Document 14064197

State College
PAdt 4
Hunt Addresses
Offer Awards
Social Studies
For Best Essay
On Peace Plans Teachers Group
Tamiment Institute Lists
Competition For $3000
The Tamiment Social and Economic Institute is offering a first
prize of a thousand dollars with additional awards totaling two thousand dollars, to college students submitting the best 5000 to 6000 word essays on "An American Program for
World Peace in the Present Crisis''
to its second annual contest.
The contest is open to all undergraduate college students in recognized colleges of the United States.
Entry blanks may be obtained on
request from the Tamiment Social
and Economic Institute, 7 East 15th
Street, New York 3, New York.
According to Louis Waldman,
Chairman of the Institute's Essay
Committee, the purpose of the award
is to "stimulate college students to
constructive thought on matters of
social and economic importance."
Mr. Waldman points out that it is
their desire to have college students
realize the necessity of having a
point of view. The response to the
first contest held last year on "Roads
to Industrial Peace" was proof that
today the student is interested in
the social and economic world problems.
The prizes for this contest include
first prize $1000; second prize
$600; two third prizes, each $250;
ten fourth prizes, each $100. The
closing date of the contest is April
23, 1948,
Established 1905 Phone 4-2036
157 Central Are.
(Gontinutd from Page 1, Column 1)
sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews.
Seminar of IGC will this year be
concerned with surveying a particular section of Albany for the purpose of determining the tensions in
the area, the nature of the social
and economic structure, and the recreational and educational institutions which would aid in creating
better inter-group relations. Cochairmen of the seminar, which will
work as a study group and workshop, are Molly Mulligan '50 and
Robert Hardt '49. A report from
this group will be available at the
end of the semester.
Collect $42.60 For "Care"
The collection taken last week in
Assembly for CARE food packages
for European students amounted to
$42.60 according to an announcement made by Evelyn Boetcher '48,
President of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. With the donations previously made in the Commons the total collected for this
drive is now $50.04.
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5)
mons. The Angels of St. Mary's will
hold a bingo party, the Commuters
will have a Dart Throw and Sigma
Lambda Sigma will sponsor a
Sponge Throw. Phi Delta has the
concession on dancing — a Taxi
Dance. On the balcony Myskania
will be vending peanuts.
In lower Draper, Chi Sigma Theta
will sell chances on the identification of a "Miss Shush," a woman
connected with State College. Hillel
will also sell chances but on stockings.
The awards and prizes will be presented in the Commons at 10:30 p.m.
after the Finale. These include
various grand prizes, door prizes and
the prize f o the winner of the "Miss
Shush" contest. The State Fair
Committee Headquarters will be in
Room 109, Draper Hall.
The proceeds of the Fair go to
the general Big 4 fund. The use of
these funds are decided upon by the
student body before the end of the
Where all the Students Meet
785 MadfoonAve, Albany, HX
H. F. HonikelftSon
"College of the Empire State,
mother of . . ." No, it wasn't an
Assembly program a t which
these words were sung; this
time the audience was a radio
audience and the only assembly
was that of the kids at the Albany Home as SMILES sponsored their broadcast from the
Home last Wednesday.
State's musical capabilities
were revealed under the leadership of Mr. Karl Peterson, Instructor of Music, as the Men's
Glee Club, the "Choralettes" (a
special voice group) and Tink
Witt Penn presented their specialities. The Men's Glee Club
opened with State's Alma Mater
and then sang "Stout-Hearted
Men," "Stars of the Summer
and, appropriately,
"Winter Song." "Quiet" issued
forth from the Choralettes, who
also ended the program with
"Begin the Beguine." Miss Witt
Penn's solo was "Singing Vine."
During the program Charlie
Miller told of the work of
SMILES a t State and urged
other colleges to follow our example.
"Pacts are a means to an end, and
though I respect facts I believe that
too much emphasis is placed on
textbook information that is never
used or remembered", stated Dr. Erling Hunt, Chairman of the Department of, Social Studies Teaching,
Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Hunt was addressing the
Capital District Association of Social Studies Teachers a t a meeting held last Tuesday at State College.
The address entitled "What's
Wrong With The Teaching of Social Studies?" stressed the need for
definite action that must be made in
the educational field. Particularly
emphasized was the gap that exists
between the high school graduate
and his attainment of full political
rights. Active community participation was suggested as one remedy.
Another outstanding point made
by Dr. Hunt was the need for unbiased presentation in school text
books. As an example he cited a report made by the American Council "written more or less through Angloon Education.
After a study of American eyes."
American textbooks on South Amer- In closing Dr. Hunt told the group
ica they concluded that in many that new concepts are needed all
instances Latin-American Culture the time and that both teachers and
was looked down upon and misin- the citizens at large must keep alive
formation was predominate . . . to this ever-changing world.
Colleges Receive Commons Finale
IGC Newsletter To Climax Fair
Broadcast At Albany Home
Features Men's Glee Club
Luncheon Served Daily
NEWS Sponsors Poll Shows Dewey Fans Ahead
In Presidential Race At State
First Of Three
Governor Thomas E. Dewey was ~~
~ ~~ ~~~~~~"~" ""*~
Oratory Contests named
as the most likely candidate Choose Republican '28
for President by the student body in m 1928, the college chose Repub i7
The State College NEWS is sponsoring a preliminary oratorial contest to be held here at State in connection with the Albany Times
Union and the Hearst Newspapers
Oratorial Contest.
The orations,
which will be delivered on Benjamin
Franklin, Patriot and Statesman,
will be given at the college on April
From the contestants one will
be chosen to compete in the local
area college contest on April 21 under the sponsorship of the Times
Union. Other colleges in the vicinity of Albany will each send one representative. From these colleges one
student will be chosen to take part
in the Eastern Zone Contest which
will also be held in Albany.
The orations for the contest here
at the college must deal with some
phase of the life of Benjamin Franklin and may not exceed six minutes in length. These speeches must
be prepared beforehand but need
not be memorized. The News is
offering a prize of five dollars to
the winner of the college contest.
The Times Union is offering three
prizes totalling three hundred dollars to the three best orations in
the contest between the local colleges.
The judges for the college contest are Jeanne C. Cook and Graham Duncan, Instructors in English,
and Dr. Albert C. Hidley, Assistant
Frofessor of History.
All those interested in participating in this contest should sign
their names on the bulletin board
in the P. O.
Student Council
Elects President
Of Conference
ITHIN the past few months, Larry Green has
climbed right up with the top bands of the land!
If you ask Larry how he did it, he'll light up a Camel
and say: "Experience is the best teacher in the band
business — and in cigarettes. I know from experience that
sweet music suits my band, just as I learned from experience that Camels suit my 'T-Zone' to a T ! "
Try Camels! Discover for yourself why, with smokers
who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice
of experience"!
And here's another great record—
Wag 001$'ik* mc before, I
Will Cooperate Jointly
With Hearst Papers,
Albany Times-Union
Robert Kittridge '49, was elected
President of the Inter-Collegiate
Conference at Wednesday night's
Student Council meeting. I t was
also decided that the delegates to
the Conference should be elected
from Student Association. Decisions
were made concerning the mimeograph machine and canes presented on Moving-Up Day.
Juniors to Receive Canes
A number of canes to be presented to the Junior class In Moving-Up Day ceremonies were granted to the Juniors by the Senior
To Fix Mimeograph Machine
Since Student Association's mimeograph machine, located In the
P. O., is now broken it was moved
to recommend to Campus Commission that the machine be fixed and
also that a lock be purchased for
the future, in order that in case
another accident occurs, the organization responsible may be traced.
This is not designed, says the Council, to prevent the use of the machine, but only to protect it for the
use of all.
Nominate for Treasurer
Nominations for treasurer of the
Sophomore class may be made until 4:30 p, m. Tuesday. The nomination should be signed and placed
In the Myskania mailbox In a sealed
envelope. The office was left vacant
when Rhoda Riber, former treasurer, was elected Secretary of Student Association.
Deadline Set To Pay Student Tax
Students who entered college at
the beginning of the second semester are required to pay one-half of
the Student Tax $11.50, by April 0.
Tax tickets will be issued in the
office of Dr. Edward L. Cooper, Assistant Proiessro of Commerce, located on the third floor of Draper.
Cornell Newman Chaplain
To Address Assembly
Name Kittredge
Convention Head
a poll taken by the State College c a n A l b e r t Ottinger 2-1 over Frank- Students, Treasurers Speculate,
NEWS this week. Harold Stassen, Wn D - Roosevelt for Governor of "Who Pays Veterans' Dues?0
however, will receive the most num- New York. Roosevelt won the State
Around the State College
ber of votes irom the students of election, however. The student votcampus, the question of the
voting age. The questions asked of ers gave Herbert Hoover a 2-1 maweek is: "Who's paying the
the students were: "Who do you J orit V over Roosevelt in 1932, but veterans'
class dues?"
Students To Nominate
think will be the next president?", Roosevelt came through in the electreasurers say that due to a
and "Whom would you like to see t l o n . w * t h a L a n ^? l i d ^ votuV,
Convention Delegates
recent ruling of the Veterans
elected?". The tabulation of results ^tate favored the Republican side Administration,
a ai
From State College
is as follows:
S " £ 1940 when Willkie w a s t e must pay the dues themselves.
... .
„ , . „ _ „ . , _ vored by a 17 vote majority. They
Yet, the vets know little, If anySpeaker for this morning's asCandidate
Will Be Choice r e m a i n e d Republican in 1944 when
thing, about the situation.
sembly program is Reverend Don£.ewey
" Dewey received a 25 vote edge on
Many of them claim that the
ald M. Cleary, chaplain of Newman
VA has paid them in the past
15 R o o s e v e l t .
Club a t Cornell University. Deleaft
and would presumably pay
gates for the Iriter-Colleglate Con±,
I t is evident that elections a t
them now. However, class treasference to be held here April 9
H g t a t e h a y e yery llttle b e a r l n g o n
urers are getting worried. The
and 10 will be nominated from
a t h e n a t i o n a l election and that the
Sophomore class has already
Student Association;. Robert Kit^
f. results of this poll would forecast a
allocated money that they extridge '49, newly-chosen President
Wal ac
pected from the VA but now,
' ® ••
* defeat for Dewey since the polls in
of the Conference, will explain the
due to the recent ruling, the
event to the student body.
TT !J i^°!i
previous years have almost Invarlaclass will go into the red unless
Re/eivnd Cleary has been chapUndecided
j r bly acted as negative indicators.
the veterans pay out of their
lain a t Cornell dnce J.932 with
52 Offer Opinions
own pocket.
the exception of three and one„. , „ .
„ ...
_ ,
Some definite opinion was ofClarification of this situahalf years which he served as chapState Shows Republican Tendency f e r e d s o m e unusual opinion was of tion as to the why and what
lain In the fighter command of the
It appears that States Republican f e r f j d a n d s o m e o p i n l o n s i n d i c a t e d
may come later, but a t the
Ninth Army Air Corps.
tendencies have not changed Only t h a t t h e c n o i c e d o e g nofc U e w l t h
all student
From 1928 to 1932 he was chaponce in :he twenty years that polls a n
n o w a p p a r e n t l y i nt h e r u n
veterans are held responsible for
at Auburn prison. In the past
have been conducted at State has n ,
T h s following
class dues. Those who have
he has also been chaplain of the
a Democratic candidate for Presi- j n d j c a t i v e 0 f thisnot paid their dues should conNational Newman Club Federation.
dent been favored by the student M a ' E n d e . 5 1 ^.. D e wey should be
tact their class treasurer and
Last August he represented the
body. This was one of the five times e l e c t e d b e c a u s e h e i s
h a s
see just where they stand.
National Catholic Welfare Council
that Roosevelt was voted upon a t n e w i d e a s a n d n a s t h e f a i t h o f t h e
at the International Students' meetthe college.
ing in Paris.
Sparky Vaughn '50—"My choice
After Kittridge has presented the
is Vandenburgh because he is the
plans for the conference to the assembly, nominations for the deleV l < « & p 1 A K r n f l f l r A ^ i most capable man in a position to
gates will be made by Student Asi
\V/« I OF)I
Koch '50 — "A dark
sociation. Three students will be
elected in next week's assembly;
lt and my suess te
one of whom will act as Treasurer
of the conference.
W/LI A "t
James Cafaro '50—"Errol Flynn
The Inter-Collegiate Conference
State College NEWS will to be held hi April will represent
wiU win if al] his cnildren vote for beTherepresented
at the Twenty- members of the State Teachers InterFourth
Convention of
Two debates, one of which will Nan^[ Mowbray '49-"Dean Nel- the Columbia Scholastic Press Collegiate Association, of which all
State Teachers' Colleges are membe broadcast, are scheduled by De- £ * 'the man tor the.job'.
Association to be held at Columbia
The purpose of this organlbale Council tor this week, accord- . B , eU - v H u t t o n '60-"Dutch SchuU University, by Ann May, Editor- bers.
(Continued on Page 6, Column SJ
ing to Rita Shapiro '48, President uc •
in-Chief; Ellen Rochford, ManagLocal colleges R. P. I. and Union
ing Editor; ELsie Landau, Jean PulW i e t h e operants in the dis- Q Q u n c j \
ver and Jean Spencer, Associate EdiMonday evening from 7:30 to
tors. The conference is scheduled
for March 11, 12 and 13.
8 p.m. a debate will be broad- Pi-f^t-aci" I att&r
cast over Station WHAZ between I l U / C j l
Through this conference, t h e
Press Association offers a series of
R. P. I. and State College. The
topic will be, "Resolved, that a Tpj Nl
y oilf*p/-||l 150 or more meetings, conferences
of socialized
medicine I w M i I • UUI C7UU and discussions during a three-day
period to student editors and faculty
should be established in the United
John Jennings '49, Chairman of
States." Patricia Spencer '49, and
As a result of the dissatisfaction advisors, with professional journalMary Alice Rega '50, will present shown by the student body In re- ists and outstanding members of the Inter-Group Council, has announcthe negative for State; R. P. I. gard to the performance of Eddie school publication field, tailored to ed that the Creole Carnival will be
will take the affirmative. Each Dowling last Friday night in Page the wishes and needs of the student postponed until next year, due to
speaker will make a three minute Hall, Dramatics and Arts Council press.
circumstances beyond their control.
speach, after which the meeting has written to the Columbia LecAll phases ol writing, editing, pubwill be opened to discussion from ture Bureau expressing their dis- lishing and advising student pub- Tentative plans are in the making,
the audience and contestants.
lications will be covered In the Sec- lor a State College night at the AlWednesday evening a round
i n this letter, according to Cath- tional and Divisional meetings. Per- bany Playhouse.
table discussion is planned to be- erine Donnelly '49, Treasurer, the sonalities from public and profesglu in the Lounge at 7:30 p. m. Council stated that they did not sional life will speak at the general Causes Cancellation
The topic will be, "Resolved, that fed the performance lived up to the and specific meetings, and t h e It was hoped that the Carnival
the veto be abolished in the United written and verbal agreements the Luncheon, the high-light of the en- could take place during the Mardl
Nations." Gerhard Weinberg, Orad, Bureau made at the time the con- tire convention.
.Gras Week, but because of a crowand Leonard Koblenz '49, will pre- tract was signed in May of last
Student leaders will conduct the ded college calendar and the acsent the affirmative for State Col- year. The Council does not feel that
lege; Union will argue the negative. [ n e failure of the lecture was due round table meetings on Friday af- tivity brought on by the coming
After five minute speeches by to Mr. Dowling but rather to the ternoon. Jean Pulver '49, will par- Big Four's, the event will have to
each of the participants, discus- misrepresentation of the Lecture ticipate as the representative from be cancelled until a later date.
sion will be opened to the audience. Bureau. This is the first time that the State College NEWS.
Keep Plans For Next Year
According to Miss Shapiro, all are this bureau has ever proved unThe committee in charge of the
invited to at tend.
satisfactory to State College.
Potter Club Schedules plans
for the Carnival, under the
The letter also stated that unless
chairmanship of Jean McCabe.'49,
, (Z. _ . . _ T r t Q L r t u i
something was done to compensate
Sweater Party Tonight plans lo keep all scripts, costume
rt V3rOUp I O j n o w
details and musical scores until
f ( ) r l h e financial loss of the DraPotter Club members will play next year when they will be ready
I I I / i D" L
matlcs and Arts Council thev would
host to their guests tonight at 8 p.m. for use. At that time, with all
OCKWell K e n t r I C t U r e
be forced to discontinue their busi- in the Commons at a "sweater par- tilings ready for production, it is
ness relationship with the company. ty." A series of musical skits will hoped that all those who turned
[n connection with its bulletin
A , ( h t , p r e s e n t (| m e nothing more highlight the entertainment, while out In response to Mr. Jennings
board on second lloor Draper, the ,.„„ bt , d o n o u n l l l a ,.01)ly i s r & c e i v e c | dancing and refreshments will com- appeal for participants will again
Art department is sponsoring tills f ,. o m | h ( , B u reau.
plete the evening.
be ready to help make the program
week, from Monday through Friday,
A sweater dance, according to a success.
an exhibition ol a Rockwell Kent yy;// R e v / e v v Budget
8th-10th John King '50, general chairman,
original, and some reproductions ol
is an affair to which members, Sponsor State College Night
his work.
Budget hearings will be held by friends and dates come dressed InMr. Jennings also announced that
The display will feature an origin- the Student Board of Finance on formally, preferably wearing sweaAtterbury Players In conjuncal lithograph "Good Dye Day," by Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ters. Admission will be a quarter, the
with Inter-Group Council, are
Kent, which was presented lo Miss of next week. Hearings have been and dancing will continue until 12. tion
lo arrange a State College
Ruth Hutchlns, Assistant Professor scheduled as follows: Monday at
Committee heads include Eugene night at the Playhouse. At this time,
of Pine Arts, by the Print Club of 3;30 p. m.—Freshman handbook,
plays will be presented for
Albany. The display will include two Music Council, NEWS and the Ped- McLaren '48, chaperones; Anthony special
students. Tickets will be on sale
series, one a portfolio of reproduo- ugogue; Tuesday at. Noon—-MAA Capuaiii) '40, decorations; Austin the
for fifty cents and seven hundred
tions of drawings representing Art and WAA; Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. Monroe '49, refreshments; Clifford seats
and Medicine, the other a group - C a m p u s
Debate Crooks '50, entertainment; and Ed- dents. will be reserved for the stuof representative Illustrations from Council, Myskania, Press Bureau, ward Moriarity '51, cleanup.
various books, his own or those of Primer and Student Council. All
other authors which Kent has il- hearings will be held in room 300,
lustrated. The prints are litho- Draper; they are open to Student
graphs, woodcuts, and pen and ink, .Association.
With Krl S?,fjStS»
NEWS Editors
Plan To Attend
Press Convention
Ver ^V l l / \ f c
IGC Postpones
Creole Carnival
Until Next Year
•AOI a
A New Board
Another column on this page carries several sugReporter is given the widest latitude as author
gestions concerning the scheduling of extra-curricular The clamor that resulted from Fri- payment of the fee. The Council is of This
this column, although Ma viewpoints do not necesseeking,
events and the worth of many organizations on
sarily reflect those of the STATB COLLIOB NEWS.
Dowling" has abated somewhat, but letter addressed to the Lecture Bucampus.
stipthe repercussions are still to be felt.
In any phase of life, there must be a point of credIs of little avail to review the "Ser- ulated amount.
uallty. The "State" of affairs has slipped into phanAs the situation now stands, all activities must It
mon ' that Mr. Dowling so zealously
tasy. Looking at it objectively, one can either throw
be scheduled through the office of the Dean of delivered, for it was apparent that In the interim, the appropriations up
his hands in horror or "Descartes-ly" analyze the
Women, and the fiinal decision as to what should the majority of the students attend- of D & A are to be discussed by the situation.
be given which date rests with this office. This
fortunate if the Board takes Dowl- "HEREIN LIES . . ."
year, the calendar was so full that when social In view of the fact that D & A ing as representative of future D , Let us say that at SCT we have a working populagroups and dormitories asked for dates early in the sponsored t h e appearance of Mr. & A sponsored artists. I t is admit- tion of 1000 students. The. validity of their producyear, the over-crowded missal was shoved before Dowling it is natural that those who ted that the Council overstepped its tion can be demonstrated in two spheres of activity:
budget but it must also be acknowl- 1—Academic Achievement and 2—Extra-Curricular
them and a dismal shake of the head was the are ignorant of the facts reguard-' edged
that good entertainment can- Achivement.
atanswer to their request for an evening.
tach all Name to that organization. not be obtained without paying the WANTED: INTROSPECTION
Last semester, Hillel triumphantly returned Dr.
Louis Jones to State for a talk only to find that
State had triumphantly scheduled its first basketball game of the season for the same evening. Who
was the secondfiddle—Jonesor the team?
One weekend will glide by with nothing more
fascinating than a hamburg fry by some dorm and
the next weekend we will be in quandries wondering
which event we should attend. Last week the soulseeking Eddie Dowling introduced a weekend filled
with State Fair. Those of us who were unfortunate
enough to attend his "performance" wasted one
evening there and then spent the next entire day
working on State Fair. Result—little homework
accomplished for the weekend
We are not criticizing the office for the apparent illogical scheduling of events. But we are
suggesting that perhaps the students themselves are
better qualified to state which activities would attract the student body as a whole and which would
pertain only to a select group.
Would it be possible to set up some sort of a
planning board to aid Dean Stokes and Mrs. Malseed in making out the social calendar so that those
events of prime importance are given prime dates
and those of lesser value are given lesser dates?
Students would have a clearer conception of the
events that would rate a whole weekend and
those which could be combined so as not to conflict. The activities are scheduled supposedly for
our benefit. Why must Dean Stokes and Mrs. Malseed do all the work?
Lause r . . .
We noted with satisfaction that attendance at
assembly picked up greatly last week. Are the
students at State College gaining an interest in student government?
However, Mr. Dowling was obtained price for it—and the price today is
through the aid (somewhat misguid- high. Student body has every right
ed) of the Columbia Concerts Lec- to demand the best artists that D
ture Bureau and the program h e & A can arrange for. If the Counwas to follow was sent by that cil is not appropriated sufficient
agency to D & A. Considering the funds with which to select and
established reputation and the ad- choose, then the best will be little
mirable performance of Mr. Dowling better than the poorest.
in the "Glass Menagerie", it is no Mr. Dowling was a mistake, but
wonder that the Council jumped a t it would be unjust to accuse D & A
the chance of having him appear. of that mistake. Either the agency
Even the fee required seems rea- misrepresented Eddie Dowling's abilsonable in proportion to the success ity on the lecture platform, or else
and enjoyment which such an eve- Mr. Dowling was carried away (far
ning could bring. What happened away) by "divine inspiration". I t
Friday night was completely out of was a sad, although ascetic, eventhe hands of D & A. I t was, to be ing, but if D & A is to suffer as
literal, in the hands of God! But a result then we may look forward
D & A is still responsible for the to even greater sorrows.
A Seasonal O^fiiftf
The very fact that the PRIMER
appears with the season Indicated is
cause for commendation, and certainly we ought to stand around and
admire the new model. The old one
crept along in low gear for several
years mainly because the driver didn't know how to shift her into second, because no one cares much for
gawking a t the car which races its
motor and doesn't go, and because
gas and oil are quite necessary to
the operation of a vehicle.
I have had the pleasure of being
in the position to ride in the literary vehlole as well as to stand off
and stare a t it so that I have been
privileged to hear not only the purring of the motor in second but also
the grinding of the gears in first.
Unfortunately getting the old buggy
at last into second has not eliminated the knocks and rattles; rather
the greater speed has only increased
the clatter and shimmy resulting
from mechanical failures.
lence found in the winterized model,
and since the magazine can be no
better than the material submitted
for publication, some of the selections are inconsequential. On the
other hand, the poems of Luke Ziles,
with his lush rush of color from the
artist's palette, are as good as any
to be found in any college magazine. PRIMER, like any other literary magazine written by young people, is largely imitative in technique with the usual echoes of Wolfe,
Elliot, Hemmingway, and others.
This is to be expected, and I suppose we should not even ask what
became of Friday in "The Bell."
But perhaps when we are young and
have little to say we should worry
more about perfecting our technique
than we do, so that when we finally
have something to express we have
a way of communicating it most effectively. In spite of some rather obvious faults, the stories and poems
are generally more compact and
clear than those of previous years.
Part of the increase in attendance might be attributed to the rivalry debate which usually arouses
interest and part might be due to the fact that there
was no boring "business" to discuss. At any rate,
we were happy to see that the NEWS was again
being read with the usual thoroughness of assembly days, and are closing our eyes to the fact that In the past the PRIMER has althe rush for assembly seats might be due to the fact ways been able to avoid the cheap So much for the vehicle's gain in
vulgarities so characteristic of other acceleratoin. The mechanical failthat the seating chart finally made its debut.
college literary magazines, a good
ure, however, to which I refer, is
percentage of which depend upon the same as It has always been, althe most primative sexual leering though it is apparently worse with
In order to appease the greater ma- the motor turning at a higher temSTATE COLLEGE NEWS
jority of their student bodies. Butpo. It is simply that the material to
In this avoidance our magazine has be included is poorly edited. Of
Established May 1916
formerly embedded itself In another course, there are conditioning facextreme In which i t became a high- tors. The editorial staff is rushed
By thcCUisof 1918
ly personalized, private organ of ex- for time; the editor this year was
pression for a very limited number mainly concerned with producing
of the literary crust, composed of two issues and the pressure of soMarch 5, 1948
No. 18 friends of the editor whose tone was liciting enough advertising to finoften that of navel-gazing and guess ance them. There is reluctance on
what-I'm - writing - about - ism. Al-the part of one student to criticize
AHHoeliiteil Collegiate l'n-Hs
Co I lot; 111 to Dlgoat though the present offering Is not the writing of another so that a
The unclorgraduiito newmmper of the Now York suite Coi- entirely free from this kind of litIt'iro for Touchers; OIHIIIHIIOII ovory Friday of the college erary hoax, the winter issue Is cer- story is either rejected or accepted
instead of being accepted and reyear by the NEWS Hoard for the Student Association.
I'lionus! May, 2(1115; Coleman anil Uoeliford, 2-01211; Zlnnl, tainly far from the limited view- turned with some of the more obS-OoHSl Clark 2-0870. Members of the news malt may be point of those earlier back-bends. vious faults Indicated for improvereunited Tiles., mill Weil, from 7 to 11:30 I'. M. at 8-9407. Last year's PRIMER actually made ment.. Consequently, a story with
the first step leading to the pres- monotonous sentence .structure is
ent Issue which contains not too
not. polished into its best form. At
much of any one writer and a much the same time, the printer is cutting
The News Board
broader range of subject matter and corners in order to give the studentl*
EDITOR.IN-CHIIF attitude. Mrs. Skolsky, last year's the best job he can at the cheapCAROL CLARK
MANAGING EDITOR editor, very wisely limited the numest price; this produces many typoELLEN ROCHFORD
MANAGING EDITOR ber of selections per writer to three,
graphical errors and three' poems
• P O R T * EDITOR and that policy carried on by the
crowded Into the space suitable for
CIRCULATION MANAGER present editor, plus the Inclusion of
two of thin. Nevertheless, it is the
number of stories and editor's responsibility to see, at least,
• UIINla*
MANAGER poems, has been the major improvethat uniform punctuation is emELSIE LANDAU
ASSOCIATE EDITOR ment of Mr, Nielsen's effort, with
ployed throughout. These crippling
ASSOCIATE EDITOR the result, that the PRIMER this
details should not. be lingered over,
ASSOCIATE EDITOR year Is much more representative
however, when there are so many
of the student body's creative talent strong points that can be praised.
All communications uhuiilil be addressed to the editor and than ever before. The fact of two Gift' Wingate's "paint-job" Is by far
nilisl be signed. Names will lie wlllihulil upon request Issues (granting that nothing will the most attractive and eyecatching
I'lli' STATU COI.I.IOIilO MOWS assumes no responsibility
the spring tonic effort) Is cover yet to bind the magazine
for opinions oiprcdscd in Its columns or loinmuiilcutloiis suppress
material uroof that there are plenty Among other things, Mr. Nielsen
as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its view.
of people interested In expressing and stuff' are to be congratulated for
themselves in writing here at State. shilling gears and paving the wuy
for moving Into high next year with
This representative policy natur- a literary quarterly,
ally results In the range of excel-
I fear that academic achievement does not mean
how many A's per semester or the consistency of
names on an abstract Dean's List. I t is what you get
out of classes. (You will probably even class the last
statement as idealistic, for you've been conditioned
to think that anything that is a bit beyond one's
grasp must be categorized In that manner.) I'll wager,
without hesitation, that at least- 60% of our students
are not sincere in their collegiate travail . . , that
they cram for tests, call those who don't—stooges,
sleep through classes, consider college a chore, etc.
I do not blame the student entirely—but something
is wrong someplace! Where does the fault lie? I suggest:
1—Too much work to be completed In one course.
2—Teachers who take little interest in their work.
3—Ineffective classroom situation.
4—Lack of immediate value and functionalism—
"textbook theory."
5—Students who work and are too tired to learn.
6—Lack of student and class response—This, I feel,
is often based on the classic student remarks: "eager
beaver" and "apple-polishor." The eager-beaver just
MAY be interested and as far as apple-polishing
goes . . .
. . . it's a pretty sad case when student-faculty relations are impaired by labelling. A sincere interest
between student and professor lies behind the ominous cloud entitled "Apple-Polishing." Give the professor some credit . . . do you really think that he is
unable to detect a phony? These teas may be great
tilings, but nothing can be more effective than the
spontaneous "give-and-take" of real friendship.
Extra-curricular activities are ..great BUT, a t this
writing, there are almost as many clubs and organizations as there are students. Therefore, it is obvious
that all these activities cannot be carried out efficiently—or else you'll have a handful running each council.
The "comeback" arguments are- "people must choose
wisely—a person should have a wide selection—etc."
But I disqualify these arguments for I agree with
them BUT there should be some way of eliminating
duplication of activity. After this is accomplished we
must discover a method of publicity for daily and
special events so that you CAN go to what you're interested in!
A possible solution is a CENTRAL PLANNING
BOARD whose duties would be the following:
1—Schedule Activities—a student group should take
over what is now done by the administration. Are
we or are we NOT student-governed? Besides, the
students know the relative value of the various
organizations on campus and can schedule them
more satisfactorily.
2-Supervlse a compilation of a leaflet that would
contain the actual functions of all campus groups
The handbook is merely a "glance"—Activities day
is a hodge-podge.
3-Place a blackboard or slate in a conspicuous place
hi the college. On this slate will be listed the activities for the day, the time and place of their
occurrence—in big letters (spelled B-I-GM Thus
j £ £ 5 * 2, ^udent go«i home, he can see at a glance
WHERE to go IP he wants to.
« 0 1 l h a t t h e C r e a t l ° " <"' » CENTRAL PLANNING BOARD would only be the supertlous addition of another organization give the task
"™ v A nf A t T7 e11 ' ,lK'y cmi <"•"» ^ official
seciecy oi their name unci call it a Judiciary
a S y 7 w h aAI a b olr
u t vou
" ^feel " " "
v-remPriv T " ' ^
" "J
•»«'»'»»' <»>' •»""
Uu ir
ff re '"'but
' surely
P r «these
activity emedy the situation,
U PUbllclt
n n d
Your assembly Is your meeting.ground. If you want
to turn this dream-world of a confused nothingness
into semi-reality, start thinking and TALKING
and drop OPINION, PLEASE a note if you have a
vital suggestion.
3:30 P.M.—IVCP Bible Study Class, Room 150
8:00 P.M. Kappa Delta Open House, Kappa Beta
Balloon Dunce, Lounge.
8:.30 P.M. Slate vs. North Adams,'Away
H:30 P.M.
MONDAY, MARCH I!" U " C " ' ''""" H a " °' V " 1
w .s.Sv:i;iAiu!i,t
stui,i ai,i,iimw,iAz
12 Noon -SOA Chapel, Dr. Goewry to speak on "Decisions."
* • * •
State To Offer Stokes Amazes "Pinafore" -CastCommunication*. Papers Dei
Ten Fellowships With Dancing Feet, Flashing Fists
Bill To Protect
To the Editor:
To College Seniors Darkness, silence, orchestra, lights Once, of an afternoon, the bleach- One can hardly help admiring the Journalist Rights
. . . Operetta! A week from tonight ers collapsed when Sir Joseph (Harry
the Page Hall curtain will rise on M l l l s '49> w a s singing, throwing him courage of the Editor-in-Chief of
News Employees Jailed
State's production of Gilbert and into the arms of the sailor crew. At this year's Primer as he tosses the
P s y c h o l o g y l O V j l i a l i r y Sullivan's "H.M.S. Pinafore", "The another time, when two of t h e
ink pot over his left shoulder and
Refusal To Betray
L a s s T n a f c U)Ved
_ „ C - . ; J W#%_L
Sailor." For the "leads" were absent from rehearsal, coruscates wildly in a one-page preSource Of Information
Operetta Class, at last, THE night Chuck Chase, who understudies the face to the winter issue. As a stateTwo Newburgh News employees
The New York State Department will have arrived, after all the captain, was left with three parts ment of editorial policy his words
t 1 h e
of Mental Hygiene is again opening weeks of practice, drill, and rehears- Jp„
.^f a
„ !duet
hadJ ^tof ' .sing
are, of course, meaningless; as awent to jail last week rather than
a future In psychiatric social work alOn the day when the broadcast dedication they are fulsome; and as betray a confidence. They were held
in contempt of court because they
to college seniors who will receive practices, drills and rehearsals a t
their degrees late in the spring. Re- w h l c h anything could happen, and
(Continued on Page 4, Column 1) a reflection of critical insight they refused to tell a grand Jury where
they obtained "numbers" lottery ticare stodgy and affected.
peating l f s offer of last year, the did, were the order. Dr. Stokes, who
kets reproduced by their paper. As
State Department is providing ten amazed the Operetta class with his
Expresses discontent
a result newspapers throughout the
one-year fellowships for psychology dancing feet, is now famous as an
state took up the challenge and
There is small lightness in my
or sociology majors, with prefer- instructor in the sailor's horn pipe,
mood: I am disheartened and ill- clamored for legislation. to protect
ence given to students who have e ven though he says he is not a s f\ff
t. A
content with this issue of the liter- the ethical standards of newspaperaveraged "B" or better in their col- s p r y a s h e u s e d t o b e According to C jYtor*. M / \ n » V
ary digest of this college. Nor am I men.
lege work.
members of the group, Dr. Stokes is > ^ , , ^ , »
• •lWlH&JT/
even faintly amused a t the circuTwo phases, one ol advanced study more limber than the male members f+
Now before the State Legislature
and one of practical experience, o f the cast to whom he taught the Llradliat'£ ^tlJQV
lar path 30 precisely being described is a bill, proposed by Senator Desabout the Maypole; it grieves me to mond, that would exempt newspacomprise this program for social steps.
^»» •«•**!«»•»*# %**,%m>mj
descry the lack of awareness and permen from revealing their sources
work aspirants. The state finances
„ ,
„ ,
_. _ , , . _
the student at a graduate school of H e h a s also been called upon to The School of Econom cs and deering-do of my generation. If we of information obtained confidentsocial work for the summer term demonstrate the proper attitude for Business of the State College of are to have a literary digest, then ially. Consensus of opinion seems
Then active work experience is given p r i z e flehting, and the lost, gentle Washington is offering Graduate let this fact be known. Certainly to favor passage of. the bill as ; evithrough placement on the social a r t of handkerchief waving. One fellowships for the academic year there is room for more than the O. denced by a feature article in last
work staff of a state hospital for complaint that he registered was 1948-49 according to a communique Henry short story, the clever vig- Wednesday's edition of the Knickerthe mentally ill, or a state school that girls these days just don't seem from Maurice W. Lee Dean of the nette, the plot outline, the soulful bocker News I n that issue five
ven have
be availfor the
There e ?
carry ™Kleenex
« ? * *to
. wave
They didn't 8
h o o i of
d : •fellowships
— . will
A —
m e yearnings cascading with sensuous prominent Albanians expressed their
will defective.
carry a ' limited
con- word nuances, the too-cute doggerel. belief in the principle of the Descase load under class supervision,
tinuing their graduate work in the Is there a light essay, a serious mond bill while a sixth had reserthus acquiring valuable In-service
.fields embraced by the School of commentary on some current of lit- vations relating to irresponsible pretraining under well-qualified and
sentation of the news.
Economics and Business.
experienced supervisors.
erary thought, a provocative charDr. Theodore G. Standing, ProFellowships
Pour hundred and fifty dollars,
acter sketch', a dramatic poem, or
being offered in Economics, Busi- a one-act play in this issue of the fessor of Sociology, State College
out of which tuition is paid, is alness Administration, Accounting and Primer? Is there so much as a sug- for Teachers, was quoted as saying
located for the summer term and
Geography and are open to qualified gestion of an original form of ex- he was heartily in favor of the gen$150 per month is paid during the
graduate students. They require ap- pression in the digest? No publica- eral objective of the Desmond-Mailyear of service in one of the state
ler bill and "that denial of this
proximately half-time service in
institutions. At the end of the year
tion worth its salt will purposely right would tend to discourage the
teaching or research.
of placement, the student will qualsit by and cull only what it can independent acquisition and dissemify for the position of psychiatric Classes in journalism, which will
Application blanks may be obget from contributors. And no insocial" worker at a" salary of $2,450 b e conducted by the Editor and As- taine'd from the Dean of the Gradu telligent public will subscribe to aination of information so essential
per year. With this position the de- °ciate Editors of the State College a t e S c h 0 ol and should be filed be- hodgepodge which smacks of self- to a free press and an informed
partment continues to offer liberal NEWS, will be offered at State af- f o r e March 15, 1948. Most appolnt- pity and editorial bewilderment: the public opinion."
Proponents of the bill contend
tralning leaves with partial pay so ' e r E n s t e r vacation.
ments will be made as soon after result being a patchwork quilt which
that to inssue a free press newsthat complete professional trainstate College is one of the few April 1. 1948, as possible. Applica- pleases only those who have sup- papermen
must have the right to
ing can bo obtained within the Ave colleges which does not offer a tions received a t a later date can plied tne rjatches.
present information gained from
years required for a master's degree course in newspaper work. The need
considered only for positions then
confidential sources without betrayin social work.
for such a course has been felt by available.
ing that confidence^—the same right
Says depreciation not enough
Students who are Interested are members of the News staff and the
I say it is not enough to depre- now possessed by lawyers, physicians
asked to spnd applications to Miss student body for several years. This
ciate our own values by crying help- and ministers. However, confronting
Hester B. Crutcher, Director of So- will mark the first time such a Greeks To Sponsor
lessly in the wind that we are young, the legislature is the question,
cial WorK, Department of Mental course has been offered here.
"where to draw the line?" Critics
Weekend Gatherings and 'tis the folly of youth to flex of
Hygiene, Unvernor Alfred E. Smith
_, ,
,„ ,
,. . ,
the measure believe there is a
The classes will be attended volState Office Building, Albany, New
This week-end, State will be the us have the honesty to admit our wide gap between the doctor-pauntarily, and will not carry credit.
tient confidence and the newspaperThe material presented will be based scene of two sorority parties and vanities and have done with the public confidence.
upon actual experience on the one fraternity party. Kappa Beta
NEWS, and will include fundament- is having a Balloon Dance while feathers, the foolish gambol which
al principles of makeup, headlines, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Kappa Delta leads to Nowhere. Let us pause and Alumni Honor Former Dean
our stock. I for one feel
The Trl-City Branch of the Alumand copy.
are holding a date party and open inventory
that such a student enterprise as a ni Association will hold Its spring
The purpose of the classes is to house, respectively,
literary digest should have a more meeting May 15 In Blnghamton,
offer practical material in newspaKappa Beta will act a,s host at a
Donations made in last week's as- per work, particularly to Seniors balloon dance tonight in the Lounge useful end than that of pleasing the New York. The meeting is designed
vanity of those student bluestock- to honor ex-Dean of Women a t
sembly for records for the Albany w h o m a y be expected to teach jour- from 8 to 12 p.m., according to anings who write to please only them- State College Anna E. Pierce, guest
Home for Children amounted to nalism or manage a paper in the announcement made by Marvin selves. Why, one would do better to of honor and principal speaker.
$62.50, while $12.50 was collected a t h i Sh school in which they teach. Wayne '49, President. The general purchase a hundred self-portraits
Miss Pierce retired in 1933 and
the girls' basketball game Tuesday Classes will probably be held once a chairman of the dance is Abraham and pass them out among one's now resides at Syddum Hall.
afternoon when Long Island played
Trop '49, and Stanley Abrams '48, friends simply shouting: "Look, it's
Mary E. Pipkin 16, Principal of
Is in charge of decorations.
Upstate New York. SMILES also has
central school at Union, New
made tentative plans to sponsor a t Last Cub Class For Tryouts
Kappa Delta Sorority is holding
Arthur Albert Newgardcn '51 York, is President of the Branch.
,„,,„ -,, , „ ,,
»,„„-„ ... , , . an open
house for the men of State
cost a record of the State College
The State College NEWS will hold f r o m 8 t o 1 2
t o n l ht>
Alma Mater rendered by choral
groups, possibly the Men's Chorus a cub class Tuesday noon in Room C h l l d . 5 0 i s c h a l r m a n o f t h e p a r f c y .
A l p h a Ensilon Phi has scheduled
and one of the women's voice clas- 206 for all those freshmen who are
trying out for the staff. This meet- a date party tomorrow night at the
Thirty records were purchased in B will oe one of the last before sorority house after the basketball
with the funds, these include "Four Moving-Un Day when freshmen re- game, according to Bernice Shapiro
leaf Clover", "Ballerina", "Beg Your porters will be chosen from the try- '48, President. Renee Harris '50, is
chairman of this party.
Pardon", "Now Is The Hour", "Gold- outs.
en Earrings", "How Soon" and other popular numbers.
SMILES wishes to express a word
of gratitude to the student body, acSTATIONERY
cording to Charles Miller '49, President of the organization.
In Sociology,
I !
T r\~ \'t
Western College
News Editors
Offer bourses
In Journalism
Purchase Records
For A l bany Home
r i Oamma
Visit To Legislature
Pi Gamma Mu will visit the New
York State Legislature Monday
night, March 11, according to a n
announcement made by Marvin
Wayne, President.
The members of Pi Gamma Mu
have invited Slate College students
to go down with them. All those
who plan to attend are requested
to meet at 7:30 P. M. on Monday
evening in the Capitol and sit together In one see I ion of seats that
will be reserved.
A discussion of the meeting will
take place in the Boulevard Cafeteria if time permits.
H. F. Honikel & Son
PHONE 5-1013
Established 1005
Phone 4-2030
157 Central Ave.
• «•!••• •
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
"Sorry, Mrs. Higgenbothnm, no exceptions, You'll have to pay
your package of Duntyne Chewing Gum or you don't get in!"
"Sure, Dentyne Chewing Cum ii keun-taaling!
Sure, it'll help keep your teeth white I So what?
Who'« gonna stop you from getting younalf
another pack of Dpntyne-alter you've seen my
•well ihow?"
Dentyne Gum —Made Only By Adamt
• T A T 1 C O L L I OK MEWS, FRIDAY. MARCH 8 , 1 0 4 8
PAOl 4
Dancing Stokes,
Laughs, Enliven
Operetta Drills
Slate Fa/r JrcSinsfprms College
Info Carnival Wonderland
Leap Year - 1948
s mi* v
r -* t '
"Cocky" Donnelly a n n o u n c e d t h e
K D R ' s Minstrel S h o w opened t h e
a n n u a l S t a t e F a i r w i t h a bang, a s winners a n d a w a r d s .
J a m e s Brophy '49, h a s a n n o u n c e d
Myskania set t h e mood shouting
" P e a n u t s . . . n u t s t o you I I I" t h a t t h e n e t proceeds of $245.52
F r o m "here i n " a n d from P a g e to t h e will go t o w a r d t h e B i g - F o u r fund.
Commons, S t a t e was a v i r t u a l W o n derland last S a t u r d a y n i g h t . . . a
hojse-races a n d side-shows.
("Continued from Pages,
records were m a d e , t h e excited c h o r u s forgot t o sing o h cue, a n d t h e
2 * t 4 •
record h a d t o b e m a d e over. M a d
doings a t " l e a d " rehearsals, between
cokes, included a h o r n p i p e danced
by Campbell, Chase, Mills a n d Olsen
Husted was lucky e n o u g h to
which was described a s all their
house the most, successful of all
own. Also a d libbs, forgotten lines,
shpws . . . Potter's "Secret Life
a n d p r o m p t i n g o n all sides varied
of Edgar Allen Smoe." T h e P o t t e r
t h e script a t m o r e t h a n one m e e t m e n stopped a t n o t h i n g ; if i n
ing. T h e two girls w h o sing " B u t doubt consult "Legs" Biviano or
T h e Upper Hudson S p a n i s h Astercup", ( F r a n k s a n d Hoffman)
"Ashes" about t h e i r p a r t s . O n e
sociation Conference w a s held S a t soon grew wary of being p u s h e d by
group was responsible for $37.51.
u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 28, a t Russell Sage
t h e c a p t a i n i n t o t h e a r m s of Dick
Psi G a m m a also k e p t its horses College in Troy. Professor J. W e s Deadeye. W h y ? Because they didn't
in' Husted . . . see, t h a t w a s n ' t ley Childers, H e a d of t h e S p a n i s h
always s e t c a u g h t . Mr. Petersen,
h u m a n h a i r of S t a t e ' s losers; it D e p a r t m e n t ; Miss Dolores DiRubbo
directing t h e lead singers, filled i n
was straw.
a n d Miss Mildred Kirshenbloom,
all missing p a r t s from soprano t o
bass. And, w h e n t h e Marines, (laAfter taking in ICB's "A Night I n s t r u c t o r s in S p a n i s h , a t t e n d e d t h e
with a P a r a s i t e " a n d p u r c h a s i n g conference.
dles of t h e c h o r u s ) , r u s h e d a t Clara G a m m a K a p p a girl for youi
ence Olsen to seize h i m according to
Election of officers for t h e com0opyrl S btl»46by E snul 1 e,.n,,9t 9 N.Mlch. g a„Avc„u,Ch ! ca 8 oU.IU.
very own, t h e n e x t stop would be ing year was held a n d t h r e e of t h e
t h e script a n d all precedents, h i s
in t h e "AE Folies" in t h e P . O. H e r e four major offices were filled by
defense was, " C a n ' t I seize t h e m
"/!'* equipped tvith radar to spot wolves
you could see " t h e old look, t h e m e m b e r s of t h e S t a t e College a n d
new look, a n d w h a t is to b e " b e - Albany High faculty. Mr. W a y n e
From those hectic rehearsals, r e sides being e n t e r t a i n e d by "bird- Heller of Albany High was elected
peated scenes a n d long practices,
in-the-gilded-cage" Dell. T h e girls to the office of President, Dr.
will emerge F r i d a y n i g h t ' s performearned second p l a c e
financially-, Childers a n d Miss R u t h Wasler
ence. If t h e r e h e a r s a l notes a r e any Nielsen Sets Deadline
profiting by $29.40.
were reelected to t h e offices of
indication, t h e show c a n ' t h e l p i t Vice P r e s i d e n t a n d T r e a s u r e r , r e s self . . . it will certainly go over For Primer Material
W h a t is a F a i r without a n air- pectively.
with a bang, which We hope is n o t
C. Rogers Nielsen '48, Editor of
Miss R o b e r t a V a n Auken spoke
t h e bang of collapsing sets or singimprovised here, t h u s winning t h e
on t h e work the Society of Friends
Primer, h a s announced t h a t t h e
prize f o r . the most originality a n d
is doing in Mexico a n d Dr. Childeadline for submitting literary m a providing e n t e r t a i n m e n t for all p a r - ders discussed the college year in
S t a t e College students interested ticipants.
terial for t h e Spring issue of P r i Mexico. Mr. R a y E. Mosher lecmer will be March 19. H e also s t a - in Advanced D r a m a t i c s for t h e
KD's Cafe was a good place to r e - tured on the position of S p a n i s h
coming school year should c o n t a c t
ted t h a t not enough entries have
lax for a refreshing pause a n d a n in the high school curriculem. In
Miss Agnes F u t t e r e r , Assistant P r o been received in the cover design fessor of English, a s soon as possible ideal spot to overlook t h e activities his talk h e m e n t i o n e d t h a t the bills
in the Commons. P r o m this posi- in t h e legislature to m a k e Spanish
The Inter-Collegiate Press Asso- contest. Primer is offering a $10
Those students desirous of signing tion it was possible to observe your compulsory were defeated. T h e a c ciation Conference, a t which t h e prlae for t h e best cover design s u b - up for Elementary Dramatics should
buddies eagerly playing Bingo at tion taken by t h e legislature was
eleven S t a t e Teachers Colleges will m i t t e d for t h e Spring issue. T h e leave their applications on Miss
St. Mary's booth, pitching pennies approved by the Association since
be represented, is to be held a t Al- deadline for cover designs is also F u t t e r e r ' s desk in Room 30, R i c h With the Pierce girls, throwing spon- they believe t h a t S p a n i s h should
bany, April 9 a n d 10.
a r d s o n Hall. T h e applications should ges at their favorite SLS m e n or not be any m o r e compulsory t h a n
M a r c h 19.
T h e a n n u a l Sophomore Rivalry
include t h e student's n a m e , year, dancing In the P h i Delta "Taxi any other l a n g u a g e .
Big-4 will be presented in Page Hall
According t o Nielsen, Pitfmers major a n d minor field of study, Square."
Dr. Amor of Cuba, concluded the
Saturday, April 10.
will be available today in t h e Com- n a m e of student's instructor in E n Sayles' fiinale concluded this gala conference by reading L a t i n AmeriSpring vacation begins W e d n e s - mons to those who h a v e n o t yet glish 1-b a n d if known, t h e final
can poetry to musical cadence.
affair with a musical melody and
day, M a r c h 24 r a t 5:30 p.m. Classes
mark in t h a t subject.
received theirs.
will be resumed April 5.
Spanish Faculty
Attends Meeting
At Russell Sage
Futterer Asks
Students To Join
Drama Classes
Focus on Future
State Defeats Fitchburg;
Season To End Tomorrow
And here's another great record—
/ ( / ^ r e f ^ a e W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ k/w&/
Potter Cops Title
In I M Basketball
By Routing VDZ
L a s t Tesday p. m. t h e few
brave souls who d a r e d v e n t u r e
down to t h e gym witnessed
T h e Varsity r i n g s down t h e curone of the most fabulous, most
tain on their '47-'48 c a m p a i g n with
most . ,. . g a m e s
their final two g a m e s this weekNorth Adams, Utica
~ ' ~ ~~"~~ stupendous,
With t h e regular i n t r a m u r a l b a s ever to t a k e " place: i n .those
end To date t h e S t a t e s m e n have
ketball season over, P o t t e r h a s once
"hollowed" h a l l s !
, ; ,,
Are Final Opponents Kegl&rS
copped five of t h e i r t h i r t e e n conagain come out On top. Finishing
Long Island, h a n d i c a p p e d by
tests. Not a n enviable record t o be
S t a t e snapped a seven-game los
u p a n undefeated season w i t h six
knee . s o c k s
sure, but certainly a f a r cry from ing streak Tuesday night a t P a g e
wins a n d no losses P o t t e r also
overcame the, s t a l w a r t " u p our mediocre :46-*47 season.
Hall. T h e h o m e team, leading all
swept post-league play.
s t a t e r s " in the f r a c a s , by o n e
Starting off w i t h wins over No. the way, downed
point, it was a " t i g h t " game.
In t h e championship g a m e last
Adams State, P l a t t s b u r g a n d M i d - ~
( F "itchburg) 70-56
(In t h e vernacular "tight m e a n s
Monday Potter, "A" league winner
dlebury, t h e P u r p l e a n d Gold h i t the
V a r s l t v nlavs M a s rough and close.)
torpedoed V a n Derze, t h e " B "
skids a n d dropped seven in a. row. T o n i g h t t h e y a i s l t y plays M a s T h o u g h bowing to R P I WednesS p a r k plugged by " d r o p - t o league leader by the score of 63-19.
W h a t threw t h i s w i n n i n g combina- sachusetts S t a t e ^ North Adams) a t
tion into a terrific s l u m p all of a « o r m n u u m s . oww:.i ( ucicnrcu U K day, State's Varsity Bowling t e a m
your - knees - a n d - fake - a-foul"
Marty Bortnlck paced his t e a m with
Son into a terrific s l u m p all of a Ba
North Adams. State.r.defeated t h e
sudden is t h e $64 question. Tougher
.V S t a t e r s 68-40, a t Page Hall last retained thnir league lead by a one
Freel, the "clam diggers," so
19 points; however, R u b a c k a n d
n a m e d because of the s h a p e of
F o r the December. S a t u r d a y the S t a t e s m e n game margin over Siena. T h e E n Miller were, close b e h i n d w i t h 17
knees a n d feet, fought fiercely
schedule' was geared t o ease t h e Ca- Play their last game of t h e season, gineers won 2-1. S i e n a swept its
a n d 16 points respectively. T h e
to collect the bets t h e y h a d
men of Van Derzee h a d n e i t h e r
gers into their h a r d e r games, a s all ft will be a h o m e game with Utica m a t c h with Law, winning 3-0, while
placed on, the game with V.
the h e i g h t nor the speed t o m a k e
schedules should be. B u t whatever supplying t h e opposition. Utica was ABC was nosing out P h a r m a c y 2-1.
Pane;" a m a t e u r bookie e x t r a o r t h e score closer.
the cause, t h e H a m i l t o n game m a r k - victorious, 92-73, in t h e first meeting Next week's S i e n a - R P I fray should
ed t h e beginning of t h e slump.
these hvo t e a m s this yearj§§ '
decide who S t a t e will have to vie 1 d i n a i r e . ,
This coming Monday n i g h t t h e
T h e game opened with t h e
basketball t o u r n a m e n t s will s t a r t ,
Sy Fersh, Tom O'Brien' a n d J i m w l t h f o r l i v s t P l a c e honors.
Apple knackers dropping in t h e
with t h e " B " tourney. O n t h a t
First of all, J i m Coles missed the Coles took scoring honors" with' 18, T h e R P I Keglers lead off by t a k first field goal. T h e lead p a s s n i g h t t h e Pills play t h e Shamrocks,
bus for Clinton a n d t h r e e regulars 13 a n d 11 points respectively. Mil- ing the first game from t h e S t a t e s ed from side to side a n d Cookt h e Beavers play t h e Ramblers,
got the "rider's C r a m p ' s " a n d were lane paced F i t c h b u r g with 10 field men 865-851. Joe Carosella a n d
Ingham upstate, m a t c h e d Koch,
and t h e Carpetbaggers play Van
unable to play m u c h a t all. The goals a n d ten free throws for a total Jones of H P I rolled 202 a n d 204, r e L. I., point for point in t h e
Derzee Hall.
squad got off t h e bus and went of 30 points.
spectlvely. Again in the middle game
session throwing in a
T h u r s d a y night t h e "A" league
right into t h e g a m e w i t h practically T a k e Early Lead
T r o j a n s came through on t h e
foul shot for good luck but
e n d of a
goes Into action with K. D. R. f a no w a r m - u p .
S t a t e took a 15-7 lead a t t h e e n d
» 3-814 score.
it wasn't enough, to take t h e
cing t h e Finks; the Angels vs. S.
lead and the tilt ended 11-10
All this edded u p to a hectic show- of the first quarter, a n d increased Finale to Varsity
L S.; a n d Potter Varsity against
in favor of Islanders.
ing a n d a forty point loss to H a m - it to 31-22 a t half time. T h e Varsity
Rolling their best game of t h e
the Potter Gents.
T h e "gate" which
ilton And t h e losing streak followed, upped it's lead to 54-37 in the t h i r d m a t c h , the State Bowlers took t h e
Following a r e the end of t h e sea$12.55 goes to Smile. A spokesOur point is t h a t it takes only one period to put t h e game on ice. T h e final 870-837. F r a n Mullin's 216 i n
son s t a n d i n g s :
man for Smiles lias- expressed
s e r i e s ' o f b u m breaks to throw a game was slowed down by a foul-line the second game was high single of
the m a t c h find gave State's anchor
the gratitude of the organizawinning combo it) to the doldrums p a r a d e , t h r e e players from each m a n the high triple of 585.
"A" League
tion».to the m e m b e r s - of t h e
of a n extended s t r i n g of losses.
6 0
3 Tl.
teams who gave t h e i r all w i t h STATE
5 •1
169 178 517
out thought of safety a n d to
Last S a t u r d a y the Purple a n d
K. B
3 3
Whatever t h e bugaboo was, the
136 153 491
the squad supporters.
202 135 167 425
K. D. R
3 3
Varsity snook it Tuesday in the Gold traveled to Onconta a n d bowed Carosella
T» h e I n d i a n s Parley
1 1 1 " V VI IV I t ,
• w ~w.
3 3
Fltchburgh tilt.
T h e S t a t e s m e n to
175 158 184 517
525; Sayles 599-592; Psi G a m 644- Angels
1 5
clicked for their long-sought after, took t h e UvTd early in the game a n d Bortnlck
181 216 188 585
611; Pierce 619-532.
0 6
„>.<;, did
".v. held a 37-30 lead a t half time. F e r s h Mullin
S L. S.
slump-breaking win. And they
T h e results of t h e W r e n - S o u t h
it handily, winning 70-56. Tonight dunked in 18 points to lead S t a l e ' s
851 814 870 2535
" B " League
and tomoirow.
3 T l . m a t c h were unavailable d u e to t h e •Van Derzee
Will'*l i u w , tuhi ie, Cagers
w i i f c , * - i . .will
. . . . . be
« - scoring- while Hiffa and VerCrouse R
5 0
fact t h a t the teams failed to r e 493
out to make it t h r e e s t r a i g h t before were big guns for Hartwick.
5 1
closing shop. And N o r t h Adams and Jayvecs Lose
5 1
164 173 178 515
Utica better be a t their best. For
After leading all the way, t h e Dojka
2 4
162 211 170 543
the Statesmen have found t h e m - JayVees Inst a tough one-point de
2 4
cision to the A.B.C. Varsity in t h e £ J?
W h e n the results oJ t h e play- Shamrocks
178 189 178 545
2 4
prelim. O n t h e
off marches are known some t e a m s Sceeps
0 6
865 863 837 2565 will be eliminated and play can go
Jim Coles winning big h a n d from same night t h e J u n i o r JayVees t a s t * Won championship in a playoff.
into its final round next week.
Hartwick crowd ior fancy ball n a n - ed defeat <\f t h e h a n d s of the A.B.C. 1 0 l a l s
League S t a n d i n g s :
dling . .
S t a t e supporters led by JayVees. S t a t e ' s Frosh led 13-7 a t
Louise Dodge . . . Hartwick ace 6'2" the e n d of the first stanza a n d 22- S i e n a
Zelie surprised to find K e n George 15 at half-time. With two m i n u t e s R P I
outjumping him . . . S t a t e s m e n play- remaining t h e Statesmen led 43-40. P h a r m a c y
ing steadiest ball of campaign . . . A.B.C. tied the score in the last m i n - ABC
ADD F I T C H B U R G F A C T S : . . . ute a n d took t h e game on Owen's
Sy F e r s h connecting with l e f t - h a n d - free throw. Fallcck scored 14 points Law
era . . . whistle toters foul conscious and Baker sank 11 to lead the J a y and leaning on h o r n s all evening. . . Vees. Goodwin scored fifteen for
"Iron M a n " J i m Worden perform- A ? 9 , '
. ,,
ing in both contests . . . little J i m
Following is the box score lor t h e
Coles playing boards like six-footer S t a t e - F i t c h b u r g g a m e :
. . . Walt Fchick . . . no. 14 . . . of
STATE 1701
Bayshore a n d E, T. O. . . . of a d - George
, 3
-pile u a s i . week's bowling saw no
hesive tape fame . . . a full four Mar/.ello
3 eliminated learns as Psi G a m a n d
quarter performer . . . aggressive . . . Schick ....
1 7
pierce, G a m m a K a p a n d Sayles
team m a n first a n d last . . . play- C a r t e r
. 1 0
2 w r e n and S o u t h Halls, all split
ing last game in S t a t e livery tomor- Fersh
18 two game m a t c h e s :
one apiece,
row night.
2 T h e third game play-offs of these
1 matches were all rolled yesterday
• 4' 5
13 afternoon but a t the time of this
• 2 3
7 wrltting no scores were available.
Girls Basketball Near Coles
• 4
i n the Psi G a m m a - P i e r c e Hall
— — — lilt, Regan was high for Psi G a m
Finale O f 2nd Round Total
16^ 70 In the first, game with 152. Aldous
paced the second game for Pierce
Tuesday, M a r c h 0, the WAA basFITCHBURG ;
with a 158, Aldous' 290 was high
ketball t o u r n a m e n t will finish Its Sarodmenskl
double for the match with Regan
second round of playoffs with four Rego
7 and Bissonott both rolling 259.
games be 1 ween the group houses. Degulis
In I lu- G a m m a Itiip-Sayles Hull
Basketball games commencing at H a r r i n g t o n
gatiu- Adolphson's 165 led the P a r 1(1
7:30 p.m., Pierce Hall will meet the Milium30 tHdgc Street aggregation ami she
Commuters. Sayles will match Beta White
0 also hit high double 287. For Giunl)
Zola at 8:00; at 8:30 North tries Theodores
inn K a p Peris was high in I he first
K a p p a Delta, a n d Gaiumn Kappa Erlckson
4 name with a 143 while she also rolPhi faces Phi Delta a t I), Any nec- Miller
2 | 0 ( | a 265 for G a m m a Kap's high
essitated nlayolfs will be played
0 double.
Kchul/iWednesday night at 7:30.
T h e final scores for these two
14 56 matches wen- G a m m a K a p 5)11February 28, K D bowed to Phi 'l'olal
Delta and North was defeated by
G u m m a K a p . T h e scores were:
_By JACK B R O P H Y -
To Engineers 2-7;
Remain In Lead
W A A Bowlers
Will Roll Finals
ITHIN the past few months, Larry Green has
climbed right up with the top bands of the land!
If you ask Larry how he did it, he'll light up a Camel
and say: "Experience is the best teacher in the band
business — and in cigarettes. I know from experience that
sweet music suits my band, just as I learned from experience that Camels suit my T-Zone' to a T ! "
Try Camels! Discover for yourself why, with smokers
who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice
of experience"
'The Gamols Ended But
The Memory Lingers On ..."
Phi D e l t a - K a p p a Delta
Gamma Kappa-North
. 32-4
T h e .tames altered the league
standings, placing the teams in the
following positions:
Ten in
Phi Delta
Gamma Kappa
Metn Zclil
Kappa Delia
Next S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g the third
round .if pliiyoll's begins. In this
round, the four tup teams of the
league will contest each other lor
further elimination from the tournament, After the t h i r d round, u n scheduled gamuts will be played.
MT7«-3 \Jjl-fj
DIAL- -1125
iU-" ttoprosentutivea
——Hpocinl Attontion
to Snroi'it io.s and
0 l°4fl, Tho Cacti-Cola Company
. ; ;
' i
PAOl •
IGC Delegates
Hold Uiscussion
A t Saint Rose
Upon invitation from the Sociology Club of the College of Saint
Rose, a group of inter-Oroup Council members went t o the college
Wednesday night to discuss intergroup relations. John Jennings '49,
acted as general chairman for the
State College group. About thirty
people attended the discussion.
Give Social Distance Test
Barbara Smith, President of the
Sociology Club, called the meeting
to order, after which Peter and
June Youmans '50, gave both the
State College group a n d the Saint
Rose group a Social Distance test.
This test is similar to the one which
was given to the sociology classes
here at State- last year. The results
were compared to last year's test
results and they were found to be
both favorable and similar. The
group broke up into a panel discussion, the title of which was
"Spheres of Activity in Modern
Group Relations." Joy Simon '49,
was the first speaker of the evening.
Her topic was "Personal Responsibility" through which she pointed
out that until you understand yourself you cannot objectively or skillfully understand inter-group problems. Molly Mulligan '50, was the
next speaker, addressing the students on racial problems in employment. Pat Devlin '49, then spoke
on inter-group problems in education and discussed strategies used
to cope with them. She also discussed the Quota System and practices applicable to classroom usage.
Concluding the program John Jennings discussed the Ives—Quinn
Bill, concerning discrimination in
To Present Panel Discussion
As a result of Wednesday's discussion, it was decided that two
Saint Rose delegates would go to
the Troy Y. M. C. A. next Wednesday with a group of Inter-Group
Uouncil members to take part in a
panel discussion with high school
students. They will use the direct
prowss method which presents a
problem in a semi-dramatic form
and. allows for a stop at the climatic point in action to ask individuals their reactions.
Begin Work On Seminar
A group of Saint Rose students
will work on a seminar and Community Project headed by Bob
Hardt '48, and Molly Mulligan '50.
The seminar will include a study of
the problems of the Clinton Square
section. Members working on this
project will go down for personal
interviews and come back to discuss their findings, working into
the Community Service Program.
Snowballs, Miftons Return
To Campus At Spring Exits
"If winter cometh, can spring be far behind?" seemed a
little far fetched this week.
Those students who were developing a good case of spring
fervor saw their shadows and
went back In the moulding for
a few more months. The fresh
green shoots of young grass
that were rearing their beautiful heads, quickly disappeared
under a blanket of that very
common white stuff. Boots,
mufflers, mittens, anti-freeze,
red flannels . . . which had
not seen use for at least three
days, were dragged out respectively.
Chaplain To Address
State Students Today
(Continued from Page 1, Column H>
zation is to establish and maintain
a closer relationship among Teachers' Colleges and to promote the
general advancement of the profession in New York State
Alice Williams '48, President of
the entire Inter-Collegiate Association of New York State, will act
as Vice-President and Director of
the conference, and also as auxiliary delegate. Final lists of topics
have been sent to attending colleges; graphic charts of State's
student government are being worked on by Miss Williams and Heinz
Engel '50, and a committee is also
working on housing.
Milton G. Nelson, Dean and acting President, will speak a t the conference, although the key speaker
has not been decided upon.
Announcements will be made in
assembly by Charles Miller '49, for
Smiles; Abraham Trop '50, on t h e
paralysis program; John Jennings
'48, for Inter-group Council, and
Joseph Zanchilli '49, on Varsity
THE C O L L I * ! J B W I L I I I
' 0 3 C E N T R A L AVE
To Hear Addresses
By Donnelly/ Langsley
I've tried them ^ B
all and I like
Chesterfield the best1'1
.. -••?• ;•'; • f l
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by nopolntment
<'" A
Where all the Students Meet
I smoke Chesterfieia
TBS MajdbmAvte- ABMSSK kVt
' ' • ' • : • : • : •
Liggett & Myers buy as fine tobacco as
there is grown. They buy only mild, sweet
cigarette tobacco.
I smoke only Chesterfield cigarettes and
I have smoked them right from the start."
Luncheon Served Daily
Student Medical Expense
111 l((il \I!V
Assembly today will feature a
panel discussion on "What the Employer Looks For in the Beginning
Teacher." Also, voting for Treasurer of the Sophomore Class, and for
representatives to the Inter-Collegiate Conference will be held.
Music Council
Will Sponsor
Nautical Operetta
Snow, Olsen, Mills
To Play Male Leads
"H.M.S. • Pinafore" will be presented lti Page, Hall tonight and t o The spring conference of the Eastmorrow night at 8:30 p.m. by Music
ern States Association of ProfesCouncil, - under the direction of Dr.
sional Schools for Teachers will be
Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Muheld at the Commodore Hotel in
sic, and Karl A.B. Peterson, InstrucNew York City, Thursday, Friday
tor of Music. Leading roles will be
and Saturday, March 18, 19 and 20. To Conduct Panel
played by Jean Snow, Earle Snow
Milton G. Nelson, Dean and Acting
The Panel discussion will be enand Clarence Olsen, Graduates; and
President: Dr. Edward L. Cooper, tered by scnoolman of the Albany
Harold Mills '49. Lucille St. Priest
Professor of Commerce; Dr. Ralph area, and conducted by students of
'48 will accompany both performKenny, Assistant Professor of Guild- State. The program is a professional
ance; Alice P. Walsh '48; and Cath- service offered jointly for prospec"Pinafore" or "The Lass That
erine Donnelly, Donald Langsley tive teachers by Kappa Phi Kappa
Loved A Sailor" is a Gilbert and
and John Jennings, Juniors, will and the Teacher 'Placement Bureau
Sullivan operetta whose scene is the
represent State College at this con- Committee of the college.
quarterdeck of the H.M.S. Pinafore,
anchored off Portsmouth, England.
Thomas Lisker '49, will introduce
Act I takes place at noon and Act
Registration will be Thursday, the panel, and Stanley Abrams '48,
at night. Cast is as follows: HarMarch 18 from 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., will act as moderator. Schoolmen
Mills '49—Sir Joseph Porter
after which the whole conference of the area invited to act as panel
(First Lord of the Admiralty); Earle
will go on a special inspection of members are: Mr. Howard Goff,
Snow, Graduate—Captain Corcoran
the actual procedures of the Unit- Principle, East Greenbush; Mr.
(Commander of H.M.S. Pinafore);
ed Nations at Lake Success.
John Diesseroth, Principle, RavenaClarence Olsen, Graduate— Ralph
The core of the conference will Coeymans; Mr. Ralph Westervelt,
Rackstraw (Able Seaman); Charles
be the student panel built this year Principle, Altamont; Mr. Charles
Chase, Graduate — Dick Deadeye
around the general theme, "Free- Connolly, Superintendent of Schools
(Able Seaman); Stuart Campbell '48
dom Through Education" Miss Don- ° y ; " d Mr. Harold French, Su—Bill Bobstay (Boatswain's Mate);
nelly, representative from New York perintendent of Schools, LoudonCharles Miller '49—Bob Becket (CarA diversified election schedule has Frotests from several sources penter's Mate); Jean Snow, GradState, will speak on "Promoting So- ville.
cial Freedom Through Education". Questions will include such items necessitated an organized plan for have been raised against the Fein- uate — Josephine (The Captain's
Langsley, delegate-at-large
from as: "What is the biggest single fac- voting in today's assembly. A ruling berg-Steingut bill establishing a Daughter); Justine Maloney '48 —
New York State, will speak on "Pro- tor in a teacher's success?;" "Do in regard to practice teachers using $200 million state university system cousin'Sebe"(Slr^ose^smrstCou
by the
the Senate
Wednesday s m ) . Jega H o f l m n n " a n d M a r g a r e t
moting Student-Faculty Relations". high school principles show partial- the
the auditorium
auditorium during
durlne assembly
ajuwrnblv was
was passed
nassed bv
These panels will continue through ity?;" "What points have or have also effected at the last meeting of with only one dissenting vote and Franks; Juniors — Little Buttercup
with expectation of Assembly ap- (A Portsmouth Bumboat Woman);
Friday and will be summarized Sat- not helped get a job for a person?;" Campus Commission
urday morning in a plenary session. "Would you hire a good inexperiIn order to expedite the election proval Thursday. The Senate also and Bernadine Snyder '49—Middy.
enced teacher in preference to a procedure, Helen Kisiel '48, Grand passed by the same vote two relat- Committees for the production
Discuss Campus Problems
mediocre experienced teacher?;" Marshall, has announced that the ed measures. One outlaws racial
Student assistants, Barbara
Luncheons have been planned at "Would you discourage teachers desk for Sophomore Treasurer bal- and religious discrimination in ad- are:
Dunker and Stuart Campbell, Senwhich campus problems will be dis- from joining unions?"
lots will be in the front right corner
iors; sets and lights, Frances Child
cussed. Two leaders in the field of
of the auditorium Sophomore wom- the other permits establishment of and Grace Jones, Seniors, and Oathteacher education will be speakers The program will conclude with en should move to the left and the two-year community colleges.
rine Donnelly '49; make-up, John
at the luncheons. Dr. Florence an open-question period for the au- Sophomore men to the right when
them Lubey and B. J. Schoonmaker, SenStratemeyer, of Teachers College, dience.
proceeding to the front and after selves opposed to tills bill include iors; and properties, Anne Donovan
Columbia University, will address
voting they should move to the rear the New York State Board of Re- and Virginia Gminski, Seniors.
the Friday luncheon, and Dr. Ethel Will Elect Treasurer
by the far right aisle. Seniors and gents, the Association of Colleges Audrey Koch '50, will act as conAlpenfels will conclude the conferElection for Treasurer of the Juniors should move to The "left and and Universities of the State of
certmaster of the orchestra. Acence with her address at the Satur- Sophomore Class will take place at proceed to the rear- in their respea New York, the Catholic
Welfare knowledgments for scenery go to
day luncheon on "Freedoms Yet To the end of Assembly. Nominees for tive aisles. Juniors in the balcony
and an Albany Lawyer who Amelia Grain
Incorporated, PhilaWin".
the position left vacant by Rhoda should descend the left stairway League
for. 19 years served as state com- delphia, Pennsylvania; for costumes
Riber when she was elected Secre- nnd freshmen should use the right. missioner
of education.
to Hooker Howe Company, Havertary of Students Association, are The ballot tables for the Conference Hoard Of Regents Protests
fContinued on Page 4, Column SJ
Jean Bowen, Marie DeCarlo, and Delegate election will bo situated in
The Board of Regents protested
Lyle Walsh.
the rear of the auditorium.
Monday against provisions vesting
The new ruling made by the Com- in a temporary board of trustees,
Delegates To He Chosen
Members of Student Association mission states that practice teach- to be apolnted by the Governor,
nominated as delegates to the In- ers are not allowed to pass through power to set up and administrate
ter-Collegiate Conference to be held the auditorium between the hours of the university program. The board
out that the proposal diat State on April H and 9 are: Jean 11:54 and 12:30 on Fridays, while pointed
vides authority over education in
Pulver and Jean McCabe, Juniors; going to and from Milne classes.
New York, since it turns over conAvanced Dramatics will present Barbara Smith and David Durkee,
trol of 30 state Institutions of highthe last in its series of one-act. plays Sophomores; and Gerald Dunn and
er learning to a new board of trus
Thursday night, 8:30 p. m,, in the Marvin Lansky, freshmen.
"Bonanza", this year's Sophomore
Page Kail auditorium and bring to
tees, while 07 private colleges and Big-4, will be presented hi Page
At last Friday's assembly pro- unlversities remain under the au- Hall Auditorium April 10, 1948. The
a close its presentations for the In the voting, Sophomores are
to come down their right aisle, gram $08 was collected for the New thority of the Board of Regents. play, an original production, was
1947--UI season.
lion, go up the left center aisle, York State Association for Crippled
Marie Grieco '49 will direct a vote,
Republican and Democratic lead- written, and will be directed by Robcross the front of their sec- Children Incorporated, according to
ert Freyer.
fantastic comedy. The principles vote again,
and then leave.
Abraham Trop "50.
(Oontinued on Page S, Column 3) General chairman of all commitwill bo played by Robert Hardt,
tees is Earle Jones. All music in
Beverly Coplon and Jeanne Valthe production is under the direction
achovic, Juniors, and Marie DeCarlo Shure A n ' Tis A "Harp's Riot" The Newmanites W i l l Hold,
of Audrey Koch.
Members of the cast include: ArThe plot envolves around a spir- So Dust Off Your Shillelagh, Come See Little Eireland O f A u l d
nold Rice, Anthony Prochilo, Earle
it who can be seen by only one perJones, Donald Taylor, Rhoda Riber,
son, n condition which stimulates
general chairman, the Commons be no obstacle . . . everyone is in- Robert Fasca, Joan French, Louise
comical scenes.
Shure and that spirit Is in the air will bo made to look like Little wits, and your friends too, to show Kllngman, Marie De Carlo, Anne
The second play, a sea tragedy, ugulnl I ! What spirit you ask . . . Eireland from 8:00-12:00 p. m„ a good time so just gather your Morgan, Renee Harris, Additional
will be presented by Arthur Russell please don't act so naive or St, during which time their will bo wits, and your friends too to show cast members are William Dumble'48. The story deals with an old sea Patrick will turn over in his grave much Jigging, ballad singing and Patty that State is still behind him. ton, Robert Freyer, Riohard Feathof the blarney stone, Bragcaptain who has gone crazy wait- Besides, one look at any Newman kissing
The committee heads, according ere, George Glenday, Peter Havey,
ing for tlio return of a treasure Club colleen or laddie will tell you 6* S o! relatives and arguing about to Jack Bropliy, are Donald McDon- Dave Glenday, Lorice Shain, Phyllis
who left the Emeruld Isle last will aid, '51, Arrangements; Mary Cal- Wittpetm, Audrey Koch,
what I am speaking about.
In keeping with the spirit, New- also be allowed . . . in most cases undra, '50, Refreshments; Mary In- Committee heads for the producOathrine Donnelly '49, Chair
man of the sets committee, com man is holding it's annual "Harp's encouraged.
.?' " • ^ o r a t i o n s ; Fannie Lon- felon are: Sets, Catherine Noonan:
Admission to nil this is only $.30
mended the students who gave of Riot" on March 19 tills year This
&«' .'' ', ,' b K ! i l y ' Mnr «««>t Seaman, Properties, Susan Miller; Costumes
their time and effort to construct date wus picked so that the Irisli cents per head (if you're dressed in 49, Entertainment; and Robert Urn- Gloria SottUe; Make-up, Sarah Oarthe sets essential to the success of population would have time to shine green, that is. It will be $60 holta, '51, Tickets.
uso; Arrangements, Florice Kline'
the performances. Members of the their shillelaghs and find new per couple to those in any other
Lome on now . . , remember one Publicity, Earllne Thompsou; Lights
committee are: Jeanne Vnlaohovio shamrocks to replace those stolen color und doublo to anyone enter- nnd all, "You're welcome as the Edith Kelleher.
"* '
'49, Katharine Noonan, Joan French by jealous State students on the 17. lug the school in orange)
flowers in May to the dear old Com- Tickets for the show will g*o on
und Edith Kelleher, Sophomores,
According to Jack Brophy. '49, Seriously, though, nationality will mens Ball'
sale March 17,
Kisiel Announces 8/7/ To Create
Election Schedule State University
For Voting Today Raises Protest
FRIDAY, M A R C H 12, 1 9 4 8
State Delegates Assembly Plans
To Join Panels Include Election,
A t NY Meeting Panel Discussion
Curtain To Rise Tonight On " H . M . S. Pinafore";
Stokes, Peterson Direct Gilbert And Sullivan Classic
State College News
Snow ball bombardments of
the "Milne Students Revenge"
returned in full swing in front
of Albany High. (NOTE: Practice teachers please exit through
the back door of Draper.)
Student morale fell with the
snow ! . but, cheer up!—you
may get to wear your Easter
outfit yet. (Well, a t least the
Lonaf Islanders will.)
»»!WS3.i 3S$Jd©?iy8TATfs
Copyright MS, Ucoirr & Mvim Toucco Co
Grieco, Russe
Will Present
Final A D Plays
you 3>id 9t
Freyer Names
Committees, Cast
For Soph Big-4