
W A A Schedule ABSENT
Offers Students
It is with a deep trust in the virtue of hope that the men of the class
of 1946 have started their freshman
year here at State. With this country in need of manpower, college
men are finding it more and more
difficult to finish what they started
in their freshman year. Yet, still
they come, undaunted and hopeful.
Hopeful that, even thougli hell is
loose on earth, they may obtain a
college education.
It is with this in mind that we
extend a warm hand of friendship
to welcome the frosh into the sports
life of State College.
Starting a school year for the
first time since this country entered
the war, we find that the athletic
program of the college is once again
feeling the effects of a nation at
Last spring varsity baseball was
wiped out of the State College picture principally because of transportation difficulties. Now the basketball schedule finds itself in a
hazardous position. Coach G. Elliot
Hatfield admits the basketball situation is grave but added, "As yet we
know nothing."
* * * *
Here's how the situation is at
1. One college has already cancelled its scheduled contests with
State, reducing the number of
games listed from twelve to eleven.
2. Transportation difficulties will
be encountered in the trip to Potsdam and Canton, where State is
scheduled to meet Clarkson and St.
Lawrence, respectively. This may
reduce the season's contests to
seven, since these colleges will in
all probability cancel their games
scheduled for Page.
3. Certain Reserve Corps forbid
their members' participation in varsity sports. The effect of this rule
on State's cage squad is as yet undetermined,
4. A good number of the varsity
members who have Reserve status
are liable to call to active duty at
the end of the semester—right in the
middle of the court season.
A meeting of the Athletic Directors of the college was scheduled
for yesterday. At this meeting, the
results of which have not yet
reached us, was determined the fate
of State's most popular sport.
We can only wait and hope.
Men's Athletic Association opened
its 1942-1943 activities with a meetLooking the frosh over, seeing ing on Tuesday of this week. The
their healthy rod cheeks and bright big issue, and practically the only
Annual Tennis Tourney
eyes, we gather that there should issue, was the debate over the retenbe plenty of recuits for WAA. We
To Open Fall Season
certainly hope that this will be so tion or the discontinuation of interlor the sake of both the frosh and collegiate basketball.
The official WAA fall sports proWAA. WAA needs active members
gram opens Monday. Win Jones,
After a lengthy discussion conand the frosh will benefit in two cerning the factors both pro and con
president of WAA, plans a varied
ways—health and friends.
and extensive list of sports which
to this problem, the meeting adAs we said last year, WAA has an journed without any definite decisshould appeal to every woman stuimportant
dent at State.
ion. It was hoped that a decision
makes many college activities seem could be reached at a meeting with
Tennis under the leadership of
Mary Domann and Nora Giovelli
the faculty athletic council. Such a
ever before WAA supplies a worth- meeting is planned for the near
should be one of the most popular
while program.
Every woman in future in the office of Dr. John M.
sports of the fall season. The tencollege should be physically fit.
nis tournament, which was successSayles, President. Owen Bombard,
We hope that WAA will expand '43, does not wish to commit himfully completed last year for the
first time in several years, should
to see more Inter-House Leagues. self at present as to what the decisfind many interested participants.
The success of the Bowling League ion will be, since the spreading of
Any girl who would like to see her
any more rumors would be destruclast year warrants the expansion of
name preserved for posterity on
PingWAA's tennis trophy below that of
last year's victor, Flo Garfall, should
A thorough investigation of transTom Fceiiey, '43, will be among
start practice immediately.
portation facilities and other factors
those missing from the State Col- fall season.
To-morrow WAA is sponsoring a involved in the basketball season is
Under the expert tuteledge of Kit lege basketball squad when the seaplayday for the frosh. There will
Herdman and Marion Duffy, hockey son opens this fall. The "Duke" is lac food, fun and frolic for all—free being conducted by the athletic
should have an extremely successful stationed at Fort Monmouth, where for frosh—twenty cents for upper- council in order to insure that a
correct decision may be made in
he is receiving training in the Signal
season. Both captains attended a
classmen. So come and have a good regard to basketball.
hockey conference during the last Corps.
would like to assure the student
Feeney was captain-eltct of the
week in August and have returned
You frosh who missed freshmen
with valuable pointers towards 1942-43 basketball campaign after camp this year missed one of the body that a wrong decision will not
be made.
forming a well-trained winning having played two years as a varsity
most memorable events of your
regular and one year of freshmen
team. The hockey season is exRegardless of the outcome of this
college career. So come and meet
pected to start soon.
situation, Men's Athletic Association
the upperclassmen this way.
State women will have an opporIf you're the type who likes to and Coach G. Eliot Hatfield have
tunity to enjoy archery, that sport
take its sports in passive fashion, decided to enlarge and extend the
which is taking a major place
sitting on the sidelines watching intramural program. This policy is
among the country's pastimes. Helen
being adopted by a great many
others knock a ball around—then
Bushnell will direct the archers.
going back to a desk to comment schools and colleges in order to take
in a critical vein for the world to the place of an intercollegiate proRiding classes will be held as
The third annual tennis tournaread, come to the Sports Department gram. Boxing, wrestling, and soccer
usual on Saturduy morning and will
ment for the men of the freshmen
and be one of us. We need you. will be new additions to the intrabe directed by June Clark.
mural schedule. This is all part of
We work in enviable luxury with
Latimer, one of 44's glamour mer- class is scheduled to begin early next
week. Harry Kensky, '43, captain
fluorescent lights and everything. the program to help the national
maids, will be in charge of swimin producing men that
ming but, unfortunately for the men of this year's varsity tennis squad, Freshmen, Sophomores-apply and government
physically fit, the type of man
Public Bath No. 3 will be open only has posted a list on the men's bul- you will be welcomed with open are
that the country needs.
letin board in lower Draper and in- arms.
to women.
terested frosh are expected to sign
Badminton under the leadership up immediately so that the matches
of Anne Ludington completes a pro- may be played before unfavorable
gram of sports which should satisfy weather sets in.
DIAL 5-1913
every feminine athlete in State ColThis event is held each fall to
search out possible material for the
Definite days and hours for these varsity squad in the spring. Added
sports have not been announced but initiative is given to this year's
will be posted on the WAA bulletin group with the necessity of filling
the berths of former Captain Henry
T r y Our Businessman's Lunch
Brauner, and Al Stiller who were
graduated last June.
The "racketeers" will play their
games at the nearby Washington
Park courts which are still in condition. At the completion of the tour198-200 Central Avenue
nament a trophy will be awarded lo
Freshman-Playday will be held
the winner.
tomorrow at 2:30 behind Pierce
Hall. The Freshmen Camp councilors will attempt to create for the
Dial 4-9240 Open Every Evening
frosh the atmosphere of camp.
O T T O R. M E N D E
Central Hosiery Shop
Sports will be the first order of
the day. The freshmen will have
"VEe College Jeweler"
15c a Game for School League
We Carry a Full Line of
an opportunity to show their prowess
at badminton, archery and tennis.
Botany Yarns
From 9:00 A. M. to (i:0l) P. M.
103 Central A v e , Albany, N. Y.
After a hot supper there will bo a
85 Central Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
bonfire and a sing. Then all will
go to Page Hall where the annual
fashion show, one of the highlights
of camp, will be presented. The
candlelight service on the campus
will end the festivities for the day.
Upperclass women are invited to
attend for the slight charge of twenty
cents. Freshmen will be admitted
Playday Features
Fashions, Frolic
Cancel Frosh Camp;
No 'Busses Available
The inability to secure busses for
transportation caused the cancellation of the freshman camps fur the
class of 1946.
This marks the first year since
frosh camp was started that an
entering class to State College did
not spend the weekend before matriculation at Cossayuna Lake and
Burden Lake.
The omission of frosh camp, which
had developed into an established
tradition, came as a surprise to most
of the undergraduates. Owen Bombard and Lois Hafley, seniors, who
were in charge of this year's outdoor
weekend for boys and girls, respectively, regret that plans could not be
carried out as scheduled.
The freshman suffered bhe greatest
loss when their weekend camp was
cancelled. It offered them an excellent opportunity of getting acquainted with other members of their
class in an informal atmosphere.
Here, too, the frosh would receive
a preview of the State way of doing
Hv Shirley Win/
Frosh Net Tourney
Begins Next Week
Faculty Workshop
Is Successful Venture
Dr. John M. Sayles, President of
State College, has released the complete report on the Faculty Workshop held at State College during
the month of June. Participants included faculty members of various
colleges throughout the state. Dr.
Sayles, Dr. Robert Frederick, Principal of the Milne School, and Dr.
J. Allan Micks, Professor of Education, were the State College reprerentatives on the planning committees.
Participants In the workshop enrolled in one of three groups: I
Human Development and Behavior;
II Reading, Writing and Speaking;
III Professional Education of Teachers.
The topics were discussed
through general and group meetings,
conferences with consultants and individual study.
Group I rated individual responsibility, flexible schedules, preplanning for meetings and having
resource people available as the most
valuable of the workshop techniques.
Recreational and art opportunities
were deemed useful as balances for
other activities, for developing creative skills and for coming to know
other people. The pro and con of
various educational beliefs was discussed, and a larger use of discussion, preferably prepared discussions,
was advocated.
Group II discussed motivations,
materials and procedures in regard
to its subject of communication.
Group III on teacher education
discussed procedures, philosophy, the
utilization of community resources.
The workshop accomplished its
purpose, and its sponsors, the Committee on Teacher Education of the
Association of Colleges and Universites of N- Y. State were satisfied.
Basketball Issue
Variety of Sports
By Pete Marchetta
State College News
M A A Debates
Each time you taste ice-cold Coca-Cola, you are reminded
that here is the quality of genuine goodness. Experience,
many a refreshing experience... has taught people everywhere to trust the quality of Coca-Cola.
World War
Army Veterans
To Speak Today
English, Chinese, Dutch
Russians Represented
Students desiring NYA assistance must confer personally
with Miss Sara T. DeLaney,
Dean of Women, no later than
3:30 P. M., Monday.
War appropriations have cut
deeply into funds allotted to
NYA in colleges; therefore, detailed reports if students' needs
must be compiled immediately,
and handed to NYA officials, if
State College is to receive any
money this year.
It is advised that students who
do not actually need NYA assistance in order to remain in
college do not make applications
in view of current conditions.
When and if the N.Y.A. appropriation comes through, notices will be sent to all those
students who have applied in
Miss Delaney's office, and at that
time more detailed applications
will need to be filled out.
Fraternity Smoker m
I omorrow Nisht
Parties for Freshmen
Scheduled Next Month
The first red-letter day on the
fraternity rushing calendar is tomorrow. At that time the annual
Interfraternity Smoker will be held
from 8 to 11 P. M. in the Lounge.
Joseph Levin, '43, is in charge of arrangements, and promises a good
time for all. Freshmen men will be
be introduced to officers of various
campus organizations, sing "ye olde
college songs," play cards and smoke
free cigarettes.
The smoker is only the beginning
of the rushing season.
rules are quite uncomplicated for the
men as compared to those for the
women, since among other things,
the lucky males have no "silent
period." However, they will be kept
busy and entertained by the many
fraternity parties to be held in their
KB and KDR will start the ball
rolling on October 10. SLS extends
an invitation for the 16th Potter
Club for the 30xh. KB and KDR
will again hold parties on the 31st
respectively. On November 6, Potter Club again entertains SLS on the
7th, KDR on the 13th, KB on the
14th, SLS on the 20th, and Potter
Club the 21st. Bids will come out
on the 23rd, the day before Thanksgiving vacation, so that Freshmen
will have a few days to make up
their minds.
Juniors Schedule
Frosh Reception
This evening
War Eliminates Many
Orientation Activities
The class of 1944 will play hosts
tonight to their sister class, the
freshmen, when they meet and greet
them in the Gymnasium at 8:15.
Richmond Young, class president,
will start the ball rolling with a short
welcome. The Juniors, in ex-rivalry
style, will then display their ingenuity in the presentation of a skit,
originated, directed, and consisting
entirely of '44 members. According
to custom, the plot will be enveloped
in secrecy until presentation. The
Fred Shoemaker, '44, will be Gen- remainder of the evening will be
left for dancing and refreshments.
eral Chairman of the Junior RecepMusic this year will be furnished by
tion for the freshmen tonight.
the "vie" in contrast to other years
when music was by an orchestra.
Richmond Young points out that
this is the last such affair that the
Juniors will produce and therefore
he urges everyone in the freshman
class to attend. Fred Shoemaker,
Frosh to Visit Houses
chairman of the affair, promises all
a gala time.
For Half-Hour Periods
Labor Sh ortage Offers
Inasmuch as this is the first reThe open rush period for sororiception tendered to the new class
ties, the first step in their campaign
yet this year, Young urges, "This is
for freshmen, will draw to a close
"With a definite labor shortage your opportunity lo meet your sister
Thursday and Friday when the sorthreatening the Capitol District, op- class, Frosh, so let's see you all there
orities, seven in number, hold their
portunities for students desiring part tonight." The war has made many
open houses. From 7 to 10 p. m.
time employment shall increase," ex- inroads into college activities and
Freshmen women will visit the
plained Harold Feigenbaum, '43, Di- none more than freshman orientation
houses in three groups divided alrector of Part-Time Employment plans. The new class this year have
phabetically. They will be enternot had the same opportunity to
Bureau. Students, freshmen as well
tained with dancing and refreshas upperclassmen, desiring part-time meet the upperclassmen and faculty
ments for one-half hour at each
positions should make arrangements as past classes have had upon ensorority. A fifteen minute interval
tering the college. First, Freshman
immediately to hie applications and
will be allowed for reaching their
secure interviews with his staff at Camp was cancelled and more renext destination.
cently the President's reception was
the PTEB desk in the Dean of
Dr. Robert Rienow, Assistant ProOn Thursday night open houses
Women's office. No leads shall be written off the list of freshmen acwill be conducted by Kappa Delta, fessor of Social Studies, will speak given to any student who does not tivities this Fall. Therefore, remainto members of the Forum at its first comply with regulations concerning ing are the Junior and Sophomore
Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi Delta
receptions and the church welcomes
meeting of the year Wednesday at applications and interviews.
in that order; on Friday by Psi Gamwhich are slated for Sunday night.
ma, Chi Sigma Theta, Beta Zeta, and 2:30 P. M. in the Lounge. He will
talk informally on the value of
Committees include, skit, HanGamma Kappa Phi.
Forum meetings to every college quired, but applications may be nelore Schoen; music, Bill Marsland,
After Friday night Freshman are student.
Dr. Rienow has further
asked to observe carefully the rules confirmed his opinion that Forum is can be obtained in room 622 in the Gil Snyder; refreshments, Herb
in the Handbook regarding non- worthwhile by making it compulsory National Savings Bank Building at Brock, John Mould. The cast of the
90 State Street. Each application skit includes Rhona Ryan, Dora
rush period which extends until the for all his political science classes.
should contain at least two refer- Aungst, James McFeeley, Harold
beginning of formal rushing on DeForum Board will be introduced ences, preferably ones with Albany Ashworth, Gil Snyder, Paul Barcember 4. Verna Snyder urges up- and plans for the year discussed.
selou, Rod Frazer, Bob Loucks, Art
perclassmen to brush up on rules These include a "rumor clinic" to addresses.
Soderlind, Mary Studebaker, all
which have been added this year.
be directed by Rita Hickey '43, and
the County Assembly of Hi-Y under
Delfs Calls Finance Meeting
the supervision of Verna Snyder '43. a success or failure, must be reported to the PTEB immediately followS C A and Churches
Ellen Delfs, "43„ Student Auditor, Forum also plans to investigate the
ing interviews with employers. Subwas appointed by the Student Board budgets of various college organiza- sequent recommendations will not be
tions so that there will be definate
of Finance, has called a meeting of
given to any student who does not
Hold Frosh Receptions
the treasurers of all organizations facts and figures to present to the report his results. A schedule of
receiving Student Association supStudent Christian
the hours available for interviews
port. The meeting is to be held meeting.
with members of the PTEB staff is in cooperation with the Albany
Tuesday, in Room 209 at 3:30 P. M.
posted on the desk in the PTEB churches, will hold its annual receptions for Freshmen Sunday. Acoffice.
cording to Emily Blasiar, '43, President of Student Christian Association, this year the receptions will be
in conjunction with the regular
evening Young People's groups.
For all intents and purposes, Jean
Those churches entertaining the
McAllister, '43, is President of Music
Freshmen Sunday at 8 P. M. are St.
By Lucille Kenny
Council although she lacks the forAndrews Episcopal Church, the
*nal approval of the Council. Mil"May I cut in on this charming woodwork lo make the place what
its chairman, Robert Bartman, '43, First Presbyterian Church, and
dred Mattice, '43, only other senior Freshman?"
it is. Believe it or not those sophisLights will
Friendship House. Trinity Methostates
that all students must pay
member of Music Council, is not brightly in campus sororities Thursticated upper class women, now
dist Church has already held its retheir
eligible for the office as long as she day and Friday evenings when clad in smart high heels and Vogue's
ception, while the Madison Avenue
maintains her office as Vice-Presiwomen of '46 tread hitherto forbid- latest are marvelous house keepers. the names of those in default will Presbyterian Church will entertain
dent of her class. By virtue of the den territory at "open houses."
Another tip if it's chilly your be sent lo Dean Nelson's office and
the Freshmen on October 4 at 8
fact that only Seniors who have been
Without doubt, they will meet more coal will be a valuable article, so suitable action will be taken.
P. M.
Council members for a year are different types of people and drink
remember where it is placed, for in
On Tuesday Student Christian AsH
pureligible for the Presidency, Miss more different kinds of punch than
the rush that concludes each visit
sociation will hold its torchlight inchased
Mattice and Miss McAllister are the ever before in their young and bril- no one else will.
stallation for the first and second
sole candidates for the office. Miss liant lifetimes. A chat with one, a
Also, fair young maidens of the ticket entitles the holder to free ad- cabinet in the Greek theater back of
Mattice stated that she considered dance with another, this one blond, class of '4(i, you are warned to be- mission to the Advanced Dramatics Sayles Hall, Those in first cabinet
Miss McAllister a splendid person
that one brunette, some with glamware of local boys while traveling plays, subscriptions to the State Colto be installed are: Shirley Coddingfor the position.
orous long bobs, others with sporty
to your next destination, who whistle lege News, membership in Student ton, Janet Leet, Herbert Leneker,
In the past two weeks, State Colfeather cuts, but all sn.iling—for when you pass. Don't stop. Stick
The student budget was made out Carolyn Burrows, Shirley Eastman,
lege has become confronted with gaiety will be the theme. There to the soft drinks and cookies.
Dorothy Huyck, Shirley Jennings,
spring in anticipation of a full
many problems in connection with
will be no solitary corners into
After the last door closes at 10
Seniors; Arthur Soderlind, Nancy
its major-minor office system, due which a bashful freshman may re- P, M, Friday evening, you'll yawn
Wilcox, Roderick Eraser, Helen Ellargely lo selective service action in cede. Those sorority gals are in- contentedly and discuss "bests" on consequently all budget appropria- gin, Verne Marshall, Helen McDontions
regard to the men of the college. sistent persons and they'll gather the way home, But there are weeks
ald, Russell Blythe, Patricia Frey,
The present problem arose when
her to their midst, blushes and all. and weeks ahead before the Judg- blanket cut of more than 10","..
Last year 856 tax tickets were Juniors, and Daniel Reagan, '45.
George Kunz, '43, President of Mu- Even those Frosh who shed tears on ment Day, so relax for a while and
Second cabinet will include: Mary
sic Council, was drafted.
their pillows nightly will feel at digest the punch. Those evenings sold, with 85 students to default.
Elsie Roth, Shirley Long,
Treashome. They will explore from gate will be important besides entertainNo mechanism has as yet been
to garret, from spacious parlors to ing, so tuck away all memories and urer of Student Finance Board, in- and Julie Gorman, Seniors, Richard
established to cope with the probBeach, Barbara Putnam, Eunice
lem ofnlling the offices left open. the "little hells." And, for heaven's impressions for future reference. vestigations were made to discover Wood, Warren Kullman, Eleanor
JEfforts to replace these highly im- sake, Frosh, admire all! Many a day Remember, perhaps you are destined the underlying causes of the failure Hayeslip, Aleen Coddington, Nora
was spent taking up bright new cur- to be some happy sorority's Christ- of all but four of the gruduate stuportant positions have produced
(Continued on page .i, column i}
and dabbing paint brushes on inas present,
(Continued on pane .1, column l)
(Continued on page J, column S)
A miniature World War II will be
waged in Page Hall in assembly today as four of the United Nation's
active servicemen congregate to recount their harrowing experience on
the various battlegrounds of Europe
and Asia.
Among the heroes is an Englishman, Captain Peter Cochrane, 23,
D.S.O. and bearer of the Military
Cross of the Cameron Highlanders.
He has been in the army since the
beginning of the war fighting in
Libya and Italian East Africa.
The Netherlands' representative
is Raden Kadir, a knight of OrangeNassau, who was born in Java.
Barely escaping with his life at the
fall of the Dutch East Indies, he fled
to the United States where he is now
attached to the Netherlands Information Service.
The Chinese delegate is unique in
that she is a woman and an actress.
Miss Yung Wang received her education at a university in Tokio but
returned to her native China to
raise funds for China's wounded
soldiers at the beginning of the Japanese invasions.
There is only tentative information available lo date as to the identity of the Russian. Either Nikolai
Krasavchonko, with the thrilling details of his hair-breadth escape
through 250 miles of enemy occupied
territory, or Vladimir Pohelintsev,
one of the best snipers at the Leningrad front will give the vivid picture
of the Russian war arena.
These men and woman have had
reserved seats in the great Collosseum of International Disorder.
They have seen their trench-mates
shot down in action, their countries
ransacked and demolished, their
armies victorious and vanquished.
Their purpose is to sow the seed of
war consciousness here in America.
This group is one of several teams
sponsored by the International Student Service and National Student
Federation of America whose job it
is to send out similar representatives
throughout the colleges and univer.vties of the world.
The group will arrive Friday
morning in time for assembly and
will remain in Albany until Sunday.
They will make their headquarters
at Sayles Hall until their departure
for Bennington College in Vermont.
McAllister Heads
Music Council
Sororities Plan
Open Houses
Part-Time Jobs
Show Increase
orum Memb ers
To Hear Rienow
Free Advice Given Frosh Girls
Deadline Today
For Sorority Welcomes Next Week For Tax Payment
. •
Established May, 1916
by the Class of 1918
Vol. X X V I I
Friday, September 25,1942
No. 2
Associated Collegiate Press
Collegiate Digest
The undergraduate newspaper of t h e New York State College for Teachers published every Friday of t h e college
year by t h e NEWS Board for t h e Student Association.
Phones: Office, 5-9373; Slavln, 2-9726; Burrows, 2-2752
• by Herb
T H O U G H T F O B TODAY—The State College News
can be mailed a n y w h e r e , including A r m y Posts, for
l'/a',' by merely folding, addressing, a n d stamping. . . .
ADDED ITEMS—Betty Fallon & Marie Metz, of not
so far back, a r e among t h e WAACS. . . . Ensign J a k e
Powell, '39, is now a Navy instructor a t Columbia.
Claims his prize pupils a r e a couple of lads n a m e d
Will F r a m e n t and W a r r e n Densmore. . . . Santi P o r cino, '39, K i n g of t h e jitterbugs a n d big b r o t h e r of P e t e
Porcino, '46, now cuts his rugs at C a m p Upton. . . .
H e l m u t h Schoen came through t h e Dutch Harbor
bombing without a scratch. . . . J a c k Ryan, ivory
tickler of t h e class of '40, got himself a captaincy, a
wife, a n d a free ride overseas. They even let h i m fly
the plane. . . . Paul Grattan, t h e popular senator with
the r y e humor, is pushing pills somewhere in the
tropics. Writes h e is slowly going native. . . . Al
Meschter (his howl would p u t a wolf to shame) sports
a midshipman's uniform at t h e Merchant Marine A c a d emy, Great Neck, Long Island. . . .
CtlUtf Puiliskm Rttrtuntativt
New YORK, N. Y.
CMCAao • |(»TOI« • Lai A u s t i n - S*K PMHCIICO
The News Board
•riftissfau B
All communications should be addressed to t h e editor
and must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns or communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its
Holstein at Notre Dame
Ed Holstein, versatile m e m b e r of '42, a n d Co-Editor
of what is fast becoming "Slavin's sorrow," writes that
all is not tea and crumpets with the V - 7 trainees.
Z ^ L
" < ^ | s M ^ j
W e Have Before Us . . . .
It was extremely disheartening to learn that
nearly one hundred students, as of yesterday, had
not paid their student taxes. College has now
been in regular session lor more than a week, and
nearly everyone has had an opportunity to
arrange lor payment.
In many cases, of course, payment default cannot he blamed on the students themselves. We
cannot but realize how many of the men in college are hesitating to expend $14 lor benefits
which they may not be able to enjoy, in view of
the uncertain world situation. However, no
organization, not even the Student Association,
can make plans and commitments for an entire
year with close to $1500 missing from iis total
budget appropriation,
Contracts have been
lei games have been scheduled; the money which
has not yet been entirely raised has, lor the most
part, been spent or allotted for specific purposes.
The possibility of forced refunds in the middle
of the year only casts further darkness on the
Chief culprit in the matter is Student Association itself.
It neglected to set up adequate
machinery in advance to meet the situation before the chronic need became acute. Enrollment
has dropped approximately l">% this year, and,
as things stand today, the percentage may be
much higher by January.
It is imperative at this time that; (I) finance
Board be mandated to make a lull and thorough
investigation of the tax and budget situations;
(2) That Finance Board present to the Student
Association concrete resolutions setting up machinery whereby the budget may be maintained
or altered in the event of a mass exodus of the
remaining men from the college; (3) That these
actions be completed by Finance Board within
the week of October -! to October !), and presented to the Association for consideration on the
latter date.
Where, O h Where
The time has come to say something about it,
We mean the state of things at State— in short,
the people. T h e sum and substance ol the
mailer is, t hey jusi aren't.
The Ireshiuen
wouldn't notice it, but we pily an alumnus
returning to his old haunts.
The Commons is closed. Thai may account
for some ol it. But there's still the Annex, not
to mention the I'. O. Last year you couldn't
turn around without running into hall a do/en
people;. A sad reversal has taken place. Where,
we'd like lo know, is State College hibernating?
Conic on, upperclassinen, snap out of ii. I'm
some of the old life back into your Alma Mater.
We still have to keep up morale, even if it's only
your own. Anything but this silence, this torpor, this paralysis that holds State in its icy grasp!
/ / they want to really make this scrap metal drive a
success, why don't they confiscate those lengthy
dragged by wearers of the Zoot suits. . . .
National Advertising Service, Inc.
4 1 0 MADISON Ave.
(See Bottom)
Schikelgruber the Great raged.
General Fedor von Bock q u a k e d in
his polished military boots. His
F u h r e r h a d ordered h i m to c a p t u r e
Stalingrad at any cost, a n d after
30 night-mare-filled days of hellish
bombing by Nazi d i v e - b o m b e r s and
long-range seige guns, t h e Russian
defenders of the city a r e still fighting back taking a tremendous toll of
their German attackers.
Stalingrad is gutted, a n d almost
nothing remains to indicate the great
industrial city it once was. Inside,
the city is ablaze with the fighting
proceeding from house to house and
street to street. Russian defenders
have erected barricades a t every
corner a n d behind every pile of
rubble. The Germans c a p t u r e a few
blocks in the daytime only to be
driven back by Russian c o u n t e r attacks at night. G e r m a n bombers
and long-range seige guns h a v e d e veloped a new technique in blasting
the city.
After they concentrate
their fire on a limited section of the
city, German troops move in a n d o c cupy the houses, if any, which a r e
still standing.
T h e ruins that were once t h e city
of Stalingrad still remain in R u s sian hands. Schikelgruber the Great
still rages, and General Fedor von
Bock quakes in his polished military
The British High C o m m a n d a n nounced that on September 13 a n d
14, British
army units
through Rommel's Egyptian lines
and struck at his supply bases
as far as 5D0 miles to his rear.
Simultaneously, British Commandos
raided T o b r u k on the Libyan coast.
Otherwise action on this front was
at a standstill.
No new announcements
'•ome from General
h e a d q u a r t e r s concerning fighting in
the Pacific. As the situation still
stands in that sector United N a tions' forces still hold the Solomon
Islands, a n d have stopped t h e J a p s
on the Island of New Guinea where
they h a d driven toward Port Moresby north of Australia.
The inhabitants of the capital of
the Island of Madagascar cheered
British troops as they entered the
The British radio warned the
people lo evacuate the
coastal region of France. However,
they also stated that a n invasion
would not take place until the complete annihilation of the G e r m a n
troops was a certainty. Last Spring
the British
radio also
French workers in factories p r o d u c ing for the G e r m a n s that they would
be bombed.
Maybe the British
want to got all the civilians o u t of
the coastal region so that their military operations would not be h a m p ered by well-meaning French p a triots.
Gnxuob and G<U-GalU
This is the story of J o e Doakes—
Who always did everything Right.
He did the Right Things as a Freshman;
He wore the Correct Clothes a n d he
Moved only in the most Approved Circles.
Ho avoided all the people w h o did the
Wrong Things, like Heading Books and
Having Ideas, and, worst of all,
Doing .something about Them.
You can bet your life Joe didn't have
Anything to do with Them. Nossir, he
Joined the Right Fraternity with the
Right Fellows, and Boy, was he glad.
Sometime he used to wonder, because
He didn't seem as happy as some of the
People who did the Wrong Things.
But, then, he used lo think lo himself,
You can't have Everything,
J o e w a s real original.
Joe never Failed a subject, b u t you
Can be I your boots he wasn't d u m b enough
To get A's. Why, he knew that only Slooges
Got A's. And he wouldn't d o a n y t h i n g as
Wrong as that. He didn't pay much
Attention in class either, because everybody
knew il
Was d r y stuff for a Regular G u y .
Joe used to go lo the concerts a n d things
Because it was Ihe Right Thing to do,
But he didn't like them—
"It's a good full 16-hour day a n d when I say full I
mean we have about an h o u r of the 16 to ourselves.
B u t t h e training is both interesting a n d balanced
physically & mentally, so t h e overall picture is one of
a busy b u t contented existence."
Located at the Naval training school a t Notre Dame,
Ed writes of the beautiful campus, b u t adds that after
seeing the many students w h o don't even know each
other by sight, lie feels that the friendliness of State
m a k e s u p for what might be lacking to t h e seeker of
c a m p u s - g l a m o u r and pseudo-sophistication.
The trainees usually have from S a t u r d a y noon till
S u n d a y night liberty (time ofT), which is on the most
part spent in nearby South Bend. Ed speaks of the
excellent service center there, a n d of the generous h o s pitality of the citizens, w h o do everything to provide
a friendly atmosphere for the lads w h o hope someday
to ride the waves as officers a n d gentlemen.
Ratio Unlike State
There a r e at least 2 major dances every weekend
for the V-7 boys, b u t unfortunately the ratio is not
with the m e n , "and a 30-second dance with a decent
dancer is the epitome of achievem Hit."
Don Green and Bill Dickson a r e also training a t
Notre Dame, or better, finishing up training, as all 3
expect to be transferred soon. Recently Bill Forrest
and Phil Kaufman. ex-College House marines, dropped
in on t h e boys for a w e e bit of reminiscing. . . .
Holstein emphasizes the loss of individuality d u r i n g
training, claiming this to be one of the most amazing
things happening to the future fighters. However he
is quite satisfied with the whole affair, and is looking
forward to his advance training.
W i t h Comedy, Tragedy
Advanced Dramatics will open its
season Tuesday evening, October 13,
with t h e presentation of two o n e act plays, u n d e r t h e direction of
Trece Aney a n d Jambs McFeeley,
Miss Aney's play, a comedy, will
feature in its cast Lois Hampel, Paul
Barselou, a n d Robert Loucks, J u niors.
McFeeley's play, a tragedy, c o stars Mary S t u d e b a k e r a n d Harold
Ashworth, with A r t Soderlind, all
Admission to the plays, as last
year, will be free to all college s t u dents.
Because of a c u t in t h e
budget, the directors will be allowed
only seven dollars for production
costs for each play, which is three
dollars less than they were allowed
last year.
T h e Advanced Dramatics class
n u m b e r s eighteen students this year.
They a r e : Roderick Fraser, J a m e s
McFeeley, Robert Loucks, Rhona
Ryan, Trece Aney, Mary S t u d e baker, Vera Willard, Nancy Wilcox,
A r t h u r Soderlind, Catherine Smith,
Lois Hampel, Jean Bailey, Harold,
Ashworth, Marjorie Breunig, Eunice
Baird, Marian Sovik, Ruth Schmitt,
Juniors, and Shirley Wurz, '43.
The work of the class consists of
learning the technique of m a k e u p ,
and, for the most part, learning the
a r t of play production by directing
a one-act play for production on t h e
college stage.
Each student does
some work, either in the cast or
serving on some of the various c o m mittees which work on specific parts
of the general production of the
plays, such as props, scenery, costumes, etc. T h e climax of the year's
work is the production of a t h r e e act play, Sometime in May, u n d e r
the directorship of Miss Agnes F u t terer, Assistant Professor of English,
and Instructor of the Elementary
and Advanced Dramatics classes.
Literary Editors
Outline Plans
Sept. 25 J u n i o r Reception for freshmen, H: l.r) P. M.
Sept. 2 6 - Inlrafraternity
H:(JI) to 11::00 P. M.
Trece A n e y , State's Victory Girl
State College's Victory girl, Trece Aney, editor of
the Collegiate War Digest, and pulchritudinous s p a r k plug behind the war stamp drive last year, is now
starting a correspondence list—whereby anyone so d e siring can get a couple of addresses of State m e n in
the services, on the condition that they write periodically to these men.
If you have a brother (or maybe a sister) in t h e
ranks, the morale-value of such a program need not
be explained. It's the most welcome, and least e m b a r rassing way you can tell someone that they have not
been forgotten by those of us w h o a r e slill civilians.
In addition lo Trace Alley's list, some system should
be worked out whereby all o u r men now in uniform
receive free copies of the NEWS regularly. As m e n tioned above, it would only cost 1'/2c for ma'ling
That slulf was for high-brows,
Yeah, J o e was a really good guy.
Right down to earth, a n d none of the
Highfalulin stuff some kids affected
About him. He made Myskania, loo.
Always doing the Right Thing, that was
Doakes for you.
And when J o e gut a job, he got $1400
A year. Ol course he stayed at thai
Salary for Ten Years, but, J o e used
To think to himself, You've gol to
Work lor what you get, slowly.
He used to hear once in a while about
How some of the guys who joined the
Wrong Fraternities, and didn't pay
Any attention to Ihe Right Thing to Do
Were getting places fast. He'd learn
How they were earning really big
Salaries. Then he'd get the tiniest
Sort of a twinge somewhere deep in his
Soul, and wonder if he was dead Right
After all. But, then, he'd always think
To himself They're just Hashes in the
Pan. A good Solid Guy like Me is going
To get places one day, yessir. After all,
They weren't a n y t h i n g in College. So he
Kept right on plugging, and after ten years
He got a |S0 raise. Yup, J o e always did
The Right Thing he'd tell y o u .
Season Starts O c t . 13
The editors of State's two literary
publications a r e putting into o p e r a tion plans for an outstanding year.
J e a n Tracy, '43, Edieor of the Pedagogue a n d Kay Martin, '43, Editor of
the new literary annual have called
meetings to outline their ideas for
the new year.
No name has yet been chosen for
Ihe annual which will take the place
of last year's Statesman. A n y s u g gestions from students will be a p p r e ciated by the staff.
Miss Martin
emphasizes that this magazine is for
the students a n d will be written by
All contributions will be
carefully considered.
It is hoped
that a n encouraging interest will be
shown by the students on Activities
Day when they have a chance to
sign u p for work on the annual.
The staff will work in close c o operation with the English d e p a r t ment but contributions may be s u b mitted to the stall' by individuals.
Miss Martin will further discuss
plans al a stall meeting lo be held
Monday al 3: IK) P. M.
The staff of the 1943 Pedagogue
all ready has its activities well u n d e r
Appointment schedules for
pictures will be posted next week in
the lower hall of Draper.
Tracy, Editor-in-chief, requests all
upperclassinen who want their pictures in the Pedagogue to sign u p
at their earliest opportunity.
Vacancies in the advertising staff
will be filled from Ihe present class
of Juniors. Anyone who is interested is requested to sec Miss Tracy.
"Oddly enough I have progressed from the class of
'42 to platoon 42. It was a good class, and in the words
of o u r company officer, 'It's a d
good platoon.' "
l>y Itlioim Ryan
Aney, McFeeley ALL THAT PEOPLE EVER D O IS GRIPE• By J . Michael H i p p i c k .
Direct A . D . Plays theGirls,
do y o u want to know w h a t
answer as one, "Phooey," Big
P r e t t y Beth
m e n of S t a t e think of you? A n d
The W e e k l y
All students who find N.Y.A. a s sistance necessary if they are to continue in college this year should
register in Miss DeLaney's office
immediately. This applies to s t u dents who registered in the spring
as well as to new applicants.
Dean of Women.
Sept. 27 Church receptions
freshmen, 8:00 P. M.
Newman Club Tea, 3:00 to .r):()U
P. M., Smoker, 8:00 P. M.
Sept. 30 — F o r u m meeting. Lounge,
3:30 P. M.
Oct. 1 — Sorority Open House for
freshmen, 7:00 to 10:00 P. M.
Oct. 2 — S o r o r i t y Open House for
freshmen, 7:00 to 10:00 P. M.
frum page I, column
dents and six Ireshiuen, 24 Sophomores, 17 J u n i o r s and 38 Seniors to
buy tax tickets. By the end of the
year, 938 tickets hud been sold a n d
31 refunds had been made.
was still not 100",, cooperation, a n d
cuts were necessarily made on all
appropriations. With the decreased
enrollment this year, il is more
imperative than ever that 100",, of
the s t u d e n t body buy lax tickets.
fellows, a r e y o u going to be s u r prised! A s a result of a recent s u r vey, it w a s discovered that t h e pet
gripes of both sexes w e r e a b o u t
m e m b e r s of t h e opposite sex.
For example, F r a n Boyle says
that the "wolf" situation is teriffic,
and "they even travel in packs."
Ann Deutschbein sums u p the s i t u a tion in saying merely that there a r e
no m e n at all in State. (What a r e
we anyhow, mice?)
Phyllis C a r penter is particularly peeved at boys
who stand a r o u n d in corners at
dances. J e a n Chapman, evidently
with an e y e to h e r figure, doesn't
like the o n e cent candy that h e r
beau e n t e r t a i n s her with.
Heath's p e t peeve about m e n is,
spoken in a pathetic appeal, "They
stay away from me."
To which a chorus of male voices
Radio Research
Helpers Needed
Students W i l l Assist
City Defense Council
Dr. Robert Rienow, Assistant P r o fessor in Social Studies, has issued
a call for s t u d e n t s who a r e interested
in doing radio research work, a n d
who want to help in the w a r effort.
The Albany Defense Council p r e sents a radio program each week in
an effort to bolster civilian morale
and to increase civilian knowledge
of what actually is going on. S t a t e
College s t u d e n t researchers dig o u t
the facts for these radio programs.
over g o v e r n m e n t documents, c h a s ing down public officials, perusing
trade j o u r n a l s for economic i n t e r pretations—these are all part of t h e
work of the radio researcher. S t u dents w o r k i n g as radio researchers
are assigned to topics of c u r r e n t i n terest, such as the scrap metal drive,
price ceilings, and silk stocking
shortages, with orders to r e t u r n in
two weeks with information.
the students have returned with
their facts, t h e information is a s sembled, a n d t u r n e d over to t h e
s c r i p t - w r i t i n g class who then t u r n
out t h e script for actual production.
Usually assignments are of a t w o
weeks d u r a t i o n , b u t this year there
will be a special "Trouble-Shooter
S q u a d " of researchers who will dig
up information in a h u r r y if a n d
when it is needed. In addition to
doing research for the radio p r o grams this year students will also
do special research work for the
Albany Defense Council.
Bob B a r t m a n , student chairman
of the group, has called a meeting of
all s t u d e n t s interested in such work
for this afternoon at 3:30 in Draper,
Room 307.
Local H o s p i t a l Sends
Pleas for Student A i d
An Albany hospital has informed
Miss Sara T. Delaney, Dean of
Women, that it needs State College
students for jobs as orderlies a n d
nurses' aides. Wages will a m o u n t
to approximately thirty cents an
hour, although that will vary according to experience. The hospital is
also willing to suit the time of the
to the student's
schedule. Dean Delaney urges thai
all s t u d e n t s take advantage of this
opportunity to serve the community
and aid the w a r effort. All students
interested must first go to her office
to get their recommendations, so
there will be n o necessity of a p r i vate investigation by the hospital.
T h e r e has also been a call for
workers in the public library. They
would especially like seniors who
are majoring in librarianship, a l though other students interested in
this work will be accepted.
News Board Meets Today
T h e r e will be a meeting of Ihe
News Board today at 4:30 P . M. in
Room 109. All ineinbers a r e asked
to attend.
Joe Roulier ably p u t s t h e vomen
situation on t h e table by saying,
"They 'crud' u p t h e place something
awful." When Big Babyface C h a r lie Capel w a s q u e r i e d o n t h e s u b ject his reply w a s , " P o r k y Munson,
or an intense disgust with life in
general," Which doesn't m a k e too
much sense, o r does it? Gordon
Baskin, as always t h e lady's m a n ,
had no derogatory r e m a r k s to m a k e
about the opposite sex, b u t says h e
loves everything a n d everybody.
Which is an " i n c r u d a b l e " r e m a r k to
Rushing over to F e n n y Coo, w e
asked F r a n k H a n s e n w h a t h e didn't
like about life in general. His a n swer really startled us: "Women
who refuse to kiss on the first date."
A large n u m b e r of m e n complain
about the length of time they must
wait for their dates to "get d o w n stairs."
Sayles Hall Calisthenics
Banish Morning-Afters
"I feel swell this morning." "No
more after breakfast sleepiness for
me!" That's w h a t the residents of
Sayles Hall a r e saying, as a result
of the new calisthenics olub, which
exercises at the un-collegiate hour
of 6:30 in the morning.
Tuesday morning was the first
exercising date, with H a r r y G r o gan, coach at Milne, directing the
toe-touching. A t t e n d a n c e is voluntary for all residents of the
Despite t h e early hour,
fourteen men t u r n e d out for the
lull program, a n d o n e more a r rived in time to join in the last
lap around the gymnasium, which
closed the session.
P. S. A n u m b e r of a l a r m clocks
were mysteriously o u t of order
Wednesday morning.
Campus Commission
G i r d s for Campaign
Campus Commission is carrying
on its work of last year with Harold
Ashworth, '44, as its chairman.
Those assisting h i m a r e : K a t h r y n
Herdman, B e r t r a m Kiley, Elaine
Grogan, and J a n e Soulhwick, J u niors; Ruth Hines, Nora Giavelli, J o seph Tassoni, J. M. Hippick, S o p h o mores,
The same regulations which were
enforced last year will b e used again
this year with a special effort d i rected toward the Commons. There
will be no smoking in the buildings
except in the Publications Office, the
Commons, and the peristyles. Eating will be restricted to the cafeteria and Annex areas.
the administration
threatened to close t h e Commons
because of the carelessness of the
Harold A s h w o r t h urges
that everyone cooperate this year so
that such a thing will not happen.
Posters will be approved this year
by Elaine Grogran a n d J. M. Hippick. There will be a list of instructions for poster placement in the
Publications Office.
D e b a t e Season to Start
With Va rsity
Competition tryouts for places on
the varsity debate squad will be
held Oct. (i, in the auditorium, and
will mark the preliminary to the
1942-43 debating season.
This year's activities will be limited, however, to meetings with college groups in this vicinity, including the Philomathean Society of
Union College and R. P. I.'s debaters.
Marie Soule, '43, President of D e hale Council, has also announced
tentative plans for the squad's a p pearance before local civic organizations to speak on behalf of the
war effort.
On Activities Day, October 3,
there will he an opportunity for
students to sign up for the freshman
debate squad.
(Continued from page I, column 5)
Crumiu, Janet Mather, Helen B u s h nell, Curtis Pfalf, Lucille Kenny,
Virginia Greenman, A n n e
Mary Sanderson, Edna Marsh, S o p h omores, and Marjorie Stewurt, '44.
H a r p e r doesn't like
people w h o talk w h e n s h e is trying
to listen to t h e radio.
the second most important subject
of girls' disgust is sleep.
Casey dislikes 8:10 classes, Ginger
Shoup alarm clocks, a n d Mary S a n derson, staying in bed. Don Vanas
gripes about reporters w h o a s k
asinine questions such as "What is
your biggest g r i p e ? " Other more
general items which gripe people a r e
hall duty, other people griping, a n d
people w h o m a k e h o u r long calls
when "I just need to get that assignment." (per f r e s h m a n ) .
Approaching Dean Nelson about
his gripe, h e laughed gleefully a n d
said, "Hitler, Mussolini, a n d H i r o hito in that order. Or maybe Laval
ought to come first."
Another gripe is people w h o r u s h
up to you a n d say, "Hello, where
have you beeeeen?"
Toepfer Promises
1942 'Directory'
Publication Expected
Around Thanksgiving
With publication to take place
a r o u n d Thanksgiving, work on the
1942 State College Directory has b e gun. Editor-in-Chief Rolf Toepfer
expects to use the same cover d e sign as last year, which was a wood
grain background with the college
seal adorning it.
Ochestra Asks
For New Members
Earle Snow ' 4 4 Directs
Two Concert* Planned
The State College S y m p h o n y O r chestra is e n t e r i n g t h e fifth year of
its existence, with Earle Snow, '44,
as its n e w director. T w o concerts
a r e planned for this year, o n e in t h e
late fall, a n d one in t h e spring. T h e
orchestra w a s organized several
years ago b y B e r n a r d P e r l m a n , '42.
There a r e m a n y chairs available
to n e w musicians this year because
of the n u m b e r lost last year b y g r a d uation and Selective Service. M e m ber of the Class of '46 a r e asked to
examine the following list:
1st a n d 2nd Chair, 1st a n d 2nd
T r u m p e t : Horns; Basses; Tuba; P e r cussion; 2nd Chair, 1st Clarinet; 1st
Chair, 2nd Clarinet; Oboes; 2nd a n d
3rd Chairs, T r o m b o n e ; Baritone;
3rd Chair, Cello; Flutes; Bassoon;
Bass Clarinet; all Strings.
There are as y e t n o definite a s signments of chairs in the string
section, and the other positions m e n tioned are not final. Mr. Snow
wishes particularly to enlarge t h e
string section a n d all string players
a r e urged to consider membership in
the orchestra.
The first r e h e a r s a l will b e held
Wednesday evening, a t 8 P . M. T h e
place will be a n n o u n c e d in A s s e m bly. Every person in t h e college i n terested in t h e orchestra is urged to
attend this first rehearsal. Plans for
the policy of t h e orchestra will b e
arranged and all other pertinent
business will be discussed.
Galley proofs will be posted in the
lower hall of D r a p e r for students to
m a k e corrections a n d addenda on
their names, addresses, a n d telephone numbers.
A n e w addition to this year's d i rectory will be the names and a d The resignation of Miss I r e n e
dresses of all college graduates and
Semanek, assistant director of t h e
u n d e r - g r a d u a t e s w h o a r e in the
student employment bureau, h a s
a r m e d forces. T h e staff desires the
been announced b y Dr. J o h n M.
cooperation of the s t u d e n t body in
Sayles, President of the College.
supplying these n a m e s and addresses
Miss Semanek will assume a posiso far as a r e known. "But," adds
tion in the audit d e p a r t m e n t of the
Editor Toepfer, "this can be accomInternational Business Machine Corplished only if the income from a d poration of Binghamton.
vertising will w a r r a n t it."
In her two years in the employThe editorial staff includes Ruth
m e n t bureau, s h e h a s assisted in
Dee, '43, J a n e Southwick a n d Henry
Wise, Juniors, a n d Peggy Dee and placing a great n u m b e r of State
College graduates. A graduate of
J o h n Sussina, '45. Two members of
State herself, Miss S e m a n e k r e the freshmen class will be chosen in
ceived h e r Bachelor of Science d e the near future. Those on the a d gree in commerce in 1940. S h e w a s
vertising staff a r e Lois Hafley and
a member of Chi Sigma Theta s o r o r B e r t r a m Kiley, Juniors, and Marge
C u r r a n , Ernest Mennillo, a n d W a r ren Kullman, '45. Two freshmen
Immediately following h e r g r a d u will also be chosen to serve on the
ation, she served as secretary to Dr.
advertising staff.
Sayles, and was appointed to h e r
position as temporary assistant to
Mr. Paul Bulger. T h e n e x t year h e r
Nelson Appoints Smith
position became permanent,
Semanek Resigns
Position on SEB
New Attendance Officer
Dean Nelson h a s announced that
Dr. C. Currien Smith, Assistant P r o fessor of Education, has been a p pointed excusing officer for all a b sences from student assembly. T h e
seating charts have been posted on
the bulletin board a n d attendance
will be taken in assembly this m o r n ing. All u n d e r g r a d u a t e students are
required lo attend assembly except
those who are teaching in Milne
High School that period. If a s t u dent is absent, he should report lo
Dr. Smith's office at Room 11 Richardson Hall immediately following
such an absence.
(Continued from page I, column .<)
Robert Bartman, '43, who is the
chairman of Radio Research under
Dr. Rienow will he assisted by m e m bers of Forum. These members will
also gain political experience by
working for and with the Republican
party in Albany.
Shirley Wurz, '43, Speaker of the
Forum, says that this year Forum
intends to promote college war a c tivities lo the utmost. "This is no
time to live in an ivory tower," says
Miss Wurz.
'46 To Hear Activity Heads
Heads of the various student
activities will address the class of
1940 as a part of the Orientation
program on Monday afternoon, in
order to acquaint the freshmen with
every phase of State's varied activity
As she left for Binghamton last
night, where she will m a k e h e r
home, Miss Semanek said, " 1 have
enjoyed working at State College
and am very sorry to leave. I really
can't appreciate fully the fact that I
am going, but I consider it an e x cellent opportunity that is being offered to me."
The company for which s h e will
work manufactures among other
electrical machines, those which
compute the results of tests taken
by State College students.
As yet, no a n n o u n c e m e n t has been
made concerning her successor. Said
Mr. Bulger, "We a r e losing a very
valuable member of o u r staff a n d it
will be a difficult job to replace her,"
(Continued from page l, column 1)
many alternatives, b u t since M y s kania will, in the end, make the final
decision, it is thought probable that
they will do so in the near future.
In regard to the position of Senior
Class President a choice of two a l ternatives can be made.
Mattice, '43, who is now Acting
President of the Senior Class, s e r v ing in her capacity of V i c e - P r e s i dent can be acclaimed President for
the rest of the year. B u t there is
also the possibility that the polls
will bo open to d e t e r m i n e a P r e s i dent. If Myskania does decide to
use the latter method, a secondary
problem will evolve to d e t e r m i n e the
eligibility of Miss Mattice for t h e
Commando Training Planned
For State Men In Short Time
B y Pete Marchetta
Physical Fitness.
I n t r a m u r a l ' h i s for some time
been n o m o r e than a n a m e to m a n y
of the m a l e students of this college.
Although I n t r a m u r a l Council p r e sents a' varied sports program, t h e
same g r o u p of students play football
in t h e fall, basketball in the winter,
a n d softball in the spring.
others prefer to remain just s p e c tators.
' These n o n - a c t i v e students fail to
realize t h e Importance of participation in sports, In previous y e a r s
t h e r e h a v e been entirely too m a n y
spectators h e r e at State.
I n t r a m u r a l Council found it n e c e s sary a t times to cancel some of its
Last year t h e m e n ' s
dorm, housing about fifty
found it impossible to maintain two
squads in i n t r a m u r a l leagues. Thjs
would have necessitated a response
from only one quarter of the m e m bers, but even this small percentage
could not be attained. A similar
situation evidently existed in those
fraternities with thirty or more
members, since they also were able
to field only one team.
Place for All
Bill Marsland, president of I n t r a mural Council, has assured this d e p a r t m e n t t h a t there is a place in
their p r o g r a m for every m a n in the
college. "More teams can certainly
be formed," he said, "and if t h e r e
are too.many teams, we can r u n two
leagues in any one sport."
The building of a strong, healthy
body while in college is j u s t as i m portant as the development of the
With most of t h e m e n as
prospective soldiers, sailors, or m a rines, physical fitness is no longer
a personal matter, but a national
Very few students receive m u s cular, exercise outside of the college.
Therefore, intramural sports offer
an excellent opportunity for e v e r y one to help themselves a n d Uncle
Sam physically. There should be no
reason why every man. in the college is not physically fit.
But why did it take t h e w a r to
remind State College students that
physical training is essential?
seems r a t h e r ridiculous to us that
the necessity of this training was
not realized before. Let us hope
that after the war a more extensive
physical training program than has
been followed in the past will be
emphasized by the administration.
* * *
Basketball to Stay
State College will have a varsity
basketball team this year. The d e c i sion was made late last week at a
joint meeting of MAA and the
faculty athletic council in the president's office. It came at a time when
rumors had most of the college convinced that there would be no b a s ketball this coming season.
The lone game that was cancelled
by Cooper Union was scheduled with
RBI, with whom the New York city
school also cancelled its game. Other
made and State will open its basketbull season as scheduled.
Frosh Tennis O p e n s
Fall Sport Activities
The a n n u a l frosh tennis t o u r n a ment got u n d e r way yesterday afternoon at the Washington Park
Some promising nelsmen
have been bracketed and talent for
next year's varsity squad will p r o b ably reveal itself.
H a r r y Kensky, who is in charge
of this event, stated that he believed
the matches would be as successful
as the last one although greater difficulties have been encountered this
year than in the past.
The lack of frosh camp, the t r a d i tional "event-forecaster" and the a b sence of a men's bulletin board in
lower Draper have made it h a r d e r
to contact all tne freshmen aspirants.
It is hoped that the present good
weather will continue so the t o u r n a ment may be brought to a completion quickly. Following the p r e cedent set lust fall, a trophy will be
a w a r d e d by I n t r a m u r a l Council to
the final victor.
Coach Hatfield Plans
Difficult Obstacles
To Defy State M e n
T h e most extensive physical e d u - .
cation p r o g r a m ever to be presented
on the State College c a m p u s is b e ing considered and planned by t h e
administration and Men's Athletic
Association. Heading this p r o g r a m
will be commando training as p r e scribed by the State D e p a r t m e n t of
Education, all regular i n t r a m u r a l
sports on an enlarged basis, and e m phasized physical training in the gym
classes. T h e object, of course, is to
toughen the male attendants of S t a t e
College who, according to P r e s i d e n t
Sayles, "have h a d for some time a
reputation of the opposite n a t u r e . "
Hatfield in Charge
Coach Hatfield, who will h a v e
charge of this program, will have his
hands full, for b y order of t h e State
Department of Education, every m a n
in college must participate. W h e n
boxing, pushball, wrestling, w a l l scaling, and r a i l - r u n n i n g
there will be no spectators a m o n g
the men of State.
Bruises and aches are expected to
be plentiful for some time, b u t it is
the opinion of the college a d m i n i s tration and the State Board of E d u cation that these will be of more
value than harm.
"Everything Goes"
Roughness in the
goes" m a n n e r will characterize the
gym class games, but calisthentics
will also be stressed. Condition, not
enjoyment, will be the purpose.
The college campus will be the
scene of this commando training
throughout the year, rain, snow, or
T h e trainees will be e x pected to climb or vault the p e r i style walls, and run the length of
the cement rails in front of Draper.
Oilier Obstacles Planned
Besides these obtacles, the coach
is planning hurdling, rope-jumping,
ditch-leaping, ladder-climbing, and
barrel-crawling and everything else
which will defy the muscles of
State's men. Coach Hatfield answers
all those who doubt their ability to
do these things with, "You'd do it
if the J a p s were chasing you with
M A A asks the cooperation of
the s t u d e n t body in this endeavor,
and in t u r n pledges its aid to the
State is not a
pioneer in this project since both
R. P . I. and Union in this district
have successfully introduced this
program. The authorities are d e t e r mined that Stiite, too, will be s u c cessful.
To Begin Monday
The WAA fall program swings
into action next week, At the
council meeting last Tuesday, definate days and hours were assigned
to tennis, hockey, badminton and
Dot Townsend, junior r e p r e s e n t a tive on council, was appointed r e porter. She will act as liason officer
between council and the News. This
is a major step towards keeping the
woman student properly informed
of their sports program.
Hockey will be played every MonP. M, on the Pierce Hall (icld. Kit
Herdman, '44, and Marion Duffy, '45,
are in charge. Ten hours are necessary for credit in this sport.
Tuesday and Thursday from 3:3D
to 4:30 P. M, will find the women
playing badminton on the lawn b e hind the library under the direction
of A n n e Ludington, '44. Those d e siring credit in badminton must
spend ten hours batting the bird
Archery is scheduled for Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 3:30 P. M.
under the leadership of Helen B u s h noil, '45. The girls will h a v e to
spend ten hours on the lawn of the
library to gain credit for urehery.
P a t Frey, '44, has been appointed
head of Lotta Bunkers, taking the
position of Teddy Jay, who has
transferred h e r allegiance to Middle-
bury College,
Bugle Calls, Army Waits,
And State Trio Runs
Reports reaching this office i n d i cate t h a t a t least t h r e e of State's m e n
a r e p r e p a r i n g themselves for t h e
pleasure of meeting t h e J a p s .
It seems t h a t "Big J o h n " Sussina,
"Overweight"' Bill Marsland, a n d
"Muscles" Stan Gipp h a v e been g e t ting u p a t 6 A. M. daily, while the
rest of us a r e still lying in our well
covered beds, to r u n completely
a r o u n d Washington P a r k in the i n terest of physical fitness.
When interviewed on the subject,
"Muscles" S t a n said, We a r e soon
going to condition ourselves further
by taking m o r n i n g dips in the lake."
" O v e r w e i g h t " Bill said, "This will
condition m e for t h e basketball s e a son or the arm."
"Big J o h n " said, quote, " B r - r - r , "
Incidentally, these boys a r e looking for company—any other MEN
at State?
Plans to Expand
Grogan to Groom
Milne's Athletes
ForCommg Tear
By Ernest Mennillo
Recently appointed coach at Milne
High is tall, blonde and handsome
H a r r y J a m e s Grogan, an a l l - r o u n d
regular guy. He is taking the place
of Kooman Boycheff, last year's
coach, who is reportedly in the
A r m y at the present time.
However, girls, don't get excited
over the description, for Mr. Grogan
is already married and has a nine
months old baby boy. Asked if he
had any plans for the young one, he
replied, "He'll be playing on the
varsity in about a year."
When finally located, he was h a r d
at work with his managers, a r r a n g ing his basketball schedule. He h a s
high hopes for a full season, p l a n ning sixteen games. He expects to
take the team on one long trip. Mr.
Grogran is deeply impressed with
Milne and expects to stay at least
till the end of the school year since
he has a 3-A draft rating,
Born in Schenectady, he attended
Halsey, Washington Irving I n t e r mediate School, and Nott Terrace
High. He attended Cortland State
Teachers' College and graduated in
1940. While there he played varsity
asked why he didn't play football,
he responded that one of his cousins
was seriously injured at the sport
and, in addition, he, himself, was
h u r t while working on the parallel
bars. These two events brought an
emphatic "no" from his family t o ward his designs on football.
leaving Cortland, Mr. Grogan taught
at Kinderhook High and later at
Tully Central.
At the present time lie is living
at Sayles Hall. However, he plans
to live with his family in Dolmnr
a little later in the year, "There is
only one thing wrong with this,"
says Mr. Grogan, "Since Bethlehem
Central and Milne are such deadly
rivals, I don't know whether or not
I'll be able to travel back and forth
between the two places."
Snappy Men's Shop
Athletic rrogram
Uorwa Idt Will examine
Football Men Wednesday
Faced with the j o b of e x p a n d i n g
i n t r a m u r a l athletic activities to keep
in t u n e with the times, I n t r a m u r a l
Council held its first meeting of the
school y e a r u n d e r P r e s i d e n t Bill
Marsland last Tuesday and proceeded to lay the g r o u n d w o r k for its
A r t Flax and Charles Capel, r e presentatives to the council from K B
and S L S respectively, took charge
of football and met with Coach H a t field this week to p u t a schedule
Examinations Wednesday
Dr. D o r w a l d t gave notice t h a t
e x a m i n a t i o n for all i n t r a m u r a l football players will be held on W e d n e s day between 6:30 a n d 7:30 P. M. At
positively no other time, he stated,
will e x a m i n a t i o n s be made. R e p r e sentatives to the council from all the
i n t r a m u r a l teams, Marsland from
KDR; Reed, Potter Club; Woodworth, Sayles Hall; Ruback, College
House; Kiley, R a m b l e r s ; and Capel
and Flax, will m a k e up the lists of
those to be examined.
It is important that those i n t e r ested in playing football see the
proper r e p r e s e n t a t i v e immediately.
Boxing P l a n n e d
A step toward greater i n t r a m u r a l
expansion was taken with the a p pointment of Bert Kiley to the post
of organizer of i n t r a m u r a l boxing.
It is expected that boxing will start
with the close of the football season.
Not in many, m a n y years has
t h r o u g h physical
exercise been as i m p o r t a n t as this
year. To q u o t e P r e s i d e n t Marsland,
"With the war situation as it is, the
fellows should get behind this thing
and m a k e this a b a n n e r t u r n o u t
Expansion of the i n t r a m u r a l p r o gram has given rise to the suggestion
that medals representative of the
sport engaged in be a w a r d e d the
m e m b e r s of the winning teams. Ed
Reed was appointed to look into the
matter and report to the committee
al its n e x t meeting,
Be mm
Hi there, frosh.
By this time
everyone else has g r e e t e d you and
urged you to join one thing or a n - ,
other; now I'm in t h e mood. You're
probably swamped a t this time with
clubs and more clubs. A n d still
maybe you h a v e n ' t allotted any
hours for war work yet. So there's
that to think about. It's all true.
You're busy and you can't do e v e r y thing. B u t h e r e I am with still a n other activity for you—WAA. When
you're m a k i n g out t h a t busy schedule of yours, give two or t h r e e hours
a week to athletics. Go r i d i n g horses are nice individuals even
when you fall off. P l a y hockey—
you'll probably meet some of your
best friends by banging t h e m in the
Why not go swimming?
There're always g u a r d s to m a k e certain that w h a t goes d o w n comes up.
Badminton is a great sport, one of
the few that gives you a chance to
bat the bird instead of getting it. So
be athletic, frosh, and then when
you want to join the W A V E S or the
WAACS, you'll be 1-A in the Army.
By profess of devious channels of
reasoning you a r e sabotaging the
war effort at State if you do not
look at the WAA bulletin board.
Want us to explain?
We thought
that you would. This is how we
reason. WAA Is keeping what seems
to be a minor part of a ton of
thumbtacks from the scrap metal
drive just to pin up signs for the
women of State. T h u s , if you neglect the bulletin board, you are m a k ing valuable metal serve no purpose.
Or don't you see it that way?
Anybody want to bet a thin dime
that bowling won't be the most
popular sport at S t a t e this w i n t e r ?
We'll take on all comers 'cause by
the way the wind of talk is blowing, people are even more interested
last year when bowling brought out
in bowling this year t h a n they were
so many active keglers.
heard r u m o r s that even Chi Sig
which isn't the most athletic sorority on campus, plans to have a team
this year. Psi G a m m a , winner of
the bowling trophy last year, has a
good chance to repeat since Win
Jones and Pat Gibson, star bowlers,
are back this year. N e w m a n Hall
and Gamma Kappi Phi, who tied for
second place, will again be there in
the bowling for
trophy, But no m a t t e r who proudly
bears it home to place on the shelf,
there will be fun for all the keglers.
Tennis Matches
O p e n to Contestants
The annual tennis
sponsored by WAA is now open to
participants. All those wishing to
e n t e r should either contact Mary
Domann, '44, or Nora Giavelli, '44
tennis captains or sign up on the
WAA bulletin board. Eight girls
have already entered the contest.
Last year the victory of Flo G a r fall, Soph class president, marked
the first completed tennis t o u r n a ment since HJ37. Garfall and Giavelli, last year's r u n n e r - u p , are both
in eompetion again.
As usual the matches will be
played on the Washington Park
courts, Games will begin as soon
as possible.
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State College News
Intramural Council
G. Elliot Hatfield, athletic coach of
Stale College, will be director of t h e
new commando training program.
°*^ V , C T O R Y
Mattice Named
China Again Represented Here;
Activities Day
Sen.or President
Miss Kuo to Lecture in Assembly
Program Includes
By Myskania
By J. Mic hiicl Ilippick
nese womanhood include writing
two books entitled "Peach P a t h " '
and "I've Come a Long Way." The
former is a discourse on Chinese
women and the philosophy of these
interesting people. The other is h e r
life story. "Peach P a t h " was w r i t ten in three months in a little village
in southern F r a n c e . Her autobiography has been acclaimed by many
as an enthralling and eloquently
told account of a varied life.
Well known as a journalist, author,
Many points of her lecture will be
and lecturer, she d r a w s her material
of supreme interest to the fairer sex
from extensive travels in Europe,
of the college. Miss Kuo gives a
Asia, and the Americas. Students'
keen comparison of the role played
interest will not only be held by the
by the women of China and America
material content of her lecture, but
in the home, business, and their
also by the delightful, enticing (not
legal status. A vivid and fascinatcurves) method of presentation.
ing story of China's new spirit, comSince driven out of her homeland
bined was an excellent interpretaby the Japs, Miss Kuo has been seetion oi Chinese art should contain
ing the world on her own for the
the answers to unspoken questions
past two years. Her enviable career
which we all harbor. The searching
has included writer for the London
challenge she gives to American
Daily Mail, two visits to the White
womanhood is downright thrilling.
House, study in the University of
Debate Council has instituted this
Shanghai, and association with many
feature of its program in answer to
important officials now serving the
criticism pointed at the council last
United Nations.
year to the effect that not enough
students were gaining benefit from
Other achievements by this joyous
its activities.
example of y o u n g emancipated C h i -
Bonfire, Dance
Beauty and brains—with the a c cent on both. That's w h a t Debate
Council is offering to those attending
Helena G i n - C h i u Kuo, a native of
China, fits the above description.
Unique also is the fact that Miss
Kuo's appearance will mark the second time within a week that a v e t eran of J a p a n e s e invasion will have
spoken to students of State College.
Nominations for Officers
Made Yesterday Noon
Myskania has proclaimed Mildred
Mattice President of the Senior
Class. This office was vacated by
the drafting of Thomas Feeney, '43,
into the United States A r m y . B e cause of the absence of a class constitution, the question was thrown
in Myskania's lap. Thereupon, Myskania observed natural custom and
elevated the Vice-President in this
case, Miss Mattice, to the presidency.
There are several other offices
which have to be filled for various
reasons. Some of the office-holders
left school; others hold duplicate
offices and must resign from one.
Vice-Presidency Vacant
Miss Maltice's appointment to the
presidency leaves a vacancy in the
office of Vice-President of '43. A
Representative to Finance Board
must be chosen from the class of
'43, as Jack Smith has transferred
to Cornell. Winifred Jones, '43, was
elected President of WAA and WAA
Manager, and as it is impossible to
occupy two offices on WAA C o u n cil, a new manager must be chosen
from the class of '43.
The office of Sophomore R e p r e sentative to WAA was vacated by
Mary Now, '45, who is the Secretary
of WAA. The class of '44 needs a
new secretary because Kay Doran,
elected to that office last May, is no
longer in school.
Collin Barnett,
chosen secretary of '45 last spring,
has left school also, creating a vacancy in that office,
Classes Hold Nominations
Class meetings at which nominations were held for those offices took
place yesterday. Lists of the c a n didates will be posted for two weeks.
During this period additions may be
made by contacting any m e m b e r of
Myskania also announced that it
has certified the election of Jean
McAllister, '43, to the presidency of
Music Council.
Miss McAllister
was chosen president by that council
on Wednesday.
Forum Pledges
Full W a r Effort
"Forum will bo the recruiting
body for college war activities," d e clared Dr. Robert Rienow, adviser
to Forum in the meeting Wednesday.
This is to be the theme emphasized
throughout the year.
Dr, Rienow
in his introductory
speech, also announced that all
members are e x pected
to make
use of
democratic organization
presenting and discussing their individual
and ideas.
Robert Bartman,
Koherl Rienow
'43, followed wilh
an appeal for radio research workers.
A lisl for recruits will be
posted on the bulletin hoard.
trodueed Rhona Ryan, '44, who r e Shirley Win-/., Speaker, next inpurled the general trend of her
conversation with Vladimir PchelArmy and his
intsev of tli
Information on Soviet
education dominated her speech.
Clinic was given a completely d e tailed explanation by Rita Mickey,
David Slavin, '43, read a short
article from the New York Times
in regard to the monopoly that the
social science's have in school c u r riculum.
S u n n s Cooper, '45, suggested that
Forum sponsor a college participation in the American-Soviet F r i e n d ship Drive, which was initiated by
Wendell Willkie.
Miss Helena Gin-Chiu Kuo, Chinese journalist, author, and lecturer,
will address (he assembly today.
No Tax Payments
To Be Refunded
New Rulin 3 W i l l Stop
Drastic Cuts in Budget
Finance Board has stated: "There
will be no refund of the Student
Tax during the year for any reason
whatsoever," as a result of its meeting held Wednesday.
The final budget, after debate
and a vote by the S t u d e n t Association last year, was fixed at $12,852.75.
At that time it was proposed that
a higher Student Tax assessment be
imposed for this year.
the tax remained at $14, and with
an enrollment of 886 a further b u d get cut became imminent. At p r e s ent count 785 students have purchased their tax tickets, and already
some refunds have been made.
into consideration
number of students who will soon
he inducted into the Armed Forces,
the Finance Board estimates payment of a total of 800 taxes and is
planning accordingly.
F u r t h e r refunds of tax payments
to students leaving school would
necessitate drastic cutting of the
budget which lias already been
given a blanket cut of more than
10'! . In this event many organizations would be forced to cease their
In explaining why the student
body has not been consulted in
this' action, Mr. George M. York,
Professor of Commerce and Advisor
"The students on Finance
to Finance Board, spoke lor the
Board, elected by the votes of their
respective classes, arc representative of the student body," said Mr.
York. "While such a ruling may
seem arbitrary, it was necessarily
passed before a large n u m b e r of
tax payments had beer, refunded."
Dr, John M. Sayles, President of
the College, approved the action of
the Hoard.
Members of Finance Board include Roiierl Bartman, '43, Verne
Marshall and Benjamin Heed, J u n iors, and Nancy Mall and Kay
Moran, Sophomores.
Naval Reserve Officer
To Conduct Physicals
Men interested in enlisting in
classes V-l, V-S and V-7 of the
U. S. Naval Reserve may take their
physical examinations the week ol
October 5, when a representative
from the Office of Naval Officer
Procurement will be al the Albany
Navy Recruiting Station.
The examiner will devote his time
exclusively to college applicants, and
therefore students interested are advised to lake advantage of this o p portunity. The examinations will be
conducted Monday through Friday
and no documents or papers prior
to the physical will be r e q u i r e d .
Air Raid
If State had really been s u b jected to an air raid a week ago
yesterday, it is assumed that there
would have been a considerable
number of casualties. The p r e cautions prescribed by the War
Council were not entirely heeded
and in many cases reality would
have involved disaster.
Gas attack may have been fatal
to many, as windows in several of
the class rooms were not closed.
Books should not be carried from
classes, hut students should r e move their pocketbooks.
An air raid drill is not completed until students have filed
back into classes; therefore, the
return must be just as orderly as
the d e p a r t u r e . Speed and silence
must be scrupulously observed.
War Activities
Work Resumed
In an effort to correlate all college
activities with the war effort, the
War Activities Council has resumed
its work for the year 1942-43.
Stress on actual war activities as
opposed to a predominance of college war courses will be made in an
attempt to accomplish something
tangible, livery opportunity to participate in realistic measures drawn
up iiy either national or local civilian
defense organizations will be given
first consideration, All scrap drives
as well as conservation measures
will he minutely observed,
A schedule of complete plans lor
the year will be revealed by Miss
Sara T. DeLaney, Dean of Women
and Faculty Member of War Council
as a pail of next Friday's assembly.
Immediately following the assembly
program a pamphlet will be distributed outlining the War Activities
Council recommendations lor student war work.
Registration for
the war work will lake place on
the following
students Hie weekend to consider
the type of work they anticipate
doing, All printed information that
the Council wishes to disseminate
will be compiled through the efforts
of the ,S'onp linx, its official news
Various college organizations will
be asked to take an active part in
the Council work.
The Albany
Hoys' Club requested a dramatics
director; Advanced Dramatics may
be able to give them some help.
Art students will be given an o p portunity to express their talents
by painting posters pertaining to
war conditions.
D & A to Elect
2 New Members
Nils Hogner, Artist,
W i l l Be Fall Lecturer
Dramatics and A r t Council a n nounces that two new members are
to he selected from the J u n i o r
Class at its meeting Wednesday.
The new members are to replace
Doris Lichtwart, '44, who did not
return to school, and A r t h u r Soderlind '44, who will be inducted into
the army within the next month.
Soderlind is also the treasurer of
that council, so that position will
also have to be filled. The new
members of the council will not
only be chosen from those who
have tried out in past years, but
from those m e m b e r s of the J u n i o r
Class who are earnestly interested
in dramatics and art.
Dramatics and Art's fall presentation will be an informal lounge
tea at which Nils Hogner, the e m inent artist and book illustrator,
will be the speaker. This is one
of the few p u r e art displays that
D & A presents.
Mr. Hogner is
particularly an illustrator of children's books.
He is a friend of
our Dr. Stewart of the Social
Studies Department.
Perhaps the
students may r e m e m b e r the exhibit
in the library last spring of c h a r m ing Mexican drawings that were
given to Dr. S t e w a r t by Mr. Hogner.
Mr. Hogner \s lecture will be as near
"Hook Week" as possible. He will
have an exhibit of his art in the
lounge to illustrate his lecture. All
Stale students especially interested
in art are invited to the lecture and
the tea.
Campus Queen Nominations
Immediately following the speaker
in this morning's
nominations will be held lor the'
MII2 Campus Queen.
must be from the Senior class.
Elections will be held in the near
future and the Campus Queen will
be crowned by Marion Duffy, '42,
who will return to relinquish her
Two attendants from each
of the three lower classes will be
chosen by Student Council.
other contestants for the title will
also serve as attendants.
Campus Day, October 17, will also
mark the official beginning of rivalry,
Obstacle races will be run and
stunts will be given by members of
both lower classes, At night a dance
will be held in the Commons.
Students To Sign Up
For Extra-Class W o r k
Rows of tables, signs inviting, s t u dents to "JOIN!" and haranguing o r ganization representatives will confront freshmen in the Commons t o morrow at 9 A. M. to begin the
thirteenth a n n u a l Activities Day.
Orientation m e e t ing at which the
advised about e x tra-class activities,
the s i g n - u p p r o cedure will • last
until noon. D u r ing this time an
opportunity w i l l
be given to u p p e r classmen who a r e
not already e n engaged in extra
Harold Singer
work to sign up
for activities also. Then the tables
will disappear, and dancing will take
place until 5 P. M.
A traditional bonfire and song
fes.t between the two dormitories
will begin at 8 P. M. Notable at this
year's bonfire will be two fire e x tinguishers, essential in case of a
surprise blackout. Dancing in the
Ingle Room of Pierce Hall will follow.
Included among the organizations
which will have tables are Student
Christian Association, Women's A t h letic Association, Men's Athletic A s sociation, the
Dramatics and A r t Council, Music
Council, Debate Council, Press B u reau, Forum, F r e n c h Club, I n t e r n a tional Relations Committee, C h r i s tian Science Organization, N e w m a n
Club, and the new college magazine
Tabic A r r a n g e m e n t s
Any organization which has not
obtained a table may still m a k e a r rangements for one with Shirley
Eastman, '43. The fee for holding a
table is 75 cents,
The General Chairman of Activities Day is Harold Singer, '43, a s sisted by Harley Dingman, '43, in
charge of the bonfire,
Marsland, '44, dancing, and Miss
Eastman, tables.
"Activities Day," urged Singer,
"is the first real all-college event of
the year. Full attendance is necessary to start off State's social events
with good spirit."
Freshmen to A t t e n d
NEWS Cub Instruction
Freshmen will be given their first
opportunity to learn about the STATE
COI.I.EUE NEWS next week when the
first Cub Class will be conducted
for Freshmen at 12 noon Tuesday in
Room 111, Draper Hall. The i n s t r u c tors will he J a n e t Baxter, Mary Betty
Stengel and Bernard Skolsky, Associate Editors of the NEWS. For three
or four weeks the cubs will learn
about arranging makeup, and w r i t ing headlines and feature stories.
Carolyn Burrows, '43, head of the
business staff, reminds freshmen that
the business portion of a newspaper
is as important as the editorial d e partment. "A sound financial basis
is necessary for successful m a n a g e ment.
A paper needs a d v e r t i s e ments good ones and people who
know how to sell them." Miss B u r rows also reminds uppcrclassmeu
who have already signed up for duty
on advertising, finance and circulation staff's to attend future meetings.
Freshmen will be working for a p pointments to the NEWS staff for next
year. These a n n o u n c e m e n t s will be
made on Moving Up Day. However,
the cubs may also work on the
NEWS Tuesday
evenings litis year and submit a r ticles for consideration.