ARoyViem of Sports

Friday, Dacambtr 9; 1966
ARoyViem of Sports
Tomorrow nigjit at Hudson Valley our Dane hoopsterB face their toughest competition of the year, the
University of Buffalo. Traditionally, UB has handled
our cage squads with a minimum of effort, and why
shouldn't it? UB is a school of twice our population
and until recently gave out athletic scholarships. So
while me financial allurement is not longer there,
the successful athletic tradition still remains.
If this year's Sauersmen were as strong as we
thought they would be in pre-season expectations,
we'd rate our hoopsters as good bets to register an
upset. However, things are a little different now, but
not that different. In the team's first pair of games—•
a win and a loss—certain players turned in solid performances that could, if repeated, put the Danes in
an upset-minded mood. Scott Price and Rich Margison
seem to be the men the other players will turn to
when the going gets rough. This is based on earlyseason observations, however.
But the men who must come through if the Danes
are to upset the Bulls are not the starters but the
reserves. With the squad as small as it is, and with
many 'teams playing fast break ball, UB included,
the Dane hardcourters will undoubtedly have to turn
to the bench quite frequently. It's the performances
of these men that we feel will determine the team's
success, not only tomorrow night but for the rest
of the season as well.
Coach Joe Garcia must be quite pleased with his
matmen, and well he should be. Not only did the Dane
grapplers score an overwhelming win at the Albany
Quadrangular Meet, but they registered seven individual wins.out of a possible eleven. Several of the
men looked a little rusty, but that is due entirely to
not enough practice—something coach Garcia is
sure to remedy.
Tomorrow the grapplers vie with Farleigh Dickinson University. FDU shut-out Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 45-0. in a recent match.
AMIA basketball has recently begun action with
multitudes of teams in all the leagues except League
I, which has only a handful of entries. We find it hard
to accept that League I, with its "better" competition,
cannot attract more teams. Part of the problem is
due to AMIA's policy of equal-sized trophies to each
league winner. We imagine certain teams feel they
have a better shot at winning in a lower league than
League I.
Evidently competition is no longer the attraction it
used to be. Seems like lack of it has far greater appeal among certain teams. We deplore this situation
and hope the AMIA moves to cure it, the sooner the
' better.
Five Teams Make '66-'67
AMIA League One Tough
Pierce hall, composed of grad
students will be starting captain
SutUff, Jim LaFountaln, Tim
The AMIA League I basketball
season swung into high gear Wed- Fitzharrls, Bob Judge, and Russ
nesday. Five strong teams will be Keeney.
after the league championship Potter Club won last year.
Potter Club will have Ray McWith the Choppers upsetting the
Cloat and Andy Christian, two all
league players, returning to form Goobers and Potter Club having Its
the nucleus of the ball club. Other match postponed, defending chamPotter cagers are captain Bob Sa- pion EEP Is the only team remainvlcki, George Webb, a former frosh ing in AMIA League I bowling with
hooper, and Jim McVey, previously an unblemished record. Goobers is
still In second place and will face
a varsity player.
Alpha PI Alpha will also be re- pace-setting Potter tomorrow.
Here are the standings:
turning two league all stars as well
as two hoopers up from the Frosh Potter Club
team. Denny Elkin and Ken Zach12
arlas, the returning all stars, along Choppers
with 65-66 frosh starters Gary Tor- T X O
ino and Bill Moon present a for- Undefinables
midable team. Also on the team
are Bill Schult, former captain of S t r a g g l e r s
Brockport State, and guard Ray Bad N e w s Five
Individual l e a d e r s :
Wayne Smith, captain of the Camfs
2282 190
presents a team with strong creden- G U e s Choppers
1711 190
tials. On the squad are Joe Ilorne, J o n e s Potter
1662 184
all league last year, as well as his R o s e n b e r g Undef.
2173 181
high school teammate Vern Larmier,
2128 177
a transfer from Iona. GaryKochum, Rifenberick Goobers
1407 175
'i transfer from Hudson Valley, John Sabey TXO
1555 172
Naumowitz, a returning all star, and Nealon Goobers
Jack Sinnott will share the guard Piotrowski E E P
1531 170
positions while Ken Drake will S e r s o n Goobers
1357 169
Connelly G o o b e r s
handle the pivot.
The Sars, captained by Bob KelHigh Individual Game
lar, a member of last year's frosh,
will also be starting Dick Waytek, G U e s
Ron Greenhunt, Dave Rlegel, and
M c C l o a t Potter
Gary Allen.
Danes To Play Role
Face Buffalo At 'Home' Tomorrow
by Mike Connelly
In what may be one of the most exciting games of the basketball season, "Doc"
Sauers' once-beaten Great Danes take on powerful University of Buffalo tomorrow
night at Hudson Valley Community College gym. Game time for this thriller is
7:15. The Stage Cagers are out to break their personal losing streak against the
Bulls, who have beaten them four times in the last two years and were the spoilers
in a bid for an NCAA playoff two years ago.
- .. _..
Hall at 4:45 tomorrow night.
B u s e s f o r t h e g a m e Will of height and experience, something departing for the varsity game
l e a v e t h e d o r m s a t 4 : 4 5 which this year's Cagers do possess. against the University of Buffalo at
It should be quite a contest, so be 7:15 will depart from the same three
for the Frosh game with there early—HVCC gym Is not as locations at 6:30,
The Albany State varsity wresUing
Hartwick and at 6:30 for big as the Armory.
Buses for the frosh game against team under head coach Joe Garcia
the varsity. Coach Sauers Hartwick
face Farleigh Dickinson in a
will leave from the
is hoping for a good turn- Dutch quadfrosh
and Colonial Quad bus homematch tomorrow afternoon at
out of
stops, and In front of Waterbury 2:00 at Page gym.
Barring injuries in Wednesda.
game with Plattsburgh State, the
Dane qunltent should be at full
strength to take on the Bulls. Sophomore guard Rich Margison leads
the team in scoring with 19.5 points
per game and has been high scorer
in each of the Danes' first two
games. Seniors Mike Bloom, Jim
Constantino, and Marty O'Donnell
all hit two figures in scoring against
Pratt and would like to take the
measure of the quintet from Buffalo.
DECEMBER 13, 1966
Bulls Snap Win Skein
Buffalo is 2-1 on the year so far,
with their only loss coming at the
hands of Gannon college of Erie.
The Bulls are relatively inexperienced, without a senior on the team
and also without all five of last
year's top scorers.
In this, the first of the annual
two game set, the Sauersmen can
take some measure of revenge for
past defeats. Two years ago, Dick
Crossett, Jim O'Donovan and company set a school record of 12
straight victories before the Bulls
ended it, 69-58, and ruined the NCAA
To Be an Exciting Contest
Last year's newly christened Dane
quintet lost both games to the UB
five, but were hurt also by a lack
Mrs. Lois Gregg, the associate
dean of students at the University,
entertained the members of Central
Council in her home on Waverly
Place last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Gregg is presently renting
Waverly Place from the Faculty Student Association, and has lived there
since coming to the University last
The informal meeting Is typical of
many that Mrs. Gregg has held
throughout this year and last in order
to become better acquainted with the
members of many of the acting student groups on campus.
William Cleveland, president of
the Council, commented that there
would be no "formal business"
transacted that night.
AT THE CENTRAL Council meeting held at Mrs. Lois Gregg's house, Associate Dean of Students,
members gang up.before placing President William Cleveland and Vice President Vincent Abramo in
" P i N a r y " on the stairway.
DANE REBOUNDERS VIE with Pratt players (or control of the
ball in last week's game. The Sauersmen (ace Buffalo tomorrow
night at "home."
The Booketerio (Textbook area) will close*
OR Thursday, Dec. 22,1966
aad will re-open oa January 3 0
The rest of the bookstore
(supplies novelties & nontextbooks)
will remain open to serve your needs.
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri 9 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Sat. 9A.M. - 1:00P.M.
*Any emergency shipment of fall textbooks mill be made (Mailable.
State University Bookstore
L l l , N0..44
Central Council Members
Visit Home Of Dean
by G l e n n Sapir
EEP Paces Keglers
Christmas Concert To Be Presented
By Band, Collegiate Singers, Dec. 16
The annual Christmas concert,
presented by 'the music department
of the State University of New York
at Albany, in cooperation with the
university's Music Council, will take
place Friday evening, Dec. 10, in
Page Hall.
On the program will 1* selections
by the University Concert Band, of
Speaker To Discuss
'Memory Pill'
At Psych Club
Dr. D, Ewen Cameron, director of
psychology and aging research at
the Albany Veterans Administration,
will be the guest speaker at the
December 15th meeting of the Psychology Club.
Dr, Cameron has received wide
recognition for his work with Cylert,
tlie 'memory pill.' Studies have
found that the administration of Cylert stimulates the production of
ribonucleic acid (RNA), a body substance which has been found to Influence the rearrangement of nerve
structures, resulting in the reorganization of stored thought patterns.
Experiments conducted on groups
of men in their latter years, many
of whom were given to senility, have
shown that the 'memory pill' is an
effective stimulant for the recollection of thought patterns. It was made
clear that subjects, after taking Cylert for several days, showed more
decisiveness about what they r e membered, and recalled things faster than those who did not.
Investigation Is presently going
Into the realm of learning, as"to
whether or not Cylert, as a stlinu.'int, broadens one's scope of understanding, thus Increasing his
powers of intellect,
Dr. Cameron >i\s that aside from
the drug's effect on memory, it
"opens the way to an almost limltless exploration of new methods of
modifying this extraordinary systen, whereby we can bring forward
continually, the experiences of the
past to modify present actions and
future plans."
On Thursday, December 15, at
7 p.m. in Hu, 137, Dr, Cameron
will tak on his work, and show
films of Ids experiments,
which William Hudson Is conductor with incidental solo by Cheryl Richand by the Collegiate Singers, with man; "Landlord Fill the Flowing
Peterson conducting. Dr. Bowl," an English carol by Walter
James Morris, associate professor Ehret; and Michael Praetorius' "In
of music at SUNYA, and Barbara Dulce Jubilo," from Musae Slonlae.
Both the opening and closing seElliot will be trumpet soloists.
Compositions to be played by the lections of the second portion of the
band include "March Milltarie show of the program will feature
Francalse," from Suite Algerian by brass ensembles. The concert will
Salnt-Saens; "Love-Death" from begin at 8:15. There is no admission
Wagner's Tristan and Isolde; Hum- charge.
mel's "Concerto for Trumpet;"
Gershwin's "An American In
P a r i s ; " and "Valdres," Norwegian
march, by Hanssen.
The choral group will sing "Fanfare for Christinas Day," Martin
Shaw; "Sing Hollyloo," from the
Hallow'd Time, John Vincent; "The
Manger Carol," an Austrian song, A crowd of nearly 500 people atMary Caldwell; "Alleluia," Hein- tended a lecture on birth control
sponsored by Psl Gamma sorority
rlch Schutz.
Other selections include "Hanuk- entitled "Intelligent Family Planning."
Mrs. Crawford Campbell,
kah Madrigal," Herbert Fromm,
wife of an Albany physician was the
guest speaker.
of the song Sigma Tau Beta, the
newly formed-fraternity, will perform at the Christmas Sing, as many
of the new brothers are presently
on the Council.
Mrs. Gregg, an artist In her own
right, is also the chairman of the
Art Coordinating Committee which
was begun early last year under
the auspcies of FSA, and whose
main function Is the acquisition of
art wok for the entire campus.
Brown, Yon Dyke
Will Speak Friday
To Commission
Discussion Varied
At last Friday's Communications
Topics of discussion varied from Commission meeting It was antalk on present Council business, nounced that Nell Brown, director of
the formation of the new alcohol student affairs, and H. David Van
policy, to the decor of Mrs. Gregg's Dyke, assistant to the president,
will be present at this week's meetThe house itself was pieced to- ing, Friday, December 10, is Hu 123.
gether in the early 1900s by a promBrown will speak to tlie Commisinent Albany lawyer from an old sion communications and the CamBrewmaster's office, and has a pus Center.
unique personality of Its own.
Van Dyke will be present to clarSince Mrs. Gregg began her oc- ify the position of the Public Relacupancy she lias added all her own tlqns Office In regard to the student
furniture, her collection of unusual publications.
objects gathered from around the
Also present at the meeting was"
world trip, and much of her own' Rhode Goldberg, a junior, who Is
art work.
Interested in establishing a new
literary magazine three times a
Folksingers Invited
Mrs. Gregg also invited campus
asked the Commission
folksingers William Nothdurft and whether or not it would be possible
John Harrison, III to entertain the for her to receive Student Associagroup; after refreshments were Hon funds to support such a magaserved the group not only received zine, and If so, whether she would
renditions by Nothdurft and Harrison have a chance of beginning ni xt
but also received a sneak preview semester.
Birth Control Lecture Includes
Short Movie, Informative Advice
Sigma Tau Beta
Active On Campus
Sigma Tau Beta was founded in
late October by a group of men who
found themselves dissatisfied with
their group affiliation. They felt
that for a group lo succeed as a
fraternity, the goals and ideals of
all Its members should be consistent.
Slg Tau plans to tako an active
part In the advancement of tlie University. Through brotherhood It
plans to promote scholarship, service, leadership and sportsmanship,
While recognizing the importance of
the individual, the fraternity will
seek to foster qualities of loyalty
" " " cooperation and encourage the
development ot character and p e r .
I'lio brothers are already taking
active part in student government and sports while maintaining
" satisfactory level of scholarship,
Slg Tau Beta will be participating
' " " » " o l l ; l a >' ^'f a '"' l " B °" t »; e
'™ "
* ls . on the wrangMiMrtl
^ "t <m
The first Item on the agenda was
a fifteen minute movie entitled
"Fair Chance." Mrs. Crawford described It as a "soap opera" of a
sort, the movie made the point that
every child should lie a wanted child,
for physical, emotional, and financial reasons.
One of the most interesting questions was directed to Dr. Hood who
was asked If any information about
birth control can lie distributed here.
Dr. Hood replied that there ls no
University policy and therefore It
Is up to the Medical Office. The
Medical Office will offer Information and guidance to anyone, to the
best of its ability. It will also refer
patients to u source of materials.
about this," Dr. Hood stated, and
reaffirmed that the Medical Office
would refer any student to a private
physician if necessary.
Another question that was asked
by many people concerned the reasons behind the policy of birth control clinics that will distribute information and materials to people
over 21 exclusively. Mrs. Campbell
explained that the organizations can
be hold responsible for distributing
pornographic materials to minors.
Immediately after the movie, Mrs.
Campbell offered her own view of
sex and birth control. Mrs, Campbell had no objections to a "stable
relationship" ouiside of marriage,
but had "no more respect for someone who Jumped from bed to bed than
for someone gets drunk anil barfs
all over."
Then Mrs, Campbell offered a
list of every method of birth control
and its effectiveness. Later, a lilinstrip illustrated each
erased some doubts.
dearly and
After tlie fllmstrlp, Mrs, Campbell and and her panel, consisting
of Father Paul Smith, Father William Small, Dr. Ethel Cormak and
Dr, Janet Hood, ami Dr, John TuckT l l e officers 0 f slg Tau Beta ure
er of the University Counseling
William Cleveland, president) Solo- Service entertained questions that
i,-lntl| vice-president; Duncan
the audience wrote down on Index
N i x o n | secretary; and CralgSprlngcards.
er, treasurer,
MRS. CRAWFORD CAMPBELL'S lecture on birth control spansored by Psi Gamma sorority Sunday, was delivered to a full
Tuesday, P*«tmb»; 13, 1966
Tirwdsjy, December 13, 1966
Over The Counter Intelligence
Many Colleges Discuss
Alcohol On Campus
, by Martin Schwarti
T H E BLOODLESS COUP D'ETAT dents will admit that. their students
^ V a ^ n V e l - n o S c e d that stu- wlU admit that their appointment
dent government i s an appointed was arbitrary and due to "InSOttSS&Ztt fl =
sections are finally held,
theftOse impression that paying my once a year, for the few remaining
student tax gave me the right tp vote posts, It Is increasingly true that
for people who share my attitudes the few quail led students are no
to represent me in student govern- longer Interested In Btudentgovern
ment. However, I find myself eligible ment, or are serving on MYSKANIA,
to vote for Homecoming Queen, making themselves Inelligble. For
Who's Who, Mr. and Mrs. Campus those who remain, there Is no forChest, and where class picnics um for their stands on student afshould be held. The people who make fairs, thus giving us no choice but
decisions that affect me, as opposed to guess at their qualifications. It
to the above named honor positions, Is not until too late that we find out
such as traffic court Justices, su- that Joe and Mary are voting for
preme court justices, and the chair- status quo on women's hours, no
men of every committee I have so liquor on campus, reduced funds
far had the unfortunate necessity of lor our favorite club, or the purworking through, are appointed po- chase of another useless white elesitions. In many cases, the powers phant condemned farm to Join Moof these peple has been aken away hawk and Dlpplklll.
MAS'" f ' ^ ^ M ^ r t S
. " ^ L ^ h f n ' t h e Da^tSSdpre-'
, 2J!mtoMUMBtt
Housing Committee, Ad Nauseum,
somehow mysteriously turn up on
the committee when decisions are
announced. Usually, even these stu-
provisionary promises was to provide
big nam* concerts which other groups
Last year a conflict arose over the wouldn't be able to afford (i.e. conscheduling of concert events for the certs of ah $8,000 rather than a $3,000
weekend of April 7, 1967. The conflict caliber) •
was between the scheduling of Page Hall
contribution to GETTING THROUGH
for a concert to be held in conjunction
Med. Office Praised
COLLEGE CLINIC'S establishment.
with the Sophomore Weekend, and the
In two separate statements the faculty
Unfortunately, a question has arisen
newly formed Council for Contemporary of this University has expressed their To the Editor:
concerning the relationship of one
like to update an old im- dollar to the CLINIC'S services.
Music, who had wanted to schedule a big indignation at the "infringement of the ageI would
that may still linger In the
name concert at the Washington Avenue civil liberties" of the students who were minds of the upperclassmen at
We, and particularly Professor
Armory on the same weekend.
arrested for picketing near an Albany "State." I can recall that last year Apostle, are concerned with Indecies
as a transfer student, when I asked of social problems In the area of
As Student Affairs prohibits the sched- polling place on Election Day.
where the Medical Office was,
survival. This has led to
uling of two such concerts on the same
We feel tha^the legal technicality of everyone here Just laughed and said collegiate
developing an experimental model,
weekend, it was decided that the Con- this matter is not the most important forget it.
the CLINIC, to find out if people will
I went down to them in Draper come to such a clinic, to determine
temporary Music Council would sponsor issue. These students were upholding Hall
just once. It was as hilarious the type of problems which exist,
a Righteous Brothers Concert in con- their moral obligation to protest what as a Bob Hope Special. Well, the and
to consider how they may be
administration has started some- remedied.
junction with the sophomore class.
they felt was not right.
worthwhile this year. The new
However, it appears that the WashWe not only commend them for this thing
Health Center is an amazing imA survey of professors and stuington Avenue Armory will not be avail- action, but also the faculty for their provement over the Medical Office dents
on campuses of theTrl-Cltles
in both equipment and personnel. area indicated a need for just such
able for concerts at that time. Conse- definite position.
As a patient for 5 days, I re- an entity which has little if any asquently it was agreed upon that the
ceived as good medical attention as sociation with college administraCouncil should look into the possibiliIf I were In a hospital. They have a tions. Therefore, the CLINIC exists
total of 8 doctors and a full-time outside the domain of universities
ties of sponsoring such a concert at the
staff of the. greatest professional and hopes to become, perhaps, the
RPI Field House.
7, 1966, Mayor Corning noted the con- nurses and nurse's aides.
"Ann Landers" of student problems.
At present the Council has not taken cern
They are having some difficulof Acting Police Court Judge Segal ties,
but they will be straightened
any definite steps in this direction, but with the
Is felt that a small charge of
futures of the students who were out with time. The purpose of the oneIt dollar
to cover some of the
has decidedtopresent a Clancey Broth- among the
Health Center was to establish hos- operating costs would serve to benearrested
ers concert in Page instead. Therefore Mr. Corning says, investigated "the pital facilities for Albany State stu- fit the clients and the CLINIC. By
unless the sophomores wanttoco-spon- possibility of dropping the charges be- dents so that the burden of the city palng this small amount and having
could be lightened.
a vested interest In the clinic, stusor this concert, or schedule one of their cause many of the individuals couldhave hospitals
Don't be foolish, students, if you dents are likely to give more of their
own, they have to relinquish Page Hall been
cooperation to ensure the success
the old Image Is dead and burled.
to Music Council.
that interest. Needless to say,
The concern was for the possible Remember paying that Insurance of
ensures the success of the enThe Council justified this move on the jeopardy of job opportunity for the in- premium on your term bill - you tire CLINIC.
grounds that to sponsor a concert pre- volved. One is lefttowonder what would can get your money's worth from
sented at the Field House wuld not qual- have happened if only members of The the Health Center.
Further clarification may be obAgain, I would like to extend my tained by speaking with the CO_
ify it as a University event.
Brothers had been arrested. Would the thanks to the people at the Health Directors and/or Professor Apostle
The idea that a concert not held on the same convictions that might have af- Center for the treatment I r eor- by writing:
University grounds is not a University fected their futures also, have roused ceived.
Wayne Burrows Getting Through College Clinic
event is ludicrous, especially in view of the same concern within Judge Segal?
P. O. Box 847
the fact that we do not have the space Does Section 772-a of the Penal Law Clinic Explained
Albany, New York 12207
necessary to support a concert of this read differently for local members of
To the Editor:
Mark Zeek
large a financial investment,
a Negro organization and for white
would like to thank the ASP
John Fleitman,
taken steps in the direction originally middle-class students at a large state- forWethe
Intelligent coverage and
agreed upon, especially as one of their owned university?
We feel that the Council should have
We think not.
Our Position
Double Standard
Albany Student Press
The Albany Student Press i i a semi.weekly newspaper published by the Student Association of the Stoto Jnlverslty of
Now York at Albany, tht ASP office, located in Von Rensselaer Hall at 1233 Western Avenue, l l open from 7:00 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday night or may be reoched by dialing 457.8604 or 457-860S.
Sports Easier
Associate Spevte Editor
Advaftislng Manager
E.ecutlva Editor
Arts Editor
N e w , Editor
Associate Editor
Technical Supervisor
Photography Editor
Business Manager'
Executive Editor
Executive Editor
Schnaboi, Margaret Corral, Robert Cully, John Cromie,
Wlnelaw, Duncan Ninon, Michael Nolln, Michael Connaly,
Mark Cunningham, Gary Restifo, Pater Goldberg. Tarn
Saplr. Bab Chamberlain, Honk Rabnowiti, Sue Archsy,
Hoivoy Vlahos
Joseph Nicastri, Sherman Richards. E l l i s Kaufman, Victor Cohen, Douglas Rothgeb,
Diane Somervllla, Martin Schwarti, Jay Rosovsky
••• & a n Logo, Fred I seeks
A l l coremunlcotlens must be addretiod ta the editor and must ba signed. Communications should be limited la 300
words and a t e subject ta editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In H i
<eilumnt and communlcalrani as euch e i p r o t t i o n t 4 t " • • necessarily redact Its view*
Alcohol on campus Is a point of
discussion In many universities and
colleges across the country. More
and more centers of learning are
ending their long stand on prohibition,
pn the arrival of the news that
Albany was going to allow alcohol
on campus the SUC at Oswego pushed
harder to reach their goal of legalization of alcohol. Since Albany has
Joined the ranks of the "wet" universities and colleges, Oswego
seems to be asking, why can't we?
O U T O F I T ? T h e Pan-Hell Beer Party held Saturday night a t
Raphael's was w e l l attended. Music by the Twenty-one Twenty.
Alpha Lambda Chi Joins
Frats As Active Colony
Albany State's newest fraternity, tives for the fraternity. Last SaturAlpha Lambda Chi, celebrated one day members of ALC were up at
month of existence last week. The the Mohawk Property sawing firefraternity was formed on Nov. 9, wood and gathering stones for a
1966, and received colony status proposed fireplace.
from I.F.C. soon after. Presently
there are twenty-one members,
This Saturday night ALC will join
most of them sophomores.
with the other .fraternities at the
basketball game and collect money
In the past month, ALC has se- for the Leukemia fund.
lected Its officers, written a constitution, and given service to the
ALC has entered two basketball
university. The officers are presi- teams in the AMIA leagues, and one
dent, Gregory Ellstromj vice-pres- bowling team.
ident, Lawrence Kaye; secretary,
Gerald Calvarioj treasurer, Michael
The fraternity has selected the
colors of black and gold, is currently
planning to take in a pledge class
Lewis Saperstein and Arthur next semester and Is attempting to
Cronson are the I.F.C. representa- get a section in a dormitory.
il The Campus Center opens,
will be distributed in
greater responsibility on the student
body and suggest the judicial board
punish the misusers of alcohol.
If these Institutions of learning,
Oswego and Bucknell, are allowed
the use of alcohol then they too
will face the decisions Albany must
make within the next few months.
The University at Albany may have
taken the lead for Oswego In ending prohibition, but It remains to be
seen If it retains this lead in forming alcoholic policy.
The Oswego Senate gave a vote
Commuter Board
of confidence (7-2) to the President
Self-nomination forms for the
of their Student Association, Thomas Fencil, in regards to his actions Commuter Board will be available
to liberalize their existing alcohol in Ryckman Hall Student Associacodes.
tion Office until Friday, Dec. 18,
at 2 p.m.
Senator Dennis Doell gave as a
reason for approval his feeling that
If drinking was allowed off campus,
Waterbury Hall will sponsor a
It seems reasonable that It should be concert by the Lou Strong Quartet
allowed on campus. Miss Audrey on Dec. 18, at 2:30 in Walden.
Bradford, also on the senate, apHlllel
proved this measure because in her
Members of the Albany State Hllopinion the student at Oswego should
services at Temple
be adult enough to have this reOhav Shalom this Friday, Decemsponsibility.
ber 16. The service will begin at
These reasons should sound fa- 8:30, all are Invited to attend. Transportation
will be provided; for inmiliar to the Albany University student. Basically the same reasons formation call Kerl Gross at 457were expressed on tlds campus in 7867.
Placement Notices
previous years. These Ideas are not
Dec. 13 — National Bank and
unique to Albany and Oswego, but
are common to any "dry" campus Trust Company will be recruiting
all majors for jobs as trainees in
that has the desire to drink.
all aspects
They reasoned that a University
Dec. 19 — New York Central sysshould not become a foster parent, tem In business administration, phybut recognize the maturity and re- sics, economics, math, accounting
sponsibility of the students.
and marketing for jobs in market
Bucknell University of Lewis- planning, technical research, purburg, Pennsylvania Is a campus chase and stores, computer servwithout alcohol. A recent editorial ices and finance.
Dec. 14 — Kingston Public Schools
in "The Bucknellian" put forth,
again, some familiar arguments. (Ulster County) junior and senior
The Bucknellians realize that the high schools, all sub. areas.
When you can't
afford to be dull,
sharpen your wits
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NODOZ Keep Alert Tablets fight off
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fi»i' « I K I
The Booketeria (Textbook area) will close*
on Thursday, Dec. 22,1966
and will re-open on January 30
The rest of the bookstore
(supplies novelties & nontextbooks)
will remain open to serve your needs.
Store Hours:
Part-time Employment
for a Selected Few !
MonFri 9 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Sat. 9A.M. - 1:00P.M.
Capitol District Male
A "Fun job" Paying
JIM Posnik, Linda Millar, Madalaina
Carl Llndemonn, Ed X a l , Jomas
Jay Deanehon, Noncy Lehman,
Myles, Joe Cardomons, Glenn
end of prohibition would place a
by John Cromie
"now whether to plead lor
student interest and reform,merely
ask for "someone" to explain to
«>? r a t l o r i n a l e
ness (beyond expediency) or to give
« y <*™.™ Bra'itude <° °od that I
.am scheduled for parole from this
institution In June.
*Any emergency shipment of fall textbooks will be made available.
Over $3.00 per hour
To the Editor:
And Logo thought the girls were bad!
Call Bruce Grassfield EX-9-8258
Irate Females
State University Bookstore
Tuesday, Decerriber 13, 1966
Buffalo Encounter Fogged Out,
Cagers Vie With Potsdam Tonight
by Mike Connelly
A fog-bound plane forced cancellation of Saturday night's basketball tilt with the
University of Buffalo, dampening the Great Dane's spirit somewhat as this was one
game they really wanted to win, and now must wait till the end of the season. In
Wednesday night's contest the Sauersmen stretched their record to'2— on the year
with a last-minute victory over the Cardinals of Plattsburgh State, as Larry Marcus
hit on a clutch one and one foul shoot situation to help squeeze out the 58-56 decision
Barney was high man for the Cardl- Plattsburgh
2 12
mi. ' TI
J. i
offense with 16 points.
2 12
The Dane five take on
1 11
2 1G
the Sandstoners
of Potsdam
Potsdam 3rd win?
tonite at Hudson
game could their
be one
ley gym (8:30), shooting for "&Tonight's
3rdof TOTALS
c a g e r s g0 i m
8 CO
ALBANY'S 160 POUNDER Frank Berry is face to (ace with an
opponent in the recent quadrangular. Berry defeated his foe and
went to win the championship.
Danes Fall To FDU;
Heavyweight Decides
by Dune Nixon
The Albany State grapplers fell to a strong F a r leigh-Dickinson squad, Saturday, by a close 19-14
count. The match was in doubt all the way, as the
score was tiled 14-14 going into the final match, and
unfortunately for the State squad, Joe Kutiniewski of
F.D.U. came up with a clutch performance as he
pinned Chet Krom in 15 seconds of the third period.
early lead when Ed Chris4, '."••
His regular 177 pounder, Roger
Gort am
had an
infected foot, so
. , . .
- , . , , coach Garcia was forced to go with
B i l l Tony Caputo, a complete novice.
1 1 - 3 i n t h e 1 2 3 Caputo, who has had approximately
pound class. Russell who "? ree , weeks )vres'»"g experience,
the most decisive of the season as
a 3 - 1 r e c o r d . T h u r s d a y i s straight. Each of " D o c ' s " five
With starters Is averaging ten or more
points per game, Margison has 17,
Brooklyn College
Price 15, Bloom 13, and Marcus
and Captain Jim Constantino 10
Winless Against Bulls
"Doc" Sauers has yet to beat the
men from Buffalo In the seven con- Albany
fb fp tp
tests, and it looked as If his team Price
8 1 17
would finally do it. The Knicker- Margison
5 3 13
bocker News even rated the Danes as Marcus
4 2 10
four point favorites over the Bulls. Bloom
7 0 14
The game will probably be resched- Constantino
uled for later in the season, and if TOTALS
6 58
the perennial small squad can hold
up over the season it can still whip
UB. Their next meeting will be the
scheduled encounter in Buffalo, Feb.
18, so the Interim should give the
Buffalo team a chance to get the experience tney lack.
Frosh Losc4rh Straight
The State Frosh haven't fared as
well as their big brothers as they
have yet to win their first game,
dropping two more this past week,
first to Fulton-Montgomery, 98-78
and to Hartwick on Saturday evening,
93-60. The Frosh have shown an
ability to score, but can't seem to
hold down their opponents. The little
Danes go for number one in a preliminary bout against Pharmacy at
6:45 before the varsity game tonight.
Impressive Against Cardinals
The Plattsburgh contest was a
tight battle after the start of the
second half. It was nip and tuck all
the way until Marcus put It away with
his two foul shots and the Dane defense held on to give State their second win of the year. The Sauersmen
held a slim four-point lead at the
half, 33-28, coming from behind 2819 to drop in 14 points while holding
the Cardinals scoreless.
Albany quickly evened the score
as Warren Crow completely dominated his man, but was unable to
register a pin. He won by an amazing 20-1 count. In the next two
weight classes F.D.U. had Metropolitan champions and both proved
to be too much for their Albany
Roger Locks decisioned State's
Mike Poplaski 5-2 and Al Ferrari
turned back Quadrangular champion
Randy Palmer by
7-2 margin,
Ferrari's win put F.D.U. out in
front 0-3 but the State grapplers
got hot.
Springer and Barry Score
Craig Springer took the mat for
Albany at 152 and easily disposed
of his man by a decision 13-Dscore,
Frank Berry, another Quadrangular
champ, also won easily, as he registered a 6-0 victory to tie the
match score at 9-9,
Captain Art Recesso followed
Berry, and he made short work of his
opponent, as he registered a pin at
1:01 of the second period, This pin
gave Albany a 14-9 lead with two
matches to go. However, coach Gacla
still had reason to worry.
F.D.U.'s heavyweight
pin at 177 tied
the match
The grapplers will be out to even
their record this Thursday when
they host Plattsburgh at 7:30 p.m.
Frosh Drop Oponer
The Falrlelgh Dickinson frosh
team forfeited four matches to the
Albany frosh wrestling team to give
us a 20 point starting score. The
visitors then went on defeat the
frosh in the remaining 5 matches
for a 21-20 win. The forfeits went
to George Hawrylchak at 123, Pete
Klara at 145, Rod Standi at 167
and John Jenks the heavy weight of
the team.
Three of these grapplers fought
exhibition matches to keep In practice, but had no bearing on the team
score. Hawrylchak was defeated by
Fairleigh Dickinson's Ted Levlne,
Klara was pinned In the third period
by Pat Nobllio and Jenks was defeated In one of the few close
The first competitive match was
between Alex Domkowskt for Albany
and Falrlelgh Dickinson's Doug Cunningham. The 130 weight class match
ended in a pin at 2:54 Into the second
Scott Price, a 6'2" junior from
Butler University paced the Great
Dane scoring with 17 markers, with
Mike Bloom hitting for 14 points
and Rich Margison for 13. Marcus,
the team's' leading scorer at the
start of the game was held to 10
points, but two of them were the
margin as Plattsburgh went down
to their third straight loss. Bob
by Iris Alson
The Albany State Women's Intercollegiate Basketball Team will open
its 1966-67 season Feb. 18 with a
Sports Day at New Paltz. Our girls
will have a very trying day, representing us against 5 different
Proctices at Page Gym
The girls have been practicing
since Nov, 15 every Tues. and Thurs.
night from 6 to 7:30. They start with
15 minutes of rigorous conditioning
which really seems to have paid off.
Part of the conditioning includes 12
laps around the gym.
The conditioning is followed by
work on passing techniques and defensive tactics. The girls have been
practicing zone and man-to-man defenses. There is then practice in
lay-ups and foul shooting with special emphasis on rebounding. Several plays have been et up and Hie
possibility of a fast break has been
Rules Changed
nTTER APA AND CAMFS ell scored openlna victories in
G r o u n d L . t 9 u . O n . oUy. All four league, are now In full
first r-_
action down at Page Gym
The rules have been changed again
for this year's games, From the 3
dribble limit of last year there is
now unlimited dribbling permitted,
There Is still tie 3 foot rule for
passes from out-of-bounds, Freo
throws must be made within 10 seconds.
Miss Hennlsh, the team's adviser,
has really been working the girls
hard, and It seems to tie getting r e sults. She's working on the schedulo
now and Is trying to fit in as many
games as possible, This year's team
will be playing several schools State
hasn't played in intercollegiate competition before.
The frosh and upporclassmon are
showing great enthusiasm and must
really be devoted to go through their
rough practices,
Forum To Present
Magerovsky Lecture,
'New Soviet Man'
Folksinger To Perform
At Golden Eye Tonight
Forum of Politics will present
"New Soviet Man," a lecture by Dr.
Eugene Magerovsky In lecture room
2 at 1:25 p.m. today.
Magerovsky is a member of the
department of romance and Slavic
languages and literature at New York
University. He also has taught at
Middlebury College during the summer of 1966.
His other activities have included
the development of a specific battery
of tests in Russian for the United
States government and the Modern
Language Association.
He has advised the United World
Films, Inc. on the production of
three documentaries on the Soviet
Folksinger Pat Webb will sing at
The Golden Eye tonight at 9 p.m.
Webb has earned a considerable
amount of praise from the journals
and critics of the folk-music world.
The Folk Music Yearbook oi Artists in 1964 called him "The
World's finest blues guitarist, his
skill with the Instrument must be
seen to be believed." Bill-Board
Magazine gave one of his records
a Special Merit Award.
White Guitarist
CEMENT FELL in chips from roof over the corner of the academic podium leaving these visible holes.
SUNY At Binghamton Passes
New Campus liquor Policy
Born in Czechoslovakia
SCOTT PRICE (44) is followed by o Pratt player in on attempt
to score on a driving lay-up. The Sauersmen seek their third win
in a row tonight against Potsdam.
APA, Potter, CAMFs
Gain Hoop Victories
by Glenn Sapir
Kappa Beta, make things tough for
Potter Club before the EEP's were
to squeeze out the 37-30 win.
The winter long A MIA able
KB, keyed up behind a big fan turnLeague I basketball season out went out in front early In the
got under way as all six game and held the lead for the first
half. Potter could not hit a field goal
entries in the circuit saw and only the fact that KB also had
action. The CAMF's, Pot- trouble putting the ball In the baster Club, and APA each ket put them behind by only three,
17-14 at the half. In the second half,
won its first game.
the lead then exchanged hands six
Tile CAMF's, coached by Wayne times before Jim McVey's foul shot
Smith, defeated the graduate student with 1:25 left gave Potter a perteam, Pierce, 53-34, Pierce man- manent lead.
aged to keep tlie CAMF's In reach In
Alpha Pi Alpha gained its first
the first half mainly through the efforts of Bill Sutliff, Russ Keeney victory by defeating a well organized
SAR team 50-50.
and Jim LaFountaln, and the fact
Bill Moon helped stake APA to a
that the CAMF's could not find the
distance. However the six point 24-21 haiftlme lead with ten points
spread between the two teams while the Sar's got scoring help
quickly widened in the second half from six of its players. The game
and at the end of the game, the was as close In the second half.The
CAMF's owned an easy 53-34 vic- SAR's came close to tieingthe score
tory, Joe Home led all scorers behind the 14 point second half effort
of Dick Woytek, but APA withstood
with nineteen.
An undecided entry in the league, the rally to take the six point win.
Writes all types of insurance
75 State Street
HO 2-5581
The Council of the State UniMagerovsky was born in Prague,
Czechoslovakia and moved to the versity of New York at Binghamton
United States after World War II. has laid down new policy under
He received his A.B. cum laude from which' beer, along with other r e City College of New York In 1956. freshments, may be served to stuIn 1957 he received his A.M. from dents during a limited number of
Columbia University and is cur- on-campus social events.
The new policy applies at present
rently pursuing his doctorate in the
field of the history of eastern Europe only to "all-campus" social events,
principal ones being Winter
from Columbia. He expects to complete his doctoral dissertation in Weekend and Spring Weekend, Beer
may be served only to students 18
and older and only under the sponsorship of a recognized student organization. When served It must be
available to all students of legal age,
and soft drinks must also be available at the same time.
Because of these limitations, It Is
expected that the Student Center
An International Holiday Festival Board, which sponsors the two mawill be co-sponsored by the Inter- jor weekends and Is the only student
national Students Association and the organization with budget for allCircle Twenty Club on Monday eve- campus social events and.refreshning, Dec. 19. The Festival will be ments, will be the sole organization
held In the Sayles Hall lounge be- at whose functions beer will be
ginning at 8 p.m.
served. Student Center Board is
An Informal gathering is planned supported by student fees, and has
featuring musical entertainment no state money at Its disposal.
College regulations continue to
with an International flavor. Refreshments will be served. The event prohibit both the possession and
of alcoholic beverages
will offer an opportunity for Informal contact between all International on the campus, except as specified
students and graduate students. All In the new policy for "all-campus"
students, especially undergraduate social events.
President Dearing and Dean Uelforeign students, language students,
graduate students, and their guests nlak pointed out that the Council, a
body appointed by the Governor, has
are cordially invited.
general responsibility for student
This Is the first function of the discipline, and that the Council at
recently organized Circle Twenty each State University unit has autoClub. The Club was conceived after nomy concerning the serving of althe recent outing, sponsored for coholic beverages on campus.
Grad Students, held at the Mohawk
Campus, At that time, a group of
students felt the need to continue to
sponsor social and cultural events
of particular Interest to the GradWISHES
uate Students of Albany State.
Graduate Students
To Co-Sponsor
Informal Gathering
The International Holiday is tne
first of a series of events to beheld
for Grad students. It Is hoped that
this function will add to the impetus
of the Inauguration of a Graduate
Student Association, The growing
graduate student population will then
have the means for meetings Its
special needs, This association
would provide a separate governmental structure for graduate students which would parallel the function of the Undergraduate Student
Lll, NO. 45
DECEMBER 16, 1966
Reviewer of Manuscripts
Price Nets 17
Women To Compete
In First Sports Day
Magerovsky has been a reviewer
of Russian texts and readers for the
MacMillan Company, publishers,
New York City.
Several articles of his have appeared In various scholarly journals and in several books.
He speaks three languages
fluently, Russian, Czechslovakian,
and German, He has reading knowledge and aural comprehension of
Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Slovak,
Polish, Bulgarian and French.
, showed promises, but the exper-
won the Quadrangular at ienCe of the Fatrietgh-Dtckinson
1 5 j u s t d i d n o t h a v e e n o u g h wrestler
to be
too for
at 14-14 and
set the
The next issue
will be
February 10, 1967
B.M.0.C said "his knowledge of
the instrument is phenomenal, it
must be seen to be believed." Blues
critic Pete Welding said: "One Is
in fact tempted to call him the finest white guitarist playing in the
blues style, and let it go at that.
Yet not only does his playing possess
the stinging urgency and infectious
rhythmic drive of the blues guitarist, it is also playing of extraordinarily acute sensibility and delicacy."
Mr. Webb also has played at the
Bitter End, and the Gaslight Cafe
in New York City, the Showboat
Lounge In Washington, D.C., and the
Ashgrove in Los Angeles. He has
also made enumerable appearances
at universities, and on TV and radio.
For this evening alone, admission
will be 30? at the door.
The autonomy of the councils on
the question of beverages was clarified by the State University last
President Dearing said the administrative staff and the Council
C o l l i n s Guest
deliberated carefully on a recent
The program for January 6, 1967
request from the United States gov- will be a discussion of "Becoming
ernment that beer be permitted as a University," featuring President
a free refreshment at specified Evan R. Collins, plus special guests
The U.S.G. said that the chief
We thank you for your
reason for the request was the increasing difficulty, with growth of
support of the ASP F oster
the student body, in renting adequate off-campus halls for student
dances on major social weekends.
c h i l d , Graciela. If you have
The Council recognized this problem, President Dearing said, and
studied it in the context of beverages practices at other institutions.
Service of beer at major on-campus
social events accords with the practice of many other public and private colleges and university In the
Northeast, he said.
contr buted,
welcome _ a n L
from the faculty and student body.
The main topic will center on becoming a more significant university.
The Golden Eye is a student-faculty coffee house located at 820
Madison Avenue. The doors open
at 9 p.m.
FSA Contract Signing
Discissed By Collins
Announcements at the President's
Conference Monday included the fact
that the contract between Faculty
Student Association and the State had
been signed. Further financial arrangements in the form of budgets
will be approved at a later date.
Also the Undergraduate Academic
Council will be reviewing programs
for undergraduate degrees.
Information concerning the exam
schedule was presented at the Conference. Since the Examination
Team had a choice of 19 conflicts in
9 days or 1 conflict in 10 days, they
chose the latter extending the exam
period to Jan. 27 instead of the
original date of Jan. 26,
A special bus schedule wll be in
effect during exams.
Students with conflicts should r e port to Dr. David Donley or Mr.
Robert Luippold in Bi. 232 at 4578277 and to their instructor.
According to President Collins,
at the time of the Conference Alan
Fossa, who had been found on the
ground outside Waterbury Sunday,
Dec. 4, was still In the hospital
but showing signs of recovery.
After these announcements a discussion concerning the playing of
Christmas carols In the carillon
followed, A Jewish student complained about the religious nature
of the carols. The student remarked
that since Hillel was not allowed to
hold Hanukah services on campus,
why should the carols be played.
President Collins stated that there
was a distinction between a form of
worship and the carols. He said
legal counsel would be obtained on
the matter.
Kittsley Elected ASP Co-Editor,
Oppedisano To Head Sports Staff
Sara H. Kittsley was
elected eo-editor-in-chief
of the Albany Student P r e s s
for the 1967 year at a News
Board meeting Wednesday
Miss Kittsley will serve as coeditor with the editor-in-chief for
the first semester, Margaret Dunlap. Miss Kittsley is a sophomore
who has worked on the paper since
the beginning of her freshman year.
During the first semester she served
as news editor.
Asked about her plans for the future she said, "Naturally I, along
with the present editor, will work
for various improvements of conditions now existing."
Miss Dunlap remarked, "She has
shown great journalistic ability and
will continue in the ASP tradition."
Also at* the News Board meeting,
the resignation of Ray McCloat wis
accepted. Don Oppedisano was
Ken Bersteln was elected to the
elected to fill the position of sports position of news editor.
editor vacated by McCloat. Glen
Linda Berdan was elected arts
Sapir will serve as associate sports editor.
News Board made the following
statement about McCloat: "We would
like to commend Hay McCloat for
the service he has rendered the
ASP for the past two years."
"Ills lively column," 'Rayvlew ol
Sports,' has provided an intelligent
commentary on the ports scene at
the University. It has offered constructive criticism when such criticism was necessary. It has commended people when commendation
was needed."
"The RayVlew has become an
integral part of 'he paper, being
read by not only sports fans but by
the people who have no interest in
sports. Its contributions to the paper
will not easily be replaced.
Sara H. Kittsley