A STATE C O L L E G E NEWS, »R*rVy N y. F R I D A Y , OCTOBER, 5, 1 0 4 8 PAOE 4 A By MARY LIZ SULLIVAN As T CI n . _»l >ll Week-end run learns bnow rassing bkm For state Co-eds ollege State Intramural Football Commences ^p^vf Z-444 A L B A N Y , N E W Y O R K , FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 12, 1 9 4 5 V O L . XXX NO. 4 By VIRGINIA DAY "Off we go into the wild blue yonDo we have a lost and found deder—" and so it was last Saturday partment? We do! Then could we morning when twelve State College put In a plea so they would look for Co-eds braved the elements and the list of people who signed up for started for Camp Johnston. Plrowthe tennis tournament "that was to skl, Margot, Doran, Sturzenberger, be"? One minute there is a list By ART KAUFMAN Whipple, and Anderson who had on the WAA bulletin board to the made the journey before, convinced effect that those interested in a MAA got off to a muddy start the rookies that 7 o'clock wasn't very tennis tournament should sign up early to get up on Saturday mornon the list—the next minute.it was Wednesday afternoon, when Vaugone and there were still a few stu- ghn's Valiants went down to defeat ing and after all it isn't every day dents wanting to sign up. Speed, at the hands of a fast passing combthere's a chance to get away from ination of Sullivan's team the speed, speed. Anyway a tennis it all, The unsuspecting rookies were tournament sounds like a very good "Streaks." Due to the sloppiness of Harding, Lewis, Aldous, Duebler, idea so how about it, let's get the field, it was almost Impossible MacLaren and Phillips. to perform many running plays. The started—huh? The train ride over with, "Our Rumor had it that our WAA bul- Streaks had the advantage of suGang" headed up into the woods. perior weight which they used in letin board was again to be decorated Destination only two miles off, path —and guess what—that rumor was supplying protection for the passer. to the right leads directly to the Camp. Those Chatham hills sure true. As we dashed through the First Scoring The game wasn't five minutes old, do wind, hey kids? With a sigh of lower hall of Draper, we could not relief the little band advanced cauhelp but notice the way those fall when the "Valiants" scored on a tiously along the cow path leading leaves tell the time when all the long pass from Jerry Dunn to John to the front door. But wait—what is sports practices will be held—so ef- Bolles who was waiting in the end the sinister air of mystery surroundfectively too! Everything looks so zone after outracing the "Streaks" ing the place—and at 7 in the mornneat—especially those little white safety man. The attempt for the CAMP JOHNSTON ing, too. Away went the thoughts of pieces of paper on which the sign-up extra point was blocked. a hearty breakfast and luscious reThe "Streaks" took the kick-off for the various sports. Incidentally laxation. "The Gang" surrounded the quite a few people have signed up and marched to a touchdown in seven Camp, after deep consultation of for these sports but that's O.K. keep straight plays. This march was course, and Margot being braver marked by some spectacular runsigning up anyway. than the others stole softly up to one ning on the part of Nichols and SulFrosh Again of the rear windows—there just One thing that sounds nice to our livan. The score came on a 20-yard wasn't any panes in it! Leaning into sports ears is that those wonderful pass from Griffin to Nichols. The paneless window, she tried to frosh are coming all out for sports attempt for the extra point was Receipts To Augment the New Gym Classes Start make out the interior of the room. practices. This year, the frosh rea- knocked down. This ended the scorFund For Faculty Tea Feeling some one tap her gently in Students Taught History lize more than ever, that they alone ing for the first quarter. the back, she turned. Along side of can make the WAA frosh sports Second Quarter Last week in assembly Myskania her stood a cow with the largest Rain again has held up WAA's program whatever they want It to The "Streaks" scored again in the athletic program for the year, but challenged the Frosh girls to a game rown eyes she had ever seen. Yipe! be. With all the practice the frosh second quarter on one of the out- there are great hopes that the fall of touch football, to be held at 4 Now a cow couldn't break window are getting, the rivalry sport games standing plays of the afternoon. season of sports will be completed. P.M., Tuesday, October 9, on Page panes, so the whole company decided this year should really be something Sullivan passed to Griffin, who just In order to meet the demand for field. Robert Sullivan's '46, will act to advance. Who broke the windows? as he was about to be touched, lat- supervised hours in tennis and arch- as water boy and each of huddles We wish we knew! to see. eralled the ball to Nichols, who was ery, their times have been changed. and muddles for the Myskania MarNew Faces Dept. By 10 A.M. the campers had unAmong the many new faces that racing down the sidelines. Nichols Co-captains, Jerry Callahan, '47, auders. Prank Woodworth '47, and packed around Bessie who refused have been seen these past few weeks, crossed the goal line unmolested. The and Wanda Tomasik, '48, have an- Jack Taner '49, will direct tackles to budge from the front entrance we note one returnee with particular score as the half ended was 12-6 In nounced that tennis will be held and tactics for the Prosh girls and where she had set up headquarters. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, care for the wounded. (The latter of £let and happiness. Such broad favor of the "Streaks." archery has been changed to which, there will undoubtedly be Breakfast was over and the inshoulders for football, such length The second half opened as the while evitable dishes were to be clone. Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. many.) for basketball — yes you've guessed "Streaks" kicked off. Both teams Rochford and Eleanor Talk about your rough and ready Thank heavens the pump had been who it is—Jack Tabner is once more put up a stalwart defense slowing Ellen Schneider, Sophomores, arc the kids and eager beavers! Woodworth fixed!' It was then they discovered at State. He had a brief stay here down the game for a few minutes. captains of this sport. has given your reporter permission that the cow had made a raid and last year, but evidently couldn't get The "Streaks" got a break when the Hockey practice is being held to use the word enthusiasm at least returned to sentry position—all this enough, so he's back. And boy are "Valiants" elected to run on a fourth every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri50 times, or more, In the describing during breakfast. The pump was w e giad—purely selfish reasons but clown. They just missed making a laying dejectedly on its side, and day on the dorm field and Betty when we heard that he could play first down on that play. This gave Ann Margot. and Wilma Diehl, co- of the '49'ers. Altogether, about no amount of coaxing could get It thirty girls turned out for practice football and had signed up for the "Streaks" possession of the ball captains, have announced that coninto working order. Pat Lewis volunbasketball—well! Even now, we can on the mtdf'ield stripe. At this point tests are being planned with Skid- Tuesday afternoon up at the dorm teered to go to the creek for water. field. Woodworth and Tabner were see State winning every game—gee Sullivan and Nichols unleased a mere, College of St. Rose, and Rusragged ihaven't you noticed?I try- She didn't come gack so a searching Tabner are we glad you're back! passing attack which left their op- sell Sage. ing to keep up with their proteges. parly was organized. There was Camp .Johnston ponents flat-footed. This play Spurts Theory Prom all reports the Red team is Pat. knee deep in the water. Great In case you frosh may not have brought them another score as SulliMiss Johnson, physical education well educated along the lines of bat- sport! Lots of fun! Come on In wadheard aout'Camp Johnston, read the van tossed a touchdown pass which instructor, lias stated that classes tering, ripping, and colliding, with ing! Then disaster struck. Splash! story on this page about It, four col- nestled in Thayer's arm. Tho extra on sports theory will be conducted the opponents. Eager (pardon Mrs. Lewisi hit botumns over, then come on back here. point was made with the completion Tuesday at 9:10 and Wednesday at tom. Well, all's well I ha! ends well. If Tuesday's exhibition was any Camp Johnston is the WAA'ers h a - of n short pass over the center. The 12:35. Those students registered In Pal washed her clothes while the example of what the game will really ven—a place of joy and refuge—just score now stood 19-6. the course need attend Duly one be like, it promises to be an enter- others did the dishes. ask anybody that has gone. It's a Third Quarter Who I could be nicer than a hike class while the second required taining afternoon, if a little tiring. place that is sometimes called anAfter receiving the klckoff, the class will be held in the gym. There, You'd have thought it was the real after breakfast? That was where other Utopia by those people worn "Valiants" bounced right buck to both the frosh and Milne students Hie men came in. They were comout bv the everyday problems that score on a series of clever apsses will be taught the finer points of thing the other day, the way the ing over I lie hill with clubs. Whipgirls charged clown the field, pulled arise so often—especially here. Any- worked from a spinner play by Jerry athletics. Both Juniors and Sophople and Anderson just couldn't reway Camp Johnston is really a very Dunn and "Sparkey" Vaughn. As mores are in the class and this will hair, and clawed each other. sist the temptation. Versatile Team lovely place. Someone who is inter- the third quarter ended, the score take the place of '48's regular gym "What are the sticks for?" As for the Marauders, they have ested in the technical side of things was 19-12. classes. "Snakes," a very versatile team. Each and may ask, "How do you know, you "Snakes?' chorused "The Gang." WAA has planned an exhibition every player can fill several differThe fourth quarter found the "Vahave never been there have you?" To Without a moments hesitation our for November 9, with Margot and which we would answer snipily, "No, liants" desperately trying to tie the Sweeney, Juniors, and Diehl, '48, In ent positions, at the same time. A Irlends hurried home, stumbled over score by filling the air with passes. lew can play tackle, fullback, end, but we've heard plenty of it, in fact . charge, Different sport techniques Bessie who was still there, boiled so much, that we really Intend going The Interception of one of these, will be shown and developmental and on the opposing team, simul- I lie door, and hung up the "No taneously, As for special positions, started the "Streaks" rolling on the sometime." This, however, is not the gym work will be demonstrated. Snakes Allowed" sign. point wo wish lo make—we hear way to their final score. Sullivan, '['his is the first big project, under- according to Coach Sullivan, Slackie The afternoon slept away and it looks like a fast ball runner, Berbrieh running behind some nice blocking, from various sources that another taken by WAA this year and should was supper lime. What a supper! will fill a big place at center, Seytrip is being planned and really it's made a first clown. Then a pass from prove a great, success. mour will spark the passing attack, Hot dogs, beans, rolls and butter, a lot of fun so anyone wishing to go Nichols to Griffin, put the ball In and Griffin slacks up well as an end. miliv, eo.ikies and marshniallows. At scoring territory. A spectacular shoe- MYSTERY VISITS WEEK-END be sure to sign up. 8:30 they retired just imagine 8:30. string catch over the goal line on the 'Culltinned from ixijjo '/, Col. 51 Ticket Sale Quiet descended upon the camp. Home Sport! in short, kids, plan to be there part of Nichols, ended the scoring Sunday morning dawned and our Tuesday. Tickets will be on sale un- Suddenly out of Hie silliness came Never let it ever be said thai that for the tlay. blothe spirits were up at the crack the members of the Sports Departthe day of I he game in I he Lower Hie sound ol heavy footsteps. Marof dawn. Breakfast was soon over, til ment don't work hard, but even we Onlooker's Viewpoint Hull Draper. Ten cents is tho got aroused Pirowski and In breathand the dishes done for the last price. ofYou need a little erst and relaxation. So can't lose because one less excitement they listened. The naturally we don't mind when one of Mori Thayer was the outstanding time. Bessie was still making herself afternoon ol enlerliihuuent nets an- footsteps were coming closer and the kids takes a little vacation. We man on defense. His play was and offensive. My gosh, doesn't that other. The game is for the benefit closer. By this time the whole camp still haven't figured this one that will be, a great aid to the "Streaks" cow have a home? a Faculty Tea lo be held In the was awake and listening, Muffled Later In the afternoon "The Gang" of Oen Stiles pulled Wednesday night In coining games. near tut lire. It has been decided voices came through the bolted door Jerry Griffin played well at end packed up their eulpmeut waved thai another such affair be held and beams from flashlights played tho'. It was like this—we were sitting In the P.O. Wed. night, plugging and as lime goes on, he will develop good-bye to Bessie, and set out for since last year's was a great success. on hie walls. Who was It? Would the train. tho culprits try to break in? with a away at the typewriter, when all of Into an outstanding pass receiver. final thrust at the door, the footBob Nichols proved la be one of u sudden Oen Stiles waltzes Into steps were heard leaving the porch. DIAL 5-1913 the P. O. In an evening gown smil- the most promising backfiold men of G E O R G E D. J E O N K Y , pnor Afler a rather brief and somewhat ing demurely and saying," Pardon the day. His passing and running hushed conversation sleep came me, but is tills where the formal Is are really something to watch. again. The mystery still remains Jerry Dunn snowed his ability as being held this evening?" Well, we unsolved. didn't know whether to humor her a runner and passer, He should prove or throw her out. Then we remem- to be an asset to the "Valients." tContinued on pune ',, Col. ;u Sparky Vaughn lived up to his bered what a loyul member of the reputation of being a smart ball carSports Dept, she Is so we Kept her Try Our Businessman's Lunch In and prevented her from going to rier. Bob Sullivan showed why he Is that formal—wasn't that mean? Wo also prescribed a slight rest—nay considered one of tho best passers by two or three days, until It's time completing successfully ten out of T H E C O I I t.i.i; JEWELER for the next issue of tho NEW8 to twelve passes. come out, Could be from overwork, 103 C E N T R A L A V E . A L B A N Y . N. Y. P.S.—How about coming out for 1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE those things do happen you know. Take off that formal and come on some of the games and giving your favorite team a little support? back Qenlll Streaks Score As Valiants Bow WAA Revises Sport Schedule Myskania-MP/Tilt O n Page Field BOULEVARD CAFETERIA 60c OTTO R. MEN0E Student Council Rum&t itemed . . . The faculty and administration of the College have denied the that the Class of '47 will be graduated under the Plans Assembly Fiverumor Year Plan and will not practice teach next year. Activities Day To Open Extra - Curricular Year Reports began circulating this week to the effect that, after W A C To Dissolve; this year, no teaching certificates would be issued until stuCommittees Substituted dents had completed a fifth year of study here. A careful '49 To Receive The members of student Council check with school officials has revealed that there is no basis for this "news" and the program will not be put into effect for some time. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women, stated that the temporary one-year certificates are still being issued to graduates cancy on the student Board of at the end of four years and no immediate change in this plan Finance, and a short pep rally in ;isc. „contemplated. rpu„ :n u - .-.i. -_ -the i - - emerr ,„+„„,,-,i„<-„,i They will be stoppedi as soon as preparation for Activities Day gency is ended, she said, but this date is very indefinite. She James Conley, '47, will act as nar rator for the skit in pantomime a l s o expressed the belief that more students will voluntarily form, which is based on the old- remain tor the 5th year before the program officially begins. time theme of the hero versus the Elizabeth Van Denburgh, Registrar, reported that no word S f s t a t e ^ c o S e *S_£? L e t £ h'% b e e » received from the State Department and students will be in charge of the cheering will continue to get their practice teaching during their senior for the pep rally. year. Miss Van Denburgh agreed that it is not known when student council Meets the Five Year Program will begin. At the student Council meeting * " * h " d f" ial {>f t h ] ™ o r was received from D r Robert l Wednesday night, a committee was renerlefts, Director ot teacher framing, who stated it will appointed to take over tho duties of be necessary to reorganize the entire educational set-up in War Activities Council, which has the college when the program bee-ins been dissolved. The committee, Courage, Gravel Gerties; headed by Phillip Lashinsky, '47, will make plans for the hospital Osborne To Offer Hope will present a skit entitled "Melerdrammer" in assembly thus morning. There will be nominations by Student Association for a member of the Junior Class to fill the va- Banner From 47 Talent Show In Gym, Pep Rally, Snake Dance Will Highlight Evening Activities Day will begin tomorrow at 2 P. M. in the Commons where tables will be set up in order that tho freshmen and upperclassmen may sign up for the extracurricular activities in which they wish to participate. A bonfire and pep rally in the evening followed by a Snake Dance to the gym will terminate the events of the day, Robert Sullivan, '46, chairman, has announced, Robert Sullivan Supplementing last Monday's Orientation meeting a t which the freshmen were advised about extracurricular activities, the sign-up procedure will last until 3:30 P. M. At this time the freshmen will r e ceive the '49 banner from their siscamp shows, the State Pair, and coGirls, do you lack poise? Do ter Class of '47 and James Conley, operate with community organizayou long to wow him with his President of the Junior Class, will tions in securing funds for the Diffin Directs Publicity first impression of you? Do You make a brief speech. This year eighth War Loan, the War Fund, Marianne Davis, '40, President of have a demented attitude tow_ marks the third anniversary of the and in obtaining articles for the Debate Council, has announced that For Sophomore Class w ard life? Tr"".","," r .i ~Z t_ ceremony which initiates the tradiclothing drive to be held this year. the first laboratory debate of the Look no further for your time As a result of the elections held b l o n a l r r e s h m a n - S o p h o m o r e Rivalry, of ItStudent was decided Council thatshould each member contact semester will be held Tuesday, at has finally arrived. Soon—right in Assembly last Friday, Gloria Gil- T h e S e n i o r b a n n e r c e r e m o n y w i u several members of the faculty so 3:30 P. M. In the Lounge. The here in ye olde halls is coming bert gained presidency of the Class t h e n b e h e W a s t h e S e n i o r s h a n g that the Faculty Tax Tickets may topic which has been chosen for one who guarantees to leave you of '48 on the second distribution. Of t h e l r b a n n e r i n i t s place beside be distributed by today. discussion is "Resolved: That the with invaluable aids about apthe 241 votes cast, Miss Gilbert led t h a t o f t h e 0 1 a s s o f > 4 5 - A s h o r t Mary Straub, '46, and Betty Ann United States should control the on the second distribution with 138 s p e e c h b y j a m e s Miner, President propriate clothes, voice and conMargot, '47, were appointed to production of Atomic Products." votes and Robert Hardt, her closest o f t h e c l a s s o f . 46) a n d t h e s i n g j n g versation, mental and physical election commission. Members of At a Debate Council meetingcompetitor followed with 103. poise and all those other little o f t h e banner song will follow. the commission who also served last Monday night for till upperclassmen William Baldwin was elected secclass Positions odds and ends. year arc Josephine Maggio and interested in debate, final plans retary of the Class of '48 in the fifth r\,,,,t„„ M,I„ u n ,,»_,. „„,.„.~~„„ Even though you may be just Georgette Dunn, Seniors, and Edna were made for this discussion. Updistribution, leading all the way. - ° ' l i n g n , . J * * 52£ f n C ™ 7 ' another "Gravel Gertie", lend Sweeney, '47. holding the affirmative will be Dor... . ,..„. . ,, , _, , faemors are requested to stand on an ear to what is coming and othy Knapp and Betty Rose Hilt, gain a new outlook on life. MayVivian Hillier and Margaret Daly t h M > Myskania, with Heads Campus Chest Juniors. On the negative side will be it's just the wrong shade of were her closest competitors with t h e f r e s n m e n c l o w n s t a i r s facing Marjorie O'Grady, '47, was chos- be Marilyn Thompson and Gertrude lipstick you're using or your Miss Daly dropping out in the fourth ^ the fch w f fch C o m _ en head of Campus Chest. The va- Welikes, Sophomores. skirt's too long. Anyway, it's and Miss Hillier ending in the fifth m o n - S o p h o m o r e s w i i i . s t a n d uncancy on the Big 8 committee was Miss Davis urged everyone internever too late or—life can befilled by the appointment of Edith ested to attend and participate in with 93ofvotes to Baldwin's office publicity director 146. in the dpiano. or the M j n f r o n t _f fche - e _ _ gin at, eighteen. Dell, '48. the open discussion following the first distribution 147 votes, 26 i o r s a n c , t h e J u n i o r s w i ] 1 f a c e t h e Dorothy Dif in with landslide, to the So leave us be optimistic, After the ceremonies there will As President of the Junior Class, debate. She also reminded all freshmore than she needed for the quota. friends. You c m look sharp, feel be a further opportunity to sign up James Conley was automatically men who are interested in debate Numerical Tabulations sharp, be sharp, by using Ghetto for activities. Dancing in the Commade chairman of the freshman and that they will be able to sign up 241 Blue--er, going to hear Ruth mons will continue until 5 P. M. Sophomore skits for Campus Day, for the freshman squad at the De- MacDonald Osborne speak on Formula: — -;- 1 = 121 The bonfire, which will be lit a t October 27. The freshman commit- bate Council Desk on Activities Day. 1 1 "The- Impression We Leave" and 8 P. M. on the Dorm Field, will tee chosen to take charge of the As members of this squad they will Candidates Distributions "How to Achieve the Right start the evening program. After banner consists of Robert Baker, be given opportunity to take part 1 2 Look," here October 22 and 23. President a pep rally and group singing, the chairman, Gerald Dunn and Merf in practice debates throughout the Gilbert 101 138 traditional Snake Dance to the gym Thayer. Harry Mills, '48, was ap- year and will have a chance to take Hardt 78 103 will take place. At 9:30 there will pointed chairman of the committee part in the Sophomore-freshman Try Outs For Advertising Starf Worth 62 0 be a special entertainment and the to write and produce the freshman debate in the spring. Isabel Fear, '46, Business Manager Blanks Blanks 0 0 program will conclude witli dancing Campus Day skit. Other members Several debates with other col- of the State College News, has r< Total 241 241 from 10 Lo 11 P. M. In case of rain, are Lee Emerling, Carolyn Woods, leges are being planned for this quested all students with sketchThis is the third year the prefer- the program will be the same exand Hilda Falkenburgh. semester, including Syracuse Uni- ing ability, who are interested in ential voting system has been used cept that the pep rally will be held versity and Middlebury Women's this type of work, to try out for the '» class elections The remaining ol- In the gym at 8:30. C 1 Pl(lm ad ert sin of the MAA and WAA siu'plt.s'ftinds j Q f n " ^ ' ! ™ ' J U ^ f " ^ ? , ' ' , y ! f department. Contest- fleers of the Sophomore Class are: Organization Booths be Alice Prindle, '48, in charge of to be used in case of Injuries. n ,,,u r! , i , in?* ? , """ fnts, s h o l l l c l m e e t M o l K l l l y a t n o o n S ( ' c l ' e U "' v ' B(Ht >' Cavanaugh; WAA (Continued on page .'>', Col. U nounoed at a later date. in the News office. Representative, Hilda Fiedler; WAA council To Hold Practice Debate 2 i. r - _' ' Gilbert Wins '48 Presidency - Manager, Pat Tildon; Songleader, Radio, ^ In " the ^ near ^ T l ^ T the ^ Announces Directors tions future to fill Tonight atStage, 8:30 P. MScreen Star To Sing In Page Concert Tonight French songs, as well as the modern o i n c L , o f Vice-President, left vacant Dickson, versatile baritone Donald of the music of Jerome Kern and others. by Miss Gilbert. For One-Act Plays concert and opera stage, will apHe is extremely interested in tran; Student Union Hoard pear in Page Hall In the first Music la ting many of the greatest selecMary Harvey, '47, has announced Barbara Reiff was elected Senior that Council presentation of the year. tions ol German and French comthe casts have been chosen member of the Student Union Board Although only in his early thirpesers into English in order to make for four one-act plays which will on the second distribution with 486 ties, Dickson has succeeded In makit possible for more people to unbo presented here this month and ing a reputation for himself not derstand and enjoy them more ful- vote. Joan Mather followed with next by College Playhouse. 313. only on the concert, stage but In ly. This interest in translation is Lois Fillnmn, '47, will direct radio unci Grand Opera as well. He Who apparent in many of the classical Who's ,_, , ,,„ T^I , » "Suppressed Desire," one of two has appeared In the motion picselections which he chooses for his tures, His radio engagements on P i ^ ^ r e a T l m s <&£££? £ ! ^ , ^ « ..<« ° « * 3 0 ' - 5 concerts. lias selected tho following cast: .such programs as the Kraft. Music ten Seniors who will represent. State The program tonight will Include "Henrietta," Beverly Coplin, '49; Hall, the Chase and Sanborn Hour, in Who's Who In American Colleges five groups of songs, among them "Stephen," Bill Blasberg, '49; "Mathe General Motors program, and and Universities. They are: Harriet selections by Brahms, Strauss, Musbel," Dorothy Swegar, '49. "Willon the Coca-Cola Hour have made ,, • , ». „ mi UD'I uuiuin.y owegar, w. "WIUsorgsky and Rachmaninoff, as well him known to millions of people as a few Negro spirituals, Four of Brlnkman, Mary Louise Casey Elizplay to be 0 -fhe-Wisp," another across the country, while his perPrUollla Hayes, lu ,, (1 UR> £ evening, will be dlhis .selections are still In manuscript abelh Hamilton, sonal appearances have brought ^ , 4 - _b Jul, Bo form since they are as vet unpub- Jammi Minor, Muriel Navy, Shirley him wide and enthusiastic acclaim. Shure, Sullivan Helen black Passow, Robert Mary Seymour, lished. t u t t ^ The following committee dhead for "He came, he sang, he conquered" The tinmen of the representatives In addition to Mr. Dickson's pro—so wrote tho St. Louis Dally Globe already been, submitted sauuimeu to ,o th me g." » & • j » V ™ , S e l ^ t e d : T 3 , ^ [tram, Lawrence Stevens, his pian- lhave Democrat alter one of Dickson's lllim y W m ist-accompanist, will render a group '>. and the c anclidates will reZie. '47 ' J S X M»Rosemary appearances In that city. Throughi ,u... H. uienei, 47, TLights; oelVB of four selections by tho composer hinns to m i out this montn. . p i RvlU)| 4B| rops; M n r l e Liobl| 40'( out the country ho has thrilled Claude Debussy. Mr. Stevens is a V , s l •\','1U'', ', '' M 1U| " I ! representa- H o u s u a n d P u b l | c i t v ; A l i c o K napp, audiences with his delightful rendiwell-known pianist, and is tho com- fives In Whos Who. They were se- >47| C o s t u m o s ; Betty Margot, '47, Donald Dicltsoi tlons of old and new selections poser of two of the selections which looted on the basis ol most popular, Makeup, iscript fonn. Florence Garlnll; most beautiful, MJ S S ] Mr. Dickson was first Introduced porlant step, are still In manuscript Miss Hnrvey has urged that all to American audiences by Bod_inAlthough he prefers dramatic Tickets for the event are on Mary Now; done most for State, students who are interested in helpski when he won fame and acclaim roles such as "Rlgoletto," Mr. Dlok- sale for $1.80 at all music stores Sunna Cooper; most dramatic, Lu- ing with the plays contact her as us soloist with the Clevci;>nd Sym- son sings newly every typo of com- and at tho College Co-op. s t a t e Ollle Kenny and most versatile, Ed- soon as possible, Assistants of all Ibony Orchestra. He was only nine- position; German lledeA', booglo- students will be admitted by Stu- na Marsh, types are needed especially for b e n at the time lie made this im- woogle, Negro spirituals, and dont Tax tickets. (Continued on paye D, Col 5) backstage work, mmmmmmmmmmmmmzmti STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, S, 1048 By MARY LIZ SULLIVAN ICTORY Intramural Football Commences w£undtV A s Teams Show Passing Skill For Sfafe Co-ec/j By ' "' Bv VIRGINIA VIRGINIA DAY DAY . Do we have a lost and found de"Off we go into the wild blue yonpartment? We do! Then could we der—" and so it was last Saturday put In a plea so they would look for morning when twelve State College the list of people who signed up for Co-eds braved the elements and the tennis tournament "that was to started for Camp Johnston. Pirowbe"? One minute there is a list ski, Margot, Doran, Sturzenberger, By ART KAUFMAN on the WAA bulletin board to the Whipple, and Anderson who had effect that those interested in a made the journey before, convinced MAA got off to a muddy start tennis tournament should sign up the rookies that 7 o'clock wasn't very on the list—the next minute it was Wednesday afternoon, when Vauearly to get up on Saturday morngone and there were still a few stu- ghn's Valiants went down to defeat ing and after all it isn't every day dents wanting to sign up. Speed, at the hands of a fast passing combthere's a chance to get away from speed, speed. Anyway a tennis ination of Sullivan's team the it all. The unsuspecting rookies were tournament sounds like a very good "Streaks." Due to the sloppiness of Harding, Lewis, Aldous, Duebler, idea so how about it, let's get the field, it was almost impossible MacLaren and Phillips. started—huh? to perform many running plays. The The train ride over with, "Our Rumor had it that our WAA bul- streaks had the advantage of suGang" headed up into the woods. letin board was again to be decorated perior weight which they used in Destination only two miles off, path —and guess what—that rumor was supplying protection for the passer, to the right leads directly to the true. As we dashed through the first Scoring Camp. Those Chatham hills sure lower hall of Draper, we could not T n e game wasn't five minutes old, do wind, hey kids? With a sigh of help but notice the way those fall w n e n the "Valiants" scored on a relief the little band advanced cauleaves tell the time when all the j o n g p a s s from J e n . y D U n n to John tiously along the cow path leading sports practices will be held—so ef- B o l i e s w h o w a s w a iting in the end to the front door. But wait—what is fectively too! Everything looks so z o n e a f t e r outfacing the "Streaksthe sinister air of mystery surroundneat—especially those little white s a f e ty man. The attempt for the ing the place—and at 7 in the mornpieces of paper on which the sign-up extra point was blocked, CAMP JOHNSTON ing, too. Away went the thoughts of for the various sports. Incidentally „streaks„ took t h e kick.off Th a hearty breakfast and luscious requite a few People have signed up and marched to a touchdown In seven laxation. "The Gang" surrounded the f P Camp, after deep consultation of rnw1,nP«nvw^ ° straight plays. This' march was course, and Margot being braver signing up anyway. m a r k e d by some spectacular r u n . than the others stole softly up to one Frosh Again the part of Nichols and Suln m g on of the rear windows—there just One thing that sounds nice to our U v a n , T h e s c o r e c a m e o n a 20-yard wasn't any panes in it! Leaning into sports ears is that those wonderful p a s s f r o m Griffin to Nichols. The paneless window, she tried to Receipts To Augment the frosh are coming all out for sports attempt for the extra point was New Gym Classes Start make out the interior of the room. practices. This year, the frosh rea- k n o C ked down. This ended the scorFund For Faculty Tea Peeling some one tap her gently in Students Taught History lize more than ever, that they alone i n g f o r t he first quarter. the back, she turned. Along side of Rain again has held up WAA's Last week in assembly Myskania her can make the WAA frosh sports Second Quarter stood a cow with the largest The "Streaks" scored again in the athletic program for the year, but challenged the Frosh girls to a game program whatever they want it to rown eyes she had ever seen. Yipe! second quarter on one of the outthere are great hopes that the fall of touch football, to be held at 4 be. With all the practice the frosh Now a cow couldn't break window are getting, the rivalry sport games standing plays of the afternoon. season of sports will be completed. P.M., Tuesday, October 9, on Page panes, so the whole company decided Sullivan passed to Griffin, who just In order to meet the demand for field. Robert Sullivan's '46, will act this year should really be something as he was about to be touched, lat- supervised hours in tennis and arch- as water boy and each of huddles to advance. Who broke the windows? to see. eralled the ball to Nichols, who was ery, their times have been changed, and muddles for the Myskania Mar- We wish we knew! New Faces Dept. By 10 A.M. the campers had unAmong the many new faces that racing down the sidelines. Nichols Co-captains, Jerry Callahan, '47, auders. Prank Woodworth '47, and have been seen these past few weeks, crossed the goal line unmolested. The and Wanda Tomasik, '48, have an- Jack Taner '49, will direct tackles packed around Bessie who refused we note one returnee with particular score as the half ended was 12-6 in nounced that tennis will be held and tactics for the Prosh girls and to budge from the front entrance Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, care for the wounded. (The latter of where she had set up headquarters. glee and happiness. Such broad favor of the "Streaks." has been changed to which, there will undoubtedly be Breakfast was over and the inshoulders for football, such length The second half opened as the while archery evitable dishes were to be done. ' - - mThursday ''--- and Saturday, many.) for basketball — yes you've guessed "Streaks" kicked off. Both teams Monday, who it is—Jack Tabner is once more put up a stalwart defense slowing Ellen and Eleanor Talk about your rough and ready Thank heavens the pump had been Rochford ^ Sophomores, are the kids and eager beavers! Woodworth fixed!' It was then they discovered at State. He He had a brief stay here l g fo] , & f e w m m u t e s . Schneider, »afcraaks" not a break when the captains of this sport, last yeari\ but evidently couldnt "' , l get "* has given your reporter permission that the cow had made a raid and enough, so he's back. And boy are "Valiants" u » . w a « elected * . « L j to „ run on „ „a ,„„,.„, Wftn1rnw PIU ,MI«. is fourth Hockey „practice is being held to use the word enthusiasm at least returned to sentry position—all this enougn, su nv> o .,, down Thev just missed making a every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- 50 times, or more, in the describing during breakfast. The pump was we glad—purely selfish reasons but f\Z down on that play. This gave day on the dorm field and Betty of the '49'ers. Altogether, about laying dejectedly on its side, and when we heard that he could play S e "Streaks" possession of the ball Ann Margot and Wihna Diehl, co- thirty girls turned out for practice no amount of coaxing could get it 'football and had signed up for rm the midfield stripe. At this point captains, have announced that con- Tuesday afternoon up at the dorm into working order. Pat Lewis volunbasketball—well! Even now, we can S l L n S d N W i o t a unleased a test, are being planned with Skid- field. Woodworth and Tabner were teered to go to the creek for water. see State winning every game—gee mssing attack which left their op- more College of St. Rose, and Rus- ragged (haven't you noticed? i try- She didn't come gack so a searching ing to keep up with their proteges. party was organized. There was Tabner are we iglad you're back! Dcnents flat-footed. This play sell bage From all reports the Red team is Pat, knee deep in the water. Great Camp Johnstonfrosh may not have g™ uiought 'ht M them another score as Sulli- Sports heory l p m another Miss iJohnson, physical education well educated along the lines of bat- sport! Lots of fun! Come on in wadIn case you ' heard aout Camp Johnston, read the van tossed a touchdown pass which instructor, has stated that classes ing! Then disaster struck. Splash! story on this page about it, four col- nestled in Thayer's arm. The extra on sports theory will be conducted tering, ripping, and colliding, with Sager «pardon Mrs. Lewis i hit botthe opponents. umns over, then come on back here. point was made with the completion Tuesday at 9:10 and Wednesday at If Tuesday's exhibition was any tom, Well, all's well that ends well. Camp Johnston is the WAA'ers ha- of a short pass over the center. The 12:35. Those students registered in example of what the game will really Pat washed her clothes while the ven—a place of joy and refuge—just score now stood 19-6. the course need attend only one be like, it promises to be an enter- others did the dishes. ask anybody that has gone. It's a Third Quarter class while the second required taining afternoon, if a little tiring. What could be nicer than a hike place that is sometimes called anAfter receiving the kickoff, the class will be held in the gym. There, after breakfast? That was where other Utopia by those people worn "Valiants" bounced right back to both the frosh and Milne students You'd have thought it was the real tho men came in. They were comout by the everyday problems that score on a series of clever apsses will be taught the finer points of thing the other day, the way the ing over the hill with clubs. Whiparise so often—especially here. Anyathletics. Both Juniors and Sopho- eirls charged down the field, pulled ple and Anderson just couldn't reway Camp Johnston is really a very worked from a spinner play by Jerry mores are in the class and this will hair, and clawed each other. sist the temptation. Dunn and "Sparkey" Vaughn. As lovely place. Someone who is intertake the place of '48's regular gym Versatile Team •What are the sticks for?" the third quarter ended, the score As for the Marauders, they have ested in the technical side of things classes. "Snakes," was 19-12. a very versatile team. Each and may ask, "How do you know, you WAA has planned an exhibition "Snakes?" chorused "The Gang." have never been there have you?" To The fourth quarter found the "Va- for November 9, with Margot and ' every player can fill several differ- Without a moments hesitation our „. .._ would answer snipily, .. "No, Hants" desperately trying to tie the Sweeney, Juniors, and Diehl, '48, in ent positions, at the same time. A which we but we've heard plenty of it, in fact score by filling the air with passes. charge. Different sport techniques few can play tackle, fullback, end, triends hurried home, stumbled over so much, that we really intend going The interception of one of these, will be shown and developmental and on the opposing team, simul- Bessie who was still there, bolted sometime." This, however, is not the started the "Streaks" rolling on the gym work will be demonstrated. taneously. As for special positions, the door, and hung up the "No point we wish to make—we hear way to their final score. Sullivan, This is the first big project, under- according to Coach Sullivan, Slackie Snakes Allowed" sign. The afternoon slept away and it from various sources that another running behind some nice blocking, taken by WAA this year and should looks like a fast ball runner, Berbrich trip is being planned and really it's made a first down. Then a pass from prove a great success. will fill a big place at center, Sey- was supper time. What a supper! a lot of fun so anyone wishing to go Nichols to Griffin, put the ball in mour will spark the passing attack, Hot dogs, beans, rolls and butter, scoring territory. A spectacular shoeand Griffin stacks up well as an end. milk, cookies and marshmallows, At be sure to sign up. 8:30 they retired—just imagine 8:30. string catch over the goal line on the MYSTERY VEILS WEEK-END (Continued from pa[/e //, Col. 5) Ticket Sale Some Sport! part of Nichols, ended the scoring In short, kids, plan to be there Quiet descended upon the camp. Sunday morning dawned and our Never let it ever be said that that for the day. Suddenly out of the stillness came blothe spirits were up at the crack Tuesday. Tickets will be on sale un- the sound of heavy footsteps. Marthe members of the Sports Departtil the clay of the game in the Lower of dawn. Breakfast was soon over, ment don't work hard, but even we Onlooker's Viewpoint got aroused Pirowski and in breathand the dishes done for the last Hall of Draper. Ten cents is the less excitement they listened. The need a little erst and relaxation. So price. You can't lose because one naturally we don't mind when one of Mert Thayer was the outstanding time. Bessie was still making herself footsteps were coming closer and the kids takes a little vacation. We man on defense. His play was and offensive. My gosh, doesn't that afternoon of entertainment nets an- closer. By this time the whole camp other. The game is for the benefit still haven't figured this one that will be, a great aid to the "Streaks" cow have a home? was awake and listening. Muffled Gen Stiles pulled Wednesday night hV'coniing^games. Later in the afternoon "The Gang" of a Faculty Tea to be held in the voices came through the bolted door tho'. It was like this—we were sitj e r r y Griffin played well at end packed up their euipment waved near future. It has been decided and beams from flashlights played ting in the P.O. Wed. night, plugging a m j a s time goes on, he will develop good-bye to Bessie, and set out for that another such affair be held on hte walls. Who was it? Would since last year's was a great success, away at the typewriter, when all of l n l 0 1U1 outstanding pass receiver. the train. the culprits try to break in? With a a sudden Gen Stiles waltzes into B o o Nichols proved ta be one of final thrust at the door, the footthe P. O. in an evening gown smil- the most promising backfield men of DIAL 5 - 1 9 1 3 steps were heard leaving the porch. G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y , PROP, ing demurely and saying," Pardon the day. His passing and running After a rather brief and somewhat me, but is this where the formal is are really something to watch. hushed conversation sleep came being held this evening?" Well, wo Jerry Dunn showed his ability as again. The mystery still remains didn't know whether to humor her a runner and passer. He should prove unsolved. or throw her out. Then we remem- to be an asset to the "Valients." (Continued <>n page. //, Col. 3) bered what a loyal member of the Sparky Vaughn lived up to his Sports Dept. she is so we kept her reputation of being a smart ball carTry Our Businessman's Lunch in and prevented her from going to rier. that formal—wasn't that mean? We B O D D U m v B l l B „ U „ VM „..„ Sullivan he by is also prescribed a slight rest-say consBob i(iered one ofshowed the best why passers two or three days, until it's time C Q m P i e ting successfully ten out of for the next issue of the NEWS to twelve passes. THE COLLEGE JEWELER come out, Could be from overwork, 103 CENTRAL AVE. ALBANY, N. Y. those things do happen you know. P.S.—How about coming out for 1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE Take off that formal and come on some of the games and giving your back a e n l l l favorite team a little support? Streaks Score As Valiants Bow Myskania-M^Tilt O n Page Field WAA Revises Sport Schedule BOULEVARD 60c i CAFETERIA OTTO R. MENDE State College News Z.444 Student Council Plans Assembly ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER Rumo* jbenied . The faculty and administration of the College have denied the rumor that the Class of '47 will be graduated under the Five Year Plan and will not practice teach next year. Reports began circulating this week to the effect that, after W A C To Dissol ve; this year, no teaching certificates would be issued until stuCommittees Substituted dents had completed a fifth year of study here. A careful The members of Student Council check with school officials has revealed that there is no basis will present a skit entitled "Meier- for this "news" and the program will not be put into effect 12, 1945 VOL. XXX NO. 4 Activities Day To Open Extra - Curricular Year '49 To Receive Banner F rom '47 drammer" in assembly this morn- f0l. g o m e t i m e Ellen C Stokes sludent11'Assotation ft?f S S b S ' - D e a » o f Women, stated that the temperof the Junior class to fill the va- ary one-year certificates are still being issued to graduates cancy on the student Board of at the end of four years and no immediate change in this plan Finance, and a a short pep rally Pirinnnp nnrl chnrf-. r\nn mil™ in in is . contemplated. . • - — the emer preparation for Activities Day. . , , . They, , will , ,be ,. stopped . -.-, , as soon; as ~"~ .'."7, ~"^~ gency is ended, she said, but this date is very indefinite. She ra£mfo,COu;:y'skit t l pantomime ^so expressed the belief that more students will voluntarily form, which is based on the old- remain ior the 5th year before the program officially begins. time theme of the hero versus the Elizabeth Van Denburgh, Registrar, reported that no word villain in the right for the maiden. h a s b e e n r e c e i v e d f r o m t h e s t a t e Department and students Talent Show In Gym, Pep Rally, Snake Dance W i l l Highlight Evening Activities Day will begin tomorrow at 2 P. M. in the Commons where tables will be set up in order that the freshmen and upperclassmen may sign up for the extracurricular activities in which they The State College Cheer Leaders ... ,. , , ,, . , *, , ' , wish to participate. A bonfire and wl will be in charge of the cheering " continue to get their practice teaching during their senior pep rally in the evening followed by a Snake Dance to the gym will terfor the pep rally. year. Miss Van Denburgh agreed that it is not known when minate the events of the day, Robth Fi student council Meets t ™ Year Program will begin. ert Sullivan, '46, chairman, has announced. At the Student Council meeting R V K / S ^ I J ^ T ^ ^ ^ w i W Robert Sullivan Wednesday night, a committee was b r e d e n c k s , D i r e c t o r of T e a c h e r T r a i n i n g , w h o s t a t e d i t will Supplementing last Monday's Orientation meeting at which the appointed to take over duties of be n e c e s s a r y t o r e o r g a n i z e t h e e n t i r e e d u c a t i o n a l s e t - u p in . been dissolved. The thecommittee, War Activities Council, which has freshmen were advised about extraheaded by Phillip Lashinsky, '47, t h e college w h e n t h e p r o g r a m b e g i n s , committee. curricular activities, the sign-up will make plans for the hospital Courage, Gravel Gerties; procedure will last until 3:30 P. M. camp shows, the State Pair, and coAt this time the freshmen will reoperate with community organizaOsborne To Offer Hope ceive the '49 banner from their sistions in securing funds for the Girls, do you lack poise? Do ter Class of '47 and James Conley, eighth War Loan, the War Fund, you long to wow him with his President of the Junior Class, will and in obtaining articles for the Diffin Directs Publicity make a brief speech. This year first impression of you? Do You clothing drive to be held this year. Marianne Davis, '46, President of have a demented attitude towmarks the third anniversary. of the Debate Council, has announced that For Sophomore Class ard life? It was decided that . „ ., , each , , member , , t n e first laboratory debate of the , r „ ., , ,. . . . ceremony which initiates the tradf f ol . , Look no further for your time As a result of the elections held t i o n a l f r e s h m a n . S o p h o m o r e Rivalry, of Student Council should contact s e m e s t e r will be held Tuesday at has finally arrived. Soon—right several members of the faculty so 3 : 3 o P . M . l n t h e L *'Th in Assembly last Friday, Gloria Gil- T n e S e n i o r banner ceremony will b here in ye olde halls is coming hat the Faculty Tax Tickets may t o p l o w h l c h h a s b ch bert gained presidency of the Class t h e n b e h e l d a s t h e S e n l o r s h a n g r for one who guarantees to leave you be distributed by today. discussion is "Resolved: That the of '48 on the second distribution. Of t n e h . b a n n e r j n its place beside with invaluable aids about apMary Straub, '46, and Betty Ann United States should control the the 241 votes cast, Miss Gilbert led t h a t o f t n e c l a s s o f .45_ A s h o r t propriate clothes, voice and conMargot, '47, were appointed to production of Atomic Products, on the second distribution with 138 S p e e c h by James Miner, President versation, mental and physical election commission. Members of At aa Debate Council Debate Council meeting poise and all those other little votes and Robert Hardt, her closest o f t l l e c l a s s o f -46j a n c j the singing the commission who also served last odds and ends. competitor followed with 103. of the banner song will follow. year are Josephine Maggio and Monday night for all upperclassmen interested in debate, final plans' retary of the Class ofwas '48elected in the fifth Even though you may be just Georgette Dunn, Seniors, and Edna William Baldwin secclass Positions were made for this discussion. Updistribution, leading all the way another "Gravel Gertie", lend Sweeney, '47. During this banner ceremony, U1 u v holding the affirmative will be Doran ear to what is coming and ,,. . , „, " "? ,!! ; ' Seniors are requested to stand on TT .„. othy Knapp and Betty Rose Hilt, Heads Campus Chest gain a new outlook on life. MayVivian Hillier and Margaret Daly t h b a l te£, d M kania witn Juniors. On the negative side will Miss out in the fourth be it's just the wrong shade of were Daly her dropping closest competitors with t h e f r e s h m e n downstairs facing Marjorie O'Grady, '47, was chos- be Marilyn Thompson and Gertrude and Miss Hillier ending in the fifth them on the south side of the Comlipstick you're using or your en head of Campus Chest. The va- Welikes, Sophomores, with 93 votes to Baldwin's 146. skirt's too long. Anyway, it's mons. Sophomores will. stand uncancy on the Big 8 committee was Miss Davis urged everyone interDorothy Diffin landslided to the der the balcony in front of the Sennever too late or—life can befilled by the appointment of Edith ested to attend and participate in office of publicity director in the iors and the Juniors will face the gin at eighteen. Dell, '48. the open discussion following the first distribution with 147 votes, 26 piano. So leave us be optimistic, As President of the Junior Class, debate. She also reminded all freshmore than she needed for the quota. friends. You can look sharp, feel After the ceremonies there will James Conley was automatically men who are interested in debate Numerical Tabulations sharp, be sharp, by using Gilette be a further opportunity to sign up made chairman of the freshman and that they will be able to sign up 241 for activities. Dancing in the ComBlue--er, going to hear Ruth Sophomore skits for Campus Day, lor the freshman squad at the DeFormula: — mons will continue until 5 P. M. =121 MacDonald Osborne speak on 11 October 27. The freshman commit- bate Council Desk on Activities Day. The bonfire, which will be lit at 1 -- 1 "The Impression We Leave" and tee chosen to take charge of the As members of this squad they will Candidates Disti •ibutlons 8 P. M. on the Dorm Field, will "How to Achieve the Right banner consists of Robert Baker, be given opportunity to take part start the evening program. After President 1 2 Look," here October 22 and 23. chairman, Gerald Dunn and Mert in practice debates throughout the _^__»______—_^_— a pep rally and group singing, the Gilbert 101 138 Thayer. Harry Mills, '48, was ap- year and will have a chance to take , _ traditional Snake Dance to the gym Hardt 78 103 will take place. At 9:30 there will pointed chairman of the committee part in the Sophomore-freshman Iry Uuts ror Advertising Staff Worth 62 0 be a special entertainment and the to write and produce the freshman debate in the spring. Isabel Fear, '46, Business Manager Blanks 0 0 Campus Day skit. Other members program will conclude with dancing Several debates with other col- of the State College News, has re- Total 241 241 T l l i s i s t h e t h n d v e a r t n e are Lee EmerKng, Carolyn Woods, leges are being planned for this quested all students with sketch' Prefer- from 10 to 11 P. M. In case of rain, and Hilda Falkenburgh. semester, including Syracuse Uni- ing ability, who are interested in ential voting system has been used the program will be the same exA report was heard on the use versity and Middlebury Women's this type of work, to try out for the in class elections The remaining of- cept that the pep rally will be held of the MAA and WAA surplus funds College early in November. Plans advertising department. Contest- fioers of the Sophomore Class are: in the gym at 8:30. lor these two debates will be an- ants should meet Monday at noon Secretary, Betty Cavanattgh; WAA Organization Booths to be used in case of injuries. nounced at a afer date. Alice Prindle, '48, in charge of in the News office. Representative, Hilda Fiedler; WAA (Continued on page J, Col. u Manager, Pat Tildon; Songleader, Helen Kisiel; Cheerleader, Dorothy Radio, Stage, Screen Star To Sing In Page Concert Tonight Skelton. There will be class elecTonight at 8:30 P. M. Donald tions in the near future to fill the Announces Directors French songs, as well as the modern Dickson, versatile baritone of the office of Vice-President, left vacant music of Jerome Kern and others. concert and opera stage, will apFor O n e - A c t Plays He is extremely interested in trans- by Miss Gilbert. pear in Page Hall in the first Music Student Union Board lating many of the greatest selecMary Harvey, '47, has announced Council presentation of the year. Barbara Reiff was elected Senior tions of German and French comthat the casts have been chosen Although only in his early thirmember of the Student Union Board posers into English in order to make for four one-act plays which will ties, Dickson has succeeded in makit possible lor more people to un- on the second distribution with 436 be presented here this month and ing a reputation for himself not vote. Joan Mather followed with derstand and enjoy them more fulnext by College Playhouse. only on the concert stage but in ly. This interest in translation is 313. radio and Grand Opera as well. He Lois Fillman, '47. will direct Who's Who apparent in many of the classical has appeared in the motion picTheresa Jones, '46, Director of "Suppressed Desire," one of two selections which lie chooses for his tures. His radio engagements on Press Bureau has announced the plays scheduled for October 30, and such programs as the Kraft Music concerts. , Seniors who will represent State has selected the following cast: Hall, the Chase and Sanborn Hour, The program tonight will include American Colleges "Henrietta," Beverly Coplin, '49; the General Motors program, and live groups of songs, among them , j e , s . They are: Harriet "Stephen," Bill Blasberg, '49; "MaU n l m s U on the Coca-Cola Hour have made bel," Dorothy Swegar, '49. "Willhim known to millions of people O-the-Wisp," another play to be l h n l n l l l 1 across the country, while his peras a few Negro spirituals. Four of f " " ° ^ . **%> f J , ' ? ^ ' held the same evening, will be disonal appearances have brought his selections are still in manuscript £ a m e s ^ n o r , Muriel Navy Shirley rected by Julia Boxer, '47. The him wide and enthusiastic! acclaim. torn, since they are as yet unpuo- P»NSOW, Mary Seymour, Helen Slack cast has not yet been named. lished Shure, Robert Sullivan. "He came, he sang, be conquered" The following committee head for In addition to Mr. Dickson's pro- , T h e names of the representatives —so wrote the St. Louis Daily Globe the plays have been selected: Den,ive gram, Lawrence Stevens, his plan» l m , f v , b w , n submitted to the lores Democrat alter one of Dickson's '47, Sets; Mary Ellen ist-accompanisf, will render a group n n " u " i l n d hl> <;nlldld|Ulc>? w i i l «»- Diener,Lawson, appearances in that city, Through'47, Lights; Rosemary CPlvfi f of four selections by the composer °»™s to HI out this month. Ryan, '48, Props; Marie Liebl, '46, out the country he has thrilled audiences with his delightful rendiClaude Debussy. Mr. Stevens is a Last year, State had live represents " House and Publicity; Alice Knapp, lionaUl Dickson well-known pianist and is the com- tlVfw U) w h o s W n o se- •47j costumes; Betty Margot, "47, lions of old and new selections. _;. poser of two"of the selections which lected on the basis of They most were popular Mr. Dickson was first introduced portant step. are still in manuscript form. Florence Garfall: most beautiful Makeup. Miss Harvey has urged that all to American audiences by RodzinAlthough he prefers dramatic Tickets for the event are on Mary Now; done most for State in helpski when he von fame and acclaim roles such as "Rigoletto," Mr. Dick- sale for $1.80 at all music stores Sunna Cooper; most dramatic, Lu- students who_ are „ j a yinterested s c o n u , o t ; n e , . as with the plays contact her as as soloist with the Cleveland Sym- son sings nearly every type of com- and at the College Co-op. State oille Kenny and most versatile, Ed- sing n as possible ' Assistants of all 00 phony Orchestra. He was only nine- position; German liedej-, boogie- students will be admitted by Stu- na Marsh. twins nro naaH^ =„ i~n~ *--types are needed especially for teen at the time he made this im- woogie, Negro spirituals, and dent Tax tickets. (Continued on page S, Ool 5) backstage work, Council To Hold Practice Debate Gilbert Wins *48 Presidency :sn: safflvsa r rr ry LoP4 Ty^-