Document 14064069

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Dime Tour Shows Albany
As City of Progress,History
Many Interesting Points
Dot Map of Capital City
All aboard, folks! Only five m i n utes till tour time. S e e Albany,
the capital of N e w York State a n d
the home of State College, All
On the left is the waterfront with
its sluggish barges a n d faster s t e a m ers. Anyone here from Kingston?
There's the night boat tied u p a t
the dock. T h e narrow, brick streets
that wind u p to the heart of the
city have an ancient flavor that
leads back to the memory of William H e n r y Hudson and the Dutch
Shopping Center
And now, folks, the main s h o p ping center.
There's the Strand
Theater where "Air Force" is playing a n d h e r e a r e Whitney's a n d
Myers, two of the largest d e p a r t ment stores. No, the bus driver
can't stop this time, girls. The Ten
Eyck Hotel, famous for the music
from the Flag Room. Try it next
Saturday night.
Here is the steep hill leading u p
to the Capitol.
There it is, the
home of the State Legislature, with
its long approach of steps that lead
to the ornate, granite building which
covers three acres. Yes, the Monday night sessions a r e open to t h e
One might even see the
Governor walking down the famous
million dollar staircase which is
lighted by an immense, glazed dome
and a cluster of lights. In back,
connected by an u n d e r g r o u n d t u n nel, the State Office Building towers
33 stories into the air.
On the right the State Education
Building, with its graceful, Grecian
Yes, that's where the
Regents papers are corrected. Visit
the State Library here, one of t h e
largest in the country. Visit the
museum on the fifth floor with its
dinosaurs, tree fossils, and lifelike
scenes depicting the daily toils of
the Indians of the Five Nations. No,
not real Indians, just wax. On the
street floor is Chancellors Hall, the
largest auditorium in the city,
where Vincent Sheean and T h o r n ton Wilder have spoken and where
the Albany Symphony Orchestra
presents many of its concerts.
(Continued from page 5, column
lone basket in the extra period to
gain the nod.
The completion of this sport may
see the activities of I n t r a m u r a l
Council curtailed somewhat for the
duration d u e to the decrease in
male students, b u t its past p e r formances cannot be dimmed by
what m a y come in the future. B e fore ex-Coach Goeway inaugurated
this new athletic program in 1935,
such sport events h a d been in the
hands of an intramural manager.
The increased d e m a n d for contests
among the various groups on c a m pus soon made this a r r a n g e m e n t too
Under the n e w plan I n t r a m u r a l
Council was formed. The first officers were elected at large, but,
the present
each team represented in the loop
appoints a member a n d from these
the officers are selected.
The Council receives funds each
year from the Student Association
through MAA and, with this money,
has provided an athletic program
well appreciated by those who do
not play varsity sports.
At present it sponsors loops in
football, basketball, bowling and
Softball a n d gives a w a r d s to the
outstanding players of the year. In
the past it has held leagues in baseball, swimming, volleyball, tennis,
badminton and other sports when
the demand was great enough. It
Its importance cannot be stressed
too much for it provides a program
which reaches almost every male in
(he school.
Dorms at State
. ( . - , . ' 21*
Built by Alumni
"2-9612 please." That's the most
popular n u m b e r in t h e telephone
directory of State College. It'll get
you a n y one of 100 intelligent or
beautiful girls, maybe even both.
For it's Pierce Hall, the classic
Colonial building, which is the center of g r o u p life, an essential and
integral part of our life here at
It's impossible to forget our
brother across the way — Sayles
Hall. These two buildings, separated by a playing field a n d a Greek
theatre, form as attractive a q u a d rangle as can be found in any easte r n college. $300,000 was required
to build each d o r m and it was a
proud day, indeed, for Doctor
Sayles, "Dean A n n i e " (Former Dean
A n n a E. Pierce) a n d the whole
college when t h e cornerstone for
the second building was laid and the
realization of a d r e a m had been
made possible by the generous contributions of a loyal alumni.
No dormite will ever forget the
"bull sessions" at midnight or the
tearing out of bed a t nine for a 9:10
class, chatting with the housemother
or the "housefather", hammering
one's t h u m b while decorating the
Ingle Room for a big dance, sleeping in Brubacher Lounge with a
good book—these a r e memories that
will linger long after the "log of
zero" is forgotten.
Forum to Back
Sayles Hall, Men's Residence Hall, 3 blocks west of t h e C a m p u s
Best of Luck to Our ERC's
G E O R G E I). J E O N E Y , P r o p .
D I A L 5-1913
Try Our Businessman's Lunch
198-200 Central Avenue
2 3 £ t CENTRAL AVE.
A L B A N Y , N. Y.
Admission to the dance will be
in the form of old clothes. In a d d i tion to the regular dancing, there
will be games and s q u a r e dancing.
Harold Goldstein, '45, is in charge
of the e n t e r t a i n m e n t which is to be
a mixture of vodka and "Kazatsky."
Refreshments will be served also.
Dr. Louis C. Jones, A s i s t a n t
Professor of English, is lending his
collection of Russian Cossack a n d
folk songs to blend in with the e v e ning's atmosphere.
Radio Broadcast
Tuesday afternoon at 3:15 over
WABY, a "Letter to Russia" was
presented by a cast consisting e n tirely of State College students.
Those who took part were Morris
Gerber, '43, and Trece Aney, Lois
Hampel, Fred Shoemaker, J a m e s
McFeeley, and Vera Willard, J u n iors. The program was broadcast
under the auspices of the City and
County War Council to promote the
Old Clothes Drive t h r o u g h o u t this
Milne High School will collaborate with State in this activity. The
high school campaign is u n d e r the
supervision of the Milne War C o u n cil.
Today's tour must end on the
outskirts of the city. In the distance
tower the Helderbcrg Mountains,
with Thatcher Park, picnic grounds,
ski trails, and the Indian Ladder
Path. Want to go'.' You bring the
'Edna' Leaves Annex
Since vacation, a change has been
made in the Annex personnel. Mrs.
M. Philpot lias been made manager
to replace Miss Edna Wasserbach
who now holds a position with t h e
State Department of Audit and C o n trol.
Where All State Students Meet
for Good Howling, Good Eoiid
Gift & Greeting Card Shop
i l i s l m i 11\ (
i <ist m i l l ' s
I ,11 I \ illjl
226 North Allen St.
Albany, N. Y.
N|Ul l \
. .
l i l i e s . . I l r III I n , n i l il III In i ^ l i l
l u l l l l l l l l . i l li l l l i i l l l l l l l . l l l l r
The "grand finale" of the Old
Clothes Drive for Russian W a r R e lief will be a
dance Friday evening, May 7, in t h e
Commons from 9 P. M. until m i d night.
Drive a Success
The Old Clothes Drive h a s a l ready brought vast results. In a d dition to a h u g e box in lower
Draper, three large boxes have
already been filled a t different
group houses. Sunna Cooper, '45,
Chairman, says, "The Drive so far
has been most successful.
had swell cooperation.
If this
keeps up I won't be surprised if
we'll need a special ship to carry
all of State's 'old clothes' to the
U.S.S.R." Miss Cooper also requests
that "all group house presidents,
who have not already done so,
please start immediately their own
little individual campaign in their
own house."
Assisting on the committee are
Agnes Wiilett, '45, and Marion B e u tow, '46.
And now Washington Park. If it
were w a r m e r there might be some
State students strolling over the live
miles of elm and maple shaded
drives, playing tennis or boating in
the lake.
2 2 7 C E N T R A L AVE.
Friday, May 7
Entertainment W i l l Close
Russian Clothes Drive
Art Institute
Up the street is the Albany Institute of History and Art, complete
with collections of painting, s c u l p ture and photography.
War Aid Dance
| i l l let I
I Ill'Nf
l u I I I I M Mill I \
Pierce Is Not Dormant;
Girls Plan Fun Frolic
"Psst . . .hey, have you got a
date tonight? You haven't? . . .
Uh, well, uh, neither have I."
That's how the whole thing
started. With all those empty
evenings—no Black Market on
men, you know—the Pierce Hall
gals just had to cook u p s o m e thing to do.
The whole conference was con
ducted with the utmost secrecy,
but it has leaked out that the
dorm is planning a major c a m paign to assist both themselves
and the war effort.
J u s t what form this contribution will assume is not certain
as yet, b u t it has been reported
simuelaneausly that it will be a
circus, a revue, a varsity show,
and a minstrel. Take your pick,
for whatever goes, the college is
promised a full evening of fun
and frolic. It is also rumored
that the admission fee will be
a mere war stamp. All the p r o ceeds go to WAC.
Election Speeches
Set for Assem bly
This morning's assembly program
will be devoted to campaign speeches
of the candidates for Student Association offices and their managers.
Carolyn Burrows, '43, Chairman of
Election Commission, will introduce
the speakers.
The speeches will be limited to
two minutes for the candidates and
one minute for the campaign m a n agers.
Bert Kiley and Patricia Latimer,
Juniors, will seek the position of
S t u d e n t Association President.
Candidates for the Vice-Presidency include Peggy Dee, Nora
Giavelli, Harold Goldstein, Ruth
Mines, Barbara Putnam, and Leah
Tischler, Sophomores.
Freshmen campaigning for the
ollice of Secretary-Treasurer are
Pauline Cloven, Rosann Hayden,
Elizabeth I. McGrath, Marie S c u d der, Esther Ulal, and Lynne Wolf.
Voting will take place in the
Commons on Monday and Tuescday.
First revotes will be held next
Thursday, and if necessary, a second
term of revoting will be held April
2(i and 27.
The results of (he election will
be announced on Moving Up Day,
as well as class and organization
elections. All election results must
be placed in the Myskania mail box
before April 28.
Class elections are scheduled for
Thursday. The nominations which
were made this week at class meetings may be supplemented by written notes to Myskania until 3:30
P. M. Wednesday. There will be a
special Senior class meeting today
to nominate class day speakers.
ERC's Bid Farewell to Gang;
College Applauds 'Gondoliers'
A t Opening Night Presentation
Wil cox Suceeds
Despite Present
T H E GONDOLIERS CAST as seen in t h e grand finale of t h e first night
/ J,
performance in t h e Page Hall audit orium.
''" ° ''•' A '"" v ''"
Lovenheim Contest
Annual Leah Lovenheim w r i t ing contest rules have been r e vised this year so that three
prizes will be awarded. For t h e
best poem there will be a $13
a w a r d ; for the best short story,
a five dollar prize; for the w i n ning essay, another five dollar
a w a r d . All u n d e r g r a d u a t e s m a y
submit entries in one or all of
these divisions.
May 3 is t h e
Finance Board to Check
Organization Budgets
The new resolutions concerning
budget reform which w e r e passed in
Assembly several w e e k s ago a r e
now being put into motion by
Finance Board. T h e college o r g a n izations have been asked to h a n d
into the Board
budgets for the year. Those line
budgets, which cannot contain a n y
abstract items such as "miscellaneous" will be reviewed by Finance
Board and Student Council before
being b r o u g h t before S t u d e n t Association in Assembly, April 30.
As far as can be ascertained now
no raise in the student tax will be
necessary. This is possible because
certain items in the budget, such as
MAA—heretofore fairly large, will
be lowered because of c u r r e n t conditions. The Board is figuring this
year's budget on the basis of 800
students matriculating next year.
Finance Board at present consists
of six members, four of whom a r e
students and two faculty.
By Edna Marsh
Scene: Publications Ollice s o m e lime prior to 3:30 P. M. Friday,
March 2(5, 1943.
I never had time for a full appreciation of the charms of State women.
II I only had it to do over again."
Characters: All ihe little ERC's
who just not "greetings" from the
Curtain: It's still the same old
There's a dozen coke bottles
in lite corner, and the air is unfit
fur human consumption.
But the
atmosphere is different it's the last
day lor the ERC's and all that " u n finished business'' must be finished
Here's one of the principals, the
"buss" himself
He's silting at his
desk, fondly gazing at a faded posy.
"This was All-State" lie sighs. The
Sophomore Desk Editors can have
this to remember me by." His other
treasures, a luck of hair, an old pair
of sneakers, and a French novel, are
delegated to the Board. H e sighs
"There's only one thing I
regret," he suys, "and that is thut
There is a wild shout front over
in the corner. That's Leneker. "I've
Hot it," he shouts, "I've got it " "Got
what'.'" says Slavin, "that cigarette
bull you were looking for?" "1
have made my last enemy," a n nounces Herb triumphantly, our
little "V" buy to the end. "Boy,
this crack is ti wow."
They were interrupted by the
arrival of a wild-looking individual
who staggers in and falls ill a chair.
"Geo, Skulsky, what's the matter
with you," solicitously inquires a
Sophomore Desk Editor who thinks
now that the poor guy's going he
can all'ord to bo nice to him. Bernie
groans. "To me it has to happen.
Four beautiful women beg me lo
take them out this weekend. All
last night I lay awake trying to d e cide which one I um going to fuvor.
women like m e ? "
'You jusl don't know bow to m a n age it," says a masculine voice which
sounds as if it is coming from u n d e r
a huge pile of clothes. " W h o said
that'.'" says Bernie, starting up, "I
do not sec a n y b o d y "
"Get oil
girls," says J. Michael
shaking himself loose from seven
girls in whom he has been crooning
thai lender love ballad "I'll be down
in gel you m a pushcart Becky."
Soon the lour gather with the
group outside the P.O. 32 rookies
all Wondering how they ever gul
out of IK . . . T h e last good-byes
are said, the last kisses kissed. T h e
girls stand around in hushed groups
waiting for the last pearls of w i s dom to fall from the mouth of men.
It is Leneker who speaks.
nous," lie says, "stagnation."
End of scene one.
End of act one.
End of play.
A . D . Schedules
Play for May 21
"A new experience" is what A d vanced Dramatics students say will
be in store for Slate College on F r i day, May 21, in Page Hall A u d i t o r ium, when the A.D. students will
present their annual spring p r o d u c tion, which is this year, Ladies in
Retirement by Percy and Denham.
The cast, which as usual is made
Dramatics classes, includes Rhona
Ryan, Trece Aney, Lois Hampel,
Mary Studebaker, Marjorie Breuing,
and H a r o l d Ashworth, Juniors.
Another character, which will a p pear in body b u t not in the flesh is
an Old Dutch Oven which will rival
its h u m a n counterparts for the
audiences' attention. Miss Agnes
E. F u t t e r e r , Assistant Professor of
English, is directing the play.
Horror Melodrama
The play is a horror melodrama
and its cast of m a d or eccentric
characters finds the inspiration for
the mood of the play in its setting
of a late Victorian household of
three maiden ladies. The weird a t mosphere will be a decided contrast
to more recent final productions.
Last year's, T h e Royal Family, offers
an unusual comparison to this play.
Ollicially called a "niclodrama", the
plot involves three maiden sisters.
Two sisters are mad and Ihe other
is a murderess. Miss Aney plays
the pail of the murderess.
The play has been a success on
Broadway, on the road and in the
Flora Robson made the
stage play a hit while Ida Lupino
played the same part in the movie
The cast will give a special dress
rehearsal performance for the Army
un Thursday, May 20, previous to its
on Friday,
May 21. At tile regular production
admission will lie by student tax
Pcd Calls (or Snapshots
Jean Tracy, '13, Editor-in-chief
ul' the Pedciyuyiie has put in a call
lor snapshots of all students activities.
Because of ihe shortage of film
this scar, it is urgent fur everyone
who has pictures lo submit them
Students arc asked to cooperate by
pulling thcii snapshot contributions
in the /'ediii/oi/iic mail box.
All types of informal photos arc
acceptable. This includes snapshots
of not only e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r activities but also social functions. Miss
Tracey says, " T h e more candid s l u t s
we get the more interesting y e a r book we'll have."
Repetitions of last night's performance of The Gondoliers
will be
offered tonight in Page Hall a t 8:30
P. M. a n d at a television broadcast
over Station WRGB of Schenectady
at a date yet to be determined. As
evidenced by curtain calls, laughs,
and encores, the Operatic Society's
showing of last night was received
with enthusiasm.
With the shortage of available
male talent as a handicap, Dr. H.
Frederick T. Candlyn, Assistant P r o fessor of Music, and S t u d e n t Director Nancy Jane Wilcox, h a d an even
more difficult task than c o - w o r k e r s
of former years. By casting women
as gondoliers in the Gilbert a n d
Sullivan operetta and by injecting
humorous references to the present
war conditions into the dialogue a n d
songs, Dr. Candlyn and Miss Wilcox
overcame their troubles.
McAllister Scores Again
Veteran Jean MacAllister, '43,
plays her third consecutive lead role
on the State College stage as Casilda,
a maiden who is in love with h e r
father's attendant b u t w h o h a d
been promised in infancy as the
wife of the son of the king of B a r a tarla. H e r lover is portrayed by
Verne Marshall, '43, w h o was a
minor lead in the 1941 presentation of HMS Pinajore.
A newcomer to operetta a n d a
veteran of D and A productions is
James McFeeley, '44, who plays the
Duke of Plaza-Toro, father of C a silda. Mary D. Alden, '45, as the
Duchess is in her first operatic lead.
State (Hi-ad Imported
Returning to Stale, David K r o man, '39, did an outstanding p e r formance last night in h i s role of
Don Alhambra Del Bolero, the
Grand Inquisitor, Mr. Kroman, a
member of Advanced Dramatics and
Music Council while in college, is a
teacher in Schenectady.
Earle Snow and Roderick Fraser,
Juniors, as two gondoliers, a d d
complication to the story; one of
the two is presumed to be the
searched-lor husband of Casilda,
and both are married. Their wives
are played by Agnes Young, '4G, and
Jean Chapman, '45.
The cast also includes Walter
Grzywacz and Elizabeth
Seniors, J a n e Soulhwick, '44, Barbara P u t n a m and J a n e t Donahue,
Sophomores, and Waldemar Block,
Shirley Wuiz, '43, is in charge of
sets fur the production. The first
act backdrop was designed by Sally
Richards and Georgia
Julia Gorman, '43, was
second act designer.
P O P Elects Seventeen
W o m e n to Membership
I'i Omega Pi, honorary commerce
fraternity, installed its new m e m bers last night at a banquet at H e r bert's.
The members, chosen front the
class of '44 on a basis of scholarship
and interest, include Edith Beard,
Adelia Bucei, Madura Daily, Helen
Elgin, Teresa Frank, Ruth Friedmall, Ettore Lirundoni, Lillian Gross,
Jean Hoffman, Mary Manion, K a t h arine
Lyons, Evelyn
Morris, J e a n e t t e Shay,
Ada Snyder, Dorothy Townsend,
and Elizabeth Williams.
Mr. Harrison M. Tcrwilhgcr, A s sistant Piufe.-sur of the Commerce
Department, was also installed.
Pi Omega Pi is planning to issue
its own publication, T h e Pi O m e gian. in May, It is to lie a booklet
on commercial education a n d progress in the field of business.
Gay 'Gondoliers
Established May, 1916
by the Class of 1918
No. 23
F r i d a y , April 16, 1943
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers published every Friday of t h e college
year by the NEWS Board for the Student Association.
Phones: Office, 5-9373; Burrows, 2-2752.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
The News Board
All communications should be addressed to the editor
and must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed In its columns or communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its
Ghost of Case No. One
State College has long been waving the banner
oi Democracy. State prides itself upon being
Democratic. But if State is Democratic, ii is
through no effort on the part of the great majority. Most students discuss the term in Social
Studies classes and then dismiss it smugly. And
the more spirited minority, does little more.
True, a lew do insisl upon playing a lairl) actve
pari in the democratic mechanism ol the school.
And so they "gripe". There's nothing wrong
with "griping"—so long as it is constructive.
Apparently, State finds that it is "no fun" to
do anything more definite.
One of the more recent "gripes" concerned
the Residence Council situation. The complaints were legitimate and sensible. So the
NEWS look up the cause in Case Xo. 1. Dissatisfaction was expressed, bin not without concrete, constructive suggestions. Survey revealed
that I'J otu of 50 girls agreed that Residence
rules needed revision as proposed by the NEWS.
No one could complain about the results. Residence Council agreed to an open meeting at
which every woman could air her views. When
the designated time arrived, N O T ONE
This is school spirit at Slate. This is how
Stale handles Democrat)'. Ii lakes mine ihan
one to make any svsicm work. Drooping the
mailer would be an admission ol malicious inleni instead ol sincere desire io improve the
system. Such problems will neither disappeai
nor "work oui" b\ themselves. "Criping" will
recur again and again.
J he tools arc all here. It is Slate's privilege
io wield i hem.
I here is no lea son u liv RsidciH t;
Council .tnd the women ol Stale should uol
reai h a sal islai lot \ agrecincni.
Don't slop in mid-slream ihis lime. Prove
I hut students are more than vac illating, throuii
louiplaiueis. finish the job! Residence Council
i> willing.
Scholastic Absenteeism
Willi indtisli) (leaning up absenteeism, u
inighi be a good idea loi Siaie to do a litile
hoiisec leaning along ihe same line. W e n uol
doing i In job ellii Kin I v oi I r u n vvai n nigs would
have jammed ihe mail boxes vesienlav.
I hen's siill nine in selile down in some pin
We've used piaiinallv even excuse (ollegiaielv ;K K pi.ible. And piubabl) we could nn
.ii tli a lew moie weak ones. Jim h i s uoi. l.el's
i oui cull ale on i OIK euii ai ion. Aliei all, we
silpposcdl) have a goal in mind expressed In
mil ineie piescnce in ihis inslilulioii ol lei lining.
We diploic absenteeism in indusii) bin loigei
ili.II we loo aic in an indiMiv an impoituiil
one. We have iesponsibilnics. I.el's noi ignore
By Lyn B u r r o w s
Ye that follow the uision
Of the world's weal ajar,
Have ye met with
And the red laugh of war?
The ERC's who left just before vacation are doing
fine, a n d are keeping their senses of h u m o r . . . Buck
Hippick, having left C a m p Upton, sent the following
telegram from St. P e t e r s b u r g , "In Air Corps, Florida.
Wonderful. Wish you all were h e r e " . . . Slavin and
Skolsky are also in the w a r m e r regions, rooming
together at Miami Beach . . . and we're having snow
storms in the middle of April! H a n k Ruback stumped
the A r m y with his long legs and large feet.
couldn't be fit so he didn't leave Upton with the rest
of the fellows . . . Lcsicker and Verrey are enjoying
their jobs as "glorified n u r s e m a i d s " to new rookies at
Fort Niagara . . . Beach, Bcrnhartl, Brenni, Cornwall,
Duncan, and the Flax boys are all at Fort Bragg . . .
Slate is well represented at Keesler Field by Born,
Finer, Loucks, Mennillo, Mullin, Regan, and Skavina
. . . They would "appreciate letters from anybody that
cares to w r i t e " . . . Let's hear from you soldiers often,
too. . . .
Ray M c N a m a r a is taking anti-aircraft training at
Fort Eustis, Va. . . . Having just started his basic
work, he likes w h a t is going on . . . Ensign "Will"
Muller has been spending ten days at home . . . Boh
Coinhs is doing pre-flight work for two months at
Colby College, Waterville, Me. . . . Boh Bartman, from
reports, has a slight case of pneumonia at Jelfcrson
Barracks . . . Pvt. George Kunz, 71st Service S q u a d ron, Charleston, S. C , turned down OCS . . . He
b elieves that the longer you go to school the less
chance there is tor action . . . And he's all for getting
into the fight . . . T r u e to type . . . He also expects
a furlough soon. . . .
Will F r a m e n t , '40, was surprised to get the NEWS,
and thanked us with news about himself . . . He also
gives State training credit for his transfer from the
cold Atlantic to teaching at Notre Dame . . . A
"charming a p a r t m e n t " and a "lovely new wife" keep
his morale on top . . , Also in the romantic vein comes
news of Leo Griffin's e n g a g e m e n t to Gerry . . . Also
marriage of W a r r a n t Officer Ed Caster and Gussie . . .
Faith in State romances furthered by Lieut. Jack Nordell and Carol Golden walking down the aisle . . . Dan
Biirci, at H u n t e r Field, Savannah, married that southern gal. . . .
State g e t - t o g e t h e r s a r e happening often . . . Breen's
already mentioned NYC dinner went off per schedule
. . . Lieut. Duke Ilersh and J i m Quinn, located at
nearby camps in K e n t u c k y , m e t halfway . . . By the
way, Ed B u r k e is in Hersh's command . . . Major
Thurston Paul and Licuts. < happcll and Dittman telegraphed DV d u r i n g celebration at Camp Rucker officer's club . . . J a c k LaVarn and J i m Maloney are
at ATB, Solomon's, Maryland . . . a/c Max Sykcs and
a/c Bob Seifert have left San Antonio, transferring to
(of all places!) Sikcston, Missouri. . . .
Boh Margison (spouse of Eleanor Groll) is at p r e s ent at A b e r d e e n Proving Ground in Ordnance Officer's
School . . . He and wife go back to California in a
month . . . For you who complain of heavy class
schedules, Hob has eight hours of classes per day plus
four hours of study . . . Sometimes he eats and sleeps
. . . Everyone expresses his regret at the demise of
College House . . . Hob llerlel has been transferred
to Camp Locket, Calif. . . . Bill llopke, here in Albany
during vacation, has r e t u r n e d to Sioux Falls . . ,
Louis Neabaur, approximately '39, finally turned up
at New Orleans, but won't be there long . . . The
fair blue waters of the Gulf Stream arc calling him
. . . Fred Ferris, ranked sergeant and approved for
OCS within a day, goes to C a m p Barkley in May. . , .
Seme of the faculty have heard from Warren Densmore . . . He's been at sea on the U.S.S. Marblohead
. y 1 r Carl Mitchell, previously at Norfolk is doing
Shore Patrol at Richmond, Vo. . . . Bob Patlou is
studying as hard as he ever did learning engineering
in midshipman's school at Annapolis . . . Ensign
Charles Oiiiiin has been assigned to the U S.S. Builard. . . .
John Hayes, former Superintendent of Schools in
Mechanicville. is a major in the Provosl General's
office in Washington, D. C. . . Boh Karpen is not in
the Army due to an operation . . . Lieut. Dick Margison
of the Artillery has moved lo Fort Devins which must
be tame after having been exposed to Hawaiian
. . Roy Mack of the U.S. Army Air Force
i^ reading weather maps at Bradley Field, Conn, . . .
Mac I'uppoil, also (if the Air f o r c e s is in Chicago. . . .
Best news of the week for Stale's dutiful soils, DV's
new letter, 17."> copies . . .
.S'lnlc Itas been puiycd nj nil lmt ii few uf its III (J u —
puu'c'i' in lint / jew weeks, and it i.s a very morbid
/ce/liio fur thuse uf us irlm were in I'ullege during n
/jcriod uf uunnulcy
. . . 'The present uul'lol' "J thin
coin in II seeks the indulgence oj her readers, because
she already knows her lac/c uf quftfi/iculioiui, • •
The Stale College Operatic S o ciety's presentation of the Gondoliers
w a s a happy, gay, a m u s i n g a n d above
all a beautifully done production of
one of Gilbert and Sullivan's most
c h a r m i n g operettas
The costumes
w e r e magnificent a n d gave a colorful and festive air to the setting.
T h e b a c k d r o p in the first act showed
artistic imagination on the part of
the designers. The m a k e - u p c o m mittee, u n d e r the direction of Ruth
Schmidt, made excellent characters
of Mary Dorothy Alden and Dave
The chorus, in spite of the deficiency of male members, a fact all
too noticeable in all phases of college life this year, gave a spirited
performance so i m p o r t a n t to this
operetta. It is a shame that with
such a w e l l - r o u n d e d production we
had to be "sans males" this year.
Kroman Is Outstanding
Dave Kroman, State College, '39,
gave the outstanding performance
of the evening, undoubtedly due to
his recent work with the S c h e n e c tady Light Opera Company, the
Alba-Del G r o u p in Albany, a n d the
Schenectady Civic Players Group.
His dramatic experience was much
appreciated by the audience. Top
honors for the State College cast
should be handed to all the leading
characters, but it's a pity that Jean
McAllister didn't have a larger part.
We will admit that she filled her
part well and looked beautiful in
Jean C h a p m a n and Agnes Young,
the two chosen sisters, were wellmatched, as were Rod Fraser and
Earle Snow. Miss C h a p m a n had a
very clear singing voice and was
easily understood oven in her difficult, rapidly moving passages. Miss
Young, new
lo Stale's
presentations, has a pretty, sweet
voice. It seemed to be soft and
flowing and although there were
no harsh notes, her voice will a c q u i r e greater power with more
By Lois Ifampcl
Although Rod F r a s e r has nevetbeen seen on our stage before in a
musical role, and Earle Snow has
confined his appearance to just such
work, they worked very well t o gether. Miss Alden displayed dignity, poise and marvelous e x p r e s sion in her solo "On the day when
I was wedded". She handles h e r self well on the stage, managing to
give a good portrayal of a middleaged duchess.
We realize that
' TI McFeely
j u m p e d into the Go).
h >n it
was in m i d - s t r e a m as it w \ ai d
that he probably feels muci
at home in a straight d r a m a .
but he managed to work up u , nd
characterization of a weaker m e m ber of the nobility. Why did he
hide his light under a bushel for
so long? Verne Marshall seemed a
little nervous in his part but his love
scenes with Miss McAllister were
"hot stuff".
These two completed
the well-matched couples.
We wonder if Rod's preview of
Earle's attempted strip-lease was
planned—a bit embarrassing
self-composure wasn't lost.
Expert Direction
Miss Wilcox really deserves something big for her expert handling
of such a large group of people in
a very clever way. Particularly a p pealing was the grouping of the
chorus in the opening scene, the
crying pantomime, and the little
chorus dance in Act 2.
We would liked to have seen more
of carefully worked out facial e x pressions of the leads. We missed
many because the characters kept
their gaze rather low except when
singing directly to another c h a r acter.
Il was an excellent production
and the rest of Slate College should
surely turn out tonight.
Radio-listening public, who are
fortunate to possess equipment for
television reception, have a great
treat in store for them when the
operetta is broadcast IV,im Scheneclady.
Submitted by Robert Ross Cooper
Boston University, Class of '43
,T«£ R t ' S
( \ I . I : M » \i<
With only fifteen registered S e n iors left w i t h o u t jobs, S t u d e n t E m ployment B u r e a u is asking once
again that s t u d e n t s t u r n over to
them n a m e s of teachers who arc
at present unemployed and who
are available for jobs. They may
be g r a d u a t e s of either Stale College
or any other college. The following
a r e the latest persons who h a v e
been placed by the B u r e a u :
Elizabeth Barden, Castleton, E n g lish-Social Studies; Winifred Jones,
Berlin, E n g l i s h - F r e n c h ; Marie Soule,
Hartford, Social Studies; Jean Tracy,
Hcmcr, E n g l i s h - D r a m a ; R. O'Neill,
Homer, L a t i n - F r e n c h ;
Shaw, So. New Berlin, Social S t u d ies; Ellen Holly, No, Syracuse, C o m merce;
F r e n c h - L a t i n ; Marion CcClausland,
Corlright, Commerce;
Hart, Sag Harbor, Commerce; Flora
Gaspary, Castleton, Social Studies;
Barbara Bowker, Castleton. Science.
More P l a c e m e n t s
A n n e B o o r a s, Cape Vincent,
C o m m e r c e ; Betty Naporski, Middleburgh, C o m m e r c e ; Emily Blaisiar,
Briarclilf Manor, Mathematics; Ruth
Legged, Hartford, Social S t u d i e s English; Patricia Berry, N a r r o w s burg, English; Thelma Lcvinson,
Mountaindale, Cum.-Social Studies;
Esther Loin, Alexnder, Commerce;
Loretta Lyndstrom, Congers. E n d lish-Social S t u d i e s - D r a m a : Elizabeth White, East Hartford, C o n n ,
Library: Elizabeth Bigsbee. Berne,
C o m m e r c e : Mary F. Cook, Berne,
Social Si u die-.-English.
G r a d u a t e s Placed Also
SCA's Easter worship service
will he held Wednesday noon,
April 21, in the Unitarian Chapel,
Washington Avenue and West
Street. The leader will be Emily
Blasair, President of SCA.
Dr. D. V. Smith will be the
guest speaker at the meeting.
Music will be provided by a
q u a r t e t including the following:
Jean Chapman, Mary D. Alden,
Verne Marshall, and Earl Snow.
Helen Elgin will accompany them
on the organ.
All students of Stale College
are invited to attend this service.
The officers for SCA's Frosh
Club '4(i were chosen at a m e e t ing on March 23. Alice McGowan
was elected President; Robert
Merrilt, Vice-President; and H a r riet Brinkman, Secretary.
Chem Club Schedules Talk
The Chemistry Club has a n nounced the forthcoming appearance of G. R. Fonda, a noted r e search worker at General Electric.
He will give a lecture on Fluorescence. The meeting, which will
be open to everyone, will be held
on Thursday, April 29, at a4 P. M.
in the Lounge. The date of club
elections will be announced.
Newman Prepares Why Remain In leaching?
•By L a u r a E. H u g h e s '
For a person who h a s never
Annual Retreat
until s o m e t h i n g b e t t e r t u r n s u p b u t
taught in any classroom except
an interest which will continue and
N e w m a n Club is holding its annual Spring Retreat and Corporate
Communion Breakfast this weekend.
There will be conferences at the
Vincontian Institute Small Grotto
this afternoon at 4:45 P. M. and tomorrow at 1:30 P. M. and 3 P. M.
Services will be conducted by
F a t h e r Kay, Professor at the College
of St. Rose. A breakfast will be
held at N e w m a n Hall after the Corporate C o m m u n i o n at the Small
Grotto at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning.
A fine breakfast menu has
been prepared, and the price is
50 cents. Tickets will be on sale
at a table in lower Draper until
1:30 P. M. this afternoon.
Marie Hart, '43, is General Chairman of the Communion Breakfast
and is assisted by Priscilla Hays,
'4(S, C h a i r m a n of
Janet Donahue, '45, Entertainment;
Evelyn Insogna, Grad. Reception;
and Ben Reed, '43, Publicity.
Elections of Newman Club officers for next year will be held Manday and Tuesday, April 20 and April
27 at a tabic in lower Draper.
Nominations in writing must be
placed in the Newman Club mail
box not later than 3:30 P. M., April
those of Milne to write an article
on Why Stay in Teaching seems a
bit ridiculous if not actually p r e sumptuous. Therefore, when I b e gan this it seemed better to m e to
try to give a few of the reasons
why I am planning to teach next
September. '
In the first place, I have a great
respect for the powers of the h u m a n
mind developed to its full capacity,
I can see no salvation for a world
which devotes its whole energy and
its entire creative power to physical
production. True, material p r o d u c tion is necessary to winning the war
and to maintaining a satisfactory
standard of living after the war;
but a civilization which sets up
material goods as its god is not
worth saving. Therefore, as a person who is prepared to teach, I feel
that I am best fulfilling my obligation to myself and my country by
leaching and thus to some degree
preserving our intellectual and cultural heritage.
Secondly, I like to teach! This is
a superficial reason, perhaps, but I
think not. It means that teaching
is a satisfactory solution to the
problem of making an adjustment
in the economic world. It means
that teaching will not be a stop-gap
Thirdly, I w a n t to continue to
grow after I h a v e m y diploma in m y
It is possible that a p e r son m a y grow while h e w o r k s
that a person m a y grow in the
armed services. Many people h a v e
done il. B u t it is h a r d e r ! TJie m a n
who w o r k s with his h a n d s tends to
His body requires too
much of him; h e cannot be fair to
his mind. It is very well to speak
of the " e t e r n a l spirit of the chainless
mind," b u t m o d e r n machinery and
modern w a r f a r e r e q u i r e both body
and mind for their own technicalities.
This is a personal problem which
I have been asked to discuss, and
each person m u s t decide it for h i m self. T h e r e can be no such thing as
the " s t u d e n t ' s point of view", for
each s t u d e n t is different. T h e r e are
economic advantages in industry.
There is prestige in the armed
forces. Teaching offers h a r d work
and not too m u c h money. The classified a d v e r t i s e m e n t s take columns
of newspaper space. T h e r e are r e cruiting posters at every post office.
For the first time since we were
born, everyone wants our services.
But for me, no, thank you—I'll take
SEB has als.: placed a n u m b e r of
graduates, they are: M. Muller,
'42, Homer, English-Social S t u d i j s ;
Charlotte Hall, '40, Unadilla. M a t h e matics-Languages;
Wright, '41, Ravena, E n g l i s h - L a n g uagese; Mathilda Gulloti, '42, Fonda,
Social S t u d i e s ; Marjorie Wolff, '41,
East G r e e n b u s h , Commerce; Doris
Fredendall MacLaury, '37, Unadilla,
English; Albert Archilzel, '41, R e n s selaer
Falls, Principal;
Hollinger, '42, Van A n t w e r p School.
Schenectady, Mathematics-Science;
Mary Sharpies, '41, Warwick, C o m merce; Belle Lashier, '39, So. Fallsburg, C o m m e r c e ; Evelyn Odivet, '41,
Bellport, Science-Mathematics, M.
Gadziola, '37, Liberty, Commerce;
Margaret F u e r e y , '42, Hyde Park,
Commerce; J a n e t Byrene, '40, Pine
Bush, C o m m e r c e .
A t Sayles Hall
Nexl fall when school opens, the
block which i.s made up of the two
alumni-built and owned dormitories
vv ill have bee line strictly a girls'
domain. The Alumni Association L
at present offering those girls who
are applying for rooms next year
their choice of rooms at either
Pierce or Sayles Hall,
The ever decreasing n u m b e r ol
men ami the pessimistic outlook
Inward male enrollment for nexl
vear has prompted the Associathai
lu Ihis action.
When asked whal
plans were being made for
men who may be here nexl Fall,
Mrs. Bertha Brimmer, Secretary ul
the Alumni
"We will lake care ol situation
when il ciimcs up."
Pierce 11,ill w illi its ajoining collages al pis sent hull' es 1112 women.
Sayles Hall will provide rooms for
134 inure, m a k i n g a total <>l 21)(i
These, logelhi r Willi Fa I roll Mansion, capacity is 2.rl, will make
available ijinn lers for 321 vv mien
next yeai
Bulb uradllales and und e r g r a d u a t e s will be accepted in all
I Ii II c group houses
Right Combination of the
world's best cigarette tobaccos to give
JVlorc and more smokers are swinging along
with Chesterfield because they know they can always
depend on this MlLDliK, Bl< 1TKK-TASTINU cigarette
to give them more smoking pleasure.
Because it is made of the right combination of the
world's best cigarette tobaccos, Chesterfield is known
the world over as the cigarette that SATISFIES. You
can't buy a better cigarette.
Hutchins to Show Watcrcolors
IV H e l i c a l e
lied, I III) a n d I) P IV1
Helri'iil e u II e l u d e d , II 111) A M
Apr 'i\
Forum ineatluu
in the Lounge, 11:30 I' M.
Apr 2\ BCA Buster Service ut Urn Unitarian
Apr. 1211- No school.
Only Fifteen Registered
Seniors Not Yet Placed
Blasiar to Lead SCA
Easter Worship Service
W o m e n to Live
The Weekly Bulletin
Apr lti Newman Club retreat in Vineentiun Institute a in a I 1 (initio,
•1:45 1J M
Apr HI "The Clondollei'K,"
Page Hull auditorium,
a:30 I ' M
SEB Lontmues
To Search (or
More Teachers
Addreu; College Dept., Pfpti-Cola Co., tonB Itland City, fl. Y.
Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N.Y. Bottled locally by Frunchised Bottlers.
Miss Kiilh E. Iliilehiiis, Assistant
Professor ul Fine Arts, will shew a
collection ul original water colors
Tuesday, April 20, through F. iday,
April 30, in Draper Hall, The e x hibit will euiisisl of twelve landscapes painted by Miss llulchillS
during the lust year.
Final l - M Statistics
Uphold Champion
Old Records Fall As
Singer Paces Aces
Pete Marchetta\
The Men's Athletic Association
Council has h u n g o u t the now
familiar sign around State,
Suspended for the Duration."
We are all sorry to see MAA off
campus, b u t it is like that bridge
we often see far in advance, b u t
which we decide best not to cross
until forced to do so. MAA has
finally crossed its fatal bridge.
Although not in action until State
men r e t u r n from their "world tour
trip," MAA Council, u n d e r t h e wise
and foresighted leadership of its
president, Owen Board, has d e vised a plan whereby some sports
activity will be maintained for t h e
male students next year.
P r e p a r e For F u t u r e
More important is the asking of
an additional $100 on the budget.
(MAA's other item on the budget is
$50 for intramural athletics.)
$100 is to be stored away as a start
of a contingency fund. This is to be
increased by $100 annually so that
when the Athletic Council can r e sume its activities they will h a v e
some money to purchase equipment,
or whatever may
needed for a resumption of an a t h letic program.
A student-governed athletic p r o gram was introduced into State in
In the few short years t h a t
followed, MAA gained the p r o m nence and prestige that it holds
today by doing its job exceptionally
Its programs have proven a t t r a c tive to participant and spectator
alike. It is not exaggerating to say
that MAA has given the students
more for their student tax than any
other organization with the possible
Let's Have Gym Classes
Even with the great exodus of
men that State has experienced
there are about ninety men still
registered in the school. (Yes, that's
true girls.) However, there is such
a large n u m b e r of previously a s signed gym classes, that now only a
few men are in each class. Not
enough men are in any one gym
class to form two teams to play
basketball or any other sport.
We think that it's too late in the
year to completely reorganize the
gym classes as was done last s e m e s ter. However, it could be arranged
whereby two or three of the present
gym classes can be combined into
one and regular attendance taken.
This will be somewhat better than
having less than a half-dozen men
doing calisthenics in the commons
or in the gym.
Intramural Counci
For the first time since its p u r chase by I-M Council, the basketball trophy has left the possession
of College House, and will now r e main at Potter Club for the d u r a tion.
The Ramblers and Kappa Beta
finished in a tie for r u n n e r u p honors
with 7 wins and 4 losses apiece, and
were followed by the Finks, KDR,
SLS, and the Dorm, in that order.
In winning 11 of 12 games, EEP
averaged 38.4 points per game, their
offensive being stopped only once by
the KB s tight zone. Records of all
sports were smashed, as their excellent pass work set the stage for high
individual and team scores.
Kappa Beta, with virtually the
same team they had last year,
played inconsistent ball, incurring
several unexpected defeats which
squelched their bid for first place
honors. The Ramblers, who scored
fewer points than their opponents,
nevertheless managed to win a m a jority of their games.
The Finks, after a slow start,
began to play first division ball and
passed the squads from K D R and
SLS, whose greatest weaknesses lay
in their inability to replace drafted
men. Despite several good players,
the Dorm was handicapped by inexperience, which means something
even in an intramural league.
i; i:i*
a P. s. O. P. F o w l s
i-: Su-1
13 •>.VJ 310
Av B .
The race for scoring leadership
was also completed as Hal Singer's
100 points barely topped Chellemi's
Singer's one-point lead was
greatly abetted by his participation
in two more games, one a brilliant
28-point performance, but on the
other hand his average per shot
was undoubtedly higher.
Hippick, who left the I-M League
after three games to play jayvee
ball, attained an average of 13 points
per game for the highest in this
department. The honors, however,
go to Chellemi, who compiled an
average of 9.9 points per game for
10 games.
The 10 highest scorers are as follows:
G Pts Avg
Singer, EEP
12 100 8.3
Chellemi, Dorm
10 99 9.9
Dingman, Ramblers 11 9(i 8.7
Olivet, Finks
Gipp, EEP
Kiley, EEP
Evans, EEP .
Baden, KDR
Beach, KDR
Ashworth, SLS
Ping-Pong Tournament
PlansSoftballRace W o n by Lore-Kuhn
Despite the scarcity of men a r o u n d
State College now, MAA is m a k i n g
plans for the continuance of this
year's athletic program.
With softball season in the oiling,
Intramural Council is in hopes of
presenting a league. Although n o t h ing is definite as yet, a four or five
team league is probable.
Club, Finks and the Dorm are c e r tain to put teams on the held, while
KB may possibly be able to Compete
and an independent team maue up
of the rest of the men will probably
be represented.
The chances are very slim that
there will be any more than thirty
men here next year. MAA will be
discontinued for the duration and
only a small remnant of I n t r a m u r a l
Council being left to carry on the
good work this organization has
done in the past.
Tentative plans for next year will
result in the abolition of MAA
Some sort of I n t r a m u r a l Council,
however, will be set up with about
Freshman Lore Kuhn is the winner of the "champ vs. c h u m p " pingpong tournament, having defeated
chief chump, J e a n n e Mullin in a
close game.
Nora Giavelli is r u n n e r u p to the
winners after losing lo Mullin in a
match which saw both players giving their best efforts.
Taking the fourth place, Sylvia
Bc.iok gave particularly still competition to Mullin in one of the fastest
and trickiest matches of the t o u r n a ment
IJoth players demanded a
re;.I period before they were able
to continue
Dorothy G r e g o r y , ping-pong's
captain, wants the girls desiring
ci edit in this spoil lo notify her of
the number of hours they have
played up to this point. Because the
season is shorter than usual, any
third person may serve as a witness
to the three supervised hours r c quii cd.
fifty dollars in their budget to cover
their expenses
It is expected that those men who
a r e interested in sports next year
will call a general meeting among
themselves and decide what o r g a n ized sports they can have.
W e s t e r n a n d Quail
Gone a r e the days w h e n the
women of State could get their a t h letic exercises and enjoyment in
vicarious fashion by watching men's
sports. Now with all the men, in the
service or practically all of them,
the women will have to provide a t h letic excitement at State.
Why don't we have a feminine
tennis team formed to compete with
other colleges? Nora Giavelli and
Flo Garfall make a capable nucleus
a b o u t which such a team could be
built. P e r h a p s they could play St.
Rose, Skidmore, Sage, or even Siena
and Union if they are still functioning n e x t year.
Intercollegiate Competition
In the past years WAA has made
many attempts to have athletic contests with women's colleges in the
vicinity. Such attempts have not
been very successful, yet since the
athletic program of State will u n dergo radical changes next year,
such a program might well be tried
again. Although St. Rose does not
offer a very extensive sports p r o gram, both Sage and Skidmore
should be able to p r o d u c e teams
capable of offering stiff competition
for State players.
Soon the budget will be presented,
to the s t u d e n t body. It is to be
hoped that when WAA's budget is
considered that the s t u d e n t s will
r e m e m b e r that next year WAA will
have a greater responsibility than
ever before.
Trophy to DBC's
Today in assembly the new basketball trophy will bo a w a r d e d to
DBC by Win Jones. DBC is composed of members of K a p p a Delta,
Beta Zeta and Chi Sigma Theta so
the clapping should be long and
loud at the presentation of the
Members of WAA were given a
pleasant surprise just before Spring
vacation when the WAA
was issued. This is a mimeographed
sheet intended to tell w h a t WAA is
doing in each season.
Written in
informal style, it is very readable.
Orchids to Win J o n e s who did all
the work.
One of the features of the WAA
Flushes was the selection of an AllStars Team.
DBC and Newman
Hall dominated this team.
three m e m b e r s chosen from DBC
are Mary Domann, Chi Sig; Leda
LaSalle, Beta Zeta; Mary Sanderson,
Kappa Delta.
Hall is
represented by Flo Garfall and Nora
Giavelli. Georgette Dunn, the r e maining All-Slur, plays for Beta
From 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M.
W A A Begins
Its Spring Season
Five 7earns Place
As t h e W A A Spring season b e gins, softball, its m a i n sport, comes
into its o w n . Practice has already
Last W e d n e s d a y at 3:30
about t w e n t y girls came to the Page
Hall g y m for the first practice.
Saftball will continue to be held in
the gym until weather permits m o v ing outdoors.
This y e a r t h e r e will be an i n o v a tion—a girl's softball league. Houses
will form teams and games will be
played off in the same m a n n e r as
t h e basketball league. For those
who a r e not on particular teams
there will be a g a m e on the Dorm
field simultaneously with the league
The captains, Dot Townsend and
Mary Now, promise that there will
be an opportunity for all girls to
participate and urge that teams be
formed as rapidly as possible. T h e r e
will be another practice today at
3:30 P. M. and every
Wednesday and Friday from now on.
It is predicted that hiking, a new
sport this year will be popular,
healthful a n d a lot of fun. T h e
program includes a long hike S a t u r days with the girls bringing along
their lunch. If all those interested
will sign up immediately on the
WAA bulletin board a captain will
be appointed and the sport begun.
Following the u s u a l procedure
upon completion of an i n t r a m u r a l
sport, representatives of the seven
i n t r a m u r a l teams s u b m i t t e d their
choices for an A l l - S t a r team.
The well balanced outfit from
E E P dominated the squads as they
placed two men on the first five a n d
three on the second. Kappa Beta
placed one on each, the Finks and
Dorm were each represented on the
first team, and a R a m b l e r g a r n e r e d
the remaining second team position.
Voting was close among these ten,
although only two men, Flax a n d
Singer received u n a n i m o u s ballots.
The electors cast their votes with
consideration for offensive value,
defensive value and team value.
The teams are as follows:
First Team
F Olivet, F i n k s
F Chillcmi, Dorm
C Singer, EEP
G Flax, K B
G Evans, EEP
Second Team
F Gipp, EEP
F Kiley, EEP
C H a m m o n d . EEP
G Dingman, Ramblers
G Kensky, K B
Honarable mention goes lo
Ashworth and Lou Rabineau.
G E O R G E I). J E O N E Y , P r o p .
T r y Our Businessmai/.- Lunch
198-200 Central Avenue
103 Central Ave. , Albany, N. V.
btate College News
No Ersatz In M i l n e , " - D . V .
Monday's "Neio York Times" published
a news story suiting that the
on American
History had telegraphed
Dewey requesting
that an investigation
be made of the teaching of history
in the State-sponsored
Milne school at Albany.
Hugh R. Fraser,
of the committee,
contended that at the Mibie school "ersatz" history had
been substituted
for the story of the United States.
Governor Dewey has
ordered an investigation
of the situation, and detailed reports from the
Social Studies department
of the Milne school. Dr. John M. Sayles, President of the college, has publicly refuted the statements made by Mr. Fraser
in the "Knickerbocker
Below are excepts from the "New York Times" which contain
brought by the committee and excerpts from a lecture defending the Milne
program made by Dr. Donnal V. Smith, Professor of Socud Studies, and
originator of the new
"It isn't necessary for us to use
"Milne at Albany, is the S t a t e G e r m a n words to discuss any course
sponsored six-year laboratory school
given in Milne. Mr. Fraser's teleof New York State College for
gram to the Governor, like all the
Teachers. Here instruction is given
rest of his ridiculous charge, is
by the senior students of the colentirely false. State and Milne
lege. They work under the sharp
have only one person of the entire
eye of faculty members especially
staff who ever attended Teacher's
trained in the latest methods of
College. She was there one year.
Teachers College, Columbia.
How then can we be influenced
"The student at Milne comes into
by Teachers College?
Our facfirst contact with the history of the
ulty are graduates of institutions
nation in the eighth grade, where he
that did not go in for fads: Chicago,
learns about the 'National C o m Wisconsin, Iowa, J o h n s Hopkins,
munity'. This is a social studies
Columbia are not schools noted for
word for the United States. Here
extremist philosophy.
his instruction is divided into seven
Material Well Covered
parts. But only one of these seven
parts concerns the development of
"In Milne two years of American
our political democracy!
History are taught, in Grade 8 and
Division of Program
in Grade 11. In Grade 11, Wirth's
'Development of America', which
"Grade nine is devoted to 'The
is a chronological presentation of
World Community,' grade ten to
events of American History, is used.
Advancing C u l t u r e /
In the Social Studies Department
twelfth grade to 'Social Relationof the college, 21 courses of A m e r ships.'
That leaves the eleventh
can History are offered.
grade for the history of this c o u n try.
Yet only one-third of this
"In each of these courses, every
course level is devoted to what may
a t t e m p t is made to make the hisbe properly called American history of the United Stales real and
tory. In fact, strictly speaking, the
vital and a part of the lives of the
amount devoted to the events and
pupils. If nothing of value is
the personalties and philosophies of
taught, then we might expect to
the men constituting our history
find many pupils failing the Regents
may be said to fluctuate between
one-fifth and one-third."
Proof in Facts
The telegram sent to Governor
"It is a matter of record that we
Dewey reads as follows;
have only a small percentage of
"The effect of certain so-called
failure. In the past five years, 332
'laboratory schools' on the curricula
out of 344 passed the History C
of the high schools of the nation is
examination. As for other socia'
subjects which Mr. Fraser says we
Milne—No. 1 Guinea Pig
teach, such as the World C o m m u n ity, we confess that we do. So
"One such school, largely under
does every other secondary school
the domination of the Teachers Colin New York and most other states
lege, Columbia, and the National
as well.
Council (or the Social studies, is the
Stale-sponsored Milne School of A l "Mr. Fraser employs the p r o p bany. It is the No. 1 guinea pig of
the education extremists. Here an
men. While we would be the last
ersatz history has been substituted
to deny freedom of the press, somefor the drama that is America. In
one should point out to Mr Fraser
fact, in the one grade that l e n d e r s
that along with freedom of speech
even lip-service to the subject, the
is moral responsibility lor presentschool announces ollicially that 'the
ing facts, lias Mr. Fraser visited
emphasis is placed on contemporary
Milne classes'.' The answer is NO.
aspects of American civilization.'
Has la1 ever attended an American
class in State College'.'
it is respectively suggested that
What is Mr. Fraser's preparation
you direct an investigation on the
for his evaluation of public school
cuu'iculum content of this school
instruction in History'.' How much
to the end that in the Eastern and
history did he study in college?
New England States the increasing
trend toward the neglect of the
"Rather than admit we leach
history of the United Stales lie
ersatz history, say that Fraser has
conducted an ersatz investigation."
Profs Defend Guinea Pia School
b.V JlUlt'
agar B
D I A L 5-1913
"\Tfih( ollegt Jeweler"
' "''
OTTO R. MENDE u Game for School League
226 North Allen St.
Albany. N. Y.
in our base and barren
winters ol despair, where we see
but withered leaves, God sees .s'.Veel
blossoms growing . . . ." spoke the
Chaplain, Rev I'' B. H a n i , . D.D.,
when the Sen.ile convened on Apiil
In the course of business the
Senator from Pennsylvania arose
to tell that for many years lie had
been "fearful that our schools were
lulling lo teach the youth ol the
eoLlllll y the li lie significance ol the
events which lie behind oui nation's
history." Alter a discussion, several pertinent articles were printed
Now the Senators lill a column or
Dr. Robert W. Frederick, Principal of the "guinea pig school," asserts, "There is among thoughtful
men everywhere a slight divergence
of opinion as to what constitutes
the best program of studies to p r e -
pare boys and girls for citizenship
ill American democracy. Any man
who presumes to have a liual answer is cither ii knave or a fool."
Milne will continue its present
Miss Frances Slater, Supervisor of
Social Studies, and Lyn liurrows,
II). practice teacher, extend invitations to visit the school before m a k ing
The present curriculum is not unlike one suggested by
those decrying the "ersatz education."
Dr. Floyd Hemli icksoii, gives his
views: "Thai students should see
Ihe relationships between a new
fact which they learn anil Ihe other
facts which they already know is
a fundamental principle of learning.
If anyone wishes to contradict this
principle by criticizing the leaching
in any school, I am sure he will find
many educators eager to debate the
issue with him."
Granger, Famous Pianist,
To "Move Up" With State
You must have heard of Percy
Granger. That's right, he did
write Country
more important than his composing and arranging is his piano
playing. The critics a r e u n a n i mous in agreeing thai he is firstrate.
Versatile, that's the word for
Mr. Granger. He's quite an o u t door man and several times has
astounded everyone by putting
his dress clothes in a bag and
hiking to his recital. His recitals
are worth walking to. He is one
of the best interpreters of Bach,
and is also outstanding in his
presentation of modern composers. Don't miss him on the afternoon of Moving-Up Day in Page
Greeks Choose
New Officers
Three Sororities Still
To Vote O n Leaders
Greek societies are now electing
their officers for the coming college
Kappa Delta, Chi Sigma
Theta, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Gamma
Kappa Phi, and Edward Eldred P e ter Club, have divulged their election returns.
The president of Kappa Delta
for 1943-44 is Helen Brucker, '44.
Dorothy Townsend, '44, is the new
vice president; recording secretary,
Jeanette Buyck, '45; treasurer, Joan
Smith, '45. The remaining offices
will be filled next Monday.
Janet R. Smith, '41, is to be Uie
president of Chi Sigma Theta, a s sisted by Marie De Chene, '45, vice
Dorothea Smith, '45,
will be secretary; treasurer Mary
Curran, '45; alumni secretary .Marguerite Bostwick, '45; reporter, Joan
Hylind, '45; house president, Mary
Domann, '44.
Dean Lillian Gross, '44, will p r e side at the coming Alpha Epsilon
'44, is sub-dean; Muriel Feldman,
'45, treasurer; Florence Cohen, '44,
Hannelore Schoen, '44, has been
elected president of Gamma Kappa
Phi for next year. Rhona Ryan, '44
will be vice-president; treasurer,
Shirley Harlz. '44; recording secretary, Janet I,, Smith, '44, corresponding secretary, J u n e Irwin, '45;
clerk, Kay Rice, '14; marshals,
Rosann Hayden and Anita Pedisich,
historian, Yelkin Del'
Pcdrosian, '45.
Phi Delta Beta Zela, and Psi
Gamma are to elect their new
ollieers during the coming week.
Kappa Delta Mm will not hold
elections this year.
Fred Shoemaker, II, has been
chosen to lead Poller Club next
year, Other ollieers are Herb Brock,
II, vice president; Carr Pangburn,
'45, treasurer; Dan Gillen, '46, clerk:
Reels Hammond, '411, historian and
house president; Harry Wurtz, '44,
chairman of alumni secretaries.
Sigma Lambda • igma will hold
elections soon, while Kappa Beta
held theirs during the semester.
Futterer Releases Names
For '43-'44 A D Class
Miss Agnes Futterer, Assistant
Professol ol English, has released
llhe list ol Advanced
members for the year 11)43-44. This
tentative list depends on the c a n didate's attendance and marks.
From the class ol '44 are G c r l i mlc Child, Hci h a m Kiley, and
Gertrude Meyers
The remaining
"possobililics" for Advanced Dramatics include Mary I) Alden,
Elaine Di'ouz, Rulli Fine, Irene
Heck Ruth Hiiius, Lucillu Kenny,
Martha Joyce, Edna Marsh, Patricia
Mulcahy, Barbara Putnam, Margaret Schlott, Claire SchwBl'U, Grace
Shults, Kosiyn Slole, and Martha
Sprenger, Sophomores,
Students to Ballot Today
For Revotes, Class Elections
A D Play Uses
Eerie Setting
For 'New Effect
By Dorothy Meyers
There's a different atmosphere
a r o u n d school these days. We d e cided to find out w h a t it was and
so, following our noses we wound
up in Page Hall, w h e r e the A.D.
play was in progress of rehearsal.
The "different" t u r n e d out to be
the eerie a t m o s p h e r e which was
emanating straight out of the late
Right in the middle of this setting
of heavy furniture and dark drapes,
Aney, Breunig, S t u d e b a k e r , H a m pel, Ryan and A s h w o r t h were p r a c ticing. And it was then that we
really noticed something different.
For there on the stage, Breunig
and S t u d e b a k e r were going through
the most convincing "mad" scene.
Can you
imagine Bruenig and
as "mad"?
could be, but there they were.
As Ihe rehearsal went on we got
more and more surprised.
was Ryan who is usually so active
lying there m u r d e r e d , and what's
worse, there's Trece who had just
done the "dastardly deed" standing
over her.
But here was Ihe pay-off. As the
play progresses it becomes evident
that Ashworth is a CAD, one of
those miserable c r e a t u r e s who inhabit all Victorian plays. And there
was Hampel m a k i n g the most perfect maid.
"All these people are so different," we said. "Is this a parody or
somelhin' on Dr. J e k y l and Mi'.
"No," they said, "it's Ladies in
Retirement and please don't mind
the parts we a r e playing,
doing it all for ART."
We left still feeling perplexed and
thinking that the play should be
called Ladies in Retirement or A
Study in Inverted Characters.
Easter Recess Begins Friday
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean of the
College, has a n n o u n c e d that there
will be no classes on Friday, April
23, in observance of Good Friday.
The regular schedule will be followed all day T h u r s d a y , and classes
will be resinned Monday, April 2li.
D & A Proposes
Plans for Next Year
Dramatic and Art Council is currently investigating three types of
entertainment which may be presented next year, according lo Elizabeth .1. Harden. '43, president. Besides the possibility of obtaining
guest artists' services, the costs of
renting films and art exhibits arc
under investigation.
Guest artists
who are
sought are Franklin Pierce Adams,
critic and radio entertainer; Margaret B o u r k e - W h i l e , photographer,
whose career has led her lo the hatllelronl, of North Africa; novelist
Thomas Mann, a u t h o r of "The Magic
Mountain" and "The Beloved's Return," Tciosilo and Emilia Osta,
team presenting South American
music anil dancing, Elissa l.andi,
English actress who oilers a dramatic variety program".
Architecture or some other form
el art would bi' the subject matter
of the movie program if ihe films
ari' obtainable at a low cost.
The exhibits now being investigated comprise the work of professional al'tists, which are loaned to
educational institutions throughout
the country.
Putman, Goldstein Vie
For Vice-Presidency
Revotes will take place to-day in
Ihe Commons for two Student
Council offices, Vice-President and
Secretary. The two vice-presidential candidates include the one male
originally running, Harold Goldstein, and Barbara P u t n a m , r e m a i n ing candidate from the five girls
who appeared on the first ticket.
On the secretarial ballot Elizabeth
I. McGrath, Marie Scudder, and
L y n n e Wold will vie for the position.
Voting for all class offices will
take place to-dav in the Commons
from 9:00 P. M. to 3:30 P. M. In
order to vote in these elections,
students must have paid their class
Following are the nominations
for all class offices.
Revotes will
take place next Monday from 9:00
A. M. to 3:00 P, M.
Class of '13
Ivy Speaker: Barden, Betty; Debbold, Verna Snyder; Soule, Marie.
Class Historian: Cammarota, Gloria;
Huyck, D.
Class of 'II
President, Brucker, Helen; G r a velle, Betty; Schoen, Hannelore;
Shoemaker, Fred; Vice-President:
Grants, Lucille; Kirshenblum, Mildred; McFeeley, J a m e s ; Moschak,
Virginia; Shea, J e a n n e t t e ; Smith,
Georgia; Losurdo, Carmelina; S e r a bian, Osnif.
Herb; Hennessy; McGowan, Evelyn;
Mei'hoff, Geraldine; S o u t h w l c k ,
J a n e . Songleader: Daly, Rita; Elgin,
Helen; Grogan, Elaine; Weissblum,
WAA Manager:
Mary; Pickert, J a n e ; LaSalle, Deda;
Townsend, Dorothy. Representative
to WAA: Dann, Lois; Devine, Kay;
Herdman, Kit. Publicity Director:
Richards, Sally; Studebaker, Mary.
Class of '45
President: G a r f a l l ,
R o o t h , J a n e . Vice-President: Buyck,
J e a n n e t t e ; Curran, Marge; Drury,
Lois; Marsh, Edna; Slote, .Roslyn
Secretary: Brumm, Janet; Fine,
Ruth; Harris, Elaine; Howard, Betty;
Now, Mary; Rappleyea, Katherine,
C r u m m , Nora; Feldman, Muriel;
' C o n t i n u e d on page 3, column 1)
Hold Elections
SCA held its annual elections for
next year's ollieers Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week
were held yesterday and will continue today.
The candidates for the revote are
as follows; Vice President, Lucille
Criuiis, Patricia l'Vey; Treasurer,
Eleanor llayeslip, Martha Sprenger;
Secretary, Mary Lou Casey, Alice
Newman Club's nominating committee selected its candidates this
week. Those nominated are: President,
James Dunning,
Garfall, Lucille Gerg, Margo Byrne;
Vice President, Margo Byrne, Joan
II, llmiiii, Beth Elsen, Kay RapI elyea; Secretary, Eileen Moody,
Marie DeChene, Eleanor Smith,
Maiion Munser, Lorraine Desevc;
Treasurer, Lorraine Deseve, Betty
O'Brien. Newman elections will be
held Monday, April 2ii, at the table
in Lower Draper,
The nominating committee of 1 Ii 1 lei announced its candidates us follows; President, Ada Snyder, Sue
Weisblum; Vice President, Mildred
Kirshenblum, Marilyn Ebor, Dorothy Fiilk; Secretary, Abigail Swye,
Beatrice Raymon, Marilyn Blake;
Treasurer, Leah Tischler, Selma
Krcisberg, Rusalyn Gerling.