f « , 'V ** i MM* • T A T S C O L U t a C NEW*, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1046 Schedule Prcip ^ P A C*uk . Pro«r»m WHI include Thursday Night Hayride, Square Pence 7 ftuth Beelbarth,«o-chainn»n «f Junior Week-end, has outlined the orW'of events to take placet The program will Include an Informal dance and a hay-ride on Friday, November 33, and the'Annual Junior Prom on Saturday, November 38. The informal will feature' round and square' dancing in the Ingle Room to an orchestra from 8:00 to 13:00 PJM. Admission will be 55c. «t*3r.'»! M t J f e J w W W r«,.«f.H fh*t The RPI Olee Club will appear at state, Thursday, November 14, at 8:30 PJM. in the Commons under the sponsorship of Prosh Club of Student Christian lAssoclatlon. The Religious Clubs Dance scheduled for tonight has been postponed, and Hillei has announced a new policy concernlng meetings. Marks Second Concert The appearance of the RPI Olee Club will mark their second concert at state - R u t h Seelbach, '48, f ^ ^ - W l h S S ^ i W « v ^ n f « ? f i S S lot ** the the aappointment committees falr wWch of are: ^>^o?Ml^S°iHliS * - W 122. andttSUjSkJfah iL£& £ Wanlo and Shirley McCuen, refreshnoon Tuesday in the lower hall ments, Vivian Steele, Margaret of Draper. Payment will be request- Whitmore, and Shirley Wiltse, pubed when reservations are made and licity, and Franklin Rose, Walter no stags Will be. allowed. Lockwood, Leonard Weeks, and DaProm Mnslo',. vid Jack, arrangements. Following Music for the Prom, which will be the concert, there will be dancing held in the gym and the Lounge, and refreshments In the Commons. will be provided by Bill Hannan, his clarinet and his orchestra, from 9 Lighten Schedule P. M. to 3 A. M. After the inter- in answer to the request by Miss mission at 13:30 the traditional Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women, for crowning of Prom Queen will take a lighter schedule of events to avoid place. Bids will be $3.40 and may over-crowding of the College Calenbe purchased at the Stamp Booth In dar, Hlllel has agreed to cut by 35% the lower corridor of Draper Hall the meetings scheduled for the year. next week. Solomon Minsberg, '47, President, The chairman for the Prom com- has announced that this will not mittees are as follows: coronation, curtail their activities. Wllma Dlehl; decorations, Curtis Pfaff; publicity, co-chairmen, Gloria Gilbert and Marian Kragh; arrangements,. B. J. Vaughn* tickets and program, Virginia DlGregorio; refreshments, Helen Kislel; and cleanRPI will act as host to the State up, Arthur Russell. College debate team next Friday. Members of the State College team will defend the negative side of the question: Resolved: that technical education better prepares one for life than a liberal arts education. • • • Tuesday, November 19, Hartwlck „ , J, ,. -i, . • , College at Oneonta, N. Y. will send Music Council has announcd that two teams to State to debate two Vivien Harvey, pianist, and Paul issues. The first topic is: Resolved: Matthew, baritone, both well-known that all Sophomore and freshman musicians, will be guest artists at a courses be precribed, and the secconcert, in Page Hall on November ond; Resolved: that the U.N.O. be 15, at 8:30 p. m. immediately resolved Into a world 4bco4 OH fyutune Harvey, Matthew To Give Recital Miss Harvey, a rising young piano « w hasfi»TELrJtE?f*S«?^: soloist, had a great deal of ex perience having appeared with the Cleveland and Youngstown Symphonies and participated in two radio programs with the Cincinnati ConservatorySymphony.Alsoamong her accomplishments is her composition of "A Box of Toys" which was featured by Jose Iturbi. *°T,ermneJ}hIn. b ° t h u c a s e 8 t h f s t a t e College wUl defend the negative. Advanced Dramatics will present two plays Tuesday, November 19, at 8:30 P.M. under the direction of t,. t f „ D „„. „ „ f „„,, „ o m U n«,.M B f"LB£ ! Gould E f has h l W J ? f t Seniors. Mr. adapted "The Olympus Opus" for stage from a radio play, written by a well-known writer for radio. Miss Hilt will direct • ;: iIn addition to his many appear the Shakespearean romance, "Roances,.Mr. Paul Matthew has done m e ° an* Juliet.'' recordlngs with Victor, has sung with several well-known symphonies and Keuka College will open its doors has been featured on several radio to all freshmen In the State Colleges programs. Last year he appeared in throughout the state for the annual fall Student Christian Movement Troy at the Troy Music Hall. conference, Saturday and Sunday, Admission will be by student tax, November 16 and 17. The purpose of However, will sell for -.-.. adult- tickets — —. this conference is to help freshmen $1.20 and outside students must pay to gain a perspective on the values $.85. found In college life, i Est 1877 Telephone 4-2290 , WATCHES and DIAMONDS • • ) of Better Quality 20 So. PEARL STREET ALBANY, N. Y. BOULEVARD CAFETERIA DIAL 51003 "MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" 1»a-aOO CENTRAL AVBNUE • / *. . ALBANY, N. Y. Ellin* Sets Picture Desdllnt Jean Biting, '47, Editor of the Pedagogue, has announced that all students who have not yet signed up to have their pictures taken should do so on the schedule posted between the student mail boxes In the lower hall of Draper. Pictures will be taken at Oustave Lorey Studio on State Street Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30 P.M. This is the last opportunity to signup. i , j^y^-t Departmental Clubs List Programs Plans for future meetings have 13, in the Lounge at 7:30 PH. Dr. been outlined by Bertha, Wakln, '47, J. Wesley Chllders, Profesor of Span- ii President of Pan Amlgos, and Nona ish, will be the speaker for the eveVlmmerstedt, '47, President of Com- ning. The Spanish Club at RPI has merce Club. Mr. C. K. Rhbades will been invited to attend. give an illustrated lecture at the Nona Vlmmerstedt, '47, President' next meeting of Chemistry Club, of Commerce Club, has announced Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. in Room the following officers for this year: 350, Huested. Bertha Wakln, '47, vice-president, Pan Amlgos will hold Its next Mardele Brusie, '48, secretary, and regular meeting Tuesday, November Alma Hughes, 47, treasurer. c?. ews State College Z-444 ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1948 VAS& V O L ^ X X I NO. 8 Music Council Sponsors Guest Artists; Commuters To Produce Big-8 Sock Hop Dancing To Start Gould Slates A t 8 O'Clock Unique Staging l omorrow Night "Varieties" To Feature InComedySatire Music, Entertainment The Commuter's Club will introduce its first Big-8, "Sock Hop Varieties of 1946," tomorrow night from 8:00 to 12:00 P.M. in Page Hall gym. Austin Monroe, '49, will act as Master of Ceremonies. The decorations will place emphasis on the rustic atmosphere of the affair. Everyone is requested to wear dungarees and heavy socks and to check their shoes at the cioor. The gym floor will be cleaned before the dance. Russell Matthews and his orchestra will provide the rausic for round and square dancing while variety acts will be interspersed through the intermissions. Refreshments will consist of cider, doughnuts, and cookies served throughout the evening. Name Chaprons Dr. Ralph A. Beaver, Professor of Mathematics, and Mrs. Beaver, and Dr. Charles L. Andrews, Professor of Physics, and Mrs. Andrews will chaperon the "Varieties." The committees and their members are: Publicity, Audrey Schmay, '49; Tickets, Roberta Wilson, '47; Props, Florence Wilson, '47; Codirectors, Jacqueline Smcad, Audrey Bopp, Seniors, Clare Crecden, '48; Costumes, Kathleen McTavey, '48; Decorations, Marjorie Busch, '50; Arrangements, Albert J. Read, '47; Shoe Checking, Merton Thayer, '49, Gloria Gould, '50; Refreshments, Dorothy Arnold, '49, Edward Gordon, '50; Clean-up, Helen Califano, '49. List Cast Participants in the variety acts will include Audrey Bopp, '47, Gifl'ord Wingate, Harold Mills, Audrey Schmay, Helen Califano, Anno Gourley, and Mary Cooper, Sophomores; and Lorice Sclmin, Beverly Reynolds, Marion Oliver, Harold White, Marion Zimmer, Donald Hoyt, William Dumbleton, freshmen. The admission will be $.50 per person and all proceeds will go to the Student Union Fund. Harvey, Matthan Head Program Tonight in Page Students May Attend By Using Tax Ticket Advanced Dramatics will present two plays in its regular series of fortnightly productions Tuesday evening at 8:30 in Page Hall. The plays for this week are under the direction of Betty Rose Hilt and Harold Gould, Seniors. Miss Hilt will present five scenes from the Shakespearian tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet." The cast of characters includes: Arthur Collins, '47, Romeo; Mary Cheatham, '49, Juliet; Arliene Riber, '48, nurse; Martin Bush, '50, the friar. Gould's production, a comedysatire, has been adapted from a radio play. It is of an experimental nature and new to the State College stage. Different techniques in lighting, sound, and staging have been substituted for the usual stage conventions. The action of the play will expand beyond the limits of the stage to include the whole auditorium, thus giving the play a three-dimensional character. The players will include Paul Barselou, Lois Fillman, Dolores Lawson, Patricia Kearney, Harold Osbworth, Rodney Fraser, Seniors, Edith Dell, Robert Ten Eyck, Marvin Sultan, Juniors, Everson Kinn, Frederick Baron, Harold Mills, Dante Zaccagnini, Sophomores, and Christofer Lievester, '50. / W (<* m -J u PAUL MATTHAN VIVIAN HARVEY V\'omens Choir Art Department To Raise Funds Sponsors Contest Music Council will present Vivien Harvey, pianist, Paul Matthan, baritone, and Cecilia Qnevek, accompanist, In Page Hall this evening at 8:30 P.M. This trio represents the first group of outside artists sponsored by Music Council this year. Miss Harvey has appeared with the Cleveland and Youngstown Symphonies and the Carnegie "Pops" Orchestra. In addition to her appearances as concert artist she has written the orchestral suite, "A Box of Toys," which was presented by Jose Iturbi with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in Albany, Troy and New York. Paul Matthan has made recordings tvith Hargall and Victor Red Seal records, and has given several concerts with well-known symphonies and in radio presentations. Last year he appeared in the Troy Music Hall. List Program The program for the concert this evening includes: I—Paul Matthan: "Beato Chi Puo" from the opera "Serse"—Francesco Cavalll "Leporello s Aria" from "Don Giovanni"—W. A. Mozart "Serenade" from "Don Giovanni"— Mozart II—Vivien Harvey: "Caprlccio"—The Departure of a Beloved Brother — Bach-Busonl Arioso (The friends coax the brother to delay departure) Fugato (A representation of what might befall the brother in a strange land) Adaglssimo (General lament of the friends) March (The friends are resigned to his going and take their leave) March (The friends are resigned to his going and take their leave) Aria di Postlgllone (Song of the postilion) Fuga (An imitation of the postilion's cornet) Rondo a caprlccio—"Rage over the Lost Penny''—Beethoven "Fantasy in F Minor"—Chopin III—Paul Matthan: "Die Malnacht," Op. 43, No. 2—Johannes Brahms "Feldelnsamkelt," Op. 86, No. 2—Johannes—Brahms "Feldelnsamkelt," Op, 86, No. 2— Johannes Brahms. (Continued on Page 6, Column t) The State College Women's Choir, Hutchins Will Exhibit under the direction of Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Music, will Interpretive Paintings present a special recital on che stage of the Strand Theatre FriMiss Ruth Hutchins, assistant day, November 22, for the benefit professor of fine arts, has anof the Albany Denial fund. State nounced that the Art 6 class is College is one of five Albany area sponsoring a photography contest colleges to take part in the annual in which all students are eligible fund raising campaign. to submit entries anytime up to Announce Program December 2. Beginning Monday The choir will open the program and continuing through Friday with the State College Alma Mater. Miss Hutchins will also exhibit Albert Announces This will be followed by "Luabian reproductions of paintings interFolk Song," arranged by Brahms; preting famous works of music in SEB Panel Discussion "Tiritomba," an Italian folk song; the upper hall of Draper. "Calm As the Night," by Carl Alice Randall, '47, chairman of A panel discussion on the topic Bohm; "Song to Bohemia," ar- the photography contest, has re"What The High School Principal ranged by Deems Taylor; "Ho, Mr. leased the rules: any subject may Looks For In The Beginning Piper!" by Pearl Curran. The re- be used; photographs must be Teacher" will be presented by Stu- cital will close with Cole Porter's larger than 3" by 5"; they may be dent Employment Bureau Thurs- American classics, "Night and Day." mounted or unmounted prints, day, at 3:30 in the Lounge, accordThe accompanists for the choir must be placed in envelopes and ing to Miss Mary-Rita Albert, As- will be Louise Rollema, '47, Jean put in a box outside Room 208, sistant Director. Dr. Robert W. Stapleton, '48, Jean Gebo, '50. Lois Draper or sent to Madeline Shaw Frederick, Professor of Education Hutchinson, '47, will announce the or Anna Kemesls, Seniors; all enwill act as chairman of the panel. selections. tries must be in by 10 A. M., DecemDrive To Benefit Children ber 2. Miss Albert- has extended an inThe proceeds of the drive will Miss Randall has urged everyone vitation to all students and faculty (Continued on Page 5, Column 1) to submit photographs to the conmembers at State. test. Selections interpreted by the paintings include: "Rhapsody in "Portrait Should Be Composite of Features, Personality A n d Spirit Blue" by George Gershwin; "Symphony No. 5" by Ludwlg van BeeO f Subject", Says Mme Suzanne Silvercruys, Belgain Sculptress thovan; "A Midsummer's Night Dream" by Feliz Mendelsohn; soon, and may fly to Japan next "Symphony No. 1" by Johannes Repeating a .successful perform- Ideas on Art ance here after an absence of five Mme. Silvercruys has very well- year to complete the group with a Brahms; "La Mer" by Claude Deyears, Mme. Suzanne silvercruys. defined ideas on the function of bust of MacArtbur. bussy; "In a Summer's Garden" well-known Belgian sculptress, cap- art. "Portraits should look like a Prefers Children by "Delius; 'Passion According to tivated her audience in Page Wed- persons," she declared, "but they When asked about her choice of St'. Matthew" by Johannes S. nesday night as she lectured in a should not be like photographs." subjects, Mme. Silvercruys replied Loch; "From The New World freindly, down-to-earth manner Pointing out that portraits and that she had no preference between Symphony" by Antonln Dvorak; and modeled the head of a spec- busts of individuals should repre- men and women, but children were "Lac des Cygnes" by Tschalkowsky; New KPK Members tator — nil at the same time. The sent the artist's conception of his a favorite with her. "They are so "Finlandla" by Jan Sibelius; "La unsuspecting subejet, by the way, subject, the sculptress affirmed much more unaelfeonscious than Vie de Bohtne" by Puccini; "Halle- Hear Address By Dean was Joan Hombury, '47. that such works should be a com- adults," she explained. She does lujah Chorus" by Handel; "SchereMilton G. Nelson, Dean of the Belying the popular legend that posite of a person's features, per- not mind having children wiggle zacle" by Rlmsky-Korsakow; "Sym- College, spoke to the members of nil artists are tempremental indi- sonality and spirit. As an illus- and squirm while sitting for a phony in D Minor" by Cesar Frank; Kappa Phi Kappa, national honorviduals, Mme. Silvercruys exhibited tration, she described her procedure portrait, because when they move "The Engulfed Cathedral" by De- ary education fraternity, at a meetunderstanding and friendliness at lor doing a bust of George S. around there is u variety of light bussy; "Fire Bird Suite" by Igor ing a week ago Monday, Following all times during her guest appear- Pulton after the general's death. and shadow on their faces, bring- Stravinsky; "Wedding Day at the talk, fourteen new members ance here. Arriving at the Albany Working from a picture of Patton, ing out the Interesting planes of Troklhaugen" by Edvard Grieg; were initiated, station un hour ahead of schedule, she studied his career, read several their features. "Raindrop Prelude" by Frederic Dean Nelson, who spent some "A bust usually takes about two Chopin. she good-naturedly perched on her things he had written, and talked time in England during the war extensively with his wife and sittings," she said, "and rarely luggage in I he midst of rushing teaching courses in administration commuters until rescued by an daughter. Only then did she make more than three. I did General at the G.I. University at Shrlvenemissary of D&A. The well-known the bust, incorporating in her work Bradley in two sittings of one and A d d Names To Dean's Liss 1mm, spoke of his experiences while sculptress also exhibits a flair for all she had learned about the per- a half hours each." The sculptress there. Ingenous invention, as evidenced sonality of the famous war leader. believes that the time requirement Elizabeth Van Denburgh, RegisNew members who were initiated l,y tlid wheels attached to the botPulton's portrait is one of a depends somewhat on the indi- trar, has announced the following include; Stephen Bull and Robert tom of her suitcase, enabling her series of 25 Army and Navy mili- vidual, for some people are definite supplement to the Dean's List for Sullivan, graduates; Robert Combs, to transport heavy luggage suns tary leaders which Mme. Silvercruys types and easy to do while others the second semester 1045-46 which Raymond Verry, Robert White, Arporters, was released several weeks ngo. thur Olivet, Joseph Higglns, Harry has been commissioned to do. She require more concentration. There Is an addition of the names Beyden, Louis Rablneau, Harold "I find them very useful In small has now finished 11 of them, In- Begun Career After War Mine. Silvercruys began her of two students. These are: Class Gould, Russell Ulythe, Richard towns," she said, "for If there are eluding busts of Doollttle, King, no taxis I can just roll my suitcases Leahy, Bradley and other. She career shortly after the last war. of 1048, Theresa Mahoney, Class of Beach, and Martin Bortnlck, Seniors, and Curtis Pfaff, '48. hopes to do Elsenhower and Nimitz (Continued on Paijo 5, Column V 1949, .Mary Perls. UP the street to my hotel." 5 -i (M( M H N N PAOB a STATE COLLEGE NEWS EiUbliihed May 1916, November 15, 1946 Member Associated Collegiate Press StaU-MuU £04£fZ By ROCHFORD & WORTH BythtClmoM91l Vol. XXXI STATE C O L L I O I N E W S , •TATI COWUCai NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1940 No. 8 Distributor Collegiate Digest The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers; published every Friday of the college year by the NEWS Board for the Student Association. Phones: Tessler, 3-9538; Lusock, 8-1811; Pender, Ounlay, 2-01211, Kim/., 8-0287; Skolsky, 4-1007. Members of the news staff may be reached Tues.. and Wed. from 7 to 11:30 P.M. at 3-0407. It's a pretty lair statement to make, that most everyone took time off from vacationing last Saturday afternoon to sit down and listen a football game. Another pretty sure guess would be that it was either Cornell versus Syracuse or Army versus Notre Dame. Whether or not you were disappointed then, this weekend will provide Just as much interest for the rabid football fan when Army goes to face Penn and Colgate and Syracuse play their tradition packed game. People a r e g e t t i n g t h e cleverist ideas for d a n c e s lately. L a s t week S y r a c u s e held a "Woodchopper's B r o w l " (informal). D u r i n g Intermission t h e girls a n d fellows held a wood s a w i n g contest.* % By M I N D Y S K O L S K Y There've been some c h a n g e s m a d e Yes times certainly a r e c h a n g i n g COURSE NO. VIII—TOO YOUNG T O KNOW —first t h e r e w a s t h e old-fashioned When Hepzibah was promoted t o t h e T h i r d Gradi she felt very Adult indeed. F o r i n Public School No F o r t y - F o u r (and a F o u r t h ) , t h e T h i r d G r a d e was not L i p s that touch wine or beer p e a n u t s . . . (Figaro Feeney h a d been studying for The News Board five years a n d h e still h a d n ' t m a d e i t — ) . T h e nicest Will never touch mine, dear. t h i n g about the Third Grade, decided Hepzibah, was Will A r m y M e e t Defeat? MARY F . TESSIER EOITOR-1N-CHIIF B u t t h e g a y nineties gal— the Assembly a r r a n g e m e n t which was scintillating and A t T o o t s S h o r e s o n 51st s t r e e t last BERNARD M. SKOLSKY . . MANAGING EDITOH sublime, (not t o mention nice.) O n T h u r s d a y s , tin A drop or two won't matter, dear M o n d a y , F o o t b a l l g r e a t s seemed t o ANN LUSCOK BUSINESS MANAGER F o u r t h , Fifth a n d Sixth grades m e t in t h e Assembly LORNA KUNZ CIRCULATION MANAOIR h a v e e a c h o t h e r convinced t h a t after for an Invigorating session with Miss Minnie Slotkin As long as mother doesn't hear. PATRICIA SHEEHAN SPORTS EDITOR 26 t r i e s A r m y m a y really m e e t i t s the principal, a n d on Fridays, t h e first, second and N o w for t h e modern maid— T h i r d grades did t h e same. ( T h e k i n d e r g a r t e n s never VIRGINIA DAY SPORTS EDITOR W a t e r l o o t h i s weekend. Even if you Hubba, hubba, drink up chum went to Assembly a t all—they j u s t rolled u p in their MARTHA DUNLAY . . . . ADVERTISING MANAGER h a v e n ' t a n y doubt a b o u t a Syracuse little rag rugs for five days s t r a i g h t a n d then went MARGERY PENDER . . . . ADVERTISING MANAGER victory t h e s a m e old spirit is t h e r e There's plenty more where that home for the week-end.) CAROL CLARK . . . . ASSOCIATE EDITOR a n d m a y b e m o r e so, for Colgate h a s come from. T h e nicest part of being a T h i r d G r a d e r < on Fridays i ANN MAY ASSOCIATE EDITOR roused t h e i r e of t h e S a l t i n e W a r MARJORY ELMORE CLARK . ASSOCIATE EDITOR riors by s t e a l i n g t h e a n c i e n t c a n n o n '48 a n d '50 have been particularly was that it was only from this superior class t h a t tinw h i c h vollies Syracuse touchdowns. favored j u d g i n g from t h e color of Speaker of the Assembly was elected. "Being Speaker Well—the only t h i n g t o do is m a k e t h e h o u s e s in St. M a r y ' s P a r k — o r of t h e Assembly Is a position held in no e n d of high -«®>»2 will t h e y be changed t o red a n d esteem," said Miss Minnie Slotkin to t h e T h i r d Grad'em t a k e a p o w d e r ! ! g r e e n in time for C h r i s t m a s ? N o w ers (when they first entered t h e T h i r d G r a d e ) , "for ii we a r e n ' t s u g g e s t i n g a t h i n g . . . t h e entails n o t only introducing m e to t h e Assembly each A thousand years ago today All communications should be addressed to the editor and s t a t e m i g h t n o t get a s e n t h u s e d week, but leading the group in t h e O a t h of Allegiance must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. about rivalry a s we do. as well," From this m o m e n t on, i t became t h e ambiA wilderness icas here. The STATE COLLEGE, NEWS assumes no responsibility tion of every halehearted wholesome T h i r d Gradei for opinions' expressed in Its columns or communications A man xvith powder in his nose as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its view. Wage Constitution Revolutions present to be t h e Speaker of t h e Assembly before lie P o t s d a m S T C a n d P r a t t I n s t i t u t e passed on (to the F o u r t h G r a d e . Hepzibah, who wns Went forth to hunt a deer a r e choosing this year t o revise their as halehearted and wholesome a T h i r d G r a d e r us anyBut now the times have changed constitutions . . . comes ze revolu- body present, was no exception. t i o n ! ! Orchids t o S t a t e for getting Elections were held on T h u r s d a y afternoons each somewhat t h a t mess cleaned up last year. B u t week, and after the ballots h a d been counted, Miss there's plenty of other things to be Rosetta Stone, the new teacher, wrote dowii Die Along a different plan cleaned u p this year. n a m e of t h e winner in h e r little speckled class book The major-minor office plan is probably the big- A dear with powder on her nose a n d kept it a secret until five m i n u t e s before the We're all i n n . Assembly convened next day. gest misconception in State College. Contrary to Goes forth to hunt a man. * I chopped wood once a n d sawdust. After a while, when it became a p p a r e n t Lo each popular opinion the list was never intended to little Third Grader t h a t h e (or shei could n o t hold t h e position of Exalted O n e h i m (or h e r ) self each differentiate between the campus big-wheels and week, he (or she) would revert to t h e next best thing and, to bolster his (or her J own little ego, h e (or she) little-wheels. would become a lobbyist for a m e m b e r of his (or h e n own little sex. (Since there were n o fraternal or The basic idea of the whole plan is this—it is sororal organizations on t h e c a m p u s of Public School impossible to hold several important jobs and do No. Forty-Four (and a F o u r t h ) , t h e lobbyists were kept from dividing into even smaller segments or presall of them well in addition to maintaining good sure groups.) The Common-Stater is given th e widest latitude as author of this marks. Therefore all offices which require a great One Thursday, in a high falsetto from t h e back column, although his viewpoints do not necessarily reflect those of the amount of work are placed in the major classifica- State College ot t h e room, Hepzibah Peabody n o m i n a t e d Hepsibah News. Peabody. Then Angeline Allbright got F a n n y ZIrps to tion and anyone holding such a post is automatic- F O O D F O R T H O U G H T n o m i n a t e her, Bonnie Burlap blackmailed Jose S h a d a n c e s a n d long strings of yellow ally excluded from taking any other major office or piro—and that was t h e slate for t h a t day. Hepzibah Lately we've been h a v i n g l u n c h tickets a u g m e n t e d that, a n d a jolly was very excited. Tomorrow she might be S p e a k e r ' any minor office. good time was h a d by t h e some in t h e A n n e x . I t ' s a p l e a s a n t bunch Tomorrow, Hepzibah was never so excited in her forty S t a t e s t u d e n t s t h e r e . We're lite. She came to school with h e r pigtails starched The minor offices are those which require some- t h a t works t h e r e , a n d t h e service is looking foreward to more of t h eM o t h e r Peabody h a d dressed h e r in a white bib a n d commendable. p n - s t n p e d tucker, a n d Hepzibah chewed h e r fingers what less time but are still demanding jobs. A persame. . . . a 1 day. (The nails she h a d eaten t h e night before i However, we've scoured t h e H a n d son may hold two minor offices and any number of S h e was out in t h e anteroom tuning up h e r tonsils book, P e d , Directory, m o s t bulletin I M P O S S I B I L I T Y O F lor t h e Great Event when Miss Rosetta Stone a n unclassified posts. The list is made with time boards, a n d even a n occasional Alu- P E R F O R M A N C E nounced the results. " T h e Speaker for this w e e k " requirement as the only criterion. m n i Q u a r t e r l y , b u t t h e purpose of said Miss Rosetta Stone, " i s " G I accounts In the Co-op a r e to our o w n little eatery is for t h e p e n be closed o u t by 27 November. T h a t ' s T W H ' " / ' ' " , ' ! ' ' • ' h'"rl"" '"' "'" Similiter „f the AsscmbU,.' In spite of the above facts, many people still of Doyle. Will Anaclinc Allbnght be Ilia Speaker „l llw Asfine. F r o m a brief survey, we learn choose to regard the plan as a measure of importsamblj,.' WILL HEPvlBAIl PEAHODY BE THE t h a t we're n o t alone in n o t h a v i n g We sweat o u t a line so m a n y peoSPEAKER OF THE ASSEMBLY:' Follow this colance. This misconception only serves to distort We're taking six umn closely next week a n d find o u t . ple long, t a k i n g our life in our h a n d s textbooks yet. any value such a set-up may have by creating w h a t w i t h Huested pouring its p u - courses a n d have books for t h r e e ! For o n e course, we inquire if t h e a mad race among potential B.T.O.'s. pils down on o u r neck, almost reach text h a s arrived yet, a n d g e t a n e g a the sight on t h e food (?) a n d find Reflect before you gripe, and we're sure you'll It's t h e Cafeteria line. We conjure tive reply. So we go into t h e P O to realize that the primary purpose of the major-minor up t h e old perseverence, cast a b e - m o a n a bit, a n d find a crony from plan is a good one and should be preserved in spirit wildered eye a t t h e clock, a n d s t a r t our class bewailing t h e fact t h a t FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 she h a s gotten four notices of h e r 8:30 P.M. Music Council concert, in Page Hull. Paul as well as in fact. again. M a n y m i n u t e s a n d kicked Mai than, baritone, Vivien Harvey, pianist, book being there. Are we being disand Cecilia Gnecek, accompanist, to pershins l a t e r we reach t h a t cattle i n criminated against or can we c h a r g e form. closure. T h e good (I) sandwiches a t these books when they get here even 12c a r e gone, t h e milk a t 7c Is w a r m . if a l t e r t h e fatal deadline of 27 No- 7:30 P.M. Debate with Hartwiek College in l i . i Please Pass The Buck ... 150 Huested. Topics: Resolved: " T h a t the We delicately balance a straw o n vember? J U S T WHAT I S T H E UN be Immediately resolved Into a World The Grand .Marshall of Student Association has our u p p e r Up, books In one h a n d , Organization." Resolved: "That all sophoSCORE???? stated in a story appearing in this issue that it a n d desperately clutch a sandwich more and freshmen subjects in college be required courses " is impossible for Campus Commission to do any- in t h e o t h e r , receiving dirty looks RESUETS RESULTS RESULTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Hi thing about the congestion in Richardson. Since from t h e cashier for holding u p t h e Not only h a s Campus C o m m i s - 8 : 0 0 - 1 2 P. M. Grad Club .social in the Commons. this decision was apparently reached after a full line while s e a r c h i n g for o u r change. Admission 30c. sion put, up a new sign in R i c h a r d meeting of the group and after conferences with Commuters' Club Big it, "Hock Hop v a son, t h u s greatly alleviating I he conT h e whole routine is more t o r t u r e the administration, we assume that it is final. ra los of 1040" In Hie Page Hall Gym. M u gestion there h a h h a h h a h , but ONE t h a n r e a d i n g about it. W h a t we're sic provided by Russell M a t t h e w s a n d of our showers got a faco-lifting his orchestra for round a n d .square d a n c We reserve our opinion on the wisdom of such In Is w h y s u c h skimpy, odd com- and Is now working. A huge bouquet binations of u n t a s t y sandwiches tally a decision and speak now to the members fo Student 12c, w h e n n o t too fur from hero one of orchids for whoever Is responsible TUESDAY, ing. NOVEMBER 1!) Association as individuals. For the mutual benefit Is able t o p u r c h a s e a h o t h a m b u r g e r lor if. Only two more to no 3:30-5 P . M . I.alln American movies, "11)11 Towns Miss Hopkins h a s a most Interestof everyone concerned, we ask all those using with a generous helping of F r e n c h ing S h a k e s p e a r e exhibit. In h e r ofol a u u t o m u l u " a n d "Pulugoniun Playgrounds", sponsored by P a n Aminos In t h e the inadequate Richardson stairway to exercise a fried p o t a t o e s for 15c. fice on 2nd floor Diapr, for you funs Lounge. little common sense. T h e i n t a k e dally is about $80. ol t h e bard. Models, postcards p h o 8:30 P.M. .Advanced D r a m a t i c s plays in Page Hall We're laboring under t h e Impression tos, drawings, maps, scripts etc. directed by Belly Rose Hill a n d Harold For example, when going from second to third t h a t t h e Annex Is a n o n - p r o f i t o r - T h r e e rousing cheers from us t o Gould, Seniors, for keeping t h e library open floor try to use the right hand door on the second gulzation. If we're wrong, please cor- you nights to help overcome t h e n o - t e x t - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Ml rect us. floor landing, wak around the crowd, and re-entei book condition, a n d a h e a r t y t h a n k s T:30 P.M. Muili Club meeting | „ Room 20 R i c h a r d son Speakers: Ilerbrt Welner a n d Louise through the left hand door to get to the third flout from m a n y for t h e open-door policy Dodge, Seniors, now In effect, on first floor D r a p e r stairs, Cutting right in front of those attempting lllllel meeting in Ihe Lounue Last week-end, n o t having t h e on eves when t h e library Is open. to get down is both impolite and thoughtless, for price of a ticket homo, we stayed In U THURSDAY, NOVEMBER i | * • • it causes endless "traffic snarls", bruised elbows town a n d a t t e n d e d u concert a t 3:30 P.M.-StuchmL Employment Bureau panel disWhen that huge batch of warncussion In Uie Lounge etc. '' G e r m a n i a Hall In Troy, with u com- ings puts In its unwanted appearp l i m e n t a r y s t u d e n t s ticket firmly ance next week, the recipients will l u , c U o l n UlB aaamm 1 Fmud " The responsibility has been thrown back in your clutched In h a n d . A nice r e n d i - be well on their way to getting ,,n MONIMY-AHIAY tion by a M a n n e r a n d D a m n Choir the Dean's list. His other one, that m m i , ,n a,1V 1 gS S, l! n,)01, lap, so make the best of a bad situation. V,'aper '' '' """" " ' "" • ' """ Initiated t h e evening. Q e r m u n folk is Shakespeare exhibit in Room 207, Draper. girl- Wheel Within A Wheel College I Calendar — Debate Council Will Participate In Three Meets FRIDAY,.NOVEMBER I B , 1 B 4 0 PAGE • Mag iic To Climax Tod ay's Assembly DubeAnnounces Student May Contribute Pictures Of State T6 Digest Rules; Requests L a s t w e e k t w o issues of t h e "Collegiate D i g e s t " w e r e included w i t h every copy of t h e STATE Students' Aid COLLEGE N E W S . '47, G r a n d M a r s h a l of Students Coach Squad S t Juuddeyn t Dube, Association, h a s s t a t e d t h a t it is impossible for C a m p u s C o m For Seminar Group mission alone t o d o a n y t h i n g t o M a r y Diener, '47, P r e s i d e n t of D e - ease t h e congestion i n R i c h a r d s o n b a t e Council, h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t between classes. Miss Dube h a s also concerning two debates with H a r t w i e k College m a d e a n n o u n c e m e n t s h a v e been scheduled a t 7:30 t o n i g h t . Campus Commission rules. S t a t e s t u d e n t s will p a r t i c i p a t e i n a Dr. J o h n M. Sayles, P r e s i d e n t of debate a t R P I Tuesday a n d a d i s - the college, h a s said t h a t placing cussion with Middlebury College monitors i n t h e halls would be t o o h e r e S a t u r d a y , November 23. D e b a t e "high-schoolish." Moreover, m o n i s e m i n a r activities have also been tors would be required t o be i n R i c h a r d s o n before a n d after classes planned. are dismissed, which would d e m a n d T h e debate tonight w i t h H a r t - all of t h e free time of m e m b e r s of wiek College will be held i n R o o m the commission. 50. S t a t e will take t h e n e g a t i v e side I n reply t o t h e suggestion of in both debates. Patricia S h e e h a n , staggering classes so t h a t fewer '47, a n Stanley Abrams,'48, will r e p people will b e o n t h e stairway a t r e s e n t S t a t e in t h e debate on, R e one time, t h e faculty h a s obected solved: " T h a t t h e UN b e i m m e diately resolved into a W o r l d O r - strenuously t o dismissing classes a ganization." Mary Odak, '49 a n dfew m i n u t e s early, Posters have been placed o n t h e Louis Rabineau, '47 will p a r t i c i p a t e in t h e debate on, Resolved: " T h a t stairway i n a n a t t e m t p t o alleviate all Sophomore a n d f r e s h m e n s u b - crowding o n t h e stairs. C a m p u s Commission a s a whole jects i n college be required courses.'' is perplexed about t h e situation a n d wouid welcome a n y constructive S t a t e Debates With R P I D e b a t e Council will s e n d S a m u e l suggestions from S t u d e n t AssoclaScott a n d Rita Shapiro, J u n i o r s , t o Hon in t h i s crisis, said Miss Dube. r e p r e s e n t State in t h e d e b a t e a t Miss Dube h a s also a n n o u n c e d These papers c o n t a i n pictures of interest from college campuses t h r o u g h o u t t h e country. Students To Witness Davis In Performance/ This Morning A t 11 "Collegiate Digest" offers a n o p p o r t u n i t y for S t a t e College t o gain recognition f o r itself by asking for picture contributions from t h e s t u d e n t s . T h e s e pictures m u s t be of interest t o stud e n t s i n o t h e r colleges. Mr. Walter Davis, commonly known a s "Davis T h e Magician," will appear i n assembly t h i s m o r n ing with a p r o g r a m of Magic A r t . He is a native Long I s l a n d e r a n d s t a r t e d doing magic a s a hobby about twenty-flve years ago w h e n h e was e n t e r t a i n i n g a t parties a n d s o cials. I n 1932, h e took u p m a g i c a s a profession under t h e guidance of Max Holden of New York City, M r . Holden considered one of t h e world's greatest authorities o n t h e Magic Art. $3.00 is being offered for every picture published. Pictures should b e sent t o "Collegiate Digest," 18 J o u r n a l i s m Building, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota. Complete identification a n d information concerning t h e picture m u s t be included. N o e n t r y will b e r e t u r n e d unless accompanied by r e t u r n postage. New Club Plans First Social Event For Graduates E n t e r t a i n s During W a r Since t h a t time, M r . Davis h a s performed for schools, c h u r c h e s , clubs, a n d t h e a t e r s t h r o u g h o u t t h e country, a n d during World W a r I I , h e e n t e r t a i n e d a t several c a m p s a n d hospitals u n d e r t h e auspices of t h e American Red Cross. WALTER DAVIS Magician Mary Davis, '48, a n d d a u g h t e r of Mr. Davis, h a s acted a s h e r f a t h e r ' s assistant for several years d u r ing vacation periods, a n d occasion// ally assists with h i s performances. Miss Davis some times performs h e r for life t h a n Liberal E d u c a t i o n " . ,ovecl d e n t of t h e club. T h e r e will be dancown a c t with feats of m e n t a l telepathy. Pencil' s h a r p e n e r s have been %*> / r o u p games a n d c a r d s for all T h e debates with H a r t w i e k ColAt a S t u d e n t Council meeting lege a n d R P I are t h e first postwar placed in t h e Lounge, Room 20 of Q « f t ^ n » t a n * a r wives. Miss S m i t h h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t Gloria Gilbert. '48, reported t h a t t h e debates with these colleges. Only t h e Richardson, tunc h e t"h"i r"d " " floor a"n"d" a r r a n g e m e n t s have been m a d e with ruiamiuoim, " " * me lower iuuer i-uiiiuui u, iD, 1r a„p^e1r ,Hall „ , . n r * r a a VnrV Salute, t h e magazine produced by d a t e of S t u d e n t Union Day h a s been debates with Hartwiek will be j u d g - the corridor of r,rntBasnr nf r lor t h o convenience of t h e s t u d e n t D r - G e o r S e Y o r k > Professor of Com- former w r i t e r s a n d editors of Yank changed t o November 22 a n d will ed. m e l C e t 0 U s e t n e V i ca n d a m l i f t a bodv ' ' P y e and S t a r s and Stripes is s p o n s o r i n g officially open in assembly n e x t A r o u n d - t a b l e discussion w i t h MidPearl Pless '49 head of Lost a n d a P P a r a t u s ' F r e d Snyder, who h a s a a "letter contest" for s t u d e n t v e t - Friday with a h u m a n slave a u c dlebury h a s been scheduled for S a t - wnnnri line 'announced t h a t t h e r e v e r y I a r g e c o l l e c t l ° n of records, will e r a n s o n t h e subject, " P r o b l e m s of tion. T h e services of t h e slaves will u r d a y , November 23. T h e topic of «,in ho n « n i P or , , . c l a i m e d articles l o a n t h e m f o r t h e e v e n i n e ' s dancing t h c College Veteran." Cash prizes be secured by t h e purchasers for t h e the S a t u r d a y , November 23. T h e ho r n m n n n / n c x t Thursdav a n d a n d M i s s S m i t h i s a s k l n g f o r t h e t o t h e a m o u n t of $750 a r e being r e m a i n d e r of t h e day a n d will be topic of t h e discussion will be " R u s - .?,. , » , ! d Z r i S l l b e loan of records from o t h e r students. 0 f f e r e d to t h e w r i t e r s of t h e t e n observed in t h e Commons t h a t noon. T h e sian Foreign Relations." 1,1*1 ,L Program will be rounded out m o s t o u t s t a n d i n g letters. Lois Hutchinson, '47, a n d Marie F e r among t h e ZH1™ articles for 7CTP sale. with group games of various kinds. nandez, '49, a r e in charge of m a k i n g Hold D e b a t e S e m i n a r s a n d tables will be s e t u p for those This contest is intended t o af- small houses t o be sold for five cents Debate Council is sponsoring d e who wish t o play cards. ford v e t e r a n s a t t e n d i n g accredited n n c i which will be t h e admission t o b a t e s e m i n a r s in which s t u d e n t s will Directors O f Alumni Although those wishing t o attend colleges a n d universities u n d e r t h e t h e Commons t h a t noon. Alice Wilbe coached in methods of d e b a t - J Q ^ e g t N o v e m b e r 2 9 t h e first social for t h i s group have G.I. Bill of Rights t h e o p p o r t u n i t y Hams, '48, a n d C a t h e r i n e Donnelly, ing. A debate h a s been p l a n n e d on ben requested t o m a k e reservations of "soundin off" on t h e c u r r e n t >4g a r e co-chairmen of publicity, Russian Foreign Relations by u p - Mrs. Elizabeth Brimmer, Execu- in a d v a n c e . Miss S m i t h s t a t e d t h a t educational set-up. I t is hoped t h a t perclassmen a n d t h e varsity squad tive Secretary of t h e Alumni Asso- persons who h a v e n o t m a d e reserva- from their opinions m a y evolve Plan Orientation T h e freshman orientation p r o with Patricia S h e e h a n a n d Louis ciation, h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t t h e tions a r e welcome t o come. A 30c some good ideas o r partial soluR a b i n e a u , Seniors, coaching. T h e Board of Directors will m e e t No admission charge m u s t be made to tions to m a n y of t h e major prob- gram, November 25, will consist of a freshmen will take p a r t in a d e b a t e vember 29, a t 12:00 noon in Pierce help defray t h e cost of refreshments, lems a r i s i n g o u t of t h e groat vet general discussion on S t u d e n t C o u n on, Resolved: " T h a t New York S t a t e Hall. Miss Marie Townsend Moose, since " t h e G r a d s " h a v e n o treas- eran influx in t h e nation's colleges. c[\i s t u d e n t Association, a n d t h e The first prize will be $250, t h c m o s t important p a r t s of Robert's u n d e r t a k e t h e development of a '27, P r e s i d e n t of t h e Association, ury a t present. T h e committee members appointed second, $100, a n d the eight a d d i t i o n - Rules, S t a l e University". Rita S h a p i r o a n d will preside a t t h e a n n u a l meeting. Marilyn Thompson, J u n i o r s , will Eloise Worth, '48, Vice-president P r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e yearly reports, to take charge of t h e social a r e : al prizes will be $50 each. coach t h e freshmen squad. . ,. . ,. , ., . , . of S t u d e n t Association, was a p p o i n t and r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for future d e - G. B a r b a r a Smith, Linda Del Bel, „,, Gaile Calkins, J o h n F . O'Donnell, The length of t h e l e t t e r s should e d o h a i r m a n o f U l c c h H s t m a s p r o velopment h a v e been scheduled for not avnnnti exceed 250 All letters '/Fill words. urm>Hu AM liil!iii<e * the meeting. Officers of t h e Associa- Walter Lucas, a n d Theodore Nohow. a r \te to be addressed to t h e Contest gram to be held in assembly Decemtion who will be present include Miss Editor, Salute, 19 P a r k Place, N e w ber 20. Appoint Four New Members Moose, President, F r a n c e s S m i t h , '28, York, N. Y. T h e contest closes J a n To Primer Business Staff Vice-President, Agnes Nolan U n d e r uary 10, 1947, a n d all letters m u s t Marilyn Skolsky. '47, Editor of wood, 27, S e c r e t a r y , a n d Chester J . be p o s t m a r k e d before m i d n i g h t of Magazine Sponsors Terril, '27. T r e a s u r e r . Members of that date. Primer, h a s announced t h e follow- the Board of Directors a r e D. E m m a ing additions to t h e Business Staff Wilbur Hodge, '17, A n n a E. Pierce, More e n t r y blanks have been Short Story Contest which were made at a m e e t i n g last '84, a n d Lyra Waterhouse, '19, whose sent for in connection with t h e J e a n Henry, '47, President of Can- S a m m y Kayo poetry contest a n d Oood Housekeeping magazine h a s W e d n e s d a y : Ellen Rochford, a n d terms will expire in 1947; Dr. R a l p h terbury Club, a n d Mary Telian, '47, they m a y be secured in t h e Nicws a n n o u n c e d a short story contest to George Poulis, Juniors, W a l t Schick Beaver, "24, Hazel Rowley Spencer, President of As- Office a s soon a s they arrive. Rules be limited to the faculty m e m b e r s . , , S t u d e n t Christian , ,. and Leonard Skolnlck, S o p h o m o r e s , 20, a n d Edwin R. Van Kleeck, '27, of colleges a n d universities of t h c members until 1948 • D r . H a r r y sociation, have a n n o u n c e d meetings f , u d t h con|_ t t h e and Ben Jackson, '50. United States. All full or p a r t - t i m e Birehenough, '00, P a u l G . Bulger, for S u n d a y night. C a n t e r b u r y Club e n t r v blank faculty m e m b e r s a r e eligible a n d ' These a p p o i n t m e n t s were m a d e to "ili, a n d Arvicl J . Burke, '28, whose will meet a t St. Andrews Church prizes will a m o u n t to $10,000. terms will expire in 1949. for a supper meeting a t 5:00 P. M. fill live vacancies left last spring a n d College Young People of SCA Each m a n u s c r i p t must be a piece will meet a t t h e irst Presbyterian of original work, never before p u b C h u r c h a t 7:30 P. M. lished. T h e length of t h e stories Rev. T h o m a s Barrett, Execum a y vary from 2,000 to 20,000 words. tive Secretary of t h e National CounT h e r e is no limited range of subcil for College Work, will discuss ject m a t t e r a n d a n y c o n t e s t a n t m a y the purposes of Canterbury Club submit a s m a n y m a n u s c r i p t s a s he The English D e p a r t m e n t Is c o n T h e Mardl G r a s with Us trucli- dusty pink, black a n d white giving a n d t h e activities of t h e Club on c a m p u s e s of other colleges in the d u c t l n B a n exhibit of S h a k e s p e r l a n a wishes. All m a n u s c r i p t s m u s t be lions ot beauty, r,av music a n d d a n c - ii a true M a r d i - G r a s atmosphere. typewritten a n d sent to College ing h a s been chosen a.s t h e t h e m e Both t h e queen's throne a n d t h eUnited States. 207, Draper, closing with Contest, Oood Houskeeping, 57th in Room for this year's Junior P r o m lo beb a n d s t a n d will be l n t h e form of a Dr. A r t h u r Adams, Pastor of First the Thanksgiving vacation, accord- Street a n d 8th Avenue, New York, Presbyterian Church, will be t h e flout, a n d t h c Lounge a n d passage' held S a t u r d a y , November 211 in t h e N. V. through this speaker for t h e first meeting of the l[0n[f [° ^ S ^ ^ S ^ ' t t ^ ' ' " h e Gym. T h e coronation of t h e queen way between will carry 1 m Tables will be College Young People a t which plans &ngllsn. M a n u a l i n . m m . T h e contest (Hoses F e b r u a r y 1, will climax Ihe evening in keeping Mardl G r a s theme life a n d times of Shakespeare t o - 1047, a n d all m a n u s c r i p t s m u s t bo with both Mardl G r a s a n d J u n i o r set up ill t h e Lounge, a n d leliesh for t h e coming year will be made p o s t m a r k e d before midnight of t h a t ments will he served Prom tradition. date. T h e prom is t h e hlghpoint of city will participate, It Is impossl- play. A n n o u n c e m e n t of t h e w i n n e r s Music lor dancing will be provided Junlor Week-end, b u t activities have ble t o have a supper meeting this by Bill H a n n a h ' s orchestra from also been scheduled for Friday eve- S u n d a y , but after an estimate of the The exhibit includes a set of plates will be nuulo by mail to all colleges (MM) |> M. lo 2:00 A M. An i n t e r - nlng. A Imyrlde, beginning a t 7:30 a t t e n d a n c e h a s been made, supper on Elizabethan England borrowed not later than March 15, 1947 a n d from t h e College Library, reprodue- prize money will bo paid in cash mission from 11 I' M. •<> >- M U l -P.M., will give a n opportunity to will be served. Miss Telian h a s invited all stu lions of costumes a n d pictures of prior to this time. T h e first prize nlght will be followed bj t h e eagerly those who like to "suoon beneath t h e moon. Until Seclbuch, c h a i r m a n of d e n t s of S t a t e College t o attend actors lent by gnes Fulterer, Assis- will be $5,000, the second, $8,000, awaited coronal Ion. taut professor of English a n d plates the third, $2,000. T h e editors of T h e crowning ol Ihe queen will Ihe weekend, h a s requested t h a t tills meeting. of old tapestry a n d a r c h i t e c t u r e Good Housekeeping will act as lake place amidst legal pullip a n d those planning to a t t e n d got their borrowed from t h e Art D e p a r t m e n t . judges. ceremony. Candidates from among tickets early so t h a t reservations There are also some colored views Ihe most beautiful J u n i o r s will be may lie made. Henkel To Apologize Today brought from Stratford, Shakespere's T h e evening will also Include a n n o m i n a t e d lu Assembly t h i s m o i n M y s k a n l a ^ has_ a n n o u n c e d t h a t h ' 0 n w " b y ' Dr.'Hopkins,' andipioTuros C o v e n t r y P U y e r s O f Siena iiM. a n d from those receiving 111" Informal dunce In t h e Ingle Room highest number ol voles a queen Irom B:00 P.M. lo 12:00 Midnight Mary Lou Henkel, '50, h a s received of recent productions such as the To Pressnt Play Next Week and four a l t u n d a n l s will be chosen with a vie furnishing t h e music, three w a r n i n g s In violation of Slate 0 ' l c | v j ( , p^'duotion of "Henry I V " T h e Coventry Players of Sienu in next Friday's assembly. Their Sport clothes will be t h e correct College tradition a n d m u s t apolo- ftnd t h e Brltlsll movie, "Henry V " College will present t h e play, "You Identity will be kepi u secret, until a t t i r e for t h e d a n c e so t h a t h a y - gize before S t u d e n t Association in assembly today. All s t u d e n t s a r e Invited to see t h e Can't Take I t With You", by George the time appointed for t h e c o r o n a - riders may wear their hayseed. Tickets for t h e prom a n d Friday Those freshmen who now have two exhibit, a n d Miss Hopkins said l n K a u f m a n a n d Morris H a r t a t G i b lion, when, to the notes of t h e h e r ald's trumpet, the queen will come nlglil events m a y be purchased a t w a r n i n g s lire Eleunor Adams, Rich- urging them t o come, "Shakespere bons Hall, Siena College, i n L o u lorward to be crowned by last year s the S l u m p Booth in t h e Lower Hull urd F e a t h e r s , Janice Fitsspatrlek, Ed- is not 'Caviur to the General' any donvillo Friday, Saturday, and Sunof Draper. lilds for the prom cost ward Gordon, Frances Kessler, Mar- more, but swlft-movlng and poetic day, November 22, 23, 24, at 0:30 P.M. queen, E d n a Sweeney, '47. ',.',"" /-,.,„ UMII tw. transformed for $2.10, dance tickets, $.30 and huyrlde garet Lyons, and Evelyn Wetsen- entertainment for all. Shakespere General Admission will be $1.10 " T h e G r a d s " a r e sponsoring a so- Salute Offers Veteran Contest Religious Clubs To Meet Sunday Display Material On Shakespere Junior Prom Queen Will Reign Over Mordi Gras Festivities the pi' om whliI colors of azure blue, tickets $1.00. berger. makes an appeal to everyone today." and reserved seats will be $1.50. •TATE COLLIOI NCWS. MI1DAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1946 f»AOB 4 STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , Frosh Down Devils By 1-0 In Rivalry Hockey Game By Frank Woodworth —— Make Single Score The subject of our little discourse this week can be called "enthuDuring First Quarter siasm." MAA is planning a big inDespite the bad weather, namely to amural basketball schedule this w the storm clouds gathering overyear and we have the potentialities for a . good . . league.. Some , _ „ fellows . + „ m „ u _ „ it,. _,__,„ „ , fu= head, a large crowd turned out to have already been down in the have already been down in the gym gym At a mee«ng thte 1 week of the f rf k m e pJ ff 0 he MAA Revises Basket League working out between classes. Howe'er, the enthusiasm of the handful of men is not enough - the troops have got to participate to make the league successful. Intramurals provide a good op, „..J.,™U„ *„„ •»,/,!.„ *e «>>ii «tvin L I L I S B&-' ? 3* ™ ^vnilnnpH T i ^ m o ^ I n wl S ^ : w ^ T L * ™ wTn *»Z w- t * £ hni J i l l t a v e 0I * ' 2 n S m whirh i n fhP means " h a t at leasT 70 men will have to show up around the bulletin board when the team rosters are up. Again we urge you to show up for games if you have signed the list, Games will be played on week nights, starting at 7:00 immediately following varsity practice, and will continue until the games are completed. It is absolutely necessary that you be on time for games because more than one game will have to be played in one night. Pep Rally , v. ™ 1 1 . . , „ , k M ( , m „ 1, I l u L w h V ^ n S just dashed into the NEWS onice 7 w l ^ At m t u d * ? , S u J ™ ? S t ^n n V i 5 ? f „ f „ r » * n J KyS ? ?J * *£? * w \ « > stated further that more information would be given in assembly today as to time and place. Lets see all you cos and coeds there. The varsity has a tough schedule ahead and they need your support, Not only do you let your team down when you fail to cheer or show up for games, but you also cast a reflection on the student body as a whole in the eyes of visiting teams and rooters. Remember, we are not a bunch of drab, outdated school teachers — at least not yet! Remember this — the team works hard to provide entertainment for tige; and it isto noincrease picnic State's to run pres your you legs off for an hour and a half on 5 nights in the week, especially for an unapreciative student body. Also remember that a good portion of your student tax money goes to NAA and it is your loss if you don't realize some return on your invest ment. With all those _ conclusive arguments you can't very well af ford to miss any of the games MAA m t r a - m u r a ^ M } u * J £ ° - The frosh 11, who made such a good cedure for organizing the intra- „ h o w l n i r d u r i n B fhp first eame that mural basketball league was out- g T ^ d S a n g S from s ™ p h t o lined. The Council is setting up Frosh f a v o r l t e s d i d n o t disappoint the league so that a maximum m f T h f h downed the number of Statesmen may partici- * . . t h t f , „ 9 s pate. °&* JS.l*;***&*\U « , . «UA - vt J , . . ,,_ i. . j 50 once more rallied to the field , . » Cwpans ^ e o i f df e de , * » *1 5each squad Wi " ? ^ °m W£ l $U bJ " a"'s S USr e di ^ 5f game, but the Soph ltaeup showed W ay e a C h ^ . ^ . ? ° considerable change. The Sophs usadequate replacements in case some u a l l b a n k o n t h e 6 i r o f ^xperi« e unable to play every game. The e f i c f ^ ft ^ ^ t e a ^ t 0 l v e & e j n 9 s S S t e will te ted toda on t h e e d g e o v e r t h e l e S S e x P e r l e n c e d the MAA bulletin b o w l a n d ^ n ? - S ^ s u S f f t o we ™49 < £ % one may sign up. All are urged to ? m euo p sign up early so that the league ' may be organized immediately. Frosh Score Two League Set-Up In the first half of the game the There will be two separate leagues. Frosh got on the ball immediately i n arranging a two league schedule and demonstrated no weak ability the Council hopes to include those to stay right there. The crowd went teams already organized and sub- wild as the Frosh streaked down the mitted and new teams to be formed, field and landed the ball on the Fraternity teams will make up one right side of the goal making the league consisting of four teams, score 1-0 in their favor. The pass The other league will be made up from Keleher to Adams had done of six departmental teams. The the trick! The Soph fullbacks seemed En llsh S - Commerce, Language, So- to lack hitting strength in opposidepart- tion to the long well placed drives cial s t u d l e s a n d Science ment win « ^ represented. Cap- of the Frosh. t a i n s of t n e s e ^ a m s will be apThe Frosh were forced to relinPanted by the Intra-mural Coun- guish the ball in the second half as dl and teams m ^ made from the Sopns came back lnto the g a m e with renewed determination, t h e rosfcer submitted name* Football Dirge In passing, we will say a few final obituary remants remarks about "'-'" , Obituary auuut the u»c www curtain for football this past season, First In importance in national sports circles was the SienaState 6-man classic which was played last Saturday. It seems that the "Gentlemen"??? • . spent the n*~. evening before In true cavalier here .f onion .. . . . . . and — there and everyywhere and were consequently crulsing In heavy weather along about game time on Saturday morning. The usual accurate passing of Hal Weber was missing. (His dark glasses were broken on the first p.ay.) The passing attack bogged down at the other end when Walt Schick was hurt. At any rate, the final score was 34-0. Guess who won In three tries - the first two don't count. I might say in closing that you guys can blame Beninatl for this; he gave me the dope. When I need 108 lines for a story, I'll «lve anvbodv the business 111 give anyoouy wie Business. Second In national Importance was the muchly vaunted NotreDame-Army game which bogged down Into a 0-0 tie. Many sports experts expected and predicted a tie — but not a scoreless game. Both teams had been scored on many times and experts predicted the game to run into the high scoring brackets, As it turned out, the sparkling defensive play of both teams was the outstanding feature of the game. Both teams' offense proved to be ineffectual and clumsy at times. Last Minute Flash "Gentlemen" of Sayles Hall Annex will replay Siena tomorrow and promise that they will atone for last week's defeat. This ™ y OffFUu^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tap after the completion of two rounds of play. Teams finishing in first, second, third, and fourth place in the Fraternity league will vie with the leaders in the Departmental league for the intramural title. In this way teams in one league will get a chance to play teams in the other. All in all, the plan is a sound one and if everyone cooperates this should be a banner basketball year, To Hold Classes In Life Savings So many members of WAA have ,.._ and . . . j ,!«_ signed up for swimming life saving, that two classes will be held. Marian Kragh, and Patricia Tilden, Juniors will supervise the groups. The first group will meet every Tuesday evening from seven until o l g n t thirty, while the second group w l l l c o n vene on Thursday evenings f l . o m s e v e n t o n l n e thirty. Both will j e w i s r i community mcel at tne center on Washington Avenue. ,.requirements M | | B h m Pf,uirnment.s a, Preliminary are the .... , ' "* lenoths of the y ™ ^ l ^ „ , ^ dive, ,,,„" g front " L ? \ ,dive, r,,, p 0 0 |, ,d„o a„ surface . and swim underwater forced team the now confident c h a n g e QUicldy t0 a e ensiv from an ° " e " f ™ ? i ' t same ™?, y Battled up and down the Held wlth s me o u s n i n g p sses mad i ^and , ? once* again the ® Q ( f ? Sophs; !>y . f i t t l | a . n d Moberg, OwensHotaland Keleher-Adams duo clicked. Joslin hs on c aga n e ' S o p several ' a ? dlong . ?drives l for ^'50 ing made which almost threatened to make more scoring for the Frosh possible. In the latter part of the last half the Red Devils had the ball in their territory most of the time but failed to score due to the warding off plays of Mary Lou Henkel, left half, and Ruth Smith, right fullback. Crowd Enthusiastic Neither team played as well as they had previously demonstrated, and it was somewhat of a disappointment to the enthusiastic crowd. However certain plays which proved t Q b e Qi a i m o s t p r o f e s s ional prowness more than made up for the generally mediocre playing. The line-ups for both teams as used in Thursdays game are as follow: Sophomores pless . r i B n t "mei' Joslin, left inner Owens, center forward Pulver, right wing Avalear, left wing Moberg, center halfback I , M „ ~'<„uf u„i* bu„,.i, S0 l t t l B l r i g h t h a l f ack Mldgley, left half back Donnley, right fullback Monroe, left full back Tlle Purpose of the course is to Mason, goalie Prepare registered Red Cross Lifes vers a ' who may obtain summer po- Freshmen ^}}ons " 'iff-guards or instructors. Keleher, right inner ' E v e n f t h o u Bh you d o n t want that W eber, right inner l ™° o f „ w ° r * ' , t h e C0U/uSe will g ye Adams, center forward you BOod , training, so that if a sit- Dodge, left wing ua " ° n e f v e r ar°f<> you would be ca- Mattison, right wing p a l le o f ' a n d l l nugt l,l n ifcn' ^ l s s , K r a g l ] Kendel, left halfback t eHd whlle ? £ ' ° K the aims of L ee, right halfback tne Broups. Hotallng, center half back Rivalry .swimming events, which Miller, left full back Smllh ™*S&^£*«,*££* ' r l g h t ful1 b a c k d^e a l ,?n life-saving qualifications, Mlnch. goalie freshmen and sophomore sQ M women are urged to sign up and In the second half, Hartman came attend the classes regularly, In order into the game for the Frosh right t h u l t n e l r cln(iS m a wln y the events, halfback, Lee. Est 1877 Telephone 4-2290 How To Get A Man Or Hike With RPI W A A Reports Varied Program In Winter Season man Since the column "Back Talk" was last week devoted to comment upon Women's Athletic Assoc, in order to clarify the situation for the benefit of all interested members of the student body, we should like to make public the following facts: 1. Our official winter season opens this year on Dec. 2 and closes April 3. 2. The use of the gym for basketball, as planned under the winter schedules of both Milne and State is not possible until the opening of the winter season. 3. As has been our policy, captains for winter sports are appointed at the council meeting preceding Thanksgiving vacation, which gives all captains ample time to organize their respective sports. 4. The responsibility for organizing and supporting any team lies with the group which it represents. 5. Participation in intra-mural sports is entirely voluntary. We can see no reason for criticism of the present organization for Womens Athletics by comment upon the situation in previous years. Constructive criticism is always welcome, and whenever possible, is acted upon. WAA Council. Women's Athletic Council held Basketball Rules its third meeting of the season last Wednesday night at Sayles Hall. Undergo Change The first item of business was the inauguration of the new freshmen BASKETBALL RULE CHANGES members on Council — Ruth MatAbsent from the basketball rules teson, WAA Manager of '50 and for the 1946-47 season are any Eleanor Adams, WAA Representa- major changes according to the tive of '50. guide recently released by the Edna Sweeney, President of WAA, National Basketball Committee. introduced to the Council members Four minor revisions were listed. a pending plan through which ath- Pivot Change letic equipment could be sold to 1. A slight change in the pivot State students at a discount. This rule now permits a player who project would be conducted through comes to a stop on the count of the combined efforts of WAA and two with neither foot in advance MA/.. Councils. Betty Ann Margot of the other to pivot on either foot. '47 and Margaret Seaman, '49 were Formerly, he could lift either foot appointed to represent WAA at the but was required to get rid of the meeting of Men's Athletic Council ball before the lifted foot was rewhere further plans will be dis- turned to the floor. cussed. Jump Change In order to facilitate future WAA 2. If the jumpers on a jump ball events, it was decided that the simultaneously tap the ball out of chairman of each event is to hand bounds, the ball is to be tossed In a detailed report to Beverly Sit- again six feet from the boundary tig, '49, secretary of WAA. Instead of being brought back to The WAA constitution was dis- the spot of the original jump. cussed and revised — the revised Substitution edition will be posted on the WAA 3. A player who has withdrawn bulletin board for two weeks. At from the game after the official's the end of this time, voting wlll be intermission may return once. If held In lower hall of Draper for he withdraws again, he may not its approval. return unless the game goes into Miss Sweeney read a letter from overtime. the Athletic Federation of College Timer Change Women, an organization to which 4. The watch is to be stopped WAA has been a member for many each time the ball becomes dead years. The decision was made to after the last period officials' inrenew membership which had termission. lapsed last year. As the official winter sports seaPat Tllden, '48. son will open December 2, the win- Ping Pong: Adelaide Fischer, '48, ter captains were elected by the Sylvia Fischer, '48. Council. These new captains will Bowling: Peg Daly, '48, Mary Jane meet with Edna Sweeney, Betty Perls, '49. Ann Margot, and Miss Johnson next Winter Sports: Virginia Day, '47, Wednesday noon in order to get Margaret Seaman, '49. plans started. They arc as follows: Fencing: Peg Eggert, '48. Basketball: Mary Quinn, '48, Wil- Dancing: Meg Hefner, '4B. ma Dlehl, '48, Dot The Dancing Club is a new adMldgley, '41). dition to winter sports and will Swimming: Ann Ethal, '49. consist of Instruction in modern Life Saving: Marian Kraig, '48, dancing. Where all the Students Meet MADISON SWEET 785 Miidison Ave. t^Ucwbton ty , sea Rook %/A Sheath yourself in a shirt, Jump Into your Jeans, don't wash out those socks from Saturday night put them on again and this time make sure those tootsies are covered and with big strong sturdy boots. What for? Haven't you heard or don't all of you sport enthusiasts read our WAA bulletin board? T.S. (terrible shame) if you didn't notice that sign-up sheet for the Greylock Mountain outing. The Rensselaer Outing Club of RPI (knew that would open two more eyes) is sponsoring a big "legstretching shindig" this Sunday. Not only RPI will be there but Mt. Holyoke and Russell Sage too — more girls, more men, more competition and more hiking! 8:30 is the time, 3500 feet is the destination, the top of Greylock that is. From logical astronomical deductions there's bound to be snow and from further deductions there's bound to be fun. 20 So. PfiARL, STREET SHOP ALBANY, N. Y. Home Made ICE CREAM SODAS — CANDY — SANDWICLIES ALBANY, N. Y. To the Editor: Last week's "ex-sorority letter writer" stated, "It seems to me, however, that replies were too general, and specific answers were avoided." ThezzstHCdff-wado-cm ceeded to discuss the financial obligations. In the meeting when this subject was brought up, the freshmen were told that it would be discussed in a later meeting with Dean Stokes. This was not to avoid the question. The topic of discussion was "Pros and Cons" of sororities. Certainly, if finances were a "Con," it was not the place of the "Pro" speaker to bring it up. And if it were as drastic as "ex-sorority claims ,then it certainly would have been brought up by the independents. Since it was not brought up as an argument against sororities, it must not be a great issue. This is a State College. Every person attending it is causing some financial pull on her family. It has been this way since the college began. The purpose of a State College is to give education, tuition free. And yet — sororities have been on campus for forty years. Exsorority didn't approve of sororities so she resigned. That privilege is given to all. As for living in a sorority house all I can say is — you'll never realize how wonderful it is until you've lived in one. It's chummy, true, and you've got a whole house to study in. You don't live in a bedroom. Breakfast is at anytime you want it. But if ex-sorority wanted to use the "house" as an argument, she should have said, "The sorority houses only hold thirteen at the most, and all members aren't fortunate enough to get a chance to live there." Sorority. Luncheon Served Daily •OfEN DAILY AT 8 A. ML= Become Major Under New Plan Myskania has announced several revisions in the major-minor office plan in order to eliminate obsolete posts and to classify positions which have assumed more responsibility in the last few years. Offices which have been added to the major class are chairman of Inter-Group Council, President of Commuters' Club, and president of Men's Athletic Association, replacing Director of Men's Athletics. New Posts New posts on the minor list include corresponding secretary of Press Bureau, assistant director of Press Bureau, President of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, member of IGC executive board, member of MAA executive board, Auditor of Student Board of Finance, and Speaker of Forum. Business Managers of State College News has been changed from a major to a minor office. Dropped from classification are class vice-presidents, class secretaries, and class representatives to Student Council. Attribute Teacher Strikes Protests To Low Wages In Education Field The mighty edifices of State College are imbued with tradiConferences, storms of protest, tions old and new . . . tradiwalkouts, demands for higher wages tions that go back into former and strikes have been sweeping decades, founded on' a love of education circles during the past the old and a respect for the few months. All these problems are new. basically the results of extreme low But new a new precedent teacher salaries which have prehas been set . . . one that we vailed throughout the country for hope will live for years . . . years. decades. . . yea, even centuries; According to the United States for this tradition will symbolize Statistical Abstract for 1930 the the integrity of an older one. average salary of teachers in eleNot only will it serve as a token mentary and secondary schools cf good will between two longback in 1870 was $189 a year, which standing friends, State College gradually rose to $1364 in 1926. The and the Boul, but it will enNational Education Association hance the pulchritude of each published figures in 1927 showing year's Campus Queen. that the average annual income of This year, Mr. Maurice Weiss all gainfully employed persons in of the Boulevard Cafeteria prethe United States was $2,110. sented two pairs of 51 gauge, In 1935 the Association found size 9, nylon hose to Miss Sally that of the most favored group, Johnson, Campus Queen of 1943. Is this not a symbol of j teachers in large cities, the average woman after 40 years of service, State — finely' woven threads might hope to have an annuity that combine to make a finishyielding $58 per month. The top ed product? What difference 5 per cent of teachers had an whether they be threads of annua] salary of $1800. Thousands knowledge to make a teacher were earning less than $1000. Staor threads of nylon to make a tistics in 9142-43 for high school stocking? Ah, yes. The postteachers in cities of over 100,000 war world is back for good. population showed an average of $2,887 per year. College Choir To Sing A t Strand Denial Day The revised list Is as follows: Discusses Art Qi Sculpturing Pun Amigos is presenting two Latin-American movies at a meeting Tuesday in the Lounge from 3:30 to 5:00 P.M. The Mall) Club has scheduled its next meeting for Wednesday in Room 20 at 7:30 P,M. "Hill Towns of Guatemala" and "Patagonian Playground" are the two movies to be offered by Pun Amigos at its meeting. Everyone is invited to attend. Herbert Volner and Louise Dodge, Seniors, will speak at the Math Club meeting, Its second this year. Elsa Moberg, treasurer requests that all members to pay their dues, which are $.50 a year, as soon as possible. PAOI s Sheerest Nylon Strengthens Boul -- State College Bond Major Offices President Student Association, Vice-president Student Association, (Continued from Page Volumn 3) Secretary Student Association, Pres- finance summer vacations for unident Women's Athletic Asso., Pres- der-privileged youths at Camp Variety-Albany Boys' President Dramatics and Arts Coun- Thacher, cil, President Music and President Club camp, in the Helderbergs, The preliminary drive will open WedDebate Council. with the Union College Class Presidents, Editor-in-Chief nesday, Glee Club on the stage of the State College News, Managing Editor Strand Theatre and the Russell State College News, Associate Edit- Sage Chorus will sing at the Palace ors State College News, Editor-in- Thursday, The Palace Theatre will Chief Primer, Editor-in-Chief Peda- feature the R.P.I. Club on gogue, President Newman Club, Di- Friday, November 22, Glee with the Skidrector Press Bureau, Chairman In- more Glee Club presenting their ter-Group Council, Grand Marshal, Monday, November 25, at President Rsidence Council, Presi- recital dent Men's Athletic Association, the Strand Theatre. Concerning the special recital of (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) President Hillel, President Commuthe college choir, Dr. Stokes reter's Club. marked, "Our 85-voice women's During an illness she was presented chorus will be representing the enwith some sculptering material by Minor Offices a friend, and with that gift she Vice-President Women's Athletic tire student body of the college made a likeness of the head of her Association, Speaker Forum, Secre- when It makes its Strand appeardog which won her a scholarship tary Women's Athletic Association ance. We are grateful to the Alto the Yale School of Pine Arts. Treasurer Women's Athletic Asso- bany Denial Day committee for Since then she has done much ciation, Office Manager Women's giving us this opportunity to aid along the lines of portraiture and Athletic Association, Sophomore the under-privileged youngsters of religious art, and has traveled all Desk Editor State College News, Ad- the city and I hope the College over the country on lecture tours. vertising Manager State College Glee Club recitals become an anCirculation Manager State nual event." "I enjoy meeting so many dif- News, College News, Sports Editor State ferent people, and have made sev- College News and Men or Women's eral friends in the places that I Sports Editor State College News. List Numbers Selected visit often," she said. Her work has also taken her to Mexico and CanBusiness Manager State College ada, where she appears before News, Literary Editor Primer, Busi- By Baritone, Pianist American groups, and she has ness Manager Primer, Photocrossed the ocean 45 times. graphy Editor Pedagogue, Busi- Continued from Page 1, Column 5) Was Refugee ness Manager Pedagogue, Literary "Standchen," Op. 106, No. 1 The Belgian sculptress has a deep Editor Pedagogue, Advertising Man- "Bendeit die Selge Mutter"—Hugo Wolf Fussreise. regard for refugee children of this ager Pedagogue, Corresponding Secwar, for she was in a similar posi- retary Press Bureau, Assistant Di- IV—Vivien Harvey: tion when she came to America rector Press Bureau, Student Chris- "Romance In F Major"—Brahms during the last World War. Mine. tain Association First Cabinet, and "Etude Transcendante" (Will of the Wisp 1—Liszt Sllvercruys recalls that she did not Member Dramatics and Arts Coun- "Soiree dans Grenade"—Debussy want to leave this country after the end of hostilities because she cil,, Member Music Council, Mem- Sonata No. 3 (in one movement) — Pridofleff found much more freedom here. ber Debate Council, Member CamCommission, Vice-president V—Paul MiiUhan: "The younger children do not mind pus going back, but the older ones, who Newman Club, Secretary Newman "Down bv the Salley Gardens"— Martin Shaw have begun to think, do not want Club, Treasurer Newman Club, President Departmental Clubs, Sec- "The Mountains"—Eliot Griffis to leave." In spite of the fact that she does retary Board of Finance, Auditor "Come Away, Death"—Irving Lowens over 200 lectures a ye.u\ the sculp- Board of Finance, Editor of Directress did recall her appearance at tory,, Vice-president Hillel, Secre- "Whenas the Rye"—Peter Warlock The admission for students attendState in November, 1941. "I re- tary Hillel, Treasurer Hillel, Memmember going down under to a ber IGC Executive Board President ing tills college is y .student tax. room where we had some punch," IVCF and Member MAA Executive Adult tickets are $1.20 and student tickets, $.00. she smiled, motioning with her Board. hands to illustrate her trip from Page to the Lounge for a postMEN . . . Are you admirers of the fair sex? lecture reception. Pan Amigos Schedules Two Movies Tuesday WATCHES and DIAMONDS oj Better Quality (?om0umicaiiOH4 Three Offices FRIDAY, N O V E M B E R I S , 1 9 4 0 Are you going to the Prom? See LOWERKE or HIPPICK for your date's CORSAGE All your troubles eliminated. Orders taken in school and delivery made in plenty of time. Reasonable prices, also. Increase During War During the war, salaries showed a slight increase and the median salaries of teachers was raised twelve per cent. Though Boards of Education recognized the problems with which teachers were faced the 30 per cent rise in the cost of living made the raise unnoticeable. Last spring a campaign was waged by the National Education Associations, individual teachers and laymen to bring to the attention of the State Legislature the necessity for increased salaries for teachers. This campaign was backed by organizations such as the State Congress of Parents and Teachers and the School Boards Association, the American Association of University Women, and other groups Interested in better schools. State Obligated to Support Schools Because education is a state function under the Constitution, the State is under obligation to sup- Announces Alteration In Senior Hour Rules Residence Council has announced a change in the rulings on visiting Alumnae and Senior hours, as follows: Alumnae visiting a group house will have the latest hour prevailing at that group house at the lime of their visit. Students who are out late with Alumnae will be reported to Judicial Board immediately. Beginning with November a trial period will be conducted in which the Senior hour will be accumulative for a semester, and subject to the following restriction: Not more than one Senior hour may be taken on the same evening. port schools. Additional aid .under the Dewey law has restored state aid to the 1939 level, but even so the State assumes not quite one third of the obligation to support schools. Since the State mandates teacher preparation and certification, the question has been raised as to why it does not mandate minimum salaries also. During the last two weeks in August, delegates from thirty nations met in Endicott, New York, to consider ways in which organized teachers in all lands could help build a peaceful world. This conference was planned and organized by the National Education Association and a draft constitution of four points was drawn up for the world organization of the teaching profession. Platforms Support Increases Both the Democratic and Republican state platforms for the recent election contained definite statements on education and the teaching profession. Perhaps these developments are the beginning of a stronger educational system. Nevertheless, in an address at the close of the Endicott Conference Dr. Willard E. Givens hailed the action as the beginning of a new era in education in the field of world understanding and good will. "Let us work together in building a strong, effective organization of the teaching profession. It will not be easy to do this, but, God helping us, we can follow no other course." Frats To Issue Rush Pamphlets At a recent meeting of Inter Fraternity Council, plans were made for a Inter-Fraternity pamphlet to be published before Thanksgiving vacation. Bids will be sent out December 13 and must be returned by noon of December 16. According to Richard Beach, '47, President of Inter-Fraternity Council, these pamphlets will take the place of formal rush parties. They will contain articles from each fraternity concerning the ideals, purposes, background and members. CENTRAL Barber Shop 2 BARBERS—NO WAITING 210 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y. H. F, Honikel & Son Pharmacists ESTABLISHED IDOB PHONE 4-2O.10 157 CENTRAL AVE. A L B A N Y , N. Y. In a Friendly, THE HAGUE STUDIO Comfortable "Portraiture At Its Finest" GOOD FOOD Atmosphere HOLLYWOOD EAST TO COMES TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT BOULEVARD CAFETERIA DIAL 51003 7f£9*"s '•MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" I 8 B - 2 0 0 C E N T R A L AVENUE A L B A N Y . N. Y. WESTERN QUAIL AT OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY Evenings by appointment 811 MADISON AVENTJB TELEPHONE 4-0017 p*ot • • T A T I GOLUKK NEWS. FRIDAY, N O V K M I I R IB, 1 M I A E Phi House/ G C Members • " ' - *********** - - The annual Thanksgiving Chapel cabinet meeting, which will be open Hillel, SCA, and Newman Club sponsored by Hillel and to the entire college, in Sayles Hall, will hold their joint Christmas parFirst To Reach Attend Meeting service, Student Christian Association, will Monday, November 25, at 7:30 P. M.ty Wednesday, December 18. be held Monday, November 25, at Mrs. Yolanda Wilkerson, who had The State College Women's Choir In Unitarian Chapel. Florence much experience in the field of race will present their annual concert in Drive Quota On Citizenship noon Mace, '48, and Pearl Pless, '49, willrelations, will be the speaker for Assembly in January. be in charge. the evening. Four Henry Druschel, '47, General Lois Hutchinson, '47, and Mary Mary Tellan, '47, President of Student Council will hold the anChairman of the Campus Chest Cheatham, '49, delegates from In- SCA, has announced that the or- nual Student-Faculty Tea in the choose Queen Drive, has reported that the drive tergroup Council to the Annual Lounge, Thursday, December 5. Formal is progressing satisfactorily. Con- New York State Citizenship Con- ganization will hold its monthly tributions are steadily being recelv- ference at Saratoga Springs, reed and the goal of one dollar per turned Tuesday night. Miss Hutchperson is being maintained in al- inson remarked, "It was the most most all cases. inspiring of all the conferences that Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority house I have ever attended." was the first to reach its quota. Dr. Edmund Day, President of This was accomplished by noon last Cornell University, was in charge Friday, the day the drive started, of the Sunday night session. The Other Houses, are progressing rap- opening address on "The Commuidly toward the 100% quota which nlty We Want" was given by Colshould be attained by next Friday, onel Julius Schreiber, M.D., a memThere will be a booth in lower hall ber of the National Institute of Soof Draper to receive the contribu- cial Relations. Those who attendtions of commuters who have not ed the discussion group on Action been personally canvassed. and Participation heard the inside story o n To End Friday P r °P a 8anda and means of The drive will officially close next '^JS^JS.^ evening was SS?% devoted to Friday with a party in the Com- a Monday forum on the why's of dismons at noon. Admission will be trust and the how's of world world coby the red feather which contribu- operation, led by Chancellor Wiltors will received, liam Tolley from Syracuse UniverThe canvassers working on the sity. During a discussion on "How Campus Chest Drive number sev- to Build Bridges Between Groups" enty. The canvassers for sorority the conference members heard Mr. and group houses are: Gamma Kap- A. J. Karnuth from the Immigrapa Phi, Eloise Worth, '48; Alpha tion and Naturalization Service, and Epsilon Phi, Arlene Lavender, '48; also a woman speaker on the soluKappa Delta, Vivian Hillier, '48; tion of inter-group relations in New Psi Gamma, Rita Kopek, '48; ChiYork City. The importance of inSigma Theta, Jean Spencer, '49; service training for teachers was Beta Zeta, Shirley Ann Forman, stressed throughout the lecture. '48; Phi Delta, Ruth Seelbach, '48; Tuesday evening featured a panel Farrell, Ruth Smith, '50; Thomas More, Jane McGuinness, '48; Sayles discussion on "Enlarging OpportuHall, Audrey Jerue, Barbara Houck nities for Higher Education." Those and Mary Marscher, Sophomores; who took part in the panel were: Pierce Hall, Wilma Diehl, Adeline Mr. Louis Hollander, President of Fischer, Shirley Williams, Juniors; New York State C.I.O., Dr. John Sayles Annex, William Baldwin, '48; Potter, President of Hobart and Van Derzee Hall, Dale Wood, '48, William Smith College, Geneva, N. Russell Bailey and Joseph Francel- Y., Mr. Frederick Pope, Director of lo, Sophomores; New Hall, Carolyn Public Education, and Dr. Charles Wood, '49; North Hall, Marionlee Seitman, a member of the School Watkins, '48; South Hall, Elsa Mo- of Associated Education a t New berg, '49; Western Hall, Marion York University. Hawkins, '49; Syddum Hall, Jean Davidson, '47; Stokes Hall, Dee Weber, '50; Wren Hall, Marcella McNamara, '49. Commuter Canvassers Canvassers in charge of contacting commuters are: Marcia Hollis, Pauline Kupcok, Joyce Palmer, John Warner, Seniors; Jean Barnum, Kathleen Bell, Beverly Bistoff, Janet Brady, Mardell Brusle, Elaine Clute, Barbara Hyman, Angle Ricci, Janet La Rue, Betty Repp, Margaret Smith, Elva Stammel, Juniors; Larry Appleby, Helen Caldes, everly Coplon, Robert Klttredge, Gloria Maistelman, Dorothy Midge ly, Ruth Price, Beatrice Robinson, Ellen Sargent, Florence Smith, France's Sowa, Ann Sulich, Norma Swinyer, Betty Ullne, Bonnie Lewis, Merton Thayer, Donald Dickinson, Ann Gorley, Sophomores; Joyce Burpee, Elese De Seve, Seymour Fersh, Jean Gebo, Ruth Matteson, Sandra Heslin, Rose Willsey, Peter Talarico, Marlon Zlmmer, freshmen. Practically New COATS, SUITS DRESSES, EVENING WEAR Very Reasonable Frieda's Exchange Plain and Fur Trimmed Coats So. Main Ave, Tel. 3-9482 members of the faculty will the State College Snow at the Statesmen's Winter Saturday, December 14. I arm seen erchiefs 203 Central Ave. >the scene ... Y with your school nam* and color Sold exclusively at The College Pharmacy 7 No. Lake at Western Ave, Albany, N. Y. Smil y. ZACagengast "Buy Where the Flowers Grow FLORIST & GREENHOUSE DIAL 4-1125 OUR ONLY STORE SPECIAL ATTENTION to Sororities and Fraternities Mardi Gras Theme, Crowni W i l l Highlight Traditional ALL O V E R A M E R I C A - C H E S T E R F I E L D — — ^•^-"••' **- — , nM...— , , Hannon To Play In Page Gym Tomorrow Night Seelbach/ Barber Head Committees For Events Mary Tessier, '47, Editor of the Junior Weekend will open tonight The traditional Junior Prom will with an informal party consisting NEWS, has announced the appointbe held tomorrow night in the gym of a hayride from 7.30 P. M. to 9 ment of seven Sophomores as Desk and the lounge from 9 to 1 A.M. As P. M. and dancing in the Ingle Editors. Three Sophomores have the clock strikes twelve thirty, a Room from 8 P.M. to 12 midnight. been added to Sports staff and two Junior, chosen as the most beautiRuth Seelbach and Henry Barber, Juniors to advertising staff. ful in the class, will be crowned co-chairman of the Weekend are in Helen Baxter, Patricia Devlin, Queen of the Mardl-Gras by Edna Joyce Dickerson, Marion La Paro, charge of arrangements. Sweeney, '47, last year's Queen. Elsie Landau, Jean Pulver and Jean The Class of '48 will vote for the The chairmen have announced Spencer have been named Desk Queen today in assembly and from that there will be four wagons to Editors for 1946-47. John Brophy, those receiving the highest number accommodate those going on the Arlene Golden and Margaret Seaof votes the Queen and her four a t hay-ride. Two wagons will leave men are the new Sophomore memtendants will be chosen. Rita Colefrom the end of the Western Ave- bers of sports staff, while Rita man, June O'Brien, Barbara Jean nue bus line, and those planning Coleman and Hilda Fedler, Juniors, Schoonmaker, Justine Maloney, Lorto use these wagons should meet at have been appointed to advertising raine Malo, Dorothy Walejslo are the end of the bus line at 7 P.M. staff. New placements on the circontesting for the honor and the The other wagons will start at Del- culation and business staffs will be identity of the Queen will be a mar, and the group using them is to announced later. closely guarded secret until her enmeet at Sayles at 6:45 P.M. Desk Editors are chosen each year trance at twelve thirty tomorrow Seated: O'Brien, Schoonmaker, Walejisio; at this time from those Sophomores Standing: Coleman, night. Informal Dress Music by Bill Hannon trying out for the position. Fresh- Maloney, Malo. The dance in the Ingle Room is men tryouts must attend weekly Music will be by Bill Hannon, his informal, and I hose attending are cub classes and after Thanksgiving clarinet and his orchestra which will requested to wear sport clothes such are required to work Tuesday or play in the gym from 9 to 11 and as jeans or skirts and sweaters. This Wednesday night with the News from 12 to 1. Intermission will be will enable those going on the hay- staff. Sophomore Reports are chosfrom 11 to 12. Refreshments will be ride to go directly to the dance on en from the freshmen troyuts in served in the Lounge all evening and their return. the spring of their freshmen year vie music will be provided for more dancing. Chaperons for the party include and Desk Editors are chosen the Dr. Ma tie L. Green, College Molly Kramer, '47, President of At twelve thirty, the Queen, acDr. J. Wesley Childers, Professor of following fall. As a general rule, six Desk Edi- Physician, will speak in assembly Intersorority Council has announc- companied by her court, will come Spanish, and Mrs. Childers; John R. Tibbetts, assistant supervisor in tors are chosen, but this year due this morning urging all students to ed that the Formal Rush Period forward to be crowned by last year's amidst the strains of "Pomp science, and Mrs. Tibbetts; Roswell to the number trying out, seven be innoculated for influenza during will begin tonight at midnight and Queen and Circumstance." The Queen will Thanksgiving vacation in order to E. Pairbank, supervisor in commerce, were appointed. On Moving-TJp Day, three of the prevent susceptibility to the epi- will last through Tuesday, Decem- then climb to the throne where she and Mrs. Fairbank; Mr. Timmerseven Desk Editors will be named demic which is expected this win- ber 10. Tomorrow, invitations to will reign during the next dance. raan and Mrs. Timmerman, instrucAssociate Editors. The Editor of the ter. Nominations will be made for the Buffet Supper from 6:00 to 9:00 At this time everyone will dance tor in chemistry. except the queen and her court. Tickets for the dance may be pur- NEWS will be chosen from these a MAA Representative at Large, P. M. on Friday, December 6, and Mardi-Gras Decorations voting will take place for the chased at the Stamp Booth today three. The three Sophomores on Sports Junior Prom Queen, and a short the Formal Dinner from 7:00 to Decorations of azure blue, dusty and at the door this evening. Dance 11:30 P. M. on Saturday, December pink, and black and white will transstaff will be named to the Junior movie will be shown. tickets are $.30, but hayride tickets, According to Dr. Green, people staff on Moving-Up Day and Sports 7, will be received from the sorori- form the gym into a Mardi-Gras which must have been purchased in atmosphere. Both the queen's throne advance, admit one to the dance Editor will be appointed from these in the medical profession are ex- ties. throne and the bandstand will be pecting an epidemic this winter and Juniors. also. in the form of a float, and the the general opinion is that stuSince freshmen may attend only Lounge and passageway between will dents should be innoculated to prevent later illness, During the one affair at a single sorority house, carry through the festivial theme. past few weeks, many schools, col- they should mark their intention on Bids to the Prom are $2.40 and leges, and industrial plants have each invitation and send it back may be purchased at the stamp been urging their students and em- by return mail. They must be in booth in the lower hall of Draper. ployees to have these innoculatlons. the sorority houses by the following Appoint Committees Committees are: decorations, CurMonday. If the individual does not MAA Representatives tis Pfaff, chairman, Lorraine Malo, The State's educational system caused by the large Increase in the Nominations for the MAA Repre- care to attend any party, she should Frances Child, Janet Johnson, Doromay be greatly improved in the cost of living. sentative at Large will be open un- return the invitation unchecked. thy Skelton, Valetta Combs, Rita At the demonstration in the Cap- til the Wednesday after Thanksfuture as a result of recent developColeman, Dorothy Diffin, Hilda Preference blanks will be placed ments in solving the salary problem. itol, the teachers placed prepared giving vacation, and they must be Fiedler, Muriel Dando, Alice PrlnAt a public hearing before the arguments before the committee in sealed and signed before placing in the student mail boxes on Mon- dle, Shirley Williams, Rosemary day, December 9, at 9:00 A. M. Governor's Committee on education a plea for a living wage. The com- them in the Myskanla mailbox. Ryan, Zina Sottile, Barbara Dunin the Assembly Chamber of the mittee members were: Senator BenAt a Student Council meeting All girls wishing to join a sorority ker, Evelyn Mattison, Helen Cook, Capitol last Friday, 130 represen- amin F. Folnberg, president pro Lois Hutchinson, '47, gave a report must have them marked and re- Paula Tlchy, Charlotte Lolly, Vera tatives of New York State's 70,000 tern of the Senate; Oswald D. Heck, on the Annual New York State turned to the office of Ellen C. Chudiak, Mary Jane Giovannone, public school teachers us well as of speaker of the Assembly; Dr. Fran- Citizenship Council Cnference that Stokes, Dean of Women, before Ann Pascuzzi, Clare Creeden, Jean organized labor and cities, voiced els T. Spanieling, commissioner of was held last weekend in Saratoga. 12:00 noon of the same day. Per- Maginess, Margaret Groesbeck; pubI heir protests of the present salary education; John E. Burton, director Miss Hutchinson remarked, "It was sons not wishing to join are request- licity, co-chairmen Gloria Gilbert of the budget, and Charles D. the most inspiring of all the con- ed to sign the blanks and return and Marian Kragh, Florence Mace, conditions. ferences that I have ever attend- them In the same length of time. Virginia Dowd, Gloria Rand, Mary It is a well-known tact that Breltel, counsel to the Governor. Once in the Dean's Office, they Quinn, John Dooley, Edith Dell, ed." among the disadvantages that an 1 Suggests Increase cannot be changed and each freshdiscouraging high school students Miss Mary A. Shcehan, vice- Ruth Bentley, '47, Justine Maloney man must join the sorority highest Betty Jones, Frances Zinni, Barbara /Continued on Page J/J Column V from entering the leaching pro- president of the New York State and Alice Williams, Juniors, and fession, one of the greatest is the Teachers Association, suggested In- Catherine Donnelly, '49, will be the on her preference blank from which unattractive, meager salary. Ac- creasing live minimum starting representatives from Student Coun- she gets a bid. In other words, if cording to statistics, twenty-five sa'nry of upstate teachers to $2,- cil to participate in the freshman she gets a bid from her second Campus Commission years ago, about 2'i per cent, of 400 with eight annual Increments orientation program Monday. The choice but not her first one, she college students in the United of $150 each until a maximum of program will include reports and must Join the one of her second Initiates Rule Changes .Slates were enrolled in teachers' $3,600 Is reached. The present discussions on Student Council, choice. Bids will be received the Grand Marshal of Student Assocolleges, whereas last year It was minimum ranges for $1,200 to $1,- Student Association, and the most following Tuesday morning and ciation, Judith Dube, '47, wishes to the freshmen will be invited to only 7 per cent. 800, which In comparison with cost important parts of Robert's Rules. their respective sorority houses lor make additions to the Campus ComLeave Profession of living Is totally inadequate. It Financial Report dinner and Pledge Service at 5:30 mission rules published previously. Pearl Pless, '49, announces the end A financial report was received P. M. In addition, during the past five was cited by one of the speakers of the Lost and Found sale today .Veins, 350,000 teachers, equal to one that because of the tax limit and on the Freshman Handbook which Ihlrd ol all the teachers employed debt limit fixed by law of six cities was edited by Ellen Rochford, '48. During the entire period between at 3:30 P. M. No smoking is permitted in the Florence Muce, '48, also sent In the Buffet and Formal Dinners and in ihe country today, left the pro- in Ihe state, Including Albany, this lession. Unless a solution is found Increased amount of wages must a report and rt onimendatlons from the Pledge Service, absolute silence Lounge or the Gym at any time. the Used Book Exchange. to this problem, Ihe educational come from Increased State aid. will be maintained between fresh- Miss Dube requests that all organThe Student Union Day, in the men women and sorority members, izations comply with the rule. Possystem will lie ill a precarious con- Ask Higher Salaries dition since the most capable It was claimed that despite the form of a human slave auction, has and at no time may a third person ters are not to be placed in tho vi.mi-: people are being discouraged enormous Increases In state reve- been postponed until the latter part act as an intermediary in conver- peristyle between Husted Hall and Richardson Hall or on the walls, I nun entering the field uiul some nue, state aid hits not increased in of December or the early part of sation between the two. The bulletin board in room five, nl the best teachers are being at- proportion. Speakers referred to the January. Gloria Gilbert, '48, ChairAny Information concerning ex- Richardson Hall, is for the faculty. tracted by better-paid positions. prospective $100,000,000 surplus man of Student Union, reported It is most natural for them to seek which the state will have at the that it was necessary because of penses connected with sororities Students, therefore, are allowed these Increases in wages, so thai, end of this year, asking that it be the various school activities before may be obtained in the office of to place only notices nine inches by twelve Inches on the board. Dean Stokes. they might meet the expenses (Continued on Page s,Column I) Thanksgiving vacation. Teachers Claim Rising Expenses Make Raise In Pay Imperative TEENS IS T O P S ! u*. ,, Copyright 1946, boon?fa,MYIIS TOIACCO'CQ, VOL.. XXXI NO. 9 ALBANY, N I W YORK. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1946 Green To Urge Flu Innoculation The Associated Artists of Albany have scheduled two recitals for the coming year. Auditions for those who wish to Join the organization will be held January 22. The introductory recital of the Associated Artists will be presented Wednesday, December 4, at 8:30 P. M . at the Albany Institute of His tory and Art. Marvin Schwartz, Sarah Saltzman, Robert Mesroblan, Marie Gutta, and Edward Sewell are among the performing artists. The second recital is scheduled for January 15. Tickets for the recitals may be obtained from Lorraine Schaln, '50. CAMPUS RESTAURANT Z.444 Hayride, Dance NEWS Board To Open Junior Appoints Seven Weekend Tonight As Desk Editors Albany Artists Schedule Recitals 'jiMV'M State College News LETS SEE YOU AT THE PROM Forma/ Rushing To Begin Tonight