Intra-Mural League Tied Exciting Season Expected

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Ai P*NY. N. Y.
Intra-Mural League Tied
Exciting Season Expected
Shieks Beat Ramblers
Falcons Thrash Shieks
Rivalry Football
Set For Monday
The first round of intra-mural
football games has been played and
all three teams are tied for the
By Joan Hyllnd
Each team has played two
We have been victorious in the lead.
Monday afternoon will find rivalry
games, winning one and losing one.
weekly battle to disperse the sophoLast' FrVday the Ramblers and the football returning to State after a
mores who invariably congregate Shieks tangled in a tight, well play- year lapse. Not since October 1942
three deep around the Sport's de- ed game that found the Shieks has the Page Hall field resounded to
partment's desk. This means that winning 14-12. The Shieks' margin the cheers of rival classes as they
once again Hylites will brighten of victory came early in the game urged their merr to greater and still
your Friday morning classes. You when Bert Pike was caught behind greater efforts. That day in 1942
have a strong right arm wielding his own goal line and charged with found the Red Raiders of '45 stormone copy of Roget's Thesaurus to a safety
ing through the Blue Devils of '46
The Ramblers fought their way *p win 27-6. Then came Uncle
Come Out, Come Out
into the lead shortly after Pike's Samuel and off went he men of
In spite of eloquent appeals to the safety with a sustained drive down 46. This left the atnietes oi *,i
female element to come out and the field that was climaxed when with no opponents and no game.
cheer for the intramural football McCarthy took Dickinson's short This year, however, '47 has enough
leaguers, the games remain practi- Sass in the flat and went over for husky men back to make u ? a p r e t t y
cally spectatorless. Last week two the score. Weber's attempted pass fair team, and will attempt to show
people and several assorted Milnites for the extra point was batted the frosh what is what,
saw the game. The men really would down.
The Opponents
appreciate some enthusiastic rooting.
The second quarter was all for
The frosh at this writing appear
They put on a good show. So, pick the Shieks. They scored once on a to have a fast, light team with a
your team, place a bet or two on pass from Sullivan to Ingaiis and good passing attack. They plan to
your favorite and come out to pro- were on their way to another one mix in a running game with Ray
tect your investment. State, as a when the half ended.
Cocusi and team captain Sparky
college in wartime, is missing a lot
The third quarter was filled with Vaughn doing most of the ball toting,
as far as the Rah, Rah type of col- fireworks from beginning to end. Both men have had experience in
lege spirit goes. The intramural The Shieks kicked-off and the high school football and will be hard
league is an attempt to maintain Ramblers ran it back to their own to stop.
some degree of normality. We think 30 yard line. After an incompleted
The sophs have a definite edge
it is an attempt that would have pass, Dickinson faded and shot a over the frosh in weight and have
greater success if the girls would mighty heave all the way down to several fast men. They have a strong
show more interest.
the Shiek 20 where the ball bounced passer in Harold Weber who has
Once Again
off Sullivan and Ingaiis into the uncorked some gargantuan heaves in
Once more the WAA tennis tour- waiting arms of Weber who carried intra-mural games so far this year,
nament comes in for its share of it over for the score.
The running game of the sophs will
censure. The slim amount of time
Again the pass for the extra was probably be built around Bert Pike
alloted by the Albany weather is batted down and the Ramblers who startled everybody with a 60
fast running out and as yet no action kicked to the Shieks. They started yard runback of an intercepted pass
has taken place on the tennis court. a sustained drive that fizzled on the in the first Intra-mural game of the
By now the situation has become Rambler 12. After the Ramblers year.
such that we do not scold WAA with had advanced the ball to mid-field,
Both teams are hepped up at the
any malice aforethought,
but, the Shieks took over and scored prospect of winning undying glory
rather, as the regular duty of the their last touch-down when Sulli- for both themselves and their reSport's department. Every year, It van ran around left end for the spective classes. The freshmen want
seems that the editor spends his score.
to show the world that they aren't
first five columns reviling WAA for Final Score
the Joe Cruds that everyone makes
its conduct of the tournament and
Wednesday afternoon the Falcons them out to be and the sophs want
his second five lamenting tne fact showed
much better form than they to prove that the frosh are just that,
that the tournament was not conThe game itself will be played
ducted more efficiently. The sacred did in their opener and took over
the official intra-mural rules.
trust has been passed on to us and
The Falcons started fast and piled Most of the player are already
we take up the torch.
up a 12-0 advantage before the familiar with these and those that
Contrary to the STATE COLLEGE game was hardly under way. Their are not should contact their team
NEWS Bob Dickinson did not leave first tally came when Dickinson captains and learn the rules,
"soon." It may even be that the flipped to Weber in the flat who
i n choosing a referee it was deNavy will not give the word until went 20 yards for the score. Weber's cided that Dave Lehman, a senior,
after the Rivalry football game. We pass for the point was wild. The would be the most unbiased in his
understand that the sophs are quite Shieks then received, but on the decisions. Lehman has played footelated at the news. A permanent first play Heinan fumbled and Hess D a n for several years at State and
"committee to keep our fingers recovered for the Falcons. The knows the regulations as well as
crossed till after the game" has been Falcons wasted no time cashing in anyone in the school,
formed and is now holding daily on their break. On the second play
Again the cry goes out for moral
from scrimmage, Weber threaded SU pport for the players. Both the
Suggestion Dep't.
the needle with a pass to Dave Leh- K o p h S and the frosh should rememA suggestion has come from an man who smashed over for the D e r that points will again be awardalum now out in the "field." This touch. The try for the point was e d f o l . t n e b e s t cheering class at the
public spirited citizen proposes that no good.
various athletic events.
the student tax be raised to 21
With a 12 point deficit staring
dollars—the extra sheckels to go them In the face the Shieks opened
into a fund to take a new picture up with a running game that carof Dr. Sayles, We support the ried them to the Falcon five yard
measure. Not that we object to the line where "Sparky" Vaughn scampresent pose. It's just that a change pered off tackle to score. Sullivan's
of scenery Is always appreciated.
pass for the conversion was knocked
Intervarsity Football
down. This ended the scoring until
The latest news on the MAA front mid-way through the second period
is startling to say the least. The when Sullivan took a pass from
powers that be in the athletic field Vaughn to tie up the game. They
have succeeded in getting together broke the tie by converting on a
enough of that rare species, male, pass from Sullivan to Heinan.
to play a touch tackle football game
The third period was comparawith Siena. For the sake of those tively quiet with only one score.
who were as surprised as we were The Falcons regained the lead with
we repeat that this is a real-live another pass play, Lehman taking
football game.
one from Dickinson. Lehman also
The game is scheduled to be scored the extra point on a pass
played a week from Sunday on the from Weber.
In the last quarter the Shieks
Beverwyck park field. Keep the
and the Falcons both scored. The
date open.
Shieks' coming after Heinan faked
And who was the Fresh tryout a pass and ran through the entire
who, seeing the sign on the P.O. Falcon team. Heinan also condoor—Keep out till 1:00 T h u r s d a y - verted. With only two minutes reshrugged, went his way, leaving a maining to play Dickinson passed
to Weber for the winning six points.
fuming editor inside?
Sanderson NewV.P.,
Life Saving Class
Tennis Season Begins
Featured Soon
Lifesaving will be offered as a
part of the regular WAA sports
Classes will start on
Monday, October 8. It has been
suggested that those who are interested, try to get their meals early—
by five o'clock if possible—since
it is necessary to begin class
promptly at seven.
The Jewish Health Center on
Washington Avenue, between the
White Tower and the State Education building will be the scene of
activities. There will be no cost to
State College students.
Junior Lifesaving is not a prerequisite to the course. The only
difference between Junior and Senior Lifesaving is the age group.
A Junior badge may be obtained
between the ages of twelve and
seventeen. After seventeen you may
work for a Senior Lifesaving badge.
All who wish to take this course
may sign up on the WAA bulletin
board. WAA credit will be given.
Everyone interested in swimming
or who desires to indulge in a pleasant, practical sport is urged to sign
Intramural Football Rules
Rule I
Section 1.. (inly c a n v a s shoos with
soft r u b b e r soles may bo worn.
R u l e II
Section 1, A clenr p a s s is one in
which the ball 1M in flight, a clearly
passer's hand.
Hub- I I I
Section 1. The l e n g t h of
time shall he L'N minutes, divided into
four equal 7-nilnute q u a r t e r s ,
shall he one minute between q u a r t e r s .
T h e r e sliail lie a ."i-iiiiniiie intermission
between the second a n d t h i r d periods.
Section '-'. The officials shall bo a
referee a n d head l i n e s m a n . A s u b s t i tute shall report his name and the
name of the player he is' replacing 'to
the referee before lie is a part of the
game. An eligible s u b s t i t u t e may ret u r n to tlie game at a n y time when
time Is out anil p r o v i d i n g one piny has
ens ' "I since his w i t h d r a w a l .
Hide IV
Section 1. If n second or more forw a r d puss from behind Hie line of
s c r i m m a g e s t r i k e s the g r o u n d or goes
mil of h o u n d s behind Hie line, it is
treated as a fumble.
Rule V
Action Common to it I'reo-KIck or
ScrlmiiuiKc llnu'ii
Seel ion 1. When u b a c k w a r d pas's
or funiblo s t r i k e s I lie g r o u n d and Is
it iimy be advanced
ell her side.
Seel ion 2. A blocked kick may lie
advanced by cither loam.
liule VI
Tree Kicks mill the I'rcc Kick-Down
I. The kick-off
made from one-half the distance of
A's portion of the field. T h e safetykick fl
i A's Ill-yard line.
Section '1. When Hie kick-off Is out
of h o u n d s between I he guul Hues, the
for the receivers is '/i the length of the field.
R u l e VII
T a c k l i n g a m i Hlnckinjc
Section I, Actual blocking is permilted.
Section -'. T a c k l i n g is done with
both hands' definitely on the rear,
below the belt. G r a b b i n g in front, with
one hand and holding is not p e r m i t t e d
and will be penalized 10-yards plus a
first down at the spot of the foul or
the o r i g i n a l
line of
a rm ing.
Rule V I I I
Scrimmage and Down
Section 1. After s n a p a n d d u r i n g the
piny, any player of A m a y c a r r y the
hall across I lie Hue of s c r i m m a g e .
Section '1. Team A m u s t have three
or more men on t h e line of s c r i m m a g e .
Section :i. The necessary distance to
be gained d u r i n g a series' of d o w n s is
1"i y a r d s In four d o w n s .
Section I, All p l a y e r s a r e eligible to
Ive forward p a s s e s .
Rule IX
(I points
Successful I ry-for-poliil
I point
1! points
Rule X
nil' Side
5 yards
Holding i Defense)- (other limn
kill c a r r i e r )
5 yards
Holding Defense in luckliiig)
1st down on spol of line of s c r i m m a g e
Holding (offense)
10 y a r d s
l"i y a r d s
disqualification— Vi distance lo goal line
I'nneeessai'.v delay of game . . . "i y a r d s
Not r e p o r t i n g
ii y a r d s
I"> y a r d s from line
of s c r i m m a g e
DIAL 5 - 1 9 1 3
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
.. .or giving a returned soldier a taste of borne
There's an easy way co make a soldier on furlough feel right at
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always the hospitable thing to say. In many lands overseas, as in
your own living room, Coca-Cola stands for t/jef/ause that refreshes,
—has become a happy symbol of hospitality, ut home as everywhere else.
"Coke" a Coca-Cola
It'a nutiiriil for iHiiiulur liulncs
to acquire friendly ubbrcviuilom. Tjmt'i why you hear
CocU'Cotu lulled "Coke".
Assembly Stars
Songs, Cheers;
Pep Rally Today
VOL. XXIX N O . - * "
We Suffeii . .
Activities Day To Herald
Last May, out of a passive midst arose startling plans for
a State College Student Union—a project that would serve as Revised Banner Service
a goal for the present Student Association and Student Asso-
ciations to come. Plans were set down for the realization of
Students To Nominate this goal. Student tax was increased to $20, members of the
Class of '44 signed pledges, and it was suggested that the
ForQ ueen f\*
\JT V_ampus proCeeds from the 1944-45 "Big Eight" and ensuing "Big
Eights" be turned into this Student Union Fund. Popular
The predominating feature of this
sanctioned this turn of events.
morning's assembly will be a Pep
Rally which is to serve as a preparHowever, a few weeks before the plans for a Student Union
ation for tomorrow evening's Activities Day program. Joan Smith, '45, were introduced into Assembly, the student body was asked
will have charge of the Rally, assist- to make a decision concerning the subsequent distribution of
ed by the three other Student Asso the 1948-44 "Big Ten" money. A bond had already been purSBtkandh Marf "caVey""Zi^Hen ct nh aa ts eDd o tnod c o v e r t h e c o s t o f a f i e , d a m b u l a n c e > but in 12 years
Maloney Sophomores
would reach maturity, and $2500 would be turned
campus Queen Nominations
back to the Student Association. It was up to the students to
Evening Program
Parodies Opera
First Frosh Oportunity
To Sisn For Activities
Tomorrow In Commons
A systematized and innovated
Activities Day will be introduced
tomorrow as the first all-State event
of the year gets under way. Dulcie
Gale, '45, General Chairman, has
l d e
what ch nel
W 0Uld
Campus Queen nominations will ^
! ? .
* » *fe ™ " / . +
scheduled extensive plans with the
also take place this morning, only T n e i r decision was to put the $2500 into scholarship money
aid of Dorothea Smith and JosephSenior women may be candidates, for a veteran or child of a veteran of World War II. At the
ine Simon, Seniors.
nominations to be based on popu- timj, there was little discussion and almost no opposition to
Ceremony and tradition will reign
this proposal.
supreme as all State participates in
The rules of Campus Commission
The fact remains that this is a State College and therefore
the formal opening of extra-curriwill be read by Leah Tlschler, '45,
cular activities and rivalry. Freshtuition-free
and inexpensive. In addition, utilization of the
who is Grand Marshal. Florence
men will sign up for the various
Garfall, President of Student Asso- funds for scholarships will affect only a few students in comactivities
at tables set up in the
ciation, will announce the complete p a r i s o n t o t h e n u m b e r e n r o l l e d .
Commons. The organizations to be
Activities Day schedule. During the
If so desired, Student Association can have this motion
represented are Forum, Chemistry
entire assembly, the class banners
will be hung on the backdrop of the rescinded, and vote to place the $2500 toward a Student UULCIE GALE, '45, General Chair- Club, Math Club, Spanish Club,
French Club, Classical Club, Press
stage. These will also be used in the Union—a project that is imperative, that will add prestige to man for Activities Day.
Bureau, Commerce Club, IntervarsBanner Ceremony tomorrow.
the College, and that will reach, not only a few, but every
ity Christian Fellowship, Student
War Council's Resolution
single member of Student Association!
Christian Association, Newman
A financial resolution introduced
Club, Hillel, Debate Council, Pedain last week's assembly by Sunna
gogue, Dramatics and Arts Council,
Cooper, '45, will be voted upon today.
BAC Appoints Auditor
Music Council, War Activities CounDebate
The resolution reads as follows:
cil, Primer, Women's Athletic AssoDave Lehman, '45, has been apResolved: that $100 be given to War
ciation and the STATE COLLEGE NEWS.
Activities Council from the surplus Second Freshman Tryoi t pointed by the Board of Audit and
Tomorrow will be the class of '48's
of the Student Asoclation Budget
Jane Rooth, '45, President of De- the books of Student Association orAs a result of the elections held first opportunity to demonstrate
for the year 1944-45 to cover the
in Assembly last Friday, five students their interest in these organizations.
cost of mailing Dr. Jones' service
The freshmen are urged to turn out
.second freshman tryout will be held
are now the holders of new offices.
in full force in the Commons at
today at 3:30 P.M. Subjects for
Cheers Presented
In the only Student Association 2:00 P.M.
speeches have been given out. A
Since the Pep Bally 4s this morn- three-minute time-limit designated
election Nora Crumm, '45, was elected
ing's attraction, most of the program for all speeches.
as the new member of Music Council Banner Ceremony At 3:30
will be concentrated toward this
The Juniors will introduce the '48
to replace Eunice Wood. The elecAlthough 29 freshmen signed up
end. In addition to introducing
ceremony at 3:30 P.M. This
several n'jw cheers, songs will be
Wood acquired her office in 1941 year marks the second anniversary
sung including the "State Fight afternoon, only eleven actually dewhen the old system of the entire of the service. With the presentaSong" and "We're the Gang from livered their speeches on schedule.
The Council hopes for a large atAssociation electing Music Council tion of the '48 banner the traditional
tendance this afternoon.
freshman-Sophomore rivalry begins.
representatives was in effect.
The names of the five students
Music Council, headed by Mary
"grand old Seniors" will unfurl
who are elected to various offices last
The Class of 1945 chose Josephine
Dorothy Alden, '45, is sponsoring a
week will be announced officially include Rosario Trusso, '45, Vice- Faculty Concert In the Page Hall Simon as their new Songleader. She their banner next to that of '44 and
State in the Commons at this time.
this morning. The present Rivalry President, and Elaine Drooz, '45, Auditorium Thursday at 8:30 P. M„ will replace Joan Chapman Snow.
Representative at Large.
Joan Smith and Helen Slack, Presiscore will also be released.
featuring Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Miner Chosen on Sixth
dents of '45 and '46 respectively, will
Professor of Music, assisted by MarIn the class of 1946 a new Student speak on traditions and rivalry of
garet Anderson Stokes, pianist.
Council representative was chosen, the college. Dancing and the final
This is the first of a series of An interesting question came up in phases of signing-up will follow. All
musical programs to be presented this election. On the sixth and lest
by Music Council in the coming sea- distribution both James Miner and students are asked to be present at
son, including the annual operetta Jean Groden received 56 votes, creat- the festivities from 3:30 on.
now in rehearsal. There will be no ing a tie. However, according to the Cheers, Snake Dancing
admission charge for the event, and Civil Service Commission pamphlet
by Mary Tcssier
'Rah, rah, rah will rend the air
Miss Alden has announced that both on Proportional Representation, "in at 8:45 P.M. at the pep rally on the
A Dalmatian peasant woman shuf- and has developed a repertoire of the student body and the general deciding any tie a candidate shall be upper dorm field. Strong voices and
fles across the room. In her odd more than 25 sketches with over 100 public are cordially invited to be the treated as having more votes than
dialect she inquires vainly about her characters. Some of the stories are guests of Music Council. The con- another if he was credited with more class spirit are the prime requisites
husband's whereabouts in the big sad, some hilariously funny, and cert will be followed by a reception votes at the end of the last preceding as' State gathers around a glowing
bonfire. The weather not permitting,
hospital. Then with ease she throws many a combination of the two. The for all In the Lounge.
transfer or-sorting of ballot at which all concerned will assemble in the
off her old shawl and dons a lacey amazing thing about; Miss Draper is
Dr. Stokes, who will play selections the numbers'of their votes were dif- gym at 9:00 P.M. for the pep rally.
scarf to become a timid Italian girl that she not only takes all the parts
ferent." Therefore, since Miner has
meeting her lover in the shadow of a in her plays but also writes all her for both the violin and viola, entered 45 votes on the fifth distribution as
With a one, two, three kick, the
tourist-infested cathedral.
against Miss Groden's 44, Miner was snake dance will wend Its merry way
Comedy, heart-break, tradegy—a
Perhaps she derives some of her
to the Page gym. The snake dance,
crowd of people come to life and great energy and ingenuity from her education at the Cincinnati Con- (Continued on Page S, column IS) inaugurated this year, will begin at
share their joys and sorrows with grandfather, Charles Dana Andrews,
9:45 P.M.
you for a short time as one lone editor of the New York Sun for his musical training and also did
infigure rapidly changes a shabby coat nearly thirty yours at the timo of
Music and Entertainment
for a frivolous hat or a prim cloak his death In 1807. Talent sooms to troduced to the student body when Stop Guessing And Look
At 10:15 P.M. a breathless audience
and so brings to light a new char- run in the family, for her nephew,
Rivalry Score No Secret!
will prepare to view the entertainiLs
Paul Draper, has acquired a wide
ment. This unique program is enoperotta was the first over accomThis remarkable woman, who reputation for his dancing.
Fear ye! Fear yol Come, my
panied by a State College orchestra, children, and ye shall hear of the titled "Heart of the Opera" or "Why
changes her personality as quickly
Like most artists, Miss Draper has
Did You Stop Beating?" The proand as effortlessly as she does her to work hard to achieve the desired
Mrs. Stokes, who will accompany terrible deeds of—No, not Paul gram takes Its cue from the Metrosimple costumes, is Ruth Draper, effect in her sketches. She builds up hor husband at tho piano, was for- Revere—that's old stuff, Modern politan when it parodies certain
"dramatic actress," who is coining to eaeli story from an outline, tests and merly Director of Music at the Design brings you tho to-be- famous arias. Josephine Simon, '45,
Page Hall on October 20 at 8:30 P.M., rejects lines, and finally "keeps only Radford School For Girls, El Paso, famous headless, heartless, horse- will direct Irene Heck and Pat Mulunder the sponsorship of Dramatics the essentials." There are always Texas. She was graduated from the men. You may not now believe cahey, '45, Peggy Casey and Sylvia
and Arts Council. She has boon call- slight changes, omissions and addi- Cincinnati Conservatory of Music that there could be such creatures, Trop, Juniors, and Ellen Maloney
ed a monologlst, an impersonator, tions at each performance so that and also studied at the Curtis Insti- but wo say, "Their deeds will and Mary Trelian, Sophomores, in
make them famous,"
their arrogant arias,
and most often a mimic. But none no two portrayals of the same sketch tute, Philadelphia,
of these terms are accurate, for she are quite the same.
The Gremlin-Daffy Dill strugMiss Gale will be assisted by DorThis
gle will reach a new high in addoesn't stop at imitating a character.
Her wardrobe consists of assorted
othea Smith, '45, Arrangements; EnShe Interprets and projects the per- .shawls, hats and coats, and with uppoarunce for this duo, who have vertising.
tertainment, Josephine Simon, '45,
sonalities of the people until they these few props and a facial and uppeared in rocltuls In Ohio, KenIf you're good at foreign lan- aided by Sylvia Trop and Mary Lou
tucky, Arkansas, New Mexico, and
become a part of her, and she carries vocal change she creates her char Texas in previous years.
guages, look In the Commons for Casey, Juniors, and Ellen Maloney,
the audience along in the illusion.
actors. The Nmo York Timet says
the new rivalry chart of figure, '47; Pep Rally, Genevieve Sabatmi,
Miss Draper gives about eight or of her, "No one cun play as many
The program Includes the Brahms fact and fantasy dreamed up by '46, and Betty Brennan and Mary
ten sketchos an evening, with no tunos on one Instrument as Ruth Q Major and the Cesar Franck A that gruesome twosome, Mickey Carey, '47; Bonfire, Robert Sullivan,
more than a minute's intermission Draper. Hers is an Inscrutable art Major Sonatas for Violin and Piano, Navy and Bob Sullivan. Hear ye I '46, and Robert Dickinson, *47; Pubbetween each one. She changes the that travels the full runge of emo- and the Omcert Piece for Viola and Hear ye I
licity, Sunna Cooper, '45, and Kathprogram completely twice a week, tions . . . "
Piano by Hans Sitt.
ryn Kendall, '46.
5 Students Hold
New Capacities
Music Council
Features Stokes
In First Concert
D & A Presents Ruth Draper:
"Greatest Artist O f A l l Time
Have a "Coke"=Welcome back
State College N
• i
As a result of the voting which
took place this week, Mary Sanderson '45 was elected to the office of
Vice President of WAA.
Next week, as the tennis tourney
gets under way, tennis will resume
its predominate place on the fall
sports program. A schedule of the
matches has been placed on the
WAA bulletin board stating that the
first round of matches must be
played off by next Monday.
Ae we look over the list of players,
we find the names of several veterans of former tennis tournaments.
Among these are: Flo Garfall '45,
Jo Simon '45, Peg Bostwick '45, Eileen Shoup '46, Betty Rose Hilt '47,
and Molly Cramer, '47. This year
the names of only three freshmen
appear on the schedule.
Oarfall and Simon, due to former
prowess on the courts, are recognized as the two strongest contendants for the cup, but since the
lnie-up shows several other hardened contestants, the final outcome
is unpredictable.
Due to the fact that the Sayles
Hall gym is no longer available for
WAA use, badminton and volley
ball will take place in the Page Hall
gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays at
4 p.m.
Eitabllihed May 1916
Dear Editor:
To the Editor;
We've been slandered! Rivalry
We don't want money. We don't
spirit? We have It! The Sophomores
* a n * you* blood. All we want
September 29,1944
No. 3 have felt It and will feel more!
^ » mi* •»*** Sophomore gh-ls.
"£*• f o r t h e ««*-**"• J? t w o
W e s h a l , b e i r l n b v r e C ountlna the
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Dl«e«t . a ,, we 0e ,? n aM
" ! ? eeg lrn ?\ recounting
y e a r s t h e f r e s h m a n a n d sophomore
The umleritrailiiate newspaper of the New York State '
* *» '**[ d P r m - men had a chance to really particiColleae for Teachers; published every Friday of the Col- I t was hardly a dull thud that shook p a t e in rivalry. So what happens?
trite your
by tj>2,NBWS
the^JStttjtent^^soctaHall on the night of Septem- Nothing.
Office, 5-M73;
Meyers, 2-1337;
Drury, 2-2752. bPierce
er 2e
T h e halls r a n g wltn t h e
We realize the football game wasn't
battle cry of '48-"Geronimol» The a professional job, but we tried and
Sophomores quaked—we saw them w o u l d like to feel that you appreYou are a senior. You may hate the sound and sight
National Advertising Service, Inc.
run! Organized, en masse, the elated the attempt anyway. Fresh- of It but there it is. Like death and taxes it's always
C>Uett PuUiibtrt Rtprtsentalh*
Yellow Peril bore down on the scat- man women turned out in swarms to with you and like long dresses and your first corsage,
4 2 0 MADISON A V t .
cheer their side on, but they out- it always sneaks up on you.
tcring Green.
CMICMB • SOSTOS • l o i A m i u i • S»d FMHCIHS
underclassmen consider the word Senior as a synoIn fright, many took refuge in a numbered the Sophomore women
Sophomore room and, with the terrifically. We won the game, but n y m f o r a n a d v a n c e d state of senility. These healthy,
The News Board
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF phonomenal power known to be pro- the frosh men were in much higher v l r i l e y o u n g c r e a tures bestow looks of pity upon you,
CO.MANAQINO EDITORS du c e d by terror, they held the door spirits after it was over. Why? o p e n t h e d o o r s l e s t y o u C0Hapse of fatigue, shut the
against our onslaught. Soon we Because they had their women out w i n d o w s i e s t y o u die of exposure. Bent backs, bifocals
BUSINESS MANAGER were rewarded in our thirst for there pulling for them, telling them a n d t h a t h a r a s 8 e d look are regarded as familiar traits
battle and revenge by a slight rally- they were doing okay, win or lose.
t t h e Senlor
We realize that we constitute only
. , i
ing on the part of the Sophs. When a s m a n p a r t 0 f '47 and that our part
compensate for these overwhelming odds there
they were ready to fight, we prompt- m rivalry is limited to that propor- "
attendant advantages. Seniors like tottering,
iy went Into action and thoroughly tion, but we would like to know that childish wrecks of eighty, may pull out their cherished
doused the Sophs who were vainly we are not ignored because there are memories of a past Golden Age without being
-*!>.>.• 2
struggling to maintain some of the so few of us. We'd like to know socially ostracized This advantage I would like to
"Fight and Pep" they sing about that you will accept the little we claim. I want to take all of you back to December,
Many of their once proud leaders have to offer . We don't expect you 941, when the class of '45 sat in the Rogues Gallery,
S U N N A E. C O O P E R
emerged from the showers drenched to slaam to us. Just a little backing <- h ° u S ht t h a t * *& « a s , n ° m o r e .«*"» a meaning for
We were babies.
We were
transition class — from
It W ^ S l a ^ w¥o u l the
events we participate in BRltoP.™?i
All ciiiiiiniiiili'iillii
d do
The STATU (.'Or
mftOH I"Slows
it us
us, your
for opinions cxiiNMKeil
its columns
cominunlciitlons f r n s h virtm.v
w l r h t h o l r tritlmnhnnt
From peace to war. December 7, 1941. And now
a few
must lie Higiietl. Nimles will lie withheld upon request cry—"Geronimo!" Yes — '47 felt our rivalry points.
December 8,1941 at noon — the President of the United
ns sii-li expressions do mil necessarily reflect lis view.
spirit that night, or do they refuse to
States to declare that a state of war has existed beremember?
Think it over, Sophomore Women. tweent the United States and Japan.
In regard to the propaganda "a
Eleven o'clock classes are over. Prom Spanish and
night in the dorm" of the STATE COLHygiene, Calculus and Ed 10 pour hundreds of students.
The Sophmen
LEGE NEWS of September 29, written
The slow line begins to the Assembly Hall. There is a
This, our generation, is a lazy one In comparison with obvious malice, we have this
low undercurrent of talk, the rattle of seats, the wave
to say. The article seems to build
to the rugged living allocated to our forefathers, and & ^ $ ^ J 3 f f i ? $
You saw our spirit at the rivalry of freshmen to the gallery — familiar sounds of a college assembly. But now a hush begins to fall upon
even our fathers, we have been swathed in an exist- what they erroneously call lack of football game and you certainly the audience. The students settle in their seats and
ence of luxury. We have been pampered, and soft- '** spirit on the one incident of their heard it! Our boys didn't win, butwait with sharp, focused attention. There is the shrill,
i i . .u
*uuLu „„.-,..:-o attacking two sleeping frosh and of they knew we were right there quick blare of the radio, a pause, and then the final
behind them and that, win or lose,
ened, and exposed only to those things which require t h e i r s e e k i n g r e v e n g e for a display we were proud of them. Wc realize sound—the voice of the President of the United States.
but a minimum of energy.
of '48 spirit on one freshman. This the coat of that lost game, but it There is not a sound in the Assembly save that
/-. fc L.
i ~ „..,.,. ..~/J n,,* cot r>f WQIUPC incident hardly seems proof of their couldn't dampen our spirit and our quiet, steady voice. Every face is set as if in a mold.
For it is not until this moment that every student
pride in '48. We promise you a con- realizes the full and horrible meaning of the unintelOur life has come too easy, and our set of values c l a i m e d s u p e r f o r i t y o f £ pirlfc
has changed. Five cents in a subway, and ten cents
ligible reports which he heard the night before. Last
Another thing_we were n e w a n d
We hope we have shown you that night there was the Algebra test and History homeon a bus will take us a reasonable distance. We
freshman spirit is high and will stay work and the stockings to be washed. Now there is
think no more of picking up a telephone and dialing Z ^ f ^ ^ t T o ^ Z a
wiser high. Just watch it! Let us shake only the steady drone of a voice and the pinched,
a number than we think of stopping to greet a person n o w . At first the ideal shook on its hands, '47. May the best class win beaten look upon the faces of those who are older
on the street
pedestal and threatened to fall when (and there is no better class than and have seen another war. Now there is only a
sudden panic and an overwhelming sense of loneliness.
' , , , , ,
, , we viewed a few of the '47 tactics '48).
Now there is only the boy next to you with hunched
Inventions doubtlessly are marvelous things, but othis
in kindness
f r i v phase
airyof our education
shoulders and an intent, concentrated seriousness. All
The Freshmen
sadly enough, their entrance has made our life easy, and
tolerance, we shall pass over
of them sweep over you in a sudden rush of feeling
which will come to you again and again — when you
and in making our life easy, it has made us comsay goodbye to the fellows and when you salute a flag
placent. I t is regrettable to cast a backward glance
with six golden stars. Golden stars engraved upon the
and witness the consistent shifting of emphasis onto
heart of a college.
the material side of things. Where the dollar is allS.I.
s. o. s.
important, and a good heart or a conscience is a
What with everybody en the constant move, the
Long, long ago we dreamed. A sidered. Assuming that we are soservicemen's file is still incomplete. In about two more
It is disheartening to realize that this is a world kind lady gave us, State College, a beneficient that we will give a Stuof
Deople believe that moneyy can beautiful mansion anda key, The dent Union building , to those who weeks, it ought to be as^much intact" as ^possible"'At
en mammon
mammon where
wiierc peui
o p e n a n d w e e n t e r e d | w i n e n t e r C o l l e g e yearf
f n j m nQW| t h e present|
of t h e feU
w h
buy anything worth having—only tnere are no walked knee-deep in the soft rugs should we not decide whether they not seem to be located. Does anybody know if Warren
orice-taes attached to the higher ideals in life.
and explored each room, finally would prefer a white or pink ele- Kullman is still an Aviation Cadet at Peru Indian' . , , . ,
, „,
„ , • K f a o ,„„ii f „ r „ :, selecting just the right corner for a pliant? Kindly old ladies often give napolis?
W e r e afraid of work, we might as well face t. p l e a s a n t n a p state settled down to away snuff-boxes and frilled pettiOther addresses which are
and seem
are months
months old
old, and
There are millions like us, easily deflated, easily many an idle hour's dream of life coats that were in fashion in their unlikely to still be valid aare MacLaren, Chanute Field;
Erbstoin, Yale;
Yale; Felgcnbaum, Texas; and Donald Kironthiisprl and WP think we're wonderful W e think m t n e b 'S mansion.
day. A Student Union was in vogue Erbstoin,
enthused, and we think we re wonder mi. w
^ t h f t t Q m j fQp w h e n . ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
T h l f l s p o t fm ^
we can take life on the chin, but we can t. w e lack a n n0U1 . ot restful music, and here out and evidently is in good taste BIRD, BEAST, OB FISH
a certain stability and a definition of purpose.
an office, there another—a whole today.
Mr. Anthony, in Dr. Jones' service file is the name
, „ houseful of dreams for a Student
The only peoples of our generation who can mea- U n i o n . The magic words were shoutI t has been written that returning a i u l address of a former state College student whose
sure up are the men in service who are now fighting ed and we awoke to plan and to in- veterans who now attend colleges In surname is King. Our difficulty is that somebody's
(nL\„n „nil fnr iho nresfrvitinn of our kind of vcstlgate. How was such a union this country are objecting to certain unintelligible penmanship causes the first name to be
"This, Our Generation
on foreign soil for the preservation ot our Kina o
i m ?
^ ^
ghoo]g d o ? r e q u l r e d o o u r s e s
/ m , ( T . mul fts e l t h e r Zolll0i Lollio 01, poUJe
life. In their minds, the American way IS an ideal H o w muc^ W0U ld it cost? How im- nities, Just another case of the men
We found out: At that time a confine themselves. Though we
built expect
plans. some
Their eye
to find
the future
which they
tangible, Student
portant to
the student
whoi have the
seen old
a world
was considered
im- shudder,
order and
It's these men we'll have to answer to They've practical. That was four years ago. or would like to. But a Student
Union, that wonderful dream mabeen hardened to life, and we're soft. They happen a j j g hUer
- terial - future generations will cry
to be the better of the two. We 11 have to tell them n n d t o c l a y t h e r e a r e a b 0 l ) t thirty for it! Come, now, let's be lntelllgent.
how we suffered, how we rolled bandages, gave women housed therein
Four years ago we turned our
blood, read the newspapers, bought bonds, and pockets inside out and scrutinized
Too, Student Council tentatively
reminisced. And probably, the latter will be the budgets. Well, a Student Union had places the post-war Stuaent Union
been a pleasant dream and a penni- building in the vicinity of the Alumonly statement, worth its weight in truth.
les venture. And until last May no ni Residence halls, When State
College moves out of the Commons
You can't lie to men who risked their lives for you. one dreamed again.
and News office, it must perforce
You can only disappoint them. You never botheri I .. •
a mansion for thirty women, and a congregate between classes blocks
ed to find out where larawa was, you coukln t give g o o d , . o u n d s u m o f $ 6 0 0 0 l a i d b y r o r away from the school buildings with
the exception of tho post-war gymvour blood, you hated to spend your evenings roll- Student Union plans. How long to nasium.
, ,
. ,
keep on dreaming?
Please, then, can't we open wide
ing bandages, and you let .somebody with more
W r o n o t qult0 suro wo w a n t t0
money buy the war bonds.
pay six dollars per year until we the doors of Farrell House some year
soon? Let the committee of four,
. , , . , ,
,. , , . .
graduate for something we'd like to chosen to search the mansion for
Victory is in the not-too-distant future, America n a v n b u t s h B j l ncV(!1 . a e e t l l l l o n g creaks and cracks, investigate thorhas been less touched by the war than any other after we leave school. Unless the oughly and announce; A Student
. . .
, f , , , Student Union is born in Farrell Union, housed In Farrell, is deemed
country, and we the Americans are not grateful in H o u s o , t m u s l b(1 s h e l v f l d n l o n g w l l h practical, possible, and probable.
of the College, Post-war building
the fullest extent of the word. We haven't seen other
will notpost-war
begin with
For a considerably smaller sum,
of the war criminals nor tho daytho Student Union could begin to
lives tossed to the winds without charge.
after that. Wore wo to count t h i function and prove itself agreeable
We've been spoiled, protected. We're a lazy gen- years until a Union building could to those who will enter State, Then
a n yand
Of only
we be be constructed, there would bo many, we would fear less that como-upon
our minds,
as of one
can can
be molded
.,»,. Wh*n
(hn bu
hnva come marchinif home a certain
certain Probably enough
there would be a, beausure,
. nlpnt to make us forget Uaf i apeacetime
n e w b i u i d m g w n l o n H t udmUs
the whfllfi
whole mproject.
generation is going to have to grow up in a hurry
There's another thing to be con- would rather leave empty.
N o reoorda c a n
located around school regarding same. The address
King is a male, Is there a code-decyphoring agent in
Camp which makes possible the deduction that
the crowd?
The only name without-any-address-at-all (either
old or new) Is that of Ray MacNamura, Class of '45.
It would be nice to complete his card. It's quite annoying to have to leave little details, such as an address,
It is with deepest regret that we receive tho report
n (tie death of Ensign James Malonoy, '41, who was
killed In action.
And perhaps brings back an atmosphere reminiscent
' ) n i - w n i ' days
The Weekly Bulletin—
Hi'l. (I
pubiitu c , iiirii
iryuuiH I'm' ri'imlunun will
In' lit'lil MI :i;!K) l',M.
Itlvi' .i imi I'm' ii.-. inumliorn
In iIm huuiillu ill I Mill P.M.
Tim riHiiiiluliiK Siiriii'liv
"I'l'ii lluuMim will Im hi'lii
In i hi' ('riming,
or:. 7 Ai'tlvllli-H iiiiv,
li'iisliinuii win «i|fn ;,,, for
uul vlllim in cm , m s ni y
P.M. i i he luiiiiiiir i'm'i'iiiiiiiy,
l l i r Hll M U l l u U U , Will IllIU'
ljltt<-'« (V 8 i « 0 I'.M., n a i l Hi.'
1'i'p ally, ai aiin I>,M, m i
ii|i|ii'i' i l . i n n | ' | „ | , | ,
Out, li ii'ii'Ht fur II 111 mnt.
"tf i'i' iIm yoar In Iw ii.'iii
in tin- liuMiigB «t :i::m |',,M
11| | f I- I'lll'llll
on, II si mi,.in invi.Hii
u'liilnn I'niiiiiiiiluii mi'i'iH in
Or IUiiivm''x (iri'li'u a ••in
fmi l u r i n g
o r . diiirli'H f
HlukuH, iiHhlHi.'.i i n M n r
KillVI A. Mlnlii'M, [iliuiUl.
will In' imiNuuluil In I'IIKII
Hull ill Sillll P.M.
(ii'i. I J li'ruuuli c h i l i will
ll:HU I ' . M ,
will rutfiHlur fur Wiir Acilvlili'N In Uiiiiimiii, a A,M.
In lilllll I ' . M .
Council Reports
O n Union Plans
"Crime Doot Not Pay !!!"
Guilty Sophomore Repents
Pi Gamma M u Daffodils Meet Blase, Greeks
Plans To Sponsor At Inner Sanctum Open Houses
"Stand back — here they come!" sent on to a similar scene a t a
Name Lecturers Whoosh
I And the female element nearby locale. "Whew!" expostulate
Has anyone heard the latest
sscapade of a certain Sophomore
who recently borrowed an item
Investigation at Farrell
lrom a local night spot? It seems
of '48 stomps in, stockinged and the already tuckered-out sorority
To Start Immediately
a group of young ladies from the
A meeting of the officers of Pi
and dressed in their Sunday girls, but there's no opportunity for
dorm went out one night. Now Gamma Mu, honorary social studies heeled
best. Open House is here and thefurther soul expression, for here
Student Council meeting Wednes- all of the ladies thought each of
day resulted in appointments to the other young ladies was also society, was held on Wednesday, frosh have landed. They've been in- comes K to R. . . .
"Hello — let's see — Anne. Just
the Election Committee and a re- a lady, but in their midst was a October 3. Plans for the semester's vited to look over the sorority
activities were made with the help houses and get acquainted with tne follow me and . . ." And so It goes.
port on the activities of the Student damsel who hadn't read her
When K to R have been sufficiently
Union Committee.
Emily Post or listened to her Social Studies, and faculty advisor Greeks.
Florence Garfall, '45, President of
"Hello — let's see — Jane. Just acclimated and initiated into the
mother, or something. This little of the organization.
Student Association, announced the lass happened to be a glass colfollow me and . . .' People, crowds, Joys and sorrows of sororal living,
Carolyn Hasbrouck, '45, president, people. All over the place. "How do they too go the way of all flesh.
following appointments to election lector, and the minute the waiter
Committee: Helen Stuart, '45, turned his back, she popped a announced that one big meeting a y'do. Where did you say you were But it isn't as though the Greeks
semester would be open to all social from?" Laughter, smoke and music will be lonely. Entrez S to Z!
Chairman, Mayola Thayer, '45, Jo- little glass into her bag and left
studies students and anyone else in- — awed frosh and blase Alphas,
Afeared of being tabbed repetisephine Maggio and Georgette Dunn ahead of the rest.
terested in attending. Prominent Betas, and Gammas, all milling tious, we chorus in unison that S to
Juniors, Eunice Golden and Edna
The waiter, who was a very
around in a rippling whirlpool of Z, just as A to J and K to R (ye
Sweeney, Sophomores. Miss Garfall wise man, quickly upped to their
gaiety. "What a cute room! Whose gods, this begins to sound like one
also announced that the curtains table. Quoth he, "Give with the will lecture during the year.
Ceclle Goldberger, '45, is in sharge adorable man?" Thus speak daf- of the governmental alphabet buwill be put up in the Commons in glass or a dollar I"
of Foreign Policy membership and fodils and sorority-ites to the tune reaus!), had a wonderful time. All
the near future. They are already
The rest of the ladies couldn't will be a t a table in the lower hall of a three-quarter hour melody this and refreshments too.
up in the cafeteria.
::ee why they had to pay a buck of Draper next w«ek to collect played in "rush" time.
And so the yawning Greeks take
Union Committee Meeting
just because their friend was a
The committee for Student Union kleptomaniac, so they paid the money and sign up those who want
But time waits for no one andthemselves off to their trundle beds
to join the Foreign Policy Associa soon A to J are gently evicted and and various and sundry "So and so
will meet with Dr. John M. Sayles, bill and ran out the door.
tlon. Further explanation of this
was cute" 'S are heard mingling
President of the College, and Dr.
A minute later, a lone figure will be made by Miss Goldberger in
with "Now I lay me down to
Ralph Beaver, Assistant Professor
crept stealthily into the night
sleep. . ."
of Mathematics, Wednesday at 3:30 club and over to the table the Assembly this morning.
P.M. in Dr. Sayles' office. The com- ladies had occupied.
Miss Hasbrouck also revealed that
mittee is composed of Dr. Sayles
A pocketbook was opened — Pi Gamma Mu members will act as
and Dr. Beaver, representing the
there was a flash and a bang. substitute teachers in freshman
New Officers . . .
administration and the faculty; Flo"Didn't want your old glass any- history classes and, after midrence Garfall and Robert Loucks,
(Continued from Page 1, column 1,)
how I" she mumbled as she slunk semester examations, will tutor
those freshmen having difficulty
Seniors; Flora Conca and Kathryn
considered to have won the election.
out the door.
War Activities Council, the chanwith history.
Kendall, Juniors; and Marjorie
In the Class of 1945 a new WAA
O'Grady, '47.
Members of the society have nel through which all college war representative and also a new songactivities are promulgated, is explanned
According to Miss Garfall, the
pecting a larger percentage of stu- leader was chosen. Edna Sweeney
afternoon, October 8.
consensus of opinion so far is that
dents to register this year for war won the WAA election and Dorothea
Farrell House will not be adequate
Silvernail is the new '47 Songleader.
for a Student Union. A full report
Freshmen will have an opportunRMIN TO MUSIC COUNCIL
will be given to Student Association
New Rulings Made
ity to register at the War Activity
(Htlllllillt A s s o c i a t i o n )
at a later date. Whether or not
booth tomorrow in the Commons,
Farrell can be used depends upon
Nina Criiiiiin
By Kesidence Council while Upperclassmen will have a .loillllin
the engineers report. Students are
table in the Rotunda, Monday
welcome and urged to inspect the
Faith Blnks, '45, president of through Friday, from 9 until 3:30 llliinks
house themselves.
Residence Council, has announced P.M.
Student Union Fund
Today, the first In a series of that the monthly meetings of Resi(J until =
1- 1 = 2!I7
The Student Union fund to date Snapshot Contests sponsored by the dence Council will be open to all This year's war activities will
totals $5,622 in cash. This figure Pedagoone begins. Snaps portray- members of the student body in the center mainly around the donation
C L A S S oif 'in
does not Include the pledges from ing any State scenes, either of a future. The time and place of of blood, home nursing, office work,
the Class of '44 which will be col- group or of individuals, are request- meetings will be announced previ02
classes. The sale of war bonds and .IOHHIIIIIIIO Simon
lected in February.
ously in the STATH: COLLEGE NEWS.
ed for entry.
stamps will be handled by the
After the inspection, if Farrell
Three prizes of one dollar apiece
House is found to be inadequate, are offered for the three snapshots
ply for Senior hours. Any Junior tions.
Student Union may be built in the adjudged best in each contest.
-J- 1 = 52
Members of this student-faculty
vicinity of the dorms. Out-going
Snaps entered in competition as a Senior is eligible,
council include Dr. Ellen C. Stokes,
Senior classes and recent alumni should
CLASS o r '1(1
be submitted in a sealed enThe Council has disclosed the Dean of Women; Dr. Minnie B.
will be contacted for contributions.
S t u d e n t Council |{i|,.
velope and placed In the Pedagogue election of three new members to Scotland, Assistant Professor of
mailbox anytime until November 15 the Judicial Board. They are Muriel Biology; Dr. Mary G. Goggin, In- (Irinli'ii . . . 114 34 114 .'It 44 50
IS HI 21 22 25
for the first contest.
Foldman and Margaret Loughlin, structor in Latin; Dr. Louis C. llurptii'
. . . il
Myskania Warns Frosh
Lucille Gerg, '45, Editor-in-Chief Seniors, and Joan Mather, '46. The Jones, Assistant Professor of Eng- •Miner
25 2S 33 II 45 50
of the Pedagogue has named Lucille following Seniors are also serving lish; Dr. Theodore G. Standing, Mnotly . . . . 15 15 17 2(1
For Second Offense
Kenny and' Martha
Sprenger, on the Board: Miss Blake; Nora Professor of Economics and Soci- Whil in.y . . I I 14
Wot'sluy . . I I
I I 111
Paul Vaughn, '48, has been report- Seniors, and Dr. Floyd E. Henrick- Crumm, vice president; and Mar- ology; and student representatives l l l i i n k s
(} 8 12 in 17
ed twice to Myskania by members son, Assistant Professor of Educa- garet Schlott, secretary.
Sunna Cooper and Anne Fritz, Se1211 121) 1211 1211 120 1211
of the Sophomore class for entering tion, to judge entries. All deniors;
A new ruling has been instituted
the door before an upperclassman. cisions of tho judges will be final, by the Council. It specifies that no Cronln, and Marie Liebl, Juniors;
1,'iiotn = — • - j - 1 = (15
This constitutes a violation of
man will be allowed on the dorm and Kay Hagerty and Philip LaCLASS Oif 'it
Tradition 3, which states that when property of tho Ped.
porches or premises after 12 mid- shinsky, Sophomores.
WAA Hop.
The second and third contests of night. The rule formerly stated that
two or more students of different
rank enter a building or any room the series will be held from Novem- no man would be allowed in the
Uiinliiy . . . . Ill 21)
of a building at the same time, ber 20 to January 10, and January dorm lounges or lobby after mid.UiiNtivniifuld
Commuters Club Reception Mil IN
2.-1 as :i"
deference must be shown to upper- 25 to February 15, respectively. night.
40 54Anyone con enter the competition.
Sweeney . . . 71
SO S3 100 12(1
Pictures for this year's Ped are
The penalty of a first offense is
s ii i5 ii» an
a warning from Myskania. The scheduled to be taken October 10 to SCA To H o l d Frosh Chapel
Commuters' Club will give a tea lu.uiiis
penalty of a second offense, which 21. A poster for slgnlng-up will be
in the lounge this afternoon from
241 241 241 241 241
is the case of Mr. Vaughn, is not.posted next week on the bulletin
All freshmen arc invited to be- 4 to 5:30 P.M. for all students who
Suns Leader
only a warning from Myskania, but hoard between the mailboxes in the come acquainted with the chapel at commute. Jane Philips, '45, presi1
I l l
the publication of the violator's lower hall of Draper. Tho prieo for a special Frosh Chapel program to dent, Marilyn Guy, '45, past-presi- ' ' " *
pictures is two dollars.
be held Wednesday from 12 to dent, Shirley Rice, '46, and Janet Sllveriiull
12:30 P.M. at the Unitarian Church. Wallls, '47, will pour.
Tho program, a continuation of
The club will have a loble on
-f. | ... 121
S.C.A. activities, will feature as Activities Day to enroll members
guests artist, Edgar Aufdcmberge, and receive clues. All Upperclassmen
organist at St. Paul's Evangelical who are eligible for membership
Lutheran Church. Others to parti- may join at this time, in addition to
cipate are Martha Sprenger, '45, freshmen. Ruth Donovan, '45, and
Press Bureau, one of the quietest, ask him when it's all right to send who will speak, and Justine Mo- Mary Hallahan and Ruth Card,
most unassuming' organizations on out job notices. When the princi- loney, '48, who will be the soloist. Juniors, will be in charge of the
the campus can make a big noise pal gives his okay, Press Bureau The group will be led by Jean Fer- table.
for State College when It's neces- sends Hie notices to the graduate's ris, 40.
sary. This group holds the all-im- hometown, to the town where ho Is
portant job of getting our college going to teach, and they also put
In a Friendly,
into the public eye and keeping the the graduate's degree In the Albany
Emil J. Nagengast
students' activities In the limelight. papers, Toward the end of the year
It was storied In 1035 by an en- all seniors should have three picT H E C O L L E G E JEWKLUH
Vour College Florist
thusiastic group of Slate .students tures In the Press Bureau file so
who wanted to publicize their col- one can be sent with each of these
Cor. Ontario at Benson St.
103 C E N T R A L AVE.
lege, and the organization has been notices.
flourishing ever since.
Probably everyone has filled out
Every week, Press Bureau semis a one of the cards with Ihe Informacopy of tho STATU COLUHQH NUWH tion Press Bureau needs, If you
along with other Important Infor- haven't, drop Into their office anymation on State activities to the time and fill one out. If you're
Albany TIIIICH-VIIUDI and the Knlo/o- faint from jllierhugglng in tho
erbookor Nawti,
If these Albany Commons, drag yourself up the
newspapers don't publicize all their" stops and go through the little door
material, Press Bureau blames It. on nl the east end of the balcony.
Hitler and keeps on plugging. They There you can sit down and fill out
card with tho Informacontinue l.o send in the weekly in- that little
10:80 A. M. — 1:80 P, M.
formation and tire grateful when tion ' ress Bureau needs to have
the Albany papers do give its pub- about you. Of course tills is only
for those who haven't already filled
U:80 P. M. — 1:80 P. M.
When Mary "Grand Ok! Senior" out one of those cards, And, by tho
graduates and becomes a teacher, wuy, any organizations who want
11 The Sandwich Counter You Find Bare
don't think Its Momma who sends any special function of theirs publicized
out tho notices. Press Bureau is an
Forgive Us, Unexpected Crowd Was There.
the Job. They write bo the principal Press Bureau Office at any time
who Is to be Mary's new boss and olid speak to whomever Is there.
W A C Wants
Total Cooperation
Ped Announces
Photo Contest
To Begin Todoy
State Students Publicized Free;
Press Bureau Gets Us In Print
Sophomores Triumph 7-0
In Rough Rivalry Game
Weber Stars for '47,
Scores on Interception
Dy Joan Hylind
The prophets of doom, who last
week were eulogizing over the
"dead" class of '48, can put the
sack-cloth and ashes away in mothballs for the duration. From the
huse numbers of frosh who turned
out for the Rivalry football game,
we'd say that obituaries were a bit
premature. If you have no spirit
you don't sit on the damp grass
while the cold October winds have
their way with your coiffure just to
cheer your team on. You don't
shout at the top of your lungs for
a solid hour. You don't make up
cheers and send three of your
peppiest member out to lead them.
You don't walk away from a defeat
saying, "They won this time, but
NEXT time . . . "
The Sophomores drew first blood
cf the 1944-'45 rivalry when they
toppled the freshmen in football,
7-0. This game marked the return
of rivalry football after a lamented
lapse of two years. Both teams had
pointed for the game for over two
weeks and were raring for action.
The result was the toughest contest of the year. Hard running,
sloppy but vicious blocking, intercepted passes and booming punts
furnished thrill after thrill for the
colorful crowd of girls that saw the
Rough and Tough
The game opened with the frosh
doing the honors by kicking off.
Hansen did the booting and got off
a good one that carried almost to the
Soph goal line. Pike took the ball
and ran it back to his own 35 before being tagged. From this point
on the game settled into a quiet
slugfest that furnished plenty of action, but no scores until the third
period when the Sophs manufactured their only score of the game.
Mid-way through the second period the Sophs made their first bid.
With the ball on the frosh 30, Pike
slashed off tackle and went tearing
through the line for a touchdown.
Sullivan called the play back because Pike left the ground when he
reached the line of scrimmage. This
was called "unnecessary roughness"
which resulted in a five-yard penalty
for the Sophs and took the punch
out of their attack.
It's unfair to judge' the frosh on
their performance during the first
few weeks of school. They have no
organized leadership. Getting acquainted, attending the numerous
receptions, buying books, writing
letters home, take up most of the
24 hours alloted to a freshman each
In time, however, the fog lifts. The
freshmen learn what Rivalry is all
about. That's when someone invariably decides that unorganized
Rivalry has gone far enough. Numerous people write letters to the
editor, upperclassmen drag out the
gory tales of Rivalry when they
were freshmen, they sigh for the
godd old days when a ducking in
Washington Park lake was the accepted, inevitlble lot of the frosh
president. But life can be beautiful,
they say, and we must try to make Frosh Bid, Sophs Score
it so, mustn't we?
The frosh threatened to score
several times, but only once did they
We never thought there would really come close. Early in the third
come a time in our young lives stanza they had first down and goal
when the sight of a WAA bulletin to go only to be hurled back by the
board would thrill us, change our hard-charging Soph line and finally
whole outlook on life. But leave us lost the ball on downs.
face It. Seeing the long lists of
The big break of the game came
people who have-signed up for lifesaving and hiking a special at the end of the third quarter when
glow. We are looking forward to Jim Brophy of the frosh passed
much of interest from these two from his own 30 and Hal Weber
departments In the near future. intercepted for the Sophs. He
Life-saving, a comparative new- caught the ball on the mid-field
comer on the WAA scene, has gain- stripe and with beautiful blocking
ed rapidly in popularity. It has the streaked clown the sideline for the
advantage of being practical as well score. They made it 7-0 a few moas good exercise. Many of the for- ments later as Bob Dickinson ran
mer pupils have spent enjoyable through the frosh for the extra
and profitable summers rescuing point.
hometown folk from local pools.
Have you noticed the tans some of Take a Bow, Boys
these people have acquired? And, Individual stars were lacking, but
what's this we hear about swimming there are some that should be menbeing oh so good for the figure. tioned. For the frosh It was
Esther Williams is doing all right as "Sparky" Vaughn and Jim Brophy.
Vaughn for his nice running and
exhibit number 1.
Brophy for passes that would have
There are not quite as outstand- been great if he could have had
ing endorsements for hiking but we protection.
can strongly recommend the sport
as a basis for all other athletics.
The Sophs had Bert Pike and
Egad, Tennis
Harold Weber to brag about. Pike
It begins to look as If maybe the did some rugged blocking, the one
tennis tournament Is going to go he threw on Sorenson after Weber's
against all sports department tradi- interception probably won the game
tion by getting itself completed on for the Sophs. Weber was a bultime. We are willing to publicly, wark on defense In addition to scorand in print to apologize for all ing the only touchdown. Bob Dickslurs against the fair name of ten- inson had tough luck in his last
nis, when and if the contest is suc- game here. He completed only one
cessful, We will spend reams of out of nine passes attempted.
paper extolling the virtues of the
sport, the contestants, the winners,
the captains, WAA, etc. Give us a
champ and we'll do the rest.
Bob Dickinson will probably go
Western & Quail
down In history as the only man to
make a column three weeks In a
15c a game for school leagues
row but we want to wish him luck
from 0 A.M. to 0 P.M.
once again—he's really gone this
State Favored
To Defeat Siena
In Tilt Sunday
An inexperienced, raw but favored State College touch-tackle team
will face an invading Siena College
juggernaut this coming Sunday at
Beaverwyck Park.
State is accepting a Siena challenge. Each team will have six
men. The men of State have been
trying to mold a heavy and powerful team to doom the boys from
State will go Into Sunday's fray
minus the passing arm of Bob Dickinson who left for the navy and
whose herculean heaves will be
sorely missed.'
Hal Weber will be relied on to
step into Dickinson's shoes and do
most of States passing.
Pike and McCarthy are State's
best bets in the blocking department.
"Sparky" Vaughn, shifty and
light, may start In the backfield
along with Weber on the offensive.
Dave Lehman and Ray Cacuzzi
will probably occupy the other line
Thus State meets Siena with a
hodge-podge of material, inexperienced but willing and ready to fight
for a hard victory over the warriors
from Siena.
If the Statesmen can capitalize on
its heavy line, it can be counted on
to give Siena a hard fight and if
it can't, it will meet with a lot of
Siena claims a light and thus
fast six-man aggregation that may
prove too much for State on the
The Sieneans have been In constant practice for the last week
shifting their positions on the line
and backfield and looking for the
most power they can muster.
Siena is outweighed on the average by State but what they lack in
the weight department they hope
to make up in speed and aggressiveness.
Hansen, Screnson, Inglis, Brophy,
Koblenz, and Bolles will provide additional material for the State six.
All of State's strength is being recruited from the intramural league
As this Is being written all indications point to a close battle with
State slightly favored.
Attendance figures are estimated
to reach five hundred cheering fans.
MAA Sponsors Sister-ClassTennis
Tilt On Page Field Today
Page Field todey will be the
scene of a sister-class rivalry
game that will feature the combined talents of '48 and '46
against the strength of '45 and
The gridiron still smoldering
with the memories of Monday's
Frosh-Soph rivalry tilt, (Yes, the
Sophs won 6-0) promises to exhibit one of M.A.A.S outstanding
events of the year in this game.
The '48 and 48 combine has
been designated at Team 1 and
the '45 and '47'ers as Team 2.
Team 1 will no doubt have a
much lighter but shiftier team
and will have to resort almost
totally en their passing talent.
Team 2 will outweigh Team 1
nearly 50 lbs. per man and as a
result will have both passing and
running power at its use.
Life Saving Takes Spotlight
Life-saving claims a prominent
place on the fall sports program.
These classes are scheduled to be
held every Monday evening at seven
P.M. at the Jewish Health Center on
Washington Ave., under the direction
of Nat Bullock.
Tourney <
In Second Round
The women's tennis tournament
began last week and is now in full
swing. All the first round matches
were to be completed by last Monday and according to the schedule
this has been accomplished. Favorable weather has aided in getting,
the first round under way .without
any postponements.
As a result of the matches, we
find several veterans of the sport
emerging victoriously. Flo Garfall
won over Pat Tllden; Jo Simon over
Orson Lawson; Virginia Effley d e feated Molly Cramer; Rose Devine
tost to Mary Now, while Adrienne
Iorio forfeited a game to Peg Bostwlck, Eileen Shoup, Alice Williams,
Jane Williams, Betty Rose Hilt, and
Bernice Cohen lost to Betty Brewster, Geraldine
Schlott, Doris Egerton and Mary
Bess Vernoy respectively.
The second round should prove to
be a very exciting one as several
hardened proponents of the sport
are slated to oppose each other'
on the court. Among these will be
Bostwick and Brewster, Schlott and
Now, and Garfall and Simon.
To obtain WAA credit for tennis
four supervised hours and six unsupervised hours are required.
Try Our HiisinvNKiiiiin's Lunch
D&A to Present
Famous Mimic
Friday, Page Hall
Ruth Draper To Portray
Variety O f Sketches
Dramatics and Arts Council, headed by Martha Sprenger, '45, will
present Ruth Draper, the "electrifying mistress of the monologue," tomorrow evening at 8:30 P.M. in the
Page Hall auditorium.
On January 20, 1920, she gave her
initial performance on the stage of
the Aeolian Hall in London. She
trouped throughout England and
Scotland that year, doing recitals and
headlining on variety programs. She
appeared on one bill preceded by a
tame sea-lion act, and often recalls
her cue on that particular occasion:
it consisted of the soft padding of a
seal's feet by her dressing room door.
After her successful English debut,
she went on to conquer new worlds.
Ruth Draper
WSS 7.r>7 A
V. S. Treasury Dept,
Have a Coca-Cola = Put 'er there, old timer
known for her solo-dramas is now
on tour of the United States after
appearing in North and South Amerca and Europe. In May of 1940, she
played South America, adding one
performance to her regular schedule
for the benefit of the Red Cross.
Returning to the U. S., she made
joint appearance for two weeks with
her famous dancer nephew, Paul
Draper, In New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, and other
This unique artist has been termed
a monologist, reciter, diseuse, impersonator, and even an elocutionist,
but she prefers to be known as a
character actress. Her repertoire
includes 57 characterizations and her
dialects include French, Spanish,
Italian, German,
Egyptian, and Japanese. All of Miss
Draper's sketches are her own creations, a few taken from actual experiences, but most of them drawn
from her intentive understanding
and observation of people—an unconscious record ol'i mpressions of
types and locale.
No one who has soon hot' can
forgot her Opening a Bazaar, Three
Woman and Mr. Clnfford, Italian
Lessons, On the Porch in a Maine
/Continued on Page a, column 2)
Frosh To Nominate Officers
. . . or greeting new pals in Ketchikan
In Alaska, just as here in the States, to say Have a "Coke"
is to say Pal, we're right glad you're hi/re, j-.c us it does
in your own home. In many lands around the globe, the
pause that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola h..s become
a symbol of a friendly way of living.
It's nuiimil far popular imim-s
to acquire friendly abbreviations. That's why you hear
Cocii-Colu tallal "Coko".
The freshman class will meet to
nominate its class officers at noon
Monday. In the final elections the
preferential ballot, inaugurated by
the freshman elections last year, will
be used.
Presidential nominees will give
one minute campaign speeches at the
meeting scheduled for October 23rd.
This feature was also originated last
year. Four days later, October 27th,
'48 will hold its final elections.
Mary D. Alden and Martha Sprenger, Seniors, and Myskanla idvisers
to the Freshman class, will be present
at all meetings.
Crowning Of Campus Queen
To Be Main Event Tomorrow
State Convocation To Bring
'The Pause That Refreshes'
Teachers meet in Albany!
Shake out the welcome mats I On
Thursday and Friday, October 15
and 16, N.Y.S.T.O. will be host to
hordes of teachers from all over
the state.
In honor of their arrival, and
due to the fact that many teachers and students expressed a desire to attend the conferences, the
administration has announced
that classes will not meet during
the convention.
This may be sad news to the
student who already has done his
assignment for Thursday and Friday, but to the rest, it will prove
a refreshing "pause from the
semester's occupations."
Sophs vs Frosh
In Rivalry Contest
Banner Hunt Featured
In Campus Day Program
Nelson Names
Second Semester
Honor Students
Campus Queen Coronation will be
the main event of the 24th annual
Campus Day tomorrow. The queen
will be elected today by Student
Association from the five candidates
nominated in last week's Assembly.
The contenders are, Florence Garfall,
Mary Now, Dorothea Smith, Joan
Smith and Martha Sprenger.
Campus Day activities will begin
tomorrow at 10 A.M. with the
women's rivalry sports, and the men's
events will start at 11 o'clock. There
will be six races in the women's
division, shoe race, sack race, threelegged race, relay race, old-clothes
race, and a blindfold race, each
counting one-half point. The men's
events will consist of three phases of
football, accuracy and distance passing, and place kicking. Each event
will earn one point for the winning
team toward the rivalry score.
The sports events will be directed
by Betty Ann Margot and Bert Pike,
Sophomores, and Rita Schapiro, '48.
Betty Jane Bittner and Eugene McCarthy, Sophomores, and James
Brophy, '48, will be in charge of the
Banner Hunt, which will be held
from 12:30 to 5:30 P.M.
Banners must be hidden by the
morning of Campus Day someplace
in the college buildings, with the
exception of the executive offices,
lockers, and other areas designated
by Student Council. The hunt tomorrow ends at 5:30 P.M., but the
banner must be kept until the midnight preceeding Moving-Up Dap
in order to win the five points.
The evening events will begin at
8 P. M. with the crowning of the
Campus Queen in Page Hall. The
queen will be elected in assembly
today, but the results will not be
announced until tomorrow night.
The queen will be attended by two
Seniors, two Juniors, two freshmen,
and two pages from the Sophomore
classes. There will also be two ushers
from each class.
The queen will be crowned by Pvt.
Patricia Latimer, WAC, who was last
year's queen. Following this, the
Sophomore and freshman skits will
be presented. Helen Slack, '46, is
censor and general adviser for the
skits. The Sophomore skit was planned by James Conley, Pat Kearney
and Lillian Kunicka. Elaine Navy,
'48, is general chairman of the
freshman show.
There will be dancing in the gym
after the skits until 11:30 P.M. at
which time the Campus Day cup
will be awarded.
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the
College, has released the Dean's List
for the second semester, 1943-1944.
The list contains 232 names, the Campus Queen candidates, I. to r.: Mary Now, Dorothea Smith, Martha
same number that was on the first Sprenger, Florence Garfall and below Joan Smith.
Photo By Central Studios
semester, 1943-1944. The Class of
1947 leads in representation, having
a list of 73 names. There were 50
members of last year's Senior Class,
57 Juniors, and 52 Sophomores constituting the second semester report.
Following is the entire list of
CIIIHH of 11)11: Kiinieo Rnlril, Btlilli
In preparation for V-Day, MysHon i d , Ailclin
K u r d , Juno Carlson,
Juno ('lurk, Florence Cohen,
I t i i l h kania has released a plan for a serFrioilimin Colin, Kiln Duly, Luis Dunn, vice to be held on the day victory
Helen H ' A p i i x , Josephine DICoslunzn, over Germany is announced. Since
Dolores Dl Uulilio, Helen Wight, Terosil
Student Council will present a surFrank, I'nlrleiu Fro.v, Lillian dross, such plans can only be tentative,
Hope ll.'itlicwu.v, K n t l i r y n
llenluinn. only the service itself is definite. prise speaker in today's assembly.
Joint Ilol'fnnin, Muriel Hughes, Cnth- However, the plans thus far are as Dr. Jones, of our faculty, will introefiue llltvnr, 11 <'li-ti til II fie Kelly, lOtt- follows. If the news comes before duce Dr. Howard Le Sourd, educator,
KIMIIII IjiiClntiise, Carolyn Lively, Helen
M.'U'Don.'ilil. lOvelyn McGowuii, Theresa 5 P.M. on any school day, students author, profound student of nationalMistirelli, Jeanne Moore, Mary ('. More- should assemble in Page Hall audi- international affairs and religious
house, Winifred Morris. Anne Miirpliy.
I'll'in a (Mtnsieinl. Callierlue Hid*, Sally torium. If the announcement should thinker.
lllionn be made at night, the service will be
During the first World War, Dr.
.leanelle held at 9 A. M. the next morning in
Sliay, Cnllierlne Smith, Janet Smith, Page. If the news should come over LeSourd was with the Army Y.M.C.A.
Ada Snyder, Mary Stengel, Margni'ol
In 1930 he was a member of the
Clarice a weekend, the same directions will
Angela hold true for the following Monday White House Conference on Child
Wierzliiiwslci, Nancy Wilcox. lOllzalicth morning.
Health and Protection. He has held
Williams, Mildred Wlriinloff,
The order of the service is as the chairmanships of the Advisory
|045i Marianne
Mary-Dofolhy Allien, Callicrine l i i t l c r - follows:
Council of the Institute of Oral and
lllilll, Janet
Brumal, Jane
Invocation—Marguerite Bostwick Visual Education and of the Com101 Inn hot h Col troll, Hnliotlo Davis, MarAmerica
mittee on Social Values in Motion
If a rot Doo, Kathleen DeKonde, Anne
General Prayer—Eleanor Hayeslip Pictures.
Dillon. Janet Donahue. Marilyn Klior.
Muriel I'Vlilinan. (Iraee Fielder, Joanne
.Lord's Prayer, Malotto—Maryt
Fiilniun, l i m i t Fine. A n t e Frills, Dlllcle
Dr. Le Sourd received his doctorate
Dorothy Aldcn
(lltlo, Florence (liirl'all, Nora (llavolll,
from Columbia University. He is a
Address—Dr. John M. Sayles
Janet (Inultl, Florence (irnlintn, 191tanOnward Christian Soldiers
graduate of Union Theological Sembelli (Irennell, Marilyn Guy, Caroline
Ood Bless America
inary, and for the last 30 years he
(Continued on page S, column 1)
Benediction—Harriet Greenberg
has been minister, advisor on religious education at various American
colleges and universities. For the
past ten years Dr. Le Sourd has also
been the Dean of the Graduate
School of Boston University. He is
now on sabbatical leave and is acting
as Director of the American Palestine
Trumpet blow—blow it loud and lower hall of Draper to the Commons, committee An author as well as a
blow it strong, for tomorrow we her- w e s e e ^ ^ George Kunz from the l e c t u m . , Dr. LeSourd is recognized
ald our new Queen I Surrounded by a Class of '43. He'll be here to reprecourt of beautiful lasses, Queen X sent his class, as will Betty Bailey as one of the country's leading educationists and social scientists.
will be crowned to ascend her regal and Ruth Dee Newton.
throne. Old Father Time has once
If your eyes should go searching Campus Day Activities
again delivered the day of d a y s - and see a pair of brown, horn rimFlorence Garfall, '45, president of Newman Club Outing
Campus Day. With that comes med glasses, that may be Helen Student Association, will announce
glamour for us here at State, moved Brucker behind them. It won't be the Campus Day schedule and will Scheduled for Tuesday
by the sensational thrill of the exactly a surprise to have some of designate the positions of the two
The annual fall outing, sponsored
moment. Amidst all this emotion, the home-comers back, but it will be rival classes. All freshmen and by Newman Club, will be held Tueslot's remember those who have gone super to say "hello" again to Kit
day at 5:30 P. M. hi back of Newman
before us and have come back to Herdman Wilson and O m e Serabian, Sophomores will be urged to turn Hall, 741 Madison Avenue. Roasting
celebrate too.
'44, candidates for last fall's Campus will be reminded that Mi rivalry hot dogs, group singing, and bridge
Tomorrow, some may look about Queen title,
will highlight the evening's enterwith a questioning glance, wondering
We're hoping and expecting the point is given to the class with the tainment.
who the vivacious, blonde WAC arrival of more personages from '44.
Marie Liebl, '46, and Julie Collier,
Private is. Upperclassmen will know June Clark, Mary Domann, Dolly Di
In another part of the NMWH, the '47, co-chairmen of the picnic, will
Pat, now Pvt. Latimer, and greet Rubbo, Jane Southwlck Hansen, list of Campus Queen candidates be assisted by the following comher with a warm welcome. For the Elaine Grogan Leahy, Virginia Mos- lias boon printed. During assembly mittees: Genevieve Smlthllng, '46,
benefit of the frosh, "our Pat" was chak and Janet Smith plan to be the student body will vote on these food; Eugene McCarthy, '47, fire;
last year's Queen—our queen, always here to represent the grand old nominations.
Toni O'Brien, '46, entertainment;
beautiful and beloved.
and Genevieve Sabatlni, 46, publicity,
Seniors of last year. Perhaps—don't
Many strange faces will be let your hopes soar too high, sister
Marguerite Bostwick, '45, President
glimpsed in the crowds. Strange to females—we may even have present No News Next Week
of Newman Club, requests that all
Us now, familiar a year or two ago. a few of State's men from '44. If the
students who wish to attend, sign
Rulers of the P. O. in '44, Mary Betty Law of Probability Is on the up and
The STATU COI.UQH NHWH will not their names on the Newman Olub
Stengel and Janet Baxter, promised up, Herb Brock, Fred Shoemaker, appear next Friday. This is due to bulletin board before today at 1 P. M.
to join "old home week"—not even and Regis Hammond will be back.
the fact that there will be no college There will be a table in the lower
teaching in Kerhonkson can keep
Campus Day, from all appearances, classes from 5:25 P.M. Wednesday, hall of Draper and students are
old Staters away.
is fated to be a reunion of State's October 18 until 8:10 Monday, asked to pay their 35 cents before
October 22.
next Tuesday.
, *»&•
Wandering to and from from the old-timers.
Myskania Plans Dr. Le Sourd,
V-Day Service Noted Educator,
To Speak Today
DIAL 5 - 1 9 1 3
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y , PROP.
ate College News
Polish Up The Welcome Mat;
'44 Returns To Herald Queen