N f M o Wallops Hoopsters Mttls

Tuesday, Ptctibw 15,1944
N f M o Wallops Hoopsters 89-65;
State Mttls Utka Tomorrow NWrt.
Albany State's basketball team, losing the services of Dick Crossett on fouls midway through the second half, dropped an 89-65 decision to the-University of Buffalo
in an away game Saturday. The loss left Albany porting a 2-2 slate, while Buffalo
copped its fourth straight game in as many starts. State takes on Utica College tomorrow night in the Armory,
Crossett fouled out with
10:30 gone by in the second
The senior co-captaln was caught
for two quick personals within the
first two minutes, and was forced
to play cautious ball. He sat.out the
last three minutes of the first half.
Albany found Itself involved In a
seesaw battle midway through the
first half, as Jim O'Donovan and
Dan Zeh kept the Peds within one
point. The Peds, however, could
not muster an effective offense and
trailed 4-35 at half time.
Buffalo broke away half way
.through the second half when Cros•sett fouled out and built a lead that
Albany could not surmount.
Jim O'Donovan paced the State
attack with 16 points and Norwood
Goodwin had 14 points to lead Buffalo's scoring.
BOB ZEH SCORES on easy field goal to culminate successful
TP fast break in Southern Connecticut game last Wednesday night.
Zeh, D.
Zeh, B.
In the Wednesday bowling league
1 for W.A.A., Carol Ricotta had the
game for the day — 179 and
Constantino 1
4 Carl Hainan had the high series 297. Both are on the Commuters
oo team.
In the Thursday league, Karen
* * * * *
Mulvaney had the high series —290,
and Faith Buettner had high game TP 150.
The varsity volleyball teams deFratangelo
3 feted St. Rose in their first corn5
12 petition of the year In their first
10 use of the new floor In Page. The
0 first team, composed of S. Foote,
Krasnewsky 5
12 A. SchUltZ, V. Beatty, J. Hercez,
The SUNYA Weightliftlugandbody
2 J. Zeboris, and J. Lent, won in two
1 games 13-8 and 15-2. The second building club will mild its first
in the lower lounge of
Baschnagle 0
4 team also won in two by scores of
9 13-10 and 14-10. Playing for this Waterbury Hall tomorrow at 7 p.m.
- 1
9 team were L. Kayser, L. Kandal, The problems that will lie discussed
S. Pfreunder, S. Raymond, J. Bal- at this meeting will be of great importance for all those who plan to
•85 mel, J. Manel and N. Paplsh.
WAA Sports News
Albany Student Press
A L B A N Y 3 , N E W YORK
DICK CROSSETT LAYS UP <" fwo-pointer for one of his eleven
field goals ogoinst Southern Connecticut last week.
ExU 129
Albany, N. Y.
A bill requestingpayment to Photo
Service for all photography work
done by them was introduced into
committee, and defeated there.
in Murray Schisgal's "The Tiger."
Smith won his first match of the
year, decisioning Denny Cosco,7-6,
in the 123 pound class.
Wrestling in the 130 pound division for the first time this season,
Gene Monaco pinned Rusty Spalir
at 3:17.
Draper Hall
13S Western Ave.
The other organizations affected
were Cabinet, Art Council, Dramatics Council, University Commuters Organization, Campus Viewpoint, Primer, and S. U, Hevue.
ro? take
ttfta oppnriumhjl
tto tfjattk gem fmj
gmtr patrattage.j
mb to txttnb
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'fjolftaij aeaaottJ
TOM KOENING HOLDS temporary advantage over opponent from
FarUigh Dickinson, but Dickinson nan cam* back to score
j,0 victory.
Senate Freezes Own Budget;
Gives Recognition to Camp Board
Senate was just one organization
out ot eight that had their budgets
frozen because they failed to submit a November financial report
to Finance Committee headed by
Senator Harry Gardner.
The Albany State varsity wrestlingteam won its second consecutive mat victory last Saturday in an exciting
match with a strong Fairleigh Dickinson University
squad. The Pedgrapplers gained momentum with a pair
of wins the first two matches, and wenton to take five
of the nine events, winning 18-14.
Gene Monaco and Paul
Hoffman scored pins for
State, and Ron Smith added
* * * * *
three points via a decision
win. Albany won the 117 and
177 pound classes by forfeits.
State's Howie Merrlam ran into
one of the best wrestlers In the
jo.n the club.
137 pound class that Albany will
The club is planning Its first ever face, Ray Barker. Barker decompetition for the beginning of feated Merrlam 0-2,
March. Those who wish to participate in this open meet are requested
In the 147 and 157 pound classes,
to practice pushups, situps, and both of the Ped wrestlers lost. Bob
pullups. The competition will be Verrignl dropped the 147 pound
comprised of these exercises.
match to Charlie Hough, 4-2, and
The bodybuilding section of the Tom Koenig was shut out by FDU's
club, under the supervision of Keith Al F e r r a r i , 1-0.
Inglls, plans to initiate a Mr. State
University contest before the end
Paul Hoffman won his 107 pound
of the second semester. For more contest with John Stewart by a pin,
information about either contest, at 5:52.
contact Keith Iglis or George Nagy.
Any registered student at State
Fairleigh Dickinson's Nel Nrlgont
is eligible to take part in the club,
and the barbells will be at the dis- copped the unlimited division with a
pin over Dick Robelott, 1:58.
posal of all club members.
Albany's frosh matmen also won
There will lie no restricted time
for trainings and the key to the their match with FDU by the Identical
score of 18-14,
training room can be obtained from
the Waterbury office. The individual
Winners for the freshmen were
winners of the contests will r e Paul Gullfoyle, 123 pounds, by deceive prizes.
Scarlnge, 147 pounds,7-4;
The club needs the support of
167 pounds, pin at
the student body, and all those Interested are urged to attend the 2:35; and Tim Ambroslno, 177
VOL. L N O . 4*3~-
Financial Policy enacted by Student Association caused Senate to
freeze its own budget during the
order of business at Wednesday
night's meeting.
Peds Defeat FDU 18-14
Second Win for Matnwn
Waightlifting Club Holds Mtttbg
J A N U A R Y 8 . 1066
'Tiger,' 'Typists' to Start
The Department of Speech and
Dramatic Art will present "The
Tiger" and "The Typists" in Richardson Hall Studio Theatre at 8:30
p.m. tonight and tomorrow night
and next Monday through Saturday
The Studio Theatre seats 114.
All seats are on a reserved seat
basis. Tickets are available al the
Richardson 279 box office from
10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. dally. Admission is hv studem lax card or
Samo Author
Tlie two one-art plays were written b\ Murray Schisgal, who wrote
*\ the curreni Broadway success.
"Luv." Both plays are under the
direction '>f Professor James Leonard.
Produced successfully off-Broadway several years ago, these two
comedies are said to have "the
heal of the generation." Both are
comic and yet serious examinations
of man's hopes, aspirations and desires.
Bawdy and O f f b o a t
Both combine the rare mixture of
bawdy lun and off-beat humor with
a sometimes tragic, but always
tongue-in-cheek comment on human
frailties. The comedies have been
described as being "representative
of the now wave of American dramaturgy at its vibrant liest."
"The Tiger" was first seen in
i London in I960 and was presented
a year later at the Edinburg Festival, whore it was received enthusiastically. It Is a wonderfully
funny examination of the man-woman relationship In a comic reversal of dominant characters. The
two roles are played by Tim Alwell
and Christine Smith,
Senate voted to freeze its awn budget. The Senators seem rather
cool to this announcement.
presented by Senator Gene Tobey.
Ituth Whiting, president of Outing
Club, represented Camp Hoard on
the'Senate floor. Some discussion
was raised as to the validity of
plying questions on the floor wilose
This is the second dramatic proanswers
may have been divulged In
Camp Board was approved as an
duction given by the department this
year. The first was a performance organization on campus with the ac- committee.
The purpose of Camp Board is
ceptance of Its revised structure as
of "Faustus."
Mr. Leonard directed the department's second production last year,
too. It was entitled "USA" and it
proved to lie a great success
Eight-Night Run Tonight
Senator Bader Introduced a bill
asking for a line transfer in the
UCA budget. The line transfer provides for a line increase in the All
University Concert Line and Special
Events Line.
An amendment to the Revised Bill
Procedure passed in May, 1904 was
Introduced by Senator Robert Gable
•and passed with twenty-seven in the
affirmative and one abstention.
to be invested with the "authority
for the operation, development, and
maintenance of the Adirondack properly purchases for the creation of a
University camp. This property
shall be known as Carnp Dipplkill.
Letters of resignation submitted
by Senators Alex Delfini and Ann
Quartararo were read and accepted.
Artists to Display
Samplies of Work
At Golden Eye
The program ol the Golden bye
Coffee House will focus on an
tonight as a three-member panel
discusses "Creativity and the Artist." The three panelists, all members of the SUNY Art Depatment
are Edward Cowley, William Wilson, and Thomas O'Couner.
Ail three men have shown their
paintings at various exhibits in the
Capital District area, and will have
several samples of their work on
display tonight. The) will try to
explain just how an artist goes
about creating a work of art.
All three displayed their work
al the Schenectady Museum last
year, and all look prizes there.
Mr. Cowley also look a prize at
The Berkshire Museum.
In March, Mr, Wilson will have
a one-man show at the Albany Art
Institute. Mr. O'Connor lias been
Involved with the Tamarind Print
Shop, an experimental print and
graphic conler In California. He
has also displayed his art in several shows in California.
Both Mr. Cowley and Mr, O'Connor recently received fellowships
from the Research Foundation of
the State University of New York.
The program is scheduled to begin about 9)30 p.m. The Golden
Eye will be open from 9-12 p.m.
It 1* located at 8:.0 Madison Avonue In the basement of the Presbyterian Church,
The Campus- Christian Council
which sponsors the Golden Eye has
announced that Dewltt Elllnwood of
tlie Social Studies Department will
!glve the tmrmon for the Church of
the University Community Sunday
morning lit i ,..iu. The miijaci ot
Two Rolo Comedy
"The Typists" is also a two-role
comedy, Jon Barden and Diane Somervllle star in this Intensive study
of the comic cliches of routlnlzed
existence. Both productions follow
the current trend of small-cast
Broadway plays,
-v Mr. Leonard feels that the Studio
Theatre is most appropriate for tlte
•.ftU^ii.b' of tliase two plays, The In•tiualc ;iJiu«iu:e and actor relation"Wl'f, ••lu<M enhance fe response
hi« talk y/M rr> "»ip«t«s«." .
STUDENTS RELAX and enjoy their dinner in the spacious New Campus Dining Hall. A waitress stands
ready to clean up after the meal.
Dining Hall Opens At New Dorm
Comments ranged Ironi "I love
It" to "disgusting" as New Campus
dwellers took their first inoals in
their own dining hall which opened
last Monday.
The hugeness of tlie room, which
seats 550, Is softened by deep-rod
carpeting and rosewood tahlos. Music plays softly In the background.
Two cafeteria lines speed me students through, while allowing them
a choice of five kinds of Juice and
three kinds of salad,
II was quite a change from the
State Office Cali'»rta, wjtjre portions had boeu getilngurujr'iMis'l' cd'
smaller. Appreciation was shown in
the remarks, "It's good, and hotl
Hope it slays tills way. Even Hie
toast is hot in tlie morning,"
lty Wednesday they were getting
used to tlie food, or else, "After
two good days It's getting back to
Several waitresses have already
been hi rod to wipe off the tables
after students have cleared away
tlieivown dlstioi. More will teiddml
io reUjBVt Pia bun::' on ilious now
AIM/OB'" 'his .Ktt<'s."'i<Vri< tic re-'
'Mtn'i w m l n rules, 3JJB*! as 0
dress code, are enforced. Even the
ASP's fearless photographer was
challenged when he ventured into
the dining area in his clean, but
well worn dungarees.
Mr, Corhley, director of Food
Service, thinks that It will take
about a week to get things really
organic J. By that time he may
have to 'replace the ashtrays and
salt shakers that a r e already being
' pilfered," but lie will have earned'
Hie gratitude of many who don't
have to ride a bus to breakfast
for (
to p)
Dan J
not j
Friday, January 8, 196S
Simmer Study Offered
In France, Germany
A European Study Program is
being offered by SUNY at Albany
at the University of Nantes and the
University of Wurzburg. The program is open to qualified graduate
and undergraduate students and
teachers of Frencli and German.
In Wurzburg the session will run
from June 27 to September 4, with
a cost of $951. This includes roundtrip air transportation, tuition and
fees for the six week academic
course and six hours of credit at
State, room and board with a German family, and four excursions
to surrounding historic and cultural sites.
ducted through several parts oi
Italy, France and the Riviera. The
cost of the field trip Is an extra
$250, which includes all expenses.
The study program at the University of Wurzburg includes
courses in composition, conversation, language, literature and history.
^ ^
V a r i e d Nontes Program
The study program at the University of Nantes includes courses
in language, civilization and a seminar offering eight hours of graduate or undergraduate credit at
Jnformation pertaining to the
European Study Program and applications for the program may be obtained by contacting: European Projects Director, College of Arts and
A HARBOR VIEW of the Uni- Sciences, State University at Alvtriity of Nantes, on* of the bany, 135 Western Avenue, Albany,
New York 12203.
lumimr study centers.
(O^soCfXrrs^U^ -T?
Peace Corps Applicants
To Take Placement Test
The Peace Corps Placement Test
will be given tomorrow at 8:30 p.m.
in Room 334, Main Post Office in
Albany, and in the Main Post Office in Schenectady.
Peace Corps applicants must be
American citizens at least 18 years
old. Married couples are eligible If
they have no dependents under 18.
Applicants should . bring along a
completed questionnaire which may
Stuyvasant Plaza
Fiih Fry-Wed. 6 hi.
$\ - all uou can eat
Spaghetti nite - Sat.
$1.29 - all you can eat
be obtained at most post offices.
There are two parts to the Peace
Corps Placement Test, a general
aptitude test and a modern language
aptitude test — for which knowledge
of a foreign language is not necessary.
Research Foundation
Grants, Fellowships to Faculty
T w e n t y - f o u r faculty study the formation of aldehydes and
from organic balides or
members at Albany have 'ketones
tosylates and trimethylamine-nreceived Faculty Research oxlde.
Fellowships awardedby the
F i n k c l s t e i n to O b s e r v e S o l u t i o n s
Research Foundation of the Flnkelsteln
Intends to observe the
State University.
flow properties of polyacrylic acid
The fellowships were announced
during Christmas Recess. They are
awarded for work on summer projects involving extensive efforts.
The fellowships of $1200 each were
part of the hundred and sixty awarded
by the Foundation at the fall meeting of the awards committee.
Grant-ln-Aids ranging from $200
to $700 were also awarded to sixteen faculty members. The grants
are designed tq aid faculty in pursuing original research in an area
related to their major field by providing funds for clerical assistance
and printing.
Applicants should plan on spend-,
Profs R e c e i v e T w o Awards
lng about one and a half hours at
In the English Department Dr. Edthe testing center, unless they wish
to take the Spanish or French ward LeComte and Dr. Arthur Colachievement test. This optional test lins each received both a fellowship
will require an additional hour. and grant. LeComte plans to do r e search on the notorious Lady Essex:
No passing or failing marks are Focus of poetry and scandal at the
given out, nor will the applicants court of James the First. Collins
ever learn their scores. The r e - will edit an edition of J. E. Splnsults are used, with the character garn's lectures at the New School
references and questionnaires, to for Social Research.
estimate the applicant's potential1
for completing the intensive trainDr. Harry Paige and Dr. David
ing program and their ability to C. Redding received fellowships and
be effective volunteers.
will do their work on the songs of
Over 5,300 Volunteers are now the Teton Sioux and a study of the
serving In 46 countries In Africa, work of Sir John Harrington, r e Latin America, and the Near and spectively. Dr. Thomson Llttlefleld
Far East. They have a command of received a grant to edit a text of
more than 40 languages.
Surrey's blank verse Aneid n and
Must Volunteers are now con- IV.
centrated in 17 Latin American
Edward Cowley,Dr. MojmlrFrlncountries. The programs in 15 African countries also claim a large ta and Thomas O'Conner of the Art
received fellowships.
share of the American workers,
Four thousand three hundred Vol- Cowley will study the aesthetic conunteers are presently being trained. siderations in community planning
with special reference to the village of Altamonl. Frlnta will do an
investigation of the punched patterns
340 Western Avenue
adorning the golden backgrounds of
painted panels of the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries. O'Conner plans
Wo coll ond deliver
to research the use of metal plates
in tile medium of fine lithography.
IV 2-3137
Associative Professors of Chemistry Dr, Robert Belschllne and Dr.
Alfred Flnkelsteln each received a
fellowship and grant. Beishline will
Christian!!'.' has more to offer than hope, it has positive
proof in iric form of u MIRACLE which was foretold,
described arid Is Inlcr.icly personal. Ask the Religious
Leaders or send me ;. card rnurktd KSP-17. My reply Is
free, non-Denominational, CJtfMMl, Martyn '.'•• hull.
Box 53, Clen Kidue.'N.L ; w : „ <(„:>A!
S mlnvto walk ham the
'/Jew Camuuo
1148 Western Avanuo
' " " " -
solutions, Drs. Marlanna Cherry
and Henry Kulvla received grants
to research the conformational transitions of succinylated bovine serum
albumin at various .degrees of modification and nl losochlorinatlon of
Olefins, respectively.
Four -members of the Physics
Department received fellowships:
Dr. Henry Chessln for x-ray study
of the lattice deformation In Ironcarbon alloys, Dr. Bruce Marsh to^
develop a combination electron ml-'
croscope and electron beam microprobe for analysis of elemental
composition of extraterrestrial dust
Smith to Study Helmholtz Equotions
Dr. Jack Smith plans to study the
theoretical calculations of two-dimensional fluxes and fields satisfying tlie Helmholtz partial differential equations. Dr. Harold Study
will do research In nuclear quadr u p l e resonance.
Drs. Kenneth Berg, Shirley Brown
and James Mancuso of the Psychology Department were awarded fellowships to do work in patienthoodIn a psychiatric clinic, cognitive
style as preferential organizing tendencies and verbal learning and r e -
organization of "cognitive st, les"
of maladjusted persons through
group counseling, respectively
Other faculty members tu receive
fellowships are Dr. M. I. lierger,
Dr. Paul BoomslHer, Dr. Morris
Eson, Dr. Roger Oesterrelch, Dr.
William Reedy and Dr. John Riser.
Berger Intends to study pedagogical problems.
BoomslHer will researclithetline
requirements for the total runr-tinn
in Autistic and slow-learning children.
Eson plans to work on the ontogenenesis of affirmation and negation.
O e s t e r r e l c h to Research Noise
Oesterrelch will observe the role
of higher neural structures in discriminations of an auditory signal
from noise. Reedy plans to publish
an article on Anglo-Normal studies.
Riser will examine philosophically, religion as a cognitive, evaluative and behavioral orientation.
Dr. Patrick Olafson.Dr. Margaret
Stewart, Dr. Kuan Chen, Dr. Thomas
Barker and Dr. Reuben Ruscli received grants.
Olafson will study atioinohms r'nedel Crafts and Stewart Intends tu
prepare a manuscript f r a hook.
"Amphibians of Malawi."
Chen and Barker will stud) the
shift In the direction of foreign Hade
of Communist China and the Turkish
siege of Vlena In 1083, respectively, Rusch will try to establish the
validity for the Hlgglns-Wertnian
test of visual closure.
«••«• 3
Several faculty members of the
Physics Department at State are
currently undertakingresearchprograms in various areas of the Physics field.
In addition to the faculty projects,
four undergraduates have received
grants from the National Science
Foundation and are now working on
their own research projects,
Professor H. S. Story and his students have been conducting research
in nuclear magnetic and quadruple
resonance. Professor Story has r e ceived grants for equipment and
summer research fellowships from
the Research Foundation of the State
Nuclear quadruple resonance Is an
effective tool for the elucidation of
the structure and structural changes
in certain organic crystals.
and nuclear and magnetic and quadruple resonance studies.
Dr. C. L, Andrews, chairman of
the Department of Physics, has been
doing research in the field of absorption of soft x-rays, electron
ballistics at microwave frequencies,
and microwave diffraction measurements. He has been a consultant at
General Electric Researcli Labora"tory since 1943.
Dr. Andrews and his students
have published twenty-six articles
concerning measurements in mi-,
crowave optics.
Projects dealing with the conductivity mechanism in electrolytic
solutions have been carried on by
Professor A. D. Levitas and his'
students. Dr. Levitas has published
in the area of galvanomagnetic effects In semiconductors.
General Field Theory
Electron Research
Revue Try-Outs
To Begin Soon
Professor Jack 11. Smith has been
working with problems connected
with the development of nuclear r e actors. At present he is working in
general field theory as a continuation of his neutron studies.
Dr. Henry Chessln, a member of
the Physics Department since September,
1904, has published in the
The University Center Associa- field of x-ray diffraction.
Professor Marvin J. Pryor detion and Cabinet announces that applications are now available for the votes much of bis time to the construction
of demonstrations. He has
10Gr-CG Special Days co-chairmantaught and supervised courses for
Anyone interested in applying lor high school Physics teachers dealthe chairmanships of Activities Day, ing with demonstration development.
Electron diffraction, neutrons and
All University Concert, Presidents'
Reception. All University Reception, mesons in emulsions and interaction
Parents Daw Homecoming, Campus of mesons in emulsion nuclei! are
Chest, or ihe Hnlidut Sine., should subject areas being studied by Professor Anne R. Oliver. Siie bas been
pick up applications now.
All application.-, can be ut.tallied a staff member of the Brookhaven
at the U.C.A. equipment desk in National Laboratories, and haspubHnilaciier The applications must llshed In (lie field of elements of
bo leturned lev-ip la.iuary fi. 1DG0. emulsions.
Wrote on N u c l e a r Spectroscopy
The complete i In] ms must lie
Professor Bruce B. Marsh joined'
submitted to .'.1 h.,.ler in ttaterUtrv
the Physics faculty in 1902. He has
Lull or vin Snidem Mail.
work published on the topic of semiHlllel
In nuclear spectroscopy,
A Hlllel meeting will be held
solid state counters, and angular
Sunday, January 10, at 7:30 p.m. distribution in nuclear reactions.
in Bru. Business will include the
The four undergraduate .students
nomination of new officers.
working under Foundation Grants
are David Bradley, working with
Professor Levitas; James E. CurAn important meeting of the Uni- ran, working with Professor Chesversity Freedom Council will be sln; Richard H, Crepeau, working
held on Sunday evening, January 10, with Professor Smith; and George
at 8 p.m. In Brit to elect officers G. Moross working with Professor
for the coining year.
Professor Story lias been carrylug on a research project in the
fields of stress In relation to electron diffraction, solid state devices
State University Revue Organization Invites all interested persons
to "try-out" for tlie 1965 Revue.
The musical comedy "Fanny", a
play In three acts, has been selected
for production.
Parts will be cast for a chorus,
dancers, and approximately fifteen
speaking roles.
Try-outs for the Revue will be
held Thursday and Friday, February
4 and 5 at 7:15 p.m. In Page Hall.
These two days will constitute the
only sessions for casting.
The Revue Is scheduled for presentation on March 12 and 13, with
a special preview on Thursday,
March 11 for area high schools and
Another pressing need of the Revue is that of accompanists. Anyone
interested in providing the musical
accompaniment for "Fanny" should
be prepared to liegln rehearsals at
the beginning of second semester.
ONE OF THE Physics' Departments many exhibits to aid the Interested persons should contact
University 's science students.
Mary Setter at 482-4244.
Hawley Houses Documents
President Evan R. Collins has pands, the creation of the library
announced that the library at SUNY as a Federal depository being a
at Albany lias been designated as a step in that development.
depository for Federal publications.
Library facilities on the new campus will provide shelving for one
Representing the 29th Congres- million vofumes. The library is
sional district, the Honorable Leo scheduled for completion by SepO'Brien chose State's library as the tember 1900.
recipient for government publications covering subject matter available for research by university students and area residents.
The plan to use the library as a
depository was devised as a means
to augment the State Library, normally the source of all government
Information for the region.
As the graduate enrollments are
scheduled to expand from 1050 in
1904 to 2G00 in 1970, a total increase
in enrollment from 4,700 to 10,000.
Research programs and facilities
will increase as the University ex-
Fourteen members of the Albany will be the annual "Sno-Ski" sponState Outing Club plan to spend this sored by the Yale Outing Cluh.
weekend at the University's Camp Skiing for the novice, intermediate,
Dlpplklll. Several will leave early and export will be available with
today to prepare the camp-site, cut rates on ski lessons and ski
while a few others will go up to lifts.
camp tomorrow.
The weekend will take place at
As the camp Is seldom In use, Pico Peak in Rutland, Vermont.
it takes some time to turn on the Special events will include a banlight and water for the farmhouse. quet, a square dance Willi John
David Vaile will chaperono the Mellsh and the Rangers, and "The
group, which plans to spend the Valentine Tandem" races.
weekend skiing,
Costs for the weekend arc exThe Outing Club will sponsor pected to be about $20. Sign-up
skiing trips throughout February, sheets and comploto Information
as long as weather permits. A will bo posted on the Outing Club
special event on February 12-14 bulletin board in the Peristyles.
Find Comfort, Solace and
Company During Exams
Studetf Union Snack Rr
In the story "Trustees Extend
Tenure for Mine. Wolkonsky" wlilch
appeared in the December 15 issue
of the ASP, the quotation "In June
1905, because of a most archaic
rule of an administration so bogged
down in its own red tape, tills university will lose one of Its best
assets," was taken from a student
Anderson to Give Concert
As Part of Farewell Tour
Marian Anderson, world-famous
contralto, making her farewell tour
this year, will honor Albany by appealing at Emmanuel
Church, 275 State Street, Tuesday,
January 12, at 8 p.m.
Miss Anderson has great affection
for Albany, the city which gave her
her first large audience when she
appeared as soloist with the Albany
EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Mendelssohn Club at the beginning
of her career.
275 State Street
Since then she lias appeared with
tlie Albany Civic Music Association
10 a . m . Church School
and at several privately sponsored
11 a . m . Worship
concerts. The tour is under tlie direction of Sol Hurok.
Dr. Ralph H . E l l i o t , M i n i s t e r
The program will include German
Lieder, Negro Spirituals, and works
written for Miss Anderson by contemporary composers.
Tlie Albany concert Is under the
sponsorship of Welcome Chapel
Missionary Baptist Church, 124
Chestnut Street.
Tickets are available by calling
Mrs. C. M. Terry at HE 4-2270.
... To Give Concert
Open Your Lambert's Charge Account
No interest or carrying charge
Club Plans Ski Outings
We feature
Collegiate haircuts
Faculty, Students Conduct
Diverse Physics Research
..\y>As»c»x As>u-"v
In'Nantes" the program will run
from June 24 to August 28, with a
cost of $1110. An additional $340
will be added for the optional postsession tour. The cost for the basic
session includes • round-trip air
transportation, with a rate adjustPoif-Session Trip
Following the academic session a ment if an alternate return route
two week field trip will be con- Is taken.
In addition to the academic session at Nantes, the 'participants
will spend a week studying In Paris THE ABOVE MAP shows the locations of the eight sorority houses where open houses for unaf(i|.
and will stay at Cite Universitaire. iated women will be held this weekend. Freshmen are urged to attend. Dress is school clothes. The'
open houses tomorrow will be from 2-5 p.m. at Kappa Delta ( k & ) , 380 Western Avenue; Sigma AlStudents will be housed in host pha (E-A), New Campus; Sigma Phi Sigma (£.($£_), 840 Washington Avenue; and Chi Sigma Thota
French families in Nantes. Several
weekend excursions into the sur- (XJE.0), 354 Western Avenue. On Sunday the open houses will be held from 2-5 p.m. at Beta Zola
rounding countryside will be In- (BZ), 499 State Street, Gamma Kappa Phi (!"«<(>), 410 Hudson Avenue; Phi Delta ((J) A ), 278 Was.
tern Avenue; and Ps i Gamma (tyV), 490 Hudson Avenue.
cluded in the cost.
l*HJ«y, Jonuary 8
lit* a
*?. $. ^etmitnt.
211 C.ntral Avt.
Phon.: HE 4-7913
Albany, N.w York
3N IN k
This Card Entitles Vou To
20% Off On All Caih Sain
(Repair! Excluded)
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing
Done on Premiiei
Tin. I ] " " 1 " w o t a tavotilB ul llin Plintuoli,. ovun long linluiu
Ihfl d«v* Ol ClooiMiiB . - . a 0*">« w"* 1 ' 0 VOii w d COW oiv
ponflnli '»ow" cQlwod pabblbk into 12 p i l l The idufl u l«
»ow" slmiufliLoliv in crftlai n aplutt twlti pobblw itfrd
pin, iiii wnii.!..» m e i foui .."ii.v ip (MM
i h M d Kfld Hum Dulwil fo- < a\\. t j j * i l i A r
rtdictn pUy . . . (.hiltjiun |il .»< Oti Wall Hi u .i
a lirVrti M p l W l gam«. • d u l l * at i n u t o . u i
In lung iamj« planning W 9 0
u — >*• (•it Ur*»ti Iw four
Draper Uatt ,..'.-•
Aimy>N: fS*
135 Western Ave.
Open evenings till 9
Saturday till 6
Tk@ r&tafeiam. wnftk ftko
Happy Biiif<air<g!fii€<g
F f W t y , January «^
f,\iey. iwmtyt.
Albany.-The CKy-Around Va
by Dabby Friedman
Costs 43 Elwford Votes State Students Entertain
At New Coffee House
"Each state
state shall
shall appoint,
appoint, in
In such
manner as the legislature thereof
may direct, a number of electors,
equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which
the state may be entitled In Cong r e s s . " (Article 11, Section B of
the Constitution)
"The electors shall meet in their
respective states and vote by ballot
for President and Vice President...
Congress Receives Votes
"And thoy shall make distinct
lists of all persons voted* for as
President...and Vice President and
the number of votes for each, which
lists they shall sign and certify and
transmit sealed to the seat of the
government of the United States...
"The President of the Senate
shall, In the presence of the Senate and the House of Representatives, open all the certificates and
the votes shall then be counted;The person havingthe greatest number of votes for President, shall be
the President, If such a number be
a majority of the whole number of
electors appointed...
"The person having the greatest
number of votes for Vice President
shall be the Vice President..."
(Amendment XII)
The above passages from the
Constitution and Amendment XII
pertain to the Electoral College an Institution which never meets
H u l a B o w l , Pro B o w l , Shemoll B o w l , d i d n ' t you get enough footb a l l d u r i n g the v a c a t i o n . Y o u w a t c h e d 12.
Reform Requires Participation
For a long time we have felt that
many rules and regulations governing
on-campus women are unnecessarily
strict. Discontent over such matters as
sign-outs, hours, and house rules is
regularly voiced at dorm meetings, and
less frequently to persons in authority
or through letters such as one on this
Other schools have instituted greater
measures of freedom for their women,
including the abolishment of sign-outs
and hours, and have found that the
greater majority of students are quite
capable of handling the responsibility
for their own actions.
In most schools where such reforms
have taken place, however, they have
have been the result of work by a strong
women's government organization. The
Association of Women Students, although
only recently formed on this campus,
has been attempting to institute some
of these necessary changes.
Its most tangible accomplishment so
far has been the granting of upperclassmen hours to second semester
The AWS can do much more if it can
gain the support of the women on campus. Every forty women have an elected
representative, and they should make
sure that she knows their requests and
is working for them.
Individual students are also welcome
at the weekly meetings, and may express
their ideas and views. The meetings are
held every Tuesday night.
We believe that Albany women deserve
to have a degree of social freedom and
responsibility equal to the academic
freedom and responsibility they are expected to accept.
We also believe that when they demand this right, they will receive it.
Tho Albany Student Press Is a somi-weokly newspaper published by the student
tody of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP may be reached by
dialing olther 489-6481 or IV 2-3326. The ASP office, located In Room 5 of Brubocher H a l l , 750 Slato Street, is open from 7 to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday
H A R O L D L. L Y N N E
Managing Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Editor
Associoto Feature Editor
Photography Editor
Exocutivo Editor
Tochnical Supervisor
Advertising Manager
T e m p o r a r y P r e s i d e n t Elected
The next order of business when
the session covened was to detect
a temporary president and two temporary secretaries lor the college.
Mr. William McEwen who was
elected temporary president made
a few remarks after he was "escorted to the chair." lie said that
the electoral college is "steeped
in tradition" and "has wlthsiokl
the test of time and criticisnrr^
tohn Lomenzo, who was the lunoheon host, spoke after the college
Lomenzo said of the forty-three
electoral votes being cast by New
York that the "people at the polls
spoke their choice, but not until
you (the electors) have cast your
votes will New York's votes be
"Proceedings such as these are
taking Place all over the country
and in Washington, D. C for the
first time.' 1
Polls of Electoral System
tomenzo continued, "A major
naBnal poll showed that a substantial number of people favored
change. However, a New York Bar
Association poll shows a favoring
0r keeping the present electoral
college system."
The college is often criticized
because there is the chance that
someone can be elected president
and not have a majority of the
popular vote. Lomenzo spoke In
favor of the college.
"Being man-made, the system is
not perfect, but it is one that works
effectively even in the space age,
reflecting the will of most of the
"It is a culmination of the process
where Americans exercise their
free will to say who among them
shall be their leaders, though your
(110 electors) roles are largely
Farley Permanent President
Feoture Editor
Business Manager
Public Rotations Director
Circulation Exchange Editor
•'liur. Schniliur
Assistant Photograph) Editor
Joseph Silverman
Assistant Editor
Ellen / a n y
Desk Editor
Laura Avln, Freu N e l i o n , Mike Foronell, Linda Handelsrnon, Sherry
Cutler, Denlso Clark, Unity Newman, Linda Froohon, Maureen M o
Dermot, Alice Nudelmqn, Mlckt McGaughrey, Pamela Fllosi
Bruce U o n l e l i , Paul J o m o n , Robert Judd, Kalhy Brophy,
David Childs, Tonl Mosler, M. Gilbert Williams
....Dennis Church, Joseph Mahay^ Sloven Kllng,
Robert McOdare
William Smnhold
A l l communications rrnitt U r..''!resel- '.'o :\ n l^aVr.... #Ov •'.*' : , ' , ' - , , . V Nun.«•.
w i l l be withheld upon rvo.ye-.t. .Corimiiiicuriun* s.^Jitr,
llmr .,••} re -H*;) > , , . . ' .
and ore subject to editing. The Albany SfovVrf p v • i s i u m p i nn recopr'.jtyflV"'
for opinions expressed in its toiume- r ecr . -%.•!/... i , ©.*. sue'. r..-r>i,»,*M" ...
not necessarily reflect its v i e * .
W oma n
To tho Edltorst
Last evening as I signed out of
my dormitory, a radical thought
struck rne. As I am not one prone
to being struck by radical thoughts,
this one fascinated me. I suddenly
began to wonder why I had to sign
out at all and especially why I had
to pledge myself lo return to my
dorm at an hour specified by the
powers that lie.
I do not recall having signed
over to anyone my right as an
adult to govern my own actions.
The University would certainly not
assume any responsibility for nilsconduct on my part, and I do not
believe that II has the right to exercise any limitations over my personal liberty.
Naturally 1 do not mean that 1
should be free front disciplinary
action by the school If I, in anyway,
brought discredit to the school. I
am speaking only of my right to
personal liberty as defined in the
If, Instead of onlerlng college
upon graduation from high school,
I hud pursued any one of a thousand
other courses, I would now le my
own person. Why must I suffer tho
loss of freedom simply because I
wish to further my education?
The man who attend this University ' are grunted the- right to
cov'-rn Onmisolvfis, They need not
infoi •« the school wJ)ere thoy are
gijug whvj). they U'Kvr, their rustd> -'.-9 .itncl t|,(»y urn not required
to ralvrn nt any Httlcular time.
'.vbj'.init tlnit womon are denied
.".F rwiM rigid/, as mei'i have In a
"There is an informal
atmosphere here where we
can get together with people
who are interested in playing and listening to similar
types of music that we enjoy," commented several
of the performers at the
recently opened Cafe Entre Nous.
Located on the corner of Curry
Road and Hamburg Street off Thruway Exit 25, Schenectady's Coffee
House, owned and operated by John
Wbitaker, offers a variety of styles
of folk music that appeal to anyone,
any age.
Every evening entertainment Is
presented in a candlelight setting
with nets hanging from the ceiling,
as waitresses serve "expresso"
coffee or cider.
C h e s s Game
In the outer room in a corner
there are often two people concentrating on a move in a chess
game while across Hie room students may le engrossed in their
Loca. folk music enthusiasts provide entertainment nightly while
every Sundaj afternoon a hootenany
is held where everyone is welcome
to participate.
People such as Tom Fisher and
Dennis Cox are regular performers.
They present a wide variety of folk
music from comedy to blues.
There are several State students
who perform at the Cafe Entre.
Nous - Maxlne Bergman and Bill,
Smith, Harry Nuckols who Is often
accompanied by his sister; and Don
Whltlock who works In the Financial Aids office.
The songs range from ''Nobody
Knows When You're Down and Out,"
to "Rockln My Soul In the Bosom
of Abraham," to the "Lead Belly
"We keep it as informal as we
can," said Tom Fisher and Dennis
Cox. "We feel that we can convey our
music better to the audience."They
also saw an advantage in having such
a broad variety of music that is offered.
Customer's" Reoctions
"One customer recently wrote
of his reactions alter visiting the
coffee house for the first time.
The letter sums up the feelings of
most people when they lsave after
spending an evening there.
He writes, "It was one of Hie
mosl enjoyable evenings I have had
in a long time. I came in a skeptical mood. I had never before been
to a similar establishment and had
Photo courtesy
of the Schenectady
B I L L SMITH A N D M A X I N E B E R G M A N perform o f o l k music sel e c t i o n at Schenectady's r e c e n t l y opened Cafe Entre Nous. Both
State s t u d e n t s , they are regular performers there.
little idea of what to expect.
"The atmosphere, talent, attitude of employees, prices and accommodations all left very little
to lie desired.
"The ... college people around ...
have much to lose by not joining you
"Folk music and country western
music are the only types that are
not too naive to tell of life as it Is,
rather than as It should be.
"Those of us who can listen to
'Blowing in the Wind' and get the
message should get behind ourselves and start pushing."
Next, a permanent president and
two permanent secretaries for the
college were elected. James Farley
was selected as president. He is
a former postmaster general of
the U. S. and served as a member
by P a u l Jensen
nical weaknesses in the external it moving from one climax to an- images and theme, such as the assoof the electoral college in 1932 and
scenes, displayed an originality of other.
ciation ol life with water/sea. Cer1930 and In the New York Assembly
It is always difficult to select the conception and execution which is
The acting is more than adequate, tain flaws apart, "Iguana" was a
in 1922.
Ten Best Pictures of a particular actuallv brilliant.
the production and girls lavish, the quality film.
Farley briefly reminisced of his year. Films are so vastly different
An extremely modern combina- humor funny, the sadism fun, and
Sicily played a key ro'e in Pietro
past experiences in office. Bill Dap- in intention and style that it is like tion of hilarity and horror, the the action exciting. The fight on the Genni's "Seduced and Abandoned."
pling of Albany, the oldest member comparing oranges and pears, rath- film has definitely superior acting. Orient Express between Bond and Though without Mastroiannl, this
of the college, was called on to er than various types of one or the The scenes in the bomber were, in Red Grant goes down as one of the satire was at least as successful
speak. He has served as an elector other.
general, perhaps a bit too close to finest ever filmed.
as "Divorce-Italian Style." The huHgn times since 1932.
The problem Is,of course,height- reality to lie reallyeffective'parody,
"The Easy Life" is an Italian mor uf situations is heightened by
ened when one has not even seen the 01 to fit naturally with the extremes tragedy which starts out as a com- an extremely apt musical score.
"Green I n k "
like of "My Fail- Lay" (soon to win seen in the other scenes.
edy. Stlmulalingly fast and charmThe characters, while satirical,
He looked back on a "green ink" the Academy Award as Best Film of
Sidney Lumel's "Fail Safe," at- ing, star Vittorio Gassman as well
Episode where some ballots were the Year) and "Mary Poppins" and tempted the nearly impossible in as the film starts as a hymn to are still firmly based in reality,
and so the film is given extra depth
signed In green ink and faded. Far- "The Americanization of Emily." trying to lollow "Dr. S" with a getting the fun out of life.
and substance. This is partially due
ley added that he had signe d a large
Even without these, however, a "straight" version of the same mabill continual charm gradually to the performances and appearance
lumber of postmasters' certificates first-draft list always comes out terial. But it was successful,thanks becomes obnoxious, and the Roof
the actors, who have very unin green ink and all of them must, about ten too many.
to Linnet's direction and outstanding mantic aura of the easy life fades
actorisb faces and forms.
have been hung in the sun because
Also, in reviewing ttie films seen acting, with Henry Fonda particular- rapidly.
Photo courtesy oj Times i'ninn
The direction is extremely fluid,
!lie ink faded and " I had to re-sign during the year, it seems that the ly fine as the President. It was the
and would be flawless had lite film,
all of them."
best films were those not made in most suspenseful film In some
Iguana Shows C l a s s
sagged slightly in the second
that year. Those 1903 leftovers with years.
E L E C T O R S C A S T T H E I R B A L L O T S t o make the landslide dec
"The Nigbl of the Iguana" fea- hall. It recovers itself adroitly,
(Continued on page 6)
which we finally caught up, older
t i o n of P r e s i d e n t Johnson o f f i c i a l .
tured Richard Burton, AvaGardner, though, and ends on a high note.
films seen on television, and those
Bond Tops in Thrills
both older yet (silent) and comparaJames Bond returned in "From Deborah Kerr and Sue Lyon, DiBergman Completos Trilogy
tively recent seen through the IFG Russia with Love," a film which rected by John Huston, some of its
"The Silence" is Ingmar Bergscenes were unconvincing, yet the
all combined would provide a select
acting was good, and the later con- man's examination of what happens
list of films superior in many ways
adventure films. It's fantastic, but' fessional scenes contained much when man encounters the silence
to those which follow.
of God. He Is thrown back uponhimnation that has long officially ac- capable representative 1 ><! the l':<'| fcjfr
Bui these do not qualify, and thick and fast. There is never a drama.
knowledged the equal status of the versity.
The film was rewarding in another self, and in place of the love of God
dull moment, as the director keeps sense, as well, for its consistency of must lie content with human love.
sexes? Most psychologists agree
We thoroughly enjojed i tuilini: the pisgraces Entire
Within the narrow limits of his
that women are usually more ma- entire copy of ASP and hope in In- To the Editors:
European I n f l u e n c e H e a v y
story, Bergman presents in varying
ture than men of the same age, so come regular readers, it tlun '.v;iOn the night of December the
Only lour ol Hie final ten are in
degrees all possible combinations
the reason cannot be that men can an example of the c|tialn> ot •• m eleventh I went lo school number 24 an)1 degree American, and they are
and perimilations of such human
handle their freedom more respon- publication. Thank you again, am: In the expectation of seeing our either "Europeanl/.ed" or else made
love. And all, all are revealed as
sibly than women.
we hope that the article will en- hush basketball team bounce back outside of Hollywood.
and unable to recourage
There remains only one explanalitlo the winning column against
"Behold a Pale Horse" has been
place that which Is lost.
tion for the Inequality of the rights to become active participants at Pharmacy after suffering a disap- panned, in varying degrees. In most
of the sexes here on campus: the the International Center.
pointing loss to Hartwlck.
This is the final film in the dicritics. I suggest, however, thai
M i s s J u l i a M Graham
physical manifestations of sexual
However, I saw none of this. What while they appreciate 'lie gradual
rector's trilogy about God; it is a
promiscuity are far more serious
I saw was a disgraceful exhibition of and intellectual mood developed by
much more mature and "adult" work
for the ''fairer sex." That is, wo- W i I k i e
than his previous films, one which
Criticism Poor sportsmanship, not only by the .many foreign (usually Italian) dimen get pregnant and men do not.
flayers but by the coaches of our
attempts more and comes effecObjectionable leaiu. This I feel is detrimental,not rectors, they have failed to detect
The University, then, must feel Found
tively to grips with its material.
such quality in what is, in this
that separation of the women from To tho E d i t o r s :
My to the people involved but to the sense, the most thoroughlj EuroAs seems almost Inevitable with
I wasn't at Hie Golden Lie < oflee Slate University Itself.
the men at one o'clock sharp will
Barman's films, the direction Is
peanized ol American films,
eliminate such a consequence. If House the night thai Dr. vulkte I An athletic group Is an ambassafluid and the photography artistic,
Fred Ziniieman presents a slow,
this is a valid assumption, then presented his program, bin iheie dor 'or the school it represents. yes, but perceptive study ol a man
.despite the limited setting and scope.
why Is Hie AMA wasting its time is much lo object to in Mi '"'"' • It Is understandable that dining confronted with a decision — one
Shea's letter criticizing I". Wilkin radical of competition players' which somewhat resembles that In .
worrying about birth control?
Womon E n t e r t a i n i n g
In short, I believe that curfew in last week's newspapei (Dec. I J HiiWons become aroused. It Is also "High Noun." Courage and dignity/
"A Woman is a Woman" is a
for college women is an unjust aside from Mr. Shea's npiui' •-••• Merstandable that the coach can pride are 'he key elements here.
film which attempts nothing more
One example will suflice: "Hie Pecome carried away.
anachronism which should be quickly
than to be entertaining. Predom-.
re-evaluated in the light of reason. fact Is that an 'aci u.v.-ihe-i ".n' Mien the game Is over these aroused
Peck Successful
inaptly improvised by director Jean•motions should be forgotten.
Jorinda Male welfare slate' would redu. e "t
Godard and cast Jean-Paul BelGregory Peck succeeds in subto just another tinpi'"'"' Possibly a friendly dial with the
R e a d e r Praises
A S P ' s country
Anna Karina, and Jeanlive socialistic co
tine." Is ' Wonenl might ease tensions, But merging Hie existence ol Gregory
Claude Brialy, the film nevertheless
' S e n s i t i v e J o u r n a l i s m ' a factr I. seems to mo it's an "I'l"- ""en a player makes vulgar ges- Peck, something he has seldom
succeeds as a brash, bright and
To tho Editors:
lon. All Of Mr. Shea's fliil.s an- '"'os ai the ref, and when a person accomplished (even in "Mockinglively musical—sans—songs.
We would like to express our ap- similarly opinions.
'» Hie Albany bench yells at the bird"). Anthony Quinii, a kind of
It Is a testament to love and
preciallon for tlie feature on the
W ot his lungs in a gun mil of Javert opposing Peck's Valjean,
Miss Karina, done with all the disInternational Ceiiier which appeared
Je°l'le that the oilier team and Hie makes this "character" less a "vilregard for conventional cinematic
being who hapIn jour Friday, December 4thIssue. 'Common Stater' Interests •P's "sunk," and when one of our lain " than a human
form for which Godard Is known.
To catch the spirit, warmth, and vast All U n i u c r s i t y Students W«!'ers refused lo accept t ,. ex- pens to ho on tin other side. Tho
stop-action, asides and many
activities of the International CornelfMed hand of friendliness Horn
other elements are combined in a
ls not easy; and we wish to commend T o tho E d i t o r s :
•H'opposing player, then 1 fool then. superior,
more extreme manner than in "Tom
I wish to congratulate the '••
Unloiiiii.atily lot tho critics,
you for the accurate j«l sensitive
•Mwiethiiur wrong.
III! Ill
Jones," a film for which Godard's
Journalism of Mlckl McGaufjhey, of "Common staler" .ii: t •"
i'ii proud ol our State teams, their disappointment al imi finding
10C1 picture seems to have been
We wish further to say that work-" exlilblllr.,,., | | U thi« continue a Jolly ad.untune tale prewiitod
tho inspiration.
ing with your lapoit.o and photo- ASP, Arl Ferrari ami Uar
, 'lJOr'. I Wilt .nol only be om- thetit irti ,i appreciating mis \
liie improvlsational natureofthls
grapher on this (e»,iiro. wanaploas- mann have St Ins; vvrlnou •> k . l l - . *JWMfi to go lo mo games, i • elloiit, lutrospeotlvu woi t
bitter-sweet comedy makes for ocT R A C I f i t fcP was a popular supporting o c t r e e : In " D r . Strange
"Dr. Sirauiiclove (or, How J
Ul'ei and if your paper is gunning a of interest tonllunivor -.
£ , H Shamed to bo associated
.II j o '
Learned to Stop Won' inf. and Love
l o v o " ono of ri.e Ton Best Filtr-s of 1964.
(Lantinued on page 7)
series on "A!biiiiy~Thr City Around
Pegcl) ' I ""'O 0 0
Us," they v<;II be lugaittal as most
Nome Withhold the Bomb"), despite certain tech-
Film Critic Selects Ten Best Movies of 1964
^Hi&v Albany Student Press
whole. Rather, each static
at their state
,„!„ „„ „,„
-«J -capiHu l s
on ln
the UnUed StatesAlbany Session Dec. 14
The 1964 New York State Elec
n r n l College
r"?nllarr<» held
h « l ^ its
t> n sessions
an almost empty Senate Chamber
at the Capitol building in Albany
on December 14.
The procedures of the session
held in Albany are probably representative of those In the other states.
After a call to order and an invocation, the names of the New York
electors were submitted to Governor
Rockefeller by Charles Palmer. &
After a roll call vote which s h o w
that three electors were absent
among the forty-three, the vacancies
were filled.
It was evident that it iva.s known
in advance that the three vacancies
would exist because three people
were standing by waning to be
nominated and elected to serve as
members of the Electoral College.
•<3 f t
i ~i
_ . , •••V
m »,.
F r l s W r w i w r y 8, I M S
Friday, January 8, 1965
Two State Students Attend Seminar
In Puerto Rico During Christmas
THE BEAUTIFUL Hospital de la Concepcion, built and run by the
Catholic Church, is the pride of San German.
WSUA Special Programs
11:15 — 1:00 The New Mark Alan Show. Professor
and Mrs. David Heal continue their
comparison of the English andAmerican Educational systems, plus some
off-beat insights into the English
1:00 — 2:00 The World of Folk—Gerry Terdiman
2:00 — 4:00 Music of the Masters. "Symphonic
Metamorphosis of Themes by Karl
Maria von Weber," composed by
Paul Hindemith; Eugene Ormandy
conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra. Also, Music for Strings, P e r cussion, and Celesta by Bela Bartok,
with Carl Reiner conducting the Chicago Symphony Orchestra—Richard
4:00 — 6:00 Music of the Masters. Bruno Walter
and the Boston Symphony, Beethoven
Symphony #9 in D Minor, "Choral."
—Arthur Loder
6:00 — 7:00 World of International Folk Music-Israel Hirsh
8:00 — 9:00 Eye on Campus. Bayard Rustin on
Civil Rights.—Robert Fullem
9:00 - 11:00 WSUA Showtime. "Brigadoon" with
Jack Cassidy, Shirley Jones, Frank
Porretta, and Susan Johnson — Ed
Albany vs. Cortland
SATURDAY Albany vs. Potsdam
WEDNESDAY Albany vs. Oneonta
Sportscasters Pep Pizzillo, Andy
Mathias, Ron Hamilton, and John Haluska will bring you all the play-byplay action of every exciting moment
of these games.
The actual Voting finally _ took
place after a motion was made and
passed to proceed with the voting.
Farley as president of the college was given the honor of casting
the first of New York's electoral
votes for President. James Healey
of Albany cast the first vote for
Vice President.
The ballots were pushed into a
pile and apparently without looking
at the ballots or counting them,
the tellers announced that fortythree votes had been cast for Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey.
Among the electors were many
important Democratic leaders, as
William Luddy of Westchester,
Peter Crotty of ErieCounty, Farley,
and Edwin Weisl, Sr., who is the
new national committeeman. David
Dubinsky, prominent in labor, was
also an elector.
A few brief r e marks on the ''honor" involved in
serving as a member of the electoral
college ended the session.
0, 1905, Congress met ^^——
On January 6,
-• •
y Planin Washington, D, C. and counted the W. W. ROSTOW, Chairman of the State Department Po
votes cast in the electoral college ning Committee, termed 1964 a relatively successful year for the
sessions of December 14.
Alliance forProgress.
No W a i t i n g
Albany, N. Y.
Telephone IV 9-1805
'Home of Diitincriue Jewelry and Gifts'
Student Charge Account AcwitoWc
Stuj»oe«ant Plow
_ ^
iV dl-0549
The f l a s h i n g color of t h e b r i l l i a n t productions, the
vivid sound of the M a r i m b a Band and the M a r i a c h t s
of J a l i s c o , the w o n d e r f u l B a n d s of Joracho and Huasteca, the I n d i a n P l a y e r s , a n d , a b o v e a l l , the extraor-
Otaper Hiitt b %\2xp£0$\\
' Ext. 12*j
Albany, N.Y.
European Works Lead New Releases
New Label, Better Stereo Featured
dinar)ly a t t r a c t i v e and g i f t e d dancers from a l l corners
of Mexico have lured theatre goers to performances
again and a g a i n .
The B a l l e t F o l k l o n c o is being presented by T h e
Women's Council of the Albany I n s t i t u t e of H i s t o r y
and Art at the P a l a c e T h e a t r e , T u e s d a y , January 12,
at 8:30 p.m.
T i c k e t s are from $ 1 , 2 5 to $ 4 . 5 0 and arc on s a l e at
The Shop of the Albany I n s t i t u t e of H i s t o r y and A r t ,
125 Washington A v e n u e .
Colder Show at Guggenheim Reveals
•Bursting Patterns, Vibrant Design
by M. G i l b e r t W i l l i a m s
( Fans were set up to create currents of air so that the mobiles
would delicately
move; circus
clowns and acrobats fashioned in
twisted wire; and a gigantic stable
on the main floor. This was Alexander Calder's work, and it was
seen gloriously In wild profusion
at the Solomon R. Guggenheim museum.
The show will end shortly, but I
had an opportunity to see this eventful show during the Christmas rec e s s . I hope that some Albany students also saw Calder's work in
New York.
The show proved the fantastic
versatility of Alexander Calder.
Drawings were on the walls displayed with paints both new and old.
On the upper levels of the splrallng
museum were sculptures of the '30's
and paintings of the same time. As
one walks down, he more or less
comes upon newer and newer works.
Multitude of Mobile.
° ' c ° u r s « . dozens of mobiles
SK?. h u n f 'n every imaginable
•Wee, and the viewer had to beI f * ' m o , e oftan than once, of the
revolving mobiles wildly in motion
»the lamps of the museum.
H i ' M * "' braken
elSRS and found
gu (J, poit^rv composed deHft't
0 1
MhL ""l "' * * • ' •• ~ " " < ' ' -
Excellent microphone placement
g a i n s access to all the multi-voiced,
polvtonal complexities of this faEurodisc, an important German miliar score. All mound, this is a
a catalog
will good "Kite of Spring."
label now
In the
From "West Side Story" to his
interest both musician and collecthird "Kaddish" Symphony, Leonard
Bernstein remains at the peak of
A case in point: Weler's neg- musical creation. The criticism to
lected "Oberon" (presented here "West Side Story" has been poslin two orchestral and light vocal tive, to the "Kaddish" negative,
selections - Eurodisc 70 828 KR) «<If m a n | i a s faith in God, should not'
demands a cast of virtuosi.
God have faith in man," asks the
A live performance can be ham- composer. To some, this i s a h e r e t pered by staging, the drama by an i c a i statement,
uneven mixture of music and diaLiterary Idea
logue. But Weber's music is the
Bernstein, like Mahler before
to this midsummer night dream | , l n i j composes .from a literary idea.
In a cast headed by the brilliant The "Kaddish" follows the comJess Thomas, much of the music poser's text, here read by Felicia
takes shape. While Erlka Koth is Montealegre.
The music only supports and aman amateurish "Meermadchen/'Ingrid Bjoner's Rezia combines flexi- plifies tiie text. Since Bernstein is
bility with character .solidification. able to search out "an answer"
(unlike Mahler), religious leaders
have damned the work.
Monteux and D e b u s s y
Its full potentialities are realized
Piere Monteux, the beloved moustache of music, died at 89 last year. in the last lines: "We are one,
all, you (i.e., God) and I: ToThis legendary conductor has given
us a warm album of Debussy that gether we suffer, together exist,
combines the three "Images: and and forever will create each other."
Symphonic Fragments from tiie
''.Martyrdom of St, Sebastian."
Monteux contrasts
moods to studies in tiie sensuous
and the mystical (Philips PUS 900008). The exotic "Parfume de la
Nuite" and the crisp "Le Matin
d'U.1 Jour de Fete" of "Ibera,"
are played against the warmth of
"Rondes de Printemps."
Here Monteux smooths and
shapes with ease. And, at last, the
neglected "Le Martyre de Saint Sebastian" stands In the awe and atmosphere wherein it properly helongs.
by Jim Schreler
ARTS o n Art
In addition, lithographs inthepril l i C ? ' ° r s g a v e bursting patterns
and designs vibrant in their gaiety.
International Stains
Large Attainment ot Pierced Earrings
, Diamonds Set WhiU-U-Wait
Watch and Jewelry Repair
H i t ,<qu\;it«f!. for Collage Jewelry
Seldom h a s a n a t t r a c t i o n n e w to A m e r i c a been accepted so w a r m l y a n d so w h o l e h e a r t e d l y as has the
B a l l e t F o l k l o r i c o of M e x i c o . A c c l a i m e d by huge
audience in i t s d e b u t U n i t e d States A p p e a r a n c e s in
1962, l a s t s e a s o n ' s tour w a s even more e n t h u s i a s t i cally r e c e i v e d .
Wide V a r i e t y
7 Barber. -
ARTS in the Round
Most of us, I am sure, think of
Calder primarily as a sculptor,
and particularly, as the creater of
the mobile. Yet the Guggenheim
devoted Its showing to the wide
variety of Calder creations.
Delightful pen and ink drawings
('animals and men, similar to those
*>sed for that marvelous book of
Richard Wilbur's "Bestlary"were
generously displayed.
Tapestries and a hooked rug executed by others after Calder's designs, were brilliantly dazzling cre-
217 Western Ave. Albany, N.Y.
Phone 6-3610
Shop at Roy's
Electorial College...
Gerald's Drug Co.
143 Western Ave.
Two students from Forum of Pol- reforms must be instituted in Latin countries recently sent delegations
itics represented SUNYA at the America because the masses are to a conference in Peru.
From this meeting emerged apian
Third Annual Christmas Seminar not prepared for a technological age.
which Senator Sanchez feels could
on Latin American Affairs, which
E d u c a t i o n a l Reforms V i t a l
be a major step in improving relawas held at the Inter-American
Dr. Bauer said, "The profes- tions between Latin American counUniversity in San German, Puerto
Under this plan a citizen of
Rico, December 18-23.
The theme of the seminar was have been the only predominant any Latin American nation would
"The Political Ideology of the Dem- fields of education in Latin Amer- be regarded as a citizen of any other
ocratic Left in Latin America." ica, while the pure sciences and Latin American nation that he
It was sponsored by the Associa- the more practical fields of knowl- visited.
tion of International Relations Clubs. edge for a technological age are
Economic Program Proposed
Harold Lynne and Ed Silver were not being provided."
Schroeder lectured on the " L a t i n /
He also stressed that North Ameramong 180 students, representing
Heritage in a Changing"
universities from all sections of the icans should become better educated
United States, who attended the sem- about Latin America. Without this, World." In order to speed up the
inar. The six-day conference was he stated, "it is impossible for economic development of Latin
built around a series of lectures North Americans to understand America, Schroeder believes that
by experts in the field of Latin Latin American problems within the a two-fold program must be adopted.
"We must look inward and outward
context of Latin America."
American affairs.
simultaneously," Schroeder said.
Several N o t a b l e S p e a k e r s
1965 Crucial Year
He explained, "the internal counNotable speakers included Dr.
ftostow's speech was entitled tryside must be modernized and exRonald C Bauer, President of In- "Latin America fjid the Alliance
ports must be diversified."
ter-American University, W. W. for Progress."
Rostow, Chairman of the State DeFollowing each lecture, small dispartment Policy Planning Commit- "Rostow termed 1964 a relatively cussion groups were formed; these
tee, Luis Alberto Sanchez, Senator successful year for the Alliance groups summarized and evaluated
of Peru, and Richard Schroeder, for Progress as far as laying the what the speaker had said. The offiActing Coordinator of the Pan Amer- groundwork for "proper channeling cers of the A.I.R.C. served as disican Union Information Team on the of economic aid in Latin America." cussion leaders.
Alliance for Progress.
He expressed the opinion that 1965
When asked to evaluate the sein
Dr. Bauer, who delivered the key- will lie the crucial year for Alliance inar, Ed Sliver said, "avastamount
note speech of the seminar, dis- for Progress.
of information about Latin American
Senator Sanchez, who has just r e - affairs was gained from this confercussed the importance of education
in the development of Latin America. cently returned to Peru after twenty- ence. .My one criticism is that it (
He stated that full-scale educational two years of political exile, outlined was mis-titled — there was not
Latin American plans for improving even one discussion of the political
lntra-heini spheric unity. Towards Ideology of the democratic left in
this aim several South American Latin America.'.'
(Continued from page 5)
B e t t e r Stereo
Herbert von Karajen leads the
Berlin Philharmonic in a new Stravinsky "Rite of Spring." Presented
through Deutsche Grammophon's
noiseless, non-distorted stereo,
Stravinsky's pile of music- becomes
an explosion watched over and beautifully controlled by this famous conOn the main floor, near the en- crete, unified, and even massive ductor.
trance, was a stable of grand pro- sculptures.
portions. Entitled "Guillotine for
Eight," its massive black legs con"The Circus"
tinually enthralled me. I walked
In everything I found gaiety, joy,
about it, under it, staring at it, a glimpse of life or exploding pat(Continued from page "ij
tern. Calder's large series of small
creations figures called "The Circus" done in casional lags, and it is not for every
were truly (as one of the captions the days of the depression, seemed taste, but it is lively and original
to the show suggested) drawings to characterize the entire Guggen- and predominantly successful.
come to life. The figures of animals heim display of Calder.
"That Man from Rio," another
or men, (lie portraits of circus perI have never gone to an exhibition French film with Belmondo, is a
formers, excited me. Mere outline of any artist's work which was as fast and furious spoof of adventure
only suggesting the form, the twisted entertainingly full of originality and .films, which still provides — as
wires seemed to solidify into con- creativity.
does the Bond film — a good deal
of its own excitement.
The characters, Belmondo in particular, always seem to be running
somewhere, an effect which is increased by having the camera closeThrough January 3 1
Hudson River Portfolio,
p a i n t i n g s for the book by
follow them. The acting and stunts
Jack L e w i s . A l b a n y I n s t i t u t e .
are very fine.
Through January 17
E. A i n s l i c Burke one-man show. A l b a n y I n s t i t u t e .
Through January 30
from B r a n d e i s U n i v e r s i t y ,
presented by the Albany C h a p t e r of B r a n d e i s
U n i v e r s i t y . Albany I n s t i t u t e . B e g i n s January 13.
January 8/ 9 4 11-16
The Tiger & The Typists,
by Mu rray S c h i s g a l ,
d i r e c t e d by James Leonard and p r e s e n t e d by the
U n i v e r s i t y T h e a t r e . R i c h a r d s o n Studio T h e a t r e
( 2 9 1 ) . T i c k e t s by student tax or $ 1 . 5 0 , a v a i l a b l e
Box O f f i c e , R279. C u r t a i n 8 : 3 0 . A l s o see
a r t i c l e Page 1.
January 12
Marian Anderson Concert. See a r t i c l e this i s s u e .
January 2 8 - 3 1 ,
February 4-7
See picture a b o v e .
Rose Tattoo by T e n n e s s e e W i l l i a m s . P r e '
sented by Albany C i v i c T h e a t r e , 2 3 5 Second A v e nute. Curtain 8:30 (Sundays, 7:30)
You cant trust luck.
You can trust seat belts.
Fun Flicks Predomlnote
amount of footage allowed Peter
The bigge"st bomb of the year was
"The Visit." Duerrenmat'splay was
miscast, and directed in a realistic*
manner entirely opposed tothestylization the story demands.
"Flight from Ashyia" was not
quite as bad (only) because it didn't
even have the potential of quality.
" M a m i e " was an utter loss as
well, save for its opening.
F i n e A c t i n g H i g h l i g h t s Yoor
Some of the best acting came
from Gunnel Llndblom and Ingrld
— . .... _Paula Prentis
("Henry Orient""), Deliorah Kerr
("Iguana"), and Stefina Sandrelll
On the male side, there was
"Henry Orient"), Dirk Bogarde
("Easy Life"), Robert Shaw ("Ginger Coffee"), Wilfred Brambell
("Hard Day's Night"), Peter Ustinov ("Topkapi"),Mastrolannl ("Organizer") and Anthony Quinn("Pale
Fun seems to be emphasized this
year, with "Rio," "Russia," and
"Woman," but "Easy Life" reveals
the falseness of such "fun" when
transferred to real life. "Seduced"
uses humor to comment on mores
which, while specifically Sicilian,
are more universal, and "Strangelove" combines comedy with terror,
not alternately, as is rather common, but at the same time.
Other worthwhile films of the
year, which Just barely missed the
D i r e c t o r s Shine
list, are "A Hard Day's Night,"
Director John Frankenheimer did
"Beckct," "Nothing but (he Best," a fine job on "Seven Days In May,"
and "The Luck of Ginger Coffee." but so did Stanley Krubrlck
("Strangelove"), Bergman ("SiOverblown Reputation
lence"), Dlno Hisl ("Easy Life"),
The most overblown reputations Philippe de Broca ("Rio"), Fred
of the year are those of Blake Ed- Zlnneman ("Pale Horse") and Sidwards and "One Potato, Two Po- ney Lumet ("Fail Safe").
tato." The latter, while doubtless
with the best of intentions. Is an
Memoroble F i l m s
artless film about intermarriage,
The cards have been so stacked for
Of course the best of this year's
the Judge to make the "wrong" de- films will stand up Well for a long
cision that it makes no point, and time to come, yet rightnowfewseem
the film is, on top of this, a real as though they could compare with
the best of those films from other
Edwards, touted as the new Mack years seen during the pant twelve
Sennett, really seems completely months.
Ignorant of how to time and prepare
Will any, or all, of this years
for a Joko. The humor of his two ten best soon qualify for such a
big comedian of the yon; ,"T,.-. Pink list? Inevitably, for some have tot
Panther" and "A Shot if. the Dark," quality to lie placed Immediately
lUVWte, alines,! W K W t i l y on the Oii anyone's list of all-time twite.'
PrUay, January 8, 1965
Hoopsters Bow in City Toirney,
Siena Ends Bid for Repeat Victory
, M—
• -
Play lag %thput. the services -and leadership of co-captain and,leading?scorer
Dick Crossett, who was sidelined by*a sfcpiach ailment, Albany's hoopsters bowed
to Siena College in the lopening? rtfuhd of the Capital City Tournament. State failed
in its bid- to retain"ttie title it had won last year, when Siena's Ed Marakowitz
netted a- shot with five seconds remaining to score a tight 50-48 victory for Siena,
In the consolation game Albany topped Mafist college, 82-60, for third place.
Marakowitz hit a 15-foot
jump shot with five seconds
left. State then called for a
time-out but never received it as the Siena crowd
mobbed onto the court.
STATE'S BOB ZEH drives under the basket to score in Tournamentcontest with Siena.
Dick Crossett: Among
Albany Hardcourt Greats
by Ray McCioat
Now in his fourth year of basketball at State, Ilion's
Dick Crossett has already established himself as one
of Albany's all-time hardcourt greats. As well as
being a sensational basketball player, Dick is also an
outstanding football player, having made the first-team
AMIA selection as an end.
Off to a blazing start
this season, Dick connected
for 35 points the first game
in a losing effort against
Montclair and is presently
averaging belter than 20
points per game.
As a freshman Dick led the squad
in every department and established
new records for total points (544),
high game (40), and total rebounds
Dick moved right into a starting
berth as a sophomore and was second, on the team In both scoring and
rebounding. Dick ,ained national
fame by placing = Ttii-ti among small
colleges in shooting percentage
while average-'
points a game.
Dick Is prt-siM'tiy second in the
nation in shooting percentage among
small colleges.
Plagued by a knee Injury in his
junior year, Dick still managed to
lead the team in total points (300),
points per game (1010), free throws
made (92), field goals made (137);
he placed thud In rebounds (181).
A real team man, Dick has often
been criticized for not shooting
Dick has been named to the first
string all-tournament team lnevery
tournament he has played in as a
varsity player, and was named to
the first-team in the Albany "Times
Union's" all-Metropolitan team last
As co-captatti of this year's hardcourters, Dick has guided them to a
5-4 slate, and would like nothing
more than to see the team finish
over the .500 mark that last year's
team posted.
Dick Crossett
State protested vehemently for
the seconds remaining but it was
to no avail.
Dan Zeh set a tournament record
in the consolation game with Marist, scoring 38 points. Zeh was just
two points shy of tying the All-time
State high (40) set by Gary Holway
in 1955.
Coach Sauers did not tell the
team of Crossett's ailment until
just prior to the Siena game. Crossed did not dress for the games.
Both Zeh and Hay Weeks, who
had 15 points in the Siena tilt,
were named to the tournament's
first team. Jim O'Donovan was
named to the tournament's second
D. Zeh
D. Zeh
BATTLING FOR THE rebound are Ped players Mike Bloom and
Warren Mannix, while Jim O'Donovan is poised to assist in the
A RayView
by Ray McCioat
As previously stated in this column, it is our intention to provide accurate and adequate sports coverage
of State athletic events. We are not, however, the only
source of sports information for interested, avid fans.
nr r?
Besides ASP descriptions and write-ups, there is
the local city newspaper coverage, spearheaded by
the "Times Union's" popular Mike Dyer, and Albany
State's own radio broadcast over WSUA.
* * * * *
Now in its second year of broadcasting State basketball games, WSUA has made such great strides that we
feel that it won't be too long before the station carries
other Albany sports events as well.
The sports department is a new and welcome addition
to WSUA this year. The department is comprised of
director Andy Mathias, who has a weekly sports show
on Sunday nights at 7:15 p.m., John Haluska, Pop
Pezzillo, and Ron Hamilton.
Although this hard-working crew has had no previous
experience at sports broadcasting, the job they do is
professional-like in every phase of the word. They
In each division, Each team en
have broadcast every Ped home basketball game and
have 10 players and will play
total of
also the away contest with the University of Buffalo.
seven games
Trophies will lie awarded to the
Hardest part of the jot)? Identifying opposing playwinners In each league.
naturally. "Also," admits broadcaster Haluska,
Following league play there will ers,
be a Commissioner's Tournament, a "being impartial in our play-by-play descriptions."
post-season tournament wilh all the
WSUA will IK: broadcasting tonight's game with
teams meeting In combat.
Cortland, tomorrow night's game with Potsdam, and
Games will lie played on Mondays
and Wednesdays from 7-11 p.m., Wednesday's meeting with Oneonta. So if you can't
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11 come out to see the games for yourself, tune in to
p.m., Saturdays from 1-5 p.m., and WSUA, 640 on the dial.
on Sundays from 2-8 p.m.
Congratulations to Ray Weeks and Danny Zeh for
Referees lor the games will be making the first squad on the All-Capital District
paid students who are being taught
the an of refereelng in a clinic Tournament team. Zeh also was co-winner with Siena's
held by Mr. Munsey.
Jack Mulvey as the tournament's Most Valuable Player.
Practice sessions were held the
How do you feel about the new rule not allowing the
week before Christmas with each
team receiving only a half hour coach to leave the bench during the course of the
of practice. And, with snow on the game? The concensus hero Is that it deprives the fans
AMIA Cage Play Starts
The long awaited AMIA basketball
leagues have begun play this week,
with action takine place In each of
the four divisions.
AMIA basketball commissioner
Dick Kimball has announced the
plans fur league play which should
continue right up until April duo
to the delay In construction of the
Page Gym.
There are 32 teams taking part
in the AMIA's four leagues, eight
ground to restrict practice, thepiay of one of the oldest spectator thrills In the game You
In the first couple
couple of weeks Is i™„.„
bound to be a little careless and, know,
shall we say, rough?
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F i n a l e You?
JANUARY 18, 1966
Fee Payments Due
Deferrals Available
VOL.L NO. 42
'Tiger/'Typists' Ron
Continues in Richardson
The Business and Financial Aids
Offices are now in the process of
clearing up fall semester bills and
The current presentations of the Department of Speech
accepting payment on bills for
and Dramatic Art — "The Tiger" and "The Typists" —
Spring, 1965. Students are urged
will continue tonight through Saturday evening. The two
to pay their bills as soon as possible.
The deadline for payment of first
plays by Murray Schisgal are being produced in the
semester bills is January 31. Upon
Richardson Hall Studio Theatre (Richardson 291). All
payment a Fee Payment Receipt
performances begin at 8:30 p.m., and all seats are recard will be issued. Tills will be
used to admit students to second
semester classes. Students with unTickets for the remainpaid first semester bills will have
ing performances can be
their registration cancelled, and will
by Bruce Daniels
obtained at the box office
not receive transcripts or other offirecords.
in Richardson 279. The box Murray Schisgal's set of oneDeferrals on second semester
office is open from 10:30 act plays, "The Tiger" and "The
tuition and room and board charges
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. Typists" (now appearing at 8:30
are now being arranged in the Fip.m. in the Richardson Studio Thenancial Aids Office. The "Contract
Admission is by Student Tax or atre through Saturday), Is an amusof Payment" is available Monday$1.50.
ing exercise in Pop Drama.
Friday from 8:30-12 a.m. and from
Tlie two plays are under the diThe plays' connection with that
2-4:30 p.m.
No appointment is
rection of Professor James Leon- current rage in artistic fashion,
ard. Both comedies were produced Pop Art, is telegraphed in the JasWhen arranging for a deferral, DIANE SOMERVILLE AND JON BARDEN discuss the important successfully off-Broadway several
per Johns-style program and pubstudents should bring their bill and
years ago. They are comic, butalso
evidence of the loans or scholar- issue of when to eat lunch in "The Typists," one of the current serious examinations of the hopes licity (the insipidly attractive comships to be used. The University presentations of the Department of Speech and Dramatic Art. and desires of man, and are said to ic-strip characters) and the mindless "Incidental" music.
Fee, Student Tax, and Class Dues
have "the beat of the generation."
Pop Art assumes that life, In our
are not deferrable.
Tim Atweil and Christine Smith crass over-organized culture, has
Students should pay their bills at
play the two roles in the "The Ti- out-distanced art — that imitation
the Business Office as soon as
ger." The play was first seen in of vulgar artifacts (like giant plastheir cash, or their cashplus"ConLondon In 1960.
ter-of-paris hot dogs) is a more
tract of Payment" equal the bills.
It is a humorous portrayal of profoundly penetrating comment on
No attempt should be made to
the male-female relationship.with American culture than any artistic
pay bills in the Business Office until
The State University Revue Orall deferrals are cleared In the ganization will hold tryouts for all As a result, many more students a reversal of the dominating per- moralizing.
But Popplsm, In obliterating disFinancial Aids Office.
interested students on Thursday and volved with all the aspects of Hevue
"The Typists" Is also a two role tinctions between art and life, moves
Friday, February 4 and 0, for their productions.
play. It is an intensive study of beyond satire, and wallows with
production of "Fanny." The audiThe Revue Is completely operated the comic cliches of a patterned nostalgic delight In the banality It
tions will begin at 7:15 p.m. in Page by students and Is financed with way of life. Jon Barden and Diane alms to reflect.
funds allocated by the Student Asso- Somerville are cast In this proFanny" Is a musical comedy ciation, and through ticket sales. duction.
I (continued on page 7)
presented in three acts and is the
highlight of the dramatic season at
State. It was selected by the Hevue
earlier In the semester. Other plays
that were recommended for the
The Golden Eye will present Its production were "Irma La Douce"
final program of the semester this and "Carnival."
Friday when Father John Phelan will
Harry Guy, the Revue's Director,
speak on "The Space Novels of C has emphasized that "experience is
1530 to build; thus you have build- one of the showcases of the state.
by Harold Lynne
S. Lewis." The novels form a trl- not necessary, only enthusiasm" to
ings of varied sizes and architec- Stone said, "When all of the wonlogy dealing with life on other plan- fill the chorus parts and the dancing
tural styles."
derful landscaping plans are fulets and a continuing contest between and speaking roles,
In interview with the ASP
At this point, reference was made filled, I think this campus will comgood and evil.
pare to Versailles where there is
Sunday afternoon, worldLewis was a distinguished scholar
Accompanists Neoded
New Campus. Stone, who apparently also great formal architectural
of English and medieval literature.
Another pressing need Is ac- renowned architect Edward prides himself on the symmetry of composition."
lle taught at Oxford and Cambridge companlsts. Ail those Interested Durrell Stone expressed his architecture, smiled and said,
Edward Durrell Slune has earned
for most of his life. His most famous In providing the musical accom"this was our aim — the fact that International fame for his architecworks are "The Allegory of Love" panlment for the play should contact great pride in the univer- the campus Is very symmetrical tural endeavors. Some of his works
and "A Preface to Paradise Lost." Mary Setter, the musical director, sity's New Campus build- makes It a formal composition." are the United States Mission to
He wrote many popular Imoks In- at 482-4244.
ings, which he designed.
the United Nations, United States
eluding "Miracles," "The Problem
The Revue's productions in the
Compared with Versailles
Embassy in India, and, presently
of Pain," and "Reflections on the past have featured "Annie Get Your
Stone and several associates made
He commented that when all the under construction, the John F.
Psalms." His greatest success was Gun," "Kiss Me Kate," and/'Once an unpublicized Inspection tour of the formal landscaping is completed, Kennedy Memorial Center In WashIn the area of imaginative literature, Upon a Mattress." These plays have Now Campus Sunday morning. Since he expects the New Campus to be ington, D. C.
with several fables for children and always been on a grand scale, with his tight schedule llmiied the amount
his famous space novels for adults. full costumes and stage sets neces- of time he had to spend In Albany,
sitating many people tor behind the Stone requested thai no notice of
Space Novels
scenes work.
his visit lie given to the local press.
His novels dealing with space InRehearsals for the play will start
cluding "Out of the Silent Planet," at the beginning ol second semester.
Grants ASP Intorvlow
"Perelandiia," and "That Hideous "Fanny" will be presented March 12
However, when approached by the
Strength" will be discussed by Phe- and 1.1 with a special preview on
ASP, Slono graciously consented to
lan. This trilogy Is about two sci- March 11 for local high schools and
answer a few questions.
entists who travel to the planet colleges.
When asked about his reaction to
Porelandrla and encounter a civthe structures that have been erected
ilization similar to thai of the Earth
Rovuo Undergoos Changos
thus far, Stone said, "I came up
except that they have not been exEarlier In the semesterthoRovue with my colleagues today lo look
posed to evil.
underwent swooping changes to cor- over the campus and we're very
the haphazarded organizations proud of tho place."
Phelan has studied Lewis and his
novels and Is well qualified to dis- Ihat characterized it in the past.
Stone had recommended that each
cuss him. Phelan Is presently a s suite lie carpeted as an acoustical
signed to work with Ibo Newman
measure, since carpeting absorbs
No Issue Friday
.chaplains at R.P.I, and Albany State.
noise. "However, the State felt that
Absurd Unlvorslty Continues
cost would bo too great," he
This Issue ul the ASP will be the
The Golden Eye plans to resume last published for ibo first semes- said.
Its programs next semester with ter. Due to the occurrence of final
Unique Opportunity
a discussion of the "Absurd Uni- exams, the staff finds thai It will
Stone pointed out the uniqueness
versity." Earlier in the semester be Impossible to bring on! an Issue
of his archliectural project, " I was
the topic was discussed by a panel for Friday, January 15,
WSUA will lie broadcasting cam- presented with the opportunity to
of faculty members. Several studesign
one great formal archltoc- ^
dents will partake lit the second pus news and programs of Interest until Saturday, January 10, The turul composition; It Is unique when m
A commemorative program on Marc Alan Show, broadcast from a campus for 7500-plus students Is
T, S, Eliot featuring Professor M. 11:15 p.m. to 12:45 a.m. will he all built at one time," Stone said, FAMOUS ARCHITECT Edward Durrell Stone discusses the tan.
He added, "Harvard, which is glble results of his architectural plans with ASP Managing Editor
E, Greander will lie held the fol- last WSUA program for this seabout the same size, took since Harold Lynne.
lowing week,
I Play Review
* * * * *
Will F i n a l s
„ . „ ™,,„u
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seeing uhow
much „i
abuse tthe
referee would
slapping a technical foul on the team.
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-SHI;.'' 4'.fj.r,t-1t pjm. -..,,
- <(S»*'~ " > I » V - ' J * - • , . # - • *
Revue to Hold Tryouts
For Spring Production
Phelan to Discuss
Three Space Novels
Of C. S. Lewis
New Campus Architect Views Work,
Stone Reacts Favorably to Buildings