oiiege State ews State Department Extends

Albany Company Love Letters, Devils, Explosions
Signs Contracts
Taunt And Terrify Dramatists
seen in the halls are not for
For New Wing
"How much I have missed you freshman class. Rather they
Pn ' N6
State Department Extends
Renewal Policy For '50
since last we were together." En- significant of another of the three
dearing words such as these are P l a v s w h i c h Elementary Dramatics
Present Draper Levels written
in various letters posted w111 present.
To Extend To Addition aroun'd the school. Anatol, the re- "Raisin' the Devil" by Robert
cipient, has shown himself to be a Gard is a New York State Folk
Contracts have been signed, and popular fellow. To help clear up play taking place in the last cenThe State Education Department
construction will begin in the near a n v mystery that might be con- tury. Thomas Holman has acquired
future on the new $800,000 addition nected, in one of the Elementary a new role as the fabulous minister,
has decided to continue the issuto Draper Hall, according to Dr. Dramatics three one-act plays, to be Ren Dow, who has the difficult job
According to the year's assembly ance of renewable high school
Evan R. Collins, President of the presented January 17, Anatol, alias of Christianizing Albany. His main
Gerald Gorman, is the great' lover trouble comes when he attempts to Programs, a business meeting was teaching certificates until March 1,
ln tno
scheduled for this week's assembly. 1951. These certificates must be recomedy, "Episode." He is an convert t! j Miller family.
Construction will be supervised
King, better known around State Since there is no business to be newed each year for a period of
by Panzieri-Henderson, Albany con- all around fellow and a lady's love
as Edward Stearns, is a familiar
tractors. It is expected that exca- means little to him.
™ «* c ° n t l n "
Gorman has really given his character around these parts, a known I n T a l e n t time Z p'lan u e d *s t u"d» "»»
o n the
art of t h e
vation will begin early in the spring,
with completion date scheduled for whole heart, soul, and blood to horse thief. His daughter, Jenny, convene today.
make the play a great success. He portrayed by Joyce Shafer, is purAugust, 1951.
p o l i c y onl
fort h e
arrived one evening at rehearsal sued by one of the local boys, Don.....„...
At the Student Council meetingb
teaching year,
To Extend Present Levels
and almost collapsed from lack of aid Putterman or as he is now Wednesday evening, it was an- i-*50"19-31'. The department compileci
statistic-, 'ast fall, and recently
The addition, which will be in blood. Actually, he gave this vital known, Bill Sparks. Romance tri- nounced that the rivalry ping pong
the shape of a slanted "T", will substance to the Bender Laboratory umphs but not until a major mir games would be held next week, arrived at a point where if could
run parallel to Washington Avenue. on South Lake Avenue.
acle is performed.
and the bowling matches would make this decision.
All of the present levels of Draper
The reason for this change is
The red devils which may be
Archibald Mar ^.<\nl-: play "Air t a k p l )lnc e the following week.
Hall will bo extended to the new
that certain fields of high school
expresswing, the buildings being connected
to the other two productions. Orig- e d bythe students for Dr. Evan teaching have present-day shortby a corridor, 44 feet wide, and 59
th USh
C llege
inally written for the radio, it is Collins, President "of " t h e " College', doesn'tTrai
° most ^of ^
feet long on the West side, and 39
lin for
the fields
now being adapted to the stage. A on the death of his daughter, Stufeet on the East. This extension
deep poetical drama, the setting of dent Council voted that a collecwill necessitate the elimination of
"Air Raid" is in a mythical coun- tion be taken up in the next assem- shortage.
the present stairway in the rear of
try during a ficticious war.
bly, which would be donated to the Commerce, Library Need Teachers
This year the Junior class will
Draper, reconstruction of which
Robert Donnelly is having diffi- Rheumatic Heart Disease Ward of
The State Department does not
Herwill begin shortly.
culty with tlie sound effects for
want to mandate the fifth year rebert's at 5:45 p.m., and a "feath- the play. At the end of the produc- the House of the Good Samaritan, quirement to one field of high
Boston where Miss Collins was
Present plans for the building, er" theme will predominate, acschool teaching at a time. They feel
the main section of which will be cording to co-chairmen Paul Buch- tion most of the cast are killed by treated.
that the high school teacher supply
203 feet by 40 feet, include new man and Lois Prescott. The role seems that Donnelly allows the
The council also discussed what and demand will close most acalocker rooms and maintenance of toastmaster for the turkey players to die first and then he action should be taken with the demic fields to fourth year gradurooms in the basement section, and dinner will be played by Harvey sounds the guns. He has been re- Big-4 fund, a sum of $700, which ates except Commerce tv.u! Library
classrooms and offices on the upper Milk,
tired to the rear of the auditorium lias been accumulated from the by June of 1951.
three floors.
Included on the gremlin agenda along with his sound effects and class Big-4's, the Christmas Big-4's
This renewal ol leacmng certififor the evening is a skit entitled has to use telepathy to judge when and State Fair contributions. The
Plan Seminar Room
general feeling was that the money cates means that all State College
Also included in the plans are a
should go toward improvement of fourth-year graduates this year, will
special seminar room on the first the (acuity who will e.haperone are
the school. Suggestions as to abe eligible to receive renewable cerDr.
floor, and a small auditorium on
worthwhile investment of the fund tificates, and may register with the
Hie third floor of the new building.
include returning the money to the T.P.B., from which they were exThe seminar room will be con- Richard Hauser, Instructor in Biolclasses who contributed
same, clllcR ' cl u» t 0 n o w structed to provide special accom- ogy, and Mrs. Hauser.
fund Mathews Slates Meeting
Guests will include the Myskania
modations for graduate work.
for students, and using the money
Students should ue reminded that
class guardians and a member of
for decorations and improvement of the holding of a renewable certifiPlans were drawn for the State Hie sister class, '53.
On exhibit in our library and on the cafeteria. I t was proposed that c a t e does not mean that they can
Arhcitect Office by Harold O. FulTh.' following students of the class
lerlon. Panzieri-Henderson Com- of '51 are in charge of the various the second floor of Draper are re- the Commons be improved by add- ai6° anywhere to teach, for schools
pany, also constructed Milne High commit fees for the occasion: En- productions of Van Gogh's paint- ing more tables and chairs, another '° still required to give preference
School, Page and Richardson Halls. tertainment,
Strehlow; ings. The exhibit in the Library ping pong table and installing a to the fifth year candidate,
Elmer C Mathews Head of
Publicity, Pay Richards; Favors was arranged by Helen C. James, ventilating system. In the next asand Decorations, Evelyn Wolfe; Assistant Librarian. This exhibit is in scinbly students will be requested Teacher Placement Bureau, will
Tickets, Paul Buchmun and Audrey conjunction with tlie onebeing held to offer suggestions for the expen- hold a meeting next Friday in Room
of the Big-4 fund.
" at
' the
"'" Metro"" "
^0 at 3:30 p.m. for all those stuWellor
dents not registered with the buTickets, priced at $1. will be sold P o l i l a n M<'soum of Art in New
reau, who desire teaching positions
outside file Commons todav until Y < " k Cll >'- T h ° s e wishing to see
for '50-'51.
•1:30 p.m. The banquet has been the exhibit in inthe the
may find
The Science Club, at its meeting planned accordingly so that those ufrontdisplayed
of the library.
Thursday in Room 150, will have who attend will be able to sec the
The original exhibit at the Meta speaker and discuss plans for a basketball game in Page gym.
ropolitan includes 95 paintings and
tour of the General Elect lie plant.
(17 drawings of Van Gogh, Dutch
State will debute Middleburv Col- I
* 0 ••
' C
Donald Cohen '50, will preside over Open Draper Exhibit pointer of the post-Impressionist
lege here today at 2:30 p.m., ac- in
I dtlCnCe
the meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m.
school. These have been selected cording
to Murjoric Farwell '52, who
June Olsen, '49 alumna of State, O f 'Art In Teaching' f r o in 1 h e collections of his
arrangements for the Charles F. Stokes, Professor of
who is working in the .Sterling
works in Holland and the United
"Art ill Teaching" is the theme States. Here may be found an ex- Stale squad. For State Edwin Kur- Music, and Karl Peterson, InstruclWlnlhrop Research Institute in the
analytical chemistry
department of the Ail (i Open House scheduled tensive exhibition of his drawings, lander '51 and Harold Vaughn '50 or in Music, will direct the operetwill be the speaker, Miss Olsen was from Wednesday to Friday, uccord- oils, and water colors, ranging from will take the affirmative and ta "Patience," on March 10 and 11.
graduated Slgnum Laudls from 11114 to Ruth I'l. Hutchln.s, Assistant. his early studies, to the swirling Thomas Godward and Walter Far- This is the third event of the year
Professor ol Pine Arts. The dismer, Juniors, will lake the nega- sponsored by Music Council. The
State ami majored and mlnored in plays
will be in Room 20H as well landscapes of his last years.
operetta class will aid in giving
Science and Mathematics, receiv- as
on the second floor of Draper
All four took part in the Vermont the performance of this comic oping her Bachelor of Arts Degree. and may be seen from 9 a. m. to
Junior Ed Class Will Delve tournament where 300 colleges were era.
She presented a paper at the East- 5 p. in.
represented. At that tournament
Tryouts for the character parts
ern Colleges Science Conference
Into Sex Education Problem Vaughn was selected as one of 15 were
Tlie exhibit will include materheld before Christmas recess,
lust year at Adelphi,
best speak".\s out of the 550 pres- and the list, of principals has Just
ials to show the use of art In Something different in IC<1.
Cohen would like to schedule teaching. The significance of art 20 classes Is scheduled lor Wedent.
been released by Stokes. Those
more Hum one tour to the OE plant in fields such as history, mathenesday, 3:30 p.m., Itoom 'it),
Middlebury has just returned principals Include the following:
to enable nil students to go. Those matics, commerce, English, and
Kiehardson, when the topic of I nun Boston where the team won all Colonel Calverley, Eugene Webster
Interested in the tour should attend foreign languages will be shown.
the day will he "A Presentation
its debates taking Harvard, Bos- '51; Major Murgatroyd, Joseph
the meeting, and designate the ulfReproductions of paintings which
of the Teaching of Sex ICducuIon University and Northeastern Keefe '50; Lieut., the Duke of Dunenioons most convenient for them can be used by the teacher to cnlion in Secondary Schools of
nntl liml non-declslon debates with stabel. Raymond Kelly '52; Reginto fake the trip.
rlen the background of his pupils
New York State."
ald Bunthornc, Joseph C'rucllla '50;
MIT and Putts.
will lie Included In the exhibit.
Strictly a student undertakThe affirmative for the Middle- Archibald Grosvmior, Gordon BenAlso on display will be source maBunter Abend Presents
ing:, a committee, of ten Juniors
bury debate will be held ill Room nett '52.
terials anil visual aids.
has outlined a program Includ212 and Hie negative in Room 151.
Patience, Elsie Thorpe '52; The
'Li'l Abner' In German
ing short lectures by Dr. Arthur
Lady Ella, Betty Hendrie '52; The
.1. Wulliiigford, eminent Albany
Lady Suphir, Louise Petlleld '52;
The Deutsche!' Bunter Abend is A D Plans Performance
Collins Recommends The
physician, Dr. Harry Pratt,
Lady Angela, Joan Whltcraft
holding a party tonight from 11:3(1 For Scotia High School
Principal of Albany High, and
'51; The Lady Jane, Shirley easto 11 p.m.. according to James LawMr. Harry Sponsor of the State
Lievestro As Tryout ier '50.
son '50 chairman.
The event
•education Department.
According to Joseph Purely '51,
will lake place in Gcrmantu Hall,
Advanced Dramatics Is proud to
Christian!! '1'. Lievestro '50, has been
Discussion will he based on
located on Water Street in Yroy.
announce that they will present the
recommended by Dr. Evan R. Col- Kappa Phi Kappa Meets
Hie i.iovio "Human Growth" as
There will be singing and danc- play "Proposal" by Anton Chekov.
lins. President of the College, as Tuesday; Collins To Speak
well as 'he speeches. ICiU'll Indiing and the entertainment will con- It will be given Wednesday at the
a possible participant in an all
vidual class had an opportunity
sist of Impersonations, a satire on Scotia High School, Scotia, New
student symposium to be held as
to see this movie shortly before
There will be a meeting of Kapradio broadcasts, and a German York during an assembly.
a part of the State Univcristy Con pa Phi Kappa, Tuesday at II p.m.
version of the play "I-.il Abner."
The characters are as follows: Sara
vocation In Buffalo, January 27 and In the Lounge, according to Emory
There will lie a limited numAdmission costs $1.26 ami the pro- l)an/,ls '52 as Nat.via; Donald Put211. This panel will consist of ele- Osborne, Graduate. Dr. Evan R.
ber of seals available lor nongram Is open to all students who lennan '511 as Loniov; Frederick
Junlors who may wish to sit veil students representing Ihe dlf- Colfihs, President of the College,
would like to attend. Tickets may Knoer/er '51 us Chubkob. Purely is
fereiit types of institutions in our will be guest speaker.
RefreshIII on the class.
bo obtained at the door.
the director,
State University System,
merits will bo served.
Student Council Teacher Shortage
OK's Holiday
Causes Kevision
From Assembly
'57 To Gather
At Herbert's
Library Exhibits
Van Gogh Art
Cohen Schedules
Science Meeting
State Debaters
FaceMiddlebury Select Principals
*Aok a
6. 1 0 5 0
More Handbook::s -
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude
author of this column, although
hia viewpoints
not necessarily
The important thing is that everybody should
have a Handbook to which to refer. One good example concerns the loan funds available. Most
of these loans are available only to upperclassmen, yet the only place where collected information about them is available is in the freshman
Handbook. Who's treasurer of what Council
should be handy, too.
The editor of this year's Handbook has not yet
been elected from the Sophomore class, but when
he is, Student Council should direct him to have
enough Handbooks printed to distribute to all
members of SA, from the freshman through the
We extend to Dr. and Mrs. Collins our
deepest sympathy on the tragic death of
their daughter, Ann, who died December
21, 1949, at the House of the Good Samaritan, Boston, Massachusetts,
MAY 1916
J a n u a r y 6, 1950
No. 13
Ciilletfhite Dliteiil
'I'liu iiuUurtfriiiluulu nuvvHiiiipur of tlm New York Hitito ColU>||u for Teih'liei'H; pulilUlo'il every Kl'Ulliy of Ihe Collutfu
vi'iir hv the MOWS lloiml 1'iir the Stinli'iit AHtmcliitlon.
I'lioitus: Wlltrtc, 2-IMII2; I'Tei'l, 2-lll!>(l; Seism unil li'arroll,
s irj87, Webber, H-'iWU. Mem IMTH of the MOWS Kluff may
lie I'eaeheil TueHilay mot Weclnomhiy fr
7 to 11 an p. in
at 3-IMOT.
Tin; M O W S
MM I I A h l . ( O i l I I,Mi: - IOVIOI.VN w o I. n o - - ( I0< I0I.IA IIATTlMTI - <.<>l. 1)110 llltlONMOU - •
(.lOUAI.II IM'NN - - - •
liter In-Chief
I'llltlle HelalleiiH iOilller
- - - Siinrln lOdltor
- rli'i'ilhitloii Munugur
- A i h e i ' l l i h l K Malllltfer
- - llllnllleNH MIIIIIIJi«i
- - - feature Kill tor
- JOxehautfe lOtllter
- - A«»eelale IOilller
- - AHHiielale IOilller
- - AxNiielate IOilller
All eoliiiiiuoleiilIon* HIIIHIIII tie uililred^titj to the editor anil
inII.11 lie xluneil.
Nullum will he wllhhilil upon reiiueut.
I be NT AT IS I'<>I.I.I:<. 10 MOWS IIKKIKIIO* mi reHiiouullilllty
or 1'nfii tiiiuilciiiitJiiH
f o r o p i n i o n s eJIH'eHneil la ll»
NM tOlell i- * |»r.-.-.s 11111n i l u h u l II edBOiily reflect lot view.
CASE O F T H E M I S S I N G E Q U I P M E N T . . .
You ought to know t h a t some of our athletic
equipment valued a t $129 h a s been removed from t h e
gym without permission. T h e storeroom was broken
into by a n unknown person or persons. No one knows
whether or n o t it was S t a t e students, b u t if you have
any information regarding this, c o n t a c t Coach H a t h away.
It has been argued that it would cost too much
to print 1500 Handbooks every year. It certainly would cost a lot if all the books were the handsome, stiff-cover, bound copies that we publish
now. Binding alone costs between fifty and sixty
cents a book, on our present Handbooks. A bound
book is pleasant to look at, and very durable, but
it isn't necessary.
In other words, by discontinuing the bound covers and having stapled books, 900 more Handbooks could be issued without raising by much
the budget for printing.
How about a n o t h e r vacation to recover from all
the eating a n d sleeping we did over Christmas? If
the n e w clothes a n d e n g a g e m e n t rings a r e a n y Indication, everyone m u s t h a v e m a d e out all right. And
with happy smiling faces we realize t h a t exams are
just a r o u n d t h e corner.
We should have a Handbook that is available
to all students every year. Every member of Student Association should be able to bring with him
to Assembly his Handbook containing a recent
and standard copy of the constitution and the
Goodlooking stapled books with soft covers
could be printed. According to an estimate by the
present printer (Johnson Press), 1600 stapled
books with soft covers would cost $560. The present Handbook printing cost, for only 600 books,
is $522. These figures do not include the costs of
stamps, mailing, phone and other expenses incidental to distributing the books.
By EADE a n d S C H U L T Z E .
Too often, when a member of Student Association wants to know what is in the Constitution,
or who the officers of an organization might be,
he has no way of finding out. He either asks until he finds another student who can tell him (approximately), or he borrows the Handbook of some
A T T E N T I O N ALL ALUMNI O F 19 . . .
After Kocky Donnelly h a d gone to all t h a t trouble
of sending you notices about alumni dues, she found
t h a t s h e h a d forgotten to tell you how m u c h to send.
So pass t h e word t h a t M r s . Olive M c D e r m o t t in the
Alumni Office will welcome your $3.
T h e table lacking in t h e Commons is being used
for good purposes. It served as a reception desk
in the R o t u n d a during t h e WAA Conference and is
now being used there by Press B u r e a u as a starting
point for prospective students.
Incidentally, a
large number of frosh have been interviewed and
from all indications S t a t e m i g h t have a waiting list
next year,
t.prW.d (rem lonvor, 1950 lliu. of Eiquir.
Copyright 1950 by Eiqulr., Inc.
"Did you ring, Sir?"
7<&e StitenJtaod
By Michael L a M a n n a
Not too long ago, though it was
last year, we were entertained by
the music a n d t h e songs of t h e
T r a p p family. I don't intend to
criticize their music (Which, i n cidently. I found to be both e n joyable a n d interestingi, but r a t h e r to relate to you something of
their historical background which
I feel is equally as Interesting a s
their style of song.
on whenever possible and he seemed
h u r t by her aloofness.
One day t h e children asked h e r if
she didn't like their father. Absentmindedly she told them she did
and paid n o attention when they
disappeared in the study. T h a t evening, while she was a r r a n g i n g a
vase of flowers, t h e baron proposed
to her.
"You know very well," she said,
" t h a t I'm going back to t h e convent
soon a n d one cannot enter a conT h e story, as I heard it, begins vent a n d marry a t the same time."
in a convent in Nonnberg, Austria.
To confirm h e r stand she packed
Maria, a candidate for the n o vitate of Benedictine Nuns, was and returned to Nonnberg. T h e
summoned by t h e Reverend Mother Mistress of the Novices consulted
a n d related
Abbess a n d told t h a t she would be the Abess
leaving Nonnberg for ten m o n t h s story. Maria was summoned a n d into serve as governess to t h e Invalid formed t h a t t h e council thought it
to be t h e Will of God t h a t she m a r daughter of Baron George Von
ry the baron a n d be a good mother
to his children.
Tearfully Maria bade farewell to
With her head bowed, Maria left
the other candidates for sisterhood. In t h e Baron's huge home, the abbey a n d started home. T h e r e
Maria was delighted not only with was no way for her to know t h a t
the delicate little girl she was to she would spend twenty glorious
teach, but also her four sisters years as t h e baron's wife, would
bear him three children, would flee
and two brothers, ranging In age
with him, penniless to America to
from 4 to 14. T h e baron, who h a d
s u b m a r i n e build the entire group into the
fleet during World W a r I, t u r n e d T r a p p Family Singers, one of the
out not to be the grizzled old sea most popular attractions In U. S.
dog she h a d anticipated,
but a concert history, a n d would write
handsome national hero who was a book to relate her unique experstill grieving over the d e a t h of his iences.
He was gone from the home for
long periods a n d the household was
managed by t h e Baroness Matilda,
a middle-aged relative whose t h e ory about children was to give
them m a n n e r s a n d little else. Maria,
still a child a t heart herself (only
twentyi, relaxed the strict discipline
enough to teach them to act informally, play games, a n d above
all, to sing carrols, madrigals, a n d
old folk songs. It wasn't long before the baron himself was taking
part in t h e singing by accompanying his children on his violin.
In the spring the baron's fiancee,
Princess Yvonne, came for a visit.
Maria liked her, until the day she
"You know, of course, t h a t
baron is in love with you."
Startled a n d uneasy, Maria packed her bag to leave Immediately,
but the princess, frightened by t h e
possible reverberations, brought In
a priest to persuade her to stay.
After t h a t Maria avoided the b a r -
When she reached the house, the
baron was waiting in the hall, S h e
burst into tears.
' T h - t h e y s-said I have to m - m a r ry y o u ! "
Wordlessly he opened his arms.
She buried her face on his shoulder.
(Condensed from the N. Y. Sunday
Mirror i
The problem of spending t h e $700 in t h e Big-4
and S t a t e Fair F u n d seems to be giving Student
Council a bit of trouble. I t seems to be t h e policy
of our Association t h a t moneys collected in these
ways must be spent a n d consequently a committee
will be formed to investigate possible ways of disposing of it. Let's hope we don't have a rainy day
in the near future.
Our Keep our K a m p u s Kleen K a m p a i g n is still
going on and there is some improvement to be seen.
However, since t h e Administration h a s h a d t h e Commons floor cleaned a n d waxed, we should try just
a little harder to keep our butts up off t h e floor.
Yes, exams must be n e a r . . . two girls actually had
a chance the other morning to use t h e ping pong
Those flaming love letters of Anatole a n d Cleopatra a r e really " t h e stuff." Prospective Casanovas
can check on t h e style in lower Draper.
Class activities for t h e New Year a r e gelling nil'
with a bang this S a t u r d a y witli t h e J u n i o r Banquet
a t Herbert's. Let's hope t h a t more people turn out
t h a n t h e usual 15-20 who a t t e n d t h e J u n i o r class
Basketball also returns to S t a t e tomorrow witli a
home game against Willimantic. T h e record to date:
4 won—4 lost.
January—K.B. finds a home
February—Constitutional t roubles
March—State takes care of CARE
April—News April Fools everybody
May—Midgley talks her way to California
June—Heat a n d exams
July a n d August—Eat a n d sleep—what else!
September Collins holds t h e reins
October—Soccer is O.K.'d
November—Ted, not Charlie McCarthy leads frosh
December—Ten Eyck sees State
College Calendar
8:30 p.m. Varsity Basketball Game. Martiinc Academy
5:45 p.m. Junior Class Banquet at
B:30 p.m. Varsity Basketball Game,
12 noon Bridge Club meeting in Room 111
p.m. Kappa Phi Kappa meeting in Lounge
Christian Science Organization meeting
In Room 111
noon SCA Chapel Dr. Wallace, Speaker
Joan Purine '51 directed a melo- 12
drama, which was presented for
AD lab, a n d S a n t a Clans paid his
LI it? 3:30 p.m. Rivalry ping pong in Commons
Science Club meeting 111 Room 150
four class presidents and the officers of S t u d e n t Association. It
7:30 p.m. Last of series on Catholic Apologetics,
was learned, following t h e assemNewman Hull
bly, t h a t S a n t a sent a helper this
year, in t h e person of Dr. Town8
p i n . SCA meeting in Lounge, Rev. llollis,
send Rich, Professor of English.
Munich Offers
Study Abroad
To Americans
Junior Year Courses
To Include Languages
T h e Executive Council of t h e
J u n i o r year in Munich announces
its n i n t h program. T h e academic
p r o g r a m developed in t h e "Junior
Year P l a n " permits qualified American s t u d e n t s to take t h e t h i r d year
of their college course a t some
foreign university—at Paris, G e n eva, Basel, Zurich, Florence or M u nich. At present Eugene McLaren,
Alumnus '48, is pursuing a g r a d u a t e
p r o g r a m a t t h e University of B a sel, Switzerland.
T h e program In general provides
for a preliminary period of i n t e n sive language work before t h e u n i versity opens. I t provides for some
special courses, given only for t h e
American student group—usually in
an essential field, a n d a t a level
of instruction n o t offered by the
university. It provides for t h e student to attend selected university
lecture courses, which a r e supplem e n t e d by J u n i o r Year tutorials
and discussion groups. I n a very
real sense, the J Y tutor converts
the university course into a genuine college course, with assigned
readings, reports, term papers, quizzes a n d examinations.
T h e comprehensive school fee,
which includes tuition, board a n d
room is $1,378. Provision is made
for housing members of t h e Junior
Year group in t h e AMSTUG House.
Tins is a very large Villa located
in H e r z o g P a r k - Bogenhausen,
across the English Garden, some
twenty-live miles from the University.
'Seven Sisters' Combine Talent
For First Frosh 'Sorority Social'
For t h e first time i n State's h i s tory t h e "Seven Sisters" have g o t ten together t o p l a n a p r o g r a m of
e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Next Friday n i g h t
from 8 to 11:30 p.m. in t h e C o m mons all t h e sororities o n C a m p u s
will combine their t a l e n t t o p r e sent a "Sorority Social." This will
be a n ideal opportunity for t h e
a n d transfer
upperclassmen a n d especially t h e
Greek Goddesses
T h e feature presentation of t h e
evening will be a skit depicting t h e
trials a n d tribulations during t h e
rushing period of bygone days. U s ing t h e popular sororities, S h o Fli
Pi, Alpha P a n Dowdie, I B e t a You
Keed a n d I Sigh I Cry, t h e a u t h o r s ,
Jacquelyn M a n n , Lois Prescott, a n d
M a r t h a Downey, will present a s e rious warning to t h e frosh. T h e a d vantages of second instead of first
semester rushing will be shown.
Many will remember t h e confusion
and lack of consideration for t h e
freshmen t h a t h a s t a k e n place in
a n d may look
forward to seeing how t h e experiment
will work out.
A speech by R h o d a Riber, President of Alpha Epsilon P h i , o n t h e
advantages a n d purposes of sororities will be a n o t h e r highlight of
the evening.
Leave your best togas home, girls
Truman, Dewey Outline
Program For Legislators
since this will be a strictly i n f o r m a l
affair with sweaters a n d socks p r e dominating. T h e silks, a n d s a t i n s
will come i n h a n d y n e x t s e m e s t e r ,
Marilyn Allen, C h a i r m a n of t h e
godai, a l s o s a i d t h a t dancing a n d
refreshments a r e o n t h e a g e n d a ,
T l
} e committee composed of
'lumbers f l ^ n \ A 1 P ^ a EPs»on Phi,
Chi Sigma T h e t a , K a p p a Delta, P h i
Delta, Psi G a m m a , Beta Zeta a n d
G a m m a K a p p a P h i consists of G o l dle Brenner
C h a r l o t t e Skolnick,
Patricia Dargusch, M a r t h a Downey,
' e n Pilcher, Marilyn Strehlow,
Jacquelyn M a n n , Marilyn
Constance Cardinale, K a t h l e e n R y an
- Shirley Haswell, Lois P r e s c o t t ,
' y E a d e ' a n d Georgina M a g i ne&s
s o freshmen a n d t r a n s f e r s t u dents remember t h e date (it is F r i day t h e 13th you know) a n d be
s u r e to come t o t h e "Sorority S o ciai,"
All eyes t h i s week, on t h e n a tional political stage, t u r n e d t o
t h e Capitol hill i n Washington
a n d Albany w h e n President
T r u m a n a n d Governor Dewey
addressed their respective legislative b o d i e s .
Each, with
t h o u g h t s of t h e approaching fall
elections in m i n d m a d e t h e
opening volley i n t h e battle t o
c a p t u r e political control.
President T r u m a n specifically
asked Congress for some c h a n g es in t h e present t a x system, t o
provide additional revenue, p a s sage of t h e B r a n n a n F a r m bill,
and repeal of t h e T a f t - H a r t l e y
On t h e S t a t e level, Governor
Dewey a n n o u n c e d plans for a
budget reduction a n d s t a t e d
present taxes should n o t be i n creased. H e also requested t h e
Federal G o v e r n m e n t t o a b a n don i t s taxing of gasoline, m a k ing this a source of s t a t e r e v e nue. I n keeping with this suggestion, h e also requested a r e duction of t h e federal g r a n t s in-aid a s they now stand.
Religious Groups
Obtain Speakers
' I P
Hillel, Newman Plan
Sex Education Program,
Catholic Apologetics
To resume their activities in t h e
new year, t h e religious organizations have engaged speakers for a
Bible study, a chapel a n d for t h e
Catholic Apologetics. Also scheduled are t h e showing of slides o n I s rael a n d a p r o g r a m concerning sex
education i n t h e h i g h school.
Christian Science
h a s planned a regular
meeting, according to Wayne P a l mer '50, President. T h e meeting will
be held in Room 111, Tuesday a t
7:30 p.m.
To Conclude Apologetics
Newman Club h a s scheduled on
its agenda F a t h e r D u n s t a n M c Dermott from St. Anthony's S e m inary, Rensselaer, w h o will conclude
• t h e last of his series on Catholic
T h i s lecture will be
held Thursday a t 7:30 p.m. a t Newman
Hall, according
to Mary
Lynch '50, President. T h e n e x t series of lectures will be on "Scholastic Philosophy" a n d will begin F e b ruary 9.
The library profession today ofS t u d e n t Christian Association will
fer.s m o ™ J ° b , ° P e n L n , f . " l a n
^ hold its weekly chapel Wednesday
before. This was revealed in t h e noon, according to J e a n n e Bowen
a n n u a l report of Dean Carl M. '50, President of SCA. T h e leader
White of t h e Columbia University's will be Frances Skidmore '51, a n d
Dr. Edith O. Wallace, Professor of
School of Library Service.
Dean White states t h a t " a s o p - Ancient Languages, will speak on
portunities in m a n y professions b e - "Searchlight in t h e Dark." R i c h a r d
gin to level off, t h e library profes- Jacobson '53 will render a solo.
sion continues to hold its own, even
to gain." He adds, " T h e gains h a v e Slate Special Speaker
Other t h a n this chapel, SCA is
benefited both t h e graduate h u n t presenting t h e Rev. Harvey W. H o l ing for his first job a n d t h e lilis, Secretary of t h e Federation of
brarian w h o is ready for a change who will speak on "Flying to I s to a new position."
the Churches of Christ in Albany,
Information received from R o b - rael Today" a n d w h o will also p r e ert S. Burgess, Professor of L i b r a r - sent slides on Israel in t h e Lounge
ianship reveals t h a t notices of Li- a t 8 p.m., T h u r s d a y . Rev Hollis
brary positions open in school, col- made a trip to t h a t country a n d
lege, public a n d special libraries in the slides which h e will show a r e
all parts of t h e country a r e being those t h a t he took o n t h e trip.
received daily by mail. Salaries for
Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowfifth year students range up to
ship will again present Mrs. Ethel
Barrett, t h e storyteller from radio
stations W P T R a n d WBCS, w h o
Educator Defends
Certificate Policy Open Positions
"Certification," says H e r b e rE
t d
„ , ' , . . ,
. _ *.
Smith c
a t i o n aanndd cChild
h l l d s Study,
' S tmhi et l t e a c h
lege, "serves to protect
ing profession from abuse in c o m munities
pennypinching policies encourage t v.h e !,<,.
hiring of c h e a p a n d poorly t r a i n e d i n dividuals."
£ In Library
Mrs. Russell J. D r a f a h l of VerHe goes on to say, in h i s article
millian, S o u t h Dakota announces entitled, " T e a c h e r s : Qualified or
the e n g a g e m e n t on C h r i s t m a s Eve Queer?" which appeared in t h e D e of her d a u g h t e r , Miss Elnora D r a - cember issue of Education,
fahl, I n s t r u c t o r
in English, to dilemma is how to set u p a c e r t i F r a n k G. Carrino, I n s t r u c t o r in fication policy which d e t e r m i n e s
minimum s t a n d a r d s of p r e p a r a t i o n
Frederic A. Weed, Supervisor of but does n o t restrict a n d confine
Social Studies in Milne, reecntly r e - would-be
ceived his P h . D . a t Columbia U n i - which are either o u t - o f - d a t e
Application blanks will be avail- versity. Weed took his doctor- which are too concerned w i t h picaable in February,
returnable in ate with a major in I n t e r n a t i o n a l yunish details. T h e total b r e a d t h
April. Correspondence may be a d - Relations. He received his Bachelor of t h e teacher preparation is fully
1940, a n d as i m p o r t a n t as t h e specific s u b dressed to Junior Year in Munich, of Arts Degree a t S t a t e inLL.B.
d e - jects, in fact t h e p a t t e r n of this
received his M.A. a n d
Amalienstr. 54, Munich 13.
grees from Columbia.
breadth indicates in some m e a s u r e
Robert S. Burgess, Professor of the general philosophy of t e a c h A similar program is carried on
for graduate study. T h e informa- Librarianship, spoke a t t h e H a r - ing."
tion for t h e 1950-51 term will be r e - m a n u s Bleeker Library, Wednesday,
leased sometime in the near future. under t h e sponsorship of t h e Staff
Association of t h e Albany Public
Library. His subject was "Experiences as Librarian of a n I n t e r - R a cial College in t h e Deep South."
Burgess addressed t h e P T A a t M a y By GRACE S M I T H
analyze t h e various situations. Both
wood school in Colonie on T h u r s A new organization
as cooperating colleges will provide
day, witli t h e topic, " W h a t Makes
CASDA, short for Capital Area advisory service, research functions
a Happy H o m e ? "
Welcome back, you lucky people,
Dr. Paul C. Lemon, Assistant School Development Association, h a s a n d physical facilities. O t h e r t h a n
and a Happy New Year. Though
of Biology, a n d H. S. been recently formed. P u r p o s e of this this, t h e association plans to bring
you may think t h e C h r i s t m a s spirit,
Chartier of t h e New York Power group is to contribute to t h e i m - into t h e college some high school
loo, h a s passed, you still have an
and Light Corp., Albany, presented provement of practice a n d to help teachers a n d a d m i n i s t r a t o r s to p a r oportunity to extend it into the
a paper on "Glaze Damage to Trees bring theory a n d actual school s i t - licipate in seminars, workshops a n d
coming year. T h e Times-Union is
New York," a t t h e nations in closer relationship. T h i s to consult with t h e classes,
conducting a campaign to collect
CASDAIDS is t h e periodical
American Association for Advance- organization held its first m e e t i n g
old Christmas cards. These cards
ment of Science meetings in New December 14 a n d with some of its sponsored by t h e group a n d edited
will be distributed to children in
York City. This particular session objectives it may be influential upon by Harry Passow, Supervisor of
o r p h a n homes, people in homes for
was a meeting of the Ecological S o - the s t u d e n t s of S t a t e College, es Mathematics a t M i l n e
the aged, a n d hospital wards. In
Among some of t h e articles it conciety of America on December 28. pccially the g r a d a u t e students.
these institutions the cards arc a
tains are the reports of the various
The paper was illustrated by a nine
This association, consisting of Alsource of enjoyment for people who
minute movie. "Investigation of bany a n d Oneonta S t a t e T e a c h e r s group activities within CASDA, t h e
have little to do. So if you feel the
glaze effects," he explained, "is Colleges a n d thirty-six school sys- projected meetings a n d some sehouse - cleaning
urge, a n d have
significant as an aid to better a p - tems, plans to improve educational lected practices in various schools—
C h r i s t m a s cards lying around, don't
ideas now being
plication of forestry and horticul- procedure by diffusing a n d s h a r i n g inventions a n d
throw them away but send them
information a n d new ideas a m o n g used,
to t h e Times-Union editorial ofDuring t h e vacation period sev- the members.
fice, 34 Beaver Street.
eral members of t h e Social Studies
By becoming more intimately a c On a different tone, Albany is Department a t t e n d e d meetings per- quainted with t h e association m e m to have, as a guest speaker, the r e - taining to their especial fields. Dr. bers, the professors on c a m p u s c a n
knowncd Walter White on Monday Robert Rienow, Professor of P o - take t h e available m a t e r i a l s a n d
afternoon at 2 p.m. in t h e Temple litical Science, a t t e n d e d the meet- use t h e m in t h e classrooms for ilPolitical
Beth Enieth Vestry Rooms. Waller ings of t h e American
lustrations. They m a y also i n d i c a t e
White, well known novelist, social- Science Association; Dr. T. G. to t h e graduate students t h e a c t u a l
Professor of Sociology,
a n d educator,
written, Standing,
problems of t h e member schools.
among other things, "Rising Wind" and Irene Osborne, Instructor in
Florist & Greenhouse
T h e students will not only b e n e and "Lost Boundaries": the movie Sociology, a t t e n d e d t h e sessions of
Corner of
ol t h e same name, which was re- the American Sociological Society;
cently shown in Albany, is based while Dr. J. T. Phinney, Professor schools will provide more o p p o r t u n DIAL 4-1125
on Ins book. He h a s been an active of Economics, attended meetings of ities for t h e students to work in
member of Ihe National Associa- the American Economic Association. them a n d to become
College Florist for Years
tion lor the Advancement of ColorDr. Margaret Betz, Assistant P r o - with high school personnel, w h o
Special Attention to
ed People since 11)111, a n d is now fessor of Chemistry, a t t e n d e d the are already in t h e field. T h e p a r Sororities a n d Fraternities
.serving as its Executive Secretary. meetings of t h e American AssociaT h e aspect of this association in tion
for t h e Advancement of laboratory through which o n e c a n
Which lie is most interested is Ihe Science December 27 to 30. T h e
campaign against lynching of Ne- main topic of t h e conference was
groes; he lias been outstandingly "Methods of Evaluating Teaching."
successful in his crusade. Mr. White Also in session a t this time were
will speak on "Color Line Across the New York State Association of
the Globe,' based on his experi- Science Teachers a n d the National
ences uuring his recent world tour. Association of Science Teachers.
P H O N E 5-191S
Dr. Caroline A. Lester, Assistant
One of the functions ol the NAProfessor
ACP, in case you're interested, is
to .sponsor a n d finance court cases the meetings of t h e American
Society a n d t h e
of discrimination against Negroes Mathematical
which would set a precedent of le- Mathematical Association of Amergal rights, W" feel this will be an ica, which were held in New York
Interesting meeting, to say the City, December 28 through December 30.
least. Why not try to a t t e n d ?
Gaftital GampuA.
Area Group Aims At Unity
In Theory, Practise For Schools
on Pago 6, Column 1)
103 Central Ave.
EI.F.IlsfiikeJ & Son
Founded 1905
Phone 4-2036
157 Central Ave.
( m\ eiiienl Is IIICUIIMI —JUKI 2
Works CUM nf (Iraiul (^cllliiil
Slat ii Hi. fiOll modern, com furl able
iiiimio. Tuli in shower, ur Imlh.
I nil food and delirious drinks
at inoilriiilr prices.
SINGLE uutk BATH fam $
DOUBLE with BATH from $5
(Inn /'. Seeley, Mmuiuer
Ailjunni in United Nations site
HOTEL'"1 imm
Who can tell what State Fair
will feature on Saturday. February
18—last year a novelty was the
turtle race.
Come February 24, the rush will
be, not to the Boul, but to InterSorority Buffet Suppers. February
25, a big day, will feature a WAA
playday, a home basketball game
with T. C. C , and Inter-Sorority
Formal Dinners.
March, rushing in like a lion,
will hold that big event for the
Juniors, Junior Weekend, on the
Union College Offers
Messiah' Presentation
Qoc4* OH *JU* Quit***
3 and 4. At this time, the Juniors
go formal with their Junior Prom.
The month ends with a bang,
when the Sophomore Big Four is
presented on the 25. We take a
on March
31 with
Spring Recess and come back
in rainy April on the 13th for a
new period of events. Not only the
showers of the month, but the
Frosh Big Four on April 22, will
issue forth. We end the month of
April with May Breakfast, served
on April 30, in the residence halls.
The sixteenth annual presentation of George Frederick Handel's
"Messiah" by the Octave Singers,
will be given at the Union College
Memorial Chapel in Schenectady
on January 13 at 8 p. m.
Gordon Mason will act as conductor for the group and featured
artists include: Vera Weikel, Soprano; Irene Watson, Alto; William Hess, Tenor; John Grant,
Bass; Jeanette Odasz, Pianist, and
Duncan Trotter Gillespie, Organist.
One Man'l Opinion
Three weeks ago today, we saw our previous knowledge of the play.
what I consider to be the best AD
In the behind stage group, I
lab presentation so far this year. wculd like to single out the makeIt was a highly emotional melo- up creator. Very frequently, I think
drama that moved steadily to athat this department overdoes itviolent climax which was thorough- self, but even sitting as I was in
ly satisfying and convincing to the the front of the auditorium, I was
audience. As director, Joan Perine not aware of undue grease paint,
should be congratulated on a fine but only of a well done job that
job of all around production, espe- added greatly to the character's
cially the casting.
and the play's success. Another beI would hesitate to choose be- hind stage act that impressed me
tween Martha Downey and Dave was the excellent timing of the fiShepard as a recipient for the nal curtain.
highest laurels. Both did an excellOn the other side. I imd P *'ew
ent job of sustaining their character throughout the play, which is comments. I woulU question the
a commendable feat in itself. blue spotlight on the fireplace in
Especially pleasing were Dave and the last scene. I have written after
Martha's facial portrayals and very the word sets, "adequate, but not
natural movements about the stage. spectacular," and "disconcerting"
for the mechanical difficulty of the
We all remember vividly the door. But all these criticisms are inbreakfast action in the second deed slight compared to the way I
scene, the two parents as they criticized the audience for its unheard the news of their son's death, warranted laughter during the secthe struggle between the two for
scene. Were the remarks of
possession of the paw, and finally, ond
the climatic action of the last two members of the audience that provoked this laughter really neceswishes.
The rest of the cast was overHow these comments will agree
shadowed by the two principals. with yours is unknown to this specJoseph 'Furdy was rather unconvin- tator, but I think it is safe to say
cing and weak in his part, Walt that we all felt this play to be a
Kellar was adequate, and John fitting program for the last assemLindberg made us rely too much on bly of the year 1949.
78 — 45 — 331/3
156 Central Ave.
Open Evenings Until 9:00
Engelhart Requests Prom A i d
William Engelhart. President of
the class of 1951, has requested
that Juniors who are interested in
working on the Junior Prom and
Junior Weekend committees, sign
up on the list which is on the class
bulletin board in lower Draper.
a cKixx/
January 6, 1950
Yes, Camels art SO MUD that in a toai».»o-<:oa«» te»1
of hundfodt o( men and women who tmeked CtimeH —and
only Camelt — for $0 toniecutlv» day*, n»»«d throat »p»cioli»t», making w««kly examination!, reperUd
{ 'V \-,>>1
T i n cans arc made of tin-plated
Co-op j e w e l r y is made o f only the finest
State Meets Maritime Tonight,
Record 5. L .5.
,• T
i n
* j
A R f
D ave
S p o r / s Desk B/acfc-Droped-
. * _ W i r e if v K n u / l o r c
?c , T
illimantic I omorrow In rage AS Undefeated
Clark paced the Intramural
bowling league with a high triple
, 7 ; , , , , , , z ^apea,
, le
h hl
Ed,ots Held Us To Draw
246 a t R i c c s
^ c r e a t i o n Center on
nCUUnifSIb n l l V
p .
Editorial staff finally acceptThursday, December 15. Despite
e d a tRree
L ID J l P n n I \A//rP
- y e a r o l d challenge
Clark's magnificent
Tonight at 8:30 p.m. the "Peds" > - " • ^ « • " ^ » • wf » rv I V . C ,
downed K.D.R. two
o f t n e S P O R T S STAFF to a
t h e E.EJP.8.
will try to extend their winning k i r \
/ / n »
bowling match. On Saturday
games to one
streak to three in a row at the ex- / V l C L / O n n / C f
evening, December 17, in a
W , W , J
pense of Maritime Academy. To" V I ^ V I I U I W
small annex of Hoffman's soda
In the other games the Gylandmorrow they take on Willimantic.
, ,, ,
. . . parlor, the spectacle was coners eked out a one pin victory to
n „
Both games are in Page Hall Gym" " l l n g 'ifm behind on two difby three sterling
salvage one of their three games
SU mmated
, occasions, the Varsity bowlof the mighty pen,
with Potter. S.LJS. continued their
w i e iders
ng team cased nearer first place
winning streak by downing the
f i v e members of the editorial
Out to avenge an early season lj.v taking two out of three games
staff, and one plebian that
Coughdrops 3 games to 0. The Facloss by Maritime the varsity has from the league-leading Siena InSPORTS STAFF took as a ulty team broke into the win colput in a hard week of practice in- <j ans Wednesday night at the Playhandicap (no offense Ruth,
umn by taking 2 out of 3 matches
eluding a scrimmage against Union dluin. In the first contest, the two v o u did better than most of us).
from the Beavers. The Commuters
on Wednesday. Maritime dropped squads went into the tenth frame
The generous SPORTS STAFF,
blasted the Fearless Five 2 games
State 50-27 in New York with Van- all tied up with the locals gaining
deciding to give the editorial
to 1 and the Finks goose egged
Dei-zee scoring 26 points, on the
verdict niter a well-fought batstaff a chance, waived the serK.B. 3 games to 0.
ninth of December. Besides Van- '- The .second game was a close
vices of that champion perforDerzee the top men in Maritlme's "Bht until the later frames when
Other outstanding performances
m e r , and writer of your varsiattack are Lorenze and Watson, the Statesmen unleashed a power
ty bowling stories, Bob Reno.
were turned in by Tom Sinkledamn
They have added height in Stoltz that netted them a sixty-five pin
Mary "the ball must have
who smashed the maples for a 579
and'Van Wart and use a deliberate victory. Both tennis bowled well in
been loaded" Fenzel, bowled a triple and 209 single. Juisto rolled
attack using the bucket man to set the finale with the Indians coming
mighty 203, for t h e three
a 546 triple for Potter while his
up their plays. VanDoree is deadly °"l on top by a margin of twentygames, that is. Evie, "was that
teammates Davey and Biviano
from anywhere on the court hnv- four pins.
were hitting the pins for 513 and
p i n boy named Tom Collins?"
I olled 96 8 9 a n d 7 8 ( I
ing a good set and plenty of drive
individual performances of '
509 totals. Vienneau got a 510 totTh|,
w h a t tired her out?)
a l n n d a 205 s i n l e w h i l e R d
in going under the boards. Hatha- l h l , Touchers were especially noteG°ldie "I
>' er got
found that mom
way will probably give Jim Warden w . o r u, y w ith t n r e e members' of the
" Brenner, was
a total of 503 pins and a single of
the job of holding VanDcrzoc clown squad'recording totals over 500 Don
responsible for the relief of her 201.
^MMcDonald regained his early seaentire team, Shirley "not quite
^ a ^
QJ ^
matche&. g L g
Face Willimantic Tomorrow
*°» « ^ L ^ l S e ? ' o f V
195° « & . had trouble keepinglier
took over complete control of first
T o m o r r o w nigh, willimantic '
after a s h S
balance at the crucial moment
J J * J % a 6-0 record In hot panB ' S ' w S
comes to Page for the firs ot a s l a r t ( , a m > t h „ n w i t h
but by sing ng to the ball main™ " a 8 - ? record T h ^ G y l a n d e r s
home and home series Las year
nined a fine average. Jerry
^ t h a 8 1^ le cord. Tne ayianaers
t o t a l o f g31" w i t h s , ,
we split with WUllmantlc winning 1 4 3 1 9 3 a n d 1 9 5 P u t t i
"Pinhead" Dunn rocked and
g™ f f £\f* ™ £ w i t h a 7-2
t * t h e r
the first game 54-46 and losing the g n m e s Qf 1 6 0 1 6 6 a n d 1 8 7 B o b roared in high but, J e r r y tie ioi tnnci piace witn a / z.
second by the score of 52-35. Sol- R p n o a l s 0 c r a s h e d ' t h e 5 0 0 ' c i r c l e
does sliding over that foul line
Bowling League Standings
nick scored 19 nnd 14 points in the R h 5 1 3 W a ] s ,
mean anything?
d M c D o n a l d tled
two games to give him a total of 33. f
,,h , , h
,th lg5
« «
Kaninskl was high scorer in the
we can only say: Blind bowled
second game with 16 points.
On Thursday afternoon at five
the best game but the laurels
i; , j "
o'clock the State keglers rolled off
go to Andy "if it hadn't been
Tonight at 7:30 p.m. the Junior their postponed match with Siena
for the ediots we here and now
Fearless Five
7 I
Varsity plays ABC's varsity, and a l the Playdium. If the Statesmen
next alley—" Rossetti. for beFinks
5 4
tomorrow they travel to Glens Falls w e r e u|3i(» t 0 r a ck up a whitewash,
jng really high.
4 5
to meet Skldmore's varsity. Coach the top spot in the league standWe really loved every minute
3 6
Rosselti's i cam has a two and two l n g s w o u i d be shared by three
of it and to prove our feeling
2 7
record. The team's high scorers are teams; Siena, RFI, and State. The
for the ediots we here and now
2 7
vVcgand with 44 points and Golden three teams would each have a tochallenge them to a basketball
2 7
with 41. Close behind arc Owens t a i o l 2 i victories and 12 defeats.
2 7
and McCarthy with 30 and 29 re_ ^
. K.B.
0 9
IS S S 1 Peds Triumph In Road Games
is as follows:
' M('D0111lkl
<u LaManna
47 ...
43 Campochiaro
fn Briskie
37 J ; u . o b
25 P a | . k s
16 w i u
145 283
16 166 187 513
192 195H 3
6. 1090
L 0
D °P
poilUs »°
Neither Is The Co-op Jewelry**
1 J
At New Poltz. Potsdam Mate
s t a t e T e a c h e r s College
Teachers Col- Bellavigno
(i i e victims of a pre-va- Ros
788 888 843 2J19 c a t i o n r a l l y W hi c h evened up State's Pauls
•> Tnt basketball record to four wins and Jackson
* " " four losses. The boys played good Dally
142 193 183 518 b a U b o t n g a m e s a n d W ere well-de- Ebelherser
152 176 193 521 serving of the final scores.
151 121
272 M N e w P a l t Z | t h e h o m e t e a m l e d Gilbert
1 4 6 1 5 3 1 6 7 4 4 6 7 _j j n t h e f i n s t f i v e m inutcs, and Manei
1 6 6 1 8 0 1 6 5 5 1 1 by the first quarter State trailed M c M a n n
time they had
1 5 B 1 5 9 20-8, but by half
tied the score 24-24. In the second P r i n c e
7S7 899 867 2447 h a l f s l a t e •sui'gecl ahead on a few
7 7 8 2 3 K(>7
quick shots by Jim Warden, and
continued to increase this lead so Q, ,
that at the game's end the score ^ n . . „ p l i n
/ / —
was 59-50. Tln-ee New Paltz play- ™ a i z b e '°
Waa-CTTOO^ had 12, 13, and 14 points while ^ ™
Warden, Coles, and Jacoby had 18, B a v e r
13, and V>, respectively.
Tuesday eveninu the girl's basket- onds to go. Phi Delta was trailing Edge Out Potsdam
ball league continued its activity by 2 points. However Evie Erdle
at Potsdam. * * u e K
with Ema>' Moor pitied against who came through with a beauti- State
State waiden
293-295 l'or°the first game. The 293- fill push shot from the far side Teachers by the score of 52-49. Hausner
''li5 team was victorious over its op- which tied up the contest.
Brown and Jacoby paced the at- C o l e s
ponen'ts bv 'a score ol 25-13. but
m the Pierce-Let't-Overs game tack with 12 and 11 points respecl
Nevlezcr. with 15 points for i h e H a g g e r t y and Apostalides man- Lively while Molnar and Lawrence
" » »
losers took highest scoring honors. 11L,ed lo give their opponents a good ol Potsdam had 14 and 10 points. » ° ^ ( ' i m
I„ the third game Mvskania battle, even though the Left-Overs With less than, two minutes to1 go Hohnes
t„ ,pltS on < h. ^ to the tunc ol pulled away with a 21-15 victory, m UUJ.game, the score wius 49-45 Towne r = ^ ^ ^
34-7. Audre, Keel, sparkplug ol no her c use gan.e « » « " « £ « u p o t s d a m
f vo . At hi^point, ^ . ^
""r ' " " k | , l i
"° , ,
shots. State's out-of-bounds piny Molnar
winners and was also high scoie. w i l l , scon ol 10 8 ... law.. Ol the ^
^ ^
^ ^
^ ^
of the evening.
„, "
„ , „, „
with a hook shot. With 45 seconds Lawrence
Helen Pilcher lopped the KD- 1 si Gam hturls V\cll
remaining, Jacoby was fouled, and Connors
Newman gan.e by tallying a total
1 he Bowling got underway lues, t s t a U , Francis
e hls snc, l o
„l 17 as KI) defeated Newman 34- day aiternoon when lour ol the six
van Dyke
t h e l e a d K ( W ) h n ftnd B j . o w n Qm_
14. The last gallic saw Gaminu Kap scheduled games were played. The
, s h o t s ^_ Marshall
rlel'i-nel IJV BZ 28-17
tirsL match between Psi Gam and
In Vl.c liist' gan.e Wednesday Phi Delt resulted in two victories , 0 , L t h e 8 a m e h e n c i '
night Gamma Kappa Phi played for Psi Cam with scores of 503-484 Excessive Fouling
Einag' Moor and this time came out and 551-504. Gamma
Kap, last
Both games over the weekend Marzello
victorious with a score of 32-14. year's bowling champs, took two W ere marked by excessive fouling. Jacoby
The "•une between H;i\les and Svd- panics linn. Newman. The first was At New Paltz, State had 28 fouls Kaehn :
d.uii South iollowed and Sydd'um by a score of 557-479, the second, called on tliem while New Paltz had Fallek
look the advantage over Kaylcs; 614-596. Chi Sig and Western split ( m ly 18, but New Paltz made 20 out Brown
the final scon' being 28-10.
even, taking one win apiece: 413- of the 28 shots taken while State Taber
The most exciting "game of the 355 and 505-440. The last game, be- made only 507< of theirs. Saturday, Warden
eveninu was between KD and 1 'hi I ween BZ and Pierce also ended in state again committed 28 personal Bayer
Delta Phi ' Delta who took first u split: 510-477 and 578-542. The fouls while 26 fouls were called Coles
olace honors in league I last year, Commuters nnd KD both took against Potsdam; State made 14 Hausner
was held to a 34-34 tie by the two victories as Sayles and South out out of 26 foul attempts while
Kappa Delta girls. With thirty sec- forfeited.
Potsdam made 17 out of 28.
2 2 6
2 1 5
0 0 0
3 7 13
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 3 3
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
3 11
0 0 0
_ _ __
T?Q p p rnp
6 0 12
0 0 0
0 0 0
4f 0 8
" u
4 IB
0 0 U
_ _
" ^
9 4 R
, «
« 0
Varsity basketball was brought
back to State In '46 and the only
thing to change In its program
since then are a few of the teams
we play and the players themselves.
It's about time for the much needed changes — finding a basketball
court to play on and the removal
from student control of all varsity
Although I have mentioned two
changes above, the first would be
taken care of if the second change
is brought about. Once varsity sports
are out of the hands of the entire
student body, plans can be made
for the expanding of our sport program without the fear that one or
two "rebel rousers" will lead the
student body against this movement. Now MAA is stopped from
making plans in advance because
it has to wait for 1200-students to
make up their minds as to how
much of their money they should
spent for each item. Under the
present set up we cannot schedule
basketball games in advance. If
control was separate, plans could be
made for five or more years in advance if we wish to. But not now.
Under our set up we have to fight
for every penny and at the drop
of a hat our basketball or baseball
program can be stopped. There is
no security whatsoever under our
set up that we will have any sports
program here at State next year or
not. And in plain words that
Improve the Conditions
If varsity sports are taken out of
student control it can be made into
a profit, making organization and
turn these profits over for the betterment of the athletic program.
Permanent means of transportatoin
can be procured, a better place to
play our games can be gotten—and
it's about time for that. Now the
team is playing on a court smaller
than most high school courts. Now
the varsity and junior varsity both
have to practice at the same time
in our "band-box" and that ain't
good! The conditions which are
forced on our team are no good
and the sooner the change the better for all. If we had a field house
or Armory to practice and play in
maybe more men will want to play
on our team and the quality of the
team might then increase; the cycle could repeat until someday we
might look around and find a top
notch team here at State. Also a
training table could be had if
enough money is made.
No More Problems for You
Under our set up if a new sport
is wanted we have to bring up before S.A. reasons for this and that
and half of the people don't know
what is going on, only that Joan
Jones is going to vote against this,
because someone on the baseball
team voted against giving money to
her organization. If there is no
control and we want a new sport
and there is enough money for it
we start the sport. Under a separate organization there would be no
problems for the students to worry
their little heads about—everything
would be taken care of by a council made up of several faculty members and several members from
MAA council. All problems would be
taken care of — your student tax
would be lowered—if you don't want
to go see any games you won't
feel that you're losing any money
—and you won't hear any arguments as to how much the pingpong balls are going *o cost you.
The time is ripe for action to be
taken and remove varsity sports
from the control of the students.
Our teams are handicapped. They
are playing under poor conditions.
Give them and yourselves the break
that can bring a decent athletic
program to State. Before the end
of the school year a proposal will
5 4 14 be brought up before S.A. to refrom stuIQ
Q Q move varsity athletics
3 4 10 dent control—give it your support
1 1 3 —it's time to move to a bigger court.
2 3 7 The Case of the Lost Basketballs
0 0 0
Things get pretty bad when six
0 0 0 basketballs and one clock are lost
_ _ _ from the intramural basketball
16 17 49league. Six teams were suspended
—at this time three were reinstat0 0 0 ed. Maybe we should buy a watch
4 3 11 dog to keep guard of the equip2 5 9 ment — yes! things are bad when
0 0 0 college students can't keep track of
3 6 12 the equipment they use.
(3 0 6
3 2 8
2 0 4
1 0 2
0 0 0
— — —
18 16 52
Sophs, Freshmen Cuban Job O.K., Says Hay ford, Albany Libraries
Teaching Varied-Language Pupils Announce Hours
Resume Rivalry
Teaching on a Carribbean Island, the extent that its Philharmonic
Local libraries and the State Edthere is no income tax and orchestra Is largely composed of ucation library have announced
With Pins Pong where
where servants to look after facul- the best of European artists who schedules for the winter season.
Rivalry will continue next week
with ping pong games, Thursday
at 3:30 p. m. in the Commons,
and the following week, Tuesday,
January 17, bowling In the IPlaydium at 4 p. m., according to William Lyons '50, Chairman of Rivalry Committee. Cheering will not
be counted in either games.
In ping pong a possible three
games may be played in the women's and men's singles before the
victors are finally chosen. In order
to receive the one point score the
players must win two out of three
of the twenty-one point games.
The men and women will each
participate in one twenty-one point
double game. One point will be
given to each of the winning
Bowling will be decided on the
basis of two out of three games.
Religious Organizations
List Week's Speakers
(Continued fromPageS, Column 5)
will speak on "God Is My Father,"
in Room 23, Thursday noon. Other
than being connected with these
radio stations, Mrs. Barrett is also
on t h e faculties of the Albany and
Providence Bible Institutes.
Also planned for this week is the
regular IVCP Bible Study to be
held in Boom 151 at 3:30 p.m. Mrs.
Clarence Traver, Bible lecturer
from Albany, will speak on the Gospel of John.
Hillel in cooperation with the
same organization from RPI and
Russell Sage College, will hold a
discussion on January 15 from 3 to
10 p.m. in the Synagogue, Washington Avenue, according to Barbara Stein '51, Program Chairman.
At this affair Dr. William Gould,
a physician from Albany, and Miss
Irene Osborne, Instructor In History ,will speak on the topic "Sex
Education in the High School."
Two movies will be shown and to
complete the affair there will be a
social and a buffet supper. Everyone is invited.
SMILES To Instruct
Children In Dancing
Dancing lessons will be given to
the boys and girls at the Albany
Home for Children, according to
ty members abound, sounds like a
Harmanus Bleecker library will Susan Panek '51, Chairman of
rather cosmopolitan, and the stu- be open from 9 a. m. until 9 p. m. SMILES. The children at the Home
pretty good deal, doesn't it?
Such is the situation of Dick dents have had war and travel ex- on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, have mentioned to members of
Hayford '49, who is now teaching periences to make them a distinc- and Friday; from 9 a. m. until 6 SMILES that they are interested
math and physics at Ruston Acad- tive group.
p. m. on Thursday and from 9
in learning how to dance, especialemy in Havana, Cuba.
According to Hayford, positions a. m. until 5 p. m. on Saturday.
Ruston is primarily a co-ed pre- in Cuba, and the mainland of
Pine Hills Library hours will be ly the rhumba.
paratory school for students inter- South America, are administered from 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. on Monday,
Miss Panek has announced that
ested in engineering. Many of its through the United States Office of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday;
graduates eventually attend M.I.T. Education and anyone wishing to and from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. on sign-up sheets w*n be placed on
One of the greatest difficulties gain foreign experience in this area Thursday. The library is closed the SMILES .bulletin board, so
that Dick has encountered is the should write this office for further Saturday.
that interested ttudents will be
language barrier. Since the stu- information.
The State Education Library
dents are versed in Spanish, EngReading Room schedule is 8:30 a. able to help with trie lessons.
lish, French and/or some other
m. on Monday, Friday, and SatEuropean language, various termi- Bridge Club W i l l Meet To Plan
urday and from 8:30 a. m. to 10 Students Await Nyjmegan Names;
nology has to be changed to fit the Evening Social; Receive Invitations p. m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Faculty Members Get Answers
students' backgrounds. There is a
Ronald Rockhill '51, President of Thursday. Books may not be borThe State College News sponsorsection for Spanish-speaking pu- the State College Bridge Club, has rowed directly from the State Edupils and one for those who speak announced that there will be a cational Library but may be ob- ed project for writing to the TeaEnglish, Dick teaching in the lat- meeting Tuesday at 12 noon in tained through the State College chers Colleges in Nyjmegan, Holland, has been held up temporarily.
Room 111. The purpose of the meet- Library.
Members of the Albany-Nyjmegan
Overcrowded classes just don't ing will be to discuss plans for a
Committee have not yet received
happen with Ruston's 500 students, proposed evening social mec.tin?'. W i l l Post Repon O f Auditor
the lists of college students and
64 teachers and 76 servants. Courses The Tuesday meet'.:"^ is open to On Student Government Board
high school students.
and subject matter vary to the ex- anyone who is interested.
The report ui the auditor will
treme that a Cuban third year
A few members or State faculty
Invitations ha'"; been received be posted on the student govern- have already received answers to
Physics student may not be as well
trained as an American general from Union Coiiege and the Na- ment board next week, according the letters which they sent, as
science student.
tional Intercollegiate Bridge Asso- to Mary Eade '51. Chairman of the part of the plan, to the faculty of
schools in Nyjmegan.
Havana is a cultural center to ciation to compete in tournaments. Class Board of Finance.
At CORNELL and Colleges
and Universities throughout
Central Variety Store
313 Central Avenue
Below Quail Street
Open Every Night Till 9
Fraternity Jewelers
Write or Call
Allen Supervises
Committee Work
For Party Tonight
Choral Groups
Will Entertain
A t Assembly
Stokes, Hotaling
Clarify Rulings
Newman Offers
Mid-Wi nter Hop
Campus Commission
Lists New Regulation
30 Murray Ave. Waterford, N.Y.
Telephone Troy Adams 8-2523
Initiate 11 Students
Into Pi Gamma Mu
'Portraiture At Its Finest"
OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
Copyilght 1930, LIGOITT a Mvim TOSACCO Co,
By Recent National Survey
From among the twenty students
who have participated in Debate
On Tuesday evening at 8:30 p.m. this year, Harold Vaughn '50,
Sattidy Nite At Herbert's
in Page Hall, the Elementary Dra- Thomas Godward, Edwin KurlandPuts Feather In '51'sCap
matics class will culminate a se- e r, Walter Parmer, Juniors, and
mester's work when they present Charles Gruneison '52 have been
It was Sattidy after-lunch
three one-act plays directed by Dr. chosen to compose the varsity
and the mob was draped around
Paul Bruce Pettit, Instructor in s q uad, according
the room and I sez to the mob
Drafahl, Instructor or English and
I sez: "What's with this burg
"Air Raid," a poetical drama, or- Debate Coach.
that there ain't nuthin' cookin'
Freshmen and transfer women
iginally written for the radio, has While only five debates were held
tonight?" And one of the boys
Women s Cno us
are invited to the first Inter-Sora large cast which includes Edward in the college year 1948-9, a total
^ ..
' ' ' Onoraletes,
ority Social which will be held toKyle '52, as the station announcer, of 65 debates and four discussions a n d Men's Glee Club, under the
Juniors are holdin' a blow-out
night from 8 to 10:30 p. m. in the
Herbert Holland '52, on the spot an- have been held so far this year, direction of Karl Peterson, Instruc- or sunip'n at a place which is
Commons, Margaret Hosking '50,
nouncer, Lucille Behringer '52 as Out of these debates, only 11 de- t o r m Music, will entertain the stubeing owned by some lush nam r
President of Inter-Sorority Counthe sick woman, Ross Pederico '52 bates have been lost. All debates d e n t assembly today. The assembly
cd Herbert.
cil, has announced.
as the son, Doris Brody '51 as the were on the national topic: Re- agenda will include announcements
At 8:45 p.m., Rhoda Riber '50
old woman and Anne Brown and solved: That the United States
week's assembly will
feed, we ankle over and frame
;s meeting.
will give a talk on "What SororHenry Smith, Sophomores, as the should nationalize all basic non- business
some tables with our presence, ities Have to Offer." The skit, enThe Women's Chorus will sing
agricultural industries.
"Ave Maria," "Abou Ben Adhem"
titled "A Sorority Skit or 'A SerNow the meal is alright, sec,
In addition to the five students —Peter Dykema, and "It's Spring"
ious Minded Warning to Frosh'",
I mean it was jake. Herbert can
... ,
, , who have been chosen as the var-—Boland. The selections to be renWill be presented at 9 p.m. Authwield a mean cook book. And
The girls will be portrayed by s i t
dered by the Choralettes are "Ridd o t n e r m e m b e r s of De_
while we has thus and so en- ors of the script, which shows the
advantage of second semester rushing, Riding"—folk ballad, "Green
Joyce Levitt Dorothy Simons and b a t e C o u n c l l a r e M o l l
joyed our meal, what should
ing over first semester rushing, are
Joan Bennett, Sophomores David G e e C h r l s t V i seniors; Paul Le- Sleeves," and "Siboney." The Mens'
come trottin' out but a skit!
Martha Downey, Jacquelyn Mann,
Now a skit ain't nuthin' like a
Shepherd 52 will be the policeman B r u n . 5 1 ; v l c l o r i a Saldino, James Glee Club will offer "Men of Harand Lois Prescott, Juniors. Also on
skoit, you get mc, but this skit
while Joan Bostwick, Sam Danzis, B u t t
Farwell, Evelvn lech"—an old Welsh Melody, "A
the agenda are dancing and rewas o.k. They dug up the reclien,
will Mildred
portray Butthe M c D e r m o t t ,
Harding and
Eleanor Rosenblum, Brown Bird Singing"—Wood, and
ord on this Junior Class and I
women. The voice of the singer will Joan Tantum, Sophomores; Robert "Soldiers' Chrous from 'Faust'."
Sororities Co-operate on Plans
got the clue that this class was
At Student Council meeting, it
be Kathleen Ryan '52. Robert Don- Berkhofer, Doris Doherty, Janet
a pretty jake bunch of Joes.
nelly '52 is in charge of sound ef- Leonard, Joyce Leonard, Walter was announced that the Rivalry
Working with Marilyn Allen '51,
Somebody said that the shefects.
Schneller, and David
Thomas, ping pong ganw has been re-schedGeneral Chairman, are Gloria Sotbang was a feather in the Junuled for 7 p.m., Thursday, in t
tile, on Decorations; Margaret
To Present "Episode"
iors' caps, and the boys and I
to be
The varsity
the Commons. There will be two s:ts
Vonada, on Refreshments; and EleAnother of the plays to be preput our dough on that one.
three games each, played by both
anor Adams on Clean-up; Seniors.
sented is " pisode" with Gerald 10 and 11. At this tourney, the men's and women's singles—best
The planning committee consists
Gorman '51, Robert Donnelly and teams for the National Tourney are two of three to win. Men and womof members from Kappa Delta, Psi
Marion Gorskie, Sophomores, playen will each play one set of douGamma, Chi Sigma Theta, Alpha
ing the Lover, the Friend and the place has not been s"t for the bles. One Rivalry point will be
Epsilon Phi, Gamma Kappa Phi,
Lady Love, respectively.
awarded for the men's games and
Beta Zeta, and Phi Delta. They are
one point for the women's.
The last play "Raisin' the Devil"
Marilyn Allen, Goldie Brenner,
is a comedy. Edward Stearns '51
A committee was appointed to inConstance Cardinale, Martha Dowplays the Minister, Joyce Shafer '52,
vestigate the possibilities for v
ney, Mary Eade, Shirley Haswell,
of the Big-4 Fund of $700. T*
of Qeorgina
his daughter and Donald PutterJean
committee is to find where the Residence Council, has released the Mann,
ol s
man '52. Bill Sparks.
money may be used to the best ad- lollowmg information:
Skolnlck, Marilyn Strehlow, JunTickets are now on sale outside
vantage for the largest number of
iors; Patricia Dargusch, Helen Pilof the Commons. Upon presentation
The annual Sophomore banquet
Regular hours will prevail on cher, and Kathleen Ryan, Sophoof Student Tax Tickets, students will be held at Herbert's Restaur- students.
Tuesday night before reading clay, mores.
will receive a ticket for admission. ant in the Sky Room on January 21 The report of the 1949 Hanrij;^' Wednesday, January 25.
People outside the college may pur- at 5:45 p.m., according to Harvey was given by Evelyn Wolfe '51,"Ed*
Hosking States Purpose
Peace and Anne Oberst
Because of rising , Barbara
chase tickets for $.90 either at the R 0 b " l n ~ n '; chairman"'
social was planned as a
Co-op or at Van Curler's Music
gathering so that freshThe theme "Bigger and Better that the handbook budget be in- members of Residence Council. Miss
men and sorority members would
Store State Street
Bees" will be conveyed by the yel- creased from $543.50 to $561.
Peace is President of Lowell House have a chance to get better aclow and white decorations with yei
at 303 Western Avenue; Miss
quainted, explained Miss Hosking.
low candles and the class Rivalry
banner and Rivalry cup.
,,,.,. ,,, ,
The council feels that because of
One of the two speakers will be
at 295 Western Avenue.
tho chnng0
ln r u s h m g
Miss Dorothy Swan, of the Gannett
Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Worn- some sorority members may not
News Service Bureau at the State
en, has released the following: the have had the opportunity to meet
Capitol. At the present time she is
extra half-hour after Inter-Col- as many freshmen as they would
Potter Club will give the opening covering the State Legislature sesAs in previous years, Newman leglate basketball games played on have liked,
show for State Fair in the auditor- sions.
Page that
Hall the
is grantClub will sponsor its Annual Mid- school
in theinevent
ium, according to Georgina MagiTJ»e committees are as follows: Winter Hop. According to an an- ed
students No News Editions
ness '51, General Chairman. State Publicity, Alan Stephenson; Deeo- nouncement mack' by Mary Arden
Fair is scheduled for Saturday, rations, Maureen Davis; Tickets, Lynch '50, President of the organl- to reach home by the regular signin time. Should an extension of During Examinations
/ aU< 1
February 18.
. M
, „. .
' ", ' l h l ' traditional event is t ) m e b o necessary, the half-hour
Ijr ,.
Tile General Committee consists
Katherlne Noonan and Christ man scheduled to lake place Saturday, allowed begins at (he time the
Friday, February 10, will be the
of the following appointees: Pub- Lievestro, class guardians, will at- January 21, from 9 to 12 p.m. Blue game ends.
next publication date of the State
licity, Robert Donnelly '52; Judges tend as guests. Chaperones will be unci white streamers and a seasonCollege News according to Shirley
and Prizes, June Whiteman '50; Fi- Allan Benton, Instructor in Bi- able snowball theme will predomWiltse '50, Editor-in-Chief. Miss
nance, Joseph Purely '51, and Finale, ology, and Mrs. Benton, and Dr. inate.
Wlltse has also made an announceRuth Dunn '53.
Joseph Leese, Professor of EducaDon Burt and his seven piece
ment that News cub classes for
orchestra will play for the informal
freshmen will meet the last time
Organizations and group houses i'°n.
Tickets will be on sale outside of dance. The committee chairmen
this semester, Tuesday in Room 100,
are to turn in their three choices
General Dance
Poster regulations and a time to Draper.
of concessions by Tuesday. There the Commons next week. The price a r e us follows:
Chairman, Alice Reilley '50; Pub-check on the Lost and Found artiwill not be a prize given for the of the ham dinner will be $1.05.
The News will not print an Issue
llclty, Barbara Moran '52; Tickets, cles have been announced by Cam- next week due to approaching midconcession making the most money
Daniel Tauroney and Jean Hayes pus Commission.
but prizes will be given for the most
semester examinations.
Sophomores; Decorations, Gerald
original and appropriate concesOrganization heads who wish to
For each scheduled school event,
Brophy '51.
sion and for the most original and
only three posters may be put up at publicize happenings in the first
Clean-Up, Robert Uinhollz '51; one time, according to Charlotte second semester issue of the News
appropriate show.
Skolnlck '51, member of Campus may do so by contacting one of the
At the meeting of Pi Gamma Mil, Chaperones, Marilyn Lewis '52.
Tickets, priced at $.50, lax includ- Commission, However, the posters Sophomore Desk Editors on or beon Wednesday evening, 11 students
To Initiate Rush Period
were Initialed into the society. Also ed, will be sold at the desk outside may be changed, and an exception 1 fore Tuesday, February 7.
First Day O f Semester
on the program was an address by the Commons during next week, will be made for publicity for th.
and may also be purchased at the Blg-4's.
two professors from Russell Sage.
Mathews Calls Meeting
Sorority Open Rush period will
There are numerous articles in
Those initiated were: Rita Allas- door.
begin the first day of the second io, Marie DeCarlo, Michael GilI he Lost and Found Box such as Of 50's Job-Seekers
semester, Wednesday, February H, christ, June Whiteman, Christiaan Lievestro To Participate
pens, gloves, and glasses, according
and will close at midnight Satur- Lievestro, Seniors; Edwin KurlandElmer C. Mathews, Head of
lo Jacqueline Coplon '52, member
day, February 18, according to Mar- er, Michael La Manna, Mary Plai- On Buffalo Symposium
of Campus Commission. Miss Cop- Teacher Placement Bureau, will
garet Hosking '50, President of In- ner. Elsie Shaw. Barbara Aim Klein,
Christiaan Lievestro '50, after lon will be at the Box, which is op- hold a meeting ln Room 20 Richter-Sorority Council. The Silent John F. Whalcn, Juniors.
recommendation by Dr. Evan R. posite the Co-op, at 12:25 p.m. every ardson, at 3:30 p.m. today. This
Rush period will commence Imis called to the special atThe two professors spoke on the Collins, President of the College, day and requests that all students meeting
mediately following this date.
tention of some members of the
subject, "Trends In Spanish Ameri- won out in competitive selection as who have lost articles see her then. class
of '50 whom it concerns.
Monday, February 20, freshmen ca and How They Affect the U .8." a participant In a symposium. The
At this time, Seniors who desire
and transfer women may find no- This was followed by a discussion symposium will be held at Bullalo, Commuters Sponsor Skating Patty
Thursday and Friday, January 26
teaching positions for '50-'61, will
tices In the student mailboxes tell- period and refreshments.
and 27, as part of a convocation of
Marlon Oliver '50, President, has receive registration forms to fill out
ing them that they have invitathe State University of New York. announced that Commuters Club for their individual folder,
tions to Formal Weekend. Invita- To Post Registration Schedule
tions will be given out in the
Lievestro will act on a panel with will sponsor a skating party to- Dp to now, these Seniors were
According to Ruth Lape, Regis- other students representing institu- night at Hoffman's Skating Rink excluded from registering with the
Lounge by Inter-Sorority Council
during that morning. These must trar, dates on which students may tions under the Stale University from H to 11 p.m. All students may bureau. However, due to the lssube returned during the afternoon. register for second semester classes system. The panel discussing youth altend by paying the admission unce of renewable teaching certillArrangements will be made so that will be posted. The announcement needs, will be oneof several"" at the price of $.05, according to Miss Oli- cates until March 1, 1051, all State
anyone who is absent that day will will appear on the bulletin board convocation whlel will be directed ver, who suggested that sport College fourth-year graduates tills
receive her Invitations.
year are eligible for registration.
clothes be worn.
opposite the Registrar's office.
by educators of the state.
Formulate Plans
For Annual Fair
L G. Balfour Co.
ED To Culminate Nome Top Five Sororities T o Gather For Social.
To Interpet Three Plays F r o m
Invite Freshman, Tranrer W o m e n
Under rettit's Direction
Sophs 7o Dine
At Herbert's
Clothes Dryers - Study Lamps