Budget Opinions Among Students

Poll Discloses
SA Candidates
Budget Opinions 7o Give Aims
Among Students
(Continued from Page 1, Column V
,'Continued from Page //, Column BJ Prlndle's Platform
1. To make State College more
organization have a line item for prominent through support of the
Ped. Why not give Ped the money State-wide conferences.
2. To give more students a chance
at the beginning? The budget does
not include items as to how much to participate in our student govmoney is returned to Student Asso- ernment by holding large open sesciation by each organization at the sions of Student Council at least
once every two months (or more
end of the year.
"It keeps increasing all the time. often if desired).
3. To encourage joint meetings of
In view of last year's stormy budget session it's obvious that each all student organizations and to
organization has its budget padded contribute suggestions to the work
to sustain any possible rises in of each. (Perhaps, only once a semcosts. Aside from these few minor ester for each organization to outline, explain, and publicize their
details. . ."
Many students were of the opin- programs for the year.) Because
ion that we. ought to know more many students can only devote their
about the new Student Center build- time to one organization, yet would
ing the State has appropriated like to know what other organizamoney for before we give any more tions are doing and why, they would
money toward It. Among these was have an opportunity in this way.
Gerhard Weinberg, '48.
4. To honestly encourage more inA lot of the people questioned, teresting assemblies. To do this, I
commented that they thought too should like to find out, through a
much money is being spent on keys. poll at the beginning of a semester,
Forum and Debate Council are what type of assemblies are pregetting too much money in propor- ferred by most of the student body.
tion to the results shown in the
5. To see that the student governpast year, according to Ann Herr- ment is run in an efficient manner,
mann, '50.
and to try to have more student inPat Tilden, '48, says that since terest in the workings of the entire
the budget is increasing it shows student government (through No.'s
we're growing and improving. She 2, 3, and 4 above) in an honest, sinalso suggested that budgets be cere way.
itemized more than they have been. Williams' Platform
1. Greater appreciation of State
Paul Barselou, '47, rendered his
opinion thusly, "Judging from the College in the community of Albany.
discussion in last Friday's Assem2. Greater recognition of State
bly I have no objections. Some of among the other colleges, especially
the allowances are pathetically through active participation in the
Intercollegiate Association of State
Art Soderlind, '47, has no objec- Teachers' Colleges.
tions because he hasn't been to As- 3. Wider and more genuine intersembly this semester. (Apparently est in student government.
he hasn't read the NEWS for last
4. Greater school interest in curweek either!)
rent problems, especially those
Delores Kloster, '49, would also which will affect us in our own aftlike a more itemized account so er college lines.
students would know what's going
5. A maintenance of the friendly
on, and she has many on her side. atmosphere for which State has
been noted.
Worth's Platform
1. A definite change in the Assembly program scheduling committee to work more closely with organizations to insure a well integrated program with an over-all
scope of interest and popularity
»10 Central Avenue Albany, N, V. from September to June, with elimination of duplication.
FRIDAY, APRIL 2 5 , 1 S 4 7
2. An increase in intercollegiate
activities to make State better
known and to better ourselves
through new suggestions by conferences here and at other colleges.
3. Making the faculty aware of
the problems of Student Association
and gaining support In the solving
of these problems by a stronger
student-faculty committee.
4. To foster co-ordination and cooperation among organizations supported by Student Association In
order to eliminate loss of effort and
in order to promote maximum benefits for the association as a whole.
w w w
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Cujiyrlflhi UH7, luwm
Futterer Chooses
Dramatic Groups
For Next Year
Fraternities Elect
New Office
Slate Week-End
Sorority Groups Moving-Up Day Excitement, Fun S t u d e n t s
Elect Officers
Approach As Nostalqia
m A
ilgi Rises • confusion, blue ribbons ganization officers are made known,
For Coming Year andNoiseredandsweaters
all over lower comes the Recessional led by the
Informal Donee
Tomorrow Night
Hillel To Hold
For SA Officers
Barber Shop
• • T y v v r - r r v T yrwwyr
Draper shout to everyone in general old and new Myskanias and followthat another Moving-TJp Day is ed by the classes in order—Seniors
Otto Assumes Position
here. Caps and gowns will add a first. Formation of the class numElection O f Myskania,
note of solemnity to the picture of erals and the planting of the Ivy Vets Find Money Scarce...
As Council President
gayety of the excited Sophs, Juniors, by the outgoing Seniors mark the
Officers Slated
Molly Kramer, '47, President of and Seniors-to-be and the rush to end of the first part of Moving-Up But Congress Isn't Worried
For Today's Assembly
Intersorority Council, has announc- get a partner in the line.
Wednesday, without any warned that at meetings of all the sor- It's "up with the birds" for all The Commons is the next seat of
ing, the Veterans Administration
Voting on class and Student Asorities Monday evening, officers for those ten o'clock students because activity with Myskania sponsoring suddenly found themselves with- sociation officers and for the mem1947-48 were elected. The officers the lines form at 8:30 A. M. and an open-house with refreshments out any funds, leaving the ex- bers of the '47-'48 Myskania will
of the Intersorority Council have fifteen minutes later the procession for the students and their guests. G.I.'s in a state of mounting des- take place in Assembly this mornalso been elected and are as follows: begins. Destination reached, finally Then before you know it, it's time pair. Appropriations for the ing. There will also be a further
President, Barbara Otto, '48; Vice- —'Page Hall—and as all are seated, for the all-important skits and the monthly checks allotted to the discussion of the budget as it stands.
President, Barbara Jean Schoon- including the guests if possible, rivalry points at bay. The evening veterans were depleted, and no
maker, '48; Secretary, Ruth Seel- Ruth Bentlcy, '47, will formally wel- continues with the students form- hopes of relief are in sight for List SA Candidates
bach, '48; and Treasurer, Barbara come evei one. With the usual or- lng a hollow square in front of
some time. As it stands now, the
The three candidates for the (PresDunker, '48.
der reversed and the frosh leading Draper for a campus sing.
bill providing for continuation of
ident of Student Association are
The newly elected officers of Al- off, class speakers will expound on The appropriate end to an un- funds before Congress has not Alice Prindle, Alice Williams, and
pha Epsilon Phi are, Dean, Bernlce the ideals of their class. Following forgettable day is again in the been passed, and the Administra- Eloise Worth, while James Brophy,
Shapiro, '48; Subdean, Charlotte the announcement of the new of- commons where the State Stars tion will not have the funds to Joseph Francello, Robert Kittredge
continue monthly payments. Un- Agnes Mclntyre, Gifford Wingate,
Goldstein, '48; Scribe, Ruth Bessel, fleers of minor organizations comes furnish music for dancing
til the bill is passed, the veterans and Joseph ZanohelU are running
'48; Treasurer, Rita Shapiro, '48; the moving-up ceremony and those
.._.. ._
will be without money.
Rush Captain, Marie Holz, '49; Al- -frosh finally get their chance to
in competition for the office of
umnl Secretaries, Rose Rosen and come down out of the gallery with
According to a report from the Vice-Presidency. The four freshYvette Schwedock, Sophomores; all its bird's eye views and see how
rimes Union, Wednesday, there men who are candidates for the ofand House President, Alice Fisher, everyone on the stage looks from
is no way of determining when fice of Secretary are Geraldine
the main floor. "Where, oh where
the .situation will be relieved. In Cooperman, Alice Reilly, Diane
Next year's officers for Beta Zeta are the gay young Sophomores?"
Webber, and Rose Mary Willsey
the words of the cynical reporter
are, President, Barbara J. Schoon- • • • Right back in the balcony! The
Who volunteered the information, Rita Shapiro, Helen Kisiel, and
maker, '48; Vice-President, Shirley spirited rendition of that melody
Who can tell what Congress Mary Jean Carver, Juniors, are runForman, '48; Secretary, Mary Lou will serve to keep the enthusiasm
ning for the office of Grand Mardo?"
O'Nell, '49; Treasurer, Joyce Park- high during the moving-up. "Arm In
shal of Student Association. Other
er, '48; Chaplain, Corinne Feigin, Arm Thro' Friendly Ways" comes
candidates for Association offices
'49; Alumni Secretary, Helen Cook, Just before the tapping of the new Hillel will sponsor a sport dance
are Margaret Franks, Jeanne Gebo
tomorrow evening in the Commons
'49; Marshals, Ruth Matteson and Myskania.
Audrey Koch, and Marjorie Smith,'
for Songleader, and for College
Immediately after the major or
Eleanor Adams, freshmen.
Solomon Minsberg, '47, President.
Cheerleaders, Gladys Hawk, '48
Chi Sigma Theta has chosen the
Mary Telian, '47, President of StuMary Cheatham, Jacqueline Farrell
following officers for the coming
dent Christian Association, has apJean Ineson, Patricia Rourke, and
year, President, Rita Coleman, '48;
pointed Donald Herold, '48, general
Margaret Seaman, Sophomores, and
Vice-President, Jane O'Brien, '48;
chairman of SCA's program ThursEvelyn Komendarek and Joan KeySecretary, Jean Cleary, '50; Treasday evening, which will feature the
ton, freshmen. For the Student
urer, Jean Pulver, '49; Alumni SecRPI Glee Club.
retary and House President, FranMiss Agnes Futterer, Assistant Board of Finance four members of
The vie will furnish music for the Professor
ces Ann Walsh, '48.
of English, has announc- the present Junior class and two
The following officers have been
ed that the lists of students chosen mmembers from the present Sophoheld
elected for next year for Gamma
lor Elementary Dramatics and Ad- °>'e class will be chosen. In addidances, and entertain- vanced Dramatics classes have been 'ton to these offices, each class will
Kappa Phi: President, Barbara OtAvrom Koblenz, 47, President of mreceptions,
'48; Vice-President,
Mary Kappa Beta fraternity, has released
programs. The programs for drawn up. The Elementary Di'am- vote for Its own offices and will
Quinn, '48; Recording Secretary, the list of newly elected officers for t h e evening will include dancing, alio group will contain 39 students mark their preferences for the
Elizabeth Ann Gibson, '49; Corres- the year 1947-48 along with the singing, and piano solos. Jean and the Advanced class 14.
members of Myskania for next year
ponding Secretary, Marjorie Fusmer, final plans for a reunion next week- Hoffman, '49, will render several
People chosen for the Advanced
'49; Treasurer, Mary Jane Peris, '49; end. The officers of Kappa Delta v o c ^ solos, accompanied by Ruth Dr ~ a matlcs class include: Arthur „ A . n Student Council meeting
Historian, Shirley McOuen, '50; Rho have also been announced by Lillmnfeld, 47, on the piano. Miss Russell, '48, Frederick Baron, Stuart G L ' n C o o Pcrman, '50, reported that
Clerk, Marie DcCarlo, '50; and Mar- Curtis Pfaff, '48, President of the Lilllanfeld will also play popular Campbell, Mary Cheatham, Cath- £ •clonic will be held Sunday, May
shals, Diane Weber and Marian fraternity.
numbers in the form of a piano solo. rine Donnelly, Ellen Fay, Margaret j " 1 ' l o r t l l e children from the AlLouise Klingman, freshmen.
All students are Invited to at- Franks, Everson Kinn, Thomas l m n y H o " i e .
Kappa Beta will hold its semiKappa Delta has elected the l'ol- formal the eve of Moving-Up Day tend. Invitations have been sent Lisker, Elizabeth Lol'thoase, John nnuim. ivr»» r , ,,
lowing officers for next year: Presi- from 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. at the Shak- to Union, RPI, Albany Low School, Lubey, Louise McArdle, Harold
, ' " M A A E, «««ons
dent, Barbara Dunker, '48; Vice- er Ridge Country Club. Music will and Albany College of Pharmacy. Mills, and Gilford Wingate, Sopho- . William Marsland, President of
Student Christian Association will mores.
President, Suzanne Hlldreth, '48; bo furnished by Vinee Bytner's Teen
> presented plans that lmvo
Secretary, Susanne Anderson, '49; Age Band. The chaperones for the sponsor the RPI Glee Club and the
been partially drawn up for the reTreasurer, Jo Ann Joslin, '49; Critic, evening will be Mrs. Kenneth Tlm- "Four Horsemen" Thursday evening
The Eelementary Dramatics class vision of the methods of electing
Vlrglniu Young, '48; Chaplain, Jean merman, Instructor In Chemistry, in the Commons at 11:30 P. M. Fol- includes: Robert Hard!,, Jean Tot- members to the MAA Council At
Wilcox, '48; Alumni Secretary, Mar- and Mr. Timmcrman and Dr. Earl lowing the performance there will man, and Jeanne Valachovic, Soph- the meeting of the new represontuomores, and James Baumgarten, Lives of Student Council which will
garet Franks, '49; Corresponding Dorwaldt Instructor in Hygiene. bo (lancing until 11:30 P. M.
Edwin Beemer, Asher Borton, Mar- be held the week after Moving-Up
Secretary, Wllma Whitney, '49; and Saturday, May 10, the fraternity will
fin Bush, G. L, Christy, Richard Day, the final plans will be discussMarshals, Marianim Burnett and hold a banquet at Howard Johnson's
Clark, Ruth Cooklngham, Joseph ed, and if approved, will be put to
(Continued on Pane 1,, Column SI on Central Avenue at 6:30 P. M.
Paul Wagner, ''17, is chairman of
Crucllla, Joan Farrell, Ruth From- a vote before the entire Student
I he banquet committee. The weekbach,
Freel, Louis Association in one of the last mcetend will be brought to a close by a
Freechium, Joan French, Jeanne lugs of the year.
picnic and outing at Indian Ladder
Gebo, Yoland Glockner, Margaret
Sunday afternoon. Pfaff has anHoward, Eurle Jones, Christian Llenounced that Samuel Scott, '48, Is
vesfro, Marjorie Lyons, William Lygeneral chairman of the entire
Forum has planned two discus- ons, Thomas McCrackcn, Catherine
weekend, while Calvin Zippin, '47, sions on the United Nations, one of Noonan, Anthony Proehllo, Rhoda
is in charge of arrangements for which will take place here at State Rlber, Lorlce Sehalne, Shirley ShaMaurice Joseph Levin, Graduate, the picnic.
May 14, according to Marlon Han- piro, Hope Shaughnessy, Judith
President of Kappa Phi Kappa, Officers for Kappa Beta
cock, '411, Chairman of the model Serebnlck, Marvin Sell wart/, Marhonorary education fraternity, has
Officers lor the (•(lining year for United Nations program. These jorie Southwiclc, Pauline Thompannounced that the organization Kappa Hela are: President.' Marvin explanatory meetings will take the son, Noreno Thorson, Mabel Totten,
The Primer staff, which Is headed
held a dinner last Saturday at 1 Wayne, '49; Vice-President, Abra- place of tlie model United Nations Rose Wollse.y , freshmen.
by Marilyn Skoisky, '47, has listed
P. M, In VnnDerzee Hall In honor ham Ti'op, '50; Secretary, Irwin meeting previously planned but
nominations lor the 1947-48 staff
of Dr. Arthur K. Helk, Professor oi' Haumel, '50; Treasurer, Fred Jo- postponed because It came too Into
and has announced that voting will
I); Recording Secretary, Seytake place Unlay in the Commons
The first of these meetings will Faculty W i l l A t t e n d
Dr. BelK has been faculty spon- ii I i ii i I Fer.sh, '50; Inlerl'ralernity
from 12 to 12:30 and from 2:30 to
sor of Kappa Pill Kappa lor twenty Representative, Stanley Abrain '48; have as its aim the explanation of
4:30. Members of the present staff
years since the commencement of Historian, Lawrence Fried, '50 and the purposes ami functions of the History Conference
are eligible to vote.
Irwin Wnxman, United Nations' Security Council
the organisation, and has resigned Parliamentarian
Three representatives from Stale
because it has come to the attenMore stories and contributions
his position, The main speaker at '50
tion of Forum that many of the College ure attending the spring than usual have been handed in
the dinner was Dr. James Allan '47 18 Officers for Kappa Delta
Hicks, Professor of Guidance, who
'i'lie following officers have been student body are not well-informed conference of the New York Stale this year, and the Primer has had
Political Scientists and Historians lo be enlarged and bound. Becauso
Is the new sponsor of the fraternity. elected lor Kappa Delia Rho for upon llie workings of the UN.
Some of I he questions which will at Cooperslown today and lomor- the money appropriated for tho
Dr. Beik was presented with a 11)47-48: President, Robert Merrill,
wallet as a token of appreciation '•III; Senior Vice-President, Glen Do- be discussed are: the provisions of row. Dr Harvey Rice, Professor of publication was not sufficient, tho
lor his services to the organization. Long. ''Ill; Jlllllor Vice-President, the United Nations plan lor World Social Studies, Dr. Nell McNall, As- staff litis been working with the
Dale Wool '4(1; Secretary, Mervyn J'cuec and lis possibilities of sue- .slsluiil Professor of Social Studies, printer this pnsl week so that tho
McClliilock, '48; Treasurer, Emory cess; can diplomacy bring ponce?; and Owen Bombard, Graduate, were expenses could be cut down. However, anyone who stll) has contribuA n n o u n c e Drive Successful
Osborne, 'h); Corresponding Secre- what is the purpose of the UN and chosen to attend llie conference.
According lo Dr. Rice, the con- tions should save I hem and give
tary, II. Phillip Williams, '49; lnlcr- ciin II curry out Its purpose with
Ciillirliiu Donnelly, '49, Chairman fraternity Council Representative Ihe machinery sot up In the UN furmien will deal with the problems thorn lo llie new editor early In the
of leaching history. Discussion of full. This year's Issue will Include
of tho Nyinegen Drive here, has an- Curtis Pfaff, '48; Hergeuiil-al-Arms, charter?
The discussions will not oitonipl problems will center mainly upon several drawings by Eleanor liinn,
nounced thai the side of over (10(1 Zalllo Prlvetl, '411; Custodian, Wllwooden shoes al the tag day Tues- Hum Dumblelon, '50; Ponllfux, to come to u definite conclusion on the problems In New York Slate '47.
day netted $45 for the drive. The Thomas Triilnor, 'lid; Social Chulr- any of these topics, but ll is hoped Colleges and Universities. RepresenRogers Nielsen and Norma Fair.
clolhliiH received will be packed unil mini, John Brophy, '49; and Alh- lluil they will lead to a bettor un- luilvcs from colleges nil over New 0|,n,(j | m V ( , U(,t,n nominated for Edlshlpped as soon as boxes are avail- letlo Chairman, Robert Dickinson, dersfaiidlng of tin lunefion.s and York Stale ure attending the conable.
purposes of the UN
ference In Cooperslown.
(Continued on Page 0,
The size of your first pay check
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State College News
Forum Schedules
U N Discussion
Primer Schedules
Elections Today
pkat it
Ettobltihtd May 1916
By (he Clan of 1918
No. 23
M a y 2, 1947
Vol. X X X I
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers; published every Friday of the college
rear by the NEWS Board for the Student Association.
Phones: Tessier, 3-0538; Lusock, 8-1811; Pender, Dunlay,
2-0120, Kunz, 8-0287; Skolsky, 4-1007. Members of the news
Staff may be reached Tues.. and Wed. from 7 to 11:30 P.M.
at 3-0407.
The News Board
All communication!! should be addressed to the editor and
uiiiHl be Dinned. Nnmes will be withheld upon request.
The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed In its columns or communications
as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its view.
•w^^jiu 2
The Urain . . .
T o d a y m a r k s t h e c u l m i n a t i o n of t h r e e hectic
w e e k s of n o m i n a t i n g , c a m p a i g n i n g a n d v a r i o u s
other activities associated with annual elections—
all d i r e c t e d t o w a r d t h e few m i n u t e s t h a t it t a k e s
t o m a r k a b a l l o t a n d d r o p it in t h e box.
I t is u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t all t h e p l a n n i n g a n d e n e r g y
p u t forth by individuals a n d groups during recent
w e e k s c a n b e p o u r e d d o w n t h e d r a i n b y the careless v o t i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of S t u d e n t Association.
W e g r a n t t h a t t h e first e n c o u n t e r with p r e f e r e n t i a l
ballotting m a y be very confusing, but everyone—
i n c l u d i n g t h e f r e s h m e n — s h o u l d be familiar with
t h e s y s t e m b y n o w . U n f o r t u n a t e l y , this is definitely
n o t t h e case.
V o t i n g in a l p h a b e t i c a l or r e v e r s e - a l p h a b e t i c a l
o r d e r , or u s i n g a n y of t h e o t h e r i n d i s c r i m i n a n t
s y s t e m s e m p l o y e d h e r e w i t h d i s m a y i n g frequency,
d o e s n o t — a n d n e v e r w i l l — c o n s t i t u t e intelligent
v o t i n g . C o p y i n g y o u r n e i g h b o r ' s preference is no
T h o s e i n d i v i d u a l s w h o h a v e so little interest in
s t u d e n t affairs t h a t t h e y c a n n o t t a k e a few m i n u t e s t o r e a d t h e n o m i n a t i o n lists a n d d o s o m e
a d v a n c e thinking are throwing t h e whole system
o u t of b a l a n c e . Such p e o p l e would be doing t h e
w h o l e school a big favor if t h e y did not vote a t all.
T h e r e ' s a n o t h e r fly in t h e o i n t m e n t t h a t should
b e e r a d i c a t e d . T h e v e r y n a m e " p r e f e r e n t i a l " indic a t e s t h a t t h e v o t e r is given a c h a n c e to express his
s e c o n d , t h i r d , e t c . c h o i c e in case his first prefere n c e is e l i m i n a t e d in a n e a r l y d i s t r i b u t i o n .
e v e n t h e m o s t h a r d y souls seem to give up after
r e a c h i n g t h e 11th or 1 2 t h choice and s u c c u m b to
t h e t e m p t a t i o n of filling in the r e m a i n i n g b l a n k s
h a p h a z a r d l y . T h e s e l a t t e r votes, however, h a v e
j u s t as m u c h v a l u e a s t h e first ones, a n d it m a y
be y o u r 17th v o t e t h a t is responsible for p u t t i n g
a c a n d i d a t e in office with a slim m a j o r i t y . Keep
t h i s in m i n d w h e n m a r k i n g y o u r ballot
it m a y
s a v e a lot of r e g r e t s n e x t y e a r .
What Can You Lose?
A m o n g o t h e r t h i n g s in a s s e m b l y this m o r n i n g
will be discussion of a r e s o l u t i o n , introduced last
w e e k b u t tabled d u e to lack of t i m e , calling fur a
c o m m i t t e e to i n v e s t i g a t e o u r voting s y s t e m .
T h e m a i n objection to t h i s request seems to be
t h a t a similar effort w a s m a d e last year in connect i o n w i t h c o n s t i t u t i o n revision, a n d further work
a l o n g t h a t line would o n l y b e a r e p e t i t i o n . I,uniting
o u r s e l v e s to the scope of the resolution, however,
w e ' d like t o p o i n t out that t h e n ' is a lot of confusion a m o n g t h e s t u d e n t s c o n c e r n i n g various iutrac a c i e s of t h e m e t h o d now in use, We are not a t t e m p t i n g to e v a l u a t e the s y s t e m itself in a n y
w a y , b u t only its a p p l i c a t i o n here.
S t u d e n t Association will not be c o m m i t t i n g itself in a n y w a y by a p p r o v i n g this resolution, N o t h ing will b e lost, a n d a lot m a y be g a i n e d . W h a t h a v e
y o u g o t to lose?
The Common-Stater
is given the widest latitude as
author of this column, although
his viewpoints
do not
is t h o u g h t best to give Pedagogue a necessarily reflect those of the State College
T o t h e Editor:
As elections approach, we he.:1* l u m p sum. I wish to state a t t h i s
We'd like to lead off t h i s w e e k ' s column with a
m a n y c o m p l a i n t s o n c a m p u s about time t h a t t h i s privilege h a s never
our voting procedure.
T h e M y s - been abused. If oher organizations huee congratulation to M a r j o r i e C l a r k , former Jr,
k a n i a lists a r e a t t a c k e d o n two could keep books like t h e Fed, t h e Ed who was not t h e least b i t d i s a p p o i n e d last wee!:
with a little red-headed a d d i t i o n t o t h e Clark clan.
c o u n t s : t h e r e a r e too m a n y c a n d i - job of auditor would be simple.
Every organization includes a line Hope t h a t all our plans for t h e S t u d e n t Facilities
d a t e s , a n d m u c h irrelevant d a t a
is given. T h e l a t t e r of t h e s e two in its budget for Ped space. W e d o Center will manifest w h e n M i s s C l a r k enrolls i n '65.
is m a i n l y Myskania's fault — t h e t h i s because t h e n S t u d e n t Associa*
"Myskania tion h a s t h e final say as to how
If you're wondering a b o u t t h e n o m e n c l a t u r e of t v
shall publish a list of t h e offices m u c h space each organization is
held a n d t h e scholastic average a t - entitled to receive. If this control structure which appears on p a g e 4, t h e n a m e Studej .
t a i n e d by each nominee." Note t h e were removed, every organization, Union h a s been b a n n e d a n d will i n t h e future be reword "offices"; t h a t does not i n - large a n d small, would be bicker- ferred to as above.
clude two years' m e m b e r s h i p i n a ing for equal representation, a n d
required m a t h course. T h e b l a m e h o w could F i n a n c e Board justify a
t h i s mornii ,
for excessive n o m i n a t i n g lies else- denial?
including a resolution p e r t i n e n t t o t h e financing of
where. T h i s is also t r u e of com2. I n response to the "gag r u l e " the SF section of t h e proposed c o n s t r u c t i o n .
p l a i n t s about other p a r t s of t h e being undemocratic, I would like t o
Three plans are available t o t h e s t u d e n t s . They
election process. For example, our r e m i n d your columnist t h a t t h i s
counting system is now u n d e r a t - rule was i n s t i t u t e d with t h e consent all center about a p a r t i c u l a r p o i n t w h i c h h a s been
tack o n t h e novel charge of being of t h e majority.
W h a t could be kept under cover for some u n k n o w n reason. T i e ! "
too a c c u r a t e .
m o r e democratic? Also, before you is in the surplus now some $5200, h a l f of which will
either be refunded in the f o r m of reduced student
Anyone who compares o u r elec- vote on t h e budget "in toto," you Tax or k e p t on ice for t h e S F u n t i l more define,
tion process with t h a t of a n y o t h e r
information is available.
college will immediately b e struck i t e m if S t u d e n t Association so d e by one thing—we are completely sires.
PLAN 1—Student T a x t o be $17, t h e budget c .,
3. If you want more complete without any direct a p p r o p r i a t i o n for t h e S F . Instead
u n f e t t e r e d a n d unrestricted, o t h e r s
a r e not. Most colleges h a v e s t r a n g e breakdowns, you'll h a v e to pay for of reducing t h e t a x to $15, w h i c h t h e surplus gn at
devices like n o m i n a t i n g committees, t h e m . T o publish t h e entire find- would allow, keep the t a x a t $17. T h e n , when
petition n o m i n a t i n g , a n d plurality ings of t h e F i n a n c e Board would knew the score on S t u d e n t F a c i l i t i e s (probably son
elections. T h e first of these often necessitate a separate issue of t h e time next year), a n a p p r o p r i a t i o n of $2600 from
..leads t o t h e d i c t a t i o n of a slate, t h e NEWS, a n d I do not feel t h a t it is surplus, the equivalent of $2 p e r individual, be nu.ie
second to a n elimination of i n d e - worth the $81.50. We have assem- to the Facilities fund. U n d e r t h i s p l a n , S t u d e n t )
p e n d e n t candidates, a n d t h i r d to all blies to discuss questionable items, cilities Board (I t h i n k w e ' r e going to have onei in
sorts of tricks like "splitting" t h e a n d a h e a t e d debate may even jolt render two reports each s e m e s t e r t o t h e student bo :\
opposition's vote. We are free to someone who is doing a Latin a s - on the progress being m a d e .
n o m i n a t e , c a m p a i g n for, a n d vote signment.
for whomsoever we please.
4. Aside from estimating r e t u r n s
PLAN 2—Cost of budget, $17 p e r individual. Subti i :
With this unlimited opportunity from plays, games, etc., we do n o t $2 per individual from s u r p l u s g r a n t , making the i IN
goes unlimited responsibility.
T h e e s t i m a t e how much of its unused $15. Then appropriate $2 d i r e c t l y for the SF, m a t .
free system we use is t challenge a l l o t m e n t each organization will r e - the tax $17 as i n plan 1. T h i s would definitely . >.to us. Apparently some among us t u r n because it is assumed t h a t mark $2 per person for t h e S F .
h a v e doubts. These doubts m u s t e a c h organization will use its e n PLAN 3—Cost of budget, $17 p e r individual. Hubbe answered by a n Intelligent use tire allocation. Also, does not a n
of t h e free system we h a v e evolved. e s t i m n V u 1300 s t u d e n t s .seem a l i t - tract $2 per individual f r o m s u r p l u s g r a n t , to:: i
Let us not blame our own s h o r t - tle high to you? If the organiza- about the SF, making the t a x $15.
comings on a n election process tions do r e t u r n some money, we m a y
Of t h e three plans, t h e first s e e m s most desirable.
which merely records our own d e - need this to cushion the shock of
sires. If we w a n t Intelligent n o m - n o t meeting our revenue require- Under this plan, the surplus would r e m a i n intaci and
inating, campaigning, a n d voting, m e n t s due to a smaller enrollment the S t u d e n t Facilities F u n d would n o t be augmented
until such time as the s t u d e n t body felt t h a t it km u
t h e n we m u s t n o m i n a t e , campaign, t h a n p l a n n e d .
a n d vote intelligently. During the
5. In r e g a r d s to keys—52.07c from enough about the istuation to a p p r o p r i a t e $2000 hum
last two years the S t u d e n t Associ- each tax ticket goes for keys. This the surplus to the SF F u n d . O r a n y other amouni
ation a n d its Constitution C o m m i s - allows 3.72c per organization from
Plan 2 amounts to pouring o u r m o n e y into a d;irk
sion p u t the spotlight on t h e Con- each individual tax ticket. I feel
s t i t u t i o n and have freed elections t h a t we c a n give this small a m o u n t hole, without the knowledge of i t s u l t i m a t e use. I'l.ui
from all r e s t r a i n t s of procedures to those kids who slave away every 3 makes the Student F a c i l i t i e s C e n t e r a forgot n-u
a n d mechanics. Now t h e spotlight week p u t t i n g out NEWSES for our issue.
A few facts have been given a b o u t the Cenlei M
h a s moved, a n d it is turned squarely rending pleasure. I think that 3.72c
—on us.
is the least we can give them for will be built and financed by t h e S t a t e , but if will
be necessary not only to f u r n i s h it, b u t also repay Hie
all they do for us.
G e r h a r d Weinberg.
State for its construction. W h e n t h e whole biuldmc
6. S t u d e n t Union — no mention
lias been m a d e of this because no has been repayed for, it will be r u n by the cnli. >•,
To t h e Editor:
in much the same m a n n e r as t h e Co-op and c r i I n r e g a r d s to last week's poll on one knew w h a t (lie .score was until teria, not the Alumni Association. Books will be .inlast
the budget, I would like to clear up
F i n a n c e merely collects $4 from each dited by the State, as a r e those of the Co-op mil
the following items of discussion:
1. T h e Pedagogue does not h a v e t u d e n t (We have to collect this
legislato submit a line budget because they
have only two expenses (printing tion compelling us to do so.) a n d COLUMN
then it gives it to S t u d e n t Union
and photography) and two incomes
Board. T h a t ' s the last we see of it,
(space a n d advertising) lines. B e We don't think that a m o r e complete brookeit is out of our jurisdiction.
cause these lines are extremely
on items in the budget would involve publishiie i
7. Now for the main surprise of whole NEWS. I t seems r e a s o n a b l e to w a n t to i.. •«
variable (depending on the n u m b e r
of Seniors, extra activities, etc.) a n d t h e day. If instead of griping, you'd the distribution of a $2,800 line i t e m other thai. ••
/Continued on T'aye i , Column 1)
because t h e r e a r e so few of thorn, it
name, when 5 Items are listed.
We agree t h a t cutting a h u n d r e d dollars or so \ mi
one or several organizations would have no effn
the tax to be paid by an i n d i v i d u a l , but what w
interested in Is the point w h e r e t h i s argumein
comes Invalid.
As to the gag rule, It was e v i d e n t a t the first IJI
hearing that the rule was n o t clearly underslo-i
Six m o r e weeks, a n d all the eds, Give the devil his dew
unlimited debate is p e r m i t t e d o n t h e ' b u d g e t "in
Spring h a s sprung, and the Al- why waste the precious m i n u t e s of "those awful
and co-eds will scatter for p a r t s u n known—or a t least not known very bany district- weather m a n has Just erans" in the balcony with a discussion t h a t ha.
well. I t seems, however, t h a t a good applied for a transfer to Death Val- little bearing?
percentage of us shall r e t u r n to ley. He was asked to leave following
And If the desire to Improve s o m e t h i n g Is no
sweat out eight weeks of s u m m e r a recent weather report, which rend, more than griping, if c o n s t r u c t i v e intelligent
school. Some people Just don't know
"Today if will all day, followed ments are made about the b u d g e t by Interested
how to say "when".
by S a t u r d a y and Sunday and slight- bors of the student body, why n o t accept tie
To t h e Vets
ly changing to Monday. T e m p e r a - good faith?
If you are planning to a t t e n d tures will undoubtedly appear on
s u m m e r session a t the institution the t h e r m o m e t e r someplace, and
Something more than a w a r n i n g scare was i
you a r e now attending, notify the
at the vets Tuesday night, with t h e report llm
V.A. If you are planning to transfer time. If you should be out and feel Veterans Administration h a d r u n o u t of fund
Of subsistence checks would not, g r a c e (lie mails a.
for t h e s u m m e r , you m u s t gel the wet, then It will be raining'.
approval of file V.A. Your subsist- course, you will sooner or later Empty beer bottles were at. once cashed In, e
ence pnyments will continue during know Unit, so why should I tell you? lions made on everything from automobiles to u
If, on the oilier hand, you are in- postage stamps, lUict there was m u c h inurmerin
the s u m m e r , If you go to school.*
side and feel wet, then either stop
A I'ciClll
gnashing of teeth. But o u r friends downtown
Half t h r o u g h class the other day, up the leak In the roof or don't out in the evening edition with t h e assurunn
Dr. —
was heard to say,
another appropriation was f o r t h c o m i n g from
Road conditions, as reported by gross and the halls would n o t be cluttered up
"Class excused forgot my glasses.
Quiet don't wake other classes!" drunken drivers, are very crooked " bunch of emaciated pale struggling "awful
a n d hilly. If you must use your III1S."
Tsk Tsk
T h e poor Skldmoro girls wore evi- car, play safe and he sure to put
dently upset about the fact t h a t the on tires to prevent skidding."
Don't forsrot kltldloN, It's not t u t a n n u a l pope
upholstered chairs were removed 7-a-:i Fold
contest Unit's lieing run off toilav but olootion
from tile library. T h e editorial of
To meet part of the printing cost, the officers which will lie t h e r e c i p i e n t s of your
April 2-1 In the Skldmoro News the Primer stall' Is folding its own plaints and erlUulwiM next year. W h v not forget
points out, however, t h a t tills Is not pages, I here are exactly 117.200 pages midnight phone calls d u r i n g t h e week, uhoiit tin
a m a i l e r of p u n i s h m e n t , but one of ID lie folded before the book can be your fraternity, sorority, or house president loin
T h e library h a s been put together. Neither folds, nor to vote, and elect those people w h o se.ni the
freshly painted, and If Is felt t h a t wrinkles nor printers ink can keep promising, Lot the dirty polities ride until you
the t e m p t a t i o n to the girls of put- these guys from folding up. Wind out of these hallowed WIIIIH a n d who knows, n.
ting their (eel, on the cushions, some people won't go through to in the coming years there w o n ' t be any Coiign*
walls, a n d radiators, would bo too keep the budget down I
under lire for profiteering, a n y ox-vice-presldent
" T h a t Is If they don't run out. of IIIT fire for exorcising free speech, nor uny inn.
i agree, wholeheartedly II
money 11
rules In our cities
» • - — . » ' - .
Pleiidbntial Candidate*
Classes To Vote
On Candidates
For Fall Officers
Focus on Future
T h e Class of '48 will hold Its J u n ior picnic May 24, u n d e r t h e chairm a n s h i p of J o h n Dooly, Vice-Presid e n t . Definite plans will be comp l e t e d later a n d committees n a m e d .
T h e Advanced D r a m a t i c s Class
will p r e s e n t their spring play, " T h e
M a n W h o Came to Dinner," May
23 a n d 24, with Harold Gould, '47,
in t h e leading role. O t h e r m e m b e r s
of the cast include B a r b a r a D u n ker, Edith
Dell, B a r b a r a
Gloria JafTer, Grace Jones, Juniors.
Muriel Rubin
Arthur Soderlhul
Lois Fillman, M a r y T e h a n , a n d
P a u l Barcelou, Seniors.
Elections for next year's class officers will be held in Assembly t o day.
T h e following people have
been nominated from their respective classes.
Class of 1!)48: President, William
Baldwin, Mcrvyn McClintock, F r a n ces Mullin; Vice-President, Virginia
Giminski, Donald Herold, Eugene
McLaren, Sheila Maginess, Betty
J a n e Bittner Vaughn; Secretary,
Mary Giovonnone, B a r b a r a J e a n
Treasurer, E r n a Burns,
Cornwall, Theresa Mahoney, B a r bara Otto, Suzanne Hildreth; Cheerleader, Gladys Hawk, Adrienne I o rio, Dorothy skelton; Songleader,
Helen Kiesel; Publicity Director,
Dorothy Difiin, Ellen Fay, Marion
K r a g h ; WAA Representative, Lyciia
Boynton, Mary Qulnn; WAA M a n ager, Margaret Daly, Wilma Diehl,
Ann Pascuzzi, Patricia Tilclen; Stud e n t Council, .Stanley Abrams, Cecilia Coleman, Rita Coleman, J o h n
Dooley, Gloria Gilbert, Evelyn M a t lison, Marion Mieras, J a n e O'Brien,
Alice Prindlc, Ellen Rochford, Fred
Root, Lucille St. Priest, Ruth Seelbach, Paula Tichy, G e r h a r d Weinberg, Alice Williams.
Class of 1949: President, T h o m a s
Lisker, ClHforcl T h o m e , Robert Wilcox; Vice-President, Robert K i t t l'edge, Jean McCabe, Agnes M c l n tyre, J o a n Wurzler; Secretary, M a r ian Furlong, M a n e Cirieco, Barbara
Houck, Mary Lou O'Neil; T r e a s u r e r ,
Robert Kaiser; Songleader, M a r garet (''ranks, Harold Mills, Marjorie
.Smith; Cheerleader, Helen Callfano,
Mary Lee Cheatham, Jacqueline
Publicity Director, .Jean
Anderson, Marjorie Fusmer, C a t h erine ( I r a n i ; WAA Manager, Lucy
Lytic, Lisa Moberg, Margaret S e a man, Beverly Sittig; WAA Representative, J u a n i l a Evuns, Anne S u hcli; Editor Frosh Handbook, Helen
Baxier, Patricia Devlin, Corinnc
Fcigin, Colettit Fit/.morris, Elsie
Landau, .lean P u h c r , Jean Spencer;
Robertson linker. James Brophy,
Cook, Donald
Catherine Donnelly, Rodney Pelder,
Allelic Golden, Rose Berg Goldstone, Margaret Koefner, Everson
Mldgely, Mary Jane Peris, Pearl
I'less, Jean Pulver. .Joyce Simon,
Schuhle, Merlon
.Jeanne Valaehnvic, Philip H. Williams. Dale Wood. Joseph Zanchclli.
( l a s s nl l!if>0: President, Donald
lln.\l, Ivirle Jones, Anthony l'roi lulo; Vice-President, J a m e s Cal'aro,
William Uiiinbletoii Robert Prcyor,
l.,\li Walsh, Marie UoCiirlo; Hecrel.ii'.\, John I),ill,in, Joyce [lodge,
1 'eier
I l.i\ e\
I HIM: e
Slurlej Tillol.'.on, Jane Waller, Diane
Webb, r,
I iv.i- ui'cr,
i >'( 'minor, Joan Kointilii; , Concelta
Idisauo, l.loyd Ta,\lor, Jean Bowen:
Siine.li'iuler, Jeanne (iebo,
Naiul, 1.HI ice Schaiu Lucille Valaui inn; i heel leader, Florence Blasco,
in HI l\i'. Ion, lu eh n Knineiularek,
\i.n r.ai'i-i Whumore; P u b h c i h Dl. i i oir.
c iiai'iima,
|i mi
WAA Manager. Mnr.\
I mi lb nl.i i. Km li Mat ii -on. Until
, iiu li
\Y \A HepicM-nlal 1\ e. Kle,iii.i \il.iin , Kil\ Ihr Kellclier; Hindi :;'. i 'iiunell Uepreseiitati\ e, (ier,Ion.i
Cn i|n riu.in. I leinx Kir.'.el,
K'l.'ii on I'Valhers. lid llnilel le Kreel,
A ;ih.mi 1 \ons, Ann Morgan, Doris
|'i i, I-, Hhnil.i li'lber, Arnold Rice,
d Ho .in.i I ', Wlllsey
dent ft Be Honoted
I;I a iiiauuu cd lluil Ihc
HI al Ciibiaihla Uni
;, I i
n\ lied bun In be prcsI I hell' pecl.ll enu\ ileal lull lol
All'.ilcl \lemall ol M e \ in n l
com neat Ion will lake
in ihc KIPundu ol ihc 1 iiiw
', on l''iid.i\
M a y '.!
.ii i i AlriiMii is now in Waslircliirnuig Hie visit President
ide recent I) lu Mexico.
I i inn.in n
Candidates State
Election Platforms
To Music Staff
Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor
ol Music, has announced t h a t n
new instructor will be added to
music department next year. T h i s
will enable the d e p a r t m e n t to offer
all the courses listed In the c a t a logue Including those which are
presented as not being t a u g h t d u r ing 1947-4H.
Among the courses which have
been added to the schedule for next
year are Music ,ri and Music 40. A
new course in chorus will also be
established to provide voice traininn and development for beginners.
Music Hi, which was originally to
be ottered at ;t::t.>. lias been changed
in Monda.N in Ilinl lime in order to
,i\ old c inllicl v> ith Junior Etlucoi Ion.
D'.'. Stokes lias also requested that
.ill siudeiiis interested In nccompan\ iiu; mi i he piano or playing in
orchestra groups contact liiiu us
soon as possible
Several instruments will be available lor student
< 'iiiitiiun it Irmii I'niii
occasionally keep juiir eyes open to
ihine.s thai are going on, you'd have
noticed t li.it I lie bisl Plnnnei- Hoard
is making tlii- recommendation Unit
J'.l.iiilii ul Ibis money lo apply to
iii-M \ ear's budgcl
Your Individual
las w ill ilicrelore be $la for S t u iliiii Ass ii'ialion a c l h dies. Any iui I ea-i in I Ills alllillllll w ill be lor
Ihc bent-Ill ol Sludeul Union.
\ nu (lo ii, ii i ollei! tor i his, fund, you
nia\ have a $la l a s . if you collect
$1 lor Hie iiiiul, \nii 11 have a $11)
H Hi |lends on \ mi, so decide
u I in l \ .-ii u .nil now. and don't gripe
allei Ihc budget is passed.
Oiclt Sniilli, '17, Auditor,
;sludcnl Hoard of f i n a n c e .
Because time r a n s h o r t last week
in Assembly t h e S t u d e n t Body was
unable to h e a r the complete speeches of the c a n d i d a t e s for President
of S t u d e n t Association. Since t h i s
is one of the m o s t i m p o r t a n t offices
in the college, the c a n d i d a t e s h a v e
submitted t h e i r speeches to the
N B W S SO t h a t the principle points
in each person's p l a t f o r m may be
brought out
Alice P r i n d l e wishes to see g r e a t ly enlivened
Assembly programs
n e x t year at w h i c h c u r r e n t issues
would be intelligently discussed and
definite resolutions on t h e m passed.
Five-Point P l a t f o r m
Alice Williams h a s live points in
her platform: 1, t h e furthering of
a greater interest in c u r r e n t problems; 2, a more g e n u i n e and wider
interest in s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t ; 3,
the furthering of a g r e a t e r cooperation with o t h e r colleges; 4, a
greater a p p r e c i a t i o n of S t a t e In the
community of Albany; 5, a m a i n t e n a n c e of the friendly atmosphere
for which S t a t e h a s so long been
W o r t h Emphasizes Assembly
Eloise W o r t h p a r t i c u l a r l y e m p h a sizes the fact t h a t Assembly prog r a m s should be reorganized in her
platform. S h e would like to see a
program p l a n n i n g c o m m i t t e e made
up of representatives from all college organizations. S h e feels this
will enable coverage of all student
interests and e l i m i n a t e duplication,
S h e emphasized f u r t h e r t h a t she
feels t h a t the .'will of the students
should be the will of the leader,"
a n d that, this is t h e motto under
which she would work.
T h e a n n u a l spring concert, under
t h e direction of Dr Charles F
t n e a n e c w o n oi J J I . u n u i i e s * .
Stokes, will be presented F r i d a y
evening, May 16, in P a g e Hall a u d i t o r i u m . T h e combined chorus sectinns will sine- sPVPrnl fnmilinr
t i o n s win sing several i a m i n a i
n u m b e r s a n d the operatic society
will render a concertized version of
t h e opera " M a r t h a " accompanied
by the college symphony orchestra.
. ,,
, ,.
S t u d e n t Christian Association will
sponsor a picnic Wednesday, May
a n dthe Pierce
14, from
4:30 to 7
P. M. on
Halls. T h e committee in charge of
t h e picnic includes Beverly Free
a n d Claire Sylvestri, Juniors, and
Doris F r e e d m a n , '50. All students
of t h e college are invited,
_ .
F r a n c i s c o Miranda, a Senior a t
Albany Law School, will offer a
P r o g r a m of Latin-American Music
a t a
meeting of P u n Amigos, May
13, f r o m 7 : 3 0 t o 10 p
- M - According
t0 B e r t h a
Wak n
| > ,' 4 7 ' President of
t h e Club, installation ol new oflicers
f l o w
' after which t h e
m e m b e r s will discuss plans for orI o n i z a t i o n next year. Miss Wakln
n a s
requested all members to a t t e n d as this will be the last meeting
of t h c
J'carO o m m e r c e C l u b and Pi Omega Pi,
h o n o r a r y commerce fraternity, will
hold a farewell party for Mr. George
M. York, Professor of Commerce,
who Is leaving the faculty next year.
Everyone h a s been invited to attend.
TwoDepartmental Clubs
Annouce Programs
Both M a t h e m a t i c s Club and T h e
D a y - H o p s have planned activities
for Moving-Up Day weekend a c cording to their presidents, RuLh
Seelbach, '48, and Audrey Bopp. '47.
M a t h Club will have a picnic S a l urday, May 10. to which all m e m hers and friends have been Invited,
All those planning to a t t e n d are
asked to sign up on the M a t h e m a t i c s
Club bulletin board by 4:110 P. M.
List Candidates
For Myskania
Of Next Year
Release Qualifications,
Record Of Activities
S t u d e n t Association will vote on
n e x t year's Myskania In Assembly
today. Juniors listed as c a n d i d a t e s
st.mley Abrimist Clnss 1 shlent, 1
your; i-'orum, -2 yours; DobiUSs, 1;
Mlllol, -'. Average, 2,(5,
E i S
->; Co-Cluitrmnn Toyshop. 1; D&A
member, ^; Treasurer D&A, 1; member Uollogo Playhouse, '-'; Treasure.',
1; mom bur s c . \ , •_•; 2ml Cabinet SCA,
- ; CcnnnuiterH Club, I;
mber or
,, r loireiion
( -, |llb
commission, I; in bur or. Statesman,
:.;; wrote „.•<• lllvirlry skit; wrote lilvairy songs, a years; Class BIK-8 com' " " s ' L'; c.iliunittoea for .1 r. Hnn, . [,tom. ciialrninu of Sayles Anshow; uverngo, 1.11.
Jiorotliy Dliriiu Class Publicity cliair""»'• ' >;<*»'!i member SCA,3; member
{ y ^ T ^ s ^ u ! : ^ ' A A credit ill
I HiiiiriM, I; Junior Cubic. 1; Co-Clinlr,,,.-,,, Toyshop, l; Sets and Ughts for
Hiss's;>insn skits, ami Dramatic pro,l, , i
' ; ! " " s ; «<;'"'ln«tl«-; average, 1)1
!• Mirror,' Mnrr: ( ha i rnia n USOII Hook
rOxrlinngo, 1 year; committee of Used
I; 'Manlier
of Music
Inel, I;lOxohungo,
Isi Cabinet,
I; In Moving-Up
1. Li;I:member
Si'A, lli^-S;
:i: 2nd memCablinyunciskii.
ber nl' Math Club, II: Srrrelar.v, 1 ; I'nliUriiv < <
' > 111 n I i 11 > -<• nl' Jr. I'riiui; average,
I >'_'.
Ann May: NKW'S, M years; Associate
Kdlier, I : Rivalry skit, I : member
Now iii.ui < Mill,. ;i; member of Matli
Club, I
lit In-1' uf Chrnds'lr.v Club, 2;
WAA i iTilii in :i sporlH. I ; Jr. (initio,
I : Chiilniinn Newman Hall Slate fail'
.•diuw, 'J : average, 'J.L'l.
Miii-itm Micros: Cn-Chniruinii Junior
liuiiles, I year; member nl' Sliiilenl
Council, 1;
mlier of SCA. !l; Treasurer SCA, I : Isi Cnliliiel, I : member
of l-'ni'ioii, i1: Class Itiu-N, 'J; Itivalry
ill Us; 1'lioloitrapli.v slal'f of Pedagogue,
I ; Kiii-iiiI Chiilrniiin uf I'lereo Hall. 1 :
average-, is.
Aliee I'l'iniile; Chairman of Slate
l-'uir. I year: Sinilriil Council. :',: Consi b iiilnuill Coinniillee. I: Activities Hay
I'liiiirina II. I : nieuilier SI 'A. I ; I 'lass
bin s. ' j ; d
nil Ion -a .1 r. I'roin :
i-'rosh ramp, i; ,ir. coble, I; plays
ir Cell
l'layluiusr anil Alt; iverI.
Kiilh Sei-llmelii Kir. 'J years; Treasurer. I : I'lmirinan t'olli Kostlrnl, 1 :
iiniiilii-r nl' SCA. "•: Vh-e -Preshlonl
Crush Cluli. I ; Si-rrelnry of SCA, 1 :
I r. (lulile, '-". Millb Cluli, II; Seerelary
Mm li Cluli, I ; I'resblrnl, 1 : Co-Cbairiinin nf .1 r. I'l'iun ; Itivalry skil coniunllees. L': Hiss's, L'; Social Commltli-e I'm' Sayles Hall. I ; WAA rn-illl In
I .|n.II. J: Cub Ueperler mi MOWS;
avernne, I.."i7.
I'.loKr Wiirtli: Vli-e I'ri-sblrnl of St tile u I ASM" iaiimi ; Chidrniiin Cumpus
I la) . I : Cliali'inan Stale fair. I ; \Va r
Aei Miles Couuell, I : Si nl..in Connell,
i I-:XI-I-IIIlv.- Iloai'il. ICC, 1 • lirbale, I ;
I'nbininlsi mi MOW'S. I ; Assnehile Killiii- nl' l-'i-os'b Ibiuill k, I : Newman
Cluli, :i; WAA I'reilil in I sporls, I ;
WAA el'eilll ill 'J sporls, '1 years; CoW fit IT lll|i' s, I : Itivalry skils: See.Trriis. l-'rnsh Camp. I ; Treasurer, li;
ivrnle Alma .Mater Uw class. 1; overage,
Tin,-.,, who have liecn plan .1 HI ihc
ugiirsird lisi arc: Cecilia
mlier nl Music Cuuni'll,
T h e Day-Hops are giving a Movi n g - U p Day dinner in the Lounge \- .islam Seminar Chairman, I ; ICC
i:\,--• nl iv,- I i u a n l . I • I t e f r e s l
nl einn
Friday, May 9, from 3:00-7:00 P. M. i i i i n - i A l l A i ' l l v l l l e s l i i i n r e : M o v l n i f
T h e dinner which will cost. $.35 per > iia.\ skbs. i!;
k pan in class
person will consist of polato salad, ni^ s, i: w.\.\ .jr-.lli in I spori, I
fish fries, rolls, cold cuts, lemonade, l '';;Vi,,m'T.iehi,'MC,,,I,,-,' Kicii,,,, c„„,
a n d chocolate cake. Day-Hops are .,,i--,j..,, i v,..-,,c,,nn
M,i,,.,• \\.\\
(Continued on Pago !,, Column 1)
Debate Council h a s made plans invited to bring parents and friends.
tn a t t e n d a t h r e e - w a y panel discussion til R P I T u e s d a y , May (I,
which h a s as i t s purpose t h e discussion ol means of furthering higher
education In New York S t a l e . The
three area colleges, Union, RPf,
a n d NVSCT, will p a r t i c i p a t e in the
panel with S a m u e l Scott, and MariE n c h a n t m e n t , romance, beauty, 'pot. Here the S t a t e S t a r s will furlyn Thompson, J u n i o r s , and Mary
Ullen Ibeiier, '47, r e p r e s e n t i n g S l a t e . flowers -yes, all these and heaven nish the music, while the dancers
Before the discussion is held, the too will be found at the second a n - whirl beneath the streamers of a
111 roe college l o a m s will prepare a iniiil S t a t e s m e n ' s semi-formal. Mu- cay May-pole. T h e May-pole efbill dealing Willi some proposals for sic did you say? Well, il may mil feci is being used to create the
furthering h i g h e r education such as be the sound of angels' h a r p s thai proper surroundings for this posls t a l e aid, an increased scholarship you will hear, but wllh two orch- Moving-Up Day affair, which to be
fund, bettor v e t e r a n facilities, or u e s t n i s there will he plenty of lIiut specific, will be held the evening of
s t a t e university, a n d will present sweet stuff which puis r h y t h m in May 10, from 1) P. M. until 2 A. M.
those leet.
T h e girls al tending the dunce will
lheir bills in euch other.
T h e gym. where (ins Metro and have 3 A. M. hours,
This panel will lead t h e way for
conference which
is being his orchestra will give forth with
Another place for relaxation will
scheduled lo hi held May lfi-17 t h e sweet and low-down (beat thai lie furnished by the Lounge, where
willi S t a l e College us host.
The isi. will be Inhabited by Aphrodite patrons of the dance may rest and
purpose of Unit conference will be and her Muses. (For those ol you chat mid dimmed lights a n d a
lo establish a n d practice methods who may not be up on the who's who peaceful atmosphere. No smoking
ol p a r l n n c n i a r y p r o c e d u r e
In Greek mythology), Aphrodite is will be allowed In the Lounge, but
the goddess ol love. Attempts will be this need not keep you from giving
m a d e through the use of pastel your feet thai little rest they may
F o u n d To H o l d Sale
colors and soil lighting to produce need before the next waltz.
t h e cnchahtiueiii lying within the
T h e tickets, which are priced a t
Pearl I'less, '41), head ol Lost and Hellenic myth. Flowers will be used $a,40 per couple, will be on sale all
Found, lias a n n o u n c e d that there also lo bring out the atmosphere next week in the balcony of thc
will be a sale of nil those articles of spring.
Commons. The dance is open to
Which have not been claimed. The
For lliosi who may prefer to all students ol the college, a n d for
sale will be held on the balcony ol d a n c e In an atmosphere of a gityer this reason all three places are beihc Commons this morning.
sort, the Commons will be the Ideal ing opened.
State To Attend
Education Panel
Aphrodite, Goddess Of Love,
To Reign At Statesmen's Dance
List Candidates
For Myskania
(Continued from Page S, Column 5)
ell, 3 ; WAA Class Representative, 1;
WAA Secretary, l j WAA Office Manager, 1; WAA eports captain; WAA
credit In 4 sports', 2 ; College Pinyhouse, 1; member Newman Club, 3 ;
Junior Guide, 2; tickets for Junior
Prom, 1; decorations for J r . Banquet,
1; Rivalry skits, 2; Rivalry sports, 2;
Religious Big-8, 1; average, .00.
John T. Dooley: Class Vice-President, 1; NKWS sports writer, 2; MAA
Secretary, 1; Intramural Football and
Basketball, 3 ; Intramural Softball, 2;
average, 2.35.
Gloria 1 . Gilbert: Class President, 1;
Student Council, 2; Chairman Student
Union Board, 1; Ped Literary staff, 1;
NEWS Cub classes, 1; member SCA, 1;
Class Blg-8 Publicity committee, 1;
class skit; committee Class Big-8, 1;
Publicity Chairman Junior Prom, 1;
Junior Guide, 1; Frosh Couns., 1;
member Commuter's Club, 1; average,
Helen Klsiel: SA Song Leader, 2;
class Song Lender, 3 ; CC Marshal, 2;
Treasurer, 1 ; Press 'Bureau Assistant
Director, 1; Secretary, 1; IGC Secretarial committee, 1: Literature committee, 1; Newman Club, 3 ; Class Big8, 2; Sopli unci Junior Banquet committees;
Frosh Camp Counselor, 1; Dormitory
Entertainment committee, 3 ; average,
Mary (lulnn: Class Cheerleader, 1;
WAA Council; Class Manager, 1;
MOWS sports staff, 2; Junior sports
editor. 1; WAA credit In 4 sports, 2;
Rivalry spurts', 2; WAA sports captain, 1 spori : Junior Guide, 2; Frosh
Camp Counselor, 2; member Newman
Club, 3; average, 1.00.
Ellen Roehfords Fditor Frosh Handbook, 1; NKWS, 1; Associate Fditor
.MOWS, 1; Primer Busnolsa staCC; Undergraduate lOdllor Alumni Quarterly;
WAA cralil in 4 sports, 2 : Rivalry
spurts, I; WAA sports captain, I;
Frosh Camp Counselor, 1; .Newman,
3; Publicity committee, Junior Prom:
committee for Junior Banquet; Hig-8
and Campus Day skits. J; average, 1.33.
Kiln Shapiro; WAA Council Class
Manager, 1; Debate Council, 3 ; Treasurer, 1: MOWS Sports staff, 3 ; Sports
Editor, 1; 10d. Illllel News, 2; CC. 3;
Illllel, 3 ; Board member Illllel, 2; Rivalry spurts; Junior Guide, 1; Prosli
Camp Counselor, 1; committee Soph
Prom; average, 1.10.
Alice Williams: Class Vice-President,
•J; President. 1; CC Secretary, 1; IGC
member, 3 ; Seminar, 1; Intercollegiate
committee, 1; Chairman intercollegiate
eoininltlee, 1; Service coinii.il tee, 1;
.Secretary SCA Frosh Club, 1; SCA 2nd
Cabinet. 2: WAA credit in 2 sports, 1:
average, ^.7T.
The following were nominated by
members of SA for the suggested list:
Carol Clark: MOWS, 3; Soph Desk
lOdllor, I: Associate lOdltor; member
Canterbury Club. 2; WAA credit, 1
spun ; Junior Guide, I: average, 2.00.
Kiln Coleman; Rep. Student Council,
I; eliiss Cheerleader, 1; class' skits, 2;
Class Blg-S, 2; Soph Banquot committee, I; SA Cheerleader, 1; member of
Newman Club, 3 ; Junior Prom committee, 1; member D&A, 2; Ped staff, 1;
AHVT stuff- MOWS, 1; Press Bureau.
1; Junior Guide, 2; Frosh Camp Conn
solor, 2; average, 1.02.
Donald llnrolclt Class Blg-S, 2; Junior Prom committee; SCA Cabinet, 2;
member Choin Club, 1; average, 1.118.
Gloria .litfl'er: D&A; SCA Cabinet;
College Playhouse, 3; Secretary Collegu
Playhouse, 1; Newman Club, II; AH
classes; plays fur AH ami 101). nail College Playhouse; Class Big-K, 'J; acting,
sets, Campus
Day still ;
Chairman of make-up, 1; Moving -tip
Hay skit, I ; lOntertniiimcnt committee,
Soph llanqiici; Clean-up committee, Jr.
I'roin : average, 1.77.
Jnnlliii, Mnl y: Student Council, I:
leads In Operetta. 3; SCA. 3: Cabinet,
2; Xluilcnl Guide. 2; Frosh Camp
Ciiuuse or, 'J; Music Council, 2; Blg-S
ami Hlvalry sklls, 'J; tickets', Jr. Prom,
Rivalry Basketball, I; credit In 2
sports, 2; average, 1.011.
Primula Mulllii: Class Marshal, 2;
member SKB, I; Newman Club, 2;
Forum, 3; class MAA Hep., :>; Varsity
anil Intramural
spurts. :i; lllviilry
tennis, LI; class skits, 'J; Class Blg-S,
I; IGC Festival, I; Clirlslmns show for
orphan*; Uellglous chilis Big s, 1;
Fresh r.iinp Counselor, I; Jr. Guide, I;
average. I.PI.
Curtiss, I'fnff: Class Vice Presldenl,
'J: lliiiiiier I Inn: Cliiilrinuii, 2; Class
Bin S. 2; SCA 3rd Cabinet, 2; CoChalrinan SCA Frosh Frolic; All and
I0H plats. 'J; hit ni in urn 1 sports, 3;
MAA Co nidi, I ; Fresh Guide, 2; Jr.
Guide, Captain, 1; Sn.vles Hull Ath
little coininlllee, 2; President of Vim
Hci7.cc; Chulnunii Jr. I'rom decora
lions: average, 1.47.
Iliirbiiru J. Scliitiininitlier: Class Suerotary, I; IJ&A Council, '.'; Secretary,
I; Class Big H, 1!; Clialrioiili sels, cos
litmus, make up: Campus Hay sklls', 2:
IGC Blg-S, I; SCA Hig-H, II; Art stuff
of Primer, 'i: College Playhouse, ;i; Ail
valued Dramatics ; All anil 101) plays;
J r Guide, 'J; cnptiiiu, I ; Secretary
Hall. 1 ; average, I.III.
Dorothy It MUnltoiii SA Cheerleader,
1; class Cheerleader, 'J; class sklls ami
Big s's. '-'; l'ed staff, ',': Jr. Literary
ISlT, 1, MOWS, fire ilia I Ion nml Advcr
LOCKROW'S Book Store
50'/j Spring Street
ALBANY 6, N.Y. Tel. 4-0731
We Invite you to come in and
"Browse around." 2 floors of
FRIDAY, MAY 2 , 1 9 4 ?
Disclose First Floor Plan O f New Social Center Sage Conference
Features Talks
On Student Life
At the sixth annual conference
for the discussion of campus activities a t Russell Sage last weekend,
at which Patricia de Rouville, '47,
Gerhard Weinberg, '48, and Jean
Pulver, '49, were present, discussions
were held on the newly-proposed
National Student Organization and
on various phases of campus life.
The conference opened Friday
evening, April 25, with a round table
discussion on the NSO Plans for the
new organization were introduced
to the delegates and a later discussion from the floor revealed that
there was a general split in the opinions of the colleges represented as
to the purposes, aims, and plans of
the organization.
The topic which aroused the most
interest was the advantages of the
honor system which has been adopted by many colleges all over the
country. Students generally felt
that this system was very successful to the point where students had
to report on each other, and where
some of the faculty were still hesitant about completely accepting
the .system. In most colleges, an
Honor Board is set up consisting of
a President and the presidents of
each of the group houses. The Board
is a secretive organization and the
identity of students who appear before the board is never revealed.
The delegates reported that in
general terms, the amount of power which any college has is in direct proportion to the amount of
extra-curricular activities in which
the students participate.
Using staffs, 1; Fierce Hall Stale Fair
Chairman; Jr. Guide, 2; Frosh Camp
Counselor, 2; Entertainment Cliiiirinau
Jr. Banquet; Big-S committee, 1; Newman Club, 3; Classical Club. 2; Rivalry Hockey, 2; Pierce Hull Social committee, I ; average, 1.37.
Patricia Tildcn: class Blg-S committee, I; tickets, Jr. Bani|iiel ; arrangomonls, Jr. I'roin; WAA Council,
j ; Class .Manager, 1; Treasurer, 1;
sports captain, 2 sports; SCA, 3; Matb
Club, 3; committee for liner organization dunce; Chairman Winter Carnival;
Frosh Camp Counselor, 'J; Jr. Guide,
1 ; average, 1.09.
Hetty .lane Vaughn: Frosh Chairman War Activities: President Soph
class: Blg-S, 1!; Director, I; class skits,
1; 101) plays, 2; Newman club. .'1; Jr.
Guide, 1; Frosh Ciunp Counselor, J;
Slate Fair committee at bouse, 2;
Student Council Rep.. ' ; •'''. Prom
committee; Jr. Bnnqae
average, 1.30.
Ped stall'. :i:
,1r Photography Fit. l; class Big-S,
•J; Moving I'p Day skits, -J; Dance
coininlllee decorations'. ".; Secretary
Student Board Finance. I ; Jr. Guide,
1 ; average, 1.58,
(ii rliiml Weinberg:
SA; head of Coiistltlllionnl committee.
Student Council; Arbitration commit
lee' Soph Hop. In Debute Council:
IGC. I ; Ii 1 of Scliillinr, I : Spanish
Club; Secretary nnd lOxeeullvc Board;
average, 2.30.
Quinn Knows Her Beans;
Wins Chesterfield Contest
Sororities Select
New Officers
(Continued from Pane 1, Column 1)
Jean Hotaling, freshmen.
The following officers have been
elected for next year by Phi Delta:
President, Ruth Seelbach, '48; VicePresident, Frances Ward, '48; Treasurer, Dolores Stocker, '49; RecordingSecretary, Geraldine Morris, '49;
Corresponding Secretary, Geraldine
Morris, '49; and Marshal, Marian
Mleras, '48.
The five cartons of Chesterfield
cigarettes offered to the contestant
guessing the correct number of
beans in the jar on exhibition in
awarded to Mary R. Quinn, '48. Miss
Quinn guessed 1721 beans, 21 more
than the actual number.
The contest, sponsored Dy the
Chesterfield Tobacco Company, was
conducted by Martha Dunlay, '47,
student representative of the company at State College. The number guessed by the students ranged
The following officers of Psi Gam- anywhere from 200 to 10,000 beans.
ma have been elected tor next year: Philip Lashinsky, '47, was second,
President, Helen Klsiel, '48; Vice- with a guess of 1750.
President, Jean Anderson, '49; Recording Secretary, Lorraine Malo,
The contest was conducted in the
'48; Corresponding Secretary, Mar- Commons and the Publications Ofjorie Lotz, '48; Treasurer, Julie fice, Tuesday. A record was kept
Genovcsl, '48; House President, Rita of ulj students who submitted a
Kopec, '48; Stewardess, Virginia number, and the winner was notiDowd, '48; and Critic, Ann May '48. fied Tuesday night.
§mi (jHusic!
Ucidincj Stars of the Metropolitan Opera
tlcia A'hr.P.ese • tan Pocrcu • Francesco Valentino
Dorothy Kirslon . Rise Slovens
| l 2J Exciting Contest Featurel
ii J ' J W i n 3 Days in N e w York
Every T h u r s d a y
9:30 P. M.
L s "> N O V *
MAY 2, 1 9 4 7
Red Devils Meet Softball Season Opens; Mens1 Softball
B/ueiays May 7, p r n T I
in Rivalry Swim _E t Y ' a k e
The inter-class Rivalry swim will
take place Wednesday, May 7, at
7:30 at the Central Avenue Public
Bath, No. 3. All college students,
male and female, are invited to attend the meet,
The following events have been
listed by Patricia Tilden '48, Swimming Captain.
1. Backstroke race—two swimmers
There are several reasons w h y i t
from each class.
2. Crawl race — three swimmers is necessary that MAA revise t h e i r
from each class. (The team winning constitution. First, by electing class
with their three across the line representatives by popular vote t h e
fellows who were most interested i n
3. Old Clothes Race—one swim- MAA were not necessarily elected.
Second, it was not always possible
mer from each class.
4. Candle-relay-race — two from to get a quorum a t m e e t i n g s a n d
several times an issue which n e e d e d
each class.
5. Newspaper Race—one from each prompt attention was left h a n g i n g .
Third, by the following p l a n MAA
believes that the men w h o a r e a c t u Soph Entries
ally taking p a r t in the a t h l e t i c p r o Possible Soph entries will be J.
will be the ones to decide t h e
Pulver, J. Peckham, J. Ineson, A. gram
policies of the organization.
Reiman, and A. Ethal. Miss Ethal
thinks that Soph chances are good
Tims far the plan is only t e n t a for winning the meet although she
tive. Before it is adopted it m u s t
adds that time and circumstances be
approved by the C o n s t i t u t i o n
alone will tell. She warns the frosh Commission
of the S t u d e n t Council
to "watch out" or those Red Devils and by the members of t h e M e n ' s
will come swimming through to a Athletic Association.
splashing victory.
Miss Tilden, who is couching the
MAA Council will be considerably
frosh team, has listed the follow- smaller, consisting or only eight
ing frosh possibilities: M. Murphy, men. Thej will be the p r e s i d e n t of
E. Adams, R. Matti.son, A. Koch, A. MAA.
Hartman and S. Barber. Whim treasure,', freshman r e p r e s e n t a t i v e ,
questioned about the meet, the frosh general intramural m a n a g e r , s t u coach gave this statement. "I really dent director of varsity athletics,
think the frosh show great promise, student supervisor of clubs a n d a c and I expect them lo be ahead all of tivities. Under the general m a n the way. Since I have seen all the ager ;;1 mtramiirals t h e r e will be
Sophs swim, I am even more confi- league managers for each s e p a r a t e
dent of the frosh. '50 will definitely .'•port. For example: this year t h e r e
were lour sports football, b a s k e t make a big splash!
The class of '48 defeated the class ball, bowling, and softball.
of '49 in the swim meet last year. would have meant four league m a n The present Junior class also cap- agers. T h e league m a n a g e r would
tured the swim meet m its freshman be elected by ihe retiring t e a m c a p year.
Prom all indications, this tains at the end of the season.
year's meet promises to be a thriller,
MAA Council
Holds Meeting,
Slotes Revision
State -Plattsburg
In Tennis Match
The tennis match between State
and Plattsburg that was scheduled
for last weekend was called off due
to the condition of the court. Fran
Mullin, 48, is trying lo have a rematch either Friday afternoon or
Saturday morning.
The five-man squad has not yet
been picked. If any one wishes to
make the team lie must challenge
the last man on the tennis "ladder"
and beat him in two out oi three
sets. The same procedure is used
to gain the next highest place. The
"ladder" at present consists of Mullin, Oarr, Root, F„ Fersh, Merrill.
B., Rabineau, Van Damn and
Practice is being held every day
at the Ridgefield Courts under
Fran Mullin, captain.
MAA hopes this plan will n o t o n U strengthen men's athletics, b u t
will be more democratic a n d allow
[hose who are most interested to
determine sport - policies.
Sumberg Named Head
Of M A A Rifle Club
At a meeting held
noon Rifle Club of MAA w a s formed.
T h e temporary p r e s i d e n t is
Lew is !•: Humberg, '48.
T h e other officers are E u g e n e M c Carthy. '47, Sectional T r e a s u r e r , a n d
Ed Bcamcr. '50, Range M a s t e r . A
was aNo chosen.
T h e group will meet at o n e o'clock
.Saturday on the back steps oi
Draper to shoot at the N. Y. Central Range on Fuller's R o a d . Any
interested person may c o n t a c t t h e
officers or come anyway.
c I
" " Y
L e a dd
Evans Pitches Shutout
For Second Victory
Rivalry Today;
Girls Play Wed.
The Men's softball Rivalry game
will be played at 4:30 today on the
Dorm Field. Woman's softball will
take place on Monday at the same
time and place.
Joseph Amyot, '49, has been
named Captain for the Sophomores.
Possible players will be J. Zanchelli, L. Skolnick, B. Kittredge, N.
Powell, J. Morley, B. Kaiser, M.
Thayer and W. Schick. Ben Jackson, '50, will lead the frosh with
S. Ferch, T. O'Brien, K. George, P.
McGrath, J. Lang, G. Glendale and
R. Sorenson. Pitcher for the Sophs
will be Powell while W. Noble will
be on the mound for the frosh.
The Soph women are captained by
J. Evans. Prospective players are
J. Pulver, |A. Sullch, L. Lytle, B. Sittig, D. Midgely, A. DaBramo, P.
Pless, E. Moberg, J. Stevens, and
E. Winkler. Peg Daly, '48, frosh
captain, has listed R. Smith, R. Mattison, E. Adams, D. Weber, E. Kelleher, A. Eveleigh, R. Lesard, R,
Lessard, R. Cookingham, A. Koch
and E. Thomson as possible frosh
T h e Men's i n t r a m u r a l
league got underway this week with
six games being played. E E P moved
into t h e lead by grabbing two wins
Somehow or other the end of the
as t h e Grads, Gents, S L S a n d St.
week always manages to roll around,
Mary's each registered o n e win.
and with it the NBWS on Friday and
rain! Consequently, writing a colBehind t h e neat four-hit pitching
umn on Tuesday or Wednesday preof " R e d " Evans, E E P got t h e ball
sents certain difficulties.
rolling on Dorm field w i t h a 12-2
Mullin says there might be a tennis
win over K D R . Scoring two i n the
match with Plattsburg if it doesn't
first, E E P took a n early lead and
rain, so rather than speculate on
was never headed as they backed
the tennis match at, all, we'll specuup Evans' tight pitching with good
late on the rain. Has this topic
been overdone in this column? It
Big Scores F e a t u r e G a m e s
In that case, perhaps we
I n t h e inaugural on Page tile
should talk about something else.
G e n t s took the measure of t h e
To get back to the rain however,*
G r a d s to t h e t u n e of a 9-4 score.
why don't MAA and WAA sponsor
T h e G r a d s jumped off to a t h r e e some sport that can toe played in
r u n lead in the first but t h e G e n t s
the rain? Seems all we've heard
kept pecking away a n d emerged
lately is the fact that it isn't rainwinners. Crooks got credit for the
ing rain, it's raining violets, so how
about a prize for the person who
Behind Noble's effective hurling',
picks the biggest bouquet? A bucket
S L S trounced VanZee, 18-9, T u e s of water or something practical like
day. One big inning was enough as
S L S shoved across n i n e r u n s i n t h e
Cause and Effect
last of t h e sixth to nail clown the
Seriously, it does give us a cerwin.
tain pleasure to see spring sports
St. Mary's, Gratis W i n
blossoming forth, although it's
In the other g a m e Tuesday St.
rather hard to follow all our favorMary's took K B by a 10-7 score. T h e
At a WAA Council meeting last ite teams in the MAA softball leag a m e was a free scoring affair with night plans were made for the regue. There always seems to be a
neither team holding t h e lead for mainder of the sports year. Repregame on Page Field and the Dorm
very long.
sentatives were chosen to attend the Field at the same time. ConseWednesday, the G r a d s broke into summer hockey camp and the swim- quently, some of us have turned inthe win column with a 13-G victory ming camp. Plans were also dis- to track stars and spend half an
over t h e Finks. S t a r t i n g off with cussed for the annual WAA Awards hour at Page, and then dash down
six runs in t h e first, t h e G r a d s add- Banquet.
to the dorm to deliver the score to
ed one in the second, o n e i n the
that point and watch the finish of
t h i r d a n d four in t h e fifth. Klubko
that game. Confusing, yes, but this
held t h e F i n k s to two in t h e first, Wednesday and Thursday. Those is not a criticism, just a comment.
one in t h e sixth a n d t h r e e i n the eligible and running for offices of The Tennis Story
President and Vice President are
W. Diehl, M. Quinn, and P. Tilden,
One sunny Saturday afternoon
E E P Takes Second W i n
Juniors. Sophomores running for not so long ago, we grabbed our
I n t h e Dorm field game Wednes- Office Manager and Treasurer are rackets and sneakers and dashed
day, E E P notched their second win, J. Evans, B. Sittig, L. Lytle and M. over to Ridgefield Park only to find
6-0, a t t h e expense of t h e G e n t s . Seaman. E, Adams, R. Matti.son, that for the small sum of six dollars
Evans a n d Sorensen matched slants and R. Smith are freshmen candi- per year we could play on their
for two innings b u t E E P pushed over dates for Secretary.
peachy courts. We considered the
two r u n s in t h e last of t h e second
Edna Sweeney, '47, President of idea for fully half a second then
which was all they needed to down
threw up our hands in despair and
t h e Gents. E E P added single coun- WAA has announced that a new came home.
ters in t h e third a n d fifth a n d scor*We always do!
ed two in the second to clinch the been obtained for the Commons.
game. T h e Gents t h r e a t e n e d i n t h e
first of t h e fifth, getting two on
wnth only one out b u t failed to push
over t h e runs. Evans' s h u t o u t of
t h e G e n t s was t h e first in league
play to date.
H. F, Iteikel & Son
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'"An epic work I The
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In a Friendly,
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30 Etiil 20lh St., Now York .1, N.Y.
Pleaio smut mo
TIPS '"' $1 uutli tor wtiicli
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NEW CENTER p u i s
liveliness in t h e Spalding and
Wright <Sr Ditson tennis halls.
In recent tests, both bounced
consistently to the u p p e r limits
of USLTA rebound standards
— another reason why these
Spalding-madc tennis balls
are first choice of most tournament players. S h a r p e n up your
game with one of the Twins of
Championship Temp .
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Smil $. SWagengast
"Buy Where the [-'lowers Crow"
DIAL 4-1125
SPECIAL ATTENTION to Sororities and Fraternities
Student Rep.
Corner of
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Both Made by Spalding
FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1 9 4 7
Third Showing O f French Movie Primer Members
In U. S. Comes To Colonial Theatre To Vote Today
"Les Enfants du Paradls", viewed
in an advance showing this week at
the Colonial theater, proved to be a
refreshing departure from the usual
fare offered to American moviegoers.
The story revolves around Baptiste, a mime, and his love for the
beautiful Garance. The two meet
during the Mardi-Gras celebration
in Paris, in the reign of LouisPhilippe, and Baptiste obtains a job
for the girl at the theater where he
works. They become stars, in the
pantomine dramas there, but Garance soon leaves Paris with a nobleman to whom she is indebted.
After a five-year lapse, the narration is picked up again and brought
to a conclusion.
Highpoints of the picture were
scenes in the Punambules theater
where Baptiste, played by JeanLouis Barrault, stars in the pageants he has written. The French
actor, in his exaggerated clown suit
and flour-colored makeup, is an unrange of emotions without the aid
of words.
An unusual device is the projection of Baptiste's emotions in the
plot of the plays he writes. In one
disputed expert at portraying a
scene, for example, Garance plays
the role of an unattainable goddess
wooed by the mime but lured away
by another actor. The action corresponds to the actual situation in
that Baptiste loves the actress but
she in turn loves someone else.
A loosely-knitted plot seems to
be the main fault of "Les Enfants".
The characters drift from one situation to another with little continuity, and there are often gaps in
the action. It is possible, however,
that at least a part of this lack of
unity is a result of cutting the film
from its original length of over
three hours to about two and onehalf hours.
Shakespeare students will find a
similarity between the Elizabethan
audiences who viewed the Bard's
Must Sign For Ped Today
All students who haven't signed
for their yearbooks may do so any
time today in Huested, according to
an announcement made by Jean
Elting, '47, Editor of the Pedagogue.
This will be the last opportunity to
order a copy as the books are expected to arrive in a few weeks.
<Continued from Page 1, Column S)
drama from the "pit" and "the chil
dren of paradise" who constitute the
gallery crowd in French theaters.
Both groups give vent to their emotions freely and loudly during the
performance, and the French film
contains a short but moving bit of
dialogue about this segment of the
tor and for Literary Editor of the
magazine while Barbara Otto, Ellen Rochford, and George Poulos,
'48, are running for Business Manager. Adrienne Iorio, and Mary
Hausch, Juniors, and Stella Bogdanski, and Hilda Bivenburgh,
Sophomores, are competing for the
office of Art Editor. Nominations
for the Literary Board Include Arlene Rlber, Dante Zaccagninl, Irma
Rosen, and Arthur Collins, Juniors,
and Persls Kockridge, Alvln Peldman, Rae Gluckstadt, Harold Mills,
Geraldine Mullaney, Joanne Braun,
Jean Ineson, and Gifford Wingate,
Prom next year's
Sophomore class, Christian Lievestro, Francis Andreone, Yolanda
Glockner, Marian Zimmer, David
Mooney, and Martin Bush have been
named to run.
Those from the Class of '48 who
have been nominated for the Art
Staff include Adrienne Iorio and
Mary Rausch,, and Stella Bogdanski, Hilda Rivenburgh, Theresa Solomone, Elizabeth Uline, and Helen
Califano. The freshman class nominees include Philip Rose, Ellen
Brown, and Beverly Huber. Those
who have been nominated for the
Business Staff are Barbara Otto,
and George Poulos, '48, Walter
Schick, and Leonard Skolnlch, '49,
and Ruth Frambach and Norene
Thorson, Class of '50.
"The Children of Paradise," with
English sub-titles, will be shown
Monday through Friday at the Colonial Theater, Central Avenue.
Special student prices will be $.70
and $.50 for the first two performances and $1.04 and $.70 for the last
show. Student Tickets may be secured from Dr. Marian Smith, assistant professor of French, Miss
Annette Dobbin, Assistant professor of French, or Murial Griffin,
'47, President of French Club.
The Statesmen will hold their annual Moving-Up Day Semi-Formal
dance in the Gym and Commons
Saturday evening from 9 P. M. to
2 A. M„ according to Harold Weber,
general chairman. Gus Metro and
his orchestra will furnish music for
dancing in the Gym while the State
Stars will play in the Commons.
Romance is to provide the theme
for the Gym, where a combination
of soft lights and pastel colors will
be employed, together with a variety
of spring flowers. The Common.-;
is centered
around the traditional May-Pole
with its colored streamers.
103 C E N T R A L AVE.
State To Receive
Visiting Colleges
In Debate Meet
With Skits, Sing
Tomorrow Night
To Reveal Officers,
Myskania In Assembly
State will act as host for the Student Assembly of the New York
State Debate Conference, scheduled
for Friday and Saturday, May 16,
17. Mary Ellen Diener and Elizabeth Rose Kilt, Seniors, are cochairmen of the Student Assembly,
which has as its headquarters the
Assembly Chamber and Committee
Rooms of the State Capitol.
The goal of the conference is "to
develop techniques by which a number of individuals can arrive at a
solution reflecting the best of
which the group is capable." To
carry out this objective the Student
Assembly is organized as a modified
State Legislature. Governor Thomas E. Dewey has been invited to
speak at the open Assembly.
Fifteen colleges and universities
in the state, including Syracuse
Queens College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Union College,
will have delegates on the three
committees which have been formed. There will be a Committee on
Education to consider bills on teachers' salaries, state assistance to local school systems, and the establishment of a State University. The
second committee, on Veterans' affairs, will consider veterans' housing, on-the-job training programs,
and educational benefits. The third
committee on the condition of New
York State and its people will cover
other state problems which are of
interest to the delegates.
Events Will End
State will hold its thirty-fourth
annual Moving-Up Day exercises tomorrow morning. These ceremonies
will conclude the extra-curricular
activities of all four classes for
this year.
After the procession of all classes
from Draper to Page Halls, Ruth
Bentley, President of Student Association, will open the Assembly.
The class speakers will be first on
the program. Respectively, they are:
Heintz Engel, '50, Agnes Mclntyre,
'49, Edith Dell, '48, and Harold
Gould, '47.
Organization Officers
The officers of various campus
organizations will then be announced
by members of the faculty.
Clarence Hidley, Assistant Professor of History, will announce next
year's officers for Pi Gamma Mu;
Dr. Edward Cooper, Assistant Professor and Supervisor in Commerce,
for Pi Omega Pi; Dr. J. Wesley
Childers, Assistant Professor of
Spanish, for Pan Amigos;
George York, Professor of Commerce, for Commerce Club; and
Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women,
will announce th e new members of
Residence Council. The Presidents
of the other Departmental Clubs will
reveal their officers for next year
Traditional Moving-Up
After the Seniors have sung their
farewell song the classes will take
their new assembly seats in the traditional manner, to the tune of
'Where, Oh Where."
This year's
Myskania will than tap the members that will compose the 1947-'48
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean of
the College, will announce the News
Board for next year; Jean Elting,
'47, Editor-in-Chief of the Pedagogue, will announce the new staff;
Richard Smith, '47, head of the
Press Bureau, will speak for his
organization; Clyde Cook, '47, President of D & A, will announce the
new council; Mary Naylor, '47,
President of Music Council, will announce the new officers and council; Judy Dube, '47, Grand Marshal
of Campus Commission, will a n nounce her successor and the next
Commission; Sally Dunn, '47, President of Newman Club, their new
officers; Edna Sweeney, '47, President of W.A.A., for that organization; Mary Ellen Diener, '47, President of Debate Council, the officers and Miss M. Annette Dobbin,
Professor in French, will make the
Newman Senior Award.
Student Association Officers
Committee Checks
Voting Procedure
Welcomes Suggestions
From S A Members
William Marsland, '47, Chairman
of the committee to investigate the
voting procedure at State College,
has announced that the committee
will hold an open meeting in Room
2, Richardson Hall, Monday. Anyone wishing to speak on any part of
the program is requested to see some
member of the commttee to get his
name put on the agenda since the
meeting will be conducted in a
State College debate council has manner similar to that oi a Connamed the following people to the gressional committee hearing.
three committees: Committee on
The purpose of this meeting is to
Education, Samuel Scott, '48, floor
speaker, Marilyn Thompson, '48, consider all ways of improving the
committee representative; Veterans' voting system now in use, and sugAffairs, Stanley Abrams, '48, floor gestions in the following fields are
speaker, George Christy, '50, com- requested: il) System of voting, (2)
mittee representative; New York Place of voting, (3) Posting of balState and Its People, Eloise Worth, lots in advance of voting, (41 Sep'48, floor speaker, and Rita Shapiro, arate days for Student Association
and Class voting.
'48, committee representative.
Marsland Emphasizes Attendance
Marsland is emphasizing the fact
that everyone should come to the
meeting whether or not he has requested time on the agenda. Written suggestions will be accepted
from those unable to attend the
meeting and should be in the hands
The Sigma Lambda Sigma and
of the committee by Monday noon.
Stale became real democratic last this year according to tradition by If the occasion demands, a second
Potter Club fraternities elected
their new officers for next. year. Acopen meeting will be held for furcording to George Kunz, '47, and hold elections for its judiciary body. show with the assistance of the more ther discussion on the question.
George Miller, '47, the respective
Records To Be Filed
presidents, the results are as fol- kania destroyed all its records, in- body. The purchase of a victrola
William Pawlockie, '49, has volcluding
newly initiated body to flounder in dents lent many a happy hour to unteered to take shorthand notes
of the meeting, and these records
S.L.S. elected J. Michael Hinpick, the proverbial sea of darkness, and I he orphans.
will be open for examination after
'47, President; Robert Wilcox, '49, 'sink or swim".
Myskania lias greatly improved the committee report has been filed.
Miss Bentley will then reveal
Vice-President; Lylod Taylor, '50,
The lirsl student elected Mys- the tradition of rivalry with the reThe remainder of the committee the results of the Student AssociaTreasurer; Paul Fllipi, '50, Record- kania didn't know its purposes or vision of banner hunt rules.
is as follows: Elizabeth Margot, '47, tion elections and the class officers,
ing Secretary; Heinz Engel, '50, Cor- its own method of doing things, exFor I he lirsl student elected MysAbrams, '48, James Brophy, cheerleaders, and song leaders. The
responding Secretary, Roberl Hot - cept lor whal was stated in the kania l hey did a pretty good job Stanley
Prochilo, '50. Dr. recesslonals will follow and the
tomley, '48; Abraham Marzcllu, simleiii Association Constitution, in ilii' frosh-Myskania basketball Ralph Beaver, Professor
of Mathe- morning's ceremonies will be con'50,
Mellon Ii hud in start from scratch. Mys- game, even if Phil Lashinsky didn't matics, and Dr. Roberl Rienow,
As- cluded with the forming of class
Thayer, and Harold Mills, .Sopho- kania itilt' new onei adopted new play.
sistant Professor of Social Studies, numerals on Page Field and the ivy
mores, Pledge Masters; ,1 Michael policies, came on the stage sans
For a while we had a muddy Mys- arc faculty advisors.
Hippick, '47, Richard /.ellur and robes, and generally reluvenatecl il- kania i they lost the tug-o-war with
Evening Program
Gilford Wingate. Sophomores, liii'T- sell
the I'roshi.
During the evening there will be
Fraternity Council members
Kverj Tuesday night two members
thi' presentation of the Fresl.man
nl I he elite body cooked supper for
Juniors, Sophomores
and Sophomore skits in Page Hull,
The EEP officers for I947-194H the remainder of the plutocrats. In
Joan Helen Alverson, Itutli Winifollowed by a sing in front of Drapwill be Fiances Mulhii, '48, Presi- the beginning of the year this was fred
Bentley, Theodore
Robert Slate A n n u a l Picnics
er, in which all four classes will
dent; Eugene McLaren, 'If. Vlce- carried out Willi more than the us- Combes, James Thomas Conley,
Presidenl ; Joseph Uiviano, ''ll), ual difficulty, owing to the fact that Clyde Keith, Elizabeth Rose Hill,
The Junior and the Sophomore participate. After the rivalry cup
Treasurer; Benjamin Jackson, '50, the old Myskania had even gone to Lois Irene Hutchinson. Philip Lash- classes will hold I heir picnics May has been awarded to the winning
Clerk; Lewis Sum'ierg, 'lit, Alumni the point of removing the official insky, Elizabeth Ann Margol, Alice 24, according to their presidents, class, there will be a dance in the
Secretary; Llndley DeGiirmo, '50, pots, pans and hot. plate. May we Knapp Randall, Edna Mao Sweeney, Alice Williams and Thomas Lisker. Commons, lo which all are invited.
"Potter Post" Editor; Everson Kinn, add that one editor of the NEWS Mary Ellen Telian, Mary Frances
The Junior committee heads are
'49, Junior Representative to Inter- cooked spaghetti causing the judic- Tessicr.
as follows: transportation, Wilina Lost, Found Records Sales
Fraternity Council.
Diehl; entertainment, Donald Heriary to be unable to talk for the
The sale of lost and found artiAt this time of the year, a rather- old; refreshments, Virginia Gmln- cles, Thursday and Friday In the
SLS members will hold a picnic next day or two. They never knew
at Indian Ladder on Sunday after- before that spaghetti was made from bleary-eyed Myskania, is packing up ski. Marion Hawkins has been ap- Commons, netted a total of $5.25,
and getting ready to leave its place pointed chairman of the Sophomore according to Pearl Pless, '49, head
noon, May 18 at 2 .00. All members horses.
of the Lost and Found Bureau.
and their dates are invited.
The orphans were entertained to its new heirs.
Evenings by appointment
Fraternities Elect First Student Elected Myskania
New Offi cers
Closes Years Work Tomorrow
Albany's Favorite Flower Shop
CORSAGES for any occasion
Telephone 8-0434
J. MICHAEL HIPPICK—State Representative
Where all the Students Meet
State stars again . . . this time
in the streets of Troy, under the
banner of RPI. Four State College damsels, Helen Kisiel, Lorna
Kunz, Gloria Enea, and Marie
Grieco, mounted the float of Pi
Kappa Phi Fraternity before the
dance at RPI Friday night, displaying their charms to the
friendly citizens of the shirt and
collar city. According to all reports, what the girls didn't see
of Troy wasn't worth seeing . . .
and they certainly had an advantageous viewpoint.
well known to college students
The float dealt with a subject
. . . especially State College . . .
that of zeros. Half of the bandwagon depicted the joy of knocking down zeros during war. The
other half pertained to a more
intriguing saga . . . how to knock
them down at college, with the
help of a wife and children. This,
it is understood, is the section of
the float to which the fair representatives of State donated
their talents.
Sophs, Freshmen
To Present Skits
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
Washington and Main Streets
Stafe Maidens Visit T, oy,Contribute Talents To RPI
Lounge To Be Open
The Lounge will be open for relaxation and informal chatting for
those who may not care to dance
all evening long. Vases of flowers
will be placed throughout the
Lounge, made infoimal by dimmed
Tickets for the dance, which is
open to the entire college, are on
The Sophomore and freshmen
sale at $2.40 per couple, and may be
purchased at the table on the bal- classes will present their Movingcony of the Commons through to- Up Day skits tomorrow night at
7:30. Harold Mills is directing the
morrow at 3:30.
skit for the class of '49, while Rhoda
Riber and Anthony Prochilo are
Faculty to Act as Chapcrones
The following faculty members directing for the freshmen.
The Sophomore skit is a "humorwill act as chaperones for the evening: Dr. Floyd Henrickson, Assist- ous fantasy" concerning the adant Professor of Education, and ventures of a gentleman with a dual
Mrs. Henrickson; Mr. Arthur P. personality, played by Dale Wood.
The scene is laid at, Schmilne
Jones, Instructor in Physics, and
Mrs. Jones; Dr. Theodore P. Stand- High School. Jean Hoffman Is in
ing, Professor of Sociology, and Mrs. charge of chorus direction, and Jean
Standing; and Mrs. Kenneth Tim- McCabe, Cathrlne Donnelly and
merman, Instructor in Chemistry, Dorothy Parr are committee heads
for sets, lights and costumes.
and Mr. Timmerman.
The freshmen skit Is a radio mysThe committees include Harold tery, with two main characters, VerWeber, '47, general chairman; Deco- onica Pool and Pierre LnTl'lne,
rations, George Poulos, '48, and played by Margerle Argust and
Benjamin Jackson, '50; and Tickets, Heinz Engel. Ruth
Gloria Sottlle and Marian KllngPhilip Lashinsky, '47.
man compose the technical staff.
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
ALBANY, N E W YORK, T H U R S D A Y , MAY 8 , 1 9 4 7
8:30 A. M.
Two Bands To Play;
Spring To Lend Theme
"Tomorrow's Teachers," a movie
depicting life at State College, was
recently shown at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City by Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the College,
at the annual Metropolitan District
Luncheon of the Alumni Association. The movie was taken in 194344 by Dr. Floyd Hendrickson, Assistant Professor of Education. Tentative plans have been made for
booking the picture early in the fall.
Weber Directs
Dance Program
In Page Gym
Nelson Shows State Movie
State College News
Luncheon Served Daily
Copyright 1947, l . o u n & M.,.i To»«cco Cq^