Myskania Frosh Football Game Ends With Score Tied 0 - 0

12, 1945
4? Rgty1
Seymour, Seaman
Sparkplug Team
That was a nice game—it must
have been—everybody says so. The
frosh-Myskania game we mean. Of
In a hotly contested football
course, we would have liked it much
better if one of the teams had game the Myskania Marauders and
scored but maybe that will happen the high spirited Crimson Tide of
anotner time—and from the looks '49 played to a scoreless tie. The
of the frosh challenge this morn- opinion of the spectators showed
ing, we may expect to have another that the Crimson Tide was the susoon. But there's t h e possibility perior team throughout. They outthat these two teams may have to played Myskania in every field and
take two or three weeks off before had control of the ball most of the
taey can play another game. From time. Their running attack was
tne groans heard as we walk along cleverly executed only to be slowed
the corridors, and the sight of black down by the sloppy condition of the
eyes (which incidentally are rather field.
embarrassing especially when the Stittig kicked off for the Crimson
kids in the classroom look wistfully Tide and the ball was taken by
up and say, "Miss Ber- - -, didn't O'Neil on the Marauders' 35-yard
we see you playing football yester- line. She carried it to the midfield
day?") we would judge that maybe stripe where she was swarmed over
a rest period would not be laughed by the whole frosh team. Here the
at. Then there are those we call Crimson line held and Myskania
professionals . . .
was forced to kick on the fourth
If we may, we'd like to make a down. On the exchange of punts
little suggestion concerning the Myskania gained 10 yards. The
throngs that watch the games. I t frosh then took over and made the
seems that several times in thefirst down of the day on a pass
Sprains, Strains Highlight
course of the game, the runner was from Seaman to Glover.
Unscheduled Football Match
forced to run into the crowd in anSecond Quarter
In the early part of the quarter
effort to get by the secondary. The
It was a cool, brisk day. Just
crowd had moved in and narrowed Seymour returned Stittig's punt to
ideal football weather. So . . .
the field, so that side plays were the 20-yard line of the Crimson
six hardy, stalwart Saylesites
almost impossible to make. The Tide. Myskania began to move The following challenge will be
slipped and sweated on the dorm
field wasn't marked, and that may goalwavd and made their only first
field Sunday afternoon, to offer
down of the day, moving the ball Assembly:
have been the excuse.
some opposition to Sullivan's
down to the 5-yard line. At this
About Predictions
"The Class of 1949 challenges
conNotice please the wonderful preTrick plays and snappy passes
Myskania to a return football match
diction that Hess made in his col- sisting of Cook, Harris, and Glover, to be played on the 23rd day of
gave the Seniors an advantage
umn this week—he predicted that
over the disorganized Sayles
Detroit would win the World Series. the Marauders back. Here, the October, 1945. The same rules shall
prevail as for the game played on
This is even more astounding since
"Slackie" passed to Seymour
his column had to be in Tuesday kick from the end zone. Stittig got the 9th day of October, 1945, with
for the first touchdown. But
morning. Witness all those other off a beautiful kick that carried to the provision that no less than two
their joy was short-lived as
horrible predictions in former years the 40-yard line, Myskania began referees be in attendance at all
Sylvestrie snabbed a long pass
that made our faces so red, and
from Shapiro and ran the field
maybe then it will be understood thwarted by the superb defensive times."
for a tally. The ball see-sawed
why we were so happy for George
back and forth with the "salesboth Mickey Seaman, '49, Captain,
when the Series ended the way it Third Quarter
men's" backs against their goal.
did. We must confess, however, The second half opened with Sey- and Frank Woodworth, '47, Coach.
Myskania started to roll and
that it didn't end the way we want- mour kicking to the 40-yard line of
Thus, it seems that even the frosh
rushed down the field making
ed it to end—yes—the awful truth, the Crimson Tide. The frosh then were not satisfied with the results
three first downs. Griffin snarwe really wanted Chicago to win. began to move on a series of spin- of the game this past Tuesday.
ed a pass for a long gain and
Oh, well, maybe next year the team ner and reverse plays with Seaman, Whether Myskania will accept the
set her team up in scoring posiwe bet our perfectly good nickel Whelley and Sittig carrying the challenge remains to be seen, but
tion. Slackie ran the ball over
on will win.
ball. Whatever gain made was from the looks of things another
for the final touchdown.
Football Fun
nullified by holding penalties. Later game is forthcoming.
The girls rose battered and
There seems to be some kind of a in the quarter, the Crimson Tide
As both teams sustained numerbruised, but satisfied that their
football craze that's hit several of
ous injuries (mentioned elsewhere
scrimmage had been both sooththe group houses—and that's good Whelley recovered a fumble on the on this page', it is doubtful if
ing and satisfactory.
or is it? Everybody is challenging
either one will be able to field a
everybody else to a game of footsatisfactory team. Myskania is at
ball and it sounds wonderful. One penalty for holding.
a decided disadvantage because of
of the group houses has figured out Fourth Quarter
lack of substitutes.
a system—each of the four classes The early part of the last quarter
So, come out, see a good game,
represented in the house is getting found the Crimson Tide penetrating and
listen to the bones break.
a team together. The frosh will deep into scoring territory. The
play the Sophs, the Juniors play Marauders staved off the march
the Seniors and the winners of these with Bcrbrich and O'Neil sparking
games will play each other. This the defense. The climax of theMargot Requests Students
Maloney W i n s 6 - 3 , 6 - 2
seems to be a very good idea. This game came in the closing moments
A s First Round Starts
way, the whole house is disabled at when Stittig returned Seymour's
the same time, simplifying matters punt for what looked like the win- Betty Margot, '47, has asked .ill
The WAA tennis tournament begreatly. The doctors could make ning touchdown, only to have it those who have not as yet received
the rounds in the same day. Psi recalled to the point where the ball their numerals lor last year, to gan this week as Justine Maloney
defeated Delores Luwson. G-2, 6-3,
Gam is also thinking of challenging was caught.
drop her a note via the student mail. in the first game of the tournament.
Chi Sig to a game which will prob- Hats Off Department
These numerals were awarded to Maloney has a nice backhand
ably end up as a free for all with
Hats off to both teams for thea few students at the WAA Frolic stroke, and succeeded in keeping
V.I., Milne and Med. subs.
sportsmanship shown in benefit of for the frosh several weeks ago, but Lawson busy with her quick reSports should be played as they the Student-Faculty Tea.
there are still many entitled to the turns. Lawson is a steady player,
Ditto to Bob Sullivan, Frank numerals who have not received but Muloney's agility won the sets
tend to foster a relaxed feeling on
the part of the participants- build Woodworth, and Jack Tabncr, who them.
for her.
up muscles, and promote sports- gave their time to mold the teams Numerals are given for participaThe next match scheduled Is beinto shape.
tion In four sports for one year.
tween Dunn and Seymour. This
Nice game football!
should prove to be an exciting match
Mickey Seaman was the outstandDon't forget—all those frosh who
since both are WAA veterans and
are interested in trying out for the
more than proficient in many
Therefore, we predict that the De- sports. Senior blues, it seems, must
Sports Staff of the NKWH, sign up
troit Tigers will win the 1945 World be responsible for keeping so many
tomorrow — Activities Day, in thewell as running the bull.
Molly Whelley played a fine de- Series.
Commons. Those who have already
of the stars of previous years from
stated they wish to tryout, must fensive game and deserves mention. Credit Where It Is Due
signing up. Still, there are quite
Bev Stittig was outstanding as a
also sign up. Later in the semester
Comment on the pictorial glimpse a few familiar names on the playthese people will be notified with punter. It was LIT punting from
off sheets. Strlphas, Hill, Vernoy,
regard to cub classes and actual behind the goal line that saved the of freshman pulchritude: "WOWI" and Ell'ley while not veterans of the
sports writing. Remember—sign up I
game, look like good prospects.
Dear Mindy,
Frosh Signups
(Continued from pave >i, Col. J,)
Seymour sparked the Marauders'
Only lour freshmen have signed
nearest it has ever come to actual offensive. Her passing and kicking notice to the incident of George
Poulos and the gum, and the nice up. This Is definitely not In keepcompletion. The players narrowed kept them alive,
ing with the enthusiasm that '4li
down to Gerry Callahan and Flo (Jriffin, Berbrloh and O'Neil were things you said about me, But
Oarfall. Because of numerous mix- all outstanding on the defensive for there is one point that needs a bit has been showing in the sports proof clearing up. That Is, the good gram up to date. It is hoped that
ups in dates, this game was never Marauders,
looks of tin! nurses. It would take after gym classes in tennis tills fall
decided, if the tournament was Line-ups:
Imagination than mine to and next spring, the frosh will becompleted this year, the tennis cup Crimson Tide
Marauders acallwilder
these fugitives from Hipley come more enthusiastic about this
might again oome into circulation. H. Cook
LE H. Brlnkman pretty, Earlier In the summer sport,
Playoffs Urged
I. Glover
j . Berbrloh there was ono who might have Tournament Not Completed
Since only one game has been J. Harris
J. Griffin passed, but her I.Q. of 19 automaticFor the past three years, the
played so far, Gerry Calluhan, '47, M. Seaman
H. Shuro ally disqualified her. So, wolf bait tournament lias been started but
and Wanda Tomasik, '48, urge that M. Whelley
IIH M. Seymour is very scarce. Besides, they get not completed. Flo Oarfall, '45,
all first matches be played off byB. Stittig
E. O'Neil thrown out of training if they date won the cup in '42 and has had it
the middle of next week,
Substitutes for the Crimson Tide patients. Otherwise, thanks a lot.ever since the final game. Last
Watch the WAA bulletin board were H. Zoilengold; lor the Marauyear, t h e tournament came the
Your boy,
for further notice of the progress of ders were M. Llebel, M. Casey, and
(Continued on patio t,, Col. 1)
E. McGrath,
the tournament,
• ..;•••
• ' • ; '
: ,
' : ' -
' ' / ' . v - .
: V \ - / .
Football Tie May
Be Played Soon
W A A Begins
Tennis Tourney
State College News
Myskania Frosh Football Game
Ends With Score Tied 0 - 0
We're not calling this column a
guest column, because George Hess
is not a guest—he just has a "leave
of absence" for a tohile. Also before
reading the column, fix firmly in
the mind that it was written before
the final playoff of the World Series, in order to get here in time for
this week's NEWS.'—Ed. Note.
When Ye Editor Sullivan asked
us to contribute a guest column we
immediately decided that here was
the opportunity to deliver a long
needed apology. So here goes. . . .
Last Spring Messrs. Woodworth,
Lashinsky, Vaughn, Sullivan, Brophy, and about every other male in
State, including Yours Truly, h a d
a brilliant idea. We had visions of
hordes of men cavorting on football field and basketball court. We
were so entranced with that vision
that we actually thought it would
work. Then, like the dreamers we
were, we publicized the whole business. It caught on and seemed to
spread like wildfire. The' NBWS
carried a story, with a banner head,
no less, that forecast the return of
intercollegiate basketball.
That wasn't the end of it by far.
Oh no, we had to have money to
work the thing out. When we cast
about for ideas on raising funds the
thought struck us that perhaps the
whole student body would like a
part of it. The light had dawned;
there were no more worries. One
lovely Spring morning a collection
was taken in the student assembly.
We garnered enough nickles, dimes
and quarters that Friday morning
to finance a half dozen such campaigns (well, one a t least).
The enthusiasm we had was unbounded. Form letters were written, stenciled, signed, sealed and
mailed. All yes! The graduates of
N.Y.S.C.T. would send athletes to
their clamoring Alma Mater. There
wasn't a doubt in our minds. But,
as everyone knows, something went
wrong, and there's where the apology comes in. We want to ask forgiveness for ourselves and our colleagues. We ask forgiveness for
only 23 males, good as they may be,
in the Class of '49. But may the
war-cry of the Brooklyn Dodgers
ever be in your hearts: "Wait'll
next year!"
Three Errors
As we write this tears course
down our face, for the Detroit Tigers arc leading in the World Series
three games to two for the Cubs.
We had suffered much during the
senson just passed. The Giants,
who we had picked to win the Natianal League flag, had stayed far
out. of the lead and eventually finished fifth. Insult was added to
mortal injury when our other pennant selection, the Yankees, finished fourth in the American League.
But, we thought, the stumbling,
groping Tigers will never beat a
smooth ball club like Chicago, hence
the tears. Perhaps, with the two
chances the Cubs still have. . . .
(Continued on page 1), Col. 3)
In a Friendly
Debate Council
Plans Program
For Assembly
Traditional Crowning of Queen
To Climax Campus Day Events
Hutchinson To Appear
Tomorrow Night In Page
"Calling all Sophs! Calling all that chem lab (in Rensselaer this
frosh! Man your battle stations!" time, not Huested), and place the
Inter-class rivalry will commence circlet on the newly elected queen.
D&A Council's First Presentation Will Feature
Qtu<-I»nte NX/ill K l n m i n a t * officially as State's twenty-sixth Only a t 8 P. M. will t h e student
a c u a c n i s Yf HI M o m i n a w Cl eat imc p u s D a y begins with the ath- body learn the identity of the one
Noted Monologuist, Actress, Dramatist, Playwright
Candidates For Queen
events—before t h e freshmen chosen, as the strains of "Pomp and
Mary Hutchinson, actress, monologuist, and dramatist will
and Sophomores a r e maimed, and Circumstance" usher h e r in with
Today's assembly program will be maybe mournful over a lost banner, her court. Prom her vantage point a p p e a r i n P a g e H a l l t o m o r r o w n i g h t a t 8 : 3 0 P . M . T h i s w i l l
presented by Debate Council un- Ladies first will prove their am- on the stage, the new queen, radiant u „ *•>,„ fir«»t n r p u p n t n t i n n nf trip v p n r h v n r n m n t i p o nnri A r t *
der the direction of Marianne Davis, bidexterlty and prowess in three- in satin, ermine, and sparkling ° e
., « • P r e J e n t a ? l o n 0 1 ™ e y e a f D y ^ a ™ * ™ 8 a n a A r i s
•46, President. Nominations for legged relay, shoe, blindfold, old crown, will reign over t h e class C o u n c i l . M i s s H u t c h i n s o n Will e n a c t a s e r i e s Ol m o n o l o g u e s ,
campus queen will be held, and the clothes, and sack races. All Sophs skits in state.
i n w h i c h s o m e of D r a m a ' s b e s t k n o w n w o m e n c h a r a c t e r s ,
student body will vote on repre- and frosh will participate, and I n describing the Sophomore skit, c i a s s i c a n ( j m o d e m , will b e c h a r a c t e r i z e d . L o n g - e x p e r i e n c e d
sentatives to the Student Board of there is an opportunity for each— the chairman said, "It will be ab- . J„„» V ,„4.:„ C J „ U „ !,„„ +.„„, r „i„j „ , J , I „ I , , ,„:t-u o T i ^ J T ^ o+««LFinance.
if one isn't very good in the other solutely the most scintillating, i n d r a m a t i c s , s h e h a s t r a v e l e d w i d e l y w i t h s u m m e r s t o c k
The subject for the debate will be: races, she gets the sack. Then the stimulating, stupendous, super-col- t h e a t e r s , h a s b e e n i n s e v e r a l B r o a d w a y s h o w s a n d i s a v e t "Resolved: That double
'49 will
pit spirit
their football
of Sophomoric
talent e r a n of m a n y n a t i o n - w i d e t o u r s ,
to men
finesseof and
against ossal
ever display
to the reigning
be abolished."
to that
sports spirit against queen.
ever presented
Miss Hutchinson will present a
this topic will
be given
of the
The frosh to
program entitled "Dramatic PorFAMED MONOLOGUIST
humorous consideration. Ruth El- When the rival classes have re- to give a skit;—" Here she ran out
which will include scenes
gie and Thelma Elliot, Seniors, will cuperated from the field events, of breath, and a freshman, ready
from Sheridan's comedy, "The
take the affirmative, and the nega- they will return to the fray to with a fresh supply, exploded with,
Rivals" and "Lady Isabel of East
tive will be discussed by Joan Mat- search for t h e hidden banners. "All of us are working hard on ours,
Lynne," which satirizes the meloher, '46, and Eloise Worth, '48. The Here the Red Devils will find them- and it can't help but be a rip roardrama. She will also give her inrebuttal for the affirmative will be selves in the midst of a "crowd—a ing success, judging from the sucterpretation of "Salome" based on
given by Miss Elliot and for the host of Golden Daffodils." Never- cess of the past appearances of the
the play by Oscar Wilde, and pornegative by Miss Worth.
theless they are required to leave frosh."
tray Joan of Arc telling her own
Order of Debate
their pitchforks home. Only the Statements like these are known
story in "The Maid of Orleans." A
The first defender of the affirm- most subtle methods of mayhem in the Old English period as the
modern heroine of the underground
ative will speak for three minutes, will be missed by Myskania. Sparky, heroic boast, and are in line with
will be enacted by her in "Stephi's
and will be followed by a three- John, and McClintock will try to the best heroic tradition,
Story," a play written by herself.
minute defense of the negative. The conceal the '48 banner in such a After the presentation of the
Descendant of Concert Singers
second speakers will also speak for way as to baffle the green Red skits, the students will receive the
Mary Hutchinson is a direct dethree minutes, and after a brief Devils and send them home feeling decision of the judges, and grand
scendant of the Hutchinson family,
preparation each side will make a very blue.
finale will be dancing in the gym,
world-wide concert singers of the
two-minute rebuttal. Members of In the evening, Queen Mary, last where the classes will celebrate the
last century. Her home is i n eastMyskania will stand to indicate that year's campus sovereign, will leave outcome of the day's events,
ern Pennsylvania but at a very
the time is up.
early age she attended a dramatic
Student Association will choose
schools in and around New York.
five candidates from the Senior
She is a graduate of the New York
class for campus queen on the basSchool of the Theater and the John
is of popularity on the campus.
Traditional Spring Formal r%
Murray Anderson - Robert Milton
Nominations will be made by ballot
School. She conducted classes in
The Class of '47 will bring to
and voting will take place in next
ballet at the age of 15 when she
week's assembly. Marie Liebl, '46, State next spring one of its lost
was a freshman at Barnard College
is in charge of the nominations.
for Women.
For the first time since 1943,
Since then Miss Hutchinson has
Voting for the representative to
appeared in many Broadway proreinstate the custom of their
the Student Board of Finance will
ductions, both drama and musical
predecessors. I n fact, plans are
be held to fill the vacancy occasionof State College will hold a joint
comedy, Including "Castles in the
now underway for a Junior Hallowe'en
ed by the resignation of Ellen Maparty
Air," "The Vanities," "Lady Be
Prom Weekend to be held next M. to 12 P. M. in the St. Thomas
loney, '47. Nominees are: Helen
Good," "The Yellow Jacket," "Lyslsspring.
Jennings, Ann Lucsok, Solomon
More barn. Square and round
trata" and many others. I n her
Coronation of the Junior Class dancing will highlight the evening
Minsberg, Marjorie Pender, Dorothy
work on the stage she has played
Sturzenberger, and Bertha Waken, Queen will take place a t the Proceeds from the affair will go to
supporting roles to Gregory Ratoff,
the Student Union Fund.
Charles Coburn, Frank Craven, Fred
than at the Junior Big 8.
The entertainment will include a
At a closed meeting of WednesF ; | | _ _ _ T _ Pl-t» Stone, Cissie Loftus, Walter HampOnce again, State College
movie shown by Dr. Floyd Henrickday evening, Student Council made
son, Assistant Professor of Educaplans for Campus Day, Saturday,
oxer, n i i m a n i o n a n den> F rances Starr, Margaret Angand maybe even a corsage for
tion, and several ghost stories from
October 27, which will be kept secret
the good old Junior Prom and
the repertoire of Dr. Louis C. Jones,
until then. Student Council will
Proqram For Oct. 30 lln and other stars of stage and
make out the program for rivalry
be told by Miss Louise Jewett, inevents which will take place under
Supplementing her appearances
the supervision of Myskania.
be decorated with pumpkins, au- College Playhouse, has announced ^ ^ ^ I t o J J ^
The student-faculty tea sponsortumn leaves and corn stalks
that lists of the casts for the four m a d e s e v e r a i c o a s t to coast tours.
ed by Myskania assisted by Student
Council has been scheduled for
„..„ . . . . . „.„.„„,
one-act plays to be presented here s h e h a s b e e n starred and featured
m onth a n Un e x t
Thursday, November 1, from 2:30
Gerhardt Weinberg, Betty Rose \his
ft, J n e p l a y " in the productions of many theater
to 5 P. M. In the Lounge.
Hilt, Juniors, and Gerald Dunn, '49, " o u s e n a v e b 6 e n c o m P l e t e d .
groups of the eastern section i n are general chairmen of the affair. T h e f l r s t t w o w n l c h w l u b e d l _ eluding
the "Red Barn Theater,"
The other committees are as fol- rec Y£j b y Julia Boxer and Lois L o c u s t V a l l e y - N e w Y o r k : " T h e
James Gemmell, Instructor lows: Tickets, Chairman, James pillman, Juniors, are to be present- County Playhouse," Wesport, ConPress Bureau Provides in Mr.
will leave State Col- Why took, '47, and Gene McCarthy, e d October 30. The play under the necticut;
The Rockrldge Theater,
lege November
1 to take
up his new
Robert Baker, Nancy Falcon- direction of Miss Boxer will be a 0 a nr sm en ls - New
York; and spent six
wi h
Publicity For College Pennsylvania
duties as Associate
Professor in berg,
Refreshments, fantasy based an an old Irish sup- ! f ° , , t * e 'Mohawk Drama
State College.
erstttton of a will-of-the-wlsp that hfestival."
I n theatrical
tours she
Teresa Jones, '46, Director of
Mr. Gemmell began teaching a t Chairman, Richard Smith, '47, and cliff
h a d l e a d lg
e s i n s u c Night's
they meet certain death.
Betty Roslyn
'47, '47,
to ,a
i J ? jGynt,"
£ , Sffi
p e o p l e over the moors Uoa8t
Press Bureau, has outlined the State in January, 1942. He received man,
Betty lgen*a ed*s h,fts%eleV^ed*toe"foifowinK
' D r fe ,a m
Jean Blttncr,
Funro, freshmen;
Vis, Chair\n
as "AI Midsummer Night'!
l l f f w { ; p tr ; ,., hpv man,
manner in which Press Bureau will his Bachelor of Science in Com- Jane
'47, Jean Ineson,
'49; p(the
h p Dcountry
O U n r v WO
woman, Muriel Navy,
be able to help publicize the activ- merce at the University of Wyom- Entertainment, co-Chairmen, Au- '46; the waif, Mary Card, '49; the oi*w
State H
will be
U T O B wiu
» w
r a w o on
ities of the organizations on the ing and obtained his Master of Sci- drey Cox and Evelyn Dorr, Juniors, poet'ss wife,
Gloria Jaffer. '4R- nnri tt an xe t presentation
of their student
, Gloria Jaffer, '48; and
campus in the Albany papers. There ence degree in Education here a t Jean Osborn, Bette Fistere, fresh- the"maid" Noi"a"virginra' Day "'4fT i n e s o l a b v' Other tickets are beare also opportunities for tryouts State. Mr. Gemmell is now doing men; Publicity, Chairman, Betty M i s s pMi m a n will direct thp son nri
members of Dramatics
for Press Bureau Board members, graduate work a t Syracuse Univer- Rose Hilt, '47, and Joan Alverson, D i a v w h j „ h iH „ . . » . , . • W r „ n r -, a „ and Arts Council for $1.70 and $1.20.
If an organization is sponsoring sity and expects his Doctor of Edu- Ruth Bentley, Juniors, Hortense S S ' , „
T,"III m l ^ ft„
an artist or lecturer, Press Bureau cation degree from New York Uni- Zeilengold, '49; Decorations, Chair- fXwh™' n««f1 ! L . T ™ ^
will send the picture and article to verslty this summer.
men, Al Read, '47, and Audrey Bopp, n " i i n \Q• £ L nPw , S . „ m, ! Primer Chooses Editor,
the two Albany papers, TimesMr. Gemmell holds a membership '47, Lee Emmerilng, Berdlna Fullen, u"r o ' ,,A.' L
i f ' L „ „ ;
Union and the Knickerbocker News, in the Professional Organization freshmen; Movie, Harold Weber, swairar '49
> uoiosny
Commences Cub Classes
Miss Jones states that it is import- and in the National Honoraries In Gerhardt Weinberg, Juniors, Jean
ant that the organization furnish Business Education. He is also a Monro, Marvin Wayne, freshmen;
The second set of plays to be Patricia Feehan, '46, is the newly
of the
a picture if there is one available, member of Delta Phi Epsilon, hon- Clean up, Chairmen, Martin Stew- presented November 13 under the elected
direction of Clyde Cook a n d ' Miss l''-'«»cr, the ;ollege annual literary
News of an activity of interest to orary Commerce fraternity.
art, '47, and James
• - -Conley,
• • Ann
At present Mr. Gemmell is en- Culllnan, Juniors, Wllma Whitney, Alverson, will be a light comedy Publication. Miss Feehan was ohosthe Albany public may be accepted
by the Youth Reporters Pago in the gaged in writing for professional Jean Anderson, Coletta Fitzmorris, about a young married couple and e n t 0 f i l 1 t h e vacancy left by Marian
Sunday Times-Union. The Infor- magazines. He is also writing a Beverly Stittig, Ruth Thompson, their troubles on their first annl- Buetow, '46.
matlon must reach Miss Jones by high school text book on commerce freshmen; Assembly announcements, versary. They have chosen the fol- " n a s b e e n announced that cub
Wednesday afternoon.
which he expects to be published Alice Knapp, '47, Kathryn Grant lowing cast: Henrietta, Mary Anne classes will be initiated to teach
If any organization desires more sometime tills summer.
and Jean Pulver, freshmen.
Standing, '49; Henry, the husband, writing styles. The first class will
information, Miss Jones may be con- Commenting on his stay at State
Tickets will be on sale in the Joseph Zanchelll, '49; and Mrs. be held Tuesday at noon in Room
College, Mr. Gemmell said, "I have lower hall of Draper.
Tucker, the maid, Edith Doll, '48. 1 0 9 - « n d J t will be conducted by
tacted through student mall.
enjoyed my work a t State very
Esther Utal, '46, Literary Editor.
T h ef i n a l
much and I consider the Stato Col- KJ
D J ki
Plliy> directed by Betty All students interested in writing or
News Schedules Meeting
lege student of high caliber. It Is N a m e i S e w s d o a r d M e m o e r
B o 0 Hilt, '47, is a drama which takes working on tho Primer are asked t o
my opinion that there is going to The STATE COI.I.HUH NKW Board place during the Rennalssance Pe- attend.
A meeting of tho Business,
be a tremendous change in all the has announced that Marjory Cra- riod in a cathedral a t Milan. Its Miss Feehan has announced that
Advertising, and Circulation
departments, particularly In Busl- mer, '40, was elected Advertising theme centers around a love tri- contributions of poems, stories, or
staffs of the STATU Cou.uuu NIOWN
ness Education, For a State Col- Manager of tho NMWB for tho year angle. The cast of this play In- other literary articles can be made,
will be held Tuesday at noon
in Room 111. This meeting is lege, ail instructor enjoys a degree '45-'40 at a meeting Tuesday, This eludes; Mary Ellen Dlener, '47, as by any student in the college. The
of academic freedom here that is position, which lias been added to Cecilia; Mary Telian, '47, as the articles must have the name of the
compulsory for all staff memnot found in most State lnstltu- the NKWS Board, must be filed by a Duchess; and William Blasberg, '49, author on them and may be left in
bers and heads.
member of the Senior class.
as Lodovlco,
the Primer mailbox a t any time.
barn Dance Party
For Hallowe'en
Harvey Releases
Casts For Plays
Gemme Leaves
College Faculty
Established May 1916
By (he Class of 1918
CalUfe Glode-ufH
October 19, 1945
No. 5
There is no expedient to which a
man will not go to avoid the real
Associated Co!it-yi:i<»• l'rvss
Colluglitfo Digest labor of thinking,
Tlip II ii (lerjrr.-i il iiii 11- ilewsjinper of the N'ow Vni'l; State Today is election day.The students
»r the ColIcgi1 y'i'iii" In Ilie? NK\VS lUiiii'il (nv 111" SlililiMit Artsnf'lifj who are in assembly (for others
bluii. PHpiiea; Bet'tiricli, 2-(it2(li O'N'eil, 3,0538; Fein's', 2-2732. find voting a bit too strenuous) are
wailing to receive their ballots.
The News Board
Joe sits passively in the corner.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF He had to come today—cuts were
• CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF piling up against him. Class presirepresentative to Student
CIRCULATION MANAGER Council? What does he care about
SPORTS EDITOR them? How could they possibly afKATHRYN HAGERTY
"Ah, here's a name that sounds
ASSOCIATE EDITOR familiar—that cute blond trick.—I
saw her at the Boul the other day.
Might just as well check her name."
«SSl« 2
With that, Joe lines up the rest of
the names alphabetically and settles
All coiniiniiih'iitioiis should he iMlilfeSseU to the edi'or and down to finish studying for a Hisniusi hi' -i^ui'ii. Names will be withheld upon pequesi
The STATIC (.•(lf.LEOE XKWS assumes
responsilnlli tory 4 test.
fur opinions expressed in Its eolitiiins or •iiinmuniciitlna
Susie can't wait to get her balmi!
u s vii"-siieli expressions
lot. The upper classmen put her
straight last night. What was that
they said to do? Put your last choice
second! She can't understand why,
but they said it would eliminate any
powerful opponents.
Bob's also ready to check his vote.
. . . in every young woman's life when she steps "That guy Al sure gave out with
out of the cracking shoes of the adolescent into the some gags in his campaign speech
brand new garb of the adult. To most girls, this M i g h t a s w e l 1 n a v e h l m k e e p '"'us
laughing for the rest of the year.
transition takes place when she leaves home for So Bob checks Mr. Punny-Man and
his democratic privilege fulthe first time to attend college. It is then assumed
that she recognizse her responsibility as an adult
Sav, there's Ellen!
Her pencil
and endeavors to fit into society gracefully, though seems to be hitting an all-time high,
gradually, without the guidance of high school That's because she and the kids have
had this planned for months.
faculty and parents.
They're really on the ball. HavIt is unfortunate if the young lady is thrown en't they been getting supporters
into another cloistered environment with someone l n ^ , d u p f o r weeks?
, ,
There are only a tew of the methelse
an eagle
d s through
and to
the every
way. movement
T h e girl iswith
of eye
the oare
elected on
our student
campus. leaders
' " * *
opportunity to find out for herself what is expected f ^ ! * ! ^ ^
of her socially, and every other way, if someone selection, careless nominations, and
assumes the role of guardian angel and dictates the
girl's daily activities, step by step, from the time
she gets up in the morning until she retires. Most
intelligent adults are aware of the fact that it is
poor psychology to ridicule the natural desire for
a reasonable amount of independence.
political machines. Occasionally, one
even sees evidence of democratic,
Intelligent voting.
Seriously, fellow students, with
freshmen elections in the offing and
further offices to be filled during
the year, isn't it about time we realised that if we want good student CONCERNING NAVY DAY
leaders, we must have good student
On Wednesday of this week, the aircraft carrier
thought? The preferential ballot is
a progressive step toward more ef Enterprise led a ten-ship flotilla into New York Har— ,_ .,.._,.
...- ----- -.
jjavy Day is here, New York will
out honesty
its its
Honestyin in
use g n ^ « i e R ™ J 0 J a S N a v y Blue, much to the deThink through your ballot carefully, _
light cf the native New Yorkers (not to mention the
enow the people involved, and above sailors themselves ,.;, .) But don^ worry and brood
all make your own decisions accord- about being stuck here in this little town while the
Navy goes to New York, for lo and behold, we hear
ing to merit and capabilities.
Voting procedures here as State that Albany too will get her share. In case you
offer unusual opportunities for stu- didn't know, the U.S.S. Alecto docked at the port of
dents to gain experience in democra- Albany last Tuesday. Its crew of 60 men is only a
tic principles. As future teachers preview of things to come, for we are informed that
they will use these principles time by the time Navy Day rolls around, the rest of a
and time again in their" hi«'h "schools flotilla comprised of eight, ships will have sailed into
thro shout the s ate if students our little port at various intervals. Prom aboard these
°e have n o ^ e S e to p a S S eight ships will emerge 500 gorgeous creaturesAn Navy
in eolleee elections and profit from blue, intermingled with 50 officeis also swathed in
u r S m n t o v ideas how can materials of the same hue. Hurrah for the end of
tlev be ex ec^ d to infuse h" pio- the war! Hurrah for Admiral Halsey! Hurrah for
p e f s S w f r t m e S c S s m tatoEa Navy Day! (Now put away that lipstick, roommate,
and don t be so BOY CRAZY . . .)
junior citizens of today?
What will happen to our democratic system in this nation if teachers, SPEAKNG OF THE NAVY
Didja hear the one about the wise sailor who walksupposedly leaders toward intelligent thought, carry this placid at- ed into a roomful of his tired mates who were just
titude into their different communi- getting ready to hit the sack (oh, ain't I salty in my
ties? Will a mere college diploma expressions?) Well, anyhow, all the sailors had been
awaken this desire in all graduates? taking orders from their superior officers all clay and
It seems to us that, unless every half of them were so dizzy they couldn't see straight.
person takes advantage of voting So in walks this wise guy, a practical joker, see? "All
privileges here at State, fulfills his omf e n who have not done so," he announces at the top
duties and upholds his rights, our
his voice, "will do so immediately!" In a body,
future citizens will be a detriment the roomful of tired sailors dashes out and heads for
to our country.
the C.O.'s office. . . . (reminds me of the time I used
So come on Frosh. You are next t 0 work in a hotel and my witty busboy stuck his
on the voting schedule. Think of
l i n through the kitchen door (he had a very
long neck) and yelled, "An order of!" . . . hen, hen,
yourselves, elect truly capable lead- heh . . . the world is just full of humorists . . .).
ers, and show us one of the most
outstanding elections in the history GIINFO
of State College!
S 1/c Arnold Brown, '47, reported to have landed
in Japan on, or about, October 10. . . . Joe Francello,
'47, now a Yeoman 3/c at Pensacola . . . Joe Levin,
'42, and wife P.K. (L.) now in the Lone Star State
from whence they come. . . . Jack Tabner, formerly
'47, repeating his Orientation lessons with the rest or
the new freshmen (it's worse than the Navy's regulations). . . . John Coulter, '47, now making the
rounds at Shoemaker, California, after delighting former classmates here with witty tales about "ping
There are some rules that even parents and high
movies" shown students in Navy classes. . . . Ens.
schools do not strictly enforce as such. They have
Terry Smith, '46, in St. Simon's Island, Georgia. . . .
S 1/c George Poulos, '47, last heard from in Guam on
learned that example and suggestion are much more
way to China. . . . Toni O'Brien (no, she's not a GI,
effective. Few mothers would post the rules of
but her boyfriend was) here on a visit, all aglow and
Emily Post on ettiquette over the dinner table. Thev
soon to be married. . . . T/Sgt. Baird Poskanzer, '42,
spoke at open Hillel meeting Wednesday. . . .
would give the girl credit for intelligence enough
; , r e ^ n t „ American struggle Truman issues plan
, ? • , , . . i »M
to retain the "secret" of the atom
t i
Now there are hints that maybe
to realize that social failure would ultimately de- b o m b m a y m a r k t h e l a s t s p a s m o f we should turn over our information NEED A STIMULANT?
According to recent advertisements put out by White
velop with complete ignorance of table ettiquette. the theory that scientific super- to some central international body,
one's own power
Truman issued a four- Rose, Liptons, Pekoe and Pekoe (and othersi, TEA
Even if such a list were posted, it would not be process
tatty is ofeternal
The President
as minutely interpreted as: "Salads may not be •till one is the "greatest" or the P
understatement, recognizing will make a man out of you! It will pep you up, calm
research would soon bring oth- you down, and thaw you out. So if your marks are
eaten until the soup dishes have been taken away." "best" or the "fiercest" has been e
active since the first caveman made >' countries up to date on atomic low, and your boyfriend has left you and your roomThere are many other privileges adults usually a bow and arrow. We suspect his Production; that Congress should mate says you have BO, don't go out to Okkie's for
a glass of emotional outlet—drink a cup of tea. (p. s.
enjoy. Ordinarily, they choose their own company psychology set the pattern for the devise and administer a national Dorothy Lamour says it's brink . . .).
owner of the first gun, the first P ° ^ on atomic energy; that priat dinner, rather than sit according to a seating flame-thrower, the first submarine ™te enterprise under givernment
chart. At colleges, particularly, girls often sing or the ifrst airplane. He must have control should produce atomic wares REGARDEZ LES BUBBLES
What is this new bubble blowing craze? Why do
during meals. It is part of the college spirit we are felt mighty invincible, when he con- and finally, that diplomatic negotiations should begin immediately supposedly mature State students corner innocent
striving to maintain. If the girl is seated with
'for international control of the kiddies in the street and demand to participate in
have a bow and arrow.
others with whom she, because of extreme differtheir extra-curricular activity of bubble blowing? The
But he, of course, got disillusioned. atomic bomb.
streets are full of "Floating Rainbow Bubbles"—pink,
ences in personality and interests, finds herself un- Alex sooner or later made a bow
Foresight Impossible
blue, green, and lavendar bubbles float heavenward
easy, it is not conducive either to singing or diges- and arrow. Eventually, the two had
in a nymph-like fashion (could be it's Sally Rand
reached for their weapons. If their the events that chain a tiny injus- Memorial Week perhaps?)
Furthermore, by the time a woman reaches the pals tried to help out, they prob- tice to a mighty horror. When Ja- DEFINITION
ably conducted the first war of manage of eighteen, she usually has developed her own kind. At the end, htey hadn't set- pan attacked Manchuria in 1031, the
A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go
world did nothing: it was none of
tastes which she displays in little ways such as the tled much but somebody invented a our business. We reacted in the same the devil so pleasantly that you're anxious to gel
arrangement of her room. That is one way in new weapon, the vicious cycle got manner and for Die same reason started (plagiarized from the Waterloo Nebraska,
when Italy invaded Ethiopia; when "Douglas County Gazette").
which homesickness is often avoided. She creates under
History teaches little
the Nazis butchered Jews, liberals, THEY TOOK ALL THEIR MONEY
her own environment to suit her own personality.
This strictly unorthodox review Is Catholics, dissenters; when fascists AND THEY LEFT EM FLAT
If her taste is poor, she will find out soon enough not intended as whimsy, ft hit us and republicans fought it, out in
from the other girls of her age whose opinion she with new force this week how tre- Spain; when—the list grows interDid you know that, women arc getting stronger
mendously little we've learned in minable — unconscionably
long. every day? i read where two Detroit boys made a
respects and desires favorable.
the course of a great many centur- There came a day when il was our complaint, to tin. police on account of some violent
These are some of the things that often result in ies. Apparently the learned savants business. And eventually there came women they met up with. Seems the two fellows met
in Washington, London, Moscow and
tlie two girls In it tavvera, took them lor a ride, ami
a retarded development of girls to women. But Podunk Center have come lo the a day when (according lo a Gallup )al 1<< 1 u
poll> d:")'; of the Americans polled ! , ' . !° c a i
rhe girls refused to walk home MI
they could never occur here. Could they?
same conclusion. After huffing and tell it was right and just and shrewd nstead they slugged the two guys, stole $275 from
puffing, like the frog Hint wanted for us lo wipe out cities of civilians them, and, to add insult, to Injury, drove off Willi
to be a bull, and scowling eastward with one atomic bomb. "Think of all the car. Now, please don't take this as an example
tward Moscow, and incidentally as- all the American lives saved. to follow, lellovv Slate women, but just between \ou
A n d The Last Shall Be First
suring everybody that we could be We're also thinking of millions ami me—ilon'lclui think it kinda proves something',1
trusted with the secret, of the atom
(Are your corpuscle;! acting different lately?i
When guest artists are brought to Stale and bomb suddenly we not ice: 1> ft. of lives ii. danger 1(1 or If) years from
now, in Albanv or Dululh, We want
sponsored by the Student Association, why are so isn't a secret any more. Lots of peo- to see those lives saved, because our ANNEX TO LAST WEEK'S POEM
many of the best seats reserved for outsiders? At ple know about It. (And noticing kids will lie among them. We believe
how exclusive we were being, they the only way they will IK; saved will
the Dickson performance last week, a great many
were working harder and longer lo be by cooperation with all the major
reserved seals were empty until the concert began perfect their data.) 2> Some people countries and decent, treatment of
a.-d then were available to the late comers while didn't believe us when we said of — the little fellows. We make lids our hazel scott
latest appeal for hard-headed com- has got
those who came early had first choice of the poorest
seats, Mow about a first came, first served plan be — trusted not to use the atom mon sense in world relations: let's a lot
bomb Indiscriminately. Uiid. note: make our major business the job of
that the daughters of the ainerioan revolution
for seating?
why should they/)
getting along with the world.
have not
There Comes A Tiime.
Cockeyed %o.*Ud
Charm Consultant
Will Address
Students In Page
Commuters' Club
Schedules Contest
Shirley Rice, '46, President of
Commuter's Club, has announced
that a sketching contest will be held
for all freshman commuters and
that the design for the Commuter's
Club pins has been decided upon.
A December party has also been
The contest will be held to determine who can draw the best sketch
of Transfer Tommy, the club's mascot. A picture of Tommy appears
on the bulletin board in the lower
hall of Draper. Contestants are
asked to present their sketches at
the next meeting on Thursday, October 25. The drawings will be
judged by the executive committee,
which consists of Miss Rice; Norma
Punchak, '46. Vice-President; Caroline Vanderbilt, '48, Secretary; Olive
MacDowell, '47, Treasurer; Marianna Neise, '47, Parliamentarian; Patricia d y n e , '46, head of the Ways
and Means Committee; Audrey
Bopp and Janet Wallls, Juniors.
Final results will be announced
November 1.
Miss Rice also announced that
the design of the Commuter's Club
pin will be that of Mercury's wings.
The pins are gold filled and anyone
wishing them must sign up at the
next meeting.
A co-ed party lias been planned
to lake place some time in December and men will be invited from
nearby colleges. The committees
lor the party will be appointed at
the next meeting.
Young Releases Names
O f New Appointments
Agnes Young, '40, Editor-in-Chief
of tlie Directory, has announced
tlit- new members of tlie Directory
.stall'. Three students from tlie
freshman class have been appointed
'I'lic) are Leona Enimerling,
Jeiiuetle Sko\ ilia, and Madeline
Heiik. New members from the Juni
' • •; ari' .lii.'in I (ollui'd and Edna
'lii s \ far I lie usual contest for
drawings ol a cover design will not
Ii:- held. Instead, students in the
ail courses will work on the cover
as a class project, It will be designed under the direction of Miss
Uuth Hutchinson, head of tli, Art
The stall' of I he Directory expects
the '.lf)-'4B Issue to be published before Thanksgiving vacation.
Sayles To Speak sAenic°'s H « " l d 0"tn^
On IGC Work;
To President
Dr. John M. Sayles,
Osborne Will Discuss
Personal Development
Elizabeth MacDonald Osborne,
consultant in personal development
with the Dorothy Gray laboratories,
will appear in Page Hall at 3:80 p.m.
on Oct. 22 and 23. She will lecture on
"The Impression We Make" and
"How to Achieve the Right Look."
Although Miss Osborne has spent
fifteen years traveling throughout
the country counselling college girls,
business groups and club women on
personal development, she has no
set formula for charm. She believes
that "charm comes from the inside,"
and that a woman who wishes to
achieve it must be completely natural, pleasing to others, and "just a
bit different in her thinking and
Miss Osborne's opening lecture, lo
be included as part of the freshman
Orientation Program, will include
suggestions on posture, poise, expression, voice and clothes. On Monday
evening she will address Intersorority Council in the Lounge.
On Tuesday, her lecture will cover
advice on proper make-up and
grooming. Any time remaining after
her lectures will be divided into onehour conferences. Each member of
the group will be checked on at least
two traits and will hear constructive criticism of the others.
In order to give more specific help
in the use of cosmetics and care of
the skin, the Press Bureau room is
to be used as a clinic where students
may experiment for themselves under Miss Osborne's supervision.
During her visit to State Miss Osborne will be a guest, at Pierce Hall.
lewman To Hold
Picnic October 25
Sgt. Poskanzer Reviews
Experiences For Hillel
B. J. McGrath, '46, President
of Newman Club, lias announced
that the picnic originally scheduled
for October 18 will be held instead
on October 25.
The Newman Club picnic will be
held in the back yard of Newman
Hall from 5:30 to 8 P. M. Sally
Dunn, '47. Vice-President, is general chairman of the affair and
Mary Straub, '4G, is in charge of
the publicity. Chairman of entertainment is Nancy Walsh, '48, and
the Newman Club officers and
freshmen are on the clean up committee, Florence Wilson, '47, is in
charge of refreshments.
There will be games, volleyball,
slnging and dancing in Newman
Hall following the picnic. Miss McGrath has stated that the affair is
not limited to Newman Club membel's and that all students are welcome
The price of admission is $.35 and
tickets will be on sale the first part
of next week in the lower hall of
Student participation in a round
table discussion on the "Atomic
Bomb' will lake place at the next
meeting of Newman Club, November 1st, at 7:30 P. M. Refreshments
and dancing will follow.
Poskanzer Addresses Hillel
T/Sgt. Baird Poskanzer, '42, was
guest speaker at an open meeting
of Hillel Wednesday afternoon.
According to Sgt. Poskanzer. "the
fight in struggling Palestine is not
, the
, Arab
,, and the Jew
,. but
b n
h e
Ke s, S Br\ t; sh VoTeSenty
Both Wish to keep a feudalists
form of living and to stop Jewish
immigration into Palestine entirely,"
concluded T/Sgt. Poskanzer.
the College, will discuss Intergroup
Relations at the Presidents' Meeting
at Geneseo State Teachers' College
on Wednesday, October 24. Shirley
Passow, '46, Chairman of Intergroup
Council, has announced that the
two-day program for the Student
Conference on Intergroup Relations
has been completed and that final
plans have been formulated for the
extra-curricular seminar on "The
Teacher and Intergroup Relations,"
to be initiated here at the college.
President to speak
Dr. Sayles will speak of the progress made by Intergroup Council at
State and will lead a general discussion group on inter-cultural relations.
First Student Conference
The Student Conference of Intergroup Council will be held on November 2 and 3. The day session
on Friday will run from 9:30 A.M.
to 4:30 P.M., and the evening session from 7:30 to 10:30 P.M. On
Saturday the conference will open
at 9 A.M. and extend through to 3
P.M. At 8:15 P.M. Dr. George
Stoddard, Commissioner of Education, will introduce the speaker of
the evening, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.
Some of the important speakers
will include Mr. Herbert L. Seamans,
Director, Educational Organization,
National Conference of Christians
and Jews, Dr. John W. Davis, President of West Virginia State College
and Dr. Charles Hendry and staff,
Committee on Community Interrelation.
Members of the entire student
body are invited to attend the sessions.
Extra-Curricular Seminar
An extra-curricular seminar on
"The Teacher and Intergroup Relations" sponsored by the Intergroup
Council, will hold its organization
meeting Tuesday, October 22, it was
announced today by Gerhard Weinberg, '<Y7, acting chairman. The
seminar will be an informal course
( o e n a b l e students to discuss, investigate and deal with intergroup problems in our society.
It will meet one night a week,
or every two weeks, according to the
preference of the seminar members.
Students will plan and conduct the
program with the help of Dr. T. G.
Standing', Professor of Sociology,
and a student committee.
Student Committee
The present members of the student committee are Elizabeth Ham"ton, Muriel Navy, and Evelyn Wolff,
Seniors; Eleanor Durbeck, Gerhard
Weinberg, and Calvin Zippin, Juniors; and Barbara Hyman, Alice
Prindle, and Alice Williams, Sophomores.
The program will consist of talks
by outside speakers, discussion by
the group and reports by individuals and committees. A considerable
amount of bibliographical material
has been prepared by the student
committee, as well as an intergroup
rotations questionaire.
°i BI0ueDDeVil *
As First Presentation For Big 8 Program
The Stork Club, the Rainbow
Room, the Copacabana — to this
illustrious group the Blue Devil
Club will be added. Sponsored by
the Class of '46, it will have its grand
opening Friday, October 26, in Page
Hall gym.
The first Big 8 will be held amidst
a Halloween setting of corn, autumn leaves, pumpkins and long
tailed devils with their horns veiled
for the occasion. State's elite will
wend their way through the stately
portals of Page Hall to the gala
opening of the Blue Devil Club (unescorted ladies allowed). A note to
eager males—Shirley Ford as the
lovely hat check girl will receive
hats, tips and whistles.
There will be dancing to the music of one of the country's most
famous orchestras, the Vic. Those
who would make with the finesse
may rip through to grand slams at
attractive tables for four.
At nine the scene will shift from
the rustic to the sultry for the first
floor show, styled in the true South
American manner. All performers
will come directly from engagements in the night clubs of Buenos
Aires, Rio de Janeiro and other
leading cities of our twenty-seven
sister republics. The Sinatra of the
South, "Diego" Miner will give out
, -. ,,
with "Ticotico. The guests will
swoon with crooner Genevieve
Stiles and "Green Eyes" and gather
stars while Agnes Young sings "You
Belong to My Heart." Comes
rhumba time and "Elisa" Hamilton
and "Felipo" (stolen goods) Lashinsky will beat out a hot rhythm.
The Spanish chorus will round out
... „ „
the program with Down Argentine
\Xrn\;" on/1 vr'.niiD'n "
Between the floor shows, all extroverts may gambol through games
designed for audience participation,
led by Mary Bess Vernoy
Pollowlng the good neighbor policy, the 'scene for the second show
at eleven will be North America; i n
a return to the primitive, the "Indian Love Call" will be sounded,
and for the modern touch, Joan.
Mather will sing "Lullaby of Broadway." The Big 8 (were you in assembly last week?) will be sung by
the chorus to complete the entertainment. There will be a novelty
introduction to each of the numbeis which must remain a secret
until the big night.
Refreshments ' a la coke will be
served at the newly-installed nickel
and chromium bar.
Heading the committees in charge
are Genevieve Sabatini, decorations;
Georgette Dunn, tickets; Barbara
Camiiea, music; Virginia ErTley, refreshments; Betty Rose Diamond,
publicity; and Georgene Lovecky,
Club Activities
lo Include Tea,
Future Meetings
Activities have been scheduled for
in these plans are a tea and several
opening meetings.
Barbara Chaffee, '46, President of
Classical Club, has announced that
the club will hold a tea with refreshments in the Lounge at 3:30
on Thursday. There will be a guest
All uppers p e a k e r a t t h i s e v e n t ,.
and- freshmen
are •invited
to attend, non-members included.
The first meeting of Math Club
i s scheduled for Thursday "at "7:30
P. M. in Room 101, Draper, Pauline
Myers, '46, President, has announced. The speaker will be Dr. CaroBusiness Booms For Sophs line Lester, who has just returned
• to State College after serving as a
As Frosh Sign For Dates
Lieutenant in the SPARS. All State
College faculty and students are inBoom town!
vited to attend the meeting.
Math Club has a full schedule
around the table. Nickels gleamplanned for this semester. Actived and business-like Sophs raked
ities include a Christmas Party and
it in briskly. Shylock could have
addresses by four Seniors.
done no better.
Pan Amigos, the Spanish Club,
Eager freshmen could be heard
will open the year with a meeting
with, "Is it the truth? A real
on Thursday at 7:30 in the Lounge,
live, honest-to-goodness one?
Roberta Van Auken, '46, President,
Lead me to it!" All doubting
has announced. Francisco J. CarThomases were reassured and
dona, new instructor in Spanish in
so the debate began.
the college, will address the group
"I'll take Lashinsky!" Uh, uh—
on Latin-America and Puerto Rico.
Sullivan's the guy for me!" Behensky was a big factor in "this
discussion, too. And so it went. .
States Men Disclose
The afternoon wore on 'till
even-tide when Sophs decided
Election Results, Party
to close their "date bureau." Yep,
blind dates were for sale for the
Philip Lashinsky, '47, President of
"Holiday Hop." Once again Acthe States Men, has announced the
tivities Day had come and gone
results of the elections held this
and once again a little bit of ole
week. Plans for a date party on
fulFormal Weekend Changed
November 17 and a formal dance
Sorority Formal Weekend will
on December 15 are also being formAs dusk fell on the Common's
be held one week earlier than
Smirking Daffies dwelt in a
originally planned. The Buffet
The new officers of the organizadark
Supper will take place Novemtion are as follows: Sergeants-athordes—of
ber 30 and the Formal Dinner,
Arms, John Tabner and Joseph ZanDecember 1.
chilli, freshmen; Secretary, Robert
Baker, '49; and Song Leader, William Mallory, '47.
A date party for the States-Men
Donald Dickson Impresses State With Friendliness, Modesty
will be held on November 17 in the
Lounge from t) to 12 P.M. The folMidst swinging lights and yelling and replied matter of factly, "Luck." us most about Mr. Dickson was his lowing committees have been apstagehands, Donald Dickson made Mr. Dickson's formula for success hesitancy to speak about himself. pointed: Refreshments, Chairman,
his debut at. Stale College. It was is the ability to work equal to tal- He glibly accounted for his success Richard Smith, '47, and Paul PenFrlday aftcrnocn; the stage had to ent mixed up with lots of luck. Ex- with the single word "luck." He rose, '47, Robert Nichols and Alexbe set, and lights had to be adjust- plaining his great surge upward, frankly admitted that his first at- ander Monroe, freshmen; Decoraed. So, dodging the energetic Mr. Dickson said, "If Rodzinski tempts at Hollywood ended up in tions, Chairman, Robert, Kyser, '49,
stagehands, Mr. Dickson congenial- hadn't been there the night I open- the culling room and was willing and Harry Mills, Alvin Feldman,
ly endured tlie blinking lights and ed, I'd probably still be in Cleve- to discuss his present tour, but he and Robert Kittridge, freshmen.
even signed autographs lor the Mil- land." Bui maybe another factor seemed to consider himself rather
A formal dance will be held on
nites while he rehearsed. Is il any that has aided him in his climb to unimportant. He acclaimed loud December 15. Plans lo engage the
wonder lliat when asked what im- stardom is his genuine love for and long the praises of his accom- Aurania Club for the occasion are
pressed him most at Slate College, singing. No particular type of song panist, Lawrence Stevens, who has tentative at present. The commitMi-, Dickson laughingly replied, appeals to him most. He just likes been with him for two years. He tees for the event are as follows:
remarked what a wonderful person
to sing.
'The ...uvliauds!"
Tickets. Joseph Palevsky, '47; OrWhen it came to discussing his Martini is but he failed to mention chestra. Chairman, Philip LashinAn,\ traces ol timidity we might
have had ai approaching tlie great views concerning he translation of Donald Dickson. Modesty is one of sky, '47, and William Blasberg and
Mr. Dickson were soon dispelled by opera into English, Mr. Dickson was tills star's characteristics.
Mr. Dickson dropped a sage re- Marvin Wayne, freshmen The latter
h.s warm smile and friendly atti- almost explosive. He claims opera
tude He paced the floor nervously would be even more beautiful in mark during the conversation to the commit lee will start making plans
si ipping every now and then to English than In a foreign language. effect that. "Any place I have fun to bring a name band to State for
From our a formal dance In May.
a Iniinisici' nose drops tor his cold, "It's ridiculous," he maintained, "to is interesting to me,
but was perfectly willing to answer stage a nineteenth century perfor- brief contact with the singer we're
any and all questions put lo him. mance lor a twentieth century audi- sure Mr. Dickson would bring fun
Announce Violation Rules
Al some hi' balked. When asked ence in a foreign tongue." Mr. to any place. He is a handsome
what was the most interesting place Dickson also stated that England young star with an uncanny ability
Myskauia has announced that all
notifications for violation of State
'led seen, he groaned "I guess its and America are the only two to put Ills companions at ease.
southern California," lie finally re- countries in tlie world which cast Maybe State impressed you with College traditions must be signed.
plied. "Hut it isn't fair. The people opera in the original language. Ac- her stagehands, Mr. Dickson, but Unless such reports are accompanied
in other places will hate me."
cording to Mr. Dickson, all comic you Impressed state with your by a signature, Mysknnia cannot
When asked how he got started, opera should be sung in English.
friendliness, si .rem•ity and truly act upon them.
M, Dickon, shniggecl his shoulders
One of the things that impressed American sense oi humor.
t h e i m m e c l i a t e future by
u mn
and nrmnioi-.
Spanish ni„u«
f»AOt 4
WAA Plans
Winter Sports
• Too bad about there not being
any more football for woman—they
just love that game! Maybe we
could use that new system here instead of touch football. The new
system is called "look" football. Instead of touching or tackling the
member of the opposing team, the
one nearest the person who is carrying the ball merely looks at him
and it's called a down. In this game
it has never been known for anyone to get hurt. One more slight
rule—the member of the opposing
team must look at the opponent
carrying the ball at the same time
he is looking at him. This naturally results in some slight confusion
as some of the players in an attempt
to make a touchdown, go around in
dark glasses refusing to look at any
members of the other team. Some
of the players may call this unfair
and begin to start a rumpus—but
there's nothing in the rules against
it—so all we have to do is change
the rules and we'll have a good
The printers, by some streak of
fate, happened to be reading this
page last week and they couldn't
believe that the "gals" up here were
really playing football. It so happens that they print RPI's paper
and suddenly got the bright idea
that a game between State girls
and some RPT fellows would be a
perfectly wonderful idea. We finally convinced them that it would
not be such a good idea so that
took care of that. Judging from
the results of the last game that
was played, it really is a wise idea
to call off all such games where
there would be any type of rivalry
or a determination of one team or
the other to win. (Some of those
kids still haven't recovered.)
Tsk Tsk
Is there a gambler in the house?
'Cause if there is, we're willing to
bet that the tennis tournament
won't be played off this year either.
That poor chart is just hanging
there and no one ever writes anything on it. If some one would
only dig up that silver cup and
shine it up, maybe that would be
an incentive for those kids who
signed up to really play those
games. There's still only been one
little play-off and the first round
was supposed to have been played
off by the middle of this w e e k there goes a perfectly good tennis
About Basketball
Then there's that little matter
about basketball that everybody
had counted on so much this year.
Seems as though the plays that are
being put on are taking all the
available men that would be used
for basketball so the fellows can't
come to practice. Well the play's
the thing they say, and we suppose
there will be another year of plays
and no basketball. Last year we
didn't have the men, this year we
have. State wants a team and we
could have it. Well how about it
fellows—let's get going.
We keep getting more suggestions!
Wanna hear 'em. Well—one is that
we have a joke section on fourth
page. Now we don't exactly know
how to take this suggestion, but the
general idea is that we set aside a
few inches each week and use old,
new (and maybe otherwise) "funny
remarks" taken from other papers.
O.K. if you really want to laugh.
Another bright idea is that we start
a gossip column. Now whether that
was meant for fourth page or not
who knows — got any dirt Myrt?
Anwyay, to get back to the point,
whaddaya think? Should we tell
And did we mention how nice tho
WAA bulletin board looks—we did!
Well that's O.K., we'll mention it
again—because it certainly does.
That Is the reason why everybody
keeps signing up. Well good!
At the WAA Council meeting held
last Wednesday night, fall sport
captains were announced. Plans
for a WAA sports night and the
WAA tea were formulated. Volleyball as a possibility for a rivalry
sport was considered, but no final
decision has been made. A WAA
Splash Party was discussed, and Pat
Tilden, newly elected captain of
swimming is in charge. Other fall
sports captains are:
Basketball — Sweeney, Baker,
Life Saving—Craig. ,
Bowling—Campbell, Winters.
Fencing—Carey, Axelrod.
Ping Pong—Wakin.
Winter Sports—Tichy.
Sports Night
November 9th is the WAA Sports
Night. A hayride is to be the main
attraction. Since about fifty people have signed up to go on the
hayride, several wagons will be
hired. After the ride, refreshments
will be served in the gym and entertainment will be provided by
WAA. Just imagine hot chocolate
and doughnuts after several hours
WAA stars as Sweeney, Margot,
Mastrangelo and Diehl, producer
Mary Seymour and General Chairman Betty Margot promise a gala
The next WAA event is the WAA
Tea on November 15th which is a
reception for the freshmen and all
upperclassmen interested in sports.
This tea is to acquaint the frosh
with the WAA personnel and the
workings of WAA as one of the
leading organizations of State College. The various sports will be
explained and group discussions will
be held at the tea. Any questions
the frosh have concerning WAA or
its sports program will be answered
at that time. It was suggested that
a fencing match be the main feature of entertainment. A skit will
be put on by WAA talent. Mary
Quinn, '48, is general chairman of
the affair.
Awards for WAA credit were discussed and it was decided that the
following awards would be given:
Four sports for one year—Class
Four Sports for two years—WAA
Tee Shirt.
Four sports for three years—WAA
The award for four sports for
four years lias not been definitely
decided upon, but there will be an
award this year.
The Council was of the opinion
that this fall and winter sports program is general enough to appeal
to a majority of the student body.
Camp Johnston
Rules Changed
The following new rules were
made for future trips to Camp
1. No person may go to Camp
Johnston on WAA money more than
one time during the year. This
rule would allow more people to get
the benefits of WAA money.
2. No WAA credit will be given
for trips to Camp Johnston. However, those who needed one more
sport to get their numerals last
year will be allowed credit for going to Camp Johnston.
3. Camp Johnston captains are
Van Auken, '47, and Boyenton, '48,
and one of theh must accompany
all groups going to the camp. However if neither of the captains are
able to go, they may appoint a
member of WAA Council to go in
their place.
4. All groups desiring to go to
Camp Johnston must first secure
the permission of Mary Seymour,
WAA President, and must post a
list on the bulletin board at least
two weeks in advance of the trip.
This is to insure the group of their
date and to give WAA time to appropriate money for tho trip.
5. A minimum of ten people and
a maximum of twenty may go to
Camp Johnston at one time. This
Is so all people who want to go
have a chunce and the WAA money
is able to benefit a greater number
of people.
'47 - '49 Football Team
Beats Senior-Soph Squad
Sulli van. Nichols
Pass For Tallies
The annual football classic between the sister classes was held
last Wednesday, at 4:30, on Page
Field. The team of '47 and '49 defeated their opponent, the classes
of '46 and 48, 18-12.
Both teams had a good line of
defense to stop running plays, but,
were a little weak on passing defense. It was a clean, well played
game, with very few penalties being
Sullivan kicked off for the '46,
'48 team, and Dunn returned it to
the 25-yard line. From this point,
the team of '47, '49 marched down
the field for the first score of the
game, the tally coming as a result
of a series of passes, with Nichols
and Woodworth doing the tossing.
The try for the extra point was
missed when Dunn's toss to Thayer
was knocked down.
Woodworth kicked off and Bolles
returned the ball to the thirty-fiveyard stripe. After two incompleted
passes failed to net any yardage,
Sullivan heaved a long one to Bolles for the team's first down. On
the next play Bolles, on a reverse,
made four yards. Here the defense
tightened and the team was forced
to kick on fourth down. The quarter ended with the ball in the possession of the Junior-Prosh team.
Second Quarter:
Both teams were on the defensive
and the ball see-sawed up and
down the field. Mid-way through
the quarter Woodworth intercepted
a pass, leaping high into the air to
snatch the ball from the waiting
hands of Vaughn. He raced thirtyfive yards down the side-line and
crossed the goal-line standing up.
His pass to Dunn was caught out of
the end zone and did not count.
Third Quarter:
Woodworth kicked to Vaughn who
made a beautiful runback to the
mid-field stripe. At this point the
Senior-Soph combination started to
pull a few trick plays out of the hat,
using fake reverses, end runs, and
line plunges. As a result of these
plays they rolled fifty yards to
their first score of the afternoon,
Vaughn carrying it across on an
end run. The try for the extra
point was batted down. The score
was now 12-6 in favor of the '47, '49
aggregation. Holliday kicked to
Woodworth, who after returning it
five yards, slipped on the muddy
gridiron, and was downed immediately. On the first play, a pass
from Woodworth intended for Griffin, was intercepted by Bolles, who
ran it back ten yards. Here, because of the advantage of weight,
the Junior-Frosh team stopped all
running plays, and gained possession of the ball as the quarter ended.
Fourth Quarter:
Dunn passed to Woodworth for
eight yards and on the next play
tossed to Woodworth for a first
down. Nichols was the next receiver for Dunn's bullet-like pass netting ten yards, Woodworth then
took over the passing position and
threw one to Dunn for six yards
and another first down. Nichols
skirted left end for ten yards and on
the next play passed to Griffin for
eight yards and the third consecutive first down. The ball now rested
on the three-yard line. The SeniorSoph team, held for two downs, and
on the third down a short pass from
Woodworth to Griffin scored the
final touchdown for the JuniorProsh squad,
Nichols kicked off after the
touchdown and Bolles returned it
to the thirty-yard line. With six
minutes remaining to play, the '46'48 team began to roll forward.
Sparked by Sullivan's passes, they
scored on a seventy-yard drive.
Nichols was in the process of returning Sullivan's kick, when the
game ended, leaving the score 18-12
In favor of the Junior-Prosh team.
H. F. Honikel & Son
PHONE 4-2038
QnUideU (iemaA&d.
Even though the outlook for varsity basketball for the first semester is doubtful, there will be an
intensive intramural schedule. The
all stars of this intramural program, will make up a varsity team
that will play a light schedule second semester.
Varsity basketball could begin
first semester if MAA could get
some cooperation from other organizations as well as from some of the
fellows. It's too bad when there are
some fellows who are willing to give
up all outside activities to make a
promise a reality, that there must
be others who refuse to give up
Basketball used to be a part of
State and could again be if some
co-operation were shown.
Sister Classes
To Play
The return game between the
class of '47-'49 and '46-'48, will be
played next Wednesday at 4:30 on
Page Field.
It is expected that the same lineup will be used as in the previous
game last Wednesday. If both
teams play as well as they did Wednesday, it should prove to be an
exciting game, possibly with a different outcome. The Senior-Soph
combination had a few trick plays
which they used to their best advantage in making their first score
of the afternoon. If these plays are
blocked by the frosh-Junior squad
next week and no new plays are used, then the outcome of the game
will be definitely towards '47-'49.
The '47-'49 rooters will be counting on Woodworth, Thayer, Dunn
and Nichols to come through with
several touchdowns, while the Seniors and Sophs expect to see some
fast passing and running executed
by the Sullivan, Bolles and Vaughn
All in all, it promises to be a very
good game so come on out kids,
bring some peanuts and watch the
Worriers Bow
7o Passing Skill
Tuesday afternoon on the dorm
field Sullivan's Streaks defeated
Woodworth's Warriors, 32-12, in a
loosely played game. This was the
second game on the MAA intramural football schedule to be played.
Throughout the game Sullivan
and Nichols played outstanding on
the offense. Griffin and Thayer
stood out as defensive players.
Woodworth, leading his Warriors,
was outstanding in all respects.
McCarthy played a good defensive
Streaks' Victory
The Streaks victory was due to
the excellent running plays by
Nichols and Sullivan, and the
passes by Nichols where were cleverly executed from spread formation,
The Warriors had a disadvantage
of weight and couldn't stop the onrushing attack of Sullivan's Streaks.
Clever Passing
Most of the scoring In the game
was the result of passes. Sullivan
passed to Nichols, Nichols passed
back to Sullivan, who ran for a
touchdown. Thayer tossed the ball
to Griffin for another goal. More
clever passing was executed before
each of the other three scorings,
the ball being carried over the goal
line by Nichols. The two extra
points were made by Thayer. Both
touchdowns for the Warriors were
made by Woodworth.
It seems that the Netherlands
have Invaded our fair city of
Albany. A number—four to be
exact—of Dutch Merchant Marine Officers have been escorting fair State maidens about.
WAA credit will be given to the
select few who bring in the
most Hollanders. Such a competitive sport would be a stimulating addition to the Association and an advantage to the
Losers, don't be blue, "Things
are tough in Holland, too."
One of these sea-farers said,
"Why, I've never been kissed by
anyone except Ma!" One was
blond and three were brunettes.
There Just wasn't any saucy
little red-head!
Place all applications for the
contest on the Sports Desk.
Hoya! Hoya!
Swimming Class
In The Swim
If you should hear discussions
around school about the wonderful
times had swimming the last week
or so, don't be alarmed. No one is
dipping into the ice cold water of
the six-mile water works or other
nearby bodies of water, they are
members of the lucky 40 club who
go swimming at the Jewish Community Center on Tuesday and
Thursday nights.
Marion Craig, '48, in charge of
life saving classes, says that so
many have signed up, that they
have had to divide the class into
two sections. The beginners meet
on Tuesday night at 7 o'clock and
the more advanced class at 7 o'clock
on Wednesday.
Swimming Camp
Each year, one member of the
class is chosen to go to swimming
camp during the summer. This
camp is set up for the purpose of
increasing enthusiasm among college students for swimming as a
sport. Representatives from various
colleges in New York attend the
camp. Upon completion of the
course, they are qualified to instruct Senior Life Saving. Prerequisites for the course are a surface dive executed from the edge of
the pool and swimming 400 yards
which is about the length of the
Strokes and Techniques
The first few lessons are concerned with perfecting strokes. On perfecting the crawl, side stroke and
breast stroke, along with getting
used to the flutter kick, our enthusiasts are ready to learn the different holds used in the rescuing of
drowning people. Then comes the
written test on technical perfection.
After that comes the actual use of
the techniques learned — the students "save" the instructor. If all
goes well, graduation is held in 17
weeks. Sounds hard? It is. It
takes perserverance to go to the
pool for 17 weeks—especially when
it's cold. Then the ice and wind do
their part in chilling a great deal
of the enthusiasm. A Senior Life
Saver really earns her badge and
shield. At the end of three years,
the physical test must be passed
again in order to renew the certificate.
With such a large class this year,
it is hoped the enthusiasm the class
has begun with will be maintained
so that next year there will be 40
new Life Savers to grace the beaches
during vacation.
This certificate has been found
to be an excellent aid in getting a
job as counselor at a summer camp
or as a life guard at a summer resort.
Barber Shop
210 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y.
Western & Quail
15c a game for school leagues
from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
State College News
State Maidens Say Ya Ya
To Netherland Invaders
Vasuum Repair Shop
101 \tt CENTRAL AVE.
A L B A N Y , N. V,
Seniors To Present First Big 8 Tonight
Campus Night Climaxes Weekend Events
Assembly Today
To Include
Class Elections
Financial Resolutions
To Be Discussed; Voting
For Campus Queen
Ghostly Night Promised
For Hallowe'en Spirit
Is that a ghost over there?
Or a spook perhaps?
around the corner is Hallowe'en
—the day of days—when spooks
and ghosts run rampart, when
everyone puts on strange costumes and wears a mask to
hide their familiar faces, and
when no one knows or cares
who it is, so long as he remains
disguised and unknown.
Here at State there'll be fun
and frolic for all the spooks.
Last week the Classes of '47
and '49 had a Barn-Dance
with all the Hallowe'en trimmings. Tonight the Seniors will
present the first Big-8 of the
season in a true atmosphere of
the ghostly night, including
cornstalks and pumpkins. And
last, but not least, many group
houses will celebrate the great
great day with costume parties
next week.
"Blue Devil Club" To Open In Gym A t 8:30 P.M.
Featuring Floor Show, Dancing, Bridge, Cabaret Style
Senior President
General Chairman
Floor Show To Provide
Music, Skit, Dancing;
Davis Directs Program
The Senior Class will officially
open the first of the Big-8 Programs with the Blue Devil Club,
Members of Student Association
which will be held tonight at 8:30
will vote for Campus Queen and reP.M. in Page Hall gym, sponsored
vote for a member of the Student
by the Class of '46.
Board of Finance from the Class of
The gym will be decorated in
'47 in Assembly today. Members of
cabaret style, with fifty tables
the Sophomore Class will elect a
around the gym floor. The tables
vice-president and delegate to StuI will be decorated with colored crepe
dent Council, and two financial resoj! paper and an illuminated pumpkin.
lutions will also be brought before
Pumpkins in the corners and
the assembly.
orange and black crepe paper
streamers on the walls will create
Voting will be conducted on the
the general atmosphere. I n keepfollowing financial resolution preing with the cabaret plan, the ensented last week by Philip Lashintertainment will be in the form of
sky, '47: "Be it resolved that: The
a floor show with a series of consum of $12 be taken from the Stunected acts.
dent Association Surplus Fund to reFloor Show
imburse Shirley Passow for expenses
The nine o'clock floor show of
incurred last Spring by the Veterans'
the Blue Devil Club in the South
Entertainment Troupe."
American manner will feature Jim
Miner who will sing "Tico Tico;"
A resolution spnsored by Student
Genevir e Stiles singing "Green
Council will be read by Gerhard
Eyes;" and "You Belong To My
Weinberg, '47, Vice-president of StuHeart" rendered by Agnes Young
dent Association, as follows: "Be it
Dean Gildersleeve Speaks and Hal Weber. Elizabeth Hamilresolved that: The sum of $2,000 be
ton and Philip Lashinsky, *47, will
On Post War Teachers
taken from the Student Association Student Christian Association will
provide the rhythmic music. DurDean Virginia Gildersleeve of
Surplus Fund and be added to the close Campus Day week-end with
ing the show Muriel Navy will play
Barnard College, spoke WednesStudent Union Fund." The surplus the traditional State College Sunseveral numbers, including a South
American selection and a boogienow totals over $4,700.
day at the Trinity Methodist
on some of the particulars of
woogie number. The Spanish chorus
A great number of blank ballots Church on the corner of Lark and
the San Francisco Conference,
Registrar Posts Names
will round out the first show with
from the freshmen class has neces- Lancaster Streets. The service will
also of an International Social
"Down Argentine Way" and "Causitated a revote for the member of be held at 11:00 A.M.
and Welfare Council which has
ga." Members of the chorus are
Student Board of Finance from the , As in the past, the service will
been formed. Dean Gildersleeve
Mary Louise Casey, Genevieve SaElizabeth Van Denburgh, RegisClass of '47. The tabulation of last b e conducted mainly by State Col
believes that the teachers instibatini, Betty Hamilton, Dorothy
week's election is on Page 5. The
Margery Cramer, Barbara
Brinkfor the second semester, 1944-1945.
assembly will also vote for a Campus
Reiff and Marianne Davis.
teachers of tomorrow, will play
Queen who will be chosen from the
a very important part in this
Between the floor shows there
customary, Dr. John M. Sayles, the Dean's List; 34.6% of the Class
five nominees elected in Assembly President
council. In her estimation, it is
will be refreshments, bridge and
of the College, will read of 1946; 24% of the Class of 1947;
last Friday. The candidates are Mrs. the passages from the scriptures.
the job of these institutions to
dancing. Mary Bess Vernoy will
Helen Slack Shure, Harriet Brink- The pastor of the Trinity Methodist and 20.2% of the Class of 1948.
train their teachers so that they
direct games designed for the audiman, Genieve Stiles, Mary Louise Church. Dr. Goewy, will deliver the Class of 1945:
may educate the next, generation
ence's participation, which will inJanet
Casey, and Barbara Reiff.
clude ducking for apple for a nomiin thoughts of international
Jeanette H. Cosgrave, Elizabeth
Members of the Class of '48 will General Chairman
nal fee. Cigarette girls will make
peace rather than in war.
vote today for a vice-president and
their way through the audience
Virginia Greemun, '46, has been Davis, M. Isabelle Davis, Marie
with cigarettes, candy and gum,
a delegate to Student Council. NomMargaret Dee, Anna Diland barmaids dressed in white
inees are posted on the Bulletin appointed general chairman of the DeChcnc,
event. Mervin McClintock, '48, is in lon, Ruth Donovan, Elaine Drooz,
blouses, black skirts' and orange
Board in Heusted.
charge of the ten State College men Marion Duffy, Marilyn Eber, Grace
aprons will preside over the coke
who will usher. Alice Knapp, '47, Fielder, Ruth Fine, Agnes Fitzpat- To Use Excess Profit
and other refreshments, consisting
New rules for electing attendants, the director of the choir, has an-, Doris Fleishman, Anne Fritz, Campus Commission received per- of cider and donuts.
pages, and ushers for the annual nounced that the choir will in- Helen Fritz, Dulcie Gale, Florence mission at a meeting of the Stu- Second Show
Campus Day event were announced clude Charles Behensky, a graduate Garfall, Cecile Goldberger, Florence dent Finance Board Wednesday to
Following the games, the "Indian
Richard Smith,
Alice Graham, Marilyn Guy, Eleanor use the accumulated profits from
at Student Council meeting Wednes- student;
Knapp. Harold Weber, Mary Ellen Hayeslip, Rena Heinig, Marie Hun- running ihe coke machine and the Love Call" will usher in the second
day night. They are:
show at eleven. Joan Mather will
(Continued on page, )h Col. 21 Telian, and Virginia VanVranken, ter, Joan Hylind, Martha Joyce, Used Book Exchange to cover re- sing
"Lullaby of Broadway." Miss
Juniors; Alice Williams, Justine Ann Keehle, Marian Klock, Marge pairs for the mimeograph machine
Maloney, and Beverly Bistfoff, So- Krikker, M. Lore Kuhn, Anita and to provide keys for the mem- Casey and Genevieve Sabatini. will
do a "Southern Soft-Shoe Shuffle"
phomores; and Reggie Ballenback, Leone, Jean Llnehart, Margaret bers of Campus Commission.
Al umni Association
Jean Harris, Barbara Houch, Mu- Loughlin, Jacqueline Montgomery, The keys will be awarded to the in the black face act. A small skit,
riel Davis, Mary Beth Osborne, Letty Palmateer, Miriam Quinlan, Senior and Junior members this featuring Terry Elliot and Ruth
Plans Luncheon
Wilma Whitney, Lorraine Pray, Joan Quinn, Helen Ramroth, Alice year, and hereafter only to the four Elgie imitating a witch and a little
Janet Lewis. Joan Wurzler, and Raynor, Hazel Revell, Dolores Rop- incoming members on Moving-Up girl, has been written to present
The Eastern Branch of the Alum- Sandy Monroe, freshmen.
Day. The design for the keys was a novelty introduction to each
ni Association will hold a luncheon choir, which Will sing in the pro- ke, Marguerite Rouchaud, Clara made by Leah Tischler, '45, last floor show. "Ponyboy" and the
"Big 3," "Atcheson, Topeka and the
meeting, Saturday. January 12, at cessional, will render two anthems
year's Grand Marshall.
Santa Fe" will be sung by the
12:30 P. M. President of this during the service, and will unite Seyl'l'ert, Grace Shults, Reglna
mimeobranch of the Association, Mrs. with the regular church choir in Slawskl, Joan Smith, Phyllis Sny- graph machine in the Publications chorus to complete the entertainGenevieve Shony Moore of the singing the hymns. Barbara Car- der. Robert Spensley, Louise Stone, Office was taken over last year by ment.
Milne High School faculty, will rier, '46, is chairman of the publi- Rosaria Trusso, Josephine Valonte, Campus Commission,
(Continued on page lt, Col. 5)
preside at the meeting. Miss city committee with Joy Beckers, Beatrice Wheeler, Elsie Whipple, money needed l'oi repairs amounted
Blanche Avery of the College Fac- '47.
to $7.80.
Class of 194(1:
ulty is treasurer of the group.
The excess profits, approximately News To Hold Cub Classes
Miss Helen Moore, member of the
$90 this year, have been turned
The Business, Advertising, and
Class of '24, will address the meetover to War Activities Council in Circulation Departments of the
ing. Miss Moore was formerly a
previous years. Since this organ- NHWS will hold cub classes each
missionary in Japan. At the ad- that i lie entire program will be Mildred Brumer, Marian I. Carter, ization has been dissolved, Campus Tuesday from 12:00-12:30 P.M. in
Ruth Cassavant, Ruth Colvin, Mar- Commission will include the apvent of the war she was interned
Attendance at these
gery Cramer, Marianne
Davis, propriation for the keys in its Room 111.
in the infamous Santo Tomas Albany,
Kathleen DoRonde, Elizabeth Dor- budget next year and will turn classes Is compulsory.
prison camp. Santo Tomas, scene
Cub classes for the freshmen who
man, Patricia Dunning, Tlielma back the profits to the Student
of many Japanese brutalities, is
are trying out for the Editorial
Elliott, C. Elizabeth Faust, Patricia Association.
situated in the center of Manila. Hayes Schedules Meetings
Staff are also held at this time in
Feehan, Audrey Ferris, Jean Flinn,
Before conversion by the Japs it
Room 206.
was a famous college noted for its
Prlscilla Hayes, '40, President of Herbert Ford, Julia Geores, Theresa
The purpose of thq classes is to
Nellie Glod,
Virginia To Choose Directory Cover
beautiful buildings and campus. Residence Council, has announced Gleason,
Agnes Young, '4(i, Editor-in-Chief acquaint those trying out with the
Miss Moore will relate her own that meetings will be held twice a Greenmum, Jean Griffin, Elizabeth
of the NKWH and to instruct
experiences as a prisoner of war month; the first Thursday of the Hamilton. Priscllla Hayes, Mar- of the DIRECTORY,, has announced policies
them in the procedure to follow in
to her fellow alumnae members.
month al 4:30 P.M. in Room 111 jorle Healey, Doris Ives, Roberta thai a group of teachers and stu- making
up an issue. The training
Presently at home in Albany, and the third Thursday at 7:30 Jubson, Audrey Johnston, Adele dents will choose the cover design and experience
to be gained in cub
Miss Moore expects to do further P.M. in I he Ingle Room In Pierce,
Monday from those submitted by classes are necessary for anyone
studying at Columbia University These meetings are opened to the Lovoeky, William Mallery, Naomi the classes of art students in Miss who
wishes to make the NHWS
next semester.
whole Student Body.
(Continued on Paije 5, Col. It) Ruth Hulchins' department.
SCA To Hold
College Sunday
In Trinity Church
Students Named
ForDean s