Game To Raise *

• y Jim Viat«t«
Today at three o'clock
Albany State's baseballers
get another crack at arch
rival Siena. In the first
encounter this season the
Indians came out on top in
a twelve inningthriller 4-3.
Ray Weeks will again be
the starting pitcher for
Albany. Ray went the entire
distance last time and in
the process hurt his arm.
Weeks has. not been able to pitch
effectively since the opening game,.
although he has appeared as a pinch
hitter. Should Ray's arm falter,
Coach Burlingame would call on
either Dick Kimball or Don McGurrin.
Kimball 3-0
Kimball has won three games in
relief, while McGurrln pitched a
nice game against Oneonta to notch
the other victory.
Dick Odorlzzi, last year's MVP
is again leading the team hitting
with a healthy .400. Pep Pizzillo
is next in line knocking the apple
at a .318 clip. Pizzillo has been
a demon on the basepaths and has
copped seven bases is seven attempts.
Co-Captain Gary Smith has been
consistant in his hitting and is right
on the .300 mark, Hot hitting Don
Mason, who started the year on the
bench and has since broken into
the lineup, was hit on the elbow
by a pitched ball in batting practice.
He has responded to treatment and
is expected to be ready for Friday's encounter.
field and as a pinch hitter this
year and is hitting .444 in part
time duties.
In the first Siena game State
left sixteen men on base. Today
they hope to use their explosive
hitting and fleet running to better
Mason Hitting .444
Mason has been used In right- advantage.
Game To Raise *
Olympic Funds
Today's Siena baseball game has
boen designated as a fund raising
exlbition game. The collection will
be taken from the fans present to
raise money to send a team to Tokyo
this fall..
This team will be made up of
college athletes and their purpose
will be to play exibition games
in Tokyo in the hope that it will
stimulate enough interest to have
baseball as an Olympic sport. To
date the team sport of baseball is
not part of Olympic competition.
•; •-.:
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by Ren Hamilton
With the big game of the season scheduled to be
played today, the number of people that have passed
through the turnstyles is reaching an all-time high.
Not wanting to disagree with the all-knowing Common
Staters that claim the students are apathetic, it is
a definite fact that more students have watched the
baseball team in action in the first games than ever
It could be that our winning team is the reason for
the increase in attendance, but the Mets are drawing
some tremendous crowds and we need not discuss their
ability to win. The sight of blankets on the third baseline and full bleachers are certainly pleasing to the
In this week's AMIA action there
were a few close encounters but
there were some in which the scoring seemed as if it would never
stop. SLS, the defending champion
Color is the middle name of this team. Those of you
that have not had a chance to see this crew in action
have really missed something. They can play pretty
fair baseball, despite the moments of comedy.
would be worth your while to take in the show. Take
a little time out from TGIF and get your bods over to
the Siena vs. State game.
Question of the Week: Can Hamilton's predictions
destroy organized gambling?
L e a g u e II
Photo by Upham
Coach Sauers felt that the team
has a chance to iiave a perfect
season If they can get past Hamilton.
Both teams have the same teams
back this year, with the exception
of Hamilton's number one man.
Sauers was quick to point out that
it was not the first man that gave
them the trouble last year, but the
number six man. He shot even par
in the match.
The weather man was uncooperative last year and the match was
played in a down pour. It could
State's compulsion to steal it nipped by a good throw from the make a difference either way if
the skies are clear. The team is
I'hoto by Ufihutrt now 4-0.
Mike Bayus, State's number two
two man, caught fire at Plnehaven
on tiie last nine holes and shot the
lowest round for State this year,
69, Touring the front nine in 38,
he roared home In 31 for his 69.
The team won the match 15 1/25 1/2 witli three players shooting
suh eighty rounds. Fred Maurer
and John Vrtlak carded respectable
75's and Doug Morgan chipped in
with a 77. All four men won their
matches and Bayus captured medalist honors,
• • • " — ••""•'•
Representatives of three
major religious groups in
the capital district have
met to discuss the possibility of constructing an
Inter-faith Center for the
new campus.
Since the University has established a policy prohibiting the use
of campus facilities for religious
worship services, the Albany Jewish Community, Council, the Capitol
Area Council of Churches, and the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
have decided that such a matter is
of urgent significance.
L a n d Sought
A scene from this weekend's production of The 7oft of the Medusa, George Kaiser's symbolic play
w i l l be the last production of the year.
Dramatic Season to Finish With
SU Theatre 'Raft' Production
State University Theatre will end its dramatic season this Friday and Saturday
nights in Page Hall with its presentation of George Kaiser's Raft of the Medusa.
Curtain time will be 8:30 p.m. both nights.
Council and Primer budgetary r e The play is being directed by James Leonard of the Department of Speech
quests in short order.
The total appropriation going to and Drama. John Moore, who was chief technician for the other three major
Music council will be $5904.50. The productions this year, is in charge of construction.
Council plans to bring five major
Tickets for the play will
addition to holding many school
available all this week
theatre ticket office,
Guest artists scheduled are Benny Goodman, The Budapest String
located in Richardson 289,
Quartet, Carlos Montoys, Philippe
In memory of both alumnus and ences as ttie then Albany Normal from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Entremont, and Peter Seger.
former professor' of natural sci- School from 1874-1882.
Students must present tax
The Primer request for $2525 ences, the Benevolent Association
According to the terms of the
was approved witli few questions. of State University of New York at will the interest deriving from the cards to obtain tickets.
e camus next year in Bequest
in Memory
As, tantiiuveiy considered, such
a " c e n t e r " would lie constructed
on land adjacent to the new campus and would provide a place of
worship f°r all religious groups,
ami would provide office space lor
the ministers, priests, rabbis, and
other clergy assigned to the college
It was also felt that this Interfaitli center might contain a student
Directed for Science Students Use
Primer plans to publish two volumes of the litarary magazine next
year, one in the late fail and the
other In the early spring.
The appropriation granted represents an increase of $500 over last
year's grant.
Albany has received an estimated
$375,000 bequest according to an
article in the spring issue of the
Alumni Quarterly.
The gift was willed to the association by Irma St. John, daughter
of Joseph St. John who taught sci-
Discuss New Campus Inter•faithCenter
* * * * *
* * * * *
ate, University Commuters Organization, and Fencing Society will
be considered.
S t u d e n t Education Association,
Camp Board, Department of Recreation, and Biology Club budgets will
be presented at7:30p.m., Thursday,
May 7.
Saturday at 1:00 p.m. has been
designated as an open day for the
budgets of any organizations not
finished during the regular hearing
Capitol Area Religious Councils Meet
Golfers Win, As Bayus Fires 69
Albany State's v a r s i ty
golf team fresh from a
victory over P i t t s b u r g h
takes on Hamilton's team
today. Hamilton was the
only team to hand the Peds
a loss last year and they
are considered to be just
us rough this year.
Senate Budget Committee once again has revamped
its open hearing schedule in the coming week. The
committee schedule was thrown off due to the length
of discussion centering around University Center Association's culture line Saturday afternoon. At the end of
the debate the line was slashed from an original request
of $1,607.50 to $37.50.
Revised Schedule
Of the eight sublines in
The new schedule was announced
the UCA culture line only Sunday by Arthur F e r r a r i ' 6 6 , Commissioner of Finance. Hearings on
)the requests for Member- the
UCA budget were completed
ship in the Albany League last night.
All hearings will be conducted in
of Arts and Ambassador
the Private Dining Room.
from State Night were apTonight at 7:30 p.m. MYSKANIA,
Campus Commission, Cabinet, Sen-
up sheets for senior
photos in next year's Torch are
s t i l l available.
T h e sheets are located on the
Torch bulletin Board in _uwer
Draper H a l l , half-way between
the C O - O P and the IBM Room.
Students should sign up on
these sheets by 3:00 p.m. this
Thursday. T h i s is the last opportunity to sign up for senior
N o senior pictures w i l l be
\ t a k e n next year.
taken beginning May 11 in Room
4 of Brtfbacher H a l l . Students
should report for pictures at
the times they s k . i e d up for.
Mr. Munsey Runs
Boston Marathon
Albany State's own cross country
coach showed that lie can run as
well as his team. In the Boston
Marathon, the most publicized long
distance race in the United States,
Mr. It. K. Munsey proved that you
don't have to he a student to lie
in good physical condition.
He made it across the finish
line in three hours and fifty three
seconds to be an official finisher.
This is a goal many competitors
never attain after years of tylnng.
It was Mr, Munsey's first Boston
Marathon but, his second long distance race this year.
Tired and weak, ho is tying to
marshal his strength so he can
compete in another race in New York
next week.
M A Y 5, 1064
> Torch Senior Photo
Passes Music Council
hearings last Thursday night
Sign up until ThursdaytheAt Committee
a p p r o v e d Music
In League III action, the OneEyes found their hitting eyes as
they trounced the Fneurds 17-2 in
a wild and wooley game.
The First League with a few
close so far looks as if it will
be as close and tight as it was
last year. It seems as if SLS will
come out on top again as long as
Bob Hart stays healthy and as long
as the sun keeps shining.
«SKHteV»-..:' «te««S»B
Discussor batter hat a determi ned look on his face as he takes
a healthy cut at the b a l l .
The vote in the committee to cut
the UCA culture sublines was by
a 4-1 margin, following a closed
session of the committee.
Chairman Udo Guddat '66, William Sinnhold '66, Nancy Shuba '67,
and Katherine Brown '67 voted to
cut the budget. Harry Gardner *65
was the only member opposing the
In League II the Discussors
downed KB 18-6 in a wild game, in
which the winners completely controlled the game. In another game
TXO hung on for a 19-18 victory
over APA as the losers< had two
men on in the last of the seventh
but could not bring them home for the
victory. It was an exciting finish
as APA, behind by fifteen runs
stormed back with fourteen in the
last two innings to make it a close
The fans have been duly rewarded for their loyalty
by some rather colorful plays. Where else can you
find a ball player that has more bunt singles than
Mickey Mantle, or where can you find two infielders
that have become starting pitchers. How many outfielders are there that can j u n in, out, to the left,
then right, dive for the ball and have it go over his
head by ten feet all in one play.
Budget Schedule Changed
UCA C u l t u r e Line Cut
on Bob Barrette doubled to left
center and the game was over.
Also in League I the Sarfs nipped
the KB team 5-4. This game was
won in the early innings and the
last few innings were mostly defensive.
of League I, scored -in easy 11-3
victory over the Inlinites as Bob
Hart threw hard and struck out nine.
In other League I action, APA
came from behind with two runs
in the seventh inning to nose out
the Bullcheaters.
With two men
Will t h e
Three League I Teams Win Two;
Second, Third League Begin Play
by Al Mintz
A Free Press,]
A Free
President of College Baseball
Tne President of College Baseball has declared that April 15-May
15 as National Collegiate Baseball
Month. He has asked that college
teams all over the country hold
fund raising events of the type Albany
is holding today.
The goal for the fund raising
drive across the nation is Fifty
State player slides into second base as the throw from the catcher sails high. Umpire hustles to take
thousand dollars. Coach Robert Burin the action.
lingame has asked the students to
Photo by Upham support the program.
lounge and a library.
The Board of College Work of the
Capitol Area Council of Churches
lias al present boen designated to
explore the possible sights available. The number of such locations
available is limited and while 2 or
3 have been considered, "nothing
definite has been decided upon."
An ad hoc committee has also
been meeting to discuss the architectural aspect of the possible interfaith center.
Architectural Committee
The committee Is composed of
Mr. Wilson, of the art department,
Dr. Litllefield, Dr. Lydell, Dr, Anderson, Mrs. Charlei; Clark of the
327 Art Gallery, Reverend Carl
Hiemstra, Reverend Walter Gralg,
Cannon Edwc-d Williams, and Reverend Frank Snow.
While this committee is at p r e s ent under the auspices of the above
mentioned Hoard of College Work,
it is concerning itself with plans
for a center that would be used as
a corporate worship center by all
religious groups.
"The committee," s t a t e d Dr.
LLUlefteld," wishes to give a commission to an architect that will
allow him to produce something
quite imaginative and exciting In
the way of an interfalth center."
The Committee has been consslderiug the work of such well
known architects as Belluschi, Corbusler, Saarlrnan, and Hreuer,
Heed is Greater
"The need for such a center is
unquestionable," commented Reverend Frank Snow," the new campus comes close to being an isolated island surrounded by highways and parking lots, witli no Immediate churches and only limited
facilities within even a two mile
The n e a r e s t Roman Catholic
Church is more than a mile away.
The nearest Protestant church is
also more than a tulle d slant and
both are only accessible via a busy
highway with no sidewalks.
It was also pointed out that while
tins possible center would be used
for worship services, the various
religious organizations which are
now active on campus would continue working on campus.
grant will be dispensed to deserving
science students by a special committee.
The committee will consist of
Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of
the University, Dr. Paul C. Lemon,
Chairman of the Department of Biology, Dr. Donald S. Allen, Chairman
of the Department of Chemistry,
and Dr. Charles L. Andrews, Chairman of the Department of Physics.
T a l e of Children
The Raft of the Medusa presents
a tale of thirteen children morooned
on a raft. The entire action of the'
play takes place on the raft.
In the play Kaiser attempts to
show how children, like adults, would
react in the struggle for self p r e s He also considers the
o r V atlon,
superstitions Inherent in the number
thirteen, and the effect of the supThe will also stipulated that the erstition upon young children.
committee appoint a student or stuThirteen State Students are underdents to receive cash awards and
determine whether the same shall taking the parts of the children.
They aro Mary Temple '05, Jack
be awarded annually or at more
frequent or less frequent intervals. Thatch '04, Norma Gltter '07, Betty,
Jane Wilcox '07, Anne Digney 'C6,'
Determining the number of schol- Jeanne Maurer '07, Pat Koroluck
arships and their amounts will be '07, Sue Anne Kolher '07, Edward
left to the discretion of the com- Duba '06, Gary Taylor '00, William
Thomas '00, Richard Smith '05 and
Linda Delis '05.
Samuel E. Aronowltz is p r e s i dent of the Hoard of Directors of
Technical Crew
the Benevolent Association which
A large technical crew is also
serves as a holding corporation for responsible for bringing the play
alumni properties.
to the Page Stage.
Primer Available
With Student Tax
Kaaren Jurexlcz '04 Is serving
as Production Coordinator. James
Lobdell '00 is the Technical Director.
Joseph Gome/. '54 announces that
Primer will be distributed all week
in the peristyles beginning next
Monday, May 11.
Students wishing to secure a copy
of the literary annual must present
their student tax cards,
Gome/, also announces that all
students who have submitted material that was not used, will have
their material returned In the next
two weeks via student mail.
Lighting is being handled by
Pauline Arasim '04 and Joyce Davis
'00. Elizabeth lloimet '05 Issound
Dennis Tuttle '05 is in charge
of costumes, and Gloria Avuer '04
is handling Properties.
Make up and publicity are the
responsibilities of Betty Jane Wilcox
'07 and Gail Sofier '64 respectively.
MAY 5,106 4
Protest Against Ticket System
Did you h««f Hou
much monad ™*'4
dtlfej ftr? I4's
otttaqeocw. iJiejj aen'4
do at wiuclt -tor 4ke
«4ud«vtte as we do.
don'-k neod all
j\\trk wwnau.
We learn with much pleasure that the gestion in the city during the late aftercrime rate in Albany during this past noon hours.
A whole line of cars was parked
year showed a marked decrease from
along one of the Washington Park roadthe totals chalked up in 1962.
tape M\eu %ei
Rapes in 1963 decreased from ten to ways, and a State student who should
C«4 down 4o nerWiina,
three from the precious year. No mur- have known better, joined the group
ders, and only three manslaughter and parked along with the other cars.
He made the fatal blunder of having
charges were levied during the period.
student parking lot ticket on his
Cases of grand theft decreased from
52 to 46, while the felonies dropped rear bumper.
Needless to say when he returned he
to 714 from 732.
This is a compliment to the valient was ticketed to the tune of five dollars,
police department of Albany and the while the other cars in the row remained
efficient way in which they go about unscathed.
Other examples of these dual standards
enforcing the laws of America's secondfor
State students can be found every
oldest continuously inhabited city.
the week.
While complimenting Albany's finest,
Any student who is foolish enough
however, we would also like to make
a few minor reservations — after all to obtain a parking sticker is taking
check-book in hand, so to speak, wheneven the FBI has its critics.
We would just like to know why the ever he parks anyplace in Albany excars of Albany State students seem to cept the safe confines across from
have an unwritten "open season" placed Draper Hall.
Albany's finest have proven them- Current Comment
on them year round? Rare indeed is
the State car owner who has not felt selves reasonably adept at maintaining
the wrath of Albany's numerous versions law and order in the city (we will not
go into all the details as to how they
of Troody and Muldoon.
A fairly recent example sticks in our accomplish this).
We suppose this question is all rather
but we ask anyway: "Why aren't
There are nice big no-parking signs
all over Washington Park which nobody the Albany police fair in dispensing
bothers to obey due to the traffic con- tickets."
4W bgS»Hu»le
MW more, (fl«4
Rand to Conduct
bjho do
Dr. Curtis Hemenway, director
of the Dudley Observatory and
Chairman of the Astronamy Department at the Astronomy Department
at the State University of New York
at Albany has been awarded a scientific research grant of $299,250
from the National Aetonautics and
Space Administration.
enough 4o
<£ around,
We feel'that as our collegiate community is a necessity. Its primary function should be one of helpful guidance
and promotion of student activities.
Only with greater interest and a tightening up in organizational policies can
an effective Commission ever be e s tablished.
Suites Not Sweet
For months now, word has been circulating concerning the luxurious living
to be found next year at the New Campus. Pictures of large, airy rooms,
study lounges and semi-private baths
have provided the impetus for new campus preference in housing.
.A close look was taken of the actual
progress thus far. It is true that only
estimations were possible because the
basic shell and plumbing of the first
few floors only, were visible. From
these observations', the rooms look a
good deal smaller than reported.
One thing for sure, Nirvana is not
going to be discovered in the halfcompleted complexes scheduled for
occupancy in September.
Who Does Things Worse
Albany Student Press
j f g Q j j ^
T I M Albany tlli»iiit Prasi is a M W I H M published by th* stufentbody o( t h * Stats University of N*w York at Albany.
Th* ASP stay b* r**ch*d by dlallna 4 I 9 - 4 4 I 1 . . T h . Mtar can also b. rsachsd by dialing Brueachar Hall at IV 2-3326.
Th* ASP *Mlc*, lacatad In Raw* S of Btubachar Hall, Is opan from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Wadnssday.
Managing Editor
Sports Editor
Aasaciata Editor
Assoclala Editor
Associate Feature Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Senter Editor
Business Manager
Associate Technicel Supervisor
Photography Editor
Circulation Eachanfu Editor
Assistant Editors
Dos* Editor
Arts Editor
Associate Editor
Executive Editor
Advertising Manager
Consultant Advertising Editor
Public Relations Editor
Joseph Silverman, Nancy Bliek
Ellen Zang, MoryLou Vlonese
.Paul Jenren, Jesaph Gomes, Pat F 01 one, Kathy 3rophy, Ales DsKlnl, Steven Curtl, John
Morion, J. Roger Lee, Ion Lsst
Eileen Manning, Linda Beusse, Beth Boyd, Rosemurv Montour, Lynn Kurth, Diane Johnson,
Sam Cyprsssi, William Smith, William Grey, Gary Kaplan
Dennis Church, Richard Loker, Joseph Mohoy
All common! cat Ions muti U addressed to the Editor and must be signed. Names will be withheld an request. The
Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in Its columns or communications, as such
•ipossiens do not necessarily reflect it views.
Iii 1954, the Democrats selected
a lackluster candidate, although one
a famous name. The Republicans
outdid the Democrats in selecting a
rather hopeless man.
The democrats in 1956 renominated Stevenson and again did no
work for him. In 11156 he lost even
worse than in 1952. Again a United
States Senator w;\s being elected
from New Yo"k Slate.
In 1956 Javits ran 600,000 votes
b e h i n d Elsenhower, Wagner ran
800,000 ahead of Stevenson, and
Javils was elected by a wide margin. Wagner led Hie Democratic
ticket in more than half Ihe state's
In 1958 the Democrats renominated Harriman although he was unable to campain
Ives retired due
to I s failing heal I,
he new candidates were Hockela
iman T h l f c t f
ft vu
r\i% f
.»\l:1 r ,S Ha|
,' T ^
ont est
£ ,
"r r'^r 1
From this low point, Democrats
began to wonder about the effectiveness of their organization. Kenned-,
managed to get the leaders ol the
party working together for a cliun^c
The results of the 1960 elections
w e r e a 400,000 vote plurality lor
Kennedy, a substantial gain lor the
in both legislative
houses, and the election of a 111a•jority of Democrats to the House'
of Representatives for the first
time since 1950.
The big fight came 111 1961 when
Wagner faced Levitt in a primal
contest for mayor of New Yuri.
As a result of this primary I'iWn
the government of the city was reformed to a very great extent.
Many councilmen and Borough Presidents were replaced In more hi
eral men.
With the replacement of Mike
Prendergast as state chairman, the
Democratic party seemed to be 01,
its way to power. At this point
Wagner, an elected office holdet
held much of the power of the fun 1
Power Move Slowly
The power within the pai tv ••'•;r
being moved by Wagner from tin
city to the state level.
Committees were appointed '
establish upstate and island • 1 •••ll'ol of the party and to 1 edin >
the power of New York City leadei .
Wagner was unable to de.slin) all
the bosses he hoped to dest 1 - .
Charles Buckle) remains as 11.1
leader in the Bronx. Ills cninioi
in Manhattan is very mcoiupleti
and he lost control 111 Drool 1
almost as soon as he obtained
Thus "Fighting Dub" (as incalled sometimes nghllv , some
times absurdly) did not appeal '
be In Hie rigid mood loi the I "
slate races.
Instead of choosing Sam Slraitoi
or Frank O'Connor as the gubei natorial candidate, Wagner loired
the choice of Robert M. Moi i',ei,
thau. Morgeulhau was a hopelessh
bad candidate.
Tile rest of Ihe ticket, with the
exception ol Levin were people
who are nice, but hardly able to
win state wide campaigns.
Levitt won Ins third term bj •>
huge margin and won by a largei
plurality than did Rockefeller.
The Democrats now are entering
. D C 4 c a m p a i g n , T h e y h a V e the
£ * t a k e y c u l , . r o l .,1
l e g l s J a U v e a n d congressional seats
<"B ™* campaign. The split
being acreated b> the Conservative
" »"«»pending i^ndc
?,; « „ 1 , h ' 8 " " '
° ° " l y ' " r J o " " i i ( ' » ' 0FMt« Urns chance fo,
:o ,li,
S f f .0 r
* ' ; ? s s , " a i : an across-the-board victory.
" ""' D 6'»"crat S are able .„
iw..,n,',„ .....
11 1 , , ,,
nominate someone worthwhile loi
1,1 ? H f
' ° C l U ) " t , , B S u ' « " ° «MI " " * »»W by Keul-
" u| " , " h ( ,:u "« :"""• tag, ihe Democrats could lake ad
, e r Z I
, i , ,nr? , I U r 0 < 1 f '; 01 " *»'"««« of Ihe Republican-ConseM d .1 ' '
' " . } m . W ' 1 0 " " ' ^ a t i v e W"L ^ toUo this the Dontoi to a position ol holding w state w o e s a l l d work together.
by Ian L e e t
" I t ' s fantastic!" said Bela Szilagi, speaking of the amount of work
he would be putting in when he
competed in the Brussels Piano
Competition, just under way.
"You have to do no less than
twenty major works," lie continued,
pretending to wipe sweat from his
brow. Mr. Szilagi had just completed
playing the solo part 111 the Schumann Piano Concerto with the Albany
Symphony Orchestra, and had received thunderous applause from the
Stiff Competition
Mr. Szilagi ostensibly was relaxing, just enjoying a cigarette, but
as he talked more about the competition, his face lighted up anil
his gestures became animated.
"It's really stiff. This year, for
example, we have to do six concert
etudes-two by Chopin, two by Liszt,
and one each by Debussy and Scriabiu. They really throw every kind
of piece at you, from Scarlatti
to the present day. It's a pretty
exhausting — and exhaustive workout."
D i f f i c u l t Sonatas
He stopped lor a iniiiuie and drew
a pull on his cigarette. He smiled,
and ilien he went on. "Thai's only
the beginning. Then comes Ihe round
of sonatas. This time the judges
are making us play a 10,illy anions
set — the Bralniis I- minor, the
Lis/.! B minor, three b\ Scarlatti
and to cap 11 all off, Ihe Seventh-
Sweden Trip
Dr. Hemenway left May 2 for
a conference on noctilucent clouds
being held in Sweden May 4-6. He
will then travel to France to visit
of the- French
Atomic E n e r g y Commission in
Paris. These meetings will last from
May 7 to May 10.
i-roiessor Arthur Collins ol the
English Department has submitted
his doctoral thesis on the subject
of the lOlli century Itriiish novelist
and poet George Meredith.
The doctoral degree will be uwarded in June from the University
of Minnesota.
Collins made a study of the pruutation of Meredith. The real interest of the dissertation lies in
Collins' discussion of the misleading
information presented thus fur by
Meredith's biographers.
Titled "Images of the Hero;
Meredith and his Biographers 1000<1959," the thesis traces the accumulation of the material collected by
biographers, In the course of wliicii
Collins delects significant e r r o r s
of fact and Interpretation.
Awarded Grant
Collins has been working on and
developing his dissertation loi sever"! years. In the summer of 11)00
tl . uan. .rth Foundation warded linn
If you want to work,
contact Al Bader at the
MAY 10
Caps &Gowns
at the
of Thesis
Blcimcs Biographer
Collins attributes Ibis decline to
the inadequacy of his first fulllength biographer and to authors
of several articles written since
Meredith's death.
At this lime, Collins plans include trying to find a publisher
for ihe thesis. Eventually he also
intends to expand his present effort
into ,1 lull-lenghl book which will
treat the subject ol Meredith's reputation and lis follow UJJ.
Office in
T ight Schedule
a granl which enabled Ccl' 1 to
devoto Ins efforts in collecting background 111 both the Yale University
and New York Public Libraries.
At Meredith's deatli in 1909,
lie was generally regarded as occupying a place in English Literature
second only to the one held by
Shakespeare. Since that lime, however, liis popularity lias declined
to the point of being almost unknown to the general public,
MAY 11
All University Concert,
Other Special Events
On May 11, Dr. Hemenway will
take part in a meeting of the International Space Science Coordinating Committee in Florence, Italy.
by Prokofiev. That whole set is He will be the only American taking
a back-breaker.
part in these talks. He returns
Mr. Szilagi had performed the May 18.
Toccata from the Prokofiev sonata
as an encore, and had dazzled the
audience with a strong, steady left
hand and a motoric thrust that was
almost hypnotic.
Previous Award Winner
Actually, the intense pressure
of the Brussels Competition will
be nothing new to Mr. Szilagi, who
has been through this sort of thing
lie took the first prize in the
L eventritt Competition in 1962. This
is no small feat, since the judges
do not have to award any prize
if 1 lie;, leel there is no one quaJllied, and he looks lorward to Brussels.
"No rest for the weary," he
grinned. "Tonight I play, in Albany;
Friday l leaves, tor Brusels. It's
a tight schedule."
But Mr. Szilagi feels lie might
have an advantage over some oi
the contestants. "If I make it to
the final round, then I'll ieel safer,
for the concerto thai we have to
jday is the Kachnianinofl First, and
that's the concerto I premiered with.
It brought me good luck then, and
I hope 11 will again."
When we offered Ihe best to him,
he grinned again, and said, "Thanks
very much. If 1 pla) well, then
1 can have high hopes. I just hope
1 can."
Activities Day,
In an interview with the Albany
Times-Union, he said, "We have
to design and build a nose cone recovery system in this project."
He went on to say, " I hope the
university students and those in
other area schools will join in
this undertaking in exciting space
Pianist Looks to Brussels.
Various Forms Included
Low Point
In 1954, the Democrats were offerred their first real opportunity
to regain the governorship. Just
two years before, the Democrats
had not campaigned for Stevenson
and Eisenhower had carried the
state by a huge margin.
Also in 1952, the Democrats ran
a Borough President from New York
City for the United States Senate,
This man, Cashmore, was a drab
matched his opponent, Irving M.
IVP.S, and Ives won by more than a
million votes.
In 1953 Robert F. Wagner defied
the party bosses in New York City,
including Cashmore, and decided to
oppose their choice, Impelliteri.
In this year, the Democrats won
the mayoralty Thus they regained
it from Impelliteri, who although a
Democrat ran on the Experience
party ticket.
It was in this way that the Democrats were optimistic about the
1954 gubernatorial race. Dewey
announced lie would not seek a
fourth term, and the discussion
of candidates began.
The Democrats were faced with
active candidacies for W. Averill
Harriman and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Mayor Wagner was also
being considered.
The parties chose Harriman and
Ives. Harriman won by 11,000 votes
when most Democrats were winning
by landslides. There was no major
enlargement of Democratic strength
in the legislature.
We need people
wide offices except theComptrollei ship.
its planned
The grant will be used by Dr,
Hemenway to continue lus research
on micrometeorites. In the past,
using rockets, he has collected micrometeorites from 50 to 150 miles
by Joseph W. Galu
Whenever an individual or organization
wishes to publicize any event, approval
must be sought from Campus Commission. Upon the granting of this approval,
a poster may then be hung on some wall
of either the main buildings or annexes.
Our University is constantly expanding. It has neared the point now that
communication by poster is inadequate.
Many students spend the greater part
of their college career in the annexes,
for example, and one or two postered
displayed in the main college buildings
do very little good in bringing events
to their attention.
The new campus points out the need
for more efficient and expansive publicity. It is clear that the poster system
in a large university does not fulfill
the communications needs of the various
active organizations.
Campus Commission is in need of a
revamping on this and other scores.
For example, it supposedly is on the
alert for parking violations in the student
parking lot. On this score the Commission needs to exercise greater powers
of surveillance.
The announcement was made
through the offices of New York
Senator Kenneth Keating.
Judson Rand wilt conduct the Capitol H i l l Choral Society of
Albany m a presentation of Johann Sebastian Bach's " M a s s in
B Minor" tomorrow at the Cathedral or A l l Saints at 8:00 p.m
Tickets for students w i l l be $ 1 . 2 5 .
MAY 5, 1964 ,
To Use NASA Grant
For Space Research
Dems Chances Good
For Next State Elections >
New Publicity Devices Needed
Tomorrow Astronomy Chat-man
by Mike Gilmortin
Led by the classy pitching of John Botticelli, the Siena Indians topped the varsity baseball team 7-4 in a home game last Friday. State's starting pitcher Ray
Weeks was plagued by a porous defense that allowed six unearned runs to be
scored. In the season's opener Weeks had dropped an eleven inning 4-3 decision
to Siena at LoudonvHle. As is always the case when these two arch-rivals compete,
the stands were filled with avid rooters from both schools.
Siena drew first blood in their
Initial at bat. The lead-off batter
singled and scored on a long double.
The run was to be Siena's only
earned score of the day. The Indians threatened in both the second
and third innings, but clutch pitching
by Weeks stranded runners on third
in both frames.
Meanwhile, Botticelli set down the
Peds in order in the first two innings. Dick Kimball cracked State's
first hit in the third. However, he
was stranded on third as Botticelli
bore down to retire the side.
Is Your S a n d b o x
Becoming a
Siena went out in order in both
the fourth and fiftli as Weeks had
the batters hitting the ball in the
air for easy putouts. In the last
of the fifth, the varsity came close
to reaching pay dirt. Co-captain
Dick Odorizzi led off witli a single;
he advanced to second on a ground
out and went to third on Weeks hit.
Chuck Mastrangelo walked to fill
the bases, but Pep Pizzillogrounded
out to end the inning. Both pitchers
matched zips through the sixth inning and the score stood 1-0 going
into the top of the seventh. Then,
the roof caved in.
The first batter reached first on
an e r r o r . The second hitter also
reached base on a miscue.
sacrifice bunt put both runners in
scoring position with one out.
With smooth-swinging Mike Bayus
playing in the number one position,
and long-hitting Fred Maurer at
number two, the State duffers took
the first three points of the match.
Bayus and Maurer defeated Hamilton's two top golfers, Leon Kantor
and Bill Tracy, by large margins.
The tide then seemed to be turning against the Peds as Doug Morgan and John Vrtiak both lost close
With the match deadlocked at 3-3, the contest was to
be decided in the last foursome
where Stan Rosen and Paul Bachorz
needed two out of three points for
State to win the match.
Rosen won his match to gain one
point. Bachorz was one stroke down
going to the eighteenth hole. He
won the eighteenth with a five foot
putt on the slippery Hamilton green.
With that putt Bachorz notched a
tie for the day's proceedings.
Mike Bayus shot a 72 for medalist
honors while Fred Maurer fires a
State had an easier time against
Marist College of Poughkeepsle on
Saturday. The entire team swept
18 points out of a possible 18.
Morgan and Rosen both had 72 to
share medalist honors.
State now has an unblemished
5-0-1 record. The team feels that
its toughest competition will come
from RPI.
* * * * *
wildly into right field and one run
scored leaving runners on first and
A single by Weber brought a run
home. A errant pick off attempt
scored another. The fourth run of
the inning came in on a sacrifice
fly. The next batter singled and
took third as the ball eluded the
left fielder. At this point, Kimball
came into to replace Weeks, who
went to left field. A long double
by Thompson closed the scoring.
Siena Caches In
Peds Rally
State came back in the bottom of
the eighth. Mastrangelo was hit by
a pitch. With one down Mike Putney
walked and Siena changed pitchers.
* * * * *
At the time of his departure, Botticelli had allowed no runs and only
four hits.
.Don McGurrin greeted the new
chucker with a single to fill the
bases. Co-Captain Gary Smith was
safe on an e r r o r and two runs
Then Odorizzi
through, as he has done all year,
with a single that scored two more
runs. The rally was stopped cold
as the next two batters were retired.
Siena chalked up an insurance run
In the nith on a single, a stolen
base and another e r r o r ; it was
State's fifth e r r o r of the game.
The fans were yelling for runs in
the bottoms of the ninth, but the
varsity could not muster a rally.
Racqueteers Extend Win Streak
by Joe S i l v e r m a n
By defeating St. Peter's College
of New Jersey 5-1 last Friday, the
varsity tennis team extended their
undefeated record to G-0. Since
the team won enough points in single
competition to clinch the match,
the doubles were not played.
John Barthelmes won his first
set 6-2 but his opponent Greg Drum mond battled back to win the match
2-0, 6 1 - , 6-2. Tom Slocum's steady
play defeated Warren Orlando 4-6,
6-3, 6-1. John Sturtevant won his
match against Frank Wirth by a
Keith Costello captured a 6-4,
8-6 victory over John Wefrig in a
closely contested match. Bill Enser continued his winning ways by
downing Dennis Corbett 6-4, 6-3.
Enser has not been defeated In the
six matches he has played this
season, Ed Wolner coasted to a
6-3, 0-3 victory over Dave Gullugher.
Hart Hurls SLS To League I Lead
AMIA action last week was highlighted by three important games.
SLS widened its League I lead by
defeating the Sarfs and Waterburyl.
Waterbury II, In a hard-fought game,
edged APA 9-7.
Bob Hart, pitching for SLS last
Thursday, struck out twelve men in
a 10-6 win over the Sarfs. Fred
Rawe was the big hitter in this game
as he went 3-5 against Tom Lyons
of the Sarfs.
The Sarfs' Roy Gutwillig led off
the second inning with a home run
and his teammates followed by producing three more runs, giving the
Sarfs a temporary four run lead.
Although injured for the Saturday
Mohawk Valley CC
Romps Frosh Nine
Mike l o y u s , number one man,
set to launch his approach shot.
Ray Weeks cranks up to throw in the Siena game as Siena runner
takes big lead off third base.
Next ca%e the key play of the
A ground ball was hit too short
and there was a rundown between
second and third; the ball was fired
game with Waterbury, Hart managed
to pitch his team, with a little relief
help, to a 14-8 victory.
Fred Rawe, Phil Manitta, and Bob
Ryan each contributed,, lour hits in
the Waterbury game. All three men
had a hit in the fifth inning when SLS
scored six runs.
Waterbury's big inning was the
fifth when they scored five of their
runs. In this inning, Hart was being
relieved by one of his teammates
while he was resting his arm. The
runs were due to several walks
and e r r o r s and only one hit.
In the second league WaterburyAPA game, Marty Demerest hit a
three-run triple in the sixth inning
and later scored to give Waterbury
a 7-5 lead over APA which they
held for the win.
The three related valuable in- at 4 p.m. This will provide an
formation in the form of actual opportunity for both committees to
Announcement of the re- experiences, emotions, and reac- straighten out any overlapping legtions that affected them in their islation thus far created.
sults of the recent replace- service.
revision of Senate Rules
ment elections was firston They are part of a large group willThebe joint
presented on the Senate floor
the agenda of Wednesday of volunteers and Corps staff mem- next week.
bers who are going to many camnight's Senate meeting. A puses
across the nation to bring
WAA Constitution
motion was made and more personal
information to perSenator Gene Tobey '65, chairman
passed to consider the re- spective volunteers.
of the Organizational Recognition
sults which are automat- Following this talk, which in- Committee presented the constitucluded a question period, Senate tion of WAA. However, discussion
ically valid.
returned to the scheduled agenda. developed concerning legal form.
The results of the freshman class Udo Guddat '66, chairman of Bud- It was unknown whether thestatusof
were unique. Never before has a get Committee began the Standing WAA as part of the Department of
tie arisen in Senate elections. The Committee reports.
Recreation had any bearing on the
tie occurred between Laur Kurz
issue of a separate constitution of
and James Malloy. Right now there
Budgets Passed
is no provision in the Senate Voting
Senator Guddat reported that sevThe Outing Club Budget was then
Procedure for deciding a tie.
eral budgets including Primer, Mu- discussed. The club wishes to be
President Johnston announced that sic Council, Debate Council, Art severed from the Department of
there will probably be a run off Council, UCO, MYSKANIA, Fencing Recreation, and wants its own budget
election between the two leading Society, Campus Commissio.i, Cab- to be considered. Final decision on
inet, and Senate budgets have been the budget was postponed until next
Sophomore elections resulted in passed by the Committee with a week.
the selection of Linda Etheridge few minor changes in some.
The next meeting of OrganizaIn the post of class Secretary.
Guddat announced that a salary tional Recognition will take place
Alex Del fini won the Senate seat of $500 was authorized by Budget on Friday evening at 7:30.
which was open in the Junior class. Committee. A motion to create a
salary of $200 for the S. A. Vice
Dippikill Trip
P e a c e Corps Spokesmen
President was defeated.
Tobey related details concerning
The regular meeting was susIFG was given an amount which a trip to Camp Dippikill by eight
pended for a time during which constitutes the difference between members of the University to surthree Peace Corps Volunteers spoke their income and expenditure for vey the camp for future facilities.
of their experiences in the Corps. the years 1957-1962. This money
President Johnston submitted the
One of the speakers was Betty had been re-absorbed by Surplus name of Sue Nichols '66 to fill the
Duba, a graduate of State several at the end of each fiscal year. now vacant post of University Songyears ago. She served with the
It was announced by Senator Bob leader.
Corps in Jamaica.
Gable '66 that there will be a
Johnston also presented names
Mr. and Mis. Bresee were the meeting of Government Reorgani- for appointment of Election Comother two speakers. They had both zation and Senate Rules Commit- mission. These will be voted on at
served in Western Nigeria*
tees jointly on Tuesday afternoon the next meeting.
by Karen Keefer
Linksmen Defeat Marist
Tie Arch-Rival Hamilton
Facing arch-rival Hamilton College last Friday, the
varsity golf team pulled out a last minute 4 1/2-4 1/2
split decision. Paul Bachorz, the last man to finish,
was faced with the task of obtaining the tie for State.
Hamilton was the only team that was able to defeat
Albany's linksmen last year.
VOL. L. NO. 14
Two Tie for Frosh Senate Seat;
Peace Corps Representatives Speak
State Threatens
Siena runner slides safely into second base as umpire begins to
make safe sign; Mike putney awaits late throw.
M A Y S , 1964
Albany State's freshmen baseball
team dropped its fourth straight
game Saturday afternoon with a
12-3 loss to Mohawk Valley CC.
The Peds took an early 2-0 lead
and held onto it for three innings.
However, Siena came back to score
eight runs in the fourth inning and
that was it for State.
Fred Cicero was the losing pitcher
for State. The frosh could only manage lour hits witli liill Haas double;
being the biggest blow. Hay Cianfrun , Andy Christian, and Dick Hoeth
singled for the other State lilts,
After the first tour games of the
season, iiay Ciaufrini is the hottest
hitting freshmen ballplayer. The
versatile third baseman, who Is
•Iso doing some catching, is currently swinging at a .417 clip with
5 hits for 12 times at bat.
The Ped yearlings will lake the Runner slides safely under catcher's peg to second base to comfield again Thursday, May 7 against plete successful steal attempt in AMIA action.
Hudson Valley Community College,
Earlier in the week the Peds
topped Siena 7-2 and Oneonta 6-3
on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. In singles contests eleven
of the twelve matches went to Albany but the racqueteers had difficulty in doubles play as they lost
four of six matches.
Although the team is heretofore
undefeated the players feel that
their toughest competition is yet
to come; these matches are against
RPI tomorrow and New Paltz Saturday and New Paltz again May 23.
Frosh Cop
Two Matches
In what may I* called a successful weekend for he frosh tennis
team, it chalked up two quite decided victories. On Friday they
topped Adirondack 9-0 and Saturday Union yielded 8-1.
In Saturday's match, which was
played at home, the calm, consistent racked of Ken Zacharlas defeated Chris Koinisarjevsky 6-1 and
fl-0. Guy Nicosia beat Sandy Levlne
5-7, 6-3, and 6-3, and Stan Kerpel
beat Aaron Rutherford 6-4, 1-6, and
Malcolm Provost was victorious
over Bill Dancliuk 6-1 and 6-4,
Dave Gorey came through with a 7-5
and 6-2 victory over Dwight Wolk
6-0 and 6-4, and little Davy Hunter
defeated Mike Kaufman 6-3 and7-5.
In doubles, Zacharlas and Provost edged out Koinisarjevsky 5-7,
6-4, and 6-3. The only loss of the
day came when Kerpel and Gory
were put down by Leviue and Dancliuk 6-1 and 6-4. After losing the
first set 3-6, Nicosia and Hunter
came back to defeat Wolk and Kaufman 6-3 and 6-3.
In Friday's match, wb.'ch was
played away, the gremlin netmen
opened up with both barrels.
William Hudson rehearses the Concert Band as they prepare for
the upcoming Spring Festival.
, State Music Department to Present
Ensembles in Spring Music Festival
The Music Department of the State University of New
York at Albany will present the annual Spring Music
Festival, the final event in the '63-'64 University Music
Series, 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12 and Thursday,
May 14, in Page Hall.
All of the instrumental and choral ensembles of the
University will be presented in the two programs.
The first program on
May 12 will feature the
University String Orchestra, the Brass Ensemble,
and the Concert Band, all
under the direction of William Hudson.
The second concert on May 14
presents the choral ensembles of
the University in a varied program,
The Women's Chorus is directed
by Laurence Farrell who is making
his first appearance in a Spring
Music Festival. They will sing works
by Viltorla, Palestrina, Morley,and
El gar.
Hudson Conducts Orchestra
Farrell studied and performed as
Hudson, who has conducted pro- a choral conductor in the New York
fessionally in Europe and this coun- City area and at the Eastman School
try, recently came to the University id' Music,
from the Yale School of Music
The String Ensemble will perwhere lie was u member of the
form 1 tie "Scherzo" from the "Opus
conducting staff.
77" id' Dvorak under the direction
lie will lead the University String of Professor Charles I1'. Stokes.
Orchestra in the "Trauer-musik for
and String
Statesmen Sing
mourning music composed by HindeKarl A. li. Peterson will direct
lllllh upon the death of King George the Statesmen
V in 1030. d i a r i e s F. Stokes will "Creation Hymn," Morley's"Hound
appear a.s viola soloist.
Around About a Wood," and two
The orchestra will also perforin compositions by Shaw, "Stodole
" the "Suite No. 2 m li Minor for Pumpa" and "Du, du liegst mil'
Flute and Si rings" by Bach, a Bar- im Herzen."
que Suite which consists of movements, each In the character of a
The Statesmen will also sing a
dance. Laurence Farrell will ac- group of traditional American songs
company on the harpsichord and — "When Johnny Comes Marching
Eleanor Diener '67 and Karen Cal- Home, "Bound for Hie Rio Grande,"
llson '66 will be soloists.
"Old Tom Wllsun," and "OJd King
Also on the program is the "Can- Cole."
zon Septimi Toni No. 2 " by GaPeterson will lead the Collegiate
brieli, sonorous music for an eight Singers in Vauglian Williams' "A
part brass group, performed by the Choral Flourish," Mendelssohn's
Brass Ensemble.
"Behold) God the Lord Passed By!"
Randall Thompson's "Chose SomeUniversity Band Featured
thing Like a Star," and Fox's "Hold
The second part of the program On! Hold On!" Harriet Hosoff '66
will feature the University Band in is the accompanist.
"Music from the Hoyal Fireworks"
The Festival Chorus under the
1) by Handel, the " F i r s t Suite in E direction of Peterson will conclude
Flat for Mililary Band" by the late the concert with "The Last Words
English composer, Gustav Hoist, of David (II Samuel, XXIII, 3, 4)"
and selections from Leonard Bern- by Randall Thompson and "Hallestein's "West Side S t o - V
lujah ('Mount of O-lives')" by BeetTwo inarches will i onclude this hoven.
Firemen 'Battle' Incinerator at Sayles
Albany Fire Department sends one of its finest engines in response to the alarm from Sayles.
Fire engines screamed into the
driveway at Sayles late Sunday night
in response to the second " f i r e "
the women's residence has experienced in the past month.
As with the first such occurrence, there was no cause for alarm,
but it was half an hour before peace
returned to the residence quadrangle,
The trouble came just alter the
dorm closed at 11:01) p.m. when a
pipe casing on the furnace apparently blew off, sending a shower of
sparks ami soot up through the
Miss Eleanor Smalley, director
and business manager of the dorm,
called the fire department as a
safety precaution. It was not deemed
necessary to have the girls leave
the building,
Five of six of the firemen went
Into the dorm and up the three
flights of stairs to the roof. They
inspected the chimney and made
sure thai the sparks had not ignited
the roof.
Mrs. Inez Aubrey, housemother,
and the Resident Assistants r e mained in Hie halls urging the girls
to return to their rooms.
I'hoto by Upham
Comparative calm reigned in the
dorm, and several girls actually
slept through both the explosion and
the fire department,
Outside, however, it was a different story, Upon hearing tlie fire
sirens, the men of nearby Waterbury rushed onto the law and expressed their great concern because the girls were not being
Some disappointment was also to
be found in Sayles. One girl mourned,
"AH Frosh Weekend they told us to
mingle. Now, when we get a chance,
they won't lei u s . "