Harriers Spoil Oneonta Record As Danes Register 22-34 Triumph

Tuesday, Octobtr 19, 1965
Harriers Spoil Oneonta Record
As Danes Register 22-34 Triumph
The Albany State Great Dane cross-country team handed a high-touted Oneonta squad its first defeat last Saturday, topping the home team 2-4-31. The
Albany runners, led once again by Joe Keating, finished in the two through five
spots to virtually clineh the meet. Doug Garner, State's number five man completed the Dane finish, placing tenth in the meet. The meet was won by Oneonta's
Jim Dever, who set a new course record of 19:41 over the 3.9 mile coarse.
Keating also' bettered
the oldonark with a 19:53
clocking. Paul Durbin
equalled it, turning in a
fine 20:08 time. Bob Flick
(20:12) and Bob Mulvey
(20:47) trailed Durbin.
A large crowd witnessed the finish of the race, cheering wildly as
Dever crossed the line first. However, the ensuing trail of goldclad runners dampened their
spirits considerably.
Bob Mulvey was named "Runner
DANE HARRIERS Bob Flick and Paul Purbin lead a long line of the Meet" by coach Munsey.
He ran extremely well, even though
of runners in last week's triangular meet at Siena.
he was hampered by painful shin
The harriers now sport a 6-1
record. They meet New Paltz this
afternoon in an away meet.
Coach Munsey anticipates a hard
meet with New Paltz, citing the
long course (4.8 miles) as a factor.
New Paltz was the team that
ended the former Peds winning
streak of two years when they TWO CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNERS race up t h . side of a hill
* * * * *
in a picturesque Siena College setting. State won the triangutopped our harriers in 19G2.
Last year the State runners lar meet with Siena and RPI.
trounced the New Paltz team, 1746.
The frosh harriers host Cobleskill A&T tomorrow in what could
prove to be a close contest. The
once-beaten State runners a r e
pointing toward hard-earned win
over the two-year school and are
by Don Oppedisano
training hard for the meet.
ASP *****
^ u n c Q/tads
Thomas, Ellis Pace KB
To Victory Over APA
SALARY ' 5 , 8 0 0
Just file your application by Nov. 12. 1965
to start your career July 1, 1966
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this FN., Sat. or Sun. between leasi 18 mos. old, have OOP in your
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2-3 p.m. at
following! spare ribs, egg rolls,
won-ton soup, shrimp in lobster
sauce, sweet and sour chicken,
pork tried rice, tc. If you qualify
see any waiter at
HO 2-2236
In what has to be one of the most exciting A MIA
Nagy Places Third, football
games ever played at State, Kappa Beta, on
passing of Dan Thomas and the catching of Kirk
Netwomen Top Uticathe
Ellis, defeated Alpha Pi Alpha, 25-7, to virtually
Albany State's George Nagy,
competing for the Troy YMCA,
finished third in the Boston YMCA
Union Barbell Club's weightllftlng
meet last Saturday.
Nagy competed in the featherweight division which included national champion Mike Albanese.
Albanese won the division handily.
Nagy was in a close battle for
second place, narrowly being
Nagy lifted 220 pounds in the
clean-and-jerk, and a total of 530
pounds. He weighed 131 pounds.
The next meet he is pointing at
is the Eastern State's Championship in February, 19G6.
wrap up its first AMIA championship. Both teams
had entered the game undefeated, with KB's goal line
yet to be penetrated in five previous games.
But that didn't last for
long, as on the third play
of the game, DonProckup
hit Steve Zahurk with a
58 yard
touchdown pass. Prockup
then passed to Mike Gilmartin for the extra point,
making the score APA-7,
and KB received, the ball on the
APA 30 yard line. A screen pass
from Thomas to Buddy Gates advanced the ball to the 20, and three
plays later, Thomas found Ellis
all alone in the end zone with a
15 yard touchdown toss. Thomas
passed to Gates for the PAT, running the score to KB-13, APA-7.
Scores Again
KB scored again at the end of
the first half on a 1 yard pass
from Thomas to Ellis, who made a
That was all the scoring APA leaping catch in the end zone. The
could muster, as the rest of the play was ^et up by a 29 yard pass
In intercollegiate women's ten- game was KB's. In the second from that combo of Thomas and
nis competition last week, State's quarter, Rick Pierce intercepted Ellis. This made the score at half
Cecil Ruben, Demitri Binares, and a Prockup pass at the APA 25. time KB-19, APA-7.
Laurie Miller each scored vic- Two plays later, Thomas hit Ellis
The second half was a defensive
tories in a sweep of Utlca Col- with a 15 yard puss for a TD. KB battle as the only scoring came
lege. All the women scored shut- missed the extra point and APA early in the third quarter on a 5
out set wins except for Miller, still led, 7-6.
yard toss from Thomas to Tom
who dropped one game In the A few minutes later, APA had Carey; who made a diving catch
second set.
to punt from Its own end zone, for tile 'I'D. This play was set up
by a spectactular 40 yard run by
Thomas. This made the final score
K13-25, APA-7.
Vote on
Wednesday, Oct. 2 0
Thursday, Oct. 21
Steve Curti
Defense Outstanding
KB's defense was again outstanding; barring the long touchdown pass, it throttled every other
drive APA could muster. Credit
must go in particular to Pierce
(two interceptions), Jim Constantino, Jack Kenny, Tim Ambroslno,
John Gleason, and Don Woodruff,
for stopping the high-powered APA
offense many tunes deep iuitsown
territory. This top game of the
year was played before a crowd
of more than'300 people.
Recognition must also go to
Don Prockup and Ray Clanfrani of
APA for their fine games In defeat.
Prockup completed many passes
but couldn't drive for scores when
close to the KB goal line. Clanfrani
intercepted three passes to prevent'
KB from adding on to Its score.
Other Games
In other AMIA games last week,
Trinity romped over TXO, 33-0,
Potter shutout SLS, 27-0, and Stuyvesaut Tower clobbered Adams
House, 44-0.
The league winds up Sunday,
October 24th, with KB meeting
defending champion Potter, at 2:00
p.m. on Veterans Field.
A L B A N Y 3 , N E W YORK
OCTOBER 2 2 . 1B65
V O L LI. N O .
David Riesman to Explore Today
'Coming Victory of the Academic?'
by Gary Aldrich
This afternoon at 1:30 in Page Hall, David Riesman will lecture on the topic
"The Coming Victory of the Academic?" Itwillbe the second of seven speeches
in the "America at Mid-Century" symposium.
A lawyer, educator and professor of social science at Harvard since 1958,
Riesman received his A.B. and L.L.B. (in law) from Harvard. His fame is
based on such books as "The Lonely Crowd," "Thorstein Veblen" and "Abunpected as a matter of course, as
dance For What?'
It is today. He stressed, however,
He was law clerk to
the extreme importance of educaJoshua Brandeis of the
tion to the earlier generation.
U. S. Supreme Court in
R o l e of C o l l e g e
1935-6 and taught law at
He states that, since college is
the University of Buffalo
so much a matter of course today,
the students have become exfrom 1937 to 1941.
tremely blase In their attitudes
He was Assistant District Atconcerning it. They are, first and
torney from New York County
bodies — in athletics,
(Manhattan) and was a professor
food, sex and comfort. Mind enters
A -rvnij-11 .-,-.-...,
— of social science at Chicago.
somewhat later.
A TYPICAL SCENE in front of Draper Hall during the fall and
Famous Book
The college women of today are
spring, students studying without crowding.
Riesman has written several
caught in the wave of decision the
books, the best known of which is
older "colonial" views of their
"The Lonely Crowd." The book
roles, or the new superior role
analyzes the "new middle c l a s s "
that seems to be showing itself
In terms of "other-directed" and
these days.
"Inner-directed" social characRiesman says that there is a
works, such as "Abundance For lot to be said for both sides that
It gives a comprehensive resume What?" and "Thorstein Veblen," career-marriage-minded women
of the problems of the individual a critical Interpretation of Veb- do not necessarily have to want
In today's America society.
len's Ideas and attitudes, with the upper hand.
. According
, ,
. to
, Riesman,
, .- "The special emphasis on his conviction
soclal character
"the instinct of workmanship"
On Friday, October 15, members of the Debate
Series Continues
Council traveled to Utica College to attend a work- and the difference in social char- w a s t h e constructive element in
The future speakers in the symshop on the national topic. This year's topic involves acter between men of different ijfe.
posium include James Q. Wilson,
areas and groups." It In an essay to "Daedalus" Rles- director of the joining center for_
the granting of greater freedom to law enforcement regions,
concerns the way in which the m a n revealed his concern over urban studies at M.I.T. and Haragencies in detecting and prosecuting crime. Major tolsocial
character of the nineteenth whether or not women's roles In
issues are "electronic eavesdropping," self-incrim- century
Jay American is being changed S O C j e t y have changed. They. are vard, who will deliver a lecture on
"The Metropolis in Transition,"
i n a t i o n , " t h e t h i r d d e - sented the feelings of a proseIt covers the why and how of the the "second sex," usually taking
cuting and defending attorney. (An- change, as well as some of the a back seat to the accomplish- and Vincent Psrsichettl of the
Jullliard School of Music who will
of the male.
degree," search and s e i - nelich is Assistant District Attor- consequences the American has ments
He speaks of his mother's gen- speak about "The Materials of the
zure policies, and civil ney for the Bronx.) The main phil- had to experience during this eration, when college was not ex- Contemporary Composer."
osophy of his talk was that a crim- change.
inal should not be protected to the
Specifically, he analyzes charThe general purpose of the work- :"7 e J7 h It"h7neVd r noTDav ms'debt a o t e r and Its relations to society,
shop was to provide experts in all ? * ' ! " ' ™ * " I s t r l c t i o n s placedI on morals and their influence on the
these fields to provide information J ^ S ^
i w c t o have v ™ formation of character and the toon these topics, and answer ques- fnl0,rc*raen;. , e e " e . s , a™,
fluence of one's peers on one's
tled thelr
tions of the debaters. The workshop *fj
hands in this re- life, the marks that inner and outer
brought the issues to a personal
On Saturday, Mr. Aryeh Neier, surroundings, sex and conscience
some of the talent found in the
by Margaret Dunlap
basis, which would Intensify the
leave in the character of developdebater's interest in his topic. representative of the Civil Lib- ment.
Pre-view 'G5 will make its first University. The co-chairmen,
In his opening address Friday
^ L T Z l Z Z ^ d f ^
Lastly he discusses competence official appearance in Page iiall Helen Stoll and John Fotla a r e
night, Mr. Irving Annelich pre. opinions of this agency. Individual and the obstacle it presents to at 0:30 tonight. The show may optimistic about the program.
liberties guaranteed by the ConAccording to Mr. Fotia, "The
also be seen tomorrow at 8:30.
stitution, a r e violated by such autonomy in play
Other Works
Previously known as the All Uni- primary purpose of the show, in
things as wire-tapping, and the
addition to helping to raise funds
Rlesman has also written other.versity Reception, it will present for next year's student ambassathird degree.
Viewpoints of the police force
dor, i s to provide students of the
were presented by Mr. Joseph
college with an opportunity to disPlccola, prominent law enforceplay their talents in a creative
ment officer from the Utlca area.
He stated that the third degree is
The show is divided into sevnot
WireSpeaking under the auspices of
eral sections. Included in the folk
Forum of Politics, Daniel F. But- tapping and greater use of search
group are The Hudson Valley Boys,
ton will discuss "John Lindsay, warrants would help a great deal,
the Gargary Four, Bill Northdruft
the Man Politician." The program and would not be that great an
and Ed Silver.
will be held Wednesday, October Invasion of privacy when considThe jazz section will include
27 at 8 p.m. In Brubacher Hall ering the fact that crime is an
Carol Rosenthol, Ellis Kaufman,
insult to society.
private dining room.
Lou Strong and Hank Muller.
These three men also particiButton is the author of the book
In the area of classical music,
"Lindsay: A Man for Tomorrow," pated in a panel discussion and
Carla Rennelli will sing "Un bel
which has been reviewed by the Informal debate on the topic. At
Di" from "Madam Butterfly." Dl"Herald Tribune" and "The Sat- that time, students were allowed
mitri Perdarus will play Chopin's
to ask questions.
urday Review."
Polonaise In A fiat.
He has followed Lindsay's caOn Friday evening (October 22),
Comedy will be presented in the
reer since 1950 when the "Times two members of the Cambridge
form of monologues. Other acts
Union" sent him to the Republican University debate team will team
Include Sue Nichols and VIkkl
National Convention to cover New with two Albany students, Harriet
Francis who will both sing.
York State politics, of which Lind- Tucker and Tom Ward, to debate
Queen Nominees
say was very much a part. Button the topic "Resoloved: That the
Also during the Pre-Vlew, the
later covered Lindsay's 1964 con- American dream has been achieved
homecoming queen nominees will
gressional campaign.
at the expense of the American
be introduced, Lauren Kurz is in
Lindsay also appeared on a lo- Negro."
charge of the presentation. There
cal weekly television program
are twelve candidates for the title
The debate will take place in
called "Speak for Yourself which Page auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
this year.
Button moderated.
On Friday the show will be p r e Button has been in the newsceded by the Cambridge Debate
paper work since 1939 and is
from England, It will begin at
re w i l l be no newspaper.
currently the editor of the "Times
7:30 and end at 8:30. Following
debate, the Preview will last
E r a ' S S S U V ^ y f l M f
° ! U « - ft H « « d l r « , o c t i v i t i e . for "Preview . « 5 , » approximately two and a half hours
assistant V tto presWent rtt t S Collegiate Press Conference i, * • A l U n l W . l t y talent .how to be presented tonight in Page on both nights. Tickets will be
.._. ii.. of
V....L- Ban
State University
New York.
sold at the door for $,25,
Experts Analyze Issues
OfNational Debate Topic \
Students t o Display Talent
Tonight in Pre-view ' 6 5
Forum of Politics
To Hold Program
On John Lindsay
No Newspaper
Prldey,,October 22, 1965
Hacker Argms Right of Confess
Ti Take P m r a t State Expeise
by Sieve Walter
StatM really do not nave any
right to complain of federal encroachment over areas which
might previously have been conaldered the prerogative of those
states. This was the basic argument advanced by Andrew Hacker
at the opening lecture of the
"America at Mid-Century" symposlum.
Hacker proposed that the Fed•nil government has, and rightly
so, enlarged its scope and that
this has been done, and rightly so,
at the expense of the state legislatures.
He quite clearly has a very low
opinion of the quality of state
legislators. He considers them to
be of a rather insensitive, provincial type who are totally oblivious to real problems in the
Jesuits to Conduct
Series of Lectures
Neweun Club
James Salmon, S. J., a. distinguished priest-scientist will
facilitate Newman Association's
educational program during bis
four week stay. He will be followed by a series of other Jesuits
each representing a different field
of .academic
™ * „ .accomplishment,
They will conduct a course entitled "Maturity and Morality" and
lead seminars. Also, the priests
wUl offer counseling services and
be available to any group who seeks
them for lecture and discussion.
Salmon attended Union College
and Stephens Institute of Technology in Hoboken. He graduated
with a Bachelor of Science degree
In mechanical engineering.
After completing a term in the
navy be worked for the International Nickel Company.
In 1950 he decided to enter the
Jesuits. After preliminary training for religious life, he studied
philosophy for three years at Weston, Massachusetts and received a
Master of Arts degree from Boston
Recently be was awarded a grant
from the National Aeronautics
Space Administration to study the
Mossbauer effect of meteorites.
More specifically, Hacker quesMr. Ralph Bradford, a special
lecturer In the American Studies
« M , , t v o f °» s t a t o s to
d M l w l t n UK>M
on the. College Visitor Program of
members of our
American Viewpoint, will speak to
society who are not constructively
a group of faculty and business
contributing to our society. He
raid t h a t t h e sl
Tuesday, October 26, at
8 p.m. in Bru lower lounge.
rely very open-minded
bout what
Bradford will speak at a joint
to do with these superfluous
meeting of three student organiPooP'o. particularly those
Distributive Education
**«> mental illness,
:iub, Phi Beta Lambda, and Pi
Another condition which Hacker
imega PI.
emeption to Insofar as state
The American Studies lectures
legislatures are concerned related
to t n e
re made possible by a grant from
ProMem of having too many
choices to make in the voting
he Coe Foundation and are carried
booth. He felt that the voter should
in by American Viewpoint with the
not be burdened with too many
ooperatlon of the Association of
merican Colleges.
Incidentally, this point of view
Dr. Milton C. Olson, Dean of
does not seem Inconsistent with _ ^ _
* S i * 0 0 ! 0 I Business, announced
his later remark that the voting
»• . i . D — « h « t h a t the University is fortunate in
population of the United States ANDREW HACKER ontwert student questions in M g e " ^ M c u r i n g - t h e servicesof Mr. Bradshould not be allowed to make hit speech there Tuesday night. Hit addrett opened the sym- f o r d # Bradford devotes only two
major decisions.
potium "America at Mid-Century."
weeks each year to lecturing.
There are two primary Justin- *
• » •
as a
I a
addition to the lecture Tuescations for the system of Feder- D mmmm -%I
day evening, Bradford will be on
alism: that the states exist as I H all V I
Bl H III Oaf
campus Wednesday, October 27,
experimental laboratories in which
_ „ , • . .
. . for consultation with students and
laws can be tested and that the lected
T* '"in finalists
been s e - Monsour
and Bruceand
the 1965have
Mr. and
of * <-<"»«"•««"• » » .-.tuuents aim
The address to the three student
states should be allowed to make Queen Contest. Chosen from some the faculty
.organizations Is open to the public.
its own
since in
sltua- 1° «PPUcants are Anne Bourdon,
the states,
therefore a federal law would be i 0 " 1 9 K k « A m | D , K n «'' EvGorimpractical
" o n ' Patricia Halsey, Vera Komanowskl, Lynne Kurth, Jeanne
Rejects Bath
Maurer, Maria Maniaci, SueNlchHacker rejected both of these o l s . » " l e t Tuckers, and Gretchen
Justifications, saying that the num^LI„„- ,
.„ . . . ., .,
ber of cases of those states that J S L ^ ^ s J " H J 1 b e 1 ? i ? 5 ! ! * d
really experiment productively is W f " *J,""» P r , e - V , e w ^ 5
negligible and that the best example ^ f ^ . r ^ J m i ^ J ^ c * n < U of those states which have laws ^ J S T J S E £ £ ? » - " ?"*"
that are most appropriate to them- mV£*T '"""v-student panel,
selves i s Mississippi which re- . T ^ S S f ' "embers include studen,s w
? . P. mitmient Jewelers
stricts the Negro franchise.
UUam Cleveland, Debbie
Hacker's concluding statement £ * r l a D d ' W U I l a m " " n * y . WiUlam
111 Costal Arc.
M O M , Hf 4-Tfls
is probably the b e l H L m a U o n of
*> « • • Walker,
"STeWprF, PfeyW Tq)ffc
his lecture: There is no future toi
American Federalism.
INK H S R t f
Hacker spoke In Page Hall
Tuesday night to large and recepThh Card Entitles You To
tive audience. His thoughts and his
20% Off On All Cash Sales
disarming manner of speech
(Repairs Excluded)
evoked favorable reactions from
Rne Watch and jewelry Repairing
most of the people at the lecture
Done on Premises
Phonograph Needles Replaced
Volunteers wanted to help tutoi
Junior and senior high school stuBLUE NOTE SHOP
dents on Fridays and Saturdays ii
153 Central Avenue
ill subjects at Whitehall, Net
York. Transportation will be pro.
Oeen Eves, except Saturday
vided. For information, contact
Frank Tasslelll, HO 2-3577.
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
No interest or carrying charge
Open evenings till 9
?*e Collqt, tmak
corduroy jeans
^ ^ demonstrated
„ . „ „ „ _ against
. _ and
to th.
of hi. m^orfuui
to the
_ .
what they considered an injustice
second when « <br»r»m^.> . . .
The move was designed to give to an outstanding professor. The nJZ?J?J ^ ° * y p * r ? m * B t r < e '
greater priority to teaching per- issue w u c o m r t c a f a T w n a n Uie 0 ™ m , , , a s » effdWate tor tenure,
formance.to The admlntsfraSon d e ^ i m ^ t ^ m ^ B i ^
^ . T T & ^ ^ M & T .
1 V
suS 8 " , n * W
high-ranking s, ua.nts fosubmit
- a written appraisal of the
Praises Students
strengths and weaknesses" of their
Brewster made no effort to hide
The purpose of giving a voice to
educational experience in lectures, his feelings about the matter as he t h e most mature students and by
discussions and seminars.
praised the students' zeal, good- asking them to withhold Judgment
The move is subject to faculty will and responsibility, and asked mlu after graduation, the adminapproval and is part of a complete for the appointment of a committee lstration of Yale hopes to prevent
review of the Institution's system to investigate the situation and of- short-sighted appraisal under the
Mystery Picture of the Week
of faculty appointments. Central to fer recommendations,
pressure of immediate campus
the reappraisal was the threat that
„ ' . . . ,. • u „
faculty members must "publish or
* d d e d t n , t n e "wou1*1 >•<*•
In tenure appointments at a col-erish."
'hat students would be able to lege or university the faculty mempresent any constructive Ideas to
Is given a contract without
the committee."
New Policy
term and cannot be discharged be1 TbB
P°"cy mounts a new
The committee attempts failed fore he reaches retirement age,
Kappa Delta Epsllan
1 to the Faculty Student Associai h i . p u b U s n a n d te,cn ~ o r and the matter was referred to a except for such causes as gross
Kappa Delta Epsllon, the edu- tion Office In Draper 049.
pe sh
" '
higher ranking committee. The immorality, criminality and scnolcation honorary, will hold Its annual fall Initiation Thursday, OcThe review was precipitated by higher committee made two rec- arly fraud.
Biology Club
tober 28 at 8 p.m. in Brubacher
Biology club- announces a lecHall, Room 3. All members are ture by Dr. Hauser of his recent
urged to attend.
work done In Arizona on "Desert
Ecology." He will speak and present slides. The lecture will take
Professional Study
Application date for Regents place on Thursday, October 28 at
for professional 7:30 p.m. In Room 2 of Brubacher.
study of medicine, dentistry or
osteopathy has been extended to
November 1. The scholarships SNAPPY BARBER SHOP
range from $350 to $1000.
We feature
Students Interested should contact Mr. Crandell, D-105.
Now! Now Chevelle
collegiate haircuts
Candidates applying for a degree
at the end of the semester should
file applications In the Registrar's
office, Draper 206, by November
The graduation fee of $19.00
which includes a.$10.00 placement
charge must be paid by December
5 minute walk from the
New Campus
1148 Western Avenue
Get Eaton's Corrasable Bond Typewriter Paper.
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Camel, dark brown,
loden, size* 5 to 15..
State University Bookstore
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Albany, N.Y.
New Chevelle SS S98 Sport Coupe—
with clean-tculpted all-new Body by Fisher.
by Chevrolet
Two new Super Sport beauties
for ' 6 6 - a hardtop and convertible
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new Turbo-Jet 396 V8.
This remarkably efficient power plant,
with aircraft-type valves, deep-breathing ports and other design advances,
develops 1125 hp in the standard
version, And you're welcome to order
more—in a 360-hp version—if you're
so inclined.
Hf* HAVE TlNMtvtDg
Draper Hall
U5 Western Ave.
Kingman Brewster, Jr., president ommendaUons.
«* *«••. •*•«• sheated controversy
tast s r l n
P 8 w n « i Richard BernStudent Evaluation
««•»». an associate professor of
First, that each student who
philosophy, was not recommended graduates with departmental honfor a
Promotion to the tenure post- o r » would be invited to submit •
° ' m Pro»ssor.
written appraisal of his education
members to tenure p o -
fight it.
tuede jacket
Last week, Yale Univ e r s l l y t o o k t h e first S t e p
t o w a r d s s i v i n e ntnrlanta
i St|lde?JS
an Olllclal v o i c e in the
of faculty
m e m b e r s to tenure m l
Saturday till 6
only 75% of selling price will be
allowed from October 25 to
November 13 and 50% there after
ows Systemotk Evaluation
Faculty Members by Students
To Host Lecture
By Businessman
State Street below Peart
AUAMY STtrOtHY feWeusar
usiness Groups
Long, lean, figuref l a t t e r i n g comfort. Wheat or loden,
sizes 8 to 16.
Prldey, October » , 1965
Pafnn mat,..* ^ A M . A . A U I -
tdion maxes oorrasaoie.
Both Chevelle SS 396 models ride on
a special flat-cornering chassis. A fully
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you can order a 4-speed or Powerglide
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console and full SS instrumentation.
Your Chevrolet dealer's is the place to
see how all this feels from behind the
wheel. He's a great believer
in letting the customers
handle the merchandise.
See the new '66 Chevrolet, Chevelle,
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#»»J«y. October», 196*
^:itli|.V.!T.'1''r:W^T; s»3.r '!-.-.
ALB A W sTuoewT pnetr » -J **F
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S.O. Theatre Begins wrth Debut in Design
When "Of Mice and
Men"'opens on November
3, the action will take
place on what constitutes
the debut design in State
University Theatre of Mr.
Robert Donnelly, the
theatre's new technical
rlverbank. The sky cyclorama,
the "bulrushes" (portable of
course), and the muddy earthen
colors of the permanent portion
of the set create the proper aura
of undisturbed peace against which
Lennle and George moved toward
their collective fate.
Difficulties with the set h»v»
• u , , n c , u n « w " n « * set have
been few and have usually hinged
around the slow progress of adapt. , . . • ,
& t 0 ™ »"B"le of rake of the
three main platforms,
The nature of the set, with a
considerable amount left to the
audience's Imagination, makes It
possible for the actors to play
more fully unhampered by speciEarly rehearsals were con- fics.
Main Scene
d u c t e d Q n v flw)r m a r k e d ^
Designed to underscore the
The majority of the action takes areas, but obviously of one level
sculptural values, it also
Returning to his own alma ma- place In the ranch bunkhouse, and, only. Once on the platforms, sevter after several years with Dart- here again, the entire stage Is eral scenes required alteration, emphasizes the universality of the
notably a fight which takes place
Play's theme through Its own simln the bunkhouse.
mouth, Donnelly has done himself used as a playing area. Bunks, a
table, and chairs replaces the
and the theatre proud.
rushes, and, Instead of a sky
cyclorama, a celllng-beam piece
Basic Set
appears overhead.
The basic underpinnings of the
Designed to give a broken-down
A MOMENT OF relaxation for Don Dowling a nd Jim Lobdell, set are a series of platforms of
different levels, some of which atmosphere to the bunkhouse, it
Rehearsals often last many hours.
are raked, covered in rough bur- Is suspended, or "flown" from
lap. The unlocallzed nature of the wires backstage, and can be
set solves one of the major pro- lowered or raised to meet the
duction problems: how to present scene requirements.
four separate scenes on a stage
as limited as Page.
L canto & Loft
It is a problem Donnelly has
solved admirably with the use of
a sky cyclorama, two movable
wooden platforms mounted on sliding frames, and some "bulrushes."
Two shorter scenes are played
on a partial stage, one at each
side. A crude wooden framework
set on a sliding platform appears
ln a pool of light at stage right
and is used for the scene of Lennie's visit to Crooks' lean-to.
Several Purposes
The platforms, unlocallzed as
they are, not only lend themselves
to being dressed as different areas,
but also, because of their varying
heights, serve as boundaries for
scenes played in smaller areas.
For example, the first and final
scenes take place ln a glad near a
The same technique is used to
convert the down-stage left area
Into a barn loft. A gate-like apparatus, on casters, provides the
backdrop against which Lennie and
Curley's wife enact the doom of
Adaption to Set
T H I S MAJOR S C E N E involves most of the ten member cast. get him in trouble by telling George,
In his effort to have her
Lennie has killed his young puppy by petting i t too hard. When remain quiet, he kills her accidental
ly. This scene involves
Curley's wife notices the dead puppy, Lennie is afraid she will the discovery of the dead body.
Steinbeck Classic to Open '65-66 Season
scene, the play is more than a story challenge. Handled, like the conof these ten people at this specific struction of the set, mainly by an
The second half-cenall-girl stagecraft class, details
tury of State University Mather, it Is the story of every of makeup, costuming, props and
are being coordinated unTheatre is slated to re- individual who seeks his place ln lighting
universe. It is marked by a der both Donnelly and Leonard,
ceive a particularly aus- the
sense of the juxtaposition
Lighting, as vet ln the planning
picious opening Novem- ofstrong
tragic and comic, good and evil,
stages pending completion of all
ber 3, 1965, in Page Hall played against the background of other
phases, will have the task
• lie external enigma of man's inat 8:30 p.m.
of creating the atmosphere of four
tentions and the results.
separate locales, indoors as well
John Steinbeck's contemporai \
as out.
American classic, "Of Mice and
Method Acting
Men" will continue through four
nights until Saturday under the
Wardrobe mistress Sue, Raynor,
Assisted by Christine Smith,
direction of Mr. James M. Leon- Leonard has set a rigorlous pace another new addition to the theatre
since rehearsals began Sept. 27. staff, has competently handled the
Certain of Stanlslavskl's methods myriad questions connected with
Leonard's most recent efforts - among them the "If" principle costuming. The question of what
have Included "The Tiger and the whereby an actor Imagines himself to put on the actors was more
Typists" and "The Misanthrope." In the place of the character — complex than might be supposed.
have been applied.
by Diane Somerville
Another highly successful device
has been Improvisation, where the
actors were forced to carry on the
action of the scene at hand without
benefit of scripts or memorized
lines — a practice which leads to
i degree of truth, Immediacy, and
directness perhaps unsurpassed
even by the script itself.
A N D facial expressions of Lennie require
planning. The raked platform can a l t o be seen here.
Ono Woman
acter parts requiring costume
changes in the actors' appearances, some sort of makeup is
essential to prevent "washout"
of features under the bright lights.
Straight Make-Up
The majority of the make-up is
straight — that is, designed to
emphasize, rather than change,
the facial features.
Some characters, however, notably Candy, require makeup to
create the appearance of full old
age, and several sessions have
been entirely given over to the
intricacies of the art.
A great deal ol the action in
"Of Mice and Men" hinges on the
use of stage properties, the search
for which has at times approximated a scavenger hunt. A dead
mouse, army blankets, and genuine firearms were but a few of
the more challenging props.
It was agreed that Lennie should
wear overalls — but should they
have a bib or suspenders? Plaid
shirts were a possibility for the
ranch hands — but what colors?
Once decided upon, the costumes
had to be located — and no fewer
How the prop committee solved ronni/t
i u n i CSJSJIE
• • ,.
than three trips to rummage sales,
, *ND LENNIE work on block, ng their movements durto find clothes of the necessary the problem of having two live n
dogs on stage, however, has be- | 9 °
pl<"forms required unusually careage, were the result.
professional ' u ' '>'oci""9'
come something
something of
of aa professional
secret, to be revealed only on
Although the play has few char • opening night.
The production Is unique In that
ii Involves a great number of
(irsts. In addition to being the
premiere of the 1005-6G SUT season, it also Initiates the second
nfty years of theatre at Albany,
The ten-member cast Is overwhelmingly male; Die single le- It is the first major production
tnale role Is that of Curley's wife, in Page Hall since its redecoration
played by Thomasliia Perreltn. and Is tlie only production to have a
four-night run there.
a child-man, and
George, his guardian, arc poi Perhaps the most Important first
trnyed by Charles Unrlleli ami is the debut of the new technical
James Lolxloll. J. Robert Clin- ilrector of State University Theaton enacts the role of the boss ol tre, Mr. Itobort Donnelly. Himself
the ranch where Lennie and Geon.o i theatre alumnus of the old State
find work.
' ollege, Donnelly has designed a
ot of unusual versatility and style
Curley, bis malicious son, is m portray the two Interiors and
acted by Mlchuel Teeter. Slim, uvo exteriors the play requires,
liead of Ibo ranch bands, Is portrayed by Carl Cusato, while J,
Working Togothor
Michael Castle and Jeff Mlshkw
portray Carlson and Whit, (wool
Technical aspects of tho show
tile hands.
have proven unique us well as u
Crooks, tho pariah of the ranch.
Is played by Lou Strong, and Hon
Dowling, as Candy, at) old drlfiei,
rounds out the cast.
?? k * ! *
"' "",'""?
« »«'• Candy, ° n old drifter, requires extensive chona.
The basic problem is Involved In maintaining the fea- son's appearance. It , Don who Is at ractlnn ?„
t u r e i of the characters' faces. Only Don Daw I n , ! , portrayal of the people in the above picture
" , , r a C , l n 9 ,"h''•
Couched in the rhythmical, ribald and raucous speech ol the
ranch hand, the story revolves
around Lennie and George, whu
forever travel the path of the migrant worker ln suurchofadrcam.
of the perattention of
They find instead tragedy - bin
from Hut lender opening to the final.
C U R L E Y ' S W I F E ENJOYS both the mental deficiency of
and her ability to make her husband jealous.
Frifcjr, Oetofer & IMS
„_. ^
whelming "no" vote on number three.
/ T h e sixth issue on the ballot would
The final touches are now being, put remove the requirement that an amendon the new government structure and ment be proposed by two separately
the various commission constitutions. elected legislatures. We see no reason
We feel Oat before this process is for having the present requirement. If
completed some changes should be this amendment is defeated and amendment three is passed, the result would
One of these is the 2.5 accumulative be that it could take as long as six
index qualification needed to serve on years to achieve a change in the con
the Supreme Court. We cannot agree stitution.
Perhaps a more lengthy explanation
with the belief that a person with a
higher average Is better qualified to is needed: assume that the voters are
asleep this November and establish
serve on the court.
One member of Central Council who four year terms starting in 1966. This
worked on the government workshop means that an amendment (passed by
last year said that this qualification the legislature at its first meeting In
was added to enhance the prestige of 1967) could not be passed by a second
the people on the court. We cannot legislature until 1971. The amendment] iw mix* »X « U | W 4 ^ /
agree with the reasoning behind this would then have to be voted upon by the
voters. The delay would be unreason-,
Even if we could accept this rea- able.
The other amendments have only
soning, we would have to object to
this requirement. One of the reasons limited effects on the form of the
for the downfall of Senate was that state's government. Only number nine
people ran for the office because it deserves any comment. The main secA nation of iheopl
tion applies to pension provisions for
was a matter of prestige.
We do not feel that a minimum acaPolitical Forum
demic average should be entirely dis- there is a hidden clause to restore
regarded as a qualification for office.
The present 2.0 index needed to serve holding municipal elections on offon Central Council or any of the com- years.
When New York City's new charter
mission areas is a sufficient qualifiwas passed, the year for the eleccation.
It is too late to change this require- tions of mayors was not made suffilectual atmosphere almost unparaby Jim Begley
Two weeks after the Papal en- lleled In any major western counment for the students now applying to ciently definite.
tourage made its historic way try.
the Supreme Court, but we hope that
The "Intellectual" Is held In
down Fifth Avenue, a somewhat
Central Council will realize the ab- eight and nine should be approved, larger and less elegant parade suspicion and/or despised. The
chauvinist is rewarded.
took place.
surdity of this stipulation and change
Both "demonstrations" had the
Even the great hero of our folk
it in the Student Association constitu- of them would have no significant effect. same
lore Is the strong silent cowboy
Their unimporance points up the need
But while the Pope's mission who "don't hold none to book
for a general rewriting of the state's was received with cheers and flow- larnin'." Our modern hero is the
constitution. Perhaps then we will have ers, the other was greeted with scientist who plays with atoms and
of derision and the hurling telescopes and things outside the
The nine proposed amendments to a document with current meaning that jeers
realm of subjective involvement.
of eggs.
amendAd Hominem Smears
the State's constitution present some
The latter demonstration was a
Our government leaders are
public protest against U, S. inmajor and some trivial issues to the ments.
even greater use of the involvement in Vietnam.
voters. Nearly half the voters either
Similar demonstrations took telligentsia. But even those at the
do not know there are amendments on
place almost simultaneously in top are not averse to generalized
Chicago, Bennington, and in other ad hominem smears when the opinthe ballots or do not want to vote one
and college campuses ions of the academic and artistic
The ASP rejects the reasoning and cities
way or the other.
community clash with theirs.
throughout the nation.
We feel this is an unfortunate situ- the motivation behind Dr. Timothy All were met by the same angry Blind loyalty is a lot easier than
ation, although somewhat unavoidable Costello* s recent attack on William mobs whose most frequently voiced intelligent commitment and the
were "egghead" and powers that be are much better
due to the condition of New York's Buckley. Costello stated that a vote epithets
qualified to deal with a large, igconstitution.
for Buckley would be an anti-Catholic
norant populace than they are to
Editorial Cartoon
The first amendment is Intended to vote.
The Dally News, a New York meet face to fees with critical and
Informed minds.
give the legislature more time to con- Costello is the member of the Lind- tabloid that usually plays to the
groundlings, published an editorial
One does not have to advocate
sider the budget. Since New York's say team running for President of the cartoon
which sported (over a government encouragement of
fiscal year begins on April 1, this City Council.
Buckley is the Conserva- caption reading "Family free") a anti-government activities. One
amendment is needed. It will require tive P *y candidate for Mayor. This picture of a "beatnik type" car- does, though, have an obligation
antl Vietnam war posters, to demand that tne critics be
the Governor to submit his budget in entire matter centers on the current rylng
From his head radiated several heard and that, if their criticisms
mid-January unless it is his first bud- political races in New York City branches bearing labels. Two of are justified, something be done
There is no reason to assume that them, almost side by side, read to ameliorate the conditions under
get. This would allow a newly elected
and "leftist."
Governor more time for his first bud- Costello's statement has a single ele- "egghead"
Healthy, happy babies don't often
To the public mind in recent
ment of truth to it. His statement years
the two terms have become mature in incubators. If the fed-.
synonymous for the Intellectual eral government were as sure of
The third proposed amendment inour national policy as we are supWe are sadly disappointed that Lind- community in America.
tends to change the term of the legisposed to believe, they would expose
lators from two years to four years. say failed to disassociate himself from Since the 1930's the U. S. has It to the germ of criticism and test
We have not heard any worthwhile the Costello statement. Instead, he been enveloped In an antl-lntel- " s ability to survive.
reasons to vote for this. The excuse pretended that Costello's statement
that the office-holders do not like to did not raise a religious issue.
We hope the other leaders of the
campaign every two years, thereby
meeting their constituents, does not GOP and the Liberal party will re- / » , M i . . r • an{t\n*nmm
ninety, or more, percent of the
C O n t U C l LeCflSICHOTS
testimony heard by the committee
seem valid to us. We hope for an over- pudiate the Costello statement.
evd vie vM '* ^'*r -M*j
u>e u>*vr eeme I^OkJ.
Vietnam Peace March Reveals
U.S.'s Anti-Intellectual Atmosphere
Statement Unfounded
To the Editors:
has been emphatically favorable.
This Is my second letter to the
Unfavorable cdmment has been
ASP on the subject of S.9 (the presented by the Department of
Cold War Veterans' Readjustment Defense. The generals fear that
Act.) The first letter was not with A.9 as an Inducement many
printed, but I am hoping this will veterans will not reenllst. The
be, as there are many veterans Veterans' Administration, sup•Y T H I CLASS OF 1V1I
at Albany State.
ported by the Department of the
S.9 contains provisions of In- Budget, also disapproves of S.O
The Albany Student Press I i o lemLweckly newspaper published by the student body i f th State University of New t e r e a t t 0 e v e r y veteran who will although Its reasoning Is vague,
York et Albany. The ASP office, locoted In Room 5 of Brubacher Hell at 750 State Street, is open rrom r-u p.m. »unooy
ngve Q V e r
1 8 0 d g J , s 0 , s e r v l c e the admittedly under reevaluatlon.
through Thursday nights. The ASP may be reached by dialing 434-4031.
between January 31, 1955 and July
The feeling of some members
1, 1967. The bill provides for a of the Committee Is that the adCo.Edltors-ln.Chlef
grant of $110 a month ($135 if ministration, outside of Congress,
Sen'lo*rNEdl|ltlo(j married, $160 with two dependents) Is opposed to legislation of S.9's
Photography Editor
Sports Editor
rviiM* u nnunnwtiti tor * maximum of 36 months of type. It Is my feeling, therefore,
Business MoVe.er school attendance. There are also that now would be a good time to
Advertising Manager
E«eoutlve Editor
GARY WOODS vocational, and farm school bene- indicate to our Representatives our
Editor 'Its plus some loan provisions In- support of S.9, Passage this sesEaeculive Editor
Arts Ed
cluded In S.9,
slnn is Improbable, but, because
AssKtent Sports Editor
Den Oppodiseno I have Just received a copy of of the clause making payments
Llnferd White, Cynlhlo Goodman, Diane Sommsrvllle, Klrsten Husled, Judith Jowlti, S.9, and the committee hearings retroactive'to September 1, 1966
C. M. Corson, Sue uia^.i
Chape, mar)
Margaret Dunlap, Malcolm Provost, Richard Ko.se, Mark testimony On S.9, The bill has passage after the early months of
Albany Student Press
incv Mledenbouer,
Cunnlnghem, Noney_
Robert .Cutty
. . Barbere Blodgott,
, .v B o b been in committee
Wenger, B iMiedenbeuer,
Cinema Scene
Stanley Kramer's 'Ship of Fools'
Explores Pre-World
War Attitudes
by D o u g l a s R a t h g e b
Stanley Kramer Is no fool. He
has proven In film after film
that he Is one of the finest and
surely one of the most Intelligent
American producers around.
His "High Noon" gave a dignity
and meaning to the western; his
"Judgment at Nuremburg" probed
deeply into the question of Nazi
war guilt and the Nuremburg trals;
his "Inherit the Wind" brilliantly
depicted the ludicrous Scopes Trial
of the 1920's.
Now! Kramer gives us "Ship of
Fools," a magnificent screen adaptation of Katherlne Ann Porter's
best-selling novel.
Second-Rate Liner
The ship of the story Is a second-rate ocean liner bound for
Germany, out of Veracruz, In the
year 1933. It is a most, unusual
ship, to be sure, for It carries an
odd and exciting group of characters — a washed-up baseball player, a durg-addicted contessa, a
philosophical dwarf, a bitter divorcee, a handsome but troubled
snip's doctor, an obnoxious German, two squabbling lovers, a naive
German Jew and a fiery flamenco
Individual Flaws
On the literal level, of course,
the drama concerns the Interactions of these people, exposing
their own individual flaws, their
own personal claims to the title
of "fool."
Yet there Is another level, far
more profound and disturbing than
the literal. This "ship of fools"
represents the generation of the
prewar thirties, a generation sail-
ing blindly toward world holocaust. who confuses patriotism with
The year of their voyage Is sig- racism. Most of the time he it
nificant - 1933, the year Hitler quite funny, quite jovial, and a
came to power in Germany,
true Epicurean; but one does not
As the picture progresses, and have to probe too deeply to suras we observe this cross-section mise that he would endorse anyof humanity, we begin to see that thing Der Fuhrer decreed, even
it is people like these, by their if It came to liquidating Jews or
actions or lack of action, that will enslaving Poland.
bring about a world war.
Drug-Addicted Contoesa
Performances in this fine film Miss Slgnoret, playing the drugrange from good to great. Lee addicted contessa, a political exile
Marvin, as the ballplayer, who on her way to prison, plays a difcould never hit a curveball on the ficult role with great Conviction.
outside corner, handles his comic She may be getting on in years,
sequences with true aplomb; and but her talent has not dimmed a
in his only dramatic scene, where, bit.
in a drunken stupor, he unburdens Michael Dunn's whimsical charhis woes on the dwarf, he is su- acterization of the dwarf — the
only passenger to survive the trip
F l a m e n c o Dancer
unscathed — completely steals the
Jose Greco is slightly typecast picture, and just could garner
as a Spanish flamenco dancer, but himself a nomination at Oscar WSUA BROADCASTER Lou Strong demonstrates the necessary
most of the time all he does Is time.
t e c h n i q u e s for g o o d a n n o u n c i n g . T u n e in W S U A for c a m p u s l i s dance.anyway, and is quite effecOscar for Werner
tive in this capacity.
If Oskar Werner is not nominated t e n i n g p l e a s u r e .
Heinz Ruehmann registers a for one, however, It will be a gross
good performance as a kindly but injustice. Werner, of "Jules and
naive German Jew who answers Jim" fame Is very likely to beSTena College lecture. Dr. Robert J. Clement*.
questions about the spread of antl- come the newest screen idol. As October 22
After 700 Years.
Open to the public.
semltism in his country by reason- the ship's doctor, a man in desing, "There are over a million of perate search of something or
8:00 p.m.
us. They can't kill us all."
someone to make his life meanSchenectady Museum A s s o c i a t i o n music program.
ingful; Werner delivers a gem of October 24
8 : 0 0 p . m . at the Schenectady M u s e u m . ( C h a r g e . )
George Segal and Elizabeth Ash- a performance.
His love scenes with Miss Slgley spend most of their screen
D e t r o i t Symphony O r c h e s t r a . C i v i c M u s i c A s s o time squabbling, but they are re- noret are tender and often amus- October 2 5
c i a t i o n . P h i l i p L i v i n g s t o n H i g h School a t 8 : 1 5
markably good at it. Likewise, ing; his dramatic scenes are among
Vivien Leigh is good at expound- the best in the film. A lot of women
ing her views on the pitfalls of are going to swoon over him.
mis-marriage. Miss Leigh is as
A n n u a l e x h i b i t and s a l e , Woodstock G u i l d of
"Ship of Fools" Is going to T h r o u g h October 25
good here as she has ever been, make a lot of "Ten-Best" lists
C r a f t s m e n , K l e i n e r t G a l l e r y , Woodstock.
and she comes close to stealing this year and for good reason. It
the picture.
profits from an excellent script Through October 2 7
The Figure International.
Schenectady Museum.
Jose Ferrer Is appropriately by Abby Mann, expert though conH e l e n V o n B o r s t a l one-man show a t M e c h a n i c s
obnoxious as a German national ventional photography, fine direc- Through October
E x c h a n g e Savings B a n k .
tion and a memorable music score.
And then, of course, there is
Kramer, the man behind It all. Through October
A l b a n y P r i n t s , P r i n t G a l l e r y , A l b a n y I n s t i t u t e of
H i s t o r y and A r t .
Kramer's ship may be packed with
fools, but he Is not one of them.
'Strum und Drang'Phase Over
Among Mimeo Publications
by W i l l i a m G r o s s
Where have all the papers gone?
The mimeograph machine, which
last year churned out almost a
dozen different papers, has been
unduly quiet this year.
So far, only "suppression" has
made an effort to come out regularly; today's Issue is the fifth
this year. "Skandalon" and "The
Banner" have managed only one
Issue apiece. I can only say that
"Counterpoint," "Controversy,"
"Senzenia," "Bio Club News" and
"The SCOPE Newsletter" are
missing and presumed dead.
This is unfortunate. Literary
and political journals are necessary to an Intellectual community.
We need to hear from the democratic-republicans,
Blrchers and the mental anarchists.
Nietzchean Philosophy
Isn't there anyone dying to explain Nietzchean philosophy to the
masses? Doesn't someone want to
prove that only the seventeenth
earl of Oxford could possibly have
written the Shakespearean plays?
Isn't someone going to put out a
weekly review of the activities
of Dr. Loveand his dolphins? Won't
someone please defend the La
Placian theory of the creation,
or music before Beethoven, which
I refuse to recognize as existing?
It isn't hard to set up a newspaper. A few ads will pay for the
paper. Student A s s o c i a t i o n
thoughtfully provides an operator
for the mimeograph machine.
Then all you need is a typist,
someone with an obsession for
stapling and a very large supply
of cigarettes.
The only problem Is student
government's mad passion tor constitutions, statements of purpose,
etc. This need not be a major
"The Banner"
simply Ignores them.
Thursday Review
One bright spot is the "Thursday Review" which, I hope, will
soon be available. The "Thursday
Review" will be a literary Journal, containing stories, poems and
announcements of coming literary
and art events. The editors include a former co-editor of "suppression" and several campus
These are only a few and the
need is so great. Student Association lias a brand new electric
mimeograph machine so that we
can commence the annual proliferation of mimeographed publications.
Various Musical Events Planned
To Make November Memorable
Vincent Persichetti
by John Spross
On Tuesday, November 13, the
November promises to be one Music Council and the America at
of the most "musically" memor- Mid-century Symposium will coable months of the year, with an sponsor a rare musical experiamazing variety of musical events ence. Vincent Persichetti, head of
the composition department at
being planned.
On Tuesday, November 5, the Juilllard School of Music, will
Capitol Hill Choral Society will present a recital-lecture, entitled
present "A German Requiem" by "The Materials of the ContemJohannes Brahms. This work, first porary Composer."
presented on Good Friday, 1808,
Persichetti, a prolific comIs not a requiem In the traditional poser, artist, and music theorist,
sense. It Is rather a meditation on has recently been honored by memdeath — a setting of seven scrip- bership in the American Academy
tural quotations selected by of Arts and Letters.
Brahms himself.
November's musical calendar
The "German Requiem" Is will continue on Friday afternoon,
scored for chorus, orchestra and November 19, with a piano recital
soprano and baritone soloists. in Page Hall by Robert Enman.
Brahms began this work while still Mr. Enman Is a member of the
upset by the tragic death of Schu- music faculty of the Emma Wlllard
mann; the soprano aria, however, School, Troy, and has studied at
was composed after the death of Yale. His recital will Include Prothe composer's mother in 1869. kofiev's Sonata No. 3 tn A, Four
Pieces by Brahms, and BeetAll-Brahms Program
This all-Brahms program pre- hoven's Sonata No. 26 in E-flat.
sented in Chancellors Hall will
Met Opera
continue with the "Alto Rhapsody."
On November 30, Albany will be
This secular choral work, scored
for contralto soloist and male honored by a first-season perforchorus, is a setting of Goethe's mance by the Metropolitan Opera
poem, "A Night on Harz Moun- Touring Company. This national
company, co-sponsored by the
Metropolitan Opera and the John
Brahms composed this melan- F. Kennedy Cultural Center, will
choly music after an unsuccessful present "Carmen" by Georges
affair with Clara Schumann's Bizet.
daughter, who left the composer
Under the direction of Rise Stevfor an Italian count.
ens, this opera will be performed
The choral society's concert as it was first performed at the
will conclude with Brahm's short Opera Comlque on March 3, 1875.
cantata "The Wall of Heaven," That is — "Carmen" will be prep.nmnnKPri tn Iflfifi
1 Want Vou|
since August next Session Is probably l m p o s -
Shriftmon, Linda Bregmen, John •press, Janet Hess, Steve Curtl 31, 1966, but has been passed by
*""• Wn*Ti »'•»• *•"«( H"'v Nuekelg, J'" •••*•»/ 0 « f l « "'•'"••» t'he Senate and has been In the
Welter Post, Gory Woods, Too Moon Lee, Robert Stevenson House since July 20, 1905, which
Cerieeniet ,„
John folio's probably the date It was first
All «.~.unl«.ll,n. met be addressed le Ih. Editor, end should be signed. Hemes .,11 be withheld en ,
Common " 1 ' ! " , t L t 0 {£?'?"'•,''• Ji, 8 , 0 0 "!"
'••Hone should be llxlied to M0 words end are subject to editing. The Albany Student Press essumes no r..eoniiellli>mlttee »n Veterans' Affairs is
Ie» eolnlcVis eaereseei In Its columns or communications, as »uch o.prossi.n, 4o nol necessarily rolled IIS views,
.fitMl, Oetobtr 22. 1965
the h e a r i n g s . Probably
I would especially like to request that all Instructors who approve of the legislation contact
,to r
' R"PrMWt»MVM. Our votes
may be equal; our Influence lsnot.
Charles B , Self
Based on Merimee's once scandalous novel, this tremendously
popular opera, performed by a
competent troupe, will establish
November In Albany as a month
of music.
For Campus
LOVE "««
sented in the original French and
with the spoken dialogue, rather
than the Interpolated recitatives
of 1876.
Friday, Octoto ft, 1965
4 RuyView of Sports
A <
4> 9M4:
Fine's'Ante Solet
t m 5 Central Ave.
by Ray McCloat
As the AMIA football season draws to a close and
Kappa Beta appears to have won its first football
championship, we feel that the AMIA and football
commissioner Dave Sully, in particular, should be
commended on a fine season. To KB — also our con
gratulations; you were clearly the best team in the
Two items in the league's functioning, however,
did detract from the overall effectiveness of the
AMIA. These are the inconsistency in the refereeing
and the abuse certain players heaped on the game
While we will hasten to agree that the referees
did call the plays " a s they saw them," we did note
on too often an occasion different interpretations of PLATTSBURGH'S GOALIE watches ball go over the net in
the same rule. Mistakes will be made in every ref- Wednesday night's game at Bleeeker Stadium. Danes lost the
ereeing job in every sport. This is only human nature game 3-2.
at fault. But when the league fails to hold even one
clinic to inform the officials of its rule policies and
leaves the interpretation of the rule up to each individual, an inexcusable injustice is dealth to the competing teams.
Many a heated argument and long official discusby Bob Wenger
15:45 of the third period, and
sions took place because of this inconsistency. Such
the Cardinals led again, 2-1.
needless delays often do irreparable damage to a A crowd of 500 turned Then with 9:55 left in the game
team with a drive and momentum, and surely no spec- out Wednesday evening Swartout kicked a magnificent shot
40 feet out to tie the score
tator enjoys the stopping of action. It may be too late only to see the Albany from
once again at two apiece. But
to remedy this situation for the football season, but state soccer team lose a with 7:05 to go, Plattsburgh's Pete
the same problem can be avoided in the basketball 3-2 heartbreaker at the Mahalko kicked the ball out of
Dane goalie Jerry Leggeri's hands
season if only the organizers take steps to do so. hands of highly regarded into
the goal for the decisive point,
Plattsburgh State.
Joe LaReau, who started tne
Even though a referee does make a mistake, there The first half was a defensive game
for the Danes in the nets,
is no excuse in the world why he should have to suffer battle as neither team was able to had to leave the game with 10:40
score. Captain Udo Guddat and
the abuse and gesticulations of some babbling hotheads goalie Joe LaReau were the de- to go in the game because of a
Injury. He had 20 saves at
who seemingly take delight in giving the refs a hard fensive standouts as they stemmed head
the time in preventing Plattsburgh
time. Those who played AMIA football know who these the Cardinals' offensive tides.
from adding to its total.
at 4:55 of the third period, State's next game Is with Potsloudmouths are — and you know how revolting the EdButLeStrange
scored unassisted dam tomorrow at Potsdam. The
situation can be.
in front of the Dane goal and the booters now have a 2-4 record.
Cardinals led 1-0. The hooters The frosh soccer team sufIn high school, college and professional football came
right back, as Maurice Tsoits fourth straight setback
leagues, players are not permitted to shout at the dodo gave a perfect pass to Gary fered
Wednesday, this time to the RPI
10 feet ln front of the frosh by the score of 2-1. Dane
refs from the sidelines without penalty. Yet in the
Cardinal goal at 10:25 of the same Yutulu Sililo scored the only goal
AMIA, players not only shout from the sidelines, but period.
of the game for the frosh at 11:08
they also shout while in the game — often using the wattsburgh's Pablo Hosesa of
the final period. The frosh's
foulest of language to make their point clear.
booted one from 30 feet out at next game is at New Paltz,
It's a downright shame that a few such people can
make the AMIA, at such times, a bush league,
Dane footers Bow,
Face Potsdam Tomorrow
Danes Defeat New Paltz
Keating Sets New Mark
by Bill Shriftman
The Albany State cross-country team won its
fourth straight meet Tuesday afternoon by defeating
New Paltz, 16-49, on the loser's course. Joe Keating
won the race in the record time of 20:30, bettering
the previous record mark of 21:10, over the four
mile course.
The r m « t n<m0o , i n m
ine Great Danes dominated
m e e t as they
ten D leight
a c e s iof
n c l uthe
d i n gfirst
Albany State frosh harriers
bowed to Coblesklll Wednesday aft e r n o o n by a s c o r e
of 26_30 '
Don Beevers won the race for
the D a n e s ln
17:38A t wover
m l l e c o u r s e Mlke
e 1 1 the
a"d P aflfth
p i a c e s i n c l u d i n g t n e B r e s l i n f l n l' s h e d f o u r t n mfi
P a u l D u r b i n , respectively for State.
Bob Flick, and Bob Mul- Coach Tom Robinson was very
pleased but was sorry that his
vey finished behind Keat- h""s
could not pull it out.
Sensory Deprivation
Keating, Durbin, and Flick all Students are needed to participate
bettered the previous record and in sensory deprivation studies being
were only 13 seconds apart. Flick conducted for NASA's Apollo procame ln Just five seconds behind gram, announced Sidney ln the NeuDurbin, and Durbin finished eight ropsychological Laboratory, Yeshiseconds after winner Keating.
va University,
Jim DeVolk of New Paltz was Subjects will sepnd three days
fifth, followed closely by Doug resting ln bed ln air conditioned
Garner and Ken Klrik of State, rooms, meals supplied. Various
Jerry Baker was ninth and Mike painless measures will be taken
Parker tenth for Albany.
before, during, and after the stay.
Coach Munsey commented that Participants will earn seventy dot
"everyone ran closer together t h i s l a r s f o r t n e f o u r d a y study. All that
week which is especially good when l s required is the willingness to
there is little pressing from the s t a y the amount of time assigned,
Studies will ne run weekdays and
State's next meet ls Saturday weekends.
afternoon when they host New should contact SY 2-2200, ext. 558.
Haven and Plattsburgh In a t r i - T e s t schedules will be suited to
angular meet, The Great Danes *ach individual participant,
are now 7-1 on the season.
340 Western Avenue
We Call end Deliver
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217 Western Ave. Albeny, N Y
Phone 6-M10
o|i Your Favorite Brands/of
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OCTOBER 29, 1965
VOL. LI,N0.<lf J£T
Audit Report Criticizes
FSA Profits, Workings
Faculty Student Associations at State University
of New York at Albany, Buffalo and New Paltz have
been operating at "very substantial profits" on
textbooks and food was disclosed by the State Department of Audit and Control Tuesday.
The nineteen page r e - pensive.
The auditors also criticized the
port criticized the lack space and utilities for the operaof student voice in the tion of vending machines and launassociation's operation. dry services, which operate with-
SOUTHAMPTON DIXIE, RACING and clambake society will be entertaining Homecoming Weekend. They will perform in Page Hall Sunday, November 7 ot 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Homecoming Weekend Activities
Feature Parade, Soccer Game
"Remember when
can ever
Notning puts a crease in
these pants where a crease
doesn't belong. They hold
their crisp, neat look hour
after hour. No matter how
often they get washed, they
never, ever need ironing.
Trimly tapered with belt
loops and cuffs. Colors and
fabrics for casual and dress
wear. 65% Dacron* polyester/35% cotton, $6.98. Flannels, hopsacklng, reverse
twists, Acrllan'acrylic, $7.98.
(Slightly higher in the West.)
All his. clothes,
including combo-suits,
sold at
Iriii Laemtfuux
25 Warren St. M 1 3 3 0 Central Ave.
•lull Below tincoln Fork
Cohen's Men's Shop
20 Central kit
The audit said that the three
faculty student associations investigated were Incorporated as
non-profit entities with the top
administrators of each school on
the board of directors, but none
of the three examined, had student representation.
The auditors emphasized that
the rapid growth of the State Universltles had thrown the entire
prlclng structure out of shape.
The gross Income at this University was $697,072 with a net
profit of $140,704.
out paying the University.
Albany's association was criticized for being lax. They attributed
this to poor purchasing practices.
They said that the faculty student
association paid $39,885 against a
state price of $31,727.
Administration Kcbuttol
The Administration said that
«je auditors neglected to note that
S ate con
" ' a ' ' P h a s i n g nrovis
° " s a r e not , ™MMe
student associations.
Comptroller Arthur Levitt said
that In watching over the affairs
E T £ S r " ••=,£ sis a s
Paltz at 5 percent discount
m e n t i o n w a s m a d e 0 , U ) e c o l ,'
Auditors did stress that the activities which have been supassociations served a useful pur- p o r t e d b y f a c u l t y s t u U e n t a s s o c I a .
pose in feeding, housing and rec- t l o n funa-s_
> but s a l d t n e y believed
will be the theme of be available in the Dutch Quad- next week from 11:00 until 2:00. " t n e associations
have made proHomecoming '65 when the rangle dining room. Following Also at the Student Activities D e s k f l l s a n d accumulated surpluses
weekend commences F r i Branch aofficers
will beforheld.
Alumni November 5.
their formation.''
day, November 5 with the P.m.,
A varsity soccer game witli
They proposed that the operaThe Albany Student Press, in
judging of Homecoming C. W. Post College is scheduled
Homecoming Concert
be brought under closer sufrom
with Beverwyck Hall,
Queen finalists in Page
Presentations during half-time In- turlng Ian and Sylvia and the South- D r - S a m u e l Gould, president of the will present a panel discussion on
Hall at 1:25.
clude Homecoming float wards, ampton Dixie, Racing and ClamUniversity, agreed that Wednesday night, November 3, at
bake Society Jazz Band will end tighter policing and better book- 8:00 p.m. in the U-Lounge of BevFinalists for the crown are
Maria Maiiiacl, Sue Nichols, HarHe added
"the comptroller's
The topic will be "The Philoriet Tucker, Anne Bourdon, Vera awards and coronation of Home- festivities on Sunday with performalices in Page Hall at 2:30 and review happened to coincide with sopliy of Ayn Rand." Miss Rand ls
Koinanowski, Gretchen Van Vleet, coming Queen.
a review of a special committee he well-known for her novels "Atlas
Lynn Kurth, Joan Clark, Anne DigPorude
Ian and Sylvia are well known appointed for this purpose."
Shrugged" and "The Fountalnney, Evelyn Gordon and Patricia
The parade will begin at 1 p.m. among folk music lovers through
F ° o s Be Discontinued
head" and is considered the
The auditors suggested the col- founder of a philosophy known as
Also on Friday the State Uni- on Saturday and proceed from their appearances on Hootenanny
versity Theater will present "Of Thurlow Terrace to Partridge St. and the Bell Telephone Hour. They lection of certain fees be dlscon- Objectivism.
The Homecoming Dance will be also have several records on the tinued and that food prices be
l JaJlel w111 Include two facMice and Men" beginning at 8:30.
drastically cut. The report said 'ulty members and two students.
A bonfire honoring the soccer held Saturday from 9:00 p.m. to market.
Dr Mark
1:00 a.m.
They began
their performers
careers sep" tenfood
prices percent.
could be reduced Education
the Philosophyand cross country teams will be Music
will atbeRafael's
by Henry arately
and were
in by
to twenty
Mr. Wiltheir own right before they met
The report pointed It out that " a m Grimes, Philosophy Depart
lield at 7:30 on the University Torgan and his Orchestra.
Bids are available at tin e e d o l - and began to sing together In a similar items purchased under the ">enl; J. Roger Lee, former ASP
and commentator for
• a. o per
r o . couple
v.UuFlc in
1., the
uio peristyles
r » . . . ' i « . Toronto
loromo coffee
conee house.
state contract
contract would
would lie
be less
less exex- columnist
WSUA; Lester Greenberg, editor
Tour of New Campus
of Banner.
Saturday's events range from
The Objectivist philosophy is
tours of the new campus to a
based on what Miss Rand calls
dance. Hourly guided tours of the
University field and surrounding area was of"rational self-interest." Called
new campus will be conducted ficially chosen by the Albny Board of Education for
from 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. and the site of a new senior high school. The special
" F a s c i s t " by many of her early
coffee will |je served.
readers who did not understand the
From 12:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. meeting held Monday, October 18, asked Mayor
philosophy, she is radically opErastus Corning to "use his good offices to get the
posed to Socialism in government.
s t a t e t o g l v e m u c n of
D».»*L I
* *
" P °Pe y hack to the city."
After the publication of tier first
•)0CIQI I S f C n O I O y l S f
2f- a cre site, which is located on Washington
major novel "The Fountainhead"
Avenue and Patridge Street, was given to the Uniln 1943, Objectivism became one
versity in 1944 as the location for a proposed gymof the most controversial philonasium, which was never built. Presently the land
sophies of the post-war period.
ls used for outdoor physical education.
To meet the Interest ln her Idea,
"The Social Judgment-InvolveMayor Corning sent a letter to Dr. Samuel B.
Rand helped organize tlie
ment Approach to Attitude and Gould, president of the State University of New
Nathaniel Brandeu Lectures in maAttitude Change" will be the topic York, asking him to cede the property back to the
jor American cities and the Obof a lecture by Dr. MuzaferSherlf, city. The mayor said that the site was chosen
jectivist Newsletter.
Friday, October 29 at 8 p.m. in the because II is the "most central location as «to
Draper Auditorium.
present population and as to anticipated future
Dr. Sherlf is an lnternatlonall> population."
recognized authority on social psyMembers of the Administration could not be
chology — specializing in the be- readied for comment. It Is expected that they will
Election Commission has anhavior of the adolescent. He ls the not object to the proposed plan.
nounced the results of the recent
director of the Institute of Group
The city lias offered to move the University's
elections. Klaus
Relations at the University of Okla- facilities on the site, tennis courts and soccer
Schnltzer was elected to Central
homa, and has written several field, to Beverwyck Park, immediately to the east.
Council from the commuters.
books, Including "An Outline of
Action by the city's legislative body, Common
In the race for positions on LivSocial Psychology," "Reference Council, and the stage legislature will be required
ing Areas Affairs Commission
Groups," "Groups ln Harmony and before the city can take title to the property.
Mauer, Sal Villa, and Jim
Tension, Social Judgments," and
A date has not been set for the plan to be voted AREA THAT r i T V „l Alk„_. i n i L
Whiting were elected from the
"The Psychology of Ego-Involve- on but the school board officials said they would go 1 . U»i . 1
Colonial Quad, commuters, and
right ahead with planning for the building.
the University includes soccer field, tennis Alumni Quad, respectively.
courts and the equipment shack.
Panel to Discuss
Ayn Rand PMosophy
Albany to Purchase University Field
To Discuss Attitudes
Election Results