Teachers’ Club Science 1 What plant has the binomial (scientific) name Ilex aquifoliam? Name the 5 elements whose symbols are 11 shown in bold: C H r I S t m As 2 Name the element that has the symbol Au A present is a perfect cube with sides 20 12 cm long. Calculate the minimum area of paper needed to wrap it. 3 Name the substance that makes Christmas trees green 13 4 Name two energy stores in a bowl of Name 3 forces acting on Santa's sleigh as warm Christmas pudding (with 14 he travels to your house on Christmas custard) Eve 5 Name the closest star to the Earth 15 What is a group of millions of stars called? 6 What reaction takes place when wood burns in a fire? 16 Is melting snow a chemical or physical change? 7 What nutrient is turkey an excellent source of? 17 What type of wave could help you see what is inside your Christmas presents? 8 Why are holly leaves spiky? One of the bulbs in the Christmas lights 18 breaks but the others stay alight. What type of circuit are they? 9 Is a candle burning a chemical or physical change? Which contains the most energy: one 19 mince pie, a roast potato or a fun size chocolate bar? 10 Christmas trees belong to which group of plants? 20 © Smart Learning Ltd 2015 How does aluminium foil around a cooked turkey keep it warm? Name one colour of light that Santa's coat absorbs http://smart-learning.co.uk/teachers-club/teachers-club-science/ 1 Teachers’ Club Science Christmas science: Quiz questions