Document 14064684

Tu.sdoy, Neveaber 16, 1965
Champion Kappi Beta and Potter
Club lead tha 1965 AMU League
All-Stars, as aalaeted by the team
captains at a meeting on Tuesday,
November 8. KB placed twelve mem*
bars on tha flrat and second teams,
while Potter had eleven. APA was
next with nine, and Trinity managed
all players for fourth. Here are
tha teams as elected by the team
Center-Andy Mathias (KB)
Right Guard-Jim Wlngate (APA)
Left Guard-Tim Ambroslno (KB)
Right End-Mike Bloom (KB)
Left End-Mile Gllmartin (APA)
Blocking Backs-John Charton(EEP)
AND Rich Vacca (APA)
Flanker Back-Steve Zahurak (APA)
Quarterback-Don Prockup (APA)
RlghtEnd-Joe Daly (KB)
Left End-Mike Drexel (EEP)
Tackle-Fred Cicero (APA) and Tom
Rowe (EEP) (tie)
Linebackers - Gordy Muck (APA),
Mike Goldych (EEP), Kirk Ellis
(KB), and Bill Gray (Waterbury)
Safeties-Ray Clanfrlni (APA) and
Rick Pierce (KB)
second team offense
Center-Mike Mansdorf (EEP)
Right Guard-Nick Pawlenko (EEP)
Left Guard-Fran Fava (Waterbury)
Right End-Dick Grlffo (Trinity)
Left End-Paul Doyle
Blocking Backs-Buddy Gates (KB)
and Dan Fllberto (Trinity)
Flanker Back-Dave Sully (EEP) and
Kirk Ellis (KB) (tie)
Quarterback-Dan Thomas (KB)
Ends-Gary Shaw (Waterbury) and
Don Oilman (Trinity) (tie), and
Marty Demarest (EEP)
Tackle-Jack Kenny (KB)
(Trinity), Mike Gllmartin (APA)
and Dick Grlffo (Trinity) (tie),
Jim Constantino (KB), Tim Ambroslno, and Joe Mazzarulli
(EEP) (three-way tie), and Len
Heybruck and Al Babcock (Tower) (tie)
Safeties-Wayne Smith (EEPO and
Dave Sully (EEP)
Garcia Seeb Wrestlers
To Strengthen Squad
In an Interview granted to the ASP last Friday,
varsity wrestling coach Joe Garcia expressedhls hope
that certain students who have had wrestlingexperience
and anyone who is interested in wrestling come and
see him as soon as possible. Garcia said that the
number of persons but now for wrestling " i s the
highest, ever, but" added that there could be more.
G a r c i a i s e s p e c i a l l y i n - coaches will draw for pairings, with
winner meeting winner and loser
vleing with loser. Scoring will be
on a 10-7-4-2 point basis.
There has been a change In the
weight classes this year; the changed
'classes are the 145, 152, 160 pound
Coach Garcia thinks he has some
very fine prospects out for the team
T e a m L o o k s Strong
this year. He has fourteen wrestlers
The team has looked strong In
A STATE GRAPPLER hat the advantage on an unidentified
S with Rpt" and Hudson
opponent in a match last year in Page Hall. The matmen open
squad, but he is distrubed by the fact Valley Community College. The
their season in a quadrangular meet on November 4.
that five "real good prospects" did Danes looked very Impressive In
not come out for the team due to per- the lower weight classes.
sonal reasons.
Garcia added that he was "pleased
with. the conditioning and hustle the
Quadrangular Opener
have displayed in the
The team opens up its season on e a r l y w e e ) ( S o f practice.'
AMIA League I bowling entered GoobersTEAM
— 965
December 4 with a quadrangular
its third week last week at Shade's Goobers
the turnout, Garcia
— 957
meet with Williams, Hartwlck and stated that he anticipated 20 men
Lanes, with the Goobers still un- Goobers —
Hunter here In Albany.
defeated having won twenty-one
but got only 14. Nevertheless he
Garcia said "This is the first hopes some more men will turn out
straight games. Potter is four games
quadrangular meet ever held in the for the sport soon.
behind with the Choppers one game
behind EEP. Here are the statistics B. Rlfenberlck (Goobers) — 624 trl-cltles. There will be a trophy
The ASP shall give a preview on
G. Behrns (Waterbury n) — 606 for the first place team as well as
as of November 13.
the upcoming season and individual
W. Smith (Goobers) - 598
for the Individual winners."
write-ups In a later issue.
In the quadrangular meet the
Won Lost Per. G. Behrns (Waterbury II) — 235
0 1.000 W. Smith (Goobers) - 231
.762 Smith
- 189 plus 2
.667 Giles (Goobers)
(Choppers) - 187 plus 3 Some 60 athletes will be honored
.571 Rlfenberick
- 186 plus 7 at the annual Fall Sports Award
.429 Jones (EEP) (Goobers)
- 186 plus 4
Banquet this Wednesday at 7:00p.m.
.333 Connelly (TXO)
Waterbury II
In Brubacher Hall. Mr. Charles
.238 Barnard (Kappa Beta) 181 3
"Ad Hoes"
"Spud" Kruzan will preside over
(EEP) - 180 plus 7
the 'ceremonies honoring the mem21
.000 McCloat
Waterbury I
Plotrowski (EEP) - 179 plus 5 bers of the freshman and varsity
Klotz (Dutchmen) - 178
cross-country and soccer teams.
Wong (Choppers) - 177 plus 7
A "Most Valuable" athlete will
Goobers — 2810
be named for each squad In addition
Goobers — 2720
to varsity and freshman letter
Choppers — 2616
The AMIA basketball officials are
Six seniors — three from each
now getting organized for the 196E - varsity sport — will beattending
66 season. This is the second year their last fall dinner. They are Udo
they will be paid.
Guddat, Jay Moore and Anton SaleckThere has been one clinic held er from soccer and Ken Klrlk, Bob
with each coach MUnsey already, Flick and Paul Durbln of the crossand another one will be held on country team.
Thursday, November 18, at 7:30 in
Members of the Athletic Advisory
Draper 147. It is important that Board,
the cheerleaders, ASP sports
every referee attend this meeting. editor
McCloat, Mr. George
This year referee's wages will be Brewer Ray
and Vice President Clifton
scaled according to experience and Thorne are
the guests.
ability. The referees will also be
The coaches of the teams will
given uniforms, the first time the
make the various awards.
AMIA has done this.
Sports Department
To Hold Banquet
Quality Shoes
Men, Children
AMIA Needs Refs
Phonograph Needles Replaced
* * * * *
153 Central Avenues
AMIA BOWLERS DISPLAY the intenseness and intereit which
characterizes the league's play on Saturday mornings.
Opa Your Lambert's Charge Account
No interest or carrying charge
— •
Open E v e s , except Saturday
MS 44*11
Ataer, New tea
• M M IN k
TMt Car* Enttiw V m Te
JP% OS On AN Cash Sat*.
(Raaatn fuluded)
«a» Watch and jawaby taaatnwa
U *
hot sausage
1 65
h « l l » hall.
c o m b i n o t l o n - 4 items
chef special ( e v e t / t h i n g ) .
Saturday Ml 6
tomato sauce
meat sauce
meat balls
hot sausage
hot moat ball .
. ...
hot moot boll & pepper
hot sausage
hot sausage & pepper . ... .
roost beef
hoi roast beef & gravy
hot roast turkey & gravy
roast turkey
tuna fist?
With this
PIZZA $1.50
Good Tuesday,
Wednesday* Thursda
N O V E M B E R 19. 1 9 6 5
VOL. LI, NO. 41
Auctions Highlight Drive
For Campus Chest Contributions
Wednesday night's Chinese Auctions in the Student Union were highlighted by the
sale of a pie for $82.50 to be thrown at Joseph Galu, co-editor of the Albany StuP r e s s . The pie was administered by Susan Budd and was received by Galu with his
usual dignity.
The evening also featured a pie in the face for
Linford White won by Dr.
Edward Sargent who in turn
auctioned himself off for
the pie.
Dr. Sargent had been conducting
the auctions in colorful vaudeville
The last day of the Chinese Auctions will be held tomorrow and
will feature Steve Curtl, editor of
the "Torch," to be victim of a pie
in the face.
Mike Purdy, co-chairman of Campus Chest, said that there will be
other interesting items sold.
Tuesday's Auctions
MIKE PURDY, CO-CHAIRMAN of Campus Chest conducts one
of the auctions in Student Union Wednesday night. On stage for
a pie is Joe Galu and Linford White.
Chamber Theatre Opens
With 'Wapshot Scandal9
The first major production of
State University Theatre to be done
in chamber theatre is slated for
opening December 8, according to
Mr. Ross Stephen, director. An
adaptation of John Cheever's highly
acclaimed novel "The Wapshot
Scandal," done by Mr. Stephen, will
run through the 11th, reopening on
the 15th. Final curtain will be December 18. All performances are
set for the Studio Theatre, Richardson 291.
The story deals with the family
Wapshot and its deeds and misdeeds
in parts of the world ranging from
Rome to a small New England villarj called St, Botolphs. Matriarch
of the family is elderly cousin Honora, who watches over the fortunes
of her nephews, Coverly and Moses,
and their wives, lletsey and Melissa.
Mr. Robert Donnelly, technical
director of State University Theatre, has designed the set, while
Diane Somerville Is serving as a s sistant to the director and stage
Although the cast numbers 18,
there are 92 roles in the production;
the 47 male roles are done by nine
men, the 45 female parts by nine
women. Key roles are played by
Paula Michaels, returning to the
stage In her first major role since
"The Flies" as Honora, and Peter
— \
Phone 434-3298
Open emninp tip $
I University
A Free
League I Bowling News
* * * * *
terested in having trans
fers with wrestling backgrounds see him and discuss their wrestling situation.
203 Central Ave
Stuyvesant Plata
Open Evenings
H A Free
"The Great Silence: Why are the
good people of Albany silent in the
face of corruption? What happens 1/
by chance someone speaks out?"
These questions will be explored
at the Golden Eye tonight at 9 p.m.
On the panel discussing the Father
Bonaventure controversy will be Bill
Kennedy, the "Times Union" staff
writer who first broke the story,
O, Reginald Brown, Albany President of the NAACP; and Michael
Nardollolo and Kmil Drysdale of
the Catholic Interracial Council.
Also participating will be Albany
students Jane Schneider and Diane
O'llare and several students from
Siena. All the students were members of the Interfalth Task Force
which was set up last summer to
work on inter-city problems.
Brooks as Coverly. Betsey, his wife,
is portrayed by Florence Kaem,
while Moses .and Melissa are done
by William Mayer and Lexl Sadorl.
El}i He, a grocery boy who figures
prominently in Melissa's life, is
portrayed by Ron Brew, while Dahlia
Lowenstein portrays his mother.
The alcoholic village minister is
played by Charles Helneman, while
Janice Newmark, Jane Mandel, Susanne Greene, and Bruce Tiffany
portray some of the parishioners.
Ellis Kaufman enacts Norman
Johnson, Honora's lawyer, while
Jim Lobdell is seen as Father Bas•fcom. The Pope is played by Charles
Bartletuj a nurse by Anita Liuzzi,
and a maid by Diane Somerville.
The single largest role is that of
the narrator, portrayed by George
McDermott, who serves as the unifying factor and is constantly on
Tickets lor the show will be
available on a reserved basis for
$1.50 or student tax..
There were over a hundred people
present at the Chinese Auctions held
Tuesday night in the dining room at
the new campus. Such things as a
410 box of nuts and cookies, a stereo
album, a shirt from Moe Kahn's
and a kosher Hebrew National salami
were auctioned o'l.
Also two pies w e e sold, one for
John CianToftPand the oilier Tor"
Frank Petrone. Clanfoni's pie sold
for $12 and Petrone's pie for $26.50.
Campus Chest will conclude Tuesday, November 25 when Mr. and
Miss Campus Chest will be chosen. F R E E D O M SINGERS E N T E R T A I N audience i n Brubacher L o w e r
Mr. Campus Chest on the basis of Lounge d u r i n g their c o n c e r t l a s t year.
his hair-do and Miss Campus Chest
on the size of her feet.
The voting for the candidates has
teen going on in the peristyles and
the winner will be chosen on the
most money votes they receive.
The candidates for Mr. Campus
Chest are Frank Penski, Ken Little,
"Smoke" Hedden and Tom Walencik. Marie Tucci, Julie LeMaire,
Freedom t h e s e s a m e erouPs> wl '"e tlle °">er
Sandy De Vos, Barbara Psyck, San- 0 . The new . SNCC
. performance by the Singers at Alr
dra Rudy, Sylvia Underwood and singers win penr rm in bajly> ln 1063|
Hope Schoen are competing for the
was sponsored by
crown of Miss Campus Chest.
B r u b a c h e r Lower Lounge the student Association.
Freedom Singers to Give Concert;
Ticket Money Will Go to SNCC
The goal for the Campus Chest
drive is $2,000. and judging from
the results of the various events
that have taken place thus far,
Eleanor Dlenor and Purdy, cochairmen of Campus Chest, are
optimistic about attaining this goal.
p . m . November 20 at
The program is sponsored by the
Freedom Council at State, and by
Die Capital District Friends of
SNCC. Last year's performance by
the group was also cosponsored by
Citizens Protest Silencing of Priest,
Petition in Support of Bonaventure
Repercussions from the
silencing of Father Bonaventure O'Brien continue
to loom large over most
of the Albany area.
Father Bonaventure was active in
helping Negroes learn their rights,
especially regarding their voting
lights. He was a poll watcher during the recent general election anil
questions several of the illegal practices at the poll places.
Mrs. Charles Rorle wasoneofthe
first South Enders to complain of
Father Bona venture's silencing. She
has been active In the Better Homes
and Community group which has
been active in Albany's South End.
Mrs, Rorle was one of the leaders
of the prayer meeting at Trinity Institute which drew 350 South Enders
as well as about 100 college students, him to help us, we feel there is a
mostly from Siena.
chance In life."
Pope, Province, Diocese
The husband oi the secretary of
the Better Homes and Community
organization had his taxi driver's
license revoked and may have teen
fireu iroin his job with the city's
fire department.
Most of tlie people Interested ln
the program do not give indications
of fearing the machine. Those who
have committed themselves to the
s u p p o r t Father Bonaventure are
remaining firm ln their determlna-
This petition has already been
signed by more than one thousand
Negro and white South Enders. The
petitions will be copied and sent to
the Province of the Franclslans, to
Pope Paul, and to the Albany Catholic Diocese.
A petition reading "We Hie undersigned hope that you will reconsider
... (the curtailment of) the work of
Father Bonaventure O'Brien. We do
not understand what wrong he has
done. He has been a big help and
Inspiration to all. With men like
The organizations working ln the
working with
.,, End have
,, . been
he Albany Rent Control agency n
WW ' °
" «"> compliance with
the deadlines for repairs set by the
T n e organizations have also been
a c t l v e l n attempting to prevent new
rjrop outs to
d r o p o u t s wli
i0 gei
return to school,
to page 2)
T i c k e t Sales
Tickets for the Singers have been
on sale since a week ago Monday in
the peristyles, In the dorms, and
from several faculty members. By
the end of the first week of sales
approximately one quarter of the
tickets had teen sold. The remainder
of the tickets, priced at $1.00 per
student ticket, and $2.00 per faculty
ticket, will remain on sale for the
rest of the day and at the door.
The)' can still be obtained In the
peristyles between 10 a.m. and 2:30
p.m. and from members of the Freedom Council in the dorms. Faculty
tickets can also be obtained from
Dr. Adams in the English Annex or
from Mr. Fractenberg ln Richardson Hall. A large sale is expected
at the dour from Albany people who
are being contacted by Friends of
Concert Sold Out
Last year's concert sold out and
it is expected that this year's shall
do the same. All money collected
from ticket sales will be donated
to SNCC.
The Freedom Singers consist of
six SNCC field workers, Jed by two
brothers: Mat! and Marshall Jones,
They come from all over the country and met about six years ago,
soon after SNCC's formation in
(continued to page D
Robert Enman Plays
Today in Page
Students Maintain Calm
In Emotional Situation
Musi. Council will piesent a concert by Robert Enman today at
1:30 p.m. in Page Hall. The program
will feature sonatas by Beethoven
and Prokofiev and four shorter piano
selections by Brahms.
To the people in the South End, "We are Bonnie's
Boys.'* This statement dominated all of the events
and the conclusions made at the student body meeting
at Siena's Gibbons Hall last Friday. The attitude was
that the student of Siena must do' nothing that would
imperil the further useful work of Father Bonaventure O'Brien.
«-_...j_ j *
i t " '••*,••'
C r o w d e d f r o m t h e floor t o
Enman studied at Lewis and Clark
College in Portland, Oregon where
he majored in piano. He then earned
his Master's Degree in Piano at the
Yale School of Music.
visor and as a m e n d . " He said that
he was "amazed that the Mocese of
Albany and the Holy Name Province
0 f the Franciscan Order have seen
Enman has studied piano under
Bruce Simonds and violin undei
Broadus Erie. Last summer he con.
tinued his study of music history at
the Harvard Summer School.
the stands to the standing fit to limit his activities."
room in the back. Siena
Bosi« O« change
students made up most of progress
„ F l! her „ °'means
,', I nTs t^i t1u"t i6o nvatl
, J^ '"""<• " *
the crowd, but State students and Siena faculty
were also common.
Martin Sullivan, an alumnus of
Siena and the President of the National Federation of Catholic College Students, spqke to the assembled students.
He spoke warmly of Father
O'Brien, as a "teacher, as an ad-
Salisbury to Speak
On Mars Botany
"hashe realized
change, and
has worked
Martin concluded his statement
with the statement: " I have only
the greatest respect and love for
the Catholic Church and its teachings. Yet in this case It seems to
me that the Church has openly contradicted Its own teachings."
This statement was applauded
longer and more loudly than any of
the other statements made. Many
of the students who were seated in
the -stands rose to applaud him.
The student leaders who spoke
by N a n c y F e l t i
emphasized the points that their
objection was to the Church's attiThe pirecior of Admissions r e tude, that it was the Church action
which is culpable, and that the stu- cently released an annual summary
dent role is to enforce the protests of our freshman class. His report,
and desires of the South Enders. entitled "Profile of a Class — September 1905," strongly Indicates
that the freshman class is bigger
Unmeaningful Method
To do otherwise, they concluded, and better than ever before.
The number of applications rewould be to be labelled irresponceived totaled 0670. SUNYA accepted
sible demonstrators.
of those candidates, turning
In the question period which followed, several students raised the away 425 well-qualified freshman
question of whether supporting the applicants "whom we would have
bouth Enders showed sufficient sup- liked to serve."
This year's freshman class is
port for Father O'Brien.
The vast majority seemed to sup- more academically well-rounded
port the reply that a demonstration than any previous one. The Direcof students would be dismissed as tor's report included many impressive statistics. These include the
number of units that the average
freshman lias taken in high school.
According to the report, the average freshman has taken 4.1 units
of English, 3.8 units of social science, 3.8 units of language, 3.7
units of math and 3.5 units of scl-
Common Market
Subject of Speech
If che Church backs down, it could
mean the end of the so-called deal
between Daniel P. O'Connoll, the
Albany County chairman oi the Democratic party, and the local bishop,
currently Bishop Scully, a man widely regarded as being senile and too
sick to take care of his duties.
The background for the story includes tlie 44 year dominance of tlie
local Democratic organization and
the extremely conservative Catholic
Church of the Albany Diocese.
The newspaper of the local diocese, "The Evangelist," is considered to lie one of the most conservative Catholic papers in America. A recent proof of this was the
complete absence of coverage of the
theological-social discussions at
Catholic University in Washington,
Tlie local Catholic Church has
long been one of tlie adamant supporters of both tlie Index and the
l-eeion of Decency. One local church
still forbids his parishioners from
going to see moves at tlie closed
Leiand Theatre,
He Is both an accomplished pianist and violinist. He has lieen a
piano soloist with orchestras on the
West Coast and has given recitals
in New Haven, Hartford, ant] the
tri-city area. As violinist, Entna'
has participated In a number i
orchestras and chamber ensembles.
Profile of Freshmen Class
Reveals Weil-Rounded Class
Noted plant biologist Dr. Frank
Salisbury will speak on plant biology
with respect to life on Mars, Monday afternoon, November 22. The
talk is sponsored by the Biology
Club and the biology department.
The author of two books, "The
Flowering Process" and "Truth
by Reason and Revelation" (science
and religion), Dr. Salisbury is a
professor of plant physiology at
Colorado State University. He r e ceived his B.S. and M.A. from the
University of Utah and his Ph.D.
from California Institute of Technology.
In 1962 and 19C3, Dr. Salisbury
spent time in Germany and Austria
as- a National Science Foundation
Fellow. At that time, he toured all
the major plant laboratories in Europe and in Moscow.
Presently, his research concerns
the physiology of flowering and space
biology (response of plants to high
by R o n a l d U s c h e r
Intensity light, life on Mars), under
Forum on Politics presented Dr.
the National Science Foundation, the
National Institute of Health, and the Robert Cohen, a member of the
National Aeronautical and Space Ad- European Economic Community Directorate General for Agriculture
on Monday, November 15.Dr.Cohen
who is in charge of agricultural
trade relations among the member
countries centered his talk on the
sidelights ol the Common Market.
Dr. Cohen's speech included a
history of the attempts to unify
Europe after World War II. He
pointed out possible political motives behind the formation of the
economic community, and that tiie
E.E.C. is not merely a customs
union but an entire economic system of cooperation.
The Common Market and its external affairs were discussed with
specific references to the emerging
African nations. Dr. Cohen also
spoke about the difficulties in the
Common Market itself, and the particular positions of England and
France in relation to the Common
Dr. Frank Salisbury
(continued [mm page I)
Several other priests have been
active n. lie projects in tlie South
End. Father Bonaventure Is theonly
priest who was overtly active in informing Negroes of their voting
rights and the secrecy of the voting
booth. Father Bonaventure is the
only one who has been silenced,
The order Issued by the Province
(governing tody) of the Franciscans
at the request of the Albany Catholic Diocese did not Include any
explanation of the action or any
reasons fur the action.
Rumors concerning the action
have been contradictory. Some say
that the silencing was at the request
of the local political machine. No one
with any knowledge of either the machlno or the local Church has denied
tills charge.
The contradiction is involved In a
rumored compromise. Some say that
tlie original request for the Diocese
asked for O'Brien's removal from
tlie faculty of Siena as well as r e moving him from his missionary
.. Frldoy/November 19, 1965
The freshman class Is almost
entirely composed of students wtio
were in the top fifth of their classes
in high school.. 6.37t of the class
were valedl jtorians or salutatorians
of their graduating high school classes.
Recipients of regents scholarships compose 40.0?; of the class,
10.8?; of the class are the recipients of other scholarships.
Tlie report Included personal data,
some of \yhieh Is very interesting.
As in past years, the percentage
of female students (54"r) is slightly
larger than that of male students
(46?i). The average freshman's age
upon admission was 17.8 years.
Due to the large number of applications, the Office of Admissions
has reinstated its Early Decision
Program. Acceptances will be
mailed uut as early as December 1.
It is expected that these appointments will constitute mostly A and
B-plus quality applicants.
He Is also a member of the Alio
In 1902, Enman joined the n
faculty.of Emma Wllllard Sellout i
Troy and has taught theon .
music history, besides coacl ,
chamber ensembles at (he M ..<.
for the past three years.
Robert Enman
Fridoy, November 19, 1965
. p«f i
Broken Relay in Canada Blamed Twelve Vie for Contest
For Northeastern Power Failure
'J' '*i ?,v.: MIS' ^^.^
by Barbara Blodgett
The "black out" that
darkened Albany and most
of the Northeast last week
has been attributed to a
broken relay at a Canadian
power plant on the Niagara
The break in the relay was caused
by excessive overloading of the six
power lilies going into the Sir Adam
Deck plant number 2 in Queenston,
Ontario. Over l.G million ilowatts
were being pumped into this plant
at one time, ami its capacity was
not great enough to meet such a
As the relay broke, the l.G million kilowatts were transferred to
U. S. distributing facilities, causing
a rapid increase of frequency and
a massive surge of power that
could not be handled.
Safety equipment chain reaction
that had been set up to guard against
situations such as the one that followed failed to operate, and the r e result was the complete collapse
of the services of most New England and Southern New York State
power systems.
The problem of starting up again
was enormous. Any generator that
began supplying current would be
immediately overloaded by the vast
network of systems that were standing by, just waiting for power. In
(his case the generator would be
halted at once by Its own built-in
safety device — the circuit breaker.
In order to g?t the systems going,
various sections of the darkened
area had to be isolated and the individual generators brought into line
one by one.
The situation would have warranted the declaration of a state of
national emergency, but It was afraid
that such a step would cause too
much panic. Most citizens accepted
the situation- calmly, and did what
they conld to alleviate its pravity.
Little looting or rlotingoceurred,
and a prison riot, that was quickly
squelched, appears to be the most
Freedom Singers ..
In the field of Civil Hights, they
have spent years in the South as
project organizers and workers.
Among t
six, they share !)G arrests foj civil rights offenses. The
songs that they sing are those that
they have learned through their
personal experiences on the picket
line and in (he field.
As ;i group, ihc\ have performed
mi campuses throughout the country, as well as on television on the
hick Gregory Show. They have also
released two records under the
( (iinm! ia label. All tin* money I'rom
i .iM! rerord sale;, Is also donated
ii> SN( i by the group and in reality
they accept nuililng lor their work
except I'm then' expenses.
Nationally Praised
Fellow perfornier.s have praised
their siyle <>i entertaining such as
Chad Mitchell who has '-ailed their
singing "a moving experience."
The\ have also appeared in concert
with Pete Seeger over tlie past few
years on several occasions.
Last year's concert grossed over
six hundred dollars from ticket and
record sales. The concert this year
will be followed by a reception oft
campus for the Singers to which all
ticket holders will be welcome. The
Singers will be staying overnight in
homos of Council and Friends of
SNCC members.
SNCC in Action
SNi i p Hie Student Non-violent
Co-ordinating Comiuitiee, I ased in
Atlanta, Georgia and New York City
Gerald's Drug Co,
fel7 Western Avt. Albany, N.Y.
Prion. 6-3410
serious Incident.
New York City was perhaps the
hardest hit area, with commuters
standed In rush-hour subways, and
sight-seers boxed in elevators
throughout tlie Empire State Building. But there, as everywhere else,
the people united to light the emergency together.
Albany students were praised by
Dr. Clifton Thome for their "adult
Judgment and responsible action..."
as well as for their "calm acceptance of the inconvenience."
This Incident has served to highlight for all of us the great dependency of our lives on electricity.
Work is now in progress to prevent
the occurrence of a similar situation.
Ken Dormer
'Smoke" Hoddon
Frank Penski
New Jesuit Priest
Arrives on Campus
Father Frank Maciorowski, Newman's present Jesr t priest and
scientist, arrived ones ipusThursday, November 11. Father Maciorowski attended St. Joseph's College
In Pennsylvania, entered the Jesuit
order in 1952, and continued his education in Wernersvllle, Pennsylvania.
After laking his vows in 1954,
Father Maciorowski studied humanities for a year and received his
Ph.L. from Loyola University. He
received his masters in Physics
from Catholic University, doing experimental work in nuclear physics
and the study of cosmic neutrino.
Father Maciorowski has taught at
Wheeling College and lias studied
theology at Woodstock College. He
was ordained in June, 1UG4, and was
stationed at Aurlesvllle.
While at Albany, Father will continue Father Solomon's Senior Interviews and will takeover the theology
discussions, with one on conscience
and authority. Father Maciorowski
will be available for conferences and
"bull sessions." When he has finished his stay here and at Aurlesvllle, he will continue his studies
on the cosmic neutrino for his doctorate at Catholic University.
(continued from page I)
Is one of the four important Civil
Rights organizations that have been
in part responsible lor the great
recent surge of activity in Civil
Rights over the past decade.
At the moment, SNCC is mainly
engaged in" working with the Mississippi Freedom Party, and was
responsible for the attempt to unseat the regular democratic delegates from Mississippi at the 19G4
Democratic Convention In Atlantic
It is also carrying on n limited
program oi voter registration In
many counties of the south. It was
a major supporter of the COFO Mississippi Summer Project in the
summer ol 190-1.
Only seven years old, SNCC is
already i force to be respected in
Civil bights, along with CORF, Martin Luther King, J r . ' s SCLC, and
tlie N.A.A.C.P.
v ovAo>.
Marie Tucci
Sandy Rudy
J40 Western Avenue
We Call and Deliver
IV 2-31341
With French Fries
Phonograph Needles
153 Central Avenue
Open E v e s , e x c e p t Soturdoy
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We feature
collegiate haircuts
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
5 minute walk from the
New Campus
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No interest or carrying charge
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This Card Entitles You To
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(Repairs Excluded)
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing
Done on Premises
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Eleanor Diener
Sandy DoVos
Future Plans
This program is tue first of a
series on and about Civil Rights to
I* sponsored by the Freedom Council al stale, other programs over
iho remainder u( the season will
Include such prominent national figures as James Farmer, director of
COR I•: and Senator Jacob Javlts,
In addition there are tentative
plans for programs on segregation
to include representatives from the
Mississippi state Sovereigncy Commission, a former supporter of
White Citizen Councils In that stale,
and for a program on tlie Black
Muslims, to Include a member of
that group.
George Smrtic
Ken Little
International Storing
n good
Large Assortment ot Pierced Earrings
Diamonds Set Whil.-U-Wait
Watch and Jewelry Repair
Headquarters tor College Jewelry
Fine's Auto Soles
1075 Central Avt.
Student Charge Account Aooilable
Stuuuemnt Ptazq
IV 9-0549
A d
Open eoeaingt till 9
Saturday till 6
f'{«*•», November 19. 1965
Colorado Students Air Grievances
At Administr ationSupported Bite h-in
of Politici Monday afternoon.
Market before Forum
Truthfulness Not a Prerequisite
For the Profession of Diplomacy
" T h e d i p l o m a t i s not r e - up and lied about it." Two days later
in a press conference, President
q u i r e d to t e l l the t r u t h , i n Elsenhower admitted that Powers
f a c t h e i s not e x p e c t e d to was on a spy mission. Russia Imt e l l t h e t r u t h . T e l l i n g t h e mediately gained an advantage in
international relations, and cant r u t h i s not h i s b u s i n e s s . " celled the scheduled summit conThis was one of Dr. Robert Ol- ference.
When asked why he had made
iver's main points In his analysis
of the "Speech of Diplomacy: Ap- such an admission, Elsenhower repearance vs. Reality." He spoke plied, "Because it' is true." Said
before an audience of more than Oliver, "That Is the poorest excuse
400 Monday night as part of the for that sort of blunder."
Oliver also criticized newspapers
"America at Mid-Century" Symsuch as the "New York Times" for
posium series.
that the government give
Oliver is presently chairman of
the department of speech at Pen- the people the tacts of an Issue.
nyslvanla State University, lie spent "This is the kind of stupidity that
over twenty years in the field of no newspaper should Indulge in,"
diplomacy, however, and Illustrated
many of Ids points with personal
experiences. .
No Distinction
Oliver undertook the task of clearing up public misconceptions of the
diplomatic profession. One popular
misconception is that diplomats
from different countries possess
distinct characteristics. Thai Is,
French diplomats are sly, British
diplomats canny and Russian diplomats not to be trusted.
On the contrary said Oliver, "The
rules of the diplomatic profession
are pretty much the same all over
the world." Diplomats from different countries regard themselves
almost as fraternity brothers, united
In the effort of keeping the peace.
While the countries they represent may officially hate each other,
diplomats are often close friends.
This is due partly to the fact that
a diplomat "Is a puppet speaker,
speaking to a shadow audience."
The diplomat has no power or
authority to determine policy or
work out compromises with other
diplomats, Me can only convey the
official policy of his government
and take the stands they want to
fTn(»or.o)Hr of
n f rColorn l n r - about, most of them trying W think
The .University
of a "bitch" they might air.
ado held a "bitch-in" sevOne brunette from California
eral weeks ago during walked back and forth wrapped In
red ribbon with a sign on her back
which time 2,800 students stating
"I protest the red tape at
were able to complain the University of California."
ballroom celling hung a
through the "proper chan$1,000 mobius strip built by IBM
for a special conference they had
The "bltch-in" received total ad- at the University. It was an endless
ministrative support as ihey sup- strip, on which light can carry and
plied the students with everything never cross Itself.
down to coffee and donuts.
The entire evening was organized
Analogy Made
under the guidance of Howard HlgThis caused an observer to reman, a sociology professor. Students mark that It was a little like the
say that Hlgman speaks their lan- university — "built by science and
guage as he attends their parties, running around In a never ending
drinks with them, and responds circle trying to find itself."
happily when students call him at
While all the students who talked
3 a.m. for a talk.
were the "normal student type" no bearded or sandaled rebels —
Began at 10 P.M.
The "bltch-in" began at 10 p.m. there were virtually no faculty or
speakers. Both had
and by 4 a.m. the last stragglers
were finished bitching. At times it expressly been invited to attend.'
The loudest "bitches" of the enappeared that the evening might
turn into a circus, with effect meas- tire evening came from the night
ured more in terms of oratorical
adeptness than actual complaints.
Reason, or the word most frequently heard throughout the evening, "responsibility," was quickly
Newman Club
restored by a hard-core group of
Daniel Barrlgan, S.J. will give a
fifty student leaders. These leaders
said that the purpose of the entire talk, followed by a discussion on
evening was to find out If student the "Paradox of the Times-the good
opinion existed on questions of ed- man" in Page Hall Monday, Novemucational reform, academic free- ber 22 at 7:30 p.m.
Barrlgan has written many books
dom, and administrative control,
including some on poetry. Presently
as they felt it did.
the hoard of Jesuit missions in
They were searching essentially
the United States, he has given talks
for a "mandate for action."
to such groups as the papal volunteers and the Peace Corps.
Dismisses Critics
The leaders dismissed all critics
Sigma Alpha
who felt the evening was an adminSigma Alpha Sorority has anistrative plot to try and level off
student protest by giving it a vocal nounced that tile following girls
have been pledged: Jeanne Allen,
Seating was not available for half Carol Meier, Joan Rech, Densle
of the early crowd; many sat, slept Rich, and Veda Wemett.
Slg Alpha Is holding an informal
and did homework on the floor,
while others wandered In and out. party Friday, December 3 at the
Inn. Music will be provided
Outside the ballroom where the
"l.ltch.ln-washpld.students milled by the "Mid Knights."
Procedure Protosted
The actual bitching procedure was
In itself protested by several students. When they entered the room,
they were given an IBM card with a
number, and their speeches, timed
five-minute complaints, were called
out by number.
This seemed to many a gross
example of everything wrong with
today's "multiversity": the Ili.M
machines even controlled their protests.
Juet wait'H
The big bum
•tola mu
No,no...IC was a portion oP hie
debt to the Kino oP Argos. He also
had to kill therkmeen Lion, the
Hudra.cleen the Augean Stablee...
and a bunch oP other things.
The brothers of SLS have announced that the following men have
been inducted into the fraternity;
Casper Sedgwick, Richard Clarke,
Thomas O'Hagan,George Lelbowliz,
Arnold Fox, George Becekr, Cannon
Chlcone, Kenneth Homo, James
O'Brien, Robert Mulvey and Howard
These cars weren't meant for
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Standard output of the new
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Sound like a car you could
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precisely how Chevrolet engineers planned it. Seriously.
When a crisis such as the one
in Cuba arises, two groups of men
111 Washington Immediately go to
work. One group tries to determine
exactly what the tacts In the case
are, The other group studies the
political implications of the situation and of various courses of action.
When the data of both groups are
submitted, "a policy decision Is
made which sometimes accords with
the facts, but very often not," The
diplomat, In translating Mils policy
to other nations, Is not expected to
tell the truth, but to tell the policy,
Editor's Note: This is the official statoment.of Siena's-Student Senate
concerning the ruling of the Franciscan Orde^ that Father Bonaventure
cease his work in Albany's South End. The statement was'issued at
a meeting Friday, November 12.
Any student wishing to post signs
involving the solicitation of mow,
(I.E. tutoring for a fee, typing services, etc.) must contact William
Murphy, Chairman, Solicitations
Committee, prior to such action.
All those who have posted unauthorized materials are asked to remove them and contact the committee.
Equipped with a
Turbo-Jet 396 V8,
special suspension
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Truth of Llttlo Import
janitors, who
who are
are used
used to
having the Memorial Center, where
the program was held, locked at
11 p.m.
Now! New Chevelle SS 396 by Chevrolet
In showing how policy Is determined in Washington, Oliver explained that "diplomacy has Its own
ethics." Under this code of ethics,
"the facts" or "the truth" play
little part.
Truth Actually Harmful
The truth may actually harm the
country's position, as in the l'-2
spy incident In luul), When Power's
plane was shot down over Russia,
"our state Department spoke right
r e w ot
. T h e y complained to each other
loudly of those "complaining students" ——"All that's going to
come ot this will be coffee and
stains and cigarette butts on the
floor," one Janitor said. "I didn't
even intend to have to mop that
place, but I guess I'll have to now."
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b, The ettuatton that we era concerned with baa developed ee
a result of one person's actloas. Ideally, aU wto protass Christian oonvictlooa abould reallae responsibility to the community.
. On the catholic campus, there appears to be a lack of leadership
and direction in this regard. The administration and faculty
should assume their proper places as leaders of a vital, dynamic
movement aimed at the vary goals of the intellectual communitynamely, relating academic subjects to humanity, and relating both
to Christ. They should be concerned with creatlngan atmosphere
• in. which a student can broaden Us outlook to Include realisation
" of the responsibilities of his position as an educated ChristianIn society. Had there been such a united exercise of Christian
responsibility by. a large number of those who are charged with
this responsibility, the effects of their united actions would be
far more beneficial, and the situation Involving one individual
would not have come to fruition.
FACT) In recent months, there appeared in the area an additional active,'
vital force working tor the betterment of man and the promulgation
. of true Christian principles.
This force was manifested by an Individual who had the courage STATEMENT! We, the students of Siena College, realize that the present situation involving Fr. Bonaventure O'Brien, O.F.M. i s at
to criticize a lethargic political machine, art apathetic citizenry, and
present a matter between himself and his ecclesiastical superior
a Church authority lacking In conviction — • by a man who not only
only. This is not the issue here. We recognize the fact, however, criticized the social Injustice thai he witnessed,' but who also truly
that the situation we have Just observed gives graphic demonstration
bore witness to the Christ to whom he Is dedicated.
of the attitudes and policies ot the Diocese of Albany.
' The cnancery of the Diocese of Albany has brought about a situa• We call upon the Diocese of Albany to guide Its members toward
tion In which the aforementioned Individual is hot allowed to involve
Christ. We ask that It give witness to Its professed beliefs and that
himself in community action In any manner — cannot fully follow the
It recognize and act according to its Christian responsibilities. We
Christian conviction and seek Christ In men.
urge that it risk any political Insecurity that might ensue, and we
express our belief In the abilities of a directed, faithful community
PRINCIPLE: 1. In today's world, many men seek a true and valid conto overcome this obstacle.
cept of Christianity. Many have come to the conclusion that Christ
must be found In man — they believe that a Christian must become
Moreover, we demand that the Diocese of Albany no longer preinvolved with men, and that by dedicating their lives to the, cause o*
vent or discourage the Christian Involvement of man. We desire to
humanity, they are, in fact, living for and In Christ.
. <VI jL
see, at the very least, a policy promulgated by the hierarchy which
will enable a Christian to fulfill his commitment without negative
To be truly Christian, one must fight deprivation of human
actions being taken by the diocese to prevent him.
rights, destruction of self-respect, and social injustice of all types.
One must seek Christ In the betterment of man.
We fall to see how the diocese could possibly prohibit Christian
action, and we have not heard comment to the effect that the actions
taken were either un-Chrlstian or against Church doctrine. Conse2. Any human being has, by his nature, the right to express opinquently, we must call upon the Bishop to stop this hypocritical methions and to follow his convictions. Moreover a Christian has the'
od of avoiding responsibility on the part of the diocesan hierarchy.
right to pursue fulfillment of his Christian responsibilities.
Furthermore, we have already noted that united action by a large
3. Leaders of groups within the Church have the responsibility
number of faculty and administration would have prevented the sito direct human activity toward Christianity.
lencing of one man. We suggest that In unity there truly Is strength.
a. Speaking in positive terms, leaders of the Catholic diocese
We urge the administration and the faculty, by their actions and exmust be active forces in the profession of true Christian conpressed opinions, to take their place as leaders In a Christian acacepts. They must both speak out themselves, and encourage others
demic community. We urge them to lead us in Christian action. We
to fight social Injustice and degradation of human beings. They
suggest that Siena take a more active interest in the community. We
must manifest, by action, the cause of the Christ they claim to
feel that the Ideals of the academic community are such that all Infollow.
volved must attempt to relate their education to human advancement
Upon examining the present situation, we see that, In Albany,
and to God, and we ask that the College authorities create an atmosthe hierarchy of the Church is Ignoring its own responsibilities.
phere In which a student can broaden his outlook to Include the
Moreover, the diocese Is actively prohibiting an individual from
realization of the responsibilities of his position as an educated
attempting to fulfill, his personal commitment.
Christian In the world.
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Tower Provides Unique View
Virtually everyone living in Stuyvesant Tower proclaims favorable opinions regarding the view from
moat floors of the tower. Students marvel at the improvement of .-.the'tower compared to Waterbury and
especially the old group houses.
The tower is set up in a series of suites. As one
arrives on a given floor from the elevator or from
the stairs, one is in a centrally located area. At the
two ends of a small hall there are doors leading to
the suites. There are. four suites on each floor.
If a floor is an elevator stop, there is a lounge
and two four man suites and two six man suites. On
the other floors there is no lounge and four six man
Many of the lounges have television sets. The
lounge in the Potter section features the only color
television in the tower. Where a fraternity occupies
an area, the lounge will tend to be filled with paddles,
banners, and, especially in Potter's case, many
STUYVESANT TOWER wai occupied long before the work wot
Most of the students interviewed complained of the
finished. The hanging scaffold remains far window cleaning.
isolation of the new campus and remarked that the
The world's biggest flower pott hold fully grown trees.
absence of a Snack Bar is felt almost universally.
Several of the men in fraternities said that rushing
has been more difficult, but again, conditions were
expected to improve when most everyone is living on
\ '-*»v ' 1 ' ^ 2 f ^ i
the same campus.
None of the many suites, had the six desks in the
so-called study area. At least two and as many as all
six desks were moved into the "sleeping" rooms by
the students.
The reactions of students who lived in the low rise
new campus residence halls were noted. Several students said that it was much quieter in the tower because of the absence of a central study lounge with
eight surrounding rooms.
Those non-affiliated students who lived on the same
floor as 18 fraternity men shared the views of fraternity men that the situation was not desirable. The
problems were those of lacking common interests.
The independents do feel at home with the Greeks,
and they tend not to know the men a floor or two above
who are also independent.
Many students said that they were hoping the new
library could be opened for study purposes. Their
complaints were based on the absence of comfortable
study areas outside their own suites. The U-lounge is
comfortable to sit in, but the tables are the wrong
height for studying. (These tables were not intended
to be. used as desks and are being used stop-gap
One active independent complained that the presence
f r o m a n y a n g | e . This picture was taken from
of the Greeks with their self-centered interests deapproximately three months old. The changes
the tower lounge,
tracts from general interest in Tower projects such
in the appearance of the buildings can be seen
as the Christmas sing.
•r . y i » ~ » , eg, -tlfsmr:, , , '
"rS-'-W j ,
•J^L""''>iB-^~yav^f^ i*, ^Jjp* • »«il
*«-•<. *-»;u*,> >i '»*Sf.
FROM THE TOP FLOOR lounge of Stuyvesant Tow r, one can see further than
from the Governor Alfred E. Smith State Office Building. This view includes the
water tower in the lower right section, early stages of the londscoping, and a view
THE PROGRESS ON THE west end of the ocademic complex and the second residence quadrangle can be seen in this series of pictures.
THE SECOND TOWER ha. played second fiddle
to the low-rite buildings in an effort to move
students in from the motels.
One man complained that there is no Jake's, no
Walt's and no Joe's near the new campus. Another
commented that participating in A MIA sports was
difficult because it means an extra trip to the old
Freshmen were unable to compare previous college experiences, but their views were fully as vocal
as the upperclassmen.
The Frosh, like the upperclassmen, complained of
the number of hours spent each week on the buses,
i "no matter what any survey shows."
The rooms tended to be crowded because of the
j presence of desks in the sleeping rooms. One frosh
said he thought the unofficial sports program on the
new campus was great.
Students do a good deal of cooking on tTie new campus. Many import food. Cans and boxes of food
could be seen all over. There were several empty
boxes from Andy's pizza.
Col. Walter Tisdale, Assistant to the President
for Plant Planning, at Monday's weekly p r e s s conference stated that a great deal of planning has been
done to provide for student needs and comfort.
He pointed out that his office is eager to hear constructive complaints from the students living in the
tower and in the low-rise residence halls. He stated
that a remarkable job had been done so far.
He said that there have to be rough spots and he
admitted that there have been some mistakes. He said
that the staff of the Tower is almost completely new
men. Some will not make the grade, but the funds are
available for additional workers if they are needed.
Accidents caused by the slipperiness of the tubs
have been dealt with. Phone calls were made and
letters were written within 24 hours of the first accident report. Rough strips will be placed on the tub
floors to prevent accidents in the future. This is one
example of the efficiency of dealing with complaints
when they are brought to the attention of the right
THE TOWER AT NIGHT reveals who is studying and who spends all his time asleep. The
THE SOLID STONE TOP of the Livingston
Tower it now in place. The roof is nearly finished on the western-most academic building.
top most section' of the tower is a recreation
lounge, which is close to two stories in height.
r**~*nr $ ,
of Albany to the South. The first road is Wo«m-„.„„ A
of the railroad, rout. 5 and r i i l d ^
'•tldentlal areas of Colonie.
s extension
A METAL ENCASED corkboard strip goes along the walls so that decorations can
•>• hung up.
THE FIRST ROOM in the suite is the one designed for study, most students
move at least two of the desks into the other rooms.
AUMNY OTUlfc^ftefc^
tt« 9m\Fatter Bo'wWMtai*>6»BMejt
aitaholnc A nj«tter of cltjjr borrivtloni of
ttbral bankruptcy in a church? It seanui
•, « ! • men of Saint Berntdette of Sien*
College centered <heir attention at their
meeting last Friday on the Catholic
. The purpose pf the state is to govern.
•The purpose
of |he Church, is to. provide'
•ftrt" the1 betterment ofmefc»a sbtd»<- /
. A perverted understanding of government might excuse the action purported
to the city. They may or may. not. have a
right to act for self preservation. We
feel there are limits on this and that
these Hihfte-havelbeenweeeededr
-.--No understanding of die purpose of
•Hie Church can excuse the action of the
local diocese. There Is no purpose
served in the betterment of men's souls
in die silencing of a man who was acting as a concerned citizen.
The men of Siena rightfully pointed
out that the action as taken is entirely
U .-- • the responsibility of the Church. The
Church has the obligation to act in a
morally proper way. The Church h a r
the obligation to resist;-outside corrupting influences.
In this situation the picture is complicated by the apparent fact that the
local political machine and the Church
are not separate.
The men of Siena are correct in
centering their attention on the Church's
error. The action of the Church was apparently at the request of the city. The
city deserves to be criticized to the
extent of its role. The Church's attitude
is not only inhumane, it is unjust and unchristian.
Fraternity Influence
A fraternity can exist on many levels.
One of these levels is that on which the
group has an effect on an individual outside the group.
The Edward EldredPotter Club,better
known as Potter, has been working on an
individual who is not even technically a
member of the University community.
There is a man who has been seen and
continues to be seen around the campus
with many of the men in Potter. He is,
' or at least was, a high school drop out.
At least partially through the influence
of several members of Potter, he is now
back in high school.
We do not believe that this is any
heroic action either by Potter or by the
individual. We recognize its importance
for the individual. We congratulate the
men who exercised what influence they
The above.poster is an example of the
kind of government we now endure. The
new government is very strong and very
well run In most of its aspects, but POLITICAL FORUM
there are exceptions.
The above picture is a poorly veiled
appeal, for' work as a ghost; writer. It
seems indicative of the state of affairs
which has come about since the end of
Campus Commission and the political
by D. Gordon Uphom
The North Vietnamese would gain
retirement of Pat Creen.
A great many people mistaklngly from the withdrawal of U. S.;troops
There has been no control of the stu- believe that the I'nited States wlU as a precondition. The reason for
unconditional negotiations with this Is clear. Not long after the
dent mail. Any and all kinds of trash begin
the antagonistic parties Involved In withdrawal, the government of South
can sit in the boxes once regularly South Vietnam. This only partly true. Vietnam
would be overthrown by
President Johnson has repeatedly native South Vietnamese Communleaned out by the Campus Commission.
other members of the
The parking lot is in miserable shape. But upon further examination, one
Liberation Front. This
The parking habits of many of our stu- discovers that he really means that National
would be without any foreign Interdents would qualify as methods of sab- the United States will negoUate with- ference.
If the conditions proposed by the
Preconditions are different from United States were accepted by North
The posters, once regulated, approved, conditions.
By preconditions, it Is Vietnam, the United States would be
•hung and taken down by the Campus Com- meant that no concessions be made able to remain in South Vietnam
The North Viet- until elections could be held which
mission, are now placed everywhere and
have stated preconditions would be free from foreign (Comare now worded and desigfted in manners namese
munist) influence.
as prerequisites to negotiating.
varying from artistic to offensive-.
The United States, on the other
rower Position! Changing
The ghost writer poster on a bulletin hand, agrees to negotiate if certain At present both sides have reobjectives
compromise the principles
board intended forpublicizingUniversity negotiations. In other words, the which tothey
stated. North Vietevents is a symbol of the present lack United States will discuss the war nam in thehave
past was In the better
position and was not willing to comof control of posters.
only If the agreement which promise because of the successes
The Solicitations Commission has is- Cong
is made embodies the demands made of the Viet Cong. North Vietnam Is
sued a notice telling those people who by the United States.
now beginning to realize that the
United States is Improving its posiviolate their rules to admit their guilt
tion in South Vietnam, and this may
and remove their illegal posters.
The North Vietnamese position cause North Vietnam to reevaluate
This is not the way to achieve a requires the United States to make its stance.
controlled situation. We do not consider concessions prior to a peace con- The United States Is gradually
The most Important of changing the positions of power in
it necessarily to be the job of the So- ference.
these concessions Is that the Uni- Vietnam. The repeated bombings of
licitations Commission to police the ted States withdraw Its troops from •North
Vietnam, which are gradually
South Vietnam and that South Viet- destroying' the basis of the induswalls of the campus.
dominatrial economy, and the increasingly
A determination should be made and tion.
superior military advantage in South
made soon as to who should do this
The United States also requires Vietnam are guaranteeing that any
needed job.
that any solution must allow South settlement will be largely on terms
In any case someone should be su- Vietnam to be free from foreign decided by the United States.
pervising the walls and the student mail
much more closely than has been the
case so far this year.
Negotiations With Vietnam Begin
Without Preconditions to Peace
To tne Editors:
The 'silencing' of Falher Bonaventure of Siena College r a i s e s some
Interesting points which the Catholic
Church, or at least its representat i v e s in the Albany d i o c e s e , i s going
to have to consider and answer.
Th« Albany Pres. l i o semi-weekly n e - . j w p e r publish.d by I h . .tudenl body ol I h . Stole Univer.ity of
•How York ot Albotiy. The ASP office, locoled in Room 5 of Btuboch.f Holl ot 750 Slot. Stro.i, i i open from 7-11
p.m„ Sunday Htreuah Thursday n i g h t . . T h . ASP moy bo reached by dialing 4 M - 4 0 3 1 .
S J. 2i?. ' " ' C - *
Sport. Editor
Feature Editor
Executive Editor
S.nior Editor
Advertlsino Manager
E»ecutive Editor
A n . Editor
B u s i n . . . Manaaer
Photography Editor
Technical Supervlsor
Assistant Sport. Editor
Assistant Business Manager
Mlchool Pmdy
Diane Samervllle, Steve Walter, Harry N u c b o l . , Jim Begley,
Nancy F a l l . , Cyntbia Goodman, Lorraine Baton, Kir.ten H u . t e d ,
Charlie Carton, Sue Chape, Margaret Dunlap, Malcolm Provost, Richard K a . e , Marie Cunningham,
Nancy Miedenbauer, Suian Slelger, Barbara Blodgett, Robert Cutty, Bab tfenger, Bill Sbrlflman,
' Linda Bregmon, John Soros., Janet H e . . , Steve Curti
Douglas Rathgeb, Douglo. Upham, Bob Merrill
M a d e m o i s e l l e Madeleine B o u r s e t i s one of four French r e s e a r c h - o b s e r v e r s on this campus
this y e a r . A s " a g r e g e e s , " she and
the other students a r e in the p r o c e s s of researching for their d o c toral t h e s e s and a r e on s c h o l a r s h i p s co-sponsored by the French
and United States Governments
October A p p l i c a t i o n
Last October, Mile. Bourset, a
graduate of the Sorbonne and a
Fullbright Scholar, applied for the
program to do r e s e a r c h on her
t h e s i s , " F r e n c h Immigration in
the United States from the A m e r ican Revolution to the P r e s e n t . "
When she was offered a position
in the History Department h e r e , '
s h e accepted.
Mile. Bourset will do her r e s e a r c h on this campus, in the New
York L i b r a r i e s , and in the National
Archives in Washington. She anticipates that It will take her six
or eight y e a r s to complete It.
Sorbonne Large
Mile. Bourset said that the Sorbonne i s much larger than Albany,
with 40,000 students, and that because of overcrowding, c l a s s e s are
handled primarily on a lecture
b a s i s . Located on the Left Bank
in the famed Latin Quarter, she
said that the Sorbonne has several
annexes, but only for foreign languages.
'.,';';'• •' • C o ^ V A c t
which allow them to stuay in the
United States.
Mile. Bourset i s studying for
her Ph.D. in History. One of the
others i s In the English d e p a r t ment. There a r e , altogether, 190
students in the United States this
Her stay will include the a c a d e m i c year and while she i s here
s h e Is an o b s e r v e r in the History
3A c l a s s under D r s . DeWilt Ellinwood, Clara Tucker, and Mr. Warren R o b e r t s .
Albany Student Press
by Mark Cunningham
Control o| MsteK:
Questions Silencing
N- 9
Fulbright Scholar Works on Thesis
In University History Deportment
*Hp».- ; - ' - • - • ' - ; * : • , > r. v It is never easy, tor a drop outto;re<• turn to high; school! especially after a
year or two awajri-The influence of the
•• Potter men no doubt has helped, and
their friendship wilt no ddttbt offer continuing support to this young man.
Again, we think this is a small but:
very commendable abt.
Waller P o l l , Robert Stephen.on, Too Moon Lee
John Folio
All communication. mu»l be addre.ied to the editor, and .hould be t l g n e a . Communication, ihould be limited to
300 word, ana ore subject te editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinion, e.pressod
in i t . column, or communication, as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views.
1) Since Father Bonaventure's
actions were the application of the
Christian ethic, are we to assume
that the Church maintains a dual
nature: a Catholic ethic and a Christian responsibility?
If there Is no distinction between
the two/' then obviously the party
responsible for 'calllng-orf the
priest has abandoned his proper duty
as a cleric in reaction to outside
cience if it can so arbitrarily refute
and stifle the moral efforts of a
rational man?
Does the Church of Borne com-
pletely Invalidate the possibility of
m o r a l i t y and r a t i o n a l i t y on any level
but that of official d o g m a ?
The m o s t t r a g i c r e s u l t of this
action i s that q u e s t i o n s like t h e s e
must a r i s e at all. If t h i s action w e r e ,
as tt now appears to be, simply a
d e s i r e to avoid political Involvement
a s a result of Father Bonaventure's
outspoken participation in controversial I s s u e s , it was a poorly c a l culated risk.
Political neutrality in this i n stance could only be purchased at
the price of moral neutrality. As
it i s now, the 'censoring' of Siena's
2) In 'the current Ecumenical theologian must provoke s e r i o u s and
movement, the Church Is making sobering thoughts on the Church's
commendable efforts to more a c - role In the community and the extent
tively relate itself to a contemporary of its commitment to a social g o s p e l .
/environment, to take a more e n e r getic role In alleviating the particuIt i s lo lie hoped that the a n s w e r s
lar problems of this generation. will reflect the convictions of Asaph
Is the Albany d i o c e s e so far r e - who charged the Christian toi
moved from the Ecumenical spirit
'Give justice to the weak and
that It can negate Its social oblithe fatherless; maintain the
gations, or I s this, after all, the
right of the afflicted and
true depth of the Ecumenical m o v e the destitute.
ment itself?
Rescue the weak and the n e e d y
deliver them from the hand
3) Finally, what value does Cathof the wicked,"
o l i c i s m , or its Albany r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , place upon individual c o n s Cynthia Goodman
EN6lNE£g|M6 A PEAfr — S O WHAT ELSE CAN! VOL! g U 6 6 e S T ? "
Building Better Bridge
by H a r r y N u c k o l s
John Mureness, a part-time stunt here at State, has been this
riter's frequent partner in many
plicate games In this area. He
s been playing bridge for only a
ery short time, but has already
:quired many of the skills of a
ne player.
This week's hand was played by
lureness a short time ago in a
ame In town. North's first bid
liowed a real club suit and about
n opening bid. South's bid of five
pades was excellent. It was really
sacrifice attempt, his hand Is bad
or defense.
Mureness won the opening lead
n the dummy and played the king
--id ace of trump, exhausting the
•pponents. He then led a low club
from his haJid. West rose with the
ace and returned another diamond.
This almost has to be the correct
•5lay. If South has a singleton club,
he must have five cards in the red
suits, and must give up either a
diamond trick and one or more
hearts, or he must lose two heart
tricks eventually.
The diamond return was trumped
in the Soutli hand and the pressure
on West was applied by playing out
ail the remaining trump from the
South hand. West can afford to pitch
lis diamond and one card in each
I tlie other suits, but when the last
rump is played, he's dead.
before the last trump is played,
lie dummy is down to one heart
mil lour clubs. If West discards n
club on the last spade, the heart is
discarded and the dummy's clubs
are all good.
If, as was the case, West throws
the heart queen, South can still discard a heart from the dummy and
lead his ten of clubs. If West covers, dummy's clubs are good.
If he doesn't (he didn't), a heart
lead puts him in, and he must lead
a club to the dummy. This, as you
probably guessed, Is called a
squeeze play. It is one of the most
difficult plays to recognize, and it
is also a lot of fun to make.
SK 10 4
II 7 C 3
DA 7
CK Q S 5 3
11 A Q D
r: A J 7 0 4
H 10 9 8 2
II K J 4
C 10 2
Dealer: West
Vulnerable: None
The Auction
Opening Lead: r» of Diamonds
Chess Corner
by Bob M e r r l t
Gambit p l a y e r s a r e the intrepid
i g g r e s s o r s , who may not a l w a y s
, but usually monopolize the
ctlun of the beginning and middle
A gambit Is the offering of a
awn to facilitate s u p e r i o r d e v e l o p icnt and successful blitz a t t a c k s
ii the opening. It is fundamentally
Afferent from a s a c r i f i c e which
ontrives to force a check m a t e by
r e a r r a n g e m e n t of p i e c e s .
Gambit v a r i a t i o n s s e e m to be
roportional to the psychological
'arfare employed by the opponents,
'amicus p l a y e r s will e i t h e r refuse
io gambit or a c c e p t , niggardly
linging to t h e i r pawn a d v a n t a g e .
Conversely the r e s o l u t e p l a y e r
c i e p t s the gambit following with
risk counter play or n e m e s i s his
pponent with a c o u n t e r gambit of
is own.
The King's Gambit is ideal foils spirit of the daring chess player.
quickly animates into deadly comInations and sacrifices that has r e ulted in some of the shortest games
n record.
Preventing Q-KIiOch
A dltliciilt defense that gives white
attacking rlianc-es. N-KH3 or P-Q4
is more aggressive,
•I. N-B3
Time is ol the essence In the
King's gambit. Black should develop
a piece.
5. N-K5
Too aggressive with limited development.
0. P-N3
7. OXI>
8. UXC.i
1'XK (Q)
While Is down a rook but h a s
s t r o n g potential.
it. O K D
Ulai-k s e t s a t r a p . II 10. g X l ' c h
K - Q l , 11. U-N7, IJ-K5 eh, 1 2 . K - K 2 ,
OX HI' 13.B-N2, P-UD3 and wins
10. NXllP
.Surprise I
11. N-(J0ch
12. o-KbVh
13. N-H7 male
The queen s a c r i f i c e is s m o t h e r ing.
'J.i4iL, : t.LJ.i
! :
m m ._wx J*
Founded in the 13th century by
Robert de Sorbon, chaplain of St.
Louis, it was first a dormitory
s y s t e m for the University of P a r i s .
There are almost no e x t r a - c u r r i c ular activities on the campus.
Asked to comment about Albany,
P A N E L S T U D I E S E C O N O M I C , p o l i t i c a l and social context of
A y n Rand's works at d i s c u s s i o n moderated by Cynthia Goodman.
Mile. Bourset replied that she
found the city quite small, and that
she missed the theater but she
plans to attend an American Broadway play and a concert at the Lincoln Center sometime during the,
Although she prefers classical
music, Mile. Bourset is also interested in American folk singing.
Panel Discusses fVorks of Ayn Rand
Raises Question of Social Welfare
by C y n t h i a Goodman
One ol tlie must fascinating a s pects of the Ayn Rami panel held
November 3rd was the contrast l)etween what was discussed, and what
the panel had intended to discuss.
Despite the valiant efforts of the
panel, the discussion inexorably
moved from a philosophical examination of Objectivism, (u a study of
Ayn's economic, political and social
Dr. Mark Uerger precipitated the
move when he injected into the conversation the question ul social welfare.
"What frustrates me is that we
are talking about prototypes in a
vacuum as if society didn't exist,
I would like Lu see the program
that inevitably follows from the
doctrines that are expressed....
I assume that this position would
feel that sucli things us Social Security, aids to the poor and medical care for the indigent and orphanages are all anathema/.," Dr. Merger proceeded tu establish thai he
fell "an ethical commitment" lo
extend aid lo those who needed 11
out ol respect for them as human
To this, Roger Lee replied
he was opposed to "governmentrun plans ol this nature" and in
answer tu Herger's further query
as to what would be done with those
now receiving government aid, answered that "You would be free to
help them il you wanted to."
One of Roger's primary reasons
seemed to be thai he did nut feel
"need" on the pari ol one individual to l>e sufficient claim on the
rights or possessions of another.
"Rotionol Solf-lntornist"
One of the key phrases used in
the course of the evening was " r a tional self-interest/' a phrase which
Miss Rand uses to describe her
As Lester Greunberg outlined his
position (which he emphasised was
his interpretation of Objectivism
and in no way a 'commitment' of
Miss Rand), the most compelling
reasons for 'charity' would lie not
so much in the individual's need,
.but rathei; In the Individual himself
and the situation.
Roger quoted .Miss Rand as saying in answer to a similar question that she would help a beggar...
il (1) I could afford it, and (2) if I
know nothing evil about the man.'
The question oi the individual's
'obligation' to society, was one ul
tlie major points of contention during the evening.
Mr, Grimes made an important
clarification when he asserted that
he had no objection to helping the
individual become productive and
agreed that continued 'hand-out'assistance was not (he kind of welfare
aid he would approve.
Another major bone ol contention
was over 'laissez-laire'capitalism.
This partieuhir issue was in turn
stressed by the audience in the
questioning period that followed.
Roger Lee had asserted that it
would lie favorable to him to return
to 'total laissez-faire capitalism'
and although he qualified his statement tu the effect that the U. S. had
never seen total laissez-faire, indicated that Hie lath century U.£.
was 'an approach,'
The L a i s s e z - f a i r e
Grimes also pointed out that Miss
Rand's 'new intellectualisin' was
coolly received in academic circles.
The political aspects were immediately picked up by Roger Lee
who stated that Conservatism was
'too concerned with the innate depravity of man.' He also pointed out
that many businessmen would not
approve her philosophy because ot
her attacks on what she calls 'looters.'
Hastening to add that he was not
making accusations against the Director Mr. Grimes quoted, he gave
'subsidy chasers' as an example of
the 'looters' to whom Miss Rand
Lester added that I he 'right wing'
was source of the most bitter attacks on Ayn Rand because then1
religious orientation was in direct
conflict with the program she presents,
Mr. Grimes clarified his interests were not in her position on the
left or right, but rather inher'stand'
in terms of a philosophy of governmental action.
In answer tu a question by Dr.
Berger, Roger explained that his
'ideal' of the laissez-faire capitalist
in American history would be, if
^anyone, J. J. Hill, who, Roger a s serted, was not, like Rockefeller,
a member of the 'aristocracy of
pull' which had sought to 'manipulate government. He denounced the
'recourse to federal aid' ol the 100
other financiers and industrialists.
Dr. Kendall, although not a member of the panel, made his presence
particularly fell in the question and
answer session following the discussion. He repeatedly returned to
the 10th century version of laissezfaire, and challenged its use as an
'ideal' in any sense.
Some of the iess controversial but
brought forward during the discussion involved politics and even a
little philosophy,
Early in the panel, Mr, Grimes
had pointed out the apparent paradox in the fact that businessmen
whom one would expect to 1* supporters of Ayn Hand, rejected her
views as not a 'sound statement of
Back to P h i l o s o p h y
Philosophy had been the starling
point of the panel discussion although it was rapidly obscured.
Roger initially responded to the
question of why Objectivism was
popular by saying that he and others,
wore 'dissatisfied' with the doctrines that wore put forth in the
The trend of philosophy, ho felt,
was toward an assertion that 'man
could know nothing through reason,
yet reason was the only means
di.uiified enough for man to follow,"
objectivism, however, ho a s serted, was a 'relnstillment of the
essential dignity of man,'
Mr, Grimes indicated throughout
tlie discussion that his objections
and those of Dr. Berger, were not
in a philosophy that concerned itself
with man's self-fulfillment, rather
at the program that Ayn Rand presents as a means to self-fulfillment.
It is highly doubtful that the panel
changed any views on the philosophy
of Objectivism, Perhaps It stimulated some serious thought. The
final judgment remains to the future.
Friday, Novnmbar If, tf6S
• »tfe American filmgoer, unaccustomed to such d i a l e c t s and British
It Is disturbing and most u n - military language and custom, i s
v r
pleasant to have to say something
« y I U t e ' y t 0 become annoyed by
adverse about a h i m which other- " » mumbled, incomprehensible diaw i s e should be highly lauded. It i s logue. During a number of s c e n e s in
disturbing to have to s a y , in spite < n e f l l m > s o m e o f t n e m f l v e t 0 t e n
of all a film's excellent qualities minutes in length, the viewer may
superb filming, top-notch acting, a h » v e trouble catching even one word
strong, forceful screenplay — that
° ' three,
H is unfair t0 m a k e a v l e w e r nave
somewhere along the line someone
important made a big mistake, a to strain and lean forward in his
mistake that shows up with nagging «"»'. n i s l l a n d cupped around his
p e r s i s t e n c e throughout the film, ear, trying to decipher dialogue a s If
Such i s the c a s e with Kenneth Hy- h e w e r e . a t a foreign film without
man's production of "The H i l l . " subtitles. If Hyman and Lumet had
"The Hill" Is the film version of been content to s e t t l e Just for a r t
the Ray Rigby story sbout sadism house p a t r o n s , t h e i r sin would not
and Inhumanity in a British prison have been a s g r e a t a s It i s , and the
compound during World War II. It dialogue might have been e x c u s e d .
s t a r s Sean Connery, Ossle Davis But they both m u s t have known,
and Harry Andrews and was directed s u r e l y , that to p l a c e a top box office s t a r like C o n n e r y in the lead
by veteran Sidney Lumet.
On the whole it i s a stunning film, was to open the film to the e y e s of
g e n e r a l movie p u b l i c . .
bold, startling and brutally r e a l i s Lumet Gets Blame
tic, and therein l i e s its problem —
Much of the b l a m e for the f i l m ' s
it i s too realistic, too authentic to
performance of the Sergeant-Major
who runs his camp according to
outmoded Victorian r u l e s of d i s c i pline. Ossie Davis, a s a West Indian p r i s o n e r , i s great to say the
l e a s t and in the s c e n e where he
throws off his uniform and d e c l a r e s
his Independence of the British
Army, he i s hilarious. Davis i s sure
to garner a few armloads of awards
for his fine portrayal.
be a p p r e c i a t e d by even s o m e of the
a r t - f i l m audience, much l e s s the
g e n e r a l public.
Brltlsh Army L i f e
Hill" concerns British
Army life In the Second World War,
specifically a North African c o m pound for the " b a d s o r t " of B r i t i s h
s o l d i e r s who have been convicted
of v a r i o u s offenses and sent t h e r e
for punishment.
The hill itself is a s t e e p l y - s l o p e d
m a s s of rock and sand o v e r which
the i n m a t e s a r e made to hike with
full pack equipment, usually until
they d r o p . The basic plot of the
film involves the s t r u g g l e of one
cell block of these men against the
tyranny of their s a d i s t i c k e e p e r .
Difficult Dialogue
This may all sound fine and dandy,
and indeed the s c r e e n p l a y i s e x c e l lent. The only p r o b l e m , and it Is a
big one, i s that a good q u a r t e r to a
third of the dialogue Is e i t h e r h a r d
to d e c i p h e r , or totally i n c o m p r e h e n s l b l e , Lumet has tried to achieve
the ultimate in r e a l i s m in t h i s film
and Ills good intentions a r e to be
highly p r a i s e d .
Hence, to any B r i t i s h A r m y r e g u l a r , o r for that m a t t e r , any B r i t i s h
filmgoer, the film's dialogue will
probably not p r o v e to be the l e a s t
bit d i s t u r b i n g . However, the a v e r -
007 Acts
Sean C o n n e r y ' s p e r f o r m a n c e Is
e v e r y t h i n g the c r i t i c s have said of
i t . It may indeed p r o v e a shock to
many to d i s c o v e r that J a m e s Bond
can r e a l l y a c t . He i s s t r o n g and
c o m p e t e n t , though not e x t r a o r d i n a r y , throughout the film. Although
he i s often overshadowed by Davis,
when he finally gets to play a highly
d r a m a t i c s c e n e with the Sergeant
Major (Andrews), he i s a s t o n l s h l y
Despite its faults, " T h e Hill" is
definitely worth s e e i n g . T h e d i a logue, thank goodness, Is most of
the t i m e not r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t enough
to d i s t r a c t the viewer from what Is
taking p l a c e In the s c e n e and usually
the action i s sufficient in itself to
convey the p u r p o s e of the s c e n e .
Tl)e v i e w e r , however, i s f o r e w a r n e d ,
muddled dialogue l i e s with the d l r e c t o r , Sidney L u m e t . Lumet on the
whole d o e s a fine job with " T h e
H i l l . " The a c t o r s all p e r f o r m a d m l r a b l y under h i m , his c a m e r a work
i s e x c e p t i o n a l , even for h i m , and he
handles the subject m a t t e r i n t e l l l gently and with p u r p o s e . But it
s e e m s that M r . L u m e t , p o s s i b l y
s t r i v i n g for a higher a r t than h i s
p r e v i o u s films had achieved, may
have forgotten that h i s film w a s ,
a s a r e all A n g l o - A m e r i c a n films,
p r i m a r i l y m a d e to lie shown to an
F i v e m e m b e r s of the faculty and
English-speaking audience.
a n u m b e r o f s t u d e n t s from the
School of L i b r a r y Science and four
True Merits
m e m b e r s of the Hawley L i b r a r y
However, all this c r i t i c i s m m u s t staff atended the 72nd Annual Connot lie m i s t a k e n a s d e m e a n i n g the ference of the New York L i b r a r y
true m e r i t s of an i m p o r t a n t and Association held in Buffalo O c t o noble film. It i s m e r e l y a qualify- ber 2 7 - 3 0 .
ing factor that e a c h filmgoer m u s t
D r . Susan Smith and Vincent Aceto
c o n s i d e r before he m a k e s his d e - of the Hawley staff met for b r e a k cislon to s e e the film. F o r , a p a r t fast with school l i b r a r i a n s who a t from the annoyance of the garbled tended t h e ' N D E A Institute held In
d i a l o g u e , h e r e i s a film of g r e a t the Dutch Quadrangle last s u m m e r .
conviction and p u r p o s e , a frightenAlso Dorothy Cole and Dr. Smith
ing study of the Inhumanity of men
met for dinner with Albany Alumni
and of the u s e l e s s n e s s of outmoded
attending the. c o n f e r e n c e .
d i s c i p l i n e m e a s u r e s in a m o d e r n
The highlight of the c o n f e r e n c e
a r m y of intelligent human b e i n g s ,
c a m e when Robert B u r g e s s from
the l i b r a r y staff was elected C h a i r Gems of Acting
man of the L i b r a r y Education SubN e i t h e r must the dialogue p r o b - section of the College and U n i v e r lem lie allowed to o v e r s h a d o w s o m e sity L i b r a r i e s Section, c o m p o s e d of
r e a l g e m s of a c t i n g . H a r r y Andrews faculty from the s e v e n l i b r a r y
gives a s t r o n g , a b s o l u t e l y convincing s c h o o l s of New York State.
Members of Faculty
Attend Library Talk
Thanksgiving Day Cards and
F I V E F A C U L T Y MEMBERS attended the 72nd annual conference of the New York Library Association held in Buffalo on
October 27-30.
by Diane Somerville
The 1965-1966 .State University Theatre season has
been one full of firsts for the department: the first
production in the fifty-first season at State, the first
design by a new technical director, the first fournight run in Page, the first musical under State University Theatre auspices, and, in December, the first
major production to be done in chamber theatre style.
John Cheever's celebrated novel "The Wapshot Scandal," adapted by director Ross Stephen, began r e hearsals in mid-October, and will premiere on December 8.
Chamber Theatre
Regarded at times with some of the wonder usually
reserved for such phenomena as nuclear fission and
childbirth, chamber theatre is neither mysterious nor
difficult to understand: it is, in essence, a technique
for presenting narrative fiction behind a proscenium,
taking full advantage of available theatrical devices
without sacrificing the narrative elements. The work
presented retains the original form, differing only in
that lines (often in the third person) are assigned to
specific individuals.
November 20
Capital Area Modern Dance Council presents
Pauline Konor, dancer, In Tin- \rt "j
I'rrjurmiiifi, 8:30 p.m. North Calonie High School.
November 2 1
Troy Friends of Chamber Music present the
Juilliard String Quartet in Emma Williard Assembly Hall at 8:30 p.m.
November 29
America at Mid-Century Symposium, Jaroslav
Pelican, Yale, I'ltc Itvllgtouti
UfihaauaL Pago
Hall, 8:15 p.m.
November 30
Metropolitan Opera National Company at the
Palace Theater, presented by the Women's
Council of the Albany Institute, CurtilOfl in
Paintings by Lily Schreiber and Julia Molloy.
Mechanics Exchange Savings Bank.
Through Navombor
Through Docontber 5
mi Short-term
Instructional p r o p a m s conducted by outstanding a r | f s t s will be made available to State
;!Ualverslty campuses under an a r rangement which, the U n i v e r s i t y ' s
' c o m m i t t e e on the Arts Is working
^ w i t h t h e ^ Y o r k S t a t e C o u
on the Arts. The announcement w a s
made by Dr. Paul G. Bulger, p r e s i dent' of the College at Buffalo and
chairman of the Committee on the
The council on the a r t s w a s r e p resented at the Committee's last
meeting by Robert E . Armstrong,
- Special Programs A s s o c i a t e . He
said the Council Is prepared to
recommend talent and, in s o m e
cases, to provide partial support
for visits to college campuses by
leading artists during which i n tensive short-term
p r o g r a m s , such a s l e c t u r e - d e m onstrations, c o n c e r t s , w o r k s h o p s ,
and s e m i n a r s , could be conducted.
Thn r n m m m - « «» ru . -1 ••••;•
J e e d ?oT„Srm L . ^ n
p u s e s f r o m t i m e $&££$££
M b l t s oreanized bv th» r „ , m . i i ^
Z A r l s K
J L i
n e U o o r l n ^ m n « L S C h e ^ " n g by
n ^
Collaboration with the council on
the Arts i s only one of the avenues
through which the Committee hoped
t o nurture the development of the
a r t s within the University.
IFG Comes Back to Campus,
Prominent Film to Be Shown
Silent Films
Partial scheduling lias been a r ranged for the r e s t of this s e m e s ter. The IFG has r e s u m e d i t s s h o w ing ol c l a s s i c silent films for the
fourth year In a row, and p r e s e n t e d
Jean R e n o i r ' s famous " K u l e s of the
Game" on Wednesday In conjunction
with English Evening.
The silent s e r i e s will continue this
coming Tuesday with a .showing of
"The Leaves of S a t a n ' s B o o k , " a
film hy the Danish d i r e c t o r Carl
Theodor D r e y e r ,
Dreyer is the last ol the- " g r a n d
old inert" ol Scandinavian • inema.
Now seventy-five y e a r s old, he r e cently renewed his nutui'lell with
" G e r l r u d , " which won ilrsl p r i z e
at the New York Film festival m i s
yeai. h was Ids first c r e a t i o n In
many y e a r s .
Exhibition of paintings by Leonard Ochtman
(1854-1934). Albany Institute of History and
Also Dr. Paul B. Pettlt, Chairman
of the Department of Speech and
a t l c Art, State University at
Dr. Theodore Randall,
Chairman of the Department of D e sign, College of Ceramics; and
President William L . P e r r y , Corn'"£ Community College
Persichetti Lectures
On Modern Materials
Membership of Committee
Cost Reduced
T h e m e m b e r s h i p of the Committee
Mr. A r m s t r o n g pointed out that of the A r t s Includes, In addition to
the cost of these i n s t r u c t i o n a l p r o - Dr. Bulger, Dr. E r n e s t L. Boyer,
grams could be further r e d u c e d if State University Executive Dean for
a number of colleges In one r e g i o n U
Annuitize. Dr.
n« E
rvid n i v e r s i t y - w i d e Activities;
of the State can schedule the a p p e a r - mund F e l d m a n , C h a i r m a n of the
ance o:? the a r t i s t s involved on a Division of Art, College at New
cooperative b a s i s and t h u s l o w e r P a l t z ; John G r o s v e n o r , Associate
fees and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o s t s . T h e P r o f e s s o r of Art and Languages,
committee has a g r e e d to a s s i s t t h o s e A g r i c u l t u r a l and Technical College
campuses I n t e r e s t e d in c o o p e r a t i v e at Cobleskill; D r . Robert W. M a r scheduling.
vel, D i r e c t o r of Education (Music),
The International Film Group Is
once again p r e s e n t i n g films of u n usual historical and c u l t u r a l b e n e fit to the c a m p u s .
The IFG had organizational difficulties during the s u m m e r and the
first part of this s e m e s t e r which
unfortunately prevented the e s t a b lishing of the I F G ' s u s u a l s c h e d u l e .
However, the breakdown in the
communication with the v a r i o u s film
distributing companies has now been
corrected so that at l e a s t a p a r t i a l
schedule of movies will lie shown
for the rest, of the s e m e s t e r .
College at Fredonla; Dr. John N e w field, Chairman of the Department
of Fine Arts, State University at
Stony Brook.
Other activities contemplated by
the C o m m i t t e e Include the exchange
of faculty and student a r t i s t s among
State U n i v e r s i t y c a m p u s e s ; the d i s s e m i n a t i o n of tlie work of these
by John bpross
a r t i s t s outside the University c o m •munity-through a r t exhibits, for e x L a s t Saturday evening Albany
a m p l e ; and p e r i o d i c c o n f e r e n c e s on State was host to one of the f o r e the a r t s .
most of c o n t e m p o r a r y c o m p o s e r s .
Mystic Director
D r e y e r Is p e r h a p s best known for
his " P a s s i o n of Joan of A r c , " a
moving and eloquent silent whkli the
IFG p r e s e n t e d last y e a r . This film,
with its a i n a z i n g s e q u e n c e s o f e l o s e up s h o t s , is considered one of the
g r e a t l a n d m a r k s of silent c i n e m a ,
" T h e Leaves of S a t a n ' s Book"
while a l e s s e r film than " P a s s i o n , "
still shows D r e y e r ' s preoccupation
wiih tlie religious t h e m e s of belief,
good and evil and love.
Always a mystic, D r e y e r ' s u n usual views of life and human suftering p e r m e a t e all Ins work, and
have, in fact, succeeded In a l i e n atlng many people from his a r t .
But whether or not one a g r e e s with
ills views of life 11 is difficult to
IItot lie has truly a p o e t ' s
" T h e Leaves of Satan's Book
will he shown Tuesday at 11:00 |
in Hie hru game r o o m . After ;i,e
showing, Br. Arilnir Lenuig, edltoi
'( l a s s i
and P r o I he •11
isell Sago
f Lngll
rinal d i s •nil lea
Introduced a s " p i a n i s t , o r g a n 1st, c o m p o s e r , a u t h o r , s c h o l a r and
e d u c a t o r . . . , " D r . Vincent P e r s l chettl p r e s e n t e d a l e c t u r e - r e c i t a l
on " T h e M a t e r i a l s of the C o n t e m porary Composer."
n . , . o — the
n,_ li__.'...._
e c t u r e , the audience
was given a g l i m p s e of the varied
talents of this m o d e r n m u s i c i a n ,
" i s c o m m e n t s revealed a vast inns i c a l knowledge, as well as a ready
wit, and his m u s i c a l I l l u s t r a t i o n s
d e m o n s t r a t e d a brilliant piano t e c h nique. Through these v a r i o u s e l e m e n t s , D r . P e r s i c h e t t i attempted
to show that c o n t e m p o r a r y A m e r i can c o m p o s e r s use a s their m a t e r i a l s ali cf the m u s i c a l innovations of tlie twentieth c e n t u r y .
Unfamiliar History
Beginning with the r e l a t i v e l y unfamiliar history of A m e r i c a n m u s i c ,
Dr. P e r s i c h e t t i reviewed the e n slaveinent of this native a r t to its
European t e a c h e r . " A m e r i c a n c o i n p o s e r s after the Civil War wrote
second r a t e European m u s i c . " By
1920, however, A m e r i c a n m u s l c l ans had begiun t h e i r s t r u g g l e for
Tone C l u s t e r s
p e r s i 0 l i e t t l noted that the
N e w E n g l a n d e r C h a r l e s Ives w r o t e
" S t r a v i n s k y " before Stravinsky did
t h a t M e n r y C o w e i i e m . a g e r j the
nobility with his tone c l u s Russlan
_ M
( | , the e a r l y
By the 1900's A m e r i c a n s finally
began to s y n t h e s i z e the different
modes of twentieth century c o m p o sition: s e r l a l i s m , polytonality, tone
c l u s t e r s , and atonallty. Just a s Bach
and Beethoven w e r e s y n t h e s i z e r s ,
Dr. P e r s i c h e t t i s e e s our c o n t e m p o r a r y c o m p o s e r s (Sessions and
Piston, lor Instance) a s climaxing
" n e a r - P e n a i s s a n c e " In musical
Difficult lo Follow
..ill hi
ll»S till
m l l o l •.
alwir •
n i n e s throughout Ins d i s c u s In w e i e r , it b e c a m e difficult
•• lir, P e r s i c h e t t i , for in
to hear his expansive m u s km wlcdgo, lie often gave tlie more than they could ab. More extensive pei'ioruied
lllu i] ;d inns would have heen Iteneti'-i
i in defining Ivventielli-cenlury
mu.sii nl 11 ends.
lie i .included the l e c t u r e - r e c i t a l
I \ evj Inline die notirh extinct a r t
1.1 iPiaiJisilc i m p r o v i s a t i o n ; utilizing
the nil! resoiii c e s of his technique,
Mr. I'ersichetli i m p r o v i s e d a piano
soiurt.i kised on the melody given
II inn tlie audience. As Dr. P e r s l clielti liogau in I m p r o v i s e , it s t r u c k
reviewer that he was listening
music never heard before: a work
art was hc'nu c r e a t e d .
Emma Williard School Music Department presents Robert Enman in a piano roci ta I at 1:30
in Pago Hall free.
State University Booktlore
Ex 129
Albany, N.Y.
November 19
For Thanksgiving Vacation
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
Central Figure
The central figure in the production becomes the
narrator who has the task of providing background
and transition, allowing the audience to -see and understand the workings of the story — to function as
would the reader. He provides the link which allows
the work to exist on two structural levels, the narrative and the dramatic.
Conceived in the last decade by Dr. Robert Breen
or Northwestern University, chamber theatre received its Albany debut on April 13, 1965, with an
English evening production of D. II. Lawrence's
"Two Bluebirds" and [Catherine Anne Porter's "The
Jilting of Granny Weatherall," also directed by Mr.
As a critical technique for understanding fiction,
chamber theatre makes no attempt to dramatize all
fiction; it seeks solely to embody that criticism by
means of the stage.
Softwear and
State University Committee on Art
Ifcrrks on Instructional Programs
S l d w y Lumet's "The Hill' Highly Lauded,
Liaguistic Troubles Hinder Qeality of Film
by Douglas Ralhgab
. tfaytwbf If* 1965
PHOTOGRAPHY B U F F S H A V E a chanco to >.c an exhibit by
Joseph Alper in the Draper Art Gallery through November.
A R T C O U N C I L HAS put on display a selection of fine photographs taken by Joseph Alper.
Art Council Announces
National Foundation
by Laura Dodofsky
Artist-in residence programs throughout the country will receive booster shots from the new National
Foundation for the Arts and Humanities.
President Johnson has listed grants to schools and
universities to support great artists on the campus as
one of the major tasks of the foundation. The others,
announced at the ceremony on September 29 signing
the foundation bill into law, include the creation of a
national repetory theatre and an American film institute; support of a national opera, a national ballet,
and symphony orchestras; and commissioning new
works of music.
The Foundation consists of two $5 million national
endowments — one for the humanities and one for the
a r t s — and a Federal Council intheArts and Humanities to coordinate their activities. In addition, the new
law provides funds to match private contributions to
the endowments, to give special arts grants to the
states, and to remodel and purchase elementary and
secondary school arts and humanities equipment.
Strengthen Teaching
It also authorizes $500,000 for training institutes to
strengthen the teaching of the arts and humanities in
elementary and secondary schools. Many college and
universities can be expected to host these arts and
humanities institutes, just as they have sponsored language, science, mathematics and history institutes in
the past.
According to the new law, the essential difference
belween the arts and the humanities is that the arts
involve creation, performance, and exhibition; whereas
the humanities center around study. Included among
the arts are music, dance, drama, creative writing,
architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, costume and fashion design, industrial design, film, television, radio and recording. Included in the humanities
are modern and classical languages, linguistics, literature, history, jurisprudence, philosophy, archaelogy, criticism, theory of the arts and humanistic a s pects of the social sciences.
N e e d Support
The Commissions report was presented in June
1964, and concluded that the arts, humanities, and
relevant academic disciplines needed additional m a s s u p p o r t coming largely from tlie federal govern8 j v e
ment. It recommended that an independent National
1 Humanities Foundation similar to the National Science
Science Foundation, be created. Congressman William
S. Moorhead introduced a bill embodying the Commission's recommendation.
All p e r s o n s at the University
After hearings in February and March of this year,
a r e asked to chock C h a r l e s 11. the administration's "consensus" proposal, essenSelf's petition In support of S. 0,
tially the one passed, was formulated. In addition to
the Cold War G. I. Bill.
Tlie petition i s posted on the many university and commission representatives, the
English Annex bulletin hoard.
bill's hearings included testimony by noted performers such as Theodore Blkel and Charlton Heston.
The success of the Humanities commission, whose
20 members included 11 faoulty members of administrators of universities, contrasts sharply with a
commission set up in 1955-56, The main result of its
year-long deliberations was a book published in 1959
will afpem 7)ec. 3 by Howard Mumford Jones, entitled, appropriately,
"One Great Sooiety."
\A RayVieuof
We experienced one of the more rewarding aspects
of athletics last Wednesday night that we feel should
be of interest to every sports fan. The experience we
are referring to is the seasonal sports banquet of the
athletic department, this one being the fall affair.
• At this banquet we saw State sports at their best.
This may sound funny because, who thinks of a banquet as being an intrinsic attribute of athletics? We
now do. We saw the sincerity and pride of coaches
praising their athletes, the humility of the athletes
receiving their awards, and the exuberance with which
the members of-the different teams, applauded their
peers. What more can athletics teach an individual?
Over and over again the coaches told of the hard
work, patience and desire their players put forth
during the year. And yet we never grew tired of it.
We felt proud to be associated with a group of individuals who know what it is to work for something
other than the highly inadequate coverage of a college
newspaper or for the appreciation of fellow students.
We never kidded ourselves into believing this was
ever their moment. •
, w - ».., NO. 41
THIS YEAR'S GREAT DANE baskttball loom
will have to go a long way if it is to match
last year's fine record of 16-6. Junior Mike
Bloom, pictured above storting a fast break, is
the only returning starter. Other returning lettermen are captain Jim Constantino and center
Jim Lange.
not her Year
Madame Catherine Wolkonsky of Albany State's Department of Slavic Languages has been offered an additional one year extension of her tenure. Madame Wolkonsky will be 72 before theendof this year. The policy
of the State University ordinarilyprecludedpersonsover
70 from full time teaching assignments.
Emotion Filled
We saw an emotional and tear-filled Joe Garcia bid
a fond farewall to a player whom he had coached for
three years. We felt a lump in our throat, too.
We watched an intense Tom Robinson extol his frosh
runners, using the same terms that coaches used to
describe him with when he was Albany's greatest h a r rier only a year ago.
We saw Bill Schieffelin convey his deep frustration
during the past frosh soccer season. He showed immense pride in his players, and from the skills and
attitudes we know the freshman learned from him
during the season, we can easily call to mind an old
adage: "Achievement is not the primary function of
"Spud" Kruzan and Keith Munsey provided the entertainment for the evening, epitomizing the buoyancy
of the affair.
To the award winners — Udo Guddat, soccer; Paul
Durbin, cross-country; Mike Atwell and DonBeevers,
frosh cross-country; and Harold Toretszky, frosh
soccer — our most sincere congratulations.
Late l a s t y e a r , the local
Book on Roots
THE VARSITY WRESTLING team coached by Joe Garcia,
shouldn't have too much trouble in improving its 4-7 record of
lost year. The grapplers have Dick Szymanski back and a host
of fine wrestlers up from the frosh.
A basketball clinic will lie sponsored hy WAA on December 7 and
14 In Page gym from 7:30-9:00p.m.
This will be for all interested In
officiating and practicing. Since the
officials will be paid, anyone interested must attend one session and
should sign up with her representative or Miss Huzley.
Coblesklll is sponsoring a sportsday on December 4. We will send
a volleyball team of eight women.
Tryouts for the team will be on
Nov. 30, at 7:30 in Page. The team
will practice on Dec. 2 at 7:30.
All Interested should sign up with
their representative.
Albany will participate in the Intercollegiate postal ten-pin tournament. Anyone interested may bowl
on Dec. 10 at Rice Lanes at 1:25
P.m. Sign up with representative.
The bowling tournament will be
to decide who goes to Buffalo in
the spring for the intercollegiate
tourney there. Billiards tourney:
sign up at board by. November 23,
LAST YEAR'S FROSH basketball team, led by star Laurie
Peckham, shown here hitting on a ten foot jump shot, should
improve on its 6-13 record. For a change the team has a lot of
"height and the boys should make good use of it.
| I
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Central Council Resolution Supports
Siena's Father Bonaventure O^Brien
Shortly after election
day, the news of Father
Bona venture O'Brien's o r ders to remain on campus
at Siena College became
public. Three colleges in
the Albany area have joined
in support of
Father Bonaventure.
The College of Saint Rose made
a statement through its Student Senate favoring the work of Father
Bonaventure and praising the efforts
of the Siena Student Senate in behalf
of their Instructor. In the statement,
the Senate urged the students of St.
Rose to examine the situation, and
urged the faculty to "continue to
provide Christian leadership."
The students of Siena initiated the
action and requested support for
their proposed plans. They had hoped
to organize demonstrations, and had
published a leaflet stating their position and feelings toward the action
of the diocesan hlearchy.
At the Central Council meeting of
November 18, the question of support of the actions of Siena students
and the manner in which we might
extend support was debated. President Thompson stated that he had
been to Siena and had discussed the
hot sausage
Jionburg . . .
ACCORDING TO PRESEASON outlooks, Coach Bob BurlingamVs freshman wrestling team should be equally as good as
la*t year's team, who posted a fine six won three lost record,
Madame Wolkonsky, a native of
Russia, is a world famous authority
on the Russian language. She joined
this faculty in 1963.
Albany ...
Dislike Selections
The sports department should like to voice its dissatisfaction with the AMIA football all-star selections
as made by the team captains last week.
Since it was the captains doing the choosing, we
cannot see how they arrived at some of the choices
they did. There are certain players on the team we
feel don't belong there; discretion rules out naming
these players. However, it is our opinion that such
players as Trinity's Charlie Hickey, Tower's Sal Villa, and Potter's Len Haybrook were among the outstanding players in the league and yet overlooked in
the balloting.
Trinity, in particular, was hard hit; APA, which
was tied by Trinity for second place, had eight men
on the starting team — Trinity had none.
As we said before, since the captains of the teams
did the choosing, we cannot blame ignorance for the
selections. All we can say is that something must be
wrong with the selection system that allowed such a
gros misrepresentation to occur.
University Council voted to
allow Madame Wolkonsky
to remain a full time teacher for this year.
Dr. Rosenbach suggested that the
Council extend support of the principles behind tile action taken, but
not necessarily support the action
itself. Then the question of a public
institution interfering In the Internal
affairs of a religious organization
was debated,
II Is not necessarily the right of
this Institution to question actions
taken by the Catholic Church Administration in this or any other
question. At llio same time the students and faculty members of Central Council felt some statement
should he made on this matter,
The students of Siena had stated
in their leaflet that " a man should
not be removed from social action
since the principles are Christian
in nature. Council agreed on this
point, but disagreed on what the
nature of its statement should be.
Several suggestions were submitted for the Council's approval.
Finally the suggestion of Dean Brown
was accepted as the best possible
wording for our sentiments. The
resolution said both that it approved
of the action of Father O'Brien and
that it supported the spirit of Siena's actions.
She is co-author of a book entitled
"A Dictionary of Russian Roots."
This work is widely considered to be
a definitive study of the structure of
the Russian language.
Madame Wolkonsky has been active in assisting the research of
many scholars of the Russian language. A graduate student currently
studying here claims that he cannot
find a recent book which does not include a lengthy acknowledgment of
thanks to Madame Wolkonsky.
Program D e v e l o p i n g
has been
bers of the Central Council of the
State University of New York at
Albany accord respect and admiration for the spirit and maturity with
which the Siena Student Senate has
stated its convictions toward humanitarian concerns.
"We support the contention that
each man must be free within self
imposed limitations to fulfill his
personal commitment to others in
a manner consistent with his beliefs.
The following night, Interested
students gathered at the "Golden
Eye" lo hear people speak on the
topic of Father Bonaventure's orThe statement submitted for pub- ders. Representatives lor the three
lication is as follows: "The mem- colleges were present.
Madame Wolkonsky
...To Remain at State
Drive to Support Foster Child to Begin
For the third year, the ASP is
asking University students to contribute to the support of Its Columbian foster child, Graclala Garcia,
The drive will commence Monday
and will continue until Christmas
Graclala Garcia has been the foster child of the ASP siucp January
1904. The ASP is supporting Graclala under the Foster Parents Plan.
This is an organization with International headquarters In New York
Plan More Direct
The plan differs from the conventional form of charity because
It is more direct and personal. Each
month the sponsor and the child
exchange letters through PLAN
headquarters. Here the letters are
translated, but both the original and
the translation are sent to the sponsor and the child. Graclala's letters
are published in the ASP. Her father
Is a carpenter who earns $30 a
month. Tills barely meets the cost
of the family's necessities. The
foster child receives $15 a month
to cover the cost of medical care,
household equipment, counseling,
and guidance. Clothing Is sent at
regular intervals.
Since adoption by the ASP, Graclala has grown from an undernourished to a healthy child. The
Plan have not only Improved the
living conditions of the family, but
have also enabled Graclala to r e ceive an education. In her monthly
letters, Graclala is very enthusiastic about school.
Collections for the foster child
will take place in the Peristyles
from 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also, contributions may be given to any News
Board member or brought to the
Publications Office, Hoom 5, Brubacher.
One of Albany State's rare modern jazz concerts will take place at
the Golden Eye tonight. The Greg
Procopio Qulntel will perform. The
quintet consists of Procopio on the
flute and tenor sax, his brother,
Joe Procopio on the alto, John Ritchie on piano, Bob Verdgeline on
drums, and Jack LaGalta on bass
and guitar.
The tunes they will play include
"A Night In Tunisia," "Summertime," "Bag's Groove," "Moanin'," and "Autumn Leaves,"
There will be a 25v' admission
contributions of the Foster Parents charge tonight,
working on the development of the
program In Russian. When she a r rived here, there were only three
courses in Russian.
There is now a minor and a major
in Russian. By the end of the year
the Masters' degree program is expected to be completed. Two additional professors will be added to
teach Russian In the department.
Madame Wolkonsky teaches Russian 139 A and B in the Comparative
Literature department. This course
covers the works of Tolstoy and
Dostoevsky. Last semester many
students, thinking that It would be
her last semester teaching, signed
up for the course. The largest room
of the Modern Language Annex had.
students standing and sitting on
window sills.
University Band
Performs Tonight
With Saxophonist
Sigurd Rascher, saxophonist and
long regarded as one of the world's
outstanding artists, will be guest
soloist at a program to be given by
the University Concert Band of State
University of New York at Albany,
Performing with him will be his
daughter, also a saxaphonist and a
student at the Eastman School of
Music. The Music Department pro•gram is set for Friday evening,
December 3, at 8 o'clock in Page
Mr. Rascher will play Corellie's
"Prelude and Gigue" which he
transcribed for solo alto saxophone
and small wind ensemble. Late In
the program the guest soloist and
Miss Rascher will be heard in
Latham's "Concerto Grosso," arranged for soprano and alto saxophones and hand.
The program will open with Copland's "Fanfare for the Common
Man" composed In 1942, the dramatic work for brass and percussion
Is one of eighteen fanfares written
by American composers for use in
connection with our great war effort.
Also included in the first portion
of the concert will be " P s a l m , " by
Perslchettl. The composition was
selected for performance at the
College Bands Directors Convention
in 1952 as one of the eight leading
works written for band in recent
In the latter half of the program,
Btlik's "American Civil War Fantasy" will feature fragments of
many favorite tunes of opposing
sides, culminating In "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic." The concluding number will be "Oh Freedom I" a medley arranged especially
for the University Concert Band by
Joel Chadabe, a new member of the
music faculty at the University.
Dedicated to the various civil rights
groups, Hie work Is comprised of
Negro freedom songs. They include
"I Woke up this Morning with Freedom on my Mind," "Oh LORD, What
a Mornln," "This Little Light of
Mine," "We Shall Overcome," and
"Oh Freedom."
Conductor of the band is William
Hudson of the University's music
faculty. Admission tickets will tie
available at the door.