Matnen Post 4-7 Monaco Top Individual

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Tussfcy, March », 1W5
Matnen Post 4-7 Slate;
Monaco Top Individual
A F r e e Press,.|
A Free
T h e State Matmen opened up the
s e a s o n with a home victory over
Brooklyn Poly, 2-115. Newcomer
Dick Saymanskl scored a pin In h i s
first varsity match.
On D e c . 12 the grapplers won
their s e c o n d consecutive match, an
1 8 - 1 4 win o v e r Falrlelgh Dickinson
U n i v e r s i t y . Albany had three pins
In that contest.
T h e matmen then dropped their
next three m a t c h e s , bowing to Montd a l r 2 7 - 3 , Oneonta 1 9 - 1 1 , and
Plattsburgh, 16-13.
The P e d grapplers bounced back
t o s c o r e a 2 0 - 1 0 win over Hobart,
a s State captured s i x of the nine
Bent Boston College
On F e b . 6, (State) toppled p o w e r ful Boston College, 2 2 - 8 . In that
match Albany rolled to a 19-0 lead
before BC s c o r e d a point. Monaco
and L e e Comeau s c o r e d pins for
Albany. The Staters won s i x of the
nine weight c l a s s e s .
Oswego State hosted the Ped g r a p p l e r s on Feb. 13, and gave the team
Its worst beating of the year. O s w e g o captured eight of the nine
c l a s s e s and drew In the other, en
route t o a 2 9 - 2 triumph. Only L e e
Comeau s c o r e d for Albany.
The matmen traveled to R.P.I,
on F e b . 24 and dropped a l 5 - 7 c o n t e s t . Monaco w a s the only winner
for State, a s Ron Smith and Howie
M e r r l a m both drew with their o p ponents.
In the last contest of the s e a s o n ,
the grapplers bowed to Brockport,
2 3 - 8 , in an away contest.
Albany State frosh cagers
T h e
closed out the season Thursday
night with a l o s s to Albany Junior
Collge, 7 6 - 7 2 , in an away. game.
The previous Tuesday the frosh
w e r e trounced by Williams C o l lege, 99-68.
The P e d s couldn't cope with Wil- THE 1964-65 VARSITY wrestling team: (left to right) D. Rcbelotto, L. Comeau, H. Merriam, R. Smith,
l i a m s ' height a s the winners had D. Szymanski, T. Kosnig, J. Smith, (kneeling) E. Monaco, B. Verrigni.
four s t a r t e r s taller than Albany's
tallest p l a y e r s .
Al-Opponent Team Frosh Bow to Cobleskill
End Season at 5 - 4
In Friday's match against Cobleskill College, the
The s c o r e at the half w a s 47-28
A s it d o e s e v e r y year after the
and William's increased i t s lead
by 12 points In the second half. final g a m e , the State basketball team
s e l e c t e d an all-opponent all-Star
In the Albany J r . College contest, t e a m . T h i s year the m e m b e r s of
the frosh were plagued by a weak, the team a r e Harvey P o e , Univerdefense. Mike Daggett tallied 27 s i t y of Buffalo, Steve Halen, Ithaca
points to pace the winners while C o l l e g e , T o m Chapin, Plattsburgh
Gordle Sutherland l e d State with State, Ralph Bucclnl, Southern Con25 points. T i m Jursak had a hot necticut University, Bob Gleason,
night from the floor, hitting on Montclair State, and Rich Kohler,
eight of 10 shots to s c o r e 16 points. Oswego State.
Tom Carey paced State with 17
P o e and Chapin w e r e unanimous
points and w a s followed by Larry s e l e c t i o n s . The c h o i c e s w e r e made
Marcus with 14 and Sutherland with by the p l a y e r s immediately after
the Central Connecticut game from
The freshmen wound up the s e a - a l i s t .of p l a y e r s drawn up by coach
son with a 9-11 mark.
" D o c " Sauers.
* * * * *
* * * * *
Albany freshman wrestling team was defeated by a
score of 16-13. The match seemed to be an easy State
victory as the team won three of its first four bouts to
take an 11-3 lead. From then on, however, the Staters
were only able to score a tie.
two d e -
decision to a more experienced
0b skl
cisions and a forfeit to , n5 'f " *"»««». %™!"* ^
, ,
177—Tim Ambroslno (A) tied Bpb
score loss
a comeback
gave the_
grapplers a fine 5-4 r e c ord for the season.
The run-down on the individual
bouts i s a s follows;
123—Bill Clark (A) pinned Rick
Wright (C) In 7:15 of the third
period, after leading the bout 5-0.
1 3 0 - B U l Vroman (C) took 5-1 d e c i s i o n from T o m Guilfoyle (A).
137—George Gavagin (A)out-pointed
Doug Bellinger (C), 6 - 2 , scoring
three points in the final period.
•147—Paul Rosenstein (A) brought
the match s c o r e to 11-3 in a e l o s e
9 - 7 decision over Robert Woodward (C).
157—Don Allen (C) edged Tom Cunningham (A), 3 - 1 , a s Cunningham
fought 10 pounds over h i s normal
w r e s t l i n g weight.
1 6 7 - P e t e Nichols (A) l o s t a 5-0
was wrestling with an injured arm.
Unl. Andy Mathias (A) forfeited h i s
bout to Doug Center (C), due to a
sprained ankle.
Here i s a review of the frosh
wrestling s e a s o n :
State 8
Orange County 26
State 18
Falrlelgh Dick. 14
State 26
Rockland C.C. 6
State 17
Montclair 9
State 23
Cortland 9
State 10
Oswego 41
State 13
Union 21
State 19
R . P . L 15
State 13
Cobleskill 16
SUA Fencing
On Saturday, March 6, the SUA
fencing team held i t s annual intrasquad match, with Robert Tamm
copping first place and Tom Hladik
capturing second.
In one of his rare appearances
near campus, Dr. Evan Collins,
President of State University of
New York at Albany, will p a r t i c i pate in a discussion at the Golden
Eye tonight at 9:15 p.m.
The program will consist of a
panel discussion about the University. The topics will range from
the role of the president and h i s
duties as president to the functioning of the University in loco
parentis (playing the role of the
Questions of education
policy in the University will a l s o
be considered by the panel.
Other m e m b e r s of the panel a r e
Tim Atwell, M r s . Elizabeth Webre,
Alice Katz, moderator, Guy M c Bride, and Ton! Mestor. The panel
met with President Collins Wednesday and decided on what topics
would be discussed.
After the panel debates the topics
in question, the discussion will open
to the floor and students will be
able to ask any questions that are
relevant to the topic.
now a t
Sfc ***
Albany, N.Y.
Final Statistics on Varsity Hoopsters
913 1643
0'Donovan 22
D. Zen
B. Zeh
Constantino 14
NO. 9
The Provisional Council, in its
second official meeting Tuesday
night, appointed. 10 people, the balance of its membership.
As provided In the S. A. Constitution, these appointees were chosen
as representatives of five areas of
university life.
Those appointed to the Provisional
Council from living areas were Ed
Brovarskl, Margery Pasko, and Judy
Riley. From community programming Robert Peterson, Diane Sommerville, and David Schenck were
appointed. Richard Thompson was
designated as the respresentatlve
for academic interests.
As representatives from communications, Ronald Campisi and
Gary Splelmann were appointed. Finally, Eleanor Diener was appointed
as the delegate from religious interests.
In its first meeting Sunday night,
the Provisional Council voted to
Johnston's decision to withhold the
results of last week's school elections. At Tuesday's meeting, Election Commissioner Roberta Joslln
explained why the tabulated results
have not been made public.
When it was pointed out to Miss
Joslln that the S. A. Constitution
gives the Council the power "to
provide for the election and tabulation of all Student Association and
class elections," she replied that
she still refused to turn over the
tabulations to the Provisional Council.
It was then moved and passed that
the Council refer this matter to
In other business, Debby Friedman was appointed temporary chairman of finances, to handle the February budget reports and to deal
with any emergency allocations (with
the Council's approval) which might
be requested.
FROSH GRAPPLER Pete Nichols about to roll his opponent
over in his 167 pound match en route to an 8-6 triumph.
Collins-Panel Dialogue
To Deal With Campus
In Ills speecli he will emphasize
the changes that have taken place
In regard to Slno-Soviet relations
s i n c e the d i s m i s s a l of Khrushchev,
The program Is sponsored by F o r um of politics.
Schwartz i s a member of the
12, 1 9 6 5
Council Appoints
10 New Members
Schwartz, the
'New York T i m e s " specialist on the Communist
Block, will speak today on
"The New Triangle of
World Politics: Washington-Moscow-Peking," in
Page Hall at 1:25 p.m.
PEACE CORPS REPRESENTATIVE hands information on ope.ations to an interested student. They w i l l be in front of the bookstore until Tuesday.
Summer Planning Sessions Seek
Student Assistants to Orient Frosh
in D r a p e r
Planning Conference
Harry Schwarti
....To Speak in Page
now b e i n g accepted
Robert B. M o r r i s , Associate
and C o o r d i n a t o r o f
that t h e r e a r e o p e n i n g s
at l e a s t 8 qualified students.
Under this new program, groups
P l a n n i n g ° ' WO-160 entering freshmen come
, ,.
to Albany during the summer for
C o n f e r e n c e i s t h e p r o g r a m t n r e e d a y s ot t e s U n g _ c o u n s e ] i n g i
w h i c h w a s i n s t i t u t e d l a s t and orientation.
Student a s s i s t a n t s would live with
y e a r to r e p l a c e t h e F r o s h
the freshmen in the residence h a l l s ,
W e e k e n d m e t h o d o f f r e s h - each assistant being responsible for
about 20 freshmen. They would p r o men orientation.
vide Informal counseling, a s well
as leading two formal group d i s •cussions.
Times9 Communist Expert
To Speak on Sino-Soviet
Draper Hall
135 Western Av*.
Frosh Hoopsters
Drop 2 Contests
champion grappler Brian
The,Albany State varsity wrestling team compiled a
4-7 record this past season in one of the toughest
schedules a State team has ever encountered, The
'team was hurt by lack of depth and experience, as only
three of the top nine wrestlers a r e seniors. The top
wrestler was again Gene Monaco who lost only one
Monaco finished up with
a 1 0 r i slate and an overall record of 31-2, a new
mark for career wins. His _ _,
only loss came in a match
With O s w e g o w h e r e M o n a c o
" T i m e s " Editorial Board and Is the
Editor of Soviet Affairs. He received
his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. from C o lumbia University where he was
elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
State Department
Schwartz served the federal government In tlie State Department
Division of Soviet Intelligence of the
Strategic Service (O.S.S.), the f o r e runner of the Central Intelligence
Schwartz a l s o was on the War
Production Board and In the D e partment of Agriculture.
He has written six books on Russian history, politics, and economics
with many of them published In foreign languages. Ills book, " l l u s s i a ' s
Soviet Economy," has been the d e finitive work on the subject and was
used for many y e a r s as the standard American University test on
that topic.
He i s an extensive traveler and
has been in the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe a s well as through
Latin America.
Quoted Many Times
Schwartz has teen quoted many
t i m e s and was once denounced by
late Soviet leader, Nlkita
Khrushchev. After the incident b e tween him and Khrushchev In which
he was blasted, Khrushchev made
a, public statement confessing that
lie w a s wrong about him.
Bureaucratic Help
Among the other responsibilities
of the student a s s i s t a n t s a r e to
help with various bureaucratic d e t a i l s , such a s preparing packets,
a s s i s t i n g with registration, and
helping individual students to p r e pare their fall schedules.
A social program will a l s o be
planned for the frosh, In which the
student a s s i s t a n t s will lie involved
to a great d e g r e e . Informal d a n c e s ,
volleyball g a m e s on the quad, and
a bus tour of the New Campus and
the city of Albany marked the p r o grain last year.
Aside from their duties with the
prospective freshmen, the student
a s s i s t a n t s will evaluate various a s p e c t s of the program, as well a s
tabulate the evaluations which the
frosh will provide. The evaluations
last year showed a high degree of
satisfaction with the program, and
proved quite valuable In planning
this s u m m e r ' s activities.
Work Juno Through August
The students s e l e c t e d will lie e x pected to attend a training s e s s i o n
from June 21-20. They will then
work at the conferences from June
27 to August 15. All a s s i s t a n t s r e ceive room and board. In addition,
students working for the first year
will be paid $350 while students In
their second year will receive $400.
• Application should be made a s
soon a s possible to Dr. Itobert B.
Morris in Draper 10B. The letter of
application should include a listing
of university a c t i v i t i e s , community
a c t i v i t i e s , cumulative a v e r a g e s , a
description of the student's e x p e r -
Dr. Robert B. Morris
...Coordinates Conference.
ience in working with groups, and an
explanation of what the student f e e l s
he can contribute to the program.
Two university r e f e r e n c e s must
also be Included. Notification of a p pointment will be made on or about
April 15.
Program Changes
Although final plans have yet to
be formulated, Dr. Morris explained
several changes which will be made
in this year's orientation.
One major feature will be a c o l lection of "original c r e a t i o n s " of
tu [/age 1)
Tower Burns
Fire swept the eighth story of the
dormitory tower of the second d o r mitory complex on the New Campus
early Thursday morning, The fire
was preceded by explosions which
shook the area. Flames roared out
of control for hours, a s firemen
were unable to reach the source of
the fire. No one was reported hurt.
The entire quadrangle i s unoccupied, and was not scheduled for
completion for another year, The
eighth floor had teen poured on
Wednesday, Butane and kerosene
heaters were being used to keep the
concrete warm as temperatures
w e l U ^ j , ^ , , h e r,.eei,lng p o l n t i T t l e
heaters were blamed for tho e x p l o quickly,
a n d l h B m . e wt,lc|,
through wooden forms and
The purpose of the discussion I s
to Increase understanding of the
various parts of the University r e garding powers, rights, r e s p o n s i bility and attitudes on the different controversial i s s u e s confronting the University.
The next program of the Golden
Eye will be Friday, April 2. The
program will feature m e m b e r s of
the IFG and p r o f e s s o r s who will
explore censorship of m o v i e s .
The panel will contain three m e m b e r s of the IFG, Paul Jensen, A r thur Loder, Ian Leet and Dave
Hughes, and three faculty m e m b e r s , Mr. Harry Staley, Dr. Robert
Donovan and Dr. Arthur Lennig.
Dr. Lennig i s a professor at Siena
College and founded IFG when he
was a student at State.
University Receives
Grant for Library
Summer Institute
Over $33,700 has been awarded
to Albany State by the United States
Office of Education under provisions
of the National Defense Education
Act. The funds will support a s i x week summer Institute for forty
school librarians currently e m ployed a s directors of l i b r a r i e s , or
preparing to enter such employment.
The institute i s one of three federally supported programs In New
York State and one of twenty-six in
the nation. The other two programs
in the state are at State University
College at Geneseo and at Queens
Six-Week Session
Scheduled to be held at the New
Campus from July 5-August 13, the
institute Is designed to examine
current trends in education such a s
new teaching techniques and patterns
and to a s s e s s the implications for
school librarians and librarians.
During the s e s s i o n opportunity
will be provided for Investigation
of a wide variety of supervision and
administrative problems, to e x a m ine new media and equipment, and
to develop instruct-materials c e n ters.
The first three weeks of the p r o gram call for lecture-demonstration-discussion periods conducted
by a resident staff and a group of
visiting l e c t u r e r s who will relate
their own practical e x p e r i e n c e s .
New Materials Examined
The latter portion of the institute •
will be devoted to examination and
use of new materials a s well a s to
the development and preparation of
original materials suitable for use
in particular regional areas.
Participants are expected to hold
a Bachelor's Degree from an a c credited college or university and
to have engaged in professional study
in library s c i e n c e at the undergraduate and/or graduate l e v e l s , Prefe r e n c e will be given to those applicants who intend to work in or d e velop centers for curriculum and
instructional materials.
Both work and living areas will
be located in one of the dormitory
complexes on the university's new
$80 million campup development.
Grants to be Distributed
Grants will be given to p a r t i c i pants in the library institute; these
grants will provide for tuition and
fees. A stipend of $75 a week per
participant plus $15 for each d e pendent will be paid to participants
for a period of six weeks.
Susan S, Smith, professor of l i brary s c i e n c e at the university, will
be the director of the institute.
to Future
April Kan CoKOt
Tickets will go on sale next Tuesday for the Philippe Entremont concert which will be presented April 3.
Entremont, world renowned pianist,
will appear In the last major concert
In Music Council's series for this'
Tickets will be on sale from
March 16-18 and March 29-April 2,
from 9-2:30 in the Peristyles. Admission for reserved seats i s by
Student Tax or $3.
Philippe Entremont, who saw his '
first triumphs while still in his
teens, has become In the past decade
an internationally-known artist. He
has been hailed on six continents
as one of the major pianists now
performing, and at thirty, he is a
veteran of the concert stage.
There has been a steady growth
in the career of Philippe Entremont,
which has been accompanied by a
flow of Entremont praises in the
press. He has been acclaimed as a'
"Titan of the piano" and a "master FRAT PLEDGING BEGINS in typical style with pledgebooks,
of the keyboard."
antics and the inevitable cafeteria pranks.
His playing has been called "electrifying" and a Paris newspaper
has termed him "le planlste atomlque."
During the past few seasons, Entremont has appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra and the New York
Philharmonic, in concerts and In
recording sessions for Columbia
Records. His solo records of the
That time of year has come again in the various fraternities. In AFA
music of Debussy, Chopin, and Tch- for the five fraternities on campus work parties are organized to help
aikovsky have been among the best- to start their pledging period for 1 iprove the houe. The pledges, as
selling record albums.
second semester. This period in the in other frats, have to carry a
Entremont made his first Ameri- past has added color and humor to pledge book containing the names of
can television appearance in 1963, life on campus, and rarely goes un- the brothers and the history, conon the Bell Telephone Hour. During noticed because of the "hell" that stitution of the brotherhood.
the 1964 season, he performed in Is usually raised.
New York City with the Vienna
Though each fraternity has a difBrother's Signature
Symphony, and appeared in three ferent purpose in having a pledge
At the end of the affiliation perconcerts of piano-violin sonatas at period, the main idea behind it cen- iod they are expected to have had
the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ters around the assimilation of the all the brothers' signatures in the
In the coming year, Entremont pledges into the group to meet the book.
will give three recitals In the New brothers of the frat. The pledges
In Potter Club the pledges learn
York City area; these concerts will are also expected to learn the his- the songs of the club and the history
be in Carnegie Hall, at the Frick tory and traditions of the organi- of Edward Potter from whom the
Museum, and in Mlneola, Long Is- zation and its purposes.
frat got its name. The pledges also
This encompasses different things help put out an Alumni Newsletter.
The brothers of SLS Induct their
pledges to "perpetrate social life
on campus and fulfill objectives
stated In this charter and constitution." This is done through constructive tasks for the brothers.
Casting auditions for the Univer- play, Alceste Is a tragicomic figure,
sity Theatre's production of "The a reformer of society who cannot
Frat Meetings
Misanthrope," by Mollere, will be reform society.
TXO requires their pledges to
held in Page Hall on Monday, TuesAlceste is mad at society; he is attend fraternity meetings in order
day, and Wednesday, March 15, 16 proud, dogmatic, jealous, and posand 17 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. The sesses a sense of perfection. By for them to learn how the club opplay, which will be directed by Pro- contrast, Cellmene is a gay, twenty- erates. Some of their duties include
fessor James Leonard, will be year old widow, who is completely the clearing of tables in the cafestaged In Page Hall on May 7, B. at home in the superficiality of so- teria and Improvements around the
University Theatre productions ciety. Celimene is fickle and efferAfter their pledging period Is
are presented by the Department of vescent.
ended, they go through an initiation
Speech and Dramatic Art with the
night. Before a pledge can become
cooperation of the Dramatics CounOther Roles
a brother most fraternities require
cil. Participation In these producThe other major female roles are that he make a paddle which he
tions are open to all students in- Eliante and Arsinoe. Ellante is uses in Inducting other pledges into
terested In acting, stagecraft, or warm, gentle, philosophical, and tol- the organization.
erant. Arsinoe is a prude and a
After the Initiation the members
hypocrite, she is catty and domare soon formally inducted into the
Script on Reserve
fraternity as a full brother.
Anyone Interested In researching
Other major male roles are
the roles of "The Misanthrope," Oronte, Acaste, Phlllnte, and Cllmay consult the play's script, which tandre. Oronte is a "would-be poet,"
is on reserve in Hawley Library. a very ingratiating figure. Philante,
There are five major male roles, who along with Ellante, Is the modtwo minor male roles, and three erating Influence In the play, Is the
major female roles.
person who Is able to find a happy
Leonard noted that the lead char- medium with the Alceste-Celimene
acter, Alceste. sets the tone oi the extremes.
Frat Pledging Period Begins;
Adds Color to Campus Life
'Misanthrope' Auditions Coll for Actors
Displaying Flexibility for Moliere's Style
8 o.m.-l2 p.m.
|Fri. -Sot. 8 a.m. - I a.m.
Sun. 4 p.m. - 13 pm.
"ciOTHiTrofi ycmtioMPNs
M t l i i l t r i A««uv.
We Call —4 Deliver
Orchestra Presents Concert;
Egyptian Soprano Feotorea1
'BU News' Censorship
Problem Upsets School
. The Albany Symphony Orchestra,
under the direction of Edgar Curtis,
will present its third concert of the
current season on Monday, March
15, at 8:15 p.m. at Bethlehem Central Senior High School auditorium,
Delaware Avenue, Delmar, N.Y.
Miss Sylvia Katchadourian, s o - '
prano, will be the guest artist. A
resident of Loudonville, Miss Katchadourian was born in Alexandria,
Egypt. She studied voice in Swltzerland, at the Zurich Conservatory,
of Music, and received a Bachelor
of Music degree from the Eastman
School of Music, where she is now
working for her Master's degree.
The president of Boston University, Harold Case,
ended his recent controversy with the "BU News,"
the student newspaper, when he withdrew his demand
for prior reading and editing of the newspaper by the
administration. The president announced his decision
at a meeting with the newspaper's editors.
a c t i o n s f o l l o w e d a n that this committee would present
emergency meeting with recommendations to resolve the
the student government problem.
Student Petition
which backed the "News" At the outset
of the disagreement
Editorial autonomy was a petition was circulated throughout
It called for the
strongly endorsed. The
reorganization of the paper giving
government called for the ^SeTSongress t f f M S S
deletion of a clause from to publish it.
This would create an independent
the paper's constitution.
The clause sanctions the prior
reading of paper's copy by the
President, Vice President for Student Affairs and/or the Editorial
Advisor. The President assured the
editor of "News" that the clause
would not be Invoked as long as the
newspaper retained "a standard of
responsible journalism."
Paper Financed by Faculty
The school's paper Is financed
through the University and not by
the student body and, as a result,
the Administration has the right to
censor the publication.
The president had demanded that
a front-page statement by him be
primed and that an article dealing
with a committee appointed to study
the "News" be printed "in a prominent position."
Werner Buncschuh, editor of the
paper, called the demand a step
towards censorship of the publication. The Student Congress backed
Buncschuh's statement, called the
proposal a direct violation of the
students' right to freedom of the
press, and urged its withdrawal.
Congress Proposes
The Congress proposed that the
editors of the paper remain on to
May with editorial freedom and that
Congress representatives, editors
and Case meet then to select a staff
for the following year and set a
policy to guide the publication.
The Congress also called for a
rally by the students to inform
them of the situation with the
The story of the controversy appeared in the Boston newspapers
and was broadcast over the city's
radio and television networks.
Case in an interview said that
his decision to censor the paper
precipitated by the paper's distortion of the news in recent months.
He also announced that a committee would be formed to "look
over" the University communications media. He expressed his hope
paper, owned and published by the
students. The budget of the paper
would be transferred to the student
government. If the majority of the
student body signs the petition, it
will be presented to Case.
The students hold that this is in
accordance with the Committee on
Faculty Responsibility for Academic
Freedom of Students which states
that the "academic community requires freedom to exchange information and ideas. The faculty should
promote and sustain institutional
policies which will provide students
the freedom to establish their own
publications and to conduct them
free of censorship or of administrative determination of content or
editorial policy."
Society Director
Speaks for Alumni
On Cultural Studies
Dr. Seymour Fersh, education
director of the Asia Society in New
York City, will speak on Saturday,
March 13, at Pierce Hall. Dr. Fersh
will be the guest of the Eastern
Branch Alumni Association of the
State University of New York.
The address is entitled "Studying Other Cultures: Windows and
Dr. Fersh is also currently the
associate director of the Asian Studies summer program at Rutgers
University. He received his B, A.
and M. A. from Albany State in
1949 and 1950, and his Ph.D. from
New York University in 1955, He
has taught at New Paltz High School
and Montclalr State College in New
Recently, Dr. Fersii served as a
consultant to UNESCO. In addition,
he was a Fulbright professor In
Indian in 1958-59, and has written
several articles on India and iter
role in Soutli Asia.
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High Proise
"IVAN THE TERRIBLE," rated one of the 10 best all-time films, will be shown tomorrow night at 7
and 9:15 p.m. in D-349. The chorge will be 50< for this with English subtitles.
IFG to Present 'Ivan the Terrible9
by G. P. Minimus
"Ivan the Terrible," Part I, which
the International Film Group will
present tomorrow night, is considered the culminating masterpiece
of the Russian Film genius Sergei
M. Elsenstein, often considered the
"most Influential film director who
ever lived."
Indeed, Eisenstein's work was so
important that only six feature films
of his were released In the twentyfive years that he worked in the
medium, his influence was so pervasive that in the 1962 poll of 100
critics conducted by "Sight and
Sound" magazine, Elsenstein took
first place with 44 votes as "most
important director."
Along with D. W. Griffith, Elsenstein is considered one of the founding fathers of the cinema. Eistenstein's particular contribution lay
in the area of what one might call
the "Intellectual Cinema."
the film score and dialogue could
also be brought into correlation with
the visual montage.
In 1941, the Mosfilm studios decided to produce an historic film on
Ivan the Terrible. Historical films
had proven popular, and because
Eisenstein had had good luck with
"Alexander Nevsky," (which the
IFG showed last year), he was chosen
to direct "Ivan."
Eisenstein was fortunately given
a free hand in the writing of the
script, and in the shooting of "Ivan."
The result was a very strong, controlled film with a unique editorial
and visual style even today.
"This is a story of a man —
not a legend," reads the opening
title. It was clearly the director's
intention to show the anguish and
loneliness of his historical personality.
The film does, perhaps, show an
unimportant weakness — that of
looseness of overall structure —
but operatic dramatic quality of this
unique film experience proves viable
today, twenty years after.
Miss Katchadourian's appearances on the stages of Europe,the
Middle East, and the United States
have received high praise from
critical quarters.
She was recently selected as the
winner of the first Kirsten Flagstad
Memorial Scholarship award.
The program for the concert Includes "The Roman Carnival Overture" by Berlioz, Recitative and
Aria from Beelini's "Norma" (Miss
Katchadourian soloist), and Symphony No. 9 in C Major by Schubert.
Tickets for the concert are available jU_Van_CjnJer_MusJc^aJ_Ten_
Eyck Record Shop, Albany, and at
the door.
Special Bus
A special L, C. Smith bus will
provide free transportation to the
concert and return. It leaves D*H
Plaza at 7:45 p.m. via State Street,
Washington Avenue, Lark Street,
and Delaware Avenue. (Stops en
As is the custom before each
concert, an invitation Is extended
to all area students to attend the
Orchestra's dress rehearsal concert at Bethlehem Central High
School auditorium on Sunday, March
14, at 2 p.m. Admission is free for
(continued from page 1)
members of the University Community. To be displayed In Alden
Hall, this collection will include
books, pamphlets, paintings, sculpture, scientific equipment, and other
examples of original work by members of the faculty.
Dr. Morris emphasized that he is
very Interested in including works
of students in this display, and asked
that anyone interested in contributing not hesitate to see him.
These great performers are the lowest priced
models at our One-Stop Shopping Center
Consequently, there is a lot of
operatic, stylized acting in the film.
Each gesture does not always look
His early films all reflect a pre- natural, but always manages to conoccupation with "montage," a term vey the emotion felt. The sets, too,
coined by Elsenstein and difficult to convey this natural feeling with undefine. Basically, it might be said natural means. For example, the low
to be a method of editing to correlate arches in the castle add a claustroall the senses and symbols to achieve phobic effect that accentuate Ivan's
a certain emotional and intellectual isolation.
Music is thoroughly integrated
When Elsenstein turned to the into the movie. Serge Prokofiev had
sound medium, he was able to bring worked harmoniously with Eistenanother element of his film theories stein on "Nevsky," and created
into play. He strongly believed that perhaps a finer score here.
f T O M W U BwOr»_cLttWHIUJ«K
';•:> ' pill , « ^ « « M ^ J | j ^ k ;
Security Measures
In order to cut down on the numbers of persons wandering through
the buildings who do not belong to
the university community, the uniformed security officers andwatchment have been instructed to ask
for indentification wheneve it is
deemed appropriate.
Students are requested to carry
either their ID cards of Student Activities Cards with them at all times
and to cooperate with staff members
when requested.
H. David Van Dyke, Public Informations Officer, has announced that
there are seats left on the chartered
flight to Paris. The fare is $300
round trip. Anyone interested should
see Van Dyke.
Debate Council
There will l)e a special meeting
of Debate Council on Tuesday,
March 1G, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in
Lake Annex. All members should
Chi Sigma Theta
The sisters of Chi Sigma Theta
would like to announce that they are
having a beer party tonight at Scheutuen Park.
Class of 1968
There will be an open class meeting, Tuesday, March lfi at 7:30p.m.
in 13ru main dining room for the
selection of committees for the
freshman class party, rivalry, and
sophomore class weekend. All those
interested should attend or see Bill
Cleveland (Waterbury Hall) before
that time.
143 Western Ave.
Shop at Roy's
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F f H o y , March
Albany Grad Teaches Russian
Student, ProfessorCall PQA Rule
Farce, Propose Reform, in Dorms
To Colonie Fourth Graders
The' changing times are linguistically reflected at Maplewood Elementary School In Colonie (also
Watervllet High School, and Albany
Evening High School) where Ronald
Bustln teaches the Russian language
to twenty-three fourth grade pupils.
Here' may be found the only elementary school In the nation where
pupils study Russian at such a
tender age.
Bustln Is a 1964 graduate of Albany State and is currently taking
grad courses here.
Realistic Teaching
I t ' s net a pledge duty. I t ' * i u i t that t i n e * the l i b r a r y ' s open 7 day» a week now lomebody should try
for a record.
Clarification of Policy
In light of several remarks made in
letters to the editors this week, we feel
it necessary to clarify our policy in c e r tain respects. It is not and has not been
our intention to criticize o r ridicule
authority for its own sake.
In many respects the authority on this
campus is as liberal and reasonable as
that to be found anywhere. In one important area, rules governing student conduct, particularly that of women, it is
far behind the standard which should
be expected in a university.
We strongly feel that the role of authority in a university is to extend the
greatest degree of freedom to the students, and then stand ready to provide
advice and guidance to those individuals
who are unable to accept the responsibility which must accompany this freedom.
Unfortunately, the policy of the past
which has continued into the present has
been to lay down rigid rules for p r e scribed conduct, and then to remove
from membership in the university those
who do not conform.
We realize, of course, that some rules
are necessary in order to have structure
and order in the society. But these rules
should come, as far as possible, from
within the group, in this case the student
Every rule which is imposed from
"above" makes it that much easier to
have a smooth-running well-regulated
society — and that much harder for the
individual to develop the responsibility
which makes such rules unnecessary.
Many changes in attitudes and policies
are now underway and are directed
toward this granting of individual freedom. However, these' seem to be much
too slow at times to be of any consequence or benefit to students who spend
only four years here.
Drastic, hurried, and radical changes
are, of course, unadvisable and usually
harmful, but all too often the people in
the position of making policy go to the
other extreme of being overcautious.
It has been our hope that we could
help to speed up these changes so that
the students who are calling for the
change will be able to benefit from it.
Preparation, evaluation, orientation
are necessary and have their place,
but unless the freedom is concretely
given, no growth can occur.
Change in South Takes Courage
We are all appalled by the action
taken by Governor George Wallace in
quelling the recent demonstrations by
Negroes in Selma, Alabama. The barbaric use of state troopers armed with
tear gas, nightsticks, and whips has
surpassed all the South's previous attempts to prevent Negro demonstrations.
The Negroes began their march peacefully but after walking several blocks
they were met by a barricade of troope r s who were equipped with gas masks
and had their nightsticks ready to crush
the marchers.
The troopers ordered the marchers
to stop and disband but the Negroes held
fast. The troopers then charged into the
masses pushing the first line of marchers
to the pavement. As the drive continued,
a cheer went up from the white spectators who were observing the "show."
When the Negroes began to disband
the mounted troopers drove their horses
into the demonstrators. Again the white
onlookers gave out with a cheer.
Suddenly a shot was fired and a barrage of tear gas began to dominate the
scene. But before the gas could totally
obliterate the strife, the nightsticks were
seen flailingattheheadsof the marchers.
This scene has become all too common
in a country whose basic tenets include
the freedom to voice a protest. Many
cries have sounded deploring this barbarism in the South.
Some of these cries have aroused a
group of Southern whites in Alabama
who have formed the Concerned White
Citizens Council.
This group staged a demonstration
protesting the brutal treatment of Negroes. One of the leaders stated that
"we have waited for changes and improvements but nothing changes tand
nothing improves. I have felt it was
time to show that a group of demonstrators can have a face other than
that of a Negro."
This movement is only a beginning
but it expresses the sentiment of many
white Southerners who are sick of reading about the savage treatment of Negroes in their homeland. When enough of
these people gain the courage to speak
out against the manner in which Negro
demonstrators are treated, these brutalities which we have witnessed In the
South will vanish forever.
Mr. Bustln believes in teaching
"realistically." To prove it, his
classroom is packed with Journals
of unusual symbols and Illustrations straight from Soviet life.
Bustln uses audio-lingual techniques to impart the languge. "We
have no syllabus for this course,"
notes Principal Ruth Chaloux. "We
are playing it by ear."
All told, pupils of five classes
(grades four through eight) are taking the course as an elective. And
the younger children have displayed
the greatest affinity for It.
"No question about It: The younger
the pupil, the less inhibited," Bustln explained.
The youngsters sing Christmas
carols in Russian, stage mock meetings on Moscow Streets, and, in
addition to conversing in the foreign
tongue, are becoming more familiar
with Soviet customs, culture and
day-to-day life.
heart," says Mr. Bustln, who at 22
i s the first student to graduate from
Albany State with a B.A. degree as
a Russian major,
"I am Interested in a youngster's
oral compulsion," he said in reference to the audio-lingual method.
"His reading and writing can come
He noted that a double problem
awaits any teacher of Russian,
"There Is always the hurdle of prejudice to overcome," he said.
"People are traditionally conservative...! had one parent who refused to
let her child take Russian because
"They're all Communists,"
Introducing a course in Russian
presents a few simple hurdles also.
Mrs. Chaloux, principal at Maplewood since 1951, recalled that a
year ago the Board of Education
discussed a proposal to have a second language taught.
French Abandoned
"At one time (In 1956) we taught
French in the lower grades," she
said, "It was a once-a-week affair,
not like this Russian class. We had
to abandon the French program or
else hire a full time teacher for it,
which at the time, the board decided
not to do."
Last year the board agreed to
a mail survey of parents to see if
they would be interested In a second
language. Russian was the language
decided upon.
"More than 90 percent of the
parents answered affirmatively,"
Pen of Heart
Mrs. Chaloux said. "Then we went
"Language is the pen of the to the State Education Department
Committee Set-up Vital
The recently inaugurated Provisional Council is
confronted with an extremely difficult task; within the
next seven weeks, the Council must set into constitutional form a completely revised structure of student
government, and, at the same time, fulfill all the regular functions of Senate.
As indicated by its first series of meetings, the
Council's twenty-six voting members are highly competent individuals who are all motivated by a strong
desire to provide the university with themostoperative
structure of student government.
However, from the outset, it has been obvious that
this group is not able to produce its most constructive
work with meetings of the entire body. We strongly advocate that the Provisional Council, in the immediate
future, reorganize itself into three or four-man committees that would thoroughly investigate a specifie
area of concern.
These committees, each devoted to one particular
task, would be as efficient as the former Finance
Committee of Senate, where the bulk of arguments
and debates were resolvd in committee. This sytem
would conserve the already too short amount of time
that the Provisional Council has to work with.
Albany Student
Tho Albany Student Pros5'is a semi-weekly newspaper published by the studunt
body of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP may be reorhcJ
by dialing either 4f9-64Bl or IV 2-3326. Tho ASP office, located in Room b of
Brubacher Hall, 7S0 State Street, is open from 7-11 p. m. Sunday through TUrs
"day nights.
Managing Editor
Feature Edi'of
Sports Editor
News Editor
Arts fdiior
Executive Ediioi
Associate Feature Editor
Associate Ediioi
Technical Supervisor
Business Manage'
Photography Editor
Associate Photography
Advertising Manager
Public Relations D I I C , I . . .
Consultant Advertising Manager
Desk Editor
Ellon / „ „ . ,
............^...Joseph Mahay, Jamon Bal'iln, Mike Fareiiell, Linda Froolio".
Linda Handalsman, Mike Gllmartin, Kevin Magin, Carol Wolling, A l l "
Nudolman, G. P. Minimus, Bfonda M,I lot
M, Gilbert Williams, Paul Jensen, Bruce Daniels, J. Roger Loo.
Waller Post, Steven Kling, Robert MrO.lo.o
William Stnnhold
All communication! must be addressed to tho Editors and should bo signed.
Nome, w i l l be withheld on request. Communications should bo limited to 300
t °" • " " I " ' l 0 •dltlnfl. The Albany Student Press assumes no rospoo
slbtllty lor opinions expressed In Us column! or communications, os such o»prossions do 09) necessary refloct Us views.
To tho Editors:
Lest this letter concerning your editorial on Lower
Brubacher Lounge help balloon the subject out of proportion, let me declare at the outset that I do not feel
that the situation Is among the most Important matters
of the university, nor do I feel any moral outrage, or
even particular interest, In the activities of lower
I am in favor of sex among the savages — or among
the undergraduates or anyone else, and I feel that It
is largely their own business, as long as no-one Is
hurt and there is no flagrant violation of law. If the
outlet of love-making can serve as a calming or
soothing element for the rather protracted adolescent
frenzy that so many students seem to be in here, then
I am even more In favor of It.
R O N A L D B U S T I N ihown here t e a c h i n g the R u s s i a n
to Colonie grade-schoolers.
to get their blessing.
She stressed that since Russian
is taught at Watervllet High School,
the Maplewood pupils will have an
opportunity to continue studying it.
"We were fortunate in securing
as a teacher the first Albany State
graduate majoring in Russian," she
said noting that Mr. Bustln, who is
working towards a Master's Degree,
conducts five classes between 12
and 3 p.m. each day.
Student Interest
"We try to keep our classroom
like a Soviet classroom," Mr. Bustin said. "The youngsters have
shown interest in all phases of
Russian culture, so the course maintains a freshness and vitality. In
fact, I am learning Turkish words
from one boy (in exchange for Russian words) and Italian from another."
How do the youngsters feel about
the course?
" I am still learning the 36 letters
in the Russian alphabet," said Beth
Jewett, 11, whose grandmother is
Russian. " I plan to take it in high
school ... but the new bypass (state
arterial highway) is going through
our house so I don't know where
we're moving."
Feelings Shown
Black-eyed Diane Cerrl, 9, of
Italian background, and William
Kostun, 9, whose ancestors came
from Russia, happily recited a Pushkin poem to demonstrate their feelings.
Andrew Potts, 13, spoke only
Polish and Ukranian (which differs
in stress and accent from Russian)
two years ago. Now he's proficient
in English and getting there in Russian.
Laureen Zeller, 10, of German
extraction and David Torncello, 10,
said they enjoy writing letters in
Russian, "although it's kind of
Added David: "I think it would be
useful if you ever meet a Russian
on the street."
David Cerri, 11, Diane's brother,
has another angle. "We tell our
secrets in Russian," he laughed.
Their father, by the way, teaches
English at Waterford-Half Moon
High School.
Note: The
story was written by Howard
of the
•News" and is reprinted from that
Visiting Peace Corpsntan
Recalls Costa Rkan Stint
by Debby Friedman
"Costa Rica is unlike
countries; it is a contrast
to the stereotype," said
John Helwig, a recently
returned Peace Corps Volunteer who has been on the
Albany State campus this
week as part of a recruiting team for the Peace
Costa Rica is a developing country with a strong rural middle
class. The group of twenty-six Peace
Corps Volunteers of which he was
a member was engaged in aneducaproject. He was In a town of 7,000.
The job he faced was to complement
the reform in the educational system that was in progress in the
Tasks of Project
The task was to bring In North
American methods of education to
replace archaic Costa Klcan ones.
The project concentrated on English and Science.
The entire project was set up and
run by the University of Kansas
whose sister school Is the University of Costa Rica.
Helwig said that "the students
in Costa Hlca had been learning
'about English,' not 'English.' We
worked for conversational ability."
The science teachers that were
In the project found generally unqualified teachers and virtually no
Helwig was there as a teacher to
give an "indifferent, catalyst effect," but also to give more base
and continuity to the school day.
In the free time that he had, he
worked with his students as much
as possible. He assisted with agricultural projects and spoke to farmer's groups.
" I got to know the area and became respected and known there,"
said Helwig. " I was there to live
and work as a school teacher."
"Next to selling coffee, education
Is the most Important thing in Costa
Rica. The government is extremely
concerned and interested In the education of the young people of the
Every Costa Rican child receives
an elementary school education.
Secondary school education is possible, but much harder to acquire.
While Helwig was there, the enrollment of his school grew from 600
to 940 due to a desire to go to
school, not just a population Increase.
"I had a great compunction to
work with the students and help some
to be able to continue their education. I went there to take my education and expressions of it and do
something meaningful."
"Now," said Helwig, " I feel I
have done something and have an
awareness of Latin American educational problems and am more
Interested In International education."
John H e l w i g
Rebellion against authority figures is very much
in vogue at Albany State. Giving in to the temptation
to write ingratiating editorials merely to satisfy this
appetite lies in the area of seriously refractive responsibility. Summarily, perhaps an Introspective
self-examination of motives is In order.
William Hudson
Assistant Professor of Music
As a postscript let me say that I am not unsympathetic to a possibly over-restricted situation which
might help cause undesirable behavior on the part
of some students. This is a separate problem, however, and perhaps a more pertinent editorial might
have been one dealing with the absence of nightly
visiting privileges in dorm rooms and other rather
stringent regulations.
I do not feel, on the other hand, that the subject is
totally unimportant, either. Most of our students are
genuinely concerned with the prevailing atmosphere of
their school, which in many ways Is more like a high
school than a university, and since the activities of
Brubacher lounge conceivably contribute their share
to this atmosphere, they are perhaps worthy, for this
reason, of some conscientious attention.
I am writing to you, however, not because of the
subject Itself, but because of the kind of editorial you
wrote regarding It. I believe the editorial to be
similar in many ways to a number of previous editorials, and it is a matter of chance, or perhaps growing impatience, that finally. I sat down to send off a
letter on that particular editorial rather than some
previous one.
These editorials constitute a "type," the similarities being those of attitude, lack of minimal logic,
and a kind of intellectual dishonesty that seems r e grettable in a university newspaper, one which represents some degree of Influence over three thousand
students or more.
The style and technique of these editorials have
become a kind of sophomorlc cliche, a time-proven
but tired formula of authority-ridicule which undoubtedly never falls to evoke glee on the part of
those who, because of unresolved personal and/or
parental problems, still enjoy rebellion for the sake
of rebellion.
Unfortunately, because of its constant, Indiscriminate, almost compulsive use, honest and fearless
criticism, the lifeblood of any institution, is made
less effective.
In your editorial on Brubacher lounge you reduce
the activities there to "hand-holding," while exaggerating the concern of those In charge to seemingly
hysterical indignation. This conjured spectacle of
stuffy moral outrage over innocent hand-holding is
quite conducive to ridicule, being patently ludicrous.
It is, however, a misrepresentation, Its distortion
being partially minimized by the usual heavy-handed
junior high school sarcasm. It is not uncommon
knowledge that the considerable necking in Brubacher
lounge equals at least the best out of Hollywood.
The "moral outrage" was nothing more than consclentous, objective concern that the lounges be allowed to fulfill the considerable need for relaxation
by all students.
Voyeuristic tendencies notwithstanding, it cannot be
denied that highly personal behavior in a public place
dominates attention, whether It be brushing teeth,
changing clothes, urinating, or to a lesser degree,
passionate necking.
At least such behavior serves as an inhibiting
factor for casual usage, such as receiving parents
or friends, reading, or engaging In relaxed conversation. Everyone knows, Including the participants
that such behavior Is difficult to ignore completely,
and surely there Is a degree of exhibitionism in
those who choose a public rather than a private
To say that there is no private place is a rationalization, and I know from experience of my own
undergraduate days that It is possible to find seclusion in more limited living quarters than the
ones here.
Quite frankly, it is not necessary to make such
regulations in many schools, because the undergraduates, possibly being somewhat more mature, do not
choose public lounges to advertise their love affairs.
When excessive bad taste, bad manners, and lack of
consideration of others make rule formulating necessary, It takes a good deal of courage to impose these
rules, since those who do so are always routinely
attacked for prudlshness.
-Additionally, those who are inordinately petty use
the opportunity for a personal smear, rather than
a objective examination of facts, which should be
the only concern.
I should like you, the editorial writer, to consider
the following questions: Do you sincerely feel that
behavior in student lounges Is of no Importance, as
you seem to Imply? Do you really feel that tho longconsidered decision of Mrs. Hathaway and others
concerned with the welfare of all students Is worthy of
no more than a few Hues of fatuous sneering?
I might remind you that when you write an editorial
you are not merely registering a self-gratlfylng
emotional reaction, you are consciously attempting
to influence others, in this case, over three thousand
I realize that the student newspaper, like most
university organizations, is run by a handful of hardworking people. It is not unnatural to want praise
and recognition for this work. If the work Is to
represent any truly valuable fulfillment or satisfaction, though, it might be of some Importance to consider the foundation of that praise.
• i
To the Editors:
After speaking with Mr. Hudson about his letter
to this paper concerning the editorial on State's
PDA problem, I would be remiss in not sharing with
you the interesting, if not provacatlve discussion we
The most interesting reaction was Mr. Hudson's
surprise at the nonexistence of regular visiting
privileges for women In the men's dorm. At both
of the Ivy league schools he attended, women were
a constant feature in many of the men's rooms with
none of the sexual bravado which we have already
associated with the lower Bru lounge.
He, In turn, surprised me with his account of
personal bars in every room at Yale. The ruling
in Waterbury Hall is that no room shall contain any
bottles which contain (or at any time contained!)
alcohol fit for consumption.
Mr. Hudson contended that at schools where
drinking is allowed in the dorm, there are less of
the effects which, we generally associate with drunkenness and the inability of retaining all of that
which one has consumed.
In the final analysis, then, it is not the problem,
as your editorial seems to state, of "if we can't
do it in Bru lounge, where can we do it," but rather,
If we as rational and mature individuals face the
problem and wipe the silly grins off our faces, can
we make our behavior fit the norm of our peers?
I submit that if we are to be entrusted with the
education of adolescents, we have no choice.
So far this soap-box oratory has merely done
what most statements of disagreement in school
policy have done; namely, posed a problem about
which nothing will be done. But I submit that when
the administration closed down PDA in Bru, they
set the precedent which shows their concern is.
as great as ours, however far apart our two ideas
may diverge.
But what I propose, on a trial basis, Is the same
measures which now work effectively in the schools
which Mr. Hudson attended. I see no reason why
co-ed students should not be allowed in the dorms
and In Individual rooms with certain specific time
limitations, most likely to coincide with women's
hours. I furthermore would like the privilege of
consuming alcoholic beverages In all rooms In the
men's dorms.
Three points must be made in order that some
misunderstandings will not arise. Both Mr. Hudson
and I agreed that, to begin with, this privilege will
be abused. I submit that those few individuals who
abuse that privilege are the same ones who defy the
state drinking age and various laws of Moses.
I believe that the vast majority of students would
profit by the privilege and would not abuse It. A
second point which Mr. Hudson feels has a bearing
on the actions of the students In the lounge and therefore would have the same effect In the rooms Is the
rebellion theory of the middle class.
Not being a sociology major, I feel I couldn't do
the theory Justice, but it briefly Interprets the prer
occupation of some students with drinking and sex
as a rebellion against authority, first in the person
of their parents, and later transferred to the school.
I submit, however, that If a student wants to become a good member of society when be leaves
State, he will somewhere along the way leave behind
his socio-economic repressions and regressions or
he will find society rebelling against him. And finally,
a point which may sound silly and naive to most, but
one which will, I am sure, be borne out by those who
are now In (he teaching profession. I submit that as a
teacher a person will not lie able to cope with the
problems of the youths In his charge If he has been
sheltered from the same problems himself.
Moreover, a person who Is not allowed a certain
amount of maturity and has not developed the insight
into problems which he has faced will never be able
to help others when they come to him with the same
Isn't this the true sign of adulthood? So must we
wait until we leave school before we are allowed to
reach it?
Henry E. Mueller
» SIII iwt-l
Fiiifay. Mstch 12, 196S
Historic Stmon Afford
limy UMMMI Oitloob
contain .accounts of the Sermon on
the Mount, history's most famous
by Mike Faronoll
and Influential sermon — and one
of -the shortest ever preached! , Following the conclusion of World
American Colonies
War I, President Woodrow Wilson
In the American colonies, some" departed to attend the Peace Conlong-winded
Puritan preachers ference at Versailles. Mr. Wilson
found It Impossible to arouse In- thought he had the solution for preterest among parishioners. That venting future conflicts, the FourJob was left to the sexton — who teen Points.
performed it with the aid of a long
Slowly but surely his proposals
stick-and-ball device used to prod were dispensed with — all but one
dozers awake!
that Is. Wilson had conceded thirBut a couple of centuries later, teen of his points, but the League
Americans were flocking to hear of Nations had to stay.
the sermons of the eloquent and
When the treaty was drafted, the
dynamic Henry Ward Beecher.
covenant for the League was inJohn Hay, Secretary of State In cluded. The initial step had been
Poor Clergyman
the McKlnley Administration, called completed but the President had
The poor clergyman, a Warden him "the greatest preacher the to face the Senate for approval.
of' New College, Oxford, made so world has seen since St. Paul Isolationists under Henry Cabot
many flubs of this kind that his preached on Mars Hill."
Lodge Sr. led the move that blocked
name became a byword. A funny
ratification, and the United States
Largest Audience
phrase that results from the
was forced to sign a separate treaty
scrambling of words or letters Is
Today the preacher with the lar- — excluding the League.
still known as a "spoonerism." gest audience for. his weekly serWhen this body of nations resulted
This type of word was not what mons Is said to be Dr. Oswald in failure and another war followed,
Martin Luther had in mind when Hoffman. Over ten million people the U. S. was determined not to let
the Reformation leader said, "He -in the United States and around the a similar failure. recur. In June of
that has but one word of God before world tune their radios each week 1946 the Senate ratified the United
him, and out of that word cannot to his addresses on the Lutheran Nations' Charter.
make a sermon, can never be a Hour.
The theme of the UN Is to "save
' An additional twenty million l i s - future generations from the scourge
But some ministers have taken teners hear The Lutheran Hour In of war." Thus far, it has managed
the word of God and gone to as- various formats in 40 foreign lan- to keep war from magnifying out of
tounding lengths with It.
guages. No other program, religious proportion — as in Korea (1950),
In February, 19S5, Clinton Locy or commercial, approaches the Suez (1956), and the Congo (I960).
of West Richland, Washington, set world-wide scope of The Lutheran
Big Headache
a world's record — by delivering Hour, which has as its motto and
The biggest drawback to U. N.
a sermon that last 48 hours and 18 sole purpose, "Bringing Christ to
effectiveness i s , without doubt, the
minutes and ranged through texts the Nations."
from every book In the Bible!
Dr. Hoffman often builds his ser- Security Council. Why Is this true?
mons around the problems of con- Unlimited veto by the "Big Five"
Sermon Marathon
temporary living: how marriages virtually hamstrings police action
and the discussion of "substantive"
During this marathon, Locy sus- can be made happier, ho to tackle
tained himself by sipping lemon the social problems of suburbia, questions. (The Russians have demonstrated
well the power of unJuice, eating vegetable — and wrap- how to adjust to growing older. His
ping a wet towel around his head. style, crisp and colloquial, is as limited veto.)
To date, they have exercised the
If anyone had sat through his modern as his subject matter:
veto over a hundred times. In 1950,
entire sermon,he said, "they would
however, the Russian "nyet" was
have heard as much Gospel as they
Our Way v s . God's
would get In a year at church."
"Our way always looks terribly by-passed when the Soviet Union
Remarkably, eight people were on practical in comparison with God's boycotted the Security Council for
hand for the close.
way. It is terribly practical — at its refusal to admit mainland China.
Two of the Gospels Mr. Locy leading us Into the terrible messes
Duos Causing Dissension
touched upon, Matthew and Luke, In which we find ourselves."
At present, the most vehement
"procedural" question before the
General Assembly is that of DUES.
Article 19 of the UN Charter states
this concerning the question of dues:
"A Member of the United Nations
2 p.m. — The World of American Folk Music
which is in arrears in the payment
Host — Gerry Terdiman
of its financial contributions...shall
4 p.m. — Music of the Masters — Part I
Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto H in G Minor
Leopold Stokowskl, conductor; Sergei Rachmaninoff, soloist
Host — Richard Bartyzel
4-6 p.m. — Music of the Masters — Part II; Host— Arthur Loder
6-7 p.m. — The World vt International Folk Music; Host—Israel Hlrsch
7-7:30 p.m. —Serendipity
7:30-8 p.m. — The American Forum to
8-9 p.m. — "Comment" — a feature of the WSUA News Department.
Produced and directed by John Haluska and Bob Fullem;
Commentators are John Klenzle and BUI Doyle. Dick
Thompson will return as special political analyst. This
week's special feature will be an Interview with the Peace
Corps recruiting team.
9-11 p.m. — WSUA Showtime: "Marco Polo," featuring original cast
with Alfred Drake and Doretta Morrow.
Host — Edward Schwartz
have no vote In the General Assembly if the amount of its arrears
equals or exceeds the amount...due
from it for the preceding two full
Russia and other soviet-bloc nations have repeatedly refused topay
their dues. During the Congo crisis,
the Russians failed to contribute
their portion for peace-keeping efforts. According to them, the assessments were illegal.
U. S. Largest Contributor -
As a result, the United States
has virtually kept the UN alive.
The U. S. lead has been followed
by few other nations, but the Russians have still persisted In their
This refusal has prompted the
United States to call for the enforcement of Article 19, which calls
for the revocation of voting rights
in the Assembly. Thus far, the Assembly has avoided a vote on "procedural" matters, In order to avoid
a U. S.-Soviet showdown.
Not Perfect
clearly evident
By Z e u s ' !
ft c a c h e
by Larry Epstein
by Anne Digney
Can you
any o f i t ,
It i s n o t a t a l l u n c o m m o n to h e a r f r e s h m e n s p e a k
l o n g i n g l y o f t h e R i v a l r y t h a t t h e y n e v e r h a d . It i s , i n d e e d , u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t s u c h a n e x p e r i e n c e i s no l o n g e r
H o w e v e r , it i s e v e n m o r e unfortunate that t h e s e v e r y
f r e s h m e n h a v e n e g l e c t e d to r e p l a c e this t e m p o r a r y i n troduction to c o l l e g e life with the a c t i v i t i e s R i v a l r y had
b e e n d e s i g n e d to f o s t e r .
P a r t i c i p a t i o n in t h e a t r e p r o d u c t i o n s i s an e x a m p l e o f
such n e g l e c t . F a c u l t y , work c r e w s , and production staff
h a v e l o n g e n c o u r a g e d the s t u d e n t b o d y t o " p a r t i c i p a t e . "
Those students who have r e a l i z e d the need for c o n structive extracurricular i n t e r e s t s have opened for
t h e m s e l v e s a n e w world — a world in which they not
only l e a r n a g r e a t deal but m e e t p e o p l e and f o r m
f r i e n d s h i p s w h i c h g i v e an i n d i v i d u a l r e a s o n to b e i n t e r e s t e d in t h i s s c h o o l and i t s a c t i v i t i e s .
It says:
WSUA Special Program
7-9 p.m. — The World of Popular Folk Music; Host—Pete Nicholas
9-11 p.m. - WSUA Showtime: Richard Uodgers' "Victory at Sea"
Volume 1H; Host — Arthur Loder
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
No interest or carrying charge
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Alb..,, Now York
This Cord Emitloi You To
20% Off On All Cosh Sole*
(Repairs Excluded)
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing
Done on Promises
Open eoeningt (ill 9
April 1
Saturday till 6
Draper Hall
Ext. 129
135 Western Ave.
Albany, N.Y.
But if they are to remain dirty,
then they must be labelled as such
by the courts. If the courts perform
such an action then the books must
be censored to reinforce the idea
that these words are not allowable.
Don't worry, the censor Is, once
again, incorrect. The words that
were dirty forty years ago are still
I V A N T H E T E R R I B L E . . . to be shown tomorrow night.
dirty today, even after appearing
myriad times in print. The reason Through February 28 William Wilson (of the SUNYA Art Department)
one-man show. Albany Institute.
for this is that these words are
still not publicly accepted, that is,
George and Edith Rickey collection of sculptures
It would not be considered proper Through April 4
and drawings. Robert B. Appleton posters and
to use any of these words in normal
prints. Albany Institute.
social Intercourse.
Naturally, as long as these words
are not publicly accepted, they retain their usefulness as dirty words
and so, excepting aesthetic and
moral reasons, dirty words should
not be censored for merely being
Aesthetics and Morality
Aesthetically it must be granted
that certain four-letter words are
not pleasing to the ear. But it must
also be granted that certain others
are very euphonious indeed. No
aesthete can say that every socially
acceptable word is harmonious.
Four-letter words just add more
members to both the pleasing and
the displeasing groups.
March 12
The Critic's
Credentials, by Stanley E. Hyman.
Siena College, Dawson Library. 8 p.m. Free
March 12
A Touch of Evil, directed by Orson Welles. Presented by IFG at 7 & 9:15 p.m., 0-349, 35*.
Starring Charleton Heston and Janet Leigh. Music
by Henry Mancini.
March 13
Ivan the Terrible, directed by Sergei Eisensteln.
Music by Prokofiev. Presented by IFG in D-349
at 7 & 9:15 p.m. 50*.
March 15.
Albany Symphony Orchestra. See article this page.
March 22
Ensemble, presented by Albany
Chamber Music Society. Albany Institute, 8:15
March 26
Annual Poetry Evening. Albany County Poetry
Society. John Mounteer, speaker. City Club, Albony, 8 p.m.
Many have argued that the use
of dirty words Is morally wrong.
The Merry Go-Rounders, presented by Capitol
The four letters, per se, are mean- March 27
Area Modern Dance Coiuncil. Albany High. 2 p.m.
ingless. It is the idea or action they
Tickets $ 1 .
represent that makes them dirty.
Should these actions be considered
Ice Capades. RPI Field House. Tickets $4-$2,
things to lie written about using a
Opportunities and Needed
available at Van,Curler Music Store.
certain arrangement of letters (acT h e i n t e r e s t e d s t u d e n t w i l l find t h a t t h e r e i s m u c h cepted clinical descriptions) but not
m o r e to b e o f f e r e d than h a m m e r i n g n a i l s a n d p a i n t i n g with another (namely, four-letter) March 30,31
Tryouts for State Uni versify Revue Damn Yankees.
April 1
Commons. 7:30 p.m.
s e t s . T h e g r e a t o p p o r t u n i t i e s ( a n d g r e a t n e e d ! ) f o r arrangement?
c r e a t i v e t a l e n t o f a l l k i n d s a r e e n d l e s s . In a d d i t i o n to
s u c h o p p o r t u n i t i e s , participation in t h e a t r e w o u l d p r o b - A R T S I n T u n e
a b l y l e a d to m e m b e r s h i p in D r a m a t i c s C o u n c i l , w h i c h
h a s l o n g p r o v e n i t s e l f to b e o n e o f t h e f i n e s t g r o u p s o n
D r a m a t i c s C o u n c i l , w h o s e p u r p o s e i t i s to f u r t h e r i n t e r e s t in t h e a t r e a s w e l l a s to p r o v i d e s t a f f f o r t h e
Unusual Interest is attached to sity of New York at Albany, and
S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y T h e a t r e p r o d u c t i o n s , a l s o p l a y s a m o s t the new PreVue of the Albany Sym- conductor of the student orchestra
and student band, will discuss the
s i g n i f i c a n t p a r t in b r i n g i n g to t h i s U n i v e r s i t y t h e fine phony Series which takes place Sun
March ) 14,
in the Berlioz Roman Carnival Overture
ay M
4 a at
3 3 o'clock
e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h a t w e h a v e a l l e n j o y e d . It w a s b y d e ^ dFellowship
' a ' T "House
' t of
' c lFirst
Presand Schubert's "Seventh Symc i s i o n of D r a m a t i c s C o u n c i l t h a t w e s a w M a t a a n d H a r i byterian Church, 302 State Street. phony."
Two people, cacti distinguished in
Mr. Hudson, who is first clarE m l y n W i l l i a m s , a n d the H e r r i c k M a r i o n n e t t e s .
Ills own field, will evaluate the works inettist with the Albany Symphony,
to be performed at the upcoming has had wide experience as a conSUT Productions
Symphony concert.
ductor , as a soloist with professional
orchestras, and chamber groups
D r a m a t i c s C o u n c i l h a s a l s o a v o i c e in t h e s e l e c t i o n
Show to Discuss Bollin
here and abroad.
of S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y T h e a t r e p r o d u c t i o n s . M e m b e r s h i p
Mrs. Leora Shaw, who has earned
He studied with Anthony Glgliottl
in D r a m a t i c s C o u n c i l i s a c h i e v e d b y a c q u i r i n g e i g h t y an enviable reputation as an out- of tile Philadelphia Orchestra and
" p o i n t s , " a w a r d e d o n t h e b a s i s o f p a r t i c i p a t i o n in standing voice teacher of the Capital at Curtis Institute.
District, will contribute an authoriThese two outstanding personalt h e a t r e p r o d u c t i o n s , S. U . R e v u e , e t c .
tative appraisal of Benin's opera ities have Joined forces to create
E a c h s h o w t h a t i s p r o d u c e d o n t h i s c a m p u s o f f e r s "norma," witli special emphasis on a memorable afternoon.
a s m u c h o p p o r t u n i t y for l e a r n i n g a n d " l i v i n g " a s the the aria "Casta Diva."
Mrs. Shaw, an active member of
The PreVues are sponsored by
R i v a l r y s k i t s w h i c h w e a l l l o o k b a c k o n with s u c h fond the New York Music Teachers AssoVanguard, the Women's Association
m e m o r i e s . P e r h a p s the e l i m i n a t i o n o f R i v a l r y h a s o f - ciation, has a background of study of Albany Symphony. The public Is
f e r e d a g r e a t c h a l l e n g e to p e r s o n a l i n i t i a t i v e . It w o u l d in the Julllard School, intensive Invited,
work with the late Adelaide GeScore, records, and books rei n d e e d b e v e r y d i s c o n c e r t i n g to t h i n k t h a t t h i r t y - f i v e scheldt, and coaching with Charles
lating to the concert are available
h u n d r e d s t u d e n t s c a n n o t m e e t s u c h a c h a l l e n g e , n o t Haker and Wliinifrod Cecil.
at the Harmanus Bleecker brunch
Her teaching experience Includes of Albany Public Library, courtesy
o n l y in t h e a t r e , b u t in s o m a n y s t u d e n t a c t i v i t i e s .
Drearly School and Chapln School of Mrs. John McLean.
as well as her private studio.
An article concerning the Albany
Mr. (Willlain Hudson, Assistant Symphony's third concert Is in this 217 Western A v e . Albany, N.Y
Phone 6-3610
Professor of Music at State Univer- Issue.
March 30, 31
The alert censor will now jump
up and say that if forbidden words
are helpful to society's mental health
they obviously must remain dirty to
continue to serve their functions.
Gerald*8 Drug Co.
Jackets Jlobes
M M M I Hi *7»1S
far In allowing the four-letter monsters to appear in print i s a very
alluring question which seems to
fascinate the literate public. The
discussion of what should and should
not be allowed provides zestful
topics of discussion at dull parties.
Symphony to Preview Concert;
Features Hudson of Albany
d $wt
7.9:30p.m. — Jazz Scene WSUA; Host-Lou Strong
This kind of reasoning is fallaclous. The replacement of the
four letters by asterisks, or slmliar marks, hardly troubles the witty
reader who digs into fits repertoire
and finds that dozens of extremely
suitable words fit the contest.
The young, guileless reader will
wonder why the asterisks were put
there. With an aroused curiosity,,
youngster may find friends eager
'°. !leM> n l m i n 1 u e s t ' o r knowledge.
Forbidden words are actually vefy
helpful to society. For one thing,
frustrated individuals can verbally
perform forbidden action. Anger is
sublimated into words, not physical
violence. Also the use of dirty words
Pure Mind Maintained
a feeling of comradeship to
In either case, the horrendous
four letters never find their way certain groups.
into print and so the pure mind is
Alluring Question
supposed to maintain its likeness
The question of how far is too
to the driven snow.
Many censors seem to feel that
**** Is an adequate substltue for
any of a variety of earthy, fourlatter, Anglo-Saxon words.
I don't really understand the reasoning behind this, but, to conjecture, it seems that if the reader Is
old enough to comprehend the meaning of the original word, his lmagination Is capable oftelllnghlmwhat
the missing word was.
The reader, specifically the
young, to whom the word would
meaning nothing is not introduced
to the vile word.
Object - Universal Peace
Censors and the Four-Letter Word
United Nations. Is not the perfect
organization. In fact, the UN has
been accused of being a sounding
board for U. S. and Soviet factions.
All is not lost for the organization. One big suggestion for. the
UN is the elimination of the vote.
It is felt that the United States has
nothing to hide and should not be •
upset if the veto departs.
As for the problem of dues, there
is no ready solution for this. What
will be gained to have the Russians
lose their assembly vote if they
still have their Security Council
veto? Until a workable solution is
found, this is something the U. S.
will have to accept.
Despite its shortcomings, the United Nations is the only tangible attempt to prevent war. The workings of United Nations are summed
up In Article I, Secion 2: "To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take
other appropriate measures to
that the strengthen universal peace."
AL1AMY i T U W M T M l i S
ARTS on Books
U.N. Offers''OhfxWoriabl&M^iaHti
For Maintenance of World Peace
DINS the word "sermon" make
ion snort? Wake up — you may be
missing something.
la the lore, legend, and laughter
of sermons, not only can anything
happen — It has happened.
••We all know what It Is," the
Hot. W. A. Spooner once told his
audience solemnly from the pulpit,
"to have a half-warmed fish within
On another occasion, the good
Reverend's half-formed wish to describe the Lord as a "loving shepherd" produced the assertion: "Yes,
Indeed; the Lord Is a shoving leopard.
-' -" <~ *_£
Etisfay.Mwclt 1 1 W S
7:30 p.m.
On Scenic Snyder's
'Silver Dollar Radio'
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I'rouj o\ Age
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Dial 283-V9IS
"Tops with Rock & Roll Bands
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Prtifey, March 12, INS
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M A R C H 16, 1 0 6 5
VOL. LI N O . 10
Collins Discuses Presidential Role
With Student Panel at Golden Eye
THE HOPE. ACTION, AND DISAPPOINTMENT of the recent coge season are refleeted in this series of pictures taken by Steve Kling of State's final home game
against Ithaca College. Losses .to Buffalo and Ithaca completely eliminated Albany's chances for a post-season tournament bid. Buffalo was recently eliminated
in the NCAA small-college division tournament by Akron University, Ohio. As Doc
Sauers walked out of the Armory on February 28 for the last time, the season still
AMIA Keg Results
ASP *****
Here Is the rundown on the two
AMIA Bowling Leagues through Mar.
* * * * *
A RayView of Sports
by Ray McCloat
The AMIA intramural basketball leagues have~been
operating for almost two months now, and we feel that
certain faults have arisen in the functioning of these
leagues that must be corrected if next year's season is
to be successfully run.
Before we examine these faults, we must admit that
some of the league's malfunctions are directly attributable to the delay caused by the construction of a new
floor in the Page Gym. There are, however, a number
of abuses that have been suffered by the teams in the
leagues that are a result of lack of foresight and poor
scheduling on the part of AMIA officials.
'Occasionally games would have to be rescheduled
due to last minute developments. In one such instance,
one of the teams was never notified of the change and,
as a result, had to forfeit the contest. Many times
during the season a team would be charged with a
technical foul because a substitute had run onto the
court before the man he was replacing had left the floor.
This was due to the lack of a substitution rule, or the
failure of the AMIA to inform the teams of one.
Too often a spectator was called on to be the scorekeeper, timekeeper, or referee, when such positions
should have been held by trained, paid league officials.
We feel, also, that it would not be too great an expense
to the AMIA to furnish a scoreboard (makeshift at that)
so that players would not have to call to the scorer's
table to find out the score of the game.
Players have the right to know what place their team
is in and who the leading scorers are in each league.
AMIA should furnish these statistics by putting them
up on the bulletin board of give It to the ASP for publication. Also, the public should be notified when an
important game is to be played In one of the four
This year's AMIA basketball season is over, none
too soon. We can only hope that next year's season
enjoys better planning and organization that this year's
Added note: Mr. Keith R. Munsey was named early
last week to pilot the frosh baseball team. Mr. Munsey,
successful cross-country coach, is replacing Bill
Sohieffelln, who is receiving a rest from the coaching
chores he has had since mid-September. If coach Munsey can be half as successful with the frosh diamondmen
as he has been with the oross-country team, the frosh
are sure to have a fine season.
Kappa Beta
Potter Club
New Dorms
Potter Club
Kappa Beta
Alpha PI Alpha 37
Manager Woodward :
Valuable Handyman
21 1/2
High individual scores: John Lllga (EEP) 246-623; Joe Loudls(Goobers) 2345-590; Gordy Muck (APA)
223-574, 243-572; Mike Putney (Elberons) 209-571, Tom Jones (EEP)
214-552; Don Comtols
(EEP) 200-570; Kirk Ellis (Goobers)
203-555; John Crouse (New Dorm)
233-552; Dave Serson (Commuters)
550-560 In two series; Tony Rlservato (KB) 212-531.
"Essential to the success of a community of scholars is a foundation of mutual
trust." With this remark, Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of SUNYA, brought together
many of the points he had made in talking with a student panel at the Golden Eye
Friday night. The panel included Toni Mester, Guy McBride, Tim Atwell, and Elizabeth Webre. Alice Katz moderated the discussion.
The panel sought first to
determine the President's
legal powers and responsibilities, and Dr. Collins
made it clear that "the law
imposes no restrictions on
the President's authority
except thathis rulings can't
be capricious or arbitrary."
hod one game remaining, but for oil purposes it was over. The Pods traveled to
Central Connecticut and were trounced by a fired-up home team, 102-80, to close
out the long season for State. The Albany men recorded a fine 16-6 mark and established a new record for consecutive wins, 12, in a highly successful year. On this
one.evening, however, the season was a failure.
by Don Oppedisano
John "Woody' Woodward, varsity basketball and soccer manager, is a man devoted to his Job. At every
game, "Woody" is on the sidelines, keeping a running
score of the game; in addition, he arranges meals,
sends in cumulative statistics every week to the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, and handles money
to arrange accommodations for overnight trips.
comes from Heu"Woody," a junior with a math
N . Y . , w h e r e , a t major and a chemistry minor,came
to State because It offered the proHeuvelton Central School, gram he wanted at the time. He
to be interested In managhe l e t t e r e d i n f o o t b a l l t w o started
y e a r s , b e i n g n a m e d t o t h e »"B h ' s freshman year when he be„ n i „ _ ~ . „ < u „ « , „ i i t- ™ : « came manager of the freshmanbas-
all-league football team in
teai£ He s a j d ( . , T n e y n e e a e d
y e a r , a n d l e t - sometone to be manager and I wanted
t e r e d in b a s e b a l l one y e a r , something to do." He was varsity
Highest scores: Connelly, 222,
Sneddon, 217, Welcome, 217.
High series: Connelly, 592, Salecker (One-Eyes) 578, Connelly,
Frosh Travel West Point
Next Friday, March 19, the Albany State freshman wrestling team
will compete in an annual West
Point Tournament with other top
frosh grappling squads from along
the Eastern seaboard.
Such schools as Lehigh, the University of Pittsburg, Penn State,
Cornell, Yale, Harvard, Brown, and
Oswego will 1» represented.
About the meet Itself, varsity
wrestling coach Joe Garcia had this
comment: "Formerly, rules prohibited the losers of two matches
from competing again, but now I
understand that all wrestlers who
were defeated by finalists can compote among themselves for second,
ihiwt. and fourth places."
Coach Bob Burllngame will take
We. feature
collegiate haircut*
5 minute walk from the
New Campus
1148 Western Avenue
the frosh grapplers into the meet
and hopes that the team "makes a
good showing" In light of the tough
.competition at the meet. Mr. Garcia
feels that one of the problems the
boys have faced In past tournament
competition Is the lack of intrateam competition.
Some past State wrestling greats
who have been successful In the
tourney are Charley Cane, Clem
Crow, Tommy Farrel, and John
Waytowlch, who was defeated by
the man who later went on to be a
national champion.
Both coaches Garcia and Burllngame feel that the calibre of our
wrestlers has greatly Improved and
hope for a state champion in the
near future.
basketball and soccer manager In
his sophomore and junior years,
and will be manager of both sports
next year when he is a senior.
Here at State, John has also been
a member of the football, bowling,
and softball Intramural teams, and
was a member of the freshman baseball team. He hopes to teach math
after he graduates, and go on for his
Masters, hopefully at St. Lawrence.
"Woody's" biggest thrill since
becoming a manager was the Peds'
double overtime 83-81 win over
Plattsburgh in February. He said
that, "It was kind of satisfying."
When asked about how managing
will help him In the future, John
was quoted as saying that, "You
got a good background in sports.
If you ever want to go into officiating
In sports, you will know a lot about
it. You learn a lot about the administrative end, which Is one thing
that the varsity athlete doesn't learn.
You do a lot of travelling and get
to see a lot of the state.",
Sigma Alpha
Sigma Alpha downed Bleeker In
a basketball game last week, 17-0.
In a match with Hartwlck, Demi
Blnares scored 10 points to lead
the female cagors to a 27-20 victory. In tho frosh contest, Hartwlck
won a Hirht wimn. 29-27.
In WAA bowling, Phi Delta topped
Brubacher, 1730-1720, with Joyce
llaber rolllntr a 193slnule.
(Mn, ugi 19 A compluliffn ol ul iaoil I y » r ©I coHege )
. . . cempriiing 110 outstanding Beys. Girls. Brolhsr-Bisler
and Co-Ed Camps, leceled throughout lh« Ntw England, Middle Atlantic Stales and Canada.
, . . INVlf U YOUR INQUIRIES co.c.mln, I W M I tmplo, as Head
CauiUMlara. Group Uaesrs, Spsclaltln. Oeetral Counselors.
Writs, Phont, or Call In Psnon
Association of Private Camps - Dopr. C
Maiwtll M. Altsandsr, FstfvflVt Oirttlor
1 IS West Aini Street.
New Verh 3», N, V. si
PICTURE OF DESTRUCTION depicts the aftermath ol the
fire that swept the partially completed dormitory tower Thursday. The propane gas tanks amidst the rubble are blamed for
the fire.
Blaze in Dorm Tower
A fire, precededbyboomingexplosions, raged through
the seventh and eighth floors of the partially completed
dormitory tower of the second quadrangle at the university's new campus site, last Thursday morning.
He also pointed out that in tile
final analysis, he is the "single
channel from the trustees to the
rest of the university" and that
final responsibility for all aspects
of University administration rests
upon him.
In this context he added that
while "we retain in administration
a lot of the small college flavor"
he must delegate more and more
of his authority to vice presidents.
He made the distinction that " a
President acts for the Presia dea a c , s t0 tlle PresWent
Outside Activities
The panel questioned him on his
outside activities, which include
serving on the board of a bank, and
serving as president of the American
Association of Colleges for Teacher
Ho defended this use of much of
Ills time by declaring that "one of
the most important tasks (of a president) is to interpret the University
to the community." He spoke of
several tangible results of this role,
one of which Is a community-sponsored planetarium which will be located on the New Campus.
PRESIDENT EVAN COLLINS listens to a question from the audience as he took part in Friday night's Golden Eye. Other panelists in the picture are Alice Katz and Tim Atwell.
along a few months ahead of sched.
ule, and workmen had been completing a floor every three or four
However, if the fire caused serious structural damage, and part
uf the frame must be torn down,
there will I* a considerable loss
in its meeting Sunday evening, will examine the problems within its
of time.
Provisional Council divided Its specific area, thereby eliminating a
Presently, structural engineers
twenty-six man membership into great deal of the time consuming
are determining how much, if any,
eight committees. Joseph Mahay, work for the Provisional Council.
of the recenUy completed building
chairman of the Council, explained,
All of these committees have
frame will have to be dismantled
"we felt that at this point much been formed on the basis of the
A spokesman for the contracting to repair the damage.
more could be accomplished if we structural
a r r a n g e m e n t that
company, Foster-Newman Co.,Inc.,
subdivided the Council, with each emerged from the past two years of
Free Press
stated that an initial estimation of
The area of academic freedom, committee working intensively in government workshops. Each comdamage placed the loss at about
and particularly freedom of student one a r e a . "
mittee will be dealing solely with
The eight committees formed the revision of student government;
was much discussed.
The dormitory tower, which evenwere Religious Interests, Living the lone exception will be Finance
tually will rise to twenty-two stor"There is no compromise between Areas, Community Programming, committee whose primary concern
ies, was unoccupied; it is scheduled
having a student newspaper and hav- Communications, Academic Inter- will be budgetary allocations for the
for occupancy by February, 1900.
an official publication. Whenstu- ests, Central Council, Finance, and 1905-00 academic year.
It is believed that a propane-heater,
Organizational Recognition,
Last Saturday an orientation
used to protect newly poured con(coiitiuitccj lo [}<if>c 2)
Albany witnessed a march of over
It is hoped that each committee meeting for the Council was held In
crete from freezing winds, touched 1000 people Sunday afternoon prothe New Campus Dining Hall. Dean
off the blaze.
testing the murder of Heverend
Neil Brown and Dr. Robert Morris
James Jteeb In Selma, Alabama.
at this meeting, the purpose
Wind Loosens Canvas
The demonstration was nationwide
of which was to inform the Council
Tlie contractors explained that a and was sponsored by the National
membership of what conclusions
group of 180 workmen on the second Association for the Advancement
had been drawn from previous govquadrangle had completed the pre- of Colored People.
cast concrete forms for the floor of
The march began at 2 p.m. at
the nltli story about 0:30 p.m. Wed- the Temple Baptist Church on ClinGovernment Conference
Planned for the second half of
ton Street. The demonstrators then
March vacation is a four-day conWith tho temperatures hovering solemnly marched four abreast to
ference, at which time the Council
just above 20 degrees, and freezing the Capitol steps. No singing or
members will tie able to devote full
winds expected, the workmen placed talking was the procestime to the completion of their govcanvas around the outside of the sion.
ernment revision workshop.
When they reached the steps of
MYSKANIA, In Its first Judicial
Workmen stretched the canvas the Capital, a burst of singing broke
last Thursday night, upfrom Ihe eighth floor to tho ninth, out led by Dr, Illchard Wilkio, a
held the legality of Provision Counand fired the fifteen propane heaters professor at State, Jame Lockharl,
cil's decision to have the results
to keep the now concrete warm. State Commissioner of Human
of the recent school elections r e It is believed that the strong Hights, and tho Friends of SNCC
to the Council,
winds pulled tho canvas loose and
After the singing a short service
The decision stated:"Provisional
that the flapping cloth touched a was held In the memory of Heverend
Council, having assumed all the
propane heater and burst Into n e B b, The service was led by d o r powers of the Senate of Student Assoflames. Tho tire was discovered by gynieii from tho three major faiths,
ciation has complete authority over .
a night watchman at 2:33 a.m.
The day's activities ended with
Election Commission which was
all the marchers singing the tracreated by and responsible to the
Tower Ahead ol Schedule
dltluunl Civil Hightssong,"WeShall
A-spokesman fur tho Statu Dor. Overcome."
It continued, "that it is within the
milory Authority pointed out that
Albany State was represented al
of Provisional Council to obwork on tho tower hud Iweu moving the march with a contingent ufabout
tain the immediate release ol the
fifty students, Including many memresults of the March 1965 Student
No Friday Issue bers of Freedom Council, The CounAssociation elections,"
Uecause of the vacation, tho ASP
ell members were equipped with MEMBERS OF ALBANY STATE'S Newman Club display their
The ballots have lieen turned over
will not publish an issue this Frl- signs reading "Mr. President, how banner as they take part in Sunday's protest march. They were
to Provisional Council, but cannot
day, Publication will resume on many more must die?" and "Albany among the many State students who took part In the Civil Rights
be made public until the Council apApril 2,
State Students Protest Violence." demonstration.
proves such action,
of control for five hours
while Albany firemen and
volunteer companies from
had to string hoselines for
more than a half-mile from
a Washington Avenye hydrant in order to extinguish
the blaze.
Albany Students
Join in Protesting
Minister's Murder
Council Forms Committees;
Plans Vacation Conforonco