Document 14064679

Friday. October 29, 1965
A RayVum of Sports
Film Festival
by Roy McClogt
This is.the twelfth issue of the ASP this semester,
and in each and every one of those newspapers we
have had one most unpleasant duty to perform —
refer to our athletic teams a s the Great Danes.
What may appear to be a petty complaint from an
overworked sports staff is, in reality, the seemingly
prevalent opinion of the student body.
We have yet to hear any complimentary remarks
about our nickname, we've been asked by outsiders
as to the significance inherent in our canine mascot,
and we've been unable to justify last y e a r ' s Mascot
Committee's selection of the animal as a likely successor to our deposed Penguin.
To be entirely fair, we do think that contest winTishter Photu
ner Kathy Earle did present excellent credentials
VARSITY CROSS-COUNTRY coach R. Keith Munsey gives his
for the Great Dane in submitting her entry. She harriers a pre-meet pep talk prior to last week's triangular
claimed the dog was "typically American, bred for meet. He must have said something right, as the Danes won
size, weight; strength, character, courage, speed their ninth of the year.
and stamina." If it were running for office in the
ASPCA, the animal would win in a landslide.
However, we fail to see any connection between a
Great Dane and any of the traditions, goals, or
characteristics of Albany State or the surrounding
area. We feel that the most primary consideration
in the choosing of a nickname and mascot is the r e The Albany State varsity cross-country team
lationship between the choice and the school. RPI scored its ninth win of the year last Saturday, with
reflects itself via the Engineers, while Union r e - a triangular meet triumph over Plattsburgh State
calls a proud tradition with its Dutchmen.
and New Haven State at Washington Park. The score:
The Mascot committee claimed that its selection State 21, Plattsburgh 43, New Haven 74. Albany
was based on "originality, applicability to our dominated the meet with eight runners finishing in
athletic teams, applicability to this area, and ap- t h e f i r s t t w e l v e .
rounaing into shape, was too strong
propriateness to our new university." Its originality
Once again it w a s soph "ear "><* finish.
„,h~ ™ „ „ , i
Flick was clocked in 25:37, Manwas never in question, not for one teeny-weeny JT«o Qe K
e a t i n g w h o p a c e d n e r s l n 2 5 : 5 4 | ma D u r b l n i n ' 2 6 . 0 4 moment.
t h e D a n e s . K e a t i n g w o n i n Also placing well for Albany was
The problem of our Great Dane by-name has yet 2 5 : 1 1 . 2 o v e r t h e 4 . 5 5 m i l e Bob Mulvey, who placed fifth in
to loom as acute. In soccer games the cries of the c o u r s e . K e a t i n g o p e n e d u p 2 % 2 ^ t r s i t y faces'LeMoyne on
crowd are carried away by the wind, and visitors a s l i g h t l e a d h a l f - w a y November 2, election day. When
pay little heed to them. But when basketball season t h r o u g h t h e c o u r s e , a n d t h e t w o t e a m s m e t l n t h e LeMoyne
arrives, and the cheerleaders step onto the court ha h^iA « „ f« ,.,i« „ . , „ . , Invitational a month ago, State
for an organized cheer — well, can't you just hear h e h e l d o n t o w i n o v e r p l a c e d f o u r t n b e h l n d t h e h o s t
team's third place showing.
them now: "Milk-Bone, Ken-L Ration, Go Danes t e a m m a t e B o b F l i c k .
T h e ,rosl1
Flick, whose efforts earned him
cross-country team,
Go!" or worse yet, "Woof, Woof, Bow, Bow, We
honors, p a c e d b* M l k e S w e l l ' s thirdplace
need a basket, get it now! "
In a three battle for most " " '
"P l n t l l e number
Please note that we avoided using the cliche caught
spot at tne
of the race. Flick, Ken Durbln t n rAe e total
"State is going to the dogs." That is definitely be- and Pittsburgh's Ralph Manners at Hudson Valleyschools
with Albany beingCC
of two
neath us. However, we are quite upset when rumors Flick's
remained bunched together until frosh squads in the primarily junManners
are about claiming that Albany gives out bachelor
but the Scotia runner, who Is just Siena's frosh finished 13th,
degrees, master degrees and pedigrees!
Harrier's Mark at 9-1
After Triangular Win
Pace Round 1
The AMIA League II pygmy
teams have recently completed
their first round of play, with
Potter leading the
Potter gained the lead via a
20-0 trouncing of the KB pygmies,
In a highlighted contest last Monday.
Potter, led by the passing and
running of quarterback Jim Curley, scored its three touchdowns
on passes to Dan Crlppen and Fred
Nelson, and a run by Curley.
As the league enters Its second
round, the teams will play each
other In the same rotation. Here
Is a list of the pairings: APATower, Potter-Waterbury, PotterTower, APA-KB, KB-Tower, Potter-APA, Waterbury-Tower, KBWaterbury, Potter-KB, and APAWaterbury,
The standings for the first round
are as follows;
2 ;i 1
2 11 1
The AMIA officers for 1965-68
are President Jim Wlngate, Vice
President Jack Kenny, Secretary
Tim Ambrosino, Representatives
to Recreation Board Tom Guilfoyle
and Jerry Montague.
Men Interested ln refereelng
AMIA basketball games for pay
should sign up at Robin Annex
before November 1.
9 p.m. tonight
Neither rain
nor Liz
A L B A N Y a. N E W YORK"
can ever
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roast beef
steak sandwich
hot roost beef & gravy
hot roast turkey & gravy
roast turkey
tuna fish
. 75
Hot Roast Beef or Roast Turkey
Mashed Pot. & Veg.
WE DELIVER Call: 434-3298
CORNER - Ctntroj Ave. & Northern Blvd.
Central Council Accepts
Supreme Court Nominees
Members of the Supreme Court according to the
Central Council Constitution shall be chosen in May.
Due to the organization problems, Supreme Court
has just been officially approved by Central Council.
After several extensions of the application period,
the committee of MYSKANIA members — Maria
Maniaci, Pep Pizzillo, Udo Gudclat, and Al Smith
interviewed the appliconstitutions of Living Area Afcants. Their finallistwas
p r e s e n t e d to the Council
n J. i
no i-v
J. ix.
on October 28. Due to the
fairs Commission and Solicitations
Committee were approved by the
Council. Questions over absences
lneetlllgs and pollcy ot the
l i m i t e d n u m b e r of a p p l i - screening board were brought up
c a n t s , o n l y t w o s e n i o r s concerning LAAC and Solicitations
i the
j.u Court.
<• Committee respectively,
were namedi to
According to the constitution, P / M P l
there should be four members • • " " I
tChr°eSee"from'nthe Junior' class "mi FJWP QllGGII F 113 I S t S
two from the Sophomore class. " , , w * • • " " " • • • « « • " « » »
However, this court consists of
The twelve finalists for Homeseven members. The seniors are coining Queen will lie narrowed to
Gretchen Van Vleet and James five Friday, November 5, by a
Ward; juniors: Constance Moquiat, panel of nine judges. The panel
Frank Penskl and Hay Cianfrlni; consists of representatives from
and sophomores: Barb Chemelll fraternities, Independents, llomeaiul Rosemarie Vairo.
coming Committee and faculty.
The members were present at
The twelve finalists are Anne
Thursday's Central Council meet- Bourdon, Gretchen Van Vleet, Sue
lng. Their appointment was ap- Nichols, Vera Kamanowski, Jeanne
proved by the body, and official Mourer, Harriet Tucker, Pat Halinauguration was scheduled for sey, Maria Maniaci, Anne Digney,
2:30 p.m. on Sunday.
Evelyn Gordon, Joan Clark and
from Lynn Kurth.
the commuters, Klaus Schnltzer,
The finalists will answer queswas sworn In by MYSKANIA Chair- tlons from the panel at 1:25 p.m.
man, Al Smith. Schnltzer Is r e - in Page. They will be judged by
placing Harold Lynne who re- their
replies, composure and
ing music with Hoy Guest he moved signed from the Council this fall, dress. In addition to these facto Toronto where he met Sylvia in
The press conference concern- tors, the audience reaction to each
a co„
l n g the auditors report on book girl will be given much weight ln
.... a few
. .piano
. lessons, prices and .food
. . service took place the decisions of the panel,
Sylvia learned everything she at 1:20 p.m. on Monday in the of-. The week preceding the judging
knows of music on her own. She 'ice of President Collins. Bill the twelve finallts will have to
, n a s t e r e d the autoharp and looked Cleveland will report to the Coun- wear purple and gold ribbons,
for new frontiers. Then she met cil on that meeting.
The five finalists will be announced
Ian in Toronto.
A committee was chosen by Stu- Friday night at the Homecoming
apparent simplicity of Ian dent Association President Dick Bonfire.
They will ride in the Homea | | ( ) syi v i a » s musk is the result of Thompson, and approved by the
intensive work with their material council, to appoint student mem- coming Parade Saturday and attend
and inspired performance.
hers to the Housing Committee, the soccer game against C W.
Tickets for their concert are T h e members of this new com- Post. During the half-time, Pat
being sold al the Student Activities miltee are Mark Summa, Sharon Fasano, last year's queen will
Desk and in the Peristyles for Teves, Dr. Knotts, Eleanor Die- announce the Homecoming Queen
^ ^
ner and Dill Bate.
_ for 1905.
U ^ B
^ B
Ian, Sylvia to Highlight
Homecoming Concert
hot sausage
President Extends
Hopes for Success
In a letter addressed to the students of the State University of
New York, Dr. Samuel B. Gould,
president of the State University
of New York, extended ills wish to
all students to have a successful
year and welcomed the freshman
Dr. Gould said that he "would
prefer a greater measure of personal communication with State
University's student body" but r e gretted that this was impossible
under present circumstances.
He said that he was grateful to
the editors of the college newspapers for allowing him to communicate with the various student
bodies through this letter.
Dr. Gould said that becoming a
"member of the University is more
than learning some rules and customs. It is, rather, making yourself an. active part of a vital educational adventure, catching and
holding onto the spirit of restlessness and urgency we all sense as
we view the possibilities for the
University and for the future, determining that you will do your
utmost to contribute to the fulfillment of both these possibilities."
He called the students " a great
band of comrades who share an
enthusiastic desire to acquire
knowledge and wisdom."
The President said that his hopes
and the student's hopes are the
same, for the student's progress
and growth "will enhance similar
progress and growth for the whole
He concluded the letter with the
assurance that he will use all his
lun and Sylvia will highi
M ,","" 7" ;"."" ,. u
,, " „
power to make available to the l i g h t
p „o„n„c„e „r it S
C :u, ,n„dHa. .y„ With
, „ : « , «t ,h, e. :i .r.
worthy of University
the stud: experience C
r e p e r t o i r e of E n g l i s h a n d
i ii i
A m e r i c a n Class DalladS,
mountain music, Negro
b l u e s cowboy b a l l a d s and
TTfon/.h r •n.irli ir, a^no'o
1 rencn uanncuan songs.
Both Ian Tyson and Sylvia FlickJ l e r wore performers In their own
right before they met and sang
I together in a Toronto coffee house,
'.'i Together they have done concert
" l tours, dramatic roles on the
Canadian television network, and
I innumerable nightclub engage; ments.
They won quick recognition on
United States television with their
: appearances on the llootenanny
program and the Bell Telephone
Samuel Gould
..Extends wishes for success Hour.
VOL. u , Nb.g3r^
N O V E M B E R 2. 1965
Notning puts a crease in
these pants where a crease
doesn't belong. They hold
their crisp, neat look hour
after hour. No matter how
often they get washed, they
never, ever need ironing.
Trimly tapered with belt
loops and cuffs. Colors and
fabrics for casual and dress
wear. 65% Dacron* polyester/35% cotton, $6.98. Flannels, hopsacking, reverse
twists, Acrilan'acrylic, $7.98.
(Slightly higher In the West.)
All h.i.s. clothes,
including combo-suits,
sold at
Cohen's Men's Shop
20 Central k i t
Council Defends
Classical Stand
"We stooped to Ferrante and Teicher, and
we stooped to Pete Seeg e r . " "We have enough
of that trash around."
These statements were
made by Cheryl Flis, officer of Music Council.
Infuse Personalities
They are known for infusing their
own personalities into ;t song, giving it lire, without even intruding
to the point where (hey would tietract attention from the essential
value of the song.
"The New York Times" said
that folk singers could hardly find
a more tasteful model than the
work of Ian and Sylvia in reviewing one of their recent record releases.
Other critics have acclaimed the
duo's invaluable ability to judge
what is good and what is not,
Both singers are Canadians, Ian
grew up on a farm In Canada's
cowboy country, the far west province of British Columbia. While
ho was recovering from a rodeo •
injury at the age of nineteen he
became Interested in country music and learned to play the guitar.
Miss Flls was asked til,, ul the
purpose of Music Council. She defended the opinion that folk and
popular music is not music. She
stated that the Music Council
means classical music when they
use the term mue.c,
She said that State has weekends
like Homecoming and Parents' Day
to bring in folk music and other
Begins Singing
forms of popular music.
After graduating from college,
Miss Flls Insisted that the p r o . he started singing wherever lie
was able to get a job, After study(continued in page 3J
STUDENTS MARCH on Capitol Thursday' In protest
a l . , to,
»,u t and.
on magazines.
( " » ' • « a«
or the
me .sales
tax „„
on ,textbooks
g .
Tue (day, November 2, 1965
S T U D , H T ^ « U
chosen with care (as attested to dogs," no matter how "far beby the rigorous procedure pre- neath u s " It may seem to the
•crlbed by the Constitution)? And ASP sports board, Is no worse
, ;
is It hdt-also! reasonable to assume than anyone else's degradation
'I am glad.lo have your invlta- t l l a t BUCh people should have and through the use of a mascot,
tton to write thisi letter. On the h o W a c u m u latlve average some. however have
nnocent Proposal
Eight appearing oh the ballot, this ^ g f l f S A Index you deem "sufElectlon Day Is an Innocent pro- i" ,.nt auailflcatlon?"
posal. It would transfer twenty- H f n ^ „ o , h e r Question for your
eight acres of Forest Preserved el^t^UmT w 0 former memland to. the town of Arietta for ex- ^ ™ o f " e ASP were definitely In
tending the runways of the Plseco ^Jm
and effect during the dealrport in exchange for thirty acres 8 ^ e M
, provisional Counelsewhere. Thus, two acres are Sif", JUISB"* Edith Hardy, then coadded to the Forest Preserve andeditor;
i i l l t „,. onrt MMr,
r Haro irj Lynne,
no great harm seems to result, . m a nand
a g l n g e d l t o r. While we
Conservationists are not disposed
jjffl ^
, respe cted
to mount a campaign of opposition
d t h o u t f l t s of these
to this amendment of the "forever ™ ° £ c o U e B g u e s . tl r am sure
wild" clause.
Provisional Council would have.
Sooner or later however, the
r e m e mber no instance
people of New York are going to " M.l s s „n a rda y o r M L y n n e v o l c .
have to
to estaDiisn
establish a
on ine
the °*
' *l n e t n e c u .
a policy
poucy on
Since as was intended by the found- J,""™"" r™rrT°Tir«i7r«K Dubllclv
p HVflii| ?V|lVvv\
Do you think we'll become on honorary too?
FSA Practices
• • MVtiww
Although many issues remain and more invest!-
e r s 0, tne Forest Preserve tMi
^ ^ g ^ ^ S S l m ^
the scoffing could account for the
generalization of the title "Great
Dane" to coeds and/or degrees,
I submitted the entry because I
could not bear the thought of being
represented by a penguin, or especlally by "neds."
peds," which an
what I thought one wore without
Penguins seem to me to be particularly cute and dull, attributes
which I, as a transfer last semester, had not found applicable to
SUNYA. Mr. McCloat evidently
»«*»«• »••• »•- ~
Perhaps they are "applicable to
our atretic teams (the only game
Will be needed, i t i s b e c o m i n g v e r y c l e a r that two and a half million; acre area . g l b l e members of the ASP or a penguin reminds me of is, un- - - is primarily a Water Preserve, * m e m b e r s 0f Provisional Coun- fortunately, football), applicable
our Faculty Student Association has served• and•con
then the interest of the whole of . „ J h e t e n u r e t o n e an a intent to our area (as this Is a predomtinues to serve some excellent purposes.
New York State lies in discour• A S p c n a n g 8 d s 0 dr»stlcally lnately Catholic city, the area does
The criticisms raised in the audit report have aging development, guarding the
. s , x m o n t n s that their display an unusual amount of
, , , ^ ! ! 1S s t l l l n o t respected black and white habit), and apraised issues of policy. The Food Service spends
tems from the pollutants of a . m b e r s of y o u r organization? proprlate to our new university
more money for its employees than the state thinks commercial and industrial eco- '
j cmngt a c c e p t y o u r ( d o e s M r , McCloat expect much
is necessary. The reason for this is the policy of nomy, and preserving as much of ^ vv„ ^ c y r a t l n ( J o f t h e Supreme snow this year?)."
gjjfc. W i t n o n i y a
employing many students and relatiyely few full
Of the prerequisites outlined by
time workers below the level of the chiefs.
in view of our water . r i ^ S f f i ! ^
On the surface this seems admirable, but weArticle Fourteen, section 1, (to f . ™ ™ " ' . # " ? ' " ' ° " T * " ^ iterated by Mr. McCloat, only
wonder if it is necessary for each resident of the which this proposal Is an amend- " yp ^ I b M t l e s of wha is now originality seems apt: who else
use a mascot completely
halls to subsidize the students who get the kitchen ment) Is a far-seeing clause of ^ ° X t "as then can not be uwould
the constitution. The more often V* 7 /
T e j e c t e d . And I n r e l a t « ( 1 <* "°Pe> t o t h e e°als,
jobs. There a r e now many scholarships available. we introduce exceptions, the e v e n . rf,mm°JoeJ,t y . , , „ „ » ,hfli vour aspirations, and Image of a uniThere a r e many jobs Financial Aids cannot fill. stronger the vested interest In ^
» f m a T a conc/rteS verslty.
{ l (nat
McC,oat evldentl
We question the wisdom of continuing to depend so commercialism becomes. The
p r o c e e d | n g to that our athletic teams do not dtsl d
much on student help when it is clear to everyone principle involved here is on a
^rther editorials on the play evidences of "size, weight,
that full-time non-student help is less expensive. minlscule scale, the, same that
m a t t e r y the student body of this s t r e n ^ character, courage and
The old reason that jobs were desperately needed ffif.r3.SS
Frank Crowley
Although we must regard this
no longer seems to hold water.
Perhaps they don't. But are they
pro tempore
Council s m a » - PudBV. well insulated and
The Bookstore was criticized for not making a quence, and as conservationists
with only vestiges of wings!
large enough profit. Again one of the largest reasons must be more concerned that the , , . .,._.!«.../"•.{,»,., VUnno
I am sure that Cornell winced
for this is the number of student employees. We do Pure Waters Amendment Number UHIUCrSIIIjWriiTie WUVB with
the introduction of a lumberis passed, I must, in connot feel that students should be subsidizing such a One
bear as Its. mascot.
sistency of outlook, vote "No" To the Editor,
. . . . .Time,
. .
large number of students through these jobs, whether on Amendment Number Eight and I don't quite know how to treat however, has given the animal Its
the subject that 1 am writing to proverbial place in the proverbial
they a r e distributive education minors o r not. urge others to do likewise.
Robert Rlenow you about. Because I must catch hearts of "Big Red" (is state,
The loan program of the FSA is a program for
Professor of Political Science the 1:00 bus I will make this as by the way, referred to as the
which we have nothing butpraise. These interestfree CJ.'«v»isil nie+iirltfn/i
strictly factual as possible. I only Purple?
short term loans a r e available for any worthwhile
reason within 24 hours after the application is made.
The amount of money tied up for this program is
We feel that a good deal of investigation may be
required before the voucher procedure of the Athletic Department becomes a convincingly good thing.
We feel that the report has raised some worthwhile issues. We hope it results in the re-thinking
of a great many practices on this campus. We are
glad to hear that students will obtain representation
in the FSA.
taironai vmwomy
hope tnat lt wm
be possible to
Mr_ McCloa, does not seem t0
To the Editor,
work this Into the ASP.
realize that "times do change."
I found your editorial concerning My name Is James Small, and r g u s p e c t that he Is an avid Rethe "unneeded qualification" of I live in Room 714 at the Thruway pUbUcan and a member of tlie
justices of the Supreme Court of Motor Inn. The story which I will Y A F | t o s a y t n e least _
I also
feel thatmost
yourdisturbrather be concerned with starts this
lllogic use of the Inexpensive lux- morning, Tuesday, October 20. The choice of a Great Dane as
ury of hindsight is not, and I hope At 8:00 a.m. I was dressed and our school mascot, however, was
ready for my 8:25 gym class. I only my immediate response to
could never be, a basis on which left my attache case in the locker a distressed situation,
change could be made.
room. When I returned at 9:30 lt
At the time of the writing of was gone. This struck me very The mascot committee chose
the Student Association Constitu- hard because it contained numer- my entry; I am therefore not ration, prestige definitely was a fac- ous letters from my fiance, love sponsible for it. Since it was myII
tor in the 2.5 cumulative average letters if you prefer, and the four lentry
I evidently do feel that
requirement for justices. But the pictures which I have of her. Im- s n o t a u a a 'dea.
requirement connoted and denoted mediately I was enraged. I soon B u t j a m w l iu n B t 0 accept anomuch more to
of that
we are
led thought, clearly though with emo- t h e r m a s c o t lf a s M r . McCloat
believe by"your editorial
on the
We would like to second the thoughts expressed
'•-- "on, where would I put personal c l a l m s tn „ student animosity topapers which I had stolen (lnad- w a r d s G r e a t D a n e , s b e y o n d t n o
last Friday by our sports editor, Ray McCloat. matter.
Justices of the Supreme Court vertently) which I had no use for. h e l o f U m e o r
other pana.
We take facetious joy in suggesting some possible must not only know the law, as Immediately I went about looklnff c e a
strucalternatives to the big dumb dog. Perhaps the monIn the locker room trash cans. I
but they must also possess finally overturned lt ami recov- if the mascot committee agrees
goose or the ostrich, the shrew or walrus, o r the tures,
the acumen and ability to inter- ered what there was. Much to mycto another contest I will even regiraffe or the worn would make just as dandy-ter- pret and apply the law. Is lt not sorrow the four pictures that I turn my contest prize money,
reasonable, then, to assume that had of her, two of us together and
rific a mascot the un-great Great Dane.
the nine people vested with this two of hor alone, weren't there. My only plea is that the nickbe
Maybe a killer whale or an egg or platypus or duty
our purple
and responsibility should bo hate
this unknown
This towards
only served
to heighten
my forever
name "peds"
and from
a snail.
•1 then went to the Student Associa- and gold hearts.
tion office and reported tho theft.
Kathleen A. liaiio
Soon lt occurred to mo that I
hadn't finished my search of tho ,
men's room. I went back down,
and In each of iwoother containers
I found a wallet (complete with I,D., To tho Editor:
social security, and photos)hidden The common practice of "going
.under waste papers Just us my stonily" represents a lame excuse
letter had lieou, These I turned for Insecure peoplo to monopolize
ly Nawtpapor published by tha student body of the State Unlversit . of No
The Albany Studant ProM Is a soml-1
In to the Student Association o[- each other's time and constitutes
located in Room 5 of Brubacher Hall at 750 State Street, I: open from 7-11 p.m.
York at Albany. Tho ASP offl
fice. End story (fuctuul),
a real danger to tho autonomy of
Sunday through Thursday nights. The ASP may be reached by dialing 434-4031.
I do not know, nor would I have tho individual,
any guess, as to why tills unknown
EILEEN MANNING 'hlel chose my attache case, con- [n essence, ltconflnos two people
tulning only personal papers and from seeing others socially, a stop
Photography Editor
Sports Editor
DIANA M. DOMKOWSKI a towel, or why he kept the pic- that should be reserved for
Advertising Manager
Business Monoger tures that he so obviously had to gagemont, By such isolation each
Emcutive Editor
GARY WOODS ii,0k at to throw out the letters, party Is adopting a policy of social
Arts Editor
Executive Editor
pi.otog,„phy Editor, o n l y woml(sl . if nlKi fervently stagnantly, limiting one's exposure
AssUtonl Sports Editor
Don Opp.dls t hope, you can help stop this per- to a single person. With such
Other Appropriate Names
Albany Student Press
Winger, Bill Shrlftmon, Linda Bregmon, John Sprois, Janet H e n , Steve Curll - ' - » « • • » ' »
Anne Dlaney, Steve Walter, Harry Nuckols, Jim B.gley, Douglas R a t h g . b T o the E d i t o r s :
Wot 1 Ta0 M n L
R ,, r,
A I . U N V 8TUQ1NT g g l t t
Forensic, British Debaters Discuss Campus Christian Coancil Speaker
Roleof Negro in American Dream T o Discuss Experiences in Asia
English debate is unlike Amerl- an Albany State major in Latin growth ot this country, but has Dr. Frank L. Cooley, a Fracan from the standpoint of re- American studies, and Norman received none of the benefits. In ternal Worker of the United Pressearch Involved. American de- Lamont, an English graduate of discussing monuments to various byterian Church at the Satya Watbaters gather files of evidence to Cambridge, with a major in socio- American ideals, such as the Sta- Jana Christian University In Sasupport whatever their case might logy debated - Resolved: That the tue of Liberty, Lamont said "We latiga, Indonesia, will speak on
be, while the English rely on American dream has been achieved British also have statues to our his experiences in Africa and Asia
at the Cave from 2:30 to 4:30 today.
reason, personal opinion and effec- at the expense of the American dead."
tlve, forceful delivery. Humor and negro.
Dr. Cooley,agraduateofSpringT o m ^ara ,„ t h e n e g a t l v e r e .
gentle sarcasm often liven an The purpose of the debate was buttal said that the negative sees field College, received B.D., M.A.
otherwise dry topic.
to discuss in modified debate form the problem as lt exists, but that and Ph. D. degrees from Yale. He
The topic of Cambridge Debate, the problems Involved In the reso- America is coping with the sltua- was deported by the Communists
October 22, was anything but dry. lution. It was more a variety ol tton. The purpose is to encourage on political charges after waiting
Harriet Tucker, an Albany State opinion that actual debate. The the Negro to secure his own posi- a year for an exit permit and
Engltsh major; Christy Davles, Albany debaters had to modify tloh In American society. If every spending seven weeks in solitary
a Welsh graduate of Cambridge, their style to that of the English, other minority group that Imml- confinement.
with a bachelor's degree In eco- and the Cambridge debaters had grated to America can advance In the United States Dr. Cooley
nomlcs and sociology; Tom Ward, to rely a little more on actual itself, Ward says the Negro can took part In the Student Volunteer
printed evidence. The success of al s 0 . In disagreement, Lamont said Movement.
the date was great, when lt ls the Negro did not immigate, he was Dr. Cooley has been stationed
considered that the partners met brought,
(continued from page 1)
each other only a few hours before
10% Off
gram offered this year by Music the debate
10% Off
Council ls balanced, although she As first affirmative, Harriet
on Yarn
on Yarn
said the balance lies within the Tucker explained the situation of
field of classical music.
the American Negro in today's
She stated that there was no need society. She stressed the emascuto state specifically in the Coun- latlon of the American Negro by
cil's constitution that they mean the present discrimination in many
to provide only classical andclas- aspects of American life — from
steal Jazz.
Jobs to education. Miss Tucker The Financial Aids Office has
In specific reference to the ap- said don't "do with" the Negro, announced that they will operate a 212 Western Aue. at Quail
pearance of Ferrante and Teicher just "let him alone."
branch office In Draper 110, every
open daily 10-6 p.m.
last year, Miss Flls defended Dr. First negative, Tom Ward, Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
Wed. 10-9 p.m.
Charles Stokes attempt to obtain stated that the purpose of the p.m.
an all classical program.
debate was to discuss the Ameri- Miss Norman, the new Employ- 10% Off
10% Off
She said that it did not matter can Dream and the Negro's rela- ment and Loans Officer, states on Yarn
on Yarn
that the Council was opposed to tlon to that dream. In the first that there are many Saturday jobs
Ferrante and Teicher playing all place, the American Dream has available, as well as some College
classical music.
not been achieved in Ward's opln- Work-Study positions and various
Suggests Second Group
ion. The Negro has made great part-time opportunities throughMusic Council President Carol progress toward that dream. As out the city.
Hamann suggested that it would be an example, Ward cited the "NeStudents who receive the maxia very good idea if a second group gro Brain Trust" of Franklin Ro- mum Scholar Incentive award and
were to form to present groups osevelt's administration, and the are consequently eligible for State
from the fields of popular, jazz, Civil Rights Bills of 1957, 1904 University Scholarship must file
mood, folk and legitimate music, and 1905. The Negro has been separate application for this latter
Miss Hamann Insisted that the "excluded," but not at his ex-award.
field of classical music is much pense, was the contention of the
They may do so through Finanmore diversified than the other first negative,
cial Aids Office, located In the
fields and should therefore re- Norman Lamont, second afflr- Air Force Reserve Training Cencelve an appropriation equal to matlve, pointed out that It ls very ter at 80 North Main Avenue. These
that for the other five forms of difficult to say some one has been applications must be filed before
excluded, but not at his expense. December 1,
Miss Hamann said that II would His exclusion must cost some
Many students who have won Ben
mean spending twice the amount personal price. The price paid by Smith, Van Derzee-Pierce, and
now being spent; but she thought the American Negro, in Lament's Van Slyke Scholarships have not
that all types of music should be opinion, is "social retardation." yet received their checks. These
presented, although not by Music He stated that the American Ne- checks may be picked up in perCouncll.
gro has contributed to the social son from the Financial Aids Office.
Music Council
Office in Draper
To Be Operated
By Financial Aids
In Indonesia since 1956. He has
served as, a member of the faculty
of ine Christian U. and of the
Higher-Theological College In DJkarta, as a field representative of
the Far Eastern Office of the
Division of Foreign Missions of
the National Council of Churches
in the U.S.A. and as acting secretary of the English language sec*
tlon of a commission of the Indonesian Council of Churches.
Campus Christian Council ls
sponsoring Dr. Cooley's visit to
Albany, In addition to his dialogue
In the cave he will be available at
the Campus Ministry Office, 501
State Street, during the lunch hour
for tale
New and Used
6 months guarantee
Trade-In accepted
153 Central Avenue
Open Evos. except Saturday
go for
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Going Steady
Linford Whir., Cynthia Goodman, D i o n . Somm.rvlll., K l r . t . n H u . t . d , Judith J o * l t , , S 0 " " ' ' l b " ' " ' " ^ j ' a m e s S m a l l t S l n ^ » l l a i ! ! i ! S h l ' ^ n ^ n - I H 1 ^
C. M. Carton, Sue C h a p . , Margaret Dunlap, Malcolm Provost, Richard K a . e , Mark rt ,
. .
" ' ° S o l n a i ! tloilhliiji b e t w e e n . h o y Ulld g i l l i s
U f
Cunmnohom, Noncy Miedenbouer, Susan St.iger, Barbara [ilodgelt, Roberl Cully, Bob l j £ f £ n u S
" ' " t l l < J Unhappy COnSeqUOIlCB.
Tuesday, November 2, I M S
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" ' ' " """"'"n |" reference to Ray McClont's rely on the crutch of going steady
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All communications addressed la tho Editors and should he signed, Names will be wllhhela an reaue.t.
Communications should be limited l a 300 words and a r t »ub|ocl to editing. The Albany Student Press assumes no
reflect its views.
responsibility for opinions expressed in Its columns or communication, as such f n r e s s l o n s do not necessarily
llfl ( b U l
. '„
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Tuetdny, Ntwmbot 2, 1965
HWNLPr u j
looters Upset Brooklyn College,
Tsodode, Getto Goals Win 2-1 fe v*
The Albany State varsity soccer team traveled to Brooklyn College last Saturday, and handed the highly touted Klngsmen a 2-1 defeat. The Danes, out to
avenge last y e a r ' s 6-0 humiliation to Brooklyn, played what Coach Garcia called
a "great team effort" to hold the home team scoreless until the final two minutes of play. Goals by Maurice Tsododo and Getachew Habeth-Yimer accounted
for tiie two Dane Scores.
Garcia cited Joe LaReau, eight saves as goalie, and captain Udo Guddat as having played an
outstanding game. Guddat
"dominated the center of
the field."
i * / V
The two teams played a score• > ' * •
less first quarter. However, Albany took the lead early in the
second period when Habeth-Yimer TWO DANE BOOTERS vie with opponents to get the bol
scored off a fast break on an as- the soccer game against Brooklyn College Saturday.
sist by Tsododo. It came at 6:10
of the period.
For the remainder of the half
and the third quarter, neither team
could muster a successful attack.1 AMIA
League I bowling began 4. TXO
Early in the fourth period, Dane last Saturday at Schade's lanes, 5. "Ad
Hoes" 2204
Maurice Tsododo scored to give and four teams in the 10 team
Albany its winning margin. He was league share the top spot. EEP, Individual Average
assisted by Habeth-Yimer, and it Goobers, the Choppers and TXO Wayne Smith-Goobers 100 (508)
came at 2:23 of the period.
all scored 7-0 victories.
Tom Piotrowski-EEP 191 (573)
Brooklyn College's Robert Ver- Here are the standings and In- Mert Sutherland Goobers 190(571)
mes spoiled State's shutout bid dividual leaders,
Doug McAllister-KB 180 (558)
when he booted one home at 20:30
Bill Illenberg-TXO 185 (555)
of the final quarter.
Individual Games
High Gome Piotrowski-EEP - 222
The Danes now sport a 3-G rec-Toam
Total Pit
ord. Brooklyn is 3-D.
1. EEP
Barnard-KB - 222
The State hooters have a week 2. Goobers 2720
off from competition In prepara- 3. Choppers 2471
tion for next week's homecoming
contest with C. W. Post College.
Last year the team dropped a
heartbreaking homecoming game
* * * * *
to Potsdam, 1-0. A large crowd is
Keg News
Frosh Harriers Romp,
Finish Winning Season
The Albany State freshmen cross-country squad
"all but ran away with the park" Saturday in defeating four other teams over the 3.2 mile freshman
course in Washington Park. Albany placed four runners in the first five, and six in the first nine. Ine
frosh finished their season yesterday against the
New Paltz freshman team at Washington Park.
P o t t e r c l u b . s s t r o n g defensive
rush accounted for two safeties to
champions, Kappa Beta.
Don Klsiel, Marty Demarestand
Mike Drexel kept up constant pres-
on K B S
' Quqrterback, Dan I
the deiending title holder, but this. Thomas, thus severely limiting
of the loser's
duel from the start and
, .,
KB started a drive late In the
The scoreion a lye- earn basis
both broke the Albany
bu[ g U m e ,
Albany Frosh 19, Siena Frosh b warrenMannlx ended the threat.
freshman record on the was
01, Fulton-Montgomery C. C. 82,
course held by Joe Keat- Adirondack C. C. 00,and LaSalette KB, which ended Potter's ten
c h a m p i o n s h i p streak,
ing, who set it last year 109,
wrapped up the title last week with
in 17:35.7.
Trophies were presented to the a win over TXO.
Beevers won in 17:27.4, while two leading teams and awards were
Atwell was timed In 17:32 (or sec- given to the first seven runners to KB's defense was alsooutstauding, holding Potter to no scores.
ond. Paul Breslln romped home cross the finish line.
third In 17:50, followed by Siena's
Joe McCoy in 18:00 and Dane
George Boiling In 18:20. All eight
What do you ASPire to?
Albany runners bettered their previous best times in today's conEditor Features News Sports
* * * * *
T V n m r m i r p q Finn R o n v
leamnmiBS u u n oeev
h o o k e d u p in a b r i l l i a n t
The all-tlmo course record Is
held by Jim Qulnn of Holy Cross
who set the mark earlier this year.
Siena was second on a team
basis to Albany, as this was guod
enough to clinch the Northeastern
Collegium Conference title uvor
three other schools. Albany was
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VOL LI, NO. 37
Declares Audit
Designed to Cause
Colonel William S. Rooney, a.
professor in the recently formed
School of Social Welfare, will be
awarded the Legion of Merit award
At his weekly news conference Monday aftertomorrow. The award is the highest
noon, Dr. Evan R. Collins described the recent
military order which can be bestowed on a non-combatant.
New York State Audit report on the Faculty Student
Colonel Rooney i s receiving the
Associations at Albany, Buffalo and New Paltz
award "for exceptionally meritoras "clearly designed to make a s t i r . " He exious conduct in the performance of
outstanding services." Rooney r e plained that state auditors had frequently looked at
signed from the Medical Service
the FSA books in the past, and that these investiCorps of the Army to accept tilegations had proved to be helpful.
position on the SUNYA faculty.
The award ceremony will take
s a i d , simply not so. It takes no account
place on University Field at l p . m .
"This was an audit of a o!^°!$M&
LH , =, 1M
tomorrow. The public is invited to
l u ' V ' ^ i t ,
The report also criticized that
attend. Colonel John Ray, Northern
a i t l e r e n t K i n d . O n t h i s OC- "competitive bidding for foodpurNew York State Section CommanTEN FINALISTS FOR Homecoming Queen make their first
e o b s e ris
v e (relatively
i lnat
der, 2nd U. S. Army Corps, will appearance before an audience at Pre-View '65.
ao st i ot on h et lhDe ui ns t ebn ut itotno fwi nads wct >ases
limited, paid
TOn e i p u s , DUITOnna m o r e , o r f00d tnan* les FSA's
M b h
present the award. Two platoons
things that looked bad." State
of the 364th General Hospital Unit,
under State contracts." Dr.
U. S. Army Reserves, will march
Collins acknowledged this as true,
He implied that some of the mo- but pointed out that Faculty-Student
in military formation with an honor
tivation behind the report was poguard.
(continued to page 3)
litical, and cited the releasing of
The citation which will accomthe audit's findings just prior to
pany the award includes the folelection day.
lowing statement: "Through ColThe area newspapers received
onel Rooney's efforts, the Army
copies of the "Summary ConcluHomecoming '65 begins today
Social Work Program reached the
sions and RecommendaUons" of n _ r i , „ „ „ r. .,.>,„_„„ ,,.„»
at 1:25 with the judging of Homehighest level in its history.
Ian and Sylvia are well known
"He played a primary role In coming Queen finalists in Page among folk music lovers through M S T S EfJZ
""'d S S P r e s l d e n l T s t u ^ e n ' S s , ^ !
furthering good will for the Army
their appearances on Hootenanny „'„?'
£ ? »the
£ breakdowns
£ . 2 E & ^for the
^ " " " e l at apressconferencewlth
not give
and in attaining national recogniFinalists for the queen's crown ~"d" the'^llTe'rephone HourTTheir individual
the ASP Monday that plans are
tion of the Army Social Work are Maria Maniaci, SueNlchols, r e p e r t o i r e l n o i u d e s English and
«,»«, «i„<„ • i. „«., . . n J being made to move 175 students
State University officials did t o t h e n e w c a m p U 8 j J J Noy.igber
Program through his deep under- Harriet Tucker, Anne Bourdon,.
not receive the report until late
standing of human relationships. Vera Komanowskl, Gretchen V»n American classic ballads, moun< Tuesday
"His" outstanding effectiveness Vleet, Lynn Kurth, Joan Clark, tain music, Negro blues,'cowboy i%$W afternoon (October 26),
The students are living at the
g after the
was clearly reflected In his con- Anne Digney, Evelyn Gordon and ballads, and French Canadian ma"ad Travel Lodge, Holiday Inns and In
appeared in the newspapers.
tributlons to the President's Com- Patricia Halsey
a group house on 354 Western Ave.
mlttee for Improvement of the Tonight at 7:30 there will be a
Also, a limited amount of students
Criticisms Not Applicable
The jazz band, members of which
„ . Collins pointed out that the living at the Thruway Motel will
Handicapped, to National programs bonfire honoring the soccer and
for mental retardation, and to the cross-country teams on the Unl- began to play during their college "Summary Conclusions" con- be moved,
development of a program for verslty Field. The State Univer- days, is a favorite at supper clubs talned generalized statements
The men will occupy Johnson
Armv Community Service."
Theatre will present "Of Mice in the Hamptons on Long Island. about all three of the units stud- Hall and the women Morris Hall,
This is the first year the instru- led, and that "many of the crltln
| |
and Men" at 8:30.
Dr. Thome said that he hoped
mental group has gone on a tour cisms that are made in general that all students living at the
just do not apply h e r e . "
Thruway Motel and the Alpha PI
On Saturday, hourly tours of the o! c o l l e E e campuses,
new campus will be conducted from
Tickets may be obtained at the In one point the report charged Alpha House will be moved to
10 a.m. through 4 p.m. From 12:30 door before the performance at that the Albany FSA Food Service Paine Hall before Christmas and
p.m. until 1:30 p.m. a cafeteria 2:30 on Sunday and again at 8 p.m. "net profits....have averaged 21 women from Paine Hall who are
style luncheon will be served In Both shows will take place In Page per cent for the past five y e a r s . " living In Brubacher Hall will be
Dr. Collins stated that "this ls relocated by January 15.
the Dutch Quadrangle dining room. Hall.
A workshop for Alumni Branch
Dr. Floyd Edward Henrlckson officers will be held from 1:30
died of a heart attack at the age until 3:30.
of sixty Sunday afternoon at his
Soccer Game
home. Dr. Henrlckson Joined the
A varsity soccer game with C.W.
University in 1942 as an assistant
professor of education and was Post College is scheduled from
later promoted to Professor of 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The
It Is, ho states, a liberal in- 'for academic affairs at Albany
Audio Visual Education in 1942. coronation of Homecoming Queen
by Nancy Felts
although not an organized
He held the position until death, will take place during half-time.
The third program of fluence,
one. Dr. Wilson asserts that Ne- State.
teaching the Audio Visual Courses
and operating the largest Audio tomorrow. At 1 p.m. It will pro- the current symposium, groes are making more gains in
"The American Theatre at MidVisual Department in the State ceed from Thurlow Terrace to "America at Mid-Cen- areas where they are a minority,
Partridge Street.
counUniversity system.
is the topic for the next
tury," will be held Mon- ties.
Dr. Henrlckson graduated from
T n e Homecoming Dance will lx
the symposium, which
the University of Washington In | , e i d tomorrow night from 9:00 to
In the Black Belt areas, police
1933 with a B.S. and received his i : 0 0 a t Rafael's Restaurant. Henry Hall.
abuse and administrative dlscrim- will be held in Page Hall on F r l A.M. and Ed.D. from Columbia Torgan and his Orchestra will pro- Dr. James Q. Wilson will speak ination have ceased. However, In day
November 12. The speaker
vldo the music.
on "The Metropolis in Transl- areas where Negroes are In the
He was a member of Phi Delta
tion." Dr. Wilson is Associate minority, they have gained lntebe Jean Dalrymple, who ls
Kappa and Kappa Delta Phi.
The weekend will end witli a
Before coming to the University concert featuringu Ian and Sylvia Professor of Government at Har- grallon and public works programs Permanent Director of the Drama
he was principal at oho'ols"ln and the Southampton Dixie, Racing vard University and Director of the to Improve Negro living conditions. Company, New York City Center.
and Clambake Society Ja/.z Band. Joint Center for Urban Studies of
Alaska and Washington
Massachusetts Institute of TechThis, Dr. Wilson says, ls ber .
1 lieatre
<ry and Harvard University, cause of a well-organized while
Ho Is the author of "Negro Pol- political structure with which barT
1.1 A J ' t i
ltlcs," "The Amateur Democrat" Bains can be struck, and a large
MO tlOlU
co-aulhor, with Edward C. and self-sufficient Negro leaderBanflold, of "City Politics." He ship class. These conditions make
The Department of Speoch and i m s a j s o writleii numerous artl- " easier to translate votes Into
Dramatics Arts will hold auditions c i e s for professional and schol substantive gains.
for the University Theatre pro- a r i y jo U r n als.
In summarizing, Dr. Wilson
ductlon of "Stop the World I Want ^ „ N o g r o P o l m c s „ D r w „ s o n
writes that Negro politics will ac£ n.r.;XV£herUm0aln,,dl,l ^ * J ; « f e j
« * J comp.lsh on.yllmited objectives,
ing room.
, ZFll
even the Mlest civil d u o t o t l l e ^ t o r e of American
Students can bring sheet muslo X ^ V L * e L ™ J ' 1 It is Politics and the naturooftheNegro
If they so desire but Martin Mann, l^'JX'J&tmSltkMBM
community. This does not mean
that the Negro will be content with
limited accomplishments,
sary since
U . . — will
I U I I I be
l u music
i i i n s ( n and
n n i l U B <-»««bBU.
be attained,
lie says,
Dr. Wilson concludes by raising
an accompanist.
Mann onl >'
W n will
" organized
pothe question of how the radical
l o low ng the < ^ m ° n s Mann l u l e i U ^
* oJ
arising from a lack of
and his s t a f f w l answer all q u e s - u l i l o | i
and white
Dr. James Wilson
lions. Mann encourages a fil"B1 "liberals. Dr. Wilson goes on to radical gains will find expression.
Dr. FJoyd Henrickson
ested students to attend the » u d i - d l s c l l S 6 t | l e N e g r 0 , s , ° n u e n c e m
Dr. Wilson will be Introduced by discuss the Metropolis
Dr. ,Webb s, r i s e r , vice president
American politics.
Homecoming to Begin
With Finalists Choice
Students to Move
To New Dormitories
Dies Suddenly
At Age of 60
Harvard Professor to Discuss
'The Metropolis in Transition9
a w r rrasS r » : : r s • -• •• - - -*