(My 5 LettantM With only five lettermen returning to spearhead this year's campaign, varsity soccer,coach Joe Garoi* i s in the process of trying to rebuild his Great Oane squad. Coach Garcia will be counting on last year's jayvee and frosh players to fill most of the vacant positions; he will also carefully observe three transfer players. '•• The five returning let- will prevail throughout the season, help overcome that handicap. termen are captain Udo •andLast year's team finished with a Guddat, Anton Salecker, mediocre 4-5-1 slate, winning three of its last five games. Forward Maurice Tsododo, Dick Maurice Tsododo, playing In his first Scymanski, and Jay Moore. varsity season, tallied 10 goals for Tsododo was last year's the Pads of old and was a second team All-state selection. leading scorer. Here Is the complete Dane sched. A total of 23 players have bee i ule for the upcoming season: partaking In pre-season workouts, with 13 players from last year's Qulnnlpiac 2:00 H 9/25 freshman squad comprising the bulk New Paltz A 10/2 2:30 of the team. Montclair H 10/9 2:00 The three transfers are Brian Oneonta H 10/13 7:30 McMabon, Tony Cavalerl, and Scott New Haven A 10/16 2:00 Oliver. Plattsburgh H 10/20 7:30 While the team will be sorely Potsdam A 10/23 2:00 lacking In experience, Coach Garcia RPI A 10/26 3:00 hopes that the exuberance and drive Brooklyn Coll. A 10/30 2:00 the Danes have shown in the workouts C.W.Post H H/6 2:00 A L B A N Y 3 . N E W YORK VOL. LI, N O . 2 6 Dr. Paul B. Pettit, chairman of the Department of Speech and Dramatic Arts, left Wednesday night for Washington, D. C. At the Capitol, he will spend two days briefing and advising the new American ambassador to Syria, Hugh Smyth, on the facts and peculiarities of that country's culture. Dr. Pettit was chosen Eastern Europe under a grant from Foundation of SUNY. for this important work theDr.Research Pettlt's work In the United due to his extensive ex- States Is squarely distinguished. He perience with the Syrian received his B.A. from Alfred University, his M.A. and Ph.D. from people, their a r t s , and r e c - Cornell. He has directed over thirtyord in the performing arts five major productions and Is the founder and permanent producerof that country. LAST YEAR'S GOALIE lion Hamilton leaps high in the air to bat the' ball away from the goal while other Albany booters are poised to assist him. The soccer team opens its season Saturday. ASP Intramural Sports * * * * * Flick to Pace Harriers The 1965 season will find the Albany State c r o s s country team facing its greatest challenge in the brief three-year history of the sport at State. A most demanding schedule finds the Danes with only two r e turning members of last y e a r ' s undefeated team. Seniors Bob Flick and Ken Kirik are the two veterans around whom this y e a r ' s squad will be built. Flick alternated between the runnerup. and number three spots on last year's team, while Kirik was hob- bled all season long with injuries after a fine 1963 season. The 1965 team is m i s s ing eight members of the 1964 team that won a trip to the NCAA meet at Wheaton, Illinois. The team placed 14th out of 27 teams at Wheaton. Coach Keith Munsey will be counting heavily on runners up from the freshmen ranks. Joe Keating, last y e a r ' s top frosh runner, should make a strong bid for the top position on the team. AMIA faculty advisor Bob Burlingame recently announced that there will be a meeting of all AMIA football team captains on Friday, September 24) at 1:30 p.m. at the intramural office In Robin Annex. The first AMIA football game will be next Monday, Sept. 27, on the Veterans field. He also announced that the AMIA tennis tournament entrees must be in by next Monday, Sept. 27.'interested participants should sign up on the shee,t on the AMIA bulletin board In the peristyles. Nominations for AMIA officers will be received at the Intramural office until Monday, Sept. 27. The election will be held all day Wednesday, Sept. 29, In the peristyle. The qualification for officers are as follows: president, senior, vice president, junior, secrefary, sophomore. The WAA recently announced that all freshmen and upperclassmen interested in playing tennis should attend a meeting of the tennis club at 3:30 p.m. on the Washington Avenue courts. The club may be moved to the new campus if the members so decide. Also, women who would like to participate in Intercollegiate field hockey should come up to Veteran's field on either Monday or Friday, after 3:00 p.m. This year the team will play such schools as Vassar and Oneonta. V ^ /fh! ** *' fr $£P'&Mi'& *i$»!sji£M?-M SENIOR S E P T E M B E R 34. 1966 Dr. Pad Petit to Advise New Syrian Ambassador * * * * * SENIOR BOB FLICK from Scotia will be the Dane harrier.' number one man when the Munseymen enter their fourth campaign this year. Press Alb SUNYA's Dr. A. Mossin Honored By Japanese Management Luncheon On August 27, the J a p anese Society for the Advancement of Management held a luncheon to honor Dr. Albert Mossin, a p r o fessor at SUNYA for fifteen years and present Chairman of SUNYA's Management Department. The meeting was held In recognition of his "contributions to the Japanese Business Community's understanding of the Import of recent Six Area Colleges Sponsor Seminar On Latin America PHOTOS (for The Torch) changes In Soviet industrial organization and management policies." On accepting the scrbll of honor presented to him by Hideo Tonomura, President of Japan's S.A.M. and Japanese Board Chairman for Esso, Dr. Mossin gave a talk entitled "The Decline of Authoritarian Organization and Management in the Soviet Union." Professor Mossin discussed the transition from Marxist philosophies pertaining to bureaucratic ministers and managerial powers which are causing Soviet managerial policies to become analagous to the Free World. sharing. In 1962 the Soviets Implemented two experimental enterprises along Llberman's plan and later two hundred more. Dr. Mossin pointed out that the pressure of economic demoralization and industrial chaos plus the fact that the Russian workers are now more educated people looking for realization of promise In their Industrial system will not be easily suppressed by reactionaries pushing for perpetuation of discredited Marxist policies. Dr. Mossin concluded his talk by explaining the real significance of the Llberman proposals. One of these is the fact that years ofSovlet Experimentation with a bureaucratic method of management have been, In effect, surpassed by the Free Market System. The second being a reThe State University of New York vealing of a ferment in the Soviet at Albany, together with five other power structure. A reappraisal of area colleges, will sponsor a semthe tyrannical dogma has probably inar on Latin American relations marked the turning point of enchantwith the United States. Dr. Pettit ment with Marx. Finally, the Russian The seminar will begin Monday, ...to brief Ambassador people will have an opening for free September 27. The program's eleven inquiry, humane economic progress, meetings will be held on the Union In 1959-Soviet Economics Profes- and advancing personal security In College Campus. sor Evsey Llberman first proposed peaceful cooperation with other naBesides Union and SUNYA the his ideas to vest capitalistic like tions of the same values. sponsoring colleges Include Siena, managerial autonomy to Individual the College of St. Rose, Russell enterprises and Introduce a profit Dr. Mossin Is also a member of Sage, and Skldmore. Incentive and Indexes which would the Hudson Valley Chapter of the measure enterprise oefficiency. Society for the Advancement of ManSpecialists from different parts The Mitchell Trio, folk song and He felt that this would motivate agement and has just returned from satirist group, will appear In Page of the United States who will speak at the seminar Include Dextar Per- enterprise directors by greater a world trip, and he Is Interested Hall tomorrow night at 7 and 9:15 kins, an authority on the Monroe freedom of management and In profit In starting a SAM In Hong Kong. p.m. Tickets are on sale for $1.50 Doctrine; Dana Munro, a specialist In the peristyles, dining areas, and on United States relations with the at the Student Activities Information Caribbean; and Arthur Whitaker, Desk In Brubacher, author of a book on Argentina. The Trio, comprised of Mike The Living Area Affairs Com- selection committee at Ten Broeck Kobluk, John Denver, and Joe FraAlso speaking will be Herbert mission Is beginning the process of Hall. zler, expresses contemporary feelMatthews, Latin American special- setting up a student Judiciary. This The deadline for submitting ap- ing and thought through the singing ist on the editorial board of the six member group will be known as plications Is Thursday, September" of urban folk songs and satire. Now York Times; and Charles Brln- the Judicial Committee, 30. Their recording of "The John ckerhoff, chairman of the Anaconda The three seniors, two Juniors, Company. The Immediate purpose of this Birch Society" has gained them In some cases, these specialists and one sophomore will be selected committee will be to hear and de- national acclaim. In their latest will be available for lectures at the on the basis of applications. Those cide upon cases referred to it by 1960 album, the Trio laughingly applying must have a 2.0 accumu- students. It will also hear appeals explains the life and world of Individual colleges, "Lucl Uulnes" while lyrically showlative quality point average. of administrative decisions. Dr. John A. Ether and Dr. Bruce All applicants for positions will ing a view of the lanky resident of Applications must contain full B, Solnlck have been selected to th«j Lone Star State, "Long Tall represent SUNYA at the seminar. name, residence, phone number, be given appointments for Inter- Texan," Dr. Carlos A. Astiz of the Center class year, special Interests, Judi- views with the selection committee. The exact extent of power of this The Mitchell Trio has made nufor Inter-American Studies at cial experience (which is not necesSUNYA, who participated In the or- sary), and reasons for desiring the Judicial body will depend largely on merous appearances at various colthe precedents established by tills lege campuses throughout the counganization of the seminar, will also position. These are to be submitted try. to Lauren Kurz, chairman of the initial Judicial committee, attend the meetings, He explained that the Soviet change in policy was made Inevitable by the mid-century technological revolution which caused the formation of a more sophisticated technology, economy, and work consuming population. This, plus the fact that according to the Soviet Economist Abel Aganbegyan, the economic growth rate has fallen by two thirds in the last six years, spurred the Change. Mitchell Trio Plays Page Sign Up at lower Peristyles Booth from 9 a. m. - to 2 p. m. DR. MOSSIN RECEIVES scroll of honor from Hideo Tonomuro at luncheon held in honor of Mossin. He was cited for his outstanding "contributions to the Japanese business community's understandof the import of recent changes in Soviet organization and management policies." With a State Department grant Dr. Pettit spent the past summer In Syria. There, he worked with the National Theatre of the Syrian Arab Republic. He advised the Syrian Ministry of Theatre and National Guidance and helped establish an institute for the Performing Arts. Dr. Pettit helped establish a summer festival of the arts, scheduled to open in Damascus In 1966, and both wrote and directed a version of "An Arabian Night's Entertainment." Prior to this summer, he has been a Fulbrlght Theatre consultant to both Cyprus and Syria. Dr. Pettlt's foreign experience covers much more ground thah Syria alone. He • has visited over twenty countries. In 19S0-51 Athens was his area of operation. While a Fulbrlght teacher there, he directed the Athens Players. In the same year, he studied the national theatre movement In the Middle East and uSWfiNP AMIA FOOTBALL ACTION as seen on a fall afternoon on Vets field. The league will start play on Monday, September 27, with more than seven teams expected to participate in the leaguei Tuesday thru Friday |Th(P> Stoftnonn w i t h fch@l September 21- 24 H a p p y Bh§§<&mnc® WSUA Dial 640 director of the Arena Summer Theatre here In Albany. Through writing and lecturing on theatre history and criticism, he has made many contributions to the literature and understanding in the field of Performing Arts. Dr. Pettit has worked with many national and local artistic organizations and this ssummer was elected to the Executive Board of the American National Theatre and Academy, Milne Instructor Leads Reformers Mr. Daniel Ganeles, as associate professor of educaUon at SUNYA, led the reform movement's slate in their fourth consecutive failing attempt to unseat the O'Connell machine. In unofficial tallies released Tuesday by the Albany County Board of Elections, Ganeles led the reform field by obtaining 29.14% of the vote alderman In Albany's 13th ward. He received 1497 votes to Incumbent alderman Abraham Dorsman's 3740. Patrick J. Amodeo did second best In losing 1317 to 3923 to Joseph H. Elnhorn In a contest for ward supervisor In the 13th ward. George W. Harder, the man who first challenged the O'Connell machine in a primary, lost his third race against an O'Connell man. Harder ran a poor race obtaining only 22.5% of the vote in the newly created 112th assembly district. Harder received only 2,311 votes to Incumbent assemblyman Harvey M. Lifset's 7,956. The weakest reform race was run by Joseph C, McCormick, who ran against incumbent senator Julian B, Erway. McCormick got 2,536 or 11.06% to Erway's 20,396. Judicial Committee Begins Daniel Ganeles ...Leader of Reformers ..'•'.. Frlddfr Sotlawhof U, 1965 AUAWY ITOPIHT W i t t fiei. Leue To Speak To Freedom Council President Collins Appoints Dr. Barry Assistant for Scientific Development President Evan Collins announced this weak a newly created position dealing with the expanding scientific relationships of the rapidly growing State University at Albany; with Its surrounding region. Dr. David G. Barry, professorof biological sciences, who has also bean director of the Atmospheric Science Research Center, Is leaving the latter post to serve as special assistant for regional scientific development in addition to his Instructional position. In this new position, Dr. Barry will have responsibility for conducting staff studies of (fie needs and potential of the' Capital District for scientific and Industrial research and for formulating p|ans for the University's participation in this field. . ; .,<.-:% 5i In' announcing the appointment, Dr. Collins stated that Dr. Barry's work as director of the- Atmospheric Sci- Dr. Barry Speech Clinic Established for State Students ences Research Center has Included identification and encouragement of the new and developing scientific relationships between the University at Albany.and the surrounding academic and Industrial organizations of the region. Dr. Barry holds his Ph.D. degree In Biology from the University of Iowa and has had wide experience which includes the position consultant tor science programs to the office of the president of State University of New York. NOTICES Froth Mooting Bill, laundry ana Anne Digney, guardians of the freshman class, have, .announced that the second meeting of the freshman class will be held today in Page Hall at 1:25. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the possibility of a freshman class dance and to organize the class skit and sing and newspaper committees. All those who signed up for any of these committees should definitely attend, as further meetings will be set up at the time. At the end of the business meeting upperclassmen will lead the freshmen in some of the college songs. Laundry and Digney have planned to hold an informal hootenany for the freshmen on Sunday. Chess Club Chess Club will hold a meeting this Sunday at 2 p.m. In Brubacher Small Dining Room, All interested students are Invited to attend. Registrar Those students whose last names begin with the letters A-E and have not had photographs taken for their ID card may have their pictures taken next Monday and Thursday, September 27 and 30, The pictures will be taken in Draper 043 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. STUYVESANT TOWER STANDS majestically as an example of Edward Durell Stone's genre of architecture. Speech Department Announces Change in Course Requirement This coming Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m., in Brubacher Hall, William Leue, one of the two Albany students sent South this summer to participate in the SCOPE Negro voter registration project will speak at the Freedom Council's first meeting of the semester. Leue, son of Dr. William H. Leue of State's Philosophy Department spent ten weeks with Lance Nelson, a freshman at the University of Chicago, in Allandale County, South Carolina working in conjunction with the local civil rights movement. During the course of their work they were both arrested and are at this time awaiting their trials later this year. The Freedom Council at SUNYA was ohe of two campus organizations that sponsored and worked with last spring's SCOPE unit. It is presently concerned with establishing a slate of speakers for the coming year which may Include juch well known figures as James Farmer of CORE, and Senator Jacob Javlts of New York. It Is also conducting an Intensive recruiting drive. After fifty freshmen indicated interest in the Council's work during Saturday's Activities Day. A large number of them are expected at Sunday's meeting. All freshmen as well as all other members of the University are Invited to attend. Dr. Paul Bruce Pettit, Chairman the student's educational and pro- ALL UNIVERSITY VARIETY SHOW -AUDITIONSIof the Department of Speech and fessional objectives, as well as the Audltions for the All University Dramatic Art, has announced the desires of the student. Varioty Show will take place in the adoption of an Alternate Placement Consent Required Program for the fulfilling of the No student is moved to another main dining room of Brubacher Hall on Sunday, October 3 and Monday, speech requirement. course without his consent. The The program which begins this Chairman of the department must October 4 at R;00 p.m. Anyone Insemester allows the student to ful- approve the committee's recom- terested in working in any phase oi fill his speech requirement by taking mendations before registration with the production should attend auditions or get in touch with either one of the following courses: various administrative offices can Helen Stoll or John Fotla by student Speech 1 (Fundamentals of Speech), take place. mall. Speech 4 (Argumentation and Debate), Speech 9 (Public Speaking), or Speech 16 (Group Discussion). Previously all students were required to take Speech 1. Students with unusual facility anc experience in speech may be totally WHO EVER HEARD OF KETCHUP ON EGG exempted from the speech require* ROLLS? OR SPARE RIBS? OR CHOW MEIN? ment. Students with serious diffiOR S00JA SHRIMP? OR LOBSTER S00NG? culties in speech may meet their requirement by consistent particiNOBODY! HOWEVER, WE DO SERVE A pation on the program of the UniHUGE AND DELICIOUS ASSORTMENT OF versity Speech Clinic. CANTONESE AND MANDARIN DISHES The placement program permits THAT DON'T NEED KETCHUP. WE ALSO all freshmen and under-classmen transfers to enroll in a first or SERVE SPECIAL STUDENT LUNCHES second semester Speech 1 section. FROM 90*, AND DINNERS FROM $1.25. Upperclassmen transfers with an EVERYTHING ON OUR MENU CAN BE unfulfilled speech requirements are assigned to first or second semester PREPARED QUICKLY TO TAKE OUT FOR Speech 9 section. A LATE SNACK OR SUNDAY DINNER. The instructor evaluates the stuTRY THE HOUSE OF WONG TODAY. WE'RE dent's performance after three or four sessions of the class. If it is AT 223 CENTRAL AVE. RIGHT ACROSS thought that the student would profit FROM THE BOULEVARD AND WE'RE from enrolling In another course OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. In the alternate placement group, his name Is submitted to the Alternate Placement Committee. THE HOUSE OF WONG We Don't Serve Ketchup at the House of Wong The Speech Clinic, a function of Rush Committee the Department of Speech and DraRush Committee will give a rematic Art, will increase Its services to the student body this fall. ception for sophomore, junior and Under the expanded program, a stu- senior transfers to acquaint them dent may voluntarily receive clini- with sororities and rushing. It will cal assistance for speech and hear- be held on Wednesday, September 29 In Brubacher lower lounge from ing problems. This assistance may be gained by 8-9 u.m. arranging an interview, after which Commission Meeting suitable therapy will be undertaken. There will be a Community ProThe Clinic Is under the direction gramming Commission meeting Satof Professor Howard Shokler. It urday morning, September 25, at 11 works coordinately with the facul- o'clock In Brubacher Hall. Woterbury Hall ties in Speech Correction and AudloWaterbury will have an open house logy. It Is presently located at 409 on Sunday, September 26 between 2 State Street. Dr. Paul B. Pettlt, Chairman of and 4 p.m. as scheduled. Women's the Speech Department, hopes to en- halls on the Alumni Quadrangle, courage students to use the facili- Pierce, Sayles, Brubacher, and Alties available at the Clinic. In his den will not hold open houses on words, "Frequently one or two Sunday, September 20. These halls Dr. Richard Wilkle Is chairman meetings with the clinician Is all will hold openjiouses at a later date, of this committee. The committee's Tryouts that Is needed to correct a problem recommendations will be based on Directors Paula Michaels and that would otherwise lie a handicap to the student for the balance of his Carol Hiatt announced the Advanced Dramatics group will present two life." Originally the Clinic was estab- one-act plays. Tryouts for both male lished to help speech students with and female parts will lie held on serious difficulties and to serve as Tuesday, September 28, Richardson a laboratory for upper-level grad- 291 and Wednesday, September 29, uate and undergraduate Speech Cor- Richardson 290 at 8 p.m. rectlon and Audlology students. 223 Central Avenue HO 2-3326 While You Were Gone This Summer... Open Your Lambert's Charge Account No interest or carrying charge COURTESY Pakistan invaded India There were riots in L.A. India invaded Pakistan There were riots in Lake George Chick'n G'lore opened its first Albany store CARD Phon.. HI 4-791S Albany, N.w tori • ION IN INK H I M This Cord Entitles You To 20% Off On All Cash Sales (Repairs Excluded) Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Done on Premise! S £ M G « a . ^ 5 « I S / v A 52°, N T 0 EDU CATI0N. IT OFFERS FRIED CHICKEN DINri5L?D$ «?&$ .?u,Jl F R I E D C H I C K E N - FRENCH FRIES, MUFFINS AND 0R TENDER L0IN SPARE mf S M T O ? LvJPMn,?TFSJtl!?,MG ,Lp0D,NNERS " R E IS M 0 R E S LAPIMP rJ?Ab« T U ° A U J S K K / N DELICIOUS THAN A ITOPwop'. C f!^ATfn Jr HA c • A r K A i A N D I T ' S DELIVERED Efi£E ANYWHERE A S AS T S A LBANY) C A L L 0 R LVoRF % H m? J TI S A B 0-V E L A R K 0 P E N 7 D Y CHICK'N FRO JM.11-11. 11 SJ Ini S TnMDELIVERY, PAl cE c^c L HO 3-3233. - WALKINTO: A S A WEEK D iCALL FROM FOR FREE P.S. CHICK'N G'LORE IS EVEN BETTER THAN DORMITORY FOOD! Open eoeningt till 9 Saturday till 6 Editor's Note: The following Is the complete text of the speech given by President Samuel B. Could of State University of New York at the All-University Convocation on September 14. ast of all possible people in the these questions thai I should ilka tutelage. two or three percent of the populabast of all possible worlds. to address myself today, the quesThis brings us to the second tion at any one time. Yd* art Yet in our hearts we know that tions of why the University exists, question which I should like to ex- therefore selected, and ultiwe must give our very life blood, and how, as it develops the attri- amine with you much more fully. mately thethe educated, core of our if necessary, to protect the com- butes of maturity in its students, it The essence of maturity can be society and our hop* for leadership pleteness of the freedom by which simultaneously matures as an In- identified in a statement of Justice in all aspects of life. Such leadera university flourishes and achieves Oliver Wendell Holmes; He said, ship, to be affective, must have an It is a great pleasure for me to excellence. And we know, also, that stitution. t o put the matter simply and "I think that, as life Is action and understanding of how our knowledge Join in this colorful and Impressive we must think carefully about the frankly In regard to the first quespassion, It Is required of a man and our emotions combine to exert occasion and to add my word of elements of freedom and how we welcome to those already offered use those elements, lest we find tion, we are concerned about the that he should share the passion and Influences that strengthen the huexistence of the university because action of his time at peril of being mane conceptions of life and give you. ourselves guilty of equating freeis .the major bastion against ig- Judged not' to have lived." It seems hope to all mankind. And Imperfect The great new campus presently dom with Irresponsibility and thus it and the wellsprlng of ideas to me that our task and our re- as It may be, our system of higher emerging as the home for the State Indulging ourselves and encouraging norance by which civilization progresses. sponsibility to you as students Is education is the greatest single University at Albany is far more others In license. In a democratic society we are to prepare you soundly for such contributing factor to bringing about than a symbol of physical growth. We cannot emphasize too often to the belief that a uni- sharing of the passion and action such influences. It represents in a much more im- these days the necessity for com- committed versity should be free and untram- of our time and to place you squarely • The most satisfying definition of portant way the change this Institu- plete and absolute academic free- meled In its explorations and that In the midst of both even while you education I have ever been able to tion is now undergoing as It moves dom for the scholar and a similar the shadow of thought control should are students. A university education find is a deceptively, simple one toward becoming a major education- sense of freedom for the lay citi- never touch it. Adherence to this is not merely preparation for life; it given by the late Edith Hamilton, al and research center for the Uni- zen. We live In a time when the principle Is the best guarantee we Is life Itself. And In the process of that wonderfully astute and beautiversity as a whole. Its undergraduate clash of Ideologies has shaken the have of the preservation and nurture learning we must embrace life with fully articulate classical scholar. concerns will now be more and foundations of our constitutional be- of our democratic Ideals. its promise, Its dangers, Its occa- Sb* said, "To he able to be caught more augmented by graduate and liefs insisted upon and defended so sional horrors, Its wonders and up Into the world of thought — In Its purposes and programs a professional work. The splendid fiercely by Jefferson and his conits exhilaration, and above that ia to be educated." And to be record of this campus In the past temporaries as well as by many university is a combination of the mystery, all, Its lesson of the continuity of "caught up into the world of thought" will stand It in good stead as it statesmen of modern times. Every timeless and timely. The timeless man's development. --::• means,- in essence, to become a now Increases and expands Its re- decade has brpught forth crises that elements, deeply rooted in the libYou should remember that even mature being, aware and concerned. sponsibility. I have every confi- challenge these beliefs, that tempt eral arts and humanities, achieve dence In the leadership of your us, perhaps in the Interests of tem- fruition through a dynamic perpet- though students like yourselves In One -cannot be a regular Inhabitant president, in the faculty, and In porary peace of mind, to relinquish uation of the classical tradition colleges and universities of this of such a world of thought without the students as you all shoulder a small portion of our freedom to and through the firm retention of land are counted In the millions, having profound and permanent (continued to page 6) your share of such responsibility. believe or to discuss or to explore. those aspects of learning that are you still represent little more than I wish you all well as the academic Ultra-liberals and arch-reaction- linked to the identification and strengthening of humane values. The year begins and pledge you my aries, alike, representing opposite complete and enthusiastic support. poles of political and social philos- timely elements reflect the Impacts of contemporary society and the Tonight I should like to talk about ophy, steadily test our willingness necessity for preparing youth to something that reaches to the heart to adhere to the fundamental prin- meet the urgencies of human need, of your reasons for being here. I ciples of the Bill of Rights. It does both present and future, whether should like you to consider with me not matter that some aspects of the philosophical, social, scientific, or the intellectual life of this campus philosophies of these people may technological. They reflect also the community and what we hope it will be repugnant to us as Individuals. constant and ever-pressing demand bring about both for yourselves and Undur such circumstances we can- that man's knowledge be Increased, not afford to forget that the denial and, as I said a moment ago, that for the institution you cherish. Of course, It is a dangerous un- of this freedom to any person ulti- freedom in the search for truth be dertaking these days to discuss in- mately threatens the freedom of zealously guarded. tellectual life at all. As a nation all of us. If we believe in excelA university motivated to such we show too many signs of placing lence, we cannot and must not per- action and dedicated to such prinlntellectualism and subverslveness mit any corrosion of the spirit of ciples Is a priceless attribute of hand in hand. It seems Impossible inquiry as a value in the free world our society. All of us should never to convince some people Call too and most particularly In America. forget what a power for good Is here The fact that as students you are many people) that one can love his represented, and therefore how escountry deeply, be proud of its his- faced now with the ever-present sential it is that we champion Its tory and achievements, be ready to danger of becoming Intellectuals, continuation enthusiastically. The give his life for it, and still be should cause us to take some no- first lesson of a student Is to learn critical when it falls short of its tice of why we bother to fight for and learn well the nature of the inIdeals or Its promise. There seems the continued existence of educa- stitution to which he belongs. He to be some mysterious comfort for tional Institutions In this country cannot help thereafter but be proud PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AWAITS the seating of the freshmen us to keep repeating to ourselves In view of the sinister reputations of his membership In the unlver- class during the All University Convocation. like Candlde that we are the great- we are prune to acquit. It Is to slty and eager to mature under Its ALL TEXTBOOKS WILL BE RETURNED TO TH BOOKSTORE STARTING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, IBi Due to the confusion, it will take a few days to put everything in order. MAY we suggest that you buy your books TODAY and save delays. Because of a severe space problem, we will not be able to keep books for the entire semester. We will begin returning left-over books in a few weeks. Please be governed accordingly. Books may not be available later in the semester. RETURNS: If you have dropped a course OR the book is defective, you may start returning textbooks to the Bookstore on Monday, September 27, 1965. 'p. p. *d*m4e*t, J*>w«l«rt 111 CMIIOI «tf4 A X . Prlstty, September 24, 1965 You MUST have your drop and add card your cash register receipt. STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Draper Hall 135 Western Ave. Ext. 129 Albany, iV.F. :,ig5sapssfB»»"! •-; W v ' W S . :?i? : H! ; i;. aftPiii i*p,»6!ii ; ; S ; . . ^ , . . , 1 . . : . ^ . . ..-;./..• • ^ E vfi"»^^t#y NriJMtT4^^.Jiw«^»rf.4 tTUWlOWHlr ^ ^»f/-^T i nTi i jf" r *' 'ttmmmmmM fm»i AUAWTITU»JHtPtifri*r-;T i & i i ^ ^ i « p SjidMits Work on New L « d Clear Area for Picnic Sites ' by f l l « n Manning The Faculty-Student Association jjuf chased some 70 acres of farm land last semester. This property will be used for recreational purposes. The exact use of this property Is largely up to the students. Several students have already started working on this new land to prepare It for future student use. During this past summer a student crew Jielpe'd to change this meadow and woodland into suitable land) for picnics, excursions, and some outdoor sports. Some woodland plots have been cleared of excess underbrush. These plots which are separated by about one hundred feet of woods will be made Into more picnic areas. Trails win link these areas and the main area. The students did not do any carpentry work on the farmhouse because carpenters were hired to do this task. The carpenters are now repairing the roof of the farmhouse. Once this job Is finished, the work on the Inside will begin. Student Worker! ^ H /lliP f/^lilllg^ • « « / < • _ OOPS! ... Not Ago in! Poor Planning A time of transition is, in theory, a time of planning. Unfortunately this is nqt always the same. The library is an example of good planning. The change over to the Library of Congress system of cataloging books comes at a good time. To wait until we are on the new campus would be to compound the job and the confusion. The move of Financial Aids from Draper to the Air Force ROTC is an example of bungling. The situation of their new offices is remote from this campus and especially remote from the people who need their services the most. The average person needing financial aid is less likely to have a car than an average student. The reason or reasons for the move are, no doubt, the usual series of generalizations. We would like to hear an excuse for the debacle from whoever let this happen. Sales Tax If there is one issue that will dominate the November election, it will be the popularity of the new state sales tax. This tax is obviously the result of a deal between New York City's outgoing mayor and New York's ever-smiling, still blintz-eating, governor. The sales tax is wildly inconsistent. Text books, as we now know, are taxable; while magazines are not. No industry is satisfied with the definition of taxable consumable supplies and the definition of non-taxable construction or improvement materials. There are many other examples. We feel the greatest injustice is being done to the person collecting and billing the tax. Every merchant dealing with taxable goods is now a New York State tax collector. Each mustspendcountless hours working for Nelson A. Rockefeller without the benefit of the minimum wage. The state itself is unsure as to what it means by taxable and non-taxable items. The State Tax Department cannot answer many of the questions it is being asked. The ASP would like to know if we have to bill our advertisers with the sales tax included. We were exempt from the federal excise tax because we were considered an educational institution. Whether the state will let us continue in this status is still up in the air. We'd like to find out. It may mean a major change in our budget if we must charge the tax. If we end up having to pay the tax, things could change radically. We are not the only organization which is unsure of its status regarding the tax. Business in Albany and the rest of the state often find themselves in the position we are in. We feel that since the state has been unable to do a competent job of extending this tax the state should adopt a method of taxation which it can handle, without drafting every merchant into a special army of Rooky's tax collectors. Albany Student Press E S T A B L I S H E D MAY BY T H E C L A S S O F 1916 IV1B The Albany Studnnt Press s a seriii-w«ol(ly newspaper published by the Student body of the State University of New York oi Albany. Th« ASP office, located in Room 5 of Brubacher Hall at 750 State Street, is open from 7-11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday nights. JOSEPH W. G A L U - JOSEPH S. S I L V E R M A N Co-Edilorl-ln.Chiof E D I T H S. HARDY Exocutive Editor DOUGLAS G. UPHAM Photogrophy Editor RAYMOND A. McCLOA Spor»s Editor MONICA M. McGAUGHEY Advertising Managor J U D I T H M. CONGER Tochnicol Supervisor LARRY E P S T E I N Arts Editor E I L E E N MANNING Senior Editor DIANA M. MAREK Business Manager KLAUS SCHNITZER Associate Photography Editor WILLIAM H. COLGAN Executive Editor SUSAN J. THOMSON Public Relations Editor Desk Editor Ellen Zong Staff Llnfoid White, Cynthia Govdman, Diono Somervllle, Kirslen Hustod Judith Jawitr, C. M. Carson, Sue Chape, Mike Faranell Columnists. • Bruce Daniels, Anne Digney, Ian Loot Photographers.., Cartoonists.- Walter Post, Gory Woods, Too Moon Lee • John Fotiq A l l communications must be addressed to the Editors and should be signed. Nomns will be withheld on request, Communications should be limited to 300 words and ore subject to editing, The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility lor opinions expressed in its columns or communications, as such expressions do not necessarily refloct its views, The students Involved In the summer work were Edward Noonan, Walt Decker, Daniel Burgess, Raymond Allen, Joseph Mahay, John Sturtevant, Richard Slscanass, Charles Davis, and George Drew. With the purpose in mind of using this land for picnic and sports activity the students cleared some sections of the area. They bull several stone fireplaces along the lake shore and others In a cleared woodland area. Work Discontinued Although much work has been done this summer, the area will not be open for student use until proper f a c U 1 U e s w e i n s t aUed. Activity has been halted In the clearing of the to work . . . during the academic year, , . . because students were unabie THE U R G E THRUWAY MOTOR INN Quality Court _ sign is a temporary fixture on the Mohawk River I M E CABIN ON the Mohawk property has been refurbished property recently purchased by the Faculty Student and will be used to house a snack bar and other facilities Association. Dippikiii) Johnston PrecedeNew Land Recreational facilities have been accommodate about thirty people. available to students at SUNYA for F a c i l i t i e s Available some time. Camp Dippikiii was purBecause it Is located in the Adlrchased by the Faculty-Student Asso- ondacks, Dippikiii provides an exciation, with the approval of the Stu- cellent area for winter sports. The dent Association and opened to the camp Is also an excellent "stopping students and faculty March 3, 1963. off point" for ski trips. For spring The camp is located fourteen and autumn recreation, Dippikiii hasi miles north of Lake George, about Its own lake. The tlUe to the land Is held by eighty miles from Albany. When it was first opened, Dippikiii could the Faculty-Student Association, THE OLD FARM house at Camp Dippikiii is situated in deep woodland many miles from the nearest neighbor. The house is situated in rough, uncultivated country, quite the opposite of the recently purchased Mohawk land. The new property is rolling meadows and thin woodland. though the cost of the camp has been replaced by the Student Association. Since the Student Association has not been legally Incorporated, the deed remains in the hands of Student-Faculty Association. Drive West on Washington A v e . u n t i l the e n t r a n c e to t h e N o r t h w a y . H e a d north on t h e Northway for about fifteen m i l e s until t h e T o w n of C r e s cent e x i t . L e a v i n g this exit turn l e f t onto C r e s c e n t R o a d . Go two b l o c k s u n t i l Boyack R o a d and turn l e f t . D r i v e until the end of B o y a c k R o a d and turn r i g h t on R i v e r R o a d . D i r e c t l y across t h e road is Mohawk River Property. At the close of the 1964-65 school year, $62,055.40 was available in the Student Association funds for the development of Dippikiii. Within. the next two years, major conJohnston was left to the Associastruction should begin at the site. tion in a will, and the taxes had Money will be allotted periodically been paid by the Student Association. for upkeep of the camp. Over the past summer It was sold Mr. Blodgett, Assistant Director for $1,500, and after the taxes had of Student Affairs, expressed hopes been paid, the balance was returned that a committee, representing stuto the Student Association fund. dents and faculty will be formed to Overall Plan consider the problems of the deConsequently, the only site availvelopment of Dippikiii, along with able to the University for trips of the Mohawk site. a weekend nature is, at the present Further Information about the time, Dippikiii. It is hoped that tlfe rules concerning the use of facilities site will one day be developed to ,'tl Camp Dippikiii are available in accommodate larger groups seeking the Student Activities Office In Al- recreational facilities In the Adirden. dacks. Camp Johnston Another camp owned by the Faculty-Student Association was Camp Johnston. This site had formerly l$en a girls' camp, and the one tmllaing on the property was erected in the 1930's. Some mention of the land's use for freshman orientation had been made, but the land was not developed. MR. BLODGETT DESCRIBES the extent of the Mohawk property i n t , r , s t e d student. to an in Mohawk Property to Serve As University Area Many students traveling north.on Route 87, the Northway, may have noticed a large conspicuous Thruway Motor Inn, Quality Courts sign on the left side of the road about .2 of a mile after the Crescent Bridge. This billboard is constructed on a piece of the seventy acres of land which the Faculty-Student Association, Inc. purchased last semester. Saturday morning Hollis Blodgett, assistant director of student affairs, accompanied by this reporter and an ASP photograph left Brubacher "Hall - " to <-- visit this future recreational area. He got wildlife. A small flock of ducks The lake bordering the new land off in flight after he acci- Is being cleared of wateroress. on the Northway heading took dently discovered and roused them The State has been working on a toward Saratoga. After a from their resting place. Birds, five year program to eradicate short ride of approximately fish, and muskrats seemed In abun- watercress from the Mohawk River. fifteen minutes, he turned off at the Town of Crescent exit onto Crescent Road. Turning right he proceeded along Crescent Road to the first crossroad In the Town of Crescent and turned right again. Continuing until the end of this road he turned right onto River Road, crossed over the Northway and arrived at 1831 River Road, the exact address of the new sight. Our land borders on the Northway for about a half of a mile. A few acres are situated on the right side of River Road, but the major Perhaps the site could be rented expanse of land Is on the left. The vibrating sounds of carpento other groups for outings or con- ters at work were heard as the entered the driveway. The workmen ferences, and in this way earn part under the supervision of Russell of the money needed for its upkeep. Bedford, superintendent of buildings and grounds, were busy replacing At this time, Dippikiii is a part of sections of the farmhouse roof. Once the work on the roof Is the University's plan for developfinished, interior work can begin. ment of the greatest possible rec- According to Mr. Blodgett, the farmhouse will Include a student lounge reational facilities. and snack bar. The room proposed as the student lounge has one brick wall with a set-In fire place — perfect for cold winter nights. On the other side of the house is the proposed sight of the snack bar. The Faculty-Student Organization, Food Service, will probably 1x3 In charge of this. Behind the kitchen Is a large storage room which has to be completely overhauled because most of the flooring and parts of the walls are worn and rotten. Also leading off of the kitchen is an outside patio bordered by a petunia flower garden. Standing outside on the patio and avoiding the workmen, he was able to look across the field towards the barn, the Thruway Motor Inn billboard, and the Inlet of the Mohawk River. This large field, formerly a hay meadow, sloped down 1o the lake or "lagoon" as Mr. lllodgett named It, State students working at the area this summer have cleared away Ihe hay and kept the field looking like a lawn. The banks along the water were also cleared and several stone fireplaces were constructed. Many other fireplaces were built In other locations within the seventy acres for future use as picnic groves, While Mr. Blodgett walked along the shore he saw several kinds of dance, too. The only animal he actually came In contact with was one frog who lucklessly hopped in front of his path. This reporter tried unsuccessfully to catch it, so Mr. Blodgett did the honors. Carrying It about for several minutes, Mr. Blodgett finally decided to return it to its natural habitat. Before returning to the car to drive to the other side of the property, he stopped to admire the large red barn and beautiful apple orchard next to the house. Next, Mr. Blodgett drove around to the entrance of the Inlet. The old Barge Canal which passed along this route makes an excellent trail on this part of the land. Possible picnic areas were cleared out along here this summer. Mr. Blodgett explained that In the seventy act'os there would be several picnic sites Joined by a trail. FUST . umm When the lake is clear, swimming, boating and fishing could be possible. Also, once travel to the small island. Is possible, recreational facilities could lie established there. Other suggestions tossed around for recreational use of the available land were a golf range, beginners ski slope, hiking or riding trails, and a soft ball area. The opportunity for extensive recreational facilities is equally balanced by the posslblities for academic programs. The proximity of the area offers a large outdoor laboratory or field trip area for many of the sciences. While this acreage has unlimited possibilities there still remains much work to be completed. Unfortunately, groups will not be able to use the area until adequate and proper sanitation facilities have been installed. OsWfcJW •ii m am •* .- ;|&*wiaBi asaisarat) .••_!S»I IX.-9!, •— tttuSfflsVU 1 •im ?< «•*-•• mm •- 1 l ^ a j ft *9 •'«3I1 T •*• s V tfj m >M " ft isjBs^" «KI»5> sf MR. BLODGETT SUGGESTED that this room might be suitable at a student lounge. This end wall is made of red brick with a built-in fireplace. ' S9SJL Convocation •rlawy, lostsssW 24, WIS has been forward, decade by docada, century by century. Today the struggle evidences Itself most dramatically in the efforts of underdeveloped nations In Asia and Africa to lift tbalr people and the total body politic to new heights of possibility. In our own country the most intense effort csntsrs around the Negro and his bid for equality not only under the law but through acceptance In the hearts of man. To achieve a mature attitude toward these movements, one must place them In the framework of history, one must be cognizant of causes and effects, and above all, one must become inbued with the compassion that makes us weep Inwardly when others starve or are Ill-treated. It our own souls are precious to us, so too are the souls of our brothers everywhere in the world. If we yearn for our own recognition and cherish our own dignity, we can do no lass for those less fortunate than ourselves. Education helps us towards this attitude and makes us simultaneously world-conscious and individual-conscious. The philosophy the university adopts in its relationship with individual students has great effect upon whether or not they will accept and champion such an attitude. When the university feels keenly the need to consider the student as an individual no matter how many times he is multiplied, then the latter feels that same concern for those around him and elsewhere. When the university uses rules and regulations Inflexibly and without regard for the human equation, then the student even with his occasional rebellions against such edicts will learn the selfsame habits of Inflexibility. He will tend to think in terms of groups or conglomerations or associations that can be classified and categorized rather than of persons, each with his individual prerogatives and responsibilities, and, most of all, each with a dignity of self that calls for preservation and nurture. This is an Important lesson for the maturing student and the maturing university to learn together. decision yourself. •'changes take place within oneeelf. t h i s awareness of responsibility B Is the function ana t v a o t t t reflects Itself not only in the large duly ol the unlverilty to bring about and small aspects of your personal such changes, sine* they will b* tot life but also In the life of the comdlttUlaUon of all tba classroom munity you share together. Life Is a hour*, the laboratory sessions, the combination of preoccupations: with sympathetic or abrasive personal your own opportunities and probinterrelationships with fallow stu- lems, and with those of the comdents and. teachers, the plays and munity of which you are a part. concerts and lectures, the social And if you wish, you can learn this events, the athletic rivalries, the lesson during your university years. hours of quiet reading and the hour's All around you are the activities of heated discussion — In short, the that weld you into an identifiable residue of Intellectual and •motional entity and give you your own characpower remaining after all the day- ter as a campus. You can adopt to-day experiences have boiled attitudes of apathy and aloofness away. If the right formulas have been toward these, should you so desire. and the willingness on your part make one humble and should lead used which Include suitable propor- If you do, through force of habit to pursue the truth without equivo- to a more comprehensive vision tions of encouragement and pres- you will probably carry along with cation will determine whether or of the universe and the role we sure, the correct balance between you later the same attitudes to apply not you belong in the ranks of play in it. In spite of all we have subject matter and judgments, the to your citizenship responsibilities scholars. And even if you should learned and discovered, man's probproper amount of assistance coupled In the community. Or, out of a fall short and step aside, your uni- lems In his relationship to man rewith a Judicious amount of aloofness sense of belonging, you can give versity experience should give you man the same. This is a sobering when the student tends to become part of yourself and your energies the kind of mature judgment that and deflating thought. dependent, the skillful amalgama- to the task of making campus life makes you realize as a citizen 5. A fifth element of maturity is tion of the contemporary and the more meaningful for everyone. how essential is this freedom of a passion for participation in the constant — given all this, a ma- Whatever talents you have that lend curiosity and freedom of search significant events of life. ture, Independent, Individualized themselves to the general better- on the part of your fellow citizens The truly educated person sees person should emerge. ment are a gift to you and are meant who have chosen to be scholars. his relevance to the world In which to be shared, not to be handled 3. Another vital element of ma- he lives. He understands that he But you may ask, and rightly, what do we mean by a mature to your citizenship responsibilities turity is an awareness of the values shares with others the responsibility for its mistakes and its difficulties. person? What are the elements that in the community. Or, out of a of privacy. Join together to form such a man sense of belonging, you can give I come now to what may seem to As his knowledge and wisdom grow, or woman? If we are willing even part of yourself and your energies some an unimportant factor, but is so also should there grow within for the moment to agree that the to the task of making campus life in reality one of the most difficult him an Increasing urge to be of development of mature people is a more meaningful for everyone. attributes of maturity to capture. help. The mature Individual cannot function of the university, can we Whatever talents you have that lend This is because of the nature, the stand by passively while the Imagree on what makes them mature? themselves to the general better- demands, and the temptations of portant and significant problems of Is it the subject matter they study ment are a gift to you and are meant our modern world. It is a reveal- his community, his country, and his or the people they know or the or- to be shared, not to be handled ing circumstance that as we have world remain unsolved. He knows ganizations they Join? Is it the selfishly. The time to learn the les- created more leisure- for ourselves that even though he himself may sophistication of their social con- son of generous participation and through modern Inventions and so- not have contributed personally to tacts or the worldllness of their constructive support Is now. cial changes, we also have de- the creating of the difficulties, it experience? Does it demand physiIn the awareness of responsi- veloped other inventions and brought still devolves upon him to share in cal stamina or spiritual tendencies, bility, therefore, we find a major about other changes that tend to de- their solution. Otherwise he eventogether or separately? Does it ask step forward to maturity. The stroy our privacy or at least make tually becomes no more than a for callousness or sensitivity, for breadth with which we are able tp it seem unnecessary or undesirable selfish clod. gaiety or seriousness? Does it de- develop and measure our respon- to us. Moreover, in whatever moThe world may indeed be suffermand that youthfulness be cast sibilities Is a key to our later ments of privacy that remain, we ing from many ills, but this is an aside? Is it an attribute of social effectiveness in strengthening a tend to become addicted to hours of exciting, even thrilling time in its consciousness or a religious frame democratic society. aimless occupation largely depend- existence and therefore in ours. of mind or a power to face up to 2. The next element is an unend- ent upon outward stimuli that effec- We are about to make great political material necessities? Is it all or ing curiosity leading to serious tively keep us from using our minds. decisions in our own country. Tresome or none of these? If a major purpose of education Is mendous struggles having social, scholarship. These are all legitimate quesit is a well-worn adage, but a indeed to put us into the world of economic, and ideological overtones thought, then as educated men and are taking place in our hemisphere tions. I can best try to answer them valid one, that a university Is dedThe task of the university, thereby sketching out what I believe to be icated to the search for truth. 'I Ms women we should learn how impor- and on other great continents. Every fore, is to bring about not merely the elements of maturity in our seems a simple and, in many ways, tant are our hours of privacy and day seems to bring forth its own the whole man but what Woodrow society, elements that represent obvious kind of statement with which how insistent we must be upon such new crisis. And every crisis will Wilson called the "wholly awakened what is left or what should be left everyone can piously agree. But I hours. It Is during such solitary be solved only by the active, dedi- man." It is to bring to you as stuwithin your heart and mind after should warn you that In the straight- times that the mature student comes cated, even passionate assistance dents a sense of the action and the having been a member of this aca- forwardness of this belief lies a into his own. A very real test of the of mature men and women of good passion of the time and to give you demic community for four years. power greater than all our man- educated man is what he can find to will everywhere. the maturity to turn such action and And let me say parenthetically that made nuclear weapons. The stub- do when he Is left to his own devices Your educational experience with- passion toward positive and conthese same elements relate not only born Insistence of the scholar that with no gadgets to help him. If I in the University should somehow structive ends. And the first part to the student but to the institution he must take his stand on the search could have my way and could create give you not only the realization of this task is to have you aware that Itself. for truth wherever It may lead him the Utopian university (a completely that these great movements are as of this moment you stand in 1. The first of these elements is is the underlying cause for all the impossible wish on my part), I taking place, but also the eagerness danger of being caught up in the an awareness of responsibility. suspicion, mistrust, and calumny to would urge that every student live to be Involved actively with the world of thought, the world where Many of you come to us at a point which he finds himself frequently alone. This would guarantee that world's dramas, even though your we. think you ultimately belong, else in your experience when your every subjected. His quandary on the one after all his gregarious urges were Individual role Is only a bit part. the University would not have chosen step has been guarded lest you hand is that the world of reality fulfilled, there would be a place to One cannot stand aside from the to have you here. If you truly look stumble, and eager hands have sup- adjusts Itself to the art of compro- which he could retire, shut the major currents of world change and upon this as a danger or even as an ported you lest you should fall and mise: 'hat It can sometimes set door, and be alone with his thoughts, still be fully alive. One cannot even obstruction to your other reasons be bruised. Every rough spot has aside principle for expediency and his books, and his dreams. Out of Ignore the lesser and undramatlc for coming, then ypu should withbeen made easy, every falling has not reap the consequences for a long his reflective moments might come episodes that mark the complica- draw and avoid what is bound to be been excused on the basis of your time; that It need not, if it chooses, creative and imaginative Ideas with tions and progress in the develop- an unhappy experience. But If you youth, every crisis has been met go to extremes. On the other hand, some chance of their being pursued ment of the local community without have even some slight restless stirwith the help of someone, whether however, the scholar knows that the without Interruption. admitting that he Is shirking his ring within you, some still unidenparent, teacher, or other. But by truth never lies between right and The university cannot even come democratic responsibilities and tifiable urge to learn, to think, to the time you leave here, all this wrong and that halfway stations are close to providing Utopia In this squandering his democratic rights. act, and so to be helpful in this will have been changed. Responsi- a delusion. He knows that he can all regard, but It can urge the student It is by no means too early for world to the utmost of your capacity, bilities that arise from day to day too frequently make no predictions to struggle mightily for whatever you to be concerned over the social then there is no limit to your poor week to week will be yours to as to where his search will lead privacy he can achieve. It can help and civic problems of your own tentiality as a scholar and as a shoulder alone or with your peers. him or what the results will be. He him by using more of the facilities communities. It Is not too early for humane being. The world will not condone your knows that he must admit to dis- it has as places for quiet study. you to select those areas of parerrors of omission and commission covering the unpalatable and the There are still times and places ticular Interest to you and to begin In the process of making availindefinitely without forcing you to meretricious as well as the noble to be alone. The student or scholar to determine how you will ultimately able to you the elements of maturpay a penalty. And if you Insist and forthright. He knows the danger need not be antisocial, but he must participate. The eagerness and the ity for yourselves, the Intellectual upon shirking your responsibilities, of curiosity, and he knows also, as guard his meditative opportunities sense of belonging you develop now maturity of the "campus has been you in turn will be forcing a penalty Professor Edmund Morgan of Yale or his Intellectual development will can and will be a major factor In developing simultaneously. For, as upon the world, for you will be says, that a university "is a place be arrested. how large will be the satisfactions I have already hinted several times, shaping it in your own Indecisive where the world's hostility to curmany of the same elements I have 4. Still another element of matur- of life you find eventually. Such just described apply to the univerImage. After all, Individually and iosity can be defied." And Professatisfactions will grow In propority Is a pervading sense of humility. collectively you are tomorrow's sor Morgan goes on with what will sity as well as to the individual. The danger of our arrogance tion to how much you work for The mature university has an awareworld. It is not too early for you to seem to some an outrageous stateothers. Maturity encourages selfbegin to remember this fact regu- ment but which those of us who are grows ever greater In a world lessness, ness of responsibility; It has a zeal larly. dedicated to academic life know is where the pace of scientific and to discover, to be curious, to search technological discovery has accelThe final element of maturity for the truth; it has a commitment Thus the University should and, the only possible point of view. He erated by geometric proporatlons. is 6.that of a recognition of individ- to freedom that transcends any exsays: I hope, will move steadily toward We probe Into space, we search ual worth. pediency or compromise; It must making you Independent and respon"The search for (truth) has the bottom of the sea, we change I suppose that In some ways your be able to explain itself articulately sible. It will urge you to look upon again and again overturned men's attitudes with drugs, we pre- awareness of and belief in the dig- and it must pass on to the world your education as a broad pattern Institutions and beliefs of long dict and accomplish breakthroughs nity of the individual are the core whatever It learns or discovers; It and to take a major role in weaving standing, in science, in rein area after area of knowledge of your education and therefore the is a part of life, not aloof from it; that pattern, It will expect you, as ligion, and In politics. It Is hitherto deemed fantastic. And In true measure of your maturity as It has deep concern for the dignity the weeks and months pass, to make easy enough to see today the exhilarating flush of discovery a believer In democracy. Certainly and worth of the Individual whether decisions and to take the consethat these past revolutions we can, if we are not careful, lose the place and Importance of the in- on the campus or anywhere In the quences for them when they are brought great benefits to our perspective and our sense of dividual form the battleground where world. And Just as the University wrong. It will reply to many of your mankind. It was less easy to values. we find ourselves In complete con- measures you In your development questions with still more questions see the benefits while the There Is a point, however, at flict with communist Ideology. And you as students have the right to rattier than with easy answers. This yet unless this becomes so much a revolutions were taking which we reacli maturity as scimeasure the University as to the is not to say that the University will place, especially If you hapentists or researchers or scholars, part of our education that it is Ignore you, but rather that It will pened to be quite satisfied And that point can and should be eventually part of our very selves toB»Vl,7m"n"^rlly " m a k e8s ae vc l d a nn si look to you to decide for yourself on with the way things were bereached during one's university ex- how easy it is for us to forget or * I toiskWEI,."? u" . " ° the system of study and living that fore. Similarly it Is not alperlence, Kierkegaard Identified Ignore. can afford you the fullest measure have for each of you tonight Is that ways easy today to see that this so well when he said that ma. The history of Western man reof development. It will listen willingthe satisfaction ofascholar's turlty consists In the discovery that veals a steady succession of steps you swiftly become conscious of ly but not indefinitely and not alcuriosity is worth the dis"there comes a critical moment by which the struggle for the Inde- your possibilities. Then you will ways responslvely to your requests ruption of society that may where everything Is reversed, after pendence of the individual and for be wholly awakened young men and that someone else tell you what to result from it," which the point becomes to under- the recognition of his worth has women, the kind America needs so do, for you are now moving toward During these undergraduate years- stand more and more that there is gradually been won. There have desperately, the kind that can comthe age when you should and can bine thought and action and bring occasional reverses in this us contribute more and more to the and perhaps the graduate years to something which cannot be under- been oesn occasional closer To the IdeaTon!* human! follow, the extent of your curiosity stood." Such an awareness can only struggle, but the total movement man in a humane WOI-M frtUf, At»*Hv rruotMT mtss SwjrisaibM 24, I M S Ely Landau's The Pawnbroker' Conveys Message for by Douglas Rathgeb In the motion picture world of today, a world of bedroom farce and cheap thrills, of James Bond, the Beatles, arid Doris Day', It is a rare occasion Indeed, when a film such as Ely Landau's "The Pawnbroker" graces the motion picture screen, as testament to the fact that to a small, brave band of film makers, the movie Is not only an art form, but also. an Important media for serious commentary on our time. "The Pawnbroker" Is a magnificent example of this rare breed of film — one that is meant not to tickle the senses, but to numb them; not just to touch the nerves, but to fray them. Its plot is at once so simple, and yet so very deep — the story of a man who survives one hell only to be caught in another of his own making. Aspholt Jungle The story concerns a Jewish pawnbroker, survivor of a German concentration camp, who makes his place of business In a little cage of a pawnshop In New York's Spanish Harlem, in the heart of the asphalt jungle. The pawnbroker, played brilliantly by Rod Stoiger, has succeeded, so he thinks, in casting all feeling and emotion from his life. Making money in his little pawnshop is all he lives for. and, as he says to his young Puerto Mean helper with a vengeance, "Next to the speed of light, which Einstein said was the only absolute In the universe, I rate money." No Emotion But though the man has erased emotion from his life, he cannot erase the memory of what befell him twenty-five years before — when he saw his young son suffocate in a Nazi death train; when he saw his sister's husband caught and Hied by German hounds as he tried to scale the barbed wire of the concentration camp fence; and when a German soldier thrust his head through a window so he could watch an officer strip off his wife's clothing, Now, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of that ordeal, the memories come back to haunt him, refusing to let him Isolate himself from reality. On the surface, though, he still puts up a good front to those who know or meet him. To everyone he looks as unfeeling as the sea. A social worker (Geraldine Fitzgerald) tries to befriend him only to be told that she is an unwelcome intruder into his life; the Puerto Hican boy seeks his friendship and guidance but receives only abuse for his trouble; his customers, an odd assortment of derelicts, find that their pleas for pity fall on deaf ears. /S.RTS OV B o o k s ! „9 Root of Agony But slowly, subtly, as the picture progresses,the pawnbroker's transition back from emotional Isolation takes place, and, by means of beautifully filmed quickie flashbacks, we are able to see the root of his agony — a memory that has made him despise, all mankind as animalistic and evil. Yet the more.he tries to forget his past, the more it refuses to be forgotten, and the more he finds remindful analogies, in the present — a young woman tries to pawn a ring, and his eyes see a German soldier plucking the rings from the fingers of doomed Jews; he rides in the subway, and he sees a crowded boxcar carrying his family to the concentration camp; a Negro prostitute bares her chest to him to get a better price for a hock piece, and he sees a German officer standing over his naked wife in a back room. Milestone In Cinema Filmed In the streets of New York by director Sidney Lumet, "The Pawnbroker" is a milestone in American cinema. It is a literate, sensitive, angry and frightening excursion into one man's private hell. It is among that small number of American films that has something to say, and says it with truth and dignity. It is not entertaining because it does not choose to entertain, and it Is not pretentious because it seeks to present its subject as starkly as it should be presented. Artistically and technically it is one of the most important films of this or any year. 'University of Utopia Falls Short of Realism Bond Novel (Editor's note: This is a review of the propagation and perpetuation of "The University of Utopia" by Rob- the liberal arts. Professor Hutchlns does attempt ert Hutchings, The University of to establish the value of such a Chicago Press (P.B.) $1.50) university. Instead of reiterating the tired cliches (learning to think, by William Gross or teaching the whole man) which Utopian writing has long been an were unable to meet the challenge of "practical" vocational educaeffective means of pointing out the tion, and permitted the technological deflciences of the established order. society to become the new orthoThe genre forces the author to doxy; Professor Hutchlns tries to place his university in the context laugh us into reform. of an ideal society. "I have no difficulty in Imagining There can be no Utopian univer- a candidate appealing for votes on sity; there must be a Utopia which the grounds that he is rougher and has a university. Speculation cen- tougher than his opponent and that ters on, if there were a Utopia, he does not have any big thoughts what would its university be like? or know any long words." "New methods of wasting time Many of the university functions would be dropped. Doctors of driver and new objects to waste it on are being invented every day. The workeducation would not be needed in California's colleges. Florida State er who previously had only a little would no longer teach circus per- time to get drunk, beat his wife, formers. Oklahoma would not need or go to a burlesque show, now has to continue its college level courses much more time to get drunk, beat In beauty culture. While these are his wife or watch television. No necessary skills, is a university wonder the liberal feels betrayed." the proper place to teach them? Hutchlns book falls short of being a true call to arms. Possibly because It Is not frightening enough. Research Centers The university and the public which Hutchlns also condemns using uni- supports It must be shocked out of versities as research centers. Com- its complacency. Like so many other mon belief is that if a professor Is rational men, Hutchlns will continue working In research, he will be to be Ignored. much closer to what is happening in his field, and be, therefore, abetter teacher. Hutchlns believes the reverse Is true. If he spends all his time on teaching and preparing lessons, how can he be his best on his research? If he does not, how can he be adequately prepared to face a class? So, again, is the university really the proper place for research? Other forms of specialized learning are also attacked. Can journalism, for example, be learned any place but on a newspaper? Then shouldn't the university restrict itself to the academic aspects of journalism, assuming there Is one, rather than the practical? Uses Satire In addition to some reasonably sound logic, Professor Hutchlns uses satire to make his point, "&(Utopla) Is Inhabited by people much like ourselves. Although its climate resembles that of southern California, there Is no other resemblance.—It is a scientific and industrial democracy," Once the university has been stripped of Its non-academic functions, It becomes an institution for by Anns Digney This year, in addition to the four dramatic productions and the one-act plays whichlhe department has traditionally presented, State University Theatre has enlarged its program to include a musical, "Stop the World, I Want to GetOff" and two chamber theatre productions. The musical will be directed by Martin Mann, who worked with Children's Theatre last year and directed the very successful "Red Shoes." Mr. Ross Stephen, who directed a chamber theatre pror duction last year, will direct two more this year. Such an expansion in programming will necessitate added student participation in all areas of production. Freshman Skit The theatre department has always encouraged students of all departments to pursue whatever interest they may have in the theatre. This year a special effort has been made to acquaint the freshmen with the theatre department and its activities on this campus. In addition to newsletters and pamphlets introducing the faculty and proposed year's program, the Dramatics Council has taken a novel step in orienting the freshmen to the field of drama. The members of Dramatics Council working with MYSKANIA will organize a freshman skit. The skit will be written and produced by the freshman class and presented on Parents Day Week-End. Through this program freshmen will meet members of the faculty and Dramatics Council; they will become acquainted with the many facets of theatre production and — perhaps — will find themselves to be an unfound "Hollywood star!!" Lacks Zip by Larry Epstein A poor James Bond novel Is about as subtle as the Jolly Green Giant wduld be in Lllliput. "The Man With the Golden Gun," Ian Fleming's last saga of the adventures of 00? Is, unfortunately, not a very good way to remember Bond. The action is picked up from the preceding novel, "You Only Live Twice" wherein Bond was left amidst flame and destruction after finally killing Ernst Stavro Blofeld. In TMWTGG we learn that Bond was presumed dead (his obituary appeared In the Times and he was considered a national hero) but is, In reality, still Indestructible. Russian Ally He was picked up by some Russian agents who transformed him Into an ally and packed him off to England to eradicate M. His attempts fail and, in order to regain his status, is assigned to assassinate Scaramauga, a gunman who lias worked for Fidel Castro. The deed is accomplished by the end of the book but not before Fleming has put Bond through the usual amount of close jcalls. One of the major faults of the book Is that there Is no island (the sotting is Jamaica) beauty to soothe Bond over the rough spots of his adventure. Mary Goodnight, his old secretary, is the female protagonist In the book but she is not a James Bond girl, i.e., she is not an abnormal human being who gets back in step with humanity after encountering Bond. Instead she is an efficient secretary, a good conversationalist, a willing listener, but not a suitable companion for the likes of our hero. PICTURES DONE BY Students are being displayed in Draper Gallery. rarfffrllCftlinno September 24 Art in Science Albany Institute. Dr. Victor Danllov, The Creative Community 8:30 p.m. September 25 Pops Concert. The Mitchell Trio, Page Hall 7 and 9 l l 5 . September 29 Science! A Creative Discipline. American Association University Women tour of Art* In-Science. Albany Institute, 8i00 p.m. Before the Murder Francisco Scaramanga, the man with the golden gun, is a good creation thai doesn't come off, Scaramanga, parenthetically, requires wild sexual activity before committing murder. There are hints of good writing sprinkled through the novel, but compared to such superior Bond sagas as "From Russia With Love" or "Live.and Let Die" this work is lust about unreadable. Despite this the book will be ready by all those people who wish I September 28 United States Marine Band, Si IS p.m. RavonaCoeymans-Selkirk School Gym. Through September Mary Jo Suksdorl One Man Show Mechanics Exchange Savings Bonk. Name and Number to be able to, In the proper crowds, compare and contrast their views of Bond, whether they think he is an extension of the contemporary alienated man, or is a literary joke, or really exists. Fleming's imitators have so far been unsuccessful, Yet with a finite number of Bond book the reading public will look for a replacement. Whatever happens James Bond has left both his name and number to the literary world. i ftHey, % t M * w 34,INS AHAMY ITUDIHT l * t t t SSfiJL A jftyVieto of Sports • y Roy McCfoot [A F r e e P r e s s , ) Three items of extreme importance, will take place in the following three days, anil the outcome of these events will go a long way in determining the general fall sports picture at Albany this year. These events are the first varsity soccer and cross-country encounters and the kickoff of the AMIA football program. ; The soccer and cross-country teams a r e suffering badly from lack of seasoned competitors. Both squads will be relying largely upon relatively untried p e r sonnel and that alone is enough to make any prediction completely hypothetical. Coaches Munsey and Garcia are well aware .of the task they face, and both have been trying for weeks now to establish the best possible lineups they can compete with tomorrow. The competence of the coaches and the spirit of the players a r e there; but being pessimistic by nature, all we can do is wish the two teams the best of luck. The soccer game i s home.non Vets Field, at 2:00. A large turnout never hurt any team, but it would be interesting to see if it would at Albany—catch?! On Monday, September 27, the AMIA football season is slated to begin, With cautious optimism and r e served high hopes, we look forward to seeing the league swing into what we believe can be its finest season in a number of y e a r s . Eight teams a r e entered in the "big league" — with the five Albany fraternities each entering a team. There a r e two dormitory teams and one independent squad. Early reports indicate that each team has had a large turnout, and the enthusiasm felt in conversations about the upcoming season is unparalleti in recent y e a r s . Eight teams, all five fraternities, large turnouts, unmatched enthusiasm—almost too good to be true! Seriously, the pre-season indications all point toward a highly successful and very rewarding season for the AMIA football league, and no organization deserves it more. It is our sincere hope that the officers selected in the AMIA election next Wednesday will take full advantage of the participants'exuberance, willingness, and cooperation to effect an efficiently run and well coordinated season. One such successful season could lead to a successful year, which indeed would be an a s s e t to State's athletic department. Well, if you get a chance, stop by Vets Field on Saturday and Monday; it'll be s o r t of like reading a book—"Making of a Sports Season-1965." AFree University (2Z A L B A N Y 3 . N E W YORK A STATE PLAYER and an unidentified opponent seem to be frantically trying to locate the ball' in a contest last year. The Danes open the season tomorrow at home against Quinnipiac. Off ' "•> <M \\\ nilil El A / B / I ml 1D LMSMBLMI ^B l*tfl HHflL^KitV J Tom Robinson Booters Open Season At Home Tomorrow The Albany State Great Dane soccer team will take the field for the first time tomorrow against Quinnipiac in a home game on Vets field at 2:00. The Dane booters wind up three weeks of pre-season workouts today as the team prepares for tomorrow's contest. The Danes will have a week layoff after tomorrow's Captain Udo Guddat says that the team has "an awful lot of hustle" and could possibly overcome the apparent lack of depth with it. Guddat further . commented that the team, at present, seems to be stronger offensively than last year's team; however, the senior forward In scrimmages with Williams and said that the defense Is still a little Robinson, State's all-time cross- Union during the past week, Garcia slow in getting the ball upfleld, thus country great, learned little about constantly was substituting into the slowing down the offense a bit. the time potential of his runners lineup, giving all of the players a The State booters did not play from the trial run, as the lead five chance to gain a position. Quinnipiac last year, and very little took a wrong turn and shortened Is known about the Connecticut the course considerably. NevertheThe team looked quite disjointed school's team. less, he Is confident that the Dane at times during the scrimmages, The starting lineup for the game yearlings will do well In tomorrow's often due to lack of an organized tomorrow will probably contain five meet with Montclair. front. This could possibly be at- sophomores and one transfer. tributed to the short time with WAA News Montclair Is a perenially power- which the members have been playThe WAA inter-dorm volleyball ful cross-country school. In last ing together. Only five lettermen year's meet, won my Montclair, the are back to lead this year's cam- and soccer teams are being formed; soccer will be on Tuesday and New Jerseyltes placed runners In paign. Thursday at 4:30 and volleyball on the two through five positions, all trailing State's Joe Keating to the Last year's soccer team posted weekdays, around dinner time. All Interested girls should sign wire. a 4-5-1 record, and this year's team will undoubtedly have a tough up with their WAA dorm representatives. The purpose of the interThe frosh have several top-notch time in matching It. This year's squad, missing eight possibly be a big surprise for thehigh school performers. The top dorm system is to provide for orof the ten runners who completed so Danes. He, too, has looked good in two runners, Mike Atwell of Herganized recreation not high comsuccessfully last year, Is not quite the practices. petition. kimer and Don Beevers of CoblesIn as good shape as coach Keith kill, placed high In the top 10 of Munsey would like it to be. Co-captain (along with Flick) Ken a state-wide cross-country run held Kirik will be attempting a come- In Cobleskill last year. The number one runner for the back after being hobbled by Injuries Bill Mathews of Colonle Is the Montclair meet will be sophomore all last year. He should be fourth city mile champ with a 4:35 clockJoe Keating. Keating from Glens man tomorrow. ing. Paul Breslin of Blnghamton has Falls won seven of eight dual meets The fifth and sixth spots see Bob recorded a 4:33 mile and a 2:01 the freshmen competed In last year and has been looking very impres- Mulvey and Jerry Baker battling half mile. sive in early season workouts. Dave Leaf of Hudson Falls is the it out. Baker has been missing half mile champion of his high Senior Bob Flick has been slow rounding into shape, nothing new practice this past week due to a school conference. Carl Shepard and Carl Spring are also possibilities for the Scotia lad, and he should foot Injury. for the traveling squad. be in top condition In a week or two according to Munsey. He will run The race will bo five miles long. Robinson added, "They could out of the number two slot tomorrow, Montclair lias its four top runners back from last year as well as at catch on. They have a good attitude and I wouldn't be surprised if thoy Newcomer Paul Durbln will be least four outstanding frosh from could go up. It's definitely a good State's third man, and he could last year. team." .Frosh cross-country coach Freshmen Runners Impress Robinson game. The State booters are still suffering from lack of veterans as coach Garcia is frantically trying to e s tablish a starting lineup. Harriers in Tough Meet A d YAMAHA n good MOTORCYCLE Fine's Auto Sales 1025 Central Ave. DON'T LOOK NOW, FELLER, but the ball just took off. A c tually, the player is throwing the ball in over the sideline. Phonographs ASP Stereos * * * * * Hl-Fi's REPAIRED Phonograph Needles Replaced * * * * * STATE'S FROSH RUNNERS or. wall up front in a quadrangular moot hold lost sooson. Tho varsity and frosh open thoir season tomorrow with an away moot with Montclair. Alb B L U E NOTE SHOP 153 Central Avenue Open E v t i i . except Saturday Press SEPTEMBER 28, 1965 MYSKANIA Begins Screening Candidates For Supreme Court VOL. LI NO.27 Central Council Meeting Organizes Committees MYSKANIA is accepting applications from students Interested in running for Central Council held its first meeting of the year the Supreme Court. The Thursday night in Brubacher main dining room. Dur- , Court will consist of four ing the meeting the procedure selecting Who's Who seniors, three juniors, and candidates and the different committee assignments two sophomores. was discussed. The deadline for students wishThe session began with Thompson'toea' entertained a mol ing to apply is Friday, October 1 a S h o r t w e l c o m e b a c k Hon to establish a committee to at 5 p.m. Applications are availspeech by Richard Thomp- instigate the roio graduate stuable at the Student Personnel Office In Draper 110 and the Student Activison Prpsfdpnt nf fpntral d e i , t s s h o u l d F'ay in student actlvities Office in Alden Hall. son, president ot Central t l e s . T n e c o m m i t t e e w o u l d p r e p a r e All applications are to be returned C o u n c i l . D u r i n g t h e s p e e c h a report and make recommendations to these same places. A short recess was taken while The list of approved candidates he said he hoped the coun- "the>eetsiation is needed, council awaited the arrival of will be submitted to Central Council Robert Mauer, an agent of the New oil would have a productive year. which will then elect the members York Times. Mauer sought approval of the court. He nominated Frank Crowley to for his soliciting subscriptions from This Judicial group will be the fill the position of parliamentarian students for newspapers, supreme Judicial body under the The newspapers would be sold at pro tern until a permanent parlianew governmental setup. They will mentarian could be found. The coun- cheaper prices than newstands and PRESIDENT RICHARD THOMPSON of Control Council conassume the Judicial functions precil voted unanimously to accept would be mailed to the student. ducts Thursday's mooting during which tho Council organised viously held by MYSKANIA. Crowley. After short deliberation, the its various committees. In the foreground is the council's vice Individuals applying for the posiCouncil unanimously approved of Who's Who tions as judge need to have a 2.5 president, William Murphy, and in tho background the parliaMauer's enterprise. Vera Komanawskl explained the accumulative quality point avermentaran pro tern, Frank Crowley. procedure for selecting candidates age. A person may not serve in for Who's Who to the Council. The "any duly recognized and/or e s process Is the same used by Senate. tablished organization of Student Association" while he Is a Judge. Students interested in having their There is also a restriction against names placed on the ballot would a Judge serving on the board level have to fill- out an activities sheet. or above within the governmental President Evan R. Collins lis to the'process "of InCandidates should have a 2.0 cumustructure. viting the Student Association to nominate students to lative Index and have participated Communications Commission reCandidates for appointment are in student activities. named Henry Madej of "Campus expected to provides lists of their serve on the subcommittees of the undergraduate Viewpoint" as Its permanent chairactivities and significant contri- academic councils. A Who's Who committee chaired butions to the University. by Jack Kenny would screen the ap- man in its first meeting Saturday This was revealed on WSUA's regular Sunday night Candidates are also expected to plications and submit It to Central morning. David Hughes of radio station WSUA was named as vice chairCouncil for approval. be able to Justify their reasons for interview show with Vice President Clifton Thome man. as featured guest. believing themselves qualified. optlmlslm as to the arrival date of A motion was made to accept the S.A. President Richard Thompson the checks. Any full time student who Is memThe students will serve procedure, and It was unanimously was present at the meeting and ber of one of the three classes af- with faculty and adminisaccepted. General Comments spoke to the members of the need fected may apply. There is no reHe expressed doubt that the conon committees for immediate and positive action Committees quirement for service either at this tration ditions of housing and busing have In setting up guidelines for caminstitution or in this governmental dealing with academic Following tne vote, Thompson anhad any effect on students choosing nounced the various committee as- pus publications. system. standing, admissions pol- this college. signments. He also discussed what The MYSKANIA recommendations icy, curriculum, and honThorne stated that his position the first business of the committees concerning the "Torch" and its o r s and independent study. as Vice President is very different would be. editor, Steve Curti, were discussed, from his former position as Dean Solicitations Committee will work but action was postponed when Thorne pointed out that this move of Students. He summed up the dif- on drawing up a policy which would Thompson Indicated that MYSKANIA ference by stating that a dean acts Professor George Rickey's lec- is part of a long range move which "to" the President while a vice be administered In regard to ped- planned to revise Its proposals. ture on "Modern Trends In Sculp- has included students In more phases president acts "for" the President. dling on campus. The policy would The committee will meet again have to be approved by the council. at 1:25 p.m. on Friday, October 1. ture" will begin Art Council's pro- of the University administration. He The session ended with Thome's added that students will not particiFinance Committee and Election At this time It will begin the work gram this year. that the WSUA program Commission will also draw up slmRickey, a professor of art and pate in questions Involving charges statement formulating criteria for recogrepresented the type of communica- 111 ar policy statements for their of sculpture at Rensselaer Polytech- against individuals or confidential tion nizing new communications and that Is needed on this campus. records. areas. nic Institute, is a noted sculptor. Judging existing ones. Several of his works are presently University's Role displayed In various museums and galleries, notably In the Albany area. In answering a question on the Rickey's lecture, which like all role of (he University In taking care the lectures planned this year by of student, he said that his office Art Council, is open to the general is the responsible for the "total welfare public as well as the student body, of the student body." faculty, and staff. This lecture will be delivered Bj30 p.m. Wednesday, The next question, asked by Mr. October 13 In Brubacher lower John Rellly, English Faculty, lounge. brought the response that Albany Themo for Year encourages students lo think for Art Council's theme for this year themselves and to handle Ihelr own Is "Revolutions in the Twentieth affairs. Century." All the art shows to be presumed by the council and each The apparent contradiction was of the four speakers who have toen cleared by Thome's statement that invited to deliver lectures this year the Uiiivorslty assumes the position will deal with some aspect of this of the parent onlv in those situations theme. when there Is genuine necessity, Allen Knprow, known best for his controversial art Happenings, which Bus Striko have toon produced off-Broadway In the past few yours, will discuss tho He said that Ills office had parpsychology behind and tho problems ticipated In the strike talks between encountered in directing a produc- the bus drivers and United Traction. tion of hupponlngs In art. As of Sunday night, the union and Kaprow is currently occupied In management had agreed to continue writing a book on his experiences service to the students during the In the theatre with particular ref- strike, erence In his Happenings, Pop Artist & Crime Tho Vice President asked for stuA pop artist, William Accorsl, dents to understand that the checks will present a program of animated from state and federal loans are sculpture In the form of a play. Ills "Steam George and the Dragon" work," tle° added thatt6|nos7studem S E V ' ! * * 1 ! : . B . i E . S , D B N T S A T , h # n # W e q m P U * f a k # a b , , o l < d u r l n » Sunday's optn houso to hold a "hootonoutside. will be presented in March. disappointment Is based on baseless a n B ' ' President Collins to Name Students to Academic Units Ait Council Begins Series of Lectures Commission Work Includes Writing Media Guidelines