FAOK4 S T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, N O V E M B E R State's Soccer Squad Ends W inning Season APA Keglers Gain IM Lead 19, 1 9 5 4 9'T.AIt COLLEGE FOR T E A £ H € « $ £"*$# Scuft . . . State's soccer t e a m ended t h e i r season last S a t u r d a y , absorbing a Bridgeport, Oswego, Union, a n d LIU. n u m b e r o n e s l o t l n t h e d o w n s t a i r s loss a t t h e h a n d s of P a n z e r College L i n d b e r r Sets P a c e division of t h e I n t r a m u r a l Bowling Having suffered a loss t o P a n z e r a n error we m a d e in last week's in E a s t Orange New Jersey C e n t e r League. S t r a u b e r w a s high m a n for College last S a t u r d a y , State's soc- issue. We said S L S w a s t h e defend,._..., v . „ „,„..„„, ' BA t h . Bill Lindberg s e t t h e pace for t h e A P A k e e i e i s a s h e collected a c e r t e a m e n d e d a n o t h e r season. T o ing bowling champions. Although v forward Nell O D o n n e l paced t h e s c o r ^ ^ c a m _ g L g dfcJ w J n ^ f a g t e r ^ ^ ^ a g h ( ?c o l l e c t e d n i m o f « « APA kegleis a s n e collected a s Q m e , t m a y s e e m fcha(. P a n z e r squad a s h e scored all t h r e e s t a t e ' s 24 goals; t h r e e of t h e m in 4 8 3 t r i p l e ' A r n l e N e w m a n P a c e d t h e palgn w a s s o m e w h a t unsuccessful. AP Aches, winners in t h e " B " league K B club wlth a 4 0 8 goals in t h e 3-0 battle. T h e only t h e game against L I U . Al "Rock" triple. P o t t e r T o us however, we feel t h a t Coach were t h e playoff winners a n d d e c a s u a l t y of t h e game w a s when D o n Roecklein w a s t h e second h i g h e s t Club took over second position i n G a r c i a a n d h i s m e n came t h r o u g h fending champions. We'd like t o f n n n n t r a „ ™ nf <5fnto'« t n n full scorer for t h e squad a s h e kicked t h e league a s they took three points better t h a n m i g h t b e expected. B a d apologize to APA for letting t h i s a e r" ' °* ' ; * ° P " , six goals for t h e year. S t a t e d e - from t h e S L S bowlers. J o h n Zidik breaks such a s J o h n Pengelly's a n d slip through. T h i s is n o t t o t a k e backs was rushed t o t h e hospital f e n s i v e p i a y w a s o u t s t a n d i n g a s did h i s best in a losing cause a s h e BM Bonesteel's injuries a t t h e s t a r t away from the might of last year's durln gthe second half where h e was they allowed their opposition t o rolled a high 540 triple for t h e week, of t h e season didn't help t h e Coach's S L S keglers, however, since t h e y score only seventeen goals d u r i n g He also collected a 222 single t o s e t "opes much. Otherwise inevitable did spot t h e APAches a 500 p i n treated for a b a d ankle sprain. t h e season. a h i g h for t h i s year. Dave Borden injuries plus bad playing conditions handicap—more t h a n enough for a S t a t e Wins Five split t h e m a p l e s for a 504 triple t o s » c h a s the high winds a t Bridge- sixth m a n . port a n d rain-soaked Hawkins S t a - R I V A L R y We'd like to r e m i n d S t a t e wound u p with a 5 won, 3 Next year's soccer s q u a d will be l e a d t h e P o t t e r c l u b a t t a c k _ dium gave the booters new obstacles Q „ n ™ „ „ J i ! , . „, ^ p „ / S lost, a n d 2 even record for t h e sea- greatly weakened d u e to t h e g r a d u atlon of fullbacks D o n C a n o n i c a I n t h e o t h e r downstairs league t o overcome. Finally t h e injuries t o f,'' „ " " . „ „ , f / s O7V,.«,H «, ^ ~ . ™ son, having suffered defeats to R P I , and R a l p h Adams, a n d halfbacks game, t h e Saylesmen, led by Leo Don Canonica in t h e final two g a m e s f f pf S H ™ L „ n ! ! S S K Geneseo, a n d Panzer. T h e y tied Bill Lindberg a n d P h i l Billings. Legault's 460 triple, took four points d i d n ' t make S t a t e fans too opti- 1 ? 1 2 ? S i ^ . ,, f Platbsburg a n d Middlebury a n d were These four m e n have been t h e from t h e APAthetics. E a g a n w a s mistic. ^ , d e™nt.s.Wed like to see al of sparkplugs of this year's defense n u m b e r one m a n for t h e APAthetics I n spite of all this t h e Peds show- 1 _ . . , . S.U. _ _ . _t . , £ _y .o. ? . . ' : " ' , _ ? „ able to collect wins over strong a s w e n a s u n d b e r g ' s g r e a t offensive as h e rolled a 421 for t h e afternoon, cd m u c h spirit, won five games a n d ™°™± " ,, „ „ ^ Z f ?,?°' : J ° f t e r e s teams r e p r e s e n t i n g P o r d h a m , showing. T h e loss of outside left tied two. Besides this they carried ', stiU room for you on_ , t h e wi^vt unw. uvoivii-o unto uiiwjf uaiutu . , , 1( I M Rosters Due; Rifle Club Meets Bernie Baker a n d J i m E s t r a m o n t e , I M Basketball Commissioners, have announced t h a t basketball rosters (with a m i n i m u m of eight a n d m a x i m u m of t e n players) a r e to b e h a n d e d in before n e x t Wednesday. T h e n a m e of a n o n - p l a y i n g m a n a g e r m u s t also be t u r n e d i n . Joe McDowell will also weaken n e x t year's squad. _ _ , Team Record State Opponents 7 Fordham 2 2 Bridgeport 0 Plattsburg 2 2 3 3 0 1 5 1 0 Coed Fencing classes h a v e been s t a r t e d with instruction given o n Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:30 Scoring p.m. a t Page Gym. B i u Undherg Oswego 0 Union 2 Middlebury 0 RPI 4 LIU 1 Geneseo 3 Panzer 3 T h e Rifle Club got off to a s t a r t Al "Rock" Rocklein Tuesday n i g h t w h e n t h e coed m e m - J o h n Lindberg bers heard a talk by M r Proue of E c i J o n e s t h e Delmar National Rifle Association Horace Crandall Ted Duprey A 1 L e d e r m a n and Mary F o r m a n h e a d t h e Rifle Ev Weiermiller Club Phil Billines B ' .Ox os> A£S£AT &AATS ». SADAH£S SADDLES in casual leathers *12.95 I n t h e u p s t a i r s division of t h e t n e s t a t e in commendable fashion | i S n u P sheets—so p u t your John Bowling League, t h e APAches split to m a n y p a r t s of t h e New E n g l a n d H a n c o c k o n t o d a y with t h e Rousers. Polito collected a a i e a . T h r o w i n g in a few prognostiintercollegiate Bowling: I t ' s p l e a s 450 triple for t h e APAches while cations i t will come a s no surprise ing t o h e a r t h a t AA officials h a v e SmaI1 w a shlgh for t h e Rousers with If Don Canonica a n d Bill Lindberg granted t h e Intercollegiate keglers 436. S u m m i t gained three points a r e nominated for All-American. To a n appropriation. We ieel their a c and Hilltop o n e a s H u m p h r e y col- Coach Garcia a n d all his booters, tion will be more t h a n justified by lected S a t h e for S u mHillm i t c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s for a job well done, t h e good will t h e keglers a r e buildcrew. t o c410 k b a utriple e r w afor s high IM Bowling: We'd like to correct ing u p with a r e a colleges. top with a 408 triple. I n t h e last game of t h e u p s t a i r s division Sayles took four from VanDerzee to go into a second place tie in t h e division. Briska rolled 437 for Sayles 9M Uv ARNIE football 9n (lemaw. NEWMAN APA, t h e pre-season favorites. I n This year's I M football season t h e second half of t h e season they was a highly successful one. T h e i o s t to these same two teams in a d leagues were efficiently managed by dition to forfeiting games to t h e Bob S t r a u b e r a n d R a y Castillo; the w e a k s j s t e r s of t h e league. T h e y „ officiating was. if not exceptional, w e r e seriously handicapped when In a hockey playday S a t u r d a y , at least adequate for most of the m a n y o f their players started trying 6 _ Russell Sage downed the _ S t a t e team, games; however, t h e most i m p o r t a n t o u t for basketball. 4 5-2. D o n n a Hughes"scoredl)oth'''the' f a c t o r i n making this a good season D o r m T e a m s Stronger 2 goals for S t a t e with assists by M a r - w a s t h c cooperation exhibited by The dormitory teams proved 1 fiyn Wittschen" a n d MillieBeisswaii- t n e teams a n d players.. I n one lea- stronger t h a n usual. Thurlow w a s 1 ger. G o n i a Cowan a n d P a t De Mers eue there were n o lorfeited games the undefeated leader of its league 1 captured first a n d third places in while m t h e other league t h e r e for half t h e season. College H t s . archery competition against Sage, were a minimum of forfeits. Ht would pulled a couple of upsets. Sayles a n d Miss Cowan took first place with" a be gratifying if t h e other IM sports Van Derzee, although outclassed, total of 339 points. P a t De Mers a n d were a s successful during their r e - nevertheless put u p several g a m e L y n n Roshen scored with 279 a n d spective seasons. fights against superior opponents. Putter Club deserves many con238 points, respectively. KB, after losing its first t h r e e gratulations for beating a fine APA Ann K a m m e r '57 a n d Gina Hil- squad for t h e championship, after games, came roaring back in t h e flker '56 have been selected to at-playing two scoreless ties with t h e second half of t h e season to defeat tend t h e 1954 New York S t a t e Ath- same club during t h e regular sea- the same three teams a n d ease into letic F e d e r a t i o n of College Women son. Potter improved a great deal a playoff berth. SLS, fielding a strong, balanced club, took t h e S ° " f f ™ I ? r e L , s t , ^ s . Z ^ . ^ I l n . ^ a u ^ i e : t h r o u g h o u t the''season,'"reach'ing'rts President of WAA. T h e conference peak in t h e crucial championship championship of League B r a t h e r will be held i n Syracuse from D e - game. handily. cember 3-5. T h e theme is to be O n e of t h e surprising teams in We believe very definitely that we "Prospectus for W o m e n in Sports." League A was t h e 69ers. This squad have more t h a n enough material T h e purpose of t h e conference is tostarted off t h e season with two to field a strong intercollegiate footoffer a n o p p o r t u n i t y for delegates ball team. T h e r e were superior to exchange ideas, a t t i t u d e s a n d stunning upsets over Potter a n d players with adequate high school opinions. It. is hoped t h a t t h r o u g h experience on all of the IM t e a m s such a n exchange, m e t h o d s for a who demonstrated their ability, d e stronger a n d b e t t e r informed o r g a n spite the limitations imposed upon ization will b e brought to light. t h e m by two handed touch. T h e knotty problems, mostly financial, T h e WAA Coker on T h u r s d a y w a s Our sport spotlight for this week which block the formation of a colthe scene of t h e initiation of freshnien elected to represent their class shines on J o h n Zidik, S L S a n c h o r - lege team, have been reiterated for on WAA Council. Alice Meyer a n d m a n a n d IM kegler champion who a king, long time. I feel, however, Alice Lockwood were those elected c a m e u p with a league leading 540 t h a t some day in the near future, a to fill this post. triple Wednesday. combination of favorable circumZidik, who halls from Yonkers, is stances will occur which will enable I his is t h e final r e m i n d e r to all a t o p hoopster a n d also State's t o p s t a t e to weld a football team from of you to consult t h e WAA bulletin varsity baseball pitcher. unused i t s available, b u t hitherto board a n d finish u p those hours for His 222 opening single game gave talent Fall sport credit. Winter sports be- S L S their lone victory over Potter gin after T h a n k s g i v i n g , hours a r e c l u b . His other two games of 178 not t r a n s f e r a b l e . a n d 150 carried h i s t e a m m a t e s t h r o u g h to the final frame of each game. T o J o h n , it's congratulations for a j o b well done. R u n n e r u p slot goes 10 Dave BorT h e Albany S t a t e Kegling Club, den of Potter Club whose last, frame although bowling at its worst, c o m e turkey in t h e second game a n d 188 through with a four-game victory closing game gave P o t t e r their close over RPI (2>. This left them four SODA BAR wins over t h e S L S team. Dave e n d - y,' ime .s behind Siena which"also took ed up witli a 504 triple. (•„,„. CANDY T h e best the keglers could come up with was a 780 opening single, Ed Abele presents Ice Cream to Take Out enough to win by 141 pins. T h e second game, the Peels' worst of t h e season (Ii77i, was won by 24 pins 200 C e n t r a l Avenue With Music I or All Occasions and t h e finale by 48 pins, A small or large b a n d to meet J o h n Zidik led the Teachers over P H O N E : 3-9071 your needs the run down Engineers by s m a s h Plume: S t a t e 5-87:13 ing the maples for 140-151-182 for a 473 triple. A bright spot for t h e keglers came about with the a n n o u n c e m e n t t h a t AA Board h a s voted un aproprlatlon fur the learn. Council Initiates Meyer,Locl<wood Sftant SpaiiifUi "v*^ THERE'S NOTHING LIKE TIIEM. Soft a9 a s l i p p e r — l i g h t a s a f e a t h e r — t o u g h a s t h e d e s e r t itself. M a d e o f t h e most casual leathers with genuine crepe r u b b e r soles in C l a r k s ' f a m o u s flexible construction. T h c nearest to n a t u r a l foot f r e e d o m . F o r y e a r ' r o u n d wear in every country a n d climate. Albany State Bowlers Take Four From RPI "The Mayflower" The Instrumentalists MENS WEAR « * . « « * * c SELECT IMPORTS anu, K- f . WORLDS MOST TRAVELED SHOES State College APA took four points from K B t o gain undisputed possession of t h e It may be "over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's dinner" But at State it's over to Bru and down to the Union for the fine food of the S N A C K 11 A R Gerald Drug Go. 217 WeNterii Ave. Albany, N. Y. IMiuue 8-8010 State Theatre Presents Shaw Comedy Tonight ;SITf ews '94» Z-459 ALBANY, N E W YORK, FRIDAY, D E C E M B E R 3. 1 9 5 4 V O L . XXXIX NO. 11 SUB To Sponsor Dance Saturday; Juniors Select To Decorate Union For Christmas Prom Theme; Following the State vs. Utica basketball game tomorrow night Student Union Board will sponsor a basket- Sophs To Meet ball dance in Brubacher. Richard Hannis, Grad, and his T h e Senior a n d J u n i o r classes m e t band will furnish the music for the dance, which will recently, a n d t h e Sophomore slass be in the Game Room from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. This will Is planning a meeting for Tuesday. be the first in a series of five such dances; one of which At a meeting November 18 m e m - Pictured left to r i g h t : Theodore Pederson '57, a s Julius Caesar; will be a j u k e box dance. Co-chair- bers of t h e Senior Class were per- Robert Woyton '58, Androcles, a n d Andriana Bosna '57, t h e Lion. mitted to sign u p for G r a d u a t i o n men of t h e Dance Committee a r e Committee a n d a skit committee, State College Theatre will open its first season toBetty V a n Vlack '57 a n d Toddreports J o h n Orser '55, Class Presnight with the production of "Androcles and the Lion," C u s h m a n '56, states Nancy Hazzard ident. T h e G r a d u a t i o n Committee '55, C h a i r m a n of S t u d e n t Union consists of: Marjorie Liddell, Nan a two-act comedy by Shaw to be presented at 8 p.m. in McEvoy, T h o m a s Dixon, J o a n C a r Board. Page Hall, reports Patricia Hall '57, Publicity Director. lin a n d Roger Hawver. This comAt a recent News Board meeting, Following the play, the Theatre group will sponsor a free mittee will work in conjunction with C h r i s t m a s decorations will be disthe Editors of t h e News voted to promote t h e following staff m e m - played in t h e Union by members the president and vice-president in Lion Hop from 9:45 p.m. to 12 midnight at Brubacher plaiuiing a nactivities. d coordinating all t h e bers, reports Ronald Lackey '55, of SUB. Lois J o h n s o n '57 a n d Tony graduation T h e comedy, which is u n d e r t h e Scordato '561 Co-Chairmen of t h e T h e Skit Committee, which h a s Editor-in-Chief. Promoted to S o p h direction of Dr. Paul B. Pettit, A s more Reporters were Elizabeth Stei- Decorations Committee will s t a r t charge of choosing a director a n d sociate Professor of English, takes script for t h e Senior Torch Night field, Cliff Davis, Joseph Purcell work this weekend. Greenery a n d place in Rome during t h e reign of skit, tentatively consists of: Dolores Julius Caesar, when Christians were and Dominick DeCecco. New S o p h - trees will be arranged in the Lower Montalbano, Mary A n n Johnpoll, beiii.* thrown to the lions. Androcles more Desk Editors a r e Marcia Law- Lounge a n d the Snack Bar. Nancy Evans a n d Evelyn Ruben. T h e r e will be a S t u d e n t Art E x - and his wife, Megaera, a r e fleeing T h e General C h a i r m a n for t h e Senrence, Richard Saner and Matthew A Coffee Hour is planned for D e - ior Banquet, selerted for J a n u a r y 8 hibit in t h e Upper Lounge of B r u - for their lives. Androcles heals a Ostoyich. cember 12, following t h e S t u d e n t a t O'Connor's R e s t a u r a n t , is Donna bacher Sunday afternoon from 3 wounded Hon. Later Androcles, F e r Christian Association C h r i s t m a s Hughes. Vice-President of the class. until 5 p.m. announces Mary J a n e rovious, (a warrior I, a n d Apintho (a T h e two Sophomores promoted to Sing. Edna Standley and F r a n k Lo A r r a n g e m e n t s will be handled by Co-Assistant Circulation Editors are Truglio, Seniors, will be in charge Mary Eileen Doone, a n d e n t e r t a i n - Fisher '56, Publicity Director. Alt coward i a r e apprehended by t h e Centurions a n d taken Nancy Schneider a n d Barbara P a u l - of the Hour from 9 to 10:30 p.m. inment is c h a i r m a n e d by Nancy Evans pieces of a r t work have been con- Roman and Miss Mary A n n Johnpoll. tributed by students of State. T h e to Rome to die in the a r e n a . I t is son e n d B a r b a r a Weinstock is t h eBrubacher. At t h e J u n i o r Class meeting Tues- Exhibit, under the direction of Lin- here t h a t a series of unusual cirnew Sophomore Circulation Staff day, held in the form of a coffee da Niles '56, is sponsored by D r a m a - cumstances occur which affect A n Committees for the Coffee Hour member. Appointed a s Assistant drocles. and C h r i s t m a s Decorations a r e com- hour in t h e cafeteria, suggestions tics a n d Arts Affiliates. Business Managers were Mary Ann p r i s e ! of both tryouts mid m e m b e r s were voiced for a theme for t h e S c h l o t t h a u b e r and Rita Lamboglia, of SUB. Members of Cast J u n i o r Prom, states Marjorie KellDramatics a n d Arts Affiliates eher, President. "Heaven S e n t " was Sophomores. Members of the cast include: Meselected, f t was also voted to secure have started this exhibit in a n a t - gaera, Barbara Hungerford; A n These promotions were made after the Spring Street Stompers from tempt to revitalize s t u d e n t interest drocles, Robert Woyton; t h e Lion, Williams College to give a jazz con- • - — careful deliberation by t h e Board Adriana Bosna; Centurions, Richard cert t h e Sunday after t h e Junior in a r t work. They plan to follow up p e n m a n , Thomas Watthous, Emil on the a m o u n t of time and work Prom, which is scheduled for F e b -this exhibit wit h a n o t h e r one next Polak; Christians, Karol Clifford, contributed by these people. S t a r t ruary 19 a t t h e Ten Eyck Ballroom. semester. Betty Lashuk, Donald Murdock, ing this year, t h c News is initiating T h e Sophomore Class Banquet is Marian Stern; Guards, Thomas Proofs a r e to be mailed to S a r - slated for J a n u a r y 8 a t Herbert's, S t u d e n t s m a y still contribute a r t a new system of promotion. I n Watthews, David Blum, Emil Polak; gent Studios in Boston by Monday according to Bruno Rodgers, Presi- worl. to Miss Niles up until 3:30 p.m. Captain, Harry Roberts; Lavinia, stead of choosing t h e new Board. if any individual wishes to have his dent. Robert Burns, Vice-President, today. Among the work submitted Cynthia Fuller; Apintho, David and promoting the staff in May on portrait in t h c Pedagogue for t h eis General C h a i r m a n of t h e affair. are sculptures, finger painting, oils, Kendig; Ferrovious, Norman C h a n T h e chairmen of the various comMoving-Up Day, as done previously, cer: Lentulus, Richard T i n a p p ; M e coming year. Sargent Studios, p h o - mittees will be appointed a t t h ewater coolrs a n d charcoal drawings. tellus, Brooke Elgle; Ox Driver, Roy the Board a n d new Editor will be tographers of the annual, a n d t h e class meeting slated for Tuesday a t Hours are given to tryouts who s u b - O'Connor, Jr.; Editor, Morton Hess; announced in J a n u a r y of each year. Call Boy, Alan Hutchinson; RetiarS t a l l a p p o i n t m e n t s a n d promotions yearbook staff will make no effort 10 a.m. in Draper 349, mit a r t work. ius i Gladiator) Sal Zaccaro; Secuwill be m a d e three times a year, once to insure t h e publication of a n y tor (Gladiator), Dominick Toscino; in November, J a n u a r y and again on portraits t h a t a r c not returned via Student Council: Another Gladiator, Richard BeauMoving-Up Day. mail by Monday, expresses Ronald din; Still Another Gladiator, Jess Koster '55. Editor of the Pedagogue. Vies; Menagerie Keeper, J o h n Reiners; the Emperor, Theodore PederPedagogue. sen, the Empress, G e r t r u d e S t r o n ski; A t t e n d a n t to t h e Empress, Carol S t u d e n t s who a r c returning their Allen; Master of t h e Whip, Anthony proofs a r e to mail them t o : S a r g e n t Oliveriero; Slaves, Oliviero, T h o m a s r Studios, !,>4 Boylston Street, Boston, Smith. At the regular meeting of S t u d e n t Council this week freshman m e m Mas.sachhsetfs. Seniors are also r e bers to the All College Revue Committee were selected, two motions relaReligious Clubs have planned quested to till nut their biography tive to t h e S t a t e College budget were made, '"" ~" .Tickets for the play may be obtain•seasonal parties a n d a panel dissheets a n d r e t u r n them lo t h e Ped- Committee m e m b e r s were announced, and 'New Types of G o v e r n m e n t " ed villi Student Activity Cords or cussion for t h e coming week. the Assembly agenda was for s.75 tax free. They are on sale agogue mailbox in lower Draper established. T h e meeting opened with a special welcome from t h e President, at the booth in lower Husted and On T h u r s d a y evening at 7:30 a t near the co-op. will also be sold a t t h e door by Charles Beckwith '55, to the new freshman representatives to Council. Dramatics a n d Arts Council Its regular meeting, Newman Club They were urged to voice opinions will be host to four students from both representative of their own I Continued on Page 3, Column 2J St. Hose College who will lead a feelings a n d those of t h e class r e p resented. panel discussion on Marlology, specifies Kafherine McCann '56, presiCommittee reports included a n a n n o u n c e m e n t by Robert Betscha dent. Following the meeting, mem'56, Vice-President, staling that S t u By MATT OSTOYICH bers will hold their Christmas party. atublo both to those who want to dent Board of Finance wants a Slelgll bells ring, Thursday a t 7:30 p.m. ln Draper d a m e a s well a s to those who wish written copy of all financial m o Hlllel a n d S t u d e n t Christian AsAre you listenin' . . to sit It out sways the crowd for tions passed in Assembly to be giv- 340 t h e International Film Group sociation will hold their annual celeA dance, oh a ball, their listening pleasure in t h e Ball- en to the Board. will see a re-showing of t h e film bration of t h e Christian holiday oi At the Circle I n n room. T h e charm, romance, a n d "Ivan t h e Terrible" directed by Christmas and the Jewish festival To (he s t r a i n s of Billy Butterfield. relaxed pleasure ensuing from t h e Assembly Agenda of Clianukah, or Feast of Lights, on T h e Assembly agenda consists of Seme M. Eisenstein. This reshowlng "The world's greatest trumpet band holds you spellbound when Sunday a t Congregation Ohav Shol- player," Hilly Butterfield, is carting you lir.st tread on the dance floor. a t h i r t y - m i n u t e talk by J e a n Rasey is ai the request of many members om, -Ml Washington Avenue, states his talents to the Circle Inn, seven Then the tempo "creeps" info you '64 on Yugoslavia; break-down a n d Harvey Brody 'fill, president. T h e days hence. T h e Greeks of S t a t e and you feel right at home and be- discussion of t h e Smiles budget; of the Film Group, states H a u n a party will begin at. six o'clock. will be t h e first to touch off t h efore you know if you are right in motion discussion on the request by Wilfert '55. Those who have failed Everyone is invited to attend. T h e r e illustrious season of "merry" at t h ethe thick of t h e rejoicing. When Campus Commission to increase to see this film before will h a v e a will tx> n o charge fur this affair traditional Wlnlerlude. Bids a r e you leave you'll surely be inspired supplies line In their budget; pres- chance to see it Thursday. Traditional food will be served. only lour dollars, MI come on alland will be looking forward to a entation of t h e two News financial "White Christmas." This epic Is the last work of Eismotions; and if time remains, disT h e Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- you "dobbins" grab your " m a r e " cussion on t h e revised Campus enstein released by t h e U.S.S.R. lowship will have Its regular weekly and make sure you gallop to t h e So let's not forget, stop by t h e Commission regulations. With the musical collaboration of meeting in Brubucher Thursday eve- Circle I n n next Friday. I F C - I S C booth in Lower Blister Can't you hear t h e sleigh bells and purchase these ducats, guys. T h e meeting closed with the read- Prokofliev, Eisenstein h a d for t h e ning a t 7:30 T h e topic of the meeting will be "We Seek His Face", a n d ringing in t h e crisp cold and frosty And all you beautiful dolls s t a r t ing of the AMIA inventory, t h e or- last time created in his film n fasformerly known as MAA. Is concerned with prayer, announces air us you whisk to L a t h a m ? A pressing those gowns a n d got s eganization t cinating era in Russian history, Ann K a m m e r '56, president. A short cheery crowd flies into the Circle I n n lor a wonderful evening next Friday Theresa Monaco a n d Salvatore to the warm mood created by the a t t h e Circle I n n a n d tills year's film Is also scheduled to be shown Zaccaro, freshmen, were elected to T h e film h a s English subtitles a n d Butterfield bund. Music t h a t is p a l - Wintcrlude. (Continued on I^ayo 6, Column SJ students a r e urged to arrive on time. News Editors List Promotions State Students To Display Arts Studio Requests Yearbook Proofs Religious Clubs Schedule Parties SC Selects Government Committee; Hears Two News Financial Motions Billy Butterfield Band To Bring Musical Interlude To Winterlude Film Group Schedules Russian Film Again FAOB1 STATE COLLEOB NEWS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 19S4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS. ClosedJDoor^Discussion . . . Meetings of any organization functioning under the Student Association Constitution are open to every member of SA. Myskania recently ruled that an organization could close their meetings to outsiders if they were going to discuss individuals in connection with elections or matters of a personal nature, the reason being, opinions voiced on candidates should go no farther than the meeting and those people in attendance. For the past few weeks Student Council has been using this privilege freely. Consequently, non-members of Council or "outsiders" were requested to leave. Wednesday evening all non-members were asked to leave twice: first for the election of freshmen to the All College Revue Committee and second for the election of a State Fair Chairman. In the second case technicalities arose and discussion was not held, thereby creating an unnecessary dismissal and departure of many in attendance. In the past it has been the practice of Student Council to exclude non-members only when elections concerned a position traditionally kept secret, for example, the Moving Up Day speakers. Organization heads were allowed to remain in the meeting, offer suggestions and participate in discussion. Last year the Editor of the News as well as other organization heads was allowed to remain in the meetings when the Inter-Collegiate Association representatives, All College Revue Director and committee, State Fair Chairman and others were elected. The discussion on the candidates was not printed in keeping with the policy that a news story is published only when officially released by an organization. Organizations should, in our opinion, share in discussing the people they will work with or will represent them. The News would like to retain its right to remain in the meeting, except when tradition is involved, even when others are requested to leave. We would like a. qualification on the attendance practice. Negative To the Editors: It's a little dead and gone by now, but I would like to comment on the editorial in the last paper concerning the jazz concert. Instead of enumerating the inaccuracies and half-facts, I better go through the facts. In view of the affluence of negative discussion at the October 10, the President of 6A was contacted by Woody Herman, last Assembly concerning the revised Campus Commission and Council agreed to sponregulations and Constitution, it would appear that a ma- sor Student the concert they offered. The jority of the people in this college have little or no regard band cancelled the date, so the for school property or the rules governing it. Rules can- whole matter was dropped. It hapon October 20, that Music not be effective until they can be enforced. We, therefore, pened Corporation of America contacted want to see Campus Commission given the power to en- the President of IPC, telling him force their regulations when the final vote is taken in Max Kaminski would be passing through Albany the night of NoAssembly. 10, and would IPC like to The proposed penalty that reference be given to the vember sponsor a concert? IFC couldn't Dean with the recommendation for suspension from school handle it because of finances and for one week for the third violation has been received un- Winterlude, so SC took over. The concerning technicalities of favorably. In actual practice very few people would reach motions the financing during assemblies that this point if they were thoroughly acquainted with the reg- Friday and the next in no way imulations. In opposing the passing of this article, objectors paired the concert planning already underway. (The All-State Day are condoning those persons who would willfully violate well financial motion wasn't passed unthe rules. til almost a month alter that date, Without the approval of Student Association, Campus yet this "red tape" in no way hinCommission is without power to apprehend those people dered their planning or success.) who persevere in defacing school property and flaunting The publicity committee was told publicity would be provided by the rules that are for the good of the majority. The re- all Their release stated it was opening of the Commons after it was redecorated had a MCA. a good idea to put publicity up a short-lived effect on those students who make use of it. month before the concert. But the They have returned to littering the floor and ashtrays editorial neglected to state that the publicity wasn't sent to the and piling books and coats on chairs and tables. It is main school until only 7 days before the nothing to be proud of. concert!! The subject has been debated year after year without That covers the inaccuracies, now result. A wise and final decision to award Campus Com- for the insinuations; The editorial the word "blame" in relation mission with the power it needs to uphold its regulations used to the debt incurred. Frankly, concould solve the problem . sidering the conditions, I was proud of SA support and thought the innovation was well worth the debt. The concert was on quick notice, mfffjltoi STATE COLLEGE NEWS ,.: was on a week night, In the midst of mid-sems, and cost $75, which Vlllllllll/J) MTA*LI»H«D MAY 1 . 1 . '*' is a lot for a week night's entertainment. The only "blame" I have NgjrJlry* • • T H B C L A M or i.ta ? is for those few students who constantly talk the school down, and First Place CSPA " First Place ACP then didn't bother to support a progressive step. VOL. XXXIX Deember 3, 1954 No. 11 As for taking money from surMembers of ttie NEWS »tuff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from plus, I agree it is a bad policy to 7 to 11 p.m. at 2-3320, Ext. 11. Phones: Lackey, 3-0277; Ruben, 02-0570; Reltz, 2-9711; use the money for every single Bwlerzowskl, 2-3744; Moore, 2-3320. dance. Hut, when something new The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers: pub- comes along with no budget line, lished every Friday of the College year by the NEWS Board for the Student Associa- why shouldn't surplus be used in an tion. emergency to finance something the RONALD I.ACKKV liUllor-ln-Chlef students otherwise wouldn't have EVELYN RUBEN Managing Editor had? The editorial suggests that WILLARD REIT/ Public Relations Editor we should plan our Innovations furJOANNE MOORE Feature Editor ESTHER GOLDSTEIN . . . Circulation-Exchange ther ahead in the future, (there are FRANCES MONAIIAN Business-Advertising Editor already plans for a Dixieland conAII.EEN COCHRANE Associate Editor cert Feb. 20, ok? i But it is ridicuCAROL ANN LUET Associate Editor lous to suppose the school should JOSEPH 8WIER/.OWSKI Sports Editor ARNOLD NEWMAN Junior Sports Member reject an opportunity such as this DOROTHY RAHMUSSEN Junior Spuria Member with the words "Sorry, but we have JOILN KNAPP '•" Staff I'liotographer to have 0 months planning before we dare try any new ventures!" CAROL ANN LUFT Issue Editor Also, while I'm at it. I'm all for editorials on controversial subjects, but let's try for accuracies. In parAll communications should be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Names ticular, I mean the first Debate, Will be withheld on request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not editorial, where the topic wasn't necessarily reflect Its views. even stated correctly. Then the following week, the editor, trying to 1 Justuy a previous mistake, quoted (Continued on Page 3, Column I) Law Enforcement . . . Albany debaters copped two top honors at the Dart- t ** ^ ^^TSL-sTe A Visiting Committee of the American Association of mouth Invitational Novice Debate Tourney and were one h a v e t h l s chemical analysis of a Colleges for Teacher Education will arrive at State Sunday, of the five undefeated teams out of seventy-one pairs of woman from the university of Rhode states Evan R. Collins, President of the College. Sunday teams at the University of Vermont Tourney, states Phyl- island, through Tuesday members of the Committee will investigate the functioning of the College by: sitting in on classes, lis Bialow '56, Debate Council President. Undefeated in the symbol: wo faculty and student activities, meeting and informal gathDartmouth tourney were the affirmative team from State Accepted Atomic weight: 120 comoosed of Linda Niles and Barbara Salvatore, Juniors, Physical Properties: possesses a erings; watching the operation of various administrative who were victorious over Dartmouth, Harvard and the £ £ , t f f and ftSTitSS and instructive departments; and mingling with students Positive To the Editor: May I add my meed of praise to the many congratulations you must be receiving for your courageous defense of the principle of public debate of controversial issues? Admittedly, the topic chosen involves complex political and moral issues, but they can hardly be clarified by a refusal to examine them, or to permit them to be examined. The position of intellectual leadership in this matter that you, as editor of the State College News, have taken is particularly admirable. The pride I feel in my association with a college whose administration and students have demonstrated their allegiance to the canons of free inquiry and open discussion is one of the intangible rewards of a profession we are all committed to. You have added your individual talents to a tradition as old as Socrates and as American as Henry David Thoreau. We in the humanities can hardly fail to recognize the importance of what you have done. Very sincerely yours, M. E. Grenander, Associate Professor of English, Pasadena, California. P0<tiHf National Teacher Education Group *7U* CxcUaHfa To Examine State College Campus State Debaters Win Top Honors A t Dartmouth Forensic Tournament MCUILCMC f»AOI S FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 , 1 0 5 4 U n i v e r s i t y Of V e r m o n t . Violent reaction if left alone. Able The negative team of Phyllis Ly- t 0 absorb a vast amount of food. eth '56 and Rita Cohen '57 lost their Turns green when placed beside a final debate to Harvard, after wins b e t t e l ' looking specimen. from the University of Vermont and Occurrence: Found wherever man (Continued from Page 2, Column 2) the SA secretary's minutes as saying Middlebury. Uses: Usually versatile as a tonic "Many Catholic schools, some 200 At the University of Vermont for low spirits andw a depressive for rejected the topic" in number ^.^j*.....*.-. — . . r rnurnament neici oetore UUUIKS- *—»•• ~* * —°— — — held beforeaffirmative Thanks- equalizer high spirits._ efficient as aofI i whereas the minutes ™tually read Tournament , state's of Highly the distribution B vacation "—some 200 schools rejected the B undefeated. With debaters weath-is probably the most effectopic - including many Catholic J J ^ } m r t e m s t a t e s a n d C a n a d a live income reducing agent known, schools." From Bucknell Uhlvetsity we 1 »•„,. ,v,™-.> „,.„.,,•.„„ arguing, «^= 355 riphafpe debates WPVP were held held dnrdur This is ust my plea for moie »b , ' * ' t h r e e . d a v eV ent State's af have the followingi "Scripture": thought-provoking editorials, but ing the thieemry event._a»w s^ a_ firmative of Miss Bialow and Miss Blessed are those who go around make sure they're accurate. Lyeth, won decisions from McGill circles. u l Yours truly, University, Connecticut Wesleyan, For they shall be called wheels. Theresa Barber '56. Vassar, Worcester Polytechnic and St. Anselms State's negative comWords of wisdom from the RensRebuttal posed of Emilie Vavra and Richard s e , a c r Polytechnic advise how to Editor's Comment: Let it suffice uul a course: to state that Miss Barber is a rep- Clifford, Sophomores, lost the final ten iruni debate to Connecticut after success1. Do not bother with a text book, resentative to Student Council from harge of '"> debates with Dartmouth, Ham2, Put your social life ahead of the Class of 1956, was in cha publicity for the past Jazz Concert. ilton College, Bowdoin and the Uni- everything else. If necessary, cultlversity ol Vermont. State's lour de- v a t e n few friendships in the class, balers at this event were ranked interesting conversation should be first or second as speakers in each able to drown out the noise of a debate, among the field of 284 col- lecture. To the Editor: Student Council came to the Stu- lege speakers dent Association Assembly NovemDebate Council invites those inber 12 for nominations of students Art Class Sponsors who SA ielt would be worthy rep iy rep- terested In progressive discussion on c _, _ , . resentatives of our college at the the topic "How can we improve the M U C J e n t K h O t O C X h l O l t inter-Collegiate Association meeting modern educational system to Ut 1 u weekend 'it Council Geneseo from State, 0 u display from Monday through voted by Student a the needs of our society? , to sign by the Art 6 class. However final names selections were up on the debate bulletin board or Fsponsored list of 21 the student recently, r iday, second floor Draper, will be and with' the-.--' exception Joana CPp Miss Bialow. r, 11 ofc.~,v, student Photography Exhibit, those students who submitted n For Cai'lin who went last year and is a photographs there will be a desk carryover, are all Student Council in the lower peristyle December 13members. /Continued from Page 1, Column 5) 15 from 12 to 12:30 p.m. In the I do not question the ability and „ , , event that the owner is unable to ciualities of those selected, but I do The stage proscenium has been been ])j( , k U)) nJK p h ( ) t ( ) S | ( h o s e r e m a i n i n g feel it is unfair to SA, who was bothered for nominations. Why extended for the play and ramps w i u be left in a box on the desk come to SA? In this instance SC hav been built into the audience, after December 15. c„wiPri renresentatives from within Edgar Van Olnda. drama critic lor The shots will picture various sub„ , ™ , ranks with one excep- Times Union and several theatrical jects, including both still and action i n i t s interesting to note that people from the Albany area are prints. Anyone still wishing to hand ^ I n f t h P two alternates picked was expected to attend the performance, m photos, minimum size 3"x5 . states Miss Ha one 01 tin LWU member , _ ,,.__ „ ,, mus(. dQ go b y 4 p m today Tney a non-Council Also, I challenge Council s right ^ n U j . may be deposited in a box located in to close the meeting to anyone not ^ w i | ] ]x [ o the lower peristyle between Husted Council when fUcusston con e v e r v o n e attending. Music will be and Draper. on ceming the nominee:s beu m i e l h e . ^ ^ pep ^ order of business. SA onlooKets WLIL ••requested" to leave the Government C o m m i t t e e Heads Room, where Council ~ "'""' meets, '" "until " ' Committee for "Androcles and The after the selection! I appeal to Mys- Lion" include: Assistant to the Dikania for a limiting of Council's rector, Betty Van Vlack; Stage power to close their meetings at Manager, Dorothy Alford; Costumes wish, especially since it is evident »*!.'!.' ., Jelly, Chairman, Janet Corner Ontario & Benson the words and suggestions of an Eygnor, ' ' Priscilla Kahn, Helen •'outsider" were evidently in need. Stuobs; Properties, Prances MonaDial 4-1125 Bystander han, Sheila Strongin; Lights, Grace FLORIST & Mueller; Sound, Marie Carbone, Margaret Culligan; Staging, Lenore GREENHOUSE National Society Gives Hughes. Margaret Coogan, Judy College Florists for Years Vinnnerstedt, Nancy Schneider and Special Attention Scholarship To Student the Speecli 13 class; Business and „,,-,„„ '57 .,, u the Publicity, Nancy Gadc, Patricia for Van Vlack Betty Rae viacK o - i s tnt Mak(,. B a ,. 1 ) a r a Bailey, Sororities and Fraternities recipient ol an awa.d o H"c v P n n l y l u l , Virginia Van Orden. by the Scholarship Committee 01 the Alpha Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a national honor society lo women educators. On November• 3 the Chapter approved t h \ i « . o m nendation of the Scholarship Cornnut tee and voted to give to Miss Van Vlack an award of $100 reporU "YOUR STATE INSURANCE MAN" Oscar E. Lanford, Dean ol the College. £etteM . . . fl Gammon-State* By WITTSCHEN & LO TRUGLIO LOOKING FORWARD . . . It seems that the "Turkey Vacation" came just in time. But to keep us all going, it's nice to remember that there is another vacation coming up in two weeks. ANY ONE . . . ? Since there are so many people who devote much of their time to playing bridge and there are even experts among them, some of the students have been asking why there isn't an organized club or tournament in the school. The answer is that no one has been Interested enough to start one. If you are . . . use your initiative! LOCAL . . . Hello to Sigma Phi Sigma . . . good-bye to Alpha Epsilon Phi. CHAMPIONS . . . Congratulations to the Class of 1957 for winning Rivalry. With that close score you must have been shaking till the last minute. But, it was a job well done and a prize well deserved. Your skit had lots of audience appeal and it was evident that the participants had worked hard to put on a good show. For the class of '58, with this year's experience and another good skit like the one presented on Campus Day, "Just wait till next year." HARDWORKERS? An expression of appreciation is due, we think, to Tush Barber who handled the student rate vacation transportation so efficiently. She had a rush job to do with it since it was overlooked until the last minute by Student Council. It was encouraging to see someone volunteer for a job, work at it and complete it successfully. It seems that some of our "hardworkers" are volunteering for or getting themselves appointed to committees about which they know little and work at less. When these people offer to work on a committee and don't know what it entails and how much time they will have to spend, or lose interest once they are on the group, the result is that the burden has to be carried by the others (which seems to the case on the committee investigating NSA). It would be more sensible for some people to spread themselves around less and really do a good job on what they are able and actually interested. Anyway . . . Thanks, Tush. IN THE SPIRIT . . . Glad to see the new coat of holiday decorations in the Co-op. Most of the comments overheard have been favorable. As a State College graduate, Mr. Bell knows what we students want and tries to meet us all the way. His new policies have led to better services available for the students. HAVE FUN . . . Don't forget tomorrow night after the basketball game, Student Union Board will sponsor the first in a series of informal basketball dances after all five of the home games, four of which will have a band. Another function on the SUB social calendar, will be the Informal Coffee Hour to be held after the Christmas Sing next Sunday night. WORK DONE AND WORK AHEAD . . . Now that the excitement cf frosh elections is over, we would like to congratulate all those who were elected. From what we can see, it seems that these officers were chosen on the basis of platforms given. Glad to see '58 starting out on the right foot. Now it's up to you to put forth all your effort to learn about our student government, and to help keep Student Council and our assemblies constructive and interesting. QUESTION OF THE WEEK? Who will be next week's entertainers at Student Council? The Other 15?? The All-College Revue Committee has set Monday as the deadline for submitting applications for directing or working as co-ordinates of the Revue scheduled for March 19. Applications should be sent to Mary Ann Johnpoll '55, or Marie Devine '56. The committee has decided that there will be five categories of direction. The categories will include the following: a choreographer who will supervise and stage the dancing; a music director who will take charge of all music; a coordinator who will handle the money and work with the committees; an acting or dialogue director who will direct the skits and/or the sketches, and finally, a supervising director who will take charge of the show. Administration and faculty members have investigated and evaluated the program. Their report was given to the Visiting Committee for consideration. The Visiting Committee will compile its own report on the basis of their findings. The results will be used to the advantage of the College and its proper functioning. The committee visiting State will be comprised of men from states other than New York. The Chairman of the group will be Dr. E. DeAlton Partridge, President of the State Teachers College, Monclair, New Jersey. President Collins has served on similar committees, visiting such colleges as the University of Boston and Yale. SC Theatre . . . &JM / / / • • ; / ' » ' " ' - ART KAPNER College Calendar FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 11 a.m. News staff meeting, Room 200. 1 p.m. News staff meeting, Room 202. 8 p.m. "Androcles and the Lion," Page Hall Auditorium. 9:45 p.m. Lion Hop, Brubacher Hall. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 10 a.m. Music Council Poster Party, Brubacher Hall. Hliu p.m. State vs. RPI Basketball Game, Page Hall Gym. 11 p.m. SUB Basketball Dance. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 3 to 5 p.m. D & A Art, Exhibit, Brubacher Upper Lounge. (i p.m. Hillel and SCA Party, Congregation Ohav Sholom, 441 Washington Ave. 7 p.m. Student Union Board Meeting, Brubacher. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7 10 a.m. Sophomore Class Meeting, Draper 349. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 HI l. Council Meeting, Brubacher Government Room. 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1) 7:30 p.m. Better Government Committee, Brubacher. 7:30 pjn. "Ivan the Terrible," film, Draper 349. 7:30 p.m. IVCF Meeting, Brubacher. 7:30 pail. Newmun Club Meeting, Newman Hall. Revue Group Sets Deadline For Directors in the Dormitories and the Student Union. AACTE was set up as an accrediting agency for Teacher Education Colleges throughout the country. State is already accredited. This visit by a committee of the Association is part of a program established to aid accredited colleges In evaluating themselves. ALL TYPES of INSURANCE APPEASE YOUR APPETITE and PLEASE YOUR POCKETBOOK CLEARANCE Albany, N. Y. SALE! sale Shop & Save GREYHOUND TERMINAL TODAY! the CO-OP One Way One Way $4.00 $3.15 CORTLAND 4.50 4.15 BOSTON 2.05 3.50 ONEONTA 5.80 4.50 PHILADELPHIA 8.75 5.10 WASHINGTON 5.55 G.20 OGDEN3BURG 5.90 4.40 CANTON 4.60 3,70 Al'BURN 6.05 UTICA 2.40 MONTREAL 6.80 COBLESKILL 1.15 NIAGARA FALLS 4.85 CHERRY VALLEY 1.45 CANANDAIGUA Plus U. S. Tax. Bill EXTRA Savings EACH WAY on Bound-Trips SYRACUSE PLATTSBURG.il BINGIIAMTON ITHACA ROCHESTER BUFFALO WATERTOWN NEW YORK CITY Fine, Modern Coaches—Frequent, Well-Timed Schedules All costume jewelry will go on Eat at the Snack Bar 5-1471 73 State Street He never dreamed he'd save so much going home by GREYHOUND 350 Broadway way Phone 4-6165 GREYHOUND f»AOI 4 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S . FRIDAY, D E C E M B E R 3 . 1 0 5 4 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 , 1 0 5 4 Music Council Sponsors Party; To Show Movie Freshmen Select Officers; List Election Tabulations Freshman Elections: ,; No. of votes cast x 100 Q u o t a =s No. t o be elected + 1 418 x 1 0 ° Quota: +1 1 + 1 +1 Quota 20901 President Aceto Barfoot Brennan Minon O'Connor Blanks Loss 7100 7200 603 12100 12300 14200 19300 13200 13300 16100 20000 31300 S600 8700 10700 200 200 200 200 100 600 2300 Total 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 Vice-President Alexander Banfield Barbagelata Bromfield Cunningham English Esolin Vigilante Wright Blanks Loss Total Secretary Betros Cantor Cosentino .., Cosgrove ... DeCordova McGuirk ... Murphy Senez Seiler Tyler Blanks Loss Total Treasurer Barton Friermuth Lelrmoe Maioriello Mannison Maxson Seymour Swiskey Blanks Loss 14700 5700 4800 1700 1500 2400 600 6700 2900 800 14800 15200 15500 16100 17000 19300 23400 5800 5800 6200 6900 7800 9300 4800 4800 4900 5200 5700 1700 1700 1500 2600 2800 2800 6700 3100 800 7200 7900 8400 9200 10300 11200 3400 3600 3800 800 800 800 300 800 800 100 100 600 1300 2100 6400 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 5900 4200 7400 3600 1900 3000 1500 3300 4100 5900 1000 6200 4200 7600 3900 2000 '3100 6600 4400 7700 4000 3300 4200 6100 1000 200 3400 4300 6400 1000 700 6900 4500 8300 4600 7500 4800 8800 5200 8300 9100 10000 5100 9000 10100 11400 13500 15800 5700 6200 3300 3600 4400 4600 6800 6900 1)200 9600 10500 12000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1700 3000 350O 5800 8900 15300 25000 Music Council will show " S o n g of Scherazade," a technicolor movie of t h e fife of t h e Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakoff, on December 15 a t 7:45 p.m., a n n o u n c e s K a t h r y n J o h n s t o n '55, President. T h e film, one of adventure a n d music, s t a r s Yvonne DeCarlo, B r i a n Donlevy and J e a n Pierre Aumont. T h e film will be shown i n Draper 349 a n d students must present their s t u d e n t tax cards to be admitted. F r e s h m a n Class Of fleers: first row, (1 to r ) : M a r t h a Ross, Joseph B a r t o n , Ronald Alexander, Jack Minon, Mary Cosentino, Theresa M o naco a n d Sally H a r t e r . Second r o w : J o h n Stefano, Marilyn Leach, Patricia Corcoran a n d David Blum. Song Leader Ambrosino Kennedy Ross Satz Blanks Loss Total Publicity Director Alward Kittlaus Kuskowski Meehan Smith Snyder Sullivan Blanks 8900 10700 6000 11900 13700 17700 25900 13600 14600 16700 1400 1400 1400 1400 2000 41800 41800 41800 41800 7200 5400 4000 2300 7800 2800 7500 3800 1000 7600 5400 430O 8300 5800 4600 8600 9400 1080O 13300 6600 7100 8000 3000 7700 4300 1000 500 8400 9000 10300 11700 13800 16600 7700 8400 8800 9900 4600 5100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1400 2100 4200 7400 12700 41800 41800 41800 41800 4180O 41800 41800 4180O 41800 41800 12200 12200 12700 13400 14500 16200 17500 21000 2100 2100 4800 4800 5300 5400 6100 6500 9300 9400 9900 10800 11600 13400 15400 300 4100 4100 4100 4100 2800 2900 3100 4600 4600 4600 5200 5600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 500 1300 2400 4100 7300 7419 100 Total 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 Total Cheerleader Abraham Harter Hurd Kopeza McGrath Newton Blanks Total 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 3600 3600 3800 4200 5000 5000 5500 5900 6400 14900 15300 15500 16000 17500 19000 26300 2700 3100 3200 1200 11800 12000 12600 13900 14300 16100 2000 2000 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 200 600 1200 3000 6100 14900 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 41800 Music Council tryouts interested in working on posters for t h e n e x t concert will meet in B r u b a c h e r on S a t u r d a y a t 10 a.m. for a poster party. Tryouts will also m e e t for t h e mailing list assignments on Tuesday in Brubacher. Music Council a n d D&A Council are sponsoring e n t e r t a i n m e n t from S t a t e to perform at t h e V e t e r a n s ' Hospital. Last T h u r s d a y Mary A n n Johnpoll '55, Alan Weiner '56 a n d Neil Brown, Grad, e n t e r t a i n e d with duets and p a n t o m i m e d songs. Anyone interested in going is to contact Anneliese H a r t n a g e l or B a r b a r a M u r n a n e , Juniors. TPB UrgeslSeniors. To Complete Folders Principals and s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s have contacted t h e Teacher Placement Bureau to begin consideration of candidates for September t e a c h ing positions. Seniors are therefore urged to complete their folders as soon as possible, specifies M a r y Lynch, Director of t h e Teacher Placement Bureau. Each student must turn in a completed folder a n d sign u p for an interview with Miss L y n c h if h e is interested in obtaining a t e a c h ing position next fall. A s t u d e n t can not be recommended by t h e P l a c e m e n t Bureau for a position if this procedure is not completed. A N D H O W IT S T A R T E D . FRED BIRMINGHAM says: "I've w a n t e d t o be an editor ever since I worked on a boy's m a g a z i n e at a g e 8. After being an editor of t h e D a r t m o u t h literary magazine (The Dart),. I set m y sights on Esquire. It took 18 y e a r s of h a r d work t o achieve t h e e d i t o r s h i p - after struggling a s a newsmagazine cub, c a r t o o n a n d e s s a y writer, a d v e r t i s i n g copy writer a n d t r a d e p a p e r editor." "I scarfed smoking CAMELS I I years ago. I'vefriedmany other brands, buf my choice always is Camel. Mo other bi-ahd, is so milcLyef so rioMasfinq!' EDITOR OF Esquire CAMELS YOURSELF! M a k e t h e 30-Duy C a m e l Mildness Test. Smoke only Camels for 30 d a y s ! Tomorrow t h e curtain goes up on another of S t a t e ' s Basketball teams. F r o m all indications t h u s far. this year promises t o be quite a n interesting one for Coach H a t h a w a y and his m e n . After several weeks of h a r d practice t h e hoopsters will take the hardwood against t h e Engineers of R P I tomorrow night. As usual we'd like to urge all of you to come out a n d cheer for t h e team. Page Hall G y m doesn't hold too many, we admit, but, nevertheless, let's swell the rafters a n d show our h a r d working a t h l e t e s we're behind them all the way. T h e pushball game featured the most trying part of the Rivalry a t h letic program, and everyone, including t h e winning frosh, under t h e callable lead of Roy O'Connor, were much relieved when the big sphere was left to be deflated. IM Basketball Opens Season Potter Club Captures Lead In IM Bowling By Downing APA 3-1 53-A No, Lake Ave. (Near Washington Ave.) " J I M M Y " -Hair Stylist Telephone 3-0740 ormom me p pi easum • • 1 I' TUXEDOS fff^f •/fl 1 / l l * Formal Blue * Shawl Collar • Feather Weight ^ M^B*X ^ . An, • Blue Note Shop J 1• ^p Next Wednesday t h e Peds will H a t h a w a y discusses h i s hoop plans travel to Oswego for their third a n d Jerry McDonald. away game of t h e year. Vantity Schedule Dee. I RPI 8 Oneontu 10 l l a r p u r 15 New Haven .Ian. 1 Potsdam 8 Plattsburg 15 Hobart Feb. I New Paltz 5 Oswego 9 Utica 12 New Haven 17 Plattsburg 19 Pratt 26 N.Y.S. Maritime Mar. 1 Oneonta 4 New Paltz 5 llurpur Home Away Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Away Home Bowling Team Sets Record High Triple T h e Albany S t a t e Bowling Club set the Siena Bowline, Alleys on fire Tuesday night as they rolled a new team high trinle — 2742 and downed ABC 3-1. Although the pine flew thick and l a s t the small margin of one or two pins kept the Slate.'men from gaining all the laurels. Two pins kept the keglers from getting the new high single in their second game. Individual scores were as follows: ,1. Simmanski. . 184 211 1882 577 J. Swierzowskl 171 178 141 49: R. Adams 212 158 158 52H J. Zidik 188 224 187 599 J. Duran 189 187 172 548 Totals 944 958 842 2742 Lose Opener T h e Peds lost their opener Wednesday night to a fast breaking' Utica College team. At t h e finish t h e Uticans, who also opened t h e i r season Wednesday, were ahead 10288. T h e State's western quintet had built up a 24 point a d v a n t a g e by the end of t h e first half. Trailing 55-31 at t h e end of t h e break the Peds c a u g h t fire. After six minutes of t h e third quarter had elapsed Co-Captain Nels LaRoe, who, up to this time, h a d hooked in 14 points, was lost to t h e teachers on personals. Sig S m i t h and Denny Dempster took charge from here on in, however, a n d S t a t e outscored the home team 57-47. T h e final outcome was determined way back In the first half, however, and t h e Statesmen suffered a n opening game loss. Smith Scores 25 Sig Smith led t h e Peds with 25 points, being backed up by La Roe's 14 tallies, a n d Depster's 12. Individual scoring honors of t h e game went to Don Daprovoic of Utica who hit for 29 points. R o n Evans and Norm Pensero did S t a t e no good as they came through with 22 nnd 20 points respectively. AI.IMNV STATE UTICA COLLEGE Hi fl> H» tb fp t p L u Roe 7 1) 1-1 Papiirelln 1 3 5 Smah II IP 11 ii Qiiujiilnni 3 0 0 c • II2 •1 8 Lockwood :i '-' 8 •i •I 8 Pensero 5 10 20 Rookwoocl 'i Minim fl E v a n s II 0 22 •) Aiuli'ismi 1 :i !> JDoasberpohv o l c 120 51 21)1 Mlllll'l 1 i) 1 0 2:» Nntson 1 0 2 Gibson ii Jlnt'.s 2 •» :<nm a 1 7 •1 12 S t o c k t o n 2 leinpsii'i I 0 \ Tolnls Tot ii Is 30 2 8 llll 37 28 102 Joe's Barber Shop Dan'c Uptown Kiel 53 N. take Are., Near Washington Ave. 2 BARBERS We Aim To Plc«ae HIilS. Fine Dry Clei ning Tel. (.2-1152 208 Quail St. NEED CASH??? For Hi re JL Efl RECORDS F I L M S DEVELOPED ISO Central Avenue Open Evenings till 0:00 State's Basketball Squad will play host to a strong R P I t e a m in t h e home opener of t h e year tomorrow night. Coach H a t h a w a y h a s been putting t h e squad through vigorous drills and h a s finally come u p with a probable s t a r t i n g line-up. I n t h e center position will be big 6-6 Lew C a n - Si? Smith 5-11, a n d Nels L a Rce 6-2 will fill in t h e forward positions, and 6 foot freshman J a c k Minon and last year's J u n i o r Varsity star J o h n Rockwood will round out t h e team as guards. T h e t e a m may be without t h e services of c o c a p t a i n Jerry McDonald who is suffering from a foot injury. out victory. Much credit m u s t be given to Don Meyers who so ably organized the frosh gridders. With Dorm Field absorbing t h r e e clays of rain the field events were held in Page Gym. T h e football a c Pictured above. Coach Merlin curacy throw was captured by the with c o - c a p t a i n s Nels LaRoe (left) frosh when Bob Backer hurled t h e Rivalry: Now t h a t Rivalry is over we'd like pigskin into the tilted container. to go over t h e athletic events and Ed Jones outjumped Hoot D e S t e l pick o u t a few m e n whom we ano in the running broad j u m p , but t h o u g h t were o u t s t a n d i n g . I n t h e Hoot came back to win t h e high softball g a m e J o h n Stefano's work j u m p . J o e Anderson, a consistent in organizing t h e team a n d handling competitor lor the Sophs, literally of Gerry Birr's a n d Bob Backer's T h e IM Basketball Season got off lost this event by the "seat of h i s pitching c a n n o t be overlooked. H a r pants." T h e final outcome for t h e to ,ui exciting s t a r t last, Wednesday ry Millet's g r a n d slam and Sal day was determined when t h e Blue nighi with a trio of games being Zacraro's big triple spelled doom Jays J i m Denio outdistanced Joe played One was very close, while for t h e Red Devils. In t h e football the :ii her two were runaways. Ziz/.i m the football throw. encounter t h e S o p h trio of J o h n In t h e first game Sayles pulled a Rockwood, J o e Zizzi, and J o e AnderGerry Sullivan did a commendable surprising upset over highly rated son were t h e big guru, in the .shut- job in directing t h e freshmen. APA (>'3-t>2 in overtime. Maxson was unstoppable as he led the Saylesmen with 31 points. Ex-varsity m a n J o h n Allasio hooped 24 to lead APA. Potter, hitting on all cylinders, scored an amazing 96 points while beating t h e Ridge Rebels 96-24. H o r witz and Gugiielmone led t h e Club Potter Club took over first place big game featured 7 straight strikes. with 25 and 15 points respectively. in the downstairs division of t h e Sanders paced t h e Groggers with Young scored 9 to lead the outI n t r a m u r a l Bowling League as they a total of 441 for t h e afternoon. I n classed Rebels. took three points from APA Wed- the other game rolled on t h e u p T h e Finks, led by Lein's 20 points, nesday afternoon. Dave Borden led stairs alleys, t h e APAches downed eluded t h e P h a n t o m s 59-16. This the Potter keglers with 159-185-174 Hilltop by a score of 3 to 1. Monsell g a m e was not as close as the score for a 518 triple, while Rockstroh's racked up a 480 triple to lead t h e would indicate, as the P h a n t o m s 505 helped APA cop one point. In APAches attack. Demske led t h e garnered 13 points in the second other .games played in t h e down- counter attack with 429. T h e R o u s - half, making a desperate surge to stairs division, S L S split with t h e ers drew a bye in the upstairs div- close the gap. Enfield scored H to Saylesmen, each team collecting ision. lead t h e P h a n t o m s . two points. Fred G a m a c h e split t h e maples for a 466 triple for the Saylesmen, while T o m S h u m a n s k l and JoeSwierzowski both rolled 518 for SfMVlt SfLO-tliCfllt SLS. K B collected 3 points and t h e APA athletes 1 in the last downstairs game played. T l n a p p led t h e Our Sport Spotlight for the first K B team with a 432 triple. time I his year falls on a I'reshmunC u n n i n g h a m Hits 532 Dcane C u n n i n g h a m . Deane. who hails from Clinton, New York, set I n t h e Upstairs League, Sayles the IM keglers buzzing Wednesday collected 3 points and S u m m i t 1. afternoon as he came up with a Bindrim led the way for Savles with 32 tiiple. a 424 triple while Hunt rolled 451 for Summit. Deane C u n n i n g h a m His second game made everyone with a record 228 single and a 532 it : n and take notice as lie bowled triple led Van Derzee to a 3 to 1 7 s t r a i g h t strikes and ended with win over Mahar's Groggers, Deane's 228. These two scores were more t h a n enough to give Van Derzee three points over Mahar's Groggers. Bowling being the only IM sport going on this "Spotlight" week— iWednesday nights games are taken into consideration t h e following An Intercollegiate Table Tennis Pictured above is a scene from weeki. our r u n n e r - u p slot is shared League h a s boon formed by various IM Bowling. J o h n Zidik, last year's by i couple of Lop notch keglers: college in the vicinity. Those taking Champion, Is seen mulling bis d e - Dave Borden and Tom Shumanskl, p a r t in t h e league a r e : Albany Busi- livery. who hit identical 5la triples. ness College, Siena, Pharmacy, and t h e Albany S t a t e Independents. T h e I n d e p e n d e n t s m e t ABC hist Wednesday n i g h t and lost 5-2 on the opponents' court to get the season underway. Oilier games will be played on following Wednesday nights during the year. T h e men representing S t a t e In t h e league are Arnie Smith, Chuck Derwln, Al F i n klesiein, Sam Kelley, Curl Schrader, Bob Strauber, and Ray Castillo. .H I * Single Breasted Felicia's Beauty Salon , ) . lUynoldi Tclitcra Co., Wlnilon Bulem, N. 0. ^ °^ C A M E I S ^ ScufA _^^^f SMOKING e Swiffi State Faces RPI In Page Opener 1 START m Basketball Squad Commences 18 Game Schedule; Bow To Utica Collese Hoopsters In Opener 102-88 Area Colleges Initiate Table Tennis League MAGAZINE PAAI •'•§ WANTED - RALPH ADAMS ^ r Campu.s BOOKS Representative WUBBSGH l a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The CO-OP will pay cash for a LIMITED number of Used Books if they are in GOOD Condition on Thursday and Friday, December S) & 10 ONLY! 4 5 2 BROADWAY "-wr^-- Only 15 Co-op d a y s t o X m a s ^ ." -'--V-."*--:^?-^: kfb.X' PAOI • STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 , 1 9 5 4 Council Choralettes To Perform Publically Student (Contlnuea jrom raoe i, Column k> complete t h e All College Revue A t Annual Christmas Programs Committee. I t was reported by A n n Vigilante T h e Choralettes, a group of selected girls' voices, will m a k e four public a p p e a r a n c e s singing for C h r i s t m a s programs between T h u r s d a y a n d December 15. T h e singing group is under t h e direction of K a r l A. B. Peterson, Associate Professor of Music. Their first a p p e a r a n c e will be Thursday a t t h e a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s tea of t h e D a u g h t e r s of the A m e r l e a n Revolution a t t h e First Presbyterian Church. O t h e r performances include t h e college Assembly, the S t u d e n t C h r i s t i a n Association Annual C h r i s t m a s Sing, a n d t h e F a c ulty C h r i s t m a s Tea. Greeks Schedule Parties; Release List O f Pledges Included in t h e p r o g r a m a r e t h e following n u m b e r s : "Glory to God in the Highest," Pergolesi; "Blow, Winds, O Softly Blow," G e r m a n traditional melody; "Carol of the Sheep Bells," Slovak Folk Song; "I Psi G a m m a a n d Chi S i g m a T h e t a Wonder As I W a n d e r , " Appalachian a r e having parties this week a n d Carol; " T h e Coventry Carol," a n four fraternities have pledged new d e n t melody; "Deck t h e Hall," members. traditional melody. A dessert-card party will be held Next Friday in t h e Assembly proMonday for Psi G a m m a faculty m e m b e r s states Sylvia K o r a b '55, gram, the orchestra, u n d e r t h e d i President. Phyllis H u r d a n d B a r - rection of Charles Stokes, Professor of Music, will perform also. b a r a B a u m are C o - C h a i r m e n . Chi S i g m a T h e t a is having its Choralettes is a special women's a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s party for its fac- vocal group for public performance. ulty m e m b e r s Sunday from 3 to Membership t h r o u g h tryouts was 5:30 p.m., specifies Ann Tobey '55, held a t the s t a r t of t h e sei. ester. President. General C h a i r m a n is Vivian Schlro '56, and committee c h a i r m e n a r e : Marilyn D e S a n t a , E n t e r t a i n m e n t ; Sheila Lister, S o p h o mores; Gifts, Carole Hughes '56. T h e new members of K a p p a Beta a r e : Lawrence Suffness '56, and Theodore Pederson '57, according to Richard T i n a p p '56, President. Sigm a L a m b d a h a s pledged Jesse Vies, Edward Demske, a n d L. K e i t h Gilmour, Sophomores, reports Robert Henderson '56, President. H u g h Brown, Donald Murdock, Juniors, a n d T h o m a s Boehm, Robert M a n t h e y a n d J o h n Pengelly, S o p h omores, h a v e pledged Alpha P h i Alpha, announces T h o m a s Mullen, President. Potter Club h a s pledged Edward Syzmanski, Grad, a n d J o n Smith, Horace Crandell, Herbert Felski, Donald Kesel, and J o h n Demster, Sophomores, reports Robert Sage, President. '55, t h a t the Assembly n e x t Friday will be t h e C h r i s t m a s Assembly, since it is t h e last before vacation. S h e also stated t h a t the National s t u d e n t Association regional (lor New York State) conference is to be held this weekend h e r e in Albany. Since S t u d e n t Council is investigating t h e possibility of joining the orgamzation, Miss Vigilante urged t h a t SA m e m b e r s a t t e n d . Registraincluding the p a y m e n t of $1.50 tlon f e e from 3 to 5 p.m. will be In the Hotel Ten Eyck this afternoon, with discussions a n d the balance panei 0 f t h e convention to be tomorrow, in t h e S t a t e Assembly C h a m b e r s . Two motions were m a d e relative to t h e S t a t e Colegc News, one to increase the n u m b e r of copies printed, to the a m o u n t of $48; t h e other, to rectify mistakes in the budget in the printing line, a m o u n t i n g to $R6. T h e president a n n o u n c e d t h e following members of t h e newly formed "New Types of G o v e r n m e n t " Committee: Bruce King '56. Chairm a n : Joseph Anderson. J o s e p h Ta.ggert, Sophomores; H e n r y Aeeto. freshman. 9n *1ke Qiooue By ED J O N E S Greetings Cats, what's cookin' i n the grove these days? As of late I have been riding the cloud floating from Moonville to Crater City here on the moon. C a u g h t some real gone sounds coming up this way trom the e a r t h lately, Man, like w h a t are you cats up to? I figgered I best catch u u on t h e latest i n t h e dulcet sounds from the m o d e r n cats on wax. By the light of t h e Moon my list reads in t h e wildest of ways, so let's go stompin' cats. Cookin' the greatest sounds for Columbia these days is Rosemary Clooney who this week h a s t h e top disc, "Hey T h e r e . " This i.s really wild with some spooks comin' through with some gone lyrics. Spinning in the second spot is Denice Lor's waxing of "If I Give My H e a r t to You." W a t c h this one close like because, m a n it's going places. H e a n throb Eddie Fisher, who (ust look the big step with Debbie Reynolds, is singing "I Need You Now." on an R.C.A. Victor label for his one and only. Sorry girls, t h a t ' s \1 No filter Compares with JUJ.W5 for Qualify or Effectiveness! ' 9 4 8 t h e way t h e ball rolls. MAN, LOOK OUT. T h e M a m b o is in town a n d it's hitting t h e p l a c e like wild storm. Again we find t h a t Columbia doll Rosemary Clooney coming up with a n o t h e r hit. T h i s time it's "Mambo Italiano." T h e second five, in t h i s week's listings are as follows: sixth, "ABC Boogie," by Bill Haley, seventh, " M r . S a n d m a n , " c u t by the Cordettes, In eighth spot is P a t t i e Page's waxing of " M a m a Doll." Wailing like m a d all the way from England on t h e London label is David Whitfield's recording of "Carl Mia," a n d last but far from least is the ever s m i l in' Nat " K i n g " Cole's disc of "Smile," cut for Capitol records. Cats, I j u s t received t h e greatest news. T h e new G l e n n Miller L i m i t ed Edition I I is now available a t the Blue Note upon request. So d o n ' t forget, for the real end sounds get the new Glenn Miller album. Have to be shovin' off like m a n but will be coolin' here again n e x t week with t h e local stomp c h a t t e r . Until next session with t h e clan. L I K E LATTER MAN, JMiracleTip State Student Poetry Appears in Anthology T h e National Poetry Association In California announces t h a t the following poems, written by students of State, have been accepted for publication In the Annual Anthology of College Poetry: ' To My Associates," by Theo A. Rleck, G r a d ; " T h e Mystery of W h a t Follows," by J a n e Slezuk '57; a n d "Intrusion," by Mary Urquhurt '57. T h e Anthology Is a compilation of t h e finest poetry written by the College men and women of America, representing every section of the country. Selections were m a d e from t h o u s a n d s of poems submitted to the Poetry Association of Los Angeles, California. Actress Dliiiui l y n n : This is llie liesl filler of all —LaM's MiraHeTip. The smoke is mild, yel lull of lluvor. z-459 Mr. anil Mrs. Shi Krwiu, sTiirn of T \ ''« great "Slu Krwin Show": As \w say on TV, thi-. certainly is the Miracle Ti|i. l.ftM's filler heals 'em all. SCA Sponsors Christmas Sing Sunday Evening Mrs. Laddie Sauford, Socialite: I smoke L.&Ms . . . so do most of my friends.Wonderful filter...line luslel F or Enjoy Much More Flavor- Much Less Nicotine II \ I is il tluil m a k e s l.x.M 11it* m o s t lifihl a n d milil s m o k e . T h a i ' s HTective Ultra- lalkcil a l i o u l , iiiusi e.ieeilv l i o n . \ n o l h c r cifriirclle h a s i l ! ,n'i-i'|ilcil, J I M t i n - , h ' s llie fillri llial l u i i n l s .mil \\ li) wail lo It y l.xiVls? D i s c o v e r for y o u r sell what m i n e a m i m u r e filler lip s m o k e r s n o n e ci HI i p a i r s w i t h \ \ \ \ s \l'u a c l c I ip. \t>\\ a r e l n n l i n g out e \ e r y d a y : l.&Ms gel m u c h n u n c lliivur, m u c h less n i c o t i n e a hut llir iliiiim a tire just ardered. America's Best Filter Cigarette! KINO SIZE & REGULAR "And Away We Go I " Would it be rushing the season too much to think about Easter just before C h r i s t m a s ? No! Bill Floyd is organizing a s t u dent excursion to t h e Isle of Bermuda for the Easter v a c a tion. A deposit of fifteen dollars is necessary by J a n u a r y 15 for all those interested in having a ball. J u s t think, a six-day party of college crew on the island of everyone's dreams but no one's reality. T h e rates are low, n o t requiring much "dough". It should be iiuite a "blow" or "blast" with memories t h a t last. Wednesday a technicolor movie will be shown that's g u a r a n teed to put students' hands in the wallets to seal the deal. J u s t think! A private plane ride down and back, a six days stay in a Guest House a n d plenty (o do. Get on the bandwagon! Group houses will compete S u n day evening in the fourth a n n u a l Christmas Sing sponsored by S t u dent Christian Association. Jane S a n t e r '55, C h a i r m a n of the evening reports t h a t 17 groups will e n ter the contest which is scheduled to begin a t 6 p.m. a t Page Auditorium, and Singers will be seated in groups according to the order in which they will sing. All singers arc requested by Miss S a n t e r to be at the Auditorium at 5:45 p.m. Girls who arc siiiging should wear white blouses, black skirts, and black dress shoes.Men should wear a dark suit, white shirt, and a dark four-inli.iiui tie. Judges for the sing include Mrs. J o h n P. Renison, P r a n k B. Bailey. Choir Director at Albany High School, and Judson Rand. Choir Director at St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Dr. F r a m e s Colby. Associate Profe.-sor of English and SCA Advisor will award the prize, a gold cup. Committee chairmen for the sing include Carol S a n d e r s 'f>(j in charge of publicity; programs, Eleanor R o ney; and set, Nancy Gade, S o p h o T h e Stale College News, r e p r e mores. sented bj two editors and a reportei, Beta Zeta will open the program attended the regular weekly m e e t with "The First Noel" followed by ing o! Myskania Tuesday evening, Alpha Pi Alpha who will .sing " 6 which is held in the G o v e r n m e n t Come, O Come E m m a n u e l . " B r u - Room at Brubachcr. Liiclicr will be next singing "Angels T h e News was in attendance, since We i-.ave Heard on High," followed by Chi Si. ma T h e t a with "I Wonder Myskania had been requested to As I Wander," then College Heights clarilj a ruling made by the orwith "We I liree Kings," C o m m u t - gan./ation recently regarding t h e ers' Club singing "No Candle Was closing of meetings of organizations, operating under the Student AssocTheir". G a m m a Kappa Phi will sing "Go iation budget. Oilier observers at the meeting Tell It 011 'llie Mountain," Kappa Bel.1 presenting "What Child is included the Visiting Committee of Tni.s". then Kappa Delta singing the American Association of Col"holiday Greetings", followed by leges tor Teacher Education, c h a i r Newman with "O Holy Night," P i n - mailed by Dr. F. De-Alton Partridge, ter Siii ing 'iianover Winter Song", President of the Stale Teachers Coland finally bclore the intermission lege, Monicliiir, New Jersey. Pierce n a i l singing "Silver Bells." Joan Carhn '55, Chairman of MysAlter the intermission Sa.vles Hall kania, subsequent to discussion r e will pMSciil "Jesu Bam.lino," Sigma garding llie closing of meetings, r e Phi Si un.1 " T h e Christmas Song", leased to the News llie motion as Si ,111a Lam.xla Sigma "Medley," Phi pas oil by the Senior judicial body: Del'.i "Je. 11 Bambino," Psi Oaininu "Stu.ienl Association meetings "The Little Jesus Came to Town," isli.n.i be opened unless t h a t o r g a n Van Derzee "God Rest Ye Merry ization ca ngive valid reasons to C.i nllemen." T h e Choralettes under Myskania why these nice.in gs llie (erection ol Karl A. B. Peterson, shouici be closed." This means t h a t Associate Professor of Mll.sic will all organizations nn.So obtain pera.so sing but will not be competing. mission 1 mm Myskania to close any TT.e juages will .select llnalists who planned meetin ;s, and Miss C a r h n W1I1 present a second milliner bclore urges all organization heads to take the 1111:11 tie. isioii is made. pari icular notice of the ruling. ' •New* I I | nil time'; 1 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER lO, 1 9 5 4 ' VOL. XXXIX NO. 12 Billy Butterfield Will Play For Winterlude Toni3ht; SCA Sing Will Open Yuletide S eason Sunday 'K' tin- fa.slcsl o | , i w i i i o l i q u e u r ALBANY, Judicial Ruling Opens Meetings Students To Play Santa For Smiles Smiles Is planning a Christmas P a r t y for the Albany Home lor Children Wednesday, December 15, from 7 to 9 p.m. Any member of S t u d e n t Association is invited to act a s S a n t a Claus for one of the children a t the home by Elaine Swartout '56, C h a i r m a n of Smiles. S t u d e n t s are requested to spend fifty cents to one dollar on a gift, and place t h e package in boxes set up in t h e halls during the next two weeks. E a c h package should be marked with the age a n d sex for which the present is suitable. Seniors with last n a m e s beginning with A through K are requested to purchase gifts for boys of ages 14 to 16. Seniors with last names which begin with L a n d continue through Z a r e requested to purchase gifts for girls of ages 14 to 16. J u n i o r s with last n a m e s beginning with A through K should buy gifts for boys from 11 to 13, and those with last names L through Z for boys ages 14 to 16. Sophomores with last names A through K should buy their gifts for girls 11 to 13 and those with lust names L through Z for boys 7 to 10. Miss S w a r t o u t requests freshmen to buy gifts for girls 3 to 10 if their last n a m e begins with A through K und for boys 4 to 8 If their last n a m e begins with L through Z. State College To Publish Special Publicity Edition Administration's Use In High Schools The Slate College News Hoard 111 a sj.e. no inc. ting Monday aticinoon in lie t o-ordu.a,or ol I'U'id Her, ice. Ofiii c, approved a motion lo put out a spi.1.11 1 sue ol llie News for the Acimimslralitiii. This special issue 1. to be used by the Co-Ordinal.ir to inform prospective freshmen ol llie virtues ol S t a t e College Arthur Jones, Co-ordinafor of Field Services approached lionald I.acke.v '.ifi, Kditor-ln-Cliiel 011 the possibility of such an issue I.111T icKey called a special meeting ol Kclilors lo decide llie issue. II was pointed mil by Ml Jones II1.1 ii'cv lolls literature has nol been loo 'Ifeclive lie belie w s thai a copy ol the student newspaper would attract more iiltenlion and nilerc ,1 lo llie 1 olle ;e, 1 be Hoard discu sed the possibility lo.ii an issue ol llie News extolling llie virtues ol llie College would not, necessarily present an accurate p i . l u r e of State They felt in such an illicit flaking I woiilii be ncccssary 10 stale 11) 1 ih.s was not an ordinary is ue. 1 lie stones in it shouiu, however be written in the .News story style. Eveiyn Huoeii '55, Managing Editor moved: The Stale College News would undertake llie project of ptll'iiig out 11 lour page issue tor the Admiuistralion in 11)54-55 for t h e pur, ...sc ol informing prospective In siinien ol the virtues of State Colic e The Hoard voted uiianiiiinush in l.ivor of the motion. All expenses incurred in the publishing ol llie is-ue will be paid by the Adiuuiisl rid 1011. T l i ard v. ill again meet next Fri .11 II) a 111 in Draper 111 to (lis, us M i l forthcoming banquet and ('. i l l s ! I una! revisions. J a n uarv 1 the Hoard will meet In discuss slatl promotions, llotli are open meetings, reports Lackey. Forensic Club \j To Debate Topic For Bank Groups Inter-Sorority and Inter-Fraternity Councils will join in sponsoring their annual ball, Winterlude, tonight. The dance will be held in the Circle Inn at the Latham Circle from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., reports Patricia Finger and Custer Quick, Seniors, the respective Presidents ol ISC and IFC. Billy Butterfield, the "Greatest T r u m p e t Player In t h e World," and his orchestra will provide the music for the dance. Bids a r e now on sale a t t h e W i n terlude booth In lower Husted a t four dollars per couple. They will also be sold at the door of t h e Circle I n n tonight. I S C - I F C Will Not C h a r t e r Bus There will be no chartered bus, as previously stated in t h e S t a t e College News. T h e m i n i m u m of twenty people did not sign up by Wednesday, thereby m a k i n g it i m possible to charter a bus in a d vance. T h e Circle I n n is located a t t h e L a t h a m Tralfic Circle. I t m a y be reached via Northern Boulevard. A left t u r n a t the L a t n a m Shopping Center from N o r t h e r n Boulevard will lead directly to t h e L a t h a m Circle. T n e following committees are making a r r a n g e m e n t s lor the dance. T h e Band Committee is u n a e r t h e C h a i r m a n s h i p ol Kilen Baronas, a s sisted by Marjorie Liadeil a n d Anne Dvorak, Seniors. T h e A r r a n g e m e n t s were handled by T h o m a s M u n e n 'o5, aided by Quick a n d Bruce Wise '56. Committees Direct Bids, Publicity Robert Henaerson '56 is hi charge of the bids. Working with h i m a r e : Marilyn WerbalowsKy '55, J u d i t h When, Nicholas Cassevoy, a n d S h i r ley Hainan, Juniors. Publicity is directed by Beatrice E n g e l h a r d t '06 witn tne ueip ol A n n l o ^ e y , Sylvia Korab, Robert Sage, Donald Capua no, Seniors, a n d S a m ivrchniak '56. Memoers of the Decorations Committee under t h e direction of J o a n Fuller '56, include Wi.liam Limage '55, Richard T i n a p p a n d Arnold Newman, Juniors. T n e C h a p erone Committee includes Jean Hahenbck '56, C h a m n a n , Jane WhnehiUot, Juniors, a n d Oiga K o manowsKi '55. Chaperones for Winterlude i n clude: Hudson S. Winn, Associate Professor of Biology, a n d Mrs. W i n n ; Dr. Rudolph Schmidt, College Physician, and Mrs. Schmidt; and Donald T. Donley, Associate Professor of Education, a n d Mrs. Donley. Four members of Debate Council will present a debate on the Communist China topic before a meeting ol the American Institute of Banking in Albany Tuesday evening, reports Phyllis Bialow, Presid e n t of Debate Council. Miss Bialow and Phyllis Lyeth '56, will take t h e affirmative a n d Richard Clifford and Emilie Vavra will present negative arguments before this meeting of bankers from the Troy, Albany and Schenectady areas. These same four debaters have a c cepted an invitation to meet Cornell on the Red China topic before the Cornell Alumnae Club next month. Siena entertained S l a t e debaters for a series of four debates, at a social evening Wednesday night. Theresa Monaco and Josephine Testa, Sonda Schectar and Patricia Wisoiiwer were t h e affirmative d e baters in the two debates. T h e negative teams for S t a t e were composBILLY B U T T E R F I E L D ed o! Shirley Allen and Phyllis Will Play at Winterlude Lyeth, and Linda Niles and Barbara Salvatorc, Juniors. Student Board of Finance agreed to .1 line change this week so t h a t Debate Council could send three speakers to the National Forensic T o u r n a m e n t at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, in April. Eight debaters will attend the Regional Forensic T o u r n a m e n t at New York UnOscar E. Lanfnrd, Dean of the iversity and three different debaters College, a n n o u n c e s ti.e regulations will be chosen for the Ohio trip. concerning llie graduation and course requirements to be followed by u n d e r g r a d u a t e students. The requirements listed in the c a t a log under which t h e student entered or the catalog which is in effect at the time of his graduation S t u d e n t Union Board will spon- are perfectly acceptable, states the sor a coffee h o u r Sunday from Dean. 9 to 10:110 p.m. immediately following the Student Christian AssociaThe Class ol 1955, for instance, tion Christmas Sing reports Nancy may use the present catalog, the Hazzard '55, C h a i r m a n of SUB one lor 1051-52 or any catalog isThis is the first lime t h a t a coffee sued during those years, providing hour has been held in the evening. t h a t the requirements in any one Prior lo tins hour the coflee hours catalog be lollowed. I t is not poshave been held Sunday afternoon. sible lo fulfill p a r t of the requireStudent tryouts and members of ments from one catalog and p a r t SUB and faculty members will from another. serve the coffee a n d cookies. Background muiic will be played. As an added attraction S U B lias arranged for the winning group in the sing to rentier a selection during the coffee hour. Co-Chairmen of the evening's a c tivity are Edna Standley and F r a n k Lo'lru.giio, Seniors. Publicity is u n Included in llie busine.-s handled hour of discussion on proposed cander the direction of Alice O'Neill '55 by .S.u.ieiit Council Wedmsda., eve- didates, Council elected Mary J a n e and Ruth Fairba.rn '.Ji, Edna Anning vv.,s llie election of the Chair- Fisher '56 Chairman of S t a t e Fa.r, dersoii '58 heads the a r r a n g e m e n t s ma.1 lor S . a . e f a i r , standing com- with J a n e W h u e h u r s t '56, altercommittee, Anne Kimdrates is in mittee reports, approval of D&A n a t e charge of inv.tation.s a..d Mike MaxAssotiat.on coiisiituii JII amendCouncil entered a period of disiini '57 leads the c.ean-up commitme.iis, o.satssi in of ilie My k.una cus ion (.entering about the accurtee. ruimg on closed meetin s. and the acy ol the inventory submitted to set,nig of the agenda for today's the organization from the AssociaDean States Schedule Assembly. tion of Men's I n t r a m u r a l Athletics Joseph H a r t '55 and David Gold- 1AMIA1, formerly MAA. E x p l a n a berg '1)7 requested that S t u d e n t tions were given by AMIA President, For Christmas Recess Council allow the Driver Training Thomas Hogue '55. Council deckled, College classes will officially close class to picsent a short skit in however, t h a t the next regular inat 11:50 a.m., Friday, December 17, Assembly today, relative to National ventory, due in J a n u a r y , should be and will be resumed at li a.m., J a n u - Sale Driving Day, which is Decem- in a iorm far more complete. ary II, according to Oscar E. Lan- ber 15. They stated the possibility T h e meeting closed with a disof a wrecked aulo being displayed lord, Dean of tne College. on campus as pail ol the national cussion of the ruling of Myskania The regulations require all stu- program. Also, the group is planning regarding the closng of meetings, dents to be in a t t e n d a n c e December a piinlo exhibit ol wrecks. Myskania's position in the m a t t e r 17 and J a n u a r y li, with the excepSince the selection of the S t a t e being described by J o a n C a r h n '55, tion ol those students who are on Fair Chairman became the next C h a i r m a n . llie Dean'.' List und those graduate order ol business, President Charles Foremost on today's Assembly sludeuis wTiu have m a i n t a i n e d an Buck with '55 then read the Mystiyenda is a Christmas program, disaverage ol 11,5 tor the preceding kania ruling of llie previous evecussion of Campus Commission m o semester. Exception also arc those ning, Hie result of which prohibited tion lo lake money from surplus, students vvlio have been excused by Count il from closing the meeting to announcements Including both either tne Dean's Olilcc or llie Stu- non-Council members while there vacation trains and Safe Driving dent Personnel Office before the was discussion and voting on the Day, and possible discussion on the absence. nominees. Alter approximately a n Campus Commission regulations. Dean Clarifies Catalog Rulings Coffee Klotch To Follow Sing Council Elects Chairman For Fair; Driving Class W i l l Present Skit 0 IJI.I.H i (V Mi i n TOMCCO C a f