yWi. ALBANY STUDENT TM*+V, MISS Oci*m 6,1W4 Harriers Place Second at LeMoyne; Robinson Takes 3rd in Close Race State's varsity cross-county team barely missed taking first place at the LeMoyne Invitation Meet, in Syracuse last Saturday. Placing four men in the first thirteeen men in a field of over 100 runners, the Albany team scored 71 points to 61 for Roberts Wesleyan College. Roberts Wesleyan won this meet for the third consecutive year. Last year at LeMoyne the Peds finished third in the team competition with a total score of 113 points. j&Sffl&&W£ ''<'>-•-.'•':/' Bill Ripple, LeMoyne College, captured individual honors in twenty minutes, seven seconds (20:07) six seconds slower than the meet record set by Albany's Tom Robinson last year. : Photo by Kling Alba Press l A L B A N Y 3 , N E W YORK O C T O B E R 9, 1964 VOL. L. N O . 8 4 Senate Gives Approval To Groups' Constitutions Roblmon Third FROSH J O E K E A T I N G barely nips LeMoyne runner a t finish l i n e . Keating f i n i i h e d eleventh in what w o t termed a good showing by t h e frosh team at the LeMoyne Invitational on Saturday. Frosh Top Cobleskill 3d As LaReau, Ianiceta Star by M i k e Farenell Albany State's frosh soccer team copped a 3-1 decision in an away game against Cobleskills A & T last Saturday. Plagued by a strong wind and a bright sjin the Peds pushed across three goals in the second and third periods and maintained their lead to gain the victory. The Peds looked quite sloppy at the outset showing poor passing and ball handling. The second quarter was quite different, the teamwork and coordination much Improved. Robinson was third In 20:21; his time was the fifth fastest rime recorded In the meet's fourteen-year history. Buffalo State's Robert Havok was runner-up with a time of 21:14. The race was a three-man battle from the beginning with Robinson, Ripple, and Havok running even tor three and one-half miles of 4.2 mile course. As they approached the last long hill of the rolling course, Ripple burst Into a fifteen-yard lead. Photo by Lynne Havok was able to stay close to the LeMoyne sophomore but Robinson T H E R E ' S T H E G U N - and 105 runners t a k e off on 4 . 2 mile failed to close the gap. At the top run at LeMoyne last Saturday of the hill, Ripple, using his lead to advantage, opened up and by the ners crossed the finish line within lng fifteenth, Bob Mulvey twentytime his two competitors reaced fifteen seconds of each other. Dennis fifth, and Burd, Parker, Pasko, llie top, took a thirty yard lead which Tuttle was ninth In 21:29, followed and Compeau, who finished fourtyhe continued to increase to the finish by Bob Flick and John Clark in 21:43 fourth, fourty-flfth, fifty-first, and 21:44 respectively. KenDarmer and fifty-third respectively. line. finished thirty-fourth. Evaluating the frosh squad's perPad. Barely Mitt First Coach Munsey was very happy The team title was very much in with the squad's performance. He formance Munsey said, "they ran well but they'll have to learn to doubt as the next three Albany run- said "we were seventh two years extend themselves more during the ago, third last year and second early phases of the race." this year and today's race was, by far, the toughest of the three." Next Meets Saturday Munsey added, "the entire squad The varsity and frosh both have extended themselves and did a won- their next meets on Saturday. The * * * * * derful job." varsity harriers will travel to New F r o t h Competition Tough Haven State College and the frosh State's freshman team was sixth will compete In an away meet against In the nine-team freshman compe- Cobleskill. tition. Buffalo State's frosh won the LeMoyne results (team): Varsity race and Hartwlck College placed Division — Roberts Wesleyan 61, Alsecond. Joe Keating of Albany was bany State 71, Brockport 84, Buffalo eleventh in the 70-man field. State 10B, Oswego 110, LeMoyne 158, Munsey felt that the frosh entries Hartwlck 181, U. of Buffalo 203, were better at this meet than in Rochester Inst. 222, Siena 222 (tie), previous years. Other Albany frosh Canlsius 278, Ithaca 305, Harpur positions were Grant Downs flnish- 305. ASP LaReau and lanniceta Star * * * * * State was sparked by forward John lanniceta and goalie Joe LaReau. lanniceta, a Troy boy, was excellent all afternoon at his forward position, working in for two close scores and passing off beautifully when hemmed in. Albanian Joe LaReau was excellent all day in the nets. Coach Bill Mrs. Peggy Mann, advisor to the Schlfflin had this to say about Joe, "I thought LaReau was tremendous. Woman's Tennis Club, has anHe stopped five possible scores, nounced that Harriet Galllgan and and three of them were penalty Karen Boch have been chosen to kicks. What is unusual about Joe represent Albany State at the Easis that he had never played soccer tern Collegiate Tennis Tournament in Forest Hills, October 9-11. until coming to State." These women, both of the class Coach Schleffelin was very satisfled with the hustle and aggressive- of '66, are the first from State to enter this competition. They will ness displayed byTim Jursak, Jerry Leggleri, and Len Eggleston on of- be competing against teams from fense, and of Jim Kelpy, GarySwar- fifty other colleges. Prior to their departure for Fortout, and Getachew Habeth-Ylher on est Hills, Mrs. Mann is going to offense. have the girls practice a few times For Cobleskill, it was "Caesar" on clay courts so that they will be Stoddard who was the thorn In State's more prepared for this tournament. side. He was constantly breaking up Next year Mrs. Mann hopes that fasi breaks and scored the Aggies' she will be able to send four women lone goal. o this tournament. Tennis Club Selects Players for Tourney The 'UNIVERSITY RING' • Order at the State University Bookstore Office at the Check Cashing Counter R i n g s are 10 Karat G o l d i n three L a r g e and E x t r a Heavy — for men NOTICE Wrestling Manager! Anyone Interested In being a student manager for either frosh wrestling or varsity wrestling, should contact Joe Garcia, varsity wrestling coach, In Page Gym, or Robert BurJingaine, frosh wrestling coach, In Robin Annex. settings: Small - for women Orders w i l l be taken for the c l a s s e s of 1965 and P r i c e s are $26.00" $32.50 $38.00 1966 O N L Y small large e x t r a heavy p l u s 10% Federal E x c i s e A deposit of at least $5.00 i t required on a l l orders Delivery takes about ( - 8 Plastic backs are a v a i l a b l e on t h e men's extra heavy 203 Central Ave and Stuyvesant Plana Open Evenings Tax only at $2.00 Stones are available in double facet or buff - Amethyst. R u b y , COME IN NOW A N D O R D E R YOUR Sapphire RING State University Bookstore Draper Hall 135 Western Ave. " weeks Ex 129 Albany, N.Y. Now operating alone, the group seeks to stimulate interest in civil rights, inform the University of opportunities for individuals to participate In civic groups, and to foster student-faculty dialog on the issues of freedom and equality. Their constitution was approved overwhelmingly, and they were given funds of $55 from Emergency Spending. The Revue constitution was also approved. According to its director, Mr. Guy, it is to be opened to more student participation. w i l l be ready to form Homecoming Kicks'Off Tonight With Folk Concert at Armory Homecoming '64 willbegin tonight with a concert by Judy Collins and the Modern Folk Quartet at the Washington Avenue Armory at 8 p.m. The Homecoming Queen will be announced and will be crowned by Sue Murphy, Campus Queen *63. Each ,. presidents and presidents of the residence halls. Each girl will carry flowers in the colors of the fraternity. Fraternity banners will be present on stage. Only one girl will be crowned. There will be no tallying of second or third places. The rest of the girls will serve as the queen's attendants. On Saturday, the Homecoming Queen will ride on the Queen's float In the parade. It is being hullt by the freshman class. The float will be preceded by the fraternity banner and followed by the fraternity float. Her attendants will ride in convertibles with the banner and float following. University Changes Bus Stops For Students Traveling at Night * Quality Shoes For Women, Men, Children I T D O E S N ' T LOOK l i k e much yet, but by tomorrow this float and many others the Homecoming Parade. c a n d i d a t e i s s p o n s o r e d Dy a fraternity o r residence, The five nominees for queen this .year are Daralene DeLio, Alpha PI Alpha; Pat Fasano, Kappa Beta; Mjtry Margaret Welker, Potter Club; Lana Everett, Sigma Lambda SigAt the soccer game, which Is ma; Dottle Watson, Theta XI Omega; scheduled right after the parade, Barbara Townse.nd, Country Squire the Queen and her attendants will and Governor Motels; and Nancy be seated specially. Baumann, Waterbury Hall. Fraternity Escorts Alumni Luncheon Reluming Alumni will be enterAt the concert the queens will be escorted on stage by the fraternity tained Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 Peds Score Early Af;er a scoreless first period, the Peds broke the scoring ice. Aggie goalie Dob Cornell was maneuvered out of position and Iannlceta's boot sailed true (or the score. A minute and ten seconds elapsed between State's first score and their second with Jim Taylor booting home the 2-0 lead. lanniceta closed out the scoring midway through the third frame. The frosh travel to Hudson tomorrow to face Hudson Valley Community College, which generally fields strong soccer squads, pomlses to I* a tough contest for the State freshman. Although twenty minutes late in starting, the Senate Wednesday night approved the constitutions of two organizations, set up several important committees and accomplished other important business, yet was able to adjourn in record time. The constitutions under Senator Vera Komanowski was consideration were those of appointed chairman of the "Who's the State University Revue Who" committee. This committee' nominates outstanding Seniors, who and the University F r e e - they feel are worthy of membership dom Council. The Freedom in the national Who's Who In AmerCouncil is a new organiza- ican Colleges and Universities. tion formed under the aus- Nominees are later voted upon by pices of Campus Christian the f" r e ,stuude,u ^ay, the top 33 r receiving the honor. Council. Changes in motel bus pick-up points and the installation of a walkie-talkie system were among the steps taken last weok to Insure greater protection lor students at night. Action came In response to complaints by students that they had been annoyed while waiting for buses. The need for mure efficient protection was further emphasized by the purse-snatching which occurred In front of Waterbury Hall last Friday night. In order to keep students from having to wait for busos in Illlighted spots far from buildings, buses will now pick up students from In front of Brubacher Hall and li| back of Draper Hull after dark. During the day the rogular pick-up points will lie maintained, Same Guards No new guards have been added to the security staff. At present the University employs two security guards and one night watchman. At least one man is on duty at the Residence Quadrangle between 7 p.m. and 3 a.m. every night. Extra protection is provided for weekends, in addition, the uniformed security guard who works at Draper Is required to drive around the residence hulls making a check liefore he goes off duty at 11 p.m. The walkie-talkie system which was put into effect Monday night, provides a fast method of communication with the night watchman. Since he does not adhere to a rigid schedule, It Is Impossible to determine where ho will be at a given moment. Control Point In Bru Therefore, a walkie-talkie has been placed in the main office of Brubacher Hall. In cuso of trouble, a call to the Brubacher switchboard will enable the person on duty to summon the night watchman to the spot immediately. If, as Is sometimes the case, the switchboard Is busy, a girl Is to be sent to the Brubacher office to deliver the message. The administration feels that these new changes will allow guards to be where they are needed most, and thus will offer morn adequate protection to everyone. Senate Rules Introduced, then tabled for the mandatory period of three weeks, were the Senate Rules. The three page bill, Introduced by Senator Anne Dlgney, is the culmination of more than a semester of debate and revision. Senate presently is operating under last year's rules. p.m. at the President's Luncheon. The Dean's and Department heads will be present to welcome back the Alumni. Following the luncheon, the traditional parade will proceed at 1 p.m. up Western Ave. Floats from various clubs, organizations, sororities and fraternities numbering over twenty will be judged on originality, appearance and appropriateness. The Queen's float, followed by the attendants', will lead the parade. They will line up on Thurlow Terrace and when all Is in readiness, the entourage will proceed down Western Avenue to Partridge Street. Soccer vs. Potsdam Immediately following the parade State challenges Potsdam at the Homecoming Soccer Game, on University Field. During the game, the winning floats will be announced. The groups sponsoring the winning floats will be presented with a $25 savings bond. From 4 to 6 p.m. August members of MYSKANTA from all points In State's history will assemble for a reunion at the Lampost at the corner of Western and Quail Sts. Working with Miss Komanowski on this committee will be Senators Kenny, Friedman, Laundry, and Klsel, as well as Al Smith, Barb Townsend, Art Johnston, Mary Temple, Richard Crossett, Mary Lewis, and John Sturtevant, A second committee was formed to work with Miss Hastings, University Librarian, on revising library hours. The Library Is now open until 10 p.m. on weekdays, and until 5p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Need for Facilities There has been an increasing need for the library to remain open longer, however, to accommodate larger numbers of students. Requests have especially been made that library facilities be available on weekend nights and on Sundays. Senator Coon will head the committee which will look into the problem. He will be assisted by Senators Several committees were estab- Dibler, Schmoll, Blackman, Quatarlished to carry out various execu- aro, Friedman, and Kurz. tive functions. Senate gave approval The appointment 0? Gretchen to a Solicitations Commission with Senator Pat Green as chairman. Brlant to fill a vacancy in the ElecThis commission supervises all so- tion Commission was unanimously licitation carried out by groups on confirmed by Senate. Action on a vacancy existing In Athletic Adthe campus. visory Board was postponed until Senator Richard Ten Eyck was next week, when President Johnston appointed chairman of the ad hoc will give his recommendation. committee to consider the new rules. In closing the meeting, Johnston The commission Includes Bruce stressed the responsibility of the Kaufman. Connie Noqulst, Gretchen Senators to support Homecoming Van Vleet, and Tom Vandermuellen. events. Motel Girls Do Tumble...weed Seniors and Alumni are Invited to a cocktail hour at Rafael's at 8 p.m. This will be an Informal gathering preceding the Annual Homecoming Formal. The Formal Dance will be held from 9-1 a.m. at Rafael's with music provided by the Francis Murphy Orchestra. Weather permitting, dancing will also be extended to the terrace. Bids are being sold for the price of $4.00 for the entire Homecoming Weekend. Individual tickets for the concert are $1.50. On the Inside.... Financial Aids 2 ^_t*fl Frosh P r o f i l e 3 •UJk jffi Editorials 4 CiechVi.it 5 A s s o c , of the B l i n d Huckleberry Art. Dean's L i s t Spor(, Road 'JlMsMl Wr^*" Jk\ —4^* 6 7 8-9 BflMUJI 10 p.j2 "EUSTICE" F A N C L U B S have sprung up a l l picture of the A S P ' s adorable mascot appeared, over since »h» ^5? • J. •• -;v. Coiflrass C o n k k n L t f l i k t l o i To E N Coascriptioii by 1967 n:vsnrz:'^ni Military draft nas become an Issue of major interest recently for the mere fact that a bill has been introduced Into the Senate to end the draft by 1967. The bill has been Introduced by Senator Gay lord Nelson of Wisconsin and McGovern of South Dakota. They believe that the draft has become outmoded and misused enough to make a mockery of the word "universal" service. Draft Law Renewed In essence, the bill would require The present draft law is renewed that the Secretary of Defense would every four years. The subject was submit an alternative to the present considered in the Senate this year draft bill in one year's time, It and automatically extended four would be a bill based on voluntary more years. Senator Nelson feels recruitment, leading to hearings and that the Issue is too Important to a evaluations on a voluntary system large segment of our population to of maintaining the Armed Forces. "allow it to lie fallow another four years." He insists that a man's Draft Uniust draft status has much to do with his His first argument rests on the plans for his future and soisadomfact that the draft Is unjust, for the inant Issue and one worth revision. Danforth Fund to Give Scholarship Study Money Danforth Graduate Fellowships program will award approximately 120 Fellowships in March, 1965. The Danforth Foundation, one of the nations 10 largest educational Foundations, was founded in 1927 by the late William H. Danforth, aSt. Louis businessman and philanthropist. The Foundation's primary aim is to s t r e n g t h e n higher education through programs of fellowships and workshops, and through grants to colleges, universities and other educational agencies. The Fellowship program was e s tablished In 1951 with the aim of giving personal encouragement and financial support to selected college seniors and recent graduates who seek to become college teachers. Eligibility Men and women who have serious interest In college teaching as a career and who plan to study for a Ph.D. in a field common to the undergraduate college are eligible. Applicants may be single or married, less than thirty years of age, and may not have any graduate or professional study beyond the baccalaureate. The award period is for one year, and Is normally renewable for a total of four academic years of graduate study. A maximum annual living stipend of $1800 Is awarded for single Fellows, and $2200 for married Fellows, plus tuition and fees. Candidates for the fellowships are required to take Graduate Record examinations tests in the Verbal and Quantitive categories. The tests must be taken by all candidates by Saturday, November 21, 1964. 275 State Street PINE HILLS CLEANERS M 0 Westers Avenue CLEANING end EXPERT TAILORING 10 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Worship > The purpose of the reception Is a general welcome to these students from abroad to the State University of New York at Albany. In addition to a social event, the reception will also offer discussions on culture and politics. fj A few of the foreign students have been asked to speak on current political crises and conditions in their countries. Maria Emily Georgtopoulos, a girl from Greece and sponsored by the profits of the 1964 Campus Chest Drive, will discuss her country's stand on Cyprus in the present situation. Cecilia Reyes Guldote will discuss current political forces in her native Philippines. Several of the foreign students have come to State to complete their graduate work. Miss Guidol Is studying drama here, while Miss Georgiopuulos is studying education. Members of the faculty and all students are cordially invited to attend the reception and meet and I welcome the Foreign Students to our campus. Forum of Politics has made a t e n t a t i v e schedule concerning speakers from both inside and outside this university. At various points throughout the year, also, debates will be held on issues to provide a fuller background into the subject for the politicallyminded student. Forum of Politics is a nonpartisan political organization open to all students. Meetings are held on Mondays at 3:30 p.m. in Draper Hali, 146. Outing dub Invades Lake George With Six Hundred Brave Campers "It was a hard, rough weekend," said Ruth Whiting, President of Outing Club, "but it, was great." Miss Whiting headed the group of 60 Outing Clubbers who spent last Friday through Sunday at the Invitational Fall Lake George Weekend. The event was held on Turtle Island in Lake George. It was sponsored by the Rensselaer Outing Club from R.P.I. More than 600 students from 40 colleges participated in the weekend. Campers came from as far away as the University of Chicago and McGill University in Montreal. Canoeing Popular Canoeing proved to be the major activity of the three-day outing. Aside from one small powerboat, canoes were the only means of transportation to and from the Island. The lake was extremely rough all weekend, so even the inexperienced were quickly Initiated to the handling of canoes. Most of Friday night was taken with setting up camp, as groups arrived all through the evening. A heavy rain made preparations difficult, but the weather cleared by the next day. Saturday was spent in more canoeing by those who wanted to fight the four foot waves. Others went to shore and spent the day climbing Black or Tongue Mountains. Song and Dance At night many campers crossed to Mohican Island for a square dance. A song fest drew others. Aside from the major traffic jam which occurred as 600 people tried to get off the island, Sunday was an uneventful day. The Lake George trip marks the first major event for Outing Club this year. Smaller groups often get together for bike hikes, mountain climbing, and other sports. During the winter Outing Club groups travel to area ski slopes almost every weekend. The next event will be a Halloween caving party in one of the caves in the area. it staples term papers and class notes, photographs, news items* themes, reports. rfr Dr. L. Walter Schultze, Inducted Into Academic Honorary Director of Admissions, Slgnun Laudls, the honorary scho. lastlc fraternity, Inducted forty-one students at the Spring Banquet held last May 20. Signum Laudls cc, nprises the top ten per cent of each year's Senior Class. Four per cent of each year's Junior Class is elected to membership In the spring; In the following two semesters an additional four per cent and two per cent are elected. The ten members of last year's Senior class who were Inducted in the spring are as follows: Gloria Alfred, Sandra Balassone, Norton Banks, Colleen Breltfeld, Erman Cocci, Donald Fraser, Jeanne Hrdlna, Gregory Illinberg, John Perrino, and Roger Ritzman. The thirty-one members of last year's Junior class who were Inducted include: Kathryn Applegate, Sharon Bannister, Kathleen Brophy, Barbara Cardell, RonaldHay, Marilyn Hayner, Margaret Herzog, Paul Jensen, Joseph Kestner, and John Klimek, Also, Barbara Leuthner, Marr garet Matteson, George Matthews Ton! Master, Juliane Mohos, Robert Nottke, Alice Nudelman, Patricia Paddock, Carolyn Pentlen, and Donald Rutschmann. Also, BarbaraSayer, Earl Sclirelber, Phyllis Silberstein, James Slenker, Joanne Sobik, Dor,othy Tomes, Miriam Ward, Maryann Melndl, Robert Wilcox, Martha Williams, and Susan Yarlna. Following the induction of the new members, the election of a secretary for this year was held; George Matthews was elected. It was announoed that Mrs. Horowitz would assume the position of Faculty Secretary. Freshmen Urged To Invite Parents For Weekend He mentioned that the Class of '68 has surpassed all former Freshmen classes at State in the number of honors and scholarships received. Sixty-seven of this class were either salutatorian or valedictorian of their Parent's Day co-Chairmen David graduating high school class. Schenck and Janet Shuba have anNearly half of the Freshman Class nounced that preparations are well has been awarded some scholarship, under way for the event next week. either local or state, full or partial. Freshmen are asked to remind their Four hundred are recipients of the parents of the day, and to urge them Regents Scholarship, while two hunto come. dred and nine have received some other award. Special tickets will be available This information Is impressive, to freshmen by Tuesday of next but what is even more so, is that week. Parents will be able to get three-fourths of tlie class were in a view of many aspects of college tlie top fifth of their senior class. life by, eating in the residence hails, With tills knowledge, the ability of meeting with faculty members, and the Freshman Class seems outwatching a special performance of standing and noteworthy. acts from the All-University Reception. The trend in tlie past years in the The Reception will be given for tlie general student body on Friday night, October 16. Faculty Questions College Purpose . "The Absurd College," a panel discussion, will be Meld in Page Hall today at 1:25 p.m. It will be held to discuss any possible discrepancy between the idea of a university that Is incorporated in this school and those of Jacques Barzun and John Cardinal Newman that are presented in their books, "Teacher in America," and "Idea of a University," respectivelyTypical points to be covered are, "Are Barzun's and Newman's ideas TASHIONS FOR CAMPUS LIFE' too Utopian? Should ours be more so? Everyone <s invited to listen to and participate in this panel discussion. Wallace International Sterling Vaiat Aiiortmenl c\ fiticei lamnat MIM Student ChargefacountAvailable \Stuuuesant Plaza IV 9-0549 Gerald Drug Co. ^ CARD t i t WeMera Ave. SJJssSWi »• * • *?. $. J.*m4eU. J«w«iwt 0 M W M I Mt 4-7»l* Albany, New York This Card Enthiei You To 2 0 % Off On All Cash Sales (Repairs Excluded) Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Don* on Premises niqxs ylrdii open evenings till 9p.m. Saturday till 6p.m. MAYFLOWER 209 Central Vlift WHIMPY Rjchmans OHAMBURGERS for a terrific selection of Contemporary Cards *M«ltedChMM TOMATO, IfTTUCI, MAYONNAISE SRRVID O N SESAME RUN Either the exc tement's there, or it's not. And it was decidedly there when THE HIGHWAYMEN i amo home to their alma mater. The audience was with it—and they sparked a perft rmance that fairly sizzled with excitement. Whether they're swinging their way throi gh an old favorite like Careless Love or playing around with a witty new lyric like I ossum Meat, The Highwaymen hit a new high at their HOMECOMING —recorded tlvi at Wesleyan University. THE HIGHWAYMEN: HOMECOMING AVAIMBU IN SrHEO, OR MOrMUML, AT RECORD STORES EVERYWHERE and Florida. Teaching Program Reasons for Growth The teaching program still remains the most prevalent among freshman with 700 students. Although the general program has been in effect for only three years, 400 students have registered under this. For eacli major field, more students In the freshman class are registered under tlie teaching program except in the science department. The University received approximately 5000 applications this past year. Of these, only 1800applicants, Including freshmen, transfer and special > students, registered this year. The University has picked up considerable attendance from out-of-, state students. Most out-of-state students are from New Jersey but some have come as far as Arizona Or. Schultze has pointed out several reasons contributing to the growing popularity of Albany as stated by the Freshmen on their applications. The major reason put fortli by students for attending this institute was the good reputation of the University. Tlie second reason students chose Albany was the atmosphere of the college. Students liked the location of the school In tlie state and they were also enthusiastic about the new campus. Another reason, closely related to the reputation, was that Albany was recommended by alumnae, guidance counselors, parents and admissions personnel. Curricular offerings and financial possibilities did not register as high In the opinion of the freshman. NOTICES Kappa Phi Kappa Chi chapter of Kappa Phi Kappa, national Professional Education Fraternity, is now seeking a list of candidates eligible for membership tills semester. Tlie qualifications for membership are as follows: the completion of 40 semester hours at SUNY at Albany, the completion of 3 semester hours of education courses with an A or 6 semester hours with at feast a B accumulative average, and the maintaining of at least a 2.5 accumulative average overall for the 45 semester hours. ACCOUNTING AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AMERICAN HISTORY ART HISTORY BOTANY CHEMISTRY CHILD PSYCHOLOGY ECONOMICS GEOLOGY MEDIEVAL HISTORY MUSIC HISTORY MUSIC HISTORY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY WORLD HISTORY ZOOLOGY Any person meeting the above qualifications should notify Bill Mayer, vice president of Chi chapter, by student mall no later than October 20. Full details, including grades earned in education courses, should be included in the letter-. Kappa Delta Epsilon All women students having a 3.0 accumulative index, with a3.0 average In sic hours of education are eligible for Kappa Delta Epsilon Education Honorary. If you are interested please contact Miss Farrell in room 122 Milne no later than Monday, October 19. Keyed to Noble Keyed to Ogg and Ray Keyed to Hofstadter Keyed to Janson Keyed to Wilson Keyed to Sienko Keyed to J.rsild Keyed to Samuel son Keyed to Emmont Keyed to Stray er Keyed to Sienk Keyed to Grout Keyed to Bierstedt Keyed to Young Keyed la Ferguson Keyed to Elliott It's the "Tot 50" Swingline of course Stapler WjUMnjMlUUr At $195 each The Student Union luuunui) WELCOMES ALUMNI HOMECOMING ' 6 4 (IlKllHUni 1000 tteples) ool,|1.49 Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9a.rn.-IOi45fr.iH. lsr|« ills CUB OtilSliplir Ffl.-Sttt. No b l u t r thane pick of gum. Refills •yslleble everywhere. Made In U.S.A. At eny stationery, variety, book storel INC. ummMmmtt,mmnm- 9a.rn.-ll30a.rn. Sun. 4p.m.-IO,45p.m. SWMT PICKIES ,60 Dr. Walter Schultie ...Director of Admissions Review Notes in it fastens party costumes, prom decorations, school projects, posters, stage sets. Htadquarlcrr /or College Jeuwlru No interest or carrying charge • it tacks notes to bulletin board, pennants to wall, shelf paper, drawer linings. STUYVESANT JEWELERS Bulova State sororities will hold open house rush patties for all rushees between October 12 and 23. Everyone is welcomed and no oral invitations are necessary. Psi Gamma President Barb Kettle of Psl Gamma announces that at the replacement elections held at the meeting last Monday, Sue Gunyan was elected social chairman, and Kathy Farnsworth was elected Sports Captain. ¥§u mm FMI IT! 47 N. Pearl St. Shop by Phone 434-1331 Stuyvetant Plozaj Omega Jtoad* Jtoudt Members of the panel Include Margaret Flanagan, Norma Early, Susan Metz, and Edward Wolner. Also, Mr. Staley of the English Department and Dr. Berger of the Education Department. Sigma Phi Sigma The presentation will be a joint The sisters of Sigma Phi Sigma effort by the English and Eduoatlon announce the appointment of Ceal departments. Cuticchia and Marcia Darvln as co-chairman of the float for Homecoming, and the election of Ceal Cuticchia as Rush Captain. The sisters of Sigma Phi Sigma extend a welcome back to Anita Lotz after her stay as an exchange student in fuerto Rico, and Jeanne Bollt after her tour of Europe this summer. DOWNTOWN and the New MODERN STUYVESANT PLAZA BRANCH 'Home of Distinctive Jewelry and Gifts announced that the Freshman Class, besides being the largest class enrolled in the history of the University, is also unique in the very high academic standing of the class members. selecting of major end minor fields Is evident In the Freshman Class although the most fields are within a certain range. Social Science still remains the most popular major with 227 students registered. The Mathematics Department has the second largest number of Fresh* men majors. 200 freshmen are presently listed as majors in this field. Language Majors number close to Mathematics with 184 majors. The large number of language majors can be attributed greatly to the emphasis placed on learning a foreign 'language and also to the very recent Interest In the Peace Corps. Science majors number 159, while English, which usually has a very large tunout, has only 146 entering majors. The department with the least majors Is business with a mere 102 students out of the freshman class. MONARCH Diamonds Set Whlle-U-Wall Open Your Lambert's Charge Account COURTESY HITNEYi Watch and Jeuwlru Repairir We Cell sat Deliver Dr. Ralph H . E l l i o t , Minister • ION IN INK H I M Forum of Politics will sponsor a Reception for Foreign Students on Wednesday, October 14, at 8 p.m. in Brubacher Lower Lounge. m^m t^ senhn, jaw** '68 Class Statistics Revealed Other Requirements Other criteria in considering candidates are academic achievement, personal characteristics and evidence of concerns beyond self-interest. Liaison Officers of each college have the sole right to nominate between two and five persons. Nominations close November 1, and the nominees must complete applications not later than November 23. Danforth Fellowship holders may have other fellowships such as Ford, Fulbright, or National Science concurrently. Interested s t u d e n t s should contact Dean Jack M. Deerlnger, college Liaison Officer, or Mill Conklin In Draper 105. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Central An. Forum of Polities To Present Topics By Foreign Students' fact that 42 percent of the eligible age group do not serve. Secondly, It creates personal hardships In relation to the uncertainty of theman's .future. ... :.-.r^;- ::-••: In addition to this, It Is'militarily Inefficient, the draft largely drawing an undesirable element for leadership positions. Fourth, the draft wastes both money and manpower, and fifth, Senator-Nelson' feels- the draft to be no longer necessary. By eliminating the d r a f t , a tremendous sayings will ensue, brought about by reduced training costs. This saving will adequately meet the more attractive salaries for volunteers. President Johnson recently announced plans for a comprehensive study of the draft system, including the possibility of conscription on a voluntary basis. Senator Nelson points out that B R A V E NEW C A M P E R S set up equipment at the Outing Club originally the draft was organized headquarters on Turtle Island. on an equal basis, one in which all would share military obligation In accordance with a fair System." Goylord Nelson . . . End the Draft AliJidtuv., u.&iJ,. »rtOeiy* .Q<Tifc<f y#- WS4 SNACK BAR Your courier neuer before to cle rly • f ;> and tiiitplu explained for quick ana* effective study K i STATE UjytvkRSITY BOOKSTORE Draper Mat 135 Western Ave. Ext. 129 Albany, N.Y. •:->••• ; - ^ — ••••• • -"•••••• ••• - - •-••-'"•mim.immmwm*^- Emphasis on Property Complements Individual by Phyllis Flattery Pertodliw "n glad I've graduated! Void Left by Rivalry Unfilled We have now gone along far enough with the new substitute-for-Rivalry schedule to evaluate its total worth for' this university campus. We base our decision on the events experienced thus far; the Bonfire, University Field Day, and the Convocation. Add to this the general lack of any unifying spirit, and the picture becomes clear. Last spring when it was decided that the "best thing" for this campus would be the elimination of a traditional rivalry period and the implications such a period produced, it was thought that events for four classes would pull the university together in spirit without creating a class consciousness. Various inevitable committees mat and planned this fall's events. Without a focal point for their new program, the idea of a new approach to peaceful coexistence fell flat. Organization, publicity, and primarily interest, top the list of incompleteness and virtual non-existence. So far, this program of pseudo-rivalry has not met previous expectations. From the climate of opinion circulated up to this point, especially by the freshmen members of this community, the idea of a rivalry revival is not too unthinkable. If it enables one fourth of the student body to make a smooth transition into college life on this campus, then maybe a return to the past is a valid one. New Approach to Formats Needed We think the time has come for Stu- dent Association to take a long, hard look at the concept of formal weekends at State. As presently organized these weekends are a tremendous drain on the pocketbooks of a student body that in the main could not be less interested in them. The spectacular fiasco of Junior Weekend last year, and the imminent failure of Homecoming are indicative that something is seriously wrong with State's approach to formal weekends. Last semester only 50 couples attended the Junior Weekend formal; as of Wednesday night only 200 tickets had been sold for this Friday's folk concert at the Washington Armory. We feel that this waste will be stopped only when an effort is made to obtain "name performers" for the concert portion of weekends, and when an effort is made to make the formals far more exclusive. Judy Collins and the Modern Folk Quartet might be less expensive than Peter, Paul and Mary, but where is the saving when three-quarters of available tickets go unsold? As for the formals, Universities this size really have no need for high school suit and tie type dances. A formal should be just what its name implies. It should be planned for relatively few students (since it is only the few that attend anyway) in mind. Student Association must come to face the realities of social life in the University, and abandon an approach has proved unworkable. Senate Shows More Action However, the fact that debate has so We see that Senate has finally come to the point where passage of Senate Rules is likely. Even though this is over a semester behind schedule, at least Senate will not have to go through the entire year operating under the rules of its predecessor. We understand that passage at this time is due primarily to the fact that the Senators held a special meeting to iron out all their differences before the* bill came onto the Senate floor. If this had been done at the beginning of last semester, a great deal of needless, time-consuming debate on the Senate floor would have been avoided, and Senate would now be operating under its own rules, ,!)•);.; I I J . - i n , I -nil '• ;• '•,>>'.'•: far been carried out in special meetings shows, we hope, an increasing maturity on the part of Senators. The meetings have also been short and usually to the point this year. There has been less of a tendency to quibble over parliamentary technicalities, and most of the questions and debate have been relevant to the issue. If this trend continues, it will be the best thing that has happened to Senate in a long time. When Senators forego the personal glory of having their arguments heard by the whole Senate, and use the Senate meeting for final action on bills rather than preliminary debate, student government will stop marking time and start moving ahead. ,<,•...-!>- - - i i . n l » i n i <• :i nin . . . i t;*. , ' m i . - . (III>. inn Hit i ,i iii i but In the end are the moat just for all concerned. Is it proper to deprive one person of his human rights to satisfy another? It would appear to me a mora equitable solution to accomplish the desired result through love and understanding rather than by hard and fast laws. The Civil Rights Act calls for desegregation of public accommodations and assists In legally elevating the Negro to equality with whites. Is this all they want? I think not. We must end prejudice, and by this means alone can the Negro ever hope for equality. James Pryor made the following statement In the September 29 edition of the ASP: "Let Goldwater know that Albany does not welcome a man to whom personal property Is more Important than human rights." First, I believe Mr. Pryor Is referring to both real and personal property, for certainly, Senator Goldwater's efforts have been more explicitly for the salvation of real property than of personal property. Secondly, what are property rights if not human rights? — Animal rights? Vegetable rights? We can Legal Prejudice make no distinction between the Making It a legal offense for an rights of property and human rights, because the former is a subdivision Individual, in the conduct of his own affairs, to decide for himself of the latter. the person with whom he chooses to do business, Irrespective of race, Maximum Freedom color, or creed, Is only going to Mr. Goldwater advocates, in the intensify prejudice. "Conscience of s>. Conservative," By acknowledging realities; by opthat his goal is to achieve "... the maximum amount of freedom for posing Impetuous legislation and arIndividuals that is consistent with birary judicial shortcuts; by effecthe maintenance of the social or- tive measures against unemployment and restrlve union practice; der." by freeing the economy to expand All rights stem from the right to dynamically and thus offer new jobs, be free. As Goldwater Is for a free the Negro can rise In our society nation, he will inevitably help the faster. Negro to be free; to gain his rights Not only faster, but more surely, as an American ciUzen. He believes that the problem of than by the tokenlst advances prorace relations, like all social and moted by the Johnson administration cultural problems, Is best handled that harden the deplorable antago- I by the people directly concerned! nlsm between the races. While Johnson supporters are paSocial and cultural change, however desirable, should not be per- rading at Goldwater rallies, trying formed by the engines of national to demonstrate the Negro plight in power. We should try to Improve an undesirable manner, we of the faulty Institutions through persua- Goldwater camp are spending equal sion and education, but let us do so time learning to know the Negro in an orderly fashion with respect and other minority groups. Through this knowledge we learn to love our the process of the law. fellow man. We realize that you cannot legislate love! Property Rights Insecure Any other course enthrones tyG o l d w a t e r for R i g h t s rants and dooms freedoms. We should keep in mind that a society Let James Pryor and CORE know where property rights are Insecure that Mr. Goldwater Is for human Is a totalitarian society, and in such rights, tor property rights, and tor a society no right is secure. Individual rights. What seems to bother some groups It is a great injustice that any man I Is that Goldwater refuses to champion the rights of any one group who has devoted his life to such high over • the rights of any other. The Ideals should be the object of pickets results mav at times seem harsh, supposedly advocating those same Ideals — freedom for all I Albany Student Preu MAY •••• i or iota The Albany Student P r e u i t a semi-weekly newspaper published by tii- student body of the State University at New York at Albany. The ASP may be reached by dialing either 489-6481 or IV 2-3336. The ASP office, located In Room 5 of Brubacher Hall, Is open from 7i00 to 11 (00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday night. E D I T H S. HARDY - KAREN E. K E E F E R Co-Editor.-In-Chief EARL G. SCHREIBER Arts Editor HAROLD L. L Y N N E Sports Editor E I L E E N L. MANNING Associate Editor D E B O R A H I. FRIEDMAN Associate Editor C Y N T H I A A. GOODMAN Associate Feature Editor W I L L I A M H . COLGAN Executive Editor DIANE M E R R I C K Business Manager & • * • * * ) •0«tl»! -r--«,._...,__ Features # ALBANY STUDENT PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1964 • Intercollegiate News • News Features • Humor PAGE 5 Instructor Visits Childhood Home In Present Day Czechoslovakia 4 by Cynthia Goodman "Everything you do in Czechoslovakia becomes a crisis," Mrs. Laszlo Palagyi stated in describing the trip she took abroad this summer. A Speech and Drama instructor at State University, she had accompanied her husband on a visit to his homeland. Mr. Palagyi, a Hungarian, had spent part of his childhood in Slovakia — the sector of Hungary that was ceded to the Czechs after World War I. With an eloquent gesture, she demonstrates: "The tears are always so close.' The way of life fhere is so different,.Mrs. Palagyi says somberly, that no one can understand without seeing. Czechoslovakia, but today, the HunNo Unemployment garian-Czechs had not lost the vigor Unemployment Is non-existent beand warmth that characterize the cause all workers are given work, Magyars. even though the salary must be cut. If ZOO 'workers are available, he When the summer was over, the described further, and only 100 are Palagyis returned, '' We thank God'' needed, the 300 will do half the work Mrs. Palagyi said, "that such a place The Communist regime makes for half the money. As a result, the as the Free World exists." Itself felt everywhere. "Everything workers are becoming lazy. We merrnany wonderful people — Is a mass advertisement for Communism and a condemnation of capThe area of Kosice, the village peop)e who could laugh, joke, dance •0 but underneath, at least in most ltallsm," Mrs. Palagyi asserted. the Palagyis visited, Is primarily agricultural. This area Is now com- cases, there is a despair — ahollow Evefy town is wired with loud- pletely co-operative and farm lands memory of freedom. Among many things, freedom is that thingyoufeel THESE RUINS OF an old cattle in Czechoslovakia have served speakers so that Party officials may are owned in common. as a "battleground" (or generations of Czech children in the make announcements at any time At one time, Kosice was a rich In the air when you return to the area. during the day or night. wine-growing state. When the Com- Free World — hope." munists came in, they confiscated • ^ v . ' ^ ' ^ v • The Big Difference ;>.»• Jit V• \>hThere' Is no private enterprise the vineyards and distributed them to Communists who knew nothing at all In Czechoslovakia as there Is in Hungary. Those who owned about the art of making wine. Contheir own businesses are now em- sequently, the blighted land was ployees In their own shops, paid finally plowed under and given to by the State. The average salary fodder. for the non-Communist laborer Is about $80.00 a month. Fear Non-Co-Existence The Communists, who are genMrs. Palagyi commented at one erally the supervisors and mana- point that the Czechs both fear and gers of businesses, average about respect Goldwater. The Commun• $100.00 a month, but, Mr. Palagyi ist officials, in particular, fear asserts, every little bit helps. Goldwater's determination not to From this salary, the worker "co-exist" with the Communist remust buy everything. While neces- gimes. sities like rent are relatively cheap ($8.00 month) luxuries like a teleAn interesting story was told vision set are large investments about a Czech' girl who eventually for the average Czech. For a med- became a school teacher in Moscow. ium-priced car, a Czech must work As a girl of fourteen she had kept about 20 years. a diary much like that of Anne Initiative is so lacking, says Mr. Frank, in which she recorded her Palagyi, that the only way to gain impressions of the initial Communa profit Is to steal. ist takeover. Mrs. Palagyi described the staterun churches In graphic terms. First, the priests are considered state employees and all money collected in church Is given to the state. Masses and services are held on Sunday nights and the memberships are extremely low. When the Communists discovered the diary, she was sentenced to a concentration camp. Eight years later, older and wiser, the mere child had mended her ways and become an instructor. There had been bitterness in, KOSICE IS IN a winegrowing area of Slovakia that hat now turned to conventional agriculture. DOUGLAS G. UPHAM Photography Editor R O N A L D W. H A M I L T O N Senior Editor JOHN M. H U N T E R Advertising Manager J U D I T H M. CONGER Technical Supervisor SUSAN J . THOMSON Public Relations Director CARREN A. ORSINI Circulation Exchange Editor Assistant Sports Editor Ray McClool Assistant Advertising Editor...... , * Karl Dainanda Assistant Editor ;.Joseph Silverman •Desk Editor ,Ellen Zang Reporters Sam Cypressi, Laura Avln, Fred Nelson, Denlse Clark, Mike Forenell, Rhodo Goldberg Columnists...... Paul Jensen, Robert Judd, Kathy Brophy, David Childs, J . Roger Lee, G ary Lucsok, Milton Williams Photographers Dennis Church, Joseph Mahay, Steven Kilns, Robert McOdara William Slnnhold Cartoonist All communications must be addressed to the Editor and must be signed. Names will be withheld on request. The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns or communications, as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views. If you want to help us add another thirty names to this 1st of AN Stars, c o m into the ASP office Sunday "-( V I M n.; Jliili'ii'iliin i lijMufii ,\ iM.,ii„j.•.,:;•, ( • CHURCHES ARE STATE operated, and priests are State employees. Consequently, church memberships are very low. THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY civic improvements are being made, though for the average Czech, life is still not easy under Communism. • """"""^w^sssflpw :ftBl Th» Am?wqw frrwi, Association for Blind Recaptures Area Human Resources by Tim Atwell A bunch of the guys were whooping it up at the W. T. last month. Such mirth few have seen the likes of. Not since the golden days of Heorot had laughter flowed so freely or guys felt so daring 'neath their dermis. The bravest and most hearty guy was Hans Bachmann — athlete, artist, Regents Scholarship winner. Hans is a German major, and Hans has it made because he's bilingual. So Hans has a lot of time for being Jolly, So Hans kept belting them down and singing, "O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum...", for indeed was The Spirit of an Old-Fashioned German Christmas nipping the air. Hans Bachmann sat awash in aesthetic jocundity, and it was only eight o'clock of a Friday • night. Then up jumped Sean Flnnegan, bio major, to announce, "Mussa lck rlden am bus su Hause vor tu mock meln deutsch," which loosely translated Is, "I must ride home on the bus to do my German." Sean is taking Ge-3 and he had to spend the entire weekend looking up words In Langenscheidt's. The only free time he had was between five and eight on Friday, and he spent it profitably at the T with Hans Bachmann, Armstrong Robinson, and Eliot Carabella, and their girlfriends. Sean didn't have time for a girlfriend. He'd had a girlfriend once, for about a week and a half. Then Sara (that was her name, Sara. Nice girl, Sara)said, "Sean, it's either me or Langenscheidt's." To which Sean replied, "Was ken lck tu?" ("What can a good man do?"), and went on his way, knowing it would be at least another year before he could have a meaningful relationship with a member of the opposite sex. So Sean walked down to Partridge Strasse, and caught a bus out to his dormotel (Door-muli-tell (accent on last syllable); neologism coined by a Mr. I Neil Webre, mathematician and physicist, and who am I not to take the word of a mathematician and physicist?) The Association not only gives blind people hope In the field ofemployment, but also keeps their recBehind the (lass doors near our own Detroit Annex are located fa- reational organizations and facilicilities for industrial shops, social ties moving at a fast pace. casework, a small store selling Blind people bowi,play golf, swim, hand-made goods, meeting rooms for recreation and group work, and play cards, and engage in most of offices which supervise distribution the other activities a sighted person of talking book machines, mobility participates in. The only difference instruction, psychological guidance is that the cards are marked In and counseling, and a home visiting braille, the reading language of the service. blind, the bowling alleys have a This Is the Albany Association of guide rail in line with the pins, or the Blind at 301 Washington Avenue. the blind person i s simply accomThis organization serves the blind panied by a sighted person who acts and partially blind in the tri-clty as his guide. area. What began as a social club Blind " R e a d " Talking Books eventually evolved into a workshop, and then into a service agency. The national and state governThe emphasis at the Association ments have In some ways provided is that they are of the blind and for the recreation and education of not in business for them. blind people. Ever since 1936 ConTheir charter specifies that 5 of gress has appropriated money for the 21 people holding positions on the distribution of talking books. the Board of Directors must be blind. The Albany Association of the Blind has distributed over 400 talkLegal Blindness ing books and players in this area. A person is considered legally Reading "Gone With theWind" In blind If he has 20/200 vision. He must be reported to the New York braille would entail pounds of literaState Commission for the Blind. ture since braille Is printed on a The figure signifies that he Is only light cardboard. Talking books elimcapable of seeing at 20 feet, what inate all the disadvantages of braille. the normal person can see at 200 They consist of a series of records made by professional readers, who feet. Referrals usually come to the read a book or magazine from cover Agency from the medical field but to cover. The Library of Congress will supoften Individuals themselves seek help. The staff of 22 very capable ply an individual with a record player and his choice of over one million people aid blind people "from cradle to grave to adjust to normal living patterns, communication problems, mobility, education, recreation, and rehabilitation problems" according to Mr. Charles P. Jones, head of social services. by Mlckl McGoughey WORKING RAPIDLY and without the aid of special machines. Association employees do much sub-contract work for local industries. Common-State* —Nothing Is at last sacred but the Integrity of your own mindRalph Waldo Emerson DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF.. Bad, bad Common-StatersI Dump on groups yea, twist knife In backs of Individuals nol Your taste is In your mouth. SPEAKING OF DISCRETION Yea KDI "Hi-ho Silver" not here .... good taste, yes, yes, yes. Other groups should use you as an example .... some people never learnl We get letters.... I FUN AND GAMES DEPT. Student Protests Letter Written By Kennedy Foe To the Editor! University Field Day! Rah, rah, rot I Let's all go out and play In the mud. Lack of spirt, crowds, purpose .... big farcel NEW ADDITIONS DEPT. Yea, ASSP editorial I Welcome another annex ....The Union Annex. Well, the "hopefuls" have to smile somewhere. A MIRACLE IN ALBANY Good teams, crowds, refs, purpose, commissioners, spirit, games, and old men who never stop taking grad courses I My, what a learned bunch! I, 2, CHA-CHA-CHA 3, 4, KICK-KICK-KICKI ??? of the week. What the heck Is MFD-UFO? (And some people think Common-Staters are esoteric.) i, Love and kisses, , , > , , „ „i,,..,,-••• A ami G " , books. Postage is paid by the government and mailing problems are overcome by the use of a card which tells the blind person that it i s a talking book. Such literature as "Reader's Digest, "Holiday," "Times Review," and "Newsweek" are available. In most cases the talking books are only one edition behind. This allows blind people to be well-Informed on current affairs. Other concessions allowed blind people Include paying a single fare for both the guide and the blind person while traveling, and a double deduction on income taxes. Guide Dogs A i d Another aid to the blind Is guide dogs. A person may apply at a guide dog school, such as the one at Peekskill, N.Y. and have about a one month training session in how to care for his dog, and how to cope with the everyday problems he will encounter in normal living procedures. The very old and very young are not usually included in this program because the elderly are not usually capable of taking care of their own dogs and the very young are not ready to assume the responsibilities of owning a dog of their own. Tuition of about $150 is charged for the training session. No person • Or should I say "To Mr. Dolly?" Your letter concerning the Journalistic assassination of Robert Kennedy. Sure, Robert Kennedy Is good, he's real competent, but he is not for New York. I cannot believe that New Yorkers want a man representing them who lives In Virginia, votes In Massachusetts, and wishes to be senator from Now York, As for his campaign — what has been said against Keating? Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! Big deal — he comes out against Goldwater — any Democrat can do that without endangering his political position. Take a look at Ken Keatlngl He's come out against Goldwater too and he's In the same party, . , Keating has been so vehement in by J . Roger Lee HATE TO WRITE ? UN Is Substitute Is turned down because or financial difficulties. Payments are arranged with each student according to his ability. his objection to "Barry" that he has conducted his campaign IndependCertain organizations also aid ently of the national ticket, blind students to acquire a college education. They will finance readers What has "Bobby" said in his for the student, and In some cases campaign speeches? What has he even find him a home. promised? What can he do for New Services Not Complete York? The answer in all three cases At present there are some gaps Is NO a big fat NO spelled N-O, The only thing "Bobby" has talked In services for blind people. One about is his late brother. Nothing Is In the field of recreation for concerning the Issues has been said. elderly people. Another Is In the How can a man like that win? homemaklng area. A woman who manages a home encounters many On the other hand what has "Bob- hazards while performing houseby" going for him? Very simple - hold chores, especially In the kitthe Kennedy name. It's magnetic chen. These people must lie properly bellove me. Crowds storm him not trained so that they can go about because they want to hear what he's their work safely. saying but only to see a "Kennedy." Although blind people are handiIn my opinion, Mr. Dolly, the only thing Robert Kennedy Is aiming for capped, they are not Invalids and should not be treated as such. In this campaign is one big stepping stone to a house on 1600 PennsylHelen Keller pointedly claimed vania Avenue. Sorry Mr. Dolly if once that "Not blindness, hut the it shocks you. attitude of the seeing to the blind Farlsy Mlchaolson Is the hardest burden to bear." Hypocrisy versus littgrtty Candidates Agree on Basic Issues Association Industries Blind persons compete with sighted people In certain Industrial areas. Properly trained employees at industrial workshops in the Association are able to produce such things as bakery trays, strainers for boiling tar, educational toy blocks, and handloomed rugs. In addition, they maintain a monopoly on chalr-caning, which at one time was thought to be the only job blind people could handle. The workshop also has men employed on machines doing beercase stitching and stapling. Both the machines used In these operations and the sewing machines In another department have no special gadgets to aid the blind people working on them. Partially blind men work on the stitching machines to ensure safety. Women who are in most cases totally blind operate the sewing machines with a speed and accur- A L T H O U G H L E G A L L Y B L I N D , this worktr s k i l l f u l l y uses his acy that would amaze a sighted hammer to pound screening into the desired shapes. person. COMMUNICA TIONS And Hans spoke again. "It looks like I'm going to have to Hart doing Sean's homework for him." "Good idea," said Eliot. "Good idea," said everybody else. Except Armstrong Robinson. * .~ "I've got this better idea," said Armstrong. "You know Rhelngold Pfennig?" (Indeed they did, for it was Rhelngold Pfennig who drank Harry "Firewater.'";. MacFarland under the table at Yezzl's back in'63.) "Well, I was talking to Rhelngold the other day, and he was telling me about how all the guys on his corridor keep asking him to translate their German homework. They underline all these words they don't understand and want Rhelngold to write in the English words between the lines. "Now, Rhelngold is getting a little ticked off because he hardly has any time left to be jolly. So he was thinking about charging these guys good money for all this help he's giving them. Well, Hans, If you and Rhelngold and Wolfgang Eckwelt and Klrkegaard Montoya the half-breed got together, I bet you could translate the whole Ge-3 reader In two weekends. Pay some business majors to type up the stencils and run them off, and then sell the translations at twertfy bucks a copy." "You're thinking," said Hans. And so it was done. And the supply ran out In one hour and eleven minutes. Hans, Rhelngold, Wolfgang, and Klrkegaard the half-breed made two hundred dollars apiece and gave Armstrong an equal share in the profits. Lucky Pierre la Farge and Brlgette du Bois teamed up to zeus Larousse and make a cool fifteen hundred. Similar rewards were reaped by the following: Morelll, di Angelo, and Spezata; de Gama and Jaoblm; Barcelona, Morales and Ladonla Maria Elena Cantrill. You will be happy to hear that Sean is passing Ge-3 and may even be learning something. Hans Bachmann sings all the time. Armstrong Robinson made enough to buy a rebuilt MG-TD. Eliot Carabella had no stake In the goings on, but he's happy to have a friend with a rebuilt MG-TD. On Fridays and Saturdays you can go to the T or O'Heaney's or Yezzl's and revel In the Joy of modern language majors and those fulfilling their language requirements. And If you should bump into Sean Flnnegan, say hello to his girlfriend Sara for me. The world Is a better place to live In now. And no one was ever caught. dollars. The 10 dollars of lost purchasing power did not cease to exist, it went to finance some scheme of Those who rule our government his government. under the present administration are practicing a policy which Power amounts to calculated hypocracy. The capital tax of the period from The rhetoric of the Democratic 1947-49 to present exceeds 55 peradministration - the administration cent. That means the government that seeks power over the state and has confiscated 55 cents of every the individual — proclaims the care person's dollar to finance its forof the little man as its goal. eign and domestic programs. Ae In practice, however, it Is the we have seen, this hurts the poor little man who is economically sac- more than the rich. rificed in the headlong pursuit of Here the process becomes e s power to which the Democratic ad- pecially pernicious. Each time the ministration Is dedicated. government initiates a program to A progressive tax is a tax whose "help the little man," it amasses rate is determined by a person's more power for Its bureaucracy, ability to pay. Senator Goldwater power that once was reserved to has rightly labeled this as a con- the people and the states. fiscatory tax, but both parties have By practicing a policy of inflation, endorsed it as the desirable means the government creates serious ecoof securing government revenue. nomic problems for the little man. Then it amasses power to provide Regressive Taxation relief. Nol even Senator Goldwater has suggested Its repeal, The DemoMedicare crats, however, have reverted to A perfect example of this hoax regressive taxation to finance their Is Social Security and Medicare. gimmick programs. A regressive The Social Security system was tax is a tax levied as a straight initiated by the Democratic adminpercentage of the money held by istration of. Franklin Roosevelt so an individual. that people, when they retired, would As is obvious, a poor man, with have enough money to live comfortlittle or no money above what is ably. required to keep his family's life The Inflationary policies of the and limb together, can ill afford to Roosevelt administration and those lose say 10 percent of his wealth. that followed it, however, have On the other hand, a'Johnson sup- forced the price structure so high porter like Henry Ford, or even that today, old people with their Lyndon himself, could well afford Social Security holdings and other Hans, Armstrong, and Eliot, and their girlfriends to part with 10 percent of his size- assets reduced to 45 percent of their • Just sat there for a good half hour after Sean left. The able wealth and not notice the loss. 11)47-49 value, cannot even afford to Christmas spirit had been dispelled. Hans said, "Poor Sean. Two years of German, and he doesn't pay their medical bills. Inflation know a thing. He's not learning anything that way. The consequence of this is that This regressive capital tax and Lyndon Johnson can ask for a MedPoor Sean." And everybody else said, "Poor Sean," the policy of Imposing It on a people also. It was unanimous. They ordered another round. icare bill which would extend govIs the policy of Inflation. It is pre- ernment into the fields of medicine cisely this policy that the Demo- and health Insurance, In the name of crats practice to pay for their pro- the little man. gram of deficit financing. A person's money Is only as good Expanding Control as the goods and services It can Today's Democrats are not the purchase. The policy of inflation party of the little man. They are by Cynthia Goodman The affairs of nations, he further ness to negotiate with anyone, any- is tlie policy of devaluating the tlie part of expanding government asserts, are decided nol by aid, but time, anyplace, if in so doing, the currency. It Is the consequent rise control of all men. goals of peace and freedom are ad- in prices that represents tlie real by power. Their rhetoric is contradicted by When President Eisenhower reThe Democrats, who have tradi- vanced." change in value. their practice in which the little cently admitted that he could not tionally supported high foreign aid An interesting point of dissension If a person has a capital of 100 "define the issues" and was "con- programs, confine themselves to a between tlie two candidates is over dollars, and the purchasing power man Is just an economic pawn whose welfare Is to be sacrlfled to provide .fused" about this Presidential cam- vague support of private enterprise, appeasement. ol the dollar drops 10 percent In a the statists with an excuse to amass paign, he needn't have felt alone or and pledge to "help Asia, Africa, Johnson stated upon receiving the given period of time then the net more and more power by tlie supembarrassed. He's got a lot of (etc.) maintain conditions for free- Distinguished Service Award from effect Is that the person has lost 10 pression of liberty. company. the Capitol Press Club on May 18, dom and Independence...." Despite all the to-do, when It The question arises, when hear- 1903: "I believe that hail a loaf is better comes down to bare essentials, ing Goldwater's arguments, as to there's little difference in Hie views whether or not lie would support the than none, but my acceptance is alof the two candidates on the UN. UN specialized agencies which give ways conditioned upon tlie premise Doth parties support the UN and support to those "so-called neutral'' that the half... Is a step toward the full loaf." would press Russia for her back nations. dues. Organisation Serves as Social Club, Rehabilitation Center for Unsighted THE SMALL STORE front next to Detroit Annex I t the • " • ' « ' " « for a complex ol recreational, industrial, and rehabil National facilities, t .Csftil'-ii ALSAHY STUDENT PRESS frUey, Oct»»er>, 1964 FfWoy, Octofcf 9 , 1M4 AtfANV 1TUMMT H I S * fiitii 9 Goldwater goes one step beyond Johnson, however, when he states 9 that (he UN has nut only abandoned its original purposes, but further, is becoming a substitute for straight-forward American diplomacy. In other words, Goldwater would withdraw from the UN if to do so would be In the best Interests of the U. S. Since he feels the UN has fallen victim to the Communist or allied nations, Goldwater suggests a weighted voting system according to population. The question of foreign aid, long an Issue between the two parties, comes In for its sharo of the spotlight. Goldwater assorts that aid was originally designed lo "bolster our allies, not bribe our enemies." He «t challenges the administration's gifts of wheat to satellite countries as well as the UfiSR. Says Phyllis Schlafy in her book "Choice Not An Echo"! "While LIU was turning out the lights In the White House tu save a few dollars he was also turning out the lights of freedom,., by spending $44 million on wheat for the Communist slavemasters." But lie does not stop here. He proceeds to denounce the entire aid system as a fallacy. Is Not Modern "If by "modern" I must accede to policies that would turn Hie foreign affairs of the US over to the •UN give away our food and technical skills to the so-called neutralist nations and get nothing in return then Indeed I am nol modern,,.," No Fear to Nogotlato Tlie Johnson Administration has every appearance of continuing the Kennedy attitudes on negotiation. However, here Goldwater's arguments get a little vague at best. In his hook "Why Not Victory?" Goldwater stales: "They (summit meetings) must fall for having achieved nothing, or they must fall for having yielded to tlie Communists," He, however, qualifies Ills remark by saying later: ".... I .... emphasize my willing- The ASP Needs You to work on Lay-outs Susan Spotless Paste-ups A&W ROOT BEER DRIVE-IN "Home Of The Burger Technical Family" Work Come In Any Night SPECIAL SAT. • • • Advertising Sun."Thurs 7-11 p.m. SUN. • M O N , MAMA BURGER FRENCH FRIES • ROOT BEER 50 OPEN DAILY 11 A . M . 'TIL M I D N I G H T 2050 CiNTRAL AVI., Colonic!—1602 Wt>TMN AVi,f Albany Brubacher Room 5 "INHSfeSl''**" >**« l'.**'*".-!*^ *•*»-'•".* ••••••••.•>»'1»'. »him vutatytm »,ft•»,, ^ j l fl)., J ^ " - • Au5fSTUMNT PRESS Arte at the Movies DelMni on Bopks Mac r~' ' Bvrian Cash 'Faustis' The Collected Work* of Sen. Goldwater 'The Observer' Continues Italian Neo-Realist Cinematic author). by A i m Delflnl ?.iRfil,l..'nnl . ara -sra «i»••••.:> •»• se, viewers fall to difaccoutrements thtTprSsent tl»m as •'wfiaf'ls' wor between comedy and people one could easily find in such ferentlate an-area today. Some are fat, some pathos. The latter Is "that quality of hu-. ; elrlnny, m o s t J § J H K | W all are dis"tinctive, and" all seriously desire man experience which awakens feelings of pity and sympathy," True, justice. Best of all, they are individuals, not the moulded, mass- pathos is often inherent In comedy, produced, idealized visages that but it may also exist alone. During a fight between the strikers might be used in a Hollywood film. and imported "scabs," the profesAs the people are of lower class sor's glasses are knocked off. Very and crude, there is a great deal of nearsighted, he can see very little earthly dialogue, much of it ex- without them and so, in the midst plicitly rendered In the subtitles. of the confusion, feels nervously Tiliere is also much — top, much — along the ground for them. bread, farcical humor. When a horseshoe Is thrown out Frustrating Moment of a window for luck, it hits a It Is a frustrating moment, which person standing below. This is in- acutely "awakens feelings of pity cluded just to keep audience inter- and sympathy." It Is definitely not est and to liven up the story. funny; nonetheless a large portion of this Albany-opening-night audUnnecessary Farce ience guffawed condescendingly. But the story is already interesting and alive, through the reality of Indeed, who do film-makers even the characters and the exactitude both to achieve depth of feeling of the direction. Enough humor ger- when viewers will accept much less? mane to the characters and sltuaPerhaps they aro playing to audtions is used that such forced farce fences of sophisticated urbanites is unnecessary and out of place and intelligent college students. It could be, except that these But the audiences eat it up. If they enjoy it, let them; that is why things occurred in Albany, which should fill both requirements. No it's there. They are also unable to accept some of the expressions doubt the audience left, having "enused, without the laughter which, joyed" "The Organizer," but for apparently, results from their un- many it was like having read "The easyness, at seeing In print what Grapes of Wrath" for the sex and is their common conversational smutty language alone. usage. Next week: Comedy Not Pathos M. Gilbert Will,iams on Art Again, this does no harm but by Paul Jensen Are audiences, as a group, and the people who form them, individually, really as insensitive, hardheaded, and hard-hearted as they seem? It very often seems so. A case in t lint concerns "The Organizer." This excellent Italian film concerns a rebellion of workers in Turin against working 14 hours a day. They decide to strike, and with the aid of a college professor (The Organizer of the title) do so. The plot Is sparse, but with many vignettes and scenes that fill out the story and give It life. The picture is in direct line of descent from the Italian neo-realist films such as Rosselllnl's "Open City" and de Sica's "The Bicycle Thieves." Made In real places, rather than studio sets, the films feature performers most of whom were non-professionals. Seme of Reality "The Organizer" has the sense of reality that the best of these films achieved. The recreation of turn-of-the-century Turin seams so thorough and detailed, and the direction is so sure of its material and effects, that it often seems like an extremely fine documentary,, . The main roles are taken by professionals, but they are so greatly talented that they submerge their recognizable personalities, and fit the documentary aspect completely. It is not just Marcello Mastrolanni's short beard that makes us think of him as being the professor. His gestures, his concept of the 'character, his manner of walking, and much more make the professor an individual in his own right. Faustus Wagner, Vintner, Carter Good Angel, Devil Bad Angel, Devil Vaides, Old Man Cornelius, Lucifer 1st Scholar, Emperor Mephistophllls Robin Robin (Dick), Friar Pride, Cardinal, Knight Covetousness, Paramour Gluttony, Hostess would come across to a modern audience. Confused Dimensions The characters that Shakespeare created as one-dimensional (Orslno, Olivia and Sir Andrew Aguecheek) were pluyed well; the characters from whom we should expect more (Viola, Sir Toby Belch and, especially, Feste) were played one-dlmenslonally. Richard Hamilton's reading of Feste was especially unsatisfying: the Fool who Is, In fact, the wisest man and uncrowned king of Illyrla Is played like George M. Cohan, or some such song-aud-dance man whose sole function Is to tickle the masses. Sir Toby's affair with Maria (and, Indeed, much of the comic by-play) never quite came allvo. Jack Manning's .Malvollo was a polished performance but it, too, appeared aimless. Friar, 3rd Scholar, Attendant by Robert Judd "Time Magazine" reported recently (August 21) that books by Edgar Rice Burroughs account for one-thirtieth of all U. S, paperback book sales. The Burrough's rack contains 24 Tarzan books and 10 Martian sagas, with combined sales In the neighborhood of 10 million copies annually, The people who regulate the demand for fiction today have become so entangled in the reality which they have helped to build, that escape seems possible only through mass-produced voyeurism. Literature has always provided an escape Smooth Transitions tpf sorts for the masses, but there On the poslllvo slde,,ut|jo, ah- J are several differences between sence of cumbierj>p'(U) sots worked I hen and now. td'tfib play's advantage; we woro Illusion of Enorgy free to concentrate on dialogue "Jules and Jim" threatened at and (had It been our fortune) char-' any moment to income a somber •• ' BeoWolf und James Bond acter. Transitions were smooth, catalogue of human misery, hut Stories of magic, supor-horoes, effortless and a coinf&rl to watch. directorial skill, superb acting and enchantment have boon with us The actors' diction and delivery, and the magnificent illusion of vital from Achilles through King Arthur al least from whore I sai,,'wib , lo Putil Htiuyuii, fur man is by energy that pervaded'the film, faultless; every word manage" 10 ,, animalistic nature a hero worshiptriumphed over those darker pos'come through. sibilities. peV; I Tntle doubt that Beowulf Much of tint japery and mugging wasn't Jho James Bond of his day. It was JUSI this element of triwas belly.laughable, and the roI^4,iiif the past the fictional hero umph that Friday's production of mantic tangle of mistaken identity was more of an entertainment and "Twelfth Night" sorely lacked. and confused sex Is still good lor less of u need than he Is today. The Either the players wore too much a chuckle (cf, "Koine Like II Hot") III awe of Shakespeare to attempt — but It Is really too had that when any more than a reading of his }t-.,.'h!:rt...}.V'i'J...X:i..S'.':.f-!!il.'?f...9L.i lines- — or—<Mey •• felt - that • only — •. in:. th'iik of Comedy, those, da J s, we are forced to think of gags, Shakespeare's gags and trumpery ''Primer," MUSIC DEPARTMENT CONCERT SERIES 1964-65 Georglana Francisco David Childs Joseph Nicastri Alex Krakower Danny Labellle Francis Bliven I FRANCIS FORTIER, violin October ROBERT CONANT, harpsichord October 29 16 BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET, November 17 BAND CONCERT December 4 CHRISTMAS CHORAL CONCERT December 11 CARLOS MONTOYA, guitar February 13 FACULTY CONCERT, Music Department February 25 PETE SEECER, folk singer February 26 BAND CONCERT March 5 PHILLIPPE ENTREMONT, piano April 3 MUSIC FESTIVAL, University Ensembles May 11 MUSIC FESTIVAL, University Ensembles May 13 Loren Houghton Jon Barden James Economides Carl Cusato Alma Stacey I f Eugenia Rusinko refers almost entirely to the property rights of a few individuals. Freedom from hunger, freedom from racial discrimination and freedom from exploitation of one's labor are not the concern of the author, (They are of vital concern to a majority of American citizens). Expanding Communism The second concern of the author Is the rapidly expanding Communist menace. United States foreign policy Is accused of being disorganized, fainthearted and unrealistic in dealing with the Communist world. In order to effectively deal with the enemy the U. S. must, first of all, assume a policy designed to achieve "total victory over the Communists" (whatever that means). It is proposed that the U. S. must embark immediately upon the following policies: a) Withdraw diplomatic regcogni< tion from all Communist nations. b) Declare ourselves opposed to all disarmament agreements. c) Seriously reconsider the wisdom of remaining in the United Nations. d) Refuse to negotiate with all Communist nations. e) Give foreign aid to only those nations that declare themselves committed to our cause. f) Do everything within our power to encourage and aid "captive" nations to revolt against their Communist rulers. (Military intervention Is considered as a serious posslbllty in accomplishing this end.) JUDY COLLINS .... Give* Folk Concert Tonight Through October 11 Through October 17 Exhibition ol Watercolors t> Oils by Edwin Becker, and recent photographs by Florence E. Becker. Three Two Seven Gallery, 327 Stele Street, Albany. Through October 24 Philip Smellier (watercolors), Helen Von Borstal (ails), & Robert Pearson (pen drawings). Gallerie Miniature, Chapel Street, Albany. Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sketchy Suggestion The suggestions offered by the author In "The Conscience of a Conservative" are very sketchy. October 10 In a later book, "Why Not Victory," Goldwater and his seventeen helpers proceed to elaborate upon these suggestions. Unfortunately, this expanded explication of Goldwater's foreign policy does not mitigate the fact that his views on world affairs, if they are not patently ab- October 13 surd, are at least extremely naive. Alex Delfini is a monthly reviewer for Arts and is a dealer in used guitars. Maafleld Porrish Paintings, George JLuke Paintings, one-men show by Beverly Yunich (paintings and collages). Albany Institute of History and Art, 125 Washington Avenue. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10-4:45; Sundays, 2 - 6 , no charge. ana The Virgin Spring, IPC, directed by Ingmar Borgmen, 7 * 9 p.m., D349, 5 0 * . Paul Taylor Dance Company, presented by Copltol Area Modern Donee Council. 0:30 p.m., Linton High School, Schenectady, Student tickets, $1.50. Strike, IFG, Silent Film Series. Produced during the classic psriod of cinematic creativity. D i rected by Sergei M. Elsenstein. 7:30 p.m., D349, no charge. October 14 Madame Butterfly, City Center Production in as* soclation with Schenectady Opera Guild. Proctor's Theatre, Schenectady, 8:30 p.m. Tickets: $3.50 lo $1.25. L. Spampenato Walter Doherty Steve Cornell John Fotia John Langton _ The American Dream idols were part of a folk process which spontaneously generated tall tales, demons, damsels, and heroes. Today, the hero is mass produced as well as mass consumed. No 'longer springing up from dragons' teeth, the modern hero Is created, packaged, and sold to fulfill a need. The surprising thing is that people will buy It. (SftSc STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Norma Gitter "HH|f'"-1"' fell Tarzan.9 Proposed Solutions The proposed solutions to the unsanctioned growth of federal power are as follows: a) Abolish the graduated Income tax b) Abandon all farm subsidization c) Institute state "right to work" laws d) Relegate the problem of school integration to the State legislatures (The - author claims that he is not impressed that the Supreme Court decision against public school segregation is the law of the land.) e) Abolish government welfare to the needy (This is to be the responsibility of private charity.) Tire domestic policy being advocated here has in large part been absolute since the Civil War, The author accuses the federal government of infringing on individual freedom. This individual freedom which is supposedly being thwarted Edward Schwartz M. Wolfson Friar, Attendant l Howard Miller Sloth, Devil Archbishop, Alexander m©ir@ air Lester Greenberg Dona Eptlng Pope Support suppression FAVSTVS Envy, Devil Lechery, Duchess Twelfth Night Prives Unsatisfying by Bruce Daniels' Chrous, Duke Beelzebub, Cardinal Paul Jensen is a tegular contributor to ARTS and is currently president of IFG. He is featured biweekly' __ A R T S o n Staffo j 0 "Twelfth Night" Is generally considered one of Shakespeare's most "delightful" plays. Last Friday night's performance by the Helen Hayes Repertory Company, Judging by the audience's enthusiastic reception, certainly delighted a great many In the Page Hall auditorium, Delight, however, Is In the end a personal response — and at the risk of sounding like that kill-joy Malvollo (who Is the only discordant element In the enchanged, harmonious world of Illyrla), I must take exception, If we must use the word, the most "delightful" thing I have seen In the past couple of years Is the French film "Jules and Jim." In this film, the three principal characters create a charming and seductive world that, for all Its lightness, Is predicated on the fullness of human experience '— Including us ugliness and violence, Doctor 2nd Scholar, Horse-Courser Characters as Individuals All of the others In the cast, experienced or not, have the physical - . In four short years Senator Barry Goldwater has verbally bullied his way into the limelight of American politics. He has operated under the assumption that the quickest and surest way to gain public recognition Is to make a loud and belligerent display of unorthodox beliefs. The Goldwater "Blitzkrieg" was Initiated in 1960 with the publication of "The Conscience of a Conservative." In this slim volume of dubious authorship two main issues are discussed; first, the dangerous t) expansion of the federal government and second, the growing Communist menace. The author claims that the federal government has assumed far more power than it was originally Intended to have by the founders of the Republic. (That 180 years have elapsed since the inception of the Republic does not phase the runs counter to the fantasy of the past. Full Color Fantasy Through literature, butevenmore through television and movies, fantasy is sought. Television and movies are even more popular than books because no Imagination Is needed for them. The fantasy world Is there, In full color, with all the Building a Nightmare details carefully given, We are only Fantasy has become a craze In asked to absorb, not to think. the twentieth century, similar to the religious craze of the sevenThe crowds which gathered at teenth century. Man continues the court tohearaportlonofthe"Illiad" | hypocrisy of craving a fantasy while read had to supply the visual part building a nightmare. of the story. Today that has been dona for us. (I would like to see Mass education, an attempt to what Walt Disney would do wltti sophisticate the Intellect, cannot "rosy fingered dawn" and "wineovercome the desire of the moth dark sea" to make It palatable for for the star, or of the mass for mass consumption,) the star. Dream Along with Freud Elevated Idol People are willing to lot (nay, Rather than discover that the to pay) other people to dream for Idols of the primitive tiibo had them. This may huvo begun when feet of clay, we have merely put people discovered that Sigmund shoes on tho Idol and elevated him Freud hud more interesting dreams to a now height. than they themselves had, For man to creato u hero Is one Tarzan and the Beverly Hillbillies thing; it Is another when a hero is are, dubious forms even as entercreated for man. tainment. When they become a need, Fancy and fantasy are powerful however, a need which sends mil- f forces which should- not lie over- lions of Americans on a quest for la ked even In a relatively sophis- escape, then we see that evolution ticated society,' IW'the''controlled' never transcended the ape-man fantusy which today's people seek phase, Support A8P Advertisers SHOP WOOLWORTN'S STUYVESANT PLAZA STUIFVESANT BARBER PLAZA SHOP "DAVE" 7 Barbers - No Waiting Albany, N.Y. Telephone IV 9-1805 CORSAGES ROY'S IDEAL FOODS 143 Western Ave. available in size* SMALL - MEDIUM - Be a satisfied shopper Shop at Roy's for all for all college dances wt Deliver CENTRAL FLORIST HE 4-1332 117 Central Ave. Beautiful The Big Hit on the Campus floral arrangements all occasions for LARGE - EXTRA LARGE at $6.95 Also available in children's sizes 8, 10,12, 14, lb at $5.25 ALTERNATE ADULT MODEL With Knit Collar and Full Lining in met SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, EXTRA LARGE at $9.95 STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Draper Hall 135 Western Ave. Ext. 129 Albany, N.Y. _^g^_s i .'.LUIui.^ \UAAJ Adler, J e m P. Alchw, H a l m L. •Aloreeht, Frederick Alexander, William •Allotd, M l c h . l . C. •Aim, Burton J . • - - - ' - • • • • ' - • ' • • - - ' - - ' - • - BEAN >S LIST A H W I , Elinor J . *Ao s |ogato, Kathryn K. * A r c w l , Mlchaol A, *Atcarolll, David B,. A.hley, Oaoroo H . , I l l * August Ine, Eloyce M. Reprinted below-is the Dean's List for fall semester 1964. A 3.0 average is required for naming to the Dean's List. Students receive letters of congratulations from the administration. Asterisks indicate those students with cumulative averages of 3.0 or better. Bel l ( Beverly W. 'Bannister, Sharon *Bertoot, Beatrice E. * B o t t l . t l , Angela J . •Beck, Loulie E. *Begley, Charlo* P. *Berinstoin, Judith A. •Berkey, Jomei C, 'Barnackl, Lorraine F. *B.tcke, E m . i t R. *Blss, Diana R. •Block, Marsha K. * Blanche, Morgo L, •Bllok, Nancy G. *Bloch, Francos B. •Bradley, David R. Braunstoin, Ronnie S, •Brlgnull, Judith A. Brookins, Gilbert *Brophy, Kathleen A, *Brovarski, Edward J, •Brown, Emily S. •Brown, Robert H. •Brown, Sheila A. •Buchanan, Marcla R. •Bunk, Clara L. •Burch, Margaret H, •Bush, Sandra J . •Caldwell, Ann I, Callahan, Walter J. •Calllion, Karen S, Caiman, Carol R. •Caiman, Nancy M. •Cordell, Barbara A. Corrington, Pamela • C a i s e l , Ruth A, •Chambers, Eve L, Clpullo, Roielee M. Clark, Garald •Claweon, C. Elaine Cleland, Kathryn M. Colbert, Claudia J . Col lard, Kathleen A, •Coon, Wendy L. •Cropeau, Richard H. Cropeey, Virginia L. •Cunningham, Cathryn •Curran, James E. •Custer, Richard H. Cuticchia, Cecelia A, Davis, Barbara J. •Deerlng, Nancy •Demarest, Martin J, DeStefana, Kathleen Dintenfass, Charlott DlPasquale, DianeM, •Ditosti, Carl G. •Dewell, Janice K. •Doyle, Maureen E. Drake, Alan K. •Drake, Kenneth Dresselt, Lillian Dublae, Diane L. •Duggan, Maureen •Dunn, Lee A, •Eddy, Rosemary E. •Emborsky, Susan J. •Engelberger, Elizabeth •Evans, Bonnie C. Floser, Karl K, •Flynn, Carol A, Fan, Evelyn R. •Frommer, Martin Fukumoto, Miyuki •Fuller, Chorlene M. •Furman, Holly J. Gable, Robert K. •Gadola, Helena M. Gage, Shirley B. Gardiner, Janet •Gardner, Horry W. •Gedull, Helone Ghinoer, Judith J. G i l l , Jane P. •Gillette, Laraine F. •Oilman, John E, Cilmertln, Mlchoel J . •Goodman, Cynthia A, •Corey, David P. •Grant, Robert B, , •Crosse, Ellen M. •Cross, William F. Cussow, Marcla A, Moos, Marilyn E, •Hefgart, Mary S. Holkewyci, Oksana • H a l l , Joan florvay, Nancy D, •Hoy, Ronald D, Meilmann, Either E. •Hermoyer, Virginia ZBreTsaaiz ^ Additional available names of the members next of the class of 1965 will be week. mmjstosai m» Trinity Tops W'Bury, KB Loses •Molndl, Mary A. •Master, Toni A. •Mlchelson, Roberto H. , Mlhalko, Carol* L. •Miller, Michelle •Mind*, Suson K. Mlrlngoff, Marc •Mlsner, Jill Ann Moffat, Alma J . •Mohos, Julie Monaco, Eugene •Mont*, Jamas P. Moody, Kovln W, Moog, Linda J , Morgan, Edward D. •Morgan, William H. •Maross, George G. •Morrison, Kathleen A. •Mueller, Henry •Myers, Louise E. •To SLS25-7, APA 'Pygmies' 6-0 SLS, with a fine passing game, and Trinity, with a strong second half, were victors in AfflA action this week. In the "pygmy league," APA blanked Kappa Beta, 6-0. After a shaky start, Trinity bounced back to nip Waterbury 1312. Although Waterbury handled the ball only three times In the first half, they scored twice. Both touchdowns were set up by Interceptions. Gary Penfleld snared a misguided pass and raced forty yards for six points in the first quarter, and quarterback Ken Walker hit John Albin for a •Nailer, Joan E. •Nichols, Clea H. Nichols, Sue H, •Noble, Claudia A. •Nottke, Robert M. •Nudelman, Alice J . •Nussbaum, lla S. New Formula For Soccer Team Booters Take Up Modern Dancing •O'Donnell, Ellen L. •Olivier, Mary Ann M. •Osborne, Robert T f , Jr. •Ospina, Armando A. •Ouimet, Romeo L. •Owen, Patricia A. •Paddock, Patricia M. •Paolucci, Francesco •Pearson, James A, •Pentlen, Carolyn R. •Peper, Frank •Peterson, Robert Piedmonte, Evelyn •Plotter, Patricia E. •Pitcher, Delphlne W, •Planque, Edith C. •Pohl, Judith M. •Poole, Mary N. •Porr, Janet I. •Powers, Thomas R, Procopio, Gregory F, Hemes, Arietta C, Hervey, Susan I. Herzog, Margaret Henog, Herbert •Hettrick, Carol A. H i l l , Janice Hlller, Janet J . *Hoag, Mary H. ^ Hollmers, George D. *Hol supple, Constance Hooper, Faylene A, •Horning, Janice •Hottois, James W, •Houghton, Elaine M. •Howard, Marilyn G. Hrvol, Carol A, •Huniiker, Harold G, •Jackson, Patricio J . •Jacobs, Ellen B. •Jonick, John J . •Jonuszewskl, Janice •Jeffords, Robert H. •Jensen, Paul M. •Jewell, Dorothy M, •Jones, Allen D. •Jones, Beverly S. •Judd, Robert E, •Lucas, Linda C, •Luxemburg, Philip I. •Lybarger, Ann L. Lynk, Susan J . MacVean, James H. Mack, Howard I. Magallff, Gail A, Maggio, Angela Jean Magilen, Steven A, •Maguire, Meredith B. Majoros, Nancy E, •Mangels,, Jean E, Maniaci, Maria Manley, John T,, Jr. •Marek, Diana M. 'Marke'll, Lynnette Marshall, Richard J. •Marx, Jane L. •Matteson, Margaret K. •Matthews, George E, *Maurer, Jeanne M." *Maurer, Thelma J. "Mayer, William J. •McCann, James E, McDorman,'Bonnie L. •McGIII, Nancy K. McPherson, William R. Meehqn, Jacqueline •Karskl, Judith S. •Keese, Charles R. •Kehoe, Sandra •Keith, Anne E, •Kemp, Claudia H, *Kestner, Joseph A. •Klenzle, John F. •Klaus, Joan B. •Kllmek, John C. Krauttor, Catherine •Krlstoff, Jane L. •Kuehn, Charles Kujawski, Ronald F, •Kushner, Arlene •Lampman, Nathalie E. Langerfeld, Barbara Lauf, Lotte E. •Lebentritt, Julia A, *Legoro, Marilyn J . •Lembcke, Marcla S, •Lentz, Henle •Leuthner, Barbara R, Leva, Richard A. •Lsvine, Rhoda S, •Lietz, Erlka, M.A. •LInderman, Linda C. •Lindsay, Bruce A, •Lucas, Linda C. HI make is darn DeanslVs lisM dish shetvieshW. You ]u$ wait. ( K V ' 5 5tf MC^r°AT lS re"' "'""""^ by Wat., bury » K . n Walker and Gary P e n . i . l d after a twenty-yard p a ' s AT •Rorag, Carol A. •Rathgeb, Douglas L. Raid, Robert Richardson, Marlene C. •Richens, Allison M. Ricotta, Carol L. •Ringwald, Edward C. Roberts, Linda •Rohr, Barbara E, Rua, James J. •Rutschmann, Donald F. NE The basic steps employed by Miss Baker are simple variations of running, hopping, and jumping mixed with a simple shuttle. One step is the square shuttle. It consists of forward motion for three steps, left for three, back for three and right for three. "It teaches our boys to run and jump and hop with minimum effort," he said. ''Thisisatremendousthing. State will soon learn whether or There is quite an analogy between not the dance lessons are paying dance steps and the fundamental when they travel to Oneonta tomorskills needed for soccer," Garcia row. This will be the Peds second added. game of the season. Pittsfietd, Phormer's Jewelers NEW YORK Albany, Frank Adorns Amherst, Adam, Meldrun & Anderson Company Binghamton, Henry's Jewelers Buffalo, A. M. & A.'s Downtown, University Buffalo, Sheridan Thruwoy & Southgate Plazas Cats kill, Hallenbeck's Jewelers, Inc. Cheektowaga, Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Company Cohoes, Timpane's Jewelers Corning, Bong's Jewelers Elmlra, Deister & Butler Inc. Endicott, Henry's Jewelers Hudson, Alger's Jewelry Ithaca, Schooley's Jamestown, Baldwin Jewelry Kingston, Schneider's Jewelers, Inc. Lockport, Scirto's Jewelry Store Middletown, Serpentlnl Jewelers Newburgh, Wm. H. Griffin Jewelers Niagara Foils, Jaffee Jewelers Oneonta, Jerry Halbert Oneonta, R. E* Brlgham, Inc. Oswego, Raymond's Jewelers Oswego, Conti Jewelers Plottsburgh, Henry's Jewelers Poughkeepsle, Wallace's Rochester, Hershberg's Jewelers Rochester, Wm* S. Thome Schenectady, Maurice B. Groubort & Sons Schenectady, Wallace's Syracuse, Henry's Jewelers Town of Tonawanda, Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Cft. Watertown, Henry's Jeweler* West Seneca, Adam, Meldrum & Anderson Co, Q •) Valdata, Carl no S, Vanoro, Pah k Vlnsltore, M a y J , •Vogel, Lindo >. *Z.lln.r, Ellen R. S T O R E S Miss Baker teaches the soccer team modern dance steps which serve as body building exercises. Soccer mentor Joe Garcia was quick to point out the definite advantages of these modern dance techniques. MASSACHUSETTS •Tallmadge, Thaddeus B. •Tansky, Kathryn A, •Ten Eyck, Richard L. •Thayer, Jean L. Thomson, Sandra Thurhaimer, David C. •Tlnney, Robert E, •Tomaszewski, Bonnie •Tomes, Dorothy •Traugott, Ursula Turbyflll, Susan L. •Walton, Louise H, •Word, Miriam A. •Watson, Dorotliy A. Weaver, Sandnj L. Wood, Croydon Weise, Jon M. West, Jo A, •White, Lorraine A, •Wilcox, Robot E, Williams, Danny •Williams, Martha L. Wltassek, Mary A. •Wolner, Edward W. T H E S E I •Sayer, Barbara M. •Scholar, Judith A, •Schreiber, Earl G, •Setter, Mary E. •Sheeran, Judith G. •Sherln, Jacqueline M. Shero, Gail S. •Siegel, Ruth J. •Silverman, Ruth C, •Slenker, James G. •Slocum, Thomas I. Slutzky, Karen * •Smallen, David L. •Smith, Keven L. •Smith, Patricio A. Smith, Sharon A. •Splelmann, Gary L. •Spohn, Rosalie A, •Stetler, Sandra S. •Sutlilf, Wllameta •Szymanski, Richard •Usher, Gail F, score in the second. Trailing by twelve points late in the third session, Trinity started rolling. End Ray McCloat, who gathered in ten passes in the,fame, was on the receiving end of a fiftyfive yard toss from signal-caller Gprdie Sutherland. Early In the fourth quarter, after a sustained drive, Gordie hit his brother Mert to tie the score. Gordie pushed over the extrapoint for what proved to be the winning margin. In other big-league game action, SLS drubbed Kappa Beta, 25-7, as Dick Crossett and Bob Hart proved to 1« unstoppable. Time and again Crossett hauled in passes in a weak KB secondary, B E L I E V E I T OR N O T , SLS's Dick Crossett caught this pass for sizable gains and two touchfor one of hfs team's four touchdowns. downs. Quarterback Hart also ran lor two scores to account for SLS's two final scores. Kappa Beta was able to sustain a scoring drive only once, as Dave Kelley threw a paydirt toss to Danny Thomas. In "pygmy" action, APA, led by quarterback Doug Morgan and Don Mason, shut out Kappa Beta, 13-0. APA's line provided a tremendous rush which led to five interceptions A new took has been assumed by Coacli Garcia explained that the by the APA secondary. APA's two scores came via an interception by State's soccer team at practice dur- simple benefits to be gained from ing the past week. It is the acquisi- these steps are better coordination Mason, and a Morgan to Bill Enser tion of Miss JoAnn Baker, Albany and agility, both of which are necesaerial. State's newest female physical ed- sary for tlie rough and fast game of ucation instructor. soccer. C H A M P I O N S H I P SOCCER v i a Arthur Murray - Soccer, team practices modem dancing with Miss JoAnn Baker. TIk® Sft&ftioii with (the WSUA Dial 640 Wolf's Sibnortea Delioeriest Sun 4p.m.~8p.m. OPWK V SYMMETRY t FROM 1125 Mon.-Thurs 8a.m.-12p.m. Fri. I Sat 1a.m.- 1a.m. Saw. 4f.w.-12p.m. IV >29«l tiiaaKStamjriiievapjsiff^gg^^iii^ ^ T . - —7 7 u AttAMY tTUPIMT Piltt Prld«y,0t»W9. I f * Soccer Toon Edges OoeoRta As Tsododo, Geddot Pact Attack Led by Maurice Tsododo's two goals, and Udo Guddat's tie-breaking tally late in , the final period, Coach Joe Garcia's fired-up Peds scored a 3-2 triumph over Oneonta State last Wednesday on the loser's field. Fred Rawe and Ron Hamilton were standouts for State's defense, as Rawe time and again single-handedly halted Oneont'as offensive bids and Hamilton came up with 22 saves, manjf at crucial moments late in the game. Oneonta drew first blood scoring at 16:22 of the first period. State retaliated a minute later as Maurice Tsododo booted a goal from ten yards out' on an assist from Larry Hurley. Then, with slightly over seven minutes having elapsed in the second quarter, Tsododo scored on an Incredible Indirect penalty kick. Maurice lofted the ball over the heads of Oneonta's llned-up defense, and past the vainly outstretched hands of goalie Jim Burr. BOOTER UDO GUDDAT heads ball toward goal in a scrimmage la»t week. Frosb Booters Tie Hudson Valley; LaReau. Glaser Star in Comeback by Mike Farenell Tony Glaser's goal with 4:35 gone by in the final overtime period enabled State's frosh to tie a strong homestanding Hudson Valley team 2-2, Wednesday, in an away game. Coach Scheffelin had a great deal of praise for the entire team. Hudson Valley finished fourth in the National Junior College soccer tourney last year and the tie satisfied Scheffelin. Goalie Joe LaReau found himself bombarded constantly during the entire game as Hudson Valley attempted 66 shots as compared to State's six. LaReau picked off 30 shots and came up with 10 spectacular and Incredible saves. Glaser had an extremely difficult task trying to cover the elusive Manford Schuetze who had scored Hudson Valley's lead goal early in the first overtime period. With State trailing 2-1 going into the last five minutes of the overtime, the Peds went Into action. With a desperation press aiding, Glaser found an unguarded net and boomed home the tie score. Time ran out before Hudson Valley could mount an offense and the frosh had a hard-earned tie. The Peds take on the R.P.I, frosh next Wednesday on University Field. I NOTICES | Wrestling Candidates Freshmen and transfers Interested In wrestling should contact Robert Burllngame In Robin Annex. Eligible transfers and anyone Interested in varsity wrestling should see Mr. Garcia in Lower Page Hall. Public Relations Workers Anyone Interested In doing public relations work for State's athletic department should contact Ray McCloat In Waterbury Hall or by student mail. •to lyiM lilt oi Sports by Harold Lynne Soccer Coach Joe Garcia has decided that the inclusion of modern dance steps in the calisthenics drills of the soccer team will improve his booters coordination and agility. Since coordination and agility are very important aspects of soccer, these drills will probably prove worthwhile. However, we feel that modern dancing is not the answer to the soccer team's problems. Two weeks ago, in the Peds opening game against Brooklyn College, their greatest weakness was an inability to sustain an offensive attack. Sloppy passing and the absence of teamwork were the main reasons for the lopsided defeat which the team suffered. In the Brooklyn College game, the opposition was able to dominate control of the ball through shorts, gufded passing, whereas the State booters were kicking the ball all over the field and losing the ball continually as a result of random passing. We hope to see a decided Improvement In the soccer team's passing in the Homecoming Game against Potsdam tomorrow. Prognostication Dept. We've decided that football predicting is ; not our forte. Last week we chose the Giants over the Bears; this was rather amazing because the Giants played the Lions. Anyhow, the Giants were shellacked 26-3 by the Lions, .Since we have already achieved the ultimate in football prognostication we are going to venture into another field — baseball. The Yankees will top the Cardinals In six games in the World Series. Yankee pitchingwill prove too strong for St. Louis. .... Defense Prevails For the next twenty-eight minutes of action, defense prevailed. Both goalies played standout ball, frequently foiling goal-bound shots. At 12:40 of the third period, Oneonta's Dave Meade drove home a direct penalty kick that eluded Hamilton's reach, to tie the scoret J at two apiece. For the next thirty minutes, both teams pressed hard, trying to break the long-standing tie. As the tension mounted and play PED FORWARD MAURICE TSODODO loftt boll over opponents became deliberate and cautious, the head. climax was reached when State stole the ball and headed for Oneonta's under-manned goal. After one shot was blocked, Udo Guddat booted home the winning goal with only three minutes left to play. State meets Potsdam tomorrow * * * * * at 2:00 in the annual Homecoming game. ASP * * * * * Peds Successful In Past Homecomings,^ When the Peds play Potsdam tomorrow afternoon, it will be the 12th annual Homecoming Game. The first Homecoming Game was played on October 31, 1953 when Albany defeated Long Island University 5-0 and since that time the Homecoming Soccer Game has become a tradition at State. The Peds have fared well In the classic, posting a 6-4-1 record. These games have always been witnessed by huge enthusiastic State crowds. In 1959, a record crowd of one center forward and halfback, and Is thousand people saw the soccer now the team's right fullback. team trounce Pittsburgh 4-1. Two Coach Garcia was very pleased years later, In a driving rain, the 1 with Luis' performance in the booters overwhelmed Plattsburgh I Brooklyn College game, especially 7-0. Edwin Selmon led the offense since the fullback is still Inexper- with three goals while goalie Gary Penfleld held Plattsburgh scoreless. ienced In this position. In 1955, Bridgeport gave State the worst defeat in any Homecoming Luis' main interests lie in his school work and in being active In game when they won 6-1. The his fraternity. He was vice president Bridgeport defense held the booters of SLS last year. scoreless until late In the second half when they yielded a penalty kick. The game In 1960 against Oswego Evaluating Ids co-captains, Coach Garcia said "Luis creates the har- ended In a 1-1 tie. The lone State goal was scored by Karl Gerstenmony, and steadiness on the ball field, while Fred puts the fight and berger, the only State player ever spirit into the team. I couldn't ask to be pamed All-American. The last two Homecoming Games for two better captains." have been lost by a 2-0 score. Ospina, Rawe Give Booters Leadership, Confidence, Spirit by Roy McCloat Provldng the leadership and spirit for State University hopeful Peds, co-captains Fred Rawe and Luis Osplna are the type of players Coach Joe Garcia says "makes coaching a pleasant job." Rawe is presently playing his fourth year of soccer at State. This Is his third year of varsity ball. Fred made second team allstate last year In only his third year of competitive soccer, He did not play soccer in high school, choosing to run cross-country instead. Active In School Affairs Even though he devotes many hours a week to soccer, Fred still has been very active In school affairs. He served as freshman and sophomoro president, and Is presently a member of MtSKANIA and an officer In Sigma Lamlia Sigma. 3) a. A Frae A Free University Alb ALBANY 3, N E W YORK Osplna is strictly an Albany man, living here and having attended Albany High School. Luis is majoring in French, and is also a member of Sigma I.ainba Sigma, $11311 PED CO-CAPTAINS Luis Osplna and Fred Raw*. OCTOBER 13. 1964 FBTfiti of FrtsbHM fo livadf Uihrtrsity for Progrm Sitardoy Tickets will be available to freshmen for Parents' Day events tomorrow through Friday in the peristyles. The tickets may be obtained from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. President Collins will address the others at Page Hall. An afternoon reception at the dormitories will give the parents time to meet the house mothers All parents must have tickets to attend the special performance of the All-University Reception Show and Resident Assistants, as well as members of the faculty. on Saturday night. Co-chairmen Janet Shuba and David Schenck have mailed to resident freshmen a letter containing a resume of the day's activities and a registration form. This form is to be filled in and presented with the Student ID cards. The A l l - U n i v e r s i t y Reception Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. will conclude the day's activities. VOL.L.NO.25 Dr. Eson to Lecture0i Language Development en after the luncheons. Those dining at the State Campus Cafeteria will be greeted by Dean Thorne, while . Morris E. Eson . Lectures on Language Forum Sponsors Reception For State Foreign Students Dr. Morris E. Eson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychology, will deliver' the Annual Faculty Lecture, Thursday, October 15 in Draper 349 at 8:30 p.m. He will lecture on the "Cognitive Development and Acquisition of Language"based on his recent studies of children's learning. His study deals with the chologist at the Albany Child Guidbasic language skills which ance Center and also as a consultant children acquire in learn- with the Language Research Ining their native language. corporated of Harvard University. Dr. Eson's study included Students Welcome the observation of children The lecture is Included in the in Israel who had never had evening's activities of Psychology Club and Slgnum Laudls. Intelcontact with the English lectual stimulation is the goal of language. the Faculty lectures and all stu- Frosh Only dents, faculty members and adLanguage Skills ministration members are welcome As In the past, Parents' Day An alternate study was taken at to attend. Forum of Politics Is sponsoring events are limited to the parents Forum Of P o l i t i c s i s snnnsnrlnff When MacMillan fell ill this year, the Bethlehem School District, The a Foreign Students Evening tomorof freshmen. The Albany Chapter of the Amerrow in the Lower Lounge of Bru- the Conservative Party began squab- object of these studies was to test ican Association of University Probling and Lord Home emerged as the new techniques In teaching languParents will arrive on campus bacher Hall at 8:00 p.m. fessors Is sponsoring this lecture. and report to the residence halls The p r o g r a m w i l l f e a t u r e Party leader. There seems to be ages In order to develop new theories Begun in 1959, the lectures are of. their son or daughter. This will speeches by students from the Phil- some feeling among the electorate about the acquisition of language. presented by outstanding members give the parents an opportunity to ippines, Iran, and Southern Rhodesia that some are "born to rule" and The lecture will Include real hu- of the faculty. visit the dormitories and motels about their respective nations. In others are "born to follow". man experiences Dr. Eson had while Heal speculated that unless the The speaker is chosen by the which will hold open houses. addition, a Greek student will be engaged In this study. Worthwhile situation changes radically before material pertaining to the recent Faculty Lecture Committee which speaking on Cyprus. Commuters and their parents will All 50 foreign students now at- the election, the Conservative Party interest in reading skills and lan- consults with him in selecting a go directly to the State Campus tending State are invited to attend, would win with a substantial ma- guage skills will be elaborated. topic for presentation. Dr. W. H. Leue, president of the Albany Chap\ i Cafeteria. Luncheon will be served providing an opportunity for the rest jority. Dr. Kson, who came to Albany ter of A.A.U.P., notes that Dr. Dr. Stone reviewed the Parties to the freshmen, parents and guests of the student body to be Introduced E s o n ' s textbook, "Psychological in 1951, after having worked at involved In this election. in the State Campus Cafeteria and to them. the Orthogenic School of the Uni- Foundations of Education, Is now No Challenge Following the formal portion of in the several residence halls. The .Labor party is disorganized versity of Chicago, has had years used by the Education 21 classes the program a reception and coffee and has not offered a major chal- of study in the psychology of chil- here. hour will be held. Afternoon Welcomes lenge since It was ousted In 1951, dren. Presented In this book are many A panel discussion on the upWelcoming addresses will be glvDr. Ellinwood reviewed the hisof Dr. Eson's theories dealing with coming British elections was spon- tory and nature of the Conservative Dr. Eson has kept active in this the topic of learning basic language sored by Forum of Politics last Party in Britain. study by acting as Consulting Psy- skills. Thursday night. Various aspects of the elections, which will be held October 15, were covered by Dr. Lois Stone, Dr. Charles Ellinwood, and Professor David Heal. The cast Is now practicing for Professor Heal, a graduate of the All-University Reception this Oxford University, England, disyear. "People, 1964" will be pre- cussed the Issues in this election sented to the University, Friday, from the British man's point of Planning a complete reorganizaOctober 16 In Page Hall at 8 p.m. view. tion, the State University Revue will j - Co-chairmen for the event will be On the Issue of foreign policy, he hold Its first meeting tonight at ' Anne Dlgney and Bill Laundry. Both said the Conservative Party is in 8:30 p.m. In Brubacher Main Dining were active In coordinating last favor of a nuclear British deterrent Room. year's production of "New Faces". force which would give Britain the Harry Guy, the Revue director, Following F r i d a y night's per- right to attend nuclear disarmament formance, the cast will put on a seg- conferences. Labor supports mixed has .emphasized that all interested students should attend tills meeting, ment of the show Saturday night at surface fleet plan. Many positions are open which must 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. for the benefit The second issue concerns nation- be filled quickly, "Experience Is of the visiting parents. alism. Labor, which advocates a not necessary, only enthusiasm," Traditionally, the University Re- planned society and limited Social- he stated. ception lias been an opportunity for ism, would like to reinstltute its old The Revue's main purpose is the State students to demonstrate their nationalist programs. production of a full-scale musical talents. Friday's program will concomedy In the spring. Past producsist of a wide variety of skits. Economy a Problem Included will be vocalists, comedy The Conservative program, while tions have Included "Kiss Me Kate" • routines, readings, Instrumenlals, it supports free enterprise recog- "Annie Get Your Gun," and "Once m a g i c demonstrations. Several nized the need for a planned econ- Upon a Mattress." Three possible plays for t h i s frosh will lie part of the cast. omy. All performances are open to all Wilson, a representative of the year's production will be submitted for consideration at the meeting toState students and visitors without intellectual wing of the Party, Is admission charge. this year's leader of the Laborltes. night. Tlie choices are "Fanny", "Carnival", and "Irma La Douce." Voting power Is given to all those who have worked on at least 0.10 entire Revue. Those not able to vote will lie able to participate In the discussion. The Music Department of the State The new constitution of tlie Revue University, In conjunction witli the was approved by Senate only last Music Council will present its first Wednesday. However, there is still in a series of concerts on Friday, no f o r m a l election of officers. October 16 at li25p.m. In Page Hall. Working with Harry Guy at present The entire concert program for are Cathy Farinon, Assistant Directhe year will Include 12 concerts at tor, and Mary Setter, Musical CoState. ordinator. Featured at the firjt program In past years tlie Revue was a will be Francis Fortler, a violinist. Fortier graduated from Columbia rather haphazard organization In which a relatively few members University and won a performance diploma from the Jullianl School of selected the musical, chose the director, and filled the various other Music, He is a student of Madame Irma capacities Involved In production. Now It Is hoped that more students Zacharlas, Roman Totenherg and will become directly Involved with ANNIE GET YOUR GUN .tarred Connie Amelia and Bob Willower, Joseph Fuchs. The performance is open to all all aspects of Revue production. shown her* in a scene from that Revue. The insert shows Mary Anne Digney and Bill Laundry Setter and Harry Guy, both of wham will be heading the new State Slate students and faculty without (continued on page 3) ... Reception Co-Chairmen University Revue, charge, Reception Includes Vocalists, Readings Council Presents Music Calendar Fred's favorite hobbles are skiing and traveling, and working for Ills fraternity. Fred is majoring in English, and halls from Alfred, New York, Fourth Yeor of Soccer Luis, now In his fourth year of State soccer, did not play soccer in high school, but played football Instead. In his two previous years on varsity soccer, Luis has played r-7 SU Revue to Reorganize Tonight To Select Play for Spring Show