Document 14064165

The next SCA general meeting
will be held Thursday, December 5,
at 7:30 P.M., according to Mary Tellan, President.
On Friday, December 5, Hillel will
conduct a service at the Congrega" tion Ohan Sholon. The Hillel choir
will make its debut at this time.
Debate Council will sponsor a debate with Syracuse here at the college on the topic, resolved: Labor
should be Given an Active Part in
, Management."
Dunker, Fillman To Direct Comedy,
"Pleasant Play" For Advanced
Barbara Dunker, '48, and Lois man when he contfronts her with a ant play" about a minister, his wife,
Fillman, '47, members of the Ad-debt of her deceased husband, and and an adolescent poet with age-old is a new treatment of triangular re
latlonships, and presents a ne\
vanced Dramatics class, will present demands money of her. She refuses
two plays December 9, at 8:30, in to acceed to the demands of the wisdom. The poet falls in love with evaluation of a woman's love."
Page Hall.
gentleman, and the plot develops the wife who regards him with only
Miss Dunker will direct a comedy, from there. Edith Dell and William maternal affection. As the play de- The cast of characters include tin
concerning a Russian aristocrat and Baldwin, Juniors, and Paul Barce- velops, she is forced to choose be- wife, played by Gloria Jaffer, '4f
a young widow. Living in seclusion lou, '47, will take the leading parts. tween the idealistic poet and herWarren Reich, '50, as the husbancj
since her husband's death, the wid- Flllman's Play
husband, who needs her help to go and Oifford Wingate, '49, as tb
ow encounters the Russian gentle- Miss Fillman will produce a "pleas- on. According to Miss Fillman, "It poet.
° < ^
Teachers Act
To Secure Law
For Salary Raise
Lois Hutchinson, '47, Persident of
Inter-Group Council, has announced
that at a meeting Wednesday, Miss
Mabel Jackman, Instructor of Librarianship, was elected a member
of the Inter-Group Executive Board
as the faculty member to replace
Dr. Esther Stallmann, Professor of
Librarianship, who resigned last
ssu?a.w5S-rJS «.J—« «rs S r r S Us -ass&wtsjs*
Myskanla has announced that
class guardians must be informed
about meetings so that they can
attend them. Meetings at which
chaperons are not present are illegal.
Class guardians may always be
called upon for suggestions and advice. The rival classes, in particular, should feel free to request their
guardians' assistance, according to
Richard Beach, '47, President of
Intra-Fraternity Council has announced that Intra-fraternity pamphlets, explaining the Ideals, purposes, background, and listing
members of the various fraternities,
may be obtained in the Commons
all day Monday. These pamphlets
will take the place of formal rushing parties.
^ ^ T f w s
j . . , , , , . , , . . , , , . , , , , , , , , . . , , . , , , , , , , . , , , , . , , , , , , , , ,,,,,„„,,.„,.,,.„..,.,..»,.»,„.,..„,.
Present Drive
To Open Today
tie in the rivalry score in assem- Queen is crowned by last year's faculty
are announced,
. , Molly Kramer, '47, President of Intersorority Council, has
bly this morning by competing for queen, Gertrude Kasper.
the 2% points which will go to the From the moment of entrance £ & he candidates, IseTonly announced that Formal Rush Period, a time of silence beclass winning the rivalry sing. Cer- counte win be surrounded by a for beauty, will enter. The queen tween rushees and sorority members, will be broken by the
tificates will be awarded to the winter carnival atmosphere with all *s supposedly the representative of sorority buffet suppers t o n i g h t from 6 P.M. t o 9 P.M. a n d
sixteen Seniors who are to be list- its sparkling fun and beauty. Gus all winter activities, carrying out t h e formal dinners tomorrow n i g h t from 7 P.M. t o 11:30 P.M.
ed in the 1946-'47 "Who's Who
A f t e r t h e g e p a r t i e s F o r m a i R u s h p e r i o d w i n continue until
Among Students in American Uni- Metro and his nine-piece orchestra the theme of the whole affair.
versities and Colleges," and voting ___
Christmas has its place in the Tuesday, December 10.
will take place for the MAA RepArrange Entertainment
if pos
resentative at large.
sible, a huge
Rushees will be taken to the forTo Judge Class Alma Maters
mal dinners in taxies provided by
occupy a place of honor in the
the sororities and will receive corThe only song which is considermiddle of the floor. The brilliant
sages on their arrival.
ed by the judges in the rivalry conlights
test is the class alma mater which
Entertainment has been arranged
to accentuate the glistening white
must have original words and mufor both the buffet suppers and the
sic. Originality, musical quality,
of the rest of the background. In
formal dinners. Each sorority has
and execution will be the basis for
developed a theme on which the enfact,
activchoosing the winning song. Faculty
tertainment for the formal dinner
judges consist of Mr. William Meywill center. These themes include:
except for Santa Claus. He will Dr. Minnie B. Scotland, Assist- Beta Zeta, Psi Gamma,, Gamma
er, Head of the German DepartT o CHECK E a c h N a m e
ment, Dr. Mary G. Goggin, In" n Rallntina Tnrlav
elsewhere preparing for his own a n t Professor of Biology, attended Kappa Phi, heaven- Phi Delta, the
structor hi Latin, Dr. Ralph Beaver,
Urmg DailOling l o a a y ti^n ^M
a meeting of the House of Delegates twentieth birthday of the sorority;
Professor of Mathematics, and the
student judges are Mary Naylor < A T K J f f i ? an™?as?elec! The headaches of being chairman * t h * N e w ™ « " * J ' f 1 * 1 ' 8 K a p p a T l t f & d i y S n ;
and Louise Rollema, Seniors.
« g . of the sorRepresent State in "Who's Who" f i r ^ i i n ^ T a V u r a V r i n ^ - of the dance and of the decorations
sembly today during balloting for h a v e gone to Harold Weber while ^ Z ^ m T l ^ t h e t S A s
& £
Those who will receive Who's
Who certifciates are Joan H. Alver- MAA representatlve-at-large. Mys- P n ii i D Lashinsky took over the task r o m m i t t e p P i v e members of the
son, Ruth W. Bentley, Clyde Cook,
Robert T. Combs, Judith Dube,
Mary E. Harvey, Betty Rose Hilt, complete and accurate elections, Arrangements are completely in the m e e ^ ^ ^ e N a t i o n ^ a l council o r a t i o n g ^ b e ftUowed f m e l t h e r
t h e b u f f e t su
Lois I. Hutchinson, Philip Lashln- since many students do not have hands of William Baldwin.
" L w M fa ,'nfl in
PP e r o r the formal dinsky, Elizabeth Ann Margot, Wil- assigned assembly seats this semesvemoer to, n, ana ou.
n e r except flowers o n ^ ^ nlghts;
liam Marsland, Alice Knapp Ran- ter and must vote absentee.
rushees shall not arrive bep
st m
dall, Richard C. Smith, Edna Swee- List New Rules
a P booth l n t h e l o w e r h a l 1 o f According to Dr. Scotland, a fore the first hour mentioned for
ney. Mary E. Tellan and Mary According to the Myskania an- Draper next week. Remember, they resolution was passed by the House, each party and they shall leave not
nouncement, the following rules re p re sent your entrance to a gala to make all attempts possible to later than the second hour.
until secure legislation providing for a Rushees who wish to obtain in, .,
., .
Candidates for MAA representa- will be observed:
tive at large are Joseph Amyot and , M .
. *.,
. n 4, evening and the girls have ..... $2400 minimum teacher's salary in formation about the financial obNew York, with eight annual incre- ligations undertaken in Joining a
Merton Thayer, Sophomores, Sey- 1. Those conducting balloting ,.
,. , .
. .,
mour Persh, '50, and Fred Root, '48. will have lists of all who have paid three o clock to enjoy themselves ments. Members cited the need for particular sorority should apply to
increased State aid to teacher the Dean of Women.
To Write New Fight Song
their Student Tax and class dues.
training institutions, in the form T o P i a c e B W 8 i„ D e a M » s office
At a Student Council meeting 2. Each person will submit his Bans Not Banished, Bellows
of higher salaries, better facilities, B l d s f r o m e a c n s o r o r i t y w l n ^
Tuesday night, plans were made sembly.
ballot at his class table after as- Angry Campus Commission
and larger faculties, in order to al- g i v e n to the o f f l c e o f t h e D e a n of
for the contest between the rival 3. Bach ballot will be stamped as
classes for a new college fight song it is handed In at the table.
Campus Commission is worried leviate the present shortage of women by 9 A.M. Monday. The same
day by noon all rushees must have
with original words and music. A 4. Each person's name will be again. (By June there should be teachers.
board consisting of Dr. Charles F. checked
a surplus of grey hairs.) Don't
g f P j ^ T 8 * » £ • £**** °i"
Stokes, Professor of Music, and one
you know you can't smoke in the
ce A t 5 p m
other faculty member, Elizabeth
- Presidents of the
lounge, or the gym, or the lower ter w*« Pipped President of the " Brennan, '47, and Dorothy Skelton, 5. The same lists will be transfer- hall of Draper? And speaking of House of Deleeate to succeed Dr Sororities will receive lists of rush'48, college cheerleaders, and Wil- red to the absentee-voting table, Draper, that's where the maileesw h o
have chosen their sororities.
liam Marsland and Frank Wood- and each student's name will be boxes are. For heaven's sake, as rhfr? PS E WardI At the banquet" r u s h
worth, Seniors, representatives of
ees in the evening mail Monwell as Mary Jane Carver's, don't AHVPH W 4mith award was made
MAA, will act as judges. The song will also be checked off on a list of put 3 by 5 cards hi the student
must be submitted to the board by those with legal assembly excuses. mall. (Hillel, Primer, and Interand furtherance of education.
by Student mail Tuesday.
Monday, December 18, and the 6. If any dispute arises during Varsity, hint, hint!)
Formal Rush Period will end with
winning song will be announced in assembly concerning eligibility to
the Pledge Service on Tuesday.
Now we will take up the little Hear Address By Commissioner
assembly Friday, December 20. Twovote, those on duty will refuse to
Dr. Francis Spaulding, Commispoints will be given to the class stamp the ballot at that time. The matter of the mimeograph. There sioner
of Education, addressed the
winning this contest.
Individual Involved will bring his
members of the House, at the bangood
ballot to the absentee-voting table
quet. Dr. Spaulding is a member
sometime during the day for settle- longer obtain service for free of the committee investigating the
longer obtain the service for free.
ment of the dispute.
"Those who wish to use the mim- need for a State University.
7. Graduate students who have eograph ln the future will be reDr. Scotland, in reporting on the C ^ r
P n m m n r A r r
paid their Student Tax will vote quired to pay $.25 for the first meeting, said that cooperation with I KJI
with the Seniors.
hundred copies, and $.10 for every the United Nations Educational,
Observe Fallacies
hundred after that. Please con- Scientific and Cultural Organiza- Commuters' Club will hold Its
Christmas presents for orphans The revised plan was formulated, tact Beverly Sittig. And accord- tion was stressed. The question of annual Christmas Party Thursday,
will be collected at State College Myskanla said, after several falla- ing to the notice, "This means taxes on school social programs was December 19, from 8 to 11 P. M.
for the third consecutive year in a cies were observed in the present you, Hlpplck,"
brought up by members of the i n t h e commons, according to Auddrive which opens today and con- system, It was pointed out that extra
rey Bopp, '47, President. The schedHowever, we leave you with a House.
tinues through next week. Myska- ballots are sometimes passed out ln pleasant thought. Lost and Found
nla, sponsor of the annual event, assembly during the rush of voting, netted a total of $8.30 at their
» ! t i ? £ l £ ? S r N=al I t i T t S S
has asked all students to contribute and there is no way of checking on sale.
at least one gift for children at the these votes. It is also possible, the
Co^ncKf S ^ S t a l X S
^ T T ^ r o t Z X
Albany Orphans Home.
report said, for students to vote
by handing ballots to differ
Members of each class will be as-twice
ance of Children's Social Relation- The decorations are to consist of
signed a certain age group for entice uy nanaing nanois 10 amerwhich to purchase presents, and a par3 Myskania members in various | n » * r f r a * c r n i * v C o u n c i l ships." Other members of the So- a Christmas tree with the seasonal
Studies Department who at- Yuletide colors as a background,
maximum price of 50 cents 1ms only
made is against
its check
of the
since the
the i n i C N T a i e n m y c o u n c i l cial
tended include Dr. Wallace W. Tay- Helen Callfano, "49, has organized
been set ln order to insure equality list of those who have not paid
of distribution.
their Student Tax or class dues, Releases Pledge Rules lor, Assistant Professor and Super- a chorus to sing Christmas carols,
Students to Buy Gifts
The group also stated that those Richard Beach, President of In visor, Dr, Robert Rienow, Assist- with everyone present joining ln
Each student has been requested without
assembly seats trafraternlty Council, has announc ant Professor,. and Mr, Willlaiu -group singing
wiwiuuu assigned
UOOIHIICU uooc.nuij
_ _ later in
... the
..— evening,
to purchase an appropriate article,
wrap It ln gift paper, and place on
! * . ^ .table,
r ^ 2since
l J no
~ Lrecord
* i bid* " . Ttarfay. M o l a r 11
Mls» Bopp h» .1» ™,u..t«d lh. t
it a detachable tag Indicating K
whether the gift is for a boy oris available of those who have al- The following procedure will be
ah Commuters who wish to attend
girl and giving the age group for ready cast ballots.
observed; Notes will be placed in M . y O b U l . Po.try Blank
^ ^ l & f i S S
which it Is Intended.
The package should then be placthe student mail box for those who ^
^ ^
^ s u b m U U n g that_ it_Is necessaryjo^charge, an
ed ln one of nine boxes, decorated ConUtt Exhibit Shows Photos
have bids waiting for them; upon vejg^0V™ompo*tltlon ta"the"awnniy admission of nine cents to members
with class colors, which will be set
receipt of the note they are to go to K a y p 0 etiy Contest, which opened a n d twenty cents to non-members,
up ln the lower hall of Draper. A
list of suggestions for the various professor of fine arts, lias announc the Lounge where they will receive October 1, may obtain entry blanks A U m e m b e r B w n o n a v e , d e a s f o r
program should place
ages will be posted today on the ed that the pictures ln the Photo their bid or bids as the case may be. 1" the NEWS oinoe today.
a n ttssembiy
Huested bulletin board, Myskanla graph Contest will be on display on The bids must be returned to the The contest closes February 27 them in the Commuters' mailbox
the second floor of Draper Hall OQUno n by 12 35 PM Monday De- an<* winners will be notified two as soon as possible. Miss Bopp has
Assign Age Groups
Soph, girls
Boys 3-6 from noon Monday, December 0 to c„e m™hM1 ,R Th '„ ' ' m i l q t t l Ji P n t ( , months later. Over $1250 in prizes stated that the schedule for basBr. girls D-Z
Boys 7-0 noon Friday, December 13. The ber 10. rne person must indicate w l l l b e a w a r d e < 1 ^ ^ W i nn ing poems ketball practice has been posted
(Continued on Page f'olumn 3) contest is sponsored by the Art 6 his choice by signing the bid of the W M be published In the Sunday Sor- and those who expeot to turn out
fraternity he wishes to Join.
enade Book of Poetry.
should consult the schedule.
Inaugurate New
Voting Procedure
In S A Elections
9Umi Ojf 9*Uted
'i'il Central A w .
State College
Sophs, Freshmen Santa Claus Can't Make Formal, Highlight Sorority Rushing
Will Participate Bur "Snow Queen" Is Expected y/-^
porma| p|nner partjes
"I'm Dreaming of a White Including a vocalist will add to the
In Rivalry Sing
Christmas" and the Statesmen's gaiety of the occasion with rendlSemi-Formal in the gym in Page tlons of all the latest tunes. The
Voting For M A A
Hall -from 9 P. M. to 2 A. M., Snow Queen's identity will remain
Pledge Service Tuesday Night
14 would make anyone's unknown until that time towards
To Follow Assembly December
dreams come true. The feature the close of evening when she and
The freshman and Sophomore presentation of the evening will her five attendants, all chosen from
Will End Silent Rushing Period
classes will seek to change the 7-7come at 11:30 P. M. when the Snow the Student Association by the
The religious clubs will present
their Big-8 Wednesday, December
at 830 P.M. in Page Hall. SCA,
dfif the dire .tion of William Bald..iu, '48, will present a Christmas
U.leau; Newman Club, a comicoperetta of Dicken's Christmas Carol
jnder the direction of Paul O'Leary
and Benjamin Reed, Seniors; Hillel,
che Chamukah, Jewish feast of
tights in commemoration of the exuli ion of the Syrian invader from
the Jewish homeland, with Harold
Could, '47, directing. The College
Choir will sing in a candlelight procession under the direction of Dr.
Charles Stokes, Professor of music.
Tickets will be $.50.
117 South Pearl St.
Commuter's Club will hold a
v.i.ristmas party Monday, December
19 from 8 P.M. to 12 midnight in the
Commons according to Audrey Bopp,
'47, President of the club. Those who
wish to attend may sign up on the
sheet that will be posted on the
bulletin board.
1/ 2 U%
The Statesmen will hold a Date
party Friday, December 13, a Semiformal Saturday, December 14, and
a stag party Friday, December 20.
Copyright 1944, boom & M V I M TOIACCO CO,
r lve thelra
DV stSd°r mau Ssd r
Schedule Party
PAbf *
EMtblMitd May 1916
By thtClui 011911
The Common-Stater is given the widest latitude as author of this
column, although hie viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of the
December 6, 1946
vol. XXXI
State College News.
(Addtoabove: nor do they nee- out the unnecessary gallimaufry In
•x ™„.TO».»-.
Ainoclated Collegiate P H H
Coitaftau Dlgeet e s s a r l l y reflect"'majority "opinions, assembly. The NEWS may not be
The timlergrmlUitte newupaper of the New xork State Colu<s n w n x a M fi t« sine announcements but It
A . _ _ „ „ p a s e - nttk
lege for Teachers; published every Friday of the college «™ m£^'lWV&i^i£Pi£tfM
t « f i S f e f t v l ^ T L . „ ™ M ? « ».,,«f
veiir by the NEWS Board for the' student Association. But opinions are Important factors will print them. If assemblies must COURSE NO. X—STATE OP THE UNION
Phones: Tessier, 3-9038; busock, 8-1811: Pender, Ouniny, in any society in which an Individ- be compulsory (a bitter word, that),
(United Mine Workers, of Course)
jMiiao, Kuuss, 8-0287 j Skolaky, 4-MjJT. Mem berg of the newa u a l c a n b e feno^, a s s u c n .
l e f s make them interesting enough
"»n5fn4(i7y b e r e a c h e d T u e " " a n d W e * o m
In another column In this week's so that those awful veterans won't
Throw Another Log on the Fire (John)
at J-IW)7.
NEWS can be found some notes re- sit back there and mess things up.
A Poem in One Stanza
D -J
gardlng veterans and assemblies. Or if this is impossible, let's make
I he News Hoard
The fact that a number of people assembly optional, and have a comThere's nothing quite
•oiTOH-iN-cHiir this week received notices from the pulsory monthly business meeting.
So luminous
MANAGING IDITOR office because of excessive assembly
(Oh yes, the Com-Stat doesn't
BUSINESS MANAGER cuts makes this apropos.
have a seat for assembly, so drop
As a burning bit
that indignant colored pencil softly
Of bituminous.
The majorty of our assembly pro- now.)
•PORT* EDITOR grams are but a waste of time. Wit- "Unkind to Vets"
Still anthracite will
ADVERTISING MANAGER ness our last two abortive programs.
This being Unkind to Veterans
Have to suffice, men
ASSOCIATE EDITOR when Davis the Magician was un- gence, may we comment on another
(Why couldn't this strike
ASSOCIATE EDITOR able to appear, and again when an- matter . . .
been called by the ice-men?)
. ASSOCIATE EDITOR other organization failed to put on
It seems to be the opinion held
— — — — — — — its program. There may have been by more than one person in school
The Shaggy Browed One cried,
«*$>» 2
a legitimate reason for this, but the that the vets are automatically given
"My will holds the fort!"
fact remains that we were compelled the upper positions on the marking
A.I aomuiuulcatlonB should be addressed to the editor and to attend and waste two hours at curves. "Oh, you've been thru the
And ended up charged with
.T,l'HV.!,"'l.r!^^w^.n/.,liu,'v^lluUbeuT.!n1'heln,, "Ji^Snn^fl.mtt these make-shift affairs. 2,000 man wars, you'll get your A or B."
Contempting the court.
fi'r ,.pllus e«»Vea»M \iFlu c o l o n s V ^ Z S E ' hours of study, that is.
Pick up any commentary on the
a leader of labor
HIII'II ex invasions do
'- out
- - nvcesHurlly
"•• reflect
--* ""• Its
'"• view.
"'"Complaints are made that the status and application of vets to
vets sit in assembly and disturb that their studies on any campus, and
His attitude's rare—
whioh is going on by not paying at- read that they are applying themHis interests? John Lewis
tention, by talking during announce- selves to their work much more diliments and speeches, etc. We do not gently than they did during their
And strict laissez-faire.
All but a handful of the intellegentsia here seem tolerate this, nor is there any jus- first try. Dean Nelson mentioned this
Instead of pursuing a
tification for It from a seemingly fact several weeks ago when he said
to think that " p e p " is a breakfast cereal and noth- m ature U gro 1 up of people.'
Sensible goal:
that undoubtedly the majority of
ing more, judging by the large crowd of 30 spectaNor are
are we
we able
able to
to accept
acct. the com- the men are anxious to make up for
More pay for the miners;
tors which dribbled into the gym for Wednesday's pulson to attend the low-calibre, lost time, that they are applying the
" nonsensical, time-wasting programs experience they received from miliFor the rest of us: coal,
. . , ' . , . ,- *
in assembly with an open eye on our tary service, and that many have
He spends his time showing
With the first game of our '46- 47 season only a t i m e b u d g e t .
additional responsibilities
His will will not b e n d %
few days away, a mere 2 . 3 of the total student Need Business Meetings
they didn't have before.
He thinks stubbornness itself is
body considered it worthwhile to show up and
Admittedly there are times when
* * , * . „
, , .
A means to an end.
-.,~;L,f tv.„ , a , „ ;„ ifo tirot nnhlir anrwarnnrp 1* *s expedient for the whole stuThe current coal strike is just
support the team in its first public appearance d e n t b J y t Q m e e f c m o r d e r to c o n _ a h u g e p u b l i c i f c y c a m p a i g n f o r T h e
If I were his mother,
When an important sports event comes out second d u c t business, or hear reports from Ice Man Cometh . . . Thanks to the
I'd give him a kiss,
in competition with the library, which attracted members of the administration. We five people who responded to the
about 75 during the same time, things have reached believe that such meetings should be appeal for blood last time . "If
Sit him down on my knee
compulsory for everyone, practice you can't say something good about
And say (lovingly) this:
a pretty low eDD.
., .
. . teachers not occupied during that something or somebody, don't say
We grant that Wednesday night is not the ideal h 0 U I . ( yets, and also graduates.
anything at all' and put a lot of
"Dear John, you're sixty-six n o w time to drag people away from their homework. T h e
Our suggestion Is this: Let's cut critics on the unemployment rolls.
Old enough for a surprise:
same applies ot Tuesday, however, and yet the
There's a word you haven't learned yet:
A D plays never seem to lack an adequate audience.
They spell it 'COMPROMISE'."
And furthermore, it didn't take 20-20 vision to
read the posters and news stories publicizing the
alumni association and its quarterly.
We are forced to conclude that in spite of the ' X o t h e Editor:
The time
time has
fact that most students knew about the rally, they
ha come for State Col- Success won't come quickly, nor
did not choose to devote an hour of their time in lege to examine its inter-collegiate easily, but it will come.
tuh^nrt nf <?//i<*'» tPrnttd narvtv team since the program. To act now is to leave room
We must provide Incentive for fell o w 0/ Mates second varsity team since me fQT ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t h l s y e a r - not lows to play ball at state. We must
This week we've decided to lend our helping hands
end of the war.
sometime In the future.
get them here, and then make it ln solving some great problems, so—
If this is an indication of the spirit that will preFor many years, State college ath- possible for them to stay here. That
Although federal Judges may have had some debate
vail throughout the year, t h e team might as well letics have been hampered by an at- m e a n s a close relationship between
s»"«^ j » i • t u«ir
~»„ n , „ k titude of complacency. The students the PTEB and the Dhvsical educa- over the punishment appropriate for John L., your
give u p now instead of playmg to half ; empty bleach- n a v e ^ . ^ a y
supported a tion T p a r t m e n l I A good example columnists were right on the ball. Our solution . . .
Just let him ride perched on a suitcasetothat secers for ) thft'hext four months. We believe that sports program that has been inadequate WOuld be to contact assemblymen for tion of the train labeled "Passengers are prohibited
are a"n important part of any college program both and as antiquated as the buildings, the same jobs that have meant so under penalty of law from standing on this platform
as a unifying force and as a tangible evidence of T h i ^ n T n l K y . t »
" ! ? u c h *? "° m a n y m e n a t s t a t e l n while cars are ln motion."
• i . . . ««_• •
• II i
_.i mentum ana coming to a nait.
the Dast.
To protect yourself from the blazing blizzard, the
school spirit. This is especially true here, where
^ does s t a t e h a v e varsity a t h .
**? r e p n m m „ n r i
? recommendation is one* pair of long white Johns—
a heavy emphasis on scholarship needs some non- letics? Is it just because it is con- N r ° r * ™ ' S t a S n , " ™ ? " % T . * ° " slightly speckled with grey. These can be purchased
academic complement.
r f f S i S & T T t X w S
ttS^S^SSMZZ from the Army War Surplus store, 001812 Union Street,
W h a t has happened since last year to make g b e represented b y a t e e a / j htoh m a n d s attention. To provide fifteen Chill Blane. You won't be the first to try them.
more than 1,000 students do such a complete about J S S } £ ^ S i * £ g $ » &
In running through the Atlantic's list of Christmas
face? For if you will just recall last May's budget
i , . w e , « » ^ ' « ^ « » jg
T ^ & g S S & S ^ books
(we was desprit) we find that they suggest for
assembly you may remember that MAA received ^ n ^ r i , " d ^ " ^ h e f n r n s * a ^ * " 1 can meet our opponents on an even Father—"Lost Men of American History;" for Mother
over $4,000, the largest appropriation granted to g * g g * $ $ £ £ % • * £ basis.
—"People Behave Like Ballads" (the Martin's and the
any organization, to develop its sports program. c a u s 0 the day has gone when we
° n e m o r e P 0 " " - W e n e e d a tradi- Coys); for Brother—"Psychology ln Action" (propaAnd $2,598 was slated exclusively for basketball I can depend on a hit-and-run sys- t i o n i £ fjval. Our schedule this year ganda); for Sister — "Mademoiselle Home Planning
Ocrapboo" (they Just don't know some sisters); and
p ov ed
If the snort was worth that much monev last SDrinE <*m f o ' procuring athletics.
f 4 x, a l" 00 * 881 " 11 ° f ^ams to be for the whole family—"Thieves in the Night!"
l a v e d N o hJ
II tne sport was wortn tnai mucn money last spring
assume the latter to be P
gh Points. Just names.
Things we miss—the freshmen beanies . . . last
there is no reason why it is not worth our active t r u 6 i ^ n f t t te ^ o n g a n d w n a t c a n w e need a traditional rival to liven
week's issues of other college papers . . . heated rasupport this winter.
we do about it?
There is still time to make up in part for WedPrior to 1940, State College put
Soni* years from now,
maybe diators . . . calling out the number of sugars we want
np«Hnv'« fArr* Th« Alumni camp will officially a fair basketball team on the floor, ^ ^ . a
new gym will come to In the Boul . . . the lights ln front of the Palace
, . . home . . . the bottom of tho library steps every
nesday s farce. I n e Alumni game will o " i a a u y
a n d e v e n s t a t e . That means 3800 seats. If we
darned time.
open the season tomorrow night in the gym, and m a n a g e d a sensational victory over n a v e a respectable team, the Albany
the turnout—in spite of formal dinners—will be a Niagara. But, with the advent of pwple would attend the games. And
While everyone breathed a silent prayer for Army
clear indication of what we can expect in the future. 1940~.sad days. The remaining pre- to"e y ° u „ h a v e a s o " r c e , ° f revenue. (or maybe Navy) last weekend, few eyes were focused
8 o t e w111
T»»« un tn vmi what'<i the verdict?
war teams were pathetic. They lost , P r
f e high in the fu- on a team that has a record that even outshines that
I t s up to you—what s the verdict?
uie. Losing teams will provide a of Army's. The Blue Hens of the University of Delato
a n ftyerage g l e n a ^ ^
by fwty
n i
points. I hope I never see another t e rrl«o strain on the student bud- ware have been undefeated and untied ln 29 games.
Thanks — For Nothing . .
r e S e n t S . r le&Se
, . .
l v
' v " w /
• "*•*•**•
• •
State's third annual drive to provide gifts and
entertainment for children at the Aibany Orphans'
home opens today under t h e sponsorship of Myskania.
T h e last
two events
have been very
on ffoiul
and WP
we hnvo
have itt on
good authority
a u t n o n t y that
m a t the
tne kids
really appreciate the effort. Excellent cooperation
has made it possible to provide each child with at
least three or four small presents, refreshments and
an «„onini7 nf Pnlprl»inmi»nt
an evening of entertainment.
We do not believe it will be necessary to urge
anyone to purchase his gift during the next week
Therefore, let this serve merely as a reminder that
r.™mr,« n^Unn in hnvlno n nrpspnt anH - i r n i n r v
prompt action in buying a present and accuracy
in labeling it will make things much easier for
everyone concerned,
This may be a little out of our line, but several queries have attracted our attention. Why do most veteran*
pick assemblies to assume their "holler than thou"
attitudes? Faith without good works, as enjoyment
without participation, is of no avail . . . maybe we're
young or whatever we've been labeled, but assembly
Is the one place where "silence is golden" . . . and
we're not referring to tho voicing of opinions, but
rather to the noisy expressions of boredom (which
is putting It mildly), Somehow we "younger" members
of Student Association do not, become so obviously
unenthused. If you disagree with tho administration
on the point of compulsory attendance In assemblies,
remember, there are other moans of expressing your
k a n l a w e logloaI cnolces lo
thi» program, If one of these groups opinion—and more tactfully,
o n c a m p u 8 than state,
w h a t can we do about this? We doesn't act soon, backed by an intercan organize a program to make our estol student body, alumni, and ad12 more days!
alumni conscious of our needs. Any ministration, tho class of 1050 Is
doomed to some awful debacles on
•Maybe two,
s u c c e B s f u l s c h o o l h a s a l o y i U vig[
Page Hall court.
o r o u s alumni that points athletic
material our way. Let's use our
lied Evans
game like that. Niagara beat State ? e t - A winning team could help It
points. They were good ""measurably. Is that not Incentive
by w t y
teams, yes, but they weren't that enough for action?
t h e n t h e y w o n t h r e e > a n d s o m o t l m e s We allowed a rotten situation to beonly one, game per season, Where- e.0"16 progressively worse. Don't be
team at
by a few
last year
m t v the
s e a school
a aover
didn't belong
o y e r 8( .
college c o u r t A n d we caiVt d
T h a ' t w a a t h e s o e n e a t s t a t f i w h a t on another rush of returning vetwas the story at other state col- erans.
Things won't improve by
leges? Pittsburgh drubbed us twice, th . B i" s ® lv !, s ; . . _
Oneonta gave Siena a terrific , MAA, Student Council, and Mys-
Slates WAA Basketball
Alumni Weekend Season Starts}
Many Alumnus Expected Squads Formed
Varsity Cagers Attack
Alumni All-Star Team
Junior Varsity Jo Face
For The Opening Game
We returned from a festive
WAA held its first official basThanksgiving vacation midst jostling
4 B B The first post-war reunion of the ketball practice this week on MonFast McEneny Oilers
£ S .
crowds of people who all seemed to
men's Athletic Association Alumni day afternoon end Tuesday evenGet out your scorecards, dust off
be going our way. Vainly trying to
will be held this Saturday, December ing. The practice scheduled for
protect the tender little bump in the your tonsils, and get ready to yell.
7,1946. State will ring in with a bang Wednesday night was cancelled beright deltoid region (flu shot, you Basketball's back and State has got
& 74
the return to a full basketball card cause of the MAA Pep Rally but
know) we finally struggled through It! Tomorrow night is the night,
by playing host to its men graduates there will be the regular Saturday
the mass of humanity and found
practice tomorrow.
l a n k e t invitation
ourselves settled in a stuffy little veils the_1946 editions of her cage a n
According to last year's records,
In a n m orma
coach bound for the pursuit of highIn the season when the Purple and coincidental. However, if you hav- m a l e g r a d s t h l s w e e k ) MJLJL. invited the turnout this year ls not as great
er learning.
Gold of State clash head-on with en't noticed the extraordinary, super i t s f o r m e r members to help get the but It Was gratifying to see new
• ••
the State College Alumni All-Stars, delux WAA bulletin board, you'd betson underway ln true members on the court as well as
The Albany weatherman greeted The Junior Varsity will get their * « m a k e an appointment to have b a s k e t b a iU s e a
the veterans. The upperclassmen
s t a t e s t y e > T h e invitMlon stressed
us with a cold wintry blast, our profs first workout at 7:00 when they those blinkers checked, pronto.
were matched by an equal number
t n e { a c t t h a t Athletics have once
welcomed us with plain hard work meet the McEneny Oilers in the
With no intention of scaring you, a g a l n r e u r n e c ; to the State campus. of freshmen, but the Sophomores
and WAA brightened up our lives preliminary.
we wish to call your special atten- w i t h t h e g r e a t i y increased male en- were in the minority.
With a grand new display on their Probable Starting Five
"on to the snow sign reading, and r o llment this year, M.A.A. is inaugur- Teams Formed
bulletin board.
As yet, there have been twelve
In the right back court holding we quote, "Anyone caught putting a t i n g a n a l l . o u t p r o g r a m t o place
It's a "lovely bulletin board" (un- down one guard position will be up notices on this lovely bulletin t n e c o l l e g e o n a n a t n l e t l c level com- teams handed ln but several more
quoteWAA) with roly-poly snow men William D. ("Bolo") Marsland, '47. board will be placed in Solitary Con- p a r a b l e t 0 t n a t enjoyed by schools are expected to join the basketball
skiing down snow-covered hills and The rangy Amityville, Long Island finement for an indefinite period of o f s m i i i a r s i z e . To acquaint each league. The teams that have been
fancy ice-skaters gliding about in star, is counted on to be the main time in the equipment room. If you l o y a l aiumnus with the various signed up to play are Gamma Kapswirling snow flakes. In view of the cog in State's defense plans. Start- have anything to offer, see Binn or p n a s e s 0 f reorganization and expan- pa Phi, Psl Gamma, Kappa Delta,
frigid weather in Albany, we might ing his third campaign in the Pur- Sweeny." A commendable statement s i o n n o w u n d e r w a y M .A.A. extend- Beta Zeta, Phi Delta, Chi Sigma
say that WAA understands the pie and Gold of" State's
" Jo a 0 " 1 1 * a commendable job, we e d t o e a c h a l u m n u s a n invitation Theta, Sayles Hall, St. Thomas
More House, Farrell House, Commeaning of "the psychological mo- "Bolo" is out to make the Varsity,
t o attend the slated alumni week'46-'47
muters, and Rares—made up of resiment". Congratulations on a really season his best. Twenty-three years
In hopes that you are still with e n d
dents of Pierce Hall and its cotfine effective display!!
of age and standing 5' 11", the Air us, the eye catcher means: Life Saturday Program
tages. Prospective teams are Stokes
• * *
. Basketball
T h e i n f o r m a l gathering will get
Corps veteran can outjump and out- Saving . . FencingHall, Newman Hall, and Wren Hall.
We were hoping we could extend maneuver
u n d e r w a y a t 2 : 3 0 i n t h e LoU
of much
The league games are expected
our congratulatory department to greater height, under the boards. . . . Ping Pong . . Special Notice w h e n W tlliam Marsland, M.A.A.
be well under way before Xmas
include the Wednesday night pep
President, will deliver a welcoming vacation. General practices for all
Paired with Marsland in the left • • (Arent we clever!!
rally, but, unfortunately, it lends back court will be Malcolm ("Red")
The Bulletin Board looks so—oo address
those who wish to obtain basketitself more to criticism than to Evans, '47. Tipping the scales at good that we are inspired to write
Following .his, a two-reel movie ball credit and who are not signed
praise. We hope that members of 175 and standing 5' 9", "Red" hails poetry!
will be showi . "Life at State," a up for a team will be held on Satthe student body who disappointed from Yorktown Heights, N. Y„
Centennial Movie, is the first short urdays from 9:00-10:00, and league
With a Board so attractive,
the team, then, will make up for it where three years' competition in
subject to be followed by a sports games will be played from 10:00We should all be most active.
by attending the opening game toshort "Championship Basketball". 1:00.
the fast Metropolitan Area Leag
morrow night in great numbers.
At 4:00 there will be short talks on
All those who expect to play must
gue, with Rye High School, preped
m , - v u U l e i c WU1 u c a i i u l b u a ^ 0 u u
Ordinarily, the college halls are him for college play. A hard fight- freshman ball before departing for the Expansion Program by faculty wear sneakers since street shoes
a beehive of activity these nights er and team-man, the Army vet- two and one-half years of Army members. During the discussion sug- mark-up the gym floor and are,
with crowds of people running about. eran is sure to be a valuable asset service. The four-letter performer gestions and opinions of the alumni therefore, prohibited.
In addition to the "fourth estate", to the team in this, his second, at Schuyler is 21 and weighs a members will be given considera- Officiating
casts and directors of the A.D. plays, Varsity season.
Diehl and Quinn, Juniors, and
solid 150.
tion. This informal discussion will
crews from the stagecraft class,
In the center slot Saturday night slated For Action
round out the afternoon activities, Sullen, '49, co-captains, have done
gym-bound traffic of both sexes, and will
most of the officiating but urge all
John L. ("Long Jack") KirBacking u^ Kirby at the center Alumni to Attend Game
S. L. candidates headed for Gideon by, be
those who are interested to attend
furp o s t i ^ Thomas P. ("O.B.") O'Brien,
Hawley Hall provide constant traf- gift to State holds 170 pounds on > _ Towering 6' 1", the twenty- nlshed In Page Hall Gym by two practice—not only for playing but
fic. There is always a group of Inlofty 6' 3 " frame. Coming from y e a r-old "O.B." gives State a classy basketball games, the preliminary for experience in refereeing and
terested spectators besides, who come aRemsen,
Y., where he held down r e s e r v e at the key center slot. Tom game between the State Jayvees and umpiring. Rule books may be borto see what 's going on. Yet, only a a varsity N.
position, Long p i a y e d two years of varsity ball at the McEney Oilers slated for 7:00. rowed from the WAA office by
few dozen students managed to at- Jack" will give State's
contacting any of the captains.
V a n R e n s selaer before Uncle Sam The Alumni guests will cheer on
tend the pep rally. The team de- plenty of trouble with hisopponents
0 f l e r e d him Navy service.
serves our support. Let's give It to
l s
a ' wservice
' s e ' r ^in^ the Naval Air Corps . N"1C"
- 2" "r"l *" £h t" ,„o„r w a r d,5«.„x
they clash with the State Varsity.
hardly more than thirty-five or
™ ,_
forty students out of a student body
• * •
before donning the Purple and Gold. S S S ^ i i ^ S S S i - ™ } ?Ft
of well over a thousand. The team
WAA basketball practice has bePlaying ln the front right court *****
180 pounds on a 6' 1" Pep Rally Cancelled
failed to get the support it deserves
gun. Early sessions have seen mem- at the first whistle Walter J f r a m e ' t h e 2 °-year-old "Cy" can
and it left the gym wondering If it
_ «
bers of the Phi Delt, Psl Gamma, Chi f'-walt") Schick '49 starts hi first D l a y a f u U ^ m e without apparent _
D u e T o S m a l l T u r n o u t really had a student body behind
Slg, BZ, Gamma Kap, Sayles and gam f i n K e V e V " h e ^ o m S J e " s « f f l * 2 3 ^ J * ^
It. It is hoped that the student
f High captain kept h s baaPierce teams. General observations Bay Shore, L. I., captain and star, k*e t?P
. ^ ,
; P whjto in the P a g e Hall was the scene Wed- body will turn out tomorrow nlsrht
indicate that more freshmen than brings to State a service record
Sophomores have come out, so far, which includes action with the !? °e °y Performing with the fast n e s d a y night of the first basketball and back; their team ln true State
and Sayles Hall has had the largest crack 71st Signal Group Team, « l•a , *d » « . Ky Post team which pep rally. The rally unofficially tradition.
champions of the Southern Prance P y ? the best college competition m a r k e d the opening of the 1946-'47
house representation.
Theatre in the E.T.O. Twenty-two t ""'"CKy nad to oner.
c a g e s e ason at State, as the stuyears of age and tipping the scales
Abraham L. ("Link") Marzello, dent body had its first glimpse of
at 169, the 5' 9" veteran specializes '50, ls State's other reserve forward, the Varsity Squad.
in one-handed push shots from the Past and shifty on his feet, the An informal scrimmage between
twenty-year-old, 5' 6" forward is the first and second Varsity teams
In the other forward post Ken- valuable to a team employing the provided the small gathering with
neth L. ('Ken") George, '50, will fast break such as State plans to its first cage thrills of the season.
perform, The 5' 6" freshman use
from The play was fast and the two t i e Central Avenue Albany, N. T.
makes up in speed what he lacks Troy, "Link" played two years of teams evenly matched as the squad
ln height. Coming to State from varsity ball at Lansingburgh High went through Its practice scrimIn a Friendly,
Philip Schuyler High, Ken played before entering the Navy.
mage. However, because of the
veteran of Navy service, "Karp'
Basil R. ("Karp") Karplak, '50, small number ln attendance the pep
was a star eager for Avertll Pane supplies one-half of State's reserve rally ended with the scrimmage.
High of Watervliet and was selected strength at the guard posts. The The scheduled cheering practice
for the all-league team two years youngest member of the squad, had to be postponed,
"Karp" stands
That the pep rally was far from ( • T A I L I S H I O I * O I
reserve an even six feet and weighs 180. A a success is no secret. There were
strength at the other guard slot Is
Nolan iv.
v ».«— , Powell, '49.
R. ("Nolo")
"Nolo" saw plenty of action ln
three years play for his home high STATESMEN ATTENTION—Lowerre and Hipplck will be glad to
school at North Rose, N, Y, Twenhandle your flower orders for the formal.
ty-two years of age, the rangy
guard puts his 6' of height and 180
Orders taken ln the Publications Office and delivery made to
pounds to good use ln keeping the
your date's residence.
opponents away from the State
goal. His service of three years
was with the Army paratroops.
Barber Shop
H. F. Honikel & Son
"Portraiture At Ita Finest"
Where all the Students Meet
785 Madison Ave.
Albany's Favorite Flower Shop
CORSAGES for any occasion
Washington and Main Streets
Telephone 8-0434
J. MICHAEL HIPPICK—State Representative
r*T lllirlWBBBnnriTif^f • ;•«* *
Luncheon Served Daily
OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY
Evenings by appointment
• T A l * C O L L t O t NEWS. PRIDAV, DECEMBER 6, 1040
Newman, Hillel
Schedule Party,
Religious Service
College Calendar
Will Givt Presents
{Continued from Page 1, Column 1)
Friday, December •
Fr. girls D-Z
Olrls 3-6
11:00 AM.—Sophomore, Freshmen Orads
Olrls 7-9
rivalry sing, voting for M.A.A., Sr. and Soph. Men
Boys 10-12
Page Hall.
Fr. Boys D-Z
Girls 10-12
6:00 P.M.—Sorority Buffet Suppers Jr. Men
Boys 13-14
8:00 P.M.—Hillel Student Service, Jr. Olrls F-N
Olrls 13-14
Washington Ave. Synagogue
Jr. Olrls O-Z
Boys 15-17
Religious Club activities for theSaturday, December 7
Fr. Olrls A-C „
Olrls 15-17
following week Include the first all- 3:30 P.M.—M.A.A. Smoker, Lounge Sr. Olrls A-C
student religious service sponsored 7:00 P.M.—Sorority Formal Dinners Fr. Boys A-C
by Hillel and a Newman Club party. 7:30 P.M.—Varsity, Alumni Bas- Jr. Olrls A-E
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
ketball game, Gym
is sponsoring a speaker.
8:00 P.M.—I.V.C.F. Area meeting
In Lounge.
Solomon Mlnsberg, '47, President
December 8
of Hillel, has announced that the Sunday,
Dinner, meeting,
religious service will be held this 6:301stP.M.—S.C.A.
evening at 8:30 P.M. at Congregation
December 10
Ohav Sholom, 441 Washington Ave- Tuesday,
noon—Music Council recordnue. The Hillel choir will make Its 12:00ing
hour, Room 28
first appearance under the direction 5:30 P.M.—Sorority
Pledge Services
of Jean Hoffman, '40. There will be 8:30 P.M.—A.D. Plays,
Page HaU.
solos by Miss Hoffman and Yolanda
Olockner, 'SO. Mlnsberg will act as
student rabbi and Stanley Abrams, Wednesday, December 11
'47, will officiate as student cantor. 12:00 noon—S.O.A. Chapel, Unitarian Church.
Philip Lashlnsky, '47, will direct a
group of Hillel members In studying
contemporary Jewish problems.
Newman Club will sponsor a party College To Co-operate
Thursday, December 12, at Newman
Hall from 7:30 P. M. to 11 P.M. Martin Stewart, '47, general chairman In Drive For Books
will be assisted by the following
Mary E. Cobb, College Librarian,
committees: Jean Spencer and Jean has announced that the library is
Pulver, Sophomores, refreshments; cooperating with the American Book
Joseph Carosella, '49, decorations;
Florence Wilson, '47, publicity. All Center, Washington, D. C. In sponsoring a drive to obtain books for the
students are invited.
libraries of war devastated counI.V.CF. will hold Its monthly area tries. A box will be placed at the
meeting In the Lounge tomorrow library door for those who wish to
evening at 8 phi. Dr. Herbert S. Me- contribute,
The Book Center is not interested
keel, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church In Schenectady, will speak in text books, light ficton, popular
on the subject, "The Inescapable magazines and popular non-fiction,
but wishes particularly publications
of the last 10 years which are scholarly in nature. Subject material
such as history, social science, muSymphony Relestes Schedule
sic, fine arts, literature, and parThe Albany Symphony Orchestra ticularity science and technology is
Is offering student tickets for sale acceptable.
at |1.20 per concert.
The next performance, to be held ;:us:i in'irrstlSii Bitflatsm Bil m m W W W m W m m Ei! tHii un am
Tuesday evening at Philip Livingston Junior High School, will be conducted by Mr. Ole Windlngstad,
famous Norwegian conductor. Miss
Sari Biro, Hungarian pianist, will
be the guest artist. Tickets may be
obtained from Dr. Charles F. Stokes,
Professor of Music, today.
with your
school nam*
and color
Sold exclusively at
7 No. Lake at
Western Ave.
The College
Albany, N. T.
117 South Pearl 81
221 Central Ave,
Smil $. ZACagengast
"Buy Where the Flowers Grow
DIAL 4-1125
SPECIAL ATTENTION to Sororities and Fraternitieb
PHONE 5-1913
Telephone 4-2290
Est. 1877
of Better Quality
Pledge Services
Conclude Rushing
For Sororities
Jones Painfs Virgin Islands
In Letter To Sfafe College
cHRisTiiis %
Statesmen Weekend To Include
Winter Semi-Formal, Date Party
How would you like to spend
a year away from the telephone,
radio and the world news? Right
now it probably sounds pretty
From Dr. Louis C. Jones,
Ninety Frosh Women good.
assistant professor of English a t
State College, comes a letter deJoin, Leaving Quotas
scribing his Impressions of the
Unfilled For This Year Virgin Islands, where he is doing
Rushing season came to an end just that.
Tuesday night with pledge services
W i l l Coronate Queen
In his letter Dr. Jones speaks
and suppers at which 90 women of the tropical atmosphere, of
were pledged to the seven campus strange plants, tropical fish,
With Snowball Tiara
sororities. Of these 84 were chosen clear and sunny skies, a climate
The Statesmen will hold their
from the freshman class, ti.ree from in which he goes swimming every
the Class of '49, one Irom the Class day, and above all where "time
dance tomorrow night in the Page
of '47, and two were transfers.
doesn't matter." (All good State
Hall gym. Harold Weber, '47,
No Quota Filled
College students go to the Virgin announced that those students who
Chairman of the affair, will be asLast year 112 women were pledg- Islands when they die.)
are planning to attend the 8 week
sisted by Philip LashLisky, '47,
ed to sororities and two sororities,
accelerated session should adjust
who is responsible f.-r the orchesThe letter may be found on their spring semester programs to
Psi Gamma and Alpha Epsilon Phi,
tra, and William Baldwin, '48, In
took their freshman quota. This page 3.
make possible the selection of ten
charge of arrangements. . As part
year none oi the sororities used up
hours from the following courses.
of the Statesmen weekend, a date
their quota.
Prerequisites for courses listed may
party will be sponsored in the
Alpha Epsilon Phi pledged 13
be ascertained from the college
Lounge from 8:30 t j 11:30 P. M.
freshmen, three Sophomores, and
catalog for 1946-47. I t will be nectonight. George Poulis, '48, is chairone Senior, as compared to 15
essary for those students planning
man of the dance.
freshmen, five Juniors, one Senior
to try the oral-credit examination
Three o'clock Hours to Prevail
last year. Fourteen freshmen pledgin French during the summer sesHAROLD
Those attending the semi-formal
ed to Beta Zeta as compared to
sion to register for two courses in
will dance to the music oi Gus MeCalifano To Conduct
ten freshmen, two Sophomores, and
that department.
tro's orchestra, and three o'clock
three Juniors last year. Chi Sigma
are slated to begin June
Chorus, Group Singing 30,Classes
hours are to prevail.
Theta pledged nine freshmen as
1947 and close August 23, with
A Snow Queen will reign amidst
compared to last year's ten freshAudrey Bopp, '47, President of July 4 as a legal holiday. There
the winter carnival theme of blue
men, one Sophomore and one Jun- Commuters Club, has announced are no fees or other charges made
and white. She and he. live a t ior. Gamma Kappa Phi pledged that the organization will hold its for this session,
tendants are to be chosen by the
nine freshmen while last year twelve annual Christmas party Thursday Offer Six-Credit Courses
chaperones for the evening. At 11:30
freshmen were pledged. Twelve in the Commons from 8 to 11 P.M. Each student should register for
P. M. Gertrude rasper Girvin, '47,
frshmen pledged to Kappa Delta in A chorus under the direction of one of the following six credit
last year's queen, will place the
comparison eleven freshmen Helen Califano, '49, is to be the courses, all of which are scheduled
ana four transfers last year. Phi center of the evening's entertain- for Monday througn Friday from
Myskania members will partici- snowball tiara on the heaa of toDelta pledged fourteen freshmen ment.
11:10 to 12:30, and Monday through pate in a parody on Dickens' morrow night's reigning co ed.
and two transfers while last year
Miss Bopp and Marion Zimmer, Thursday from 1:10 to 2:00. These " ^ J ™ 5 Carol," and part of the
Dancing at the date P « * W f f l b e
fourteen freshmen and one Sopho- '50, will sing a duet, "The Children's courses are Ed. 10, Junior Psychol- entertainment for the orphan show to the victrola, ana refreshments
more were pledged. Psi Gamma Prayer" from Hansel and Gretel. ogy and Education; En. 3, English Thursday will be given in assem- m b e seivedI during the evenin
pledged 13 freshmen in comparison A miartdi nnnsisHnu nt M i « Pni i.lhprnrnrP' o k om Oreek T.irpra- bLy this morning. Players on the Poulis has announced that appioxwith lifteen last year.
^ Z x T A " £ * S &
K t ' T ' r a S a t S ; H ^ U An- ™ * basketball squad are to be imately 90 c.uples ha.e signed up
Following is the list of women Reynolds and Marion Oliver, fresh- cient Civilization and Hy. 121, the introduced and a pep rally will be to attend the dance.
men, are to sing "Lo, How a Rose Middle Ages, both of which will *? eld t\° 6*!e $e team a send-off List Chaperones
who were pledged:
E'er Blooming." The chorus will count as one unit together.
£ " J * 8 St. Michaels game and Dr. and Mrs Theodore S.anding,
Alpha Epsilon I-hi:
selections of Christmas Students should register for two Hattsburg this weekend.
and another faculty memoer win
Ueraidine uooperman, Lila Drez- render
chaperone the datj party, Chapner, Doris Preeoman, Adele Gerow, carols with the audience joining in. of the following courses, each yield- Cast for Skit
A grab bag will also be a part of ing two credits, except Biology 22, The skit will take place at Know erones for the semi-formal are Mr.
Renee Harris, Charlotte Kaplan,
Frances Kessler, Selma Nadel, Irma the evening's program and the 10c which counts as two courses. The Nothing
where the and Mrs Ralph llbbetts, Mr. and
Rheln d old, Rhodd, Rioer, Helma grab part of the admission fee. The courses listed for 8:10 to 9:00 daily characters are Dean Scrooge, Philip Mrs. Arthur P. Jones, and Mr. and
Rosenoerg, Judith Serebnick, Ethel other part is 10c in coin.
are Bl. 22A, Plant Biology, Hy. 4A, Lashlnsky; Tiny Tim Crachett, Mrs. Stephen Bull. The fourth
Trop, Class of '50.
The decorations which will be in American Political and Social In- Robert Combs; Mrs. Crachett, Alice couple has not yet bee.1 chosen.
Shirley Shapiro, Hortense Zeilen- green and red will have as a local stitutions; Co. 6A, Business Law; Knapp Randall; Dean Morely,
golu, Arlene ^chengo-a, Sophomores. point, a Christmas tree in the cen- Fr. 109, Advanced French Composi- James Conley; Scrooge's secretary,
ter of the room, and mistletoe to be tion; Ma. 22, College Algebra; and Clyde Cook; two tough characters,
Rutn Lilhenfeld, '47.
hung throughout the Commons.
PS. 209, Constitutional Law.
Ruth Bentley and Lois Hutchinson.
Beta / e t a :
Punch, cookies and nuts will Continue Courses From 8:10
Entertainment for the orphan show
Eleanor Adams, Shirley Barber, comprise the refreshments.
Courses taught daily from 9:10 is to consist of singing, dancing,
Elise DeSeve, C. Joan Farrell, RoThe committees are: refresh- to 10:00 are Bi. 22B, Hy. 4B. and and pantomime,
malne Johnson, Mary Arden Lynch, ments, Jeanette Biggs and Ethel Co. 6B which are continuation of The purposes of the pep rally
Marjorie Lyons, Ri<th Matteson, Anglo, Juniors; decorations, Flor- the courses scheduled at 8:10; Fr. are to rally the team for the games Three State College alumni have
Susan Miller, Shirle,, Sheets, Ele- ence Wilson, '47, Inez Shipper and 115, French Civilization; Ma. 23, in Plattsburg this weekend, and to written books which were published
anor Soltys, Rutn Wales, Jane Florence Albright, freshmen; re- Trigonometry; and PS. 113, Amer- practice the cheers for the Siena- within the last month.
Walter, Rose Mary Willsey, Class ception, Miss Bopp, Clare Creeden, lean Parties and Politics. The State game Tue;day in the Wash- Engle's Cook Book" by Mrs. Fanny
of '50.
'48 Austin Monroe, '49; recreation, courses which are offered daily at ing ton Street Armory.
Goldsmith Engle, '12, was publishChi Sigma Thcta:
Kathleen McTavey, '48, Richard 10:10 to 11:00 are Bi. 119, Plant
At the end of assembly a collec- c d November 21, and "SpoonhanJean Cleary, Bernadette Freel, Zcller and Morton' Thayer, Sopho- Biology; Hy. 141, American History tion will be taken up from the stu- die," by Ruth Moore, '25, and "The
Joan French, Sally Uiaconia, San- mores; door, Mary Bacher and from 1607 to 1783; Co. 109, Business dent body in order to raise money Little Carousel," by Marcia Brown,
ura Heslin, Joan Keyton, Margaret Jeanne Bassett, Sophomores; clean- Correspondence; Fr. 110, French to buy refreshments for the party "40, went to press this month,
McMahon, Alice Reilley, Concettn up, Gloria Gould, Jeanne Palmer, Phonetics; Ma. Ill, Mathematics of at the orphanage. Last yoar $90 The cook book, according to Mrs.
Rosano, Class of '50.
Donald Hoyt, and William Dumble- Statistics; and PS. 215, State and was collected for this purpose and Engle, is designed for the average
Gamma Kappa l'lii:
ton, freshmen.
Local Government In New York.
(Continued on Page 5, Columns) housewife who has to cope with
EUcn Brown, Marie DeCarlo, Jan-••
" the daily food problems of scarcity
ice Fltapatrick, Edythe Kelleher,
and rising prices, rather than
Mildred Lauriguet,, Shirley Mesearching for seldom used ingreCuen, Catherine Noonan, Lucille
dients. Mrs. Engle, who has taught
Valentino, Diane Webber, Class of
In Mlddletown and New York City,
On December 10, 900 students to this degree. Now it has come to President of Sarah Lawrence Col- is also the originator of a puppet
didn't go to school in Paw tucket, the point where higher wages are lege, "Not only must there be more ^ 0 w° u »pannv" 8 BtaKle" Marionettes'
Kappa Delta:
receive w' n l c h' , . , \ h c o u n t r v
Jean Bowen, Marianna Brunett, Rhode Island, a city with a popu- necessary to maintain a normal teachers, but they must of
toured the country.
Marjorie Child, Virginia Grants, lotion of 75,000. Puwtucket boasts standard of living. But In most higher salaries." Because
of veterans,
Joan Erlandsou, Jean Hotaling. ol having the lowest tox rate In communities, appropriations pre- return
Mury Lucas, Barbara Smith, Mar- Now England, n fact that is well vent any raises In teachers' salaries teachers will bo educating during second book, dep cts mo m a rethe coming year almost as many mote Maine nsnmg village,
jorie Southwick, Nancy Woolfolk, illustrated, for teachers are paid beyond the provided minimum.
less than stare clerks and mill
According to William M. Rutlor, young persons as the remainder of best-seller has been condensed in
Shirley Wiltse, class ol '50.
the December issue of the Reader's
workers In Pawtuoket industry, who Deputy Attorney General of Penn- the world, combined.
Phi Delta:
Digest. Miss Moore's first book on
Loi.-. .bussett, Joyce Dodge Wan- have spent neither the time nor sylvunln, "It Is not a question of
present teacher
e m M a m e w a s "The Wler," pubda Hare, Margaret Hosklng, Eliza- the «
- > - " * «™« l v e s to
* do;
" M
£ question
S S P rof! what
2 W it t h r e a t e u r t o continue! unlos, some u ffi»»
™ Z ™ MisT Mc^re »Z
beth Hulton, Audrey Koch, Anne iu.
stufor their
n.i... „«..>.
-- —,
•- -,-- ----- -- •••
encouragement is uuuiuy io aiu- >...,. nan associate editor of the
Morgan, Ruth Smith, Vivian Steele, In St. Paul, Minnesota, seventy- can do, and it can do nothing at d t
, M ( , u U , r S U U ( , C o l . mmi a a 's Digest since 1942. Prevlh
Earhne Thompson, Hilda Wninlo, seven grade and high schools were this time.
becomlng associated with
In oilier words, there ,
U U { | n o m a , SL.,UK)ls „ t h m , e « « « '
Geraldlne Wands, Margaret Whit- closed when teachers struck tor must bo legis ation before there
the wstaff she taught school, wrote
(() b( ,
l e 1.(,W|U.<, fm , r W ( ! oua
more, Lucille Wrlsley, Class of '50. higher wages. The city contended can bo salary Increases.
years ol study. Wo are demundinv m
" "p u"'•'
b i i c j t V i n n d operated a ranch
Helen Oaldes, Sophomore trans- that It could not legally meet any Unlike the salaries of Lewis' more education oi our teachers, but j n California
of the teacher's demands, Minno- minors, teachers' pay is controlled they are demanding greater com- „ T n ( i u t t l e Qavousftl," n picture
Wihna Hutchinson, Junior trans- apolis, .scheduled to stride, did not by the state and city government. pensation, Unless It Is given, there b o o k f w , onJldren, l s written and
because of a last minute settle- Further, state and community fin- is no relief in sight for this critical illustrated by Marcia Brown, '40.
ment. Five teachers in the rural ances are controlled bv legislation— situation.
This book was reviewed In the Nodistrict of Fort Dodge, Iowa, struck passed by the representatives of the
1'sl Gannua:
Whaf we need Is groiter appro- vember 2li issue of the New York
the sameeducational
day, leaving
90 pupils low
Is responsible
theprlatlons, through legislation. In Times, in observance of Children's
Marjorie Argust, Lorraine Boot- without
for teachers?
lor, Mary Calandra, Sarah Caruso, Do the* striked Indicate $ dofin- taxpayers. Without thel- all, then, this way, our teachers will receive Book Week, carrying out the thejne
Alice Casey, Dorothy Conway, J e "Books Are Bridges," Miss
avertanne Oobo, Gloria Sottllo, Rosemary Stoddard, Mary Sulioh, Laura , 1 1 ; women entrusted with the children will remain underpaid and ed and more Hfc|h School graduates Brown 8 employed nt BWMtt to
will bo persuaded to enter teacher the Public Llbiaiy on 42nd Street
Varga, Edna Watson, and Janet education Of this generation taken handicapped by poor facilities.
advantage of a dangerous weapon
According to Dr. Harold Taylor, training institutions.
in New Y o u uny.
Whitman, Class of '50.
Weber Chairman
I omorrow Night
Announce Plans
For Accelerated
Summer Session
Commuters Slate
Christmas Party
Plan Pep Rally,
Myskania Skit
For Assembly
Alumni Authors
Publish Works
Teachers' Strikes Force M a n y Schools 7~o Close