Potter CM» Tops Retain AMIA A Ray View of

Friday, (torch 25, 1966
AtlANY ITUDtNT M i l l
Potter CM» Tops
To Retain AMIA
A Ray View of Sport*
by Ray McClmit
We attended Hie winter sports banquet the other
night, and we made some very astute observations.
The first of which, is that trainer "Spud" Kruzan can
speak for five minutes on any topic in the world. No
fooling — he got off on one tangent about a trip he and
the varsity basketball team took to Virginia by way of
Washington, and«we still aren't clear on what he was
talking about. Something about historic sites — or
something like that.
We also noted that i t ' s , the invited guests that stow
away most of the food, you'd almost think they had been
in training for months for this banquet.
But the most fruitful part of the evening was our
brief, but informative, talk with athletic director Merlin
Hathaway, concerning the surplus of athletic tax funds.
This seems to be a very controversial issue these
days of non-compulsory student tax. Why not use these
surplus funds for other student activities that are being
drastically affected by reduced budgets?
The main reason is that this surplus has been built up
through large scale frugality on the part of the athletic
department. With the expected expansion program of a
few years not far off, our athletic department, if it is
to expand as it wishes and"as everyone connected with
the department wishes; will'have to use every resource
possible to succeed.
The State University system, it is widely felt, will
be unable to assist the department as it could if the
entire system weren't undergoing such a statewide
expansion. Without funds readily available, our athletic
department will fall even further behind the rest of the
school than it is already.
For example, AMIA facilities out on the new campus
are already highly inadequate. With part of the money
from this surplus, lights could be placed on the field
for night football and Softball. This would aidthe intramural program immensely. And other things such as
scoreboards and the establishment of new teams (football, lacrosse, track) will .be virtually impossible without a substantial starting sum.
Alternatives? Allow the AA tax to assume intramurals, thus saving the SA tax this additional burden.
Or, perhaps,' with a mandatory student tax.
At any rate, we feel that any reduction in the size
of the athletic department's surplus would be a step
in the wrong direction in a department that is hellbent on moving the right way.
After squeaking out a 40-38 thriller on Wayne Smith's
last second jump shot last Sunday night, Potter Club
trounced Kappa Beta for the second straight night, 6 1 44, to retain its AMIA League I basketball championship.
The game was played before a large turnout of fraternity supporters in Page Gym l. Potter ciuo
The two teams played on 2.3. Kappa
even terms for the first 4. Nomads
quarter, but a late Potter 5. Celts
6. 69ers
rally earned itself a 25League I leading scorers:
League I, leading scorers:
15 halftime bulge.
.As the second half got underway
Kappa 'Beta closed the gap to six
points. But fine outside shooting by
Andy Christian and Warren Mannlx
eventually opened up an insurmountable lead for the Pottermen.
Four Potter players hit in double
figures, with Andy Christian leading all scorers with 17 points. Lance
Anderson paced KB with 13.
The Commissioners Tournament
began play on Wednesday night, and
it will run through March 30. EEP I,
KB I, and APA I are seeded.
Here is the final League-1 standBS:
Here are the League Two Howling H. lloeth (TXO.) 150
D. Elkln (APA I) 153
results as of March 21, IMC.
M. Joles (Intellects) 103
S. Zahurak (APA II) 152
11 .738 J. Cramer (APA I) 101
13 * .000 U. Enser (APA II) 151
High Series for the week;
Greene - 191, 199, 163-803
Slocum '
203, 180,
174, 168,
High Averages:
Gilmore (APA II) 160
Denmaii (Colonials) 160
3. Fromer (TXO) 158
J, WingaU) (APA II) 156
15* OFF
Good Only March 28
Frosh Hoopsters
THE GREAT DANES of Albany compiled a final record of 13-9 despite pre-season forecasts
of a miserable year. Led by most Valuable Player Mike Crocco and a host of other players
like Jim Constantino and Mike Bloom, the
' stniorless Danes surprised' everybody
Freshman Matmen
by Ken Bernstein
University Senior, Arthur C.Ferrari, has been awarded a grant for
graduate study from the National
Defense Education Act. The award,
whicli is good for three years could
offer him a total of over $12,000.
It provides for three years of free
tuition and other benefits.
In addition to the free tuition,
Ferrari will get $2,000, $2,200,
and $2,400 dollars per year, r e spectively, for living expenses. Also
the grant offers him $400 per summer for three years and $400 for
each dependent should there be any.
Golf Counselor (mole) min. age 19 - experience preferred
Call 434-3298
l A n d y ' i S PIZZA -RAH5A
Furthermore, both Duke and Yale
have offered him $600 per summer
to study Frencli at their language
Institutes. Ferrari, a sociology major from Monroe, N.Y. has decided
to do his graduate work at Yale,
working on a Ph.D. In sociology with
plans to teach on the University
level. He also plans to take Yale's
offer for summer study.
Currently he Is president of Kappa
Beta Fraternity and Chairman of the
I.F.C. Ferrari was also a Dean's
List student last semester, with a
3.6 accumulative average. His allover average is 2.9. He has been active In student affairs since his a r rival at the University.
As a Freshman he was a senator
and as a Sophomore was commissioner of finance under the old system of government.
Nature Counselor (male) min. age 20
Ass't Waterfront Instructor (male or female)
min. age 20 experience required
Horseback Riding Instructor (mole or female)
min. age 20 experience required
Contact: Paul Krouner
Alb. 438-3210
Ferrari said he was not only surprised, but overwhelmed when he
was notified of the award on March
He then stated his gratitude to his
Instructors: " I was very honored that
Yale would be willing to make such
an investment. I owe special thanks
to Dr. Paul Wheeler, Dr. Arnold
Foster, and Dr. Theodore Standing,
who were kind enough to give a lot
of time writing letters on my behalf."
VOL.'Jtf, NO. 14
Wayne Morse to Speak
On US Foreign Policy
Senator Wayne Morse,
the most outspoken Congressional criticof Administration policy in Vietnam,
will speak on "American
Foreign Policy-1966," in
Page Hall, Friday, April
15, at 8 p.m.
Wayne Morse
Speaking at the Invitation of Forum of Politics, the senior senator
from Oregon Is expected to discuss
Council Discusses Service Award,
Approves Membership in CDIC
Richard Thompson, Central Council president, introduced a proposal
to establish a service award of $100
at the Central Council meeting
Thursday night. The award would be
given to an outstanding junior or
senior, recognized for service to
the University, at graduation.
The award is to be named In honor
of Dean Ellen C. Stokes in recognition of her service to the students
and faculty of the University. According to the proposal the award
is to be judged on the application
submitted by the individual.
This method of application was
objected to by Central Council. The
proposal, therefore, is being r e written to make the form of application acceptable.
Membership in the Capital District Intercollegiate Council was
approved by Central Council. This
Council unites R.P.I., Russell Sage,
St. Rose, Siena, Union and SUNYA
to provide a forum for joint consultation on student government policies and problems.
Approves Appropriation
Art Ferrari
MARCH 29, 1966
Senior Wins Awards,
Plans to Study at Yale
Albany State's freshman wresting team finished the 1905-1906
leason with a record of seven wins
ind one defeat, the best record in
•even years of freshman wrestling
iccording to Coach Bob Burllngame.
Leading the frosh grapplers was
lohn Shattuck with a perfect record
)f seven wins and no losses. Behind
he 137 pounder Shattuck was Roger
jorham who also finished undefeated
with a record of six wins, no losses
and one tie. Gorham wrestled at the
177 pound weight class. Co-captain
Craig Springer, wrestling at 145
pounds ended with a very respectable
0-1-0 record.
The froshs' only loss came at the
hands of a very strong Cortland
freshman team.
Potter Club, after sweelng seven
points from TXO and receiving the
aid of a Goober forfeit, ended up the
year as AMIA League I bowling
champions after 1G weeks of action.
The EEPmen rolled over TXO,
with the fine bowling of Don Comtois, who posted a 598 triple, but
bowed In the last match of the year
to the Goobers, 4-3.
Bob Rifenberlck, who averaged
198 over the last several weeks of
In last week's ASP there appeared
the league, overcame Al Giles to a notice stating that there will be a
cop individual average honors. Giles meeting for ail varsity soccei canwon high triple with a' 040 and high didates on Friday, March 30 in Page
single with a 25C.
Hall. That meeting will be held on
Here are the final standings:
Wednesday, March 30 at 4:00 in
1. Potter Club
rge Hall.
2. Goobers
3. Choppers
4. TXO
4. Dutchmen
6. Waterbury II
7. Kappa Beta
Camp Schodack
B.-Waterbury I
Nassau, N. Y.
8. Waterbury I
9. Splits
(boys - girls)
10. Ad Hoes
1. Rifenberlck Goobers 188
2. Giles
-Choppers-187 plus 10]
2. Glles-Choppers-187 plus 10
Bunk Counselor (male) for boys 6-8 - min. age 19
3. Jones-EEP-182 plus 29
4. Wong-Choppers-182 plus 0
Waterskiing Instructor (male) min. age 20 - experience needed
0. Plotrowskl-EEP-180 plus 10
Chooses Yale
Keg II Standings
A Free
"The season was very exciting
but frustrating." That was the statement of freshman basketball Coach
130 18.6 Bill Schieffelin when he commented
1. Elkin-APA I
the frosh cagers' 1965-1966 sea16.0
2. Horne-Celts
121 12.1 son.
3. Anderson-KB
105 10.1
Schieffelln's quote was the exact
5. Ellis-KB
103 14.7 truth. The frosh' finished the season
6. Zacharias-APA
a record of 6-12. Three games
7. Smith-Potter '
78 19.5 were lost by 1 point, 1 game by 2
8. Price-Nomads
points, and 2 games by 3 points.
10, Christian-Potter
10. Christian-Potter
75 9.4
Rich Marglsdh was the outstanding player for the frosh. He led In
Other league standings:
League IIB Champions — Apaches every department averaging 17.5
League IIA Champions — Potter
points and 9.1 rebounds a game. He
League II overall champs—Potter
was helped out on the boards by
League IV Champions-Ontario House Jack Duffy and in scoring by Bill
League IV Champions—
Moon. Gary Torino and Vic Conn
Ontario House
aided the frosh throughout the season.
AMIA BOWLING saw Potter Club clinch the League I title and
APA I increase its League II lead. Potter topped the Goobers
by 12 points to annex the title.
Free P r e s s
Central Council also approved a
$200 appropriation to the C.D.I.C.
to finance a production of Mollere's
"The Miser." More productions
may be planned by the organization
In the future to meet the needs of
the student bodies and the community in intellectual, cultural and
social spheres.
Another $300 appropriation was
made to State Fair to be used to
finance a concert. The profit obtained will be used for the student
ambassador program.
A proposal concerning the nomination procedure for faculty-student committee was made bySharyn
Teves. It stated that the Cabinet
of the Student Association serve
as the committee to propose student
nominations on faculty-student committees. The Cabinet is also to, publicize committee openings at least
a week before nominations are made.
(his study is to make recommendations and to inform the student body
about the uses of the tax. At the
Central Council meeting It was
pointed out that the athletic program does not reach as many students as the Student Association
program. This makes such a study
The mandatory student tax proposal was unanimously approved
by tlie Council. This proposal r e quires that Central Council urge
the Administration to take all necessary measures to have the Board of
Athletic Tax Study
Trustees give permission to the loA study of the athletic tax will cal units of the State University sysbegin on April 12. The purpose of tem to levy a mandatory student tax.
'The Flattering Word9 Begins
Two Night Run in Richardson
"The Flattering Word," the first
play presented by the Class of Dramatic Direction this semester, will
be presented tonight and tomorrow
night at 7:30 In Rlchardston Studio
The play, written by George Kelly
and directed by Chuck Helneman,
concerns itself with a narrowminded minister and his avid followers whose opposition to the theatre Is broken by a "Flattering
Although the play was written for
an audience of the early nineteen
hundreds, the director's interpretation gives the production renewed
Interest for the modern audience.
"The Flattering Word," like all
other A.D. plays, Is produced entirely by members of the Dramatic
Direction class, consisting of students who have had experience
through other courses and have been '
admitted to the directing course.
The cast of tonight's performance
Includes Bruce Tiffany, Barbara
Simon, Diane Somervllle, Barbara
Smith, and Peter Brooks.
Vietnam, China, the draft, and other
areas where he feels the government has made serious e r r o r s In
the past few years.
Recently, Senator Morse stated,
"...In my judgment the President of
the United States Is already losing
the people of this country by the
millions in connections with this
Longtime Critic
As far back as September, 1063,
speaking in reference to the Diem
regime, he stated, "So I would
save the United States get out of
South Vietnam and save the American people the hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars that
our Government is pouring down
that rat hole — and I use the descriptive phrase rat hole advisedly."
In May of last year, the senator
commented, "It (American actions
In Vietnam) is making enemies and
frightened neutrals out of people
who once respected us.
Improves Communist Position
"It Is making the Communists
look like people whose main purpose is to rid Asia of unwanted
white domination, a purpose behind
which the vast bulk of Asians are'
Senator Morse received a Ph.B.
from the University of Wisconsin
In 1923, and a M. A. from Wisconsin in 1024. He was awarded an
LL.B. from the University of Minnesota, in 1028, and he received a
J.B. from Columbia in 1932.
Professor of Law
From 1931 through 1941, he was
a professor of law and dean at the
University of Oregon, while serving In several governmental positions such as Pacific Coast Arbitrator for the Department of Labor.
In 19C0, he was the United States
Representative to the United Nations General Assembly.
Harold Lynne, vice president of
Forum of Politics, and coordinator
of the Morse program, stated, "We
expect Page to lie filled for the lecture; It will be open to the public,
but seating priority will be given
to the student body and the faculty."
Deferral Exam to Be Held Here
The Selective Service Boara announced the dates on which the
qualification test for student deferral will be given last week.
The lest will be given on May 14,
May 21 and June 3 at Universities
and colleges across the nation, including the University. The exact
place and lime for the test to be
given here has not been announced.
The tost will serve as an aid to
local draft boards in determining a
sludent's classification. The Selective Service Board made It clear
that the test is voluntary and the
score will not be the sole determlnlug factor tor any student deelding to Like the test.
The test will be all multiple
choice, with the questions to covor
a wide variety of fields, such as
mathematics, vocabulary, comprehension uf charts and graphs, and
science. Following are some sample
Pick the word that Is most nearly
opposite Hie capitalized word,
NEBULOUS: A-dlsgruntled
For this example choose the pair
of words which are related to each
other Jn the same way as the original pair:
A-mlser: money
B-mohey; currency
C-slierlff: crime
D-theft: punishment
The simplest animals are those
whose bodies are snip est in structure and which do the things done by
* " l l v l n 6 animals, such as eating,
breathing, moving, and feeling, In
tlle m u s t
. wav'
C •primitive
Students wishing to take the test, VIETNAM TEACH-IN: A Union prof.i.or addresses audience al t h . "Vietnam Poripectiv." Friday In
which lasts about three and one-half Channing Hall. The teach-in was sponsored by Students for Democratic Society, "suppression" and
hours, must see the local draft board the Capital District Committee of the Concerned.
between now and April 23.
Tue.tfcy, Mtfeh » , 1966
Book Collections Of Student Body
To Be Judged in University Contest
A personal library contest, open
to all students at the University,
will be held in April. The contest
is sponsored by Hawley Library,
School of, Library Science and the
First prize will be $50 worth of
books for the best collection and
15 additional prizes of $15 each.
The prizes are being awarded
through the University Bookstore
and a total of. $275 worth of books
to be purchased by the winners
through the Bookstore.
The contest I coincides with National Library Week which is April
A bill to establish a service award, which would be
given to a student who has rendered service to the University or Student Association, displayed leadership and
initiative and contributed to the particular activities in
which the student has participated, was introduced at the
Central Council meeting Thursday.
People entering this year may
submit a collection in any category
that they themselves define. First
prize winners in the past two years
were Motion Picture; submitted by
Paul Jensen In 1953, and Historical
Culture, submitted by Edward Brovarski in 1064.
Application Blanks
Application blanks for the contest
may be picked up in the Bookstore
and in the Library. Completed apKnowledge of Subject
plication blanks and book collecCollections will be judged upon tions must be submitted by Friday,
the knowledge of the subject field April 15.
as evidenced by the books, the value
of the collection as a permanent
Judges will be selected mempersonal library, and how well the bers of the student body and memcollection carries out the stated bers of the faculty from the appropurpose.
priate subject fields.
The collections will be on disA student may submit more than
one collection. The required number play in the Commons, April 21-22.
awards will be presented Thursof books in each collection is to be
day, April 21.
ten or less. .-,-.
And mites to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep
Award Needs Changes
In past years, the contest had
specific categories which the submitted collections had to fit Into,
but this year no formal categories
are being set up.
Dan O'Connell Plans Redistricting
Called Gerrymander By Opponents
by Jane Schneider
Among those who drew up the
objections are the Senate Majority
Leader, Earl Brydges; Assembly
"Minority Leader Durea; Assembly
whip Bartlett and Chairman of Albany County's Republican party, Ed
Conway. Also, two Bronx reform
Democrats who rose to their p r e s ent positions by opposing the O'Connell twin, Buckley. The means for
this has been the emasculation of
any political strength and its influence on Albany other than O'Connell Democrats, be it reform or
Independent or Republican.
Five municipal corppratlons (Cohoes, Colonle, Guilderland, Bethlehem and New Scotland) were separated five different ways and tied
either to overwhelmingly O'Connell
Democratic districts or to those
districts external to the domain and
out of the hair of its toss.
In explaining how this "Congress
of Vienna" plan came into being,
one source said that "such decisions are not made in a vacuum.
Dan O'Connell is now as he has
always been very strong' in the
state's political arena. His. counsel
is continually sought."
By this redistricting the people
of Albany loses not only three of
the present 7 senators and four of
the present twelve assemblymen by
way of "delousing." By the truncation those very five parts of Albany, the people of Albany lose the
most vibrant, hopeful parts of their
own corporate county.
When a map of the county is consulted, it shows these five entities
surround the city of Albany on the
north, south and west, while the
Hudson placidly runs by on the east.
The new redistricting fragments
Albany county into five new districts. As a result, the people of
Albany County as we know It must
write to no less than five different
assemblymen In addition to one
senator In order to express themselves on anything of concern to them
before the legislature.
Therefore, from the death grip
of old, once reached out for by the
people of Albany we can now see
just how much of the Interest of
these people, the Vice-holder has
at heart.
In this column over the last several weeks accusations concerning
the present situation in Albany have
been researched and found to have
It is necessary to have such an award because too roots In the past.
Some readers have asked, "Why
often a student's achievements in the-non-academic
drag up all that old filth? What purfields are not recognized.
pose does It s e r v e ? "
Unfortunately, there are bitter
However, we feel that the nature of award, as stated lessons buried in all histories. Sadly or justly, no entity can escape
in the bill, and the machinery set up to determine the Its history.
recipient should be changed. As the bill states now, a
Those facts of Albay's past with
student nominates himself, a faculty-adminstration regard to its machine, its leaders,
Its "sold-out" citizens are more
committee selects the winner who receives $100 and a than germane to an understanding
of the present.
Today, March 29, on Capitol Hill
In all likelihood, the student who will be chosen, will in Albany, legally prepared objections a r e being filed against what
be someone who has held the top position in one of the has been called the most outrageous
more important organizations o r activities on campus, gerrymander in New York State this
i.e. Student Association president, ASP editor, WSUA century. At issue is the redistricting of Albany County, especially with
station manager, etc.
regard to the new assembly districts.
This student will have been recognized already for When questioned, sources conhis achievements. We feel that the other students in an versant with political events on the
Hill, Imputed the gerrymander diorganization, who are not well-known but have contri- rectly
to "dummy player" Dan
buted to various activities, should be recognized. O'Connell. The two assemblymen
from Albany city at present are both
concerts a year--the maximum pos
Dan's " b o y s . " One, the tool Frank
There are many students on campus who merit such Cox,
sible under the system you propose.
is known as a crude, rude,
Call it musical snobbery or what
an award. Therefore, we'feel that there shouldbe more absolute void. The other, Harvey To the Editors:
will; the fact remains that Muthan one award, possibly several awards each of dif- Llfset on the contrary is third rank- . It was with mild Irritation and you
Council Is not attempting to do
ing assemblyman as chairman of not a little fury that I read your
ferent stature. Money does not have to be part of the the Influential Ways and Means com- recent editorial on "the purpose" everything, but only to fill one
award since the honor of receiving it should be enough. mittee, and yet is no less Dan's boy. of Music Council. The view that specific need. Its members, familiar
offerings should be "well with the large repertory of serious
Commissions should nominate students for this award The redistricting appears to those musical
rounded" In order to "cater to the music, are seeking to present a
who are protesting it to the Court
and a student-admin|stration committee, selected by of
tastes of the student body,""re- meaningful part of it to those who
^Appeals' flve;member commisInterested In expanding rather
Central Council, should Judge the Candidates ahd select sion's plan as gerrymander to make flects the unfortunately widespread are
willingness of our student's to shut that reasserting their own tastes.
these two seats safe (or the r e those who deserve the award.
Music Council has made a choice
out and reject all but familiar and
election of Cox and Lifset.
and, hopefully, will continue to act
previously established Interests.
Music Council's programs are on that choice, sponsoring examples
designed 10 bring to this campus of musical excellence for those who'
what ma) best be called " s e r i o u s " welcome the opportunity to partimusit'--music based on a long tra- cipate.
Kathrynn Applegate
dition ol forms and theories. Such
music demands an understanding on
tlie part of the listener or, at tint
least, a willingness to learn.
Assuming that a liberal education
contests of meeting and evaluating To thu Editor:
The decorations which were so
Th*> Albony Student Press i t a semi-weekly newspaper published by the student body of the Stole University of New York
now experiences, Music Council
at Albony. The ASP office, located in Room S of Brubacher Hall at 750 State Street, is open from 7 1 1 p.m. Sunaay through
presents programs capable of stim- artistically placed on the wiills of
Thursday nights. The ASP may be reached by dialing 434-4031,
ulating an intellectual appreciation the Cave were acts of Irrational
as well as providing that rather Immaturity. The jieople who sal by
Editor-in. Chief
mindless enjoyment which we all and laughed because "It was so
wild" ulc. are certainly not the Infind in pattern of sound.
dports Editor
Feature Editor
News Editor
Music Council does nut souk to tellectuals Ihuy claim to be.
Impose its tastes on others, but It
Thu most unfortunate aspect of
Executive Editor
Arts Editor
Business Monager
does serve the useful function of
selecting and offering musical ex- thu wliulo event was the reaction of
student body which was one of
periences to further the cultural
Associote Sports Editor
Photography Editor
Associate Editor
education of the Individual, No one gunnrnl disgust coupled with a manE I L E E N MANNING
Is forced to attend .or to listen; the ifestation of Intent uutl-rnvo sentiSenior Edi'or
Public Relations Editor
Technical Supervisor
dissatisfied folk or Jazz fan is free ment, This is unfortunate because
Desk Editor I
. . „ . .*....,
Sue Chape, Kirs ten Huslo^
to find others who will share his many of Hie worthwhile activities
Interest and cooperate, us frater- unduiiukuu by "cavo puoplu" such
Assistant Business Manager
Michael Purdy
nities and clubs do at other univer- us freedom council, SCOPE, and
..,„..„Malcom Provost, Richard Kase, Mark Cunningham, Nancy Miedenbouer,
sities, to bring the popular stylus lu the Golden Eye will surely not guin
Bob Wonler, Bili Schriflmon, John Spross, Linda Bregman, Stove Curli,
Imitlunihiiii.'u of Interest because of
the students.
Carol Allschillor, Linda Duffy, Sorg K i n s l e y , Marc Poletto, Madeline 5cbng,bel
The magnanimous lumping to- wluil occurrud, It should be noted by
Diane Somarville, Jane Schneider, Horry Nuckols, Douglas Ralhgob,
gether of many styles of music, the student bOtiy Hint the ucts were
D. Gordon Upliom, Bob Merritt, Roger Borkin
suggested In your editorial, would committed, and supjiorlud by a small
Too Moon L e e , Lewis Tichler, Sluoif Lubert, Robert Stephenson
not be likely to cater to the tuslus Hilnnrlly mill even most ol* the people
of anyone, lor a serious Interest in In thu i uve thought the whole Ihlng
AM coinmvnicalions must be addressed to the editors and should be signed. Communications should be limited to 300 word*
one type of music cannot be ade- stupid.
and are subject to editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns
Mure Mlrlngoff
if communications os sucli expressions do not necessarily reflect its views.
quately served by one or uven two
Defends Music Council
Albany Student Press
Irrational Immaturity
TV—thy, March 29, 1966
Sorority Hell Period Provides
Pledges with Hectic Week of 'Fun'
.With the announcement of the
spring pledges for the sororities,
the pledges began a traditional period of initiation. This period is
characterized by various duties;
including Hell Week.
Usually each girl has an unknown
hell mother who will oversee the
behavior of the "lowly" pledge dur-,
lng this lime. Therefore, the degree,
of each girl's hell duties may d e - '
pend upon the whim of the hell
Each pledge is sent a letter containing Instructions as to the various
hell duties she Is to perforin.
Usually Included among these L dies
is the compilation of a pledge book
which Is supposed to be signed by
each sister.
Phi Delta
Chi Sigma Theta
The pledges (or Chi Sigma Theta
are Lucinda Betro, Elizabeth Carrature, Susan Carter, Linda Chambers, Christine DeCrosta, Maureen
Friedman, Valerie Glullano, Diane
Gray, Mary Iwanonkiw, Jane McElroy, Judith Mercandante, Lynn
Laura Murphy, Christine Nordland,
Loretta Post, Mary Prohn, Leslie
Rose, Gail Russell, Constance Vails,
Deborah Walton, Peggy Williams,
Judith Herceg, JoAnn Saleeby, Carol Zachary, and Anna Tilton.
University College
The University College will begin
pre-reglstratlon for freshmen and
sophomores on April 18. Sheets will
be posted on the bulletin boards outside Draper 211 and 207 for students
to sign up for an appointment with
their academic advisor during the
Pledging services were held for
Phi Delta Sorority Thursday evening, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. The
new pledges announced by President
Ellen Zang: Sharon Pergyl, Linda
Puerto Rican Exchange
Bergman, Gerrl llolleran, Kris Zak,
Students who would like to apply
Norene Begner, Joan Eisenhauer,
for the exchange program at the
Rosa Eisenstein, Carrie Falkoff,
University of Puerto Rico for the
Connie Fish, Sue Forman, Arlene
year should contact Dr.
Geller, Sue Gross, Linda Kaufman,
Frank Carrino, 113 Washington AveBonnie Kessler, Barbara Lever,
nue, as soon as possible.
Debbie Lucas, Jo Ann Miller, FranClass cf 1968
kee Mongarello, JudyOsdoby, Leane
As proposed in Bill Cleveland's
Pasternak, Diane Piazza, Rowena
election platform, an advisory counGamma Kappa Phi
Rosen, Carol Itosenstein, LlbbaSanThe pledges of Gamma Kappa Phi cil will be formed consisting of 14
zel, Gila Slavln, Helene WeingarGreeks
(one from each group), 14
ten, and Gloria Weisberg.
Jean Crandal, Linda Dufty, Brenda Independents, and 4 commuters. The
Dunlap, Nancy Gudell, Jackie lledd- purpose of this council Is to voice
Sigma P h i Sigma
worth, Pat Jones, Karen MacKarthy, the opinions of the class concerning
Hell Duties
President Alice Katz of Sigma Marelle Mahoney, Laurie Miller, future class plans.
A lack of signatures could result Phi Sigma Sorority announces the
In a harder penalty on Hell Night, following pledges: Sue Averback, Rosemary Neporadny, Barbara OlThis week lists will be placed in
which Is the culmination of the Arlene Cutroneo, Barbara Golden- son, Alissa Peterson, Lla Petkanas, your residence halls. If you are Inpledge period. Because of these hell berg, Marilyn Mershenhorn, Rita Louise Quatrocchi, Joanne Redding, terested in applying for the council,
duties, it Is not unusual to see the Horowitz, Patricia Lewis, Karen Barbara Schuster, Denise Stungls, please sign your name on the list
pledges running aroun'd in madras Pellegrini, Cheryl Richman, J o - Kathy Wllklns, Kathy Carlucci, Pen- before Friday, April 1, If there are
shirts delightfully matched with a Anne Scandara, Esta Steckler, ny Wright, Peggy Flanagan, Joan any questions, contact Lynn Hewitt
plaid skirt.
Sharon Toback, Alice Wadoplan,
or Bill Cleveland.
One pledge from Gamma Kappa Barbara Bollt, Lessa Brand, Emmie
Phi spent twenty minutes riding the Chemnitz, Judith Dragler, Mannette
children's mechanical horse In front Kopald, Linda Lizlk, Freda Scott,
of Woolworth's on Central Avonub in Sylvia Southall, 'Rhona Stein, Susan
the presence of two Kappa Beta Wolkoff.
P s i Gamma
Camp Schodack
Laundry services were required
The sisters of Psi Gamma anNassau, N. Y.
of many pledges, usually for the nounce the pledging of the followlioyfrlend of a godmother or one of ing women: Susan Arehey, Rosethe hell mother's closer friends. mary L'ania, Phyllis Denby, CynPOSITIONS AVAILABLE
Girls have lieen seen skateboard- thia J'ILaura, Mary Diane Docken-.
ing to class, carrying raw eggs dorf, Donna Gavel, Martha Johnson,
Bunk Counselor (male) for boys 6-8 - min. age 19
(which often break) to te signed by Rosaline Johnson, Diane Karadenes,
various people, and bussing boys in Carney Kopa, Kathleen Logan, MarWaterskiing Instructor (male) min. age 20 - experience needed
the Greek cafeteria. However, the garet Lynd, Karen Mueller, Cheryl
pledges final reward comes with Nelson,' Lynda Jo Palmer, ConWaterskiing Instructor (male) min. "age 20 - experience needed
official sister status in her sorority. stance Power, Jane Samuels, J o anna Schlag, Mary Vlsceglle, Julia
Golf Counselor (male) min. age 19 - experience preferred
Wanko, Geraldine Masters, Kathleen
DeStefano, and Margaret Welch.
Nature Counselor (male) min. age 20
Kappa Dotta
Kappa Delta Sorority is proud to
Introduce Its pledges for the spring
semester, MOO: Linda Chrabas, Diane Davidson, Debby Drucker, Dlna
Fine, Sherry Gardner, Delia Gilson,
Suzanne Gottry, Froslne Karloftls,
Linda Klein, Mary AnneKomornlck,
Anne Law, Pat Mattson, Beverly
Miller, Madeline Mlxon, Lucille
Mugno, Karen Olson, Kathy Phelan,
Jane Turner, and Fay Zimmerman.
Beta Zota
Tlie sisters of Beta Zeta proudly
announce the following new pledges:
.Peggy Babcock, Terry Beaudett,
Rhoda Besterman, Liz Eek, Roselle
Lynn Goldman, Sukl
Grimes, Maggie Hardmeyer, Carol
Mettle, Sara Klttsley, Cherle Levy,
ivjary Mencer, Nancy Plerson,Carol
Popp, Jane Raczklewlcz, ElaineRublnfeld, Debbie Soman, UrsulaSuga,
Ellen Tanner, Leslie Tecklin, Jill
Malloy, and Kathy Kllchenmann.
Special Event* •
Special Events Board announces
the selection of four co-chairman
for next year. They are Bill Cleveland, Parents' Day; Nick Dugo, Activities Day; Jansen Chazanof, P r e s ident's Reception; Dennis Martin,
Food Service
All requests for Food Service
Catering must be initially placed
through the Conference Office, 4724490, at least one week prior to the
Pi Gamma Mu
Gary Spielman, president of PI
Gamma Mu, has announced that the
National Social Science Honorary
is now accepting applications for
Ass't Waterfront Instructor (male or female)
min. age 20 experience required
Horseback Riding Instructor (male or female)
min. age 20 experience required
by Charles M. Schulz
at your college
Contact: Paul Krouner
Alb. 438-3210
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
your campus drugstore
The Tirst Annual
Book-of-the-Month Club
Writing fellowship
The program will consist of fourteen fellowships of $3000 each to be
awarded to seniors during the academic year 1966-67, which coincides
with the fortieth anniversary of the
Book-of-the-Month Club.
For complete details, see a member of
your English Department or write to:
with Undent tax cud
12 Colvin Avenue
459-6640 459-9926
Ttittdey. Much 29, 1944
'Silencer's/Matt Helm Spy Comedy
Displays Fast and Furious Action
by Douglai Ratfigeb
If you happen to walk'In a few
minutes late to "The Silencers"
and see three very gorgeous young
ladles In the midst of three very
provocative burlesque routines, all
in blazing color up there on the wide
screen, do not be dismayed; do not
wonder If someone has substituted
a stag film for the regular feature.
It Just "so happens that those are
the opening scenes to the latest, and
perhaps naughtiest, of all spy pictures to date.
Underclad Heroines
While "The Silencers" has an
over-abundance of peek-a-boo bathing suits and underclad heroines, It
also has fast and furious action and
scores of very funny gag lines. It
also has Dean Martin, which in this
case i s an asset.
Abandoning his martini glass and
wine bottles only long enough to
manipulate some' way-out secret
agent gimmickry or cavort with a
girl, Martin charges,
stumbles and bounces his way
through 103 minutes of calculated
Undaunted Agent
As Matt Helm, undaunted agent of
the American counter-espionage organization called ICE, Martin's mission is to thwart the fiendish plans
of a diabolical Chinese maniac (Victor Buono), The Chinaman's equally
fiendish organization has a -plan to
divert a United States missile from
Its course so that It falls in a test
area where a nuclear device has
just been exploded.
The idea is for the crash of the
missile to spread radioactivity
Allen Addresses Conservatives
Object: Reforming Radicals
by Robert Cutty
Steve Allen, noted television and
night club personality has, for the
past decade, been apromlnent sociopolitical commentator and public
speaker as well, mostly in his state
of California,
Allen has usually spoken on behalf
of the Liberal establishment and,
thus, has clashed with conservatives
all across the country, his television
shows having helped to publicly
spread his ideas.
It is rather apparent that Allen's
camera-oriented political lectures
have embedded in his mind the idea
that he has the right at any time to
reveal his thoughts on any and all
subjects to some several million
(give or take afewthousandsjpeople
simultaneously: literally he has enJoyed and still enjoys the rare privilege of constantly shooting his mouth
Allen's pet peeve of the moment
is not Communism, which he tackles
as adroitly as an elephant lumbering up a mountain of cliches while
under the influence of alcohol in
his latest book "Letter to a Conservative," but, as the title, obviously Indicates, the old American institution of Conservatism.
After Indulging In ego-hillldlng
• for so many years, one would like
to presume that Allen may try, at
last, to do something of a more
Hand Washable
When you can't
afford to be dull,
sharpen your wits
with NoDozTM
Small-Medium-Large-X-Large k £
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$9.31 to $9.81
Draper Hull
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Dr. Murray Phillips
TO PERFORM SATURDAY NIGHT: The New York Brass Quintet will perform in Page Hall tomorrow night under the ouspices of Music Council. They are the only ensemble of its kind concertiiing
regularly throughout the world.
Ext. 129
Albany, M.Y.
Appointed associate professor of
educational media, Dr. Murray G.
Phillips has participated In the United States Office of Education program to develop educational media
programs at all educational levels.
Presently an associate professor
at Hofstra University, Hempstead,
New York, Dr. Phillips has served
as a member of the executive committee of the New York State Audiovisual Council.
of Education.
Pizillo Given
Grant To Study
In Mexico
Senior josepn wzlllo has been
awarded a state-wide Rotary Foundation Fellowship of $4709 which
will send him to the University of
Mexico for a year of study.
Pizillo will leave In August to
Floyd I. Brewer, the past president of the American Association of work toward a master's degree in
College Unions, has been appointed Spanish literature at the Univerassociate professor In the Depart-, sity. He will also be devoting part •
ment of Guidance and Personnel ' of his time to the social work which
the grant involves, participating in
such projects as constructing
Dr. Jerome Eckstein will teach churches and aiding needy areas
Social Foundation of Education and and families.
number of selections which are pre- Philosophy of Education and is curBach in content, such as the anti- rently In the faculty of the AdelphlBased on Recommendations
phonal works of sixteenth and seven- Suffolk College.
The fellowship Is based on high
teenth century composers. Also,
Dr. Eckstein has published sev- school and college records, r e c several late eighteenth and early
nineteenth century pieces have been eral articles and revisions and r e - ommendations, and submission of
added to increase the group's reper- ceived his Ph.D. In philosophy from a composition In the language which
the applicant has chosen to study.
Columbia University in 19CI.
There Is one grant given throughout the state in each language field. The concert, which is sponsored
History of Education
by Music Council, is open to the
Dr. Hyman Kurltz will join the
public. Admission is by student tax, faculty as a professor of History
Pizillo submitted his application
or $3.00.
of American Education and Social in his junior year. " P e p " placed
Foundations of Education. He r e - second In New York State, and beceived his Ph.D. In' history from came the recipient of the grant
when the first-place winner refused
Columbia University In 1958.
Brass Quintet to Perform in Page
JMoted for Renaissance, Baroque Music
The New York Brass Quintet will
present a concert in Page Hall,
Saturday, April 16, at 8:10 p.m. The
Quintet Is the only ensemble of Its
kind concertizlng throughout the
York Brass Quintet so Impressed
their audiences that such distinguished modern composers as Richard Arnell, Malcolm Arnold, Alex
Wilder, Eugene Bozza and Gunther
Each member of the group Is a
graduate of a conservatory, and all Schuller began creating music e s pecially for the group.
acquired both experience and prosAlong with these modern comtlge as Individual performers In orchestras headed by such notable positions, the Quintet presents a
conductors as Stokowskl, Reiner,
Stravinsky, and Bernstein.
Eye Panel to Discuss
'Has Albany Changed?'
Thirty-five new faculty members have been appointed to the School of Education for the 1966-67
academic year. Among those appointed are several
nationally known figures in the field of education.
Dr. Arthur A. Hitchcock
his Ph.D. from Yale
will serve as professor of andHehasreceived
acted as executive director
education in the Depart- of the American Personnel and Guidment of Guidance and Per- ance Association for ten years.
A member of the American Psysonal Services. Dr. Hitch- chological
Association and the Councock has been an active cil of National Organization for
leader in.the field of guid- Children and Youth, Dr, Hitchcock
Is also a consultant to the Departance.
ment of Labor and the U. S. Office
James Farmer to Speak
Wednesday in Page Hall
James Farmer will speak In Pago
Hall Wednesday, April 20, at 8:00
p.m. The program will lie sponsored by Freedom Council.
Farmer, until two months ago,
was the National Director of the
Congress of Racial Equality, a post
he hold for many years. In 1942,
during his student days at the UniArmed with two trumpets, French versity of Chicago, he was one of
horn, trombone and tuba, the New the half dozen people who formed
tho first chapter of the group and
since that time he has been largely
responsible for the direction and
successes thai the group has shown
In the civil rights struggle.
Zipper Front
Outstanding Educators
Added to Faculty
The five musicians, whoobserved
a rapid growth of Interest In brass
music since the Second World War,
decided to form a team which would
recreate both the older Renaissance
and baroque music for brasses and
establish a new chamber music for
Water Repellent
^ ^ ^ < ^ n A R C i p l 5 , 1966
PREPARING FOR "J.B.": Members of the cost ore now rehearsing for "J.B." to be presented April 26-30 at the Trinity Methodist Church. "
100% Nylon
Comedy Arts Theatre
Plans Summer Session
What absurd trash I For, while
Allen Is positively detailing the list
of radical offenses against good
taste, decency, othlcs, Americanism, and sundry other virtues, he
simultaneously calls the radicals
dangerous madmen who should r e turn to the fold of sound, but silent,
Conservative standards.
Utter Junk
NODOZ Keep Alert Tablets fight off
the hfi*y. lazy feolin(j6 of mental
slufluishnuss. NODOZ holpa restore
your natural mental vitality .helps
quicken physical reactions. You become moru naturally alurt to people
and conditions around you. Yot
NoDoz is as safe as coffuo. Anytime
.. .when you can't alford to be dull,
sharpen your wits with NODOZ.
Helm's Gadgets
Some of the most impressive
items in the film, again dlscluding
the women, are' the gadgets that
Matt Helm uses as part of his dally
routine: a camera that shoots darts
as well as pictures; a gun that shoots
not the one it is being point at, but
the one who points it; coat buttons
that, when torn off, make very good
One thing indeed that this film does
not lack is action. In one long s e quence, Martin and his girlfriend
(Stella Stevens) are driving along a
mountain road, hot on the trail of
the villains. Two of the opposition
converge on them suddenly from opposite directions, in an attempt to
flatten Matt Helm to a steel-encased
$<ut Amid!
Not Denouncing
What utter lunkl For, while Allen
uses semantics, logic, and common
sense to support Lllierul theses, lie
piously Insists that even Liberalism
is such a broad category that It may
contain within its gates enough lunatics with which to confront the rudlcal right and that his own philosophy
of .Moderate Liberalism (theoretically linked to Moderate Conservatism) Is truly a political Valhalla,
A Free
An unusual opportunity for male and female undergraduates to De part
constructive nature, such as be a
of a unique theatre venture is being offered by Skidmore College. The
Fancy Evasion
comedian, a voariet-show host, or
has announced its continuing sponsorship of The Comedy Arts
Miraculously, our herodoessome
a composer, all of which he has
Theatre which will open Its second summer season July Gth in the hisdone and continues to doeventoday. very fancy evasion, and after a fran- toric New York resort city of Saratoga Springs.
Allen, at least, Is scrupulous tic chase, manages to dispose ofhis
Unlike most summer theatres, the company has been organized for a
enough to Indicate, at the very pursuers very neatly.
specific artistic purpose. As expressed by its founders, the long range
beginning and, then, at scattered
Toward the end of the film, he Is aim of The Comedy Arts Theatre is "to build a repertory company
places throughout this work that the equally undaunted and manages to specializing in the performance of the many different styles of comedy."
book is being published for the bene- completely decimate the headquar- A list of the highly-successful first season's plays is representative of
fit of the American people to know ters of the diabolical Chinese man- this: "The Importance of Being Earnest," "The Madwoman of Challlot,"
tlie views of one self-Important man iac, despite machine gbns'and r o - "Only When I Laugh," (by Jules Felffer), and "She Stoops to Conquer."
on the facts concerning the problem tating laser beams.
The group is developing a theatre worthy of the rest of the ambitious perof Radical Conservatism. He speThe entire cast Is entirely effec- forming arts program that will be featured this summer. A lavish new
cifically Indicated that his work Is tive. Martin fills his role perfectly, ballet and concert theatre will open at the Saratoga Spa State Park with
not to be misinterpreted as a schol- and Daliah Lavi is equally effective the New York City Ballet and the Philadelphia Orchestra in residence
arly failure. Never was so little as Martin's spymate.
during July and August.
wasted on so many.
Slightly expanded over last year, the resident acting company will
Dumb-Blonde Typo
comprise a nucleus of experienced players who will carry the most diffiOne of Allen's earliest criticisms
cult roles In the season of four comedies. All supporting roles will be
of the radical right Is that "the
people who know very little are at- Stella Stevens as the suspected e s - cast from among the group of undergraduates participating in the sumtacking the people who know a great pionage agent. Miss Stevens is a mer program, all of whom will be eligible to try out for every play. Sevdeal." In (bis case, one would like most adept comedienne, and she can eral people who were students last summer will return either as memto learn more Is attacking one who play the dumb-blonde type to per- bers of the resident acting company or the production staff.
thinks he has learned enough, For fection.
For the undergraduates, the Skidmore College Drama Department is
those who are interested, the book
offering a training program of four college-credit courses: Acting,
If you happen to miss "The Si- Dance for Actors, Technical Theatre, and Rehearsal and Production,
is published by Doubleday at the
price of $4.95! It Isn't worth it: l e n c e r s , " Martin will soon be star- Registration will be limited to assure ample opportunity for all to parinstead buy one of Allen's earlier ring in another Matt Helm picture ticipate In the program. Several work aid scholarships are available.
works dealing with humor; it's won- titled "Murderer's Row." If that Interested students are urged to write promptly to: The Producer, The
derfully light bedtime reading. This film has half the action and stu- Comedy Arts Theatre, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 12866.
is recommended only for the mah- pendus hokum of this one, It Is Representatives will be attending the Yale Festival of Undergraduate
well worth going to see.
Jong set.
Drama at the end of March to Interview Interested undergraduates.
But Allen insists at several dozen
points in his tract that lie does not
denounce Conservatism (as he, too,
was once one of the fold before he
received a "Liberal" education)
but rather the pseudo-patriotism
of anti-religious Radical Conservatism. It is for the benefit of the
"psychotic," "uneducated," "bigoted" radical rightist that this book
Is truly Intended.
What ridiculous rubbish I For,
while Allen, an out-and-out Liberal
describes the true path of traditional
American Conservative values, he
literally tears apart the main theses
and arguments of oven the loading,
respectable Conservative intellectusal, virtually requesting their silence on any and all Ideas supported
by the Liberals.
Free Preas.
across the southeastern part of the
United States and maybe help to
start a nuclear war, thus leaving
the diabolical Chinese maniac master of what was left of the world.
Matt Helm's job is quite simple.
All by his lonesome (women, of
course, always being optional), he
must thwart the plans of those evildoers.
The Golden Eye will discuss "Has
Albany State Changed" tonight. The
tako-ofr point for the discussion will
be Davlil Boroff's article on Albany
Stnte in 1U01. Boroff thought that
Albany was a good liberal arts school
and an excellent toucher's college.
He praised the "scholarly" faculty,
but cumplalued of tho lack of Intellectual atmosphere among the
The pautd will consist of three
faculty members and u student,
Tho faculty members will be Dr.
Mui'k Iterger of tho Education Department, Dr, Walter Knotts of tho
English Department and Mr, Warren Roberts of the History Depart tnent, Timothy Atwoll Is the student
panelist. Ken Fuchstuun will moderate,
Tho Golden Eye Is u studentfuctllty coffeehouse open every F r l duy from nine to midnight.
Loaves Core
In early March of this year, he
left his post for a position in the
Fodorul Office of Economic Opportunity. At this lime the program
that he is to bead, concerning employment for the poor, is not yet
budgeted and In action. It is also
quite vague In the minds of many
In the civil rights movement and
out, Explaining bis .seeming change
of direction from the hand of a
militant private group, to the head
of u btireuticratlc government agency will be one of his subjects this
In the past Farmer has come Into
the national and world spotlight several times duo to Ills personal leadership of many protest demonstrations throughout the country. Holms
explained his philosophy 111 these
mutters by quoting the famous exchange between Thoreau - in Jail
at the time for civil diobedience -
The recipient of the "Outstanding Teacher Award" at Delaware
and Emerson, outside visiting him: University, Professor Kuritz has
"Thoreau, my dear friend, what also written oxtenstlvely for Jourare you doing In there?"
* nals.
"Emerson, my dear friend, what
Also In the field of education, Dr.
are you doing out there?"
Richard M. Clark will join the facArrostnd Several Thnos
ulty as professor of educational
In his role as leader of demon- psychology and is presently a prostrations, he has been arrested fessor of educational psychology at
several times. The last time was Oneonta State College.
during a demonstration In LouisDr. Eugene A. Carrlno, presently
iana In 1963. He was the leader of
America's first Freedom Ride for the reading supervisor of Lakeland
which be was also arrested. Lead- Schools, Mohegan Lake, N.Y. will
ing C O R E demonstrators at the Join the faculty as an associate proWorld's Fair, in 19G4, bo was a l - fessor in the reading program.
most arrested.
A s s o c i a t e Prolossor in Enqllsli
Degree in Spanish
Pizillo hopes to receive his master's degree in Spanish literature,
and then plans to return to work for
a second degree in the field of student personnel.
" P e p , " a brother of Alpha PI
Alpha, has had an active career at
SUNYA. This year he leads his
class as senior class president,
and also captains the varsity baseball team. A resident assistant at
Johnson Hall, he has been elected
to MYSKANIA, and Ills name a p pears In "Who's Who In American
Dr. Morris Finder, presently an
associate professor of English at
Western Washington State College,
BelUugtnu, Washington, will become
an associate professor of English
Professor Finder, who is- currently on the board of directors of
the National Council of Teachers of
English, has written many articles
In tho field of English education, and
rocelved his Ph.D. in Education
from the University of Chicago In
James Farmer
Professor Richard D, Ellis, presently the supervisor of the Safety
Education of the Stale Education
Department, will join the faculty as
assistant professor of Driver Education in the Department of Physical Education, Recreation and
Josoph Plsilllo