•TATK COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1052 PAGE 4 '«• Kerr To Direct Sayles Selects Colleges Inaugurate New ProgramSATo UlSCUSS For Cooperaf/Ve Teacher Training Election Revision Student Troupers New Officers (Continued from Page 1, Column 8/ Hall held a house meeting Since t h e beginning of time, m a n In Two Dramas T hSayles u r s d a y evening, F e b r u a r y 19, to h a s needed t r a i n i n g i n t h e a r t of A d a m , t h e F o r d F o u n d a t i o n 'has set crease i n t h e n u m b e r of members living. W h e n h e h a s failed to live up a F u n d for t h e Advancement of on the Board to m a k e a total of (Continue* from Pmge l. Column S) by a n d J o h n Marzocco, each of w h o m will appear in both plays, Will also be m a k i n g t h e i r second appearances at State. Both plays are directed by W a l ter K e r r , faculty m e m b e r a t C a t h olic University, d r a m a critic for Commonweal m a g a z i n e a n d c o - a u t h o r of several plays presented a t t h e U r i varsity. W i t h his wife, J e a n , h e wrote "Touch And Go," a musical which h a s been presented in New York a n d London. Players S t a r t Third Season T h e University players s t a r t e d their third season on t h e road in October. During t h e first two seasons, they appeared in 200 performances. T h e group was formed "to b r i n g t h e best possible t h e a t e r to t h e largest possible audience" a t t h e lowest possible price." Tickets are on sale now or m a y be bought a t t h e door. T h e aftern o o n performance will be $1.00 a n d t h e evening program will cost $1.50. S m i t h states t h a t s t u d e n t s can use their student t a x cards to a t t e n d one show. elect officers for the second semester. George Schaertle '52, newlyelected President, h a s a n n o u n c e d t h e pew slate of officers. F r a n c i s Hodge '53 r e t a i r e d t h e Vice-Presidency, whL~i J a m .3 (.''ox '54 former secretary, a n d Robert J o h n s '52, i o r m e r treasurer, i n t e r c h a n g e d positions. D e W i t t Combs '55, n e w Athletic Director, h a s r e placed Schaertle, who formerly held t h a t position. Tentative p l a n s for a formal dance were also discussed a t the meeting. Futterer Opens Tryouts For Annual Spring Play correctly, his t e a c h e r s h a v e been E d u c a t i o n which is seeking to cure the scrape-goats. An acknowledged t h e worlds' ills by s t a r t i n g a t t h e fact t h a t t h e world h a s been going root of t h e situation. to t h e dogs every generation since E d u c a t o r s h a v e arrived a t a new theory which, incidently, h a s been quite p r e v a l e n t on o u r own C a m p u s T V Show To Spotlight for a n u m b e r of years. S t u d e n t s s p e n a l o o long learning t e a c h i n g Teaching O f Language theories a n d too s h o r t a period l e a r n i n g w h a t to teach. U n d e r t h e " I n a n d O u t of t h e Classroom new p r o g r a m , which is being u n d e r with Modern L a n g u a g e s " is t h e t a k e n by 21 colleges, s t u d e n t s will title of t h e S t a t e College television s t u d y t h e liberal a r t s for t h e r e g u show scheduled for this morning. lar four years. T h e y will t h e n go on T h e show, which will be broadcast to a fifth year of studying t e a c h i n g over W R G B Schenectady, will d e m - problems such as w h a t to do when onstrate techniques used in t e a c h - " J o h n n y " who is a senior in high ing m o d e r n languages a n d will por- school still h a s t h e annoying h a b i t tray e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r activities of of h u r l i n g erasers when properly interest t o s t u d e n t s of ,iodern provoked. languages. T h e h a l f - h o u r show will T h e necessity—an^ often t h e failbegin a t 11 a.m. ure—to interest superior s t u d e n t s in Tryouts for minor p a r t s in " T h e M a d w o m a n of Chaillot," t h e AD Several s t u d e n t s a r e participating spring play, will be opened to all S t a t e students Tuesday. T h e com- in dances selected for t h e program Mrs. Charles S t o k e s will act as a c edy will be presented in May. companist. T h e p r o g r a m is directT h e play cannot be completely ed by Dr. J a m e s Childers, Profesand cast from t h e Advanced D r a m a t i c sor of M o d e r n Languages class, states Agnes F u t t e r e r , Assist- F r a n k Carrino, I n s t r u c t o r in Modern Languages. a n t Professor of English. twelve. T h i s board is to be composed of four Seniors, five Juniors, a n d three Sophomores. Today in assembly, Victoria Ba" dino '52, V i c e - C h a i r m a n of Myskai:la, will explain t h e system of p r e ferential voting. According to Da";u Manly '52, C h a i r m a n of Myskanla, this explanation will clarify t h e election procedure. T h e following is a sample ballot: Adams Brown Jones Smith White Blank Loss 1 4400 4000 7100 3800 5100 200 2 2a 3 4400 4600 Eliminated 4500 4800 6700 9200 8201 8201 Eliminated 6100 6300 8400 200 200 200 200 499 1099 Total 24600 24600 24600 24600 246x100 Quota = + 1 8201 t h e field of e d u c a t i o n h a s been r e c ognized, a n d its suggested solution is to m a k e t h e field of education Sub-parcel one s t i m u l a t i n g to t h e imagination. points This new educational t r e n d should produce a generation of citizens with a b r o a d e n e d outlook on life. W h a t do you t h i n k ? 2+ 1 9200 --8201 10 • 92 | 999 92 999 79 CHESTERFIELD- 14 *"" SELLIHG mmm %mmw$ COLLEGES State Z-456 v >:«q|r N AWAvt^ c ^ % VOL. XXXVI N O . 1 6 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 29, 1952 SOPHS T O PORTRAY CRISES OF ACTRESS Registrar Lists Honor Students Page Establishes Normal School With Victory Over Adversaries "Runaway Land," a romantic musical, will be presented by the Sophomore Class tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in the Page Hall auditorium. Margaret Eckert plays a young girl, Barbara Pierpont, who joins a local theatre group only to find that her ex-fiance, Bill Hastings, played by John Laing, is the director. T h e play is directed by Leanore Kotch. She is assisted by M a r v i n Chernoff, w h o also is the a u t h o r of the play. Neil Brown is musical d i rector, a n d A r t h u r Stone is in A student must m a i n t a i n a t least A s t u a e n t must m a i n t a i n tu, renai charge of choreography. a 2.0 average to be on t h e Dean's Musical selections which will be List, according to R u t h E. Lape, presented include t h e title song, Registrar. T h e Senior class h a s the "Runaway L a n d , " with lyrics by most members on t h e D e a n s J-.tst Chernoff a n d music by Brown, a n d with 91 a n d the Sophomores follow two original parodies of Rodgers with 72. T h e J u n i o r a n d freshman and H a m m e r s t e i n songs. "Stairway classes trail with 58 a n d 30, respecto P a r a d i s e " a n d "Hello, Young tively. Lovers" will also be sung by soloists T i l l ' S i ' i i l n r s mi I lie D i - n n ' s 1,1st l i r e : Kuli.v Anili'i'snii. .Ii'ss l l i i r n i ' l , H a r r i s i i i i with a supporting mixed chorus. 1 tit ri If. .Irini lli'iiii. .IIIIIII l t i - m i c t l , A i Love Affair Meets Opposition I.'Hi' Ilium, .1'i,i II HiiHlwIi'k, Hmuilil T h e lack of facilities was secondHi lis. A m l i v w lli'.vi'i', I t l i ' h i i r d H i i r k , Robert Reigle, as B a r b a r a ' s f a t h ary to the lorce of t h e opposition KlIHi'lllll Ci'l'llll. I {; I \ ] 11" 11.1 l'lllllll|illll. er, C. J., provides t h e opposition to which had been raised against the Miiri'in I'lilllitiiM. .1 m i | i n - 1 i i i ' - I ' n p l i i i i , Kil t h e rapidly developing love affair. new school. T h e eloquent .Page spoke w i i n l ( ' i l l u m i n e s , l . n w r i ' i i i ' i ' l>iily, Siiruli Joyce N o r m a n d i n , a s Agnes, with liiinzis, Mil II i ii linvis, l i n n i l l i v Hi' Football was the m a i n topic of m every place which would afford h I'li'i'ii, Anii'i' ilii' I H l t l l l i l i i l , ,lnsi'|ili | i u the help of the mysterious "X," sets discussion at Student Council Wed- " « iaclutles in support of this Inn. Uii'linril Ki'ks'ti'iiin, \V. W n r r i ' i i in motion the events which lead up l i l l . - m i i , Miii'iiHi ( I n i ' s k i r , Cliiirli'S l.i'U- nesclay night. Patrick Carlo '53, pro- ki'uu project. But greater t h a n his to the h a p p y ending. O t h e r s u p p o r t ni'isi'ii. Itli'liiinl i l i i l l i i . I i n r i i l h . v l l m i - posed a motion which was tabled, abilities as a teacher a n d leader in ing roles a r e played by: J o h n Wiliiiiiiiu, .li'iiniii' l l n v c s . WiilliU'i- lli'in/.i'. T h e n Robert Burns '55, made a m o - education was the c h a r a c t e r of Audi' 111 M • I r-. Iliilii'i'i lliilliiml. son, D i a n n e Wheeler, James tion concerning the topic. Members Ul »vid Page. His personal m a g n i Marilyn lliillanil. 'I'l us lluliuaii, LU1 le Thompson, J o h n Jacobus, John - helped to raise teaching to a Mnrgiii'i'l .larUsuii. Marilyn . l u l i i i s . u i . of Council also voted to back S t u Cooper, Mary A n n F r a s c a t o r e , S o I l a r i ' i i l .liii'iiiiliiiK, Kvi-lyii K a i n k i ' , W'i. d e n t Association in a plea for an respectable profession. I t was claimHani K i i n i i i i i . Itlin K i i l i n , I'Mwni'il K y l i i investigation nia Bush, H a r r y Warr, Anne Coof the cafeteria by ed t h a t David Page would have a t III.IIIIIII l.aiiilri'. linlii'i'l I ,ii ii ii i. a m lumbe, A r t h u r Stone, Henry Berthe administration. tained the heights of Horace M a n n I IIII-IM Law. LEANORE K O T C H '54 leth, Arnold S m i t h , Eileen Snyder, (Hlii'i' Si'iiiiirs nil l i i ' i i n ' s l.isl a n ' : had he not died a t the early age of F r a n c e s Ciliberti, Donald Duclos, .luliii l.iinllii'i'K. Kvn M a r i i ' i i y , V i r g i n i a A motion proposed by Carlo p r o - 38. His death on J a n u a r y 1, 1848, M n i i r i T . Slan.i'.v M a y . 'IVri'Sn Mn/./.llli, a n d Donald Voelinger. posed t h a t Athletic Association tax concurring with the consideration Ili'iiliii'i' Mi'isii'i-. Itulli MiTiv. Anna Sets for the p r e s e n t a t i o n were Mni'i'issi'V. II. Miilrnliii M m ' K l U n - underclassmen up to ten dollars for of making the school a p e r m a n e n t built a n d designed by Donald Voellii'lli M u r p h y . C in.',- Myi'l', l l i a n a X I - the initiation of a football team, institution, quelled opposition, a n d riii. Maryl.ui Nul.lr. AIIITII O ' l l r l c n , This motion was tabled for further hostility to the experiment ceased linger a n d his committee, composed K . ' i i n i ' l l i n r i i i ' i ' , .luliii 1'i'ln'lilal. II ' of Marlene M a r t o n i , J e a n Rasey, Mary l'l-ynr, consideration. B u r n s moved to es- as the memory of the m a r t y r Page I'ili'lii'i'. W i l l i a m I* ••••til x. K a t h l e e n Oberst, George H a t h a w a y , tablish a fact-finding committee of awakened friendship a n d confldI alii I ' l i U i T i n a n . Hcvcrl.v Hi Mil Eleanor Balaskis, Robert Reigle, l.i'MTly Unlir. K v l y n ltnili'sliii] seven members from S t u d e n t Asso- ence. I'ian It illy., H a r r y S i - n l l . .In.Vi'i' Slial'.'l', n a t i o n to talk with athletic a u t h o r Palmina Calabrese, Henry F e u r Davld F l''.\'i'.yn Sinn-, l i n r u i l i y S l n i i i n s , lli'iir.\ ities, to gather the facts and to p r e * ' ln d e a t h . nncl w o n h i s ba-ch, P a t r i c i a Zylko, I r e n e J o h n S i u i i l i . linlii'i'l I'. S i n l l i i , W a n l S m i t h , New members of the D&A Affili- son, Henry Berleth, Joyce Lutsky, Aiini'ln 'I'ilu'i'iii. . l i m n 'I'll n s . A r l l i u r sent these facts to s t u d e n t s in a n greatest battle for the education of 'I'liiii'ii. I'in'. • 'I'wi'i'ilii'. Hi'i-liiTi V a n open meeting. educators, n the clay lie died, one ates have been announced by K a t h - and K a t h r y n Cowell. lilnhl. I " m i s Villi'!', Mai'Karrl War of his pupils wrote her p a r e n t s a leen Wright '53, President. Six In charge of lights is Norma D e ri'ii, I'Mi-ili' W i ' l s l i l n l l , .li'iin Welch. T h e following Interested in the sad page in the history of State," Mr. freshmen and seven Sophomores K v e l j II W i . k s . Can.line W i l l i s. .1 1 (Continued on Page 6, Column 1) W i n i l i i T i , H e n r y W i . i i i n n r i . w s l i i . K e n pros and eons of the question were Page is no more . . . is it possible have completed the requirements to i n i l l W u . i s l e l ' . I'lela W l ' i i t l i l , 'I'll..mas elected to the board: Carlo, Victoria t h a t we shall hear no more t h a t become members of the Affiliates. i i i l r , I'l aine / . w e l i e n . Baldino, J o a n Haggerty, Douglas rich and musical voice as he rises T h r e e members of the Class of The l u l l . . w i n j ; . l i i i i i n r s a r e nil I he to D&A 11 a l l ' s l.lxi : l l ' i n e n l a A l l l e r l s , l l l i u i a T h o m e , Seniors, P e t e r Telfer '53, in his place from m o r n i n g to m o r n - 1954 have been elected lli'i-U. Mai'lnn l l e i i l , I t n l i e r l l l c r l d i n l V r , J a m e s Lockhart, and Burns, fresh- ing to offer up prayer to God . . . Council, announces Henry Smith '52, Myra llei'iiswel^', I'lilwnnl l l i i i i a l i i i e , men. my h e a r t stifles with emotion as I President. They are Dolores D o n Irene l l l ' e z l n s l i ) . I 'ill liel'ille I ' l i s l l l i l l . . write." Years later, remembering nelly, J o h n Laing, and Madeleine A n n a I ' h i ' l s l u i l i i l i i . i 'a n n e i i I ' m ' s l . 1'llsle Several people have complained the beloved F a t h e r of S t a t e , Phelps Payne, I ' l ' i l i ' h l n W , I...Is l i . i n U h i i l ' r . . h i a n I l i ' V I n i n - j . I r e n e l i i c l i , I i n l i l ( l a r i l l n l e r , W i l l - to Student Council concerning the wrote, "He is gratefully a n d nffecT h e seven Sophomores admitted Results of the elections for S t u (Continued on Pane 4, Column 1) quality and price of food in the tlonately remembered by thousands to the Affiliates are Eleanor Bala- dent Association Songleader, Senior cafeteria. Council members voted to w ) i 0 knew but to love, a n d n a m e d skis, George Hathaway, J o h n Jacob- a n d Junior Class Songleade'rs, a n d back the students a n d to ask the but to praise him. He was a m a n us, Leanore Kotch, Donald Voelling- S t u d e n t Board of F i n a n c e members administration to investigate. whose dignity, comeliness a n d grace er, and Diane Wheeler. New Affili- have been a n n o u n c e d by David Tn n ^ n m h h , ihie ,.ftn.-nnnn u,in o f P c l ' s o n w e r e s o impressive as to ates members from the freshman Manly, C h a i r m a n of Myskanla. Aft„', r T h i i n i . r Q „ M ( ' o m i x > 1 c 0 1 l f i c " ' » r e n n c l affection at class are Kathleen Anderson, er three distributions Marion NewAle P in! l» Pr J f i l ' s t s i g h t ' H e w n s ' l n d e e d ' l h c W e a l C h ( , r l * a B e c k w l t h ' p e te>' Daly, Marie ton '52, was elected S t u d e n t Associn a t i c i elections held last f u a a j type of a noble m a n a n d a perfect Elder, Stanley Foskett, Robert ation Songleader, Miss Newton is r Inglls, a n d Arlene Yanks. also the new Senior Songleader a n d l ii.- Advanced D r a m a t i c s class (Continued from Page !h Column 1) teacher." wl.l j.u-. tin. a n o t h e r in its .series ol* ' ' B a r b a r a Newcombe is now Songp.ays luis.m.v evening at 8:30 p . m . . . . . .. 1 l\ki 1 A n T r% r^ t l e n c l e r for the J u n i o r Class. Arlene Directors for next week's plays arc Desk editors Last Words: We ve A raper To Put Out overson 52, is the new member of Richard U u t t a '52, and Richard ' Student Board of Finance. H.'oU '.ill. Student Association Songleader l'.i'.st. on the program is a British 81500 conic.i.v ol milliners, under Scott'.s Quota — 1 40751 ii. reel. on. Ro.ilyn Lacks, Edward I'I ens. Sarah Dan/.is, Seniors; RobNewcombe 27300 31000 37700 1 rl. HttKiics, Walter Qoodell, Francis Newton 27100 30600 38000 Hudtte, ami Ko.se Mary Keller, J u n Petfleld 13700 17500 10', ; an.I Diane. Wheeler, Harry Snyder 12500 YY..IT, " pho.iiorcs, eoinprise the Blanks 900 900 900 ins;. A i . m : Scott are the following Loss 1500 4900 c lninitli'e heads: Props, Barbara Ni'Wi'onibe; Sets, Ruth D u n n ; CosTotal 1)1500 HI 500 81500 1.1111 s, Kiriih Brewer; Make-up. Senior Soiiglcaricr J a m e s Mr'.hes; House, Louis Viun; 11800 i"l ! Lights, Ruse Mary Keller, JunQuota 5801 iors A p yeho'ouli'al plvintus" dealing Newton 11000 with tlH1 .struggle ol the bruin and Blanks 000 soul of a it lit ii to conquer his body will be presented u n d e r G u t t u ' s d i Total 11800 rection. Ann Oaparls '54 and Junior SOUK leader clulta '52, will p i 11 y the 17800 Brain and the Body, resnetiively. Quota 1 8901 l'lalne Slryker '55, will portray the Soul, ami James Hughes '53, will Newcombe 10100 plav Brent, 11 detective, John Petfleld (1(100 Hmilliler '52, will play 11 bellboy; Blanks 1100 Frederick Crumb '54, will portray 11 policeman, Total 1711(H) Anllng (luliii In his pla\ a r e : Student Hoard of Finance Pels, Richard Scott; Costumes, Louis 77900 Viun: Ll his, S a r a h Brewer; MakeQuota - 1 38051 i'|). Ruth Dunn; Publicity, J a m e s 2 Hindu.s; Props, T h o m a s Hughes; Everson 74700 Sound elTei'ls, Mndelon Knoerzcr, Blanks 3200 Juniors, and House, Robert Sanders Last minute changes as Desk Editors rush Sophomore Edition to press, l.elt to Itighl: Joyce Suites, '52. Sally (icrlg, J u n e IIIIBKIII.S, Teddy Hill, Joe Luce, Kuthy Lynch, and Irene Eldred. Total 77900 Senior Class Maintains Overwhelming Majority "Succeed or die," t h e young m a n was advised, as he Journeyed from private school. This new venture his New England home to Albany W a s to be the opening of a S t a t e to , u n d e r t a k e * " o v e l u experiment N o r m a l S c h o o l t Alb f tne p e o p i e believed was , . ,. . .* . ., wnicn most failure. David P e r k i n s P u r P ° s e o f educating s t u d e n t s in the doomed to elementary p a g e h a d s u c c e e d e d in education all practice and theory of beginning a t 1 9 a n d secondary education. T h e exQf h i s y Q Ufe^ „„„ wupn y,p n n p n p j „ . . , ^ , v p n ,.o n f yeais oi age wnen ne opened a p e r i m e n t began on December 18, -^ _ __ , 1844 when 29 pupils assembled a n d were t a u g h t by the p r i n c i p a l - t e a c h er David Page a n d assistant, P r o fessor Perkins. • — SA To Debate Motion, Preview Runaway Land D&A Groups Choose Frosh, Soph Members CursTi-miian M- Manly Releases Election Results TK f. m I C,m,sH.uru.n'> m. A D To Present Comedy; Fantasy / i Hi SIT.K'TTr vKf WGAF{ETTES mm LIGGETT & MYIQS HV„0> TOBACCO CO. ?„Cm: teca#M<r_ lOustfitdwiC !&"••»< i">|c» £*MP ZZi lyCh^g d qn lt an a tpO!H Of * bS£ Oti|<)iij;li( 19W, Lu.i.iri \ Mtim TuiiAiui Co, imiiiimnH Y PAGE * It's About Time . . . •TATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2d. 1S52 STATE COLLEOK NEWS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1682 Gammon-State* *]U&u£ Af* Aa&meU JLihe . By HANSON a n d H O P K I N S . Year after year one of the gripes of Student AsBy DONALD DUCLOS sociation is the college cafeteria. Previously, before B O L L CLOSES the Boulevard cafeteria closed there was an al- Show Business!! If you a r e a n "antiseptic baby or a prophylactic pup" mentary D r a m a t i c s classes which ternative. Now we are the victims of circumstances. Yes, ^ llY .„. „Berlin „ w „„„, w „„ „.„, Irving knew h a t ,hlce „... give us t h e choicest bits of d r a m a . you probably couldn't s t a n d eating i n t h e Boul but . at Never before did the student body have anything was"talkin^B about* when" he'wrote Next there are the musical groups it did have the advantage of providing a place t o c o m p a r e t o t h e college cafeteria. W h e n w e c o n - these words. They immediately which give us o p e r e t t a s a n d a con least two feet square in which t o e a t a meager mors i d e r t h e differences in t h e g r a d e of food w h i c h is c o m e t o t h e mind a n d lips of a n y - c m in t h e spring. A n d nnally of sel between 12 a n d 12:30. We know of four recent • . ., , i • ... s i . j . i tr i J o n e w h o ever h a s a n y t h i n g t o do present interest, a r e t h e B i g - 4 s cases in t h e college cafeteria i n which people have s e r v e d i n t h e s n a c k b a r in o u r S t u d e n t U n i o n a n d w i t h t h e p r o d u c t i a 0 s n „ " y a g h o w , great which a r e written, produced, a n d locked elbows in vain a t t e m p t s t o e a t their lunches T h e time h a s come . . . etc. (see editorial column.) o u r college c a f e t e r i a , t h e q u e s t i o n w h i c h e n t e r s o u r o r s r n a i i , w h e t h e r i t be musical or directed by t h e t w o rival classes. m i n d is " w h y ? " d r a m a , comedy or tragedy, i t ' s w o n Taking t h e first, t h e d r a m a t i c s I N T E R E S T IN ASSEMBLIES . . . VIVP v p a r s aan therp w a s a hii? " t o H o " in S h i - d e r f u l t o D e a P a r t of a show. A classes.we c a n see w h a t good p r o Compulsory assemblies were initiated because stu* i v e y e a r s a g o t n e r e w a s a Dig t o a o in s t u , o t o f hfaA U) by a c - dent business could n o t be carried o n by a n y other w o r k g o e g m t o ftny k i n d d u c t l o n 8 a r e p r e s e n t e d , d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g t h e p r i c e s a n d t h e o f s h o w > b u t s o m u c h l s o b t a i n e d tually seeing t h e m ourselves, a n d means. T h a t is, n o t enough s t u d e n t s attended on g r a d e of food s e r v e d in t h e cafeteria. A t t h a t t i m e from it. 121 by knowing t h a t presentations their own free will. All the"noise"in"the"a's'semblv of o n e of t h e m e m b e r s of t h e State College News w a s We a t State are very lucky t o be of many of t h e plays a r e requested late is only further evidence of t h e i m m a t u r i t y which p r o m i s e d figures a n d facts t o b e p r i n t e d in t h e e x P ° s e d t o all kinds of shows. We throughout t h e a r e a . caused this system to be imposed in t h e first place n a n e r w h i c h w o u l d n r o v e t h a t this i n s t i t u t i o n h a s a l e 1 e a i t n e t p l a v n o u s e w . n e ^ e ' w l t h Next we have t h e musical groups With the s t u d e n t faculty committee lining up speakp a p e r w i u c n w o u m p r o v e t n a t tnis i n s t i t u t i o n n a s o u r s t u d e n t t a x we a r e a d m i t t e d a t w h i c h p r o d u c e t n e f a v o r l t e s of light e r s for next years' assemblies some cause for comits p r o b l e m s t o o . W h e n t h e t i m e . c a m e for p u b h c a - a very nominal fee. B u t t h e most o p e r a a n d a w e l l o r g a n l z e d c o n o B e r t p l a n t s m a v be eliminated . tion it w a s m a d e k n o w n t h a t " i t w a s of n o i n t e r e s t i m p o r t a n t advantages a r e those we w n j C h offers only t h e best in musical h a v e ri ht here o n G O O D E A to t h e S t u d e n t B o d y " a n d t h e p u b l i c a t i o n w a s n o t e campus. First seiection. 'P Instead oi measuring S t a t e Street with a six-inch Finally t h e Big-4's in which so m a d e a v a i l a b l e . A c c o r d i n g t o t h e editorial p a g e of ruler, sorority pledges will spend their "Hell Week" < t h e News in 1 9 4 7 , t h e s a m e gripes a n d t h e s a m e 1*0U*' 9H 7k* *7*um S s T n % f a ? U c i P S ^ i f t h S 1 ' " m o l ' e i n s t r u c t i v e activities. Among these are work p r o b l e m s a r e still w i t h u s . By JEAN RASEY we a r g f v e n P m u s ^ r c o m e d L with borhood g L ^ J House. ^ Z Z S S H S ? condition, ^ * tTh e*state ^ of' O nte existing P e r h a p s i t used t o b e t h e freshmen w h o " d i d n ' t . ,, „° , , ,, . .. , , the borhooa House.would O n e seem existing c.nnriitlnn Mm c t n i „from „. Commons, to w a r r a n t attention timers. w haant dis importk n o w t h e i r w a y a r o u n d y e t " w h o a t e in t h e cafe of tAnd, h e day t hmost e favorite old these worthies. Ready with t h e brooms, ready with T n e famous Tex Benecke B a n d ahits teria. N o w , w h e t h e r t h e y w a n t t o o r n o t t h e u p wiU De ac t h e Circle I n n this S u n - n t , t h e proceeds of t h e Big-4's go t h e mops, ready with t h e hell master, fire to a worthy c h a r i t y fund. p e r c l a s s m e n h a v e t o e a t t h e r e . I t p e r h a p s is n o n e way night for the Bob Snyder Show. ^ ^ of ^ telling But what is t h e purpose FOOTBALL AT STATE? A s a n aciclec of o u r b u s i n e s s a s t o h o w t h e m a n a g e m e n t of t h e < feature, t h e r e will be inf07maUon7VhlchTo'u a l l th"ls At Student Council Wednesday night a committee S know? Well, i t ' s to encouralready of seven lrom S.A. was appointed to investigate the cafeteria s p e n d s t h e m o n e y , b u t t h e g r a d e of food ^ ^ ^ i f f & t t ' " " • " " " ' " ' " " '' ' " " " " " age you t o take p a r t in as many possibilities of having inter-collegiate football here a n d t h e prices w e a r e p a y i n g a r e d e l i n i t e l y o u r s t a r t s a t 7:30. of these productions a s possible. next fall. Of course, t h e major problem is us with b u s i n e s s . W e d n e s d a y n i g h t S t u d e n t Council r e T h e G u y Lombardo Show, being Why n o t drop i n o n a rehearsal everything else at State, money.If it c a n be shown q u e s t e d t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o t h o r o u g h l y investi- brought to the Albany Armory by sometime t o see h o w m u c h f u n it t h a t we c a n afford, with an increase in Student Tux, will unfortunately is? See someone w i t h a sprained g a t e t h e cafeteria s i t u a t i o n . After a period of five Bob Snyder, to support a team, S t u d e n t Association will have a come during Easter recess, b u t y e a r s a n d with t h e s a m e p r o b l e m s still w i t h u s , those of you from this a r e a will get ankle try t o h o p across t h e stage chance in t h e near future to decide whether we bein a dramatic m o m e n t with a line come a grid-iron campus or not. Give t h e m a t t e r seshall w e s a v " i t ' s a wise m o v e . " a chance to see it April 19 a t 8:30. like " I ' m coming to you, J o h n , I'm rious thought, It sound fine, b u t is it plausible'' The T h e show will last two h o u r s a n d coming." O r see a r a t h e r large per- committee will do all it can to find mil . . . then il there will be several b l j n a m e stars son say something like, "Would you is up to you. Football anyone? on hand to a d d to t h e e n t e r t a i n - like something to e a t ? I have a lot ment. Tickets a r e $3.60, $2.40 a n d of food i n m y c h e s t (instead of OUR UNION . . , $1.80. t r u n k . ) " Or even see a leading m a n Remember t h e note on the n o t so clean Student The State College News h a s offered m a n y critiHere Ls a n Item t h a t m a y Interest c i s m s r e c e n t l y c o n c e r n i n g t h e inefficiency of var- sports fans. T h e Capitol District try to fly o u t of a n embrace say- Union in this column last week? This week we ran . ,» , ,, , . , , , , , ing, •••!-.. "Wow!"' ..»..,. w h e n h e ' s enjoying our fingers along t h e shelves, ledges a n d wlndowsills ious o r g a n i z a t i o n s o n c a m p u s . E v i d e n t l y S t u d e n t in the lounge, halls, and game room. T h e results were Boat Dealers will display hulls a n d t h e k l s s t o o n u | c h l 0 n c t ^ J A s s o c i a t i o n is o b l i v i o u s o r p e r h a p s a p p a t h e t i c t o - motors of popular fishing crafts a t Those a r e just a few little things not. too clean fingers. T h e "Johns" a r e also in a rather ward t h i s inefficiency. B u t when t h e criticism the New York State S p o r t m a n ' s t h a t "pop u p " in r e h e a r s a l s t h a i nil sorry state—we didn't know t h e S t a t e hud bough! Show a t the R P I Field House M a r c h contribute to t h e enjoyment of grey marble for t h e sinks. Quite elegant! c o m e s from s o m e o n e w h o is n o t c o n n e c t e d in a n y 26-30. working on any k i n d of production. w a y w i t h t h e college, isn't il t i m e s o m e t h i n g w a s Attain a reminder t h a t the worldNow you say you have no talent. UNIVERSITY PLAYERS . . . famous Sadler's Wells T h e a t r e Bal- Don't kid yourself o n t h a t score. clone? T h e actors who gave the much enjoyed performlet will be a t t h e R P I Field House ance of "Twelfth Night" and "School F o r Wive;" lust W e d n e s d a y noon a t t h e joint m e e t i n g of S t u - March 12, Construction of t h e Field Maybe you c a n ' t sing, dance, or Friday, you might, be interested in knowing, also act act, but remember Broadway prod e n t Association a n d t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of t h e House stage Is under way t o provide ductions would be n o t h i n g without as I heir own crew, do their own m a k e - u p and drive A m e r i c a n R e d C r o s s Paul Phillips, Assistant D i - for lull ballet production facilities. people backstage. T h e r e a r e so many the truck which transports them They usually iron rector of t h e A l b a n y C h a p t e r s t a t e d t h a t all t h e Two large steel towers will be built things you could do to be a part their own costumes but we understand that D and A Council took cure of t h a t a n d only blew one fuse in q u e s t i o n s raised c o n c e r n i n g t h e p r e s e n t d r i v e for at t h e sides of t h e stage to s u p p o r t of show business. 54 suspension points for scenery. the endeavor—"if I hud only gone in for the arts." blood could h a v e been a n s w e r e d long a g o . T h a t is More t h a n a mile of rope a n d (13 If, because of previous commitments, you c a n n o t a c t in these proRED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is t h e R e d C r o s s unit on c a m p u s were d o i n g an sets of blocks will be used to fly ductions, r e m e m b e r this also: a In a Student Association meeting Wednesday noon efficient j o b , the scenery in rapid changes, show, to be successful, needs a n representatives of t h e Albany C h a p t e r of t h e Red T h e troupe will present a new audience. T h e people b e h 1 n d Cross attempted to explain to t h e students eager to T h i s is j u s t o n e e x a m p l e . W h a t about C a m p u s revised version of t h e t h r e e - a c t the footlights need a n encourage- give blood why they can't do so as u group. We're Commissions;'' It is r a t h e r a p p a r e n t that n o t h i n g ballet "Coppplia." This ballot Is one ment from a n a p p r e c i a t i v e audience. h a s been d o n e t o i m p r o v e t h e s i t u a t i o n in t h e of t h e longest a n d best established They can't perform to empty seats not sure if they knew our point of view or not, bill somehow their answers seemed evasive a n d unsatisof the s t a n d a r d bullets, b u t t h e new C o m m o n s y e t . .Maybe a few signs a s k i n g s t u d e n t s and do a good j o b , factory. Il seems that I hey have a walling Usi of version of t h e story of t h e doll with Yes. we can all do a lost to push t o p u t their t r a s h a n d c i g a r e t t e s in t h e r e c e p t a c l e s the porcelain eyes ls concentrated thousands a n d cannot accept more Ham a hundred would h e l p . Or even a few more a s h t r a y s placed more on choreography, decor, cos- show business. Let's start right now. pints a week because of the luck of processing faciliBlg-4's, (in operetta, A.D. pluvs and on t h e t a b l e s w o u l d be of use. L e t ' s h a v e a c t i o n . tumes a n d music t h a n on t h e story. many others. I t ' s u p to all of u s ! ! ties. T h e r e a r e only u few hours set aside each week for donors a t t h e one lab In t h e urea a n d we may Seats a r e available for $2.40, $3.00. not have u bloodmobile because t h e Albany Medical "Let's go—on with t h e Show!" $3.00 unci $4,110 a t t h e T e n Eyck Society says that, there Is to be none In Albany Record Shop, T h e Blue Note RecCounty. Wherever wo turn, however, we see or hear ord Shop a n d t h e R P I Field House. pleas from t h e Red Cross on how desperately our T h e movie agenda for t h e weekblood is needed. Somehow t h e two sels of fuels do C o n s o l a t i o n s a r e in order for Abel M a i l m a n end includes two sure box-office not jibe. Il appears thai if blood Is needed and there w h o is in S t . P e t e r ' s Hospital r e c u p e r a t i n g from hits. T h e / a n y comedy duo, Martin are these ureal numbers of donors available in this and Lewis, a r e appearing In "Sailor an a p p e n d e c t o m y . G e t out quick, A b e , S p o r t s Staff In the past years this campus urea. Albany County could do more toward Hie NaBeware" at t h e S t r a n d T h e a t r e , has been constantly disturbed by tional Red C e s s ell'oi'l than is being done. Perhaps needs y o u . I t ' s y o u r turn to l a k e the copy d o w n . Clark Oable a n d Ava G a r d n e r head- many issues. Issues a r e mutters of Red Cross unit on campus r a n look into this State line the east of "Lone Star," the vital importance about which there College 1ms blood lo give for military purposes we're battle of Texas and t h e battle of is only one correct opinion your still not convinced I hey don't want II ! S T A T E /#!&% COLLEGE NEWS sexes, a t the Palace. own. Old copies of t h e State ColWednesday. March 5, " Q u o Vad- lege News contain t h e records of RUNAWAY LAND ("fitirBlnCI ESTABLISHED MAY 1916 is," MGM's much advertised techni- these heated battles, Last year \ o u were laken wind were you lukeni by BY THE CLA8S OF ,r,,a color extruvneanzn. will begin at the In 1D2H the student tax lumped the class of '54 lo t h e South S'eu Islands This year Palace. Tickets for t h e evpnlnt from $11 to $13, a n d t h e editorial things ure hack lo normal with the action taking ^ RATING—ALL-AMERICAN show will be $1.25 a n d t h e m a t i n e e culled for a hall t o t h e "aristocracy I'li'i'c In u small American cominunllv, a n d u really VOL. X X X V I F e b r u a r y 20, 10S2 N o . 16 tickets will be $.80. of the dollar." T h e News also o b - good show is in the offing, Rumor has il that there Is there a r e the Advanced mid Ele-jected to the "wild scheme" of still standing room available hurry Mumbur MmrHiiiiur hurry lo i he AMHIICIMICII CollcKlutu I'ri'MH CIIIICKIIIII' DIKUMI buying a n electrola for dancing In booth In Lower Draper a n d reserve' 'yours. Thi' unilorgnicllinti! m>WH|iii|)<>r ,,f (|io Nciw York State Colthe gymnasium. lege for Tunclmru ; publUhoil every Friday of tliu College l a d Week 9H AltemLLf. Back In the days when t h e Com- QUESTION O F Till.; WKKK , . , your by tho MOWS lloiiril for lliu Student Amiut'lutlon. Where, oh where is (he Sophomores' muslin (twelve mon-stater was t h e Commcnstator, Member* uf I he MOWS HIIIIT may lie reached Tuesday and I lie big fight w a s over the vole, bucks worth i ? and Wednesday I'r 7 In II |i in al 'J.'lll'.'ll Hxl. 11 T h e preferential voting w a s ex-not for women, but for non-holders I'lmie-s Smith, '_':t:i_v. lOade, ii'j losl . Hums, II'JISIS GKACK SMITH Kilitiir-In-( lilef plained to Student Association by ol I he student lux card. VICTOUIA KAUK MiumiiiiiK Killlor Victoria Baldlno '52, Vice-Chairman Men need not upplyl In |().||) NOUINK (AHOII.I - - I'Hhllii ICelullonH ICdltor DONALD lll'lt.NN Speris ICdlliir of M.Vhkaniu. A sample ballot WHS DiVA Council hud been u petflcout KOIIKMT •IACOIIY lliisluesN Mi.iiiiii.r used to clarify the election proce- organization | ( H ' eight years R e l l . \ l t l l . \ l < \ JIHI'K ( Irililulloil Miilliiitcr dure. After t h e explanation t h e As- form was t h r e a t e n e d from without, DOItOITIX Del U ( (I ICjihiume Killtnr sociation voted In the replacement I It I DAY, FEBRUARY :»J I ' A l l t l C I A HAIKU S( II . . . Advertlslnii ICdltor elections for t h e KA songleacler and il not applied from within. 1KKNK IIIIK/INMIO . . . Kminr,. Kdltnr There were gripes about the 11:30 p.m. SCA liuncillel, Hope Hapllsl Church IIK.NKY KOHZKWHKI AsM.ichite ICdltor the t h i r t e e n t h member of Myskanla, men's showers in 194(1. O n e com- SATURDAY, MARCH 1 ICHi'lMCK .M.WAKIN Assnehii,. ICdllor Hoih positions were left vacant by WHDW. IIAItllAHA I'ICAt IC Asse.hiCe ICdltor Mrs. Mary Murks '52, who gradu- plaint was 11 int t h e showers sprinkle 1 15 p in. Radio Council program 'innocenl Individual drying .sell H :tii p in. Sophomore Hi g-Four, I I l/.AIIi: III I'l.AI T . . . . Annoehiti. ICdllor ated In February 'Runaway 1 .mid. off without benefit to user," Huge Hall. The rule requiring thai llimnclul Issue lOdltiirs: Iclilred, (icrlg, Hill, IIUtfKinN, Lynch, In 11)41) there w a s u lot o| de- SUNDAY, MARCH :» motions be tabled for one week was buts about the proposul lo eulcr Sliatills, Suites. P i n llillel meeting and social hour Congieguwaived in order to discuss a n d conic soccer In inlei-colldglale spoils, o n e '' lion o h u v Shnloin All ruin in till It'll I I(JI>H Hlioiild hi' .idilri'HHed In I lie eilltnr and lo u vole on whether Varsity Club of Hie objections w a s Hint t h e lllllhl he MlHlleil Nllllleo Will hi' w l l l l l l e l d II | • • I (I rcl| Ui'Hl Would be able to charge 2ft cents TUESDAY, MARCH I M.AA budget w a s bei'iunlng too H 30 p i n Advanced Dnuniilics class plays, Huge Hal I he S I A l IC I ul.l.lCI.IC MOWS iiHHtiiiiuM no re»|iiiimlldlUy for o|iliiloiia ei|iremiod In lis enluiiiliH or eoiniiiuiileMlioiiH admission to Ihu New 1'ulu game. large, and one of t h e points In faT h e proceeds were to go to t h e vor was t h a t soccer would be a good WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 •In sllell i>\|iri<H»|ollH d I HM«rtl> ref eel lis v i e w Knickerbocker News polio fund substitute for football In fall sports 12 Noon1 1 SCA Chapel, United Presby lerlnl Cliurch '' l" Second Lenten discussion! bom ol 1)1 Alter much discussion Varsity Club But, In 11)52. football seems to be Frances Colby was allowed to do u.s it asked. the problem of t h e hour 7 15 p.m. Canterbury c l u b meeting, Brubaehor Stokes Reveals Operetta Casts Orchestra To Perform In Music Council Event SMILES Plans Childers To Lead Sports Events, Tour Of Europe J . Wesley Childers, Professor Show Excursion of Dr.Modern Languages, will lead a 9uu2i. Ofj 7^e Palt vrviiH'5*'' College Students MournDartmouth Invites Deafn of Bou/ State Debaters "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away." T h a t literary gem applies t o coffee a n d t h e To Tournament Weekend activities for c h i l d r e n a t s t u d e n t tour of Europe this s u m the Hioany Home for C h i l d r e n , a s T h e casts of t h e musical produc- piannect Dy SMILES, include two mer, under t h e auspices of t h e tions sponsored by Music Council uasi<eLoall games a t t h e H o m e t o - Guild of S t u d e n t Travel. T h e tour have been announced by Dr. Charles morrow a n a a t t e n d a n c e a t t h e will last 46 days, a n d will include F. Stokes, Professor of Music. "Down Sopnomore Big-4 tomotrow night. seven countries. in t h e Valley," a folk opera by S M i L E S memoers also p l a n to c h a p K u r t Weill, a n d t h e Gilbert a n d fcrone some of t h e children t o t h e T h e group will leave New York Sullivan favorite "Trial By J u r y " Suite-New paltz game F r i d a y , J u l y 12 via t h e new S.S. "CONSTIm a k e up t h e double bill to be p r e - M a r c h 7. T U T I O N " or July 20 via Flying sented in Page Hall Friday a n d S a t Girls a t t h e Home will play Clipper of P a n American World urday, March 14 a n d 15. against S t a t e women i n t h e first Airways. T h e first stop will be a t T h e cast of "Trial By J u r y in- game tomorrow afternoon. T h e game Naples. From Naples, t h e students eludes Mitchell Burkowsky '52 Ev- will begin a t 2 p. m. T h e second will go to other I t a l i a n cities, then elyn Paulus '53; Donald Duclos a n d game, starting a t 3 p . m . , will feat to Switzerland, G e r m a n y , Holland, Alfred Short, Sophomores; Robert ure S t a t e m e n against boys from Comely, a n d Donald Lein, fresh- t h e Home. Both games will be played Belgium, France, a n d finally to men. Those who have roles in "Down m the gymnasium a t t h e H o m e . S o - England. T h e S. S. "QUEEN MARY" in t h e Valley" a r c R i c h a r d J a c o b - rority pledges will c h a p e r o n e several will leave S o u t h a m p t o n August 21 son, Louise Petfielci, Owen Smith, children from the Home to t h e Big- to bring t h e tourists back to New Marie DeSeve, a n d B a r b a r a New- 4 tomorrow night. Anyone desiring York. P a n American World Airways combe, Juniors; P r a n k G i a n n o n c to accompany t h e c h i l d r e n t o t h e wil t r a n s p o r t tourists desiring to '54; a n d Donald Lein '55. State-New Paltz game Friday, travel by air. T h e performances will include a March 7, should sign on t h e S M I L E S Total cost for t h e tour will be cast of nearly 50 a n d t h e College bulletin board. Orchestra. Tickets for t h e reserved Ilene Murcott '53, was elected s e c - $1042 by boat a n d $1186 by air. T h e section a r e $1.25; general admission retary of SMILES this week. price, in addition to transportation, will be $1.00. Reserved liekets a r e Sondra Stotkin '52, P r e s i d e n t , h a s will provide for hotels, rail t r a n s available a t music stores a n d t h e announced Miss M u r c o t t replaces portation on t h e C o n t i n e n t a n d in' Co-op. Elaine Topper '53, w h o resigned. England, a n d meals. "Boul" a s well a s old soldiers. T h e s u n s a n k remorsefully, i n the pray skies S a t u r d a y even i n g ; t h e doors closed reluctantly o n a silent, empty "Boul." Idle hours formerly passed i n quiet contemplation, Inspired by vivid examples of 19th century a r t a n d nourished by food t'nuff said), will have to be spent in t h e less artistic a t m o s phere of t h e W.T., Ockie's, or possibly T e m p e r a n c e Tavern. W i t h t h e coming of Monday morning, State's halls echoed the shuffling of listless steps a t tributed ordinarily t o a lost o r at least better lost t h a n r e m e m bered weekend. Those slowly treading steps of last Monday were in rememberance of t h a t dear old friend w h o weathered many s t u d e n t storms a n d a t last just faded away. Councill W i l l Attend Annual Brooklyn Match Debate Council is preparing t o participate in a n u m b e r of t o u r n a m e n t s during t h e n e x t few weeks, Clarence Spain '52, President of D e bate Council h a s announced. T w o debates were held a t Union College Tuesday night, F e b r u a r y 19. State College debators have been invited to compete in t h e Twelfth Annual D a r t m o u t h Debate T o u r n a ment, making S t a t e t h e first college t h a t is n o t a member of t h e Ivy League ever to receive a n invitation to t h e tourney. Dayton U n i versity, Dayton, Ohio, h a s requested to compete against two S t a t e College teams here, Friday, M a r c h 14. Tuesday, S t a t e debators will d e bate t h e topic "Resolved: T h a t woman's place is in t h e home," a t an assembly of t h e s t u d e n t body of Draper High School, Schenectady. Participating in t h e debate will be Miss Erdle, Eleanor Roth, Seniors, Robert Berkhofer '53, a n d Robert Reigle '54. Debate Council members will also District SCA groups will meet for be among the 55 colleges contending their a n n u a l banquet today. A in t h e a n n u a l Brooklyn College chapel service, discussions, a n d spe- T o u r n a m e n t , Friday a n d Saturday, cial speakers a r e also included on March 7 a n d 8. Miss Erdle a n d the religious clubs' agendas. Charles Gruneisen, Seniors, a n d "Our Personal Relation to God"J a m e s Thompson a n d Marvin Cherwill be t h e topic of a n address by noff, Sophomores, a r e to comprise Rev. William H. Klrkland, Resident t h e teams in this contest. T h e topic Chaplain a t Vassar College, a t t h e to be debated is "Resolved: T h a t should SCA banquet. T h e banquet will the Federal G o v e r n m e n t start a t 6:30 p.m. n t t h e Hope B a p - adopt a p e r m a n e n t program of wage and price control." t.si Church. Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 19, Ronald Dr. Edith Wallace, Professor of Latin, will appear as guest speaker Ferguson, R i c h a r d Shaper, Edward at SCA Chapel Wednesday noon. Lehman, Sophomores, a n d J e a n Welch '52 disputed t h e above resolu'1 he second in a series of special tion a t Union College. Coaches of Lenten discussions will be held a t both teams criticized t h e debates. the a p a r t m e n t of Dr. Frances Colby, Instructor in English, Wednesday evening, starting with supper a t I-F Council Outlines (i p.m. Helen Pilcher '52, President ol' SCA, states t h a t application forms for t h e SCA spring confer- Procedure For Bidding ence must be completed next week. I n t c r - F r a t e r n i t y Council h a s outHillel members will meet 7 p.m.lined the procedure for second s e Sunday a t Congregation Ohav S h o - mester bidding to t h e four fraternilom. Those attending will hear a n ties on campus, K a p p a Beta. Sigaddress about Israel. A social hour ma Lambda Sigma, Edward Eldred will conclude t h e evening. Poller Club, a n d K a p p a Delta R h o . "Education a n d Religion" will be Those eligible for bidding shall be I he subject of a discussion at a regularly enrolled students who Canterbury Club meeting in B r u -have spent, one full semester a t bacher 7:15 p.m., Wednesday. Rev. State, announces Joseph Friedman, Lloyd Hackwell, Rector of Saint, Grnd, President of I - F Council. Andrew's Church, h a s been engaged All bids shall be issued through as guesl speaker, says R u t h Beetle- I - F Council in t h e following m a n stone '54, club president. ner: .students being extended bids by a fraternity will find notice of such In the s t u d e n t mall boxes this morning. S t u d e n t s receiving notices will go lo Richardson Lounge between 9 a.m. a n d 1:35 n.m. only, in THE COLLEGE J E W E L E R order to receive their bids. All bids shall Ire returned lo I - F 103 Central Ave. Council in t h e followlii", m a n n e r : students wishing to accept any one of I heir bids must sign a n d re'urn such lo Hie fraternity's representative in Richardson Lounge Monday, March 3, from !) a.m. lo 12:35 p.m. A student not wishing to accent n hid should return t h e hid unpinned to the representative of I he li-iterivly issuing t h e bid. Bids will not be rc'cived after the time specified. ALL T Y P E S COLLEGE, FRATERNAL SORORITY PRINTING Religious Clubs Schedule Events V/^'" College Men! Ineffi nerriciency Pli rlus ersonaI . PAGE 3 CHOOSB A CAMS* in the U.S. Air Force AIHCRAI f OIIStRVER Aviation Cadet Program Offers Special Opportunities for Collegians Now Preparing lor Military Service H e r e is n r e a l m a n - s i z e o p p o r t u n i t y ! You. run choose—immediately—between being a Pilot or Aircraft Observer in A m e r i c a ' s swill l y - c x p a n d i n g A i r F o r c e . T h e A i r F o r c e onrour.'igi's c a n d i d a t e s t o s l a y in s c h o o l and graduate. However, seniors a n d stud e n t s w i t h t w o y e a r s o r m o r e o f college who anticipate early e n t r a n c e into military s Tvieo c a n i n s u r e t h e i r f u t u r e a n d s e r v e li 'ir c o u n t r y ' ' e s t b y a p p l y i n g for A v i a t i o n > ' rlct T r a i n i n g t o d a y . Y o u receive t h o -I Irainine, a n d e x p e r i e n c e w h e n y o u fly 1 1 In' II. S. A i r F o r c e - e x p e r i e n c e t h a t , s 1 iff iii l a t e r y e a r s . 3 . Accomplish Plying Aptitude T r s l s anil i'iilist. for Iwo yuurs only! 4 . Tin' Selective Service Ael iiwanlH y o u a I'ourinonl li dcl'ei'iiielll while a w n i l i l l g eliiNH .'issigiiineiil. WHO MAY APPLY AGE —Botwoon 19 and 26Vb yonrs. f:[?UCAT!ON—• At toast two yonrs of college. MARITAL STATUS-Singlo. PHYSICAL CONDITION-Good, ospocially oyos, onrs, heart, and tooth. 5 . I ill illt'd in 11' a s H i g n ini'iil In Aviiiliun Cndi'l Training CIIIHHI'H s i n n i n g Mav '11, .till' II), AugiiHl I!) anil October 2, I'Jfi'J. HOW TO QUALIFY I . T a k e I I'liimcripl uf r legi' u v i l i i s MIKI eu|iv llil'lll I'l'l'l i l i i ' l l l l ' In Ml Ill'lll'I'Hl A l l t'llll'l' HllHI' lire run nig Sllll Ion Calendai 2 * Appear for phvHical I'xaininal i<mat vmir near i'Hl Air Ham1 al (iuvrrulllflll ('XpcUHl'. as$g*\ 6 . A l l e n d A v in I i o n < iiclcl T r a i n i n g School lor one year either on I'il<il or Airerafl Olmerve r . d e l $lllfi nionlhly plus food, housing, umliirin.H, and oilier heilellls. 7 . (Iradoale and will your winds! ('ominisHioneil as a second lietil e i i a n l . voo begin earning $,ri,(l()() a year In ailili I i o n . voo rect'i ve $'J5I) uniform allowance and a lid-liny leave wil h pay. OTTO R. MENDE Capitol Press Printers l l l . l l ' H O N i : .1-1)703 or sec Arli'iie Kvcrson '5:2 !I5 .Madison Avcilll • Albany, New York Sidney Feltmim, Ph.G, ai7 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y. Phone (I-K610 y^aid&4 CAFETERIA WHERE To Get More Details Vi'n'i v<iui nuoiosl U. S. Air Forco Bum or U. S Aimy — U. S. Air f v • Rocfjiting Station 01 willo direct to Aviation Cadot, Huadi|u.. ten, U. 5. Air Foicu, Wns/iinoion 25, D. C. Gerald Drug Co. U.S. AIR FORCI UKKAKFA8T DINNKR M I D N I G H T SNACKS REASONABLE PRICKS 107 CENTRAL AVE. LUNCHES STATE C O L L M I N I W « . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, ( 6 3 2 PAOl 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1952 Lape Releases First Semester Honor Sfudenfs Hurry! Girls! 'Tempus Fugit' fContinued from Page i, Column 1) If you hear strange noises In the halls today, don't worry. It's only the murmur of a battle hymn mingled with a battle cry. Navy School Seeks Frosh Announce Cast Senior Applications Of Big-4 Production Girls To Meet WAC, WAF A representative from t h e W o m en's Army Corps a n d a r e p r e s e n t a tive from the W o m e n ' s Air Force will visit S t a t e College M o n d a y , Dr. Ellen c . Stokes, D e a n of Women, has announced. T h e servicewomen will discuss their work w i t h i n t e r ested women from S t a t e . Yes, today's THE DAY, Febtor Ooodoll, Lucille Outhrle, Helen ruary 29, that extra twenty-four Ungol, Kuth HerHkowlU, Marie Hoffhours that nature gives us only man, and Marlon Horn, once every four years. Now's Additional Juniors on Dean's LiHt your chance to do all the things arc: James Hughes, Evl Iglaucr, Demi T h e representatives will be in Kaplan, Madelon Knncrsser, Ricliard you've wanted to do, like a t Krug, Lltn Kriimholz, Michael La MurRoom 111 in Draper Hall a t 3:30 tending that late class you've cut ea, Margaret Leonard, Joseph Lornp. m. Any woman wishing informaall semester, or trying out the liardl, Shirley Lont, Ruth Lovelace, tion about the WAC's a n d t h e Ann McDougall, Wllmonte Nash, Tina pogo stick Uncle Charlie gave WAF's can meet these r e p r e s e n t a Nlcagtro, Helen Osborne, Barbara you for Christmas. Best opporPonce, Phyllis Penny, Louise Pettield, tives a t t h a t time. tunities can be had by the feVeronica Price, Daniel Robinson, Walmale sex, however. After all, toter Scliueller, Kntherlne Sinclair, .Tordine Hkoff, Janice Smith, Owen Smith, day is the day that makes leap John Spenard, Virginia Stanimel, Donyear. Tradition claims: fall in ald Stlne, Joan Stocker, Ann Sturges, love on February 29, be married Hobert Tabor, Paula Taylor, Ii'lfrleda Thiebe, Herbert Thicr, Joyce Turner, within the year. Carol Wandersec. Charles' Wicks, Marietta Wiles, and Richard Wood. So, go to it girls! Go to it The following Sophomores are Ineveryone! This is Obey That eluded in the list: Frances Alien, Impulse Day. You needn't stop Philip Allen, May Arnold, Richard at anything. Weil, almost anyBailey, Donald Barrelt, Eleanor Blissler, Leo Bennett, Joan Bolss, Mary Bora, thing. Benjamin Button, Robert Cnmpo, Anna Canor, Lucille Carella, Barbara earner, Dorothea Cerubinl, Frances Cillbcrtl, Bnrtolo Conte, John Cooper, Kathryn Cowell, Charles Cullen, Patricia Dean, John Dillon, Margaret Eckert, Shirley IOdsall, Kenneth Everard, Uonald Ferguson, Dnwn Furman, Doris Hagen, Faith Hanson. Frances Hopkins. Annamnre Hug. June Muggins, Help Week, i n a u g u r a t e d to r e Henry Hull, Elizabeth Milliter, Irene Johnson, Robert Johnson, Roaemary place traditional Hell Week, will Klrby. Use Kolin, Leanore Kotch, Joan begin Monday and close with inforLnbouxour, and Mary Lnvery. m a l initiations T h u r s d a y evening. Oilier Sophomores mi Dean's I.lsl Names of newly pledged and initiare: Rilwaril I.ehinan, Killt'lnn Lokell- ated women and plans for a date berg. Marie McCaffrey, Marilyn Mailer. 1)11 ies Mansky, Frank Mayer. party this evening have also been Madelyn Meier. William Metzer, Ralph released. Moot, Shirley Nellls, ,1 Olonyk, RobHelp Week is being coordinated ert Reigle, IConalil Ileilss, Ruth Richie r. Kurt Rosenbnum, Sylvia Senimler, by I n t e r - G r o u p Council a n d exeRayuiond Shannon, Richard Simper, cuted by Inter-Sorority Council, Frank Shcpard, Dunne Sinister, Arnold Smith, Kenneth Smith,- Jane Sta- announced Joseph Lombardl '53, ples, Evelyn Telgen, Donald Voelllnger, and Anne Sullivan '52, respective Alvce Wnlnwrlght, N'ancy Whittle, Ar- Presidents. Pledges will be able to lliur Wldawsky, Joan Wllliiian, Mary work a t the Albany Boys' Club, Vt'iirzlmch, and Maryanne Zllin. The freshmen on the list an Noel T r i n i t y Institute, Albany H o m e for Alvnz, Rose Herlseh, Henry loolte, Children, Clinton Square NeighborWillis Bosch. Marilyn Brond-bei cut. Ed- hood House, B"H the Memorial Hosward Cornell, Ella Curtis, Mary Dvorak. Charlotte Goldman, Roger pital. Ilnwvcr, Jane Herr, Ronald Lackey, Chi Sigma T h e t a is p l a n n i n g a Zo.> Laurie. Nancy Light hall Robert Lundergan, Bradford Miller. Ji hn Mor- date party this evening from 8:30 rlssey. Leroy Negus, Virginia N i r i i i a n , p . m . to 12 midnight. Ann Tobey Gone Nnrrls, Lucy O'Dell. Ton I Packer, Ann Reunion, Sondra Short, Joyce '55, is Chairman. Slegler, Edna Standley, Elaine Slryker. Barbara Tanney, I'iugeiie Webb, and Roger Weir. Seniors may apply for t r a i n i n g a t the Navy's Officer C a n d i d a t e School in Newport, Rhode Island, anytime between now and J u n e . T h e school, which was opened last J u n e , Is expected to have a n enroLuier.t of 2100 by October. Two courses of instruction are offered at the school. One prepares students for commissions as specialists; the other prepares t h e m for commissions a ensigns in t h e "general line." T h e cast h a s been chosen for t h e freshman Big-4 production, "Hi-Yo Percival." N a n c y Evans, Director, has released t h e following list of members of t h e cast. Pete will be played by R o b e r t Burns, Victoria by J o a n Carlin, Whiskers by R o b e r t Coan, Slim by Donald Lein, a n d Clem by R i c h a r d Giljam. Others in the cast are: Percy, A r t h u r Lenig; P e a c h e s , Phyllis L l t t m a n ; F a n t o n , Robert Lundergan; Ace Spade, Ross Newm a n ; Joe, R i c h a r d Rosenberg; M a bel, S o n d r a S h o r t ; a n d Lissy, N a dine Watson. I Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests § I No. 34...THE FERRET Sororities To Initiate Help Week Monday Students To Consider Proposed Amendments (Continued from Page 1, Column tJ will be a n n o u n c e d . An a n n o u n c e m e n t from t h e chair and other g e n eral a n n o u n c e m e n t s will also be given. A group of Sophomores will p r e sent ten m i n u t e s of publicity for " R u n a w a y L a n d . " Discussion on the proposed constitutional a m e n d m e n t presented by Charles Grunelsen '52, two weeks ago will be the last s u b ject on t h e a g e n d a today. HAGUE STUDIO "Portrait At Its Finest" HOLLYWOOD COMES EAST TO TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY H. F, Honikel & Son Pharmacists 811 MADISON AVENUE Foundedl 1806 Phone 4-2021 117 Central A n . ALBANY, N. Y. TELEPHONE 4-0017 Matmen Still Optimistic Regarding Club's Futuie Joe Garcia's musclemen, the newly organized wrestling team, held its first m a t c h Saturday, against the groaners from Darrow Prep. T h e victory went to Darrow 25-11, but the S t a t e m a t m e n expressed optimism considering the inexperience of t h e team. S a t u r d a y ' s lineup included three veterans, King, F u e r b a r h and Bliss, with the novices Derby, Helm, Cohen, Lewis and Pinley. King toppled his Darrow opponent by a fall and Bliss and Fuerbach won by decision. According to Garcia, the new squad is increasing its number every night in their 3:30-5:30 meetings in Milne gym. Recent additions to the group include F r a n Schatzle, a veteran of last year's squad, and LeRoy Negus, a frosh newcomer. Garcia disclosed t h a t games are scheduled with the power-laden team at Van Hornseville High, and tentatively with Albany H i ' h and Albany Academy teams at future dates. Sin-ie the team members are chospn for coirpet'.tion with outside t r a m s by series of weekly eliminations, the same men do not n c r e s sarily wrestle every week and there is opportunitv for wide participation. Coach Garcia expressed hope for a successful season, and claimed t h a t he has some wonderful m a terial to work with and has high hones of arousing Ihe interest of more men. A college star in his own right. Ojivr-lq i-ns nmole background outside of book learnin" to show candidates how to handle themselves on a mat. Grads Cop League; Misfits Hold Edge THE Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t State Grapplers Lose To Darrow ::::*ys j L / e s c e n d e d from a long line of d i s t i n g u i s h e d .':W< r e s e a r c h e r s , this s t u d i o u s s c h o l a r h a s b u r n e d ton m a n y g a l l o n s of m i d n i g h t oil to gloss over a sulijerl liglill). Especially such an i m p o r t a n t item as cigarette! m i l d n e s s . H e b u r r o w e d into the m a t t e r with his usual resolution a n d c o n c l u d e d that a " q u i c k p u l l " or a "fast snill ' Tuesday's action at the Rice Alleys saw the Misfits m a i n t a i n their slim lead in the downstairs division of the I n t r a m u r a l Bowling League. Paced by Rudy Bode. 492, Hal Smith, 471, and Bill Dunn, 432, the Misfits trounced the Po 4-1, 4-0. Consistent bowding by Carrol Judd an I Joe Lombardl went lor naught for the Fo 4-1 quintet. T h e Rousers moved out of their second place tie as they easily defeated the K ' B o b bles while the Finks remained idle and dropped into fourth place. Ralph Adams, 522, and Je'r.v Mousso, 429, led the victors. In the other contest the Commuters took a forfeit fr.im llii' Splits and moved into the third place slot vacated by the Finks. T h e EEP Grads, paced by their big three of Al Kaehn, 548. Jim Jitisto, 4(17. and Jim Warden. 538, clinched their division with their victory over Ihe Beavers. K a e h n ' s trio!:' set a new division high triple, SI s established a new high simile earne of 854 in their defeat or EEP. Boh F " " h e s . 513, Ken Wade, 45'!. Jack Thicr-en. 435, and Tom Soule. A ?3. n m b i n e d lo ink" three nohits from a determined E E n squad. Tom ^'•neiviti, D27, Frank Fav, 451. and P ' - i B r i n g s , 417. were high for Hie los'i-s. KB took a 3-1 victory from KDR as the',- maintained their fourth place standing. d o e s n ' t offer m u c h evidence. Millions of s m o k e r s a g r e e A place A place A place Itself to to eat, a place to drink, where one c a n sit and think. to dance, a place which lends fun, to talk, and friends. 10% DISCOUNT TC STUDENTS and FACUL » Y ON RECORDS t h e r e ' s b u t o n e true lest of cigarette mildness. It's the sensible mm flOTE SHOP t e s t . . . t h e oO-Uay Camel Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try C a m e l s as y o u r steady s m o k e on a day-after-day, pack-after-pack basis. TEMPERANCE TAVERN N o s n a p j u d g m e n t s ! O n c e you've tried Camels for 150 Central Ave. 62-0081 Open Evenings Until 9:00 '"**/*„,, 3D d a y s in y o u r " T - Z o n e " (T for T h r o a t , T I'm- T a s t e I, you'll see why . . . " jHuce-ly Speaking Dear Santa, I guess I'm a bit early in writing this year and it probably will a p pear to be a juvenile thing to do in a college paper, but what I w a n t from you is a p r e t t y big thing. You see S a n t a , there's been quite a bit of talk a r o u n d the campus In tegard to the s t a r t of intercollegiate football as a p a r t of our athletic program. Gee, S a n t a , how I wish this would become a reality. In plain words, our athletic p r o gram here a t State, j u s t isn't too hot. Sure, we have baseball and soccer and basketball and a wide number of i n t r a m u r a l activities, but somehow, it just doesn't seem like college without football. No, S a n t a , I'm not trying to appear to be any cut and dry "Joe College" but I would like to see more interest, on the part of the students, in S t a t e , r a h e r t h a n in individual classes. This class interest is a good thing 1 suppose, but w h a t I'm wishing for is a little more school spirit. I know you'll w a n t to question the practicality of football here, but it can lead to bigger and better things. For instance, I can see t h e day when we have t h a t nice, new fieldhouse on St. Mary's P a r k with facilities for basketball and swimming unci a huge auditorium where the dramatics' calsses can hold their productions. T h e n we'd also have a colorful college band and mavbe even the s t a r t of a major in Phvsieal Education, which would undoubtedly s t r e n g t h e n the a t h l e tic d e p a r t m e n t . We've got the potenial elements, now all we need is the real thing. Also, think of how much it would aid the g r a d u a t e s in obtaining e m ployment. T h e college would h a v e a " n a m e " and n a m e s do mean a heck nf a lot these davs. Mo-t neonle (especially in the Albany areai are u n d e r the false impression t h a t S t a t e is a girl's school. It isn't, bv any means. We've got a lot of rood men on this c a m p us and all t h a t thev need to prove themselves is a little push. This football deal can be t h a t pi"h. Po what do you sav. S a n t a , won't ""'! see if vou can't bring a footba'l program here to s t a t e ? T h a n k s . Sincerely. Joe Green Mountain Wins Over State, Oneonta Last Saturday, S t a t e College WAA played host to the women of Green Mountain Junior College and O n eonta State Teachers for a Sportsday. The program was under the general c h a i r m a n s h i p of Phoebe Fuller '52. At 1 p. m. Green Mountain met the girls from Oneonta S t a t e and defeated them 45-18 to chalk up their first win of the afternoon. At 2 p. m. Green Mountain played again, this time downing the Stateswomen 26-24 by a (wo point lead. In the last game of the afternoon, S t a t e met the Oneontans, downiiv; them 38-20 for their .single victory. Peds Take To Road Tomorrow; Bid For Victory At New Paltz State Topples Junior Peds Face '54, '55ers Split Rivalry Swim Meets New Haven For Legion Post Here; With the men of the Class of 1954 rallying after t h e F r e s h m a n Sixth A t Home h a a taken t h e first points Take Eighth Win women Tomorrow night State's basketof the Rivalry Swim, t h e Green i n tne only game to oe played Gremlins have m a i n t a i n e d a two bail squad will again t a k e t h e tonijsm, m e mst-moving J u n i o r point "spread". T h e rivalry score road to encounter New P a l t z . S t a t e va.oiuy quintet will lace an u n - now s t a n d s a t 15-13 in favor of will oe snooting for win n u m b e r 10 of t h e season. Last Wednesday ueieated Oueeley-Palmer American t h e Class of 1955. ijtgion Post team a t 7:30 in P a g e i h e i r o s h gals got off to a fine night in Page Hall S t a t e r a n its Hall. s t a r t as they captured the first unoeaten string on the home court to six s t r a i g h t with a win over New m e Junior Peds are c u r r e n t pos- tnree events. T h e combination of Haven by a 75-69 score. A t h i r d sisaors ui eight wins in twelve Donna Hughes and Angle K a v a n quarter spree by Gerry McDonald amrus. ' i n e record isn't truly i n - augh was hard to beat as they came and J o h n Allassion enabled S t a t e in first in two events, the side u . t a u i e oi the caliber of play r e n to outlast the visitors in t h e final stroke relay and the free style r e u b r e j uy tne squad uue to one l a c t canto. McDonald and Allassio comt n a t three ol t h e four losses were lay. The three m a n relay saw Hughes again come in first with bined to score 11 points to increase u., a mere one-point m a r g i n . Nella Bertin and J o a n H a r t m a n n , State's slender two-point lead at ..tin. u p p i n h e i m Sophs, coming in second and third halftime to a more substantial 8 Liast weunesaay, t h e basketeers point lead a t the end of t h e quarter. respectively. uuwned a very strong O p p e n h e i m Fouling was heavy throughout the i ust aggregation 74- 70. Bob D e T h e men's events proved to be game and it was really a t the foul ivucneiius nooped 22 m a r k e r s to a close race. I n the u n d e r w a t e r com- line t h a t State won t h e game as u a o ins mates to t h e victory. Also petition, Boo S c h u m a n , Frosh, went they collected 25 points in this outstanding lor the S t a t e s m e n were down to defeat to Bill S t a t t s of the m a n n e r as compared to 7 for New IDOO Coan with 17, a n d Dee Coombs Bluejays. However, Steve Serniak Haven. J o h n Centra's 14 points was and Boo Sage with 12 m a r k e r s put the Green and White back indivdual high for State. apiece. Coan is replacing the in- into competition as he took t h e O n e o n t a Tops S t a t e jured Jack F e r n a n d e z in the s t a r t - breaststroke race. T h e Class of '54, Last Friday night State took its ing lineup oecause of F e r n a n d e z ' s t h a n went on to take t h e next two sixth loss ol the season a t t h e h a n d s injured ankle. Fernandez, who up successive events with Norman of Oneonta, by a score of 69-56. until the time of his injury, was Koriyama being victorious over Bob State seemed unable to set its usual running neck and neck with De- B u r n s in the freestyle and Bob p a t t e r n of play on the huge O n Michenes' for high scoring honors, Rivers coming out ahead of De eonta court and by the time they will probably be lost to t h e squad Combs in the backstroke. found themselves in the second for the remainder of the season. half the 14 point halftime deficit Scoring honors for t h e evening was too much for t h e S t a t e s m e n to however, went to B e r n a r d o of O p overcome. T h e boys seemed to be penheim who set the seasons ingetting the range early in the dividual-high scoring record with game, but the shots just wouldn't a total of 31 points. go in. Claire Jacobson, in t h e m e a n i n s t r u m e n t a l in tne team's s u c Potter Cluo retained the IM B a s - time, seemed to have little trouble cess tnis season h a s been t h e m a g - ketball League lead by virtue of a with t h e shots he was taking. H e niticent coaching work by Joe 46-23 win o.er the K B aggregation collected 21 points, which was high (jarcia and Pete Telfer. They have Monday night. Action t h a t night for the night. J o h n C e n t r a hooped moulded the team into a fine, also saw tw:o forfeits; the Vaga- 18 in a losing cause. coordinated outfit with the kind of bonds gaining a victory over the State Wins At Home hustle and spirit t h a t can make Angels and the Pink.s giving a game Familiar Page Hall seemed to be any team a winner. cure lor the H a t h a w a y m e n as they to the Trotters. Lomlcy Most improved notched a 63-54 victory over Utica T h e Potter cause was well aided One of the most improved playCollege, last S a t u r d a y night. T h i s by Harry Johnson's dumping in 9 t r s on tne squad t h u s far has been victory proved sweet revenge for ijig Bob Comley. Lomley took over points and Pete Telfer, Ed Mathews, the loss suffered by S t a t e earlier m e starting center reins from J i m and Don Burns' swishing 8 points in the season a t t h e h a n d s of the Bennett, who was taken ill, and apiece. For the losers Neil Ryder same Utica quintet. Utica was not has proceeded to really make the dropped in 7 points, and Abe Blat- at full strengh as a result of F i t z spectators take notice. Comley hoop- m a n and Dave W a n d e r cleared 6 gerald's, being called into service. ed 13 ponus against O n e o n t a last points apiece. Fitzgerald was only a freshmen and we.'k and was topped only by DePotter Club's 12th win in a row already was the playmaker of the Michelles' who rimmed 16. was a rough and h a r d fought victory squad. Fouling again plagued both T h e teams next encounter after as KB tailed to score in the first teams, with Utica suffering the loss tonight's game will be on March 12 minutes of play. Abe B l a t m a n of Nichols, and Collette, the scor8, against a n o t h e r undefeated squad. was seriously injured in the fray ing p a r t n e r s of Rudy Valenzi. ValThis time it will be the Booker T. and Joe Dolan, also of K B , had to enzi, who specializes in hook shots Washington quintet. have 3 stitches put in his chin. topped Utica scorers with 14 points. EEP Quintet Retains I M BB League Lead L. G. Balfour Co. FRATERNITY JICWELRY Badges Rings Steins Jewelry Gifts Favors Stationery Programs Club Pins Keys Medals Trophies Write or Call CARL SORENSEN 30 Murray Ave, Waterford, N.Y. Telphone Troy 7 r J - V W ?s ana on 1 rode . . . . ^ ^ \a greater er and was my thii thirst Tennyson: Holy Grail Adams 82563 T h e farther y o u go the more i t fc •-^i^y PAGE S y o u need refreshment. YOU MAY STILL PUIiOHASK y o u ' l l h o a r f o l k s say, <£>u&. FLORIST & GREENHOUSE Corner Ontario & Benson Dial 4-112S College Florists for Years After all the Mildness Tests . . . Camel leads all other brands STUDENT MEDICAL POLICY That's why "Let's have a Coke and get going." It's one w a y to get s o m e w h e r e . bybiitions Write—Phone—See ARTHUR R. KAPNER BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCACOIA COMPANY BY ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Special Attention for Sororities and Fraternities 75 Slate St. 5-1471 " C o t . " li o r.g/«».r.d Iradt-mark. 1*52, THE COCACOIA COMPANY PAGE 6 STATE COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY. F E B R U A R Y 2 9 , 1952 Director Reveals P&biHf Quel *lhe CxcUaHqe AF To Choose Committee Heads Most people today don't seem to be shadowed overnight by some Grad Trainees know whether they are coming or dramatic turn In history. The best The Air Weather Service in Washbut according to the New rationalization the co-ed of today ington, D. C„ has asked the Air For Soph Big-4 going York Times geography test of 5,000 can make is this apparent fatalism Force to commission and train 300 (Continued from Page 1, Column 5J Roos, with her committee of Paul Saimond, Frederick Crumb, Walter Decker, Donald Duclos, and Robert Reigle. Props will be furnished by Lene Johnson, Chairman, Nancy Uoilins, Mary Ann Hopko, and Kathleen Oberst. Costumes w e r e designed by Barbara Stempel, Chairman, Audrey B u r k e, Cynthia Hills, Patricia Kane, Anne Kohn, and Lois Porter. Make-up will be done by John Lalng, Chairman, Louise Button, Doris Hagen, Cynthia Hills, Charles Lusk. The business will be handled by Shirley Callahan, assisted by Norma Banfield, Audrey Burke, Palmina Calabrese, Donald Duclos, Kenneth Everard, Evelyn Katusak, Richard Shands, and Barbara Stempel. George Hathaway is chairman of the publicity committee, with Patricia Byrne, Prances Ciliberti, Patricia Dean, Fatricia Kane, Phyllis MacCormlck, and Gail Wisell assisting. Frances Bethea is in charge of the house, and Joyce Lutsky and Joan Mackey planned the programs. students in 42 colleges, we don't even know where we are. For example, when these students were asked to name the countries bordering Yugoslavia, some students named Belgium, Egypt, Manchuria, Portugal and even Canada. This apparent lack of knowledge seems to predominate in other than just the field of geography. The entire personality of the college co-ed has been attacked by a Harvard English professor when he described college girls as listless, pessimistic, confused and obsessed by a fear of the future, Howard Mumford Jones in an article pessimistically entitled "Have College Women Let Us Down?" also bemoans the fact that ' A dark, unreasoning fear has the college girl in its grip. This is her fear of the future dominated by the atom bomb." Jones accuses the college girl of a senseless system of copying into her notebook the notes of her professor without ever considering the significance of the facts. He adds, however, that possibly the listlessness now evident may of the older generation. On the lighter side of the college news, the University of Buffalo Spectrum recently printed six reasons "Why I never joined a sorority?" They were: One: I wanted to do as I wished and think for myself instead of being led around by a bunch of sorority sisters. Two: I had never gone into women's clubs and organizations before I came to college and I didn't want to start. Three: I had never danced with a man in my life and I didn't want to. Four: I didn't like the idea of having to room with the same girl all semester. Five: I didn't fill out a sweater and I didn't look very attractive in a sleeveless, low cut gown. Six: I'm a male. And here's the quote of the week taken from the Daily Kansan. "It is difficult to understand why the officials in Washington recently gave the Princess a key to the city. After all, just a little pull will open almost any door there." Oh well remember to keep smiling. Next week is National Smile Week. graduates as weather officers. Those eligible for training are college graduates and second-semester seniors with credit for one year of college physics and mathematics through integral calculus. Since several months will be required to piocess applications for the 1952-53 program, men and women interested should apply at once. Successful applicants will be ordered to active duty by midAugust, 1952, to begin a 12-month meteorology course at one of seven participating U. S. colleges and universities. Those graduates accepted for the USAF-spansored training program will be commissioned immediately as second lieutenants on full pay, including allowance for quarters and subsistence. Young men and women who will graduate before August, 1952, and who are interested in USAF commission and meteorology training may write for further information to the Chief, Air Weather Service, Andrews Air Force Base, Washington 25, D. C. Lisle Program Offers Summer Field Work Opportunities for cooperative living and community field work will be featured again this summer under the Lisle Fellowship program, says a recent announcement by The Lisle Fellowship, Incorporated. The Fellowship program is open to upperclass and graduate students. Lisle Fellowship students work in communities within a 200 mile radius. Their community work includes hospitals, housing projects, camps for young people, and social centers. Committees made up of live or six students work together and meet for evaluation sessions throughout the program. A six week unit will operate around San Francisco; Hartford will be the center of a nine week unit. There will also be a Connecticut unit in operation from June to September. Charge for the program will be about $150 per student. Additional information may be secured from DeWitt C. Baldwin, Director, The Lisle Fellowship, Inc., 04 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. C H E S T E R F I E L D -INGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES ^fy State College Ne$S? ATTEND ^TAME FOR ^/HQLIO BENEFIT Z-456 ALBANY. N E W YORK. F R I D A Y . M A R C H 7, 1952 State Fraternities Judge, Estranged Wife Hill Folk Q ^ ^ JQ Kelease Koster / o Appear On Page Hall Sfage Kt D I OfNewPiedges ^JTJSLSTS. List Shows Decrease From Last Year's Total By IRENE ELDRED Gilbert and Sullivan will once again reign on Page Hall stage as a breach of promise suit is settled equitably in "Trial By Jury" on March 14 and 15. But before the Royal Court takes over, the folks the Alabama mountains will 0f s j n g their way through the troubles 0f Jennie Parsons in the modern American folk opera "Down in the Valley" by Kurt Weill. in "Trial By Jury" Gilbert and Sullivan chose to satirize a court the Valley," has written the Broadway hits, "Lady in the Dark" n n d -Lost in the Stars." Some of the s c o r e o f -Down in the Valley" is based on such familiar American folk songs as "Down in the Valley," ,„ AJUU uUp, l, v 'Hop My Ladies," and "Sourw o o c i Mountain m ^ > VOL. XX EnCOUnteV T N e w raltz I omorrow AD Production Will Highlight SA Assembly Tilt Will Benefit Polio Foundation Eighty Statesmen were recently pledged to fraternities, according to a list released by Edward Castillo The scenery of "Down in the '52, President of Inter-Fraternity Board Arranges Dance Valley" follows the pattern of Council. KDR Obtains New Pledges At Union Alter Game ™°''nton Wilder's "Our Town," in Kappa Delta Rho pledged " " * " i s * e p t *> a . m . l n l 1 " ™ a n d An Advanced Dramatics class Tomorrow night, State College's member of the Class of '53, John changes are made during the perProut. Members of the= Class vm*s ofU1 '54« , . , . „ . „ „ f »„„„,..,„ tha pi Q i „ H f f b formance. The change of sets will play directed by Ruth Dunn '53, will basketball team will play host to who were pledged are Frank Mayer ' „ , ," J l ! £ „ , ' , 1 H' e d o n e b v t h e chorus, which is be presented in assembly today. New Paltz. The regular Student and Stuart Macnofsky. Freshman y„rio.B ,„ , n o ? " n f h century ™ b , ™ iEng" ™ modeled after the choruses used in Wednesday night at Student Coun- Union dance will be held after the in a„ „nineteenth pledges include James Bombard Judge ' t h e ancient Greek plays. The ef- oil a motion to the effect that stu- game. The game against New Paltz Robert Burns, David Burroughs, p r o m ^ a g ^ X ^ t h T S e ? ^ ! ' « * " ° f the rnlnimum "sVage" s^tMng dents go in groups" of ten to donate will teptayed £ r toetenefltof the will rest largely on the use of light- blood was defeated, pending further " k i d around the corner!" The adCharles Derwin, Thomas Finley, dant. ing techniques. investigation. Council approved the mission for the tilt will be twentyThomas Hogue, Walter Lawder, Primer budget, a motion concerning n v e c e n t s . Kurt Weill, composer of "Down John Lucas, Theodore Mayer, Jo"Trial By Jury" will be presided international Seminar Day and a state Stronir at Puire seph McDowell, Thomas Mullen. over by a bewigged Learned Judge, constitutional amendment. Francis state h a s proved exceeding Custer Quick, Stephen Serniak, MilPoor Angelina and her estranged Hodge '53, Chairman of State Fair, h.strong on the home court 111 seaton Siler, Fred Silva, Frank Smith, fiance, Edwin, and other members renorted that a nrnflr of t w wn* 0u ,o1 n °t o ," B me nome coun an seaJohn Sponable, Stuart Theohary, of His Royal Highness' Court will made on the event „ " only their initial game to win made on the event. Curtis Valentine, and Raymond be dressed inHighness tvnical court nineteenth Maritime Academy. Other teams id in i r c c t s Comedy Com ,H CIUSMCI in typical t>pical nineteenth m m U t n t h „» „„ n„ n„ DDirects such as Utlca and Oneonta were Wolfe. century costumes. In direct contrast T, nHo „ ,„ 0 „ „ „ H „ ' n Thirty-one Join Potter Club Today in assembly a comedy will easily defeated on the Page Court will be the costumes of "Down in Edward Eldred Potter Club has be enacted, the plot centering but were too powerful for State on the Valley." The hillbillies of Alapledged Louis Urbano, Grad. The bama will be dressed in blue leans a\°U?A? ^ " d f a t h e r who is believ- their home court. The Plattsburg following Juniors were also pledged: D ue J a l , ' , . , flannel ! . ue _, r shirts, ; s e ? .full .. drindle . ? ?.' ed dead, but who is discovered to game was similar to these other A preliminary contest to pick an bright Alfred Cannon, Robert Smith, and be alive as the quarrel over who games, the only reason for not losBernard Swartzman. Freshman entrant for the local Heart ora- skirts and peasant blouses. shall receive the insurance money ing this one also was Walkers sentorical contest will take place Monpledges include Robert Ashfield, The double bill promises to fur- and property reaches a climax, sational, last-second basket. The Willis Bosch, Howard Brewster, day, March 24, in Page Auditorium, nish a gala evening for performers Those who will take part in the New Paltz game was to be the final Frank Candito, Donald Canonica, according to Grace Smith '52, Edi- and audience alike. Admission will play are Louis Vion, Rose Mary game of the season for the HathDonald Capuano, Paul Ceglia. De- tor-in-Chief of the State College be by student tax. so claim your Keller, William Hawkins, Juniors, awaymen, but a double postponeWitt Combs, Robert Comley, James News, whicli is sponsoring the con- box early. And don't forget to dig William Staats '54, and Nancy Fed- ment of the WlUimantic game has Conwav, Edward Cornell. Robert test at State. Norine Cargill '52, out your oper-etta glasses. er, and Pearl Szabo, freshmen. made the Willie game, the final DeMichiell, Anthonv DeNova. Ed- Public Relations Editor, is in charge one Council Approves Forum Proposal instead. No definite date has of ward Franco, Walter Helm, Gerald arrangements for the contest. been named for this game, but Members of Student Council vol- M f t r c h 1 2 i s Holzmnn. Donald Lein. James Lock- Disclose Topic for Oration ed to back Forum in its proposal to the date for which (Continued on Page >h Column 1) "Henry Clay" has been selected invite Warren Austin to be the main Coach Hathaway is attempting to as the topic for the six minute oraspeaker at International Seminar schedule Willimantic. tions, which arc to be presented Day. Council also approved an am- State Trounces New Palta without notes or a loudspeaking sysendment to the SA Constitution Last Saturday night, the Peds tem. Speeches will be judged mainly which would render any person not strengthened a 2 game win streak on content and organization, with in attendance the preceding regular with a 67-45 win over New Paltz. emphasis on delivery. semester ineligible to vote in any State jumped off to an early lead ( Mrs. Frank Carrino, Instructor in Student Christian Association, and r't1(>cH'tion before Moving-Up Day, ex- mid never relinquished it throught l l o s e f °r Junior Prom Queen out the game. New Paltz presented Four students will take part in English, will check outlines before Newman Club have both planned '' t h e Brooklyn Invitation 'Debate actual writing, if the contestant so speakers for the week's meetings, and Campus Queen. The motion will-little in the way of opposition as Tournament which is being held desires. She will also arrange to according to Helen Pilcher '52 and be brought before SA today. State held complete command for March 6. 7, and 8, declares Mrs. bear each speaker twice before BeVeriy'pranltte^! respecUve'Prcsithe majority of the game and inFrank Carrino, Instructor in En- March 24. A tape recorder will be d e n t R . H illel has scheduled a Purlm creased their lead with apparent glish. The topic to be debated is available in Room 4 in order that Party, and Inter-Varsity Christian ease. Captain Bob Brown led his "Resolved: That the government all contestants teammates with a 19 point outontestants may record their or- Fellowship has slated a speaker and should adopt a permanent program ation,is Mimeographed aids may also a p a r t y i n c o l l j u n c t i o n w l t n burst. RPI of wage and price control". be obtained in Room 4. and Union Colleges accordlng t0 .1. V. vs Booker T. Washington Those who are attending are Eve- Students interested m participat- gandra Cohen and William WhitState's J.V. will encounter one lyn Erdle and Charles Gruneisen, mg may sign up with Mrs. Carrino, w e r j u n j o r s Signum Laudls, scholastic honor- of the top notch amateur basketSeniors who will debate the affirma- with Miss Cargill, or on a list which ary fraternity, will hold a meeting ball teams, Booker T. Washington tive and Marvin Chernoff and James is posted on the door of the publica- Union Student To Speak Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room 149. Center tomorrow night in the preThompson, Sophomores who will tions office at Brubacher. Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. in Bru I'he members will discuss the pro- Hminary. Jim Bennett has returntake the negative side. Repre.senta- Will Award War Bond bacher, Ronald Woodruff, a student rx>sedInrtaTlaUon^orrtnTs' campus* of e d to action" and'Tack Fernandez, tives of fifty-six other colleges will Capitol District finals are sched- at Union College, will speak to Stu- phi Beta Kappa, national scho'las- injured two weeks ago, will also compete. uled for the Albany Law School au- dent Christian Association mem- t| c honorary, Ruby Anderson '52 be in the line-up. The return of State tied for first place two years ditorium April 22 and 23. One rep- b e r s o n summer opportunities for re- president has announced ' these two plus the recent fine showago in the tourney and achieved resentative from each of the area Uglous work and service, and on his A t the meeting Dr Catherine mg of freshmen, Bob Coan, is sure sixth place last year. colleges will compete for the $100 experiences at a six week seminar in p e i t z , Assistant Professor of English to bolster Garcia's club's offensive. A home debate with Yeshiva Uni- war bond prize. All the contestants Washington, D.C. James C o l e '52 wlll s p e a k o n l h e o r l g l n ^ purJ Accordlng t0 versity will be held Monday, March will receive $5 Speaker at the weekly noon hour P° s e o f Signum Laudis. Phi Beta Chairman of Student Union Board, 10 in the Student Union. Miss Erdle chapel service Wednesday will be Dr. Kappa will be the topic of a talk Bob Massey's orchestra will play and Clarence Spain '52 will take Paul C. Lemon, Assistant Professor b.v Dr. James Childers, Professor of for the Student Union dance. All part. This debate will be conducted of Biology. Marrietta Wiles '53 will modern languages. Dr. Ellen C. freshmen girls may stay at the according to Oregon styles, that is lead the service, to be held at the oStokes, Dean of Women, will speak dance until 12:30 a.m., but must an informal procedure, more like a Park United Presbyterian Church at n former efforts to bring Phi Beta go directly from the dance to their panel discussion. the corner of South Lake and West- Kappa to State College. residence houses at that time, Smile . . . laugh . . . grin . . . ern Avenues. There will be a Lenten Discussion, third of a series, at snicker . . . or just sit back and Radio Council Program roar. But any way you look at 6 p.m. at the home of Dr. Frances yourself next week, you should L. Colby, Instructor in English. To Preview Operetta see a big, broad, beaming smile, Hillel Plans Purim Party for March !l through l(i is NaTomorrow afternoon a sneak preHillel has slated a Purlm Party tional Smile Week. view of one of the operettas to be for 7:30 p.m. Sunday in CongregaIn its first Supreme Court test presented March 14 and 15 by the If someone steps on your big tion Ohav Sholom. Phillip Stark will the New York State's Feinberg Law lautomatic grounds for dismissal, vioMusic Department will be broadtoe, smile, brother, smile! If your was upheld as constitutional this Pi il tfetchi t h e d u e process clause of the cast over station WROW, accord(Continued on Pai/c I,, Column 5) professor tells a story that might week in a 6-to-3 decision. The statAmendment, ing to Jeannine Burke '52, Presipossibly pass for a humorous ute prohibits employment in this The prevailing opinion of the jusdent of Radio Council. "State Colanecdote, smile. In fad, a prostate's public school system of any tices was based on the contention lege on the Air", a program sponlonged guffaw might even be person advocating overthrow of the that the state had a constitutional sored by Radio Council, will preadequately appreciated. When Federal or State Government by right to protect the immature sent part of an informal rehearsal you receive your draft notice, force or violence, or any person minds of its children from subverof "Trial by Jury" from 1:15 to you might try smiling. Maybe holding membership in an organ- slve propaganda. Justice Minton in Additions to the Deans List for ization which preaches such a doc- expressing the majority view stated 1:30 p.m. your recruiting officer won't be the first semester of 1951-52 have t r m e able to defer you hut he might Among the songs from the operthat the teachers may still "assembeen released by Ruth E. Lape, Regreturn a smile that Is Just as etta to be heard on the radio proConflict came over whether or not ble, speak, and believe as they will," istrar. In order to be placed on this friendly as yours. gram are "When First My Old, Old the law, enacted in 1949 chiefly to and that only their freedom of list, one must attain a B average. Love I Knew", "Swear Thou the If you're in doubt as to what keep Communists and fellow-travel- choice between employment in the Jury," "When I, Good Friends, a smile looks like, go luke a peek Students of the Class of 1952 who ers out of the school system, consti- school system and membership in a Was Called To the Bar", and parts at Joan Stocker '53 and James have been added to the list are Viola tuted an abridgement of the right subversive organization was limited of "Where Is the Plaintiff". ThomColes '52, who recently were Myles, Shirley Schlenheit, Marjorle to freedom of speech and assembly The dissenting justices felt that as Hughes '53 will announce the elected Miss and Mr. Sunshine Parwell, a n d Marceline Stleve. guaranteed by the First Amend- the act should program, each singer will explain of the Distributive Education Pearl Mintzer and Robert Stuart, ment, and whether or not the pro- down as an invasion of the civil part of the story, and Roslyn JacDepartment. Juniors and Audrey Heacock '55 vision making membership in an rights of citizens and a denial of obs '53 will conclude the tale. have also attained honor grades. organization listed as subversive freedom of thought and expression Hearst Tryouts Will Compete In Auditorium Clubs Slate Meetings, Engage Speakers Religious Debators To Vic In Brooklyn Meet Signum Laudis Plans Meeting Laugh, Grin, Smile Next Week It's Style Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Constitutionality Of Feinberg Law tape Lists Additions To Dean's List Group