Grapplers Place Second In Quadrangular Contest

T w i d t y , D«eewber 7, 1965
Rough Ploy Characterizes Thriller
by Don 0J^*|f|n*
; j -J?,»,;,:.'•
Lacry Marcus;, and Jim Constantino, both starting-the Jr first varsity basketball
James, paced the Albany State' Great Dane pa,s,ketbair;teajn to er thrilling,73-71 win
dyer riVal Siena before a. standing '.room..only c n # d df morenhan 5,0000 at the
Washington Avenue Armory Saturday night. Fifty-five personaHijridfcwotechnical
fouls highlighted the contest, showing'the aggressivf^playofj^^a%is|i}itrying
to win this, the "big game'' of the veap t .
Junior Mike Bloom, the
only returning starter fronv j
last year's, squad, sank two
free throws' with four seconds left to clinch the game
for the hoopsters..
'•Marcus, who Is only a sophomore,
started at center and scored 18
SCORING ON A jump shot from the foul line, Mike Crocco wos a points to lead the Great Dane.attack..
big factor in Saturday's win over Siena.
In adaption1, he pulled down many deSlcphen.son
cisive' rebounds late in the. game to
prevent thj Indians from further"
scoring opportunities. :.:.•".%,. ifoi
Junior captain Constantino was
right'behl'rid,Marcus with 17 points.
Only 5'10't;, he' 'started at forward,1
scoring many: clutch baskets underneath the boards to keep the cagers
ahead throughout the game. Constantino
play|d the whole game exIn the first of what could possibly come to be an ancept for the last seconds after he
nual quadrangular wrestling match in Page Hall last fouled out. '.'•' V
Individual winners for State were
Bill Russell, 115 pounds, Ron Smith,
123 pounds, Mike Poplaski, 137
pounds, and Art Recesso, 167
Russell and Smith were given byes
into the finals of the two round meet,
as pnone of the other teams entered
these weight classes. Poplaski, an
exuberant and popular grappler, won
with relative ease In both rounds.
In the 130 pound division, won by
Williams' John Loombe, Albany's
entry, BUI Clark, finished fourth
after suffering a first round pin.
third as heavyweight.
Over packed into Page
Hall to witness the tournament. Afterwards, the teams were treated
to a banquet in Waterbury Hall.
Coach Garcia was Impressed with
the tourney, which replaced the
Danes! annual trip to Hiram, Ohio;
for a quadrangular meet there to
open the season.
The next match for the matmen is
Saturday, when the Danes travel to
Fairlelgh Dickinson. Last year Albany defeated FDU 18-14 In a close
A FROSH GRAPPLER hold's his advantage in a match with Cobleskill. The yearling matmen won the meet, 21-14.
Preliminary Matches to Begin
Winners to Go to Tourney
AMIA faculty advisor Bob Burllngame has announced that men interested in participating in billiards,
table tennis, and chess lournles,
which will determine the teams
going to Buffalo for an annual tournament there, should sign up at the,
Student Activities desk In Bruhacher
Hall Inclusive of December 10.
Last year, It was the Student Activities office which ran the tournaments, but this year the AMIA Is
j^gpjjdjicting them,
The tournament at Buffalo is sponsored by the Association of College
Unions and Is held at the student
union in the University of Buffalo.
Lust year SUNYA sent five men
and women in bowling, one man and
woman in billiards, two male dies*
players, and two men and women
for tne table tennis tourney.
WAA is responsible for selecting
the female candidates for the teams.
The five male bowling representatives are chosen from AMIA League
I bowling averages, to lie selected
this year after the howling of l)e
cember 18,
Last year Tom Plotrowskl, then
a freshman, placed In the top five
Individual scores at Buffalo, and he
earned a trip to St, Paul,Minnesota,
to compete In a national Intercollegiate tournament,
Plotrowskl placed 33rd out of 70
bowlers in St, Paul. Commenting
about the Buffalo tourney, he said:
" I enjoyed the opportunity to compete against the top bowlers in the
state at Buffalo, Of course, the trip
to st, Paul was icing on the cake I"
Crocc'b Hits on Jumpers
League I Keg Race Tightens
Frosk Triumph
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D E C E M B E R 10. 1966
University English Professor
Awarded Danforth Grant
Reilly has completed all of his
doctoral work except his thesis.
As he stated, a Danforth gives one
the time and money needed to write
a thesis. His topic is Richard Wright,
the founder of the genre of Negro
protest fiction.
Transfer student Mike Crocco LEAPIN' LONNIE MORRISON.tallies a pair for State. Morrison
from Hudson Valley Community Col- was all over the court in the Siena game, providing the spark to
lege, hitting on 15-20 foot jump the Dane offset*..
shots, scored 15 points. He was followed by Bloom with thirteen. Lonnl»Mori'ISdp,.a,transfer from Cantori Tech;-; aaded 8, and Tim Jursak
hit on one field goal for two points to
round out the scoring for the SauersThe Choppers took all seven points
Individual Leaders:
• •' • • •'
from the Splits last Saturday to pull 1. Giles. (Choppers) 191 plus 4
Steve Rogowskl and Harry Groom within one point of Potter.Club in 2. Rlfenbef ick (Goobers 188 plus 8)
paced the Siena Indians' scoring with AMIA League I bowling last Satur- 3. Smith (Goobers) 186 plus 6
16 points apiece. They were followed day. EEP topped KB 5-2 and the Goo- 4. Jones (Potter) 182 plus 10
by captain Mark Palinskl, who tossed bers beat Waterbury #2 5-2 to round 5. Wong (Choppers) 182 plus 7
'f, Cofl|«l1»/«(TX8) 48J.,«*«j*\•»...
ln , thirtee'n'.'""":" , '•: ' I ' " . /i* i*• •• out the,leaa'e,r's''results. ',',.",'.
Individual highs included A] Giles' 7. McClda! "(Potler} "lM "plus' i V
Rough First Half
219-605, Fred Orcutt's 205-585,
Behrns (Waterbury 2) 178
In the first half thirty-one person- Bob Rifenberlck's 225-583, and John
Plotrowskl (Potter) 177 plus 11
als and two technicals on Siena Wong's 224-564.
Brannick (TXO) 177 plus 3
coach Tom Hannon were called by
McAUipter.,,(KB),.135.„plus 10
Trie Standings:
the' referees' as" the Danes'Tea at
12; Russell (Splits) 175 plus 5
1. Potter Club
29- 6
halftlme 35-34. Siena's Brian Far28- 7
2. Choppers
rell fouled out with seven minutes
26- 9
3. Goobers
remaining in the half.
4. TXO
After the game Coach "Doc"
Sauera Commented that, "My boys c :
faterbury 2
played a real good game and I'm
very pleased with the result."
The freshman wrestling team deAlbany's next game Is at home
Ad Hoes
Friday night with Montclalri All
Waterbury 1
games start at 8:30 p.m.
A& T 21-14 hi alfom'e wrestling contest last Saturday. In Page gym.
The fresh grapplers won five of
Richard Margison's foul shot with ' A baskelbalf cIlnFc will be spon- the -nine divisions, tying,In two.
Dave Rummler., a section champ
only 12 seconds remain ng in the gored by WAA on December 7 and 14
game enabled Coach Bill Schief- from 7:30-9:00 p.m. This will be for from Cobleskill, scored a pin In the
period In Ids 130 pound
felln's freshman basketball team to „,, interested in officiating and pracmatch.
squeeze out a 47-40 thriller over t l c l n g # S i n c e omcMs
w l u bB p a l d
John Shattuck, a state champion
the Siena frosh prior to the varsity myone
interested must attend one
game at the Washington Avenue session and should sign up with her from Shaker High School, scored an
overwhelming win In his 137 pound
Armory Saturday night.
representative or Mrs. Huxley.
'" •;
Margison was fouled by Angelo
Albany will'participate in an lnOther winners for Albany Included
Tarantlno and the State player sank tercolleglate postal ten-pin tourna*
at' 145, Roger Gorthe shot to snap a 46-46 tie. The m e n t r Anyone Interested may bowl
Great Danes trailed 25-22 at the 0 n Dec. 10 at Rice lanesat 1:26p.m. kem, 177 pounds, and Curt Smith at
half but fought back on Jumpers of m(i s h o u i d s l g n u p w jth her repreAlan Humphrey and Paul DeBarBlll Moon and Margison.
drew in the 177 and heavyMoon led all scores with 24 points,
T h l s tournament will be to decide
classes', ;
coming all on Held goals. Lynn . w n 0 g o e s t 0 Buffalo In the spring for
Coach Burllngame said he was
Smith was high scorer for Siena t h e intercollegiate tourney there.
very pleased with the team's effort.
with 19 points,
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Opens Wednesday
by Mai Provost
"Black Boy" will be published this
spring in Harper & Row paperbacks.
The grant will be for at least
$6,000. The exact amount will be de....wins Danforth
termined based on expected e x - . .
penses of Reilly, his wife and three I J a | | y A | ' C l f y
Childhood 8, Education
Reilly was born in Pittsburgh but
spent most of his early years In
West Virginia. He earned his B.A.
from West Virginia University in
1054. He completed his M.A. at
Washington University in St. LOuls,
where he was an Instructor.
He is working for his doctorate
through Washington University. He
was an assistant professor at the
University of Puerto Rico for two
years and has been an assistant professor here for three years. He was
a Woodrow Wilson Fellow in 19641955.
VOL. LI. NO. 4 3
In Sing at Page Hall
Mr. John M. "Tim"
Reilly of the English de- Wright was torn in 1908 in Mis>• partment has been awardedsissippi. He lived his early adult
In Chicago before moving to
•/', a Danforth Teacher Grant years
Paris to live as an expatriot, Wright
• for • the . year 1966-7. developed a great interest in the
;: Reilly's award will allow emerging African nations and became active as on essayist. He died
him to finish his doctoral in
His books, "Native Son" and
Grapplers Place Second
In Quadrangular Contest
Saturday afternoon, the Albany State varsity grapplers
finished just five points behind Williams College for
the team championship. Albany had four individual win'
ners out of the ten weight divisions. .
Williams was behind in At 145 pounds, Randy Palmer finthe meet by 21 points at ished third for State.
At 152 pounds, Mike Goldych won
one time, but rallied to nip third
place for the Danes, while
the Danes. Hartwick Col- Hartwlck's Tim MacMurlrey won it.
lege placed third and Hunt- Dick Szymanskl was the Dane's
entry In" .the 177 pound
er College fourth in the runner-up
class, while Pete Nichols finished
third at 191. Dane Andy Mathlas took
hii-lS? "
Perform Tonight
In Page Hall
The University orchestra is preThe State University Theatre
senting a concert tonight in Page
opened Wednesday night with its first
Hall at 8:15 p.m. William Hudson
major production. The "Wapshot
will conduct the orchestra. Included
Scandal" performed In chamber
In the program are Baches "Brantheatre In Richardson 291, is an
denburg Concert No. 4," Bloch's
adaptation of John Cheever's novel.
"Concerto Grosso No. 1," and BorThe play directed by Ross Stephen
odin's "Nocturne for Strings."
will perform through December 11
Soloists will be Leo Mahlgan,
and reopen on December 15 until
violinist and assistant concert-masDecember 18. The adaptation r e ter of the Albany Symphony Orchescords the deeds and misdeeds of the
tra, Joel Chadabe, pianist and m e m Der
Wapshot family as the elder cousin
° ' o u r music faculty, and Eleanor
Honora guards the fortunes of her
Danforth grants are awarded each < » n e r ™A Carol Sandel, flutists
nephews and their wives,
year to 50 college and university and undergraduates at the .Unlverfaculty members on the bases of s ' t y ; „ .
... .
Assistants and Cast
•academic ability, personal qualities
The Bach compositions will be
Working along witli Stephen is promising success in teaching, and uh B a r ( l during the first portion of the
Diane Somervllle, assistant to the religious commitment and Inquiry Program.
"Sheep May Safely
director and stage manager, and in the candidate's own faith.
Graze," arranged by Leopold StoMr. Robert Donnelly, designer of
435 nominations are submitted to kowski, Is one of Bach's most popthe set. A cast of 18 will perform the selection committee liy the deans "'^r wp>'ks.
the 98 roles called for In the pro- of accredited institutions.
„ Mahlgan and Misses Diener and
Reilly, whoobtalnedhlsnlckname, S a n d e l w i u m a k e U P t h e concertino,
Paula Michaels returns to the Tim, from a grandmother who r s o l o > group in the Bach concerto,
stage In the role of Honora. The thought John wasn't Irish enough, o n e °! the most distinguished exnephews are played by Peter Brooks has been active in support of local am f lef! o f Baroque concerto grosso
and William Mayer; their wives are civil rights activities. He was the style.
portrayed by Florence Kaem and advisor to SCOPE last year.
featured on' the program will
Alexandra Sadorl.
He is currently serving as an b e t h e University Brass Ensemble
Tickets for the production are editorial consultant to The Albany D l a >" n e w o r l <s of Gabriel! and Cop
available on a reserved basis from Mirror, the Voice of Poverty, - Ian.
the State University Theatre box mimeographed paper Informing the
Following intermission Gabrloll's
office, Richardson 280, for $1.50 residents of the river areas of Al- "Canzon Septlml Ton! No. 2," a
or student tax.
dramatic work using choirs of Inbany of economic opportunities.
struments for antiphonal offocts,
will be rendered, by the Brass Ensemble.
Following will be Coplan's "Fanfare for the Common Man" featuring
the Brass and Percussion Ensemble.
Concluding the program will be the
first movement of Bloch's "Concerto Grosso In D Minor."
Music of the holidays will ring throughout Page Hall
this Sunday, November 12. At 7 p.m. the fourteenth annual holiday sing of SUNY at Albany will begin. The
event is sponsored by the Special Events Board. 22
groups will participate in the competition. The modern
dance group will also perform.
will ..m
include, will™?
"?™& ,of ' ne „ tw0 maTnk»
then determine the first,second
a wide variety of traditional and third place winners.
and modern arrangements The judges will be Miss Virginia
in the competitive pro- Wallace and Mr. Paul Hunt, both of
the Albany Public School system,
The competing singers represent
all segments of the student body.
Most of the residence halls, including Alden, .Brubacher, Pierce,
Sayles, Waterbury, Morris, Schuyler-Beverwyck and VanCortlandBleecker, will present teams.
The Colonials, an independent
group, and Commuters will sing.
Alpha Pi Alpha, Beta Zeta, Chi
Sigma Theta, Gamma Kappa Phi,
Kappa Beta, Phi Delta, Psl Gamma,
Sigma Alphi, Sigma Phi Sigma,
Potter Club, and Theta XI Omega
will carry the colors for State's
Greeks. One fraternity and one sorority have not entered.
Judging will be on the basis of a
180 point scale. Each organization
will sing one song and be.graded.
The five highest will then sing and
be graded again.
and Dr. Ruth Schmidt, professor of
modern language.
Trophies will be given to the top
three teams. This is the first year
trophies will be given to the second
and third place teams.
The modern dance club, directed
by Miss Rachael Tones, will present interpretive dances to "Greensleeves" and "Carol of the Birds."
This will not be a part of the competition.
Following the announcement of
winners a cocoa hour will be held In
the Brubacher lower lounge. At
this time the winning organizations,
will repeat the presentations of
their selections. Co-chairmen of
the sing are Carol Rosenthal!; and
Frank Petrone; The cocoa hour has
been organized by Marsha Schonblom and Fran Victor.
Frank Petrone and Carol Rosenthal
....Co-Chairmen of Holiday Sing
Forum of Politics to Sponsor
Model U.N. Security Council
Fnrum nf
Ootitt,.^ will
...111 hold
U...J ,,
of Politics
Itstenth annual Model United Nations
Security Council for area high
schools today hi Brubacher Lower
Lounge. The high schools will each
represent a country on the Security Council and will represent the
views of that country on the Issues
raised during the session.
Each school sends a delegation
of four to eight members, one of
whom is designated as the country's
representative, while the others try
to negotiate and confer with the other
delegations in order to achieve defeat or passage of a resolution.
This year the resolutions will be
on the Dominican Republic and Rhodesia.
The Dominican Republic
CHANDAUEfi IN FLAG Roam of the Dutch Quadrangle has aroused resolution was introduced originally
student opinion, prompting one student to say " i t should be sur- by Uruguay and states that United
rounded by the- Amaion River,"
Nations' members should refrain
from force against the political In- Coblesklll-Bollvla and Van Rensdependence of any state.
selner-Unlted States,
The Rhodeslau resolution was disThe conference is organized by
cussed In the United Nations before Forum of Politics which also decides
Rhodesia declared Itself Inde- on the resolutions to be discussed.
pendent, It requested that the Uni- Those University students particited Kingdom not allow the minority pating are Barbara Tande,Secretary
government to be declared.
General; Ken Fuchsman, president
Due to recent developments this of the Security Council; Jim Econoresolution will prohubly be radically m i e s , parliamentarian; and Harold
amended during the conference.
Lynne, critic. Also, Kathy Geratz,
Howard Stein, Ann Thoungton, Donna
Gavel and Linda Cannova will
Schools Represented
advise the delegations,
The schools attending the conferFuchsman, president of Forum of
ence and the country they will represent are Milne-France; Albany Politics, said thai Iho purpose of this
la "to familiarize the
High-United Kingdom: PhlllpSchuy.
ler-U r u g u a y ; Gullderland-USSli; students with the processes and
Colonic Central-Ivory Coast: Shaker functions of the United Nations and
Hudson High- by representing individual countries
Malaysia; iJuanoshurg Central- to see the role of the United Nations
China; Schodack Central-Jordan; In world politics."
Friday; D t c m b e r 10
FSA Purpose
the h e l l . '
Basis for Representation
With the issue of voluntary student tax
looming large over student government,
the question of who ,• should, be. r e p r e sented in student governmenthasarisen.
Should students who do' not pay student
tax be able to vote, in S'Xselections.
We feel that the answer to this question is obvious, Only students who pay
student tax enfranchised.
Anyone who does niwvbelong to an o r ganization should not lriiye a voice in it.
This is true in every Student Association organization, why should it not be
true for the Student Association itself?
One argument for having these nonpaying students eligible to vote is that
student government sets policy that affects the whole student body.
This argument can easily be refuted
with the example of the United States
government. The government makes laws
that affect its population but only the
citizens vote for its representatives.
Student Association is the government
of the student body and, in a sense,
those students who pay student tax are
its citizens.
Another problem involving representation is in the organization of Student
Associations. Mostpeople agree that only
members of SA should be allowed to participate in campus activities.
However, wjhat about the sororities and
fraternities on campus? Should they make
it mandatory for their members to pay
student tax? The ad hoc committee
studying the problem of student tax feel
they should and have asked the Greeks
to enforce this rule.
We agree with their action. Since
Pan-Hellenic Council represents all the
Greeks in student government then its
members should have to pay student
Cooperation Needed
Massive Troop Involvement Only
Solution to Winning Vietnam War
Tlio Albany Student Pross Is a semi-weekly nowspapor pu bli shod by tbo student body of tho Slato Umvorslty of
Now York at Albany. Tho A5P office, locatod in Room 5 of Brubacher Hall at 750 Stato Street, is open from 7-1 1
p.m., 5unday through Thursday nights. Tho ASP may bo reached by dialing 434-4031.
Feature Editor
Sanioi Editor
Advertising Monogor
Business Manager
' Arts Editor
Technical Supervisor
Photography Editor
Asilslant Sports Editor
Don Oppedisano
Assistant Business Manager
Columnists .,
Michael Purdy
Nancy F e l l s , Cynthia Goodman, Lorraine Baian, Klrstan Husted,
Charlie Carson, Sua Chapo, Margaret Dunlap, Malcolm Provost Richard Kosa, Mark Cunningham,
Nancy Mladenbauer, Susan Slelger, Barbara Blodgott, Robert Cutty, Bob Wenger, Bill Shriftman,
Linda Bregman, John Spross, Janet Hess, Steve Curt!
Diane Somervlllo, Steve Walter, Harry Nuckols, Jim Beqley,
Douglas Rathgeb, Douglas Upham, Bob Morrill
Walter Post, Robert Stephenson, Too Moon Lee
The aid which goes from China
• to North Vietnam Is rarely sent
down to South Vietnam. Only recently have weapons produced In
China been used by the North Vietnamese In South Vietnam To bomb
China because of these few weapons
would be folly. Adhering to this line
of reasoning would require the Unl1
tod States to bomb Russia, Czechoslovakia, and other satellite countries.
Bombing Honol Unllkoly
Sports Editor
The purpose 01 ine Faoulty Student Association at
Albany State "appears to be to provide those services
of need to the students which the State does not choose
to provide.
This is a good reason for having an FSA. But at the
same time, the state is bound, occasionally, to view
the operations of this FSA as an evasion of their
Certainly the activities and programs provided by
the FSA are deliberate attempts to exceed the role of
the state in providing for University education.
New York State has always begrudged every dime
spent for higher education. This has its roots in the
determination of certain groups which have usually
dominated the legislature.
The Albany State FSA has been a success in evading
the limitations the State has attempted to set down by
the state's constant refusal of money for certain,
specific budget requests.
The unfortunate part of the FSA is that it has been
the brainchild of the administration. It has for too long
been considered a sacred fief, operated by loyal
This attitude has caused the people in charge of the
FSA to react against any and all questions or criticisms
regarding FSA.
No one has the right to say that any one thing should
be above question.
The students of this campus and the faculty and staff
provide every cent of the income of the FSA. The only
possible exception is any interest accrued by the
accounts of the FSA.
These same students, faculty and staff have a fairly
good reason to expect that the management of the FSA
is based on more than a few deans and the business
manager of the college.
The addition of a few students who can have no say
in policy decisions is a meaningless sop.
Many FSA have students who vote if they are 21.
The selection of the students and the appointment of
these students by President Collins insures that these
students will not be known for their independent.
This is not a reflection on President Collins, but it
is a statement that this result is rather Inevitable.
We feel that the students on FSA should be selected by
the students, and no one else.
At a press conference of several
weeks ago, Colonel Walter Tisdale, a s sistant to the President for plant planning, reported some interesting information.
Tisdale debunked the commonly accepted view that the top soil of the Albany Country Club was plowed under
when the place was levelled. The top
soil was scrapped off and placed in a
A more important and more immediate point was made regarding the landscaping of the areas around the Dutch
The first attempt at growing grass
was a total failure. The landscaping, for
this reason, was not accepted. The contractor has now tried a second time. If
this try is not a success, the University
by D, Gordon Upham
has a legal right to require a third try.
Many critics of the administraTisdale stated that the University is
tion liave concentrated their attacks
losing its moral right to ask for a third upon the methods used to fight the
try and is losing its legal right to ask Viet Cong In South Vietnam. Not all
of their plans are as absurd as
for this additional attempt.
Goldwater's plan to use atomic weaThe reason for this state of affairs pons to defoliate the jungles hiding
is the treatment of the grounds by the the trails used by North Vietnastudents. If the regulations regarding mese Infiltrators.
Some cities have advocated the
not walking on the grass and not-yet- bombing
of Communist China, esgrass are not observed, the University pecially the infant atomic facilities.
will be in a poor position if the Univer- Tills would have little relevance to
the outcome of the war in South
sity attempts to get the contractor to Vietnam, since China gives very
try yet again. A little cooperation is in little, if any, direct aid to the Viet
Albany Student Press
Evocative Editor
Friday, December 10, 1965
John Folio
All communications m u l t be addressed to the editors and should be signed. Communications should be limited to
.300 words and are subject la editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed
In Its columns or communications as such expressions do not necessarily r o l l e d its views.
Another frequent suggestion Is to
heavily bomb the major cities, Industries, ports, and dams in North
Vietnam, Under present conditions,
tills Is unlikely.
The United States would not adopt
the tactls It used against Germany
in World War II - the systematic
destruction of the Industry, agriculture, and civilian population —
against North Vietnam, unless North
Vietnam were to begin a direct attack upon U, S. troops with North
Vietnamese regulars,
The bombing of North Vietnam
has been limited to destruction of
factories, harbors and military
bases directly Involved In supplying
the Viet Cong with supplies and men.
However, this policy appears to have
backfired, since more troops are
being Infiltrated Into South Vietnam
than prior to extension of the bombing to North Vietnam,
C h i n e s e Intervention?
Another factor causing the United
States to refrain from extending
bombing operations in North VMInam is possible Intervention In
Chinese troops or Chinese "volunt e e r s , " China would not ulluw ihu
defeat of North Vietnam bj the I'nlted Slates. This encroachment "I
U. S. force would undoubtedly I >•
opposed with force.
Still another factor lnhihiliiif intension of the bombing Is the Ktcal
loss of life which would lie ranse i
by bombing civilian areas,
this factor could lie disregaidri .1
it were lit the national Interest of ii.i'
United States.
A more plausible suggestion in.ii.
those above is that the United smicshould attempt to flghl the c.n.•: iiu*
by using guerilla tactics a i . n - i
tlieiu. However, this method is n
limited in its application.
The French attempted n ••• '
guerilla tactics againstthpVie.ini >>'
In the Indochlnese War but lailri
miserably. The major reavi. :
tills Is the fluidity of guerilla u|i •••'tlons. The U. s. forces are gn m ' !
in fixed areas. The guerilla' m
the advantage by attacking
'mollis of small bodies of h I1'
from these positions or alia.:,••••;.
these positions when they arc i
nariis9 'Incident9 Razor - Sharp
Centers Around East-West Conflict
Massive Involvomont
wait, for he is sure the sub will ments. It is a relief to see that In
escape and the Russians will have all the arguments he'has with Widmark, reference Is never made to
Maybe it all began with Stanley a great laugh over him.
his being a Negro.
Kramer's "On the Beach" in 1969,
The race issue, which would unSub E l u d e s
maybe with another film of lesser
Sure enough, the sub manages to doubtedly have confused much of the
note. Whatever was the original
motivation and interImpetus, it has flourished Into giving elude him and escape into interna- f e r e d with the main business ofthe
us some of the finest films in r e - tional waters. The Bedford's captain film, has wisely been kept out,
though will not give up the hunt. He
cent years.
Martin Balsam, as the ship's
I am referring to the films about follows the sub Into the open sea doctor newly returned tor active duty
The Bomb and the East-West con- and presses it to desperation. The who finds that his services are not
flict, all the major ones of which tension builds to a terrific height appreciated, has a few silly lines
have been meaningful and impor- until the final scene when a young early in the film, but on the whole
tant—Frank and Eleanor Perry's junior officer (James MacArthur) he Is extremely effective, especially
"Ladybug, Ladybug," Stanley Ku- cracks under the strain and sends when he argues with Widmark over
brick's "Doctor Strangelove," and one of the Bedford's tactical anti- a sick radar operator.
sub rockets hurtling toward the sub.
Sidney Lumet's "Fail-Safe."
Eric Portman is effective as the
The sub Is destroyed, but not beNow add to the list James B,
old U-boat captain who Is now an
Harris* film version of Mark Ras- fore firing four nuclear-tipped tor- emotionally detached N.A.T.O. obkovich's "The Bedford Incident," pedoes straight at the destroyer. server and James MacArthur 1st
a taut, dramatic story of a modern Widmark, suddenly realizing the appropriately unobtrusive as the
Ahab and his own particular white terrible outcome of his quest, is young officer.
powerless to act, and the Bedford
is consumed in the fiery blast of
Toy Ship
a nuclear explosion.
Ahab Today
"The Bedford Incident" Is a good
The Ahab of "The Bedford Incifilm,
and well-acted,
dent" Is a modern-day U. S. Navy
Producer-turned-director James but hardly-flawless. It suffers concaptain (Richard Widmark) is comsiderably in the technical end, e s pelled to seek out and destroy B. Harris has good reason to be pecially when the ship is shown
The USS Bedford is an Americar proud of "The Bedford Incident." cruising through the water. If ever
rocket-firing destroyer attached tc He has turned out a film of razor- a toy boat could be picked out
N.A.T.O.'s northern patrol fleet.Its sharp tension, a film which on a floating In a Hollywood tank, in
Job, as skipper Widmark points out miniature scale depicts the terrible some sea movie, It can be picked
to an inquisitive magazine writer on conflict of East and West and shows out in this one. And the Icebergs
board (Sidney Poltier) Is to "deter the catastrophic way in which that look even phonier than the little
aggression" and keep track of cer- conflict could be resolved.
Performances are of a high qual- motorized model of the Bedford.
tain Russian submarines operating
In the area. ThereisalsoaN.A.T.O. ity. Richard Widmark is right in his
Fortunately, such scenes are kept
observer aboard (Eric Portman)who element as the hardheaded, quick- to a respectable minimum, and the
oversees the ship's operations and tempered skipper, and Ids acting attention stays riveted on the deacts as consultant to the captain. here is the best he has done in stroyer-sub conflict.
The action starts when the Bed- many years.
ford tracks and corners a Russian
Poltier Confident
sub in the territorial waters of
Sidney Poltier Is bis usual conGreenland. Widmark calls back to
as the feature writer
base, hoping to get permission to
force the sub to surface. He Is whose personality conflict with Widenraged when be Is told merely to mark leads to some exciting moby D o u g l a s R a t h g e b
R E H E A R S A L S FOR " T h e Wapshpt Scandal" continued right up
the last minute as players awaited the opening night, Wednesday,
December 8.
Acting Group Defines
Organization Purpose
The following is a statement by the Ars Antiqua Society describing the organization.
"We of the Ars Antiqua Society are one of many performing arts groups dedicated to offering the public
representatives of the rich store of man's cultural endeavor. We are proud that in a small way Ars Antiqua
can offer employment in their chosen field to artists
in a broad variety of arts—dancers, singers, writers,
instrumentalists and actors.
Expanded Schedule
"We are proud, too, of our expanded, statewide
schedule of performances with the magnificent support
of the New York State Council on the Arts under its
Touring Program. Finally, we are proud that we have
been endorsed by The Council to bring versions of our
productions to the schools.
"It is the Arts Council's hope to foster in youth that
broader view, that finer judgment, and that graceful
balance which alone a working familiarity with the arts
and humanities can give to every man. Ars Antiqua
shares this hope. Our presentations seek, in addition,
to offer pleasure, entertainment — a sense of the humor
and wit as well as of the profound thought the arts provoke.
Combined Arts
"To this end, Ars Antiqua has labored to conceive
a new form of theatre, based in fact upon one of the
very oldest forms of theatre — the combining of many
arts in one dramatic-concert production.
"We strive to illustrate a period of history, or an
abiding philosophical idea, or a major artistic figure —
drawn from our chosen period of interest — the
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque. We feel this period
offers the modern audience a rich source of inspiration,
instruction, and delight.
December 8 - U
Docombor 15-18
December 9 - 1 2
Docombor 10
II tij).\/ii>l
T h e a t r e . 8 : 3 0 p.m.
R e n s s e l a e r County H i s t o r i c a l Society Greens Show
SUNYA University Orchestra with soloist.
H a l l . Free.
Docombor 13
Page Hal I, 8;15 p.m.
Docombor 14
Schonectady Museum, Union C o l l e g e Concert
Series at Union C o l l e g e Momoiial C h u p e l . A l bany Symphony Chamber O r c h e s t r a . 8 : 3 0 p.m.
Docombor 14
Monday M u s i c a l Club P r o g i o m . A l b a n y I n s t i t u t e
Auditorium. 8 : 3 0 p .m .
Docombor 15
Mendelssohn, Club of Albany C o n c e r t . K a t h a r i n e
C h r l s t i a n s o n , soprano. C h a n a l l o r ' s H a l l 8:30
It Is Impossible lo cohslsieiitli
attack guerilla units .since the) Im.i'
no base of operations. Also Inn lint
U, S, guerilla operations is the intensive Vlot Cong spy system which
warns the Vlot Cong of most r. S,
troop movements,
The only way to defeat the \ li'l
Cong Is by using massive nuuihei'.s
of troops to seek out the guurlllu
units and the North Vle'iiaiiiuso
troops In "search and destroy" missions. Coupled with this should I* u
highly mobile force of paratroopers
or helicopter-borno troops to qlilikly counterattack Vlot Cong attacks.
Tills amounts, basically, to u win
of attrition which will eliminate the
Viet Cong.
Docombor 1 5 January 16
Docombor 17
Print C l u b of Albany N a t i o n a l Opon B l o n n a l .
Opening Rot-option Sunday, Docombor 19 from
2 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 p.m.
Capital Hill
5 o c l o t y . H a n d e l ' s Mosslah.
Chancellor's Hall. 8:30 p.m.
Docombor 17
Pago Hall. 8:15 p.m.
Peter, Paul, Mary's Natural Beauty
Displayed In 'Tomorrow' Album
by P o t o N i c h o l a s & Gary P r o u l l
From the great interest In folk
music shown by Albany State students, we think folk music has a
permanent place in the A.S.P., but
the co-authors pretend to be neither
representatives nor authorities on
folk music. In this weekly column
we shall attempt, with no small
share of editorial comment, to describe "what's happening in the
world of folk music."
We should like to explore folk
music In blues, ballads, gospel,
guitar, bluegrass, and popular
groups. We should especially like
to report on the sort of popular music called "folk rock." Wo plan to
bring you reviews and interview of
folk performers appearing on campus unci locally.
Current F o l k
Occasionally, as In this edition,
we should like to present current
folk recordings. We invite suggestions and comments from folk music enthusiasts on our weekly r e marks.
I'd like now to review the new
album of Peter, Paul and Mary,
What Tomorrow
Brings." "If I Were F r e e " and
"Because All Men Are Brothers"
are "protest" songs, with the latter
being unusual In the fact that the
music is taken from one of Bach's
works with the song also being
strongly patriotic.
"On a Desert Island (With You In
My Dreams) injects a bit of humor,
sounding like the music of the'20's.
Some of tho Boatle's cuts are more
"folky" than this one. "Hangman"
Is a fairly standard commercial folk
tune. Although the song, (the story
of a boy whose family comes to
watch him die and who Is finally
saved by his sweetheart) Is a little
makes it Ustenabte.
"Jane, Jane" Is kind of gospeltype music, bill fast and good. "The
Rising of the Moon" Is an Irish ballad of their revolution; blues are
represented in "Brother, Can You
Spare u Dime" and In "Tryln' to
Win," with the latter being a more
Jpviol and humorous type of blues.
Blues and Protoit
"III the Early Morning Rain,"
written by Gordon Ughtfoot Is In a
class all its own, It's a little bit
blues with so'me '.'protest" (over tho
jet age) thrown In. This Is one of the
best cuts on the album. "Betty and
Dupree" Is the standard " l o v e r ' s quarrel"'blt, nothing special. "The
Last Thing on My Mind," written by
Tom Paxton (whose new album I
will review in part next week) is a
nice love song, but can't compare
with "The First Time Ever I Saw
Your Face," which, in my opinion,
is the best song on the album,
Peter, Paul and Mary's style,
plus the natural beauty of the song,
make It outstanding. The album Is
Peter, Paul and Mary all over again.
And good.
School of Psychotherapy
Stresses Meaningful Life
by Larry E p s t o i n
Freud and Adler developed the
first two Viennese schools of psychotherapy.
Since the end of the Second World
War, a third, developed by Viktor
Frankl, has been established and
most successfully espoused in
Frankl's book "Man's Search for
he will be governed by what others
want him to do, thus Increasingly,
falling prey to conformism."
Broaden Spoctrum
The logotherapist does not attempt
to create a new being out of Ills
patient, but rather to help broaden
the spectrum of meaningful existence for the patient,.
"The role played by a logo-therapist is rather that of an eye specialLogotherapy
ist than that of a painter."
This third school, called LogoThe theory was developed by
therapy, stresses the Importance of Frankl during his three years at
man's search for a reason for life. various Nazi concentration camps
"Man's search for meaning Is a- where he viewed the suffering, the
primary force In his life and not a apathy and the hopelessness of this
"secondary rationalization" of in- extreme example of a life without
a goal.
Twentieth-century man Is a victim of an "existential vacuum."
Separated From Families
At the beginning of human history,
Men nnd women were separated
man lost some of the basic animal from their families and friends,
instincts In which an animal's be- all their possessions were takeh
havior Is embedded and by which It away and they were forced to work
is secured. Such security, like Para- under deplorablo conditions with
dise, is closed to man forever; small amounts of food to nourish
man has to make choices,
them, Each one asked himself; "Why
am I suffering?"
There are three main ways of
"In addition to this, however, man discovering a mean to life. These
has suffered another loss in his most are (1) be performing a deed, (2) by
recent development: the traditions experiencing a value and (3) by
that had buttressed his behavior are suffering,
now rapidly diminishing,
"Suffering ceases to-be suffer"No Instinct tells him what he has
to do, and no tradition tells him what ing in some way at the moment It
he ought to do; soon he will not know finds a moaning, such as the meanwhat he wants to do. More and more. ing of a sacrifice,"
AkIAMY JTUMHT f M S U t .*«*>•( i * > . ^ r I ;/.p
ffj*»y^»c«mbw lQ. 19m
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FrilliirV Deii—ber 10, 1JWS
Jamaican SUNYA Senio
Spends Summer in Iowa
Problems of Constitutions, Rules
APA Initiates Blood Donations
The brothers of Alpha Pi Alpha
are sponsoring a program which
will allow university students to donate blood for the servicemen In
Viet Nam. Donations for the Blood
for G.I.'s Program will be accepted
during the week of February 1-J.
Other Campuses
The idea for this program was
fostered by similar efforts which
have been successful on many campuses across the nation. Of the universities in the surrounding areas,
Hudson Valley and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are presently work-
ing on similar programs.
APA will enlist the support and
cooperation of the other fraternities
on campus. They also hope to gain
full support of the faculty and student
Permission Blanks
Since the law requires persons
under twenty one years to obtain
parental consent In order to donate
blood, the ASP will publish special
permission forms for this purpose
in next Friday's paper. The exact
time and place of the blood donation
will also be published.
-In May of this year, the general recognised however that under dence hall courts. These courts
plan tor our new government was given conditions any one of these represent the students in the men f
<* .fft down by the particular i,a i
accepted by the general student body, steps might be eliminated.
All clubs, organizations and resi- » n r t , t > ' " o n - M»»y residence hail
by virtue of the favorable referendence
not have a constitution prior to
dum on the Constitution of the Central Council. This constitution pro- all levels of this legislative set-up. this year, but they have them now
The question of quad courts has
vides the basis for all levels of Certain areas have board levels,
due to their complexity or range of not yet been answered by the Com!
on Living Area Affairs If
Each area of government is broken
down Into various levels, In order only the Commission, plus a possible the need for such a level of courts
becomes evident they will ,,„
to provide the maximum representa- two board breakdown.
For example, the Commission on doubtedly be formed.'In the mea,"
tion. The purpose of this breakdown
the Commission will handin
Is to Initiate legislation at the most Religious Affairs has no breakdown
basic level; In that way the people other than the various clubs In- any problems that must be sent t,,
who are most closely concerned will volved, while Living Area Affairs a higher court.
be the most qualified to form these starts with the dorms, then the
The Supreme Court of stuc|P,„
"laws" and the "laws" will be more Quad Boards, and then to the Com- Association has just been for,,,,,'
mission level.
within the last month. Its member
have at least a 2.5 cumulative aver'
Since May, the bulk of the legisExecutive Branch
age, and were screened by MYS
lation and organization has been done
govKANIA. Final approval came from
at the Commission and Central
Council four weeks a»„
Council level. This is due to the ernment structure is based mainly the Central
This1 group has been working oil
timing of elections and general dis- on the president and vice president
policy and operations for referral
organization caused by housing
changes, group changes, and lack which is composed of the various The nature of their cases has not
been "determined, but It is e!i
of time.
of standing committees. This group
The main problems have been plans most of the organizational pected that they will handle main!.
constitutional questions, budget moves of the units of Student Asso- constitutional questions and proi,!
lems pertaining to operations „l
rules, general rules for the Coun- ciation.
the government.
cil, and approval of member constiFinancial powers rest mainly with
tutions. For this reason, the hoped
for process of leglslational organi- this group, and with the approval of
Standing- committees of the cenzation has been operating In reverse. the Central Council, which also rep- tral government are Finance an I
It is hoped that when the govern- resents all areas of concern. These Rules. Finance Committee has the
ment has finally established itself are the people who sign vouchers bulk of Its work done in balaix ih,
and has its committees and commis- and plan for long range policies. the budget. The budget is also preThe "executive office" of Student
sions under control, that the original
pared by this committee each yea,
plan of operation will take effect. Association is room 8 In Brubacher. and each organization gets funds
"When that time comes, legislation In this room, are two large files from this general outline.
will proceed somewhat as follows: and four desks, belonging to the
Rules Committee was in the posiAS an example, let us say Art president, vice president, chairman tion of a group setting a precede,,,,
Council wishes to have a show. This of Finance Committee, and full time for this new government has taken
would be discussed within the group Student Association secretary.
Mailboxes for main bodies of upon itself to form a system mure
and the idea in motion form would
efficient and democratic than am
be passed. The plan would then go government and communications are that has come before. The polic;
to the Arts Board. If this body ap- also located in this office. All mall for operational procedure was acproved the show, it might be dis- is sorted and placed in these boxes cepted and this committee „t»
cussed at the Commission level, for the various organization heads to serves in an advisory capacity.
which would be Community Pro- collect and handle. Many government
Present ad hoc committees arc
meetings are held In this room, and
dealing with the student tax proi Considering the magnitude of the all reports and minutes are kept on lem, appointment procedure, a,.'
program, the Commission might file there.
chaperone procedure. The only apwant Central Council's approval for
pointed Commission is the election
Judicial Branch
the expenditure of funds. This would
The Judicial system of Student Commission, which Is in a sense a
be the final step necessary to apstanding committee, but opera,es
proval of the art show. It must be Association begins with the resi- only at^ertaln time during the yen
People elected to
by Mark Cunningham -
Miss v ictoria Jones, a native oi
Jamaica, and a senior at SUNYA
participated this past summer In the
"Experiment in International Llvlng,
VICKI POSES WITH the other men and women who took port in the "Experiment in International
resting place for South's six of clubs.
Bridge Club's third tournament of
A club was then conceded and the
the semester was held Sunday, No- balanced
claimed on a cross-ruff of
vember 14. Jack Taylor and Marty clubs and diamonds.
Bergen were the winners with last
tournament will be held Richmond Va. (CPS) — A two-year
time's winners, John Zobel and
the 19th of December. I hope to internship, close screening, and
Steve Kliman, placing second. The on
see you there to challenge the cur- early exposure to class situations
hand which appears here Is one of rent champions.
were recommended by a three-man
the reasons for the 78% game the
panel as steps to upgrade and prowinners accumulated.
S Q 10 7 5 4 3
fessionalize teacher education. The
It Is very tempting to open the
panel was presented at a meeting of
South hand with a forcing bid, but
D —
the Southern Council on Teacher EdSouth wisely overcame the tempC J 10 7 2
ucation last week.
tation. It Is a point shy for a two
The major difficulty in putting
no trump opening and the distriN
such recommendations
bution Is wrong. A strong suit open- S!)2
be in finding school systems
ing would also be wrong, for the H1074
that could handle such a project.
hand contains too many losers.
D A 1 0 8 5 3 2 Several proposals were made, InNorth's four spade bid is perfect. CAQ843
cluding that professional certificaC95
It describes a hand with less than'
tion should be granted only after
nine high card points, at least five
completion of a two-year intern proII
trump, and distributional values —
gram and a master's degree, that a
DK Q J 7
a singleton or a void.
screening program for prospective
CK 6
teachers and continued interviews
South's live diamond bid was a
with education students throughout
slam try. It asked North if he had Dealer: South
Vulnerable: Both their college careers be set up.
a maximum with help in diamonds.
It was also recommended that
Nother had exactly that and dutifully
would-be teachers be exposed to
bid the slam.
WEST NORTH EAST children early ln their college caIS
The play was relatively easy. The
Pass reer through the student-teaching
opening lead was won ln the South
Pass program. This would allow the intern program to be a much more
hand, and the last trump drawn. The
intensive period when students acace and king of hearts were cashed
ONE OF THE highlights of her trip to Iowa came when she met
tually perform more and more of Richard
and the heart queen provided a safe OPENING LEAD: 2 of spades
the teaching duties themselves.
Who's Who
should check their
Panel Discusses
Program To Improve
Teacher Education
Building Better Bridge
by Harry Nuckols
which is included in what Miss Jonei
calls the "American Circuit," which
Is the typical "showpiece city" for
the guided tours given to foreign
In Iowa, Miss Jones lived with
The "Experiment" is a summer Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Sears, Sears is
seminar for foreign students. It is the branch director of the telephone
sponsored by the Agency for Inter. company, and both Mr. and Mrs.
a r e verv
active ln clvJc
.national Development","* branc'tTof Seals
the State Department. Miss Jones K™ups.
v ^ ::/.-,.
spent two weeks ln Putney, Vermont, Miss Jones and the other memat the School of International Train- to""8 o f ' h e ^""P were taken on
lng where she participated ln sev- several tours by the Chamber of
eral seminars and discussion groups Commerce. She visited factories,
which Included as topics the various churches, schools, hospitals and
sectors of the American economy many other institutions ln Cedar
and culture, particularly ln Its r e - Rapids.
lation to the developing countries.
This provided the foreign students a
base for comparison of growth beThe highlight of her trip came
tween this native land and the Uni- when the Hoover Memorial was
ted States.
dedicated. She and the other foreign
students in Cedar Rapids were given
The program also included an a police escort to the sight. The
orientation program for. the next foreign students then met former
sector of the seminar:": living with jj&jj* .£?*!.dent ... Rlch !f d . M> .J"*.0"
an American family for one month. and Miss Jones was able to talk with
him for a few seconds.
She said that this program was
valuable in that It showed her the'
Cedar Rapids
affluent American society at work.
Miss Jones was sent to Cedar The foreign students have seenpoverty,
but never before had they seen
Rapids, Iowa "a well-run, well-organized, clean and beautiful city" and lived with wealth and college
educated people on a family level.
WSUA Schedule
3:00 - 5:00
5:00 - 7:00
7:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
Dale Harrington
Rich Pearsell
Bill Alexander
Paul Haeberle
3:00 - 7:00
7:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
Rich Stevens-Magic Sound Countdown Show (Rock)
Dave Allard-Maglc Sound Preview Show
Lynn Easton-Golden jOldie Show
Student Moil
3:00 - 5:00
5:00 - 7:00
7:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
Ken Fisher
Bob Mathews
John Fleitman
Dan Gullbault
for a notice
from the
3:00 - 7:00
7:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
The Gerry Phillips Extravaganza
Lou Strong-Jazz Scene SUA
James Whiting
State University Bookstore
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave,
Ex 129
Albany, N,Y.
11:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 1:00
10:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 4:00
4:00 - 0:00
0:00 - 0:30
•; 6:30 - 7:00
' 8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
The Union Show
James Grlnell
Dick Taylor Request
Wayne Fuller
Saturday Nlte '05
Show (Rock)
Lee Brodshy
Nell Linden
Richard Bartezyl
Paul Oclial ,
V,' _
Sports-, .v.v, ".?.'•.:
Dennis Donahue .•Wfocus)
Ed Kramer
'/' .'!\/.
3:00 - 5:00
5:00 - 7:00
7 : 0 0 - 9:00
Jack Pierce
Thursday P.M. Dorm Party
Peter Nlcholas-The World of Popular Folk Music
Art Louder-WSUA Showtime
Hear "Comment," an hour of discussion in important issues hear
and abroad, being broadcast on WSUA. Sunday, December 19, a
staff of 28 will bring you up-to-date on U.S. action and responsibility In Southeast Asia on a special program, "The War in Viet
nam.'! Time: 8:00 p.m. 640 on your radio dial.
Frldjoy. December 10, 1965
Assistants Applications
ForSPC To Be Accepted
Prominent Catholic
Charges Church
Overlooks Honesty
Applications tor student assistants for the 1966 Summer Planning Conference are now being accepted. Mr.
Sorrell Chesin, Associate Dean of Students and Co- .
ordinator of the Summer Planning Conference has announced that there are openings for approximately 10
qualified undergraduates. Application forms are available in the Office for Student Affairs, Draper 110.
Albanians this week heard aleading Catholic layman accuse his
church of preferring obedience and
order to honesty. At an all-night
"Teach-in" held Tuesday at Ironworkers' Hall, a tense, dedicated
crowd of over four hundred considered the possibilities of "Catholic Action in the Modern World."
A squad of speakers headed by
John Leo, editorof'Commonweal,"
a Homan Catholic weekly review
hlghly-esteeemed by American intellectuals, and including James
Mancuso, Professor of Psychology
at SUNYA, talked and led discussion
for eight hours. Most of those p r e s ent were Siena, St. Rose and Albany
State students, but there was a
sprinkling of liberal lay leaders
from the Albany community, and at
least three Roman Catholic priests.
The key idea of the evening was
freedom of conscience and the p r i macy of the laity, John Le attacked
those church leaders who foster " a
church of comfort and consolation —
a woman's church," and maintained
that the "primary way of being
Christian in today's world is being
political." He asserted that the
church stresses the wrong virtues
for our particular society: obedience
and order. These virtues tend to
support the status quo, and " i t ' s
precisely the status quo that has to
On the other hand, according to
Leo, the church has sacrifled honesty in order to emphasize anachronistic virtues. Hypocrisy and
lies are the anathema of our society, but not of the modern church.
"Ninety percent of the church activities in this country," said Leo
have been decoted to manias about
sex and communism. ...Not one
Catholic bishop or one priest spoke
out against the vast horror of the
atom bomb at Hiroshima. Presumably if they'd dropped contraceptives instead of bombs there'd have
been an uproar."
Speakers from the floor, earnest,
dedicated, questioning, asked if college students had to commit themselves to social action, if priests
should. But there seemed no question that the crowd at Ironworkers
Hall was there precisely because
they set the virtue of honesty above
w uh
various administrative details,
such as preparing packets, assisting with registration, and helping
individual students to prepare their
fall schedules.
Aside from their duties with the
prospective freshmen, the student
assistants will evaluate various a s pects of the program and will tabulate the evaluations which the frosh
will provide. The evaluations last
year showed a high degree of satisfaction with the program.
The students selected will be expected to attend a training session STUDENT ASSISTANTS CONDUCT group discussions with the
in the latter part of June. They will
then work at each of the three-day freshmen as port of their duties during the Summer Planning Conconferences which will run until the ference.
middle of .August.-
Conference is the program
which was instituted two
years ago to replace the
Frosh Weekend method of
freshmen orientation.
Under the SPC program, groups
of 150-200 entering freshmen come
to Albany during the summer for
three days of testing, counseling,
and orientation.
Student assistants would live with
the freshmen in the residence halls,
each assistant being responsible
for about 25 freshmen. They would
provide Informal counseling as well
as leading two formal group discussions. The SPC this summer will
.probably be held on the new campus.
Room &
Among the other responsibilities
of the student assistants are to help
Placement Available
In Local Industry
"Technical Talent Search," a
program designed to help college
students from the Upper Hudson
Region obtain jobs at home following graduation, was announced by
Schenectady General Electric.
The program is for students graduating In 1966 and 1967 with degrees
in engineering, mathematics and the
physical sciences. Also eligible to
attend are candidates for advanced
degrees in these fields as well as
college graduates who will be r e leased from active military service, or those who have been r e cently released and have not started
their careers.
In announcing this program, H.J.
Parker, manager of Schenectady
Relations and Utilities, said the
" a r e a lias long been known for its
highly competent young people who
attend college and we want the first
opportunity to discuss with them
their future plans."
The program will be held on
Tuesday, December 28, at the General Electric Research and Development Center starting at 11:30 a.m.
Parker said that the program was
scheduled purposely during the
.* Christmas because most students
are at home. Features of the day's
program will include an orientation
io the General Electric Company
and the opportunity to discuss job
openings with people In the company
directly responsible for hiring In
the technical fields in Schenectady,
Hudson Falls, Fort Edward and
Students desiring to register for
this program should write to Community Relations, General Electric
Company, Bldg. 41, Room 211, Schenectady, New York. There Is no fee
for registration.
All assistants receive room and
board. In addition, students working
for the first year will be paid $350
while students returning for the
second year will receive S400.
The deadline for applications is
March 1, 1966. Prospective applicants may also be called for a personal interview with Mr. Chesin.
Notification of appointment will be
made on or about April 15, 1966.
The November 30 program meet- mation played a role in the deing of Phi Beta Lambda was high- velopment of the company.
Dr. Irving Sabghir, Professor of
lighted by a discussion between
labor and management on the sub- Business at S.U.N.Y.A., was moderator
for both the discussion and
ject of automation.
Gregory Rellly, Secretary of the the question and answer period that
Labor Council of Albany, viewed the followed.
Before the meeting, Mr. Reilly
topic from the standpoint of the
worker, tracing automation back to and Mr. Kurkendall were guests of
the Industrial Revolution, Accord- Phi Beta Lambda for dinner" and
ing to Mr. Reilly, the AFL-CIO's were taken on a tour of the new
idea of a solution to the " p e r - campus.
Earlier in the meeting, pins were
ceived" problem Is to shorten the
presented to two faculty members of
work week.
Robert Kurkendall, the Director the Business department
of Industrial Relations at the Huyck
Felt Company, opposed Mr. Reilly
by representing management in the
In his talk, a history of
State University senior Martin
The Research Society of SUNYA
has recently decided to rename the company was given with specific Lewis has written a volume of poetry
itself the University Colloquium. references to incidents when auto- entitled "Mynt Green's The Disordered Spring."
Along with the name-change, it has
Mr, Lewis is a native of Albany
initiated a change In format which it
Dramatics Council
and a former U. S, Army weather
hopes will stimulate Interest in the
organization and bolster a lagging
Dramatics Council will present observer. During his service at
attendance at its meetings.
the Herrick Marionettes Saturday at White Sands Missile Range in New
The Society was organized in the 6:30 p.m. in Page Hall. This will Mexico, and Fort Churchill, Canada,
late 1950's with the purpose of in- mark the second year which the he began writing poetry.
Poetry, for Mr. Lewis, is an e s teresting the general faculty in the Council has brought this company
specialized researches of particular to the campus to entertain the chil- cape out of the everyday world. The
disciplines. The papers which were dren of students and faculty, as well poet rebels against " r e a l i s t i c "
presented at the meetings became as some of the underprivileged chil- trends in verse and the magazine
trend toward keeping poetry "short,
so specialized, however, that mem- dren of Albany.
bers of the faculty not in that disTomorrow night's show is called crisp and illuminating."
cipline were unable to understand "Chubby's Christmas Party." The
Publication date is Monday, Dethem.
doors will open at 6:00 p.m. Admis- cember 6th. The book will be on sale
the State University Bookstore as
This year the Society, now the
Colloquium, has changed its format dren they bring as their guests. well as at many Tri-City bookstores.
to one of discussion and interdisciplinary encounter. While papers
will still be read at the monthly
meetings, they will be prepared
with the Idea of interesting a general audience. Informal discussion
between the author and the audience
will then be encouraged.
Writes all types of insurance
This year the Colloquium is under tiie direction of a three member
committee. The committee includes
Benjamin E. Chi of the Physics Department, Richard II. Kendall of the
History Department, and Mrs. Audrey Kouvel of the Romance Lan- HO 5-1471
75 State Street
HO 2-5581
guages Department.
Changes Name
To Colloquium
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
International Sterfng
Large Assortment ot Pierced Earrings
, _
Diamonds Set While-U-Wait
Watch and Jewelry Repair
Headquarters for College Jewelry
Student Charge Account Auailable
ftuuoetant Plaza
IV 9-0549
No interest or carrying charge
*?. $.
t i l Corral An.
M W M I HI 4-7*19
Alk»y. Hnr Vwt
•ION IN k.1
This Card Entitles You To
20% Off On All Cosh Sale.
(ftepoirs excluded)
fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing
Dane on Premises
ARS ANTIQUA Society to Present
Qpcn eoeaingt till 9
Saturday till 6
Mj rant
Musical Production of'Divine Comedy'
AR^ ANTIQUA, a musical-dramatic
will present Dante's "Divine Comedy" Monday, December 13 at 8:30 p.m. in
Page Hall. The presentation will be in celebration
of Dante's 700th Anniversary,
Of An NY Areas
Interpretation of the "Divine Comedy" in a form that remains true
to its medieval roots.
All 62 counties in New York Slit*)
are represented in the present full
time undergraduate enrollment at
the University. In addition Intra art
students from ten other states and
17 foreign countries and United
States territories.
As usual there is a high percentage of the student body from Albany and the surrounding area. This
year 542 students are from Albany,
153 from Rensselaer, 117 from
Saratoga, 223 from Schenectady and
138 from Warren, Schoharie and
Also heavily represented is the
New York Metropolitan Area with
350 students from Nassau County,
203 from Suffolk County, 28 from
Bronx, 104 from Queens, 13 from
Richmond and 323 from Lower Hudson Valley.
The script for this production was
written expressly for ARS ANTIQUA
by script writer and producer Slg
Moglen of C.B.S. Television's Camera Three, No stranger to Dante,
Moglen produced Dante's "Inferno"
on Camera Three.
The fourteen members of the tourThe production is being staged
ing company, all of whom are veter- and choreographed byRhodaLevine.
an professional performers, are Miss Levine has choreographed for
making their first appearance at the many opera companies including
University. The company is under The Metropolitan Opera's National
the direction of Dorothy Amarandos, Company, Festival of Two Worlds
who founded ARS ANTIQUA eight at Spoleto, Italy and the N.B.C,
years ago.
The demanding role of Dante will
be created for the ARS ANTIQUA
Of the dozen masterworks that stage by well known classical actor
mark western history from the " I l - of films, television, and Broadway,
Mohawk V a l l e y
iad," none held more importance Leonard Hicks.
for its contemporaries or for folMohawk Valley area is repreRico is one of reproductions on the UNICEF cards which are being
lowing ages than Dante's "Divine
sented by 242 students at the Unisold by Forum of Politics.
Comedy." Complex, poetic and
versity, Other areas that are heavily
The production Is fully staged with
secular, it remains as the climactic costumes and scenery and a fourteen
represented are Blnghamton with
gesture of the creative mind of the member company. The cast Is di238, Mid-Hudson with 448, Rochesmedieval scholar.
ter with 290, Syracuse with 191 and
vided in this manner: three singers,
Northern'New York with 104.
'" i
In bringing such a work to its three dancers, three actors and four
stage, ARS ANTIQUA seeks to r e - musicians. The company is under the
The areas of Elmira, Niagara
create its values rather than Its artistic direction of Dorothy Amarand Southwest Gateway, have 298
point for point details, in an ex- andos who founded the company some
students present at the University.
citing performance that blends mu- eight years ago.
sic of the period, dance, and the
, Out-of-State
Forum of Politics, working under
All cast members are veterans of
Under the UN charier UNICEF is (,.'i
human voice in poetry and song. the classic and Broadway stage.
Out of state undergraduates are
the Collegiate Council for the United a Part of the UN, but does not have
The result is a unique modern
Nations, will be selling Greeting a regular UN budget. Therefore, in from Connecticut, Massachusetts,
Cards from December 7 through De- order to raise funds to support the Vermont,, New Jersey, Pennsylcember 17 in the Peristyles. The underprivileged children of the vania, Virginia, Illinois, Michigan,
sale of Greeting Cards is sponsored world, UNICEF must rely on con- Missouri and California.
Residents' from out of the country
each year by the United Nations tributions and fund-raising activiare from Greece, Ethiophs, Nigeria,
Children's Fund.
appropriate service regarding head
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Ecuador,
Card sales totaling $30 million British Guiana, Korea, China, Iran
Trinity Institution lids a tutoring table arrangements, linen desired,
Boxes of cards are available for a net profit of $2 million were and Jordan.
program for students of the South menu preference, and flowers, if
$1.25 and $2.00 each. UNICEF Cal- realized last year. This amount was
End who want to be helped with their desired.
endars are on sale for $2.00. The sufficient to enable UNICEF to proschoolwork. Tutors meet with sevP
money raised by this project will vide equipment for 5,000 small maeral students for one hour a week
The Pan-Hellenic ' Council will be used by UNICEF to provide un- ternal and health centers, enough
at Trinity Institution, 19 Trinity
sponsor a beer party Friday, De- derprivileged children in 110 coun- vaccine against tuberculosis for one
There are 200 tutors now working cember 17 from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 tries and territories with milk, and million children and a three month
Wlnterlude will be held In the
supply of vitamins.
but more are needed. Members of a.m. at Rafael's for all Greeks. Mu- medical facilities.
main ballroom of the Hotel Schlne
The UNICEF Greeting Cards are Ten Eyck December 10 from 9:00
the Commission on Academic Af- sic will be furnished by the
sold only through organizations and p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music will be by
fairs and the .Commission on Relig- "Excels."
Dress is skirts for girls, no Registrar Office Handling volunteers; they cannot be obtained Tommy Ippollto and his band.
ious Affairs are recruiting Univerin commercial establishments. Stusweatshirts for men. Tickets will
sity students as tutors.
The group will also feature a
dents are urged to support the vocalist. Tickets for the event will
If you are interested in being a be sold in the Peristyles from DeUNICEF project. The cards will lie be sold in the Peristyles, the Flag
tutor, or in getting further infor- cember 14 to 17 from 11:00 a.m. Assignment of Space
sold In the peristyles every day Room, and at the Student Activities
mation on the program, contact to 2:00 p.m. They will also be availThe assignment of University acaMarcia Lembcke, Ten Eyck 457- able in the Flag Room on December demic space for extra-curricular from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Desk for December 1 thru 10.
7805; Rita Schmilowitz, Brubacher- 10 and l(i from activities other than regularly
472-8890; Nancy Sherman, Alden - and at the door.
scheduled classes Is now being
The price for the tickets is $4 a handled by the registrar's office.
472-5798; or NancyTorzillo, Alden340 Western Avenue
Possible areas for use include
217 Western Ave,
Draper, Richardson and Husted
Sigma Lambda Sigma
Halls as well as other annexes which
Albany, N.Y.
Junior C l o s s
The brothers of SLS announce (lie
contain classroom space.
| We Coll and Deliver..
Phone 6-3610
There will lie a meeting of the
election of the following officers:
Faculty, staff or students wishing
Adam Guess, vice president; Bill
to reserve a room 'for a specific
Cleveland, assistant pledge mas- discuss Junior Weekend. The ineel- activity are requested to file a card
ter, and George Leibowltz, histor- ing will be held in Brubacher Hall in the registrar's office, D-20G. Phonographs
at 8:00 p.m.
This should be done at a reasonable
The lodge for Junior Weekend will time before the desired date in orFood Service Special Events
be chusen this week so Joan Gresens, der that the appropriate offices may
Wt feature
The planning of a special dinner co-chairman of the event, asks that
for any organization now. requires all Interested people attend the be notified.
collegiate haircut*
Reservations will not be accepted
notification to the Student Activities meeting or call EL 5-9249.
liter 3:30 on the day of desired use,
Office (472-4399) at least one week
nor can thoy be accepted via tele- [Phonograph Needles "Replaced
prior to tile date of the special func5 minute walk from the
sale from now on in the bookslore. phone at any lime.
The men's rings are $22 and the
Ntw Campus
Space in other facilities falls unFood Service must have a guar- woman's $21. A $5.00 deposit is
der different offices. Contact the
anteed head count called in at 430- needed.
Office of Student Affairs, D-110 for
1148 Wtsttrn Artnue
8352 not later than 48 Injurs before
Psl Gamma
153 Central Avenue
use of Page Hall. The Student Acthe event.
Psi Gamma Sorority held a coffee tivities'Office in Alden basement
These deadlines must be inel so hour with Kappa Beta Monday, DeOpen E v o i . e x c q p t Saturday
arranges the utilization of all resithat the Fond Service can provide cember 0 after their meeting,
dence facilities.
Forum of Politics Members
To Sell Cards For UNICEF
When you can't
afford to be dull,
sharpen your wits|
with IMoDozTM
NODOZ Keep Alert Tablets fight off
the hazy, lazy.feelings of mental
sluggishness. NoDOZ helps restore
your natural menial vitality.. .helps
quicken physical reactions. You be
come more naturally alert to pooplel
and conditions around you. Yetl
NODoz is as safe as coffee. Anytime|
.. .when you can't afford to ba dull,
sharpen your wits with NoDoz.
The D. E. Club Has Chartered Busses
To All Major Points In New York State
Round Trip Fares to:
With French Fries
peruld's Drug Co,
'Home of Distinctiue Jewelry and Gifts'
Volume of Poetry
Phi Beta Lambda Debate
Ftlaty, Dectmbtf 10, 1965
Tickets may be purchased al
Draper 149:
T H R E E REASONS FOR t h . p a n . ' h o o p t t . r s ' 7 3 - 7 1
win over Siena lost Saturday were the shooting of
Larry Marcus ( l e f t ) , Mike Crocco (center), and Lonnie Morrison (right). T h ^ ; ' t h ' , ^ e .ho^'p.hoot.r.'s'wj'll
D E C E M B E R 14. 1 0 0 5
Central Council Defeats Policy
To Abolish SA Salaried Positions
have to be at their best when'the Sauersmen vie with
Montclair State and the University of Buffalo tonight
in the armory. Montclair and Buffalo are perennial
basketball powers, and the Danes have their work
cut out for them in these back-to-back showdowns.
Also, the playmaking of captain Jim Constantino arid
Mike Bloom will be needed in these two toughiei.
The abolition of Student Association salaried positions was defeated at the
Central Council meeting Thursday when a amendment to make salaries contingent
on the approval by Central Council or the ad hoc budget committee was passed in
a close vote of 12-10-1.
The amendment was submitted by Douglas Upham,
the representative from
Communications Commis-
Danes Face Tough Pair league II Keg News
A RayView of Spo
Fresh off an inspiring 22 points In that game, and Jack
Apgar, 21 points.
two-point win over Siena
Ever wonder why Prh'ljnot smi$Hg in'ithat picture
In the University of Buffalo game,
above this column? \Vell,^.i's>becau8| of Weekends like basketball team faces a the Statesmen bowed 69-58 In an
last week. We came;aut W8l>U butcpndenined the Dane hard weekend in the Ar- away contest and by seven points In
home game.
basketball team because o^the squaoVs lack of number, mory, vying with Montclair a later
Between the two teams, they acheight, and experience together. We qyer|pbked perhaps State tonight and the Uni- counted for half of State's six losses
the most important"qualitj^the team possesses that was versity of Buffalo tomor- last year, In an otherwise fabulous
the largest single factor^ .in the Siena win — desire. row night.
The Buffalo losses virtually elimof these two contests
We had sized the team up on statistics, alone, and we willThegooutcome
a long way In forecasting the inated the hopeful Sauersmen from
NCAA small-college tournament
made some hasty conclusions from them„,But what we hardcourt season for the Danes, as
saw Saturday night must go under an unlisted statistic — both teams are highly-touted hoop bid.The two varsity games will begin
Last year the Peds dropped the at 8:30 p.m.
Frosh Games
Last season " D o c ' s " highly successful cagers were season opener to Montclair State,
Preceding the two. games will be
a well-rounded outfit, possessing all. the ingredients of bowing 77-71 despite a herculean frosh
contests with Albany Junior
effort by Dick Crossett, who tallied
a winning team. They played deliberate ball, relying on 35 points. Montclair was paced by College (Friday) and Williams Col" s u r e " shots and powerful rebounding to insure them- two talented stars, Bob Gleason lege (Saturday),
selves of many points. On defense the Pedsof old could
afford to give up a number of shots, confident that the
big battlers under the boards would get the ball for
This year's team can't afford themselves that luxury. They must play aggressive defense, constantly
pressuring the opponent into a bad or forced shot.
This is exactly what the Dane hoopsters did Saturday
night. They were the most aggressive team we've seen
in a number of years, and without a doubt they were the
best conditioned squad we've ever seen.
"Doc" worked his men hard from the first weeks of
conditioning practice. Those strenuous hours of training
paid off in chips Saturday night, as the Siena hoopsters,
obviously tired from the harrying of State defenders,
got sloppy and committed many personal fouls, which
cost them thei game. We only wish the Danes could have
put a few more free throws in to open the game up a
We feel something should be said about the crowd.
While it was a large and exceedingly charged-upcrowd,
it was also a well-behaved one. Considering the size of T H E V A R S I T Y M A T M E N travel to Farleigh Dickinson Univerthe turnout and the rivalry between the two schools, sity tomorrow to try and re-duplicate last year's 18-14 win over
the crowd was a very well behaved one. We deplore the the rugged New Jersey school.
action of the referee in stopping play to ask over the
Phone 434-3298
PA system for policement o watch over the Siena
rooters. And does a certain area sports writer feel
that the throwing of a piece of paper on the courts is
akin to "two near riots?" These two people were the
only ones out of order.
Tonight the Danes host Montclair College, and tomorrow night they battle the University of Buffalo.
These are two big games for the State hoopsters, and
hot meat b a l l
we feel that if the team can win.>ithe,r oneof them they
hot meat b a l l & pepper .
stand a good chance for a winning!season. We don't
hot sausage . ...
hope for a dual win because of the strain of two tough
roast beef
games back-to-back on such a small' squad.
steak s a n d w i c h
hot sausage
But I'd better stop there, remembering those " I n - Hamburg ,.
hot roast beef & gravy. , .
AMIA League II bowling results:
byReyMcCUet <
Waterbury II
29 ! 13
21 V21
19 \ 23
14 26
12 30
11 31
Team High Triple Handicap
Intellects 2713, Colonials 269! , Intellects, 2691.
Team High Single, Handicap
Intellects 974, APA II 932, Intellects 924.
High Individual triple, scratch:
T, Denman (Colonials) 574
R. Patch (intellects) 560
B, Enser (APA II) 541
High Individual Single, scratch:
B. Enser (APA II) 214
T. Denman (Colonials) 205
R. Hoeth (TXO) 205
Hoop Schedule
Dec. 10 Montclair
Dec. 11 U. of Buffalo
Dec. J.4 Oneonta
Dec. 17 & 17 Capital City Tournament at Siena
Jan. 0 Oswego
Jan. 8 South Conn.
Jan. 12 Utica
Jan. ID Central Conn.
Jan. 29 Harpur
Jan. 31 Potsdam
2 Pratt
5 Brooklyn Col.
Feb. 11 Cortland
Feb. 12 Ithaca
Feb. 10 Plattsburgh
Feb. 19 U. of Buffalo
Feb. 23 New Paltz
Feb. 20 Merrimack (Dos.) Away
Mar. 2 Hobart
Mar,. 5 Utica
' mm
* * * * *
* * * * *
hall & hall.
combtnotion-4 items
chef special (everything)
tomato tauce
meat sauce
meal balls
hal (outage
pepper l
V O L . .LI, N O . 4 4
hot roast turkey & gravy.
roast turkey
'.. ,
tuna f i s h
- NOW-
With this ~~l
t 15< Off |
On Any |
I Large Pizza I
3 Can Delivering
To Camput on
— Sudays —
Good Sunday's and
Monday's only
T E N MEMBERS O F T X O won the Holiday Sing. They are from
left to right Ed Duba, Gary Proulx, Carl Atlard, Steve Kilmon,
Jock Elliot, Roger French, Morv H i l l and John Spross. John
Robb and Dave Hunter sung in the competition but were absent
from the cocoa hour held in Bru where this picture was token.
Story on page 3,
It amended the section of the Student Association Financial Policy
which stated that "no Student Association funds shall be appropriated
to any Student Association organization for the purpose ol payment
of a salary or stipend to a student
for holding a position in said organization."
The clause as amended set the
following criteria for salaried positions: an organization must he a
necessary service to Student Association; Hie organization must serve
SA lor a major, portion of the school
year; the position to be salaried
must require the Individual to devote a large proportion of work and
time approximately 30 hours or
more per week.
The main argument against salaries was given by RicWard Thompi
son, president of Central Council.
Thompson stated that the Issue of
salaries had long been debated by
student government and lie felt that
since the new government was in Its
first year, the Issue should he
settled to avoid controversy In the L A S T T H U R S D A Y ' S M E E T I N G of the Central Council included
a half-hour discussion on the policy towards student salaries.
Choral Society to Perform
Handel's 'Messiah9 Friday
The Capitol Hill Choral Society
will give their eleventh annual performance of Handel's "Messiah"
on Friday,"Deceniber 17, at 8:30
p.m. in Chancellors Hall, Albany.
Judson Rand, director of the Choral Society, announced that the chorus would be accompanied by an
Oratorio Orchestra, Accompanying
the orchestra will be Allen Mills,
a resident of Schenectady, at the
There will be several guest soloists from New York City. Included
will be Lee Dougherty, Virginia
Harms, Richard Krause, and Terreuce Hawkins. Miss Dougherty will
lie appearing tor the third time In
concert with the Choral Society.
Fullbright Scholar
Miss Dougherty perfomred as soprano soloist In the 1063 performance of Bach's "MassinBMinor"
and in last year's presentation of
Bach's "Magnificat" and Handel's
"Dettingen Te Doum." She formerly studied at the Eastman School
of Music, and In Germany under a
Fullbright Scholarship,
Miss Dougherty Is also an accomplished pianist and has won
many awards in this field as well
as a soprano soloist.
Virginia Harms, guest alto, was
soloist at the liadlo City Music
Hall In their Easter Pageant last
spring, and Is soloist at the First
Congregational Church In Montclair,
New Jersey, Miss Harms Is originally from California but sua htt«
performed In many concerts on the
East Coast since her arrival here
a year ago. Miss Harms is a graduate of Bakersfield College.
Tonor S o l o i s t
Kichard Krause, tenor soloist,
appeared with the Choral Society
in the 1903 performance of Bach's
"Mass in B Minor." He Is now
associated with the New York City
Opera Company and Is tenor soloist
at St. Bartholomew's Church In
New York City.
A graduate of Baldwin-Wallace
College, Krause obtained his M.A.
in Music at the University of Illinois.
Terrence Hawkins is the only
one appearing for the first time
with the Choral Society. He has
appeared with many other choral
groups In the New York City area,
and has sung with opera companies
In New York, Philadelphia, New
Orleans, and Dayton and Toledo,
Ohio, Hawkins is a graduate of
Miami University,
D e t e r m i n a t i o n of O f f i c e
He said that the followingcriteria
should determine why a person takes
a job: service, any individual Joins
an organization to contribute to the
welfare of the University, interest
Mr. Neil C. Brown, an alumnus and past president of SA, spoke
against salaries.
Juniors to Hold Weekend at Lodge
officers sent a questionnaire to find
out what the Interests of the class
are. From the returns it was deorganize and unite the class. The cided to have a sports event. Many
theme of the class Is one of "unit." lodges In this area were contacted
The Junior Class is going to spon- about the plans of the Junior Class.
sor a trip to a ski lodge. Joan
Hunter Lodge seems to be the best
Greseus and Harold Lynue are the lodge for the wishes of the class.
co-chairmen of this year's Junior This lodge has skiing, skating and
swimming facilities. Also after a
In September this year the class full day of sports, there can be a
dance at the lodge.
The Junior Class Is trying many
in doing positive Job and might he new and novel approaches to better
seeking publicity for his Idea.
Thompson felt that the first two
ideas were the most Important.
Also defending the abolishment of
salaries was Nell Brown, director
of student activities, who said that
a sludent who wants personal serv(conLinurd to /xrjjc ))
Visual Arts Magazine
Seeks Contributions
"Observation: A Magazine of the
Visual Arts" continues to seek contributions from both faculty and
students, The magazine, created
and odltuil by Ray Allen, will publish Its first edition at the und of
May, 1000,
"Observation" has been given
funds from the Student Association,
It will Include reproductions of all
types of art work, Including painttugs, sculpture, drawings, photographs, and construction,
The editors seek contributions
which will photograph woll In black
and white, Contributions need not EACH YEAR FORUM of Politics sponsors an event for many of the high schools in the Albany
be mounted In any way, and will area. This year the event included a Mock Security Council to familiarise the student* with the
be returned as soon as they are
workings of this organ of the United Nations,
Junior Swoothoart
Working on Publicity are Jill
Gauhert, Carol Churchill, and Anne
Tllton, The lodge committee is also
hoping to sponsor a fashion show,
skits and crowning of the Junior
class sweetheart. The date has been
set for February 10.
There will bo a meeting this Friday to select the nominees for the
Junior Sweetheart In Draper 141
at 1(25. Persons desiring other Information
should contact Joan
Groscns rVEl fi-0UO(l or Jill Gaubort, 472-1037,
'flio class rings for 1007 can
now be ordered ul the bookstore.
Women's rings are $21,00 and the
men's rings uro $22.00. A few
members of tin- class aye looking
Into the idoa of starting new traditions and having a well-known
spuakor for graduation.
Henry MadoJ and Joan Gresens
are starting a Junior Newsletter.
Anyone who has any suggestions
for the class event or any other
activities, please contact the class