got two points each from Poplaski man element in athletic competition" by including in 90-75, as Price again led the team Paul grapplers an almost Insurmountable and Springer both of whom wrestled with 19 rebounds and 24 points. to draws, the sports page each week and possibly sometimes 18-0 lead. With ace Margison missing one Again the Great Danes led after twice a week, a feature article on a Great Dane sports game and sub-par In another, Price Springer Undefeated the 167 pound match, but Gorham personality who is competing in Intercollegiate athle- took on the scoring burden with 22 Craig Springer was next on the lost a tense 6-4 decision to Gary tics. We begin this series in this issue with a story and 20 points In losses to Montclair, mats for Albany, and his 6-5 deci- Lehr and Chet Krom suffered a pin 79-64, and Southern Connecticut, sion preserved his undefeated r e c - In the heavy weight division. on Jim Constantino, the only person ever to be elected 78-70. In dual matches and clinched captain of an Albany State basketball team for two During the Christmas recess, ord Great Danes Over Plattiburgh the win for the Great Danes. Potsconsecutive seasons. Each and every week throughout State entered the Albany City Tour- dam captured the 160 pound cate- Earlier the Albany matmen ney against Siena, Marist College, gory but Albany was going with dumped Pittsburgh by a decisive the remainder of the winter sports season, an article and New Paltz. The Danes, co-favFoplaskl their regular 137 22-10 count. Winners for Albany on the prominent members of the varsity basketball orites with Siena, defeated Marist in Mike pounder. Poplaskl, outweighed by were BUI Russell at 123, who scored A aAd wrestling teams will be presented to our readers the opening round 93-80, but lost 20 pounds, saved two points for the an impressive 12-4 victory; Crow, Larry Marcus for the season who pinned his man in a quick 1:10; as1 part of our policy to provide continually the best junior when he sustained a broken wrist. Great Danes by managing to avoid Palmer, who scored a 4-0 shutout; information about our athletic teams and individuals. In the finals against Siena, Albany a pin. Albany then captured the 167 and Springer, who followed with a 9-5 lost Soph Margison who suffered a decision; Frank Berry, who regis^Unfortunately, one thing that a sports story cannot severe ankle sprain. The valiant the 177 pound classes to complete tered another 4-0 shutout; and Roger plfflvfttPis the opinion of the writer on the event. Danes lost a close 73-67 battle des- the rout. Captain Art Recessoupped Gorham, who scored by a 5-2 count. dual meet record to 3-1 as he This is what we will try to provide in this column. pite these losses. Price led State his Albany will now swing into the disposed of his opponent by a 0-4 Along with our opinions and questions of athletics on with 18 points and 16 rebounds. count. At 177, Roger Gorham gained heart of their schedule with 0 matches in the next four weeks. Prior to the semester break, Al- his second win against one defeat this campus, we will offer compliments when they are bany hosted Merrimack and Pots- as he registered a decisive 5-1 Tomorrow they travel to Montclair due and, of course, constructive criticism when it is dam, and played at Brooklyn Col- victory, Potsdam then gained a pin and then they return home on Wedin order. We will deal entirely with inter-collegiate lege. in the heavyweight division for the nesday for an 8 p.m. encounter with featuring some fancy final 27-8 count. Columbia. and intramural athletics at this University. We have ballMerrimack, handling, defated the Danes, in neither the space nor the time to keep you in the another close contest, 80-76. Marknow of the national sports happenings. Besides, the gison scored 20 points, and Price In 15 rebounds. The locals big-time mass media do an efficient job of providing hauled hit only 33.7 per cent from the field this coverage. as Merrimack hit a torrid 5B%. But, as previously mentioned, we can only accom- The Dane cagers met Oswego State night in a home contest and will plish these objectives if we have an efficient and ex- last finish out their busiest week with which posted a 10-0 slate. by Bob Rice pert staff with which to work. The writers of this an 8:30 p.m. game against powerful "We play fast, aggressive basketsports department therefore will hope to see a large Ithaca College tomorrow at the Hudball with a balanced scoring attack. son Valley gym. Buses will leave Jim Constantino, a 1963 We have several fine shooters on the turnout of students who are at all interested in writing each quad for both the frosh and team trying to capitalize on the sports for the ASP at the meeting Sunday at 6 p.m. in varsity games 45 minutes before graduate of Mohonasen other team's mistakes." High School, Schenectady, "There room 364 of the Campus Center. The experience is game time. is a great desire on the a n d c a p t a i n of t h i s y e a r ' s part of'"the"nine'varsity members rewarding and only with a more than adequate staff basketball team, has been because of the fact that not only will we be fulfilling our part in keeping you abreast we have to play our 'home' a key man in the sucoess do of an important and integral part of University life. games at Hudson Valley before of the 9-5 Danes so far. sparse crowds but that we also have Meeting [A Free Press, | H A by Glen Sapir The undefeated Camfs hold on to a one game lead as the AMIA League I basketball season) approaches the mldseason mark. In the battle for second place, played Tuesday at Page Gym, Alpha Pi Alpha bested Potter Club, 46-44. Both teams entered the contest with Identical 3-1 records, each team's loss coming at the hands of the league leader. APA started off the game wtUi the hot hand, paced by Denny Elkin and BUI Moon, Potior Club came haqk via the shooting ofliay McCloat to close APA's halftlme lead to five points, 24-19, Final Minute Decides Both teams exchanged baskets In the opening minutes of the second half, until once again APA developed the shooting eye and spurted HEART? J Press Alb FEBRUARY 14, 1967 Following is a text of the Women's Hours Proposal presented at the Feb. 9, 1967 meeting of Central Council by Living Area Affairs Commission. This proposal had been drawn up over a period of time, and was unanimously approved by L.A.A.C. in a meeting shortly before Central Council convened. Robert Mulvey, the spokesman for L.A.A.C. read The lecture is sponsored by the School of Criminal Justice, and the Departments of Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, and the Center for Inter-American Studies. Flguera, who received his MA at the National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, received his PhD In Jurisprudence and Social Science in 1951 at the same University. Prosecuting Attorney From 1943 to 1946 he served as Prosecuting Attorney In Santiago, Argentina, and later as the Secretary of the Federal Criminal Court In the Province of Tecuman. He also served as the Federal Prosecuting Attorney in the same province, tft Flguera has served in administrative positions in the National University of Buenos Aires, the National University of Tecuman, and the University of Psychological and Social Science, Buenos Aires, (renamed John F. Kennedy Argentinian University). Serves as Editor He served as editor of "Estudlos de Sociologla," an internationally circulated and bilingual journal of Sociology; he has published over 100 essays on varied subjects, particularly concerning existential spiritualism. Flguera received the Medal of Honor of the Latin American Sociological Association, In recognition of contributions to sociology to Latin America. t h e p r o p o s a l a n d t h e n d e - and at 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturfended U N I V E R S I T Y WOMEN sign out for Saturday night d a t a * hoping they make their curfews. Central Council Discusses Progress On Hours, Alcohol by Ken Bernstein Living Area Affairs Commission presented a proposal for revision of Women's Hours at the Feb. 9 session of Central Council. Bob Mulvey read the text of the proposal which was then discussed by the council, but not voted upon. f> »i> llzation for freshmen women. A coed must sign out for a weekend, but may put her destination in a sealed envelope that may be opened in an emergency only. it. L.A.A.C. rec- *\\ Tnose residents returning to ommended continued re- the dorms after closing hour win strictions on freshmen wo- •» admitted by a campus policemen until they have ad- m ^ , T h e slgn.out procedure will justed to University life, be as follows: The proposal calls for cooperation between the students and the administration. Ideally, it will provide privacy and protection for the student, while allowing the Unlverslty to feel some security in the event of an emergency, Here is the text: LIVING AREA AFFAIRS COMMISSION, State University of New York at Albany « Proposed System for Women's Hours The primary purpose of life in college Is academic; however, within the academic framework the University should strive to develop mature andresponslble individuals who will be prepared to enter a larger community. This could be accomplished In many ways. a. If a woman plans to be out after 8 p.m. she must indicate this by moving her sign-out card from the " i n " box to the " o u t " box. It Is suggested that she indicate her destination, b. If a sophomore, junior, or senior woman plans to be out after closing hour of the dorm, she must: 1. place in a sealed envelope information containing an address at which she could be reached In case of an emergency at which time the envelope will be opened Indicate on the outside of the envelope her name, the date of departure, and the expected date of r e turn. Council's discussion centered on what constituted an "emergency" and other details of administration. University Succeeding As on afterthought, Dr. Tucker men3. place the envelope In the We feel that the University Is tioned that visitation hours in men's "out" box along with her apartments will be taken up by her succeeding to some degree In this card area. The student assumes much committee after the women's hours If at any time a woman finds it Is responsibility In deciding his curproposal Is settled. riculum and outside activities. Al- required to change the date of her though the University for the most return, she may make the change Rathsklller Nell Brown, director of student part is committed to recognize ma- herself or call the dorm and have a activities, continued his reports on turity, we feel that further steps resident change it for her. It Is the responsibility of each woman to the progress of the Alcohol Com- are needed. Since it Is assumed that students make sure that there Is a " d e s t i mittee. He predicted that the comwill formulate their own Ideals and nation" envelope for her If she.Is Sealed Envelope mittee will wind up its work within Briefly, the proposal calls for two weeks. In that time, It will standards we feel that the Unlver- out of the dorm after closing hour. the abolishment of all hours for discuss the possibilities of alcohol slty should not attempt to direct A resident may leave the hall at upperclassmen, and a slight libera- In the residence areas, including the formulation of these standards any time if she follows the above the dining rooms, the lounges and and Ideals. If Indeed we are mature sign-out procedure, c. If a freshman woman plans Individual rooms. The committee individuals, then our Ideals and will recommend a rathskeller In standards should be our own. We, to leave the residence hall for a therefore, feel that a revision of weekend other than going home, she the Campus Center, the present curfew system is neces- must obtain written permission from her parents or guardian. Brown also put before the Council sary. d. Guests of residents will be discussion on a proposal that would Fundamental Issues subject to the same sign-out p r o cut the present time between classes from fifteen to ten minutes. This Before addressing ourselves to cedure as their hostess, would allow students to finish earl- the actual policy, we must consider 0. Violations Intent of the composer." a. If a sophomore, junior or Robert Creeley will lecture on the ier and also would provide time for some fundamental issues. Foremost resident has not checked in origin of a poem In a poet's mind. an extra class period. Council opln- among these issues is should women osenior He feols that his poems are given on ran heavily against the proposal, have curfews imposed upon them r " 1B envelope has not been amended him to write and that lie docs not when men do not? In the case of by'he closing of the dorm on the exc r e a t e them. March Elections sophomores, juniors, and seniors, Pected date of return, the envelope w " l be opened by the resident a s Stanley Vaudorbeek's goal Is a Nominations for electiuns on all we think not. mixture of photographic reality and levels will occur between Fob, 14 Since women as well as men de- sistant on duty and the individual will ue real reality in his filmmaking. Ills and Feb. 20. Elections will bo held termlno their own limitations, they contacted, b films employ a manipulation of live on March 1, 2 and 3. Ballots may also recognize that they must take - " a n v woman is late In f e action shots with clippings from be cast In the dinner lines, in the responsibillty for their own actions, turning to the dorm after closing mass media. Campus Contor and at Draper Hall. However, freshmen women, until hour l n violation of the above signthey have become acquainted with the o u t Procedure, her case will be r e responslbilities Imposed by Unlver- 'erred to the Judicial structure of Schedule For Contemporary Voices In The Arts slty life, should to some degree be t l l e Student Association, restricted. ?• Living Area Affairs CommisThe second Important Issue is the s l o n w l " n s v e periodic sessions to 1:25-2:30 desirability of such a liberal policy, review the operations of the new Stan VanDerBeek and Len L y e - - 3 ' 3 0 - 4 ! 3 " Living Area Affairs Commission, system throughout the first full year Ballroom-Informal Group Discus- J<»<* Tworkov and Len Lye Ball- as a cross representation of the " l a t W Is in effect, room — Informal Discussion « slon—A. Lennlng, Moderator. student body, Indicates emphatic We, the members of L.A.A.C., are Robert Creeley-Assembly Hall-. E, Cowley, Moderator, willing to undertake the responsisupport. Informal Group Discussion—J, Kev> Time for Individual meetings with bility of orienting students to this Individual Responsibility Cage and Kluver In Assembly Hall. In Quinn, Moderator, new What we are asking for Is merely system Dance Council meets with Cunningham in Library Lecture Room US an extension of the right of IndividPick up nomination forms (or ual responsibility. In the Interest of attaining that goal, we submit the M Y S K A N I A elections 4:30-5:30 2:30-3:35 Central Council replacement All University Reception- •Fire- following policy: John Cage, Merce, Cunningham1 place Lounge. 1. We request that all sophomore, election and Wllhelm Kluver—BallroomJunior and senior curfews be elimLiving Area Affairs CommisInformal Group Discussion — Joel ajaovjojoo inated. sion replacement election Chadabeo, Moderator. "Contemuorarv Volcns in Hi« 2, We request that curfews tor Timefor Individual meetings with A H s " - - T a T l r o o m - ? G oup P o! freshmen lie extended until the clos- Class offices VanDerBeek, Lye and C r e e l e y - „ a m . . 0 n a n ,„i,„i„ o l . c „„f>„„ m „„_l 1 ID hrinri: nf (ha rowirtimc, h a l l s In the Student Association Dr. Clara Tucker, Chairman of the subcommittee of the Student Affairs Council through which this proposal must pass, said she was "favorably disposed" toward It, and Imagined that the rest of her subcommittee would feel likewise. L.A.A.C. took samples of opinion from the three residence quadrangles, and got favorable results from two, and no response from one. Artistic Leaders Available Today To Present Topics In Discussion Seven leaders In the fields of modern arts will present topics In their fields today in the ballroom of the Campus Center. The program, "Contemporary Voices in the Arts," will feature music, poetry, painting,photography and sculpturing as specialties. It is sponsored by the New York State Council on the Arts. The artists will lie available at various times during the day for group discussion and an All University Reception, (see schedule) The artists participating are Jack Tworkov, painter; John Cage, composer; Stan VanDcrBeek, film maker; Len Lye sculptor and film maker; Robert Creeley,poet; Merce Cunningham, dancer; and Wllhelm Kluver, electronic technician. Tworkov's painting represents abstract expressionism In the urea of landscape. Ills most recent works have depicted a flat and diagrammatic disposition of line. Lye first exhibited his "tangible" motion sculpturing In 1961. His most Impressive work to date consists of a five-foot high blade of polished steel which is electronically choreographed to go Into convulsive motions upon a revolving base. Experlmentulism In music Is the VOL. Llll, NO. 2 LAAC Hours Proposal Features No Curfews Dr. Miguel Herrea Flguera, presently a visiting scholar In Social Psychology at Columbia University, will present a talk on "Criminology in the Detective Story," Thurs., Feb. 16, at 3:30 p.m. In Lecture Room 3. to travel there during the week for practice," Constantino, a history major here, was an all-around sports star at Mohonasen. He won letters three years In three sports: soccer, basketball, and baseball, and scored a record 19 goals In one soccer season. Jim Constantino University Social Psychologist To Present Lecture On 'Criminology' NOTICES A 5-foot-11 senior, Constantino takes his captaincy seriously. A fleece competitor and all-out bust' e r , he feels responsible for a defeat and, as a result, has a burning desire to win. -"m's teammates have great faith and respect in his leadership as shown by the fact that he Is the first eager at State to be chosen captain two consecutive years. As a junior last season, he played In avery game of a surprising 13-0 year and average 9 points per game, This season, he is scoring a 9.8 clip with a high of 17 on two occasions. Constantino's value cannot be measured In statistics, however. Ills defense, for example, Is vitally important to the small Danes. This a s l ,oct > ° " ° " neglected by players who would rather make headlines with Inflated scoring totals, Is a source of satisfaction for Constantino, wlle n asked what he thought about 'his year's team, Jim said, "It is one ° ' " 1 0 , " ) s l teams we've had In years. I feel we could have beaten WW 1064-65 team led by Dick Crosset " i J l m O'Donovan, and Dan Zeh I HOW'S YOUR ALBANY. NEW YORK Captain Constantino Mainstay At State There will be a meeting this Sunday 6 p.m. Campus Center, roomat 304 for in all the those Interested In joining the ASP sport's staff. Buses for the three remaining homo basketball games will be servlug SUNYA students. Buses will leave for the fresman games at to an eight point lead. Once again It 0 p.m, and for the varsity games was catch up ball for the EEP's and at 7:46 p.m, Potter almost successfully played the role, coming to within two points AMIA of the victors, Several turnovers All AMIA basketball team caphighlighted the closing seconds of tains should note scheduled games the tilt, Potter getting three shots marked ''Westmere." These will bo at the hoop but unable to can the playod at the Westmere Elementary knotter, McCloat led all scorers School on Saturdays beginning towith eighteen points while three players shared the honors for APA, morrow. A special bus will leave the Colonial Quadrangle, stopping each hitting for twelve points, at the Dutch Quadrangle, one half hour prior to each game and r e Comfs Hold First turnlng immediately after each The standings to date show the game. Camfs holding first place by oneThere will be an Important meethalf game with a 4-0 record fol- lng for all Varsity baseball letterlowed by APA, 4-1; Potter, 3-2; the men and new candidates this WedSavs and Pierce, each 1-3; and Kap- nesday at 4 p.m. In Husted, room pa Beta, 0-4, An important and pos- 160, located above the old campus sibly decisive factor in the outcome cafeteria. of the season will be how well the All frosh wrestling candidates Camfs can make up for the loss of should contact either Coach Garcia ace, Joe Horns, or Coach Burllngame. A Free •is To Even Its Record A t 2 - 2 APA Tops EEPs For Second Place Undefeated Camfs Hold Top Spot f Tuesday, February 14, 1967 **** 0Tu«»day, February 14, 1967 ALBANY STUDIMT F R I t t ALBANY STUDENT PRESS Over The Counter Intelligence The committee now working on the liquor question has a similar makeup. Nell C. Brown, Jr., as Many students today are con- head of student activities, heads up cerned Over L^.-J cnm.i-h aa body Dooy 01 ol m'cmiy faculty uiwiiiueis members. *mu and proposals we have all heard x, much a y student appointees. This about dealing umh with WOmfin women'sS nOUrS hours T" ..itn.U AaaHntr .7. . .. « . • and the question of liquor on cam- committee, while slow, Is moving steadily toward a finished proposal. pus. No one seems quite sure about anything concerning these proposals Once finished, however, it still must with two exceptions: (1) we have be approved by Central Council, the heard nothing about liquor since the Student Affairs Council, and the University Council announced their President. I, for one, deplore the use of stugeneral approval last October, and (2) we have heard nothinguntil today dent appointments to make up committees when the student body has but promises (I.e. the key system) an elective body of our most capable for almost two years. students, e.g. MYSKANIA, which, in Too many students have tended to conjunction with the Faculty Senate blame President Collins and "the would make a much more repreadministration" for the delay. If sentative and democratic body to blame is to be put, however, it consider such proposals. The other must be put on ourselves as stu- solution to this aspect of the probdents and on the bureaucratic sys- lem would be to hope for a report tem of approval necessary to enact some day from another committee these proposals. Both proposals are now in session: that being Central presently "in committee," along Council's committee to study the with everything else, It seems. feasibility of setting up a commltee Women's hours are in the Hands to appoint committees. of the Committee on Residences, When we consider that there is which is made up of faculty mem- also a committee to study the feasber's, Miss Norma Edsall, Director ibility of re-organizing student govof Residences, and students hand- ernment It becomes obvious to me, picked by Bill Cleveland, Student at least, that MYSKANIA should Association President. This com- have been taking away powers from mittee has been handicapped by the student government in the past few group they empowered to write the years Instead of the reverse. proposal, Living Area Affairs ComStudent appointments to such bodmission, who, by working under ies as Athletic Board, Academic false assumptions for awhile, ac- Affairs Commission, and most other cusing itself of being unrepresenta. arms to our student government, tive, and several other problems, when combined with the great mamanaged to avoid a finished pro- jorlty of those elected members of posal for a fantastically long time. Central Council, have managed to Last Thursday a good proposal was hold stagnant a campus manned profinally written by LAAC and handed bably by the most progressive and over to the Committee on Rest- liberal administration this school dences. When their work is fin- has ever seen, lshed, the proposal still must be Returning to an orginal point from approved by the Student Affairs an enOamed digression, the only Council of the Faculty Senate, the faultless people In the holding up of Faculty Senate as a whole, and fi- these proposals are the members of nally by the President of the Uni- the Administration. They have had versity. nothing to work on. by Martin Schwartz Hours Action Please! Living Area Affairs Commission finally passed a finished proposal last Thursday night that appears to have a chance of being enacted. The issue of women's hours has been bandied around too many committees for too long and we are glad to see some positive action being taken. To be enacted into rules, however, this proposal must still be passed by the Committee on Residences, the Student Affairs Council of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate as a whole, and finally by the president of the University. Despite Dr. Tucker's complaint as chairman of the Committee on Residences that the proposal maintains a double standard between men and women, we feel that it is at present the fairest and most representative of student opinion proposal that we have seen in a long time. Freedom Denied? Recently at the Junior College of Albany, George Bunch, Robert Arey, and John Delonas were notified that they would not be rehired in September. These people had been employed by the college for periods of 2, 5 and 2 years, respectively. The only reason given by Lewis A. Froman, President of Russell Sage College, of which JCA. is a division,-for the firings was given to Bunch. In the letter of notification that Bunch r e ceived, Froman said that the New York State Department of Education advised JCA to hire a full-time sociologist with better credentials than Bunch has. At present, Bunch is working on his Ph.D. at Albany's Graduate School of Public Affairs. A call to the Department of Education confirms that not only haven't they been on the Russell Sage campus in several years, but that they never issue directives or advice of this nature under any circumstances. Although Froman says that he has this advice In writing, he refuses to allow anyone to see it; nor will he divulge the name of the official who made the statement. We called President Froman and asked him to comment both on the reasons for the firings of Bunch and for the "coincidental" firings of every member of the faculty who publicly supported him. We also asked him to comment on the obvious discrepancy between his version and the Department of Education's version nf their dealings wltheachother. He refused to answer either of these questions. . ~ l ra L his prominent activities in civil right in the Albany area, and the others were fired for their support of him, it seems that academic freedom is non-existent on the Russell Sage campus. There have been instances in the past which would tend to support this allegation. If, as we say, this is the correct situation, we go on record as deploring this state of affairs and censure Froman highly for refusing to clarify publicly the truth in this highly controversial and sensitive matter. In addition, we wonder, along with Arey, how much influence Mayor Erastus Corning was able to exert into this matter from his position as a member of the Board of Directors of the Junior College of Albany, and whether the fact that JCA has a building fund project in progress relates to this. Bunch told us that he feels that "what is going on is an extension of politics invading the educational community. The manner in which the decision was made is an example of one-man r u l e ! " Corning, by the way, also declined an invitation to clarify his position and referred all questions to Froman. We urge Faculty Senate, SUNYA, R.P.I, and Union chapters of the American Association of College Professors, and any other like responsible group to join us in our action. We also urge toe Russell Sage chapter's President Irene Wood to change her mind and decide to bring up this matter at her next meeting. The denial of academic freedom by a college of the class that Russell Sage purports to belong to is a sad situation at best. No Rush Greek Innovation Greek Week was new this year and it seems to be a worthwhile innovation. The co-chairman, Lynn Hewitt and Debbie Walton, took over the enormous job when Joseph Nicastri resigned as head of Pan-Hellenic Council and chairman of Greek Week, last s e mester. All did not go smoothly. The Greek Olympics were poorly attended, and the beer party was not planned adequately. The first week of a semester is a poor time to start a tradition, but something was started and the campus will be better for it. Dean Chessin gave an inspiring talk about the r e a sons for being at college. Laur Kurz, student ambassador, spoke on her summer in Poland and many students were entertained at the Brothers Four Concert. The role of Greek organizations on this campus has been dubious evern since they were forced to relinquish their houses. Most people thought they were destined to die a low death. This year, with the development of a Pan-Hellenic Council, Greek Week and three new fraternities the Greeks have rejuvenated themselves. Their effort to bring spirit and enthusiasm to this campus seems to be their new purpose. They have made an impressive start and we hope that they will continue. Last semester the ASP printed a condemnation of the bookstore for the unbelievably long lines and the "inexcusable" practice of closing down during lunch and dinner. Although we did not mention it at the time, we realized that the personnel at the bookstore had done their best; it was just that their best was not good enough for the students Albany Student Press who had to wait outside in the rain for two or more hours. ESTABLISHED MAY 1916 By doing even better than their best, however, the bookstore has this s e BT THE CLASS OF 1918 mester organized a highly efficient method of operation. The store is now open Albany Student P r « i I , „ seml-weekly newspaper published by the from early morning to late evening con- AThe n o c otlon ol the Slat. University oi N.w York «t Albony, t h . ASP office, loann t . d in Room -."• 364 V - ' of " t"hV. Co —••P » Center ol 1223 Western A v t n u t , Is open from tinuously while there was not a single c77i00 . .00 p.m. p.m. lo t ^ n11:00 i O O j lp. . m , Sundoy thru Thur.doy night or may b . r.gehod by dloling wait over fifteen minutes. 457.2190.or 4S7-2194 The students who did have to wait did MAROARET O U N L A P ond SARA K I T T S L E Y so In the heated tunnel, and there was Co-Edltors-in-Chlef never a bottleneck at the cashiers. kl^L?"? 0 ," •'• *"• "!">' "V,"" N . « . Editor It Is clear that only a tremendously D » r!*3ppedisono.. G t i , &?,?""" M t r r , Editor Saplr....,..', cooperative effort combined with much Bruce '*' ""'" • A . i o c l o l . Sport. Editor Kaufman Advertising Manager hard work and personal sacrifice of Stuart Lubert ....... Photography Editor Schullo time. Our congratulations go out to Gory Bui I n . i i Mgnag.r Linda VanPall.n.. Technical Supervisor every member of the staff of the book- J o i . o h Silverman. Executive Editor All store for the fine job that they have Stud.'" P n u . H S L ' A » o r d . and o r . sub ect to editing. T h . done In rectifying the mistakes of last Albony c J . , J L . " . - _ * " . • • • » " • • » " ° r . i p o n . l b i l l l y for opinion. . „ „ , „ . . . d " „ f t . I u Film, 'Billy Liar' About Adolescent To Be Presented Nt«3. Three Faculty Members Dismissed From J. C. A. A new group called the Trl-City Student Alliance has told the ASP that it plans a demonstration Friday. Richard Evans, the group's chairman, said", "We will have two picket lines: one on the corners of First and Congress Streets at the Russell Sage campus In Troy and the other on New Scotland Avenue at the Junior College of Albany." Evans said that Interested State students should be at the Junior College between 12 noon and 2 p.m. Anyone who needs transportation should call Ed Silver, Leonard Rhine, or Robert Fish at 489-1240. Students from other campuses will be on both picket lines. Tro purpose of the demonstration is to protest the dismissal of Geoge Bunch, Robert Arey, and John Delonas from the faculties of Russell Sage and the Junior College of Albany. "Billy Liar," a 111m relating the adventures of an adolescent Walter Mltty, will be presented next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Draper 349, g) The film will be snown as part of a Tuesday night series of motion pictures scheduled for presentation under the auspices of the American Film Academy. JCA, Union College, RPI, and Russell Sage. "Our group will be heard from again," he said, "because we believe that students should play an active role In community life. We Intend to meet a high standard of Informed and responsible Involvement, and to earned public respect for our opinions. Student Involvement Possible "The fact that this is possible Is demonstrated by the role which students played In the Five Dollar Vote controversy, and in the protest over George Bunch's arrest." Evans also said that a formal statement of purpose was being prepared by the Alliance but would not Part Fantasy be released until "we get'more orDirected by"' John Schleslnger, THE BROTHERS FOUR on concert at Page Hall Friday. The ganized." As for specific future pro"Billy Liar" stars Tom Courtenay popular folk group performed before a full house as part of the jects, these have not been planned id Julie Christie. Although the work Greek Week festivities. In any detail but may Include a i part fantasy, part comedy, it is monthly publication, dealing with underscored throughout by a strong Academic Freedom the Issues commented on my memsense of ironic realism. ScnlesBunch, Arey, and the Trl-Cities bers of the Alliance on the several lnger's low-keyed dlrectoral style group feel that an lssue'of academic campuses. , emphasizes the serious theme of freedom is Involved. Bunch has been the picture. In the news for some time because of his activities as a civil rights leader and his jailing without ball The American Film Academy will The University Is represented in members are chosen to become lasi October. The other two men present additional films on Tuesdays Education had supported him at a public rally: throughout the remainder of the se- the activities of "Mademoiselle" Guest Editors. magazine by two students who were The 20 Guest Editors spend the Delonas by speaking and Arey by February 14: Utlca Public Schools mester. among the winners of a contest So. Brunswick, N.J. month of June in New York as salmarching (his picture appeared on The schedule of films Is as folaried employees of "Mademoi- television). February 15: North Babylon Central lows: "Diary of a Country Priest" sponsored by "Mademoiselle." Schools, Free Library of PhilBoth girls will have an opportun- selle." They will help write, illusand "Citizen Kane," Feb. 21; "The No reasons were given for the adelphia (Librarians) Cousins," Feb. 28; "The 400 ity to contribute to the magazine trate, and edit "Mademoiselle's" firing of Delonas or Arey, but Bunch August college issue. and help keep it abreast of campus February 16: Manchester, Conn. • o w s , " Mar. 7; "Hiroshima, Mon received a letter from Lewis FroBatenskill (town of Poughkeepsle) They all interview well-known man, President of Russell Sage ColAmour," Mar. 14; "Virdiana," Mar. trends. The two Albany winners are Holley Central Schools 21; "My Name is Ivan," Mar. 28; Jane Kowlcz '68 and Susan Sammar- personalities and represent the lege. It said that Bunch was being magazine on visits to publishing replaced in order to conform with February 17: King's Park Central "Last Year at Marlenbad," April 4. tano '70. houses, stores, and advertising Schools, Batavia Central Schools, They were chosen from contesa directive from the State DepartEast Irondequolt, Schenectady tants all over the country on the agencies. The guest editors are ment of Education. Additional Films February 20: Freeport, L. I., RPI Also, "Red Desert," April 11; basts of entries they submitted also "Mademoiselle's" guests at Graduate School Interviews Purpose of Directive "To Die in Madrid," April 18; showing ability In the fields of: parties, discotheques, and screenings. The purpose of the directive, ac"Alphavllle," AprU 25; "The Blue art, writing, editing, photography, General P l a c e m e n t layout, fashion design, or advercording to Froman, was to urge Angel," May 2; "Woman In the that the college's sociology de- February 14: International HarvesDunes," May 9; and "Nobody Waved tising. ter-candidates interested in sales As members of "Mademoiselle's partment be staffed with "fully Goodbye," May 16. February 14: G e n e r a l Telephone trained sociologists," All performances will begin at College Board, the girls will report on events at the University, Co.-Jr. management positions for 7:30 p.m. in Draper 349. Each feaAlan Kuuisto, the State's Assismajors in accounting and math, ture presentation will be accom- research articles, and help "Madetant Commissioner of Education, has moiselle" fashion editors select science, and physics. Some oppanied by a short subject. since denied that this is so saying, models for college fashion features. portunities for liberal arts ma"We don't have anything to do with Counseling Service jors. Each girl will remain on the ColA program for the improvement personnel problems and employlege Board until she graduates. of reading skills under Dr. Newton ment. They are purely institutional February 15: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.-all majors for In addition, Miss Kowlcz and Miss of the School of Education will be matters that we do not touch." variety of jobs in insurance. Sammartano are eligible to compete available to all students without Bunch, who holds an M.A. In sofor "Mademoiselle's" 20 grand credit or fee for the second se- cial science and is currently work- February 16: Regional Administraprizes. Each year 20 of the Board mester. If you are free on Monday ing toward a Ph.D. feels that his tor for National Banks-candidates from business administration, acat 3:35 or Thursday at 12:20, go dismissal is politically motivated. Dr. Lewis P. Welch, associate counting, economics, and finance. to counseling service, Paine Hall, He recalls that Albany's Mayor dean of the Graduate School of Pubto reserve space (which is limited), Corning had consulted In advance February 17: Public Service Comlic Affairs at State University of New mission-accounting majors only. with the Judge who denied ball to to get the room assignment, and to York at Albany, has been appointed him. He charges that a "similar February 20: Peat, Marwlck, Mitlearn of further details. acting dean of the school by Dr. chell & Co.-accountlng only. kind of pressure" has been applied Students and faculty who would Evan R. Collins, president of the to "members of the academic com- February 20: W. T. Grant-majors Campus Viewpoint like to see a change in U.S. policy University. munity" to secure h(s dismissal. FRESHMEN! SOPHOMORES! In business or liberal arts for Announcement of the appointment in Vietnam are invited to a 3:30 (anybody & everybody) jobs in store management. was made on February 7 at a meet- Wednesday meeting at Channlng Hall Here Is an opportunity to make a (First Unitarian Church, 405 WashAlliance Shares Suspicions l y of the school faculty. Dr. Welch, positive contribution ... WORK ON "The Tri-Clties Student Alliance who was named associate dean two ington Avenue). A number of men and women "on THE FRESHMAN HANDBOOK**** shares Bunch's suspicions," says months ago, will fill the vacancy "Campus Viewpoint." Evans, and he stressed that "whatcreated last week when it was an- the side of the doves" plan to orPeople are needed to do all sorts ever the reasons for them, these nounced that Dr. O. B. Conaway ganize "Citizens Concerned About Vietnam." Several clergymen who of Jobs on the staff... virtually any dismissals are a clear threat to will go on leave. took part In last week's Washington type or in any area of student ac- academic freedom. Bunch and his Dr. Conaway Is leaving his post Mobilization, together with repre- tivity... the time commitment need colleagues are object lessons for anyone on either campus who cheras. dean to direct a study to deter- sentatives of various civic groups, not be major. This year MAJOR REVISIONSare ishes the illusion that his Job will mine how the State University can have taken the initiative In calling planned in the subject matter, etc. be safe If he becomes controverassist New York State in solving Its < the meeting. varied and complex urban problems. It is hoped it will become a com- of the book... your IDEAS and HELP sial." University Chancellor Sameul B. munity wide group including the will be needed and appreciated. Asked about the nature of the new If interested, call or contact: student organization, Evans told the Gould said Dr. Conaway's assign- University. For further information ment reflected the University's con- contact Dr. Frances Colbey 457- B. J. Lessne 7794 (Van Cortland) ASP that it is less than two weeks cern over the need for a compre- 8436 or The Reverend Frank Snow, Walt Doherty 8738 (DeLancey) old and already has members on Henry Made] 8747 (Johnson) hensive program under which it campus minister, 482-2508. five local campuses: Albany State, B)uld closely cooperate with the cities of the State. AMERICAN TRAVEL FACULTY The American Film Academy Is a non-profit, voluntary association of college film groups. Each week a domestic or foreign picture will be shown at each of the member institutions. Admission will be 75? at each performance. E Two Students Winners In Magazine Contest Placement Notices NOTICES Welch Fills Vacancy As Acting Dean Group To Discuss Vietnam Policy The new acting dean, prior to his Come to Niskoyuno for better homes, better schools, and bettor appointment In December, has served as assistant dean of the living. 20 minutes from campus. school since 1962. He holds an A.B. degree (magna cum laude) granted in Gilbert & Betty Wolf* Phone 393-1418 Tint* Associates, Inc. 1964 from Bowdoln College where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. In 1957 he received a master's degree in public administration from YOU NAME ITI Syracuse University and four years later, a Ph. D, In political science from the same institution. Egg Rolls, Spare Ribs, Chow Mein, Chop Suey, Shrimp & While at Syracuse, Dr. Welch held fellowships at Syracuse during two years of graduate study. He was appointed an Instructor of political science at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, during the period 1958-61. In that rank, he served as assistant director and coordinator of the graduate program In public administration. During the current academic year he has been serving as oMlrman of the newly-established department of political science of and Lobster Sauce, Pork Fried Rice and many morel Eat in or Take Out Students Welcome at "Your Campui Travel Agent" Opposite State Campus at Thruway Motor Inn 9-5 Weekdays Phone 459-9010 9-12 Saturdays TO: LOOKING FOR SELF-FULFILLMENT? SHERUT LA'AM-ISRAEL MAY BE YOUR ANSWER Sherut L a ' a m (Service to the People) 515 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022 I am a graduate - undergraduate (underline one) between 19-30 and would like you to send me, without obligation, FREE information telling how I can serve a full year in Israel for only $670 which includes round trip fare. (A limited number of long-term loans are available). I understand a knowledge of Hebrew is not a pre-requtsite. (Please print) HOUSE OF WONG 223 CENTRAL AVENUE Major Field or Study. HO 2-22 3a{ Street Address - College or Univ Phone ( O p t i o n a l ) . Tuesday, February 14, 196* ALBANY STUDENT PRESS fir* Danes Tie Maritime Fall To Montclair Face Columbia Next State Defeatslthaca Cagers 91- 02; Teamwork Highlights Win Streak The Albany State grapple rs ran into two tough opponents this week. On Wednesday they battled to a 18-18 draw with Maritime, and then they bowed to Montclair by a 24-8 count. Outstanding wrestlers foi the Great Danes were Warren Crow and Robert H. Rice, Jr. Randy Palmer at 130 and 14S r e spectively. Crow remained undefeated as he pinned his Martlme _ # opponent In 7:38, and then came back KOOett MM. MXlCB to wrestle beautifully In declslonlng Chuck Bateman, the Montclair co- SpOTtS Illfo Head captain. r J Robert H. Rice, J r . of Delmar, Palmar Wlm Two Palmer also won twice to up his has been named to a full-time post record in dual meets to 5-1. He as director of sports information in also won by a pin the Maritime en- the office.of public information at counter as he registered his fall at State University of New York at Al3:31. At Montclair the rugged 145 bany. While a graduate student at the pounder gained a tough 2-0 win over. University he had been serving In a part-time capacity. John Sutton. Mr. Rice is an alumnus of Union The Maritime match was extremely close. BUI Clark led of for College where he received his bachAlbany with a 9-6 decision, thanks elor of arts degree in English In to take takedowns and two rever- 1966. While an undergraduate he sals. Crow followed with his pin. covered sports for the public r e Then Mike Poplaski wrestled Dan lations office. He also has worked Gervat to a 2-2 draw, and Palmer's In the sports department of the "Albany Times-Union." pin made it 15-2 for Albany. Maritime Comes Back Maritime came storming back, however, as they gained decisions at 152 and 167, and a forfeit at 160 to close the gap to 15-13. The Dane's Roger Gorham broke Marltime's win streak with a decisive 5-0 win, in which he registered a pin two seconds after the final buzzer. Albany led 18-13 going into the heavyweight match, but Marltime's Tony Garay pinned Chet Krom in 1:27 to gain the tie for his squad. At Montclair the Danes ran into extremely tought competition, as their only point winner besides Palmer and Crow was Craig Springer who wrestled Doug Nogackl to a 2-2 draw. Pacing the toughest week of their schedule, the Albany State "TEAM" came through in fine style, winning all three contests and extending their winning streak to six games. After defeating Utica College, 102-85, last Tuesday, the Great Danes also handed setbacks to Oswego State, 77-60, and rugged Ithaca College, 9 1 - 8 # on Thursday and Saturday nights at the Hudson Valley Community College Court. Both games were monuments tn the teamwork nf s t a t e ' c a m e t0 t n e H"dson Valley uments to tne leamworKoi c o u r t w l t ha mediocre 7-8 record but Albany State a n d c o n c u r - were favored to edge the much rently to the fine coaching smaller Danes. and regimentation of his playersJ,y Coach Richard ^ j $ ^ £ g £ f t £ & •Doc" Sauers. score and after a see-saw battle, Press Potter, Justice Lead AMIA Bowling VOL. L l l l , NO. 3 Who's Who Comnittee Approves Nominees The standings of the League I Bowling League are 7-0 EEP 7-0 Justice League 5-2 Bad News (5) 5-2 Goobers 2-5 TXO Undeflneables 2-5 'i Choppers 0-7 Stragglers 0-7 The standings of the Leauge Basketball are Camfs 5-0 4-1 APA 3-2 EEP 2-3 Pierce 1-4 Savs 0-5 KB held the lead, 41-39, at halftime. State's victory over Oswego was spearheaded by senior Mike Bloom Early in the second half the Danes who picked up the scoring slack of Rich Marglson who was held to 11 broke the close contest wide open, surging ahead by as many as 17 points. Bloom hit for 21 markers. Margison, however, did yoeman points. service off the back boards for State Leading the way for the Danes with 16. was Rich Margison who poured a career high of 27 points through Scott Price, Albany's usual big man under the boards was in early the net. Mike Bloom added 21, Scott foul trouble and played less than Price had 17 markers as well as half the game, but still managed to 14 rebounds, and Jim Constantino pour 10 points through the hoop. had 12 points. Turning in a commendable job Next Friday and Saturday nights Tim Jursak, Price's replacement, had several key shots and rebounds. the Albany State cagers will face Jim Constantino turned in a fine Rochester Institute and Buffalo U. job on defense and hit in double and will return to meet Oneonta Long interested In sports cover- figures. State at home on Wednesday, Febage, Mr, RJee won the New York Ithaca, four times a victor over ruary 22. Yankee Junior Sportscaster contest in 1959, at the age of 15, and conAny freshman or sophomore Insequently announced play-by-play terested in becoming a student traincoverage of a portion of a Yankeeer, see Spud Kruzan in Draper Hall, Detroit game from Yankee Stadium Tne second half of the AMIA leges throughout the nation. Repre- the old medical office, or James over the Yankee network radio staThompson, suite 801 In Stuyvesant tions. He has served as announcer League I Bowling Season swung into sening State are Al Giles, Bob Tower. full gear at Schade's Lanes on SatRifenberlck, Ed Rosenberg, Tom and umpire for Babe Ruth League and Little League baseball games, urday. The winning team in the first Plotrowskl, with the fifth undecided as well as having served as official semester season was the Goobers upon yet due to a technicality. Back The Albany State-Slena game scorer and statistician for the Wede- who edged out second place Potter kegler will roll six games on Frl- scheduled for February 25 will be day, and three on Saturday. The klnds professional basketball team Club by four points. played at the Washington Ave. ArOn Friday and Saturday, bowlers finalists will go on to Miami, in Schenectady. He is a member of mory on the corner of Washington the National Collegiate Baseball representing SUNYA will participate Potter and Justice League lead Writers Association and of the Uni- in a tournament in Rochester. The Ave. and Lark St. The game had ted States Basketball Writers Asso- tournament, held in conjunction with the new season with 7-0 records been originally scheduled for Gibthe Association of College Unions, while Roger Cudmore has high averciation, bons Hall on the Siena campuCj wlll feature top bowlers from col- age. NOTICES J Keglers To Go To Rochester Enter your personal library in the SUNYA PERSONAL LIBRARY CONTEST ! J SPRING "67 RUSH SH i . In full .win, fa, the sororities with open house, and chatter parties being held this week S«r»,it» .nil _ * ?• ' L 9 b e 9 i n S W i , h , h e S m o k e r t h i s weekend. Here sisters of Kappa Sorority talk to prospective rushees. i\«pp° Grad Students Establish Rules On Co-ed Visiting Procedure Action taken by graduate students •W In determining the first official coed visitation hours policy in graduate dorms was explained by Clifton W, Thome, Vice President for Academic Affairs at the President's Conference Monday. The proposal was originally submitted by the Pierce Hall Association, an independent organization for dorm government in Pierce Hail, to the Committee on Student Residences on Jan. 20. On Jan. 23 the Committee on Student Residences brought the proposal to the Student Affairs Coun- ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED oil, who approved it and sent it to President Collins for approval the .following day. * i n ° l Action Final action was taken on the proposal on Feb. 6, when the Student Affairs Council, a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, presented the proposal to the Faculty Senate, and on Feb. 8 when it was formally accepted by the Unl. verslty Counsel. The proposal sets up outside visitation limits of 12 noon to 11 p.m. Sun. through Thurs.; and 12 noon to 3 a.m. Frl. through Sat. However, each dorm may set their own hours within these limits If they wish, and the hours may be changed from year to year. Additions Addod WIN $150, $50 or $10 WORTH of BOOKS The persopal library contest is open to all undergraduatesenrolledatSUNYA. Entries will be judged on the basis of knowledge, scope, interest, value, and imagination as shown in creating the collection, Judges will be faculty members and bibliographers from the University Library, First prize will be $150 worth of books, second place will be $50 worth of books, and there will be ten third prizes of $10 worth of books. The first-prize winner will be eligible to enter the national contest for which first prize is $1000, Plan now to enter your personal library. See the following rules governing your entry. For more information on the local and national contests, see Miss Monica Caulfield, Room 139, University Library or telephone 457-8533. 5. To register your entry officially, deposit your entry blank at the University Library Information Desk before Feb. 24, 1967. RULES 1. Submit a list of the books to be entered on the proper entry form. Be sure to include author, title, publisher, and date of publication for each book, . 6. Bring your books (properly indicating ownership) to the University Library, room 147 on either March 13 or 14. 2, Include a short statement expressing the purpose of the collection. 3, List ten books that you would like to add to your collection, 4. All entry blanks must be typewritten. 7. Winners will be announced March 30 at a reception to be held in the University Library, room B47 from 6 to 9 p.m. 8, Reasonable precautions will be taken to protect all entries but the sponsors will not be responsible for the loss of any books submitted. to attend the President's Conference every Monday at 2:30 in the Assembly Room of the Campus Center. upon must be affirmed by 50% of all residents otthat dorm; This plan will become operative as soon as each of the four graduate dorms elects a board which will Jhen take steps to determine the hours for that dorm. Thome jalso announced that the President's Conference will be held In the Assembly Room of the Campus Center 4 every Mon. at 2:30 p.m. from now on. He stressed the fact that this Is a conference open to any student wishing to come whether he wishes to present a specific question or Just for interest. seph Nicastri, R. Theodore Parks, Klaus Schnitzer, Joseph Silverman, Ruth Silverman, Richard Szymanski, Sharyn Teves, Douglas Upham, Richard Vacca, and Suzanne Wade.. Under the Who's Who procedure eligible seniors were screened before a committee of 12 representatives from the sophomore, junior, and senior classes on the basis' of participation and leadership in extra-curricular activities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise of future usefulness. Panel To Discuss Bunch's Dismissal At Eye Tonight The members-elect who were approved in a final screening at Tuscaloosa are Vincent Abramo, John Albin, Angelo Battisti, Janis Baynes, Michael Bloom, Kathleen Brown, Raymond Cianfrlni, James Constantino, Kenneth Darmer, Stephanie DeSlmone, Eleanor Dlener. ' Also 'beboralTFriedman, Deborah Garland, Dianne Gregory, Joan Oresens, Leon Gross, Bruce Kaufman, Stanley Kerpel, Lauren Kurz, Lawrence Lioz, Harold Lynne, Henry Made], Joseph Mahay, Jeanne Maurer. In addition, Henry Mueller, Jo- George Bunch will be the main speaker at a Golden Eye presentation tonight at 9:00. Bunch was recently fired from his position as a sociologist teacher at Junior College of Albany. Bunch will offer his beliefs on why he was dismissed. Bunch feels that his political activities motivated the dismissal. It is commonly suspected that he was fired as a result of his "prominent activities in Civil Rights in the Albany area." Lewis Froman, President of Russell Sage College, of which JCA is a subdivision, said Bunch was dismissed as a result of a directive from the State Department of Education advising Forman that the sociology department The Psychology Club will p r e - college's should have a sociologist with betsent the motion picture, FREUD, starring Montgomery Clift, Susan- ter credentials than Bunch has, nah York, and David McCallum, Richard Evans, chairman of a tonight at 8 p.m. in Page Hall.. new group called the Trl-City StuThe film Is a work, blending the dent Alliance, will moderate the art of the cinema with the technical panel which will also Include Peter Implications that the subject en- Larrick, a member of Albany State's tails. The development of a strong English Department. Last year he theme against the singular charac- taught at Junior College of Albany. ter that was Freud provides for a film that Is equally enjoyable for In addition, a student from the the movie-goer and the scientist. college will speak on this subject. The doors will open at 7:15, The forum will be held at the there will be no admission charge, Presbyterian Church, 820 Madison all are welcome. Avenue tonight at 9:00. Psych Club Film On Freud, Today Rowson, Miringoff To Debate Touring British Team Monday While In committee three additions were suggested with the approval of the students, these l>eing: all visitors will be escorted upstairs to living areas, each living unit that participates shall have a Two members of the University board-elect to implement the policy, and the actual hours decided Debate Club will lace a touring debate team from Britain Monday, Feb. 20 in the ballroom of theCampus Center. Stratton Rawsdn, a sophinure and Marc Miringoff, a senior, will take the negative side of the proposal, Resolved that this house would fight in South Viet Nam. ElectionsTo Be Held Mar. 1-3 Application Forms Available Election for MYSKANIA, Class Officers, Alumni Board, and r e placement positions on Central Council and Living Area Affairs Commission are to be held March' 1, 2, 3 in the Student Activities Office of the Campus Center from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and in the dinner lines on March 1 and 2. Student lax curds must lie presented ... to vote. "' Nominations will lie open from Feb. 14-20, Application forms are available In the SA office In the Campus Center in Room 301 and in Brubacher at the Information Desk, Nomination forms will be returned to the SA office or to Kileen Tracy In Alden Hall? MYSKANIA first became a part of the University in 1917, Eleven people were first chosen by the faculty. It was decided the council would consist of from ten to twelve - , members. In 1918, the first editor ' ' o f the State College News proposed 'hat the members of the outgoing Thirty-five seniors from the State •University of New York at Albany have been elected to "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." The British u.iw, comprised of council should " t a p " the new mem- David Hunt, a graduate of Bristol bers as they sat in the audience. University, and Pamela Ings, from The proposal was adopted. Swansea College, Wales, Is curThe first change in selection of the rently touring the Eastern United members took place In the 1920's when the students were permitted to elect two members. Since the early 20's, the faculty has had no further say in the selection of MYSKANIA members. English Evening, which Is held The first purpose of MYSKANIA was to supervise as well as moti- once In the fall and once in the vate extra-curricular activities to spring, lias in Hie past consisted act as the student government, and of a program followed by a social as a medlary between the faculty hour. This year, however, there and students, It was also respon- will also be an afternoon social hour. sible for Innovating as well as up- This will be held on Monday, February 20, 2:30-4:30 In the Faculty holding the college's traditions. In 1058 the first MYSKANIA un- Lounge, HU 354. All English majors and those Inder the new Student Association Constitution was tapped In a terested in majoring are cordially shortened and simplified ceremony. invited to meet the English faculty Every MYSKANIA since then has and fellow students. Also, anyone Interested In working been tapped on Inauguration Day in February. This year's MYSKANIA on the spring program Is asked lo will be tapped on Sunday, March 5, contact Mrs. liotundo HU .'Kill or Mr. Kolian HU 343 by February 21, Inauguration Day. States, The two offered a number of bates began over a year ago when topics as possibilities for debate. the debate team met a team from Cambridge, Later this Spring, there Rawson recently teamed up with another member of the Debate Club should be a debate against McGlll to win a trophy as the top negative University. team at tiie Siena tournament. Marc Miringoff recently was on a team The debate is sponsored by the that won 5 out of 0 debates at R.P.I. Speech Association of America. W . and was voted the top affirmative Paul B. Pettlt will give an Introteam. duction at the debate which begins at 7:30 p.m. There is no admission The concept of international de- charge. . '•*:t*a<£ :; fli3M[ English Afternoon To Be Held Mon. ' . •*!; jjjaws • "-*,$£)ffiB p$L~;||H •f"wk'Jl H^|fl - . < Pamela lng> • ' . ' • David Hunt