Document 14064232

State College Nev$
FRIDAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 , 1 9 4 9
Co-Op Initiates Mathews Lists State Students To
Dividend System Job Placements i n
OF Membership For Graduates In Keception I omorrow
Dollar Entitles Payee
To Share O f Profits
From Yearly Receipts
Under a new plan recently initiated by the State College Co-op,
students, faculty members, and employees may now share in the profits of the book store.
For one dollar, all eligible persons may purchase a membership
in the iiewly formed corporation.
This entitles him to the annual dividend payment, which is computed by the Board of Directors.
To Discontinue Discounts
Under the new plan, students will
no longer receive a discount when
purchasing materials, but with purchases of over twenty-five cents,
the amount will be recorded, and
dividends computed on these figures.
&£/>TJf*B£-Z /7V?
Back of the Co-op plan lies legal
difficulty with the Pair Trade Practiecs Act which allows the manufacturer to set the sale price for
the products. Mr. Raymond Verrey,
" A u . ' . ^ ' r flf the Co-op, continued
the policy okhis predecessor in setting the discSKt percentage each
year. Not out 11 'did this make inventory difficult, but certain items
could not even be discounted because ul the Pair Trade Act.
Board lo Set Dividend
As the Co-op actually has no
owner, tne setting up of the actual
corporation will create unusual
legal difficulties in its creation.
This non-profit corporation will
include a Board of Directors, to be
selected later. The Board will decide the amount of dividend at the
end of the fiscal year, which extends from .September 1 to August
The dollar fee will be used for
the operating expenses of forms,
cards, and the IM machine. Additional help may be needed to keep
records. Undoubtedly, the dividend
return will be more than the initial
dollar, according to Mr. Verrey.
Mr. Elmer Mathews, Director of
Teacher Placement Bureau, has announced that the following persons
have obtained employment through
the bureau:
Studies; Gini Lisi, Hoosick Palls,
French and Spanish; John Goodale,
Argyle, Social Studies and Guidance; William Bowen, Coxsackie,
Mathematics and Science; Clara
Cipriani, Otisville, Social Studies
and French; Janet La Rue, Otisville, English; Muriel Hedges, Athens, Social Studies and English;
Elizabeth Seymour, South Kortright,
Iubiary; Gerald Reisner, Altamont,
Science; Helen Califano, Troy, English; Nolan Powell, Ontario, Social
Studies; Clifton Thome, Red Hook,
Commerce; William Sheehan, Stillwater, Commerce and Retailing; B,
Joyce Parker. Madison, Commerce;
Louise Hutchins, South Kortright,
English and Social Studies; Lena
Sorinelli, Ausable Forks, French
and Latin; Doris Neilson, Wellsville, English; D. Marie Grieco, Scotia, Spanish and English; Mary
Bacher, Eldred, Latin and Social
Studies; Pursis Hockridge Tucker,
Lebanon Springs. Commerce; Harry
Wililam Cornwall, Altamont, Mathematics; Ray Lord, Montgomery,
Social Studies; Shirley Graham,
Greenville, English and Spanish.
Joseph Stagnitto, Candor, Mathematics; Richard Foster, Lebanon
Springs, Spanish, French and English; Bertha Washburn. Lebanon
Springs. Mathematics and Science;
Dorothy Byrnes, Margretville, Latin. French and English; John Favreau, Berne, Commerce; Arthur Pedley, Downsville, Mathematics; Morea
Battershall, Berne, English and Library; Mary Morin, Highland Falls
Commerce; Dorothy D. Merritt,
Rensselaer, Art; Mary Jean Carver,
Down.iville, English, Science; Dolores Stocker, Northport, Commerce;
(Continued on Page l;, Column !>i
State College will open the year
with its annual series of receptions
in honor of freshmen.
Under the University of the State
of New York, State College is in the
process of acquiring a dormitory
and Student Union Building and a
Commerce Building.
Tonight the freshmen will attend
the various receptions given by the
Albany churches. However, the
Newmanites will be welcomed by
the Newman Club reception at 8
p. m. in Newman Hall.
According to Dr. Evan R. Collins,
Tomorrow at 8:30 p. m. the AllPresident, bids will be accepted on
September 27 for the construction College Reception will be held in
of a women's dormitory and Student rage Hall.
Union to be built adjacent to Pierce
The Commuters Club will greet
and Sayles Halls.
the freshmen Tuesday, September
The State Dormitory Authority
has charge of the construction in
According to James Warden '51,
conjunction with the State Uni- President of Inter-Fraternity Counversity. On the main floor of the cil, the Inter-Fraternity Smoker
building will be offices of student will be held in the Commons Wedorganizations and rooms for student nesday at 8 p. m.
activities. The second and third
floors of the million and a quarter
Three State organizations will
dollar building will house approxi- play host to the freshmen Saturday,
mately 300 women. September of October 1. WAA will hold Its Frosh
1950 has been set as the tentative Play Day on the Dorm field from
completion date.
2 to 4 p. m. The SCA Frosh
Frolic will be held in Page Hall at
Bids will be accepted within a 8 p. m. Hillel is planning a Frosh
month for the building of an $800,- Reception after the Jewish Holi0?0 addition to the Washington days.
Avenue side of Draper Hall. PrimarThe annual President's Reception
ily a Commerce building, the new
addition will feature 12 large class- will be held in the Ingle Room in
rooms, faculty offices, and several Pierce Hall at 8 p. m., Friday,
storage rooms as well as locker September 30.
Sunday, October 2, Newman Club
will hold its tea and smoker. The
The proposed addition to Draper tea will be held at Newman Hall
Hall is part of a plan which will between 3 and 5 p. m. The Smoker
eventually give State College three will be held between 7 and 10 p. m.
new buildings. Money has been apThe Inter-Sorority open houses
propriated through the State Uni- will take place on Thursday and
versity for building the Commerce Friday, October 6 and 7 at 8:30 p.
building only.
By t'ollctta A. Fitzmorris
BZ Finds Home
On State Street
Beta Zeta Sorority has moved its
n siden;':' from tiKO Madison Avenue to 389 .State .Street, Eleanor
Adams Til). President of the sorority,
lias announced.
on June la. the sorority officially
acquired the building which is now
being |ii!t in order lo fit the needs
if i h ' twenty-lour girls who occupy
the building. New beds have recently ijfi ,! purchased, and other new
lurnit'.irc has also been ordered.
| h • house, one of the older
home., in I lie .State Street area, is
built on a style which can be adapt.e | in group living. The rooms are
id varying sizes and will accommodate I nun two lo six occupants in
Shirlcj Barber '50, House Presi'lent, and (li'orglna Maginess '51.
House Manager, have been directing
Ihe elcalliliu nl the house. Miss
Adams ha.' also announced that an
open hull, e is planned lor early Pall.
i n
In rase
Songs, Dancing
To Top Program
State Will Build
commerce Hall,
Women's Dorm
Burden Lake Camp Succumbs To We/come Frosh Invasion
As Rain, Rusty Springs Fail To Daunt Talented '53
The Reds have landed . . . 185 of
their members took over Burden
Lake last Friday and held it against
a little rain and less sleep until
Sunday. Relax, Statesmen, it isn't as
serious as it sounds. As a matter of
fact, looking the class over, many
have said that this promises to be
a welcome invasion.
In this, their first introduction
to State, the Red Devils displayed
a great deal of pep and talent. The
pep just oozed out of them in all
activities, botli planned and unplanned. Their other outstanding
characteristic became obvious Saturday night when they put on a
show lor the (acuity and counselors.
Judging from their exhibition of
skills in music and acting, one
might say that perhaps, on second
thought, '52 will not welcome the
invasion so much.
Not only were their talents displayed on the stage, but also In the
way I hey treated counselors. In
keeping with tradition, many upperclassmen went in swimming fully
clothed . . . ask Sol-Lee and Ann
Lee lirudshaw what it feels like to
have your only change of clothes
full ol Burden Lake water. Incidentally, if you're ever minus a
clothes line use the nearest flag
pole we did. You can also ask
almost anyone what it feels like to
sleep on springs . . . it seems that
many freshmen slept on 2 or 3 mattresses, while guess who went
Everything was taken in flic spirit
of the game and even the, frosh hud
to suffer a little. They were very
nice when our tired minds ran out
of names for cabins and some poor
Greet Frosh
Dunn, Downing Direct
53's Welcome Plans
The All-College Welcome to freshmen will take place in iPage Hall
auditorium and gymnasium tomorrow night at 8 p. m., as scheduled
by Student Council. Co-Chairmen
of the affair are Martha Downey
and Gerald Dunn, Juniors. Georglna Maginess '51, is in charge of
the committee for the reception.
During the evening, a program of
entertainment, dancing and refreshments will be carried out. Donald
Ely '51, is in charge of music,
which will be played on a victrola,
and James Jiusto '51, heads the
committee for refreshments.
Jones Directs Skit
A skit, directed by Earle Jones '50,
will be presented, and a dance
number by Helen Moeller '51 will
add to the evening's list of entertainment features. The class of '52
will take its share of the spotlight with Mary Borys' singing of
excerpts from the freshman BigFour, John Bowker's guitar playing,
and Marjorie Davis's singing of
songs from the Big Four, among
which will be "Bill."
Classes Combine Welcome
Due to the increasing number of
receptions held for the freshmen by
Council has initiated a plan, carried
out for the past few years, by
which the Sophomore, Junior and
Senior classes combine their reception into one all-college welcome.
Miss Downey, who is in charge of
decorations, has announced that the
gymnasium will be decorated in a
four-color scheme, the various colors standing for the different classes. The freshman color is red, for
the Red Devils, the Sophomore color is yellow, for the Yellow Daffodils, the Junior color is green, for
the Green Gremlins, and the Senior
color is blue, for the Blue Jays.
Add Me mbers
To State Faculty
Three freshmen relax alter a busy weekend at Frosh Camp. Left to
Kigh(: Sally Swanson, Jacqueline "Jackie" /.inimcr and Dolores I'hoenix.
unfortunates had to live in "No
Name,'1 "lank," and "X," while
their luckier class-mates resided in
"Ockies" or the "Boul." Why they
didn't even complain when we.discovered that we were minus" one
cabin, in v'ltch 10 of them were
supposedly living -have you ever
doubled .,,> on the top bunk of an
army cot with tent rafters lor a
pillw? Good sports, ycsiV!
The week-end had its serious
side, as well. '53 was formally introduced to State through discussions
in groups with various leaders of
the dilfereir organizations on campus and speeches by Dr. Collins, Dr.
Nelson and Dean Stokes. They also
had tlie opportunity lo meet their
faculty advisors and other members
on an informal basis.
Sunday's rain managed to dampen everything but the spirits, so
Frosh Camp concluded with a lodge
meeting in which many of the new
additions here at State expressed
desires to return on the welcoming
committee next year.
According to a release from the
office of the Dean, nine new faculty
members have been added to complete the fall roster.
Mr. Allen Benton has been named
as an instructor in the Biology department. He received his M.A. degree from Cornell last February
and has been employed by the
United States Pish and Wild Life
Bureau, for which he has been
studying the effects of D.D.T. on
wild life.
Miss Florence E. Coonrod is the
new assistant to Dr. Elizabeth Morris In the Psychology department.
Miss Anita E. Dunn and Mr. Jack
B. Krall have been secured for positions at Milne.
Dr. Willard E. Skidmore, a new
Professor of Modern Languages,
lias a background of being interpreter at the famed Nuremberg
trials. He will teach German and
Spanish courses.
Miss Helen Coulter is the new
member of the Social Studies department, while Mrs. Mt'.rcia Doran
will join the Librarianshlp school.
Mrs. Shirley C. Merritt, a graduate of State and a former instructor
of Education here, has rejoined
that department.
An army education officer during
the war, Mr. Allan F. Rosebrock"
has also joined the Education department. He received his M.A. degree from Yale and has previously
taught at Larson College.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 3 . 1 9 4 9
Buy Security
(letukn off tUe AlaUuei
The insurance program which replaced our old
"infirmary fund" system of taking care of State
students who are hurt or get sick is now going into its third school year. The results have been so
uniformly satisfactory that they are worth airing.
On State College students last year, the insurance company almost lost money. $8700.00 was
paid to the company in premiums, and $7176.70
was paid out by them for claims. When you figure
what the cost of keeping the books and sending
mail to these people amounts to, plus other incidental expenses of maintaining the service, it
seems that the insurance company must be close
to losing money.
Some four hundred and thirty-five people, including a few members of the faculty, filed three
hundred and forty-nine claims. Seventy-six of
these claims paid were either equal to, or more
than, the twenty dollar premium that had been
paid! And an average of the amount paid per
claim (counting the very high and the low) was
twenty dollars and fifty-six cents. Claims ranged
from '$.90 to $500.00.' Two people collected the
full amount under the plan.
Of course, many people have paid their twenty
dollars for two years without collecting a cent.
But many others are still in school who might not
be, or merely have had welcome money to spend
that they would have paid in doctor's bills.
$7176.70 has been saved students and their parents.
Art Kapner, the company's friendly and helpful representative, has simplified claim filing to
the finest degree. The instructions are now printed on the envelope in which the policy comes. The
relationship with the company is friendly and informal.
Last year one-half of the class of '52, one third
of the Class of '51, and a quarter of the Class of
'50 took policies. Last year's mark of four hundred thirty-five has already been topped by this
year's sales. Increased publicity and growing realization of the policy's practicality have been responsible for this.
Twenty dollars seems little to pay for the kind
of security this plan gives. Especially the freshmen may still be indecisive, because there are so
many other things that they need money for, But,
it is good money sense not to pass up the bargain
protection which some far sighted students brought
to State.
A New Leaf .
P r o m all t h e hidden corners a n d
far-away places of this fair state,
a general migratory exodus was b e gun this week. Sleek convertibles,
low-slung limosines, a n d new 1950
Studebakers, loaded with luggage
a n d bearing mysterious purple a n d
yellow seals, could be seen cruising
along on our finest highways, all
for t h e same
spot. I n our modernistic railway
and airline terminals sophistocated
young m e n a n d women, expensively dressed, their two-foot cigarette
holders their badges of distinction,
could be seen casually making their
way toward our Super-Chiefs a n d
Constellations where they immediately took their seats in t h e u l t r a
deluxe club c o m p a r t m e n t s ; a n d lo,
there upon their baggage could be
seen t h e same mysterious purple
a n d yellow seals. A clubbier group
h a d n o t been seen for many moons.
Could it be t h a t this lively a n d gay
bunch was bound for the same d e s tination? It could.
ladies biting, scratching a n d kicking a t each other In their haste t o
enter t h e huge green room? Could
it be t h a t some celebrity was holding court? Was t h e cause of their
impatience a thirst—a thirst for
knowledge? Or could there be a n other reason? There could,
^ _
fm. ^
e , m&
8UbgeqUent s c e n e s of
i n h u m a n i t y to m a n was Registration Day a t "Good Old S t a t e , " a
day which holds nothing but h o r ror for both faculty a n d students
alike. For there have been nasty
rumors t h a t in previous years some
have entered t h e registration room
never to be seen again. Others have
entered only to give up in complete
despair. Rumor h a s it t h a t these
same people later obtained positions in the official government in
in their
they have taken their retaliation
out upon t h e entire nation, for they
are t h e people who conceive of t h e
copious forms which other people
P a r away in Albany, shop keep- must fill out in quadruplicate.
ers, r e s t a u r a n t e u r s , a n d those in
Our purpose here is not to pin
the confectionery
merrily redecorating their empor- the blame on Maine or any other
one c a n n o t
iums as they happily whistled t o individual or group;
tune, blame them. Let us put ourselves in
to Good Old the other fellow's position. I t m u s t
State." And but a short distance (whaddya mean, it must???) be a
to spend three
from all these dens of activity t h e r e cruel
stood, lit still stands today), a ven- m o n t h s believing t h a t you are all
erable building which was itself a settled for t h e coming year, only
hive of energetic action. Upon this to r e t u r n to find out t h a t one or
edifice did all these fellow-travel- more of many mishaps could have,
lers converge, their main objective and probably did, befall you. I t
being to m a k e chaos out of order. can be a very frightening experiToday, b u t a scant
forty-eight ence to hear a professor say, every
hours later, it can be said t h a t time you step up to have a course
their mission
h a s been accomp- approved. "I got noos for ya, b u b
. . . t h a t section's all filled!!"; or
" T h a t section's been switched, split,
No doubt there were many ques- or cancelled." In this m a n n e r are
tions in t h e minds of the casual o b - s n a p courses killed a n d phobias
server a n d t h e neophyte to these born. And over on the other side
scenes of complete havoc. W h y , of t h e fence, how would you like
they m i g h t well wonder, did so to hear. "Miss Slosh, do the girls
many h a n d s o m e a n d burly males have to complete step six here on
compete with one a n o t h e r for a the sheet . . . where il says 'See
place in the unending line which Veterans' Administrator'??'?"; a n d
snaked its way around t h e corri- this every hour on the hour if not
dors a n d halls of this m a d h o u s e ? more often!
Why did the elderly gentleman
keep shaking his head from side to
So let's face it; some people a r e
side as each individual stepped thankful to get out of high school.
eagerly up to his table? Why wore But noooooo . . . you, YOU had to
all these lovely, charming young come to COLLEGE!!
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude
auttwr of this column, although
his viewpoints
Greetings a n d a big hell-o, pronounced backwards.
It's good to be b a c k t ? ) . Amazing how well rested
the summer students look after all t h e stories of the
good times they h a d . Some of us worked a n d got
t h a t green flush, a n d we don't m e a n t h e J u n i o r Class
color. Some of t h e old friends a r e gone to other
schools because of finances, a n d t h e n t h e r e are those
who fell by t h e weight of blue slips from t h e Dean.
Seems as though registration was well handled
this year except for Seniors' trial sheets which were
lost somewhere along t h e way a n d those endless lines
a t some desks. B u t from all reports a slap on the
back for t h e Registrar a n d h e r staff for t h e thorough
screening t h a t our schedules got.
There's lots new this year . . . a new President . . .
a newly painted auditorium . . . a new Co-op plan
. . . new red beanies . . . new ideas . . . new faces.
Some of the old faces a r e back—Lyle Walsh, " T H E
P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n " J i m Brophy, Joe Zanchelli, Jean
Ineson. Pinky Smith, "Basketballer" J i m Coles, Betty Ann Gibson, Joe Francello. . .
Those little blue books t h a t SA officers a r e carrying are copies of Roberts' Rules. Could be our meetings will be run according to proper p a r l i a m e n t a r y
procedure this year.
T h a t m a n in t h e office next to the Registrar is our
old friend Dean Nelson. He's back a t his old job
after shouldering the responsibilities of the President
for the past two and a half years.
You're new here a n d we know t h a t everybody h a s
been giving you " t h e word." B U T . . . don't let any
"salty" upperclassmen snow you under with tall tales.
T h a t goes for classes, politics, frats a n d sororities:.
A good policy is to keep your eyes a n d ears open
and ask questions. Figure things ouk» for yourself.
Incidentally don't feel t h a t all the time taking tests
was wasted. Take a d v a n t a g e of the opportunity to
talk to Dr. Morris, the school psychologist, who uses
these tests to tell you about yourself. 'Nuf said.
Should have a good basketball team with both Jim
Coles and Jack Marks back. However, the team needs
support and that's you. Let's back them throughout
the season.
When the discussion for the inter-collegiate Socc-.-r
team comes up this year, think it over carefully before voting.
A solution to the graduation problem to mull over
. . . how about using the Dorm Field?
Don't just sit back this year a n d let someone else
worry about your .student government. Our Pres.,
Tony Pro. is initiating a system whereby SA members can be a part of regular S t u d e n t Council committees. Let's take a d v a n t a g e of this chance to work
on our government. Remember, Council can use the
help and will appreciate it. Remember, too, that
there are no closed SC meetings and it is your duty
to check on your officers. T h e place lo voice opinions
is at the mo tings a n d not in the Dorm, the Boul.
or Casa Ockie's,
Last year the student
aware than
it h a d been for m a n y y e a r s of
j u s t w h a t t h e s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t is m a d e . In t h e
a i r i n g of last y e a r ' s d e b a t e on t h e proposed
c h a n g e s t o t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n which would h a v e altered t h e form if not the spirit of o u r S l a t e stud e n t g o v e r n i n g s y s t e m , m a n y people m a d e u p their
m i n d s a n d t h o u g h t over this s y s t e m which they
h a d never c o n s i d e r e d m u c h before.
T h e decision w a s definitely to k e e p , with needed r e f o r m s , t h e existing s y s t e m , T h i s m e a n s that
this y e a r ' s Association officers, h a v i n g come into
their j o b s with their eyes " w i d e o p e n , " a r e fully
responsible for an efficient g o v e r n m e n t carried on
with interest a n d e n t h u s i a s m . A n d it also m e a n s
t h a t t h e s t u d e n t b o d y is responsible for its government.
Our own C o m m o n - S t a t e r Bill Lynns has gone and
got married. According to the latest, tally there were
about Hi weddings this summer . . . T h a i ' s the end
i in more ways t h a n o n e ) .
3:30 p.m. iVCF Bible Class in Husted ISO
Established May 1916
v Ihe Class of 1918
September 23, 1949
A s s n r h i 11'il C'olluululu
No. 1
T i l l ' l l l l l l l ' l ' t f l ' l l i l l l l l t r IH'H'K|iil|ii'l' "I O n N'l'W Yul'l< S l i l l r I ' u l
li'Ki< I'ur '!'• n>- In i - . | . i i l . l i - l i n l . • \ . i > I'liiln.v ,,| i In C u l l , , . , .
vi%ir l>.\ I In- M O W S hi,,II.I !.,r Hi,. S l u i l e i i l
I ' I I I I I I I ' H : W l l l - f , J lull'.'; K i v n l , J Mejil; Ki-lsai a m i l-'nrivll.
x i c M . I ( n > - r i i i . it! h h
\ 11 • i. 11.. • i- - ,,l On \ i u - - i , i l l in.ii
In' n-iii'lii'il 'I'lii'-ilnj Mini U ' . I I I I . - I I . I I
I'lniii 7 i " II :in |i in
in :i Ii 11)7
Students who plan to attend any of the
Congregational Church, St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, first Lutheran ( l u n c h . Trinity Methodist Church, or
Hie Madison Avi'iiue Presbyterian Church
will in r l m front of Draper
Newman Club Reception at Newman Hall
II:30 p.m All-College Reception
The News Board
p.m. Students who plan to attend the Madison
Avenue Baptist Church
meet in trout ol Draper
7 !ill p i n
Dlxi riliiiiur
Collotfliilu KIKCHI
in Page
Art Exhibit on "London U n d e r g r o u n d "
PoM'Ts in be displayed for the week on
2nd Hour Draper
•C~..„*mmtms£ii'.*iyZ W
Reprinted (rum May MO iituc ol EbQUIHE
"Okay, (ni '«'!• hard"
Wiltse Reports
Schools Receive
CARE Money
Frosh Appear In Doubles;
Twins Create Confusions
r.! :t,i]ini Recording Hour in Richardson 23
Coininulers' Club Reception
p i n Inier-F'rateniily Smoker in Commons
It's double or n o t h i n g In '531
You don't need to check your
bi-focals when you see four
blue-eyed blondes, all about five
feet, two inches tall a n d their
honey curls topped with devilish beanies.
With the Leonard girls, who
who live a t Western Hall, it's
Joyce who rides horseback a n d
Janet who debates political issues. Or is it Joyce who . . .
Well, they both come
Johnson City!
"State, It's wonderful," chorused Jean a n d Helen Osborne
in breathless unison. "We w a n t
to go out for WAA a n d D r a matics a n d . . ." Helen took it
up from there. " W e w a n t to
write for the newspaper (gotta
get in a plug somewhere!) a n d
join the debating club a n d have
lots of fun," she concluded with
a grin.
Twins are unusual, period,
but two sets in one class a r e a
little short of phenomenal. Both
sets are completely identical
and faculty members will be
hard put if t h e girls don't earn
It's b a d
enough getting your own w a r n ings but, getting on Dean's list
via the twin route wouldn't be
State Graduate
Receives Grant
For French Study
Miss Ruth L. O'Neill, a g r a d u a t e
of New York S t a t e College for
TV«£.ii»)ic in u)4:i, h n s received a
leaching a.'isistantshlp
from the
French Government. Miss O'Neill
sailed September 14 on t h e Queen
Mary for France, along with 17
other Americans, where she will
teach English in a Lycee in Bordeaux.
The French Government awards
these assistantships to forty Americans who will lake up their duties
as part-time English instructors in
lycees and normal schools in many
parls of France, where they may
also stud) in universities.
living expenses for the academic
year are paid by the French Government and the universities give
tree tn'tion. These assistantships
HI., also administered by the Institute of International Education.
The group of twenty-seven who
sailed on Wednesday, September 14
were entertained on Ihe afternoon
ol Sept niber hi at a reception at
i lie French Embassy in New York.
M. Rene cle Messieres, Cultural
Counselor to the French Embassy,
extended greetings of the F r e n c h
Government to the students. S t u 111'111.- com" from all seel ions of the
l.'i.iied States a n d (40 to Universities in Paris, Bordeaux a n d G r e n oble.
Miss O'Neill was a g r a d u a t e of
Auburn senior High School, class
o! l'J4i). and was salulatorlan 111 a
class ol JU-I She participated in
high school dramatics and sports,
and received a Stale Scholarship,
an Auburn College Club Scholarship, and an American Legion Essay Scholarship During her four
T h e fund of $1,251.55 contributed
as a W a r Memorial by S t a t e College to t h e CARE organization h a s
been spent, according to c o m m u n i cations received during t h e summer fiom CARE. T h e money was
used to buy technical books for
schools in Neustadt a n d Vienna, in
Austria, a n d for schools in Bavaria,
Receipts from CARE have been
received by Snirley Wiltse '50,
c h a i r m a n of t h e CARE W a r M e morial Committee which began its
activities last year.
According to
Miss Wiltse, t h e money was sent in
J u n e , in check form, from t h e college to CARE Organization in New
York City. T h e fund was unallocated as to t h e purpose for which it
was to be used.
T h e choice of t h e organization
was to send books abroad under
one of their most recent programs.
Schools in Bavaria, one a t B a m berg, one a t Erlangen, one a t M u nich-pnsing, a n d one a t Schwabach,
received books.
Dlrektorin Anna
J a n d a received books for h e r school
in Vienna, Austria, a n d Direkor
H e r m a n Kaefer for his in Neustadt, Austria.
A personal letter of t h a n k s from
Paul C. F r e n c h , Executive Director
of CARE, to J o h n Jennings, alumnus '49, last year's president of S t u dent Association, reads in part as
follows: " . . . Your funds are being
used to provide technological books
for Teachers Training Institutions
in Europe.. During my recent tour
through Europe, I was impressed
with the eagerness to learn displayed by t h e students who are a t tending schools, despite t h e lack of
technical books."
Additional information enclosed
with the receipts from CARE indicated the lack of books which exists in Europe. One case cited by
the folder was t h a t of t h e University of Vienna which lost 150,000
Marchers Storm Capitol
As Frosh Beanies Blaze
T h e t h o u g h t of a m a r c h o n
t h e S t a t e Capitol, scheduled for
last Wednesday afternoon, by
the pro-Robesonites, brought a
thrill t o m a n y students new t o
t h e Capitol District.
300 persons
participated in t h e d e m o n s t r a tion which consisted of a m a r c h
up S t a t e Street hill from t h e
railroad station to t h e s t a t u e
of Sheridan, galloping on t h e
grounds of t h e Capitol Building.
T h e group presented a m u sical program by singing t h e
National A n t h e m a n d several
other selections.
During this
period their placards
and a merry-go-round of cars
containing a n t l - Robesonites
added horn blasts to t h e din.
Amid t h e speakers advocating Americanism wandered several S t a t e College
resplendent in their new b e a n ies. As they pressed closer to
hear above t h e ringing oratory,
several persons began t o question t h e color of their chapeaux.
It was left to conservative S t a t e
to a d d the only "pink" tinge
to t h e gathering.
Kullman Receives
Husted Fellowship
Culminating 45 years of activity,
the Husted Fellowship was a w a r d ed to N a t h a n E. Kullman, Jr., a l u m n u s '37 by Dean Anna E. Pierce,
at t h e a n n u a l Alumni Day g a t h e r ing. J u n e 18, 1949. Mr. Kullman
was then acting as Coordinator of
Field Services a t Plattsburg S t a t e
Teachers College.
During t h e ceremonies, Dr. Minnie B. Scotland, Professor of Biology, traced the history of the Fellowship from its inception In 1905,
to honor Dr. Albert Husted's fifty
years of service to t h e college, u n til 1949, when t h e first award was
being given.
In order to be eligible for the
Th ' folder adds: "Books are the
grant, candidates must have e a r n basic tools of reconstruction."
ed a bachelor's degree a t S t a t e ColT h e book program of CARE was lege, be in residence for a t least
developed in cooperation with UN- two years a t this college, a n d show
ESCO, t h e Library of Congress, evidence of superior scholarship,
and others.
c h a r a c t e r , personality, and interest
in teaching.
The CARE War Memorial drive
Mr. Kullman plans to finish work
took place last spring. Money for
the fund came from contributions on his doctorate this year at Corby students, contributions by fac- nell University.
ulty, a n d from the Big-4 fund. F u r ther receipts are expected. T h e r e - Request H e l p O n Directory
ceipts a n d letters will be preserved,
All persons interested In working
according to plans, and displayed
In the future as t h e record of the on t h e 1949-50 Directory are r e quested to sign up, according to
War Memorial contribution.
( hrlstina Sanzo '50. editor. T h e r e
are sign-up sheets on the bulletin
Inter-Sorority Council M o v e s
boards between Husted a n d RichRushing To Second Semester
railson and In Lower Draper.
.«cc rdinu to Margaret Hosking
This year, as in previous years,
Inter-Sorority a contest will be conducted for a
Council, there will be no formal so- cover di sign. This contest is open
rority rushing until the first day of lo all students.
second semester T h e new rules and
ri .illations will be circulated at. the
first meetings of Ihe individual sororities. They can also be found in
ih" Fr: -limaii Handbook. However,
Fraternity Jewelers
open houses a n d an Inter-Sorority
\ : ill's ol high s c h o o l s h e at I allied
lea will lie hel I during Ihe first
a regents avi ragi nl 1)7.2
I H11 un.; her vear ^ al Albany Slate
College I111 T e n d e r s , she was a
Name Beaver Draft O f f i c i a l
member ol Student Christian As( M i l l TINS,
sociation and she participated in
Dr Ralph A. Beaver, Professor of
Fn lull Club and in Latin Club. M e l l i ' i n a t i ' s . has been appointed
Write or Cull
Miss O'Neill was registered for a Selective Service Registrar for Stat*'
's'lrlii'lor of Arts Degree with a College. Men may register with him
major 111 French and a double mi- on the dav they reach the age of
30 Murray Ave. Wuterford, N.Y.
nor in English and Latin She 11I- III years or within live days thereTelephone Troy Adams 8-2523
lended Middlebury College 111 Ver- after
mont wh re slu' obtained her MasI "is Degree.
Four oilier residents from New
York Slut-' received assistaiilships,
anil three others receivi d fellowships The fellowships provide tree
Million al 11 university in France
and 11 monthly stipend lor living
costs during the academic
The fellowship program has been
P H O N E 5 11113
1 an led on by Ihe French (ioverninenl wiiii He' cooperation ol the
Institute nl International Kduca1 am since 1025, a n d the government
10K 2(10 ( EN'IKAL AVENllE
has awarded renewals ol their fel1
lowships lo seven Americans now
10 France
Newman, SCA, IVCF,
To Welcome Freshmen
Programs Include
Mademoiselle s
Receptions, Frolic
Opens Contest
Guides W i l l Conduct
Mademoiselle Magazine h a s o p e n Groups To Church
ed its annual contest to select i t s
College Board Members during t h e
Evening Services
1949-50 college year. Those w h o
achieve board membership a r e givNewman Club, t h e S t u d e n t C h r i s en three assignments by t h e m a g a tian Association,
and the Interzine during t h e college year.
Varsity Christian Fellowship will
On the basis of these assign- welcome the freshmen class this
ments, twenty guest editors a r e week.
Invited to Newman Hall, 741
chosen to spend next J u n e in New
York City to help write a n d edit Madison Avenue, tonight a t 8 p.m.,
the a n n u a l August College issue of the freshmen will be welcomed by
a n d Rev. R i c h a r d
T h e y a r e paid a upperclassmen
regular salary for their m o n t h ' s Dineen, Chaplain. Gerald Brophy
work, plus round trip t r a n s p o r t a - and Elizabeth Cahill, Sophomores,
Co-Chairmen, have planed a p r o tion to New York City.
gram of refreshments a n d dancing.
While in New York City, each L a u r a Varga '50 h a s charge of p u b Guest Editor takes part in a full licity.
T h e Student Christian Associacalendar of activities designed to
give h e r a head s t a r t in h e r career. tion a n d the Federation of C h u r c h She interviews a celebrity in h e r es of Christ will also welcome
chosen field to get advice on e d u - freshmen to t h e various churches
cation a n d training. S h e also takes tonight.
Groups will meet
in front of
field trips to newspaper offices,
fashion workrooms a n d printing Draper Hall to be guided to t h e
individual churches. Those going
T h e rules for the contest for t h e to the Madison Avenue Baptist
Church and First Reformed C h u r c h
College Board arc as follows:
will meet a t 6 p.m. for 6:30 p.m.
1. Contestants must submit a supper meetings. Students desirreport of two typewritten, double- ing to attend t h e functions a t t h e
spaced pages on any phase of c a m - Congregational Church, St. A n pus life: a new academic course, drew's Episcopal Church, First L u a fashion, a fad, a c a m p u s activity, t h e r a n Church, Trinity Methodist
an interesting organization, a col- Church, a n d Madison Avenue P r e s lege trend or a n y t h i n g else t h a t byterian will meet a t 7:30 p.m. All
might interest other college s t u - programs have been planned by
the churches.
2. Contestants must submit a
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowsnapshot plus complete data on ship h a s already welcomed t h e
college and home address, class freshmen a t a reception last Wedyear, college major a n d minor, o t h - nesday night. This afternoon a t
er interests a n d activities a n d paid 3:30 p.m. in Husted 150, Mrs. T r a or volunteer jobs held.
vel's will teach t h e first Bible class.
SCA plans a Frosh Frolic in
3. All material must be mailed
to t h e College Board Editor, M a d - the auditorium a n d gym for 8
emoiselle, 122 East 42 Street, New p. 111., Saturday, October 1. Hillel
York 17, New York, postmarked n o has cancelled its plans for a r e later than midnight November 1, ception because of the Jewish holiday.
Newman Club h a s scheduled its
4. Only undergraduates a t a c credited colleges a n d junior col- tea for women for 3 to 5 p.m. S u n leges available to work as Guest day. October 2 a n d its annual
Editors from J u n e 5 through J u n e smoker for all S t a t e men for 3 to
7 p.m. the same day.
30. 1950 arc eligible.
Because You Can Choose
The Right Point For The Way YOU Wri
T h e r e ' s u point lor every .student use, every business use, ovory writing need. Choose I ho point
you like best and fit if into t h e pen barrel yourself.
L & Balfour Co.
Complete pen $ 2 and up
&/ J*
<y *•
Tel. 4-6419
Studtnt Openings Available
For Driver Training Course
Grand Marshal Lists
Commission Members
Plorice K l i n e '50, G r a n d M a r s h a l ,
has a n n o u n c e d t h e following committee h e a d s of C a m p u s C o m m i s sion for t h e year 1949-1950: Lounge,
R i c h a r d F e a t h e r s '50; Coke S u p e r visor a n d P A System, D a v i d J a c k
'50; Mailboxes, Renee H a r r i s '50;
Marshalling, R i t a B i s s o n e t t e
a n d Joseph Persico '52; T r e a s u r e r ,
M a r t h a Downey '51; H a l l s a n d A n nex, Virginia Norton ' 5 1 ; Posters,
Charlotte Skolnick '51; Coke, R o b ert Brown '52; Lost a n d F o u n d ,
Jacqueline Coplon '52; M i m e o g r a p h ,
Marilyn Lewis '52; Victrola, K a t h leen R y a n '52; a n d S e c r e t a r y , E v elyn Swenson '52.
Frosh Fold Into Dorm Corners
Mathews Lists
Openings a r e still available in
thei Driver T r a i n i n g course for For Temporary Housing Situation Job Placements
those s t u d e n t s who have not securLike t h e lady who lived in t h e
ed a driver's license a n d who would shoe, M r s . B e r t h a Brimmer, who a t e s t u d e n t s acting as h e a d r e s i - For Graduates
d e n t s , instead of t h e comfortable
like t o do so, according to Mr.
Is in charge of t h e Alumni H o u s of ing, began this semester with sixty
extra girls, for whom accommodations h a d to be found. Dr. Evan R.
Mr. Gibson has announced t h a t Collins helped with "I'll get the
t h e time schedule for this course bunks if you get the room to set
in the catalogue is incorrect. I t will t h e m u p ! " , a n d so t h e emergency
meet, instead, on Fridays, during housing drive was on.
the regular assembly period.
"Stop! W h e r e a r e you going?"
All students who are interested Not into the Nelson room at Sayles!
are asked to a t t e n d the initial m e e t - S t u d e n t s who r e m e m b e r evenings
ing, today, a t 11:10 a.m. in Room there, nostalgically, would be somew h a t surprised to And two G r a d u 150, Draper.
T h o m a s C. Gibson,
couch and spacious fire place!
Nobody a t Pierce Hall dares to
c a t c h measles! T h e infirmary is
housing two h e a l t h y frosh.
O n c e upon a time, the single
rooms a t North Hall were lonesome. Now, Mrs. B r i m m e r has provided companions for every single,
a n d now no one is alone.
A certain member of the class of
'52 came to S t a t e with the idea of
picking up a room a t St. Mary's
housing project, with no previous
reservation. Rumor h a s it t h a t he
is thinking of folding his six foot,
four inch frame into a pup tent on
t h e dorm field.
Last spring, both Wren and St.
T h o m a s More Halls were sold. T h e
resulting overflow is responsible for
t h e present conditions. T h e
arr a n g e m e n t s locating freshmen at
odd spots around the "campus," are
t e m p o r a r y and have served to house
girls who had been accepted as students, until halls on Western Avenue are prepared for occupancy.
Leaping from top bunk to top
bunk is good sport in a zoo, but in
t h e game room at Sayles. it becomes a necessary method of communication for fourteen frosh who
live there.
R e m e m b e r the "Hen-Coop" adj a c e n t to the gym at Sayles? Again,
eight b u n k - m a t e s call t h a t room
When it. became a choice of finding cramped housing for a short
period of time, or refusing e n t r a n c e
to girls already accepted as freshmen, t h e e x t r a cots and closet
spaces were juggled about by the
Alumni office for weeks. T h e results are different, and
cramped, but because they are indicative of better housing ahead,
t h e freshmen are here and seem
grateful for the efforts spent in
their behalf.
Dr. Evan R. Collins. State College President., presided at a meeting held in Debruce, New York.
Members of S t a t e Teachers Colleges and Agricultural Institutes
met to discuss what can be done to
promote conservation through education. Representing S t a t e College
were Dr. Joseph Leese, Professor of
Education, Dr. Paul C. Lemon. Assistant Professor of Biology and Mr.
Howard H. Filed, Assistant P r o fessor of Social Studies.
Assistant Professor of Spanish,
Dr. Sara H. MacGonagie, spent six
weeks in t h e Saltillo Mountains of
Dr. Mary E. Grenandcr, Instructor In English, spent the summer
studying at the Sorbonne University In Paris.
Dr. C a t h e r i n e W. Pelt/,. Assistant
Professor of English, Is now on
Sabbatical Leave
Returning from Sabbatical Leave
Is Dr. Robert Rlcnow, Political
Science Professor.
Mr. Richard S. Ilauser, Biology
Instructor, took pari in a cruise
Mr. Paul li. Peitit, Instructor in
English, has been elected c h a i r m a n
ol .speakers on Insurance who are
- I I . W H ' - HY Rl iriAl)
(^QM.m jjk/
lO.'l Central Ave,
Emil J. Nagengast
Where the Flowers Grow
Yes, Camels
a r e S O MILD thai in u constlu-ciiukl h'-l n | hundred* <>l liuni mid women
who miinkt'd ('niiii'U
ami mil) (!uinel«
,'MI consecutive tluys, noted lliroul upc.clulUu,
making weakly examinations, reported
('oilier ol'
from Page l, Column
H i 1d a
Frencli and English; Anne Sulicli, T r e a d w e 1 1, Science
Islip, Commerce;
West port, F r e n c h
Nedrow, English and Library; Mary
Elizabeth Whitney, Alexander, Social Studies; Clifford Wingate, Hoosick Falls, English; Stuart Royce,
North Creek, Silence; Gloria Donate). Utiea, Commerce;
Brayden. Coeymans, Science and
M a ' n n n a t l c s ; Joyce Dh'kerson, Lake
G o r g e , English and Library; Bette
J a y n c Jones. Red Hook, English
unci M a t h e m a t i c s ; Donald McRae,
Washingtonville, .Science; Barbara
Honck, Pine Plains, English; Evelyn
Mattlson, Williamson, English and
Library; Mary Odak, Virgil, Engli•• i and Library, Marian Furlong,
Mace, North
Rose, M a t h e m a t i c s
and Latin; Beniadine Snyder, Vrsl.ul, C o i u i n e i ' c ; Suzanne Freeclman.
Troy, English and Speech; Margaret Lyle. Windsor, English; Margaret
Holallng, Hillsdale,
Mathematics and Ulology; Muriel
Weeks, Ellenburg, Science; Harriet'
T r :t>"er. West Hempstead, sevenl'
Jean Pulver, Pleasautvli: \
French and Social Studies.
Pi tor Yoiimans, Easl Grccnb',' ;
Social Similes and English; Ji.u,V.auiians.
Schenectady, English and Social
Pearl Pless,
M a t h e m a t i c s ; J e a n n e Hussett, Harl'.sville, Mathematics and
Virginia Waile, Oorluun, Commerce;
Emily U/.iianska, Fori Plain, Con.
liicrce; Richard Hiiyfol'd, Hiivaua,
Cuba, Mat heinalics and
Hetty J a n e Dinioii, Florida, French
,i iid I itin; Arline Riber, Itluicii, s<icial .similes; J a n e Dohert.y, Troy,
Elementary; Frances Sown. Hell
more, English; Amies Russo, Hlglilaiul Falls, F r e i c h and Spanish
John O'Meurii, Holton Landing, MuIhenuitles and Science; Mary Marmil, (illbei'l.sville. Lalin and KngII'h; Margaret S e a m a n , AlbanyRehenccluih Road, Social Studies
and English; Aula Da Bromo, Fullonvllle. Matlieniallcs and Lalin;
Cathi rine (Irani, Perlll, English,
Mathematics and Llbriirv;
Su'iiiish an I English P'nuiees Ccilll.i I k i I leiulersoii, Malhcinul ics and
</ mi I'mji
.1 •
1 II' ifi
>i'Lsl for Y e a r s
•Special A t t e n t i o n to
Sororities noil Fraternities.
H.F.Honikel & Son
Founded IDOfi
I'lioue i-'itlHU
157 Central Ave.
Freshmen Journey T o Frosh Camp Soccer Proposal
R o b e r t Van Dam, Valatie, M a t h e matics and Science; A n n a J. Olin,
Barker, Latin and S p a n i s h ; Elsie
L a n a a u , Kinderhook, M a t h e m a t i c s ;
l a i t i i Hurr, Liberty, English; Ethel
Gci'itman, South Hallsburg, Social
Studies; Zena Sottile, P i n e Plains,
L a t i n and Fiench; Audrey Steigerwald, Oxford, Frencli and English;
Nancy Mowbray, East Islip, English; Ronald Dixon, Worcester, Science; William Pawluckie, Clyde,
Social Studies and English; Menzo
Brown, Ravena, Commerce; Charles
Frail, Pine Plains, Social Studies;
Leah Hunter, Perth, Commerce;
Z a n a Olmstead, Davenport, F r e n c h
a n d S p a n i s h ; Bonnie J. Lewis.
Dorothy Kern, Orangeburg, English;
Martin Bush,
English end Frencli; Norma Schryver, Angola, Spanish and Social
Studies; Laurence Ostrander, Kerhonkson, Commerce; Helen Tischler. Carmel, Commerce; J u n e P e t ers, Warrensburg, Commerce; Patricia Kourke, Warrensburg, Commerce and M a t h e m a t i c s ; Charles
Trim, Castleton; J e a n Valachovic,
Bainbridge, French and English;
Beverly Sittig, Oppenheim, Commerce; Glenyce Jones, Boonville.
Commerce;.Virginia Osterwald. Argyle, English and Spanish; Carolyn
Woo:!, Bainbridge, Junior HWh English' Robert Kittredge, Oneonta,
Valley, Social Studies.
I 'milium
FrtlbAY, SEPTEMBER 2 3 , 1 9 4 9
/ \
Frosh camp, the a n n u a l excuse
for upperclassmen to get together
before school s t a r t s to renew a c quaintances, once again brought to
light t h e talents of the freshman
class. Good food, cool nights, and
a varied program of sports proved
to be t h e order of the day, once
c a m p was m a d e .
o Upen btate College /ear
T h e opening campfire on Friday
night brought to light several Interesting Items, foremost of which
is the sudden interest C a m p Director Earle Jones has taken in turtles. Here also was the title of
"Gluck" tacked onto one bold young
Frosh Divided
To carry out a sports program,
the freshmen were divided into two
teams, t h e Reds and the Blues.
T h r o u g h o u t the day the two teams
were evenly m a t c h e d with the Blues
copping football, Softball and horseshoe pitching, and the Reds holding forth in basketball. Swimming,
however, ended in a tic, throwing
the over-all competition award to
the Blue team.
During the second clay in camp,
the long strain of outdoor living
began to take its toll, the victims
including even Coach Hathaway.
With t h e arrival of faculty visitors,
news of tlie outside world began
leaking in. and a m o n g other items
was news of a huge police round-up
in the Albany area. To this piece
of information, our renowned faculty advisor was heard to remark.
"It's -getting so a man can't, even
commit a crime anymore "
In our first s t u d e n t Association
Assembly, a proposal requesting
sufficient funds to i n a u g u r a t e a fall
varsity sport will be introduced,
Last semester a group of s t u d e n t s
worked hard p l a n n i n g and d e t e r mining the cost, m a k i n g a budget,
a n d gauging t h e a m o u n t of i n t e r est t h a t would be shown by t h e s t u dents. Time passed very rapidly,
and before we realized it, t h e close
of t h e semester was upon us; t h e
subject had not been discussed a n d
it was too late to include it in t h e
assembly program since this was a
financial motion. Because of this it
was decided to hold t h e proposal
until the Fall semester.
T h e interest shown by m a n y peopie with whom we talked favored
tile institution of a fall sport. I n
comparing relative expenses, we
found t h a t football was a t least
seven times as costly as soccer in
equipment costs alone. In soccer
as in any newly adopted sport, t h e
first year is the most expensive ben„vSLln
i ^ u i p m e n t must be
purchased. However, In later years
the major cost of any sport is
travel. In this area eight games can
with RIPI, Siena,
In the usual iirder: Dr. Paul Lemon, Mr. Itoswell Fairbank, F r a n k be scheduled
Fnv '53, (batting), J a m e s Warden '51, (umpiring), Mr. Edward .1. S a bol, Union, and ABC. G a m e s could likewise be scheduled with Champlain,
(the protrusion I, Mr. Richard Ilauser, Mr. Raymond Vcrrey.
Ithaca, Hamilton, Hartwlck, Cortland. Syracuse, and Cornell.
Experience Succumbs To Youth
In Faculty-Freshman Slugfest
No it wasn't the Cleveland Indians' Bob Lemon on the mound, it
was Stale's Dr. Lemon. And il was
not Leo Durocher down there at
first, il was Ray "Tile Lip" Verrey.
II all started at noon when the
a n n o u n c e m e n t was made t h a t the
faculty would challenge Hie incoming frosh to a game of softball. Ami
so as (lie frosh stepped up to hat
nine brave members of our leaching stall and two ringers look I he
field. T h e ringers were Ray Verrey
and fearless Art Kapner who was
covered with all kinds of insurance.
space are available for practice a n d
Bleeker Stadium, Beverwyck Park,
fielder's T e r r a c e Field, and Page Field when
i n l r a m u r a l s are not scheduled.
ilirough as he hit Into a
('. C. Stars
The top of the fifth saw C. C.
Smith grab a home run ball in deep
left. However, he was mad because
he had to take his h a n d s out of
his pockets to make the catch. In
ihe bottom of the fifth the faculty
picked up another run as K a p n e r
gol on second by an error and
scored on a n o t h e r error.
C. C.
S m i t h once again gave the crowd
a thrill as lie drove one deep to
center, but a fine catch ended t h e
inning. Kapner came on to do t h e
pitching in the sixth and was in fine
form as he set the frosh down 1-1!3. In fuel no ball was hit out of
Ihe infield; so Harry '.'-nssow had
a catch with himself in centerficld
to keep in practice. T h e faculty
threatened in the last of the sixth
but failed to score. T h e top of the
seventh was the downfall for the
lucidly us old age began to show.
It started oil' with Gibson booting
one, but Fairbank picked il up and
made the throw to first In time,
However thai was the last bit ol
l l o h as all heaven broke loose and
li.e runs came ill before the lire
could he put oill.
Bed Cheeking Installed
Another outstanding example of
the efficiency of this year's camp
was the system of bed-checking
which was installed. To prove t h a t
his h e a r t was in the right place,
Director Jones even used his senior
hour to make sure all the freshmen
were safely in bed. In fact, as il
turned out, all were accounted for T h e line ll is
except t h e counselors.
HUN Company Cooperates
To make sure thai there was id
least one memory from frosh camp, Verrey
the bus company cooperated by let- Fairbank
. ling, i •,eryone wait for two hours Olson
before the busses arrived.
Our predictions for the class of Hauser
Smith, C. C. 1.1.
Gold in
1. They have many
promising Cooper
athletes to s t r e n g t h e n Stale's teams.
'1 he game shirlcd oil b id lor the
2. They have their share ol stu- facultv wi .(i neede.l two or three
dents who will be remembered lor inn.lUs hi 1^ M stalled. A I I . T scortheir actions, r a t h e r t h a n their m . one n n ni the first tne frosh
scholastic ability.
pu.shou O U T live bU runs in Ihe sec- F a m i l y ' s I.asl Stand
ond. Mo.-.t ol Ihe lulls came by Ihe
T h e l a n d y made a game attempt
All in all, however, Ihe camp was il,li arned met laid w lib C. C. Smith
a huge success, a Irlbule to Ihe 1: i nil : in three runs on a dropped in ihe la-1 hall of Ihe seventh but
planning of Couch llathawa.v. Doc- l lv. A s, II ul ional pia\ b.v Kay Ver- could not gel a rally going. T h e .
did M I Ivvo men on base. The final
tor Lemon and Earle Jones and his
re.,' and Hoswell Fairbank gol Ihe .score was 11-;|.
facultv oill o! the inning without
A I lie pi avers were walking off
any mere I rouble. Verrey raced?'.' the Held Ihls reporter heard C. C.
in In pick up a slow roller and he Sniilh iiiuiiiblin i lo himself, "We'll
Hipped il lo Fairbank. who cm. eretl educate Ihe d a m n I hlng ,vel."
first, in i,inc. Alter thai Ihe defense was
iiinmed up by Coach
llalliavv.iv who said. "The outfield
is aiill.'hl and Ihe infield Is tight
food, l o o "
T r a d i t i o n a l in Full are pumpkins,
hockey, bed what is ll?
Hoeke.\ ( I l s i ll I f e h e v l l
Inml a n d li ,il nail predict Ions. 'I he
camp! Can Ihe English oiilpla\ our
i m m u n e in
, i stall,
own Allied 'an girls in I ield hocke.\ '.'
i pitched
. .1 In a u t u m n , studied Hie
Miss Appleby, I he se\ enly-year-old I'll
I vv o I n n 111 n •> l i e
: all
• .i in
director of a three weeks hockev lo. I Hule set
111- I r t i s h
I .nun
w i ; h I. • l o l l o w u e : lure,'.1st. w h i c h
camp in Pennsylvania proves dial ll o w 11 LiI
Ml.illle: d
lie K i l l ' ,
aiiy:i in
lhe\ can. and Just ask ivvo tired llian on
p lo
t h i s ] ,nn
State students v\ ho have come hack I h e laciillv
w a s a n i x 111 b i till I i n
I n e si it nig i 1 e a s l r i l l l e . l l l l l o o k s
lo Albany lo recuperate tiller a L o l l o l 111.
E \ e i \ 1 line
In he C o r n e l l ll h a s a w e a l t h ol
completely exhausting week at this I hey hi I I
il w a s
n > ; | il
i I .II n u n : in, •rial a n d s t r o n g r e camp. The food was good, the beds one ol Ihe I r o s h
Army h a s almost as good
were soil liul who hail lime tor
a n mi: I ok. aain d p r o b u b l v r u l e s s c r 'I h e las! ol l ll i n i i r i
,a w
them? Iloekc.v was played morning,
i b e r o o m l o r I h e vvinnoon no not night as vet lhe,\ ehiin •'- S a l m i 1 d o! I vv il h a n i n l l e l d m i l l
I 1111IIW 111
haven't put up spoi lights to ilium- h o p p e r I il: 11 w a s li ibble.l a n d w h e n
llcl ion in l lie soul li will
Hi • Iro- n s i a i led t h r o w i n g I h e bull let- our pi e,
mate the Ileitis! Every evening (he
like a
Subtil h e a d a r k hor.-e We'll go out o n
girls could relax with an inleresl c i r c l e d I h e b a s e s a n d b r n i u i h l h o i n e i l i m b a n . ! pick Viiiulcrlull us l o p s
lay lecture on hockey!
in I h a t
si clion
L o y a l S u b w a y AIHi - I n si l icultv i
Women Attend
Hockey Camp
Most .students aren't aware ol tin camp's existence Even v ear how ever. WAA sends
hockey players lo gum experience
in Ihe game and Ihen coach our
own hockev practices each week in
ihe (all
Alter von see Ihe girls
practicing their hinge, Hicks, and
scoops on .Saturday morning you
can be sure that next year the English coaches will have something to
worry about.
««« Assembly
Out On 1U limit
Ihel I
I ),i
t t'oiul
mi Verrev s h o w e d
. up b a s e i.iiiiiiii ex vveiil lo s e c o n d o i a n
lv r e a s o n h e s!o i p e t l
b e c a u s e h e in e-l •tl ll
lollowetl vv ll h a l l i n ! lei I
t i . l o v e III V • l l e v I r u m s e e
G i b s o n sinV i m li l i r e il iout
ol a n u i l t o m u t i c
le . a n I O l s o n
ihoi't r i g h t
ilhle ovel
e h l l , w h i c h pui m e n on .I b i r d , but I'USMIW. lulled
'ond and
lo collie
probably watch Noire
run ol I with mil iomil
Au- ,vuy. Hiev'll be tops in
i a e 1111.1 - 'A I" l Possible equal lo N D
as a national •liainpiotiship selection is i e Sniii h w e s i s si rone, Oklahoma
\l.inv quarter;, are culling
I In 111 I he s' roil 'csl in I he eoiinlr.v
I Ills veal
Probable West Coast c h u m p : So,
Cullloiniu. and from Ihe Jumble In
Ihe Big ID: Michigan iiguln
This proposal has the approval
of M.A.A., and Mr. H a t h a w a y h a s
agreed to coach the team since he
would like to see soccer instituted
at State.
We want your criticism and your
opinions. Most of all, we need your
help in obtaining the necessary
*tUm Spsctotto
T h e students of S t a t e h a d their
various welcomes this week as they,
>e by one, Journeyed back to Albany. T h e frosh h a d frosh camp, t h e
Sophs, Juniors a n d Seniors h a d t h e
n g registration lines. We h a d t h e
pleasure of meeting Dr. Collins, t h e
president of the College,
Being a little inquisitive as to Dr.
Collins's thoughts or ideas
S t a t e ' s athletic program, both i n t r a m u r a l and intercollegiate, we exchanged ideas for a while. S t a r t i n g
from the bottom, Dr. Collins believes
t h a t S t a t e does not have the proper
facilities to carry on a n extensive
athletic program. In t h e near future Dr. Collins is hoping for a r e m edy to t h e problem with t h e erection of a new gymnasium with all
the expected facilities. At the m o m e n t he sees t h e n e e d for new
classrooms, a new dorm, a new 11brary, a better cafeteria, but still
has t h e picture of the new g y m n a slum hanging on the wall of his
Athlelics Necessary
f01 , a w i d e p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n a t h l e t l ( *
on the students' part h e r e a t S t a t e .
He commented on t h e fact t h a t
many students leave S t a t e and are
asked to supervise various athletic
programs in high schools. If these
students have never come in contact with a good athletic program
with adequate facilities they can't
accomplish the former. T h i n k i n g
along the same line Dr. Collins
mentioned the fact t h a t many of
these students will some day be administrators directly responsible for
athletic programs in high schools
and again, as before, this necessitates contact with the aforementioned program.
As always the question of whether S t a t e will have a football team
come fall weather popped into the
picture. Dr. Collins wished to see
S t a t e represented on t h e gridiron,
but only if the proper facilities are
W. A. A. M. A. A.
Ruth, Elly, and George
Once uguin Women's Athletic AsMen's Athletic Association bids
sociation welcomes its members— all you frosh and transfer students
both new and old.
welcome to S.C.T. and especially to
Assuming you all have plenty of our athletic program. We feel our
pep and enthusiasm left from t h e sports program has a spot in it
summer's vacation we've planned for everyone.
numerous activities to keep you
Upon payment of the s t u d e n t fee
all the male students at S.C.T. beW e r e .starting our year off with come members of M.A.A. In our
a bang at the Frosh Play Day O c - i n t r a m u r a l program we have leatober 1 on ihe Dorm Field. Upper- gues In soccer, football, basketball,
classmen, this is for you, too! F r o - volleyball, bowling and softball. In
lic on the field with your frosh golf, baseball, tennis, bowling, and
friends, filling yourselves with food basketball we have varsity teams.
M.A.A. ulso sponsored
and fun.
and rifle clubs. Lust year wc were
T h e sports season will begin the successful in organizing a badminfollowing week with hockey, hik- ton club and we hope to Increase
ing, archery, tennis, riding and the club program In swimming
and other sports.
Here'.-, your chance to earn your
Participation Is easy. In the proaward, whether you are u frosh or per season sign-up sheets are postun old Senior,
ed on ihe bulletin board and you
For credit in four sports, first can sign up ns an individual or
year, the award is your class n u m - form your own team.
eral. I lie second year award is u
Club membership is also wide
W.A.A. feeshlrt. The next year of open. Here again all you have to
participation results In a W.A.A. do Is report to the proper place
key; and ul ihe completion of four when notices ore posted. Club m a n vcir- of •redii. a c h a r m in your agers will be glad to welcome all
i.ivor.te sport I.-, awarded.
newcomers. T h e clubs are not oro l course you won't want to miss guni/.ed Just for the skilled. Novices
a weekend ut Camp
Johnston, are Invited to come, learn unci enSlate's own camp for lis female Joy themselves.
When the call goes out for a var"euinpslers." Nothing required except a gang and a healthy consti- sity sport you cun answer it If you
tution. For further Information on think you have the potentialities.
tins see the W.A.A. bulletin board. After a try-out Coach Hulhawiiy
'I he year Is divided into four sca- will decide If you cun make the
: ons, lull, winter, mid-winter, and grade.
All Intramural programs come
-pring, closing Willi un award night
banquet or general festive g a t h e r - under the point award system. By
engaging in a s p u n , club, or holding
ing a position you can acquire
Full Sept, 2\ to Nov. HO.
points. S t u d e n t s with t h e greatest
Winter Nov 3D lo Feb. 1.
Mid-Wilder Feb. 1 to Easier Vac number of points will receive suitSpring: Easier Vac. lo May 116 able awards. This system will be
i )ur m ijor project for the year explained to you lii greater detail,
will be ihe a n n u a l N. Y. Htute These, along with suggestions of
W A.A Conference to be held here any kind will be welcomed by M.A.A.
Council. Suggestions can be turned
early in December. Delegates from
in to MA.A, via the Mailbox outsome thirty colleges will attend.
side the P.O., Coach H a t h a w a y or
There's much to be done, so let's any council member, Our aim Is to
all pitch 111 uiul make it u success. make this a big year in spoils with
Here's lo un active year in W.A.A. everyone engaging in some athletic
and the active means YOU.
>AGt «
Cobb /Announces Post Schedule
Dean Announces
Library Facilities; For Pedagogue 12:30 Assembly
Effective Friday, September 30,
The appointment list for Pedawill be held at 12:30 p.m.,
Hawley To Close gogue pictures has been posted in Assembly
according to an announcement
Lower Draper, according to William
Dumbleton '50, Editor of the PEDAGOGUE. Seniors, Honoraries and
Sorority and Fraternity members
are requested to sign up for appointments ' from September 26
through September 30 and from
October 4 through October 7. The
pictures will be taken at the Hague
Studio, 811 Madison Avenue, between Quail and Ontario Streets,
Under this temporary plan, books from 9 a.m. to 7:55 p.m. The picwill continue to be loaned from tures taken for last year's PEDAthe stacks. Reference books will be GOGUE cannot be used again, according to Dumbleton.
kept available as long as possible.
Miss Mary E. Cobb, College Librarian, has announced that during
the time the library ceiling is being painted, the Commons will be
used as a reading room. Since the
time set for the painting has not
yet been definitely determined, the
new system has not yet gone into
effect but will begin as soon as the
painting is begun.
During the painting period, the
corridor door of Lower Draper
leading into the Commons will be
used. The balcony will be open, but
no one will have access to the Commons except for library purposes.
Miss Cobb has also announced
that the library will not be open
any evening during the time it is
being painted. The following hours
will be in effect during the daytime:
Monday through Friday: 8 a. m.
to 5 p. m.
Saturday: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Eade Requests Payment
O f A l l Class Dues
Mary Eade, '51, Chairman of the
Class Board of Finance has announced that all members of the
various classes who have not paid
their class dues should do so sometime next week. A table will be
set up in Lower Draper, near the
entrance to the Commons from 12
noon to 12:30 p. m. Freshmen are
especially urged to pay their dues
in order to facilitate early organization of their class.
Mr. Robert S. Burgess, Professor
of Librarianship, is acting as the
faculty treasurer, and James Cafaro, '50 is auditor for the Board.
The class treasurers are as follows:
Marie De Carlo, class of '50; Ruth
Breen, class of '51, and Joan Carson, class of '52.
Enrollment O f Grads
Swells Student Ranks
This year, graduate students will
create a definite place of their own
at State College. Of the record enrollment of over 1500 students, approximately 200 will undertake
graduate work. Although State
Graduates comprise 70'/f of the
group, other students from as far
south as Louisiana and Texas will
be initiated into State life.
The freshman class is comparative in number to last year's class
of 370. In commenting on the registration, Mr. Edward J. Sabol, Coordinator of Field Services, said, "I
believe the freshman class will rise
to the standards of previous classes."
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
OPEN 0:00 to n.30 DAILY
Evenings 'by • appointment
The evening appointments are
arranged for those who work during school hours and for off-campus
teachers. The sitting fee is two dollars, with twenty-five cents fine for
failure to keep appointment. Men
are to wear a dark jacket, white
shirt, a tie and they are to be
cleanly shaven.
Women are requested to wear a white V-neck
made yesterday by Dr. Milton G.
Nelson, Dean. All classes scheduled
for that hour will be held during
the 11 a.m. period.
The change was necessitated in
order to allow Milne High School
to adapt its schedule to that now
in effect at State. Under the new
arrangement, the Milne lunch hour
falls at 11 a.m.
Due to the fact that the auditorium is being painted, there will be
no Assembly today.
Jones Announces Officers
For 1949-1950 Judicial Body
Officers chosen by the new Myskania for the coming year have
been announced by Earle Jones,
Chairman. Other officers chosen
last spring include: Vice-chairman,
Earline Thompson; Secretary, Audrey Koch; Treasurer, William
Dumbleton; and Mistress of Ceremonies, Diane S. Webber.
Myskania will hold its first meeting of the year next Tuesday.
Release Placement List
State Loses Shady Nooks, O f Teaching Graduates
Fungi pestroy Elm Trees
(Continued from Page If, Column 5)
Somebody cut down' two
large elm trees in the front
yard of Draper. It wasn't foul
play, but some elm fungus
that seems to be spreading
throughout this area had so
decayed them that cutting became a necessity.
It's doubtful if any class ever
hid its banner in their sheltering branches, but every year,
come Campus Day, there are
a few hardy individuals who
"shinny" up to find out.
According to Dr. Cooper
who recommended Dr. Baker
as a source of information, who
in turn advised asking Mr.
Hidley, the trees were at their
full growth in 1910. Mr. Hidley assumes that they are very
old and anyone who doubts
this can count the rings on the
stumps. At the time when the
Albany Orphanage ocupied the
present site of the college, the
trees offered shade to children
playing underneath.
It is the hote of many that
the remainde: of the trees on
campus will not have to fall
to the cry of "Timber!"
Physics; Russell Bailey, North Rose,
Social Studies; Irene Wilcox, Hartwick, Mathematics and Science;
Marjorie Harland, Florida, Mathematics; Jo Ann Joslin, Binghamton,
Mathematics; Lorraine Rasmussen,
Windsor, English; Robert Wilcox,
Carmel, Commerce; Henry Farley,
Afton, Science; Use Gluckstadt,
Broadalbin. Spanish, English and
Fiench; Hardel Daley, New Rochelie, Guidance; Nancy Grant,
Troy, Library; Helen Lamb, Broadalbin, Guidance.
Ruth Leier, Wallkill, Spanish and
Port Leyden, Mathematics and
French; Walter Schick, Poland,
Social Studies; Alfred Wehren,
Delmar, Social Studies
Other placements will be announced in the near future.
To Give Advance Excuses
Students who reside outside the
city of Albany and who must leave
classes early today in order to arrive home in time for the Jewish
Holiday must obtain written permission from Dr. Ralph B. Kenny,
Professor of Guidance, in Room 109,
Draper, in advance.
Religious Clubs
Schedule Plans
To Greet Frosh
Programs W i l l Include
Tea, Smoker, Dancing,
Freshmen Performances
Continuing their plans to welcome
the freshmen at receptions, the
Student Christian Association will
hold a Frosh Frolic tomorrow and
Newman Club will have a tea and
a smoker on Sunday.
"Face-Lifting" For Hawley;
Commons Replaces Library
So here we are in another turmoil. It wouldn't be State without turmoils and this is a good
one. The library is going in for
a face-lifting, the library staff
is going crazy and the students
are just going.
From what can be gleaned of
the janitors and librarians (nobody really seems to know what
is going on), the ceiling and
window casings in the library
are going to be painted. The
murals are going to be touched
up too, but who knows how or
by whom ?
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 0 , 1 9 4 0
Collins To Welcome Freshmen
A t Reception In Pierce Tonight
Guide s Surname
Will Determine
Arrival Times
NEWS Lists
Graduate Rate/
Soph Openings
Shirley Wiltse, Editor of the
The annual President's reception
NEWS, has announced that a
is scheduled for tonight from 8 to
special subscription rate has been
10 p.m. in the Ingle Room at 'Pierce
The librarians have a great
established for Graduate Students,
Hall, according to Dr. Ellen C.
The SCA program is scheduled
that there are openings for tryouts
Stokes, Dean of Women.
because all the call numbers are
for 8 p. m. in the Lounge. Marilyn
from the Sophomore class for the
In order to eliminate the standupstairs in the impenetrable.
Johnson '52, and George Waldbillig
positions of Sophomore Desk Ediing in long lines which has been
tors, and that all organizations on
'51, Co-Chairmen of Entertainment,
characteristic of past receptions, it
And of course the Commons
Campus should appoint one of its
have planned for a frosh talent
is requested that the Guides bring
sounds like a mixture of a bee
members to take care of the corretheir freshmen according to the
show, as well as games and dancing.
hive and the cheering section
spondence between the NEWS refollowing schedule: A-G from 8Lyle Walsh '50, is Refreshment
at a Notre Dame football game.
porters and the organizations.
8:30 p.m., G-P from 8:30-9 p.m.,
Chairman and Audrey Weller '51, is The Commons being the Mecca
and P-Z at 9 p. m., and thereafter.
Inasmuch as the graduate tax
of all State College, it isn't exChairman of the Publicity CommitIt is to be noted that the time the
does not include a copy of the
actly conducive to study. We'll
students will attend in accordance
newspaper, a special yearly rate has
certainly be glad to get back to
with this schedule will be deterbeen offered. Miss Wiltse requests
the new-old Library.
Announces Tea I'lans
mined by the Guide's last name and
that Graduates do not pick up the
A welcome to all State College
not (he freshmen's.
NEWS unless they submit their
women will be extended by the
subscriptions to either her or to
Lcwman Club at their tea from 3
List Receiving Line
Grace Seism '50, Circulation ManDR. EVAN R. COLLINS
to 5 p. m., Sunday, at Newman
On the receiving line will be Dr.
Hall, 741 Madison Avenue. June
R. Collins, President of the
Caraher '50, is Chairman of the
College, and Mrs. Collins, Dr. M. G.
organizations appoint one of their
event, and Dr. Mary Goggin, AsNelson, Dean, and Mrs. Nelson, Dr.
members to be responsible for the
sistant Professor of Latin, Newman
Ellen C. Stokes, Anthony Prochilo
news of that organization and lo
Club sponsor, will act as hostess.
'50, President of Student Associahand that individual's name in at
tion, and Patricia Jai and Joseph
The smoker, at which Newman
(he P.O. It is extremely important
Purely, Juniors, Co-Chairmen of
Club will greet all State College
that all persons answer their notes
Student Guides.
The lirst assembly of the school promptly in regard tn the NEWS.
men, is planned for Sunday evenThis reception is held to give the
ing from 7 to 10 p.m. at Newman yea.' will feature as its main speaker, All publications should be in the
students an opportunity to meet Dr.
Hall. Paul LeBrun '51, General Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of P.O. either by Tuesday night or not
Chairman, states that, there will be New York State College for Teach- later than Wednesday afternoons.
In order to make the College Cal- Collins and it also provides a means
entertainment, as well as card play- ers. A new time, 12:35 p.m. has
Any members of the class of 1952 endar more accurate and more com- for the freshmen to become acappointed for assemblies, and who are interested in working on prehensive and to avoid conflicts in quainted with the faculty. Members
inn. Refreshments will be served. been
Robert. UmholL '51 is Chairman of t h ' s P ' a n vv>" continue for the com- the newspaper are urged to contact time and place, Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, of Myskania will also be present
ing year.
Miss Wiltse by Student Mail or Dean
rjean of
of Women, and the Faculty- to greet the class of 1953.
Terminate Guide Program
Committee on Student Ac- ToThis
WedWelfare Worker to Speak
reception will complete the
organizaInter-Varsity Christian Fellow- Raymond Verry, Manager of the among the tryouts who qualify by
Student Guide Program under the
ship announces that Rev. Arnold co-op, will speak to the students. merit will be eligible for selection tions cooperate by th procedure direction of Miss Jai and Purdy.
Williamson will be the speaker at Several announcements are to be to the Sophomore Desk Editor posi- listed below:
The program is to assist the freshthe regular Thursday noon meeting given, and a constitutional amend- tions to be chosen in November.
men in adjusting to life at State
schedin Room 23, Richardson. Rev. Wil- ment, relating to a change in the
College. Among the things which it
Wednesliamson is Director of the Christian restriction of Election Commission
day from 12 to 12:30 p.m. in Dean has sponsored is the Freshman
Orphan Home In Port Lee, New rules, will be presented.
Stokes' office. A representative of Weekend at Burden Lake and Lake
Jersey. He is a psychologist and
the Social Calendar will be present Cossayuna, tour of the college buildStudent C o u n c i l
has done considerable work in Chilings and correspondence between
that time.
dren's Court and in welfare cases. night selected the members for (he
the Guides and the freshmen.
Hillel lias postponed its freshStudent Guides are to accompany
Mcscheduled as of last year should their freshmen to (he reception. If
man reception from Saturday to
make the dales corraborated to a guide finds it inconvenient to atOctober i), because (he original date
make sure (here are no conflicts.
conflicts with (he Jewish holiday. (lie committee, whose duty it is to
tend, he should find a substitute.
accept the banner on Activities Day,
3. All events to be held in the colMrs. Gladys Rand. Social Direcand to take charge of Campus Day
lege buildings and elsewhere are to | o r 0f Pierce Hall alld Mrs. H. V.
for their class. Jacqueline Oothouse
be scheduled in advance in the of Woolsey, Manager at Pierce Hall,
and Graham Zeh have been selectce of the Dean of Women.
are in charge of refreshments.
ed to direct the Skit Committee on
4. Individuals making reservations
Campus Day.
for the events must (ill out a card
The Council suggests that all orgiving information about that event.
ganizations on campus subject to
No time or place will be reserved
According in Cecila Battisti '51 rulings of Student Council, submit
Exchange Editor of (he Stale Col- their charier or constitution, to the
Open Houses will be held for unless Mrs. Malseed approves it.
lege NEWS, all SI ale College stu- Constitutional Committee.
freshmen and entering Sophomores
5. All cancellations and changes
dents are cordially Invited to use
and Juniors by State College soror- in time or place must be reported
the Exchange Rack now set. up in
ities on Thursday and Friday, Oc- In the office of the Dean of Women.
The annual Stale College Activithe seating chart lor assembly tober 6 and 7.
the Publications Office.
(i. The names of chaperones for ties Day will b.' held on Saturday,
posled throughout the school.
On Thursday night Hie following events shall be reported to the office Oclobei 8th. in the Commons. All
The NEWK has started an extensorority houses will be open lo In- ol the Dean of Women not later college organizations which have
sive program lor exchanging colAvailable terested women students: Kappa than one week before the event not yet made arrangements for setlege publications which includes pa- Openings
Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi lakes place. Cards for making this ling up their booths should contact
pers from all New York State
report must be gotten al the time James Jiusto '51, Chairman, imme10 Class Delia.
teachers' colleges and those of the In Commerce
the reservation is made.
larger universities throughout the
Dr. Millnn C. Olson, Director of Beta Zcta, and Gamma Kappa Phi
schedAll participating organisations will
nation. An attempt Is being made Training for Commerce, has an- will be open on Friday night.
uled for the week nights, Sunday be charged a table tax of one dollar
to obtain college papers from Italy, nounced that there are facilities
The sorority houses will be open through Thursday.
in help defray the expanses of the
France, Switzerland, and Germany. available for several additional stu- from
... Entertainment
7 to 10 rp.m.
tl. In the assigning jf dates ami clay.
Any student interested In reading a dents in Beginning Typewriting, will
be furnished at (he houses and
Tentative plans for sign-up arnewspaper not in the exchange file Commerce 10. which meets in Room refreshments will be served. Fifteen
iCoiiliiuii (I mi /'<fr/r (J, Column P rangements were completed at a
inav contact. Miss Battisti either 302, Draper, Monday through Fri- minute
Intervals will allow time for
inecilim ol all organization heads
through Student Mail or in the day at 12:35 p.m.
the women to gel from one house
laid yesterday noon.
Publications Office.
Ped Asks
This course does not carry degree !<• another.
credit hill counts as two hours on
Margaret Hosklng '50, President
Hotaling Lists Officers
a student's schedule. It I, open to of Inter-Sorority Council, urges all To Sign For
Pictures Open Poetry Contest
any student whose schedule will freshmen to attend since tills will
For College Students
For Residence Council
permit its addition, He need not be be an opportunity lo see all memThe appointment list for Pedaa Commerce major. Registration for bers of the sororities in a group.
gogue pictures which was posted last
According to Dennis Hartman,
At a meeting of Residence Coun- I he (lass is to be made at the Regweek in Lower Draper has not been Chairman ol the National Poetry
cil, Wednesday, Jean Hotaling '50, istrar's office not Inter than Monfilled ui). William Dumbleton '50, Association, all State College stuMa'seed Requests Answers
presiding, the following officers were day.
Editor-in-Chief of the Pedagogue, dents are cordially invited to subTo Student Work Notices
elected for the coming year: Edith
announces that there is only one mit verse lor publication in the
Mlnch '50 Vice President; Regina R e q u e 5 , Tryouts For Primer
Mrs. Annette P. Malseed, Secre- more week, until Friday, October 7. Annual Anthology of College Poetry.
Drlseoll '61, Secretary-Treasurer.
tary lo the Dean of Women, who that pictures can be taken at the
The closing date lor submission
Judicial Board members are as folFrances Kessler '50, Editor-ln- is in charge of student part-time Hague Studio, 811 Madison Avenue
of manuscripts Is November 5th. All
lows: Claire Humeslon, Shirley Bar- Chief of
-- announced employment, has requested all stupoetry should be submitted to the
ber and Diane M. Webber, Seniors, that any freshman interested In dents who receive replies or notices
Therefore, all Seniors, Honoiaries, National Poetry Association, 3210
A new member has been added to writing, doing Illustrations, or work- from her via the student mail to Fraternity and Sorority members Selby Avenue, Los Angeles 34, CalResidence'53,Council,
Zaw- in on the business staff of Primer, reply Immediately. All students shoidd sign up at once. Pictures will ifornia, and each entry must bear
of 203 Westshould contnet her as soon us seeking employment are requested be tuken between 9 a. m. and 7:55 the author's name, home address,
ern Avenue.
possible through Student Mall.
to check their mailboxes frequently. p.m., Monday through Frlduy
ami the college which he attends.
Slate President,
Soccer Proposal
For Assembly
Stokes Rel eases
Social Calendar
Rules For /ear
12:30 P.M.
Editor Prepares
Exchange Rack
Sororities Slate
Frosh W e i come
Jiusto To Head
Activities Day