Harriers Upset Montclair 27-28; Munsey Cites Outstanding Runners

Harriers Upset Montclair 27-28;
Munsey Cites Outstanding Runners
The Albany State Varsity cross-country team registered an upset win over
Montolair State, N. j „ 27-28, even though the team ran without the services of
its number two and five men. Coach R. Keith Munsey was extremely "surprised"
at his team's showing, and he called the win a "team viotory," as he cited several
runners for their efforts in the meet. The frbBh also scored a win, topping the
Montqlair frosh, 20-41. Mike Atwell set a course record en route to_a win;
He particularly pointed
out the run of sophomore
Bob Mulvey as being outstanding. He named the
team's number three man
"Runner of the Meet,"
The State harriers were paced by
sophomore Joe Keating. He placed
second in the meet, even though he
broke the course record. The winTOP DANE RUNNER Jo* Ktoting crosses t h . finishing lino
ner was Jim Harris, who was timed
first in a roc* as a frosh last year. Keating placed second in in 24:12.3 over the 4.8 mile course."
Keatlng's time was 24:38.
the Montclair meet last Saturday.
The Danes placed second, third,
sixth, seventh, and ninth to total 27
The win was the eighteenth dual
A modern dance program, under from 7-9 p.m. In Page Gym. This meet win in a row for the State •
- the leadership of Miss Torres, will program will begin on Tuesday,
begin on Tuesday, Sept. 28. All be- September 28, and all Interested
Newcomer Paul Durbln placed
ginners are welcome to attend trie persons are encouraged to Join. Dr. third In the meet, topping the MontTuesday sessions, while the Thurs- Cobane, of the physical education clair captain Ralph Vernacchla by
day meetings are for the advanced department, will be the Instructor. a single step. Munsey also called
dancers only. The group meets
Durbin's run "outstanding."
from 7-9 p.m. in room 116 of the
There will be cheerleading tryMulvey was the next Albany runUnitarian Church.
outs for freshmen and varsity posi- ner to cross the line, copping the
A co-ed gymnastic club has been tions on Thursday night at 7:30p.m. sixth position the meet.
formed which will meet on Tuesday in Page gym.
Kirik Seventh
Co-captain Ken Klrlk placed seventh In the meet, fourth for the
Danes. Doug Garner finished ninth
in the race, thus clinching the meet
for State.
Co-captain Bob Flick, the team's
number two man, Jerry Baker, Dane
number five, and alternate Mike
Parker did not compete In the meet
due to injuries.
The next meet for State is a
double-dual contest with Siena and
Utlca at home. This meet determines which runners will compete
In the annual LeMoyne Invitation next
THURS. - SEPT. 30th
whothar used Kara or not
Text, Reference, Professional
DANE DEFENSEMEN Tim Jursok and Mike Hampton watch as
the ball is being deflected from the goal in an intra-squad scrimmage last week. Jursak and Hampton were starting players in
last Saturday's loss to Quinnipiac.
Booters Drop Opener,
Lose to Quinnipiac 3-2
The Albany State varsity soccer team saw a 2-1
late fourth period lead vanish in the final three minutes of play as the Dane booters bowed to Qunnipiac, 3-2, in the season opener. The Great Danes
opened up the scoring with a goal by Getachew Habteh-Yimer at 16:23 of the first period.
Quinnipia wasted no backs Tlm Jursak ^ Dlck Szyman .
time in evening the score
Frosh Win
managed to stave off the Indian
as Mike Budaj tallied from attack.
The State frosh gave rookie coach
Bu at 19: 5 l h
q arte
Tom Robinson a winning debut, as 20 feetout 58 seconds later. n l l ' . ? "J S,ff " f'
the Dane yearlings trounched the „,,
, ,.
Bill Fuchs leaped high In the air
Montclair frosh, 20-41.
ine score remained tied front of the Dane goal to head m
Mike Atwell set a frosh record
over the Montclair 2.4 mile course,
turning In a fine 11:51.1 clocking.
Atwell was trailed by State's Don
Beevers (2), BUI Mathews (4), Dave
Leaf (6), and Paul Brelslln (7).
The frosh will have a dual meet
with Siena Immediately after the
varsity meet on Wednesday. Neither State frosh nor varsity have
lost to Siena.
About the upcoming meets, Munsey said: "If we're (varsity) at
full strength, we'll be tough. The
frosh should do well."
for the firest of the first a shot.
Then, exactly one minute ana
Maurice Tsododo, Albany's high three seconds later, Fuchs scored
scoring forward, booted home a again amidst a strong of both State
penalty kick at 16:14 of the third and Quinnipiac players to score the
quarter to give the Danes the lead winning goal.
for the second time in the game.
The game was played under a
The game remained close for the cloudy sky with a brisk fall wind
300 loyal the
the game,
final for
half of
of the
the final
third session
quarter crossing
The Danes looked good for most
But at that point Qulnniplca, which
had been substituting freely through of the game, but the team was obout the contest, began to penetrate vlously suffering from adepthprob
deep into State territory.
The next game for the Danes Is
The weary Albany defenders were
at nupierous In- at home next Saturday against Mont
stances, and key saves by full- clalr
Please Present
Student I. D, Card
When Selling Books
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
Ext. 129
Albany, NX
Tu.sd.y, September 28, I M S
Get Another for
H more
Hundreds of titles to select from
Albany's First Stop for the Student
Are You Still
Carrying a
OCTOBER 1. 1965
Debate Workshop
To Begin Today
Council will
sponsor its first debate
workshop starting Friday,
October 1, on the new national debate topic, "Resolved: That law enforcement agencies in the United States should be given
greater freedom in the investigation and prosecution
of crime."
VOL. LI. NO. 8 8
State University Theatre
Te Host Conference
The twentieth annual conference of the New York
State Community Theatre Association will be held in
Albany for the fifth consecutive year, it was disclosed
by Mr. Edward Mendus, publicity director for the
State University Theatre. Scheduled for October 8-10,
the conference activities will take place in Page Hall
and the Thruway Motor Inn. Mr. Yeaton, whose professional
Plans for the conference training includes work with Lee
Strasberg and the American Theaworkshop include sessions tre
Wing, holds degrees from Tufts
on acting, directing, musi- University and the University of
cal production, and others, Washington, and has worked with
theatre groups in St. Louis, Erie,
to be conducted by well- Ohio,
and Albany.
known artistis in the re- The musical productions session
spective fields.
will be a symposium and discus-
Dr. Fergus Currle, Executive
Secretary of the Committee on International Discussion and Debate
of the Speech Association of America, will open the two day campus
debate workshop on Friday, October
1, at 1:25 p.m. in Draper 146,
The opening event of the session sion meeting. The speakers will
Currle's address, to center on the
will be a performance of Max represent professional and comvalue of debate in the world today,
Frlsch's play "Biedermann and the munity theatres and will discuss
will keynote the session. According
Firebugs." To be performed by the organization and production probto Mr, David Fractenberg, director
Ensemble lems. Particular emphasis will be
WORK ON THE Academic complex at the new campus has again
of debate at S.U.N.Y. at Albany, the
Theatre, the play is a modern com- placed on successful production of
workshop is slated to study various
ment on apathy In public and private musicals by theatre groups with
little or no experience In this type
debate techniques as they relate to have walked off their jobs.
of production.
the national debate topic, and some
Friimplications of this topic.
day night, October 8 at 8:30 p.m. In
The topic Is chosen annually by
Page Hail, are on sale now at the
a committee of the Speech Assobox office. Student prices will be
ciation of America. Their choice
$1.25 for general admission to the
is usually one involved with a probbalcony. Reserved seats are also
lem of current Interest throughout
available In the orchestra at $2.50.
the U. S.
Attendance at the workshops is
open to any interested students, acDebate teams across the country
to Mendus. There will be no
use the same topic for an entire
fee for student participants, but it
Edwin D. Reilly, Jr. has
season of debating, thus each de- ences with the ASP Monday afternoon with a discussion
Is mandatory that they complete been appointed director of
bate In the series allows experi- of topics ranging from student membership on faculty
mentation to Improve methods of committees to expansion of SUNYA's enrollment. In
Oct. 8, from 5:30 to 7:00, or Sat- the computing center which
regard to putting students on faculty committees, Dr. urday, October 9, from 8:30 to is to be established at the
At 2:30 p.m. in Draper 146, Ver11:00.
non H. Bailey, head of the F.B.I, Collins expressed his intention to accomplish this
University in the near fuoffice In the Albany area, will de- "within the next few weeks."
The acting workshop, on Saturday ture.
liver an address on law enforceAt the present time, the "He added later that because the morning, will be conducted by Mr. Reilly will lie responsible for the
ment, on methods of search and
Anthony Mannino, director of the
seizure, and on techniques of law faculty committees are or- structure was changing so rapidly, Anthony Mannino Studio in New York. operation of the center and for the
enforcement agencies. Bailey's ad- ganizing for the year, and it was often a matter of "taking the The session will explore the subtle- organization of a series of comdress will provide background In- their lists of members will people you have and fitting them ties of rehearsal techniques. Oppor- puter science courses integrating
the use of modern methods into all
formation for preparation of the
tunities will be provided for at-aspects of university activity and
be compiled in a short time.
national topic.
tendees to participate In rehearsal eventually leading to the granting,
New Campus Expansion
On October 2 at 10:30 a.m., four Once the faculty lists are
exercises If they wish. Attendance
Several questions were raised at the session is limited, and r e s - of baccalaureate and graduate dedebaters will stage a debate In complete, President Colgrees in computer science.
Husted 150. Currle will be present lins will appoint the stuervations are necessary,
He is a graduate of iiensselaer
Collins stated that there had been
to later analyze the debate as if
dent members.
no formal attempt to survey stu- Albany theatre buffs through his Polytechnic Institute where he r e will have been presented.
a bachelor of science and a
camAt 2:00 p.m., also In Husted 150,
Dr. Collins indicated that Dr. pus for suggestions for changing work with the Arena Theatre this master of science degree in physics.
Harold Aschare, special counsel to
directReilly worked at General Electric
State Supreme Court Judge Cohalen, Clifton C. Thome, Vice President future quadrangles.
ing workshop, also scheduled for Company Knolls Atomic Power LabStudent Affairs, is now working
This was due primarily to the
will explain prosecution techniques of
through Central Council to obtain fact that "the dorms are not being Saturday morning from 10:00 to oratory for nine years during which
and various Supreme Court deci- the names of students who are in12:00.
sions that apply to the national topic. terested in working on such com- used as they were planned to lie Nationally recognized as an arena he managed the digital analysis and
used. Thev are overcrowded."
expert, lie is associate Professor of
He Is a member of the American
He did indicate, however, that Theatre at Pennsylvania State UniPhysical Society and a past presiHe expressed the hope that stu- minor changes will be built into versity and Director of the Arts dent of the local chapter of the Assofuture quadrangles. While the out- Company there. His research has
dents would have membership on side
ciation for Computing Machinery.
appearance will remain the
all committees." same, the arrangement of rooms centered around the process of r e - As education for the latter organiThose which he would exclude would on the inside will provide for the hearsal In acting and directing, de- zation during 1964, he organized a
The Golden Eye will hold Its first be these concerned with determining housing of 84-100 more students. veloping and exploring concepts in computer course In which students
program of the year tonight at 9 p.m. the future standing of a student or The third quadrangle will also have the use of space for theatrical pur- from twel ve area high schools parwith a discussion of "The Function faculty member in the university. special adaptations for handicapped poses.
of Existentialism Today." The diastudents.
logue will feature Dr. Morris BerHiring Policies
The conference concluded with a
ger of the school of education and
Questions were raised as to hirRobert Garwin of the philosophy de- ing policies in various areas of the discussion of the future enrollment
SUNYA. Dr. Collins stated that
university. In regard to graduate
at the present time, projected enAfter the two professors state assistanlsliips, Dr. Collins com- rollment is 10,000 "full-time equivthe different phases ol existential- mented, "We recruil as widely as alents" in 1974. Ho addded that
ism, the discussion will be open to possible for our graduate assistant- "this might well be 15,000 people."
ships, Mien we take Ihe most qualquestions from the floor.
The new campus residences, toThe Colden Eye is a coffee hour ified jjeople."
gether with the old campus dorms,
sponsored under the auspices of
In Hie area of administration, he will accommodate 6,000 people.
the Campus Christian Council and indicated that many people were
Dr, Collins also said that, should
is held In the basement of the being brought in from other uniMadison
Presbyterian versities because of "the shift In the need arise, there Is room on
the new campus for expanding classChurch, 820 Madison Avenue.
structural organization" which the rooms and residences to accommoIt is Intended as a place for s e r - university Is undergoing.
date 20,000 students.
ious discussion, challenging Issues,
The administration is now divided
folk singing and readings of poetry into three definite areas: student
and plays.
personnel, administrative matters,
The following Is a correction to
It Is open to the faculty and stu- and academic affairs. This shift has
dents with the conviction that the created many new positions, al- the article stating requirements for
University needs an opportunity for though In many cases the duties of candidates to the new judiciary.
faculty and students to meet on an these positions have not changed
A person may not serve In any
Informal basis.
"duly recognized and/or established
of Student Association
The name "Golden Eye" comes
In filling these positions, Dr.
PART OF THE FUN on Unlv.rslty Sports Day i t losing th*
from the title on a book by Carson Collins stated that "we try to get on board level or above or an office
tug-of-war and romping through th* mud in "no man's land."
in any Student Association organizaMcCullers.
the best person available for a job," tion."
Th* int*rclass *v*nt will begin at 1 p.m. tomorrow on University field.
President Collins Begins
Conferences with Press
Golden Eye Holds
Program Tonight
Professor to Direct
University's Future
Computing Center
n rues*
NASA Awards
$158,000 Contract
To Dudley Institute
Wm of Politics Speaker
Dbcusses India, Pakistan
India and Pakistan should have
unite*'long ago (or the defense of
their subcontinent against the Red
Chinese, Dr. Wright, Professor of
Political Science at the Graduate
School of Public Affairs, told members of Forum of Politics at their
second regularly scheduled meeting
of the year. The meeting featured a
talk by Dr. Wright on the dynamics
of the India-Pakistan Chinese situation.
Dr. Wright, who has recently
returned from his third trip to
India sponsored by the Fulbright
Foundation, i s a specialist in the
area of the Muslim political minority in India. However, he indicated his solid grasp of the Indian
situation in general. After mentioning that the present Chinese-Indian
cease-fire was somewhat unstable,
he gave 'his audience a general, but
interesting, appraisal of the history
of the Sin-Indian dispute.
Although we are accustomed to
speaking of India as a single political entity, Professor Wright
pointed out that through most of its
history it has been similar to Europe; It. actually consisted of several unfederated Indian states, analogous to the many unallled nations
of Europe. Therefore, because the
confederated state which we know
as India has existed only since 1947,
it has no long history of nationalism. China, on the other hand, has
been ardently nationalistic since
before the time of Jesus. Under the
various dynasties she would grow to
her maximum, then lose some area
when a weak ruler came to power,
but would then regain the territory
with the advent of a new ruler or of
a new dynasty.
The new nationalism of India,
however, has been fighting the new
Chinese Communist Dynasty ever ;
since the partition of the Indian
subcontinent in 1947; Since 1947
a relatively strong India has been'
able to manifest her sentiments
against the much stronger China
in the form of border disputes.
These disputes, Dr. Wright hypothesized, were a form of muscleflexing reaction to the withdrawal
of control by Great Britain.
Tibet, as well as Kashmir, was
mentioned by Dr. Wright as an area
which India sought for years. From
1954, to 1958, China advanced into
Tibet, then pulled out, having ruined
India's prestige In this area.
Forum of Politics meets on Monday of each week at 3:30 In Draper
146. All students are invited to
attend future meetings at which
other speakers will be heard on such
vital topics as the civil rights dispute in the United States.
Foreign Service
Written Exams
Students Interested in taking the
written examination for entrance
into the United States Foreign Service or the United States Information
Agency must file an application before October 18. The exam will be
given on December 4, 1965 throughout the country. Applications may be
filed with the Board of Examiners
for the Foreign Service, Department of State, Washington. Specification as to which agency the candidate seeks admission must be
made at this time. During the spring,
a panel of senior officers will administer an oral examination to
those Individuals successful on the
written exam.
To enable State Department applicants to demonstrate competence
in their respective fields of interest, the examination includes specialized options in economics, commerce, administration, and history,
government, social sciences and
public affairs. However, the last
Dr. Donald Mulkerne, school of must be taken by all SIA candibusiness, has set up an eight meet- dates.';.'"'
ing In-service course for the new Entering junior officers can exsecretarial staff of Albany State. pect to receive experience In sevThe course is set for Fridays, at eral broad categories before initiating career specialization. A good
1:25 in Draper 349.
foundation in economics, U. S. and
Different instructors will teach world history, political science and
a number of courses designed to government Is desired of each canimprove the on-the-job service of didate. Because Foreign Service Ofthe University secretaries.
ficers must travel to different areas
Included in the program will be of the world, specialized qualificasessions dealing with telephone tions in administration, or in area
techniques, suggestions for better and language studies must be met by
service, poise, filing hints, and skill many applicants.
improvement. A tour of the University will be given to Increase the Phonographs
knowledge of the campus.
Faculty Involved in the program
include Dean Elmer C. Matthews,
Dr. Mulkerne, and Messrs. Blanchard, Neverman, Tlsdale, and Mc.REPAIRED
Also Included will be a certified Phonograph Needles Replaced
public accountant, a professional
model, and an official of the New
York Telephone Company.
President Collins feels the program is necessary for growth as
153 Central Avenue
a University. It is to be offered
each year for new secretarial
Open Eves, except Saturday
School of Business
To Train Secretaries
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
No interest or carrying charge
t i l CeeJral * » .
••:. 1
THE PIPES ARE in for the ocodemic buildings but only because
the plumbers have not gone out on strike yet.
University to Conduct Course
On New York State Taxes
Beginning Oct. 4, an eight week
tax help course dealing with New
York State's federal Income and
sales taxes will be conducted. Under the direction of Milton C. Olsen,
Dean of Albany State's School of
Business, the sessions will be held
on consecutive Monday evenings
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. inBrubacher
Hall, 750 State Street.
The sessions are designed to
familiarize prospective taxpayers
with state tax reports, to allow
greater tax savings. With the assistance of the State Department of
Taxation and Finance, the course
will include information on federal
and state tax relationships, specific
changes in federal Income taxes
for 1965, as well as minimum standard deductions, exclusion of gain
on personal residence and capital
loss carry-over. Moreover; tax returns and right of appeals will be
Joseph H, Murphy, Commissioner
of the Department of Taxation and
Finance, will speak at the first two
meetings. The following six sessions
Dr. Curtis Hemenway, chairman
of the Department of Astronomy and
Space Sciences, and director oMhe
Dudley Observatory, has announced
that the Observatory has been
awarded a $160,000 contract for the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
The NASA contract will enable
the Observatory to continue study in
the field of micrometeorites. The
equipment and research which this
contract will finance is tentatively
planned to be used in the orbiting
of an Apollo vehicle in about 18
Dr. Hemenway is the chief experlmentor on the project concerned
with the microscopic particles. Me
summarized the equipment as being
Surfaces exposed to space by Apollo
which will collect particles, provide
data on their impact effect, and collect information on space biology.
Two Gemini flights have already
carried his experiments. He described these past experiments as
being ground-work for his Apollo
Dr. Hemenway stated that anyone
with Interest and ability, regardless
of experience, can become active in
the wprk now, in progress. Experience will be gained "on the Job."
The type of work performed will
vary in importance, and interest, accordingly.
will be presented by District Director of Albany's Internal Revenue
Service, William E. Williams,
James Murphy, Patrick Walsh and
George O'Hanlon, Internal Revenue
Agents; Arthur Takes,. Chief of the
Conference Section of the Department of Taxation; and'Edward J.
All University Sports Day will be
Conolly, Chief of the Collection held on October 2 on the University
field from 1 to 3 p.m.
The schedule of events includes
softball, organized on a class basis;
Music .Council', will; present - the volleyball, run on a dorm and orUniversity of Lyon Mixed Chorus ganization basis; a balloon swat and
in Page Hall, Tuesday, October 5 an eight-legged race, both run on a
at 8:15 p.m.
dorm and organization basis.
Directed by Dr. Guy Cornut, the
All games will be co-ed. Volleychoir will present a varied program ball and novelty games will be open
of Renaissance polyphony, modern to teams from fraternities and sorcomposition, French and foreign orities. Fraternities and sororities
folklore, profane and sacred music. may join to form co-ed teams.
The chorus comes to us directly
Softball and tug-of-war will be
from the Lincoln Center fdr the organized according to class. StuPerforming Arts In New York Cityl dents wishing to join dorm teams
Their concert at Albany is only one should contact their R.A..There
phase of a tour of the Eastern will be no roster list for the Jug-;
United States and Canada that will of-war. Those wishing to',particiInclude engagements at many uni- pate in this event only need come
to the shed at 4 p.m.
University Sports Day
Lyons Chorus
Please leave all films with the cashier.
for 1ENT
iii Book Department
50 per month $11.50 for three months
Open eotninp till 9
Saturday till 6
Draper Hall
135 Western Avenue
CCC t o Sponsir
™ " * "
Campus Christian Council
Opens Chapel House
Study ef Writidf
Of Early Christianity
The year old Church of the Uni- Preachers. These will be members
versity Community has established of the Albany faculty who donate
a new residence adjacent to the their time to preach at the services.
new campus. The meeting place, Presently this group consists of
called Chapel House, Is located on Mr. David-Heal, Dr. Kendall Birr,
the Western Avenue side of the Dr. Frances Colby, and Dr. Thomsouth perimeter road. It is about son Llttlefleld.
a five minute walk from the dorm
Plan Dialogues
Established under the auspices
Dialogues between either Rev.
of the Campus Christian Council, Small or Snow and a member of the
by campus ministers Rev. Frank preaching staff are planned. The
Snow and Rev. William Small, the dialogues will open the way for
C.U.C. provides 9:45 and 11 a.m. further discussion from the audience
services. The first is a general on the subject of the evening. The
Protestant service, the second, a first such meetings are planned for
service according to the Hook of October 6 and 7 In the Flag Room
Common Prayer of the Anglican at the Dutch Quad at 8:00 and 9:00
Church. All faculty and students p.m. respectively. The discussions
are welcome and are invited to take are sponsored by C.C.C.
an active part.
THE CHURCH OF the University's Chapel House stands amidst
The Church of the University trees that surround the barren new campus. The house holds
Broader Scope
Campus also plans to expose Its services every Sunday morning for University students.
Since it is now occupying a loca- members to public service prostion convenient to most, the Church pects. Students are presently workof the University Community hopes ing with Arbor Hill children in a
to reach more students and faculty, language arts program. C.U.C. also
to broaden its scope, and tube active hopes to contribute manpower to the
in more activities than it was last New York State Youth Commission
Applications for degree candiThe University Commuters' Oryear. The campus ministers are for further work with the young from dates must be filed In the Regis- ganization will hold a meeting today
working on assembling n College of poor and broken backgrounds in the trar's Office, Draper 206, no later at 1:20 p.m. in Draper 140. A coffee
than November 15.
hour will be held at 3:30 p.m. In
Graduation fee of .$19.00 which the main faculty cafeteria.
A presentation and discussion of includes a $10.00 placement charge
the background, purpose, and pos- must be paid by December 1 to
Newman Club
sibilities of a Church of the Univer- Faculty Student Association, Draper
The members of the Newman
sity Community will be held this 049.
Club are sponsoring a hootenanny
Peace Corps placement tests will Sunday, 5 p.m. at Chapel House.
Any student having made a pro- tomorrow night, October 2,at 8p.m.
be administered October 9 and Nogram adjustment must go to the in- in Brubacher lower lounge. The new
vember 13 at 9 a.m. in room 334 of
formation desk in Draper and cor- officers and board will be introduced
the Main Post Office in Albany. Rerect his schedule card.
at the event.
cruitment Is scheduled in the UniThis is a sing-a-long for the purversity Placement Office for OctoFreshmen
pose of welcoming new faces and
ber 11.
The religious preference cards revisiting old friends. Music will be
for the Lutheran students were lost provided by a variety of State stuAny citizen of the United States
In the mail this summer. To get on dents. Refreshments will be served.
who is 18 or over and has no dethe mailing list please sign your Everyone is welcome to attend.
pendents under 18 is eligible as a
volunteer. Married couples are also
The Class of 1969 has begun work name on the Lutheran Student Assoeligible if lioth husband and wife are on Its numerous fall activities with ciation bulletin board in lower
Homecoming Float
able to serve as volunteers.
two class meetings, at which frosh Draper Hall.
All groups or organizations who
Those tested do not pass or fall. volunteered for work on such complan on entering a float in the
Open House
The test tells the Peace Corps how mittees as song writing, skit writHomecoming Parade, November 0,
Brubacher Hall will hold an Open should notify Judl Keyser, 482-1208,
each volunteer can best help the ing, newspaper and publicity.
people of developing countries
A genuine feeling of enthusiasm House and Mixer tonight. The Open or Rich Ten Eyck, 472-7791, coaround the world.
characterized both meetings and all House will be from 7-9 p.m. and chairmen of the Parade, as soon as
Applicants for the test must fill seemed more than willing to devote the Mixer from 8-12 p.m. In the possible. More specific information
out a questionnaire. Forms are time and talent to class activities. Main Dining Room. Refreshments will be given next week to the groups
available at all post offices.
Probably the most difficult prob- will be served.
participating in the parade.
lem has been that of communication.
The theme for Homecoming '65
A publicity committee has been
is "Remember When...." Although
Kappa Delta Epsllon, the national it is not necessary this year to
formed whose job it is to post all
professional education sorority, will notify the Parade Committee of the
freshmen meetings and events.
Freshmen are asked to check hold its initiation In October. Any specific design of your float, 50?;
The new officers of Inter-Sorority
Council for 1905-66 are Sue Nich- dormitory bulletin boards daily for Senior who thinks she Is eligible of the judging will be based on
should contact Allison Rechens at revelence to the theme.
ols, president; Janls Baynes, vice such announcements.
president; Karel Huffman, secreThe freshmen skit will be pre- 436-3910, Kit Rarog at 472-3611,
tary; and Nancy Soger, Treasurer, sented on October 15, Parent's Day or Marilyn Howard at 457-7700.
Pierce Hall
The requirements are an overall
weekend. The producer will lie Jane
The women of Pierce Hall will
hold an Open House from 2-4 p.m.
of education courses with a 3.0 aver- on Sunday, October 3, 1965. ReThe Brothers of Sigma Lambda chosen.
Sigma will start the year off with
freshments will be served.
Auditions and casting will take
an informal date party on Saturday, place on Sunday afternoon and all
October 2. The party will feature freshmen are urged to try out. Time
Larry Jackson and Ills rocking band. and place of the auditions will be
announced at the class meeting.
Original lyrics have been written
Psi Gamma
Psi Gamma Sorority announces to several songs for the class sing.
that two new officers have l.een Further progress on the sing will
elected for the 1965-06 school year. be announced at the next class meetThey arc Judv Conklln, Sports Cap- ing.
tain, and Karen Nielsen, Culture
Another activity of the frost) has
Chairman. Also appointed were Lor- been to organize a feature for the
raine Hales, Jewelry Consultant; Octuber 15 issue of the Albany StuBarb Psyck, Supplies anil Inventory dent Press.
Chairman; and Pat Scott, Files
The next class meeting will be
held today in Pago Hall at 1:20 p.m.
Peace Corps Holds
Placement Tests
Freshman Class
Begins Work
On Activities
| Greek News
Mteeei HI M i l
This Cord Entities Vow To
30% Off On All Cosh Sole*
(Repairs Excluded)
Fust Watch and Jewelry Repairing
Done on Premise*
Two study groups will be launched
by Campus Christian Council next
week. Each will include a member
of the faculty and a minister "In
dialogue," as well as interested
students. The first will analyze the
theme of "New Life" in the teachings of Jesus and the writings of the
early Christian community. Dr.
Thomas Llttlefleld of the English
Department, and the Rev. William
Small, Associate Campus Minister,
will be In the Flag Room at the
Dutch Quad at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 6, to start the discussion.
The second will be based on "The
Secular City," a book by Harvey
Cox dealing with the so-called
"coming of age" of modern man as
secularization and urbanization
bring into being a new kind of society
and way of life. Mr. David Heal of
the Social Sciences Division and the
Rev. Frank Snow, Campus Minister,
will meet with Interested students at
9:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, at the
Dutch Quad Flag Room. All are
Safety Instructors
American Red Cross qualified
Water Safety Instructors are needed
as volunteers to assist with the
swimming for physically handicapped classes. These classes begin
on Octolier 9 at Bethlehem Central
Classes will meet on Saturdays
from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m. Instructors will be given transportation to
and from the pool.
Those Interested can register with
the Albany Chapter American Red
Cross at 465-7301.
For Sale
' I d e e of Nollonollsm-Kohn $1.75; Lotln
Am Policy ol US-Bemls $5; * Labor
Movement In US-War. $1.50; Teacher In
Curriculum Maklng-Leese $2; 'Gov of
Rep Itoly-Adomt {1.75) C o n t c l o u i n e i i
of Society-Hughes $1.35; 'Patterns ol
Speech-Oliver $3.25; ' F D R & New
$5; ' P e r i l s of
Prosperity.Leuchtenburg $1.35; *NelMior War Nor Peace-Selon $2.25; *US
& Latin Am-Matthewf $1.35; * H y of
Monroe Doc-PerMns $2.25; US Ec In
Peoples-Kohn 50»; ' E s s e n t i a l Works
ol M i l l , ed. Lernor 75«; 'Gov of Fr-'
Godfrey $ 1 ; 'Govts ol Ger-Heidenhelmer $1.35; 'Nationalism-Kohn $ 1 ; * 2 0 Yr
Crlsis-Carr $1.10; Language & Concepts in Ed-Smith $3.50; "Norwegian
Democracy.Storing $1.75; 'Stalin-Doutschor $1.35; Growth of Am Ec-Wmson
$7; Regional Geog of Anglo-Am-Whlte
$6.50; Rus Pal Insts-Scott $1.50; Govt
& Pol In Japan-Maid $1.35; 'Shape of
Content-Shown $ 1 ; 'Religion In AmSperry $1.75; ' F e d Govt of Swit-Codding $1.35; Rel, Soc & IndividualYlnfior $5.50. A l l In good condition.
Lampman -Draper
October y 1965
Ext. 129
Albany, N.Y.
• " - •
The sounds you have just 'read are those
of $1.49 worth of fried chicken, frenoh
fries, .cole slaw, muffins and cranberry sauce
being loved. If you feel the need to love,
Have you evec tried to find something you really
need or wanted In t h i i mess?
Have you ever
mess ?
something in lit it
Try our classified section.
230 Washington Ave.
HO 3-3233
tried to sell
C A L L T H E ASP AT 434-4031
T U B S . - W e d . - T h u r s . - l p.m. - 3 p.m.
October 1, I M S
Junior YeaBiii
Puerto Rlcans get very emotional
over the elections. They drive
around In cars all day long yelling
and shouting their campaign slogans.
Under the exchange program with the University of
Puerto Rico, Elsie McMullen, Eve Chambers and
Margo Blanche spent their
Junior year studying Spanish there.
They left Albany In the middle of
August In order to arrive tor registration on August 20. A week before
classes started they participated In
several activities planned by the
University for exchange students.
Other American students represented Oregon, Michigan, Pennsyl-.
vanla, and North Carolina. Other
students from New York came from
Plattsburg and Buffalo.
, . r. ,
. . a
Hey... What Are You, Anti-Greek or Something?
Golden Eye
The Golden Eye, beginning its new
program tonight, is one of the outstanding activities of this University. While
it is sponsored by the Campus Christian
Council, it is by no means a narrow or
proselytizing program.
The Golden Eye is an answer to the
average student's need for an introduction to relatively deep, intellectual
curiosity. The program of last year
had excellent scope, variety, and content.
The past programs included „ many
state professors, University President
Evan R. Collins, and clergymen including two Jesuits.
The excellence of last y e a r ' s programs
set a high standard for this year. Tonight's program, "The Function of Existentialism Today," indicates that that
standard will be equalled o r surpassed,
State Responsibility
As long as the states fail to meet
their responsibility to their citizens,
the federal government will continue to
have a reason to continue its encroachment on areas of government once r e served to the states.
The above paraphrase of a statement
by the senior senator from Illinois,
Paul H. Douglas, applies to many of the
actions of federal authorities, the Congress and the President.
We are outraged that the federal gov-
eminent has not revised its criminal pearl of Men Mr.Aj'modovar.Dur.
. . .
i ine registration week, the exchange
law code to prevent the perversions ot st ;; den t s v i s i t e d E i Moro and San
law currently occurring in Alabama. Crlstobal, sixteen century Spanish
A man was shot in the back while forts built as a defense against invaders.
getting out of his car in his own driveway. A woman was shot because she They lived in the Residenclo, or
"University Hilton" as It was
gave rides to civil rights workers. the
usually called, an eight story girl's
Three young men were murdered be- dormitory. All the Americans lived
Causes " they
a s k e d p e o p l e "to b e a c t i v e
citizens and vote. One was so beaten
that the coroner examining his body
said he had trouble finding an unbroken
We are sickened by the wanton slaughter of Negroes and liberals throughout
most of the South. We cannot help but
see more comparisons than contrasts
in this wave of publicly condoned murders to Hitler's more systematic
slaughter of his enemies.
We cannot help but say that the people
dominating the South a r e more suc-^
cessfully subversive:; :tb,a'n~;anj» of the.
currently awkward Communist movements.
Perhaps what is needed is to give
federal judges the ability to remove
from a local court any case involving
a civil rights killing.
We somewhat despair for an American which seems to accept the t r a vesties currently seen in the trials of
Collie Leroy Wilkins, J r . and Thomas
L. Coleman.
Clearly Alabama, as well as other
states, is not fulfilling the function r e quired by its own constitution. It is time
for a government willing to act impartially to take Jurisdiction in cases involving murders.
Albany Student Press
" , Alboi y Sludeni Press if
* ' b a n y Tho ASP off-co,
-uitday lights,
I'WRtAly newsp
• n Room 5 of f
published by tho Student body of the Statu Un
H o l l at 750 5tato Stteot '
• CrJilOt
Spoi". Cdiloi
Tocftmcal SyRCl vi *
The girls struggled through registratlon with the help of the Dean of
Men, Mr. Foro Calder and Assistant
Pliotogiapliy Ed.toi
on the seventh or eighth floors with
flve Puerto Rlcan
"' roommates. The
The three parties In Puerto Rico
follow similar Ideals a s do our
political parties. The largest party,
Popular, is best compared to the
Democratic Party; the Estadlstas
is like the Republican party, and
the Indepentlste Is the reform party.
Following the election there Is street
dancing in every village and city.
The weekend before Easter, The
Inter-collegiate Games were held
EVE CHAMBERS, E l i t e MacMullen and Margo Blanche spent
at Hiram Blthorn Stadium near the
their Junior year in Puerto Rico,
University. These games are called
suites have two bedrooms, a bath- 150 boys. The school sponsors few " J u s t a s . " The three other colleges
room, study room, and balcony in activities for the students.
on the Island participate In this
There i s no school paper, no yearly event.
The dormitory is ultra-modern.
Dormitory living was rated as
This provides a curious mixture of is very little show of school spirit good by the exchange students —
new and old buildings. The univer- except in Greek activities. The sor- with the exception of food, that is.
sity tower is an example of the old orities and faternities are the The girls hours are much more
Spanish architecture. The new Uni- strong social functions at the uni- liberal for weekends. They have
versity Center represents the mod- versity. The school theatre provides until 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturcultural entertainment. The e x ern architecture on campus.
change students last year had the day. On the other days they have
to see Spanish dancers to be in at 10 p.m.
and a Chilean ballet.
The University Center Is similar
Bod Food
to an American Shopping center. It
The students spent most of their
The major complaint was against
contains a post office, beauty salon, time at hotels and beaches. The the food served in the cafeteria.
barber shop, bowling alley, confer- Puerto Rlcans enjoys dancing and The Puerto Rlcans diet is mostly
ence rooms, and guest hotel.
head for the dance floors every beans, rice, and bananas. They have
There are 18,000 students attend- Friday and Saturday nights. The at least one of these staples at
ing the University; most of the stu- biggest events of the year, how- every meal. The exchange students
dents are commuters.^The dormi- ever, are the National Elections were amazed at the many ways rice,
beans and bananas can be served.
'"" have rooms for 350 girls and and the Inter-Collegiate Games.
Meat Is seldom served, however,
National Elections
Three days before elections the When It Is, It is pork or chicken.
students leave the University. The
ixehange students spent that time (continued to page 6)
vlth one of their roommates. The
Increased Draft Call
Pressures Eligible Students
But the Defense Department announced an October call of 33,000
and recently announced its NovemWASHINGTON (CPS) - With tne ber call of 36,450 — the two largest
October and November draft calls calls since the end of the Korean
the largest since the Korean War, War. And in November, for the first
The rapid growth of the
the. nation's draft boards are set to time since Korea, the draft will inmen for the Marine Corps. University has necessitatlook ah requests' fpr student defer- clude
Some states j began to backtrack ed J the increase in adminments with a more discerning;;eye.
The Selective Service System has on their previous statements about istrative personnel. One of
no intention of abandoning defer- married men and many conceded
ments for students in college and that it would be necessary to take the new Associate Deans of
universities but, under the tighter married men "sometime in the Students of the Organizapolicy, draft boards will be picking fall."
tion of Student Affairs is
up some deferred students who are
On August 20, President Johnson
not attending school full time or dropped
well-remembered Mrs. Lois Gregg.
who are not making satisfactory bombshell and announced he had reAs Associate Dean, Mrs. Gregg
progress in their classes.
voked President Kennedy's order Is in direct line with the Vice
On July 28 President Lyndon John- and that from now on married men President of Student Affairs, Clifson announced that a September call without children would be consid- ton C. Thorne, and in his absence
of 27,000 men would be necessary ered the same as single men as far will take charge of the Student AfIn order to meet the Increased com- as the draft is concerned.
fairs Office. Many of the responsimitment In Vietnam.
The facts remain that with the bilities of the Dean of Women are
Even at that time most state Se- Increased draft calls, local boards now In the hands of Mrs. Gregg.
lective Service men were quoted as are rapidly running out of single
saying they didn't feel the new fig- men lietween the ages of la and 2 0 Mrs. Gregg is responsible for
ures would cause any change In the the present induction limits — and the housing of students, Financial
draft status of most men because the childless married men are the Aids Office, and International Stu"draft pools" were large enough to next to go.
dents Advisement Office. She also
take care of the increased demands.
works along with Mr. Chesin, AssoIn most states, draft officials were
As one Selective Service official ciate Dean of Students, as "firstquoted, some off the record, assay- points out, "There Is nothing auto- line" advisor to commuters, serves
ing that married men with no other matic about a student being de- on several university committees,
dependents still need not fear for ferred. Each case Is considered mi and acts as liaison representative
the druft. Under a 1903 order by its own merits with the student'-' to the American Association of UniPresident Kennedy, married men course of study, its Importance ti» versity Women.
with no children were not tu be the national Interest, and the sindrafted as long as single men were dent's scholastic ability" being used
as measuring sticks.
This Is Mrs, Gregg's first experience at a New York Unlvorsity.
She was employed since 1900 as
Oh.you'li do it
...Zeu6 wouldn't have made
full-lime administrator of Lagunlta
you, my slave For 3 years!
i j u M t t ' allAndright,Hercules'.
Court on Stanford University. Mrs.
control your
And as my slave, if I say you
Gregg rocolvod her B.A. in ecotemper! IP you
are to wear women's clothes and
nomics at U.C.L.A. and her M.A.
hadn't lost It and
do womanly work, you will! MIP
at Pacific School of Religion at
killed Iptiitus...
Sho also studied art at Fresno
State College. Mrs. Gregg has traveled in the U. S., Canada; in 1055
sho toured "Around the World with
a Palm Brush." She has for many
years done many paintings varying
•from abstract to reality. Her other
art achievements Include collages,,
stained glass panels, mosiacs, silk
screen prints and ceramic sculpture.
E.ocutivc E r l i l c
! W
Talk, about d guy
you'd never
Suspect !
The University of Puerto Rico
sponsors almost no extracurricuactivities during the academic
S t u d e n t s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y v e a r - Students there spend much
tlme e
uerto R
i o o iis
s bootnvery
» e a S e d in social activity, but
oi Pfuerio
p r l m a r l l y wiln t h e l r sororl tie S and
by Mark Cunningham
The social life of thelar
much like and very much fraternities,
The seclusion oi the area intensities the atmosphere of tho Swiss
Chalet typo house. Since Mrs. Gregg
was In California tills summer and
hud no place lo live, Dr. Clifton
C, Thorne found lids charming house
for her.
Mrs. Gregg has also hud an in- Sight unseen, Mrs, Gregg moved
her furniture to this house,
terest in music, especially choral
and instrumental llymnology and Fortunately, everything fit In persucred music. She organised an fectly with the decor. Not only do
T h e
unlike the social life of an
American univprsirv
once a year track
American university.
MRS. LOIS GREGG, a new Associate Decn, relaxes in her living roam al her home on Waverly Place. Mrs. Gregg has assumed
many of the duties of the Dean of Women.
adult group In The Art of Symbolic her furnishings add an authentic
Movement in California Churches. touch to the house but several original fixtures remain.
Evidences of her art work can be
Original Beams
seen in her homo at Waverly Place.
In the entrance way Is a corner
Mere she has set up a small studio
made out of the wood
in the enclosed L shaped porch.In
her living roum hung two paintings from a wine vat. Tho overhead
which she has done; one rod and blue chandelier In her livingroom Is
abstract is placed over the piano constructed of an old Iron wagon
and another on the wall over the wheel and iron bayonets. The original wooden beams are still present
as is the wooden stairway.
Mrs. Gregg has added some of
The stairway climbs up one wall
her personality to the offices in
Draper, Room 110. She has some of the living room and the upstairs
of her work in her room and in hall is actually a balcony overlooking the livingroom, Mrs. Gregg
Dr. Thome's office.
fuels this house portrays the atMrs, Gregg's house Is situated mosphere sho likes.
in the "deep woods" of Albany,
Her house in only one block over
The location is excellent for comfrom Western Ave. and u few hun- mutation to the New Campus and the
dred loot from the Now Campus only anticipated problem Is snow
yet It Is completely .surrounded by removal during the winter months.
Clialot Styling
Mrs. Gregg has exhibited her work
in a show at San Joaquin Vnlloy. Her
work was exhibited this summer at u
show In Cnrmol. Collections of her
work are found In California, Now
York City, and Washington, D,C.
A l l cainmur i c o n o n t mutt lie i d d i c t t a d lo the E d i l o r t and t l i o u l d bo
' c a t i o n * t t l u l d t o l i m i u d lo 300 wordt grid a m t u b | t n lo t d i t i n g . 1 ho Albany S l u d t n l P r a t t a l t
'Of ouimo'ni t » p i » t t a d in l i t column* 01 c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , a t l u c l i •> e t t i o n t do in. n t c a t t a r i l y r v f l o c l
Activities at Puerto Rico University
Varied and Interesting to Students
Art, Music Enthusiast Assumes Position
As Associate Dean of Student Affairs
by William Grant
The Collegiate Press Service
THE UNIVERSITY OF Pureto Rico combine* old Spanish architecture and modern on its unique
campus. Clockwise from upper right, the students spend most of their free time at the many beaches
around the campus; the new dormitories and the entrance (lower left) illustrate the new and old;
the University Center has a post office, barber shop, beauty salon and guest hotel.
University sponsors only a
meet amon
e tho
c o l l e g e s on t h e lslaiuij t n e
Pablo Casals Festival, and a large
number of foreign films shown
throughout the year. Its students
publish no yearbook, no paper, have
no football or soccer teams, and
lack almost all school spirit. This
spirit is transferred to the highly
select fraternities and sororities
which are very popular and very
active socially.
Greek Activitios
These Greeks sponsor parties
almost weekly and often go in groups
to local beaches which are only
twenty minutes away by bus. In
Puerto Rico, the beach is not emphasized as a special place primarily because it is so nearby ajid
available to the students. Surfing has
not yet become popular among the
Puerto Rlcans, but one sees American students and military personnel
stationed at local bases occasionally
riding the waves.
Student spirit Is evident at. only
two occasions during the year, the
track meet and during political election campaigns. During these periods, student frenzy reaches fever
pitch. At the time of the track meet
a large stadium on the Island is selected. The four competing schools
bring their best athletes to compete.
The banner waving crowds vigorously support their universities at
this gathering.
During the political campaigns,
equal student partisanship becomes
evident as members of the Popular
Party (the largest and closest to the
Democratic Party in the U.S.) com- ~
pete against the Estadlstas (Statehood) Party and the Independentlsta
Party for political office. Various
campaign caravans, similar to the
whistle-stop campaigns in the U.S.,
tour the island for support. It Is at
these times that student spirit rises
as candidates vie for office.
Organized Activities
Those other activities which are
school-organized include, in addition to the Casals festival and the
foreign movies, a theater group
which brings in such entertainers
as the Spanish Dancers and the
Chilean National Ballet.
The University does have a student center which includes a bank,
a post office, a barbershop, beauty
salon and guest hotel.
The actual social life of the students, whether they are associated
with the Greeks or not, can be very
active. Many parties and get-togethers are held on the beaches and
in local hotels. At these frequent
'gatherings the students dance the
merengue, a fast dance, and the
slower bolero, which is equivalent
to our two-step. They do not usually
dance our more popular dances.
American foods, such as hamburgers,
milkshakes, and coke are becoming more
and more popular
This is certainly one problem sho
did not have (o face while in California,
When asked Iter reasons for coming to Albany, Mrs, Grogg stated
that whllo sho had a "fine experience ul Stanford, It was time for
a change," She likes this geographical area and felt that this University would "be going places," It's
In a state of "creative change,"
THE HOUSE ON Waverly Place, owned by Lois Gregg i t very
much like an old Swiss Chalet. The living room has white brick
fireplace, the out*ldee>t-»hte-4e-elrowii'here.••"•"»•• "•"»"•'*"""'"""'"'"
Otffcer 1. 1965
October 1, I M S
itersityStudent Spends
Summer in Argentina•;
State Department
Target fur Critics
by Morgortt Dunlop
by Steve Walter
Maria was one of the nine finalists learned, as exemplified by our leadIn the ambassador program spon- er, to accept and admire different
sored by Albany Stats. She was given customs of a foreign nation rather
a partial scholarship from the Ex- than to criticize them negatively."
"On the whole, the Argentlan
periment Itself while Sue Nichols,
who went to Israel, was the official people, warm and hospitable, were
always there to make us feel at
Maria's summer was divided into home," commented Maria about the
of the Argentinians toward
three parts. The first month was
spent living with an Argentinian .the Experiment group.
THIS GROUP IS port of the work camp to which Maria belonged.
family and' taking part In the dally
Native Italian
She said that the "work camp was a most valuable and worthroutine of life In a foreign country.
experience, where I formed long-lasting friendships.
Maria is well-qualified to com"The Fornasarl family treated
.-..9 .--...ly
.. I « H H > I I I | I > I
me Just like a daughter," com- municate with the people and aid i "
mented Maria. "It was extremely foreign relations. She herself was
born in Italy. In addition to her
difficult to bid them farewell."
ability to speak Italian, she has
Family Reverence
gained fluent control of the Spanish
by Harry Nuckols
Maria couldn't say enough about language through her studies. She.
was the first player to bid No Trump,
the kindness and helpfulness of her also has a knowledge of French and
and, therefore, should have been the
"family." She referred to the par- is beginning tu study Portuguese.
The bridge club held Its first declarer. With East on lead, the
ents as "Mom" and "Dad" with the Maria said that she loves languages meeting — a teaching session — defense runs seven tricks before
same reverence and case with which as displayed by her growing knowl- last Tuesday evening. Some basic North can gain the lead.
she speaks of her own parents. In edge of different tongues.
>' eory on the play of the hand was
the short time she was there, Maria
She considers the summer a bene- Uscussed, but, for the most part,
S K Q J 10 6 3 2
acquired a deep sense of love and ficial one. The discomfort and in- the time was used explaining the
H K Q J 3 2
respect for the Argentinians and convenience which she occasionally mechanics of the game.
D 4
their country.
•The hand which appears this week
encountered detracted little from
She also remarked that she found her total enjoyment of the exper- is an illustration of the importance
B 4
Argentina a fascinating land with a ience.
sentially sound, if one doesn't look H 10 9 7 6 4
great deal of contrast.
H 85
"I have gained a great deal of
"Modern skyscrapers resemble international understanding, and I at both hands at the same time. D 5
D 9 8 7 6
those seen In our country," she thoroughly believe in the Exper- South converted to seven No Trump, C K J S S 4
CAQ10 7 6 3 2
added. She explained, however, that iment's philosophy which is 'by because he thought North had the
S A 9 7
there are some under-developed introducing the people of one coun- club ace.
East's double called for an unareas which provide the contrast. try to tile people of another country
During the second month, travel- through the basic social structure usual lead from partner, and West
D AKQJ10 32
ing Included visits to major cities of the family — significant advance complied. The lead of a singleton
C 9
such as Tucuman, Cordoba and Ro- toward world peace can be made against a seven N'o Trump contract
is certainly unusual! West also South Deals
sarlo, This tour permitted Maria to at the individual level.' "
Both Vulnerable
thought North had the club ace,
view the different parts of the counMaria said that she would lie happy and besides, one never leads away South
try. In this way she was better able
profrom kings.
to understand several phases of
gram and will he giving lectures to
Of course South scampered home 3S
Argentinian life.
different organizations throughout with thirteen tricks without touch- 4H
the semester.
Volunteer Construction Work
ing clubs. And then the fun began. 5S
"Why didn't you lead a club? You 7NT
"The most valuable part of the
Lifesaoing Course
know my slam doubles call for a P '
trip came while working in a volunP
suit bid by dummy, and it was obtary work camp sponsored by ArAlbany's chapter of the Ameri- vious they had all the spades." Opening Lead:
gentinian volunteers affiliated with can Red Cross will open a senior
South smiled smugly, and the
the United Nations," stated Maria. lifesavlng course for girls at HackThe work entailed mixing cement, ed Junior High School in Albany harangue continued until an observant kibitzer addressed himself
carrying water and laying bricks. this Saturday, October 2.
to East: "If you had listened to
These seem unlikely and difficult
The nine week course Is open to the auction, your partner wouldn't
chores for petite, attractive Maria, college, as well as high school,
had to interpret your double."
but she didn't seem to mind it. girls and will have two hour sesWere you like the observant kibit"It was hard work, but it was sions beginning at 10 a.m.
zer? Check the auction again. North
well worth It I At the same time we
There Is no charge for the inplayed games with children and struction.
The Tuesday, Octotaught them songs. The children
A senior lifesavlng course for
ber 4, issue of the ASP
fascinated me with their eager de- boys will open at Bethlehem Censire to learn the English language." tral Senior High School in Delmar
w i l l not arrive for disThis should prove good exper- on Tuesday, October ID, This course
tribution until after 11
ience for Maria when she begins will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday
This is due to
teaching which is her ambition. nights.
She Is presently enrolled In the
Registration may be made at the
and w i l l occur for this
teaching program with a major In opening sessions, or by calling 465issue only.
When asked whether site thought
the group had made any substantial
gains in the field of foreign tela217 Western Ave. Albany, N Y
Phono 6-3610
Building Better Bridge
Today's most popular sport among
the amateur critics of our foreign
policy seems to be a new version
of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"
with the role of the target going
to the U.S.State Department.
the rules of the game are,
luckily for the participants, very
simple. The players first flip a
coin to decide who will act as the
proxy for the real thing, who is in
Washington and a notoriously poor
sport anyway.
Incidentally, It Is unimportant who
wins the title role, since all the
players are well-qualified for it.
Lucky Defender
The function of the replacement
is to defend U. S. policy In a given
area, while the other players are
supposed to show him the obvious
mistakes in his argument.
Unfortunately, It Is often too onesided, since the importer's heart
really is not in his role. The game
is over when the inescapable logic
of the opposition has reduced the
hapless defender to whimpering irreleyancies about either national
honor or mass attrition, depending
on whether he is being attacked as
an imperialistic warlord or as a
card-carrying coward.
Any prospective players should
note that the key to the attack Is
logic; facts are sometimes handy
but Immaterial. Also, the game can
be easily altered so that the donkey
can substitute for other oganizations
besides the State Department. The
rules are the same, only the jackass
is changed.
Puerto Rica,,
(continued /rum p'Jge
They had very few potatoes or
vegetables with their meals. The
Puerto Ricans are gradually becoming accustomed to having hamburgers, coke and milk shakes.
Elsie MacMullen enjoyed her
school year so much she decided
to stay through the summer. She
went to summer school; and while
she cannot return to school again
in Puerto Rico, she would like to
go back to the country.
The ASP needs
writers, reporters,
paste up gals.
340 Western Avenue
Gerald's Drug Co.
Chamber Theatre
To Audition For
'Wapshot Scandal'
We C a l l and Deliver
IV 2-3134 I
In order to facilitate your requests for
refreshments for Special Functions
(coffee hour, luncheons, banquets, etc.)...
requires a minimum of I week's advance notice.
with French Fries, Lettuce & Tomato
MANY SKYSCRAPERS LIKE this on* can be found in Buenos
Aires, the modern capital of Argentina:
AL«UH*UU»«HT P t . U
parting9 Portrays Modern England,
Levute Film Piercing, Cynical Drama
by Douglai Rathgeb
MYSKANIA member, Maria Maniaci, favorably
contributed to the Argentinian image of a United
States citizen. Through the foreign exchange program
sponsored by the Experiment in International Living,
Maria spent this summer in Argentina.
The program is interna tibns, Maria replied, "This peopletional, and her group, com- to-people program helped the Exposed of seven university periment change much Anti-Amersentiment.
.students, was from all over ican
About the accomplishments of the
the United States.
group itself, Mariasald,"Thegroup
Auditions will he held for the
of John
Cheever's novel, "The Wapshot
Scandal, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, October !i, C, and ? in
Richardson Hall 200 from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m.
This presentation will be unique
in the fact that it will he the first
major production in the style of the
Chamber Theatre. The Chamber
Theatre differs from other theatre
concepts In that it presents narrative fiction on the stage, using all
theatrical devices offereil by the
stage while preserving the narrative
elements of the novel, Although this
, will be the first major production
of this type for the Chamber Theatre, two short stories were presented last spring for the English
Speech Evening, These productions,
"The Wu«blrds" and "The Jilting
of Cranny Weatherall" met with good
5*.IRT8 'o n
. There was a time not very long
ago when the French and Italian
film makers had the monopoly on
the "new wave" of cinema, a wave
they Indeed gave birth to in the
early 19S0's. But since 1959 and
the sensational "Room at the Top,"
Britain has slowly been ascending
to the new leader in the art-film
Today the vanguard of the British
film world includes such acting
talents as Albert Finney, Dick Bogarde, Tom Courtney, Alan Bates,
Richard Harris, Rita Tushlngham,
Rachael Roberts, Julie Christie,
and Sarah Miles; such directors as
Tony Richardson, Joseph Losey,
Dick Later and John Schleslnger;
and such writers as Shelaugh Delaney and John Osborne.
Vibrant Film
One of the latest products of this
vibrant English film scene is "Darling," a stunning new film produced
by Joseph E. Levine, directed by
John Schleslnger, and starring
Laurence Harvey, Dick Bogardeand
Julie Christie.
"Darling" takes a penetrating
look at the modern day jet set —
tearing away the thin, paper-mache
veil that hides its true sordid face
and exposing it for all its hollowness.
The world of "Darling" is a
wcrld of prefabricated pleasures,
of fast cars and fast people going
nowhere, of sex play that Is as
meaningless as it is blatant. It is
a world where sense and nonsense
assume opposite values, where irresponsibility passes for a virtue
and where: triviality is worshipped
as a god.
Sophisticated Alice
"Darling" can quite plausibly be
categorized as a kind of sophisticated and cynical version of "Alice
In Wonderland" — the story of a
young woman who joins the "lncrowd" in search of la dolce vita
only (o find once she has achieved
It that her sole rewards are heartache and disillusionment.
As she tells her story in an interview for a magazine Ironically
titled "The Ideal Woman," and looks
back at all the people she stepped on
or slept with to gain her hollow
achievement, she realizes the extent of her folly and accepts the fact
that she must spend the rest of her
life in a world she hates.
. The darling of "Darling" is the
radiant young Julie Christie, an
actress with a fetching look and
an abundance of talent. As the young
model clawing her way to the top
in the fashion and film worlds,
Miss Christie is called upon to run
the emotional gamut —amused,tormented, laughing, crying, bored,
hysterial, somber, plaintive. She
does them all and does them well.
There are, to be sure, a few rough
spots in her performance — a few
unconvincing scenes, a few wrong
motions, but on the whole she Is
himself, and at times frith Miss
Christie, is proving more and more
with each performance that he is a
classic product of the Mount Rushmore school of acting. Yet, wooden
as he is, in this film his bad acting,
or rather non-acting, almost seems
good. For once in his life he is
perfectly cast and delivers a notable
Director John Schleslnger, the
man who is probably most responsible for "Darllng'r" fine moments,
must be the one who is to blame for
Its faults.
The film is overlong and at times
seems to lag. It would well have
profited from some judicious work
in the cutting room. This Is not to
say that there are many bad scenes
in the film. Quite the contrary,
there are so many good ones that
it is possible Schleslnger had not
the heart to cut them out.
Piercing Comment
Despite Its faults, "Darling" is
nevertheless a piercing, cynical
comment on the international jet
Brittanla may no longer rule the
waves, but as far as the modern
Bogarde and Christie
cinema world is concerned, she Is
Although this is Miss Christie's a major power. Queen Victoria would
first fine performance of a young be rightly proud.
career, it is anything but Dirk
Bogarde's first and anything but
his last. Bogarde, who was in films
way back when John Mills and Alec
Guinness were In their thirties, still
looks young and still is one of the
best film actors in England. Playing' Miss Christie's first lover and
bedmate, he keeps the young star
by Larry Epstein
from stealing the picture completely
by giving a beautifully restrained
Grove Press has won the admirperformance. Though Miss Christie ation of most people seriously or
supplies all the dramatic fireworks, superficially concerned with the
It is Bogarde who turns in the best problem of getting banned books
into Drint.
Newest Grove breadwinner Is HuMillionaire Playboy
Laurence'Harvey is sometmng bert Selby, Jr., with his naturalistic
else again. Harvey, playing an erotic collection of short stories entitled
"Last Exit to Brooklyn."
millionaire playboy in love with
ARTS o n A r t
Art in Science Institute
Attempts Art Definition
Selby CrealesHell
In His 'Brooklyn'
Absurdity is Theme
Absurdity is the recurrent theme
as Selby howls against the Impossibility of purposeful existence. Such
a life of purpose simply does not
occur in this book.
The language is, not to disappoint
his publishers and his readers,
earthy and rough most of the time.
His subjects - ho'mosexuallty, prostitution, street-gang life - as well
as his style make him a prose
Allen Ginsberg.
Trapped Characters
Selby specializes In takii.g situations out of one of the days of his
trapped characters and recording
them for a posterity which wants
to forget about them or pretend
such things are the creation of a
demented writer who only had sales
on Ills mind when he wrote his
"Another Day Another Dollar" is
a story consisting of ten pages of
a discussion of cars In the Greeks,
a section of Brooklyn. No plot, no
character development, no moral
(strictly speaking); Just a few minutes worth of essentially meaningless conversation which sustains
the speaker's lives.
perience. How often would a work
entltlted "Oral Bacteria" be found
"Whatever We Choose to call Beau- In Albany's Institute? And, though
titles such as "Dislocation Loops
in Sodium Chloride Due to Electron
Irradiation" tend only to confuse
Art in Science, tUffcurrent exhibit the scientific novice, hardly anyone
at the Albany Institute of History and could be unimpressed by the beauty
Art, is an exercise in the definition of the numerous photomicrograms
of art itself; this striking exhibit and scientific displays. What student
presents not only art-insplred-by- of art could have guessed that a
sclence, but also art-produced-by photograph of "Stacking Faults in
science. The question "What Is Carbon" would look like a monoart?" Is posed (and then perhaps chrome Hans Hoffman or that copper
answered) by a comparison of these casting freaks would resemble much
two sections of the exhibit.
of modern sculpture? What artist
could have as deftly chosen the
Effectiveness of Heli
In the first section, art of the colors in "Transparent Boron Nitraditional media is displayed — tride" or have produced a gorWhen a writer sets out to puroils, collages, sculpture. The var- gelously patterned work as "De- posely thrust forth a Hell, two things
ious works In the grouping were tail of Beaver's Tall?"
may happen: either lie will be efall Inspired by modern science.
fective — leaving the reader semlOne sculptor has Interpreted Cartnauseus or he will be Ineffective
Overwhelming Beauty
esian graphics; another has styland the reader will leave him barely
ized a piece of modern machinery.
It is tills uncanny similarity to after they get inside the Gates.
Area painters have contributed in- modern art and the overwhelming
Selby lias the questionable ability
terpretations of natural phenomena beauty of these products of science to disgust a reader. The best story
such as the cell, solar energy, and that make Art in Science memor- in the hook is "Tralala." This Is
photosynthesis. Of special Interest able. By proving that bothsclentlsti a story of an adolescent girl/wowas a work entitled "Primal Emer- and artists are observers In the man who robs ttie men who pick her
gence" by William Wilson of our natural world, this exhibit implies up. Generally she tries to Just get
own art department. (This painting, that scientists can act as artists them drunk and then take the money,
done In Mr. Wilson's "muscled" and artists as scientists and that but she Is not above batting them
style, was awarded second prize the creation of beauty can never over the head when they don't seem
in the competition held In connec- be the claim of any single group... to be cooperating.
tion with the Art in Science exhibit.)
Shocking and Brutal
Included In this traditional art-lnThe final scene of the story has
Flux and Flow
splred-by-sclence grouping were
several men abusing her, Here, the
paintings by Mark Tobey and Was"Whatever we choose to call the description, If that Is the proper
sily Kandlnsky, and works of the beautiful In this new world, the word, Is Just overpowering. It is
contemporary "OP" movement.
image Is rooted In the flux and flow by far the most allocking, the bestof natural events." This Is how Dr. written, the most brutal scene in
Unique Aeithetic Experience
David Barry, Chairman of SUNYA's the whole book and one of the best
Atmospheric Science Department In contemporary naturalistic fiction.
However, It was the art-pro- and co-chairman of this exhibit, deThis book fits into the category
duced-by-sclence that made this fines art and perhaps answers the of books you don't want to keep
exhibition a unique aesthetic ex- question posed by Art In Science. reading but still do because the
scum that this Hell is made of
won't let you go.
by John Spross
KLAUS SCHNITZER'S interpretation of beauty in the Albany
area can be seen in this untitled photograph.
by Anne Dignay
Among the groups which have recently struggled
for recognition on this campus is one which has
achieved special notice. Reader's Club, which held
its first presentation in February of last year, has,
in a very few months, gained recognition not only on
this campus but in the Albany community and nearby
cities as well.
As a result of the inspiration of an exceptionally
enthusiastic teacher, Mrs. Olivia Donohue, several
students joined together and presented a rather sketchy
reading program. Maureen Pearson, a junior at State,
followed through with her ambitious plans and working
with Mrs. Donahue organized several more programs
of gradually increasing merit. Within two months the
group has been invited to perform in Rome, New York
as well as in several surrounding schools. Their p r o grams included readings from Shakespeare, George
Bernard Shaw, James Thurber and Ernest Hemingway.
Cartoonists' Comment
The first reading of this year as presented last
Wednesday night. The performance, "Cartoonists'
Comment on Education, Politics, Humanities and
Warm Puppies," included readings from Jules Feiffer, Charles Schulz and Walt Kelly, Among the students who read were Lynn Hewitt, Alex Krakower and
John Fotia.
An interesting program has been planned for this
semester. The readings to be done here at State include Bohemian poetry with slides and music (October 13), Halloween montage (October 27), Hemingway's "Unmovable Feast (November 10), Sonnets
From Then and Now (December 1) and a Christmas
program on December 19.
Pocono Mountains
The group will appear in the Pocono Mountain Reade r ' s Festival which will include colleges from all
along the eastern seaboard. Albany's representative's
will do readings from Eudora Welty's "Lily Daw and
the Three Ladies."
October 2
Manlovani and Mi s Orchestra. Rensselaer
technic Field House. 8:30 p.m.
October 5
Choral concert by the Chorale Mfxte Universita ire
do Lyon, Lyon, France. Page Hall, 8:15 p.m.
October 5
Harmanus Bleecker Library. Library Movies of
the Month begin. 8:00 p.m.
October 6-7
The Royal Ballet featuring Morgot Fonteyn and
Rudolph Nureyev, Strand Theatre, Albany, Troy
Theatre, Troy, Matinee at 2:00. Evening at 8)15.
October 6~9
Northeast Museums Conference, Albany Institute
of History and Art, host.
Through October 25 Annual exhibit and snte, Woodstock Guild of
Craftsmen, Klelnert Gallery, Woodstock.
Through October
Helen Von Borstel one-man show at Mechanics
Exchange Savings Bank.
Through October
Albany Prints, Print Gallery, Albany Institute of
History and Art.
.aimtr STUPIMT urns
Il . I — — — • — O M M M M — ^ S —
1, I M S ,
Harriers Score Deal Meet Win,
Ron Victory Skein to 20 Straight
A RayVietv of Sportt
. ::ky'IU>f Mitliwf.
In last week's "Rayview," we, of the sports staff,
The Great Dane varsity cross-country team Had an easy time in registering its
expressed our hope that the weekend's soccer, cross- '
country, and A MIA action would get the SUNYA-Fall \ 20th consecutive dual meet triump as the harriers topped Siena, 18-42, and Utlca,
16-43, in a home meet last Wednesday. The Munseymen placed five men in the top
sports program off to a good start. Even our most
sweeping the first three spots. The Dane frosh also had an easy win over
optimistic hopes could hot have anticipated the acSiena, whipping the Loudonville men 18<-41.. The next meet for the varsity is the
tual success the athletic system enjoyed.
LeMoyne Invitational at Syracuse tomorrow
Beginning first with the harriers' unbelievable upJoe Keating paced the
set victory over Montclair, on to the soccer team's
varsity Danes, turning, in
inspiring and heartbreaking loss to Quinnipiac, and
a fine 25:17.6clockingover
finally, the enthusiasm, turnout, and caliber of play
the 4.55 mile, wet Washin the AMIA's first three games, all of which points
ington Park course. It was
toward a fine fall season.
his first win this season.
: Cross-country Coach Keith Munsey felt that this
Following Keating to the tape were
year would definitely be a rebuilding year. He said
Paul Durbin and Bob Flick. Diirbin
that the loss of eight of his top ten runners from last
In his first attempt at cross-counyear would be too much this y e a r ' s team to overcome
try ran a fine race, and he was
named "Runner of the Meet" by
in the way of registering a good record. However, it
Coach Munsey.
is apparent that Munsey errantly underestimated the
Flick, who has been out with a
potential of his runners as several of them turned in
foot Injury, returned to place seven
seconds behind Durbin, In 26:39.
simply outstanding performances in the team's three
The other Albany runners were
wins this past week.
Bob Mulvey (fifth in 27:38), Ken
We do not expect the cross-country team to continue
Kirik (eighth in 28:33), and Doug
. its winning streak through the end of the season; how- , Garner (10th in 28:47).
ever, we do feel that this " r e b u i l t " squad will prove
The harriers now sport a 3-0
mark on the year.
to be a credit to the fine tradition State cross-counMunsey was slightly disappointed
try teams have thus far established.
in the showing of Siena and Utlca.
was hoping the competition would
In all, the soccer games we have seen over the past
be a little keener for his runners,
year, we have never seen a more determined, firedadding that he is afraid his team
up, and inspired State team perform so well, for so
might get a bit over-confident.
long, and for so little. For soccer Coach Joe Garcia,
The frosh were paced by Don
the outcome of the game must have seemed an inBeevers, who was only 20 seconds
above the course record with a
justice to the performance of his team.^The Dane
17:55 timing over the 3.2 mile
hooters held their own against a fast and well-bal- course.
anced Quinnipiac squad, but the Staters lacked suffiBeevers were Mike Atwell, who
cient depth to continually fight off the Indian drives,
paced the frosh in last week's win
as the wearied defense finally cracked in the last
over Montclair, Paul Breslln (4th)
minutes of the game.
and BUI Mathews (5th). The frosh
Potter Club, Kappa Beta, and Alpha Pi Alpha
copped seven of the top ten posiAs far as the AMIA is concerned — well, from what
came up with leading victories this week as the
we have seen thus far, it should be a dogfight among
The next meet for the freshmen AMIA football league opened up its 1965 campaign.
will also be the LeMoyne Invitafive teams. Potter Club, Kappa Beta, APA, Trinity,
Each team showed a good offense with a tight detional tomorrow at Syracuse.
and Waterbury all looked very impressive in the
The frosh how have a 3-0 sea- fense in winning its opening game of the intramural
league's opening games, and i t . i s n ' t too hard to
son mark.
leage, now in its third decade of play.
predict a close battle for the championship. The inOn Monday, Potter Club
terest among the players and spectators indicates
edged Waterbury by the
that AMIA football is as popular as ever at State,
score of 14-6. Wayne Smith
and combined with the sterner competition in the
* * * * *
and Dave Sully proved too
league this season, one can only conclude that footstrong for Waterbury, as
ball will someday be " b i g - t i m e " at Albany State.
they combined for all of
the winner's points.
* * * * *
Booter Captain Udo Guddat
Gives Team Good Example
by Don Oppedisano, Asst. Sports Ed.
POTTER HALFBACK Len Sneddon carrying the ball through a
hale in the Waterbury line in Potter's 14-6 triumph over the dorm
men last Monday.
Nagy Organizes Weightlifting Club
Mr. George Nagy, head of last
year's popular weightlifting club,
has recently announced that the
club Is In a reorganization stage.
Here is a statement Issued by Mr.
"Mr. Hathaway (Athletic Director) has repeatedly expressed his
wish that the club should continue
last year's successful operation.
He is willing to look for appropriate
aid and opportunity if there are
enough students to participate regularly, .
"We propose to get hours once
or twice « week at the Y.MCA; or,
we may open a room for the weight-
lifters and bodybuilders somewhere
on campus. We feel that the VMCA
would l)e better because it would
provide us with excellent facilities
and ideal health and work-out conditions.
"It would also enable me (Nagy)
lo give Instructions regularly and
try to set up a comprehensive team.
"Everybody who Is seriously
thinking of participating in the work
of the club should leave a message
In my student mail box Indicating
whether he did weightlifting liefore,
his phone' number, address, and
name. Immediate response Is necessary."
Udo George Guddat, the captain of the 1965 Great
Dane soccer team, is one of the finest athletes to
participate in sports at Albany. The blond-haired,
185 pounder is the team leader this year, and his
presence accounts for a great deal of the exuberance
and drive the Dane booters have been showing this
with election to MYSKANIA last
Udo hails from Hemp- year.
He was also a member of
stead, L.I., and attended Dorm Council.
Udo is a member of Potter Club,
Uniondale High School. He
lie has participated In softball,
participated in track and and
volleyball, and bowlingintramurals.
soccer, earning six letters
When asked about this year's
team, Udo said, "The team lacks
in the two sports.
He still holds his high school's
record for the pole vault.
Udo was born In Insterburg, Germany and moved to his present
residence when lie was llyearsolrl.
The German major, business
minor hopes to teach In Europe after
he gets his BA In June,
At Albany, Udo has been on the
soccer team for three years, playing center forward his sophomore
and Junior years and center halfback this season, When he was on
the freshman squad in 1902, Udo
was elected team captain. He was
also the team's leading scorer,
Very active In other e x t r a c u r ricular activities at Albany, Udo
served three years on the now defunct Senate, topping off his career
Waterbury started the scoring in
the first moments of play. The
dorm men took the opening klckoff
on their own 45 yard line, and after
a 15 yard clipping penalty and a
Pass Interference, Conn connected
with Kane for a 13 yard touchdown
pass. The try for the extra point
But In the second quarter, Potter
started to roll. Taking the ball on
the Waterbury 42, a roughing the
passer penalty advanced the ball to
27. Quarterback Smith ran to the
17,'and two plays later he passed
to Sully for the score. The same
combination clicked for the extra
point. In the fourth quarter the margin of victory was provided when
Smith hit Sully with a 45 yard
touchdown pass. Smith ran for the
extra point to make the final score
14 to C.
Tuesday, strong defense and
clutch passing by Dan Thomas led
Kappa Beta to a 33-0 victory over
SLS. KB's defensive line led by
Joe Daley, Lance Anderson, Jack
Kenny, and Andy Mathlas harrassed
his quarterback Bob Breuder, forcing him to make many mistakes.
KB's touchdowns came on a C
yard run by Thomas (set up by a 35
depth and experience, but we are yard pass from Thomas to Mike
compensating for It with determina- Bloom), a 20 yard pass from Thomtion and hustle."
as to Tom Carey, a 45 yard touchdown run of a recovered fumble by
Jim Constantino, a fumble recovery
in the end zone by Daley, and a 25
yard Intercepted pass by Kirk Ellis.
Thomas also passed for 3 extra
Don Prockup and Hay Clanfrani
led APA to a 38-0 romp over Stuyvesant
Tower on
Prockup's passing was outstanding,
as he threw four touchdown passes,
Including a 55 yarder to Steve Zahurak and one for 40 yards to Stan
Celebuckl. Clanfrani scored two
touchdowns, one on 09 yard klckoff
return, and he was also excellent
on defense, Intercepting two clutch
O C T O B E R 5, 1 9 6 5
VOL. L I . N O . 2 9
MYSKANIA Issues 5-Point Proposal
To Revise Policy for '66 Yearbook
Last spring, MYSKANIA made several recommendations concerning the ,, Torch»'
and its staff. Since then, some of these recommendations have been revised. These
revisions are no less strict than the original recommendations, but there are fewer
of them. They are as follows:
1) That the constitution of the " T o r c h " be reviewed immediately.
2) That a guarding philosophy, purposes, and procedures, previously agreed upon
by Central Council, be added to said constitution.
3) That Central Council
assume ultimate responsibility for insuring adherence to said philosophy,
purposes and procedures.
Central Council Recognizes SCOPE
Dicusses Committee Reports
THE ABOVE IS one of the pictures in the 1965 Yearbook which
provided criticism from several students.
4) That if said philosophy, purposes, and procedures are not followed, Central Council take any
action necessary to ensure their
5) That henceforth, all appointments to Student Association salaried positions be approved by Central Council.
These recommendations are unchanged from last spring, however,
the recommendations- concerning
William Colgan's position on the
staff, the circulation of the yearbook, and the " T o r c h " being entered in competition have been completely omitted.
At the first meeting of Central
French Education Minister
Meets Faculty, Students
p a s t w e e k e n d , t h e development and planning at SUA.
T „„ D„KI«
During Dr. Babin's stay at Al- Council, these recommendations had
been referred to the Communica
e s t e e m e d - U r . d e a n B a r J i n , b any, he and his party were honored tlons Commission. At that time, the
R e c t o r of t h e A c a d e m y of at a tea given Saturday afternoon for government was not organized to
B o r d e a u x , v i s i t e d A l b a n y . f a c u l ' y a n d administrative officers any advanced operable degree, and
. it
• t J by Dr. Evan R. Collins, president little action had been taken on these
D r . B a b i n IS t h e a p p o i n t e d „, SUNVA, at the university's Dutch Ideas.
t h e Quadrangle. There was also a r e It is hoped by MYSKANIA that the
ce ll
f °" lleld ln lne e v e n i " e by Dr. new government will take action on
in his
post of
as EducaSuper- University
Samuel B. Could, President of State these matters at once, for it "feels
of the cAcademy of home.
that the scope of this situation efAccompanying Dr. Babin were fects not only the communication
Jerome Seite, Inspector General of media but also every student maUnder his supervision are five Administrative .Services assigned
departments in France and the over- to the Director General of Higher triculating at this University,.."
The recommendations to Presiseas departments of Martinique, Education, and Henri Buffie, SecGuadeloupe, and French Guiana. De- retary General of the Academy and dent Collins, and the Vice President
of Student Affairs have not been
pendencies of the Academy of Bor- University of Bordeaux.
changed. The major action in this
deaux, for administration purposes,
Include French education programs
After ;i Tour ol the new Albany matter will be on the part of the
in Fort Lamy, Chad, Lome, Togol, Campus, they met French scholars Student body, since Central CounBanqui, Central African Republic, and American students ln the Flag cil has been named as the group
Libreville, Gabon, Yaounde, as well Room at the Dutch Quadrangle. responsible for ultimate evaluation.
as in New York, Mexico, Buenos
Aires, London, Edinborough, and
The regular meeting of Central Coum..' "as called
to order by President Richard Thompson uii Thursday, September 30. Two new members, Mis. Kgelston
and Dr. Rosenbach were welcomed, and sworn in by
MYSKANIA chairman Al Smith. With a quorum p r e s ent, the meeting proceeding with committee reports.
Financial matters were D l s c u s s l o n of l h l s toplc e n d e d
C h a i r m a n , with the appointment of a committee
Debbie Friedman. The first t_°, ,se<:k leBal information on the
problem discussed was that subject.
of deciding who will have
« , „ „ . . t u „ „ : * , . *„ „ i ™ . , „ „ „ u
the authority to sign v o u c h -
As yet, the. Finance Committee
„ o t established a policy'con.
cernlng this problem, but It Is hoped
the procedure will be defined within
the next week.
Miss Friedman Introduced a motion which would provide for the
immediate appropriation of funds
($100) for each commission area.
This wouldd be for the cost of initial
operating expenses. At this point,
Dr. Knotts raised a question as to
constitutionality of the Religious
Affairs Commission.
In his opinion, it Is not within the
Constitutional right of the Central
Council to appropriate funds from
the general student tax (student
association funds) for the support
of a religious organization.
The American precedent in such
manners is quite contrary in that
it firmly lielleves in non-support of
religious organizations.
West Point
Dr. Babin came to Albany from
West Point where lie had been the
guests of Superintendent General
Shephard and Colonel Walter Tisdale, assistant to the president for
New Publication
Ray Allen presented a plan for a
campus visual arts publication. He
stated that its purpose would be to
extend recognition to those students
and faculty members whose work
would not otherwise be made directly known to the campus.
Because tills publication would ln
essence be communicating these
works to the University, It was felt
that this was a matter within the
concern of the Communications
Commission. At the Friday, October
1, meeting of this commission, the
proposed publication will be discussed, and If approved, work on
it can lie begun Immediately.
Who's Who
Chairman Jack Kenny reported
that the activity sheets are ready,
and will soon be distributed to
Seniors. This will be done through
residence mall, and regular mail
to student teachers.
The deadline for returning these
sheets Is October 18, The committee hopes to have a list of
nominees ready for approval by
October 21.
Ad Hoc Committee
To Study 'Torch'
An ad hoc committee to recommend to Communications Commission whatever positive action it
feels is necessary in regard to the
1906 edition of the "Torch" was
established at Communication Commission meeting Saturday.
The committee is designed to
Include all Interested and vitally
effected parties In the controversy.
It will lie composed of one representative from the senior class,
the faculty or administration, MYSKANIA, and three representatives
from the Commission including
Henry Madej, chairman, Douglas
Upham, Central Council representative, and a member of the "Torch."
Madej said that he hopes the
committee will report back to the
Commission in a week or two at
which time Hie Commission will
act on the recommendation,
Some controversy developed wlththe recognition of SCOPE. BUI L e w presented SCOPE'S constitution Recognition on the part of Central Councll was deemed necessary, since
SCOPE had not been previously
placed under any of the present
At present the organization can
operate only on a "limited b a s i s . "
In a dual purpose motion, Harold
Lynne proposed that Central Coun^
ell give the constitution a temporary
approval "contingent upon" approval of the Political Actions Committee.
ln t h e C o u n c l l concerntng
Grod Students
DR. THOMAS BARKER speaks with the leader of the German students who visited the University
Saturday. The students tsured the campus and attended a luncheon In Brubacher Hall. See story
on page 3.
As was established at (he Central
Council meeting of September 23,
Ed Brovarskl and his committee
are presently taking a poll among
the graduate students In an attempt
to bring a report on the graduate
student's feelings about extra-curricular affairs on campus, and his
relationship to them.
This report, along with some
recommendations made by the grad
students will be presented on October 0.
Tom Jones, co-chairman of Panhellenic Council, stated that the
members of the body had been