Document 14064727

Friday, December ?, 1 ° M
Cagers Face Pratt In'Home' Opener
^BP As Injuries Present Key Problem
Last night our hoopsters opened their 1966-7 cam-
A RayView of Sports
hf Hay McClMt
paign with an away contest with Central Connecticut
College. Although the results were not available at
publication time, using our brand new crystal ball
(the soccer season saw the demise of ourold one,) we
see the Danes in bad shape for this game, in particular, and for the entire season as well.
And it's a real shame, a damn shame. Last year's
squad registered what we called a "miracle season,"
winning 13 games against 9 setbacks with a team of
veritable pygmies and inexperienced players. This
year we looked forward to the addition of several key
sophs from last year's frosh team to an experienced
and far stronger state squad with an outstanding season in the offing. Needless to say, we're disappointed
at the turnabout of affairs.
This year's team boasts the addition of only two
sophs from last year's yearlings, only one transfer
student, who just became eligible, and that's it. The
squad, at full strength, has only 9 members, and over
a 21 game schedule, that's Just not enough. Injuries
have beset the team already, and as it is with injuries,
they usually multiply as the season progresses. We
suggest that "Doc" Sauers wear playing shorts under
his suit pants.
The Dane hoopsters are without last year's leading
scorer. Just recently they found out they would have
to do without the team's best playmaker and clutch
shooter. Only two frosh chose to play varsity ball this
season. The rationalization of this dilemma is basic—
in fact, it's academic. Our athletes are simply finding it too hard—or, tragically, too costly—to play
intercollegiate sports. We say sports because the
same is true in virtually every other sporton campus.
What's the solution? We certainly don't know, but
if we did, we'd hold out for the highest bid from
coaches around the country. It's an old story with a
new twist. Instead of having the good-looking football
player with a minus IQ, we're finding men capable of
doing college work incapable of fitting sports into their
academic life. Or, even sadder, those who unsuccessfully try to.
We are fully certain college academio standards
are not going to slacken. We are equally sure sports
do have a place in college. So all we can really do is
lament the situation, probe for a solution, and keep
our fingers crossed. And one thing more.
We can even better appreciate those gifted few
athletes who have succeeded in incorporating a sport
with their academic studies. We can better realize
how much sacrifice and hard work these men exhibit
in doing this. We can laud even louder the efforts of
our modern day athlete-scholar. What else can we
by Bab Rice
Coach Hichard "Doc" Sauers' Albany State Great Dane basketball team swings
into action tomorrow at "home" for the first time when the cagers face Pratt
Institute at the Hudson Valley Community College gymnasium at 8:30 p.m. The
preliminary at 6:45 finds the Dane frosh pitted against Mohawk Valley Community
College from Utica. Free bus service leaving from all three quads will be provided
for both games.
" «•————•.—
varsity quintet
opened its 1966-7 season
last night against Central
Connecticut in an away contest.
The team Is not In top physical
shape and will not be as strong as
when the early prospects were forecast. Coach Sauers will have six
letter men returning from last year's
13-0 squad but will be minus two of
his top key players—high scoring
Mike Crocco who withdrew from
school, and Lohnle Morrison who
just recently left the team because
of academic reasons.
Top letterman returning Is Mike
Bloom, a 6-0 senior guard from Albany, who averaged 15.6 points a
game and Is a key man in this season's plans.
Other returning starters are Jim
Constantino, a 5*11' guard from Mohonasen High In Schenectady and
6'1" forward Larry Marcus from
Kingston High. Constantino, a senior, averaged nine points a game
last year, and Is the only person
ever to captain the team for two
consecutive seasons. Junior Marcus
averaged 11.8 points a game last
year and was the team's leading
rebounder. As of the moment he has
a bad leg and may only see limited
action In the Pratt game.
But the two leading prospects on
the team are not lettermen. They
are Scott Price, a 6'3" 200 pound
transfer from Butler who won ten
letters at Clifton Springs High, and
sophomore Rich Marglson, a smooth
and graceful 6'1" forward from
Cortland High, who last year led
the frosh In scoring and rebounding.
The buses for the Albany State
games tomorrow night against Mohawk Valley Community College and
Pratt Institute will leave at 6:00 for
the freshman game and 7:45 for the
varsity game. The buses will depart
from the Dutch Quad parking lot, In
front of the Colonial Quad, and in
front of Waterbury Hall. Please
board the buses at the residence
area In which you reside.
There will be a meeting for all
paid AMIA officials on Tuesday
night, December 6th at 7:30 at the
Colonial Quad cafeteria. Attendance
Is mandatory. If there areanyquestlons contact Denny Elkln at 4578717.
Grapplers Begin Year
At Home Quadrangular **» Hoop News
The Albany State Great Dane wrestling team takes
to the mat tomorrow as the squad hosts the second
annual Albany Quadrangular Meet, with Williams,
Hartwick, and Hunter competing. Although the squad
Is not as strong right now as coach Garcia would like
It, the Danes stand a good chance of copping the moot.
Injuries, studies and .Springer was the Outstanding l''
by Den Oppedlsono
A Free
I (Jnlvprsity /
DECEMBER 6, 1966
Fund Drive To Raise
Money To Support
ASP Foster Child
JIM CONSTANTINO drives toward the bosket for 2 points in
one of the 13 Great Dane wins last season. Captain Constantino
along with five other returning lettermen will face Pratt Institute
tomorrow night in the first "home" game at Hudson Valley Community College in Troy.
Potter Playoff Triumph
11th In Last 12 Years
by Glenn Saplr
Potter Club ran away with the
AMIA League I football championship when it soundly defeated Alpha
PI Alpha, 19-6, on Nov. 20. The
win for Potter clinched Its eleventh
title In twelve years,
Both Potter and APA went Into the
K»me with Identical 7-1 records,
their only losses coming at each
others hands. Potter's victory the
w« elt before forced the extra game
to decide the champion,
e 'Irst big break of the game
w e n t t0
Potter when Mike Shelnvold
recovered an APA fumble on the
opening klckoff. Potter took quick
advantage of the fumble recovery
when quarterback Jim Curley ran
around end for the touchdown gallop.
e point after attempt was unsuccessful, thus Potter held a six point
lead. APA's first drive took them
all the way to the Potter three-Inch
line where the tough EEP defense
dug in and prevented any further
advancement. The APA defense
proved Just as tough as Potter was
forced to punt from deep In their
own territory.
With APA In possession of the
ball again, their second drive took
them all the way In for the score.
The touchdown came when allstar
quarterback Ray Clanfrlni hit John
Hotallng for APA's only score of
the game. The tie was short lived
as the EEPs sustained a fifty yard
scoring drive, climaxed byCurley's
touchdown pass to Bob Savlckl, to
give Potter a six point lead at the
Potter put the game on Ice when
allstar flankerback Ray McCloat
grabbed a fifty yard scoring bomb
and Al Babcock made good on the
extra point to clinch the win.
The drive will commence Monday and will continue until Christmas recess. Money will be collected
on the dinner lines and in Humanities 139 or in the newspaper office
In Van Rensselaer Hall.
Graciala Garcia has been the
foster child of the ASP since January 1964. The ASP Is supporting
Giaclala under the Foster Parents
Plan, an organization with international headquarters in New York
The plan differs from the conventional form of charity because
It is more direct and personal. Each
month the sponsor and the child exchange letters through Plan headquarters. Here the letters are translated, but both the original and the
translation are sent td the sponsor
and the child.
Graclala's father Is a carpenter
who earns $30 a month. This barely
meets the cost of the family's necessities. The foster child receives
1 5
t h
m e dlLTSS- e ,n8u sgfi8ra en\.1 lfir1e.S;
counseling, and guidance. Clothing
Is sent at regular intervals.
,••-LAST MINUTE conferences highlight the final days of rehearsals
of "The Memorandum." The company
the stage to percompany takes
takes to
to the
form before the opening night audience on Tuesday at 8:30.
Traffic Court Is Formed
To Hear Student Appeals
slty's judicial system, the Traffic
Court, will begin Its first session on
Thursday, Dec. 8. It is the function
Since adoption by the ASP, of the Traffic Court to hear all stuGraciala has grown from an under- dent appeals concerning parking
nourished to a healthy child. The tickets Issued by the Security Patrol,
contributions of the Foster Parents
Plan have not only Improved the
The first session of the court will
living conditions of the family, but be HU 123 on Thursday evening behave also enabled Graciala to re- tween the hours of 7:30 and 10:00
ceive an education,
p.m. Parking violations must beap^
Here Is Graclala's most recent ^ ^ ^ A t t e n appeal forms with
In three days after the ticket Is received.
Dear Foster Parents:
This has the purpose of telling
Appeal forms will be on hand at
you that two distinguished visitants the business office. A student will
came to our country, Columbia. The still be held responsible for paying
president of Venezuela and the president of Chile came to follow closely his fine until he has returned his
friendship relations between the completed appeal form to the business office.
latin (sic) countries.
Also, we, my brother and I fool
Schedule Posted
better because of the medical treatOnce an appeal Is filed, a calenment that we have been receiving dar schedule will appear on the
at the Plan. I received the donation bulletin board In front of the Regof US. $8.00, a pot and a large spun. istrar's office. These rules will not
Thanks for all,
be In effect for the first session,
iinn UNivtnsm or HEW vm m AUUHI
Wed,, Doc. 7
7-11 Camps vs. Plerco
8-0 KB vs. EEP
O t h e r f a c t o r s h a v e d e p l e t e d Athlete last year and was a varsity
the squad somewhat, but a ^n^lmiv,
a senior and last
7-8 Sars vs. APA
Heeidenoe Hill Evaluation
solid nucleus remains, and year's most improved wrestler, is
wnamm, auMOTilliaTICa
K «
- Avara,. .
Kwtlonal Balanoa and Maturity
(Indapandanoai raaotlon to
Paraonal llaultai
• ) Crooning
line for a short gain and first down in the championship game
played last week. Patter downed APA, 19-6, to win Its eleventh
championship in the past twelve years.
llanaral Haalth
II.. of Tim (study nabtta, I t l m w
jjMIAt, lfUV10»
Stuyvesant Jewelers
rrlandUnaaa .
Oral Sapraaalon
Your Campus Jeweler
Ability to Uad OUlor* . .
Ability to Oooparata . , . ,
Banaa of R*B|Wr.alblllty ,
Stuvvesant Plaza
m 9
been received to date
iVtJ n e o n • » ^ „ . . ~ _ —
The Justices of the Traffic Court
-• • • Pearsall;
are Chairman, Richard
Ass't. Chairman, James Ramsey!
Barbara Mlsiano and Fred Wieland.
The following are the procedures
of the court:
1. The chairman will call the
court to order at the designated
time and place.
2. All students appealing tickets
will be seated at the back of the
Appeal Read
3. Appeals will be heard In the
order In which they are placed on
the court calendar,
4. The chairman will call each
student appealing his ticket before
the court and read the written appeal. The student will be questioned
by the court and will be allowed to
add any further information he feels
Is necessary,
D. The student will return to his
his seat while the court privately
discusses the case. The student will
then be recalled to hear the decision
of the court.
6, All sessions are open to the
7, Decisions of the court will bo
IllUJUliiy v u i u .
by a11 majority
• raiardtni tha abova or addition*! onaraoiarlatloai
The first actions towards for
United Traction Company, and will
mulatlng an Alcohol Policy on cam- be tho same buses used on the shuttle
pus will be taken next Wednesday. run between campuses.
Mr. Neil Brown of Central Council
Not everyone will be able to sit
made this announcement as well as on the half hour ride, if there Is a
naming the five faculty members of large number of people wishing to
the Alcohol Policy Board at Tues- go. Total cost of the buses will be
day's meeting.
around $5,000, which will probably
Dr. Theodore Standing, Dr. Thom- be paid for out of A.A.'s surplus.
son Llttlefleld, Miss Norma Edsall,
Mr. Joseph Sllvey and Brown will
Commuter Board
be on the board along with the five
Within two weeks, commuters will
students named a few weeks ago. be able to elect representatives to
Brown hopes to meet twice a week a newly established Commuter
and eventually hold open nieetings. Board. Elections Commission Is
trying to stir up Interest for this
Student Affain Council
Living Area Affairs Commission
reported on thr progress of the
Women's Hours proposal. The proposal Is curruntly In a special committee of Student Affairs Council
and will have to be passed by that
committee, by the Council Itself,
Two of the four Line Coaches
and then, as Dr. Clara Tucker put needed to drill the University's
It, "It will go on to some other College Bowl team have been named.
mysterious body."
They are Mr. William Kraus, a
There was a lengthy discussion methods teacher in English at the
In Central Council over the bussing Milne School, and Mr. Earl Dresof students to Hudson Valley Com- sier, vice president for research.
munity College for home basketball Mr. Dressier will coach the team
games. Joe Mahay of Athletic Ad- in science.
visory Board announced that there
However, coaches are n -eded for
would be ten buses going to HVCC the areas of Fine Arts and History..
for freshmen games,_and ten fpt Mme.'lBfllln ttfpiftWtofltvfrlrfcroiip
freThman 'gameT"then they wlllbe of twelve to fifteen students to work
"«»""'°" &»•"-. • • — • - - - ••— -- with, and from this group will come
available for the varsity',",„
.„ The
»k„ the five members of the team.
b u s e s a r e belnB rented
Gunn was pleased with the num'rom the
ber of students volunteering, but
mentioned that members of Academic Affairs Commission have
been asking department heads for
recommendations of other students.
Within the next few days, Gunn
The faculty of the Music Depart- plans to visit the coaches of the
ment are now preparing for a con- Russell Sage and RPI College Bowl
cert to be given on Friday, Dec. 9 teams, to get some Ideas for the
at Page Hall. It will begin at 8:15 preparation of the team. He feels
that it Is Impossible to stuff a head
and the admission Is free.
The faculty members are Flndlay with knowledge, so the coaches will
Cockrell, piano; Patricia Grlgnet, concentrate Instead on bringing the
oboe; William Hudson, clarinet; knowledge out.
James Morris, trumpet; Daniel
The studio to be used for drills
Nlinetz, French horn; and Charles Is now In preparation, and Gunn
Stokes, viola. June Partch, guest hopes to have everything ready by
artist, and Lee Lovallo, a student, the middle of the month. This wtll
will also be performing.
give him about four weeks In which
Among the pieces to be heard to prepare, Including Christmas vaFriday evening are Purcell's "So- cation and exam week, Gunn wtll
nata" for trumpet, and Poulenc's leave It up to the team whether or
"Sonata" for horn, trumpet, and not to practice over Christmas.
"Fairy Tales" by
Gunn does not Intend to use the
Schumann Is an early Romantic trio relative short preparation time as
for clarinet, viola, and piano.
a potential alibi, because he beRichard Brown's "Rerl Voloci- lieves that there Is a huge element
tutoin" will also lie performed. Tho of luck Involved with the type of
performance will lie concluded with questions asked on a particular
Beethoven's "Quintet" Op. 10.
College Bowl
Coaches Chosen
Music Faculty Gives
Concert On Friday
Psychology Club Holds Discussion
On Residence Evaluation Form
Naauiaii or rocm
VOL Lll, NO. 42
Commission Formed
For Alcohol Policy
For the fourth consecutive year, the ASP is asking
University students to contribute to the support of its
Columbian foster child,
Graciala Garcia.
There will be an AMIA basketball
meeting of team captains on Dec, 4
at 1:30 p.m. In the Hamilton Hall
lower lounge.
Here are the gamos scheduled for
noxt Monday through Thursday.
s e v e r a l s o p h s p r o d u o e , State's 15a pounder. Sophomores LEAGUE II:
Sun,, Doc, 4
Frank Berry and George Schinlt are
4-5 I.I. vs. Nails
the Danes wtll be tough. the 160 pound candidates.
5-0 SLS vs. STB
Dofondlug Quadrangular champ at
The leading returnoo Is senior
6-7 C&C vs, Mac's
Warren Crow of Schenectady and 1G7 pounds Is returning senior Art
7-8 EPP's vs. Poets
Linton High. The College and Uni- RecGsso, He had an outstanding
Thurs., Doc. 8
versity division All-Amerlcan will year last season.
TXO vs. Nads
Roger Gorham, a sturdy sophocompete mainly In the 1.10-pound
class. Ho was the NCAA Collage more, Is ihu team's lop 177 pound
Division chumpion In the 123-pound caudldato. Senior diet Krom Is the LEAGUE III:
Sun., Dec, 4
class last year and finished fourth team's heavyweight.
Bruins vs. Songram 7
University 123 pound competition.
The team's schedule Is as fol0-10 TXO vs, Kegs
He wtll captain the team.
Mon., Dec. 6
At 115 pounds Junior Bill Russell,
7-8 APA vs. Hamilton Hall
defending Quad champ, Is back for Dec. 3 Albany Quadrangular Meet
Dec, 6
another season and the Colonle Cen- Doc, 10 Fairlelgh Dickinson (II)—
0.10 The Team vs. KB
tral grad figures to lie one of Gar2:00
10-11 Lobos vs. Suds
cla's steady point wlnnors,
Dec, 15 Plattsuurgh (II) 7:30
Wed,, Dec. 7
Mike Poplaskl, a senior from Jan, 11 Oneonta (A)
0-10 Kegs vs. STB
Mohawk, Is the top 137 pounder. Ho Feb. 4 Potsdam (A)
10.11 llobblts vs. The Team
won this division In the Quad last Feb, 8 Maritime (A)
year and has two years of varsity Fob. 11 Montclalr (A)
experience behind him.
Feb. 15 Columbia (II) 8:00
Sun,, Dec, 4
Two good-looking sophs, Craig Feb. 18 Holiurl (II) 3:00
2-3 KB vs, APA
Springer and Denny Wyckoff, aro Feb. 26 Brooklyn Poly (II) 2iOO
3-4 Harriers vs. Finings
dueling for the 145 pound spot. Mar, 4 Cortland (II) 3|30
Grog K l o r s z
Last Thursday, tlio Psychology
Club met to discuss tho adequacy,
validation, and use of tho Rosldeneo
Hall Evaluation Form (printed "'
loft). At tho end of tho academic
year, each Resident Assistant Is
required to fill out this form on
students in dorm residence.
The Resident Assistant then reviews the evaluation form with the
Residence Director; checks placed
in either "above" or "below" are
questioned and after agreement has
been reached by both, the form ls
placed In the student's permanent
residence file,
The forms aro used primarily to
aid the University Placement Service In writing recommendations to
prospective onipli
In an earlier
Interview, Miss
Norman Edsall, Dean of Residence,
stated thai when the placement office writes recommendations, the
negative qualities of the students
glossed over and tho positive
. , ,
11 e s a
™ fnjPhMlxed,
, *> H>e majority of cases the stud e 1 ieve 1
" ! , ' » f " , 0 o o m P ' e «d f ° ™ ,
»• , d e a< a c c B S S t 0 U l e ' o r , n
" ls mBa'
The greatest volume of discussion concerned the form's validity,
and whether R.A.'s have enough
training In personality and psychology to moke a valid evaluation, and
whether they are qualified to determine a student's emotional balance,
maturity, and sense of respanslblllty.
group agreed that
tho present form ls ambiguous and
inadequate. Five ulternato suggestlons were proposed:
1, Abolish tho form entirely,
2, Have any type of evaluation
optional to the student.
3, Ilavo tho R.A write an essay
each student in place of' the
c ii e ck
llave m b
, flUj,ll0,t9
0» 0UB onnjhjr
and student fill
Di l l a v a t h e R , A , a „d
out lhe
the student
, o r m i 0 i„n y
T u e i d y , December 6, 1966
T u t t d a y , December 6, 1966
Re-Evaluation Necessary
Thanks To ASP,
To'the Editor:
As co-chairman of the Chinese
Auctions for Campus Chest this
year, I would like to express my
gratitude to the ASP for the fine
publicity they gave for our fundraising drive. Because the total r e sults are not available as of this
date I cannot specifically say how
rewarding this coverage should be;
I can say the results that we have
now show, a marked Improvement
over last year's.
Unfortunately my gratitude toward
the press does not equal my disappointment In the student body as
well as the faculty. Chinese Auctions
this year showed a total profit of
$636,00. This was considerably
higher than last year's profit, but
for a university of this size it Is
shameful. The items auctioned off
ware*: ot ccmmlctwvabl* valu* and
s h o w n <wltn tto* lnl«r«ata anil t a s t e s
of Albany students, as well as faculty members, In mind. At most of
the auctions there was a poor representation of the student body and
an even poorer representation of
the faculty. Of the students who did
show up, only a few participated; of
the faculty virtually none participated.
Is this university spirit? Albany
State Is more than classes and books
and papers. It is a living community
of people living and striving together. If there is no spirit, there
is no university in the true sense
of the word.
But there are exceptions to this
lack of spirit. I found many p e o p l e -
both students and faculty—willing'and eager to help me, and to these
my special thanks. 1 onlywish there"
were more people of the same spirit
at this university.
Again, my sincere appreciation
to the ASP for its help.
Linda M. Lizik
A Modest Proposal
To the Editor:
As one views the State University
of New York at Albany as a whole,
one glaring contradiction is bound
to appear. This contradiction is the
fact that Albany seems In all ways
to be a growing and increasingly
dynamic Universith with a great
future in all fields, all but' sports
that is.
One need only imagine the situation ten years from now when
"State" will have an enrollment of
well over 10,000. There will finally
be a football team, maybe, and it
will be about as successful as R.P.I.
has boon In recent years. The socatlllto«r
mlliating -will
at the
Quinniplac. the basketball team will
still be taking on powers like Pratt
and Merrimack, and the baseball
team will still be losing.
And why will this deplorable situation exist? The answer is simple.
Colleges and universities under the
State University system do not give
athletic scholarships. Thus, although tuition Is low, few top athletes
with the requisite academic qualifications can be induced to attend a
school where they will have to pay
tuition and room and board, when
other Institutions of similar caliber
are offering them four years free
But why you may ask should the
state give preferential treatment to
athletes and Ignore others who have
make In
similar contributions
' " " " ' " " " * 'to" •"»'«>
other fields? The question is indeed
a good one, and the best answer is
that athletes should not be given top
billing, but rather they should be included in a program that provides
For what better way Is there for
the State University system to e s tablish and insure the highest standards in all fields than to offer
scholarships to those high school
seniors who, besides meeting academic requirementsof the school,
have also displayed outstanding talents in student government, communications, music, art, athletics
or any of a number of other similar
The complications implied by such
a proposal are many, but without its
implementation, our sports will r e main second rate, and although we
would, probably remain even fn the
other flei<ts <sLm:c no one e l s e c o n s i d e r s them either) the advantages
of seizing the initiative would no
doubt be great.
Duncan Nixon
Open Library Earlu
T o m e Editor:
0 tM"tf
Two dozen SUNYA students stood
in 28 degree weather Monday morning waiting for the University library
to open at 8:00 a.m.
Would it not be possible to allow
students in the heated area between
the outer and inner doors of the
library, during this cold period?
A guard maintained by the University is on duty at this time who
would be able to see that students
remained In the lobby until the library staff was ready to open.
Christine Root
At the Dec. .1 meeting of the Psychology Club thevalidity of the Residence Hall Evaluation Form p r e sently filled by each Resident Assistant on each student under his jurisdiction was questioned.
We feel that as the form now exists it is highly
subjective in its evaluation, that the topics under
which students are evaluated are highly nebulous,
and that the form should therefore be re-evaluated.
For example, exactly how qualified is a Resident
Assistant to evaluate a student's "Emotional Balance and Maturity?" Even more than this how qualified are they to categorize the student's balance
and maturity as "above" or "below" that of the
" a v e r a g e " student?
The form seems to contain obvious flaws in logic,
and we wonder exactly how a student's "reaction to
criticism" is used as a balance in deciding his
It is hard to believe that an R.A. can obtain an
adequate picture of a student's overall study habits,
especially in view of the fact that suite living is
much more isolatory than the old form of corridor
living. With suite living the student, tucked away into
his self-sufficient suite, has a reduced exposure to
his R.A. who is also tucked away somewhere.
In our opinion, this reduced contact does not lend
itself to particularly thorough evaluations of a student's ability to "lead o t h e r s , " or in his "sense of
Besides a re-evaluation of the form, preferably
with the opinion of a student committee, we feel two
other improvements could be made upon this system.
First, in view of the fact that the Evaluation Sheet
is a highly arbitrary evaluation made by one or two
individuals, each student should be able to view this
evaluation upon request, especially as this evaluation
is kept in the permanent residence file.
We feel this is an extremely poor system at best
and would like to see it abolished entirely.
Problems Can Be Solved
A problem solving service is being offered to students through the newly formed Getting Through College Clinic. This service could be beneficial with the
.presence of the correct attitude of hoth those with
the problem and the problem solvers.
The present plan of the group necessitate the filling
out of a questionnaire to explain the problem. The
solution may then be presented in the form of a personal contact or an impersonal reply. A group discussion of a specific problem may eventually result
when a prevalent nature is found among problems.
The organizers of the Clinic are still formulating
theories and we hope their plans remain flexible. Our
idea is that a problem solving clinic would be useful
if open meetings were held in which students could
air their problems.
A problem might not seem serious enough to warrant the filing of a questionnaire and just realizing
what problems others have might offer some consolation. We realize the advantages of the questionnaire
but fear that it might prove discouraging and cause
another group to get bogged down in paper work.
Building Better Bridge
by '(ichard Beti and Marly Borgon
Th*t Albony Student Projs i» a lomf-wookly nowipoper jjubliihud by the Student Association of the State University ol
NBW York at Albony, the ASP office, located in V a n Rensselaer Hall at 1223 Western Avenue, is open from 7:00 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday night -ir may be reached by dialing 457-8604 or 457-8605.
A r t i Editor
Sports Editor
News Editor
Associate Sport* Editor
Associate Editor
Advertising Manager
Photography Editor
Business Manager
Executive* Editor
Executive Editor
Executive Editor
Technical Supervisor
Pajnik, Undo Miller, Madeleine Schnabel, Margaret Carrol, Robert Cutty, John Cromie,
Carl Llndemann, Ed Kar, James Wlnslow, Duncan Nixon, Michael Nolin, Michael Connely,
Joy Deanehart, Nancy Lehman, Mark Cunningham, Gary Resli'o, Pater Goldberg, Tom
M y l e t , Jot Cardamona, Glenn Soplr, Bob Chamberlain, Hank Rnbnowitx, Sue Archey,
Harvey Vtahos
Joseph Nicastrt, Sherman Richards, Ellis Kaufman, Victor Cohen, Douglas Rathgob,
Diana Somerville, Martin Schwartz, Joy Rosovsky
Dan Logo, Fred Isseks
All communications must be addressed to the editor and m u r be signed. Communications should be limited to 300
words ond are subject to editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In lis
columns ond communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views.
Making the right play defensives
can ofte.i be the hardest part of
bildge. In today's hand cover both
the West and the South hands and
play your own defense. South has
arrived at four spades after opening
one spade and being raised to two
spades by his partner.
Your partner leads the king of
clubs and continues with the ace on
which you play the high-low s e quence of the eight and the four
denoting a doubleton club.
South drops the Queen and the
nine of clubs. Your partner now leads
the ten of clubs which is a denial
of holding the Jack. Obviously South
holds the Jack so which card do you
play from your hand?
If you trumped the club trick you
might as well concede the rest of
the tricks to your opponents, Declarer will win your diamond return
In his hand, play a heart to dummy's
king, finesse the Jack of spades, and
return to dummy with U>e ace of
hearts to take another trump finesse.
The only tricks you take are two
clubs and a club ruff. However, notice what happened If you pitched a
heart on the third club. Declarer
wins the club trick In his hand and
plays a heart to dummy to take the
trump finosse.
When he leads a second heart to
dummy, you trumph and still have
to collect the spade king for setting
trick. It pays to think on defense.
Vul. 0
S6 3 2
HA K 93
C 7 63
H 42
Forum of Politics sponsored a
program featuring three represent
the United
of State
Nov, De28,
They were Arthur Olson, Assistant
Secretary for European Affairs;
Macdonald Saulter, Public Administration Advisor to the Government
of South Vietnam; and James Boren,
Director of the Alliance for Progress. Each man gave a short talk
and then answered questions from
the floor.
Olson presented an outline of the!
present United States Foreign policy. He said It was a result of the
country's position at the end of
World War II; the United States was
the most powerful nation, with a
serious challenge from the Soviet
U. S. Containment Policy
SISTERS P E R F O R M in the ISC Coker Skit, which was held last Friday night, to formally open the
rush season. By the way, have you joined the new sorority Sigma Epsilon Chi?.
Speech I Contest Holds Finals
In Page Auditorium Tonight
The Department of Speech and
Dramatic Art and Debate Council
will present the Speech One Extemporaneous Speaking Contest at
Page Hall, Tuesday, Dec. G at 7:30
The six finalists in this contest
are students in the Fundamentals of
Speech course who have won in preliminary and semi-final rounds on
November 28' and 29. The finalists
are Robert Fulmer, Gerald Gaes,
Susan Handle.-, Robert Katz, Gerald
M. Mlkowicz, and Marsha Ruhlen
These students will draw controversial persuasive speech topics in
the areas of education, communications and integration one hour before
the contest, prepare for one hour
and then present ten minuts persuasive speeches.
They will be judged by five members of the faculty and administration: Dean 0 . W. Perlmutter of the
School of Arts and Sciences, Dr.
Richard Kendall of the History Dept.,
Dr. Alfred Finklestien of the Chemistry Dept., Mr. Lawrence Rosenfeld
of the Speech Department, and Mr.
Martin Mann of the Speech Dept.
Speakers will be judged on
basically three things which are
strong support of arguments, clarity and coherence of reasoning, and
communicative delivery.
Students were chosen by their
classmates and teachers. They will
be doing essentially the same thing
as in class, however, the competition
Commute rBoa rd To Be Formed
By Living Area Commission
The Living Area Affairs Commission is now accepting nominations
for the Commuter Board. The Board
will be composed of 11 members:
3 seniors, 3 Juniors, 3 sophomores,
and 2 delegates-at-large from any
class freshman through grad students.
slty experience and Co help the commuter most fully serve the university so that both may benefit by this
Ail commuters interested in
working toward these goals are
urged to apply for positions on the
Commuter Board.
Any commuter wno meets these
qualifications may nominate himself by filling out the nomination
forms which are available in the
Student Association office in Ryckman Hall In the Dutch Quad.
Psi Chi To Hold
Initiation Banquet
Tuesday, Dec. 6
Qualifications for office are 1)
member of student association; 2)
2,0 cumulative average; 3) residence
In non-university owned housing; 4)
willingness to serve on behalf of the
commuter community.
All nominations must be submitted prior to 3 p.m. on Friday,
Dec. 9. Elections will be held'by
Central Council the following Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 12 and 13.
The Commuter board Is being
set up under LAAC on a par with
the Quad Boards of Colonial, Dutch,
and Alumni Quads. The board shall
have the power to speak on behalf
of the total body of commuters and
to submit proposals on behalf ol
coamuters to LAAC.
Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, will hold Its
banquet with Installation and initiation ceremonies on Tuesday evening, December 6, at 7:15 p.m. In
the Brubacher Hall Large Dining
Room. Dr. Webb S. Flser, VicePresident for Academic Affairs,
will be the guest speaker. Dr. Bernard Saper of the N. Y. State Department of Mental Hygiene, Albany,
will install the SUNY at Albany
Chapter of Psi Chi.
Applications for the honorary can
be picked up In the Psychology Office, SS 217. Cost of the dinner per
member Is $3.00, to be paid before
Dec. 6 to either Clare. Battlstl, 22
S. Lake Ave. or to Robert Sumlslawskl, Johnson Hall 143. $7.50 initiation fee and $1.00 dues for first
semester are also due before Dec. 6.
The Installation and initiation
ceremonies will begin t t 8:00 p.m.
for anyone who does not wish to attend the dinner.
J U S T I N C A S E YOU D I D N ' T K N O W I T . .
Writes all types of insurance
State Department M e t
Discuss Foreign Policy
The purnnse of the board is to
aid tiie^.'onimuter in his quest for
a profitable and enjoyable univer-
j . void
S K 10 B 8
H O 10 7 6 3 W E
DO 5 4
D 10 0 6 3 2
CAK10 642
S AQ d"! 6 4
»«f 3
HO 5-1471
75 State Street
HO 2-5581
will be greater.
Prizes include a Silver Revere
bowl for tile first, second and third
speakers and plaques for the three
runners up.
This is the first contest of Its
kind and tile speech department plans
to r .itinue it every semester.
screening Begins
For Ambassador
Our foreign policy became one of
containment of Communism. Olson
also stated that Communist China
poses a serious threat, more so
than the Soviet Union.
Olson offered the opinion that the
world is experiencing a "revolution of rising expectation" from
the nations of Asia, Africa, and
Latin America. They want the material successes that the United States
and Western Europe have obtained.
Saulter talked of the fcotHer war"
that Is occurring In Vietnam - toe
war lmpfove the life of the cltiThis "other way" seeks to develop the country In all fields. The
cities are run-down; there are no
sanitation facilities. There is a
complete lack of professional
people, as well as white-collar
Boren gave an explanation of what
the Alliance for Progress is doing.
Past programs, he said, trained
tile people of Latin American In
education, public administration,
and health, but did not develop the
countries' own institutions to carry
on the work.
The Alliance, however, assists
the country In producing its own
institutions, while encouraging the
countries to collect Its own taxes.
Boren also stated that there is a
private program in the Alliance,
one In which a state in the United
States becomes a partner with a
region In Latin America. This program is of mutual benefit; the state
gives aid an technical know-how,
the Latin American region sends
teachers to helps with the language
program of the state's schools.
Question Period
In the question period, Olson
stated that a review is taking place
on the necessity of keeping NATO
troops in Europe. Britain would like
them withdrawn, but the Germans
are still afraid of the Russians,
Russian Club
who continue to maintain a modern
The Russian Club will meet on force of both conventional and nuWednesday, Dec. 7,8:30 p.m. Every- clear weapons in Eastern Europe.
one Is invited to come and sing Russian songs and learn to dance Russian folk dances. The refreshments
will be genuine Russian dishes.
Hlllel announces Its first beer
The panel discussion held on Nov. blast Saturday, December 10 from
6 was the opportunity for the student 9-1 a.m. at the Ukranian Hall.
body to get an insight into the Stu- Tickets will be sold for $1.50 a
dent Ambassador Program. The Se- courle for members, $3.00 per
lection Committee has already begun couple for non-members. For
to review applications and the names tickets or information call Gerry
of this years Ambassadors will be Melpon, 457-6914 or Sharon Toback,
announced soon.
Those who become Ambassadors
will go abroad under the organiza- There will be a meeting of the
tion of the Experiment In Interna Students for a Democratic Society
tional Living. Upon return, the Am- Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00
bassador shares his perceptions, p.m. in the Humanities Building,
opinions, experiences, and enthu>
siasm with the university and surThe Greeks will entertain the enrounding community.
tire University at the "Greek FolAs In the past, the Student Am- l i e s , " which will take place in the
bassador Program has depended Dutch Quad Cafeteria, Sat., Dec. 10
solely on voluntary gifts for its fi- at 6 p.m. Tickets are 50? per couple
nancial support. Last year they were and are available at the same locaable to expand the program so that tions as the beer party tickets, and
the University fully financed one am- at the door. Dress is informal.
bassador and partially financed another.
Student Falls
This year il is hoped that 2 am.
Alan Fossa '69 was discovered on
SS a
b 6
a C e d
„ i°",u", „ of
f possibly
S"," " „ financing
„ „!'"» the'"gTounTouts7de"Watorbury'about
the possibility
10:30 a.m. Sunday after what autha third.
orities term a "jump or fall" from
Members of the Student Ambassa the third floor.
dor Committee will be visiting
Hospital authorities said Fossa
dorms and Greek groups within the suffered a fractured skull, elbow
next 2 weeks. They will be asking ^ " ' e f t legr^d"'p7ssiWe"interna"I
for your help
Ski t h i s Saturday, D e c . 10 at K i l l l n g t o n w h e r e c o n d i t i o n s
A University year in Ainen-Provence under
the auspices of the Unive"'ty of All-Marseille (founded 1409).
(courses in French University exclusively)
Classes In English and French satisfying
curriculum and credit requirements of over
280 American Colleges and Universities.
Students live in French homes. Total costs
equivalent to those at private universities
and colleges in the United States.
(founded 1957)
2 bis, rue du Bon Pasteur
Telephone: France (Code 91) 27.82.39
or (Code 91) 27.69.01
The Comission For
Religious Affair
l a s t Saturday were good.
Transportation Deposit -
Dues - $2
Must be paid by Wednesday at 8 p.m. to William
Weissinger - 457-7978
Robert Dobrusin -457-7977
At least 35 people are needed (or a bus.
R.K.0. Cleaners
HE 4-6212
December 10
7:30 and 9:30
Admission by
Tuesdoy, December 4, 1966
DaneCagers Down Pratt, 84*67,
For First Victory Of Campaign
by Jam •» Win slow
Albany State's basketball team woty their first game of the season as they overwhelmed the Pratt Institute five, 84-67 on Saturday, December 3 at the Hudson
Valley Community College court. The Great Danes, bringing their record to 1-1
after dropping their opener to Central Connecticut, 80-73, were led by guard Rich
Margison, who scored a game high of 18 points, and reserve Marty O'Donnell, who
added 15 markers. .
with J26, and
-^ Ed
^ - Cole
- . . with
. . ^ »24, points
...... 73-72, ...^
with ,.
left »„
to oi.v
play in
in the
cn .„«
ALBANY'S ALL-AMERICAN wre»tl*r Worren Crow hoi his oppon•nt in pinning position in the finals of tho Albany Quadrangular
hold last Saturday.
Albany Takes Tourney;
Gains 7 Championships
by Dune Nixon
The Albany State grapplers unveiled a power-packed
line-up Saturday -as they gained seven of eleven first
places on the way to a decisive victory in their second annual quadrangular tournament. The final score
was Albany 96, Williams 75, Hartwick 72, and Hunter
Albany got
4-1 win in the final. Dick Szymanski
r e p e a t p e r - l h e n ^ c a m e Albany's seventh winViii., T>-iiher of the tournament and their
formances from little Bill , ourtn ln a row as ne g ^ ^
tne 19i
R u s s e l l a n d c a p t a i n A r t pound title by a similar 4-1 count,
R e c e S S O , a s b o t h s u c c e s s - de s P"e the fact that he suffered a
/ i ,j
. » j j ^ J
!. _ paintful shoulder Injury in the p r e -
fully defended their cham- timinary.
pionships. Russell copped
the 115-poundclassby reg- s,a,e *•*• Strength and P°w
A B00d
of the Great Dane squad
isteringa 4-0 win.
is the fact that they could easily
Recesso won the 167 pound division with an even more impressive 10-0 victory. Recesso's opponent was aved by the ball in both
of the final periods.
After Mike Dzuba of Williams
took the 123 title, Warren Crow,
who had pinned in his preliminary
took the mat. Crow demonstrated
great form as he completely dominated his man for an easy 12-1
Palmer and Berry Win
Albany's next winner was Randy
Palmer at 145. Randy also seemed
•4o dominate his weight class as he
won the preliminary 6-1, and then
went on to score by a 4-0 count in
the final. Frank Berry was next and
he made good on his. first start as
an Albany wrestler by winning the
160 class with a close 6-5 win in the
Berry's victory was followed by
Recesso's and Roger Gorgam made
Its three wins in a row when he
captured the 177 title with a sure
have won nine titles Instead of
seven. In the 137 pound division
Mike Poplaskl and Williams' John
Coombe batUed to an ln regulation
time, and then when they were still
deadlocked after an overtime period ' Coombe was awarded the victory by a 2-1 vote of the officials.
Corrections on AMIA basketball
Tuesday, Dec. 6: League Hi B:
9:00 Hamilton Hall vs. The Team;
10:00 Hobbits vs. KB.
Wednesday, Dec. 7: League HI:
7:00 Commuters vs. Lobos; 8:00
Kal Baldles vs. Suds; League I:
Camfs vs. Pierce; 10:00 KB vs.
Thursday, Dec. 8: League I: 9:00
Savs vs. APA; League HA: 10:00
TXO vs. UFS.
Marglson, a 6-1 sophomore from Cortland, N.Y.,
spearheaded Albany's first
half full-court press, repeatedly causing Pratt to
throw the ball away. The
Sauersmen led at the half,
--• — *»-- *—-"
paced the frosh.
Albany Bows to Central Conn.
The Albany five opened their 196667 season with an 80-73 loss to
.twumtw.,., „State
powerful Central Connecticut
on December 1 at New Britain,
The taller Connecticut team controlled the offensive backboards to
open up a 42-34 half-time lead. The
Danes came back in the second half
. ^Following Marglson and O'Donnell Danes came uac* m mt DDWIIU mu.
in the scoring columne were junior to tie the score and went ahead,
Larry Marcus with 15 points, Albany senior Mike Bloom with 14,
captain Jim Constantino added 13,
Scott Price, the transfer from Butler, 6, and Tim Jursak hit on two
foul shots to round out the scoring.
High scorer for Pratt was backcourt ace, John Rodriguez who dropped ln 14 points. Jim Reese added
12 and Tom Brennan, 11 to the
loser's cause who shot 36.2 percent
from the floor. They are now 0-2on
the year. The Dane eagers hit on 30
of 56 field goal attempts for a very
respectable 53.6 percent.
Margison Hot in First Half
Marglson hit on eight on his nine
field goal attempts ln the first half,
with the Purple and Golds getting
strong efforts from Marglson,
O'Donnell, Bloom, and Marcus in
the second half. Albany had its biggest lead of the game with four minutes to go ln the game, when it opened
a 23-polnt margin, 76-53.
The preliminary saw the Dane
yearlings, under new coach Michael
O'Brien, drop their second straight
game, this time at the hands of Mohawk Valley Community College by
the score of 97-79. Jack Adams
game. ^—»—I
Central *h«n
then ran off eight
straight points' to put the victory
21 for Marglson and Price
Leading the Danes in their losing
effort was soph Rich Marglson who
turned ln a fine defensive show,
drawing many fouls and doing a fine
Job of ball handling, while scoring
21 points. Scott Price also played
a fine gme at center, scoring 21
a *»..»
Plans are being made by Marsha
Schonblom and SyZachar, co-chairmen of the annual Christmas Sing, to
broadcast this year's Sing over
closed circuit television in Hawley
This year's Sing will be held at
7:00 p.m. on December 18, and will
be followed by a cocoa hour held ln
the Dutch Quad Dining Room..
Such a broadcast would allow 500
people to view the live concert who
would not ordinarily be able to do so
because of the crowded conditions
of Page Hall.
Although the concert is open to
all, by the time all the members of
the various performing groups are
seated there is little room left for
many spectators.
The idea is to allow as many students as possible into Page, on a
first-come, first-served basis, and
then begin seating students in Hawley.
Better View
Technically speaking the students
seated in Hawley should be afforded
a better view than, those in Page.
The broadcasting will be done
under the direction of Dr. Charles
Rice, of the University's television
Special lighting arrangements are
being handled under the supervision
of Diane Somerville and Alex Krakower; set design is proceeding under the directorship of Betsy Mickel.
The Booketeria (Textbook area) will close*
on Thursday, Dec. 22,1966
Others Considered
In deciding to televise the Sing
various other auditoriums were considered, among these the Philip Livingston Junior High School and the
New Scotland Avenue Armory.
However the school was already
booked, and the acoustics of the
Armory proved too poor, besides
the fact that Hawley was the most
ond will re-open on January 30
will remain open to serve your needs.
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri 9 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Sat. 9A.M. - 1:00P.M.
m AJinecsAve, (/owTczussness
*Any emergency shipment of fall textbooks will be made available.
A summary of the beliefs, ritual,
and present rends of the Catholic
religion will be the subject of the
second of a series of discussions
on religion sponsored by the sisters of Gamma Kappa Phi sorority.
Father Paul Smith, Catholic priest
at the university, will speak on the
topic ln Herkimer Hall's lower
lounge at 8:15 p.m. on Monday,
December 12.
State University Bookstore
RICHARD KATZ accepts the first
taking second place.
President Evan R. Collins announced at the President's Conference Monday that a team of experts
ln different fields from the State
Education Department will be on
campus Monday through Thursday
next week.
The purpose of this visit is to
examine all educational programs
registered with the Board of Regents. In the past, during the first
year in which a program was offered, the courses were examined
and then registered without any time
The State Education Department
is now re-examining the old programs as well as the new in a systematic and comprehensive examination.
Another topic discussed at the
conference concerned the R. A. evaluation form that was discussed by
the Psych Club Dec. 1. The Presprize in the Speech One contest and Gerald Goes is congratulated for [dent commented that he had cited
this particular form as an example
of at form left over from former
Collins stated that at that time
he had noted the form should p r o bably have been discontinued and'
could be done away with very easily.
He was amazed that the Psych Club'
had even bothered to concern itself
with the matter.
their parents set and that if the which would become vulnerable to r ,
parents do not smoke, their chil- attack should be withheld from the Cj\e
dren will not.
public. Confidential information
Another point brought up was must also remain undivulged.
who is to decide what commercials
"Withholding information would
are good and bad influences. True, be Justified if it were "to preserve
The Golden Eye will present a
also, is the fact mentioned by Katz national Security." This may be done program on Political and Moral
that the product would not continue by limiting certain strategic infor- Problems ln Foreign Policy featurto be sold if we did not buy it. mation which may be harmful or ing Dr. Thomas Bradley at SwathKatz was not nervous and leaned detrimental."
more College, Friday at 9:00 p.m.
on his notes for comfort only. SurJery Mlkowlcz, a sophomore
Dr. Bradley is a member of the
prise and happiness were his emo- from Orlean, won the third prize. executive board of Inter University
tions when he was announced as the He Is majoring in Spanish and is Committee for debate on foreign
enrolled ln the teacher education policv.
Gerald Gaes, a native of Albany, program,
After Dr. Bradley speaks he will
won second prize in the contest.
The three runners up were Robert be questioned by two faculty memHe is a freshman majoring in bio- Fulmer speaking on the field of bers and two students. One faculty
logy. He plans to be a doctor though communications, Susan Handler, in member will be Dr. Arthur Eklrch
he Is Interested in debating. His the field of integration, and Marsha of the history department, who has
topic was "To what extent should Ruhlen on draft deferment.
recently published a book on Amervital Information be divulged to the
The judges included Dean O. W. ican policy.
mass media, i.e. newspapers?"
Perlmutter, Dr. Richard Kendall,
Dr. DeWitt Elllnwood, whose maGaes believes that some people Dr. Alfred Flnklesttln, Lawrence jaor field is Southeast Asia, is the*
should know vital information and Rosenfeld and Martin Mann,
second faculty member.
from these people the intelligence
should not be withheld. There are,
however, certain types of information which must be withheld from
the general public.
This includes technological information (an anti-missile missile) intelligence (attack on Cuba)
and diplomatic information (treaties). All of these come under the
heading of Top Secret. Secret information such as missile sights
Richard Katz Takes First Prize
Should the advertisement of cigarets be prohibited? Robert Katz, a
freshman from Albany, won first
prize ln the Speech One Extemporaneous Speaking Contest on this subject.
The general topic was communications, a topic to which, Katz believes, many ideas apply. He took
the negative view, believing that
this prohibition is an unnecessary
form of censorship.
In opposition to the argument that
the advertisement influences children, Katz stated that they learn
more basically from the examples
Gamma Kappa Phi. Under the direction of chairman Alleen Schlef, the
The lectures are a part of a number of cultural events planned by
program seeks to relate the sorority to the University and student
body in general to events outside
the University campus.
US Policy Problems
: Painting Donated By Alumna,
Received By A rt Committee
The programs, offered as nondenomlnatlnnal and educational ser
ies, are open to the general public
Each will be followed by a question
and answer period,
Kabul Miller of synagogue ln the
A painting by Woodstock artist
community was guest speaker at
the first lecture, which concerned Bruce Currle lias been donated to
Judaism and Its principles. The Albany State University by an alumna, Mrs. Daniel W. Rowe of Iladthird ln the series will feature ley, N.y, It marks the first gift
Reverend Frank Snow of the uni- received on behalf of the university
versity who will discuss the His- by the art coordinating committee
for the new campus.
tory of the Protestant religion.
An extension of the program nas
CENTER SCOTT PRICE (44) out|umps Protfs center, Tony
M i n e r * (41), to control the opening tip-off for the Groat Danes.
State Department
Team To Examine
University Courses
Gamma Kappa To Sponsor
Second Religious Lecture
been planned for the second semes-
VOL. Lll, NO. 43
DECEMBER 9, 1966
Holiday Sing To Be
Broadcast On T.V.,
Limited Space In Page
CAGER MIKE BLOOM (14) attempts a 20 foot jump shot in tht
opening moments of the Albany-Pratt gam* last Saturday night
at tho Hudson Valley gym.
The rest of the bookstore
(supplies novelties & nontextbooks)
ter, providing the present lectures
meet with adequate student support.
These later discussions will emphasize less familiar religions of other
parts of the world.
pus. Members of the committee
were appointed from the student
body, teaching faculty, administrative faculty, and the Alumni Association. The group includes: Peter
Benedict. Violet Larney, John Overbeck, Edward P, Cowley, Clifton C.
Thorns, Walter M, Tisdale, John
Spross, Elizabeth Mickel, Heln
Mrs. Rowe Is the former Betty Relihan, Nancy Liddle, and Sue Rose,
Knowlton of the class of 1942, The
Last year the committee met tg
gift was accepted by Mrs, Lois
Gregg, chairman of the university's make plans for financing and buildart coordinating committee. Cur- ing a collection. The results of the
rle's paintings have won awards committee's work can be seen ln
from the National Academy of De- the U-shaped lounges of the Dutch
sign, the Audubon Artists, and other and Colonial quads and ln the art
posters In the student lounges. P r e The committee was formed to fill sently tlie committee is looking for
a need for art work on the new cam- financial support for Its work.
MRS, DANIEL ROWE, an alumna, donated this painting by Bruce
Currie ta tht University. Hare Mr. Charles Bowler, head of alumni affair*; Mr*. Lois Gregg, associate dean of student*, and Mr*.
Rowe look at the painting.