State C Inter-Fraternity, Inter-Sorority Councils To Hold SA Schedules

State C
yflf ^
TONIGHT -, .^0.%
Inter-Fraternity, Inter-Sorority Councils To Hold
Annual Christmas Ball A t Ten Eyck Tomorrow
Ball Co-Chairmen
Announce Plans
For Decorations
D&A Group
SA Schedules
All-State Night To Experiment
In Student Union In Play Reading
The annual Inter-Fraternity, Inter-ooronty Council semwormal,
Vvinitnuae, will tane place tomorThe Dramatics and Arts affiliates
row mgnt irom lu p.m. 10 'i a.m. in
present a reading of Ibsen's
the Men KycK ball room. Harry VinState Faculty, Students will
"The Wild Duck" Monday evening
cent, iris '.trumpet ana his orcnestra
\Vill Unite in tvening at 8 p.m. The readings will be held
have been engaged for the dance,
in the new Draper auditorium, acCommittees have been announced by
Or Games, Dancing
cording to Henry Smith '52, PresiAnne bulhvan '52 and Joseph Friedman, orauuaie, co-enairmen of the
The second annual All-State night dent of D&A.
Those composing the cast in this
will be held Tuesday evening from
iiius are available at $3 per couple
7:15 10 11 p.m. in the Student Union affiliate presentation are George
ana will be sold at the door tomorLounge and in the Dining Room of Stephens, Grad; Henry Smitn,
row evening, ihey are also on sale
Bruoacher Hall. According to David Thomas Holman, and Roslyn Lacks,
m lower Draper.
Manly '52, Chairman, the affair will Seniors; Richard Scott, Veronica
Cnairmen flan Decorations
have a dual purpose: to aid in pro- Price, James Hughes, Louis Vion,
Decoiations for the dance have
moting better student-faculty rela- and Thomas Hughes, Juniors. WithJOSEPH
been selected to give a winter attions and to help meet the Campus out the benefit of sets, costumes,
mosphere, according to Joan DeChest goal for the college of $2,000. stage movements, or any other customary stage adornments, the readVinney '53 and Thomas Yole '52, coOne feature of the event will be ers will render interpretations of
chairmen of the decoration committhe division of those present into their lines solely by the use of certee. A sign with artificial snow, disgroups of ten related characters. tain inflectional and expressive
playing the name of the dance, will
Each person will try to find the qualities of their voices, Smith
be placed on the band stand.
other nine in his particular group. states.
Streamers with bells will be attachThis type of dramatic presentation
ed to the chandeliers.
Manly Slates Program
beList Chaperones
The program for the affair will is new to D & A affiliate players.
tween the freshman and Sophomore
However, because of the success of
Frank Carrino, Instructor in Modproceed as follows:
classes will take place in Assembly ern Languages, and Mrs. Carrino,
7:15 to 8 p.m. General get-to- similar readings in New York City
A Christmas sing, sponsored by today. Student Council has decided Dr. Edward Cooper, Professor of
this season, done by the First Drama
gethar and entertainment.
Quartet, G. B. Shaw's "Don Juan Student Christian Association, will to move the bulletin boards now in Commerce, and Mrs. Cooper, and
a to 8:30 p.m. Truth or Conse- in Hell" from "Man and Superman," be held al 7:30 p.m. Sunday night in
Joseph Garcia, Instructor in Health,
quences Show, students and faculty. D. & A has attempted this more Page Hall Auditorium, according to lower part of Husted, William and Mrs. Garcia will attend as
The master of ceremonies will be difficult but stimulating type o' Helen Pitcher '52, President of SCA. lower part of Huested, William chaperones. Kenneth Wade and
Raymond Champlafn '52.
dramatic presentation, states Smiti1 who will give the welcoming ad- Wylie '52, President of the Student Marjorie Farwell, Seniors, arc co8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Round and
chairmen of the chaperone commitSmith invites all students to the dress. The seven sororities on camsquare dancing in the Dining Room. presentation. There will be no ad- pus and Edward Eldred Potter Club Association, has announced.
10 p.m. Last Chinese auction of mission charge.
will participate in the sing.
According to Gerald Roberts and
Announcements will be first on
the j ear for the benefit of Campus
Pilchcr Lists Selections
the agenda in Assembly today. Then /'Continued on Page 6, Column SJ
The program of the evening has the freshmen will pass downstairs
been announced by Miss Pilcher. to the Juniors' scats for the Rivalry
10:30 to 11 p.m. Community sing
Chi Sigma Theta, under the direc- Sing, and the Juniors will go up to
in the Lounge.
tion of Joan Bostwick '52, will sing the balcony. Each class will sing
Chairman Announces Committees
"Adeste Fideles" and "The Twelve three songs: a Fight Song with orTickets, priced at twenty-live
Days of Christmas," while Joan
cents, are being sold each clay outSMILES is now collecting Christ- Cunniff '53 will direct the Phi Del- iginal words, an Alma Mater with
side the Commons from 10 a.m. to mas gifts for its annual Christmas ta group in "A Christmas Fantasy" original words and music, and a
Student Union Board will sponsor
3 p.m. They will also be sold at the party at the Albany Home for Chil- and "Jingle Bells." "On the First song to the rival class with original a dance tonight after the basketball
door. Committees in charge of the dren, 140 New Scotland Avenue, ac- Murning of Christmas" and " 'Twas words. The singing will be judged game, according to Mary Marks '52,
event are: Publicity, Mary Buffo '52, cording to Sondra Slolkin '52, Pres- the Night Before Christinas" will be lor originality, enthusiasm, and ex- Chairman of the Student Union
Kay Wright '53, Eleanore Kotch and ident. The parly will be held Wed- the two selections sung by Beta ecution, and the winning class will Board. The Board has chosen Aliki
George Hathaway, Sophomores, and nesday from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Zcta sorority with Mary Marks '52 be awarded three rivalry points, ac- Apostolides and Joseph Lombardi,
Thomas Mullen '55; Tickets. EleanThe age groups of the children as leader. Edward Eldred Potter cording to Robert Donnelly '52, Juniors, as delegates to the Student
Union Regional Conference.
ore Kotch: Entertainment, Peter for the classes are: 4 to 7, Class of Club will then present "The Birth- Chairman of Rivalry Committee.
McManus, Sophomores; Arrange- '55; 7 to 10, Class of '54; 11 to 14, day of a King" and "Chestnuts
The Union Dance will be held toments. Joseph Lombardl '53.
Student Council decided that the night alter the game with Harpur
Class of '53; 15 and up, Class of '52. Roasting on an Open Fire," under
There is a gift box for each class The leadership of Milan Krchniak long bulletin board in lower Draper College. The dance will take place
in lower Draper between the cafe- '53, followed by Psi Gamma who will will be broken up and moved to until 12:30 a.m. Mrs. Marks has disteria and the Co-op. They will re- perform "O Holy Night" and "Wint- Huested. The class bulletin board closed. Patrick Carlo '53, is chairof the dance. Music will be furmain there until 3:30 p.m. today. er Wonderland," under the direction will be placed on the wall by the man
Commons, and the board 'including nished by Don Burt and his OrMiss Slot kin requests each student of Virginia O'Connell '53.
1VCF. Pedagogue, Primer, Dcba:e chestra. Entertainment for the eveto put an identification card on his
Sylvia Levlne '53 will direct the Council,
and Press Bureau will ning will be provided by Gamma
Those students who wish to sign or her gill. Two SMILES represent- Alpha Epsilon Phi group in arrange- be placed on the wall by the cafe- Kappa Phi Sorority, Sigma Lambda
up for the National Inter-Collegiate atives will be stationed outside of ments of "The Twelve Days of teria. The small board now facing Sigma Fraternity, and the east wing
Bridge Tournament may do so now, Page Auditorium after assembly to- Christmas" and "I Heard the Bells the lower Husted stairs is to be put of Brubacher Hall.
according to Phyllis Penny '53, day lo collect money from those on Christmas Day." The next se- over Campus Commission desk.
Aliki Apostolides and Joseph
Chairman of the Stale College students who did not have time to (Continued on P<WP d, Column I /
Lombardi, Juniors, have been chospurchase
Bridge Tournament. Students may
en to represent State College at
si: 11 up on the Tournament poster
the Student Union Regional Conby Hie Commons or by contacting
ference at Rochester today and tomorrow. They will also visit the
Mi s Penny through Student Mail.
Geneseo Student Union. These stuThere are no entry ices lor the
dents will discuss the activities of
tournament. Slate College eliminathe Student Union at other colleges.
tions will be held in January if
enough students show interest, by
ple, Ruth Moore '25, wrote "Spoon Methodist church, Waltham, MassaBy SALLY GERIG
signing up now The winner of the
handle," "Candlemas Bay," and
Pedagogue To Show
Every year about this time when other romantic novels which occur chusetts, and Rabbi Herbert Drooz
district in which Slate College is
stationed will travel to Chicago in mid-semester warnings bring their along the not always so cold Maine '311, Wilmington, Delaware, are provApril In play in the national finals. scholastic blues, it is reassuring to coast. Olga Hemple Briggs '2(i, lias ing that teaching and preaching are Proofs O f Pictures
contemplate the number of State her poetic accomplishments publish- quite alike.
Proofs of Senior pictures will be
Oi those who remain in education,
graduates who have succeeded in ed in the New York Herald Tribune
shown in lower Draper near the
fields other than teaching.
Donnelly Discloses
nearly every week, pi a less sophisAs it Ihe teaching profession does ticated vein, Marsha Brown '40, has field. Dr. Edwin R. Van Kleeck "2i, class bulletin boards Tuesday and
not provide enough problems, the been writing and Illustrating such Is Assistant Commissioner of Educa- Wednesday from one to four p.m.,
dally saga of "Young Widder renown children's books as "Stone tion in New York Slate; Marjorie according to Donald Putterman '52,
Smith "23, is Dean of Women al Sy- Editor of Pedagogue, Seniors whose
Volleyball Tilt Brown" brings lo soap opera fans Soup" and "Little Carousel."
last names begin with the letters A
Rivalry volleyball will be played the country over the problems of a
Foreign service has had a strange racuse University, and Dr. Frederick to L may view' proofs Tuesday; the
Thursda.N at 7:30 p.m. in Page Hall
appeal lor Statesmen. William Alothers may see the proofs WednesGym, acconliii; to Robert Donnelly tion lo her children and love for her lan! "35, is now 111 the counsellor Slate Teachers' College. In Hast- day.
Mar'52, Chairman of Rivalry Commitservice in Paris, aid .1. Edmore MelSeniors will choose the pictures
tee. Both men's and women's games playing Ihe part of the beautiful but unson "30, is in Caracas, Venezuela, shall French '21), is President of thev want In Pedagogue, Orders for ,(
will be played at this time.
as regional director of the WilFor I hose of you who arc stil additional pictures will be taken at
The class winning Ihe men's lias been writing the script for these liam's Oil Company.
as to your future at State, this time. These may be picked up
game will be awarded two rivalry many hectic years is none other
A number of statesmen have gone
get married? John "Ret, at the Hague Studio December 18
points. The class winning the wofrom leaching to preaching. Rev
of '41, Is Justice of and 10 before vacation, according
men's game will also be awarded two
Warren Densmore "lit, Pastor of St.
to Putterman.
Many State graduates have be- Mary's church, Tampa, Florida, Rev. the Peace in Wuterford.
points. Class cheering will be judged
al the meet and is worth one rival- come famous literarylsts, For examry point, according to Donnelly.
Sororities, EEP
Will Participate
In Sing Sunday
Christmas Party
SA Assem bly
To Feature Sing
Board Arranges
Dance In Union
Penny To Form
Bridge Tourney
State College Graduates Leave Teaching Profession
To Receive Recognition In Diversified Public F,elds
0o4Htt%OH ~ mttlttH
. B y R. DUNN and PEENE.
AH OmmodUit Ptopodat
Now Is the time to try student's assignments
About letting t h e kids smoke In t h e new library souls. Each day we read of some asked.
r e a d i n g rooms. I t was allowed for y e a r s w h e n t h e new problem which in some m a n Theirs is not to reason why;
Commons was t h e r e a n d we t h i n k t h a t m a n y more ner or other m a n a g e s to wedge its
Their Is but to do and die.
people would use t h e library if smoking were allowed, way into the resources of our minds. We must remember t h a t the m a s s NEGLIGENCE
One day it's war; t h e next day it's es are too stupid to do their own
Tuesday n i g h t one of t h e A. D. stage crew came inflation; a n o t h e r day it's a de- thinking
. . we must have leadcre
close to being m a i m e d or possibly killed w h e n one of
a s e in teachers' wages. Have we ers to show us t h e light.
t h e b a t t e n s fell 150 feet a n d h i t her. I t took this a c - got problems! We, as future teachI think t h a t it might be r a t h e r
c l d e n t t o bring to light t h e fact t h a t t h e d r a m a t i c s ers of America, m u s t face these nice if t h e Board could arrange to
group h a s been working for m a n y years w i t h r u- -n problems and a t t e m p t to do our sponsor dances every night after
down, dangerous equipment.
small bit in m a k i n g the lot easier school and after supper . . . Wait,
T h e people who work in d r a m a t i c s s p e n d a good for our country, our communities, a better idea yet . . . Perhaps S t u p a r t of their time working in t h e a u d i t o r i u m and and our college.
dent Association (if t h a t organizatheir welfare depends on the e q u i p m e n t being in
I have a suggestion.
I propose tion were still allowed to exist u n good shape We u n d e r s t a n d t h a t the d r a m a t i c s fac- tt hh ,a t in d order„ to
, meet the
of cier this new plan) could allocate
ulty h a v e been campaigning for new e q u i p m e n t and o f m i l i t a r l s t l c organisation for our coul $100 with which t h e Board
of militaristic organization
our could
to be dances.
even t h e m a i n t e n a n c e staff h a s r e c o m m e n d e d it
activities. for This
as a purchase
How about it " h i g h e r - u p s " - o r a r e you w a i t i n g for w o u , d g l y e u g m a , e s Q f ^
co]legc ,lnen we wouldn.t
a real tragedy?
j n s jght; a s t o w n a t is in store bother going home for supper.
a n
for us when we leave to take our Think of all the money the group
T h r o u g h t h e grapevine t h a t t h e T e a c h e r P l a c e m e n t post-grad work under t h e tutorshio houses would save. There is no
B u r e a u h a s adopted a policy of refusing or a t least 0 f u n c l e Sam. I t h i n k t h a t t h e log'- doubt in my m i n d t h a t
being loath to send m e n who a r e d r a f t - b a i t for job i c a i leaders of this proposed or- dances would be a tremendous sucinterviews. I t would seem t h a t this decision would ganization could be the S t u d e n t cess. J u s t use the Campus Hop a.s
lie with the individual school boards. T h e P l a c e m e n t u n i o n Board. It would be the func- an example.
Bureau's job is merely to send people for interviews tion of this Board to dictate the
o f course
a n d if t h e school boards want to t a k e a c h a n c e on social policy to be followed each
. a r e w "old-fashioned"
hiring a m a n who is draftable, t h a t is t h e i r business, week h e r e a t S t a t e . This policy students might reject this idea sayP e r h a p s t h e B u r e a u would do well to worry a little would be administered by the less- i n g t l l a t these dances might interless about t h e welfare of the school b o a r d s a n d a er organizations on c a m p u s such as f e r e w l t n e v e n t s t h a t other organilittle more about their "customers."
t h e fraternities, the sororities the z a t l o n s might want to sponsor. J u s t
athletic and d r a m a t i c councils', etc. 'ply
the re
t h a tsuch
an with
Last S a t u r d a y night a t the News a n n i v e r s a r y b a n - As in any militaristic outfit these
desires to hold some social event,
quet we h e a r d a speech by Dr. Edwin Van Kleeck, one lesser groups would carry out their
it needs only to fill out a socialtime editor of the News a n d now Assistant C o m m i s event application (to be formulated
sioner of Education, in which he said t h a t it was poor
by the Board once it has assumed
journalism to push college spirit in t h e newspaper,
its full responsibility! and h a n d this
so this week we will say nothing about h a v i n g a big
application to the Board a t least
t u r n o u t a t t h e game with Harpur College t h i s Friday
eight m o n t h s previous to the event.
I n e Board would be most willing
In the same vein, however, we would like to say
Tony Pastor and his orchestra to r e a r r a n g e its schedule to aid in
t h a t a few of our " m e n " displayed their usual lack
furnish the dance music this s u c n a u instance. T h e lesser orgaof s p o r t s m a n s h i p by whistling every time one of the
y evening a t the Crooked nizations must remember, however
Maritime players took a foul shot. We're sure t h a t
our team would appreciate it more if you would apply pLakem I n n from 7:30 p. m. to 12 that their events must be of a large
your youthful energies to cheering for t h e m instead Tickets
per enough scope to please t h a t nebuof against the other team.
person, and Bob Snyder will be on lous body — the MAJORITY, for
h a n d to broadcast from 11:30 to 12 such is the c o n s t a n t aim of the
p. m.
A week ago T h u r s d a y saw Dr. P e t t l t eagerly r u s h It would be t h e responsibility of
T h e St. Rose Glee Club, numbering to t h e desk outside t h e Commons to help sell
this Board to assure the students
tickets for All S t a t e Night
. a n d only a week early [% «
« , , ! T e c " 14 that there would be no lapse in
too! We certainly appreciate, however, t h e coopera- „ . „.,,- „ *
,,; ,
non-school hours when a social
tion of the faculty on what should be a h i - p o i n t in t \ ± % t ^ J ? r ? P f ° f a m . t w i U l n ' event of some form or a n o t h e r
this vpfir's- r n l W P snrlnl nrtivltv
' Herbert favorites and would not be in session.
In fact,
this yeai s college social activity.
be c o n c l u d e d
with a little diplomacy, the Board
might be able to work out some a r As we write this, t h e question h a s n ' t been settled,
J o h a n n rangement with the administration
but we'd like to get our oar in anyway.
Strauss' opera, 'will'be presented at whereby events could be scheduled
S t u d e n t Union Board met With m u c h opposition the
R P Ip.Field
House are
1 during the school day for the benit 8:30
m. Tickets
when they presented their proposed budget in Wed
efit of those s t u d e n t s who are innesday's special assembly.
and $1.50
clined to meet, the new cut system
T h e budget definitely h a d some flaws, but let's
' Albany Symphony Orchestra wiili m o r e - t h a n - a v e r a g e
enthusikeep in mind t h a t no organization can o p e r a t e w i t h - w l t h Edward Curtis conducting, will asm. After all, did we come to school
out funds. S. U. Board has worked diligently this
B:30 to assimilate knowledge or to .simyear organizing a slate of activities t h a t will help P- m - n t t l l e Playhouse.
this college lose much of it's high school a t m o s p h e r e . D ' A t t i l i will be guest pianist. Stu- ulate a socia life?
I can't help but think t h a i such
Yet one c a n ' t help but wonder why t h e conference dent r a t e is $.50
A Place in the Sun", based on a plan as has been only too briefly
line was so large especially when you c o m p a r e it to
the same line in other budgets; why we need five Theodore Dreisler's famous novel. a.scanned in the lines above could be
ffeat help to S t a t e College. Let's
coffee h o u r s ; why we need a band after e a c h g a m e 'An American Tragedy", started
r a t h e r t h a n a juke box; why we should h a v e t h r e e Wednesday at the S t r a n d T h e a t r e get to work, gang, and really put
C h r i s t m a s trees <and a turkey in every pocket i in downtown Albany. T h e fine por- our school on the map. As my final
trayals by Montgomery Clift. Eliza- proposal, I suggest t h a t we place
and . . .
T h e r e is a seamier side to this story in t h a t it beth Taylor and Shelley Winters this plan in the hands of the School
seems much of the opposition to t h e Union Board has help to make this realistic film Spirit Committee for further de
been put on a personal basis. Let's keep personalities truly memorable.
out of this a n d argue issues.
Have you received your warning in gym?
8:30 p.m.
State vs. Harpur.
10:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Union Dance.
8 p.m. to 12 midnight
Newman Hall dute party.
10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
"Wlnterlude" at T e n
8 p.m.
IVCF Tri-Clty meeting.
3 to 5 p.m.
K a p p a Betta tea.
2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Chi Sigma Theta Alumni tea.
7:30 p.m.
Christmas sing sponsored by
SCA, Page Hull Auditorium.
8 p.m.
D & A presents " T h e W i l l
Duck" In Draper Auditorium.
3:3C p.m.
M a t h Club meeting in Room 151.
7:15 to 11 p.m.
All-State Night in S t u d e m
7:30 p.m.
French Club meeting In Draper Auditorium.
7:30 to U p.rn
SMILES Christmas P a r t y .
7:30 to I)
Science Club meeting in Room
fi p.m.
PI Omega Pi meeting in Mludeut Union.
1:30 p.m.
Math Club Tour ol W i n t h r o p Stcarn Resean h Lab.
12 noon to 12:30 p i n
IVCF meeting In Room 111.
7:30 p.m.
Newman Club lecture.
Rivalry Volleyball in G y m
Tuesday evening saw the presentation of two Advanced Dramatics'
one-act plays.
The first play was an old morality. Probably the reason lor its mil
being a great success was the fuel
t h a t il is not geared to the tastes
of a modern audience and still less
to the taste, II any, of a State College audience.
It is fear of the
S l a t e audience's reaction which so
often limits the choice of plays in
offensive Insipidities. But Hmithlcr
.wis apparently nol troubled by audience qualms and is In be con for il
T h e mood ol the play was immediately and effectively set by a
well done, simple selling and comparable lighting. As In ihe cast:
Clutla Willi his keen sense of
poetry was his customary excellent
self; his ehariielei i/.utinn was clear
Hawkins, possessed nl very good
and loo infrequently used voice, had
several awkward singe movements.
Miss Wllkerson's good eliaraeteri/atlon was badly marred by the
loo-high vocal key which she nialiilaliied throughout
As the devil, Scull's e h a r a c t e n z a IHJII was rather thin, unolher disuppiiiiilnieui from a generally nunc
ihan competent uclor
Religious Clubs
Plan Activities
Hell Week
N e x t week t h e seven sororities on
hold services for their n e w l y - a c c e p t e d pledges Tw,
weeks ago m e college i i a t e n m i e s also received IH
pledges into t h e i r o r g a n i z a t i o n s . As a result, dm
j n g t n e following w e e k s these g r o u p s will coi
icei, .
n u t t i n g t h e i r nlprlirp c ( i,
" a t e tneir e r r o r t s
p u t t i n g t n e i r pledges th roimi
Hel W e e k ,
T h u s far, H e l l W e e k a t S t a t e College has be,
confusion, a n d h a z i n g . While H
f f
, fe. ,
deeradatinn* - I
pledgees s u u e r a n KHIUS UI u c g r a u d t i o n s and II
sorority a n d f r a t e r n i t y m e m b e r s revel in devisn
n e w tricks for t h e pledgees, n o t h i n g c o n s t r u c t i v e
beneficial h a s been d o n e in respect to these iniii
tions. O t h e r colleges h a v e t u r n e d their Hell \\Y,
into H e l p W e e k . W h y d o n ' t t h e fraternities ai
sororities on c a m p u s h a v e their pledges d o sun
worthwhile w o r k , in a d d i t i o n to h a v i n g them , i
joy t h e m s e l v e s ?
T h e r e a r e m a n y odd j o b s that these pledges cm,
perform. At p r e s e n t s t u d e n t s a r e n e e d e d to cai
on activities a t t h e C l i n t o n S q u a r e N e i g h b o r i n g
House. .Moreover. T h e N e i g h b o r h o o d House h
need of r e d e c o r a t i o n and p a i n t i n g . Since the Can
pus C'hesl goal is yet to be m e t . these studem
could also v o l u n t e e r to solicit funds for the Che
either b y p u t t i n g on a show or by s e e k i n g conn
billions. O r g a n i z a t i o n s such as t h e Salvation Am,
may have r e p o r t s of families w h o are in need
P - S u i ( l e n l s can^ also v o l u n t e e r their aid al ll,.
Albany H o m e for C h i l d r e n , where they can lead ,,
tivities and e n t e r t a i n t h e children al p a r t i e s .
Help Week can give those who p a r t i c i p a t e n
il great satisfaction in having p e r f o r m e d a wmil
while j o b . It can also show that sororities and fr.i
ternities realize the i m p o r t a n c e of responsibilii
and can give new m e a n i n g lo their existence.
Special Assemblies . .
T w o special a s s e m b l i e s of S t u d e n t Associaln
have been held this week to discuss t h e propos.
S t u d e n t I ' n i o n Hoard b u d g e t a n d a n o t h e r will I
held al noun t o d a y . T h e a t t e n d a n c e at these asemblie.s has been very small. A l t h o u g h the linan
rial motion involves a c o n s i d e r a b l e amoiinl
money which would be taken from I he s u r p l u s , -In
d e n t s have s h o w n a lack of interest in (he pa.ssiii'j
of lhis m o t i o n . T h u s (he budget will be pa--,, 1
with (he a p p r o v a l of only the lew s t u d e n t * wlm
have p a r t i c i p a t e d in t h e m e e t i n g s .
It seems thai more c o n s i d e r a t i o n should I,
given in a r r a n g i n g the a s s e m b l y a g e n d a , ll i> ,ln
ficult to d r a w a plan for these m e e t i n g s in ad
vancc and ye! h a v e them coincide with new billions will l a k e place thai will call for special , !
leulion, and the a s s e m b l y p r o g r a m should provid,
for such i m p o r t a n t notices. N o n - b u s i n e s s a ^ e n
Mies are an integral pari of S l u d e n l A>socialioi
bill they can be set aside al a different lime u'
p o s t p o n e d in o r d e r thai the business affair- of il
college can be d e b a t e d by the e n t i r e s l u d e n l bod
One special a s s e m b l y has good justification win
a transaction of i m m e d i a t e i m p o r t a n c e arise* ai
I he business t a n be concluded in one period, |,
il effects a m o r e a c t i v e interest and discussion I
the .sludenl b o d y . W h e n
llie d e b a t e
through several m e e l i n g s , then it c r e a t e s ilisinlei,
a m o n g the s t u d e n t s . Assembly p r o g r a m s are I,
the iienel'il iif | h e sludenl who is willing and ei
A real bright spol occurred in
Miss Brewer's slage debut as the tilled to view his ideas before the e n t i r e S l u d i i
old hag. It was without doubt the Association.
Lest bit of supporting acting we've
seen this year.
The second play, directed by Miss
Pel field, was a British high comeSTATE COLLEGE NEWS
dy of m a n n e r s . Stale College audCSTABLISHED M A Y I (Mil
iences have become accustomed lo
comedies of line so thai a comedy
of m a n n e r s was lamely lost on
them. Against this obstacle the a c i I IKS I
ni's did their besl.
7 Ilia I
(loodell made us somewhat uncomfortable with lus rather awkward slage movements, his hand
movements being particularly disIfueling, His voice. I hough nol very
British, had a r a t h e r good lighi
touch. Miss Dunn was as clear alio
convincing as usual as the sultry oil W v, M I I r u
VII T O t l l \ I. M i l .
I ,1,1'
M i l i l SI. < Mil,II I
I ,lil'
II Is almost Inconceivable Him HO N VI I) III U N s
I ,li
anyone could have played ihe pari K O I I I I I i i i r o n s
of Fancy belter than, or even as l i . M I I I M i \ . i t > \ ( i
I ,1,1,
I i I,
well a.s did Miss Slryker Her accent, I M I I I O I I I \ ll,'< | , , , I
I ,1,1,
I' \ I III! I V li M i l . I '-,
C I . , i I
very important in such a play, was i • i i. i n n / i \ M , i
I ,1,1,
I , ,,
well nigh perleel and was mulched III. M i l M i s / . l , \ \ s | >
I ,1,1,
M M , , , I,,I,
by u handsomely done characlcrlzn- I'.h I III.II M \ > Mi I s
I*-,,, ,,il. I ,1.1
One Man 'd
College Ccf/tnc/ar
II M i l l Ml \ I I I I I
I I I / M i l I II I'l \ I I
Almost mi a level Willi her was
Kyle, ilinugh he occasionally lo.a
slglil of the comedy nl m a n n e r s ISSUE
concept and delighted Ihe audience
by returning to ihe good old punchibe-laugh-llne formula.
I I) I K i l t
I ,1,1,
Slate Includes Lectures/
I V O Tri-City Meeting
T h e Religious Clubs have released d a t a on tnis weeic's activities. Various lectures, meetings and a C h a p el service highlight the agendas.
I n t e r - V a r s i t y Christian Fellowship
is sponsoring a Tri-City meeting in
conjunction with R P I and Union
College a t 8 p.m. tomorrow night in
the R P I Cluohouse, according to
William Whitwer '53, President. T h e
Reverend Robert Oerter, assistant
minister of the S o u t h Presbyterian
Church in Syracuse, will speak on
"A Supreme Purpose of Life." Anyone desiring transportation to the
meeting may contact Nadlne Anagnost '53. T h e organization will hold
a regular meeting T h u r s d a y from
12 noon to 12:30 p.m. in Room 111,
S t u d e n t Christian Association has
scheduled t h e third in a series of
lectures, to be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the home of Dr. F r a n ces L. Colby, Instructor in English,
states Helen Pilcher '52, President.
Newman Club will hold a n o t h e r
In its scries of lectures on Courtship and Marriage at 7:30 p.m.
to Beverly
Phantiff '53, President. There will
be Benediction before the lecture.
Lombardi Selects
Committee Heads
Inter G r o u p Council has appointed new committee heads, according
to Joseph Lombardi '52, President
of IGC. T h e council is planning
Christmas parties for the Clinton
Square Neighborhood House.
Henry Kos/.ewski '53 is c h a i r m a n
of Brotherhood Week. Henry Feuerbach '54 is c h a i r m a n of Intercollegiate Committee, and Nancy Wh*
tie '54 will assist him. Marie Mortelliti and Eleanor Balskis, S o p h o mores will serve a.s co-chairmen nl
Conference Committee.
IGC will hold Christmas parlies
next week in the Neighborhood
House. These parlies will be supervised by the Leaders Club and m e m bers of IGC in charge of the Friday
nighl Teen C a n t e e n s .
Newmanites Arrange
Date Party, Dinner
Newman Hall i.s arranging a dale
party and its a n n u a l Christinas dinner, according lo Margarcl Edwards
'52. President, T h e dale party will
be held with the Albany College of
Pharmacy lonighl from II p.m. to 12
midnight. Tina Nicaslro '53 is general c h a i r m a n . T h e various commit tees are:
Refreshments, Alice
Oawqule; Reception, Phyllis Forte,
freshmen; and E n t e r t a i n m e n t , Norma Banlield '54.
T h e a n n u a l Christmas dinner of
Newman Hall will be held Tuesday
;il (i p.m. Several priests from the
Albany area will be guesls. Miss Edwards .slides thai Ihe freshmen wil'
provide e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
Gerald Drug Co.
Sidney F e l t m a n , Pli.O.
217 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y.
I'lione 0-8610
L. G. Balfour Co.
W i d e or Call
III) Murray Ave, Waferlord, N.Y.
Thlas, Marguerite from "Faust,"
and Manon visited Page Hall Wednesday night in t h e person of Helen
Jepson, Metropolitan Opera star.
Music Council presented the famous
soprano who wore the original costumes for the roles she interpreted.
The costumes ranged from t h e
white garb of a n u n in the last scene
of "Tnais" to a n elaborate pink
satin ball gown trimmed with fur
a n d jewels which Miss Jepson wore
for the gambling scene in " M a n o n . '
T h e simplest costumes were worn by
Marguerite. For the "Jewel S o n g '
Mink Serum Solves
Man's Girl Trouble
Girls, do you long to make entrances? Do you dream of the
clay when you c a n saunter into
a classroom, dragging your mink
behind you?
W h a t ? No m i n k ? Here comes
a solution to your problem, Lcd e r I c Laboratories promises
more mink at lesser costs.
Mink suffer from distemper,
a disease which annually kills
thousands of animals. Consequently the mink market sillers, too.
A new vacinc has been discovered which gives mink an
immunity for a whole year. Result? A lower d e a t h rate and
bigger and better mink.
Men, here's your big chance
to please your one and only.
T h a n k s to science, you can afford to give her what every
woman longs for—bigger and
better mink.
t h e costume was a light blue peasa n t dress.
For t h e Mirror Aria, "Dis moi qeje suis belle," from "Thais," Miss
J e p s o n chose a gown of pink and
white decorated with sequins. Witn
this gown she wore a flowing green
velvet robe. Another famous aria
which she s a n g is "Adieu Notre Petite Table" from "Manon." T h e
sheer white gown worn for this l a t ter scene h a d a red polka dotted
tiered skirt, and it, a,s all t h e cost u m e s did, helped Miss Jepson to
better portray the character.
W i t h her accompanist playing the
music from the opera, Miss Jepson
told t h e story In its simplest form
and interpreted the soprano arias.
She chose t h e operas presented because of t h e distinctly
heroine in each.
T h r o u g h h e r great talent Thais,
Marguerite, a n d M a n o n stood upon
t h e stage of Page Hall. For encores
wait/,, "Sweetest Little Fellow," and
"I'll Follow My Secret Heart."
Adams HlilKIH
Dr. Theodore F'ossieck, Principal
of Milne, Dr. C a n e t o n Moose, S u pervisor of Science In Milne, Dr.
j o h n iNewcon, Supervisor of English
in Mime, Dr. Joseph Leese, Professor of k a u c a t i o n , a n d Dr. Don Orion, Director of Education, will a t tend a conference of secondary
scoool principals of New Yoric S t a t e
to De held in Syracuse this Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday. Dr, Orton will
speak at the conlerence about the
oif-campus laooratory p r o g r a m of
S t a t e College, and Dr. Fossieck will
present a study of college admission
Reno S. Knouse, Professor of
Commerce, attended a conference of
t h e American Vocational Association, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota
November 26 to November 30.
Dr. Townsend Rich, Professor of
English, is representing New York
State Colege for Teachers at Albany
a t a meeting in New York today, t o morrow and Sunday. This meeting
is being held for the purpose of
forming a New York State University Faculty Association.
Edward J. Sabol, Coordinator of
Services, attended a Career
Sophs Participate Field
Day at Monroe High School last
Tuesday. Last Wednesday Sabol a t a conference on higher edIn T V Program tended
ucation held by the schools of n o r t h T h e Sophomore Education classe,
are presenting a fifteen m i n u t e tele
vision program over Station W R G B
in eleven o'clock today, according
to Dr. Lura Bruce, Assistant Professor of Education. T h e program i.s
being produced by Mrs. Elnora Carrino. Instructor of Speech.
P a r t i c i p a n t s on t h e program are
Dr. Bruce. JoAnne Doyle. Gloria
Migliore, Lynn Lewis and Richard
Hannls, Sophomores. The topic of
discussion on the program is: "How
Often Should Junior Be Allowed To
Use T h e Family C a r ? "
Trial Exam In French
To Prepare Students
ern Westchester County in K a t o n a h .
Yesterday Sabol went to an a n n u a l
education conference of the P u t nam County schools held in Brewster Central School.
Sororities Slate
Buffet Suppers,
Formal Weekend
KB, Chi Sigma Theta
Will Hold lea Parties
State's sororities will hold their
formal weekend of the rushing season n e x t Friday a n d S a t u r d a y , D e cember 14 a n d 15. T h e weekend will
consist of buffet suppers Friday evening and formal d i n n e r s S a t u r d a y
evening for f r e s h m a n a n d transfer
women, according to Ann Sullivan
Council. K a p p a Beta and Chi Sigma
T h e t a h a v e a n n o u n c e d plans for
teas to be held this weekend. G a m ma K a p p a P h i held a pledging ceremony this week.
T h e bullet suppers will be held
Friday evening from 6 to 9 p.m.
F o r m a l d i n n e r s are scheduled for
7 to 11:30 p.m. S a t u r d a y .
Rushees will be escorted to t h e formal
dinners, according to Miss Sullivan.
Chi Sigma T h e t a is p l a n n i n g a n
alumni tea to be held from 2:30
to 5 p.m. Sunday. Alleen O'Brien
'52 is c h a i r m a n of the affair.
K a p p a B e t a has scheduled a tea
for tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m.
T h e tea is for members and their
dales who will go to "Wlnterlude"
formal. Gerald Roberts '53 is c h a i r man of t h e party.
According to Gene Donovan '52,
president of G a m m a K a p p a Phi, t h e
sorority pledged C a t h e r i n e Lynch
'54 Monday evening.
It's the week before Christmas !
Your money is low,
A trial examination in French, in
preparation for the state e x a m i n a tion to be given in February, will be
given Monday afternoon in Room
300, Draper at, 2:35 or 3:35 p.m.
This trial examination is open lo
all those Seniors and G r a d u a t e students who have taken the courses
necessary for it, even though I hey
may not be taking French 109 this
.semester, according lo Dr. Marion
K. Smith. Professor of French.
5 6
n ,1 O 11 15
18 19 m II 11
27 18 19
" P o r t r a i t At Its Finest"
Don't Shoot
Ihe postman because he fails to
deliver your Xma.s cards in time;
it's nobody's fault but your own
for not mailing them sooner.
Your Co-op stocks only the
finest in Xinas cards; Hallmark,
Wilkinson, and Brownie blockprints. So why be half safe, buy
them now. have them imprinted,
address them, s t a m p them, then
relax and mail them before the
last week of school.
Just a little pot-y<,
And away you go!
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t
T E L E P H O N E '1-0017
$5.50 FOR $5.00
Club I'iiis
Jepson Wears Varied Costumes
To Interpret Famous Opera Roles
$ 1.10
'Federal Tux Not In,'hide,I
Hitf EXTRA SMvillus on Round Trip Tickets
Writ v—I 'hone—See
75 Slate SI.
Home lor -Chrisimess
3f)0 Broadway
P h o n e : 4-0106
• f A T * COULEOt N t W i .
FA«E 4
Barnard College
Awards Grant
Scholarship To Provide
Opportunity For Study
A bulletin released by Edward J.
Sabol, Co-ordinator of Field Services, discloses t h a t B a r n a r d College,
Columbia University is offering a
Public Service Fellowship for a year
of graduate study a t any approved
college or university in one of the
fields of t h e Social Sciences. Candidates for 1952-53 must be graduates
of approved institutions in the Eastern states as far south as Delaware.
Applications must be submitted on
the regular application form which
will be furnished by the Chairman
of the Committee, on request. These
forms must reach the Committee before April 1, 1952.
In order to be eligible, a m a n
must be a citizen of the U n ited States a n d have received or be
assured of receiving a Bachelor's
degree not earlier than May, 1941, or
later t h a n July, 1952, from a college or university approved by tne
Association of American Universities. She must have shown special
ability a n d interest in the Social
Sciences, a n d show promise of future usefulness in the public service.
The fellowship, worth $1800, was
established by the Women's Organization for National Prohibition
Reform in 1934. It is awarded by the
faculty of Barnard College.
Pan-Amigos To Hold
Forum Renames
Christmas Celebration
Pan-Amigos, the campus Spanish
Mock Senate, French Evenings
Club, will present a C h r i s t m a s Fiesta
Revises Laws
Forum is now in the process of
rewriting its constitution and is also
making plans for the coming mock
legislature. The next issue of Soapbox, as well as all forthcoming issues will concentrate upon the merits
of the various presidential candidates.
Forum's constitution is undergoing changes to facilitate a wider
and more active participation by the
student body, according to Glenn
Armitage '52, Speaker. The Mock
Senate to be held by Forum has
been renamed the Mock Inter-Collegiate Legislature. One hundred
colleges throughout the state have
been invited to attend the session.
State's special duties for the sessions will be to secure speakers and
assembly chambers. The Mock Legislature will be held Thursday
through Saturday, April 24 through
April 26, 1952.
The next issue of Soapbox will
be edited just before the Christmas
holidays, according to Robert Reigle
'54, Editor. Soapbox will concentrate
heavily upon articles relating to the
prospective presidential candidates.
Reigl discloses that press agents of
these candidates have been contacted and requested to release any
information on their candidates.
Math Club Schedules
Tour O f Laboratory
A guided tour through the Winthrop-Stearn Research Laboratory
is being sponsored by the Mathematics Club in accordance with its
series of monthly programs designed
to illustrate the importance of
Mathematics in everyday life, a c cording to Daniel Joy '52, President.
A regular business meeting is also
.scheduled Tuesday.
All those students planning to go
on the tour are to meet at 1:30 p.
m. Thursday in the Draper Rotanda.
After the tour, Drs. Marcard and
Bower, Research chemists at the
laboratory will lecture on "The Application of Mathematics to Research." T h e regular meeting, called for Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. In room
151, Draper, will be held to discuss
the club's future radio show, according to Joy.
French Club will hold a meeting
at 7:30 p. m, Wednesday in Draper Auditorium. This gathering will
not only be t h e first French Evening in the history of that organization, but is also being held to
further better relationships between
students of French a n d the French
faculty according to Donald Voellinger '54, President.
Speaker will be George Osborne,
who has been studying at Sorbonne,
France. His topic will be: Student
Life in Prance.
Science Club is holding a n open
meeting in Room 150 Wednesday
from 7:30 to 9 p. m, according to
Sylvia Levine '53, President. T h e
guest speaker will be Dr. William
Spindel, Assistant Professor of
Dr. Spindel will demonstrate
various techniques of glass blowing as he discusses the subject.
Students attending the meeting will
be invited to participate in the demonstrations, Miss Levine states.
Thursday evening from 7:30 to 10
p.m. A traditional Christmas P a g eant will highlight t h e affair, which
will be held in one of t h e studentactivity rooms a t Brubacher Hall,
according to J a n e H a t t '52, President.
Besides the pageant, there will
be dancing, singing, a n d the breaking of the gift-bearing "Pinata",
which is an old Spanish custom.
Miss H a t t invites all students of
Spanish to attend the affair.
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
H.F. Honikel & Son
Phone 4-2036
Foundecl 1005
157 Central Ave.
My Sainted
Is bard to buy for. She bus everything
Why not buy her tavern
candles, those famous Xiiius
candles. They are on display
In the Co-op, You can't resist
them and the price Is right,
[ravel Comfort
Try To Avenge
Last Season s
Double Defeat
Varsity Keglers Roll Over Alumni,
McCormick And Zidik Set Pace
. •
A t Initial Win
Go By Train
Potter Grads,
Rousers Win
IT'S MORE FUNI Plan your holiday homecoming by train with
a group of friends. Enjoy real
comfort . . . wonderful dining
car meals . . . room to roam
around and relax.
YOU CAN DIPEND on getting
homo as planned and getting
hack d//cr vacation as well.
Day in day out the railroads
oiler you worry-freu travel.
SAVI MONIYI Get together 25
or more, all heading home in
the sums direction at the same
time. You may return indiv i d u a l l y . T h e n go G R O U P
COACH PLAN, and each save
up to 45'ij compared to oneway coach tickets!
J.his i i i n i l i l o - i i i i i u l e d n u t c r a c k e r almost
. . . a pleasant
Hut lie worked himself out of a t i ^ h t spot when
O. K. Louis
Drop That Gun
he suddenly realized that cigarette mildness
just can't he j u d g e d l>\ a mere p u l l or one single
s n i l l . Smokers e v e r y w h e r e have reached this
conclusion—there's just tmr real way to prove the
flavor ami mildness o l a cigarette.
the sensible
Ask your Local Railroad Agent Now
ibout group or single round-trip savingsl
. . . the 30-Day Camel
day-after-day basis. N o snap j u d g m e n t s . Once
" T - X o n e " | T for Throat, T for Taste),
y o u ' l l see why . . .
After all the Mildness Tests . . .
of a journey
darnels as your steady smoke—on a pack-after-pack,
you ve enjoyed (iatnels for ,'50 days in your
reduces the length
t u m b l e d for those t r i c k y cigarette mildness tests.
Mildness Test, w h i c h s i m p l y asks you I D try
T h e concensus of opinion on the
varsity basketball team is that they
were victims of a "homer" up a t
Willamantic last Saturday, Perhaps
they were, but let's not hear them
howl too loud, because Page Hall
has been the scene of some very raw
officiating in the past. Last F r i TL
day's game can not be acclaimed as
anything but a well deserved victory
for a strong Maritime club, but even
then the calibre of officiating seemThe State College Bowlers finally
ed to be off on the same level that
emerged from their slump ~as they Intercollegiate Bowling League with
it has mired in for the few years
that I've been acquainted with this
In the preliminary to tonight's took three games from the poweriul f" ™lv™u*1 average of 175. This Still seeking their initial win of
fair institution
State-Harpur game the Junior Var- Alumni. "Red" McCormick led the i s B i l 1 McCormick who h a s been the current campaign, the State
" ""«"«""".
sity quintet will make their debut attack with a sizzling 555 followed l h e m a l n C 0 S o n fche bowling team varsity hoopsters will tangle with a
, w i ( L ' t e ^ V ; ! ! l , „ T h « h,™ a 8 a i n s t A l b a n > ' B u s i n e s * College,
closely by John Zidik with a .547. throughout the season.
a g B r e g a t i 0 n on the
a shelter for the aged and has-been
, „ , _ ,„
n,„ „„„ <•„.. M,„ ]„,.„,...
Thn hnv t m » ic ac f n iu,.r«'
D „fn„
3 Total
hardwoods tonight a t 8:30.
a s - ft With
the reina,
the J.V.and
have were
Do Burt
Don STATE A L U M N l l
of the
Joe Garcia
Pete Telfer
the and
for Carter.
the losers
169 203 168 5 4 0
signed to the games a t Page Hall the makings of a winning team,
h a d a 551 triple with a 221 high C a n a
The starting five for Harpur is
163 120 157
for the past three years a n d you Due to inadequate facilities the ?'.«*'* for the evening a n d Carter Rockhlll
126 160 146 *?!; composed of four veterans and a
will find that a good three-fourths junior basketeers have been doing hitting a 540 aided by his 203 single g u « n
138 155 94 387 6 ' 5 " newcomer by the name of Ruof the games were worked by a small their roadwork in Washington Park.
T h e Var s ty keglers also set a new Reno
170 223 158 551 benthal. Gene Kobylarz, one of the
clique of so-called officials who Under the guidance of Telfer, the pair of records for the League. Their » " "
11 11 11
couldn't hold their own In a fast setting up of offensive a n d defensive »>»' game ol 913 Is a new mark for Handicap
33 big guns for the Dark Green, and
high school league. On any night plays h a s been stressed. T h e devel- a h i ^ n team single and their total
the playmaker of the squad, may be
777 872 734 2383 out of the line-up due to a back
that the Pcds are a t home, you will opment of a well-coordinated start- pinnage of 2635 is also a new record TOTAL
see the familiar gray-haired whistle- ing team is being striven for. As a for team triple.
injury, but returning veterans Leney,
The teachers remain in second McCormick
tooters who arc time and again team, the squad has practiced for a
197 191 167 555 Felter, Evans and Hudenick, who
place only one game behind the Al- Rehder
guilty of plain, ordinary inefficiency, little over a week.
183 168 151 502 have proven themselves in previous
You can call a good game on a small
T h e squad is looking forward to bany Pharmacy live. T h e Alumni Zidik
200 176 171 547 competition against State, should
court like the one over a t Page, a win over ABC to avenge for last are holding up third place with nine Sinkeldam
204 156 173 533 make the going rough for the Purple
but not when you've seen your bet- season's double loss to the Business- wins and twelve defeats.
129 183 186 498 and Gold.
The high man of this bowling
ter days as most of the refs that m a n quintet.
913 874 848 2635 Pcds Lineup Features Speed, Hustle
we draw have.
Standouts to date have been Jim match is also high m a n for the TOTAL
The probable State lineup, alIt's logical to figure that an old- Bennett, Bob DeMichiell, Bob Sage
though not possessing the height
er and slower m a n will be more re
that Harpur boasts, is nevertheless
sponsible on a small floor than and Jack "Champ" Fernandez. Bennett has been especially impressive
a fast, scrappy squad, and should
on the regulation college courts but "jf^e
backboards" with Sage being
prove to be tough customers for the
it also is logical that there will be adept at ball-handling
and drives.
quint from the Southern Tier. Germore action crammed into a .smaller Both Fernandez and DeMichiell are
ry McDonald is rapidly becoming
area when two clubs clash on a floor showing their worth as playmakers.
the team's playmaker, and the exthe size of ours.
In the closest game of the young
To date the Junior Peds have a
perienced players Bob Brown, John
Let's do away with our benevolent
spirits for awhile and get some good seven game schedule w'ith the pos- Yole gave the Finks a 36-35 victory first game of the season Monday, Zongrone, Hiram Walker, and Bob
Tabor round out the starting five.
officials who arc capable of con- sibility of four or five more being over the Angels. Art Goldin and taking the Ocelots 25-17.
ducting a game. Let's make Page added.
Saturday's play resulted in one
Tuesday the Peds journey to Utica
Tonight's probable starting line- Bill Tlerney led their teams wu.<
Hall Gym a basketball court, not
slaughter, ont tight one a n d forfeit. for their second road trip of the
15 points apiece.
a "happy-hunting ground for h a s - up: Sage. Fernandez, DeMichiell,
Winning 55-20, Potter Club served KDR won another easy game as season. T h e Orangemen generally
been officials." If a little attention Bennett and Bob Comley.
notice that they'll be tough to beat u jey romped over the Fakers, 68-19 h"a"v"e a pretty strong outfit and will
was given to this matter by the
as they whipped the Beavers. T h e Sayles Hall Trotters outplayed probably offer the State team some
proper sources, it wouldn't be too
Sporting two ex-varsity cagers the Thurlow throughout the game as keen competition.
long before t h e calibre of play
Beavers kept it close during the first t h ( ? y w o n 3 ° - 2 6 - T h e Pantywaists
and interest corresponded favorably!
half but went down under an of- ^' ot a forfeit from the Commuters.
State Drops Close One
While wo i r e in th> process of
fense guided by Al Kaehn and Pete
?y n i S h t s
Last week, the Statesmen dropped
ame KB
reprimanding various sources may
Telfer who scored 12 and 9 points «
defeated SLS 30-23. After a squeaker ot Willamantic 53-52.
we hand out a bouquet of poison ivy
catching up at 22-22, SLS faltered Walker and McDonald were the big
Tuesday night saw the girls ol ' i n a well-played game the Angels a n d , 6 straight points by Morty guns for State with 11 and 10 points
to the brilliant master mind who
placed one shower in the new men's Brubacher E and F units, win a beat the Clowns 42 to 39. Red Miller r n u l k SL ' wed lt U P f o r K B - J o h n
respectively, while McNally of Willocker room to meet the needs of the one-sided contest from Chi Sig, 19-5. of the Clowns had 14, while Bill
limantic garnered 13 for top scoring
250 men who use that space. To In the second scheduled contest, BZ Tierney set the season's high with
scorer with 11 points.
top it off, "It", the shower, doesn't won by forfeit from Alpha Epsilon
even fund ion correctly. If that Phi.
19 Candidates Commence Practice
athlete next to you in Sociology
According to Joan Pearson '53,
State College Wrestling Club
has a bit of an odor, don't worrv, Basketball manager, two leagues
It's his turn In the shower next have been formed consisting of eight
A turnout of some 19 candidates
and seven teams. Keen competition got the ball rolling on this year's
is expected in League A, as it con- State College Wrestling Club.
sists of Kappa Delta, Phi Delta.
Under the tutelage of Coach Joe
Pierce A, and Beta Zeta, last year's Garcia
Corner Ontario & Benson
Dial 4-112S
trcla the
the grapplers have been
top teams.
practicing in the Milne Gym every
Rice Bowling Alleys was last afternoon from 4 to C.
College Florists for Years
Thursday's scene for the bowling
Regardless of experience, Coach
Special Attention for Sororities and Fraternities
In action at Rice's this Tuesday, matches. According to Karen Prin- Garcia has asked all those interestthe two league leaders kept up their dle '54, Manager, thirteen teams ed to turn out.
winning ways as the Potter Grads have entered into the league. Pierce
i „
i .
«»< n» . . Hall had a easy victory over Psi
t) points
and the
4, to G l l n i M l i l aas
i K ,y won 567-544 and
s t they
take full
of their
tlve leagues. T h e Misfits, by virtue ()'99-572. Anna Apostolides and Hanof their forfeit over the 4 plus 1, nah Banks led the "" with
now have a record of 11 and 1 in a high score of 1G3 and 167 respeclie upstairs league. The Potter Grads tively. Gamma Kap, Chi Sig, Comdowned KDR and garnered 4 points muters, and Phi Delta also won
while also taking 4 from Potter their matches.
Club In ii comparative game.
In further action downstairs, the
Rumdum.s forfeited to Potter and
the Beavers look 3 from SLS.
Upstairs, the Rousers took 4 from
PubliUiu SyruJ
the K'Bobbles. The Commuters, led
by Ken Everhard, thumped the
"We'll confess, we'll admit it,
splits 3-1.
sure, sure it's true. Don't twist
And u'lini I n ! (IT companion could
our arm. Louis; we told you it's
trui', so stop already."
anvcun.' have limn ;i linndv picnic cooler
We'll admit thai the best place
filled with delicious Coca-Cola.
to buy your Km as irlfts is a t the
I t ' s a sure way (o travel refresh 1.
livcrylhliiK is guaranteed, and
tlu> prices arc right.
150 Central AT*.
Open Evenings Until 9:00
Basketball Begin
103 Central Ave.
Statesmen Play Host To Harpur Tonight/
J V Encounters ABC In Season s Debut
W A A Bowling
Finks Beat Angels In 36-35 Tilt,
Potter Romps Over Beaver Team
run lie hntlKTHomc, (latiffcroiiH or
even fillnl. Why take chance* with
f r i j j l d IH'IIIII cxtri'inith*h when your
Co-op hiiN JIIHI In III in n ntttvk of
Klpon loafer MIX for loafer*, ninth*,
and HfiiHihle eoinfort-mlmleil people.
1111>' more than one pair — one
fur yon anil one for a eold-fonteil
relative for
At. 9 St* H
Camel leads all other brands bybitffons
" C o W /'» a r t g / l f f f f d tradt-mark.
f»AOE •
POnma Que* 7/te ZxcUanae
Ball To Feature
Christmas Sing
Railroad Lists
Winter Theme
Includes Award Reduced Rotes theIt poet,
seems that when Ezra Pound, The sweetest words we know by
(Continued from Page l, Column 6!
went to Hamilton he beState students will again have came a little bored filling out the
Katherine Sinclair, Juniors, coAre only these, 'Enclosed find chairmen of the program committee,
rates on the New York CenOf Gold Trophy special
tral trains going to New York, usual registration data. For variety
the programs will be blue and silver.
l Continued from Page i, Column it
lections, "The Birthday of a King"
and "Gesu Bambino," will be orfered by Kappa Delta sorority, with
Marian Newton '52 leading. The nnal selections, "Away In A Manger
and "Oh Come All Ye Faithful,'
will be given by Gamma Kappa Phi
sorority, Louise Petfleld '53 leading.
The three judges of the contest
are: Mrs. Edward French, VicePresident of the New York State
Federation of Music; Mrs. Frederick
Weed, Director of Music at the
Madison A v e n u e
Church, and Mr. Robert Wheeler,
Director of the Albany Institute of
History and Art. Dr. Frances L.
Colby, Instructor in English, will
present the gold cup to the victor.
To conclude the activities, Mr. Karl
A. B. Peterson, Instructor in Musis,
will direct a Community Sing. "The
First Noel," "Deck the Halls" and
"Silent Night" will be rendered by
the audience.
In charge of programs is Barbara
Benson '52, according to Miss Pilcher. Robert Donnelly '52 is heading
publicity and sets.
Rochester or Buffalo Wednesday, (the spice, you know) he wrote:
"Occupation: Lunatic
December 19. Christmas vacation
Nature of Business: Mixed
begins after each student's last class
Your Position: Not bad
on that day, according to Sondra
Name of Organization with Which
Slotkin '52.
You are Associated: The reThere are four special-rate trains:
mains of civilization
the 4:15 and 5:40 p.m. for New York,
at $7.99 round trip; the 5:15 p.m.
Previous Occupations: Opponent
for Rochester, round trip $12.59; and
of usuriocracy and enemy to
the 5:15 p.m. for Buffalo, at $14.20.
criminal destroyers of the U. S.
Twenty-five students or more must
Constitution including presidents
be signed up by Monday, and the
and other highly placed swine."
money must be paid by Friday. DeThis definition of a girl's life cycember 14, Slotkin states.
cle comes from Muhlenberg College
in Allentown. "Safety pins, bobby
organize pins, fraternity pins, clothes pins,
rolling pins, safety pins."
Christmas Party-Dance Notre Dame seems to have poetry
State College Association of Grad- on the brain. Here are two sample
uates will hold a meeting Wednes- quatrains.
day morning at 11:10 a.m. The lo"He only drinks to calm himself.
cation of the meeting will be posted
His steadiness to improve.
on the SCAGS bulletin board, acLast night he got so steady,
cording to James Brennan, PresiHe couldn't even move."
saddest words of tongue and
Plans will be made for a Christpen
mas Party-Dance, slated for MonMay be, perhaps, 'It might have
day night, December 17, from 8 to
11 p m. in the Student Union.
The Daily Kansan has made a
philosophical discovery: "There is
nothing wrong with basketball that
can't be fixed."
A columnist for the Daily Pennsylvanian made a cigarette survey
recently. He discovered that "most
doctors don't even smoke, there is
no T-zone, certain cigarettes are
not firm and fully packed, and a
longer cigarette is a nuisance to
handle (anyone not used to one tries
to light it in the middle)."
Potsdam-ites have issued a dissertation on the kiss, before and
after education. Isn't ignorance
"Before I heard the doctors tell
The dangers of a kiss,
I had considered kissing you
The nearest thing to bliss.
But now I know Biology
And sit and sigh and moan;
Ten million mad bacteria
And I thought we were alone."
Ruth Herskowitz '53 and Henry
Smith '52 are chairmen of the publicity committee; Joan Pearson '53
and Douglas Thorne '52 are chairmen of the bid committee; while
Evelyn Kampke '52 and Peter Teller '53 have designed the ticket
booth which is set up in Lower Draper. Gwendolyn Gallivan '52 and
Robert Sinkeldam '53 are chairmen
of the orchestra committee.
Women students will receive three
o'clock hours for the dance.
Pi Omega Pi To Meet
For Member Discussion
Pi Omega Pi will hold a meeting
in the Student Union at Brubacher
Hall Wednesday evening at 8 p.m.
New members will be discussed, according to Robert Jacoby '52, President.
Pi Omega Pi membership is open
to those members of the incoming
Senior class who have shown outstanding ability in commerce.
Massachusetts Tech
Engineers know the facts
State College
A D Members
Direct Comedy,
Lyrical Drama
Knocrzer, Newcombe
List Casts, Committees
The Advanced Dramatics class
has scheduled two plays for Tuesday
night in Page Hall Auditorium. Included on the program are a lyric
play directed by Madelon Knoerzer
and a rural comedy presented by
Barbara Newcombe, Juniors.
Knoerzer Lists Cast
The first presentation of the evening, which commences at 8:30 p.m.,
consists of four scenes according to
Mrs. Knoer. er. The cast members
include the Landlady, Sara Danzis;
Little Man, Henry Smith: Old Man,
Edward Kyle, Seniors; Police officer, Louis Vion '53; Woman Roomer,
Leonore Kotch '54; the Boxer, Richard Rosenberg '55; and a cat named
Board Sponsors Sororities Terminate Rush Period
With Weekend Of Social Events
After Game
Student Union Board will again
sponsor a Union Dance after the
game tonight, Mary Marks '52,
Chairman, has announced. Procedure for obtaining rooms and arranging activities at Brubacher Hall
has also been released.
Robert Massey's Orchestra will
play for the dance to be held after
the game until 12:30 a.m. in the
game room, Mrs. Marks states.
Freshmen women may remain at the
dance until 12:30 a.m.; however,
they must return to their respective
group houses immediately. Van
Der'ee Hall will provide entertainment. Joseph Lombard! '53 is general chairman of the affair.
Organisations desiring the use of
rooms in the Union are to clear
the arrangements throuah the off\"e
of Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women. Arrangements for the use of
the Private Dining Room and the
lounges for par.'ies, dances, or banquets are to be cleared through the
Student Union Board will be represented at a meetin" of the T " n porary Social Calendar Committee
to be held early in January. At this
time organisations may sien un for
rooms, activities, and social events.
Students Scream Dorm Residents Activities Include
Buffet Suppers,
"It's A Dream"
Reluctant chemistry students
buying a cold, clammy, "hot"
dog from persuasive Mr. McLaren; Mary Marks drawing a
"lost weekend" version of Dave
Manly; Bob Lundergan and Neil
Brown participating in a pie
feeding contest for one-fourth
of a rivalry point; Messrs. Lemon ami Werner rendering an
improvised "On Top of Mount
Washington" . . .
Will Celebrate
Formal Dinners
Yule Season
Women Plan Parries;
Group houses are planning parties to celebrate the Christmas seaSlate Pledge Services
sen. Bruoacher Hall is having a
carol and a buffet supper Sun, , weekend
„ „ ,will climax sorority
day at b:3J p.m. for residents and wrushing
freshmen and transfer
fa-ultv. A dormitory party will also o m e n students. Each sorority will
h a v e a buffet su
be held Monday at 11 p.m. in the
P P e r tonight from
Lounge. Pierce Hall and Newman 6 to 9 p.m. and a formal dinner
i.a.i ».e boon having Christmas din- tomorrow night from 7 p.m. to 12
r.ers Monday at 6 p.m. Van Derzee midnight, according to Ann Sullivan
No, you weren't dreaming.
has rlanned its activities for Tues- '52- President of Inter - Sorority
Lots of other people saw it, too.
day evening at 6 p.m.
Council. Transportation will be proWith solicitous worefs from "our
_ . .
' .. '.,,', „„
„„„ , vided tomorrow night for ihp r i«hs-on'or," deliberate confusion
Brubacher Hall will have a carol
s o r 0 rities will have pledging
sing Sunday at 4 p m in the lounge
» * *
Committee heads are: Publicity,
by Ray Champ! in, the "ConseRoslyn Lacks; Light.,. Robert Sanquences" show at All State
of the Student Union for guests t r a ditional Christmas parties will be
ders; Costumes. Richarn Gutta,
Night proceeded for a merry
and taculty, according to Mar-ar»t , , d T u e s d
, d
ni , t
Smythe '52, President. Jean Rasey " „ J „ f , „ „ y
Seniors; Make-up. Louise Petfleld;
haif hour to drl'ght and embaring
'54 is Chairman. The program will
Sets, Sarah Brewr: Props, Walter
rass the students and faculty
consist of a solo, a reading by Dr. Sororities Release Themes
Goodell; House, Richard Scott: and
members w'-o were pr'sent.
Evan R. Collins, President of the Chi Sigma Theta's theme for its
Sound Effects, William Hawkins,
You'd like some more of the
College, caroling by a choral groin, buffet supper is "Heidelberg Inn"
same? Come around next year.
and g-ouo singing. The Buffet Sun- and "Christmas in Elf Land" is the
Newcombe Announces Committees
per will be held at 5:30 p.m., Sun- theme for the formal dinner, acThe cast of the comedy is comcording to Florence Kloser '52, Presday.
posed of: Granny Palnsberry, Rosident. Madeline Heymann '53 is in
Dcml'or'es Plan Dinners
lyn Lacks '52; Orie Sparks, Francis
c h a r
Pierce Hall will have a Christmas
^ o f f t h e buffet supper and AnHod'e '53; Susan Hanna, Joanne
rllnner, Monday at 6 p.m. After the " ° b e r s t a n d Katherine Sinclair,
Doyle '54; and Leslie, Doris Mehan
dinner, there will be caroling in the ^ j ^ 8 ' a r e i n c h a r S e o f t h e f o r m a l
'55. Members of the class assisting
Ingle Room accompanied by Pris dinner.
Miss Newcombe are Lights Ro«lvn
Gamma Kappa Phi has chosen
Jones '53, and gifts will be
Lacks '52; Costumes, Rose Mary
"Greenwich Village" as the theme
broke when he finishes with us—reKeller; Props, Ruth Dunn; House,
It takes a heap of influence to eel quests range from matching pairs distributed.
for its buffet supper and an Oriental
Sarah Brewer; Sets, Louis Vion; to see Santa Claus this year what
Newman Hall girls are also cele- theme for the formal dinner. MarMake-up Francis Hodge; and Pub- with his department store and tele- of Russian Wolfhounds to singhv; brating with a pa-ty Monday at 6 garet Ruck '53 is chairman of the
basketball players.
licity, Richard Scott, Juniors.
vision commitments. However, the The most popular requests were p m. Father Richard Dineen Chan- buffet supper and Patricia WilkerNews, by promising to run a full for such paltry things as mink lain of Newman Club, and Mary J. son '53 is chairman of the formal
page spread on the story of Santa's coats, new cars, and "nice girls." Dalton, housemother, will be guests. dinner, according to Gene Donovan
life, was able to obtain a snecial One sweet young thing, who wishes The fr«shmen will supply the en- '52 President.
interview with him at his North to remain anonymous, after asking tertainment.
"Santa's Toyland" will be the
T*he men at Van Derzee are In- theme for Beta Zeta's buffet supper
Pole headquarters.
fcr a new car, "in a nice shade of
As we shivered in the 100° below sky blue," stipulated that she guests to their Christmas celebra- and "B Z Heaven" will be the theme
temperature, he promised to do his wouldn't mind getting a man in the tion. A dinner will be served Tues- of the formal dinner, states Evelyn
Kamke '52, President. Mary Marks
The New York Hall of Fame best to fill State College stockings, bargain.
day at 6 p.m.
'52 is in charge of the buffet simper
Tom Benenati, manager of the
Tourney for debators will take place But Santa's going to be mighty
and Pa'ricia Butler '53 will direct
today and tomorrow, according to
basketball team, asks Saint Nick for
the formal dinner.
Clarence Spain '52, President of De'some basketball r.layp"S who can
The theme of Alpha Epsilon Phi's
bate Council. The results of recent
sing." In answer to our question,
formal dinner will be "Terrace
debates have also been released.
Frank Hodge snapped, "An IQ big
Scent-sations" states
enough to plan a State Fair." EveDebators representing State at
Coplon '53, President. Sandra Cohpn
lyn Katusak came out with the prothe New York Tourney will be Clarand Ruth He-s'cowitz, Juniors, will
verbial "two front teeth" and insists
ence Spain and Charles Gruneisen,
the activities for the dinner.
Seniors. James Thompson and Marand after the Christmas reThe general chairman of Phi D»lvon Chcrnoff, Sophomores, will also for the Christmas holidays have can't decide between a new -ar and before
been released by Alice Hastings, As- a passing mark in English 3. cess has been released by Dr. Ralnh fContinucd on Page Jh Column 1)
be State's representatives.
College Librarian. According Pe'• Livingston wants "to win the Kenny, Professor o f Education.
On Wednesday night State deto
Hastings, the library will rest of our basketball games"; Tom- Christmas recess will begin Wednesbators met the University of Verat 5:25 T.m. and classes will be SCA, Newman Club
p.m. Wednesday and will "'.v Thompson wants a mink coat day
mont squad at 7:30 p.m. in Bruresumed Thursday, January 3, at
bacher Hall. The purpose of the deSlate Religious Events
The most crvntic request wa- 'rim 8:10 a m .
bates was to obtain constructive
According to Dr. Kenny, all stuNorine Cargill who asks for "bigger
criticism, not to reach a decision as
Reserve books may be borrowed and better student unions '
dents are e x p e t e i tn attend a'l
Religious grou'-s will meet for
to the winner, according to Spain.
after 4'311 p.m. Tuesday. They are Well, that is a sample of the lists classes on the day before and the Chapel and a Holy Hour. SCA will
Junior Varsity debators tied with due in the library at 9:10 a.m. we're sending Santa. What do I day after the holidays. Any ex"e,)- hold a Chapel service Sunday at
Hamilton College for first pla n e in Thursday, January 3. Miss Hastlnus want? I'll be away at Clvistma.s; tions are to be cleared in advance 0:30 p.m. Members of Newman Club
the Colgate University Invitational announces that, those who do not I'm ell to Lower Slobovia fur those witli Dr. Kennv u-'-ose office is in will attend a Holy Hour Sunday at
Prom 3, RHiardson.
Debate Tournament, Saturday, De- return the books according to lb' Riiss'an Wolfhounds,
3 p.m.
cember H. These same men copped ruling will be subjected to the folA Christmas Chapel service will
all but one debate to rank first in lowing fines: twenty-live ecu's for
be put on by the freshmen members
the Utica College Invitational meet, the first hour or fraction thereof
of SC/», Sunday at 6:30 pm. at the
the previous Saturday.
that, the Look is overdue, and five
Presbyterian Church on the corner
cents for each succeeding hour, m
of Western Avenue aud South Tni-G
to a maximum of sixty cents for
Avenue. The group will go caroling
Civil Service
the first day.
to local hospitals and homes after
Books which are loaned from the
the service.
Music Council will present its an- uies of Assembly accor.lirg to WilSchedules Examinations college library for two weeks will nual
Newman Club has scheduled a
embe <\\u< Saturday, January 5. No reliam Wiley '52, President. It lime Hcly Hour Sun fay at 3 p.m. at St.
More Ilia n 71)0 positions with newals will be given before thai
lirmlts, tne SUB budget will be Anne's Institute, Beverly Prantis '53
the Student Union Board constitu- further cons dere 1.
school districts other than cit\ dale.
President ha< dl cles»d
school districts will be idled through
In Student Council Wedneidav Mnlcahey, Cha'dain of St. Anne's,
meeta series of civil service examinations
evening U.e SUB constitution was will conduct the service.
ing Wednesday evening.
•scheduled lor Buturduy, January 2>i
I i sicd. 'Ihe purposes of SUB are to
Most of the openings are for cus- New Board Members
Orchestra, Mixed Chorus, and the plan and execute a social program
todians, stenographers, typists, an I
Men and Women's Choral groins li.r the Student Union and to des- Sophomores To Stage
school lunch managers, the Civil
Inter-Groin Council lias appoln- will present a varied Christmas pro- ignate and regulate the use of
Servl'.'O Commission lias disclosed ed seven new members to the boar i. ! ram in Asseml ly to ay under the r o m s in the Student Union. Mem- Third Television Show
through a buletin.
The appointments were annuuirel i ir c ion of Dr. Charles Stokes bershl i on the SUB wi'l c.insist of
of Musi' and Karl Peter- live Seniors and lour Juniors. The
The So'-homore Education (Masses
Persons who write for Information I y Joseph lomlardi '53, President Frofe.sor
• on, Ins r.ieli r in Musi". MtiM -at indent Union Commission w 11 bi are presenting a third televisio i
to the State Department, of Civil of the Council.
Service. State attire Building. Al'flic newly appoln'ed ineiub'T; in- selections w.II include llie^'Wassail ( . 0 m"p 0se cf of thireen members lik- program today, ac-ordhig to Dr.
bany, should mention the number clude Henry Feuerbach, Eleanor Caiol ' "Christmas Cards Fantasy 1 (ii irom th.e Sophomore and Junior Lura Bruce, Assistant Professor of
class.'.s an I trynuls will be from the Elucation, The fifteen minute uroof the school district, and the town- Balskls, Lucille Cu-ella, Irene John- "Bring A Tcr'h," and "(iloy
gram is beini televised over Station
to'homo"o and Ire'hman classes.
ship and county of which tliev are son, Phyllis Mc Corma k, Marie Co 1" Irom the "Mis iah."
Katherine Sinclair was elected to WP.GB at eleven o'clock.
legal residents, Applications will be Mortellitl. Sophomors, and Arlene
Nominations lor three delegates
Participants are Jo-Anne Doyle,
accepted by the Hla'c Dei arlment of Petti '55. They will assume t'v-1 to the Ea-tem S ates Conl'erenci to be a Junior member of the Election
Civil Service until Friday, December dutiis as members of the board im- be In 1.1 March 27 to 2!), 11)52, will be Coinmi1 sion. Edward Bonahue '53 Joan Miller Frederi-k Crumb, and
Richard Hannls, Sophomores.
accepted during the first live min- will serve as alternate.
Spec/a/ Interview With Santa
Leads To Assignment In Slobovia
e cetf^Mat Chesterfield
State Debators
To Enter Contest
Cobb Lists R ules
For Book Loans
IGC Head
*From the Report of a Well-Known Research Organization
(tip)light I'JM, LlOdllT it MUM ToiAUO G),
Kenney Re/eases
Absence Data
Musical Oroups W i l l Present
Holiday Selections In Assembly
\ \, VT