Buffalo Encounter Fogged Out, Cagers Vie With Potsdam Tonight

Tuesday, Decerriber 13, 1966
Buffalo Encounter Fogged Out,
Cagers Vie With Potsdam Tonight
by Mike Connelly
A fog-bound plane forced cancellation of Saturday night's basketball tilt with the
University of Buffalo, dampening the Great Dane's spirit somewhat as this was one
game they really wanted to win, and now must wait till the end of the season. In
Wednesday night's contest the Sauersmen stretched their record to'2— on the year
with a last-minute victory over the Cardinals of Plattsburgh State, as Larry Marcus
hit on a clutch one and one foul shoot situation to help squeeze out the 58-56 decision
Barney was high man for the Cardl- Plattsburgh
2 12
mi. ' TI
J. i
offense with 16 points.
2 12
The Dane five take on
1 11
2 1G
the Sandstoners
of Potsdam
Potsdam 3rd win?
tonite at Hudson
game could their
be one
ley gym (8:30), shooting for "&Tonight's
3rdof TOTALS
c a g e r s g0 i m
8 CO
ALBANY'S 160 POUNDER Frank Berry is face to (ace with an
opponent in the recent quadrangular. Berry defeated his foe and
went to win the championship.
Danes Fall To FDU;
Heavyweight Decides
by Dune Nixon
The Albany State grapplers fell to a strong F a r leigh-Dickinson squad, Saturday, by a close 19-14
count. The match was in doubt all the way, as the
score was tiled 14-14 going into the final match, and
unfortunately for the State squad, Joe Kutiniewski of
F.D.U. came up with a clutch performance as he
pinned Chet Krom in 15 seconds of the third period.
early lead when Ed Chris4, '."••
His regular 177 pounder, Roger
Gort am
had an
infected foot, so
. , . .
- , . , , coach Garcia was forced to go with
B i l l Tony Caputo, a complete novice.
1 1 - 3 i n t h e 1 2 3 Caputo, who has had approximately
pound class. Russell who "? ree , weeks )vres'»"g experience,
the most decisive of the season as
a 3 - 1 r e c o r d . T h u r s d a y i s straight. Each of " D o c ' s " five
With starters Is averaging ten or more
points per game, Margison has 17,
Brooklyn College
Price 15, Bloom 13, and Marcus
and Captain Jim Constantino 10
Winless Against Bulls
"Doc" Sauers has yet to beat the
men from Buffalo In the seven con- Albany
fb fp tp
tests, and it looked as If his team Price
8 1 17
would finally do it. The Knicker- Margison
5 3 13
bocker News even rated the Danes as Marcus
4 2 10
four point favorites over the Bulls. Bloom
7 0 14
The game will probably be resched- Constantino
uled for later in the season, and if TOTALS
6 58
the perennial small squad can hold
up over the season it can still whip
UB. Their next meeting will be the
scheduled encounter in Buffalo, Feb.
18, so the Interim should give the
Buffalo team a chance to get the experience tney lack.
Frosh Losc4rh Straight
The State Frosh haven't fared as
well as their big brothers as they
have yet to win their first game,
dropping two more this past week,
first to Fulton-Montgomery, 98-78
and to Hartwick on Saturday evening,
93-60. The Frosh have shown an
ability to score, but can't seem to
hold down their opponents. The little
Danes go for number one in a preliminary bout against Pharmacy at
6:45 before the varsity game tonight.
Impressive Against Cardinals
The Plattsburgh contest was a
tight battle after the start of the
second half. It was nip and tuck all
the way until Marcus put It away with
his two foul shots and the Dane defense held on to give State their second win of the year. The Sauersmen
held a slim four-point lead at the
half, 33-28, coming from behind 2819 to drop in 14 points while holding
the Cardinals scoreless.
Albany quickly evened the score
as Warren Crow completely dominated his man, but was unable to
register a pin. He won by an amazing 20-1 count. In the next two
weight classes F.D.U. had Metropolitan champions and both proved
to be too much for their Albany
Roger Locks decisioned State's
Mike Poplaski 5-2 and Al Ferrari
turned back Quadrangular champion
Randy Palmer by
7-2 margin,
Ferrari's win put F.D.U. out in
front 0-3 but the State grapplers
got hot.
Springer and Barry Score
Craig Springer took the mat for
Albany at 152 and easily disposed
of his man by a decision 13-Dscore,
Frank Berry, another Quadrangular
champ, also won easily, as he registered a 6-0 victory to tie the
match score at 9-9,
Captain Art Recesso followed
Berry, and he made short work of his
opponent, as he registered a pin at
1:01 of the second period, This pin
gave Albany a 14-9 lead with two
matches to go. However, coach Gacla
still had reason to worry.
F.D.U.'s heavyweight
pin at 177 tied
the match
The grapplers will be out to even
their record this Thursday when
they host Plattsburgh at 7:30 p.m.
Frosh Drop Oponer
The Falrlelgh Dickinson frosh
team forfeited four matches to the
Albany frosh wrestling team to give
us a 20 point starting score. The
visitors then went on defeat the
frosh in the remaining 5 matches
for a 21-20 win. The forfeits went
to George Hawrylchak at 123, Pete
Klara at 145, Rod Standi at 167
and John Jenks the heavy weight of
the team.
Three of these grapplers fought
exhibition matches to keep In practice, but had no bearing on the team
score. Hawrylchak was defeated by
Fairleigh Dickinson's Ted Levlne,
Klara was pinned In the third period
by Pat Nobllio and Jenks was defeated In one of the few close
The first competitive match was
between Alex Domkowskt for Albany
and Falrlelgh Dickinson's Doug Cunningham. The 130 weight class match
ended in a pin at 2:54 Into the second
Scott Price, a 6'2" junior from
Butler University paced the Great
Dane scoring with 17 markers, with
Mike Bloom hitting for 14 points
and Rich Margison for 13. Marcus,
the team's' leading scorer at the
start of the game was held to 10
points, but two of them were the
margin as Plattsburgh went down
to their third straight loss. Bob
by Iris Alson
The Albany State Women's Intercollegiate Basketball Team will open
its 1966-67 season Feb. 18 with a
Sports Day at New Paltz. Our girls
will have a very trying day, representing us against 5 different
Proctices at Page Gym
The girls have been practicing
since Nov, 15 every Tues. and Thurs.
night from 6 to 7:30. They start with
15 minutes of rigorous conditioning
which really seems to have paid off.
Part of the conditioning includes 12
laps around the gym.
The conditioning is followed by
work on passing techniques and defensive tactics. The girls have been
practicing zone and man-to-man defenses. There is then practice in
lay-ups and foul shooting with special emphasis on rebounding. Several plays have been et up and Hie
possibility of a fast break has been
Rules Changed
nTTER APA AND CAMFS ell scored openlna victories in
G r o u n d L . t 9 u . O n . oUy. All four league, are now In full
first r-_
action down at Page Gym
The rules have been changed again
for this year's games, From the 3
dribble limit of last year there is
now unlimited dribbling permitted,
There Is still tie 3 foot rule for
passes from out-of-bounds, Freo
throws must be made within 10 seconds.
Miss Hennlsh, the team's adviser,
has really been working the girls
hard, and It seems to tie getting r e sults. She's working on the schedulo
now and Is trying to fit in as many
games as possible, This year's team
will be playing several schools State
hasn't played in intercollegiate competition before.
The frosh and upporclassmon are
showing great enthusiasm and must
really be devoted to go through their
rough practices,
Forum To Present
Magerovsky Lecture,
'New Soviet Man'
Folksinger To Perform
At Golden Eye Tonight
Forum of Politics will present
"New Soviet Man," a lecture by Dr.
Eugene Magerovsky In lecture room
2 at 1:25 p.m. today.
Magerovsky is a member of the
department of romance and Slavic
languages and literature at New York
University. He also has taught at
Middlebury College during the summer of 1966.
His other activities have included
the development of a specific battery
of tests in Russian for the United
States government and the Modern
Language Association.
He has advised the United World
Films, Inc. on the production of
three documentaries on the Soviet
Folksinger Pat Webb will sing at
The Golden Eye tonight at 9 p.m.
Webb has earned a considerable
amount of praise from the journals
and critics of the folk-music world.
The Folk Music Yearbook oi Artists in 1964 called him "The
World's finest blues guitarist, his
skill with the Instrument must be
seen to be believed." Bill-Board
Magazine gave one of his records
a Special Merit Award.
White Guitarist
CEMENT FELL in chips from roof over the corner of the academic podium leaving these visible holes.
SUNY At Binghamton Passes
New Campus liquor Policy
Born in Czechoslovakia
SCOTT PRICE (44) is followed by o Pratt player in on attempt
to score on a driving lay-up. The Sauersmen seek their third win
in a row tonight against Potsdam.
APA, Potter, CAMFs
Gain Hoop Victories
by Glenn Sapir
Kappa Beta, make things tough for
Potter Club before the EEP's were
to squeeze out the 37-30 win.
The winter long A MIA able
KB, keyed up behind a big fan turnLeague I basketball season out went out in front early In the
got under way as all six game and held the lead for the first
half. Potter could not hit a field goal
entries in the circuit saw and only the fact that KB also had
action. The CAMF's, Pot- trouble putting the ball In the baster Club, and APA each ket put them behind by only three,
17-14 at the half. In the second half,
won its first game.
the lead then exchanged hands six
Tile CAMF's, coached by Wayne times before Jim McVey's foul shot
Smith, defeated the graduate student with 1:25 left gave Potter a perteam, Pierce, 53-34, Pierce man- manent lead.
aged to keep tlie CAMF's In reach In
Alpha Pi Alpha gained its first
the first half mainly through the efforts of Bill Sutliff, Russ Keeney victory by defeating a well organized
SAR team 50-50.
and Jim LaFountaln, and the fact
Bill Moon helped stake APA to a
that the CAMF's could not find the
distance. However the six point 24-21 haiftlme lead with ten points
spread between the two teams while the Sar's got scoring help
quickly widened in the second half from six of its players. The game
and at the end of the game, the was as close In the second half.The
CAMF's owned an easy 53-34 vic- SAR's came close to tieingthe score
tory, Joe Home led all scorers behind the 14 point second half effort
of Dick Woytek, but APA withstood
with nineteen.
An undecided entry in the league, the rally to take the six point win.
Writes all types of insurance
75 State Street
HO 2-5581
The Council of the State UniMagerovsky was born in Prague,
Czechoslovakia and moved to the versity of New York at Binghamton
United States after World War II. has laid down new policy under
He received his A.B. cum laude from which' beer, along with other r e City College of New York In 1956. freshments, may be served to stuIn 1957 he received his A.M. from dents during a limited number of
Columbia University and is cur- on-campus social events.
The new policy applies at present
rently pursuing his doctorate in the
field of the history of eastern Europe only to "all-campus" social events,
principal ones being Winter
from Columbia. He expects to complete his doctoral dissertation in Weekend and Spring Weekend, Beer
may be served only to students 18
and older and only under the sponsorship of a recognized student organization. When served It must be
available to all students of legal age,
and soft drinks must also be available at the same time.
Because of these limitations, It Is
expected that the Student Center
An International Holiday Festival Board, which sponsors the two mawill be co-sponsored by the Inter- jor weekends and Is the only student
national Students Association and the organization with budget for allCircle Twenty Club on Monday eve- campus social events and.refreshning, Dec. 19. The Festival will be ments, will be the sole organization
held In the Sayles Hall lounge be- at whose functions beer will be
ginning at 8 p.m.
served. Student Center Board is
An Informal gathering is planned supported by student fees, and has
featuring musical entertainment no state money at Its disposal.
College regulations continue to
with an International flavor. Refreshments will be served. The event prohibit both the possession and
of alcoholic beverages
will offer an opportunity for Informal contact between all International on the campus, except as specified
students and graduate students. All In the new policy for "all-campus"
students, especially undergraduate social events.
President Dearing and Dean Uelforeign students, language students,
graduate students, and their guests nlak pointed out that the Council, a
body appointed by the Governor, has
are cordially invited.
general responsibility for student
This Is the first function of the discipline, and that the Council at
recently organized Circle Twenty each State University unit has autoClub. The Club was conceived after nomy concerning the serving of althe recent outing, sponsored for coholic beverages on campus.
Grad Students, held at the Mohawk
Campus, At that time, a group of
students felt the need to continue to
sponsor social and cultural events
of particular Interest to the GradWISHES
uate Students of Albany State.
Graduate Students
To Co-Sponsor
Informal Gathering
The International Holiday is tne
first of a series of events to beheld
for Grad students. It Is hoped that
this function will add to the impetus
of the Inauguration of a Graduate
Student Association, The growing
graduate student population will then
have the means for meetings Its
special needs, This association
would provide a separate governmental structure for graduate students which would parallel the function of the Undergraduate Student
Lll, NO. 45
DECEMBER 16, 1966
Reviewer of Manuscripts
Price Nets 17
Women To Compete
In First Sports Day
Magerovsky has been a reviewer
of Russian texts and readers for the
MacMillan Company, publishers,
New York City.
Several articles of his have appeared In various scholarly journals and in several books.
He speaks three languages
fluently, Russian, Czechslovakian,
and German, He has reading knowledge and aural comprehension of
Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Slovak,
Polish, Bulgarian and French.
, showed promises, but the exper-
won the Quadrangular at ienCe of the Fatrietgh-Dtckinson
1 5 j u s t d i d n o t h a v e e n o u g h wrestler
to be
too for
at 14-14 and
set the
The next issue
will be
February 10, 1967
B.M.0.C said "his knowledge of
the instrument is phenomenal, it
must be seen to be believed." Blues
critic Pete Welding said: "One Is
in fact tempted to call him the finest white guitarist playing in the
blues style, and let it go at that.
Yet not only does his playing possess
the stinging urgency and infectious
rhythmic drive of the blues guitarist, it is also playing of extraordinarily acute sensibility and delicacy."
Mr. Webb also has played at the
Bitter End, and the Gaslight Cafe
in New York City, the Showboat
Lounge In Washington, D.C., and the
Ashgrove in Los Angeles. He has
also made enumerable appearances
at universities, and on TV and radio.
For this evening alone, admission
will be 30? at the door.
The autonomy of the councils on
the question of beverages was clarified by the State University last
President Dearing said the administrative staff and the Council
C o l l i n s Guest
deliberated carefully on a recent
The program for January 6, 1967
request from the United States gov- will be a discussion of "Becoming
ernment that beer be permitted as a University," featuring President
a free refreshment at specified Evan R. Collins, plus special guests
The U.S.G. said that the chief
We thank you for your
reason for the request was the increasing difficulty, with growth of
support of the ASP F oster
the student body, in renting adequate off-campus halls for student
dances on major social weekends.
c h i l d , Graciela. If you have
The Council recognized this problem, President Dearing said, and
studied it in the context of beverages practices at other institutions.
Service of beer at major on-campus
social events accords with the practice of many other public and private colleges and university In the
Northeast, he said.
contr buted,
welcome _ a n L
from the faculty and student body.
The main topic will center on becoming a more significant university.
The Golden Eye is a student-faculty coffee house located at 820
Madison Avenue. The doors open
at 9 p.m.
FSA Contract Signing
Discissed By Collins
Announcements at the President's
Conference Monday included the fact
that the contract between Faculty
Student Association and the State had
been signed. Further financial arrangements in the form of budgets
will be approved at a later date.
Also the Undergraduate Academic
Council will be reviewing programs
for undergraduate degrees.
Information concerning the exam
schedule was presented at the Conference. Since the Examination
Team had a choice of 19 conflicts in
9 days or 1 conflict in 10 days, they
chose the latter extending the exam
period to Jan. 27 instead of the
original date of Jan. 26,
A special bus schedule wll be in
effect during exams.
Students with conflicts should r e port to Dr. David Donley or Mr.
Robert Luippold in Bi. 232 at 4578277 and to their instructor.
According to President Collins,
at the time of the Conference Alan
Fossa, who had been found on the
ground outside Waterbury Sunday,
Dec. 4, was still In the hospital
but showing signs of recovery.
After these announcements a discussion concerning the playing of
Christmas carols In the carillon
followed, A Jewish student complained about the religious nature
of the carols. The student remarked
that since Hillel was not allowed to
hold Hanukah services on campus,
why should the carols be played.
President Collins stated that there
was a distinction between a form of
worship and the carols. He said
legal counsel would be obtained on
the matter.
Kittsley Elected ASP Co-Editor,
Oppedisano To Head Sports Staff
Sara H. Kittsley was
elected eo-editor-in-chief
of the Albany Student P r e s s
for the 1967 year at a News
Board meeting Wednesday
Miss Kittsley will serve as coeditor with the editor-in-chief for
the first semester, Margaret Dunlap. Miss Kittsley is a sophomore
who has worked on the paper since
the beginning of her freshman year.
During the first semester she served
as news editor.
Asked about her plans for the future she said, "Naturally I, along
with the present editor, will work
for various improvements of conditions now existing."
Miss Dunlap remarked, "She has
shown great journalistic ability and
will continue in the ASP tradition."
Also at* the News Board meeting,
the resignation of Ray McCloat wis
accepted. Don Oppedisano was
Ken Bersteln was elected to the
elected to fill the position of sports position of news editor.
editor vacated by McCloat. Glen
Linda Berdan was elected arts
Sapir will serve as associate sports editor.
News Board made the following
statement about McCloat: "We would
like to commend Hay McCloat for
the service he has rendered the
ASP for the past two years."
"Ills lively column," 'Rayvlew ol
Sports,' has provided an intelligent
commentary on the ports scene at
the University. It has offered constructive criticism when such criticism was necessary. It has commended people when commendation
was needed."
"The RayVlew has become an
integral part of 'he paper, being
read by not only sports fans but by
the people who have no interest in
sports. Its contributions to the paper
will not easily be replaced.
Sara H. Kittsley
Friday, December 16. \9ti
Two Administrative Appointments
Approved By University Trustees
The administrative appointments
at State University of New York at
Albany .were approved Dec. 8 by
the State University Board of Trustees. Dr. Lewis P. Welch has been
named associate dean of the School
of Public Affairs and Alfred Hulstrunk, assistant director of the
Atmospheric Sciences Research
Dr. Welch, who has served as
assistant dean of the school since
1962, concurrently will hold the rank
of associate professor of political
science with continuing status, effective December 22. Mr. Hulstrunk's appointment Is effective
"THE MALTESE FALCON" with Humphrey Bogart will be presented by the I.F.G. tonight.
Bogart.Lorre Head Cast In Film
To Be Presented By IFG Tonight
Humphrey Bogart as a hardboiled, cynical detective is featured
In this Friday's IFG film, "The
Maltese Falcon."
Called by James Agee "the best
private eye melodrama ever made,"
the film tells of the search for a
valuable jade statuette of a falcon.
Bogart, as Sam Spade, sets out to
avenge the murder of his partner
and finds himself involved with a
psychopathic hoodlum (Peter Lorre), a double-dealing woman (Mary
Astor), and a mysterious millionaire (Sydney G r e e n s t r e e t ) — - all
hunting for the jade bird.
"The Maltese Falcon" was the
first film to be directed by John
Huston, whose career included the
making of "Treasure of the Sierra
Madre," "The African Queen,"
"Moby Dick," "The List of Adrian
Messenger," and currently "The
Bible." Many critics feel he never
surpassed the intensity and sordid
realism of his first picture.
"The Maltese Falcon" is the last
IFG film of the semester and will
be shown at 7:00 and 9:15 in Draper
349. Admission is 35? with student
tax, 50? without.
Schedules for next semester's
IFG programs (to include "The
Knack," "The Seventh Seal," "Yojimbo," "On the Waterfront," and
"Psycho") will be available in late
January or early February,
The School of Public Affairs provides educational preparation for
academic and public service car e e r s , undertakes research on significant public problems and i s sues, assistance in the continuing
professional development of governmental executives. Established
by the State University of New York
in 1962, It became a constituent
professional school of SUNYA In
February, 1966. Unique among those
of American universities, the
school's academic programs are involved with a major laboratory in
government — the state and local
governments of New York and their
political-administrative experience
and problems.
Dr. Welch, a native of Portland,
Me., holds an A.B. degree (magna
cum laude) granted in 1954 from
Bowdoin College where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He has a
master's degree in public administration (1957) and a Ph.D. in political
science (1901) awarded by Syracuse
ical sciences at New Jersey State
Teachers College and participated
in the graduate program in outdoor
education at the New Jersey State
School of Conservation. Additionally, he pursued graduate study in
general science for conservation
education at the State University
College at Oneonta.
Grail Study
He held fellowships at Syracuse
during two years of graduate study
and was appointed an instructor of
political science at the Maxwell
School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, during
the period 1958-61. In that rank, he
has served as assistant director and
coordinator of the graduate program
in public administration. During the
present academic year he Is servThe new appointee has served
ing as chairman of the newly-estabas
educational consultant
lished department of political science of the School of Public Affairs. for the National. Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Office of EdMr. Hulstrunk received his B.A. ucational Program for Services,
degree from New Jersey State Washington, and as instructional
Teachers College and his M.A. de- consultant at the Inter-American
gree from Colgate University. He University, San Herman, Puerto
has done graduate work In biolog- Rico.
Readers Will Present
Seasonal Program
Usually a tradition takes a good
long while to become established,
but the interst expressed in SEASON'S READINGS indicate that in
Its second year the evening of
Christmas readings has firmly
rooted itself as a campus tradition.
The second annual evening of
readings sponsored by the University Readers' Club will be held
Monday, December 19, at 8 p.m. in
Brubacher lower lounge. The Club's
advisor, Mr. Robert Fish, expressed
enthusiasm about the response to
the program which "in spite of all
the demands made on students at
this time of the year" has been
Included in the program are a
wide range of readings and selected
Christmas music. Alex Krakower,
chairman for the program, will read
short story,
"Christmas is a Sad Season for the
O. Henry's story, "Compliments
of the Season" will be read by
Janice Newmark, and Truman Capote's "Christmas Memory" by Carole DiTosti.
Other readings include selections
from the Gospels of Matthew and
Luke, read by Edward Schwaru;
"Yes, Virginia, there is a S?.'.'>
Claus," read by Maureen Pearso: ;
and Max Beerbohm's essay, "01
Christmas," read by Stratton Rauson. Piano Interludes for the (?<>nlng will be played by Susan Glazt-:.
The BOOKSTORE is happy
Any person who came to the auditions for CARNIVA to sign up for
working on techlcal aspects of production should please contact Ellis
Kaufman at 457-8753. The list was
lost and it is necessary to notify
him if you wish to be called on to
help. Any other people who wish to
Forum of Politics will sponsor its work on the crew should also conannual Model United Nations Secur- tact Mr. Kaufman.
ity Council tomorrow, December 17,
Business Office Sale
in Brubacher Lower Lounge. ParA Business Office's sale of old
ticipating will be 15 area high wood furniture, desks, chairs, etc.
schools, Involving 60 students and will be held on Dec. 19, 1960, 10-2.
their advisors.
The sale will be conducted in the
The object of this event is to ac- courtyard near the cafeteria at the
quaint the students with the manner old campus.
in which the United Nations operClass of 1967
ates, and with the role of a diploDue to the resignation of Jack
mat. Each school takes the position Denny as President of the Class of
of the country of the Security Coun- 1967, Henry Madej will assume
cil it represents on the resolutions dual role of president and t r e a s before the body; not the students' urer. Richard Matteo will continue
personal opinion. A prize is awarded to serve as vice-president and Joan
to the school that does the best job, Gresens will remain secretary.
as well as to the best individual
This year's program is different
Draft Test
than in the past; for the first time,
Selective Service Qualification
hypothetical issues will be debated, tests will be given March 11 and 31
Instead of actual United Nations and April 8, Applications for the exresolutions. The first issue, follow- ams are available at local draft
ing Forum President Harold Lynne's boards as of Jan. 20. The deadline
welcoming speech, concerns Niger- for applying for the exams Is Feb. 10.
ia. According to the situatloti presented to the delegates, the Eastern
section, called Umanna, lias withMixer
drawn from the country and allied
A Livingston Tower Mixer will be
itself with the Camerouns.
held on Dec. 17, 8:30-12:30. Music
The second issue will follow a will be by tho Invaders, An Open
speech by Dr. Lois Stone, associate House will be held from 7-10 and
professor of political science at refreshments will be served.
State. It assumes that the United
Hamilton Mixer
Nations has effected a temporary
Hamilton Hall will hold a Mixer
cease fire in Vietnam, and has a
House this Sunday. The
police force stationed In that country. The problem Is to make this Open House will to from 4 p.m. to
a permanent cease fire, and a fi- 10 p.m. and the Mixer from 7 to
10 p.m. Refreshments will be served
nal end to the conflict.
at the mixer.
Members of Forum of Politics
All are invited to attend. Wayne
will assume the roles of the United
Nations officials, and help the Fuller of WSUA will provide the
schools on their positions. Howard music.
WSUA M i x e r
Stein is President of the Security
WSUA will hold a mixer this SatCouncil and Barbara Lande is Secretary-General. The delegation ad- urday evening in the Bru game room
visors are Judy Bank, Donna Gavel, from 9 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. Skip
Harry Goldberg, Herman Green and Fischer and Dick Taylor will be
the WSUA hosts. All are Invited.
Bob Obenshaln,
The first issue will be discussed
Square Dancing
from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., the secAnyone wishing to square dance
ond from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. The talk
by Dr. Stone will begin at 12:30 at the Christinas Surprise Package
p.m. Everyone is welcome to view on Friday, Deeemtor 10, should
take the 7:00 p.m. bus.
the event.
to announce the opening
Forum Of Politics
Presents Model
of its first branch store
Brubacher Hall (Room8)
School Supplies
Non Text Books
Text Books
(Graduate School off P. A. only)
Check Cashing Service
Schedule of hours to he announced
Two Sororities
In Dorms With Independents
lor College Bowl,
Practice To Begin
Last year Beta Zeta and Chi Slj- a. alight friction between the sormaTheta lived together In the same o r l U e
especially during rushing,
dorm. This year they were separated
•:• .
and are living with independents. Now the sororities are able to work
t h e dorms are divided Into two 0 n their projects without lnterfersides: one side for the sorority, the _„__ ,
. .c
other for the independents. Accord. e n c e , r o m t h e , r neighbors, since
Ing to both sorority presidents, Miss their neighbors have no real fillerKathleen Brown (Chi Sigma Theta)
tg , sororrt
•and Miss Karel Huffman (Beta Zeta),
the members of the sororities ^StJlWAtl
1 A D
first did not like the Idea of separ- i3gJ11.
atlng, but soon found they were compatible with independents.
Mr. John Martin Gunn, faculty
coach of the University's G.E. College Bowl Team, has announced the
ten semi-finalists from which the
final five for the team will be chosen.
In alphabetical order, they are Frank
Burd, Fred Childs, Lawrence Epstein,
William Gross, Thomas
Myles, John Shea, Lynn Schelnman,
John Spross, Barbara Weinsteln,
and Allan Zucker.
Hours For Women
The ten semi-finalists held their
first drill Monday evening. The next
one is schedules for this afternoon
in Richardson Hall. This will be the
first chance for the team to use the
mock studio with the individual buzzers and glaring lights.
At the first drill, the team did
best in literature, but still was weak
in some areas. Mr. Gunn has decided not to search for any more
candidates, and to concentrate on
plugging up holes.
Gunn was still undecided about
the desirability of any drills over
the Christmas vacation. He would
very much like to have no drills
over the vacation for obvious reasons, yet he admitted that time is
short and that he feels "the noose
around my neck a little bit."
In the event the team does have
a practice over the vacation, arrangements are being made for the
team members to stay in their
Arrested Students
Release Statement
Friday, December 10, 1900
SNOW CAME TO Albany finally. Snow sculptures and skiing dominate thoughts of the snow lovers while some hate the wet, ugly
white stuff.
Executive Committee
Makes Telethon Plans
The Executive Committee of the
Mental Health Telethon has begun
°<-k drawing sub-committees to
™ t h e Project. The Telethon
»S scheduled for March tenth and
S l e i * ?™n„?*e,p^n\;.f,fi^f*f'
nlng through
»-—— - five
... p.m.
« - Saturday evening.
It will be broadcast from the
New Student Center. Arrangements
are now being made by the University Television department to transmit the event throughout the university and locally. Included in the
program will be presentations by
students and faculty within the uni-
We, the students who were arrested on Election Day, feel com- "
pelled to make a statement in our
own behalf. Inasmuch as the Mayor
has expressed concern that we might
be "misinformed," we think it is
important that the public be aware
of what we think and how we feel
about the whole issue.
First, we would like to commend
the Mayor's research on the origin
of the word picket. We feel It would
do justice to any high school student
in reference to the Hay Market riot
of the 1880's, however, he uses non
sequitor logic in attempting to apply
this to Nov. 8, 1966.
"Picketing is always accompanied
by peace-disturbing activities and
there necessarily follow (sic) alarm
and Interference and some degree of
intimidation..." The Mayor again
uses faulty logic when he states,
"It would appear that picketing of a
polling place on Election Day must,
by its nature, Interfere In some
manner with the free exercise of the
voting privilege."
We do not feel that the voters
were In any way Intimidated, and
when Mayor Corning was asked if
any complaints were made, he said
that to his knowledge there were
The second point we wish to bring
up concerns the legality of the i s sue. If the picketers were breaking
section 772-A of the Penal Law;
first, why were the twenty-five students, clergymen and Brothers who
picketed after B p.m. not arrested?
Second, why were the charges
dropped and the picketers released;
and last, why did the Attorney General's office tell two of the picketers
prior to arrest that they were within
their rights.
The Mayor seems to feel that the
charges were dropped because
"many of the individuals could have
been misinformed," whereas Albany
attorney Victor Lprd feels the
charges were dropped because "the
district attorney and the police...
didn't have a leg to stand on."
We think that Mr. Lord's explanation is more tenable and we frankly
resent the Mayor's, We were fully
aware of what we were doing.
In conclusion we would like to
thank the Albany clergymen who Issued their supporting statement aswell as the AAUF and Faculty Senate at Albany State and all other
groups who have taken similar action.
Signed: The students arrested on
Nov. 8, 1966:
Leonard Rhine
Richard Evans
Greg Klersz
Robert Fish
Susan Pollcoff
Bath Sobslnz
Walter Clarke
versity, selected by means of auditions which will be announced in
the near future; selections from
State University Theatre productions and presentations from the
Speech and Dramatic Arts classes.
Sign up sheets will be posted in
all of the dorms for anyone who is
interested in working on the Telethon In any capacity. For further
Information concerning the nature
of the Telethon contact John Fotla
or Jeff Mishkin. They will be more
•than happy to answer any questions
that you might have.
The women living with Beta Zeta
a r e mainly upperclassmen. These
independents are allowed Into the
sorority's living quarters and the
two groups mingle freely, according
to Miss Huffman. Many of the independents have acquired the characteristic indifference of upperclassmen. Because of the friendship and the indifference the independents tend to be easy going dorm
partners for Beta Zeta.
. The State University of New York
at Buffalo abolished hours for upperclass women on Monday, Dec. 5.
The proposal to eliminate curfews
for sophomore, junior and senior
women was passed by the Committee on Student Affairs of the University Faculty Senate.
The new plan was to take effect
on or after Dec. 8. The date is to
be decided by each residence hall
council. The basic proposal was
first introduced In September of this
Miss Brown's sorority shares Its year. At that time, the Inter-Residorm with a majority of freshmen. dence Judiciary Curfew Committee
Although a sorority member can drew up a proposal based on the
visit a freshman the visit cannot be honor system.
returned since freshmen are not
All extended curfews, blanket perallowed in sorority corridor until missions and weekend slgnout prothe spring rush. This may be a cedures are now eliminated. Residisadvantage but It is balanced ey dents planning to return late will
the freshmen's interest in do»m leave the phone number and address
activities. Chi Sigma Theta has, of their destination in a sealed enaccording to Miss Brown, played' velope. Only failure to check in an
big sister to the freshmen, who in, hour after expected. return would
turn gave the sorority a greater necessitate opening the envelope.
outlook on campus life.
Dean of Women Jeanette Scudder
stated "The University believes that
The sororities are experiencing this action is appropriate. It places
a i new relationship in this form of in the hands of the students apcommentualism. Last yearr both proaching maturity and responsipresidents acknowledged, there was bility for their own behavior."
dee. 29,1966
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Home Address:
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Fridoy, December 16, 1W6
Friday, December 1«, 1966
Chairmen Hope For Attendance
At TV Broadcast Of Sing, Sun.
Co-Chairmen Marsha Schonblom afid Sy Zacher are hopeful that students will attend the closed circuit telvisation of the annual Holiday Sing which will be broadc a s t ^ Sunday in Hawley Library, as well as the live broadcast held in Page Hall,
Sunday Nov 18 at 7:00 p.m. Both Co-Chairmen felt that there might be general
misunderstanding of the fact that students will be given all available seats in Page
Hall, but after these have been filled there will be room for 500 students to view
the concert on a 6' by 4' movie screen in Hawley Library.
The television work i s dorms, a number of which are per- fessor of music at the university,
Miss Normal Edsall, Director
being handled by the Uni- forming combined groups.
,j_ J. i i_i__ j « n n » f
year for the first time In of Residences, announced that woin
versity television depart- t h e h y „ r y 0 , t n e s l n B ) Morris, men's hours will be extended to
ment under the direction Herkimer and Johnson Halls will midnight In order the women may
attend the cocoa hour, sponsored
present a mixed choral group.
of Dr. Charles Rice.
There will be three trophies by the Special Events Board in tlie
Twenty-three groups will per- awarded, in which the second and U-Lounge following the Sing.
form in this year's Sing which is third place trophies are kept by
At the Cocoa Hour the three winin its 15th year of existence. These the Individual winners; the first
THE EIGHT CANDLES along the base of the Menoroh represent groups include all the sororities, place trophy Is awarded on a ro- ning groups will sing the winning
selections and refreshments will in.
the eight night Chonuka; the leading candle is used to light these and fraternities, with the exception tation basis and must be won for served.
of two, plus the contributions of 17 three consecutive years In order
candles on eoch night.
to be kept permanently.
Although all available buses are
Acting as Judges for the Sing will
be Miss Virginia Wallace, director being run to transport students, it
of music for Albany Public schools, Is hoped that students will try to
Mrs. Joseph Franke, music con- form car pools in order to prevent
sultant for elementary grades, Al- overcrowding of buses.
Groups are urged to take tlie
bany Public schools, and Mr. R.
Flndlay Cockrell, assistant pro- 5:30 and 5:45 buses.
Editor Of New Literary Magazine
Wants Wide Sekctien Of Writers
8:00 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
3:00 P.M.
AC 215A, ED 114ML, HY BI 208, CL 10LA,. CS 1,
2A, HY 130A, LI 103, MA GE 1A, GE 124, MA 324A,
220, OA 9 (4205)
OA 15A, OA 15B, PS 214,
SC 13, SH 7, SH 118CL,
SH 209CL, SO 243, SP 1A,
SP 11, SP 103A, SW 102
BI 103, BU 130, CH 240A.
ED 21, ED 303A, EN 216,
EN 230A, GE 3B, GY5.MA
23, MG 233, PH 16, PS 215,
SO 132PY, SP 204
AR 1, CA 8, EN 233, FR
115, HY 4A, HY 245, LI
213, MA 28, MA 127, OA
125, PY 10; PY 124, PY
320, SH 15, SP 208B, SS
AC 2A, AC HOB, BI 119,
BI 220J, BU 105, BU 316,
CH 231, CL 139RU.EC 251,
ES 5, GE 5A, HY 242, LA
2A, LA 221, PH 219A.PL2,
SO 18, SP 37
BI 28, BI 114, ED 20 ED
114BU, ED U4EN, ED 114
MA, ED 114SS, EN 240A
HY 233, LI 220, LI 223,
MG 203.1, OA 110, PS 221,
SH 161, SP 115A
AC 238, BU 6A, ED 300,
EN 157CL, EN 229, HY
102, HY 244, LI 212, MA
18, MA 20, MA 25, MK122,
PY 212, SP 120A, SP 215A
AC 2B, AC 3A, AN 1, AN EN 39, ES 51, HY 2AH, MA
151, AS 220, EN 220, FR 131, MG 170, OA 9 (4204)
104A, GE 204, GK 1A, GY PS 12A
101, IT 1A, LA 3A, MA
238A, PY 11, SO 218
ED 301A, EN 2, EN 3A AR 3, EC 206, ED 218, EN
215A, EN 263, HE 22, IT
22A, LA 12A, MA 130, MK
120, MU 8A, MU 51, PH
220, PS 151, SH 13, SH 172
AC 3B, CH 108, EC 255A,
ED 202, EN 301, GE 2A,
HU 123A.HY 17, HY 247A,
HY 260, LA 105, LI 310,
MA 210, MG 340, SH 160A,
SO 4
"What I want to do is to
start a new literary magazine — and a literary
magazine which is not being
written by one esoteric
group of writers.
"It does not have to be
Albany State's version of
the "New Yorker," and
those students who have
never submitted anything
for publication should not
be afraid to submit m a terial."
These are the primary goals of
Rhoda Goldberg, '08, in taking steps
to secure support for the publication
of a new campus literary magazine
which would appear three times a
AS the prospective editor, Miss
Goldberg, along with Mrs. Patricia
Osterrelch and Louise Meyers,
would prefer to see the magazine
printed, bound and covered, rather
than mlmeoed or dittoed, and is
therefore seeking to receive financial aid from the Student Association.
Hopefully she would like to be
able to begin regular publication
next semester, and therefore is already seeking contributors in all
literary fields for the first Issue,
Miss Goldberg, a refugee of
"Thursday" first conceived the Id
of editing a new magazine when for*
mer "Thursday" editor Hart
Noakes left the University, ta
with Mm most of the necessa
equipment for the continuance of
The new magazine would be on
the order of "Thursday," and would
be oriented in the fields In Humanities but she hopes it will be
more encompassing in coverage and
contributors than the former
"Thursday," or "Primer."
Ideally the new magazine will
encompass poetry and all types of
short fiction, as well as containing essays, modern criticism and
She would like to cover all'fields
of modern thought with the exception of politics and religion, as she
feels these are adequately covered
by "suppression" and "Skandalon."
One point she is most emphatic
about is that she wants to operate
under a system whereby all contributors receive acceptance and
rejection notices, a system not presently used by any other campus
Her ideas were summed up in her
statement that she wants a magazine that will "swing" and will become "a true refection of the way
students are thinking and writing
not only on this campus, but eventually on other campuses too."
GE 201, HY132A.MA21B, AR 15, EC 102, FR 11, AR 100, BU 217.ED114SC,
MU 1 (1600), MU 3, PY MG 13, SH 16
FR 22, FR 212, GE 9A, GY
204, HY 170, IT 2A.LI217,
MU 1(1601), PL 1, PS 220A,
RU 110A, SH 39, SO 141
ALEX KRAKOWER PRACTICES a reading (or the Reader's Club second annual program "Season's
Readings" to be held Monday night in Bru Lower Lounge at 8 p.m.
Debate Team
Places Fourth
In Invitational
DORM LOBBIES are decorated by student efforts. Here Van Cortland students have added an uncharacteristic 'homey' to their
lobby, complete with Christmas stockings.
Last Saturday the University's
Varsity Debate team placed fourth
out of 22 schools competing In the
HPI Invitation Tournament, winning
8 out of 12 debates.
University debaters Douglas Mister, Gerry Gaes, Marc Mirlngoff,
and StrattonRawson debated on the
1966 National Debate Topic which
is concerned with the U. S. Foreign
The topic in question Is specifically resolved that "That the United
States should substantially reduce
Its Foreign Policy Commitments."
Auster and Mirlngoff, who represented the affirmative side of tho
team, won five out of six debates
and finished second to the U. S.
Military Academy In the affirmative category.
Other schools represented were
the United States Military Academy, Yale University,Vassar, NYU,
and SUNY at Blnghamton, and this
marked the eighth tournament in
which Albany has participated,
DISPLAYING THE SECOND AND third piece trophies (or the
Holiday Sing Sunday in Page Hall are Co-Chairman Marsha Schon
blom and Sy Zachar.
AY 23, BI 22, BI 101, EN BI 106, BI 203, EC 3A,
215B, FR 204, HY 220A, EC 236, EN 121A, EN 232,
MA 208, MG 261J, PH 100, GE 103A, HY 256, MA 202,
PL 107, PY 370, PS 209A, OA 251, PY 12, HU 103A,
SC 2A, SC 12A, SH 261, SH 63
SO 202
AC 263, AS 20, BU 230,
EC 219, ED213A.CH140A,
EN 106A, FR203A.HY151,
HY 330, LI 218, PH 2B,
PY 1, PY 13, PH 126A,
SP 110
BU 135, CH 21A, CH 106A, BI 200, BU 1, CL 10GE,
EN 213, ES 12, FR 1A, FR
SO 17
2A, FR 24A, HY 116A, MA
132, MK 216J, PH 3.RU9A
BI 122, CH206.CL223GK,
AC I10A, AR 20B, HE 1, AC 250, AR 19A, CH 142,
DE 212J, EN 15, HY 223A, MA 46, PI, li, PY 9, SO CI, 10SP, ED 115SY, ED
HY 263, MA 22, MA 26, 109, SP 22A
260, GY 4, MK 272, OA 7,
MA 27, MA 129, MG 111,
PI- 106, PS 261, SH 9, SH
PL 200, SC 12B, SO 112
71, SW 101
The bus schedule lor special buses
leaving the New Campus for transportation to the Holiday Sing:
4 buses leaving at 5:30
2 buses leaving at 5:45
3 buses leaving at 6:00
4 buses leaving at 6:30
201, AS 240, EN 3B,
8SH, EN 304, ES 52,
HO, GE 110, GK 3A,
1A, LI 318A, OA 8,
H I , SP 2A
2 buses leaving at 11:30 from the
Dutch Quad to return students attending the coffee hour.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE OP student's artistic fn-tfrotions venting
themselves at Christmas.
AN 3, BI 124, BU4, CH 123,
EN 38, GE 111A, MA 136,
MG 362, MK 232, OA 108,
PH 319A, PO 1A, PS 10A,
PS 131, PY 4, SP 24A.
RYCKMAN HALL'S CHRISTMAS tree is twenty feet high and
Groups are urged to leave on tlie » • ' • » « « (rom the rec room through the stairway and up Into the
5:30 buses or form car pools,
">oln lobby. The popcorn strings represent not only a lot of popcorn but a lot of pricked fingers.
AR 122, AS 210, BI 211,
BI 301, EN 18SH, EN 26,
HY 205A, I.I 244, MU 1
(1604), MU 1 (1606), MU
30, OA 109, \W 1A.RU309,
SH 264, SO 251.
AR 117, BI 20, BI 210, CN
1A, EC 101, EN 19, FR
120A, GE 3A, MG 16A, PL
109, HU 3A, RU 219A
AR 130, HY 140, LA 4A,
MA 17, MA 45
HY 117, LA 114, MG 102, AR 20A, EN 16, FR 109,
MU 1 (1602), PH 11
MK 19, PH 5A
You'll Flip Ooer The 1967 TORCH
1:15 p.m. - Friday, December 16, Arts Council
Outside Hu. 140
11:00 a.m. - Saturday, December 17, Observation
Outside Hu. 140
1:00 p.m. - Debate Council
2:00 p.m. - French Club
2:30 p.m. - Outing Club
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 3:00 p.m. - Freedom Council - Room 6, Brubacher
3:00 p.m. - Music Council - outside Hu. 140
4:00 p.m. - Phi Beta Lambda - SS 234
3:30 p.m. - Forum of Politics - Hu 129
6:30 p.m. - Academic Affairs Commission - Library
Library Lounge
For Information call Klaus Schnitier, HE 4-5771 or
Doug Upham 462-0368, Groups which do not show up
will be charged $10 for a retake.
Friday, December 16, 1 9 M
Under The Counter Intelligence
by M a r t i n S c h w a r U & Jay R o . o v . k y
Edward Durable Superstone, Obliterating
Directory Commended
In the l a s t w e e k s the r e s u l t s . o f m u c h
student effort has made itself evident
in i m p r o v e m e n t s which we feel a r e e s p e c i a l l y n o t e w o r t h y . T w o of t h e s e , the
•66 Student D i r e c t o r y , and C h r i s t m a s
Sing '66 show definite initiative taken
b y t h o s e in c h a r g e o f o r g a n i z i n g t h e m ;
two of t h e s e , the n e w Traffic A p p e a l s
Court, and the B i r t h Control S e r i e s a r e
new innovations.
Although s o m e c o m m e n t w a s m a d e
about the d e l a y e d a r r i v a l of the '66
D i r e c t o r y it a p p e a r s i t w a s w e l l w o r t h
the wait. Editor Mary Jane Elia (unn a m e d in the d i r e c t o r y ) h a s e d i t e d a
d i r e c t o r y which s h o w s an unprecedented
d e g r e e of p r o f e s s i o n a l i s m and c o n v e n i e n c e . T h e n e w D i r e c t o r h a s , b e s i d e the
r e m a i n d e r of o u r c o m m u n i t y until we
are somewhat self-sufficient.
M o s t of the p r o b l e m s a r e s e l f - c r e a t i n g . It i s c l e a r t h a t n e i t h e r C o l . T i s d a l e n o r the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a r e a t f a u l t .
There are, however, certain situations
with could stand rectification.
R a r e , i n d e e d , i s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to
d r i v e b e t w e e n the S e r v i c e B u i l d i n g and
the Colonial Quad without getting stuck
behind a stopped bus. Many students b e l i e v e that s i n c e they a r e s c h o o l b u s e s ,
they m u s t stop and wait for them. Others
a t t e m p t to pull out and p a s s them.
d e a t h s b e f o r e w e do s o m e t h i n g .
Owing to the nature of the s i t e our
U n i v e r s i t y i s built upon, n a m e l y t s o l a tion, bussing has become a temporary
p a r t of o u r l i v e s . T h i s s i t u a t i o n w i l l
c o n t i n u e u n t i l w e h a v e c o m p l e t e d the
E i t h e r the b u s s t o p s s h o u l d be
d e n t e d f r o m the r o a d w a y , t o a l l o w
f r e e f l o w of t r a f f i c , o r t h e b u s s t o p s
s h o u l d b e m o v e d to a l l e v i a t e t h e d a n g e r .
Girls who say no when they mean
Girls who say no when they mean
Girls who say no.
Mini-skirts on magna-legs.
Instructors who cut classes without prior notice.
Quiet dates at a beer party.
Paying $3 per seat at the Hellman
Theatre on Saturday night and getting
front row seats.
separate fact from opinl o nTrying
l n T l m to
e Magazine.
People who don't know what a
hobbit is, or are unaware of Sauron's power.
Classes which never end on time.
Instant playback in the middle of
your favorite song.
Llstentlng to "When the Caissons
Go Rolling Along" on the Carillon
Tower while reading a letter from
your draft board.
TV Children's shows on prime
time (Green Acres, Gllllgan's Island, Love on a Rooftop, Occasional
God IS dead.
A Kick In The ASP
by Sherman R i c h a r d s
C o n s i d e r t h e n a r r o w (2 l a n e ) r o a d w a y s ,
t h e p r a c t i c e of c a m p u s p o l i c e a n d " o f f i c i a l " c a r s o f s t o p p i n g w h e r e v e r it i s
m o s t c o n v e n i e n t , the u s u a l p e r c e n t a g e of
p o o r and thoughtless d r i v e r s a m o n g our
institution of a s m a l l e r type face w h i c h s t u d e n t s , staff and f a c u l t y , and the h e a v y
m a k e s l o c a t i o n of n u m b e r s , a l s o added traffic at t i m e s , and y o u h a v e a d a n g e r yellow pages.
situation. L e t ' s not wait for a few
o u s
Bustling Community
Cafeteria Coffee: It's better than
It could be.
, ,,
"They," "The Administration,"
"Whatever,": For getting us on
GE College Bowl only 3 1/2 years
after Northwestern Louisiana State
met Southern Alabama A&M.
Suppression: They try hard.
WSUA: They try harder.
Food Service: They try hardest.
Campus Police: They're trying.
Psi Gam: For their lecture series. It's good to preach what you
ASP: They have finally reached
the Times-Union's high standards
of proofreedlng.
Stuyvesant Tower: For providing
a much needed Grovel Pit in their
Mr. Apostle: For having the nerve
to admit that Albany State students
have problems.
Our Campus Planners: For finally
admitting that with the proposed increase in enrollment, our newcampus will be obsolete before it is
finished; in fact, that we will have
to double our classroom space within 8 years of completion.
Our Campus Planners: For dec
signing a campus which lends Itself
to anything but expansion.
Campus Police: For their remarkable Impersonations of WWII
Germany Army Officers.
John Birch Society: For their new
bumper stickers: Kill a Commie for
Waterbury Hall: For their phenomenal Hogan's heroes act all semester.
Basketball, team: For their hard
work. Wltii allof the Inconveniences,
lack of campus enthusiasm and the
absence of super-stars, this team
Is great. Good luck, guys.l
"You know, Lizzy, I heard quite a
"Oh really?"
"Would I kid you, my best friend?"
"Of course not.... (Pause)....Well
aren't you Interested in what I
"Why of course."
"You're such a good friend."
"Thank you."
"Since you're so Interested, I'm
going to tell you."
"Oh good."
"What I heard was: Remember last
year when the ASP printed that
story about the exams?"
"Which one?"
"You know how every one believes
what they read lnthepaper. People
must think if they see it in print,
that it must be true.
"Well this story ln the ASP Is going
to teach them a lesson. They'll all
miss their exams. Then because
the exams are considered so important, they'll all flunk the semester. I bet they'll all have to
leave school because of this s e mester.
"That would be horrible."
"Well It will teach them a lesson
and besides, that way we'll be the
only two students left.
"What about the people who work on
the paper. They'd know it was a
"They'll be kicked out for the false
story they wrote."
"The one about the new exam sched- " O h . . . "
uling where they had every one "Just think how wonderful It will be;
the two of us will be able to go to
believing that they'd have to go
any classes we want."
to the gym each day to find out if
they" had"an"exam"that' day". Don't "Walt a minute. If that many people
you remember that storv?"
""">< out, they'd close the schoo
club and South played a heart back
they wouldn't continue classes just
to his hand, with the deuce of hearts "Oh yah, now I rememDer."
for the two of us."
becoming the thirteenth trick. The "Well I heard that the ASP was going "Yah, I guess your right."
sequence of cashing the high cards
to do the same thing this year. I 'Well what are we going to do?"
ln South's hand before running the
heard that they were going print "I guess since they're going to close
long suit is known as Vienna Coup,
a fake exam schedule. That way
the school anyways, we'd better
If there's a way to make an overevery one would show up ln the
do like every one else and follow
trick a good bridge player will find
wrong place at the wrong time.
the exam schedule ln the ASP,"
BwMing Better Bridge
by R i c h a r d B e t i and Marty B s r a s n
Moat of the time it is easy to
play a contract when all four hands
are ln view. Take today's hand
which was played at a recent duplicate game. South opened two notrump on twenty-three points and
was raised to six no-trump by his
Six no trump Is a slight overbid
but maybe North had supreme confidence ln his partner's play of the
hand. It Is easy to make six notrump seeing all four hands.
All that Is needed is a right
guess In the club suit and declarer
can make twelve tricks: five clubs,
two diamonds, two hearts, and three
spades. However, the problem Is
to make all thirteen tricks which
is hard enough with all four hands
exposed but taking note that declarer did It seeing only his hand
and dummy's.
Declarer was fortunately presented with a favorable lead of a
low spade. The low spade lead Is
probably the worst lead In the West
hand, a heart or diamond lead being
definitely superior. Declarer played
the ten of spades from dummy hoping
the queen wai In the East hand and
that East would cover,
However this was not the case
and South 'won the trick with the
Jack. He now led the nine of clubs
which was covered by the ten and
won by dummy's king, West should
definitely not cover the nine as
South will most likely play the ace
or king of clubs anyway and the play
of the ten tips declarer off to the
distribution of the club suit.
South got back to his hand by
playing to the spade king and led
the Jack of clubs which was ducked
around, East pitching a heart. South
now cashed the ace of spades, on
which East threw another heart,
and the ace and king of diamonds.
South led a club to dummy's ace
and ran clubs, Declarer pitched a
diamond on the fifth club. Both
East and West are squeezed on the
play of the fifth club. East cannot
hold on to the queen of diamonds
and a heart stopper while West
cannot guard the space queen and
a heart stopper,
Both pitched hearts on the fifth
Dealer: South
S 10 0 3 2
H 8
C AK 8 6 3
II 10 0 6
1)7 6 2
C Q 10 4
II Q J 7 5 4 3
W E D Q 1 0 08
C 7
II A K 2
C J952
Opening Lead: Spade six
Bidding: S
Albany Student Press
T H E C L A S S Of
Ths Albany Student Prsis • a semi-weekly newspaper pub shod by the Studtnt Association of ths State Unlvorslty of
Hall at 1223 Western Avsnus, Is opsn from 7l00 p.m.
Nsw York at AJiiany, ths ASP o l l l c s . loco tod In V,on Rensselaer
lo lilOO p.m. Sunday thru Thuriday night or ay bo rsochod by dialing 457-8604 or 457-8605.
Sporli Editor
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Technical Supervisor
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Business Manager
Executive Editor
Enecutlvo Editor
Painlk, Linda Miller, Madelalne Schnobel, Margaret Carrol, Robert Cutty, John Cranio,
Carl Llndemann, Ed K o i , James Wlnslaw, Duncan Ninon, Michael Nolln, Michael Connely,
Jay Doanohun, Nancy Lehman, Mark Cunningham, Gary Reitlto, Pater Goldberg, Tom
Mylos, Joe Cardomone, Glenn Soplr, Bab Chamberlain, Hank Robnowlti,^
I , Sue
are Archay
Harvey Vlahos
Joseph Nlcostrl, Sherman Richards, E l l i s- Kaufman, Victor Cohen,
.... Douglas Rothgeb,
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wards and are subiecl la editing, The Albany Student Press assumes na responsibility for opinions engrossed In He
columns and communications as such e « p r e s s l o n e d j not necessarily reflect Its views.
Friday, December
Compelling Force Evident
In Bosson Painting Exhibit
by E l l i s K a u f m a n
In November, 1922, Fanny Brlce
was singing at B. F, Keith's Palace Theatre; Zlegfield and George
White each had their 1922 editions
of Follies and Scandals: Rudolph
Valentino was on the screen in "The
Young Rajah," and "Merton of the
Movies" opened at the Cort Theatre on November 13.
A review of "Merton" appeared
ln "The New York Times" tha next
day with the headline: " 'Merton
of the Movies' a Joy. Kaufman and
Connelly's satirical comedy Is stimulating."
by R i n a
When one e n t e r s John B o s s o n ' s paintingexhibit.one
i s aware of a c o m p e l l i n g force which r e a c h e s out and
d e m a n d s i n v o l v e m e n t with the e s e e n c e o f t h e work. The
e l e m e n t s of color andof composition create a pulsating
f e e l i n g which throbs with emotion, sensuality, and v i t a l i t y . B o s s o n ' s p a i n t i n g s a r e o f s i l o u e t t e d p a r t s o f the
f e m a l e body p r e s e n t e d on a two d i m e n s i o n a l plane.
H i s p a i n t i n g s a r e r e l e - Is nevertheless confined by the
v a n t a s s u g g e s t i o n s o f f e m - limits of its environment.
" T i m e s " C r i t i c Summarizes
John Corbln, "The Times" theatre critic sums up the story in the
following manner: "There Is the
eager young clerk In a country
store to whom the movies are the WILLIAM CLARK'S POTTERY is featured among other works
summed up beauty of the universe, submitted by our (acuity in the art department. Many of the works
he believes everythng he reads have already been purchased,
about the screen, the Interviews in
fan magazines, the glowing statements of press agents. Illusions?
He has them all.
"And then he goes to Hollywood.
He has graduated from a correspondence school of acting- lie has
his diploma and everything- and he
makes his pilgrimage to his mecca
by D o u g l a s R a t h g e b
to act....and to worship Beaulah
"And his illusions? Well.Sigmund
A m a n by the n a m e o f N o r m a n H o l l a n d o n c e . w r o t e
Rosenblatt Is Beulah Baxter's
FOURTH HUSBAND....Also,Beulah an i n t r i g u i n g l i t t l e e s s a y o n w h a t he c a l l e d the " g o o d
uses a double- and she has said b a d m o v i e , " a s o p p o s e d to the " b a d bad m o v i e . " He
IN HER INTERVIEW that if she ever d e s c r i b e d the f o r m e r a s a m o v i e w h i c h i s u n p r e t e n used a double she would feci that she
was not keeping faith with her pub- t i o u s l y bad, o n e w h i c h d o e s not c l a i m to b e m o r e than
i t i s and w h i c h s e e k s o n l y to e n t e r t a i n .
"Merton is shattered. But only
A s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of tlie Holland would react to "Texas
for a time. He still worships the
the River," a strained and
screen and will give il the best that g o o d bad m o v i e H o l l a n d Across
is in him... and (finally) Merton be- c i t e s the g r a n d t r a d i t i o n o f " esome "<>w comedy starring Dean
Martin, Joey Bishop, Alain Delon
comes a great actor."
the and
Rosemary Forsythe.
" M o r t o n " T o Bo P r o d u c e d
science-fic"Merton of the Movies" will be o u t e r - s p a c e
The boys in the backroom at Uniproduced here in the middle of t i o n m o v i e and the T a r z a n
versal must have really patted each
March. Auditions will bo held on e p i c .
other's backs when they thought up
nnn. 19 and 20 ln Page Hall.
" B a d Bod M o v i e "
this one—and why not? Who else
James Leonard, who directed last
This brings me to the "bad bad but Dean Martin would be so right
year's entry Into the Yale Drama
. - > . . _
i.i.-i. _ . _ i i i . _ . . . . . .
Festival, "Of Mice and Men" will movie," for which neither Mr. Hoi as
a ."real
cowboy" who
direct "Merton." Leonard spoke of land nor myself has any sympathy, wise-cracks his way across the
the play as a longing for innocence.
defined, the bad bad movie is prairie. And what a brainstorm in
Merton is blinded by idealism, but °" e t l l a t pretends to be what It is casting—Joey Bishop as a "cool"
we love him and long to be as lnnocent as he is,
Usually it has a fat budget, brandname stars ls
Sign L a n g u a g e Subtitles
The idea of doing a 1022 comedy
filmed in lavish col.
Then, just for thrills, toss in a
is all part of the old movies fad .or ami Is advertised as the biggest
fad and nostalgia which speaks to a thing since "Gone With the Wind." sexy bathing scene and an inept
Only when It reaches the theatres Indian brave who can't even shoot
contemporary Impulse and consciousness. It ls part of the whole and the people, bullied and cajoled a fire arrow. And, for an extra
movement in the new arts revival by the ads, pay their two two dol- special "fun thing," have sign lanwhich can be exemplified ln the lars to heboid this miracle of mir- guage subtitles for when the Indians
song hit, "Winchester Cathedral." acles, does il show its true worth- speak.
We all have a strange kind of im- lessness,
pulse, a regaining of a lost national
The only thing that seems to be
" T e x a s Across the R i v e r "
Interest, and In effect the pining
missing ls the laugh-track. That is
for a lost virginity.
I have no doubt as to how M r . one thing tlie toys in the back room
forget about—a big mistake indeed.
For hero is a comedy that ls desperately In need of laughs, from
any direction.
"Texas Across The River" will
now join the company of such notable disasters as "The Fall of the
by D i a n e S o m e r v i l l c
* " ^
Roman Empire," "Cheyenne Autumn," "The Greatest Story Ever
The c o n t r o v e r s y o v e r which brings a g r e a t e r s e n s e
Told" and "The Reward."
of u r g e n c y to the v i e w e r — f i l m s o r l i v e d r a m a —
probably will n e v e r be s u c c e s s f u l l y r e s o l v e d , c e r t a i n l y n o t w i t h i n the c o n f i n e s of t h i s c o l u m n . Rut c e r t a i n l y no o n e c a n d e n y that the f i l m , " D a v i d and L i s a , "
c a r r i e d w i t h it an a u t h e n t i c i t y and r e a l i t y s e l d o m
matched by e i t h e r stage or s c r e e n artists.
O s t e n s i b l y , the f i l m d e a l s with the i n m a t e s of n
s o h o o l f o r e m o t i o n a l l y d i s t u r b e d " c h i l d r e n , " m o s t of
w h o s o a g e s r a n g e f r o m about fifteen to t w e n t y . Both
D a v i d and L i s a a r e s t u d e n t s at t h i s s c h o o l , and though
they find in
both h a v e s e r i o u s e m o t i o n a l d i f f i c u l t i e s
at l e a s t the
e a o h o t h e r , if not the c o m p l e t e s o l u t i o n
forms their
b o g i n n i n g to t h e e n d of the h o r r o r thai
Tho s e n s i t i v i t y with w h i c h both p l a y t h e i r r o l e s
m a k e s it h a r d to b e l i e v e that they do not t h e m s e l v e s
have t h e s e afflictions.
P r o b a b l y o n e o f tho m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t f a c t s about the
o a s t of " D a v i d and L i s a " Is that all of t h e m - f r o m
the p r i n c i p l e s r i g h t o n down the l i n e - u r e n e w c o m e r s
to the a r t — o r w e r e whon tho f i l m w a s m a d e a b o u t
five y e a r s a g o . T h e i r u n d e n i a b l e s u c o o s s g o e s a longway t o w a r d p o k i n g h o l e s In tho " s t a r s y s t e m . "
T h a t a l l the a c t o r s c o n c o r n e t l do s u c c e e d Is b e y o n d
d i s p u t e . L a u r e l s e s p e c i a l l y go to M i s s M a r g o l i n and
Mr, D u l l e a f o r t h e i r b r i l l i a n t and s e n s i t i v e p o r t r a y a l s ,
P r o b a b l y the h i g h e s t a c o o l a d o the f i l m oan r e c e i v e ,
B L U E G O B L E T S A R E among the
l i e s n o t in o r i t l o a l a o o l n l m , but in the n u m b e r of
a r t a v a i l a b l e (or s t u d e n t p u r c h a s e
p e o p l e w h o e x c l a i m e d , " I ' v e a l r e a d y s e e n it, hut I
r e n t l y b e i n g h e l d in H U 140.
just had to s e e It a g a i n . "
'Texas Across The River' Tiresome
Called 'Bad-Bad' Movie By Critic
o n
Twenties Play Slated
For March Production,
Auditions Next Week
inine f o r m , but h i s w o r k i s
e s s e n t i a l l y decorative.
T h i s i s b e c a u s e he d o e s not
, • „ . . , „ „ „ i.„ .
Want o n e t o b e c o m e i n VOlved o n l y w i t h the i n d i vidual figure itself.
Rather, the painter wants one to
gather the emotional response from
the composite of a series of these
undulating forms. Thus, the paintings are fragmented and tend to appear as problems of design.
The connotation of 'design' instead of 'art' does not dissatisfy
Bosson since the paintings are organized Intrinsically and are, therefore, unified. Art criticism Is Individual and, since the works are
valid compositionally the Interpretation can, therefore, remain personal.
Bosson is able, after securing
attention to his unique style through
the use of contrasting colors, to
Involve you ln his satirlzatlon of
the mnscullne Idealization of the
female image. He believes that man
tends to view the woman idealistically as a composite of many por'ent forms.
rMaytully Satiric
Bosson is playfully satiric because, by decomposing the female
form, he shows us that women are
actually more than these segments.
They are complex human beings who
are incapable of severe and rigid
C l m i t l n forms
are used to create
these complex situations as the artist sees the need for personal Interpretation of his paintings. By
presenting the fragments of the
nude Instead of the entire figure, he
allows each person to discover the
satire as it is related to the individual experience. The truth of reality ls thus made palatable by a playful presentation.
U s e of Color
The artist's use of color is personally symbolic but does not necessarily conform to the conventional color interpretations. His
reds, blues, and greens are used
in an attempt to communicate the
activity of life through an emotional response.
Although the color ls flat and free
from textural quality, a visual illusion of space ls created by the
optical qualities of the paint. Bosson's amorphous silhouettes vibrate
ln enclosed geometric areas to show
that the human being, although
changeable and capable of growth,
Approach Direct
As previously stated, there is
P'aV"' quality to Jack Bosson's
paintings. This, however, does not
suggest that his work Is insincere.
His statement and his approach are
direct so that the paintings are valid.
l s honest
.. Hlsl s aar ttruthful
because, toofhim,
present attitudes about people and
about life. To the artist, his paintings fulfill the function of art, which
ts the expression of the Individual.
That one may view his ideas ln Humanities 354 until January 6, 1967
is an invaluable experience to view
playful reality which should not be
Faculty Concert
Overall Success,
Individuals Probed
by Deborah Kirsch
In typically Baroque style, Purcell's "Sonata" In D Major which
opened the faculty concert program
in Page last Friday, followed the
fast-slow-fast form for the movement. Dr. James Morris was featured on trumpet, accompanied by
Findlay Cockrell on piano.
The style of the first movements
of tills piece has great rhythmic
vitality, which Morris was able to
emphasize. The second movement
was unusual ln that it featured only
the piano in a slow, solemn, expressive theme in a minor key.
Small Suite
"Marclienerzahlungen" are four
character pieces forming a small
suite by Schumann. They are musical fairy tales, for clarinet, viola,
and piano.
In this trio, William Hudson was
featured on clarinet, Dr. Charles
Stokes, played viola and Findlay
Cockrell performed on piano, The
blending of the mellow haromonles •
of the viola and clarinet was apparent.
At times In this movement the
volume of the p.ano seemed to
overshadow the other two Instruments.
Possibly the most disappointing
piece on the program was the Poulence "Sonata" for French horn,
trumpet and trombone, played by
Daniel Nlmotz, Morris and Lee
Lovallo. These brass Instruments
did not seem to blend as well as
did the woodwinds ln the quintet
or the viola and clarinet ln the
Unusual Piece
of p o t i e r y
at the F a c u l t y Art
Without question, tlie most unusual piece on the program was
"Rorl Velocltatein" by Richmond
Browne for any three Instruments,
"Rorl Velocltatein" consists of five
pages of "music" which are played
ln order, each performer starting,
however, with a different page, so
that a movement is u partly random superlmposltlon of threepuges.
The throe Instruments used wore
oboe O'layod by Patricia Grlgnet),
trumpet (Morris), and French horn
(Nlnietz). The extreme ranges of all
the Instruments were used, in contrast and opposition to each other,
creating a polntUltstic effect.
The Beethoven "Quintet" was the
high point of the program. Scored
for piano, oboo, clarinet, French
horn and bassoon Q'layed by Miss
Juno Partcli, Albany Symphony Orchestra performer), It represented
one of Beethoven's earlier works.
This quintet contrasts the Instruments In pairs, three against two,
or, often, the piano In opposition
to the winds. Throughout some of
the first movement, the piano again
seemed to overwhelm the winds,
The winds, again, blended well,
although the bassoon, at times,
seemed to become lost in the maze
of sound,
Friday, December 1«. 19M
" ^ . 1 * " *
one Hoopsters Skin 80015,80-74
To Bring Its Win Skein To Three
• ubad
t v l enough
f c E w that this is the" last
' ^ issue
As if it weren't
of the ASP this semester, I have further bad news for
you die-hard sports fans: the moustachioed warrior is
bowing out. In other words, this is the last "RayView."
Associate sports editor Don Oppedisano will be
piloting the sports staff next semester, bringing to the
ASP sports section experience and enthusiasm it hasn't
known in a goodlongwhile. GlenSapirwill take over as
associate sports editor. Both men have outstanding
staffs, and I'm sure this page will improve considerably during the next few months.
I am now confronted with a situation I have not
known for five semesters, and that is to be able to
write a column without fear of offending someone and
subsequently eliminating a source of information. It's
a once in a lifeteime opportunity unfortunately, and
I'm sorry I didn't have this freedom while still sports
This column has always been a proponent of keeping our athletic system apace with the university's
sudden and vast growth. In the past three years it is
my opinion that such has not at all been the case. In
fact, the reverse comes closer to being true. Bluntly,
athletics have been forced into such a backseat a r rangement that it will be years—a good many years—
behind the r e s t of the school's growth, even to the
point where it may never catch up. People expect
bigger and better things from a University than from
a Teacher's College—including athletics. And can we
say that we have been moving in such a forward direction?
New athletic director Dr. Werner is a step in the
right direction. He has the desire and experience to
effect a solid athletic program here at Albany. The
coaching staff expands and improves annually. But
these factors are negligible when not given full university and student body support, and that support is
not being given.
Not until this school encourages athletics in some
form other than a seasonal banquet, not until facilities
are provided for adequate intercollegiate and intramural activities, not until athletics regain the respect
they have lost will we have a University sports-wise.
Granted much of this will change with a settled new
campus. But the atmosphere must change, too, without
waiting for full transition to occur. By then it may be
too late to regain what potentially might be lost.
The longer the change in atmosphere is in coming
the harder the change will be. We must begin now.
State Fencers Defeat RPI
On Saturday, December 10, a
strong team of foil and sabre fencers
from the State University's Fencing
Society met RPI's first-pick team
and triumphed, 19-13.
During the four-hour event, held
across from Lecture Room #3, the
Engineers offered stiff foil resistance, but their sabre team crumpled
before the confident attacks of the
State fencers.
Team Captain Bob LaVallee expressed special pleasure with the
performance of Dick Dolly, who, with
little former sabre experience, took
all of his bouts In that weapon. Outstanding among the new fencers was
Mike Cohen, with a 4-0 score In
the foil event.
The scores were
The Fencing Society's next match
will be with the Trl-Cltles Fencing
Club In the Schenectady YMCA gym
at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 18,
The Great Dane Cagers ran their victory stringto three in a row Tuesday a s they
_. _
„*„<„„•,. throB in B row Tuesday as th£
snapped a four game Potsdam win skein, handing the Bears their first loss of the
y e a r 80-74. The Sauersmen, with their record now at 3-1, face Merrimack Tuesday
night in a home contest at Hudson Valley gym. Their biggest test will be in the annaual Capital Tournament on December 29 when they take on a tough Marist College
and either Siena or New Paltz the following evening.
Tuesday night's g a m e was the thriller anticipated
as Dane fans watched a 12
point halftime lead dwindle
to one, then saw the game
put out of reach in the final 58 seconds.
The Bears jumped off to a quick
7-0 lead before Larry Marcus put
the Danes Into the scoring with a
shot from the corner. After that
both teams traded baskets, as the
Potsdam men clung to a slim lead.
Then with 3:22 left In the half, State
started to click. Tom Doody hit
from the outside, Scott Price on a
foul shot, Jim Constantino from
center, and Rich Margison put the
Danes ahead at 2:06 with a jump
shot from the center 33-32.
Constantino dropped in another
two as the half was ending and State
put the lid on the Bears taking a
44-32 halftime lead.
Golden Eye To Feature
One-Act Play Tonight
"Krapp's Last Tape," a
one act play featuring one
character, will he p r e sented at the Golden Eye
tonight at 9 p.m.
AMIA Standings For
Leagues II, III9 and IV
Constantino High With 17
Captain Constantino paced the
Danes with 17 points and Margison
followed with 16, Marcus 13, Price
11, Bloom 10, and Tom Doody 8.
Frank Mammano was high for Potsdam with 21 markers.
AMIA Bowling News
In last Saturday's League I bowling action, the Goobers shut out
defending champion Potter Club,
7-0, to take over first place by
three points,
League II bowling began last weekend with EEP owing an unblemished
5-0 slate. Here are the results which
were submitted by League II Commissioner Walt Weinberg.
League I Standings
Won Lost Per,
•1 ,88C
13 22
Justice League
Bad News Five
Giles (Choppers)
Jones (EE)
Gilbert (Goobers)
Rlfenberlck* (Goobers)
Plotrowski (EEP)
187 plus 8
187 plus 3
184 plus 5
130 plus 6
175 plus 11
League II Standings
G. Torino
S. Furdyn
B. Kinney
L. Kayt
P. Smolnyckt
Won Lost
bony Ouadrangul ar won by Albany. The matmen are 0-1 on the
season l o far
MIKE BLOOM (14) drops in a jumper from the corner during the
Convert 26 Foul Shots
recent Dane win over Pratt. The Sauersmen will (ace Merrimack
The second half was a foul shot
at 'home' Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Bus transportation will be procontest, won by Potsdam, as the
Bears converted a total of 26 free
throws in the game, most In the
last half. Glenn Murray made two
to make the score 67-66 at 4:27
as Potsdam whittled State's lead,
A minute later it was 69-68 as
Murray and Price each hit for two.
Margison hit from under and on a
foul at 2:59 to make it 72-68. With
:49 left it was 76-74, then Larry
1 0
League MA
Marcus put it on ice from underHamilton Hall
1 0
neath and Constantino sunk one as
The Team
1 0
the clock ran out to give the Danes Irondequolt Indians
0 1
the victory, 80-74.
0 2
Phi Beta Sigma
WARREN CROW i t in pinning position in a match during the Al-
AMIA Needs Officials
AMIA needs officials. If anyone
is Interested, please call Denny
Elkln at 8717,
Jim Curly was voted as the outstanding player on Potior Club's
AMIA League I championship football team. Curly passed for 10 touchdowns besides running for six more.
League MIC
League MB
1 Demonds
2 Suds
Kal Baldles
Big M
Johnson Hall
League IMA
Seagrams 7
Otto's Angels
League 1MB
MERCE CUNNMGHAM, Wllhtln KUvtw, Stan Van 4t l e e k , M m Cm,,, m d Jock Twoifc.v o n
five of seven contemporary artists to be featured at the "Contemporary Voices in the Arts" are
gram to be held Tuesday.
League IVB
EEP (One Eyes)
1 1
0 2
R.K.0. Cleaners
7 AM-6PM DMl
HE 4 - 6 2 1 2
First Lutheran Church
181 Western Avenue
William H. Rittberger, Pastor
Paul E. Henry, Assistant Pastor
Services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Free bus transportation
for the 11:00 a.m. service
Leaving Dutch, Colonial Quads at I0»I5 tun.
Ploys Tape Bock
When he reaches the age of 60,
be plays all bis tapes back. He finds
University To Host Arts Festival.
Artists To Particate In Program
by Carl Lindeman
League IVA
The play is an examination of
what is meaningful and lasting in
man's existence. Beckett comes to
the conclusion that existence lacks
The story concerns Krapp, played
by Paul Vlllani, who makes a tape
recording on what he has done and
what his future will be once a year
tor thirty years. Over the years he
rejects personal involvement and
becomes more concerned with the
intellectual aspects of life.
Discussion and Reception
A form of music free from the
conscious intent of the composer,
<|»oems composed from a world without attempting to use it as a " s u b ject," are only two of the topics
to be presented by leaders in various fields of the modern arts at
the State University at Albany,
Tues., February 14 at 8:00 p.m.,
in the Campus Center Ballroom.
A team of seven men will give a
unique presentation of topics in the
fields of music, poetry, painting,
photography and sculpturing at this
program, "Contemporary Voices in
the A r t s , " which is sponsored by
the New York State Council on the
In addition to. the program offered
on Tuesday evening, the group of
artists will also be available for
daytime group discussions and an
All University Reception. The announcement of specific locations and
time will appear In the next edition
of the ASP and in the Campus Clipboard.
The seven artists participating in
this New Theatre movement include
Jack Tworkov, painter; John Cage,
composer; Stan Van DerBeek, film
maker; Len Lye, sculptor and Him
maker; Robert Creeley,poet;Merce
Cunningham, dancer; and Wilhelm
Kluver, electronic teohnlcian.
HKolkonsky To Teach Extra Year
Granted Third Extended Tenure
Madame Catherine Wolkonsky, professor of Russian language and literature at SUNYA, has been
granted a one year extension of waiver of mandatory
retirement by the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York. This At Albany she has charge of the
5UNYA Graduate Director
"Krapp's Last Tape" will be directed by John Velle who graduated
from SUNAY in 1962. In 1964 he
won the A. M. Drummond Studio
Award for Direction at Cornell. His
original play, "The East Room,"
was produced at the 1964 Yale Drama
After the performance Velle and
Vlllani will discuss their production. There will be no admission
charge for lbs program.
Diversity of Interests
Tworkov, whose works in painting represent a novice in the field
jot arts, employs a style of abstract
expressionism; however, his painti n gs In the area of landscape and
s e a Indicate variations from this
style. His most recent works have
depicted a flat and diagrammatic
disposition of line,
In the field of scuplturing, Len
Lye, born and educated in New Zeal.
and, but now an American citizen,
first exhibited his "tangible" motion sculpturing in 1961.
His most impressive work to date
consists of a five-loot-high blade of
polished steel which is electronically choreographed to go into convulsive motions upon a revolving
base. He feels that each Individual
will receive from his sculpture a
similar degree of empathetic r e action.
"Aleatoric" Music
Experimentallsm in music Is the
major concern of John Cage, composer in residence at the University of Cincinnati. His "aleatoric"
music is an attempt to free the
music from the conscious Intent of
the composer.
program of undergraduate studies
He employs a variety of sound
in the department of German and materials ranging from random
5 5
noise to silence Itself. Coupled with
Billy Kluver, an electronic engineer
with Bell laboratories and a technician who lias worked for Robert
Raushenberg's recent Art and Techcourses
undcrgradMadame Wolkonsky was formerly
»,..» ••*.,.»...,•/ •,.» " " " " " * ' uate may now take a major or minor nology Show In New York City, Cage
...in -enlighten
tils_ audience
„ . _ . . _with
/ A 1tie° °
n B u s s l g n w(j
g master,g degree
Vassar oHhe
for many years. lprogram
and informative data on sound.
is offered.
In requesting the extension, President Collins pointed out that
Origins of Poetry
Madame Wolkonsky's "continued
To those people interested in the
service Is considered essential be- arts of poetry Robert Creeley will
cause the University has developed lecture on the origin of a poem in
a master's program ln her field. a Poet's mind, Having received a
Her teaching ability Is outstanding Guggenheim Fellowship ln poetry,
and she continues to be both intel- Creeley feels that his poems a r e
lectually and physically active." given him to write and that he does
not create them.
Madame Wolkonsky's service to
the University has gone far beyond
A mixture of photographic reality
the usual. Her interest In her stu- wit!) real reality is the goal of
dents is outstanding, One example Stanley Van Derbeek's filmmaking.
should make tills point clear,
His films entail a manipulation of
During a storm three years ago live action shots with clippings from
Madame Wolkonsky was afraid that all sorts of mass media, Through
the roads would be too bad for her his Ford Foundation Grant he has
to get ln for her morning class, She produced
"Facesspent the night on one of the couches capes," and "Visible Fill ' m , " an
Madame Wolkonsky
Ilia Mince ujmilH h . l i i l H
•tenure granted to the in- Slavic languages and literatures.
ternationallj known scholShe also expanded the Russian
ar, who Joined this faculty curriculum at the University, which,
in 1963.
when she arrived, offered only three
himself disgusted with the earlier
man and has trouble understanding
the early tapes.
Krapp comes to the conclusion
that what has gone past can no
longer be.
Vlllani graduated from the State
University of New York at Albany
in 1962. Soon after graduation he
moved to New York City where he
studied at the Circle in the Square.
He appeared In their production of
Eugene O'Neil's "Desire Under the
THE BROTHERS FOUR will perform in Page Hall tomorrow night
as part of the Greek Week Program. Anyone may obtain tickets in
Hu 140.
Brothers Four Performance
To Highlight Greek Week
Council of Contemporary Music
and Pan-Hellenic Council will spontw0
P e r f o r mances by the popu'ilf' to"<-slnslnB group The Brothers
Four, tomorrow at 7:30 and 9:30 in
Page Hall. Tickets are available In
Hu 140 from 9-3 today for $1.50
per person; no tax card Is needed,
In the fall of 1958, there was no
S^l ihlnB as, T l ? e Brothers Four.
There were simply these four guys,
Mike Klrkland, Bob Flick, John
TODAY is the last day to
file applications (or the Selective Service Exams to be
given on:
March 11
March 31
April 8
Get application in Hu. 126
Main Post Office
Paine, and Dick Foley, who were
brothers ln the same fraternity at
the University of Washington. They
had already started singing together,
but it was strictly for laughs.
Then one day, as a result of a
joke which a friend had pulled on
them, they auditioned for the manager of a popular night spot in Seattle,
They were hired, of course, and if
up until then they neglected to take
themselves seriously as singers,
The Brothers Four suddenly began
to think of terms of a professional
Not long after that, they were discovered by their manager, Mort
Lewis, and were winging their way
to fame and fortune with their first
recording, "Greenfields," which
sold more than a million copies.
The Brothers Four hava piled one
successful venture upon another with
monotonous regularity,
The ineterolc rise of The Brothers
Four and their continuing popularity
makes it look all too easy. So they
give a word of advice to young,
would-be folk-singers: Don't try the
same formula. It "works" only If
you happen to be blessed with talent
to spare, and that, ln a nutshell, Is
the secret behind the amazing success of The Brothers Four.