PAGE 8 STATE UNIVERSITY N E W S , FRIDAY, D e c e m b e r 13, 1063 9ort Aye,Gort! 'Twas 1 hear you arrested inth'act we nabbed t h ' an Abominable thievin' Snowman this cat burglar. evening ,Chie<\ ...atop a cave with his bag o' boodle in hand! And th 1 old boy was really in his cup*!., paradin' about in an outlandish costume... OK, buster! you gonna blow up this balloon or ain't ga?! ...laughin' Co beat th' band Ain't THEN he says he got on he a th' rooP with flgin'deer! Come on over to th'drunk beaut, tank and see Per yerselP! tho'?! STATE STUDENTS, FACULTY BECOME FOSTER PARENTS Find the strength for your life... Graciela Garcia has been "adopted" by the students of Albany State. The seven and a half year old Columbian girl will receive food, clothing, and financial support for one year through the Foster Parents Plan. Potter Club contributed forty dollars to bring the total. funds, C o l l e c t e d t h r o u g h the State University News, Worship MYSKANIA THIS WEEK Movie Review History Pngt1 5 Critic Feels Huston Follows Auteur Policy by Paul Jensen John Huston Is a d i r e c t o r who h a s a r b i t r a r i l y been labeled " n o n auteur." It s e e m s s t r a n g e that d i r e c t o r s such a s John F o r d , who constantly depend on s c r e e n plays by many different people, a r e classed a s the autho r s of their films, w h i l e the "fallen i d o l " Huston, who began his c a r e e r a s a script w r i t e r and almost always at least c o l l a b o r a t e s on this aspect of h i s films, i s quickly d i s m i s s e d from c o n s i d e r a tion. Despite the auteur ' ' c r i t i c s " d e t e r m i n e d efforts to rationalize them away, Huston h a s made at least four p a r t i c u l a r l y excellent films, and one which is definitely a c l a s s i c . First Flick Clicks His first p i c t u r e , The Maltese F a l c o n , turned out to be one of the best m y s t e r i e s every filmed. This Is due a s much to the d i r e c t i o n , s u r p r i s i n g l y accomplished for a b e g i n n e r , and the s c r i p t a s to the c a s t and quality of the original Dashiell Hammett novel. The auteur " c r i t i c s " will c o n - The CIRTNECOGE by Elizabeth Stroud Is this year so much more difficult than years past? For some reason, people seem to be "underthe weathe r " more than usual. Beneath the meaningless response of "I'm fine," you can't help noticing a pretty widespread lack of being fine. Maybe it's just getting toward the end of the semester, but I doubt it; this discouragement has been present for some time. People who are normally happy are walking around brooding; bright students are discussing the possibility of leaving school. State has always been filled with academic pressures if not equal to those of other schools, then frequently greater. This year, it's really outdoing itself. If this is a conscious effort, a planned movement in "cracking down," then perhaps there's an explanation — some logical excuse. If this isn't the case, then there's cause for real worry. I'm not talking about any lack of "rah-rah-State-is great" enthusiasm, and I hope no one has misunderstood me. There is, however, a depressive apathy which can be remedied only by individual re-evaluation and effort. Maybe I'm making a big thing out of nothing — I wish I could believe that. In any event, there's not much one person can do to combat the loss of spirit and drive that is hobbling such a surprising number of students. Perhaps with vacation approaching, some time can finally be allotted to serious thought about this problem. I sincerely hope that, instead of increasing participation in what could become a deadly downward spiral of morale, a rational, more optimistic attitude and answer can be found. The potential for a reversal in the present state of things exists. Let's stop this insidious leak before it gets way out of hand, NOTICES KAPPA MU Pierce Hall The telephone uuiiibei loi 1'ierce Hall is listed incoi i ectl, in ihe Student D u e c i o r y , li should read 489-6521. State University Revue Lee Liss ' 6 5 , the director of the State University Kevue, asks an> and all p e r s o n s interested in being the pianist for the Kevue to contact h e r at 43(j»9215, Auditions will be held in I'age or the Commons on .Saturday mornings at the convenience oi the applicants. This i s one part of the current effort on the part of the Kevue Committee to open the Kevue to all i n t e r e s t e d in taking p a r t . Other ( T r e v o r Howard, E r r o l Flynn, O r son Welles) and an unusual s t o r y line (one m a n ' s a t t e m p t s to save the elephant from extinction), i t ' s fascinating entertainment. These more recent films set the auteur " p o l i c y " on Huston, and the only problem was to force the e x ceptional exceptions into the party line mold. It s e e m s a s though these ' ' c r i t i c s " have c on v i n c e d t h e m s e l v e s that they have succeeded. It would, however, have been just a s easy to take his good films a s a b a s i s , and rationalize the weaker ones onto the s a m e level. Either way is f r u i t l e s s , p o i n t l e s s , a n d s u r e ly a s uncritical a s one could get. BLUE NOTE SHOP FOLK GUITARS $29.50 to $49.50 156 Central Avenue ALBANY 3 , N E W YORK RELIGION IN AMERICAN Published as a public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council. Walt's Subs Around the Corner from the Dorms Open Daily Mon.-Thurs. Ha.mM30p.rn Fri. %Sat. The Bottle of San Pietro, a documentary edited by H u s t o n from World War II combat footage, is considered one of the most effective a n t i - w a r films yet made. The Asphalt Jungle (1950) is a n other m y s t e r y film, this time of the " p e r f e c t c r i m e " school. Huston's adaptation of The Red Badge of Coorage is his fourth line film, also made in 1950. LJut the one unquestionable c l a s s i c of Huston's (or anyone's) c a r e e r , is T h e Treasure of Sierra Madre, which be filmed in Mexico, with his lather, Walter Huston, Humphrey Bogart, and Tim Holt. A power fill study of human greed, it is m o r e effective than von S t r o h e i m ' s and destined to become a s much of u classic. Ever since Red Badge Huston has been in what, simplified, could be called a decline. While none of h i s recent p i c t u r e s have been completely w o r t h l e s s , none has been entirely successful e i t h e r . At t i m e s the m a t e r i a l proves too much for linn, a s in his valiant a t tempt at renderingMoby Dick. Other n i n e s , the material is too weak (Hooven Knows, Mr. Allison, The List of Adrian Messenger), and lie t r i e s too hard to improve minor s t o r i e s (Tho Barbarian and the Geisha, The Unforgiven). The Roots of Heaven is Ills best post-1950 film. With a good cast fia.m-l.30am. Sun. 4-.00p.rn.—Up.m. 271 Ontario Street ONE WAY TO TRAVEL ' FOR LESS THAN GREYHOUND A short walk is good for you. But when you really want to travel you can't beat Greyhound for going places at lowest cost. In fact Greyhound costs less than trains, planes or driving yourself. For economy, GO GREYHOUND . . . AND LEAVE THE DRIVING TO US. No HOME OF THE BURGER FAMILY' - a size for every appetite Meet the Burger Family'— o t h e r f o r m of p u b l i c t r a n s p o r t a t i o n h a s t a r e s so l o w f o r e x a m p l e ALBANY-NEW YORK Oneway Jb.A), Round l u p 50.40 Mamma burger BINCHAMTON One way $4.9b, Round l u p JH.'lli ALBANY-BOSTON ALBANY-ROCHESTER One way $6.60; Round t u p $11,90 One way $ / . l b , Hound l u p $ I A 9 0 ALBANY-PLATTSBURQH One way $5.30; Round I up S l . i b One way $8.30, Round Hip $ 14.9b ALBANY-UTICA One * a y $3.40; Round tup $6. l b Papa burger ALBANY ALBANY-PHILADELPHIA ALBANY-BUFFALO One way $8.6b; Round l u p Jl'j.bO ALBANY-SYRACUSE JSO B R O A D W A Y One way $4.4b; Round t r i p $8.05 A L B A N Y , N . Y. Baby burger "Service by car hostess or come inside our new enclosure for comfortable coun- 1602 WESTERN AVENUE Daily II a.m.- Ilp.m. 'Just Past the Northway' hi—Sat. 11 a.m.-\ a.m. HAM.Al.l Yuu Cin (•!>« itiuir w i l l ,<IN o'l I (j'ryliouni) II , „ . , (irrlrr iri'd liuridi, ,,i r , l [ , t"UU«Vc on *h<-*rt I,, ( , , , ' , I K H . I M I l'4'higc t i p r t t t l i t 1'icie in l i o u n j u d c u m yuw Ictt- GO GREY11QUND ...and leave the driving to us VOL. XLIX NO. 27 Senate Axes 2nd Semester Tax; Bails Review Out With $500 Loan At Wednesday night's Senate meeting Senate defeated the proposed second semester student tax. After an airingof views at a poorly attended special hearing on Friday, December 13, 1963, and much discussion, Finance Committee, chaired by Barbara Townsend '65, came out against any second semester student tax. Later, when President Cerra '64 asked for a motion on the proposed second semester Students To Present Four One-Act Plays In Richardson 291 The student d i r e c t o r s of tlie Speech 112 Advanced Dramatics C l a s s will p r e s e n t four one-act plays in Richardson 291 at 7:30 this coining Monday, T u e s d a y , and Wednesday. Judy Stone 'G4, Is directing Thornton W i l d e r ' s " T h e Happy J o u r n e y to Trenton and C a m d e n . " The story c o n c e r n s a family of five, their t r i a l s and tribulations. M i s s Stone is a s s i s t e d hy Bill Mayer '65. The cast includes Dob Judd ' 6 5 , Bill Miller ' 0 7 , Gail Giancola ' 6 6 , Eve C h a m b e r s '(16, and J a m i e L i t t l e field from Milne School. Two of the o n e - a c t o r s oiler social c o m m e n t s . " H e l l o from B e r t h a " by T e n e s s e e Williams is a social c o m ment on a girl gone wrong. Nathan Puckett '64 a s s i s t e d by Judy B r a g null '67 d i r e c t s a cast of t h r e e : Susan Metz 'GG, Amelia Weiss 'Cfj, and Moya Zubowich ' 6 7 . Pat Pezzulo '64 is directing Ihe last s c e n e in A Doll's House by Henrick Ibsen. T h e play is a p r o test against stuffy nineteenth century conventions. In tins s c e n e the wile p r e p a r e s to leave h e r husband to seek her own identity in a society thai denies individual thought and ideas to women. Cheryl Wei ben '04 and Stu Salomon '67 head Ihe cast. Miss Pezzulo is a s s i s t e d hy Lenora McC'abe ' 6 4 . ' ' P a s s i o n . Poison, and P e t r i f a c t i o n " by G. 11. Shaw is a delightful farce about a husband, wile, and lover, lioli Willower '04 is a s s i s t e d by Mary lleubel '6a and a cast of five: Dick P r y b r y z e r s k l ' 6 7 , Mary Seller '65, Bob Diet/. '6G, Gary Taylor '66 . and John Latlglon ' 66. student tax, no Senator desired to make the motion. Therefore, the bill was defeated. The bill was to include, among other things, a request for $3040 for the State University News. This money is necessary for the continuation of the publication of the newspaper. This request will lie re-inl reduced next Wednesday. Senator Townsend also reminded Senate that the budget of SEANYS, Detiate Council, Department of R e c r e a t i o n , Fencing Club, and Senate r e m a i n frozen. Tlie Senate budget r e m a i n s frozen due to an additional error. Review Loan A loan for the State University Review was also approved. The $500 loan i s n e c e s s a r y s o that the Review can meet the e x p e n s e s of r o y a l t i e s costumes and m a k e - u p , and set construction. With the a p p r o priation of this loan, Senate is left with $12,231.24 in Ihe s u r p l u s fund. Senator Townsend also made it clear that there is $830.62 in the Contingency' Surplus Fund. After d e ducting $127 for tlie Harpur Confere n c e , there is a balance of $703,62. Senate also approved the appointment of Victor Mitchell '66 and Robert Sargeant '64. A MYSKANIA ruling directed that Senate approval was required lor C e r r a ' s appointe e s . C e r r a failed to s e c u r e the a p proval on his first attempt to have Ins appointees accepted. Soliciting Committee President C e r r a set up a Solicitation Committee, It will lie chaired by Al Smith '66. Constitution c o m (continued on p o g e 4) Formal Fraternity, Sorority Rush Scheduled Jo BeginFebruary7 The loriual rush period loi both freshmen women and men will I e gin on I'i I d a . , I -ebi uai \ 7. The s o r o r i t i e s ami It a t e r n i t i e s plan to begin rushing wtlh then annual Coker and Smoker respectively. The groups will introduce themselves in skits. At this time, Uioklets explaining rushing i i i l e s . listing rushing a c tivities and locations ol Hie houses, will lie d i s t r i b u t e d . HE 4-fllSS Teen burger JANUARY lO, 1064 three old trunks, a table, a cupboard, a sewing machine, some chairs, and a stool. The family cooks over a coal stove in a small LIFE Films A & W Root Beer DRIVE-IN EPSILON Kappa Mu Epsilon will have its C h r i s t m a s meeting on Tuesday e v e ning, December 17 at 8:00 in Draper M'J. Hulli Siegel '0fj and George Matthews *G"• a r e the c o - c h a i r u of entertainment and ai e guai anleeIng a wonderliil evening. See wui there. cede that it is a good film, but they refuse to admit that Huston bad anything to contribute. The s u c c e s s of the p i c t u r e , tliey say, i s d u e t o t h e good fortune that the cast (Humphr e y Bogart, Mary Astor, Sidney G r e e n s t r e e t , P e t e r L o i r e ) was i d e ally suited to the c h a r a c t e r s . The Big Sleep, from a Raymond Chandler novel, is the same type of tough, p r i v a t e - e y e film, with many of the s a m e p l a y e r s . Its main distinction i s a script that gets the viewer completely confused, and never r e s o l v e s the plot. The audience i s no closer to a solution at the end than at any point during the picture. It i s , however, directed by an a u t e u r , Howard Hawks, and s o is naturally a better film than that of Huston. The rationalization: its inconclusiveness makes it m o r e true to life. Taking the two films alone, to stand or fall on their own individual m e r i t s , without regard for the r e s t of the d i r e c t o r ' s c a r e e r , it is o b vious that Falcon is by far a better film. Fraternity Rushing The I i ' C Sinokei will be held in Brubachei Dining Room on Friday, February r' at 8 p.m. Dr. Clifton T h o m e , Dean of the University College, will be Hie main speaker at this t i m e . The general p r o g r a m for CraterIllty r u s h includes open houses from Saturday, F e b r u a r y 8, to T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 13 from 7 to 2 a,in The F o r m a l Open House oil Sunday, kitchen shared with another family. The latrine is shared with twelve other people. G r a c i e l a ' s father i s a c a r p e n t e r with a steady job which pays $8.00 a week - the living for the family. Rent c o s t s $15.00 a month and coal c o s t s $2.00 a month. The S. U. News Foster Child, Garcelia Garcia University Band in Page Hall Presents Pops Program Today The University Concert Band p r e s e n t s a Pop Concert today in Page Hall at 1:2!) p.m. a s the third event in the Uuiversiiy Music S e r i e s . The performance will not only be the first of the season for the band, but also the first under i t s new conductor, William Hudson. The p r o g r a m will include Chester Overture by William Scliunian, American C o m p o s e r , former president of Julliard, and now president of Lincoln Center of the Performing A r t s ; and selections from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein. Featured will be a piano solo by Nicholas Argyros '05 and Paul Cochrane '65. They wil perform George G e r s h w i n ' s Rhapsody in Blue in the original piano version, which has been a r r a n g e d for two pianos by Laurence F a r r e l l of the Music Department. Hudson, Assistant P r o f e s s o r of Music and now Conductor of the University Band and O r c h e s t r a , holds d e g r e e s from Yale, the Uuiversiiy of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia C o n s e r v a t o r y . He has played and conducted p r o fessionally in E u r o p e . (continued on page 3) The money which is left provides a diet consisting mainly of corn soup, macaroni or r i c e , and coffee. Eggs were a C h r i s t m a s Day luxury. G r a c i e l a ' s oldest b r o t h e r , P e d r o , is m a r r i e d but can barely support his own family. Her s i s t e r S o c o r r o , 18, and her b r o t h e r s C a r l o s , 12, A l b e r t o , 15, and Miguel, 1G, a r e in school. Her youngest b r o t h e r , B u i l l e r m o , 4, is too young to go to school. G r a c i e l a is not, but until now her p a r e n t s were not able to send h e r . The Plan will provide h e r with the money and clothing s h e needs to attend school. Through the students at Albany State, she, too. will have a chance lor an education. Ferrante and Teicher Piano Team To Perform Their Popular Themes On February 10 at 8:30 p.m., the two piano team ol F e r r a n t e and T e i c h e r will appear at Page Hall, in a p r o g r a m entitled F e r r a n t e and Teicher " S t r i k e Up the G r a n d s . " The cuncerl is sponsored by Music Council. around the world, In the latter a r e a , their most r e cent lour was not only sold out, but (lie SRO sign was displayed in virtually every metropolis they visited. Tickets will lie on sale in the p e r i s t y l e s ai $1.00 p e r ticket on February 6, the day c l a s s e s r e s u m e lor the second s e m e s t e r . Tax cards must be shown lor each ticket purchased and only two tickets will be sold to an individual. F u r t h e r details on ticket s a l e s will be announced In poster. Active on every front of the e n tertainment world, the duo-pianists successes in television (Dinah Shore. P e r r y Como, C a r r y Moore, Steve Allen . Danny Kayo, Dick Clark, Tonight Show, e t c . ) and in concert lour, winch have c a r r i e d them But it is perhaps in the recording field that their popularity can best lie gauged. In three y e a r s they have sold over 7 1/2 million single discs and a ih 3 1/2 million L P ' s , their list of hits being headed by such liest...1 , , 1 . . . .1 t I'T>I... sel e r s a, .s the themes from " IT he Apartment," " E x o d u s , " "Tonight," and " C l e o p a t r a . " Tops in Pops li iniglil lie said of F e r r a n t e and Teicher that they have been most instrumental m bringing movie iliemses to the attention of ihe public, which lael has earned them the coveted title of " T h e Movie Theme Team." February H will be held from 2:30 to '< p.m. The weekend ol February 14-16 will be lull ol activity. Stag p a r l i e s will lie held on Friday and dale p a r t i e s on Saturday night, Bids will be distributed oh Sund a y , February Ba from "I to 10 p.m. in Waterbtirj Hall, Sorority Rustling The s o r o r i t i e s will open the l o r iual rush period with Ibuir Coker on F r i d a y , February 7 at 8 p.111. Un Saturday, February 8, and Sunday, February '•>, the s o r o r i t i e s will bold their open houses. Kappa Delta, Sigma Phi Sigma, ( :i11 Sigma Theta, ami Sigma Alpha will hold their open house on S a t u n l a y , from 12 to 2:30 p.m. Gamma Kappa Phi, Beta / e t a , P s i G a m m a , will hold their open to $180, enough to "adopt" a child. Graciela is one of seven children, six of whom live at home. "Home" is a small flat in the slum of northern Bogota. It has two rooms which holds beds, Tlie careei of F e r r a n t e and T e i c h e r a s a team had its origins when I hey were six y e a r s old and students at New Y o r k ' s Juillard School of Music. During their days at Juillard they studied with the s a m e t e a c h e r s , and later were graduated a s piano m a j o r s under the late distinguished Carl Friedlierg. After graduating, they decided to try their luck a s a concert team. Following a brief period of conceiii/.iug they returned to Juillard as faculty m e m b e r s , teaching theory and composition, and during the next few y e a r s combined leaching with a Hunted schedule of c o n c e r t s , at the s a m e time working together to c r e a t e new two-piano m a t e r i a l . After awhile their popularity in the concert held made it n e c e s s a r y for them to give up their duties at J u i l l a r d altogether. They played from c o a s t - l o - c o a s t , driving their own truck, which housed their two pianos. Jungle The world-renowned piano duo of Ferrante and Teicher wi appear at State in February. Pianos They hit upon an idea to add "now s o u n d s " to I Met r pianos, By stuffing wads ol p a p e r s , sticks and rubber stops in the pianos, they produced unusual sounds giving the effect of a banjo, guitar, bongo d r u m , e t c , They used these " g i m m i c k s " in t h e i r e n c o r e s , and soon found they hail c r e a t e d a F r a n k e n s t e i n , with audiences clamoring more for e n c o r e s than the regular p r o g r a m . At this time they were recording for Westminister R e c o r d s , and the recording company made a s e r i e s of albums with them, employing their " g i m m i c k s " a s applied to the " s p a c e sound." This was the beginning of new u n a for F e r r a n t e and T e i c h e r , When the p r o d u c e r s of a Hollywood short heard one of these a l b u m s , they engaged the boys to (continued on p a g e 8) PAGE 2 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S , F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 10, 1964 S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y N E W S . F R I D A Y . J A N U A R Y 10, 1 9 6 4 Needed: One University President Since the announcement that tuition would be charged at all units of the State University and used to pay for the buildings in the construction p r o g r a m s , the State University system h a s been without a president. There have been people who have said that t h e r e i s a direct causal relationship between the two items. We, of t h e State University News, are deeply disappointed at the Governor's a p p a r e n t inability to find a capable and willing person. Were it not for the present immense growth of our college, we would be actively advocating o u r own President, Dr. Collins. STATE feller's lukewarm-liberal programs. We feel that this would be the worst form of patronage. We a r e not at all impressed by the personal problems of the legislator. VS. —^*<^b SIENA ~yr x JAM- il I by Pat Fosano and Skip Schreiber We a r e all for having a man who has had extensive experience in education as either the Dean o r the President of a large undergraduate and graduate college. We hope the eventual appointment will be of someone with experience in our state system of higher education. We hope further that the appointment will come soon. D i r e c t i o n s : Answer all questions — we d a r e you! Think carefully — each has m o r e than one c o r r e c t a n s w e r . 1. We a r e a University in (a) transition (b) hot water (c) d e s p a i r (d) shock. (a). While (b), (c), and (d) a r e all c o r r e c t , (a) is m o r e c o r r e c t liec a u s e (b), (c), and (d) a r e al a d i r e c t result of (a). However, very few seem lo know where w e ' r e " t r a n s i t i o n i n g " from or where we'i e " t r a n s i t i o n i n g " to. Does anyone know exactly what it m e a n s ? The Administration has set up an insanely intricate network of c o m m i t t e e s which seem to he confusion everyone. Even the Administration. Is the student body interested enough to e m p h a s i z e the important a s p e c t s of this t r a n s i t i o n ? For the past two y e a r s we've been d i s c u s s i n g the place of s o r o r i t i e s and f r a t e r n i t i e s on the new c a m p u s . But, by the way, has anyone thought of l e s s e r m a t t e r s such a s l i b r a r i e s , l a b s , o n - c a m p u s speech clinic, Co-Op facilities, and a faculty sufficiently l a r g e for the i n c r e a s e d number of s t u d e n t s ? Do we " c a r e enough to send the very best?" I wonder who they got to replace Thorpe? SA Presidency Unattractive Thank You have been outstanding. This remains true despite the belief that a politician must look like "Bucky the Beaver" to win votes. Nancy Baumann, the current Student Association Vice President, refuses (so far) to run. She is clearly the obvious choice for nomination. Her qualifications cannot be denied, despite h e r slight tendencies toward autocracy. Ed Wolner, the current chairman of the Constitutions Committee, is one of the most oustanding intellects in student government. His independence and ability for clear thought a r e extensive enough to make up for any lackof technical knowledge o r partisan toughness. The second most obvious possibility is similarly well-qualified-Arthur Johnston. His knowledge of governmentaloperations and procedures is clearly the best of the c u r r e n t m e m b e r s of student government. His intention has been adamantly negative. He remains a capable candidate despite a reputation for filibustering. There are four other senators who, while interested in Student Government and while generally able, have evidenced no interest in the job. They a r e Senators Delio, Stenard, Genero, and Hamilton. We would like to take this opportunity to H k i l l those, faculty and students alike, who hHp< < nrtki? the S. U. News Foster P a r e n t s Plan a s u n v s II is refreshing to know that the students of this (Hi r s i t v are capable of contributing to a charitable dri\ out the stimulation of throwing pies and Hi We would also like to remind all o u r c o n t r i and we hope, our future contributors, that the Parents Plan is a continuing fund, and that ll will be dependent upon your support for v< come. We will launch another fund-raising <• next fall, and we hope the response will be erous as it has been this year. No Exam Schedule We are not printing the Examination Schi'di, year. We havo reached this decision for mnreason—we can see no sense in aiding ;nxl what in our opinion is one of the most otitdab The other members from the class of Barbara Townsend, the current chair- '65 who are in Senate and those who are cedures on this campus. We can see no reason for continuing to man of Finance Committee, has been a in class offices have shown little that examinations in the present manner. (Iru' superb legislator. Her efficiency in her resembles qualifications for the campus' members of the math department who do Mide fartu position of Minister of Finance highest office. drafting do a commendable job in avoiding >•<> But this does not make up for the time w • class, and does not exclude the possibility students having three finals on the first day "' Senate Bus Chartering As lor solicitation, signing up A permanent examination schedule should 1"' their due consideration limn Ihe people lor a c h a r t e r is no more v tiling si udenl bodv , and also up, thus giving students not only the oppori suliciiiitiini ilian is the Campus Chest oi h e r s i eceived mm e than then EstablishesBureaucracy schedule their classes but also their exann: d r i v e II there is no chance produe. To the Editor: vided loi competition, how a r e we Until this is done, or some other reasonable Ilowevei I Hunk dial the ComKe ><>111- editorial ol December 13 lo combat possible abuses ol a plaint Department ol ihe Slate Uniintroduced, we will continue to abstain from p on hus c h a r t e r s : monopoly ? I have yei to see a comversity News has gone | a little the Fxamination Schedule. Whether you like li or not, the pletely perteel monopoly — even die overboard. I, loi one, am more COMMUNICATIONS r ght.s of i lie inili vicinal a r e being intelephone s e c . ice! fringed upon; t n p e this statement ma> be, bin i t ' s irue iripe nonetheIndividual c h a r t e r e r s niav have l e s s . II tlie student hod\ l o s e s Us ' ' p r o f i t e e r e d " in the pasl bill 1 have Independence m sin,ill ways now, n seen no sifiii ol any doing so this will lose iliem in l a r g e r ways later, y eai . These c h a r t e r i n g lor ihe " S e n a t e in control ing all buses C h r i s t m a s vacation who asked p e r is moving in the right d i r e c t i o n . " — mission ol Senate lo do so earned, the direction, ol c o u r s e , being minIn IIIOSI c a s e s , their own hire —no i a t u r e b il renin i acy. I personally will m o r e . In one c a s e , a prollt was have none ol tins, and from the furor m a d e - o l $4, ol Thanksgiving and C h r i s t m a s t i m e , I a s s u m e thai the majority ol the I probably am a " n a n nw minded .student bodv a g r e e s wiih me. noo-Neaiidertlial," bill I don't c a r e , T r a n s p o r t a t i o n monopolies m m I'm in good company. Senate —for he " t h e rule and not I lie e x c e p t i o n , " once—has seen lit to represent slubin musl we slavishly lollow the iluiit opinion by consi stem I. voting r u l e , suupl) because n e x i s t s ? down bills authorizing a monopoly. Tins issue is one ol iiionej as II il iluesn'l let the iniiioi 11 y , and well a s i,l pi u i n p l u . Mow inexpenu s iiieinhei s' own i n t e r e s t s , get sive is " r e l a t i v e l y " inexpensive? in the vva\ we niav al l« able lo And why doesn't an " i s o l a t e d bus go home in peace. The minority to a heavily -popul a led a r e a . . . " r e p - has had Us ' . o n e , now H inns! conr e s e n t a valid i s s u e ? Isn't theohjocl cede Ihe bailie. ol c h a r t e r i n g buses lo save us Lindu Dolfb '65 money ? Il a pi i vately -i hai tared bus can be obtained loi l e s s than a Seiiate-t b a r t e r e d bus, why l u r b i d i t ? 1 am not trying to eliminate this idea e n t i r e l y ! as the University g r o w s , practicality will demand s o m e executive i ontrol ol < b a r t e r To tlio Editor: ing, and it will be n e c e s s a r y lor III e s s e n c e , I must agree with the Senate to c h a t t e l s o m e buses Itsell. ( oiiiinon-Statcrs concerning die hut must we go ovei boa) d in the Who's-WIm elections II is true veiy UigmiiiiigV i hat all those mentioned (and sevIs II i m p e r a t i v e that '•Senate r e l u s e eral who remained uniueniinned) o individuals the right lo c h a t t e l ' In I bull a r t i c l e de.sei ve Ibis honor b u s e s ? I think not. (such a s H i s ) , and did not receive Greeks Not to Blame; Others Need to Vote than a little tired ol the seemingly c u r r e n t t rend ol blaming evei ; thing which goes wi oiig on the Greeks, i.e., " T i n ' Greeks slink all ovei lor Ibis. " Things al e in a pi ell'. sad slate when 'M)",[ ol ihe stud body ran decide ev e n elect ion '.'.Inch is held hei e. Yet, because Ihe 'M)"/i do '. oie (and Ihe oihei "il)1',' . by and large, do not). Ihe entire blame seems in automatically lall upon then should e r s , He .serious. The leal fault lies Willi Ihose both in and outside ol the Greek organi/al ions (i.e., ihe (Mil ire voting loiiiiniinii , . ) In ibis lasi Cominoii-Slalei , ihe '.mi e ol Ihe students s e e m s lo have deleriiii aled lo Ihe edlloi s ol a pell y . " soil! gi a p e s ' ' column. II you wani lo edlloriall.'e. people, use II liloi lal seel ion im vmil causlli personal attacks. Il inlghi even he a good idea lo think a linle inoj e aboiu what you wille. State University ESTABLISHED •Y Ih, ,<e,y 'he IS,, ',t,in- U,oven,I, ll i s . Murlou Soron&on '64 Nriw» !,e r e u , l i e , ) by d i a l i n g h e , , - , , , I,nil Hiulin. lie, Hull ' l i e p „ b h , ul.nii u t l i . o , l i m i t e d in I'u t I 00 p.m. ',.,iidn, through l e d , , .day. W OF SA Question: We dmi'i r e a l h think that anyone would exploit C h r i s t m a s in win an election, but did \on send otil 3GU C h r i s t i n a s c a r d s ? Bonus question (tJH-70 points): C o m m o n - S t a t e r s provide (a) intellectual stimulation (b) garbage (c) c o n t r o v e r s i a l ideas (d) m e a n i n g l e s s t r i v i a ? We have p r e s e n t e d those i s s u e s which we felt worthy ol p r e s e n t a t i o n . We hope we've disturbed you a little, amused you a little, and caused you in Hunk a little. W e ' . e attempted c r i t i c a l virtuosity, not personal a m inos it \ , in i MI i own inn II n able way. More than anything e l s e , we'd like to .see people 1 eeoglll/.e that I'he world stands out on either side No wnlei than the heart is wide; Aho.e the world is s t r e t c h e d Ihe sky,— No lughei Ihan the soul is high. JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW IT . . ART KAPNER by ,,i,.,l il.ul Hospitalization 75 State Street HO 5-1471 , , e ,. Primer is not the editor, the s'taff, or ihe p r i n t e r . The must vital element ol Primer is you. You, the students ol this college, a r e i e sponsihle for all the material s u b mitted tu the l i t e r a r y magazine. You a r e responsible for the s i z e , scope and content of the 1964 Primer. 1 refuse lu believe that lhis c a m pus dot noi have capable. c r e a t i v e , and pr u ict I ve w r i t e r s . Are you too sh i i too la/.) to submit your wi ,ii igs lo your m a g a z i n e ? flic Primer deadline ( F e b r u a r ) 12) is rapidly approaching, and I e n c o u r a g e all w r i t e r s and would-be w r i t e r s to w r i t e , r e v i s e , and s u b mit m a t e r i a l before this dale. To live is lo e x p r e s s y u u r s e l l ; To e x p r e s s yoursell is In write. J. A. Gomez P.S. Material for Primer should be placed in the student mail under " I " ' or mailed to J. A. Gomez, r ilO Madis^xi Ave., Albany, N, Y. NOTICES H iI loi he a meeting ol Hillel Sunday, January 12 in election ol officers. wi 11 he s e n ed. There will at 7 p.m. on Bru lor the Hell eslniii'iii.s <A*w Miss Agnes Futterer Rushing (More) houses from 2:30 lo 0 p.m. On Sunday, all the houses will be open from 2 to !J p . m . In o r d e r to I e eligible for rushing a girl must attend all ttie sorority open houses and the Coker. Rush Parties Noted Students Rush P a r t i e s will be lieldonMolida\ Tuesdav, T h u r s d a y , and Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 On Sunday, February Hi, all the s o r o r i t i e s will hold rush p a r t i e s . A girl may attend mil) two of these p a r l i e s . No formal invitations will be sent. On Tuesday, F e b r u a r y IH, the conflict p a r t i e s will he held. These p a r t i e s a r e by imitation only. A girl maj attend onlj one of these parlies. While at the University, she s p e cialized in e x p e r i m e n t a l play forms and believes that every age should e x p e r i m e n t in d r a m a . Her opinion of modern d r a m a is that it is ' ' h a r d to-'understand." Her students have included Vincent Donahue, noted d i r e c t o r of Mary Martin in such c o n t e m p o r a r y productions as P e t e r Pan and J e n nie. Attention SENIOR and GRADUATE MEN Students WHO NEED SOME FINANCIAL HELP Hull, Apply to STEVENS BROS. F O U N D A T I O N , INC. A Non-Praflt Educational Frin. 610 ENDICOTT BLDG., ST. PAUL 1, M I N N . MMIMMUNDERGRADS, CLIP AND THE 640 SOUND O/V CAMPUS P r i inor HO 2-&581 (in Wodiiesdaj , Januai \ 15, liithl, Primer will present a lecture l>) I'l . 'I'heiidiii e Adams mi " T h e Ti iitililes nl Wining " Dr. Adams will speak III Hi 111 IUI hei , Hut nil 'J., al II p in. All v. i n ei s would-be wi n er.s , and all interested students coi dialH IMVIIHII lo aitund. WSUA A & W Root Beer DRIVE-IN Gerald Drug Co. in Western A\e. Albany, N. * . Open Your Lambert's Charge Account No interest or carrying charge Phone (1 3D10 20% OFF ON ALL CASH SALES M l QUI I INI H »• I ij I t l . , J l l l l l t i l l ) Ml ' ItukirtoM, M ,•• » » u n „ l e I dilor ' A H U I N A. 0WSINI - i i l o t i n i i - l «, hattflo I d,tui NOW OPEN Mon Thurv Until 9 P.M SUSAN I. I,,, In,,, ul . F, f u g . n . f u b . y , < loudm • '••' Paul J . I I . . . I , f l l . o b . l h Stroud, f o r i G. S.h.e.l.11 Joi«pt> A. Goinai, John Marion, Gary Luciali. J. " " l i ' "" K. XukaiiMiry Mainour, B«lly Wornr, Milan P«no»or.k. ''' •' "• Hollotk, F r a n c t l B . n n . l l , Horuld I ynn., G,„ , Murduik. Gary ll.ri.hb.lg, William Smith, William Gtoy. I r"" Korlh, E l l . n / u n a , D ' o n . J o h m " " A l i n l a n l T,chni<. 0 l Sop.rvnor . '"''» C u " » " Phologroph.r, Pougloi Upham, D . n n n Church, M.cho.l P « l " P a l ' " " C. Whil., Richard I <«.' All comrnuntcolioni ,hould bt a d d r . n . d la i h . . d i l o r arid mull b. . , j » " d M o m . , „ , | | i,, „ , t h h . l d on r , a u . , l . T h . Slat. U n t y . r . i l y N . » i . i m ™ ' "" ' • • p e r u t b i l t l , ( „ , op,mom , « p , . . , . , ) , n , , , column, or commun, c atiom, "• »uch . « p r . , i i o n | do not n . c . i . o r y r . l l . c l i l | v i . w . . 238 W a s h i n g t o n Ave »" MHO IIONMURf PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED OLUE NOTE SHOP 114 llMl««l n o I t i n nMK i FRANCIS J LAMBfRT CHARGE CARD HOME OF THE 'BURGER FAMILY' -- a size for every appetite Meet the Burger F a m i l y ' — EXCLUDED) JOHN MISTLETOE Columniiti CHARGE ACCOUNT IDENTIFICATION"^ (REPAIRS BOOK SHOP Umlord S A V E — — U CA Dance . •. J O S t I'M * I • EUCI Nl [OBEY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THEIR EDUCATION THIS YEAR AND WILL THEN COMMENCE WORK. .IHV/i.lil I 'i ol B i u b u t l EDI I H S HAWUr JOANNf C. SOtilK As editor of Primer, I feel that I work in a friendly a t m o s p h e r e . Primer's budget was i n c r e a s e d over the 19G3 budget, and plans have been made for an i n c r e a s e in the number of copies to he published. Various m e m b e r s of the faculty have given needed advice and a s s i s t a n c e . The l i t e r a r y staff of the m a g a z i n e is booth cooperative and capable. Yet ttie 19G4 Primer may not reach even the lowest of e x pectations. One of h e r most notable a c h i e v e m e n t s at State was the founding of the D r a m a t i c and A r t s Council which aroused I n t e r e s t by bringing to the school such leading d r a m a t i s t s as the Abbey P l a y e r s of I r e l a n d . A natural outbreak of h e r e n thusiasm was the T h e a t r e A r t s A s sociation which was formed by graduate students who did not wish to s e e tier work d i s a p p e a r after h e r r e t i r e m e n t . The TAA c o n s i s t s of people living in the a r e a and m e e t s every two weeks on c a m p u s . The s m a l l yearly m e m b e r s h i p fee is c r e a t i n g a fund which will be used to h i r e outstanding p r o f e s s o r s of s p e e d ) and d r a m a from leading univ e r s i t i e s to an Agnes E. F u t t e r e r c h a i r . Over half of the $10,000 goal for 19C5 has l>een collected. P a r t of the fund has come from c l a s s donations. Recited P l a y s Her first recording was made after her r e t i r e m e n t from active teaching. She had been making a p p e a r a n c e s at s c h o o l s and clubs throughout the E a s t e r n s e a b o a r d , giving renditions of 28 p o e m s and plays, reciting complete one-act plays by heart. All 100 copies of her first a t tempt, s c e n e s from Pygmalion, were quickly sold. Her latest r e c o r d i n g s a r e poetry r e a d i n g s which i l l u s t r a t e the form of poetry and the sweep of v e r s e from S h a k e s p e a r e to Ogden Nash. The r e c o r d s , which came out in J u n e . HJG3, have now repaid their cost of production and have c l e a r e d a profit of $500. Her third project is a cutting of O s c a r Wilde's Lady Wlndemere's Fan, her favorite play. The record should appe&'r after Christinas. Four y e a r s a g o , In 1959, one of S t a t e ' s most honored t e a c h e r s of d r a m a t i c a r t s r e t i r e d after 42 y e a r s of s e r v i c e . F a r from withdrawing from the p r o f e s s i o n , she is now r e cording poetry r e a d i n g s in English literature. Miss Agnes E. F u t t e r e r , who Is presently attending Dr. Knott's English c l a s s from h e r home on Willett S t r e e t , was the founder o f t h e D r a m a and Speech D e p a r t m e n t a s we know it. Having s t a r t e d c o u r s e s in play production at a time when this ' w a s n ' t done,' she had to take upon herself the formidable task of teaching all c l a s s e s In s p e e c h , English d r a m a , and oral interpretation. , n IV J- 1 \1b. JINKS I(j,,(„ T o w a r d s the end of last y e a r , t h e r e was a great amount of talk about the " I m p r o v e d l o o k " of the 1963 Primer. It was felt that the future i s s u e s of the magazine should maintain a s i m i l a r high level of . l i t e r a r y e x p r e s s i o n and a r t i s t i c format. This s t a t e m e n t does not mean that future i s s u e s should be m e r e imitations of the 1963 Primer. Each i s s u e must have its own distinctive flavor arid nuances. A basket ball dance featuring die Vagabonds will be held in the Liruhachei game room after the Siena game Saiunhi) night. The UCA dance c o m m i t i e e under < linirinaii Dun k i s i e l '06 is in c h a r g e of a r r a n g e ment s Im I he dance So . as ('oiiimnn-Si a l e r s : " F o r e v e r , luolhei , hail and f a r e w e l l ! " LIFE - AUTO - FIRE NONAl. U W, IIAMIl f O N Sport, I dilor A •I. Gil Is should have (a) e a r l i e r h o u r s (b) later h o u r s (c) no hours (d) hall hours. Pick an answei . air, answer. Arc you happy with il? The a d m i n i s tration s e e m s duly obsessed with preventing s e x . and m a \ b e we could change our name lo "Uppei Hudson School for V i r g i n s . " We a r e s o m e what disturbed ilia! a girl could p o s s i b h have a nervous breakdown and go unnoticed h\ the proper a u t h o r i t i e s . But al least she'll be a virgin while doing ll. I• I« f i i c u l i v* f dilor A » t U< I l j l D Are t h e r e .senators who a r e (a) t a c t l e s s (b) picayune (c) domineering (d) well-moaning? Yes. . I t ' s important lor s e n a t o r s to a c c o m p l i s h a s much as p o s s i b l e , but not al someone e l s e ' s expense. S e n a t o r s should c o n t r i b u t e , not shove down t h r o a t s , The pi line com e m ol c o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s should not be to show up Hie c h a i r m e n , liig b u s i n e s s , not petty cash. Writes all types of insurance Wit LIAM H. ( 01 CAN Editor-,n-Chi.I DAVID :i. MAY ! • < « THE CLASS , 2. In g e n e r a l , but now always, students at Albany a r e (a) frustrated (b) c a r e - l e s s (<•) slobs (d) drunk. (b) is the c o r r e c t a n s w e r , although (a), (c). and (d) a r e c l o s e . You kunw, friends, Albany Stale is not a charity ward. W e ' r e sick and tired of seeing students make s e c o n d - r a l e and half-hearted a t t e m p t s — a t anything — because lhe\ think this is a s e c o n d - r a l e and half-hearted Institution. It's not; the only iliini' thai will make it so is this kind of attitude. Win is il that people can lind m o r e intellectually stimulating c o n v e r s a t i o n s at home during vacation than they i an Imd h e r e all y e a r ? Wh) a r e people still apologizing for going to Albany? Can anyone help? Aillai Stevenson? Yes, y e s , y e s ! NEWS Mute University N r A l is <l i t „ i i r , i t u^nffil and i,I f , , , l a » Ihruuyboul l l i . u l ' l i u l y n i i i , o « r « p t i n 9 , Omii, [ J i t o , , II voii i cully wain in lie ihe " voice ol Ihe p e o p l e , " sir, something Worth saying,, and iry, J us l lor once, lo say something constructive, It'sawlully easy to complain alter something goes wrong; it lakes a little more maturity to perceive that something is wiong and suggest a belter way ol handling the situation, whatevci frater, avr alque vale.' —Lucretius Final Exam — With A n s w e r s It seems totally incongruous that the University which is expanding itself and We a r e dismayed at the r u m o r s that planning a huge new college in the home a m e m b e r of the current legislature may county of the Governor and Lieutenant be appointed a s the conservative legis- Governor (Westchester) is without a chief l a t u r e ' s price for going along with Rocke- executive. The job of Student Association President may be filled by anyone with guts enough to run. Not one of the obvious candidates appears willing to run. PrimerDeadline Former Speech and Drama Head ISears; Student Contributers SlowRecords Background Readings Qanunon-Btaie/i "In perpetuum, PAGE 3 J*w«ler • Ittmt HmfMtitinit Wattha* - Jewelry j 239 Control Av«, Albany, N. V. AUTHORISED BUIOVA JEWELER open evenings till 9p.m. Saturday till 6p.m. Papa burger Teen burger Mamma burger Baby burger "Service by car hostess or come inside our new enclosure (or comfortable coun- 1602 WESTERN AVENUE Daily II a.m.- Ilp.m. 'Just Past the Northway' FH.—Sat. 11 a.m.-l am. FAGft« ALBANY 0TUOBNT PHI •rnMmx; MAY 18, 1964 .FRIDAY. AitJUitat Rock Wallaby Hunt Gommo*t-£taU* 1 >. - —. ' ~ * * * * n - i i ' « « « t i » i i i i We, the Common-Staters, take pleasure in announcing the nominees for this year's Dubious Distinction Award, given in appreciation to those who best succeed in maintaining those lofty ideals of cultural and intellectual mediocrity for which our campus i s justly famous. V The nominees are 1. The "ASP" editorial staff, for championing the cause of mediocrity (under the guise of moderation) in their brilliant appraisal of the D and A and WSUA. "Charlie's Aunt, anyone? ' ^Ofct \«3for»V^W. ® | 4. The student body, who in their concern for our intellectual atmosphere, cannot see the stumbling vacuity walking — no, running in the back door, while they stand by just watching (Co-nominees with our illustrious administration for the "Passivity Award.") S(kuninrv** f V>ctfOOJ^M —. it\t%\a,\\t certainW Can *\TML O^ CW tv\£ojn auMs.^ctt VWt/. 5. The administration for fostering this student-run anarchy of which we are so proud. coil V ^rxWcx' s Scajzxi) We also have our "Voice in the Wilderness" award which goes to those who dare to raise a futile murmur of discord. Mo-oo-oS^K1' The nominees are 1. The Old Playgoers' Society 2. Primer 3. I.F.G. ?'s of the week Not with a bang, but with a whimper? When will the "ASP" abolish the Common Stater? G) S\\v)cfco. NOTICES Pipe Contest Waterbury Hall Dorm Council sponsored a pipe-smoking contest May 7. David Winters '67 kept his pipe lit for 49:27 minutes and took the first-place prize of a new pipe. He broke Jon Strickland's previous record of 40:22 iftinutes set in 1962. Second place winner was Scott Groff 'G6 who kept his pipe lit for 44:17. Third place went to Bob Taum '65 with 41:53. The two runners up received a can of tobacco donated by the "Smoker " on Madison Avenue. Two and six tenths grams of tobacco were given to each of the contestants. They were Chas Hovorka '64, Frank Siciliano and Nick Argyros, Juniors, Phil Luxembourg "66 and freshmen Gerhard Patsch. T a g Week A tag Week, co-sponsored by IFC, ISC, and UCA, will be held from May 18-22. Tags will be sold in the Peristyles at 25? apiece to raise money tor the James Warden Scholarship fund. The tag will serve as sdrnission to a dance to be held in Brubacher on May 22. Les Innovateurs Scenes from " L e Maitre Pathelin" and fromlonesco's " L a L e c o n " will be presented at the final meeting of Les Innovateurs, Tuesday, May 19, at 8:30 p.m. in Brubacher Hall. Art Council The newly elected officers of the Art Council for the year May '64May ;65 are Milton Williams '66, President; Lance Anderson '05, Treasurer; Robert Peterson '66, Secretary; Robert Nottke '65, Historian; andKathrynTansky '65, Publicity Director. © y ^ a. VWW, U&4\*: Mu L a m b d a Alpha gort donr't rVkMltr A»MS...fUUi „ CWfcew wvw! 11 Sophomore Class William Bate, President of the Sophomore Class, announces that the Sopli Slop Party will be held tomorrow night at the Rainbow Room of the Kenmore Hotel from 7:30 to 12:30 a.m. John Tyo and the Commanders will provide the music. Tickets are $1.00 per person. } $ School Boom Building Design Reflects Change Mu Lambda Alpha, the Modern There are 1,200,000 classrooms Foreign Languages Honorary, installed the following officers at its in the United States — but before meeting Wednesday: Ellen Jacobs this decade is over, we will need '65, President; Ed Gockel '65, Vice an additional 1,600,000. This year President; Barbara Rohr '65, Sec- alone, the school construction bill Beer Party retaiy; and Peter Schroeck ' 6 5 , in this country will be $3 billion. The big question i s : Are AmerA picnic and beer party at Treasurer. Officially initiated into the o r - icans getting the best schools for McGowen's Grove will replace the traditional Junior Class banquet this ganization were Romeo Ouiinet, Jan- their money? Before this question can be ansyear. The affair will be held to ice Dowell, Henie Lent/., Ruth Brass, Carol Rarog, wered, we should have some idea coincide with Moving Up Day, May Delphlne Pitcher, Mary Poole, and Kathryn Tenshy, of what makes a good school. 16. William W. Caudill, a prominent The picnic will be held from Delores Blanche, Carol Lames, and school architect, says a good school 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. followed by theMargaret Herzog. Also Barbara Leuthner, Barbara is an efficient eaching machine. If dance and Ijeer party. Hot dogs, hamburgers and salads Rohr, Kathy Lewis, Ronald Hay, a good school could talk, Mr. Caudill Nancy Deering, Peter Schroeck, says, this is what it would say: will be provided at the picnic. ''I have a job to do, I do it well, Joan Klaus, Erika Lietz, Barbara UCA I stimulate learning, not deter it. I Sayer, Patricia Cook, Richard BrenThe University Center Associfacilitate effective and efficient edation is recruiting students to work nan, Beverly Jones, Nancy Kelly. ucation. I am more than a dead Also Julianne Mohos, Trudie on three special events to take structural casing, I am dynamic. I place during the opening week of Steckal, Betty Warek, and Susan work the students. I provide a pleasStrassburg. school in September, 1964. ant, inspiring environment for Committee chairman and comstudy," Waterbury H a l l mittee workers are needed to develThe idea of the cellular school — Nick Argyros, President, anop the program for Activities Day, individual classrooms in which stunounces that Waterbury Hall will the President's Reception for fresh-' dents a r e taught most of their submen, and the All-University Con- hold an open house this Sunday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Flowers and r e - jects by one teacher — lias been cert. losing ground for some time. If interested, contact Al Bader freshments will tie available to all The trend is toward team teachwho come. in Waterbury Hall* ing in large areas which can be 1< Voi/R \|o- \jo *-Vk0VJL\W • -Tl's (WfM rW f<,o9 S, WATed! €Sm- " *~ New Dramatic Critic Reviewed by Robert M. N o t t k e and G a l l R. Softer 2. WSUA, for taking the "ASP'S" comments to heart. How about student's who pay good tax money for better music? 3. The "Council of Economic Advisors" for their strict adherence to the ideal of "monetary moderation." We are sure that these culturally-oriented people can find a cheap substitute for Carlos Montoya. We'd rather hear John Lennon, anyway? FA4S* Show Stresses Integrity of Form fcy Nancy Anderson! T-»1 MAY 15, 1964 The current exhibit in the Draper Gallery will close today with a lecture by the artist. Norman Daly, a professor of a r t at Cornell, will speak in D349 at 1:25 p.m. His topic, a fitting one considering his style, will be " F o r m in Poetry." One of Professor Daly's prime concerns in painting is this form of which he shall speak. His works convey the lesson that form is inherent in the art object. Each abutting form is carefully considered in its relationship to every other. Each twist of visual direction i s deliberatly premeditated. All are united within the r e c tangle of the two-dimensional surface, the integrity of which Professor Daly i s anxious to protect. Restrained Instrumentation No modeling takes place within the confines of its edges. His intent upon form i s heightened by the very way in which this surface is used. His paintings simulate a quietly symphonic tone poem. These exercises in restrained instrumentation accent the essentially sombre implications of these creations. A strong contribution to his theme is also made by the skill with which the artist ages his surfaces. His veneers of pale color and thinlyapplied glazes appear to be a product of the antiquity of which he speaks. A third minor fascination in painting Is that of pure abstraction. "Composition in Black withObject" and "Tripartite Arrangement" are ' 3 Major T y p e s the representations of this mode. They are as thoroughly and thoughtfully plotted a s the Symbols and carry through into non-objectivity the skill in manipulating tone and form. Three dimensional effects are blatant, not suggested, e.g. " T h e Object." Included in the show are several pieces of "found object" sculpture. In them, Professor Daly strives to imitate by use u.' the rusted object and the familiar, foreboding shape. The effect, however, is not frightening a s much as it is whimsical. In summary, let us say that Professor Daly's abstract statement represents a 20th-century piety. His exhibit is a lesson in the universality of religious symbolism for all time. 'Raft9 Overcomes Symbols by Bruce D a n i e l s Last Friday night's highly imaginative and polished performance kept George Kaiser's "Raft of the Medusa" from sinking under the weight of its own grandiose " s y m bolism." An inveterate, prolific writer of "denkspielen" (or "thought-plays") Kaiser attempted no less than a re-enactment of the Christian drama and an examination of the sources of Evil. To do so, the author relied heavily on traditional Christian and Two small, faded, wooden ''San- psychoanalytic symbols. But for symbols to "work" they tos" or Southwestern Indian sacred representations, hung by leather must first have a concrete, literal thongs, which appear incalculably reality of their own. Kaiser's " s y m old, a r e excellent examples of this bols" have little or none. Alan is technique at its peak. A second as- Christ simply because the author pect of this age is the use of says he is. strongly Byzantine angularity in the Wartime T a l e "Archangel Tobias." He is in all Apparently inspired by a wartime his paintings a master at implying news item, Kaiser took this spare age through the smooth, worn-thin little story of thirteen children adrift surface. for a week after their ship had been sunk (and of whom only eleven surA rewarding aspect of the show, vived) and tried to make of it a though only a minor one, is Pro- parable of Western Man. fessor Daly's refusal to attribute What happens in the tiny, cona specific meaning to these pic- stricted world of the lifeboat is tures. To accent their essential sig- reminiscent of Dostoevsky's Grand nificance he has used an abstract Inquisiter tale. nomenclature, e.g. "Ancient SymChrist (Alan) returns to confront bol #20." the most eloquent spokesman (Ann) It is difficult to assess Profes- for a Christianity that has long been sor Daly's work one painting at a divorced from God, that worships time. Each impinges directly upon instead the meaningless fetisli of the others. We cannot but divide numbers and thrives on ignorance and superstition. them into symbolic types. The first type intends to create partitioned by movable interior the balance of structural mass, walls. Children of different grades clean lines and proper proportions can receive their own levels of of steel, glass and stone. instruction, hut when a lecture or To offset the Impersonal eggmotion picture which is appropriate crate feeling that modern building to all is needed, the teacher must materials can sometimes give to a only push a button to roll the wall building, school architects are using back, more and more natural stone. Stone Larger rooms mean fewer ex- not only enhances a structure but terior walls. This offers the oppor- also gives it strength and means tunity for more efficient construc- substantial savings in maintenance tion and equipping. A natural ven- costs. tilation system allows air moveSchool construction costs have ments within the interior of the building to' exceed the speed of given community officials some of outside breezes without the use of their biggest headaches. Since 1934, the cost of building schools lias blowers. Buildings can also be designed gone up 150 per cent. Probably the to reverse the air flow, thus in- main reason for the .smaller rise suring circulation of fresh air to In school costs is that politicians all parts of the school. With in- often prefer cheaper construction creasing emphasis on college pro- bills in order to make it appear grams, high school officials a r e that they a r e saving the taxpayers' finding a greater need for larger money. To keep contracts low, school lecture halls, seminar rooms and independent study areas. In addi- boards sometimes authorize the use tion, space is needed for more of poor grades of cement asphalt, audi-visual aides, language and sci- cheaper locks on doors and 10entific labs and even teaching ma- year roofs Instead of 20-yea. bonded roofs, or one-coat paint jobs. chines. The best designed new schools In the long run, poorly designed, combine beauty and economy with cheaply constructed schools cost more than if they were built proper•And, in cave it afces come, ly. Bargain fixtures need frequent each ark includes a bow replacing and sectional outside walls and arrowtoruse are likely to leak. against less Parsighted What can taxpayers do to see that neighbor's. they get good value for their school construction dollars? It takes more than Just a passing interest In local affairs. Civic leade r s urge frequent attendance at municipal and school board meetings. Only then will officials and the public begin to realize the p r a c tical, educational and cultural advantages of constructing a school of lasting strength and beauty. a surface In which small forms move in an endless, but controlled activity. The essentially pagan character of this motion is captured in "Ancient Symbol # 6 . " In these works, the use of the surface is arrived at through planning in process. A second type is primarily concerned with the development of a pre-planned form - a simplification of the human figure in ancient dress. Professor Daly searches for a symbol equally applicable to all religious concepts, those of the prophet, the priest and the oracle. It can be viewed a s an Eastern prophet or as the Holy Trinity (as in "Early Christian Symbols #3). fear of the number 13, Alan symbolically "crucifies" himself — presumably taking the sins of his weaker brethren on himself. The bother with this is that a s soon as Little Fox i s thrown overboard, a rescue plane arrives and the children a r e saved. It looks as if Ann had really been right in insisting that all their trouble was a matter of numbers. Moments Shine Out If the play is less than satisfactory as a whole, there are certain isolated moments that exercise a strange and fascinating power. The sudden transition from playful chattering to the elevated seriousness of the mock-wedding on the Sixth Day is both pathetically funny and terribly foreboding. Alan lying dead across the gunwales at the end of the play " a s if crucified" Is a brief and chilling visual metaphor of spiritual desolation. The world has left him to die without understanding or even knowing of his final gesture of Love. Expressionist The combination of unusual or striking dramatic Images with a somewhat less-than-coherent overall theme seems characteristic of the Expressionist school in general. Kaiser, the patron saint of the Expressionists, has embodied both the virtues and the vices of this interesting and influential movement. In any case, Friday night's perDeath and C r u c i f i x i o n When the weak and " u s e l e s s " formance marked a triumph of Little Fox is .sacrificed to the others' translation over the original material. Tasteful direction, technical Imagination and well-paced, sensitive acting combined in a collective effort to make us forget the weaknesses of the script. tf « l C J € ^ by P a t F a s a n o Tryouts for acting and sign-ups for backstage and crew work with Arena Summer Theatre will be held from Monday to Wednesday, May 18 to May 20, in Richardson 291 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Arena, the University's own summer theatre, has been in continuous operation since 1952 and has gained the enviable reputation of being one of the quality summer theatres of the Northeast. Some of its noteworthy productions of recent years have been "Waiting for Godot," "Twelve Angry Men," "Emperor Jones," and "Uncle Vanya." Participation is open to all people residing in the Capitol District area, including, of course, State students. Three playes will be presented on the following dates: July 15-18, July 22-25, July 29-August 1. The first and third plays will be directed by Dr. J. Burian of the State University, the middle play by Mr. C. D. Smith, III, visiting Professor from Alfred University. Among the plays under consideration for this summer are Shakespeare's "The Tempest," Strindberg's "Ghost Sonata" and "Dance of Death," Pirandello's "Henry IV," and Bettl's "The Burnt Flower Bed." Designer and Technical Director for Arena will be Mr. John Moore of State University. The following students will be working as staff members this season: Barbara Szenes '64, Pauline Araslm '64, James Lobdell '66, and Edward Duba '66. Applications are still being accepted for a few additional staff positions. Interested students should contact Dr. Burian in H279 or Mr. Moore in R287. Visually Upon the recommendation of the Old Playgoers' Group, Newt Board, at a recent meeting, unanimously elected Miss Leslie Harris as the new drama critic. Said the outgoing critic. " I ' m absolutely ravished by Miss Harris's qualifications (see photo)." Miss Harris's first review appears below. Bruce Daniels was a convincing Brewsie, but an almost more convincing Gary Cooper. Jon Barden The fact that psychological drama was dynamic and superb a s h i s can be handled In many ways v a s friend Willie. The very talented evidenced by the three very differ- Milt Cavendish Trio supplied the ent treatments of theatrical expres- introductory and closing music. Lilsion In the A. D. plays presented lian Schmidt's direction was excellast week. lent. The first play, Henri Duvernols' The evening was brought to a< " T h e Bronze Lady and the Crystal dramatically intense close with the, Gentleman" is a farcical story about presentation of John Viele's "The a henpecked husband who feigns East Room." This morbid drama madness to escape from his shrew- involves the interaction between the ish wife. Harry Guy's characteriza- two servants of a recently deceased tion of Sourcier, the husband, was man. clever and funny, but it lacked varServants Dominate iation of mood and feeling. John Langton and Terry FitzgerValerie Golom's spirited portray- ald gave very fine performances a s al of Madame Sourcier was excel- the auctioneer's assistants, but the lent. Roberta Trenkner's direction play was dominated by Lee Llssand was noteworthy, if only for the fact James Lobdell, as the two servants. that the play itself offered little to Their characterizations, intense work with. concentration, and remarkable stage presence were truly magnificent. Much Philosophy, L i t t l e P l o t Gloria Avner's direction was am"Brewsie and Willie" is a sad bitious and daring, and quite good. Gertrude Stein attempt to express The exceptional lighting for the too much philosophy in too little last play almost made up for the time. The play is virtually plotless, lack of it in the other plays ... but and is essentially a character study not quite. The settings were imagof a group of American soldiers in inative and well-coordinated, and France at the close of the second the costumes were, for the most World War. part, creative and colorful. by L e s l i e Harris Effective The photo montage opening the play, the vaguely unsettling medley of children's songs, the drum-beats, the lighting — all helped relieve twhat would have been an unbearable tension, besides being interesting in themselves. This year's final major dramatic production was a delight to eye, ear and emotion — if not consistently to the mind. NOW O P E N M o n . - l h u n . Until 9 P.M. JOHN MISTLETOE 238 Washington Ave. w"H7H SOPH SLOP PARTY featuring John Tyo and the Commanders at Rainbow Room-Kenmore Hotel May 16 NOTICES BOOK SHOP Dramatic L e c t u r e The Department of Speech and Dramatic Art will present a lecture • by Dr. Norman R, Bernstein on Friday, May 15, at 7:30 p.m. in It 291. Dr. Bernstein, a practicing psychiatrist and faculty member at Harvard and Boston Universities,is interested especially in the psychology of acting. It is hoped that those in attendance will participate in the discussion period following his lecture, ''Psychological Aspects of Stage Performance." TAA Reception The Theatre Alumni Association will entertain State students interested in tlie Association and faculty members of the Speech Department, May 17, in Brubacher Hall. Miss Agnes Futterer will present a s e lection from "Lady Windemere's Fan," winch is her latest recording. 7:30-12:30 Gerald Drug Co. i n western Avt. $1.00 per person Alkeay, N. V. PbeM l-Ult PAOB 6 ALBANY STUDENT ASP tIDAY. * * * * * M A Y 15, 1 9 6 4 Pads Boot Game Away To RPI; Ton Errors Recorded By Albany F r e e P r e sss.l s, » r Jim Wiafdte * * * * * Tuesday afternoon, the Peds* played hosl to RPI and went down to defeat, 9-2. The visitors scored two runs in the second, third and seventh innings, and three in the fifth. State's two runs came in the bottom of the eighth. RPI was threatening early in the second when the Albany infield executed a double play seemingly ending the threat. However* a stolen base, two hits and some poor playing allowed two runs to score. In the third inning with two out and three men on base, a miscue on an attempted pick off at first allowed two more runs to score. University Zeh Relieves • . Sabre Team Loses; Closes Seasoo 4-1 The S.U.A. Sabre Team concluded its season on Thursday, May 7 in a match with Tri-City Fencers Club at Schenectady. The team received its first loss in a close meet, going down to the wire before losing by one touch in the final bout. The final score was 4-5. The individual r e sults for Albany were Wins Losses Bob Tamm 2 1 Ed Reid 1 2 Len Smith 1 2 The Sabre team concluded the season with a record of 4 wins and 1 loss. The foil team was not as fortunate and ended its bleak season with a 0-5 record. In other fencing action, on Wednesday the Fencing Society held the Swearingen Memorial Tournament in Women's foil. The crown went to Diane Corueil. The results of the final pool were Wins Losses 3 0 Diane Corueil 2 1 New P a l t z runner beats the throw at second to avoid the force play Bev Lee Jean D'Amico 1 2 as teammate looks safely on from third. Bobbie Santo 0 3 HAMMING IT UP by Ren Hamilton With two out, Danny Zeh replaced McGurrin on the mound. A walk, a squeeze bunt and sloppy fielding accounted for the last two runs scored by the visitors. State got its two runs in the eighth. Pep Pizzillo opened with a walk. Mike Putney was safe on an error and Ken Wilkes smashed a double scoring both runners. The Peds committed ten e r r o r s in the contest which saw RPI commit five mlscues. RPI scored nine runs on twelve hits, while State could only manage two runs on eight hits. Pizzillo and Odorizzi each had two hits for the home squad. The loss left Albany with a 4-6 record. State closes its home season Saturday with a game against Utica, then goes on the road to finish the season against RPI and New Paltz. ''¥*F*-«z>* t MAY 19, 1 9 6 4 V O L . L. K. %&m « To the strains of the University and class fight songs the forty-eighth and last Moving Up Day procession moved from Draper to Page Hall for the formal ceremonies last Saturday. sembled the Depression breadlines', except that one didn't get any food." He set as his goal, something "not big — to be invited to the Phi Del at Weekend next y e a r . " Class Speakers Introduced won all of their events and the girls lost all of theirs — proof that State was becoming more masculine." Spielman spoke oi tne ciiange that Moving Up implies, the progress and growth that can evolve out of a great past. He said that in the true spirit of moving up, Corky Petrick '64, Grand Marshal ''we have no choice but to accept of Campus Commission led the pro- them (these changes)." cession. The classes were led by their marshals - - Edie Gianotti'G4, Lewis talked of the many firsts Wayne Arthurton 'C4, Randie Brad- of the class of '65 - the first to ley '65, George Matthews 'G5, Janet tie Rivalry as frosh, and then there Kent '66, Jack Manley '66, Beth was Rivalry as Sophs. "The boys Shaffer '67 and Bill Haas "67. Art Johnston '65, S.A. President began the program by introducing Sue Nichols '66, the new University song leader, who led the National Anthem. Johnston then introduced the class speakers. They were Jack Kenny '67, Gary Spielman '66, Mary Lewis '65, and Corky Petrick '64. Last Wednesday afternoon Albany's varsity golfers took their first loss of the season at the hands of RPI, 5-4. Fred Maurer's 68, three under par, was to no avail as the four, five, and six men were defeated by the Engineers. Mike Bayus continued his fine golfing for State as he toured the Troy Country Club course in two over 73. Stan Rosen was the other winner for Albany, shooting a 79. Paul Bachorz lost a close match that put the men from Rensselaer on top to stay. Disappointing rounds by John Vrtiak and Doug Morgan were part of the Albany downfall. Members of a l l four classes form their class year numerals in front of Page H a l l during Moving Up Day Ceremonies. N O . 17 MUD Tradition Ends In Ceremonies Saturday Golfers Lose First Photo by Church Kenny, speaking in a humorous vein, recalled the happy and gruesome memories of beanies, meeting room mates, frosh weekend, and the registration line which " r e - Scholarship Cup Presented ean Hartley presented the IFC Scholarship Cup to Theta Xi Omega, whose members compiled a 2.525 average. Beta Zeta, with an average of 2.638 was awarded the ISC Scholarship Cup by Dean Stokes. (Continued on page 3) Text of Sue Murphy's Ivy Speech I Keefer Assumes ASP Co-Editorship Siena Loses Last Tuesday the Siena golfers were defeated by State, to put the team at 7-0-1 up to that point Mike Bayus captured the medalist honors by firing a 70 on the Pinehaven Country Club course. tew hits and three APA e r r o r s . For the next lew innings Boh Hart kepi the bats ol APA quiet. However, in the sixth and seventh innings he tired and APA came up six runs, two in the seventh on Jim Wingate's hit, to win. Bill Burnett, APA's pitcher, also threw well and deserved the win. After Hie first inning, lie allowed only one run from the SLS batmen. In other First League games the Infinites beat the Saris 10-0 as Atwoll .singled homo the winning run with two men on and no one out. The Bullclieaters heal Waterbury ll-l as they scored four runs in the second and fourth innings. Also KB held on to defeat the Infinites 4-:i as the losers rallied in the sixth imimg, but could not bring home the winning runs. League II Action In League II this past week, APA defeated Baggy's" Boys 10-4 with four runs in the last inning to sew up the victory. KB squeezed by TXO 14-13 with two runs in the last inning. It was a vary close game ami the end seemed to justify the means. Also Waterbury held on to defeat the Discussers 16-12. The Discussers rallied hut Waterbury shut the door on them to preserve the vtctor V' League III In the only League III action the Kneurds clobbered KB 21-6 in a game which was won on the outset. Next Monday after noon the r e match between APA and SLS will take place and this game also will Roy G u t w i l l y takes a throw from the catcher to n i p a runner at- definitely be a deciding factor in t e m p t i n g to beat out a bunt. the League 1 race. Monday afternoon APA defeated SLS in one of the most exciting game in League I so far this year. The final score read 6-5 and the game was even closer than the score indicates. SLS took a four run lead in the first inning on a Press Pi* APA Tops SLS In Thriller 6-5 Wingate's Clutch Hit Foils Hart by Al Mlntz If awards are any indication of ability then Albany State has a lot to look forward to in the next year. The Junior class took the four announced MVP awards and three most improved player awards last night at the Awards Banquet. How do you like them apples! The sports editor is a little biased because he is a member of that class, but that is something to be proud of. With all this returning talent, the coaches must feel like a bunch of kids before Christmas. Things are looking up for State's athletic endeavors and we are not going to put the hex on things by predicting great seasons. We would like to make a few awards of our own as the season comes to an end. These are awards that we feel deserve recognition although they are not formal presentations. The Participation Award — Paul Harney The Humility Award — Tom Robinson . Team Clown Award — Bob Hart and Marty Eppner Hard Luck Award — Ray Weeks World's Worst Predictor — Who else. There is not enough space to mention all the men that just missed awards. We hope that they will be in the winner's circle next year. Last, the Most Outstanding Athlete at State must go to Tom Robinson for his sensational running performances. ALBANY 3, N E W YORK In the fifth, RPI socked State's starting pitcher Don McGurrin for two singles and a triple. These hits sandwiched between a pass ball and an e r r o r accounted for three runs for the Engineers. Slociim, Enser 8-1 The varsity tennis team boasting an eight and one record takes on the New Haven squad tomorrow. It is the first time that an Albany tennis team has faced the men from Connecticut. Tom Slocum and Bill Enser hold the best records on the team with 8-1 slates. Slocum and Enser play in the second and sixth spots on the team. Coach Hathaway feels that these men have made a big difference this season. John Barthelmes, the team's number one man, has compiled a 6-3 record. Although John is disappointed with his play this year he has won when the team needed it. Keith Costello has matched Bart's 6-3 record in the fifth spot. Ed Wolner and John Sturtevant own 5-4 records so far this season. Sturtevant, the number three man has not been able to get started and is behind his last year's performance. / Alba Albany Honors Athletes At Annual Awards Banquet This year's Athletic Awards BanThe tennis and baseball awards quet, held in Water bury Hall, was have not yet been decided, and will highlighted by the presentation of be chosen later this year. the most valuable player awards in the individual sports. Of the 120 The Special Awards varsity athletes that received their The News Board award was p r e letters, four were selected for the sented to Len Doyle, a senior that honor of MVP. •played on the basketball team. Ron In soccer Fred Rawe, a Junior, Hamilton, Sports Editor, made the received the MVP award from Coach award to Len and explained why the Joe Garcia, for his outstanding play award was given and why Len was last year. The most improved award selected. went to Len Bergan, also a Junior. Mr. Robert Bell presented the The most valuable runner was no Co-Op award for the most improved surprise in the cross country part player to Len Bergan. Len, a Junior of the evening. Tom Robinson, the soccer player, limped forward to red-headed standout, was the man accept the award. He is recovering to be honored with the award. Dennis from a toe operation. Tuttle was deemed most improved. The freshman part of the program featured the Outstanding Freshman Crossett Wim MVP Athlete. Dick Szmanski received the Dick Crossett continued the Junior award. Dick participated in freshdomination of the award. Coach man soccer, as co-captain, and Sauers cited the tall star as one of basketball last year. the finest. Bob Zeh received the most improved. Gene Monaco concluded the Junior sweep of most valuable player awards. Gene took his award from wrestling coach Garcia. Sylvester Verrigni was most improved. Mud a Dud? A Free s As we stand here today we are surrounded by beauty. Not only are the days magnificent with their warmth — with the beauty of the trees and grass and sky — with even the glistening of yesterday's rain making the colors stand out and giving new life to all that has been asleep during the cold months. But more important, there is a specialness here for we are surrounded by beautiful people, and beautiful thoughts fill the air and make it fragrant.-But what is it that makes the beauty, this human beauty? What is this ivy that we plant? What are these robes? What are these hands-these eyes—these minds? These hands, these eyes — these minds are wh^t is beautiful — these things are special. In our small world here set off by ivy, this realization of our speechlessness is often lost — but in the world outside — the world into which these black robes will transport us, the specialness becomes poignant and there will be set aside. Now we are young; our dreams are so new; our hands are so strong; our eyes are bright; our minds are alive and free; our hearts are filled with a new understanding. These things mark us and set us aside. For in this total, ivy-free world each of us who wears a robe stands beside 15,000 people who have no robe.Indeed each of us who wears a robe stands beside 9,000 people who cannot read. This robe means that we have accepted a challenge— a challenge to be free - free not merely within the framework of a democratic society, but free to ask so that we may understand, free to know why beauty exists - so that we, too, may add to the beauty; free to love so many things; free to know - to seek - to find; free then to be more kind, gentle, understanding, selfless; free to give. But in this robe, too, have we been given to know the ecstacy and the agony of life. We have felt the pain which comes with happiness - the fear in knowing that it will soon pass away. And we have felt the agony and despair that comes (Continued on page 3) In Special News Board Elections an advisory capacity to the new Boyd '67 were elected to the posico-editors, and teach the news- tions of Technical Supervisor and Associate Technical Supervisor, r e paper's cub classes next fall. spectively. Before resigning the Co-EditorDavid W. Jenks '64 served as Executive Editor this past year. ship, Colgan requested that News He will do graduate work at Col- Board officially thank Joseph W. Galu '64 for the services he has gate University next year. rendered to the newspaper in four years of dedicated service. Vote of Confidence News Board unanimously apColgan placed his full vote of oroved the proposal. confidence in Misses Hardy and Keefer. "They both have all the knowledge and ability to meet the challenges of producing the " A S P " on a semi-weekly basis next year, and I am sure will do credit to both the newspaper and University." Karen Keefer . . . . Assumes C o - E d i t o r s h i p Karen E. Keefer '66 was elected Co-Editor-inChief of the "Albany Student P r e s s " for fall semester 1964 by News Board last Thursday. Miss Keefer has served on the "ASP" since her freshman year. During this time she has held the positions of both Feature Editor and Managing Editor. Miss Keefer expressed tier happiness on being elected Co-Editor. "1 lock forward to working with Joseph G a l u Miss Hardy in providing expanded . . . . A vote of t h a n k s and efficient coverage of all news including city and national, of interest to a growing University." E d i t o r ' s N o t e : The f o l l o w i n g She will serve as Co-Editor of the newspaper with Edith Hardy'66, Miss Keefer succeeds William Miss Hardy has served as CoC'olgan '65 as Co-Editor of the Editor of the paper since last April. newspaper. Colgan was forced to resign his position due to his duties Five Positions as editor of the 1965 " T o r c h . " Five other positions were aiso Colgan was elected to serve as filled at the uewsboard elections, Executive Editor of the paper next year. In this post he will serve in Harold Lynne '67 was elected to. the position of Sports Editor, r e placing Ronald Hamilton '65 who was elevated to Senior Editor. Applications for financial assistJames Wiugate '66 was made ance for the 1964-65 academic year (NDSL, NYHEAC, Food Service, Associate Sports Editor to aid etc.) must be submitted to the Fi- Lynne with the expanded sports nancial Aids office prior to May 29, coverage of the newspaper. Judith Conger '66 and Elizabeth 1964. Aids Deadline r e s o l u t i o n proposed by W i l l i a m C o l g a n ' 6 5 , was u n a n i m o u s l y p a s s e d by N e w s B o a r d T h u r s day n i g h t . That News hoard give an official vote of thanks to Joseph W. Galu for his long service and devotion to this newspaper. He has served under many editors as Associate, Manager and Senior Editor. Although we have all at times disagreed with joe, we all realize that it would not have been the same newspaper, or as good a neuspaper, without him.