A' A MOB • •TATI C O U i l O l ffBWt, PMDA.YV O C n ** Peterson "Packs Super Baritone";Post St. Mary's Brings Fame To State College Election Results State opened its door to a very dral, also in Scotland. After his talented faculty member this year performance in the former, he was when it welcomed Karl A. B. Peterson into the Music Department. Our asked to sign a gold-bound book by first hint at the reputation of this the Bishop, and was exceptionally new addition was a write-up by Ed- pleased and surprised to discover gar S. Van Ollnda in his Around Town column. In this article, It was that only two other people had suggested that Mr. Peterson would signed the same page — General be a valuable asset to the baritone Dwight Eisenhower and Eleanor section of the Albany Mendelssohn Roosevelt. Club. State is Mr. Peterson's first exWhen interviewed, Mr. Peterson perience at teaching, since he enwas very willing to tell about his previous career in music. Before en- tered the service. He wants the stutering the service, he did his under- dent body to know that he is pleased graduate work at Washburn Univer- with the attitude that prevails, as a sity in the middle west, and obtained whole, and that he hopes to see the Atwater Kent Award, which enabled him to do his graduate work many turn out for the choral groups at Juliard Academy in .New York he plans to organize here. City After this he spent his time both abroad and in the States studying music as well as working in radio. Incidentally, Mr. Peterson has been around the world five times Niclson Announces . . . mostly by freighter. Tentative Primer Plans While in radio, Mr. Peterson worked with N.B.O., not only directing C. Rogers Nielsen '48, Editor of choral singing, but also doing Primer, announced that the staff transcriptions for soap-box operas tentatively plans to publish two isJust to prove his versatility. On sues this year, one each semester. the side, he sang solos in Riverside This decision was reached in order and Fifth Avenue spots. that a greater percentage of the While in the service, our hero be- material submitted might be pubcame a Full Commander in the reg- lished. ular Navy, and also won the Commendation Ribbon for his work. Upperclassmen and freshmen are Aside from his regular duties, Mr. urged to contribute their original Peterson directed a Naval Choir at manuscripts in the field of the short one time, a mixed services choir at story, poetry, and essay. The deadanother, and also re-organized the line for handing in material has been set at November 21. Bremen Opera Company. The Naval Choir appeared in Primer's present budget allowance many churches and cathedrals for printing is $285. In a financial throughout England and Scotland, motion presented last Friday in Asunder Mr. Peterson's direction. Fore- sembly they requested an additional most among their appearances were $325 in order to meet the Increased the ones at St. Giles Cathedral in cost of two issues. Printing will Edinburgh and the Olascow Cathe- amount to $1,110. In an election last Tuesday the men at St. Mary's Housing Project elected a permanent council and two councilors from each barrack. The election was conducted under the supervision of Myskania. Of- State College f*T ficers are: Chairman of Council, George J. Pouloa, '48; and Treasurer, Robert Tucker. '60. Those elected as representatives In Councilor Building "A" are Walter J. Schick, '49, and Charles Hubbard, '81; Councilor Building "B", Robert Wilcox, '40, and Charles Frail, '49; Councilor Building "C". Peter Talario, '50, and Francis Andreone, '51; and Alternate Councilors Harvey Clearwater and Alan Pike, freshmen. Rtcelve Second Warnings *rewra w " " n » John Stevenson and Myron Rinds* bury, freshmen, have received a second warning from Myskania, for a violation of a State College tradition. nwKmnm Assembly Today P **?*» W W$ ' ' Co-eds Relinquish Belongings Do you find yourself in classes without your assignments done? Are you forced to walk home these rainy days without any coats? If so, your trouble may be that you don't believe in signs. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll give you a clue. Remember those little white sheets of paper that have been posted on the locker-room doors for the past month. Well, the purpose of these were to inform all State College co-eds that unless they checked their locker numbers and locks with Miss Johnston in her office all of the locks and personal property would be removed by October 27. But cheer up, kids; just because Miss Johnston is a a woman of her word, doesn't mean that she lacks a heart. She hasn't shipped your belongings to the Russian Relief Fund . . . she only transferred them to Paddy's office, and you can pick them up there anytime. Will Feature Debate On Skirts If a third offense is committed, the penalty is a public apology before Student Association. Freshmen Will Vote For Class Officers WISELY VOL. XXXII NO. 7 7 Commuters Club To Sponsor Traditional "Soc-Hop" Tonight Commission Studies Possibility Creeden, Califano Of New VorJc Sfafe University Will Head Event In assembly today, a humorous debate will be presented by Debate a., DAVID n t v m DUBKEE ntTDirirp T I" . • I' t% By Council and there will be voting To Feature Jeb Prouty for the freshman elections and for Editor's note: In the October 23, High on the list of economic the "most interesting face," In "Varieties O f '47" l9Jf1 edition of the New York Times, reasons for a state university was 10 Debate Benjamin Fine, Education Editor, the statement cited at one of the r , . ... „_„_„_„ t nl The greater part of the assembly wrote an editorial about the com- sessions that many students who , h , ei , , S „ » . i i™ 2s& •SsiSu P will be taken up with a debate, the mission hearings on whether New could not afford to meet th e in- ™ * " „ ! , , „ " 7°°" ? A £ « « topic of which is to be: "Resolved: York should have a state univer- creased tuition rates were discon- !,, <£*ilSSiS? %&&"*£**£* That it is to the advantage of sity. Because the NEWS feels that tlnuing all formal education when ," D ™ ? , W „V r.^™,?f„™. riif.il' State College women to wear longthis controversial issue is of prime they completed their high school *% „„,„„ «oi.f«,« -JiT „= n„ er skirts." Rita Shapiro, '48, Presimportance to the potential educa- course; The final result is that 22l 4 " " „ „ \ „ V,*"' * , Tv.1 ident of Debate Council, will act tors here at State, a brief evalua- New York State suffers untold loss- dance as chairman. Jo Ann Joslin, '49, (ion of the present situation is pre- es. Continuity of education, rethe first affirmative speaker, will sented. gardless of economic status, is a Austin Monroe, '49, will act as be followed by Eloise Worth, '48, A little over a year ago Governor necessity, many witnesses observed. Master of Ceremonies of the Sooof the negative. The second affirmDewey appointed a commission to Hon Varieties of 1947 which will ative speaker will be Arthur Root, investigate the possibility of pro- If such a plan for a state univer- £ and his RPI b "50; the second negative speaker, .noting a New York. State Univer- sity were adopted there would still o r c n e s t r a i n a d d l t l o n t e l l e r s for Abraham Trop, '50. The negative sity. Now, after one year of delib- remain the problem of deciding how ° jZjLJ T h e d d side will lead ofi in the rebuttal eratlon, the commission is ready to it should be operated. Many spokes... b ^ e c o r a t ed torepresent with Stanley Abrams, '48. George make its formal report. Although men favor the creation of a state S™ n ^ ? o f a ^ S T a a d o Z ? S Christy, '50, will then speak in rethe findings of the commission will university authority, which invested d o U B n n u t s w i l l L ' ' v e d A dJ*r buttal for the affirmative. not decide pro or con whether New with sufficient power, could de- £ m fae a w a r l e d t o ^ r The speakers will be judged on York shall have a state university, velop a strong educational system. £ t h m o s t stmin ^ k f presentation, audience appreciation, its report is expected to carry con- Going a step farther many wit- , c n a r g e o f a S u DDer to be illustration, rebuttal, and humor, siderable weight in Albany. nesses urged the commission to JL Lounee from 530 to d , each counting 5 points with the At the open hearings held by the sensor legislation on the question , „ , M a r e J a n / C o n d 0 i Marion exception of humor which will commission the majority of the of discrimination . . . to open the _., . .M ., _ • ~ . count ten. speakers were in favor of a state colleges and universities to all, re- " " o " This sunner is for all The judges will be Mr. Paul Petuniversity but many of these were gardless of race, creed or color. ^Zmuters^Sub members. 01 In tit and Mrs. Rebcca Lukens, InCurtis .'48, Secretary of the fact fact that that such such aa propro- _._.T, h. i maa „,„„„„„„,„ . , n n m ™ , . hv. C urUs pPfaff, faff> 48i secretary wwary a r y o of f the e would necessitate a heavy fin- T, h. l " *"f ! .0 ^£*?™F f _ J L ^ yJ ^ JwJ T f f ^«nH . S T hThe publicity committee for the structors in English, and Ann May, R , p h i K a p p a | n a s announced j eject Publicity c t wou ld necessitate a heavy fin- Ml ancial outlay. Again, many conhe Barbara Dunker and William Bald- t n e m u n e s of t n e s t u d e nts and fac- a n c i a i outlay. Again, many con- J . Association ofe Colleges ana S o c . H o p i s h e a , win, Seniors. O t» ° l " e u„ " , , '51; Tickets by June _.. u l l y members who were pledged to sidered that such an immense uni- Y"myersi!les o k wn0 The following people have been t h e c h i o h a p t e r 0f the National v e r s i t y campus would not be suit' warned against oureau- A nkel, Tun n G '50, o u r l e y i J take u n i o r charge s ; Harold of decoranominated for the "most interesting H o n o m r y Educational Fraternity on a b i e for New York. cratlc control and supervision or fcelj , wwill lu take char tions;5Q Estelle Siegel, '49, refresheaucatlon face": Gloria Gilbert, Heading the opposition to the Hnn»SIBMI. d n e s d a y nmembers 0 0 n, October st*Ue Bacher, 0 115. 1 Marian Mieras, EdithHelen Dell Kisiel, and W xeFaculty include ments;w.Mary '49, shoe'"-""-•', ,'" v - mbcrs , J" "^...?'•Dr. '' plan were the spokesmen for the Gloria Jaffer, Seniors; Bptsv Betsy Ralph checking; Marcia Quinlan, '51, *Tl Flsk, Principal _of Milne , i who claimed medlca assoclat on uiona Marlon uimci, Furlong, ^v."«--, Juniors; —-—' nai\ni TISR., «-I"".IH»' «* * ~ meaical association wno ciaimeu ^^ _. , . , • clean-up, Lee Salani, '48, reception, Franks, Marlon Furlong, Juniors, H l g n S c h 0 0 i ; Dr. Ralph Baker, In- t h a t t h e r e is n o s h o r tage of physi- V 0 n ! A . . T r t HAII-I and Mary A. Rega, '50, entertainrnyins wibbijcu, OTP-""""' -— structor in ruwicm ouici.^, ^». i either in tne state or nation Phyllis Wittpen, Sophomore. The I S/ I I W I U i n Political Science; Dr. 0j a n S i itl r l n l h e s t a t e 0 r nation J C l i l O l > ment. , male nominees were eliminated be- Js torsui ca tho r phlnney, Professor of Eco- a n d t h a t b y mcl-easing the number cause the artist prefers to paint a niiuiiuuB, Mr. « . . Elmer - " • - - C. — Mathews, "•-•- of 01 pot p oenLial t e n u a i doctors auciura by uy establishing camuiiomi^ 0mlcs; The cast for the Variety acts inwoman's face head of Student Employment Bu- a t a t e m e d l c a l s c h o o l | t h e s t a n d . clude: Audrey Schmay and Helen "*" Harper "•«««'.•> Beatty, B m t l o InTn, . . . ,,__, profession , . List Nomineces si wominuucs reau; and' Mr. dical ards of tne me Califano, Juniors; Florence Albe lowered, rather than Elections for the Class of 51 will r in Education. bright, Harold White, and Marion also take place today. The lresn- s t rsutcut d0 e n t s w n 0 h a v e been pledged r a i s e d Zimmer, Sophomores; Jacqueline men candidates are as W"«>«s- ai . e W arren Walker, Henry Drus- T h e SUDject of discrimination was Francis Mullin, '48, President of Mann, Joyce Platner, Delaphlne President, Jerry Dunn, Donald biy, and again Albert MUlen a n d w m i a m lntel.jected again Jacobs, HarvejHarvey JJlk. Milk, »ana vvannnB Mnl- .St...~.._..„... Bernard jacoo, J ^,,_„.,„„ J ^ JT ^.^n r f ^„„,;n E , mnces"Mul" I h o u " STsmtaSi Many the Senior Class, has announced Versch Joan Whitecraft and Helen M Ben Santara; Vice Pi•esWent. Goldie ^ ' M™"er' tresnmen pMd Rout Q]elln D e L o n g i s p e a k e r s claimed that due to in- that Betty Jane Vaughn is General The chaperones chaperones fc for the dance Brenner, Betty C ah ill, caroiyi g a i n u e l D i c k i e s o n , j n mes Taylor, sufficient room in the existing in- c h a i r m a n of the Senior Banquet The nuuji, Diane ^'»"= Rabkin, f„«ti "^niuu pnrnlvn Robert Dickinson ana William wmmra Baldomu- MtnHnns stitutions manv many students stuaents were were leavleuv- t 0 be held tomorrow night at 6:3U arc Mr. Harper Beatty, Instructor Finch, _ . nh(ir( n iors; i c k l n s oGifford n and ho Thome, Joan Trustman, "»"»»» Rwln> Wingate, Ja- sl n g N e w York State, and that the tnP M in Education, and Mrs. Beatty; Sen t a t J a c k ' S restaurant. Willianis, Margie Wojtaibecreuuy, ^ ^ ^ c u f t o n T h o r n e i Robert minority groups suffered the most. D o c t o r v i v i a n Hopkins, Instructor Aurea Cid, Jane Cook, Jiieanoi «ores The main course of the meal will l,„n wE n„„i, Mr Robert R^hork Mason Mosnn AureaCid, i/OOK.aietuiui « W U c 0 X J o hn n jJennings, was nd Mr. a s also claimed that due to e n n l ngs, Robertson I t w g i i soh h . a.nH singer, . M e a r a , EEmory mory OsHB e n r v 0n'Mpara. e -quota" singer, Eleanor Eleanor CUMino, Guarlno, Lois Lois tres-rahOs- tfhhn "nnnt.n" system svstem many manv highly highly be chicken a la king. This banquet TnstrU ctor in Education, and Mrs nolj . ov „ cott, Audrey Radnbuig, oaroj. «oo ^ ^ J n m e s B r o p h y J o n n Brophy, competent men and women were is In honor of the Seniors who will M a s o n fM'tson, Jonn Teal, Joan wnitcian Schick. Marvyn Wayne, denied admission to colleges and graduate this January. Another ^ ^ Treasurer, Alice aerah. PaukJt e « Merritt, Thomas professional schools throughout the banquet will be held ln the spring a™£*h™^ZJ*to&o™Harang, Lois Holland, Doris Myeis, " ^ ^ However, It must be re- for those graduating in June. Mr. Soc-Hop has been held by tne com m6m&n< J o s e p h B1. 'country. m u i e i s ulu and Marie Thurlow. »v l n n o a n d J o s e p h prancello, Jun- membered that this increased de- William Meyer, of the German DeActivities sheets will be disuiDui- ^ , i gives to partment, will be the principal m a n d foj a d m i t t a n o e a s o Ml by Dean Stokes to all passes n l n l t l n t l o n ceremony has been the colleges the opportunity to se- speaker tomorrow night. Other en- Kappa Phi Kappa Names Pledses For This Year Class Banquet I omorrow Night Tin cutnt Silk H M •9.45 Cyr-oSSX'tSr^ J t ^ , . . . *. L,„„B.. ^ „,».«. -. >«* "—~ " Students Elect "Not Plain Jane Campus Queen Much noise and confusion—then Allan! Springy crepe soles thai withstand heat; do not beconse soft or sticky »•/</ ibtir thapt. Even grease end oil won't hurt them! ,,* all this outstanding quality at a fair price. Buy your pair today I BALLOT STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCT. 3 1 , 1S47 Z.444 l t i i ews W&is VU YO a perfect silence. But, no, it wasn't the now Queen yet . . . it was only Gloria Gilbert and Alice Williams preparing the throne for the approaching arrival of Her Majesty. This was it . . . the curtains parted and out stepped the trumpeters, followed by Queen Sally and her two attendants. This was the opening of the traditional coronation ceremonies. Then the calm was followed by the storm . . . with shouts "it's Jane" . . . "it's O.B." echoing throughout the auditorium, the new ruler came down the aisle with her court. They marched up onto the stage, whore the crown was placed on Jane's head . . . thus she became Queen Jano, the 20th of her line. Tn her new oapaolty, the Queen presided over ihe rivalry skits of the freshman and Sophomore classes. She then descended from her throne, followed by her court, Sally Johnson, the hitler's attendants, and the Pages. And • so ended another Campus Day . . . and so began another reign. other sfy/ei «9.45 to *>2.50 I k * Hand of a Mu.i.r Ciufitmon It Sahind Tkll T r u t M Tr«tf«*ork tV.L.tlOUOLAi f 8HOE CO.. IROCKTON II.MAM. if) 2 B R O A D W A Y — A L B A N Y Men's Shoes Exclusively 317 B I V B R S T . , TROY Men's and Women's Shoes CtftMhj 1*4). UM.MI * Hun TUKUO Co * * ^ Er»».e«.j—~A Release Plans dreth, Eloise Worth. Helen Kisiel, _ -^ - . r en House Seelbach Cooley, '50, General ™ ™and t «Alice v .Williams „ , » ,are» on* F oLaVerne Op the Arangement Committee. Dale Sullivan, Chairman, Mary Giovannone, Mary Cooper, and Carmella DeLlsio are in charge of chaperones. Virginia Gminski heads the Decorations Committee with the help of Donald Herold, Janice Todt, Paula Tlchy, and Mary Quinn. Selene Wolfe, is ln charge of tickets, with Wanda Tomaslk as her assistant. Entertainment Is headed by Miss Genovesl. with the help of Rita Shapiro, and Erna Burns. There will be a table in the Commons tomorrow where those wishing to go to the dinner may sign up. SEB Requests Registration Mr. Elmer Mathews, head of the Student Employment Bureau, has announced that In order to facilitate placement, all students Who expect to graduate In January should come to his office Immediately to make an appointment for an Interview, whether or not they will want Jobs after graduation. Chairman, has released plans for an open house which will be held at Van Derzee Hall tomorrow night from 7:30 to 10 P. M. According to Cooley, guests will be escorted through the principal rooms of the house. Furniture will be left Intact so that those attending will be able to see how the dining room and lounge is arranged and student's quarters will be open for inspection on the second and third floors. Van Derzee's pool room, unique because of the many deer antlers adorning the walls and celling, will also be open. Refreshments will be served during the evening, and everyone is cordially Invited to attend. Miss Margaret Betz, Instructor in Chemistry, and Mr. Bernard Ellison, Instructor in Biology, will act as chaperones for the affair. The following committees have been named: refreshments, Don Herold, '48, assisted by Lynn White, '60, and John Lehr, '61; publicity, Earle Jones, '60. Mot a •TATt C O L U a i HWN9, FRIDAY, OCT. St, 1*47 Vote Wisely T o d a y in Assembly, the freshmen Will vote for their class officers. We shall make our plea now for intelligent voting. Class leaders are important—so important they By EUGENE McLAREN can m a k e or break a class as far as unification and This Reporter is given the widest latitude as author organization goes. of this column, although hia viewpoints do not neoesWe should like to clear up a few points which aarily reflect those of the STATE COLLBQB NRWH. we feel a r e a bit cloudy in some people's minds. Last Spring after Student Association elections Intelligent voting does not mean alphabetical votwere over, a voting committee was appointed to investigate the present system of voting a t State Coling, n o r does it mean voting against a candidate lege. Regardless of what was said then or is sale! just because she didn't speak to you one day when now, the real reason behind the dissatisfaction with you passed in the hall. the present system was the apparent injustices in some election results, and the main purpose of the Intelligent voting means careful thinking and election committee was to Investigate the preferential careful analysis of each candidate. Each individsystem. Recently the committee gave its report to ual vote is an important one and when students Student Council, and summarized it before student feel t h a t their one small vote is immaterial, the Association. Disregarding the purpose for which it was formed, the report does not mention, either fawhole purpose of democratic voting is lost. vorably or unfavorably, the mechanics of preferential A ballot is not something you race t o nil out voting, but confines Itself to voting procedures. so you can get out of Assembly first. Would it We cannot place any blame on the committee for be such a catastrophe if a few of us had to postthis, as it publically announced a public hearing, at pone o u r lunch until after that 12:35 class and a convenient time and place for students who had any gave a little more thought to our ballot? Too many questions or suggestions, and not one appeared. Regardless of this apparent apathy and disinterest, this people in this democratic land laud our democracy is not a dead question, as it is of vital importance to verbally a n d ignore i t actually. us in each election, and discussion will arise about It following each election. F o r years, various individuals a t regular intervals have pleaded for intelligent voting at State For the most part, dissatisfaction, we believe, has College a n d every year at every election, there been a matter of ignorance of just what preferential voting involves. Therefore, we think that some atare still evidences of unintelligent voting. Haven't tempt to explain the theory behind the system should M we all heard that the people at the beginning of the . . . for ike ONE THOUSANDTH snd THIRD tlaui be made to the students, and we shall take it upon alphabet have the advantage when running for an oUrself to do so, next week. NO. I AM NOT KAY KYSEP'" MORE VOTING office—but, of course, that's not entirely true because some exceptionally original voters start their At least we have the horrible example of what Not to do in voting procedures. We are referring to the numbering a t the end of the alphabet. Who's Who voting conducted by Press Bureau last week. T h e publication of the results of every election is followed by groans of dissension and disagreeFirst of all was the fact that excess ballots were ment, but when some wise people will use a peravailable to practically anyone in assembly who had I the desire to vote twice or several times. No check fectly good nomination for campus queen to vote I was made upon who did and who did not vote. Sec for Dean Nelson, we begin to wonder if we're regondly, there were ballots in the Commons in the afistered in a college or a kindergarten. ternoon at the absentee table, at times when no one was at the desk. And then come complaints about the voting sysMORE STUFFING tem, b u t as was said last year, a new voting sys- • By JEAN INESON__ tern will d o no good if people refuse to use it corLastly, the names on the ballot were not arranged in alphabetical order. The whole point of this is that rectly. If the privelege of voting were withdrawn, To the shores of Hudson River Where the Sophomores hide the Of the dash of fifty paces, college elections should be supervised by a body which undoubtedly the "Nelson for campus queen" voters And the race of Old Loin Cloths. banner, has procedures set up, and the necessary knowledge would be t h e first to holler. We have the privilege Approached the hour when the to insure a fair election. Myskania, of course, is that Came the green-feathered warriors, braves body, now. W h y can't we try t o act a little adult and Led by Sachem Dunn and others, Would battle for athletic honors. take advantage of it? Wily chiefs of all the gremlins, There Harvimilk did rally warriors, SPECTATOR SPORT Came from the terraced balcony Only those who have actually "played" the game Too often capable, conscientious leaders have To wreak revenge for many warn- Warriors hot for bloody vengeance. can appreciate to the fullest extent what it takes, Beady for the lusty onslaught been voted out of office because of personal disings. Stood Sparkivawn, his squaw and those who referee have the most fun, but jven those likes, and a s has been demonstrated in recent Then the mighty Tonlpro Killo, on the sidelines realize It's not a game fov weaklings. papoose elections, deserving candidates were denied well- Crafty guardian of the nifty-fifties, Praying to the great white father. We hope all who saw it enjoyed the rivalry pushball earned honors due to a lack of any real thinking. Called ills men from their, wigwams, For many minutes leather snow- game on Wednesday, for it may be the last of these traditional games of organized mayhem. If held at You freshmen vote today. Today, you decide Summoned them by bus and hotshoes foot, who will lead your class through rivalry for the Sophomore braves with mighty war Smote the pigskin on the schnozzle all In the future, they will probably be watered down by allowing free substitutions and such. Turn it through a paleface tire. rest of the year. It's important for a class to get clubs, AND WE'RE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY When the dust of battle cleared, off to a good start and the officers do much tow- To the plains of Page Hall Field. The elders of Myskania council on the subject of athletics, we'll turn to In the third week of October's moon By smoke signal did announce that theWhile ards organizing that start. coming basketball season and air a long standWas the annual fracas to determine Victory was with the crafty Sophs. ing wonder a t the indifference which the student When the President of Student Association asks Campus Cup possession. "We dunnit!" cried war dancer body has shown in past years at what happens when you to remain in your seats for voting, don't groan Brought by pounding on the war our team takes a trip. Once it leaves our own home Jokeeton. drums, and immediately visualize your lunch floating away '.Drop dead!" growled the savage court it is apparently forgotten. Only a few students even got as far as Siena last year. on gilded wings. Go about your voting in a serious, They marched from Pierce and frosh. Sayles, intelligent manner. Launch your class career with O, papooses by the campfire The reason for this, we believe, though partially Prom the campfires of Nooman, Need I tell you of what came a little care. the poor season's record, is mainly a lack of leaderAnd the ditches of Saint Mary's. In the evening of the day of carn- ship and planning. We have a good schedule this Look your ballots over carefully. It is not nec- In their blue and green headdresses age? year, with teams against which we should give a good essary to vote for each name listed. If there is a Ready for the bloody battle they. Before the throne of Princess showing. The schedule includes trips to such places Up leaped squaw Eliadams, as Utica, North Adams (Mass.), and Plattsburg. InObrian candidate on the ballot whom you do not know, Crying, "Blue, blue, o color true!" stead of waiting until a day or two before the games Gave the Sophs such a business don't vote for him. Vote for those persons whom A relay race was the first event Of a war dance, with strange visions to tack up a signup sheet in an inconspicuous place, Of all this sportive murder. you think will do your class the most good. plans should be made now to charter busses for these Enacted by the frantic Olenday. Swiftly, swiftly did they run, games. The schedule Is available, and the dates should But the freshman tribe Matti's Son and Kelleher, be publicized so that students may make plans for Like the eagles of the mountains, By the throbbing tom-toms, these trips. Gave a joyous frolic, STATE COLLEGE NEWS Flew Howard and Geneho Tailing. And with the singing of "Neermi" All-College affairs should be kept to a minimum But In vain were all their efforts on such dates, and there is no reason why a goodly Established M a y 1916 For the fleeter frosh outran them, Hung on the Sophs the hex, number of students wouldn't go in any other case. And nailed the blue scalp to the The spirit of the whammy. Then did the wise one, Zilles, By the Clan of 1918 BUY THOSE TICKETS wall. Meet with all the others Angered by this Insolence, Christmas Dance tickets will go on sale Monday at the entrance of the Commons, and in spite of those Then smoked the Sophs the war- To make decision bold Vol. XXXII October 31, 1947 , On who had fought more valiantly. posters which say "formal", the dance will be semiNo 7 pipe formal. Latest Info is that those hundred busy checks Member ... , ,, For the contest of the evening And returned to win the battle will arrive for sure this weekend, so buy those bids AuoelMed Collejrlute P r e , ColKe B l U Did the Green tribe win renown, early. But the Sophomores gained the The undergraduate newspaper er the New y o r k state Col Cup. lego for TeaclmrH; published every Krl.tay „ f „ l e , . „ „ _ , Dim the moon shone over Green year by the NEWS Board for the Student Aaaoc.a Ion tepees. Phonom May, 2-0It.T; Coleman and Roebford, 2-(ll2«. £ , „ „ , College Calendar - - But the woeful warriors within B-MWiCUrk 2-0870. Members of the news staff m a y e Whispered o'er the words of courTo the Editor: reached 'I'ues., and Wed, from 7 to I1:!I0 P. M , „, ; ,| )|() " FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 age, I cannot understand the purpose then the ancient war- 12:00 Noon—Pi Omega Pi Meeting, Room 300, Draper of the article of October 24th, "By Whispered cry, Hall The News Board Diogenes Light." Is It an antiAncient of all the frosh, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 ANN MAY __„ Communtst effort, or Is It merely "Walt'll prayer next year, walt'll next 8:00P.M.—Soc-Hop, Page Hall gym. CAROL CLARK . . . . ' MMM'"'™"* Mr. Nielsen's observations of New year!" MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 York City? In my opinion, It fails ••AULA T I C H Y . . . . MANAO.NO EDITOR In both capacities. As a criticism 12:00 Noon—Freshman Try-outs for Pr mer, Room 10!) FRANC »NN. . . . . • ,;neujzru0;™ of a political organization, it Is TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 RITA COLEMAN : . . . . 1 false In content, ridiculous In con- that many Communists are entirely 7:30 P.M.—French Club Meeting, Lounge. B:00 P.M.—A, D, Plays, Directed by Catherine DonCHARLOTTE LALLY . . . * „ * ° V " T ' " N 0 notation. I cannot accept ridicule singular In gender. H H H nelly and Alethia Cheatham, Juniors as the language of a political critiELSIE LANDAU . . . . "£!? * *°* On the other hand, as an impresFurthermore, should Mr. sionistic essay, Mr. Nielsen's article WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 JEAN PULVER . . . . . ' * " ° ° T ""T°* que. JEAN SPENCER . . . A . . o ! " " D ' T ° " Nielsen climb out, for a minute, of is a complete 7:30 P.M.—Math Club Meeting, Room 101, Movie. misrepresentation, * • AMOCIATK KDITON the tenement house basement of for, unless the policy of New York THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Ah oouimualoation~N should he ii.hirossad to tho editor and which he speaks, he would prob12:00 Noon—I.V.O.F. Worship, Rev. Lawton, Speaker, mum be signed. Names will be withheld upon rsauest ably find that the C.A.P. Is a well University has changed radically Room 28. within the last months, classes are The WUm COLUmV) NEWS «*»„ „ „ r o H p J S y organized political force, that needs 8:30 P.M.—Richard Lahey, artist, Page Hall. held In University buildings, rather with rational 4:30 P.M.—W.A.A. Tea, Lounge. for QJlMUani expressed I.. It* columns er oammu ..Mom, to be combatted thinking, and political logic He than tenements. Unless Julius's has FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 «s sue!, expressions do not necesHi.rlly refleit Its view. 3:30 P.M.—I.V.O.F. Bible Class Meeting, Room ISO. would probably also find that many changed Its management since my Inasmuch as this would be a function for the ne"HE©* 8 ~ escapists In New York do not be- beer-drinking days, there are more long to the Communist ranks . . , than a few genuine thinkers In its tiro Student Association, either Student Council or IContinued on Page 3, Column u MAA should be responsible and take some action soon. 9diot'4. GommimiaatuHtl •TATt COLLtOE NEWS). FRIDAY, OCT. St, I§47 Lahey To Demonstrate Technique O f Painting PAOI a Sayles Returns For Short Visit Says, "/fV Good To Be Back" Council Meeting Settles Question On Late Hours By COLETTA FITZMORRIS Wasn't it nice to see Dr. Sayles speaking for the entire part of Stuaround the halls of State again last dent Association, that knew Dr. week? Apparently the feeling was Sayles, when I say that we enjoyed Students Will Obtain As a guest artist of Dramatics mutual, because in an interview having him back, very much, and and Art Council, Richard Lahey Wednesday, our ex-president said that we hope he will drop around Special Permissions will appear in f age Hall, Thursday, that it was a grand feeling to be often this year to warm the halls Through Organizations November 6, at 8:30 P. M., where back and that he really enjoyed his with his friendly spirit and warm visit. he will give a lecture entitled "In smile. At the last meeting of Residence An Artist's Studio." This lecture He went on to talk more about Council, the members passed t h e will be demonstrated by the actual the school itself, and these are a motion that Senior hours be cumupainting of a living model. few of his opinions on the recent lative for one month only. Thus, a According to the requirements changes. First of all, he noticed the Senior woman may take no more sent by Mr. Lahey, the model must alteration in the Co-op, and thought than two hours in any one month. be a girl; therefore, when you vote that it was definitely a good one. // This motion remains ineffective, for the "student with the most inHe had nothing specific to say pending the approval of the various teresting face" in assembly Friday, about the difference in the P.O., but housemothers. the males names will be omitted was sure that it wouldn't interfere from the list. with the grade of work turned out, Rates Unchanged Exhibited Paintings and he positively thought that the It was also stated that kiddylng added space next door was worth Last Friday in assembly the stu- rates will remain; unchanged from Mr. Lahey is an American painter the sacrifice. , whose works in oil, water color, and dent body elected the sixteen most . those established last year. T h e etching are represented in many Now for the question that is on outstanding Seniors at State Col- suggested rates are: for afternoons collections in America, including the everybody's mind . . . who will be lege. According to Beverly Blstoff, —50c per hour, evenings—60c per hour, and after midnight—80c per Whitney Museum of American Art, our next president and when will the Brooklyn Museum, the Metrohe take office? To this, the sage '49, Director of Press Bureau, the hour. Girls are advised to have politan Museum of Art and the DeDr. Sayles merely stated, "I haven't sixteen Seniors elected to "Who's definite arrangements concerning troit Institute of Art. Besides rethe slightest idea!" He went on, Who Among the Students" are:transportation to and from the RICHARD LAHEY place of work before accepting the ceiving the Carol Beck Gold Medal though, and said that he didn't think we would have a new one Stanley Abrams, Beverly Blstoff, job. prize, given at the 124th Annual until the salary question was set- Martin Bortnick, Wilma Diehl, DorResidence Council made a sugExhibition of the Pennsylvania Actled. othy Diffin, John Dooley, Helen gestion to the housing committee, ademy of the Fine Arts, Mr. Lahey is also a teacher of the Fine Arts. At present, Dr. Sayles is still en- Kiesel. Ann May, Marion Mieras, the house mothers, and the adminHe has taught at the Minneapolis joying retired life, although natur- Francis Mullin, C. Roger Nielson, istration that the front hall of Van Institute of Arts, the Art Students' ally he Is active in other fields. He Alice Prindle, Ruth Seelbach, Ger- Derzee Hall be used as a waitingroom for girls whose escorts must League of New York, and is at still has his hotel at Star Lake, so present the principal of the Corcorthat business matters take up part hard Weinberg, Alice Williams, and enter the Hall to leave suitcases, books, etc. This will alleviate havan School of Art, Washington, D. of his time, but he insists that he Eloise Worth. ing girls stand on the walk in front C, and Professor of Fine Arts at is a man of leisure anyway. . . on These names ,will be sent to of the Hall while waiting for their Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryhayride on Monday, November the side. "Who's Who In American Colleges escorts to come out. land. He is a member of the Am- 10,A has been scheduled by ComPersonally, Dr. Sayles declares and Universities" and considered by erican Society of Painters, Sculp- merce Club, according to Mardell Allow Late Permissions that he has never felt better . . . tors, and Engravers, the Society of Brusie, '48, President. I n addition, not their board. If the board accepts Special late permission for r e even as an alert, wide-awake Washington Artists, and the Artists Miss Brusie has released this year's college student. Could that be pos- the nominees they will send each hearsals at school must be obtained Guild of Washington. Mr. Lahey standing committees for the organ- sible? one a form to fill out concerning by the organization concerned. The has had one man exhibitions at the ization. house president cannot grant these In conclusion, I feel that I am the activities in which he has par- late permissions to individuals. On Virginia Museum of Art, Richmond, The hayride will organize at the Corcoran Gallery and the Wichticipated during his college years. nights of A. D. plays a half-hour Pierce Hall at 7:30 P . M. Miss ita, Kansas Museum. Then the accepted students and will be allowed for those attending Brusie has stated, "Stags are inCreates Illusions their records will be published in the plays to return to their respecvited, couples will be allowed." Anytive group houses. After that time Mr. Lahey's technique in present- one in Student Association who is the 1947-48 edition. girls will be considered late. ing his subject is to create the illu- interested can sign up on third sion of an artist's studio and to let floor, Draper Hall, or write to Miss the audience in on trade secrets Brusie by Student Mail before No7 and the complete process of paint- vember 4. ing a portrait. His stories are On Tuesday, November 4, in the Further plans for the hayride will glimpses into the world of art and Page Hall Auditorium, Advanced be discussed at the next Commerce the personalities that move in that Dramatics will present two plays orbit. He talks to the audience Club meeting on November 4 indirected by Cathrine Donnelly and Room 301, Draper Hall, at 3:30 P.M. concerning the news of the various Alethia Cheatham, Juniors. Commerce Club committees for galleries, and the artists who are the year, as announced by Miss receiving awards. Miss Donnelly's play, one of mood Admission for State students will Brusie are: Program, William Bahn, and effect, is a fantasy which takes be Student tax. General admission Jr., '49, chairman, Ruth Doran, '48, place in the Far East. The cast Vivien Steele, '50, and Philip includes in order of importance: will be $1.50. O'Reilly, '51; Publicity, Lloyd Tay- John Lubey, '48, Bill Lyons, '50, lor, '50, chairman, Shirley Williams, Charles Chase, Graduate, Arthur '48, Jack Brophy, '49, Ruth Bauch, Russell, '48, Earle Jones, '50, Don '50, and George Frick, '51; Enter- Ely, Walter Keller, freshmen, James tainment, Lynn White, '50, chair- Cafaro, George Christy, Sopho(Con tinued from Page 2, Column 2) man, Evelyn Boetcher, '48, Forest mores, Marie Grieco, '49, Joan Hill, '49, Joan Erlandson, '50, and French, '50, and Joan Whitcraft, '51. clientele. I think that even Mr. Philip Malafsky, '51. Nielsen's "Time-poor New Yorkers" Miss Cheatham's production is a would writhe at his hit-or-miss marital comedy with a British setcondemnation of their somewhat ting, In the cast are: Ruth Bessacred spots. sel, '48, George Kline and Fred Finally the times call for intelliOUR Knoerzer, freshmen. gent analysis rather than the Pravda like criticism offered "By On November 18, Harold Mills Diogenes Light." and Everson Kinn, Juniors, will Molly Mulligan, '50. direct their plays in Page Hall. To the Editor: Two weeks ago, a letter was published in this column concerning the Myskania decision regarding Paul Kirsch. The letter was deliberately worded to evoke a response from Myskania, either in defense of its action or in apology. Yet, PHONE 5-1913 two weeks have gone by and Myskania has seen fit to sit smugly mute on the situation. Either they 'MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" feci the furor will die down or else they feel they are justified in the wording of their decision. If they 1Q8-20O CENTRAL AVENUE feel so justified, why not say so? ALBANY. N V Or is Myskania seeking a test of strength, depending on the nature I of its position to weather the I storm? I feel that Myskania has had sufficient time to reach a decision on this issue. The student body has a BOOKS STATIONERY right to know whether or not Myskania will apologize for its statement to Paul Kirsch, '61. ''Most Interesting Face" Will Furnish Model Students Select "Who's Who For State College Commerce Club Slates Hayride, Lists Committees A D To Present Fantasy Comedy PAUSE FOR COKE RELAXES GOLFERS PATRONIZE ADVERTIZERS BOULEVARD CAFETERIA Abe Trop, '49. OTTO R. MENDE T H I Cot L«0« J*WKL«H 1 0 3 C E N T R A L AVE. STATE COLLEGE CO-OP CARDS •OmeD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCAOIA COMPANY IV GIFTS ILBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. © 1V47 Th. C-C Co. •TATK COLLIOI N I W I STATE COLLIOI NEWS. FRIDAY, OCT. SI, 1047 MAI 4 Students Favor Moreno Will Present Sociodrama Pepsi-Cola, Navy &*Ui JlotU Shorter Skirts In Page Under Auspices Of IGC Set Final Dates A committee from PI Omega PI is The word Sociodrama h a s adorned culminating point of a 2-day Intermaking a survey of all teach- On State Co-eds walls of State College, a n d not u n - collegiate conference on Intergroup For Applications now ers who have graduated from the derrating t h e intelligence of t h e Relations. Students from Oswego, commerce department of State College. The committee is going to find out the problems these teachers have encountered and is going to organize and publish them so that the Applications are now being ac- present commerce students may cepted by the Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board and the Navy for Schol- profit by their predecessor's experiences. arships which they are offering. To Awtrd Fellowships For Colkgc Seniors T h e Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board is awarding to outstanding college seniors In the United States 26 three-year graduate fellowships. Each fellowship pays full tuition and $760.00 a year for the three years and may be used in any field of study In any accredited college in the United States or Canada. Application for this scholarship can be made by any college student scheduled to receive h i s bachelor's degree during the 1947-1948 school year. Official application blanks may be obtained from the Dean of the college or directly from the Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board, 532 Emerson St., Palo Alto, California, not later than January 1, 1948. The fellowships will be awarded on a regional basis—six fellowships to students in each of four geographic regions. Winners will be selected on the basis of their promise of outstanding achievement in later life as evidenced by their undergraduate records and recommendations. The fellowships are limited to those who are in need of financial help. The Navy is offering a college education to each man selected and a commission as an officer in the U. S . Navy or U. S. Marine Corps. The government will pay his tuition and normal fees, buy his books and necessary uniforms and also give him $50.00 a month living expenses. Applications must reach the Naval Examining Section in Princeton, New Jersey by November 10, as the date for the competitive ex• amination is December 13. Any unmarried male between the ages of 17 and 21, who meets the prescribed requirements, is eligible to apply for the exam. Miss Elizabeth VanDenburgh, Registrar, h a s announced that during the weeks of November 3 and 10 there will be interviews for the February '48 and September '48 entering freshmen. Other interviews will be held at a later date. Francis Mullin, '48, President of the Edward Eldred Potter Club, h a s announced that the fraternity will hold a smoker at the Ambrose J. Scully Legion Post on Central Avenue this Tuesday, November 4, at 7:00 P.M. The affair is for all members and invited guests. The Fall Induction Ceremony of Signum Laudis will be held Monday evening, November 3, at 7:30 P.M. in the college Lounge. Dr. Elizabeth H. Morris will be the guest speaker. All former members are invited to attend. May Giovanniello, '48, President of Le Cerle Francais, French Club, has announced that there will be a meeting of the organization Tuesday, November 4, at 7:30 P.M., in the Lounge. Speaker at the meeting will be Dr. M. Annette Dobbin, Assistant Professor of French, who will discuss her visit to France this past summer. Refreshments will be served. Rodney Felder, '49. Auditor of Student Association, Student Board of Finance, suggests that he be contacted by the Treasurer of any organization within SjA. Budget who is having difficulty with his financial records. In keeping with this week's a s - reader, we assume t h a t i t means Oneonta, Fredonia, Cortland, N e w sembly debate, a State College News something to you. For those w h o Paltz, Plattsburg, Middlebury (Vereditor has wandered around the are uninitiated, however, we expiate mont), Detroit, Massachusetts, St. hallowed halls of Hawley seeking that this sociodrama i s a tri-fold Rose, a n d State will be present. T h e opinions from the not-too-studious sort of thing: one third sociology, program, starting at 9:30 AM. Fristudents. one third psychology, a n d o n e third day, November 7, i s a n extensive one Many of these were willing to drama. I t is a m e a n s of acquiring and will be open to all State College speak in favor of t h e short skirt, reactions through audience partici- students. and the following are their not very pation and it's "all for free" i n Page The sociodrama is being presented subtle opinions. First of all, Joe Hall on Saturday, November 8, by Dr. J. L. Moreno, director of a Psycho-dramatic Institute i n New Roulier, '48, wanted it known that starting at 8:30 PJM. for ordinary purposes h e preferred B u t the sociodrama is only the York City. According to Joy Simon, '49, Dr. Moreno is the best in the short skirts . . . on women that field a n d both Inter-group Council is! Jean Ineson, '49, said that she couldn't imagine anyone being too Verrey, Cornwall Speak and State College are fortunate in acquiring h i m , since h e is much in modest to deprive their legs the benefits of the light, fresh air. Bob On Fraternity Question demand by many sociological orWilcox, '49, summed the issue up This afternoon, from 5 t o 5:30 ganizations and group. He is appearvery well by saying, "Them that's P.M., Raymond Verrey a n d Arthur ing here because he believes the got 'em, shows 'em." Cornwall, Graduates, will participate conference is a worthy cause, and Only Oeri Cooperman, '50, and in an inter-collegiate discussion because as future teachers it might "Pinky" Smith, '49, h a d the nerve to broadcast from station WTRY, Troy. prove valuable in classroom usage. defend the long skirts. The first Stanley Abrams, '48, Speaker of brave member of this duet said that Forum, has announced t h a t these the only thing she worried about speakers are sent through Forum - - liumk Ifou - showing in these, were her ankles. but will represent Inter-Fraternity Albany Home for Children Pinky went on to compare them to Council, since the subject of the disAlbany 3, New York prohibition . . . .in other words, cussion is, "Why join a fraternity?" October 29, 1947 the joints are still there, but just The program is a regular series To All State College Students: harder to find. broadcast, presented in order to Believe it or not, we do have a bring to the listeners of this col- Sunday, October 26, we had a very few neutrals in the school, too. Bob lege area a broad view of subjects nice time at the party you gave for us. We hope you had as much fun Baker, '49, the diplomat, feels that ranging from topics of international giving the party as we had attendsome girls can, and some girls can't. interest to various aspects of college ing it. We all hope we can have a n Then, Rusty Willsey, '50, announced life. Representatives of other area other get-together real soon. that she liked them long enough to colleges will be present. Yours truly, cover the knock-knees and short Mary Hudson, Lillian Colley, enough to be exciting. Norma Cowen, Dorothy Marra, Noyei To Speak A t Union Grace Bolde, Betty Luppeus Jacqueline Ludhim, Elsie A n The Eastern New York Section of Remove Notes From Boxes drews, Robert Elder, Fred Terthe American Chemical Society will williger, Bob Wygant, J. Smith, Helen Kisiel, '48, Grand Marshal sponsor a free public lecture e n T. R. Smith, Nellie Miller, EdChemistry" of Campus Commission, has a n - titled "International ward Subcliffe. nounced that Campus Commission given by Dr. W. Albert Noyes, Jr., at the Memorial Chapel, Union Colhas been removing undersized, tissue thin or overdue notes from the lege, Schenectady, Wednesday, N o - Men Wanted For Work Student Mailboxes. In most cases, vember 5, at 8:15 P. M. the students have been notified if Dr. Noyes is President, American Mrs. Annette Malseed, Director their notes were removed. Miss Chemical Society; Adviser, United of the Part Time Employment B u Kisiel stated that Campus Commis- States Delegation; First UNESCO reau, h a s announced that all men sion does not take any notes out General Conference Chairman, 1947 who would like jobs putting up that are of proper size — 2" by Conference of International Union storm windows should contact her in the Dean of Women's Office. 4". of Chemistry. tit, tfc wifaefi T H I S volatile Cuban's rhythms have been sweeping the country. Everywhere he's played, Desi Arnaz has broken attendance records! And, when Desi lights up a cigarette, it's the brand that's been a national favorite for years and is now making new records of its own! Yes, more men and women are smoking Camel cigarettes than ever before! Why? T h e answer is in your "T-Zone" ( T for T a s t e and T for T h r o a t ) . Try Camels. Discover for yourself why, with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of experience"! Mwe pstyfe- are Wsug EEP Defeats Beavers; 18-12 Victory Gains Football Trophy Weeks Games Close Intramural Grid Season ALL STAR TEAM PICKED BY SPORTS STAFF PAOI | Veteran Squid I . B y JACK B B O P H Y _ To Play For State Your NEWS Sports Staff h a s stuck Its neck out by picking two all-star teams irom the two foot- In Cage Events SiiULutmA. ball leagues. In choosing the two ^ UBSTOfc uau cioses its As Varsity closes Its teams, we tried to name a squad second week of basketball practice, forty freshwhich would be fairly representa- m e n a n d a U & t w o m e m b e r s of tive of the whole leagues and still l a s t y e a r - s V a r s i t y h a v e m u f f e d be the best six-man team the two t h e c a l l 0 f ttle f o r t y m e m b e r 8 w h o leagues could possibly field. We h a v e ^ p r a c t i c i n g at the Page hope we have accomplished this. H a l l gym< t w e n t y h a v e a l r e a d y beg,, Pushing over their third touchdown early in the second half, Potter Club downed a fighting Beaver cut from tne team to capture the title in the Ail-Star Game WWd. intramural football league. The Monday's all-star game should L a f year's players have only been final score was 18-12. decide which of the two leagues h a d practicing since Wednesday, while the better brand of football, if that the newcomers turned out in the After Gipp returned the Beavers' can be decided in one or two games. m l d d » e „ o fJ a s t w , eek - ^ V 8 ' a r opening kick-off, the Beavers held The team captains met Wednesday Coach Hathaway Is concentrating and force the "A" League champs to choose their own squads for the o n «ettinS ">e team in shape and to punt. A run by Blavotnick and games. Interest is high for t h l s • fundamentals such as cutting, passa pass to Keahn gained ten yards, "battle of the leagues"" and the i"g. and shoot ng. There have been but EEP took over here and on the "B's" are planning to knock off a £ w informal scrimmages thus far second play Zanclielli passed to the "A's". The "A's" are quietly w i t n m a I >y m o r e Panned, Schick in the left flat for the first confident of a sure win. Monday t o a c h Pleased score of the game. The try for the will decide the issue. It should be Mr. Hathaway, well pleased with extra point failed. After the kicka whale of a ball game, so see you t h ' s year's sr°up, commented, "They off Blavotnick and Carter combined ure a on Page. sood, peppy bunch and look to move the ball just short of a Here are the teams picked by the good thus far. We should have a first down where EBP took over. football team captains: fast, well-rounded outfit this year." The B's took over on downs just as All players have had some sort of the first quarter ended. EEP 6, "A" League "B" League previous experience. B's 0. L.E. Schick Carter Only Varsity members missing Beavers Knot Score R.E. Noppa Clearwater this year are "Red" Evans and Following a Beaver punt to open, C. McNamara Griffin "Bolo" Marsland. Marsland, now LH Geo, e the second period, Stevenson inter"A" LEAGUE—Standing (left to right) GIDD. Schick McNamara ' '8 Worden a Grad student, will assist Coach cepted a pass by Gipp on the B's SCHICK, iwcwamara, R R H o l l l d a y Lansky Hathaway with the Jayvee squad. fifteen and ran the length of the Noppa, George, Stone. PB "B» LEAGUE—Kneeling ' Gipp Blavotnick Regulars back from last year's field for the first Beaver score; Clearwater, Lansky, Dooley. (left to right) Worden, Carter Mirola Varsity squad are Sy Fersh, Kenny ,er. I.llimlfV flnAlon • ' I the conversion failed. After Keahn's Bouquets and Banter George, Basil Karpiak, Jack Klrby, kick-off, EEP picked up a first to Potter„ „Club .Orchids . , , for their. "Link" Marzello, Tom O'Brien, NoL 1L , down before Zanchelli faded and winning both the "A League and l a n p o w e l , flnd W a l t S c h l c l c A11 hit Schick with a long pass, the ntramural titles. T h e m e n of Pot- s a w l e n t o f a c t i o n I a s t s0 latter making a neat catch and ter came through a rough five game g t a t e w i U the season wltn a stepping off the last ten yards for slate without a defeat a n d then v e t e l . a n f l v e u n l e s s s o m e o f ^ Rivalry Hock the score. EEP 12, B's 6. knocked off a stubborn Beaver f r e s h m e n c a n show enough to break Barber Grabs Pay-Off Heave team. T o captain Gipp and his l n t o t h e V a r s l t y With botJi u l e Sophomore and With Blavotnick pitching and Intramural Basketball Carter ar^"cle7nvater' , 'on"the "re- f r e s h m a n teaim hard'arwork n r T ,>,f t U ' e o S „ b o w l e l ' s swamped Phar- squad-congratulations. - f. D , ceivingend, the "B" League winners P a r i < * for the r i v a l ? aIt, Tednlt ^ p,°' J ? W e d ™ s d a y ' s match s J ° I v ^ . f ^ T ?e ™ishu t o u s a y , IntramuraF "bbasketball will get Picked up a first down on three d a y ' s rival1 '* hockey game T a n y wm *?£** " m ' B y v i r t U e o f " * S t t S S ? ^ * L *?* b " n ° h , ° f underway right _after Thanksgiva rst Z a n = passes After two runs failed to ebody The game, sctodS- Z e f l " w i tRPh W e a c^h t e a m h Hrst time andP K v Z c oSn sal s tl ? ' n g ' a c c o r d i n g t o J o e ' d o na contest. Pa e w"l t h " gain Blavotnick fired to Carter in e Field at four o'clock f , ! ^ , . }' «!i I r ! i i ^ i !, " Chairman. This year there may be th 0td of s l x wl e n they p,ayed deserve ° E » •i »? e n -"" « - £V*~ three rivalry rival™ points ™in?«Tn l™ enough teams for two eight-team a $ *"£*?" the d l o•n«e• "- t•o tie e ^ -o~r ~e ^will gbring » J *™ to feats™" " ~ ™»*" and ™ u three " " " de"* * «™ leagues. With the Page Hall gym once more. Again the point try U l e v l c t 0 1 1 0 U S class. In the other Collegiate League open earlier on account of earlier From failed. Second half play got underpre-game reports, it looks matches, Siena took second place Q I • ^ Varsity practice, it may be possible to sneak in three games a night inway as Stevenson returned Bort- l i k e a c l o s e contest. The Sophs, by downing Albany Business Col- D l U C J a V S V / V e f C O m e stead of last year's two games. nick's kick-off. When EEP took having a slight edge gained from lege, 3-0, and RPI downed the Al- _ , I n I I II over possession of the ball, Gipp experience together, will find the bany Law School, 2-1. Next Wed- ( j r e m l J n S Itl r U S n O d l l stepped off a first down on three gremlins no easy victims. Practices nesday State's probable opponent runs, to move the ball to the B's bave been well attended by both will be Siena. Rivalry sport of Pushball Tne twelve. After a pass and two runs groups throughout the fall season. First Game Closest ended In victory for the Sophomores Drought Cancels Party failed to gain, Barber leaped high The unusually fine weather has al- Although State won the first on Wednesday when the Blue and In the air to make a one-handed 'owed both teams to get in much g a m e by a decisive margin of 128 White rolled across three scores to A t W A A ' s Camp snare of Gipp's fourth down end- intensive drill, pins, snare of Ginn's fourth down unH- Intensive drill. •-•— it " was — the "- closest • • score of the defeat the frosh, 18-3. With a gala weekend in store, zone flip. T h e point try was no P o s s i b l e s t a r t e r s ,. „.....,.,.„ evening. Hank Parley rolled a Prom the starting whistle the the WAA Hallowe'en party had to wnnA T?WD 18, 111 B's T»'o 12. 10 1 OSS1UM. SMI lirs good. EEP Ul 2 2 and J e Carosella The Sophomore team, with Cap- £ f j i ° ° Sophs showed their power by keep- be called off because of a ruling by Beaver Thrust Falls Short 4 ft fv, ti i i,i i, ff n . n t a i n R u t n Mattison fresh from c n l P P e d l n a 189 to pace State. ing the ball in enemy territory. Governor Dewey, due to the current Tll y ~?ei A 7 i Lt H hockey camp, will present a well e match turned into a rout ln During the first half they forced drought. B's began tohands roll. twice Blavotnick exchanged oetorepassthe knlt< h a r d tQ befl( . u n i t w i t h g u o h t n e s e cond game with State swamp- across two of their three scores and in the midst of elaborate prepared to Carter for five and then experienced players as Kelleher, l n 8 the "druggists" 898 to 729, a won three points for having the ations and extensive work by all gained a first down with an off- Weber, Smith, Henkel, Adams, Eve- margin of 269 pins, a tremendous ball ln the freshman half of the committees, it was recommended by , . leigh, Preel, Hotallng, Murphy and edge. Marty Bortnick rolled a field. the physical education department, ™ i f t r U n . t '""yj 3 !ep Cookinglum vicing- for starting p o - nifty 223 and Bob Dickenson added The second half opened with two that such a weekend would be InEBP territory. Two runs and a pass s l t l o n s T h i s t e a m t l e d t h e , 49 j s i to lead the Statesmen. new teams and for a short while It advisable. laiied and a fourth down aerial n o c k e y p i n y e r s lust fall and sue- The third game was almost as looked as if the freshmen might The response made to this proftDunoedofr Cartel's chest to break c e e d e d l n d € r e a t i n g them 1-0 in a fatal for Pharmacy when the put up a fight, but the Blue and posed weekend was so heartening tne back of the B s bid for a last ,, e t u r n g a m e . Statesmen triumphed 832 to 698. White team soon recovered itself that future plans are already in minute v'oj; 0 /^The frosh, however, have an im- Parley again took top honors and and scored five points. In this the offing. Final: EEP 18, B s 12. posing list of possible starters. Bev was aided by good games by the period the freshmen ended with Ken Thompson and Dee Webber, Final League Games Slttig, '49, Captain for the frosh, remainder of the State five. the ball in upperclass territory, but co-chairmen of the party, have a n The St. Mary's Angels copped . r e p 0 r t s that she Is having a dlffi- liortnick, Farley High they were never really a threat. nounced their gratitude to all those their first win by downing SLS, c u j t task eliminating to the final Marty Bortnick was high with a T l l e usual pre-game ceremonies who put their time and effort into werc 13-7, while the Beavers beat the team I n g o a l i e Put Jai, the frosh 223 single and a three-game total highlighted by the Sophomores the project, especially their cornRamblers. Monday the H&E's t c a m n a s o n e o f t n e b e s t players of of 546. Hank Parley followed close- unveiling a monument to those mittee Elly Adams, McCuenheads: and Molly MulliganShirley of the tripped KDR 12-0 while the Gents t h o s e a s o n . j f the Sophs hope to iy with a 202 single and 545 for the players who had gone before, Class of '50, and Edle Paterson of were overcoming the Huskies, 20-0. sc01 . c t ngoalie icon with Adslt rolled a 475 to pace ~~ ~~ e y w l l iopposition. n a v e t o reCOther expert pos- evening. pharmacy, Pharmacy 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. the Class of '51. slble frosh starters include Green, j ^ t , . 182 137 126 445 1st 2nd 3rd Tot. Yaguda Pnterson, Weller. Brad- Dickinson 169 181 169 519 Hauck 159 132 128 411) W A A Council Plans Skldmore, shaw, Hicks, Reed, Stayer, Kuhlkin, carosella 189 170 159 518 Dardano 137 147 134 418 Maginess, Powery and Nuffer. Parley ...,'.......'. 202 157 186 545 Adslt 147 157 171 475 Annual Tea, Nov. 6 Team Chances Bortnick 170 223 153 546 Abbott 159 292 133 156 156 The frosh team, displaying much Mullin 156 167 165 488 Crawley Beverly Slttig, '49, Chairman of the Annual WAA tea, has announc- PeP and enthusiasm, are out for a Total 886 898 832 2616 Total 758 729 098 2185 ed her plans. The tea will take w l n ' Undaunted by the loss of the place on November 6th, ln the Campus Cup, they hope to stage a Lounge, from 3-5 comeback in Wednesday's clash Miss'Johnson and Miss Murray w l U l Uu> Blue-Jays. Most of the will pour; and besides refreshments frosh starters are high school "Portraiture At Its Finest" members of the organization will hockey veterans. The Sophs, on bo treated to entertainment, under the oilier hand, feel that the vlcthe direction of Mickey Seaman, 'orv should be theirs although they '49, and a speech by President Wil- recognize the strength of frosh op"Buy Where the Flowara Grow" position. ma Diehl, '48. HOLLYWOOD COMES Other committees Include refreshFLORIST & GREENHOUSE ments: Juanlta Evans '49, and Dee EAST TO TAKE Webber, '50; invitations: Ruth ! Coals — Suits — Drosses '• Smith, '50; arrangements: Ruth YOUR PORTRAIT Corner of "Slate" Representatives Mattoson and Ellv Adams of the FREDA'S Class of '50, and Pug Kuhlkin and CLOTHES EXCHANGE ONTARIO & BENSON JACK RROPIIY Georgie Mnginesh, freshmen, are In charge of clean-up. ! Evening and Dinner Gowns • '50-'5t To Clash State Bowlers '" « y Defeat Pharmacy THE HAGUE STUDIO Smil 0. SYagengast to"* "i mmm0mmmt0^mmm mi H. F. Honikel & Son Pharmacists Established 1905 Phone 4-293U 157 Central Ave. ALBANY, N. Y. +mn **•*'—Hw—^m»——» 1k* mt before, I FRIDAY. OCT. St, 1147 ', Evening Wraps—Fur Goats and Jackets Goats Fur Trimmed & Plain VERY ItKASONAIILK PRACTICALLY NEW Ph. 2-0482 1 So. Main Ave.: GEORGE POULOS DIAL 4-1125 WALT SCHICK OPEN 9:00 to S:30 DAILY Evenings by appointment COLLEGE FLORIST FOR YEARS TELEPHONE 4-0017 Special Attention to Sororities and Fraternities 811 MADISON AVENUE LIBRARY STATE COLLEGE E0R TEACHER! ALBANY, N. Y, STATE COLLta* NEW*. FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 1047 PAOE • Essay-Contest Awards Trips To Scandinavia FaculfyMembers Stanley Abrams AttendMeetings To Attend Debate On November 16, Stanley Abrams '48, represent Forum of Politics In Various Cities and will the Collegiate Council for the United Nations at a debate at SkidCumuli A I » , ! » I I I ;n. **•' Wallace W. Taylor, Assistant more College between the C.C.U.N, 3WeaiSn A erican Line p In r0 fessor and »*»»***•••• * m ""•-.Professor ana—Supervisor D ci.w ... Social - " -"• * *u p™ Mnvember 28 and the Student World Federalists. w u on I ov lb r The subject for the debate will be Celebrates Centennial W&± } t <&& afc "How Do We Attain World Organ Spnk In ttanctllor'i Hall lzatidh?" On Saturday, November 15, at 8:15 The Collegiate Council for the P.M. in Chancellor's flail, the HonUnited Nations and Its affiliate the orable Ellis Arnold, former governor American (Association for the United of Georgia, will speak on the subNations, Inc., are taking a stand for ject "Whose Country is This, Anyan ultimate world government, prob- way?" ably achieved through the United Tickets for the general public will Nations. The Student World Fed- be $1.20, including tax. Tickets to eralists, in opposition, suggest an immediate revision of the United Students of State, however, will be Nations Charter Into a plan for a 50 cents, and will be sold at the State Coolege Co-op. federal world government. ? !° ? * Six free tripe to Scandinavia will * • Hotel Jefferson to St Louis be presented as the first and second £>r * h e Rational Council of Social prises for the best essays on the Studlfs, The topic wUl be "visiting subject of "The Influence of Swe- J f " S u c , c e S • „ under the m a n dish Settlers On A Community Or headtag of "Realism and Idealism In Region", the contest being open to Studying the United Nations." all members of Student Association. In his talk, Dr. Taylor will dlsThis competition is given in com- cuss in part his visit last June 15 to memoration of the Swedish Pioneer 22 at Lake Success as Educational Centennial being celebrated In 1948, Director of the Collegiate Commitand is sponsored by the Swedish- tee for the United Nations. American Line, New York City. Today at Hobart College, Dr. AnThis is the first time that a con- nette Dobbin, Assistant Professor test on this subject has been ini- of French, is attending the annual tiated; many interesting stories of conference of college language teach8. Swedish settlers and their construe- ers. » Mr. Carl Bulger, Coordinator, and tlve Influence on American culture Mr. Mathews, Director of SEB, atshould come to light, according to tended the annual meeting of the Earnest B. Bearneth, contest edi- New York State School Boards Association in Syracuse on Sunday, tor. First prize will consist of a free Monday, and Tuesday of last week. ui . . in the summer "Georgraphic Location in Ninth trip*«,«, to Scandinavia weeks, Cabin Class accommoof 1948 with totaling approximately eight Grade Social Studies, "an article by dations with on Cabin the Swedish-American weeks, Class accommo- Millicent Haines, Supervisor of SoLine, including transportation to clal Milne .School, ciai Studies siumes In in the uic ........ liine, muiuuiwB«_.... »«»,—-.. — A *u„ urtn- will be published in the October isand from New York and the win sue of the monthly "Journal of Geoners' residence in United States or .... Canada. Second prize will be a free graphy." trip to Scandinavia with the same provisions as for first prize except that the trip will last for ap- Student, Faculty Group proximately six weeks instead of eight. Third prize consists of a $200 To Select Boole Cover trip to one of the Swedish Pioneer Beverly Free, '48, Editor-in-Chief Centennial Celebrations in the Middle West in 1948; fourth prize is a of the Directory, has announced $100 United States Savings Bond, that the contest for the designing and fifth and sixth prizes consists of of the Directory cover will be Judg$50 and $25 Savings Bonds, respec- ed on November 3 in Room 208, Hall. tively. Not more than one prize will Draper Judges of the ent>ies will consist be awarded to one family; the win- of three faculty members: Dr. Marners of first and second prizes will garet Hayes, Assistant Professor of travel as groups. Education, Dr. Joslah Phlnney, ProRules for the contest will be post- fessor of Economics, and Miss Mary ed on the bulletin board in the P.O. Mohr, Instructor in English; two All students interested should in- Seniors, Miss Free and arietta vestigate further at the NEWS of- Wolf; one Junior. Marjorie Fusmer; fice.. one Sophomore, Earle Jones, There will be three different contests open to the following groups, State Closed Armistice Da/ which will be judged separately. Dr. M. G. Nelson, Dean and Act1. College undergraduates; 2. High School and Preparatory School stu- ing President, has announced that dents; 3. Adults regardless of occu- there will be no classes held on pation. This means that there will Armistice Day for State College be two free trips available to con- students. This will come on a Tuesday, but it does not rate an extratestants on the college level. Fourteen prominent educators long weekend. Students will have have consented to serve as judges to account for all unexcused abfor the contest, which will close sences on either November 10 or 12. April 1, 1948. Biiet's Opera "Carmen" Attracts Large State College Audience tan, sang an acceptable Don Jose, A warm and well balanced pro- although his acting was perhaps duction of Bizet's opera, "Carmen", not as convincing as that of Miss was presented by the San Carlo Glade, He sang particularly well In Opera Company Tuesday night in the "Flower Song". Notable among the Palace Theater. While lacking the supporting cast were Carlo in professional polish, and notice- Morelli, as Escamlllo the toreador, ably weak in the first act, the per- Mina Cravi, as Don Jose's rejected formance was well received by a sweetheart Micacla, and the excellent ballet troupe led by Lydia Arcapacity audience. Coe Clade, as the BYPsy Carmen, love and Lucien Prldeaux. The chorus was extremely alive revealed an unusual strong, rich messosoprano voice. Here was the and precise throughout. Tine music one voice that consistently con- Itself was by far the most profesquered the bad accoustlos of the sional part of the performance. Among the tremendous audience Palace Theater, were the familiar faces of many Frederick Jagel, a tenor with pre- State College Students. vious experience at the Metropoli- 7 M MfftdbenAto. R.Y Ens 6 SL-w ^ ^-ifcW'i ••• V«. ••••• " "" «ARN»* ^ . o»< ** "*te>», ' #"«l ML ALWAYS MILDER B BETTER TASUNG f j COOLER SMOKING -"""" OPBN DAILY AT I A. * - " Copc^i mi, IKKJ~ C«p|iil|lii Ufcio It - M u... m Tvuuo C*. "" ~ STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY. NOV. 7, 1S47 CAMPUS CHEST VOL. XXXII NO, % IG Council To Sponsor Intercollegiate Conference; Dr. J. L. Moreno Will Present Sociodrama Process This morning Intergroup Council will present Father George B. Ford, as assembly speaker. Assembly will also include the announcement of the results of the freshmen elections and the annual freshman sing. Father Ford will speak on modern trends and Intergroup Relations. Following the announcement by Myskania of the results of the freshmen elections the President and representatives of '51 will recieve their keys. Freshmen to Sing During the annual freshmen sing the class of '51 will sing the Alma Mater and the State College Fight Song. The newly elected officers will lead their class around the auditorium singing "Life Is Very Different," and the song leader will direct the class for the first lime. At the Student Council meeting Wednesday night two new names were added to the Common's Committee to replace J. Michael Hippick '48. and Geraldine Cooperman '50. These names are Eugene McLaren '48 and Agnes Mclntyre '49. Appoint Voting- Committee A new committee, concerning voting, has been appointed to replace last year's committee which had disbanded. The new committee consists of: Eloise Worth, and Gerhardt Weinberg, Seniors; Jean Pulver, Jumci Brophy, and Robert Hart, Juniors; and Anthony Procilll '50. The rivalry score is now 10-3 in favor of the class of '50. Schedule Debate Monday Night ot SANDWICHES Luncheon Served Daily Z.444 Father George Ford To Address Students O n "Modern Trends'7 Home Made ICE CREAM SODAS - - CANDY - State College News Election Results, Sing, Scheduled For Assembly Where nil the Students Meet SWEETSHOP GIVE TO Rita Shapiro '48, President of Debate Council has announced that there will be a debate with Middlebury College for Women on Monday at 7:30 P.M. in the Lounge. The topic is: "Resolved that there should be socialization of medicine-" Two women from Middlebury will take the affirmative side while Betlee J. Jones, '48, and Mary Odak, '49 from State will uphold the negative side. The time will be ten minutes for eacli speaker In construction and five minutes for each team in rebuttle. Miss Shapiro has also announced that Debate Council will give a radio television broadcast with Union College on December i). at 8:00 P. M. on the same topic. On December 15 the members of Debate Council will present a debate In freshmen orientation on the topic Why an honor system at State College? Mr. Duncan and Mis. Cook of the English Department are the faculty advisors for Debate Council. Freshmen To Receive Warning Kenneth Ludlum, Helen Geneacl, and Edward Kurlander, freshmen, have received second warnings from Myskania, for violations of n State College tradition. If a third offense is committed, the penalty is an apology before Student Association. Simon To Greet College Delegates In Page Today Ptapiam fyo* MelcalUfiaie GonfrtiMHC* SATURDAY— FRIDAY— 9:30 A.M.—Meeting of Delegates. 9:30 A.M.—Registration. Explanation of Workshop 10:00 A.M.—Orientation Program. Procedure. Address of Welcome. Robert Hardt, Teresa MaJoy Simon, Conlerence honey, Alice Williams. Purposes and Needs of 10:00 A.M.—Workshop of Tactics, the Conference. " Working W i t h People// Strategies and Methods. John Jennings, Albany IGC. Poster and Leaflet Analysis. 11:00 A.M.—Address: Page Hall. To Be Dominant Theme Use of the Seminal'. Father George B. Ford, Workable Intergroup Tests. Corpus Christ! Rectory, At 9:30 A. M. today, the Second Intergroup Education: CurN. Y. City. Intercollegiate Conference on Inriculum. 12:30 P.M.—Luncheon. tergroup Relations will begin. The Drams, Radio Scripts. two-day program is sponsored by Dr. Robert Fisk, Principal, 12:30 P.M.—Luncheon. the Intergroup Council of this colMilne School, "Fight lege and will feature the presentaDr. Watt Stewart, Faculty A g a i n s t Tolerance — Committee, "Responsibiltion of the sociodrama process by Strive for Acceptance." ity of the Educator." Dr. Jacob L. Moreno, Director of 2:00 P.M.— Power and Usage of 1:30 P.M.—W o r k s h o p SumFilms. the Psychodramatic Institute of maries. Geraldine Cooperman. New York City, tomorrow evening Student Delegates. Races of Mankind—Aniat 8:30 In Page Hall. 2:30 P.M.—Round Table Dismated cartoon. The appearance of Dr. Moreno cussion: "The Role of A Better Tomorrow — will be the culmination point ot Legislation in DiscriminTeaching Methods. tne two-ctay program. Dr. Elaine ation—Does It Work," Discussion. Forsythe, Assistant Professor of DR. J. L. MORENO Garda W. Bowman, Chair3:30 P.M.—"Ways of Working the meeting and states that the Conference Speaker man Co-ordinator of People." process is not difficult to learn and Community Councils — Dr. Lloyd Allen Cook, Diwill prove valuable in the classState Commission Against rector, Milne College Exroom. No admission charge will be Discrimination. periment in Intergroup made for the program. 4:00 P.M.—Concluding StateEducation. Assembly Program ments. Introduced by Dr. Margaret Father George B. Ford of the (i:45 P.M.-Dinner. Hayes, Faculty CommitCorpus Christi Rectory In New 8:30 P.M.—Sociodrama. tee. York City will speak in Assembly 7:0(1 P.M.—Problems of OrganDr. J. L. Moreno, Director Donald Lansky, '49, Chairman of this morning as part of the proization. Eugenia BardPsychodramatic Institute. the State College Campus Chest gram of the conference. He will be nowski; Gerhard WeinNew York City. Drive, has announced that the 1947berg. Introduced by Dr. Elaine 48 campaign will begin this Monday introduced by Dr. Robert Fisk, Discussion. Forsythe. Assistant Pro- and will continue through Novem- Principal of Milne School. Intergroup Council will play host Conclusions. fessor of Geography. ber 22. to delegates from 14 colleges: OneThe money collected Is used to onta, New Paltz, Oswego, P i t t s help support thirty-five different burgh. Cortland, Saint Rose, Freagencies. First among these is the donia, Connectlcutt, Massachusetts, World Student Service Fund. This Rhode Island, Vermont, Michigan, is a fund supported by colleges and Skidmore and Albany. Along with the families of college students the delegates will come student only which provides food, clothes, and faculty observers from severbooks, fuel and other needed ma- al of the colleges. Choose Richard Thome terials for students in Europe, Asia, The conference is open to all Vice-President of Class South America, and all over the State College students; it is hoped At Student Council Meeting WedBy a landslide majority, Gerald world where need exists in edu- that many will attend those sesDunn was elected President of the nesday night, a petition was pre cation. sions in which they are interested, sented to the President of Student freshman class on the second disIn addition, support is also giv- states Joy Simon, '48, Conference tribution. His closest opponent, Council asking for a recount of the en to the Albany Community Chest, Chairman. Most of the meetings ballots in the recent Who's Who Donald Ely, trailed by 67 votes. election. It is rumored that Mys- which serves thirty local agencies; will be held in the Lounge. Richard Thorne became Vice-Pres- kania will assist the members of the Cancer Research Fund, the Workable Agenda ident of the class on the ,'txth dis- Press Bureau in recounting the March of Dimes; the Red Cross; In planning the conference, the tribution. and the Tuberculosis Association. members were careful not to make ballots. The vote for secretary was much As last year, the quota is $1.00 per the program a theoretical one, acThe election was conducted and person. closer, the two top candidates becording to Miss Simon. It is a tabulated bp Press Bureau which The Campus Chest, Committee ur- workable agenda; one in which the ing tied on the eighth distribution with Jane Cook pushing ahead to Is supported through Student Asso- ges that students make additions delegate can accomplish something. ciation. Ac-cording to the Consti- or substitutions to the above causes win the election in the ninth. tution of the State College Student if they feel so inclined, They may The theme will be "Ways of WorkThe election for Treasurer was Association, ing With People"—an attempt to By-Laws, Section 4, finally determined by one vote. upon petition of 25 members of the do so by contacting the Chairman push lethargic belief into action. Marie Thurlow was ahead of her Association, any action or ruling of through Student Mail or leaving It will show the future teacher nearest opponent, Alice Gersh. for any organization supported through a note in the Dean of Women's what lie can actually do (using three distributions but Miss Gersh the budget shall be reconsidered by office. certain tactics, strategies and methCanvassing of various groups and ods) to help unite the working won the election on the fourth dis- that organization, and subsequently, Individuals will begin Monday. All tribution by one vote. If desired by the petitioners, an ap- Residence Halls will be contacted forces of mankind. Select Cheerleader peal shall be made to Myskania." during the campaign, and the house Election for Cheerleader went Petition Student Council which first reaches 100'i partici- Pearl Pless Announces out to eight distributions but Ruth The petition as presented to the pation will receive a prize. CommuOwen was ahead all the way. She President of Student Council reads ters, including all those who live Revised Poster Rules received the quota on the eighth as follows: "We the undersigned in private homos in Albany, will be Pearl Pless, '49, Chairman of the distribution, her closest opponent, hereby wish to petition Student canvassed by a squad of commuter Mary Eade, being behind by twenty- Council for a recount of the elec- workers who will make personal Poster Committee of Campus Commission, has announced a new set nine votes. tion results for "Who's Who Among contacts. In addition, organizations of poster regulations because of Harvey Clearwater won the elec- Students in American Universities on campus will be reached for group the difficulty in carrying out the contributions. tion for publicity director with ease and Colleges". former rules. The revised regulaMonday noon in the Commons, tions are: on the third distribution, and PhylWilma Dlelll, Ann May, Eugene free entertainment will formally lis Hatch became Songleader with McLaren, Marian Mieras, Betty 1. No grey paper is to be used. a wide majority. Jane Vaughn, Barbara J. Schoon- mark the beginning of the '47-'48 and blue paper may be usNeither the WAA Representative maker, Gloria Jailor, Dorothy Dlf- Campus Chest Drive. During the Green ed only if the printing on it is or Manager won with a majority. fin, Stanley Abrams, Marjory E. week, a Chinese Auction will be done in white or black ink. Patricia Jal was elected representa- Clark, Arliene Riber, and Helen held, and plans are in the making 2. Posters for advertising should tive on the fourth distribution and Kisiel, Seniors; Robertson Baker, for many other events and affairs. be lull size. Those for the anMr. Lanswky said, "We feel that Audrey Weller was made manager Donald Lansky, Everson Kinn, Jean nouncements of meetings should be Pulver, James Brophy, Nolan Pow- an lnternalionalistic spirit would be one-half size. on the sixth distribution. ell, Elsie Lanudau, Austin Monroe, an asset for State College and that Name Four to Student Council 3. All posters must be approved the World Student Service Fund is Student Council went out to eigh- Pearl Pless, and Katherine Grant, one of great Importance." before they are put up. Juniors; Rose Mary Willsey, Anteen distributions. Patrick Dooley thony Prochllo, and Richard Fea4. Posters must be of college The Campus Chest Committee was elected on the tenth distribu- thers, Sophomores. consists of Coletta Fitzmorris and level and attractive. ft. Crayons may not be used on tion, Dutch SehulU on the thirMargaret Seaman, Juniors, and teenth, Betty Gushing on the four- Humor llallol Destruction Ruth Smith, '50, Canvassing; Heinz posters. (i. The organization to which each teenth and Edward Moriarty on There have been rumors circu- Engel and Joseph Carosella, Sophothe nineteenth. lating that the ballots lor this elec- mores, Publicity; Katherine Grant particular poster belongs Is reA list of the numerical tabulations tion have been destroyed, but the and Marie Orion), Entertainment; sponsible for taking down its postwill be found on page lour of the Press Bureau Constitution states! mid Barbara Houck; Faculty Con- er as soon as the event advertised by it is over. (Continued on Pat/eli, Column 8) tacts, NEWS. Lansky To Head Campus Drive Dunn Elected Frosh President Students Petition Ballot Recount For Who's Who